Re: [newbie-it] Monitoraggio temperatura

2003-03-10 Thread Andrea Celli
On Thu, 2 May 2002 13:26:02 +0200

 Cari amici, quale programma mi consigliate per tenere sotto controllo la
 temperatura, velocità ventola etc.
 Della mia MDK8.2(c_e_ forze qualcosa sui cd di inst.?).
 Grazie a presto
 Mino Mitrugno

lmsensors + gtkrelm
(non ci giuro sullo spelling, soprattutto del secondo)

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] setserial and resolv.conf

2003-03-10 Thread Fabio Manunza
Alle 19:16, domenica 9 marzo 2003, ellkway ha scritto:
 Ho due domandine : mdk9-conexantHSF
 l'rpm driver per conexant nel cd international+documentation
...e questo che è? Mdk allega forse a distribuzioni a pagamento i driver per 
 mi ha creato il device dev/ttySHSF0 e controllo con
 setserial dev/ttySHSF0 che tipo di irq I/O e UART ho per la porta poichè
 modem è riconosciuto ma non compone il numero-
 l'irq è 0- UART indefinito - port è 0x0001 (+ o - )
 setserial /dev/ttySHSF0 port 0xd400 irq 11 UART 16550A
 e mi risponde Can not se serial info : invalid argument

Non so se l'utilizzo di setserial possa essere utile per un modem di questo 
tipo; è possibile che sia semplicemente un problema di stringa di 
inizializzazione (ATX3DT) o di controllo di flusso (CRTSCTS) nelle 
impostazioni. Prova a vedere, e poi mi dici.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair

[newbie-it] automount di samba

2003-03-10 Thread Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Ciao a tutti!
Quesito del giorno:
Ho installato Samba (e sembra funzionare tutto benissimo), però siccome 
sono in un posto dove i computer che condividono non stanno sempre 
connessi, vorrei trovare un modo per fargli montare/smontare i computer 
remoti solo quando servono; anche perché, il mcc ha deciso che se li 
lascio montati, di impedirmi l'accesso al tool di ricerca della rete 
(sotto la sezione punti di mount)
La mandrake è una 9.0 Power Pack.
Grazie a tutti!
- -- 
Le ballerine sono coraggiosissime!
Quante donne conoscete in grado di gettarsi tra le braccia di un 
omossessuale sperando che lui le afferri?

Rita Rüdner
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Seti@Home: prestazioni e programmi correlati

2003-03-10 Thread freefred
On Sunday 09 March 2003 8:47 pm, Alessandro Piaser wrote about Re: [newbie-it] 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: prestazioni e programmi correlati:
 - Original Message -

 Ora che ho tutto a posto potrei farmi l'rpm?

cioe' l'hai installato da sorgenti e vuoi farti l'rpm?
mh, perche'?:-)
Comunque c'e' una procedura e dei files fondamentali,
come lo .spec, per fare .rpm da un .tar.gz
Forse su freshmeat ci sono ormai tools che facilitano la creazione di rpm, 
puoi partire da questo articolo:
ma se leggi l'inglese troverai un sacco di informazioni
(a partire da quelle della Red Hat)

In effetti  pero' non l'ho mai fatto.

 Questo però se andiamo a vedere vale per ogni scoperta scientifica, che può
 cadere sotto brevetto, diciamo che questo timore non solo tuo del resto è
 il prezzo da pagare nella speranza di una cura, la cosa che mi da fiducia è
 il fatto che dietro ci sia l'università di Oxford se non ricordo male.

Si' ma le ricerche anche universitarie direi siano (niente di male, anzi e' 
fondamentale) sponsorizzate direttamente o meno dalle case farmaceutiche.
Ma a livello generale hai ragione.

 Se ti riferisci a XLinBox ho letto che c'è già qualcuno che fa girare linux
 sulla scatola di Bill

No, era (perche' ora al sito non ci arrivo, quindi cerchero' di ricordare)
un progetto di calcolo distribuito per craccare la chiave da 2048 dell'Xbox 
direi, per farne quindi un pc su cui installare tutto quello che si voleva.
Ma hanno avuto molti problemi legali credo.
Il sito era comunque questo:

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Monitoraggio temperatura

2003-03-10 Thread freefred
On Monday 10 March 2003 9:39 am, Andrea Celli wrote about Re: [newbie-it] 
Monitoraggio temperatura:

 lmsensors + gtkrelm


c'era anche credo qualcosa che si chiamava ksensors,
per il kde.

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] javac

2003-03-10 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 21:37, venerdì 7 marzo 2003, greg ha scritto:
 Rassegnazione!?! Non so da dove iniziare...
 Ho visitato l'indirizzo che è stato l'incubo di questo nostro scambio
 di mail con il win... ho usato netscape7, l'applet viene caricata e...
 niente! Non succede proprio niente!! Si vede sì la struttura ad albero,
 ma non è attiva! E' come se fosse un'immagine di sfondo!!
 Opto allora per IE... MIRACOLO. Funziona tutto e subito come x magia!!
 Non volevo crederci. Ma ho dovuto farmene una ragione, suffragata poi
 dalla dichiarazione di un mio amico, che nel frattempo aveva anche
 cercato di interessarsi in facoltà di ingegneria e che aveva un pò
 vissuto il tutto ed era anche presente al momento del fattaccio,
 dichiarazione che ha fugato ogni mio dubbio... Inutile andare oltre.
 Vorrà dire che quando dovrò usare quel sito... userò Internet
 Grazie ancora a tutti.

 Ps: Non è servito neppure mascherare il konqueror con l'opzione di
 mandare come stringa di riconoscimento IE... E come dico sempre io: Non
 c'è beni!!!

Perchè non spedisci una bella email di protesta al webmaster del sito? 
Magari (probabilmente) non gliene importerà nulla, ma almeno avrai 
sollevato il problema... Ciao!



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la 
numerazione binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

[newbie-it] Kylix3 open

2003-03-10 Thread V.Castelli
Ciao a tutti, sto' cercando di installare Kylix3 open su Mandrake 9.0 ma
ottengo il seguente errore:


Checking dependencies...
Kernel version = 2.2.0OK
Glibc version = 2.1.2OK
X11 ServerOK
Libjpeg version = 6.2.0OK
Libgtk version = 1.2.0OK

Unable to install RPM file:

qualcuno mi puo' aiutare?

[newbie-it] samba

2003-03-10 Thread kua79
qlcno mi potrebbe consigliare un buon How-to per Samba?
Grazie ciao

Re: [newbie-it] Kylix3 open

2003-03-10 Thread kua79
Sorry ma non ho capito quando ti appare questo errore...
L'unico probelma che ho incontrato è che per installarlo bisogna
loggarsi come user e non root altrimenti non funzica.
ciao davide
V.Castelli wrote:
  Ciao a tutti, sto' cercando di installare Kylix3 open su Mandrake
9.0 ma
  ottengo il seguente errore:
  Checking dependencies...
  Kernel version = 2.2.0OK
  Glibc version = 2.1.2OK
  X11 ServerOK
  Libjpeg version = 6.2.0OK
  Libgtk version = 1.2.0OK
  Unable to install RPM file:
  qualcuno mi puo' aiutare?

Re: [newbie-it] Monitoraggio temperatura

2003-03-10 Thread Corrado
Il lun, 2003-03-10 alle 20:05, freefred ha scritto:

  lmsensors + gtkrelm
 c'era anche credo qualcosa che si chiamava ksensors,
 per il kde.

E lm_sensors :-D
Ricordo di aver tentato di usare un app in gtk, tempo fa, se la
rintraccio posto il nome; poi c'è Hot-Babe... :-DD


Re: [newbie-it] Seti@Home: prestazioni e programmi correlati

2003-03-10 Thread Alessandro Piaser

- Original Message -
From: freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Ora che ho tutto a posto potrei farmi l'rpm?

 cioe' l'hai installato da sorgenti e vuoi farti l'rpm?
 mh, perche'?:-)

Per il semplice fatto che sono alla ricerca di spazio e pensavo di eliminare
i circa 200Mb tra compilatore e cose varie che ho dovuto installare per
creare il ksetispy, e anche perchè non penso di mettermi ad installare (per
il momento) programmi da sorgenti.
Ho già tante cose da capire su come funziona linux.

 Comunque c'e' una procedura e dei files fondamentali,
 come lo .spec, per fare .rpm da un .tar.gz
 Forse su freshmeat ci sono ormai tools che facilitano la  creazione di

Un'altra avventura a quanto vedo..

 Si' ma le ricerche anche universitarie direi siano (niente di male, anzi
 fondamentale) sponsorizzate direttamente o meno dalle case farmaceutiche.
 Ma a livello generale hai ragione.

Considerando il fatto che in pratica da quando hanno inventato il baratto,
nascono le fondamenta su cui si basa la nostra società: il $ (leggi soldo) e
tutto gravita intorno ad esso... ti capisco perfettamente e anche tu hai
Ma di qualcuno bisogna fidarsi, speriamo che soltanto sia una persona

  Se ti riferisci a XLinBox ho letto che c'è già qualcuno che fa girare
  sulla scatola di Bill

 No, era (perche' ora al sito non ci arrivo, quindi cerchero' di ricordare)
 un progetto di calcolo distribuito per craccare la chiave da 2048
 direi, per farne quindi un pc su cui installare tutto quello che si

L'articolo di cui ti dicevo hanno fatto proprio questo e hanno assegnato un
premio di 250.000$ se non ricordo male perchè è necessario modificare
fisicamente la consolle, altri 250.000$ saranno assegnati quando il tutto
funzionerà senza modifiche hardware.

 Ma hanno avuto molti problemi legali credo.

Quelli non mancano mai, ma sempre da quel che ho letto per l'utente o
acquirente che dir si voglia comporta il decadimento della garanzia.
Chissà come mai Bill non garantisce? sarà il suo software bacato che
funziona una volta sola o l'hardware di scarsa qualità. Perdonate la
ma è ora che il pinguino surgeli Bill



Re: [newbie-it] Seti@Home: prestazioni e programmi correlati

2003-03-10 Thread Corrado
Il mar, 2003-03-11 alle 00:57, Alessandro Piaser ha scritto:

 Quelli non mancano mai, ma sempre da quel che ho letto per l'utente o
 acquirente che dir si voglia comporta il decadimento della garanzia.
 Chissà come mai Bill non garantisce? sarà il suo software bacato che
 funziona una volta sola o l'hardware di scarsa qualità. Perdonate la
 ma è ora che il pinguino surgeli Bill

Come se l'ispiratore di X-Bill o chiunque altro avesse mai fornito
qualsiasi tipo di garanzia sul funzionamento di un software... :-D 
Ci vuol più spazio per i disclaimer che per i manuali d'uso...
Cmq l'installazione di un software diverso da quello preinstallato
spesso invalida la garanzia anche di un pc (anche la parte hardware,
intendo) venduto con Windows, per esempio... Nota che ho proprio detto
software e non sistema operativo perchè troppo spesso certe clausole
sono nebulose... 


Re: [newbie] Help - Can't get LAN working

2003-03-10 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 10 Mar 2003 7:57 am, Mungandi, Fred wrote:

 I am a newbie to Linux. I have Mandrake 9.0 on a Compaq ML310 server with
 512 MB memory, 2.0 Ghz P4 processor. The server has an integrated NC7760
 PCI Gigabit network adapter which gets detected alright. I proceed to
 assign an IP address, subnet mask and other TCP/IP network parameters to
 it. Sever does not complain but the network does not come up. ie, ping to
 the local ethernet produces no reply. Could I be missing something?. Anyone
 with this experience?

 Looking forward to your assistance.

 Fred Mungandi

 Lusaka, Zambia
 Tel: +260-1-254303
 Fax: +260-1-254532
 Cell: +260-97-841560

Did you set the network to start on boot?

Try opening a root terminal and entering
service network start
If no good try 
ifup eth0

If still no good what do you see with
ifconfig eth0?
Can you ping your own adapter?




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Re: [newbie] Can't access my bank account!

2003-03-10 Thread Douglas B.
On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 23:19, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Mar 2003 8:51 pm, Margot wrote:
  Now that I've got the internet connection working, I'm trying to get
  everything running through the Mandrake machine, aiming to abandon the
  Win98 machine as soon as possible.
Derek wrote:
 Who is your Bank Margot?
 I find First Direct will reject my browser if I enter through their standard 
 login route, but if I enter the url of the login page directly it works 
 perfectly with any linux browser.
 Interestingly the new preview edition of Opera7 for linux actually works 
 perfectly through the standard login route even though Opera7 for Windows 
 does not work


For several UK banks that assure you Explorer is necessary, it seems to be
totally irrelevant once you've got your internet banking account
set up, via the internet with Win IE/by post/by telephone, as long as
whichever browser you decide to settle on can provide a secure
connection (https) and certification. BUT as Derek says: ...enter the url
of the login page directly..I bookmark it to save trouble.
I've switched my internet banking from Explorer/Win'95 to
Win'98/Netscape- Opera to M9.0 Linux /Mozilla- Galeon plus Opera
without needing to give it any further thought. (Barclays, Egg, Newcastle BS)
I'd just install the internet banking using whatever means the bank
offers, even if Win/Explorer;  ignore it; and try out accessing your account
via Linux with your preferred Linux browser anyway. Give it a go!

Good luck!



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Re: [newbie] Lexmarrk X75 Printer Driver

2003-03-10 Thread Yoel P. Krigsman
Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 12:44, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:

Hello Folks:

I am not able to figure out how I can install the printer driver to my 
Linux 9.0.

Can someone give me guidiance?




Have you tried going through the Mandrake Control Center to add the
printer yet?

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Go to

Tried to add the printer via Mandrake Control center, it shows that I 
have Z53 as a driver, I dont see any X75 on that list.

Tried to install as it said, NOTHING works, I already tried to remove it 
and added back, no luck.

HOW and where I can get the updated Lexmark Drivers/RPMS?



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Re: [newbie] CUPS: importing fonts

2003-03-10 Thread John Richard Smith
Len Lawrence wrote:

On Sun, 09 Mar 2003 19:59:46 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Are you working with M9.0 

No, 8.2, but 9.0 has the broken Fontmap link.  The msfonts directory is one 
I created to store downloaded MS TrueType fonts.

I think that my Fontmap was resurrected from Fontmap.GS in the installed
Ghostscript tree.  And, yes, the 5.50 is the cause of the broken link.  It
should be 6.53 in Mandrake 8.2, possibly 8.80 in your case.

OK, So I'm beginning to get the general drift of all this . So when you add
additional fonts to an app. no matter that it has it, it still needs for 
to have a set of matching fonts to enable it to process the printfile 
Is this correct ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Installing RC2, never asked for CD2 or CD3

2003-03-10 Thread Miark
To anybody interested, I submitted this to Bugzilla (finally figured out
how to use the damn thing) and heard back from a developer that I was not
prompted for CDs 2 and 3 because I had less than 64MB on that machine. 

With 64MB or more, the install makes a RAMdisk and the installation runs
from that, allowing the machine to unmount CD1 and put in other CDs. With
less than 64MB, the install runs directly from the CD and thus cannot
unmount CD1 for the others.

I actually have 64MB stick in the machine, but a 1MB is eaten by video.


On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 17:38:22 -0500
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 During the installation of RC2, I am never prompted for 
 CDs 2 or 3. Why is that?! Am I supposed to add the other
 two CDs with urpmi?

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RE: [newbie] Lexmarrk X75 Printer Driver

2003-03-10 Thread Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN
According to the Mandrake Hardware Database page:
your printer isn't listed as supported.
However, I do know my HP wasnt supported a couple of years ago, and worked
if I used the 612 driver, and my printer was actually a 800 series printer.

Brian D. Klar - CVE
Network Engineer

-Original Message-
From: Yoel P. Krigsman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 9:50 AM
To: Newbie-Linux
Subject: Re: [newbie] Lexmarrk X75 Printer Driver

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 12:44, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:

Hello Folks:

I am not able to figure out how I can install the printer driver to my 
Linux 9.0.

Can someone give me guidiance?



Have you tried going through the Mandrake Control Center to add the
printer yet?


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Go to

Tried to add the printer via Mandrake Control center, it shows that I 
have Z53 as a driver, I dont see any X75 on that list.

Tried to install as it said, NOTHING works, I already tried to remove it 
and added back, no luck.

HOW and where I can get the updated Lexmark Drivers/RPMS?



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Re: [newbie] Lexmarrk X75 Printer Driver

2003-03-10 Thread John Richard Smith
Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN wrote:

According to the Mandrake Hardware Database page:
your printer isn't listed as supported.
However, I do know my HP wasnt supported a couple of years ago, and worked
if I used the 612 driver, and my printer was actually a 800 series printer.
Brian D. Klar - CVE
Network Engineer

-Original Message-
From: Yoel P. Krigsman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 9:50 AM
To: Newbie-Linux
Subject: Re: [newbie] Lexmarrk X75 Printer Driver
Stephen Kuhn wrote:


On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 12:44, Yoel P. Krigsman wrote:


Hello Folks:

I am not able to figure out how I can install the printer driver to my 
Linux 9.0.

Can someone give me guidiance?





Have you tried going through the Mandrake Control Center to add the
printer yet?

Tried to add the printer via Mandrake Control center, it shows that I 
have Z53 as a driver, I dont see any X75 on that list.

Tried to install as it said, NOTHING works, I already tried to remove it 
and added back, no luck.

HOW and where I can get the updated Lexmark Drivers/RPMS?



I'm used to sorting Z52/ Z53's out but remind me, is the X75 a stand 
alone printer,
or is it a scanner/printer  machine ?

If you have a scanner/printer I'm guessing if it doesn't work with an 
earlier version
of a scanner/printer in ghostscript it isn't supported yet. On the other 
hand , if your
X75 is a stand alone, you may stand a chance with updated software from 
the cooker
sourceforge people. Don't be fooled by gimpprint, it's only a graphical 
front end, the real
buiness is done with libgimpprint, and it will require a version that 
supports X75 if one

In addition, check with the lexmark website they do have some 
proprietary linux
software for some of their printers. Most of the time it isn't easy to 
configure, though
as they are rpm's they install easy enough.The technical staff at 
Lexmark are not that
knowledgeable of linux printer setups. On the whole I think the X75's 
are to new for
drivers to be out yet, but I guess they will be added in due course.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Updating Mozilla

2003-03-10 Thread Warren Post
I now have Mozilla 0.98 and Galeon 1.0.3, which came as RPMs with
Mandrake 8.2. I need to update them to more recent version. In the case
of Mozilla, I need also to install the Spanish language pack, which I
have been unable to do with 0.98. As best I can tell from reading
previous messages on this list, I should:

1. Download recent Mozilla and Galeon RPMs, preferably mdk specific
ones. Perhaps from Texstar's site?
2. Upgrade Mozilla and Galeon. Test.
3. Install the Spanish language pack for Mozilla.

If anyone sees a problem with this plan, please speak up. I normally
prefer the trial and error approach, but this particular job must be
completed today without error or fail.

I've already downloaded Mozilla 1.2.1 and Galeon 1.2.8 as tarballs, but
after reading previous posts on this list I get the impression that I
would be better off with RPMs. One of these days I'll learn how to roll
my own RPMs from tarballs, but today's not the day.

The reason I need to upgrade Mozilla is not so much the limitations of
0.98 as the fact that I can't get the Spanish language pack to install
and I need a Spanish Mozilla working by OOB tomorrow for a course I'm
teaching. Rather than fight the language pack install with an old
version, it seems wiser to just upgrade to the current version.

Does anyone see any gotchas, or have any tips?
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] Updating Mozilla

2003-03-10 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 10 March 2003 10:51 am, Warren Post wrote:
 I now have Mozilla 0.98 and Galeon 1.0.3, which came as RPMs with
 Mandrake 8.2. I need to update them to more recent version. In the case
 of Mozilla, I need also to install the Spanish language pack, which I
 have been unable to do with 0.98. As best I can tell from reading
 previous messages on this list, I should:

 1. Download recent Mozilla and Galeon RPMs, preferably mdk specific
 ones. Perhaps from Texstar's site?
 2. Upgrade Mozilla and Galeon. Test.
 3. Install the Spanish language pack for Mozilla.

 If anyone sees a problem with this plan, please speak up. I normally
 prefer the trial and error approach, but this particular job must be
 completed today without error or fail.

 I've already downloaded Mozilla 1.2.1 and Galeon 1.2.8 as tarballs, but
 after reading previous posts on this list I get the impression that I
 would be better off with RPMs. One of these days I'll learn how to roll
 my own RPMs from tarballs, but today's not the day.

 The reason I need to upgrade Mozilla is not so much the limitations of
 0.98 as the fact that I can't get the Spanish language pack to install
 and I need a Spanish Mozilla working by OOB tomorrow for a course I'm
 teaching. Rather than fight the language pack install with an old
 version, it seems wiser to just upgrade to the current version.

 Does anyone see any gotchas, or have any tips?

Yeah, all those rpms are for 9.0 and you are running 8.2.  Not gonna work 
unless you rebuild the src.rpms on your system, which will probably be a 
PITA.  You might be better off upgrading to 9.0, or waiting a week and 
upgrading to 9.1.  It will probably be less work ,plus you'll get all the 
other goodies in the new release.

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Re: [newbie] Updating Mozilla

2003-03-10 Thread Raffaele Belardi
I normally upgrade using the tarball from
1. delete /usr/local/mozilla (don't know if it is necessary)
2. run the mozilla-installer you downloaded and untarred, as root
3. run mozilla as root, exit after it starts
4. run as normal user.
5. update the links to the plugins (Flash, Java...) under the 'plugin' 
diretcory, as root

One important thing: the installer creates under /usr/local/mozilla a 
number of directories and files. For some reason, the 'components' 
directory gets created with wrong attributes, so mozilla can run only 
for root. Before you can run as normal user, you need to
# chmod og+rx components
as root.


I now have Mozilla 0.98 and Galeon 1.0.3, which came as RPMs with
Mandrake 8.2. I need to update them to more recent version. In the case
of Mozilla, I need also to install the Spanish language pack, which I
have been unable to do with 0.98. As best I can tell from reading
previous messages on this list, I should:
1. Download recent Mozilla and Galeon RPMs, preferably mdk specific
ones. Perhaps from Texstar's site?
2. Upgrade Mozilla and Galeon. Test.
3. Install the Spanish language pack for Mozilla.
If anyone sees a problem with this plan, please speak up. I normally
prefer the trial and error approach, but this particular job must be
completed today without error or fail.
I've already downloaded Mozilla 1.2.1 and Galeon 1.2.8 as tarballs, but
after reading previous posts on this list I get the impression that I
would be better off with RPMs. One of these days I'll learn how to roll
my own RPMs from tarballs, but today's not the day.
The reason I need to upgrade Mozilla is not so much the limitations of
0.98 as the fact that I can't get the Spanish language pack to install
and I need a Spanish Mozilla working by OOB tomorrow for a course I'm
teaching. Rather than fight the language pack install with an old
version, it seems wiser to just upgrade to the current version.
Does anyone see any gotchas, or have any tips?

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 - Dual Boot

2003-03-10 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 10 Mar 2003 7:12 pm, Brian wrote:
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
 So if I understand this correctly, then the NTFS support in Mandrake 9.0
 is read-only? nbsp;I did just try to write to an NTFS partition on my test
 computer and it did not work. nbsp;In that case, is there any third party
 drivers or utilities that will allow you to write to an NTFS partition from
 I would like the users home directory, i.e. - /home/userid to be on a
 partition that is readable from both Linux and Windows. nbsp;I saw in
 userdrake that you can redirect the home directory. nbsp;Can it be
 redirected to a FAT partition from userdrake or does it have to be on a
 linux FS? nbsp;Of course I would prefer something that is a little more
 secure, but I can probably deal with FAT32 if need
 Thanks for the help,br
 John Richard Smith wrote:
 blockquote type=cite cite=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   blockquote type=cite/blockquote
 Mandrake will not write to an ntfs partition. you need
 When you talk about homedrive, do you mean /home partition,br
 because windblows will not use it. All your linux partitionsbr
 need to be formatted in one of the many linux file
 The basic linux setup is , /swap partition, /root(base) partition,br
 In addition you can have /boot partition, /home partition, andbr
 many others. In linux /swap is the equivelant of windblowsbr
 virtual memory,which is a file with preset limits,whereas inbr
 linux it's a
 I know nothing of your hardware situation, cannot

Linux can read/write to FAT32 partitions without any issue, and you could 
mount your /home on FAT32. However it may not be a terribly good idea to do 

Some of your Linux applications will write setup files in your user home, and 
may expect them to have specific permissions. Since FAT32 has no concept of 
permissions all the files on the FAT32 partition will have the same 
permissions. You may therefore find some applications may not run as 
It would be safer to mount your /home on a Linux partition and either make a 
symlink to your FAT32 partition, or else mount your FAT32 partition on a 
directory inside your /home/user so you can access your Windows data 

By default Mandrake will mount your Windows partition on /mnt/windows, but you 
can easily make them mount anywhere you wish.




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Re: [newbie] Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 - Dual Boot

2003-03-10 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Monday 10 March 2003 08:12 pm, Brian wrote:

Brian, please do not send to the list in html. It's a waste 
of bandwidth and some people may be very pissed off.
Then, to your questions :

 So if I understand this correctly, then the NTFS support
 in Mandrake 9.0 is read-only? 

Yes, but rumours tell that Mandrake 9.1 will do the job.

I did just try to
 write to an NTFS partition on my test computer and it did
 not work. In that case, is there any third party
 drivers or utilities that will allow you to write to an
 NTFS partition from Linux?

Same as above.

 I would like the users home directory, i.e. -
 /home/userid to be on a partition that is readable from
 both Linux and Windows. 

In that case you must create your /home directory as a FAT32 
partition (which is a very bad idea indeed - no security at 
all) and - furthermore - make it the first partition after 
the Windows - partitions, as Windows is unable to *see* 
beyond any non-windows filesystem.

I saw in userdrake that you
 can redirect the home directory. Can it be
 redirected to a FAT partition from userdrake or does it
 have to be on a linux FS? Of course I would prefer
 something that is a little more secure, but I can
 probably deal with FAT32 if need be.

Same as above. But a lot of people make a separate FAT32 
partition between Windows and Linux. That way you can read 
and write to this partition from both worlds. And so can 
other users on your Linux-box. That's why You can keep your 
private stuff private on a linux-partion. If you want to, 
make a script or a cron-job that regularly copies your 
files - or some of them - to the FAT32 partition so you can 
use them from Windows as well.

 Thanks for the help,

HTH and Good luck

Kaj haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.0 - kernel
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 - Dual Boot

2003-03-10 Thread John Richard Smith
Brian wrote:

So if I understand this correctly, then the NTFS support in Mandrake 
9.0 is read-only?  I did just try to write to an NTFS partition on my 
test computer and it did not work.  In that case, is there any third 
party drivers or utilities that will allow you to write to an NTFS 
partition from Linux?

I would like the users home directory, i.e. - /home/userid to be on 
a partition that is readable from both Linux and Windows.  I saw in 
userdrake that you can redirect the home directory.  Can it be 
redirected to a FAT partition from userdrake or does it have to be on 
a linux FS?  Of course I would prefer something that is a little more 
secure, but I can probably deal with FAT32 if need be.

Thanks for the help,
John Richard Smith wrote,
Yes , you can only read and transfer over to linux from ntfs partitions.
I have heard suggestions that they are working on it, and so perhaps
sometime in the future you may be able to write to an ntfs partition.
We all format our linux partitions in any of the linux file systems. 
They are
all good file systems , better than ntfs. If you intend writing to ntfs 
people create a fat32 partition, you use it as a go between , and 
thereby achieve
the same thing. By the way are you ever likely to have more than one linux
OS on, because if so it's easiest to have a /boot partition, where all 
the kernels and initrd files all get put automatically by the install 
programmes, you write your
lilo stanzas , as I'm sure you must have done by now, using the lilo 
install element
of the install programme. Your idea of using the /home partition for 
both windblows
and linux is not possible. They each have their own home setup .  Lilo 
is a good
boot manager, so stay with it. I'm sure you noticed you never need to 
it's done for you after so many mount counts at boot time. There are 
also programmes to let you use Windblows programmes while booted to linux, I
don't use them myself, but many linux users do. If you must have windblows
like apps there is open office which are basically office clones, at 
least they
work with windblowd files, other apps use their own custom made files
and these are not readily interchangeable with windblows.

Once you have had some time to get used to linux you will find your way
about readily enough. Some things are much easier other things not so easy.
Installing programmes in linux is a tease for newbies, packages rarely come
complete, you will find a lot of dependency problems that baffle to 
begin with.
Most things do not work straight off but can nearly always be made to work.
Many applications have graphical front ends to commandline backends.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 - Dual Boot

2003-03-10 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 10 March 2003 02:12 pm, Brian wrote:
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
 So if I understand this correctly, then the NTFS support in Mandrake 9.0
 is read-only? nbsp;I did just try to write to an NTFS partition on my test
 computer and it did not work. nbsp;In that case, is there any third party
 drivers or utilities that will allow you to write to an NTFS partition from
 I would like the users home directory, i.e. - /home/userid to be on a
 partition that is readable from both Linux and Windows. nbsp;I saw in
 userdrake that you can redirect the home directory. nbsp;Can it be
 redirected to a FAT partition from userdrake or does it have to be on a
 linux FS? nbsp;Of course I would prefer something that is a little more
 secure, but I can probably deal with FAT32 if need
 Thanks for the help,br
 John Richard Smith wrote:
 blockquote type=cite cite=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   blockquote type=cite/blockquote
 Mandrake will not write to an ntfs partition. you need
 When you talk about homedrive, do you mean /home partition,br
 because windblows will not use it. All your linux partitionsbr
 need to be formatted in one of the many linux file
 The basic linux setup is , /swap partition, /root(base) partition,br
 In addition you can have /boot partition, /home partition, andbr
 many others. In linux /swap is the equivelant of windblowsbr
 virtual memory,which is a file with preset limits,whereas inbr
 linux it's a
 I know nothing of your hardware situation, cannot
   pre wrap=
 hr width=90% size=4
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to a class=moz-txt-link-freetext
 href=; /pre

First, please do not post html to the list, most of the people on this list do 
not read it.  I filter it too, but I noticed that I had an unread mail in my 
trash and I decided to check out what it was.

Second, the best thing to do would seem to me to create a link in the home 
directory to a fat32 partition that has folders for each user.  Because the 
home directory has files that require specific permissions, I would not 
recommend using a filesyatem that does not support Linux permissions.  These 
files I speak of are mostly config files, so they should not need to be 
accessed from Windows.  Why are you so insistant on ntfs?  The security 
aspects get blown out the door by installing Linux, so I cannot imagine that 
the speed is that much better to make it a requirement.

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[newbie] vmware 3.2 w/ all scsi system

2003-03-10 Thread Robert Wideman
I have installed vmware 3.2 onto my all scsi system:
512mb ram
2940u2w scsi card
ibm 18g scsi HD
pioneer scsi dvdrom

I ran the script and it seemed to get me going.  I created
a new vm w/ 176mb ram and 4g space.  The HD was setup ok inside the VM, but
the cdrom was set to IDE, so i disabled the IDE cdrom and enabled the scsi
cdrom with the options below.

The devices are setup as:
scsi 0:0 virtual disk
 4g space
scsi 0:2 cdrom

I turn on the VM and it finds my proc and ram
then shows:
Mouse enabled
02B1: Diskette Drive B Error

then states F1 to continue or F2 for setup.
If i do F1 it states no OS found and states
A bootable cdrom/fdd/hd was not detected, please make sure the media is in
and restart.
When i do F2 there is no info on my scsi deviecsDUH b/c my 2940u2w has
its own scsi bios where you have to enable the bootable devices at.  They
are setup correctly in the scsi bios.
I have my Win2k Pro cd in the cdrom drive.  I have tried it unmounted AND
mounted.  I have tried the cdrom option in the configuration info set to
/dev/scd0 and /mtn/cdrom (/mnt/cdrom when it was mounted).  Nothing has
worked.  I do not find any information on the net about any of this.

Any thoughts?


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Re: [newbie] getting NOT sent mail from postfix server.

2003-03-10 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 10 March 2003 19:49, Richard Urwin wrote:
 On Monday 10 Mar 2003 6:10 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm in a bit of a spot.somebody at office asumed he sent me a
  presentation (to be translated) but somehow never did.
  The office is closed now i.e. no-one there.
  I can contact the postfix smtp server with telnet but haven't the
  faintest what commands I (should) have at my disposal.

 They're in RFC2821 and RFC1985 see but...

  Anybody got ideas? Can I rumage around on an smtp server the way I do on
  a popserver?

 No. The only thing you can do is invite it to send you any mail it has for
 your machine, and, if it was set up to do that I assume you would not have
 a problem.

Which was just what I wanted to be very sure about, so this was exactly what I 
was looking for.

Thanks a lot:o)

Luckily some of the others did recieve the attachment and were able to forward 
it to me. Just shows you're never safe enough.

Good hunting,

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[newbie] CDROM takes minutes to mount

2003-03-10 Thread Hendrik Boom
It takes a few minutes to mount a CDROM on my drive using Mandrake 9.0.
This is too long.

I have a dual-boot machine, choice of SuSE or Mandrake.  There is no
working Microsoft software on the machine.  With SuSE it takes less
than a second to mount the CDROM.

I suspect very strongly that this is a software problem.  

While booting, I get the following relevant-looking messages:

  hdd: HL-DT-DT CD-ROM GCR-8520B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
  hdd: lost interrupt
  hdd: lost interrupt
  hdd: lost interrupt
  hdd: ATAPI 52x CD-ROM drive, 128kN Cache, DMA
  Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12

I mount the CDROM (it happens to be the second Mandrake installation CD)
with the following command:

mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom

(except on SuSE I mount it on /cdrom instead of /mnt/cdrom.  Oh yes,
 SuSE does not give me the lost interrupt messages either.)

It then sits around for a few minutes, and finally comes back mounted.

The Mandrake I use is the Mandrake PowerPack Edition 9.0,
but during installation it would not look at any but the first
installation CD.  It also seems to have failed to install emacs.

I encountered this problem while trying to add additional installation
sources. Starting up the Mandrake Control Centre took more than four
minutes.  A little hard to understand if this is just a thin shell for
launching other programs.

Then it tales a long time to start up the sources manager, and finally, showing it the 
other CD's takes a long time.  When I actually got the second
installation CD mounted, I still dod not succeed in getting it to look at it.
  (a) I can't figure out what I am to fill in as relative path to 
  synthesis/hdlist.  The manual just tells me that if I don't
  understand what it is talking about I will be wise to leave
  the window via cancel instead of save changes.
  (b) Adding a source dies, and just leaves blank windows lying
  around forever.  I suppose it might just be in suspended
  animation waiting for the CDROM drive, but leaving it that
  way overnight provides no progress.

Experimentation and exploration is too tedious for words because of all the
mount delays.

Under the circumstance, the remainder of Mandrake is a little hard to
install or configure!

-- hendrik

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Re: [newbie] CDROM takes minutes to mount

2003-03-10 Thread Mike
On Monday 10 March 2003 04:17 pm, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 It takes a few minutes to mount a CDROM on my drive using Mandrake 9.0.
 This is too long.

 I have a dual-boot machine, choice of SuSE or Mandrake.  There is no
 working Microsoft software on the machine.  With SuSE it takes less
 than a second to mount the CDROM.

 I suspect very strongly that this is a software problem.

 While booting, I get the following relevant-looking messages:

   hdd: HL-DT-DT CD-ROM GCR-8520B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
   hdd: lost interrupt
   hdd: lost interrupt
   hdd: lost interrupt
   hdd: ATAPI 52x CD-ROM drive, 128kN Cache, DMA
   Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12

 I mount the CDROM (it happens to be the second Mandrake installation CD)
 with the following command:

 mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom

 (except on SuSE I mount it on /cdrom instead of /mnt/cdrom.  Oh yes,
  SuSE does not give me the lost interrupt messages either.)

 It then sits around for a few minutes, and finally comes back mounted.

 The Mandrake I use is the Mandrake PowerPack Edition 9.0,
 but during installation it would not look at any but the first
 installation CD.  It also seems to have failed to install emacs.

 I encountered this problem while trying to add additional installation
 sources. Starting up the Mandrake Control Centre took more than four
 minutes.  A little hard to understand if this is just a thin shell for
 launching other programs.

 Then it tales a long time to start up the sources manager, and finally,
 showing it the other CD's takes a long time.  When I actually got the
 second installation CD mounted, I still dod not succeed in getting it to
 look at it. since
   (a) I can't figure out what I am to fill in as relative path to
   synthesis/hdlist.  The manual just tells me that if I don't
   understand what it is talking about I will be wise to leave
   the window via cancel instead of save changes.
   (b) Adding a source dies, and just leaves blank windows lying
   around forever.  I suppose it might just be in suspended
   animation waiting for the CDROM drive, but leaving it that
   way overnight provides no progress.

 Experimentation and exploration is too tedious for words because of all the
 mount delays.

 Under the circumstance, the remainder of Mandrake is a little hard to
 install or configure!

 -- hendrik

I solved this problem by disabling supermount on my removable drives.You can 
do this in the Mandrake Control Center - Mount Points. -CD Rom or Floppy - 
Options - supermount.
Michael Shinobi
Mandrake 9.0

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Re: [newbie] CDROM takes minutes to mount

2003-03-10 Thread Miark
It's simpler to type the following on the commandline as root:

  supermount disable

and to make it permanent:

  supermount -i disable


On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 16:41:45 -0500

 I solved this problem by disabling supermount on my removable drives.You can 
 do this in the Mandrake Control Center - Mount Points. -CD Rom or Floppy - 
 Options - supermount.
 Michael Shinobi
 Mandrake 9.0

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Re: [newbie] Can't access my bank account!

2003-03-10 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 09 Mar 2003 8:51 pm, Margot wrote:
 Now that I've got the internet connection working, I'm trying to get
 everything running through the Mandrake machine, aiming to abandon the
 Win98 machine as soon as possible.

Margot - You are UK, I believe?  I have hsbc on-line banking.  Under windows I 
was refused connection from Netscape 6 with the message you got.  I was 
amused to find, the same day, that from Mandrake I could use Mozilla to 
access the site, without problems!  Half the time they don't know what 
they're talking about.

If it's hsbc you can access it from Mozilla, Netscape, Galeon or Konqueror - 
and without pretending to be M$.  I do it.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Updating Mozilla

2003-03-10 Thread Warren Post
So far, so good, with thanks to Raffaele and Todd for suggesting that I
use a tarball and not RPM. I had to kill my /user/.mozilla file before
the Spanish language pack would work, but that's no problem. Thanks
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] getting NOT sent mail from postfix server.

2003-03-10 Thread Richard Urwin
On Monday 10 Mar 2003 9:12 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

 Luckily some of the others did recieve the attachment and were able to
 forward it to me. Just shows you're never safe enough.

Ahh. Chaotic Backup: Send your files to lots of other people and then copy 
them back when you loose them.

Glad to be of help and that you're OK.

Richard Urwin

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Re: [newbie] Can't access my bank account!

2003-03-10 Thread Margot
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 09 Mar 2003 8:51 pm, Margot wrote:

Now that I've got the internet connection working, I'm trying to get
everything running through the Mandrake machine, aiming to abandon the
Win98 machine as soon as possible.

Margot - You are UK, I believe?  I have hsbc on-line banking.  Under windows I 
was refused connection from Netscape 6 with the message you got.  I was 
amused to find, the same day, that from Mandrake I could use Mozilla to 
access the site, without problems!  Half the time they don't know what 
they're talking about.

If it's hsbc you can access it from Mozilla, Netscape, Galeon or Konqueror - 
and without pretending to be M$.  I do it.


Hi Anne

Yes I'm in UK. Are you psychic? My main bank account is HSBC, and works 
fine from Mozilla! Unfortunately, my branch is difficult to get to 
(disability/parking problems) so as I shop in Tesco I use a Tesco 
Savings account, pay in whatever cash I have left from my Incapacity 
Benefit after doing my shopping, and transfer it by internet from the 
Tesco account to the HSBC account to cover cheques, direct debits etc.

I had another look on the Tesco site - they use ActiveX. They have 
special software, which you have to download into IE.

I tried the uabar with Mozilla, but although it said it had downloaded 
nothing appeared - what does it look like and where would it be?

I also tried Konqueror with the Agent changed to pretend to be IE on 
Win98 - didn't work.

In the long term, I hope Tesco will become enlightened and produce 
software that will run on Linux. In the short term, I can keep the Win98 
machine running and just use it for banking. In the medium term... I'm 
sure Linux has a solution somewhere...


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Re: [newbie] Can't access my bank account!

2003-03-10 Thread Margot
Azrael wrote:

Send me all your bank details, your cheque book (sign a few for me),
credit cards, etc and I'll do it all for you :):):)

What a kind offer! You Mandrake users are so sweet! I don't have any 
credit cards, and the cheques are a bit rubbery at the moment, but if 
you could pay in a lump sum to cover my overdraft and then a modest 
monthly allowance...

Thump! (Margot returning to reality!)


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Re: [newbie] Can't access my bank account!

2003-03-10 Thread Margot
et wrote:

On Sunday 09 March 2003 04:08 pm, Ralph Slooten wrote:

On Sun, 09 Mar 2003 20:51:10 +

Margot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a way round this?

Recently I also opted in for Online banking here in Holland. I was worried
about the possible Window$-only thing, so I searched and searched, but
there was no mention of it. I always reccon that if there is no mention, I
could always get my money back for it...
However, Mozilla / Phoenix both run it very well... so I would say to use
Mozilla, as it is the most developed browser out there adhearing to the
rules of the internet `laws` (yes including IE).

and of coarse the user agent can be set to report damn near any browser you 
want to tell the server it is looking at, and if they think IE is secure. 
what bank was that.

The bank is Tesco - actually a supermarket! I think they covered 
themselves on the security issue though - they didn't say that IE was 
secure, just that Netscape does not provide the same security 
technology. Some people might assume that meant IE was more secure - 
but we know better, don't we?


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Re: [newbie] Can't Install Adobe acrobat for Madrake 8.2 PPC

2003-03-10 Thread Adolfo Bello
On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 13:15, Pablo E. Fernandez L. wrote:
 I have downloaded this file from adobe:
 Then typed:
 tar -zxvf linux-ar-405.tar.gz 
 cd ILINXR.install 
 Typed accept for user license. 
 enter to install in default directory /usr/local/Acrobat4. 
 Type y to create directory. 
 And then stops because /usr/local/Acrobat4 directory cannot be created, I 
 have tried as su. Do I have to erase that directory and then reinstall as su?
 Thanks in advance

You have to install as root
   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //celular: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Can't Install Adobe acrobat for Madrake 8.2 PPC

2003-03-10 Thread ZeroFighter1969

You should try to use a RPM file for AcroReader. You can get it from



Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 13:15, Pablo E. Fernandez L. wrote:
 I have downloaded this file from adobe:
 Then typed:
 tar -zxvf linux-ar-405.tar.gz 
 cd ILINXR.install 
 Typed accept for user license. 
 enter to install in default directory /usr/local/Acrobat4. 
 Type y to create directory. 
 And then stops because /usr/local/Acrobat4 directory cannot be created, I 
 have tried as su. Do I have to erase that directory and then reinstall as su?
 Thanks in advance

You have to install as root
   / \\   @       __     __    @   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //    celular: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ //     fax    : +58 212 952-6797   //            pager  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! 

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 - Dual Boot

2003-03-10 Thread Adolfo Bello
On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 15:12, Brian wrote:
 So if I understand this correctly, then the NTFS support in Mandrake
 9.0 is read-only?  I did just try to write to an NTFS partition on my
 test computer and it did not work.  In that case, is there any third
 party drivers or utilities that will allow you to write to an NTFS
 partition from Linux?
 I would like the users home directory, i.e. - /home/userid to be on
 a partition that is readable from both Linux and Windows.  I saw in
 userdrake that you can redirect the home directory.  Can it be
 redirected to a FAT partition from userdrake or does it have to be on
 a linux FS?  Of course I would prefer something that is a little more
 secure, but I can probably deal with FAT32 if need be.
That's right, NTFS support is read-only.

I was in the same situation you are right now four months ago. Right now
I rarely use XP (only when I need to login to some clients Windows
domain or to open old Access files). My setup is as follow:
1.- A 10 GB NTFS for XP.
2.- A 1 GB FAT32 partition.
3.- A 256MB ext3 partition for /boot.
4.- A ~18 GB Reiser partition for /
5.- A 640 MB swap partition.

Winblows don't support any Linux file system. So put Winblows partitions
first because it will stop reading the partition table when it encounter
the first partition it doesn't understand.

The FAT32 partition is for saving files or directory I want to share
between Mandrake and XP.

If you are going to use MySQL, I recommend you to set it up in Linux.
Performance difference is huge. I have a database creation sql script
that takes 22 seconds in XP and 1.1 second in Mandrake. Same machine.
NTFS in XP and Reiser in Mandrake. mysql 4.0.11a. There is no error: 22
without period and 1.1. Just amazing. (I can send you the script off
list if you don't believe it).

Finally, if you want to use both OS at the same time, try VMware. You
can download a one month trial version at I case you
decide to use VMware you don't need any FAT32 partition. Share a drive
or directory in XP and connect to it using Samba. This way you will have
full access to NTFS.

   / \\   @   __ __@   Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /  //  // /\   / \\   // \  //   Bello Ingenieria S.A, ICQ: 65910258
 /  \\  // / \\ /  //  //  / //celular: +58 416 609-6213
/___// // / _/ \__\\ //__/ // fax: +58 212 952-6797   //pager  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] sundance problems

2003-03-10 Thread Frank Bax
At 03:44 PM 3/8/03, Frank Bax wrote:
When I installed Mandrake 9.0 - I was able to so via ftp.  Now, everytime 
I startup the system, no network is available until I run the connection 
wizard in MCC (accepting all default answers).

The following entries appear in syslog during bootup:

Mar  8 15:17:16 video mandrake_everytime: Building Window Manager Sessions 
Mar  8 15:17:16 video insmod: 
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/net/sundance.o.gz: init_module: 
No such device
Mar  8 15:17:16 video modprobe: modprobe: insmod eth0 failed
Mar  8 15:17:16 video modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth1

When I run the connection wizard, I get another 11K of messages in syslog, 
which you can see here.  Any suggestions about what to change so this 
works on bootup?

NIC is a Startech ST100S (there is an RTL8139D chip on it).

/etc/modules.conf contains:
alias eth0 sundance
alias sound-slot-0 snd-cmipci
alias char-major-116 snd
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci usb-ohci ehci-hcd
above snd-cmipci snd-pcm-oss
Solution - change 'sundance' to '8139too' in /etc/modules.conf


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[newbie] konqueror web browser

2003-03-10 Thread John Michael Drouhard
Just a quick question - in Konqueror, why are buttons incorrectly displayed? 
They look just like a white box with a black line around them. The text is 
not there. I would just like to know how to make Konqueror display buttons 
correctly. Thanks!

John Drouhard

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Re: [newbie] konqueror web browser

2003-03-10 Thread Greg Meyer
On Monday 10 March 2003 03:55 pm, John Michael Drouhard wrote:
 Just a quick question - in Konqueror, why are buttons incorrectly
 displayed? They look just like a white box with a black line around them.
 The text is not there. I would just like to know how to make Konqueror
 display buttons correctly. Thanks!

 John Drouhard

If you are using rc2 of 9.1, that has been fixed in cooker.  

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Re: [newbie] konqueror web browser

2003-03-10 Thread Anthony Abby
On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 15:55, John Michael Drouhard wrote:
 Just a quick question - in Konqueror, why are buttons incorrectly displayed? 
 They look just like a white box with a black line around them. The text is 
 not there. I would just like to know how to make Konqueror display buttons 
 correctly. Thanks!
 John Drouhard

You're running KDE 3.1 over Mandrake 9.1RC1?  I'm having the same
problem, or actually I was having the same problem (KDE 3.1 over
Mandrake 9.1RC1) but I ended up adding a Cooker repository in urpmi and
did all the updates.  Problem has gone away.

Anthony Abby  |
Comic Book Community News   |  Web Programming
Inventory Control, Auction, Management  |  Cold Fusion

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[newbie] Help - Can't get printer on lan working

2003-03-10 Thread Greg

Ddc750Nt wrote:

Hi Everyone   I need help to set  up my 9.0 box to printer to my printer server on my 
lan  The windows Machines can print to it using prt local port  The print server is a 
Barricade router with the print server built in
I have tried but I can not get it to woth with Linux  My printer is a HP 600c
Any one have any ideas  Thanks  Greg

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[newbie] Mandrake 9.0 and Oracle 9i

2003-03-10 Thread Christopher Steimer

I have just installed Mandrake 9.0 onto my computer and I am interested in 
installing Oracle 9i onto the comp as well. I have just downloaded the 
Oracle 9i Database for Linux software from Does anyone know 
anything, or have any experience with this?

If so, please help me. If you want, email me your AOL IM screen name 
and maybe you could provide assistance a little easier.

I am running a PII, 8GB, 128MB system with Mandrake 9.0. I believe 
that I will need to get more RAM in order to install Oracle 9i.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: [newbie] CUPS: importing fonts

2003-03-10 Thread Len Lawrence
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 09:33:05 +
Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 06 Mar 2003 9:03 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Len Lawrence wrote:
  On Wed, 05 Mar 2003 10:54:11 +
  John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Len Lawrence wrote:
  Thanks for your comments John.  I agree that printing is a complex issue
  which probably explains why LX Format has not replied.  If in two years
  research I have not been able to find an explanation of how CUPS deals
  with PostScript fonts then they probably cannot afford the time to follow
  up my query.  It is obviously not something anybody can answer off the
  top of their head.  So I will continue poking around.
  Thanks also for the information re PCL5 and PCL3.  I had not come across
   that. The printer is an HP Deskjet 940C by the way.
  HP deskjet940C ought to be supported, most of the HP
  inkjet printers are. I have an old HP670C which works
  quite well, but is a very noisy shake rattle and roll
  printer, compared to my Lexmark Z51 + Z52's. I would
  be surprized if HP 940C is not supported, or have I
  misunderstood, perhaps it does work but you need more fonts ?
 IIRC the 940 is a slower version of the 990, which I use.  I have no problems 
 per se, but different programs have different capabilities in handling fonts 
 and complex layouts.  Have you tried the same output in a different package?  
 It would tell you, perhaps, whether that is the source of your problem.  
 Oddly enough I find OO.o better on my system than SO6 in handling these 
Agreed.  Importing TrueType fonts into OO.o seemed easier than in StarOffice.
Len Lawrence
Never argue with a fool -- people might not be able to tell the difference.

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Re: [newbie] Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 - Dual Boot

2003-03-10 Thread Guy Rouillier
- Original Message -
From: Adolfo Bello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 - Dual Boot

 Winblows don't support any Linux file system. So put Winblows
 first because it will stop reading the partition table when it
 the first partition it doesn't understand.

Both of these statements are untrue for Win2k/XP.  I read somewhere
(sorry, don't remember where - I'm pretty sure it was on the ext2
project page) that there is an apparently fairly stable filesystem
driver for Win2k/XP that allows it to use ext2 filesystems.  And I run
Win2k, and it has no trouble just skipping partitions it doesn't
recognize and continuing on with ones beyond that.

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