Re: [newbie-it] xp home VS xp pro - ex Alleggerire KDE

2003-07-25 Thread Alessandro Piaser
 Alle 00:10, venerdì 18 luglio 2003, Alessandro Piaser ha scritto:
  - Original Message - 
  From: Enrico Piccinini
  Ache se è un po' OT qualcuno mi darebbe maggiori lumi sulle differenze
  le versioni home e professional di quella schifezza di SO.
  Qualcsa di tecnico, ma non troppo. Grazie

 Le grosse differenze sono due:

 1) xp home non ti permette di creare reti con dominio, xp pro si.

 2) xp home controlla tutto l'hardware (hdd, ram, processore, etc) e si
 db coi numeri di serie.

 se cambi qualcosa, lui se ne accorge.
 ti permette solo 3/5 (non ricordo) cambiamenti, poi per lui tu sei un
 che si è permesso di installare xp home su 2 comp. si incazza, non ti fa
 l'installazione, manda un msg a zio bill...
 è un controllo contro la pirateria casalinga, per le ditte ci pensa gia
 I salami che mangiano sono marchiati M$ ;D

 Questo è interessante, ma vuoi dirmi che la versione professional non lo
 tutto 'sto ciocco??
 Per 50 euro in più non ti marchiano a fuoco le periferiche?

 In pratica la home è legata vita natural durante a uno specifico computer?

 Ho letto da qualche parte che i notebook vengono forniti con versioni per
 quali non è possibile cambiare il pc e che appunto il cambio o
 di qualche periferica (mettiamo la ram, ma chi ogni tanto non mette un po'
 di ram in  più) fa decadere la licenza.

 Domandone da 1 milione di sterline:
 si può rifiutare una versione home e richiederne una professional
 o rifiutare la home e mettere linux sui notebook che spesso vengono
 col sistema operativo?
 in quest'ultimo caso rimborsano il costo del sistema operativo?

 Dato che la licenza comporta l'uso del programma, in modo lecito si
 non l'installazione su 2 pc ma la rimozione da 1 e l'installazione
 sull'altro ad esempio, in pratica in base a tutto quello che hai detto
 (i 3/5 cambiamenti) comportano un limitazione dell'uso della licenza
 medesima a mio modo di vedere.

 Bisogna pagare a bill.. col softometro???
 User:  mmiii ho usato windows 2 ore
 MS: fa 3 euro
 User: ma non costa 1 euro l'ora?
 MS: si ma a sforato per 1 millesimo di secondo quindi 3 euro! poi c'è il
 supplemento per il service pack,  l'extra per la security patch e l'obolo
 per la cassa miliardari in pensione. Totale ...
 User semisvenuto: posso rateizzare in 9 o dieci vite?

 Ma premesso sempre che è un groviera come sistema operativo e non è
 la versione professional ha qualche (scusate ma non riesco a trattenere le
 risate) bug in meno della home?

 Scusate ancora l'OT ma dato che per utilizzare un programma speficico per
 quale la versione linux forse vedrà la luce tra tre o più anni, forse sarò
 ma non fatemici pensare, allibisco all'idea.

 Grazie iKKi
 e un grazie anche a miKe e Enrico Piccinini



Re: [newbie-it]mutt a colori [era: sendmail envelope_from]

2003-07-25 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

Arwan - ha scritto:
  A proposito tu li vedi a colori gli smileys ?
 Mmmm... mi pare di no... pero' non dovrebbe essere difficile da fare,
 se ho capito come funzia muttrc... dimmi, dimmi!

Se nel frattempo non l'hai già fatto questa è la riga da inserire: 
color body   brightyellow   black  [;:8]-?[)/(|PpDO]
come vedi è semplice il sistema.
 sai come fare le ricerche? n cerca una parola all'interno di una mail, 
 ma se dovessi cercare la stessa parola tra piu' mail, o addirittura tra 
 piu' dir?

Premetto che con i comandi che troverai di seguito potrai effettuare
la ricerca di una stessa parola tra mail di una stessa dir, se vuoi 
ricercare su altre dir devi cambiare prima la dir :) . Certo sarrebbe 
comodo che la ricerca possa comprendere anche tutte le altre dir di 
posta configurate. Cercherò di documentarmi in tal senso. 
Io utilizzo esc+b per effettuare la ricerca solo nel corpo dei messaggi,
trovata questa parola per continuare a ricercare in avanti  ripeto lo stesso 
comando in modo sequenziale ed uso i tasti up e down, dopo il primo esito di 
ricerca, per richiamare la parola da ricercare che avevo impostato senza 
doverla riscrivere e ricontinuo la ricerca partendo dal punto di arrivo 
Il comando accettato da mutt associato ai tasti esc+b è questo: /~b
Poi ci sono altri comandi che già sono configurati di default come
'search' con funzione di ricerca generica, 'search-reverse' che cerca 
all'indietro o 'search-next' che cerca in avanti.
I tasti associati sono questi:
/ per search  
esc+/  per search-reverse 
n per search-next.
Controlla l'help sotto mutt e verifica se non ce l'hai già configurati
di default altrimenti li inserisci con macro o bind in .muttrc.
Nota che il segno + nei tasti associati non è inteso come carattere ma che 
il carattere prima e dopo non debbono essere premuti in sequenza sulla 
tastiera ma contemporaneamente.

Per quanto riguarda evidenziare a colori la lista dei messaggi inviati solo 
a me ho fatto delle prove qui in locale modificando l'header Message-ID in 
qualche vecchio messaggio dopo aver settato l'hostname in .muttrc 
(in precedenza  configurato come ma non funziona in questo modo
o al massimo funziona in modo scorretto. 
Ho subito pensato allora che semmai funzionasse comunque tutti i vecchi messaggi 
a me inviati non potranno per il momento beneficiare di questa nuova funzionalità 
dato che riportano nella identificazione un hostname differente, tuttavia la tua 
risposta sarà per me il test di questo comando che ho appena inserito in quanto 
non ho ancora un verifica sul campo, ti pregherei pertanto di inviarmi due
risposte una normalmente tramite newbie e l'altra diretta. 
Nel frattempo voglio fare delle prove in locale per  capire se devo 
intervenire su qualche altro header. Ho però visto che tu hai cambiato diverse 
volte il tuo hostname prima di arrivare a quello attuale di VecchioStregone, 
e conoscendo la tua proverbiale pignoleria sicuramente avrai  risolto questo 

Un'ultima cosa, quando tu rispondi a un messaggio e ti si apre vim, hai
problemi di posizionamento del cursore se il numero delle righe occupate
dagli headers sono maggiori di quelle previste nel settaggio dell'editor ?
Siccome uso degli hook che per particolari indirizzi aggiungono o tolgono
degli headers ho notato questa limitazione. Ho risolto il problema studiandomi 
diversi file di configurazione di muttrc, ora il cursore è più intelligente, si
posiziona sempre alla prima riga del corpo del messaggio indipendentemente dal 
numero delle righe di headers utilizzati tramite gli hook. 
In sostanza ora ho un cursore dinamico non più obbligato dalla specifica della
posizione in set editor nel file .muttrc.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: WARNING: current kernels not safe

2003-07-25 Thread Germano
il Thursday 24 July 2003 23:57, si è scritto riguardo a [newbie-it] Fwd: 
WARNING: current kernels not safe
Ciao a tutti,
ho ricevuto questa email da MandrakeSoft.
La giro in lista nel caso in cui qualcuno di voi non ne fosse al corrente...


--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: WARNING: current kernels not safe
Date: 02:09, giovedì 24 luglio 2003
From: Vincent Danen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is an urgent message for all 9.1 users.  Please back out of the 24mdk
kernel update and downgrade to 18mdk or 13mdk as soon as you are able.  A
problem exists in all kernels (except kernel-secure) where newly created
files are created mode 0666 (world writeable) on any filesystem other than
XFS, including remote NFS mounts.

We are working hard to attempt to get this problem corrected with new
kernels available in the next 24-48hrs.

Thank you.

MandrakeSoft Security;
Online Security Resource Book;
lynx -source | gpg --import
{FE6F2AFD : 88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD}


Ricevuta, ma non capisco come mai una cosa così importante sia firmata da 
Vincent Danen (al quale ho avuto il piacere di segnalare un bug da lui negato 
e poi confermato 1 mese dopo dal mandrake team) e non dal Mandrake Team di 
cui si può, peraltro, verificare la firma


P.S: Sul sito non risulta niente di tutto ciò

Re: [newbie-it]mutt a colori [era: sendmail envelope_from]

2003-07-25 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Giuseppe Ferruzzi ha scritto:

 ... ho fatto delle prove qui in locale modificando l'header Message-ID

Allora Arwan, dopo qualche prova in locale ho visto che mettendo il mio 
nuovo hostname negli headers In-Reply-To e References il sistema a colori 
funziona, quindi ora posso cambiarli in tutti i messaggi in archivio 
indirizzati a me, dato che non ne ho molti. 

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

[newbie-it] Problemi con ftp

2003-07-25 Thread Luckylu
Salve ragazzi c'è qualche buonanima che mi dice xche se creo un utente
in Linux Mandrake 9.1 e mi collego con windowz prg ws-ftp95  entro dentro 
la dir /pub
però se clicco per cambiare la directori risco ad arrivare in root?

Mentre se creo un utente con login e passw = Anonymous entro in /Pub e non 
mi fà cambiare la directori.

Cazzarola se io voglio che il tizio
deve accedere alla directori /Pub e non deve andare in giro vedendo tutta 
il mio HD
magari il tizio ha anche una sua directori personale  che può accedere 
solamente lui.


Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: WARNING: current kernels not safe

2003-07-25 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 15:43, venerdì 25 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: 
WARNING: current kernels not safe,  Germano   ha scritto:

 Ricevuta, ma non capisco come mai una cosa così importante sia
 firmata da Vincent Danen (al quale ho avuto il piacere di segnalare
 un bug da lui negato e poi confermato 1 mese dopo dal mandrake team)
 e non dal Mandrake Team di cui si può, peraltro, verificare la firma

in effetti, queto è l'ultimo avviso di vulnerabilità apparso su bugtraq,
e non accenna a quel problema:

Messaggio firmato da Mandrake Linux Security Team (identificativo 
chiave: 0x22458A98).

Mandrake Linux Security Update Advisory

Package name:   kernel
Advisory ID:MDKSA-2003:074
Date:   July 15th, 2003

Affected versions:  8.2, 9.0, Corporate Server 2.1,
Multi Network Firewall 8.2

Problem Description:

 Multiple vulnerabilities were discovered and fixed in the Linux kernel.

 * CAN-2003-0001: Multiple ethernet network card drivers do not pad
   frames with null bytes which allows remote attackers to obtain
   information from previous packets or kernel memory by using
   special malformed packets.

 * CAN-2003-0244: The route cache implementation in the 2.4 kernel and
   the Netfilter IP conntrack module allows remote attackers to cause a
   Denial of Service (DoS) via CPU consumption due to packets with
   forged source addresses that cause a large number of hash table
   collisions related to the PREROUTING chain.

 * CAN-2003-0246: The ioperm implementation in 2.4.20 and earlier
   kernels does not properly restrict privileges, which allows local
   users to gain read or write access to certain I/O ports.

 * CAN-2003-0247: A vulnerability in the TTY layer of the 2.4 kernel
   allows attackers to cause a kernel oops resulting in a DoS.

 * CAN-2003-0248: The mxcsr code in the 2.4 kernel allows attackers to
   modify CPU state registers via a malformed address.

 * CAN-2003-0462: A file read race existed in the execve() system call.

 Kernels for 9.1/x86 are also available (see MDKSA-2003:066).

 MandrakeSoft encourages all users to upgrade to these new kernels.

 For full instructions on how to properly upgrade your kernel, please


Updated Packages:

 Corporate Server 2.1:

 Mandrake Linux 8.2:

 Mandrake Linux 8.2/PPC:

Re: [newbie-it] Google help!

2003-07-25 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 22:22, mercoledì 23 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it]
Google help!,  stormy   ha scritto:
  less   /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn
  che ti dice??

 Penso sia un file vuoto
 Mi dice:
 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn lines 1-1/1 (END)

Se il tuo kernel è compilato con la voce
IP: TCP Explicit Congestion Notification support
 potresti venire droppato da firewall mal configurati 

che versione di kernel usi  (uname -a) ?
gli altri con lo stesso kernel, come la vedono settata / come hanno 
configurato il kernel?


- --


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: WARNING: current kernels not safe

2003-07-25 Thread Germano
il Friday 25 July 2003 17:34, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: 
WARNING: current kernels not safe
Alle 15:43, venerdì 25 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Fwd:

WARNING: current kernels not safe,  Germano   ha scritto:
 Ricevuta, ma non capisco come mai una cosa così importante sia
 firmata da Vincent Danen (al quale ho avuto il piacere di segnalare
 un bug da lui negato e poi confermato 1 mese dopo dal mandrake team)
 e non dal Mandrake Team di cui si può, peraltro, verificare la firma

in effetti, queto è l'ultimo avviso di vulnerabilità apparso su bugtraq,
e non accenna a quel problema:

Quello che tu hai citato non è l'ultimo perchè quello riguardante la 9.1 è del 
21 Luglio ed è quello al quale si riferisce l' email citata da Daniele.
Permane il mistero sul perchè un solo tizio si faccia promotore di un problema 
di sicurezza.


Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: WARNING: current kernels not safe

2003-07-25 Thread Germano
La mia curiosità e diffidenza hanno appena ricevuto risposta.


Subject: MDKSA-2003:066-2 - Updated kernel packages fix multiple 
Date: Friday 25 July 2003 18:57
From: Mandrake Linux Security Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hash: SHA1

Mandrake Linux Security Update Advisory

Package name:   kernel
Advisory ID:MDKSA-2003:066-2
Date:   July 25th, 2003
Original Advisory Date: June 11th, 2003
Affected versions:  9.1

Problem Description:

 Multiple vulnerabilities were discovered and fixed in the Linux kernel.

 * CAN-2003-0001: Multiple ethernet network card drivers do not pad
   frames with null bytes which allows remote attackers to obtain
   information from previous packets or kernel memory by using
   special malformed packets.

 * CAN-2003-0244: The route cache implementation in the 2.4 kernel and
   the Netfilter IP conntrack module allows remote attackers to cause a
   Denial of Service (DoS) via CPU consumption due to packets with
   forged source addresses that cause a large number of hash table
   collisions related to the PREROUTING chain.

 * CAN-2003-0246: The ioperm implementation in 2.4.20 and earlier
   kernels does not properly restrict privileges, which allows local
   users to gain read or write access to certain I/O ports.

 * CAN-2003-0247: A vulnerability in the TTY layer of the 2.4 kernel
   allows attackers to cause a kernel oops resulting in a DoS.

 * CAN-2003-0248: The mxcsr code in the 2.4 kernel allows attackers to
   modify CPU state registers via a malformed address.

 * CAN-2003-0462: A file read race existed in the execve() system call.

 As well, a number of bug fixes were made in the 9.1 kernel including:

 * Support for more machines that did not work with APIC
 * Audigy2 support
 * New/updated modules: prims25, adiusbadsl, thinkpad, ieee1394,
   orinoco, via-rhine,
 * Fixed SiS IOAPIC
 * IRQ balancing has been fixed for SMP
 * Updates to ext3
 * The previous ptrace fix has been redone to work better
 * Bugs with compiling kernels using xconfig have been fixed
 * Problems with ipsec have been corrected
 * XFS ACLs are now present
 * gdb not working on XFS root filesystems has been fixed

 MandrakeSoft encourages all users to upgrade to these new kernels.
 Updated kernels will be available shortly for other supported platforms
 and architectures.

 For full instructions on how to properly upgrade your kernel, please


 The kernels provided in MDKSA-2003:066-1 (2.4.21-0.24mdk) had a problem
 where all files created on any filesystem other than XFS, and using any
 kernel other than kernel-secure, would be created with mode 0666, or
 world writeable.  The 0.24mdk kernels have been removed from the
 mirrors and users are encouraged to upgrade and remove those kernels
 from their systems to prevent accidentally booting into them.

 That issue has been addressed and fixed with these new kernels.


Updated Packages:

 Mandrake Linux 9.1:
 9.1/RPMS/kernel-doc-2.4.21-0.25mdk.i586.rpm 7c4446a519dc48c70a13e8765c19c35f

 Mandrake Linux 9.1/PPC:

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: WARNING: current kernels not safe

2003-07-25 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:50, venerdì 25 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: 
WARNING: current kernels not safe,  Germano   ha scritto:

 in effetti, queto è l'ultimo avviso di vulnerabilità apparso su
  bugtraq, e non accenna a quel problema:

 Quello che tu hai citato non è l'ultimo perchè quello riguardante la
 9.1 è del 21 Luglio ed è quello al quale si riferisce l' email citata
 da Daniele.

è l'ultimo ufficiale, a firmaMDKSA   passato su bugtraq,
non ho nessun  accenno nemmeno sulla
SecurityFocus Linux Newsletter #141 (l'ultima, proprio del 21)

trovo qualcosa  su bugzilla, ma relativo a RH,  e
che non è *proprio* quello che scriveva Vincent Danen ( newly created
files are created mode 0666 (world writeable) on any filesystem other 
than XFS, including remote NFS mounts.  ), seppure possa portare a 
effetti simili  


   Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:  Updated 2.4 kernel fixes vulnerabilities
Advisory ID:   RHSA-2003:238-01
Issue date:2003-07-21

CAN-2003-0464: A recent change in the RPC code set the reuse flag on
newly-created sockets.  Olaf Kirch noticed that his could allow normal
users to bind to UDP ports used for services such as nfsd.

CAN-2003-0476: The execve system call in Linux 2.4.x records the file
descriptor of the executable process in the file table of the calling
process, allowing local users to gain read access to restricted file


- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: WARNING: current kernels not safe

2003-07-25 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:37, venerdì 25 luglio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: 
WARNING: current kernels not safe,  Germano   ha scritto:

 La mia curiosità e diffidenza hanno appena ricevuto risposta.

stavo per scrivere lo stesso...

 Subject: MDKSA-2003:066-2 - Updated kernel packages fix multiple
 Date: Friday 25 July 2003 18:57

- -- 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.21 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it]mutt a colori [era: sendmail envelope_from]

2003-07-25 Thread Arwan -
Deve aver avuto molto sonno, perche' il venerdì 25 luglio 2003, alle 13:56, Giuseppe 
Ferruzzi ha scritto:

 Ho subito pensato allora che semmai funzionasse comunque tutti i vecchi messaggi 
 a me inviati non potranno per il momento beneficiare di questa nuova funzionalità 
 dato che riportano nella identificazione un hostname differente,

Infatti, e' cosi'.

 tuttavia la tua 
 risposta sarà per me il test

OK, allora ti rispondo ;-)

 di questo comando che ho appena inserito in quanto 
 non ho ancora un verifica sul campo, ti pregherei pertanto di inviarmi due
 risposte una normalmente tramite newbie e l'altra diretta. 

La mail deve venire colorata sia se si tratta di una risposta a una
tua mail in privato, sia se la risposta viene mandata in una ML.

 Nel frattempo voglio fare delle prove in locale per  capire se devo 
 intervenire su qualche altro header. Ho però visto che tu hai cambiato diverse 
 volte il tuo hostname prima di arrivare a quello attuale di VecchioStregone, 

Davvero? Da quando ho mutt ho cambiato solo da quello di default a
questo; prima non ne ho idea: volevo cambiare l'hostname generale di
tutto il pc e ho fatto varie prove, ma c'era sembra qualcosa che
sballava i miei piani.

 e conoscendo la tua proverbiale pignoleria sicuramente avrai  risolto questo 

No, l'ho rimandato per il principio die piccoli passi. Se ti
riverivi all'hostname. Per quello della colorazione delle mail in
risposta, invece, ho applicato la stringa di syd ed e' andato tutto a
 Un'ultima cosa, quando tu rispondi a un messaggio e ti si apre vim, hai
 problemi di posizionamento del cursore se il numero delle righe occupate
 dagli headers sono maggiori di quelle previste nel settaggio dell'editor ?

Yes, ma al massimo sballo di una riga. Piu' che questo, mi da'
fastidio l'uso dei colori: c'e' un celestino che non riesco a vedere,
e se cambio il colore dello sfondo poi non vedo piu' il blu. Ma ho
rimandato tutto a dopo le ferie, cioe' fra un mese. ;-)
Da domani le mail arriveranno alla mia casella, ma non le leggero'
fino a fine agosto (salvo capatine a cosultare pc pubblici).

 Siccome uso degli hook che per particolari indirizzi aggiungono o tolgono
 degli headers ho notato questa limitazione. Ho risolto il problema studiandomi 
 diversi file di configurazione di muttrc, ora il cursore è più intelligente, si
 posiziona sempre alla prima riga del corpo del messaggio indipendentemente dal 
 numero delle righe di headers utilizzati tramite gli hook. 
 In sostanza ora ho un cursore dinamico non più obbligato dalla specifica della
 posizione in set editor nel file .muttrc.

Bella cosa, mi spiegherai ;-)

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it]mutt a colori [era: sendmail envelope_from]

2003-07-25 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* Arwan - ha scritto:
 La mail deve venire colorata sia se si tratta di una risposta a una
 tua mail in privato, sia se la risposta viene mandata in una ML.

Si ma come avrai già letto nella mia risposta diretta purtroppo funziona 
una volta sola, aperto il messaggio ritorna poi con lo stesso colore degli 
altri messaggi non a me indirizzati, come se il colore impostato in .muttrc 
venisse ignorato.

  Ho però visto che tu hai cambiato diverse 
  volte il tuo hostname prima di arrivare a quello attuale di VecchioStregone, 

Prima avevi, poi e ora
sarà l'ultimo ? Non penso.

 ... ho rimandato tutto a dopo le ferie, cioe' fra un mese. ;-)
 Da domani le mail arriveranno alla mia casella, ma non le leggero'
 fino a fine agosto (salvo capatine a cosultare pc pubblici).

Chi può ...

  numero delle righe di headers utilizzati tramite gli hook. 
  In sostanza ora ho un cursore dinamico non più obbligato dalla specifica della
  posizione in set editor nel file .muttrc.
 Bella cosa, mi spiegherai ;-)

Quando vuoi.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9.A (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

[newbie-it] mutt e righe

2003-07-25 Thread Arwan -
Sebbene io oggi sparisca dalla circlazione, lancio la domanda cosi'
al mio ritorno avro' da fare ;-)
Sapete come si dice a mutt di saltare una riga? Per esempio, prima
della firma (ho nel signature solo quello che c'e' dopo i -- );
oppure dopo la riga introduttiva del reply xx on ... wrote...

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

[newbie-it] OT mutt e ferie

2003-07-25 Thread Arwan
Mutt, mi mancherai ;-)

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

[newbie-it] ari-mutt

2003-07-25 Thread Arwan
Non so come, ma smanettando con i colori di mutt sono riuscita ad
avere una riga lampeggiante... qualcuno ne sa di piu'?
 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it]mutt a colori [era: sendmail envelope_from]

2003-07-25 Thread Arwan
Deve aver avuto molto sonno, perche' il venerdì 25 luglio 2003, alle 23:53, Giuseppe 
Ferruzzi ha scritto:
 * Arwan - ha scritto:
  La mail deve venire colorata sia se si tratta di una risposta a una
  tua mail in privato, sia se la risposta viene mandata in una ML.
 Si ma come avrai già letto nella mia risposta diretta purtroppo funziona 
 una volta sola, aperto il messaggio ritorna poi con lo stesso colore degli 
 altri messaggi non a me indirizzati, come se il colore impostato in .muttrc 
 venisse ignorato.

No, no... a me restano colorate sempre (ma hai mai provato a
evidenziare le tue mail giocando con i punteggi? C'e' anceh quel modo
li'...). Tornando a noi: ripeto le righe che ho modificato in
.muttrc, perche' le ho ritoccate rispetto a quelle che mi passo' syd.

color index  redblack  ~N ~x\VecchioStregone\.it
# questo mette in rosso tutti i messaggi nuovi in risposta ai miei
color index  yellow black  ~O ~x\VecchioStregone\.it
# questo mette in giallo tutti i messaggi vecchi in risposta ai miei
color index  brightred  black  ~x\VecchioStregone\.it
# questo mette praticamente in rosso tutti i messaggi in risposta ai
# miei che non hanno flag

   Ho però visto che tu hai cambiato diverse 
   volte il tuo hostname prima di arrivare a quello attuale di VecchioStregone, 
 Prima avevi, poi e ora
 sarà l'ultimo ? Non penso.

Inwind e' quello che usavo con kmail, inventato quello di mutt...
quando ancora non sapevo che l'hostname apparisse in posta ;-)
(Volevo dire quando ancora non sapevo cosa fosse l'hostname, ma non
sono sicura di saperlo nemmeno ora)
  ... ho rimandato tutto a dopo le ferie, cioe' fra un mese. ;-)
  Da domani le mail arriveranno alla mia casella, ma non le leggero'
  fino a fine agosto (salvo capatine a cosultare pc pubblici).
 Chi può ...

   numero delle righe di headers utilizzati tramite gli hook. 
   In sostanza ora ho un cursore dinamico non più obbligato dalla specifica della
   posizione in set editor nel file .muttrc.
  Bella cosa, mi spiegherai ;-)
 Quando vuoi.

Al mio ritorno, dopo l'inevitabile lista di cose urgenti

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

[newbie] RAM question

2003-07-25 Thread crak600
ok, i was tooling around and decided to see how much ram i was currently 
using.  i have 768mb installed and linux knows it (running a 950 processor, 
decent speed combo).  so i look at i'm fluctuating between 5 and 20mb of free 
ram left.  so i think this just can't be right, i mean, to use up ALL that 
ram when i all i hvae running is a media player, gaim, mozilla, and kmail.  
so i do a search and i read that it's normal for linux to do this because 
it's not actually using the ramm it's just keeping things stored there kinda 
like a hard disc for when it has to use itor something like that.  is 
that really what it's doing?  the system hasn't been running excessively 
long, only about a day and a half.

anyway, this just boggled me and was wondering if anyone could inform me if 
this is really true or if something is wrong here.  thanks!


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Re: [newbie] SBr Temp

2003-07-25 Thread magnet
On Friday 25 Jul 2003 4:37 am, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 21:51:51 -0500

 Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I asked Dennis what this was off-list and hes not sure, so I'll throw
  this out to the rest.  Below is my sensors output, what is SBr temp?



Todd is correct. It's for the South Bridge chip.

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Re: [newbie] RAM question

2003-07-25 Thread crak600
i just fired up ksim and it says i've got 588M physical ram free.  but why is 
there a discrepancy between what it says when i check memory and in ksim?  
any ideas? 

On Friday 25 July 2003 02:05 am, crak600 wrote:
 ok, i was tooling around and decided to see how much ram i was currently
 using.  i have 768mb installed and linux knows it (running a 950 processor,
 decent speed combo).  so i look at i'm fluctuating between 5 and 20mb of
 free ram left.  so i think this just can't be right, i mean, to use up ALL
 that ram when i all i hvae running is a media player, gaim, mozilla, and
 kmail. so i do a search and i read that it's normal for linux to do this
 because it's not actually using the ramm it's just keeping things stored
 there kinda like a hard disc for when it has to use itor something like
 that.  is that really what it's doing?  the system hasn't been running
 excessively long, only about a day and a half.

 anyway, this just boggled me and was wondering if anyone could inform me if
 this is really true or if something is wrong here.  thanks!


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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 10:01, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Friday 25 July 2003 01:31, Aron Smith wrote:
   Incredible for someone who has dial-up.keep on trucking:o)
  More than that he has replied backchannel to a lot of us..I second the
  motion ;
 Before he gets too big for his boots:
 Kuhn, Kuhn?...uhh wasn't that the guy who thought he was on a RedHat list here 
 before they came out with 8.0?
 Jus pulling yer leg mate;o)

Heheheheh...ya know, I used to loosen my mates' anchor chains before
they went out for a sail...(at least the smart-arsed ones)...(g)

Fri Jul 25 17:40:00 EST 2003
 17:40:00 up 11 days,  9:43,  3 users,  load average: 0.68, 0.53, 0.48
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

By perseverance the snail reached the Ark.
-- Charles Spurgeon

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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 10:19, Chris wrote:
 On Thursday 24 July 2003 06:18 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Hmmm, I missed something here.  But then the email is a bit flakey for me
  lately. Some threads are not threading.  For one upsmanship Stephen, I am
  having a mid-year crises as well as a thermal breakdown. :  p
 Geeez, I'm getting replies before original questions and replies to replies 
 and not the original replies, what a mess.

The answer is simply: yes.

Fri Jul 25 17:40:00 EST 2003
 17:40:00 up 11 days,  9:43,  3 users,  load average: 0.68, 0.53, 0.48
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

By perseverance the snail reached the Ark.
-- Charles Spurgeon

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RE: [hylafax-users] FW: [newbie] Remotely answer incoming fax?

2003-07-25 Thread Tony S. Sykes
Thanks Lee I will pass this on.

-Original Message-
From: Lee Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 5:28 PM
To: Tony S. Sykes
Subject: Re: [hylafax-users] FW: [newbie] Remotely answer incoming fax?

What it sounds like is either 1) the fax machine listens to DTMF and is 
programmed to wait for *51 before answering, OR 2) the telco listens 
for *51 and keeps ringing the line even after the receiver hangs up.

The poster seems to be indicating #1.  If it is the case, then the 
answer is no.  BUT, if you wanted to program faxgetty to sit in voice 
mode, listening for *51, and then to switch into fax mode and answer 
the call, it could be done.

Frankly, distinctive ring would be a much better solution for this kind 
of single-line fax and voice usage.


On 2003.07.24 09:15 Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 Can we do this? From Mandrake newbie's list.
 -Original Message-
 From: Warren Post [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 12:11 AM
 To: Newbie list
 Subject: [newbie] Remotely answer incoming fax?
 I am looking for fax software that will let me remotely receive an
 incoming fax. By which I mean:
 In my restaurant I have one phone line, which is used for both voice
 fax. The phone is answered in the kitchen, and the fax machine was in
 the office. When an incoming fax came in, the person answering the
 only had to enter a remote answer code (*51) on the phone's keypad to
 signal the fax machine to receive the incoming fax.
 Now my fax machine has died and I'd like to do the same thing with my
 computer's fax modem. So far I can't find any reference to any such
 feature in Efax or HylaFAX (I'm assuming such a feature would have to
 implemented on the backend). Any leads, anyone?
 Warren Post
 Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras
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Re: [newbie] MS is at it again... Now Really OT!!!

2003-07-25 Thread Daryl Johnson
On Thursday 24 Jul 2003 11:53 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 Todd Slater wrote:
  Why is it that the only time anybody gets their panties in a bunch is
  when the talk turns political and controversial? 

The reason I jumped in to this particular thread was because I was not 
prepared to let Anne be abused without saying something.  There is nothing as 
impotent as a list at such times, nevertheless to sit by and say nothing 
would have been both unacceptable and shaming.

As for the original flames I wrote twice, off-list, to the poster being 
abusive but, when the flames were directed publicly at a member of the list 
who is unfailingly courteous and attempts to help anyone with a problem...

As I say it's an impotent action really, nevertheless the opinion MUST be 
posted.  Arguments that the flames should be allowed to die only allow the 
flamer to assume that his, or her behaviour, is acceptable in public company.



The Arkansas legislature passed a law that states that the Arkansas
River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock.

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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 25 July 2003 09:43, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Jus pulling yer leg mate;o)

 Heheheheh...ya know, I used to loosen my mates' anchor chains before
 they went out for a sail...(at least the smart-arsed ones)...(g)

We challenged 'em to a race after we'd tied all sorts of bags, buckets and 
other junk to their hull the night before.
We'd make sure they were slobbering drunk too on those nights;o)
Good luck,


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Re: [newbie] SBr Temp

2003-07-25 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 12:51, Chris wrote:
 I asked Dennis what this was off-list and hes not sure, so I'll throw this out 
 to the rest.  Below is my sensors output, what is SBr temp?

Spectral Band Replication
Scientifically Based Research
Short Barrel Rifle
Space Based Radar
Styrene Butadiene Rubber
Sequencing Batch Reactor
System Board Resistor/Resistance
Seat Belt Reminder
Similarity Based Regression
Sudden Bradycardia Response

Fri Jul 25 17:45:01 EST 2003
 17:45:01 up 11 days,  9:48,  3 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.42, 0.44
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Enough research will tend to support your conclusions
-- Murphy's In Laws n13

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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 13:18, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Thursday 24 July 2003 07:07 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Tanx mate. Living on karma.
 Can I buy that in a six pack? grin

Someone in the next holler might be brewin' it mate.

Fri Jul 25 18:15:00 EST 2003
 18:15:00 up 11 days, 10:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.21, 0.24
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

A farmer is a man outstanding in his field.

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RE: [newbie] urpmi as a user and not root

2003-07-25 Thread Tony S. Sykes

Looking through the man pages again. I have found you can set a user and
password for the proxy to authenticate against. SORRY for wasting your
time but hopefully it will help somebody else. i.e. read the man pages
more carefully.



-Original Message-
From: ed tharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 7:04 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] urpmi as a user and not root

On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 11:05, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 It is my works network which has the server. They don't want to create
 root account as this is a possible security risk due to it being one
 the most hacked accounts (as well as admin). So I can authenticate as
 user through my Linux box, so I tried the old trick of changing my
 gid and uid, but it still sends the root user and pass. Changed that
 back now though. All I need is a way to get root to send the auth to
 proxy server as me somehow.
it is possible to add yourself or anyone else to a group like wheel
and give that group permissions to install anything that root has, heck
you can change the name of root, if you want to,,, it is linux after all

 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 3:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] urpmi as a user and not root
 On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 15:07:25 +0100
 Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to do urpmi as a user and not root. Reason being is I
  am behind a ms proxy which authenticates user id's. They will not
  create a root one for me so it will have to be my own user for the
  updates. How do I do this? Can I do this?

 I'm not sure if it is possible, when installing software in Linux it
 needs to put files into directory's that a normal user does not have
 write access in. This is why when compiling from source you need to
 become root to do the make install step of the installation.
 I don't know much about proxy's except i don't like them personally
 i would think its not to hard for them to do something for you.
 You only need root access to the computer you wish to do urpmi on so
 you can access the net as root you sould be able to use urpmi. Is it
 your isp that has this proxy or is it on your network or are u on a
 computer where you dont have root access ?
 Dan Gordon


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This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
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Business Computer Projects Ltd
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Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 17:48, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Friday 25 July 2003 09:43, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   Jus pulling yer leg mate;o)
  Heheheheh...ya know, I used to loosen my mates' anchor chains before
  they went out for a sail...(at least the smart-arsed ones)...(g)
 We challenged 'em to a race after we'd tied all sorts of bags, buckets and 
 other junk to their hull the night before.
 We'd make sure they were slobbering drunk too on those nights;o)

Best I did so far was to remove two props from a Chriscraft; mate was
anchored in a little harbour in Ft. Lauderdale across from the Bahia
Mar...was really funny watching him stress out in the morning when the
boat wasn't going anywhere - checked everything - transmissions,
throuhgh-hull fittings, engines, hydraulics - before he jumped into the
nasty brackish water, I showed him the props sitting in my dinghy under
a tarp...(that was a mean thing to do after a heavy night of drinking).

Fri Jul 25 18:20:00 EST 2003
 18:20:00 up 11 days, 10:23,  3 users,  load average: 0.64, 0.47, 0.33
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Committee Rules:
(1) Never arrive on time, or you will be stamped a beginner.
(2) Don't say anything until the meeting is half over; this
stamps you as being wise.
(3) Be as vague as possible; this prevents irritating the
(4) When in doubt, suggest that a subcommittee be appointed.
(5) Be the first to move for adjournment; this will make you
popular -- it's what everyone is waiting for.

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Re: [newbie] RAM question

2003-07-25 Thread Sharrea
 On Friday 25 July 2003 02:05 am, crak600 wrote:
  ok, i was tooling around and decided to see how much ram i was
  currently using.  i have 768mb installed and linux knows it (running a
  950 processor, decent speed combo).  so i look at i'm fluctuating
  between 5 and 20mb of free ram left.  so i think this just can't be
  right, i mean, to use up ALL that ram when i all i hvae running is a
  media player, gaim, mozilla, and kmail. so i do a search and i read
  that it's normal for linux to do this because it's not actually using
  the ramm it's just keeping things stored there kinda like a hard disc
  for when it has to use itor something like that.  is that really
  what it's doing?  the system hasn't been running excessively long, only
  about a day and a half.
  anyway, this just boggled me and was wondering if anyone could inform
  me if this is really true or if something is wrong here.  thanks!

On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 18:11, crak600 wrote:
 i just fired up ksim and it says i've got 588M physical ram free.  but
 why is there a discrepancy between what it says when i check memory and
 in ksim? any ideas?

Difference is likely one takes the cache into account while the other is 
reporting without cache.  There is nothing to worry about.  Linux stores a 
lot in cache but releases what is required when needed (like opening 
another app).  This way Linux makes the best use of your ram.

Someone else may have a better explanation but thats the basic gist of it.

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today

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Re: [newbie] RAM question

2003-07-25 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 25 July 2003 10:49, Sharrea wrote:

 Difference is likely one takes the cache into account while the other is
 reporting without cache.  There is nothing to worry about.  Linux stores a
 lot in cache but releases what is required when needed (like opening
 another app).  This way Linux makes the best use of your ram.

 Someone else may have a better explanation but thats the basic gist of it.


Or as Civileme once aptly stated: Memory unused is memory wasted
Everything is the way it should be:o)
Good luck,


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[newbie] Install on VMWare

2003-07-25 Thread Jose Carlos Silva
Title: Install on VMWare

 I'm trying to install Mandrake 9.1 on VMWare 3 but all the time hangs.

 Can you help me 

Beste Regards,

José Carlos Silva

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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 09:00, Cody Harris wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 7:50 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures
  On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 11:28, Cody Harris wrote:
   I shut down cron
  cron is a very important part of the GNU/Linux system, mate...
 I sends me e-mails like every second complaining, so i turned it off.
not to sound any dumber than usual, but why not repiar why it was
sending you messages? did you ever _READ_ the message? 

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread John Richard Smith
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Thursday 24 Jul 2003 11:27 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

OK, but, now what is wrong ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi.addmedia mozilla
e/9.1/contrib/RPMS with
added medium mozilla
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
retrieving description file of mozilla...
retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of mozilla...
e/9.1/contrib/RPMS/ ...retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with
19 or signal 0
retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium mozilla
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
problem reading synthesis file of medium mozilla
unable to update medium mozilla

You have made exactly the same mistake again.
Instead of you have typed
You only have to enter that ftp address in the url line of a browser and you 
can see what the file is called.

I am  curious. Why are you entering a 9.1 contrib source and calling it 
'mozilla'. (Mozilla is not even in that source) I know from previous posts 
you have already defined contrib sources before?


Well, it would seem I remain completely baffled by this urpmi setup 

I thought I found mozilla1.4 here, seems I am mistaken.

I don't think I am going to ever learn these mysterious incantations of 
a masonic rights of passage crossword puzzle of a command line.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] MS is at it again... Now Really OT!!!

2003-07-25 Thread ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 23:00, Cornerstone Community Farm wrote:
 Carroll, You MISSED the point!
 The point is in the course of REAL life, with real people
 (versus robots or machines), issues involving philosophy and other non-list 
 discussions come up.  (boats, beer, politics, you name it)
 It seems odd to me that you could miss such an obvious point, as just the fact 
 that OT topics come up on a newbie list shows we are dealing with real 
 people, not robots:)

In most businesses these days, worker bees have certian rules
regarding wasting company time with personal business including phone
while you may not like considering yourself a robot, for the most part,
our creative side must be controlled and our robot (or working) sides
used. _This_ list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is run for business
purpose's, and while almost no business would chase a customer that was
chatting in the lobby (or hanging out in the OT lists) away, they might
escort him to a different area than the welding production area of the
manufacturing portion of plant (the equivalent of cooker, and to a less
extent all the lists [EMAIL PROTECTED], imho). 

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RE: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 18:11, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Look, I'd be more than happy to answer real questions for Cody if Cody
 wanted to make use of the information properly, run his system properly,
 answer threaded emails properly, have some decency and respect for those
 of us that are willing to lend a hand instead of constantly biting the
 hand that feeds...
 My rant is over with.

what, are you upset because he has an old as fsck compaq? g

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RE: [newbie] Install on VMWare

2003-07-25 Thread Tony S. Sykes
Title: Install on VMWare

Where does it hang, when I installed it, it was fine. What are your 
system specs? What are the vmware system setting?


  -Original Message-From: Jose Carlos Silva 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 
  12:30 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  Install on VMWare
  trying to install Mandrake 9.1 on VMWare 3 but all the time hangs. 
   Can you 
  help me  
  Beste Regards, 
  José Carlos 
  Silva ***Este 
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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 23:18, Cody Harris wrote:

 Ha ha, i love doom. My friend makes maps. But these dayz i don't have much
 time. My webhosting business is up to 450 demanding users. And only one of
 me. Busy busy busy!

why not drop over to Mandrake biz cases,

and if you use Mandrake for your servers, get a little free publicty.

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread Robin Turner
John Richard Smith wrote:
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Thursday 24 Jul 2003 11:27 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

OK, but, now what is wrong ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi.addmedia mozilla 

e/9.1/contrib/RPMS with
added medium mozilla
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file 
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
retrieving description file of mozilla...
retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of mozilla... 

e/9.1/contrib/RPMS/ ...retrieving failed: curl failed: 
exited with
19 or signal 0

retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium mozilla
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
problem reading synthesis file of medium mozilla
unable to update medium mozilla

You have made exactly the same mistake again.
Instead of you have typed
You only have to enter that ftp address in the url line of a browser 
and you can see what the file is called.

I am  curious. Why are you entering a 9.1 contrib source and calling 
it 'mozilla'. (Mozilla is not even in that source) I know from 
previous posts you have already defined contrib sources before?


Well, it would seem I remain completely baffled by this urpmi setup 

I thought I found mozilla1.4 here, seems I am mistaken.

I don't think I am going to ever learn these mysterious incantations of 
a masonic rights of passage crossword puzzle of a command line.

All you will ever need:

Sir Robin

A strategy is still being formulated.
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread Derek Jennings

 Well, it would seem I remain completely baffled by this urpmi setup 
 I thought I found mozilla1.4 here, seems I am mistaken.
 I don't think I am going to ever learn these mysterious incantations of 
 a masonic rights of passage crossword puzzle of a command line.
 John Richard Smith

OK you want mozilla 1.4

Mozilla 1.4 is in Texstars urpmi repository.
How do I know? Because I looked in

If you have already defined Texstar as a urpmi source, then you need to update your 
local lists of the source contents. The command to do that is
urpmi.update -a(the -a means update all online sources)

Your local database will then know that mozilla 1.4 is in the texstar source.

urpmi mozilla
will cause your mozilla to be updated to the most recent version listed in your 
sources (which will be 1.4 from texstar). Alternatively you could use the rpmdrake GUI 
to install mozilla.

If you were to make a weekly cron job containing the command 'urpmi.update -a', then 
you would be able to always find the most recent version of the packages you are 
interested in using either urpmi or rpmdrake (webmin is good for creating cron jobs)


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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread ed tharp
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 19:07, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 08:58, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  On Friday 25 July 2003 00:11, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   Look, I'd be more than happy to answer real questions for Cody if Cody
   wanted to make use of the information properly, run his system properly,
   answer threaded emails properly, have some decency and respect for those
   of us that are willing to lend a hand instead of constantly biting the
   hand that feeds...
   My rant is over with.
  I second the rant...Cody does seem to take the easy way out or has to review 
  his attitude. 
  BTW: Stephen on trying to find this mail back so I could reply to it...I saw 
  (whilst doing a search on kuhn) that you've sent 1642 messages to this list 
  since 9.1 is out (i.e. 9.0 wasn't a topic anymore).
  Incredible for someone who has dial-up.keep on trucking:o)
 Tanx mate. Living on karma..

and too much caffine

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Re: [newbie] what do i add to /etc/fstab to automount samba shareson boot ? user/pass/domain required

2003-07-25 Thread Robin Turner
ed tharp wrote:
On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 09:40, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 19:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

what do i add to /etc/fstab to automount samba shares on boot ? 
user/pass/domain required
Instead of doing it in the /etc/fstab - why not create a script that you
can call from the /etc/rc.d/rc.local - so that if the network is hosed
up, it ain't going to muck up your system or drag down performance...?
(Really easy to export a mountscript from LinNeighborhood - ya don't
need to know anything at all - it does it for ya) Just FYI

man I wanted to see how long before he complained that if the windows
box was hosed, he could not reboot into linux, that it hung right after
starting eth0.
You're evil ;-)

I discovered the joys of rc relatively recently, when I used it for my 
dialup connection.  Has the advantage that you can trash X and stay 
online, not to mention not having to fiddle with Kppp.

Sir Robin

A strategy is still being formulated.
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] RAM question

2003-07-25 Thread crak600
On Thursday 24 July 2003 07:01 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Friday 25 July 2003 03:37 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  On Friday 25 July 2003 10:49, Sharrea wrote:
   Difference is likely one takes the cache into account while the other
   is reporting without cache.  There is nothing to worry about.  Linux
   stores a lot in cache but releases what is required when needed (like
   opening another app).  This way Linux makes the best use of your ram.
   Someone else may have a better explanation but thats the basic gist of
  Or as Civileme once aptly stated: Memory unused is memory wasted
  Everything is the way it should be:o)

 Or as we used to say
 Nothing is more useless than Altitude above you
 or Runway behind you

thank you.  i think i got it now.  i was just kinda confused because i've 
looked at it before and it's never been that full.  ksim shows one, the 
memory shows another, and yeah, i can understand that it's cache-ing it and 
not diong any harm.  i think i got it.  the system moves fast enough and 
smooth enough for what i've got in here, so i think i'm diong ok.  thanks 
again for the explanations!


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Re: [newbie] SBr Temp

2003-07-25 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Friday 25 July 2003 04:17 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 12:51, Chris wrote:
  I asked Dennis what this was off-list and hes not sure, so I'll throw
  this out to the rest.  Below is my sensors output, what is SBr temp?

 Spectral Band Replication
 Scientifically Based Research
 Short Barrel Rifle
 Space Based Radar
 Styrene Butadiene Rubber
 Sequencing Batch Reactor
 System Board Resistor/Resistance
 Seat Belt Reminder
 Similarity Based Regression
 Sudden Bradycardia Response

Seriously Big reply!  :-)


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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread John Richard Smith
Robin Turner wrote:

John Richard Smith wrote:

Derek Jennings wrote:

On Thursday 24 Jul 2003 11:27 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

OK, but, now what is wrong ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi.addmedia mozilla
e/9.1/contrib/RPMS with
added medium mozilla
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
examining synthesis file 
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
retrieving description file of mozilla...
retrieving source hdlist (or synthesis) of mozilla...
e/9.1/contrib/RPMS/ ...retrieving failed: curl failed: 
exited with
19 or signal 0

retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed
no hdlist file found for medium mozilla
examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
problem reading synthesis file of medium mozilla
unable to update medium mozilla

You have made exactly the same mistake again.
Instead of you have typed
You only have to enter that ftp address in the url line of a browser 
and you can see what the file is called.

I am  curious. Why are you entering a 9.1 contrib source and calling 
it 'mozilla'. (Mozilla is not even in that source) I know from 
previous posts you have already defined contrib sources before?


Well, it would seem I remain completely baffled by this urpmi setup 

I thought I found mozilla1.4 here, seems I am mistaken.

I don't think I am going to ever learn these mysterious incantations 
of a masonic rights of passage crossword puzzle of a command line.

All you will ever need:

Sir Robin

It hasn't helped me much


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] MS in trouble, sorry it's kinda OT

2003-07-25 Thread crak600,15114,466180,00.html

i don't think this has been posted yet, and i think it's definetly worth a 
read.  i came across this last night and just laughed.  it's pretty funny 
that the company that's working to stop piracy of their operating systems is 
now getting in trouble for something like this.  how ironic!  it's even 
better that InterTrust tried to give them a heads up about patents and 
microsoft forged ahead anyway.  how funny would it be if they actually were 
ordered to stop sales of their XP and related software and the world had to 
turn elsewhere?  (guess there'd be more NEW newbies like me hanging around!)

sorry if it's OT posted to the regular list, but i'm not on the OT list.  so 
if it's really OT, we just won't send out any replies to the list...sound 
fair?  :)

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread John Richard Smith
Derek Jennings wrote:


Well, it would seem I remain completely baffled by this urpmi setup 

I thought I found mozilla1.4 here, seems I am mistaken.

I don't think I am going to ever learn these mysterious incantations of 
a masonic rights of passage crossword puzzle of a command line.


John Richard Smith


OK you want mozilla 1.4

Mozilla 1.4 is in Texstars urpmi repository.
How do I know? Because I looked in
If you have already defined Texstar as a urpmi source, then you need to update your 
local lists of the source contents. The command to do that is
urpmi.update -a(the -a means update all online sources)
Your local database will then know that mozilla 1.4 is in the texstar source.

urpmi mozilla
will cause your mozilla to be updated to the most recent version listed in your 
sources (which will be 1.4 from texstar). Alternatively you could use the rpmdrake GUI 
to install mozilla.
If you were to make a weekly cron job containing the command 'urpmi.update -a', then you would be able to always find the most recent version of the packages you are interested in using either urpmi or rpmdrake (webmin is good for creating cron jobs)



Isn't there some way I can just find out what packages I need, download 
them using a download programme line d4x , stick the packages in a 
directory all by themselves, cd to the diesctory sources,  and urpmi to 
install them for me.



John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Installing on a SCSI system

2003-07-25 Thread Miark
I have 8.2 on my gateway/firewall machine. I'd like 9.1 on
there, but the damn thing won't boot to the CD. If I go
into the SCSI bios and monkey with it that the drive is
basically hidden, I can boot to CD; but because the hard
drive is hidden, I can't install!

The comp's bios is set to boot from CD first, but the 
SCSI always takes over. How do I exit this loop?


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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 25 July 2003 21:52, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Isn't there some way I can just find out what packages I need, download
 them using a download programme line d4x , stick the packages in a
 directory all by themselves, cd to the diesctory sources,  and urpmi to
 install them for me.



Nothing easier than that, especially if you're using KDE.

Open your home directory, split the window then type in the bar ftp://url of 
the site/etc./9.1 and connect.

Then just drag  drop the packages you want to your home directory. or if 
you don't want to save them, just click (or double click) them there and 
install. In the latter case you obviously don't need to split the window:o)
You'll only be prompted for your root password once:o)
Good luck,


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[newbie] questions about mdk 9.1

2003-07-25 Thread manolis

Hi to all the people in the list. I have some questions about my linux mdk
 9.1 installation.

#1. After a by-mistake reset at the time the mdk 9.1 was doing fsck check
 in my system. Some files have been lost.
The only way to find out what files are missing from my installation is
kpackage that give a long list of all files in every rpm of the system.
I am pretty newbie to linux so I would like to make a total rpm check in my
system so all the files that are missing from my system to be updated from
the installation disks. Is it possible?
I don't want to reinstall the OS. I take the reinstallation of mdk 9.1 as a
In the past 3 moths I fought heavilly with all the problems I faced , trying
to avoid reinstallation .. :)

#2. the last days I cannot load inside KDE any application that wants su
rights. (like mcc for example). I can go to terminal and type su and then
mcc to load it . But when I click on the icon the application doesn't load!
The same time a strange problem has appeared. When I login in KDE I get the
network configuration wizard that wants me to enter root password to
configure my network. I must click cancel to enter to desktop.
I don't know for sure, but I think those two problems are related some how.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Re: [newbie] Installing on a SCSI system

2003-07-25 Thread Erylon Hines
You shouldn't need to make any changes in the SCSI bios.  All changes should 
be made in the system bios--I've done a lot of SCSI installations, and I've 
never reset the SCSI bios.  The first thing I would try is turning off 
booting from SCSI and Harddisk in my system bios, choosing CDROM, Floppy, 
Zip, or whatever.  Then try it again.  If that works, don't forget to turn it 
on again at first boot, after install.  If that doesn't work, I would make a 
boot floppy and try starting the install that way.  Last, there is always the 
hard disk install (I have had to do that once, but the system was ide, not 

On Friday 25 July 2003 11:54 am, Miark wrote:
 I have 8.2 on my gateway/firewall machine. I'd like 9.1 on
 there, but the damn thing won't boot to the CD. If I go
 into the SCSI bios and monkey with it that the drive is
 basically hidden, I can boot to CD; but because the hard
 drive is hidden, I can't install!

 The comp's bios is set to boot from CD first, but the
 SCSI always takes over. How do I exit this loop?


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Re: [newbie] Installing on a SCSI system

2003-07-25 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Miark wrote:

I have 8.2 on my gateway/firewall machine. I'd like 9.1 on
there, but the damn thing won't boot to the CD. If I go
into the SCSI bios and monkey with it that the drive is
basically hidden, I can boot to CD; but because the hard
drive is hidden, I can't install!
The comp's bios is set to boot from CD first, but the 
SCSI always takes over. How do I exit this loop?


Often there will be a separate bios option to boot either scsi or ide.  
I know that's how it is on my Asus. You would need to change that one as 

Hope that helps.

Brant Fitzsimmons

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.
-George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903)
Maxims for Revolutionists

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 25 Jul 2003 8:52 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Derek Jennings wrote:
 Well, it would seem I remain completely baffled by this urpmi setup
 I thought I found mozilla1.4 here, seems I am mistaken.
 I don't think I am going to ever learn these mysterious incantations of
 a masonic rights of passage crossword puzzle of a command line.
 John Richard Smith
 OK you want mozilla 1.4
 Mozilla 1.4 is in Texstars urpmi repository.
 How do I know? Because I looked in
 If you have already defined Texstar as a urpmi source, then you need to
  update your local lists of the source contents. The command to do that is
  urpmi.update -a(the -a means update all online sources)
 Your local database will then know that mozilla 1.4 is in the texstar
 urpmi mozilla
 will cause your mozilla to be updated to the most recent version listed in
  your sources (which will be 1.4 from texstar). Alternatively you could
  use the rpmdrake GUI to install mozilla.
 If you were to make a weekly cron job containing the command 'urpmi.update
  -a', then you would be able to always find the most recent version of the
  packages you are interested in using either urpmi or rpmdrake (webmin is
  good for creating cron jobs)

 Isn't there some way I can just find out what packages I need, download
 them using a download programme line d4x , stick the packages in a
 directory all by themselves, cd to the diesctory sources,  and urpmi to
 install them for me.



Why do you want to do things the hard way?
It really is very simple.
You define a list of online sources using either urpmi.addmedia or the sources 
GUI in rpmdrake. Each source has a name to reflect what is in it.
For example 'main' is the main distro and is exactly the same as the CDs
'contrib' is the extra applications not on the CDs
'texstar' are the applications added by Texstar
'plf' are those applications not in the distro for legal reasons.
'update' are the applications updated by Mandrake

Once your sources are added you never touch them again. But you do have to 
update your local list of the sources contents because they can change (main 
and contrib will not.)
urpmi.update -a will update the lists, just run it before you want to install 
anything. Alternatively press the 'Update' button in the Mandrake software 
sources manager. It does the same thing.
 Then just use the Mandrake software Manager GUI. All the applications will be 
listed. The GUI gives you the option to list packages 'by upgrade 
availability'. Just click on any you want to install.

BTW: Just clicking on an rpm using konqueror will install it using gurpmi You 
do not even have to download it. Gurpmi will automatically use urpmi to get 
any dependencies needed from any source. But if you have not been running 
urpmi.update it is possible for the local list to be out of sync with the 
remote sources, and the install will fail.
***The key to success is to run urpmi.update -a regularly***


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RE: [newbie] Installing on a SCSI system

2003-07-25 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
Same setup here. IDE CDROM and SCSI disks.

Try getting into the SCSI BIOS. (With Adaptec, you'll see a Ctrl A prompt
after your PC BIOS loads.) There, you should be able to find the option that
makes it work. If it's not Adaptec, there should be something similar.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Miark
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 11:55 AM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Installing on a SCSI system

I have 8.2 on my gateway/firewall machine. I'd like 9.1 on
there, but the damn thing won't boot to the CD. If I go
into the SCSI bios and monkey with it that the drive is
basically hidden, I can boot to CD; but because the hard
drive is hidden, I can't install!

The comp's bios is set to boot from CD first, but the
SCSI always takes over. How do I exit this loop?


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[newbie] Xfree86 devel failed to install

2003-07-25 Thread Kristjan

I might need a small help to install XFree86-devel

#urpmi  XFree86-devel:  

error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/include/GL: cpio: rename
failed - Is a directory

What that might need to install ?


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Re: [newbie] i'm looking for a very good WYSIWYG editor other thanMozilla composer

2003-07-25 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Warren Post wrote:

Take a look at IBM WebSphere. It's not free, but it's just as good as
Dreamweaver and costs a lot less.
When you have the time, consider learning hand coding. It is not as hard
as it seems, and hand coding is the only way you are going to get your
sites exactly how you want them.
Here's a link for it:
Long, huh.

Brant Fitzsimmons

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.
-George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903)
Maxims for Revolutionists

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[newbie] Help please

2003-07-25 Thread gilligan
I got LM 9.2b1 installed and running nicely except:
I can't find


when I click on (KDE desktop) K button the only options that are available are
quick browser
run command
lock screen

Help please. How do I add Koffice, gnumeric,etc? (please make it simple. I'm a 
WinXP user converting to a real OS)


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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 25 July 2003 22:19, Derek Jennings wrote:
 with the remote sources, and the install will fail.
 ***The key to success is to run urpmi.update -a regularly***


I for one do not agree! Some way or other (especially) the plf site refuses to 
update using curl. Be it using the update utility in MCC or the CML with 
urpmi.update plf..etc.
The only way I can get this to work is: urpmi.removemedia plf and then 
urpmi.addmedia plf etc..
Somehow the plf doesn't want to be reread or refreshed:o(

I'm not quit in the clear either, i.e. maybe you can shed some light:

Normally the sits with the rpms in the same directory, in the case 
of my mirror (time4t) it sits in the directory 9.1 after which I have to go 
into the lower (or is it higher?) directory i586.
Could that be the problem? Just shooting in the dark here.
Good luck,


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Re: [newbie] i'm looking for a very good WYSIWYG editor other than Mozilla composer

2003-07-25 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Friday 25 July 2003 23:31, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Warren Post wrote:
 Take a look at IBM WebSphere. It's not free, but it's just as good as
 Dreamweaver and costs a lot less.
 When you have the time, consider learning hand coding. It is not as hard
 as it seems, and hand coding is the only way you are going to get your
 sites exactly how you want them.

 Here's a link for it:

 Long, huh.

Before I even think of downloading it (methinks I've got it on a CD 
somewhere) what's the code look like?
I actually like mozilla composer and the code it produces. I'm nowhere near at 
creating better code by hand, frankly.

If its about integrating flashplayer, etc..don't!!! The content has 
got to be real shit, if it needs stuf like that to be accepted or even read! 
Easy way out: Do not publish shit'!
Good luck,


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Re: [newbie] Help please

2003-07-25 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 25 Jul 2003 10:19 pm, gilligan wrote:
 I got LM 9.2b1 installed and running nicely except:
 I can't find


 when I click on (KDE desktop) K button the only options that are available
 are bookmarks
 quick browser
 run command
 lock screen

 Help please. How do I add Koffice, gnumeric,etc? (please make it simple.
 I'm a WinXP user converting to a real OS)


If you are a new Linux user then *do not use* Mdk 9.2 Beta1

It is ***beta*** code It *will*  be incomplete and will have bugs.

For a stable release use Mandrake 9.1



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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread John Richard Smith
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Friday 25 July 2003 21:52, John Richard Smith wrote:


Isn't there some way I can just find out what packages I need, download
them using a download programme line d4x , stick the packages in a
directory all by themselves, cd to the diesctory sources,  and urpmi to
install them for me.


Nothing easier than that, especially if you're using KDE.

Open your home directory, split the window then type in the bar ftp://url of 
the site/etc./9.1 and connect.

Then just drag  drop the packages you want to your home directory. or if 
you don't want to save them, just click (or double click) them there and 
install. In the latter case you obviously don't need to split the window:o)
You'll only be prompted for your root password once:o)

Yes, I see what you mean, but I don't see how you know what set of 
packages to download, because in linux they never seem able to budle the 
lot into one or two packages.

Take the Mozilla instance above, how do I know what other packages makes 
a completed list of packages ?
Especially when updating ?


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] User IDs start at 500 or 501?

2003-07-25 Thread Andy Davidson
I just installed 9.1 on a new system and ran into a difference between
how the installer creates new users and how drakconf does.  I created
a couple of users during the install and they ended up with uid = 501
and 502.  As they always have on previous versions of Mandrake.

Then when the system was up I created several more, very carefully
creating them in the same order as on our other systems.  After I
spent all the time getting them created and set up, I discovered that
they did not match the uid's on our other systems.  It seems that
drakconf starts its numbering at 500.  So, using letters for the order
in which I created them, the users were a=501, b=502, c=500, d=503,
e=504, etc.

I had to rip out all the users from c up, create a dummy at 500 and
redo them.

Argghhh. Why?

Andy Davidson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you know what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 25 Jul 2003 10:47 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Friday 25 July 2003 22:19, Derek Jennings wrote:
  with the remote sources, and the install will fail.
  ***The key to success is to run urpmi.update -a regularly***

 I for one do not agree! Some way or other (especially) the plf site refuses
 to update using curl. Be it using the update utility in MCC or the CML with
 urpmi.update plf..etc.
 The only way I can get this to work is: urpmi.removemedia plf and then
 urpmi.addmedia plf etc..
 Somehow the plf doesn't want to be reread or refreshed:o(

 I'm not quit in the clear either, i.e. maybe you can shed some light:

 Normally the sits with the rpms in the same directory, in the
 case of my mirror (time4t) it sits in the directory 9.1 after which I have
 to go into the lower (or is it higher?) directory i586.
 Could that be the problem? Just shooting in the dark here.

There are a couple of issues here.

1/ Some of the mirrors are *very* slow. Especially the plf ones.
The only plf mirror I find consistent is 'club-internet'. Even that one is 
slow compared to a normal mirror.
Some of the normal mirrors are also slow. I find the Spanish mirror 'rediris' 
is consistently fast. Find a good mirror and your updates will fly through.

2/ There is an issue with urpmi and curl in the stock Mandrake 9.1 distro. For 
example downloads from the Mandrake_Club mirror are impossible unless you use 
the --wget switch to force wget instead of curl.  (wget and curl are both 
'download managers') There is an update for urpmi and curl on the Mandrake 
update mirrors. Once you have your update sources defined  be sure to update 
urpmi and curl among your first updates and you will have no more problems.

3/ and are files containing a list of packages 
on a mirror. The file is a simple list, while the file also contains descriptions and a list of files within 
packages. You can choose which of them you use when you download the source 
contents. Because the file is so much larger the file is a better choice for dial up users.
The and files can exist in the same folder as 
the actual packages or may be on a different folder on the server. So when 
you specify a source with urpmi.addmedia it is necessary to specify where the 
list file is relative to the packages folder.

For example 'with'  means is in the 
same folder.
But 'with ../base/'  means 'up' one folder, then down into folder 
'base' to find the file.
If you find this confusing then just use the 'easy urpmi' page at to work it out for you. Or else 
install the urpmi.setup RPM and run the urpmi.setup GUI to work it out for 

You may notice some files are called  The reason for this is that 
the Mandrake mirrors keep alll the hdlist files in one folder. The 
file refers to the 'contrib' packages.





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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread John Richard Smith
Derek Jennings wrote:

On Friday 25 Jul 2003 10:47 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Friday 25 July 2003 22:19, Derek Jennings wrote:

with the remote sources, and the install will fail.
***The key to success is to run urpmi.update -a regularly***

I for one do not agree! Some way or other (especially) the plf site refuses
to update using curl. Be it using the update utility in MCC or the CML with
urpmi.update plf..etc.
The only way I can get this to work is: urpmi.removemedia plf and then
urpmi.addmedia plf etc..
Somehow the plf doesn't want to be reread or refreshed:o(
I'm not quit in the clear either, i.e. maybe you can shed some light:

Normally the sits with the rpms in the same directory, in the
case of my mirror (time4t) it sits in the directory 9.1 after which I have
to go into the lower (or is it higher?) directory i586.
Could that be the problem? Just shooting in the dark here.

There are a couple of issues here.

1/ Some of the mirrors are *very* slow. Especially the plf ones.
The only plf mirror I find consistent is 'club-internet'. Even that one is 
slow compared to a normal mirror.
Some of the normal mirrors are also slow. I find the Spanish mirror 'rediris' 
is consistently fast. Find a good mirror and your updates will fly through.

2/ There is an issue with urpmi and curl in the stock Mandrake 9.1 distro. For 
example downloads from the Mandrake_Club mirror are impossible unless you use 
the --wget switch to force wget instead of curl.  (wget and curl are both 
'download managers') There is an update for urpmi and curl on the Mandrake 
update mirrors. Once you have your update sources defined  be sure to update 
urpmi and curl among your first updates and you will have no more problems.

3/ and are files containing a list of packages 
on a mirror. The file is a simple list, while the file also contains descriptions and a list of files within 
packages. You can choose which of them you use when you download the source 
contents. Because the file is so much larger the file is a better choice for dial up users.
The and files can exist in the same folder as 
the actual packages or may be on a different folder on the server. So when 
you specify a source with urpmi.addmedia it is necessary to specify where the 
list file is relative to the packages folder.

For example 'with'  means is in the 
same folder.
But 'with ../base/'  means 'up' one folder, then down into folder 
'base' to find the file.
If you find this confusing then just use the 'easy urpmi' page at to work it out for you. Or else 
install the urpmi.setup RPM and run the urpmi.setup GUI to work it out for 

You may notice some files are called  The reason for this is that 
the Mandrake mirrors keep alll the hdlist files in one folder. The 
file refers to the 'contrib' packages.



Thanks Derek, tis a lot clearer now .
But , pray, tell this newbie , what is a contrib,
What's the difference between the various RPM,  RPMS,and I already know 
SCRPM is source code rpm's , and any others.

I find the various long list of rpm types confusing.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Help please

2003-07-25 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Friday 25 July 2003 09:19 pm, gilligan wrote:
 I got LM 9.2b1 installed and running nicely except:
 I can't find


 when I click on (KDE desktop) K button the only options that
 are available are bookmarks
 quick browser
 run command
 lock screen

 Help please. How do I add Koffice, gnumeric,etc? (please make
 it simple. I'm a WinXP user converting to a real OS)


Gilligan, just one notice : 9.2b1 is - as its name implies - a 
beta distribution. Don't expect everything to work perfectly.
If you are new to Linux (as I am for 5 years now), don't mess 
with betas or RC's (release candidates) but stick to stable, 
proven releases. Furthermore, Mandrake is always on the *cutting 
edge* of developement, so even the *stable* releases are buggy 
or incomplete. That's part of the fun, though.

Conclusion : forget about 9.2 until it has been officially 
released, then wait another month or two while reading this 
list, take notes on important issues (not the political ones !) 
and then : download and install, with notes at hand.


Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux - Mandrake 9.1 -kernel 2.4.21-0.24mdk
Brought to you from a 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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[newbie] mathematica 4.0

2003-07-25 Thread manolis
I installed a mathematica trial version for linux.

The program works fine in computations and all except the keyboard.
Some function keys don't give good output.
For example I cannot use the Backspace or del key to delete somthing..
In place of a character removal I get a box character...
I also noticed that mathematica has an option that spells: Pure keys
When I enable that I can no longer write anything until I disable it.

Any experience in this?

Mandrake 9.1 with all updates excpet kernel

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Saturday 26 July 2003 01:20, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Yes, I see what you mean, but I don't see how you know what set of
 packages to download, because in linux they never seem able to budle the
 lot into one or two packages.

 Take the Mozilla instance above, how do I know what other packages makes
 a completed list of packages ?
 Especially when updating ?


Well frankly, I do download i.e. save the packages for other machines on my 
network so I never have to dl the same package twice.
This means a first try at downloadinging and installing, and if it asked for 
other (dependent) packages... I take note and add them next time.
It's almost like the install orgies in the old days with rpm.
Once you get the hang of it, there's no stopping any more:o)
Note: I only do this on my cable (=broadband) connection.

If you dont have the broadband, go to, look up the specific 
package and read the depencies beforehand. They're all there in the .html 
file, just scroll down a bit.
Actually urpmi was created to put an end to all this. It does just that as 
long as the files are good enough. There's the weak spot!
Good luck,


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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread H.J.Bathoorn
On Saturday 26 July 2003 00:23, Derek Jennings wrote:

It did, as I knew it would:o)

Thank you very much for your consistent help and effort. 
Good luck,


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Re: [newbie] mathematica 4.0

2003-07-25 Thread manolis
Found it !

If anyone has the same problem you must simply put the NumLock key to off 
Then suddenly all the keys are working fine!

This must be a bug in mathematica...

  26  2003 01:48, / manolis :
 I installed a mathematica trial version for linux.

 The program works fine in computations and all except the keyboard.
 Some function keys don't give good output.
 For example I cannot use the Backspace or del key to delete somthing..
 In place of a character removal I get a box character...
 I also noticed that mathematica has an option that spells: Pure keys
 When I enable that I can no longer write anything until I disable it.

 Any experience in this?

 Mandrake 9.1 with all updates excpet kernel

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Friday 25 July 2003 10:52 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Saturday 26 July 2003 00:23, Derek Jennings wrote:

 It did, as I knew it would:o)

 Thank you very much for your consistent help and effort.

In an addition to the above from the Netherlands, I just want to 
let Derek Jennings know that he can count Denmark in as well.

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux - Mandrake 9.1 -kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdk
Brought to you from a 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread Derek Jennings

 Thanks Derek, tis a lot clearer now .
 But , pray, tell this newbie , what is a contrib,
 What's the difference between the various RPM,  RPMS,and I already know
 SCRPM is source code rpm's , and any others.

 I find the various long list of rpm types confusing.


Contrib is the name of a folder on a Mandrake Mirror.
For example look at

You will see it contains a folder called i586/Mandrake/RPMS  That folder is 
the 'main' distribution. It contains exactly the same packages as the 
download CDs. (I have broadband so I use it instead of the CDs)

You can also see a folder /contrib/RPMS  This folder contains all the packages 
which are not part of the 'official' Mandrake distro, but which have been 
'contributed' by various individuals who may even be Mandrake staff members.
Contrib contains literally hundreds of really useful packages (such as 
Sylpheed) The packages in Contrib will not change. They represent a 
'snapshot' . To get updated versions of these apps you have to look in places 
like texstar, mandrake club, or the download sites of individuals. (Or 
compile your own)

(You will notice that the i586/Mandrake/RPMS2 folder is in fact a symlink 
pointing to /contrib/RPMS so these folders are both the same thing. )



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Re: [newbie] SBr Temp

2003-07-25 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 02:06, magnet wrote:
 On Friday 25 Jul 2003 9:17 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 12:51, Chris wrote:
   I asked Dennis what this was off-list and hes not sure, so I'll throw
   this out to the rest.  Below is my sensors output, what is SBr temp?
  Spectral Band Replication
  Scientifically Based Research
  Short Barrel Rifle
  Space Based Radar
  Styrene Butadiene Rubber
  Sequencing Batch Reactor
  System Board Resistor/Resistance
  Seat Belt Reminder
  Similarity Based Regression
  Sudden Bradycardia Response
  Stephen Being Repressed  g

Oy - ya musta been talking to my wife!

Sat Jul 26 09:20:00 EST 2003
 09:20:00 up 12 days,  1:23,  3 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.15, 0.17
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

And so we say goodbye to our beloved pet, Nibbler, who's gone to a place
where I too hope one day to go: the toilet. 
-Prof. Farnsworth

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[newbie] Looking for options for a scrap PC

2003-07-25 Thread ThinKer
I posted a little while ago about this machine that I have 'inherited'
from a friend.

Proc: Pentium 120
RAM: 48MB (upgraded from 16)
Hard Drives: (1) 3GB and (1) 2GB

This machine has no CD ROM (and no space for it since there are 2 Hard
Drives) a Network Card and 3.5 inch floppy. It is currently running
Windows 95 and at one time was configured to boot to Windows NT 4.0

I would like to set this machine up to learn Linux. I already have a
machine running Mandrake 9.0 but I don't feel that I am learning
anything with it. I would like to get more familiar with the command
line, maybe run a webserver and mysql, a minimal desktop environment, if
any, etc. I would like to stay with mandrake, if this is posible. If
not, can someone recommend another distribution of Linux? As I said,
there is only the network card and the 3.5 inch floppy to install

I would also like advice on partitioning and swap space setup. I would
like to make the most of what I have. I dont see putting a lot of files
on this machine so I can use the space for memory or whatever.

I have no problem with deleting the win95 or whatever else is on this

URL's, advice, instructions, ideas welcome and appreciated.

Thanks in advance. 



...fear controls knowledge controls fear ...

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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 01:31, ed tharp wrote:

 not to seem even more dumb, but did you ask about the mailman problem?
 and maybe how to shut off mailman, since mailman is a
 mailing-list-server that you don't need, and have miss configured? 

Maybe he's the kind that changes the tire when the hubcap falls off...

Sat Jul 26 09:15:00 EST 2003
 09:15:00 up 12 days,  1:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.16, 0.18
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

I feel like a wet parking meter on Darvon!

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[newbie] Logitech Marble Mouse

2003-07-25 Thread Daniel

I have a Logitech Marble Mouse and I did not see this
hardware in the list of the Supported Hardware
does anyone installed Mandrake 9.1 with this mouse.

Thank you

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Re: [newbie] XFce4 newbie problems

2003-07-25 Thread Todd Slater
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 23:28:37 -0400

 Ok, I've finally got it up and running.  I needed to reboot the
 computer for KDM to show XFce4.  (Was that in your directions?  I
 apologize, if it was, since that means I wasted your time.)  But, I
 wanted to say thanks a lot for helping me out and creating the rpms
 for XFce4.

To tell you the truth, I don't remember if I rebooted or not. I have an
11-month old daughter who has discovered the buttons on the computer and
for a while there she was turning it off 2 or 3 times a day. But I don't
*think* it's necessary; when I learned how to do it I added entries for
fluxbox and oroborus, and I'm pretty sure I didn't reboot to see them.

Did you rename your 19xfce4 to 19XFce4? Just wondering if *that* was
case-sensitive and had to match everything else.


Name that tune #7: A lot of people don't have much food on their table,
but they got a lot of forks and knives; well they gotta cut something.

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Re: [newbie] questions about mdk 9.1

2003-07-25 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 05:53, manolis wrote:
 Hi to all the people in the list. I have some questions about my linux mdk
  9.1 installation.
 #1. After a by-mistake reset at the time the mdk 9.1 was doing fsck check
  in my system. Some files have been lost.
 The only way to find out what files are missing from my installation is
 kpackage that give a long list of all files in every rpm of the system.
 I am pretty newbie to linux so I would like to make a total rpm check in my
 system so all the files that are missing from my system to be updated from
 the installation disks. Is it possible?
 I don't want to reinstall the OS. I take the reinstallation of mdk 9.1 as a
 In the past 3 moths I fought heavilly with all the problems I faced , trying
 to avoid reinstallation .. :)

Look - especially for a newbie, reinstallation ain't nothing more than a
lesson - doing repeated installations only makes you smarter about how
you're installing it, how you're making use of your disk space for
optimal performance, what packages and options you're choosing from the
beginning...I wish I could count how many times I've reinstalled any
distribution of linux - it's thousands, mate, thousands...

Meanwhile, a consideration to make is that you've corrupted the file
system by accident - and that's alright - but if you do an installation
again, you can choose a file system like ReiserFS that can generally
handle such accidents - use it for your / and your /home partition -
you might be surprised at the results.

 #2. the last days I cannot load inside KDE any application that wants su
 rights. (like mcc for example). I can go to terminal and type su and then
 mcc to load it . But when I click on the icon the application doesn't load!
 The same time a strange problem has appeared. When I login in KDE I get the
 network configuration wizard that wants me to enter root password to
 configure my network. I must click cancel to enter to desktop.
 I don't know for sure, but I think those two problems are related some how.

I'd tend to reckon that the system's corrupted, the /etc/passwd is
probably corrupted - best reinstall.

Sat Jul 26 09:30:00 EST 2003
 09:30:00 up 12 days,  1:33,  3 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.17, 0.14
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Compassion -- that's the one things no machine ever had.  Maybe it's
the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.
-- McCoy, The Ultimate Computer, stardate 4731.3

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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread Cody Harris

- Original Message - 
From: ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

 On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 08:45, Cody Harris wrote:
  - Original Message - 
  From: ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 8:03 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures
   On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 09:00, Cody Harris wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures
 On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 11:28, Cody Harris wrote:

  I shut down cron

 cron is a very important part of the GNU/Linux system, mate...
I sends me e-mails like every second complaining, so i turned it
   not to sound any dumber than usual, but why not repiar why it was
   sending you messages? did you ever _READ_ the message?
  Yes! It was complaing about premission errors bout some Mailman file.
  when i change it, it changes back the next time an e-mail is sent to
  complain about it not being writable. So i made python un readable (but
  it just complain about python and saved me disk space). But after i left
  one day and came back and there was 600 e-mails from the damn thing. So
  simply service crond stop after not finding a way to remove it.
 not to seem even more dumb, but did you ask about the mailman problem?
 and maybe how to shut off mailman, since mailman is a
 mailing-list-server that you don't need, and have miss configured?

My computer was out of date, and i followed the uninstall
help when asked either.

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Re: [newbie] urpmi.addmedia mozilla

2003-07-25 Thread Derek Jennings
On Saturday 26 Jul 2003 12:01 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  Thanks Derek, tis a lot clearer now .
  But , pray, tell this newbie , what is a contrib,
  What's the difference between the various RPM,  RPMS,and I already know
  SCRPM is source code rpm's , and any others.
  I find the various long list of rpm types confusing.

 Contrib is the name of a folder on a Mandrake Mirror.
 For example look at

 You will see it contains a folder called i586/Mandrake/RPMS  That folder is
 the 'main' distribution. It contains exactly the same packages as the
 download CDs. (I have broadband so I use it instead of the CDs)

 You can also see a folder /contrib/RPMS  This folder contains all the
 packages which are not part of the 'official' Mandrake distro, but which
 have been 'contributed' by various individuals who may even be Mandrake
 staff members. Contrib contains literally hundreds of really useful
 packages (such as Sylpheed) The packages in Contrib will not change. They
 represent a 'snapshot' . To get updated versions of these apps you have to
 look in places like texstar, mandrake club, or the download sites of
 individuals. (Or compile your own)

 (You will notice that the i586/Mandrake/RPMS2 folder is in fact a symlink
 pointing to /contrib/RPMS so these folders are both the same thing. )


I thought I had better add this extra warning to my last mail :-
If you look here 
on a Mandrake mirror you will see the 'development' branch of the Mandrake 
distribution. In here is 'cooker' which is the folder holding the latest 
development version of the distro. The packages in this folder will change 
daily, and may contain some packages which are broken. Unless you are a 
experienced Linux user it is a *very bad* idea to install packages from 
Cooker. Especially if you are mixing them with packages from 9.1 . These 
packages have been compiled using a different set of libraries to Mandrake 
9.1. They are unlikely to work in a 9.1 system.

You will also see the folder 'contrib'. This folder is the current development 
folder for the unofficial packages.  Again you should only use them if you 
know what you are doing.

Many newbies download and install packages they find using
Be aware. Rpmfind will offer you packages from cooker and cooker/contrib
If you try and install them you will run into dependency problems. Anyone 
tempted to use the --force and --nodeps switches to make them install will 
quite often break something. Every week this list gets posts from people who 
have done this.

(Sorry if I am on my 'high horse' here, but I am often one of the guys who try 
to help people undo the damage they have inflicted on themselves doing this)

There is *nothing* available from you cannot get using  urpmi 
sources (other than cooker packages and packages made for other distros)


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Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

2003-07-25 Thread Cody Harris

- Original Message - 
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Getting System Temperatures

 On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 01:31, ed tharp wrote:

  not to seem even more dumb, but did you ask about the mailman problem?
  and maybe how to shut off mailman, since mailman is a
  mailing-list-server that you don't need, and have miss configured?

 Maybe he's the kind that changes the tire when the hubcap falls off...

Sure, if the tire has a built in hub-cap. If the hub cap fell off, that
would mean the tire fell off. Therefore, there had to be a defect (in the
car, or in this case, MDK) or the tire (mailman). I have sucessfully removed
everything but that stupid cron, which i should perminamtly remove or

 Sat Jul 26 09:15:00 EST 2003
  09:15:00 up 12 days,  1:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.16, 0.18
 |____  |kuhn media australia|
 |   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  ||
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9
   Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

 I feel like a wet parking meter on Darvon!

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Re: [newbie] questions about mdk 9.1

2003-07-25 Thread manolis
  26  2003 02:35, / Stephen Kuhn :

 Look - especially for a newbie, reinstallation ain't nothing more than a
 lesson - doing repeated installations only makes you smarter about how
 you're installing it, how you're making use of your disk space for
 optimal performance, what packages and options you're choosing from the
 beginning...I wish I could count how many times I've reinstalled any
 distribution of linux - it's thousands, mate, thousands...

 Meanwhile, a consideration to make is that you've corrupted the file
 system by accident - and that's alright - but if you do an installation
 again, you can choose a file system like ReiserFS that can generally
 handle such accidents - use it for your / and your /home partition -
 you might be surprised at the results.

After the problem I was not able to login in KDE, after many tries I 
can . I think this is a progress.
One of the things I 'd loved about winXP is that I never reinstalled them. 
Even upgraded them from win2k ( I did many times recovery console though). I 
was pretty advanced in windows. As advanced can be one in a windowz 
environment. :)
I do not like to reinstall all the applications and drivers now...
I think it is a minor problem I could manage it .. in time... even though I am 
pretty newbie in linux world. 
One thing that admired from the first time in the world of linux is that 
anything can be done in such minor issues... or at WORST everything can be 
tried!!!   :)
The only info I got from the above is the ReiserFS that I didn't know about 
it. Thank you for this.
Is there a place on the internet to read about ReiserFS?

 I'd tend to reckon that the system's corrupted, the /etc/passwd is
 probably corrupted - best reinstall.

yes, but if there was a major problem in passwords handling there would be no 
pop up for root password in KDE eventually (some rare times it works!). The 
KDE is the only graphical GUI that gives me the error. The password handling 
is working fine in other GUIs. (IceWM , Gnome, WM). 

I want to state one time again that I am linux NEWBIE, with the above I don't 
try to be smart... I know that there are many things that I don't know ... I 
just want to figure out things through argument...

Sorry for my english...
Thanks for your post.

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Re: [newbie] questions about mdk 9.1

2003-07-25 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
manolis wrote:

 ??? 26  2003 02:35, ?/? Stephen Kuhn ??:

Look - especially for a newbie, reinstallation ain't nothing more than a
lesson - doing repeated installations only makes you smarter about how
you're installing it, how you're making use of your disk space for
optimal performance, what packages and options you're choosing from the
beginning...I wish I could count how many times I've reinstalled any
distribution of linux - it's thousands, mate, thousands...
Meanwhile, a consideration to make is that you've corrupted the file
system by accident - and that's alright - but if you do an installation
again, you can choose a file system like ReiserFS that can generally
handle such accidents - use it for your / and your /home partition -
you might be surprised at the results.

After the problem I was not able to login in KDE, after many tries I 
can . I think this is a progress.
One of the things I 'd loved about winXP is that I never reinstalled them. 
Even upgraded them from win2k ( I did many times recovery console though). I 
was pretty advanced in windows. As advanced can be one in a windowz 
environment. :)
I do not like to reinstall all the applications and drivers now...
I think it is a minor problem I could manage it .. in time... even though I am 
pretty newbie in linux world. 
One thing that admired from the first time in the world of linux is that 
anything can be done in such minor issues... or at WORST everything can be 
tried!!!   :)
The only info I got from the above is the ReiserFS that I didn't know about 
it. Thank you for this.
Is there a place on the internet to read about ReiserFS?

I'd tend to reckon that the system's corrupted, the /etc/passwd is
probably corrupted - best reinstall.

yes, but if there was a major problem in passwords handling there would be no 
pop up for root password in KDE eventually (some rare times it works!). The 
KDE is the only graphical GUI that gives me the error. The password handling 
is working fine in other GUIs. (IceWM , Gnome, WM). 

I want to state one time again that I am linux NEWBIE, with the above I don't 
try to be smart... I know that there are many things that I don't know ... I 
just want to figure out things through argument...

Sorry for my english...
Thanks for your post.

Brant Fitzsimmons

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.
-George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903)
Maxims for Revolutionists

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Re: [newbie] Logitech Marble Mouse

2003-07-25 Thread Aron Smith
On Friday 25 July 2003 04:30 pm, Daniel wrote:
 I have a Logitech Marble Mouse and I did not see this hardware in the
 list of the Supported Hardware does anyone installed Mandrake 9.1 with
 this mouse.

 Thank you
Try the generic wheel mouse worked for me;)

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RE: [newbie] Logitech Marble Mouse

2003-07-25 Thread Daniel
Thank you

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aron Smith
Sent: 25 juillet 2003 21:52
Subject: Re: [newbie] Logitech Marble Mouse

On Friday 25 July 2003 04:30 pm, Daniel wrote:
 I have a Logitech Marble Mouse and I did not see this hardware in the
 list of the Supported Hardware does anyone installed Mandrake 9.1 with
 this mouse.

 Thank you
Try the generic wheel mouse worked for me;)

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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[newbie] klcc configure error

2003-07-25 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I have mandrake 9.1 system
I tried for compiling klcc tar.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3

checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (= Qt 3.0.3) (library qt-mt)
not found. Please check your installation!
For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.
Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!

configure:19527: rm -rf SunWS_cache; g++ -o conftest
-I/usr/lib/qt3/include -I/usr/X
11R6/include  -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT  -D_REENTRANT  -L/usr/lib/qt3/lib
-L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lqt-mt -lpng -lz -lm -ljpeg -ldl  -lXext -lX11 -lSM
-lICE  -lresolv -
lpthread 15
In file included from /usr/include/c++/3.2.2/cstdlib:52,
 from /usr/include/c++/3.2.2/bits/stl_algobase.h:67,
 from /usr/include/c++/3.2.2/memory:54,
 from /usr/include/c++/3.2.2/string:48,
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qstring.h:46,
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qwindowdefs.h:44,
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h:42,
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qdesktopwidget.h:40,
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qapplication.h:42,
confdefs.h:5: previous declaration of `void exit(int)' with C++ linkage
/usr/include/stdlib.h:610: conflicts with new declaration with C linkage
/usr/include/stdlib.h:610: declaration of `void exit(int) throw ()'
throws different
confdefs.h:5: than previous declaration `void exit(int)'
configure:19530: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#include confdefs.h
#include qglobal.h
#include qapplication.h
#include qcursor.h
#include qstylefactory.h
#include private/qucomextra_p.h
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qwindowdefs.h:44,
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qwidget.h:42,
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qdesktopwidget.h:40,
 from /usr/lib/qt3/include/qapplication.h:42,
confdefs.h:5: previous declaration of `void exit(int)' with C++ linkage
/usr/include/stdlib.h:610: conflicts with new declaration with C linkage
/usr/include/stdlib.h:610: declaration of `void exit(int) throw ()'
throws different
confdefs.h:5: than previous declaration `void exit(int)'
configure:19530: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#include confdefs.h
#include qglobal.h
#include qapplication.h
#include qcursor.h
#include qstylefactory.h
#include private/qucomextra_p.h
#if ! (QT_VERSION = 303)
#error 1
configure: exit 1

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lib]# ls -l *qt-mt*
-rw-r--r--1 root root  768 Feb 25 01:03 libqt-mt.prl
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   17 May 30 21:08 -*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   17 May 30 21:08 -*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   17 May 30 21:08
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  6711248 Feb 25 01:05*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   17 Jul 25 14:48 -*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   17 Jul 25 14:48 -*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   17 Jul 25 14:49 -*

This leads me out of wits. can anybody explain.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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[newbie] iptables quirk.

2003-07-25 Thread L.V.Gandhi
rules in rc.firewall-2.4

$IPTABLES -t nat -F

echoFWD: Allow all connections OUT and only existing and related ones IN

echoEnabling SNAT (MASQUERADE) functionality on $EXTIF

iptables-save shows as flollows.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# iptables-save
# Generated by iptables-save v1.2.7a on Fri Jul 25 11:38:54 2003
:INPUT ACCEPT [2217:180139]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [2847:193028]
-A FORWARD -i ppp0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j
-A FORWARD -i eth0 -o ppp0 -j ACCEPT
# Completed on Fri Jul 25 11:38:54 2003
# Generated by iptables-save v1.2.7a on Fri Jul 25 11:38:54 2003
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [796:29232]
# Completed on Fri Jul 25 11:38:54 2003

But iptables -L shows  forward as below which indicates less secure. ie 
anywhere to anywhere Any ex[lanations?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere   state 
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
LOGall  --  anywhere anywhere   LOG level warning

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] i'm looking for a very good WYSIWYG editor other thanMozilla composer

2003-07-25 Thread Brant Fitzsimmons
Warren Post wrote:

Take a look at IBM WebSphere. It's not free, but it's just as good as
Dreamweaver and costs a lot less.
When you have the time, consider learning hand coding. It is not as hard
as it seems, and hand coding is the only way you are going to get your
sites exactly how you want them.
I don't like the way it handles php source.  It treats it like a 
comment.  It's all one bright orange mess.  You can turn the color off 
so that you have one big colorless mess. :-)

Brant Fitzsimmons

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.
-George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903)
Maxims for Revolutionists

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Re: [newbie] SBr Temp

2003-07-25 Thread Chris
On Friday 25 July 2003 01:06 am, magnet wrote:
 On Friday 25 Jul 2003 4:37 am, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 21:51:51 -0500
  Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I asked Dennis what this was off-list and hes not sure, so I'll throw
   this out to the rest.  Below is my sensors output, what is SBr temp?
 40 40043300.25096-10%40wave

 Todd is correct. It's for the South Bridge chip.

That seems correct.  From what I can gleem from my boards TM (its a 
1stMainboard AZ11E) its comprised of a VIA VT8363 system controller for the 
North Bridge and a VIA 686B (Super South). So, from what I can figure this is 
the temp for this chipset.

Thanks for all who responded.

  A 100% Microsoft free computer
  Registered Linux User 283774
  9:53pm  up 34 days,  4:09,  6 users,  load average: 0.19, 0.20, 0.14

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Re: [newbie] SBr Temp

2003-07-25 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 25 July 2003 09:56 pm, Chris wrote:
 On Friday 25 July 2003 01:06 am, magnet wrote:
  On Friday 25 Jul 2003 4:37 am, Todd Slater wrote:
   On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 21:51:51 -0500
   Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I asked Dennis what this was off-list and hes not sure, so I'll throw
this out to the rest.  Below is my sensors output, what is SBr
  20 40 40043300.25096-10%40wave
  Todd is correct. It's for the South Bridge chip.

 That seems correct.  From what I can gleem from my boards TM (its a
 1stMainboard AZ11E) its comprised of a VIA VT8363 system controller for the
 North Bridge and a VIA 686B (Super South). So, from what I can figure this
 is the temp for this chipset.

 Thanks for all who responded.
Can't speak for everyone but I think a lot of us learned a tidbit on that one, 
thanks for asking the question. I am now smarter than I was a day or two ago. 
: )
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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