Re: [newbie] help on port forwarding

2004-12-18 Thread Vincent Voois

Derek Jennings wrote:
Well if you are using the same IP address you sent this mail from 
( ), then I have already tried it.
The response is no reply.
The good news is that I do not get your router admin page. The bad news is I 
do not get your web server either.

Before you ask. The easy way to enable a web server in Mandrake is to install 
the drakwizard package and then start Mandrake Control Centre. There will be 
a new server section in which is a wizard to set up an Apache web server.

There will be a default home page provided. To add new pages insert them into 
the directory /var/www/html

To add to the story, though i see various good answers, yet however do not 
really issueing some vital details.
Usually, if you would try to access your server *through* your WAN-ip you try to do some digital loopback request.
So you do a request to your server to your WAN ip, your router sends the request to the DNS server of your host provider (if you 
use the net-name of your ip) else it requests the route to it from the routing-table.
It notices that the originating IP is the same as the target-ip and shuts down the connection without replying.

If you are lucky, some routers are smart enough to figure out that the request was originated from an Internal LAN ip and 
interprets your request as trying to access the router's configuration page (that's why you get a login dialogue).

Most routers are not designed to do this and if you really would like to do that it would require some special settings if the 
router supports it, or you would require some trickery with another router that translates your WAN-ip to the IP of your 

So in a lot of cases, you generally can reach your own server only by using 
it's LAN address from within your own LAN.
I read something about browsing to the http://localhost.
However, this only works on the machine you run the server on.
If this is however another machine within your LAN it would be better just to 
type in the ip-address of that machine.
Until so far this is only regarding internal traffic issues.
Now for external traffic (can people outside reach your server?):
Good forwarding is being done through the Network Address Transalation table 
(NAT, NAPT or some vendors refer to Virtual Servers).
These configurations can mostly be found inside the routers.
Important things to know:
outport: the port that broadcasts (listens to incoming request from the outside 
out-ip:usually this is (WAN and open to everyone)
inport:The port your local server runs on
in-ip:Ip address of the computer, the server runs on.
The inport and outport do not necessarily have to be the same, specially if you would like to cloak a commonly known port you 
can change it.
(E.g. port 21 is usually ftp. You can run an FTP server on your local LAN-ip at port 21, however you can tell your router to 
accept ftp-incoming requests on a totally different port, so you make your server not so obvious to find)

Hope this helped a bit.

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Re: [newbie] Who makes a good laptop?( A bit off topic)

2004-10-02 Thread Vincent Voois
Quality and being 100% ML compatible are pretty high demands.
The most known brands have their problems and issues, but if you always handle a 
laptop with care, the most will remain good.
I don't know about 100% ML compatability, but about quality of the known brands:
I recall a Dutch magazine did a test with 7 different brands of laptops and this was not just a laboratory test, they took 'em 
into the heat of the Saharah, the cold of the Artic and the wets of the jungle.
The purpose was eventually to get them really broken and most of pack couldn't handle the heat, two couldn't handle the extreme 
cold, just one unknown japanese brand survived the test.
And the test-team expected to make it the honorable award-winner by smashing it with a sledgehammer.
Though the TFT screen and the keyboard both were totally carnage, when an external monitor and keyboard were connected, the 
laptop was still performing like nothing happened :P

The moral of the story:Quality is not hidden in the name of the beast.
Marc wrote:
  I have a friend that is shopping for a new laptop.  Quality and being 100 ML 
compatible are both very important.  as is wireless networking.
  Can anyone here make some suggestions as to a brand or model number.


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Re: [newbie] Permissions

2004-09-22 Thread Vincent Voois
How about trying chmod +2666 /windows/* -R
And then try azureus again?
Alan wrote:
Can somebody please advice me with this problem?
I have three fat32 partitions mounted in /windows/c /windows/d and  
/windows/e directories
i can with any user write/read these partitions. I cannot however use a  
program called azureus to download to these partitions as it give me 
a  file creation fault. however it does create the file but with a 0kb 
file  size. I can download to my home dir but space is limited.


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Re: [newbie] Permissions

2004-09-22 Thread Vincent Voois

Derek Jennings wrote:
On Wednesday 22 September 2004 10:31, Vincent Voois wrote:
How about trying chmod +2666 /windows/* -R
And then try azureus again?
Alan wrote:
Can somebody please advice me with this problem?
I have three fat32 partitions mounted in /windows/c /windows/d and
/windows/e directories
i can with any user write/read these partitions. I cannot however use a
program called azureus to download to these partitions as it give me
a  file creation fault. however it does create the file but with a 0kb
file  size. I can download to my home dir but space is limited.
That will not work.
It is impossible to change the permissions of a file on a fat32 partition for 
the simple reason that fat32 has no concept of file 'attributes'.

All we can do is 'spoof' the permissions of every file on the partition when 
it is mounted. This is achieved with the 'umask' option in the appropriate 
line in  /etc/fstab

Setting umask=0  will force all files to have 777 permission.
If you prefer diskdrake can set that option for you be selecting the fat32 
partition Advanced options.

I had no problems changing permissions on my FAT32 partitions, i even had to do it, but i have seen something with the umask 
option in the fstab as i had to change something to make it believe it could support an Ext3 partition from an older Linux 
installation of Redhat. (don't know why that fuzz was all about, but didn't wanted to mount that particular partition)

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Re: [newbie] Format NTFS?

2004-09-12 Thread Vincent Voois

Eric Scott wrote:
Anybody know of a program that will let me format a given partition as
NTFS?  Fat32 might do it, I don't know. I'm trying to deal with a faulty
Windows installation, and as I'm sure you know, Windows'
installer/rescue is the worst on earth. No joke.  Anyway, it wants me to
have a Windows 2000 compatable partition on hda for (I assume) it's
bootloader process, even though I'm installing on hdb.  Windows
installer tells me to make a Win2k compatable partition on hda, but
doesn't provide me with the resources to do so. (The diskdrake thingy in
MDK control center doesn't create a valid FAT partition, which is why I
need another)
FAT16 and FAT32 are also Windows 2000 compatible partitions :P
Try fdisk.

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Re: [newbie] Casio QV3500 digital camera

2004-09-11 Thread Vincent Voois

David Trethewey wrote:
I have a Casio Qv-3500 digital camera. Using Mandrake Linux 10.0, I have 
tried to download photos from it (by copying the files using the command 
line). It recognises it as a removable drive. It will copy the files, 
but very very slowly. Anyone had a similar problem?
A little add-on info to get David better on tracks:
Casio Qv 3500 copies the file through a serial com-port connection probably right? (I had one myself in the past)
In the back of my head i recall a tty default speed-setting upon your comports are being automaticly set to 9600 baud or some 
sort it had had to be changed somewhere in a config file...

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Re: [newbie] SpinRite 6.0

2004-09-07 Thread Vincent Voois

Len Lawrence wrote:
This is a bit off-topic maybe.  Somebody mentioned SpinRite the other
day in the context of disk recovery so I investigated the
site.  Apparently SpinRite 6.0 supports Linux filesystems via a DOS program,
but the user does not need to own DOS.  It sounded like worthwhile
insurance, so I paid for the licence and downloaded the .exe and went
back to the site for information on how to use it.  Nothing doing, so
I emailed support only to get the runaround.  No actual help, just a
pointer to the author's email service.  On closer inspection it turns
out that he does not answer individual queries, so support is actually
non-existent. And, his last email bulletin dates back to the beginning
of 2002, before SpinRite 6 and before Linux support.  ?? 

My assumption was that the file should be turned into an ISO and burnt
to CD.  That would leave the question of DOS.  The files at all seem to be .exes, which I assumed are self-extracting
versions of DOS to be copied to a floppy, which would require Windows
or DOS to run, and a FAT partition as well.
The is directed to Windows users and all tools are written for Windows 
I don't think the author expected Linux users would download it as well.
The QA section is still answering Spinrite 5.0 related questions, and the answer upon if Spinrite supports Linux in that case 
is ofcourse wrong, yes 5.0 does NOT support Linux, 6.0 does, but the executable currently only works with windows.
It can be used to create a bootable floppy where it installs the Spinrite disk examinator. The floppy boots with FreeDOS and 
gives you the opportunity to recover or maintain your harddrive.
(Like recovering erased files that weren't supposed to be erased)
Mr. Gibson may need some notice that his tool is not only acquired by Windows users.

It may or may not work under Wine, i don't know for sure, but one who has SR 6.0 can 
test this.
I have SR 6.0, but currently i don't have XWindows installed anymore (sorry, installed 
Trustix :P)

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Re: [newbie] [OT] what should I do about this?

2004-09-06 Thread Vincent Voois

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
that SymantEc has a pretty good case. What's next? A Linux distribution 
designed to look like Windows called Lindows? When will it stop?
-- cmg
Hmmz, that was previous, besides, in Europe it's still called Lindows because MS 
didn't won their war there.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-09-05 Thread Vincent Voois

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
I thought they where a good serve as a cup-placemat.


Using Win CDs for target practice is not good destroys the environment
(the M$ crap not the target practice)

What's wrong with the traditional practice of popping old CDs in the 
-- cmg
I don't waste my microwave oven (and the enegry required) on that!

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-09-05 Thread Vincent Voois

Hoyt Bailey wrote:
Now, a launcher that would fire old CD's at 1000 FPS and 300 rounds
per minute would be a *gas*. If CD's have any metal in them,
couldn't you even build like a CD railgun? Heh. Look out Bill, yer
about to feel the pain you've inflicted on others oh these many
Aerodynamicaly unstable like windows.
Maybe one disc, but if you clue a set of 5 together, they're a bit stronger.
Just drop em on a clay stud launcher and yell Pull.
I think that's not only more fun, but also a bit more challenging then have 'm at a 
direct aim in front of you.

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Re: [newbie] [OT] what should I do about this?

2004-09-05 Thread Vincent Voois

Frans Ketelaars wrote:
I wrote symantec:
- possibly malicious site
It's just a brand hijack, trying to lift upon the success of a large name.
They'll probably deal with a law-suit sooner or later.
It's similar to making an operating system called Doors and use Microsof as the 
trademark company name.
The name will officially not even be approved.

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Re: [newbie] linux utility to fix partition table

2004-09-04 Thread Vincent Voois

SnapafunFrank wrote:
Asa Rossoff wrote:
PM wrote:
On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 23:56, Johan Sch wrote:
While rsyncing data to my second drive for backup it went into 
forever . the disk light stayed on and the box hanged. The only 
recourse was to press the reset switch.

So to be on the safe side I booted with the cdrom rescue system.
Fdsik -l . told me that disk hdg1 , hdg2, hdg3, hdg4 the extended 
partition did not end on a cylinder. The rest from hdg5 up to hdg11 
were OK.

Checking with partition magic 8. I was told there is errors and want 
to fix it.
I read sometime ago on one of the many lists I belong to not to fix 
this with PM. There is a linux utility that can fix linux 
partitions. This drive was partitioned with qtparted.

There was also mention that linux utilities exist to reset the mbr 
and other disk repair operatins.

Kindly please may I have the names of these utilities.

dd_rescue  *might*  be what you're looking for.

Hi Johan,
Also check out TestDisk 
(  It has 
performed a couple of miracles for me.  The site has a lot of info, 
and the author offers personal assistance.

Follow Asa advice. Testdisk is not only the tool for your problem but 
you can send the results back to the testdisk people and they will help 
you get things right. Do this and get it right the first time.
Have you tried Spinrite?

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Re: [newbie] Get the word out!

2004-09-03 Thread Vincent Voois

JoeHill wrote:
A further disadvantage, Koetzle adds, is the perception that the company may
not be as committed as some of its powerful competitors to providing Linux
server products. Mandrakesoft is seen in the marketplace as always focusing on
making a usable desktop Linux, leaving the Linux server world to Red Hat and
Did they miss this completely?
They probably did missed it:
Available now and MandrakeStore
Just click and try to find the package.
Hmmz, looking at that page, i rather have a Prelinux installed PC for 299 USD than 299 

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-09-03 Thread Vincent Voois

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Friday 03 September 2004 20:54, Vincent Voois wrote:
I thought they where a good serve as a cup-placemat.

Windows-CDs absorb coffee, Coke and beer almost as bad as wisdom.
On the other hand, if you've never seen one of those CDs take a hit 
from a 7,62 mm rifle at 300 meters, try it. It is spectacular and 
gives you a warm, inner joy.

I tried using them as frisbee and have my dog catch it, but it broke in a thousand 
pieces and my dog pukes from those CD's as well.

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Re: [newbie] M$ has beaten Linux?

2004-09-02 Thread Vincent Voois

John Wilson wrote:
On August 31, 2004 11:22 pm, Fajar Priyanto wrote:

First off one needs to seriously question whether Newham was at all interested 
in using Linux or was simly using Linux as a way of bashing a pricing deal 
out of Microsoft.

That said, the article is full of errors of fact.  For example:
Add in the cost of retraining users and IT staff, rewriting applications to 
run on Linux, and the cost of paying separately for programs like application 
servers, Web servers and directories (which come bundled with Windows). You 
also may need to pay consultants to stitch the pieces together, and you might 
need to buy insurance to protect you against lawsuits over intellectual 
property rights. (One outfit hawks such policies for $150,000 year.) 

Last time I checked, which was all of about a day or two ago, application 
servers, Web servers and directory servers are available as GPL'd software at 
little or no up front charge.  Certianly even Forbes has heard about Apache.  
As for consultants I can't think of one municipality or medium to large 
company that doesn't pay for consultants to stitch these things together 
regardless of the OS they run on.
They probably speak about that SCO claim to be theirs and also bill companies for using that software within their Linux 

Also, last time I checked, most of the applications mentioned in the paragraph 
above are freely downloadable for every major distribution and most little 

Later the IT type for the town goes on about that latest useless gimmick 
called a tablet PC.  At this point those things are not even close to ready 
for prime time, need to be coddled to keep working because the hardware is so 
fragile and the software..well..the less said at the moment the better.  I've 
field tested two of them and they're pure useless junk.
Still, it's a market and a serious software developer takes it into account wether tablet's are junk or not, it's not their 
product but the software is.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 17:13, Vincent Voois wrote:
Hoyt Bailey wrote:

That just proves that their people are smarter than ours.
No not specifically, if you don't have any money to spend on software,
you use free software.
In a way smarter:it's smarter than downloading illegal versions of
Microsoft ware. But Asians and Africans still have some good 
pot of politeness in comparance to the average western arrogant PC

So let me see if I got this straight.  You are saying that entire
majority of PC users in the western world are arrogant?
I said:*Average*, this does not really match phrases like *entire majority*
And i did not meant America specifically, there are enough arrogant people in Europe too, including my own country unfortunately 
(and entire majority does count for my country).

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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Dual HDD

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois

SnapafunFrank wrote:

OK. You are teaching me something here but I haven't quite nailed it yet.
Re partitions:]
/dev/hda1   *   1 125 1004031   83  Linux
/dev/hda2 126293722587390   85  Linux extended
/dev/hda32938443412024652+  83  Linux
/dev/hda444354870 35021706  FAT16
/dev/hda5 126 250 1004031   83  Linux
/dev/hda6 251149610008463+  83  Linux
/dev/hda714971559  506016   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda81560280510008463+  83  Linux
/dev/hda928062937 1060258+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb1   *   1182714675346c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/hdb218281829   16065   83  Linux
/dev/hdb318302491 5317515f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/hdb518301841   96358+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb618421853   96358+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb718542263 3293293+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb822642295  257008+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hdb922962491 1574338+  83  Linux
Now I'm lost with the non-FAT' statement. As you can see I have FAT on 
both HDDs so your reply suggested that I needed to configure things?  I 
do recall that when attempting to update to Mandrake 10 that lilo 
thought that my FAT partitions were windows OS's but I didn't see this 
when I went ahead with a clean install. I have fought hard with this 
partition problem for some time and feel that I might be missing 
something real simple, so forgive me for persevering. Right now 
everything runs fine in this regard but the next time I go to update or 
try something different I can see me getting balder.
Your FAT16 on your HDA4 seems to me in the middle of your Linux partitions, not that this should matter but if it is not being 
detected by your W95 bootpartition to me the only way it seems so is that the partition-table has some extra or missing mark to 
keep it undetected from Windows environment. (I can understand if this FAT16 partition was written specifically for and under 
Linux then this would be a security measure).
But trust me that if you would have created this /dev/hda4 FAT16 entry on the table under DOS or Windows, it would have become 
C: and when your w95 platform boots up from your /dev/hdb1, it gets stuck as soon as it wants to start because it 
probably isn't even there on this c:\windows, or if it is, it may output incorrect DOS version or himem not loaded or 
something similar since your /dev/hdb1 will become d:.
Then there is this matter or partitions being primary or extended (and) logical. You can't boot from a logical device, but 
you can place your OS there if you configure your environment variables in your boot-files where this OS is located.

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Re: [newbie] M$ has beaten Linux?

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois
To me it looks like it's only about British ppl. They are known for their stubborness 
when it comes to switching with everything.
I'm going to kiss the pope's butt when the British choose to dump their Pound for the 
Then there is this biased info talking about the limitations of Linux but i read (even i being a person not knowing everything 
about Linux in general) things that made MR. Steel pretty unwell informed.
Like Linux would not run on tablet PC's, i dunno if this is really true, but i know you can still run a pretty good Linux kernel 
from a Floppy disc, so it for sure would be able to run on a PDA.

Then there is this kind of talk i read everywhere:

How could free Linux cost more than Windows? First of all, Red Hat (nasdaq: RHAT -  news  -  people ), the leading Linux 
distributor, now charges $799 to $2,499 for each server running Linux. That's not for the software, mind you, but for 
maintenance. Semantics aside, you're paying for Linux.

Add in the cost of retraining users and IT staff, rewriting applications to run on Linux, and the cost of paying separately for 
programs like application servers, Web servers and directories (which come bundled with Windows). You also may need to pay 
consultants to stitch the pieces together, and you might need to buy insurance to protect you against lawsuits over intellectual 
property rights. (One outfit hawks such policies for $150,000 year.)

They do not mention wether the maintanance costs are on monthly or yearly basis, if one hires a good educated IT staff and 
invest in doing the training (once, not annual) it will not cost any more than what servers running Microsoft's software costs.

I know that server maintainance involves mostly no more than only a bit of software patching but generally server maintanance is 
about keeping hardware in shape or upgrade whenever performance induces and about software maintanance, i also know most company 
IT staff (server administrators) can do a pretty well job on maintaining the software themselves.
Besides most of the software written for Linux is not being made on a personal basis for one company, but mostly general 
software is available which is updated on any regular basis as other software is being updated for Windows.

Though Microsoft's claim may count for some companies that only do outsourcing investment, but for the general business-market: 
it's just a bunch of crap IMHO.

Fajar Priyanto wrote:
Hash: SHA1
- -- 
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 |
10:52:59 up 3:08, Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (FiveStar) for i586 
public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] M$ has beaten Linux?

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois

Tony S. Sykes wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vincent Voois
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] M$ has beaten Linux?
To me it looks like it's only about British ppl. They are 
known for their stubborness when it comes to switching with 
I'm going to kiss the pope's butt when the British choose to 
dump their Pound for the Euro.

Your first line is bit unfair, it is the government not the people who make these policies.
You're correct, it is only the government i was aiming at, apologies to all the 
British civilians.

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[newbie] [Blondes protection] Linux Pitfalls.

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois
We've been talking about Linux security issues... i'm just wondering how many fool-traps are in there and how they can be 
recovered, i mention one:

-bash-2.05b$ su
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /]# chmod +444 -R *
If anybody can see what is going on... i just changed all file-permissions to 
read-only on all files from the root.
I was fortunate enough to do it in one of the var subfolders so i could quickly 
restore the damage i had done.
I found this neat script that offers you to backup a file-permission state of the path's you supply, but it's a disaster 
recovery method and not a prevention tool against typo's:

if [ ! $1 ] || [ ! $2 ];then
echo Please run as \ /path/to/base\
echo To add a date \ /path/to/base restore-perms-`date +%F`.sh\

echo -n Starting to create restore file\
echo \#\!/bin/bash  $2
echo echo Restore permissions of $1 @ `date`  $2
echo read -p \Do you want to restore? [y/n] \ YN  $2
echo if [ \\$YN\ \!= \y\ ]\; then  $2
echo echo Abandoning restore  $2
echo else  $2
echo echo -n Starting restore\\\  $2
for file in `find $1`;do
echo -n .
echo echo -n .  $2
type=`stat --format=%F $file`
if [ $type != Symbolic Link ];then
echo chmod `stat --format=%a $file` \$file\  $2
echo chown `stat --format=%u:%g $file` \$file\  $2
echo echo -e nRestore complete  $2
echo fi  $2
chmod 700 $2
echo -e \\n\\nRestore point of permissions for $1 @ `date` created.\\n\\nPlease execute 
\$2\ to restore permissions.\\n
(i also made stupid typo's like chmod, but this aside)
I'm wondering how many pitfalls there are that one should be very cautious for and if 
one do falls in, how it can be restored.

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Re: [newbie] dvdshrink and wine

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois

evolt wrote:
Vincent Voois wrote:
What kind of troubles do you have with DVDShrink?
I usually use DVDDecrypter if DVDShrink does not succeed, when i got 
the decrypted vob files on HD i then use DVDshrink to reauthor or 
compress elements of the DVD.
This is a good test to see if it operates properly at all.

And burning with DVDshrink does not work in Windows itself properly 
either if there is any other burn application installed like Nero. 
(It's Nero's DVDr driver that is getting in DVDShrink's way, this may 
count for other installed burn apps as well)

If I run it by clicking on the .exe (in KDE) I am asked to agree to the 
licence, I do, then the main window for dvdshrink appears, along with a 
little exception raised window (empty of any info which might help me 
solve the problem). If I run it from the command line I get this error 
 Warning: the specified System directory LC:\\windows\\system is not 
Warning: could not find DOS drive for current working directory 
'/home/evolt/Desktop', starting in the Windows directory.
wine: cannot open (null)

I do have winxp installed, and wine had previously been set up to use 
it. I looked for the wine.cfg in /etc/wine but none seems to have been 
installed this time (I removed them after uninstalling wine and tried 
re-installing it)
It looks to me that your Wine configuration is missing some environment lines.
DVD shrink gets stuck at the point it requires the System DVD drivers.
With the error i usually expect DVDshrink to tell you it couldn't find ASPI drivers or whatever, but i don't know how the API is 
being set up in WINE and how API calls from other software is treated.

Have tried a clean reinstall of Wine?

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Re: [newbie] System locks up every 10days

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois

Chris wrote:
This an odd question and there may not be a valid answer, but here goes.  
About every 10days the system locks up for seemingly unrelated reasons.  
For instance, last time it happened it locked up while one of the 
X-Screensavers was running.  I noted which one was on the screen at the 
time and disabled it.  I've since only enabled two of the screensavers, 
Nose Guy and Phosper.  Last night I installed FSV just to see how it 
looked, install went fine and it ran great, tonight I brought it up, went 
to open a directory and the system locked up tighter than a drum, uptime 
was at about 10days, 20+ hrs.  Last time the lockup came at about the same 
amount of uptime.  This is with MDK 9.0.  Althought I've gone 30+ days 
previously before I had to hit the reset due to a lockup and if I remember 
that was due to a game that the system just didn't like.  Any ideas on what 
could be the problem?
It does it around every 11 days right?
I have seen a similar problem once before but it only locked up certain software and not the whole system
The cause was a program running a system timer (in milliseconds) that collapsed due to the limit of the type of variable used 
for it.
Hmmz... a 32bit Unsigned long how many milliseconds can it hold? And how many days is that together?

Are you sure it's the system hanging and not the screensaver causing you not able to 
interact with the rest of the system anymore?

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Re: [newbie] [Blondes protection] Linux Pitfalls.

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois

Tony S. Sykes wrote:
(i also made stupid typo's like chmod, but this

I'm wondering how many pitfalls there are that one should be very
cautious for and if one do falls in, how it can be restored.
The worst one I've ever done was what you did, but I did it worse
because  I was at /.  (!)
So I lost the perms for the entire filesystem.  Fortunately I've never
been at root and done anything like rm -rf.  Knock on wood. :)

I have, on a production server at work. With the unix guru sat on my shoulder and he let me su and then rm *.
You know,
I i wonder why these commands can be executed blindly
It's plain simple to drop the command in a seperate subfolder in the binfolder (outside the path environment) and replace the 
bin version for a script. It's also fairly to detect wether a person is currently on the root path and if he uses a global 
command and even if the command has to be executed recursively upon child-folders.

I'm currently not in the position to figure a bash or csh script from the back of my head (still learning!), but there can still 
be done nuff against fool-action.
As it may be well protected to against the big bad mean outside world, it's not as well protected from the dumb user itself.
Don't say Don't use root account unless you know what you are doing but catch critical events and make the user notice he / 
she might be executing a big mistake.

AKA (it's not a good script, but it gives the idea, i think someone else might be much better in translating what i mean)
if [ $(whoami) == 'root']; then
echo You are going to execute this command as root in a dangerous way, sure to continue?;
	echo your action will affect all files on your Linux system\n and some components may not be working properly anymore\n after 
the action is done.

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Re: [newbie] [Blondes protection] Linux Pitfalls.

2004-09-01 Thread Vincent Voois

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 07:31, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

I have, on a production server at work. With the unix guru sat on my shoulder and he let me su and then rm *.

So evidently you were not held culpable. (??)
Nein, wir habe es nicht gewusst, i only did what i was told to do. :P

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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Dual HDD

2004-08-31 Thread Vincent Voois

SnapafunFrank wrote:
Unless you have actually tried for yourself, please layoff saying things 
as if they were fact. As to  windows, WinMe ain't so bad once you bash 
For the fact that i couldn't run half the shit in WinME due to whatever MS invention was in there makes ME a pretty invaluable 
Win9X environment. (I still had a lot of DOS applications i wanted to run which ME didn't allow anymore and so were many 
companies having office tools based upon DOS that did not worked (properly) in ME)
ME supposed to be the stepping stone to NTFS system but it was lacking tools that were very usefull in Win9X and had things that 
 crapped up various software packages. I couldn't even get Adobe Premiere to run in it, neither could i get bug-free hardware 
drivers for my pinnacle card for ME (as it did not support a load of other new hardware either which was released after Windows ME)

It's a fact that some people like WinME but it's also a fact that WinME was a marketfailure and not only for the reasons i just 
If it works:Congratulations and have fun, but if considering for a new install: VOID it.
For one thing it was good for was the silent hint that DOS software-support were about to become a thing of the past.

it's face in a bit AND it will run off another HDD without reconfiguring 
anything AND from a install from Mandrake to boot. Don't believe me: 
read the following and weep:
If you have only a non-FAT or non-NTFS platform on your primary harddrive, your 
second harddrive will always become C:\.
But if you have a Windows system on your primary partitions which shares the same FS as the one on your second harddrive...
Generally the msdos.sys holds a line which points to the systemdir. This has never been different, neither in current NT's 
boot.ini, it's required that the windows system knows where it's systemfolder is, Unless you have no other existing windows 
environments on your primary harddrive, you will have to configure that and that was my point.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-30 Thread Vincent Voois

JoeHill wrote:
But even more, as the man hisself said:
A non-free program is a predatory social system that keeps people in a state of
domination and division, and uses the spoils to dominate more. It may seem like
a profitable option to become one of the emperor's lieutenants, but ultimately
the ethical thing to do is to resist the system and put an end to it.
Microsoft's last excuse:
Aber wir habe est nicht gewusst!

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-30 Thread Vincent Voois

Hoyt Bailey wrote:
any different.  This is also true of UNIX and other OS's such as 
IBM can you imagine IBM loseing business to linux.
IBM always had a good arrogant head up, this is why they had to fire over 40.000 people back 1 and a half decade ago.
They have the potential to do it again on this market.
They already loose in Asia and Africa as Microsoft really get's whooped-ass over there due to the fact people rather using Linux 
in those regions.

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Re: [newbie] Dual Boot Dual HDD

2004-08-30 Thread Vincent Voois

Asa Rossoff wrote:
When I boot, I select Win ME in LiLo, then I get a boot failure 
message (something along the lines of invalid boot disk, please 
replace and hit any key to retry- looks like it's BIOS initiated.)

Swop the drives over, and it will boot into ME fine, so the OS is 
intact etc.

Any Ideas?? or am I just hoping for too much? :-(

Windows expects to boot from the first drive in the system (which it 
will always call C:).  I believe there are ways to trick it into booting 
from other drives.  I haven't tried it.  Smart Boot Manager can do this 
by (I think) having the bios report the drives in a swapped fashion. SBM 
is at
Right as well as wrong.
First of all, the Bios always searches the first IDE drive for the boot-sector and simple executes it and whatever bootmanager 
is on there, it will do the rest.
Unless there is an option in the Bios to change bootpriority for IDE drives, you won't be able to change this fact.

Second, Windows boots from the first boot-device, but it can be configured to have it's OS on another drive by altering the 
MSDOS.INI and in case of WinNT 4.x, 5.x you can alter the BOOT.INI to set the drive and startup-path where the os is stored.
If your bootmanager on the primary IDE drive allows you to boot from the second drive, you can install all of the Windows data 
on there but in the win9x/ME cases you for sure have to modify the system settings to make it boot properly.

IMHO:Ditch WinME, it's really not worth the trouble, either install '98SE or XP, but Win'98 is currently less vulnerable to 
virusses these days as most viruses dedicates themselves to NT5.x exploites (XP/2000/2003).

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Re: [newbie] sp2 may have done something good

2004-08-30 Thread Vincent Voois

Stephen Kühn wrote:
On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 10:57, JoeHill wrote:
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 07:28:16 -0400
Lanman disseminated the following:

just wait until Microsoft releases LongHorn! There's gonna be a 
huge groundswell of people switching to linux when that happens!
Ummm, the way things are going, that could be like, 2050... ;-)

If you haven't been reading up on it, when Wrongborn DOES come out, it's
not going to be the originally promised product (again); so once again,
Microsplat is going to stick an unfinished, incomplete product down the
throats of the public and it's licensed corporations; if I were a
corporate entity that PAID FULL PRICE for my MS Licensing 6.0, I'd be
filing suit for undelivered product.
Yeah, but it will be very fast running full with new exploits to close down and you will be spending the next two years 
downloading security patches and service packs (which will ofcourse make it very very slow again) and updating your anti-virus 
software every day in the hope some virus maker didn't beat them to it on your system.

With Windows:You'll at least gonna be very busy with IT. (but not with what you really 
want to do on it)

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Re: [newbie] sp2 may have done something good

2004-08-30 Thread Vincent Voois

Stephen Kühn wrote:
On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 20:17, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 05:58, Amy wrote:
Hey everyone!

Anyhow, thanks for all the help you've given me thus far, and thanks in 
advance for putting up with me as I start off on this adventure of 
bringing my technologically inept father out of the evil embrace of 
windows. ^_^


Very good.  We stand ready to help!

I'm sitting in front of an XP Home SP2 box right now - it's borked
beyond anything other than backing it up, and reloading it. On top of
that, the client installed Norton Internet Security - which, together
with SP2, caused this thing to go south faster than a speeding penquin.
To top it all off, it's a Packard-Bell machine.
Packard Bell AKA Packard Hell, there is not any harder pain in the ass you can 
mention than Packard Bell.
It's even harder to install Linux on it.
I never ceases to amaze me the crap that the public THINKS is a viable
desktop, a viable operating system. Once SP2 was carefully removed (for
testing purposes) the machine was snappy (even though it's a rather low
end, 128mb box). What is Microsoft doing? Do they realise that the next
What do you expect from XP when your box only has 128MB, it's the minimum, but don't expect XP to run godspeed on such a limited 

year they're going to see even more converts over to non-Microsoft OS's
just because of the fact that they can't get anything straight or
anything fixed in the first place?
XP is good for a stand-alone game-box and DTP box.
For the Internet and server purposes i would recon Linux.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-29 Thread Vincent Voois

John Richard Smith wrote:
Things have sunk low. HP doesn't even give you their own backup disks as 
an emergency recovery any more.

I mean, not unnaturally the average user , ain't gonna think of creating 
their own image backups, the moment they first  plug the PC in and boot 
up. So these people are totally stuffed, and totally reliant upon HP's 
generaosityif they still have them.Plus the backup is 
presumeably to HD where it can also get infected/corrupted.

All I can say is that HP used to give you their own backup/recovery dics.
That means your daughter did you a serice is getting your computer 
virused up early on in the computers life , because you were then quick 
enough to ask for the missing discs before they don't have them any more.

I'm glad I don't buy there proprietary PC's any more.
The nice thing about such PC's is (and it doesn't matter which one) you can always download the propriety hardware drivers from 
the site.
And the nice thing about Microsoft Software is:There's always a good corporate edition floating around on the P2P networks.
You don't need recovery discs, just an ISO image of the corporate or professional edition (XP Home OEM is a mayor bummer)
Reinstall the os and virusscanner if possible, enable firewall, download patches and update virusscanner and ur done.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-29 Thread Vincent Voois

Hoyt Bailey wrote:

Would you consider it paranoid to run if a 6'6 250lb person told 
you that he was going to knock you out of the park and he was 
holding a baseball bat?
U just pull his cap across his face, kick his nutts on the floor and break his baseballbat on his own knees.
I don't run, i swiftly act upon request. Because i know this person doesn't run very fast, doesn't swing very fast (though he 
has ultimo power, avoiding is easy)
Seek for the weak spots and figure a way around it, then deal with it.

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Re: [newbie] sp2 may have done something good

2004-08-28 Thread Vincent Voois
Another improvement to computiing by those famous vendors of high quality 
vapourware...Steve Gates and Bill Balmer...or is it Bill Gates and Steve 
Balmer, I can never get that right :)
Can't blame you, they're both fat and ugly.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-27 Thread Vincent Voois

charlie wrote:

I took a look at mozilla mail but didnt like it I'll check out
Thunderbird I must admit kmail is too unstable, on my system, to serve
well.  I would prefer to address the instability but dont have a clue
it may be somewhere else.

Something strange happened to me this morning as I was downloading mail into 
Kmail. I deleted one of Lanman's mails and the Kmail desktop locked up solid, 
my CPU usage went into the 100% and stayed there. But nothing was happening 
in Kmail that I could see. So went into a terminal, and top showed that Kmail 
was gobbling up 98% of my CPU muscle. Killed the pid and all is back to as it 
should be.

Is Kmail going flaky or are Lanman's mail becoming sacred or precious?
It just got upset of Hoyt's remark about Kmail being too unstable.

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Re: [newbie] [OT] Dumbest question ever asked

2004-08-27 Thread Vincent Voois

BJ Tracy wrote:
Hello All,
Quick question, I know someone has asked this before and I thought I saved it 
but do not seem to find it.

I still have one (1) desktop running XP in my office,  how do I turn off 
automatic updates on that pc?
Start - Control Panel - Administrative tools - Services - Automatic Updates.
The dumbest question is a question which isn't posted (always).

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-27 Thread Vincent Voois
Hoyt Bailey wrote:
On Thursday 26 August 2004 07:51, JoeHill wrote:
On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 05:07:02 -0500
Hoyt Bailey disseminated the following:
Just suppose that Windows was gone completely.  The internet would
speed up little virus activity would occur. Sure the usage would go
down for a while but everyone would be happier.
Hey! Something Hoyt and I are in complete agreement on! I knew there
must be something ;-)
With all due respect to John Lennon...
Imagine there's no Microsoft, it isn't hard to do; no DRM or
viruses, and no closed source software too...
I'm sure that you dont understand the extent of closed source software.
Why does almost everyone think that Mickeysoft is the only one producing closed 
source software?
Even on windows you have Open Source software.
And in many cases even cross-platform (Windows / Linux). Like XBasic, which i prefer 
above Visual Basic.

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Re: [newbie] Hardware problem. Keeps rebooting/freezing.

2004-08-27 Thread Vincent Voois

Paul Rodriguez wrote:
A couple of months ago, we had a power surge at our house that harmed
the computer.  Although the computer was on a surge protector, the cable
modem was not, and it fried the eth0 on the motherboard.
I have since have had a difficulty whenever I try to transfer large
files on the hard drive.  When I try, my computer restarts or freezes.
I have since replaced the mobo (Soyo Dragon Plus SY-KT600), my memory,
and my hard drive.
Changing my hard drive and motherboard made no change.  My computer
would alternately freeze or reboot during the installation phase.
After installing new memory (from Crucial, specifically for my new
mobo), my computer doesn't even boot properly, and never gets to the
menus in the mandrake install cd.
You can try disabling all on-board devices first and see if it boots up properly 
when this is done.
If not, remove extra hardware you inserted and try to reboot then.
If you can't reboot in a bald situation, either your board or your CPU dealed with 
some serious arse-kicking.
Your board components aren't made to endure more than 5 volts and a certain power amount. If it exceeds you can for sure say 
other components are affected in someway. Specially with a power-surge:if it can't go through your surge-protecor it will choose 
another easy way which was your modem.
After such event it may not look like something happened to your other hardware, but your components are damaged and they 
deteriorate very quickly once damaged. The effects show later but are still the resemblance of what happened during the surge.
That it killed your Ethernet device doesn't mean that this device stopped the problem.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-27 Thread Vincent Voois

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
Why would you hook up her machine directly to the net when can
arrange your Linux box to do all the NAT and firewalling stuff?
All required are two ethernet cards and a crosscable (or a
hub/switch and two utp cables). It's not an expensive
configuration anymore nowadays.

Simple explanation : Her room is about 10 meters away from my home 
office, and I don't want to spend another day drilling holes, 
re-arranging rugs etc. thus exposing myself tho the ire of my -  
ever beloved - supreme command.

Furthermore, I'm not the type of guy that has the PC running 
non-stop. Actually, I hate the noise from the fan. And I suppose, 
that in order to have my box doing all the filtering for her box 
would necessitate a boot on both machines every time she wants to 
send an e-mail.
Okay, then a simple switch would do the thing (besides the better silence-prestation, doesn't eat much power either), but this 
works pretty neatly only if you have a dialup connection effective enough for this (DSL or no charge for local calls)

The application she requires under windows, does it work in Wine?
If it does, why bother keeping her box up with windows?

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-27 Thread Vincent Voois

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
Until I receive a new set of installation CDs from HP, her Windows 
XP stays disconnected. With the new installation disks at hand, I 
will install XP, Then Open Office, Mozilla, 5 antivirus, 3 
trojan/worm/spyware/ad-ware killers and 2 firewalsl (all downloaded 
and burned from my linux box). Then, maybe, it will be connected.
Until then, my daughter uses her account on my Linux box.
If you still would be required to download the stuff, i would have advised to install the other way around:1st firewall, then 
anti-virus, then the rest.

She herself is now highly motivated to stay off the internet with 
her Windows XP. Reason : We reviewed the logs from the various 
cleaning applications. They showed no less than 1543 dubious 
files. In one week.
It i'll take me a year to get that much leaving my system wide open.
But this is because i have a hardware-firewall.

We don't like flies, so we don't put a carcass in our living room 
and then open the Windows.
Hahahahahaha Microsoft Carcass 2.0 attract more flies than it did ever before :P

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-26 Thread Vincent Voois

Hoyt Bailey wrote:
On Wednesday 25 August 2004 16:08, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Wednesday 25 August 2004 18:55, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
Either I am the dumbest person who ever powered up a PC - or
Microsoft should be expelled from the Internet until they come up
with a real operating system.
Thank you all.
Kaj Haulrich.
Expell Mirosoft from everything.
No, let them have Windows, just keep 'm off Linux.

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-26 Thread Vincent Voois

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
My daughters PC and I have agreed on an armstice : It will remain 
disconnected from all and everything until I receive new CD's from 
HP. Then - maybe - I will try again, now armed with all your advice 
and one CD full of antispyware/antivirus/antiworm/firewall weapons 
downloaded and burned via Linux. And NO networking until at least 7 
scans reveils NO malware whatsoever. And, if after 5 minutes online 
it shows the slightest sign of infection : goodbye to networking 
for good.
Why would you hook up her machine directly to the net when can arrange your Linux box to do all the NAT and firewalling stuff?
All required are two ethernet cards and a crosscable (or a hub/switch and two utp cables). It's not an expensive configuration 
anymore nowadays.

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Re: [newbie] [HAB] Small Network at Home

2004-08-26 Thread Vincent Voois

MyEE wrote:
I am trying to setup a small network at home consisting of MDK10 and 
Win98 connected together through by two Ethernet card and a cable using 

I setup my network as shown below. I wonder if I am missing anything. 
Can anyone help with IP addresses. Can anyone point me to a good 
tutorial for this

Linux Box MDK10
Workgroup HABGROUP
Workgroup HABGROUP
Depending on how you want to facilitate your network exactly:
Point 1:change the '2' in your DNS entry into a '1' (also in your DNS configuration itself) OR change the last 255 in your 
subnetmask into a 0 but this does not seems very logical.

Point 2:how did you setup your shares?

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft slammed over misleading Windows Linux claims

2004-08-25 Thread Vincent Voois

Ronald J. Hall wrote:
The ad claimed: Linux was found to be over 10 times more expensive than 
Windows? Servers. It said that in a recent study audited by leading 
independent research analyst Meta Group, measured costs of Linux running on 
IBM's z900 mainframe for Windows-comparable functions of file serving and Web 
serving. The results showed that IBM z900 mainframe running Linux is much 
less capable and vastly more expensive than Windows Server 2003 as a platform 
for server consolidation.*
They also forget the costs of various security implementations required to have maximum bandwidth efficiency in the pipeline 
connected to the server and the network.

If there were no viruses, everybody could download and upload quicker on the internet.
I wonder how much bandwidth viruses really consume or better said:waste...

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-25 Thread Vincent Voois

Kaj Haulrich wrote:

Well Lyvim and John... maybe I screwed things up again :
When doing the re-install, I used the built-in function from HP to 
create the restore CDs. Could that mean I transferred all the 
Trojans, Worms, Viruses and Spyware to the restore disks ?
If you created restore cd's while infected, this will ofcourse result in a full restore including infected system files.
You might be able to deinfect your XP box with a Preinstalled Environment CD like Super ERD or Super WinPE: this description: gives you some idea of what you can do with Super WinPE, but this Super WinPE can only be downloaded 
from p2p networks.
It gives you the opportunity to scan your infected system for virusses and spyware and possibly fix system-files when corrupted.


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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-25 Thread Vincent Voois

John Richard Smith wrote:
My daughter feels sorry for me : for my birthday present I wanted a 
new toilet bag, so she gave me one. You can admire it here :
A really fetching little number would go well in any art gallery !
Title : Kaj's bagged her in blue in the cubist style.
Fetchy indeed!
I can restore a windblows in 20 min.
LLF HD and bios reinstall about another hour or so, depending on how 
efficiently you want to wipe the HD.
If you do enough trouble, you can remove any virus within 5 minutes, if you have 
more, you can fix it in 15 minutes.
 -First thing to do is enable your firewall.
 -Second thing to do is pop up your taskmanager and click the processes tab.
   Now i assume the general reader is an average consumer who cannot distinguish all real windows system-files from fake 
process files so just write down any current running proces exactly as stated in that list.
   Some viruses cloak themselves as system files that look like originals (e.g. exp1orer.exe-notice the 'l' is replaced for 
the number '1') these are very tricky names that make it hard to see it at first.

 -Pull all the written proces-files one by one through google and see if any of the McaFee or Symantec sites pop up with viral 
info-like pages regarding that file.
  If there are only pages describing a microsoft system-file process, it's not a virus.
  In the case you see pages from McAfee, Symantec or any other anti-virus developer popping up, you'll likely have a virus.
  On the Symantec site you can download a free removal tool for the virus.
  Beware, some commercial anti-spyware or anti-virus developers have sites up where common windows system files are being made 
suspicious and they attempt to make you buy their product so you can figure out if this is true.
  Only trust the real names regarding antivirus info. If it is a real virus, you won't find info about microsoft system files 
regarding your search phrase.

A free tool you can use to remove spy-ware is Ad-Aware (, you can freely download 
daily updates through the applications internal update process.

Rules to apply before attaching an XP-box to the internet:
Enabling the default firewall on your dialup adapter in Windows XP is the first thing 
that can save many headaches.
Avoid using Outlook (Express) and Internet Explorer is the other.
If the firewall is enabled, dialin to your ISP and go to the windows update site and 
download all critical security patches.
(no service packs, just the security patches)
Then install antivirus and anti-spy-ware software.
Update both system- and anti-annoy-software on regular basis.
This keeps your box pretty safe from most annoy-ware (as nothing more than that, is 
what most viruses are anyway)

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Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

2004-08-25 Thread Vincent Voois

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
medium threats, among them SAHAgent. That last beast was reported 
by ALL scanners to be removed, but showed up every time I 
How about turning of system-restore service?
There are few virusscanners capable of removing viruses from the System Volume 
Information folder but most are not.

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[newbie] Enabling XML module in Apache 2.0

2004-08-24 Thread Vincent Voois
Is there any way to enable the xml module without reinstalling apache sources and 
using the ./configure --with-xml option?

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Re: [newbie] dvdshrink and wine

2004-08-24 Thread Vincent Voois
What kind of troubles do you have with DVDShrink?
I usually use DVDDecrypter if DVDShrink does not succeed, when i got the decrypted vob files on HD i then use DVDshrink to 
reauthor or compress elements of the DVD.
This is a good test to see if it operates properly at all.

And burning with DVDshrink does not work in Windows itself properly either if there is any other burn application installed like 
Nero. (It's Nero's DVDr driver that is getting in DVDShrink's way, this may count for other installed burn apps as well)

evolt wrote:
Having some troubles running dvdshrink under wine. Installed the latest 
wine rpm because I read changes had been made to make dvdshrink work 
better. Anyone have success running dvdshrink with wine and mdk 10?


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Re: [newbie] Configure hotmail using Opera

2004-08-23 Thread Vincent Voois
Please if any one knows how to configure hotmail using Opera setp by step
becuase i'm new at Opera. many thanxx in advance for your help.
I'm running hotwayd( my  
router/firewall/gateway box(MDK9.0) computers on my LAN can get mails  
with POP3 protocol from hotmail.There is no difference between  
Opera,Firefox or something else.Mail accounts for hotmail are 
configured  so that incoming mail server is mygateway and port is port 
where hotwayd  listening (177 in my configuration).

Wasn't pop3-access with hotmail only for paying customers?
I recall that only a few email clients (like the default outlook express) had the possibility to fetch webmail through http and 
thus supported email-download from hotmail.

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Re: [newbie] SATA Raid

2004-08-23 Thread Vincent Voois

C. Tresenriter wrote:
I'm trying to set up RAID 1 array with two 160G WD Caviar disks.
Both disks are new and blank
POST shows the RAID PCI card but shows one disk as 0 MB.
Switching cables, positions on the PCI card and the PCI slots
themselves makes no difference. When I go into the SATA setup and
choose RAID 1 the program freezes whether I choose automatic or
manual setup. Occasionally when I choose RAID 1 (or 0) it tells me
there are not enough drives to set up an array,
If  anyone experienced with setting up a RAID array might have an
educated guess as to whether the PCI card or the mobo may be a cause
for this behavior or any other ideas, it would be much appreciated.
If your SATA bios already has troubles with both drives i would suggest the 
First check your master/slave jumpers on the harddrives (are they correctly set?)
Then check which drive the SATA card does see (on which connector)
Then switch the drives and see if there is any change.
 .If not:the drives are both good, either your cable or card id defective, try another cable to exclude one or the other.
 .If there is a change (the position of the good drive changes or no drives are seen at all), check the drive which wasn't 
found in both cases if it is being detected as the only device on the cable.
  -If it is being detected:keep fiddling with your Master/slave jumper settings on both drives.
  -If it is not detected, the drive's probably defective.

For RAID functionality within any OS, you do require specific drivers to run.
About Mandrake 10.0 is stated it has a couple of drivers you can select.
Let's just hope your's is amongst them:

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Re: [newbie] FTP Server

2004-08-23 Thread Vincent Voois

Wally Brown wrote:
Anyone know how to configure the FTP server to change which folder it 
points to?

I would like to be able to point my account to my web server folder to 
allow for remote file updates.
By editing the /etc/proftpd.conf ?
Usually, a good ftp client has the possibility to set the startup folder when you use 
a specific account or login-profile.
Cute-ftp is one of the clients where you can store this information (remote folder).
I think it's not really necessary to adjust the ftpd config on your server for that.

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft patents sudo.

2004-08-23 Thread Vincent Voois
*The* technology or *their* technology?
Their real problem shall indeed be hiding the opensource projects which won't work either since patents do not overrule GPL / 
LGPL policies.

Dunno if sudo sources are LGPL, in that case they are allowed to keep their project closed source (as i would not expect 
otherwise anyway with Mickeysoft). But commonly known MS, they change the whole invention that way that there is nothing left of 
the original engineering. I doubt their concept will be totally different or new as fighting a whole open source invention 
system is something MS can't battle up against.

franki wrote:
Have you guys seen this yet?,775,781.WKU.OS=PN/6,775,781RS=PN/6,775,781 

Microsoft has patented the technology behind sudo.
Wonder if they will have any issues hiding the prior art on this one.

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Re: [newbie] SATA Raid

2004-08-23 Thread Vincent Voois

C. Tresenriter wrote:
The thing is, this drive that isn't working properly is a
replacement. When going into the SATA setup utility with the
returned unit, I'd hear 10 rather loud clicks - so the it
went back to the store. Now I'm hearing a single click (not so loud)
when starting the setup utility, I see the info above and about 10
seconds later the drive spins down, while the other one just keeps
on spinning.
Guess it must be the drive again - but that strikes me as not likely
- or at least odd.
Both this troubled one and the one I returned had black cases, the
one that works is in a silver case. Both were manufactured in 2004
in March and May. On top of that, the guy I've been dealing with
tells me he's had WD drives (exclusively) running in 6 machines some
for as long a seven years and never had a problem with them. ah
If the drive is ticking / clicking when operating, this sounds not good, but you know for sure if you attach the drive to a 
single-bus IDE connector.
They're both 160GB (which probably means 100Mhz busspeed max for those drives).
Western Digital drives works pretty nice but they have two large disadvantages:
Temperature and poison air.
Too warm or too cold is something that kills a WD easily.

By poison air i mean:WD had the lame method of vacuum-sealing the drive with one large label enclosing the whole drive.
One little punch hole and the drive died quickly.
Also the seals do not tempt to stick very long when temperatures rises up to above 40 degrees celcius which also caused poluted 
air to get into the drive.

If you buy a drive watch out for such vacuum-sealing methods, they're not properly 
designed to last long.
Another tip:avoid placing drives directly above or below cooling fans:they disrupt the drive and make it crash and even break it 
down. Also never EVER buy fan-racks for harddrives, it's not nesessary and your harddrive will die within three months if you 
nail those racks under your HD.
There is a Compaq desktop type machine (DP/EP800 series) which have the harddrives mounted directly above the coolingfan of the 
CPU. These drives burn out constantly. (Fujitsu's in this case) May take a year or little longer, but they won't last three years.

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Re: [newbie] SATA Raid

2004-08-23 Thread Vincent Voois

C. Tresenriter wrote:
On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 18:42:36 +0200
Vincent Voois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If the drive is ticking / clicking when operating, this sounds not
good, but you know for sure if you attach the drive to a
single-bus IDE connector.

	Unfortunately, the drive has no IDE connector.
Hmmz, i've been awake too long last night.

If you buy a drive watch out for such vacuum-sealing methods,
they're not properly designed to last long.

Hmmm... I'm assuming you're talking about the label covering
the top of the drive? Both the working and not-working drives
have holes on the top besides the ones under the label.. so
maybe I've dodged a bullet here?
Well, there is always a hole to be covered as there is no real other way to vacumise the drive, but not a complete crack between 
the top and the bottom case as was the case with many WD drives. The strip was glued around the whole side of the drive so if 
you accidently ripped it by scraping it against a pop-nail pit during installtion of the drive, you could say your drive goodbye 
as well as the warranty. - the dark-grey strip covers a very large space.

The newer techniques pasting the top plates onto the bottom-case. It is much better, but i still run into the older type of 
drives occasionally.

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Re: [newbie] rescue disk probs

2004-08-23 Thread Vincent Voois
You can also try to save it with a Linux PE-CD (single-cd distributions) like e.g. 
Derek Jennings wrote:
On Monday 23 August 2004 21:18, Scott wrote:
I'm trying to use my 10.0 rescue disk to re-write lilo in hda.  The problem
is I have an improperly named kernel image in /etc/lilo.conf, so the
rewrite fails when it runs lilo.  I don't seem to be able to open
lilo.conf with vi to change it from the rescue console though.  I just get
an empty new /etc/lilo.conf file, and ls /etc doesn't show a lilo.conf file
(or a bunch of others either).  How can I fix the file?

From the rescue disk menu mount the partitions and then you will find your 
real lilo at /mnt/etc/lilo.conf   (or something like that)
I think in rescue mode you only get 'vim' not the full 'vi'
When you have edited the lilo.conf file write it to the boot sector with the 
recue menu entry to rewrite lilo.

Hope that works

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Re: [newbie] W32.Netsky - Linux really better protected than windows?

2004-08-22 Thread Vincent Voois

Bryan Phinney wrote:
On Saturday 21 August 2004 01:21 pm, Vincent Voois wrote:
 And, since this is a Mandrake Linux mailing list, you should be aware that a
Firewall wizard is built-in that is fairly complete and very good for setting 
up a standard default firewall.  So again, I would say that setting up Linux 
correctly with a firewall would be at least as easy as mucking it up.
Or by leaving it as it is.
I believe Mandrake Linux is delivered with default firewall settings in a similar way 
XP's firewall is set by default.
(turned off)
Not nessesarily damage, but opening backdoors for ways of intrusion may be
sufficient. Specially if you want to hack  a company server to retreive

You really should qualify.  On the one hand, you mention htting company 
servers to retrieve data, on the other, you make assumptions about no 
firewalls, no monitoring, no security.  If you are aware of any company that 
is running Linux for these types of systems and leaving them that wide open, 
you must be working with a lower class of enterprise than am I.  Companies 
can afford to hire people to do things right and usually must do so.  
Individuals are more likely to have open phpmyadmin setups, however, they are 
also much less likely to have any valuable data.
I sometimes service server hardware of small business offices and none of the 
inside staff has any idea how this server operates.
They just switch the tapes because that's what they supposed to do at the end of each 
they (how they were instructed).
The real server managers are third party service companies that do remote service and 
support for those offices.
They sometimes screw up and don't even notice it, the local users neither, since they 
haven't got a clue what's going on.
But no most companies have their server park pretty well secured, use private ip range addresses, if they have to expose their 
lan / wan to the internet, they set up secured VPN server.
Indeed, individuals are most likely to forget or overlook security measures, but i believe this list contains a lot of 
individual subscribers.

But don't forget:some individual home users have access to their company network through VPN (when enabled).
I've seen backdoor infiltrations in company LAN's thanks to the laptops or private desktops of their employees that hosted the 
backdoor, which could infiltrate their system on regular basis.
But this can also be covered by supplying a machine configured with a COE (Common Operating Environment).
Though the Blaster and Korgo virus ( and variants) didn't care about restricted local user-policies on Windows 2000 desktops 
with COE and thus infiltrated anyway. As the same was with Sasser which even teased some of the unpatched desktops in our own 
office, they weren't infected, but the LSASS driver didn't liked Sasser's intrusion attempts either. As with some ACD-servers 
which didn't seemed to be patched either.
Some viruses can really cause a pain in the ass, no matter how well company backbones are protected from within their networks.
So it's pretty well important to protect machines that connect from outside the network as well as the machines from within.
(also meaning that each company should have a COE policy that no user may enter a network with a non-company desktop or 
containing a self-installed OS)

Like simple security exploits of MySql databases (and using a 
non-secured PHPMyAdmin environment :P, just browse google for a welcome to
phpMyAdmin term and find out if there are unsecured servers, you don't
even need to spoof IP in some cases)

Well, I can also google the entire net for web servers and try to find 
unsecured web servers as well.  Suggesting this type of activity is pretty 
much pointless.  First of all, if the unsecured server is indexed by Google, 
I really doubt that you will be the first one to find it.  So, assuming that 
there is anything other than a smoking crater left, we might guess that the 
server is not trivially insecure, again, assuming that it is actively being 
indexed by Google and has had however many hundreds of visitors.
Personally, I would have been much more likely to suggest doing a port scan 
for MySQL databases to try to find unsecured servers, but I suppose that 
Google is the hacker's most understated friend in that regard.  I must be out 
of the loop.
It was a simple example anybody can check, i do not really feel tempted to post complex hack or crack tricks including the 
servers these tricks work on, on a forum like this. (Which in many cases involve hack or crack attempts of Cisco hardware that 
forms the first protection bound)
And simple portscans won't do that much on company routers either lately since most routers and firewalls are instructed to drop 
the package and don't send replies.
But still individual machines may be reachable (as there are probably many registered on this list).

In the case of a worm, the whole point is to infect and propagate.  So, you
have to make another

Re: [newbie] W32.Netsky - Linux really better protected than windows?

2004-08-22 Thread Vincent Voois

Bryan Phinney wrote:
On Sunday 22 August 2004 02:14 pm, Vincent Voois wrote:

Or by leaving it as it is.
I believe Mandrake Linux is delivered with default firewall settings in a
similar way XP's firewall is set by default. (turned off)

Ah, so you don't remember selecting a security level when you installed Linux, 
right?  If you select a higher security level, the poor man's firewall of a 
Nopes i don't remember that, i've done this only one time :P

I don't know of any enterprise running Linux servers that don't have at least 
one person on hand to do day to day administration and configuration.  YMMV.  
It is possible, from my experience, to get an MSCE and still not be able to 
properly troubleshoot or administer computer systems, we have a few in my 
office.  So, if you were referring to Windows servers, I have no doubt that 
might be the case.
Hmmz, i had a collegue with MCSE certificate that considered servers on a hardware technical base were the same as desktop pc's.
The guy was fired after he excuted the system erase utility on a Compaq system, taken by the hand by third level helpdesk 
engineering remotely instructed through phone. The guy was blindly executing key-sequences he got on command and made one 
terrible mistake in the main smartstart environment by executing system erase utility instead of array configuration utility.
I mean, why don't people really READ and OBSERVE what they are doing.

I don't have MSCE, MCA/MCP and i don't intend to qualify myself for such papers either, though i read and learn the material and 
on each job i learn something new if i see examples being processed by system admins that do the real job.

I sometimes have a malfunction on a  HP-UX system or an Ibm box running Unix. And not the new edition of today, but the box runs 
uninterruptedly for the past several years.
The system administrator asks me to check the replacement hardware first and if it isn't the same, he doesn't want me to 
exchange it for the fact the kernel might not support the different device.
This mostly counts for tape-drives as the model sometimes deviates form what is currently seated in the machine, but also for 
System admins aren't really snappy upon recompiling kernel's either.

But don't forget:some individual home users have access to their company
network through VPN (when enabled). I've seen backdoor infiltrations in
company LAN's thanks to the laptops or private desktops of their employees
that hosted the backdoor, which could infiltrate their system on regular

I don't, even for a minute, believe that a hacker is going to target 
individual machines with the intent of gaining access to an enterprise 
through a VPN connection.  Whether or not they might so happen to luck into 
Wrongly interpreted, a company worker that has a laptop from his boss, at his works, logs onto LAN through Ethernet and at home 
uses VPN over his common ISP-DSL.
The guy gets infected by Blaster / Sasser when he is just browsing the internet across his ordinary ISP DSL connection (VPN 
turned off) because his machine is much vulnerable there. I'm talking about infection in the early stage of the release of these 
worms, in any later state companies COE scripts mostly take care the virus will be gone.
In the mean time, when he connects back with VPN to the network, the worms attempt to spread themselves across the WAN of the 

It was not the intend of the virus writer for this virus to infiltrate company's LAN/WAN's this way, but this is the extra 
side-effect which can happen. It's not about getting sensitive data or corrupting servers, but it is a good way to narrow down 
the backbone's bandwidth of a company.

much more likely to be targeting unix and linux boxen and they are not using 
the vulnerability of the week MS worm to do their work.  They are also much 
more likely to be hitting the server directly, not trying to backdoor through 
a VPN.

Personally there are several ways to get a virus inside an enterprise domain without needing DoS techniques or trying to enter.
Just simply a couple of network techniques in one file, cloak it as some commercial demo-product on a neat floppy and just send 
a few copies to the company you want to tab into. (oldest trick in the book, but still works effectively as most virus scanners 
aren't setup to do heuristic scanning, supposing we discus a very smart virusscanner)

We pick out an ISP that can host you anonymously (in particular an known isp which is on most mail blacklist for spamming etc.)
You set up a small page on a free webserver where you can publish a simple file through your own written ftp client to upload a 
small text-file containing your current ip and a unique identifyer string.
We report the website to several search engines and wait for them to have it indexed.
The virus will attempt to once in a while scan the searchengines upon that identifyer (using the local proxysettings of the 
current user

Re: [newbie] Configure hotmail using Opera

2004-08-22 Thread Vincent Voois
A lot of websites are not really opera-friendly i've noticed in a near past.
Don't know if it has still problems with complex cookies and various sign-certificate cyphering scripts, but that was for me the 
reason to ditch Opera as i required it to access certain sites.

Netscape works best but in some cases you can't circumvent Internet Explorer :(
I use Mozilla Firefox myself, but it's not yet as good as Netscape.
Ahmed wrote:
Please if any one knows how to configure hotmail using Opera setp by 
step  becuase i'm new at Opera. many thanxx in advance for your help.

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Re: [newbie] W32.Netsky - Linux really better protected than windows?

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois

Stephen Khn wrote:

  On Sat, 2004-08-21 at 05:01, Bryan Phinney wrote:
I just got a virus mail that came to my system addressed to my email address 
that I use for this list.  I suspect that someone has a windows machine for 
the list and that machine is compromised and is trying to send the Netsky 
virus to me.  The virus originated from IP which resolves to at 20 Aug 2004 14:06:57 -0400 (EDT).

If you possibly match this description, meaning, if you have a windows machine 
on, you might want to check your machine.

Jeepers Bryan, hope you didn't try to open it and run it! (as if that
were even possible whilst in GNU/linux

Well maybe netsky doesn't work in Linux. But it's still quite simple to
scan linux deamons and send it spoofed ip packages (as if the packages
came from to enable or change things in the Linux system.
You won't get the result back ofcourse, but if you know exactly what
you're doing, the results will soon enough pay off when accessing the
server, somehow afterwards the spoof-stream, succeeds.

You don't need virusses to crack Linux systems, but common tools for
the job, common sense of the knowledge and common morons that didn't
changed their system defaults (critical exploits), though each release
they get better (the bugs then).

The point is, if you configure all default settings for security a
different way than they are commonly set, your Linux server is better
protected than windows.
It's because Windows still dominates the most of the current user- and
business-market that most people don't bother themselves in hacking
The only current device that covers them both equally well is a
hardware-firewall (like router or a pure pix).

(btw:Mandrake has ip-spoof protection which can be enabled in the
security configuration settings)

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Re: [newbie] Screenshots

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois

frankieh wrote:
But having said that, they spend millions researching usability, and 
the fact is, they do that side of things very well.
Perhaps too well, they have made owning and using a PC, so easy that 
most people using windows have no idea that they need to protect 
themselves and their data from virus's, spyware, keyloggers and all 
that other stuff. (and Windows doesn't help them to protect 
themselves, at least before SP2 it didn't.)

To be honest:If MS released windows the way it supposed to be, there 
shouldn't be a need of SP1 and SP2. But MS has too many coders working 
on too many projects and these projects can't be tested in all possible 
combinations amongst eachother for the fact if they're fool- AND hack-proof.
But if Windows XP would have been that properly protected back then, as 
it is now, nobody would have bought it since the PC hardware of that 
time was not fast enough to be able to handle such bulky and overheaded 
software MS releases. And honestly, today most common machines 
experience a tremendous backdraft in speed when SP2 is installed.

I stick to the really critical security packs (meaning shit that the 
firewall of my router can't stop AKA leaks in MS broadcast and receive 
applications etc.) and that's it.

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Re: [newbie] Screenshots

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois
Erylon Hines wrote:
On Friday 20 August 2004 06:50 pm, JoeHill wrote:
| ...but I'll give you this: anyone choosing KDE over XFCE needs their head
| examined.
Sorry dooD, but my wife would never have quit Winders if it hadn't been for 
the KDE interface.  Anything that is too different from Windows and it would 
have been a no go from the get go.  It's call xenophobia, and 90% of the 
Windows users have it.  All these folks want is an OS interface that is easy 
to use and understand, and especially one that they don't have to learn from 
scratch.  Xfce, as much as I like it, is too different to be of use to your 
average Windows convert.  Ditto for Enlightenment, Ice, and even Gnome.  My 
wife described Gnome as weird looking and ugly.  Any Windows user can 
convert to KDE without giving it much thought, and that makes it a useful 
interface, in my book.  The other window managers are pretty much for geeks, 
even though many (most) are really more intelligently designed (that, I 
think, we can agree on).

The first thing i did when KDE started up in Mandrake was opening a 
console, edited the fstab.ini to start with init level 3 and the second 
thing i did in KDE was running the following command as root:init 3

The only windowmanager i use in there is called screen and i have no 
need of more :P (No mouse, just keyboard only)

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Re: [newbie] Screenshots

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois

Richard Urwin wrote:

  On Saturday 21 Aug 2004 11:51 am, Vincent Voois wrote:
The only windowmanager i use in there is called "screen" and i have
no need of more :P (No mouse, just keyboard only)

But on my screen I can get 2.5 80 column terminals side-by-side, and 
they have a lot more than 25 rows. I can match the six virtual 
terminals with almost no overlap, and without switching desktops. 
Logging in takes longer, but only a few seconds (XFCE4), and I only 
have to do it once. Logging out is easy, and I only have to do that 
once as well.

Why use the screen? You can get linux to use a dumb terminal as the 
console and hide the computer away somewhere. Better, if you get an 
8-way serial i/f, you can have a terminal in every room.

I use init mode 3 because i run game-deamons that i rather supply as
much cpu resources as i can.
I have my Linux machine only for server purposes :P

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Re: [newbie] Screenshots

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois

Charlie Mahan wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 21 August 2004 04:47:04, Vincent Voois wrote:
To be honest:If MS released windows the way it supposed to be, there
shouldn't be a need of SP1 and SP2. But MS has too many coders working
on too many projects and these projects can't be tested in all possible
combinations amongst eachother for the fact if they're fool- AND
hack-proof. But if Windows XP would have been that properly protected back
then, as it is now, nobody would have bought it since the PC hardware of
that time was not fast enough to be able to handle such bulky and
overheaded software MS releases. And honestly, today most common machines
experience a tremendous backdraft in speed when SP2 is installed.

I stick to the really critical security packs (meaning shit that the
firewall of my router can't stop AKA leaks in MS broadcast and receive
applications etc.) and that's it.

I'm almost positive this system has been infected by my warped sense of humor, 
as exemplified by the "random" Fortune used in my signature.


It would seem you have made at least one choice on your Windows system to 
shore up the lines of defense.

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4)
Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)

You do know that Netscape 7.2 has been released do you not? It's based on the 
latest "stable" Mozilla and according to what I've read it's what version 6.0 
should have been for Windows users especially. But this thread was about 
Linux choices in general and Mandrake choices specifically. Not Windows 
choices, of which very few are available.

Maybe you should stop lurking and give Mandrake a try? I'm fairly sure most of 
us have felt the exact levels of frustration you do in our past. But as more 
than one list member has stated; "If Microsoft ever got serious about 
security and stability I'd have to go to work for a living."

Or words to that effect. (-:


I know Netscape 7.2 is released, but currently i only use netscape for
it's mail-function (screw outlook and it's moron deratives.).
For browsing i use Mozilla Firefox :P (0.8 and 0.9.3 is also already
out :P)

To be honest, i really like Mandrake for it's Gui and it's
applications, hell i've even installed OpenOffice on my Windows system
very recently (MS can stick that in their arse :P).
I have still some problems that Mandrake and Wine don't compromise for
me specially when it involves specific software like Pinnacle Studio or
Liquid Edition.
But i do use Linux for the deamon purposes it has to offer and it's
very easy to set up your server-deamons and configure your mySQL
databases etc.
It's also because i can script my up and downtimes in a timetable
(cron), that's what my purpose for linux is.
The reason why i chose Mandrake above the more comprehensive editions
for the purposes i require (like Slackware can do the job as good as
well) is that The Xwindows system within Mandrake gave me the
opportunity to browse the web for answers and to test them in the
environment i required.
It sucks a bit to switch between two monitors and do one thing on the
win pc and test the solution on the linux machine.

Currently i've been busy for three weeks now with Linux, i've had
experience with Linux in the past (and SCO Unix) but this was long time
The only thing that still kept me a bit in touch was through shelling
my ISP and that of my customers because i programmed CGI scripts for
their webshops.
But this is also long time ago.

But once software developers like Pinnacle and Adobe really start to
create DTP software for Xwindows, i would love to step over.
Currently i've *donated* a bit too much cash for those packages to
abandon them right now. (as there might be good alternatives in
XWindows, tips are always welcome)



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Re: [newbie] W32.Netsky - Linux really better protected than windows?

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois

Ahh... we're gonna have a ball now

Bryan Phinney wrote:

  On Saturday 21 August 2004 06:33 am, Vincent Voois wrote:

Well maybe netsky doesn't work in Linux. But it's still quite simple to
scan linux deamons and send it spoofed ip packages (as if the packages
came from to enable or change things in the Linux system.
You won't get the result back ofcourse, but if you know exactly what
you're doing, the results will soon enough pay off when accessing the
server, somehow afterwards the spoof-stream, succeeds.

Of course, this assumes there is no firewall between the net and Linux that 
wouldn't catch the packet coming in.  

This i explained in the end.

  It also assumes that you know exactly 
which daemons are running on the target machine, 

  and which versions of those 
daemons and you have a vulnerability that hasn't been patched.  And, it 
assumes that by exercising the vulnerability, you can somehow cause some 
actual damage to the machine.

Not nessesarily damage, but opening backdoors for ways of intrusion may
be sufficient. 
Specially if you want to hack a company server to retreive data.
Like simple security exploits of MySql databases (and using a
non-secured PHPMyAdmin environment :P, just browse google for a
"welcome to phpMyAdmin" term and find out if there are unsecured
servers, you don't even need to spoof IP in some cases)

  In the case of a worm, the whole point is to infect and propagate.  So, you 
have to make another leap and assume that whatever you can cause to happen is 
complex enough to turn off all additional protections, notifications to 
sysadmin, and continue to spread to other boxen.

On Linux this is harder to accomplish.

  If you are implying that this is "quite simple," especially compared to the 
average script kiddie using a virus construction kit to implement the latest 
windows vulnerability published 6 months ago and still unpatched, you must be 
quite the hacker.

Windows has no security, i don't know why Microsoft still tries to
convince people that it is secure, it isn't.
That they improved their firewall construction to make Windows less
vulnerable doesn't mean it is more secure from within it's environment.
It just has more barriers now, but there will soon enough come new
exploit discoveries. Spyware is one of the backdoors that can become
the exploit if people don't use anti-spyware software against it.
If anyone should fear intrusion into your private life, it is for sure
spyware that can cause much more damage than only corrupt your system.
(depending what sensitive information is stored on it)

You don't need virusses to crack Linux systems, but common tools for
the job, common sense of the knowledge and common morons that didn't
changed their system defaults (critical exploits), though each release
they get better (the bugs then).

I would imagine that finding "common morons" who opt to install and run Linux, 
successfully, with all the attendant problems, is probably not quite as easy 
as you make it out to be.  Of course, I might be one of those common morons 
you spoke about above.

I'm a moron, i had no troubles installing Linux on an average PC
working without needing to do much handwork.
Leaving it that way unattended and unconfigured (besides defaults)
maybe isn't a problem for now, but when leaks become known in a later
period and i the same moron don't pay attention to update security, my
box becomes more vulnerable for certain attacks.
They don't nessesarily have to cause very much damage (as i said

The point is, if you configure all default settings for security a
different way than they are commonly set, your Linux server is better
protected than windows.

Ah, the old "security through obscurity" canard.  Yes, by all means, using 
tried and true methods that have been tested by literally thousands of others 
and are in active use and actively being tested by the black hats in the wild 
is so obviously a worse means of protecting your server than blazing your own 
trail only to discover your mistakes after you are compromised.  Are you sure 
you're a newbie?  I mean, you sound a lot like a technology analyst.  Like 
Rob Enderle, for instance.

HAhahahahaha, i like your reply, i did not intent to bring it as black
and white as you picked it up but the main idea is that any os is
vulnerable to something.
And if it's not known today, it will be discovered later and let's just
hope it is being discovered by the developers and not by users that
intend harm with it.
For AFAIK, it always has been plain simple to hack a windows platform
using *NIX techniques and this is what i often do on occasion when SID
tables of NT servers got that corrupted that local admin isn't able to
log anymore with the local password. (The well known Linux bootflop and
it's extra flop with SCSI drivers)
And it still works, wether it

Re: [newbie] W32.Netsky - Linux really better protected than windows?

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois

Stephen Khn wrote:

  On Sun, 2004-08-22 at 00:45, JoeHill wrote:
On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 10:25:04 -0400
Bryan Phinney disseminated the following:

  Ahhh, right.  I mean, why would a hacker bother to try to hit Linux when all 
he would manage to do is compromise thousands of machines that make up the 
entire Internet backbone.  I mean, what would be the good in, say 
compromising all the google clusters and disrupting the primary search engine 
of the Internet?  The other script kiddies would probably laugh you out of 
the Internet cafe when talking about that compared to, oh, sending out a 
brain-dead virus built from a kit, using a vulerability that was published a 
year ago, that hits home users who haven't updated their software since they 
bought their computer.  Yeah, it must be that whole windows popularity thing, 
I am sure that the comparitive difficulty in targeting Linux over windows has 
absolutely nothing to do with it.  Pull the other one.

ROFLMAO! Nice...that's a keeper.

The far less amusing version, dare I post it again:

Haven't we been over this more than enough in the past three years?

"Save the attachment to your drive; un-tar/un-gzip it; cd into the virus
directory; type sudo ./configure  make  make install; then run sudo
/usr/bin/virus" - sit back and watch your system fry."

On a side note, by leaving telnet and ftp and ssh ports opened, along
with not having a working and tested firewall, a system might be
breached as well - but still a tougher job to pull off than say,
downloading a virus kit from Astalavista, modifying the code, and
chucking it out on the net in through spoofed email...

Moron Sysadmin quote of the day:
"Why applying security patches? I have no security-problems.
If a hacker gets in and screw my systems, i just restore last night's

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Re: [newbie] W32.Netsky - Linux really better protected than windows?

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois

Stephen Kühn wrote:
On Sun, 2004-08-22 at 02:03, Charlie Mahan wrote:

On the third hand (Moties anyone? g); A question, does anyone know why the 
list is suddenly being astro-turfed with html messages?


...because we're being inundated by MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and
web-based email clients as opposed to the normal RFC standard text based
email clients properly configured?
...or maybe no one reads the list Ettiquette?
...or maybe Kommandant Hill isn't being the proper list Nazi he usually
Okay okay, got the message...
Netscape supports html too (if the moron me does not deactivate it, that is), forgot most Linux boxers here probably are still 
sticked to pine (sorry guys :P)

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Re: [newbie] Re: [newbie] W32.Netsky - Linux really better protected than windows?

2004-08-21 Thread Vincent Voois

rikona wrote:
Hello Hoyt,
Saturday, August 21, 2004, 10:52:59 AM, Hoyt wrote:

Okay okay, got the message... Netscape supports html too (if the
moron me does not deactivate it, that is), forgot most Linux boxers
here probably are still sticked to pine (sorry guys :P)
HB I don't think you know what you are talking about.
Hmmz, complaints about use of html in posts, someone posting a link to the mandrake etiquette starting about not posting in html 
and then again more subtile hints about the use of html and the hidden request to turn it off:i got the message.
I don't really reply to every post that is a reply to mine, but i do read them.

Agreed. He doesn't seem to know good practices in Win either.
HB You are the only  person who has qualified for 5 entries in spam.
Well - glad to see someone else was seeing that too. :-))
Well, sorry for that, but ppl keep responding in that way my fingers start itching 
too hard to resist the temptation.
Not all my post may seem direct to the point, they do carry a serious point though.

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