[newbie-it] Upgrade kernel 2.4.0 test 9

2000-10-14 Per discussione ENx

Ciao a tutti vorrei cambiare il kernel della Mandrake 7.1 con il kernel
2.4.0 test 9, ma ho la root montata su un Reiser fs. andrò incontro a
qulache problema se passo dal kernel attuale al 2.4.0? Il Kernel 2.4.0
supporta Reiser fs?

Grazie e Ciao, ENx

[newbie-it] lilo.conf e append

2000-10-14 Per discussione Pasquale Zapelli

Ciao a tutti!

Sapete come posso fare per aggiungere più di un'opzione "append" nel lilo.conf?
Voglio infatti aggiungere sia "mem=128M" che "idebus=66". Ho provato in diversi
modi: con due "append", con un "append" e i due parametri separati da virgola,
punto e virgola, con e senza virgolette,  ma lilo o mi dice che la sintassi è
sbagliata o mi registra solo il primo parametro.

Grazie per l'aiuto!


Re: [newbie] sb live! sound cards

2000-10-14 Per discussione chronos

System specs are as follows- gateway 20 gig drive partitioned 10 
 win98 se
and 10 linux mandrake 7.0 128 ram  pentium 3 500 and sb live sound 
   and svga video card.
Have you tried to use sndconfig? If not, then get out of X completely and run
/usr/sbin/sndconfig from the command line. I have to do this to get my sb live
to work under both RH and Mandrake.
Hope this help
To KrYtOn-
 Hi, yes I ran sndconfig and it went through it all and ended with 
playing a sample and still no sound. Suggustions ?
you, Chronos.

Re: [newbie] sb live! sound cards

2000-10-14 Per discussione chronos

To Philomena-
 Hi, dumb question what do you mean compile the driver ? What and how 
do I do this ? I downloaded the most current driver so how do I go about 
installing it ? Im really lost at this point. Thank you,

  What type of error messages are you seeing ? Did the compile of the 
 driver go successfully ?
  System specs are as follows- gateway 20 gig drive partitioned 10 win98 se
  and 10 linux mandrake 7.0 128 ram  pentium 3 500 and sb live sound 
 card and svga video card.

Re: [newbie] writing to a vfat partition?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 13, 2000, 19:46, when Jeff Malka keyboarded:

My fat partitions are not fat32.  Can I or cn I not save files to these
partitions from linux?  As I live more and more in linus it becomes important
not only to access my data files from the fat p;artitions but also to save
changes made back to those fat partitions.  Safe or no?

Hi Jeff,

I have found this to be not dangerous.
I had to change a little thing in my /etc/fstab in order to write to the
dos partitions as user though:

/dev/hda1 /mnt/c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda5 /mnt/d vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda8 /mnt/e vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda9 /mnt/f vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda10 /mnt/g vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hda11 /mnt/h vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0

This is how it looks. I had to add the "user,exec,umask=0 0 0" and things
went fine.


Death styles of the rich and famous.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Jay

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 Good evening:
 I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
 braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
 -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)
I have used Opera on Windows since 3.0.  I love this browser!  I have been
waiting for the port to Linux for over a year now.  Thank God it is coming, now
I can stop using Netscape soon.

"May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your heart with 
gladness, that stays forever after."
"May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend."

Re: [newbie] sb live! sound cards

2000-10-14 Per discussione philomena


Did you downloaded a file with the extension tar.gz ? The file name
should be something like emu10k1-20001013.tar.gz. This is a compressed
file that you first have to uncompress. You do that with the command 
tar xvzf filename.tar.gz

this will create a subdirectry  called /emu10k1 that has all your files.
In there is a readme you should take a look at, but if I remember , what
you do is change to that directory and issue the command "make". When
that finishes up (with hopefully no errors), you issue the command "make
install". That will actually install the driver. 
But, read the readme file - it may have more information than I am
remembering now. 


chronos wrote:
 To Philomena-
  Hi, dumb question what do you mean compile the driver ? What and how
 do I do this ? I downloaded the most current driver so how do I go about
 installing it ? Im really lost at this point. Thank you,
   What type of error messages are you seeing ? Did the compile of the
  driver go successfully ?
   System specs are as follows- gateway 20 gig drive partitioned 10 win98 se
   and 10 linux mandrake 7.0 128 ram  pentium 3 500 and sb live sound
  card and svga video card.

Re: [newbie] bad table partitions in mandrake install

2000-10-14 Per discussione John Hendrickx

--- Jesse Farmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fdisk under Dos reads all of this fine.  The Corel installer reads
 it fine, 
 but then crashes on the actual beginning of the installation. 
 RedHat 6.1 
 Install will not read this, and gives and error.  In both Windows
 Linux, right now, all of my partitions are readable and working 
 fine.  However, I cannot afford to lose any data on my Windows
 partitions.  Obviously, there is nothing in my Linux partition that
 I have 
 to keep.
 Can someone help me out on this one?  Am I going to have to
 reformat to get 
 this distro in?  What is this 'blank out' messsgae?
"Blank out" means repartition and reformat the entire disk. That's
not what you want. Try "sfdisk -V /dev/hda" to verify that your disk
is properly partioned and formatted according to your present Linux
system. It could be that partitions are overlapping.

Do you happen to have a larger disk than your BIOS can support, with
special software at boot time to fix this? The problem could be
related to this.

Last weekend I had some nasty problems with an incorrect partition
table. Linux on my slave IDE disk worked fine, but DOS/Windows
wouldn't even recognize my master disk after I'd installed a second
Linux system on its second partition. The master disk is 15G, my BIOS
only supports 8G. "sfdisk -V /dev/hda/" indicated that I had
overlapping partitions and deleting the partitions with the new Linux
system fixed the problem. Someone else had a similar problem this
week, couldn't boot Windows, couldn't boot DOS from a floppy either.
So proceed with caution, an incorrect partition table can really
screw up your system.

Good luck,
John Hendrickx

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Re: [newbie] security.sh in crontab

2000-10-14 Per discussione John Hendrickx

 Frankly, I don't understand why it causes problems its set to
 sets it at the lowest priority.  You must have your system really
 when it runs for it to slow things down much.
You're right, nice=+19 is lowest priority. I looked up the nice
command in a Unix manual, it said nice -20 is the lowest priority. A
different Unix dialect, perhaps.

The security.sh program does really slow things down, key presses
take several seconds to be executed. I'm using a 200 Mhz Pentium MMX
with 64M RAM, pretty dated by todays standards but fast enough for
me. I'm not running much, just Netscape perhaps, maybe a console,
that's about it. Since the find commands are being run at low
priority, it shouldn't slow things down too much, but it certainly
does, or did, I've deleted it now. 

I think it was put in cron because I checked "medium security"
somewhere in one of the configuration programs. I don't think it's
really necessary unless you're using the computer as a server. It
certainly didn't make me feel secure -- the first time it ran I
thought my system had been hacked! Highly unlikely, but if your disks
suddenly start whirring like mad and you can barely access your
system, and you're a Linux newbie, well, you really start to worry.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 14, 2000, 04:22, when Jay keyboarded:

 I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
 braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
 -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)
I have used Opera on Windows since 3.0.  I love this browser!  I have been
waiting for the port to Linux for over a year now.  Thank God it is coming, now
I can stop using Netscape soon.

I just downloaded Opera 4b and installed it without a problem. It loads
well and fast. After going through some pages, I think there is definitely
a future for Opera with Linux :)

Death styles of the rich and famous.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Per discussione Joan Tur


I've read about it... where can i find the latest beta?


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] Solved: Cannot mount HPFS partition

2000-10-14 Per discussione Joan Tur


I've found the problem... as i'm not using OS/2 very often since i've
installed linux... it seems as last shutdown wasn't successful (needed to
check partition)  O8-)

Joan Tur escribió:


 I get the following message when trying to execute the following:
 # mount /mnt/HPFS
 mount:  wronf fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, or too
 many mounted filesystems

 In /etc/fstab there's the following line:

 Help!!  8-)

 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Eddie Torres

 Well, there's Galeon, gnome browser which needs GTK and Mozilla M17+ to run.  The 
only other option I can see if waiting for KDE2 and give Konqueror a try.  I am pretty 
sure that Opera will be a pay for program.


On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 09:02:27   Larry Marshall wrote:

 I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
 braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
 -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)

Is there anyone who's a Netscape fan (grin)?  It still holds the title as
being the only application capable of crashing my Linux system and it
kills itself on a regular basis.

What are the smart people using?  While I haven't gotten Opera's rpms to 
open up, finding out that it's not an open source product has cooled my
thoughts of using it.  Is there life without Nutscape?  

Cheers --- Larry

Join 18 million Eudora users by signing up for a free Eudora Web-Mail account at 

Re: [newbie] security.sh in crontab

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 You're right, nice=+19 is lowest priority. I looked up the nice
 command in a Unix manual, it said nice -20 is the lowest priority. A
 different Unix dialect, perhaps.

Hmmm...I wonder if some experiments are in order.  Could be that in Linux
things are a bit different.  Why don't you set it to -20 and run it,
seeing what happens to your keystroke responses.

 The security.sh program does really slow things down, key presses
 take several seconds to be executed. I'm using a 200 Mhz Pentium MMX

This sure sounds like a program that's taken high priority on the machine.

 I think it was put in cron because I checked "medium security"
 somewhere in one of the configuration programs. I don't think it's
 really necessary unless you're using the computer as a server. It

Or a high speed connection where people can break into your system.  

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Per discussione Romanator

Larry Marshall wrote:
  I am registered, and they have not responded to a request for assistance.
 Oh...then I misunderstood you Rod.  Sorry.  I wonder what would happen if
 you contacted Mandrake in France since they've said they have moved
 support to there.
 I only used Mandrake support once..when I purchased 7.0 and one of the
 disks was bad.  I had a new one within a few days as they sent it priority
 courier to me in Canada.  I thought that pretty nice of them.
 Cheers --- Larry

Hi Larry,

When I registered, I had a response within 48 hours. That's not bad
considering the hundreds of emails they must receive from around the
world. I don't know if any one out there has ever worked in a technical
support environment. I'm sure after a few days work, you'd give 'em a
little break.

Registered Linux User #179293
Oh yeah, I'm in Toronto, Canada

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Per discussione Romanator

Romanator wrote:
 Larry Marshall wrote:
   I am registered, and they have not responded to a request for assistance.
  Oh...then I misunderstood you Rod.  Sorry.  I wonder what would happen if
  you contacted Mandrake in France since they've said they have moved
  support to there.
  I only used Mandrake support once..when I purchased 7.0 and one of the
  disks was bad.  I had a new one within a few days as they sent it priority
  courier to me in Canada.  I thought that pretty nice of them.
  Cheers --- Larry
 Hi Larry,
 When I registered, I had a response within 48 hours. That's not bad
 considering the hundreds of emails they must receive from around the
 world. I don't know if any one out there has ever worked in a technical
 support environment. I'm sure after a few days work, you'd give 'em a
 little break.
 Registered Linux User #179293
 Oh yeah, I'm in Toronto, Canada

I guess they could get more tech. people but it's an upper management

Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] Linux version of Arachnophilia?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Jeff Malka

Actually both Bluefish and glimmer seem fine for my purposes.  What I miss from
Arachnophilia is the ability it had of instantly seeing on its "built in
browser" the effect of the code I write.  That is an immediate update by
clicking one button.  If this exists in Bluefish or Glimmer I have not yet
found it.  Bluefish fires up Netscape which takes time to appear .  Glimmer, I
do not know.  I'll look into AsWedit which I did not know of.


Registered Linux User 348854

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 If you want bells and whistles and an interface similar to HomeSite,
 CoffeeCup works pretty well, although it ultimately is not free.  If you
 just want to write HTML with some basic support, including Weblint to
 check it for you, try Bluefish, which is free.  Another is AsWedit, which
 I like less well.  
 Don J.
 On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Jeff Malka wrote:
  There is a powerful free webpage editor called Arachnophilia which I use and
  like in the NT world.  There does not seem to be a Linux version of it (even
  though it is freeware).
  Does anyone know of a similar html editor in Linux?
 www.jinxinker.com | www.maxfarce.com
 "It is the nature and disposition of almost all men, when they get a little
 power, as they suppose, that they immediately begin to exercise unrighteous
 dominion." --Joseph Smith--

Re: [newbie] writing to a vfat partition?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Jeff Malka

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, you wrote:

 I have found this to be not dangerous.
 I had to change a little thing in my /etc/fstab in order to write to the
 dos partitions as user though:
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hda5 /mnt/d vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hda8 /mnt/e vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hda9 /mnt/f vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hda10 /mnt/g vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hda11 /mnt/h vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 This is how it looks. I had to add the "user,exec,umask=0 0 0" and things
 went fine.

Turns out mine is setup that way so I am OK


Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Jeff Malka

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
  braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
  -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)
 Is there anyone who's a Netscape fan (grin)?  It still holds the title as
 being the only application capable of crashing my Linux system and it
 kills itself on a regular basis.
 What are the smart people using?  While I haven't gotten Opera's rpms to 
 open up, finding out that it's not an open source product has cooled my
 thoughts of using it.  Is there life without Nutscape?  
 Cheers --- Larry

I think most of the "true" linux experts use the text browsers which coming from
the gui world I find inadequate.  I tried linux opera.  It is very fast and
looks terrific but still has problems.  So I will wait for later versions.


Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 04:22:51 -0400, you wrote:

On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 Good evening:
 I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
 braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
 -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)
I have used Opera on Windows since 3.0.  I love this browser!  I have been
waiting for the port to Linux for over a year now.  Thank God it is coming, now
I can stop using Netscape soon.

I'm right there with you, Jay. I've used Opera since 3.4
something...don't remember what #exactly, but it was before 3.5 came
out. And though I do understand it will have its detractors because of
the open source thing, as well as the price tag thing (I heard $39
clams will be the ransom of this particular king) will turn off some
Linux users, the bottom line to me is it works, and it works better
than any other browser I've used. Once in a while I do run into
something its not compatable with, but as far as I'm concerned, thats
the only thing Netscape is for...



Re: [newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 13:59:10 +0200, you wrote:


I've read about it... where can i find the latest beta?





Re: [newbie] Cannot mount HPFS partition

2000-10-14 Per discussione Francois Massonneau

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 sorry the only windows filesystems linux can read are fat vfat and fat32, i 
 know it sucks but i run win 2000 and ust the ntfs and i used to use win98 so 
 when i upgraded i found i had to create a new partition  so i can swap my 
 files between both os's

Oh noo, hpfs works fine with linux.
This is my /etc/fstab using Mandrake 6.1
/dev/sda2   /mnt/diskc   msdos   defaults   00
/dev/sda5   /mnt/diske   hpfsdefaults   00
/dev/sdb2   /mnt/diskd   hpfsdefaults   00
/dev/sdb5   /mnt/diskf   hpfsdefaults   00
/dev/sdc10  /mnt/diskg   hpfsdefaults   00
/dev/sdc11  /mnt/diskh   hpfsdefaults   00

And I can assure you it works fine. I can read them, not  write of
course, but for the reading, it's ok. Francois

Re: [newbie] about partition gcc

2000-10-14 Per discussione Kevin_Bergner

on 10/14/00 5:50 AM, M. Hasarin Danuningrat at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've been usinf linux manadrake 7.1 for about a week.
 I use linux standalone (with no other os)
 My box spec at a glance:p120, ram64mb, hd:4gb
 And i'm really confused and dumb about partition(especially in linux)
 I have some questions about linux
 1.I have 3partition.How to reduce the swap partition(my swap
 space:254,99mb)so become about 128 mb and the rest(126.99mb) move to the
 primary partition??
 2.what is logical partition?
 3.how can i use gcc??(write soure code, compiling, etc.)
 thanks for the answer
 Say Bye to Slow Internet!
Update to (3)

gcc is just he compiler and linker. You will need to use your favorite
editor to inout the source file, I like 'vim'.  Depending on the complexity
og your code youmay have multiple .c, *.h, *.o, etc.Type 'man gcc' to
learn  more about the commands.  there are also several on-line resources.
From google.com search for gcc and i am sure you will find a wealth of

I hope this helps

[newbie] I can't compile Tulip.c driver

2000-10-14 Per discussione Clif Caldwell

Recently I bought a Linksys LNE100TX 10/100 Ethernet card. (Fell for the
"Tested under Linux" label on the front.) Well the driver for this is tulip but
not he tulip I had but the most recent. I have downloaded the source but cannot
get it to compile. If anyone has a recent binary I would be forever grateful
for someone to sent it to me.

I'm using Mandrake 7.1

Clif Caldwell

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 I just downloaded Opera 4b and installed it without a problem. It loads
 well and fast. After going through some pages, I think there is definitely
 a future for Opera with Linux :)

I would agree Paul.  I still can't figure out why the rpms I download fail
but the tarfile installed without problem.  I REALLY like the way Opera
displays and manipulates bookmarks.  The fact that it automatically
loads Netscape and KDE bookmarks is a real bonus.  The download transfer
window is really nice as well.  Download speeds (DSL) seem a wee bit
better than Netcrash.  It seemed to have no problems reading any of the
pages (mostly Linux sites) that I went to.  No evidence of the font
problems I sometimes see with Netscape.

The program does have some problems, however.  In the hour or so that I
have played with it it crashed twice, though it did so without affecting
Linux which is a step up from Nutscape.  One downside, however, is that it
seems to save its settings only when you exit so a crash causes anything
you've set up to be lost.  Time will tell whether it replaces Netscape on
my desktop but it's got a good chance.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

  Well, there's Galeon, gnome browser which needs GTK and Mozilla M17+ to run.  The 
only other option I can see if waiting for KDE2 and give Konqueror a try.  I am 
pretty sure that Opera will be a pay for program.

My understanding (without any personal knowledge) is that Mozilla has its
own growing pains right now.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 When I registered, I had a response within 48 hours. That's not bad
 considering the hundreds of emails they must receive from around the
 world. I don't know if any one out there has ever worked in a technical
 support environment. I'm sure after a few days work, you'd give 'em a
 little break.

This doesn't have anything to do with Linux but I've just got to share.  I
posted a "what's going on with my DSL link?" with my ISP about 2 weeks
ago.  I just got a response and it was a canned msg telling me how to get
my DSL working.  I'm paying a darn site more for "service" from those guys
than I am from Mandrake  :-)

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 I think most of the "true" linux experts use the text browsers which coming from
 the gui world I find inadequate.  I tried linux opera.  It is very fast and
 looks terrific but still has problems.  So I will wait for later versions.

You may be right but it would seem to my poorly informed view that the
choices aren't GUI vs non-GUI as much as text-only vs text+graphics.  Now
there's not much point in searching online photo libraries using Lynx
:-)  I find using Lynx to be a ball as it's SOOOo quick.  But all too
much of the web is "lost" in the translation from what I can see.

I agree about the Opera problems but once I figured out that I had to exit
after making some setup changes, the problems don't seem any worse than
what I experience with Netscape.  This, of course, is said with one hour
of experience with Opera and probably that much restarting Netscape :-)

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Per discussione Joan Tur

Roger Sherman escribió:


Er... i'm not able to install the downloaded .rpm.  I get an error
message: "package opera-4.0b1-1 is for a different architecture"  8-?



Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 I'm right there with you, Jay. I've used Opera since 3.4
 something...don't remember what #exactly, but it was before 3.5 came
 out. And though I do understand it will have its detractors because of
 the open source thing, as well as the price tag thing (I heard $39
 clams will be the ransom of this particular king) will turn off some
 Linux users, the bottom line to me is it works, and it works better


A good place for me to correct something that I said off the cuff and it
turns out to be wrong.  I quickly read the Opera download page and then
suggested that the source code was available.  The source you can download
from their site is for QT, not Opera.

Personally I'm not turned off by the price as much as I am not having the
source available.  The odd thing is that it's pretty unlikely that I'd use
it as there are other browsers around.  But the problems we face with
Netscape are caused largely by a company trying to keep up with a
marketplace and there's nothing we can do to fix it as it's all sealed

As for buying Linux software, my time is valuable to me and I spend
far too much of it downloading and testing software.  Buying some
solutions looks pretty darn good in the face of that.  Opera has some
really interesting features and it would be worth $40 to me.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
 braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
 -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)

Carrol, no bravery is required.  The one really nice thing is that it
simply loads your Netscape bookmarks into a folder so you don't have to
work hard to try it :-)   

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Per discussione Romanator

Larry Marshall wrote:
  When I registered, I had a response within 48 hours. That's not bad
  considering the hundreds of emails they must receive from around the
  world. I don't know if any one out there has ever worked in a technical
  support environment. I'm sure after a few days work, you'd give 'em a
  little break.
 This doesn't have anything to do with Linux but I've just got to share.  I
 posted a "what's going on with my DSL link?" with my ISP about 2 weeks
 ago.  I just got a response and it was a canned msg telling me how to get
 my DSL working.  I'm paying a darn site more for "service" from those guys
 than I am from Mandrake  :-)
 Cheers --- Larry

Ain't it the truth...

Just killing some time until they get back to you in a proper manner.
That is a long time - even for a canned message.


Fwd: Re: [newbie] Linux version of Arachnophilia?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Andrew Scotchmer

 Actually both Bluefish and glimmer seem fine for my purposes.  What I miss from
 Arachnophilia is the ability it had of instantly seeing on its "built in
 browser" the effect of the code I write.  That is an immediate update by
 clicking one button.  If this exists in Bluefish or Glimmer I have not yet
 found it.  Bluefish fires up Netscape which takes time to appear .  Glimmer, I
 do not know.  I'll look into AsWedit which I did not know of.
 Registered Linux User 348854


Go to:  http://www.linuxtucows.com  and download quanta+ 

It is a html editor with lots of gadgets PLUS an in built viewer. 
By default the viewer is very tiny but you can change it  with one click and
make it fill the screen so you can alternate betwwen the text you type and
it's overall appearance.  It really is the best as far as I can see and it is

It is not WYSIWYG so you'll need to know your html.  Also on a downer it is not
javascript compliant so any javascript will not show up in the viewer but as it
is open source it should only be a matter of time I hope.


Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Andrew Scotchmer

Just to add my two-pennies worth to the thread.

 I use netscape all the time and it has never crashed yet, quite something
when you read some of the complaints on here.  Also as I use to have 24 hours
online connection for free and it worked perfectly thoughout hours of use, it
is really weird to here of all the slating.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Per discussione Romanator

Larry Marshall wrote:
  I guess they could get more tech. people but it's an upper management
 I think you'd find that it's a money issue.  People who know Unix well
 don't work for peanuts and that's what we're paying for Linux.  I see my
 purchase of a Linux distro (I've bought 4 so far) as more of a donation to
 a great effort than buying a product.
 Cheers --- Larry

You hit it on the nail

Registered Linux User #179293

[newbie] Joystick support?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Hi. Just wondering if anyone has successfully setup a joystick with a
SoundBlaster Xgamer Live! card? I went to tucows and read some stuff, as well
as a section from the joystick driver? project, but... no go.

Its supported in the kernel, I can do a "insmod joystick" and joystick.o is
found in the /modules section so...what do I need to do to get it up and
running so that my games find it?

Thanks as always! ;-)


[newbie] Modem is busy

2000-10-14 Per discussione Francois Massonneau


I have problem to make my connections to the internet to work using
my portable PC.
Each time I launch kppp, I have the following message :
"Sorry, the modem is busy"

What is that ?
I've never had any problem with my other computers running Linux, but
it's the first time I install Linux on a portable PC, and maybe I
made a mistake or/and forget to install something else .
These are the infos I've got using Windows :
Fujitsu LB Global LTModem
Port com2
Address 1010
uart NS 16550AN
Max speed : 115k
I'm running Mandrake 7.1 and I 've just compiled a new kernel 2.2.17.
Thank you for your help. Francois

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 14, 2000, 09:02, when Larry Marshall keyboarded:

Is there anyone who's a Netscape fan (grin)?  It still holds the title as
being the only application capable of crashing my Linux system and it
kills itself on a regular basis.

Perhaps I am not smart, but as far as Linux goes, and also in windoze, I
prefer Netscape. And Opera, now.


Support your local clown.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 14, 2000, 12:02, when Larry Marshall keyboarded:

:-)  I find using Lynx to be a ball as it's SOOOo quick.  But all too
much of the web is "lost" in the translation from what I can see.

Use Lynx for informational sites, with lots of text. That's what it is
great for :)


Support your local clown.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Linux version of Arachnophilia?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 14, 2000, 10:13, when Jeff Malka keyboarded:

Actually both Bluefish and glimmer seem fine for my purposes.  What I miss from
Arachnophilia is the ability it had of instantly seeing on its "built in
browser" the effect of the code I write.  That is an immediate update by
clicking one button.  If this exists in Bluefish or Glimmer I have not yet

Quanta does that. And very well too.
The link where to get it is on my linux page at


Support your local clown.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 14, 2000, 17:59, when Joan Tur keyboarded:

Roger Sherman escribió:


Er... i'm not able to install the downloaded .rpm.  I get an error
message: "package opera-4.0b1-1 is for a different architecture"  8-?

Very strange, Larry also had that. And I popped the RPM in the system,
nothing complained. It works.
Okay, the beta effects are there, it can collapse when changing a
setting...  (grin)


Support your local clown.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 14, 2000, 11:46, when Larry Marshall keyboarded:

 I just downloaded Opera 4b and installed it without a problem. It loads
 well and fast. After going through some pages, I think there is definitely
 a future for Opera with Linux :)

I would agree Paul.  I still can't figure out why the rpms I download fail
but the tarfile installed without problem.  I REALLY like the way Opera
displays and manipulates bookmarks.  The fact that it automatically
loads Netscape and KDE bookmarks is a real bonus.

Yes, that was a nice added bonus indeed! You can use the bookmarks without
a glitch! Really fabulous!

pages (mostly Linux sites) that I went to.  No evidence of the font
problems I sometimes see with Netscape.

Again, so true. Everything is just legible from page 1, so to speak.

The program does have some problems, however.  In the hour or so that I
have played with it it crashed twice, though it did so without affecting
Linux which is a step up from Nutscape.  One downside, however, is that it
seems to save its settings only when you exit so a crash causes anything
you've set up to be lost.  Time will tell whether it replaces Netscape on
my desktop but it's got a good chance.

I noticed so. I was going through the settings and it keeled over all of a
sudden. When NS crashes I have to fire up GPS and kill the remaining core
of NS, that takes up all the cpu. When Opera dies, it does so gracefully.


Support your local clown.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] sb live! sound cards

2000-10-14 Per discussione emerhawk

 I have run into a simular problem. The Problem is that
the bios, or something is realocating the IO's and IRQ's.
It is also doing the same thing with my netcard.  Check it
out when you go into DrakConfig. It'll say IRQ -1, interupt -1, etc... I've
even tried to change the configuration in windows.

- Original Message -
From: "chronos" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 12:00 AM
Subject: [newbie] sb live! sound cards

 This is chronos,
 System specs are as follows- gateway 20 gig drive partitioned 10 win98 se
 and 10 linux mandrake 7.0 128 ram  pentium 3 500 and sb live sound card
 svga video card.
 So, how in the world do i get the sb card to work with my linux system ?
 Tried drakx and sndconf and also installing the compatible driver into
 linux as well and still no luck. Suggustions ? Should I try another card
 and if so which one ? Also I have a sneaking suspicion that gateway
 preconfigures everything to run solely in windows. Is this correct ?

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

  I use netscape all the time and it has never crashed yet, quite something
 when you read some of the complaints on here.  Also as I use to have 24 hours
 online connection for free and it worked perfectly thoughout hours of use, it
 is really weird to here of all the slating.

This is interesting Andrew.  Wonder what you're doing right?  When I
stopped using it for email things settled down considerably.  I don't know
if that's because of problems with Messenger or just because it was
actually doing something for fewer minutes each day.  I no longer keep
Netscape loaded all the time as I'd like.  That seems to help.  With
all this, Netscape hangs only a couple times a week and I have stopped it
from crashing my system.  By contrast, when I was using it for mail it
would die on me several times a day. 

Cheers --- larry

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 :-)  I find using Lynx to be a ball as it's SOOOo quick.  But all too
 much of the web is "lost" in the translation from what I can see.
 Use Lynx for informational sites, with lots of text. That's what it is
 great for :)

Paul...could you give me an example of such a site?  I'm not trying to
debate with you but would genuinely like to find a use for Lynx as it's
fun to be so fast :-)  I just can't think of "informational" sites that
aren't also full of graphics.  Maybe just a Linux site where you use Lynx
so I could play around and see what you mean.

Cheers --- Larry  

Re: [newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 Very strange, Larry also had that. And I popped the RPM in the system,
 nothing complained. It works.
 Okay, the beta effects are there, it can collapse when changing a
 setting...  (grin)

Can you tell us what version of rpm you're running?  My LM7.1
distribution has 3.0.4.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Per discussione Joan Tur

Paul escribió:

 It was Oct 14, 2000, 17:59, when Joan Tur keyboarded:

 Roger Sherman escribió:
 Er... i'm not able to install the downloaded .rpm.  I get an error
 message: "package opera-4.0b1-1 is for a different architecture"  8-?

 Very strange, Larry also had that. And I popped the RPM in the system,
 nothing complained. It works.

No problem.  I choosed to download a rpm but i see that what comes with
the tar.gz is the executable.  It works... that's all  ;)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] Launch programs upon connect

2000-10-14 Per discussione Joan Tur


I've got kppp set to launch netscape upon connect but... how can i make
it launch more than one program?  I've tryed writing down the name of 2
different programs seppared by ",", by " " or the name of a file where
i've written down the programs' names (one per line).

No idea  8-?


Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

Re: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-14 Per discussione Greg Stewart

Depending on your particular service, this can either be extremely simple,
or a little tricky. Give us a bit more infomration if you have the equipment
and account, or tell us which service you plan to use, or how you plan to
set things up.


- Original Message -
From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi everybody,

 Has any one had success setting a single Linux box using DHCP, pump and
 setting up
 your cable modem? If you have, I am very interested on how you got your
 Internet setup

 Registered Linux User #179293

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS ! http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/concours.emailif

Re: [newbie] Linux version of Arachnophilia?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Michael

Have you looked at the HTML composer that comes w/ Mozilla? I tried it
yesterday just because I had to do a pre-fab demo of what some pages
should look like when done and I didn't feel like cranking out all the
code by hand. W/in about 3 minutes I'd created my tables and placed my
various items within them. I then needed to add some form elements (which
weren't anywhere I could see on the menus) so I flipped over to the raw
HTML and added the form code in another 2 minutes or so. The HTML produced
by Mozilla seems to be a lot cleaner than most programs. After writing the
code in the form elements were recognized right away and could be seen in
the tag-view page or in the preview page.

Overall I think the Composser tool is shaping up into something very
nice. Since usually I write my code by hand I am usually very picky about
such programs but this is a good start. They just need to work on form
element support. :)

Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape
you. -- Albert Einstein

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, Paul wrote:

 It was Oct 14, 2000, 10:13, when Jeff Malka keyboarded:
 Actually both Bluefish and glimmer seem fine for my purposes.  What I miss from
 Arachnophilia is the ability it had of instantly seeing on its "built in
 browser" the effect of the code I write.  That is an immediate update by
 clicking one button.  If this exists in Bluefish or Glimmer I have not yet
 Quanta does that. And very well too.
 The link where to get it is on my linux page at
 Support your local clown.
 http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

RE: [newbie] 3c905c

2000-10-14 Per discussione M.

What's "de module"?

--- Softec - Javier Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I got the same network card 3c905c, and I have configured with de
 and it works great.Try this.
 Someone on the list tall me that.
 -Mensaje original-
 De: gcobb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Enviado el: lunes 9 de octubre de 2000 13:39
 Asunto: RE: [newbie] 3c905c
 On boot are you getting errors saying your card didn't initialize? 
 If you
 didn't, can you ping the card?  If you have more than one system on a
 can you ping another system?
 Go into your Basic network settings for the adapter and make sure you
 have a
 card type selected for the kernel towards the bottom.  If you can
 ping as
 needed, put your machine name and DNS entries in as well.  If your
 card is
 working that should help.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of M.
  Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 12:45 AM
  Subject: [newbie] 3c905c
  Can someone tell me how to setup Mandrake 7.1/3Com 3c905c for the
  internet.  I get LAN, LANTx AND LANRx lit when I activate "connect"
  when I try to browse I get "unable to locate www.".  I've used
  text editor to add "alias eth0 3c90x" to /ect/conf.modules but I
  think that helped.  I have no idea what I'm doing.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Re: [newbie] sb live! sound cards

2000-10-14 Per discussione chronos

 To emerhawk-
  Hi, yeah I get exactly the same thing, so anyone have any suggustions ?
you, Chronos.
  I have run into a simular problem. The Problem is that
the bios, or something is realocating the IO's and IRQ's.
It is also doing the same thing with my netcard.  Check it
out when you go into DrakConfig. It'll say IRQ -1, interupt -1, etc... I've
even tried to change the configuration in windows.

  System specs are as follows- gateway 20 gig drive partitioned 10 win98 se
  and 10 linux mandrake 7.0 128 ram  pentium 3 500 and sb live sound card
  svga video card.

Re: [newbie] Modem is busy

2000-10-14 Per discussione Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 11:51:35 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 have problem to make my connections to the internet to work using
 my portable PC.
 Each time I launch kppp, I have the following message :
 "Sorry, the modem is busy"

well this problem occurs in windows as well, usually as a result of driver 
miscommunication, your best bet is to find an update for your modem, or try 
reinstalling it, if none of those work check back in with us.

Re: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-14 Per discussione chronos

At 09:11 AM 10/14/2000 -0400, you wrote:
To Roman-
Hi, I actually do tech support for a cable isp and my first suggustion 
would be to set yourself up statically and enter in all the info, if this 
doesnt work let me know so I can consult my fellow work mates. Also give me 
any error messages you get.
you, Chronos.
Hi everybody,

Has any one had success setting a single Linux box using DHCP, pump and
setting up
your cable modem? If you have, I am very interested on how you got your
Internet setup

Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Per discussione Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 11:02:20 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 I think you'd find that it's a money issue.  People who know Unix well
 don't work for peanuts and that's what we're paying for Linux.  I see my
 purchase of a Linux distro (I've bought 4 so far) as more of a donation to
 a great effort than buying a product.

i bought a linux magazine that contained the distro because no stores had the 
actual box but that aparently doesnt count so i get no support what so ever, 

Re: [newbie] Cannot mount HPFS partition

2000-10-14 Per discussione Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 9:50:26 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 Oh noo, hpfs works fine with linux.
 This is my /etc/fstab using Mandrake 6.1
 /dev/sda2   /mnt/diskc   msdos   defaults   00
 /dev/sda5   /mnt/diske   hpfsdefaults   00
 /dev/sdb2   /mnt/diskd   hpfsdefaults   00
 /dev/sdb5   /mnt/diskf   hpfsdefaults   00
 /dev/sdc10  /mnt/diskg   hpfsdefaults   00
 /dev/sdc11  /mnt/diskh   hpfsdefaults   00
 And I can assure you it works fine. I can read them, not  write of
 course, but for the reading, it's ok. Francois

if i cant write to it whats the point

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Andrew Scotchmer wrote:
 Just to add my two-pennies worth to the thread.
  I use netscape all the time and it has never crashed yet, quite something
 when you read some of the complaints on here.  Also as I use to have 24 hours
 online connection for free and it worked perfectly thoughout hours of use, it
 is really weird to here of all the slating.

Which version of Netscape?  Which version of Linux?
If you could pinpoint what you are doing differently from the rest of us
maybe we could all benefit!

Re: [newbie] Modem is busy

2000-10-14 Per discussione Michael

Might also look to see if any other program is using the modem. Do you
have hylafax or anything like that installed? And try minicom to see if
you can get the modem to init.

Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape
you. -- Albert Einstein

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 10/14/2000 11:51:35 AM Central Daylight Time, 
  have problem to make my connections to the internet to work using
  my portable PC.
  Each time I launch kppp, I have the following message :
  "Sorry, the modem is busy"
 well this problem occurs in windows as well, usually as a result of driver 
 miscommunication, your best bet is to find an update for your modem, or try 
 reinstalling it, if none of those work check back in with us.

Re: [newbie] Launch programs upon connect

2000-10-14 Per discussione Michael

Write a shell script that launches all of them and then use that as the
program name.

Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape
you. -- Albert Einstein

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, Joan Tur wrote:

 I've got kppp set to launch netscape upon connect but... how can i make
 it launch more than one program?  I've tryed writing down the name of 2
 different programs seppared by ",", by " " or the name of a file where
 i've written down the programs' names (one per line).
 No idea  8-?
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Joan.Tur.pagina.de  Club.Ibosim.pagina.de
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

[newbie] Fwd: Xmms

2000-10-14 Per discussione Julio Gutierrez

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Xmms
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 19:26:09 -1000
From: Julio Gutierrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I recently installed RH7 and everything works fine except Xmms, when i try to
play mp3s, it  continually skips and doesn't paly them right , I was wondering
if any of you guys know how to fix the problem, I tried removing it and
reinstalling but it kept on doing it, when I use the cd player it plays fine so
I don't think there is any conflicts with my sound card so if anyone knows or
has had a problem like this and has a solutionplease let me know because I just
can't live wothout music.
Your Help will be greatly appreciated!!
Julio Gutierrez

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 least a 200Mhz machine and 64Mb of RAM you might try a stable Mozilla
 build. You have to watch and pick one from a good day (not to hard, look
 at Mozzilla Zine for help w/ this) but if you do so it runs very stable
 and somewhat quickly. Depending on the day you choose stabilty and speed

Are you able to make a recommendation of one of those stable/speed
versions?  Might be worth a try.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 Support is useless. Learn it for yourself. The ability to look up
 information, ask for help, and work through problems are things don't
 don't expire in 6 months. :)

That's worthy of sticking on my wall.  Thanks.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Re: Mandrake amp; Sound Card

2000-10-14 Per discussione Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 2:37:14 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 One I
 haven't been able to resolve yet. I have a Gateway permormance 500, with a

well in my opinion that is problem number one, i always had problems with 
gateway computers, i could have windows on a dell and gateway, and the 
gateway would crash 10 times faster if not 100 times

Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-14 Per discussione Greg Stewart

It's HampsterDance with Penguins!Of course, when I tried it with my
windows machine, the damned thing went blue screen...rather typical...was
that supposed to happen with the "plug in" required?


- Original Message -
From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anybody have a co-worker that loves windows?  Take 'em to this site:



Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS ! http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/concours.emailif

RE: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

2000-10-14 Per discussione Thomas F. RuBane

I'm having a similar problem with a DSL modem. I've tried configuring
statically, but am still unable to connect. When trying to up the eth0
interface with the ifconfig command, I get the error "this resource is
temporarily unavailable." Or something similar. I would be grateful for any


Tom RuBane

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of chronos
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] DHCP, Pump commands and Cable Modem Setup

At 09:11 AM 10/14/2000 -0400, you wrote:
To Roman-
Hi, I actually do tech support for a cable isp and my first suggustion
would be to set yourself up statically and enter in all the info, if this
doesnt work let me know so I can consult my fellow work mates. Also give me
any error messages you get.

you, Chronos.

[newbie] hola

2000-10-14 Per discussione mamaya

tengo un problema

original mente tenia 64MB de RAM

cuando agregue otro dimm de 64MB linux  solo me reconoce 64MB
que hago

procesador k6-2 500 mhz
128 RAM
linux mandrake 7.1


[newbie] Licq 1.0, Pan0.9?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Jon Doe

Well I thought I had figured out linux enough to run it ok. Wrong answer, I
can't seem to get anything new installed.
Pan 0.9 yells for GLIB 1.2.8, even after I have installed GLIB 1.2.8. Go figure.
Licq 1.0 no clue whats going on there, installed fine but won't start can't
start plugin qt gui. Any ideas?

Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-14 Per discussione Mwinold

hmm my windows had no problems but maybe its because i use 2000 my only 
problem was loading speed, havent gotten linux online yet, i had to reinstall 
it again and i always seem to get something screwed up when i do it in expert 

Re: [newbie] Cloning Drives?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 14, 2000, 15:13, when Kirby J. Davis keyboarded:

Can I clone/copy over the hard drive via the parallel ports from within
Linux using "dd" or something?

Norton Ghost would be a great tool for it. I don't know of a linux version
of such a program.


Support your local clown.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] hola

2000-10-14 Per discussione Greg Stewart

Se puede leer el documento aca:

Lo que sigue es un resumido de lo que exista en el web antes:

Cuando aprende la computadora, contesta al lilo asi:

boot: linux mem=96M

entonces, al logon, entre como root, y maneja:

# cat /proc/meminfo

y busca la linea que dice algo similar de:

MemTotal: 95572 kB

Si esta linea dice la correcta cantidad de memoria que se tiene, bueno, y se
puede poner la linea que sigue en el archivo /etc/lilo.conf:


por ejemplo:


duespues de cambiar el archivo /etc/lilo.conf, usa /sbin/lilo para acceptar
la correcion.

Si se tiene preguntas, escriba otra vez.

Buena suerte!


Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS ! http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/concours.emailif

Re: [newbie] hola

2000-10-14 Per discussione Paul

It was Oct 13, 2000, 22:35, when mamaya keyboarded:

tengo un problema

original mente tenia 64MB de RAM

cuando agregue otro dimm de 64MB linux  solo me reconoce 64MB
que hago
procesador k6-2 500 mhz
128 RAM
linux mandrake 7.1

In /etc/lilo.conf add the line


save the file and run /sbin/lilo

If you use Grub, look at man grub for more information on how to add the
memory info to the grub menu.

Good luck!

Support your local clown.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Andrew Scotchmer

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, you wrote:
   I use netscape all the time and it has never crashed yet, quite something
  when you read some of the complaints on here.  Also as I use to have 24 hours
  online connection for free and it worked perfectly thoughout hours of use, it
  is really weird to here of all the slating.
 This is interesting Andrew.  Wonder what you're doing right?  When I
 stopped using it for email things settled down considerably.  I don't know
 if that's because of problems with Messenger or just because it was
 actually doing something for fewer minutes each day.  I no longer keep
 Netscape loaded all the time as I'd like.  That seems to help.  With
 all this, Netscape hangs only a couple times a week and I have stopped it
 from crashing my system.  By contrast, when I was using it for mail it
 would die on me several times a day. 
 Cheers --- larry

Hi Larry

Well for starters I don't use it for e-mail.  I prefer Pine or Kmail for that. 
As to what I am doing right, I haven't a clue.  I'm running an oldish system
with a Cyric MII  300Mhz processor yet I have had no problems what so ever.
The version of netscape I am using is the one that come with LM7.1.

This is a shame I think as I often hear many complaints on the newsgroup that I
have no experience of.  My system installed like a dream and everything (mostly)
works like one.  My main problems stem from my ignorence rather than a hardware


Re: [newbie] hola

2000-10-14 Per discussione Andrew Scotchmer

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, you wrote:

Not only is Paul the newsgroups very own guru, he also speaks spanish. 
Where do your talents end Paul?


 It was Oct 13, 2000, 22:35, when mamaya keyboarded:
 tengo un problema
 original mente tenia 64MB de RAM
 cuando agregue otro dimm de 64MB linux  solo me reconoce 64MB
 que hago
 procesador k6-2 500 mhz
 128 RAM
 linux mandrake 7.1
 In /etc/lilo.conf add the line
 save the file and run /sbin/lilo
 If you use Grub, look at man grub for more information on how to add the
 memory info to the grub menu.
 Good luck!
 Support your local clown.
 http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Per discussione Dennis Myers

Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 13:59:10 +0200, you wrote:
 I've read about it... where can i find the latest beta?

Well, I don't understand the problem, cause everything mentioned on the
list here I have checked or tried and I still get the different
architecture message with the rpm and an " unexpected EOF and the core
dump when I try to install the gzip file.(after unzipping it of course).
This is one browser that I will not be using. I'll wait for KDE2 and
Konqueror. I don't have that many problems with Netscape to put up with
the unknown problems Opera is presenting.  Oh, well.  

Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

[newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Tyler Longren

Hi everybody,

I recently installed OpenSSH.  I want sshd to accept ssh connections.  I
start sshd by typing sshd.  Then, to connect, I do ssh (I'm
running as root).  It asks for roots password, so I enter root's password,
and it says "Permission denied, please try again"  After doing that 3
times, it diplays: "Permission denied (publickey,password).  I also ran
ssh-keygen as root.  It saved my key in /root/.ssh/identity, and I entered
a passphrase, but still no luck.

Can anybody help me get sshd working correctly?  

Tyler Longren

Re: [[newbie] wp8]

2000-10-14 Per discussione CastleKidd

Anyone have this problem? The buttons for word perfect, the linux version, 
will not show up. They are there, you can click on them, but the all look 
like a garbled mess.

Any help would be appriciated.


Re: [newbie] Opera web browser

2000-10-14 Per discussione Andrew Scotchmer

On Sun, 15 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 Roger Sherman wrote:

 Well, I don't understand the problem, cause everything mentioned on the
 list here I have checked or tried and I still get the different
 architecture message with the rpm and an " unexpected EOF and the core
 dump when I try to install the gzip file.(after unzipping it of course).
 This is one browser that I will not be using. I'll wait for KDE2 and
 Konqueror. I don't have that many problems with Netscape to put up with
 the unknown problems Opera is presenting.  Oh, well.  
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842


This new Konqueror browser that comes with KDE2 has received quite a few
mentions here on the list.  

Does anyone know if the final version will be JavaScript and Flash compliant?


Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Dennis Veatch

Tyler Longren wrote:

 Hi everybody,

 I recently installed OpenSSH.  I want sshd to accept ssh connections.  I
 start sshd by typing sshd.  Then, to connect, I do ssh (I'm
 running as root).  It asks for roots password, so I enter root's password,
 and it says "Permission denied, please try again"  After doing that 3
 times, it diplays: "Permission denied (publickey,password).  I also ran
 ssh-keygen as root.  It saved my key in /root/.ssh/identity, and I entered
 a passphrase, but still no luck.

 Can anybody help me get sshd working correctly?

 Tyler Longren

Instead of, try the address you have giving the host.

[newbie] Mandrake Support

2000-10-14 Per discussione maynord

Mandrake Folks:

I agree with everything that's being said about learning for yourself by
connecting with the resources, doing the research, etc.  I also agree that
Linux, and open source computing in general should operate this
way.  I think its great!  But this is not the point I was trying to make.

The point is this: as a "newbie" I purchased Mandrake 7.1 Deluxe without
knowing much about it, or Linux, or the open source community.  I had a problem
with installation. The top of the software box said "Free Installation Technical
Support".  The back of the box said technical support for Mandrake 7.1 came
with a "guaranteed 24-hour turnaround".  I followed the enclosed instructions
regarding technical support, sent my detailed message, received my number, and
waited for four days.  After four days, I gave up - never hearing from

I now know that various distributions deal with support in different ways. 
Slackware has email and web support.  Red Hat has telephone support.  However,
I find Mandrake to be the best distribution for my needs.   If Macmillan 
simply did not say they were offering "guaranteed 24-hour turnaround" support,
there would be no issue.  I would purchase it anyway.  

My concern is that someone not familiar or experienced with Linux and the
open source community process may be frustrated by the lack of response.  

Mandrake seems to have set the goal of being the best Linux distribution.  I
think they are doing it. This is one small element in the overall picture.  

Robert Maynord

Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Tyler Longren

I tried connecting to,, and VectraXW
but it doesn't let me log in using either of those.  Still get the same
thing.  I changed ListenAddress in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to, but
that didn't work either.

I've attached a copy of my sshd_config file, would you be willing to take a
look at it?

Tyler Longren

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, Dennis Veatch wrote:
 Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 18:14:15 -0400
 From: Dennis Veatch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd
 Tyler Longren wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  I recently installed OpenSSH.  I want sshd to accept ssh connections. 
  start sshd by typing sshd.  Then, to connect, I do ssh (I'm
  running as root).  It asks for roots password, so I enter root's
  and it says "Permission denied, please try again"  After doing that 3
  times, it diplays: "Permission denied (publickey,password).  I also ran
  ssh-keygen as root.  It saved my key in /root/.ssh/identity, and I
  a passphrase, but still no luck.
  Can anybody help me get sshd working correctly?
  Tyler Longren
 Instead of, try the address you have giving the host.

[newbie] sb live! sound card

2000-10-14 Per discussione chronos

To philomena and everyone-
Okay so I got the emu10k1-20001013.tar.gz driver and yes I compiled it and 
installed it with no errors so far as I can see. I did tar xvzf 
emu10k1-20001013.tar.gz and it flew into action with no problems or errors. 
So I cd to emu10k1 and no problem there and issued the command 'make' and 
it flew through a whole slew of work for about a minute or so and didn`t 
see or encounter any errors. Then issued the command 'make install' and 
said permission denied so I changed to su and reisssued the command and it 
flew through the process no problems or errors that I could see. So I ran 
Lothar and it said that a sound card has already been configured so I just 
ignored it and ran the configuration anyways. It didnt give me any 
arguments at first then said that I have bad configuration settings. Which 
are as follows I/O -1 IRQ -1 DMA8 -1 DMA16/2 -1 MPU401I/O -1. So then how 
do I go about changing this to work with my linux box ? The card itself is 
a standard Creative Labs SB Live! nothing special, Linux detects it no 
problem. The bus type is PCI if that helps. Also box specs are as follows- 
20 gig drive partioned 10 win98 se 10 Linux mandrake 7.0 pentiim 3 500mhz 
128 ram sblive sound card svga video card gateway computer.

Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Dennis Veatch

Tyler Longren wrote:

 I tried connecting to,, and VectraXW

Ah, I should have looked at my sshd.config. Change your listen address to See what that does for you.

Below is my sshd.config. I noticed also you do not have a random seed entry.
You may want to try regenerating your keys and if that does not work, I would
suggest reinstalling ssh.

# This is ssh server systemwide configuration file.

Port 22
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
RandomSeed /etc/ssh/ssh_random_seed
ServerKeyBits 768
LoginGraceTime 600
KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
PermitRootLogin yes
IgnoreRhosts no
StrictModes yes
QuietMode no
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
FascistLogging no
PrintMotd yes
KeepAlive yes
SyslogFacility DAEMON
RhostsAuthentication no
RhostsRSAAuthentication yes
RSAAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitEmptyPasswords no
UseLogin no
# CheckMail no
# PidFile /u/zappa/.ssh/pid
# DenyHosts lowsecurity.theirs.com *.evil.org evil.org
# Umask 022
# SilentDeny yes

Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

2000-10-14 Per discussione Goldenpi

What plugin? I took those sites apart once and found they just use animated
gifs. Some of them wand a windows media player pluging or javascript for
sound, but thats about it. That was a while ago, it might have changed

- Original Message -
From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT / Penguin dance!

 It's HampsterDance with Penguins!Of course, when I tried it with my
 windows machine, the damned thing went blue screen...rather typical...was
 that supposed to happen with the "plug in" required?


 - Original Message -
 From: "Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Anybody have a co-worker that loves windows?  Take 'em to this site:

 Vous avez un site perso ?
 2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
 Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS ! http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/concours.emailif

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Support

2000-10-14 Per discussione Mwinold

In a message dated 10/14/2000 5:34:29 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 Mandrake seems to have set the goal of being the best Linux distribution.  I
 think they are doing it. This is one small element in the overall picture.  

in my opinion it is one of their bigger faults, and because of companys that 
do simular things i find that 

one i always grab something that is free,
two i tend to pirate software,
three i never rely on tech support

Re: [newbie] Cloning Drives?

2000-10-14 Per discussione Goldenpi

Looks like you have some cd drive moveing to do. Althrough copying disk to
disk under linux can be done, its not going to be easy. You would have to do
a raw copy of the drive. This assumes the drives are all the same model.
First you have the problem of connecting them together by parallel. I tried
that, a plip needs you to recompile the kernal.

What you could do, if the drives are big enough, is to install from a fat
partition. That way you could use trusty interlink to connect them. I have
never dont that, but it can be done under some distros. Possibly mandrake.
The only catch is you might have to install windows along the way. I dont

Final option: do they have network cards? ftp install?

- Original Message -
From: "Kirby J. Davis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 8:13 PM
Subject: [newbie] Cloning Drives?

Has anyone had success in cloning Linux from one PC to another? I'm fairly
new to Linux so I definitely consider myself a "newbie"

This is my situation... our private school had 8 identical IBM PC's donated
for the students and teachers. Seeing as we had the hardware but no software
(and no funds for the software) I decided that I would try to set up
Mandrake on the computers and let the teachers use Star Office for their

The problem is that none of the computers came with CD-ROMs. I went out and
purchased an inexpensive internal drive and used it to set up one of the
eight machines like I wanted it and now I want to set up the other seven

Ideally, I would like to be able to set the other machines up without going
through the same process all over again (i.e., open the PC up, temporarily
attach the CD-ROM, etc.). I've attempted to use Norton Ghost 6.5 and use the
disk-to-disk copy via the parallel ports and the supplied null cable but it
doesn't seem to be working as I get an error message when I try to boot up
the "slave" PC.

Can I clone/copy over the hard drive via the parallel ports from within
Linux using "dd" or something?

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


... Kirby

Re: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting

2000-10-14 Per discussione Goldenpi

Oh yes-some of the low-level bios formaters dont like big drives. Their not
made for moden technology. if your drive is less than 2gi, your safe. Bigger
than that and I cant say.

- Original Message -
From: "John Rye" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ultimate Formatting

 Mark Weaver wrote:
  that's easy. Just use the partitioning utility in the setup program that
  runs when you install Mandrake on your computer. That can do anything
  could think of to do to a HDD.
  ...Larry isn't a cucumber. He's a PICKLE...
  Surprisingly on Wed, 11 Oct 2000 Kelly, Christopher had this to say!
   Anybody know how to completely wipe a HD clean?? I am having major
   and need to start over. I need to blow away partitions and all. Make
it just
   like new.

 Just a thought on the end of this thread...

 A Dos-based version of the Norton Utilities had/has a version of
 'wipeinfo' - I haven't been there in many years -

 I think it could also be used to re-write each sector on an already
 formatted dos-partition. However - that would presuppose having
 a dos 5.xx or so boot disk with the utility on it.

 I saw a few references to using the bios low-level format routines.
 I would very seriously suggest this is a BAD idea - I stuffed a
 perfectly good 2gig ide drive by accidently using this !!!

 If you need to reformat at that level - get the correct util from
 the drive manufacturer - I know Quantum have these so I would assume
 the others also have them.


 ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
 (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

RE: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Tyler Longren

Well, my ListenAddress was at, and it didn't work, so I changed
it to  I suppose I'll change it back to  Also, I
already have re-installed openssh.  I installed it once, had these
problems, so I decided to re-install, and I still have the same
problems.  :)

sorry for all the trouble...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Veatch
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

Tyler Longren wrote:

 I tried connecting to,, and VectraXW

Ah, I should have looked at my sshd.config. Change your listen address
to See what that does for you.

Below is my sshd.config. I noticed also you do not have a random seed
You may want to try regenerating your keys and if that does not work, I
suggest reinstalling ssh.

# This is ssh server systemwide configuration file.

Port 22
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
RandomSeed /etc/ssh/ssh_random_seed
ServerKeyBits 768
LoginGraceTime 600
KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
PermitRootLogin yes
IgnoreRhosts no
StrictModes yes
QuietMode no
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
FascistLogging no
PrintMotd yes
KeepAlive yes
SyslogFacility DAEMON
RhostsAuthentication no
RhostsRSAAuthentication yes
RSAAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitEmptyPasswords no
UseLogin no
# CheckMail no
# PidFile /u/zappa/.ssh/pid
# DenyHosts lowsecurity.theirs.com *.evil.org evil.org
# Umask 022
# SilentDeny yes

[newbie] Uninstalling Linux

2000-10-14 Per discussione James

I am sorry to say that I dont want Linux on my 
machine any longer now that I have learned to program in Windows and I 
need to uninstall that operating system. Thankyou for your help.

Re: [newbie] bad table partitions in mandrake install

2000-10-14 Per discussione Jesse Farmer

Thanks to everyone for their advice.  I got partition magic, and yes, I did 
have some errors in the reported sizes of my partitions.  However, 
Mandrake  STILL does not seem satisfied with the partition table, and won't 
read it.  Meaning, it still asks me to 'blank out' bad portions.
Corel installed fine, with no problems.
To clear up any confusion, I was running RedHat 6.1, but something has went 
horribly wrong with it, because I was getting core segmentation faults 
every time I tried to run LinuxConf.  However, I'm not real happy with 
Corel's distro either.  I was pretty comfortable in RedHat, but I want 
something with more GUI configuation tools, like Corel or Mandrake.
Mandrake's installer says the error is coming from my extended 
partition.  Since I have my ext partition divided into 4 logical FAT 
partitions, could this be causing the error?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
-Jesse Farmer

At 10:31 AM 10/14/00 -0400, you wrote:

I just got Mandrake 7.1 for $20 at Best Buy.  Partition Magic was
easy enough for this dummy to use.


On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Jesse Farmer wrote:

  Hi everyone.
  I am trying to install mandrake 7.0. Currently I have RedHat 6.1 on my
  system, which I am tired of, and want to try this distro. However, the
  Mandrake installer says that my partition table is corrupted, and that it
  can't read it. It then prompts me that it will "blank out" the bad sectors
  if I press ok. If I press cancel, it goes to Disk Druid, or whatever
  partition program Mandrake uses.

[newbie] ChangingAlias in Webmin creates Error 13

2000-10-14 Per discussione Romanator

Hi everybody,

Every time I try to change an alias, the following message appears:
Failed to save alias : Failed to regenerate table /etc/postfix/aliases:
But, when I log back in to Webmin, I can see the new entry. 

Is this is a bug? Has any one else been experienced this?

Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Support

2000-10-14 Per discussione Romanator

 In a message dated 10/14/2000 5:34:29 PM Central Daylight Time,
  Mandrake seems to have set the goal of being the best Linux distribution.  I
  think they are doing it. This is one small element in the overall picture.
 in my opinion it is one of their bigger faults, and because of companys that
 do simular things i find that
 one i always grab something that is free,
 two i tend to pirate software,
 three i never rely on tech support

That's comforting.

Penguin powered email only

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Xmms

2000-10-14 Per discussione Scott Adamson

Julio Gutierrez wrote:

 --  Forwarded Message  --
 Subject: Xmms
 Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 19:26:09 -1000
 From: Julio Gutierrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I recently installed RH7 and everything works fine except Xmms, when i try to
 play mp3s, it  continually skips and doesn't paly them right , I was wondering
 if any of you guys know how to fix the problem, I tried removing it and
 reinstalling but it kept on doing it, when I use the cd player it plays fine so
 I don't think there is any conflicts with my sound card so if anyone knows or
 has had a problem like this and has a solutionplease let me know because I just
 can't live wothout music.
 Your Help will be greatly appreciated!!
 Julio Gutierrez

Haven't you heard about RH 7 ? many problems due to a different version of GCC,
and due to leaking fd's from the auto update agent it could only stay up for a
month (fixed now).

Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 Well for starters I don't use it for e-mail.  I prefer Pine or Kmail for that. 

As I said, many of my problems with Netscape went away when I stopped
using it for mail.

 with a Cyric MII  300Mhz processor yet I have had no problems what so ever.
 The version of netscape I am using is the one that come with LM7.1.

Same software that I'm running then.  How often do you exit Linux?  If
you're using the "other side" of a dual boot system, it could be that
you're refreshing your Linux memory space often enough to avoid the
problem.  I typically need to drop out of Linux once a weekand I'm
working on that :-) 

 This is a shame I think as I often hear many complaints on the newsgroup

The wonder of writing software is that there is an infinite number of
hardware/software combinations and just as many permutations of use.  One
of the things I like best about this conference is that you get to see
what problems other people have. 

 My system installed like a dream and everything (mostly) works like
one.  My main problems stem from my ignorence rather than a hardware

I'd have to say that my experiences are similar, at least on my
machine.  I've seen some interesting installation problems while helping
others though.  The Netscape thing is all the more annoying because it's
such an anomoly.

Switching subjects:

Since you confessed to being a Pine user, do you use filters?  I've
filtered this conference (and a couple others) using simple "look at
Inbox", look at subject for x, and move the msg to a folder.  I get dups
of every msg when I do this with Pine.  Any ideas?

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Greg Stewart

This is starting to sound like my experience with my MDK server attempt.

What security level did you install... you may wish to explore the msec
scripts to see if there's something in there that's blocking the login. I
spent days ripping the crap out of those scripts and still couldn't figure
it out, but I got too frustrated and installed my server with another

It's just a suggestion, hope you find what's going on--if you do, let me
know, maybe I can fix the install I had (I saved the hard drive wondering
whether I would one day figure out what was causing my frustration).


- Original Message -
From: "Tyler Longren" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well, my ListenAddress was at, and it didn't work, so I changed
 it to  I suppose I'll change it back to  Also, I
 already have re-installed openssh.  I installed it once, had these
 problems, so I decided to re-install, and I still have the same
 problems.  :)

 sorry for all the trouble...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Veatch
 Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

 Tyler Longren wrote:

  I tried connecting to,, and VectraXW

 Ah, I should have looked at my sshd.config. Change your listen address
 to See what that does for you.

 Below is my sshd.config. I noticed also you do not have a random seed
 You may want to try regenerating your keys and if that does not work, I
 suggest reinstalling ssh.

 # This is ssh server systemwide configuration file.

 Port 22
 HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
 RandomSeed /etc/ssh/ssh_random_seed
 ServerKeyBits 768
 LoginGraceTime 600
 KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
 PermitRootLogin yes
 IgnoreRhosts no
 StrictModes yes
 QuietMode no
 X11Forwarding yes
 X11DisplayOffset 10
 FascistLogging no
 PrintMotd yes
 KeepAlive yes
 SyslogFacility DAEMON
 RhostsAuthentication no
 RhostsRSAAuthentication yes
 RSAAuthentication yes
 PasswordAuthentication yes
 PermitEmptyPasswords no
 UseLogin no
 # CheckMail no
 # PidFile /u/zappa/.ssh/pid
 # DenyHosts lowsecurity.theirs.com *.evil.org evil.org
 # Umask 022
 # SilentDeny yes

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS ! http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/concours.emailif

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Support

2000-10-14 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 I now know that various distributions deal with support in different ways. 
 Slackware has email and web support.  Red Hat has telephone support.  However,
 I find Mandrake to be the best distribution for my needs.   If Macmillan 
 simply did not say they were offering "guaranteed 24-hour turnaround" support,
 there would be no issue.  I would purchase it anyway.  

Do you realize that you're talking about no more than a couple
"incidents" being covered by this support?  Look closely at any of the
agreements and you'll find that there's a time period and there's also a
number of incidents where you can ask for, and receive, information.  

You are right that you should have gotten a response from Macmillan.  It's
also been stated that there have been enough problems with that support
that Mandrake has taken it back so your experience (or at least the
collective experience of the customer base) has been acknowledged
by the parent company.  

 My concern is that someone not familiar or experienced with Linux and the
 open source community process may be frustrated by the lack of response.  

Maybe so...but if they're a Windows user they have never gotten any

 Mandrake seems to have set the goal of being the best Linux distribution.  I
 think they are doing it. This is one small element in the overall picture.  

That would seem to be the case.  The RedHat people have just released a
distro that seems to have problems with its "new" compiler (you can't even
compile the kernel being distributed with it.  I tried to install it the
other day and could log on as root but couldn't even get a user running
effectively.  I decided that it just wasn't worth it.  I guess I should
have used my telephone support :-)

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Dennis Veatch

Then I suppose the problem could be on the other server you are trying to

Tyler Longren wrote:

 Well, my ListenAddress was at, and it didn't work, so I changed
 it to  I suppose I'll change it back to  Also, I
 already have re-installed openssh.  I installed it once, had these
 problems, so I decided to re-install, and I still have the same
 problems.  :)

 sorry for all the trouble...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Veatch
 Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

 Tyler Longren wrote:

  I tried connecting to,, and VectraXW

 Ah, I should have looked at my sshd.config. Change your listen address
 to See what that does for you.

 Below is my sshd.config. I noticed also you do not have a random seed
 You may want to try regenerating your keys and if that does not work, I
 suggest reinstalling ssh.

 # This is ssh server systemwide configuration file.

 Port 22
 HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
 RandomSeed /etc/ssh/ssh_random_seed
 ServerKeyBits 768
 LoginGraceTime 600
 KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
 PermitRootLogin yes
 IgnoreRhosts no
 StrictModes yes
 QuietMode no
 X11Forwarding yes
 X11DisplayOffset 10
 FascistLogging no
 PrintMotd yes
 KeepAlive yes
 SyslogFacility DAEMON
 RhostsAuthentication no
 RhostsRSAAuthentication yes
 RSAAuthentication yes
 PasswordAuthentication yes
 PermitEmptyPasswords no
 UseLogin no
 # CheckMail no
 # PidFile /u/zappa/.ssh/pid
 # DenyHosts lowsecurity.theirs.com *.evil.org evil.org
 # Umask 022
 # SilentDeny yes

Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Linux

2000-10-14 Per discussione Greg Stewart

Sorry to hear that you are not happy with Linux. hopefully you will return
one day.

Most often, all you need to do is delete the linux ext2 and swap partitions
and you're home free. You may need to boot with a DOS boot diskette and use
fdisk to flash the master boot record, you would do this if you installed
lilo in the MBR.

Boot with the DOS boot diskette, and type:

fdisk /mbr

This should get you going.


- Original Message -
From: James

I am sorry to say that I dont want Linux on my machine any longer now that I
have learned to program in Windows and I need to uninstall that operating
system. Thankyou for your help.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

2000-10-14 Per discussione Rod Baxter

I have provided worldwide support (by phone) for my previous employer on
mainframes. I do know what the other side is like and what it takes to
provide good support, its not easy.


- Original Message -
From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake supportI

 Larry Marshall wrote:
   I am registered, and they have not responded to a request for
  Oh...then I misunderstood you Rod.  Sorry.  I wonder what would happen
  you contacted Mandrake in France since they've said they have moved
  support to there.
  I only used Mandrake support once..when I purchased 7.0 and one of the
  disks was bad.  I had a new one within a few days as they sent it
  courier to me in Canada.  I thought that pretty nice of them.
  Cheers --- Larry

 Hi Larry,

 When I registered, I had a response within 48 hours. That's not bad
 considering the hundreds of emails they must receive from around the
 world. I don't know if any one out there has ever worked in a technical
 support environment. I'm sure after a few days work, you'd give 'em a
 little break.

 Registered Linux User #179293
 Oh yeah, I'm in Toronto, Canada

Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Dennis Veatch

Greg Stewart wrote:

 This is starting to sound like my experience with my MDK server attempt.

 What security level did you install... you may wish to explore the msec
 scripts to see if there's something in there that's blocking the login. I
 spent days ripping the crap out of those scripts and still couldn't figure
 it out, but I got too frustrated and installed my server with another

 It's just a suggestion, hope you find what's going on--if you do, let me
 know, maybe I can fix the install I had (I saved the hard drive wondering
 whether I would one day figure out what was causing my frustration).


 - Original Message -
 From: "Tyler Longren" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well, my ListenAddress was at, and it didn't work, so I changed
  it to  I suppose I'll change it back to  Also, I
  already have re-installed openssh.  I installed it once, had these
  problems, so I decided to re-install, and I still have the same
  problems.  :)


I had no problems with OpenSSH. But then I installed the system using the expert
mode which will ask you to install crypto stuff. I selected everything EXCEPT the
netscape stuff. So perhaps there is a piece missing. My system is also running
the secure kernel.

Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd

2000-10-14 Per discussione Tyler Longren

I installed at OpenToCrackers level.  I'll go look through those scripts. 
I'll let ya know if I find anything.  I probably won't though.  :)


On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, Greg Stewart wrote:
 Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 20:22:20 -0400
 From: "Greg Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd
 This is starting to sound like my experience with my MDK server attempt.
 What security level did you install... you may wish to explore the msec
 scripts to see if there's something in there that's blocking the login. I
 spent days ripping the crap out of those scripts and still couldn't
 it out, but I got too frustrated and installed my server with another
 It's just a suggestion, hope you find what's going on--if you do, let me
 know, maybe I can fix the install I had (I saved the hard drive wondering
 whether I would one day figure out what was causing my frustration).
 - Original Message -
 From: "Tyler Longren" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well, my ListenAddress was at, and it didn't work, so I changed
  it to  I suppose I'll change it back to  Also, I
  already have re-installed openssh.  I installed it once, had these
  problems, so I decided to re-install, and I still have the same
  problems.  :)
  sorry for all the trouble...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Veatch
  Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 4:08 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OpenSSH sshd
  Tyler Longren wrote:
   I tried connecting to,, and VectraXW
  Ah, I should have looked at my sshd.config. Change your listen address
  to See what that does for you.
  Below is my sshd.config. I noticed also you do not have a random seed
  You may want to try regenerating your keys and if that does not work, I
  suggest reinstalling ssh.
  # This is ssh server systemwide configuration file.
  Port 22
  HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
  RandomSeed /etc/ssh/ssh_random_seed
  ServerKeyBits 768
  LoginGraceTime 600
  KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
  PermitRootLogin yes
  IgnoreRhosts no
  StrictModes yes
  QuietMode no
  X11Forwarding yes
  X11DisplayOffset 10
  FascistLogging no
  PrintMotd yes
  KeepAlive yes
  SyslogFacility DAEMON
  RhostsAuthentication no
  RhostsRSAAuthentication yes
  RSAAuthentication yes
  PasswordAuthentication yes
  PermitEmptyPasswords no
  UseLogin no
  # CheckMail no
  # PidFile /u/zappa/.ssh/pid
  # DenyHosts lowsecurity.theirs.com *.evil.org evil.org
  # Umask 022
  # SilentDeny yes

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