Re: R: Re:[newbie-it] Problemi con LILO

2001-03-15 Per discussione germano percossi

Il 19:20, mercoled 14 marzo 2001, Giuseppe Foti hai scritto:
 Grazie per aver risposto.
 lilo  stato eseguito pi e pi volte.
 Attualmente LILO  corrotto e non si avvia pi. Il PC avvia sempre windows
 e per entare in Linux devo usare per forza il floppy di boot.

Non ho capito bene, che vuol dire lilo  stato eseguito pi e pi volte?
Una volta caricato da dischetto ti sei aperto una Konsole e hai digitato lilo 
come root? 
A me ha sempre funzionato (ho una 7.1 ma non dovrebbe cambiare molto)

 Sai cosa significa "esattamente" il comando
 rm -rf /dd/
 me lo hanno dato in chat ma non mi sono fidato ad eseguirlo.

Non so se nel tuo Filesystem esista una dir chiamata /dd/ ma sei mai 
esistesse cancellerebbe seza mai ridarti il prompt dei comandi da l in gi!

 Sai per caso come posso fare a ripristinare LILO??? (senza rischiare di
 perdere qualcuna delle partizioni)???

Se funziona quello precedente non perdi niente ma mi viene un dubbio, LILO  
installato nel MBR o comunque nella prima partizione di boot che incontra il 
BIOS, perch se non fosse cos LILO verrebbe ogni volta saltato dal boot di 
 Grazie Giuseppe Foti

Comunque la inoltro a tutta la ML cos pu darsi 
(anzi  sicuro) che ci risponda qualcuno che a te risolva il problema  a me 
spieghi qualcosa che evidentemente non so bene.

Ciao Germano

R: R: [newbie-it] mandrrake 7.1: errore durante l'installazione

2001-03-15 Per discussione Emi80

Grazie a tutti coloro che mi hanno risposto.
Volevo solo dire che ho provato a fare l'installazione raccomandata invece
della personalizzata.  A tal proposito volevo fare due domande:
1) Innanzitutto devo dire che questa e' andata bene e non capisco perche',
visto che io non facevo altro che creare le partizioni necessarie prima che
l'installazione segnalasse un errore!
L'unica cosa e' che oltre alle partizioni swap e /, diskdrake mi ha creato
anche una partizione /home troppo grande rispetto alle mie necessita' visto
che sono l'unico utente. Io preferivo una partizione / piu' grande che mi
permettesse di installare piu' programmi.
Come posso fare?
2) Quando ho scelto monitor e scheda grafica e ho fatto il test, mi e'
apparso il messaggio di conferma. Io ho premuto "si", solo che invece
l'interfaccia grafica non parte e il monitor va in stand-by. Come posso
avviare il modalita' testo? Devo premere qualche tasto durante l'avvio?

Scusate se sono stato un po' lungo nel discorso!
saluti e grazie ancora

Re: R: [newbie-it] Problemi con LILO

2001-03-15 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Giuseppe Foti wrote:
 Grazie per aver risposto.
 lilo  stato eseguito pi e pi volte.
 Attualmente LILO  corrotto e non si avvia pi. Il PC avvia sempre windows e
 per entare in Linux devo usare per forza il floppy di boot.
 Sai cosa significa "esattamente" il comando
 rm -rf /dd/
 me lo hanno dato in chat ma non mi sono fidato ad eseguirlo.

rm = cancella
-r  ricorsivamente tutte le sottodirectory
-f  senza chiedere conferma

in pratica un "rm -rf /*" dato da root piallerebbe tutto il disco,
possibilmente anche le partizioni win che hai montato con permesso
di scrittura.

Quindi usalo con mlta cautela.

Il dd, invece e` un comando che permette di fare tante cose, tra cui una
fisica, bit per bit, di (un pezzo di) un'unita` fisica.

 Sai per caso come posso fare a ripristinare LILO??? (senza rischiare di
 perdere qualcuna delle partizioni)???
 Il comando da appendere probabilmente era sbagliato perch c'era uno spazio
 dopo la virgola e DrakeConf me lo modificava automaticamente, quel prob
 attualmente lo ho risolto

ti conviene fare le cose a mano: editata /etc/lilo.conf  e poi 
lancia il comando lilo.

Piuttosto, io ho poca esperienza di udma, pero` mi sembra che questi
possano portare piu` dei due dischi standard degli ide normali
il che comporta l'esistenza di hde, hdf,...
Quindi stai attento che la numerazione dei dischi in lilo.conf
e fstab sia corretta.

ciao, andrea


2001-03-15 Per discussione Andrea Monaci


Mi potete dire quali sono i providers che offrono un collegamento ADSL (con
un IP statico), per i privati padovani, veloce IN PRATICA. Da questo,
potete capire che non vorrei mettere ADSL tanto per dire che io ho un tale
collegamento MA vorrei uno che mi garantisca, in ogni momento, una
velocita` superiore a quella di una linea ISDN (questo mi pare il minimo di
un collegamento ADSL). Logicamente, tale collegamento deve funzionare
perfettamente con qualsiasi distribuzione di Linux.



Andrea Monaci

My address is:

Andrea Monaci
Via A.Gramsci N. 96
C.A.P.: 35010 Cadoneghe (Padova) (Italy)
Phone/Fax: 0039(0)49700637

Re: [newbie-it] aurora

2001-03-15 Per discussione Enrico Mischi

La risposta  semplice... non hai installato il pacchetto auorora, oppure 
aurora stesso, se installato (controlla con rpmdrake), non  abilitato, ma 
sinceramente io non saprei dove andare ad attivarlo.


Re: [newbie-it] aurora

2001-03-15 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 osvaldo wrote:
 facendo la stessa installazione dagli stessi cd in ufficio, parte
 grub, avvio di aurora non c' traccia...voglio
 dire...nessun problema perch comunque arrivo alla schermata di
 login...solo che mi piacerebbe capire il perch, visto che ci che mi
 ha appassionato di linux  che volendo puoi capire perch succedono le
 cose dentro al tuo pc e, volendo, puoi anche intervenire e
 modificare...avendone la capacit, ovviamente...essendo un
 principiante mi accontenterei di capire...
 grazie a tutti

La grafica di Aurora e` basata sull'utilizzo del framebuffer.
Poi, mi sembra (non ricordo) che durante l'installazione devi dirgli 
di usarlo.

Quindi direi che le cause possono essere due:
- la grafica non e` configurata bene quindi non riesci ad usare il
- non gli hai detto che vuoi Aurora.

Dovresti riuscire a "rimediare" il tutto con drakxconf.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] aurora

2001-03-15 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Il 08:56, gioved 15 marzo 2001, scrivesti:

  a casa mi si avvia
 linux con grub, poi parte aurora con il suo bel pinguino ed infine compare
 la schermata grafica di login. facendo la stessa installazione dagli stessi
 cd in ufficio, parte grub, avvio di aurora non c'

Anch'io ho fatto 2 installazioni e in una c'era aurora e nell'altra no.
In quella senza aurora avevo caricato dei pacchetti in meno, se non ricordo 
male, non a avevo caricato giochi, gnome e office. Probabilmente aurora fa 
parte di uno di questi pacchetti, ma potrei benissimo sbagliarmi. 
Tra le 2 installazioni che hai fatto, c' stata una differenza nei pacchetti 


[newbie-it] SB AWE32

2001-03-15 Per discussione Marc (aka: Verbal)

Non riesco a riprodurre suoni con la sb in oggetto. durante 
l'installazione di M7.2 me l'ha vista e installata, ma non c'è verso di 
configurarla! Che fare?
CU S%N!Ciaociao  Byez ! \\marco[www] |||[email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED][icq] 
19758469[icq email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] (instant ICQ msg 
via email)[wwp icq][fidonet] 
2:332/801.63[cellulare] 0338-1772706

] do you have an opinion ?] a mind of your own ?] i thought you 
were special.] i thought you should know.] but i've run out of 
patience,] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,] pray the Lord my soul to keep,] if i 
die before i wake,] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

RE: [newbie] MS Outlook

2001-03-15 Per discussione Mark Johnson

Ok how about this for a solution?  You can select multiple items of mail and
then do a File | Save As and give the name of a text file.  I think I could
pretty easily write a console app for windows that would parse that text
file and reforward each email so that the FROM line is still intact.  This
would fix the side effect of forwarding a 100 pieces of email that all have
your address on it, subsequently hiding the original FROM line.  However, I
would only know how to do this using an SMTP server, but I assume we all
have access to one of those.

BTW, here is the resulting text file create by MS Outlook (indented added by
me for readablity):

From:   Oliver L Plaine Jr [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, March 13, 2001 12:28 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] MS Outlook

On Tuesday 13 March 2001 02:15, Aldo Baez  wrote:
 I think he means whether he can import individual pieces of mail
 from outlook to kmail.  I've always wondered that myself. What
 done in the past is just forwarded/copied all the mail I wanted
 to have in my new mail client, the in the new client receive it
 again.  Thats really the only way I have figured to get it right.


Tue Mar 13 13:22:08 2001

I don't have outlook experience, but I use forte agent in MS it will

export mail in Unix format and I just drop the file intact into the 
kmail directory and kmail reads it perfectlyI know this is no
with outlook, but it did cure my MS mail tranfer problem...
Olly P
*mailed from Linux Via Kmail*

From:   David Grubb [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, March 14, 2001 8:50 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] Kernel-2.4-2 vs VMware

Hi again,

Not sure how modules work exactly, but in vmwares case I guess they
are like drivers that allow the virtual machine to access various resources
(screen, harddisk, cdroms etc).

I've had a look at vmwares site, in their required software section
( ), they state
that a kernel version 2.0.32 or higher in the 2.0.x series or in the 2.2.x
series is required, and that glibc version 2 or higher is needed.

Perhaps vmware simply wont work with 2.4.x kernels yet, but you can
try other ways of setting it up: if you're installing from an RPM, try
installing the tar.gz file instead, or vice versa. 

At some point in the installation it will say "Checking modules
against kernel version" or something similar. If it tells you that it needs
to build custom modules, say yes and see what the output says. Are there any
failure messages at all?

Hope this helps...


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/15 8:01 am 
At 09:49 14/03/2001 +1100, you wrote:
Hi there,

vmware makes use of prebuilt modules that suit most kernel
versions, but 
when you recompile a new kernel, the modules that vmware uses may
match the kernel. To update the vmware modules (not real clear as
its been 
some time since I've done this) you need to re-install vmware and
let it 
build custom modules based on your new kernel. More info on how
this works 
should be found on the vmware website.


Thank's Dave

I agree whit you...
I do uninstall and I reinstall it in new kernel but the problems
Do You knows how modules are necessary to install VMware ??? ( I
know it's 
hard question )
So don't hurry about it !!!

Lcio Costa  
From:   michael [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, March 14, 2001 8:24 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] Time  Space 

On Wednesday 14 March 2001 13:17, you wrote:
  Then there are the new subscribers that don't have the original
on disc
  or those of us who don't want to .edited for space And
with my 
slow internet-line it's even more

Text files really don't take up very much bandwidth. Another
perspective is 
though that since this is a main avenue of help for linux mandrake,
a, "Thanks for keeping it succinct and to the point. It makes it
easier for 
your linux challenge to be addressed.", would be a polite nudge in
appropriate direction for those of us who tend to verbosity

-Original Message-
From: Oliver L Plaine Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

RE: [newbie] Desktop problems

2001-03-15 Per discussione Mark Johnson

you should add... to start the desktop after logging in type the command:

-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Desktop problems

On Wednesday 14 March 2001 14:37, you wrote:

  I just installed Mandrake Linux, and I am somewhat new to linux.
 I am having trouble with Mandrake. The desktop does not come up when
 I boot into Linux. I just get a prompt with a Dos graphic of the
 linux penguin. What did I do wrong in the install???



 -- James carlson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/14/2001
you didn't do anything wrong, all you need to do is type in the user name  
that you gave during installation. It will prompt for the password and then 
boot to the desktop once you give it and hit return.  Enjoy,
Dennis M. Registered Linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT

2001-03-15 Per discussione Meph Istopheles


 Hell, Can some one advise me on the best way to allow Mandrake
 7.2 to read and write to my FAT  NTFS partitions?

  Well, it could be a little tricky depending upon a few things.
First, You say you'd installed NTFS, you may have to recompile
your kernel  choose the r/w module.  (Though this module is
still in alpha -- has been at least since RedHat 6.0, I've used
it in RedHat 6.0 ~~ lm7.2 without fail...but the potential of
data loss still exists.)  When I'd installed lm7.2 on the box
with W2k, the module wasn't automatically installed,  I had to
recompile.  If you're not familiar with compiling the kernel,
it's not difficult, but we can address that later.

  As for the fat partiton, you should simply be able to switch
vfat for fat in your /etc/fstab entry for that partition.

  I may not be expert at setting up dual- (or more) boot systems,
but I've done it numerous times without trouble.  If we have to
go the full route, with all the instructions for setting it up to
work (I don't know how much you know about this stuff), my
instructions may differ from those of others, but they work just
as well.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

RE: [newbie] Backup needed

2001-03-15 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Backup needed

I believe ghost is a vfat environment program, not absolutely sure. If you can check into DriveCopy, the adds I have seen say it works with all windows and linux OS's. It sells for about 25 U.S. and can be used on single, multiple partitions or to copy one drive to another entirely. Just a suggestion, I have not had a chance to research it myself, only going by the ads. Dennis M. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Don Mayhew
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 12:27 PM
Subject: [newbie] Backup needed

If I buy the disc imaging program Ghost 6.5 and install it
on the Win2000 primary channel hard drive, will the program
be able to see my MK7.2 ext2 system on a second hard drive
set as master on the secondary IDE controller?

My goal is to get a convenient, speedy way to backup my Linux
system so I will be less hesitant to try modifying it for my
special needs.

Could I get this convenience by splitting the second hard drive
(devoted to Linux) into an experimental partition and a backup
partition? Would the dd command allow a complete restore of
a saved backup, to the experimantal partition, without a lot of
manual intervention?

Thanks for any suggestions.

[newbie] Kppp

2001-03-15 Per discussione Robert F. Trettel

Hi, All

I just had callwaiting put on my 
My Question is how and where do I tell Kppp about 
I have touch-tone ,so the *70, will work in 
My ISP doesn't have a script. All I had to do 
before was
to put the properTelephone number and Kppp did the 
Is this the same now or what??

Thanks for any assistance
Robert F. Trettel

[newbie] Help? USB ports

2001-03-15 Per discussione donald hinds

How do you tell HardDarke or Linux to look on USB ports for devices?

I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial, ISDN
and so forth, but not USB.

What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
for the modem?

thanks if you can help,   Don

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

Get free email and a permanent address at

[newbie] LM7.2 and kde2 is not working ...

2001-03-15 Per discussione ZeynalBandari

a couple of weeks ago i sent an email about kde2.0 been disfunctional on my 
installation av LM7.2 . i was recommended to update the kde with mandrake update but 
i'm still out of luck. are there any configuration files i have to edit after 
downloading the updates from mandrake update?
is this a result of insufficient system resourses ? afterall i may should change back 
to LM7.1 since it worked fine except the DSL connection. 
the system is 
P 133 MHz from intel 
48 MB ram 
matrox graphic accelerator (4 MB) 
SB 16 compatible
fujitsi disk (1GB)
Quantum disk (3GB)  

all suggestions are welcome

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at


2001-03-15 Per discussione Mike K.

When I installed Linux-Mandrake, I read in the docs that the "startx"
command will boot the linux graphical user interface, just like the ms-dos
command "win" boots the windows desktop from ms-dos. I wish you luck!

   Mike Kilday   *  *

Shop online without a credit card
RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT

2001-03-15 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher


Whether Jeff wants the detailed instructions or not, I would like them.
Thanks a bunch.


-Original Message-
From: Meph Istopheles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT


 Hell, Can some one advise me on the best way to allow Mandrake
 7.2 to read and write to my FAT  NTFS partitions?

  Well, it could be a little tricky depending upon a few things.
First, You say you'd installed NTFS, you may have to recompile
your kernel  choose the r/w module.  (Though this module is
still in alpha -- has been at least since RedHat 6.0, I've used
it in RedHat 6.0 ~~ lm7.2 without fail...but the potential of
data loss still exists.)  When I'd installed lm7.2 on the box
with W2k, the module wasn't automatically installed,  I had to
recompile.  If you're not familiar with compiling the kernel,
it's not difficult, but we can address that later.

  As for the fat partiton, you should simply be able to switch
vfat for fat in your /etc/fstab entry for that partition.

  I may not be expert at setting up dual- (or more) boot systems,
but I've done it numerous times without trouble.  If we have to
go the full route, with all the instructions for setting it up to
work (I don't know how much you know about this stuff), my
instructions may differ from those of others, but they work just
as well.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

RE: [newbie] Desktop problems

2001-03-15 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Desktop problems

OOOPS! Mia Culpa, right you have to type startx and then hit return again. Sorry, I usually boot to the graphical log in and forgot the startx part.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 7:06 AM
To: LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [newbie] Desktop problems

you should add... to start the desktop after logging in type the command:

-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Desktop problems

On Wednesday 14 March 2001 14:37, you wrote:

 I just installed Mandrake Linux, and I am somewhat new to linux.
 I am having trouble with Mandrake. The desktop does not come up when
 I boot into Linux. I just get a prompt with a Dos graphic of the
 linux penguin. What did I do wrong in the install???



 -- James carlson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/14/2001
you didn't do anything wrong, all you need to do is type in the user name 
that you gave during installation. It will prompt for the password and then 
boot to the desktop once you give it and hit return. Enjoy,
Dennis M. Registered Linux user # 180842

[newbie] Problem installing Mandrake 7.2. Help :(

2001-03-15 Per discussione A.G.

Hello there,

I wanted to try Linux Mandrake.  I downloaded the iso image, I burned it
on cd now I'm trying to install Mandrake.  I am already running Windows Me
and OpenLinux 2.4 from Caldera Systems on their separate partitions but I
wanted to try Mandrake.  
The installation gets stuck after probing for the my systems hardware, and
after getting to second stage installation.  I tried to install with a
boot disk but no luck.
Can anyone help?  Please write me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT

2001-03-15 Per discussione Meph Istopheles

 Whether Jeff wants the detailed instructions or not, I would like them.
 Thanks a bunch.

  Alright Moose ( all),

  Keep in mind that there are reasons some do this one way 
reasons others do this another.  I, by no means, claim the only
or right way, but a way I've learned which works for me without

  These instructions, with one alteration, come from an article
by Joseph Cheek's Linux column in the June 2000 issue of
Computer Source magazine.  This article is copyrighted, but I
don't think there's an issue with extracting the steps from it.

  Disclaimer end

  As I'd mentioned, the ntfs write module is alpha -- termed
"experimental"  "dangerous".  This may be true, but I've not
heard of anyone actually having any more trouble than I had had
before I'd been forced to reinstall W2k (for other reasons),
which is now a fat32, instead of ntfs fs.  But I'd had no problem
with the ntfs write module in either nt4.0 or W2k.

   So, the first thing you need is to verify that you've the
kernel source, c compiler  c libraries installed (there may be
others that lm7.2 doesn't automatically install, but I don't now
remember).  You'll get an error if you attempt to compile  don't
have the files you need.  If the source is installed, I'm pretty
sure you get specific errors telling you what you need.  To
verify you have the source, do:

ls /usr/src/

  If the source is installed, you will have a subdirectory
something like:


  This is the lm7.2 source, so, if you've a different release or
kernel, this subdirectory will have a different kernel release.

 1. As root, cd to /usr/src/whichever-release-you-have-installed
 2. Enter (if in X -- if not, use menuconfig):

# make xconfig

  In here you may want to go through all the different things 
familiarize yourself.  If you see anything you know for a fact
isn't on your system, you can change the module setting to suit.
If you don't want to take any chances, you can leave it as is --
it simply takes a little longer to boot  adds a "not found"
line, or something similar, to your logs.

  There is a section on file systems,  some way down you will
find the ntfs read module.  I believe (it's been a while since
I've been in there) there's a section right near there with
something about Experimental File Systems -- you shouldn't have
any trouble finding it no matter what it's called, though.  In
here is, among a few other fs', the ntfs write module.  You
should set this to Load.  Don't worry about the warnings.  Just
know that if there ~is~ potential for trouble, it certainly
~could~ happen.  So, naturally, you want to back up any Windows
data before you begin.

  Make any other changes you want  save.  The buttons are self

  Then, at the command prompt:

# make dep
# make clean
# make bzImage
# make modules
# make modules_install

  Now, if you run lilo, as I:

# make bzlilo

  If you prefer grub, I'm sure there's a command line update for
to enter, but when I was looking over grub info (I admit, I
wasn't exactly studying it, as I was looking for a way to kill it
 go back to lilo) I didn't see it.  Perhaps someone here with
more grub knowledge could answer that?

  Then, making sure you have a boot disk handy, exit root, user,
 X,  restart.  I've not had a problem booting, but everyone's
config is different.  The worst that had ever happened after
numerous recompilings was that I'd accidently either neglected
some modules or added unnecessary ones.  So, if you're careful no
to remove anything which even looks remotely important, you should
be fine.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] LM7.2 and kde2 is not working ...

2001-03-15 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky

a couple of weeks ago i sent an email about kde2.0 been disfunctional on my 
installation av LM7.2 . i was recommended to update the kde with mandrake 
update but i'm still out of luck. are there any configuration files i have 
to edit after downloading the updates from mandrake update?
is this a result of insufficient system resourses ? afterall i may should 
change back to LM7.1 since it worked fine except the DSL connection.
the system is
P 133 MHz from intel
48 MB ram
matrox graphic accelerator (4 MB)
SB 16 compatible
fujitsi disk (1GB)
Quantum disk (3GB)

I am a newbie myself so don't take my word for it.  but it might be that you 
KDE is 1.99 rather than 2.0 (some LM7.2 come with the old one). Either way - 
upgrade to the 2.1 (or later).
Good luck!
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Re: [newbie] sorry, a followup to my question!

2001-03-15 Per discussione James carlson

So I type it in right after I log on right? Cause that doesn't work.
Nothing happens. Is there any directory I have to go in and then type
XF86Setup? h



On Thu, 15 Mar 2001 04:46:12 -0500, Michael Scottaline wrote:

 Ok, it says "Driver can't support depth 24"
 what does this mean!?
Try this:
type "XF86Setup"  (w/o " - case senstive)
once that launches go to "mode" and change depth to
See if that works

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-- James carlson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/15/2001

Re: [newbie] Kernel woes. Black screen of nothingness

2001-03-15 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

  Your lilo conf shows you are using scsi emulation, but the line is 
wrong.  Should be:append=" hdd=ide-scsi"   Also, you must have scsi 
enabled in the kernel, and 'mkinitrd' a ram disk image as per the 
instructions here:

here's my lilo conf as an example:

append=" hdd=ide-scsi"
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

On Wednesday 14 March 2001 09:26 pm, Adam Michael Baxter wrote:
 Well, I took myself onto a limb and tried to have fun with kernels. I
 downloaded the 2.4.2 kernel and did as the instructions said. It compiled
 greately and as it should have (I guess). Then I installed the kernel in
 my boot directory and updated lilo (keeping my old linux kernel). To test
 it out, I rebooted and selected the new kernel. Then the screen turns
 black. Nothing happens. it doesn't boot, give an error message or
 anything. Its depressing, I was atleast hoping for some upsetting
 "you've destroyed your computer" deal. Having nothing is really
 depressing ^^ I took a look at the lilo config file and it seems to be in

 Heres the main part:
   append=" hdd=ide0-scsi"

 the first image is pretty much copying my first linux boot configuration.

 anyone have any ideas of what I did wrong?

Re: [newbie] sorry, a followup to my question!

2001-03-15 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 15 March 2001 01:14 am, James carlson wrote:
 Ok, it says "Driver can't support depth 24"
 what does this mean!?

   Color depth, ie, 8 is 256 colors, 16 is 65,000 colors, 24 and 32 are 16 
million.   Set color depth to 16 and it should fix it, specially if you've 
got a 3DFX video card, or most any card using 3d acceleration.
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] sorry, a followup to my question!

2001-03-15 Per discussione Matt Schroeder

It means you have your settings set to use 24 bit color (In different terms
24 bit color depth)

The driver you are using is most likely one that has 3d acceleration buillt
in and I think most of them stick to 16 bit.


- Original Message -
From: "James carlson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 1:14 AM
Subject: [newbie] sorry, a followup to my question!

Ok, it says "Driver can't support depth 24"
what does this mean!?



-- James carlson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/14/2001

RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT

2001-03-15 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

That's really good. What about Fat partitions, is it the same deal? 
Here's my scenario:

I have two machines. One is running Linux MDK 7.2 and the other is Windows
98se. I want the Linux box to have access to the Windows drive. I have the
machines set up in Point to Point topology through a hub. Not real complex.
The Window box has a monster drive and the Linux box has a 3gig. I have some
files that I want the Linux box to access on the Windows box. I would
imagine it might be easier to mount the Windows drive, but I'm not to sure
how to go about that. Any idea's or suggestions???


-Original Message-
From: Meph Istopheles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 10:52 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] read/write to and from NTFS/FAT

 Whether Jeff wants the detailed instructions or not, I would like them.
 Thanks a bunch.

  Alright Moose ( all),

  Keep in mind that there are reasons some do this one way 
reasons others do this another.  I, by no means, claim the only
or right way, but a way I've learned which works for me without

  These instructions, with one alteration, come from an article
by Joseph Cheek's Linux column in the June 2000 issue of
Computer Source magazine.  This article is copyrighted, but I
don't think there's an issue with extracting the steps from it.

  Disclaimer end

  As I'd mentioned, the ntfs write module is alpha -- termed
"experimental"  "dangerous".  This may be true, but I've not
heard of anyone actually having any more trouble than I had had
before I'd been forced to reinstall W2k (for other reasons),
which is now a fat32, instead of ntfs fs.  But I'd had no problem
with the ntfs write module in either nt4.0 or W2k.

   So, the first thing you need is to verify that you've the
kernel source, c compiler  c libraries installed (there may be
others that lm7.2 doesn't automatically install, but I don't now
remember).  You'll get an error if you attempt to compile  don't
have the files you need.  If the source is installed, I'm pretty
sure you get specific errors telling you what you need.  To
verify you have the source, do:

ls /usr/src/

  If the source is installed, you will have a subdirectory
something like:


  This is the lm7.2 source, so, if you've a different release or
kernel, this subdirectory will have a different kernel release.

 1. As root, cd to /usr/src/whichever-release-you-have-installed
 2. Enter (if in X -- if not, use menuconfig):

# make xconfig

  In here you may want to go through all the different things 
familiarize yourself.  If you see anything you know for a fact
isn't on your system, you can change the module setting to suit.
If you don't want to take any chances, you can leave it as is --
it simply takes a little longer to boot  adds a "not found"
line, or something similar, to your logs.

  There is a section on file systems,  some way down you will
find the ntfs read module.  I believe (it's been a while since
I've been in there) there's a section right near there with
something about Experimental File Systems -- you shouldn't have
any trouble finding it no matter what it's called, though.  In
here is, among a few other fs', the ntfs write module.  You
should set this to Load.  Don't worry about the warnings.  Just
know that if there ~is~ potential for trouble, it certainly
~could~ happen.  So, naturally, you want to back up any Windows
data before you begin.

  Make any other changes you want  save.  The buttons are self

  Then, at the command prompt:

# make dep
# make clean
# make bzImage
# make modules
# make modules_install

  Now, if you run lilo, as I:

# make bzlilo

  If you prefer grub, I'm sure there's a command line update for
to enter, but when I was looking over grub info (I admit, I
wasn't exactly studying it, as I was looking for a way to kill it
 go back to lilo) I didn't see it.  Perhaps someone here with
more grub knowledge could answer that?

  Then, making sure you have a boot disk handy, exit root, user,
 X,  restart.  I've not had a problem booting, but everyone's
config is different.  The worst that had ever happened after
numerous recompilings was that I'd accidently either neglected
some modules or added unnecessary ones.  So, if you're careful no
to remove anything which even looks remotely important, you should
be fine.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] Kppp

2001-03-15 Per discussione John Rye

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001 09:43:33 -0500
"Robert F. Trettel" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, All
 I just had callwaiting put on my phoneline.
 My Question is how and where do I tell Kppp about it??
 I have touch-tone ,so the *70, will work in Windoze.
 My ISP doesn't have a script. All I had to do before was 
 to put the proper Telephone number and Kppp did the 
 Is this the same now or what??

In your Kppp setup add the *70~ to the _FRONT_ of your ISP's phone
That should fix it.
The ~ indicates the modem should wait for (usually) 1/2 second before
continuing the dial string.
Check your modems user manual for details.
You may have to experiment with the length of the delay by adding extra
~'s into the string


"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
   (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] Netscape no longer opens copied URL

2001-03-15 Per discussione Syamsul Anwar

When I highlight a URL, the small popup with the list of browsers appear at 
bottom right-hand corner of my screen. But when I click on "Open with 
it does not run. This used to work however, before I installed KDE 2.1. No 
problem with Konqueror or Mozilla. Is there anything I need to change in 

Re: [newbie] Triple boot?

2001-03-15 Per discussione Peter Smith

Can I ask how you folks got the second (and beyond)
linux distributions installed? Everytime I've tried
that I've run into problems because the new
distribution sees the old distributions root, boot,
usr, etc, and refuses to create new ones.

I have a windows/mandrake dual boot system with about
10 gigs on allocated disk space. I'd like to try to
get Slackware or Debian installed in that empty space.

--- philomena [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 triple boot should be no problem - I have 5 on one
 machine -  4 linux
 and a win98. There's probably a better way, but I
 just set up a
 different boot partition for each OS, and use grub
 as the bootloader. I
 did the partitioning first using Partition Magic.

Peter Smith, Cambridge, MA, USA
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"They were playing Wagner. It's the most fun I've had in about six months" -Tyr Anasazi

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[newbie] Dual Boot Win 2000 / Mandrake 7.2

2001-03-15 Per discussione Raja Damodaran


I want to setup a Dual Boot with Win2k and Mandrake 7.2.  Is there any 
documentation that will walk me through each step?  I have very little 
experience with Linux so I have no idea how to go about doing this.


Re: [newbie] Kppp

2001-03-15 Per discussione s

Just put *70 in front of the isp phone number or at the end of the dial 
string under modem commands.  I've used both ways and they both work equally 
as well as the other.

On Thursday 15 March 2001 08:43 am, you wrote:
 Hi, All

 I just had callwaiting put on my phoneline.
 My Question is how and where do I tell Kppp about it??
 I have touch-tone ,so the *70, will work in Windoze.
 My ISP doesn't have a script. All I had to do before was
 to put the proper Telephone number and Kppp did the
 Is this the same now or what??

 Thanks for any assistance
 Robert F. Trettel

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Attachment: 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] Scanner Access

2001-03-15 Per discussione Derek Rayne

Hi there,

I am wondering about using a scanner with Linux.  I am using LM 7.0 and
someone told me to use the utility called SANE.  First off, it is on my
SCSI chain (after my zip drive, which IS recognized by Linux).  The
scanner is one listed in the official list by LM.  The ID number is set
as 1, my system recognizes something at ID #1, but it doesn't say what
it is.  This is what it says.

Host: scsi 0 Channel: 00 Id:01 Lun: 00
  Vendor:  Model:   $  
  Type: Sequential-Access

Then it lists my Zipdrive and my CDRW with no problems...

Do I have to do something to my setup for it to know it is a scanner?


Richard Wegner - Linux Newbie - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
e-mail address I chose!

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Re: [newbie] Web Cam III

2001-03-15 Per discussione Lúcio Costa

At 20:46 13/03/2001 -0500, you wrote:
 look at the menu on left
Hi Kit.

I can´t the information about Web
Can III in
look at the menu on left)
Can You tell more about it ???

Lúcio Costa

[newbie] pmfirewall?

2001-03-15 Per discussione chuck_495


I've just downloaded pmfirewall.  I have some pretty bad questions as I am a complete 
newbie.  I want to get this up and running so that I can feel safe about getting on 
the net.  My question is, after I unzip it where should I point the file when I untar 
it as root?

ie tar -xvf "---"

When I run the install shell it's saying that it isn't finding the directory or 

And, does anyone have any general suggestions about out of box security for a complete 
newbie?  I know absolutely nothing about IP chains.



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[newbie] NVIDIA screen brightness

2001-03-15 Per discussione Pascal Poirier

My screen and card have always been a little darker then normal especially
with the loopback for the Hollywood Plus card.  I was wondering if there
is someway of adjusting the brightness in KDE or in xfree86 (which ever
one is possible or easiest)?

Any help would be great so I won't have this rather dark screen to look

PS The card is a NVIDIA TNT card

Pascal Poirier 8^)

"Time is just one damn thing after another!" -Anonyms

Fifth Year Electrical Engineering Daltech, Nova Scotia


Re: [newbie] pmfirewall?

2001-03-15 Per discussione Dan LaBine

 I've just downloaded pmfirewall.  I have some pretty bad questions as I am a 
complete newbie.  I want to get this up and running so that I can feel safe about 
getting on the net.  My question is, after I unzip it where should I point the file 
when I untar it as root?
 ie tar -xvf "---"
 When I run the install shell it's saying that it isn't finding the directory or 
 And, does anyone have any general suggestions about out of box security for a 
complete newbie?  I know absolutely nothing about IP chains.
 Get the Latest News at CNN Interactive:

Chuck; You may not want to keep Pmfirewall (flamers please input
arrogant denegrating reply/opinion here). For what it's worth, and IMHO,
I've been using PMfirewall, and found that it leaves some ports open!
You're better off with IPchains. IPchains should already be installed in
your system. Please send back more info about your network ie; how many
PC's what IP's you're using, etc. Depending on your set up, you'l need
up to 3 lines of text to activate it and I'm sure someone will respond
with instructions on how to automate the startup procedure for it.

Dan LaBine
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd.
Registered Linux User #190712

Re: [newbie] Can't access CD drives - even as root

2001-03-15 Per discussione root

Jon Doe wrote:
For those of you who are interested in this problem, I got the following
message from Mandrake today:
 As root in a shell, type :
 supermount -i disable
 then you'll have to mount manually your devices :
 for instance :
 mount /dev/cdrom
 umount /dev/cdrom
 Concerning your cd-writer
 Edit this file : /etc/fstab
 locate your cd-writer's line (may be cdrom2)
 change /dev/cdrom2 to /dev/scd0
 save your changes.
 Best regards,
 The technical support team.

If you don't hear from me again in this thread, you can assume it

Graham Watkins

Re: [newbie] pmfirewall?

2001-03-15 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

On Thursday 15 March 2001 12:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've just downloaded pmfirewall.  I have some pretty bad questions as I am
 a complete newbie.  I want to get this up and running so that I can feel
 safe about getting on the net.  My question is, after I unzip it where
 should I point the file when I untar it as root?

 ie tar -xvf "---"

Just untar it into a temp directory. The installer will put things where they 
need to go. (BTW, if you're running Mandrake 7.2, you may need to create a 
directory called "/usr/man/man8" to hold pmfirewall's man page.) 

 When I run the install shell it's saying that it isn't finding the
 directory or something.

What _exactly_ is it saying?

 And, does anyone have any general suggestions about out of box security for
 a complete newbie?  I know absolutely nothing about IP chains.

There's really no such thing as out-of-box security but, fortunately, 
pmfirewall doesn't require you to know anything about IP chains.

It would be helpful if you could tell us...

1. How you're connecting to the net (i.e., modem, cable modem, ADSL, etc.)

2. Whether you want to protect a single machine or a home network.

3. Whether you're planning to run servers on your linux box (i.e., web 
server, ftp server, etc.)

4. Whether your ISP assigns your IP address dynamically using DHCP (i.e., do 
you get a different IP address every time you connect?).


Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

Re: [newbie] Kppp

2001-03-15 Per discussione Jay needs a Guinness

On Thursday 15 March 2001 09:43, you wrote:

  Hi, All

 I just had callwaiting put on my phoneline.
 My Question is how and where do I tell Kppp about it??
 I have touch-tone ,so the *70, will work in Windoze.
 My ISP doesn't have a script. All I had to do before was
 to put the proper Telephone number and Kppp did the
 Is this the same now or what??

 Thanks for any assistance
 Robert F. Trettel

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Attachment: 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Yes, put *70 before the number, it will work.  That number is not dependent 
on and OS, it is dependent on the phone line itself.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

[newbie] Help? USB ports

2001-03-15 Per discussione donald hinds

How do you tell HardDarke or Linux to look on USB ports for devices? 

  I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

  When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial,
  and so forth, but not USB.

  What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
  for the modem?

  thanks if you can help, Don

I have a supported (ZOOM USB) modem ( LM-7.2 sees my TWO USB

When I run HardDrake to install a modem, it gives me options of Serial, ISDN
and so forth, but not USB.

What file to I change (and how do I change it) so the USB will be an option
for the modem?

thanks if you can help,   Don

Get free email and a permanent address at

Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

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Re: [newbie] Triple boot?

2001-03-15 Per discussione Philomena

I haven't run into anything like that, possibly since I have setup the 
partitions before I do the installs. For example, I have my machine setup 
with about 16 different partitions - when I installed any of the distros, I 
made sure to use the expert or custom mode, so that I could specifiy the 
mount points. I only mount the partitions that the install should see, so 
that distro isn't even aware of the others. This may not be the most 
efficient method, but it does work. Right now, I have Mandrake 7.2 and the 
8.0 beta, SuSe 7.1 and the latest RedHat beta, Wolverine. Each has its own 
/boot, root and /home partition - I haven't tried sharing any partitions. I 
have GRUB setup to boot each of the /boot partitions appropriately

So, I would recommend repartioning your extra space and then see what happens.


At 11:59 AM 3/15/2001 -0800, you wrote:
Can I ask how you folks got the second (and beyond)
linux distributions installed? Everytime I've tried
that I've run into problems because the new
distribution sees the old distributions root, boot,
usr, etc, and refuses to create new ones.

I have a windows/mandrake dual boot system with about
10 gigs on allocated disk space. I'd like to try to
get Slackware or Debian installed in that empty space.

--- philomena [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  triple boot should be no problem - I have 5 on one
  machine -  4 linux
  and a win98. There's probably a better way, but I
  just set up a
  different boot partition for each OS, and use grub
  as the bootloader. I
  did the partitioning first using Partition Magic.

Peter Smith, Cambridge, MA, USA
Various bookmarks =
Chat about games, movies and tv =
"They were playing Wagner. It's the most fun I've had in about six months" 
-Tyr Anasazi

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Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

Re: [newbie] pmfirewall?

2001-03-15 Per discussione chuck_495

Thanks for the input Dan.  I have a cable modem that I just got up and running 
connected to one PC.  My ip address is  Like I said before, I don't know 
much about IP chains.  I've heard that they're kind of like ACLs.   If anyone could 
point me in the right direction that would be  GREATLY appreciated. 

Get the Latest News at CNN Interactive:

Re: [newbie] NVIDIA screen brightness

2001-03-15 Per discussione Matt Schroeder

I've been wondering the same thing.  I have a considerably dark old monitor.


- Original Message -
From: "Pascal Poirier" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 11:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] NVIDIA screen brightness

 My screen and card have always been a little darker then normal especially
 with the loopback for the Hollywood Plus card.  I was wondering if there
 is someway of adjusting the brightness in KDE or in xfree86 (which ever
 one is possible or easiest)?

 Any help would be great so I won't have this rather dark screen to look

 PS The card is a NVIDIA TNT card

 Pascal Poirier 8^)

 "Time is just one damn thing after another!" -Anonyms

 Fifth Year Electrical Engineering Daltech, Nova Scotia


[newbie] Partition problem - - Help me, O Ye Sky-Gods of Mandrake !

2001-03-15 Per discussione Renaud OLGIATI

This is a problem that is potentially embarassing for Mandrake, and I'm 
surprised not to have heard from them when I first posted it:

LM 7.1 installs without any problem, and while installing it I can create the 
partitions I need with either fdisk or diskdrake without any trouble.

When I boot-up my LM 7.2 cd, it works very well except that under 7.2, 
neither fdisk nor diskdrake can see the partition table of the hard disk.

Is this a known "feature" ?

Do you need more details on the machine setup ?


Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River.
   As a general rule, if you want to get at the truth
 - hear both sides and believe neither.
 -- Josh Billings
  ---  ---

[newbie] Telnet

2001-03-15 Per discussione Julio Gutierrez

does anyone know how I can copy files from a Win2k telnet server to a linux box?
or is this possible? if anyone knows pls let me know 
Thanks in advance


[newbie] The BUG (race condition) is in PING -- NOT in your hardware...

2001-03-15 Per discussione Pierre Fortin

Hi all,

If this looks familiar, read on...

PING ( 56 octets data
64 octets from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=4452.8 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0x3b but was 0x3737 da b0 3a 88 9e e 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f

See bug summary at bottom if you don't want to wade through all the gory


=== RACE BUG in PING =

I was having what appeared to be network problems and was, to say the least,
SHOCKED to see the above ping putput...

The thought of hardware going bad did not sit well...  so, here's how I
discovered that "ping" has a race bug...

My topology, which helped in isolating this bug is this:

+---(10)---+  --- for sniffing only
|  |  
|  |  [fork]
|   +---+  |  +---+
  eth1  | L |+---+| R |
[bones]--(100)--| i ||   || o |
| n || H || u |
[woody]--(100)--| k |--(10)--| u |--(10)--| t |--(10)--DSL--Z--
| S || b || e |
[homer]--(10)---| y ||   || r |
| s |+---++---+

The bug was triggered by a fully maxed out DSL link (rsync).

Here is the initial ping...

[root@bones pfortin]# ping
PING ( 56 octets data
64 octets from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=4452.8 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0x3b but was 0x3737 da b0 3a 88 9e e 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
64 octets from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=4432.8 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0x3c but was 0x3838 da b0 3a 43 91 e 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
64 octets from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=4536.3 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0x3d but was 0x3939 da b0 3a f3 91 e 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
64 octets from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=4304.1 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0x3e but was 0x3a3a da b0 3a 9f 92 e 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 50% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 4304.1/4431.5/4536.3 ms

For more proof (note random starting "data byte #0" contents), let's get the
output from a couple more pings to see the bug more clearly later... ("wrong
data byte #0 should be foo but was bar")

[root@bones pfortin]# ping
PING ( 56 octets data
64 octets from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=4312.4 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0xbe but was 0xbaba de b0 3a b 10 f 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
64 octets from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=4343.3 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0xbf but was 0x de b0 3a 18 f0 e 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
64 octets from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=4574.1 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0xc0 but was 0xbcbc de b0 3a ac ef e 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 62% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 4312.4/4409.9/4574.1 ms

[root@bones pfortin]# ping
PING ( 56 octets data
64 octets from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=3893.4 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0xe0 but was 0x de b0 3a 7f 3b 0 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
64 octets from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=3887.8 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0xe1 but was 0xdede de b0 3a d7 31 0 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
64 octets from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=4142.4 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0xe3 but was 0xdfdf de b0 3a 0 31 0 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
64 octets from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=4474.4 ms
wrong data byte #0 should be 0xe4 but was 0xe0e0 de b0 3a 4d 30 0 0
8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27
28 29 2a 

RE: [newbie] Kppp

2001-03-15 Per discussione Hans N.

Just put the phone 
number to dial as "*70, 555-1234"

Sincerely and respectfully,Hans N.mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Robert F. TrettelSent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:44 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  I just had callwaiting put on my 
  My Question is how and where do I tell Kppp 
  about it??
  Thanks for any assistance
  Robert F. 

Re: [newbie] pmfirewall?

2001-03-15 Per discussione s

If you don't have ipchains installed, go into rpmdrake and install it first. 
Then after you untar it, type:  cd pmfirewall-1.1.4/. Then type:  
sh   It will install to a common directory.  Then answer the 
questions.   And if you're on a dial up select as your interface:  ppp0.  
Then just answer the default to most of the questions until you get to "do 
you want pmfirewall to start on boot up?"  If you're on dial up, say N.  Then 
it will ask later if you want it to start on successful ppp connection, then 
say Y.  You don't need to know anything about ipchains to use pmfirewall, it 
will write the script for you and it's a great little app.  

On Thursday 15 March 2001 02:39 pm, you wrote:

 I've just downloaded pmfirewall.  I have some pretty bad questions as I am
 a complete newbie.  I want to get this up and running so that I can feel
 safe about getting on the net.  My question is, after I unzip it where
 should I point the file when I untar it as root?

 ie tar -xvf "---"

 When I run the install shell it's saying that it isn't finding the
 directory or something.

 And, does anyone have any general suggestions about out of box security for
 a complete newbie?  I know absolutely nothing about IP chains.



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RE: [newbie] Kernel woes. Black screen of nothingness

2001-03-15 Per discussione Adam Baxter

Yet that's the wierd thing, I shouldn't have SCSI on my computer..the
commands came with the origional kernel on Madrake 7.2. How would I turn the
SCSI emulation off?

Adam Baxter

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Kernel woes. Black screen of nothingness

  Your lilo conf shows you are using scsi emulation, but the line is
wrong.  Should be:append=" hdd=ide-scsi"   Also, you must have scsi
enabled in the kernel, and 'mkinitrd' a ram disk image as per the
instructions here:

here's my lilo conf as an example:

append=" hdd=ide-scsi"
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever,
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Kernel woes. Black screen of nothingness

2001-03-15 Per discussione Charalampos Tsimenidis

Remove vga=788 from the lilo.conf file and try to reboot again

From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Kernel woes. Black screen of nothingness
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 09:00:46 -0600

   Your lilo conf shows you are using scsi emulation, but the line is
wrong.  Should be:append=" hdd=ide-scsi"   Also, you must have scsi
enabled in the kernel, and 'mkinitrd' a ram disk image as per the
instructions here:

here's my lilo conf as an example:

 append=" hdd=ide-scsi"
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever,
  he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
   Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

On Wednesday 14 March 2001 09:26 pm, Adam Michael Baxter wrote:
  Well, I took myself onto a limb and tried to have fun with kernels. I
  downloaded the 2.4.2 kernel and did as the instructions said. It 
  greately and as it should have (I guess). Then I installed the kernel in
  my boot directory and updated lilo (keeping my old linux kernel). To 
  it out, I rebooted and selected the new kernel. Then the screen turns
  black. Nothing happens. it doesn't boot, give an error message or
  anything. Its depressing, I was atleast hoping for some upsetting
  "you've destroyed your computer" deal. Having nothing is really
  depressing ^^ I took a look at the lilo config file and it seems to be 
  Heres the main part:
  append=" hdd=ide0-scsi"
  the first image is pretty much copying my first linux boot 
  anyone have any ideas of what I did wrong?

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[newbie] conexant HCF v.90 56k Data, Fax, speakerphone PCI modem

2001-03-15 Per discussione dan

Please help me

i have a conexant HCF v.90 56k Data, 
Fax, speakerphone PCI modem on com4, i belive that this is a hardware modem. now 
it works fine in win98 (with a driver) and win2000 without any 

i am also running linux mandrake 7.2 with KDE 2.0.0 
and i cant seem to get the modem working. upone recomendation i have been trying 
to use kppp 2.0.

i have it set up as follows 
device /DE/ttyS3 (which i belive is 
flow control CRTSCTS
connection speed 115200

upon quirying the modem i got the following 
responce "sorry, modem busy"

now i have tryed a couple of things like using the 
Gnomeppp and remove fax software and other programs from rpm. but still no 

i am a total newbie with linux but i am a windows 
and mac tech support agent so i am quite tech. i am still lerning so if you can 
help me then it would be very wecome. 

also anyone any idea why every time that i 
add/remove linux software that win2000 installs new hardware? although there is 
nothing achually installed into the device managers?

thanks for any help


'(Wales is) a ghastly place, huge gangs of tough, 
sinewy men roaming thevalleys terrifying people with their close-harmony 
singing. You need half apint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the 
place names. Never askfor directions in Wales, Baldrick - you'll be washing 
spit out of your hairfor a fortnight.' 

-- Blackadder, Amy And Amiability 

[newbie] Spare partition

2001-03-15 Per discussione Wayne Alexander

I have a 3 gig partition I would like to give to linux to use (currently 
vfat) and was wondering as it is mounted already as WINDOWS, if I was to 
change it to ext2 would I have to messa round with my fstab or would MDK7.2 
pick it up and make the appropriate changes for me?  Would this cause any 
problems with my system?


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Re: [newbie] Telnet

2001-03-15 Per discussione Meph Istopheles

 does anyone know how I can copy files from a Win2k telnet
 server to a linux box? or is this possible? if anyone knows pls
 let me know

  Well, if you don't have ftp available on the Windows box, the
only way ~I~ know is to open the file with a text editor 
highlight  paste into an editor on the Linux side page by page.

  But really, see if the dos ftp client is installed -- it
probabaly is.  Then you just set your Linux box up to allow
access via ftp from that Windows box.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

Re: [newbie] no support for my video card???

2001-03-15 Per discussione Scott Patrie

Hate to get in a rut here, but like I'm sure you'll hear from lots of 
others: DITCH COREL, I did. Get yer hands on some Mandrake. I've got a 
voodoo banshee installed and it works like a champ.

Peace, Love and Lollipops,

Original Message Follows
From: James carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] no support for my video card???
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 22:48:12 -0800

Ok, well thank you for all the replies about the prompt issue. I have
a new problem now. I type "Startx" and it starts to load everything.
But it says something about not being able to load the desktop. There
is no support for 24k graphics or some stupid thing like that. I
can't remember exactly what it said. I have a ATi Mach64 with a
Voodoo II accelerator. My monitor is a AOC 4N.  Setup didn't ask me
any questions about the vid. card, nor did it ask me if I wanted it
to boot to the desktop by default. Is there just some setting I have
to change I am getting desperate, I don't want to use Corel

  Thanks a bunch guys,


-- James carlson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/14/2001

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Re: [newbie] conexant HCF v.90 56k Data, Fax, speakerphone PCI modem

2001-03-15 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

dan burrows wrote:
 Hi alan

 thanks fot that!!

 but i still have a question.. i have read all the
 information on the pages you provided... and still no
 help... any ideas how i can resolve this problem? is there
 anything i can do to sort this out??

 and i feel that i maybe going out to give my local hardware
 vendor a good kicking as it was sold to me as a hardware
 modem!! it works very well in windows! so i didnt even
 question it! that will teach me for trustin people!! and
 ideas please??


danif didn't lead you to a driver for it 
then I'd suspect that your only option would be to take it 
back to where you bought it and have it exchanged for a real 
hardware modem.  Of course this time you'll have a list 
( of real 
hardware modems so you can't be fooled again.

Re: [newbie] The BUG (race condition) is in PING -- NOT in your hardware...

2001-03-15 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Wow, that was amazing! I have been receiving these errors quite 
frequently over the past week or so. I had no idea what they meant 
until I read this. Thank you, it is relieving to hear that there is 
nothing wrong with my hardware!

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 04:40, Pierre Fortin wrote:
 Hi all,

 If this looks familiar, read on...

 PING ( 56 octets data
 64 octets from icmp_seq=0 ttl=253 time=4452.8 ms
 wrong data byte #0 should be 0x3b but was 0x3737 da b0 3a 88 9e e 0
 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e
 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f

 See bug summary at bottom if you don't want to wade through all the
 gory details.


 === RACE BUG in PING =

 I was having what appeared to be network problems and was, to say
 the least, SHOCKED to see the above ping putput...

 The thought of hardware going bad did not sit well...  so, here's
 how I discovered that "ping" has a race bug...

  S N I P  


 Linux's "ping" waits (default= 1 sec) for a reply and proceeds to
 the next ping after INCREMENTING "data byte #0".  If a reply is seen
 before the timeout, or not at all, then ping does the right thing.

 If a reply is delayed and the timer expires, ping increments "data
 byte #0" for the next packet to send.  Again, no problem here per
 se...  HOWEVER...  ping fails to take into account the possibility
 of delayed replies.  When such a reply finally shows up, ping
 compares "data byte #0" to the UPDATED value.  No need to maintain a
 list of sent counters; a simple algorithm works...

 Ping SHOULD compare "data byte #0" after first adjusting for the
 delay this way: - save starting"data byte #0"
 - when reply arrives:
 if "data byte #0" == starting"data byte #0" + icmp_seq:
OK   ^^
 else: error()

 Any fix should also take into account "wrapping" of the random "data
 byte #0" counter.

 Also, the output:
wrong data byte #0 should be 0x3b but was 0x3737 da b0 3a 88 9e e
 0 probably should be reformatted to read:
wrong data byte #0 should be 0x3b but was 0x37  37 da b0 3a 88 9e
 e 0

 Note that this false-problem output also confirms the bug:
   expecting: 0x3b
   got:  0x37
   proper check:  0x37 + ("time=4452.8 ms" * wait_timer)
   =  0x37 + (int(4.4528) * 1)  # seconds
   =  0x37 + (4 * 1)
   =  0x3b  # Gee!

 By fixing this bug, we'll be able to eliminate the "I'm getting
 this..." and the "you have a hardware problem" emails, and the
 resulting wasted time and $$ trying to fix hardware which is really

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Login screen options

2001-03-15 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Do you have the packages locales and locales-en (assuming your 
preferred language is English) installed? You can find them at Look for the Mandrake versions, or you can 
get them off your Mandrake CD.

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001 16:55, Ross Slade wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  I had the same problem when I installed Helix (now Ximian) GNOME.
  After you have made entries for all your desktop environments, run
  (as root) "/usr/sbin/chksession -l". Reboot and all should be
   [Mandrake 7.2]
   What I have left in the little drop down box where they appear
   is an option for "failsafe" (which still works) and one for KDE
   which when selected leaves me with Twm.

 Thanks, it's not being that simple, but your advise is obviously on
 the right track...

 I created three files in /etc/X11/wmsession.d (which was empty when
 I checked) with contents the same as you posted except for the
 essential details.

 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  117 Mar 15 16:40 01KDE
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  125 Mar 15 16:40 02Xfce
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  143 Mar 15 16:41 03IceWM

 Are the permissions ok?

 After rebooting what I got in the drop down box was "Xfce, default,
 failsafe" all on one line as I have written it here. What I got when
 I logged on was Twm aggin...

 On running chksession -t I get this result:

 [root@bunyip] - [/etc/X11/wmsession.d]
 /usr/sbin/chksession -t
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LANGUAGE = "en",
 LC_ALL = "en",
 LANG = "en"
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale
 Can't open ./wmsession.d//01KDE

 Whether it the locale problem which is the cause I don't know, but
 note the "//" in the last line.

 Any further ideas? Slow progress is good progress...  8-)


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] IRC

2001-03-15 Per discussione michael

howcome there's never anybody on the mandrake IRC channel??

[newbie] USB ethernet vs NIC

2001-03-15 Per discussione Blaine Owens

Hello, I have installed Mandrake 7.2 on PC #1 and am very pleased. I now plan 
to install Linux on PC #2 but before I do I would like to have it "network 
ready" as I have recently switched to a cable modem ISP.
PC #2 does not have an ethernet card but it does have 2 USB ports. I 
understand that there are USB ethernet adapters but I don't know all the pros 
and cons. Also, I imagine that it could be a chore to get Linux to recognize 
the USB ethernet connection.
Would I be better off to just install a ethernet NIC? Any pros and cons and 
advice using a USB adapter would be appreciated. Thanks.

[newbie] Slowly getting there!

2001-03-15 Per discussione James carlson

Alright, thanks for the help guys, I am now able to get into the
desktop. I used XFdrake, and was able to access the desktop. The only
problem is, I can only use it in 256 colors! Whats up with that? All
the other settings don't work! I really don't want to be stuck with
only 256. Is there anything I missed here?
I have a ATI Mach64GX video card. All the settings are available, and
I can choose them, but all I can get to work is 256. I know my card
is capable of doing more than that, I have it set to 24bit here in
(yuck) Window$ and it works flawlessly. Soon, I will stop bugging you
guys with questions :)

 So am I outta luck? Or is there something I can do?

 Oh ya, also when I boot Mandrake, I get a bug error right away, and
all my icons disappear!!!   Hmmm



-- James carlson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/15/2001

Re: [newbie] Slowly getting there!

2001-03-15 Per discussione Varun Kumar Verma

Hello friends,
I am facing a problem with my Linux Mandrake 7.2 installation.I have got a 
laptop with 20gb harddisk and windows ME installed on it.I wanted to install 
linux using the Linx4win.My comp doesnt boot from the CD so I made a boot 
floppy.When I start installing LINUX on the compI get three 
erase the entire disk(which i dont want to do)2.use the free space for the 
installation(i want to do this) mode(i am not an expert)..

I want to go do the second option.when I do that it shows that there is some 
error in partiting(i have a single C drive on which I have windows ME)
Can u help me on this!
From: James carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Slowly getting there!
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 23:41:49 -0800

Alright, thanks for the help guys, I am now able to get into the
desktop. I used XFdrake, and was able to access the desktop. The only
problem is, I can only use it in 256 colors! Whats up with that? All
the other settings don't work! I really don't want to be stuck with
only 256. Is there anything I missed here?
I have a ATI Mach64GX video card. All the settings are available, and
I can choose them, but all I can get to work is 256. I know my card
is capable of doing more than that, I have it set to 24bit here in
(yuck) Window$ and it works flawlessly. Soon, I will stop bugging you
guys with questions :)

  So am I outta luck? Or is there something I can do?

  Oh ya, also when I boot Mandrake, I get a bug error right away, and
all my icons disappear!!!   Hmmm



-- James carlson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/15/2001

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[newbie] Just a newbie question

2001-03-15 Per discussione Allen Joseph M Hernandez


I've been using Linux exclusively for the past two months and it's absolutely
given me a new direction.

My Exploration seems to have ended when I saw that little foot at the lower left 
hand cornerand I saw not a START but a finish.

$ has become my symbol of control and no longer is anything  (greater than) me.


Before this newbie starts ranting again, I gotta get this out.

I want to study C/C++. I'm just starting to fool around with gcc.

I tried using Visual C++ for a start but I think it's too self-centered...
if a piece of software can have a personality on its own.


char answer;
printf("Would you use Visual C++? Enter Y\/N:\n");
if (answer=y)
printf("What would you rather use?\n");

So what "would" you rather use?
And what stuff "would" you read?
Which URLs "would" you browse?
Newsgroups? Mailing Lists?
Web Communities?

Or "would" you rather dive head first into Java [w/c is easier as I've heard]?

Any answer would be greatly appreciated..

Yes I'm a schizo...
