[newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Marco Canapicchi

Ciao a tutti

Sono alla ricerca di un modo per masterizzare on the fly con linux.
Il programma in questione è cdrdao che ho scaricato ed installato 
unitamente con la sua comoda interfaccia gcdmaster.
Ora, se vado a configurare le devices l'ovvio risultato è che il 
programma ne individua solo una: HP CDWriter 9500 in emulazione scsi 
(/dev/cdrom  /dev/scd0) il problema è che ho un altro lettore CD 
IDE/ATAPI: è un Pioneer DVD-ROM 105 perfettamente perfettamente 
identificato dal sistema (mndrk 8.0) (/dev/cdrom2  /dev/hdd) e, 
soprattutto presente nella lista dei cdrom supportati da cdrdao.
Cdrdao mi dice di inserire bus/id/lun ma non so dove troovarli (c'è un 
file etc?).Se qualcuno sapesse come fare e mi facesse partecipe già 
sarebbe una buona cosa.
Ho letto poi che i lettori IDE/ATAPI possono essere configurati come 
SCSI, è veramente possibile? che vantaggi porta?

Grazie per il costante  (ed imprescindibile ) supporto.

[newbie-it] reti windows che fare???

2001-10-19 Per discussione Christian Orlandelli

Come faccio a far vedere a Mandrake8.0 le reti Windows? La scheda di rete è 
config. OK, ma nel momento in cui chiedo di sfogliare la Rete mi dice local 
host sconosciuto...:-(Come faccio a fargi vederi i vari Worksgroup
Ho provato a configurare in Linuxconf la network ma buio totale;-)
Grazie a Tutti!

Re: [newbie-it] conti di dipendenze che non tornano

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 11:02, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Davide, 
avete scritto:
 ho un problema cercando di installare KDE 2.2 su una MKD 8.0.
 Utilizzo il CD trovato su LInux  C. Ho seguito le istruzioni ma
 urpmi mi chiede kdegraphics
 2.1.1-3mdk per kdegraphics-devel 2.1.1-3mkd. Il mio problema è che
 quei pacchetti sono già installati. Perchè non li vede?

Attento, non e' che non li vede, presumibilmente quella versione di 
urpmi che hai gia' e' dipendente da quella sola versione gia' 
installata dei due pacchetti di kdegraphics (e quindi non compatibile 
con kdegraphics 2.2 o sup.). Quindi dato che urpmi a sua volta e' 
dipendente dai nuovi rpm e affini, devi installare versioni nuove di 
_tutti_ i programmi che dipendono dalle dipendenze :)
In questo caso, a meno che non vuoi avere un sistema instabile ti 
consiglio di evitare il --nodeps, e di ricercarti una buona dozzina di 
Belle le dipendenze vero? :PP

LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 15:35, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Marco 
Canapicchi, avete scritto:
 (/dev/cdrom  /dev/scd0) il problema è che ho un altro lettore CD
 IDE/ATAPI: è un Pioneer DVD-ROM 105 perfettamente perfettamente
 identificato dal sistema (mndrk 8.0) (/dev/cdrom2  /dev/hdd) e,
 soprattutto presente nella lista dei cdrom supportati da cdrdao.
 Cdrdao mi dice di inserire bus/id/lun ma non so dove troovarli (c'è
 un file etc?).

In questo caso hai bisogno dell'emulazione SCSI anche per il DVD-ROM, 
aggiungi una riga del tipo hdd=ide-scsi nel menu del bootloader (per 
lilo presumo che debba essere preceduta da append, io uso grub ...),
poi con cdrecord -scanbus appaiono gli identificativi che ti servono 
[azzardo, ma con tutta probabilita sara' 0,1,0].
Nel fstab devi immettere il nuovo nome di device, ovviamente 

LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Marco Canapicchi

LukenShiro wrote:

Nell'anno di grazia 15:35, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Marco 
Canapicchi, avete scritto:

(/dev/cdrom  /dev/scd0) il problema è che ho un altro lettore CD
IDE/ATAPI: è un Pioneer DVD-ROM 105 perfettamente perfettamente
identificato dal sistema (mndrk 8.0) (/dev/cdrom2  /dev/hdd) e,
soprattutto presente nella lista dei cdrom supportati da cdrdao.
Cdrdao mi dice di inserire bus/id/lun ma non so dove troovarli (c'è
un file etc?).

In questo caso hai bisogno dell'emulazione SCSI anche per il DVD-ROM, 
aggiungi una riga del tipo hdd=ide-scsi nel menu del bootloader (per 
lilo presumo che debba essere preceduta da append, io uso grub ...),
poi con cdrecord -scanbus appaiono gli identificativi che ti servono 
[azzardo, ma con tutta probabilita sara' 0,1,0].
Nel fstab devi immettere il nuovo nome di device, ovviamente 

Ho fatto tutto ciò ma continua ad esserci qualcosa che non torna:
Quel che non capisco è come ridirezionare /dev/cdrom2 in modo che non 
punti più ad hdd ma a scd1.

Il mio etc/fstab è

/dev/hde6 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0

ma se sostituisco /dev/cdrom2 con /dev/scd1 non riesco a leggere il 
contenuto del cd (ovvio, dirai hdd non punta a scd1).
Ma allora come posso fare?

Grazie mille  e scusa ancora la mia ignoranza


[newbie-it] UNSUBSCRIPT

2001-10-19 Per discussione Maurizio Conti


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Re: [newbie-it] reti windows che fare???

2001-10-19 Per discussione Gino

Per fare quello che dici, hai bisogno del pacchetto samba che implementa il
protocollo netbios delle reti microzozz..

- Original Message -
From: Christian Orlandelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 5:16 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] reti windows che fare???

 Come faccio a far vedere a Mandrake8.0 le reti Windows? La scheda di rete
 config. OK, ma nel momento in cui chiedo di sfogliare la Rete mi dice
 host sconosciuto...:-(Come faccio a fargi vederi i vari Worksgroup
 Ho provato a configurare in Linuxconf la network ma buio totale;-)
 Grazie a Tutti!

[newbie-it] Noatun

2001-10-19 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

Ciao a tutti,
qualcuno di voi riesce ad aprire i file wav con Noatun senza che crashi?
C'e' un player per waw alternativo nella distribuzione di MDK8.0?

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa
 Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

[newbie-it] samba?

2001-10-19 Per discussione Christian Orlandelli

Ok il pacchetto samba ce l'ho ma dove si configuraHo provato da terminale 
a digitare samba start e mi ha attivato qualcosa, ma ho bisogno di una 
interfaccia grafica like risorse di rete di winzozz.Grazie

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 20:52, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Marco 
Canapicchi, avete scritto:
 Ho fatto tutto ciò ma continua ad esserci qualcosa che non torna:
 Quel che non capisco è come ridirezionare /dev/cdrom2 in modo che non
 punti più ad hdd ma a scd1.

La soluzione semplice e' quella di cancellare il link simbolico 
/dev/cdrom2 e crearne uno /dev/cdrom2 - /dev/scd1 [con ln -s]
P.S. Controlla che cmq sia davvero /dev/scd1 e non si chiami in altro 
modo (es. /dev/sr1): lo vedi in dmesg|less
Salut, Lk
LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

Re: [newbie-it] Noatun

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 15:14, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Luigi 
De Pascale, avete scritto:
 qualcuno di voi riesce ad aprire i file wav con Noatun senza che
 crashi? C'e' un player per waw alternativo nella distribuzione di

Non mi son mai posto il problema, ma ho visto che crasha anche a me, 
cmq nel pacchetto sox c'e' un play (testuale) e nel pacchetto 
SDL_mixer-player (che pare necessitare pero' di XFree-4.1x se non 
ricordo male) c'e' playwave (sempre testuale), che funzionano 
perfettamente, per il resto non saprei ...
LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

Re: [newbie-it] winmodem tar impazzito

2001-10-19 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Ciao, sono nelle tue stesse condizioni, per cui nonostante che nell'utilizzo
di Linux sia alla a dell' abc (e penso di non averla capita neanche
bene) penso di poterti rispondere. Al momento il nostro modem (o meglio
winmodem) non è compatibile con Linux, ovvero non funzia! Il motivo è che
non esiste un driver Linux in grado di gestirlo per cui, come fosse cacca!
Ho detto al momento perchè il sito della Conexant comunica che un driver
dedicato sarà disponibile verso la fine di quest'anno.. per cui, pazientare!

Ciao, Fabio
- Original Message -
From: luigi pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:54 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] winmodem  tar impazzito

 ciao alla lista: qualcuno e` riuscito a far funzionare
 un winmodem conexant/rockwell softk56?
 da limodem non c'ho capito un'accidenti! me lo
 spieghereste passo a passo (versione per uno che non
 sa neanche i tasti che c son nella tastiera!)?
 in piu` il tar non mi fa decomprimere i file anche se
 uso la sintassi giusta (copiata paro paro dal
 qualcuno mi sa dire che e` successo al mio tar? (ho
 una mk8.0 e il tar e` installato)
 grazie a tutti

 aveva la coscienza pulita: mai usata
 S.J. Lec

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

Re: [newbie-it] samba?

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 21:11, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer 
Christian Orlandelli, avete scritto:
 Ok il pacchetto samba ce l'ho ma dove si configura

Hai dato un'occhiata al SMB-HowTo? nella distribuzione c'e' e pure in 
italiano ...

LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

Re: [newbie-it] winmodem tar impazzito

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 16:49, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Fabio 
Manunza, avete scritto:
 averla capita neanche bene) penso di poterti rispondere. Al momento
 il nostro modem (o meglio winmodem) non è compatibile con Linux,
 ovvero non funzia! Il motivo è che non esiste un driver Linux in
 grado di gestirlo per cui, come fosse cacca! 

Mi sembra che devi affidarti ad un modulo esterno, dai un'occhiata a: 
(ma solo perche' non riesco ad accedere stranamente a 
www.pluto.linux.it, che dovrebbe avere la versione italiana abbastanza 
recente credo, quindi non posso controllare ...). Ovviamente non avendo 
quel modem non rispondo di esplosioni-implosioni-cataclismi e funghi di 
Bill che escono dal case :PP

LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

Re: [newbie-it] Noatun

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 17:04, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer luigi 
pinna, avete scritto:
 in teoria ci sarebbe installato anche xmms il clone di
 winamp ma a me dalla mk8.0 non parte... 

Non parte perche' devi polverizzare il file 
/usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/xmms.o (dato che nella vers. 1.2.4 
c'e' un baco nella localizzazione italiana)
LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

Re: [newbie-it] winmodem tar impazzito

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 14:54, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer luigi 
pinna, avete scritto:
 il tar non mi fa decomprimere i file anche se
 uso la sintassi giusta (copiata paro paro dal
 qualcuno mi sa dire che e` successo al mio tar? (ho
 una mk8.0 e il tar e` installato)

Che errori da' in specifico? 
Sicuro che gli archivi da scompattare siano integri e non corrotti?
per i tar.gz usi tar xvzf e per i tar.bz2 usi tar xvjf, no?
Casomai aggiorna ad una versione piu' recente il pacchetto tar (ma non 
credo proprio che il probl sia quello ...)

P.S. in generale, cercate di fare il favore di mandare tutti i dettagli 
conosciuti relativi ad un problema, evitiamo una serie di battute a 
colpi di mail che fan perdere tempo e basta ...

LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9 -Cooker-
[Chi e' pronto a dar via le proprie liberta' fondamentali
per comprarsi briciole di temporanea sicurezza non merita
ne' la liberta' ne' la sicurezza - Benjamin Franklin]

[newbie-it] Gestionale

2001-10-19 Per discussione max

qualcuno conosce un gestionale robusto per linux?

Ovviamnte non mi aspetto di trovare programmi GPL e/o gratuiti anche perchè 
c'è l'esigenza dei continui aggiornamenti per l'adeguamento alle normative.



Re: [newbie-it] reti windows che fare???

2001-10-19 Per discussione OKreZ

On Friday 19 October 2001 14:47, you wrote:
 Per fare quello che dici, hai bisogno del pacchetto samba che implementa il
 protocollo netbios delle reti microzozz..

 - Original Message -
 From: Christian Orlandelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 5:16 PM
 Subject: [newbie-it] reti windows che fare???

  Come faccio a far vedere a Mandrake8.0 le reti Windows? La scheda di rete


  config. OK, ma nel momento in cui chiedo di sfogliare la Rete mi dice


  host sconosciuto...:-(Come faccio a fargi vederi i vari Worksgroup
  Ho provato a configurare in Linuxconf la network ma buio totale;-)
  Grazie a Tutti!

Ti consiglio di usare LinNeighborhood, cercalo su www.rpmfind.net

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Marco Canapicchi

LukenShiro wrote:

Nell'anno di grazia 20:52, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Marco 
Canapicchi, avete scritto:

Ho fatto tutto ciò ma continua ad esserci qualcosa che non torna:
Quel che non capisco è come ridirezionare /dev/cdrom2 in modo che non
punti più ad hdd ma a scd1.

La soluzione semplice e' quella di cancellare il link simbolico 
/dev/cdrom2 e crearne uno /dev/cdrom2 - /dev/scd1 [con ln -s]
P.S. Controlla che cmq sia davvero /dev/scd1 e non si chiami in altro 
modo (es. /dev/sr1): lo vedi in dmesg|less
Salut, Lk

ok ho fatto tutto ma si salta da dubbio in dubbio.
Mi spiego: lancio dmsg|less ed ho: (nella situazione /dev/cdrom2  
autorun ...
... autorun DONE.
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
change_root: old root has d_count=3
Trying to unmount old root ... okay
Freeing unused kernel memory: 696k freed
Adding Swap: 265032k swap-space (priority -1)
scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
  Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9500   Rev: 1.0e
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
MSDOS FS: Using codepage 850
MSDOS FS: IO charset iso8859-1
md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
md.c: sizeof(mdp_super_t) = 4096
autodetecting RAID arrays
autorun ...
... autorun DONE.
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
change_root: old root has d_count=3
Trying to unmount old root ... okay
Freeing unused kernel memory: 696k freed
Adding Swap: 265032k swap-space (priority -1)
scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
  Vendor: HPModel: CD-Writer+ 9500   Rev: 1.0e
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
MSDOS FS: Using codepage 850

non si parla neanche di un altra emulazione: c'è quella e basta.

Ho fatto alcuni tentativi ma il risultato non cambia.

Scusa la pedanza ma l'appetito vien mangiando.


Re: [newbie-it] Noatun

2001-10-19 Per discussione luigi pinna

--- Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 qualcuno di voi riesce ad aprire i file wav con
 Noatun senza che crashi?
 C'e' un player per waw alternativo nella
 distribuzione di MDK8.0?
in teoria ci sarebbe installato anche xmms il clone di
winamp ma a me dalla mk8.0 non parte... prova: da kde
mi sembra sia o in multimedia o in suono

aveva la coscienza pulita: mai usata
S.J. Lec

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

[newbie-it] quanto puo essere lungo

2001-10-19 Per discussione claudio duchi

Quanto pu essere lungo il collegamento tra due schede di rete 
utilizando per il collegamento
un cavo coassiale?

Re: [newbie-it] quanto puo essere lungo

2001-10-19 Per discussione Lux

At 13.55 18/10/01, claudio duchi wrote:
Quanto pu essere lungo il collegamento tra due schede di rete
utilizando per il collegamento
un cavo coassiale?

192 metri, se non ricordo male.

Ciao, Lux.

[newbie] Recording/burning question

2001-10-19 Per discussione Stephen Liu

Hi All People,

I have downloaded Mandrake-Linux 8.1 ISO Images from Internet to a Windows 
PC for preparing the installing discs

Burning software : Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum
Burning speed of CD Writer :  2X, 4X, 8X

Kindly advise

1.  To select which record mode
a)  Track-At-Once
b)  Disc-At-Once

2.  To select which write speed
a)  2 x (300KB/sec)
b)  4 x (600KB/sec)
c)  8 x (1200KB/sec)

3.  Can I use CD RW disc for multi-record CDROM for software installation

4.  How to check the recording condition of the CD after burning.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Minimising applications

2001-10-19 Per discussione Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

When I minimise any application, such as KMail or Gabber, it used to dock 
into the panel. Now however it disappears completely and I must restrt the 
application, losing anything in progress.

Has anyone else found this and have they fixed it ?

This is using 8.1 by the way.


Mark A

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Corrupted files -RPM

2001-10-19 Per discussione Stephen Liu

Hi All People,

I have downloaded Mandrake-Linux 8.1 ISO Images from Internet to a Windows 
PC and burt 3 installation discs with Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum.

During installing following files were found corrupted


I checked RPMNet but could not find them there.

Kindly advise where can I have them downloaded.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Supermount LM8.1 - Getting it to Work - FYI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Sevatio

Sorry it took so long to reply.  Have you tried creating an icon on your 
desktop for your zip device?  That icon should have the eject option to 
make it more convenient.  Unless of course you like using the terminal.


 Original Message 

On 10/15/01, 11:49:54 AM, Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
[newbie] Supermount  LM8.1 - Getting it to Work - FYI:

 On Thursday 11 October 2001 18:34, thou sayeth unto thee:
  Sorry, I don't have any zip drives.  Just fool around with the line
  responsible for your zip drive in /etc/fstab .  Perhaps you could post
  that line for us to see and then we can make some educated guesses.

 This is what I've modified my /etc/fstab to say about my zip drive:

 /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/hdd4,nosuid,nodev,exec 0 0

 It still mounts and accesses ok, but it is not supermounted.  I cannot 
 the zip by pressing the eject button.  I have to

 umount /mnt/zip

 to eject my zip disk.  This is an internal IDE 100 MB zip drive.
 Terry Sheltra
 PC Technician / Network Administrator
 University of Virginia
 School of Architecture
 Registered Linux User #218330

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


2001-10-19 Per discussione Khairil Osman


I recently installed Mandrake 8.1. Everything seems
fine except for my zip drive. HardDrake shows it is on
/dev/hdb. When i insert a zip disk and click on the
zip icon, I get the following message:

mount: special device /dev/hdb4 does not exist

Anybody know why i have this problem? I can't seem to
solve it. I never had this problem when I tried Suse

Computer spec:
K6-2 500
IBM 15gig HD
Seagate 20gig HD
Creative AWE64

Nokia Game is on again. 
Go to http://uk.yahoo.com/nokiagame/ and join the new
all media adventure before November 3rd.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Still Yurik

2001-10-19 Per discussione civileme

On Thursday 18 October 2001 09:38, Bryan Tyson wrote:
 On Thursday 18 October 2001 11:13, michael wrote:
  Am I the only person still getting these Bounces back from
  Mail Delivery Subsystem regarding [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

 No, I am still getting them also.

 Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
 KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2

 Bryan S. Tyson

It is a blocked-domain message and I have written to the postmaster who has 
it blocked and he suggested a solution which I have passed on to our folks 
and to Yurik.

QA team


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Corrupted files -RPM

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul

 During installing following files were found corrupted
 Kindly advise where can I have them downloaded.

Hi Stephen,


That should get you somewhere. Remember: www.google.com/linux is your friend!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie]

2001-10-19 Per discussione s

On Friday 19 October 2001 03:27 am,  Khairil Osman wrote:

 I recently installed Mandrake 8.1. Everything seems
 fine except for my zip drive. HardDrake shows it is on
 /dev/hdb. When i insert a zip disk and click on the
 zip icon, I get the following message:

 mount: special device /dev/hdb4 does not exist

 Anybody know why i have this problem? I can't seem to
 solve it. I never had this problem when I tried Suse

 Computer spec:
 K6-2 500
 IBM 15gig HD
 Seagate 20gig HD
 Creative AWE64

Well, I can tell you what I did to get mine to work, ymmv.  Mine is an ide 
Fstab had it listed as a /dev/hdd4 but harddrake saw it:  /dev/hdd
I changed /etc/fstab to:  /dev/hdd /mnt/zip auto user,noauto 0 0
and now I can mount it.  I have supermount disabled still at this point.  I'm 
just happy I can manually mount everything now.  :-)

So anyway, try changing your /etc/fstab to /dev/hdb and mounting it.  


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[newbie] /dev/ttyS3

2001-10-19 Per discussione Francois Massonneau


I repost this message as I've got no reply, and I need to be sure 
about that stuff to solve another problem.

I would like to know whether or not ttyS3 and ttyS03 are the same 
thing ?
dmesg | grep tty, gives me :
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
but I don't have a device ttyS03 but ttyS3. Why does it give me 03 
instead of 3 ? Thanks. Francois

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Re: [newbie] /dev/ttyS3

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul

 I would like to know whether or not ttyS3 and ttyS03 are the same 
 thing ?
 dmesg | grep tty, gives me :
 ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 ttyS03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 but I don't have a device ttyS03 but ttyS3. Why does it give me 03 
 instead of 3 ? Thanks. Francois

I am no expert on this but I guess that it is the same thing. ttyS3 is com port
4. ttyS03 is on the address and IRQ level of com port 4. Probably this is just
a difference in representation.
I checked this at my home linux box, and came to the same conclusions through
grep as you posted here.
ttyS00 does not exist either in /dev/ttyS*, ttyS0 does.
S0 is com port 1, and S00 shows the address and IRQ level for com port one. That
matches in the same way as S3 and S03.
So my educated guess is that this is okay. They are the same.

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[newbie] printer

2001-10-19 Per discussione Dechao Wang

I set up a printer using printtool. After that, I can print file by
lp file1.ps
but I cannot print webpage from netscape by selecting file- print?

Can you advice me what is the problem?

Many thanks

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Re: [newbie] printer

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul

 I set up a printer using printtool. After that, I can print file by
 lp file1.ps
 but I cannot print webpage from netscape by selecting file- print?
 Can you advice me what is the problem?

In the prefs of netscape, check if the proper printer things are set up,
if you can find those. I have to admit I never did any printing from Netscape.

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Re: [newbie] Bastille Firewall pop-3

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

Thanks, I think it was causing me trouble because of the mispelling.  :)

-Paul Rodríguez

On Fri, 2001-10-19 at 06:46, Paul wrote:
 In reply to Paul Rodriguez's words, written Thu, 18 Oct 2001 19:22:34 -0700
 How important is adding pop-3 to the list of TCP
 services to audit in InteractiveBastille?
 It would be pop3, and if you don't allow that to go through, you won't be able
 to get mail from a pop3 server.
 If you only do webmail that would be fine.
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 http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3
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RE: [newbie]

2001-10-19 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie]

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]

On Friday 19 October 2001 03:27 am, Khairil Osman wrote:

 I recently installed Mandrake 8.1. Everything seems
 fine except for my zip drive. HardDrake shows it is on
 /dev/hdb. When i insert a zip disk and click on the
 zip icon, I get the following message:

 mount: special device /dev/hdb4 does not exist

 Anybody know why i have this problem? I can't seem to
 solve it. I never had this problem when I tried Suse

 Computer spec:
 K6-2 500
 IBM 15gig HD
 Seagate 20gig HD
 Creative AWE64

Well, I can tell you what I did to get mine to work, ymmv. Mine is an ide 
Fstab had it listed as a /dev/hdd4 but harddrake saw it: /dev/hdd
I changed /etc/fstab to: /dev/hdd /mnt/zip auto user,noauto 0 0
and now I can mount it. I have supermount disabled still at this point. I'm 
just happy I can manually mount everything now. :-)

So anyway, try changing your /etc/fstab to /dev/hdb and mounting it. 


I just did a right click on the zip icon and selected propertiesexecute clicked on the drop down arrow and reselected the device and it filled in the proper location and such. then OK and out and the icon functions as it should. HTH

Dennis M. 

Re: [newbie] setting up printer

2001-10-19 Per discussione pesarif

mandrake control centre i.e. DrakConf

- Original Message -
From: dechao wang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:04 AM
Subject: [newbie] setting up printer

 where can i find the instruction for setting up

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Re: [newbie] Minimising applications

2001-10-19 Per discussione pesarif

Just a guess from my experience...:

With KDE 2.2, I have this problem as well (sometimes).
Do you happen to have any special applets on your KDE panel running?
That KSysguard/System resource-type meter seems to be the culprit

btw, if your program disappears, instead of ending up on the panel, you
can still ALT+TAB and access the program.

Maybe someone else on the list knows more.


- Original Message -
From: Mark Annandale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 5:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] Minimising applications

 Hi Guys

 When I minimise any application, such as KMail or Gabber, it used to dock
 into the panel. Now however it disappears completely and I must restrt the
 application, losing anything in progress.

 Has anyone else found this and have they fixed it ?

 This is using 8.1 by the way.


 Mark A

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Re: [newbie] Supermount LM8.1 - Getting it to Work - FYI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Terry

On Friday 19 October 2001 04:13, you wrote:
 Sorry it took so long to reply.  Have you tried creating an icon on your
 desktop for your zip device?  That icon should have the eject option to
 make it more convenient.  Unless of course you like using the terminal.


Thanks for the help Sevatio!  I had to recreate the zip drive icon on my KDE 
desktop for things to work properly.  Once I did that, I could mount and 
unmount the zip drive properly.  One minor annoyance left is that when I 
unmount the zip disk, I still have to manually eject it, but it's better than 
it not working at all! :-)
Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330

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Re: [newbie] Good solid stable sound editing software?

2001-10-19 Per discussione bascule

what sort of things are you trying to do?

i have used DAP:

there is a binary rpm which works fine on my system, it has sometimes crashed 
out with files over 100MB in size but that may be because i didn't have 
enough ram and/or swap

there is also an rpm for audacity, have you tried that?


On Friday 19 October 2001 6:03 pm, you wrote:
 Please help me, the programme is too hard.

 I installed wx windows I am very upset at the results,
 I was told that this is a good programme, yet
 it fails, what gives?

 Neither the rpm works or the damn source code compiles!

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[newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Schwebel

I'm using Mandrake 8.1 and thouroughly enjoy it. I'm
trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a hardware
connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a
standalone Linux box.

I'm a bit confused by the set up process using the
Mandrake Control Center. It detects my NIC (3com
3c90x) without a problem, but it gives me set up
options that I don't understand: under the
NetworkInternet - Connection settings of the Control
Center, it has one section called Internet Access
and another called LAN configuration. Now, I'm on a
standalone machine. Do I need to configure both of
these to get to the Internet thru the DSL modem
attached to my NIC?

When I try the wizard or the Expert mode, I can't get
the thing to connect.

I also tried Roaring Penguin's software. It appears to
connect, but then I can't actually ping anything or
use any of the browsers that come with Mandrake.

Also, if this isn't too much to ask, I'd also like to
know the _process_. That is, in M$Windows, I know what
files are involved in the TCP/IP configuration, and I
know where to look.  I don't have a clear idea of the
same thing on Linux, and a lot of the man pages and
HOWTOs appear to be written with a lot of *nix
knowledge assumed.

-Paul Well, how did I get here? Schwebel

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Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 19 October 2001 12:17, Paul Schwebel opined on the topic: 
[newbie] DSL and 8.1
 I'm using Mandrake 8.1 and thouroughly enjoy it. I'm
 trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a hardware
 connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a
 standalone Linux box.

Is the DSL modem an external modem/router/bridge, or an internal card? I 
will assume an external DLS modem...

 I'm a bit confused by the set up process using the
 Mandrake Control Center. It detects my NIC (3com
 3c90x) without a problem, but it gives me set up
 options that I don't understand: under the
 NetworkInternet - Connection settings of the Control
 Center, it has one section called Internet Access
 and another called LAN configuration. Now, I'm on a
 standalone machine. Do I need to configure both of
 these to get to the Internet thru the DSL modem
 attached to my NIC?

Just use the LAN Configuration. Ignore the other options.

 I also tried Roaring Penguin's software. It appears to
 connect, but then I can't actually ping anything or
 use any of the browsers that come with Mandrake.

Using the LAN connection setup, you don't really need PPPOE.

 Also, if this isn't too much to ask, I'd also like to
 know the _process_. That is, in M$Windows, I know what
 files are involved in the TCP/IP configuration, and I
 know where to look.  I don't have a clear idea of the
 same thing on Linux, and a lot of the man pages and
 HOWTOs appear to be written with a lot of *nix
 knowledge assumed.

I have DSL at home, with an external DSL modem/router, and it works like 
this: The DSL router (which is really what it is) acts as my default 
gateway. It connects to my ISP all by itself, and it contains all the 
user, password, etc. information it needs to do this automatically. I can 
completely ignore it.

My various PCs (one Windows, one RedHat Linux server that does DHCP for me 
plus some other services, one Mandrake 8.1 laptop) all use the DSL router 
as their default gateway (this option is assigned by the DHCP server). 
They are all connected via a hub, and the router is also on the hub. 
Pretty basic, right? You are even more basic, just a single PC with a 
crossover ethernet cable connecting you to your DSL router/modem.

I need to make another assumption: your DSL modem is also acting as a 
router, and not a bridge. This means that it is also acting like a 
mini-firewall, masquerading your internal network (even if it is just 
one PC) from the external Internet. If it were a bridge, then your PCs 
would all need to have public IP addresses, and you would want a real 
firewall in place to protect them. Your router is probably also set up to 
do DHCP for you (mine was, but I disabled it) on your internal network.

Therefore, you can choose a LAN Connection, and simply tell Mandrake to 
use DHCP for your NIC. And that's it. The DSL router (acting as a gateway 
and DHCP server) takes care of the rest.

If you want the nitty-gritty on exactly which config files are used to set 
up your networking, consult the networking-howto.

Hope this helps,
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Bernard Victor's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 17:52:49 +0100

I am using Mandrake 7.1 without any problems, however when I tried to update
to Mandrake 8.0 I could not connect to my ISP as I gather they do not use
PAP. Is there any way I can get around this.
Is there anyway I can get around this. The same thing happened when I tried
SUSE, so I presume later versions of  kpp only recognise PAP based ISP's.
Bernard Victor

A tip (I had to figure this out a while ago):
set up minicom as root if you have not done that already.
Then log in as yourself, and use minicom to dial your isp. (atdt phonenumber)
Write down the exact prompts you see and also the exact things you type in
When you are logged on, press alt-h to hang up and alt-z x to quit minicom.
Then go into kppp and in the isp add a script thingy that is exactly as you
saw in minicom.
So: expect  login
send loginname
and so on. I admit, it is not professional, but this way it works. Setting up
the script it not difficult, it shows itself.

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http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Terry's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 12:01:58 -0400

Guess that would help some, huh? :-)

The printer I have configured is a HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS using the 
Mandrake-supplied driver for it.  If I look at the properties for the printer
 in KUPS, there is no driver listed.  It is a network socket printer (damn 
window$ print server won't let me connect to it, so I had to just bypass it 
completely).  If I click on the printer icon on the desktop, and go to 
properties, there is no Advanced tab or button for me to click on.

First set it up as a HP Laserjet series 2. That is also a PCL printer, and
that's quite nicely what you want. I think the advanced stuff there should do
your trick.

This message has been ROT-13 encrypted twice for higher security.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez

If you're using a standalone computer, you don't need to setup any LAN
settings.  I'm not sure whay you would be having trouble connecting
using the Control Center.  Did you set the primary and secondary DNS
numbers that your DSL provider gave you?  

Using the roaring penguin software, check to see whether the
ping/browsing problem is ocurring just as a regular user or as root as
well.  It may be a problem with firewall settings.

Also, as far as documentation, check out the man pages for
adsl-setupand adsl-start.

-Paul Rodríguez

On Fri, 2001-10-19 at 13:17, Paul Schwebel wrote:
 I'm using Mandrake 8.1 and thouroughly enjoy it. I'm
 trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a hardware
 connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a
 standalone Linux box.
 I'm a bit confused by the set up process using the
 Mandrake Control Center. It detects my NIC (3com
 3c90x) without a problem, but it gives me set up
 options that I don't understand: under the
 NetworkInternet - Connection settings of the Control
 Center, it has one section called Internet Access
 and another called LAN configuration. Now, I'm on a
 standalone machine. Do I need to configure both of
 these to get to the Internet thru the DSL modem
 attached to my NIC?
 When I try the wizard or the Expert mode, I can't get
 the thing to connect.
 I also tried Roaring Penguin's software. It appears to
 connect, but then I can't actually ping anything or
 use any of the browsers that come with Mandrake.
 Also, if this isn't too much to ask, I'd also like to
 know the _process_. That is, in M$Windows, I know what
 files are involved in the TCP/IP configuration, and I
 know where to look.  I don't have a clear idea of the
 same thing on Linux, and a lot of the man pages and
 HOWTOs appear to be written with a lot of *nix
 knowledge assumed.
 -Paul Well, how did I get here? Schwebel
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[newbie] Uninstall Netscape?

2001-10-19 Per discussione Tom

How can i remove Netscape from the hard disk. I 
installed it with a .tar.gz file in /usr/local/netscape but I can't find a 
uninstall file.

Re: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0

2001-10-19 Per discussione Mark Annandale

On Friday 19 October 2001 5:52 pm, you wrote:
 I am using Mandrake 7.1 without any problems, however when I tried to
 update to Mandrake 8.0 I could not connect to my ISP as I gather they do
 not use PAP. Is there any way I can get around this.
 Is there anyway I can get around this. The same thing happened when I tried
 SUSE, so I presume later versions of  kpp only recognise PAP based ISP's.
 Bernard Victor

I had the same problem as my ISP uses CHAP. Have you tried to select CHAP ?



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Re: [newbie] Uninstall Netscape?

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Tom's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 13:01:42 -0300

How can i remove Netscape from the hard disk. I installed it with a .tar.gz
file in /usr/local/netscape but I can't find a uninstall file. 

Sometimes make uninstall works. No garantuee though

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http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem

2001-10-19 Per discussione Terry

Subject: Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 14:34:11 -0400

On Friday 19 October 2001 19:36, you wrote:
 In reply to Terry's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 12:01:58 -0400

 First set it up as a HP Laserjet series 2. That is also a PCL printer, and
 that's quite nicely what you want. I think the advanced stuff there should
 do your trick.

I still don't have an advanced tab or button of any sort, even after changing
 the driver to a LaserJet II Series printer.  The only tabs that show up when
 I click on the properties for the printer are General and Filters.  I 
even removed the printer and reinstalled it, with the same results.  Any 
other suggestions from someone?

Thanks in advance,
Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330

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Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem

2001-10-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings

In Kups the driver is listed in the properties Tab.

You can see the print parameters if you press the 'Change' button and select 
the same driver again.

Or else you can configure it using SWAT (localhost:631)
There is an Advanced Tab for that printer (KUPS or SWAT will display the 
options), the bad news is none of the parameters adjust bottom margin.

You might like to check out anotherdriver. In KUPS the driver above the 
LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS is listed as 'LaserJet 4 Series' However if you use 
SWAT you can see the full name is 'LaserJet 4 Series CUPS plus GIMP Print'  I 
have not tried it since I do not have a LaserJet 4, but everything I have 
read about print drivers has said the GIMP drivers are usually superior to 
the standard drivers. Certainly for graphics work. Maybe it will handle the 
bottom margin differently.

If all else fails you might check out the 'Adjust margins and offsets of 
printed pages ' tool you can see if you select
'K menu'  Configuration  Printing
At least its there in LM 8.1

(I've no idea how to use it)




On Friday 19 October 2001 5:01 pm, Terry wrote:
 On Friday 19 October 2001 10:58, you wrote:
  It may depend on your printer, but with my HP Deskjet all I have to do is
  click on the Printer icon on the desktop, select Properties, select the
  'Advanced Tab', and then top bottom margins etc can be adjusted.
  It might help if you told us which printer you have and which driver you
  are using?

 Guess that would help some, huh? :-)

 The printer I have configured is a HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS using the
 Mandrake-supplied driver for it.  If I look at the properties for the
 printer in KUPS, there is no driver listed.  It is a network socket printer
 (damn window$ print server won't let me connect to it, so I had to just
 bypass it completely).  If I click on the printer icon on the desktop, and
 go to properties, there is no Advanced tab or button for me to click on.

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[newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken

2001-10-19 Per discussione Newbie

Anyone know how to fix these errors?

$ studio
Error in startup script: couldn't execute /usr/lib/SoundStudio/studio_tool: 
no such file or directory
while executing
exec $FILE(Tool) diagnostics
(procedure CARDSetter line 5)
invoked from within
(file /usr/lib/SoundStudio/init.tk line 157)
invoked from within
source $MYFILES/init.tk

(file /usr//bin/studio line 33)

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[newbie] Importing fonts

2001-10-19 Per discussione Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

Where can I find the import fonts utility, I'm sure there was one under 8.0 ? 
I'm using 8.1.

Is there somewhere I can set up a firewall using KDE ?


Mark A

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Re: [newbie] /dev/ttyS3

2001-10-19 Per discussione Francois Massonneau

 port one. That
 matches in the same way as S3 and S03.
 So my educated guess is that this is okay. They are the same.

Thank you Paul, Francois

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Re: [newbie] Importing fonts

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Mark Annandale's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 19:59:10 +0100

Where can I find the import fonts utility, I'm sure there was one under 8.0 ?
 I'm using 8.1.

In 8.0you could use DrakFont. I assume it still is there.

Is there somewhere I can set up a firewall using KDE ?

Sure. Run InteractiveBastille for the big one, or use Tiny Firewall in mcc for
a simple setup.


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http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] help~ lilo is gone~

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul

In reply to Valerie Cheng's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 15:03:44 -0400

Hi Valerie,

/boot is EMPTY??
Then somehow you managed to delete everything in there as root user.
I am afraid you have to reinstall unless you have a backup. /boot contains all
the kernels and such.

But wait a few, perhaps another person knows something better.



Please help me...

My LILO disappeared.. and when I run lilo to install it, it says that 
/boot/boot.b is missing... I checked is /boot and it's empty... what do 
I do???  *sniff sniff*

Any help is appreciated~


This message has been ROT-13 encrypted twice for higher security.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] help~ lilo is gone~

2001-10-19 Per discussione michael

On Friday 19 October 2001 06:20 pm, you were observed 
 In reply to Valerie Cheng's words, written Fri, 19 Oct
 2001 15:03:44 -0400

 Hi Valerie,

 /boot is EMPTY??
 Then somehow you managed to delete everything in there as
 root user. I am afraid you have to reinstall unless you
 have a backup. /boot contains all the kernels and such.

 But wait a few, perhaps another person knows something


 Please help me...
 My LILO disappeared.. and when I run lilo to install it,
  it says that /boot/boot.b is missing... I checked is
  /boot and it's empty... what do I do???  *sniff sniff*
 Any help is appreciated~
My favourite disaster recovery technique is to insert cd1 
of 8.1 and choose 'expert' and 'upgrade'...that way all 
your mail and stuff stays there

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RE: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0

2001-10-19 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Annandale
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0

On Friday 19 October 2001 5:52 pm, you wrote:
 I am using Mandrake 7.1 without any problems, however when I tried to
 update to Mandrake 8.0 I could not connect to my ISP as I gather they do
 not use PAP. Is there any way I can get around this.
 Is there anyway I can get around this. The same thing happened when I tried
 SUSE, so I presume later versions of kpp only recognise PAP based ISP's.
 Bernard Victor

I had the same problem as my ISP uses CHAP. Have you tried to select CHAP ?



The newest version of Kppp on 8.1 recognizes several protocols. Go to the internet icon click setup
highlight the connection and click edit or modify(don't remember which. Then look for the authentication protocol and a popup

with chap, pap, something else. Try chap then the others till you get one that works. HTH 
Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

  OK, I did this:
  hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda
  hdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb
  to set both HD's to spin down after 30 seconds, just to test and see if it
  would work. It didn't, and I didn't see anything for troubleshooting on
  either the man page, or at mandrakeuser.org. Whats my next move?

 I don't think there's meant to be a space between the S and the number. Here's
 what I use:

   hdparm -c1d1S242 /dev/hda

 You can ignore the c1d1 here. Notice, however, the S242 (242 = 1 hour) on
 the end of the tag.

 Also, there may be background processes that still require the filesystem. I
 don't think 30 seconds would be long enough for everything to settle down. Try
 setting the interval to a few minutes, and then try it when there's nothing else
 (including X) running.

 Another thing to consider is your filesystem. If you use ReiserFS, the FS is
 polled every five minutes. This makes spindowns unlikely to work for drives with
 mounted ReiserFS partitions. Ext2, swap and FAT are fine in this regard. I don't
 know about the other journalling FSs.

Hmm...OK, I tried taking out the space, but the same thing happened, ie
the output told me the same thing, so I think it works with the space too.

But, it still didn't work...and I do use ReiserFS. Guess it's time to kick
this one up to the expert list, eh?

Thanks for your help, Sridhar...



The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him

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Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Schwebel

--- Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 19 October 2001 12:17, Paul Schwebel
  trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a
  connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a
  standalone Linux box.
 Is the DSL modem an external modem/router/bridge, or
 an internal card? I 
 will assume an external DLS modem...

This is an external DSL modem. I'm fairly sure it's
not a router, since my PC, formerly WinMe, was
responsible for a user ID and password.
  I'm a bit confused by the set up process using the
  Mandrake Control Center. It detects my NIC (3com
  standalone machine. Do I need to configure both of
  these to get to the Internet thru the DSL modem
  attached to my NIC?
 Just use the LAN Configuration. Ignore the other
I will try this. 

  Also, if this isn't too much to ask, I'd also like
  know the _process_. That is, in M$Windows, I know
. would want a real 
 firewall in place to protect them. Your router is
 probably also set up to 
 do DHCP for you (mine was, but I disabled it) on
 your internal network.
 Therefore, you can choose a LAN Connection, and
 simply tell Mandrake to 
 use DHCP for your NIC. And that's it. The DSL router
 (acting as a gateway 
 and DHCP server) takes care of the rest.
Again, I will try this, but I think my DSL device is
strictly a modem. When I was running WinMe, I had it
configured for DHCP. When I first started playing with
Linux, I had a SuSE 7.1 install that worked by using
rp-pppoe, but I'm still so new at Linux that I don't
know what else is required for the connection. When I
set up rp-pppoe on Mandrake I still couldn't connect.

 If you want the nitty-gritty on exactly which config
 files are used to set 
 up your networking, consult the networking-howto.
 Hope this helps,
Thanks, this is all very informative,

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Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 19 October 2001 15:08, Paul Schwebel opined on the topic: Re: 
[newbie] DSL and 8.1
 --- Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Friday 19 October 2001 12:17, Paul Schwebel
   trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a
   connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a
   standalone Linux box.
  Is the DSL modem an external modem/router/bridge, or
  an internal card? I
  will assume an external DLS modem...

 This is an external DSL modem. I'm fairly sure it's
 not a router, since my PC, formerly WinMe, was
 responsible for a user ID and password.

If this is the case, then my advice is probably incorrect. Unfortunately, 
I haven't dealt with the type of DSL you have, so I don't think I can 

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Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Schwebel

--- Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you're using a standalone computer, you don't
 need to setup any LAN
 settings.  I'm not sure whay you would be having
 trouble connecting
 using the Control Center.  Did you set the primary
 and secondary DNS
 numbers that your DSL provider gave you?  
Yes, I set those.

 Using the roaring penguin software, check to see
 whether the
 ping/browsing problem is ocurring just as a regular
 user or as root as
 well.  It may be a problem with firewall settings.
How would I check this?

 Also, as far as documentation, check out the man
 pages for
 adsl-setupand adsl-start.
 -Paul Rodríguez
Thanks, will do.

I'm wondering if I have to delete the LAN settings I
already have (I have tried several different
configurations options, so I think both ADSL and LAN
are configured).

 On Fri, 2001-10-19 at 13:17, Paul Schwebel wrote:
  trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a
  connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a
  standalone Linux box.
  I'm a bit confused by the set up process using the

  files are involved in the TCP/IP configuration,
 and I
  know where to look.  I don't have a clear idea of
  same thing on Linux, and a lot of the man pages
  HOWTOs appear to be written with a lot of *nix
  knowledge assumed.
  -Paul Well, how did I get here? Schwebel

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[newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki

Hi all,

Is anyone else having heaps of trouble with mandrake update on 8.1?

First of all, its slow, secondly, it insists on scanning the system and its
db of all the CD's each time you start it...

and since I have to kill it alot because it sits there doing nothing, it
takes ages to try again..

Anyone had any luck getting MandrakeUpdate from 7.2 compiled for 8.1?  This
is a case backasswards development, 7.2's software update was easy to use,
easy to configure and it worked, most of all it was simple and obvious.

The software update in 8.1 gives you buggar all feedback on what its doing,
I am sitting here watching it do nothing,,

I started software Installer, selected bugs general updates and security
updates, and it found Mozilla, and the SSH packages...   I think great, that
wasn't that hard, even if it did take ages... (alot longer then 7.2) anyway,
I clicked continue, after selecting all the packages except Mozilla, (do
that after ssh is updated was my thinking).  Anyway I have a screen now that
says, Install in progress, you can see below the installation state, and the
rest of the window is blank except for the quit, back, next and help buttons
none of which are highlighed so that I can click them.

Its been like that for an hour, doing absolutly nothing, no CPU or HDD
activity, and no net activity.

So whats with that?  Also, before someone tells me to try another mirror,
this is the forth I have tried, and gottn no further with any of them.

Most annoying, I'll ask again, has anyone got mdk7.2 SoftwareUpdate working
with 8.1 I need a workable solution before I put these things out as




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 3:53 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HD spin down

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

  OK, I did this:
  hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda
  hdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb
  to set both HD's to spin down after 30 seconds, just to test and see if
  would work. It didn't, and I didn't see anything for troubleshooting on
  either the man page, or at mandrakeuser.org. Whats my next move?

 I don't think there's meant to be a space between the S and the number.
 what I use:

   hdparm -c1d1S242 /dev/hda

 You can ignore the c1d1 here. Notice, however, the S242 (242 = 1 hour)
 the end of the tag.

 Also, there may be background processes that still require the filesystem.
 don't think 30 seconds would be long enough for everything to settle down.
 setting the interval to a few minutes, and then try it when there's
nothing else
 (including X) running.

 Another thing to consider is your filesystem. If you use ReiserFS, the FS
 polled every five minutes. This makes spindowns unlikely to work for
drives with
 mounted ReiserFS partitions. Ext2, swap and FAT are fine in this regard. I
 know about the other journalling FSs.

Hmm...OK, I tried taking out the space, but the same thing happened, ie
the output told me the same thing, so I think it works with the space too.

But, it still didn't work...and I do use ReiserFS. Guess it's time to kick
this one up to the expert list, eh?

Thanks for your help, Sridhar...



The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I
hit him

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Re: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001 15:53:02 -0400 (EDT)
Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
   OK, I did this:
   hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda
   hdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb
   to set both HD's to spin down after 30 seconds, just to test and see if it
   would work. It didn't, and I didn't see anything for troubleshooting on
   either the man page, or at mandrakeuser.org. Whats my next move?
  I don't think there's meant to be a space between the S and the number. Here's
  what I use:
hdparm -c1d1S242 /dev/hda
  You can ignore the c1d1 here. Notice, however, the S242 (242 = 1 hour) on
  the end of the tag.
  Also, there may be background processes that still require the filesystem. I
  don't think 30 seconds would be long enough for everything to settle down. Try
  setting the interval to a few minutes, and then try it when there's nothing else
  (including X) running.
  Another thing to consider is your filesystem. If you use ReiserFS, the FS is
  polled every five minutes. This makes spindowns unlikely to work for drives with
  mounted ReiserFS partitions. Ext2, swap and FAT are fine in this regard. I don't
  know about the other journalling FSs.
 Hmm...OK, I tried taking out the space, but the same thing happened, ie
 the output told me the same thing, so I think it works with the space too.
 But, it still didn't work...and I do use ReiserFS. Guess it's time to kick
 this one up to the expert list, eh?
 Thanks for your help, Sridhar...
Try installing drivetweak.
It is on CD3 of 8.1 and is a GUI frontend to hdpram.
Using a GUI for to adjust the settings you need not worry about the syntax
being wrong.

   Charles  (-:

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RE: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Check to be sure that the program studio_tool exists in the
/usr/lib/SoundStudio directory...


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Newbie
|Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:57 PM
|Subject: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken
|Anyone know how to fix these errors?
|$ studio
|Error in startup script: couldn't execute 
|no such file or directory
|while executing
|exec $FILE(Tool) diagnostics
|(procedure CARDSetter line 5)
|invoked from within
|(file /usr/lib/SoundStudio/init.tk line 157)
|invoked from within
|source $MYFILES/init.tk
|(file /usr//bin/studio line 33)

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RE: [newbie] Importing fonts

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Look in the Control Panel

|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark Annandale
|Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:59 PM
|To: Mandrake Newbie List
|Subject: [newbie] Importing fonts
|Hi Guys
|Where can I find the import fonts utility, I'm sure there was 
|one under 8.0 ? 
|I'm using 8.1.
|Is there somewhere I can set up a firewall using KDE ?
|Mark A

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RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Actually it works very well for me.

Yes it scans the DB. I ended up dumping all three CD's onto a separate
partition, and redirected the setup to them.

The updates via download work fine, provided you've defined your

Normally if it's sitting there doing nothing, it's because RPM itself
has failed... You might want to try an rpm --rebuilddb and have a cup
of coffee.

BTW: while it's downloading the progress bar does NOT move! So it can
look like it's hung up while it is really downloading the files you

Gkrellm showed me it was working fine.

|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Franki
|Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 4:13 PM
|Subject: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update
|Hi all,
|Is anyone else having heaps of trouble with mandrake update on 8.1?

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Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001 04:13:11 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Is anyone else having heaps of trouble with mandrake update on 8.1?
 First of all, its slow, secondly, it insists on scanning the system and its
 db of all the CD's each time you start it...
 and since I have to kill it alot because it sits there doing nothing, it
 takes ages to try again..
 Anyone had any luck getting MandrakeUpdate from 7.2 compiled for 8.1?  This
 is a case backasswards development, 7.2's software update was easy to use,
 easy to configure and it worked, most of all it was simple and obvious.
 The software update in 8.1 gives you buggar all feedback on what its doing,
 I am sitting here watching it do nothing,,
 I started software Installer, selected bugs general updates and security
 updates, and it found Mozilla, and the SSH packages...   I think great, that
 wasn't that hard, even if it did take ages... (alot longer then 7.2) anyway,
 I clicked continue, after selecting all the packages except Mozilla, (do
 that after ssh is updated was my thinking).  Anyway I have a screen now that
 says, Install in progress, you can see below the installation state, and the
 rest of the window is blank except for the quit, back, next and help buttons
 none of which are highlighed so that I can click them.
 Its been like that for an hour, doing absolutly nothing, no CPU or HDD
 activity, and no net activity.
 So whats with that?  Also, before someone tells me to try another mirror,
 this is the forth I have tried, and gottn no further with any of them.
 Most annoying, I'll ask again, has anyone got mdk7.2 SoftwareUpdate working
 with 8.1 I need a workable solution before I put these things out as
Start a new message by sticking it on top of another.

As to your problem upgrade to rpmdrake-1.3-106mdk from cooker.
To prevent the cd db from being scanned each time you can delete them in 
the source list.

When you run Mandrake Update launch it from a terminal as rpmdrake, this will
give you an output of what the program is actually doing.


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Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem

2001-10-19 Per discussione Terry

On Friday 19 October 2001 02:51 pm, you wrote:
 In Kups the driver is listed in the properties Tab.

 You can see the print parameters if you press the 'Change' button and
 select the same driver again.

 Or else you can configure it using SWAT (localhost:631)
 There is an Advanced Tab for that printer (KUPS or SWAT will display the
 options), the bad news is none of the parameters adjust bottom margin.

 You might like to check out anotherdriver. In KUPS the driver above the
 LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS is listed as 'LaserJet 4 Series' However if you use
 SWAT you can see the full name is 'LaserJet 4 Series CUPS plus GIMP Print' 
 I have not tried it since I do not have a LaserJet 4, but everything I have
 read about print drivers has said the GIMP drivers are usually superior to
 the standard drivers. Certainly for graphics work. Maybe it will handle the
 bottom margin differently.

I've managed to change the driver to the one you specified, and lo and 
behold, the 'Advanced' tab appeared!  So I tried to print a test page from 
KMail.  It didn't crop the top! But, it still did crop the bottom, but at 
least reprinted it on the next page.  I'm almost there!  Any more 
suggestions?  Strange how I didn't have this problem in LM 8.0...
Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330

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Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Brandon Vanderberg

Mine's working well also.  I had that problem in 8.0, but with 8.1 (clean 
install) everything has worked much better.

Copying the CDs to the drive helps a lot with speed and keeps me from having 
to carry my CD pack around all the time. This is on a laptop.

On Friday 19 October 2001 13:13, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,

 Is anyone else having heaps of trouble with mandrake update on 8.1?

 First of all, its slow, secondly, it insists on scanning the system and its
 db of all the CD's each time you start it...

 and since I have to kill it alot because it sits there doing nothing, it
 takes ages to try again..

 Anyone had any luck getting MandrakeUpdate from 7.2 compiled for 8.1?  This
 is a case backasswards development, 7.2's software update was easy to use,
 easy to configure and it worked, most of all it was simple and obvious.

 The software update in 8.1 gives you buggar all feedback on what its doing,
 I am sitting here watching it do nothing,,

 I started software Installer, selected bugs general updates and security
 updates, and it found Mozilla, and the SSH packages...   I think great,
 that wasn't that hard, even if it did take ages... (alot longer then 7.2)
 anyway, I clicked continue, after selecting all the packages except
 Mozilla, (do that after ssh is updated was my thinking).  Anyway I have a
 screen now that says, Install in progress, you can see below the
 installation state, and the rest of the window is blank except for the
 quit, back, next and help buttons none of which are highlighed so that I
 can click them.

 Its been like that for an hour, doing absolutly nothing, no CPU or HDD
 activity, and no net activity.

 So whats with that?  Also, before someone tells me to try another mirror,
 this is the forth I have tried, and gottn no further with any of them.

 Most annoying, I'll ask again, has anyone got mdk7.2 SoftwareUpdate working
 with 8.1 I need a workable solution before I put these things out as




 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
 Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 3:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] HD spin down

 On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
   OK, I did this:
   hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda
   hdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb
   to set both HD's to spin down after 30 seconds, just to test and see if


   would work. It didn't, and I didn't see anything for troubleshooting on
   either the man page, or at mandrakeuser.org. Whats my next move?
  I don't think there's meant to be a space between the S and the number.


  what I use:
hdparm -c1d1S242 /dev/hda
  You can ignore the c1d1 here. Notice, however, the S242 (242 = 1


  the end of the tag.
  Also, there may be background processes that still require the


  don't think 30 seconds would be long enough for everything to settle


  setting the interval to a few minutes, and then try it when there's

 nothing else

  (including X) running.
  Another thing to consider is your filesystem. If you use ReiserFS, the FS


  polled every five minutes. This makes spindowns unlikely to work for

 drives with

  mounted ReiserFS partitions. Ext2, swap and FAT are fine in this regard.


  know about the other journalling FSs.

 Hmm...OK, I tried taking out the space, but the same thing happened, ie
 the output told me the same thing, so I think it works with the space too.

 But, it still didn't work...and I do use ReiserFS. Guess it's time to kick
 this one up to the expert list, eh?

 Thanks for your help, Sridhar...



 The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I
 hit him

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Re: [newbie] help~ lilo is gone~

2001-10-19 Per discussione Valerie Cheng

ok.. The situation was.. My friend found the iso of WinXP.. So I tried 
installing that.. And I guess WinXP killed lilo.. But I kinda expected 
that so I had my Linux boot disk ready to use that to come back to linux 
and run lilo to install it back... And that's what I did... and it acted 
wierd when it started up and I somehow got linux booted but X can't 
start.. but I ran lilo anyways.. then that's when it told me it can't 
find boot.b... so I checked /boot/ and it's *really* empty (took me a 
while to really believe that it's empty.. and I dunno if it got killed 
by WinXP)...  so I ran upgrade from the Mandrake cd... And it still 
didn't work. then I ran install w/o formating the / directory... and 
it still works.. but I'm able to use the boot floppy to get into linux 
and able start X.. But right now, the only files in my /boot directory 
are kernel.h and message. And I still can't install lilo since boot.b is 

So there's no way to install the files for /boot?
I'm using MDK 8.0... technically, if I didn't change anything, I could 
copy my boot files from my laptop (also MDK 8.0) to my desktop?


Onur Kucuk wrote:
   Hi Valerie,
   How could you boot, with the boot empty ? Or didnt you boot yet?
   If you could boot, then most probably you have a partition containing
   your boot data, but it is not mounted now. Type
   fdisk -l
   and compare it with /etc/fstab entries, especially with the line
   containing /boot . Check if there is a line missing, a partition not
   mounted etc.
   And also, if you dont want re-install your system,
   if you can give us the name which version you have, and if you did
   not change much in /boot , a copy+paste from a friend would be fine I
   If it is MDK 8.1  I can send you my /boot/*
   Onur Kucuk

michael wrote:
  My favourite disaster recovery technique is to insert cd1
  of 8.1 and choose 'expert' and 'upgrade'...that way all
  your mail and stuff stays there

Paul wrote:

 In reply to Valerie Cheng's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 15:03:44 -0400
 Hi Valerie,
 /boot is EMPTY??
 Then somehow you managed to delete everything in there as root user.
 I am afraid you have to reinstall unless you have a backup. /boot contains all
 the kernels and such.
 But wait a few, perhaps another person knows something better.

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Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Texstar

Thats what I did, I installed the latest rpmdrake from Cooker.  Then I 
launched it from the console so I could watch the output. It allowed me to 
add security updates and cooker sources as well. It is also much much faster 
at loading the 1-2-3 cd database too! 

Just for grins check your /etc/mandrake-release and make sure it says

Mandrake Linux release 8.1

 As to your problem upgrade to rpmdrake-1.3-106mdk from cooker.
 To prevent the cd db from being scanned each time you can delete them in
 the source list.

 When you run Mandrake Update launch it from a terminal as rpmdrake, this
 will give you an output of what the program is actually doing.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

PLEASE  DO NOT Start a new message by sticking it on top of another.


Oh n!

Here comes a top poster versus bottom poster flame war.

Franky I LIKE top posters, so I can avoid the lower part of the message
if I know what it is in reference to.

NOT quoting previous message(s) is rude, sorta like coming into the
middle of a conversation...


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki

LOL, It Bloody well better say 8.1, I bought the Powerpack off the mandrake
store, and got sent these disks as a stop gap until the boxed set get

Ok, I'll get the cooker one and give that a go...

It doesn't help that my test box is a slowish system,,

Thanks for the tips...

Oh, and too charles, it wasn't my intention to post ontop of a previous
post, I usually delete them, I forgot once, so sue me :-)



-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

Thats what I did, I installed the latest rpmdrake from Cooker.  Then I
launched it from the console so I could watch the output. It allowed me to
add security updates and cooker sources as well. It is also much much faster
at loading the 1-2-3 cd database too!

Just for grins check your /etc/mandrake-release and make sure it says

Mandrake Linux release 8.1

 As to your problem upgrade to rpmdrake-1.3-106mdk from cooker.
 To prevent the cd db from being scanned each time you can delete them in
 the source list.

 When you run Mandrake Update launch it from a terminal as rpmdrake, this
 will give you an output of what the program is actually doing.


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Re: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken

2001-10-19 Per discussione Newbie

Ok, it is not there, where should I look to get it?

On Friday 19 October 2001 03:51 pm, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 Check to be sure that the program studio_tool exists in the
 /usr/lib/SoundStudio directory...


 |-Original Message-
 |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Newbie
 |Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:57 PM
 |Subject: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken
 |Anyone know how to fix these errors?
 |$ studio
 |Error in startup script: couldn't execute
 |no such file or directory
 |while executing
 |exec $FILE(Tool) diagnostics
 |(procedure CARDSetter line 5)
 |invoked from within
 |(file /usr/lib/SoundStudio/init.tk line 157)
 |invoked from within
 |source $MYFILES/init.tk
 |(file /usr//bin/studio line 33)

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[newbie] Weird SSH stuff with Putty and Ixplorer.

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki

Hi again all,

I use putty with IXplorer as a windows sshd ftp client for uploading and
downloading files via ssh between windows and my linux box's...

Since I upgraded to mdk8.1, it doesn't work now, it logs in, but doesn't get
a directory listing for some reason.
here is its log of activity...

Can anyone give me a pointer as to what this might be?  using Terra Term
works fine, (but doesn't do file transfers.)

Successfully started encryption
Sent username root
Sent password
Authentication successful
Allocated pty
Started session
5:08:01 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] login failure
Last line received: ]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: /root[root@mail
Expected remote prompt character: #



PS, I have already downloaded the SSH updates for 8.1, installed and
restarted sshd, made no difference..

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RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki

No, twas my fault, I replied any old post and forgot to delete the previous
post from the email..

My apologies to all...

I have no desire for a top/bottom debate, what ever works for whoever...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jose M. Sanchez
Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 5:23 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

PLEASE  DO NOT Start a new message by sticking it on top of another.


Oh n!

Here comes a top poster versus bottom poster flame war.

Franky I LIKE top posters, so I can avoid the lower part of the message
if I know what it is in reference to.

NOT quoting previous message(s) is rude, sorta like coming into the
middle of a conversation...


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[newbie] Digital Camera Quickie

2001-10-19 Per discussione Allen H

Just another quickie:

Has anyone used a Pretec DC-520 Dual-Mode VGA Digital Camera
either as a webcam or as a digital camera on Mandrake, or any
Linux for that matter?
Or even heard of it?

HardDrake doesn't know what it is, it just tells me its a USB
device, which is right.
How do I go about getting USB Webcams to work on LNX, how do I
mount it, or go about mounting it, as I've read on the list?

Anybody, any help, any time.




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RE: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Well first determine if it's in the original RPM...

(BTW: where did you find the RPM?)

In the directory you have the RPM type

rpm -qlf SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm  | more  (or less) and see if
the file is listed.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Newbie
|Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 5:11 PM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken
|Ok, it is not there, where should I look to get it?
|On Friday 19 October 2001 03:51 pm, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
| Check to be sure that the program studio_tool exists in the 
| /usr/lib/SoundStudio directory...
| -JMS
| |-Original Message-
| |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Newbie
| |Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:57 PM
| |Subject: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken
| |
| |
| |Anyone know how to fix these errors?
| |
| |$ studio
| |Error in startup script: couldn't execute
| |/usr/lib/SoundStudio/studio_tool:
| |no such file or directory
| |while executing
| |exec $FILE(Tool) diagnostics
| |(procedure CARDSetter line 5)
| |invoked from within
| |CARDSetter
| |(file /usr/lib/SoundStudio/init.tk line 157)
| |invoked from within
| |source $MYFILES/init.tk
| |
| |(file /usr//bin/studio line 33)
| |$

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Re: [newbie] IDE-Raid

2001-10-19 Per discussione Michael Dannhorn

Am Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2001 05:44 schrieben Sie:
 On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 19:22:32 +0200, Michael Dannhorn

  I have 4 IDE devices (1 CDRom, 3 HDD) in my system integrated. They are
  connected to the 'normal' IDE-channels. The Motherboard has additional a
  promise IDE-Raid adapter integrated. On that device I pluged another
  IDE is configured like this:
  IDE1Master  HHD1Linux
  Slave   CDRom
  IDE2Master  HDD2Windows 2000
  Slave   HDD3data
  Promise1Master  HDD4data (temporarly used for data exchange)
  Slave   none
  Promise2Master  none
  Slave   none
  Windows 2000 boots-up through LILO.
  After connecting the Promise IDE LILO bootmanager appears as usual.
  In windows 2000 the system could boot and asked to install a driver.
  After that I could work with my system without any problem.
  When I start the linux system the startup screen appears and stops
  at the first 2 lines in booting up. Think it tries to mount. When I
  disable Promise IDE in bios the system boots up an normal.
  Any ideas?

 Yes - you have a WinRAID motherboard. This cheap excuse for RAID has been
 specifically designed to only work in Windos. If I were you, I wouldn't
 even use it in Windos because of its inferior quality. I doubt that you
 would see much of a performance improvement (if any).

 I don't think that RAID is even worth trying with IDE, because of the
 limitations of the interface. For decent RAID, use SCSI (and be prepared to
 spend $$$ :-) ).


I don't want to use the raid als a 'real' ide-raid system. But when you have 
4 IDE devices build in and need a 5th ide channel to swap data with friend
or take work with younat home its quite better than to burn everytime a CD.

Certainly scsi is just better. I have some scsi divices too but real scsi 
disks are quie more expensive than ide (at work we have prof. scsi raid with 
large hdd)


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Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001 17:22:33 -0400
Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PLEASE  DO NOT Start a new message by sticking it on top of another.
 Oh n!
 Here comes a top poster versus bottom poster flame war.
 Franky I LIKE top posters, so I can avoid the lower part of the message
 if I know what it is in reference to.
 NOT quoting previous message(s) is rude, sorta like coming into the
 middle of a conversation...

I was not refering to top posting.
About it I don't care 1 way or the other.

I was refering to the fact that the Man Update question was sent on the 
top of a completly unrelated post.

   Charles  (-:

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Re: [newbie] Importing fonts

2001-10-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Friday 19 October 2001 7:59 pm, Mark Annandale wrote:
 Hi Guys

 Where can I find the import fonts utility, I'm sure there was one under 8.0
 ? I'm using 8.1.

Should be in 
Control Center  System Fonts

 Is there somewhere I can set up a firewall using KDE ?

To start with the Tiny Firewall built into 
Control Center  Security  Firewall
is all you need.




 Mark A

From end of July my cwcom account will no longer function
Please update your address book .

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Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001 05:06:16 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 LOL, It Bloody well better say 8.1, I bought the Powerpack off the mandrake
 store, and got sent these disks as a stop gap until the boxed set get

It was a somewhat of an insider joke.
If you should happen to instll Mandrake-release from cooker your version
listing will become 8.2

 Ok, I'll get the cooker one and give that a go...
 It doesn't help that my test box is a slowish system,,
 Thanks for the tips...
 Oh, and too charles, it wasn't my intention to post ontop of a previous
 post, I usually delete them, I forgot once, so sue me :-)

How much money or property do you have?
So I'll know if it would be worth the effort. (-:


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 4:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update
 Thats what I did, I installed the latest rpmdrake from Cooker.  Then I
 launched it from the console so I could watch the output. It allowed me to
 add security updates and cooker sources as well. It is also much much faster
 at loading the 1-2-3 cd database too!
 Just for grins check your /etc/mandrake-release and make sure it says
 Mandrake Linux release 8.1
  As to your problem upgrade to rpmdrake-1.3-106mdk from cooker.
  To prevent the cd db from being scanned each time you can delete them in
  the source list.
  When you run Mandrake Update launch it from a terminal as rpmdrake, this
  will give you an output of what the program is actually doing.

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RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez



|-Original Message-
|From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
|Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 5:22 PM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update
|On Fri, 19 Oct 2001 17:22:33 -0400
|Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| PLEASE  DO NOT Start a new message by sticking it on top of 
| ---

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Re: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Roger Sherman wrote:

 On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:

   OK, I did this:
   hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda
   hdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb
   to set both HD's to spin down after 30 seconds, just to test and see if it
   would work. It didn't, and I didn't see anything for troubleshooting on
   either the man page, or at mandrakeuser.org. Whats my next move?
  I don't think there's meant to be a space between the S and the number. Here's
  what I use:
hdparm -c1d1S242 /dev/hda
  You can ignore the c1d1 here. Notice, however, the S242 (242 = 1 hour) on
  the end of the tag.
  Also, there may be background processes that still require the filesystem. I
  don't think 30 seconds would be long enough for everything to settle down. Try
  setting the interval to a few minutes, and then try it when there's nothing else
  (including X) running.
  Another thing to consider is your filesystem. If you use ReiserFS, the FS is
  polled every five minutes. This makes spindowns unlikely to work for drives with
  mounted ReiserFS partitions. Ext2, swap and FAT are fine in this regard. I don't
  know about the other journalling FSs.

 Hmm...OK, I tried taking out the space, but the same thing happened, ie
 the output told me the same thing, so I think it works with the space too.

 But, it still didn't work...and I do use ReiserFS. Guess it's time to kick
 this one up to the expert list, eh?

 Thanks for your help, Sridhar...

Sridhar, someone just sent me a note suggesting that my thanks to you was
less than sincere...hope you didn't take it that way, since without you I
wouldn't even have known about hdparm. Thanks again!



 The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him



The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Charles A Edwards wrote:


 Try installing drivetweak.
 It is on CD3 of 8.1 and is a GUI frontend to hdpram.
 Using a GUI for to adjust the settings you need not worry about the syntax
 being wrong.

Charles  (-:

I don't think that would work for me, as I use 7.2. Thanks anyways! :-)



The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki


Frank Hauptle.

Fire up webmin, then go to hardware, then I think its under partitions or
something, there is an IDE parameters section..

you can modify your hdparm settings in there, and if they work, (you can
test it from there as well) cut and paste the results onto the end of your
rc.local file...

It works well,, or at least it did for me. I did it on 7.2, and for my
second hard disk on 8.1, which drakopt didn't like..

doubled the speed on my second harddrive and no errors... good stuff, and
webmin gives you some good info on the vrious options as well.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HD spin down

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Charles A Edwards wrote:


 Try installing drivetweak.
 It is on CD3 of 8.1 and is a GUI frontend to hdpram.
 Using a GUI for to adjust the settings you need not worry about the syntax
 being wrong.

Charles  (-:

I don't think that would work for me, as I use 7.2. Thanks anyways! :-)



The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I
hit him

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Distorted Audio with i810 chipset

2001-10-19 Per discussione Marc


I've just done my first install of Mandrake 8.1 on a Dell GX110.

The mp3 and wav audio on it is horrible, breaking up, popping, etc.  
CD Audio plays fine.  I've been looking around the web for others with the
same problem but haven't come up with a solution in the past few days.

Mandrake Control Center shows the Sound Card as an Intel 82901AA AC'97
which from what I've read it's an i810 chipset. 

I'm running KDE and XMMS is not happy.  Plenty of memory, 128 MB, and
processor load isn't high.  

Anyone have some input?


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RE: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

The HDPARM GUI test is buried in one of the CDs somewhere.

It's amazing how many programs are NOT installed off the 3 CD set, even
if you've selected everything.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Franki
|Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 5:48 PM
|Subject: RE: [newbie] HD spin down
|Frank Hauptle.
|Fire up webmin, then go to hardware, then I think its under 
|partitions or something, there is an IDE parameters section..
|you can modify your hdparm settings in there, and if they 
|work, (you can test it from there as well) cut and paste the 
|results onto the end of your rc.local file...
|It works well,, or at least it did for me. I did it on 7.2, 
|and for my second hard disk on 8.1, which drakopt didn't like..
|doubled the speed on my second harddrive and no errors... good 
|stuff, and webmin gives you some good info on the vrious 
|options as well.
|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On |Behalf Of Roger 
|Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 5:35 AM
|Subject: Re: [newbie] HD spin down
|On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Charles A Edwards wrote:
| Try installing drivetweak.
| It is on CD3 of 8.1 and is a GUI frontend to hdpram.
| Using a GUI for to adjust the settings you need not worry about the 
| syntax being wrong.
|Charles  (-:
|I don't think that would work for me, as I use 7.2. Thanks anyways! :-)
|The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of 
|times before I hit him

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Re: [newbie] cdrecord speed question

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Miark wrote:

 Rog, your burner uses a feature called PoweRec. Plextor
 describes it thusly:

   At the beginning of every recording, in addition to the use of running OPC,
   the PlexWriter 16/10/40A automatically determines the media manufacturer,
   its part number and disc characteristics and then sets the appropriate laser
   power and write speed for any given disc. This process guarantees that the
   written disc has the highest quality playback.

 This is likely why its ignoring you. You'll have to check
 Plextor's web site for information on if and how to disable
 this feature.


OK, thanks Miark.

 - Original Message -
 From: Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 9:54 AM
 Subject: [newbie] cdrecord speed question

  Can anyone tell me how to make cdrecord burn at speeds of higher than 4x?
  I have a Plextor 16x10x40A, and while I don't really need to write at 16x,
  I'd like to at least be able to do it at 8x. Ah screw it, I want to know
  how to do it at 16x, even if I never actually want to burn at that speed!
  Generally, I use a command like
  cdrecord -v -eject speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -audio whatever.wav
  but no matter what I put for speed, if its over 4, it ignores it, and just
  burns at 4x.
  Any tips?
  The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit 


  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com



The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Distorted Audio with i810 chipset

2001-10-19 Per discussione Richard Wenninger

I encountered this same problem on a new install last night...  same chipset. 
 It worked fine in 8.0.  I had improved results, but not correct, after 
running harddrake from Mandrake Control Center.  Apparently the probing it 
does had some effect.

On Friday 19 October 2001 04:55 pm, you wrote:

 I've just done my first install of Mandrake 8.1 on a Dell GX110.

 The mp3 and wav audio on it is horrible, breaking up, popping, etc.
 CD Audio plays fine.  I've been looking around the web for others with the
 same problem but haven't come up with a solution in the past few days.

 Mandrake Control Center shows the Sound Card as an Intel 82901AA AC'97
 which from what I've read it's an i810 chipset.

 I'm running KDE and XMMS is not happy.  Plenty of memory, 128 MB, and
 processor load isn't high.

 Anyone have some input?


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name=message.footer
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] help~ lilo is gone~

2001-10-19 Per discussione Valerie Cheng

Thanks everyone for helping me out. :) My lilo is back alive. :)
(and I'm never gonna touch ms windows again...)


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RE: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki

Nope, you have got it,, test it, then try something and test it again, and
so on and so forth...

it may take a while but keep a record of what you do and what paramaters you
are passing hdparm, and watch for error messages on the box...

keep a record of your best results and use those parameters..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 6:08 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] HD spin down

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Franki wrote:

 Fire up webmin, then go to hardware, then I think its under partitions or
 something, there is an IDE parameters section..

OK so far...

 you can modify your hdparm settings in there, and if they work, (you can
 test it from there as well) cut and paste the results onto the end of your
 rc.local file...

OK, there are two buttons here...one that says apply to disk, the other
says Test Speed. When I hit that button it says:

Speed test results
Buffered: 25.75 MB/sec
Buffer cache 2.63 MB/sec

Nothing about whether or not the hdparm setting would have any effect. Is
there another testing procedure I'm not seeing?

 It works well,, or at least it did for me. I did it on 7.2, and for my
 second hard disk on 8.1, which drakopt didn't like..

 doubled the speed on my second harddrive and no errors... good stuff, and
 webmin gives you some good info on the vrious options as well.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
 Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 5:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] HD spin down

 On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Charles A Edwards wrote:

  Try installing drivetweak.
  It is on CD3 of 8.1 and is a GUI frontend to hdpram.
  Using a GUI for to adjust the settings you need not worry about the
  being wrong.
 Charles  (-:

 I don't think that would work for me, as I use 7.2. Thanks anyways! :-)




 The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before
 hit him



The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I
hit him

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Franki wrote:

 Nope, you have got it,, test it, then try something and test it again, and
 so on and so forth...

 it may take a while but keep a record of what you do and what paramaters you
 are passing hdparm, and watch for error messages on the box...

 keep a record of your best results and use those parameters..

OK man, thanks! :-)



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
 Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 6:08 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] HD spin down

 On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Franki wrote:

  Fire up webmin, then go to hardware, then I think its under partitions or
  something, there is an IDE parameters section..

 OK so far...

  you can modify your hdparm settings in there, and if they work, (you can
  test it from there as well) cut and paste the results onto the end of your
  rc.local file...

 OK, there are two buttons here...one that says apply to disk, the other
 says Test Speed. When I hit that button it says:

 Speed test results
 Buffered: 25.75 MB/sec
 Buffer cache 2.63 MB/sec

 Nothing about whether or not the hdparm setting would have any effect. Is
 there another testing procedure I'm not seeing?

  It works well,, or at least it did for me. I did it on 7.2, and for my
  second hard disk on 8.1, which drakopt didn't like..
  doubled the speed on my second harddrive and no errors... good stuff, and
  webmin gives you some good info on the vrious options as well.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
  Sent: Saturday, 20 October 2001 5:35 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] HD spin down
  On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Charles A Edwards wrote:
   Try installing drivetweak.
   It is on CD3 of 8.1 and is a GUI frontend to hdpram.
   Using a GUI for to adjust the settings you need not worry about the
   being wrong.
  Charles  (-:
  I don't think that would work for me, as I use 7.2. Thanks anyways! :-)
  The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before
  hit him



 The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I
 hit him



Registered Linux user #190719
The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Backup conventions

2001-10-19 Per discussione Michael

Is using a swung dash in front of the file name
the only usual UNIX/Linux backup convention
(using ~filename as a backup for filename)

The reason i ask is i can see a possible visual
conflict here with the use of the swung dash as
home directory.
User sees
- User misreads
- User complains about all the stuffups they made

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Re: [newbie] Backup conventions

2001-10-19 Per discussione David E. Fox

 Is using a swung dash in front of the file name
 the only usual UNIX/Linux backup convention
 (using ~filename as a backup for filename)

There really is no convention for backup file names. Unlike DOS/Windows,
extensions do not exist as such in Unix -- the '.' is a filename character
like any other. In DOS/Windows, it's a separator. Of course, habits con-
tinue :) and putting 'extensions' after the '.' can still serve some
useful purpose, although Unix doesn't care.

That being said, the only software I know that uses the '~' to mean that
it's a backup file is Emacs, so that's hardly a convention, in any sense
(apologies to Richard Stallman, of course :).

 The reason i ask is i can see a possible visual
 conflict here with the use of the swung dash as
 home directory.

Not really: the tilde ~ is always used at the *beginning* of a filename
/ directory, never at the end.

   - User misreads

There's always that possibility. One thing I found irksome in the beginning
was the 'convention' of file names-  particularly for versions of software,
that tend to be quite long and are intermixed with periods, dashes, and
underlines - like foopackage-1.2.0-1._whatever_.something.rpm :)

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] ayudemen

2001-10-19 Per discussione Hispanicbaptist
he probado de todo pero no puedo salirme no quiero mas email

Re: [newbie] Returning zip icon

2001-10-19 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Fred Schroeder wrote:
 Hi all!
 I changed all of my removeable drive icons to the old way,
 like in 7.2, where you click on them to mount the drive,
 and right click and umount from the menu, no supermount
 stuff.  Anyway, this works great, but now everytime I
 reboot, it puts a zip drive icon on the desktop, which I
 delete, but it comes back every time.  How do I get rid of
 the icon for good?  I guess I should say that this is 8.1
 and I am using KDE.

Fredyou'll find that elusive little Zip icon in 
/usr/share/mdk where you can kill it off after which it won't 
reappear on your desktop after reboot any more. :)

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Re: [newbie] Returning zip icon

2001-10-19 Per discussione Fred Schroeder

On Friday 19 October 2001 10:12 pm, you wrote:
 Fred Schroeder wrote:
  Hi all!
  I changed all of my removeable drive icons to the old way,
  like in 7.2, where you click on them to mount the drive,
  and right click and umount from the menu, no supermount
  stuff.  Anyway, this works great, but now everytime I
  reboot, it puts a zip drive icon on the desktop, which I
  delete, but it comes back every time.  How do I get rid of
  the icon for good?  I guess I should say that this is 8.1
  and I am using KDE.

 Fredyou'll find that elusive little Zip icon in
 /usr/share/mdk where you can kill it off after which it won't
 reappear on your desktop after reboot any more. :)

Thanks Alan.  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Will Cable Modems Work with 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione lists

On Wednesday 17 October 2001 14:06, you wrote:

 Will Cable modem work with mandrake 8.1?? I am updateing my box and I am
 curious if a cable modem will work and if so which specific kinds work..  I
 am just too far outside of DSL, now that I moved.. So let me know your
 feedback.. I am located in Richmond VA. If any one has had good luck with
 one kind of ISP please post..Mark

I'm running fine with Cox@Home in Norfolk.


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] What is i386, i586, i686?

2001-10-19 Per discussione Matt

 On Tue, 2001-10-16 at 16:45, Charles wrote:
  I'm totally newbie in linux.
  ¿What's the meaning of i386, i586, i686, scr? I want to download rpm
  files, but the extensions of the files that i found for the same program
  were .i386.rpm, .i686.rpm, .scr.rpm

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote on Mon, 27 Aug 2001 01:28:21 -0700:

 i386 = intel 80386 and compatible.
 i486 = intel 80486 and compatible.
 i586 = anything built on intel Pentium technology, including Pentium MMX.
 i686 = anything built on intel Pentium Pro technology, including Pentium
 II/III and Celeron.

So what about PowerPC?


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