Re: [newbie-it]Problemi con Photopain e FontTastic

2001-11-26 Per discussione fabrizio

Alle 08:56, lunedì 26 novembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Gentili Linux-User dopo che ho letto tante soluzioni di problemi per altri
 che come me ne hanno vorrei chiedere un favore io a voi.Ebbene ho
 installato Mandrake 8.1 su un Pentium 233, tutto va quasi bene ma c'è un
 problema con Corel PhotoPaint.L'ho installato con successo ma quando lo
 lancio mi dice che non può partire perchè non trova FontTastic.Ebbene
 potreste dirmi che cos'è e come posso ovviare al problema?Sono quasi un
 novizio di Mandrake e vi ringrazio sin d'ora per l'aiuto che saprete

ho letto che su mandrake Il Corel non va per via dei font.

 Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer all'indirizzo

Re: [newbie-it]Problemi con Photopain e FontTastic

2001-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 08:56, lunedì 26 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Gentili Linux-User dopo che ho letto tante soluzioni di problemi per altri
 che come me ne hanno vorrei chiedere un favore io a voi.Ebbene ho
 installato Mandrake 8.1 su un Pentium 233, tutto va quasi bene ma c'è un
 problema con Corel PhotoPaint.L'ho installato con successo ma quando lo
 lancio mi dice che non può partire perchè non trova FontTastic.Ebbene
 potreste dirmi che cos'è e come posso ovviare al problema?Sono quasi un
 novizio di Mandrake e vi ringrazio sin d'ora per l'aiuto che saprete

non ho mai utilizzato prodotti Corel su Linux, quindi non so esserti granchè 
d'aiuto. Comunque, FontTastic dovrebbe essere il server dei fonts 
necessario ai prodotti Corel per girare. Non è incluso nel pacchetto del 
PhotoPaint? Prova a vedere se trovi qualche informazione sul sito Corel...


[newbie-it] Satellite

2001-11-26 Per discussione Matteo

Allora una volta scompattato il file ci sono due directory, una driver e 
l'altra dvbd. In driver ci sono due file, dvb_v4l.h  e videodev.h, mentre 
nella directory dvbd c'? dvbd.c, dvbd.h, dvbd.o, Makefile, dvbd eseguibile.
Allora da quello che mi dici tu, i driver si caricano come un normale 
programma, dunque questo, a qualcosa che non va.

[newbie-it] up-grade alla 8.1.........

2001-11-26 Per discussione maurizio migliorini

è possibile aggiornare la versione di mandrake 8.0 alla 8.1
senza dover formattare e reinstallare tuttoapache, mysql, php, perl

Cordiali Saluti
migliorini maurizio

Re: [newbie-it] Satellite

2001-11-26 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 18:05, lunedì 26 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
Matteo, avete dipinto:
 In driver ci sono due file, dvb_v4l.h  e videodev.h, mentre 
 nella directory dvbd c'? dvbd.c, dvbd.h, dvbd.o, Makefile, dvbd
 Allora da quello che mi dici tu, i driver si caricano come un normale 
 programma, dunque questo, a qualcosa che non va.

Uhmm, direi di no, per funzionare il modulo va creato e poi caricato ..
Leggi meglio il Sat-HowTo, e lo vedi da te:

6.1 Drivers installation 

Once downloaded drivers, you have to untar them to a directory, enter 
it and type make and make insmod. To do this you need to have 
actual kernel sources under /usr/src/linux (unless, download them from and recompile them).

After made make insmod, your system should have DVB modules loaded. 
To unload them type simply make rmmod. 

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK cooker-8.2 - 2.4.13-9mdk
Aderisci alla campagna Il buon quoting: una ragione di vita

Re: [newbie-it]Problemi con Photopain e FontTastic

2001-11-26 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Daniele Micci wrote:
 non ho mai utilizzato prodotti Corel su Linux, quindi non so esserti granchè
 d'aiuto. Comunque, FontTastic dovrebbe essere il server dei fonts
 necessario ai prodotti Corel per girare. Non è incluso nel pacchetto del
 PhotoPaint? Prova a vedere se trovi qualche informazione sul sito Corel...

Corel e` stata acquistata da M$, quindi ha venduto la divisione Linux
ad un'altra societa` di cui non ricordo il nome. :-(

Piu` probabile trovare qualcosa su Mandrakeuser, Mandrakeforum
o gli archivi delle versioni internazionali di questa ML.
Arrivi a tutti tramite il sito Mandrake.

Per quello che ricordo, l'ho fatto un paio di anni fa, c'erano
dei conflitti tra fontastic e drakxfonts. Alla fine ho deciso
che era meglio usare GIMP.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] installazione xine divx 4.02

2001-11-26 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- luigi pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 ho avuto problemi con la compilazione di xine(per
 usare il dvd) in pratica quando compilo le librerie
 non riesce a creare delle directory e non termina la
 un problema analogo l'ho avuto con il codec divx:
 mi fa compilare i sorgenti.
 il tutto su una mandrake 8.0
 qualcuno è riuscito a installarli?
 grazie a tutti

Io ho avuto un po' di problemi a compilare la User
Interface, ma ho risolto impostando delle variabili
d'ambiente, era solo un problema di path.
...Hai compilato da root? Che messaggio ti da di

Ciao! Steo.


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Re: [newbie-it] mdk 8.1 ....è così diversa?

2001-11-26 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Alessandro Rontani [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 11:29:02 +0100
 Paride Desimone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tutto sommato non e' che ci sia un abisso
  alla 8.0... Da quanto so dovrebbero aver
  piu' che tutto il suppporto all'USB, ma su questo
  so darti un giudizio. Un'altro aggiornamento e'
 il gcc
  alla versione 3.0.
 L'aggiornamento al gcc3.0 e' tutt'altro che
 secondario, secondo me: con la
 mandrake 8.0 sono stato costretto a ripescarmi la
 vecchia mandrake 7.2 e
 fare un downgrade dell gcc da 2.96 a 2.95 perche'
 il mplayer (un player
 di avi e mpeg, rifiutava di compilare, visto che (a
 quanto diceva, e non
 ho ragione di non crederci) il gcc 2.96 e' una
 release non ufficiale
 della Red Hat: e' bacato e sbaglia addirittura
 alcune istruzioni MMX
 quando compila: upgradate al 3.0 oppure fate un
 downgrade (upgrade) al
 2.95. Ora il testo preciso non lo ricordo, ma il
 succo era quello.

Si, il 2.96 e' una versione di Mandrake: il gcc Gnu e'
passato dalla 2.95 alla 3.0. Da quanto ho sentito e'
un po' un casino pero' passare dalla 2.9x alla 3.0
perche' bisognerebbe ricompilare anche alcune librerie
ed e' una cosa piuttosto delicata...!

Se hai problemi col compilatore di conviene tornare al
2.95 oppure a questo punto effettivamente installare
la mdk 8.1.

Credo pero' che anche il gcc 3.0 sia un po' bacato
(anche se per il momento non ho avuto problemi)
perche' a distanza di poco tempo e' uscita la release
3.01... forse corregge qualche baco...

ciao!. Steo.


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Re: [newbie-it] mdk8.1 e permessi partizioni windows

2001-11-26 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 14:31, domenica 25 novembre
 2001, Voi, Notabile 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], avete dipinto:
  perchè se cerco di scrivere, da utente, su
 /mnt/win_d non ne ho i 
  o meglio, perchè, se come root, cambio i permessi
 della cartella 
 mdk8.1 me
  li ricambia con quelli di default?

C'e' da configurare il file /etc/fstab... Appena
arrivo a casa ti mando una mail dettagliata: adesso
rischio di scriverti delle fesserie...!

Ciao! Steo.

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[newbie-it] Audiogalaxy

2001-11-26 Per discussione Matteo

Come si setta Audiogalaxy?
Fatemi un esempio, dei due file,account.txt e shares.txt, perch? il mio non 

Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio

2001-11-26 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani

 prova così:
 1-disabilita l'opzione PnP OS Installed (o simile) nel BIOS: settala su
 NO, salva le impostazioni e riavvia.
 2-cerca isa nel Software Manager ed installa i pacchetti che trovi.
 3-lancia ' sndconfig ' dalla console di root. Se non hai sndconfig
 installato, cercalo con Software Manager ed installalo...

Io ho lo stesso problema con una OPT o931; MAD16pro, e ho seguito i tuoi 
consigli, comunque continua a essere, come dice il file isapnp in proc not 

[newbie-it] Fw: Preghiera

2001-11-26 Per discussione sp1982

 Ho ricevuto questa curiosa mail e mi è piaciuta,
  perché una volta tanto
  queste catene servono veramente a qualcosa:
Per i prossimi 60 secondi,
   lascia ciò che stai facendo,
 e approfitta di
   questa opportunità.
  Tutto quello che devi fare è:
1. Dire semplicemente questa piccola preghiera per
   la persona che ti ha
   inviato il messaggio:
  Padre nostro che sei nei cieli,
   sia santificato il tuo nome
   venga il tuo regno,
sia fatta la tua volontà,
   come in Cielo così in Terra,
   dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano
   rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
 come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori
  e non ci indurre in tentazione
   ma liberaci dal male.
  2. Poi, inviala ad altri dieci persone.
 Poco dopo, dieci persone avranno
  pregato per te e tante persone
  avranno pregato Dio per altre persone.
 Apprezza il potere di Dio nella tua vita,
  per fare ciò che a Lui piace.
Se non hai vergogna di fare questo,
   per favore inviala.
   Gesù disse,
Se tu hai vergogna di me,
  io mi vergognerò di te
  davanti al Padre mio.
   Se ami Dio e non ti vergogni delle cose meravigliose
che ha fatto per te, invia questo
 messaggio a tutte quelle persone a cui vuoi bene!
 Ciao e...GRAZIE!
  (soprattutto a chi me l'ha mandata!!!)

Re: [newbie-it] Fw: Preghiera

2001-11-26 Per discussione LukenShiro

Nell'Evo medio, all'ora 18:44, lunedì 26 novembre 2001, Voi, Notabile 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], avete dipinto:

A prescindere da ogni questione di altro tipo:
1) dato che questa non e' una lista a tema religioso, eviti di mandare 
questa roba e si vada a leggere la Netiquette, dato che non la 
2) I co-destinatari di questo messaggio saranno sicuramente felicissimi 
di avere il loro indirizzo (magari privato) sbandierato in una lista 
3) Grazie a questa gran scoperta, da oggi, per quanto mi riguarda 
(anche se magari non gliene importera' piu' di tanto) i suoi messaggi 
avranno il privilegio non comune di essere cestinati al volo.

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK cooker-8.2 - 2.4.13-9mdk
La Netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita:

Re: [newbie-it] up-grade alla 8.1.........

2001-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 13:11, lunedì 26 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 è possibile aggiornare la versione di mandrake 8.0 alla 8.1
 senza dover formattare e reinstallare tuttoapache, mysql, php, perl

 Cordiali Saluti
 migliorini maurizio

Sì, lo puoi fare. Ma è sconsigliato. Spesso gli upgrade lasciano qualcosa qua 
e là a metà strada tra la versione da cui vieni e quella verso cui esegui 
Installare tutto da capo è sicuramente più lungo, ma è la scelta migliore per 
avere un sistema funzionante.


Re: [newbie-it] Fw: Preghiera

2001-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci

... forse non è proprio il luogo più adatto, non credi?
(per non parlare di altre questioni minori)


Re: [newbie-it] scheda audio

2001-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 22:47, lunedì 26 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Stefano Sebastiani wrote:
 stesso identico problema ...solo che io riesco temporaneamente a
 configurarla con sndconfig da al primo
 riavvio...pooff...l'audio sparisce...e non ho molta voglia di
 ricompilare il kernel

prova a disabilitare il DEVFS (nel file di configurazione del bootloader 
cambia la stringa devfs=mount in devfs=nomount), ed evita che KUDZU venga 
avviato al boot (da Mandrake Control Center puoi scegliere quali servizi 
avviare al boot).


[newbie-it] Connessione a internet ma ...

2001-11-26 Per discussione Marco

Ciao a tutti,
ho appena installato Mdk 8.1 e mi sono imbattuto nel problema seguente.
Lanciando kppp il modem parte, fa il numero, il provider mi autentica, 
entro il rete e ... non mi connetto a niente (neanche inserendo 
manualmente i dns), inoltre non pingo e non riesco nemmeno a 
connettermi ad un server pop3 per scaricare messaggi con kmail.
Vedo i dettagli della connessione con pochissimi pacchetti scambiati ...
Premesso che con la 8.0 e precedenti non avevo avuto alcun problema 
specifico che ho anche una scheda di rete con IP senza aver 
impostato dns né gateway (anche se dubito che questo possa entrarci)... 
qualche suggerimento?

Grazie per l'attenzione :-(


Re: [newbie-it] installazione xine divx 4.02

2001-11-26 Per discussione luigi pinna

 Io ho avuto un po' di problemi a compilare la User
 Interface, ma ho risolto impostando delle variabili
 d'ambiente, era solo un problema di path.
 ...Hai compilato da root? Che messaggio ti da di
 Ciao! Steo.

quando do il make alle librerie di xine lui comincia a
compilare dopo un po' comincia a dire che non riesce a
trovare una directory e interrompe il make. ho
compilato da root e ho provato a creare la directory
che lui cercava ma il messaggio è comparso lo stesso e
interrompeva lo stesso il make. mi sembra di aver
cercato di compilare xine 0.9.2 o 0.9.3 dopo provo con
la nuova (la 0.9.5) magari funziona!

se un giorno ti svegli e hai 4 palle vuol dire che hai il nemico alle spalle, e a 
questo punto non ti muovere perchè altrimenti farai il suo gioco!
by Zelig

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Re: [newbie-it] Connessione a internet ma ...

2001-11-26 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 00:00, martedì 27 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 ho appena installato Mdk 8.1 e mi sono imbattuto nel problema seguente.
 Lanciando kppp il modem parte, fa il numero, il provider mi autentica, 
 entro il rete e ... non mi connetto a niente (neanche inserendo 
 manualmente i dns), inoltre non pingo e non riesco nemmeno a 
 connettermi ad un server pop3 per scaricare messaggi con kmail.
 Vedo i dettagli della connessione con pochissimi pacchetti scambiati ...
 Premesso che con la 8.0 e precedenti non avevo avuto alcun problema 
 specifico che ho anche una scheda di rete con IP senza aver 
 impostato dns né gateway (anche se dubito che questo possa entrarci)... 
 qualche suggerimento?
 Grazie per l'attenzione :-(

Ciao Marco,
non è che hai impostato un livello di sicurezza troppo alto?


R: [newbie-it] configurazione kernel

2001-11-26 Per discussione luca laghi

 Ho appreso dagli appunti di informatica libera e dagli How to che dopo
 l'installazione del kernel bisogna configurarlo con make config o make
 menuconfig o make xconfig, ma non riesco ad avviare uno dei predetti

 come posso avviarli?

Ti dico una cosa della quale non sono affatto sicuro e della quale chiedo
conferma a chi legge questa mail:

make è un programma: non è per caso che non è installato?

RE: [newbie] Re: [expert] Extras in the DVD release

2001-11-26 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Eh, you sorta missed the point.

Bcast and the like are available on the 3 CD set.

The Prosuite DVD release toutes providing additional applications.

In point of facts, except for the Mandrakized RPM's of a few already
available apps, such as Blender (which you can freely download) the DVD
release doesn't really give you anything more in terms of programs.

The Web page and marketing blurbs are quick to point out all of these
new included applications. Once you purchase the DVD you discover that
they are merely demos.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ed Tharp
|Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 2:59 PM
|Subject: [newbie] Re: [expert] Extras in the DVD release
|ehhh I got the DVD and Do see a LOT of software that is commercial 
|quailty.(have you ever used a better program than Broadcast 
|2000?) geeesss 
|how much of a bargian did you think you wold be getting? 
|Poor Mandrake, on the one hand folks complain cause software 
|that costs BIG 
|bucks needs a key to complete functionality, and on the other 
|hand folks 
|complain there is not enough big buck software avail. 
|cann't please 
|everyone. I guess I'll just go and please myself.. 
|On Sunday 25 November 2001 13:53, you wrote:
| I bought the powerpack , and of the 7 cd's, two are listed as 
| comercial applications,,  (haven't had time to look yet.)
| so am I to assume that the job lot of them are just demo's?? 
|  I figured
| for the price that mandrake probably had
| license deals with the vendors that allows them to 
|distribute them at 
| low cost,,, (like $5+ shareware stuff you see all over the 
| didn't know that it was all demo's,,, that should have been pointed 
| out, in the very least its a possible court case for mandrake if 
| someone chooses to hold them to the software that the packs are said 
| to contain, but don't really.
| If microsoft said: Office XP included with winXP, and then just 
| included word and excel viewer... people would crucify them..
| false advertising is illegal..
| I love mandrake, but if they become another company trying microsoft 
| tactics in order to keep the price up for their shareholders, then I 
| will drop them like a hot rock and suggest the same with all 
|the other 
| people I have suggested it to or set it up for...
| We Want the truth, the Whole Truth and Nothin but the Truth.. and we 
| CAN SO handle it.. :-)
| rgds
| Frank
| -Original Message-
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Expert
| Sent: Monday, 26 November 2001 2:41 AM
| Subject: Re: [expert] Extras in the DVD release
| Yep, makes me so irate, I could just ---
| crack 'em!
| On Saturday 24 November 2001 01:29 pm, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
|  Yeap, that's why the Prosuite DVD leaves a bad taste.
|  The source RPM's are included, which is nice, but aside 
|from already 
|  free freebies, the DVD only gives you Mandrakized RPM's for the 
|  programs I listed.
|  Yeah it's nice that the RPM's are included for Realplayer, 
|but since 
|  it's a free release, it really should have been packaged in the 
|  original release, etc.
|  -JMS
|  |-Original Message-
|  |From: Mike  Tracy Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|  |Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 12:30 PM
|  |Subject: Re: [expert] Extras in the DVD release
|  |
|  |
|  |
|  |WHAT?  Why would they package demos on disk and 
|advertise it as 
|  |part of the distribution?  I specifically commented on this in 
|  |writing to sales and the lack of comment back lead me to believe 
|  |that they had somehow included full versions.  Maybe it was a 
|  |little much to expect, but I think that's false 
|advertising.  When 
|  |you look at the comparison between the different packages, it's 
|  |made to sound like you're getting something more by buying the 
|  |bigger packages.  The only thing this helps
|  |is a person with a dialup connection - in which case, buying a
|  |prosuite
|  |dvd with server software isn't necessary anyway (how are 
|you going to
|  |run a server on dialup)
|  |
|  |This is the third time I've fallen for this - I'm trying 
|to support 
|  |linux, and feel like I've been ripped off!
|  |
|  |Needless to say, I've got a dvd coming in the mail and 
|hearing the 
|  |all the commercial apps are just time-bombed or demos is really 
|  |annoying. Mike

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Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-26 Per discussione robin

civileme wrote:

Do NOT use autofs.  Make yourself some regular desktop icons for CD and 
floppy and click to mount, right-click to unmount or eject.  We shipped with 
supermount disabled by default for a reason.  Despite our rewrite, the thing 
doesn't wprk as it should with kernel 2.4 versions.  This is a continuation 
of problems encountered in 8.0 only more severe.

Personally I wouldn't mind doing this - I remember the days before 
automounting anyway.  However, this box is used by Windows users, and I 
don't want to have to go running every time they say Hey, there's 
something wrong with my floppy disk!  Guess I'll have to cross my 
fingers and go for supermount.


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[newbie] Netscape Webmail

2001-11-26 Per discussione SKLIM


Is it Netscape Webmail Server is free ? Can I 
configure it at my Linux Server.

Best regards,

Re: [newbie] Shutdown Mandrake 8.1!?!

2001-11-26 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

DJW wrote:
 I don't use Aurora, and it still did it to me (only
 sometimes, and always on USB device 3, which I don't have. 
 Only 2 devices).  Anyway I fixed it by turning off the USB
 support.  Not a valid fix I know if you need it, but I

 Subject: Re: [newbie] Shutdown Mandrake 8.1!?!

  On Sunday 25 November 2001 08:46 pm, Alan Carpenter wrote:
   I need help =).  Everytime I shut my PC down it hangs
   after Disconnect


   1, Disconnect usb 2.  After it displays disconnect
   usb 2 it just sits there, and never shuts down or times
   out with an error.  Any help would


  Go to Control center, boot configuration and  stop Aurora
  from being used with the boot and shutdown.
  QA Team

Alanthis is a known 8.1 problem with a published solution 
which is covered on the errata web page:

below I've included what it says about your problem on the 
errata web page. :)

Error scenario: The computer locks up when shutting down or 
when stopping the usb service.

Why: In certain cases, the usb-uhci module is broken for some 
usb devices. Solution: Modify your /etc/modules.conf file and 
change the line alias usb-interface usb-uhci to alias 
usb-interface uhci. The change will take effect after the 
next shutdown and will prevent the usb service from locking 
up the computer.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Digital cameras, usb and devfs

2001-11-26 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Diumenge 25 Novembre 2001 20:30, en Dennis Myers va escriure:
 I have been trying for a couple of months to get gphoto2 to work. It will
 not accept the usb connection. How does one get usb to work in 8.1? 
Do you have the following package installed?
[root@quinipc download]# rpm -qa|grep usb

Mine is a Canon Digital Ixus 300.  It's detected by gtkam (it's got gphoto2's 
libraries) with no probs...

Hope that helps.

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] Mouse Lockups (X, Gnome, M8.1)

2001-11-26 Per discussione Robert MacLean


I'm having a problem with my mouse. It is setup as a standard PS/2
wheel mouse.
Never had a problem with it before. What is happening is at random
times while under X my mouse stops responding. Nothing I do gets it
working. If I exit to the console, the console mouse cursor works. and
if i restart x (eg alt+cntl+backspace) the mouse works again. Any
ideas? Thanx for the time taken.

Robert MacLean

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[newbie] Weird telnet-ssh behavior

2001-11-26 Per discussione Michal Hrtko


Using telnet or ssh foreign server can't authenticate my session.
Ssh writes: 
  Authenticated with partial success. Permission denied, try again
Login and password are certainly correct.
I'm using M8.1 2.4.8-26, in previous version (M8.0) telnet hadn't
any problem.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 Music cd

2001-11-26 Per discussione Hugo Ferreira


Audio CD do not have a file system (so I am told). You must _not_ a CDROM
prior to using the CD player. Make sure you have done the umount from the
CD and then launch the CD player.

Try using Xmms. Here you can indicate the mount point (ex: /dev/cdrom)
The player should then automatically list the tracks and voilá, musique !


- Original Message -
From: Steve Weltman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Hugo Ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 Music cd

 I have the same problem with a twist...I can mount and umount a DATA
 CD at will but I can't mount a music CD no matter which method I use.  I
 trying to play a CD with the media player or the command line, same damn
 error message...
 [root@sweltman33 /]# mount /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom
 /dev/scd0: Input/output error
 mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
 /dev/scd0: Input/output error
 mount: you must specify the filesystem type

 The system will play other forms of media (MP3s from a Fat32 partition for
 example) but just won't recognize a music (Audio) CDROM for the life of

 The device is a Yamaha CD Burner 2200E (IDE) and it's fine because it will
 read music data on Windowz system loads.  I used it to make my Mdk8.1 CDs
 I can estimate that it's not broken/damaged.

 Any suggestions?

 Steve Weltman
  Friday 23 November 2001 01:25 am, Ethan wrote:
  I changed my settings back to low and still got the same problem I
  have only one CD rom drive that can also play DVD.. pls help. thank you.
  Problem is if you look at his output, both /dev/cdrom0 and /dev/cdrom2
  sym links to the same device. Something was setup wrong during install.
  By any chance did you pick a security setting other than low during
  install? I noticed that anything above low (medium, high) supposedly
  restricts the devices to specific groups (which in MHO doesn't work too
  well). Most of my problems (sound related) went away when I changed
  security back to low.
  On Fri, 16 Nov 2001, Hugo Ferreira wrote:
  Seems like yours is not a simple case. This surpasses my knowledge.
  It seems you have two links to two mount point of type /dev/cdromx.
   x is a number. Do you have more than one CD-R/DVD/CD-RW Drive? If so,
   the player must know which one to use.
- Original Message -
From: Ethan
To: Hugo Ferreira
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 Music cd
Here's the output:
[root@Echelon dev]# dmesg | grep cdrom
devfs: link of cdrom
devfs: link of cdrom
[root@Echelon dev]# dmesg | grep CDROM
[root@Echelon dev]# dmesg | grep cdrom
devfs: link of cdrom
devfs: link of cdrom
[root@Echelon dev]# ls -la /dev/cdrom?
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   13 Nov 17  2001
/dev/cdrom0 -
   cdroms/cdrom0 lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   13 Nov 17  2001
   /dev/cdrom2 - cdroms/cdrom2
total 0
drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Nov 14 21:00 ./
drwxr-xr-x1 root root0 Jan  1  1970 ../
lr-xr-xr-x1 root root   33 Nov 17  2001 cdrom0 -
   ../ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd lr-xr-xr-x1 root root
33 Jan  1  1970 cdrom2 - ../ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd
appreciate your help.
Hugo Ferreira wrote:
  What is the result of a:
  demsg | grep cdrom
  and a
  ls -la /dev/cdrom?
  Don't forget the question mark.
- Original Message -
From: Ethan
To:Hugo Ferreira
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 Music cd
Hugo Ferreira wrote:
  I have had the exact same problem and have finally solved it.
  Anyone please feel free to correct or suggest a better way of
   doing this. Try the following:
  1. log in as root (in a KDE (or any other) X session, I'll
   KDE for KMixer).
  2. unmount the cdrom (just in case, and do as Sridhar
  umount /mnt/cdrom
  Do it twice to make sure it is not mounted. Make sure ypu
   have no CD in the drive.
  3. Do a ls -la /dev/hdc to make sure it's there
  4. If it is, you must now set a sym link from /dev/cdrom
   your player needs) to the /dev/hdc which is the device that you
   works because the /mnt/cdrom is also the mountpoint of the /dev/hdc
   device and that worked for you. We will do the same for /dev/cdrom
   -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
[root@Echelon dev]# ln -s /dev/hdc 

Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-26 Per discussione John B

On Sunday 25 November 2001 22:14 pm, you wrote:
 I am trying to compile mplayer on mdk 8.1, I'm using gcc-3.0-3.0.2-1mdk
 from the cooker. I get this error when compiling:

 Dec.o DS_AudioDec.cpp
 In file included from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_cwchar.h:43,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/fpos.h:40,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_iosfwd.h:41,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/stl_algobase.h:77,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_list.h:61,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/list:31,
  from allocator.h:8,
  from outputpin.h:8,
  from DS_Filter.h:6,
  from DS_AudioDecoder.h:5,
  from DS_AudioDec.cpp:5:
 /usr/include/wchar.h: In function `long long int wcstoq(const wchar_t*,
wchar_t**, int)':
 /usr/include/wchar.h:514: cannot convert `const wchar_t* __restrict' to
 `const __gwchar_t*' for argument `1' to `long long int
 __wcstoll_internal(const __gwchar_t*, __gwchar_t**, int, int)'
 /usr/include/wchar.h: In function `long long unsigned int wcstouq(const
wchar_t*, wchar_t**, int)':
 /usr/include/wchar.h:520: cannot convert `const wchar_t* __restrict' to
 `const __gwchar_t*' for argument `1' to `long long unsigned int
__wcstoull_internal(const __gwchar_t*, __gwchar_t**, int, int)'
 make[1]: *** [DS_AudioDec.o] Error 1

 I wonder has anyone else had similar errors and how to fix it. Do I need
 another package or something?

  I think the Homepage for mplayer said something about *not* using gcc-3.0



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[newbie] Gaming Edition

2001-11-26 Per discussione Robert MacLean


Does anyone know what kernel comes with the gaming edition?
Also what drivers for nvidia cards is it the nvidia ones or the nv
Robert MacLean

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Re: [newbie] transgaming wine install

2001-11-26 Per discussione Robert MacLean

I tried hitting enter at the end of a the file using a couple of
editors this weekend (mcedit and Xemacs i think) and it didn't help.
What editor do you use to do this? And is there any way I can check it
has the EOLN is there? thanx

Robert MacLean
- Original Message -
From: Anuerin G. Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] transgaming wine install


 edit the c_863.c file and place a newline at the end by pressing
'Enter' while
 at end of the file. this is one quirk of gcc that I always encounter
 hopefully the compile would proceed without encountering this error
 other files dont have a new line at the end)

 a question though, how can you download a project through CVS using
a windows
 machine? can it be done with a browser? CVS is a new thing for me
and havent
 even tried one yet.


 Robert MacLean wrote:

  i downloaded transgaming wine under windows and tried to install
it. i
  get this error when i try to install it. i have made sure
  else it requires (bison, gcc, flex etc...) are all installed.
  under stand this?
  c_863.c:636:48: warning: no newline at end of file
  c_863.c:637: parse error at end of input
  make[1]: *** [c_863.o] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/windows/downloads/wine/unicode'
  make: *** [unicode/] Error 2
  Compilation failed, aborting install.
  Robert MacLean


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 Programming, an artform that fights back.

 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 Millennium Software, Incorporated
 25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
 ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
 Ortigas Center, Pasig City

 Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
 Fax# 638-3079


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Re: [newbie] transgaming wine install

2001-11-26 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz


  that's odd? i can now compile source codes without an extra line in the end of the 
file. try editing your file in vi or nedit. i only use either of the two if im editing 
c files. one more cause of grief that I encounter is if the file is initially a dos 
file and I forgot to trim the eoln symbols. but that is another story. ;-)


On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:43:44 +0200, Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I tried hitting enter at the end of a the file using a couple of
   editors this weekend (mcedit and Xemacs i think) and it didn't help.
   What editor do you use to do this? And is there any way I can check it
   has the EOLN is there? thanx
   Robert MacLean
   - Original Message -
   From: Anuerin G. Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 10:16 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] transgaming wine install
edit the c_863.c file and place a newline at the end by pressing
   'Enter' while
at end of the file. this is one quirk of gcc that I always encounter
hopefully the compile would proceed without encountering this error
other files dont have a new line at the end)


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] kde 2.2.2

2001-11-26 Per discussione robin

If they're _really_ circular, you can try rpm -U --nodeps, but it's 
risky, since if there was a real dependency problem lurking there, you 
can end up installing a heap of unusable software.


Grant Fraser wrote:

Anybody else out there able to get it to install? I keep running into 
circular dependancies. ie file A needs file B needs file A. Is there a magic 
first file that will just install? Trying to install 10 at at time doesn't 
seem to work, it just generates a longer error message

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Re: [newbie] DVD player?

2001-11-26 Per discussione Onur Kucuk

 Anyone know of a good DVD (Linux Native) player for Linux?

DR  Xine at

DR regards Darrin

xine released a new version, 0.9.5 , at the same site.
Last time I checked i586 rpms were ready, but i686 were not yet. Maybe he
made them.

 Onur Kucuk

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Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Yes I had the same error. If you read the documentation on the mplayer site 
it specifically mentions this error. 

Great, I have gcc 3.0.1 from RedHat/Mandrake, then I'm fine--!
No, since there have been/are issues with those compilers.
Use 2.95.x series for reliability (not 2.96).
Use the latest gcc 3.0.x (starting at 3.0.2) if you want to use a 3.0.x 
I tried to compile MPlayer, but I got this output:
In file included from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_cwchar.h:42,
 from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/fpos.h:40,
 from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/char_traits.h:40,
 from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_string.h:41,
 from /usr/include/g++-v3/string:31,
 from libwin32.h:36,
 from DS_AudioDecoder.h:4,
 from DS_AudioDec.cpp:5:
/usr/include/wchar.h: In function Long long int wcstoq(const wchar_t*,
   wchar_t**, int)':
/usr/include/wchar.h:514: cannot convert `const wchar_t* __restrict' to
Upgrade your glibc to the newest. On Mandrake, use 2.2.4-8mdk .


The trouble is persuading gcc3.01 to install with glibc2.2.4-8

Other people have reported that ignoring all their warnings and compiling 
with gcc2.96 works just fine anyway.



On Monday 26 November 2001 04:14, you wrote:
 I am trying to compile mplayer on mdk 8.1, I'm using gcc-3.0-3.0.2-1mdk
 from the cooker. I get this error when compiling:

 Dec.o DS_AudioDec.cpp
 In file included from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_cwchar.h:43,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/fpos.h:40,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_iosfwd.h:41,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/stl_algobase.h:77,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/std_list.h:61,
  from /usr/include/g++-v3/list:31,
  from allocator.h:8,
  from outputpin.h:8,
  from DS_Filter.h:6,
  from DS_AudioDecoder.h:5,
  from DS_AudioDec.cpp:5:
 /usr/include/wchar.h: In function `long long int wcstoq(const wchar_t*,
wchar_t**, int)':
 /usr/include/wchar.h:514: cannot convert `const wchar_t* __restrict' to
 `const __gwchar_t*' for argument `1' to `long long int
 __wcstoll_internal(const __gwchar_t*, __gwchar_t**, int, int)'
 /usr/include/wchar.h: In function `long long unsigned int wcstouq(const
wchar_t*, wchar_t**, int)':
 /usr/include/wchar.h:520: cannot convert `const wchar_t* __restrict' to
 `const __gwchar_t*' for argument `1' to `long long unsigned int
__wcstoull_internal(const __gwchar_t*, __gwchar_t**, int, int)'
 make[1]: *** [DS_AudioDec.o] Error 1

 I wonder has anyone else had similar errors and how to fix it. Do I need
 another package or something?

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Re: [newbie] problems with sis900 network card / changing screen resolution

2001-11-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings

 Interesting, I have a K7s5A and the SiS900 set up out of the box.

Off subject Civileme-  I guess you have tried the 2.4.13 kernel.  Does it 
support the onboard sound on your k7s5a ? 

If so I'll have a go at upgrading.


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[newbie] Bootable CD's from ISO for PPC 7500

2001-11-26 Per discussione HINCKLEY Dan

Can someone point me to the FAQ for making bootable CD's for an Apple PPC
7500, which has been upgraded with a Newertech G4 card?

Dan Hinckley
t: (41 22) 999 0183
Information Management Groupf: (41 22) 999 0010
IUCN, The World Conservation Union  e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1196 Gland, Switzerland w:

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Re: [newbie] Need help to setup LOCAL DOMAIN

2001-11-26 Per discussione Michael Viron

At 11:52 PM 11/25/2001 -0700, you wrote:


Could please give an example  of what you meant by Network Filesystem?

Typically this is a drive (in Windows) or a filesystem (in linux) that is
mounted from a different PC / server either via nfs (for linux) or via
samba (for windows).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

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Re: [newbie] HardSoftWare

2001-11-26 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Andrew wrote:
 I have a P150 (Mboard from M Technology has 3-PCI 4-isa) and
 want to make a file server. At the moment it has 32 meg ram. The
 mother-board has four ram slots. I am not sure what the best way is
 to configure additional ram.  Or how much to get, is there a point
 when it is wasted? 512? 256? 7??

Before you buy RAM, make sure you know how much RAM each slot can use. 
I have some motherboards that can only use 128 MBytes (64 MByte in each
of two SDRAM(? - the 168 pin stuff) slots).

Other than that, I don't think there is a real limit -- you may reach
a point of diminishing returns.  I.e., I usually find that adding more
RAM is more useful than getting a faster processor.  This has been the
case for me in upgrading anything below 128 MBytes to 128 MBytes.  I
believe that this would continue to be the case upto 256 MBytes and
maybe further.  (Partially it depends on what you run on the computer.) 
I would try to add RAM until swap was never used.  (In other words, add
RAM, run it for a few weeks, and see when / if swap is used (by running

Somewhere between 768MB and 1024MB (IIRC), there is a point where you
must start using what Mandrake calls the enterprise kernel to make
full use of your RAM.  I've never done this, and don't know where the
enterprise kernel can be found but I understand it is readily

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-26 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 26 November 2001 03:26 am, robin wrote:
 civileme wrote:
 Do NOT use autofs.  Make yourself some regular desktop icons for
  CD and floppy and click to mount, right-click to unmount or
  eject.  We shipped with supermount disabled by default for a
  reason.  Despite our rewrite, the thing doesn't wprk as it should
  with kernel 2.4 versions.  This is a continuation of problems
  encountered in 8.0 only more severe.

 Personally I wouldn't mind doing this - I remember the days before
 automounting anyway.  However, this box is used by Windows users,
 and I don't want to have to go running every time they say Hey,
 there's something wrong with my floppy disk!  Guess I'll have to
 cross my fingers and go for supermount.


   Update to a Mandrake 2.4.13 kernel, upgrade initscripts and 
iptables (I used the cooker src.rpms), 'supermount -i enable', 
'mount -a'

  I've got:  ML8.1, kernel-2.4.13-2mdk (ready made, 'rpm -ivh'), 
initscripts-6.27-22mdk, iptables-1.2.4-1mdk and supermount works 
flawlessly. I did have to edit fstab's floppy line and change fs to 
auto, from vfat,. Xmms can load audio CD's with my CDrom, but not 
with my CD-RW. NBD, I don't use the CD-RW as a CDrom anyhow (bad idea 
anyway). So now either ext2 or vfat floppy's work fine, CD's are 
supermounted and accessible from either the CL or with file managers 
(eg, konqueror). No problems with ejecting when done. No need for 
desktop icons (I always delete 'em all right after an install, since 
they seem ridiculous to me ;)

   If you use a 2.4.13-11mdk or later kernel you'll also need to 
upgrade glibc to the latest cooker if you want to install 
source/headers, as kernel headers are now supplied with glibc (ie, no 
more kernel-headers rpms).

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-26 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 25 November 2001 11:14 pm, skidley wrote:
 I am trying to compile mplayer on mdk 8.1, I'm using
 gcc-3.0-3.0.2-1mdk from the cooker

   Here we go again, that was your first mistake ;

. I get this error when

  gcc3 is not ready for prime time. Mandrake's 2.96 is much better, 
better than 2.95. BUT, in my experience, compiling from src, mplayer 
sucks (./configure --disable-gcc-checking). Usin a Mandrake rpm, it's 
great, works better than avifile.

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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RE: [newbie] Gaming Edition

2001-11-26 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Gaming Edition

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert MacLean
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 3:41 AM
Subject: [newbie] Gaming Edition


Does anyone know what kernel comes with the gaming edition?
Also what drivers for nvidia cards is it the nvidia ones or the nv
Robert MacLean

2.4.8 and 2.2.19 is what the Mandrake website says if I am remembering correctly.

[newbie] Connecting internet

2001-11-26 Per discussione Allan Smed

I have trouble connecting the internet,
I have a Diva T/A ISDN Modem, Mandrake 8.1
When i try to connect, it never respond to the 'ATZ' command.
So here i am.

Allan (DK) 

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[newbie] V card file question

2001-11-26 Per discussione Dave

I have a question-probably stupid..but I'll ask it anyway.

In my email, I received a .vcf file (like a virtual business card). I was 
wondering what program...or how to create these on my Mandrake system... 
Is there a program that does this..? The properties of it say it is an 
awk script. The linux version of this is GAWK? I can open the card when i am 
using kmail.from the original email..but after I save it to a 
directory.what do I use to open the card again?

Dave Crouse
Registered Linux User 204085
OS: Linux-Mandrake 8.1
Desktop: KDE
Email: KMail
Browser: Opera
Computer: IBM300PL
Speed: 400mghz
Ram: 384

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[newbie] setting a server

2001-11-26 Per discussione Karim Sane

this is my first mail to this list,I'm a newbie in computers.
I just want to set a server in my computer and some file transfering,
so if somebody can help me get started: used software and so on
Thank you in advance

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Re: [newbie] Automounting problem

2001-11-26 Per discussione Terry Smith


I understand Mandrake's point of view and am willing to live with it
from a 'stand-alone' perspective.

However, I have to use NIS to communicate with our network servers and
my understanding (which is far from extensive :-)) is that I have to
install autofs, tweak auto.master, etc.

How should such users deal with the autofs problem?

Terry Smith
Woods Hole, MA

civileme wrote:
 On Saturday 24 November 2001 07:22 am, robin wrote:
After installing Mandrake 8.1, I noticed that autofs had not been
  installed - somewhat to my surprise, since Mandrake usually installs and
  configures this by default.
 Ummm no, we use supermount because autofs doesn't play nice with some other
   I've now installed it and it shows up as in
  DrakConf and lsmod, but am having problems with configuration.  At
  present, the relevant line in my /etc/auto.master file is
  and in /etc/auto.misc I have
  Presumably something is seriously wrong here, since the thing isn't
  mounting.  Manual mounting works fine (though clicking the floppy icon
  takes me not to /mnt/floppy but to some name search site!).
 Do NOT use autofs.  Make yourself some regular desktop icons for CD and
 floppy and click to mount, right-click to unmount or eject.  We shipped with
 supermount disabled by default for a reason.  Despite our rewrite, the thing
 doesn't wprk as it should with kernel 2.4 versions.  This is a continuation
 of problems encountered in 8.0 only more severe.
 For the whole story search on FAQ and on autofs on
 QA Team
  I have a pretty standard Mandrake setup, so if someone could send me the
  relevant configuration files, they'd probably work on my box.  Unless I
  have to recompile the kernel . :-(
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[newbie] Sorting mail, again...skinky, are you there?

2001-11-26 Per discussione Paul Schwebel

I am _still_ trying to sort mail so that my wife's mail goes to her inbox and
mine goes to my inbox.

I was going to use a fetchmail/procmail setup, but never got it quite working
when skinky told me about getmail.

Getmail setup was a snap, and it works as you mentioned, skinky. BUT, I have
one problem. I think it related to permissions, but I don't know how to fix it.

I have getmail setup so that when I run it, it gets our mail and sorts it into
two mboxes /var/spool/mail/his and /var/spool/mail/hers. I own both files and
have rw. The group homemail is assigned to both files with rw permission. My
wife and I are both members of homemail. We each have identical getmailrc files
in our respective directories.

When I log on, this works fine, and I got this far thanks to you, skinky. But
when my wife logs on, getmail fails because it can't write to my mbox. I
thought that since we were both members of the homemail group and that since it
has rw permission, that she'd be able to write to my mbox, but apparently,
getmail wants you to be the owner. Is there anyway to set this up so that both
my wife and I can run getmail successfully?

-Paul desperately seeking Linux Schwebel

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[newbie] Emergency Recover (Anuerin)

2001-11-26 Per discussione Mr.E.

Thanks Anuerin. I found the docs for Emergency Recover when your linux system 

The last resort Sequence is 


R aising 
S kinny
E lephants
I s
U tterly
B oring

-Original Message-
From: Anuerin G.  Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 08:33:41 +
Subject: Re: [newbie] NVidia Drivers (SUCCESS)

  someone posted about the 2nd-to-the-last resort of rebooting a system (reset is the 
last). its something like


  or something like that (please correct me if im wrong). they said it would write the 
necessary data from memory to harddisk and perform a reboot (or was it a shutdown?). i 
have never found any docs about this but it works (if i hit the right combination of 
course ;-)

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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-26 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 26 November 2001 12:13 pm, Franki wrote:

 you might want to check your system Frank...

   You need to check your system Franki since you sent with:

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4807.1700
Importance: Normal

   WHICH is a guaranteed virus transmission propagater to other 
Windoze users, and pretty much fsck'ups the Net in general, even 
fellow Linux users who have to put up with the damage y'all 
propulgate to Net servers, and the stolen banwidth y'all suck up.

   I dunno how to convince y'all   NEVER connect to the Net with, any 
M$ product. There is no way to secure or defend an M$ system. 
(period).  You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective 
firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing you've 
accomplished is to fool yourself.

   If you dual boot, delete anything Winblows has to do with 
connecting to the Net, unplug the phone line.  Then you've got some 
security, at least till you buy a CD or floppy with a winblows virus 
on it.  Buy a real modem and use a real OS to connect.

  It amazes me that some people who do run Linux (part time), believe 
that connecting with Windoze is a good, or even tolerable idea. 
Specially on this (Linux) list. Winsux virus warnings to this list 
are OFF TOPIC, immaterial, and border on ridiculous. Post these 
warnings to (ignorant, computer illiterate) Winblows users lists and 
newsgroups. You'll be very busy on a daily basis  ... mostly you'll 
be weeks, even months and years behind

 Jeez, in a perfect world, Winblows users wouldn't be allowed to 

  ... there ought'a be a law

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-26 Per discussione Alan Carpenter

I wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote me back with fixes for my usb
problem.  Now I have two or three more questions =)

1)inetd?  I can't seem to find it.  I thought it was normally in /etc?  I
found a Xinetd, but I cant find inetd?  Do I need to run something?  I'm not
sure what inetd even is?  Does it start services?

2)Apache.  I have it up and running because I can connect to the server and
view the default index.  Where does the Apache directory reside?  Is it
called http?  I can't see to find the default index file?  Any help would
be great.

3)Telnet.  Again back to inetd.  I read the service starts in inetd?  Is
telnet installed by default?  Do I need to download a telnet package?  If I
do could somebody recommend one?


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[newbie] TEST

2001-11-26 Per discussione Florian Struck

Test do not reply .

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RE: [newbie] Mounting WinNT Partitions

2001-11-26 Per discussione Scott Thurmond

I do this all the time.  Her is the syntax.

mount -t smbfs -o username=userID,password=pass //server/share /mountPoint.

Good luck.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rich
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 7:57 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Mounting WinNT Partitions

Is it possible to mount WinNt NTFS partitions in linux?  If so, what is
the correct format to use in fstab? mount 


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Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-26 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 26 November 2001 12:38 pm, skidley wrote:

gcc3 is not ready for prime time. Mandrake's 2.96 is much
  better, better than 2.95. BUT, in my experience, compiling from
  src, mplayer sucks (./configure --disable-gcc-checking). Usin a
  Mandrake rpm, it's great, works better than avifile.

 Ok I got the rpm and i get dependency probs. It needs:
 ~ $ wprv
 ~ $ wprv
 ~ $ wprv
 ~ $ wprv
no package provides

   (I don't remember have'n this dep. I have mplayer-0.50-2mdk. At 
this point in time, there's a big lipng2  libpng3 controversy. I've 
managed so far to avoid it. I used the mplayer-0.50-2mdk.src.rpm 
If I did have this deps, I probly --nodeps it.  I'm sort'a reckless 
like that with rpms ;)  If you can't get past libpng3, d/l the ready 
made rpm an --nodeps it)
 ~ $ wprv
 ~ $ wprv

 I'm not familiar with what package(s) would contain these. Can
 anyone tell me which packages I would need?

 'wprv' is an alias I use in bashrc  
  alias wprv=rpm -q --whatprovides

  Saves a lot'a typin ;

  Otherwise, entering any of these deps in rpmfinds search engine 
will give you BIG clues ;

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-26 Per discussione Franki

yes, normally I agree with you,

but I have tightened it up abit,

many things in IE are turned off, outlook uses txt only, there is a firewall
on this box, and it also sits behind my linux firewall..

and its win2000SP2, which in and of itself does not mean much, but its far
more secure then win98, which again, isn't saying much.. but the fact is
that I have never been infected on this box for anything, due to my
(Tiny firewall, PC-cillan and Innoculate all running at all times, and like
I said, it sits behind a linux box and it gets its mail from a linux server
that uses amavis and postfix to check all incoming and outgoing mail for

I only got franks email because the pattern file on the mail server was two
days old, and apparently the virus is newer..
I just updated it and sent the virus though, and its all working fine.

Thanks for the  concern though... :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

On Monday 26 November 2001 12:13 pm, Franki wrote:

 you might want to check your system Frank...

   You need to check your system Franki since you sent with:

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4807.1700
Importance: Normal

   WHICH is a guaranteed virus transmission propagater to other
Windoze users, and pretty much fsck'ups the Net in general, even
fellow Linux users who have to put up with the damage y'all
propulgate to Net servers, and the stolen banwidth y'all suck up.

   I dunno how to convince y'all   NEVER connect to the Net with, any
M$ product. There is no way to secure or defend an M$ system.
(period).  You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective
firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing you've
accomplished is to fool yourself.

   If you dual boot, delete anything Winblows has to do with
connecting to the Net, unplug the phone line.  Then you've got some
security, at least till you buy a CD or floppy with a winblows virus
on it.  Buy a real modem and use a real OS to connect.

  It amazes me that some people who do run Linux (part time), believe
that connecting with Windoze is a good, or even tolerable idea.
Specially on this (Linux) list. Winsux virus warnings to this list
are OFF TOPIC, immaterial, and border on ridiculous. Post these
warnings to (ignorant, computer illiterate) Winblows users lists and
newsgroups. You'll be very busy on a daily basis  ... mostly you'll
be weeks, even months and years behind

 Jeez, in a perfect world, Winblows users wouldn't be allowed to

  ... there ought'a be a law

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] Whereis WordPerfect??

2001-11-26 Per discussione Preston

Hello Terry,

Wednesday, November 21, 2001, 2:11:54 PM, you wrote:

TS Before I wiped out my partitions with a clean install of the very wonderful 
TS LM 8.1 I had a working version of WordPerfect 8.0 for linux. I'd like to 
TS reinstall it (or a newer version if it exists), but I can't find it anywhere 
TS on the web.

TS What's the current version (or most recent anyway) and where might I find it??


TS Terry Smith
TS Woods Hole, MA

I ordered it here:

it was $10.00 USD

make sure to tell them it is on the clearance list.

Best regards,

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

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RE: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-26 Per discussione Franki

xinetd is a more modern replacement for inetd...

config files are in /etc/xinetd.d

read them and learn, very simple..

as for your apache problem, take a look in /var/www/html  that should point
you in the right direction.

don't use telnet, try ssh, (download terra term pro for windows if you need
a free client) ssh is basically secure encrypted telnet..

telnet isn't installed by default, you will need to install it... and enable
it in xinetd...

but honestly, you should use ssh.. its much better, more secure, can copy
files to and from, and anything else you might want.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan Carpenter
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 3:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more
question =)

I wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote me back with fixes for my usb
problem.  Now I have two or three more questions =)

1)inetd?  I can't seem to find it.  I thought it was normally in /etc?  I
found a Xinetd, but I cant find inetd?  Do I need to run something?  I'm not
sure what inetd even is?  Does it start services?

2)Apache.  I have it up and running because I can connect to the server and
view the default index.  Where does the Apache directory reside?  Is it
called http?  I can't see to find the default index file?  Any help would
be great.

3)Telnet.  Again back to inetd.  I read the service starts in inetd?  Is
telnet installed by default?  Do I need to download a telnet package?  If I
do could somebody recommend one?


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[newbie] galeon

2001-11-26 Per discussione Mark Stewart

I've been wanting to give galeon a try for a while but on my 8.1 box at home
the version that came with the distro does little but crash. (People running
8.1 at work haven't had any problem with it; must be something different in
the networking setup that galeon doesn't like). At work, I'm running 7.2 and
can't upgrade for a little while yet. Does any know where I can get a
somewhat recent rpm for this ancient version of Mandrake?


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Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-26 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 26 November 2001 10:42 am, Alan Carpenter wrote:
 I wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote me back with fixes for my usb
 problem.  Now I have two or three more questions =)

 1)inetd?  I can't seem to find it.  I thought it was normally in /etc?  I
 found a Xinetd, but I cant find inetd?  Do I need to run something?  I'm
 not sure what inetd even is?  Does it start services?

Xinetd is the modern replacement.  It starts internet services on demand

 2)Apache.  I have it up and running because I can connect to the server and
 view the default index.  Where does the Apache directory reside?  Is it
 called http?  I can't see to find the default index file?  Any help would
 be great.

Look in /var/www right where the Linux Standard Base and File Hierarchical 
System 2.2 (FHS2.2) say it should be.

 3)Telnet.  Again back to inetd.  I read the service starts in inetd?  Is
 telnet installed by default?  Do I need to download a telnet package?  If I
 do could somebody recommend one?

Really don't use telnet.  It is antiquated and insecure.  I have software on 
my machine which can twist the ends of a telnet connection so that they are 
desynchronized and then my machine becomes the glue that holds the connection 
together and I have a chance to snarf all the communications and make 
tasteful changes as well.  ssh is much more secure and already loaded by 
default.  To connect,

ssh username@mymachine,

on the client side and everything is encrypted.  Otherwise you are on the 
machine just like a telnet connection once your password is validated.

If you absolutely must have telnet, the server and client are on your install 
CDs, just not loaded by default.

QA Team



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Re: [newbie] DVD player?

2001-11-26 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:46:31 -0700
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try going to  The DVD player works well, 
  but the DeCSS isn't legal to use or download, thanks to the 
  Digital Millenium Copyright Act.
 I dunno. I got the impression that this most recent DSS case 
 in California effectively eliminated all legal obstacles for 
 Linux apps to decode DVDs. Did I misunderstand? Or does it only
 apply for the U.S.?

Well, AFAIK the California court (and _not_ the  US supreme court :) )
just said that _linking_ to a site where you can download 
DeCSS isn't illegal. 

AFAIK it's perfectly legal where I live to play an encoded dvd if it's
my property and I use it only for myself. If I visit the USA I would't
want to await a court descision though ... 


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Re: [newbie] problems with sis900 network card / changing screen resolution

2001-11-26 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 26 November 2001 01:58 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  Interesting, I have a K7s5A and the SiS900 set up out of the box.

 Off subject Civileme-  I guess you have tried the 2.4.13 kernel.  Does it
 support the onboard sound on your k7s5a ?

 If so I'll have a go at upgrading.


Forget it.  The sound driver has been around since kernel 2.3.40 but the 
arrangement and the BIOS of that K7S5A manage to hide it from detection.

It is the SiS 7018.


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Re: [newbie] problems with sis900 network card

2001-11-26 Per discussione civileme

On Sunday 25 November 2001 07:39 pm, tek1 wrote:
 civileme, what version of the kernel are you using?  i'm using 2.4.8 (which
 was on mandrake8.1)...


 Interesting, I have a K7s5A and the SiS900 set up out of the box.
 OK do this
 open a terminal
 $ su
 password:(give your root password)
 # linuxconf
 (Use alt-click to move the screen til you can click 'OK')
 Select networking
 Select adapters
 put in the parameters for the network card--the module name is
 without the quotes.
 tick the 'enable' button
 Quit, quit, quit, doit
 # exit
 Close the terminal
 You should now have a network card.


Both worked

Set PnP aware OS to Yes
Set PCI/Video IRQ reserved to No
Disable Modem
Disable sound (won't work anyway)

The BIOS gives you very very little control over IRQs and the board tends to 
stack them all together, including Video, Sound, USB, Modem, and LAN _ALL_ on 
IRQ10.  It is a great board with the worst BIOS I have ever seen.


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Re: [newbie] DVD player?

2001-11-26 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 26 November 2001 08:46 am, Miark wrote:
  Try going to  The DVD player works well,
  but the DeCSS isn't legal to use or download, thanks to the
  Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

 I dunno. I got the impression that this most recent DSS case
 in California effectively eliminated all legal obstacles for
 Linux apps to decode DVDs. Did I misunderstand? Or does it only
 apply for the U.S.?


Umm, could be, but it sure wasn't available at release time.


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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-26 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 26 November 2001 03:56 pm, Franki wrote:
 yes, normally I agree with you,

 but I have tightened it up abit,

 Abit, like Sony, Canon, and Asus, mostly sells stuff by name 
recognition, not continued quality , YMMV 

 many things in IE are turned off, outlook uses txt only, 

  You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective
 firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing
 you've accomplished is to fool yourself.

   Like I said Franki. 

   Anyway, this childish script kiddie foolery only affects (other 
than stealin Net bandwidth) those that cling to M$ crap, has no place 
on this list ... an since I rarely comment on such, I'm sign' off on 
this subject.  

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] DVD player?

2001-11-26 Per discussione Miark

As I understood it, the California guy was hosting DeCSS, having
got it from the Norway. The DVD cops got him, not because he had
the decryption keys, but because he or the person he got it from 
violated licensing agreements in the cracking process. 

The CA guy, of course, was never given the license agreement, and 
so didn't agree to it. He just took the crack as-is and posted 
it. And as it turns out, the guy he got it from in Norway may not 
have violated the law to crack the encryption either because he did
it under some other national law that overrides agreements to not 
reverse-engineer when working to achieve interoperability (and he
was trying to watch DVDs on his Linux box). And nobody can say for 
sure if the the Norwegian guy every actually agreed to the no 
reverse-engineering license argeement before cracking the key. He
may have just nabbed it off the a DVD (which every CSS DVD contains),
or whatever.

Bottom line: the California guy didn't make (or violate) any
agreement to get the decryption key, and there wasn't enough 
proof to prove that he got from anybody else who did. So I _think_
that this means he can do with it as he pleases, and so can 
anybody else who gets it from him. But as you say, Frans, it's
not the Supreme Court, and you can be sure this is not over.



- Original Message - 
From: Frans Ketelaars [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] DVD player?

 On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:46:31 -0700
 Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Try going to  The DVD player works well, 
   but the DeCSS isn't legal to use or download, thanks to the 
   Digital Millenium Copyright Act.
  I dunno. I got the impression that this most recent DSS case 
  in California effectively eliminated all legal obstacles for 
  Linux apps to decode DVDs. Did I misunderstand? Or does it only
  apply for the U.S.?
 Well, AFAIK the California court (and _not_ the  US supreme court :) )
 just said that _linking_ to a site where you can download 
 DeCSS isn't illegal. 
 AFAIK it's perfectly legal where I live to play an encoded dvd if it's
 my property and I use it only for myself. If I visit the USA I would't
 want to await a court descision though ... 

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-26 Per discussione Lee Roberts

I'm assuming that this virus only affects Windows? My Norton AV just
stopped this virus but couldn't clean it even though my AV data files are
up to date. So, I had to quarantine the virus and then used the quarantine
console to destroy it. 

At 04:56 AM 11/27/2001 +0800, Franki wrote:
yes, normally I agree with you,

but I have tightened it up abit,

many things in IE are turned off, outlook uses txt only, there is a firewall
on this box, and it also sits behind my linux firewall..

and its win2000SP2, which in and of itself does not mean much, but its far
more secure then win98, which again, isn't saying much.. but the fact is
that I have never been infected on this box for anything, due to my
(Tiny firewall, PC-cillan and Innoculate all running at all times, and like
I said, it sits behind a linux box and it gets its mail from a linux server
that uses amavis and postfix to check all incoming and outgoing mail for

I only got franks email because the pattern file on the mail server was two
days old, and apparently the virus is newer..
I just updated it and sent the virus though, and its all working fine.

Thanks for the  concern though... :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tom Brinkman
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2001 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

On Monday 26 November 2001 12:13 pm, Franki wrote:

 you might want to check your system Frank...

   You need to check your system Franki since you sent with:

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4807.1700
Importance: Normal

   WHICH is a guaranteed virus transmission propagater to other
Windoze users, and pretty much fsck'ups the Net in general, even
fellow Linux users who have to put up with the damage y'all
propulgate to Net servers, and the stolen banwidth y'all suck up.

   I dunno how to convince y'all   NEVER connect to the Net with, any
M$ product. There is no way to secure or defend an M$ system.
(period).  You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective
firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing you've
accomplished is to fool yourself.

   If you dual boot, delete anything Winblows has to do with
connecting to the Net, unplug the phone line.  Then you've got some
security, at least till you buy a CD or floppy with a winblows virus
on it.  Buy a real modem and use a real OS to connect.

  It amazes me that some people who do run Linux (part time), believe
that connecting with Windoze is a good, or even tolerable idea.
Specially on this (Linux) list. Winsux virus warnings to this list
are OFF TOPIC, immaterial, and border on ridiculous. Post these
warnings to (ignorant, computer illiterate) Winblows users lists and
newsgroups. You'll be very busy on a daily basis  ... mostly you'll
be weeks, even months and years behind

 Jeez, in a perfect world, Winblows users wouldn't be allowed to

  ... there ought'a be a law

  Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-26 Per discussione Alan Carpenter

How can I connect to my server using SSH on the client side?  The client is
using windows.  Do they make any SSH programs for windows?  Thanks again...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of civileme
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more
question =)

On Monday 26 November 2001 10:42 am, Alan Carpenter wrote:
 I wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote me back with fixes for my usb
 problem.  Now I have two or three more questions =)

 1)inetd?  I can't seem to find it.  I thought it was normally in /etc?  I
 found a Xinetd, but I cant find inetd?  Do I need to run something?  I'm
 not sure what inetd even is?  Does it start services?

Xinetd is the modern replacement.  It starts internet services on demand

 2)Apache.  I have it up and running because I can connect to the server
 view the default index.  Where does the Apache directory reside?  Is it
 called http?  I can't see to find the default index file?  Any help
 be great.

Look in /var/www right where the Linux Standard Base and File Hierarchical
System 2.2 (FHS2.2) say it should be.

 3)Telnet.  Again back to inetd.  I read the service starts in inetd?  Is
 telnet installed by default?  Do I need to download a telnet package?  If
 do could somebody recommend one?

Really don't use telnet.  It is antiquated and insecure.  I have software on
my machine which can twist the ends of a telnet connection so that they are
desynchronized and then my machine becomes the glue that holds the
together and I have a chance to snarf all the communications and make
tasteful changes as well.  ssh is much more secure and already loaded by
default.  To connect,

ssh username@mymachine,

on the client side and everything is encrypted.  Otherwise you are on the
machine just like a telnet connection once your password is validated.

If you absolutely must have telnet, the server and client are on your
CDs, just not loaded by default.

QA Team



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Re: [newbie] galeon

2001-11-26 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Dilluns 26 Novembre 2001 22:27, en Mark Stewart va escriure:
 I've been wanting to give galeon a try for a while but on my 8.1 box at
 home the version that came with the distro does little but crash. 
Do you have gnome-core installed?   8-?

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-26 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 26 November 2001 02:02 pm, Alan Carpenter wrote:
 How can I connect to my server using SSH on the client side?  The client is
 using windows.  Do they make any SSH programs for windows?  Thanks again...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of civileme
 Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more
 question =)

 On Monday 26 November 2001 10:42 am, Alan Carpenter wrote:
  I wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote me back with fixes for my
  usb problem.  Now I have two or three more questions =)
  1)inetd?  I can't seem to find it.  I thought it was normally in /etc?  I
  found a Xinetd, but I cant find inetd?  Do I need to run something?  I'm
  not sure what inetd even is?  Does it start services?

 Xinetd is the modern replacement.  It starts internet services on demand

  2)Apache.  I have it up and running because I can connect to the server


  view the default index.  Where does the Apache directory reside?  Is it
  called http?  I can't see to find the default index file?  Any help


  be great.

 Look in /var/www right where the Linux Standard Base and File Hierarchical
 System 2.2 (FHS2.2) say it should be.

  3)Telnet.  Again back to inetd.  I read the service starts in inetd?  Is
  telnet installed by default?  Do I need to download a telnet package?  If


  do could somebody recommend one?

 Really don't use telnet.  It is antiquated and insecure.  I have software
 on my machine which can twist the ends of a telnet connection so that they
 are desynchronized and then my machine becomes the glue that holds the
 together and I have a chance to snarf all the communications and make
 tasteful changes as well.  ssh is much more secure and already loaded by
 default.  To connect,

 ssh username@mymachine,

 on the client side and everything is encrypted.  Otherwise you are on the
 machine just like a telnet connection once your password is validated.

 If you absolutely must have telnet, the server and client are on your
 CDs, just not loaded by default.

 QA Team


Ummm, well you can type 'ssh for windows' into a google search window as well 
as I can, but here's one that is open source/free software


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Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-26 Per discussione Chris Gisela Slater-Walker

You can use TeraTerm with the SSH add-on.

A web search should find both of these with no problem.

Chris SW

- Original Message -
From: Alan Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 11:02 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more
question =)

 How can I connect to my server using SSH on the client side?  The client
 using windows.  Do they make any SSH programs for windows?  Thanks


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of civileme
 Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more
 question =)

 On Monday 26 November 2001 10:42 am, Alan Carpenter wrote:
  I wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote me back with fixes for my
  problem.  Now I have two or three more questions =)
  1)inetd?  I can't seem to find it.  I thought it was normally in /etc?
  found a Xinetd, but I cant find inetd?  Do I need to run something?  I'm
  not sure what inetd even is?  Does it start services?
 Xinetd is the modern replacement.  It starts internet services on demand

  2)Apache.  I have it up and running because I can connect to the server
  view the default index.  Where does the Apache directory reside?  Is it
  called http?  I can't see to find the default index file?  Any help
  be great.
 Look in /var/www right where the Linux Standard Base and File Hierarchical
 System 2.2 (FHS2.2) say it should be.

  3)Telnet.  Again back to inetd.  I read the service starts in inetd?  Is
  telnet installed by default?  Do I need to download a telnet package?
  do could somebody recommend one?

 Really don't use telnet.  It is antiquated and insecure.  I have software
 my machine which can twist the ends of a telnet connection so that they
 desynchronized and then my machine becomes the glue that holds the
 together and I have a chance to snarf all the communications and make
 tasteful changes as well.  ssh is much more secure and already loaded by
 default.  To connect,

 ssh username@mymachine,

 on the client side and everything is encrypted.  Otherwise you are on the
 machine just like a telnet connection once your password is validated.

 If you absolutely must have telnet, the server and client are on your
 CDs, just not loaded by default.

 QA Team


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Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-26 Per discussione John B

On Monday 26 November 2001 11:38 am, you wrote:
 On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Sunday 25 November 2001 11:14 pm, skidley wrote:
   I am trying to compile mplayer on mdk 8.1, I'm using
   gcc-3.0-3.0.2-1mdk from the cooker
 Here we go again, that was your first mistake ;
  . I get this error when
gcc3 is not ready for prime time. Mandrake's 2.96 is much better,
  better than 2.95. BUT, in my experience, compiling from src, mplayer
  sucks (./configure --disable-gcc-checking). Usin a Mandrake rpm, it's
  great, works better than avifile.

 Ok I got the rpm and i get dependency probs. It needs:
 I'm not familiar with what package(s) would contain these. Can anyone tell
 me which packages I would need?

Go ro , and enter one (or a few) of those files in. I think it'll 
find an rpm that has all of them lumped together, maybe two different rpm's.



If you can't use Linux, you deserve to stay with M$

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Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question =)

2001-11-26 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 26 November 2001 02:02 pm, Alan Carpenter wrote:
 How can I connect to my server using SSH on the client side?  The client is
 using windows.  Do they make any SSH programs for windows?  Thanks again...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of civileme
 Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more
 question =)

 On Monday 26 November 2001 10:42 am, Alan Carpenter wrote:
  I wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote me back with fixes for my
  usb problem.  Now I have two or three more questions =)
  1)inetd?  I can't seem to find it.  I thought it was normally in /etc?  I
  found a Xinetd, but I cant find inetd?  Do I need to run something?  I'm
  not sure what inetd even is?  Does it start services?

 Xinetd is the modern replacement.  It starts internet services on demand

  2)Apache.  I have it up and running because I can connect to the server


  view the default index.  Where does the Apache directory reside?  Is it
  called http?  I can't see to find the default index file?  Any help


  be great.

 Look in /var/www right where the Linux Standard Base and File Hierarchical
 System 2.2 (FHS2.2) say it should be.

  3)Telnet.  Again back to inetd.  I read the service starts in inetd?  Is
  telnet installed by default?  Do I need to download a telnet package?  If


  do could somebody recommend one?

 Really don't use telnet.  It is antiquated and insecure.  I have software
 on my machine which can twist the ends of a telnet connection so that they
 are desynchronized and then my machine becomes the glue that holds the
 together and I have a chance to snarf all the communications and make
 tasteful changes as well.  ssh is much more secure and already loaded by
 default.  To connect,

 ssh username@mymachine,

 on the client side and everything is encrypted.  Otherwise you are on the
 machine just like a telnet connection once your password is validated.

 If you absolutely must have telnet, the server and client are on your
 CDs, just not loaded by default.

 QA Team


And here's a server


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Re: [newbie] galeon

2001-11-26 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 26 November 2001 04:27 pm, Mark Stewart wrote:
 I've been wanting to give galeon a try for a while but on my 8.1
 box at home the version that came with the distro does little but
 crash. (People running 8.1 at work haven't had any problem with it;
 must be something different in the networking setup that galeon
 doesn't like). At work, I'm running 7.2 and can't upgrade for a
 little while yet. Does any know where I can get a somewhat recent
 rpm for this ancient version of Mandrake?

  Galeon depends on mozilla. You need to upgrade both at the same 
time.  I recently did. I used Red Hat's mozilla-0.9.6-0
so I did'nt haft'a deal with libpng3 stuff.

   Then the rpm from Galeon,
Name: galeon   Relocations: (not 
Version : 1.0   Vendor: (none)
Release : 1 Build Date: Fri 23 Nov 
2001 04:51:52 PM EST
Install date: (not installed)   Build Host: 
Group   : Applications/Internet Source RPM: 
Size: 5117879  License: GPL
Packager: Marco Pesenti Gritti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL :  

  Moz 9.6 isn't an' improvement for me. Galeon is a 'not quite ready 
for prime time' browser IMO.  Konq, even Mozilla is way better.
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] problems with sis900 network card / changing screen resolution

2001-11-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Monday 26 November 2001 21:59, you wrote:
 On Monday 26 November 2001 01:58 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
   Interesting, I have a K7s5A and the SiS900 set up out of the box.
  Off subject Civileme-  I guess you have tried the 2.4.13 kernel.  Does it
  support the onboard sound on your k7s5a ?
  If so I'll have a go at upgrading.

 Forget it.  The sound driver has been around since kernel 2.3.40 but the
 arrangement and the BIOS of that K7S5A manage to hide it from detection.

 It is the SiS 7018.

The SiS735 sound systen is the SiS7012.
I have seen a change note saying it was supposedly supported in 2.4.10 and 
Oss (not free) claims to support it, so I was hoping the support was present 
in 2.4.13.



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Re: [newbie] No sound in Linux-Mandrake 8.1

2001-11-26 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 15:43:50 -0500
Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear All,
 I installed the Linux-Mandrake 8.1 powerpack a few days ago. Unfortunately 
 the sound is not working. It worked just fine without any effort on my part 
 in 7.2 and 8.0. It is an ESS 1868 plug and play. It has been detected 
 according to sndconfig but I get an error message after trying to test it 
 that says: 
 The following error occurred running the modprobe program:
  /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz: init_module: No such 
 /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz: insmod
 /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz: failed
 /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz: insmod sound-slot--0 
 Would anyone know how to get this sound going? It worked just fine in LM8.

I also have an ISA PnP sound card. It's shows up as:

[frans@amd frans]$ cat /proc/isapnp
Card 1 'YMH0020:OPL3-SAX Sound Board' PnP version 1.0
  Logical device 0 'YMH0021:Unknown'
Device is active
Active port 0x240,0xe80,0x388,0x300,0x100
Active IRQ 5 [0x2]
Active DMA 1,3
Resources 0
  Priority preferred



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RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-26 Per discussione Harrison, Neil
Title: RE: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

You are a very angry, bitter man.

See y'all later

-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

On Monday 26 November 2001 12:13 pm, Franki wrote:

 you might want to check your system Frank...

 You need to check your system Franki since you sent with:

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4807.1700
Importance: Normal

 WHICH is a guaranteed virus transmission propagater to other 
Windoze users, and pretty much fsck'ups the Net in general, even 
fellow Linux users who have to put up with the damage y'all 
propulgate to Net servers, and the stolen banwidth y'all suck up.

 I dunno how to convince y'all NEVER connect to the Net with, any 
M$ product. There is no way to secure or defend an M$ system. 
(period). You can only buy/beg/borrow a bunch of ineffective 
firewalls and virus scanners for M$ crap. Then, the only thing you've 
accomplished is to fool yourself.

 If you dual boot, delete anything Winblows has to do with 
connecting to the Net, unplug the phone line. Then you've got some 
security, at least till you buy a CD or floppy with a winblows virus 
on it. Buy a real modem and use a real OS to connect.

 It amazes me that some people who do run Linux (part time), believe 
that connecting with Windoze is a good, or even tolerable idea. 
Specially on this (Linux) list. Winsux virus warnings to this list 
are OFF TOPIC, immaterial, and border on ridiculous. Post these 
warnings to (ignorant, computer illiterate) Winblows users lists and 
newsgroups. You'll be very busy on a daily basis ... mostly you'll 
be weeks, even months and years behind

Jeez, in a perfect world, Winblows users wouldn't be allowed to 

 ... there ought'a be a law

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

[newbie] NVIDIA Driver installation

2001-11-26 Per discussione Ron Secord

I installed the NVIDIA drivers on my ML 8.1 system. Everything seems
fine and my monitor screen looks better. (It was shifted to the right)
The one question I do have is now while loading into X just before KDE
starts, my screen flickers 3-4 times and then a screen comes on that
says NVIDIA. Is this normal behaviour with the screen flickering with
the NVIDIA drivers installed or do I need to do something else? TIA


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Re: [[newbie] problem with netconfig for ppp on LM8.0]

2001-11-26 Per discussione Ed Tharp

one page I found with lots 'o help is;

On Sunday 25 November 2001 22:25, you wrote:

 In a follow up to this problem...

 Formatted and started all over again and am still running into the same
 problem except it is even worse now.

 If i use netconf to do any thing with the ppp0 scripts pppd begins to fail
 with error #17. (Thank god again for backups!)

 Also, any pppX scripts that i make with netconf fail with the same error

 Right now the only ppp dial up script that can be used is the one i
 generate during installation and if i use netconf to make any changes to it
 it begins to fail and keeps failing even when i go back in netconf and undo
 the changes i made. The only way i can get the ppp0 script to work after
 using netconf is to restore the backup i made of the network scripts

 Am i missing some part of netconf or a library or something? I installed
 from a CD I burned after downloading the ISO image right after 8.0 came out
 and i know that the burner didnt burn tin correctly, could it have messed
 up burning something else? if so what? Or am i going about this all wrong
 and should not be using netconf to generate ppp dial up scripts?

 On an aside, netconf seems to work flawlessly when configuring LAN nics.

 On another aside, I found an answer to the automount question i had.

 Thanks again,
 Ian K. Harrell

 Ian K.Harrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I installed LM8.0 on a computer at work and ran into a problem.
  During installation i configured a dialup (ppp0) account to our ISP using
  a 3com external modem on ttys0
  After rebooting and loading into linux for the first time i made sure


  dialup account worked by logging in as root and running /sbin/ifup ppp0.


  part went fine.
  I made a few backups (thank god!) and went into netconf to change ppp0 so


  it could be controlled by any user. This was the only change made and


  did not report any errors but now when anyone, root or a regular user,


  to run /sbin/ifup ppp0 the pppd daemon exits with either error #6 unable
  to lock the serial port, error #8 connection script failed, or error #17


  serial loopback detection. The most common is error #17. The other 2 show


  about 1 time in 10.
  After tring /sbin/ifup ppp0 about 100 times and double checking
  everything over and over again I finally gave up for the day and went
  back into


  and changed it so that regular users could not control the device. Then


  back and tried /sbin/ifup ppp0 and it started exiting with the same
  Being totally frustrated i restored the backup i had made of /etc and
  then tried /sbin/ifup ppp0. It worked flawlessly. I then went home and


  mashed potatoes with gravy and washed it all down with a few cold ones


  watching football. Man what a way to alleviate stress. :)
  Came back in this morning and performed a format and complete reinstall


  to run through the same problems all over again.
  Anyone have any ideas on what is wrong and how to fix it?
  On another note, I was considering installing LM8.1 but has read


  this list previously that Mandrake had broken the automount. Is there a


  out yet that corrects this?
  Thanks in advance,
  Ian K. Harrell
  Attachment: message.footer
  MIME Type: text/plain

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Re: [newbie] Shutdown Mandrake 8.1!?!

2001-11-26 Per discussione Ed Tharp

On Monday 26 November 2001 00:46, you wrote:
 I need help =).  Everytime I shut my PC down it hangs after Disconnect usb
 1, Disconnect usb 2.  After it displays disconnect usb 2 it just sits
 there, and never shuts down or times out with an error.  Any help would be


as copied from,

Error scenario: The computer locks up when shutting down or when stopping the 
usb service. 
Why: In certain cases, the usb-uhci module is broken for some usb devices. 
Solution: Modify your /etc/modules.conf file and change the line alias 
usb-interface usb-uhci to alias usb-interface uhci. The change will take 
effect after the next shutdown and will prevent the usb service from locking 
up the computer. 

 Error scenario: The floppy drive is not accessible for use. 
Why: The PNP_BIOS does not initalize the floppy controller like the BIOS. 
Because of this, you may have difficulty access the drive with applications 
like mount or dd, and will receive errors such as /dev/fd0: No such device 
or address or Input/output error. 
Solution: Boot your kernel with the nobiospnp option specified at the boot 
command line. 


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[newbie] Shutdown problem

2001-11-26 Per discussione Pascal Goguey


Not a big issue, but...

I run two dual processor machines and both are unable
to shutdown completely. It stops at the black screen
saying power down, but I have to press the power
switch. There was a kernel setting on BeOS to allow
complete shutdown. Is there a similar trick in



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Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm.

2001-11-26 Per discussione Anuerin G.Diaz

NOTE: may be offtopic

mwehehehehehehe. sorry but i cant help but laugh with the description of tom. does the 
shoe fit? ;-)


On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 16:38:32 -0800, Harrison, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You are a very angry, bitter man. 
   See y'all later 
   -Original Message- 
   From: Tom Brinkman [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] 
   Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:19 AM 
   Subject: Re: [newbie] win32 badtrans worm. 


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] The problem with Linux

2001-11-26 Per discussione Richie

Oh, me oh my, where to get started...

On November 25, 2001 01:18 pm, you wrote:
  First, the 'hunting for libraries' complaint is moot: I have yet to look


  further than my own LM install disks for libraries-- LM is probably
  better than many distros out there as they actually provide you with more


  install CD and all the stuff they offer has been compiled for a Mandrake
  system so it's going to work.

 HAHAHA ROFL  ...Mandrake going to work

 Thats the best yet :)

I haven't had any problems with any rpm with -mdk in it, period.  Probably 
a law-of-averages thing, I probably only instal 5-10 new programs a month on 
my PC.

  Second, no one says you *have* to install the latest kernel and it isn't


  necessary unless you're adding brand new hardware that didn't exist six
  months ago-- how many of you out there are installing kernels just


  has a higher number?

 or becasue the one your using has been declared the biggest pile of
 (official) turkey poo (or is it greased chicken) to be released to date

Nope, haven't seen any claims to that effect outside of the Cooker list-- 
Chances are if they're going to put a kernel on a distro it's stable and I 
haven't seen anything to counter that-- This is why the kernels on the CD are 
further behind than the Cooker kernels...

  By-and-by the install process is standard-- using RPMs is easy enough and


  the odd times when I have to compile there's always an or

 that fail because MDK like to put required things in silly places

..Again, I don't know what you're talking about, the only troubles I've had 
with most install scripts is missing libraries and lo-and-behold, they're on 
one of the CDs anyway.

  and another silly thing that even comes with Windoze
  installations: README files-- how many of you have failed to install
  something properly because you didn't read the instructions.

 and how many instructions have you read that simply didnt work?

...Why would anyone write instructions that don't work?  Perhaps you should 
try reading them a little more carefully.

  Bottom line:  If you want something 'Just like Windows' then use Windows.
  There is no such thing as out-and-out replacing an OS.  They all have


  advantages and disadvantages.

 Linux will get there, its come a long way in the last 2 years

  And while we're at it the day Linux starts acting completely like Windows


  the same day I have to defragment my ReiserFS partition after I do a
  virus scan because my firewalling software didn't work.

 virus's will happen (or at least more trojans  worms) as Linux gets more
 popular on the desktop and no firewalling software is 100%

  Linux is different.  Get over it!  I really don't care if my neighbour is
  using it or not, I just want Linux to be there so I have a choice in how
  I use my PC. Period!

 but different doesn't have to mean it cannot be user friendly (or at least
 a little less newbie painful)

.. I stand by my point, different does not necessarily mean difficult-- 
perhaps the difficulty is learning to do old things in new ways, this may be 
why you're failing to use the included instructions properly...


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Re: [newbie] galeon

2001-11-26 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 16:27:12 -0500, Mark Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been wanting to give galeon a try for a while but on my 8.1 box at home
 the version that came with the distro does little but crash. (People running
 8.1 at work haven't had any problem with it; must be something different in
 the networking setup that galeon doesn't like). At work, I'm running 7.2 and
 can't upgrade for a little while yet. Does any know where I can get a
 somewhat recent rpm for this ancient version of Mandrake?

1.0 was released only recently. It requires Mozilla 0.9.6.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

HTML needs a rant tag. -- Eric S. Raymond

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[newbie] sparc install: where is the network???

2001-11-26 Per discussione guy smiley

I installed mandrake from the iso image onto a sun
ultra2.  i got everything up and running but no
network can be seen.  ifconfig -a only shows the
loopback.  Now the question: do i need to install
another ethernet card???  from KDE, what is the device
and the kernel module that I am to load???

Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] The problem with Linux

2001-11-26 Per discussione Richie

Sorry, my message wan't pointed directly at you,,,

On November 25, 2001 10:33 am, Franki wrote:
 Firstly, I wasn't talking about me.. I was refering to people unfamiliar
 with the proceedure..

That's the point I was trying to make, it's the lack of familiarity, not a 
problem inherent to Linuxes (... or Linuxi?)

 I have always managed to get things going.. but I know a shitload of people
 that haven't been able to.

 ..Wow, what a lazy bunch of buggers!

 First, the 'hunting for libraries' complaint is moot: I have yet to look
 any further than my own LM install disks for libraries-- LM is probably
 better than many distros out there as they actually provide you with more
 than one install CD and all the stuff they offer has been compiled for a
 Mandrake system so it's going to work.

 like I said, not my problem, but you don't have to install them in
 windows,, (their method sux, with overwriting
 and such, but it does make it more or less dead easy.)

...I'll stand by installations on Linux being different and not difficult and 
when you're installing RPMs through RPMDrake, dependencies are installed in 
the same go anyway so what's the big deal?

 Second, no one says you *have* to install the latest kernel and it isn't
 necessary unless you're adding brand new hardware that didn't exist six
 months ago-- how many of you out there are installing kernels just because
 has a higher number?

 What about the recommended kernel upgrades, there have always been some in
 the last few mdk versions..
 sometimes more then one,,  (ie 7.2) 8 has had a security kernel upgrade,
 and mandrake 8.1 has one now too.
 (to address the recent ptrace bug and others..)

OK, valid-- but that's two critical updates over hundreds of unwarranted 
kernel version updates (unwarranted for the average user...)

 By-and-by the install process is standard-- using RPMs is easy enough and
 the odd times when I have to compile there's always an or and another silly thing that even comes with Windoze
 installations: README files-- how many of you have failed to install
 something properly because you didn't read the instructions.

 I didn't claim that windows was better, I loath windows and M$, but it is
 undeniably easier.
 5000,000 morons can't be wrong. :-)

...Still don't have me convinced Linux is just different and much of the 
perceived difficulty is from having to change.  I say this with absolute 
certainty because I had to change from Windows-thinking to Linux-thinking 

 Bottom line:  If you want something 'Just like Windows' then use Windows.
 There is no such thing as out-and-out replacing an OS.  They all have their
 advantages and disadvantages.

 I don't deny that at all, and I wasn't refering to that at all... I simply
 a suggestion, such suggestions are the reason that KDE, Gnome and others
 are slowly reaching
 the same level of functionality as windows.. don't be a puritan, things
 don't have to be hard..
 I can do it the hard way as well as anyone, I am just not so short sighted
 as to think that it
 may not be the most productive way to always do it the hard way.. and
 incidently, all I said was
 to create a self executable tar file or something that can do the hard work
 for you, and then make it a
 standard.. and just you watch, it will happen. each distro will end up with
 a file in it somewhere that
 details its locations policy, and the install tar can read that to work out
 where to install everything,
 and it could automatically update the rpm database, go and get libs or
 whatever (assuming it doesn't contain
 them already) and it would make loading apps easier then windows, which
 means FAST to install, meaning
 more productive.. I am not even concerned with difficulty myself, I don't
 give a rats to be quiet honest.
 I am concerned with getting it done fast, and moving on,, I don't like to
 dick around when I could be
 doing something more productive.. EFFICIENCY... thats what it is all about,
 More bang for your Click so to
 speak.. (thats not a bad theme that.. :-)

 And while we're at it the day Linux starts acting completely like Windows
 is the same day I have to defragment my ReiserFS partition after I do a
 virus scan because my firewalling software didn't work.

 So you equate ease with worth? if something isn't hard to do or time
 consuming, then it can't be any good?

I spend more time actually using my home computer than maintaining it since I 
switched to Linux... three-hour hard-drive defrags with Win98?  No one really 
wants that do they?

 thats just outright bullshit,, how many sysadmins are not overworked?  I
 know I am,, so anything that makes
 my job faster, means I am more productive, end of story.

Whoops, you missed the point, ReiserFS doesn't need defragging, there are no 
virii on Linux and Linux firewalling is done through proper packet 

Re: [newbie] The problem with Linux

2001-11-26 Per discussione civileme

One comment I feel the need to respond to is the suggestion that we put 
things in weird places.

There is a Linux Standard Base, and there is a File Hierarchical Standard 
adopted and we comply with it.  We have had to move many things to do that 
over the last several distros, but we are there.  Not a lot of other distros 
can claim that.

In addition, we use integrated menus so that the desktop you try tomorrow 
will have a familiar menu arrangement and you don't have to be running KDE to 
use KMail or Konqueror or GNOME to use GNUCash or Galeon.  In this structure 
we are consistent with Debian and Connectiva, but not the others.  Helix Code 
(Now Ximian) GNOME has difficulty with that menu structure, and KDE KMenuEDit 
can cause problems if you use it AND menudrake for KDE menus (if you use 
KMenuEdit, then never use Menudrake for that same user).  Similarly if you 
use Ximian, then select the option to use their menus.

There is nothing weird about our placements.  It is known as sponsoring and 
complying with standards so that there may someday be a nice commercial apps 
base for those who need them.

QA Team

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Re: [newbie] problems with sis900 network card / changing screen resolution

2001-11-26 Per discussione civileme

On Monday 26 November 2001 03:11 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Monday 26 November 2001 21:59, you wrote:
  On Monday 26 November 2001 01:58 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
Interesting, I have a K7s5A and the SiS900 set up out of the box.
   Off subject Civileme-  I guess you have tried the 2.4.13 kernel.  Does
   it support the onboard sound on your k7s5a ?
   If so I'll have a go at upgrading.
  Forget it.  The sound driver has been around since kernel 2.3.40 but the
  arrangement and the BIOS of that K7S5A manage to hide it from detection.
  It is the SiS 7018.

 The SiS735 sound systen is the SiS7012.
 I have seen a change note saying it was supposedly supported in 2.4.10 and
 Oss (not free) claims to support it, so I was hoping the support was
 present in 2.4.13.



Yep your number is correct, but the kernel support has been there for ages 
and it does _not_ work on that board because it cannot be detected.


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Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-26 Per discussione skidley

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Monday 26 November 2001 12:38 pm, skidley wrote:

 gcc3 is not ready for prime time. Mandrake's 2.96 is much
   better, better than 2.95. BUT, in my experience, compiling from
   src, mplayer sucks (./configure --disable-gcc-checking). Usin a
   Mandrake rpm, it's great, works better than avifile.
  Ok I got the rpm and i get dependency probs. It needs:
  ~ $ wprv
  ~ $ wprv
  ~ $ wprv
  ~ $ wprv
 no package provides

(I don't remember have'n this dep. I have mplayer-0.50-2mdk. At
 this point in time, there's a big lipng2  libpng3 controversy. I've
 managed so far to avoid it. I used the mplayer-0.50-2mdk.src.rpm
 If I did have this deps, I probly --nodeps it.  I'm sort'a reckless
 like that with rpms ;)  If you can't get past libpng3, d/l the ready
 made rpm an --nodeps it)
  ~ $ wprv
  ~ $ wprv

  I'm not familiar with what package(s) would contain these. Can
  anyone tell me which packages I would need?

  'wprv' is an alias I use in bashrc
   alias wprv=rpm -q --whatprovides

   Saves a lot'a typin ;

   Otherwise, entering any of these deps in rpmfinds search engine
 will give you BIG clues ;

Ok thanks I already had done what you said by the time I got your reply. I
don't know why I even asked. All were on the cds except libpng3 I
installed libpng3 and it seems fine. Its not an upgrade from libpng2 both
are installed.
Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191 @

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[newbie] AOL Browser Help!

2001-11-26 Per discussione AOL Systems

I just want toask about my problem regarding Nestcape 4.7
I connected to other ISP using dial-up connection and i browse using the
available browser to surf the  internet go to different website i
encountered no problem.
No after this i used my own ISP and manage to open the browse
Netscape,Konqueror,Mozilla but it did not display anything I browse to
almost all the website but it did notcome up with any page even
google,yahoo or any other website.but i check the connection but there's
no problem im really connected but i cannot brwose websites.Pls help me
on this! Whati must I configure?

Thanks and more power!


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[newbie] Netscape

2001-11-26 Per discussione Lee Roberts

Hash: SHA1

Anybody get Netscape 6.2 running on Mandrake 7.2? Looks like all the 
dependcies are met but I can't get it to install. I get a bunch of GTK 

It works great on my Win2K machine.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: [newbie] AOL Browser Help!

2001-11-26 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

AOL Systems wrote:
 I just want toask about my problem regarding Nestcape 4.7
 I connected to other ISP using dial-up connection and i browse using the
 available browser to surf the  internet go to different website i
 encountered no problem.
 No after this i used my own ISP and manage to open the browse
 Netscape,Konqueror,Mozilla but it did not display anything I browse to
 almost all the website but it did notcome up with any page even
 google,yahoo or any other website.but i check the connection but there's
 no problem im really connected but i cannot brwose websites.Pls help me
 on this! Whati must I configure?
 Thanks and more power!
Did you reset the DNS server addresses? They are different for each ISP.

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Re: [newbie] mplayer error

2001-11-26 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Monday 26 November 2001 09:28 pm, skidley wrote:

Otherwise, entering any of these deps in rpmfinds search engine
  will give you BIG clues ;

 Ok thanks I already had done what you said by the time I got your
 reply. I don't know why I even asked. All were on the cds except
 libpng3 I installed libpng3 and it seems fine. Its not an upgrade
 from libpng2 both are installed.

   'seems fine' ...I don't think so you just haven't discovered 
all that you just broke ... yet ;
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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RE: [newbie] thanks...for the fix, and now two or three more question=)

2001-11-26 Per discussione skidley

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Alan Carpenter wrote:

 How can I connect to my server using SSH on the client side?  The client is
 using windows.  Do they make any SSH programs for windows?  Thanks again...

There is one called putty, just google for it.

Chad Young
Registered Linux User #195191 @

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