Re: [newbie-it] driver nvidia

2002-03-20 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:

 E se la risposta è la seconda, sapete quando escono, visto che sul sito
 non ci sono ancora?

scaricati i sorgenti.rpm dei driver.
Poi assicurati di avere installati i sorgenti del kernel e lancia
 rpm --rebuild NVIDIA.x.src.rpm
questo ti costruisce il corrispondente rpm adatto per la tua macchina
Lo mette in /usr/src/non ricordo. Pero` ti dice lui dove lo ha

Poi li installi come rpm normali.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] firewall

2002-03-20 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, SkyHeart wrote:

 vorrei configurare un firewall semplice, semplice (nn ho particolari 
vorrei imparare) cosa mi consigliate? link? software?

io uso ipchains che piu' che un firewall e' un sistema  che permette di 
filtrare i pacchetti.
E' molto interessante e si impara un mucchio di roba.
(Magari se interessa potrei postare un file di configurazione tipo)

C'e' il solito man ipchains per sapere come funziona.
E c'e' un modulo ipchains da inserire nel kernel.

Per capire quali porte devi chiudere potresti usare nmap.

Tutto e' nella distribuzione base.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Andrea Celli

 Francesco Speranza wrote:
 Salve a tutti,
 ho visto che alcuni siti come hanno già
 disponibie per la vendita , la versione di MDK 8.2 Powewr Pack .
 E' mai possibile che sia gia' arrivata nei negozi in cosi' breve tempo
 ??? ( qualcuno mi consigli.)

probabilmente e` un pre-ordine:
prendono i soldi subito e ti spediscono il pacchetto quando
lo riceveranno ;)

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] driver nvidia

2002-03-20 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Andrea Celli wrote:

scaricati i sorgenti.rpm dei driver.
Poi assicurati di avere installati i sorgenti del kernel e lancia


quindi in fase di installazione devo cercare una voce del tipo kernel 

Grazie mille :))

[newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-20 Per discussione Emma e Gigi

Salve a tutti.
Ho un portatile su cui vorrei installare una distribuzione Linux. Ho provato
con Mandrake ma non ci sono riuscito, ho provato con Red Hat e mi dice che
la memoria RAM non è sufficiente (ne ha 16 M). Con Suse la stessa cosa!!!
Insomma che distribuzione dovrei installare? Non voglio che lo zio
d'America continui ad entrare nel mio portatile.

Re: [newbie-it] driver nvidia

2002-03-20 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Brunini Alessandro wrote:
 Andrea Celli wrote:
 scaricati i sorgenti.rpm dei driver.
 Poi assicurati di avere installati i sorgenti del kernel e lancia
 quindi in fase di installazione devo cercare una voce del tipo kernel


Ovviamente ti serviranno anche il compilatore C (gcc) e make
Io, di solito, metto una crocetta sui programmi di sviluppo e questi 
vengono inseriti automaticamente. Essendo strumenti basilari, forse
installati sempre. Ma non ci metto la mano sul fuoco.
In ogni caso e` roba che sta sicuramente sul primo CD e puoi anche 
installarli dopo.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-20 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 23:41, martedì 19 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Il mar, 2002-03-19 alle 14:00, Asgro][ ha scritto:
  dovro aspettere(56k non bastano per scaricare i files iso)
  Facci sapere!
  Sono freneticamente ansioso!!  :)

 Io la 8.1 la scaricai con un 56k... :-)))
 Okay, preparate la camicia di forza...


Preparatene due. La mia prima copia di Linux (quando ero ancor più giovane ed 
inesperto, e mai avrei pensato che addirittura si potesse trovarle in 
edicola, su semplici riviste... per la serie Windows ti instupidisce) la 
scaricai anche io con il mio modem 56k. Ci misi una quantità impressionante 
di ore, ed alla fine mi trovai con un CD buggato (causa difetti nel 
download) che si inchiodava durante l'installazione. Ci sono persone che 
ancora mi prendono in giro. Giustamente. :)


Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-20 Per discussione tom

Scusateche versione di netscape vien installata con mdk8.1 download 
Nella mia piena ignoranza ho fatto l'upgrade a 6.2.1 e ora sembra che fili 
tutto liscio.ho fatto la prova pure con siti che erano stati presi ad 
esempio qui in ML e si vede tutto perfettamente ecetto uno in cui mi dice di 
scaricare un plugin per flash.che c'è gia.
Ora come si fa per far condivider il tutto a mozilla??

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] E` arrivata la 8.2 :-)

2002-03-20 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Preparatene due. La mia prima copia di Linux (quando ero ancor più giovane ed 
inesperto, e mai avrei pensato che addirittura si potesse trovarle in 
edicola, su semplici riviste... per la serie Windows ti instupidisce) la 
scaricai anche io con il mio modem 56k. Ci misi una quantità impressionante 
di ore, ed alla fine mi trovai con un CD buggato (causa difetti nel 
download) che si inchiodava durante l'installazione. Ci sono persone che 
ancora mi prendono in giro. Giustamente. :)


Quindi quando lo facevo io con ISDN singolo canale non conta...

Ora poi con ADSL...

Sigh... sob...


Re: [newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

2002-03-20 Per discussione Renato

Alle 08:42, mercoled 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Renato wrote:
  Alle 14:48, marted 19 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
  che hub sti usando
 Boh! In fattura c' solo un Hub e sulla scatola
 c' un generico per pc e i-mac. Quando l'ho
 comprato non pensavo ancora d'installare linux.
 Comunque a suo tempo ho inviato per mail il report
 come da istruzioni di hardrake e nessuno mi ha risposto.
 Harddrake segnala che  un:
 Texsas Instruments
 Model TUSB2040 HUB
 Grazie dell'interessamento
Alcuni hub esterni sono ingrado di controllare mouse, tastiere, ma 
non web-cam, scanner ecc. per il semplice fatto che non hanno 
abbastanza corrente dal pc, ad es. il mio hub esterno Trust ha un 
connettore per collegarci un alimentatore supplementare per usare 
webcam che ad es hanno bisogno di piu' corrente.



Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-20 Per discussione Stefano Bigotta

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:30:14 +0100
 Emma e Gigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Salve a tutti.
 Ho un portatile su cui vorrei installare una
 distribuzione Linux. ]

Io ho installato giusto 2 settimeane fa mdk 8.1 su un
vecchio portatile (pentium 166, 32mb ram, 1Gb hd)

avevo provato con red-hat 7.2, ma effettivemente per rh un
giga di hard disk era uno scherzo
ho provato con debian e funzionava alla perfezione, solo che
io non sono ancora abbastanza scafato per fare tutto (ho
perso un paio di giorni solo per installare X)
Con mdk tutto bene, anche se all'inizio dell'installazione
dice subito che ho poche risorse...

ora... se tu hai un 486, allora per la mandrake non ci sono
speranze (contiene codice ottimizzato x i pentium e sotto
non si installa)

altrimenti in fase di boot, dai F1 digita text e premi
invio, chissá con l'installazione in modo testo magari

ps: mdk o debian che sia scordati gnome, kde, netscape e
peró ti posso dire che con i programmi giusti (blackbox e
dillo, per esempio) sembra una vera scheggia!

[newbie-it] linux e lan locale

2002-03-20 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti.
Sono l'unico user di linux all'interno di una rete con Windows98.
COme faccio a vedere le periferiche condivise e che sono in server Win?
In particolare stampanti, files, connessione ad internet su server 
Grazie a tutti
  Fabio Betti

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-20 Per discussione Renato

Alle 17:07, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:30:14 +0100
  Emma e Gigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Salve a tutti.
  Ho un portatile su cui vorrei installare una
  distribuzione Linux. ]
 Io ho installato giusto 2 settimeane fa mdk 8.1 su un
 vecchio portatile (pentium 166, 32mb ram, 1Gb hd)
 avevo provato con red-hat 7.2, ma effettivemente per rh un
 giga di hard disk era uno scherzo
 ho provato con debian e funzionava alla perfezione, solo che
 io non sono ancora abbastanza scafato per fare tutto (ho
 perso un paio di giorni solo per installare X)
 Con mdk tutto bene, anche se all'inizio dell'installazione
 dice subito che ho poche risorse...
 ora... se tu hai un 486, allora per la mandrake non ci sono
 speranze (contiene codice ottimizzato x i pentium e sotto
 non si installa)
 altrimenti in fase di boot, dai F1 digita text e premi
 invio, chissá con l'installazione in modo testo magari
 ps: mdk o debian che sia scordati gnome, kde, netscape e
 peró ti posso dire che con i programmi giusti (blackbox e
 dillo, per esempio) sembra una vera scheggia!
La mdk 8.2 richiede 64 MB per l'installazione minima, se la avvii
in text dovresti installarla.


Re: [newbie-it] Floppy formattati

2002-03-20 Per discussione Renato

Alle 15:23, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Mi sono accorto che, una volta che formatto dei floppy con ext2fs, 
non riesco 
 più a montarli correttamente, e ricevo il messaggio di filesystem 
 troppi filesystem montati, ecc..
 Il fatto strano è che quelli formattati DOS riesco a vederli 
 così come quelli in cui avevo copiato un kernel di prova. In fstab 
 per il floppy è auto; presumo perciò che stia al sistema 
 del filesystem.
 Chi sa dirmi di più?
 Ringraziamenti anticipati, of course..

fdformat /dev/fd0u1444
mkdosfs /dev/fd0u1444


Re: [newbie-it] linux e lan locale

2002-03-20 Per discussione Renato

Alle 15:42, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Sono l'unico user di linux all'interno di una rete con Windows98.
 COme faccio a vedere le periferiche condivise e che sono in server 
 In particolare stampanti, files, connessione ad internet su server 
 Grazie a tutti
   Fabio Betti


Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-20 Per discussione vaiconlinux

Emma e Gigi wrote:
 Salve a tutti.
 Ho un portatile su cui vorrei installare una distribuzione Linux. Ho provato
 con Mandrake ma non ci sono riuscito, ho provato con Red Hat e mi dice che
 la memoria RAM non è sufficiente (ne ha 16 M). Con Suse la stessa cosa!!!
 Insomma che distribuzione dovrei installare? Non voglio che lo zio
 d'America continui ad entrare nel mio portatile.
Forse è il caso di rivalutare il buon vecchio win98, nonostante
tutto.non vedi che le distro fanno acqua da tutte le parti ?

[newbie-it] Avvartimento

2002-03-20 Per discussione Renato

Se non ti piace linux sei invitato cordialmente a cambiare ml e 
fraquentarne una per windows.

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-20 Per discussione Renato

Alle 17:53, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Emma e Gigi wrote:
  Salve a tutti.
  Ho un portatile su cui vorrei installare una distribuzione Linux. 
Ho provato
  con Mandrake ma non ci sono riuscito, ho provato con Red Hat e mi 
dice che
  la memoria RAM non è sufficiente (ne ha 16 M). Con Suse la stessa 
  Insomma che distribuzione dovrei installare? Non voglio che 
lo zio
  d'America continui ad entrare nel mio portatile.
 Forse è il caso di rivalutare il buon vecchio win98, nonostante
 tutto.non vedi che le distro fanno acqua da tutte le parti ?
E' una battuta o vuoi creare problemi.

Re: [newbie-it] konqueror-netscape-mozilla-galeon

2002-03-20 Per discussione paolo brusasco

metodo gorillesco ma forse funziona (mi sembra di avere fatto qualcosa 
di simile):
prova a copiare /usr/lib/netscape/plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

tom wrote:

Scusateche versione di netscape vien installata con mdk8.1 download 
Nella mia piena ignoranza ho fatto l'upgrade a 6.2.1 e ora sembra che fili 
tutto liscio.ho fatto la prova pure con siti che erano stati presi ad 
esempio qui in ML e si vede tutto perfettamente ecetto uno in cui mi dice di 
scaricare un plugin per flash.che c'è gia.
Ora come si fa per far condivider il tutto a mozilla??

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione Linux su portatile

2002-03-20 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Ci mancano i troll anche qui...
alla prossima mi scappa un... *plonk*


Re: [newbie-it] Avvartimento

2002-03-20 Per discussione nicola

Alle 19:06, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 Se non ti piace linux sei invitato cordialmente a cambiare ml e
 fraquentarne una per windows.

Scusa Renato, ma con chi ce l'hai?


Re: [newbie-it] configurare porta parallela

2002-03-20 Per discussione Renato

Alle 22:20, mercoledì 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 hello boys
 nessuno sa dirmi come posso riconfigurare la porta parallela?
 ciao a tutti
Perché devi configurarla?

Forse non hai accesso alla porta da user?



[newbie-it] Re: Avvartimento

2002-03-20 Per discussione vaiconlinux

Renato wrote:

 Se non ti piace linux sei invitato cordialmente a cambiare ml e
 fraquentarne una per windows.

Rispondo all' Avvartimento (forse avvertimento ?) con il dispiacere di
non essere stato capito o, più probabilmente, di essermi spiegato male.
Per prima cosa, non è vero che non mi piaccia linux. Uso linux per
hobby, ma ho fatto molti sforzi per cercare di usarlo e di capirlo, nei
limiti del poco tempo libero e delle mie competenze informatiche. Del
resto se sono qua non è solo per aumentare la bolletta telefonica.
I motivi per cui non piaccia windows possono essere molti e possono
essere condivisibili. Però non si può dire che faccia schifo, questa
sarebbe un'idiozia. Basta un pò di attenzione col registro, col disco,
evitare applicazioni che causano problemi e il sistema va bene e
praticamente non si blocca mai. Sopratutto non si presentano tutte le
difficoltà a cui si va incontro con linux e su questo non credo ci sia
niente da obiettare. E' questo che volevo dire. Ho un vecchio 486, si
dice che va benissimo per linux, non è vero (lo so, esistono altri
metodi, che però ne limitano le funzionalità).. Vado per installare
Mandrake e non va perchè progettato dal pentium in su, altrove la scheda
audio non è riconosciuta, la tale applicazione è meglio non usarla
perchè non è stabile, quell'altra ha un bug e bisogna aggiornarla e via
così. E le centinaia di richieste di aiuto di gente che ha installato
linux, pensando che fosse una passeggiata e che invece non riescono a
fare funzionare quelle cose che con windows sono molto più facili, sono
lì a dimostrarlo.
Che poi linux sia in certi casi, ma non in tutti, molto più efficiente è
un altro discorso. Ma bisogna precisare che lo è in mani esperte, anzi
molto esperte. Questo è un punto che si deve riconoscere apertamente:
oggi linux è ancora un sistema per esperti, per gente che ha molto tempo
libero o che ha, almeno, una discreta preparazione informatica o che
lavora nel settore.
Anche il contributo, spesso disinteressato, di molti competenti allo
sviluppo di linux non va sottovalutato, ma anzi apprezzato e stimato.
Basterebbe ricordare, è il primo esempio che mi viene in mente, gli
Appunti Linux di Giacomini che, in modo del tutto gratuito, ha messo a
disposizione di tutti una raccolta eccezionale di informazioni che in
una libreria costerebbe almeno 50 euro.
Allora, se uno che può benissimo essere una persona ugualmente
intelligente, dice di avere un mucchio di problemi nell'installazione e
nell'uso di linux (come era il caso del messaggio all'origine della
questione), non si può dirgli che può considerare l'uso di windows come
alternativa ?
Mi sembra che il discorso sia molto chiaro e semplice.
Per quanto riguarda l'avvartimento, mi sembra veramente fuori luogo.
Questa non è una società segreta e se qualcuno vuol esprimere la sua
opinione lo può fare senza chiedere il tuo badiale permesso, basta non
offendersi a vicenda.
Se invece qualcuno pensa, dall'alto della sua competenza informatica, di
appartenere ad un'elite intoccabile e di poter disprezzare gli altri
distribuendo avvartimenti, allora forse è lui ad essere fuori posto.
Io ho fatto il medico in cambio di vitto (??) e alloggio (??) per tre
anni in un paese disastrato ma avvartimenti non ne ho mai dati a
nessuno e credo che in quell'ambiente, uno che ne avesse dati sarebbe
stato molto, ma molto, mal visto.
Saluti, Fer.

Re: [newbie-it] Periferica Hub?

2002-03-20 Per discussione ku68

Renato wrote:

 Alle 14:59, mercoled 20 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

 Hai caricato i module per l'usb?
Penso di si tant' che il mouse usb collegato direttamente

al pc ha sempre funzionato

 comunque :   ismod usb.c (da Prompt).
Ho fatto da terminale come root, ma un msg mi dice

ismod command not found.


Re: [newbie] OT: saving the power supply unit

2002-03-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

*S* old debate...don't stir up the old hardware geeks :P

IMHO, leave it on.  Less stress on the HW.


Stojs wrote:
 I know this is out of topic, but with linux I have the choice not to
 turn the computers off or restart them to often.
 What is best for the psu, having the computer running constantly or
 turning it off everytime you don´t use it (several times a day)?
 Thanks in advance,
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to bestsupport Mandrake

2002-03-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

john rigby wrote:
 Is anyone home with you two? Hellooo?
 The reason that my comms are in Doze is because - **like femme** and a
 zillion others - the Mandrake installs fail!!.

Don't drag me into this horseshit you've got going here John.  I don't
care to be a part of it.  Thx.  I don't enjoy struggling but I do to
*learn*.  I find it does educate  enlighten my pea-sized intelligence.

 I will wait and see what other bad news appears like Femmes re 8.2.   (Sigh)
 like most people most of my things now will tend to be USB like most of
 the world except the M8.2 distro??

My issues with 8.2 aren't necessarily the last ones to be heard of...nor
are they likely the last ones I'll have.  That said, it's been a day
since 8.2 was released!  So... I hate to inform your
arrogant/ill-informed ass but frankly there will be bugs that were

Wake up, don't be such a wet noodle.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] SNF was (I need your suggestions)

2002-03-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Yippee?  Now I need to find it? :\

*I feel like I'm on an Easter egg hunt :)*


Michael wrote:
 Download the source and compiling it for the i486 on the i486 is the best way,
 given enough room in mem, swap and hd.
 Instructions come with the source code. It can be tricky though.

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[newbie] Internet connection problems with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Drosera


 I guess this question has been 
answered for 100's of times, that's why I am asking for a good URL :-) which 
explains in detail how to get Mandrake working with a cable modem and two 
network-cards, I guess it isn't that difficult?

I can't get it to work with the wizards 

I hope somebody knows a good source 

Greets and thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Miark

Did the betas work on your machine?


On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 01:13:59 -0700, FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke 

 Gad... where do I start?
 I goto install... get to the Press f1 for other options OR Enter to
 proceed.  I hit either of those *Enter or F1* keyboard works fine. 
 After that, I have NO keyboard OR mouse. :\
 I even tried to use the mouse as a ps/2 then picked the USB module...
 um can we say Frozen mouse? :)  Nothing.  No joy.
 So, now I'm thinking I'll just use both as a Ps/2 device it worked but
 why would I want to use them as PS/2 when I hate that protocol anyway!?

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Re: [newbie] SNF was (I need your suggestions)

2002-03-20 Per discussione Miark

I know it's in the i586 directory, but so is the i486 
ISO for MDK 7.0. Go figure.


On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 01:20:38 -0700, FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke 

 Yippee?  Now I need to find it? :\
 *I feel like I'm on an Easter egg hunt :)*
 Michael wrote:
  Download the source and compiling it for the i486 on the i486 is the best way,
  given enough room in mem, swap and hd.
  Instructions come with the source code. It can be tricky though.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] How to best support Mandrake

2002-03-20 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 18:01:30 +0200, Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 19 March 2002 17:26, sda wrote:
  Why are they asking for $ and not emphasizing what the benefits are? Why
  are they giving away the ISO's for free rather than following SuSE's
  successful implementation of a preview non-installable iso? If they did
  this alone, it would cut down on the freeloaders burning the distro and
  not contributing. 
 Again, there seems to be some unclearness about the nature of free software.  
 Someone who copies, uses or redistributes software is not a freeloader, 
 he/she is a user.  If he/she contributes something, such as time, money or 
 code, he/she is a contributor (said Robin, rather tautologically).  Even 
 someone who downloads the system, uses it and recommends it to friends is 
 contributing, albeit minimally.  There may be people out there who 
 give financial support, write code, document it, and answer questions on 
 mailing lists, but they can probably be counted on your fingers.
 How many people here actually started their Linux experience by paying for an 
 official distribution (I don't count redistributed CDs from Cheapbytes etc.)? 
  And how many who _did_ earn under $15,000 p.a. (a good wage by world 
 standards, BTW)?

Excellent point, Robin. I must admit that I am one of these people. Being a
full-time university student, I cannot afford to pay for a Mandrake Club
membership (particularly with the crummy $A-$US exchange rate). Instead, I spend
my free time helping others to use Mandrake. I would like to think that I have
helped people enough to stay with Mandrake, and perhaps even to join the
Mandrake Club. In this way, I am hopefully (indirectly) contributing more than
$US5 a month to Mandrakesoft.

The idea of contributing money towards free software development is a relatively
new one. Traditionally, it was customary to devote one's time towards the
community as 'payback' for 'services rendered' (i.e. the time the community
spends on creating free software), creating a situation where everyone helps
each other in some way or other. If you've ever read Eric S. Raymond's The
Cathedral and the Bazaar, this corresponds to the 'bazaar' idea. Paying money
is fine for inexperienced people, or for people who can afford it, but it does
little to help the community as a whole.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

   It's not a bug, it's tradition!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed-solved

2002-03-20 Per discussione Steve Maytum

Thanks for reply , it's helpful to hear of things that work. i might need
them myself one day! Regards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Hakan Duran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed-solved

 Thanks, Steve.  I solved the problem in a different way.  I defined same
 windows partition with another name (dos) by using lilo configuration
 coming with installation CDs and it worked.  Than I deleted all the junk
 options created by several previous lilo configuration attempts.  I am
 afraid I am still more of a windows user who prefers configuration tools
 actual editing of .conf files, but I'll get there!  In time...


 From: Steve Maytum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed
 Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 17:38:46 -
 Hakan , unless i'm mistaken the answer is quite simple. Shutdown your PC
 re-boot with a Windows start-up floppy and re-install your Win95. This
 overwrites MBR but provided you have a Linux boot floppy you can get back
 into your Linux. Then re-write lilo/conf file (i think) and from a shell
 Issue command to run /sbin/lilo. Check with others correct file to edit
 back in Linux. HTH! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - Original Message -
 From: Hakan Duran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 3:30 PM
 Subject: [newbie] corrupted boot-urgent help needed
   After accidentally updating my kernel (although I knew I shouldn't), I
   to install the original one from the installCDs of 8.1.  During that
   however, LILO went bad.  There was an error reproted about vmlinuz
   don't remember very well now, and setup did not progress any further.
   correct (!) the problem, I chose grub instead of lilo, and it seemed
   work.  At least the setup finished.  Then, everything was OK
   however I can't boot my windows 95 anymore.
   I tried Webmin, Drakeconf, Linuxconf but nothing seems to work.  Is
   way to make it bootable again without loosing the data?
   Thanks in advance,
   Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I never tried them... I don't have the time or energy to beta
test...much as i'm sure my masochistic side would enjoy it.


Miark wrote:
 Did the betas work on your machine?
 On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 01:13:59 -0700, FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke 
  Gad... where do I start?
  I goto install... get to the Press f1 for other options OR Enter to
  proceed.  I hit either of those *Enter or F1* keyboard works fine.
  After that, I have NO keyboard OR mouse. :\
  I even tried to use the mouse as a ps/2 then picked the USB module...
  um can we say Frozen mouse? :)  Nothing.  No joy.
  So, now I'm thinking I'll just use both as a Ps/2 device it worked but
  why would I want to use them as PS/2 when I hate that protocol anyway!?
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Re: [newbie] SNF was (I need your suggestions)

2002-03-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

My lordy!  Thankee Miark ! :)

*Kisses you*  You're a lifesaver


Miark wrote:
 I know it's in the i586 directory, but so is the i486
 ISO for MDK 7.0. Go figure.
 On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 01:20:38 -0700, FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke 
  Yippee?  Now I need to find it? :\
  *I feel like I'm on an Easter egg hunt :)*
  Michael wrote:
   Download the source and compiling it for the i486 on the i486 is the best way,
   given enough room in mem, swap and hd.
   Instructions come with the source code. It can be tricky though.
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Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to bestsupport Mandrake

2002-03-20 Per discussione civileme

john rigby wrote:

Is anyone home with you two? Hellooo?

The reason that my comms are in Doze is because - **like femme** and a
zillion others - the Mandrake installs fail!!.

I cannot since Redhat 5.2 ( nor can anyone else I've ever known) replace the
most basic functions of a person who makes a living using a
computer.. like writing letters, backing up to a CD, editing a
little Website, etc. etc.

Strange, II trained 15 secretaries on Mandrake 6.1 and it is still in 
use at a government office (upgraded to 8.1 now, but using StarOffice 
and WordPerfect in an all-linux network )inside a state whose government 
would halt without Microsoft software.

That statement you made smacks of FUD and sounds very unprofessional. 
 Here you are on a help list but not looking for help, only complaining 
without specifics.

AND I've had fabulous support and help from the good people on this very
List, who tried very hard to help, over what seems decades.

I still have not read a cogent argument against a single comment I made. Not
a single line of rational, supportable argument.
( BTW: YA Mother wears gumboots! is not a cogent retort, neither is to
betray abysmal ignorance of the language and refer to a person as a
troll - a distinct entity in English mythology with sound etymology.)

Troll--to move the boat slowly along a chum line in search of gamefish. 
 Some folks get off on trolling for flame wars after which they can 
participate gleefully or sit on the sidelines observing the sparks and 
incendiaries and mud being slung by the participants.  The 
(unfortunately true) internet legendary flame war included a pregnant 
participant who posted that she could not properly put her opponents in 
their places as she had to go deliver her baby...

 But, never fear, I don't place you in the category of troll.  You I 
would place in two possible categories.   One is the fellow who is so 
sure his view of the world is the _ONLY_ right one  that he posts 
nonsense which makes sense in his own experience but ignores factors he 
has never observed.  Probably such a person has never read W. Edwards 
Deming, or having read him, understood the dynamics that could be 
achieved by proper application.  The other is that sort of sinister 
character who sees the problems newbies encounter with linux as an 
opportunity to spread discouragement and dissent for reasons of his own. 
 I am sad to report that I believe this category likely.

 My last - thanks to Big Bill's product - which does at least work -
communication on the arcane matter of Business Point101.

I will wait and see what other bad news appears like Femmes re 8.2.   (Sigh)
like most people most of my things now will tend to be USB like most of
the world except the M8.2 distro??

Well, USB support is much better but will not be perfect.  Most USB 
devices are honoring the standard with lips, not with hardware and 
making up for it by writing windows drivers.  But we've got printers and 
cameras and non-proprietary scanners and some storage devices including 
some of the memory devices working pretty well.  Crashtesters have been 
happy on that score.  naturally there are bugs, but most of them are 
elsewhere and often range into the arcane, like when someone chooses a 
16-bit character encoding for Samba Shares (which windows doesn't like 
very much either) but we have targeted the worst and will have the 
update fixes tested by the time the disks hit the shelves.



Anyway, you would never see this level of discussion of problems 
tolerated on a Microsoft list.  In fact it is a LICENSE AGREEMENT 
VIOLATION on some of their software to use it to criticize Microsoft. 
 And if you don't believe me, just read the End-User License Agreement 
for FrontPage 2000 or 2002.  When the UCITA passes in Washington State, 
some of Microsoft's critics are likely to find themselves criminals 
because they use FrontPage to make a web page that criticizes Microsoft.

We can take criticism, and we can take you as well, because most list 
members will see the FUD you spread for what it is, just a very clever 
twist to make problem-solving seem like something dirty.  

When one is tryoing to take a complex thing and make it simple, and easy 
to use, decisions have to be made about excluding cases from the 
handling of the tools available.  Almost all the requests on this list 
result from lack of knowledge about how to exceed the design of the 
tools or from failure of the tool to fully protect the user from 
mistakes.  So this list is very important to honing tool design and 
provides a source of feedback to improve the product.

If you really stumbled so totally with Mandrake, then try to install 
Windows and see how much luck you have--not with the manufacturers 
install or restore disk but with a fresh system disk.  The fact is, 
right now, we're easier.  We're easier than XP and we support more hardware.

OK enough said.  I won't be 

Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-20 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 16:30, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Well it is easy enough to convert a postscript file generated by a Linux
 application to Pagemaker pdf format. Just use ps2pdf
 Any KDE application can print directly to pdf using it. For other apps
 print to a postscript file then convert using ps2pdf in a command line.

 Unfortunately importing documents in pdf format into a word processor in
 Linux is not possible AFAIK.

Unless you want to convert it to ascii first and lose all the formatting (and 
if formatting wasn't important, why use PDF?).  I here copy-pasting from PDF 
in KDE is in the offing, though (might even be there already - I'm pretty 
behind at the moment).


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Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-20 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

David .. wrote:
 Go and get them

yeah! and it's not even April!


I suppose I should have a pithy saying here...
The brain reports all neurons busy processing sub-routines
are currently occupied. Retry your query in five minutes.

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Re: [newbie] And their OFF!!!!! 8.2 is now out!!

2002-03-20 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 07:49, daRcmaTTeR opened a hailing frequency and 

 David .. wrote:
  Go and get them

 yeah! and it's not even April!

as swamped as the severs are i may not get it till april!  good thing the 
release canidate works so well.. :)

I used to be confused, but now I am not that sure anymore..

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Re: [newbie] Installing WordPerfect on Mandrake 8.1??????

2002-03-20 Per discussione Robert Gray

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 5:18 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 13 March 2002 08:33,  Wm. G. McGrath opened a hailing

 frequency and transmitted:
  Has anyone had any success installing Word Perfect 8 on Mandrake

 you will need libc-5.3.12-35mdk.i586.rpm and both
 of which can be found at places like or tuxfinder.  if you
 can't locate them, and don't mind a 2 MB attachment i can send them to you.

Also read forum at Mandrakeuser for fairly good discussion of the same issue.
In particular filtrixfix for importing other (.doc) files and to enable 
printing -l has to go in the Printer Setup, Select Destinations, lpr options 

Regards Rob

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Re: [newbie] Internet connection problems with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Drosera wrote:
 I guess this question has been answered for 100's of times, that's why I am 
asking for a good URL :-) which explains in detail how to get Mandrake working with a 
cable modem and two network-cards, I guess it isn't that difficult?
 I can't get it to work with the wizards :-(
 I hope somebody knows a good source :-)
 Greets and thanks in advance,

this url may help?

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How tobestsupport Mandrake

2002-03-20 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 09:45, ed tharp wrote:
 Hey Jon, I remeber once befor, you had problems and was writng a book, and I 
 would not alllow you to copy my posts as far as I was concerned, and you 
 filtered me out, so you never got to read the corrections to your problkems 
 since i made a point of answering, and then noteing that you had me 
 filterd well guess what, i know how to work a mail filter in LINUX (of 
 all OSs, go figure) and you have made my list... good bye

Ed, you are priceless.

(written between rib cramps)



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RE: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie


Just an add-on reply. P166 with 32MB should be enough to run SNF, it may
not be snappy, but it works, I had it running on a P120. Have you tried
text mode install?

But why is it that when I'm about to install SNF in my old Intel Pentium 166 at 32MB 
RAM using BTC 40x IDE CD-ROM drive it asked what modules shall I use for my CD-ROM 
drive?  Also, the GUI installation is very poor and very slow.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie


Hmmm...  How did the install fail?  SNF has a newer 2.2 kernel than the 
original and the newer one overcomes some errors that could be 
attributed to the strange timing and unique geometry of some WD drives. 
 There is no real reason an SNF install should fail on such a system.  I 
am running it on an IBM PC350 P166 with 32Mb of RAM and two network 
cards.  Of course, I do have to keep a mouse attached so the BIOS will 
allow a boot, but the video and keyboard were long ago removed.

You cannot have any other system on a machine running SNF.  Dual-boots 
are impossible.

When I'm about to install SNF in my old Intel Pentium 166 at 32MB RAM using BTC 40x 
IDE CD-ROM drive it asked me what modules shall I use for my CD-ROM drive?  Also, the 
GUI installation is very poor and very slow.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: [newbie] New Mandarke User..

2002-03-20 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie


I installed Mandarake Lunix 8.1 in server mode. I am new with linux.
Please don't lef. I was using Microsoft OS for 8 yars. Now I started new 
world for my self.
Please let me know where can get more documentation about server 
configuration for smal network (EMail, WWW, DNS, Samba).

Linux Documentation Project
qmail Mail Server
Web Server
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Squid Proxy Server
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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie


why would it not support it? mayhaps you had some configuration problem that 
the fine folks on this list could have helped with, since the hardware you 
list should be no problem w/ SNF

I don't know.  AFAIK, when I am about to install SNF in my old Intel Pentium 166 at 
32MB RAM using BTC 40x IDE CD-ROM drive it asked what modules shall I use for my 
CD-ROM drive?  Also, the GUI installation is very poor and very slow.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Per discussione Mandrake Newbie


Get the source and  compile it.

I'm sorry for asking a very newbie question again but how can I compile the source of 
SNF if my hard disk drive is fresh?

Thanks again...



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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Miark

So... you're asking whether 8.2 ships with the latest version of Ximian?


On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:33:30 -0500, Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 While we're on the subject, if I were to upgrade my 8.1 machine which has
 Ximian Gnome, will I have to re-upgrade it?  Or am I better off waiting for
 Original Message-
Subj: Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2
Type: IPM.Note
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 1:52

Dave, are you sure your problems don't have other causes?
What you went through sounds identical to problems I had
last year when some of my RAM went bad.


On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 01:03:50 -0500, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke

 Hey Femme

 I also got both USB keyboard and mouse.  I too had problems (READ: 8
 OF INSTALL!).  I haven't had problems like this since RH 6.1!
 just played with it for a while ( 8HOURS! ) and now I got it up and

 Where in the install do your problems(USB) start?

 I had one problem where after I chose my lang(yes the very first
 step), I
 froze.  I never even see the license screen.  I solved that by
 clicking on
 a later step that I hadn't gotten to yet!  Then went back, and all was

 I didn't even get to the update portion.  After I tested my X config
 (which tested fine), my box froze.  I had to do a hard boot.  And when
 came back up, I had no control over my mouse.  I just rebooted and now
 everything is just peachy.


 On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 21:40:07 -0700
 FemmeFatale FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Tried to install first time tonight.
  Nice installer  such one complaint
  I don't have a PS/2 or serial keyboard  mouse.  They are both USB.
  this worked fine in 8.0  8.1 installers.  So. what gives!?
  I was forced to use converters to get them onto PS/2 channels... I
  couldn't even use a text install with them as USB dev's!
  So... Ideas? Pass args to the kernel on install?!  what must I do 
  which god/dess must I sacrifice a Mandrake developer to? :)
  Also, my LAN *its my internet connection* wouldn't let me update
  packages, it hung.  I gave up, came back to winblows.
  Ideas?  help?  Lobotomy? *might keep me from banging my head against
  wall right now*.


 Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
 KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

 David L. Steiner
 Registered Linux User   #262493


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[newbie] Eroaster

2002-03-20 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

In a previous 'CD burning' thread the other day I mentioned I had 
problems with eroaster, but that it seemed to be a favorite of the 
Mandrake newsgroup crowd.

I just got a rpm from Texstar that he said he 'fixed'.  And yes, 
it fixed the problems I had.  It's built for 8.2 and available here
   I used the i686,   eroaster-2.0.12-3mdk
I like the GUI, mainly 'cause it's straightfoward and simple, burner 
detection and configuration is automatic.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] HTML in KMail

2002-03-20 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne


KMail isn't displaying HTML messages properly, even though I have selected 
Prefer HTML to plain text. The text and the layout of the message are 
displayed properly, but no images are shown.

Does anybody know what could be wrong?


Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How tobestsupport Mandrake

2002-03-20 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

This was an excellent read.

On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 05:28, civileme wrote:

 Strange, II trained 15 secretaries on Mandrake 6.1 and it is still in 
 use at a government office (upgraded to 8.1 now, but using StarOffice 
 and WordPerfect in an all-linux network )inside a state whose government 
 would halt without Microsoft software.
 That statement you made smacks of FUD and sounds very unprofessional. 
  Here you are on a help list but not looking for help, only complaining 
 without specifics.

 Troll--to move the boat slowly along a chum line in search of gamefish. 
  Some folks get off on trolling for flame wars after which they can 
 participate gleefully or sit on the sidelines observing the sparks and 
 incendiaries and mud being slung by the participants.  The 
 (unfortunately true) internet legendary flame war included a pregnant 
 participant who posted that she could not properly put her opponents in 
 their places as she had to go deliver her baby...
  But, never fear, I don't place you in the category of troll.  You I 
 would place in two possible categories.   One is the fellow who is so 
 sure his view of the world is the _ONLY_ right one  that he posts 
 nonsense which makes sense in his own experience but ignores factors he 
 has never observed.  Probably such a person has never read W. Edwards 
 Deming, or having read him, understood the dynamics that could be 
 achieved by proper application.  The other is that sort of sinister 
 character who sees the problems newbies encounter with linux as an 
 opportunity to spread discouragement and dissent for reasons of his own. 
  I am sad to report that I believe this category likely.

 like most people most of my things now will tend to be USB like most of
 the world except the M8.2 distro??

 Well, USB support is much better but will not be perfect.  Most USB 
 devices are honoring the standard with lips, not with hardware and 
 making up for it by writing windows drivers.  But we've got printers and 
 cameras and non-proprietary scanners and some storage devices including 
 some of the memory devices working pretty well.  Crashtesters have been 
 happy on that score.  naturally there are bugs, but most of them are 
 elsewhere and often range into the arcane, like when someone chooses a 
 16-bit character encoding for Samba Shares (which windows doesn't like 
 very much either) but we have targeted the worst and will have the 
 update fixes tested by the time the disks hit the shelves.
 Anyway, you would never see this level of discussion of problems 
 tolerated on a Microsoft list.  In fact it is a LICENSE AGREEMENT 
 VIOLATION on some of their software to use it to criticize Microsoft. 
  And if you don't believe me, just read the End-User License Agreement 
 for FrontPage 2000 or 2002.  When the UCITA passes in Washington State, 
 some of Microsoft's critics are likely to find themselves criminals 
 because they use FrontPage to make a web page that criticizes Microsoft.
 We can take criticism, and we can take you as well, because most list 
 members will see the FUD you spread for what it is, just a very clever 
 twist to make problem-solving seem like something dirty.  
 When one is tryoing to take a complex thing and make it simple, and easy 
 to use, decisions have to be made about excluding cases from the 
 handling of the tools available.  Almost all the requests on this list 
 result from lack of knowledge about how to exceed the design of the 
 tools or from failure of the tool to fully protect the user from 
 mistakes.  So this list is very important to honing tool design and 
 provides a source of feedback to improve the product.
 If you really stumbled so totally with Mandrake, then try to install 
 Windows and see how much luck you have--not with the manufacturers 
 install or restore disk but with a fresh system disk.  The fact is, 
 right now, we're easier.  We're easier than XP and we support more hardware.
 OK enough said.  I won't be seeing any more of your posts unless you 
 email me directly.

Good work,


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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Jim Dawson


Does anyone know if VMWare 3.0 works on '8.2 yet?

-Original Message-
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:01:13 -0700
Subject: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

Win4lin users:

The 8.2 kernel/patches are now available
available via the installer. They'll also be
posted to their web site by tomorrow morning.


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RE: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione rjgdag

what is the difference between mandrake 6.1 and 8.1 a friend of mine has 6.1 he said i 
could use, is it worth running 

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[newbie] DCOP broken link

2002-03-20 Per discussione Burrows, Scott

I just reinstalled MD 8.1, reformatting all partitions in the process.
The install went fine.  I started KDE, then opened a terminal
window and did a ls -a and it shows a broken DCOP server 
link.  Why?

My .xsession-errors file says:

_KDE_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
DCOPServer is up and running.
_IceTransmkdir:  Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.

The system is running.  I have not discovered what is not working
as a result of the errors.

I've never even run the ICE window manager before if that has anything
to do with it.

Thanks in advance.

Scott Burrows

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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Miark

Mandrake has evolved significantly since 6.1. It has more features,
greater performance, greater power, more support for hardware, and
more software. You would be wise to install 8.1. 

Of course, you would be even wiser (yes, sage-like) to try out
8.2 which was just released a couple of days ago. 


On 20 Mar 2002 14:08:00 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 what is the difference between mandrake 6.1 and 8.1 a friend 
 of mine has 6.1 he said i could use, is it worth running.

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Re: [newbie] HTML in KMail

2002-03-20 Per discussione shane

how is your attachment view set?

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 10:03, Guilherme Cirne opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:


 KMail isn't displaying HTML messages properly, even though I have
 selected Prefer HTML to plain text. The text and the layout of the
 message are displayed properly, but no images are shown.

 Does anybody know what could be wrong?


Everyone seems so impatient and angry these days. I think it's because so 
many people use Windows at work. Do you think you'd be Mr. Politeness Man 
after working on Windows 8 hrs. or more?

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Eroaster

2002-03-20 Per discussione Pena Family

I am interested in eroaster or similiar. Can you tell me what CD burner your
using under this built? It shouldn't make a difference, but I am curious
just in case there is another hardware specific issue involved.

I've learned that you shouldn't
compare yourself to others - they are
more screwed up than you think.

- Original Message -
From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 9:51 AM
Subject: [newbie] Eroaster

 In a previous 'CD burning' thread the other day I mentioned I had
 problems with eroaster, but that it seemed to be a favorite of the
 Mandrake newsgroup crowd.

 I just got a rpm from Texstar that he said he 'fixed'.  And yes,
 it fixed the problems I had.  It's built for 8.2 and available here
I used the i686,   eroaster-2.0.12-3mdk
 I like the GUI, mainly 'cause it's straightfoward and simple, burner
 detection and configuration is automatic.
 Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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[newbie] do i get off the newbie mailing list?

2002-03-20 Per discussione Dalton

Dalton Roberts Jr

Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the 
convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape!

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at

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Re: [newbie] HTML in KMail

2002-03-20 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne

It is set for Inlined Attachments, but I've also tried Iconic and Smart and 
none of them work.

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 4:27 pm, you wrote:
 how is your attachment view set?

 On Wednesday 20 March 2002 10:03, Guilherme Cirne opened a hailing

 frequency and transmitted:
  KMail isn't displaying HTML messages properly, even though I have
  selected Prefer HTML to plain text. The text and the layout of the
  message are displayed properly, but no images are shown.
  Does anybody know what could be wrong?

Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] Internet connection problems with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione civileme

Drosera wrote:


I am sorry for the HTML :-)

I can talk to my local network (ping works). so that's not the
problem. I think my problem at this moment is a wrong network card (ISA
3Com509B) I will get today another one, maybe then my problems are solved.

Can I use the standard DHCP server which comes with Mandrake (I guess so)? I
will keep you informed about my progress ;-)



What have you got working... divide it into two problems.

Can the server talk to the internet ok?

Can it talk to the other computer (the client) ok?

By the way... you will get growled for using HTML postings to the net. A

lot of

the top guns will not answer html postings as their e-mail programs are




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Yep, that particular ISA card claims to detect and transmits but on some 
systems does not receive.

If you use internet connection sharing, and the two ethernet cards 
suggest you are thinking of it, the DHCP server will be activated, the 
eth0 to local will be (that is what to tell the other 
machines for gateway address) and you can use the dhcp wizard to specify 
the address range.  That setup will also plug as the 
nameserver for each of your locals and activate a forwarding DNS on the 
gateway box.

If you are doing this with 8.1, then make sure you go to
and read it.  Tiny Firewall is _not_ recommended; use the other 
solution, lest you cut your gateway out of NFS/NIS and any possibility 
of functioning as a fileserver and mailserver without hand modification 
of the firewall rules.


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Re: [newbie] Publishing in Linux

2002-03-20 Per discussione civileme

Robin Turner wrote:

On Thursday 21 March 2002 03:47, Walter Logeman wrote:


I have a brochure i need to produce and the printing place will
accept Publisher, Photoshop, or Pagemaker files.

Is there a way of generating cmpatable files in some way - we may
need to pass the file back  forth in email.

Best to ask them what file formats they can read.  PDF is the obvious choice 
while you're bouncing stuff between you (it's often used as a lingua franca 
between PageMaker and QuarkXPress), though for final copy PostScript will of 
course be better (if the printers say they can't handle PostScript, they're 
not real printers).


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You might want to acquire sdf which is a neat little package that will 
not only allow coding some cool formats but also will do translations to 
pdf, doc, html, sgml, postscript and other formats.  Of course, there 
are some tools just lying around that do that as well, and some of the 
word processors will work with them.  sdf is simple document formatter 
or something similar and is easy to find through google.  (MIght want to 
search on the author, Ian Clatworthy)

If they accept postscript files, you might benefit by learning to use 
LyX.  Most who do or who learn LaTeX just don't return to standard 
inflexible, do-everything-with-the-spacebar, WYSIWYG type of word processor.


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Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to bestsupport Mandrake

2002-03-20 Per discussione civileme

shane wrote:

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 00:18, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

john rigby wrote:

Is anyone home with you two? Hellooo?

The reason that my comms are in Doze is because - **like femme** and a
zillion others - the Mandrake installs fail!!.

Don't drag me into this horseshit you've got going here John.  I don't
care to be a part of it.  Thx.  I don't enjoy struggling but I do to
*learn*.  I find it does educate  enlighten my pea-sized intelligence.

just curious, does anyone here actually have an email where john said i 
tryed X, Y happened, how do i fix it?

or do we all just have it can't be done, i tried so i know!

There was a list of problems, none well detailed, with 8.0 in the 
archives.  It almost seemed like a compendium of others complaints, all 
happening on a single system,

8.0 which he used had some serious bugs with the kernel and its virtual 
memory.  These were common to all linices that used early 2.4s, but 
apparently installing and booting kernel 2.2 never occurred to this 
fellow--most of the thrash the disk stuff was a side effect of early 2.4.

He said he did get it installed  But could not view a .pdf file 
could not shut down properly, etc.

Now he's jumping on other people's problems saying they will happen to 
him without even looking.  

We do test these things, but we don't have access to all the hardware 
out there.  I make sure mine resembles junk as much as possible, hoping 
that if it works on the really marginnal stuff, like Gateway, Dell, 
Compaq, eMachines and PCChips (and friends) motherboards, that it will 
work also on the better stuff.  (Yes, it doesn't matter how big the name 
is, cut corners are cut corners, and they do increase the fail rate, and 
of course proprietary peripherals are common.  An Aureal (Turtle 
Beach) sound card has a binary only linux driver which works with all 
the sound cards they made except those they made for Dell, which were 
subtly different.)

But I think your call is correct.


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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Per discussione civileme

Mandrake Newbie wrote:


Hmmm...  How did the install fail?  SNF has a newer 2.2 kernel than the 
original and the newer one overcomes some errors that could be 
attributed to the strange timing and unique geometry of some WD drives. 
There is no real reason an SNF install should fail on such a system.  I 
am running it on an IBM PC350 P166 with 32Mb of RAM and two network 
cards.  Of course, I do have to keep a mouse attached so the BIOS will 
allow a boot, but the video and keyboard were long ago removed.

You cannot have any other system on a machine running SNF.  Dual-boots 
are impossible.

When I'm about to install SNF in my old Intel Pentium 166 at 32MB RAM using BTC 40x 
IDE CD-ROM drive it asked me what modules shall I use for my CD-ROM drive?  Also, the 
GUI installation is very poor and very slow.

Thanks in advance.



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Use a different CDROM and use text mode install.  You have nothing to 
gain from GUI install anyway, since the installed version can operate 
headless and has no local GUI.  The poor quality and slow speed of 
install with the GUI is from your video card which doesn't support 
framebuffer, so VGA (16 color) gets used instead.

Once installed, you use a web browser from one of your local computers 
to configure the firewall with graphical tools.  The firewall itself can 
run (if the BIOS permits) without monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and 
possibly with the video card removed.  My little IBM P166 runs with only 
a mouse because its BIOS will stop booting and complain if it is not 
there on boot.


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Re: [newbie] Installing WordPerfect on Mandrake 8.1??????

2002-03-20 Per discussione civileme

Robert Gray wrote:

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 5:18 pm, you wrote:

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 08:33,  Wm. G. McGrath opened a hailing

frequency and transmitted:

Has anyone had any success installing Word Perfect 8 on Mandrake

you will need libc-5.3.12-35mdk.i586.rpm and both
of which can be found at places like or tuxfinder.  if you
can't locate them, and don't mind a 2 MB attachment i can send them to you.

Also read forum at Mandrakeuser for fairly good discussion of the same issue.
In particular filtrixfix for importing other (.doc) files and to enable 
printing -l has to go in the Printer Setup, Select Destinations, lpr options 

Regards Rob

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And don't forget--blanks in file names are OK in linux, and OK in 
WordPerfect for windows, but NOT OK in WordPerfect for Linux.  I once 
wasted twenty minutes figuring that out when someone with a Windows 
Notebook and WP tried to print a file on my Linux WP installation. 
 (Eliminating other possibilities first)


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[newbie] Trying to install on a Sparc IPX

2002-03-20 Per discussione Paul M. Landry

I haven't received any bites on this, so can someone point me to a email
list or newsgroup that might be able to help me out on Sparc/Linux

Paul Landry

-Original Message-
From: Paul M. Landry 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 4:13 PM
Subject: Trying to install on a Sparc IPX

Hello all,
I have downloaded the 7.1 ISO images, for Sparc, from the Mandrake site and
burned them to CD ROM.

I am trying to install onto a Sparc IPX, w/ 1 GB hard drive, and 64 MB of
During the installation process I see a message Error Loading RAM DISK.
Later in the process, after defining the layout of the hard drive, and at
the point where I'm supposed to pick the o/s software I want installed, I
get a message that I have picked the base install packages.
Well, no list of available packages ever appears, so I assume it's not being
loaded, because of the Error Loading RAM DISk message.
I've also tried to run the install using the Text Only version, but with the
same results.
Can anyone help me out?

Paul Landry
Linux Newbie, but learning fast

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione civileme

Miark wrote:

So... you're asking whether 8.2 ships with the latest version of Ximian?


On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:33:30 -0500, Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

While we're on the subject, if I were to upgrade my 8.1 machine which has
Ximian Gnome, will I have to re-upgrade it?  Or am I better off waiting for


Original Message-
   From: Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subj: Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2
   Type: IPM.Note
   Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 1:52
   Dave, are you sure your problems don't have other causes?
   What you went through sounds identical to problems I had
   last year when some of my RAM went bad.
   On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 01:03:50 -0500, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke
Hey Femme
I also got both USB keyboard and mouse.  I too had problems (READ: 8
OF INSTALL!).  I haven't had problems like this since RH 6.1!
just played with it for a while ( 8HOURS! ) and now I got it up and
Where in the install do your problems(USB) start?
I had one problem where after I chose my lang(yes the very first
step), I
froze.  I never even see the license screen.  I solved that by
clicking on
a later step that I hadn't gotten to yet!  Then went back, and all was
I didn't even get to the update portion.  After I tested my X config
(which tested fine), my box froze.  I had to do a hard boot.  And when
came back up, I had no control over my mouse.  I just rebooted and now
everything is just peachy.
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 21:40:07 -0700
FemmeFatale FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tried to install first time tonight.

 Nice installer  such one complaint

 I don't have a PS/2 or serial keyboard  mouse.  They are both USB.
 this worked fine in 8.0  8.1 installers.  So. what gives!?

 I was forced to use converters to get them onto PS/2 channels... I
 couldn't even use a text install with them as USB dev's!


 So... Ideas? Pass args to the kernel on install?!  what must I do 
 which god/dess must I sacrifice a Mandrake developer to? :)


 Also, my LAN *its my internet connection* wouldn't let me update
 packages, it hung.  I gave up, came back to winblows.

 Ideas?  help?  Lobotomy? *might keep me from banging my head against
 wall right now*.


Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2
David L. Steiner
Registered Linux User   #262493

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Well, the Ximian functionality has been integrated into the last three 
releases, only the look and feel wasn't there, but now the drakfirsttime 
wizard will at least put up the default Ximian theme.  And some of their 
standalone utilities will be found on our disks, but for an official 
Ximian for 8.2, look for it when 9.0 is being readied for release, if 
they continue their current trends, and of course I can't read monkey 
brains very well:-).  We are simply not their priority, at least we 
haven't been.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-20 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

Ok Shane. How did the upgrade go and how did you go about doing it? I may 
follow your foot steps; so try not to make me fall in hole.

I have downloaded the three 8.2 iso files. How can I mount them on my 
directory tree? I looked up the man page for mount and I am not any wiser. I 
would need to go into the images if I were to do a fresh install wouldn't I? 
I would at least need to put hd.img on a floppy wouldn't I?



On Tuesday 19 March 2002 07:43 am, shane wrote:
 On Tuesday 19 March 2002 00:35, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency and

  *smiles  giggles* He said snap  upgrade in the same sentence!  :)
  I don't believe that till I see it with my own eyes.

 i have to admit, that is my only problem with mandrake, though it effects
 all distros i have tried.  a fresh install _always_ works better than

 i am considering upgrading with 8.2 (both the test machine with 8.2 rc1 on
 it as well as the 8.1 machine) just to see how much damage i can do.  ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione civileme

Jim Dawson wrote:


Does anyone know if VMWare 3.0 works on '8.2 yet?

-Original Message-
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:01:13 -0700
Subject: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

Win4lin users:

The 8.2 kernel/patches are now available
available via the installer. They'll also be
posted to their web site by tomorrow morning.


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VMWare 3.0 (trialware) is included in the powerpack...  And is probably 
accessible to club members now.


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[newbie] MSI K7T266 Pro2 mandrake compatability

2002-03-20 Per discussione H. Narfi Stefansson


Is anyone out there using the MSI K7T266 Pro2? I'm trying to decide 
whether I should buy the MSI K7T266 Pro2, the Pro2 RU or to spend 50% more 
and buy the Soyo Dragon+.
The price estimates are
$100 for MSI K7T266 Pro2
$120 for MSI K7T266 Pro2 RU. It's a never revision of the same board, has 
USB 2.0 and the regular useless RAID.
$150 for the Soyo Dragon+. [A little too expensive for me, unless the MSI 
turnes out to be useless]

Has anyone had any problems setting the MSI boards up in Mandrake?
The review of the pro2 RU at Tom's hardware complains about our D-Link 
network card only worked in the first and second PCI slots. 
I'd really be interested in hearing your stories before I start spending 
any money .-)



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Re: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Kenn Yahoo

any idea when the power pack 8.2 will be ready to ship?

- Original Message -
From: civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2

| Jim Dawson wrote:
| WooHoo!
| Does anyone know if VMWare 3.0 works on '8.2 yet?
| -Original Message-
| Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:01:13 -0700
| Subject: [newbie] Win4Lin ready for 8.2
| Win4lin users:
| The 8.2 kernel/patches are now available
| available via the installer. They'll also be
| posted to their web site by tomorrow morning.
| Miark
| Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
| Go to
| VMWare 3.0 (trialware) is included in the powerpack...  And is probably
| accessible to club members now.
| Civileme

| Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
| Go to

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-20 Per discussione shane

twice i have simply booted with the cds, and choosen upgrade.  KDE 
generally get pretty messed up for me that way.  once i simply formatted 
everything but /home and installed.  again KDE went wild, but less so.  i 
have _not_ yet tried any method with 8.2 as i can't get it yet.

all you guys stop downloading so i can, ok?  ;-)

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 12:52, Seedkum Aladeem opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 Ok Shane. How did the upgrade go and how did you go about doing it? I may
 follow your foot steps; so try not to make me fall in hole.

 I have downloaded the three 8.2 iso files. How can I mount them on my
 directory tree? I looked up the man page for mount and I am not any
 wiser. I would need to go into the images if I were to do a fresh install
 wouldn't I? I would at least need to put hd.img on a floppy wouldn't I?



 On Tuesday 19 March 2002 07:43 am, shane wrote:
  On Tuesday 19 March 2002 00:35, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency
   *smiles  giggles* He said snap  upgrade in the same sentence! 
   :) I don't believe that till I see it with my own eyes.
  i have to admit, that is my only problem with mandrake, though it
  effects all distros i have tried.  a fresh install _always_ works
  better than upgrading
  i am considering upgrading with 8.2 (both the test machine with 8.2 rc1
  on it as well as the 8.1 machine) just to see how much damage i can do.

One of the surest signs of intelligent in outer space is that it hasn't 
contacted us yet.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione shane

can you install as ps/2 and then change to usb and let hardware detection 
work then?  i had to do that with my mouse on 8.0

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 00:13, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 So, now I'm thinking I'll just use both as a Ps/2 device it worked but
 why would I want to use them as PS/2 when I hate that protocol anyway!?

of all of the actions humanity has called crimes, blasphemy is the most 
amazing, with obscenity and indecent exposure neck and neck for second. 

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] KUDZU and IPVS table Boot script failures

2002-03-20 Per discussione John Richard Smith

LM8.1 New  kernel, kv2.4.6-34mdk

Boot script displays big red cross against :-

1)  IPVS table,  says , setsocket opt. failed(big red cross)


When I removed something ,cann't remember what, 
it might of been when I disabled ARTS, cannot quite 
remember, I get:

2) KUDZU_ARGS -t 30  ( big red cross )

and ,
[root@localhost root]#kudzu ,  returns
Segmentation fault (core dumped )

What are both messages saying, and what do
I do about it. I know kudzu is a device detection
programme, but I don't seem able to do much
with it.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Miark

I did that on 8.1 just last week. A friend bathed his USB mouse in coffee.
It didn't work at first, so I took it to tinker with. I pluged it into my 
laptop running 8.1, changed the mouse to USB with the Mandrake Control 
Center, and it worked. (Both MDK 8.1 and the mouse :-)


On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:43:48 -0800, shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 can you install as ps/2 and then change to usb and let hardware detection 
 work then?  i had to do that with my mouse on 8.0
 On Wednesday 20 March 2002 00:13, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency 
 and transmitted:
  So, now I'm thinking I'll just use both as a Ps/2 device it worked but
  why would I want to use them as PS/2 when I hate that protocol anyway!?
 of all of the actions humanity has called crimes, blasphemy is the most 
 amazing, with obscenity and indecent exposure neck and neck for second. 
 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606 @

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Re: [newbie] Installing WordPerfect on Mandrake 8.1??????

2002-03-20 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 22:45, civileme wrote:

 And don't forget--blanks in file names are OK in linux, and OK in
 WordPerfect for windows, but NOT OK in WordPerfect for Linux.  I once
 wasted twenty minutes figuring that out when someone with a Windows
 Notebook and WP tried to print a file on my Linux WP installation.
  (Eliminating other possibilities first)

That reminds me, is there a simple way to take a bunch of files and strip the 
blank spaces in a shell (some kind of sed command, perhaps)?.  I have about 
100 floppies I need to do that to (because the Word to ascci converter I'm 
using in my script chokes on whitespace).  I could probably whell out my 
rusty Perl knowledge to do something, but I'd rather do everything from bash.


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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

You're friends got slippery hands... too much Jergens ? :)

Thx I will attempt this AFTER I reinstall... Seems Part Magic's
Bootmagic won't recognize XFS :(



Oh well chalk up *another* learning experience 


Miark wrote:
 I did that on 8.1 just last week. A friend bathed his USB mouse in coffee.
 It didn't work at first, so I took it to tinker with. I pluged it into my
 laptop running 8.1, changed the mouse to USB with the Mandrake Control
 Center, and it worked. (Both MDK 8.1 and the mouse :-)

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Re: [newbie] XFce in 8.2 ?

2002-03-20 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Derek Jennings wrote:
 KDE seems to be OK, and the new kernel makes KDE run significantly faster on
 my laptop than 8.1  did  ;-)

Nice to hear that, Derek. I have an old laptop (IBM Thinkpad 380D with
P150/32 MB RAM) that I use as my backup  rescue 
old_faithful-system. Until recently I used OS/2 on it, because I
trusted it and it runs incredibly fast. Now - it seems - IBM has stopped
supporting it - at least they don't supply updates anymore - so I
decided to convert my never_laid_me_down-laptop to linux. 

Consequently I backed up the whole kadoodle, and - just to try it out -
installed Mandrake 8.1. Took an hour or two, but otherwise OK, mouse,
trackpoint, soundcard, PCMCIA, modem, printer, screen etc... everything.

BUT, of course, it runs slooow. Too slow on KDE to be useful, reasonably
fast on XFCe. Snappy on CLI. The kernel is the stock 8.1-one
( Well, then I decided to go back to OS/2, but - having a
spare afternoon - I felt like playing a little. So I found an old
Mandrake 7.0 and installed that. What a difference !

Everything works. And fast ! (using it right now). I'll place my OS/2 in
a safe place and maybe forget about it.

Naturally though, your mail has made me curious : If 8.2 runs faster
than 8.1 maybe I'll try that too because, after all I'm a bit addicted
to aesthetics, I admit.

And here's my question : will 8.2. brake the natural law that dictates
every new version to be slower than the previous one ? - IOW : can 8.2
run reasonably fast on my old laptop ?

Can I have your opinion, please ?


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Other than this suggestion, is there a cmd line argument I can use when
I go to install it?

:)  would save me some trouble


shane wrote:
 can you install as ps/2 and then change to usb and let hardware detection
 work then?  i had to do that with my mouse on 8.0
 On Wednesday 20 March 2002 00:13, FemmeFatale opened a hailing frequency
 and transmitted:
  So, now I'm thinking I'll just use both as a Ps/2 device it worked but
  why would I want to use them as PS/2 when I hate that protocol anyway!?

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Re: [newbie] XFce in 8.2 ?

2002-03-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings

 Naturally though, your mail has made me curious : If 8.2 runs faster
 than 8.1 maybe I'll try that too because, after all I'm a bit addicted
 to aesthetics, I admit.

 And here's my question : will 8.2. break the natural law that dictates
 every new version to be slower than the previous one ? - IOW : can 8.2
 run reasonably fast on my old laptop ?

 Can I have your opinion, please ?


 Kaj Haulrich

Well Kaj. My opinion is not worth much since I have only been a Mandrake user 
since 8.0.
For sure 8.1 is slower than 8.0, and 8.2 is faster again. How much is hard to 
judge, but KDE was painfully slow in 8.1 on my 233MHz 96M RAM laptop, while 
in 8.2 it is fairly lively and quite usable. (Except with Open Office where 
the display follows 10 secs behind my typing)  I'd say give it a go.  8.2 is 
pretty nice. It has certainly been easier to get fully configured than either 
8.0, or 8.1.  But then maybe thats just because I have some idea about what I 
am doing now ;-)

BTW: Civileme often recommends using the 2.2 kernel on 'challenged' hardware. 
So maybe thats why you find 7.0 so fast? Maybe 8.2 with the 2.2 kernel could 
be the best for you?

I have made progress on the problem with XFce. It seems to relate to 
supermount and xftree.  Other file managers do not have a problem, and if I 
disable supermount xftree is OK. Looks like I'll have to try to get used to 
some other window manager, or else take advantage of the KDE running so much 
better and use that.


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[newbie] xfs....... slower than ext3??????

2002-03-20 Per discussione David

Last evening I installed MD8.2, and reformatted my  /  and  /usr 
partitions as xfs.  Now, just about everything seems to be running slower
then MD8.1 on ext3 partitions.  

Did I smoke too much grass in my younger years or is this a reality?  

Is there something I maybe did wrong?  

Is there a check of some type that I could perform to test this?  

What could be causing this? 


Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Miark

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:10:17 -0700, FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke 

 I don't know... How would I go about doing so pls?
 I have never done it  could use some guidance?

Tres facile:

1) Plug in a PS/2 mouse, and you're USB mouse.
2) Install 8.2, choosing the appropriate PS/2 mouse.
3) There is no step three. Proceed to the next step.
4) When all is installed, run the Mandrake Control Center.
5) Under Hardware, choose Mouse.
6) Open the USB list, and choose the appropriate mouse.
   (i.e. with or without scroll wheel).


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Re: [newbie] do i get off the newbie mailing list?

2002-03-20 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 02:45 pm, Dalton wrote:
(Not much, actually, but then the subject says it all)


Go to the linux-mandrake home page. Over in the left hand column there's 
a link to the mailing lists; click it, and you'll find instructions for 

-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-20 Per discussione Miark

I haven't downloaded 8.2 yet, but the release candidate
suprised me with perfect recognition and configuration
of my Sound Blaster Live card. I haven't had fully 
working sound since 8.0.



On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:28:57 -0500, Rich [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 16:37, shane wrote:
  twice i have simply booted with the cds, and choosen upgrade.  KDE 
  generally get pretty messed up for me that way.  once i simply formatted 
  everything but /home and installed.  again KDE went wild, but less so.  i 
  have _not_ yet tried any method with 8.2 as i can't get it yet.
  all you guys stop downloading so i can, ok?  ;-)
 OK, I'm done downloading!:)
 I upgraded from 8.1 to 8.2 without a hitch.  As near as I can tell,
 everything is OK except Opera 6.0 is now broken, so I'm using Galeon. 
 The new lilo didn't do away with the Windows partition drive letter
 reference, like it did for me in 8.1.
 I use Evolution as my mail client and I just realized that the spell
 checker now works!  It never did before...

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Re: [newbie] New Mandarke User..

2002-03-20 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Thursday 21 March 2002 03:31 am, Mandrake Newbie wrote:
 I installed Mandarake Lunix 8.1 in server mode. I am new with linux.
 Please don't lef. I was using Microsoft OS for 8 yars. Now I started new
 world for my self.
 Please let me know where can get more documentation about server
 configuration for smal network (EMail, WWW, DNS, Samba).

 Linux Documentation Project
 qmail Mail Server Web Server
 djbdns Name Server Samba
 Squid Proxy Server
 PostgreSQL Database Server
 NAT How-To




And never, ever forget the ever popular!
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Per discussione Femme

Ugh... great suggestions But I do lack $.  *Sigh*

I will keep forging ahead with SNF *have yet to set it up*, and if that
fails I will investigate LRP.  Thanks Gerald, as always your info is

On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 18:33, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 March 2002 05:15 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
  Gerald Waugh wrote:
   Someone recently posted a URL for source.
   In your case you will have to install some kind of a Linux distro, maybe
   LM 7.X, then compile it.???
   Having looked at the issues for a while, I don't think SNF is the thing
   for a 486. I would get LRP on an IDE flash disk.
   search google for LRP Linux Router Project
  why do you recommend that particular solution  whats a flash disk?
 LRP is a very small system that does routing and firewall among others
 It will actuall fit on floppy. It is very stable.
 An (IDE) flash disk is a solid state disk, you plug it in just like a hard 
 disk. You can get flash disk with LRP installed (I think).
 Gerald Waugh
 New Haven, Connecticut USA

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update

2002-03-20 Per discussione David

Be happy, I don't have sound at all.  


On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:47:56 -0700
Miark said onto me:

 I haven't downloaded 8.2 yet, but the release candidate
 suprised me with perfect recognition and configuration
 of my Sound Blaster Live card. I haven't had fully 
 working sound since 8.0.
 On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:28:57 -0500, Rich [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke
  On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 16:37, shane wrote:
   twice i have simply booted with the cds, and choosen upgrade.  KDE 
   generally get pretty messed up for me that way.  once i simply
   formatted everything but /home and installed.  again KDE went wild,
   but less so.  i have _not_ yet tried any method with 8.2 as i can't
   get it yet.
   all you guys stop downloading so i can, ok?  ;-)
  OK, I'm done downloading!:)
  I upgraded from 8.1 to 8.2 without a hitch.  As near as I can tell,
  everything is OK except Opera 6.0 is now broken, so I'm using Galeon. 
  The new lilo didn't do away with the Windows partition drive letter
  reference, like it did for me in 8.1.
  I use Evolution as my mail client and I just realized that the spell
  checker now works!  It never did before...


Mandrake Linux  8.1 Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk
KDE  2.2.1  Sylpheed  0.7.2

David L. Steiner   
Registered Linux User   #262493 

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 18:43, Miark opened a hailing frequency and 

 On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:10:17 -0700, FemmeFatale 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 1) Plug in a PS/2 mouse, and you're USB mouse.
 2) Install 8.2, choosing the appropriate PS/2 mouse.
 3) There is no step three. Proceed to the next step.

for me step 3 was reboot, and unplug the ps2 mouse, let mandrake find the 
USB, but i think his is most likely to work :)

At first they burn books, eventually they burn people.

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RE: Re: [newbie] OT: saving the power supply unit

2002-03-20 Per discussione Greg

I never had much luck leaving the system running   The most i could get was a week or 
to two weeks then the system would either be locked or would act funny until I 
rebooted   Greg
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

*S* old debate...don't stir up the old hardware geeks :P

IMHO, leave it on.  Less stress on the HW.


Stojs wrote:

 I know this is out of topic, but with linux I have the choice not to
 turn the computers off or restart them to often.

 What is best for the psu, having the computer running constantly or
 turning it off everytime you don´t use it (several times a day)?

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to bestsupport Mandrake

2002-03-20 Per discussione mooseman

On March 20, 2002 12:18 am, you wrote:
 john rigby wrote:
  Is anyone home with you two? Hellooo?
  The reason that my comms are in Doze is because - **like femme** and a
  zillion others - the Mandrake installs fail!!.

 Don't drag me into this horseshit you've got going here John.  I don't
 care to be a part of it.  Thx.  I don't enjoy struggling but I do to
 *learn*.  I find it does educate  enlighten my pea-sized intelligence.

  I will wait and see what other bad news appears like Femmes re 8.2.  
  (Sigh) like most people most of my things now will tend to be USB
  like most of the world except the M8.2 distro??

 My issues with 8.2 aren't necessarily the last ones to be heard of...nor
 are they likely the last ones I'll have.  That said, it's been a day
 since 8.2 was released!  So... I hate to inform your
 arrogant/ill-informed ass but frankly there will be bugs that were

 Wake up, don't be such a wet noodle.


you go girl! ;-)


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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Per discussione mooseman

i personally on a 486-8mb ram, no HDD only floppy have had better success 
with freesco than LRP.

LRP is htpp://


On March 20, 2002 10:05 am, you wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Mandrake Newbie wrote:
  Get the source and  compile it.
  I'm sorry for asking a very newbie question again but how can I compile
  the source of SNF if my hard disk drive is fresh?

 Someone recently posted a URL for source.
 In your case you will have to install some kind of a Linux distro, maybe LM
 7.X, then compile it.???
 Having looked at the issues for a while, I don't think SNF is the thing for
 a 486. I would get LRP on an IDE flash disk.
 search google for LRP Linux Router Project

 Gerald Waugh

Content-Type: text/plain; name=message.footer
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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[newbie] 8.2 Major Display Bug

2002-03-20 Per discussione shipahoy


I installed Mandrake 8.2 in a fresh partition and am getting streaky,
flickering lines across the screen. It worsens with heavy hard drive or
user activity. 

This started during installation and continues after installation. I have
tried various screen resolutions and colour depth settings, tried
noframebuffers, and 3.3.6 XFree,  but the same thing happens. 

I think this is the 2.4.18 kernel having a problem with my KM133 based

Duron 800
My mainboard is:
Soltek SL-75MAV with KM133a chipset and Savage4 onboard graphics.

I am using exactly the same hardware and settings I have for Mandrake 8.1
which still works flawlessly on this hardware setup.

Any suggestions as to how to solve this problem?

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[newbie] 8.2 requirements

2002-03-20 Per discussione Andrewd

Just wondering if I should upgrade, I am currently running Mandrake 8.0 on my
home PC. The PC being a 300mhz with 64 meg Ram, how badly will it crunch along
if I goto Mandrake 8.2

Andrew D

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Re: [newbie] Eroaster

2002-03-20 Per discussione Damian

El mié, 20-03-2002 a las 16:37, Pena Family escribió:
 I am interested in eroaster or similiar. Can you tell me what CD burner your
 using under this built? It shouldn't make a difference, but I am curious
 just in case there is another hardware specific issue involved.

well, please someone correct me if i'm wrong, but all of these
burning tools ... aren't all of them -including eroaster-
GUI interfaces for cdrtools command-line burning program?

i think eroaster detects hardware by cdrecord --scanbus command, just 
like all others, so there should be no problem with it.

i can only think of one that doesn't use cdrtools, it's called
Fireburner, but it's not free. you can only burn to 1X with a demo
version. and even tho it's a nice small app, it sucks compared to


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Fw: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to bestsupport Mandrake

2002-03-20 Per discussione john rigby

- Original Message -
From: john rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to
bestsupport Mandrake

 Is anyone home with you two? Hellooo?

 The reason that my comms are in Doze is because - **like femme** and a
 zillion others - the Mandrake installs fail!!.

 I cannot since Redhat 5.2 ( nor can anyone else I've ever known) replace
 most basic functions of a person who makes a living using a
 computer.. like writing letters, backing up to a CD, editing a
 little Website, etc. etc.

 AND I've had fabulous support and help from the good people on this very
 List, who tried very hard to help, over what seems decades.

 I still have not read a cogent argument against a single comment I made.
 a single line of rational, supportable argument.
 ( BTW: YA Mother wears gumboots! is not a cogent retort, neither is to
 betray abysmal ignorance of the language and refer to a person as a
 troll - a distinct entity in English mythology with sound etymology.)

  My last - thanks to Big Bill's product - which does at least work -
 communication on the arcane matter of Business Point101.

 I will wait and see what other bad news appears like Femmes re 8.2.
 like most people most of my things now will tend to be USB like most
 the world except the M8.2 distro??



 - Original Message -
 From: Lyvim Xaphir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: NewbieMandrake-List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OT,How to zing like the best. RE: Was: How to
 bestsupport Mandrake

  On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 03:37, FemmeFatale wrote:
   OW !  *zing!*
   cute Lyvim ;p


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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Femme

OK I did all that !  God I feel stupid... I thought it out before I got
this message.  So I guess i'm not that stupid. ;0

Thx to everyone whos' helped.  I got it working.  I'm typing this email
in Evolution as we speak. :)

Now, if only I can figure out how to just put msgs into the trash
instead of marking for deletion then having to manually empty the trash
to do it.


On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 19:43, Miark wrote:
 On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:10:17 -0700, FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke 
  I don't know... How would I go about doing so pls?
  I have never done it  could use some guidance?
 Tres facile:
 1) Plug in a PS/2 mouse, and you're USB mouse.
 2) Install 8.2, choosing the appropriate PS/2 mouse.
 3) There is no step three. Proceed to the next step.
 4) When all is installed, run the Mandrake Control Center.
 5) Under Hardware, choose Mouse.
 6) Open the USB list, and choose the appropriate mouse.
(i.e. with or without scroll wheel).

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione Femme

I did as you did one thing at a time.  I did the mouse first, letting
mandrake detect it...then the keyboard :)

Merci to you too Shane.

Now if only we can find out *why* this is happening!


On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 20:31, shane wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 March 2002 18:43, Miark opened a hailing frequency and 
  On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:10:17 -0700, FemmeFatale 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
  1) Plug in a PS/2 mouse, and you're USB mouse.
  2) Install 8.2, choosing the appropriate PS/2 mouse.
  3) There is no step three. Proceed to the next step.
 for me step 3 was reboot, and unplug the ps2 mouse, let mandrake find the 
 USB, but i think his is most likely to work :)
 At first they burn books, eventually they burn people.
 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606 @

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Re: [newbie] OK new problem with 8.2

2002-03-20 Per discussione shane

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 21:22, Femme opened a hailing frequency and 

 I did as you did one thing at a time.  I did the mouse first, letting
 mandrake detect it...then the keyboard :)

 Merci to you too Shane.

as a character in one of my daughters favorite cartoons says, hey helping 
beautiful dames errr damsels in distress is my specialty.

 Now if only we can find out *why* this is happening!

because USB is not a very well followed or tight standard.  :-)

If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. -Bill Gates, 1994

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Evolution, deleting msgs and using the spell checker

2002-03-20 Per discussione Femme

I went through the help files in Evolution. Nice little package.  No joy
on figuring out how to automatically delete something once I hit the
Del key though.  Nor does it mention how to automatically enable a
spell-checker for my emails.

Any ideas!?  Come on!  I'm 3/4 of the way there to not buggin the list
again real soon! :)

Oh  shanes a cutie, thx love.


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Re: [newbie] anybody already on 8.2?

2002-03-20 Per discussione Darwin Gottfried

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 12:09 am, you wrote:
u uptime of almost 24 hours.  It's pretty sweet.

  4:16pm  up 1 days, 20 hours, 14 min,  6 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.38, 

And it's sweet.  Not a huge difference between rc1 and release.  But it's 
nice.  Good candidate to take over the best mandrake yet (held by 7.2 for 
the longest time)


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[newbie] Reading ISO files.

2002-03-20 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


I down loaded the LM 8.2 CD ISO files and I am about to do an upgrade from 
hard disk. I need to read the hd.img file from the first CD ISO and write it 
onto a floppy disk but I could not find out how. It was not obvious to me how 
to mount the ISO files; the mount man pages were no help. I read the messages 
on this list related to installing and upgrading and also the documents on 
the Mandrake web site and the linuxdoc web site and there was no explanation 
as to how to mount the ISO files. I used to mount ISO files on other OSs but 
not Linux.

Can somebody please give me a hint?



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Re: [newbie] I need your suggestions

2002-03-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

why do you recommend that particular solution  whats a flash disk?


Gerald Waugh wrote:

 Someone recently posted a URL for source.
 In your case you will have to install some kind of a Linux distro, maybe LM 7.X,
 then compile it.???
 Having looked at the issues for a while, I don't think SNF is the thing for a
 486. I would get LRP on an IDE flash disk.
 search google for LRP Linux Router Project
 Gerald Waugh
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