Re: [newbie-it] immagini

2002-07-12 Per discussione Roberto

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] immagini

 ormai utilizzo win sempre meno e per cose sempre meno importanti,
fondamentali... per me win sta  diventando una specie di videogioco...

 Su, su non fartene una colpa ognuno ha le proprie croci da portare... eh eh
eh scherzavo Non caziatemi ;-)

[newbie-it] ctrl+alt+canc versione linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione Roberto

Esiste una combinazione di tasti in linux che 
svolga il lavoro del ctrl+alt+canc di win?

Re: [newbie-it] ctrl+alt+canc versione linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione Marco Forti

 Esiste una combinazione di tasti in linux che svolga il lavoro del ctr
l+alt+canc di win?

man ps



Re: [newbie-it] ctrl+alt+canc versione linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 15:08, venerdì 12 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
 Esiste una combinazione di tasti in linux che svolga il lavoro del
 ctrl+alt+canc di win?

Questa funzione ti permette di terminare, in maniera più o meno violenta, il 
processo indesiderato.
Ti rimando, ovviamente, a man kill (e visto che ci sei, anche a man sex; l'ho 
scoperto l'altro giorno - il man, non il sex..)
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] passaggio da win a linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione caspar

vorrei togliere definitivamente win, c'e' un modo per portate i messaggi di
poste OE ad un gestore di posta sotto linux?

cià Caspar

Bisogna avere in sé il caos
per partorire una stella che danzi.

Home Page

[newbie-it] Avvio da dischetto e risoluzione vga

2002-07-12 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi

  Premetto che con lilo sapevo modificare la risoluzione  della sessione 
modalità testo in lilo.conf dando un valore appropriato alla riga vga, 
per esempio vga= 0x0318. Ora in una fase d'installazione avendo scelto 
di installare il s.o. Linux con avvio da dischetto senza nessun 
bootloader non so più dove andare a variare la risoluzione suddetta.
Inoltre vorrei sapere con Grub  (sul relativo man non l'ho visto) come e 
dove va inserita la stessa informazione.
Saluti da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie-it] passaggio da win a linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, caspar esclamo':
 vorrei togliere definitivamente win, c'e' un modo per portate i messaggi di
 poste OE ad un gestore di posta sotto linux?

Con Kmail c'e' un apposito programma convertitore che importa le mail
dal formato utilizzato da OE

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]

Re: [newbie-it] Win modem motorola sm56pci (fwd)

2002-07-12 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, tom esclamo':
 Building driver...
 `/usr/local/sm56/sm56.o' -
 Creating device /dev/sm56...
 Pointing /dev/modem to /dev/sm56...
 Adding SM56 to /etc/modules.conf...

 Ecco, perfetto: ti ha creato il modulo(driver) dove sono conservati gli
altri moduli (/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk.); tieni presente che finche'
quel modulo non viene caricato, il sistema non potra' gestire la
periferica che fa riferimento al dispositivo /dev/sm56.
 Fai in modo che prima di connetterti col modem quel driver venga
caricato ( con modprobe sm56, dopo aver dato un depmod -a)

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]

Re: [newbie-it] Win modem motorola sm56pci (fwd)

2002-07-12 Per discussione tom

Alle 20:44, venerdì 12 luglio 2002, hai scritto:

  Fai in modo che prima di connetterti col modem quel driver venga
 caricato ( con modprobe sm56, dopo aver dato un depmod -a)

Ho fatto come mi hai detto, ma la shell mi da delle risposte poco 
rassicuranti per quel che ne capisco io!
[root@XYX H2O]# man depmod
[root@XYZ H2O]# depmod -a
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in 
[root@XYZ H2O]# modprobe sm56
Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/char/sm56.o will 
the kernel: no license
/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/char/sm56.o: invalid argument syntax 
for country: 'c'
modprobe: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/char/sm56.o failed
modprobe: insmod sm56 failed
Che ne dici c'è qualche speranza? o visto che ho il case aperto faccio aprire 
le ali della motorola al modem?

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] come difendersi dai barbari

2002-07-12 Per discussione arwan

Sabato e domenica... i giorni da dedicare a linux (per mettere a posto 
problemucci vari)

Orbene: il problema della settimana e': se io volessi condividere il mio PC 
con una seconda persona, che *non deve* usare linux e, soprattutto, *non 
deve* avere alcuna minima possibilita' di mettere le mani sui miei dati, 
tanto meno (soprattutto incidentalemente, visto che e' un principiante 
assoluto) rischiare di cancellarli... che devo fare? Pensavo innanzi tutto di 
spostare tutta la mia roba sulla partizione di linux; in secondo luogo di 
darle l'accesso al solo Win$ (tanto e' li' che deve imparare ad usare il PC e 
guardarsi i suoi CD rom). Ma se per caso facesse un format C o qualcosa di 
simile, un detree, qualsiasi disastro... che rischi corro? (Tranquillo Mike: 
non e' un portatile, non lo puo' surriscaldare tantomeno sballonzolarlo 
acceso qua e la'. e' un big tower da 70 cm). Per ora ho un disco fisso unico 
(il secondo e' talmente piccolo che non fa testo) con tre partizoni, quella 
principale di Win$ (la piu' antica), la ext2 e la swap (quelle piu' care :-) 
); sarebbe meglio forse che comprassi un secondo disco fisso e impedissi 
l'accesso ai dati via hardware? O non ne vale assolutamente la pena, e ci 
sono altri metodi sicuri?
E se per caso la suddetta persona si beccasse un virus, su Win$???

[newbie-it] Finestre a spasso simili

2002-07-12 Per discussione arwan

Ogni volta che riaccendo KDE e lancio konqueror, la finestra mi appare in 
alto sulla destra (e la vorrei in centro). Stessa cosa quando dico nuova 
mail da mkail: come posso dire a kde che voglio le nuove finestre in centro 
allo schermo?
E poi (questa e' una cosa che mi fa andare veramente in bestia): la colonna 
di sinistra di konqueror, quella che sfoglia le cartelle, e' sempre troppo 
piccola, e devo ogni volta allargarla. In piu' mi mostra file e cartelle come 
icone (non le sopporto), mentre vorrei, anzi, *voglio* vedere il tutto come 
dettagli. Mi tocca cliccare ogni volta il pulsantino apposito... come glielo 
dico, a kde, che questo non mi va bene, e che deve fare tutto come l'ho 
lasciato l'ultima volta che ho chiuso una finestra di konqueror?


[newbie] Fw: installation

2002-07-12 Per discussione Alexandre

- Original Message - 
From: Alexandre 
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 7:51 AM
Subject: installation 


Comment installer une Mandrake 8.2 ? Je n'ai pas de graveur de 
cd, suis-je obligé de télécharger tout le répertoire /mandrake et /install 
qui pour volume fait 2 giga et non pas 1 giga comme décrit sur le site ou puis 
je tout de même télécharger les images iso et lancer une installation à partir 
de disque dur ? Je téléchargeais de belnet belgium (pour les 2 giga). Je ne peux 
pas m'offrir les cd pour l'instant. aidez moi.


[newbie] systime running slow

2002-07-12 Per discussione Holger Neven

I am running Mandrake 8.2 with Gnome on my Laptop for about a week now and everything 
is working just right. Well, everything but the systime, it is running slow, about 10 
Minutes an hour. The hwclock though is working fine, but on reboot, the system seems 
to set the hwclock by systime, so on the next bootup the time in the hwclock is wrong, 

Does anybody know this problem? Or can somebody tell me, where I should take a look at 
to solve this problem?

Many Thanks

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Re: [newbie] installation

2002-07-12 Per discussione pascal

D'abourd, pourriez-vous eviter d'ecrire en HTML. Merci.

> Comment installer une Mandrake 8.2 ?

> Je n'ai pas de graveur de cd, suis-je obligé de
> télécharger tout le répertoire /mandrake et /install;
> qui pour volume fait 2 giga et non pas 1 giga comme
> décrit sur le site ou puis je tout de même télécharger
> les images iso et lancer une installation à partir
> de disque dur ?

> Je téléchargeais de belnet belgium (pour les 2 giga).
> Je ne peux pas m'offrir les cd pour l'instant. aidez moi.

Le plus simple, si vous n'avez _vraiment_pas_ les moyens
d'acheter les CDs est soit de trouver une personne qui vous
les telecharge et vous les grave, soit emprunter un graveur
pour le faire vous meme.

Ceci dit, le lot de 3 CDRoms coute tres peu par exemple
chez cheapbytes:
Un extrait de la page:

> Want to Order Mandrake Linux 8.2?
> 3 CD-ROM Install Set
> Now Shipping! $5.99


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Re: [newbie] Laptop question

2002-07-12 Per discussione Ron Bouwhuis


Might not be a burner problem.  An old Toshiba laptop
of mine refused to read CDs I had burnt (ML 8.0
download).  I had used CD-RWs, which had worked fine
on my newer computers.  I then tried using plain CD-Rs
and the Tosh was fine.  

Just a thought,

--- FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bill Spatz wrote:
  On Wednesday 10 July 2002 19:10, Femme wrote:
 Trust me Nick, thats the first thing I tried!  It
 says it will boot off
 teh CD when I set it in the BIOS, but it doesn't
 work *scratching my
 head on that one!*.
 Heh, next suggestion?
  Mine did the same thing to me, although I do have
 both drives. I found out 
  that my burner wasn't doing the CD right. I bought
 a set from linux-for-less, 
  another one of the cheapbytes online thingies, and
 it booted right up with 
 Well Bill I'm baffled.  Truly...because the CD's I
 stuck into that 
 lapdogs CDRom are the same ones I used to load MDK
 on my desktop machine.
 HOwever, in the interest of scientific curiousity, I
 shall try loading 
 MDK 8.0 which is a store bought copy.  If it works I
 know its a burner 
 problem.  Thx for the idea!
 I'll let the list know.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Laptop question

2002-07-12 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Ron Bouwhuis wrote:
 Might not be a burner problem.  An old Toshiba laptop
 of mine refused to read CDs I had burnt (ML 8.0
 download).  I had used CD-RWs, which had worked fine
 on my newer computers.  I then tried using plain CD-Rs
 and the Tosh was fine.  
 Just a thought,
 --- FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bill Spatz wrote:

On Wednesday 10 July 2002 19:10, Femme wrote:

Trust me Nick, thats the first thing I tried!  It

says it will boot off

teh CD when I set it in the BIOS, but it doesn't

work *scratching my

head on that one!*.

Heh, next suggestion?



Mine did the same thing to me, although I do have

both drives. I found out 

that my burner wasn't doing the CD right. I bought

a set from linux-for-less, 

another one of the cheapbytes online thingies, and

it booted right up with 



Your suggestions perfectly valid Ron.  One kink:  I use only CD-R's.  I 
never use CDRW's.  Mostly b/c other CDRoms won't read them an my desktop 
doesn't have a burner, but my g/f's does.  So I just use CDR's which the 
desktop reads fine.

Thx though ;)


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Re: [newbie] systime running slow

2002-07-12 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 12 July 2002 7:41 am, Holger Neven wrote:
 I am running Mandrake 8.2 with Gnome on my Laptop for about a week
 now and everything is working just right. Well, everything but the
 systime, it is running slow, about 10 Minutes an hour. The hwclock
 though is working fine, but on reboot, the system seems to set the
 hwclock by systime, so on the next bootup the time in the hwclock is
 wrong, too.

 Does anybody know this problem? Or can somebody tell me, where I
 should take a look at to solve this problem?

If it were the other way round (hwclock influencing systime) the most 
likely explanation would be the clock battery on the motherboard 
running low. No idea what's causing the observed behaviour.

Failing that, xntp is an easy way to (semi)automatically set the systime 
via a time server; urpmi xntp will install it and its home page is:

I don't bother with the daemon but, every so often, do


- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] kdm configure not working.

2002-07-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Friday 12 Jul 2002 7:50 am, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 Thanks for the rersponse. When I did this kde3 kdm starts. butit doesn't
 have the kde option. Hence kde2 is started. Because of this I reverted to
 old condition and added in loginconfig/sessions kde3. Then I did the above
 to get kde3 kdm. However i could change clock etc, but not background. Why?

Yes That is my experience too.  I can change anything about KDM except the 
background.  My assumption is that it either has a bug, or is looking in the 
wrong place for the backgrounds.   Since it is quite a pretty Blue background 
I decided to just not worry about it :-)

There is another issue with KDE3 KDM which has caused me problems, which is 
that root user appears in the user list even if I configure kdm to only show 
users in a range of UIDs.  I had to explicitly name root as being excluded 
from the list to get rid of it. (I have not checked to see if Kde3.0.2 has 
fixed this bug)


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Re: Re: [newbie] systime running slow

2002-07-12 Per discussione fhwi93ne

[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 12.07.02 09:59:45:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Friday 12 July 2002 7:41 am, Holger Neven wrote:
  I am running Mandrake 8.2 with Gnome on my Laptop for about a week
  now and everything is working just right. Well, everything but the
  systime, it is running slow, about 10 Minutes an hour. The hwclock
  though is working fine, but on reboot, the system seems to set the
  hwclock by systime, so on the next bootup the time in the hwclock is
  wrong, too.
  Does anybody know this problem? Or can somebody tell me, where I
  should take a look at to solve this problem?
 If it were the other way round (hwclock influencing systime) the most 
 likely explanation would be the clock battery on the motherboard 
 running low. No idea what's causing the observed behaviour.
 Failing that, xntp is an easy way to (semi)automatically set the systime 
 via a time server; urpmi xntp will install it and its home page is:
 I don't bother with the daemon but, every so often, do
 - -- 
 Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see

Hi Scott,
thanks for the answer, I will try this. At least I can get my systime right with 

WEB.DE MyPage - Ohne Computerkenntnisse in nur 5 Minuten online! Alles
inklusive! Kinderleicht!

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Re: [newbie] Fw: installation

2002-07-12 Per discussione _nasturtium

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:14, Alexandre wrote:

 Comment installer une Mandrake 8.2 ? Je n'ai pas de graveur de cd, suis-je
 obligé de télécharger tout le répertoire /mandrake et /install  qui pour
 volume fait 2 giga et non pas 1 giga comme décrit sur le site ou puis je
 tout de même télécharger les images iso et lancer une installation à partir
 de disque dur ? Je téléchargeais de belnet belgium (pour les 2 giga). Je ne
 peux pas m'offrir les cd pour l'instant. aidez moi.


Peut-être vous pourriez essayer Mandrake 8,1 à la place (1.3GBs d'ISOs), 
l'installer du disque dur ou du réseau et télécharger les paquets mis à jour 
pour seulement de ce que vous avez besoin (par exemple KDE, Koffice), pour 
obtenir la même fonctionnalité que Mdk8.1.
You peut trouver quelques paquets à Espoir vous trouvez ceci 

Bonne chance,

PS: Je ne parle pas français, seulement anglais et chinois. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Sound Is Impossible

2002-07-12 Per discussione Daryl Johnson

It's taken me 4 weeks of fairly constant tinkering, adjustment and 
experimentation to arrive at the conclusion that it is impossible to 
configure my sound card - which seems remarkable as in most ways it is 
getting recognised.

Forgive the long post but if anyone has anything constructive to add at least 
all the information should be here  :o)

Hardware Configuration

ABIT VP6 mother board
Twin Pentium III processors 1000 mhz
512Mb ram
1 x 40 Gb drives
1 x Adaptec SCSI I/F
1 x Travan SCSI tape
1 x GE Force 2MX video card
1 x Creative Blaster 4.1 Digital


Started with a purchase of Mandrake 8.0 Powerpack because I liked 7.2
Currently using 8.2 because it came on the cover of Linux Today and I hoped 
it would self-configure the sound.

The Bios in the machine has been tried with plug'n play switched on and off.  
It's currently on


Output from dmesg shows no recognition of a sound card at all, though there 
have been times during this saga when I have seen es1371 mentioned.

My /etc/modules.conf is :

alias usb-interface usb-uhci

# ALSA native device support
alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major = 116 snd_cards_limit = 1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-ens1371

# OSS/Free setup
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

probeall scsi_hostadapter advansys
alias eth0 3c59x

Output from lsmod is:

Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
sr_mod 15192   0  (autoclean) (unused)
snd-seq-midi3424   0  (autoclean) (unused)
snd-seq-oss26112   0  (unused)
snd-seq-midi-event  3504   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss]
snd-seq43056   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss 
snd-pcm-oss18848   1
snd-pcm-plugin 16144   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-mixer-oss   4704   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
parport_pc 22280   1  (autoclean)
lp  6624   0  (autoclean)
parport25440   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
snd-card-ens13712208   1
snd-ens137110624   0  [snd-card-ens1371]
snd-pcm33824   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-ens1371]
snd-timer   9568   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-rawmidi10688   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-ens1371]
snd-seq-device  4028   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss snd-seq 
snd-ac97-codec 25504   0  [snd-ens1371]
snd-mixer  25416   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-ens1371 snd-ac97-codec]
snd35648   1  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss 
snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-mixer-oss 
snd-card-ens1371 snd-ens1371 snd-pcm snd-timer snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device 
snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer]
soundcore   4452   7  [snd]
nfsd   70592   8  (autoclean)
lockd  50080   1  (autoclean) [nfsd]
sunrpc 67860   1  (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
af_packet  13896   0  (autoclean)
ipchains   38440   0
usb-uhci   22692   0  (unused)
usbcore62048   1  [usb-uhci]
3c59x  26536   1  (autoclean)
st 28052   0  (unused)
supermount 62308   2  (autoclean)
ide-scsi8096   0
rtc 6680   0  (autoclean)
reiserfs  172032   6
advansys   86668   0  (unused)
sd_mod 11512   0  (unused)
scsi_mod   96060   5  [sr_mod st ide-scsi advansys sd_mod]

The relevant line from ps reads:

 2737 ?S  0:09 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -d -b 16 -s 1 -m 

Running drakxservices shows that both Alsa and Sound are started at boot and 
running.  Checking further I find that in Control Centre my board is 
recognised as an Ensoniq 5880 Audio PCI using kernel module es1371 (which was 
why I used this module when setting up modules.conf)  The configuration tool 
produces nothing however and neither does sndconfig.

The IRQ is 11 and is shared between advansys, usb and ensoniq
The ports are cc00-cc3f Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI

Interestingly the PCI report states:

00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 02)
Subsystem: Ensoniq: Unknown device 8001
Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
I/O ports at cc00 [size=64]
Capabilities available only to root

The last line certainly makes me gnash my teeth because I can't see why that 
would be the case, however...

I am at the end of my tether.  The card appears to be recognised and has a 
module available but has defied all my efforts to get a peep out of it.

If there are any suggestions I would be more than willing to hear/try them 
out. As I say, after 4 hard weeks I figure I'm out of ideas and patience.  
The only thing I can say for certain is that there are plenty of people 
writing to a variety of ngs 

[newbie] Sound Is Impossible

2002-07-12 Per discussione Daryl Johnson

It's taken me 4 weeks of fairly constant tinkering, adjustment and 
experimentation to arrive at the conclusion that it is impossible to 
configure my sound card - which seems remarkable as in most ways it is 
getting recognised.

Forgive the long post but if anyone has anything constructive to add at least 
all the information should be here  :o)

Hardware Configuration

ABIT VP6 mother board
Twin Pentium III processors 1000 mhz
512Mb ram
1 x 40 Gb drives
1 x Adaptec SCSI I/F
1 x Travan SCSI tape
1 x GE Force 2MX video card
1 x Creative Blaster 4.1 Digital


Started with a purchase of Mandrake 8.0 Powerpack because I liked 7.2
Currently using 8.2 because it came on the cover of Linux Today and I hoped 
it would self-configure the sound.

The Bios in the machine has been tried with plug'n play switched on and off.  
It's currently on


Output from dmesg shows no recognition of a sound card at all, though there 
have been times during this saga when I have seen es1371 mentioned.

My /etc/modules.conf is :

alias usb-interface usb-uhci

# ALSA native device support
alias char-major-116 snd
options snd snd_major = 116 snd_cards_limit = 1
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-ens1371

# OSS/Free setup
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

probeall scsi_hostadapter advansys
alias eth0 3c59x

Output from lsmod is:

Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
sr_mod 15192   0  (autoclean) (unused)
snd-seq-midi3424   0  (autoclean) (unused)
snd-seq-oss26112   0  (unused)
snd-seq-midi-event  3504   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss]
snd-seq43056   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss 
snd-pcm-oss18848   1
snd-pcm-plugin 16144   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-mixer-oss   4704   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
parport_pc 22280   1  (autoclean)
lp  6624   0  (autoclean)
parport25440   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
snd-card-ens13712208   1
snd-ens137110624   0  [snd-card-ens1371]
snd-pcm33824   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-ens1371]
snd-timer   9568   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-rawmidi10688   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-ens1371]
snd-seq-device  4028   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss snd-seq 
snd-ac97-codec 25504   0  [snd-ens1371]
snd-mixer  25416   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-ens1371 snd-ac97-codec]
snd35648   1  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss 
snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-mixer-oss 
snd-card-ens1371 snd-ens1371 snd-pcm snd-timer snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device 
snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer]
soundcore   4452   7  [snd]
nfsd   70592   8  (autoclean)
lockd  50080   1  (autoclean) [nfsd]
sunrpc 67860   1  (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
af_packet  13896   0  (autoclean)
ipchains   38440   0
usb-uhci   22692   0  (unused)
usbcore62048   1  [usb-uhci]
3c59x  26536   1  (autoclean)
st 28052   0  (unused)
supermount 62308   2  (autoclean)
ide-scsi8096   0
rtc 6680   0  (autoclean)
reiserfs  172032   6
advansys   86668   0  (unused)
sd_mod 11512   0  (unused)
scsi_mod   96060   5  [sr_mod st ide-scsi advansys sd_mod]

The relevant line from ps reads:

 2737 ?S  0:09 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -d -b 16 -s 1 -m 

Running drakxservices shows that both Alsa and Sound are started at boot and 
running.  Checking further I find that in Control Centre my board is 
recognised as an Ensoniq 5880 Audio PCI using kernel module es1371 (which was 
why I used this module when setting up modules.conf)  The configuration tool 
produces nothing however and neither does sndconfig.

The IRQ is 11 and is shared between advansys, usb and ensoniq
The ports are cc00-cc3f Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI

Interestingly the PCI report states:

00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 02)
Subsystem: Ensoniq: Unknown device 8001
Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
I/O ports at cc00 [size=64]
Capabilities available only to root

The last line certainly makes me gnash my teeth because I can't see why that 
would be the case, however...

I am at the end of my tether.  The card appears to be recognised and has a 
module available but has defied all my efforts to get a peep out of it.

If there are any suggestions I would be more than willing to hear/try them 
out. As I say, after 4 hard weeks I figure I'm out of ideas and patience.  
The only thing I can say for certain is that there are plenty of people 
writing to a variety of ngs 

Re: Re: [newbie] systime running slow

2002-07-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Note ntpdate is in the ntp RPM on your install CD

It works fine in a cron job


On Friday 12 Jul 2002 9:46 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 12.07.02 09:59:45:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Friday 12 July 2002 7:41 am, Holger Neven wrote:
   I am running Mandrake 8.2 with Gnome on my Laptop for about a week
   now and everything is working just right. Well, everything but the
   systime, it is running slow, about 10 Minutes an hour. The hwclock
   though is working fine, but on reboot, the system seems to set the
   hwclock by systime, so on the next bootup the time in the hwclock is
   wrong, too.
   Does anybody know this problem? Or can somebody tell me, where I
   should take a look at to solve this problem?
  If it were the other way round (hwclock influencing systime) the most
  likely explanation would be the clock battery on the motherboard
  running low. No idea what's causing the observed behaviour.
  Failing that, xntp is an easy way to (semi)automatically set the systime
  via a time server; urpmi xntp will install it and its home page is:
  I don't bother with the daemon but, every so often, do
  - --
  Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: For info see

 Hi Scott,
 thanks for the answer, I will try this. At least I can get my systime right
 with this

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Re: [newbie] Laptop question

2002-07-12 Per discussione Bill Spatz

 Well Bill I'm baffled.  Truly...because the CD's I stuck into that
 lapdogs CDRom are the same ones I used to load MDK on my desktop machine.

 HOwever, in the interest of scientific curiousity, I shall try loading
 MDK 8.0 which is a store bought copy.  If it works I know its a burner
 problem.  Thx for the idea!

 I'll let the list know.

Same symptoms here. Although my lappy is a Toshiba. My burned ones worked
fine with everything but this laptop.


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Re[2]: [newbie] Gnome 2.0

2002-07-12 Per discussione Roman Korcek

Hi Sridhar,

 Now, the question would be, what do I need to download in order to
 upgrade Gnome to v2.0? points to Cooker which contains many
 gnome-* files, however, which ones are 2.0 ones? Some of them are new,
 some are from March. Which ones do I need?
 With KDE3 one knew he had to download all the kde*3-* files, but there
 is nothing like that for Gnome, some RPMs are 2.something, some are

 GNOME 2.0 RPMs built specifically for Mandrake 8.2 are currently
 being made by MandrakeClub volunteers. If I were you, I'd wait until
 those are released (you don't need to be a member of the Club).

OK, thank you very much for the answer.


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Re: [newbie] Fwd: What is NTP?

2002-07-12 Per discussione bascule

ntp is to do with syncing time, there are two ways to use it, everynow and 
then you can run:
$ntpdate timeserver
which will connect to the specified timeserver and  sync your system time 
with that of the timeserver, the other way is to run ntp or its earlier 
incarnation xntp as a daemon, this will compare the timekeeping of your 
system with that of a specified timeserver(s) and calculate how slow or fast 
your system is, your system will then use this 'drift' factor to adjust how 
it keeps time, because the latter can take quite a while to bring a machine's 
time into sync most systems running ntp as a daemon will also run ntpdate on 
bootup.  any machine running (x)ntp as a daemon to sync loacl time can alos 
be used a timeserver by other machines, a much better explanation of all this 
can be found here:

as to your problem
the file /etc/ntp/step-tickers is one of the files that ntp can use, why its 
non-presence should cause your 'upgrade' to fail i don't know but perhaps if 
you uninstalled ntp first then tried an upgrade you might have better luck, 
it's possible that you have a misconfigured ntp setup, the upgrade may be 
detecting that your system is trying to use ntp and presenting that to you in 
the summary you mention, another tack might be to click on the timesetting 
option and re-choosing the necessary option, iirc that is the timezone 
selection is it not? followed by 'do you want to use ntp'?

it is completely optional whether to run ntp in either of its guises, of 
course those without an 'always-on' connection can only benefit at those time 
they are on line, to remove from an 8.2 system - assuming it was installed 
via rpm, run (as root):
#rpm -e ntp

hope this helps


On Thursday 11 July 2002 9:19 pm, you wrote:
 Last night I somehow lost my printer setup. I booted off the install cd to
 reinstall it.  When the install got to the summary showing the keyboard,
 moust, printer, and time setting, I clicked ok.  I then got an error:

 output in file /mnt/etc/ntp/step-tickers failed.  no such file are

 The kind person who helped me setup my dsl said it has to do with syncing
 time.  I didn't have this when I upgraded from 8.1 to 8.2.  Is this
 necessary?  It doesn't seem to be since it caused me to have to hit the
 reset switch to reload mandrake, and if its not necessary how do I remove



'It's easy to hold everything in common when no one's got anything.'

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[newbie] Samba logs

2002-07-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson

I hav just found the Samba logs.  They seem to indicate that everyone is 
trying to log on as nobody (I think that's the guest a/c, isn't it).  Here 
are the last few lines of each:


[2002/07/09 21:02:24, 0] smbd/server.c:main(698)
  smbd version 2.2.3a started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2002
[2002/07/09 21:03:23, 0] smbd/server.c:sig_hup(384)


  Samba name server ANNE_LINUX is now a local master browser for workgroup 
WORKGROUP on subnet

[2002/07/09 20:49:50, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:sig_term(63)
  Got SIGTERM: going down...
[2002/07/09 21:02:25, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(783)
  Netbios nameserver version 2.2.3a started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1994-2002
[2002/07/09 21:02:29, 0] 
  find_response_record: response packet id 15323 received with no matching 
[2002/07/09 21:02:29, 0] 
  find_response_record: response packet id 15324 received with no matching 

log.nigel (the W2K machine)

[2002/05/28 15:00:30, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(872)
  authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody
[2002/05/28 15:32:32, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(872)
  authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody
[2002/05/28 15:32:35, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(872)
  authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody
[2002/05/28 16:04:37, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(872)
  authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody

log.micky (a Win98 m/c)

[2002/07/11 12:29:15, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(872)
  authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody
[2002/07/11 12:29:15, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(872)
  authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody
[2002/07/11 12:29:20, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(872)
  authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody
[2002/07/11 12:29:20, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(872)
  authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody


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[newbie] Success of a sort!

2002-07-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson

I now have two printers and three directories shared sucessfully, after a 
fashion.  The problem is that clearly they are logging in as nobody, so that 
they do not have the correct permissions.

I have checked that Micky can read from Anne_Public, write to it, but she 
can't delete - I think it is probably best kept that way.

All the home directories are there, but can't be written to, even by the 
owner - presumably caused by faulty login.

I'm reading like mad - O'Reilly's Samba book - but so far I can't spot what's 
causing the login problems.

Meanwhile, thanks for letting me keep coming back to you.  


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Re: [newbie] stange install works and then doesn't

2002-07-12 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Joe Harkins wrote:

 So, if someone has some practical advice that can get an installed and 
 functioning and stable Mandrake, I will be truly grateful and ready to 
 give it one more try. But if not, at least (God forgive me saying 
 this) I have a stable and functioning WIN XP on the primary HD.

 TIA for any help that works.

Joe, don't despair.

Can we start from the beginning.

Could you tell us please,
a) how many hard drive, there size, and what's on them by way of partitions.
so some sort of partition table would be useful.
b) what partition tools you have besides mandrake cd1, if any.
c) I cannot remember which mandrake version, remind me.
d) Is this a single install of mandrake with windblows. or, on it's own.
e) Any particular hardware that you think may be difficult, ie some usb
devices can be awkward. Some  makes of hard drives too.
we ought to know what mobo,processor,memory, etc you have.
f) You keep mentioning text installs , is your mouse not being recognised ?
if so what make ?


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Mandrake 8.2 on Compaq Armada 7800 (sound problem)

2002-07-12 Per discussione Buzek, Tom R.

I have done the install on this laptop already, my question is how do I go back and 
configure the soundcard without reinstalling the OS again.



Tom Buzek
Reliant Resources, Inc.
IT Corporate Systems
FileNet Administrator
Office 713.934.5260
Mobile 713.582.1165

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RE: [newbie] 102.4 Mb limit with ftp?

2002-07-12 Per discussione Tibbetts, Ric

Sorry it took me a while to answer this one.

You need to fix /etc/security/limits.conf

There is a setting in there that sets the file size limit to 100mb.
just change that to something more acceptable to your situation, and all
will be fine.


-Original Message-
From: Marc Audard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 5:12 AM
Subject: [newbie] 102.4 Mb limit with ftp?


When connecting on the LAN of my working institute, I can transfer files
with ftp (much faster than sftp) up to 102.4 Mb, then connection is closed.
This is apparently true for sftp as well. I remember that there was a limit
in old kernels, but since I use Mandrake 8.2 with kernel 2.4.18-6, this
wonders me.

Can somebody give a hint how to get rid of the limit?
Please CC me since I am not registered to the mailing list.



PS: Is there any rcp in the Linux distr?

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RE: [newbie] Now the fun part: Ric's tid-bits

2002-07-12 Per discussione Tibbetts, Ric

Took me a while to see this. I've been busy, and the e-Mail got backed up.
No offence taken. ;) Seen it before, in many variations. 

FWIW: Posting seems to be working better these days.


-Original Message-
From: et [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: [newbie] Now the fun part: Ric's tid-bits

 Now the fun part: This is like a lottery: Will this actually post or not.
 haven't had any luck lately. I've almost given up trying.
we got this one (hope you ain't offended by the play on your name,,, I bet 
you NEVER heard that one b4

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RE: [newbie] Backgrounds for Gnome on LM8.2??

2002-07-12 Per discussione Tibbetts, Ric

Best resource out there.


-Original Message-
From: LeaAnne Kolp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 8:42 PM
Subject: [newbie] Backgrounds for Gnome on LM8.2??


I'm new to the board, in fact, just joined a few minutes ago.

I'm new to linux and was wondering where I could find Themes (backgrounds)
for Gnome? I had a theme manager on KDE LM7.2, but I upgraded last night
and can't seem to find one on here.

Do you know of where I can find them or do I just need to switch over to 
the KDE WM?

Thanks in advance. 


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[newbie] problems with /etc/fstab

2002-07-12 Per discussione Terry Sheltra

Thanks to everyone that helped me with my USB 250MB zip drive.  Unfortunately, 
it didn't work automagically as I had hoped, so I had to make a manual entry 
in my /etc/fstab file.  Which leads me to my small problem.  I have 3 entries 
that I manually added to /etc/fstab to mount 2 NFS directories, and my zip 
drive.  Every time I boot my machine, it fails to mount these 3 things.  
However, once the machine is booted up, I can su in a console, and manually 
mount them using:

mount -a

Anyone have an idea?  I thought that maybe it had something to do with my 
using a wireless network card (Cisco Aironet 352) as opposed to the built-in 
network port, but things worked fine for a couple of days when I first made 
the 2 NFS entries.  As always, any help would be appreciated.


Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture

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Re: [newbie] Perl

2002-07-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Friday 12 Jul 2002 6:43 am, you wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Thursday 11 Jul 2002 3:02 am, you wrote:
 This months issue of Linux Magazine talks about Perl and scripting
 languages in general.
  Apologies for the hijack.  Is Linux Magazine available here in the U.K.? 
  Or is there a web site or the possibility of subscribing?
  Linus Format is the only one I have seen here.

 They archive most articles on their site too.


Thanks, Femme.  I'll take a look


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RE: [newbie] Sound

2002-07-12 Per discussione Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

In Xmms options, look at output plugin.
If using KDE set for Arts. I can use OSS even
though I use KDE. Change the setting and try it.

Brian D. Klar - CVE

-Original Message-
From: Marcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 6:17 PM
Subject: [newbie] Sound 

Dear All,

I just put together my brand new computer that I had built. I love it so far. 
It is an Athlon XP 1600 with 512 megs of ram and an Elitegroup ECS Socket A 
L7VMM mainboard with onboard sound:

Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC97 Audio Controller 
Subsystem: ELitegroup Computer Systems: Unknown device 0a76, Flags: medium 
devset, IRQ 5, I/O ports at e800 [size=256], Capabilities: available only to 

and onboard video. Everything worked right away including the the network 
card, except for some sound. I can play a music CD with no problem and here 
very beautiful strong sound coming out of my new Altec lansing speakers. 
However, the sound does not work for xmms. I have no idea how to make it work 
with xmms. Any help here will be greatly appreciated.  I am using LM 8.2.



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Re: [newbie] Sound

2002-07-12 Per discussione Marcia

On Friday 12 July 2002 11:45 am, you wrote:
 In Xmms options, look at output plugin.
 If using KDE set for Arts. I can use OSS even
 though I use KDE. Change the setting and try it.

 Brian D. Klar - CVE

Dear Brian,

Thank you for your help. I have not been able to get my arts driver to start 
up. I did change the output plugin to arts in xmms. What can I do to make 
sure the arts driver starts? Thanks for the help.



 -Original Message-
 From: Marcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 6:17 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Sound

 Dear All,

 I just put together my brand new computer that I had built. I love it so
 far. It is an Athlon XP 1600 with 512 megs of ram and an Elitegroup ECS
 Socket A L7VMM mainboard with onboard sound:

 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC97 Audio Controller
 Subsystem: ELitegroup Computer Systems: Unknown device 0a76, Flags: medium
 devset, IRQ 5, I/O ports at e800 [size=256], Capabilities: available only
 to root 

 and onboard video. Everything worked right away including the the network
 card, except for some sound. I can play a music CD with no problem and here
 very beautiful strong sound coming out of my new Altec lansing speakers.
 However, the sound does not work for xmms. I have no idea how to make it
 work with xmms. Any help here will be greatly appreciated.  I am using LM



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RE: [newbie] Sound

2002-07-12 Per discussione Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

In the KDE Control center, under sound i believe.
There is the option to start arts on startup.
Other than that I am out of help. I have a SBLive
and it works great. Good Luck

Brian D. Klar - CVE

-Original Message-
From: Marcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Sound

On Friday 12 July 2002 11:45 am, you wrote:
 In Xmms options, look at output plugin.
 If using KDE set for Arts. I can use OSS even
 though I use KDE. Change the setting and try it.

 Brian D. Klar - CVE

Dear Brian,

Thank you for your help. I have not been able to get my arts driver to start 
up. I did change the output plugin to arts in xmms. What can I do to make 
sure the arts driver starts? Thanks for the help.



 -Original Message-
 From: Marcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 6:17 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Sound

 Dear All,

 I just put together my brand new computer that I had built. I love it so
 far. It is an Athlon XP 1600 with 512 megs of ram and an Elitegroup ECS
 Socket A L7VMM mainboard with onboard sound:

 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC97 Audio Controller
 Subsystem: ELitegroup Computer Systems: Unknown device 0a76, Flags: medium
 devset, IRQ 5, I/O ports at e800 [size=256], Capabilities: available only
 to root 

 and onboard video. Everything worked right away including the the network
 card, except for some sound. I can play a music CD with no problem and here
 very beautiful strong sound coming out of my new Altec lansing speakers.
 However, the sound does not work for xmms. I have no idea how to make it
 work with xmms. Any help here will be greatly appreciated.  I am using LM



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[newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

Doubtless this will provoke some discussion!

Unfortunately, there are several things wrong with the article:

i. I don't agree with the argument in 1, which carries the danger of 
falling into the the 'designed for Internet Explorer' trap; the more 
'best browsers' the better. (And 'hurt the user experience' makes me 
reach for the blue pencil :)

ii. 4 is no issue with Mandrake; the 'What to do?' menu item is 
excellent and a simple solution.

iii. I wonder what sort of machine he's using as 5 is not visible here 
(1GHz PIII, 256MB RAM, built-in i815 graphics)

iv. 9 is resolved by nedit, which he evidently isn't aware of.

v. 10, although a crowd-puller when implemented, is becoming irrelevant 
with the advent of flat panel displays; this one runs at 1280x1024 
(24-bit colour) and there's _no point_ running at any other resolution.

However, 3 and 8 together seem to form about half of the queries to this 
list, although the author seems to be ignorant of the difficulties 
caused by forced reverse-engineering. I understand why; as another 
'software architect' it's all too easy to fly away and become a 
cloud-dweller :)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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[newbie] xmms for CD

2002-07-12 Per discussione Anne Wilson

I want to make xmms mydefault player for CDs as well as mp3s.  How can I do 

Failing that, is there an easy way to tell it to play the CD after it has 
been playing mp3s?  I've gone twice round the houses trying to do this.  I 
managed it, but I'm not sure how!


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Re: [newbie] xmms for CD

2002-07-12 Per discussione Miark

Choose Play location and enter /mnt/cdrom or 
wherever you put your CDs.


Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 I want to make xmms mydefault player for CDs as well as mp3s.  How can I do 
 Failing that, is there an easy way to tell it to play the CD after it has 
 been playing mp3s?  I've gone twice round the houses trying to do this.  I 
 managed it, but I'm not sure how!

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[newbie] Solaris Driver to Linux Driver Portation

2002-07-12 Per discussione Jatin Sharma

Does anyone know some kinda guide to port Solaris 
devicedriver to Linux device driver? I have so many question related to 
it.One of them is:How do I find which 
is a slave slot in Linux which is solaris could be found by ddi_slaveonly(). 
Please help me.

[newbie] DVD in 8.2

2002-07-12 Per discussione Roger Sherman

Is Xine the preferred DVD viewing app? I just tried watching a DVD in 8.2 
for the first time (actually, I've never viewed a DVD in any previous 
Mandrake, or linux, for that matter...), and watching it in Xine crashed 
X. Is there an updated Xine that I should be using, or a different 

Tnaks -- heh...that was supposed to be thanks...but my fingers slipped...

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RE: [newbie] DVD in 8.2

2002-07-12 Per discussione Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

For DVD playback, I prefer Ogle instead of Xine.
Xine can read a lot of different formats, but Ogle
for me plays DVD's better. You may want to look at
Mplayer even, though I find it a real pain.

Brian D. Klar - CVE

-Original Message-
From: Roger Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 2:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] DVD in 8.2

Is Xine the preferred DVD viewing app? I just tried watching a DVD in 8.2 
for the first time (actually, I've never viewed a DVD in any previous 
Mandrake, or linux, for that matter...), and watching it in Xine crashed 
X. Is there an updated Xine that I should be using, or a different 

Tnaks -- heh...that was supposed to be thanks...but my fingers slipped...

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Re: [newbie] stange install works and then doesn't

2002-07-12 Per discussione Joe Harkins

Thanks for the good questions that offer some promise of a possible 
solution. I really am not down on Mandrake. Just frustrated. But I'll get 
over it.

I may not be able to pull the response together until tomorrow but I'll 
post the info as soon as I can. I'm on my way out the door to attend the 
2600 conference and seminars in Manhattan. (I live across the river.)

Thanks again for the help.


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Re: [newbie] directory sizes

2002-07-12 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

Add -a as an option to du.


* Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020711 20:01]:
 Robt. Miller wrote:
  On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Ross Pearson wrote:
   I'm having difficulty finding a way to display the total size of a
   directory and all its contents while at a console.
   Can anyone give any pointers please.
   du -b -h
 On my system this seems to show only subdirectories within a directory,
 not files within a directory.  Is this the expected behavior?
 Alias does not show that du is an alias for some other command.
 Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] DVD in 8.2

2002-07-12 Per discussione Miark

Well, it's not _my_ preferred app. I like Ogle:


Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 Is Xine the preferred DVD viewing app? 

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RE: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione Hughes, Michael

I am fairly new to linux, I have only been using it for 2 months now and
that is not even an everyday thing. It's more like a weekend thing.  Anyway
I find this article a bunch of crap.  There are tons of web browers that
work great with linux, even Konq does a good job

#2 is not an issue.  I have had the power go out at least 5 times and have
never had this problem on boot up, and I also have a SPARC20 with Solaris on
it -- have had this issue in Solaris but not linux

#3.  Printing can't argue here as I don't have a printer hooked up to my
linux box, I might have to do this though to see what the fuss is.

#4.  I think the KDE and Gnome menus are very self explanatory, granted they
could be laid out a little better but for me the are self explanatory --
catagories like Internet, Office, Toys, Graphics, Games, etc..  self
explantory if you ask me.

#5. NOw I don't have this problem on my machine (2 x 1GH P3, 784 MB Ram,
GeForce 2 64MB video card running Nvidia drivers for Linux)

#6. I have never had a problem with this, I thought the man page for ps
was helpful

#7. I have no need for this -- not an issue here

#8. Sound ah a good issue to discuss, as I haven't bothered to configure my
sound card, I assume it is already configured during the install (I could be
wrong) but I don't have any speakers to hook up to it to test it out.  Damn
oh well I guess I am not concerned with this at this point (maybe when I get
a real job and make some money I can buy speakers.)

#9.  Type it right the first time -- end of story

#10.  I have a 21 inch standard monitor -- I run at 1280 x 1024  nuff
said  anything under this is useless.

Just my $.02 worth of input


-Original Message-
From: Alastair Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 1:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

Hash: SHA1

Doubtless this will provoke some discussion!

Unfortunately, there are several things wrong with the article:

i. I don't agree with the argument in 1, which carries the danger of 
falling into the the 'designed for Internet Explorer' trap; the more 
'best browsers' the better. (And 'hurt the user experience' makes me 
reach for the blue pencil :)

ii. 4 is no issue with Mandrake; the 'What to do?' menu item is 
excellent and a simple solution.

iii. I wonder what sort of machine he's using as 5 is not visible here 
(1GHz PIII, 256MB RAM, built-in i815 graphics)

iv. 9 is resolved by nedit, which he evidently isn't aware of.

v. 10, although a crowd-puller when implemented, is becoming irrelevant 
with the advent of flat panel displays; this one runs at 1280x1024 
(24-bit colour) and there's _no point_ running at any other resolution.

However, 3 and 8 together seem to form about half of the queries to this 
list, although the author seems to be ignorant of the difficulties 
caused by forced reverse-engineering. I understand why; as another 
'software architect' it's all too easy to fly away and become a 
cloud-dweller :)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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[newbie] new install success .... But 2 simple question

2002-07-12 Per discussione freeman

I have been running mandrake 8.0 until recently and have had fairly good success with 
it.  I recently formated and did a fresh install of the newest version 8.2 (I 
think:)and everthing went well except for 2 things perhaps someone could help me out 
for I am new at this!

-  I have been hosting my own familly web page which is comprised of part
   HTML and part perl but when I dropped it into place and tried to use 
   the page I get a permission error. even though the permissions are

   You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/search.cgi on this server

-  I have also been trying to use msn messanger threw samba sharing to a
   couple of windows machines. the chatting works fine but if you try to
   use voice or video instead of typing it does not work?

If you have any ideas or can direct me to where I can find out it would be
greatly appreciated.  



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[newbie] DHCP Revisited

2002-07-12 Per discussione Frank McKenna

Hi All,

I found a great link for setting up DHCP at

I ran ifconfig -a as root and received the following message:

eth0   Link encap:Ethernett HWaddr 00:A0:24:E9:1F;9C
  inet addr:  Bcast Mask
  RX Packets:620 errors :0 dropped:0 overruns::0 carriers:0
collisions: 0 txqueulen:100
  RX bytes:134995 (131.8 KB)  TX bytes15790 (15.4 KB)
  Interrupt: 12 BASE ADDRESS 0XS800

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask
   RX packets: 550 errors: 0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueulen:0
RX bytes:37216 (36.3 KB) TX bytes 37216 (36.3)

Maybe someone can point out where I made a mistake,


Frank McKenna

True strength les through gentleness

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Re: [newbie] launching apps from terminal

2002-07-12 Per discussione Todd Slater

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 19:09:26 -0400
Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 18:15:50 -0400
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to launch a gui program from a terminal, then have the
  same terminal available to do other stuff? 
 Sure. Just put a '' after the command to send it to the background. You
 have to keep the terminal open though, or your app will close as well.

Great, thanks! I suppose I should have known that. Now I do!


Todd Slater
What we call education and culture is for the most part nothing but the
substitution of reading for experience, of literature for life, of the
obsolete fictitious for the contemporary real. (George Bernard Shaw)

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Re: [newbie] launching apps from terminal

2002-07-12 Per discussione Carlos Arigos

El Vie 12 Jul 2002 19:15, Todd Slater escribió:
 Is it possible to launch a gui program from a terminal, then have the same
 terminal available to do other stuff?

I think yes. Open a terminal and. by example, type: 'kover ' then type 
'xmms' or 'ls' (without quotes).


el charlie
Concordia, Argentina
Linux MDK 8.2, KDE 3.0.1, Kmail 1.4.1
9:31pm up 32 min, 1 user, load average: 0.90, 0.29, 0.13

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[newbie] three questions

2002-07-12 Per discussione Stephen Britton

Hi Folks, 
I have three questions that I can't seem to figure out with Mandrake 8.2. 
1.) How do I change the name of my machine? While I was installing  
Mandrake, I didn't put in a name, and the default was dhcppc5. I would 
like to change it to something more suitable. 
2.) How do I edit the shutdown script so I don't see KillAll [failed] on 
the  Mandrake shutdown screen when I turn the box off. I have been running 
this  Mandrake PC for a month and it has been great. I am convinced that if I 
 could edit this command out of the shutdown script, it would cure the 
3.) How do I edit Apache so I can run Perl CGI scripts on my box. I am using 
the Mandrake default Apache set-up and I cannot seem to get CGI scripts to 
work. I have tried using the scripts in the cgi-bin and elsewhere and I keep 
getting an error message like the 403 error below. 
Forbidden You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/first.cgi on this 
Also, I want to thank everyone on this list. I have been lurking for the past 
month and I have learned a great deal here. 
- Steve 

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Re: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione tom brinkman

On Friday 12 July 2002 12:52 pm, Alastair Scott wrote:

 Doubtless this will provoke some discussion!

 Unfortunately, there are several things wrong with the article:

The article takes most things from a 'the situation is an OS 
fault, then hardware, then user' approach. Unfortunately most users 
(any OS) do also.

   I've found when situations are approached just the opposite as most 
likely a user, then maybe hardware, and lastly OS deficiency, I tend 
to have better experiences.

   I don't believe Adam feels any differently. I got the distinct 
impression he's just playin the usual journalistic card and 
pretending to be the Devil's advocate.  So.

  1)  is a user problem  too many IE users :o, non standard html, 
and of course,  M$ 
  2)  user problem.  Choosing ext2 in this day and age is.  Not havin 
an UPS (any OS) comes in second.
  3)  user problem.  Old computers printed everything. Save trees, get 
rid of your printer (I don't have one). ... and quit buyin books too.
Better to burn everything from coal to uranium to communicate.
  4)  user problem (any OS). The real problem is when you have a 
problem, you don't know what to ask, or have enough understanding to 
realize when you find the answer. (I fall too often into this group.)
  5)  user problem.  Buy a better cpu/cache/ram, video card, monitor.
The ones you believed the advertising/win-reviews about sort'a suck, 
but you're the one that bought into it. Using only incandescent or 
candle light in the vicinity of your computer screen might help.
  6)  Extreme user problem, obviously he's advocating killing children 
and/or their activities here  ;(
  7}  user problem again, 'cept this time it's me. I haven't a clue as 
to what he's complain'g about.
  8)  OK, we finally got a problem that's not all user. This one is 
win-hardware and OS.  Sound in Linux sort'a kind'a sux, even more 
than the user errors mentioned in #5
  9)  user error, 'cept' not me, I believe he's the one without a 
 10)  user error, hasn't he heard of Crl+Alt+/- (also see #5)

   So, according to his top 10, it works out to roughly 90% user is 
the problem.  'Course if you ask most sysadmins, or support personel, 
they'd probly just say user - user - user (IOW's 100%).  I'll stick 
with user - hardware - OS (any OS)) in that order.  I suppose next 
week he'll publish a 1 Things Wrong with Windows article ??
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: What is NTP?

2002-07-12 Per discussione Chris Pollock

On Friday 12 July 2002 06:42 am, you wrote:
 ntp is to do with syncing time, there are two ways to use it, everynow and
 then you can run:

Thanks very much, I'll give your suggestions a try and see what happens.  
Applogies that I posted this same question another time or two, it didn't 
show up from me the first time so I just thought it didn't make it to the 


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Re: [newbie] kdm configure not working.

2002-07-12 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi

I think user problem can be solved by running configuration/KDE/System/login 
manager as root and selecting user tab.
In this tab copy users from remaining users to selected user only users that 
are going to login. Then in show users select radio button selected users.
This works for me. Even I have png files of users in folder 
This shows users picture.

On Friday 12 Jul 2002 8:29 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 There is another issue with KDE3 KDM which has caused me problems, which is
 that root user appears in the user list even if I configure kdm to only
 show users in a range of UIDs.  I had to explicitly name root as being
 excluded from the list to get rid of it. (I have not checked to see if
 Kde3.0.2 has fixed this bug)



203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

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Re: [newbie] xmms for CD

2002-07-12 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Friday 12 July 2002 06:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I,ve tryed the same thing I was told to use ART driver
 then told use OSS driver my CD player work,s ,I have
 sound but nothing work,s in Xmms if you get it please let
 me know.

  I tried that, but it didn't work.  At least it didn't list anything or
  appear to recognise the disc.
  On Friday 12 Jul 2002 7:46 pm, you wrote:
   Choose Play location and enter /mnt/cdrom or
   wherever you put your CDs.
   Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
I want to make xmms mydefault player for CDs as well as mp3s.  How
can I do that?
Failing that, is there an easy way to tell it to play the CD after it
has been playing mp3s?  I've gone twice round the houses trying to do
this. I managed it, but I'm not sure how!
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I had the same kind of problem and finally solved it by uninstalling the alsa 
player and alsautils packages. Sound in KDE is set on Autodetect .  Then 
all the various cd players worked. I have a Soundblaster live! audio card.   

Dennis M.  linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] three questions

2002-07-12 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Friday 12 July 2002 09:08 pm, Stephen Britton wrote:
 Hi Folks,

 I have three questions that I can't seem to figure out with Mandrake 8.2.

 1.) How do I change the name of my machine? While I was installing
 Mandrake, I didn't put in a name, and the default was dhcppc5. I would
 like to change it to something more suitable.

 2.) How do I edit the shutdown script so I don't see KillAll [failed] on
 the  Mandrake shutdown screen when I turn the box off. I have been running
 this  Mandrake PC for a month and it has been great. I am convinced that if
 I could edit this command out of the shutdown script, it would cure the

 3.) How do I edit Apache so I can run Perl CGI scripts on my box. I am
 using the Mandrake default Apache set-up and I cannot seem to get CGI
 scripts to work. I have tried using the scripts in the cgi-bin and
 elsewhere and I keep getting an error message like the 403 error below.

 Forbidden You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/first.cgi on this

 Also, I want to thank everyone on this list. I have been lurking for the
 past month and I have learned a great deal here.

 - Steve

1. Run linuxconf  in a su terminal.  i.e. open a console and type su and 
then give the root password. then type linuxconfnetworkingHost name and 
IP network devices. Change the host name there. Then click on the dismiss 
buttons till you are back to the console and type in exit  and exit.  
Your machine name should be changed. I don't believe you need to do anything 
more than that. HTH

Dennis M.  linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] sound problems (the political aspect)

2002-07-12 Per discussione tom brinkman

On Friday 12 July 2002 04:20 pm, Mark Stewart wrote:
 Hi Tom,

Howdy yourself

 ethical?  as in Micro$soft ?

 Gosh, no. Their complete lack of ethics is the reason I abhor

   There ya go

  [ Optional, but requested, is quit buyin Dells.  Then they
  wouldn't have so damn much of y'alls money to spend on those
  irritating TV commercials. (more than they put into the actual
   Dude, you're gettin (stuck with) a Dell ]

 This made me smile.

   There ya go ;)

  It's what they don't say, or out right hide that'll kill ya.
  Not sure what you mean 'as if the two were mutually exclusive.'

 Yah, I could've been clearer, sorry. I mean the assertion, explicit
 or implied, both of which I've seen frequently on the list, that
 closed source software cannot be quality software. I think this
 more than anything is what set me off on all this.

   It's not that it can't be, and I didn't mean to imply that it 
always isn't. You can infer tho, that it will taint an otherwise wide 
open and auditable system to suspicion, if not conflict. Civileme 
seems to believe even HDD corruption.

  culpa, maybe inclusive?  I'll just say again, and this applies to
  nVidia as much as any other closed source stuff or vendors
  (Aureal), 'the drivers _will_ taint your kernel, and possibly
  (probly) introduce unfixable, untraceable conflicts and security
  issues.' ... or be orphaned or asimilated into the rest of the
  wintel gang.

 I guess it's the juxtaposition of the notion of tainting your
 kernel and the pragmatic concerns (security, conflicts, etc) that
 has me confused. It sounds like you feel your kernel is tainted by
 the prescence of non-open source drivers both in an ethical and a
 functional sense. Perhaps I misunderstood?

We can leave ethical out of it for now.  Functionally they will 
taint, or at least render the kernel/system unauditable.  Any errors, 
security vulnerabilities, or conflicts that may or may not be present 
can't be discovered, managed, or fixed because of the introduced 
closed source, by it's very nature. 

  Also, Linux as with any other software/OS is a work in progress. New 
kernels are released regularly.  Even the most trusted closed source 
vendor, could inadvertently cause errors, security vulnerabilities, 
or conflicts with newer kernels, or even existing ones for that 

I smile when the same people on this list (or other venues), say 
in one thread that they need/want a stable system, no beta software 
or versions for them. Then turn around in another thread and say how 
great closed source drivers, or software (eg, StarOffice) are.  Me, I 
run a cooker system, and avoid as much as possible closed source 
drivers/software.  I believe I'm much better off.

   Addressing 'ethical', we havt'a get more into opinions. Mine are 
that those vendors who refuse to open their drivers/specs on the 
grounds of not wanting to expose they're intellectual property ... 
lie.  They've got handshake agreements, in black'n white, or under 
the table with the powers at be, not to, and they go along.  Some of 
it's quasi legal, as in cross licensing, some of it's just plain 
colusion and conspiracy.

 I only think proprietary
 drivers taint my kernel by introducing the possibility of
 functional problems. If the driver in question has no open source
 alternative with comparable
 quality/performance/features and I consider the functionality it
 provides essential then I'm fine with using it. I can accept that I
 am perhaps slightly more at risk of orphaned hardware. In no case
 am I going to be 'assimilated.'

 When I said assimilated, well a good example would be 3dfx. A 
true open source friend, free release of drivers and tech specs to 
the Linux community. They got killed for it by the wintel gang, 
namely by nVidia, but the gang was behind it also.  3dfx got 
assimilated.  Linux Voodoo users past the V3 got abandoned.

As far as quality/performance/features.  Well partner, I'm usin 
an nVidia card.  With Linux I use the open source XFree 'nv' driver', 
no problemo.  Every once in a while when I wanna fly my Cessna 310, I 
boot W98 and use the card with the latest nVidia 29.80 winblows 
drivers. The 'quality/performance/features' of which are far superior 
to those that they manage to furnish for Linux**.  Even include 
oc'ing capabilities.  nVidia's Widoze drivers are regularly updated 
and are feature full, quite good.  Their Linux drivers cause problems 
and suck.  And yes, you can infer that this is intentional on their 

**( every so often I compile a 'sacrifice' kernel and taint it with 
nVidia's latest secret drivers to try out FlightGear. Last go around 
was the 29.60 drivers from src.rpms.  Neither nvidia or FlightGear 
0.7.10 seemed up to par ... yet)

 Gettin back to assimilated, I'd bet the house that if nVidia ever 
defied the wintel gang, and really started to support their hardware 
with anything but winwoes, 

Re: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-12 Per discussione dfox

 i. I don't agree with the argument in 1, which carries the danger of=20
 falling into the the 'designed for Internet Explorer' trap; the more=20

Neither do I. konwqueror is pretty good, and so is mozilla. Basically I
use either one, depending on what I need to do. And IE can't browse
cvs like konqueror can ;) (although I need to figure out just how to
do that.)

I haven't had konqueror crash ofteh, but only once in a while -- compare
that with IE's track record on Windows :)... when it comes to his point
about 'stuck' processes well, maybe -- these two last konqueror sessions
strangely enough weren't killable by 'kill' or other methods, and I 
had to exit out of X and get back in to free them up. But that's a
rare exception - most times 'stuck' processes aren't stuck. 

In response to issue #2 - fsck -- with reiserfs, I've never had to do
that. Even Windows forces a filesystem check upon reboot upon an
improper shutdown. His point about having to do it on servers is
untenable, simply because you don't reboot servers, and if they go down,
it's probably due to a back hoe :) or power failure. And if you have
to do it, it's a feature, if you have a FS that checks; your data is
more valuable than the time it takes to fsck your disk.

He makes a good point about needing to fix via 'fsck' with its arcane
'fix inode' prompts --- but that is one fsck in maybe a hundred or more
where it has to drop to manual mode. For the Joe Average user, it may
be difficult to understand, but most things are fixed by answering 'y'
to the prompt. His comment would weigh better if he contrasted it with
what hoops a user of DOS (FAT) filesystems has to do when encountering
a disk full of cross linked clusters. This type of scenario is really
an administrator and not a user issue. 
 ii. 4 is no issue with Mandrake; the 'What to do?' menu item is=20
 excellent and a simple solution.

Yeah, and the K menu (or the gnome foot) is just as featureful in
offering choices as is the Windows start menu or right click on the
desktop. Of course, kde offers more things. One can easily edit the
menus to a more 'english' like set of tasks (like saying 'write a
letter' instead of 'kword'). Part of the learning experience is learning
what application does what, which admittedly is something that is not
always apparent by looking at the names of the programs. But windows
doesn't have 'apropos' either. :(

As far as printing is considered - messing with /etc/printcap is not
all that necessary anymore as it used to be. cups is very easy IMHO
to set up.

 iv. 9 is resolved by nedit, which he evidently isn't aware of.

And vi, and emacs. He just hasn't figured out the right keystrokes or
modes to set word wrap -- like M-x text-fill-mode in emacs.

 v. 10, although a crowd-puller when implemented, is becoming irrelevant=20
 with the advent of flat panel displays; this one runs at 1280x1024=20

naa you just run two copies of X at different resolutions and toggle 
between them :). Seriously I don't see it being an issue. 


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Re: [newbie] Sound

2002-07-12 Per discussione dfox

 and onboard video. Everything worked right away including the the network 
 card, except for some sound. I can play a music CD with no problem and here 

Marcia - hey great that you got a new computer :). It's faster than 
mine :(.

Anyway, if xmms doesn't work maybe the kde media player, or playing
a sound file in konqueror itself, might work. I don't remember ever
having an issue with arts conflicts here - my current sound card is
a sb live 5.1, and before that I had a Mozart iSA card, which worked
fairly well most of the time (for a while I used OSS sound drivers).

I think you have to type 'artswrapper xmms' but not having to need that
myself, I haven't had to figure that out. 


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Re: [newbie] launching apps from terminal

2002-07-12 Per discussione Len Lawrence

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Bill Davidson wrote:

 On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 18:15:50 -0400
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is it possible to launch a gui program from a terminal, then have the
  same terminal available to do other stuff?

 Sure. Just put a '' after the command to send it to the background. You
 have to keep the terminal open though, or your app will close as well.

Not quite true.  The application should launch as a detached process.
Just tried ogle from gnome-terminal and it stayed put when the xterm
closed down.  The terminal window will display messages from the
application while it exists - don't know what happens to them after
xterm exit though (xsession-errors?).
Len Lawrence

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[newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86

2002-07-12 Per discussione DreemWizard
Has anyone had any probs trying to get an Nvidia card working under Drake 8.2?


Re: [newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86

2002-07-12 Per discussione Jay

Nope, i have run a GeForce 2 GTS and GeForce 3 Ti200 without any
problems.. Nvidia's drivers work great

 Has anyone had any probs trying to get an Nvidia card working under
 Drake  8.2?


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