[newbie-it] posta da salvare

2002-11-11 Per discussione guido

ho usato KMail per la posta elettronica. Funziona benissimo, non l'avevo usata 
prima per pigrizia, chiedo scusa.

una domandina.

devo formattare i due PC che utilizzo e caricare Win XP sul posto di lavoro e 
Red Hat da casa (per prova). Riusciro a salvare la posta della lista 
scaricata con i nuovi Sist Op. e leggerla successivamente con MDK ?

grazie guido

Re: [newbie-it] Alice, ericsson b-quick mandrake 9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Sat, 9 Nov 2002 14:57:42 +0100
Augusto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Ho mandato un' e-mail direttamente a Telecom  e sai cosa mi hanno risposto?
 Che di Linux se ne strasbattono.

chiedigli (senza nominare Linux)di sostituirtelo con un b-connect ethernet
(ossia un Ericcson hm220dp).
Accampa qualche scusa sul mal-funzionamento della porta usb sul tuo vecchio PC.

Io l'ho comprato di seconda mano e funziona egregiamente :-))
Basta buttare dalla finestra il CD di configurazione che ti dà TIN:
serve solo a bloccare alcune potenzialità del modem.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Permessi sui file

2002-11-11 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 16:59:52 +0100
Fabio Manunza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alle 03:11, domenica 10 novembre 2002, Benedetto Santarella ha scritto:
  Salve a tutti,
   mentre cambiavo i diritti di accessso ad un file,
   mi e' capitato di eseguire
   chmod  nome_file
   ed ho notato che il numero  e' stato accettato,
   e mi dava come diritti di accesso
   qual'e'  il significato di s e di t al posto di x
 Con s imposti il bit suid, che ti permette (come utente) l'esecuzione di file 
 altrimenti proprietà di root.

Se non mi sbaglio è leggermente diverso:
permette agli altri di eseguire un file come se fosse stato lanciato dal 
proprietario (o dal gruppo di appartenenza del proprietario).

In pratica, poi, lo si usa soprattutto per root. 
Per esempio, impostando il suid a kppp e dando a tutti la possibilità di eseguirlo, 
quando qualcuno lancia kppp il programma è in grado di lanciarne altri o accedere a 
risorse come se fosse root. Quindi, kppp può accedere al modem, attivare ppp, ...

ciao, andrea

PS per assegnare solo i permessi normali si danno solo tre 7 (777)

Re: [newbie-it] ortografia e openoffice su mdk9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 16:36:56 +0100
pigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 grazie anche al vostro aiuto sono migrato al pinguino e non rimpiango win$
 pero' ho sempre bisogno di voi per la messa a punto:
 ho notato che oo1.0.1 (istallato insieme a mdk9.0) non mi fa la correzzione 
 Ho controllato e c'e' il dizionario italiano, ma quanto la eseguo non fa nulla 
 (come se non ci fosse nessun errrore nel testo).
 Succede anche ad altri?

Dunque, il dizionario italiano per strane ragioni andrebbe installato a parte.
Non so cosa abbia già fatto mndk-9.0 automaticamente (io uso un upgrade
di una 8.2 su cui avevo sistemato a mano il correttore).

Vedi su http://it.openoffice.org/contribuire/spellcheck.html le modalità
per farlo.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla

2002-11-11 Per discussione CyberPenguin
Emma e Gigi wrote:


Mozilla Mail.
Tutto bene fino a quando . ho deciso di spedire una e-mail!! A questo
punto mi si chiede di digitare una password.. precisamente digitare la
password per mail.inwind.it, che sarebbe l'SMTP del server.
Che diamine dovrei digitare? La normale password della'Account? 

Certo :-)
La stessa che usi per accedere in rete tramite inwind.

non l'accetta. 

Probabilmente, allora, non e' esatta la configurazione del mailer sul 
server SMTP.
Il mio Mozilla, e' settato in questo modo:

Edit - Mail  Newsgroup account settings
Outgoing server SMTP
Server Name: mail.inwind.it
Port: 25
Use name and password [abilitato]

Dovrebbe funzionare :-)
Con il POP Mail Server ... tutto OK?

Giovanni ;-)
\//  Membro del FoLUG - http://folug.linux.it
~o)Red Hat 8.0 GNU/Linux Powered
Credete che se Laura fosse stata sua moglie Petrarca
le avrebbe scritto sonetti tutta la vita? - G.G. Byron

[newbie-it] stampante

2002-11-11 Per discussione ba-rk

ciao a tutti ,ho un problemino avendo cambiato 
stampante ,dal controll center come faccio a rimuovere quella precedente non 
usb,e già che ci sono che metodo di stampa conviene usare 

[newbie-it] Modem ADSL USB Michelangelo per Madrake 9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione gandalf virgilio

  Ciao a tutti !
  Non riesco a far riconoscere il modem su citato alla Mandrake.
  Qualcuno di voi può gentilmente aiutarmi ? 
  Ho chiesto pure alla ditta Digicom che produce quel tipo di modem, ma 
  non hanno saputo darmi una risposta.
  Non so proprio come fare !
  Grazie a chiunque mi sappia dare una mano.


___ IncrediMail - il mondo della posta elettronica si 
è finalmente evoluto - Clicca 

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0 ed il modem

2002-11-11 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 19:02, domenica 10 novembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 oggi ho installato la nuova MDK 9.0... stranamente, però, sono incappato
 in un problema che non si era mai verificato con le precedenti versioni
 e che non sono stato in grado, finora, di risolvere... ho configurato la
 connessione internet (ho un modem 56K su porta seriale), ed il KPPP si
 collega normalmente: il modem risponde ai comandi e la connessione viene
 eseguita. Però è inutilizzabile: dal MCC la connessione non risulta
 attiva (benchè il modem sia effettivamente collegato al server), e
 nessun programma riesce ad accedere alla rete!
 Ho provato diverse soluzioni, ma non riesco proprio a capire dove sia il
 problema... ogni aiuto è estremamente gradito!!! Grazie!

Vai in /etc/shorewall, apri policy ed al posto di loc scrivi fw; quindi, in 
interfaces imposta, togliendo #, l'ultimo esempio riportato che abilita 
l'utilizzo di ppp0. 
A questo punto vuota iptables (iptables -F) vuota shorewall shorewall 
(shorewall clear), e fallo ripartire (shorewall restart).
Dovrebbe, a questo punto, essere tutto a posto.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] modem conexant hsf e devfs??

2002-11-11 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 23:05, domenica 10 novembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:
 Alle 17:44, domenica 10 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:
  in tutti e due i casi dopo l'installazione il modem
  funzia bene. all avvio sucessivo
  ..spiacente il modem non risponde..
  Ho visto che in /dev viene creato il dispositivo
  ttyHSF0 (al momento del installazione)
  e poi al riavvio questo non esiste piu
  Ri leggendo mail passate ho visto che questo puo essere
  causato dal devfsera cosi?

 si, al riavvio il devfs pialla il dispositivo creato

 puoi risolvere in 2 modi:
 1 eviti di usare devfs (fattibilissimo)
 2 ricrei il dispositivo ed il link ad ogni avvio mettendo
 in rc.local
 mknod /dev/ttyHSF0 Mm c
 ln -sf /dev/ttyHSF0 dev/modem

 i valori M e m
 li ottieni dando ls -l /dev/ttyHSF0 subito dopo
 l'installazione del modem (sono i valori che identificano
 il dispositivo)
E' strano, perchè io, nonostante abbia devfs attivato, ed abbia un HSF, dopo 
l'installazione del driver non ho avuto nessun problema (rpm per kernel 

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] stampante

2002-11-11 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 11:40, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, ba-rk ha scritto:
 ciao a tutti ,ho un problemino avendo cambiato stampante ,dal controll
 center come faccio a rimuovere quella precedente non usb,e già che ci
 sono che metodo di stampa conviene usare grazie

Ciao Mario,
che MDK hai? Se hai la 9, basta che tu vada nel MCC, clicchi due volte sulla 
stampante e selezioni rimuovi.


Re: [newbie-it] stampante

2002-11-11 Per discussione mario
Alle 12:11, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 11:40, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, ba-rk ha scritto:
  ciao a tutti ,ho un problemino avendo cambiato stampante ,dal controll
  center come faccio a rimuovere quella precedente non usb,e già che ci
  sono che metodo di stampa conviene usare grazie

 Ciao Mario,
 che MDK hai? Se hai la 9, basta che tu vada nel MCC, clicchi due volte
 sulla stampante e selezioni rimuovi.

No daniele ho mandrake credo 8.2 e su  MCC cliccando due volte sulla 
stampante non succede nientepossibile?

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0 ed il modem

2002-11-11 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 11:45, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Vai in /etc/shorewall, apri policy ed al posto di loc scrivi fw; quindi, in
 interfaces imposta, togliendo #, l'ultimo esempio riportato che abilita
 l'utilizzo di ppp0.
 A questo punto vuota iptables (iptables -F) vuota shorewall shorewall
 (shorewall clear), e fallo ripartire (shorewall restart).
 Dovrebbe, a questo punto, essere tutto a posto.

Grazie infinite delle istruzioni!
Le proverò subito: girare in rete senza firewall non mi piace per niente...


Re: [newbie-it] stampante

2002-11-11 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 12:22, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, mario ha scritto:
  Ciao Mario,
  che MDK hai? Se hai la 9, basta che tu vada nel MCC, clicchi due volte
  sulla stampante e selezioni rimuovi.

 No daniele ho mandrake credo 8.2 e su  MCC cliccando due volte sulla
 stampante non succede nientepossibile?

Sì, certo che è possibile: il MCC è stato ampiamente riscritto, rispetto a 
quello della 8.2... non ricordo, però, come fosse in precedenza. Quindi la 
cosa più veloce dovrebbe essere usare la configurazione www del server CUPS:

* digita, usando il konqueror o altro browser: localhost:631 [invio]
* nella schermata che compare seleziona manage printers
* seleziona la stampante da eliminare e clicca su delete printer

... e il gioco dovrebbe essere fatto!


Re: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla

2002-11-11 Per discussione Emma e Gigi
Dunque in parte ho risolto.
La configurazione del Mailer sul server SMTP è esattamente uguale alla
Ho provato a disabilitare la voce dell'abilitazione del nome e della
password efunziona!! Come mai?

Per quanto riguarda il POP Mail Server si, funziona benissimo,
nessun problema.
Grazie mille CyberPenguin

Per Francesco: dove lo trovo il controllo di accesso su smtp? Scusa
tanto, ma a forza di provare un software nuovo al giorno  mi
incasino da uno all'altro :-)

Il lun, 2002-11-11 alle 10:17, CyberPenguin ha scritto:
 Emma e Gigi wrote:
  Mozilla Mail.
  Tutto bene fino a quando . ho deciso di spedire una e-mail!! A questo
  punto mi si chiede di digitare una password.. precisamente digitare la
  password per mail.inwind.it, che sarebbe l'SMTP del server.
  Che diamine dovrei digitare? La normale password della'Account? 
 Certo :-)
 La stessa che usi per accedere in rete tramite inwind.
  non l'accetta. 
 Probabilmente, allora, non e' esatta la configurazione del mailer sul 
 server SMTP.
 Il mio Mozilla, e' settato in questo modo:
 Edit - Mail  Newsgroup account settings
 Outgoing server SMTP
 Server Name: mail.inwind.it
 Port: 25
 Use name and password [abilitato]
 Dovrebbe funzionare :-)
 Con il POP Mail Server ... tutto OK?
 Giovanni ;-)
 \//  Membro del FoLUG - http://folug.linux.it
 ~o)Red Hat 8.0 GNU/Linux Powered
 Credete che se Laura fosse stata sua moglie Petrarca
 le avrebbe scritto sonetti tutta la vita? - G.G. Byron

R: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla

2002-11-11 Per discussione mailing - Thecma.net
Quello che tu hai definito
disabilitare la voce dell'abilitazione del nome e della passworde

era quanto dicevo io!!!

Il server smtp di wind per inviare posta non necessita di nessun login!



 -Messaggio originale-
 [mailto:newbie-it-owner;linux-mandrake.com]Per conto di Emma e Gigi
 Inviato: lunedì 11 novembre 2002 13.37
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla

 Dunque in parte ho risolto.
 La configurazione del Mailer sul server SMTP è esattamente uguale alla
 Ho provato a disabilitare la voce dell'abilitazione del nome e della
 password efunziona!! Come mai?

 Per quanto riguarda il POP Mail Server si, funziona benissimo,
 nessun problema.
 Grazie mille CyberPenguin

 Per Francesco: dove lo trovo il controllo di accesso su smtp? Scusa
 tanto, ma a forza di provare un software nuovo al giorno  mi
 incasino da uno all'altro :-)

 Il lun, 2002-11-11 alle 10:17, CyberPenguin ha scritto:
  Emma e Gigi wrote:
   Mozilla Mail.
   Tutto bene fino a quando . ho deciso di spedire una
 e-mail!! A questo
   punto mi si chiede di digitare una password..
 precisamente digitare la
   password per mail.inwind.it, che sarebbe l'SMTP del server.
   Che diamine dovrei digitare? La normale password della'Account?
  Certo :-)
  La stessa che usi per accedere in rete tramite inwind.
   non l'accetta.
  Probabilmente, allora, non e' esatta la configurazione del mailer sul
  server SMTP.
  Il mio Mozilla, e' settato in questo modo:
  Edit - Mail  Newsgroup account settings
  Outgoing server SMTP
  Server Name: mail.inwind.it
  Port: 25
  Use name and password [abilitato]
  User name: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Dovrebbe funzionare :-)
  Con il POP Mail Server ... tutto OK?
  Giovanni ;-)
  \//  Membro del FoLUG - http://folug.linux.it
  ~o)Red Hat 8.0 GNU/Linux Powered
  Credete che se Laura fosse stata sua moglie Petrarca
  le avrebbe scritto sonetti tutta la vita? - G.G. Byron

Re: [newbie-it] KREATECD

2002-11-11 Per discussione mario
Alle 19:13, sabato 9 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
  Grazie Andrea,(anche per il buon fine settimana)

 ma dovresti spiegarmi come

  fare a mettere in emulazione scasi il cdrom.mi rendo conto di 


  molto ignorante!
  grazie ancora

 Fare l'emulazione SCSI del cdrom è molto facile (anche considerato che 
 possiedi già un kernel compilato ad hoc...): cerca dentro lilo.conf la 
 linea (che troverai nella parte che riguarda il kernel che usi 
 abitualmente) append seguita da una serie di opzioni tra apici 
 separate da spazi. Aggiungi in fondo alle altre opzioni l'istruzione:
 dove X è la lettera del tuo dispositivo.
 Riavvia il computer. Il sistema adesso riconoscerà il tuo cdrom non più 
 come /dev/hdX ma come /dev/scd1 (verifica che tale device sia 
 effettivamente il cdrom provando ad esempio a montarlo specificando il 
 device (leggiti man mount)). Per il corretto funzionamento devi allora 
 fare in modo che il link /dev/cdrom punti adesso a /dev/scd1 (leggiti 
 man ln).
 Il gioco è fatto.
Ciao Tommaso grazie per la risposta,ma purtroppo non sono riuscito a 
combinare niente!da root  ho digitato../etc/lilo.conf ma mi è stato 
negato il permesso quindi non sono riuscito ad editare e a vedere 
niente..in che cosa ho sbagliato

Re: [newbie-it] KREATECD

2002-11-11 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:11:54 +0100
mario [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alle 19:13, sabato 9 novembre 2002, hai scritto:
   Grazie Andrea,(anche per il buon fine settimana)
  ma dovresti spiegarmi come

sono tornato dal fine settimana :-)

 Ciao Tommaso grazie per la risposta,ma purtroppo non sono riuscito a 
 combinare niente!da root  ho digitato../etc/lilo.conf ma mi è stato 
 negato il permesso quindi non sono riuscito ad editare e a vedere 
 niente..in che cosa ho sbagliato

/etc/lilo.conf è un file e devi aprirlo con un editor qualsiasi.
A questo punto, credo sia meglio evitare il classico vi, croce
e delizia di tutti i patiti di Unix e Linux.

Usa kedit /etc/lilo.conf come root (solo lui ha il permesso di modificarlo)
Poi, ricordati assolutamente di lanciare /sbin/lilo per rendere effettive le 

Altrimenti, apri il centro di controllo Mandrake, sezione boot, ci navighi un po'
(non ricordo tutti i passaggi) finché non arrivi alle opzioni di ogni singola
voce linux che hai nel menu iniziale: linux, linux-nofb, ...
e apporti la stessa modifica che avresti datto a lilo.conf.
Ci penserà li a trascriverla dove serve.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] ortografia e openoffice su mdk9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione francesco.melo
Andrea Celli wrote:

On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 16:36:56 +0100
pigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


grazie anche al vostro aiuto sono migrato al pinguino e non rimpiango win$

pero' ho sempre bisogno di voi per la messa a punto:

ho notato che oo1.0.1 (istallato insieme a mdk9.0) non mi fa la correzzione 

Ho controllato e c'e' il dizionario italiano, ma quanto la eseguo non fa nulla 
(come se non ci fosse nessun errrore nel testo).

Succede anche ad altri?


Dunque, il dizionario italiano per strane ragioni andrebbe installato a parte.
Non so cosa abbia già fatto mndk-9.0 automaticamente (io uso un upgrade
di una 8.2 su cui avevo sistemato a mano il correttore).

Vedi su http://it.openoffice.org/contribuire/spellcheck.html le modalità
per farlo.

ciao, andrea


piccolissimo appunto:
non va installato a parte ma solo abilitato, diciamo che non e' attivato 
di default.

tutto qui...

la mailing si popola ...bene bene


Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0 ed il modem

2002-11-11 Per discussione Daniele Micci
Alle 11:45, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 Vai in /etc/shorewall, apri policy ed al posto di loc scrivi fw; quindi, in
 interfaces imposta, togliendo #, l'ultimo esempio riportato che abilita
 l'utilizzo di ppp0.
 A questo punto vuota iptables (iptables -F) vuota shorewall shorewall
 (shorewall clear), e fallo ripartire (shorewall restart).
 Dovrebbe, a questo punto, essere tutto a posto.

Ho provato ad effettuare le modifiche suggerite: tutto sembra ok, ora... 


[newbie-it] ftp

2002-11-11 Per discussione pigi
Sto provando a pubblicare una pagina web ...
... ma non riesco a trovare un manuale di gftp.

Qualcuno sa dove e'?

grazie e ciao


Re: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla [OT]

2002-11-11 Per discussione CyberPenguin
mailing - Thecma.net wrote:

   Il server smtp di wind per inviare posta non necessita di nessun login!

Io per sendare ... mi devo loggare tutte le prime volte che con il
mailer accedo al server. Dopo, finche' non chiudo la sessione di
Mozilla, anche se invio altra posta il Mozillone non mi chiede piu' di
loggarmi. Ma ha fatto sempre cosi' ... e funzionava cosi' anche il
vecchio Messenger di Netscape (anche sotto winzozz).
Non ho mai provato con differenti impostazioni del mailer.
Ora provo.
Ma se fosse cosi' allora *chicchessia* solamente conoscendo il mio
indirizzo di posta su inwind (che per altro e' in chiaro su ogni mia
e-mail) e conoscendo le scarne impostazioni di posta del server SMTP di
inwind prelevabili ovunque ... potrebbe spedire la posta (o ancor
peggio!) a nome mio utilizzando il mio account?
Possibile che ad InWind abbiano fatto una ca***ta simile? :-(
Se cosi' *diffido tutti* dal farlo intanto che non mi sono creato un
altro account di posta che mi preveda *rigorosamente* l'autenticazione
del client di posta tramite login! :-b

Ma sei sicuro od ho capito male io?

Illuminami PLEASE ;-)

Giovanni ;-)
\//  Membro del FoLUG - http://folug.linux.it
~o)Red Hat 8.0 GNU/Linux Powered
Credete che se Laura fosse stata sua moglie Petrarca
le avrebbe scritto sonetti tutta la vita? - G.G. Byron

Re: R: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla

2002-11-11 Per discussione Emma e Gigi
Acc.. Porca Miseria..Vi aggiorno sui risultati ottenuti...
Cliccando sulla icona di Mozilla.. non partiva più il programma 
 Non partiva nemmeno dal menù di K.
Non avendo voglia  (e soprattutto tempo) di smanettare. l'ho 
disinstallato e reinstallato.
Funziona  tutto 
Grazie per la . soluzione

mailing - Thecma.net ha scritto:

Quello che tu hai definito
disabilitare la voce dell'abilitazione del nome e della passworde

era quanto dicevo io!!!

Il server smtp di wind per inviare posta non necessita di nessun login!







R: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla [OT]

2002-11-11 Per discussione mailing - Thecma.net
premetto che non mi posso ritenere espertissimo in materia, ma la mia
conoscenza è così:

Il prelevamento della posta viene effettuato (di solito!) attraverso un pop3

a questo server ci si accede sempre con un login/pww per poter arrivare a
prelevare la propria posta da una propria casella.
Durante questo procedimento l'indirizzo di email non serve assolutamente a
Anzi, io posso avere 100 indirizzi e-mail che puntano tutti ad una casella
di posta (account!)
Come dire una scatola a cui ci appiccico n. etichette di indirizzi e-mail
Io devo conoscere l'account e la password e scarico totalmente la posta di
quella casella!

Per quanto riguarda l'SMTP è un server che mi permette di inviare posta!

Non è assolutamente legato a che pop3 mi collego (ecco perché non è
necesserario, nella maggior parte dei casi)
loggarsi a questo server!

Infatti l'SMTP che devo utilizzare per l'invio non è quello che
assolutamente mi dicono quando mi danno i dati della posta
ma è quello con cui io mi sto collegando alla rete

infatti io potrei scaricare posta tin cioè su un pop3 del tipo box.tin.it
ma dover usare assolutamente

mail.inwind.it per inviare perché mi sto colleganto con un provider wind!

se provassi a farlo con un smpt tin la posta non verrebbe mai spedita!

Attenzione!, però...

ci sono dei server SMTP (tipo katamail!)...che richiedono l'accesso al
server in login/passoword anche per l'invio
In questo caso devo loggarmi e spedire...
...ma potrei avere anche (quindi!) due account...uno per il pop3 e uno per

Per quanto riguarda l'indirizzo di posta elettronica che riceviamo quando tu
invii una e-mail non è altro che una proprietà
della e-mail...totalmente slegata da pop3 e smtp...
chiunque può inviare una e-mail con il tuo indirizzo! basta scriverlo e

Spero di non aver fatto più confusione che altro...ciao ciao


ps...se qualcuno di più esperto di me...vuole dare delucidazioni in merito
al perché bisogna per forza collegarsi al smtp da cui
ci si collegaben venga!


ancora francesco

 -Messaggio originale-
 [mailto:newbie-it-owner;linux-mandrake.com]Per conto di CyberPenguin
 Inviato: lunedì 11 novembre 2002 16.21
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla [OT]

 mailing - Thecma.net wrote:

 Il server smtp di wind per inviare posta non necessita di
 nessun login!

 Io per sendare ... mi devo loggare tutte le prime volte che con il
 mailer accedo al server. Dopo, finche' non chiudo la sessione di
 Mozilla, anche se invio altra posta il Mozillone non mi chiede piu' di
 loggarmi. Ma ha fatto sempre cosi' ... e funzionava cosi' anche il
 vecchio Messenger di Netscape (anche sotto winzozz).
 Non ho mai provato con differenti impostazioni del mailer.
 Ora provo.
 Ma se fosse cosi' allora *chicchessia* solamente conoscendo il mio
 indirizzo di posta su inwind (che per altro e' in chiaro su ogni mia
 e-mail) e conoscendo le scarne impostazioni di posta del server SMTP di
 inwind prelevabili ovunque ... potrebbe spedire la posta (o ancor
 peggio!) a nome mio utilizzando il mio account?
 Possibile che ad InWind abbiano fatto una ca***ta simile? :-(
 Se cosi' *diffido tutti* dal farlo intanto che non mi sono creato un
 altro account di posta che mi preveda *rigorosamente* l'autenticazione
 del client di posta tramite login! :-b

 Ma sei sicuro od ho capito male io?

 Illuminami PLEASE ;-)

 Giovanni ;-)
 \//  Membro del FoLUG - http://folug.linux.it
 ~o)Red Hat 8.0 GNU/Linux Powered
 Credete che se Laura fosse stata sua moglie Petrarca
 le avrebbe scritto sonetti tutta la vita? - G.G. Byron

[newbie-it] Re: simulazione scsi

2002-11-11 Per discussione gianni piazza
Come faccio a simulare in scsi il mio cd r in modo che venga riconosciuto da 
x-cd roast??come mai il masterizzatore viene simulato automaticamente?

Re: [newbie-it] ortografia e openoffice su mdk9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:38:07 +0100
francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Andrea Celli wrote:
 Dunque, il dizionario italiano per strane ragioni andrebbe installato a parte.
 Non so cosa abbia già fatto mndk-9.0 automaticamente (io uso un upgrade
 di una 8.2 su cui avevo sistemato a mano il correttore).

 piccolissimo appunto:
 non va installato a parte ma solo abilitato, diciamo che non e' attivato 
 di default.
 tutto qui...

Per essere pignoli :-)

Il correttore italiano non fa ufficialmente parte di OOo.1.0.1.
Dovrebbe entrarci optimo jure dalla prossima release.

Quindi andrebbe scaricato e installato a parte.

Che poi mamma Mandrake ci vizi e ci faccia trovare gran parte
del lavoro fatto ... :-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Re: simulazione scsi

2002-11-11 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 17:01:59 +0100
gianni piazza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Come faccio a simulare in scsi il mio cd r in modo che venga riconosciuto da 
 x-cd roast??come mai il masterizzatore viene simulato automaticamente?

Vedi il thread KREATECD di questo settimana.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0 ed il modem

2002-11-11 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 11:45, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

 Vai in /etc/shorewall, apri policy ed al posto di loc scrivi fw; quindi, in

fin qui tutto a posto...

 interfaces imposta, togliendo #, l'ultimo esempio riportato che abilita
 l'utilizzo di ppp0.

Scusa l'ignoranza,  potresti per favore soffermarti di più su questo punto 
perché davvero non lo comprendo
Grazie tante

[newbie-it] stampante

2002-11-11 Per discussione mario
 Sono un pò stanco ,adesso non mi funziona più la stampante come cerco di 
farla vedere mi compare un icona sul desk.con scritto PDQ_Panic giuro non gli 
ho fatto niente!!
datemi lumi

Re: [newbie-it] ftp

2002-11-11 Per discussione freefred
On Monday 11 November 2002 4:48 pm, pigi wrote about [newbie-it] ftp:
 Sto provando a pubblicare una pagina web ...
 ... ma non riesco a trovare un manuale di gftp.

 Qualcuno sa dove e'?

c'e' solo il readme
o qualcosa del genere
perche' alla fine e' un classico client ftp.

Se non sai usare un ftp allora ti consiglio
(parlano di programmi per win ma il gftp e' uguale)

 se fai una ricerca su google per guida ftp
trovi comunque un sacco di info.
i concetti sono semplicissimi, visto un client dopo li hai visti tutti(e' un 
pregio) e sei pronto per la console:-)

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://web.genie.it/utenti/f/freefred/
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Audio e misteri

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani
Alle 16:33, domenica 10 novembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:
 Alle 22:15, domenica 3 novembre 2002, Stefano Sebastiani ha

   controlla di non aver settato in modo eretico il tuo
  CIOè in che senso eretico

 nel 'pannello di controllo' di kde puoi settare il tipo di
 dispositivo audio da usare, se settarlo in full duplex ecc.
 usando tutti i defoult funziona benone, mettendo
 impostazioni strane si riesce a bloccare tutto il bloccabile

?AZZ? era impostato OSS!!

Messo in autorilevamento tutto funzia!!!

[newbie-it] Mozilla ... si è incazzato

2002-11-11 Per discussione Emma e Gigi
Salve, sono sempre io.
Risolto un problema eccone un altro, sempre con Mozilla, ma stavolta
penso più grave.
Ecco il problema: clicco preferenze dal menù e Mozilla. si chiude.
Clicco il pulsante per comporre un nuovo messaggio e Mozilla si chiude,
idem se clicco quello per rispondere al mittente o a tutti.
Ora vi sto scrivendo con Evolution.
Ma dico. questo Mozilla, non fa troppe il . Mozilla? :-)
E' successo a qualcun altro di voi?

Re: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla [OT]

2002-11-11 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:38, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, mailing - Thecma.net 
ha scritto:

 infatti io potrei scaricare posta tin cioè su un pop3
 del tipo box.tin.it ma dover usare assolutamente

 mail.inwind.it per inviare perché mi sto colleganto con
 un provider wind!

 se provassi a farlo con un smpt tin la posta non
 verrebbe mai spedita!

relayng not allowed

ovvero: non provare ad usare il mio smtp per fare spam, non 
ti conosco in quanto non sei nel mio dominio...

 Attenzione!, però...

 ci sono dei server SMTP (tipo katamail!)...che richiedono
 l'accesso al server in login/passoword anche per l'invio
 In questo caso devo loggarmi e spedire...

anche email.it funziona allo stesso modo,
era un problema comune delle prime versioni di kmail, che 
non consentivano l'autenticazione del client, quella di non 
poter spedire con questi server

 Per quanto riguarda l'indirizzo di posta elettronica che
 riceviamo quando tu invii una e-mail non è altro che una
 della e-mail...totalmente slegata da pop3 e smtp...
 chiunque può inviare una e-mail con il tuo indirizzo!
 basta scriverlo e walla

..e così hai rovinato la sorpresa...

 Spero di non aver fatto più confusione che altro...ciao

sei stato precisissimo, invece!


 ps...se qualcuno di più esperto di me...vuole dare
 delucidazioni in merito al perché bisogna per forza
 collegarsi al smtp da cui ci si collegaben venga!

lo dicevo prima,
il controllo del server, si limita all indirizzo IP della 
macchina che spedisce, 
se questo appartiene al dominio (o ad uno dei domini) 
autorizzato alla spedizione verso l'esterno (intendendo il 
dominio come un insieme, l'esterno è tutta internet)
il server SMTP concede il relay, e invia,
altrimenti restituisce un errore.

è il famoso file /etc/mail/access
di sendmail, tanto per intenderci
a autorizzare il relay ad un host, un IP, un dominio, ecc..


 ancora francesco


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
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Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Audio e misteri

2002-11-11 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:59, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Stefano Sebastiani ha 
 Alle 16:33, domenica 10 novembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:
  Alle 22:15, domenica 3 novembre 2002, Stefano
  Sebastiani ha
controlla di non aver settato in modo eretico il
tuo kde...
  mettendo impostazioni strane si riesce a bloccare tutto
  il bloccabile

 ?AZZ? era impostato OSS!!

..he he

 Messo in autorilevamento tutto funzia!!!

meglio così..

..vedi? troppi pulsantini invogliano a provacchiare...



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Re: simulazione scsi

2002-11-11 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 17:01, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, gianni piazza ha 
 Come faccio a simulare in scsi il mio cd r in modo che
 venga riconosciuto da x-cd roast??come mai il
 masterizzatore viene simulato automaticamente? 

duplica la stringa che trovi dopo  append
in lilo.conf o in grub.conf (in /etc)
es se hai  hdc=ide-scsi (sec. master - cdrom)
aggiungi   hdd=ide-scsi (sec. slave - master.) [nb sono 
esempi, attagliali al tuo sistema]

salva e rilancia # lilo -v
[se usi grub no serve)

al reboot, oltre al cd, visto in /dev/scd1 avrai il master. 
in /dev/scd2 (visti cioè come scsi anche se sono eide)

modifica quindi a manina /etc/fstab mettendo scd al posto 
di hdx nelle linee relative a cd e mast.

è lunghissimo a dirsi, lo fai in 3 minuti

 una letta agli archivi...
..ogni tanto..

nell'ultima settimana la stessa richiesta è passata 999 

una letta ai manuali .. ..ogni spesso..
man fstab
man lilo
man lilo.conf
man grub
man grub.conf
man mount



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] modem conexant hsf e devfs??

2002-11-11 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:38, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha 

  si, al riavvio il devfs pialla il dispositivo creato
  puoi risolvere in 2 modi:

 E' strano, perchè io, nonostante abbia devfs attivato, ed
 abbia un HSF, dopo l'installazione del driver non ho
 avuto nessun problema (rpm per kernel mdk-2.4.19).

controlla se per caso il RPM ha modificato  
modules.devfs  e  devfsd.conf
dicendo al demone di generare il dispositivo,
potrebbe essere la soluzione pulita da applicare per chi 
usa devfs...
(vedi la data di creazione del dispositivo, se è quella 
dell'installazione o dell'avvio..)


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] posta da salvare

2002-11-11 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:33, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, guido ha scritto:

 devo formattare i due PC che utilizzo e caricare Win XP
 sul posto di lavoro e Red Hat da casa (per prova).
 Riusciro a salvare la posta della lista scaricata con i
 nuovi Sist Op. e leggerla successivamente con MDK ?

kmail importa i messaggi di øutløøk,
(non so se anche con ixxpì funziona)

puoi quindi  importare le mail di ixxpì in RH
poi salvare la cartella /tuahome/Mail e copiarla su 
da dove potrai leggere..

configuri i due client mail in modo da non cancellare  la 
posta scaricata dal server

 grazie guido


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Slack

2002-11-11 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 05:49, lunedì 11 novembre 2002, Arwan ha scritto:
 Sto cercando di imparare a muovermi sulla Sackware, e ho
 tre-quattro domande abbastanza banali da porre. Qualcuno
 puo' aiutarmi? In privato o in lista, vedete voi.

la slackizziamo un pò questa lista ??


..se gli altri non hanno problemi..


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] registrazioni audio :'''(

2002-11-11 Per discussione Beppe
buona sera oh gloriosa mailinglist!
da quando sono passato alla mandrake 9 ho un problema con l'audio che sulla 
8.2 non si verificava: quando faccio entrare un suono dal microfono o dalla 
line in questo si sente perfettamente ma non viene registrato.
Su Aumix il microfono è settato con volume al massimo ed è segnalato come 
fonte di registrazione... ma se poi uso per esempio broadcast le 
registrazioni risultano completamente vuote nonostante al momento del 
tentativo i suoni che entravano fossero assolutamente udibili sulle casse del 
Qualche anima pia ha qualche dritta da darmi?

[newbie-it] registrazioni audio :'''(

2002-11-11 Per discussione Beppe
Buona sera oh gloriosa mailinglist!
Innanzi tutto chiedo umilmente perdono per l'inutile post precedente: l'ho 
spedito prima di controllare la posta e poi ho visto che il mio problema 
poteva forse essere risolto anche lui andando a giocare col server sonoro.

Ora il problema è diverso: ho detto al server sonoro di andare in full 
duplex... ma quando ho spuntato quell'opzione ad ogni tentativo di 
registrazione il programma che uso si impasta... qualunque cosa faccia con le 
altre impostazioni. Con la 8.2 il full duplex andava quindi non capisco 
perchè ora le cose siano diverse.

La scheda audio è una creative live player 1024 (forse può essere utile dirlo)

grazie per l'aiuto

Re: [newbie] pppd

2002-11-11 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
If you don't want to use the MDK control center you could install one of 
the diallers like kpppd (it's in kde-networking) or the gnome 
equivalent, of which I don't remember the name, or any other dialler.

But be warned that pppd MUST run as root. That doesn't mean that you 
must be root to start it, it normally is suid. Check for example chapter 
14 of the PPP HOWTO (for example at http://www.tldp.org/).


Hello Newbie List,

  What  is  the  best  way  to manage my dial-up modem connections? At
  present,  I  do  it via Mandrake Control Center. But I guess it is a
  security  risk, since you have to run pppd as root. Is there any way
  I can do it differently?

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RE: [newbie] Installing 9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Richard Urwin
 Some burning programs need to be told that the ISO is an El Torito
 bootable CD (which is different than a Windows bootable CD) - so it
 not have written all the necessary booting data to the CD...

I was wondering why mine didn't boot; I burned it under Windows.
Is this the case for ISO images, though, I'd have thought they specified

Richard Urwin, Private
No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] LM9.0 and lm_sensors Install

2002-11-11 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Pilagá wrote:

El Dom 10 Nov 2002 19:37, John Richard Smith escribió:

lm_sensors requires a slightly different collection of rpm packages
in M9.0 than in M8.2. Here is what I found to be necessary,

Mandrake9.0 lm_sensors install 10.11.02





in that order.

the result was:-

[root@localhost root]# sensors
Adapter: SMBus Via Pro adapter at 0400
Algorithm: Non-I2C SMBus adapter
VCore 1:   +1.72 V  (min =  +4.08 V, max =  +4.08 V)   ALARM
VCore 2:   +1.24 V  (min =  +4.08 V, max =  +4.08 V)   ALARM
+3.3V: +3.31 V  (min =  +2.97 V, max =  +3.63 V)
+5V:   +5.07 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.48 V)
+12V: +12.31 V  (min = +10.79 V, max = +13.11 V)
-12V: -12.03 V  (min = -13.21 V, max = -10.90 V)
-5V:   -5.17 V  (min =  -5.51 V, max =  -4.51 V)
V5SB:  +5.53 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.48 V)   ALARM
VBat:  +3.44 V  (min =  +2.70 V, max =  +3.29 V)   ALARM
fan1:0 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)  ALARM
fan2:0 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)  ALARM
fan3: 3792 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
temp1:   +33°C  (limit =  +60°C)   sensor =
temp2: +44.5°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor =
temp3:+208.0°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor =
vid:  +1.850 V
alarms:   Chassis intrusion detection  ALARM
 Sound alarm disabled

Adapter: SMBus Via Pro adapter at 0400
Algorithm: Non-I2C SMBus adapter
SDRAM Size (MB):512

which appears to be ok , the temp3 facility must be so dual cpu
processors are
catered for, and where a single processor is present as in my case it
puts some
ridiculous value in instead of something like `nothing detected'.


Hola, John. 

	Take a look at /usr/share/doc/lm_sensors-2.6.4/doc/chips/w83781d, there you 
will find some useful info about your w83627hf chip.


Hey Suerte,
I hadn't noticed that, one thing keeps bothering me , I don't actually
understand the term,  Hysteresis value  , and I haven't found an explanation
as to it's meaning so far , it's obviously something I need to find out 

By the way does M9.0 still have a Webster's dictionary like M8.2 had, it
didn't automatically install, and I haven't had time to scan discs to see.
Anyone know ?

I should think it would be worthwhile for  Mandrake to incorporate 
into MCC under system , perhaps subcatagory sensors of something.
It's a basic system's function to track system temperatures, voltages,
and rpm's, and would benifit from being part of the base install.


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Making a crontab entry silent.

2002-11-11 Per discussione Franki
Hi guys,

I have just written a perl script that runs from cron to monitor one of my
websites so that if the site goes down, the perl script plays an alert sound
and emails me..

now because the script already has its own mail code in it, I don't want
cron to email me anything.

how can I make the crontab ignore any script output and run silent??



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] LM9.0 and lm_sensors Install

2002-11-11 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Pilagá wrote:

El Dom 10 Nov 2002 19:37, John Richard Smith escribió:

lm_sensors requires a slightly different collection of rpm packages
in M9.0 than in M8.2. Here is what I found to be necessary,

Mandrake9.0 lm_sensors install 10.11.02





in that order.

the result was:-

[root@localhost root]# sensors
Adapter: SMBus Via Pro adapter at 0400
Algorithm: Non-I2C SMBus adapter
VCore 1:   +1.72 V  (min =  +4.08 V, max =  +4.08 V)   ALARM
VCore 2:   +1.24 V  (min =  +4.08 V, max =  +4.08 V)   ALARM
+3.3V: +3.31 V  (min =  +2.97 V, max =  +3.63 V)
+5V:   +5.07 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.48 V)
+12V: +12.31 V  (min = +10.79 V, max = +13.11 V)
-12V: -12.03 V  (min = -13.21 V, max = -10.90 V)
-5V:   -5.17 V  (min =  -5.51 V, max =  -4.51 V)
V5SB:  +5.53 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.48 V)   ALARM
VBat:  +3.44 V  (min =  +2.70 V, max =  +3.29 V)   ALARM
fan1:0 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)  ALARM
fan2:0 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)  ALARM
fan3: 3792 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
temp1:   +33°C  (limit =  +60°C)   sensor =
temp2: +44.5°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor =
temp3:+208.0°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor =
vid:  +1.850 V
alarms:   Chassis intrusion detection  ALARM
  Sound alarm disabled

Adapter: SMBus Via Pro adapter at 0400
Algorithm: Non-I2C SMBus adapter
SDRAM Size (MB):512

which appears to be ok , the temp3 facility must be so dual cpu
processors are
catered for, and where a single processor is present as in my 
case it
puts some
ridiculous value in instead of something like `nothing detected'.


Hola, John.

	Take a look at /usr/share/doc/lm_sensors-2.6.4/doc/chips/w83781d, 
there you
will find some useful info about your w83627hf chip.


Hey Suerte,
I hadn't noticed that, one thing keeps bothering me , I don't actually
understand the term,  Hysteresis value  , and I haven't found an 
as to it's meaning so far , it's obviously something I need to 
find out

By the way does M9.0 still have a Webster's dictionary like M8.2 
had, it
didn't automatically install, and I haven't had time to scan discs 
to see.
Anyone know ?

I should think it would be worthwhile for  Mandrake to incorporate
into MCC under system , perhaps subcatagory sensors of something.
It's a basic system's function to track system temperatures, voltages,
and rpm's, and would benifit from being part of the base install.


According to my Collin's dictionary Hysteresis is The tendency of 
a magnetic substance to remain in a certain magnetic condition
Which does not precisely explain the current use of the word in
our context.
John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Can I use Samba on my Linux LAN

2002-11-11 Per discussione magnet
Hi all,
I've been having quite a few network problems with my 6 mandrake machines 
recently. All have Samba set up and working so each of the 6 drives can been 
seen, read and written to/from on the token Windows laptop.

So here is the question

Can I set up fstab on each Linux machine to mount all the other machines 
using Samba so that I can dump using NFS?

Registered Linux user 281659
Registered machines 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
Home network: 6 x AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz all running Mandrake and token Windows 
laptop ;-) 

note: network is feeling a little sick lately :(

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Can I use Samba on my Linux LAN

2002-11-11 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 11 Nov 2002 11:07 am, magnet wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been having quite a few network problems with my 6 mandrake machines
 recently. All have Samba set up and working so each of the 6 drives can
 been seen, read and written to/from on the token Windows laptop.

 So here is the question

 Can I set up fstab on each Linux machine to mount all the other machines
 using Samba so that I can dump using NFS?


Sure you can.  My own experience is that I get better throughput between my 
Linux computers using Samba, than using NFS (over wireless LAN)  There is an 
issue with permissions though. Like FAT32 Samba cannot preserve permissions 
and all your files with be '775' Not sure if there is a way around it, but I 
have not found one yet.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-11 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 11 Nov 2002 7:29 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
 how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It was
 very easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.

If Flash in konq is working then just open KDE 

Ensure the path to your Mozilla-1.1  plugin directory is listed , and press 
the 'scan for new plugins' button.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] cron is broken?

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 16:51, Ibly Piblo wrote:
 I can't set up a cron job, either cron or
 webmin is broken.
 I try to make it play an mp3 file, with the
 command mpg123 -b 3000 /home/ipiblo/music.mp3
 and all it can do is tell me the home environment
 variable is not set?
 How useless.
 It always worked back in 8.2, I don't
 understand why its broken, more important,
 how do i fix this?
 Your help is greatly appreciated, my computer
 is my alarm clock and I have to be up for work
 Thanks to all who help.
Is it safe to assume that you've tried to use KDE's cron utility as well
? And that you've check that the service daemon is up and running?

Mon Nov 11 22:35:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

Fortune's Real-Life Courtroom Quote #7:

Q:  What happened then?
A:  He told me, he says, I have to kill you because you can identify
Q:  Did he kill you?
A:  No.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] RPM GPG.

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 17:06, Seedkum Aladeem wrote:
 I was trying to install an rpm package using the software installer that came 
 with LM9.0 and its KDE gui. Using Konqueror, I right clicked on the rpm 
 package on the source ftp site then I selected software installer from the 
 pop-up window. A short while later I got this message No GPG signature in 
 package. Do you want to install anyway? I was trying to install the 
 following package:
 How dangerous is it to go ahead with the install?
Having the GPG sig is only really reassurance that it's not been messed
with by anyone but the author (or packager)...so by installing it
without the GPG sig, you're just assuming that the package is alright
and sticking it on your system FAITHFULLY...I personally don't think
that a script kiddie is going to muck around with an RPM...that is, IF
a script kiddie even knew what an RPM was in the first place...

Mon Nov 11 22:40:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

I hope you millionaires are having fun!  I just invested half your life
savings in yeast!!

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 18:29, Noah Hicks wrote:
 how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It was very 
 easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.  
Open up Konqueror and click SETTINGS, then CONFIGURE KONQUEROR then
scroll down on the left hand side and you'll see the NETSCAPE PLUGINS
icon - click that and you should have that all enabled and the likes,
and you can do a SCAN for plugins and whatnot...also, double-check on
the PLUGINS tab to see if it's already in there...?? (You did install
the Flash plugin, right?)

Mon Nov 11 22:40:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

I hope you millionaires are having fun!  I just invested half your life
savings in yeast!!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Installing 9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 21:02, Richard Urwin wrote:
 I was wondering why mine didn't boot; I burned it under Windows.
 Is this the case for ISO images, though, I'd have thought they specified
 Richard Urwin, Private
 No 9000 series computer has ever made a mitsake or corrubiteddatatato.

No. Creating ISO images doesn't always mean that it's going to
read/write the actual boot sector properly - hence programs like
BLIND-READ and BLIND-WRITE that make complete dupes of a CD. I like
doing my ISO under linux as opposed to using Windo$e mainly for that
reason. I can burn a bootable ISO of Mac OS/X as well as WinXP, WinNT,
OS/2, BeOS or whatever...doesn't matter. Windo$e burners inherently
don't do a great job (unless you REALLY configure your software properly
- and Nero is probably the only one that works aside from
Blind-Read/Blind-Write)...as well, what you read an ISO with and how
it's read are important - same with the final burn of the ISO to
CD...attention to detail is important...

Mon Nov 11 22:50:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

What is the difference between a Turing machine and the modern computer?
It's the same as that between Hillary's ascent of Everest and the
establishment of a Hilton on its peak.

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Re: [newbie] Cyrillic keyboard support

2002-11-11 Per discussione Alice Lafox
On 10 îÏÑÂÒØ 2002 23:10, Robert Golovniov wrote:
 Hello newbie,

   Through   Gnome   keyboard   applet,   I  am  trying  to  swith  to
   Russian/Ukrainian  keyboard,  but  it  seems that something does not
   work  there.  The  icon shows that keyboard has indeed been changed,
   but  when  I  try  to  type in a text editor, I still get only Roman
   characters. Did I fail to install something?

ask at russian list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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RE: [newbie] Screen resolution

2002-11-11 Per discussione Ongkie Singgih
Dear Richard,

I have tried both but the result is still the same 640x480 screen 
I have solved this problem by reinstalling Mandrake 9.0 and choose 1024x768 
screen resolution.

Thank you anyway,

From: BCSoft@TowerTraining [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] Screen resolution
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 14:50:49 -0600

Are you looking to do this in a GUI or from the console?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Ongkie Singgih
 Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 1:43 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Screen resolution

 Dear Friends,

 I just finish to install Linux Mandrake 9.0.
 Is there anybody out there who knows what I have to do to change
 the screen
 resolution when the installation of Linux Mandrake 9.0 is done?


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Re: [newbie] GNOME 2.0.1 Desktop Theme

2002-11-11 Per discussione Terry Sheltra

You might also want to try


They have quite a few themes available for GNOME 2.x, including Metacity 
themes, Nautilus themes, Sawfish themes, etc.


Mike M wrote:

I want for my desktop to look like the one shown at:


Anyone know of the theme installed there? I can't find
it anywhere on freshmeat. Also looking for cool dark
themes. :)



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Terry Sheltra
PC Technician/Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Registered Linux User #218330
Composed on a 100% Micro$soft-free PC

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Re: [newbie] networking advice

2002-11-11 Per discussione Marty Wedepohl
Another thing to mention about the 192.168.x.x IP addresses is that they
are classed as private (non-routable on the Internet).  Thus you can use
them at home for internal netorks.

Depending on the size of your internal network, you can use any of address
ranges below.

Class A private: -
Class B private: -
Class C private: -

 On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 05:24, Bart Salien wrote:


 I agree with John s explanation , however 192.x.x.x to my knowledge is
 a  class C network with a default mask of 24 =
 class B ranges from 128.x.x.x/16 till 191.x.x.x/16
 class C ranges from 192.x.x.x/24 till 223.x.x.x/24

 For most home networks the default mask will be OK , and there is no
 need for  further subnetting , it will only make it more complicated .

 Greetings ,


 Thanks for your response!  I guess I should be awake when I start to try
 to figure out a network :(


 Linux User 288105

 Bill who? Micro what?

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[newbie] keeping ownership/groups and permissions using tar and smbmount

2002-11-11 Per discussione Ken Walker
If i share a folder using samba on a LM8.1 machine. and then smbmount from a
LM9 machine. The files on the LM8.1 machine as seen by the LM9 machine are
owned by root and group root. But on the LM8.1 machine the owner and groups
are the original owners of the files.

The LM8.1 is about to be replaced with a LM9 + Dat drive. But for now I need
to backup all the files on the LM8.1 machine using the Dat drive on the LM9
machine using tar, but i kneed to keep all owners and groups the same as the

I can't do this if the LM9 machine sees them as all owned as root.

I smbmount using a normal user account, and do the tar ing as su.

Anybody have any ideas.

many thanks 

Mr Smiley :o)

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[newbie] staaarting databases

2002-11-11 Per discussione Aaron
Hi I am trying to get a database working in MD 9.0. I have both mysql
and postgrep installed. In both of them I can't get the server to start.
using postmaster I get the following error.

postmaster does not know where to find the database system data.
You must specify the directory that contains the database system
either by specifying the -D invocation option or by setting the
PGDATA environment variable.

I look for a data folder and don't find one.

these are the trees which I see contain a directory called data. which
is the right one???


Thanks and how do I set it??
Mysql I try connecting to the server and I get the following errors

ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
Any idea anyone??

Thanks for any help.

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Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon+ On-Board Sound

2002-11-11 Per discussione Graham

I have a Soyo Dragon + motherboard and had a similar problem. In my case 
the solution was to set the permissions in /dev/sound/* to rw. after 
that I haven't had any more problems and the sound works great. An 
excellent reference can be found at the following url




Paul Rodolfo Rodriguez wrote:

Hi, I was wondering if anybody here knows how or has been able to get
the On-Board sound working on a Soyo motherboard.  I have Soyo Dragon+
which is known to be very Linux friendly, but have not been able to get
the sound to work.

- Paul


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] staaarting databases

2002-11-11 Per discussione JM5379
don't know about postgresql, but it sounds like you didn't set up
either db server to start automatically at boot.  for mysql
(probably as root), type

service mysql start

that should get the db server running, allowing you to use the
mysql client to connect.

--- Original Message ---
Subject: [newbie] staaarting databases

Hi I am trying to get a database working in MD 9.0. I have both
and postgrep installed. In both of them I can't get the server
to start.
using postmaster I get the following error.

postmaster does not know where to find the database system data.
You must specify the directory that contains the database system
either by specifying the -D invocation option or by setting the
PGDATA environment variable.

I look for a data folder and don't find one.

these are the trees which I see contain a directory called data.
is the right one???


Thanks and how do I set it??
Mysql I try connecting to the server and I get the following errors

ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
Any idea anyone??

Thanks for any help.

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[newbie] Using console

2002-11-11 Per discussione Radosaw Krl

I got a problem. 
I 'am a real new in linux world , and i am looking for linux guide 
or something that can halp me in using linux.

Could you help me ?

Sorry for my english , it is not very good ;)...

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Re: [newbie] staaarting databases

2002-11-11 Per discussione Aaron
wow to simple for words.

On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 16:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 don't know about postgresql, but it sounds like you didn't set up
 either db server to start automatically at boot.  for mysql
 (probably as root), type
 service mysql start
 that should get the db server running, allowing you to use the
 mysql client to connect.
 --- Original Message ---
 Subject: [newbie] staaarting databases
 Hi I am trying to get a database working in MD 9.0. I have both
 and postgrep installed. In both of them I can't get the server
 to start.
 using postmaster I get the following error.
 postmaster does not know where to find the database system data.
 You must specify the directory that contains the database system
 either by specifying the -D invocation option or by setting the
 PGDATA environment variable.
 I look for a data folder and don't find one.
 these are the trees which I see contain a directory called data.
 is the right one???
 Thanks and how do I set it??
 Mysql I try connecting to the server and I get the following errors
 ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
 '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
 Any idea anyone??
 Thanks for any help.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] KNewsTicker

2002-11-11 Per discussione John Richard Smith
How does one remove knewsticker from the task bar
I don't seem to have enough room for it.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] IDE/ATAPI CD-RW

2002-11-11 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 11:46 pm, Russell W. Behne wrote:
 I've been trying to get my new cd-rw running. After reading
 file:/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/HTML/en/CD-Writing-HOWTO-2.html I ran this
   cd /dev  rm cdrom  ln -s scd0 cdrom
 And then I checked the devices like this:
   # ls -l cdrom
   lr-xr-xr-x  1 root root4 Nov 10 18:21 cdrom - scd0
 # ls -l scd0
 ls: scd0: No such file or directory
 Now /dev/cdrom shows as a broken link to a nonextant /dev/scd0! I didn't
 see anything on how to create this particular device. What should I do

 Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

That is the trouble with reading non distro specific HOWTOs  You did not need 
to do any of that because Mandrake uses devfs which will automatically create 
the nodes and symlinks for you.

All you have to do in Mandrake is modify the append line in /etc/lilo.conf

for example
append=quiet devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi

Then run 
lilo   as root to write to the MBR and then reboot.

When the system comes up /dev/hdc will be /dev/scd0 with a symlink to 

/dev/cdroms/cdrom0 will be a symlink to the same location,
and /dev/cdrom will be a symlink to /dev/cdroms/cdrom0

similarly for /dev/hdd


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Re: [newbie] home network vision (kind of long)

2002-11-11 Per discussione Technoslick

- Original Message -
From: BCSoft@TowerTraining [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie@Linux-Mandrake. Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 4:45 PM
Subject: [newbie] home network vision (kind of long)

Help, help, help
Since downloading and installing ML 8.2 I have been bit by the Linux bug and
now want to set up a home network. I ordered ML 9.0 from CheapBytes and have
tried to install it on an old Hsing Tech motherboard with a Cyrex 686
processor and a BocaLAN 2000 network card. I apparently order the wrong kind
of DRAM because only 65 meg of the 256 meg is recognized and the mouse only
works sporadically.
I'm serious about this network so I'm asking for suggestions. If I'm having
trouble with the serial port on the motherboard then it seems unwise to try
to upgrade the processor, buy the correct memory (if I can figure out what
that is) and change the network card. I also think a 7 gig hd isn't enough
for a server so I'm looking at something 20 gig or so.
Of course, budget matters and also, I would like to make this a learning
experience rather than buy a server box configured.
The end result should be a server with and old HP printer connected to it
(just in case) that is storing files for two Compaq Armada laptops, five
Toshiba Satellite laptops and old iMac running System 8.6 and an even older
Apple Workgroup Server that I use to run the ancient Mirror scanner.
I don't care if the server is an internet gateway since I have a couple of 5
port hubs connected to the cable modem to allow internet access for multiple
machines. I would, however, like to learn how to set up a mail server so
that I can take advantage of the fact that I own a couple of domain names
without paying someone like Hypermart 40 or 50 bucks a month.
I also don't care about form factor. I can screw the motherboard right to
the wall in my 'server closet', use the power supply from the tower case and
string cables all over the walls if necessary. I just want the thing to
Upgrade the processor or replace the motherboard?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] home network vision (kind of long)

2002-11-11 Per discussione Technoslick
Scrap the motherboard. It isn't worth the time and effort if there is even
one thing wrong with the board. If you shop around on the Web, you can still
find someone selling AT/ATX boards that will fit your case and power supply,
not to mention your processor and maybe the memory you bought for the old
one. If you live in an area where you have a computer shop, check with them
for any old boards that work, but are no longer of interest to them. For $25
or less, you might find the perfect solution to your needs.

If you are going to put money into this box, seriously conside buying a new
box, maybe without the monitor, keyboard, etc. for a couple of hundred
dollars. As long as you find that the components are Linux compatible, you
will have a much better server this way than what you would have sticking
with what you got now.

The advice that everyone else is giving you is good advice. However, if you
are working on a tight budget and your needs/expectations are meager, I
would suggest that you buy a new box for the most that you can afford and
spend your time configuring the software. Nothing is more frustrating than
wasting good money on bad hardware. Even a local computer shop could build
you a barebones box for the money you would spend on memory, hard drive and
processor upgrades.

I am curious... If you have hubs connected to your cable modem, one must be
a gateway/IP forwarding unit, with the others feeding off of it. Unless you
are paying for multiple IPs through your cable modem service provider, as
soon as the second machine comes on line, it will be denied access to the
Web. Most cable modem service providers will not serve two boxes or more
without paying for the privilege. I went through this here, and found that
the best option for protection and network service was to let the Linksys
gateway/firewall/switch do all the DHCP and IP forwarding to all my network
clients. I never have to worry about the server being up to serf the Web. Is
this what you are doing now? If so, I wouldn't put another NIC in the
server...let the harware gateway/firewall do the work.

My opinion based on what works for me and my clients. But, you do have some
decisions to make before you can worry about that.


- Original Message -
From: BCSoft@TowerTraining [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Newbie@Linux-Mandrake. Com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 4:45 PM
Subject: [newbie] home network vision (kind of long)

Help, help, help
Since downloading and installing ML 8.2 I have been bit by the Linux bug and
now want to set up a home network. I ordered ML 9.0 from CheapBytes and have
tried to install it on an old Hsing Tech motherboard with a Cyrex 686
processor and a BocaLAN 2000 network card. I apparently order the wrong kind
of DRAM because only 65 meg of the 256 meg is recognized and the mouse only
works sporadically.
I'm serious about this network so I'm asking for suggestions. If I'm having
trouble with the serial port on the motherboard then it seems unwise to try
to upgrade the processor, buy the correct memory (if I can figure out what
that is) and change the network card. I also think a 7 gig hd isn't enough
for a server so I'm looking at something 20 gig or so.
Of course, budget matters and also, I would like to make this a learning
experience rather than buy a server box configured.
The end result should be a server with and old HP printer connected to it
(just in case) that is storing files for two Compaq Armada laptops, five
Toshiba Satellite laptops and old iMac running System 8.6 and an even older
Apple Workgroup Server that I use to run the ancient Mirror scanner.
I don't care if the server is an internet gateway since I have a couple of 5
port hubs connected to the cable modem to allow internet access for multiple
machines. I would, however, like to learn how to set up a mail server so
that I can take advantage of the fact that I own a couple of domain names
without paying someone like Hypermart 40 or 50 bucks a month.
I also don't care about form factor. I can screw the motherboard right to
the wall in my 'server closet', use the power supply from the tower case and
string cables all over the walls if necessary. I just want the thing to
Upgrade the processor or replace the motherboard?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] KNewsTicker

2002-11-11 Per discussione bascule
the should be a small 'up' arrow at the edge of the list of running progs, 
right click on that, follow the 'remove' path


On Monday 11 Nov 2002 3:06 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 How does one remove knewsticker from the task bar
 I don't seem to have enough room for it.


'Things either exist or they don't,' said Jeremy. 'I am very clear about that. 
I have medicine.'
(The Thief of Time)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] KNewsTicker

2002-11-11 Per discussione John Richard Smith
bascule wrote:

the should be a small 'up' arrow at the edge of the list of running progs, 
right click on that, follow the 'remove' path


On Monday 11 Nov 2002 3:06 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

How does one remove knewsticker from the task bar
I don't seem to have enough room for it.



Got it,  thanks, very small arrow , I kept trying to right mouse the 
tickertape box.

John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Funny Mouse in MDK 9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Technoslick
After posting my request for help, I found the following that gives a little
insight on the problemappears not to be a problem with just Labtec
Optical mice.

In my particular case, adding --. Option Resolution  ...whatever number I
like... did nothing more than change the speed. The problem is still there,
and manifests itself when I am manuevering through windows in KDE.

However, with the chance that this might help someone else else...:


I'll keep looking...


- Original Message -
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 11:29 AM
Subject: [newbie] Funny Mouse in MDK 9.0

I just starting using an optical mouse from Labtec on my dual-boot machine.
It works as expected under Win XP without drivers, but under MDK 9.0, I
notice a hesitancy for the cursor to move with the mouse as it is first
moved into action. As a matter of fact, you can actually move the mouse
very, very slowly for a little distance before the cursor starts to move.
Quick movements, or moving continuously after the cursor catches up and then
works just as expected. The scroll wheel works well, too. I am using the
Generic Scroll Wheel PS/2 Mouse driver offered in mousedrake at the
console. Labtec makes no mention of Linux on its Web site. Other than this
hesitancy to take off, it works fine.

Anyone using one of these, or any other PS/2 Scroll Mouse, and experiencing
the same? Corrections or fixes?


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Re: [newbie] Funny Mouse in MDK 9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 11 November 2002 12:10 pm, you wrote:
 After posting my request for help, I found the following that gives a
 little insight on the problemappears not to be a problem with just
 Labtec Optical mice.

 In my particular case, adding --. Option Resolution  ...whatever number
 I like... did nothing more than change the speed. The problem is still
 there, and manifests itself when I am manuevering through windows in KDE.

 However, with the chance that this might help someone else else...:


 I'll keep looking...


T, I'm using a Logitech optical mouse here and it works fine. I also chose 
the generic p/s2 wheel mouse option. 

  Dark Lord

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[newbie] OT: Rendering spreadsheet cells

2002-11-11 Per discussione Miark
Is there a way in OpenOffice Calc to convert a cell from a
formula (=A5*1.15) to a string (2.30)? To, in effect, render it?


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Re: [newbie] Funny Mouse in MDK 9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Technoslick
Hey, Dark Lord!

I should have mentioned that I am running XFree86 3.3.6, not 4.2.2. Anyway,
I found the fix, and maybe a conclusion to make, just after I received your

I have two configuration files that seem to be very similar. One is
'XF86Config', the other 'XF86Config-4', both located in the /etc/X11
directory. The URL I included in my last post spoke of modifying the latter
configuration file, 'XF86Config-4', so that is what I did. When I didn't see
any results, I huffed, then went back to my computer to scour it for the
elusive answer. I kept thinking about the other config file -- XF86Config.
When I opened it up, I saw how very similar it was to 'XF86config-4', so I
decided to add the Option line with the same resolution as in the other.
Bingo! I was a winner! The cursor move smoothly, albeit a little faster than
before, and no skipping or delayed start of the cursor. It flies just as
quickly and smoothly through KDE menus as it does on the Desktop.

So, is it a correct assumption that 'XF86config-4' is for configuring the
4.x.x version of X-server and 'XF86config' is for the older 3.x.x server? If
so, as long as I am working with this older version, should I only make
changes to the 'XF86config' file and leave the other one alone?

Thanks, DL


- Original Message -
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Funny Mouse in MDK 9.0

On Monday 11 November 2002 12:10 pm, you wrote:
 After posting my request for help, I found the following that gives a
 little insight on the problemappears not to be a problem with just
 Labtec Optical mice.

 In my particular case, adding --. Option Resolution  ...whatever number
 I like... did nothing more than change the speed. The problem is still
 there, and manifests itself when I am manuevering through windows in KDE.

 However, with the chance that this might help someone else else...:


 I'll keep looking...


T, I'm using a Logitech optical mouse here and it works fine. I also chose
the generic p/s2 wheel mouse option.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-11 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 11:19 AM 11/6/2002 +0100, you wrote:

 just my preference, but I'd try icewm if i were you...

 it small, its fast and its configurable...

 I like it because generally most of the time I need a GUI on linux its on
 simple servers for running MandrakeUpdate and such..

 since it only runs when I need it, I don't want to spend alot of time
 getting it like i want it..

 icewm is pretty well laid out right from the word go...

 runs great even on crappy system...

 looks alot like win95 actually.

IceWM is also a nice WM that is for sure...FWWM2 is not too bad either
for that matter. Speaking of WM's, does anybody know if there is still
any development on UDE (Unix Desktop Enviroment), I saw it like three
years ago and then it was pretty nice


AFAIK the last update was over a year ago.  Look for it  You may find it 
but don't count on new features really soon IIRC.  Ofc, I could be out to 

This email was acronym riddled by our email elves, and if you find one pls 
return to the above email address


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RE: [newbie] For MS-haters only

2002-11-11 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What fun! I was in just the right mood for this and laughed my head off.
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Carroll Grigsby
 Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 9:18 PM
 Subject: [newbie] For MS-haters only
 If you've forgotten why you don't use Windows anymore, and if 
 Flash doesn't 
 give you problems (ethical or technical), take a look at this one:
 Run the demo, and click on the icons. Further proof that a 
 creative mind and 
 too much spare time can lead to some great stuff. (To give due credit, I 
 found this link at mandrakeusers.org.)
 -- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-11 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 10:58 AM 11/6/2002 +, you wrote:

Hi there,

Can you explain in detail about what you do for the dual booting? I am 
struggling with this problem. I have asked about it but the answer is to 
find some disk tools such as PatitionMagic to make a partition for Linux 
from the predefined NTFS partition(WinXP). However, PartitionMagic is not 
a free program. So can I share your experiences with this problem? Thanks 
in advance.



If you are super stuck  Need PM 6 I will send you my copy.  I bought it  
its a dust collector.  Just an FYI :)

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Re: [newbie] Fwd: Dual Boot?

2002-11-11 Per discussione FemmeFatale
At 02:33 PM 11/7/2002 +1100, you wrote:

On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 14:14, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 My understanding is that the 1024 cylinder limit hasn't applied to 
 since 7.1 (assuming a 1998 or later BIOS).
 -- cmg
That could be more than true, but I still like to play better safe than
sorry. Generally speaking, I like to put the /boot and the / on the
first drive below the 1024 mark, then the /home (or whatever) and the
swap on a completely different physical drive (or more!). Same with any
version of Winders - I put the OS on one drive and the TEMP or PAGEFILE
on another physical drive...

For all intents and purposes, MDK might be a happy camper beyond 1024,
but I still like to impose my scheme...(for load balancing amongst other
things)...I'll give it a shot on my next test system to see if it
works...Tanx Carroll!

I have 2k  MDK installed.  LILO goes before the 1024 part, other than that 
win2k doesn't complain tho it is before linux b/c win2k will bitch if I 
don't do it that way.  POS M$ bullshit OS.

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Re: [newbie] staaarting databases

2002-11-11 Per discussione Aaron
Ok it installed but now what I looked at the installation directions and
maybe just because of the way it is written I had no idea what to do to
get it up and running.
If you could help it would be a big help.
Thanks Aaron

On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 21:07, Paul wrote:
 In reply to Aaron's mail, d.d. 11 Nov 2002 23:00:54 +0200:
 I am also trying to install a gui. but non of them seem to install with
 MD 9.0.
 phpMyAdmin is wonderful. It works with a browser interface. You can get it
 from SourceForge.net
 I quote others only the better to express myself.
 -Michel de Montaigne
 http://nlpagan.net-Linux Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
 Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] KNewsTicker

2002-11-11 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Tony S. Sykes wrote:


Right click on it and choose remove.


-Original Message-
From: John Richard Smith [mailto:BAGSOFCHOICE;oldtolley.fsnet.co.uk]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 3:07 PM
Subject: [newbie] KNewsTicker

How does one remove knewsticker from the task bar
I don't seem to have enough room for it.



Only trouble is there ain't a remove in the  right mouse click .I take it
the cursor has to be over the ticker tape box.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] /dev/audio question

2002-11-11 Per discussione Paul Kaplan
Does anyone know what package created the file /dev/audio (a symlink) or 
/dev/sound/audio in LM9?  What are the default permissions for this (these) 

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Re: [newbie] Using console

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 01:44, Radosaw Krl wrote:
   I got a problem. 
   I 'am a real new in linux world , and i am looking for linux guide 
   or something that can halp me in using linux.
   Could you help me ?
   Sorry for my english , it is not very good ;)...
Your English is just fine - try using a browser to go to:


That is a wonderful starting place for anyone - newbie or not. Heaps of
information and tips'n'hints. I think you'll spend quite a bit of time

Good luck and have heaps of fun!

Tue Nov 12 10:10:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness.
-- Aristotle

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Re: [newbie] KNewsTicker

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 02:06, John Richard Smith wrote:
 How does one remove knewsticker from the task bar
 I don't seem to have enough room for it.
 John Richard Smith
You need to do a right-click on the little handle to the left of the
application - you'll see two of them, choose the smaller, furthest left
on - then choose REMOVE - and voila! It's gone! (takes up way too much
space on the kicker...)

Tue Nov 12 10:15:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

With all the fancy scientists in the world, why can't they just once
build a nuclear balm?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Funny Mouse in MDK 9.0

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 03:29, Technoslick wrote:
 I just starting using an optical mouse from Labtec on my dual-boot machine.
 It works as expected under Win XP without drivers, but under MDK 9.0, I
 notice a hesitancy for the cursor to move with the mouse as it is first
 moved into action. As a matter of fact, you can actually move the mouse
 very, very slowly for a little distance before the cursor starts to move.
 Quick movements, or moving continuously after the cursor catches up and then
 works just as expected. The scroll wheel works well, too. I am using the
 Generic Scroll Wheel PS/2 Mouse driver offered in mousedrake at the
 console. Labtec makes no mention of Linux on its Web site. Other than this
 hesitancy to take off, it works fine.
 Anyone using one of these, or any other PS/2 Scroll Mouse, and experiencing
 the same? Corrections or fixes?

What about changing the mouse driver to something completely different
then changing it back to the PS/2 type? Or trying the MS mouse?

Tue Nov 12 10:20:01 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

Someone is unenthusiastic about your work.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: SV: [newbie] Windowmanager

2002-11-11 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 08:12, FemmeFatale wrote:
 I used IceWM very successfully * I HATE windowsy WM's btw... IE, KDE 
 *snickers* *.  Its fast, reliable  easy to configure even for a 
 novice.  Don't try Flux or blackbox till you have some comfort with 
 minimalist WM's.  Enlightenment is NOT for the faint of heart, fair 
 warning.  Its is so alien from Windows-type wm's it makes you want to 
 scream if you aren't willing to put in the effort to understand it.  I just 
 jumped in (as usual) with E when I first loaded MDK a year ago. :P
E alien? E not for the faint of heart?
From the first time I used it, I truly thought that it was one of the
most amazing wm's I've ever used! It's more configurable than legos!
But yeah, it does require a bit of editing, tweaking, mucking around -
and you CAN make it look more alien than an alien...but it's sweet-as!
(Still waiting for DR17 - been a long wait so far)

Tue Nov 12 10:25:00 EST 2002

|____  |
|   /  \ /| |'-.   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |kuhn media australia
|  |/ ._/  || |http://kma.0catch.com
|  |'.  `\ | | |stephen kuhn
|  ;/ / | | |email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| |mobile: 0410-728-389
|  '  `-`'   |

Seek simplicity -- and distrust it.
-- Alfred North Whitehead

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[newbie] installing contrib rpms from tex

2002-11-11 Per discussione L.V.Gandhi
I wanted to install contrib rpms from tex site
I downloaded rpms and did urpmi. I get following error.
[rootlocalhost lvgandhi]# urpmi fluxbox-0.1.12-3.1mdk.i586.rpm
The following packages have bad signatures:
Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)
there is no key as it exists in
How to overcome it?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] installing contrib rpms from tex

2002-11-11 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 11 Nov 2002 3:14 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I wanted to install contrib rpms from tex site
utions/mandrake/9.0/contrib/ I downloaded rpms and did urpmi. I get
 following error.
 [rootlocalhost lvgandhi]# urpmi fluxbox-0.1.12-3.1mdk.i586.rpm
 The following packages have bad signatures:
 Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)
 there is no key as it exists in
utions/mandrake/9.0/rpms/ How to overcome it?

Just respond 'Y' and the RPM will continue to install.

This message simply means that you go not have a copy of Texstars GPG key 
installed. It is purely a method of being sure the package you install was 
indeed created by Tex

If you want to avoid the message in future just download his key which is the 
'pubring.gpg' in his download folder and then in a terminal

gpg --import pubring.gpg


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Re: [newbie] installing contrib rpms from tex

2002-11-11 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 11 Nov 2002 3:14 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I wanted to install contrib rpms from tex site
utions/mandrake/9.0/contrib/ I downloaded rpms and did urpmi. I get
 following error.
 [rootlocalhost lvgandhi]# urpmi fluxbox-0.1.12-3.1mdk.i586.rpm
 The following packages have bad signatures:
 Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N)
 there is no key as it exists in
utions/mandrake/9.0/rpms/ How to overcome it?

Just realised your question refers to RPMs in Texstars 'contrib' folder.

These RPMS were not created by Texstar, and if they are signed, they are 
signed with the original packagers key. So unless you can track down the 
packager  (perhaps by using kpackage to look at the changelog), then you will 
just have to decide whether or not to install without a key.


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Re: [newbie] OT: Rendering spreadsheet cells

2002-11-11 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:42:56 -0500
Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way in OpenOffice Calc to convert a cell from a
 formula (=A5*1.15) to a string (2.30)? To, in effect, render it?

Highlight what you want to convert (ie. cell(s) with formula in it).  Right click and 
select copy.  Right click same cell(s) and select paste special.  Uncheck the all box, 
check the numbers box and uncheck the formulas box.  Click okay and you should be 
done.  If you change your mind, ctrl-z should undo your changes.  Be forwarned, 
though, if you save the changes, your formulas you rendered will be gone forever.


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Re: [newbie] about DMA Mdk Linux

2002-11-11 Per discussione Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Technoslick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:14:05 -0500
Subject: Re: [newbie] about DMA  Mdk Linux

 If you had it enabled in Windows and didn't experience any hard drive data
 corruption or diffculties in read from your CD-ROM, the answer that all of
 us would agree upon isyes, it's OK to activate the use of DMA in Linux
 for hard drives and CD-ROMs. The answer is in the fact that it was already
 working for you in Windows. Concerns have only been with some
 questionanble motherboards and some older devices that do not work through
 DMA. I still use an Acer 2X2X4 CD-RW drive who's instructions specifically
 forbid activiting DMA support.
 The advantage is speed, though this is no guarantee that everything you do
 on your computer will be blinding fast. I have MDK 9.0 on an AMD-K6-2/500
 with 256 MB RAM, an S3 Savage 2000 video card with 64 MBs RAM, and it isn't
 acting like a Spring chicken for me. Neither does Brand X (read as --
 Windows XP Pro) Still, I can't complain. I like KDE 2.x and 3. If I have to
 wait a little, I'm OK with this.
 Have you checked to make sure that you have your video card properly
 recognized and configured, and that your expectations are in line with the
 computer you are running MDK on? If you continue to feel that you are not
 running correctly, pass more information on to the listserv. Lots of brains
 and tons of experience, here. :-)
  Original Message -
 From: Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 10:01 PM
 Subject: [newbie] about DMA  Mdk Linux
 I would like to know if I should enable DMA for my hd and cdrom.
 I have a dual-boot system, Mdk 9.0  WinME. In ME I have DMA enabled for
 both cdrom drive and hd, and it seems to be working great. Does that mean
 that DMA will be a good idea under Mdk?? Will it give me an appreciable
 increase in performance? My system is working great now, but I use KDE and I
 find it just a bit sluggish. Perhaps this is normal from what I am reading
 about KDE. I use Mdk about 99% of the time.
 I know there has been some discussion on the list lately about DMA, and I
 wonder just how much difference it really makes?
 TIA's for any feedback.

Thanks T for the great answer. I don't want to make it sound like I'm not happy with 
my Mdk 9.0..it rocks! It seems a tad slower than what I am used to when opening 
progs and things. No biggie though. I have a Dell Dimm with Celeron 900Mhz, 20gig 
Ultra ATA  7200 rpm hd, 256 megs ram. I have integrated video on my (82810 Intel 3D 
AGP graphics controller) processor, which seems correctly identified by Mdk.
It works pretty slick actually. I had no real problems w/8.2 and now 9.0. My only real 
problems were with a Conexant HCF winmodem. But, even that is working beautifully, 
thanks to the great driver written by Marc Boucher at mbsi ( 
http://www.mbsi.ca/cnxtlindrv/ ). My Dell seems perfectly happy to run Mdk Linux. ;-)

I use KDE most of the time, but also Blackbox a little. Blackbox is faster, but lacks 
some of the creature comforts of KDE. 

Maybe I should just leave well enough alone. If I wanted to try DMA enabled, is it a 
complicated thing?

This is a great list! Thanks again T.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-11 Per discussione Jose
On Monday 11 November 2002 02:29 am, Noah Hicks wrote:
 how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It
 was very easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.

Hopefully someone will answer that question. I have been using Phoenix 
which is Mozilla Lite, but would love to go back to Konqueror.

Registered Mandrake, Redhat and SuSE user
Children - the most commonly transmitted sexual disease

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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-11 Per discussione Gary Montalbine
Installed lm_sensors1. It appears to be working. Installed gkrellm. It 
is not picking up the lm sensors. There is a proc/sys/dev/sensors 
directory. Any suggestions?


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[newbie] Aspell problem

2002-11-11 Per discussione Dale Morris
I don't know why but when I try to use aspell to check my mail
spellings, I get an error message, unable to start Aspell, check
Path.. I have aspell installed in /usr/bin/aspell and my when I issue 
echo $PATH I get the following:


Anyone got any suggestions as to what's happening here?



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[newbie] typist

2002-11-11 Per discussione Kesav Tadimeti
HI all,
I had installed an RPM called typist using package manager. Now when I run
this program from bash I get an error that typist is not a recognized
program. However, apropos typist shows that typist has been installed. 

How do I run this program?


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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-11 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Monday 11 November 2002 09:02 pm, Gary Montalbine wrote:
 Installed lm_sensors1. It appears to be working. Installed gkrellm. It
 is not picking up the lm sensors. There is a proc/sys/dev/sensors
 directory. Any suggestions?

Once lm_sensors is installed, this is one of the few progs that I have run 
accross where the only way I can get it to pick up the sensors in gkrellm is 
to reboot. However try just logging in again, i.e. just do a login as new 
user. and restart KDE or Gnome.  If that doesn't get it then reboot. Do the 
F1 thing and u should see sensors on the list of things to check. HTH

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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RE: [newbie] staaarting databases

2002-11-11 Per discussione Franki
I bought a book called MySQL by Paul Dubois, and published by New Riders.

Not only is it really easy to read, it teaches SQL, and all the ins and outs
of how it relates to MySQL, and it teaches the use of the Perl DBI/DBD
interface (it covers C as well.)

very good book and highly recommended.

sometimes it pays to go beyond the online docs for answers.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;linux-mandrake.com]On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Tuesday, 12 November 2002 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] staaarting databases

I am also trying to install a gui. but non of them seem to install with
MD 9.0.

are there more??

I also am annoyed by the user manual which has to much side issues to
wade through just to find how to setup and create databases
n Mon, 2002-11-11 at 20:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to add to this one from Aaron.  Is there a good beginner's
web site for either of these two databases?  I am on Mandrake 8.2.  I
noticed that when I boot up Linux, there is a notice that the databases are
starting and also one when I shutdown that the databases are closing.

 Also, what is the best GUI for these databases?



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] tulip driver installation help?

2002-11-11 Per discussione Marcia
Hello All,

My ethernet card was not detected or configured in LM 9 and I am having a time 
getting it going.  This is a Compaq Presario 1700T with the compaq (conexant) 
10/100 nic and I am using the Toshiba cable modem with the usb hookup. This 
worked without any configuration on my part in 8.2 but for some reason LM 9 
is not figuring this out yet.  I downloaded tulip 0.9.14 since I thought that 
might work better, but I have no idea how to install. I am a newbie with 
these things so I really do not understand the directions. This seems to 
require altering the Makefile which I do not know the first thing about.  
Here are the directions:

The Linux tulip driver

To build the driver  

cd src

vi Makefile.  #put your kernel settings here


To build the diagnostics program:

cd diag

I understand that you are supposed to open the Makefile in the vi editor and 
then   #put your kernel settings here? This part I do not understand. What 
kernel settings and where exactly in the Makefile do they go? I will happily 
send the full contents of the Makefile if someone is willing to show me 
exactly what to do with it.

Thanks for any help with this.



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[newbie] Yikes - Java

2002-11-11 Per discussione Gary Armstrong
I'm still trying to get argoUML working. I successfuly loaded j2sdk and 
attempted argoUML. It failed requiring 8 other modules( if that's the correct 
term ). Anyway, I'm not easily discourage, so I download an rpm for each of 
the 8.

Tried installing the first, ant and yup it failed on about 10 more 
dependencies. It's my experience, that when it seems like I'm working to 
hard, I usually am.

Is there some kind of package/rpm that would include all the most commonly 
used java modules? So far, I've found rpms for these java modules at 
sourceforge. Can some installer be told to search the sorceforge site? Last, 
have I just missed the true path?


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Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-11 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes
Ok, at last I get to help someone.  Payback time.  :^)

Download the flash plugins.  I have a file called flash_linux.tar.gz that I 
got hold of from the flash site I was taken to the last time I tried to 
access a flash site.  You need to get two files out of this archive.


and put them into /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/plugins directory.

Then go into Konqueror,  SettingsNetscape Plugins and add the above path. 
When you've done that click 'scan for new plugins' and wallah  It had 
better work or I'm gonna look silly.  Let me know how you go.

  how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It
  was very easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.

 Hopefully someone will answer that question. I have been using Phoenix
 which is Mozilla Lite, but would love to go back to Konqueror.


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Re: [newbie] Quicktime in Netscape - OT?

2002-11-11 Per discussione Carl J. Bauman
I just wanted to say thanks to Harm, Craig, and Ronald for the Crossover 
suggestion.  I've since installed it and it really does work well.  I'm 
off to check out some movie trailers my son's been nagging me to look at.


Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Sunday 03 November 2002 04:44 pm, you wrote:

Try Codeweavers' Crossover-plugin.  It has direct support for quicktime.

Don't know about Netscape, but I can vouch for Galeon and the Crossover 
plugin. MOVs and Flash animations work great (once you d/l them, of course). 



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-11 Per discussione Noah A Hicks
Ok Trevor,
I'm not on my computer to try right now but I will let you know as soon as
I get the chance.

On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Trevor Rhodes wrote:

 Ok, at last I get to help someone.  Payback time.  :^)

 Download the flash plugins.  I have a file called flash_linux.tar.gz that I
 got hold of from the flash site I was taken to the last time I tried to
 access a flash site.  You need to get two files out of this archive.


 and put them into /usr/lib/mozilla-1.1/plugins directory.

 Then go into Konqueror,  SettingsNetscape Plugins and add the above path.
 When you've done that click 'scan for new plugins' and wallah  It had
 better work or I'm gonna look silly.  Let me know how you go.

   how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It
   was very easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.
  Hopefully someone will answer that question. I have been using Phoenix
  which is Mozilla Lite, but would love to go back to Konqueror.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Powerpack

2002-11-11 Per discussione Ralph F. De Witt
Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

Marc wrote:

 Has anyone in the USA received their Mandrake 9.0 CD's yet I think I heard a
guy in Montana naned Dennis got his about a week ago, still waiting on the set I
preordered and starting to wonder if my order was lost. Anyone know how
shipping is progressing?


Hi Marc,

Hope there is not a hitch in the processing for both our sakes as I just
Pre-ordered the Powerpack on Friday to be delivered to South Africa.
I'll see if I can let you know when I receive it.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Got my DVD  today.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Aspell problem

2002-11-11 Per discussione Joseph Braddock
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 19:08:33 -0800
Dale Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know why but when I try to use aspell to check my mail
 spellings, I get an error message, unable to start Aspell, check
 Path.. I have aspell installed in /usr/bin/aspell and my when I issue 
 echo $PATH I get the following:
 Anyone got any suggestions as to what's happening here?

Can you type aspell in a terminal window and it finds it?  If so, what email program 
are you using?


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