Re: [newbie-it] make+tuxman

2003-07-06 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 23:56, sabato 5 luglio 2003, Giaipur ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti

 Su un cd in una rivista ho trovato il gioco tuxman.
 Ho copiato il pacchetto tar.gz nella mia home, l' ho scompattato e mi
 son letto il file install e readme.
 Nel file install c'è scritto:

Hai provato a dare la tripletta completa dei comandi, cioè:

make install

ovviamente da root (è sufficiente dare il make install da root).

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.4.21 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

[newbie-it] cp, mv, dd ...

2003-07-06 Per discussione Pollo
Esiste un modo per vedere lo stato di trasferimento dei dati con i
comandi cp, mv, dd? Mi spiego: quando sposto una cartella o grossi file
non so mai a che punto è del trasferimento e mi piacerebbe sapere quanto
devo aspettare. Mi piacerebbe avere delle informazioni tipo quelle
fornite dal comando scp (la bara di avanzamento e il tempo rimanente).
Esistono delle opzioni che non conosco oppure devo utilizzare altri
programmi da linea di comando?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] make+tuxman

2003-07-06 Per discussione Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:56, sabato 5 luglio 2003, Giaipur ha scritto:
Sembra che non abbia installato le librerie SDL. Prova a dare il comando 
rpm -qa|grep SDL
e vedi se le hai installatealtrimenti dai 
urpmi SDL o urpmi libSDL 
e riprova a compilare dopo!
Buona fortuna!
- -- 
Ama il tuo prossimo.  Fai accordare il piano.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] cp, mv, dd ...

2003-07-06 Per discussione Ikki The Porcupine
Alle 12:03, domenica 6 luglio 2003, Pollo ha scritto:
 Esiste un modo per vedere lo stato di trasferimento dei dati con i
 comandi cp, mv, dd? Mi spiego: quando sposto una cartella o grossi file
 non so mai a che punto è del trasferimento e mi piacerebbe sapere quanto
 devo aspettare. Mi piacerebbe avere delle informazioni tipo quelle
 fornite dal comando scp (la bara di avanzamento e il tempo rimanente).
 Esistono delle opzioni che non conosco oppure devo utilizzare altri
 programmi da linea di comando?
 Grazie, Pollo.

cp -v ...
mv -v ...

non c'è nessuna barra di avanzamento, ma nel caso di più file ti scrivono il 
file che hanno copiato/spostato.

credo che non ti basti, e scommetto che -v lo conoscevi già.
se mi capita tra le mani qualcosa te lo faccio sapere.



PS: Ma con che razza di file lavori... ;p

PPS: mmv lo conosci gia?

[newbie-it] masterizzatore e skeda usb 2.0

2003-07-06 Per discussione Ikki The Porcupine
qualcuno ha gia avuto a ke fare con mdk 9.x e masterizzatori usb 2.0 
(possibilmente plextor)
e x le skede pci2usb2.0?

sono i prossimi acquisti ke dovrei fare x il mio Calimero computer nero ;p
e nn m va di prendere bidonate

Grassie e Mandi


Re: [newbie-it] mp3 editor

2003-07-06 Per discussione alex
scusa il ritardo,
ti ringrazio molto per la dritta.
ho provato ad installare audacity, ma sembra che mi manchino alcune librerie.
ci sto lavorando.
ps: su win funzia bene.
grazie ancora.
ciao az

Alle 09:38, mercoled 2 luglio 2003, artasersec ha scritto:
 On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 20:50:48 +0200, alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Salve a tutti!
  ci riprovo:
  sapreste cortesemente indicarmi se per linux mandrake 9.0 esiste un
  programma di editor mp3?
  in pratica mi ritrovo un file mp3 molto voluminoso che vorrei dividere in
  n files mp3.
  grazie in anticipo.

 Prova con Audacity:
 L'ho usato con windows ed era ottimo, con linux non riesco a farlo
 funzionare, magari tu sei pi bravo o fortunato ;)
 Ciao ^_^

Re: [newbie-it] Scherzi di php

2003-07-06 Per discussione toto
Alle 19:07, giovedì 3 luglio 2003, mixer ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 ho da poco installato la mandrake 9..
 Contessimo ma quando ho provato a far
 girare alcune applicazioni web in php
 ma non riesco assolutamente a far passare
 le variabili dei moduli .


 Il metodo è post...

 Spero davvero che qualcuno mi tolga dall'impiccio!

 Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus,
 il filtro Anti-spam
Hai controllato nel file /etc/php.ini la variabile register_globals deve 
essere in ON. La trovi all'incirca alla linea 359.
Good Job

Re: [newbie] dummies books

2003-07-06 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 21:49, Michael wrote:
 On Saturday 05 July 2003 08:47 pm, walt wrote:
  I am not a big fan of the dummies books, but I was in a book store at the
  local mall today and saw redhat Linux 9.0 for dummies and it included 2
  cd's. I didn't see one for mandrake. I own an old copy of Linux for dummies
  and found it a little helpful way back when. (of course I didn't have this
  list to depend on either LOL)
 i'm glad you brought that up, because there's a discount store up here with 
 TONS of dummies books.  so my question is.
 are they even decent for a reference book?  as in a quick desk reference book?  
 i know there's a lot of other linux books out there, and i believe linux in 
 a nutshell was said to be a great desk reference book.  just curious, i need 
 all the help i can get at this point!  thanks.
The best book that I have found so far is The Rute Users Tutioral and
Exposition BTW it is on your (.0 and 9.1 CDs or you can doenloadit from
also the hardcopy is remarkably inexpensive
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Re: [newbie] dummies books

2003-07-06 Per discussione Bryan Tyson
On Saturday 05 July 2003 21:17, Todd Slater wrote:

 I'll go farther than saying I'm not a big fan--I despise them.

Check out Linux Administration for Dummies, it's great. I have Using 
Linux, Linux in a Nutshell, Running Linux, Linux Desk Reference, Linux 
Essential Reference, etc. and I often find myself getting the answers I 
need from the Dummies book rather than these others that are usually 
considered superior.

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.2 Professional
KDE 3.1.1 KMail 1.5.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] mounting CD drive

2003-07-06 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Michael wrote:

On Saturday 05 July 2003 06:19 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:


Essentially , if you want the nice easy gui way, just navigate to the
file in question,via home to / and click on the desired directories to
the file in question, then right mouse click the icon for that file ,
then open with, and choose a text editor from the list, say kwrite ,
or whatever one takes your fancy. When your done, just save and exit.
so we already have hdc=ide-scsi in the append= line of /etc/lilo.conf,
in /etc/fstab , check every char is identicle including spaces, to,
none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,rw,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

Ok, i did that, BUTi tried to save, and it told me i didn't have write 

You didn't do anything wrong.

Linux has a complex system of permissions, attatched to every file 
folder and device, it sound to me as though you tried to do this as a 
user, not as root. Just log out , in the user box type root, give 
password, and then you will arrive at a root desktop, and proceed.

You can also type su into a terminal and give the password for root, and 
then from a root terminal you can call up a text editor.


Are you quite sure the jumpers on the back of your writer/rom are set to
master, and your device is on ide2 line.

Absolutely 100% positive.  just put a second hard drive in last week.  the 
origonal set up had the CDRW drive and origonal hard drive on the secondary 
IDE channel, CDRW as master, hard drive as slave.  i put both hard drives on 
the primary IDE channel and set them to master and slave as needed.  well, 
that's actually not 100% true...ASUS tech support told me to make them both 
CS to get the system to boot up.  and it worked.  then they both got switched 
back in order for win98 to work while installing the 2nd hard drive, and then 
i did the install of md9.1.  i know i'm going way too much into more detail 
than necessary (and have a habit of doing so), but hey, it's better than me 
saying uhhh, yeah, uhhh, i think so.  

It's always better to give too much detail than not enough.
The only comment here that I can think of is either have both
ide lines with devices set CS on the jumpers, (meaning the
position on the ide cable determins the authority, ie Cable Selects)
or, as I prefer , choose which device is master and which slave. I do
it that way so I'm in charge and absolutely certain which way
round things are.I guess I distrust chips and software to get things right.

while we're on the subject of editing the fstab file, i've got something else 
that needs done along the same lines.  when i finally went and installed 
md9.1, i had my 20gb hard drive partitioned 2 ways, 5g and 15g (md9.1 is on 
the 15g partition), and had my 100g hard drive partitioned 5 ways.  well, i 
didn't have one of the partitions on the 100g hard drive set up fully before 
installing md9.1, so i had to go about that later.  i got every other hard 
drive partition to show and be fully accessable from linux except that last 
one.  here's the hard drive listings in fstab

/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdb1 /mnt/win_c2 vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdb5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdb6 /mnt/win_e vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdb7 /mnt/win_f vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
/dev/hdb8 /mnt/windows vfat defaults 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
as you notice, /dev/hdb8/mntwindows is the one i'm having problems with.  so 
once i figure out how to get write permission for the fstab file, would i 
change that last one to

/dev/hdb8/mnt/win_g vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,unmask=0 0 0

It hardly matters what the partition ( let me call it a partition for 
clarity, as you have more than one harddrive) is called , you can give 
it any name you like in fstab , so long as you create a mount point in 
/mnt directory of the same name. so if you want to call /dev/hdb8 
/mnt/win_g then go ahead and do it,  but make sure you also have a 
/mnt/win_g in /mnt directory. To do this either,
1) navigate via /home to /  , then to /mnt and in the window space 
rightmouse click , down to, create new directory, name it and press enter.


In a root terminal , type,
mkdir /mnt/win_8 enter
then to check your work,
cd (means change directory) /mnt enter
then ,
lsand a list of directories in /mnt will be displayed.
Also, while at it, in your example ,

/dev/hdb8/mnt/win_g vfat, etc etc,
their ought to be a space between 
/dev/hdb8 space  /mnt/win_g vfat, etc etc.
It looks to me that you don't have one.
Great care with the nomenclature of fstab is
very important.

you may ask, why partition the 20gb and 100gb hard drives so many ways? 

No need to appologise , I do the same myself. It's handydandy to have 
spare partitions.
It beats me why so many people have just one partition for a 

[newbie] root

2003-07-06 Per discussione Tsyko
Good day

how can i set my user up with root privileges?


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RE: [newbie] Hit counter for a web page.

2003-07-06 Per discussione Frankie

the only part of the stats counter that needs to be apache.apache is the
directory were the stats, ips and counts and archives are stored.. because
the web server needs to be able to write to those directories..

everything else should just be owned by your user..

so, to to the parent dir of the directory where you put the counter files.
and do this:

chown -R apache.apache counter

(where counter is the dir with all the stats files and dirs in it.)

The most important part of installing cgi scripts is checking the error logs
when it fails.

so the following command might help:

tail /var/log/httpd/error_log

It will tell you what the problem is.

Other things to check..

1. Did you edit it on a windows machine?? if so, you will need to see if it
added windows return chars, if so, you need to remove them, install dos2unix
and run it on the files.
2. Did you upload as binary or ascii? perl is just text files so can't be
3. as a way of improving your chances, change all the perl .pl files to 777.
chmod 777 *.pl in the dir where you saved the stats counter script file.
4. some webservers are not setup for .pl perhaps you should try changing it
to .cgi

let me know how it goes and I will help as I may.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Sunday, 6 July 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hit counter for a web page.

On Saturday 05 July 2003 08:23 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 20:14:19 -0500

 Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Tried to install webalizer on my 9.0 server and all I get is a
segmentation fault error. Which version are you running of
webalizer and Mandrake?--
Dennis M. linux user #180842
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] todd]$ webalizer -version
   Webalizer V2.01-10 (Linux 2.4.21-0.13mdk) English
   on Mandrake 9.1.
   Be sure you configure it by modifying /etc/webalizer.conf.
  Ya know, I used to think I was fairly intelegent. Now I'm not so sure,
  I can not get webalizer to run nor can I login to the pages for
  stats-counter the other script I was shown by Frankie.  I modify the
  /etc/webalizer.conf file and then try to access the webalizer and all
  I get is webalizer: command not found. Something not configured
  correctly or not using the right command.  I'd take up knitting but
  not sure I have the manual dexterity for that.  Somebody give me a
  hint here?--
  Dennis M. linux user #180842

 You probably have to be root to run it since it accesses the log files.
 Also, you might have to create the folder where you tell it to put the
 stats files. I used /var/www/html/stats; and probably make it owner

Did that and still can't get access to a file. Nothing in stats and no login
comes up with the url access. I am doing something wrong on a basic level
not smart enough to figure it out. When you said make it owner
what did you mean, like user=apache and group=apache? or a cli command?
Struggling but stubborn.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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RE: [newbie] Hit counter for a web page.

2003-07-06 Per discussione Frankie
oh, i see
the only perl modules that the script uses are the CGI module and
both of which should be supported by default on mdk9.0
(I know because I wrote it on a 9.0 box.)

if you don't have them installed, then they are both available as rpms via




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Saturday, 5 July 2003 6:41 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hit counter for a web page.

On Friday 04 July 2003 11:48 am, Frankie wrote:
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dennis Myers
  Does anyone know of a site or book that I can get to build a hit counter


  web page? I have been using a commercial counter that was free if I


  their small add but now they are going to full charge and I can not
  afford that for our small business. So I want to build a hit counter and
  have it on my server in I am guessing the cgi.bin.  Any suggestions or
  point me in the right directions? I have googled all over the place, and
  no luck. TIA --
  Dennis M. linux user #180842

 This appears to be what I was looking for. I am going to go get a
 book to better understand. Thanks to you and Stephen. Stephen gave me the
 needed search words to do a proper google. I will likely use your scripts
 rather than try to write my own or use some that take all kinds of odd tar
 file downloads.  Nicely done. Thank you,
 Dennis M. linux user #180842


 Hi Dennis,

 glad you like it.

 I'm already working on a new version that is mod_perl capable modular and
 neater code..

 I don't know what you mean by this line:
 or use some that take all kinds of odd tarfile downloads.

 I have just finished a new version of the downloader script on the same
 page as the stats counter
 and its mod_perl capable, has ssi and php plugins, an admin login similar
 to the stats counter, and a heap of other odds and ends.. I still have to
 write the new instal instructions but I should have it up online by
 tomorrow arvo, is that what you mean?

 Anyway, the purpose of this email was to say that if you need any perl/php
 help, give me a yell and I'll see if I can't help you out. (I have already
 put some basic perl tutes on my site for non programers (don't know if
 fits you or not.) and I have another 5 tutes to put up yet.


What I meant was that for the hit counter to work I had to d/l a bunch of
.tar.gz files such as various libs and some odd named files I didn't
recognize. These files were not standard to the 9.0 Mandrake I am using on
the web server.   I will check back on your counter in a day or so and give
it a go. Thanks for your efforts. None programmers like me appreciate it. I
am closing in on retirement and am thinking it is not to late to learn
and then PERL and maybe one of the C's.  Long term contribution won't be
there but who knows what I can give back in the short term. I should have a
good 20 or 30 years left in this brain. Not to mention it will keep the gray
matter churning with the learning.  Thanks again,
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] radeon 9700

2003-07-06 Per discussione Tsyko
Can anybody tell me why my radeon 9700 pro is so slow with opengl apps in 

Are there new drivers for XFree4.3.0?



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Re: [newbie] Printing man pages

2003-07-06 Per discussione pilip
the space doesn't have anything to do with the problem. verify if you 
can view the contents of the file:

You should be able to view it.

Stephen Kuhn wrote:
On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 11:37, L.V.Gandhi wrote:

On Tuesday 01 Jul 2003 5:35 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

| col -b
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lvgandhi]$ man col| col -b
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lvgandhi]$ ls -l
-rw-r--r--1 lvgandhi lvgandhi 2568 Jul  2 07:05
but kghostview couldn't open it.

Maybe it's because you need a space in between col and the | ?


man col | col -b


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V3.12 GE/CS/ITGAT d- s: a--? C+()$
UL+++(---$) P+ L+++---$ E W++
N+++(--) o+++ !K w--- !O M-- V-- PS+++ !PE Y--
PGP- t--- 5-- X R(+++) tv-(--)(+) b-(+)
DI+++ D+(++)() G--@$ e+++ h*++ r(-)(+)

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RE: [newbie] fix sis900 networkcard to 10 mbit

2003-07-06 Per discussione Rob van Dam
Unfortunately I can't adjust the speed in CMOS. It's an auto-detect
problem for sure. I have some experience with this problem in Windows,
and it only works when I fix the card to 10 mbit speed, and turn
auto-detect off.

My only problem is how to do this in Linux.

I tried ethtool, but I got the error message this function not
supported when I try to get auto-mode off.

I also tried to add this to modules.conf (I found this in internet)

alias eth0 sis900
options sis900  options=0x40

That also didn't work. 

I prefer adjusting modules.conf because the change are applied
automatically on boot.

Does anybody know what option I exactly need to add to modules.conf?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joeb
Sent: zondag 6 juli 2003 5:22
Subject: Re: [newbie] fix sis900 networkcard to 10 mbit

The reason I ask, is that I have a MB with a Sis900 ethernet that
wouldn't work correctly with my 10mb hub.  It turns out, though, that in
my CMOS, it was set to 100mb.  I changed it there and things have worked
like a charm ever since.  If it's not a CMOS thing for you, I know we've
had problems at work with other ethernet adapters where duplexing was a
problem.  Evidently, we had cards trying to connect to switches in the
wrong duplex mode, I believe it was a problem with the switches,
although I don't remember all of the details.  Finally, we've also had
some marginal network cables that worked fine at 10mb or 100mb, but
never auto-detect.  Once replaced, things worked fine.

Just some thoughts, although the simplest thing would be to not
auto-detect and manually set it.


On Sat, 5 Jul 2003 22:53:43 +0200
Rob van Dam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the computer connected to a ethernet-adsl modem (thomson 510).
 has an integrated 100/10 switch.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joeb
 Sent: zaterdag 5 juli 2003 22:44
 Subject: Re: [newbie] fix sis900 networkcard to 10 mbit
 Is your hub 10mb or 100mb?
 On Sat, 5 Jul 2003 15:36:55 +0200
 Rob van Dam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a network over a 10 mbit network cable (4 wires). My sis900
  works when I switch of autodetect and fix the card to 10 mbit.
  Does anyone know how to do this?

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Re: [newbie] root

2003-07-06 Per discussione Gavin
On Sunday 06 July 2003 5:35 pm, Tsyko wrote:
 Good day

 how can i set my user up with root privileges?



Setting yourself up with root privileges can be VERY DANGERIOUS! if you don't 
know, the power of root learn( if you already don't know that is..) to su to 
root! example...if your account gets cracked not hacked!! and your account 
has root privileges, the cracker who cracked your account has root privi.. 
I'm sure you can see where this will lead... I'm sure others will tell 
you the same. su is the best..IMHO... good luck
c/o GES
Register Linux user # 199685
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!!

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Re: [newbie] root

2003-07-06 Per discussione Gavin
On Sunday 06 July 2003 5:35 pm, Tsyko wrote:
 Good day

 how can i set my user up with root privileges?



Setting yourself up with root privileges can be VERY DANGERIOUS! if you don't 
know, the power of root learn( if you already don't know that is..) to su to 
root! example...if your account gets cracked not hacked!! and your account 
has root privileges, the cracker who cracked your account has root privi.. 
I'm sure you can see where this will lead... I'm sure others will tell 
you the same. su is the best..IMHO... good luck
c/o GES
Register Linux user # 199685
Sent 2u on a M$ free system!!

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Re: [newbie] Install stopped

2003-07-06 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 19:20, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
 I'm doing a fresh install of 9.1. At the end of the packages install, an error 
 An error occurred
 Can't load object method new via package ever
 (perhaps you forgot to load ever)?
 Can anyone tell me what this means, what happened and/or what to do?
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start over, and when it hangs do a [ctrl+Alt+f3] adn see what error
messages are there, and also try ctrl+Alt+f2 and ctrl+Alt+f4

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Re: [newbie] radeon 9700

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 10:44:14 +0100
Tsyko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anybody tell me why my radeon 9700 pro is so slow with opengl apps
 in linux?

You need to go to
and download
Check the README for installation and configuration instructions.


Okay, Marge, as long as we're traumatizing the kids, I have a scandalous
story of my own.

-- Homer Simpson
   Another Simpsons Clip Show
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon


Description: PGP signature

[newbie] Multiboot using BRUB

2003-07-06 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
First THANKS to members giving me pointers and site addresses while I was
learning GRUB.(Still learning)
This is for members new to linux  GRUB.
This is a WONDERFULL bootloader - (LILO is fine.)
If you start to understand its workings you can produce magic  with it.
Make a GRUB bootdisk - copy your HD menu.lst to it.
Now your MBR on your first HD/or whatever with the list may get
wiped/corrupted(sometimes it even do not need any reason at all) and you can
still boot any of your OS'ses on any partition/drive from this bootdisk with
problem - it will seem it is from HD.
If  you have to make a choice - choose GRUB.
If you are a LILO user you can still change to GRUB - with some STUDY it is
easy - on Mandrake/Redhat it is already installed - check for
/boot/grub/menu.lst - need only to be activated - again please - first it
needs some study.
For those interested please find attched a copy of my menu.lst - All work
fine exceept the one with Problem. Probably need some more study.
Viewing this file you can see how many dos and linux partitions can be
booted - according to papers there is actually no limit.
May this be a good day for learning
timeout 10
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
i18n (hd0,4)/boot/grub/messages
keytable (hd0,4)/boot/us.klt
altconfigfile (hd0,4)/boot/grub/menu.once
default 0

title Mandrake9.1-hde5
kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hde5 quiet devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi acpi=off 
initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img

title linux-nonfb
kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hde5 devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi acpi=off
initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img

title failsafe
kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hde5 failsafe devfs=nomount hdd=ide-scsi acpi=off
initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img
title redhat9.0-hde7
kernel (hd0,6)/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-8 root=/dev/hde7
initrd (hd0,6)/boot/initrd-2.4.20-8.img

title linux9.0-hdg6
kernel (hd1,5)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdg6
initrd (hd1,5)/boot/initrd.img
title Dos-hde1
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Dos-hdg1
unhide (hd1,0)
hide (hd1,1)
hide (hd1,2)
root (hd1,0)
map (0x81) (0x80)
map (0x80) (0x81)
chainloader +1
title Dos-hdg2
hide (hd1,0)
unhide (hd1,1)
hide (hd1,2)
root (hd1,1)
map (0x81) (0x80)
map (0x80) (0x81)
chainloader +1
title Dos-hdg3
hide (hd1,0)
hide (hd1,1)
unhide (hd1,2)
root (hd1,2)
map (0x81) (0x80)
map (0x80) (0x81)
chainloader +1
title Dos-hdg-Problem
hide (hd1,0)
hide (hd1,1)
hide (hd1,2)
unhide (hd1,4)
root (hd1,4)
map (0x81) (0x80)
map (0x80) (0x81)
chainloader +1
title floppy
root (fd0)
chainloader +1

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[newbie] tricking linux to accept changed partition

2003-07-06 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
This is for experimentation.
Setup :
2 HD's - hde  hdg
.Mdk9.0 on second HD - hdg6
Remove drive one.
Using GRUB bootdisk  - booting hdg6 which is now changed to hde6.
Before this (after file backup) I edited the fstab that the references to
the previous partiton hdg6 now is hde6.(Wel I think it should be hde -  I
have no way to find out- no system running)
When booting I edit the references in this menu-option to refer to (hd0,5) 
It boots fine untill it displays : kernel panic . No init found. Try passing
init=options to kernel.
Ok if all is normal this line should read INIT : version xxx
Well even before this some other errors creep in - like from mounting
reiserfs it becomes a lot of errors.(If mounting failed then no file can be
OK this is absolutely new ground to me - know nothing about kernel
When this happened the first time I did the fstab changes hoping this wil
trick the kernel. (ha-ha).
System search revealed several int files/directories several places.
Cat the one in /etc/sysconfig/init refers to colors and some stuff but no
When does fstab come in while booting.
I also tried mapping but only one drive - map to what?.
It is easy to trick DOS. It seems that a lot more or not possible to trick
Maybe there is to much involved that makes linux drive and partition
If this means a major overhaul it will not be worth the effort. Like a new
install or whatever if this situation arises.
Please what else need be edited or whatever to make this work?.
Maybe I am expecting to much?

May this be a good day for learning

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Re: [newbie] teste

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 14:04, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Saturday 05 July 2003 07:49 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
But are YOU, Kaj, going to make a movie with it?
   If I could Stephen, it would be the old, classical western with
   the good guys (white hats) against the bad guys (M$-hats) and
   the final shoot-out  at the GPL-Corall.
   Kaj Haulrich.
  Gosh - that just brought a tear to my eye(sniff)
 What? No Samuri? lol

Ah, yer right. We need to have Sho Kushugi in there somewhere...

Sun Jul  6 16:55:01 EST 2003
 16:55:01 up 58 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.36, 0.33
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Bognor has always meant to me the quintessential English seaside experience
(before all this global warming stuff): driving in the rain to get there,
walking around in the rain looking for something to do when you're there,
and driving home in the rain again...

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Re: hitch hikers guide... WAS: Re: [newbie] Window$ free -follow-up

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 12:00, The Other wrote:
 Hello Stephen,
 I don't know.  When I get the drive back so I can reinstall 
 Bamboo, I'll be looking for the Linux version of Hack, or NetHack 
 if it was officially called that.
 Do you think playing Hack was ever intelligent?  Addictive yes, 
 but intelligent?  ;)
 The Other

Point is - it makes you THINK - not just react.

Sun Jul  6 16:50:01 EST 2003
 16:50:01 up 53 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.90, 0.77, 0.43
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

(over phone) Scully: ... the very idea of intelligent alien
life is not only astronomically improbable, but at its
most basic level, downright anti-Darwinian.
Mulder: Scully, what are you wearing?

The X-Files: War of the Coprophages

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Re: [newbie] Samba Print problem

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 10:56, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:

 Samba has a default setting of a maximum 1000 print jobs per queue. 
 You can see this by running the following command:
 testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf.  
 You can override default setting by adding Max Print Jobs = xx to your smb.conf 
 file which I have done but the queue still will not hold more than 1000 print jobs.
 Until I can figure out how to get the queue to hold more than 1000 print jobs, I 
 have created 5 additional hold queues all servicing the same printer and we have
 modified the script that creates the print jobs to the spread the jobs among all the 

...but that's like a bandage...
I'm trying to read up on some Samba print things at the moment so that I
get a better understanding of how Samba deals with issues like this one
discussed - but in the meantime, have you posted this to the Samba list
for John Terpstra to check out? Might be something they've either found
a way to patch, or something that might be taken care of in Samba v3...

Sun Jul  6 16:40:00 EST 2003
 16:40:00 up 43 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.18, 0.14
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The rule on staying alive as a program manager is to give 'em a number or 
give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once.

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Re: [newbie] teste

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 11:00, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Saturday 05 July 2003 08:23 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
  On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 16:11, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 08:54, Josenildo Marques wrote:
Steven Spielberg is using Linux.
   ...but what's he run on his laptop?
  A Drunken Irishman and now for a wee drop.
 Isn't the expression drunken Irishman redundant?
 -- cmg

Yeah - like 'whinging pom', 'arrogant yank', 'confused woman',
'expensive Ferrari'...(g)

Sun Jul  6 16:50:01 EST 2003
 16:50:01 up 53 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.90, 0.77, 0.43
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

(over phone) Scully: ... the very idea of intelligent alien
life is not only astronomically improbable, but at its
most basic level, downright anti-Darwinian.
Mulder: Scully, what are you wearing?

The X-Files: War of the Coprophages

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[newbie] Gimp 1.3

2003-07-06 Per discussione Josenildo Marques
Hash: SHA1


I've got the 1.2.3 Gimp release on Mandrake 9.1 and I see there is a newer 
release (1.3) at Contrib.
Is there anyone out there using this newer version ?
Is it stable ?
Can I have both of them installed ?

Thanks for any tip.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] teste

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On 06 Jul 2003 16:56:47 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah, yer right. We need to have Sho Kushugi in there somewhere...

He was Ninja
Toshiro Mifune was THE samurai


Fortune's real live weird band names #628:

Skadelic Smegma
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] root

2003-07-06 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
OK this can be done - but I think - if you knew how you would probably not
do it - you can compromise your system to bad people.(Do not even think it
will NOT happen to you)  I now it is a hassle
to to use console and you would rather use GUI.
I asume that you are new to this according to your question.
Here is some suggestions to avoid that.
Change to console.
Use su then  password  or su - (with a minus)then password - the last one
makes the root environment  available.
Should you like GUI (like in home on your screen) type konqueror - there now
you can move around in your system like root. Can open files by right
clicking and using open with...a lot of editors available.
Should you like to to edit a file in console- move to the directory then
like ..
   gedit foo.conf
 ( or any other text editor ..kwrite and more)
you can edit/print/save/whatever like root.
while you are in console-root you may move/access any directory or file -
now again do not access files you do not know what they do - you can make
your system in-operable.
Now when you close console all root privileges are gone and system safe.
Need more info - please feel free to ask

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 10:35 AM
Subject: [newbie] root

 Good day

 how can i set my user up with root privileges?


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[newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
Just had to share these stats with y'all; purchased a new CPU fan today
- a Thermaltake Volcano 7 - so that coupled with the 120mm fan I mounted
just above where the CPU sits - blowing directly down onto the CPU
assembly (I cut a hole in the case side and mounted the fan outside of
the case - it's an industrial 400 cubic metres per hour model) gives me
the following nice stats:
CPU Fan:  3154 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
SYS Temp:  +30.5°C  (limit =  +45°C, hysteresis =  +40°C)
CPU Temp:  +29.2°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +55°C)
SBr Temp:  +20.7°C  (limit =  +65°C, hysteresis =  +60°C)
hddtemp /dev/hda: ST340016A: 29°C
hddtemp /dev/hdb: ST340824A: 32°C

Pictures of the case/mod will be posted after I'm done getting the
images down to a manageable a few hours I reckon...(g)

Who says I don't have a life?
Sun Jul  6 22:50:00 EST 2003
 22:50:00 up 22 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.72, 0.61, 0.32
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Never mind the bullet with your name on it, try to avoid the shrapnel addressed to 
-- Murphy's New Military Laws n4

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Re: [newbie] Hit counter for a web page.

2003-07-06 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 23:39:12 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 05 July 2003 10:37 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 21:48:04 -0500
  What is the output you get when you run webalizer from the command
  line as root?
 command not found  however, I loaded the files on the web server
 from inside the webserver, since it sits next to me, and made the
 config edits using kedit. Could this be the problem? The files may not
 be in ASCII? I don't know how kedit works but there is no choice to
 save in ASCII. Thanks for the feedback, I know you probably have
 better things to do. 

Hmm, sounds like you don't have it installed then? It should be in
/usr/bin. Webalizer itself is a binary so you shouldn't be able to edit
it with kedit. Don't know if /etc/webalizer.conf needs to be ASCII or

How did you install--rpm or did you build it yourself? You might try
reinstalling it. Or maybe pass along a copy of your webalizer.conf.

Maybe you moved webalizer (the binary) to the cgi-bin? It should stay in
/usr/bin; the files it generates go your web directory wherever you tell
it. Sorry, just grasping here.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place
to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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Re: [newbie] optical mouse

2003-07-06 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 20:01, Thomas Williams wrote:
 I have a question for all of you. I have a HP Pavillon with both a serial 
 mouse connection and USB ports and I'm running MDK 9.1. I have an opportunity 
 to get an optical USB mouse. I'm reasonably sure they will work with Linux, 
 but what I want to know is, are there any ones I should stay away from? Is 
 there a particular model I should try to get? I've been looking at a 
 Kensington model that is relatively cheap and even has the scroll wheel. Will 
 this work with Linux? They don't mention Linux in the list of OSes it works 
 on, but that's not a surprise.
 Tom Williams
not to be stupid, I am just trying to get my head around something here,
for what reason do you want to use a USB mouse over a serial mouse? are
there some advantages I have not considered? (like freeing up an irq
line? are they less expensive? better cable routing?) thanks.

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Re: hitch hikers guide... WAS: Re: [newbie] Window$ free -follow -up

2003-07-06 Per discussione mooney
On 5 Jul 2003 at 23:15, bascule wrote:

 and for those who never played:
 On Saturday 05 Jul 2003 8:15 am, Anders Lind wrote:
   (where's my towel???)
  You always need to know where your towel is...
 `The best way to get a drink out of a Vogon is to stick 
 your finger down his throat...' 
 -- The Book, on one of the Vogon's social inadequacies. 
No connection to Hitch-hiker, but try

and other activites for passing time at:

Paul M

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Re: [newbie] optical mouse

2003-07-06 Per discussione John Richard Smith
ed tharp wrote:

On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 20:01, Thomas Williams wrote:

I have a question for all of you. I have a HP Pavillon with both a serial 
mouse connection and USB ports and I'm running MDK 9.1. I have an opportunity 
to get an optical USB mouse. I'm reasonably sure they will work with Linux, 
but what I want to know is, are there any ones I should stay away from? Is 
there a particular model I should try to get? I've been looking at a 
Kensington model that is relatively cheap and even has the scroll wheel. Will 
this work with Linux? They don't mention Linux in the list of OSes it works 
on, but that's not a surprise.

Tom Williams


not to be stupid, I am just trying to get my head around something here,
for what reason do you want to use a USB mouse over a serial mouse? are
there some advantages I have not considered? (like freeing up an irq
line? are they less expensive? better cable routing?) thanks.

I've changed all my mice over to one make of optical mouse.

This is a Packard Bell C-3UP  3button scrollwheel optical mouse.
Currently available here in UK from PC World @ £9.99 each, while stocks 

So far it works well with M8.1, M9.0, and M9.1 , in both serial port and 
usb mode, though I prefer to use the serial port connection as it would 
otherwise use up a valuable usb socked.
I don't really consider speed as an issue with a mouse. So unless anyone 
can suggest a solid reason to use a valuable usb socket for the purpose 
of a mouse I'm sticking with it in serial port mode.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Lanman
Stephen; Correct me if I'm wrong, but are those Wallabee's you've got on in the 
picture? Grin! Grin! On a different note, I'm trying to understand why you'd have a 
fan blowing cool air onto a Thermaltake Volcano7 that's trying to blow air OUT of the 
box, mate? Aren't you forcing air back and forth towards each other? Wouldn't it be 
better to reverse the external fan so that it helps the Volcano expel warm air to the 
outside of the box?

And what's this about not having a life? You've got us, mate! LOL!

Seriously, though,nice shoes!



On 7/6/2003 at 11:14 PM Stephen Kuhn wrote:

Just had to share these stats with y'all; purchased a new CPU fan today
- a Thermaltake Volcano 7 - so that coupled with the 120mm fan I mounted
just above where the CPU sits - blowing directly down onto the CPU
assembly (I cut a hole in the case side and mounted the fan outside of
the case - it's an industrial 400 cubic metres per hour model) gives me
the following nice stats:
CPU Fan:  3154 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
SYS Temp:  +30.5°C  (limit =  +45°C, hysteresis =  +40°C)
CPU Temp:  +29.2°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +55°C)
SBr Temp:  +20.7°C  (limit =  +65°C, hysteresis =  +60°C)
hddtemp /dev/hda: ST340016A: 29°C
hddtemp /dev/hdb: ST340824A: 32°C

Pictures of the case/mod will be posted after I'm done getting the
images down to a manageable a few hours I reckon...(g)

Who says I don't have a life?
Sun Jul  6 22:50:00 EST 2003
 22:50:00 up 22 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.72, 0.61, 0.32
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Never mind the bullet with your name on it, try to avoid the shrapnel
addressed to occupant
   -- Murphy's New Military Laws n4

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] optical mouse

2003-07-06 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 09:51, John Richard Smith wrote:
 ed tharp wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 20:01, Thomas Williams wrote:
 I have a question for all of you. I have a HP Pavillon with both a serial 
 mouse connection and USB ports and I'm running MDK 9.1. I have an opportunity 
 to get an optical USB mouse. I'm reasonably sure they will work with Linux, 
 but what I want to know is, are there any ones I should stay away from? Is 
 there a particular model I should try to get? I've been looking at a 
 Kensington model that is relatively cheap and even has the scroll wheel. Will 
 this work with Linux? They don't mention Linux in the list of OSes it works 
 on, but that's not a surprise.
 Tom Williams
 not to be stupid, I am just trying to get my head around something here,
 for what reason do you want to use a USB mouse over a serial mouse? are
 there some advantages I have not considered? (like freeing up an irq
 line? are they less expensive? better cable routing?) thanks.
 I've changed all my mice over to one make of optical mouse.
 This is a Packard Bell C-3UP  3button scrollwheel optical mouse.
 Currently available here in UK from PC World @ £9.99 each, while stocks 
 So far it works well with M8.1, M9.0, and M9.1 , in both serial port and 
 usb mode, though I prefer to use the serial port connection as it would 
 otherwise use up a valuable usb socked.
 I don't really consider speed as an issue with a mouse. So unless anyone 
 can suggest a solid reason to use a valuable usb socket for the purpose 
 of a mouse I'm sticking with it in serial port mode.

I am pushing cordless mouses of all types these days, the PITA of corded
mouses has made me crazy the last time, and fully agree with optical as
the better choice in terms of use over time, but have not settled on a
particular name brand as best, but i like logitec, for my self. 

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione ed tharp
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 09:58, Lanman wrote:
 Stephen; Correct me if I'm wrong, but are those Wallabee's you've got on in the 
 picture? Grin! Grin! On a different note, I'm trying to understand why you'd have a 
 fan blowing cool air onto a Thermaltake Volcano7 that's trying to blow air OUT of 
 the box, mate? Aren't you forcing air back and forth towards each other? Wouldn't it 
 be better to reverse the external fan so that it helps the Volcano expel warm air to 
 the outside of the box?
 And what's this about not having a life? You've got us, mate! LOL!
 Seriously, though,nice shoes!
I reeally like the duct-tape mod, I just sent the URL to MaximumPC
for their contest,,, good luck

and a life?? I will stand up and loudly proclaim, Stephen, you, and
everyone that has taken the time to download a picture of ANY case mod,
(much less those that you can read the writing on the chips) has NO
life, needs to find one right away.
In fact, it is on my list of things to do, and moving up in importance. 

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione N. B. Day
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 08:14, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Just had to share these stats with y'all; purchased a new CPU fan today
 - a Thermaltake Volcano 7 - so that coupled with the 120mm fan I mounted
 just above where the CPU sits - blowing directly down onto the CPU
 assembly (I cut a hole in the case side and mounted the fan outside of
 the case - it's an industrial 400 cubic metres per hour model) gives me
 the following nice stats:
 CPU Fan:  3154 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
 SYS Temp:  +30.5°C  (limit =  +45°C, hysteresis =  +40°C)
 CPU Temp:  +29.2°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +55°C)
 SBr Temp:  +20.7°C  (limit =  +65°C, hysteresis =  +60°C)
 hddtemp /dev/hda: ST340016A: 29°C
 hddtemp /dev/hdb: ST340824A: 32°C


You might remind the world that it's WINTER in the southern hemisphere!
What's the ambient temperature?  I don't recall anyone having central
heating in NSW; they just wear a sheep or two in the winter.

 Who says I don't have a life?
N. B. Day

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Re: [newbie] teste

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 22:58, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On 06 Jul 2003 16:56:47 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ah, yer right. We need to have Sho Kushugi in there somewhere...
 He was Ninja
 Toshiro Mifune was THE samurai

Damn - I completely forgot about HIM - and damn, he was awesome - that
stone face...those sideburns (not joking - he looked staunch and strong
as an ox, mate)

Sun Jul  6 23:45:01 EST 2003
 23:45:01 up  1:17,  2 users,  load average: 1.35, 1.22, 0.82
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Forrest Gump: Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you,
but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if
I was ever going somewhere, I was running!! 

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 23:58, Lanman wrote:
 Stephen; Correct me if I'm wrong, but are those Wallabee's you've got on in the 
 picture? Grin! Grin! On a different note, I'm trying to understand why you'd have a 
 fan blowing cool air onto a Thermaltake Volcano7 that's trying to blow air OUT of 
 the box, mate? Aren't you forcing air back and forth towards each other? Wouldn't it 
 be better to reverse the external fan so that it helps the Volcano expel warm air to 
 the outside of the box?
 And what's this about not having a life? You've got us, mate! LOL!
 Seriously, though,nice shoes!

Ok - wallabies live near rocky places - they're smaller version of the
kangaroo - here, on the flood plain below the 400+ metre escarpment,
we'd have regular kangaroos - if it weren't for civilisation...

Anyways, the Thermaltake forces air down from the fan THROUGH the block
- the fan on the outside of the case is forcing air DOWN THROUGH to the
Thermaltake...the fan next to the Thermaltake is sucking air OUT of the
case...the fan near the lower front of the case is blowing air towards
the front of the case - to cause the flow of air to not deaden below
the hard drives. The PSU fan is also sucking air out of the case.

I've got another 120mm fan - same as the one already mounted outside of
the case - that I'm going to mount so that it would be forcing air into
the lower front section, with a PVC elbow that's cut and modded to then
force the air UP at the HD's, and have an 80mm fan mounted in the top
plate of the case to suck exhaust out and up.

I've created a 'filter' from a postoffice CD envelope with a piece of
foam in it that sits over the 120mm fan - to limit dust going into the
case - and have another for the next fan.

With the current fan/filter setup, there really wasn't much dust in the
case - mostly in the PSU because it's, well, cluttered, and doesn't have
very good airflow.

My next PSU is going to have the ducted fan that sits above the actual
PSU - sucking the dust/hot air out (as hot air rises, ay?).

If I had the cash, I'd try to do a watercooling setup - but that's like
$300 - and well, I got I can't justify it to the wife. This
fan, the Thermaltake Volcano 7, I justified because the guy at the fair
wanted $45, and I pulled out $35 and said Hey man, this is all I got
and well, he took it...(I'm sure he still made money on it...) - and
it's a much better fan than the one that came from Intel with the
Celery, er, Celeron...

My goal is to have the CPU live at 20C - and since this is just a cheapo
case that I can hack/whack to death (and I've got heaps of case parts
laying around) I'm trying to come up with forced air cooling
techniques for doing so...I'm also trying to build a forced air box
that would have four 120mm fans forcing air through a 2.5cm tube
directly onto the CPU block assembly, and another 2.5cm tube blasting
directly onto the hard drives...(might even remove the HD's from the
system and put them into another box and cool them seperately...)

Fun fun fun...
Mon Jul  7 00:15:01 EST 2003
 00:15:01 up  1:47,  2 users,  load average: 1.48, 1.28, 1.13
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Things past redress and now with me past care.
-- William Shakespeare, Richard II

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[newbie] multimedia player running and i can't stop it

2003-07-06 Per discussione Michael
i really did a number here.  somehow i accidentily added every single file 
from my mswin hard drive to the noatun media player playlist.  well, in 
trying to remove everything from the playlist, the computer started bogging 
down BAD.  i closed the media player, restarted the computer.  got back into 
linux, the media player starts up as soon as i get to the desktop (which i've 
noticed it will if i leave it open when i shut down), but i can't access it 
or see it on the tool bar or anything to stop it and remove all the files 
that were accidentily added.  so, uhhh, can anyone help me?  thanks.

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Re: [newbie] optical mouse

2003-07-06 Per discussione John Richard Smith
ed tharp wrote:

On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 09:51, John Richard Smith wrote:

ed tharp wrote:


On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 20:01, Thomas Williams wrote:


I have a question for all of you. I have a HP Pavillon with both a serial 
mouse connection and USB ports and I'm running MDK 9.1. I have an opportunity 
to get an optical USB mouse. I'm reasonably sure they will work with Linux, 
but what I want to know is, are there any ones I should stay away from? Is 
there a particular model I should try to get? I've been looking at a 
Kensington model that is relatively cheap and even has the scroll wheel. Will 
this work with Linux? They don't mention Linux in the list of OSes it works 
on, but that's not a surprise.

Tom Williams



not to be stupid, I am just trying to get my head around something here,
for what reason do you want to use a USB mouse over a serial mouse? are
there some advantages I have not considered? (like freeing up an irq
line? are they less expensive? better cable routing?) thanks.


I've changed all my mice over to one make of optical mouse.

This is a Packard Bell C-3UP  3button scrollwheel optical mouse.
Currently available here in UK from PC World @ £9.99 each, while stocks 

So far it works well with M8.1, M9.0, and M9.1 , in both serial port and 
usb mode, though I prefer to use the serial port connection as it would 
otherwise use up a valuable usb socked.
I don't really consider speed as an issue with a mouse. So unless anyone 
can suggest a solid reason to use a valuable usb socket for the purpose 
of a mouse I'm sticking with it in serial port mode.


I am pushing cordless mouses of all types these days, the PITA of corded
mouses has made me crazy the last time, and fully agree with optical as
the better choice in terms of use over time, but have not settled on a
particular name brand as best, but i like logitec, for my self. 


Personally I'm not much interested in cordless, a standard cable optical 
scrollwheel mouse is fine enough for me. I looked at the latest logitech 
but couldn't get a decent deal here in the UK and as I wanted 6 as a 
minimum , that was that. But I cannot complain, I've just this afternoon 
installed another Packard bell C-3UP and they seem just fine so far. 
It's early days.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 00:20, ed tharp wrote:

 I reeally like the duct-tape mod, I just sent the URL to MaximumPC
 for their contest,,, good luck

Hehehehe...yeah - with all the completely and totally awesome case mods
out there, I'm sure mine will get at least a laugh - I still laugh at
it...and duct tape RULES! (If you can't fix it with duct tape and
bailing wire, it can't be fixed!)

 and a life?? I will stand up and loudly proclaim, Stephen, you, and
 everyone that has taken the time to download a picture of ANY case mod,
 (much less those that you can read the writing on the chips) has NO
 life, needs to find one right away.
 In fact, it is on my list of things to do, and moving up in importance. 

My wife sits over at her computer and tells me the same thing. She's
trying to prioritise having a life as well...(same with having
sex)'s somewhere on the list...

The kids think I'm nuts. Drilling holes in metal, building an air
compressor (industrial strength) just to blow dust out of machines and
spray paint casings, ripping apart hard drives and making 5v helicopters
(gee, that's one I need to take pictures of!), ripping apart old systems
and scavenging all the nuts, bolts, risers, power supplies, fans...
(More fun than watching cricket)

Mon Jul  7 00:30:01 EST 2003
 00:30:01 up  2:02,  2 users,  load average: 1.17, 1.13, 1.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

NT (as in Windows NT) is short for Not Trustworthy.

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Lanman
Stephen; FYI,...Wallabees are shoes in Canada, not animals. About cooling your case, 
HP started fabricating plenums ( square or rectangular tubes made of plastic or metal 
that usually act as a path for air to travel -ie; in air conditioning systems in large 
buildings) for many of their newer cases. These plenums are hard-mounted inside the 
case and extend from just above the CPU to the back of the case where they expel warm 
air through a grill. Most of them have an additional fan mounted inside, and attached 
where the plenum meets the back of the case. These fans help the CPU fan by sucking 
air out of the case as the CPU fan picks up the warm air from the CPU. I thought you 
might want to know in case you have some materials on-site that you can use to 
duplicatre this. If you get a chance to look inside an HP pavilion desktop PC, you 
should see what I'm talking about.

Hope the info helps (?)



On 7/7/2003 at 12:29 AM Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 23:58, Lanman wrote:
 Stephen; Correct me if I'm wrong, but are those Wallabee's you've got
on in the picture? Grin! Grin! On a different note, I'm trying to
understand why you'd have a fan blowing cool air onto a Thermaltake
Volcano7 that's trying to blow air OUT of the box, mate? Aren't you
forcing air back and forth towards each other? Wouldn't it be better to
reverse the external fan so that it helps the Volcano expel warm air to
the outside of the box?

 And what's this about not having a life? You've got us, mate! LOL!

 Seriously, though,nice shoes!


Ok - wallabies live near rocky places - they're smaller version of the
kangaroo - here, on the flood plain below the 400+ metre escarpment,
we'd have regular kangaroos - if it weren't for civilisation...

Anyways, the Thermaltake forces air down from the fan THROUGH the block
- the fan on the outside of the case is forcing air DOWN THROUGH to the
Thermaltake...the fan next to the Thermaltake is sucking air OUT of the
case...the fan near the lower front of the case is blowing air towards
the front of the case - to cause the flow of air to not deaden below
the hard drives. The PSU fan is also sucking air out of the case.

I've got another 120mm fan - same as the one already mounted outside of
the case - that I'm going to mount so that it would be forcing air into
the lower front section, with a PVC elbow that's cut and modded to then
force the air UP at the HD's, and have an 80mm fan mounted in the top
plate of the case to suck exhaust out and up.

I've created a 'filter' from a postoffice CD envelope with a piece of
foam in it that sits over the 120mm fan - to limit dust going into the
case - and have another for the next fan.

With the current fan/filter setup, there really wasn't much dust in the
case - mostly in the PSU because it's, well, cluttered, and doesn't have
very good airflow.

My next PSU is going to have the ducted fan that sits above the actual
PSU - sucking the dust/hot air out (as hot air rises, ay?).

If I had the cash, I'd try to do a watercooling setup - but that's like
$300 - and well, I got I can't justify it to the wife. This
fan, the Thermaltake Volcano 7, I justified because the guy at the fair
wanted $45, and I pulled out $35 and said Hey man, this is all I got
and well, he took it...(I'm sure he still made money on it...) - and
it's a much better fan than the one that came from Intel with the
Celery, er, Celeron...

My goal is to have the CPU live at 20C - and since this is just a cheapo
case that I can hack/whack to death (and I've got heaps of case parts
laying around) I'm trying to come up with forced air cooling
techniques for doing so...I'm also trying to build a forced air box
that would have four 120mm fans forcing air through a 2.5cm tube
directly onto the CPU block assembly, and another 2.5cm tube blasting
directly onto the hard drives...(might even remove the HD's from the
system and put them into another box and cool them seperately...)

Fun fun fun...
Mon Jul  7 00:15:01 EST 2003
 00:15:01 up  1:47,  2 users,  load average: 1.48, 1.28, 1.13
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Things past redress and now with me past care.
   -- William Shakespeare, Richard II

Want to buy your Pack or Services from 

Re: [newbie] dummies books

2003-07-06 Per discussione Eric Huff
 The best book that I have found so far is The Rute Users Tutioral and
 Exposition BTW it is on your (.0 and 9.1 CDs or you can doenloadit from
 also the hardcopy is remarkably inexpensive

I also like this book.  Didn't know it was on the cd's!

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 06 July 2003 09:14 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Just had to share these stats with y'all; purchased a new CPU fan today
 - a Thermaltake Volcano 7 - so that coupled with the 120mm fan I mounted
 just above where the CPU sits - blowing directly down onto the CPU
 assembly (I cut a hole in the case side and mounted the fan outside of
 the case - it's an industrial 400 cubic metres per hour model) gives me
 the following nice stats:
 CPU Fan:  3154 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
 SYS Temp:  +30.5°C  (limit =  +45°C, hysteresis =  +40°C)
 CPU Temp:  +29.2°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +55°C)
 SBr Temp:  +20.7°C  (limit =  +65°C, hysteresis =  +60°C)
 hddtemp /dev/hda: ST340016A: 29°C
 hddtemp /dev/hdb: ST340824A: 32°C

 Pictures of the case/mod will be posted after I'm done getting the
 images down to a manageable a few hours I reckon...(g)

 Who says I don't have a life?

I told ya all! I use the Thermal Take Volcano (6000 rpm) and it dropped my CPU 
temp in a desktop case (along with my vent mod) from 50-55C to 34-38C

Pics for anyone who wants to see how drastic I got :-)


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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:53 am, Lanman wrote:
 Stephen; FYI,...Wallabees are shoes in Canada, not animals. About cooling
 your case, HP started fabricating plenums ( square or rectangular tubes
 made of plastic or metal that usually act as a path for air to travel -ie;
 in air conditioning systems in large buildings) for many of their newer
 cases. These plenums are hard-mounted inside the case and extend from just
 above the CPU to the back of the case where they expel warm air through a
 grill. Most of them have an additional fan mounted inside, and attached
 where the plenum meets the back of the case. These fans help the CPU fan by
 sucking air out of the case as the CPU fan picks up the warm air from the
 CPU. I thought you might want to know in case you have some materials
 on-site that you can use to duplicatre this. If you get a chance to look
 inside an HP pavilion desktop PC, you should see what I'm talking about.

 Hope the info helps (?)


Or got to Cyberguys and grab that same kinda kit for about $14.95. Thats what 
I did, its sitting in my desktop case right now. Pics for anyone who wants 
any! :-)


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Re: [newbie] tricking linux to accept changed partition

2003-07-06 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 06 July 2003 14:04, Johan Scheepers wrote:
 This is for experimentation.
 Setup :
 2 HD's - hde  hdg
 .Mdk9.0 on second HD - hdg6
 Remove drive one.
 Using GRUB bootdisk  - booting hdg6 which is now changed to hde6.
 Before this (after file backup) I edited the fstab that the references to
 the previous partiton hdg6 now is hde6.(Wel I think it should be hde -  I
 have no way to find out- no system running)
 When booting I edit the references in this menu-option to refer to (hd0,5)
 It boots fine untill it displays : kernel panic . No init found. Try
 passing init=options to kernel.
 Ok if all is normal this line should read INIT : version xxx
 Well even before this some other errors creep in - like from mounting
 reiserfs it becomes a lot of errors.(If mounting failed then no file can be
 OK this is absolutely new ground to me - know nothing about kernel
 When this happened the first time I did the fstab changes hoping this wil
 trick the kernel. (ha-ha).
 System search revealed several int files/directories several places.
 Cat the one in /etc/sysconfig/init refers to colors and some stuff but no
 When does fstab come in while booting.
 I also tried mapping but only one drive - map to what?.
 It is easy to trick DOS. It seems that a lot more or not possible to trick
 Maybe there is to much involved that makes linux drive and partition
 If this means a major overhaul it will not be worth the effort. Like a new
 install or whatever if this situation arises.
 Please what else need be edited or whatever to make this work?.
 Maybe I am expecting to much?

 May this be a good day for learning

Could it be that GRUB is looking for the /boot (initrd and vmlinuz) directory 
that was on the drive you removed?

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] multimedia player running and i can't stop it

2003-07-06 Per discussione Michael
On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:36 am, Michael wrote:
 i really did a number here.  somehow i accidentily added every single file
 from my mswin hard drive to the noatun media player playlist.  well, in
 trying to remove everything from the playlist, the computer started bogging
 down BAD.  i closed the media player, restarted the computer.  got back
 into linux, the media player starts up as soon as i get to the desktop
 (which i've noticed it will if i leave it open when i shut down), but i
 can't access it or see it on the tool bar or anything to stop it and remove
 all the files that were accidentily added.  so, uhhh, can anyone help me? 
 thanks. Mike

nevermind, i fixed it.  

went into the control center, changed the startup command so when i boot up it 
starts with a new session, not restoring the last session.  started up and 
the media player did not start running.  went and checked the playlist and 
all the files i accidentily added were gone.  glad i found that setting to 
start with an empty session.  sometimes my wife will hop on the computer and 
exit linux and boot into win98, and she doesn't close out the programs i have 
running (GAIM/AIM, noatun, and k-mail are the first 3 programs i start and i 
leave them running non-stop when on the computer).  i've noticed when she 
does that, i lose AIM sounds when the media player is running.  i've learned 
to make sure every program is closed before logging out of linux, she doesn't 
always check and i run each program on a different desktop, so that confuses 
her even more.  but for anyone that was going to respond, thanks anyway!  
anything anyone can add to help if i run into similiar situations in the 
future would be appreciated.  thanks! 


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Re: [newbie] dummies books

2003-07-06 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 07:45, Eric Huff wrote:
  The best book that I have found so far is The Rute Users Tutioral and
  Exposition BTW it is on your (.0 and 9.1 CDs or you can doenloadit from
  also the hardcopy is remarkably inexpensive
 I also like this book.  Didn't know it was on the cd's!
look for rute
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Re: hitch hikers guide... WAS: Re: [newbie] Window$ free -follow -up

2003-07-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 06 Jul 2003 3:47 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 06 July 2003 06:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   `The best way to get a drink out of a Vogon is to stick
   your finger down his throat...'


   -- The Book, on one of the Vogon's social inadequacies.
  No connection to Hitch-hiker, but try
  and other activites for passing time at:
  Paul M

 and if you get the chance, and are a fan - then grab any video you can of
 the BBC Hitchhiker series from Columbia House. I've got the first 6 hours
 (don't remember how many episodes) and it rocks - laughed my buns off!

Sorry. But the TV series is a poor substitute for the original Radio Series. 
There is lots of material in the Radio version not in either the books or the 
(Available on CD in MP3 from )



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[newbie] Todays User Friendly

2003-07-06 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
is way cool.

Check it out at:



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Re: [newbie] optical mouse

2003-07-06 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby
On Sunday 06 July 2003 09:30 am, ed tharp wrote:
 On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 20:01, Thomas Williams wrote:
  I have a question for all of you. I have a HP Pavillon with both a serial
  mouse connection and USB ports and I'm running MDK 9.1. I have an
  opportunity to get an optical USB mouse. I'm reasonably sure they will
  work with Linux, but what I want to know is, are there any ones I should
  stay away from? Is there a particular model I should try to get? I've
  been looking at a Kensington model that is relatively cheap and even has
  the scroll wheel. Will this work with Linux? They don't mention Linux in
  the list of OSes it works on, but that's not a surprise.
  Tom Williams

 not to be stupid, I am just trying to get my head around something here,
 for what reason do you want to use a USB mouse over a serial mouse? are
 there some advantages I have not considered? (like freeing up an irq
 line? are they less expensive? better cable routing?) thanks.

One reason might be a lack of available serial ports. In my case, one is used 
by my modem and one by my UPS. Another reason may be that the time is past 
when every desktop computer has two serial ports, one parallel port, and a 
floppy drive.

In the FWIW department: Last spring I replaced my faithful old Logitech mouse 
with an optical one (also Logitech). Mandrake immediately recognized it with 
zero effort on my part. Windows, OTOH, made me go through the whole 
unrecognized hardware, load the CD, reboot drill. Totally unnecessary, as 
both mice use identical drivers. (Come to think of it, that was the last time 
that I used Windows -- or Windows was used me.)
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Lanman
They get winter down there? Next thing you'll be telling us is that they have giant 
mice with large tails, hopping around on 2 legs!

Grin! Grin!



On 7/6/2003 at 9:28 AM N. B. Day wrote:

On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 08:14, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Just had to share these stats with y'all; purchased a new CPU fan today
 - a Thermaltake Volcano 7 - so that coupled with the 120mm fan I mounted
 just above where the CPU sits - blowing directly down onto the CPU
 assembly (I cut a hole in the case side and mounted the fan outside of
 the case - it's an industrial 400 cubic metres per hour model) gives me
 the following nice stats:
 CPU Fan:  3154 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
 SYS Temp:  +30.5°C  (limit =  +45°C, hysteresis =  +40°C)
 CPU Temp:  +29.2°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +55°C)
 SBr Temp:  +20.7°C  (limit =  +65°C, hysteresis =  +60°C)
 hddtemp /dev/hda: ST340016A: 29°C
 hddtemp /dev/hdb: ST340824A: 32°C


You might remind the world that it's WINTER in the southern hemisphere!
What's the ambient temperature?  I don't recall anyone having central
heating in NSW; they just wear a sheep or two in the winter.

 Who says I don't have a life?
N. B. Day

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Lanman
Want Pics! Please send!



On 7/6/2003 at 11:07 AM Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:53 am, Lanman wrote:
 Stephen; FYI,...Wallabees are shoes in Canada, not animals. About cooling
 your case, HP started fabricating plenums ( square or rectangular tubes
 made of plastic or metal that usually act as a path for air to travel
 in air conditioning systems in large buildings) for many of their newer
 cases. These plenums are hard-mounted inside the case and extend from
 above the CPU to the back of the case where they expel warm air through a
 grill. Most of them have an additional fan mounted inside, and attached
 where the plenum meets the back of the case. These fans help the CPU fan
 sucking air out of the case as the CPU fan picks up the warm air from the
 CPU. I thought you might want to know in case you have some materials
 on-site that you can use to duplicatre this. If you get a chance to look
 inside an HP pavilion desktop PC, you should see what I'm talking about.

 Hope the info helps (?)


Or got to Cyberguys and grab that same kinda kit for about $14.95. Thats
I did, its sitting in my desktop case right now. Pics for anyone who wants
any! :-)



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] tricking linux to accept changed partition

2003-07-06 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:42 am, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 On Sunday 06 July 2003 14:04, Johan Scheepers wrote:
  This is for experimentation.
  Setup :
  2 HD's - hde  hdg
  .Mdk9.0 on second HD - hdg6
  Remove drive one.
  Using GRUB bootdisk  - booting hdg6 which is now changed to hde6.
  Before this (after file backup) I edited the fstab that the references to
  the previous partiton hdg6 now is hde6.(Wel I think it should be hde -  I
  have no way to find out- no system running)
  When booting I edit the references in this menu-option to refer to
  (hd0,5)  hde6.
  It boots fine untill it displays : kernel panic . No init found. Try
  passing init=options to kernel.
  Ok if all is normal this line should read INIT : version xxx
  Well even before this some other errors creep in - like from mounting
  reiserfs it becomes a lot of errors.(If mounting failed then no file can
  be found?)
  OK this is absolutely new ground to me - know nothing about kernel
  When this happened the first time I did the fstab changes hoping this wil
  trick the kernel. (ha-ha).
  System search revealed several int files/directories several places.
  Cat the one in /etc/sysconfig/init refers to colors and some stuff but no
  When does fstab come in while booting.
  I also tried mapping but only one drive - map to what?.
  It is easy to trick DOS. It seems that a lot more or not possible to
  trick linux.
  Maybe there is to much involved that makes linux drive and partition
  If this means a major overhaul it will not be worth the effort. Like a
  new install or whatever if this situation arises.
  Please what else need be edited or whatever to make this work?.
  Maybe I am expecting to much?
  May this be a good day for learning

 Could it be that GRUB is looking for the /boot (initrd and vmlinuz)
 directory that was on the drive you removed?

It is actually more likely that it is looking for itself on hdg, which doesn't 
exist anymore, because it exists now as hde.  boot to rescue mode and try to 
find a /boot/grub/ script.  Review it and make sure everything is 
pointed at the right place, edit as necessary, and then run it with   

This should repoint grub at all the correct locations.


Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: hitch hikers guide... WAS: Re: [newbie] Window$ free -follow -up

2003-07-06 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 06 July 2003 06:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  `The best way to get a drink out of a Vogon is to stick
  your finger down his throat...'


  -- The Book, on one of the Vogon's social inadequacies.

 No connection to Hitch-hiker, but try

 and other activites for passing time at:

 Paul M

and if you get the chance, and are a fan - then grab any video you can of the 
BBC Hitchhiker series from Columbia House. I've got the first 6 hours (don't 
remember how many episodes) and it rocks - laughed my buns off!


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Re: [newbie] Gimp 1.3

2003-07-06 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Sunday 06 July 2003 14:47, Josenildo Marques wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 I've got the 1.2.3 Gimp release on Mandrake 9.1 and I see there is a newer
 release (1.3) at Contrib.
 Is there anyone out there using this newer version ?
 Is it stable ?
 Can I have both of them installed ?

 Thanks for any tip.

Yes you can have them both installed, no problem.
AFAIK 1.3 isn't stable yet and misses a few python scripts which 1.2 does 
1.3 works and is fine for testing, for day to day work use 1.2.

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Eric Huff
 They get winter down there?

Hah!  The natives in southern california say there's winter here, too!  The only 
seasons i can make out are big surf and small surf...

Actually, in Pasadena we do get a summer season: it's much warmer than Spring (which 
is the other 9 months of the year).

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Re: [newbie] mounting CD drive

2003-07-06 Per discussione Michael
On Saturday 05 July 2003 06:19 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

 in /etc/fstab , check every char is identicle including spaces, to,
 none /mnt/cdrom supermount
 dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,rw,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

ok, opened a terminal, su, password, kwrite, opened up fstab, made the 
changes, saved, exited.  

then i went and restarted the computer.  don't know if this was necessary or 
not, i'm used to doing things in mswin, and you have to reboot the computer 
after any changes to system files.  anyway.

went into mandrake control center, mount points, set cd/dvd burner is mounted, 
and checked the info there.  we changed iocharset=iso8859-1 to what is 
above, and that change shows.  if i click on the options tab, then click 
advanced, ro has been unchecked by the fstab change.  ok, so far so good, 
right?  wrong.  still doesn't work.  i put a music CD in, accessed the cd-rom 
icon on the desktop, it gives me an error that says could not enter 
directory /mnt/cdrom.  maybe it's giving me an error because the only cd i 
had laying on the desk is one of my wife's celine dion CDsi know i 
personally go into error mode when i'm forced to listen to it..ok, all 
joking aside.ok, so after that, i put in a CD-RW that i created in mswin.  
nothing special on the cd, it's where i backed up important stuff on my hard 
drive, mostly pictures of the kids.  when i try to access that, it tries for 
a minute to access, then i get total lockup and the caps lock and scroll lock 
lights on the keyboard start flashing together.  the number lock light goes 
off and stays off during all this.  the only thing i can do is hit the 
restart button on the computer.  not a good thing, i know, but it's all i can 

John, you had said in a previous post:

 This is saying that you have chosen scsi-emulation for your writer/rom,
 that is what hdc=ide-scsi says. That is OK, if you want it.

we never got into the difference between running it this way or running it as 
IDE, if there is a difference.  if it's not run as scsi, will i lose the 
ability to burn CDs?  if not, would changing it so it isn't scsi emulation 
possibly help?

 Are you quite sure the jumpers on the back of your writer/rom are set to
 master, and your device is on ide2 line.

at this point, i'm ready to open up the computer again and triple check to 
make sure it's on master and that it's on the end of the ribbon, but i just 
had the computer physically open a week and a half ago to install a new hard 
drive and i checked it all there.  and in the bios it shows that the cd drive 
is on the secondary channel and is the master.

 I hope so, because if not I don't know what to do to make supermount work.
 After that we can try automount if you wish.

 On my own machine supermount does not work well, in spite of being able
 to mount the device on the command line, all the apps that need to use
 it either don't work at all, or work exceedingly slow, and there is no
 possibility of a desktop Icon access to read discs. 

so if we ran it as automount, i'd lose the desktop icon access?  am i 
understanding this correctly?  what's the difference between supermount and 
automount?  personally, i'll take whatever is going to give me 100% 
functionability of my cd-rw drive.

Thanks!  we'll get this hammered out somehow!


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[newbie] No connection via Linux

2003-07-06 Per discussione meynsweb
Hi all,

I installed Mandrake 9.1 a couple of months ago on a dual-boot system
along with Windows 98. It worked quite well so far, but still it is more
configuring and learning than actually /using/ it...

I have been lurking a bit on this list via KMail, although I feel a bit
slain by the sheer amount of messages coming in, most of them not in the
least newbie for me... ;-)

Internet connection worked, however. *s*

Now I installed Shorewall to control my ins and outs. I installed it
from an RPM and added the recommended one-interface.tar.gz as I'm a
single user with a single machine. Now, when I try to connect to the
internet, I get this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# /usr/sbin/net_monitor.real --connect

GLib-CRITICAL **: file gmain.c: line 500 (g_source_remove): assertion `tag  0' failed.
SIOCDELRT: No such process
adsl-start: There already seems to be an ADSL connection up (PID 3154)


What can have gone wrong?

Is there an easy way to remove Shorewall altogether and start from the

TIA :-)


This message was created using The Bat!, version 1.63 Beta/11
under OS Windows 98, 4, 10, build ,
on a Pentium II machine at 200MHz, 64 MB RAM.

Winamp currently playing: Gilberto Gil  Caetano Veloso - Cada Macaco No Seu Galho

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Re: [newbie] multimedia player running and i can't stop it

2003-07-06 Per discussione Michael
On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:45 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 Open a terminal and type:

 killall -KILL noatun

 That should kill it for good. Once it's killed, shutdown and reboot (or
 logoff and login again) and it won't be there.

so that would just stop the program from running, right?  or would it remove 
it from the system and then i'd need to either re-install it or install 
another media player?  thanks


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Re: [newbie] dummies books

2003-07-06 Per discussione Eric Huff
  I also like this book.  Didn't know it was on the cd's!

 look for rute

Already done! It's nice having it all in a searchable pdf, instead of the html that 
came with the book...

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 08:07, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:53 am, Lanman wrote:
  Stephen; FYI,...Wallabees are shoes in Canada, not animals. About cooling
  your case, HP started fabricating plenums ( square or rectangular tubes
  made of plastic or metal that usually act as a path for air to travel -ie;
  in air conditioning systems in large buildings) for many of their newer
  cases. These plenums are hard-mounted inside the case and extend from just
  above the CPU to the back of the case where they expel warm air through a
  grill. Most of them have an additional fan mounted inside, and attached
  where the plenum meets the back of the case. These fans help the CPU fan by
  sucking air out of the case as the CPU fan picks up the warm air from the
  CPU. I thought you might want to know in case you have some materials
  on-site that you can use to duplicatre this. If you get a chance to look
  inside an HP pavilion desktop PC, you should see what I'm talking about.
  Hope the info helps (?)
A few years ago you could get a Peitre junction type of heatsink for
your CPU They worked Too Good (Condensing moisture out of the air around
your CPU. Don't know if they are still around,if they are HSC
electronics might have them. If its weird they
probaly have it
 Or got to Cyberguys and grab that same kinda kit for about $14.95. Thats what 
 I did, its sitting in my desktop case right now. Pics for anyone who wants 
 any! :-)

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Re: hitch hikers guide... WAS: Re: [newbie] Window$ free -follow -up

2003-07-06 Per discussione Anders Lind
  and if you get the chance, and are a fan - then grab any video you can
  the BBC Hitchhiker series from Columbia House. I've got the first 6
  (don't remember how many episodes) and it rocks - laughed my buns off!

Well, it is kinda cool, but good...hmm.,..doubtful, but as a Hitchhiker fan
you need
to have it, btw, it will be released pretty soon on DVD. I don't remember
the exact
date but within the next two months.

 Sorry. But the TV series is a poor substitute for the original Radio
 There is lots of material in the Radio version not in either the books or
 (Available on CD in MP3 from )

Yeah...this is really cool, I already have them on ordinary CD, but when I
saw they were
released on MP3-CD I thought it was really cool, kudos to BBC to embrace


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Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux

2003-07-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings
If you installed by RPM then you can remove shorewall with

urpme shorewall
in a root terminal.

I am not sure what the one-interface.tar.gz you installed is. Where did you 
find it?

Shorewall will be installed automatically if you ask the Mandrake Control 
Centre to set up a firewall for you. The Mandrake Control Centre however has 
a habit of mixing up which interface is the Internet, and which the local 
network, especially with ADSL. If you look in /etc/shorewall/interfaces you 
can confirm which interface is which.


On Sunday 06 Jul 2003 4:36 pm, meynsweb wrote:
 Hi all,

 I installed Mandrake 9.1 a couple of months ago on a dual-boot system
 along with Windows 98. It worked quite well so far, but still it is more
 configuring and learning than actually /using/ it...

 I have been lurking a bit on this list via KMail, although I feel a bit
 slain by the sheer amount of messages coming in, most of them not in the
 least newbie for me... ;-)

 Internet connection worked, however. *s*

 Now I installed Shorewall to control my ins and outs. I installed it
 from an RPM and added the recommended one-interface.tar.gz as I'm a
 single user with a single machine. Now, when I try to connect to the
 internet, I get this error:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# /usr/sbin/net_monitor.real --connect

 GLib-CRITICAL **: file gmain.c: line 500 (g_source_remove): assertion `tag
  0' failed. SIOCDELRT: No such process
 adsl-start: There already seems to be an ADSL connection up (PID 3154)


 What can have gone wrong?

 Is there an easy way to remove Shorewall altogether and start from the

 TIA :-)


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[newbie] Radeon 9700

2003-07-06 Per discussione Tsyko
Help me please

after installing the ¨fglrx-glc22-4.3.0-2.9.13.i586.rpm¨ 
i run fglrxconfig and set up X i then commit changes to XFree config files. I 
then try and run X and I get the following error

(WW) fglrx: No matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found
init_module: No such device
modprobe: insmod 
modprobe: insmod agpgart failed
[drm] failed to load kernel module agpgart
modprobe: can't locate module fglrx
[drm] failed to load kernel module fglrx
(EE) fglrx(0): DRIScreenInit failed!
Module called exit() function with value=1
XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0:0
  after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

can anybody please help me with this.

Thank you.


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[newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
hda1 (C:) wasn't connected during my last install, so I'm trying to get
Linux to recognize it.
I've created the /win_c: dir in /mnt and edited fstab and mtab with:

/dev/hda8 /mnt/win_c: vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
and rebooted.
Still when I click the win_c: icon in a file mgr, no files are shown.

Have I left something out?

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Re: [newbie] mounting CD drive

2003-07-06 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Michael wrote:

On Saturday 05 July 2003 06:19 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:


in /etc/fstab , check every char is identicle including spaces, to,
none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,rw,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

ok, opened a terminal, su, password, kwrite, opened up fstab, made the 
changes, saved, exited.  

then i went and restarted the computer.  don't know if this was necessary or 
not, i'm used to doing things in mswin, and you have to reboot the computer 
after any changes to system files.  anyway.

went into mandrake control center, mount points, set cd/dvd burner is mounted, 

It's not really necessary to either reboot or go back into MCC, but 
since you did not hard done.
In future, so you know , any time you want to make changes to fstab and 
you don't want to be bothered to reboot, merely open a root terminal and 
type mount -a enter
that will mount everything in fstab afresh.

had laying on the desk is one of my wife's celine dion CDsi know i 
personally go into error mode when i'm forced to listen to it..ok, all 
joking aside.ok, 

well if you can hold yourself and laugh at your troubles you're more 
than halfway there.

so after that, i put in a CD-RW that i created in mswin.

for test purposes I'd prefer to use a data disc of any old sort, but 
that's me.

John, you had said in a previous post:


This is saying that you have chosen scsi-emulation for your writer/rom,
that is what hdc=ide-scsi says. That is OK, if you want it.
Yes, scsi emulation is fake ide , if you like. Some programmes need it 
to recognise the drive and make the drivers work with them. However, I 
believe your running M9.1 here, and if so you don't actually need 
scsi-em with the standard xcdroast and I believe k3b writer programmes, 
though i have to say i have never got k3b to work for me.

So if you are content with xcdroast and k3b as you're writer programmes, 

simply remove the hdc=ide-scsi from /etc/lilo.conf and don't forget to 
/sbin/lilo in a terminal.

then change,

none /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,rw,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,rw,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

in fstab,

then mount -a in a terminal

and try again.

what's the difference between supermount and automount? 

Not that much . I actually have automount with some eliments of 
supermount running at the same time,  at the moment on my M9.1,  as my 
xcdroast likes it better, and I can have desktop icon access to the cd's 
in the drives as well . I also find xcdroast loads and runs much quicker 
that way. It's nothing I can explain.

But first try removing scsi-em and see what that does.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Gimp 1.3

2003-07-06 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Sunday 06 July 2003 08:47 am, Josenildo Marques wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 I've got the 1.2.3 Gimp release on Mandrake 9.1 and I see there is a newer
 release (1.3) at Contrib.
 Is there anyone out there using this newer version ?
 Is it stable ?
 Can I have both of them installed ?

If you are talking about Cooker contrib, it may not be stable on your 9.1, 
since it would have been built against cooker, not 9.1.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] Radeon 9700

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 19:23:55 +0100
Tsyko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can anybody please help me with this.

When you ran fglrxconfig are you sure you selected to use external
agpgart support?
If you do not have fglrx.0 in
/lib/modules/kernel-mdk/kernel/drivers/char/drm/ you probably did not.

Also during fglrxconfig there is a question about compatibility, i.e.
default, fast operation and compatibility operation; the default for
this is #0 but with a Radeon #1 should be chosen.

The driver will work, I am using it on a cooker system with a Radeon


Everyone is more or less mad on one point.
-- Rudyard Kipling
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:07 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:53 am, Lanman wrote:
  Stephen; FYI,...Wallabees are shoes in Canada, not animals. About cooling
  your case, HP started fabricating plenums ( square or rectangular tubes
  made of plastic or metal that usually act as a path for air to travel
  -ie; in air conditioning systems in large buildings) for many of their
  newer cases. These plenums are hard-mounted inside the case and extend
  from just above the CPU to the back of the case where they expel warm air
  through a grill. Most of them have an additional fan mounted inside, and
  attached where the plenum meets the back of the case. These fans help the
  CPU fan by sucking air out of the case as the CPU fan picks up the warm
  air from the CPU. I thought you might want to know in case you have some
  materials on-site that you can use to duplicatre this. If you get a
  chance to look inside an HP pavilion desktop PC, you should see what I'm
  talking about.
  Hope the info helps (?)

 Or got to Cyberguys and grab that same kinda kit for about $14.95. Thats
 what I did, its sitting in my desktop case right now. Pics for anyone who
 wants any! :-)
Ron, send me the pics. I have seen these fan systems but can not visualize how 
they fit on the CPU. Tnx.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Eric Huff
On 06 Jul 2003 12:39:18 -0500
Curt Tresenriter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hda1 (C:) wasn't connected during my last install, so I'm trying to get
 Linux to recognize it.
 I've created the /win_c: dir in /mnt and edited fstab and mtab with:
 /dev/hda8 /mnt/win_c: vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
 and rebooted.
 Still when I click the win_c: icon in a file mgr, no files are shown.

Shouldn't that be /dev/hda1 ?

You shouldn't need to reboot: just mount /mnt/win_c:

Also, you might want to get rid of the : just for confusion's sake.  

Here is another example of install differences:  1st time mine was /mnt/win_c, next 
time /mnt/windows


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Re: [newbie] mounting CD drive

2003-07-06 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 06 July 2003 10:32 am, Michael wrote:
 On Saturday 05 July 2003 06:19 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
  in /etc/fstab , check every char is identicle including spaces, to,
  none /mnt/cdrom supermount
  dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,rw,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

 ok, opened a terminal, su, password, kwrite, opened up fstab, made the
 changes, saved, exited.

 then i went and restarted the computer.  don't know if this was necessary
 or not, i'm used to doing things in mswin, and you have to reboot the
 computer after any changes to system files.  anyway.

 went into mandrake control center, mount points, set cd/dvd burner is
 mounted, and checked the info there.  we changed iocharset=iso8859-1 to
 what is above, and that change shows.  if i click on the options tab, then
 click advanced, ro has been unchecked by the fstab change.  ok, so far so
 good, right?  wrong.  still doesn't work.  i put a music CD in, accessed
 the cd-rom icon on the desktop, it gives me an error that says could not
 enter directory /mnt/cdrom.  maybe it's giving me an error because the
 only cd i had laying on the desk is one of my wife's celine dion CDsi
 know i personally go into error mode when i'm forced to listen to
 it..ok, all joking aside.ok, so after that, i put in a CD-RW that i
 created in mswin. nothing special on the cd, it's where i backed up
 important stuff on my hard drive, mostly pictures of the kids.  when i try
 to access that, it tries for a minute to access, then i get total lockup
 and the caps lock and scroll lock lights on the keyboard start flashing
 together.  the number lock light goes off and stays off during all this. 
 the only thing i can do is hit the restart button on the computer.  not a
 good thing, i know, but it's all i can do.

 John, you had said in a previous post:
  This is saying that you have chosen scsi-emulation for your writer/rom,
  that is what hdc=ide-scsi says. That is OK, if you want it.

 we never got into the difference between running it this way or running it
 as IDE, if there is a difference.  if it's not run as scsi, will i lose the
 ability to burn CDs?  if not, would changing it so it isn't scsi emulation
 possibly help?

  Are you quite sure the jumpers on the back of your writer/rom are set to
  master, and your device is on ide2 line.

 at this point, i'm ready to open up the computer again and triple check to
 make sure it's on master and that it's on the end of the ribbon, but i just
 had the computer physically open a week and a half ago to install a new
 hard drive and i checked it all there.  and in the bios it shows that the
 cd drive is on the secondary channel and is the master.

  I hope so, because if not I don't know what to do to make supermount
  work. After that we can try automount if you wish.
  On my own machine supermount does not work well, in spite of being able
  to mount the device on the command line, all the apps that need to use
  it either don't work at all, or work exceedingly slow, and there is no
  possibility of a desktop Icon access to read discs.

 so if we ran it as automount, i'd lose the desktop icon access?  am i
 understanding this correctly?  what's the difference between supermount and
 automount?  personally, i'll take whatever is going to give me 100%
 functionability of my cd-rw drive.

 Thanks!  we'll get this hammered out somehow!

Mike, a audio cd will not show up when mounted. They are not a data cd and 
that is why you get the message. RWs can be a problem for any comp that did 
not write them. So I suggest that you take say the 3rd install cd and put 
that in and mount it.  But before you do that check that the icon has the 
correct mapping. Do that by right clicking on the icon and select properties. 
You should see the nonmntcdrom or the mount script for fstab. 
You can create a new icon by right clicking on an empty spot on your desktop 
and selecting create new CDDVDrom device and then click the drop down and 
you will see the fstab list. select the corresponding cdrom device. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] mounting CD drive

2003-07-06 Per discussione Michael
On Sunday 06 July 2003 01:49 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 root terminal and
 type mount -a enter
 that will mount everything in fstab afresh.

just to make sure, i type mount -a no quotations, right?
good to know!  thanks!

 Yes, scsi emulation is fake ide , if you like. Some programmes need it
 to recognise the drive and make the drivers work with them. However, I
 believe your running M9.1 here, and if so you don't actually need
 scsi-em with the standard xcdroast and I believe k3b writer programmes,
 though i have to say i have never got k3b to work for me.

 So if you are content with xcdroast and k3b as you're writer programmes,

never used the cd burning programs in linux, so i have no preference.  
personally, i'll go with whatever will work easily, and do what i want, which 
includes doing data, pictures, music, and video.  

yes i am running md9.1

 simply remove the hdc=ide-scsi from /etc/lilo.conf 

This is what is in /etc/lilo.conf

append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off quiet
append=devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off
append=devfs=nomount hdc=ide-scsi acpi=off failsafe

which one of the hdc=ide-scsi do i remove?  all 3 of them?  does the whole 
append line stay there except with the hdc=ide-scsi removed?

and don't forget to /sbin/lilo in a terminal.

so in a terminal after i make the changes to lilo.conf, i just type 
/sbin/lilo ?

 then change,

 none /mnt/cdrom supermount
 dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,rw,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

 none /mnt/cdrom supermount
 dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,rw,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

 in fstab,

i can do that part!  already modified fstab oncethis is starting to get 
easier the more we do!

only reason i went back into mandrake control center was to see if the changes 
took effect in there.  i've never done this stuff before (meaning never done 
ANY programming) so i had to check.  

and we want to keep the iocharset=iso8859-15 as is now?  it used to be 

also, in my lilo.conf file, you notice the the read-only lines.  will this 
be automatically changed when i modify the files?  or do we have to change 
this manually?  

Thanks for your help.  we'll see where this takes us once i'm 100% certain of 
the questions i just asked.  


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[newbie] Gaël Duval talks about LM91 shipping on HP

2003-07-06 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

It's official.  But perhaps needs more publicity:



Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk   Linux Mandrake 9.1
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899

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[newbie] Module Dependencies?

2003-07-06 Per discussione N/A
I tried to install Mandrake 9.1 which I downloaded off of various FTPs
listed on the website a few days ago. The install went
smoothly, just about everything was working except my sound card (according
to the installation program), but when I restarted it stuck on Checking
Module Dependencies or something similar (I can't remember what it was
exactly, but Module Dependencies does stand out in my mind). Now, I told it
to boot the GUI automatically and I only installed off of three CDs am I
missing some? I have a redhat distrib. with about 6 CDs and that worked fine
for me. So basically, how do I get this distrib to boot? What have I done
wrong this time? Thanks for any help you may be able to give me including
something like stick with windows you moron!  ;)


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Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 13:01, Eric Huff wrote:
 On 06 Jul 2003 12:39:18 -0500
 Curt Tresenriter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hda1 (C:) wasn't connected during my last install, so I'm trying to get
  Linux to recognize it.
  I've created the /win_c: dir in /mnt and edited fstab and mtab with:
  /dev/hda8 /mnt/win_c: vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
  and rebooted.
  Still when I click the win_c: icon in a file mgr, no files are shown.
 Shouldn't that be /dev/hda1 ?
 You shouldn't need to reboot: just mount /mnt/win_c:
 Also, you might want to get rid of the : just for confusion's sake.  
 Here is another example of install differences:  1st time mine was /mnt/win_c, next 
 time /mnt/windows
Hmmm OK... windows is on hdc so  that would be /hdc1 ... I'm
confusing /the/mnt windows partition on the Linux disk (hda8)
Guess I'm not clear on what the windows partition on the Linux disk is
used for.

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Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux

2003-07-06 Per discussione Peter Meyns
Am Sonntag, 6. Juli 2003 18:43 schrieb Derek Jennings:

 If you installed by RPM then you can remove shorewall with

 urpme shorewall
 in a root terminal.

Thanks! That helped me back to internet connection. :)

 Shorewall will be installed automatically if you ask the Mandrake
 Control Centre to set up a firewall for you. 

I didn't know that, so thanks again!

 The Mandrake Control Centre however has a habit of mixing up which
 interface is the Internet, and which the local network, especially
 with ADSL. If you look in /etc/shorewall/interfaces you can confirm
 which interface is which.

I'll have a look at that too.

So far this was composed in KMail.

However, I don't succeed to send (or save to templates) with KMail now.
It freezes on any attempt at that...
So I saved my message to a text file and implemented it here in The
Bat! so it won't get lost for a forth time... ;)


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Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charlie
quoting Curt Tresenriter; Sunday 06 July 2003 11:39 am:
 hda1 (C:) wasn't connected during my last install, so I'm trying to get
 Linux to recognize it.
 I've created the /win_c: dir in /mnt and edited fstab and mtab with:

 /dev/hda8 /mnt/win_c: vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
   ^huh? 1 or 8?  ^ add user here.

 and rebooted.
 Still when I click the win_c: icon in a file mgr, no files are shown.

 Have I left something out?

Just a couple quick thoughts Curt; fstab is an acronym for file system table 
and it's where the kernel and device managers get their instructions. It's 
static, as in it's always (theoretically) the same as when it's first 

mtab is the mount table, and is generated as a result of the actions 
connected with fstab. It's dynamic and changes as devices and drives are 
mounted or unmounted.

In other words _don't edit it!_ Or maybe..

BOOM! ;-)

Also; if the Windows drive (C:) is hda1 why did you add it as hda8? If you 
want to read the contents as a user instead of root it may help to add user 
in the fstab too.

Just a thought.


Not really on that BOOM! thing, but I did want to get your attention. g
Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
13:09:18 up 18 days, 18:26, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.08, 0.09
The goal of science is to build better mousetraps.  The goal of nature
is to build better mice.

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Re: [newbie] Radeon 9700

2003-07-06 Per discussione Tsyko
I did everything that you suggested...
still with the same results. Where must i get fglrx.0?
the fglrx.0 file was not there regardless of what agp driver I used.

here is my X config file

Thanks for the Help.. I do appreciate it

On Sunday, 6 July 2003 18:56, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 19:23:55 +0100

 Tsyko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  can anybody please help me with this.

 When you ran fglrxconfig are you sure you selected to use external
 agpgart support?
 If you do not have fglrx.0 in
 /lib/modules/kernel-mdk/kernel/drivers/char/drm/ you probably did not.

 Also during fglrxconfig there is a question about compatibility, i.e.
 default, fast operation and compatibility operation; the default for
 this is #0 but with a Radeon #1 should be chosen.

 The driver will work, I am using it on a cooker system with a Radeon

# File generated by XFdrake.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config man page for details about the format of
# this file.
# **

Section Files
# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.
FontPath unix/:-1

Section ServerFlags
#DontZap # disable CrtlAltBS (server abort)
AllowMouseOpenFail # allows the server to start up even if the mouse doesn't work
#DontZoom # disable CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- (resolution switching)

Section Module
Load dbe # Double-Buffering Extension
Load v4l # Video for Linux
Load extmod
Load type1
Load freetype
Load glx # 3D layer
Load dri # direct rendering

Section DRI
Mode 0666

Section InputDevice
Identifier Keyboard1
Driver Keyboard
Option XkbModel pc105
Option XkbLayout us_intl
Option XkbCompat 
Option XkbOptions 

Section InputDevice
Identifier Mouse1
Driver mouse
Option Protocol IMPS/2
Option Device /dev/usbmouse
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section Monitor
Identifier monitor1
VendorName Plug'n Play
ModelName Samsung SyncMaster 955DF
HorizSync 30-85
VertRefresh 50-160

# Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
# 1024x480 @ 85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494  563 -hsync -vsync

# TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
# 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  630

# 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 63.07  768  800  960 1024   576  578  590  616

Section Monitor
Identifier monitor2

# Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
# 1024x480 @ 85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494  563 -hsync -vsync

# TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
# 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  630

# 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
ModeLine 768x576 63.07  768  800  960 1024   576  578  590  616

Section Device
Identifier device1
VendorName ATI
BoardName ATI Radeon
Driver radeon
Screen 0
BusID PCI:1:0:0
Option DPMS

Section Device
Identifier device2
VendorName ATI Technologies Inc
BoardName ATI Radeon
Driver radeon
Screen 0
BusID PCI:1:0:1
Option DPMS

Section Screen
Identifier screen1
Device device1
Monitor monitor1
DefaultColorDepth 16

Subsection Display
Depth 8
Modes 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 15
Modes 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 16
Modes 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 24
Modes 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Section Screen
Identifier screen2
Device device2
Monitor monitor2
DefaultColorDepth 16

Subsection Display
Depth 8
Modes 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 15
Modes 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 16
Modes 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Subsection Display
Depth 24
Modes 1280x1024 1280x960 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Section ServerLayout
Identifier layout1
InputDevice Keyboard1 CoreKeyboard
InputDevice Mouse1 CorePointer

Re: [newbie] mounting CD drive

2003-07-06 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Michael wrote:

never used the cd burning programs in linux, so i have no preference.  
personally, i'll go with whatever will work easily, and do what i want, which 
includes doing data, pictures, music, and video.  

yes i am running md9.1

charlie says all writer need scsi-emulation and he knows so skip the 

so in a terminal after i make the changes to lilo.conf, i just type 
/sbin/lilo ?


and we want to keep the iocharset=iso8859-15 as is now?  it used to be 

I don't know.

also, in my lilo.conf file, you notice the the read-only lines.  will this 
be automatically changed when i modify the files?  or do we have to change 
this manually?  

It's fstab, and ro means read only as would be the case for a cdrom, but 
yours is a writer and so rw , which means read/write.

Slap a data cd in the drive and test again.

I cannot guarantee you will be able to have a desktop icon to access 
media under fstab supermount configuration, as on my machine no entries 
appear in properties of the desktop icon to choose a mount point under 
supermount. But I can under automount. You may be more fortunate.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux

2003-07-06 Per discussione Derek Jennings
You might like to delete your /etc/shorewall folder before reinstalling the 
That way you can be sure of starting with a virgin configuration.

If you want help with your kmail post full details of what goes wrong.


On Sunday 06 Jul 2003 8:15 pm, Peter Meyns wrote:
 Am Sonntag, 6. Juli 2003 18:43 schrieb Derek Jennings:
  If you installed by RPM then you can remove shorewall with
  urpme shorewall
  in a root terminal.

 Thanks! That helped me back to internet connection. :)

  Shorewall will be installed automatically if you ask the Mandrake
  Control Centre to set up a firewall for you.

 I didn't know that, so thanks again!

  The Mandrake Control Centre however has a habit of mixing up which
  interface is the Internet, and which the local network, especially
  with ADSL. If you look in /etc/shorewall/interfaces you can confirm
  which interface is which.

 I'll have a look at that too.

 So far this was composed in KMail.

 However, I don't succeed to send (or save to templates) with KMail now.
 It freezes on any attempt at that...
 So I saved my message to a text file and implemented it here in The
 Bat! so it won't get lost for a forth time... ;)


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[newbie] sylpheed-0.9.3

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

For any who might be interested 
sylpheed-0.9.3-2mdk.i586.rpm built for Mandrake 9.1
can be dled from my website.

This is regular sylpheed Not Claws.
Current release of claws is still 0.9.0 and can also be dled from my


A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be
thankful for a good one.
-- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

[newbie] superuser single command (su -c ??????????)

2003-07-06 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
Sometimes while  being a user you need to do a command that only su can do.
While stdying su it seems there is a way to do this. I have problems to make
some work.

su -c gedit root foo
  opens gedit in su mode not as foo but as untitled - you can save it as

su -c ./foo root
This runs the script.

su -c cp root foo foo1
this does not work - complains and needs more than I can provide - do not
know what.

su -c shutdown root -r now
Does not work - complains -r wrong option.

now su command construction something like this...
su [option] [-] [user] [ARG]

It would be really nice to do complex commands.
Please what am I missing

May this be a good day for learning

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Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 13:01, Eric Huff wrote:
 On 06 Jul 2003 12:39:18 -0500
 Curt Tresenriter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hda1 (C:) wasn't connected during my last install, so I'm trying to get
  Linux to recognize it.
  I've created the /win_c: dir in /mnt and edited fstab and mtab with:
  /dev/hda8 /mnt/win_c: vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
  and rebooted.
  Still when I click the win_c: icon in a file mgr, no files are shown.
 Shouldn't that be /dev/hda1 ?
 You shouldn't need to reboot: just mount /mnt/win_c:
 Also, you might want to get rid of the : just for confusion's sake.  
 Here is another example of install differences:  1st time mine was /mnt/win_c, next 
 time /mnt/windows
 Thanks Eric,
Got it (mostly) sorted out :-)
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 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Radeon 9700

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 21:15:20 +0100
Tsyko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did everything that you suggested...
 still with the same results. Where must i get fglrx.0?
 the fglrx.0 file was not there regardless of what agp driver I used.

Do you have the kernel-source installed for your version if the kernel.

rpm -q kernel-source.

The ATI driver build is different from that of the nvidia.
The fglrx driver will build even if the kernel-source is not installed
But dri will be disabled because no drm module is created.

The XF86Config-4 you list is that for the radeon driver Not that for
the glfrx driver which the ATI installation should create.

I have attached mine for you to see.


No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife in the shoulder blades will
cramp his style.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: Binary data

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 00:56, Lanman wrote:
 They get winter down there? Next thing you'll be telling us is that they have giant 
 mice with large tails, hopping around on 2 legs!
 Grin! Grin!

(g)then I won't tell ya dot mon!

Mon Jul  7 06:45:01 EST 2003
 06:45:01 up  8:17,  2 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.04, 1.03
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Old age is the harbor of all ills.
-- Bion

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Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 14:22, Charlie wrote:

 Just a couple quick thoughts Curt; fstab is an acronym for file system table 
 and it's where the kernel and device managers get their instructions. It's 
 static, as in it's always (theoretically) the same as when it's first 
 mtab is the mount table, and is generated as a result of the actions 
 connected with fstab. It's dynamic and changes as devices and drives are 
 mounted or unmounted.
 In other words _don't edit it!_ Or maybe..
 BOOM! ;-)

 Also; if the Windows drive (C:) is hda1 why did you add it as hda8? If you 
 want to read the contents as a user instead of root it may help to add user 
 in the fstab too.
 Just a thought.
 Not really on that BOOM! thing, but I did want to get your attention. g

=-o  I'm listening!
I was confusing the /mnt/win partition with the actual C:
Got it all straight now.

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Re: [newbie] superuser single command (su -c ??????????)

2003-07-06 Per discussione Adolfo Bello
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 16:20, Johan Scheepers wrote:
 Sometimes while  being a user you need to do a command that only su can do.
 While stdying su it seems there is a way to do this. I have problems to make
 some work.
 su -c gedit root foo
   opens gedit in su mode not as foo but as untitled - you can save it as
 su -c ./foo root
 This runs the script.
 su -c cp root foo foo1
 this does not work - complains and needs more than I can provide - do not
 know what.
 su -c shutdown root -r now
 Does not work - complains -r wrong option.
 now su command construction something like this...
 su [option] [-] [user] [ARG]
 It would be really nice to do complex commands.
 Please what am I missing
 May this be a good day for learning


su -c 'your command within quotes'


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Re: [newbie] Radeon 9700

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 22:47:14 +0100
Tsyko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could this problem have something to do with my chipset on my
 motherboard? I have the i875pe chipset?

That definitely Is the problem.

For it I do not have a solution.
I did a quick google search and found others with the same problem but
none listed a solution


Don't abandon hope.  Your Captain Midnight decoder ring arrives
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Radeon 9700

2003-07-06 Per discussione Tsyko
Could this problem have something to do with my chipset on my motherboard?
I have the i875pe chipset?

I installed the driver on my wifes machine - she has a 845ge chipset with a 
radeon 9500 pro and it works without any problems.

On Sunday, 6 July 2003 21:23, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 21:15:20 +0100

 Tsyko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I did everything that you suggested...
  still with the same results. Where must i get fglrx.0?
  the fglrx.0 file was not there regardless of what agp driver I used.

 Do you have the kernel-source installed for your version if the kernel.

 rpm -q kernel-source.

 The ATI driver build is different from that of the nvidia.
 The fglrx driver will build even if the kernel-source is not installed
 But dri will be disabled because no drm module is created.

 The XF86Config-4 you list is that for the radeon driver Not that for
 the glfrx driver which the ATI installation should create.

 I have attached mine for you to see.


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Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Johan Scheepers
May I make some suggestions
Before you change anything in fstab please make backup.
The dir name in /mnt is win_c in this case - you can create any dir name you
like - after install I usualy create my own dirs like win-hda1 , dos-hde1 ,
man90-hde5, etc.
Then I edit the fstab with the new names - two choices - umount the edited
partitions and then mount -a or reboot.
Now delete the old names in /mnt.
Your case - use win_c - now test this first before editing fstab
You may also use fdisk -l /dev/hda to check that you have your info correct.
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c
The type must be correct (vfat, etc).
This should work and  you should now use mount and will see this partition
displayed with the rest.(at bottom)
I only make changes in fstab and I have no problems.
In fstab add line like..
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat defaults
The type of system like vfat, ext2 ,reiserfs is importend here. This always
works for me - the system is smart enough to mount correctly.
Now umount /mnt/win_c *** mount    look if out on list.
Now mount -a
see on screen if it is there you are OK.

Now is this partition in your /etc/lilo.conf or GRUB menu.lst
If you want to boot it -  it must be added.
- Original Message - 
From: Curt Tresenriter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

 On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 13:01, Eric Huff wrote:
  On 06 Jul 2003 12:39:18 -0500
  Curt Tresenriter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   hda1 (C:) wasn't connected during my last install, so I'm trying to
   Linux to recognize it.
   I've created the /win_c: dir in /mnt and edited fstab and mtab with:
   /dev/hda8 /mnt/win_c: vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0
   and rebooted.
   Still when I click the win_c: icon in a file mgr, no files are shown.
  Shouldn't that be /dev/hda1 ?
  You shouldn't need to reboot: just mount /mnt/win_c:
  Also, you might want to get rid of the : just for confusion's sake.
  Here is another example of install differences:  1st time mine was
/mnt/win_c, next time /mnt/windows
  Thanks Eric,
 Got it (mostly) sorted out :-)
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 16:17, Johan Scheepers wrote:
 May I make some suggestions
 Before you change anything in fstab please make backup.
 The dir name in /mnt is win_c in this case - you can create any dir name you
 like - after install I usualy create my own dirs like win-hda1 , dos-hde1 ,
 man90-hde5, etc.
 Then I edit the fstab with the new names - two choices - umount the edited
 partitions and then mount -a or reboot.
 Now delete the old names in /mnt.
 Your case - use win_c - now test this first before editing fstab
 You may also use fdisk -l /dev/hda to check that you have your info correct.
 mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c
 The type must be correct (vfat, etc).
 This should work and  you should now use mount and will see this partition
 displayed with the rest.(at bottom)
 I only make changes in fstab and I have no problems.
 In fstab add line like..
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat defaults
 The type of system like vfat, ext2 ,reiserfs is importend here. This always
 works for me - the system is smart enough to mount correctly.
 Now umount /mnt/win_c *** mount    look if out on list.
 Now mount -a
 see on screen if it is there you are OK.
 Now is this partition in your /etc/lilo.conf or GRUB menu.lst
 If you want to boot it -  it must be added.

Hi Johan,
The deed is done, but I'll keep your tip in mind for the next time.
Fortunately everything is fine.
Thanks just the same.

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Re: [newbie] Installing Checkinstall

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charlie
quoting Troy Davidson; Friday 04 July 2003 08:28 pm:

 Thanks for the help.  I got checkinstall installed without a hitch once I
 updated urpmi.

What help? ;-) 

Happy to hear it Troy. Have fun!

 Troy Davidson
 Linux User #311107

 ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Yeah, I also. ;-)

Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
15:50:51 up 18 days, 21:07, 1 user, load average: 0.15, 0.18, 0.14
Hello again, Peabody here...
-- Mister Peabody

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Re: [newbie] How cool!

2003-07-06 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 01:07, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Or got to Cyberguys and grab that same kinda kit for about $14.95. Thats what 
 I did, its sitting in my desktop case right now. Pics for anyone who wants 
 any! :-)

What - ya ain't got a site to stick'em up at mate?

Mon Jul  7 06:45:01 EST 2003
 06:45:01 up  8:17,  2 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.04, 1.03
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Old age is the harbor of all ills.
-- Bion

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[newbie] test

2003-07-06 Per discussione drew

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[newbie] agp 3.0

2003-07-06 Per discussione Tsyko
is anybody using the intel 875pe chipset with agpgart?

I am having problems with mine...

I can´t get my radeon 9700 to work

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Re: [newbie] recognizing Windows

2003-07-06 Per discussione Charlie
quoting Curt Tresenriter; Sunday 06 July 2003 02:48 pm:


  Also; if the Windows drive (C:) is hda1 why did you add it as hda8? If
  you want to read the contents as a user instead of root it may help to
  add user in the fstab too.

  Not really on that BOOM! thing, but I did want to get your attention. g

 =-o  I'm listening!
 I was confusing the /mnt/win partition with the actual C:
 Got it all straight now.

:-) Welcome. But you did catch it yourself before I posted anything. (-:

d'uh mode
I've noticed that a lot of Windows refugees, and quite a number of those that 
are still dual booting Windows, have trouble with a logical drive naming 
convention as opposed to what they're used to. Repeat after me:

Windows is stupid! The first hard disk drive (HDD) or partition on that drive 
is always called C:. The second HDD, or the first partition on the second 
HDD is always called D:. The second, third and subsequent partitions or 
drives are called D:, E:, F: and so on and live on the first drive.

GNU/Linux uses Unix style naming. The first drive is hard drive a (hda), the 
second hdb, the third hdc, and so on. Partitions are numbered on individual 
drives; i.e.: hda1, hda2hdb1, hdb2... and so on. Further partition naming 
in distributions such as Mandrake are based on their usage. Such as / for 
root, var for (system) variable, usr for user variable.guess what /home 
and /swap are for? g

Which makes more sense to *you?*

Sorry for the Well D'UH! posts everyone.
/d'uh mode

Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
15:41:06 up 18 days, 20:58, 1 user, load average: 0.09, 0.08, 0.08
Fishing, with me, has always been an excuse to drink in the daytime.
-- Jimmy Cannon

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