Re: [newbie-it] urpmi

2003-09-17 Per discussione Rev.Ferris
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:45, martedì 16 settembre 2003, Germano ha scritto:
 Guarda, anch'io sono all'uni ed anche qui c'è un un firewall ma wget
 e curl si dovrebbero comportare come un normale client ftp.
 Ora, se il tuo amministratore ha messo un firewall che blocchi anche
 questo tipo di connessione tanto vale che vi sconnetta dalla rete
 perchè meno di questo non so proprio cosa ci possa essere.
 Potrei sbagliarmi ma hai provato a connetterti direttamente a quei
 siti ad esempio con lftp o qualunque browser? Se quello che penso
 riguardo a wget è corretto (e sinceramente non vedo come possa essere
 diversamente) e cpon lftp ti sei connesso allora il problema non è nè
 di wget nè di curl.

Con mozilla mi connetto ai siti ftp (scarico anche gli aggiornamenti a 
volte così).
Per il discorso di wget, sembra quindi che lui non accetti di passare 
per il proxy (che è sulla porta 80) e quindi non riesca ad accedere 
alla rete; per il resto della rete, gli amministratori hanno cercato di 
limitare le possibilità non web. Non ti puoi connettere ad icq o chat 
visuali, niente file sharing, ecc. ssh passa, l'ftp sembra di no!
Ora purtroppo non posso provare questi metodi alternativi, lo faccio 
stasera e poi ti dico

 Per curiosità mi puoi mandare, anche privatamente (anzi...) il tuo


 così vedo un attimo come è fatto?

Lo mando come allegato in lista (dai sono solo 2,5 Kb non me 

Grazie, stasera ti faccio sapere qualcosa!
- -- 
Sapevo benissimo di essere un brutto bambino.  C'e' sempre un motivo 
la gente ti chiama Dumbo.
-- Donald Sutherland
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)

Commercial\ Apps\ CD\ 1\ (cdrom5)  {
  hdlist: hdlist.Commercial Apps CD 1 (cdrom5).cz
  list: list.Commercial Apps CD 1 (cdrom5)
  removable: /dev/scd0

Commercial\ Apps\ CD\ 2\ (cdrom6)  {
  hdlist: hdlist.Commercial Apps CD 2 (cdrom6).cz
  list: list.Commercial Apps CD 2 (cdrom6)
  removable: /dev/scd0

International\ CD\ (x86)\ +\ documentation\ (cdrom3)  {
  hdlist: hdlist.International CD (x86) + documentation (cdrom3).cz
  list: list.International CD (x86) + documentation (cdrom3)
  removable: /dev/scd0

International\ CD\ (x86)\ +\ documentation\ (cdrom4)  {
  hdlist: hdlist.International CD (x86) + documentation (cdrom4).cz
  list: list.International CD (x86) + documentation (cdrom4)
  removable: /dev/scd0

Supplementary\ application\ CD\ (x86)\ (cdrom7)  {
  hdlist: hdlist.Supplementary application CD (x86) (cdrom7).cz
  list: list.Supplementary application CD (x86) (cdrom7)
  removable: /dev/scd0

Supplementary\ application\ CD\ (x86)\ (cdrom8)  {
  hdlist: hdlist.Supplementary application CD (x86) (cdrom8).cz
  list: list.Supplementary application CD (x86) (cdrom8)
  removable: /dev/scd0

locale file://shared/update9.1 {
  list: list.locale

Installation\ CD\ 2\ (x86) removable://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS2 {
  hdlist: hdlist.Installation CD 2 (x86).cz
  with_hdlist: ../base/
  removable: /dev/scd0

International\ CD\ (x86) removable://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS3 {
  hdlist: hdlist.International CD (x86).cz
  with_hdlist: ../base/
  removable: /dev/scd0

Installation\ CD\ 2\ (x86)\ (cdrom2) removable://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS2 {
  hdlist: hdlist.Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2).cz
  list: list.Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2)
  removable: /dev/scd0

Installation\ CD\ 1\ (x86)\ (cdrom1) removable://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS {
  hdlist: hdlist.Installation CD 1 (x86) (cdrom1).cz
  with_hdlist: ../base/
  removable: /dev/scd0

Installtion\ CD1\ (x86) removable://mnt/cdrom {
  hdlist: hdlist.Installtion CD1 (x86).cz
  list: list.Installtion CD1 (x86)
  removable: /dev/scd0

update_source {
  with_hdlist: ../base/

plf {
  list: list.plf

contrib {
  with_hdlist: ../../i586/Mandrake/base/

Re: [newbie-it] conversione formati video

2003-09-17 Per discussione Rev.Ferris
Hash: SHA1

Alle 23:23, martedì 16 settembre 2003, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:
 Rispondo dopo qualche giorno di tentativi e sofferenza... Ho
 scaricato più versioni di avidemux, tutte da compilare, comprese
 quelle in pacchetto rpm. Scompatti l'rpm e ti trovi una cartella da
 compilare, roba da matti. In ogni modo l'ho compilato, legge molto
 bene i file, ma se provo a salvarli in un formato mpeg qualunque mi
 dice che è stato compilato senza le opzioni  per la conversione... il
 documento readme allegato è sempre vuoto, coma cavolo si fa a
 inventarsi le opzioni? Boh? In ogni modo niente da fare.
 L'mplayer non sono proprio riuscito a scaricarlo, non riesco a
 connettermi al server.
 Comincio a sentire il peso della sfiga che mi sovrasta.
 Poi ho trovato il transcode, funziona a riga di comando e comincia
 funzionare; ci sono molti parametri da sistemare, ma spero di
 risolvere con quello. In ogni modo grazie, e se qualcuno ha dritte
 ulteriori sono ben accette. Ciao

prova a dare ./configure --help
normalmente ti tira fuori le varie opzioni da passare in compilazione.
Se hai la mandrake hai provato a dare urpmi mplayer? Se hai il sito del 
plf come orgente dovresti trovare il nuovo rpm; se non lo trovi ti 
posso spedire io via email il file MPlayer-1.0pre1.tar.bz2 (circa un 
Quando impari ad usare transcode mi fai sapere? io intanto uso il 
mencoder ma vorrei provare anche quello.
Ciao e fammi sapere com'è andata!
- -- 
Lettura Rapida:
E' una tecnica utilissima.  Specie quando devi vedere un porno
straniero sottotitolato.
-- Panfilo Maria Lippi, TABLOID TABLOID@Mai Dire Gol
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] cambio scheda di rete

2003-09-17 Per discussione Eraser Head
Ciao a tutti!

Da un po' di tempo sto lavorando alla creazione di un linux minimale usando 
direttamente il codice sorgente di tutto l'occorrente.
Un mesetto fa ero riuscita a configurare la rete tramite il dhcp e tutto 
funzionava perfettamente: riuscivo a connettermi e a pingare l'esterno.

Il problema e' che ora non riesco piu' a connettermi, e suppongo che il 
problema sia dovuto al fatto che ho dovuto cambiare la scheda di rete perche' 
quella vecchia si era rotta. Immagino quindi che questa nuova (nuova nel 
senso che non e' quella che avevo prima, perche' probabilmente e' vecchiotta 
anche questa in termini di eta') non sia riconosciuta.

Ora, quello che volevo sapere e' cosa dovrei fare per fargliela riconoscere.
Devo forse ricompilare il kernel? E' in questa fase che i driver dell'hardware 
della macchina vengono installati?
Oppure devo rilanciare il comando MAKEDEV per creare i devices?

Suppongo che la via giusta sia la prima (ricompilare il kernel), ma volevo 
prima chiedere a voi, che sarete certamente piu' esperti di me...

Grazie mille!


Rif: [newbie-it] cambio scheda di rete

2003-09-17 Per discussione MBoito

Prova semplicemente a caricare il modulo relativo alla nuova scheda di
rete, che se come dici è vecchiotta dovreti trovare tra i moduli della tua

Rif: Re: Rif: [newbie-it] cambio scheda di rete

2003-09-17 Per discussione MBoito

E' tanto che non installo schede di rete, ma se non ricordo male...ehh
dovresti utilizzare il comando ifconfig per configurare la tua scheda di

In ogni caso temo che lui da solo non si accorga della scheda

Domanda: Ma che distro stai utilizzando, per avere un kernel monolitico?

Re: Rif: Re: Rif: [newbie-it] cambio scheda di rete

2003-09-17 Per discussione Eraser Head
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 12:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 E' tanto che non installo schede di rete, ma se non ricordo male...ehh
 dovresti utilizzare il comando ifconfig per configurare la tua scheda di

Ah... Provero' a cercare qualche info in rete...

 In ogni caso temo che lui da solo non si accorga della scheda

Intendi che ricompilare il kernel potrebbe non bastare?
Eppure io prima non avevo fatto nient'altro...

 Domanda: Ma che distro stai utilizzando, per avere un kernel monolitico?

Non sto usando nessuna distro: ho creato un linux minimale partendo dai codici 
sorgente di kernel, librerie e programmi vari... Il kernel e' monolitico per 
varie ragioni, soprattutto per il fatto che e' un linux minimale, quindi le 
cose sono ben poche e non avevo necessita' di usare i moduli... Difatti il 
kernel compilato e' meno di 1MB... =)
(No, non sono pazza a cimentarmi in queste cose: e' parte del lavoro per la 
mia tesi di laurea!)

Comunque, prima del cambio della scheda tutto funzionava bene, e non avevo 
usato tool di configurazione o quant'altro per configurare la scheda. 
Avevo solamente compilato il kernel, creato i device con MAKEDEV, posizionato 
tutti i file necessari nell'albero delle dir (ho creato a manina tutte le 
directory del file system), installato lilo e fatto il reboot della macchina 
facendo partire il kernel creato.
Facendo cosi' tutto funzionava. Quindi mi viene da pensare che probabilmente 
basta davvero che ricompilo...

Boh, mi sa che dopo la pausa pranzo ricompilo, cosi' vedo subito se funziona o 

Grazie ancora!


Re: Rif: Re: Rif: [newbie-it] cambio scheda di rete

2003-09-17 Per discussione tom
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 12:35, Eraser Head wrote:
 Boh, mi sa che dopo la pausa pranzo ricompilo, cosi' vedo subito se
 funziona o no...

scusa un attimo...
ma sai che scheda è?
perche,anche ricompilando,sai che modulo gli devi comprendere?
non ti conviene prima individuare le specifiche della scheda,e poi comprendere 
il modulo nel K monolitico?
il classico lspci che ti dice?

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Legge di Weiler: Nulla e' impossibile per colui che non deve farlo.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

[newbie-it] Acpid questo sconosciuto

2003-09-17 Per discussione marco zambon
Sono miracolosamente riuscito a configurare il mio computer linux, ma ho 
ancora un paio di problemini. Il primo.
ad uncerto punto durante il boot ha cominciato a comparire regolarmente 
il messaggio:
Starting acpid...failed,   can't find /proc/acpi/event.
il problema l'ho risolto disabilitando l'avvio automatico di acpid al 
boot con il centro di controllo mandrake. Tuttavia vorrei sapere se ho 
fatto bene. Può darsi che nelle mia varie manovre io abbia 
innavertitamente abilitato l'avvio automatico di questo programma al 
boot, sempre tramite il centro di controllo mandrake, ma non ne sono 
affatto sicuro. e poi, perchè non trova il suo file di configurazione? 
questo /proc/acpi/events non dovrebbe stare già al suo posto, dal 
momento che io non l'ho sicuramente cancellato?
Ciao e grazie

Re: [newbie-it] Scusate, e' permesso? NO! :-(

2003-09-17 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon
Alle 23:18, lunedì 15 settembre 2003, Giuseppe Ferruzzi ha scritto:
 Non ho detto niente di speciale che non puoi trovare sui man.
 Cosa vuoi sapere di preciso ?

 Ciao, Giuseppe.

Che cos'è lo stato di spindown? Che differenza c'è rispetto a una partizione 
normalmente smontata? Le partizioni a cui ti riferisci servono per copie di 
backup automatiche?
Ciao, grazie

Rieccomi qui e nei miei veri panni:
capitano Pinky Pack delle guardie reali
da Topolino e l'ultraghiaccio
Topolino n. 597, 7 maggio 1967

Re: [newbie-it] OT: expert-it

2003-09-17 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 11:48, mercoledì 17 settembre 2003, Eraser Head ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Mi sono iscritta qualche giorno fa alla mailing list expert-it, ed ho anche
 ricevuto la mail di conferma alla quale rispondere per attivare
 l'iscrizione e la mail di conferma dell'iscrizione.
 Il punto e' che ancora non ho ricevuto mail da detta mailing list.

Credo che a differenza degli americani, gli italiani non hanno
l'abitudine di autoqualificarsi come super :-)

Quindi, quella lista è sempre desolatamente vuota: puoi 
verificarlo dagli archivi:

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] cambio scheda di rete

2003-09-17 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:54, mercoledì 17 settembre 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] cambio 
scheda di rete,  Eraser Head   ha scritto:

 Il problema e' che ora non riesco piu' a connettermi, e suppongo che
 il problema sia dovuto al fatto che ho dovuto cambiare la scheda di
 rete perche' quella vecchia si era rotta. Immagino quindi che questa
 nuova (nuova nel senso che non e' quella che avevo prima, perche'
 probabilmente e' vecchiotta anche questa in termini di eta') non sia

$cat /proc/pci | grep Net -A3

vedi che chipset monta la scheda
quindi ricompili aggiungendo il supporto 

se posso...

compila comunque il supporto al caricamento dei moduli, non aumenta 
troppo le dimensioni del kernel,
compila i moduli, ma non aggingerli al sistema,
limitati a tenerli in una partizione smontata,
se modifichi il sistema, devi solo modificare l'initrd,

con questo giochetto poi, riesci a far avviare una macchina col supporto 
alla scheda video, ad esempio, per verificare la
fase di boot a video,
poi, scaricato il ramdisk, quando la macchina diventa gestibileda rete, 
viene rimosso tutto quello  che non serve,
 ti basta  aver 4 mb di ram per il boot,
dopo in teoria ne usi molta meno.
ed hai un kernel più snello ...

- -rw-r--r--1 root root   767294 lug 30  2002 vmlinuz-2.4.18


- -- 



Slackware 8.1  GNU/Linux 2.4.22 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
+- R.U.#219755 -+- S.R.U.#705 -+- R.M.#110932 -+

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Acpid questo sconosciuto

2003-09-17 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:21, mercoledì 17 settembre 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] Acpid 
questo sconosciuto,  marco zambon   ha scritto:
 Sono miracolosamente riuscito a configurare il mio computer linux, ma
 ho ancora un paio di problemini. Il primo.
 ad uncerto punto durante il boot ha cominciato a comparire
 regolarmente il messaggio:
 Starting acpid...failed,   can't find /proc/acpi/event.
 il problema l'ho risolto disabilitando l'avvio automatico di acpid al
 boot con il centro di controllo mandrake. Tuttavia vorrei sapere se
 ho fatto bene. Può darsi che nelle mia varie manovre io abbia
 innavertitamente abilitato l'avvio automatico di questo programma al
 boot, sempre tramite il centro di controllo mandrake, ma non ne sono
 affatto sicuro. e poi, perchè non trova il suo file di
 configurazione? questo /proc/acpi/events non dovrebbe stare già al
 suo posto, dal momento che io non l'ho sicuramente cancellato?

quel file viene generato dinamicamente e non è un file di configurazione

non puoi averlo cancellato, 
molto probabilmente hai solo abilitato acpid in una macchina che non ha  
un bios che lo gestisce,
se è un pc fisso hai tutto quello che ti serve usando apm,
quindi un semplice  modprobe apm è suficiente per spegnere la macchina e 
gestire il risparmio energetico,

per i portatili è radicalmente diverso

 Ciao e grazie

- -- 



Slackware 8.1  GNU/Linux 2.4.22 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
+- R.U.#219755 -+- S.R.U.#705 -+- R.M.#110932 -+

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] Samba e risorse di rete

2003-09-17 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:28, mercoledì 17 settembre 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] Samba 
e risorse di rete,  Maurizio   ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti, a proposito di Samba, a tentativi e leggendo della
 documentazione sono riuscito a configurarlo agendo direttamente sul
 file smb.conf ma dalla rete Win riesco ad accedere al mio linux solo
 digitando l'indirizzo ip, ovvero non vedo l'icona del mio linux in
 risorse di rete.

 Qualcuno sa dirmi le modifiche che devo apportare al smb.conf per
 vedere l'icona del mio pc linux in risorse di rete?

l'hai inserito nel dominio/workgroup giusto?

- -- 



Slackware 8.1  GNU/Linux 2.4.22 @ ASUS S1N 1330c 
+- R.U.#219755 -+- S.R.U.#705 -+- R.M.#110932 -+

Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] sudditanza del governo

2003-09-17 Per discussione NIC
(ANSA) - ROMA, 16 SET - ''Un governo democratico non avrebbe dovuto stringere
un patto segreto con un'azienda americana, accusata dallo stesso governo Usa
di monopolio nel proprio Paese, disattendendo cosi' le aspettative della
Commissione Open Source''. Ad affermarlo e' il presidente della sezione
italiana della free software foundation, Stefano Maffulli, in seguito alla
firma avvenuta oggi del protocollo d'intesa 'Government Security program',
tra il ministro per l'innovazione e le tecnologie Lucio Stanca e la
Microsoft. Secondo Maffulli ''si rischia di consegnare l'infrastruttura
informatica dell'e-Government ad una terza realta', gettando alle ortiche il
lavoro ed i suggerimenti avanzati dalla Commissione Open Source''.
L'interoperabilita' ed il dialogo con i sistemi aperti, ''non sono affatto
garantiti - afferma il rappresentante del Fsf - anzi, saranno possibili solo
con prodotti firmati Microsoft''. Inoltre, conclude Maffulli, chiunque avra'
accesso al codice cadra' ''ostaggio del gigante del software, perche' non
potra' piu' scrivere il crittografico senza rischiare di essere accusato di
utilizzare frammenti del codice''.(ANSA).


...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.È la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario che

[newbie] XFree Update and hard lockups

2003-09-17 Per discussione HaywireMac

1st let me say I am not blaming the new XFree packages, but I have
experienced 2 hard lockups of X in two days since installing the updated
XFree stuff. Linux does not crash. It just does not. This could prove
very embarassing if someone were to witness it ;-)

Anyhow, to my point, if I wanted to, could I back up to the old

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$rpm -qa | grep XFree

so I could urpme these and urpmi XFree?

or am I askin' fer more trouble?

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart, what is

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Re: [newbie] XFree Update and hard lockups

2003-09-17 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 12:25, HaywireMac wrote:
 so I could urpme these and urpmi XFree?

 or am I askin' fer more trouble?

Probably askin' fer trouble:o)

here's my output if it helps:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] triade]$ rpm -qa |grep xfree
[EMAIL PROTECTED] triade]$ rpm -qa |grep XFree

and I've no probs whatsoever with X and I'm a heavy user:o)
Good luck,
Mandrake HowTo's  more:

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Re: [newbie] DVD-Rom not detected

2003-09-17 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Rafael Torres wrote:

- Original Message - 
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] DVD-Rom not detected


Rafael Torres wrote:


Hi there.

I have a problem with my Mandrake installation.
I have installed Mandrake 9.1 from the CDs. All the installation process
But after the system rebooted and I have logged in, my dvd-rom drive


I opened the mandrake control central and in the hardware section the
dvd-rom drive
has been detected and the new devfs device associated is
/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/cd but the that dev does
not exists.
How can I fix this? Can anyone help me?
Rafael M. Torres ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


When you say doesn't mount do you mean on the CL.
you need to post your /etc/fstab entry for the dvd to check what's


Here is my /etc/fstab entry for the dvd-rom

none /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/hdc,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0
The /dev/hdc device does not exists and the
/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/ dir is empty.
The dvd-rom drive is the secundary master.
How can I fix this problem?

That is a supermount config, and looks OK to me.
If your dvd is secondary master them /dev/hdc looks correct as 
well, assuming you don't want it scsi-emulated.
You do have a /mnt/cdrom in your /mnt drectory ?

If you open a terminal, and put a data disc(shove M9.1 CD3 in) in 
the drive,

cd /mnt/cdrom
mine displays the mandrake CD,

If that does not work, try,

mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom
If that does not work it suggests to me your dvd doesn't supermount 
properly for some reason and maybe like me and mine you might need 
to use automount.In my case my dvd will supermount and work OK on 
the command line, but not much else reliably.

Maybe others can advise better than me.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] openssh Security Update

2003-09-17 Per discussione Sharrea Day
Hi All

Just wondering if anyone knows what the story is with today's security 
updates for openssh.  The 9.1 update mirrors list:


while the announcement from Mandrake list:


I've downloaded the newer ones but not sure whether or not its safe to 
install them.

AOK do ya think?

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Re: [newbie] XFree Update and hard lockups

2003-09-17 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:35:26 +0200
H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Probably askin' fer trouble:o)
 here's my output if it helps:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] triade]$ rpm -qa |grep xfree
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] triade]$ rpm -qa |grep XFree
 and I've no probs whatsoever with X and I'm a heavy user:o)
 Good luck,

so those are even more current? are you running 9.2/cooker? what WM do
you use?

Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Reality is nothing but a collective hunch.
-- Lily Tomlin

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Re: [newbie] Full Installation option support much like Redhat Anaconda Installer?

2003-09-17 Per discussione ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 03:33, karthikeyan.balasubramanian wrote:
   I am using Mdk 9.1 (bamboo).  I didn't see this option while installing
 this OS.
 I know I can check all the options like Network, Development... but it
 doesn't install
 full 3 and half GB of information.  Did I miss out this option somewhere or
 its not
 available with this version of installer.
   Hope I make some sense, if not I can explain better.
   Have a great day.
 Karthikeyan B
at the bottom, you see a few little square boxes, and if you mouse
over you will see a pop-up that offers toggle flat(and some thing like
'or tree') and individual package selection,  can pick every package on
the CDroms, and it will not allow you to pick conflicting packages. but
as far as I understand the anaconda installer, selection all the boxes
on the pack type selection just about gives you the same, and with
urpmi, installing other packages is as easy as can be.

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Re: [newbie] installing sb audigy2

2003-09-17 Per discussione ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 01:02, Steven Nelson wrote:
 Would someone tell me how to install a soundblaster audigy 2 sound card?
this assumes you already have the card in your hands

first, take the covers off the computer case (box) 
do you know what a pci slot looks like?  if so,, put it (if you have one
and know what it looks like,,, if not, then ask again) in an open PCI
slot _not_ next to the AGP slot (if you have one and know what it looks
like,,, if not, then ask again) when you boot up, if you do not run
harddrake automagiclly, then you might also have to run harddrake as
soon as you boot up.



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Re: [newbie] Full Installation option support much like RedhatAnaconda Installer?

2003-09-17 Per discussione karthikeyan.balasubramanian

 at the bottom, you see a few little square boxes, and if you mouse
 over you will see a pop-up that offers toggle flat(and some thing like
 'or tree') and individual package selection,  can pick every package on
 the CDroms, and it will not allow you to pick conflicting packages. but
 as far as I understand the anaconda installer, selection all the boxes
 on the pack type selection just about gives you the same, and with
 urpmi, installing other packages is as easy as can be.

Are you refering to the tree which shows package listings i.e

+ kernel  tick mark[ yes ]
+ gcc tick mark [ yes ]
+ gcj tick mark [ no ]

I just dont want to do this.

Reason : More time looking for which package I missed out.
Motive : I would uninstall everything later so that I can add and remove
as and when needed without no space issue.

I want a check box which says

[  ] check here to install all package available in the CD

You think something like this is available.

Have a great day.

Karthikeyan B

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Re: [newbie] apt for lnux

2003-09-17 Per discussione Curt Tresenriter
On Tuesday 16 September 2003 03:59 pm, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

|IT doesn't format anything, i.e. it keeps what you've got including
| installed software younger or even strange to the distrib you're
| upgrading. Even kernel differences show up and lilo (the start up
| screen) will be configured to show old_linux (the kernel you're
| running now) and linux(the new upgraded one).


Thanks. I'll give it a go.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. ~ Einstein

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[newbie] post script to html

2003-09-17 Per discussione ed tharp
I am sure there are lots of filters to render a postscript document to
What I am hoping for is some recommendations from someone who has tried
a few, and can suggest which they found produces the best html, easiest.

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Re: [newbie] XFree Update and hard lockups

2003-09-17 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 13:13, HaywireMac wrote:
 so those are even more current? are you running 9.2/cooker? what WM do
 you use?
Installed 9.2rc1 and use cooker as ftp source for contribs and selectively 
as main and PLF of course:o). Done that with the P2 laptop too now 
(actually upgraded 9.1), works like a charm.
XFree however is the standard one that came with rc1.
I use KDE mostly, I like the consistent lookfeel of all the progs that come 
with it.

Good luck,

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RE: [newbie] OT - 3rd Annual Nigerian E-Mail Conference

2003-09-17 Per discussione Tango Echo
On Tuesday 16 September 2003 02:22 pm, ed tharp wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 11:08, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Tuesday 16 September 2003 10:05 am, Tango Echo
   At the risk exposing my newbiness - what's up
with the
   top/bottom posting debate?  I prefer top posting
   becuase I can read it on auto preview... What is
   advantage to bottom posting besides a lot of
   exercise (actually my scroll finger is already
   enough, thanks)?

 well that is you... and I just post all around
because I really enjoy
 having other folks around who are as confused as I

On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 05:20:51 -0700 (PDT)
Tango Echo [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 Taken in... yeah in more ways then one. 
   this is Ed and some times I post right in the
middle of the
  line,, to make sure everyone attributes are really
messed up
know of
 you remember the headline but someone was
 killed over this scam:,1284,57760,00.html
 Pretty sad, eh?
What with the freakin' top-posting today??!!

I'd say we've made our point.
-- cmg

Well, almost...

Keeping the emails neat by clipping sigs and headers
definitely makes sence.  It's extra work, but I can
see that its just curtious.  As far as reading up I
can almost see that point as well - but I see both
sides.  When I'm following a thread I usually have all
the emails sorted by thread with auto preview on. 
Since I'm going down the list of emails in the thread,
I already know what the discussion is about.  But to
have to scroll down 5 pages to see the one liner
comment seems unnecessary when I could have just seen
it in 0.5 second with a top post and auto preview.  If
I'm lost on the comment, I just scroll down to double
check...  I'm assuming you don't read up like that
because you (re)read all the comments right down to
the one liner???  Also, do people that don't include
any previous message in their reply (snip all) get
grief too?  Ed, I hope you were just joking about
posting in the middle - seems a lot of people would
miss what you say if you weren't!



  The debate about top and bottom posting is a
semi-annual event here. The
  worst, though, are people who alternate top and
bottom posting in the
  same chain.

 Yep. or the ones who snip only some of the
attributes like in this

  FWIW, I've noticed that bottom posters do a better
job of deleting the
  extraneous crap such as ads for the Store and
Yahoo, and overly-long
  -- cmg

 I just enjoy confusion and companyg

 I just enjoy confusion and companyg

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Re: [newbie] Evolution Question

2003-09-17 Per discussione rluchor

On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 19:03, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 01:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use Evolution on my main box and just updated my laptop to the latest
 version.  For some reason the laptop Evo refuses to recognize the files
 that are backed up from the main machine.  How to I get them

It sounds like a perms problem.

If you've put the evolution subdirectory back into your
/home/yournamehere directory, you should su to root, then do:

chown -R mylogin:mylogin evolution

...this would then change the permissions to YOUR permissions; once
you've done that, then fire up Evolution again.

I'm assuming that when you backed up Evo you did back up that entire
subdirectory structure, yes?

A trick I use to make Evo run a tad bit faster is to put the evolution
subdirectory structure on a faster drive (SCSI) and create a link to it
from my /home/mynamehere directory - this also makes for doing great
automagic backups without disturbing other bits'n'bobs...

I'm still having a problem getting the laptop version of Evo to recognize the files from the desktop version. The files are copied from the floppy to the laptop but when Evolution is activated, the new files are immediately replaced by the original empty files! It took me awhile to realize what was happening. The copied files are about 80 kB but when Evo pops up, they're back to 579k. Why won't the laptop Evo recognize the new files? The permission problems have been addressed.



Re: [newbie] Evolution Question

2003-09-17 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 23:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm still having a problem getting the laptop version of Evo to
 recognize the files from the desktop version.  The files are copied
 from the floppy to the laptop but when Evolution is activated, the new
 files are immediately replaced by the original empty files! It took me
 awhile to realize what was happening.  The copied files are about 80
 kB but when Evo pops up, they're back to 579k.  Why won't the laptop
 Evo recognize the new files?  The permission problems have been

Don't know if I fully understand this: evolution stores it's mail files
and other associated bits'n'bobs under:


...and you're copying this stuff from a floppy to that directory?

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Put your best foot forward. Or just call in and say you're sick.

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Re: [newbie] Evolution Question

2003-09-17 Per discussione rluchor

On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 10:21, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 23:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm still having a problem getting the laptop version of Evo to
 recognize the files from the desktop version.  The files are copied
 from the floppy to the laptop but when Evolution is activated, the new
 files are immediately replaced by the original empty files! It took me
 awhile to realize what was happening.  The copied files are about 80
 kB but when Evo pops up, they're back to 579k.  Why won't the laptop
 Evo recognize the new files?  The permission problems have been

Don't know if I fully understand this: evolution stores it's mail files
and other associated bits'n'bobs under:


...and you're copying this stuff from a floppy to that directory?

Yes, specifically to /home/rich/evolution/local/Calendar, ... /Contacts, .../Tasks, etc.



Re: [newbie] Governments like open-source software, but Microsoftdoes not

2003-09-17 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 01:59, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 21:42:36 -0400
 Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  while using your legendary electric bong?
 I do *not* have an electric bong.
 Wish I did tho.
** Thats the trouble with WMD (Wipeout  Mind Devices) You have no memory
of that hit

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Re: [newbie] XFree Update and hard lockups

2003-09-17 Per discussione Eric Huff
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$rpm -qa | grep XFree

Here's mine, Joe. I do have one more tha you, which i have no idea
whatfor: XFree86-static-libs-4.3-8.2mdk


~ $ rpm -qa |grep XFree


~/cvs/pekwm/src $ ./pekwm --version
pekwm: version 0.1.3 Built on Fri Jul 11 07:59:00 PDT 2003



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Re: [newbie] URPMI again

2003-09-17 Per discussione Max . Benitz

What are you using to display the system status in the upper right corner
of that screenshot?



HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/15/2003
06:53:52 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Subject:Re: [newbie] URPMI again

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 20:37:04 -0500
Curt Tresenriter [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I know I'm talking to the wrong person about KDE!

LOL! I was cleaning up some stuff in my ~/tmp dir and I found this
screenshot, chat with the guys on #pekwm, KDE came up...

Registered Linux user #282046
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Waste not fresh tears over old griefs.
  -- Euripides

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Re: [newbie] URPMI again

2003-09-17 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 09:12:51 -0700

 What are you using to display the system status in the upper right
 corner of that screenshot?


Registered Linux user #282046
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He that composes himself is wiser than he that composes a book.
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[newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione Terry Sheltra
I'm about to ask a potentially dumb question, so please bear with me .. :-)

I've been using Gimp 1.3 for quite some time now, and totally love it.  
The only thing I'm not able to do is print from it.  There are no 
options in the menus to print.  How can I fix this?  Or is it just 
something that hasn't been instituted yet because it's still unstable?


Terry Sheltra
PC Support Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Available via instant messenger
Composed on a 100% Microsoft-free PC
Registered Linux User #218330

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[newbie] urpmi vs Mandrake Update (the GUI)

2003-09-17 Per discussione Lee Wiggers

I go to Mandrake Update in the Configuration menu and it says no
new updates

then I do urpmi -v --autoselect from the cli (Darn I like saying
that) and (after dumping texstar again) I get a slew of updates.

I'm sure I'm not the only one curious.

What's the difference and why?  I know, I should have been paying

Anyone got a minute?


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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione Aron Smith
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 09:46, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 I'm about to ask a potentially dumb question, so please bear with me .. :-)
 I've been using Gimp 1.3 for quite some time now, and totally love it.  
 The only thing I'm not able to do is print from it.  There are no 
 options in the menus to print.  How can I fix this?  Or is it just 
 something that hasn't been instituted yet because it's still unstable?
 Terry Sheltra
 PC Support Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
 University of Virginia
 School of Architecture
Did you try right clicking on your imagefileprint ?
true its not intuitive most everything is done with right clicks
 Available via instant messenger
 Composed on a 100% Microsoft-free PC
 Registered Linux User #218330

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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione Terry Sheltra
Yes, that I did.  I've come to notice that there are many more options 
available in GIMP when you right-click an image, rather than using the 
menus in the main dock.

Thanks for the help though!


Aron Smith wrote:

Did you try right clicking on your imagefileprint ?

true its not intuitive most everything is done with right clicks

Terry Sheltra
PC Support Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
Available via instant messenger
Composed on a 100% Microsoft-free PC
Registered Linux User #218330

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Re: [newbie] urpmi vs Mandrake Update (the GUI)

2003-09-17 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:49:23 -0400
Lee Wiggers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I go to Mandrake Update in the Configuration menu and it says no
 new updates
 then I do urpmi -v --autoselect from the cli (Darn I like saying
 that) and (after dumping texstar again) I get a slew of updates.

My guess would be that you have included a source other than that
for your currently running distro.


If a program is useless, it will have to be documented. 
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Re: [newbie] installing sb audigy2 in Mandrake

2003-09-17 Per discussione Steven Nelson

From: ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] installing sb audigy2
Date: 17 Sep 2003 07:32:59 -0400
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 01:02, Steven Nelson wrote:
 Would someone tell me how to install a soundblaster audigy 2 sound card?

this assumes you already have the card in your hands

first, take the covers off the computer case (box)
do you know what a pci slot looks like?  if so,, put it (if you have one
and know what it looks like,,, if not, then ask again) in an open PCI
slot _not_ next to the AGP slot (if you have one and know what it looks
like,,, if not, then ask again) when you boot up, if you do not run
harddrake automagiclly, then you might also have to run harddrake as
soon as you boot up.


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It is already installed. I am wanting to know how I get it to work using 
Mandrake, sorry about that.

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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 19:04, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 Yes, that I did.  I've come to notice that there are many more options
 available in GIMP when you right-click an image, rather than using the
 menus in the main dock.

 Thanks for the help though!


 Aron Smith wrote:
  Did you try right clicking on your imagefileprint ?
 true its not intuitive most everything is done with right clicks

 Terry Sheltra
 PC Support Technician/Asst. Network Administrator
 University of Virginia
 School of Architecture
 Available via instant messenger
 Composed on a 100% Microsoft-free PC
 Registered Linux User #218330
When going to the printer with CTRL+P access printer setup and change the 
command there to whatever your systems uses.
I peronally replaced it with a simple qtcups (I use cups:o)) because I like 
getting the Qt interface to printing i.e. I can still change settings or 
printers. If you don' want that simply enter cups or if you're using LPR 

Good luck,
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[newbie] Postfix mailserver

2003-09-17 Per discussione Yves Arsenault


I was wondering if anyone has some good resources on exactly how to
configure a Postfix mail server. According to a doc that I followed I should
be functional, but I'm not as of yet.

I'm running Mandrake Linux 9.0


Yves Arsenault
Carrefour Infotech
5,promenade Acadian
Charlottetown, IPE
C1C 1M2
(902)368-1895 ext.242
ICQ #117650823
FN:Yves Arsenault
ORG:Carrefour Infotech
ADR;WORK:;1-902-368-1895 ext 227;5, Acadian Dr.;Charlottetown;PEI;C1C 1M2;Canada
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:1-902-368-1895 ext 227=0D=0A5, Acadian Dr.=0D=0ACharlottetown, PEI C1C 1M2=
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Re: [newbie] urpmi vs Mandrake Update (the GUI)

2003-09-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 17 Sep 2003 5:49 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:

 I go to Mandrake Update in the Configuration menu and it says no
 new updates

 then I do urpmi -v --autoselect from the cli (Darn I like saying
 that) and (after dumping texstar again) I get a slew of updates.

 I'm sure I'm not the only one curious.

 What's the difference and why?  I know, I should have been paying

 Anyone got a minute?


The GUI does a urpmi --update --auto-select  so it only considers updated 
packages from sources marked as update sources (you used the --update switch 
in urpmi.addmedia )

What you did will give  you updated packages from all sources.



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Re: [newbie] Postfix mailserver

2003-09-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 17 Sep 2003 6:34 pm, Yves Arsenault wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone has some good resources on exactly how to
 configure a Postfix mail server. According to a doc that I followed I
 should be functional, but I'm not as of yet.

 I'm running Mandrake Linux 9.0


 Yves Arsenault
 Carrefour Infotech
 5,promenade Acadian
 Charlottetown, IPE
 C1C 1M2
 (902)368-1895 ext.242
 ICQ #117650823

Try the one on my website



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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Terry Sheltra wrote:

I'm about to ask a potentially dumb question, so please bear with me 
.. :-)

I've been using Gimp 1.3 for quite some time now, and totally love 
it.  The only thing I'm not able to do is print from it.  There are no 
options in the menus to print.  How can I fix this?  Or is it just 
something that hasn't been instituted yet because it's still unstable?



Put the image file up in a window in gimp
move cursor over the picture , rightmouse click, down to print.
Up comes the print manipulation window.
Many things you can do there to do with sizing, position, etc etc .
Set your printer up in there too.
resolution,feed, paper.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Problems with G4 400mhz PPC install

2003-09-17 Per discussione Mike \yomcat\ Welsh
on 17/9/03 10:07 PM, Nick Jenkin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 it has 448mb of RAM, RAID 128 pro gfx card. Any ideas,  I have tried
 all the different types of installs, but it gives this error on all of
I had the exact same problem (almost). Can't remember how I fixed. Something
to do with intilizing the HD in Mac or something. I didn't install my
As for the graphics card, what monitor do you have?
I can only get text-based to work.

Mike yomcat Welsh

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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione Terry Sheltra
I right-click on the image, but there is no print option anywhere to 
be found.  The option to print is there in GIMP 1.2.5, so I'm wondering 
if maybe the GIMP folks haven't set it up yet in 1.3.


John Richard Smith wrote:

Put the image file up in a window in gimp
move cursor over the picture , rightmouse click, down to print.
Up comes the print manipulation window.
Many things you can do there to do with sizing, position, etc etc .
Set your printer up in there too.
resolution,feed, paper.

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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 20:58, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 I right-click on the image, but there is no print option anywhere to
 be found.  The option to print is there in GIMP 1.2.5, so I'm wondering
 if maybe the GIMP folks haven't set it up yet in 1.3.

It's there: Right-click then file and scroll down to print
What version did you install i.e. was it a Mandrake rpm? The foreign (or 
source .tgz) ones might indeed be missing some aspects.

Good luck,
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Re: [newbie] urpmi vs Mandrake Update (the GUI)

2003-09-17 Per discussione Lee Wiggers
aha he said



On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 18:49:38 +0100
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 17 Sep 2003 5:49 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
  I go to Mandrake Update in the Configuration menu and it says
  no new updates
  then I do urpmi -v --autoselect from the cli (Darn I like saying
  that) and (after dumping texstar again) I get a slew of updates.
  I'm sure I'm not the only one curious.
  What's the difference and why?  I know, I should have been
  paying attention.
  Anyone got a minute?
 The GUI does a urpmi --update --auto-select  so it only considers
 updated packages from sources marked as update sources (you used
 the --update switch in urpmi.addmedia )
 What you did will give  you updated packages from all sources.

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[newbie] Converting pictures for Palm OS

2003-09-17 Per discussione RichardA
Is there a way to convert pictures from jpg to prc for a Sony Clie,
under Linux?

I rushed into this, and now I've got the wrong format (jpg) in the wrong
place (root of the memory stick).

Also, I thought I had to mount the memory stick to get anything
across, but if I can convert on my PC, I won't have needed to buy a
memory stick at all, I can just sync -- and supporting closed formats
is not my favourite pastime.

My fallback is to go into work early, and put this junk onto one of
their boxes whilst no-one's looking.

Get up and turn I loose

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Re: [newbie] urpmi vs Mandrake Update (the GUI)

2003-09-17 Per discussione Lee Wiggers
So, is there a way to update all from gui?

Not that I will, being a cli hotdog now, of course.


On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 15:18:49 -0400
Lee Wiggers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 aha he said
 On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 18:49:38 +0100
 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wednesday 17 Sep 2003 5:49 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
   I go to Mandrake Update in the Configuration menu and it says
   no new updates
   then I do urpmi -v --autoselect from the cli (Darn I like
   saying that) and (after dumping texstar again) I get a slew of
   I'm sure I'm not the only one curious.
   What's the difference and why?  I know, I should have been
   paying attention.
   Anyone got a minute?
  The GUI does a urpmi --update --auto-select  so it only
  considers updated packages from sources marked as update sources
  (you used the --update switch in urpmi.addmedia )
  What you did will give  you updated packages from all sources.

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Re: [newbie] urpmi vs Mandrake Update (the GUI)

2003-09-17 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Wednesday 17 Sep 2003 8:28 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
 So, is there a way to update all from gui?

 Not that I will, being a cli hotdog now, of course.


You would have to go the the software sources GUI to update the urpmi 
databases, then go to the Install GUI and filter on update availability.


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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione Terry Sheltra
I installed the rpm from one of the contrib sources (1.3.12-1mdk).  
Right-clicking the image gives me the following choices in the file menu:

Open Recent
Save As
Save a Copy
Mail Image
Strange ...


H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

It's there: Right-click then file and scroll down to print
What version did you install i.e. was it a Mandrake rpm? The foreign (or 
source .tgz) ones might indeed be missing some aspects.

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Postfix mailserver

2003-09-17 Per discussione Liechti
 Try the one on my website 
or simpley read the comments in the main configuration file, they are usefull 

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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 21:53, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 I installed the rpm from one of the contrib sources (1.3.12-1mdk).  
The only difference I can see is that I've got 1.3.18 so maybe it's a bug 
that's been fixed (it is a develop version after all) in later versions.

Strange indeed. Try upgrading, I got mine from the Dutch cooker mirror I 

Good luck,
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[newbie] Some mandrake 9.1 CD's

2003-09-17 Per discussione Johan
I use mdk9.1 - have only first 4 cd's - downloaded version.
Installed antivir antivirus software. It works fine.
To make it act on file open/close it need dazuko.
Dazuko need the exact kernel sources to compile - which is not on the first
4 cd's.
Cape Town area - anybody have all 8 cd's of downloaded version?
Care to let me have copy's of the last 4 - I will pick them up - replace
with blank cd's or any reasonable payment..
Kindly inform me direct by email please.

Suggestions for any other way to get the exact sources please.


May this be a good day for learning

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Re: [newbie] Postfix mailserver

2003-09-17 Per discussione Nigel Wilkinson
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 14:34:09 -0300
Yves Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone has some good resources on exactly how to
 configure a Postfix mail server. According to a doc that I followed I
 should be functional, but I'm not as of yet.
 I'm running Mandrake Linux 9.0

Have a look at

If this is not flexable enough for your needs try

which uses webmin.
I have never used 9.0 but 9.1 comes with a pretty good set of defaults.
My server collects mail for a domain and users (that sounds posh but is
just me and the missus collect mail via pop3) and the only things I
alter are:
Use domain name for outgoing mail
Receive mail for domain
Send outgoing mail to my ISP

Good Luck

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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione Terry Sheltra
Thanks for the help HarM.  I managed to find and install 1.3.20, and 
sure enough, the print option is there.  Yay!


H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

The only difference I can see is that I've got 1.3.18 so maybe it's a bug 
that's been fixed (it is a develop version after all) in later versions.

Strange indeed. Try upgrading, I got mine from the Dutch cooker mirror I 

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Some mandrake 9.1 CD's

2003-09-17 Per discussione Miark
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 22:28:02 +0200, Johan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I use mdk9.1 - have only first 4 cd's - downloaded version.
 Installed antivir antivirus software. It works fine.
 To make it act on file open/close it need dazuko.
 Dazuko need the exact kernel sources to compile - which is not on the first
 4 cd's.
 Cape Town area - anybody have all 8 cd's of downloaded version?

Mmm, no there are only three CDs to the download edition. I don't use the
CDs anymore, but I'd be very surprised if the sources weren't on CD 1.


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Re: [newbie] Some mandrake 9.1 CD's

2003-09-17 Per discussione Paul
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 23:28, Johan wrote:
 I use mdk9.1 - have only first 4 cd's - downloaded version.
 Installed antivir antivirus software. It works fine.
 To make it act on file open/close it need dazuko.
 Dazuko need the exact kernel sources to compile - which is not on the first
 4 cd's.
 Cape Town area - anybody have all 8 cd's of downloaded version?
 Care to let me have copy's of the last 4 - I will pick them up - replace
 with blank cd's or any reasonable payment..
 Kindly inform me direct by email please.
 Suggestions for any other way to get the exact sources please.

Hi Johan,

You only need the first 3 CDS, the others contain source code.

The kernel  is already on the CDs, use MCC to install. If it doesn't
find it under install, check under uninstall - if it comes up you've
already got it installed. 

You'll probably get more assistance about dazuko at:

Paul M.

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Re: [newbie] monitor configuration

2003-09-17 Per discussione d2ci1fj g1nf24

From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] monitor configuration
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 06:41:48 +1000
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 01:39, Miark wrote:
 On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 03:37:10 +, d2ci1fj g1nf24 

  There's an attachment to this email about configuring a monitor. I 
  understand most of it. Would somebody be to able explain it to me?
  How do I read a .bz2 file from the text login screen?

 You must first de-compress the file by typing

   bunzip filename.bz2

 Then if it's a text file, you can read it with

   less filename


...or you can use tar -xjvf if it's filename.tar.bz2

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
Anybody that wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years
organising and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.
-- David Broder
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Thanks for the help.
Try MSN Messenger 6.0 with integrated webcam functionality!

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Re: [newbie] configuring a monitor

2003-09-17 Per discussione d2ci1fj g1nf24

From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] configuring a monitor
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 22:45:37 -0500
On Saturday September 13 2003 05:22 pm, d2ci1fj g1nf24 wrote:
 I am using a flat screen crt monitor. It is a Logisys LGX-750 crt
 flat screen. I attached the monitor config file to this email.
 Would anybody help me with this? The parts in the monitor
 configuration file that I was wondering about are some of the
There's not all that much to do. It's a generic (plug'n play)
monitor. So run XFdrake an choose 1024x768, 65k colors (16bpp), @
60 refresh rate. That'll work for any 17 crt monitor.
   What video card?  The monitor doesn't run all by itself ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas
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Did you get the attachment and did you delete the rest of the email? I am 
having a monitor problem and cannot get in to the desktop. I am using 9800 
drivers from ATI.  Here is the email and I will put the monitor 
configuration as an attachment.

I am using a flat screen crt monitor. It is a Logisys LGX-750 crt flat 
screen. I put the monitor configuration file as an attachment. Would 
somebody tell me how to do this? The parts in the monitor configuration file 
that I was wondering about are some the settings.

1.   If you complete all hardware setup, save the configuration file.

   Now execute the X-window.
Even though you setup all above procedure, the X-Window can't run.
If the X-window doesn't run properly, you have modify the x86config 
file as follows.

 Linux Modification Items 

Replace the # with the value of Bandwidth refer to user's manual

Modify the other additional hardware modification.

At last, you have to select the video mode.

Now run the X-Window.

It says to go to the x86config file. How do I get to the file? It also says 
to re place the # with the value of bandwith. What is that?

 2.Using the monitor installation diskette
   - Open the Xf86Config file with Linux Editor.
   - Move to [Monitor] Section.
   - After you select the monitor model in your install diskette, copy 
the data of HorizSync and VertRefresh
 to XF86Config.
   - Disable the resolution using the # at ModeLine.
 And after you select the monitor model in your install diskette, 
copy the data of ModeLine to XF86Config.

How do I do this?

It says that if the bandwith is not set correctly that it could cause a 
problem with the login to the desktop. I thought that might be why I can't 
login to the desktop.

Get 10MB of e-mail storage! Sign up for Hotmail Extra Storage.
5. Linux Monitor Installation Procedure

1)Linux Install Procedure

  In order to execute the X-window, you have to make the XF86Config file 
which is
  the system setup file. Your monitor also can setup through this file.
  Also this file is generated by executing the XF86config.

   After execute the xf86config, press Enter at first and second 

   At third display, you can see the display of installation of mouse

   At this time you have to setup your mouse according to your mouse 

   And next display is the installation of Keyboard.

   You have to setup your keyboard according to your keyboard.

   From now on , the monitor installation will be come out.

   At first, you have to setup the Horizontal frequency. Select the number 
which you want to setup.
And also you can type the frequency directly.  See monitor user's 

   And then you have to setup the Vertical frequency. Following is the 
same as Horizontal frequency.

   Type the name of monitor. This name is not related to X-window 

   Now the monitor setup is completed

   Complete the other hardware setup.

   If you complete all hardware setup, save the configuration file.

   Now execute the X-window.
Even though you setup all above procedure, the X-Window can't run.
If the X-window doesn't run properly, you have modify the x86config 
file as follows.

 Linux Modification Items 

Replace the # with the value of Bandwidth refer to user's manual

Modify the other additional hardware modification.

At last, you have to select the video mode.

Now run the X-Window.

2)Monitor Installation Tip

  Explanation and Concept regarding the display monitor 

   The related the document is located at dm/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/Video 
Mode.doc and read the readme.txt.

   Horizontal Sync. Frequency (Unit Khz)
 This is the Dot Line per 1 seconds. And if you setting the H-Frequency 
incorrectly, it causes to make the
 problem at monitor hardware. you 

Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 23:01, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 Thanks for the help HarM.  I managed to find and install 1.3.20, and
 sure enough, the print option is there.  Yay!


Have fun!:o)

Good luck,
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Re: [newbie] Printing from Gimp 1.3

2003-09-17 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Looks like it must be, I'm with 1.2.5 myself.
Terry Sheltra wrote:

I right-click on the image, but there is no print option anywhere to 
be found.  The option to print is there in GIMP 1.2.5, so I'm 
wondering if maybe the GIMP folks haven't set it up yet in 1.3.


John Richard Smith wrote:

Put the image file up in a window in gimp
move cursor over the picture , rightmouse click, down to print.
Up comes the print manipulation window.
Many things you can do there to do with sizing, position, etc etc .
Set your printer up in there too.
resolution,feed, paper.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] I know this has been asked before... clock synching is off

2003-09-17 Per discussione Heather/Femme
my linux clock is off by several hours (usually 4-6) everytime I reboot.

bios clocks right
new comp.
got ntpd running I need to configure it somehow ?

what gives?

Da Flying Femme

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Re: [newbie] I know this has been asked before... clock synching is off

2003-09-17 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 09:38, Heather/Femme wrote: I need to configure it somehow ?


stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
  We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
The average individual's position in any hierarchy is a lot like pulling
a dogsled -- there's no real change of scenery except for the lead dog.

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Re: [newbie] I know this has been asked before... clock synching is off

2003-09-17 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 07:38 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:
 my linux clock is off by several hours (usually 4-6) everytime I reboot.

 bios clocks right
 new comp.
 got ntpd running I need to configure it somehow ?

 what gives?

If you changed the locale or timezone using the KDE menu rather than MCC, your 
time will continue to be switched incorrectly.  The timezone on the clock on 
the menu panel should be set to local timezone, the real timezone should be 
set using the MCC set time and date icon under System.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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[newbie] BibleTime 9.1

2003-09-17 Per discussione bigrig64
Hi All,

I was going to send this yesterday but my internet connection died.

Anyway, I reinstall Mandrake (this time 9.1) and then installed 
BibleTime. Worked like a charm.

Konquerer works great (I can read the fonts). The whole setup seems to 
be smoother.

During setup it didn't even ask me any questions except for my printer 
(canon - but it works) and my mouse (ok, so it didn't like my MS mouse 
but it works).

However, I have no sound. 9.0 put that in without a hitch. Can anyone 
tell me where to start?

Also, when I install a program as a user, where does it go? and can 
other users run it? I guess there is no way to have the link 
automatically show up on the K-menu (and other manager menus)?

I asked the first part of the question above because I made a 10gig root 
partition, 454meg swap and a 40gig home (roughly). After the fact I 
think I may have cheated myself on the root drive. Should I have made it 
bigger? I am afraid now that I may run out of space there if all 
programs I install goes to that drive. The install was so qick and easy 
I may just redo it and make that drive bigger. Any imput from those who 
know more than me (which is probably everybody on this list) would be 


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Re: [newbie] Converting pictures for Palm OS

2003-09-17 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 08:32:32PM +0100, RichardA wrote:
 Is there a way to convert pictures from jpg to prc for a Sony Clie,
 under Linux?

Googling for 

convert jpeg prc linux

turned up as
the first hit.


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Re: [newbie] I know this has been asked before... clock synching is off

2003-09-17 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 07:38 pm, Heather/Femme wrote:

 Da Flying Femme

Ah, the legend of the Flying Dutchmanalways loved that story as a 
wide-eyed kid! :-)


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Re: [newbie] I know this has been asked before... clock synching is off

2003-09-17 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 07:46 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 09:38, Heather/Femme wrote: I need to configure it somehow ?


 stephen kuhn - owner

Hey Stephen - just wondering - does your ISP charge you by the word


PS Ever heard of Chuck Bradley (sp?) from Knott county, KY? He used to lead 
sing for a band called LaRoxx (locally). Great singer, played with some bands 
in Lexington. In the mid 80's he gave me a demo tape (6 songs) from his band 
Da'nang. I finally got those songs converted over to OGG. Would you be 
interested in any of them?

See ya!


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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-17 Per discussione Lee Wiggers
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 19:10:08 -0700
Aron Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 20:06, Lee Wiggers wrote:
  Hi all
  Need recommendations for a cheap inkjet that is:
  9.1 friendly
  Any thoughts?
 DO NOT GET A HP-PSC 1210 they are cheap and make great copiers but

Agree...HP and Xerox are off my list


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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-17 Per discussione Lee Wiggers
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 23:10:59 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 17 September 2003 11:06 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:
  Hi all
  Need recommendations for a cheap inkjet that is:
  9.1 friendly
  Any thoughts?
 I've been pretty happy with my Epson Stylus C62 - if you can find
 it, its dirt cheap now (I think I only paid something like $59 for
 it last year).

Found a new one on ebay w/20' USB cable for 45.00.

Actually, I bought my gf a laser printer last week and she hates it,
although she's too polite to say so.  (It's bw).

I'll give her the inkjet and the ink bill, and use the laser to
write checks with.

Life is good.


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Re: [newbie] installing x86 update

2003-09-17 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 10:07:01PM -0400, rob wrote:
 Here's what I don't understand about this.  It's certainly understood
 that most people read downward.  However, I'm interested in reading the
 test of the mail the sender posted.  If there is text included from a
 string (to which the poster is responding), I've most likely already
 seen it so why would I want to read it again (reading downward).  I'm
 actually after the new text and I'd prefer not to have to scroll down,
 sometimes a long way, and sometimes only to see something like thanks.

If you can read and remember everything that's been said on a list with
as much traffic as newbie, your memory is a helluvalot better than mine.
I need the sequence to be chronological, old to new, or I just can't
follow it.

The answer to having to scroll to see thanks has nothing to do with
top vs. bottom posting and everything to do with the lost art of

And, since people tend to answer questions throughout the mail, one has
to read to the bottom anyway. So, seeing thanks at the top does
not mean you can automatically delete it without paging to the bottom.

Skimming is apparently becoming a lost art, too.

My wife sometimes top-posts when she talks to me. I have to stop her and
tell her to back up because I usually have no idea what she's talking
about unless she gives me a little context first. Often it goes back to
some story I ignored the first time she told me :) so it's especially
important she *not* top post.

Also, it's usually easier to find an answer when you search the archives
and can follow the discussion in chronological order. That way you don't
have to read every message in the thread yet still find the answer.


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top v. bottom, was Re: [newbie] installing x86 update

2003-09-17 Per discussione Todd Slater
You're absolutely right. 

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[newbie] any elinks users here?

2003-09-17 Per discussione Heather/Femme
I can cut/copy/paste on/to cli.  Just not to elinks goto URL line
(press G to do it).

its an enhanced Links browser.  Love it really useful for places like


Flushed Femmers

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Re: [newbie] Cheap color inkjet printer

2003-09-17 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 11:58 pm, Lee Wiggers wrote:


 Found a new one on ebay w/20' USB cable for 45.00.

 Actually, I bought my gf a laser printer last week and she hates it,
 although she's too polite to say so.  (It's bw).

 I'll give her the inkjet and the ink bill, and use the laser to
 write checks with.

 Life is good.


Understood. I've never wore very long hair, facial or otherwise (aside from a 
moustache) but my wife likes it so...I've got enough for a beard and a 

Nothing like domestic tranquility! :-)


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[newbie] Bibletime (revisited)

2003-09-17 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
I thought I'd have a go at this - urpmi'ed it, went fine. Ran it first time - 
got an error message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] darklord]$ bibletime
SWMgr: Can't find 'mods.conf' or 'mods.d'.  Try setting:
SWORD_PATH=directory containing mods.conf
Or see the README file for a full description of setup options 
(configPath is null)

So...I figured out I needed to d/l a module to use. I d/l'ed the King James 
version, unzipped it, copied it into /usr/share/apps/bibletime but I still 
get the same message.

So...I added SWORD_PATH=/usr/share/apps/bibletime to 

Still same thing.

Can anyone who got it to work help? Thx!


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Re: [newbie] Bibletime (revisited)

2003-09-17 Per discussione s
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 11:30 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] darklord]$ bibletime
 SWMgr: Can't find 'mods.conf' or 'mods.d'.  Try setting:
 SWORD_PATH=directory containing mods.conf
 Or see the README file for a full description of setup
 options (configPath is null)

 So...I figured out I needed to d/l a module to use. I d/l'ed the
 King James version, unzipped it, copied it into
 /usr/share/apps/bibletime but I still get the same message.

I unzipped mine to ~/.sword.  

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Re: [newbie] Some mandrake 9.1 CD's

2003-09-17 Per discussione stormjumper

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 05:04
Subject: Re: [newbie] Some mandrake 9.1 CD's

 On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 22:28:02 +0200, Johan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I use mdk9.1 - have only first 4 cd's - downloaded version.
  Installed antivir antivirus software. It works fine.
  To make it act on file open/close it need dazuko.
  Dazuko need the exact kernel sources to compile - which is not on the
  4 cd's.
  Cape Town area - anybody have all 8 cd's of downloaded version?

 Mmm, no there are only three CDs to the download edition. I don't use the
 CDs anymore, but I'd be very surprised if the sources weren't on CD 1.


just to add on, if you've upgraded the kernel, say by applying a security
update, the kernel sources will not be on the cd.

you prolly have to install it using urpmi or software manager or rpm.

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Re: [newbie] BibleTime 9.1 -- Sound

2003-09-17 Per discussione bigrig64
Those lines were backwards, so I turned them around as you said, still no
noise. I pasted different info below that may help.
On Wednesday 17 September 2003 06:39 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:

  However, I have no sound. 9.0 put that in without a hitch. Can anyone
  tell me where to start?



 Russ, what kind of sound card?  Just in case - have a look in
 /etc/modules.conf and see if a line starting with above sound 
... etc
 is above the alias sound etc and if so reverse them. That 
was my
 problem with  an onboard sound card. Soon as I changed the position 
of the
 two lines all worked. HTH


alias autofs autofs4
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
probeall usb-interface usb-ohci
alias eth0 sis900
alias sound-slot-0 snd-trident
above snd-trident snd-pcm-oss
There is a blank space at the top and the bottom of the lines (don't 
know if
that makes a difference here, it did in some Win programs I've dealt with).
Notice also that is says snd, I changed it to sound but it didn't 
seem to

Isn't there a sound configration tool somewhere? My sound worked 
beautiful in

This is my info for my sound:
Sound Driver:3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v0.9rc8 emulation code)
Kernel: Linux localhost 2.3.21-0.13mdk #1 Fri Mar 14 15:08:06 EST 2003 i686
Config options: 0
Installed Drivers:
Type10: ALSA emulation
Card Config:
SiS SI7018 PCI Audio at 0xd000, irq 11
Audio devices:
0: Trident 4DWave (DUPLEX)

Midi devices:
0: MPU-401 (UART) 0-0
7: system timer
0: Realtek RL5383 rev 6

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Re: [newbie] URPMI again

2003-09-17 Per discussione Eric Huff
  What are you using to display the system status in the upper right
  corner of that screenshot?

Joe, that poor fella is gonna go and type it in and not get it to run...

( gkrellm , no caps)

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