Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 22:33, domenica 19 ottobre 2003, kudega ha scritto:
 Per tutti gli utenti vecchi wind ha lasciato invariata la questione
 dello scatto alla risposta, anche se sembra una cosa temporanea mentre
 per gli altri, cioè, mi sembra quelli che hanno sottoscritto
 l'abbonamento dopo l'unione WindLibero hanno tolto quell'opzione quindi
 pagano lo scatto alla risposta.
Esatto!! Io che sono un austriacante (!!), ero abbonato con Estelnet, branca
regionale della Wind, che mi offriva un ricco collegamento a 700£ l'ora;
bene, dopo un anno mi hanno simpaticamente comunicato che Estelnet veniva
riassorbita dalla casa madre, e che quindi mi si apriva un mare di
convenienze (...e dalli...), tra le quali: abbonarmi al 1055 di Libero (con
tariffe più che raddoppiate e con scatto alla risposta), abbonarmi alla rete
mobile (ma chi ti ha chiesto niente?), etc. etc. In allegato una tessera di
5¤ per il telefonino (per passare ad un piano tariffario
convenientissimo...), che ho provveduto a ficcarmi personalmente su per il
c...(perchè ho pensato che, a questo punto, se non l'avessi fatto io, lo 
avrebbero fatto loro, di notte, mentre ero disattento, e senza vaselina...).
Per abbonarmi al vecchio 1088, che non prevede scatto alla risposta, sono
dovuto andare in negozio io, e solo dietro minacce personali l'addetto Wind
ha confessato che sì, esisteva ancora quel tipo di contratto, e che sì, era
ancora possibile stipularlo, anche se Wind si vergognava di mantenere una
tariffazione dove non riusciva a guadagnare in maniera così bassa e laida..
Morale della favola: guardatevi un po' in giro, e vi renderete conto che per
l'accesso in rete esiste un cartello...Tele2, per esempio, fornisce un
accesso alla telefonia fissa che è stracciato; per il collegamento internet,
guarda un po', la tariffa è praticamente identica a quella di Libero,
arrivando così al paradosso di essere più costosa della propria offerta sul
fisso. Alla faccia del liberismo e del libero mercato..
D'altronde questo è il paese dove si pensa che le aziende (e gli imprenditori
sorridenti), siano lì per fare il bene der poppolo...

- --
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza --
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:32, domenica 19 ottobre 2003, Arwan ha scritto:
 Quanto alla free mail: ho letto i due avvisi arrivatimi (in quanto ho
 una casella su libero e una su inwind) e credevo di leggere una
 lingua straniera... hanno citato cinquemila contratti diversi di cui
 non so assolutamente nulla, figurarsi, non so nemmeno come venga
 chiamato il servizio gratuito! Continuano a incasinare con una marea
 di opzioni sensa andare alla sostanza. Ne ho dedotto che dovro'
 cercae informazioni passando il pomeriggio al telefono col 158 o il
 155 o uno di quei numeri (si spera) gratuiti che ti fanno sudare per
 avere mezza informazione :-(

Dio ti ringrazio: non sono il solo!!!
Pensavo di essere diventato improvvisamente scemo io...

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

 E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro
carmine de pasquale, perche' ho le prove, il domenica 19 ottobre 2003,
alle 17:39 hai scritto:

  traduzione: se hai l'adsl con tiscali, fastweb, tin, ecc. devi usare
  modem normale per connetterti e scaricare la loro posta; se invece
  l'adsl è libero o wind, non devi anche telefonare via terra.
  è un normalissimo ricatto

 E che cazzo la mandano a me che non ho l'ADSL??? Con tutti gli
 archivi che hanno potrebbero anche rompere meno i cogl..

  ...tacci loro

 dalle nostre parti: so' morti!

il consetto è chiaro :))

 Arwan (incazzata perche' non sopporta di non capire quello che legge,
 e si e' arrovellata il cervello per un giorno)

anche se non hai l'adsl e ti connetti con un qualunque provider
terrestre che non sia liberowindinfostradaiol ogni tanto devi cambiare
connessione e connetterti con i loro numeri, perchè se ad esempio ti
connetti con tin, tiscali, ecc, il kmail non vede il pop e l'imap di
wind e libero.
in quel caso, l'unico modo per leggere la posta resterebbe il browser,
cioè navigare tra la pubblicità per leggere la posta

Re: [newbie-it] Perdita dati

2003-10-20 Per discussione Germano
il Sunday 19 October 2003 11:32, Ikki The Porcupine ha scritto riguardo a Re: 
[newbie-it] Perdita dati
Alle 20:34, sabato 18 ottobre 2003, Nicola Degl'Innocenti ha scritto:
 Hash: SHA1

 Buon giorno a tutta la ML.
 Alcuni giorni fa ho dovuto resettare in maniera non proprio carina la mia
 linux box (mdk9.1) a causa di dosemu, che aveva bloccato tutto...
 Al riavvio, dopo il checkfs di routine, la macchina si avvia, ma non


 display manager (gdm) entrato come root in una consolle, ed eseguito un


 riavvio tutto ha ripreso a funzionare, fino ad ora. aperto un terminale e
 lanciato un man mi sono accorto che mancava una parte dell'installazione
 del pacchetto groff (in particolare mancavano alcuni eseguibili...). A
 questo ho rimediato facilmente, una disinstallazione e reinstallazione
 hanno risolto


 problema, ma mi ha fatto sorgere il dubbio che anche altri programmi
 possano aver subito la stessa sorte.
 Da qui il quesito del giorno, è possibile lanciare un check su tutto il
 sistema per verificare che tutti i pacchetti che risultano installati
 siano effettivamente al loro posto con tutti i file? Da quando uso ext3 di
 simili problemi non me ne erano capitati, ma possono accadere? Esistono fs
 più sicuri?


Non ho mai sentito nulla di simile, ma so che alcuni amministratori usano
ReiserFS dicendo che è + sicuro...

Altri dicono che è anche + veloce



Ext3 mi ha fregato anche a me: ogni volta che gli lasci riparare i danni te li 
fa lui (comunque è onesto perchè te lo dice in anticipo).
Appena posso lo rifrullo via dal hard disk e ci metto o ReiserFS (mai dato 
problemi) o XFS o addirittura (se non mi sono rimbambito credo che esista e 
di averlo pure messo da qualche parte) JFS.

Consolati (Nicola) perchè a te ha cancellato file di groff (e probabilmente 
altri) ma a me aveva tolto le librerie di rpm.

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione Germano
il Sunday 19 October 2003 12:46, freefred ha scritto riguardo a Re: 
[newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(
On Sunday 19 October 2003 10:25, anna wrote:
 Ciao Anna

si' ma nella mail c'e' un p.s. che non cita mai nessuno che dice:


Per continuare a consultare la posta in modalità POP3/Imap4, Le ricordiamo
 le nuove e convenienti offerte per il collegamento a Internet da poco

  b.. Libero Free : il servizio di accesso ad Internet che, grazie al nuovo
numero unico nazionale (702702), permette di navigare risparmiando
rispetto al costo della telefonata urbana. Inoltre collegandosi al nuovo
numero, la casella di posta verrà automaticamente incrementata a 15MB (oggi
 5 MB). In allegato alla mail il semplice software (garantito da Libero) per
 il collegamento a Internet, attraverso l'inserimento della username di
 posta (es. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) e la password

insomma sembri che la posta gratis rimanga.


Si, ma io che mi scarico la posta con accesso dalla LAN universitaria (dove 
tengo il mio archivio di posta) non posso usare i loro providers.
Inoltre non penso proprio che legalmente possano iniziare a restringere il 
servizio così perchè in fondo non ti hanno regalato proprio niente (non mi 
riferisco alla e-mail di cui sopra ma per evitare di scriverne altre compatto 
tutto qui dentro), perchè loro ti impasticcano di pubblicità ed in più tu hai 
pagato il servizio concedendogli i tuoi dati personali che valgono più di 
quanto ti si voglia far credere.
La questione è: chi farebbe mai causa alla Wind per avere diritto a 
scaricarsi la posta da dove ca.zo gli pare?
Nessuno, ecco perchè loro fanno come gli pare.


[newbie-it] Firme digitali

2003-10-20 Per discussione Germano
Scusate se rompo ancora ma rinnovo l'invito a chi non avesse pubblicato le sue 
chiavi pubbliche (in fondo lo dice anche la parola stessa) a farlo oppure a 
non firmare i propri messaggi: a cosa serve un messaggio firmato se non so da 
chi è firmato?

Ciao e grazie in anticipo

[newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-20 Per discussione anna
L'ho provato per la prima volta ieri x vedermi un DVD io nn ho trovato difetti 
, era compreso tra i pacchetti inclusi nei cd di mandrake 9.1 nn sono 
riuscita invece a far funzionare xine...vale la pena di approfondire e 
cercare le cause?

Re: [newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-20 Per discussione tom
On Monday 20 October 2003 13:11, anna wrote:
 vale la pena di approfondire e
 cercare le cause?

Personalmente reputo Mplayer due spanne sopra Xine!
sia come codec video che audio.magari sbaglio dato che sono piu di un anno 
che nn lo installo.


 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Vale più 'na cattiva mesata che 'na bbona giornata.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione Andrea Celli
Alle 10:25, domenica 19 ottobre 2003, anna ha scritto:
 Ciao Anna

Purtroppo l'andazzo e questo :-(
Con altri provider non puoi inviare posta se non sei collegato
tramite loro.
Dal loro punto di vista, c'è il fatto che dai servizi pop3
o sendmail non guadagnano nulla: né la telefonata, né la
pubblicità che vedi quando usi il browser

Comunque, è tragicomico che ti presentino la cosa come
 E' partita la rivoluzione dell'offerta di posta elettronica di Libero 
(,,, volta al miglioramento della 
qualità dei servizi 
Vuol dire che considerano i propri utenti completamente scemi  :-|

Oddio, un po' hanno ragione, visto che si sono fidati di loro ;-)

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Problema di boot dopo aver installato XFree86

2003-10-20 Per discussione Lord NEVERMIND di Númenthule

Ciao a tutti.

Come spiego nell'oggetto, sto buttando il sangue...

Dunque, ieri ho scaricato i benedetti driver nvidia per la mia geforce 400 MX.
Tutto bene, tranne per il fatto che voleva una versione di XFree almeno 4.0, mentre il avevo la 3.vattelapesca che esce con la distro di Mandrake 9.1

Mi vado a scaricare tutti i pacchetti della 4.30 da, verificando come chiedono loro il tipo di sistema da me usato e scaricando dalla dir ftp corrispondente, installo partendo in modalità testuale l'XFree86, da root, e da qui in poi sono iniziati i problemi.

Prima mi freezava completamente la schermata grafica di boot, poi, dopo aver messo il driver vesa nel file di configurazione, mi dava la schermata grafica di boot ma mi bloccava la tastiera dopo due o tre caratteri della password inserita.

Ora sono arrivato al punto che mi fa inserire correttamente la password, ma quando clicco su login mi da schermo nero, e poi mi carica di nuovo la schermata di boot...

Sono nel buio più totale, chi mi dà qualche suggerimento su dove andare a sbattere la testa, oltre che nel muro?

Nevermind dall'account sotto Win$

Re: [newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-20 Per discussione emmepielle
Be allora perchè non provare Ogle semplicemente per il DVD...

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 13:26:02 +0200
tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 20 October 2003 13:11, anna wrote:
  vale la pena di approfondire e
  cercare le cause?
 Personalmente reputo Mplayer due spanne sopra Xine!
 sia come codec video che audio.magari sbaglio dato che sono piu di un anno 
 che nn lo installo.
  Ciao , Tom
  . ~ . 
  / v \ 
/  /  \  \ 
  /  (  )  \ 
 ^^   ^^ 
 Vale più 'na cattiva mesata che 'na bbona giornata.
 Slack 9.0
 Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
 Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

R: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione carlo_canepa
SE Qualcuno solo ora si accorge che Wind  ladra come gli altri gestori, deve essere 
vissuto davvero nelle favole del nostro presidente dl consiglio operaio sino a oggi, 

-Messaggio originale-
Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di Fabio Manunza
Inviato: luned 20 ottobre 2003 12.17
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

Hash: SHA1

Alle 22:33, domenica 19 ottobre 2003, kudega ha scritto:
 Per tutti gli utenti vecchi wind ha lasciato invariata la questione
 dello scatto alla risposta, anche se sembra una cosa temporanea mentre
 per gli altri, cio, mi sembra quelli che hanno sottoscritto
 l'abbonamento dopo l'unione WindLibero hanno tolto quell'opzione quindi
 pagano lo scatto alla risposta.
Esatto!! Io che sono un austriacante (!!), ero abbonato con Estelnet, branca
regionale della Wind, che mi offriva un ricco collegamento a 700 l'ora;
bene, dopo un anno mi hanno simpaticamente comunicato che Estelnet veniva
riassorbita dalla casa madre, e che quindi mi si apriva un mare di
convenienze (...e dalli...), tra le quali: abbonarmi al 1055 di Libero (con
tariffe pi che raddoppiate e con scatto alla risposta), abbonarmi alla rete
mobile (ma chi ti ha chiesto niente?), etc. etc. In allegato una tessera di
5 per il telefonino (per passare ad un piano tariffario
convenientissimo...), che ho provveduto a ficcarmi personalmente su per il
c...(perch ho pensato che, a questo punto, se non l'avessi fatto io, lo 
avrebbero fatto loro, di notte, mentre ero disattento, e senza vaselina...).
Per abbonarmi al vecchio 1088, che non prevede scatto alla risposta, sono
dovuto andare in negozio io, e solo dietro minacce personali l'addetto Wind
ha confessato che s, esisteva ancora quel tipo di contratto, e che s, era
ancora possibile stipularlo, anche se Wind si vergognava di mantenere una
tariffazione dove non riusciva a guadagnare in maniera cos bassa e laida..
Morale della favola: guardatevi un po' in giro, e vi renderete conto che per
l'accesso in rete esiste un cartello...Tele2, per esempio, fornisce un
accesso alla telefonia fissa che  stracciato; per il collegamento internet,
guarda un po', la tariffa  praticamente identica a quella di Libero,
arrivando cos al paradosso di essere pi costosa della propria offerta sul
fisso. Alla faccia del liberismo e del libero mercato..
D'altronde questo  il paese dove si pensa che le aziende (e gli imprenditori
sorridenti), siano l per fare il bene der poppolo...

- --
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza --
  ## n macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] Video di un Thinkpad

2003-10-20 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale
Salve a tutti, 
ho installato mandrake 9.1 su un IBM Thinkpad T33 ed ho qualche 
problemino con il video.

Il solo Desktop che riesco a lanciare e' KDE (gli altri sostengono di non 
avere il permesso ) ed i colori sono tutti sballati al punto che non si 
vede sostanzialmente niente.

Qualcuno sa cosa fare?

Re:R: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SE Qualcuno solo ora si accorge che Wind è ladra come gli altri gestori, deve
essere vissuto davvero nelle favole del nostro presidente dl consiglio operaio

Cos'è, cerchi di vincere il premio per la email qualunquista più OT dell'anno?

Se è così, hai buone probabilità (e il mio voto).

Se non è così, vicino a casa tua dovresti trovare un ufficio postale. Se entri,
forse troverai una fila (se non è un ufficio che funziona bene, e se non hanno
installato la macchinetta elimina-code): prendi posto ed inizia a dire queste
cose a voce alta (senza scordarti di lamentarti anche un po' perchè non ci sono
più le mezze stagioni e perchè, in fin dei conti, si stava meglio quando si
stava peggio)... vedrai che qualcuno con cui proseguire il discorso lo troverai,
senza irrompere così brutalmente nelle nostre malcapitate caselle di posta



R: R: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione carlo_canepa
Va bene. Siete contenti e felici, sono tanto contento per voi.Tutti hanno
lavoro sicuro e non precario, guadagnano bene, sono governati bene, i
servizi pubblici sono efficienti, i prezzi sono equi, i giovani trovano le
case a prezzo giusto. Gli studi universitari sboccano in un mercato di
professionisti aperto e competitivo, le aziende sono tutte ispirate a un
sano mercato concorrenziale, le televisioni e la stampa sono pluraliste, gli
italiani sono benevoli verso gli immigrati che lavorano da noi e rigorosi ma
pieno rispetto diritti umani verso immigrazione clandestina, ecc ecc. Io e
pochi altri sfigati ci lamentiamo, che vuoi fare, i menagramo di turno ci
sono sempre che non si accorgono di tutte queste ottime cose del nostro bel
paese e irrompono ogni tanto nella tua casella di posta...pardon, non si
disturba più

-Messaggio originale-
Inviato: lunedì 20 ottobre 2003 16.22
A: newbie-it
Oggetto: Re:R: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

 SE Qualcuno solo ora si accorge che Wind è ladra come gli altri gestori,
essere vissuto davvero nelle favole del nostro presidente dl consiglio
a tutti

Cos'è, cerchi di vincere il premio per la email qualunquista più OT

Se è così, hai buone probabilità (e il mio voto).

Se non è così, vicino a casa tua dovresti trovare un ufficio postale. Se
forse troverai una fila (se non è un ufficio che funziona bene, e se non
installato la macchinetta elimina-code): prendi posto ed inizia a dire
cose a voce alta (senza scordarti di lamentarti anche un po' perchè non ci
più le mezze stagioni e perchè, in fin dei conti, si stava meglio quando si
stava peggio)... vedrai che qualcuno con cui proseguire il discorso lo
senza irrompere così brutalmente nelle nostre malcapitate caselle di posta



Re: [newbie-it] Problema di boot dopo aver installato XFree86

2003-10-20 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 12:11, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, Lord NEVERMIND di Númenthule ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.

 Come spiego nell'oggetto, sto buttando il sangue...

 Dunque, ieri ho scaricato i benedetti driver nvidia per la mia geforce 400
 Tutto bene, tranne per il fatto che voleva una versione di XFree almeno
 4.0, mentre il avevo la 3.vattelapesca che esce con la distro di Mandrake

Nella mdk 9.1 c'è anche la versione 4.xx
Al momento dell'installazione della distro ti chiede esplicitamente quale 
versione vuoi installare.
Puoi sempre cambiare versione utilizzando quella pacchettizzata per mdk se la 
cosa ti riesce meglio.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048

Re: [newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-20 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 11:11, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, anna ha scritto:
 L'ho provato per la prima volta ieri x vedermi un DVD io nn ho trovato
 difetti , era compreso tra i pacchetti inclusi nei cd di mandrake 9.1 nn
 sono riuscita invece a far funzionare xine...vale la pena di approfondire e
 cercare le cause?

Hai installate le librerie per il decss, in ordine:
libdvdcss2-devel-1.2.6-1plf.i586.rpm (non essenziale)
O il problema è di altra natura?

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048

Re: [newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-20 Per discussione anna

 Hai installate le librerie per il decss, in ordine:
 libdvdcss2-devel-1.2.6-1plf.i586.rpm (non essenziale)
 O il problema è di altra natura?

ho provato a installare xine da mandrake ( cd) e la procedura di installazione 
si e' bloccata perche' mancavano diverse librerie ho lasciato perdere e 
installato mplayer che e' uno spettacolo ( ma e' l'unico che ho provato;), la 
mia domanda si riferiva a chi avesse usato tutti e due e trovato migliore 
xine, a quel punto sarei andata a vedere cosa mancava per completare 
l'installazione dei pacchetti...
ciao Anna

Re: [newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-20 Per discussione Sandro
Alle 16:58, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, anna ha scritto:
  Hai installate le librerie per il decss, in ordine:
  libdvdcss2-devel-1.2.6-1plf.i586.rpm (non essenziale)
  O il problema è di altra natura?

 ho provato a installare xine da mandrake ( cd) e la procedura di
 installazione si e' bloccata perche' mancavano diverse librerie ho lasciato
 perdere e installato mplayer che e' uno spettacolo ( ma e' l'unico che ho
 provato;), la mia domanda si riferiva a chi avesse usato tutti e due e
 trovato migliore xine, a quel punto sarei andata a vedere cosa mancava per
 completare l'installazione dei pacchetti...
 ciao Anna

Io ho installato entrambi (quelli standard della distro) e funzionano entrambi 
perfettamente, solo per i dvd (quelli commerciali e protetti) devi installare 
le librerie che ti ho detto. Quando ho installato xine non mi ha dato probemi 
di librerie mancanti o dipendenze strane. Quale dei due sia migliore non so 
dirti, penso che siano gusti personali. Io ci visiono sia dvd che normali 
filmati avi e simili. Sinceramente a livello di usabilità preferisco xine, ma 
penso che dipenda dal fatto che è stato il primo programma utilizzato per 
queste operazioni e che quindi il mio sia... :-)) un vizio di forma.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.40.21 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048

Re: [newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-20 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 18:58, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, anna ha scritto:

 ho provato a installare xine da mandrake ( cd) e la procedura di
 installazione si e' bloccata perche' mancavano diverse librerie ho lasciato
 perdere e installato mplayer che e' uno spettacolo ( ma e' l'unico che ho
 provato;), la mia domanda si riferiva a chi avesse usato tutti e due e
 trovato migliore xine, a quel punto sarei andata a vedere cosa mancava per

mplayer credo sia superiore, almeno per me lo è, più rapido e le immagini 
fluiscono che è una meraviglia.. xine invece ogni tanto crea dei 
rallentamenti nelle immagini


Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message - 
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

Alle 10:25, domenica 19 ottobre 2003, anna ha scritto:
 Ciao Anna

Purtroppo l'andazzo e questo :-(
Con altri provider non puoi inviare posta se non sei collegato
tramite loro.

scusa, ma è il contrario; sendmail e smtp continueranno a funzionare
anche dall'esterno, il pop3 serve a prelevare la posta

Dal loro punto di vista, c'è il fatto che dai servizi pop3
o sendmail non guadagnano nulla: né la telefonata, né la
pubblicità che vedi quando usi il browser

beh, però prima regalano e dopo ritirano

Comunque, è tragicomico che ti presentino la cosa come
 E' partita la rivoluzione dell'offerta di posta elettronica di Libero
(,,, volta al miglioramento della
qualità dei servizi 
Vuol dire che considerano i propri utenti completamente scemi  :-|

credo che purtroppo una buona percentuale lo sia

Oddio, un po' hanno ragione, visto che si sono fidati di loro ;-)



Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Re: Plugger

2003-10-20 Per discussione Giorgio Griffon
Incredibile, allora hanno aggiornato il file di configurazione, ma il 
programma non riconosce più la sintassi; roba da matti.
Comunque il plugger è una bella idea, ma non funziona poi così bene, anche io 
ho qualche problema. In effetti per gli audio la cosa migliore sarebbe fargli 
chiamare programmi senza interfaccia grafica, che si limitano a suonare senza 
interferire con la finestra. Però per gli wav non ne ho trovati lì per lì 
(ammetto di non essermi dato da fare, sono sicuro che basterebbe un'occhiata 
in internet), per cui ho usato il noatun in questo modo
exits swallow(noatun): noatun $file
Così in realtà rimane aperto, ma la finestra non si vede, solo un piccolo 
cartiglio che avvisa quando il suono viene avviato e quando viene interrotto. 
Prova così! Ciao

Alle 12:34, domenica 19 ottobre 2003, Nevermind ha scritto:
 Intanto ringrazio Giorgio che si è messo a leggere il mio file di config
 del plugger. Come dice lui, la differenza fra il suo ed il mio è che nel
 suo non c'erano i controls ad inizio riga, ed infatti, tolti quelli, per
 i midi funziona alla grande!

 Per i file wav, invece, xmms non ne voleva sapere di funzionare, mi andava
 in buffering continuo anche per wav piccolissi e poi non andava più avanti.
 Ho messo al suo posto noatun con questa stringa

   nokill exits: noatun $file

 solo che non mi prende l'exits, e quindi mi rimane aperto dopo avermi
 suonato il wav.
 Consigli in proposito? Giorgio, hai detto che tu hai messo la riga per il
 noatun, mi potresti scrivere qual'è?

Rieccomi qui e nei miei veri panni:
capitano Pinky Pack delle guardie reali
da Topolino e l'ultraghiaccio
Topolino n. 597, 7 maggio 1967

[newbie-it] Connessione ad internet

2003-10-20 Per discussione Pollo
Ho un problema: ogni tanto la connessione ad internet si blocca. Mi spiego meglio. Per 
collegarmi ad internet ho una connessione dial-up 56k con Libero come ISP e mdk9.1 
come SO; dopo qualche minuto che sono connesso la connessione non cade ma non riesco 
più a ricevere dati. Il tempo dopo il quale scatta il blocco e' variabile ed e' 
dell'ordine grossomodo della decina di minuti. Come posso capire cosa succede? 

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: R: R: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione tom
On Monday 20 October 2003 17:27, carlo_canepa wrote:
 Io e
 pochi altri sfigati ci lamentiamo, che vuoi fare, i menagramo di turno ci
 sono sempre che non si accorgono di tutte queste ottime cose del nostro bel
 paese e irrompono ogni tanto nella tua casella di posta...pardon, non si
 disturba più

mi sa che di sfigati siamo molti di piu di quantu tu nn immagini!!
ma la questine è un altra!!
già il discorso su wind è OT! che vogliamo fare?  un OT² ??

vogliamo parlare di politica e società? ok mi sta bene!
di taglio e cucito? ok mi sta bene!
caccia e pesca? ok mi sta bene!
alcol e modi di farsi passare na sbronza? ok sono un esperto!
..zzo mene fotte a me? tanto ho l'adsl !!

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Legge di Joyce: Finche' ti morde un lupo, pazienza. Quel che secca e' quando 
ti morde una pecora.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione NIC
 Per tutti gli utenti vecchi wind ha lasciato invariata la questione
 dello scatto alla risposta, anche se sembra una cosa temporanea mentre
 per gli altri, cioè, mi sembra quelli che hanno sottoscritto
 l'abbonamento dopo l'unione WindLibero hanno tolto quell'opzione quindi
 pagano lo scatto alla risposta.

OK!Però io mi sono letto e riletto la mail che mi ha inviato LiberoInwind 
sulle variazioni e mi sembra che per gli utenti di fisso e internet a 56 k 
non ci siano delle variazioni.A meno che non vi siano dei trabocchetti 

...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.è la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario   che

Re: [newbie-it] Mplayer

2003-10-20 Per discussione NIC
Alle 13:11, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, anna ha scritto:
 L'ho provato per la prima volta ieri x vedermi un DVD io nn ho trovato
 difetti , era compreso tra i pacchetti inclusi nei cd di mandrake 9.1 nn
 sono riuscita invece a far funzionare xine...vale la pena di approfondire e
 cercare le cause?

Che pacchetti hai installato con i cd della MDK 9.1?
...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.è la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario   che

[newbie-it] quanta plus

2003-10-20 Per discussione NIC
A cosa serve il programma da oggetto inserito nella sezione WWW dei cd di 
Mandrake 9.1?
Grazie a tutti
...siate sempre capaci di sentire nel+profondo qualsiasi ingiustizia commessa 
contro chiunque,in qualsiasi parte del mondo.è la qualità+bella di un 
rivoluzionario   che

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet

2003-10-20 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:14, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, Pollo ha scritto:
 Ho un problema: ogni tanto la connessione ad internet si blocca. Mi spiego
 meglio. Per collegarmi ad internet ho una connessione dial-up 56k con
 Libero come ISP e mdk9.1 come SO; dopo qualche minuto che sono connesso la
 connessione non cade ma non riesco più a ricevere dati. Il tempo dopo il
 quale scatta il blocco e' variabile ed e' dell'ordine grossomodo della
 decina di minuti. Come posso capire cosa succede?

Prova a vedere con tcpdump che succede.
Ti permette di controllare l'intero traffico di rete.

- -- 
- -
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
  ## n° macchina 140545 ##
  Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- - 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] quanta plus

2003-10-20 Per discussione tom
On Monday 20 October 2003 22:54, NIC wrote:
 A cosa serve il programma da oggetto inserito nella sezione WWW dei cd di
 Mandrake 9.1?

se nn ricordo male è un editor html

 Grazie a tutti

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Postulato di Persig: Il numero di ipotesi razionali che possono spiegare un 
qualsiasi fenomeno e' infinito.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] quanta plus

2003-10-20 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

- Original Message - 

A cosa serve il programma da oggetto inserito nella sezione WWW dei cd
di Mandrake 9.1?

a fare pagine html

Re: [newbie-it] Problema di boot dopo aver installato XFree86

2003-10-20 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 19:27, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, Sandro ha scritto:

 Nella mdk 9.1 c'è anche la versione 4.xx
 Al momento dell'installazione della distro ti chiede esplicitamente quale

Come faccio a selezionare la 4.xx dopo aver installato il tutto?

  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Re: Plugger

2003-10-20 Per discussione Nevermind
Alle 23:02, lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, Giorgio Griffon ha scritto:

 Comunque il plugger è una bella idea, ma non funziona poi così bene, anche
 io ho qualche problema. In effetti per gli audio la cosa migliore sarebbe

Indubbiamente Giorgio, ma a quanto ho capito è l'unico plugin per Netscape in 
grado di farmi sentire i midi e i wav...

  ( o o )

Nevermind, un newbie di Linux
con tanta voglia di imparare!

[newbie-it] 9.2: dove sono i sorgenti?

2003-10-20 Per discussione Antonluigi
 Ciao a tutti,

essendo membro del mandrakeclub ho scaricato la mdk
Ho installato tutto, carino, funziona.  Quando mi sono
messo a compilare i drivers della scheda Nvidia mi
sono accorto che sui tre cd della download edition non
c'è il pacchetto dei sorgenti del kernel:(

Sui forum del club ho trovato un po' di gente
Sembra che i sorgenti siano sul terzo cd della
versione riservata al download per chi è almeno membro
silver del club.  Oppure te li scarichi dal sito

A parte il fatto che i cd li ho scaricati in facoltà e
a casa ho un modem a 56k, quello che mi fa girare le
...  è che qualcuno forse si è scordato che per essere
free software bisognerebbe mettere i sorgenti.
In compenso ci sono 5 o 6 kernel per il smp ,
ottimizzati per essere usati in bagno etc.

Io a mandrake ci sono affezionato, mi sono iscritto al
club per supportarli, ma quando fanno così mi
farebbero venire voglia di mandarli a quel paese.

Possibile che su tre cd non ci sia stata la
possibilità di levare qualche ca e mettere i

Scusate lo sfogo, ma mi piacerebbe sapere che ne

Quasi quasi scrivo a ziobudda...

Ciao a tutti


Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro 

Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro Fabio Manunza, 
perche' ho le prove, il lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, alle 10:19 hai scritto: 

  chiamato il servizio gratuito! Continuano a incasinare con una marea
  di opzioni sensa andare alla sostanza. Ne ho dedotto che dovro'
  cercae informazioni passando il pomeriggio al telefono col 158 o il
  155 o uno di quei numeri (si spera) gratuiti che ti fanno sudare per
  avere mezza informazione :-(
 Dio ti ringrazio: non sono il solo!!!
 Pensavo di essere diventato improvvisamente scemo io...

Un bacio (in fronte) per solidarieta' :-)

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] OT attenzione utenti Libero :(

2003-10-20 Per discussione Arwan
E' inutile che tu faccia finta di nulla e ti guardi intorno, caro carmine de pasquale, 
perche' ho le prove, il lunedì 20 ottobre 2003, alle 12:04 hai scritto: 

 anche se non hai l'adsl e ti connetti con un qualunque provider
 terrestre che non sia liberowindinfostradaiol ogni tanto devi cambiare
 connessione e connetterti con i loro numeri, perchè se ad esempio ti
 connetti con tin, tiscali, ecc, il kmail non vede il pop e l'imap di
 wind e libero.

Per fortuna ho inwind... ;-) M'e' andata bene, speriamo duri...

 in quel caso, l'unico modo per leggere la posta resterebbe il browser,
 cioè navigare tra la pubblicità per leggere la posta

Ah, al pubblicita' e' il meno: il guaio e' che per girare da una
pagina all'altra della cartella della posta in arrivo impiego i
quarti d'ora... non ti dico cosa sia ricevere 200 mail al giorno e
leggerle da web :-(

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie] postfix: delete queue?

2003-10-20 Per discussione Eric Huff
Ok, i turned off nagios until i can figure out how to configure
*which* services it checks.  The author was correct when he said
nagios is not easy...


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[newbie] Googling

2003-10-20 Per discussione Len Lawrence
Is Google still alive?  For several weeks, or maybe months, mozilla here has 
been timing out on, so some of the links posted in the list
have been failing.  Has anybody else seen this problem?

Len Lawrence
Sometimes I simply feel that the whole world is a cigarette and I'm the
only ashtray.

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RE: [newbie] Procmail mangling my email headers, rendering Netscape Mail/Kmail useless.

2003-10-20 Per discussione Kaminsky Moshe

 -Original Message-
 From: robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 12:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Procmail mangling my email headers, 
 rendering Netscape Mail/Kmail useless.
 What I would really like would be a procmail recipe to 
 identify a known 
 spammer, scan the message for a telephone number, and set 
 hylafax to fax 
 them a large binary file every five minutes.

That's easy. The real art would be to identify that it's really _his_


 Sir Robin
 I declare this sentence a performative!
 Robin Turner
 Bilkent Univeritesi
 Ankara 06533
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 The information contained in this communication is proprietary to Israel Aircraft 
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If you receive this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and 
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Re: [newbie] Googling

2003-10-20 Per discussione jon remener
It works fine for me.  Try to get to it.  If this works, 
you can add it too /etc/hosts as
to always connect.

It could be some problem with the dns servers at your isp not resolving 
the name for some odd reason.  I would try contacting them. 

Len Lawrence wrote:

Is Google still alive?  For several weeks, or maybe months, mozilla here has 
been timing out on, so some of the links posted in the list
have been failing.  Has anybody else seen this problem?


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[newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

2003-10-20 Per discussione Dum Dum
Dear All,

I am very new to linux, though i have attempted to install mandrake 
previously. My question is very simple, in order to install the driver for 
the modem i am using which is Ham V92 from intel, i need to have the KERNEL 
source installed on the machine for the driver to be compiled.

Any ideas on how to install the KERNEL source? Please help is required 



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[newbie] Could anyone share md5's of he new 9.2 isos?

2003-10-20 Per discussione Ralph Slooten
Hiya all,

Just a question to those who downloaded Mandrake 9.2 via bittorrent... Please
could someone post the md5 checksums of all the isos?

...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux

Description: PGP signature

RE: [newbie] Could anyone share md5's of he new 9.2 isos?

2003-10-20 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
You shouldn't need these at bittorrent should have checked it all for
you already. I can send them but not until I get home (about 9 hours).


-Original Message-
From: Ralph Slooten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:06 AM
To: Mandrake-Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Could anyone share md5's of he new 9.2 isos?

Hiya all,

Just a question to those who downloaded Mandrake 9.2 via bittorrent...
could someone post the md5 checksums of all the isos?

...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux

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RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

2003-10-20 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

urpmi kernel-source as root.


-Original Message-
From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 8:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

Dear All,

I am very new to linux, though i have attempted to install mandrake 
previously. My question is very simple, in order to install the driver
the modem i am using which is Ham V92 from intel, i need to have the
source installed on the machine for the driver to be compiled.

Any ideas on how to install the KERNEL source? Please help is required 



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RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

2003-10-20 Per discussione Dum Dum
When you say

urpmi kernel-source

do i need to change kernel source with the name of the rpm or something ???

cause i do not know which version of kernel i am using.. so any help 
regarding that...


From: Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:19:28 +0100

urpmi kernel-source as root.


-Original Message-
From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 8:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver
Dear All,

I am very new to linux, though i have attempted to install mandrake
previously. My question is very simple, in order to install the driver
the modem i am using which is Ham V92 from intel, i need to have the
source installed on the machine for the driver to be compiled.
Any ideas on how to install the KERNEL source? Please help is required


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RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

2003-10-20 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

I should have said if you are using the current kernel. If you have
installed from the Cd's and have not upgraded your kernel you will have
the source on the CD's.


-Original Message-
From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

When you say

urpmi kernel-source

do i need to change kernel source with the name of the rpm or something

cause i do not know which version of kernel i am using.. so any help 
regarding that...


From: Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:19:28 +0100


urpmi kernel-source as root.


-Original Message-
From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 8:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

Dear All,

I am very new to linux, though i have attempted to install mandrake
previously. My question is very simple, in order to install the driver
the modem i am using which is Ham V92 from intel, i need to have the
source installed on the machine for the driver to be compiled.

Any ideas on how to install the KERNEL source? Please help is required



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Re: [newbie] SpamAssassin

2003-10-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 20 Oct 2003 4:46 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Sunday 19 October 2003 07:56 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:
  Don't know if anyone else is running this, but I just upgraded to the 2.6
  version of SpamAssassin.  My message processing time has dropped from an
  avg of about 30 seconds to an avg of 5 seconds with the new version. 
  Also, my spam trigger score is set to about 8 and I used to get about 1
  or 2 messages that would slip through per day with version 2.55.  In the
  last 4 days, I have had none, no false positives, and no false negatives.
   At all. I haven't made any configuration changes.
  In my opinion, the jump from 2.55 to 2.6 is worlds better and very much
  worth doing the upgrade.  Just figured I would mention it for anyone else
  on the list that runs SA.

 I love spamassassin, with the exception of it's slowness. Tried getting the
 source file and it says I don't have perl installed. Which perl.  Or which
 version?  Anyway, I could not rebuild the src so I will wait. This 9.2
 seems to have some issues I will have to sort out. I did a clean install
 but saved /home and mostly it works well. Sometimes urpmi seems to choke.
 Could be the mirrors I suppose.

When I upgraded to 9.2 I also changed from using the perl based 'spamassassin' 
to the spamc/spamd combination which is daemonised and written in C.  It 
seems to be considerably faster.

To use it all you have to do is run the 'spamassassin' service and then in 
procmail/kmail or whatever just call 'spamc' instead of 'spamassassin'

I'll be interested in trying version 2.6, but being lazy I shall probably wait 
until RPMs appear on Cooker.


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Re: [newbie] Could anyone share md5's of he new 9.2 isos?

2003-10-20 Per discussione Ralph Slooten
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:18:39 +0100
Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You shouldn't need these at bittorrent should have checked it all for
 you already. I can send them but not until I get home (about 9 hours).

Yeah, I know bittorrent does this, but I want to confirm something for my own
personal interest ;-) So yes, if nobody else has send md5's by the time you get
home, plese do.

Thanks Tony,
...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Could anyone share md5's of he new 9.2 isos?

2003-10-20 Per discussione Glenn

Here are the three Download Edition ISOs:

MandrakeLinux-9.2-17-Download-1.i586.iso: 40c8812dce7b9f8fb0a3b364af62b974
MandrakeLinux-9.2-18-Download-2.i586.iso: e07fe7b1474eb3ba35cac3dfd479777e
MandrakeLinux-9.2-19-Download-3.i586.iso: 2b6ffc5957533c927f14197ec99a0372

On Mon October 20 2003 03:18, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 You shouldn't need these at bittorrent should have checked it all for
 you already. I can send them but not until I get home (about 9 hours).


 -Original Message-
 From: Ralph Slooten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:06 AM
 To: Mandrake-Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Could anyone share md5's of he new 9.2 isos?

 Hiya all,

 Just a question to those who downloaded Mandrake 9.2 via bittorrent...
 could someone post the md5 checksums of all the isos?

 ...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux

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[newbie] How to download 9.2 to burn?

2003-10-20 Per discussione Bela Markus

I just started to download the 9.2 raw tree with TOTAL COMMANDER. Works 
fine, but there are files with zero length (Serial, filelist) or others 
like hdlists where ftpo clients is downloading additional large files. I 
think I do not need them now for the CD, only at install time later. 
What to do?

Regards... Bla

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Re: [newbie] Ping kopete users

2003-10-20 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 19 Oct 2003 11:51 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:

 it's in ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc

 Just change AutoConnect=true to =false

 Hope that's what you're lookin' for :-)


Bingo.  Yup - now I can use it for icq and forget msn until I actually 
need it.  Thanks, Jerry

Registered Linux User No.293302
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Re: [newbie] DVD Ripping Question

2003-10-20 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 20 Oct 2003 12:14 am, Peter Watson wrote:
 On Sunday 19 Oct 2003 17:33, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 19 Oct 2003 4:46 pm, Peter Watson wrote:
   First I import the AVI into Kino and then export it as mpeg1.
  Can kino be used with avi files from my digital camera?  I
  couldn't see any way.

 Kino imorts DV streams, there are a couple of alternatives based on
 having audio or not, or raw DV. If your camera is DV you should be
 good to go. If it is some other format I am not sure how you would
 do it.

Hmm - I'm talking digital camer, on usb, not camcorder and firewire, 
so the jury's out.  OK - I'll play with it when I have time.  Thanks

Registered Linux User No.293302
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RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

2003-10-20 Per discussione Dum Dum

Hey , the problem is, i have installed mandrake linux before and i did get 
the modem working but i have forgotten how to install the kernel's source.
I have put the Mandrake 9.2 linux on download, havent downloaded it yet. But 
hopefully will download it and up and running tomorrow...

i am downloading the ISO images from the mandrake site, the latest ones, so 
if you have any idea how to check which kernel version i am using, plus how 
to check which shell i am running, because my modem readme says i need to 
have bash shell running on my machine.

I am very new to Linux , so please bear with me ...

From: Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:47:58 +0100

I should have said if you are using the current kernel. If you have
installed from the Cd's and have not upgraded your kernel you will have
the source on the CD's.

-Original Message-
From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

When you say

urpmi kernel-source

do i need to change kernel source with the name of the rpm or something
cause i do not know which version of kernel i am using.. so any help
regarding that...
From: Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:19:28 +0100


urpmi kernel-source as root.


-Original Message-
From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 8:50 AM
Subject: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

Dear All,

I am very new to linux, though i have attempted to install mandrake
previously. My question is very simple, in order to install the driver
the modem i am using which is Ham V92 from intel, i need to have the
source installed on the machine for the driver to be compiled.

Any ideas on how to install the KERNEL source? Please help is required



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Re: [newbie] How to download 9.2 to burn?

2003-10-20 Per discussione K. Spress
your best luck is to download the files known as *.iso and then use your
favorite burning
software to create a bootable cd to load mandrake linux.

here are the links

Kenneth E. Spress

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- Original Message - 
From: Bela Markus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 5:19 AM
Subject: [newbie] How to download 9.2 to burn?


 I just started to download the 9.2 raw tree with TOTAL COMMANDER. Works
 fine, but there are files with zero length (Serial, filelist) or others
 like hdlists where ftpo clients is downloading additional large files. I
 think I do not need them now for the CD, only at install time later.
 What to do?

 Regards... Bla

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

2003-10-20 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

Type in uname -a this will give you various info including your kernel.
When you set-up your user at the start it defaults to bash, so unless
you changed it the shell will be bash. With 9.2 I did not have the
source on the CD's I had to install it from one of the Mandrake
repositories. Can't remember which one as I set up a few from the Club


-Original Message-
From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 11:21 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

Hey , the problem is, i have installed mandrake linux before and i did
the modem working but i have forgotten how to install the kernel's
I have put the Mandrake 9.2 linux on download, havent downloaded it yet.
hopefully will download it and up and running tomorrow...

i am downloading the ISO images from the mandrake site, the latest ones,
if you have any idea how to check which kernel version i am using, plus
to check which shell i am running, because my modem readme says i need
have bash shell running on my machine.

I am very new to Linux , so please bear with me ...

From: Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:47:58 +0100


I should have said if you are using the current kernel. If you have
installed from the Cd's and have not upgraded your kernel you will have
the source on the CD's.


-Original Message-
From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

When you say

urpmi kernel-source

do i need to change kernel source with the name of the rpm or something

cause i do not know which version of kernel i am using.. so any help
regarding that...


 From: Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham
 Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:19:28 +0100
 urpmi kernel-source as root.
 -Original Message-
 From: Dum Dum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 8:50 AM
 Subject: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver
 Dear All,
 I am very new to linux, though i have attempted to install mandrake
 previously. My question is very simple, in order to install the
 the modem i am using which is Ham V92 from intel, i need to have the
 source installed on the machine for the driver to be compiled.
 Any ideas on how to install the KERNEL source? Please help is
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RE: [newbie] Could anyone share md5's of he new 9.2 isos?

2003-10-20 Per discussione Lucio_Costa
here we are: 


--- Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
escreveu:  You shouldn't need these at bittorrent
should have
 checked it all for
 you already. I can send them but not until I get
 home (about 9 hours).
 -Original Message-
 From: Ralph Slooten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:06 AM
 To: Mandrake-Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Could anyone share md5's of he new
 9.2 isos?
 Hiya all,
 Just a question to those who downloaded Mandrake 9.2
 via bittorrent...
 could someone post the md5 checksums of all the
 ...the software said Win95 or better, so I
 installed Linux
 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects -
 Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
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 The contents of this message may contain personal
 views which are not
 necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects
 Ltd., unless
 specifically stated.  
 Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that
 emails and their
 attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility
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 to verify the integrity of such emails.
 Business Computer Projects Ltd
 BCP House
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 SK1 3JY
 Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
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Lucio Costa

Linux user #204519
Mandrake Club Member.

We do what we can, we give what we have
   Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.

Yahoo! Mail - o melhor webmail do Brasil

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Re: [newbie] SpamAssassin

2003-10-20 Per discussione Bryan Phinney
On Sunday 19 October 2003 08:42 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:
 On Sunday 19 October 2003 08:56 pm, Bryan Phinney wrote:
  Don't know if anyone else is running this, but I just upgraded to the 2.6
  version of SpamAssassin.
  In my opinion, the jump from 2.55 to 2.6 is worlds better and very much
  worth doing the upgrade.  Just figured I would mention it for anyone else
  on the list that runs SA.

 I've had the old version running for a week or so (thanks to you, Derek,
 and Bjorn).  It has been pretty effective, catching about 9 out of 10 spam
 messages (and it seems to be getting better as the days go on).  I don't
 have nearly enough spam that was missed to run a learn on.  Did you upgrade
 via rpm or via tarball?  How many dependencies needed satisfying?  I'm
 asking because I'm on dial up, and depends can be a significant amount of

I upgraded via tarball by using Checkinstall which builds an RPM from source 
and then installs it.  I still have the RPM but others have reported 
dependency problems when trying to use the ones that Checkinstall builds on 
my system since I have installed Texstar's upgrades, so my system is not 
entirely vanilla Mandrake.

Compiling was a snap on my system, I don't think that 2.6 is using anything 
that 2.55 didn't also use.  I did have to patch Razor though, the new SA runs 
in notaint mode so you have to patch the Razor client to get it to work 

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] howto install KERNEL Source, Intel V92 Ham Driver

2003-10-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 20 Oct 2003 8:50 am, Dum Dum wrote:
 Dear All,

 I am very new to linux, though i have attempted to install mandrake
 previously. My question is very simple, in order to install the driver for
 the modem i am using which is Ham V92 from intel, i need to have the KERNEL
 source installed on the machine for the driver to be compiled.

 Any ideas on how to install the KERNEL source? Please help is required



Open your Mandrake ControlCentreSoftwareSoftwareInstall

and type kernel-source  in the search box.

Unless you are using Mandrake 9.2 in which case you have to get the 
kernel-source off a mirror since it is not on the CD


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[newbie] quickstart rpm how-to

2003-10-20 Per discussione Jozef Riha

i found openoffice quickstart rpm here what concerns me is the 
how-to for making it play nice with OpenOffice's session-management. does anyone know if this is still necessary (with OOo 
1.1 final, mandrake 9.2)?

thanks you.


-- joe

 Information from NOD32 
This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System for Linux Mail Server.
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Re: [newbie] There are something wrong in mdk-9.2 iso(cd 2 and 3)

2003-10-20 Per discussione Jean-Pierre Vissers
- Original Message - 
From: julian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] There are something wrong in mdk-9.2 iso(cd 2 and 3)

 Lucio_Costa wrote:

 Greetings All.
 I downloaded (torrent) the 3 mdk-9.2 iso files.
 MDK-9.2-1.iso (667.620 KB); MDK-9.2-2.iso (714.646 KB)
 and MDK-9.2-3.iso (711.864 KB).
 I'm using a Windows XP box (ugly) and I have Nero6
 installed in this Pc.
 What's is happening:
 I'm trying to burne this files in a 80min Cdr, but
 Nero can't do it.
 Size of Track: 698MB (714,646 KB).
 The erro message: There is not enough space to burn
 this compilation onto this disk...
 I believe that size of image is too large to be burned
 in 80min CDR.
 Can Someone help me with suggestions to fix this

Best you turn on overburning in Nero.
I noticed you are using Nero 6 to burn. This version contains
a bug in relation to overburning. Best thing you can do is download the
patch on or download the newest release (v6.0.0.19) This
version does not contain the overburning bug anymore.
I think this will solve your problem.

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[newbie] computer freezes after screensaver starts

2003-10-20 Per discussione Dale Kosan
I have the following system:

asus a7n8 deluxe mainboard with sound and 3com nic onboard.
athlon 2500+ barton
1 gb 2700 ddr memory
adaptec aha2930 scsi card
ibm 4mm dat drive
2 maxtor 40gb drives
plextor 48x24x48 burner
sony dvd rw drive
the two maxtor drives are master and slave, first for windows, second 
for linux.

The dvd is master and plextor is slave.

I just moved from Red Hat to Mandrake 9.2 and am having the following 
problem: after the screen saver starts my monitor power button starts to 
flash and it seems to go to sleep. The only thing I can do is hard power 
off. Any one else having the same problem? Any fix known? Thanks in 

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Re: [newbie] quick question

2003-10-20 Per discussione Dale Kosan
Greg Meyer wrote:
On Friday 17 October 2003 08:13 am, Dale Kosan wrote:

I just moved over from Red Hat now that it is Fedora, I did not like
the direction they are heading. When I used Red Hat I had apt and
yum, now I guess I need to use urpmi? I am trying to add the contrib
directory but I have now idea how or what I am supposed to do. I have
found the easy urpmi site but need some help. Can someone post there
urpmi config file that has contrib in it? So far Mandrake rules, I
have not used it since 7.2 and what a major change! I am running 9.2
rc2 since the iso's for the final are not out. Does mandrake support
apt? Thanks in advance

main file://mnt/hdc6/9.2/i586/Mandrake/RPMS {
  with_hdlist: ../base/
  key-ids: 70771ff3
  list: list.contrib

I am still trying to find a contrib site that has the, urpmi 
keeps bombing on all. I have searched all the ftp sites and none seem to 
have this file, any help?

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Re: [newbie] computer freezes after screensaver starts

2003-10-20 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 07:37:00 -0400
Dale Kosan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  after the screen saver starts my monitor power button starts to 
 flash and it seems to go to sleep.

I do not use a screensaver but when mouse-movement or keyboard while not
bring my monitor out of stand-by I just turn the monitor 'off' and then
back 'on'.
Afterwards keyboard or mouse either will then bring it to life.


Her attitude to music was purely ballistic - just point your voice at
the end of the verse and go for it.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] quick question

2003-10-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Monday 20 Oct 2003 12:40 pm, Dale Kosan wrote:
 Greg Meyer wrote:
  On Friday 17 October 2003 08:13 am, Dale Kosan wrote:
 I just moved over from Red Hat now that it is Fedora, I did not like
 the direction they are heading. When I used Red Hat I had apt and
 yum, now I guess I need to use urpmi? I am trying to add the contrib
 directory but I have now idea how or what I am supposed to do. I have
 found the easy urpmi site but need some help. Can someone post there
 urpmi config file that has contrib in it? So far Mandrake rules, I
 have not used it since 7.2 and what a major change! I am running 9.2
 rc2 since the iso's for the final are not out. Does mandrake support
 apt? Thanks in advance
  main file://mnt/hdc6/9.2/i586/Mandrake/RPMS {
with_hdlist: ../base/
key-ids: 70771ff3
 86 {
list: list.contrib

 I am still trying to find a contrib site that has the, urpmi
 keeps bombing on all. I have searched all the ftp sites and none seem to
 have this file, any help?

Well the one quoted in your post has it.
It is called and is embedded with the rpms so the command to add the 
source would be
urpmi.addmedia contrib 
with ./


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Re: [newbie] computer freezes after screensaver starts

2003-10-20 Per discussione Dale Kosan
Charles A Edwards wrote:
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 07:37:00 -0400
Dale Kosan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

after the screen saver starts my monitor power button starts to 
flash and it seems to go to sleep.

I do not use a screensaver but when mouse-movement or keyboard while not
bring my monitor out of stand-by I just turn the monitor 'off' and then
back 'on'.
Afterwards keyboard or mouse either will then bring it to life.

I will give that a try, thanks!

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Re: [newbie] quick question

2003-10-20 Per discussione Dale Kosan
Derek Jennings wrote:
On Monday 20 Oct 2003 12:40 pm, Dale Kosan wrote:

Greg Meyer wrote:

On Friday 17 October 2003 08:13 am, Dale Kosan wrote:

I just moved over from Red Hat now that it is Fedora, I did not like
the direction they are heading. When I used Red Hat I had apt and
yum, now I guess I need to use urpmi? I am trying to add the contrib
directory but I have now idea how or what I am supposed to do. I have
found the easy urpmi site but need some help. Can someone post there
urpmi config file that has contrib in it? So far Mandrake rules, I
have not used it since 7.2 and what a major change! I am running 9.2
rc2 since the iso's for the final are not out. Does mandrake support
apt? Thanks in advance
main file://mnt/hdc6/9.2/i586/Mandrake/RPMS {
 with_hdlist: ../base/
 key-ids: 70771ff3
86 {
 list: list.contrib
I am still trying to find a contrib site that has the, urpmi
keeps bombing on all. I have searched all the ftp sites and none seem to
have this file, any help?

Well the one quoted in your post has it.
It is called and is embedded with the rpms so the command to add the 
source would be
urpmi.addmedia contrib 
with ./


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That worked, not sure why I was having trouble, thanks a million!

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[newbie] DVD Ripping/Backups

2003-10-20 Per discussione Bryan Phinney

It would appear that I spoke much too soon in doubting that any Linux 
developer would put together a package for DVD backups etc.

Best of luck with it for anyone that needs to use it.
Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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Re: [newbie] Problems accessing hard/removeable drives

2003-10-20 Per discussione Trey Sizemore
deedee wrote:

On 10/17/2003 7:03:19 PM EDT,  Trey Sizemore wrote:

I am getting error message 'Could not enter /mnt/zip' (or any other
drive) when I select the icon from the desktop.  I can run 'mount
/dev/sda4 /mnt/zip' as root and then access the drive, but was
looking for the convenience of selecting the drives (CD, CDRW, Zip,
etc.) as needed with desktop icons.

I don't know if you've gotten any help with this so far. I have another 
200 or so messages from the Mandrake lists to read yet :^).

So in case you haven't, the problem that I see is the lack of user in 
the /etc/fstab. The following entries need to be and have been changed 
to allow for users to mount and unmount the components.

none /mnt/cdrom supermount   
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,user,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0

none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,user,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0

none /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,user,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850 0 0

none /mnt/removable supermount 
0 0

none /mnt/zip supermount 
0 0

none /mnt/zip2 supermount 
0  0

none /mnt/camera supermount 
0 0

The other entries either have user included already or don't need it 
for user access.

Registered Linux User #327485
Visit WordStar  GNU/Linux
Also, see the WordStar Users Group

Thanks...I'll give this a try when I get back today.

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[newbie] Samba/NFS/SSH to access a Mandrake Box

2003-10-20 Per discussione Thinker
2nd try...

I am currently using SuSE 8.2 (ftp version). I have Mandrake 9.0(MDK)
installed on one box and Windows 2000 Professional (W2K)on another.

The ultimate goal is to use the SuSE 8.2 box for work and such until
SuSE 9.0 gets here. When the new SuSE gets here, I would like to have
the MDK box clean and available. In order to do that, I need to copy my
home directory from the MDK box to both the SuSE 8.2 box (for use of
files) and more importantly to the W2K box (since it is the only machine
with a working CD Burner).

I cannot get ssh server installed correctly on the Mandrake box. I can see the box in 
LinNeighborhood but I cannot copy any files.

How do I 'share' a directory so that I can copy the contents to both the Windows and 
SuSE 8.2 boxes?

What is the easiest way to do this?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] Scanner (SCSI) question

2003-10-20 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 19 October 2003 03:23 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Sunday 19 Oct 2003 8:02 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  What I'm trying to figure out is how to get it recognized after
  bootup if I forget to turn it on.

 Have you tried running harddrake?


I got it - I had my SCSI chain wrong. The syntax should be like this (as 

echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 5 0  /proc/scsi/scsi

Do a cat /proc/scsi/scsi to verify that you device shows up there now.

Now, to make it even easier, go to your root directory and edit .bashrc and 
add the following:

#Alias for a post boot SCSI scanner startup
alias startscan='echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 5 0  /proc/scsi/scsi'

I used startscan but you could use whatever your imagination dictates.

Oh, don't forget to run bash in a shell to reflect the changes if your 
command doesn't show up right away. Otherwise, it will show up the next time 
you bootup.

Thanks to both of you (Charlie and Anne) for helping! :-)


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Re: [newbie] Changing keyboard layout within the CLI

2003-10-20 Per discussione Adolfo A. Bello B.
On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 04:29:43PM +0200, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 Ahh, that's something I've never tried i.e. used.
 I know there's a terminal command: setxkeymap es to remap your keyboard on 
 other WM's than kde.
 One can also alias to a shorter keystroke or map it to a key on the 
 Alas I haven't found anything simular without the x.
 Good hunting,

I am starting the hunt right now

I'll let you know if I find something useful.



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Re: [newbie] md9.1-command line mode

2003-10-20 Per discussione Johan
What I do is cd to the dir on cd then urpmi name of rpm

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] md9.1-command line mode

  I have the rpm for the linux/intel driver update
  downloaded on cd. I'm having problems though getting the rpm
  installed. How do I install update on cd from command line?

 urpmi name-of-rpm

 You might need to give the path, too, if it's not in your sources

 I think that would work, but i have never installed an rpm i didn't
 have in my local-rpms directory..


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Re: [newbie] urpmi question

2003-10-20 Per discussione David Sexton
Try urpmi -q packagename.rpm
where packagename is the name of the rpm your looking for
 From: Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2003/10/17 Fri PM 11:07:26 EDT
 Subject: [newbie] urpmi question
 How can i search the names of rpms, and show the summary and
 If i urpmf, it appears to search more.  For example:
 urpmf man page says the --summary switch searches summaries, but the
 urpmf help says:
  --summary  - print tag summary: summary.
 which i thought meant it would print the sumary.
 What i'd like is a command line version of what rpmdrake does:  once
 i get it open, it very nicely shows only packages with nmh in the
 name (for example) and i can quickly see the description and
 It also, on the same page, shows the current version i have
 installed, if any.
 Is there a line (or lines) for urpm* that i can use?
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Re: [newbie] MDK9.1-OpenOffice1.1 Anti-alised Fonts

2003-10-20 Per discussione robin
Greg Meyer wrote:
On Sunday 19 October 2003 05:01 am, gikoreno wrote:

Hey everyone:

I just uninstalled the MDK 9.1 OpenOffice rpms and installed OpenOffice1.1
(using the installer from
The program runs fine, and the startup time is so much better than the
previous version.
The only problem I have is that not all fonts are not anti-aliased. Times
is not, and helvetica is not, but Arial is.
How can I fix this?

By using the mdk ones. :-)

The prblem is that the OpenOffice with Mandrake is compiled dynamically to use 
the system freetype and font rendering subsystem, while the OO.o packages are 
compiled with a different one statically linked at compilation time.  There 
is no way around this without rebuilding OO.o on your machine.  Of course, 
you could also upgrade to 9.2 which would give you OO.o 1.1.
I thought 9.2 only had 1.1RC4.  Were there any important fixes between 
that and the final release?

Sir Robin

I declare this sentence a performative!
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] MSN Messenger + Linux clients

2003-10-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Anne was asking recently about having trouble using her kopote IM client with 
Since Oct 15th Microsoft have changed the protocol for MSN which has locked 
out 3rd party clients.

I had read reports that Gaim 0.71 would still work with MSN, and the latest 
version of the Jabber transport for MSN is also supposed to work with MSN.

However I could not get Gaim0.71 to log onto MSN, and Psi when using the MSN 
Jabber transport would report remote server error

I think I may have found the solution :-
 I discovered that if I logged onto MSN using the Microsoft IM client, then 
afterwards I could log on with Gaim and Psi as well.

No idea why, but it might help anyone having trouble.



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Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger + Linux clients

2003-10-20 Per discussione Walt
Derek Jennings wrote:

Anne was asking recently about having trouble using her kopote IM client with 
Since Oct 15th Microsoft have changed the protocol for MSN which has locked 
out 3rd party clients.

I had read reports that Gaim 0.71 would still work with MSN, and the latest 
version of the Jabber transport for MSN is also supposed to work with MSN.

However I could not get Gaim0.71 to log onto MSN, and Psi when using the MSN 
Jabber transport would report remote server error

I think I may have found the solution :-
I discovered that if I logged onto MSN using the Microsoft IM client, then 
afterwards I could log on with Gaim and Psi as well.

No idea why, but it might help anyone having trouble.



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I have no problems with msn and fine for me


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Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger + Linux clients

2003-10-20 Per discussione kat
On Monday 20 October 2003 03:47 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Anne was asking recently about having trouble using her kopote IM client
 with MSN.
 However I could not get Gaim0.71 to log onto MSN, and Psi when using the
 MSN Jabber transport would report remote server error

 I think I may have found the solution :-
  I discovered that if I logged onto MSN using the Microsoft IM client, then
 afterwards I could log on with Gaim and Psi as well.

 No idea why, but it might help anyone having trouble.


Interesting, because I've had no problem logging into MSN via Gaim .71.  It's 
a bit slow logging in at times but I do log in.  I'm only running Linux, no 
Windows on this machine.


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Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger + Linux clients

2003-10-20 Per discussione JM5379

--- Original Message ---
Subject: Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger + Linux clients

On Monday 20 October 2003 03:47 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Anne was asking recently about having trouble using her kopote
IM client
 with MSN.
 However I could not get Gaim0.71 to log onto MSN, and Psi when
using the
 MSN Jabber transport would report remote server error

 I think I may have found the solution :-
  I discovered that if I logged onto MSN using the Microsoft IM
client, then
 afterwards I could log on with Gaim and Psi as well.

 No idea why, but it might help anyone having trouble.


Interesting, because I've had no problem logging into MSN via
Gaim .71.  It's 
a bit slow logging in at times but I do log in.  I'm only
running Linux, no 
Windows on this machine.


no problem at home with gaim.  i do have problems at work but
that's the proxy/firewall here.  yahoo messemger works but gaim
can never maintain any of the connections even though it does
connect fine to all servers.

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Re: [newbie] Scanner (SCSI) question

2003-10-20 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 20 Oct 2003 2:12 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Sunday 19 October 2003 03:23 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Sunday 19 Oct 2003 8:02 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
   What I'm trying to figure out is how to get it recognized after
   bootup if I forget to turn it on.
  Have you tried running harddrake?

 I got it - I had my SCSI chain wrong. The syntax should be like
 this (as root):

 echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 5 0  /proc/scsi/scsi

 Do a cat /proc/scsi/scsi to verify that you device shows up there

 Now, to make it even easier, go to your root directory and edit
 .bashrc and add the following:

 #Alias for a post boot SCSI scanner startup
 alias startscan='echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 5 0 

 I used startscan but you could use whatever your imagination

 Oh, don't forget to run bash in a shell to reflect the changes if
 your command doesn't show up right away. Otherwise, it will show up
 the next time you bootup.

 Thanks to both of you (Charlie and Anne) for helping! :-)

Youknow what I'm going to say now, don't you?

Registered Linux User No.293302
Have you visited yet?

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Re: [newbie] MDK9.1-OpenOffice1.1 Anti-alised Fonts

2003-10-20 Per discussione Greg Meyer
On Monday 20 October 2003 04:01 pm, robin wrote:
 Greg Meyer wrote:
  On Sunday 19 October 2003 05:01 am, gikoreno wrote:
 Hey everyone:
 I just uninstalled the MDK 9.1 OpenOffice rpms and installed
  OpenOffice1.1 (using the installer from
 The program runs fine, and the startup time is so much better than the
 previous version.
 The only problem I have is that not all fonts are not anti-aliased. Times
 is not, and helvetica is not, but Arial is.
 How can I fix this?
  By using the mdk ones. :-)
  The prblem is that the OpenOffice with Mandrake is compiled dynamically
  to use the system freetype and font rendering subsystem, while the OO.o
  packages are compiled with a different one statically linked at
  compilation time.  There is no way around this without rebuilding OO.o on
  your machine.  Of course, you could also upgrade to 9.2 which would give
  you OO.o 1.1.

 I thought 9.2 only had 1.1RC4.  Were there any important fixes between
 that and the final release?

 Sir Robin

My understanding is there were about five bugs fixed between rc4 and rc5 and 
none between rc5 and final.  In other words, rc5 is final.

Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read -Groucho Marx

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Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger + Linux clients

2003-10-20 Per discussione Todd Slater
On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 08:47:49PM +0100, Derek Jennings wrote:
 However I could not get Gaim0.71 to log onto MSN, and Psi when using the MSN 
 Jabber transport would report remote server error
 I think I may have found the solution :-
  I discovered that if I logged onto MSN using the Microsoft IM client, then 
 afterwards I could log on with Gaim and Psi as well.

I can log in to MSN using Psi on Windoze; haven't tried on linux since I
don't have a need to use MSN on it. 


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Re: [newbie] MDK9.1-OpenOffice1.1 Anti-alised Fonts

2003-10-20 Per discussione 70233,2610
On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 15:01, robin wrote:
  Greg Meyer wrote:
  On Sunday 19 October 2003 05:01 am, gikoreno wrote:
stuff about not anti-aliased fonts snipped
 How can I fix this?
  By using the mdk ones. :-)
  The prblem is that the OpenOffice with Mandrake is compiled dynamically to use 
  the system freetype and font rendering subsystem, while the OO.o packages are 
  compiled with a different one statically linked at compilation time.  There 
  is no way around this without rebuilding OO.o on your machine.  Of course, 
  you could also upgrade to 9.2 which would give you OO.o 1.1.
 I thought 9.2 only had 1.1RC4.  Were there any important fixes between 
 that and the final release?
 Sir Robin
1.1RC5 was renamed as 1.1.0 and released a couple of weeks ago. 
According to the OOo users and discuss lists which I monitor, there were
some fairly important fixes between RC4 and RC5, including improved
loading speed.

I'm using OO 1.1.0 on Linux and Windows very happily and am trying hard
to get my users to adopt it.  It seems faster and more stable than 1.0,
but it is quite different from M$ Office, so there's a learning curve. 
The great thing is that it is absolutely agnostic about operating
systems; docs or presentations created on Windows work just as well on
Linux and vice-versa. I hadn't noticed any problem with fonts on MDK but
then, I'm not into that stuff.

It's trivially easy to download 1.1.0 from and install it
in MDK, so it doesn't really matter what version comes with 9.2. You
just unzip it in /tmp and run ./install -net, and then run ./install as
every user.  It's a 70 MB download though They seem to have mirrors
almost everywhere.  If you're an academic you can get the Sun equivalent
StarOffice 7.0 for the cost of the media or as a free download.  This
has some non-GPL extras like the Adabase database.  Others pay US$75.00,
I think.

BTW, cheapbytes is already shipping MDK 9.2 on CD-R for US$6.99.  They
also have OOo 1.1.0 for the same price, for the download averse. I know
this does you no good Robin.

N. B. Day

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Re: [newbie] Yars Revenge

2003-10-20 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 20 October 2003 10:46 am, HaywireMac wrote:


Argh, could have sworn I pasted that in here somewhere. Oh well, senility and 
all that. :-)

Here it is:


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Re: [newbie] Changing keyboard layout within the CLI

2003-10-20 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 20 October 2003 20:07, Adolfo A. Bello B. wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 04:29:43PM +0200, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  Ahh, that's something I've never tried i.e. used.
  I know there's a terminal command: setxkeymap es to remap your keyboard
  on other WM's than kde.
  One can also alias to a shorter keystroke or map it to a key on the
  Alas I haven't found anything simular without the x.
  Good hunting,

 I am starting the hunt right now

 I'll let you know if I find something useful.



I did some pre-hunting;)

There's a file /etc/sysconfig/keyboard that gets read by 
/etc/init.d/keytable and sets the keytable.
This does need to be done in su/root status, though!

So make  a bash script (which you link to a key event or give a very short 
name that makes sense to you) that writes to /etc/sysconfig/keyboard and then 
initializes with service keyboard restart.

Good luck,

Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
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Re: [newbie] Changing keyboard layout within the CLI

2003-10-20 Per discussione Adolfo A. Bello B.
On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 11:11:22PM +0200, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 I did some pre-hunting;)
 There's a file /etc/sysconfig/keyboard that gets read by 
 /etc/init.d/keytable and sets the keytable.
 This does need to be done in su/root status, though!
 So make  a bash script (which you link to a key event or give a very short 
 name that makes sense to you) that writes to /etc/sysconfig/keyboard and then 
 initializes with service keyboard restart.
 Good luck,


Thanks a lot. I will give it a try tonight and let you know.

See you around,


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Re: [newbie] Changing keyboard layout within the CLI

2003-10-20 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Monday 20 October 2003 23:18, Adolfo A. Bello B. wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 11:11:22PM +0200, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
  I did some pre-hunting;)
  There's a file /etc/sysconfig/keyboard that gets read by
  /etc/init.d/keytable and sets the keytable.
  This does need to be done in su/root status, though!
  So make  a bash script (which you link to a key event or give a very
  short name that makes sense to you) that writes to
  /etc/sysconfig/keyboard and then initializes with service keyboard
  Good luck,


 Thanks a lot. I will give it a try tonight and let you know.

 See you around,

I didn't get a chance to see how KDE does it (i.e. on user level) so maybe 
there's a place to look into.
Then again, changing a keyboard layout doesn't really have to be restricted to 
su/root IMO.

Good hunting,
Registered Linux User #197998
FSF Associate Member #901
ICQ #146191606
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Re: [newbie] Scanner (SCSI) question

2003-10-20 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Monday 20 October 2003 04:10 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Youknow what I'm going to say now, don't you?


Do I feel a Twiki moment coming on??? big grin

Seriously though, where should it go? I know its SCSI, hardware...but where 
would you suggest?



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Re: [newbie] Googling

2003-10-20 Per discussione Margot
Graham Watkins wrote:
Len Lawrence wrote:

Is Google still alive?  For several weeks, or maybe months, mozilla 
here has been timing out on, so some of the links 
posted in the list
have been failing.  Has anybody else seen this problem?

It was happening to me for a couple of days last week.  Mind you, it was 
 happening with a lot of other sites as well.  I'd assumed that the 
internet was collapsing under the weight of all the spam, trojans, virii 

I have my home page set to and not - a 
tip I picked up from a friend, very useful because it gives the option 
of searching UK sites only as an alternative to searching whole of www 
so gives quicker results when I need something UK-specific.

I don't know if there are other national versions of google, but it 
might be worth a look. No problems with recently - maybe on 
different servers from

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Re: [newbie] MSN Messenger + Linux clients

2003-10-20 Per discussione David Sexton
You could try amsn it works very well for me and looks alot like msn

 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2003/10/20 Mon PM 03:47:49 EDT
 Subject: [newbie] MSN Messenger + Linux clients
 Anne was asking recently about having trouble using her kopote IM client with 
 Since Oct 15th Microsoft have changed the protocol for MSN which has locked 
 out 3rd party clients.
 I had read reports that Gaim 0.71 would still work with MSN, and the latest 
 version of the Jabber transport for MSN is also supposed to work with MSN.
 However I could not get Gaim0.71 to log onto MSN, and Psi when using the MSN 
 Jabber transport would report remote server error
 I think I may have found the solution :-
  I discovered that if I logged onto MSN using the Microsoft IM client, then 
 afterwards I could log on with Gaim and Psi as well.
 No idea why, but it might help anyone having trouble.
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Re: [newbie] Googling

2003-10-20 Per discussione Charlie M.
Hash: SHA1

October 20, 2003 04:14 pm, Margot wrote:
 I have my home page set to and not - a
 tip I picked up from a friend, very useful because it gives the option
 of searching UK sites only as an alternative to searching whole of www
 so gives quicker results when I need something UK-specific.

 I don't know if there are other national versions of google, but it
 might be worth a look. No problems with recently - maybe on
 different servers from

How about:

I think they localize search pages for any country code. For narrowing it down 
further to GNU/Linux topics just add linux to the end. Sometimes it's a huge 
time saver.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
16:36:05 up 30 days, 5:59, 1 user, load average: 0.44, 0.41, 0.33
A snake lurks in the grass.
-- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Re: [newbie] Googling

2003-10-20 Per discussione David Sexton
It works for me .  maybe you need to clean out your cookies and history on mozilla 
 Date: 2003/10/20 Mon PM 06:14:38 EDT
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Googling
 Graham Watkins wrote:
  Len Lawrence wrote:
  Is Google still alive?  For several weeks, or maybe months, mozilla 
  here has been timing out on, so some of the links 
  posted in the list
  have been failing.  Has anybody else seen this problem?
  It was happening to me for a couple of days last week.  Mind you, it was 
   happening with a lot of other sites as well.  I'd assumed that the 
  internet was collapsing under the weight of all the spam, trojans, virii 
 I have my home page set to and not - a 
 tip I picked up from a friend, very useful because it gives the option 
 of searching UK sites only as an alternative to searching whole of www 
 so gives quicker results when I need something UK-specific.
 I don't know if there are other national versions of google, but it 
 might be worth a look. No problems with recently - maybe on 
 different servers from
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 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Installing via tar.gz

2003-10-20 Per discussione Russ
Hi All,

I am attempting to install GnomeSword using a tar.gz. Here is my first snag.

I uncompressed the tar.gz then I did a ./configure The entire results 
are pasted below but here is the end part:

checking for GtkHTML... checking for pkg-config... /usr//bin/pkg-config
checking for gtkhtml-1.1... Package gtkhtml-1.1 was not found in the 
search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtkhtml-1.1.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'gtkhtml-1.1' found

configure: error: Library requirements (gtkhtml-1.1) not met; consider 
adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are 
in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gnomesword-0.7.10]$

I did a search for gtkhtml and there are 2 items. A folder was found at 
usr/lib/gtkhtml and a file was found at usr/lib/menu/gtkhtml

pkg-config was found at /usr/bin/pkg-config. I noticed that there are 2 
slashes after usr in my results ( /usr//bin/pkg-config noted above), 
is that suppose to mean something?

It suggests consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH but I did a search 
for PKG_CONFIG_PATH and came up empty.

How can I fix this so I can move to the next step?

Also, I noted in my results (entire results pasted at the bottom) that 
there were a few no lines scattered throughout the results:

checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking if gcc static flag -static works... no
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
checking for strerror in -lcposix... no
checking for XpmFreeXpmImage in -lXpm... no
Should I be concerned about any of these?

Any help would be appreciated
Bryan Phinney wrote:
Then do a:
make install
--- My Comments ---
Could someone explain what the above is accomplishing

Short answer.  The ./configure command runs the configure script which builds 
the Makefile with the options that you specify by passing parameters to the 
configure script.  If you want to build with only defaults, you can simply 
issue the ./configure command.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] russ]$ cd /home/russ/download/gnomesword-0.7.10
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gnomesword-0.7.10]$ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr//bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for ld used by GCC... /usr//bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr//bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for /usr//bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr//bin/nm -B
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking how to recognise dependent libraries... pass_all
checking command to parse /usr//bin/nm -B output... ok
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for egrep... grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for strip... strip
checking for objdir... .libs
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... no
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.lo... yes
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... yes
checking whether the linker (/usr//bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
creating libtool
checking for gnome-config... /usr//bin/gnome-config
checking if /usr//bin/gnome-config works... yes
checking for orbit-config... /usr//bin/orbit-config

Re: [newbie] Installing via tar.gz

2003-10-20 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 06:36:06 -0700
Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I am attempting to install GnomeSword using a tar.gz. Here is my first
 I uncompressed the tar.gz then I did a ./configure The entire results 
 are pasted below but here is the end part:
 checking for GtkHTML... checking for pkg-config...
 /usr//bin/pkg-config checking for gtkhtml-1.1... Package gtkhtml-1.1
 was not found in the pkg-config
 search path.
 Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtkhtml-1.1.pc'
 to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
 No package 'gtkhtml-1.1' found

urpmi libgtkhtml1.1_3-devel

should do it.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
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Life can be so tragic -- you're here today and here tomorrow.

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Re: [newbie] Googling

2003-10-20 Per discussione Erylon Hines
On Monday 20 October 2003 02:12 am, Len Lawrence wrote:
 Is Google still alive?  For several weeks, or maybe months, mozilla here
 has been timing out on, so some of the links posted in the
 list have been failing.  Has anybody else seen this problem?

Google is my home page and I've had no problems.  Sounds like a DNS lookup at 
your ISP.

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Re: [newbie] Installing via tar.gz

2003-10-20 Per discussione Russ
urpmi libgtkhtml1.1_3-devel

ok, did that and seemed to work (results pasted at the bottom if needed)

Then I moved onto the make step. It did something (alot of something 
actually) but ended with this: (I'll post the whole thing only if 
needed, it is long)

mkdir .libs
libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/'
make[2]: *** [gnomesword] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/russ/download/gnomesword-0.7.10/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/russ/download/gnomesword-0.7.10'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gnomesword-0.7.10]$
I found but no

What do I need to do to cross this bridge?

Thanks again
HaywireMac wrote:

urpmi libgtkhtml1.1_3-devel

should do it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] russ]# urpmi libgtkhtml1.1_3-devel
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be 
installed (12 MB):
Is this OK? (Y/n) y
Please insert the medium named Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2) on 
device [/dev/scd0]
Press Enter when ready...
Please insert the medium named International CD (x86) (cdrom3) on 
device [/dev/scd0]
Press Enter when ready...
The following packages have bad signatures:
Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N) y
installing /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/libxml-devel-1.8.17-3mdk.i586.rpm 


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Re: [newbie] Changing keyboard layout within the CLI

2003-10-20 Per discussione Adolfo A. Bello B.
On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 11:11:22PM +0200, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
 I did some pre-hunting;)
 There's a file /etc/sysconfig/keyboard that gets read by 
 /etc/init.d/keytable and sets the keytable.
 This does need to be done in su/root status, though!
 So make  a bash script (which you link to a key event or give a very short 
 name that makes sense to you) that writes to /etc/sysconfig/keyboard and then 
 initializes with service keyboard restart.
 Good luck,


After some hunting I came to loadkeys. As a normal user, now I can easily switch the 
keyboard layout to spanish with loadkeys es and back to us-english with loadkeys 

After some googling and rtfm-ing I don't know what to do to bind/link hotkeys to 
scripts or aliases in .bashrc.

I would love to have something like ctrl-alt-u to switch to us-english and ctrl-alt-e 
to switch to spanish.

Reading about inputrc I got sort of lost.

Could you point me in the right direction to achieve this?

What I want to do is to switch keyborad layount from within mutt.

I feel we are pretty close to the solution.



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Re: [newbie] 9.1 to 9.2 upgrade

2003-10-20 Per discussione rikona
Hello Lee,

Sunday, October 19, 2003, 8:38:31 AM, you wrote:

LW Had to upgrade 200+ progs because of the way I started, probably,
LW and the ton of stuff I've tried out this past year, but not one
LW problem.

I have added quite a few programs to 9.1 also. If I upgrade to 9.2,
will it be necessary to upgrade ALL of those programs as well?


 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] urpmi question

2003-10-20 Per discussione Eric Huff
 Try urpmi -q packagename.rpm
 where packagename is the name of the rpm your looking for

Cool.  I got some help on expert, and will post a twiki when i get
the chance.

thanks for the tip. I have been forgetting about rmp and only using
urpm too often...


  From: Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 2003/10/17 Fri PM 11:07:26 EDT
  Subject: [newbie] urpmi question
  How can i search the names of rpms, and show the summary and
  If i urpmf, it appears to search more.  For example:
  urpmf man page says the --summary switch searches summaries, but
  the urpmf help says:
   --summary  - print tag summary: summary.
  which i thought meant it would print the sumary.
  What i'd like is a command line version of what rpmdrake does: 
  once i get it open, it very nicely shows only packages with
  nmh in the name (for example) and i can quickly see the
  description and summary.
  It also, on the same page, shows the current version i have
  installed, if any.
  Is there a line (or lines) for urpm* that i can use?

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Re: [newbie] Installing via tar.gz

2003-10-20 Per discussione HaywireMac
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 07:25:35 -0700
Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I found but no
 What do I need to do to cross this bridge?

Those are the shared objects, but you need the header files, contained
in the devel packages, I bet.


urpmi libcurl2-devel
HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
Registered Linux user #282046
Mandrake HowTo's  More:
Truth is hard to find and harder to obscure.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] kopete upgrade

2003-10-20 Per discussione Robert Fisher
As I cannot find a specific Mandrake upgrade for Kopete (so that I can use the MSN 
plugin post October 15) I tried to compile from source.

I downloaded and extracted kopete-0.7.2.tar.bz2 and kopete-0.7.3.tar.gz but when I 
typed ./configure I got the message configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found 
in $PATH

What do I do to fix this on Mandrake 9.2?

Robert Fisher

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Re: [newbie] kopete upgrade

2003-10-20 Per discussione Michael S
im just new to linux also but sounds like u need to install db and gdbm Robert Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
As I cannot find a specific Mandrake upgrade for Kopete (so that I can use the MSN plugin post October 15) I tried to compile from source.I downloaded and extracted kopete-0.7.2.tar.bz2 and kopete-0.7.3.tar.gz but when I typed ./configure I got the message "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH"What do I do to fix this on Mandrake 9.2?--Robert to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to
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