RE: How to get the RoleManager

2001-10-10 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Uh, try using the shared session attribute (orion-web.xml) + the same realm
name for the login config (web.xml)



 -Original Message-
 From: David Potts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Miércoles, 10 de Octubre de 2001 8:02
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: How to get the RoleManager
  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  I have a feeling if you made app2 the parent app of app1 it 
 might work
  (they'd probably be the same RoleManager - can't confirm that 
 Thanks for the suggestion.  We tried it, but it doesn't work. 
  When we go to
 the second app the login form comes up again.
  is a non-standard solution (if a solution at all! ;)), then 
  again if you're
  using RoleManager you're already using Orion specific code so 
  you probably
  don't mind too much.
 At the moment we are looking for *any* solution that will do 
 single signon across two apps on Orion.  What is the standard?

RE: What's in 1.5.3?

2001-10-09 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Orion 1.5.3? Yeah? Where?
Usually alongside the .jar there's a changes.txt describing... err... the
_changes_. Still, the current bleeding edge version is 1.5.2

 -Original Message-
 From: Brendan McKenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 09 de Octubre de 2001 6:47
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: What's in 1.5.3?
   Since 1.5.3 is in beta, is there anywhere where we can find a 
 list of the changes that will be present in 1.5.3?  In 
 particular, will 
 the changes that have recently been made by Oracle in their 
 version of 
 Orion be rolled into 1.5.3?
 Brendan McKenna  Email: 
 Development Strategist   Phone: +353-61-338177
 Taringold Ltd.   Fax:   +353-61-338065

RE: New Release????

2001-10-03 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

no new release...

always check out

also, you can download orion.jar from

(that's what autoupdate does, BTW)

No new release or further comments from magnus yet.

 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Miércoles, 03 de Octubre de 2001 10:22
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: New Release
 My original post never appeared, so I am reposting...

RE: Displaying errors in JSP

2001-10-03 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

BTW, if you use IE, disable 'friendly HTTP error messages'. This option, in
its active state will prevent the error page to display in the browser.


 -Original Message-
 From: The elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Miércoles, 03 de Octubre de 2001 13:21
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Displaying errors in JSP
 for the terminal, you can use 
 System.out.println(e.getMessage()) in the
 catch phrase
 for the jsp, you will need to initialize some string variable 
 in the catch
 block and then use in the html ...
String error = ;
try {
 catch (Exception e){
 error = e.getMessage();
 ...html stuff
 But this isn't really always necessary. Orion will spit out 
 the error in the
 jsp if you don't catch it...since there is a try/catch built 
 around every
 jsp page. Try something silly in the jsp page to create a Null
 Pointer Error, and watch the fireworks in the browser. As 
 long as you don't
 have a 500 error page, your jsp Null Pointer Error will be in 
 the browser.
 the elephantwalker
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of EXT-Vaze,
 Vinay G
 Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 9:09 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Displaying errors in JSP
 If I have a code block such as
   try {
   catch (Exception e) {
 inside a JSP, how do I output error to either the browser or
 to the server console ?
 Vinay Vaze
 M/S : 7H-80
 Phone  : (425)-865-2929

RE: questions on legacy transaction support

2001-09-25 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Knowing how the legacy handles transactions would help. Particulary
interested if rollbacks are accomplished by 'compensating' transactions,
which would make the whole process straightforward.


 -Original Message-
 From: Reason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Lunes, 24 de Septiembre de 2001 20:23
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: questions on legacy transaction support
 I'm attempting to use Orion pretty much for the easy custom 
 authentication/user management and very little else. That all 
 works pretty well -- as an ex-JBoss user, let me say that I 
 like the straightforward approach. 
 So I have a bunch of BMP beans that wrap some legacy 
 software. The legacy software comes complete with legacy 
 transactions and I'm trying to figure out the best way to 
 deal with this such that:
 1) I can reliably pick up the right legacy transaction at the 
 right time in my bean methods
 2) a given user can have more than one transaction on the go 
 at once in separate threads
 Now, I can write any old middle layer I choose to associate 
 specific legacy transactions with some object/value/concept 
 from the EJB layer (in a hashtable, for example), but I don't 
 have a good enough grasp on the Orion container to figure out 
 which of the following items are going to be constants 
 between different threads or method calls to the server:
 a) EJBContext (EntityContext, SessionContext): these would 
 seem to be out of consideration, as they are reused between 
 beans and threads, and a transaction might extend throughout 
 several method calls in both session and entity beans.
 b) UserTransaction: I could associate a UserTransaction 
 instance with a legacy transaction instance. If I start a 
 transaction in a session bean, which then calls entity bean 
 methods, is the same UserTransaction instance going to result 
 from calls to context.getUserTransaction() in the contexts 
 for the various beans?
 c) Principal name: I could associate a legacy transaction 
 with a principal name if not for wanting to allow each 
 principal the option of multiple concurrent transactions in 
 different threads.
 d) Thread: a legacy transaction could be associated with a 
 specific server thread. Is this going to work? Are 
 UserTransactions associated with a specific thread throughout 
 their lifetime? Is this thread the same thread that is used 
 for separate method calls that fall within the transaction?
 So, any suggestions or ideas from the list on this one?

RE: Microsoft releases SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver

2001-09-25 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Here! I evaluated Merant's drivers 'bout a year ago and they were... err...
as good as I expected(hadn to go for I-Net's ones). They couldda improve a
lot in a year, tough.


 -Original Message-
 From: Darren Gibbons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 25 de Septiembre de 2001 14:45
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Microsoft releases SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver
 Microsoft just announced that they are releasing a Type 4 
 JDBC driver for
 SQL Server 2000.  It's based on code licensed from Merant.
 Download the beta here:
 Haven't tested it yet, but will soon.  I'm glad that 
 Microsoft has done this
 as I know a fair number of people using SQL Server to back their Java
 Does anyone have any experience with Merant's drivers?
 Darren Gibbons[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OpenRoad Communications   ph: 604.681.0516
 Internet Application Development fax: 604.681.0916
 Vancouver, B.C.


2001-09-21 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


orionconsole is run with:

$orion# java -jar orionconsole.jar



mail me (in Spanish if you like) if that's not what you're looking for. An 
extended explanation would be appreciated

  -Original Message-From: David Bonilla 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Viernes, 21 de Septiembre de 2001 
  11:23To: Orion-InterestSubject: HELP !!! 
  Ok... I have understand all about 
  security but know, how and where can I activate a option to use a Orion-Based 
  console or something else to control de User Name and Password ?
  Bonilla FuertesTHE BIT BANG NETWORKhttp://www.bit-bang.comProfesor 
  Waksman, 8, 6 B28036 MadridSPAINTel.: (+34) 914 577 747Mvil: 
  656 62 83 92Fax: (+34) 914 586 

RE: Questions about Orion

2001-09-21 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

all inline

 -Original Message-
 From: Vlad Vinogradsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 20 de Septiembre de 2001 23:22
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Questions about Orion
 I am evaluating the Orion server for use in a production web 
 site which
 would be hosted by a hosting services provider. It would run on a
 Windows 2000 box alongside other web sites serviced by IIS and will
 manage data in SQL Server 2000 database. I have a few 
 questions I wasn't
 able to find answers to and I wonder if you can help me with them.
 1. I wonder if anybody had any negative experience using 
 Orion server on
 Windows 2000 or with SQL Server 2000? I-Net jdbc products are going to
 be used.
I'm using W2k. Runs neat. SQL Server 2000, I used I-Net's drivers and
everything worked
fast and smooth. However I haven't used it intensly.
 2. Any comments on performance, scalability and availability of the
 Orion server on Windows 2000?

As with any W2k, use the lastest SP and hotfixes. The maximun number of
_true_ threads W2k manages
is 250 (1 uP, 1 GB RAM); about 75 are used by services, and if you'll have
IIS there, you can't have more than
75-100 threads running without severe problems. Of course, If you'd ever
have 100 concurrent users on a single orion, you'd be using a cluster(won't

 3. What VM is best to use to run Orion server?
For W2k, Sun's latest is the fastest. Have proof (and an NDA, so I can't
reveal it). You can test, the results are almost humanly measurable. It's
amazing how much Sun's VM has changed since 1.2.2.

 4. Does it have auto start and restart features? Do you have 
 to have an
 interactive logon session to start it?

There are some utilities that allow you to run orion(or any java app) as a
service. Search the list archives. 

 5. What security context does it run in?

I think the elephantwalker covered that. You can implement your own
UserManager; if you're thinking of auth against the PDC, yes, it can be
done. You'd have to write your own UserManager, and then use JNI or
J-Integra to call upon ADSI objects.

 6. What is Orion server security track record? Has it ever been
 compromised or taken out by DOS attacks?

There were fixed bugs. Also, dropped connections on long-execution pages do
not kill the webserver thread, so there may be DOS vulnerabilities. even so,
it's a whole lot better than IIS. And bugs don't have the same amount of

 7. Any comments on IronFlare's technical support? It looks 
 like there is
 no live tech support - just email.
 All input is welcome.



RE: Transaction question ?

2001-09-21 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

No-- they're invoked in different transactions.
Transactional activity maps directly to threads-- that is, the thread's id
is the transaction id (so to speak).



 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 18 de Septiembre de 2001 13:32
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Transaction question ?
 Eddie wrote:
  Please some help on the following transaction scenario ?:
  I am receing some information through a HTTP post method. 
 The servlet,
  running as part of a J2EE application, calls a EJB method 
 A. The EJB method
  does some little processing. After this, it checks some 
 conditions, and
  might do some more processing in an other EJB method B 
 depending on the
  conditions (in the same method still). I want to call 
 method B in a thread,
  such that the client, performing the HTTP request, isn't 
 waiting too long.
  So I want to start method  B in a thread, such that the 
 initial EJB method A
  returns. How does the transacion model looks like in this 
 case and it is
  wise to do it like this ? (My transaction attribute is set 
 to Required and I
  am using CMP).
  I mean, is EJB method B, that runs in the thread executed in a new
  transaction, as the initial EJB method A returns, or does 
 it run in the same
  db transaction as method A ?
 Hi Eddie.
 Launching threads in an EJB is against spec, as you may have noticed.
 What you may want to consider is using JMS.  
 You would want to set up the EJB as a MessageDrivenBean, and then
 have the onMessage call method B.
 My understanding is that you can preserve the transaction/across
 through a message.
 Stephen Davidson
 Java Consultant
 Delphi Consultants, LLC
 Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

RE: Using NT Authentication

2001-09-14 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

could also use JIntegra or JNI to access ADSI objects.

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Viernes, 14 de 
  Septiembre de 2001 8:44To: Orion-InterestSubject: Re: 
  Using NT AuthenticationI've seen it down by asking for a FTP connection to the server and 
  using the password. If it goes through then the password it good. 
  It is clunky but it works. 
  Jonathan BrickerLilly Research 
  LabsJava ATG 

Sent by: 
09/14/01 04:08 AM Please respond to Orion-Interest 

 Subject:Using NT 
Authentication Hi, 
  I am developing an intranet EJB application and am 
  interested in using the users NT authentication as a means for user 
  authentication. I know it is possible to do this in IIS, but has anyone ever 
  tried doing it with a Java Web App?  
  Any advice or suggestions would be 

RE: Stored procedures and J2EE

2001-09-06 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

(empirically) reached the same conclusion; but instead of dropping CMP, we 
provided performance improvements ON TOP of the EJB's (VO's and VO caches). 
Thank god we did it this way, because the DB can't scale as easily as the 
app-server cluster.



  -Original Message-From: Rian Schmidt 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Jueves, 06 de Septiembre de 2001 
  12:51To: Orion-InterestSubject: Re: Stored procedures 
  and J2EE
  I'm interested as to how you cansay this... 
  we just did a series of tests here to see what the effect of pulling out some 
  fairly complex stored procedures into CMP beans, and the performance impact 
  was enormous. We've actually gone the other way, that is, developing 
  stored procedures for each anticipated database. The fallback is that 
  the logic is done in the beans, but that is a worst-case scenario. Now, 
  I realize that this would be considered such bad form in a Sun-controlled 
  world of pure J2EE that I hesitate to even mention it... but in the real 
  world, any significant hit on performance is enough to convince us to 
  denormalize a bit, so to speak.
  I don't think that you can say "there's 
  absolutely no hit on performance" not to use stored procedures, particularly 
  if that procedure requires repeated queries of the data in a pseudo-recursive 
  way. Do you really think that any performance hit that we've seen is a 
  result of poor design? I'm really interested in your 
- Original Message - 
To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 2:23 
Subject: RE: Stored procedures and 

for distributing your business logic between the datastore and middle 
tier...aren't you making your life more complex than it needs to be? There 
is absolutely no hit on performance if you pull out all of your business 
logic into a slsb or cmp...there's just no need to use store procedures any 

RE: Additional invocations to the UserManager

2001-09-04 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

all inline.

 -Original Message-
 From: Curt Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Lunes, 03 de Septiembre de 2001 9:31
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Additional invocations to the UserManager
 I bounced the client, deleted cache/cookies and still saw the 
 behavior on every request to my UserManager without seeing the login
 the 2nd--Nth time.  So how could the client be silently supplying the
 user/pass on every request???  Still looks like the container 
 is calling
 UserManager with it's cached copy of user/passwd

The browser chaches it. Read RFC 1945 (HTTP 1.0), section 11. Here are some

Section 11
   The domain over which credentials can be automatically applied by a
   user agent is determined by the protection space. If a prior request
   has been authorized, the same credentials may be reused for all other
   requests within that protection space for a period of time determined
   by the authentication scheme, parameters, and/or user preference.
   Unless otherwise defined by the authentication scheme, a single
   protection space cannot extend outside the scope of its server.
/Section 11

So, with BASIC Auth, regardless if the server challenges the user
_everytime_ for its username
and password, given a realm, the browser sends its authentication. This goes
back to the time where the was no session support on web servers(it was 4 or
5 years ago, not THAT long). Instead of asking the user for its username and
password everytime, the browser caches a successful user/passwd pair and
resends them 
(provided the challenge comes from the same 'realm'). This is 'legacy'
behavior of the browser. And the spec
accepts it.
 I could have run my client through a logging proxy to 
 tattle-tail whether
 the container was issuing an HTTP challenge on every get/post or not??

Of course, check for WWW-Authenticate; if the server challenges every time,
then it should be a part of the response. This is, however, unlikely-- orion
must be reading the headers, and reauthenticating the user every
time, regardless of challenges.
 Given that I bounced my client and deleted cookies/cache I'm still
 mystified about HTTP challenge issues???   Regardless I've moved on to
 FORM authentication and folks on this list find value in the 
 current HTTP
 challenge behavior for their development cycle not pestering them for
 re-login  :-/

Yap, and that's the main use I given to BASIC, it speeds up the devel cycle,
no matter how many times you restart the server.
 Nope. This is browser, not orion behavior. It complies to 
 the HTTP specs.
  I saw this too and went to FORM authentication and don't see this
  I still use UserManager to receive the user/passwd from the FORM
  via the Container, but I don't see the UserManager calls on every
  Based on this, I feel it's a bug in orion that BASIC behaves this

RE: Shared SB reference in Web tier business delegate??

2001-09-04 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

all inline

 -Original Message-
 From: Curt Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 04 de Septiembre de 2001 10:08
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Shared SB reference in Web tier business delegate??
 I didn't clearly state my architectural question:
 What's the view on sharing a single remote SB interface among
 all servlet threads?  I.E. a single Business Delegate in the 
 ServletContext (as apposed to bloating out the Session).

Would work but... (continues below)
 I've not read clear EJB spec / book statements regarding 
 sharing SB or 
 Entity remote interfaces?
It's the container resposability to do it. I can (as will you) enumerate
a number of reasons why not taking into your own hands somebody's else job. 
 For SB's this should be perfectly ok since the container delagates
 methods to bean instances, it should not mater whether it's via a 
 single remote interface or separate?
Shouldn't, specially in a pure Java App server (and that's one of the things
I like 'bout orion
you can tweak it)
 Threaded access to a single Entity might be a problem if reentrant
 is set to false.  I would still believe that the container should
 simply queue methods against the Entity in that case.
And here's the main reason for my objections. The server does queue
transactions fired upon the same stub.
Clearly, this is very bad if you have a SFSB, but even in the SLSB case, it
will _eventually_ clog up the 
server in a domino effect.

Two requests arrive, only the first is attended:


Now, the server serves R2, which was blocked, but in the mean time, two more
requests arrive.

R1: Finished.

If stressed, the server eventually comes to a halt.

What happens if you let the container manage the instances? Let's suppose
you set the pool size to 1.

R1--SLSB1 (pool instance)
R2--SLSB2 (new instance)

and then,
R1: Finished
R2: Finished.
R1--SLSB1 (pool instance)
R2--SLSB3 (new instance)

And there starts the deployer's job, tweaking the pool size for maximun
 Thanks for you opinions on the shared reference issue.

Just my 2c,

Juan Pablo

RE: Additional invocations to the UserManager

2001-09-01 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Nope. This is browser, not orion behavior. It complies to the HTTP specs.

 -Original Message-
 From: Curt Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sábado, 01 de Septiembre de 2001 10:43
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Additional invocations to the UserManager
 I saw this too and went to FORM authentication and don't see this
 I still use UserManager to receive the user/passwd from the FORM
 via the Container, but I don't see the UserManager calls on every
 Based on this, I feel it's a bug in orion that BASIC behaves this
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
 Trujillo, Kris
 Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 6:11 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Additional invocations to the UserManager
 I have written a custom UserManager and have setup 
 against several JSPs in my application...everything works 
 I'm noticing that after the user has successfully been 
 authenticated that my
 UserManager is being recalled for every page request made by 
 the user.  The
 difference being that the user is not reprompted to enter a 
 username and
 password.  The problem with this is that it causes a lot of additional
 overhead because the user is reauthenticated and has the 
 group checking
 revalidated for every request.  Is it possible to setup Orion 
 so it won't
 behave this way?  It seems like once the user has been 
 authenticated once
 that they should not be reauthenticated until their session 
 has expired.

RE: Shared SB reference in Web tier business delegate??

2001-08-31 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

 -Original Message-
 From: Curt Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 31 de Agosto de 2001 9:27
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Shared SB reference in Web tier business delegate??
 My app is a thick client replacement with J2EE web-ified functionality
 where 3000+ clients will login and stay logged in all day.
 I'm wanting to reduce the number of session objects as a result of so
 many concurrent sessions.  I plan on keeping a per session business
 deligate manager, but make the DAO instances static thus shared amoung
 all sessions since my DAO's are re-entrant.
 I'm concerned about sharing a single SB remote interface amoung all 
 sessions (Threads)???

Why not let the container manage the actual number of instances created?
That would lead to 3000 proxy instances, but just a handful of SLSB.

 Of course SSB remote interfaces will need to be tied to that session!!

I can't quite follow you here. Do you meaqn the http session?

 What about the few Entities that might be accessed from the web tier?
 reentrant vs not reentrant Entities??

Entities that are reentrant, by the EJB 1.1 spec (section 9.1.12), are those
that can be called in a loopback WITHIN the same
transaction. Different transactional contexts calling the same Entity(by
this I mean an entity with equal PK) are not reentrant calls. Basically,
this allows for loopbacks in a call thread, but its use is discouraged by
the spec.

 I wish the EJB spec was clearer about reentrancy of the remote
 interface or maybe someone can shed some light??

Again, check out the same section on the spec; transactional context
(sometimes called activity) plays an important role in determining if a call
is reentrant.
 Thanks alot to the orion mail list.
 Curt Smith
 (w) 404-463-0973
 (h) 404-294-6686 

RE: Clustering in Orion

2001-08-31 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Title: Clustering in Orion

Really? Could you share the source (of the 

  -Original Message-From: Aaron Tavistock 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Viernes, 31 de Agosto de 2001 
  16:39To: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Clustering in 
  As I 
  understand it clustering of session EJBs will soon be available. But 
  thats just the rumor.
-Original Message-From: GUNDA, Satish / RSAIFS - 
IOM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 
7:52 AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Clustering in 
Hi all, 
What is the clustering support provided by Orion? 

Will my EJBs be replicated across the cluster? 
The documentation states the following. 

The HttpSession data (as long as 
it is Serializable or an EJB reference). Note that if the EJBs are 
located on a server that fails, the references might become invalid. 

The ServletContext data. 

Does it mean EJBs are not replicated acorss a 
I don't know how just replication at HTTPSession 
level can help a production site which requires 99.99 uptime. 
Any idea when (if) Orion is coming up with this 
Thanks, Satish 

RE: Additional invocations to the UserManager

2001-08-31 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

sound a lot like BASIC authentication. If so, then Orion's behavior is as
defined by the spec, and presents the same behavior than IIS, Apache and
Netscape Enterprise

 -Original Message-
 From: Trujillo, Kris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 31 de Agosto de 2001 18:11
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Additional invocations to the UserManager
 I have written a custom UserManager and have setup 
 against several JSPs in my application...everything works 
 I'm noticing that after the user has successfully been 
 authenticated that my
 UserManager is being recalled for every page request made by 
 the user.  The
 difference being that the user is not reprompted to enter a 
 username and
 password.  The problem with this is that it causes a lot of additional
 overhead because the user is reauthenticated and has the 
 group checking
 revalidated for every request.  Is it possible to setup Orion 
 so it won't
 behave this way?  It seems like once the user has been 
 authenticated once
 that they should not be reauthenticated until their session 
 has expired.

RE: Class Reloading

2001-08-29 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

switch to BASIC auth for development only. it's easy to do, just change FORM
to BASIC (don't even have to remove the form-login and form-login-error
tags). The browser caches any auth that fulfills the Web server's challenge.
Therefore, it auto-logins you every-time the web server challenges for auth.
It's made my life easier


Juan Pablo

 -Original Message-
 From: Teddy Rice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Miércoles, 29 de Agosto de 2001 1:31
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Class Reloading
 i have read, and re-read, all
 of the postings on class 
 (re)loading in relation to deployed
 applications inside orion. yet, i still
 have some unanswered questions.
 in my past experience, compiling classes
 to the ./WEB-INF/classes directory and
 touching either the web.xml or application.xml
 file will cause the new classes to be
 picked up and used. all objects that are
 in session are serialized and available
 after the application is re-deployed without
 having to re-start orion.
 however, i am now experiencing a situation
 wherein i'm losing my session information and
 being forced to re-login to my application to
 continue development.
 is there a set of criteria or implemenation details
 i'm missing. all objects are obviously serializable
 or they would not be able to be stored in a session. 
 yet, my latest encounters with class reloading makes
 me doubt this assertion.
 any ideas/paths i can explore to making my
 development life less hell-like?
 ted rice

RE: UserManager / BASIC auth; orion caching username/password ????

2001-08-28 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


 -Original Message-
 From: Curt Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 28 de Agosto de 2001 18:04
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: UserManager / BASIC auth; orion caching 
 I've got a confusing issue that I'm observing:
 I'm using BASIC authorization and installed my subclass of 
 AbstractUserManger into
 I get the HTTP challeng login dialogue the first time, and 
 get into the protected site
 when my um.checkPassword ( user, pw ) returns true.
 Problems are:
 - After 3 failures I get sent to the 401 screen.   I'd like 
 to loop forever in the
  login dialog.

non standard, check HTTP RFC
 - The Security context seems to be cached and survives 
 re-starts of orion  ??

The browser does that; once a basic auth works, the same browser process
will keep
sending the same auth to the server for each auth challenge.

   I see the um.checkPassword () method being called with the 
 successful username
   password in my log4j logs.  Is the container supplying the 
 user/passwd without challenging
   client   This works for both IE and NS and I've turned 
 the auto-loggin features off for
On one hand this is great for resilience, especially if 
 the session object is serialized too.
I haven't found any files that might be performing this 
 feature though???
On the down side, I can't force a session / Security 
 Context invalidation to force a new
login for debugging purposes.   Stopping IE / NS and 
 restarting the client even jumps
back into the session without a HTTP challeng ???   I've 
 never seen this before?
 Why can't I find how to flush cookies in IE and NS...  ; 
  but this appears to be solely
 an orion behavior and not using cookies to persist the 
 Security context???
 Anybody have an explanation of what's going on with this appearance of
 auto-login behavior via my UserManager.checkPassword() method?
 very confused,

RE: State Replication

2001-08-27 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

don't think there is replication of SFSB's in orion. All replication I'm aware 
of is http-session's; you could achieve similar (but not identical) behavior by 
storing the SFSB's handle in the session object(provided you enabled 
http-session replication). However, this would achieve scalability, not 



  -Original Message-From: Matthew Pullen 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Lunes, 27 de Agosto de 2001 
  14:48To: Orion-InterestSubject: State 
   I sent a question to the mailing-list last week, but I did 
  not see it sent back to me from the list, nor any responses, so I am assuming 
  it didn't make it. This is the re-transmittal:
  I am trying to get replication of a Sate-full SessionBean 
  across a replicated cluster. The loadbalancer is working well, and when one 
  server is shut down, the balancer does direct the requests to another back-end 
  server. However, session state is not being replicated between the two 
  back-end orion instances.
  If it is not intended to work in this fashion, what is the 
  intended functionality of "replication"? Are there any white papers or detailed 
  documentation of the intended behavior?
  Thank you,

RE: List rant (was RE: Virtual DirecTory -- Help)

2001-08-26 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Hani is in PST time zone too? Maybe it took 11 minutes tu be delivered
(pretty fast for an email in a list).

BTW Hani, you're posting to orion-interest Sunday at 6 am? I'm getting
REALLY worried.

Juan Pablo.

 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Paransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Domingo, 26 de Agosto de 2001 11:28
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: List rant (was RE: Virtual DirecTory -- Help)
 You are missing the point.  The list is broken most of the 
 time.  You send
 your message at 6:21am, I get it at 7:32am.  More than 1 hour later.
 Sometimes, I get at 2 hours later, 20 hours later, 24 hours 
 later.  Many
 times I don't get it at all.  What good is it to have a list 
 that you cannot
 rely on.  If you have a problem which needs addressing fast, 
 you don't want
 to wait for 24 or 48 hours while the list sends the question 
 to all the
 people.  Sometimes, it does not send at all.  So many of us 
 have been making
 1, 2, 3, or more postings to the list, just to PUSH the damn message
 Furthermore, I hate having to type a long detailed response, 
 only to not
 have it go through on the list.  It's a waste of my time.
 So, I think, this list should be closed, and people 
 redirected to the Yahoo
 By the way, I just posted to the Yahoo list and I see the 
 message in my mail
 box 3 minutes later.  That's response time!
 PS:  Let's see how long it takes this message to get propagated.  It's
 Sunday, August 26th, 2001 8:28am PST.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
 Hani Suleiman
 Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 6:21 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: List rant (was RE: Virtual DirecTory -- Help)
 I have to add my voice to this. This is just an example of 
 the problems
 that can happen when a lot of well meaning and eager people 
 do what seems
 to be a good idea, yet turns out to do nothing beyond make the problem
 they're trying to fix even worse.
 The people who end up suffering are those who need actual 
 help with Orion,
 as every new mailing list further dilutes the pool of competent
 knowledgable people present on any given resource that can 
 provide help.
 I for one will NOT be joining any orion related mailing lists 
 other o-i,
 and I would go so far as asking you all to likewise resist 
 the temptation
 of 'encouraging' these other lists, for the following reasons:
 - Any individual list is 'worth less', as it's only a subset of the
 - The barrier of entry to Orion is higher (who wants to join 4 mailing
 lists just to ask a simple question?)
 - Bias that is very likely to occur (MY support site/list/whatever is
 cooler/better/richer than yours!)
 - Turf issues. (don't crosspost to our list! Go away and ask *that*
 list! Oh now you come to us after you failed on *that* list?)
 - Same old same old. Does anyone truly think the rash of 'is Orion
 dead/gone/sold out' and 'have Magnus/Karl given up/died/become
 hermits/taken up fishing/sold out' questions that pop up 
 every couple of
 months iks going to dimish? On the contrary, now you get per-list
 threads about the exact same thing! Wheee!
 Of course, feel free to ignore all this and join six orion 
 related lists
 and sign up with four orion support websites. More power to you.
 On Sun, 26 Aug 2001, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
  I'm both for and against this new Orion list, but surely 
 we're solving
  NOTHING other than creating more email if we send support 
 messages to both
  lists? (Meaning everyone subscribes to both lists, everyone get's
  Is there a sensible way we can resolve this? Personally I'd 
 say use o-i
  it's up, only use the egroups list when there's a problem.
  Mike Cannon-Brookes :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Atlassian ::
   Supporting YOUR J2EE World
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniele
   Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 7:14 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Re: Virtual DirecTory -- Help
   Eddie Post wrote:

 I am trying to exculde my JSP files from the war file, 
 such that the
 designer can easily change them without my help 
 (withoud deployment,

 Anyone any idea/advice how to do that as I tried many 
 things, but
 appearantly am not able to succeed ?

   1. create an orion user and an orion group.
   2. chown -R orion:orion /opt/orion
   3. Run Orion as orion user from a shell script:
   umask 002 # IMPORTANT!
   cd /opt/orion
   java -jar orion.jar $@
   4. add your designer to the orion group.
   in /etc/group:
   5. use symbolic links to enable access .jsp pages from
   designer's home.
   Daniele Arduini

RE: Ant to compile and deploy one file

2001-08-23 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Title: Ant to compile and deploy one file

I have 
ant and it recompiles only modified .java files (only one). Are you using the 
latest ant(I think it's 1.3)?.

  -Original Message-From: Nusairat, Joseph F. 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Jueves, 23 de Agosto de 2001 
  13:35To: Orion-InterestSubject: Ant to compile and 
  deploy one file
  Hey if i have one file to update is there an easier way to 
  compile it and re jar it??? 
  I am using ant ... and if i have one i can only seem to 
  recompile them alll which takes some time. 
  Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager WorldCom tel: 614-723-4232 pager: 888-452-0399 textmsg: 

RE: Invoke a method on myself in a Stateful Session Bean.

2001-08-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Neat. I've been having similar problems trying to execute a findByPrimaryKey
in the ejbCreate method of a bean. Errors, however, just come and go away

 -Original Message-
 From: Mikael Ståldal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Miércoles, 22 de Agosto de 2001 3:34
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Invoke a method on myself in a Stateful Session Bean.
 When I try to do like the code below, I get this error:
 com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 
 Recursive call to non-reentrant bean
 Is there any other way to do this? I don't want to invoke the methods
 directly, since I want to make use of container managed transactions.
  * @ejb:ejb-name Foo
  * @ejb:stateful-session
 public class FooBean extends SessionBean 
   private Foo me;
* @ejb:create-method
   public void ejbCreate() 
   me = (Foo)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
* @ejb:remote-method
   public void foo() 
   // do something interesting;
   // do something interesting
* @ejb:remote-method
   public void bar() 
   // do something interesting

RE: PrOperTies ??

2001-08-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Title: SV: Roll-BACK question.

entries in the ejb-jar.xml, web.xml;
you could create a "load-on-startup" servlet, which is allowed to access disk, 
to create, say, a singleton
in its constructor opens and loads the properties files. Therefore, you will be 
paying once per JVM for the initialization, and have it your 


  -Original Message-From: Eddie Post 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Miércoles, 22 de Agosto de 
  2001 6:32To: Orion-InterestSubject: Re: PrOperTies 
  Noc noc,
  Can someone please still have some advice on the 
  question I posted below ??
- Original Message - 
To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 9:18 
Subject: PrOperTies ??


Where do you define your properties/constants 
which you want to use in your ejb's and servlets (I am using CMP) 

I am wandering if, putting it all in a property 
file is the best way to do it (the EJB spec don't 'allow' it), concerning 
performance and the xml files to store properties. Howcan you define 
constants in a xml file that are both seen by the servlets and ejb's 

Some advice on this issue please ?


RE: j_security_check not redirecting

2001-08-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

yes, I get that too. Solved by removing j_security_check from the login
page's action, leaving it empty.
Regrettably, that's outside of the spec. Also, since that began to happen,
whenever there's a failed login, instead of showing the login-error-page,
the login-page is shown again. I think one of the guys down here added the
bug in bugzilla a month ago.

Juan Pablo

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Miércoles, 22 de Agosto de 2001 10:17
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: j_security_check not redirecting
 I have a problem with securing our web application.
 I have followed the steps as described in the several
 documents (like orion security primer). Everything works
 fine: I enter the URL, the login servlet is called and
 displays the login web page.
 However, after entering the login information the real
 servlet is executed (i see it in the logs) but the browser
 displays an empty page with the url: 
 Two problems here:
   a) the browser is not redirected to the real page
   b) the servlets output never finds its way back it seems
 Question is, does it have to do with our servlet structure. We
 have a central servlet dispatcher that calls the actual servlet
 using getNamedDispatcher()... and returns XML data that then is
 transformed using an XSLTFilter
 neotis wissensmanagement GmbH
 Telefon: +49 (30) 6392 3591
 Telefax: +49 (30) 6392 3595

RE: When user hits STOP..any way to trap that and terminate an ongoin g request..

2001-08-15 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Title: Ayuda

tough I value the trouble you've been taking to hack around this orion bug, it 
is a BUG, and therefore should be corrected. AFAIK, this is the only exploit 
that orion exposes, and it is VERY problematic. DoS attacks are very easy to 
perform... just pick any "heavy" page on a site, open a socket, send a very 
short HTTP header, then drop the connection. Do it quickly and orion will choke 
up. Most IDS and Firewalls can't block this kind of attack with their default 
settings, and when programmed to block, they cannot be 

  -Original Message-From: Duffey, Kevin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Lunes, 13 de Agosto de 2001 
  16:23To: Orion-InterestSubject: When user hits STOP..any 
  way to trap that and terminate an ongoin g request..
  I am 
  almost positive the answer is no, but I thought I'd see if anyone has come up 
  with a solution. All too often, we have some users that submit a large query, 
  then hit the STOP button on the browser, then change something and submit 
  again. In the meantime, their original query is still executing on the 
  server-side. Sure..Orion throws an exception when it tries to send the 
  response back and the connection to the browser is gone. But I am wondering if 
  there is any way at all to just kill that particular request. there 
  some way the app server or web server can send pings every say, 100ms to the 
  browser to make sure its connection is still alive..and if not, just kill the 
  request in some manner. Perhaps by having a special interface that an 
  application can implement, so that a particular method can be called if the 
  server detects that the connection to the browser is dead before the response 
  has gone back. In this way, that method call can get ahold of the session, and 
  perhaps get ahold of a connection being used, close it, 
  Ofcourse, you can use some client-side javascript to 
  "disable" a button after its been clicked. We have done this, and we also 
  inserted a "transition" page in particular areas where long queries might 
  occur. In this case, the user sees an animated gif and a message that tells 
  them not to hit stop or back.'re still going to get those users 
  that do this. My personal opinion is that if they call in, we tell them they 
  are stupid, they should unplug their computer and quit their job because they 
  can't follow instructions. Ofcourse..that wont fly, especially if they are a 
  big money client. Besides, its ethically wrong to screw your clients over. 
  one possible idea I have had is to do the following. Each user has a session 
  when they log in. Upon any request, a "flag" is set in the session of that 
  user, indicating a transaction is starting. If the user hits STOP, then 
  submits while that transaction is still going on, the server will see the flag 
  is set, and send back a response indicating that a transaction is currently 
  happening and they have to wait for it to be done before another submit can 
  occur. There is a plus side to prevents any user to doing more than 
  one thing. The down side is, it is possible using the File - New - 
  Window to open up another window with the same cookie/sessionID and the user 
  could actually go to a different module and do MORE work at the same time. 
  This would allow, for example a large query to be performing in one module and 
  they could go do some work in another module. My method of a flag would 
  prevent this type of multiple-module capability. The solution, ofcourse is to 
  allow one flag per module, thus only one transaction per module could be 
  performed, which is what I intend to implement to at least keep the user 
  experience at a satisfactory level while preventing tons of form submissions 
  from inundating the server.
  anyone had this experience and resolve it in some manner?

RE: Ayuda

2001-08-13 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Title: Ayuda

que ir a, ir a 
mailing list, ingresar tu email y presionar el botón 



  -Original Message-From: "Rodriguez Muñoz, Rosana" 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Viernes, 10 de Agosto de 
  2001 2:37To: Orion-InterestSubject: 
  Hola atod@s, 
  necesito que alguien me explique como borrarme de 
  esta lista de distribución. Lo he intentado varias veces y me ha sido 
  Muchísimas gracias a tod@s. 
  Rosana Rodríguez Muñoz
  Outsourcing Multisectorial
  Pº Mikeletegi, 5. 20009 San Sebastián 
  Phone: (+34) 943 413500 - Fax: (+34) 
  943 426393

RE: Transaction question

2001-07-26 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Bottom line... you can't do that. J2EE doesn't support nested transactions.
However, this may work in orion. for info on the descriptors, check out
Sun's EJB spec and orion documentation and DTD's. This is a rough draft of
how it would have to look like:

  descriptionTransaction-handling for the 
  descriptionTransaction-handling for the 

therefore, all methods are marked as 'Required' but [YOUR_METHOD_HERE],
which is marked as 'RequiresNew'
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 24 de Julio de 2001 4:47
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Transaction question
 I don't know how to configure the following transaction 
 scenario with CMP.
 Please some help or maybe a little example:
 I have two bean methods: A and B.
 A calls B and I want that when B throws a RemoteException 
 that A intercepts,
 that B performs a rollback and A not !
 I know how to do that in the code (I think): A just catches the
 remoteException of B and doesn't throw it outside his method.
 However how do I configure this in the xml file ??
 I now have the following in my ejb-jar.xml, which mean that 
 all the methods
 execute in the same transaction:
  descriptionTransaction-handling for the 
 As far as I understand it, I have to configure that method B has
 RequiresNew set, but how do I configure this in the xml 
 file, such that the
 rest still use Required ??
 And is this the correct way to do it ??
 Please some help as I can't find anything on the Internet 

RE: increasing JVM's memory limit

2001-07-26 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

I'm sorry... but... Are you really Bill Clinton? I need help with my

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Clinton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 26 de Julio de 2001 11:47
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: increasing JVM's memory limit
 hm,  the answer to your question has been answered 
 repeatedly in the 
 last few days.  Most recently, it was answered in a post 
 submitted less 
 than an hour before yours
 Check out the thread entitled Re: Orion Performance Testing
 Peter Peltonen wrote:
  With jserv I can configure the maximum memory that the JVM 
 can use with this
  kind of line in file:
  How do I achieve the same with Orion?

RE: communication among ejbs in different applications

2001-07-10 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

this is what I have in mind


If ejb-link's are defined correctly, everything should work (works for me)

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 10 de Julio de 2001 18:05
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications
 Hi, Juan:
 Thank for your help.
 In fact, recently, we tested several combinations of App a and App b.
 ( Becasue the parent attribute is only for Orion, we gave it 
 up.) And, also
 we tested the context solution by using JNDI.
 The results are :
 Senario 1:
 If we put the appA.jar in the classPath of appB, and put the 
 appB.jar in the
 classpath of appA, we can pass the compiling sucessfully, but 
 got Class not
 defined error when we tried to initialize a context in one 
 EJB in App A to
 look up the EJB in App B;
 If we forced the App A to jar with App B, so the appA-ejb.jar 
 file contains
 both App A classes and App B classes. In this way, we did see 
 the all ejbs
 in App B via context, but when we cast it, we got CastException error
 Still the old question, can we make this kind call?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
 Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 2:20 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications
 first, let's get one thing out of the way:
 'parent' attribute is a JNDI facility, no more, no less.
 there still are separate containers for each app (this may 
 not be useful
 in all apps, specially since transactions may not function as 
 it allows for JNDI properties to propagate BOTH ways (they 
 always propagate
 from father to son, default father being the default-app)
 Now, this is where I was aiming to:
 have apps A, B deployed; do not use parent attribute.
 connect A  B apps using JNDI parameterized contexts (see 
 connecting from
 applet, application in
 Pray for correct transaction enroling/2PC.
 Juan Pablo
 PS: Are you sure these errors you get are provoked by each 
 App correctly
 'seeing' the other?
 the dump looks like a bug in orion's JMS implementation
  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Lunes, 09 de Julio de 2001 13:47
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications
  Thank you for your suggestion.
  Do you think this kind of calls will violate any J2EE specs?
  I mean that one
  ejb in parent  application should have one container, and the
  ejbs in child
  app should have thire own container. So, the question: does
  this kind call
  violate any container specs?
  It's pretty interesting, in one ejb of the parent app, when a
  new context
  initialized, I already saw the all ejbs in child app, but 
 if I try to
  instance one of them, the ejb got removed, and the server
  complained that
  the class is not defined, although, I put the .jar file
  including all class
  in the classpath and import the ejb's remote and home
  interface also.  The
  error is following:
  The lookup is=com.evermind.naming.MapNamingEnumeration@28c19b
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.commerce.ejb.CommerceService
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.attachments.ejb.AttachmentService
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.product.ejb.ProductService
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.user.ejb.UserService
  the Name is
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.deliveryorder.ejb.DeliveryOrderService
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.mlcaller.ejb.MLCaller
  the Name is =java:comp
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.subscriber.ejb.SubscriberService
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.object.ejb.ObjectService
  the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.permissions.ejb.PermissionService
  the  ref object is
  Call MLQListenerBean.ejbRemove()
  MsgReceiverStartup.onMessage: RemoteException was thrown
  com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Transaction was
  rolled back:
  lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.qmarkets.mas.user.ejb.UserServiceHome
  Nested exception is:

RE: communication among ejbs in different applications

2001-07-09 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

first, let's get one thing out of the way:

'parent' attribute is a JNDI facility, no more, no less.

there still are separate containers for each app (this may not be useful
in all apps, specially since transactions may not function as expected)
it allows for JNDI properties to propagate BOTH ways (they always propagate
from father to son, default father being the default-app)

Now, this is where I was aiming to:

have apps A, B deployed; do not use parent attribute.

connect A  B apps using JNDI parameterized contexts (see connecting from
applet, application in

Pray for correct transaction enroling/2PC.

Juan Pablo

PS: Are you sure these errors you get are provoked by each App correctly
'seeing' the other?
the dump looks like a bug in orion's JMS implementation

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Lunes, 09 de Julio de 2001 13:47
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications
 Thank you for your suggestion.
 Do you think this kind of calls will violate any J2EE specs? 
 I mean that one
 ejb in parent  application should have one container, and the 
 ejbs in child
 app should have thire own container. So, the question: does 
 this kind call
 violate any container specs?
 It's pretty interesting, in one ejb of the parent app, when a 
 new context
 initialized, I already saw the all ejbs in child app, but if I try to
 instance one of them, the ejb got removed, and the server 
 complained that
 the class is not defined, although, I put the .jar file 
 including all class
 in the classpath and import the ejb's remote and home 
 interface also.  The
 error is following:
 The lookup is=com.evermind.naming.MapNamingEnumeration@28c19b
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.commerce.ejb.CommerceService
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.attachments.ejb.AttachmentService
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.product.ejb.ProductService
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.user.ejb.UserService
 the Name is
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.deliveryorder.ejb.DeliveryOrderService
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.mlcaller.ejb.MLCaller
 the Name is =java:comp
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.subscriber.ejb.SubscriberService
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.object.ejb.ObjectService
 the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.permissions.ejb.PermissionService
 the  ref object is
 Call MLQListenerBean.ejbRemove()
 MsgReceiverStartup.onMessage: RemoteException was thrown
 com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Transaction was 
 rolled back:
 lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.qmarkets.mas.user.ejb.UserServiceHome
 Nested exception is:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
 Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 12:43 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications
 Robert, the parent attribute is only available in Orion AFAIK.
 All you need is to setup wire protocols properly. Most are 
 RMI based (like
 JRMP), and also, each app server uses its own (ORMI, for instance).
 Similary, IIOP may be available.
  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Viernes, 06 de Julio de 2001 13:43
  Subject: communication among ejbs in different applications
  Is there anybody had the experience to use EJB A in App 1 to
  call EJB B in App 2, as long as EJB C in App 2 to call EJB D
  in App 1. The half of the solution is to use the parent
  attribute in application tag ( one-way

RE: communication among ejbs in different applications

2001-07-06 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Robert, the parent attribute is only available in Orion AFAIK.

All you need is to setup wire protocols properly. Most are RMI based (like
JRMP), and also, each app server uses its own (ORMI, for instance).
Similary, IIOP may be available.



 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 06 de Julio de 2001 13:43
 Subject: communication among ejbs in different applications
 Is there anybody had the experience to use EJB A in App 1 to 
 call EJB B in App 2, as long as EJB C in App 2 to call EJB D 
 in App 1. The half of the solution is to use the parent 
 attribute in application tag ( one-way), but I also need 
 another half to form a two-way communication.
 I tried to parent each other, but failed. I tried to use RMI, 
 but it did not work either.
 Any suggestion will be highly appreciated!
 Have a nice weekend!
 Robert Ren
 To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
 include in the body
 of the message signoff EJB-INTEREST.  For general help, 
 send email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message help.
 For your protection, this e-mail message has been scanned for Viruses.
 Visit us at

RE: Data source for Sybase with Jconnect 5.2

2001-07-04 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


connection-retry-interval=3 /

sample of use:

java.sql.Connection conn=null;
try {
javax.naming.Context ic = new javax.naming.InitialContext();

javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource)

//acquire conn
if (conn==null) conn = ds.getConnection();

//use connection
} catch (Exception e) {
//handle error
} finally {
//close conn
if (conn!=null) conn.close();
conn = null;

The try-catch-finally is there to ensure errors don't leave connections
hanging loose(they would not be returned to the pool, but finally fail due
to timeout)



 -Original Message-
 From: Boris Erukhimov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Miércoles, 04 de Julio de 2001 3:51
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Data source for Sybase with Jconnect 5.2
 I'm trying to ask it second time.
 Does anyone use Jconnect 5.2 ?
 If so could you please share your data-source.xml and access code.
 I'm particularly interested to see how pooled-location works, not

RE: Simple Clustering Question

2001-06-09 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

you need a switch which has multicast enabled; (most ethernet switchs have
this capability, some just don't have it enabled)

 -Original Message-
 From: Oisin Kim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sábado, 09 de Junio de 2001 10:11
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Simple Clustering Question
 I've spent the last while trying to get clustering to work 
 with orion server 
 1.5.2 without success. First I tried to follow the instructions at 
 http-clustering-howto.html from the documentation, it said:
 Setting up the server
 1. Install orion and start it.
 2. Edit the 
 file and add:
 cluster-config /
 3. Repeat 1 and 2 for another (or more) box(es).
 But when I tried to connect to the server, the server let me 
 know that the 
 file /orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/web.xml hadn't got the tag 
 distributable/ in it.
 I then added this tag to all servers 
 file in the cluster, and tried again, this time they actually ran the 
 SessionServlet but as if they were being run individually, 
 i.e. the session 
 wasn't shared as it was supposed to be, I did remember to append 
 to it and tried both leaving the angle brackets in and out.
 I know I must be doing some thing wrong but I can't find it, 
 I'd really 
 appreciate some help.
 I noticed in the http-clustering.html that in the clustering 
 it mentions the 
 default for multicast host/ip to transmit and receive cluster 
 data on is, port number 9127, does this mean I have to have a 
 network card 
 listening on this IP/port?
 What exactly is a network with operational multicast 
 facilities, is plain 
 100Mbs ethernet running on linux OK?

RE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError;

2001-06-08 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


 -Original Message-
 From: Puthezhath, Rajeev (TWII Boston) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 08 de Junio de 2001 14:42
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError; 
 Hi ,
   We get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError; on production server 
 know this problem was discussed in this list before. I 
 implemented all the
 sugestions in this mailing list but still the error keeps on 
 coming .I would
 like to know the following
   1) As an answer to the above mentioned problem I saw a 
 sugestion in
 this mailing list to limit the # of instances by adding max-instances
 attribute to orion-ejb-jar.xml which would force orion to 
 passivate less
 used beans.I downloaded orion 1.5.2 and set the same.But observed that
 passivation is never called. Is there a way to make sure that orion
 passivates beans  which are not used .
   2) Some people have mentioned increasing the memory. 
 Has any body
 tried this solution and i would like to know whether the problem got
 solved.How can I increase the memory ?

first, by hardware (buy some chips), secondly, by specifying a
minimun/maximun heap size of the JVM when you invoke it
these are the ones I use (W2K, Sun's JVM 1.3.0)

-Xms128m (minimun heap size 128 MB)
-Xmx320m (maximun heap size 320 MB)

   3)Has anybody solved this problem ?

No. There´s always a limit to the amount of memory available on any given
system ;-)
Let's hope that(buggy orion code) gets fixed soon- don't forget to cast your
vote on Bugzilla, that is, if vote casting is finally enabled

 Any sugestions
 Thanks in advance

RE: proxying orion with IIS or iPlanet Web Server

2001-05-31 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

again, you could build your own ISAPI filter

  -Original Message-From: Lachezar Dobrev 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Miércoles, 30 de Mayo de 2001 
  6:36To: Orion-InterestSubject: Re: proxying orion with 
  IIS or iPlanet Web Server
   Apache is better connected to 
  Tomcat... Faster, and there is no need for those... URL rewrites and so on... 
  Also... I can have the users authenticated at the apache side. I get the 
  username and security things from the apache directly.
   Quite handy you know... Orion is 
  not so good at handling Apache requests. and if you plan to use prive IPs 
  (like having Apache run on the firewall machine...) than you'll be very 
  sorry... Like I was, because there is a SIGNIFICANT delay while Apache servers 
  the requests, I'm not sure why. I guess it's something to do with the DNS 
  resolving... However... Having Win2k as a firewall/router/Apache server is not 
  the best solution... Believe me. If it was to me... I'll get a SlackWare to do 
  the server job... But it's not up to me... :(
   Tomcat uses some different 
  protocol to serve requests to Apache (APJ). Well... You can still use Tomcat 
  as HTTP request server, but... Better not :) same goes to Orion.
   May the shade of the tree 
  strengthen you.
   Sincerely yours: 
- Original Message - 
Patrik Andersson 
To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 10:32 
Subject: SV: proxying orion with IIS or 
iPlanet Web Server

Just for the sake of asking,

why do you have tomcat serving jsp/servlets and orion serving ejbs if 
they're both running on the same machine? For me, that sounds like asking 
for extra maintenance trouble. And another thing, from having one "single 
point of failure" you now have 3. If either one if these three applications 
decide to call it a day your whole application dies and that goes for having 
two machines running different software aswell. Why not use two or three 
machines all running orion and having them split the workload by clustering 


  -Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: Lachezar Dobrev 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 30 maj 2001 
  08:50Till: Orion-InterestÄmne: Re: proxying orion 
  with IIS or iPlanet Web Server
   Got a reply for you 
   I use Apache as a front-end 
  server. I use Orion to store my EJBs, and I use Jakarta-Tomcat to deploy 
  servlets and JSPs. Just put the Tomcat and Orion on one and the same 
  machine, start tomcat with a classpath, that includes the jars of the 
  Orion server. Put a file somewhere (probably the 
  web-inf/classes directory) and specify the jndi properties as for a remote 
  application user pass
   Than you can safely read the 
  Apache-Tomcat connectivity issues.
   I have used this with IAS 
  instead of orion also. It worked.
   Apache and Tomcat are 
  "cheaper" than other web servers :)
   May the shade of the tree 
  strengthen you.
  - Original Message - 
  From: "Andrew Diederich" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 12:46 
  Subject: RE: proxying orion with IIS or 
  iPlanet Web Server
   I was afraid of that -- ISA is a minimum of 
  $1,500. An expense for the free webserver. I'll look 
  into, iWS, but since iPlanet sells a proxy server, too, I bet 
  their webserver won't do it be default, either. Ah, 
  well.   Does this mean folks using Orion on NT/Win2k 
  put Orion in their DMZ?  -- Andrew 
   -Original Message- From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 
  13:40 To: Orion-Interest Subject: RE: proxying orion with 
  IIS or iPlanet Web Server   Dig into ISA server, 
  It's the M$ reversed proxy solution. Or else, go into the ISAPI 
  filter world (best of luck)  JP  

RE: bugs in @page extends=.... in Orion implementation?

2001-05-29 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

I believe this could be better modeled differently, because it leaves no
room for the web server to implement its callbacks and java doesn't support
multiple inheritance.

 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 29 de Mayo de 2001 3:01
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: bugs in @page extends= in Orion implementation?
 Well, can anyone confirm that JSP pages can extend your own 
 class when using
 Orion??? Or has noone been able to use @page extends?
 I see many good reasons for implementing your own super class 
 for your JSP
 pages. For instance, such a superclass could do logging of all client
 activities or it could do security checking.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert
 Sent: 25. maj 2001 21:15
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: bugs in @page extends= in Orion implementation?
 It's doing you a favour.Please elaborate on why you want to extend
 that class.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
 Jiuyun Wang
  Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 9:20 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: bugs in @page extends= in Orion implementation?
  It doesnot work, not matter which one (servlet/jspbase) I extends my
  jsp, orion jsp compiler just don't support extends
   It looks like your page should extend servlet and not jsppage.
   Just change JSPBase to extend servlet (and make the required
   I haven't read the spec, but I imagine that extending
   OrionHttpJspPage is proprietary, and would not be part of 
 the spec.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/23/01 05:42am 
   I create a class called JSPBase class which extends 
   and I put the @ page extends=packagename.JSPBase in 
 my JSP file.
   however, orion give the following error:
Superclass of the JSP page does not implement 
 Servlet, invalid
   extends attribute.
   Does orion implement @page extends correctly?
   Any clarification?
   Do You Yahoo!?
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  Jiuyun Wang   M.Sc. of Computer Sciences
  Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
  IBM Certified Solution  Enterprise Developer
  Phone: 919-696-0419(cel)
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

RE: Serious problem with Orion transaction processing: multiple c onnecti

2001-05-28 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

This is most likely caused by Orion not recognizing transaction affinity.
CMP connections are taken from ejb-location, and the other connections
you're using are from either the non transactional pool (location) or XA
(xa-location). These pools are unaware of each other. Also, TX affinity is
handled on a per thread basis, so issuing JDBC commands directly from the
Web Server won't enrole these within the same transaction as the ones fired
from the app-server. Eduardo, if you can ellaborate further, we can provide
more assistance (and gain some know how in the process ;-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Andre Vanha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 25 de Mayo de 2001 14:15
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Serious problem with Orion transaction 
 processing: multiple
 c onnecti
 Interesting problem.  It could be that there is a bug in 
 orion, but since
 this problem is so likely to happen anytime you use multiple 
 connections I
 would suspect the problem was taken care of.
 A couple of hints:
 From which context are you executing your JDBC calls?  
 Servlet or EJB?  How
 are you retrieving the connection?  Dirver Manager or JNDI?  
 You should be
 using JNDI, and if you are,  you should be using the 
 EJBPooled location, to
 ensure transactional integrity with CMP transactions.  Also if you are
 executing JDBC calls from EJB, you should be defining and 
 using a resource
 reference in your assembly descriptor.
 -Original Message-
 From: Eduardo Estefano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 9:49 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Orion-Interest (E-mail)
 Subject: SV: Serious problem with Orion transaction 
 processing: multiple
 c onnecti
 Using 1.4.5 with Oracle 8i and jdk1.3.1
 The problem we are finding is that when orion starts a 
 transaction, it does
 not necessarily executes all DB commands within the same database
 The end result is a deadlock in the database.
 I'm having a problem executing a delete command that does a 
 delete on child
 tables using JDBC and finally, a delete in the parent table using
 I tested the code two ways. 
 The first, with no constraints on the database and the delete 
 works fine.
 The second, with foreign key constraings, causes a deadlock, where the
 parent delete is waiting on the child deletes to commit. But 
 this commit
 will not happen until the parent is deleted.
 I was able to duplicate the problem manually, opening two 
 connections to the
 database and issuing SQL statements. Off course, if I was doing this
 manually, I would put both statements in the same transaction.
 Here are my questions now:
 - Is it not allowed in EJB to mix JDBC and CMP Entity calls in the
 same transaction?

RE: proxying orion with IIS or iPlanet Web Server

2001-05-28 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Dig into ISA server, It's the M$ reversed proxy solution. Or else, go into
the ISAPI filter world (best of luck)


 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Diederich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 25 de Mayo de 2001 16:37
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: proxying orion with IIS or iPlanet Web Server
 I've been able to make proxying work with apache, but I 
 wanted to know if
 you could do the same thing with either IIS or iWS 4.1.  I was fooling
 around with redirects in IIS, but they seem to be truly 
 redirects, and not
 proxy passthroughs.  Has anyone accomplished this successfully?
 Andrew Diederich

RE: Orion 1.5.0? Where do you download it from?

2001-05-23 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

anyway, you can download the latest orion.jar from

 -Original Message-
 From: Ganasen Gounden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Miércoles, 23 de Mayo de 2001 7:59
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Orion 1.5.0? Where do you download it from?
 Thanks for all many response. What a great community!!!
 Unfortunately for me  java -jar autoupdate.jar does not 
 work because I am behind a firewall. says that if you're behind a proxy, as many 
 users are, you'll need to specify some extra parameters, as so:
 java -DproxyHost=[proxy name] -DproxyPort=[proxy port] -jar 
 My firewall address in ie5.5 is http://firewall:8000/proxy.pac.
 However I am not quite sure of how to specify the [proxname] 
 and [proxy port]. 
 I tried a few commands as follows but failed.
 java -DproxyHost=http://firewall:8000/proxy.pac  
 -DproxyPort=8000 -jar autoupdate.jar
 java -DproxyHost=[http://firewall:8000/proxy.pac]  
 -DproxyPort=[8000] -jar autoupdate.jar
 java -DproxyHost=[http://firewall:8000/proxy.pac]  
 -DproxyPort=[80] -jar autoupdate.jar
 java -DproxyHost=http:firewall  -DproxyPort=8000 -jar autoupdate.jar
 java -DproxyHost=firewall  -DproxyPort=80 -jar autoupdate.jar
 Could someone please give me the correct format.
 Many thanks
 Gan Gounden
 City of Cape Town
 Ph (021) 400-2174
 Fax (021) 425-1096
 Cell 083-63-59-268
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 the sender and delete the message

RE: PetStore - Session State in a Cluster

2001-05-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

FACT: Orion's HTTP clustering won't work unless the web site is

also, session replication in orion(at least, 1.4.7, which is the version
I've used) does survive well server crashes, but not server restarts. I'll

Environment with a redirector (R) and two orion boxes (A  B)

session values are replicated.

server B goes down

server A performs (session values are used)

server B goes live again

sessions on server A aren't replicated in server B. However, any attributes
set in A(setAttribute() ), will be replicated to B in realtime.

So, there's an amount of time, when crashed servers go back online, in which
they have partial or no session status replication. This is observable when
using any tipe of redirector, either software(LoadBalancer) or
hardware(Cisco Redirector, Foundry Iron). This could be solved(not easily
tough) with a synchronization instance in which server B should get a the
bulk of all session state in server A, then proceed normally.

Along this line, but diverting, the logged user is replicated only when the
user logs in, so sessions in B after the restart have no identity
information, which will eventually trigger a login page to be displayed.
These issues tend to get worse as the island size(box count) increases.

Orion does have a HTTPSessionManager interface exposed as public. It allows
Orion to implement a 'normal' HTTPSession and a ClusteredHTTPSession
transparently, and is used internally when some attributes are on appropiate
xml files (ref: cluster/); I'd wish there was a tag on
orion-application.xml that could allow a personalized class which implements
HTTPSessionManager to be used, a la UserManager, so some of these problems
(and others that arise with mixed sites that use non secure and secure
portions) could be worked around without giving up many of orion's session
managing abilities(URL rewriting, Management of sessions with the console
and so on)

My 2c,


PS: I'm forwarding this to Karl to be entered in the wishlist.

 -Original Message-
 From: Marcel Schutte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Lunes, 21 de Mayo de 2001 5:48
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: PetStore - Session State in a Cluster
 My guess is you stumbled upon a mismatch between the servlet and jsp
 specifications: a container needs some way to decide when to 
 replicate a
 session to a cluster. In Orion and Weblogic this is done when
 session.setAttribute() is called. This works fine for things like the
 In jsp's with the jsp:useBean ... scope=session tag, 
 setAttribute is
 only called upon creation of the bean class. Modifications to 
 the session
 state are done through calls on the bean class. This doesn't 
 trigger session
 replication because the container doesn't know about the change.
  I have the (J2EE Blueprint) PetStore application clustered on
  two Orion
  instances running on the same machine.
  When I connect through the LoadBalancer, I can see my session
  state get
  replicated across the two nodes. When I kill the primary
  node, the load
  balancer automatically connects me to the secondary node 
 and takes me
  through the rest of the shopping cart experience, however any
  items I had in
  my cart (ie. Session state!) aren't there anymore.
  I know that for clustering to work, objects should be
  Serializable AND
  placed in the session/servlet context for it to be
  replicated.  So my *real*
  questions are:
  1) I haven't dived into the PetStore code - but is this a
  design issue with
  the PetStore or do I need some configuration pointers?
  2) Has ANYBODY got PetStore working properly in a Clustered
  where you can kill the primary server and continue shopping
  (with your
  existing cart) on the secondary node?
  My Environment:Win2K, JDK 1.3, PetStore 1.1.2, Orion 1.4.5
  NB: The SessionServlet example works FINE for me.  When the
  primary goes
  down, the secondary node picks up with the same counter
  number as before the
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...

2001-04-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

As noted in previous posts, You wouldn't need to make a lot of what you

The User field of HTTPSessions is undocumented BECAUSE it should(as per the
spec) be transparent.

Orion usually creates a session implicitly, that is, a session exists even
if you still haven't authenticated. However, resource constraints require
authentication, and that auth is stored for convenience reasons into HTTP

SOAP is really a good option. Apache's SOAP is based on soap4j, originally
made in IBM by the same guy that did XML-RPC; Don Box, the ultimate COM
evangelizer is behind it, it is a IETF controlled protocol (so there's less
vendor lockout liability than with J2EE itself, as it's all the time under
Sun's control). Anyway, I'd go for it if services to be provided are really
complicated (number of services and parameters in them), and, SOAP or not,
you'd be better off constructing some proof of concept samples. 

Here's what I'd do:

1. A initiate.jsp with two purposes:
a. Obtain a session id
b. Set a user's identity

(a) is accomplished by orion automatically. In every JSP page, there's a
'session' variable wich holds a javax.servlet.http.HTTPSession instance (it
may be an simple implementation or a clustered one, with all of orion's http
session clustering features built in)
(b) is accomplished by using RoleManager.login(username, password) method

sample of invocation:


GET /[YOURAPPPATHHERE]/initiate.jsp?username=JPLorandipassword=rambalanga

on the response header you'd get a cookie(it wouldn't disable them)

Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=JGASDHUIGSAIAIHBH (or something along these lines)

from here on, every request posted should either

(a) contain on its header a cookie field:

(b) be URL rewritted (postfix to the URL):

No need to set form auth, but even if you want to do it, just leave
initiate.jsp unprotected(i.e.: not in any resource collection), both
(browser based form auth  VB client auth) will work just fine.

I hope this, altough may not solve Alex's at-hand problem, will help
someone. I sure would have liked someone gave this explanation to me instead
of having to decompile all orion to find out how the GHU"$%"@ it works.



 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Paransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 4:47 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...
 I belive we *are* using Orion/J2EE sessions.  We are not 
 doing any of our
 own session management stuff. All our HTTP session is done 
 through standard
 J2EE interfaces.
 You mentioned that there is a field in the HTTPSession that 
 we can set to
 tell Orion what user is using this session?  Is this 
 documented anywhere on
 the Orion site?  If not, can you give a little more detail on 
 this field.
 What type of object should be stored into this attribute.  As 
 I understand
 it, after an object is stored into this "user" attribute in 
 the session,
 Orion will use a UserManager to validate and retrieve group/rights
 information about this user for every HTTP call. So all I 
 would have to do
 then, is write my own custom, UserManager and tell Orion to use it.
 Thanks for your help, I think I am getting closer, here is 
 what I plan to
 1. Create a specific login .JSP page which will:
a. validate the user
b. create a session
c. configure the "user" attribute to the user object
d. return session id to the client
 2. Client passes the session id on every call as a part of the url
 Again, the only part of the above which I am not sure about is 1c...
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
 Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 11:26 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...
 Alex, I have a few questions and comments,
 1. Which HTTPSession are you using? Orion's or your own? I recommend
 Orion's, tough one on the developments here uses a home-brewn session
 management. This forces us to include a few lines of code 
 (with a taglib) in
 almost every page. Also, this renders Orion's J2EE security 
 useless (Orion's
 HTTPSession has a User field where it stores either null (not 
 or a User reference to know the session Identity.
 2. How are you authenticating a user? I presume you aren't 
 right now. I
 would go with this:
   a. A Custom UserManager(for DB persistence, kinda like
 DataSourceUserManager, but yours)
   b. No custom SessionManager. (Orion has this declared 
 as a public
 interface, but has no means to know which is the desired 
 pity, session management,URL rewriting, and session + auth 

RE: Usage of the Service console...

2001-04-16 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

I use the console for remote monitoring, and shutdown.
I also use the console to remote monitoring of sessions. DB support is now
available (I'm using Orion 1.4.7) so I touch records if needed. Editing user
profiles is built in, also, but relatively buggy. It's helpful, if you don't
get your hopes too high.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 1:32 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Usage of the Service console...
 My advice is to ignore all the GUI tools that come with Orion 
 and stick
 to Ant as a build-and-deploy tool.
 It is my strong suspicion that nobody is using, testing, or actively
 developing the GUI tools.  It is my personal opinion 
 (probably shared by
 many on this list) that this is a good thing.  I would rather see the
 Orion team's limited resources focused on the server core.
 Not that I think pretty GUI tools don't have a place, but there really
 is no limit to the amount of time one can sink into getting a GUI app
 working properly.  Ant works just fine.
 -Original Message-
 From: Chaya Ramanujam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:10 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Usage of the Service console...
 I've been playing with the Service console.  It took me way 
 longer to 
 create, install and deploy a J2ee app using the console than 
 it did when I 
 did everything myself on the command line (creating the directory 
 structures, creating very simple deployment descriptors, 
 creating the jar 
 and war files and finally editing the server.xml and 
 I know the console is said to be "alpha" quality - but was 
 just curious - is 
 any one out there using the console on a regular basis?  Do 
 you find it 
 really useful?  In what scenarios do you find this more 
 useful - while 
 creating and deploying apps or for monitoring or for 
 redeploying apps?
 There seems to be a great deal of functionality in the 
 console, however the 
 lack of documentation/help is a big drawback.
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...

2001-04-16 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Alex, I have a few questions and comments,

1. Which HTTPSession are you using? Orion's or your own? I recommend
Orion's, tough one on the developments here uses a home-brewn session
management. This forces us to include a few lines of code (with a taglib) in
almost every page. Also, this renders Orion's J2EE security useless (Orion's
HTTPSession has a User field where it stores either null (not authenticated)
or a User reference to know the session Identity.
2. How are you authenticating a user? I presume you aren't right now. I
would go with this:

a. A Custom UserManager(for DB persistence, kinda like
DataSourceUserManager, but yours)
b. No custom SessionManager. (Orion has this declared as a public
interface, but has no means to know which is the desired implementation;
pity, session management,URL rewriting, and session + auth integration is
not complaint to standards but purely propietary)
c. a custom login action jsp/servlet. It takes username and password
paramters and returns a session ID; this might be a cookie or URL rewriting
(you can disable cookies in orion-web.xml)
d. every new call has either a cookie field set on the HTTP header
or a URL rewrite in the form of:

That's it.

3. Are the client and the server in a LAN? Why not using JIntegra, J2EE CAS
or SOAP4j + SOAP Toolkit to integrate them?

I think basically your problem is that your HTTP Session is propietary and
not seamlessly integrated with Orion. All we all would need to implement a
SessionManager of our own without recompiling Orion is a SessionManager tag
much like the UserManager tag in orion-application.xml. Then whenever a
custom SessionManager is needed(in our case, to share sessions between Orion
and IIS) would benefit of many neat things orion does, such as automatic URL
rewriting, transparent session management(the session object available in
JSP) and declarative security, to name a few.

My 2c,


 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Paransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 1:03 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...
 Here is the problem that I am not sure how to really fix.
 Our EJB application is wrapped with a number of "command" 
 URL's which return
 XML results.  For example:
 http://localhost/getAccountInformation.jsp?account=2234 would 
 return an XML
 representation of an account.  An
 . would add a
 user to a particular account.  A Visual Basic client, then uses these
 "command" URLs and resulting XML to present a user interface.
 Given the above scenario, what would be your recommendation for
 authenticating the user starting right after I accept the 
 user/password from
 the VB form (I don't much care for VB specifics, just the 
 part which deals
 with EJB/JSP/J2EE security).
 After accepting user authentication information from a VB dialog, what
 should I do next.  How do I get this information "registered" 
 with Orion or
 any j2ee application server so that the deployment descriptor 
 works correctly.
 Is this the way J2EE security was meant to be used.  A non super-user
 account, cannot execute a setSuperuser(boolean) function on 
 the User bean.
 Is this how I should be controlling this?  Is this the proper 
 method?  I was
 reading the J2EE EJB spec which states that coding security 
 should be the
 last resort.
 I am not clear on how to execute the above scenario.
 Thanks to all the people who have already posted in regards 
 to this issue.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
 Jeff Schnitzer
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 10:09 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...
 I suggest using an MVC (aka "Model 2") approach, separating your view
 from your controller.  One of the controller's responsibilities can be
 to check for authentication and provide to the user either 
 the requested
 page or the login page.
 If you use a dispatcher-servlet-action framework for your controller,
 you typically will only need to put the authentication 
 checking code in
 a base action class from which all protected action classes 
 derive.  If
 you use JSPs as controllers you'll need some sort of code in every one
 (you can use @include for this).
 You will be much happer if you use an MVC appraoch, trust me. 
  The J2EE
 automatic form-based authentication is very crude and fails to
 accomodate simple use cases like automatically logging in new users.
 You might want to look at WebWork:
 BTW, if you use the Orion UserManager (and RoleManager), you 
 should not
 do your own database lookup.  Calling RoleManager.login() 
 causes methods
 to be called on 

RE: Friendly error messages from Microsoft get in the way (was Error pages defined in web.xml not found / activated)

2001-04-02 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

the error code is sent on the very first line of the response header-- and
orion doesn't allow you to control that

 -Original Message-
 From: Frank Eggink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 3:56 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Friendly error messages from Microsoft get in the way (was
 Error pages defined in web.xml not found / activated)
 Well ...
 How can you spend your weekend?!?
 The problem I described looks to be caused by wat's called 
 'friendly error 
 messages' from the Internet Explorer. All runs fine with Netscape. 
 Microsoft replaces standard 404 'can not find page' errors 
 with their own 
 page, which is considered (by them) to be more user friendly.
 Still I do not understand how the Explorer gets the 
 information there is a 
 404 error. Could this be somewhat less wanted feature of 
 Orion? I certainly 
 would like to have control over this error message.
 On Friday, March 30, 2001 5:48 PM, Frank Eggink 
  I'm having a problem. I have defined error pages in my web.xml
  I've defined:
  Now I expect to see the error page when I request a non 
 existing page 
  http://localhost/my-app/non-existing-page.html, which does 
 not happen. 
  obviously overlooking something, but what??
  [When I define the error page in a jsp page with %@
  errorpage=/errors/error404.jsp % it does work. So it can 
 find the page,
  which gives me the impression I've setup something wrong. What??
  Frank Eggink
  Swift Applications
  +31 6 28847325 (voice)
  +31 33 4532464 (fax)

RE: Paged search results

2001-03-29 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

With all browsers, session cookies are usually shared within a OS process

The default IE behavior is to share the process whenver new windows are
opened with CTRL-N. If you execute a shortcut to IE, it will open a window
attached to a different process.

Netscape 4.x in both Windows and Linux always runs different windows within
the same process. Changing this behavior needs a rebuild in Linux. I don't
know how Netscape 6 behaves.

Opera is a MDI application, and also, session cookies are always shared
within an Opera instance.

Corollary: If a user logs off in a browser window, he'll be logged off in
(practically) every other browser window.

P.S. : this stands only for FORM based auth. Basic Auth is sent by the
browser as needed and doesn't require http session capabilities on the
server side.

 -Original Message-
 From: Trevor Squires [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 12:49 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Paged search results
 On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Gary Shea wrote:
  It seems to me that if you have multiple browsers open and they're
  sharing an application like Netscape does, they will all have the
  same session unless you're using URL rewriting.  My experience with
  Netscape and Konqueror (sorry I don't know anything about IE) is
  that once a cookie is established on any one browser, all the rest
  will begin submitting it.  As a result, if you're using cookie-based
  sessions, then your browsers are all in the same session.  If you're
  using URL rewriting they'll all have independent sessions.
 In IE (perhaps only on NT, dunno) you can configure it so 
 that all browser
 windows are in a separate process space.  This means that 
 cookies are *not* shared between windows AFAIK.

RE: Who's wrong?

2001-03-28 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


% is the jsp literal, it shows an expression; if it ends with a semicolon 
(";"), then it is a statement



  -Original Message-From: Ing. Nicola Folino 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 
  12:19 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Who's 
  Orion don't agree on this line of code in a jsp 
  The semicolon is an error? But JRun accepts it! 
  Who's wrong?

RE: Removing SBs when expiring HttpSessions ... the challenge continues.

2001-03-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Just a tought: impersonate a role within the SB's method remove instead of
reliying on interactive login:

public void remove()  {
//get UserManager
UserManager um = ic.lookup("java:comp/UserManager");

I haven't tried this, but I guess it should work, specially if auto-sessions
are on...



 -Original Message-
 From: Gerald Gutierrez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 3:05 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Removing SBs when expiring HttpSessions ... the challenge
 When an HttpSession expires, it calls valueUnbound() on all 
 variables that implement the HttpSessionBindingListener 
 interface. So this
 provides a way for expiring HTTP sessions to remove session 
 beans that would
 otherwise stay active and eventually consume all resources 
 and cause the
 server to crash.
 The reasonable thing to do is to call ejb.remove() (and whatever other
 methods) within the valueUnbound() method so that the SB can 
 clean up and be
 removed on the event.
 HOWEVER, if the SB is protected by security constraints, 
 calling methods on
 the SB causes either NullPointerExceptions, or SecurityExceptions.
 In my case, I have a HttpSession which has bound an SB, which 
 in turn has a
 reference to an EB. When the session expires, I need to 
 remove the SB, which
 in turn must call a method on the EB. If I attempt to just 
 call sb.remove(),
 the ejbRemove() method is called but a NullPointerException 
 is thrown in the
 EB's wrapper. If I call getCallerPrincipal() in the SB first 
 (which returns
 me the "guest" user), then call the EB, a SecurityException is thrown.
 Ignoring the fact that the different exceptions may be an 
 Orion bug, the
 fact still remains that the "guest" user is calling the SB 
 when calling
 through the valueUnbound() method.
 SO, the question, once again, is: When an HttpSession 
 expires, what's the
 proper way to cleanup and remove the EJBs that are bound to 
 that session?

RE: Customizing the web authentication service

2001-03-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Title: Customizing the web authentication service

specifically leaves security mapping to each vendor/platform. The only thing 
that's specified is roles, but how do they map really it's up to the vendor and 
more than often is platform dependant (especially with Windows Auth)


-Original Message-From: 
elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, March 
19, 2001 11:49 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: 
Customizing the web authentication service

  has specified the way security should behave, but not the implementation. Each 
  j2ee vendor has chosen a different method, so it is truly one pain in the 
  "arse" (forgive my old english).
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ben 
WarnerSent: Monday, March 19, 2001 6:41 PMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Customizing the web authentication 
my passwords in 
the database are encrypted by a one way hash algorithm so I don't think this 
DataSourceUserManager will do all that I want.

I have found and 
read the thread on "Custom UserManager" in this list and have deciphered the 
hard truth that I will have to implement my own UserManager... 
RoleManager... User etc

From this and 
other threads on similar topics I have also concluded that there is no J2EE 
standard for defining and using your own Authentication module. Is someone 
able to confirm this for me with certainty?


  -Original Message-From: Magnus Rydin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 
  5:51 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: SV: Customizing 
  the web authentication service
  Take a look at
-Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: Ben Warner 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 18 mars 2001 
20:00Till: Orion-InterestÄmne: Customizing the web 
authentication service
I'm trying to do something simple but I'm 
frustrated by my lack of success in finding information about it. I have 
scoured the list, the web, J2EE doco and would appreciate any 
information that may help me. Thanks in advance.
I'm running a J2EE application in orion using 
form based authentication. The problem is that users are authenticated 
by the webserver according to the contents of the principals.xml file 
for my application. In my application users (including username  
password) are stored in the database and I don't want to use the 
principals.xml file to store all my user logins.
What I want is for the webserver to call my 
own custom authentication method to authenticate the user and let me 
decide if the login is valid or not and set the appropriate user 
principal in the session if it is valid. I'm sure this has been done a 
million times... I must be looking in the wrong places...
Thanks again, bw. 

RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

I'm using EJB 1.1 CMP; It gives me as much DB independence as I need. I have
to rewrite some finders when porting from DB to DB; hopefully EQL will
remove this burden too. Orion performs caching of instances, check out
exclusive-write-access and validity-timeout atrributes for entity-deployment
tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

However, if you have a distributed environment, cache's like the one in
Orion are a threat to data integrity-- so they *must* be deactivated.

Also, an orion-dependant feature, the boolean isModified(), which in WLS is
called boolean isDirty(), plus a correct use of declarative transactions
allow to minimize the impact on the DB.

I believe CMP is the way to go, but it is very much server-dependant. The
(apparent) poor performance of CMP is due to the need for this solution to
address many things we all want from the server, such as data integrity,
distribution across hosts of the business logic, declarative transactions
and security. There's a price inherent to all this features, and the larger
the spec, the higher the price we all must pay, basically, by leveling down.
MS's single vendor approach actually levels up, but when they don't have the
answers pre-packaged, all crumbles down and somehow we(as developers) must
pay for the loses.

Eventually, the servers *will* perform as expected, but until the spec
matures, we will be stuck with some minor problems. I'm now living in Chile,
and the budgets are pretty tight here, but still, the customer'd rather pay
for an extra box to scale up than to pay extra to the programmers to do a
more optimized job and scale out. I'm aware that this is vastly simplifying
the issue, but the point still stands.

Perhaps the true problem is that we, all the J2EE developer community, are
pushing it too far *and* too broad. This is what happened with CORBA,
leaving us with very little common ground. Some servers implement mor of the
spec, some less. Some scale(but forbid Singleton's, for instance) and some
don't. And there is no single way of making two OTS from two different
vendors to cooperate. CORBA was even taller than the Everest, so nobody
climbed it.

Of course, I also have those rush moments where I wonder why I quitted my
older job, but that's definitely not the time to contribute to anything.

My 2c,


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:31 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
 development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server mode and watch
 the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent
 why... CMP
 produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.

 The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are
 iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will
 produce 1001 SQL
 calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
 eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.

 Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
 results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the documentation.

 I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP
 should give us
 faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
 independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the above.
 By stating
 in the blueprints that entity beans should only model course-grained
 objects and _not_ "one row of the table" they are effectively
 saying DO
 NOT USE CMP, because what is a CMP bean if not one row of a table?  I
 noticed that most of the new J2EE patterns Sun recently
 posted are aimed
 at BMP.  Sun's schizophrenia on this really pisses me off;
 with one face
 they like to show off entity beans and CMP because MS doesn't have it,
 with another they tell us to go back to the bronze age of handwritten
 SQL because the technology doesn't work.  Gr.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dan North [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?
 Hi Johan.
 I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b)
 short development
 cycle for about 5 months now.  I've found that my methodology
 has leant
 towards what the JRF guys are talking about, but in a less
 formal way.
  From the backend forwards: I tend to use entity beans for
 storing/retrieving and most manipulation of data - ie. I have
 quite "fat"
 beans rather than just purely getters and setters.  I then
 use session
 beans for workflow that doesn't seem to belong with any
 particular single
 bean, such as generating reports or anything that requires a
 few home
 interfaces' finders.  I also use session beans for their
 integrity when populating new beans from an HTML (JSP) form,
 when several beans will be created from a single form's
 contents and I want
 the whole lot to be atomic.

RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

somebody suscribed a whole lotta of criticalmass people to this list; can't
we have a subscribe/unsubscribe confirmation??


 -Original Message-
 From: Carla Marcyniuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:53 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 Please take me off this list as I have no interest in this

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:11 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 I'm using EJB 1.1 CMP; It gives me as much DB independence as
 I need. I have
 to rewrite some finders when porting from DB to DB; hopefully EQL will
 remove this burden too. Orion performs caching of instances, check out
 exclusive-write-access and validity-timeout atrributes for
 tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

 However, if you have a distributed environment, cache's like
 the one in
 Orion are a threat to data integrity-- so they *must* be deactivated.

 Also, an orion-dependant feature, the boolean isModified(),
 which in WLS is
 called boolean isDirty(), plus a correct use of declarative
 allow to minimize the impact on the DB.

 I believe CMP is the way to go, but it is very much
 server-dependant. The
 (apparent) poor performance of CMP is due to the need for
 this solution to
 address many things we all want from the server, such as data
 distribution across hosts of the business logic, declarative
 and security. There's a price inherent to all this features,
 and the larger
 the spec, the higher the price we all must pay, basically, by
 leveling down.
 MS's single vendor approach actually levels up, but when they
 don't have the
 answers pre-packaged, all crumbles down and somehow we(as
 developers) must
 pay for the loses.

 Eventually, the servers *will* perform as expected, but until the spec
 matures, we will be stuck with some minor problems. I'm now
 living in Chile,
 and the budgets are pretty tight here, but still, the
 customer'd rather pay
 for an extra box to scale up than to pay extra to the
 programmers to do a
 more optimized job and scale out. I'm aware that this is
 vastly simplifying
 the issue, but the point still stands.

 Perhaps the true problem is that we, all the J2EE developer
 community, are
 pushing it too far *and* too broad. This is what happened with CORBA,
 leaving us with very little common ground. Some servers
 implement mor of the
 spec, some less. Some scale(but forbid Singleton's, for
 instance) and some
 don't. And there is no single way of making two OTS from two different
 vendors to cooperate. CORBA was even taller than the Everest,
 so nobody
 climbed it.

 Of course, I also have those rush moments where I wonder why
 I quitted my
 older job, but that's definitely not the time to contribute
 to anything.

 My 2c,


  -Original Message-
  From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:31 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?
  I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
  development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server
 mode and watch
  the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent
  why... CMP
  produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.
  The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are
  iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will
  produce 1001 SQL
  calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
  eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.
  Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
  results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the
  I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP
  should give us
  faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
  independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the above.
  By stating
  in the blueprints that entity beans should only model course-grained
  objects and _not_ "one row of the table" they are effectively
  saying DO
  NOT USE CMP, because what is a CMP bean if not one row of a
 table?  I
  noticed that most of the new J2EE patterns Sun recently
  posted are aimed
  at BMP.  Sun's schizophrenia on this really pisses me off;
  with one face
  they like to show off entity beans and CMP because MS
 doesn't have it,
  with another they tell us to go back to the bronze age of
  SQL because the technology doesn't work.  Gr.
  -Original Message-
  From: Dan North [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?
  Hi Johan.
  I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b)
  short development
  cycle for about 5 months now.  I've fou

RE: Custom UserManager.

2001-03-16 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

I have a fully functional home-brewn imp. of UserManager and I do nothing in
the setParent method.

Just for you to know,



 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Gantz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 9:24 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Custom UserManager.
 Slight progress update.  I'm convinced now I don't have something 
 configured correctly.  In my UserManager, when setParent is 
 called I did 
 a setParent(this) on the parent that was passed in.  After that, my 
 manager started receiving method calls to things like 
 getUser.  I also 
 noticed that my setParent was being called with an 
 XMLUserManager as it's 
 parameter.  Hopefully somebody can shine some light on this 
 situation for me.
  Original Message 
 On 3/16/01, 12:40:06 AM, Michael Gantz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
 regarding Custom UserManager.:
  Server : Orion-1.4.5
  I've created a custom UserManager and referenced it in 
  I've taken out the principal tags in all the other files.  
 Here is my
  problem: my custom user manager loads up and the init 
 method gets called
  but that's it.  The server never calls getUser on my user 
 manager.  I'm
  very sure I'm missing something really silly and simple but 
 I can't find
  it due to the complete lack of adequate documentation.
  Thanks in advance.
  Michael L. Gantz

RE: Stateless Session Bean Initialization Pattern

2001-03-12 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Inside the servlet, declare a public static synchronized (uf) field. Then
declare a public static method, to retrieve the field

public static MessageBundle ms;
public static synchronized getMS() {
return ms;

then inside your SLSB:

private MessageBundle ms; //it could even be static??
public void ejbCreate() {
if (ms==null) ms = MyServley.getMS();




 -Original Message-
 From: Neal Kaiser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 9:25 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Stateless Session Bean Initialization Pattern 
 Hi. I have a framework as follows:
 A startup servlet reads in an XML file and creates a message 
 bundle. This
 message bundle will be used by Servlets and EJBs to pull 
 resources from it.
 I somehow need a way to initialize the stateless session bean 
 by passing the
 message bundle to it. When the startup servlet starts, I get 
 a reference to
 the session bean and call init(MessageBundle).
 However, this does not work because other instances of the 
 session bean will
 not be initialized. I need some sort of static variable, or 
 environment, or
 some way I can get the original MessageBundle passed in from 
 the startup
 Any suggestions on how I should handle this?   I suppose one 
 solution would
 be to use JNDI and store the object in there.  Are there any 
 Orion examples
 of how to do this?

RE: Session cookie and https. PLEASE HELP!!!!

2001-03-11 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

basically, cookies are URL spec (as per the spec, check it out in Netscape
Central) URL dependant; if you send a cookie for a URL
then that cookie is valid for that URL only; that cookie won't show up for
URL (note the different protocol, https, instead of
http); there's a way to make a cookie public for all URL's, but of course,
that might compromise security; that's what orion does when you set

A good log would surely help (may I suggest log4j,



 -Original Message-
 From: Sergio Socarras [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 2:59 PM
 To: Orion-Interest; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Session cookie and https. PLEASE HELP
   Thanks for responding to my email! Yes sessions
 working correctly is truly critical to our app.
 Basically we have about 14 machines running in our
 environment behind an alteon. The alteon selects a
 machine the first a person comes in, a session is
 created, and that person is made sticky to that
 machine because we are not currently replicating
 sessions. On and off we have reports of sessions being
 lost. I'm not sure if operations is making a mistake
 in regards to the stickiness or if I'm dealing with
 another issue here. What I have noticed is what I
 mention in my previous email, that under https I never
 see the cookie get set and sometimes and only
 sometimes URLs get rewritten.
 Someone in another email suggested I use the
 shared=true setting in the secure-site.xml but I'm not
 sure how this would help. The documentation is rather
 vague in this area so any help would be appreciated.
 Thanks for all your help!
 in our application it is truely critical that 
 --- "Juan Lorandi (Chile)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Under SSL, the (preferred) method for
  session-tracking is SSL session id. I
  think orion tries this, and falls back to URL
  rewriting if needed.
  PS: Is this truly critical to your app? We are
  implementing our own Session
  Management here and perhaps we'll run into the same
  problems you will?
   -Original Message-
   From: Sergio Socarras [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 5:01 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Session cookie and https. PLEASE HELP
 I'm running into some strange behavior with
   when running under https. I notice that when I set
   browser to prompt me when a cookie is to be set
   hit my application with regular http, I get a
   for the session cookie. If I hit the same page
   a secure connection I'm never prompted. I also
   that under the secure connection some of my URLs
   rewritten. Interesting enough the first page,
  which is
   where I initially create the session, doesn't have
   of its URLs rewritten. However, the second, third,
   forth pages do. Can someone please explain what's
   going on. Does the setting of the session cookie
   work under secure connections?
   Do You Yahoo!?
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RE: Orion 1.4.7?

2001-03-09 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

also for those with complicated proxies, try

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Krueger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 8:18 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Orion 1.4.7?
 At 15:50 09.03.2001 , you wrote:
 Anyone could tell me where I can download Orion 1.4.7
 java -jar autoupdate.jar
 Thanks in advance
 (-) Robert Krger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft fr Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brder-Knau-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: Using Orion with Apache...

2001-03-09 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

basically, Apache will handle all SSL; orion won't notice SSL is being
used(which IMHO is really not good).


 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Paransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 11:32 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Using Orion with Apache...
 I am trying to put a together a proposal for a client using 
 OrionServer, and
 not sure about how SSL will work.  The client is already 
 running Apache and
 would like to continue using it.  Is it Apache, that's going to
 encode/decode the SSL communication, or is it still the job 
 of Orion do
 Thanks for your help.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
 Alex Paransky
 Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 12:10 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Using Orion with Apache...
 If I follow the documentation on and configure
 Apache as reverse proxy, how do I deal with SSL?  In other 
 words, if user is
 trying to access 
 which is configured
 to proxy to ORION, do I still need to install the SSL on the 
 Orion server,
 or would Apache handle the SSL encryption when it forwards 
 the request to

RE: Session cookie and https. PLEASE HELP!!!!

2001-03-07 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Under SSL, the (preferred) method for session-tracking is SSL session id. I
think orion tries this, and falls back to URL rewriting if needed.



PS: Is this truly critical to your app? We are implementing our own Session
Management here and perhaps we'll run into the same problems you will?

 -Original Message-
 From: Sergio Socarras [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 5:01 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Session cookie and https. PLEASE HELP
   I'm running into some strange behavior with sessions
 when running under https. I notice that when I set my
 browser to prompt me when a cookie is to be set and
 hit my application with regular http, I get a prompt
 for the session cookie. If I hit the same page running
 a secure connection I'm never prompted. I also notice
 that under the secure connection some of my URLs get
 rewritten. Interesting enough the first page, which is
 where I initially create the session, doesn't have any
 of its URLs rewritten. However, the second, third, and
 forth pages do. Can someone please explain what's
 going on. Does the setting of the session cookie not
 work under secure connections?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: JSP Session setting

2001-03-06 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

session-config tags in web.xml should do it...



 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Carroll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 12:44 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: JSP Session setting
 I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this 
 question but is there
 a way to turn off the session tracking in the jsp compiling in orion?
 Currently, no matter how you set the session-tracking tag in the
 configuration, when jsps are compiled the following line are 
 ALWAYS there:
   HttpSession session;
   session = request.getSession(true);
 It seems that this will hinder performance in a clustered 
 environment where
 only some of the applications require sessions.
 Is there a way to turn this off at a page or application level?

RE: How to set orion to perform a timely task.. (CRON???)

2001-03-06 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

you can use wget in some *nix'es
I have a java based tool that does basically the same work that wget does;
I'll post it tomorrow

 -Original Message-
 From: Joseph B. Ottinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 3:40 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: How to set orion to perform a timely task.. (CRON???)
 Sure you can.
 * * * * * lynx --dump http://myhost/hiteveryminute.jsp  /dev/null
 This submits something to hiteveryminute.jsp every, um, minute.
 On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Robert S. Sfeir wrote:
  Someone suggesting hitting a JSP with a cron...  how can 
 you hit a URL with 
  a CRON or AT command, I didn't think you could do that!  Perhaps I 
  misunderstood the explanation?
  Robert S. Sfeir
  Director of Software Development
  PERCEPTICON corporation
  San Francisco, CA 94123
  w -
  t - (415) 749-2900 x205
 Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

RE: ResultSet chaching

2001-03-03 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

resultset or entity? if entity caching is troubling 
you, de-activate entity caching by setting the entity-deployment attribute 
exclusive-write-access to true.



PS:ResultSet caching is done with RowSet's 
persistance (serializable RowSet's)

  -Original Message-From: Luis Javier Beltran 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 6:12 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: ResultSet 
  Does Orion do resultset caching? because 
  althought the database data has changed it still shows me the same data it 
  showed before adding information to the db...
  If it does, how can I disable it?
  thanks a lot!
  Luis Javier

RE: Clustering and Multicasting

2001-03-03 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

are you connecting everything to the same switch (hub)???

multicasting in a LAN is usually done by the switches, so hooking into a
different hub may be problematic with some switches



 -Original Message-
 From: Jesse Schoch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 7:32 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Clustering and Multicasting
 I have installed a 3 node orion cluster(2 on windows2k and 1 
 on linux) and
 have it working just dandy, the replication seems to work and 
 so does the
 loadbalancer but...
 I also have a bsdi box, and recently upgraded to the 4.2 
 version which has a
 JDK and JVM on which orion runs fine, but when I try to put 
 into the cluster
 orion will not start and complains that it can't bind to the multicast
 address.  any ideas why this is happening?

RE: How to set orion to perform a timely task..

2001-03-03 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Or you could start a daemon thread in a servlet to perform as cron; we do
that to initialize services we need. Flux is great too, but it's out of my
budget... ;-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Sick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 3:19 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: How to set orion to perform a timely task..
 We use Flux. It was easy to integrate and it's reliable.
 - Original Message - 
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 12:43 PM
 Subject: How to set orion to perform a timely task..
  I need to have my EJB perform some DB operation at midnight 
  How do I do that?
  In PC, I could create a timer object to do that with VC++, 
 but in Java
  it does not seem to have such a functionality. And I think 
 it's ideal
  to handle it in the server side rather than play with Java.
  In other words, orion may have such a cron function built in to do
  something in a timely manner.
  If anyone has any experience with this, please tell me how.
  Thank you very much in advance.

RE: login security include file

2001-03-01 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

andjsp:forward closes the outputstream 

  -Original Message-From: Manne Fagerlind 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, March 01, 
  2001 6:20 AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: login 
  security include file
  Strangely enough, jsp:include always flushes 
  the writer - i.e. the flush="false" is ignored. This is in the JSP 1.1 spec. 
  Don't ask me why...
-Original Message-From: Vaskin Kissoyan 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 28 February 2001 
22:36To: Orion-InterestSubject: login security include 
I'm trying to do a 
response.sendRedirect() from an include file 
jsp:include and wanted to avoid doing a directive.include 

I keep getting "Response has already been 
committed, be sure not to write to the OutputStream or to trigger a commit 
due to any other action before calling this method."

I have been very careful as to put this include 
at the very top of the file, and to specify autoFlush=false and flush=false 
on the include tag.

Again, the intention of this include file would 
be to be place at the top of the jsp file to secure it by redirecting to a 
login page if credentials in a session based UserBean do not allow access to 
the page for some reason.



2001-03-01 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

should you use the form in ???
if you wnat to unsubscribe from EJB-INTEREST, that is

 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 5:53 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: signoff EJB-INTEREST
 Please use the form at
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lu, Michael
 Sent: 28. februar 2001 20:47
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: signoff EJB-INTEREST

RE: Servlet Cache - How do I purge it

2001-02-28 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


kill every file, the orion will recompile



 -Original Message-
 From: Paul G. Markovich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 11:07 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Servlet Cache - How do I purge it
 I am using servlets in the orion default web app.
 My dir:
 Orion/defaul-web-app/Web-inf/classes/(and then my files)
 I have the output of my compiler set to the same directory.
 I start orion like:
 java -jar orion.jar
 and I stop orion with a ctrl C
 I have reloaded my class files and I can't ever get the
 new files to load.
 I am working on NT4, jdk1.3, orion 1.4.5
 Should I start stop differently???
 Is there a physical location and file that I can
 delete that is storing this information???

RE: Got SecurityException, bu shouldn't it be NamingException?

2001-02-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

you're right... please report this to bugzilla in


 -Original Message-
 From: Eduardo Estefano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Mircoles, 21 de Febrero de 2001 13:57
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Got SecurityException, bu shouldn't it be NamingException?
 I was looking up a bean using:
 And I was getting a security exception: User Admin does not 
 have permissions
 to ContactManager.
 However, there is no ContactManager in the jndi tree. The 
 bean name in the
 tree was ContactManagerHome.
 I changed it and it worked fine.
 The question is: Shouldn't I get a NamingException instead of a
 Eduardo Estefano
 Integrated Information Systems

RE: Customer User Manager problems

2001-02-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

have you got a login error page? that's why the three times,
also, if a user doesn't belong to a sr_guest group, you won't have access

 -Original Message-
 From: Ernie Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 22 de Febrero de 2001 12:36
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Customer User Manager problems
 I am having difficulties getting a custom user manager to 
 work. Here are the
 steps I have taken:
 Implemented User (as TMUser)
 Implemented Group (as TMGroup)
 Extended AbstractUserManager (as TMUserManager)
 Added the following to orion-application.xml:
   user-manager class=""/
   namespace-resource root=""
   group name="administrators" /
   security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
   group name="ug_default" /
   namespace-resource root=""
   group name="administrators" /
   security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
   group name="ug_default" /
 Added the following to web.xml:
 Here is the result:
 1. I start Orion. It calls TMUserManager Init.
 2. I start the browser, direct it to my controller. It pops the basic
 authentication dialog. I enter username and password. 
 is called.
 TMUser.authenticate is called and returns true.
 3. The basic authentication dialog pops again. This happens 3 
 times then
 Any idea what I am missing here? I feel I have missed 
 something basic, but
 can't put
 my finger on it. TIA,
 - Ernie

RE: Customer User Manager problems

2001-02-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

ok. Some pointers:

1. I have my own imp. of UserManager and it's deliciously good
2. No need for principals.xml at this stage
3. When you add a security constraint, some pages require something 'extra'
to be seen, in the case, this extra is that the user login'd belongs to a
group sr_guest
[Excerpt from your mail]


if the user tries to get some pages (in this case, ALL), then it must belong
to a group sr_guest.
Does the user you login with belong to the group user? (and I don't mean the
DB... if you issue a
does it return true? If not, then something is not quite right).

If I'd was to test this, I would try the following:
create a user; say, 'jlorandi'

then, try some (pseudo) code:

User usr = UserManagerImp.getUser("jlorandi");
Group grp = UserManagerImp.getGroup("sr_guest");


let me see how it comes

 -Original Message-
 From: Ernie Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 22 de Febrero de 2001 15:51
 To: 'Juan Lorandi (Chile)'; 'Orion-Interest'
 Subject: RE: Customer User Manager problems
 I have tried putting the user into the principals.xml file, 
 although the
 eventual goal is to not use this file at all (provide custom 
 groups from the
 database via our UserManager). This does not seem to have any 
 effect. I am
 not currently using a login error page, but I am not that 
 worried about the
 login repetition for failure at the moment.
 My main concern is what is failing in the process, since 
 authenticate is
 returning true from TMUser. There is presumably other code 
 that I have to
 modify to get this to work, any idea's would be appreciated. Thanks.
 - Ernie
 -Original Message-
 From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Subject: RE: Customer User Manager problems
 have you got a login error page? that's why the three times,
 also, if a user doesn't belong to a sr_guest group, you won't 
 have access
  -Original Message-
  From: Ernie Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Subject: Customer User Manager problems
  I am having difficulties getting a custom user manager to
  work. Here are the
  steps I have taken:
  Implemented User (as TMUser)
  Implemented Group (as TMGroup)
  Extended AbstractUserManager (as TMUserManager)
  Added the following to orion-application.xml:
  user-manager class=""/
  namespace-resource root=""
  group name="administrators" /
  security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
  group name="ug_default" /
  namespace-resource root=""
  group name="administrators" /
  security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
  group name="ug_default" /
  Added the following to web.xml:
  Here is the result:
  1. I start Orion. It calls TMUserManager Init.
  2. I start the browser, direct it to my controller. It pops 
 the basic
  authentication dialog. I enter username an

RE: Any way to forward to j_security_check?

2001-02-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

that's what I've been doing...

whenever there's a sec-constraint, orion forwards to my login page; when I
want login without securing, I simple use the login form(or some other
functionally equal) and then login the user programatically (by changing the
action field of the form)

It works, just like MCB said.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 22 de Febrero de 2001 11:23
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?
 This is very simple to do.
 Just grab the RoleManager from java:comp/env/RoleManager I 
 think and then
 the method if just RoleManager.login(username, password) - 
 see the Orion API
 docs for more info.
 Alas there is no standard way to do this defined in the spec.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 11:27 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?
  Does anyone know a way to "forward" to the j_security_check 
 processing in
  Orion ? We use form-based login but have our own processing to do
  ahead of the
  standard j_security_check.
  On J2EE Reference Implementation (and e.g. Weblogic) we post the
  form to our
  own servlet instead of j_security_check, then forward from this to
  j_security_check. This doesn't seem to work on Orion i.e. 
  doesn't seem to be something one can get a request dispatcher for.
  Of course, the servlet spec doesn't mandate anything about 
 how the server
  should implement the j_security_check mechanism, so 
 potentially it doesn't
  have to have anything that can be referenced and invoked 
 from application
  code. But it would be useful to be able to.
  I've also thought about programmatically simulating a post to
  instead of trying to forward to it, but doesn't look simple and
  not sure this
  would work on Orion either. Might be helped by Servlet 2.3 but
  can't move to
  that yet.
  Am I just missing some trick to this, or is it not possible on
  Orion? Or is it
  related to a bug somewhere ? (n.b. even a normal post to 
  seems to fail, and to get sign-on to work I have to use Orion's
  feature of leaving the action unspecified).
  The National Insurance 
  Guarantee Corporation PLC
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  after it was sent.

RE: Orion Server compared to Oracle AS

2001-02-11 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

OAS only supports Session Beans (Stateless and Stateful)
OAS has reached it's end of life. It's no longer a product. It has been
superceeded by IAS.
IAS only supports Session Beans (Stateless and Stateful). *AS functionality
is replicated by the DB engine (arghhh)
If you have a Oracle *i db (8.1.5 and above), you have app server
Oracle 9i supports entity beans (they may solely run in the db)

So, oracle's solution looks like this nowadays

Apache --- IAS (BL only) --- Oracle 9i (DB, Entities)

How all of this works together is still very obscure even inside Oracle.
The entity facility inside the DB, on the other hand, is very nice. It
should surpass any isolation/locking
problems by making the db the bottle neck (as usual). Still, it would
require some fooling around to see if it
really works.


 -Original Message-
 From: Bernard Sauterel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sbado, 10 de Febrero de 2001 15:23
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion Server compared to Oracle AS
 could you explain more on this ?
 On Sat, Feb 10, 2001, Juan Lorandi (Chile) 
 well, I can tell you that if you need entity beans OAS won't 
 help you.
 I've had to evaluate OAS 6 months ago and it sure is a total 
 waste of time
  -Original Message-
  From: John Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Viernes, 09 de Febrero de 2001 1:12
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Orion Server compared to Oracle AS
  Has anyone done/know of a comarison of these two products?
  I know Oracle sits on Apache and JServ, and that bench 
 marks on the 
  Orion site show that Orion has some clear advantages vs 
 Apache.  I'm 
  hoping someone has some first experiences they can share.  TIA.
  Get your free E-mail at
 | Bernard Sauterel |   |

RE: Orion Server compared to Oracle AS

2001-02-10 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

well, I can tell you that if you need entity beans OAS won't help you.

I've had to evaluate OAS 6 months ago and it sure is a total waste of time


 -Original Message-
 From: John Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 09 de Febrero de 2001 1:12
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Orion Server compared to Oracle AS
 Has anyone done/know of a comarison of these two products?
 I know Oracle sits on Apache and JServ, and that bench marks on the 
 Orion site show that Orion has some clear advantages vs Apache.  I'm 
 hoping someone has some first experiences they can share.  TIA.
 Get your free E-mail at

RE: Client site HttpSession simulating

2001-02-07 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


 -Original Message-
 From: Boris Erukhimov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 06 de Febrero de 2001 15:41
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Client site HttpSession simulating
 Thanks a lot Juan, it's working.
 Is it possible for https session ?
Uh, I don't know, but I'd guess not. SSL has it's own kind of session
tracking that is very similar to a cookie. This is the preferred way of
doing it; and it will work on browsers that don't accept cookies
 I've also found out that URL rewriting syntax is server 
 specific, which
 means it's not part of the spec ?
it isn't part of the spec, but I think tomcat perfoms equal than orion.
 "Juan Lorandi (Chile)" wrote:
  you have to postfix any URL with ";JSESSIONID=id"
   -Original Message-
   From: Boris Erukhimov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Lunes, 05 de Febrero de 2001 10:45
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Client site HttpSession simulating
   I have a site which stores user profile in HttpSession after
   user gets in
   supplying user id and password.
   I need to provide some client site batch operation on the
   site using standalone
   java client.
   I remember old servlet spec which allowed you to embed
   session ID into URL if
   there is no way to use cookies to handle HttpSession.
   The scenario is:
   1. My client java program creates HttpURLConnection for the
   site login response
   URL with valid user ID and password.
   2. Then client gets HTML response proving successful login.
   According to the
   application logic a new session has been created and 
 client receives
   "Set-Cookie" response header with some value like
   3. Assuming JSESSIONID is a name Orion wants to identify
   session id I include
   JSESSIONID=BGDBPNFMPDGO into query string for my next 
 client request.
   4. Client gets HTML response such as in case session was not
   established yet -
   new session has been created.
   So, Orion does not recognize "JSESSIONID=BGDBPNFMPDGO" in
   request pointing to
   existing HttpSession.
   Am I missing something obvious ? Or it might be some
   time/racing issues ?
   I need thins functionality very much. Any help would be
   greatly appreciated

RE: Secured Page?

2001-02-06 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

That depends more on your app design than nothing else; both ways are pretty
much costless (in orion).


 -Original Message-
 From: Korosh Afshar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Lunes, 05 de Febrero de 2001 18:08
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Secured Page?
 which one would be a viable option for a client base of 
 3000-4000 users?
 can declaritive security be used in this fashion?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Loftis
 Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 12:07 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Secured Page?
 There are two ways to handle this login solution: programatic and
 declarative security.
 With programatic security you could have your welcome.jsp 
 check to see if a
 user variable (such as a username) has been set on the 
 session object for a
 client, if it hasn't (i.e is null) then forward them to the 
 login page.
 (you could also stick the string welcome.jsp into the session 
 as the referer
 so you can redirect the login page back it after a successful login).
 With declarative security you can specify which pages are 
 secure in your
 deployment descriptor for the application, and access to the pages, in
 relation to security, will be handled at container rather 
 than application
 (as above) level.  check the orion reference docs for how to do this.
 Hope this moves you in the right direction :)
 -Original Message-
 From: Roland Dong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 05 February 2001 10:36
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Secured Page?
 I remember someone posted Login-related question recently. I 
 have a newbie
 question on this.
 In my web application, I have login1.jsp which calls 
 login2.jsp to handle
 the actual login process.  I use JDBC-ODBC-Oracle to handle 
 the database
 connection. If  successfully logged in, the user will be 
 "forwarded" to a
 I am wondering how could I secure welcome.jsp so that a user 
 can ONLY access
 welcome.jsp by a successful login?  I mean a user could just type in
 http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/welcom.jsp, for example, 
 to access it.
 Someone has metioned the secured page. Could someone explain? 
 Where can I
 get the information or code example?
 Thanks a lot,
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RE: Download Orion version 1.4.7

2001-02-06 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

autoupdate.jar looks for orion in

that URL sure is handy if you don't know what your proxy is


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Martes, 06 de Febrero de 2001 8:38
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Download Orion version 1.4.7
 To anyone trying to autoupdate trought proxy, use:
 java -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=myProxyHostIP 
 -DproxyPort=myProxyPort -jar autoupdate.jar
 Obvious, you need to be in /orion folder...
 Edson Richter

RE: Form-based authentication not working right

2001-02-06 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

gerald, I have a configuration matching yours and it's working;

May I suggest a test?
If you will, add a user called 'jlorandi' and make it part of group
'myuser', and add an user 'dummy' but DON'T make him part of group 'myuser'
,then, could you please edit SecuredPage.jsp so it executes these printouts:

System.out.println("User:" + request.getRemoteUser() );
System.out.println("Role OK:" + request.isUserInRole("myuser") );

then browse your app:
open browser, login as 'jlorandi', note results, close browser
open browser, login as 'dummy', note results, close browser
open browser, login INCORRECTLY, note results, close browser

 -Original Message-
 From: Gerald Gutierrez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Lunes, 05 de Febrero de 2001 20:52
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Form-based authentication not working right
 Recently I asked about form-based authentication. I 
 appreciate the help 
 several people gave, but from the responses I got it seems 
 that I might 
 have miscommunicated somehow. I'm going to try again, this 
 time explaining 
 myself better.
 I'm using Orion 1.4.5 on Windows 2000. The same thing happens 
 on Orion 1.3.8.
 I have a number of JSP pages in the directory /app:
 MainMenu.jsp  -- the main menu
 SecuredPage.jsp   -- a secured page, see only when authenticated
 LoginForm.jsp -- form for logging in
 LoginError.jsp-- form displayed when there's an error
 The user goes to MainMenu.jsp, where there is a link to 
 SecuredPage.jsp. To 
 view this page, the user must be authenticated. The authenticated is 
 This is what should (CORRECTLY) happen:
   1) User goes to MainMenu.jsp.
   2) User clicks on link to SecuredPage.jsp.
   3) User is presented with LoginForm.jsp.
   4) User types in username and password.
   5a) Login succeeds and SecuredPage.jsp is shown to user.
   5b) Login fails and LoginError.jsp is shown to user.
 HOWEVER, this is the (INCORRECT) sequence of events that I 
 actually get:
   1) -- as before --
   2) -- as before --
   3) -- as before --
   4) -- as before --
   5a) Login succeeds and directory contents is shown to user.
   5b) Login fails and directory contents is shown to user.
 Note the same (WRONG) thing happens whether or not the user 
 properly. The directory contents is the list of JSP files 
 that I have in /app.
 So ... what's wrong here? It redirects to my login form 
 correctly. It just 
 doesn't behave properly when I actually do the login (hit 
 "j_security_check" with "j_username" and "j_password"). This is the 
 relevant section of my web.xml file:

RE: Client site HttpSession simulating

2001-02-06 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

you have to postfix any URL with ";JSESSIONID=id"



 -Original Message-
 From: Boris Erukhimov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Lunes, 05 de Febrero de 2001 10:45
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Client site HttpSession simulating
 I have a site which stores user profile in HttpSession after 
 user gets in
 supplying user id and password.
 I need to provide some client site batch operation on the 
 site using standalone
 java client.
 I remember old servlet spec which allowed you to embed 
 session ID into URL if
 there is no way to use cookies to handle HttpSession.
 The scenario is:
 1. My client java program creates HttpURLConnection for the 
 site login response
 URL with valid user ID and password.
 2. Then client gets HTML response proving successful login. 
 According to the
 application logic a new session has been created and client receives
 "Set-Cookie" response header with some value like
 3. Assuming JSESSIONID is a name Orion wants to identify 
 session id I include
 JSESSIONID=BGDBPNFMPDGO into query string for my next client request.
 4. Client gets HTML response such as in case session was not 
 established yet -
 new session has been created.
 So, Orion does not recognize "JSESSIONID=BGDBPNFMPDGO" in 
 request pointing to
 existing HttpSession.
 Am I missing something obvious ? Or it might be some 
 time/racing issues ?
 I need thins functionality very much. Any help would be 
 greatly appreciated

RE: Error messages from Orion have invalid XML format - bug?

2001-02-05 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

about the error codes... have you defined an error page?
that is a page that is executed to show a bug, and the br StackTrace are
generated by the default error page


 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Lunes, 05 de Febrero de 2001 4:40
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Error messages from Orion have invalid XML format - bug?
 Thanks for your reply JP. I am aware of this possibility, and 
 I am certain
 that using Orion this way speeds up development. I guess my 
 focusing on
 finding out about the deployment features has gotten me to 
 this point where
 I prefer to _deploy_ my application during my development. Is 
 this not what
 the IDE's would do too? Maybe it is a matter of taste, but it 
 seems a little
 less elegant to me to develop my JSPs directly in the middle 
 of Orions file
 tree. Actually I thought most people had their files in a 
 development file
 tree and then debugged by either moving the files to Orion 
 through packaging
 and deployment or through simple file copying.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
 Sent: 4. februar 2001 20:02
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Error messages from Orion have invalid XML format - bug?
 Randahl look in $orion\applications\YOUREAR\YOURWAR\yourpage.jsp
 if you edit a .jsp in that dir and browse it, orion will 
 recon the change,
 recompile for you, voila!
 no need to rebuild anything
  -Original Message-
  From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sbado, 03 de Febrero de 2001 8:05
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Error messages from Orion have invalid XML format - bug?
  My JSPs return XML which is transformed using XSL. When Orion
  locates syntax
  errors or encounters Exceptions it produces som HTML which
  contains the
  error message AND some HTML markup which presents the error message.
  This Orion markup happens to contain standalone br tags. In
  case of an
  exception it looks like this:
  brat com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
  brat com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
  As everybody knows, using standalone br tags compromises
  XML syntax - XML
  would expect either br/ or br/br.
  Unfortunately this forces you to follow this debugging process:
  1. Remove the lines in the JSP which links it to the stylesheet:
   ?xml version = "1.0"?
   ?xml-stylesheet href = "/tool.xsl"?
  2. Rebuild the web application
  3. Have Orion deploy the new build
  4. Invoke the JSP and read the error
  5. Correct the error in the JSP
  6. Rebuild and redeploy
  7. Check the error was corrected
  8. Reinsert the line in the JSP which links it to the stylesheet.
  A rather long way to go, I think. This raises the question of
  whether this
  could be made easier. I have a feeling, I am not the only
  developer using
  XML, so maybe it would be a great idea if Orion Server
  presented Exceptions
  using tags which are valid in both HTML and XML. If the br tag was
  replaced with br/br, errors would be visible in  both 
  results. Moreover, if the whole error was enclosed in a valid
  XML tag you
  can have your XSL deliver the error as output. For instance
  p id = "OrionError"
  br/br   at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
  br/br   at
  br/br   at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
  br/br   at
  br/br   at
  This is valid HTML and one can easily write XSL which checks for the
  occurance of this error and produces a result which can be 
 seen in the
  output to the browser. This is just one quick idea of how to
  accomplish both
  valid HTML and valid XML - there are probably many other ways
  to accomplish
  this aswell.
  Of course, there might be a good reason why things are the
  way they are, but
  any comments to these thoughts would be welcomed. And 
 should anyone at
  Ironflare have the time to comment on this too, I would be
  very grateful.
  -Original Message-
  From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 2. februar 2001 11:32
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Source XML Error: Expected "/br" to terminate element
  starting on line 51.
  Occasionally I get a strange result when there are syntax
  errors in my JSPs.
  If I have a JSP that works fine I can make Orion return a
  weird result by
  introducing a line like the following into the JSP:
  % rubishrubishrubish %
  I would expect Orion to compile the JSP and give me back a
  syntax error
  somewhere. Instead I get the following in my browser when 

RE: Anyone know how to def Data-type in cmp-field???

2001-02-05 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Quick and dirty...

create your own class String (say

public class String extends java.lang.String {}

then map it to a varchar(30)...

type-mapping type="" name="varchar(30)" /

that should do it (but again, it's quick and dirty)


PS: Saludos de Claudio Paul Cannigia ;)
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Lunes, 05 de Febrero de 2001 9:58
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Anyone know how to def Data-type in cmp-field???
 Hi people aroud the world!!!
 I've found info about what I need to run Orion EJB 2.0 sample 
 with Interbase inside our Orion-list.
 But for now, I'm having following trouble: primary keys, in 
 Interbase, allow only 254 bytes in length. If I configure my 
 datasource to use Interbase, and set schema="interbase.xml", 
 and then mapping Strings to VARCHAR(255), I get errors in 
 deployment time (primary key too long, or something like 
 this). To turn things bad, I want to use all Interbase power, 
 and map Strings to VARCHAR(8000)... How can I configure my 
 primary-keys to use a max of varchar(30), or something like 
 this? And, how I define the datasource that shold be used for 
 deployment (not after deployment)?
 See, I need to configure inside ejb-jar.xml file the datatype 
 of my cmp-field (not in orion-ejb-jar.xml, because when Orion 
 create orion-ejb-jar.xml tables are created too - so my 
 database will be incorrect - of course, I'll get app not 
 deployed, because interbase will refuse the primary key with 
 more than 254 bytes).
 Anyone know how to do this???

RE: HttpSession question

2001-02-04 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

was something like that in the original servlet spec, but it's deprecated now; 
however, i think the (undocumented?) Administrator object(orionconsole says it's 
in 'java:comp/Administrator') can do that.

-Original Message-From: 
Reid Hartenbower [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Domingo, 04 de 
Febrero de 2001 3:10To: Orion-InterestSubject: HttpSession 

  Is there a way, from a client, to iterate 
  through all the open sessions in a web server?
  I'm looking for something like 
  Context.listBindings(), but for sessions. 
  Ihave the feeling that this would be an 
  unacceptable security hole and so is not possible, but figured someone in 'the 
  constellation' might have the definitive answer.

RE: Questions about running an EJB client

2001-02-04 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

sorry for the delay, I'll try and explain it again:

let's say I (Juan) am a bean developer. Let's say you (Eric) are the
application assembler, and let's say Lauren Commons is the deployer.

I build a bean. I package the bean in a jar, then pass it on to you. It has
some(but not all) of the info needed in ejb-jar.xml . So far it's completly
portable across servers.

You pick up my bean, add a few of your own, and repackage the .jar . You
touch ejb-jar.xml to match your assembly needs(As an example, you want to
mark some methods as TX_MANDATORY). You put the .jar in an .ear with the
rest of the application modules, and application.xml. This is still PORTABLE
across servers (As all in the spec).

Now... deployment.
A: simple deployment

Lauren takes your ear and uses a deploy tool to install the app on a given
server. She defines ejb-ref bindings
runs required SQL scripts in the DB, maps the security to a given domain
etc. To store all of these data(which is server DEPENDANT), the app server
creates some files. The app is deployed.

B: pre-deployment

Deployment is in the corporate HQ of HAL, Inc. If you fuck up there, you're
Lauren works with a sturdy, fast server called orion. Regretably, it doesn't
include a deploy tool (no, deploytool doesn't work... yet), so she wants to
pre-deploy as much as possible about this app in order to have less work to
do in the final deployment. So she deploys her app in a test machine.
orion-xx.xml files are created. How does she use these files? She
REPACKAGES the App, storing the new files alongside its counter-part
(orion-application.xml and application.xml go in the same dir), except in
the case of ejb-jar.xml, which goes in an orion directory inside the ejb
jar. This app is still portable across servers, but it contains now some
information on how to deploy on orion-servers. The same process could be
done for J2EERI and WLS 6.0, making the actual deployment very accesible.

When Lauren deploys this modified .ear, orion will find the orion-xxx files
inside the ear, and instead of creating deployment files from scratch, using
defaults, it will use the in-ear files to create the actual,
$orion\application-deployment resident, orion-xx.xml files.

I sure do hope this helps...


PS: Lauren... may I stick my tongue in your ear?

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Hodges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 01 de Febrero de 2001 19:20
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Questions about running an EJB client
 - Original Message -
 From: "Juan Lorandi (Chile)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 3:33 PM
 Subject: RE: Questions about running an EJB client
  Read the j2ee spec again.
  orion-x.xml files are deployment info; deployment info is server
  dependant (in contrast to bean developer info  assembly 
 info); deployment
  info may override  complete
  for j2eeri, files are named j2eeri-.xml
  basically, there's one of these per every .xml in the specs:
  SPEC file Orion file packageplace
  application.xml orion-application.xml   \YOURAPP.ear\META-INF\
  ejb-jar.xml orion-ejb-jar.xml
  web.xml orion-web.xml \YOURAPP.ear\YOURWAR.war\WEB-INF\
 I don't really understand what you just typed.
 So orion-application.xml gets its info from application.xml?  
 If so, do I
 just stick this namespace stuff in application.xml?

RE: Error messages from Orion have invalid XML format - bug?

2001-02-04 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Randahl look in $orion\applications\YOUREAR\YOURWAR\yourpage.jsp

if you edit a .jsp in that dir and browse it, orion will recon the change,
recompile for you, voila!

no need to rebuild anything


 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sbado, 03 de Febrero de 2001 8:05
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Error messages from Orion have invalid XML format - bug?
 My JSPs return XML which is transformed using XSL. When Orion 
 locates syntax
 errors or encounters Exceptions it produces som HTML which 
 contains the
 error message AND some HTML markup which presents the error message.
 This Orion markup happens to contain standalone br tags. In 
 case of an
 exception it looks like this:
 br  at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
 br  at
 br  at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
 br  at
 br  at
 As everybody knows, using standalone br tags compromises 
 XML syntax - XML
 would expect either br/ or br/br.
 Unfortunately this forces you to follow this debugging process:
 1. Remove the lines in the JSP which links it to the stylesheet:
  ?xml version = "1.0"?
  ?xml-stylesheet href = "/tool.xsl"?
 2. Rebuild the web application
 3. Have Orion deploy the new build
 4. Invoke the JSP and read the error
 5. Correct the error in the JSP
 6. Rebuild and redeploy
 7. Check the error was corrected
 8. Reinsert the line in the JSP which links it to the stylesheet.
 A rather long way to go, I think. This raises the question of 
 whether this
 could be made easier. I have a feeling, I am not the only 
 developer using
 XML, so maybe it would be a great idea if Orion Server 
 presented Exceptions
 using tags which are valid in both HTML and XML. If the br tag was
 replaced with br/br, errors would be visible in  both HTML and XML
 results. Moreover, if the whole error was enclosed in a valid 
 XML tag you
 can have your XSL deliver the error as output. For instance
 p id = "OrionError"
 br/br at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
 br/br at
 br/br at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
 br/br at
 br/br at
 This is valid HTML and one can easily write XSL which checks for the
 occurance of this error and produces a result which can be seen in the
 output to the browser. This is just one quick idea of how to 
 accomplish both
 valid HTML and valid XML - there are probably many other ways 
 to accomplish
 this aswell.
 Of course, there might be a good reason why things are the 
 way they are, but
 any comments to these thoughts would be welcomed. And should anyone at
 Ironflare have the time to comment on this too, I would be 
 very grateful.
 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 2. februar 2001 11:32
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Source XML Error: Expected "/br" to terminate element
 starting on line 51.
 Occasionally I get a strange result when there are syntax 
 errors in my JSPs.
 If I have a JSP that works fine I can make Orion return a 
 weird result by
 introducing a line like the following into the JSP:
 % rubishrubishrubish %
 I would expect Orion to compile the JSP and give me back a 
 syntax error
 somewhere. Instead I get the following in my browser when I 
 invoke the JSP:
 Source XML Error: Expected "/br" to terminate element 
 starting on line 51.
 I know this sounds weird - that is exactly why I am asking: 
 Has this occured
 to anyone else on the list? - Do you know why this happens?
 In hopes it is not my inner CPU which has some kind of bug...

RE: Questions about running an EJB client

2001-02-01 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

in orion-application.xml (you can find it in

there should be a namespace tag; below is mine's form an app:
namespace-resource root=""
group name="admin" /

then, whenever the current user belongs to group admin, you have read access
for ALL resources.
I believe that something on the line of

group name="admin" impliesAll="true" /

would grant everybody read access;

AFAIK Orion's JNDI imp. doesn't support writing, so the write-access part is



 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Hodges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Mircoles, 31 de Enero de 2001 20:14
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Questions about running an EJB client
 I'm trying to set up an EJB (my first time) on Orion.  I have 
 the .EAR file
 running, I just need to get the client to test it.  When I 
 try to run the
 client, it fails on the constructor for InitialContext().  
 Here's the error:
 java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to look up
 java:comp/ResourceFinder, check the namespace-access tag setting in
 orion-application.xml for details
  at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIServer.f_(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.administration.LazyResourceFinder.f_(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.Application.ap7(JAX)
  at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
  at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
  at com.mongoosetech.agent.AgentBase.register(
  at com.mongoosetech.agent.AgentBase.init(
 The problem is that I don't have a file called 
 From the docs, I get the impression this is an Orion specific 
 version of
 application.xml.  I have that, but I don't see a way to make 
 it let me look
 up java:comp/ResourceFinder.
 Any clues?

RE: Questions about running an EJB client

2001-02-01 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Read the j2ee spec again.

orion-x.xml files are deployment info; deployment info is server
dependant (in contrast to bean developer info  assembly info); deployment
info may override  complete 
for j2eeri, files are named j2eeri-.xml

basically, there's one of these per every .xml in the specs:

SPEC file   Orion file  packageplace
application.xml orion-application.xml   \YOURAPP.ear\META-INF\
ejb-jar.xml orion-ejb-jar.xml
web.xml orion-web.xml   \YOURAPP.ear\YOURWAR.war\WEB-INF\

At deployment time, orion creates a counter-part of your SPEC files in
for this it may use templates bundled in your package (if found in



 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Hodges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 01 de Febrero de 2001 15:50
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Questions about running an EJB client
 Where did this file come from?  I didn't put it in my EJB jar 
 or my EAR
 file.  It doesn't look like yours (there's no name attribute on the
 security-role-mapping tag), so once I edit it how will I 
 stick it back in my
 That sounds odd, doesn't it?
 Thanks for the help.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Juan Lorandi (Chile)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 11:51 AM
 Subject: RE: Questions about running an EJB client
  in orion-application.xml (you can find it in
  there should be a namespace tag; below is mine's form an app:
  namespace-resource root=""
  group name="admin" /
  then, whenever the current user belongs to group admin, you 
 have read
  for ALL resources.
  I believe that something on the line of
  group name="admin" impliesAll="true" /
  would grant everybody read access;
  AFAIK Orion's JNDI imp. doesn't support writing, so the 
 write-access part
   -Original Message-
   From: Eric Hodges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Mircoles, 31 de Enero de 2001 20:14
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Questions about running an EJB client
   I'm trying to set up an EJB (my first time) on Orion.  I have
   the .EAR file
   running, I just need to get the client to test it.  When I
   try to run the
   client, it fails on the constructor for InitialContext().
   Here's the error:
   java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to look up
   java:comp/ResourceFinder, check the namespace-access tag 
 setting in
   orion-application.xml for details
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIServer.f_(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.administration.LazyResourceFinder.f_(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.Application.ap7(JAX)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
at com.mongoosetech.agent.AgentBase.register(
at com.mongoosetech.agent.AgentBase.init(
   The problem is that I don't have a file called
   From the docs, I get the impression this is an Orion specific
   version of
   application.xml.  I have that, but I don't see a way to make
   it let me look
   up java:comp/ResourceFinder.
   Any clues?

RE: RE : JSP TagLibs and UTF8 Encoding - Further Info

2001-02-01 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

aren't cp1252 and UTF-8 actually the same?

 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Rice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 01 de Febrero de 2001 8:23
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE : JSP TagLibs and UTF8 Encoding - Further Info
 Ted Rice
 APAMA Ltd, 17 Millers Yard, Mill Lane
 Cambridge CB2 1RQ, United Kingdom
 Mobile: +44 (0)7899 876489
 Phone:  +44 (0)1223 257973 [Histon Office]
 Fax:+44 (0)1223 51885 A little further information on my encoding
  with the JSP Tags and XML translation.
  When I remove the JSP BodyTag wrapper around the
  JSP code producing XML, the XML is shown in the
  browser and all the UTF8 characters are displayed
  properly. Meaning that in the processing of the
  JSP the encoding is being preserved.
  However, in the JSP Tag Code, I have done the
  following test:
  public int doAfterBody() throws JspException {
  // _xmlContent is a member variable instance
  if (bodyContent == null){
_xmlContent = "";
_xmlReader  = (InputStreamReader) bodyContent.getReader();
logger.debug("Reader Encoding [ " +
  _xmlReader.getEncoding() + " ]");
  return SKIP_BODY;
  In my log file I see the following line:
  2001-02-01 10:12:28,902 [ApplicationServerThread] DEBUG Reader
  Encoding [ Cp1252 ]
  Meaning the encoding of the bodyContent reader is where the
  munging is occurring. Is there a way I can force the
  reader to use UTF8 encoding?
 I have circumvented the problem of encoding being
 lost via a hack. The code was:
   byte[] utf8Bytes = 
   ByteArrayInputStream stream = new 
   _xmlReader = new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8");
 This is going to be slow! I guess the real problem lies that
 the Reader of the bodyContent is reading in Cp1252. How can
 i force the Tag to read in UTF8?
 Ted Rice
 APAMA Ltd, 17 Millers Yard, Mill Lane
 Cambridge CB2 1RQ, United Kingdom
 Mobile: +44 (0)7899 876489
 Phone:  +44 (0)1223 257973 [Histon Office]
 Fax:+44 (0)1223 5188599

RE: Session EJB Accessibility

2001-01-31 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

It's tough for container providers to provide Singleton behavior when more
than one JVM is involved;
I can trace this back to CORBA. That's why it's not in the spec.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 20:29
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Session EJB Accessibility
 I'm confused by your comments; does it need to manage state, 
 or doesn't
 it?  I'm assuming it does, otherwise you would just use a stateless
 session bean.
 Here's some fodder for conversation:
 I don't think there is an EJB facility which will help you.  SLSBs are
 pooled and can timeout, SFSBs have no lookup mechanism, can 
 timeout, and
 aren't reentrant (although Orion, despite the spec, serializes calls,
 which is good), and entity beans will get all wacky because of the
 multiple instances you will get from an optimistic concurrency model.
 It seems like what you want is either a SLSB which never times out and
 is guaranteed to only have one instance in the pool, or a BMP entity
 bean with a guarantee of serialized transactions.
 Is it possible to make Orion do either of these?  And what 
 would happen
 in a clustered solution?
 I propose that the only server-independent way to do what you 
 want is to
 use an RMI server.  The EJB specification really needs a
 "SingletonBean", preferrably one which allows concurrent 
 calls (and thus
 reasonable performance).
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Bernardinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 12:18 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Session EJB Accessibility
 I don't want to do any database activity. I just want this 
 Java Object to be
 accessible as an EJB accessible by many different clients 
 hosted by an
 Application Server. The object doesn't have to be stateful either.
  It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than a session
  bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients although 
 access is
  serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
  encapsulate data in a 
 apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
  from the client's perspective...
  How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
  to do?
  Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  An EJB to be Stateful
  Accessible by more than client
  Share the same data object and information
  Summarising the above information, I would like to have 
 an EJB that
  can be called by many clients yet share the same underlying data
  within the bean. These clients may be another application running
  under Orion or a stand-alone application.
  Is this possible, and if it is, what special requirements 
 do I need to
  meet. I have looked at SessionContext but does this have 
 anything to
  do with it?
  Thanks in advance.

RE: Accessing Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-server on another?

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

yap, server.xml (add a RMI server ref there)


-Original Message-
From: Globetrot Communications [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Lunes, 29 de Enero de 2001 22:18
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Accessing Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-server
on another?

What is the best way to configure two installations of
Orion, on different machines, so web-server on one can
access the EJB-Server on the other? Can this be done
through only the configuration files?


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RE: Session EJB Accessibility

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

why many clients? is that a 'performance enhancement'? (orion's got a pool
of objects, so no perf enhancements to do)
do you wish to model a singleton?

please, elaborate further.


PS: shoooting from the hip a stateless session bean with its fields set
up as 

public static MyFieldType myfield;

won't do? (altough obviously a multi VM solution totally craps this pattern)

-Original Message-
From: Mark Bernardinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 5:18
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Session EJB Accessibility

I don't want to do any database activity. I just want this Java Object to be
accessible as an EJB accessible by many different clients hosted by an
Application Server. The object doesn't have to be stateful either.

 It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than a session
 bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients although access is
 serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
 encapsulate data in a apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
 from the client's perspective...
 How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
 to do?
 Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 An EJB to be Stateful
 Accessible by more than client
 Share the same data object and information

 Summarising the above information, I would like to have an EJB that
 can be called by many clients yet share the same underlying data
 within the bean. These clients may be another application running
 under Orion or a stand-alone application.

 Is this possible, and if it is, what special requirements do I need to
 meet. I have looked at SessionContext but does this have anything to
 do with it?

 Thanks in advance.


RE: Which version is stable

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

You're correct... ;)

-Original Message-
From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 9:14
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Which version is stable

I am running Orion 1.3.8 seems to work, but I am thinking of upgrading.

But which version should one upgrade to? - According to
the new 1.4.5 is both stable and experimental... which sounds a bit like
"stable and unstable".


RE: Accessing Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-server on another?

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

about being elusive

a (kinda) how to:

server host="" 
password="123" port="23791" username="admin" /

in orion-application.xml (in 

ejb-module path="myEjbs.jar" remote="true" 

  should be it
  Message-From: Satish Gupta 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 
  2001 14:05To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: 
  Accessing Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-server on 
  Thanks for your answer. ButI'd appreciate 
  it if you couldplease be a little more verbose in your reply. A bit of 
  an explanation will help a newbie like me.
  yap, server.xml (add a RMI server ref 
  there)JP-Original Message-From: Globetrot 
  Communications [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
  Lunes, 29 de Enero de 2001 22:18To: Orion-InterestSubject: Accessing 
  Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-serveron 
  another?What is the best way to configure two installations 
  ofOrion, on different machines, so web-server on one canaccess the 
  EJB-Server on the other? Can this be donethrough only the configuration 

RE: Pooled Data Source ADDENDUM! Design question for you :)

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

paginate your search and cache partial results on the client side:

you need N total records...

have a query to return J records starting at page K
(records between K*J and (K+1)*J)

cache these on the client for page 1
whenever a given page K is shown, check in the cache if pages (K-1)
(previous) and (K+1) (next) are available on the
cache, else load from the server.



-Original Message-
From: Daniel Cardin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 11:54
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Pooled Data Source ADDENDUM! Design question for you :)

I think I have not made myself clear enough. The DataSource access works
in the
context of the appserver running. What I was trying to do is access a
from the application client side. Now, this is the fix for my problem,
but maybe 
there is a better way to resolve this, so I will explain what I'm trying
accomplish on the client side. 

I have many requests to the database that return a high number of rows
to be 
displayed in the client application. Now, my current framework allows me
to build
portable data object and transmit them accross the wire, but you will
agree with me that building 1 objects and serializing them is NOT

I have then tried using the new CachedRowSet object from Sun on the
server side 
and returning (serializing) the ResultSet directly to the client app.
But this 
process is _still_ very long as the serialization of so many records is 
very expensive. (ie about 10 seconds, versus less than one second with a
connection object, vs about 500 ms with an ADO.RecordSet)

I thus get very good performance if I open up the ResultSet on the
client side, but
this is something I wanted to avoid. In the very least I figured that if
I could 
get a connection from the server connection pool, I could build up the
SQL request
on the server and execute it blindly on the client through a generic

So, I ask you, what should I do to access large number of rows ? 

And is it possible to use a DataSource from the application client when
the beans
are deployed as CMP beans ?



-Message d'origine-
De : Daniel Cardin 
Envoy : 29 janvier, 2001 11:08
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : Pooled Data Source

Well... it seems I just can't make it work, even though I have read just
about all the messages on the subject.

datasources :


the code

  DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/ddsNP"); // have used
jdbc/ddsDS as well...

the lookup returns an OrionCMTDataSource

but the call to getConnection() 

  DatabaseMetaData dmd = ds.getConnection().getMetaData();

raises :

at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.d8(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ak.eo(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ak.ep(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ap.getMetaData(JAX)
at dds_testclient.Frame1.dsTest(

Hints anyone ? 



RE: Session EJB Accessibility

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

BTW, you CAN access files, but this also may harm multi-host scalability

There's however ways of doing this, for example, a jdbc-file driver (a jdbc
driver that fires upon a filesystem instead
of a database); I think there's one freely available from an O'Reilly book
on servlets (i used to have it while I worked
in Argentina, but lost it when moved to Chile)

However, have in mind that accessing to the LOCAL filesystems (and not a
single fs) will affect your app's scalability
I've had this problem and had to solve it by building a distributed service
that replicates and synchronizes dirs (sorry guys, can't release it). That's
the primary reason fs didn't make the spec; the lack of a good jdbc-fs
driver is the other.

My $0.02


-Original Message-
From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 11:26
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Session EJB Accessibility

why many clients? is that a 'performance enhancement'? (orion's got a pool
of objects, so no perf enhancements to do)
do you wish to model a singleton?

please, elaborate further.


PS: shoooting from the hip a stateless session bean with its fields set
up as 

public static MyFieldType myfield;

won't do? (altough obviously a multi VM solution totally craps this pattern)

-Original Message-
From: Mark Bernardinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 5:18
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Session EJB Accessibility

I don't want to do any database activity. I just want this Java Object to be
accessible as an EJB accessible by many different clients hosted by an
Application Server. The object doesn't have to be stateful either.

 It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than a session
 bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients although access is
 serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
 encapsulate data in a apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
 from the client's perspective...
 How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
 to do?
 Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 An EJB to be Stateful
 Accessible by more than client
 Share the same data object and information

 Summarising the above information, I would like to have an EJB that
 can be called by many clients yet share the same underlying data
 within the bean. These clients may be another application running
 under Orion or a stand-alone application.

 Is this possible, and if it is, what special requirements do I need to
 meet. I have looked at SessionContext but does this have anything to
 do with it?

 Thanks in advance.


RE: Developers

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

uh... search the archives... I think there's mostly one reference to for you to find out.

Also, there's a list hosted by Jason Rimmer at:

and if everyone would sign in there, it would increase considerably,
allowing many other potential orion users
to sell the idea to management more easily. In that page you can enter your
site's details



-Original Message-
From: Burr Sutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 13:57
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Developers

Just downloaded the Orion Server and was wondering what the current userbase
thought about the product.
Is it stable and scalable enough to deploy a major website using Servlets,
JSP and EJB?

Better than Resin? JRun?

I've used WebSphere, WebLogic and SilverStream.


RE: orion and mysql?

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

not to mention the total lack of transaction support which makes it
impossible to be used with CMP AFAIK


-Original Message-
From: Arno Grbac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 15:08
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: orion and mysql?

This doesn't answer your question, but take a serious look at InterBase 6
mySQL doesn't have a good locking mechanism yet, well as some missing
data types (last time I checked).
Good luck,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Marc Linke
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 11:21 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: orion and mysql?


is there any simple how-to for setting up mysql with
orion available? Or can someone explain me how to do it?


RE: Session EJB Accessibility

2001-01-30 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

nope, shouldn't serve multiple clients concurrently...
however, most servers use it (kinda) statically, but won't be true in a

 -Original Message-
 From: Luong, Tony S322 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 15:23
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Session EJB Accessibility
 use stateless session bean, it can serve multiple clients 
  -Original Message-
  From:   Mark Bernardinis [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, January 30, 2001 3:18 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:Re: Session EJB Accessibility
  I don't want to do any database activity. I just want this 
 Java Object to
  accessible as an EJB accessible by many different clients 
 hosted by an
  Application Server. The object doesn't have to be stateful either.
   It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than 
 a session
   bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients 
 although access is
   serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
   encapsulate data in a 
 apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
   from the client's perspective...
   How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
   to do?
   Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   An EJB to be Stateful
   Accessible by more than client
   Share the same data object and information
   Summarising the above information, I would like to have 
 an EJB that
   can be called by many clients yet share the same underlying data
   within the bean. These clients may be another application running
   under Orion or a stand-alone application.
   Is this possible, and if it is, what special 
 requirements do I need to
   meet. I have looked at SessionContext but does this have 
 anything to
   do with it?
   Thanks in advance.
 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: If you have received this e-mail in 
 error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the 
 address shown.  This e-mail transmission may contain 
 confidential information.  This information is intended only 
 for the use of the individual(s) or entity to whom it is 
 intended even if addressed incorrectly.  Please delete it 
 from your files if you are not the intended recipient.  Thank 
 you for your compliance.

RE: URL Mapping of /*

2001-01-29 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

uh, if nobody replies, please post it in bugzilla



-Original Message-
From: Gerald Gutierrez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Lunes, 29 de Enero de 2001 15:45
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: URL Mapping of "/*"

When I map a servlet to /*, and I go to a URL /hello, should not:

ServletPath = /
PathInfo = hello


Instead I get:

ServletPath = /hello
PathInfo = null

If the servlet is not mapped to /*, but instead to /abc/*, then the URL 
/abc/hello produces:

ServletPath = /abc
PathInfo = /hello

This feels like a bug to me.

Bug #161

2001-01-26 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Finally! it's being fixed in 1.4.6

Things are in motion again!


RE: E_Roman e-commerce application(Mastering Java Beans)Wiley

2001-01-21 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

I believe your last assertion is false. Any entity bean that has a composed
key (that is, its key maps to more than one field in the persistence) must
have its own PK class

check the specs


-Original Message-
From: Oglinda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sbado, 20 de Enero de 2001 22:35
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: E_Roman e-commerce application(Mastering Java Beans)Wiley

At 01:31 AM 1/20/01 +, faisal wrote:
-Has any body tried to install Ed Roman e-commerce examples on Orion?.

I am studying the book and I have played with some of the EJBs. There are 
some problems

1. I assume the code was written with the EJB 1.0 specifications because it 
is using some deprecated methods.
2. The author was using WebLogic to deploy the beans and there are some 
major differences in the way you deploy the EJBs.

  -Another question is it possible to do without creating a seperate class 
 for the primary key such as "customerPK.class"

I am not an expert but from what I have noticed:
* CMBs do not need a PK class
* Bean-Managed persistence requires a PK class.


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RE: Writing user managers

2001-01-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

Yes, it is necesary; there isn't a LDAP based UserManager, and
DataSourceUserManager doesn't provide all the features I need


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Viernes, 19 de Enero de 2001 20:38
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Writing user managers

Is it really necessary to have your own user manager?

I model my users as entity EJBs.  I use the vanilla
DataSourceUserManager mapped to the same table that the entities are
written to.  All manipulation of user data is done through the entity
beans.  The only trick is that you need to set:

property name="staleness" value="0" /

in the user-manager block, otherwise entity changes won't show up.

This scheme pretty much minimizes the amount of server-specific code I
have to deal with.


-Original Message-
From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:32 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Writing user managers

The RoleManager depends entirely on the Useranager 
implementation that any
given app is using.
(If you decompile RoleManager, you'll find that it calls
Application.UserManager's methods quite often)

Roles in J2EE (RoleManager) map to groups in UserManager.

I use three tables; one has user/password info, one has group 
(roles), and another has user/group relations

I will be much clearer once you start coding and testing...

Oh, and whenever an app is first deployed, Orion (thru 
RoleManager then thru
UserManager) will attempt to create a group
for each declared role in every web.xml  ejb-jar.xml that 
finds within the
application. That part of the init is automagical...

I've had to make a back-end to the security(to create, edit and remove
security data). You will have to create a user
with access rights to this backend to start(in my case, a user:"sa"
password:"" that was linked to a securityAdmin group).

As a side note, this security is also used to access JNDI, and 
I haven't
played much with it, but you'll have to check out
the orion-.xml for namespace tags to enable read/write 
access to Orion's
JNDI implementation. (Has a lot to do with the 
getAdministratorUser() in


Juan Pablo

-Original Message-
From: Nick Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Viernes, 19 de Enero de 2001 15:24
To: Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Subject: RE: Writing user managers

Sounds like it's not too hard. Great!

One further question if I may.  If Orion supplies its own 
implementation of 
the RoleManager which we cannot change, then does that mean we cannot 
specify the group-role mapping through anything but the xml 
files?  Or is 
there some way that we could persuade Orion to use group-role 
mappings that 
are defined in a DB?


At 12:51 PM 1/19/01 -0300, you wrote:
Group, User, and UserManager.

Group and User are almost data transports; UserManager is 
where the work
but if you know a little of connectivity (say, you want 
persisted security
information in a DB, the jdbc is a must, or java.naming for LDAP, etc)
wouldn't take more than 20 man hours. RoleManager is a class, and it's
implemented by the user. Supposedly, it's the neutral way to 
use security,
it works with roles, etc. If  you have a functional UserManager
implementation, any code you write firing upon RoleManager 
will survive a
UserManager implementation change (or at least that's the idea)


RE: Sybase experience anyone?

2001-01-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

I've used Sybase 11.0.9 running in both W2K and Tru64 Unix(former Digital

it has a jdbc driver called jconnect, you can download it from mysybase;
there's a script you must run
prior to use the driver (check the manual)
Sybase has outperformed Oracle in every test I've done with OrionServer



-Original Message-
From: Christian Sell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sbado, 20 de Enero de 2001 14:59
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Sybase experience anyone?


We are about to decide about the database platform on which we will deploy
our first J2EE application. Preferrably, it should be a cost-free solution.
First I would like to ask if anyone has experience to share about using
Sybase 11.0.3 (the one that is free to deploy under Linux). I especially
wonder about the JDBC driver (does it come with one?).

I have read about people using Interbase and PostgreSQL successfuly. I would
still like to conduct a shootout between the following databases:

Sybase 11.0.3

Christian Sell

RE: OrionCMTConnection not closed, check your code!

2001-01-19 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

sometimes orion doesn't close connection (that's my case, as I solely use
CMP), and still see these messages...


-Original Message-
From: Robert Krueger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Viernes, 19 de Enero de 2001 7:15
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: OrionCMTConnection not closed, check your code!

At 00:55 19.01.2001 , you wrote:
What does this message mean?

OrionCMTConnection not closed, check your code!
LogicalDriverManagerXAConnection not closed, check your code!
(Use -Djdbc.connection.debug=true to find out where the leaked connection

it means what it says ;-). you didn't close() all your connections (meaning 
they were not returned to the pool but the connection object left scope and 
was probably destroyed while still open). that is a programming error and 
orion is kind enough to tell you about it.



Guilherme Ceschiatti

(-) Robert Krger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft fr Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brder-Knau-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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