[Puppet Users] First anniversary of the module team

2014-06-25 Thread Ashley Penney
The 1st anniversary of the module team!

Hello from the module team here at Puppet Labs!  I’m starting this email
with a lie because I’m not sure exactly when our first anniversary really
is, but I started on the 1st of July and the team had only just gotten
started, so that’s as good a date as any.

For those readers who are unaware, the module team at Puppet Labs exists
primarily to implement the supported modules initiative.  For anyone that
missed the announcement last year, the goal of supported modules is to help
you more easily discover amazing modules and offer support for those
modules to Puppet Enterprise customers.  Over the last year we’ve been
laying the foundations to make this sustainable (and making it up as we go
along).  In order to support modules across the diverse set of platforms PE
runs on, we’ve had to experiment with and learn how to test modules in a
sustainable, scalable way, and over the last year we’ve been trying to
accomplish that.

Members of the team

Before we talk about what we’ve been doing over the last year, I thought it
would be nice to briefly talk about who is in the team, our backgrounds,
and where you can get hold of us.  I’ll list everyone in the order they
joined the team to make life easy for me.

Hunter Haugen

Hunter was the very first member of the team and many of you know him as
“hunner” on IRC.  Previously a member of the Professional Services team,
Hunter spent his time traveling and visiting customers all over the world.
 His background, like mine, is mostly UNIX systems administration.  He’s
responsible for the huge refactoring of the apache module a while back, and
is all over the popular puppetlabs modules we hope you’re all using.

Ashley Penney

This one is me.  I’m “ashp” on IRC and hopefully I know many of you.  I’ve
been a Puppet user since the start of 2008, when I spent most of my time
harassing Luke on IRC over “bugs” I found that turned out to be fundamental
design decisions.  I’ve been in operations for ~12 years, and this is the
only job I’ve ever had where nobody will wake me up at 0300 to let me know
everything has crashed and the world is on fire.  It’s pretty awesome.

Chris Hoge

Anyone here who has used the openstack modules can thank Chris for putting
in a ton of work to make them awesome.  Just before I took this job, I
tried to use the puppetlabs openstack modules and after a week I threw up
my hands and gave up as nothing worked.  Now they actually work and are
awesome. Progress!  Chris primarily focuses on openstack, but he sometimes
has to wrestle modules that are dependencies into shape (like mongodb!).
 You can find him as “hogepodge” on IRC.

Travis Fields

Travis joined to help the module team build out and build up awesome
modules specifically for Windows.  The rest of us are Linux users, so we
often just threw up our hands and said “I can’t fix that!” when modules had
issues on Windows.  Since joining the team, he’s taken over the reboot and
registry modules, fixed vcsrepo to work on windows, taken on the new acl
module, as well as fixed a number of issues throughout our tooling to make
sure Windows is a true first class platform for modules instead of
something we hide under the bed from.  Travis goes by “cyberious” on IRC.

Morgan Haskel

Morgan previously worked with Onyxpoint (a long time Puppet community
member!) on Puppet modules.  Battle-scarred from forcing complex modules
into behaving properly, she joined Puppet Labs to help us write amazing
supported modules.  She’s brought some adult supervision to the team and
ensures we’re on a regular cadence for module releases.  You can ask her
questions about Hadoop (she’ll love it, I promise) on IRC as “_morgan”.

AJ Johnson

The almost-newest member of the team is our boss; he's in charge of
ensuring we’re all pointing in the right direction and focused on actually
building things the community benefits from.  He escaped from IBM to come
wrangle the team into a semblance of order and make sure we’re on track to
deliver supported modules!

Colleen Murphy

The actual-newest member of the team comes to us for the summer as an
intern from PSU (that’s the portland one, not the Pennsylvania one).  She’s
a Linux sysadmin, Puppet user, and developer, and she is already helping us
tackle a project we’ve been putting off for months.  You can find her on
IRC as “crinkle”.  If you’re igalic or blkperl then I preemptively ban you
from asking her for PR merges! :)

Other People

This is already longer than an Oscar acceptance speech, so I want to wrap
up by just saying that we have a bunch of other fantastic people that help
us keep this show on the road.  Lauren Rother helps ensure modules have
documentation that makes sense, Heidi Pio shouts at us when we don’t close
JIRA tickets, Justin Stoller makes the CI environment work, John Duarte
shakes his head at our attempts at risk assessments and testing plans, Ryan
Coleman helps us figure out what we’re even meant to be building

[Puppet Users] Module team update: 2013-09-24 - 2013-12-12

2013-12-13 Thread Ashley Penney


So you know, just a little bit of work.

#Other stuff

I rewrote the yumrepo{} type/provider in upstream Puppet but it's still in
a PR.  It should make developing providers (it didn't have one before)
significantly easier for the community.

We're still just a team of 3, so I'm afraid this is all we were able to get
done, but we'll continue working on bringing you great modules and working
on improving the testing of these modules so we can keep making releases
that don't blow up in your face. :)

Ashley Penney
Module Engineer

Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco

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Re: [Puppet Users] Added $::osfamily=Solaris support for the puppetlabs/ntp module

2013-11-22 Thread Ashley Penney
If you make this a PR it would be easier to review.  The major problems I
see is that you removed AIX and Gentoo support (I also like to stick it to
those Gentoo users, but they might get a little upset..).  You also added
the 'restrict' keyword back in to restrict lines but we automatically
prepend that in the template.

If you make a PR against NTP I can help you review and iterate on it there
however, as I can make comments inline. :)

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Richard Feltstykket


 I've added preliminary support for $::osfamily=Solaris on the
 puppetlabs/ntp module to the below branch on github.  It works for me on
 OpenIndiana Hipster.  This is really my first use of github and
 contributing to the puppetforge in general, so can someone tell me if I've
 done anything wrong?  I'm going to go snag my puppet training book and make
 sure I've done the tests right, and then I'll commit those to this branch
 as well.



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Ashley Penney
Module Engineer

*Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco*

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[Puppet Users] Re: puppet module list error: Error: No source module metadata provided for mcollective

2013-11-14 Thread Ashley Penney

I'm afraid this was mostly my fault, we released a version of mcollective 
without some needed metadata and recently changes made this more 
problematic than it used to be.  I've uploaded a new release so you should 
be able to fix this with:

puppet module uninstall puppetlabs-mcollective
puppet module install puppetlabs-mcollective

If the uninstall step doesn't work, just rm 
-rf /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/mcollective altogether to force the 
issue.  After this is done you should have v1.1.3 and things should work 

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 3:45:49 PM UTC-5, Puppet Muppet wrote:


 I'm new to Puppet and having some trouble running the following commands 
 on my Puppet Server.

 #puppet module list 
 #puppet module install puppetlabs/apt

 I get the following error.

 Notice: Preparing to install into /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules ...
 Error: No source module metadata provided for mcollective
 Error: Try 'puppet help module install' for usage

 The version I am running is Puppet v3.3.1 (Puppet Enterprise 3.1.0)

 Would you be able to point me in the right direction please.

 Many thanks!

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[Puppet Users] Module team update: 2013-09-04 - 2013-09-23

2013-09-23 Thread Ashley Penney
I am terrible at getting these out on schedule.

Another busy month with a whole bunch of stuff going on, internally and
externally.  The main highlights of the month are the recently rewritten
puppetlabs-mysql and puppetlabs-postgresql modules.  Both have had huge
overhauls internally and are now (hopefully) vastly more useful for end

*What did you guys do to my databases?*
I'm going to selfishly talk about puppetlabs-mysql first as I'm about to
refactor in my changes today.  Over the last month I've done two large
things for the MySQL module.

First, I've written replacement types and providers for the venerable mysql
providers that have been floating around for Puppet modules for years now.
 (First provider I ever modified for internal use, in the distant past)
 These replacements are called mysql_grant, mysql_user, and mysql_database
and hopefully represent a reasonable set of improvements.  The major thing
I wanted was to allow them to work with puppet resource so that from the
cli you can do:

# puppet resource mysql_user blah@host ensure=absent and have things work.
 This was mostly for selfish reasons as I can never remember the syntax to
add users.

Second, I've refactored the module substantially.  Previously we relied on
enormous numbers of parameters in an attempt to manage /etc/.my.cnf and we
constantly received pull requests to add new parameters.  The new module
blows all this away and allows you to do:

mysql::globals {
  override_options = { 'mysqld' = 'max_connections' = '256' }

You can feed it any my.cnf options you want and they will magically appear.
 It has some downsides in that we can't validate what you put into my.cnf
by allowing you to set any keys, but there's a few thousand possible
entries to my.cnf and it's not realistic for us to handle them all.

I'm thinking long term we'll pull certain key values out into parameters
like before and just merge those into the hash used to write out .my.cnf.

*And postgresql?*
Ken Barber completely rewrote this to be much more flexible than before and
to use a type/provider to build up the configuration, allowing you to just
drop in configuration resources easily.  I won't talk as much about this
here as I don't have a full a picture of it as I do for mysql but it's in
the master branch of puppetlabs-postgresql right now and available for

*What modules did you release since the last update?*

And some from other teams worth mentioning:

http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/reboot - a type/provider to schedule
reboots (windows only for now)

*What else are you guys up to?*
Lots of little things!  I've been working on documentation, understanding
data-in-modules, testing (updating the vcsrepo spec tests from rspec1 to
rspec2).  Hunter's working on a huge amount of stuff from beaker
(acceptance testing) to scaling guides to more work on the apache module.

I'm sure I've missed a bunch of stuff we're doing but as always swing by
#puppet and shout at ashp (or hunter) if you want anything module related
or just want to throw us your worst I can't figure out how to.. problems.


Ashley Penney
Module Engineer

*Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco*

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Re: [Puppet Users] Need help starting with puppet

2013-09-07 Thread Ashley Penney
If you haven't already done this you should head over to
http://apt.puppetlabs.com/ after the vagrant instance boots and grab the
appropriate http://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-precise.debpackage
first so that you're using our packages rather than the default
Ubuntu ones.  Hopefully if you use those you should get a better result!

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 10:29 PM, audrey.lee.is...@gmail.com wrote:

 hello world.

 I found the learning puppet site so I thought that would be a good place
 to start.

 I downloaded the vm.

 I was able to import it into virtualbox.

 But then it hung during bootup.

 So I used vagrant to vagrant up a clean precise64 box.

 I did apt-get install puppet

 apt-get got me this:

 vagrant@precise64:~$ puppet --version

 vagrant@precise64:~$ which puppet
 vagrant@precise64:~$ aptitude search puppet
 p   etherpuppet
 p   etherpuppet:i386
 p   mcollective-plugins-puppetca
 p   mcollective-plugins-puppetd
 p   mcollective-plugins-puppetral
 i   puppet
 i A puppet-common
 p   puppet-el
 p   puppet-lint
 p   puppet-testsuite
 p   puppetmaster
 p   puppetmaster-common
 p   puppetmaster-passenger
 p   vim-puppet

 Then I tried the first command in learning puppet:

 puppet resource service

 I saw a screen full of warnings like this 1:

 warning: Service network-interface-container found in both debian and
 upstart; skipping the upstart version

 Then I saw an error at the end:

 Could not run: Execution of '/sbin/status wait-for-state' returned 1:
 status: Unknown parameter: WAITER

 I tried a reboot to see if that helped.

 Reboot did not help.

 I'm looking for clues on how to get puppet up in a clean ubuntu 12.04
 virtual box.

 If I need to steer clear of Vagrant to make puppet work,
 that is a non-starter for us.

 We had planned to do a lot of mixing of Vagrant and puppet.

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Ashley Penney
Module Engineer

*Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco*

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[Puppet Users] Module team update: 2013-08-09 - 2013-09-03

2013-09-03 Thread Ashley Penney
Going forward I'm going to aim for this twice a month as weekly is too
frequent and I forget to write them every week.

This update is dedicated to blkperl who keeps me writing them by reminding
me every time I forget.

It's been a busy month and with Puppetconf falling in the middle of the
month progress has been a bit all over the place.  Our focus this month has
been on connecting with the community, discussing module standards,
testing, and all the stuff around the edges of modules.

One piece of solid work that's come out of this is the Beginners Guide to
Modules, the very beginning piece of our drive towards having a coherent
set of module documentation that covers everything from how a beginner
should lay out a module to best practices for types/providers, all the way
to testing frameworks.  Obviously this is a new thing for us so you'll have
to help us to help you by giving us awesome feedback on how to improve the
guide and what information you would most like to see Puppetlabs
standardize and define next.

The guide is at http://links.puppetlabs.com/bgtm and we'll be working to
clean it up, move it to our real documentation site and get space built for
us to write more.

I've already done some more work towards an Advanced guide and towards some
blog posts to showcase existing modules (like stdlib) and other techniques
to help you improve modules.


Not as many releases this month, we're sort of focused on other areas and
groundwork to make this easier going forward:


From other groups:
http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/gce_compute/0.1.0 - from google!


Hunter has been working on puppetlabs-apache, merging in endless PRs and
helping to improve that module even more.  Alongside that he's working on
beaker, the previously named puppet-acceptance framework.  We're looking
to adopt it for testing modules but we're in the middle of learning about
it and figuring out how to best adopt it so it's easy for community members
to get going with.

The earlier part of the month was taken up with Puppetconf prep for his
talk (which I heard was awesome and enjoyed by all!)  He also made
https://github.com/hunner/roles_and_profiles as part of this, so check that

Ken (honorary member of the module team this week!) has completely
refactored puppetlabs-postgresql and has a massive pull request in
completely overhauling the module.  It looks fantastic and will be vastly
easier to work with and ensure that we don't have weird dependency issues
going forward.

Ashley (me) has been in the weeds in the MySQL module for a while now.
 I've written some new types: mysql_user, mysql_db, mysql_grant to replace
the existing ones that had a number of issues that were making working with
this module difficult.  The new ones can all be called with puppet
resource allowing you to manipulate mysql via puppet without having to use
manifests.  They all have various improvements and will underlie the
refactoring work that I plan to do in the MySQL module in the next few
weeks.  Puppetconf made it very clear to me that the community cares deeply
about the MySQL module but many people fork it off due to the difficulty
with adding your own configuration params, installation sources, and
general ability to tweak the module without difficulty.

One of the reasons I've been working on the providers and types is to make
sure I have fresh pain in my mind before I start writing some beginner
provider/types documentation for the module team.  MySQL has proven to be
an absolute nightmare to write these types for so I'm full of pain points
to touch on to make sure the rest of you have an easier time in the future.

Ashley Penney
Module Engineer

*Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco*

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Re: [Puppet Users] pupplet-labs/firewall module errors

2013-08-29 Thread Ashley Penney
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 12:57 AM, Amol Kedar ajke...@gmail.com wrote:

 i see this error on the daemon.log of the agent machine

 Aug 28 17:11:07 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: 
 (/Stage[main]//Node[dev2-db]/Resources[firewall]) Failed to generate 
 additional resources using 'generate': Invalid address from IPAddr.new: !Aug 
 28 17:11:08 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: Could not prefetch firewall provider 
 'iptables': Invalid address from IPAddr.new: !Aug 28 17:11:08 dev2-db 
 puppet-agent[5154]: (/Firewall[000 accept all icmp]) Could not evaluate: 
 Invalid address from IPAddr.new: !
 Aug 28 17:11:08 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: (/Firewall[001 accept all to lo 
 interface]) Dependency Firewall[000 accept all icmp] has failures: trueAug 28 
 17:11:08 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: (/Firewall[001 accept all to lo 
 interface]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
 Aug 28 17:11:08 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: (/Firewall[002 accept related 
 established rules]) Dependency Firewall[000 accept all icmp] has failures: 
 trueAug 28 17:11:08 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: (/Firewall[002 accept related 
 established rules]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
 Aug 28 17:11:08 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: (/Firewall[999 drop all]) 
 Dependency Firewall[000 accept all icmp] has failures: trueAug 28 17:11:08 
 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: (/Firewall[999 drop all]) Skipping because of 
 failed dependenciesAug 28 17:11:08 dev2-db puppet-agent[5154]: Finished 
 catalog run in 1.19 seconds

 if anyone has any prior experience with this, please let me know

I haven't seen this before but - can you show me a full iptables from an
existing client, a full ifconfig, and maybe even the result of:

$ irb
irb(main):002:0 require 'ipaddr'
= true
irb(main):003:0 IPAddr.new
= #IPAddr:

That's what I get for a plain call to IPAddr.new, I'm wondering what you're

Ashley Penney
Module Engineer

*Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco*

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Re: [Puppet Users] params pattern when writing modules

2013-08-13 Thread Ashley Penney
As one of the two new maintainers of all Puppetlabs modules I can tell you
for sure that our intent is to make sure everything in init.pp inherits out
of params.pp instead of declaring them directly in the main class, and if
you're kind enough and can throw a github issue up for any cases you notice
where that's not true we can fix them.

I never liked the params.pp pattern myself but there's no great solution to
where do I store all my weird logic to make the rest of my classes
simple.  We're standardizing on keeping all params defined in params.pp
and inheriting that in init.pp so that they can be overridden.

I can't claim it's the best pattern, but we're at least going to strive for

(For background, each puppetlabs module was written by a different person
with their own views on this stuff and we had no unifying style guide or
guidelines to work from.  We're working on fixing these, but it takes time
and we don't want to barge in rewriting everything and upsetting current

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Ellison Marks gty...@gmail.com wrote:

 So, I've been looking into the params pattern for writing modules, ie.
 having a params.pp file that init.pp inherits from as a place to use custom
 logic to set variables, and it seems very useful. I do have one question
 that I'm hoping someone can answer. If, for example, I look at an example42
 module, everything is in params.pp. On the other hand, looking at, say,
 puppetlabs modules, there's some mixing, with the case statements
 determining variable contents living in params.pp, but with straightforward
 string and boolean values stored between params.pp and the argument list in
 init.pp, with seemingly little logic dictating what goes where.

 Basically, what's people thoughts on the value of having every single
 variable defined in params.pp, vs only the complex, logicky ones, and also,
 in the case that I'm being dense, can someone explain the logic behind the
 puppetlabs modules.

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[Puppet Users] Module team update: 2013-07-20 - 2013-08-09

2013-08-09 Thread Ashley Penney
So uh, as you can see from the subject there's been a little bit of a gap
between the last email and this one.  I got super sick and forgot to put it
together, so you have my apologies if you were paying attention!

Over the last two weeks we've continued to focus on the backlog of PRs as
well as working on a number of things internally related to testing.  I
won't bore you with the details but we've been having conversations around
different testing frameworks, improvements to rspec-system provisioning,
how to automatically test multi-node setups, just all sorts of stuff
related to how can we help you guys test modules better?.  This is
chewing up a lot of internal time as we start working out what we're doing!

Over the last 2 weeks we've released a bunch of modules and in no special
order they are:


The openstack Puppet modules have also had a bunch of releases:


A quiet two weeks!  I've also been working (slowly) on prototypes for the
new data in modules feature that was merged into puppet master.  The
short story for that for people unaware of the feature is hiera 2.. in
your modules!.  It adds a huge amount of flexibility and clever features
and I'm doing my best to understand how it all hangs together so we can
help put together guides for everyone else.

We have some other projects on the go I don't want to announce yet, but you
can rest assured we are busy trying to make module writing a pleasure for

As always you can contact ashp@ and hunner@ on #puppet with any concerns,
questions, wild rants about what jerks we are, and so forth.  Have a good
weekend, readers!

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Re: [Puppet Users] Checking for the existence of a file

2013-08-07 Thread Ashley Penney
You cannot use ruby code in Puppet directly, which is why this isn't
working for you.

To do this you would need to write a Puppet Function as documented at
http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/custom_functions.html.  This would then
let you do something like:

if exists('/file') {

Functions always run on the master, not the agent, so this would then test
for the file on the master.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Ted Fiedler fiedl...@gmail.com wrote:

 I would like to check for the existence of a template file and if that
 template exists, use it otherwise move on. The file would obviously need to
 exist on the Puppet server, not the client. Here is my code.

 $filetest =

 if $filetest == true {

 file { '/etc/samba/smb.conf':

notify  = Service[smb, winbind],

replace = 'no',

path = '/etc/samba/smb.conf',

ensure = file,

content = template(samba/smb.erb,

require = Package[samba],


 } else {

 file { '/etc/samba/smb.conf':

notify  = Service[smb, winbind],

replace = 'no',

path = '/etc/samba/smb.conf',

ensure = file,

content = template(samba/smb.erb),

require = Package[samba],



 I keep getting the error:

 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
 Syntax error at '.'; expected '}' at
 /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/samba/manifests/init.pp:34 on node

 when I run the following test, it seems to work fine, but if I modify my
 code above within puppet to use this, it fails also...

 # cat test.rb
 $test =
 print $test
 # ruby test.rb

 Any ideas?

 A million thanks in advance


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Re: [Puppet Users] Benefits of retrofitting Puppet to a legacy fleet

2013-08-02 Thread Ashley Penney
On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Alex Harvey alexharv...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am going to have a meeting to sell the idea of retrofitting Puppet to a
 fleet of already-built legacy Unix systems to a skeptical management (as
 opposed to only using it to build new linux systems, where I don't need to
 sell the idea).

 Here, legacy Unix means AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, and various versions of
 Linux.  Much of the work is already done as far as deployment to these
 platforms is concerned, so the difficulty of compiling Ruby, etc, on
 Platform X version Y doesn't need to be considered.

 I see the following benefits:

 1)  Having facter on every computer in the company is good.
 2)  Having MCollective replace your for loops everywhere is good.
 3)  Being able to standardise configuration of some simple services, e.g.
 NTP, root's profile, etc., is better than not having standardised these
 4)  Any services that you can migrate into Puppet become visible in Puppet
 manifests, which is always better than documentation in a Wiki, which may
 or may not be up to date.

 Being more ambitious, I am thinking that with MCollective, it might be
 possible to use Puppet to install patches etc. on legacy systems.  Maybe
 even possible, with a lot of effort, to fully automate the patching of
 everything, and have the change management system automatically updated as

 Any/all ideas/criticisms are appreciated.  I have one week to write the

All of those points seem reasonable to me! If it wasn't for HP-UX I would
Enterprise as they have pre-compiled everything for AIX, Solaris, and so
on.  They might be able to package up for HP-UX if the number of nodes is
big enough. :)

At a previous job I used mcollective for patch management and sort of
change control, so these things are definitely possible.  We had a modified
package agent that could take various options to generate reports in
different ways (mostly CSV, we weren't fancy) and could then be used to do
rolling patch upgrades across various clusters.  For change management we
were more focused on tying specific git commits to triggered puppet runs so
that we could verify that X change made it out to all the machines, so what
you're looking to do sounds completely reasonable.

I found when writing proposals for Puppet that focusing on point 4 in your
above list was by far the most persuasive.  A service fully converted to
Puppet is by definition documented and repeatable and in a large
corporation that's probably more important than any other point you can
raise in favor of puppet.  The number of times I've had to deal with a
critical failure of an undocumented and unknown system or find a way to
migrate an old setup to a new operating system with no information..

Good luck!

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[Puppet Users] puppetlabs-ntp: templates merge, and new features

2013-07-29 Thread Ashley Penney
Hey guys,

https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-ntp/pull/80 adds some fairly
significant changes and so I wanted to put it up for review early before
going any further.

The big change is that it gets rid of the distro specific templates in
favor of one more sophisticated template we can start adding options to and
increasing the flexibility of.

To that end it adds a bunch of params to handle ntp keys - is there anyone
on the list using ntp keys?  If so does this feature make sense to you?  Do
you want more? less? different things?

We add preferred_servers for dalen.  Hopefully this is what he wanted!

We add driftfile as a param in case you like to store it in non-standard
places. :)

Anyway, hopefully you guys can tear this apart and find all the flaws and
suggest missing features.  I would appreciate any reviews of the new
template especially as now is the time to find gaps and flaws in it!


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[Puppet Users] Module team update: 2013-07-15 - 2013-07-19

2013-07-22 Thread Ashley Penney
My apologizes to all the readers for not getting this out on Friday.  It
was 100F in my basement and it felt like I was melting, I completely forgot
in my rush to escape the house and survive until today.

Three weeks into working on modules and we're making steady progress.
 Things have slowed down a little from my side as I work against the
rabbitmq module and with the community to try and make some firm decisions
on design patterns, but hunner has flown ahead and kept our contributions
moving.  As a result we made the following releases last week:

http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/apache/0.8.0 - mostly bugfixes.
http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/ruby/0.0.2 - development work
http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/mysql/0.9.0 - backup features,
http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/postgresql/2.4.0 - features

We also moved two modules into our namespace (we're working on the
transition for these, we've never done this formally before):


And nothing to do with us, but while checking releases I found that
puppetdb was updated last week:


Of all the above work I'd say postgresql is the most important set of
changes as hunner merged in and wrote some new features so these add some
significant capabilities to this module.

Thanks everyone if you hung in and read all of this, I hope your week is
full of temperate weather and productive puppeting.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Module team update: 2013-07-07 - 2013-07-12

2013-07-13 Thread Ashley Penney
On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 6:16 AM, Alessandro Franceschi a...@lab42.it wrote:

 I insist on the question since I've not had answers previously:
 Any hope the redesign of the PuppetLabs modules will consider the
 suggested standards discussed here:

I know you're finding the lack of answer from us frustrating and I can
promise we're not trying to ignore it or trivialize the issue.  From our
perspective it's just the two of us and we're just trying to find our feet
and handle the enormous PR backlog and get the modules into some kind of
shape.  I'm not against any of those parameter names and I'll accept PRs to
deprecate all the existing names and replace them with alternatives but
it's just a big chunk of work that we haven't been able to schedule yet.

So from my personal point of view I am trying to use those parameter names
as much as possible, as well as that general class outline, in the context
of transforming existing modules where I can't just start over.  We haven't
reached the point where we're doing much from scratch so these kinds of
design things haven't come up as we're trying to find ways to work within
what we got!

So there's a totally unofficial answer, but I think hunner is generally on
the same page as me.  We see the need for a standardized list of parameter
names/layout that is recommended, and we're in favor of moving towards it.

Alessandro, here's a proposal that might help -
https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1718 is a PR about improving the
skeleton that module generate creates.  It would be awesome to see if we
can get electrical and you to work together to put together a skeleton that
a/ reflects the class layout in that doc (probably just
install,config,service and init as a skeleton) as well as a STANDARDS.md or
GUIDELINES.md document that includes all those parameters.  That way the
information would be right there whenever a user creates a module.

It would go a huge way towards getting these adopted I think if you
integrated that document directly into the module skeleton.  It would make
it easy for busy people like me juggling modules to constantly refer to the
document as I'd have copies of it all over the place. :)

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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetlabs-ntp template discussion

2013-07-13 Thread Ashley Penney
On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Erik Dalén erik.gustav.da...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've been missing a way to set which server(s) should be preferred. We
 generally include all our NTP servers in the config but prefer the one that
 is in the same site as the node in question.

 So for a machine in site1 it would look like:

 server ntp.site1.example.com prefer
 server ntp.site2.example.com
 server ntp.site3.example.com

I'll take a look at this but I have a sneaky suspicion if you just pass in
servers = [ 'ntp.site1.example.com prefer', 'ntp.site2.example.com' ] it
should magically do the right thing.  On monday I'll find that out and make
it do the right thing if not.

I guess what you're saying is it's a pain to modify the list per site?  In
that case we can always add a prefer = 'blah' and have that append to the
site you pick if that works.  I think what I'm saying is here is tell me
the API you'd like most for that and we'll do it. :)


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[Puppet Users] Module team update: 2013-07-07 - 2013-07-12

2013-07-12 Thread Ashley Penney

Now that we're two weeks in it's time for another update on what's been
going on in the module team.  We focused on puppetlabs-ntp and
puppetlabs-firewall as our two primary modules, but also merged in fixes to
passenger, rabbitmq, mysql, apt, and apache.

As a result of this work we've released:


Of these three the apache release is by far the largest.  The module was
basically rewritten between the older version and this and most users have
been using it from git for a while.  This is a huge change so I would
recommend anyone on 0.6.0 to test carefully before unleashing it in

The NTP module was also completely rewritten (but is tiny in comparison).
 There's some work left to do in this to unify the templates but I wanted
to get a release out the door today and work on the unification for 2.0.0.

The firewall changes are smaller but the regular mix of features and

In addition to all these module releases Hunter released
http://rubygems.org/gems/rspec-system-serverspec, which is a bridge between
the serverspec matchers and rspec-system.

I made https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-rabbitmq/pull/71 which is
an in progress refactor of the installation part of the rabbitmq module.  I
want to continue overhauling this module completely until it sparkles.
 Please take a poke in there and comment if you're a rabbitmq user.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-ntp template discussion

2013-07-11 Thread Ashley Penney
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 10:41 AM, jcbollinger john.bollin...@stjude.orgwrote:

 Currently, users have the alternative of specifying their own custom
 template instead of one of those packaged with the module.  If the proposed
 change would remove that option, then it would be a significant step

 If, however, the question is merely whether it would be important to me
 for the module by default to apply an NTP config file that is as similar as
 possible to my distro's stock file, then no, that is not an issue at all.


We definitely won't remove that feature - I'm going to try really hard not
to remove any current features of any modules during our work to improve
them.  Nothing is more frustrating than having some feature you rely on
torn out underneath you.  I was just talking in terms of having a single
stock template we use as the default and then allowing people to pass in
their distribution specific one if they need it.

I replied to this mail but I want to thank everyone replying for keeping
the conversation going.  I'll look at making sure it's possible to run ntp
out of cron (I don't know if we'll include it in the module but you can set
$manage_service to false (or service_ensure = stopped) to run it out of

I'll also dig in and look at the driftfile and make sure we manage that
properly too!

Thanks everyone,

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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetlabs-ntp template discussion

2013-07-11 Thread Ashley Penney
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Matthew Burgess 
matthew.2.burg...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 11 July 2013 20:28, Dan White y...@comcast.net wrote:

 Excellent.  I will see what I can do to contribute a run-it-by-cron
 option to the module, since I already do that.

 As far as the large time differences, there are multiple references out
 there to a line at the top of ntp.conf as follows:

 tinker panic 0

 That line's actually *required* on VM guests (see
 - search for 'NTP Recommendations'
 ).  The templates could use updating to guard it with '% if @panic ==
 false || @is_virtual == true -%' instead of just the single @panic check
 that they currently have
 .  Or does it perhaps need to be a little more complex so that a warning
 can be spat out if the conflicting options of @panic == true and
 @is_virtual == true are set for a particular guest?

In the new code we set panic based on $is_virtual by default, so it sets
panic to false for virtual and true for physical.  That way we get the
right behavior out of the box and physical people can override it too.  I
figured that was preferable to having more logic in the templates.

I suppose it depends on if there is the potential of a use case where
people on virtual machines are simply not allowed to tolerate large skews
either, I'd hate to railroad them by forcing the issue.

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[Puppet Users] puppetlabs-ntp template discussion

2013-07-10 Thread Ashley Penney
Hi guys,

As I mentioned in a previous email I've refactored ntp and released a 1.0.0 
release candidate.  There's one outstanding flaw remaining that's 
bothering me and I wanted to solicit opinions on the list.  We currently 
maintain a template per distribution that is close to the stock 
distribution provided ntp configuration.  This leads to massive sprawl and 
means adding a distribution means yet another template.

Would users of the ntp module mind if we unified this all into a single 
template?  Obviously we'd have to pick one as the best base template and 
move over to using it and deal with the fact that your ntp configuration 
would significantly change.

Obviously we'd still be using your custom servers in the template so that 
bit wouldn't change.  We could expand the restrict option to let you pass 
in more customized options here.  What else would people like to be able to 
tune, change, tinker, trigger, whack, or modify in terms of parameters?  If 
you have a really complex ntp setup then I want to hear from you!  The more 
complex and awkward the better so that we can be sure our module meets your 

If you've ever refused to use the ntp module as it lacks something you 
need, now is the time to shout out!


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetlabs-ntp 1.0.0-rc1

2013-07-10 Thread Ashley Penney
On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:14 AM, Matthias Saou matth...@saou.eu wrote:

 It looks really nice and clean! I would personally only have a few very
 minor nitpicks :

  * Shouldn't the placeholder files/README.markdown be removed?
  * Space between class name and parenthesis inconsistency :
class foo(... vs. class foo (...
  * In the templates, this comment should use single quotes :
# Managed by puppet class { ntp: servers = [ ... ] }
  * In the el template, this variable isn't in the current scope :
% if @is_virtual == false -%
Add a new params variable for it, similar to $panic?
  * For real RHEL, the ntp server hostnames used will be centos
instead of the original rhel ones. I'm not sure this is worth
trying to fix, though.

 Great work on cleaning up the module!

Good eye!  I've opened
https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-ntp/pull/68for these fixes.
I just switched over to scope.lookupvar('::is_virtual')
for that single use rather than make it a parameter as it's coming out of
the box via facter.

If anyone knows the official rhel ntp servers then let me know and I'll
distinguish between rhel/centos if anyone cares.  Honestly we'd be better
off just defining a pool from pool.ntp.org as the standard set used
everywhere and let people override them rather than carry this list around.
 It's less likely to drift out of date.  I started another email about
unifying the templates so if anyone wants to discuss pools, lets take it

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[Puppet Users] puppetlabs-ntp 1.0.0-rc1

2013-07-09 Thread Ashley Penney

Over the last few days I've spent some time refactoring the puppetlabs-ntp
module to be a little bit more modern in style and not to be one giant
class. As a result I've released a release candidate and I wanted to give
users of the module a headsup to take a look at the differences and
possibly go as far as testing out the new version.

For the most significant change we're deprecating autoupdate in favor of
just setting package_ensure to whatever you'd like it to be.  Some other
parameters have been reorganized and tweaked to align better with
resource_ensure style naming.

http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/ntp/1.0.0-rc1 or github is where you
can grab the latest if you're willing to test it.

If you have any feedback regarding the general design of the module this is
an excellent place to hash it out as we'll be out to improve other modules
with time.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Fwd: [Module team] Much ado about modules

2013-07-08 Thread Ashley Penney
On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Alessandro Franceschi a...@lab42.it wrote:

 On Saturday, July 6, 2013 1:30:15 AM UTC+2, Nan Liu wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Ashley Penney 

 Now that Puppetlabs has a module team we thought we should start trying
 to keep the community informed as to what we're doing and why on earth
 we're doing it.  I wanted to put together a short update (I'm aiming to do
 these every friday) as to where we stand.

 This was our first week working full-time on Modules, and I spent a good
 chunk of time this week filling in paperwork, meeting people I've only seen
 on IRC, and trying to get up to speed with internal systems and tools.
  This slowed us down a little.

 Hi! I'm glad to hear this is prioritized.

 We focused specifically on puppetlabs-mysql and puppetlabs-apt this week
 to try and get the PR/issue count under control.  To give you an idea of
 the progress we've made:

 puppetlabs-mysql: Closed/merged 20 PRs.
 puppetlabs-apt: Closed/merged 18 PRs.

 We're going to continue iterating over different modules each week to
 deal with the enormous backlog of PRs and issues and keep bashing these
 into shape until we're caught up with all the community submissions.

 We appreciate each and every PR you send us (unless you forgot specs,
 which makes me shout at a puppy) and hopefully we'll be able to shorten the
 cycle of merging them as this work goes forward.

 As a result of this week's work we have released:


 Would it be possible for the module team to review Alessandro's The
 handy grail of modules standards thread and set a variable name standard
 moving forward? It doesn't even need to be quite as comprehensive, but some
 basic standard to start. We use quite a few modules as upstream, and would
 love to see some consistency even if it means breaking changes. Thanks
 again, and look forward to the great things coming out of the module team.


 +1 of course.
 We all say some naming standards are needed and we still continue to make
 our modules in our ways.
 For the sanity of Puppet modules ecosystem let's do something about it.

This is definitely something we want to do and need to do.  I've been a
little hesitant to wade down into the whole these are the specific
parameter names we want to use and building out a huge set of guidelines,
but I do have a straightforward question for the list along these lines:

We're refactoring the ntp module to try and be a little bit of a better
design rather than one giant class.  We've been having some discussions in
the PR about the right way to name the following options:


I was leaning towards:


But it's been proposed that:


Makes better sense in terms of being able to scan for things.

Does anyone reading this have strong preferences either way?  Now is the
time for us to slowly start renaming parameters across the modules as we
work on bringing in PRs, so speak up now. :)

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[Puppet Users] Fwd: [Module team] Much ado about modules

2013-07-05 Thread Ashley Penney

Now that Puppetlabs has a module team we thought we should start trying to
keep the community informed as to what we're doing and why on earth we're
doing it.  I wanted to put together a short update (I'm aiming to do these
every friday) as to where we stand.

This was our first week working full-time on Modules, and I spent a good
chunk of time this week filling in paperwork, meeting people I've only seen
on IRC, and trying to get up to speed with internal systems and tools.
 This slowed us down a little.

We focused specifically on puppetlabs-mysql and puppetlabs-apt this week to
try and get the PR/issue count under control.  To give you an idea of the
progress we've made:

puppetlabs-mysql: Closed/merged 20 PRs.
puppetlabs-apt: Closed/merged 18 PRs.

We're going to continue iterating over different modules each week to deal
with the enormous backlog of PRs and issues and keep bashing these into
shape until we're caught up with all the community submissions.

We appreciate each and every PR you send us (unless you forgot specs, which
makes me shout at a puppy) and hopefully we'll be able to shorten the cycle
of merging them as this work goes forward.

As a result of this week's work we have released:



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Re: [Puppet Users] Re-inventing the Wheel (again?)

2013-06-20 Thread Ashley Penney
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Eric Aiken ericai...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm new to puppet and working my way through the documentation.  I'm
 struggling with the puppet labs module repo.

 I've toyed with numerous automation and configuration methodologies over
 the decades. Perhaps I'm seeing puppet wrong,   Compared with CFEngine
 there is a a lot I like, but I'm not sure why I'm still having to re-invent
 the wheel for a linux server distribution.  What I mean is, why at this
 point in the linux lifecycle, there are not standard modules for the 10,50
 or 100 things that an admin must change to deploy a linux server in prod or

 Even though puppetlabs has a modules repo, if you look for some basic
 modules:  sudoer,  resolv.conf, ifcfg, there a numerous instances
 of modules by users.  Each with their own idiosyncrasies.  Why do admins
 have to keep re-inventing the wheel for each iteration of Config Mgmt and
 Monitoring tools.

 Has anyone created a repo of puppet modules for a given linux distro.
 In my case CentOS.  Seems there should be (at this point)
 /etc/puppet/modules/CentOSx, that includes all the necessary
 modules/manifest etc.  that only need to be tweaked for local settings or
 deleted for lack of need.  According to the documentation and books i'm
 working through, i'll need to download and modify module by module 10's to
 100+ modules/manifests/.pp files for a basic CentOS  server running a java
 app.  Not counting the effort necessary for best practices of parametrize

 What am I missing here?

I've had a number of jobs now that all used Linux and all did sort of the
same things and yet in almost every case the configuration of the systems
ended up radically different.  In some cases this was due to security
requirements, or legacy issues, or personal tastes amongst the people
involved in how to best setup things.  In some cases we just used init
scripts, in others we wanted to integrate monit to restart services
automatically, in some we needed to do weird pam stuff to log console

What I'm driving at here is that there's just so many different things you
can do with things as simple as sudoers that everyone reinvents the wheel
for their specific circumstance.  The trouble with generic modules that are
flexible enough to handle all use cases is that they become complex!  I've
written a sudoers module that relied heavily on augeas to parse and do
all kinds of sudoers stuff to enable really complex sudoer magic.  At the
very next job we pushed out a single sudoers file to all servers.

In a situation like that do you really want all the complexity of a module
that includes functions, maybe providers, defines, all kinds of stuff that
is difficult to maintain yourself when you can write a couple of quick
classes that do exactly what you want? :)


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Re: [Puppet Users] Unknown function validate_bool when trying puppet labs apache class

2013-06-03 Thread Ashley Penney
On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Francisco Reyes franci...@natserv.netwrote:

 Is there a way to list all the available modules? Or basically anything in
 the git repository should be able to be installed that way?

Well, your best bet is actually to flip over from using git to the forge.
http://forge.puppetlabs.com/ is the url and this is where 'puppet module
install x' goes to look.  Here the modules are versioned so you're
(generally) getting known good versions of modules that are tested together.

If you had a blank setup and used puppet module install puppetlabs-apache
it would automatically check for dependencies and fetch all of those as
well.  You can find a ton of other modules on here too.  Sometimes I
install them from the forge and sometimes I google those modules and find
them on git and go right to the source, depending on when they were last
released.  (Sometimes people add them to forge and forget to ever update

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Re: [Puppet Users] Unknown function validate_bool when trying puppet labs apache class

2013-06-02 Thread Ashley Penney
If you take a look in Modulefile in the root of the module you can see the
other dependencies.  You're going to need 'stdlib' and probably 'concat' as
well.  You can install them with either 'puppet module install
puppetlabs-stdlib' type commands or just grab them from git also.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Francisco Reyes franci...@natserv.netwrote:

 New to puppet.

 I am trying to use the Apache class from puppet labs found here:

 When it runs agent --test on my test environment I get:
 err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
 Unknown function validate_bool at
 /etc/puppet/modules/apache/manifests/init.pp:43 on node slave

 Running on Ubuntu 12.04 with puppet 2.7.11-1ubuntu2.2 installed from the
 default Ubuntu repository .

 Looking in the files from the class I see calls to the function
 validate_bool, but don't see it defined.

 If there some base/pre-requisite class that I needed? Don't see any
 mention in the readme file. Also, these classes from puppetlabs github, is
 there a way to tell what version they would work with?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Packages for Ubuntu 13.04 Raring

2013-05-31 Thread Ashley Penney
I think they already are?  If you grab
http://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-raring.deb and install that
you should be able to get all the latest packages for raring.

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Vlad v...@vladgh.com wrote:

 When packages for Ubuntu 13.04 Raring going to be released?

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Re: [Puppet Users] PuppetDB

2013-05-24 Thread Ashley Penney
You definitely still need postgres!  If you grab
http://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb instead of installing it
manually, it will help you get postgres and all the other dependencies you
need installed.

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Worker Bee beeworke...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Everyone;

 I am sorry to be a pest but, I am very confused here.  I just installed
 the latest PuppetDB from the repo packages.  However, it does not appear
 that postgres is installed. I am really lost here... is postgres no longer

 Thanks! Bee

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Re: [Puppet Users] Using puppet to install puppet modules

2013-05-15 Thread Ashley Penney
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Nikola Petrov nikol...@gmail.com wrote:

 I can second that. Not sure why puppetlabs decided to invent yet another
 package system with it's own problems and metadata definition and
 updates specifics

While I'm not disagreeing that this is a pain, I think part of the
difficulty with using system packages is they tend to assume you have one
set of files going into one place.   How do you easily package up a module
when you want it to go into:


Keeping in mind everyone has a different number of environments they want
modules in.  I think that definitely makes things complex for OS level
packaging.  Having said that, package{} really should grow a puppetmodule
provider to make some of this easier. :)

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Re: [Puppet Users] example42 puppet-squid

2013-05-13 Thread Ashley Penney
On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Jim Miller stl...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using example42s squid module
 https://github.com/example42/puppet-modules/tree/master/squid, and trying
 to define certain user variable at the puppet/manifest/nodes.pp level
 This is the first module of their's I've tried,  I've read over their
 documentation and FAQ and for the life of me I can not figure this out.  To
 me their examples are VERY HIGH level and I'm _really_ new to puppet.  I'm
 sure I'm missing something fundamental but I'm just not seeing it.  I've
 also installed example42s 'common' module which is needed to make the type
 of changes I'm talking about.

 The following works fine:
 node 'xio99cdetest1.mygroup.com' {
  include squid


 node 'xio99cdetest1.mygroup.com' {
  class { 'squid':
squid_port = '3030',

 Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
 Invalid parameter squid_port at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:94 on node

If you load up the init.pp from this module you'll notice that after the
class squid declaration there's no parameters listed for the class.  This
is because this is a old style module at this point and is just setting
variables directly in params.pp.  You would be best off looking for a
better squid module while you get up to speed on Puppet.

The best I could find for you is
https://github.com/dezwart/puppet-squid currently,
if you look in the init.pp in there as a counter example to the example42
one you'll quickly see how the parameters belong directly to the class.  In
this case he doesn't have squid_port as a parameter, so it won't be usable
without modifications for you, but it's a better example of the kind of
structure a squid module should contain.

If this is all horrible for you and you're not able to make any headway let
me know and I can give you some help to modify one of these modules to make
the port a parameter.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Foreman and Puppet managing templates question

2013-05-07 Thread Ashley Penney
Foreman does replace nodes.pp.  It acts as an 'ENC', the external node
classifier.  We'd need more details on what you're doing with templates in
Puppet and nodes.pp to really answer this question.  Are you thinking in
terms of how you'd put variables into nodes directly with Foreman?  There's
space in the host page in Foreman for adding variables, under Parameters
if you want to add them directly.  A better approach to this is to look
into Hiera, where you build a hierarchal data store that relies on various
facts to provide the appropriate contents to variables to then consume in
erb templates.

Ideally you'd find ways to not have node specific information, but if you
did need it you'd add $::fqdn to your hiera hierarchy and then add
nodename.yaml files for each node where you listed out all the variables.
This has the big benefit of remaining version controlled, unlike parameter
entries in Foreman.

As I said earlier, if you give some use cases we can probably explain this
all a little better to you.


On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:53 AM, timo stockford...@gmail.com wrote:


 I have just started to use Foreman 1.1. I have been using Puppet for a
 while and have some custom modules and ones that have been dragged down
 from git etc.

 I am using nodes.pp in Puppet to assign classes and template entries to

 So is Foreman meant to eliminate my need for a nodes.pp? How do I manage
 my erb templates in Puppet without a nodes.pp?


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Re: [Puppet Users] Can anyone recommend a module with a resource managing a block of lines in a file?

2013-05-06 Thread Ashley Penney
On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Schofield dbschofi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm hoping a commonly used module that provides a resource for managing
 multiple contiguous lines in a file already exists and someone can point me
 to it.  I want something like the file_line type in the puppet labs stdlib
 module but have it check multiple lines instead of just one.

This feels like it would be a natural fit to be modeled in augeas (unless I
misunderstand your requirements), which is designed for exactly this kind
of line by line control of files.  For an example you can look at
https://forge.puppetlabs.com/domcleal/augeasproviders for some providers
Dominic has written.

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Re: [Puppet Users] New to hiera

2013-05-04 Thread Ashley Penney
On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Josh j...@endries.org wrote:

 I'm not yet sold on heira; so far it seems to just shift complexity
 outside of the classes and add a little more in the process, with
 hierarchies and stuff, and now I have data in multiple places... I still
 need case statements to handle different OSes and stuff. Eh, we'll see.
 Maybe I just haven't read something that explains the benefits well yet.

You should check out
https://puppetlabs.com/blog/hiera-for-pouncers-and-stalkers/ as it's a
great guide to the benefits of hiera.  You really don't need case
statements if you use heira, because you can make a hiera structure based
on a fact like $::osfamily and then have:


This gives you the benefit that if you drop in a new .yaml file supporting
a new distribution you only have to drop it into heira, and not modify
multiple manifests.  The article I linked probably does a better job of
explaining it, but the goal is to remove all the data from your manifests
leaving just variables behind, and then hiera fills in all the blanks.  It
takes some getting used to but I think you'll find it leads to better,
cleaner, manifests in the long run.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Help me with a local Linux account management module

2013-04-26 Thread Ashley Penney
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 4:08 PM, David Reagan jer...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm pretty much brand new to Puppet. I've read the tutorials on puppet
 labs, and most of Pro Puppet. But there's still a lot I don't get. So I
 figured I'd learn by doing.

 My current goal is to write a user account wrapper. It would only be for
 local Linux accounts only, only on Ubuntu for now.

 I'm not just using the user type because I want to manage ssh authorized
 keys as well.

 I did find https://github.com/dcsobral/puppet-users, and a few others.
 But I'm not fond of the use of csv files, and it seems like a simple enough
 module to learn with.

 Wrapping user and ssh_authorized_key is simple, just pass in the
 information. But I do have a couple questions I couldn't find answers to in
 the docs, here, or Google.


- What happens when a group listed in the user type does not exist on
the server?

 Generally speaking you shouldn't let that happen!  The user resource will
fail because it wants the group to exist first.  Create a group{} resource
and in the user{} resource add something like require = Group['users'], or
whatever, so that this doesn't happen.

- How do I figure out what hash to use for the password when creating
a new user?

 There's several ways to handle this.  Generally the way it's done is via a
custom function that executes on the puppetmaster and injects the results
of that run into the catalog for the client.  This way you can use a hash
generator.  Something like

- Do I just copy the hash directly into the password property? No need
to tell puppet what kind of hash it is?

 It basically takes the contents of password and shovels it into the
appropriate /etc/shadow column.

- ssh_authorized_key: name has to be unique. So how do I add a key to
more than one user?

 You'd want to structure this as a kind of custom_user{} define that was
able to take keys as a parameter and those can be an array or hash of
info.  This way you're basically listing all the keys per user rather than
trying to assign keys to multiple users.

Because you'll have custom_user{ 'blah': } you'll be able to refer to the
blah as $name in the define and then you can make your ssh_authorized_key
names like:

ssh_authorized_key { ${name}-key: } so that they have unique names, I'll
leave the rest of this up to your imagination as you'd need a unique -key
bit per key you pass in.  That's one reason I suggested the keys param be a
hash, so that you can have a name and then value and use that to build up
the name cleanly.

- I'd like to simply pass in an array of links(?) to pub key files to
my wrapper instead of the actual ssh key. How would I tell Puppet to split
the contents at the spaces so I can get the key, type, and name properties
out of it?

 This stuff is tricky with the language as it stands.  The way I've solved
this (and seen others solve this) in the past is that rather than trying to
pass in arrays you build a hash in hiera for your users and then pass the
entire hash to create_resources('mycustomusersdefine', hashname) to have it
create a call to the define for each element of the hash.  If you google
create_resources you should find some examples.

 Future plans would be to manage shell configuration as well. But for now,
 all I need is what I've described above.

 Oh, when implementing this, does making a
 /etc/puppet/manifests/accounts/username.pp file per user, then including
 that file on the nodes that need that user, raise any bad idea flags for

It does, but only because even at this early stage you should start
thinking is this how to do a task, or the data the task needs?  if it's
data you should be thinking of 'hiera' and how you can use that to seperate
your data from your manifests.

Good luck!

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[Puppet Users] CFP: UCMS '13 (San Jose - June 24)

2013-03-04 Thread Ashley Penney
Hi all,

I made the mistake of agreeing to help organize a conference and so now I'm
circling the user groups of all the majorconfiguration management tools
with my cap in hand begging for talks.

It's going to be in San Jose as part of a week of USENIX conferences and
we're looking for interesting uses of conf mgmt or anything else cool to
talk about.

You can find more information at:


I personally would love to hear from anyone who has an awesome
infrastructure testing setup or interesting testing setup and so if that's
you then I beg you to consider presenting a talk.  I think it's something
that the Puppet community skimps on very often and would be great to get
the word out that testing is useful!


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[Puppet Users] Want to work in cutting-edge education in Cambridge, MA?

2013-01-29 Thread Ashley Penney

I'm not a recruiter, manager, or otherwise non-technical person spamming
the users list in order to harvest email addresses.  I'm one of the 'devop
engineers' at EdX, a MIT/Harvard/Everyone else non-profit organization
aimed at reinventing online education.  We're the non-profit version of
Udacity/Coursera basically.

We're currently a team of three, with two members of the team having a
strong programming/dev background and me, the black sheep of the team with
a primarily ops background.

We're looking for people who would feel comfortable jumping directly into a
hodge podge environment based in AWS running a mostly Django stack with
Puppet driving the conf mgmt behind the scenes.

Must be comfortable with ongoing endless arguments about the Right Way to
do everything from provisioning to deployment and must be willing to wade
in feet first into the eternal vim vs emacs argument.

We're a very tight knit self organizing team with minimal direction from
above other than requirements from the developers building the stuff we
run.  You'll have a direct and visible affect on the environment here and
help us shape it to be world class (hopefully!).

We have free lunches and a relaxed (but horribly busy still as we're like a
startup) environment.  I've been here since September or so and I
absolutely love it here.  I love coming to work and I love being able to
directly design the infrastructure and build things without endless
meetings and delays and politics. :)

As you can tell, I don't write a lot of job advertisements but if you'd be
potentially interested in working with us please drop me a line at
apen...@edx.org with your resume or catch 'ashp' in #puppet.  The only real
restriction we have is that we're looking for local people rather than
remote workers due to the nature of our collaboration.

Oh and we're a 'kind of agile team, I guess', with retros and planning and
trello boards and all that kind of thing so we hope you're cool with that

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Re: [Puppet Users] How does facter get ipaddress?

2012-12-30 Thread Ashley Penney
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Mandla Mbuli lm.mb...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am running a version 'facterversion = 2.0.0-rc4' do you know if this
 uses /sbin/ip?
 does it adapt for ArchLinux which uses puts it in /usr/sbin/ip (judgin
 from `which ip`)
 `facter ipaddress` and `facter fqdn` don't work for me. I don't know how
 to troubleshoot.
 I just started really reading/playing about puppet today.

 I also tried the latest version available from rubygems and it still can't
 find the ipadress
 or fqdn.

 What could be the possible problems?

The pull request hasn't been merged so I believe it still only uses
ifconfig.  You'll have to either find a way to install that on arch or try
and manually merge the pull request in I'm afraid!

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Re: [Puppet Users] How does facter get ipaddress?

2012-11-30 Thread Ashley Penney
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 6:59 AM, Bret Wortman b...@thewortmans.org wrote:

 Aha! The problem is that ifconfig doesn't return anything containing
 inet addr: in Fedora 17. The output looks like this:

 eth0: flags=4163UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST  mtu 1500
 inet  netmask  broadcast
 inet6 fe80::d6be:d9ff:fe92:1df5  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20link
 inet6 2001:470:1d:429:d6be:d9ff:fe92:1df5  prefixlen 64  scopeid
 ether d4:be:d9:92:1d:f5  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
 RX packets 15939189  bytes 11636881674 (10.8 GiB)
 RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
 TX packets 14236195  bytes 2245276793 (2.0 GiB)
 TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
 device interrupt 19

 So it falls through to host `hostname`, which isn't available because I
 need Puppet to configure freeipa-client for me, which it struggles to do.
 So I guess I have to hardcode the DNS server into my kickstart and then let
 puppet take care of the resolv.conf after that.

I have no idea if it cleanly merges but if you're feeling brave you could
grab https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/267 and see if that
magically does the right thing for F17.  It uses /sbin/ip in preference to
ifconfig, so it should work a lot better.  I couldn't get it merged so it's
just sat and gotten a little stale but hopefully does 99% of what you need
still if you can merge it for testing.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Technical Reviewers Needed

2012-11-26 Thread Ashley Penney
I am definitely interested in this.  I've years of experience with Puppet
and have worked on mentoring junior team members so I've seen a lot of the
beginner problems close up.  I'm happy to review anything you throw my way.
 I have been toying with the idea of writing a Puppet book for months now,
glad someone beat me to it!

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 7:32 AM, joan...@packtpub.com

 I am searching for a number of technical reviewers for a Puppet
 Beginner's Guide that is currently in production. You need to have
 good technical knowledge, and be able to spare a few hours every
 couple of weeks to review the chapters. Please get in touch if you're

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 3.0 rspec and custom resources

2012-10-26 Thread Ashley Penney

During those failing rspecs I have (the stdlib functions) I also see
anchor failures so they are probably related to the same bug as this

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 6:33 PM, Jeff McCune j...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 Is there a small rspec example you could post that reproduces this
 issue?  I'd love to try and reproduce it since there's definitely a
 possibility that a change between Puppet 2.7 and 3.0 is responsible
 for this issue.


 On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:01 AM, Nathan Huff nathan.ri.h...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to figure out if I am missing something simple here.  After
 upgrading to puppet 3.0 running puppet-rspec tests that use
 custom resources from modules in the fixtures directory are failing.  I have
 a module that uses the anchor type and with 2.7.19 it works fine.
 After upgrading to 3.0 all of the tests are failing with

Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError:
 Invalid resource type anchor at
 /home/nrhuff/repos/puppet-os/spec/fixtures/modules/os/manifests/init.pp:2 on
 node enyo.localhost

 The debug output is
 Debug: importing
 '/home/nrhuff/repos/puppet-os/spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp' in
 environment production
 Debug: importing
 in environment production
 Debug: Automatically imported stdlib from stdlib into production
 Debug: importing
 in environment production
 Debug: Automatically imported stdlib::stages from stdlib/stages into
 Debug: importing
 '/home/nrhuff/repos/puppet-os/spec/fixtures/modules/os/manifests/init.pp' in
 environment production
 Debug: Automatically imported os from os into production
 Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError:
 Invalid resource type anchor at
 /home/nrhuff/repos/puppet-os/spec/fixtures/modules/os/manifests/init.pp:2 on
 node enyo.localhost
 :165:in `evaluate_classes'

Re: [Puppet Users] in-module data with hiera

2012-09-30 Thread Ashley Penney
This is -exactly- what I've wanted in my modules since I heard of
Hiera and I am strongly supporting this proposal.  I'll be
experimenting with your gem.  I can't give this enough support as this
is what I wanted since Hiera began.  It'll make supporting multiple
distros/operating systems much easier for modules on the forge.

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 5:37 AM, R.I.Pienaar r...@devco.net wrote:

 Till now hiera-puppet was the only way I know that allowed hiera data to
 be loaded from inside a module.

 The problem with this was that it was still subject to the site specific
 hierarchy which means a module author had a pretty hard time to store
 his data in a proper way in his module thus perpetuating the use of the
 params classes pattern.

 Now that Puppet 3 is out and it's gem extensible I can finally try some
 ideas I had but put off implementing because it was too hard to install
 and distribute these extensions.

 I propose extending the module layout with a data/ directory that can go
 into each module and in this data directory would live a hiera config
 file (optionally) and module specific data:

├── data
│   ├── hiera.json
│   └── osfamily
│   ├── Debian.json
│   └── RedHat.json
└── manifests
└── init.pp

 Here the data/hiera.json is optional and specifies a hierarchy that the
 module author chooses and is unique to the specific backend.

 The default contents would be this is the file is absent:

{hierarchy: [osfamily/%{osfamily}, common]}

 But a module author can pick anything there, should even be able to rely
 on facts that is shipped with the module in its lib dir since that'll
 get pluginsynced out before compile time:

 Now given the data files for Redhat:

{apache::package : httpd}

 ...and Debian:

{apache::package : apache2}

 And your main hiera site config being something like:

:backends: - json
   - module_json

 You should be able to just write module code like this:

class apache($package=apache) {
   package{$package: ensure = present}

 If no data is specified in the site hiera backends then this will use
 the in-module hierarchy and data and just do the right thing on RedHat
 and Debian systems but as always the site can still override the data
 using hard coding, site specific data, ENCs etc.

 So the important thing here is the module author has control over the
 hierarchy that gets used when the data in his module gets loaded. The
 site can has its own hierarchy policy but this backend will only use
 the hierarchy that is recorded in the module by its author.

 If you want to play with this idea on your Puppet 3 install just do 'gem
 install hiera-module-json'

 So I am looking for feedback from the community on this pattern, will it
 solve the problem of author-supplied module data better than we have
 today? I've heard this problem brought up quite a lot so keen to hear

 I'd imagine eventually a backend like this might be a hard-coded backend
 shipped with puppet and always there as the lowest priority backend
 below any that the site might specify in their site wide hiera config so
 everyone can rely on this being there and with the new lookup helpers
 this should also be backward compatible - old Puppets or ones who
 specifically disable the hiera indirector will just not have data and
 will need to supply it some other way.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Help me name a class in the new puppetdb module!

2012-09-15 Thread Ashley Penney
I kind of feel like the reason you're having a problem naming this is
that it doesn't really belong in the puppetdb class but in the puppet
module that sets up the server. :)

That's how I did this, I have a puppetdb module that purely sets up
puppetdb and then puppet::server::puppetdb to handle that other stuff.
 Failing that I guess I nominate the name puppetdb::puppetmaster
despite the ugliness!

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Chris Price ch...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
 Anyone interested in helping me name a class in the forthcoming puppetdb

 There are 2 major parts to the module... the part that sets up puppetdb
 itself, and the part that sets up the puppet master to talk to puppetdb.
 I'm brainstorming names for the latter... a class that you would apply on
 your puppet master machine to tell it how to find and use puppetdb.

 Any suggestions?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Where to execute script to add server to Zabbix monitoring system?

2012-09-13 Thread Ashley Penney
You might be able to use generate() for this - it runs the command on
the puppetmaster and returns the result to the client.  Should be easy
enough to use safely!

On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 7:28 PM, JeremyCampbell
jeremycampbel...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've written a script which adds a new server to our Zabbix monitoring system 
 using their api.  This script contains the api username and password so I 
 wouldn't want it sitting on the puppet clients.  I assume to execute it on 
 the puppetmaster side I need to configure the script as a custom function? 
 And to avoid the script from contacting the Zabbix server every run,  it 
 could write the host name to a file which it checks beforehand.  Would that 
 be the way to go or are there any better approaches?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Append string to list items.

2012-08-27 Thread Ashley Penney
You could give inline_template() from stdlib a try instead.  You could do:

$nodes = ['gfs01' ,'gfs02', 'gfs03', 'gfs04]
$brick_store = /var/bricks
$new = inline_template('nodes.each {|n| etc etc etc')

I'm not 100% sure it'll work in this case but I've done other similar
evil things with inline_template.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Douglas Garstang
doug.garst...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks. I'm getting 'bad target Array' with:

 define glusterfs::volume_create ( $brick_store, $nodes, $replicas='1',
 $transport='tcp' ) {

 $n2 = regsubst ($nodes, '$', :$brick_store) # Bad target array here.
 notice (bricks = $n2)

 On entering the define, $nodes = ['gfs01.us1.xxx.com',
 'gfs02.us1.xxx.com'] and $brick_store=/var/bricks


 On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Trevor Vaughan tvaug...@onyxpoint.com 
 Try using regsubst:

 On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Douglas Garstang
 doug.garst...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an array:

 $nodes = ['gfs01' ,'gfs02', 'gfs03', 'gfs04]

 and a string variable:

 $brick_store = /var/bricks

 How can I append /var/bricks to each item in the array? Lack of a
 looping construct makes this challenging in puppet.

 Such that:

 brick_array = ['gfs01:/var/bricks', 'gfs02:/var/bricks', ... ]

 I also need to come up with a way to append a further sequence of
 incrementing brick numbers to the items as well.


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 Trevor Vaughan
 Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
 (410) 541-6699

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 Douglas Garstang
 Email: doug.garst...@gmail.com
 Cell: +1-805-340-5627

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Re: [Puppet Users] Automate Agent Runs

2012-08-20 Thread Ashley Penney

You have to enable the REST api on clients if you want to talk to them
that way (as it's disabled by default) but this will probably get you
where you need to go.  Failing that you could use something like
mcollective and make a mini-REST api to push requests to it.  That
would make it easy to request mcollective go find the machine in
question and instruct it to check-in.


On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Mike Carr mcar...@gmail.com wrote:
 We are building a system that has a front end for a user to request a host,
 the use can select what they want on the host. Our application will
 build/apply the correct profiles, we would then like to trigger the agent to
 check-in. Our app is current written in Groovy so a REST API would be great.
 Is this possible?

 The server app will most likely not sit on the same sever as Puppet.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Job Listing - Linux Admin in Boulder, CO

2012-08-17 Thread Ashley Penney
More than that I think we should have a rule that if you want to post
a job listing you have to provide some kind of details about it!

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Dan White y...@comcast.net wrote:
 Is full time telecommuting an available option ?

 “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in 
 the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
 Bill Waterson (Calvin  Hobbes)

 - Original Message -
 From: Guy Matz guym...@gmail.com
 To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 11:36:52 AM
 Subject: [Puppet Users] Job Listing - Linux Admin in Boulder, CO

 Anyone interested?


 guymatz at gmail

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Re: [Puppet Users] Help with puppet variables

2012-08-08 Thread Ashley Penney

Good news!  You sound like someone who would benefit greatly from
Hiera.   Hiera is part of Puppet 3 (you have to do a little bit more
work with Puppet 2.7) and provides a way of providing different bits
of data, via variables, for different hosts.  If you take a look at
http://puppetlabs.com/blog/first-look-installing-and-using-hiera/ this
should cover a good introduction to setting up and integrating hiera
into your environment.

We use Hiera ourselves to do things like set 'base' variables that
apply by default unless your host overrides them, which should
hopefully be similar enough to what you want to do.  Good luck!


On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 3:34 PM, thiago thsa...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm a beginner on Puppet and i have one priority on my configuration. I
 have a lot of hosts and each one need different variables. Is it
 possible to configure a specific environment of these variables for each

 Thiago Silveira Alexandre
 LPI I Certified

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Re: [Puppet Users] a complete solution for puppet

2012-07-26 Thread Ashley Penney
I have heard from various other puppet users of Open Puppet
installations of tens of thousands of nodes (at least last I heard,
there's probably people with more) so it definitely scales that high.
Generally they've had to restrict themselves on some features or
sometimes use Puppet in slightly strange ways to improve scaling, but
people are definitely doing it today.

The flash you get from PE just makes things easier.  Most of us
started with a fairly small Puppet trial and over time developed
modules to build up an entire puppet infrastructure.  I have a fairly
(badly) written module that installs puppetmasters, sets up repos,
hiera, databases, everything needed to fully deploy a relatively
scalable Puppet infrastructure.  I think there's a lot of us out
there, maybe a few of us should get together, share what we have, and
try to build a combined module that people can use to help bootstrap
and scale.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 7:34 PM, Stuart Cracraft smcracr...@me.com wrote:
 Hey, Chris: so that begs the question, do you think you have some secret
 or are just
 happier with fewer flashy gui's, more install/deployment scripts, and so

 In other words, do you think the scaling of Open Puppet is adequate to scale
 much larger
 without the flash?

 Or, is there something fundamentally holding back Open Puppet from handling
 thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of nodes, in your


 On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 2:52:00 PM UTC-7, Christopher Wood wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 02:20:17PM -0700, Hai Tao wrote:
  I see. so it is on purpose to make it not easy to use so the
  enterprise can be sold? :)

 There are different skill levels at different tasks in the enterprise
 space, and it is legitimate that some organizations are better off with a
 prefabbed installer for a configuration management system.

 I've created a puppet installation of reasonable complexity without puppet
 enterprise, but that is possibly just me:

 $ cd files/puppet/svn/prod/trunk
 $ ls manifests/nodes | wc -l
 $ find modules -name *pp | wc -l

 That's not to say I don't salivate a bit at the thought of Puppet
 Enterprise, but my budget of $0 doesn't help there. Or perhaps a career-long
 $0 budget has helped, in that I'm more used to building from components
 instead of buying the package. People who are more used to buying than
 building may be better off with a different situation than mine.

  On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Christopher Wood
  christopher_w...@pobox.com wrote:
   Sounds like you should be talking to your managers about buying Puppet
   On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 02:00:37PM -0700, Hai Tao wrote:
   I notice that many components of puppet do not scale well and are not
   intended for large environment. For example, stored config and
   inventory service. In order to scale, we need to use puppetDB, right?
   Another example is the webrick, and which should be replaced by a
   decent web server such as apache. All these need a lot of new
   installation of pieces of software and configurations.
   My question is why the designer of puppet did not consider this and
   integrate everything into a complete solution at the beginning,
   than having us have to reconfigure everything by hand. Who will use
   puppet if he has only 50 nodes?
   Hai Tao
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetmasterd continuously consuming high CPU, with many interrupts

2012-07-02 Thread Ashley Penney
It might be totally unrelated but check for ksoftirqd and see if it's
running with high CPU.  The leap second the other day caused all my
puppetmasters to spike up to 100% CPU and other people had similar
problems.  I notice your server has 271 days uptime so it might not be the
cause but it's worth trying to either set the date with date -s or reboot
the machine to see if it clears it up.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Robin Lee Powell 
rlpow...@digitalkingdom.org wrote:

 So, I have a server at home that has four VMs running inside it.
 All are managed via puppet.  The physical host runs puppetmasterd.

 I don't recall noticing this before, but puppetmasterd has decided
 to be kind of crazy.  Here's the physical host with no puppetmasterd

 top - 11:36:15 up 271 days, 15:16,  1 user,  load average: 5.68, 5.50, 6.45
 Tasks: 129 total,   1 running, 128 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s):  3.6%us,  1.8%sy,  0.0%ni, 80.4%id, 14.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
 Mem:   8128776k total,  6991020k used,  1137756k free,   408756k buffers
 Swap:  8388604k total,   552356k used,  7836248k free,   185220k cached

 10296 qemu  20   0 2366m 1.5g 8884 S  6.2 19.6   6:37.65 qemu-kvm
 17334 qemu  20   0 2788m 1.7g  544 S  2.7 22.3   4576:25 qemu-kvm
  9904 qemu  20   0 2358m 581m 8820 S  0.9  7.3   3:55.78 qemu-kvm
 1 root  20   0 46880 8076 1372 S  0.0  0.1   0:27.00 systemd
 2 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:10.48 kthreadd
 3 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0 322:04.84 ksoftirqd/0
 6 root  RT   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/0
 7 root  RT   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:11.57 watchdog/0
 8 root  RT   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/1
10 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0 551:03.31 ksoftirqd/1

 And here it is with puppetmasterd running:

 top - 11:25:07 up 271 days, 15:05,  1 user,  load average: 12.59, 8.68,
 Tasks: 131 total,   3 running, 128 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s): 15.2%us, 36.4%sy,  0.0%ni,  6.6%id, 39.7%wa,  0.0%hi,  2.0%si,
 Mem:   8128776k total,  6830276k used,  1298500k free,   381356k buffers
 Swap:  8388604k total,   555328k used,  7833276k free,   180096k cached

 10660 puppet20   0  214m 107m 4040 S 61.9  1.3   8:46.81 puppetmasterd
 3 root  20   0 000 S 21.4  0.0 320:38.54 ksoftirqd/0
10 root  20   0 000 R 20.2  0.0 549:30.88 ksoftirqd/1
 10296 qemu  20   0 2470m 1.4g  S 13.1 18.1   4:23.70 qemu-kvm
 17334 qemu  20   0 2788m 1.7g  540 S  8.3 22.0   4574:54 qemu-kvm
  9904 qemu  20   0 2422m 572m 8820 S  3.6  7.2   3:07.15 qemu-kvm
 24980 qemu  20   0 1824m 1.4g  612 S  3.6 18.3  15046:11 qemu-kvm
 12209 rlpowell  20   0 15256 1228  908 R  1.2  0.0   0:00.04 top
 1 root  20   0 46880 7992 1356 S  0.0  0.1   0:26.97 systemd
 2 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:10.48 kthreadd

 The high CPU use by puppetmasterd is bad enough, but what makes me
 be all like wait, what? is the ksoftirqd usage.

 Puppet master version is 2.16.

 This is *without* a client running; there's no traffic on 8140
 according to tcpdump, and there's nothing happening in the log.

 has strace output; it's pretty boring, but there are a few select
 and rt_sigprocmask calls near the bottom.

 I'm totally stumped here.  Any ideas?


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Is this possible with Hiera - Puppet Module Development and using Hiera

2012-06-22 Thread Ashley Penney
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 7:02 PM, Peter pe...@ifoley.id.au wrote:

 Thanks for taking the time to reply.

 Yes hiera provides support for module developers ... however I would argue
 that it is limited for example, the hiera-puppet plugin is *hard-coded* to
 only look for values in the module manifest directory for a file called

 This does allow for a very low threshold for module developers to start
 implementing hiera in their modules (rename their existing params.pp files).

 I believe by extending the hiera-puppet plugin for module developers to
 follow a similar convention as hiera for module users would make certain
 things easier for module developers.

 By providing the ability to signal the hiera-puppet plugin (using a
 module-hiera.yaml file (for lack of a better name)) a module developer
 could reduce complexity and use the DRY principle to setup sane defaults
 (either in a defaults.pp or in a defaults.yaml file) and than use layer on
 top specific settings for Operating systems or even Hardware Types (as

 Sorry I don't have time right now to provide something in depth but a
 brief example would be setting up ISCSI, the module I currently have has a
 complex params.pp file for detecting particular setups.

 As a module developer I am interested in setting up a hierarchy such that
 from most specific to least specific:
 * Hardware_platform
 * Operating System
 * Defaults

 By defining this in the module-hiera.yaml file it makes it very easy for
 me to signal to the module user what settings override which.

 I am not suggesting taking any control from module users, and to be
 explicit user settings (if set) would override the module variable.

 Hopefully I have done a better job of explaining what I am thinking.



If I understand your idea correctly then I too would like to see this.  We
would be able to use a hierarchy within the module (when sharing on the
forge) to provide various defaults without having to do a bunch of
selectors on $operatingsystem etc and make it easier for someone to start
providing overrides from their own hiera data.  Right now to provide
defaults that differ for an operating system you would have to do a bunch
of logic in params.pp that the person would want to strip out and replace
with a call to hiera anyway.  By allowing us to create params.pp as a
series of hiera calls in the first place it'll reduce the amount of
modifications (hopefully to zero) when taking a module off the forge.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Conditional with variable from facter

2012-06-20 Thread Ashley Penney
The :: refer to scope, in this case it's saying variables at the very top
scope of what puppet knows about.  This is because you can have:


And it's not sure which one you mean.  By adding the :: you're making sure
it knows to check the fact and not something you might have set in a
specific class.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Jakov Sosic jso...@srce.hr wrote:

 On 06/18/2012 03:25 PM, Jakov Sosic wrote:
  I have the following facts available:
  # facter | grep oper
  operatingsystem = CentOS
  operatingsystemrelease = 6.2
  Now, if I wish to use conditionals on these facts, I have to do it like
  case $operatingsystem {}
  case $::operatingsystemrelease {}
  I'm puzzled as to why can't I just use $operatingsystemrelease, and what
  do these two semicolons mean?

 Any ideas?! :) Anyone?!?!

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[Puppet Users] Boston (well, Cambridge) puppetcamp on friday!

2012-06-19 Thread Ashley Penney
As this came up in #puppet today (and nobody seemed to know about it) I
thought I'd spam the list to mention that there's a Puppetcamp in
Cambridge, MA, this friday.  The details are at
http://puppetcampboston.eventbrite.com/ for anyone that didn't know about
this and can wrangle a day off work to come along.


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Re: [Puppet Users] can we avoid notify/subscribe firing on a mode change?

2012-06-16 Thread Ashley Penney
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Jo Rhett jrh...@netconsonance.com wrote:

I've looked at the code. It requires changing the triggers to have
 attributes, which is honestly a fairly trivial change and likely backwards
 compatible with anything today, too. Look at Puppet::Relationship.match? ()
 -- it's accepts the idea of event types, but only has triggers for

 That or else could be replaced with specific event types being passed
 quite easily.  Then each object would have to be modified to accept a
 revised syntax in the situation (optional) where only specific types are

 It really doesn't appear to be a large change.

I think the path forward at this point is probably to put together a rough
patch that does what you're looking for.  In my experience the puppetlabs
guys are very helpful about answering questions and helping improve patches
once a pull request/issue has been raised. I'd be shocked if they didn't at
least give you some solid feedback on getting this included.


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Re: [Puppet Users] can we avoid notify/subscribe firing on a mode change?

2012-06-15 Thread Ashley Penney
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:20 AM, jcbollinger john.bollin...@stjude.orgwrote:

 If finer grained event-handling behavior is desired, then it should be
 implemented as a general-purpose facility instead of as a one-off special
 case.  For instance, it is conceivable that a future version of Puppet
 would allow for some kind of filter to be installed on notification and
 subscription relationships, to control which events are passed through
 based on which resource properties changed.  I don't imagine that could
 happen before v3.1, however, if then.

Like most other posters so far I think that this would be such
a fundamental change that it should come in a major version if anything.  I
wouldn't be opposed to the idea of being able to filter on parameters when
doing a subscribe/notify, maybe a filter meta-parameter along the line of
filter = ['source', 'owner' ], but like most people I feel this adds a lot
of complexity for very little gain.  I would prefer to simply schedule the
puppet run that changes the mode and causes a service restart to occur out
of hours and take the restart downtime.  I feel it keeps things simple to
retain the existing concept of notify.


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Re: [Puppet Users] can we avoid notify/subscribe firing on a mode change?

2012-06-15 Thread Ashley Penney
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Jo Rhett jrh...@netconsonance.com wrote:

 But your main argument is:

  but like most people I feel this adds a lot of complexity for very little

 It's an odd phenomena, in that this wouldn't affect anyone not using the
 filter at all, but because they don't see a need for it they will object to
 someone else having the functionality.

I figure I should clarify a little bit.  Unless my understanding of Puppet
internals is way off it would be quite a lot of work to add the filter as
it stands.  A lot of code would have to change internally to make it
capable of filtering on parameters.  By complexity I meant code wise, not
puppet manifest/syntax wise.  I just meant that it would take a lot of
development to get it working consistently and properly as a metaparam
throughout the codebase.  It would be nice to hear from someone at
puppetlabs just how difficult this would be to add based on the 3.0

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Re: [Puppet Users] Looking for a path into the innards of the Puppet Firewall Module @ The Forge

2012-05-21 Thread Ashley Penney
I recently submitted a pull request for a fairly basic feature.  I started
out by editing spec/fixtures/iptables/conversion_hash.rb and
spec/unit/puppet/type/firewall_spec.rb to add in tests for what I wanted
then worked backwards from there by copying existing code, modifying it a
bit and running until the tests passed.  I recommend it as a way of getting

Failing that if you visit irc.freenode.net/#puppet I'm in there as ashp and
can attempt to answer specific questions about it.  I'll be the first to
admit I have -no- idea what I'm doing but I stumbled through enough to add
something so I might be able to help you go in the same direction.

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Dan White y...@comcast.net wrote:

 For a few reasons:

 There is a missing bit of functionality that is important to me.
 I know WHAT I want to fox, but I do not know HOW.

 Also, if I am understanding how this module operates, I have ideas for
 other modules that use the same base methods.

 So, I am looking for either the folks that wrote this module or someone
 who can help me understand it enough for me to make some enhancements to it

 Please help me help the Puppet community !


 “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
 in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Newbie question: what to start from?

2012-05-18 Thread Ashley Penney
I'm not associated with this site in any way but you might want to look at
http://www.example42.com/ and  https://github.com/example42, they have a
lot of examples and existing modules you could look through to get a feel
for how Puppet is put together.

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Anatoliy Lisovskiy wavebo...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks anyway. ;)

 When we started using cfengine long time ago cookbooks _with_examples_
 were available, it was very convenient.


 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Andy Taylor andytaylo...@gmail.comwrote:

 Welcome :)

 I started here:


 Lots of good material.

 On May 17, 10:24 pm, Anatoliy Lisovskiy (Wavebourn)
 wavebo...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hello fellow community members!
  I just joined you in order to find an information about how to start
  using Puppet...
  Currently we use cfengine for our legacy system containing several OS
  platforms, including physical and virtual servers. For fresh new
  hardware and OS versions we decided to go with Puppet due to it's
  growing popularity (wow, 4082 members of this group only!).
  I've installed it on a Linux KVM guest, it is up and running.
  What's next, what would you recommend me to do now, in order to avoid
  common errors causing messy configuration? Do we have some kind of

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 3.0 and Hiera

2012-05-04 Thread Ashley Penney
On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 5:05 AM, R.I.Pienaar r...@devco.net wrote:

 I think the plan was that there would be a priority order as below:

  - someone wrote in a manifest: class{foo: something = something}
  - an ENC supplied the values for something on the class foo
  - someone did include foo or class{foo: } this would consult hiera
  - if hiera does not have an answer it would default to default

 This gives people with more complex needs than those matched by hiera
 the ability to use ENCs and get exactly the data model they desire as
 well as people who do not want any magical data lookup for some class
 the ability to hard code values.

 And at the same time it lets module authors provide out of the box
 defaults that work without placing a load on module users where they
 might have to read every class and set hiera values for every argument
 before they can use a class if all they wanted was the default out of
 the box behaviour.

 Does this sound sane?

I can't speak for anyone else but this sounds fantastic to me.  I've already
ran into this problem where I want a bunch of defaults to be used unless
they need to specifically overwrite them in Hiera and I don't always want
to add those into Hiera (because of the lack of namespacing it can get
messy).  All of the changes mentioned so far will be of very big benefit
and really improve things. :)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Moving from Puppet 0.25 to Puppet 2.6+ : global scope/variables

2012-04-24 Thread Ashley Penney
This was a long email!  The answer to your problems is definitely something
Hiera.  You make a common.yaml that has all your defaults and then you can
overwrite these based on any fact you like, when building the hierarchy.
 You can
make a hierarchy like:


Then you could make


And override any of the defaults in common.yaml with more specific
values.  You even
just set something like php_errors: true in staging.yaml and then in the
template have
some kind of % if php_errors % log with errors % end % etc kind of
code.  Hiera
is definitely the solution to what you're trying to do, it lets you extract
all that magic
out of the manifests and keep them clean and then rely on looking for the
most specific
match when traversing down the hierarchy.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Calimero calimero...@evolutive.org wrote:


 I worked with puppet ( 0.25) back in 2008/2009. We were able to
 deploy 200 servers from scratch and manage them. It worked fine.

 I'm now with a new customer and I'm pushing Puppet (and I'm also back
 to puppet on a side project).

 We're considering Puppet 2.6 to manage RHEL/CentOS 5 or 6 hosts. I'm
 upgrading myself to Puppet 2.6's new concepts and features.

 Anyway consider this for the sake of argument:

 - node server1.hostingcompanyAlpha.com
 -- hosted on a dedicated server at provider Alpha
 -- production

 - node server2.hostingcompanyBeta.net
 -- hosted on a dedicated server at provider Beta
 -- production

 - node staging.myprivatenetwork.priv
 -- hosted on my customer's private network
 -- staging/QA

 - node dev.myprivatenetwork.priv
 -- hosted on my customer's private network
 -- development server

 Those four nodes must host the same elements:
 - Apache HTTPD with multiple VHosts
 - PHP
 - Extra software ...

 There are a few differences between nodes:
 - Servers don't have the same capabilities (CPU/Mem/bandwidth): we
 need to tweak Apache's MaxClients settings on a per-host basis
 - We need to tweak PHP : displaying errors on 'staging' and 'dev' but
 hiding them on server1/server2 (ie: setting 'display_errors' to 'on'
 or 'off' in php.ini)
 - On development and staging/testing servers we need to change some of
 the VHosts definitions: add extra serverAliases, etc ...
 - server1, server2 and staging/dev must use different DNS servers (/
 etc/resolv.conf) and RPM Mirrors (yumrepo{ })

 I've read the following blog post:


 Back with puppet  0.25, we'd use global variables (not even node

 manifest/sites.pp had something like:

 $envname = 'prod'
 $envstr = ''
 $dns_servers = [ '', '' ]

 import classes/*.pp

 node 'server1.hostingcompanyAlpha.com' {

$httpd_maxclients = 300
$yum_base = http://mirrors.hostingcompanyAlpha.com/ftp.centos.org/
$dns_servers = [ '', '' ] # Hosting Co.'s resolvers

include mywebserver

 node 'server2.hostingcompanyBeta.net' {

$httpd_maxclients = 200
$yum_base = http://repo.hostingcompanyBeta.net/centos/;
$dns_servers = [ '' , '' ]

include mywebserver

 node 'staging.myprivatenetwork.priv' {

$httpd_maxclients = 50
$php_display_errors = 'on'
$envname = 'staging'
$envstr = 'stag'

include mywebserver

 node 'dev.myprivatenetwork.priv' {

$httpd_maxclients = 20
$php_error_reporting = E_ALL
$php_display_errors = 'on'
$envname = 'dev'
$envstr = 'dev'

include mywebserver

 manifests/classes/mywebserver.pp would contain somethine like this:

 import php
 import httpd

 class mywebserver {

include centos # which would in turn include modules 'yum' and

include httpd
include php
include php::apc

define httpd::vhost { 'mysite' :
servername  = www.mysite.com,
documentroot= /var/www/html/mysite.com,

 modules/httpd/manifests/init.pp had:

 # defaults
 $httpd_maxclients = 150

 class httpd {

file { /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf :
content = template(httpd/httpd.conf.default.erb); #
 which would
 then use $httpd_maxclients


 We also had a httpd::vhost($ip = *, $port = 80, $servername,
 $documentroot, ...) define which would write VHosts files based on the
 following template:

 VirtualHost %= ip %:%= port%
ServerName  %= servername %
 % if envstr != '' -%
ServerAlias %= envstr %%= servername %
 % end -%

 % if envname != 'prod' -%
php_admin_value display_errors on
 % end -%


 modules/yum/manifests/init.pp had:

 # defaults
 $yum_base = http://myrepo.myprivatenetwork.priv/centos;

 class yum {
yumrep { os :
baseurl = ${yum_base}/RPMS.os,

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Moving from Puppet 0.25 to Puppet 2.6+ : global scope/variables

2012-04-24 Thread Ashley Penney
It checks every layer of the hierarchy, so it would look for:


But the important thing to know is it's looking for an actual variable.  If
you had defined
selinux: disabled in common.yaml and nowhere else then it would always
reach that
file and pull in that value.  Just because environment/staging.yaml matches
the state
of the machine doesn't mean it'll stop processing at that point - it'll
check every file
in the hierarchy it matches, in order, until it finds an entry for the
variable you are
looking up.  (In a manifest you do $var = hiera(variablename)).

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Calimero calimero...@evolutive.orgwrote:

 That's the part I don't really get so far, as I haven't fiddled with
 Hiera yet.

 How would Hiera search through the hierarchy ?

 Try: fqdn/server1.yml
 == not found
 Try: environment/staging.yml
 == not found
 Fetch from common.yml

 Try server1/staging.yml
 == not found
 Fetch from common.yml

 ie: is it recursive or it a list of fallbacks ?

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: How can i make a 'file' resource depend on package installation?

2012-04-23 Thread Ashley Penney
To make this work you need to have:

file { '/etc/foo':
  ensure = present,
  require = Package['SomePackage'],

as well as:

package { 'SomePackage':
  ensure = present,

The require always has to have something in Puppet to match to.  By saying
ensure = present you're just telling puppet hey if this package is
installed then don't worry, otherwise install the latest version you can
find through the package manager.  As long as you have both pieces you
should be in good shape!

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 5:27 AM, geog tomer...@gmail.com wrote:

 thanks for clarifying that out! i'll give it a few more shots for some
 reason did not work for me.

 On Apr 23, 12:21 pm, R.I.Pienaar r...@devco.net wrote:
  - Original Message -
   From: geog tomer...@gmail.com
   To: Puppet Users puppet-users@googlegroups.com
   Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 10:11:30 AM
   Subject: [Puppet Users] How can i make a 'file' resource depend on
 package installation?
   basically i want to add to my file resource a requirements on a pre-
   installed package and if its not installed should be first installed.
   file {
  require = Package[SomePackage]
   I understand require is not supported in file resource is there any
   other solution to have this dependency?
  Require is whats called a meta paramater - it's supported on all
 resource types
  including File.  Same for subscribe, notify and a few others

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[Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Creating a system module path (starting with Telly)

2012-04-23 Thread Ashley Penney
I've noticed that nobody else has replied to this but as one of the more
vocal people in the
original discussion I'd like to state that I love the idea of a vendor and
site module path and
think this is an ideal way to move these things out of the core.  This
proposal is much less
scary than the previous conversations and at this point is actually a
pretty big improvement
over the current situation.

So, +1 from this guy!

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Michael Stahnke stah...@puppetlabs.comwrote:

 There was some discussion and concern about moving the Nagios
 types/providers out of the core area of Puppet for Telly.  We made a
 mistake of talking about a point solution to a problem rather than the
 vision on where we’d like it to go, and why.  We’ve attempted to
 outline this a bit more so you can hopefully have a better
 understanding of our ideas.  As always, feel free to comment and voice
 concerns.  This isn’t set in stone and at this point is a proposal.

 == The Problem ==

 Bundling types and providers into the core of Puppet has a few problems.

 The most important problem is that it ties releases of the types or
 providers to releases of core Puppet.  That is a pretty slow moving
 (for stability) system, and it is also a system where most of the
 investment goes into supporting new releases rather than improving
 older releases.

 We want to keep our core stable, while allowing the community platform
 experts, distro maintainers and other users to enhance the experience
 with certain aspects of Puppet without having to wait for the next
 major release.

 The secondary problem is that it plays favourites - some platform
 types are in core, others are not.  Some monitoring systems, or disk
 management systems are in core, others are not.  That doesn't reflect
 the real importance of those types, or that some are more special or
 more stable than others - just happenstance of time.

 On the other hand, having Puppet work out of the box is awesome.  You
 should be able to install Puppet and immediately get started, managing
 your platform and generally doing awesome things.

 Puppet with no types, and no providers, is not awesome.  It can't do
 anything - and install twenty things, then ... is not a good
 introductory experience.

 == Proposed Solution ==

 We want to take some of the great lessons from other platforms - Perl,
 Python, and Ruby - and apply them to this problem:

 We are proposing to pull more types and providers out of Puppet, so
 they get the benefit of an independent release cycle, and the
 advantages of full forge integration.

 We also propose to have a system module path: a set of modules that
 ship with core Puppet, taken from the forge, and available by default
 at install time.  They will ensure that Puppet is still awesome out of
 the box - but that you can list modules and their versions, and can
 update freely.

 We also plan a vendor module path, and a site module path.  Other
 platforms have shown the value of this: when distributions package
 Puppet, they might want more or different modules to support their
 systems better.  Allowing them to drop into the vendor module path and
 operate in the same way as our system modules makes it easy to use
 normal modules in an awesome way.

 Finally, the site module path allows for easy deployment of modules
 through other packaging systems like yum and apt, internally to
 companies and sites that want a different path for versioning modules.
  They separate the mutable path used by the local tool and the managed
 path for self-packaged modules.

 This seems to offer the best of both worlds: we can take full
 advantage of the strengths of modules, but without giving up the
 awesomeness of Puppet that does great things out of the box.

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Re: [Puppet-dev] Re: [Puppet Users] Telly: Nagios types moving into Module

2012-04-16 Thread Ashley Penney
This is kind of an argument against moving these things out of the core in
the first place in my opinion.  The fact that you can now have multiple
versions of the nagios provider is just worse than having a single copy.
 Before at least I could update to 2.7.x and be assured all my providers
were at the same version, now I have to deal with all the module updates
(which only grows as time goes on) and constantly deal with checking them
into git, managing them, testing them with various versions of the client.

I get why you're doing this but as an end user this is just causing me more
work and making me do more testing and a lot more management.  At least
before I could rely on having a broad set of core resources.  Now we're
going in the opposite direction.

Maybe I'm just a grouchy old sysadmin but now I can't just rely on
yum.puppetlabs.com to provide my resources and that means time out of my
day to update them and push them into git.  In the workflow we've
instigated at work I cannot just throw in an update and push it - I have to
create branches, run tests, open tickets.  With things provided by puppet's
core I just have to get approval to update the client in one easy push.

Maybe I'll just make /etc/puppet/modules/ for modules imported directly
from the forge (and unedited in any way) and instigate easier rules around
updating these.

Sorry if this turned into a bit of a GET OFF MY LAWN post.

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Michael Stahnke stah...@puppetlabs.comwrote:

 On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Todd Zullinger t...@pobox.com wrote:
  Michael Stahnke wrote:
  For the next major Puppet version, code-named Telly, we have some
  coming.  This is the first in a series of emails around these changes
  may require some input from the community.
  For Telly, the nagios types will be moved into a module.  This allows
  to be iterated on in isolation from the rest of Puppet's core release
  and process. In the future we have plans to move several other types
  modules that can be individually maintained, improved, tested and used.
  The module for Nagios will be available on the Forge.
  The upgrade path is the thing we need some feedback about.  The basic
  steps to upgrade would be to setup a Telly master, and then install the
  Nagios module via the Puppet Module Tool, which ships integrated with
  2.7.13+ and Telly.
  Is it possible to package these modules for distros?  In the past, we've
  a few requests to do this for third-party modules but we didn't do this
  because there wasn't really any standard for it.  With puppet module tool
  being integrated now, perhaps that's something that can be reconsidered.
  I'm thinking that for folks using rpm, they'd rather see an update that
  pulls in the same fucntionality as they had before.  And even for new
  installs, I'd personally prefer to install these things via rpm.  If I
  wanted to use a secondary package management system, I could use gems or
  eggs or CPAN, but I don't. ;)

 Todd, welcome and I feel your pain.  Trust me, I pushed every way I
 could to use native packages as our module deliver mechanism.  However
 we have some odd requirements that make things not work as well with
 RPM (or deb, or gems).  Basically we need a mechanism to allow
 multiple versions installed into separate environments (paths on
 disk).  That sort of ruled out traditional packaging systems, without
 doing some installation and symlink-selection magic.  Even then, there
 were some issues.

 Something like pm2rpm and pm2deb is very likely something we'll need
 to make the lives of Puppet Users happy.  It should be fairly simple
 and we'll want to be sure that the default module path is something
 that is FHS compliant.

 We'll also want to work with Jordan and see if we can get packaging
 Puppet Modules (in this format) as an option with FPM.  I think FPM
 already does some Puppet Module stuff, so it may not need any real


  I think it's good to split out these things, as it would allow us to
  properly add a nagios dep to the hypothetical puppet-module-nagios
  ToddOpenPGP - KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
  I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
 -- W. C. Fields

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Re: [Puppet Users] Supported Ruby Versions for Telly

2012-04-15 Thread Ashley Penney
You might have the best luck going the route of Well, my puppetmaster
needs RHEL6 and that's the only way it's supported because then you get
1.8.7 from an official source.  I completely sympathise with your
situation, having been in it before.

Your understanding is right to the best of my knowledge, I wouldn't try and
run the master on 1.8.5, but clients should work with the stock RHEL5 Ruby.

On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Dan White y...@comcast.net wrote:

 I would have no problem trying either one of these, but the PHB-objections
 I face are that these do not come from Red Hat or a reliable source.
  They might trust them if they came from PuppetLabs' repository, but even
 that is no guarantee.  They are inconsistently paranoid about what they
 will permit into their production environment.  They had kittens when I
 initially pulled Cobbler and Puppet from EPEL, while they build
 replacements for some packages from source and install from the source
 build rather than with an RPM.

 Please tell me if I understand the versioning requirements:
I need ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.3 on the machine acting as Puppet Master.
The clients/agents can use ruby 1.8.5 for now.

 Is that accurate ?

 On Apr 15, 2012, at 12:03 AM, Craig White wrote:

 enterprise ruby (1.8.7 only)



 On Apr 15, 2012, at 12:55 AM, Gary Larizza wrote:

 Have you checked out the packages that Karanbir Singh has created?  They
 work fairly well -- http://centos.karan.org/el5/ruby187/

 On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 8:53 PM, Dan White y...@comcast.net wrote:

 Great to hear this, but I am now looking for a reliable way to get Ruby
 1.8.7 or 1.9.3 onto a RHEL-5 system.  The environment I am working still
 has RHEL 3 and 4 machines running, and I would not hold my breath waiting
 for transition to RHEL 6 (which does have ruby 1.8.7 in it)

 One more thing: When I say reliable, it has to be able to convince a
 non-technical PHB type.

 Suggestions ?

 On Apr 13, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Michael Stahnke wrote:

  Puppet Labs is happy to announce full support for Ruby 1.9.3 will be
 part of
  the next major release of Puppet, codenamed Telly.  Ruby 1.8.7 and
 1.9.3 are
  considered the primary supported Ruby versions, on all platforms
  Unix, Linux, Windows, and MacOS-X.  Ruby 1.8.5 is also supported, on
 the agent
  The Puppet 2.7 series featured initial support for the Ruby 1.9 series,
 and we
  are happy to see that work completed and brought forward to full
  support in the forthcoming release.
  Other Ruby versions including 1.8.6, 1.9.1, and 1.9.2 are not officially
  supported. Ruby implementations other than the MRI series are not
  supported. We will accept patches that fix issues on other (non MRI)
  Ruby systems.
  1.9.3 was selected due to its inclusion in Fedora 17 (Beefy Miracle) and
  Ubuntu Precise Pangolin.
  Previews of Telly should be available in May. If you'd like to see some
 of the
  changes happening today, you are also welcome to run Puppet's master
  If you have questions or concerns, feel free to respond here.
  Mike Stahnke
  Community Manager

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Re: [Puppet Users] Why latest stable Debian Squeeze package is 2.6.2-5+squeeze4 please ?

2012-04-05 Thread Ashley Penney
You can try the Debian packages at  http://apt.puppetlabs.com/ to see if
the Squeeze ones are more up to date (they will be, I think!)

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 7:19 AM, Christophe L cl.subscript...@gmail.comwrote:


 I have installed puppet on debian-squeeze using aptitude / apt-get but
 I got the version 2.6.2 of Puppet.

 After some research, I have found that the last stable debian package
 version is
 puppet (2.6.2-5+squeeze4) [security]

 and that 2.7.12-3 is considered as unstable

 But on the puppet documentation, it is written that
 The latest stable release is 2.7.12
 The latest maintenance release is 2.6.14

 Could you explain me the reason why the latest stable release of
 puppet is considered as unstable on debian squeeze please ?

 Is there a way to install puppet 2.7.12 on debian squeeze and what are
 the risks if I do so please ?

 Thanks in advance for your answers

 Best regards,

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Re: [Puppet Users] stdlib/range issue

2012-03-29 Thread Ashley Penney
I needed this just yesterday, actually, for NFS mounts.

  $PO_0_9 = prefix(range(0,9),'/PO_0')
  $PO_10_31 = prefix(range(10,31),'/PO_')
  $PO_32_76 = prefix(range(32,76),'/PO_')

  nfs::po_mounts_50{ $PO_0_9:
options = 'soft,bg,tcp',

  nfs::po_mounts_50{ $PO_10_31:
options = 'soft,bg,tcp',

  nfs::po_mounts_55{ $PO_32_76:
options  = 'soft,bg,tcp',

I know how ugly this is, but I had to split the range in two just to get
the leading 0.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Gary Larizza g...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:48 AM, Pablo Fernandez 

 Dear stdlib'ers...

 I have just discovered the wonders of the parser functions, and got
 impressed with the tens of functions that come with stdlib. First things
 first... good work!!! Thanks!!

 And now the issue. It seems like the writer of the range() function did
 not think about ranges with more than one digit that need leading zeros in
 the first items, like 01..99, when you usually want to have 01, 02, and
 so on. Ruby allows you to do (01..99) and that will do the right thing,
 but the range() function provided with stdlib does some type conversion
 (detects if it's a number, and changes the type to integer) which converts
 01 to 1 breaking this possibility.

 Hey Pablo,

 Just a question - do you have a NEED for it to be [01...99] with the
 leading zero?  If I understand correctly, the end result is the same, as
 the range function will cast 01 to 1 and not BREAK because you pass it 01 -
 correct?  Maybe I'm missing why you would need to use 01 explicitly?

 I tried to submit a bug report, but I just can list the open ones, can't
 make one myself. Is this intentional? How do I properly address this

 No problem.  We've turned off Github Issues because we use our central
 Redmine server for bug tracking --
 http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/modules/issues  Please feel free
 to file any module tickets here!

 So, I tried to change that myself, but no matter what I do to the
 range.rb file, the changes are not picked up by the node. Do I have to do
 something to force a reload of the file? This runs in the server, right?

 What I did then was to create a range_custom() which is a copy of the
 former, but without the type conversion. I tried that and it works like a


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Re: [Puppet Users] mcollective plugin question

2012-02-22 Thread Ashley Penney
You might want to look into the puppetral plugin to mcollective.  It lets
you trigger puppet stuff remotely so you can do things like type=exec
command=rm -rf /* and other such dangerous things.  I tried it recently
and the important action of do has vanished (so there's an open ticket on
that) but it should do what you need!

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Kenneth Lo k...@paydiant.com wrote:

  We've been using mcollective primarily for coordinate service restart
 across nodes as well as facts-finding, which are all well and good.

  One thing we would like to utilize this tool is to create an arbitrary
 shell command plugins/services so our master can really act as a command

  I spoke with a couple folks and know that this is just as a matter of
 writing the plugin itself, but I'm wondering if folks here already have a
 solution for it or if you have any pointers we can check.  :)

  Thx in advance.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Anyone seeing odd agent behaviour with 2.7.10?

2012-01-26 Thread Ashley Penney
I'm having the same thing, I use puppetd -tv all the time and now it's
trying to delete a .pid at the end:

err: Could not remove PID file /var/run/puppet/agent.pid

It's super annoying but not fatal I suppose.  I stopped the daemon from
running and tried running puppetd again but it still gave the same error.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 8:14 AM, R.I.Pienaar r...@devco.net wrote:

 - Original Message -
  Is the puppet agent daemon running when you run the agent by hand?

 Ah! thats it, I'll take a look

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Re: [Puppet Users] Cross-module (package) dependencies

2012-01-25 Thread Ashley Penney
I don't have a solution but I do want to chime in and state that modules
exist just to collect together virtual resources is a horrible thing.
 We're just
talking about working around the way Puppet works right now rather than
defining what the end solution should be.

I would be happiest with some kind of thing that can handle multiple
of the same resource and work out a way to apply them as one entry.  Like
others suggested something that can merge all the unique attributes together
for one entry.  After all, if they've been included on the host all of
those attributes
should apply so I can't see a dangerous downside to this.

It has to be better than trying to organize things so you only use a
once and having all kinds of tricks and complicated workarounds.  I don't
my modules to have to rely on some weird generic module full of virtual
just to use a package without clashing into a module written by a coworker.
think modules should be capable, if possible, of standing alone, and this
is ruining
that basic concept.

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Dan Bode d...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:28 AM, Felix Frank 
 felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de wrote:


 there was a discussion in the can we deprecate defined() in Telly
 thread about how we can even begin to design Forge modules without it.

 A recurring problem is that multiple modules rely on certain packages,
 and there is no good model (yet) to unite their resource declarations.
 Therefore it's a common (although imho disgusting) workaround to do
 things like
 if !defined(Package[foo]) { package { foo: ensure = installed } }

 On 01/20/2012 11:34 PM, Cody wrote:
  Defining all somewhat common packages in a central location becomes
  unrealistic when you no longer control the code that is in every
  module you use.  If you obtain five modules from the forge and they
  all require a specific package and so all define that package your not
  going to convince, nor is it a good design to require everyone to move
  the package definitions from that collection of modules.  They need to
  function as a collection out of the box.

 Agreed. How can this be accomplished?

 Perhaps there needs to be some kind of Forge common module that by
 policy can only ever declare virtual resources (packages are a prominent

 Until there is a way to distinguish between collection of regular versus
 virtual resources, I hope that we don't do anything that advocates the
 usage of virtual resources.

 The problem is that collections (like below) meant to
 establish multiple dependencies unfortunately have the side effect of
 realizing virtual resources.

 Class['apt'] - Package| |

 A user who wishes to retain the capability of using modules from the
 Forge would be required to install this common module, and replace their
 own resource declarations with realizations of the common resources.
 For this to work, it's definitely a plus that you can override
 attributes in collections:
 Package| title == apache2: | { ensure = 2.2.12 }
 ...although that does bear some caveats. Does this still work in recent

 If we can take this for granted, all Forge modules can adhere to that
 same standard.

 This is a rough sketch of how things might possibly work, and surely has
 lots of wrinkles of its own. Still, I'm quite sure we need a proper way
 to rid ourselves of the horror that is the parse order dependent check
 for defined resources ;-)


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Re: [Puppet Users] RFC: Deprecate defined() function for Telly.

2012-01-25 Thread Ashley Penney
This is a fantastic reply and I appreciate the work you put into it.  I
have just one
question.  As it stands functions can only apply to partial catalogs and
not to the
full catalog.  Is this a fundamental design decision that cannot be
changed?  Perhaps
it would be interesting to speculate on what could be done if you had the
ability to
use the entire catalog when fully parsed.

While writing that paragraph I guess I can see how that wouldn't work,
you'd always
have to evaluate anything that required those functions at the end of the
catalog and
if they had dependencies that would be impossible.

I still dislike the third module refactoring.  I think it removes a lot of
power of self-
contained modules and makes things significantly uglier and more difficult
combining modules from multiple sources.  I wish it could be solved in a
way within Puppet and I believe it could be with (perhaps optional) merging
identical resources.

But hey, I'm not the guy who has to implement this so I can appreciate that
are probably all kinds of design reasons this doesn't work.

All I know is that telling users If you download 5 modules from puppet
make sure you go through them all, extract any duplicating resources into
random modules that exist purely to allow you to realize packages instead
to a really bad user experience.

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Jeff McCune j...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.com
  I'm looking for strong opinions on whether we should or shouldn't
  the defined() function for Telly, the next major Puppet release this
  jcbollinger put it quite well in another thread:
  Use of the defined function introduces a parse-order dependency, and
  additional work you need to do to ensure that that dependency is always
  fulfilled overcomes any simplicity advantage that might otherwise exist.

 I'm coming into this thread a bit late so I'm going to take the
 strategy of replying to the OP and pasting a lot of the major comments
 about the related issues into this reply and then addressing those
 directly, inline.

 The TL;DR version is that I strongly believe defined() is an
 anti-pattern and should be removed from Puppet core.

 For those who would still like to have it available I think it should
 be added to the stdlib module as two new functions: already_defined()
 and already_declared().  The already_ prefix is to clearly communicate
 these are parser-order dependent functions and they _do not_ operate
 on the final catalog itself.

 Finally, for those who want 100% backwards compatibility, we publish a
 new module in addition to, and compatible with, stdlib that provides
 the existing behavior of defined().

 And now for the longer version of why I have this strong opinion:

 Throughout the replies in this thread, many people are using defined()
 to test of a resource or class has been added to the catalog and if
 not, add a resource with the same type and title to the catalog.  I'm
 going to call this the if not defined then declare anti-pattern.
 I'll explain why it's an anti-pattern at the conclusion.  I hope
 showing the pattern to be an anti-pattern will be sufficient to show
 the pattern should be avoided when publishing modules.

 Nick Fagerlund said:
  Defined() doesn't suck! It's a 100% reliable way to check what classes
 and defined types are available to the autoloader.

 This is an accidental feature and orthogonal to the intent of defined.
  There's also not much evidence that the Puppet community is
 leveraging defined() in this manner.  Finally, we should implement a
 first-class and supported function to provide this feature in a clear
 way.  is_available() perhaps.

 Ashley Penney said:
  if ! defined(Mysql_user [${user}@${host}]) { mysql_user { 
 ... } }

 This is the if not defined then declare anti-pattern.

 Felix Frank said:
  If your master processes this before the *other* declaration of that
 mysql_user{}, you're back to square one and get errors about multiple
 resource declaration.

 This is part of why if not defined then declare is an ant-pattern.

 Nan Liu said:
  We should at least differentiate defined vs. declared

 Yes, certainly.  We also need to keep in mind that a function can only
 operate on a partial catalog.  A function can never operate on a
 complete catalog.  Therefore, we need to think of these as defined
 _yet_ and declared _yet_ with respect to parse order.

 My proposal here is to add already_defined() and already_declared() to
 stdlib.  The names are only an example, I don't really care what
 they're called so long as their names take into account the fact that
 a function can only operate on a partially compiled catalog.

 Dan Bode said:
  * static resources in a defined resource type (avoids having to use
 to store all static dependencies)

 This looks like the anti-pattern, but is not IFF

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: RFC: Deprecate defined() function for Telly.

2012-01-23 Thread Ashley Penney

Just so we understand the requirements of this - what would it take to make
a function that
is usable in way that a few of us have mentioned - something that lets us
say If a class
is included in this host, then X.  It seems like this would be desirable
functionality and so
far everything I've heard has been a clumsy workaround for this base kind
of functionality.

What I don't understand is why defined creates a parse order dependency and
why it's not
able to search through the entire catalog to see if the class is defined.
 This is totally my
lack of understanding of the code shining through but what stops this being

Is it just the case that you don't want to rely on a class in the future
has hasn't yet been
processed because it might fail and therefore, for the purposes of puppet,
not be defined?

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 5:15 AM, Felix Frank 
 felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de wrote:


 On 01/20/2012 11:34 PM, Cody wrote:
  Defining all somewhat common packages in a central location becomes
  unrealistic when you no longer control the code that is in every
  module you use.  If you obtain five modules from the forge and they
  all require a specific package and so all define that package your not
  going to convince, nor is it a good design to require everyone to move
  the package definitions from that collection of modules.  They need to
  function as a collection out of the box.

 Agreed. How can this be accomplished?

 Felix, could you take this to a new thread please? I'd really like to keep
 this one focused on the topic at hand if possible :)

 Perhaps there needs to be some kind of Forge common module that by
 policy can only ever declare virtual resources (packages are a prominent
 A user who wishes to retain the capability of using modules from the
 Forge would be required to install this common module, and replace their
 own resource declarations with realizations of the common resources.
 For this to work, it's definitely a plus that you can override
 attributes in collections:
 Package| title == apache2: | { ensure = 2.2.12 }
 ...although that does bear some caveats. Does this still work in recent

 If we can take this for granted, all Forge modules can adhere to that
 same standard.

 Yes, it's quite a hassle.

 No, I didn't think this through very thoroughly ;-)

 Just another pair of cents.


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 Nigel Kersten
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: RFC: Deprecate defined() function for Telly.

2012-01-20 Thread Ashley Penney
What would you recommend as an alternative way to handle these cases?  I
suppose the mysql lib could be extended to be able to check for users (not
easily, but it could be done), but what about in the second case where I
want to check for various roles being set as classes and then use those to
decide the configuration of foreman.  Volcane said that setting variables
in the other classes and checking for those isn't going to cut it either.
 What's a good pattern for this?

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 3:39 AM, Felix Frank 
felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de wrote:

 But this is begging for trouble:

 On 01/19/2012 09:22 PM, Ashley Penney wrote:
  An example:
  if ! defined(Mysql_user [${user}@${host}]) {
mysql_user { ${user}@${host}:
  password_hash = mysql_password($password),
  require = File[/root/.my.cnf],

 If your master processes this before the *other* declaration of that
 mysql_user{}, you're back to square one and get errors about multiple
 resource declaration.

 I can see only pain down this road.

 Nick's example on the other hand is quite enticing, I think. We want to
 keep that (and include it in some Best Practices ;-)

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Re: [Puppet Users] any cobbler management modules out there?

2012-01-20 Thread Ashley Penney
While this isn't what you want to hear, exactly, there's a bootstrapping
tool that
works fantastic with Puppet at http://www.theforeman.org/ - it's probably
you don't see many cobbler modules.  People like me who used cobbler when
starting out with Puppet migrated off to Foreman with time.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Nick oinksoc...@letterboxes.org wrote:

 On 20/01/12 13:57, Dan White wrote:
  I am running Cobbler and Puppet together and I am not sure that a Puppet
  Module is appropriate for more than just the base settings.
  Cobbler manages all its internal info.  To get Puppet to manage it would,
  IMO, either involve hacking Cobbler or wrapping Cobbler command line
 calls in
  Puppet exec resources.

 Yes - I had imagined the latter.

  Sounds messy to me.

 Yes again.  But then that's nothing new in this field.

  I keep both Cobbler and Puppet in a Subversion repository.  I used this
 as a
  model to start from:
  and modified things to fit my environment.

 Interesting; although there's a big blank there when it gets to Puppet.

  If you want to preserve the contents of Cobbler, just back up
  /var/lib/cobbler/config/ Everything is in the JSON files.

 I keep Puppet in Git.  However, it is not documented and wasn't obvious to
 that you can version control the entirety of Cobbler and not tread on its
  However, if you are doing that, obviously it is possible, and this seems
 a good
 way to sidestep the problem. For now, anyway.

 I'll see if I can shoehorn the cobbler directories into my puppet
 somewhere, perhaps under modules/cobbler/files...

 Then the Puppet bit would just need to deploy that.  (Ignoring SCM
 which won't play nicely with a scheme like this, by default.) Actually
 since I'm
 currently using a masterless Puppet config and checking the source out
 everywhere, deployment would just be a matter of symlinking.

 However, this is only able to cut and paste a working cobbler system,
 right?  So
 far as I can see, I can't use it to drive things from Puppet.  What I was
 might be possible is to have one manifest defining a node's parameters,
 and use
 external references within it (or a masterless equivalent along the lines
 [1]) to import these into Cobbler.



 1. http://current.workingdirectory.net/posts/2011/puppet-without-masters/

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: RFC: Deprecate defined() function for Telly.

2012-01-19 Thread Ashley Penney
I use defined every so often so I would be sad if it was removed, it's
handy for certain things of things:

common/foreman_proxy/manifests/params.pp:  if
defined(Class['puppet::server::ca']) {
common/foreman_proxy/manifests/params.pp:  } elsif
defined(Class['puppet::server']) {
common/foreman_proxy/manifests/params.pp:  if
defined(Class['foreman_proxy::role::build']) {
common/mysql/manifests/rights.pp:if ! defined(Mysql_user

An example:

if ! defined(Mysql_user [${user}@${host}]) {
  mysql_user { ${user}@${host}:
password_hash = mysql_password($password),
require = File[/root/.my.cnf],

In my foreman_proxy stuff:

  # puppetca settings
  if defined(Class['puppet::server::ca']) {
$puppetca  = true
$autosign_location = /etc/puppet/autosign.conf
$puppetca_cmd  = /usr/sbin/puppetca
$puppet_group  = puppet

# puppetrun settings
$puppetrun = true
$puppetrun_cmd = /usr/sbin/puppetrun
  } elsif defined(Class['puppet::server']) {
# puppetrun settings
$puppetca  = false
$puppetrun = true
$puppetrun_cmd = /usr/sbin/puppetrun
  } else {
$puppetca = false
$puppetrun = false

I'm sure there are other ways to do it but this seems elegant and makes
sense at times.  I could set variables in those other classes and then
check for them I suppose but what is the harm in doing things this way?  I
don't see why defined() couldn't be implemented properly rather than being

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Nick Fagerlund 
nick.fagerl...@puppetlabs.com wrote:

 On Jan 19, 11:01 am, R.I.Pienaar r...@devco.net wrote:
  - Original Message -
   Defined() doesn't suck! It's a 100% reliable way to check what
   classes and defined types are available to the autoloader. I challenge
   to find me an example of this usage that fails.
  can you give an example of this use case pls?

 Well... that's something I realized after I posted that, is I'm not
 sure if anyone WANTS a reliable way to test the autoloader. (Obviously
 people do want a way to check for resource instances, which is why
 defined() keeps getting used for that...)

 But anyway! Say you make a module for a network service and you want
 it to be able to manage its own firewall rule. You know of a defined
 type for firewall rules, and you're using it, but you want your module
 to be portable and you know of good reasons why someone wouldn't be
 using your iptables module.

 So, you can conditionally declare the rule if the defined type is
 available to the autoloader, and otherwise you don't attempt to manage
 the firewall and expect that the user has read the documentation and
 will make a hole for the service themselves.

 if defined(firewall::iptables::rule) {
  firewall::iptables::rule {'mysql_server':
...etc. etc.

 See? It's just a way to peek around at what the user has installed.

 Which... maybe implies that it should be renamed to installed().

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Re: [Puppet Users] Installing Oracle

2011-11-20 Thread Ashley Penney
Oh nice!  I'm going to look into this - I hadn't spotted this.  My solution
was rather basic
and once the RPM was installed and the various /etc/ stuff done I was just
starting up
oracle and then telling the developers to:

sudo su - oracle
sqlplus database/password
@some script the dbas gave us
@another script

To configure everything.  I was planning on figuring out how to feed
scripts into sqlplus without doing it by hand so I could automate this, but
I hadn't got that far because honestly everything about Oracle makes me
want to punch my own face over and over.

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 6:05 AM, Kristof Willaert 
kristof.willa...@gmail.com wrote:



 Thanks. One question though. I'm not much of an Oracle expert, and I
 guess this is more of an Oracle question, than a puppet one, but what
 did you do to configure Oracle on the command line once it was

 Oracle actually provides some stuff exactly for this. There is a way to
 an existing oracle install to get up and running on a different machine
 just by
 copying over the binaries and running a script called clone.pl to
 the new machine/install from the original one.

 I am planning to use it like this: install the first oracle and prepare it
 for cloning
 (see below for instructions), package it in an RPM so I can easily
 use puppet to
 get it in place on a new machine and then either write an exec, a custom
 type/provider to deal with the clone.pl stuff, or just let the DBA's
 handle it.

 Information on the cloning stuff:
 * http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/em.102/b16227/oui7_cloning.htm
 * http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/em.111/b31207/oui6_cloning.htm

 One of the advantages here, is that this is a supported way of customizing.

 Just my 2c.

 Kind regards,


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Re: [Puppet Users] Installing Oracle

2011-11-19 Thread Ashley Penney
This is not what you want to hear but I ended up installing oracle with the
installer and then using fpm to bundle the entire thing into (two,
because it's too goddamn big) rpms.  I had no luck doing the installer via
Puppet so I just cheated.

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Douglas Garstang

 That's what I am already using.

 On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Mohamed Lrhazi lrh...@gmail.com wrote:
  Maybe you need something like this:
  On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:23 PM, Douglas Garstang
  doug.garst...@gmail.com wrote:
  This is pretty ugly.
  I'm using puppet to install Oracle, ie an exec{} wrapped around:
  -silent -responseFile /etc/oracle_response.rsp
  The problem is that the damn installer backgrounds itself and returns
  control to the shell. I tried putting the above command in a script,
  followed by a wait command, but that didn't help. Has anyone got any
  ideas how I can automate the installation of Oracle with puppet?
  I need to know when the install is finished, because there's
  additional commands that need to be run by root, as advised by the
  installer, when it's complete.
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 Douglas Garstang
 Email: doug.garst...@gmail.com
 Cell: +1-805-340-5627

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[Puppet Users] Devops/Puppet job in downtown Boston

2011-10-26 Thread Ashley Penney

We're looking (well, my boss is looking) to expand our operations team in
Boston and we're specifically looking for people with a passion for
automation.  Ideally the candidate we're looking for would be developer
minded, with the ability to write custom tools or customize existing
products (Write patches for Puppet! Submit patches to Puppetlabs, make my
job easier!) yet with an understanding of the unique challenges that go into

I'm not the hiring guy so I can't speak on any kind of money specifics and I
believe we are looking for local people able to commute to downtown Boston
(or at least relocate themselves to make that happen.)  The company is a
security focused organization (https://www.perimeterusa.com/) and we do lots
of managed security type stuff.  The Boston office is primarily where all
ongoing and new development occurs now.

I can't give too much detail at this point and I'm not even sure what kinds
of details people would need, but so far working here seems pretty good and
I moved on from a cushy university position to take this role.  We're very
determined to reinvent operations here and to bring in the kind of cool
automation that everyone on this list likes working on, from auto scaling
fancy cloud stuff to decent deployment systems.

If this seems like the kind of thing you might be interested in just send me
your resume and I will send them all over to my boss before he goes out to
recruiters and starts doing things the hard way!


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Re: [Puppet Users] Sudden failure with storeconfigs in 2.7.4

2011-10-01 Thread Ashley Penney
This was definitely the bug, I should have emailed an update after we
figured out the cause!

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Daniel Pittman dan...@puppetlabs.comwrote:

 On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 08:29, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Ashley Penney apen...@gmail.com
  I export a @@host for each box (for horrible reasons) and do various
  things with that including building a /etc/hosts on each server.
  today after upgrading to 2.7.4 I realized that all my exported entries
  failing and are being stripped from the /etc/hosts which is causing me
  significant issues.  Has anyone else seen any kind of problems with
  storeconfigs?  I'm going to put together a bug report for it but I
  I'd see if anyone else had seen anything weird since the release.
  Are you using postgres ? I saw some chatter that there was a postgres bug
  introduced I think?

 That sounds exactly like the PostgreSQL bug, which was missed because
 of case insensitivity in comparisons for other DBMS'.

 The attached patch should fix that, but the 2.7.5 security release
 should also contain it.

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[Puppet Users] Sudden failure with storeconfigs in 2.7.4

2011-09-30 Thread Ashley Penney

I export a @@host for each box (for horrible reasons) and do various things
with that including building a /etc/hosts on each server.  Sometime today
after upgrading to 2.7.4 I realized that all my exported entries are failing
and are being stripped from the /etc/hosts which is causing me significant
issues.  Has anyone else seen any kind of problems with storeconfigs?  I'm
going to put together a bug report for it but I thought I'd see if anyone
else had seen anything weird since the release.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Community Package Repos for Puppet Labs products

2011-09-29 Thread Ashley Penney
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for working on these packages.
 Having first class packages like this available is absolutely vital and
it's both helped me internally bring up Puppet faster as well as helped me
advocate the product to several other people lately by being able to point
them to a puppetlabs provided location to get everything.  It's very much
appreciated and a thankless job and I hope you'll stick with it!

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Michael Stahnke stah...@puppetlabs.comwrote:

 On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Steve Snodgrass phe...@gmail.com wrote:
  So I've just started testing these repos and I ran into problems.
  First, many of the EL6 RPMs are not signed, so they fail to install
  with my standard yum config.  In the EL6 products repo, for example,
  only 3 of 12 RPMs are signed.  The other issue is that the new puppet
  dashboard 1.2.1 package is not present at all.  Thanks.

 I've fixed this.  Thanks for filing the tickets.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Deployment of applications

2011-09-20 Thread Ashley Penney
This looks fascinating and I'm absolutely going to do some experimentation
with it this week as a way to do some of the awkward deploys that exist.  I
love the idea.  As a recent 2.7 upgrader I look forward to seeing the faces
version you talk about.  I guess today I'll finally get mcollective rolled
out in advance of testing with Puppi.  Thanks!

(As for the rest of this thread Volcane convinced me that I was being stupid
and my approach to the problem was wrong and to put the build logic in
Jenkins and keep the deploy logic to package{}.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 5:01 PM, Alessandro Franceschi a...@lab42.it wrote:

 You might be interested in Puppi, which is a Puppet module and a bash
 command that i've written exactly for this reason.
 Code: https://github.com/example42/puppi
 More info: http://www.example42.com (now terribly slow) or

 It mixes the possibility of defining inside puppet manifests what you
 need to make a deploy with a simple command that is actually used to
 launch the deploy (by hand, via cron, via mcollective or triggered by
 whatever tool).
 The deploy procedure (commands to execute) can be totally customized,
 but there are some ready examples to deploy from a Nexus repository,
 or deploy directly wars, tarballs, zip archives and so on.

 In few words, in order to be able to issue a command like:
 puppi deploy supersite

 you write Puppet code like this:
 puppi::project::war { supersite:
source   = http://repo.example42.com/deploy/prod/
deploy_root  = /store/tomcat/myapp/webapps,
report_email = sysadm...@example42.com,

 but you can have more complex arguments like:
 puppi::project::maven { supersite:
source   = http://nexus.example42.com/nexus/content/
deploy_root  = /usr/local/tomcat/supersite/webapps,
config_suffix= cfg,
config_root  = /srv/htdocs/supersite,
document_suffix  = css,
document_root= /srv/htdocs/supersite,
firewall_src_ip  = $site ? {
dr  =,
backup_retention = 3,
init_script  = tomcat,
report_email = sysadm...@example42.com,
enable   = true,

 And, if you need it, there's the mcollective agent and relevant mc-
 puppi command.
 Hope it might help,

 On Sep 13, 9:53 pm, Ashley Penney apen...@gmail.com wrote:
  I know this has come up on the list numerous times before but I
  thought it would be a good time to see if the state of the art has
  advanced for this kind of thing.  I wanted to know how people are
  handling higher level deployment of applications - things that have to
  be done repeatedly but not all the time.  An example of this is
  checking an application out of svn, building it, creating a package
  and then moving it off to a repo.  Or even just building/installing
  locally for developers.
  It never seems to fit well into Puppet for me and I end up with crazy
  complicated manifests to deal with this kind of thing.  I recently
  moved these jobs into Rundeck (www.rundeck.org) which works pretty
  well but doesn't really leverage any of the stuff I have within
  Foreman/Puppet.  I've seen suggestions to use mcollective but this
  doesn't easily integrate our existing scripts (written in many
  languages) or processes and would require me to force a lot of
  developers to work differently.  I could just have classes that
  trigger scripts only when some condition is met (like /.buildapp
  files) or something along those lines but nothing seems elegant.
  What I'm trying to find out is what other people did to handle this?
  I want something I can build up over time and slowly migrate legacy
  apps and processes into without having to do a massive up front
  development.  It should also be relatively simple and not require me
  to code anything as anyone on the list who knows me can tell you that
  I am absolutely awful at coding.

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[Puppet Users] Deployment of applications

2011-09-13 Thread Ashley Penney
I know this has come up on the list numerous times before but I
thought it would be a good time to see if the state of the art has
advanced for this kind of thing.  I wanted to know how people are
handling higher level deployment of applications - things that have to
be done repeatedly but not all the time.  An example of this is
checking an application out of svn, building it, creating a package
and then moving it off to a repo.  Or even just building/installing
locally for developers.

It never seems to fit well into Puppet for me and I end up with crazy
complicated manifests to deal with this kind of thing.  I recently
moved these jobs into Rundeck (www.rundeck.org) which works pretty
well but doesn't really leverage any of the stuff I have within
Foreman/Puppet.  I've seen suggestions to use mcollective but this
doesn't easily integrate our existing scripts (written in many
languages) or processes and would require me to force a lot of
developers to work differently.  I could just have classes that
trigger scripts only when some condition is met (like /.buildapp
files) or something along those lines but nothing seems elegant.

What I'm trying to find out is what other people did to handle this?
I want something I can build up over time and slowly migrate legacy
apps and processes into without having to do a massive up front
development.  It should also be relatively simple and not require me
to code anything as anyone on the list who knows me can tell you that
I am absolutely awful at coding.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Deployment of applications

2011-09-13 Thread Ashley Penney
The kind of thing I was thinking of was selecting where to run jobs by
puppet class, or even requiring that certain classes are assigned to certain
nodes (requiring a pre-req class before you actually send over a job to
build).  In my mind I envisioned extensions to something like Foreman where
you can get a list of jobs that are valid for each node by clicking the node
(in a job you could apply constraints like only boxes with mysql::server and
 4G of ram).

Another example of the kinds of terrible stuff I engineer when left to my
own devices is I wrote a job in rundeck that at the end wrote a .pp to /tmp/
and called it so that I could use templates in Puppet to build the
configuration file to distribute.  Basically a lot of the time I just need a
way to trigger one time puppet manifests with a gui of some kind I can give
to developers.  I could very easily just spit a few scripts onto the boxes
and call those for the build, I just want a way to enable/disable the jobs.

I can't think of any other good way to say do a one time run of
project::build_core on the following matching nodes: x, y, z.  I am really
just using rundeck for the equivalent of that.  Other things I would think
of using this for is handling deploying a bunch of servers where server 1
has to be fully provisioned before 2 and on 2 at least one service has to be
up before 3 can do its thing.  It's something that's still a hassle to do
well within Puppet.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Brian Gupta brian.gu...@brandorr.comwrote:

 If you want something simple and don't need a GUI, many folks are using
 either Capistrano (Ruby) or the very similar Fabric (Python) for deployment.
 You can populate hostlists via Foreman queries. That said, I am not sure
 what sort of integration with Puppet/Foreman you are looking for.


 On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Ashley Penney apen...@gmail.com wrote:

 I know this has come up on the list numerous times before but I
 thought it would be a good time to see if the state of the art has
 advanced for this kind of thing.  I wanted to know how people are
 handling higher level deployment of applications - things that have to
 be done repeatedly but not all the time.  An example of this is
 checking an application out of svn, building it, creating a package
 and then moving it off to a repo.  Or even just building/installing
 locally for developers.

 It never seems to fit well into Puppet for me and I end up with crazy
 complicated manifests to deal with this kind of thing.  I recently
 moved these jobs into Rundeck (www.rundeck.org) which works pretty
 well but doesn't really leverage any of the stuff I have within
 Foreman/Puppet.  I've seen suggestions to use mcollective but this
 doesn't easily integrate our existing scripts (written in many
 languages) or processes and would require me to force a lot of
 developers to work differently.  I could just have classes that
 trigger scripts only when some condition is met (like /.buildapp
 files) or something along those lines but nothing seems elegant.

 What I'm trying to find out is what other people did to handle this?
 I want something I can build up over time and slowly migrate legacy
 apps and processes into without having to do a massive up front
 development.  It should also be relatively simple and not require me
 to code anything as anyone on the list who knows me can tell you that
 I am absolutely awful at coding.

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Re: [Puppet Users] ANNOUNCE: Puppet 2.6.9rc1 is available

2011-06-15 Thread Ashley Penney
I'm just writing in support of this - this is the first time I've actually
READ the changelog because it's a mess normally.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:11 AM, R.I.Pienaar r...@devco.net wrote:

 I have a feature request for your announce mails :)

 git log doesnt make a changelog, it makes a developer orientated
 log of events in a git repository.

 This information isnt aimed at users.  A proper changelog highlighting
 changes would be a really good improvement.  Even just stripping out the
 noise that your particular usage patterns (not doing ff merges) cause
 will already help.  Additionally there's a lot of commits thats just
 spam - add a test, move a file etc - this only helps hiding the important

 Below is a edit taking your 66 line changelog down to a usable 25 lines
 by removing all the purely testing related lines, the merge lines and maint

 I think this is already a huge improvement.  Changelogs are what users use
 to determine the suitability of a upgrade so we should write them with that
 in mind.

 98ba407 (#7127) Stop puppet if a prerun command fails
 6996e0b Do not needlessly create multiple reports when creating a
 caca469 (#4416) Ensure types are providified after reloading
 413b136 (#4416) Always remove old provider before recreating it
 98f58ce (#2128) Add WARNING for node_name_{fact,value} descriptions
 d9b5c1a (#2128) In-line docs for node_name_{fact,value}
 3f0dbb5 (#650) Allow symlinks for configuration directories
 1c70f0c (#2128) Add support for setting node name based on a fact
 c629958 (#2128) Get facts before retrieving catalog
 cd4fe14 (#2128) Add the ability to specify a node name
 8ebec1e (#7193) Fix path issues with acceptance tests that call old shell
 16b2311 (#6885) puppet agent fingerprint requires --verbose to return a
 75e2764 (#5318) Always notice changes to manifests when compiling.
 8b76be3 (#3836) External nodes should only capture stdout
 90eb937 (#7139) Accept '/' as a valid path in filesets
 729336e (#6845) Mount writes incorrect vfstab entries
 16cf1ac (#6442) Be able to start agents --listen without namespaceauth.conf
 0352402 (#3420) Nagios name attribute does not output correctly
 f656818 (#4487) When setting environment on a host, ensure it is a string.
 c306db2 (#6487) Add some testing for OS X version support in
 DirectoryService provider
 0008b63 (#6487) Directoryservice provider will fail in future OS releases
 9a5bf6e Fixed #7166 - Replaced deprecated stomp send method with
 656eff8 (#4655) Allow stage to be set using a default class parameter
 7f658e6 vim: Initial ftplugin and indent support
 ccbe9f3 Fixed #6681 - Remove --force-yes option from aptitude is used

 - Original Message -
  c6909a6 Merge branch '2.6.x' into 2.6rc
  fc530ac Merge branch 'ticket/2.6.x/7506' into 2.6.x
  db1a392 (#7506) Organize READMEs; specify supported Ruby versions in
  4fb7cfe Merge branch 'ticket/2.6.x/6418' into 2.6.x
  381fa40 (#6418) Make test 64118 more portable
  f8c1132 Merge branch
  'ticket/2.6.x/7127-prerun-command-failures-dont-stop-puppet' into
  98ba407 (#7127) Stop puppet if a prerun command fails
  6996e0b Do not needlessly create multiple reports when creating a
  01c1142 Merge branch 'ticket/2.6.x/4416' into 2.6.x
  caca469 (#4416) Ensure types are providified after reloading
  413b136 (#4416) Always remove old provider before recreating it
  d866ce1 Cleanup indentation, comment, and unused code
  b1a506c Merge branch 'ticket/2.6.x/2128_docstrings' into 2.6.x
  98f58ce (#2128) Add WARNING for node_name_{fact,value} descriptions
  1cd848c (#2128) Whitespace only reflow commit
  d9b5c1a (#2128) In-line docs for node_name_{fact,value}
  e62734c Merge branch 'ticket/2.6.x/650' into 2.6.x
  3f0dbb5 (#650) Allow symlinks for configuration directories
  c260cf1 Fix acceptance tests not managing their masters
  3d09ca8 Merge branch 'ticket/2.6.x/2128' into 2.6.x
  1c70f0c (#2128) Add support for setting node name based on a fact
  c629958 (#2128) Get facts before retrieving catalog
  cd4fe14 (#2128) Add the ability to specify a node name
  8ebec1e (#7193) Fix path issues with acceptance tests that call old
  shell tests
  9660f5e Merge branch
  into 2.6.x
  16b2311 (#6885) puppet agent fingerprint requires --verbose to return
  a value.
  a00fd25 maint: Refactor specs in preparation for making node name
  more flexible
  805b287 Merge branch 'bug/2.6.x/5318-minimal-fix' into 2.6.x
  75e2764 (#5318) Always notice changes to manifests when compiling.
  6a00289 Merge branch 'ticket/2.6.x/7681' into 2.6.x
  4a5e99d (#7681) Add an acceptance test for resource refs with array
  d7ce922 Merge branch 'test/2.6.x/4123' into 2.6.x
  646919e (4123) Fix test for 4123/4 on old egrep in cent4
  cbc123c Merge branch '2.6.next' into 2.6.x

[Puppet Users] Mysql user removal problems

2011-04-11 Thread Ashley Penney

I'm using duritong's puppet module and I've run into a bizarre issue after
migrating to it that I cannot resolve and I thought I'd take it to the list
in the hope someone can help.

The error I get from a run is:

info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in dell
info: Loading facts in apache-ports
info: Loading facts in mysql
info: Loading facts in location
info: Loading facts in convera
info: Loading facts in dell
info: Loading facts in apache-portsinfo: Loading facts in mysql
info: Loading facts in location
info: Loading facts in convera
info: Caching catalog for hlstestidm1.law.harvard.edu
err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Invalid parameter defaults

That file is:

class mysql::server::account_security {
   # some installations have some default users which are not required.
   # We remove them here. You can subclass this class to overwrite this
   #mysql_user{ [ root@${fqdn}, root@, @${fqdn},
@localhost, @% ]:
 #ensure = absent,
   #  require = Service['mysqld'],

mysql_user { root@${fqdn}:
ensure = absent,
require = Service['mysqld'],


I think the issue is something to do with mysql_user not allowing ensure to
be used, but the error message doesn't really help.  Running puppetd -tvd
didn't add any extra information to help me nail this down.

For reference the mysql_user type is:


# This has to be a separate type to enable collecting
Puppet::Type.newtype(:mysql_user) do
  @doc = Manage a database user.
  newparam(:name) do
desc The name of the user. This uses the 'username@hostname' form.

validate do |value|
  if value.split('@').first.size  16
raise ArgumentError,
  MySQL usernames are limited to a maximum of 16 characters

  newproperty(:password_hash) do
desc The password hash of the user. Use mysql_password() for creating
such a hash.


and the provider for mysql_user:

require 'puppet/provider/package'

# T'is funny business, this code is quite generic
:parent = Puppet::Provider::Package) do

desc Use mysql as database.
commands :mysql = '/usr/bin/mysql'
commands :mysqladmin = '/usr/bin/mysqladmin'

# retrieve the current set of mysql users
def self.instances
users = []

cmd = #{command(:mysql)} mysql -NBe 'select concat(user,
\@\, host), password from user'
execpipe(cmd) do |process|
process.each do |line|
users  new( query_line_to_hash(line) )
return users

def self.query_line_to_hash(line)
fields = line.chomp.split(/\t/)
:name = fields[0],
:password_hash = fields[1],
:ensure = :present

def mysql_flush
mysqladmin flush-privileges

def query
result = {}

cmd = #{command(:mysql)} -NBe 'select concat(user, \@\,
host), password from user where concat(user, \@\, host) = \%s\' %
execpipe(cmd) do |process|
process.each do |line|
unless result.empty?
raise Puppet::Error,
Got multiple results for
user '%s' % @resource[:name]
result = query_line_to_hash(line)

def create
mysql mysql, -e, create user '%s' identified by
PASSWORD '%s' % [ @resource[:name].sub(@, '@'),
@resource.should(:password_hash) ]

def destroy
mysql mysql, -e, drop user '%s' %
@resource[:name].sub(@, '@')

def exists?
not mysql(mysql, -NBe, select '1' from user where
CONCAT(user, '@', host) = '%s' % @resource[:name]).empty?

def password_hash

def password_hash=(string)
mysql mysql, -e, SET PASSWORD FOR '%s' = '%s' % [
@resource[:name].sub(@, '@'), string ]

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Re: [Puppet Users] Install bin file through puppet

2011-02-23 Thread Ashley Penney
Aren't these normally self-contained archives with a script?  You would need
to write an exec{} statement that wget's the .bin, runs it with whatever
arguments are required for installing, and then cleans up the archive
afterwards.  If you add in a creates = to the location of the install you
can ensure this only occurs once.

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Steve some1youk...@gmail.com wrote:

 puppet newbie trying to install bin file through puppet. How would I
 go about it?

 class java {

 package {java_package:
provider = bin, --this did not work
 #   source = puppet:///application/jdk-6u23-linux-x64-rpm.bin,
source =;,
ensure = installed

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[Puppet Users] Problem with module

2011-02-22 Thread Ashley Penney

I'm having a problem with a module that works on my production servers, but
is giving me grief when ran from scratch.  When I run the client I get:

[root@hlsdevcms1 puppet]# puppetd -tv
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in apache-ports
info: Loading facts in location
info: Loading facts in dell
info: Loading facts in convera
info: Loading facts in apache-ports
info: Loading facts in location
info: Loading facts in dell
info: Loading facts in convera
info: Caching catalog for hlsdevcms1.law.harvard.edu
err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not find user rhythmyx

I have tried everything I can think of to add more and more require =
statements into the two .pp's that comprise the module but it refuses to
find the user.  I have run puppetmasterd in debug mode and the client in
debug mode to no avail, neither gives me any more information on why this
would fail.  I've checked in the local yaml on the client and the rhythmyx
stuff appears in there, including the comment statement in the user{}, so
it's definitely in the catalog.

The init.pp (apologises for what a mess this is, but I've been messing with
it trying to get it working):

## Install rhythmyx.

class rhythmyx {

include rhythmyx::install

if defined(Class[splunk4::client]) {
target =
content =
[monitor:///opt/rhythmyx/Rhythmyx/.../*.log]\ndisabled = false\nsourcetype
= rhythmyx\nindex = rhythmyx\n_blacklist = rx_lib.*\\.log\n,

## Users/Groups
user { rhythmyx:
ensure = present,
uid = 5000,
gid = 5000,
comment = rhythmyx user,
home = /opt/rhythmyx,
shell = '/bin/bash',
managehome = true,
require = Group['rhythmyx'],

group { rhythmyx:
ensure = present,
gid = 5000,

service { RhythmyxD:
ensure = running,
hasrestart = false,
hasstatus = false,
pattern = RhythmyxServer.exe,
start = /opt/rhythmyx/Rhythmyx/bin/RhythmyxDaemon start
stop = /opt/rhythmyx/Rhythmyx/bin/RhythmyxDaemon stop
/opt/rhythmyx/Rhythmyx  sleep 45,
require = Exec[rx-permissions-rhythmyx],

## Crons

file {
ensure = present,
source =
owner = rhythmyx,
group = rhythmyx,
mode = 755,
require = [ User[rhythmyx], Group[rhythmyx] ],

file {
ensure = present,
source =
owner = rhythmyx,
group = rhythmyx,
mode = 755,
require = [ User[rhythmyx], Group[rhythmyx] ],

## Backups

tidy {
age = '90d',
matches = '*.log',
recurse = 'true',

tidy { /tmp/rxtemp.rhythmyx:
age = '2d',
matches = '*.tmp',
recurse = 'true',

cron { Rhythmyx restart:
command = /etc/init.d/RhythmyxD restart,
ensure  = present,
user= root,
minute  = 00,
hour= 03,
weekday = 3,


The install.pp:

## Install rhythmyx

class rhythmyx::install {

$url = extlookup(url)
$rxsqlserver = extlookup(rxsqlserver)

#package { 'compat-libgcc-296': ensure = present }
#package { 'compat-libstdc++-296': ensure = present }
#package { 'compat-glibc': ensure = present }

File { owner = rhythmyx, group = rhythmyx, mode = 755, require =
User[rhythmyx], }

file { /opt/rhythmyx/:
ensure = directory,
require = [ User[rhythmyx], Group[rhythmyx] ],

exec { rx-permissions-rhythmyx:
command = chown -R rhythmyx:rhythmyx /opt/rhythmyx,
cwd = /opt/,
require = [ File['/opt/rhythmyx'], User['rhythmyx'] ],

file { /etc/init.d/RhythmyxD:
ensure = present,
source = puppet:///modules/rhythmyx/RhythmyxD,
owner = root,
group = root,

## ALL OF 

Re: [Puppet Users] Problem with module

2011-02-22 Thread Ashley Penney
I am running 2.6 and can do this if needed.  What would the parent class be
in this example, the 'rhythmyx' class that the user{} entry is in?  This is
just included from foreman so I'm not sure there really is a parent as
such.  I have a user class for actual people that I could use if I had to.

Still, this seems crazy.  If there is a reference to a user in resources it
should check the rest of the yaml to see if that user is being created and
create it without erroring.  I might file this via the enterprise support
because I think this is a bug, but I'm interested in other opinions before I
do so.


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Denmat tu2bg...@gmail.com wrote:

 The way I've got around this is to realize the user in the parent class or
 to create a 'user' class and put in a
 { class name: stage = pre}
 to guarantee it is created first.

 That's using stages in 2.6 though. Not sure what you're running.


 On 23/02/2011, at 2:42, Ashley Penney apen...@gmail.com wrote:


 I'm having a problem with a module that works on my production servers, but
 is giving me grief when ran from scratch.  When I run the client I get:

 [root@hlsdevcms1 puppet]# puppetd -tv
 info: Retrieving plugin
 info: Loading facts in apache-ports
 info: Loading facts in location
 info: Loading facts in dell
 info: Loading facts in convera
 info: Loading facts in apache-ports
 info: Loading facts in location
 info: Loading facts in dell
 info: Loading facts in convera
 info: Caching catalog for http://hlsdevcms1.law.harvard.edu
 err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not find user

 I have tried everything I can think of to add more and more require =
 statements into the two .pp's that comprise the module but it refuses to
 find the user.  I have run puppetmasterd in debug mode and the client in
 debug mode to no avail, neither gives me any more information on why this
 would fail.  I've checked in the local yaml on the client and the rhythmyx
 stuff appears in there, including the comment statement in the user{}, so
 it's definitely in the catalog.

 The init.pp (apologises for what a mess this is, but I've been messing with
 it trying to get it working):

 ## Install rhythmyx.

 class rhythmyx {

 include rhythmyx::install

 if defined(Class[splunk4::client]) {
 target =
 content =
 [monitor:///opt/rhythmyx/Rhythmyx/.../*.log]\ndisabled = false\nsourcetype
 = rhythmyx\nindex = rhythmyx\n_blacklist = rx_lib.*\\.log\n,

 ## Users/Groups
 user { rhythmyx:
 ensure = present,
 uid = 5000,
 gid = 5000,
 comment = rhythmyx user,
 home = /opt/rhythmyx,
 shell = '/bin/bash',
 managehome = true,
 require = Group['rhythmyx'],

 group { rhythmyx:
 ensure = present,
 gid = 5000,

 service { RhythmyxD:
 ensure = running,
 hasrestart = false,
 hasstatus = false,
 pattern = RhythmyxServer.exe,
 start = /opt/rhythmyx/Rhythmyx/bin/RhythmyxDaemon start
 stop = /opt/rhythmyx/Rhythmyx/bin/RhythmyxDaemon stop
 /opt/rhythmyx/Rhythmyx  sleep 45,
 require = Exec[rx-permissions-rhythmyx],

 ## Crons

 file {
 ensure = present,
 source =
 owner = rhythmyx,
 group = rhythmyx,
 mode = 755,
 require = [ User[rhythmyx], Group[rhythmyx] ],

 file {
 ensure = present,
 source =
 owner = rhythmyx,
 group = rhythmyx,
 mode = 755,
 require = [ User[rhythmyx], Group[rhythmyx] ],

 ## Backups

 tidy {
 age = '90d',
 matches = '*.log',
 recurse = 'true',

 tidy { /tmp/rxtemp.rhythmyx:
 age = '2d',
 matches = '*.tmp',
 recurse = 'true',

 cron { Rhythmyx restart:
 command = /etc/init.d

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetmaster 100%cpu usage on 2.6 (not on 0.24)

2011-02-07 Thread Ashley Penney
Because I like to live dangerously I upgraded to 2.6.5 and it seems like
this has resolved the CPU problem completely for me.

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Udo Waechter udo.waech...@uni-osnabrueck.de

 On 01.02.2011, at 18:14, Brice Figureau wrote:

  On Tue, 2011-02-01 at 10:30 -0500, Ashley Penney wrote:
  This is the crux of the situation for me too - Puppetlabs blame it on
  a Ruby bug that hasn't been resolved with RHEL6 (in my situation) but
  this wasn't an issue until .3 for me too.  I feel that fact that many
  of us have this problem since upgrading means it can be fixed within
  Puppet, rather than Ruby, because it was fine before.
  Do you mean puppet 2.6.2 wasn't exhibiting this problem?
 Yes for me.

 :: udo waechter - r...@zoide.net :: N 52º16'30.5 E 8º3'10.1
 :: genuine input for your ears: http://auriculabovinari.de
 ::  your eyes: http://ezag.zoide.net
 ::  your brain: http://zoide.net

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetmaster 100%cpu usage on 2.6 (not on 0.24)

2011-02-07 Thread Ashley Penney
I just upgraded the master, I was too lazy to do the nodes yet.

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 1:56 PM, Brice Figureau 
brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com wrote:

 On 07/02/11 17:23, Ashley Penney wrote:
  Because I like to live dangerously I upgraded to 2.6.5 and it seems like
  this has resolved the CPU problem completely for me.

 Did you upgrade the master or the master and all the nodes?

 I had a discussion about this issue with Nigel during the week-end, and
 he said something really interesting I didn't thought about:
 it might be possible that the reports generated by 2.6.3 were larger
 than what they were in previous versions.

 It is then possible that the CPU time taken to unserialize and process
 those larger reports is the root cause of the high CPU usage.

 That'd be great if one of the people having the problem could disable
 reports to see if that's the culprit.

 And if this is the case, we should at least log how long it takes to
 process a report on the master.
 Brice Figureau
 My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetmaster 100%cpu usage on 2.6 (not on 0.24)

2011-02-01 Thread Ashley Penney
This is the crux of the situation for me too - Puppetlabs blame it on a Ruby
bug that hasn't been resolved with RHEL6 (in my situation) but this wasn't
an issue until .3 for me too.  I feel that fact that many of us have this
problem since upgrading means it can be fixed within Puppet, rather than
Ruby, because it was fine before.

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 5:31 AM, Waechter Udo udo.waech...@uni-osnabrueck.de


 On 31.01.2011, at 22:50, John Warburton wrote:

  On 1 February 2011 08:43, Brice Figureau brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com
  On 31/01/11 19:11, Udo Waechter wrote:
  Do you use storeconfigs?
  Speaking of resource hogs, do you run the puppet labs dashboard on the
 same host? I had a similar setup (on crusty old Sun kit mind), and found a
 big performance hit in writing the reports by the client to the puppet
 master and then those reports to the dashboard. Everything calmed down once
 I moved the dashboard to another host

 Yes I do, but I always did Even if this is not a good idea, performance
 was acceptable until 2.6.3 Something must have changed there.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetmaster 100%cpu usage on 2.6 (not on 0.24)

2011-02-01 Thread Ashley Penney
Yes, it didn't happen with the earlier versions of 2.6.

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Brice Figureau 
brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com wrote:

 On Tue, 2011-02-01 at 10:30 -0500, Ashley Penney wrote:
  This is the crux of the situation for me too - Puppetlabs blame it on
  a Ruby bug that hasn't been resolved with RHEL6 (in my situation) but
  this wasn't an issue until .3 for me too.  I feel that fact that many
  of us have this problem since upgrading means it can be fixed within
  Puppet, rather than Ruby, because it was fine before.

 Do you mean puppet 2.6.2 wasn't exhibiting this problem?

 Brice Figureau
 Follow the latest Puppet Community evolutions on www.planetpuppet.org!

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Do we need a new name for --test?

2011-01-24 Thread Ashley Penney
If we don't want --manual you could go with --watch as that's really what
I'm doing - watching puppet run. :)

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 1:24 PM, Stefan Schulte 
stefan.schu...@taunusstein.net wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 01:19:35PM +0100, Felix Frank wrote:
  On 01/24/2011 11:38 AM, Carles Amigó wrote:
   El 24/01/2011 9:13, Daniel Pittman escribió:
   On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 23:36, Stig Sandbeck Mathisens...@fnord.no
   Jesse Reynoldsjessedreyno...@gmail.com  writes:
  Seconded (or, fourthed?)
  Also, I'll outright *refuse* to install a software that contains a
  --no-noop switch (just abominable, Stefan ;-)

 Just for the record:
 --no-noop is a valid switch. I have noop=true in my puppet.conf
 (together with onetime=true and daemonize=false) and my normal puppet
 invocation is »puppet agent -v«. If I want puppet to change stuff I run
 with »puppet agent -v --no-noop«. Yes it looks ugly but it works fine


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetmaster 100%cpu usage on 2.6 (not on 0.24)

2010-12-17 Thread Ashley Penney
As a datapoint, I experience this problem on RHEL6:



passenger (3.0.0)
rack (1.2.1)
rack-mount (0.6.13)
rack-test (0.5.6)
rails (3.0.3)

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Leonid Batizhevsky

 Ruby or puppet?
 I start use from 0.25.x (from epel repo and not long) and  1.8.5 ruby.
 Then I update to 2.6.0 and I saw memory problems.
 I start to google and found:
 The 1.8.5 branch of Ruby shipped will RHEL5 can exhibit memory leaks. 
 And upgrade to ruby enterprise 1.8.7 and It solve my problems!

 Leonid S. Batizhevsky

 On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 03:03, Nigel Kersten ni...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
  For the sake of the archives, what version did you upgrade *from* Leonid

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetmaster 100%cpu usage on 2.6 (not on 0.24)

2010-12-15 Thread Ashley Penney
This issue is definitely a problem.  I have a support ticket in with Puppet
Labs about the same thing.  My CPU remains at 100% almost constantly and it
slows things down significantly.  If you strace it you can see that very
little appears to be going on.  This is absolutely not normal behavior.
 Even when I had 1 client checking in I had all cores fully used.

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Brice Figureau 
brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com wrote:

 On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 05:28 -0800, Chris wrote:
  On Dec 15, 12:42 pm, Brice Figureau brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com
   On Tue, 2010-12-14 at 00:24 -0800, Chris wrote:
I recently upgraded my puppet masters (and clients) from 0.24.8 to
Previously, my most busy puppet master would hover around about 0.9
load  average, after the upgrade, its load hovers around 5
I am running passenger and mysql based stored configs.
Checking my running processes, ruby (puppetmasterd) shoots up to 99%
cpu load and stays there for a few seconds before dropping again.
Often there are 4 of these running simultaneously, pegging each core
at 99% cpu.
   I would say it is perfectly normal. Compiling the catalog is a hard and
   complex problem and requires CPU.
   The difference between 0.24.8 and 2.6 (or 0.25 for what matters) is
   some performance issues have been fixed. Those issues made the master
   more I/O bound under 0.24, but now mostly CPU bound in later versions.
  If we were talking about only cpu usage, I would agree with you.  But
  in this case, the load average of the machine has gone up over 5x.
  And as high load average indicates processes not getting enough
  runtime, in this case it is an indication to me that 2.6 is performing
  worse than 0.24 (previously, on average, all processes got enough
  runtime and did not have to wait for system resources, now processes
  are sitting in the run queue, waiting to get a chance to run)

 Load is not necessarily an indication of an issue. It can also mean some
 tasks are waiting for I/O not only CPU.
 The only real issue under load is if service time is beyond an
 admissible value, otherwise you can't say it's bad or not.
 If you see some hosts reporting timeouts, then it's an indication that
 service time is not good :)

 BTW, do you run your mysql storedconfig instance on the same server?
 You can activate thin_storeconfigs to reduce the load on the mysql db.

   I don't really get what is the issue about using 100% of CPU?
  Thats not the issue, just an indication of what is causing it
   You're paying about the same price when your CPU is used and when it's
   idle, so that shouldn't make a difference :)
  Generally true, but this is a on VM which is also running some of my
  radius and proxy instances, amongst others.
   If that's an issue, reduce the concurrency of your setup (run less
   compilation in parallel, implement splay time, etc...).
  splay has been enabled since 0.24
  My apache maxclients is set to 15 to limit concurrency.

 I think this is too many except if you have 8 cores. As Trevor said in
 another e-mail in this thread, 2PM/Core is the best.

 Now it all depends on your number of nodes and sleeptime. I suggest you
 use ext/puppet-load to find your setup real concurrency.
 Brice Figureau
 Follow the latest Puppet Community evolutions on www.planetpuppet.org!

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetmaster 100%cpu usage on 2.6 (not on 0.24)

2010-12-15 Thread Ashley Penney
Just to reply to this - like I said earlier I can get this problem with 1
node checking in against puppetmaster.  All the puppetmasterd processes use
maximum CPU.  It's not a scaling issue considering serving one node is
certainly not going to max out a newish physical server.

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Brice Figureau 
brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com wrote:

 Just some math (which might be totally wrong), to give an idea of how I
 think we can compute our optimal scaling case:
 So with 250 nodes and a sleep time of 30 minutes, we need to overcome
 250 compiles in every 30 minute time spans. If we assume a concurrency
 of 2 and all nodes evenly spaced (in time), that means we must compile
 125 nodes in 30 minutes. If each compilation takes about 10s, then that
 means it'll take 1250s, which means 20 minutes so you have some room for
 growth :)
 Now during those 20min your 2 master processes will consume 100% CPU.
 Since we're consuming the the CPU for only 66% of the 30 minute span,
 you'll globally consume 66% of all your CPU available...

 Hope that helps,

 [1]: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Puppet_Introspection
 Brice Figureau
 My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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Re: [Puppet Users] Initial data population

2010-11-24 Thread Ashley Penney
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 6:41 PM, Daniel Pittman dan...@rimspace.net wrote:

 Ashley Penney apen...@gmail.com writes:

  As an example of the kind of thing we're talking about we use a product
  called Sonatype Nexus that relies on a bunch of on disk data in
  /srv/sonatype-nexus/.  When installing the system for the first time (for
  example, when the file{} containing the .war triggers) we would like it
  automatically put down a copy of /srv/sonatype-nexus/.  We obviously
  want this drifting out of sync with the production data which is where
  issue is.  How do other people handle this?

 Package those data files yourself, if necessary including logic in the
 to ensure that you don't overwrite valuable local changes.  Then use puppet
 ensure that package is either 'installed' or 'latest'.

I suppose this is possible, but awkward.  An example of another application
is this horrible Java CMS that we use that writes numerous XML files of
random names all over the place during operation.  There's cache
directories, it constantly rewrites various bits of configuration xml files,
it spews logs all over.  Packaging something like that up in a way that is
functional is almost impossible.  When we want to reinstall/clone that
server we just copy the entire directory and then run Puppet to change a few
key XML files.  Something like that is difficult to package, and the files
that you would package change frequently due to patches and internal
development on top of the CMS.

  Our options seem to be:
  * Nightly/hourly backups of production data to some location where Puppet
can rsync/wget/shovel it out when needed.
  * Some kind of process that real-time syncs directories to nfs storage.
  * Erroring if the data is missing in some fashion when Puppet runs and
 relying on
sysadmins to put it in place.

 ...or making it available as a puppet file server, and using puppet to put
 in place.

In our experience that is almost unusable, speedwise.

  We've talked through the options but they all have fairly significant
  drawbacks.  My personal favorite solution would be some kind of daemon
  syncs data constantly and is capable of intelligently syncing the data
  to the node if it goes missing.  It could be potentially error prone but
  represents the least bad choice.

 You could potentially just use:

file { /example:
  source = 'puppet:///module/example', replace = false

 That will only put the file in place if it doesn't already exist.

Hmm, I always forget about replace = false.  I wonder if it has the same
awful speed penalties.  I think my issue with this is still the hassle of
constantly syncing the changing files back into Puppet.  That's why I was
looking for some kind of semi or fully automated syncing mechanism for
something like this.  It's mostly Java apps that are especially bad for
this.  Most open source software sticks data into a database or at least a
single easily dealt with directory.  Java explodes all over the place like
some kind of evil virus.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Initial data population

2010-11-24 Thread Ashley Penney
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Patrick kc7...@gmail.com wrote:

 1) So are the Puppet clients (Nexus servers) supposed to be modifying the
 data in /srv/sonatype-nexus like a database or is it used read-only like a
 file server?

They modify data in that directory.  I explained further in another email
but we have several Java apps that do similar things, constantly
changing/adding xml files and all kinds of logs and other stuff for running.

 2) If you change the master copy of the data, can you wipe the data and
 recopy on each client or do you need to merge in changes?

I think in most cases it would require a remerge.  Generally speaking I'm
only dealing with a single client using this data at a time so my concerns
are more 'if the data is not there completely, automatically reprovision it
with a copy as up to date as possible' rather than changing things.  If
there are specific file configuration files I need to change within the data
then I handle that within Puppet like any other application.

 3) How big is the biggest file in the data?  What's the total size?

Hmm, I'm not logged in to check at the moment but generally we're talking a
maximum of 4G of data for one of these applications, and some closer to 1G.

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[Puppet Users] Initial data population

2010-11-23 Thread Ashley Penney

We've been having some internal discussions about the best way to handle
certain cases and I thought I'd turn to the list to solicit opinions on how
other people have solved this issue (or don't, as the case may be).  The
issue is that we would like our modules to, where possible, check for the
existence of certain on disk data when installing a service for the first
time and retrieve it from somewhere if it's not available.

As an example of the kind of thing we're talking about we use a product
called Sonatype Nexus that relies on a bunch of on disk data in
/srv/sonatype-nexus/.  When installing the system for the first time (for
example, when the file{} containing the .war triggers) we would like it to
automatically put down a copy of /srv/sonatype-nexus/.  We obviously don't
want this drifting out of sync with the production data which is where the
issue is.  How do other people handle this?

Our options seem to be:

* Nightly/hourly backups of production data to some location where Puppet
can rsync/wget/shovel it out when needed.
* Some kind of process that real-time syncs directories to nfs storage.
* Erroring if the data is missing in some fashion when Puppet runs and
relying on sysadmins to put it in place.

We've talked through the options but they all have fairly significant
drawbacks.  My personal favorite solution would be some kind of daemon that
syncs data constantly and is capable of intelligently syncing the data back
to the node if it goes missing.  It could be potentially error prone but it
represents the least bad choice.  That combined with regular backups would
seem ideal but I can't find anything out there that does this without
significant work/investment.  I debated just rsyncing every 15 minutes but
that's not great either.


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