Re: [pygtk] how to add to a scrolledwindow?

2011-01-03 Thread Brian Keck

On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 19:20:28 BST, Timo wrote:
On 02-01-11 14:42, Brian Keck wrote:
 A minimal example is ...
Not tested, but try these changes:

Your changes made it work,  something similar also fixed my hildon app.

But when I tried to understand why it fixed the example, I realized that
I'd made a silly mistake with 'window' (which I guess you saw).  Just
fixing the mistake made it work (with button_press_event as well as

So thanks, but sorry for the noise,

Brian Keck

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] how to add to a scrolledwindow?

2011-01-02 Thread Brian Keck


I've written very little pygtk ( no straight gtk),  am stuck trying to
add to a vbox inside a scrolledwindow.

A minimal example is ...

import gtk
window = gtk.Window()
window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
scrolled = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
vbox = gtk.VBox()
def addbutton(window, event):
b1 = gtk.Button('aaa')
b1.connect('button_press_event', addbutton)
b2 = gtk.Button('bbb')

I click 'aaa' but no 'extra' appears.

The actual application starts with a list of book authors as button
labels.  Clicking on an author should insert the author's book titles (a
vbox of buttons) between this author  the next.  Also, it's for a Nokia
N900  really uses hildon.PannableArea etc.

Thanks for any help,
Brian Keck

pygtk mailing list
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[pygtk] Threading Question

2010-06-26 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Got some help last week in regard to a problem which put me on the trail
of understanding threading. Through reading and playing around I've this
working example. What I don't understand are how certain parts of it
work. BTW, I'm working on a windows PC.

import threading
import random, time
import gtk

#Initializing the gtk's thread engine

class FractionSetter(threading.Thread):
This class sets the fraction of the progressbar

def run(self):
print 'first'

print 'second'


def stop(self):
Stop method, sets the event to terminate the thread's
main loop

def main_quit(obj):

#Gui bootstrap: window and progressbar
window = gtk.Window()
progressbar = gtk.ProgressBar()
window.connect('destroy', main_quit)

#Creating and starting the thread
fs = FractionSetter()


My question is:
a)  What does putting gtk.main() between gtk.gdk.threads _enter 
gtk.gdk.threads _leave actually do?

b)  Am I right in thinking the time.sleep(2) are there so that the
progressbar is changed and the gui window is updated?

c)  Without the time.sleep(2) I'm thinking the progressbar would be
changed but the gui window wouldn't be updated. Correct?

Still getting my head around threads. See all sorts of references all of
which seem a wee bit beyond my comprehension at the moment. Any comments
would be appreciated.



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Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Updating a window

2010-06-23 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Thought I'd put together a small example to show what I mean:

import pygtk
import gtk
import sys
import time

def do_stuff():
print 'brian'

#  handles

class handles:
def on_login_window_destroy(event):

#  define main

class LoginApp: 
def __init__(self):
# set the glade file
self.builder = gtk.Builder()
self.window = self.builder.get_object(login_window) 
self.server = self.builder.get_object(server) = self.builder.get_object(info)

def __getitem__(self,key):
# provide link to widgets
return self.builder.get_object(key)

#  run application

if __name__ == '__main__':
ghs = LoginApp() 

The window outline appears but no inside until after 5 sec when the full window 
takes shape my name then appears.

What I want is the full window appearing at the beginning and then 5 sec later 
my name appears.

Make sense?


-Original Message-
From: Michael Urman [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 12:46 p.m.
To: Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Subject: Re: [pygtk] Updating a window

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 18:33, Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School) wrote:
 The issue I have is that the outline of the window appears with the inside
 blank until do_stuff() completes when the window is fully defined.

 If I have:


 then the window appears fine but nothing gets done.

 Don’t know if there is a command to update a window.

 Probably simple. If not, a reference/pointer would be appreciated.

The right answer really depends on what sort of things you are doing
inside do_stuff. If it's work that makes sense to move piecewise to
signal handlers, then do that. If it's a batch of work with convenient
locations to do event processing (say every time through a loop), call
gtk.main_iteration() from time to time, possibly within a while

Welcome to event-based programming!
Michael Urman
pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Updating a window

2010-06-23 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Appreciate the time you've taken to respond.

Yes, I'm new to all of this. Had toyed with the thread idea but wanted learned 
thoughts from people the time BEFORE I committed the time to studying the 
various options.

I'll certainly read what you referenced.

Your response made good sense.

Thanks so much.

Brian Rowlands

-Original Message-
From: A.T.Hofkamp [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 9:19 p.m.
To: Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Cc: Michael Urman;
Subject: Re: [pygtk] Updating a window

Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School) wrote:
 Thought I'd put together a small example to show what I mean:
 import pygtk
 import gtk
 import sys
 import time
 def do_stuff():
 print 'brian'
 #  handles
 class handles:
 def on_login_window_destroy(event):
 #  define main
 class LoginApp: 
 def __init__(self):
 # set the glade file
 self.builder = gtk.Builder()
 self.window = self.builder.get_object(login_window) 
 self.server = self.builder.get_object(server) = self.builder.get_object(info)
 def __getitem__(self,key):
 # provide link to widgets
 return self.builder.get_object(key)
 #  run application
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 ghs = LoginApp() 

There is only one thread of control, so after constructing the LoginApp() 
object, you block the 
*whole* program for 5 seconds by sleeping, print your name, and *then* start 
event handling of the 
The latter does drawing, and rereshing.

That is why the program behaves as it does.

 The window outline appears but no inside until after 5 sec when the full 
 window takes shape my name then appears.
 What I want is the full window appearing at the beginning and then 5 sec 
 later my name appears.
 Make sense?

What you want is clear to all, but the way you want it, is not going to fly.

You cannot block in the thread of control that does 'gtk.main()' (well, you 
can, but it does not do 
what you want).

There are 2 solutions to this:

1. start another thread to do your processing, and have it coummunicate with 
the gtk.main() thread 
to update the window.

2. do everything event-based.
Instead of sleeping, start a timer, and attach 'print name' to the handler that 
gets called when it 
times out.

I would recommend that you look at the tutorial 
(, in 
particular chappters 19, 20, and 24. The latter is an example.
To understand those chapters you may want to do the entire tutorial. Since you 
seem new to 
event-based programming, it won't be wasted time, I think.


pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] Updating a window

2010-06-22 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Novice but eager to learn. I'm writing a login script which displays a
GUI window and which I want to update with comments as the script runs.

My script finishes with:

if __name__ == '__main__':
ghs = LoginApp()




The issue I have is that the outline of the window appears with the
inside blank until do_stuff() completes when the window is fully

If I have:

then the window appears fine but nothing gets done.

Don't know if there is a command to update a window.

Probably simple. If not, a reference/pointer would be appreciated. 

Many Thanks
pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Updating a window

2010-06-22 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Thanks for that.

Do_stuff consists of things like:

Impersonate a user
Copy Db to c: drive
Read sql DB and obtain PC settings
Log-off certain types of users
Change the registry
Set printers inc default printer
Write to a log file


So event handlers doesn't seem to fix the bill in my mind. 

Roughly speaking, the GUI window displays a message to the user. Periodically, 
this changes as the login script runs through it's tasks. Even displays a 
goodbye message on the occasions the user shouldn't be allowed to log in.

When I used Perl, there was a window update function. Alas, I'm unsure of where 
to go now.

BTW, wrote GUI window in Glade if that makes any difference.

Would appreciate feedback


-Original Message-
From: Michael Urman [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 12:46 p.m.
To: Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Subject: Re: [pygtk] Updating a window

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 18:33, Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School) wrote:
 The issue I have is that the outline of the window appears with the inside
 blank until do_stuff() completes when the window is fully defined.

 If I have:


 then the window appears fine but nothing gets done.

 Don’t know if there is a command to update a window.

 Probably simple. If not, a reference/pointer would be appreciated.

The right answer really depends on what sort of things you are doing
inside do_stuff. If it's work that makes sense to move piecewise to
signal handlers, then do that. If it's a batch of work with convenient
locations to do event processing (say every time through a loop), call
gtk.main_iteration() from time to time, possibly within a while

Welcome to event-based programming!
Michael Urman
pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Updating a window

2010-06-22 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Thanks for the suggestion but it doesn't make any difference.


Thanks for replying.


Window only appears after the contents of do_stuff() have completed
their tasks


 Do_stuff completes tasks like:

* copy DB to c: drive from server

* read DB

* check user is allowed to log in

* impersonate [ using Active Directory in a Win32 environment ]

* etc





From: [] On Behalf Of muhamed
Sent: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 4:11 p.m.
To: Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Subject: Updating a window



Can u re-arrange the statement  below the do_stuff()

I mean the code like this

if __name__ == '__main__':
   ghs = LoginApp()




Pls try this and let me know the status...

Thanks  Best Regards,

Muhamed Niyas C
(NuCore Software Solutions Pvt Ltd)
Mobile: +91 9447 468825

pygtk mailing list
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[pygtk] Win 32 query

2010-06-09 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Hi Folks
Hope you can help me with a simple problem.

I have a login script that requires me to display the username and
domain controller the user connects through when logging in to Active

I can get their username via:

from win32api import GetUserName
user = GetUserName()

 My question is how do I get the domain controller they authenticated

Hope you can help.

pygtk mailing list
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Re: [pygtk] Win 32 query

2010-06-09 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Hi Folks
After searching for the best part of an hour AND posting a cry for help
via this list I immediately found what I wanted via Google.

dc = win32net.NetGetDCName (None, None)

produces what I want.

Question: When should I really give up and ask for help? H 

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Re: [pygtk] Linking textview and combobox

2010-06-08 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Hi Folks
Found my mental block:

divisions = []
textbuffer = cbc['divisions'].get_buffer()
text =
divisions = text.splitlines()
-- needed this and a minor change in the lines
if no_divisions != '':
#set divisions list
store = gtk.ListStore(str)
for i in divisions:
if i != '' : store.append([i]) 
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
cbc['divisionCB'].pack_start(cell, True)
cbc['divisionCB'].add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)


pygtk mailing list
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[pygtk] Linking textview and combobox

2010-06-07 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Hi folks
I'm trying to populate a combobox with the lines showing in a textview
widget. My question is how do I do this?

I've a textview widget called 'divisions'. This coding reads its
associated  buffer:
textbuffer = cbc['divisions'].get_buffer()
divisions =

If the lines in textview are:
First line
Second line

Then divisions contains all these characters including \n.

This coding creates one character entries in the combobox called
store = gtk.ListStore(str)
 for i in divisions:
   if i != '\n' : store.append(i) 
 cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
 cbc['divisionCB'].pack_start(cell, True)
  cbc['divisionCB'].add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)

Can someone help me think logically on this issue please?

Thanks Brian

pygtk mailing list
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Re: [pygtk] Which is the active radiobutton?

2010-06-03 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Thanks for all the good advice.

Found my mental block.

radio = [r for r in cbc['radio_ped'].get_group() if r.get_active()][0] 
radiolabel = radio.get_label()

where radio_ped is the group name of the radio buttons


pygtk mailing list
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[pygtk] Which is the active radiobutton?

2010-06-02 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Hi Guys
Just a newbie using Python  Glade and have the code below:

 some code ... 

class BowlsApp: 
def __init__(self):
# set the glade file
self.builder = gtk.Builder()
self.window = self.builder.get_object(tournament) 

def __getitem__(self,key):
# provide link to widgets
return self.builder.get_object(key)

#  run application

if __name__ == '__main__':
cbc = BowlsApp()

The GUI contains 4 radio buttons [ I'll call them four, three, two, one
] in a group called four. My research came across:

radio = [r for r in cbc['four'].get_group() if r.get_active()]

which gets me the active button with print radio giving me:
[gtk.RadioButton object at 0xe903c8 (GtkRadioButton at 0x13ab548)]

My question: how do i get the 'name' of the button which is active?

Tried print radio.get_label() and that failed as there is no attribute
called label.

Any help appreciated. Even a reference.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] Newbie question

2010-05-30 Thread Brian Rowlands (Greymouth High School)
Hi Guys 
I'm very, very new to both Python and Glade and I'm not even sure if I
should be posting to this list. Anyway, here goes as I need help - even
a useful reference.

I'm working on a Win32 platform and have begun to create a python
program as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygtk
import gtk
import sys

# handles

class handles:
def __init__(self):
self.gladefile =

def on_quit_clicked(event):

def on_tournament_destroy(event):

def on_show_settings_clicked(event):

# define main

class EventApp: 
def __init__(self):
# set the glade file
builder = gtk.Builder()
self.window = builder.get_object(tournament)  

# run application

if __name__ == '__main__':
w = EventApp()

My simple question is: how do I reference a textfield [ example
'no_teams' ] when the button 'on_show_settings' is clicked. Say, print
it's contents.

Any help greatly appreciated. 
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Re: [pygtk] Python / PytGTK GNOME Panel applet tutorial

2007-09-23 Thread Brian Munroe
On 9/23/07, Adolfo González Blázquez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I maintain a python applet called Computer Temperature Monitor. You can
 download it and take a look on how it works.

 Hope it helps..


That actually does help, thanks!

I am also looking for bonobo server file examples, and I take it that
gets generated during the ./configure, make, etc?

thanks again.

-- brian
pygtk mailing list
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[pygtk] Python / PytGTK GNOME Panel applet tutorial

2007-09-22 Thread Brian Munroe
I am trying to learn the basics of writing GNOME panel applets with
Python / PyGTK using Arturo's and Lorenzo's tutorial:

Even though this tutorial is from 2004, may I safely assume that
everything is current, with the exception that gnome.applet is now

Also, it seems that documentation for writing panel applets is a
little sketchy (or maybe my google skills suck) - regardless, if
anyone has additional documentation I should read or tips on getting
started I'd really appreciate it.

I'm assuming that the PyGTK mailing list is the appropriate place for
these questions, if not, my apologies in advance.


-- brian
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Re: [pygtk] Selecting a treeView row

2006-12-15 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2006-15-12 at 14:52 +, Peter Morgan wrote:
 Am going round the houses with this problem (and a pygtk newbie)
 I've got the function below load_data() and wish to keep the current col 
 sort (which works) and the selected row. The number of rows does not change
 When I enter the load_data function the iter is there from the first 
 line. However the last line fails with
  GtkWarning: gtk_list_store_get_path: assertion `iter-stamp == 
 GTK_LIST_STORE (tree_model)-stamp' failed
 Can anyone shed some light on the problem please..
 def load_data(self):
 model, iter = self.selection.get_selected()
## This lines shows the 2 objects
 print model, iter
 prev_col = self.usersListStore.get_sort_column_id()
 req = urllib2.Request( self.config['url'] )
 response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
 page_contents =
 lines = page_contents.splitlines()
 for line in lines:
 if prev_col[0] == None:
 colo = 1
 colo = prev_col[0]
 if prev_col[1] == None:
 dir = prev_col[1]
 if iter:
 ### ERROR GtkWarning: gtk_list_store_get_path: assertion 
 `iter-stamp == GTK_LIST_STORE (tree_model)-stamp' failed

If I'm not mistaken.  The iter becomes dead when the model is changed by
an append, etc..  I don't have time to check my facts right now.  But It
might shed light on it for you.

I know in our treeview use when we rebuild our data model we look for
the row data that was prevoiusly selected, then after the data is
reloaded we then select that row.


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Re: [pygtk] Hyperlinks

2006-12-15 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2006-16-12 at 02:34 +, Peter Morgan wrote:
 Been searching high and low and cant find a way to make an url in pygtk.
 My application has a setting to a web page.. all I want is something 
 like a label that can be clicked on which launches a browser.
 Can anyone point me in the right direction pls

This is part of some info added to a gtkTextView.

View the entire module here:

some code chunks from our app:

table = create(
{'name': ({'weight': pango.WEIGHT_BOLD,
   'scale': pango.SCALE_X_LARGE,
   'pixels-above-lines': 5}),
 'description': ({style: pango.STYLE_ITALIC}),
 'url': ({'foreground': 'blue'}),
 'property': ({'weight': pango.WEIGHT_BOLD}),
 'value': ({}),
 'useset': ({'foreground':'darkgreen'}),
 'masked': ({style: pango.STYLE_ITALIC}),
return table

def on_url_event(self, tag, widget, event, iter):
 Catch when the user clicks the URL 
if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE:

def on_mouse_motion(self, widget, event, data = None):
# we need to call get_pointer, or we won't get any more events
pointer = self.window.get_pointer()
x, y, spam = self.window.get_pointer()
x, y = self.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, x, y)
tags = self.get_iter_at_location(x, y).get_tags()
if self.underlined_url:
self.underlined_url = None
for tag in tags:
if tag in self.url_tags:
self.underlined_url = tag
if self.reset_cursor: # defaults to gtk.gdk.XTERM - reset it to None
self.reset_cursor = False
return False

def append_url(text, url, colour):
 Append URL to textbuffer and connect an event 
tag = self.buffer.create_tag(url)
tag.set_property(foreground, colour)
tag.connect(event, self.on_url_event)
append(text, tag.get_property(name))


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Re: [pygtk] Show command output (new IEs4Linux GUI)

2006-12-08 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2006-08-12 at 03:38 -0200, Internet Explorer Linux wrote:
 Hey, thank you guys!
 I decided to do it with threads. See how it looks now:

I just looked at your source.  You are not using threads.  you only are
initiating gtk to allow threads.  The threads.enter() and leave()
functions are not needed in your code as is as all that code is running
in the main thread anyway.   You have not imported and used the threads
or threading modules that actually run the code in another thread.  As
Edward Catmur said. If you can do it without threads, it can save a lot
of heartache if you don't get it right.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Show command output (new IEs4Linux GUI)

2006-12-08 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2006-08-12 at 13:41 +, Ed Catmur wrote:
 Brian wrote: 
  On Fri, 2006-08-12 at 03:38 -0200, Internet Explorer Linux wrote: 
   Hey, thank you guys! 
   I decided to do it with threads. See how it looks now:
  I just looked at your source.  You are not using threads.  you only
  initiating gtk to allow threads.  The threads.enter() and leave() 
  functions are not needed in your code as is as all that code is
  in the main thread anyway.   You have not imported and used the
  or threading modules that actually run the code in another thread.
  Edward Catmur said. If you can do it without threads, it can save a
  of heartache if you don't get it right.
 Nah, the threading module is imported (and the spawn/watch thread
 created) in; the gtkgui file is just a module for
 constructing the gui. 
 I really don't approve of the implied threading semantics, and
 reiterate that the non-threaded solution is always technically
 superior (especially in languages like Python with advanced control
 flow inversion abilities), but other than that the coding is competent
 enough for the chosen solution; it should work as intended. 
Sorry :(  So much for a quick look late at night when I should have gone
to bed.  I never looked at that other file.  I was also looking at it
with my own preconceived notion of what it should look like.  We got
away from the threads.enter() leave() pair long ago as it is too hard to
keep straight when a program is more complex with lots of sources for
initiating callbacks, etc..


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Re: [pygtk] gobject timeout when callback is complete

2006-12-08 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2006-09-12 at 04:22 +, John Kelly wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 How do i tell gobject to launch a callback after a callback has finished
 doing whatever it should. 
 In gobject.timeout_add(interval, callback). I basically want the
 interval to be the time it takes for the callback to finish whatever its
 How can i do this?

one way would be to create your own gobject.signal and then at the end
of your callback, activate that signal.

But, forgive me if I'm seeing your statement wrong.  What you wrote says
you want to run your callback again as soon as it finishes.  Sounds like
you should just set it to run inside a loop until you trip a stop flag.

go_for it = True  

while go_for_it:
# do some stuff

then from somewhere else in your program set

go_for_it = False


pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Show command output (new IEs4Linux GUI)

2006-11-29 Thread Brian
On Thu, 2006-30-11 at 04:14 -0200, Internet Explorer Linux wrote:
 Hi everybody!
 This is my first email to this list. My name is Sergio and I'm
 IEs4Linux project's main developer (maybe someone use my program :-)
 I'm working on a pygtk user interface to my script. My GUI configures
 some things and run an executable (IEs4linux installer, written in
 bash). I need to open some kind of window to show the installer
 I tried with TextView, but I don't know how to make it non-blocking. I
 tried with Threads, but it waits until installer finishes to show the
 output on TextView. I searched on Google and got some pages talking
 about this (even with solutions), but I could not make it work. 
 So, if anyone can help me with this thing I will be very thankful :-)
 Sérgio Lopes
 From Brazil

You can check out our installer gui app.  The terminal is all python and
does compiler message filtering, etc.  There are 2 main areas that you
should look at for how we handle the textview updates.

1) in terminal/ update() where we process the text and update
the relevant textview buffers.

2) in readers/  which reads the virtual terminal output
(in a thread) and passes it back to the main gui for processing.

There are other ways of handling it as well, but that one works well for
us.  If you look around you will also find out how to autoscroll the
text as it is added, among other things.

The link:


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Re: [pygtk] Problem with CellRendererToggle

2006-11-18 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2006-18-11 at 10:52 +0100, Pipen wrote:
 On 11/18/06, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  you need to check the path in the toggled callback to see if it is on
  the toggle.
 I have three cell renderers in one column, so the path I get in 
 callback is always the same no matter what cell I click in the column.
 Is there a way to know exactly what whas clicked in the column?
 I have to check if I'll be able to get cell renderer position boundaries and
 match it with button-press event x/y position. However it'll be a bit dirty,
 even if it works.

We use to have the toggle packed into a column like that as well.  If I
remember correctly clicking anywhere on the row would always toggle the
toggle.  The other problem we had was that it would not always render
correctly.  The line spacing was wrong with rows overlapping I think.

Then we added more columns with additional information as well as right
mouse button popup menus.  I would recommend you separate out the toggle
into its own column. It will simplify things.  Otherwise I think you
will have to get mouse pointer coordinates and compute its position on
your window... until you figure out if it was your toggle it was over.


pygtk mailing list
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Re: [pygtk] Problem with CellRendererToggle

2006-11-17 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2006-17-11 at 18:28 +0100, Pipen wrote:
 Each row in my TreeView contains a column with: toggle, pixbuf and
 text renderer respectively. If need to maintain the following
 - user clicks on the toggle - toggle receives 'toggled' event;
 treeview row cursor should not change.
 - user clicks on the rest of the row (pixbuf, text) - treeview row
 cursor should change, toggle should not receive 'toggled' event.
 The program does not work as I expected. I receive 'toggled' and
 'cursor-changed' events no matter what part the user clicks. If the user
 clicks on the toggle, the treeview row cursor changes to the row clicked
 toggle is in.
 The following code sets up the TreeView (SETS_COL_TOGGLE is 0,
 store = gtk.TreeStore( bool, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, int )
 col = gtk.TreeViewColumn( 'Sets' )
 # Toggle.
 cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
 cell.set_property( 'activatable', True )
 cell.connect_object( 'toggled', self.on_set_toggled, store )
 col.pack_start( cell, False )
 col.add_attribute( cell, 'active', SETS_COL_TOGGLE )
 # Pixbuf.
 cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
 col.pack_start( cell, False )
 col.add_attribute( cell, 'pixbuf', SETS_COL_ICON )
 # Text.
 cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
 col.pack_start( cell, True )
 col.add_attribute( cell, 'text', SETS_COL_NAME )
 self.treesets.append_column( col )
 self.treesets.set_model( store )
 I successfuly set up this kind of tree behavior using Qt, I'm fighting
 Gtk right now.
 Any kind of suggestion would be appreciated.

you need to check the path in the toggled callback to see if it is on
the toggle.

Here is some code from our app that uses several columns in a treeview,
one of which is a toggle (not always shown/used for some views).  Sorry,
I wasn't the one that originated this code and I have not worked on it
lately.  You should be able to figure out what you need from it and the
embedded comments.

class PackageView(CommonTreeView):
# Note! this is a gtk.TreeView type class and swap out the treeview 
# dependending on what we need to display at the time.

# connect to clicked event
self.connect(cursor_changed, self._clicked)
self.connect(button_press_event, self.on_button_press)

def on_button_press(self, treeview, event):
utils.debug.dprint(VIEWS: Handling PackageView button press event)
self.event = event # save the event so we can access it in _clicked()
if event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
utils.debug.dprint(VIEWS: Strange event type got passed to 
on_button_press() callback...)
utils.debug.dprint(VIEWS: event.type =  %s %str(event.type))
if event.button == 3: # secondary mouse button
self.dopopup = True # indicate that the popup menu should be 
self.dopopup = False
# Test to make sure something was clicked on:
pathinfo = treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y))
if pathinfo == None:
self.dopopup = False
return True
path, col, cellx, celly = pathinfo
utils.debug.dprint(VIEWS: pathinfo = %s %str(pathinfo))
#treeview.set_cursor(path, col, 0) # Note: sets off _clicked again
return False

def on_toggled(self, widget, path):
self.toggle = path
utils.debug.dprint(VIEWS: Toggle activated at path '%s' % path)
self.set_cursor(path) # sets off _clicked
return True

def _clicked(self, treeview, *args):
 Handles treeview clicks 
utils.debug.dprint(VIEWS: Package view _clicked() signal caught)
# get the selection
package = get_treeview_selection(treeview, 2)
#utils.debug.dprint(VIEWS: package = %s % package.full_name)
if (not package and not self.toggle) or package.full_name == None:
self.mainwindow_callback(package changed, None)
return False
if self.toggle != None : # for upgrade view
iter = self.get_model().get_iter(self.toggle)
#if self.upgrade_model.get_value(iter, 0) != None:
check = self.upgrade_model.get_value(iter, 1)
check = not check
self.upgrade_model.set_value(iter, 1, check)
package.is_checked = check
self.dopopup = False # don't popup menu if clicked on checkbox
self.toggle = None
return True # we've got it sorted
#utils.debug.dprint(VIEWS: full_name != _last_package = %d 
%(package.full_name != self._last_selected))
self.mainwindow_callback(package changed, package)
self._last_selected = package.full_name

#pop up menu if was rmb-click
if self.dopopup:

Brian [EMAIL

Re: [pygtk] Different background color per row in TreeView

2006-11-08 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2006-08-11 at 10:59 +0100, Volker Helm wrote:
 I know how to change the color of a row from default (value False) to one 
 other color (value True) depending of the value of a cell in the row.
 Now, I've got the problem, that I need to change the color of a row depending 
 on the value of a cell using at least three different colors.
 Thanks for your help in advance,

I don't know myself, but I have seen this this come up before.  You
should be able to find something in the archives of this list.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Setting application name in pygtk?

2006-11-07 Thread Brian
On Mon, 2006-06-11 at 15:21 -0800, Lynn Monsanto wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm a developer working on the Orca screen reader:  We are currently starting Orca using a bash 
 script (see below).  This works okay, but has one problem.  The AT-SPI 
 returns the application name as -c.  Is there a way to explicitly set 
 an application name in pygtk when starting an application using the -c 
 Thanks and best regards!
 Lynn Monsanto
 # Runs orca.
@PYTHON@ -c import orca.orca; orca.orca.main() $ARGS

In your app just before you show your window.

window.set_title('My Title')

Actually you can change the title at any time.  In our specialized
terminal app. we change the title to the status bar text when the window
is minimized.  That allows the taskbar to show the status of what is


pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] question about a updating a textview as an object

2006-10-19 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2006-18-10 at 23:50 -0500, shawn bright wrote:
 hey there.
 i have a gtk GUI app that uses 4 text views to update info from 4
 different threads. the code i use to update the view is this.
 def buffer_add(self,  input_data, buffer, textview):
 self.buffer.insert (self.buffer.get_end_iter(), input_data)
 if self.buffer.get_line_count()  400:
 self.buffer.get_iter_at_line (200))
 mark = self.buffer.create_mark(end,
 self.buffer.get_end_iter(), False)
 self.textview.scroll_to_mark(mark, 0.05, True, 0.0, 1.0)
 now, i have the same function in all four threads. Each updates a
 different textview. 
 the threads run in a class threading.thread. 
 the code that calls them is like this.
 S1 = Serial1(self.Input1Buffer, self.TTYS14View)
 each thread has some initial code like this
 class Serial1(threading.Thread):
 def __init__(self, buffer, textview):
 self.buffer = buffer
 self.iter = self.buffer.get_end_iter()
 self.textview = textview
 my question is. from the main app, if i pass the textview and
 buffer to each thread that needs one, can i, from the thread pass
 those as objects to one function that will update the text view? if
 so, do i need to make that function a global object ? or can i just
 declare it at the beginning of the program ? 
 does this question make sense? 
 if you have read this far, i thank you for your time.

Yes, you can pass the buffer pointers around. I have done it many times.
No you do not need to make them global.

Updating any gui items from a thread other than the main gui thread is
asking for trouble.  For any thread to safely access the textview buffer
you need to wrap it with calls to gtk to get clearance (sorry, don't
recall the actual function names atm) to modify them without causing
conflicts.  Something that can hold up your thread waiting for the
update to sync with the gui.

A much safer way to go is to gather your info in the threads and then
pass that info back to the main gui thread to update the correct buffer.
A good example of this is using the dispatcher module we've come up with
that handles the inter-thread communication collision free.  see
attached code.  You will see in the example code that the buffer pointer
is passed to the method that appends the text to the buffer.  It should
be easy to modify the example code to use different buffers for each

I have used global variables in our app which has several notebook tabs
each with their own textview and use the same append method.  I used
global lists to store the buffer pointers and pass the index number to
the append module as there are several other things that use the index
number as well.  Word of caution if you intend on using a list to store
the pointers use the list.append() to add them to an empty list, don't
initialize the list like:

buffer_list = [None, None] # it won't work

buffer_list = [] # works

code snipit:

def append(self, num, text, tagname = None):
 Append text to a text buffer.  Line numbering based on
the process window line count is automatically added.
BUT -- if multiple text buffers are going to be updated,
always update the process buffer LAST to guarantee the
line numbering is correct.
Optionally, text formatting can be applied as well

#dprint(Notebook: overwrite() -- num=  + str(num))
line_number = self.view_buffer[TAB_PROCESS].get_line_count() 
iter = self.view_buffer[num].get_end_iter()
lntext = str(line_number).zfill(6) + ' '
if self.last_text[num].endswith('\n'):
self.view_buffer[num].insert_with_tags_by_name(iter, lntext, 
if tagname == None:
#self.view_buffer[num].insert(iter, text)
#dprint(Notebook: append(): attempting to set text with tagnames  
+ str(self.current_tagnames))
self.view_buffer[num].insert_with_tags_by_name(iter, text, 
self.view_buffer[num].insert_with_tags_by_name(iter, text, tagname)
if self.auto_scroll[num] and num == self.current_tab:
self.last_text[num] = text

In the dispatcher example you will see that the method

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Fredrik Arnerup [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004-12-19
# Brian Dolbec[EMAIL PROTECTED],2005-3-30

import gobject, os, Queue
from select import select

class Dispatcher:
Send signals from a thread to another thread through a pipe
in a thread-safe manner
def __init__(self, callback_func, *args, **kwargs

Re: [pygtk] Help: Problems with threads and pygtk

2006-10-04 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2006-04-10 at 18:58 -0700, David Hirschfield wrote:
 I've run into a serious problem using threads with pygtk, and I was 
 hoping someone could give me suggestions.
 My program is a pygtk interface with a processor thread that pulls 
 from a safely synchronized queue of requests and processes each one.
 Seems simple, and it should have been...but it freezes solid when I run 
 it. Not a traceback of any kind, the interface and the python 
 interpreter freeze.
 I've checked all the things that should be obvious problems:
 I'm calling:
 before gtk.main() is called
 There is no race condition or blocking call causing everything to get stuck.
 The thread's only interaction with the rest of the program is via the  
 Queue.Queue object that keeps the requests to be processed.
 I've stepped through with pdb and it freezes in a completely innocuous 
 place in the code (during a loop where I append to a list).
 The freeze occurs in slightly different places depending on what kind of 
 debugging code I put in, changes to the order of things, it 
 feels like it's some kind of corruption in the interpreter stack.
 Running the processor thread in a dummy app without the pygtk part never 
 freezes up.
 Running the pygtk app with a non-threaded processor, which just 
 sequentially runs the requests and waits till they complete, never 
 freezes up.
 I'm at my wit's end here...I know threads are just asking for trouble, 
 and usually I avoid them, but circumstances here basically require 
 threading (all the request time is spent waiting on different kinds of 
 IO). The setup was so simple, I figured I couldn't possibly run into 
 trouble...yet here I am.
 So, anyone have any idea what could cause the entire python interpreter 
 to freeze solid? Are there known issues with pygtk and python threads 
 that I should be aware of? Is there some way to verify that the 
 interpreter stack is not getting screwed up somehow?
 Any help at this point would really be useful,

Try this module for ideas of where you may be going wrong.
Use the dispatcher-example for how to use it for inter-thread

It has worked very well for our app and eliminated a number of problems.

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Fredrik Arnerup [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004-12-19
# Brian Dolbec[EMAIL PROTECTED],2005-3-30

import gobject, os, Queue
from select import select

class Dispatcher:
Send signals from a thread to another thread through a pipe
in a thread-safe manner
def __init__(self, callback_func, *args, **kwargs):
self.callback = callback_func
self.callback_args = args
self.callback_kwargs = kwargs
self.continue_io_watch = True
self.queue = Queue.Queue(0) # thread safe queue
self.pipe_r, self.pipe_w = os.pipe()
gobject.io_add_watch(self.pipe_r, gobject.IO_IN, self.on_data)

def __call__(self, *args):
Emit signal from thread
# write to pipe afterwards
os.write(self.pipe_w, X)

def on_data(self, source, cb_condition):
if select([self.pipe_r],[],[], 0)[0] and,1):
if self.callback_args:
args = self.callback_args + self.queue.get()
self.callback(*args, **self.callback_kwargs)
self.callback(*self.queue.get(), **self.callback_kwargs)
return self.continue_io_watch

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Fredrik Arnerup [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004-12-19
# Brian Dolbec[EMAIL PROTECTED],2005-3-30

import pygtk; pygtk.require(2.0)
import gtk
from time import sleep
import threading, gobject, os
from dispatcher import Dispatcher

# dispatcher
# example code:

class Thread(threading.Thread):

def __init__(self, dispatcher, thread_num, length):
self.setDaemon(1)  # quit even if this thread is still running
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
self.thread_num = thread_num
self.sleep_length = length

def run(self):
done = False
print(thread_num = %s; process id = %d  %(self.thread_num,os.getpid()))
for num in range(250):
#print self.thread_num,  num = ,num
data = [ self.thread_num, (: time is slipping away: %d\n %num), num, done]
self.dispatcher(data) # signal main thread
done = True
data = [ self.thread_num, (: Time slipped away: I'm done), num, done]
self.dispatcher(data) # signal main thread

def pid_func(threadnum):
print(pid_func: called from thread_num = %s; process id = %d  %(threadnum,os.getpid()))

def message_fun(buffer, message):
#print (got

Re: RE : Re: [pygtk] event handling

2006-09-05 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 14:02 +0200, Felix Rabe (public) wrote:
 You guessed, and it doesn't work.  Maybe you use a special kind of Python, 
 but with the standard one ...

It wasn't a guess,  just faulty memory :(

 Brian wrote:
  As a space separated list.
  dic = {some_handle : my_handler arg1 arg2,
 some_other_handle : my_other_handler}
 $ python
  d = {foo: 5 6 7}
  ^  did you redefine the number five to something else?

   File stdin, line 1
 d = {foo: 5 6 7}
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Anyway here is a portion of the Pygtk FAQ:

Here's an example where arguments other than the widget are passed to
the signal handler (note the tuple for handling clicks to the ok

 wTree2 = libglade.GladeXML(,proxy1)
 proxywidget = wTree2.get_widget(proxy1)
 dic= {on_cancel_clicked: proxywidget.destroy,
   gtk_widget_destroy: proxywidget.destroy,
   on_ok_clicked: ( handle_ok_clicked, wTree2,id)}
 wTree2.signal_autoconnect (dic)

Sorry for the bad advice the first time.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: RE : Re: [pygtk] event handling

2006-09-04 Thread Brian
On Mon, 2006-04-09 at 12:42 +0200, Pascal DUCHATELLE wrote:
 David M. Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 On Sun, Sep 03, 2006 at 08:37:13AM +0200, Pascal DUCHATELLE
  dic = {on_mainWindow_destroy : gtk.main_quit,
  on_hello_key_press_event : self.hellorecompile}
  followed by this:
  Is there a way to use the second solution but also pass 
  an argument like in the first one ?
 You can use a tuple in your dic. See
 Also, you can use a closure:
 foo = 5
 baz = 6
 def my_handler(*args):
 print foo
 print baz
 dic = {some_handle : my_handler}
 Dave Cook
 pygtk mailing list
 Read the PyGTK FAQ:
 Hi Dave,
 I will turn my question differently: in your answer your my_handler
 accepts keywords. Then how do you pass them to your my_handler in the
 dic since using a coma as separator is considered to be followed by
 the next dic key-entry pair. Maybe I'm wrong. Or is a tuple or a list
 OK as an entry in such a dictionary ?
 Thank you
As a space separated list.

dic = {some_handle : my_handler arg1 arg2,
   some_other_handle : my_other_handler}


pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Greek letter delta using Pango markup?

2006-08-15 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2006-15-08 at 08:46 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How (if at all) do I display a Greek capital letter delta in a label using
 Pango markup (or any other means)?  This is via Glade v.2.  I'm using a US
 keyboard.  I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to do it from Python code,
 but since it's a static label I see no reason to pollute my application with
 such stuff.

From a gnome desktop, Acessories=Charachter Map, select greek, then
drag and drop the character into the label field of the widget propeties

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Re: mockup

2006-07-20 Thread Brian
On Thu, 2006-20-07 at 18:39 +0300, Panos Laganakos wrote:
 I did a 1024x768 version so you can have a better look at it, and did
 some other visual improvements too, which brings the mockup to version
 On 7/20/06, Panos Laganakos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I saw that received a style update, so I thought I'd give a
  try at a new look for
  Keep in mind that it'll look small on normal resolutions (1280  )
  'cause I hacked it on a 800x600 CRT (yuck!).
  Lemme know what you think.

Looks nice, but...  There is too little contrast for the date and author
lines.   I know, I know I'm getting old :(  my eyes aren't as good as
they used to be.
  As for the 800 x 600 size.  I like it, I often prefer slightly smaller
web page sizes especially if I'm flipping between tutorials/reference's
and an editor window.  That way I can keep an eye on both.  And no I
can't afford a new 30in. high resolution widescreen monitor for my old
eyes.  So if you do proceed with the a new style keep the minimum sizes
for the frames reasonable for smaller page sizes when desired.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] placing info from scrollbar into variable

2006-06-23 Thread Brian
On Thu, 2006-06-22 at 22:30 -0700, Christopher Spears wrote:
I am trying to create a gui that consists of a
vertical scrollbar and two buttons.  I want to be able
to pick a number representing degrees Fahrenheit using
the scrollbar.  When I click the Convert button after
picking a number, the gui would convert the number
into degrees Celsius and print the answer to the
screen.  Here is what I have written so far:


import pygtk
import gtk

def scale_set_default_values(scale):

class Conversion_GUI:

def convert_to_celsius(self, adj):
#print Data: , adj.value
self.degC = (adj.value - 32)/1.8

def print_celsius(self, widget):
#degC = self.convert_to_celsius(adj1)
print self.degC #data

def __init__(self):
self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
self.window.connect(destroy, lambda w:
self.window.set_title(Convert to Celsius)

box1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0)

box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10)
box1.pack_end(box2, True, True, 0)

box3 = gtk.HBox(False, 10)
box1.pack_end(box3, True, True, 0)

adj1 = gtk.Adjustment(32.0, 32.0, 213.0, 0.1, 1.0,
self.vscale = gtk.VScale(adj1)
self.vscale.set_size_request(20, 300)
box1.pack_start(self.vscale, True, True, 0)


quit_button = gtk.Button(Quit)
quit_button.connect(clicked, lambda
self.degC = 0
convert_button = gtk.Button(Convert)
box3.pack_start(convert_button, True, True, 0)
box2.pack_start(quit_button, True, True, 0)

def main(self):
return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
convert = Conversion_GUI()

 Basically, the scrollbar feeds information into
 convert_to_celsius, which does the conversion.  What I
 want to do is somehow store the information generated
 in convert_to_celsius in a variable and send it to
 print_celsius to print out the answer after the
 Convert button is pressed.
 I've looked at the tutorials and the docs and couldn't
 find anything, so I thought someone on this mailing
 list could give me advice.

That should work (not tested).  Basically you just can use a class
global variable to store the converted variable in.  self.degC  I also
removed a few function parameters you'll see.

I think you should change the adj1.connect() to store the adj value and
print the degF value in something in your window, then use the commented
out method in the print_celcius to convert then print the temp.

That should give you a few more ideas :)

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Updating scrolled windows

2006-06-22 Thread Brian
On Thu, 2006-06-22 at 17:09 -0700, N. French wrote:
 I have a gtk.ScrolledWindow that I use as an interactive console (I
 take entry from a gtk.Entry and display the results in a gtk.TextView
 housed in a gtk.ScrolledWindow).  Below is my function to write the
 text to the buffer and set the ScrolledWindow's scroll bar to the end. 
 I want it to behave like an xterm would, new text appears at the bottom
 and you scroll upwards to see old stuff.  
 This basically works.  My problem is it doesn't quite scroll the window
 all the way to the bottom, it's always short by one line.
 Any suggestions?
 Nathan French

Yeah, it doesn't always work unless you make a mark at the end of the
buffer.  Set the property so that any text inserted will be to the left
of the mark.  Then scroll_to_mark.  That will scroll the text onscreen
every time.


pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] User defined interface

2006-06-04 Thread Brian
On Sun, 2006-04-06 at 10:36 +0200, Preben Randhol wrote:
 First I'm new to Python and PyGTK, but I have used Gtk for some years
 now. Currently I'm making an application with PyGTK. The application is
 supposed to show some data that is read from an XML file. Now what I
 need is to give the user the flexibility that she/he can set up how
 she/he wants the display widget to look like. My idea is to use a table
 widget as the base and that the user can put Labels, Pixmaps, and choose
 where in the table to display the data (and later also be able to edit
 So my question is: Given that the layout is defined in an XML file is it
 better to:
1. in some way (if possible) to use libglade to read a XML file that
   doesn't have a main window but only a Table widget as the base?
   As the layout will change depending on what data to display.

2. make ones own parser to read and generate the display GUI from the
   XML structure. I'm also thinking that later when I want to add
   edit capabilities I need to hook callbacks to the different
   edit widgets and that may be easier without libglade
3. or has somebody already made something like this that is available
   in as a library or similar?
 The program will be licensed as GPL or BSD if finished.
 Thanks in advanced for any hints.

Look at Gaspacho and Kiwi.  It sounds like that may be able to do what
you would like.  Or at least part way to what you are trying to achieve.


pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Bold-Face line in a TreeView with glib2.10

2006-05-28 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2006-27-05 at 18:02 +0200, Nemesis wrote:
 On Sat, 27 May 2006 09:01:04 -0700
 Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [problems with weight-set]
  It's working for my app just fine.  Currently at glib-2.10.2
  def cell_data_func(self, column, renderer, model, iter, data):
  function to render the package name according
 to whether it is in the world file or not
  #full_name = model.get_value(iter, 0)
  color = model.get_value(iter, 5)
  if model.get_value(iter, 4):
  renderer.set_property(weight, pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
  renderer.set_property(weight, pango.WEIGHT_NORMAL)
 But you aren't using 'weight-set', you are setting the weight property

Sorry, I wasn't fully awake yet this morning :)  I just grabbed the
chunk of code we have been using.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] gtk.button stock images, color change possible?

2006-05-28 Thread Brian
In our app, I have put 3 buttons on the bottom of the window beside the
status bar.  I have made bare buttons and use stock images for two.  One
is a pause image, another is a play image and the third is a custom
clock image.  (specialized terminal app,  command queue features {pause,
run, timer})

Is it possible to change the foreground color of the image depending on
the state?  I have tried using the gtk.Widget.modify_fg(), but it does
not seem to work.  The reason I am trying to change it is because it is
difficult to see whether it is active or not since they are small
buttons.  I realize some of this can be changed by changing my desktop
theme.  I would like to stay with stock images if possible  it suits
the purpose.  Do I have to use custom images for this to work?


gtk.gdk.color_parse(#962A1C)) # dark red
gtk.gdk.color_parse(#DA311B))  # med red
gtk.gdk.color_parse(#F65540))# light red
gtk.gdk.color_parse(#3C6E38))  # dark green
gtk.gdk.color_parse(#4EBA44))   # med green
gtk.gdk.color_parse(#58F64A)) # light green

I just realized something that may be affecting my results.  I have an
instance of the app running some package upgrades from before this
change.  Would that cause python to not create new .pyc files for the
modified files since there is another instance loaded and running?

I'm tired, and heading off to bed.  In the morning ill have an updated
system with gtk+-2.8.18 to test out.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Bold-Face line in a TreeView with glib2.10

2006-05-27 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2006-27-05 at 15:26 +0200, Nemesis wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm experimenting a strange behaviour with newer gtk release (the ones
 with glib 2.10).
 I need to set some lines in a treeview in bold-face and some not. So I
 set the textrenderer property weight to pango.FONT_WEIGHT and the I
 use row by row the property weight-set to select wich row must be
 in bold face.
 This approach is not working with newer gtk releases, the bold face is
 not set, if there is at least one row with the property weight-set
 set to False.
 I read that Sylpheed-Claws had the same problem and they fixed it by
 setting row by row the weight property. I could fix my application in
 the same way but I'd like to know if this is a GTK bug or I'm using in
 the wrong way the weight and weight-set properties.
 What do you think?

It's working for my app just fine.  Currently at glib-2.10.2

some snipits:

# add the text renderer
text = gtk.CellRendererText()
self._column.pack_start(text, expand = True)
self._column.add_attribute(text, text, 0)
self._column.set_cell_data_func(text, self.cell_data_func, None)

def cell_data_func(self, column, renderer, model, iter, data):
function to render the package name according
   to whether it is in the world file or not
#full_name = model.get_value(iter, 0)
color = model.get_value(iter, 5)
if model.get_value(iter, 4):
renderer.set_property(weight, pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
renderer.set_property(weight, pango.WEIGHT_NORMAL)
if color:
#if color == 'blue':
renderer.set_property(foreground, color)
#renderer.set_property(background, color)
renderer.set_property(foreground-set, False)
#renderer.set_property(background-set, False)
#renderer.set_property(text, full_name)


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2006-05-17 Thread Brian
It says:

When there are no more rows left the StopIteration exception is raised.

But I can't find out any more about the StopIteration.  ie. where is it
defined, where do you import it from.  I can't find it in any of the
gtk.Constants, treeview, treemodel, etc..

The only code I googled up, did not have it defined, just stuck there
like the following snipit.  Google says that kiwi/~/ had it but
that link was dead and the I found did not have it.

some code snipit:
except StopIteration:


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Re: [pygtk]

2006-05-17 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2006-16-05 at 23:33 -0700, David M. Cook wrote:
 On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 10:54:40PM -0700, Brian wrote:
  It says:
  When there are no more rows left the StopIteration exception is raised.
  But I can't find out any more about the StopIteration.  ie. where is it
  defined, where do you import it from.  I can't find it in any of the
  gtk.Constants, treeview, treemodel, etc..
 It's already loaded into __builtins__, so you don't have to import anything.
 Dave Cook

Thank you everyone for the answer.  At one point I thought it might be a
builtin, but was getting too frustrated not finding anything
(overtired). I see I should not have included gtk in my google search.

 If you're just trying to
 find out how to get the data sequencially from a model, this is how
 you do it:
 for row in model
 At least for gtk.ListStore, gtk.TreeStore is slightly trickier.

It was a Treestore, but a ListStore is all that was needed.  The next()
is the correct choice for this as the List is somewhat dynamic and could
change.  It is part of a command queue to process. 


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Re: [pygtk] Widget resizability

2006-04-08 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2006-08-04 at 15:04 +0530, Divya Kamat wrote:
 hello friends
 I have posted this problem before, but havent got a concrete solution
 as yet.
 In my application, there are Hboxes and each box, scrolled
 windows are packed. I want to make these scrolled window resizable by
 dragging with mouse pointer at runtime; but am unable to do so.
 Kindly help.
It sounds like you need to use panes.  There are vpaned and hpaned
widgets that you would put you scrolled windows in.  That method has
worked well for us.

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Re: [pygtk] shutting down worker threads

2006-03-28 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2006-28-03 at 14:38 -0600, Jason Pepas wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I have been wrapping my brain around the idea of getting asynchronous gui 
 updates with worker threads working, and I have covered all but the last 
 When I want to stop my program, how do I interrupt what the worker threads 
 doing to tell them it is time to stop?
 I have attached a simple example which demonstrates what I am working on.  
 hitting the thread button a bunch of times and them closing the window.
 Jason Pepas

Here are some code snipits we use for shutting down threads.

class CommonWorker(threading.Thread):
 Common threading class
def __init__( self ):
# for keeping status
self.count = 0
# we aren't done yet
self.done = False
# cancelled will be set when the thread should stop
self.cancelled = False
# quit even if thread is still running

def please_die( self ):
 Tell the thread to die and is safe to call from other threads 
self.cancelled = True

class UpgradableListReader(CommonWorker):
 Read available upgrades and store them in a tuple 
def __init__( self, installed, upgrade_only, view_prefs ):
# [snip]

def run( self ):
fill upgrade tree

# in appropriate places such as loops add this line
if self.cancelled: self.done = True; return

from the main thread:

self.up_thread = UpgradableListReader(installed_list, 
upgrade_only_flag, preferences)

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Re: [pygtk] shutting down worker threads

2006-03-28 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2006-28-03 at 18:10 -0800, Brian wrote:

 # [snip]

In case you didn't notice: It should be:


That's what I get for trying to change things in snipits.

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Re: [pygtk] Question abt sudo and password

2006-03-15 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2006-15-03 at 12:04 -0500, Hussein Vastani wrote:
 Hello All,
 In my application, I run external programs by running a shell using 
 subprocess.Popen and then writing commands to it (like 'ls -la') and reading 
 output from it which I then display it on the screen.
 It works fine as long as the external program does not need to run as sudo 
 (like tethereal), in which case, I need to provide the password to it (on the 
 I tried looking at the gksu module. Using the gksu module I can instantiate 
 its Context class and then call the sudo_run() method after setting the 
 command and the password in the Context instance. That works fine but is not 
 the approach I want to take since I want to run commands and read their ouput 
 So sticking to my use of Popen to execute commands, and assuming I have a way 
 to get the sudo password from the user via a Dialog box, how do I then 
 my command without it asking me a password on the konsole?
 I would  not like to modify the /etc/sudoers file. Is there any other 
 Any help is appreciated
 Hussein Vastani

I don't have time to explain it right now.  I also was not the one to
code it.

Check out our project :

It has functionality for detecting the sudo prompt and passing it the
password thru a dialog.  It seems to work quite well.  We were waiting
for the gksu python interface to go mainstream (in gnome-python-extras)
before integrating it.


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Re: [pygtk] Problem with threads

2006-03-01 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2006-25-02 at 13:19 -0400, David Cohen wrote:
 I don't know if it is a problem with pygtk. I am trying to use thread
 (from threading module) on a program using als pygtk. I create the
 thread and pass a function as the target (mythread =
 threading.Thread(target = myfunc). Then I call the mythread.start()
 but the thread never really starts, just when I call the
 mythread.join() method. But it I do the samething without the pygtk,
 the thread works well.
 Dows anybody could help me?

Did you call gtk.threads_init() first?


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[pygtk] treview segfaults due to sorting

2006-01-05 Thread Brian
Our app has several treeviews.  One of those has several models that are
switched out, 3 are flat lists, 1 currently has one expander and child
nodes.  If the expander is opened, when switching to any of the other
models, it gets an instant segfault from the model.clear().  If I
comment out the clear() it segfaults still, just a little different.
The only thing I've been able to do so far to prevent the segfault is to
force a re-sort by clicking on one of the other column headers.
Normally the sort is on the first column (0).  All models share the same
treestore model.  The checkbox is hidden for all but one view.
def PackageModel():
Common model for a package Treestore
store = gtk.TreeStore(
gobject.TYPE_STRING,# 0: package name
gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,   # 1: checkbox value in upgrade view
gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,  # 2: package object
gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, # 3: room for various icons
gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,   # 4: true if package is in 'world'
gobject.TYPE_STRING,# 5: foreground text colour
gobject.TYPE_STRING,# 6: size
gobject.TYPE_STRING,# 7: installed version
gobject.TYPE_STRING,# 8: portage recommended version
gobject.TYPE_STRING,# 9: description
store.set_sort_func(6, size_sort_func)
store.set_sort_func(8, latest_sort_func)
store.set_sort_func(7, installed_sort_func)
return store

I do not know if this is a gtk bug yet or something we are doing wrong.
Googling showed that Johan was the main contributor of that section of
code, so I thought this list might be the best place to ask for any
insights as to what to look for, etc., besides it is a pygtk app :).

I've been far too busy lately to create a simple test app to duplicate
the problem.  Mostly what I am looking for now is any insight from
others that may have experienced similar problems and solved them.

I am attaching a file which is an accumulation of several gdb backtraces
for those that might be able to discern some valuable info from it.

Any help is very much appreciated...  Brian.
(gdb) continue
[New Thread 32770 (LWP 28631)]
[Thread 32770 (LWP 28631) exited]
[New Thread 49154 (LWP 28636)]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 28625)]
0xb783a4be in gtk_tree_view_expand_all () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb783a4be in gtk_tree_view_expand_all () from /usr/lib/
#1  0xb7834597 in gtk_tree_view_get_fixed_height_mode () from 
#2  0xb7834692 in gtk_tree_view_get_fixed_height_mode () from 
#3  0xb774dcc0 in gtk_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING () from 
#4  0xb7b3e146 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/
#5  0xb7b4f485 in g_signal_emit_by_name () from /usr/lib/
#6  0xb7b4e537 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/
#7  0xb7b4e7c6 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/
#8  0xb7814ad3 in gtk_tree_model_rows_reordered () from 
#9  0xb782540f in gtk_tree_store_move_after () from /usr/lib/
#10 0xb7825500 in gtk_tree_store_move_after () from /usr/lib/
#11 0xb7820b4b in gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id () from 
#12 0xb7a3f997 in init_gtk () from 
#13 0xb7f20089 in PyCFunction_Call () from /usr/lib/

(gdb) continue
[New Thread 32770 (LWP 31588)]
[Thread 32770 (LWP 31588) exited]
[New Thread 49154 (LWP 31589)]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 31315)]
0xb78344f8 in gtk_tree_view_get_fixed_height_mode () from 
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb78344f8 in gtk_tree_view_get_fixed_height_mode () from 
#1  0xb7b50233 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED () from 
#2  0xb7b3e146 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/
#3  0xb7b4f485 in g_signal_emit_by_name () from /usr/lib/
#4  0xb7b4e537 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/
#5  0xb7b4e7c6 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/
#6  0xb7814a25 in gtk_tree_model_row_deleted () from 
#7  0xb7822ca5 in gtk_tree_store_remove () from /usr/lib/
#8  0xb7823a15 in gtk_tree_store_iter_depth () from /usr/lib/
#9  0xb78239d8 in gtk_tree_store_iter_depth () from /usr/lib/
#10 0xb7823a8c in gtk_tree_store_clear () from /usr/lib/
#11 0xb7a2a413 in init_gtk () from 
#12 0xb7f558f4 in PyEval_GetFuncDesc () from /usr/lib/


RE: [pygtk] treview segfaults due to sorting

2006-01-05 Thread Brian
On Thu, 2006-05-01 at 11:53 +0100, Leeuw van der, Tim wrote:
 Hi Brian,
 Other than that you're using Python 2.4 and GTK2, I don't see any
 information about the versions of software you're using, or the platform
 on which you're developing.
 Can you please tell us which version of GTK and PyGTK you're using? And
 if you have version-details on other components (such as exact python
 version, Glib, etc) for us, they're welcome too.

Yeah, I realized shortly after I hit send...

Distro - gentoo

python - 2.4.2
pygtk - 2.8.2
gtk+ - 2.8.9
glib - 2.8.4
gcc -

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Re: [pygtk] Getting tooltips color

2005-11-10 Thread Brian
On Thu, 2005-10-11 at 23:54 -0500, Andrew Conkling wrote:
 I was wondering if it were possible to get the GTK+ theme's color for
 tooltips.  gtk.Tooltips() does not have a .get_style() since it's not
 a subclass of gtk.Widget(), so it seems some voodoo magic would be
 necessary to get the color.
 Also, a related question for my purposes: is it possible to set a
 border around a gtk.Window()?  If so, I'll need to figure out the
 color of the tooltips' border also. :)

I believe that came up just a few weeks ago and had replies with
solutions.  Although it may have been on the gtk-app-devel mail list.

Check the archives and you should find your solution. 


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Re: [pygtk] Quick notebook question...

2005-11-03 Thread Brian Campbell
self.notebook.connect('switch-page', self.on_notebook_switch)

def on_notebook_switch(self, notebook, page_ptr, page_num, data=None):
page = self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_num)

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Re: [pygtk] Quick notebook question...

2005-11-02 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2005-02-11 at 13:53 -0500, Thomas Mills Hinkle wrote:
 On 11/2/05, Rob Marino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all.
  Quick question regarding notebook signals:
  I have an app with a notebook. I need to detect when a user switches to
  another page.
  Problem is this - when I detect the 'switch_page' signal and use
  notebook.get_current_page()  I'm getting the page that the user  *was *on.
  The other signals like 'switch_page' and 'change_current_page' don't
  seem to be being fired at all. I need a way to detect the page the
  user has selected after he has switched to it.
  How is this done please?
 Today seems to be my day for sharing ugly solutions with the list...
 here's what I do:
 def hackish_notebook_switcher_handler (*args):
   # because the switch page signal happens before switching...
   # we'll need to look for the switch with an idle call
 def notebookChangeCB (*args):
# Do something with the page...
 Yeah, as I said not pretty.
 Knowing myself, I imagine I looked pretty hard for a better solution
 before implementing that, so this may be what you have to do.
 If not, someone please show me the better way too!

Here is how we do it without a hack.

self.notebook.connect(switch-page, self.switch_page)

def switch_page(self, notebook, page, page_num):
callback function changes the current_page setting in the term 
dprint(TERMINAL: switch_page; page_num = %d %page_num)
self.term.current_tab = self.term.visible_tablist[page_num]
if self.term.auto_scroll[self.term.current_tab]:

You should be able to decipher the above code snipit without more
explanation.  We have a number of tabs that may or may not be visible.

The pygtk reference page:

and the pertinent info:

The switch-page gtk.Notebook Signal
def callback(notebook, page, page_num, user_param1, ...)
notebook :
the notebook that received the signal
page :
the new current page
page_num :
the index of the new current page
user_param1Â :
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method
... :
additional user parameters (if any)

The switch-page signal is emitted when the notebook page is changed.
Note the page parameter is a GPointer and not usable within PyGTK. Use
the page_num parameter to retrieve the new current page using the
get_nth_page() method.


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Re: [pygtk] gtk threading tutorial.

2005-10-28 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2005-28-10 at 14:35 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Well I made a version of my demo program based on this dispatcher, it
 is at
 Unfortunatly I managed to deadlock it. Could you have a look at it,
 to see I'm using it as it is supposed to.

A quick look thru (this morning before I go to work)...  You are using 1
global instance of Dispatcher for several threads.  That is where the
trouble is.  Several threads trying to access it at the same time will
deadlock it.  Instead pass each thread an instance of Dispatcher as
parameter for it's private use.  There is no need to assign an instance
to a variable name.

class Counting (Thread):

  def __init__(self, Id, dispatcher):
self.Id = Id
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
self.ctrl = True
self.Running = False
self.ShowMode = 0
self.Time = 0
self.Value = 250
self.lock = Lock()
self.PRG = Random()
  #end __init__


later replace:

gtkdispatch(self.Id, self.ShowTime, self.ShowValue)

with (2 spots): self.dispatcher(self.Id, self.ShowTime, self.ShowValue)

change:  Worker = [ Counting(i) for i in xrange(7) ]
to : Worker = [ Counting(i,Dispatcher(canvas.Adjust)) for i in xrange(7) ]

delete: gtkdispatch = Dispatcher(canvas.Adjust)

That should fix it.  Note:  untested,  gotta go I'm going to be late :)

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Re: [pygtk] gtk threading tutorial.

2005-10-27 Thread Brian
On Thu, 2005-27-10 at 14:06 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 I have written a small gtk threading tutorial with a number
 of demo's and an (IMO) helpfull module. I don't fancy
 myself to be a good writer, but I thought the demo's
 would make up for that. Let me know what you think.

That is a nice tutorial.  I have not had a chance to study it in detail,
but from looking at your and scripts I think they
might be more complex than needed. I will study it more later.  Attached
is the script that another developer on our project came
up with and I tweaked a little and has been working very good for us.

The dispatcher instance can be based from any thread and allows a
queue'd set of data arguments to be passed back to it without collision.
It is also very generic and most any python data types can be passed
thru it.

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Fredrik Arnerup [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004-12-19
# Brian Dolbec[EMAIL PROTECTED],2005-3-30

import gobject, os, Queue
from select import select

class Dispatcher:
Send signals from a thread to another thread through a pipe
in a thread-safe manner
def __init__(self, callback_func, *args, **kwargs):
self.callback = callback_func
self.callback_args = args
self.callback_kwargs = kwargs
self.continue_io_watch = True
self.queue = Queue.Queue(0) # thread safe queue
self.pipe_r, self.pipe_w = os.pipe()
gobject.io_add_watch(self.pipe_r, gobject.IO_IN, self.on_data)

def __call__(self, *args):
Emit signal from thread
# write to pipe afterwards
os.write(self.pipe_w, X)

def on_data(self, source, cb_condition):
if select([self.pipe_r],[],[], 0)[0] and,1):
if self.callback_args:
args = self.callback_args + self.queue.get()
self.callback(*args, **self.callback_kwargs)
self.callback(*self.queue.get(), **self.callback_kwargs)
return self.continue_io_watch

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Fredrik Arnerup [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004-12-19
# Brian Dolbec[EMAIL PROTECTED],2005-3-30

from dispatcher import Dispatcher

# dispatcher
# example code:

class Thread(threading.Thread):

def __init__(self, dispatcher, thread_num, length):
self.setDaemon(1)  # quit even if this thread is still running
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
self.thread_num = thread_num
self.sleep_length = length

def run(self):
done = False
print(thread_num = %s; process id = %d  %(self.thread_num,os.getpid()))
for num in range(250):
#print self.thread_num,  num = ,num
data = [ self.thread_num, (: time is slipping away: %d\n %num), num, done]
self.dispatcher(data) # signal main thread
done = True
data = [ self.thread_num, (: Time slipped away: I'm done), num, done]
self.dispatcher(data) # signal main thread

def pid_func(threadnum):
print(pid_func: called from thread_num = %s; process id = %d  %(threadnum,os.getpid()))

def message_fun(buffer, message):
#print (got a message : %s %(message[0] + str(message[1])))
if message[3]:
thread_finished[message[0]] = True
buffer.insert(buffer.get_end_iter(), message[0] + str(message[1]) + \n\n)
#message2 = (%d x 3 = %d\n %(message[2],message[2]*3))
buffer.insert(buffer.get_end_iter(), message[0] + str(message[1])) # + message2)

def timerfunc():
if (not thread_finished[thread1]) or (not thread_finished[thread2]) \
or (not thread_finished[thread3]) or (not thread_finished[thread4]):
#print 'Plusing ProgressBar, since a thread is not finished'
return True
return False

def on_window_map_event(event, param):
print 'Window mapped'
thread1 = Thread(Dispatcher(message_fun, buffer), thread1, 0.1)
thread2 = Thread(Dispatcher(message_fun, buffer), thread2, 0.1)
thread3 = Thread(Dispatcher(message_fun, buffer), thread3, 0.1)
thread4 = Thread(Dispatcher(message_fun, buffer), thread4, 0.1)
gobject.timeout_add(100, timerfunc)

if __name__ == __main__:

import pygtk; pygtk.require(2.0)
import gtk
from time import sleep

window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
textview = gtk.TextView()
buffer = textview.get_buffer()
sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow

Re: [pygtk] button not responding

2005-10-27 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2005-28-10 at 10:37 +1000, vector wrote:
 I feel a little embarrased and silly asking this and not sure how to say 
 it but here goes.
 Newbie,, be nice
 I have a window with two buttons in it (actually its a lot more than 
 that but i dont think thats important)
 one button starts the system doing some calcs. the other button can be 
 used to terminate.
 Its acting as if once i hit the first button python is not interested in 
 anything until its finished. ie the second button is not processed until 
 its finished button 1s task..
 I thought (ohh dear) that a gtk widget, like the second button would 
 interrupt the previous process.
 I think im being naive ?

pygtk/gtk+ like most everything can only do one thing at a time.  If you
have a long slow calculation task to do it is usually better to do that
in a thread so that it does not tie up the gui interface.  There are
several methods for dealing with that.  In fact someone just yesterday
posted to this list that he just made a tutorial for working with

Here is his tutorial link:

Check the archives and you will find plenty of questions/answers about
threads and doing larger computations and working with the gui


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[pygtk] Re: Using adjustments to 'remember' treeview's position

2005-09-20 Thread Brian Campbell
I'm not sure that I totally grok what you are trying to do, so forgive me if
this is not helpful.  But, you can use the adjustment's values to remember
its position (or at least get it close).  For an adjustment, adj, you have
the following: adj.value (current value), adj.lower (lowest value),
adj.higher (highest value), and adj.page_size (how the adjustment breaks up
values in pages).  So, if you want to remember where you are, and the
overall size of your view in that context does not change, you can just save
adj.value, and then call adj.set_value(v) to restore the position.  Or, you
can use all the available values to determine a relative value, if the view
is shrinking and growing a lot.

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Re: [pygtk] Threading issues...

2005-08-28 Thread Brian
On Mon, 2005-29-08 at 13:18 +1000, Simon Gerber wrote:
 Greetings all,
 I'm, err, having threading problems. I've googled through this list,
 and indeed as much of the Internet as I can reach, looking for answers
 and workaround to no avail. I am still just learning, really, and have
 a feeling I've bitten off more than I can chew.
 The situation is this:
 I am trying to create a gnome applet that checks mail accounts,
 displaying the usual stuff.
 The files involved are: - script that launches the applet - Module containing the applet class - Module containing an 'Account' class. It is built using
 (not extending) imaplib and poplib. It stores an internal dictionary
 of message headers, can update itself, fetch and delete messages. - GTK extensions to the cAccounts.Account class. Creates
 a GUI that sets account attributes, such as username, password, etc...
 The problem I'm having is with checking mail. I started by creating a
 timeout that would call the update() method of a guiAccount object.
 Obviously, this freezes the entire UI. I don't really want to update
 the GUI while checking... I just want my menus and such to appear
 while it's churning away in the background.
 So I tried threads... Throwing in gtk.threads_init(), wrapping
 gtk.main() in gtk.threads_enter() and gtk.threads_leave() - doing the
 same with my time-out callback.
 if interval != 0:
 self.timeout_ids[name] = (gobject.timeout_add(interval,
 self.check_mail, name))
 def check_mail(self, name):
 thread1 = threading.Thread(target=self.accounts[name].update())
 return 1
 But nothing really worked. The UI still froze until checking was
 complete. Is it worth pursuing this path?
 I have tried generators, but they did not work as expected. I am now
 considering writing a daemon application to do the actual mail
 checking - and just feed it into the GUI through an input_add().
 Either that or toss out my module and build a gtk version
 of imap/poplib using input_add. Any help would be much appreciated.

To handle threads and inter thread communication You have a couple
options.  There is a project out there that can handle all
sorts of inter process communications, etc..  We have come up with a
small simple way of handling threads and gtk callbacks.

I've attached a small script and an example script that
shows how to use it.  This dispatcher code has fixed a lot of bugs and
intermittent problems with our project.  It does a great job of
separating code and callbacks when dealing with threads.

It allows you to run all gtk/gui calls from one thread while other
threads can trigger callbacks and pass data into or out of a thread.

The dispatcher code can reside in any thread and receive calls from any
other thread.  For our project the dispatcher instances all belong to
the main gtk thread and receive signals from feeder threads.  It is
engineered generic enough to be able to pass any python data between

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Fredrik Arnerup [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004-12-19
# Brian Dolbec[EMAIL PROTECTED],2005-3-30

import gobject, os, Queue
from select import select

class Dispatcher:
Send signals from a thread to another thread through a pipe
in a thread-safe manner
def __init__(self, callback, args=None):
self.callback = callback
self.callback_args = args
self.continue_io_watch = True
self.queue = Queue.Queue(0) # thread safe queue
self.pipe_r, self.pipe_w = os.pipe()
gobject.io_add_watch(self.pipe_r, gobject.IO_IN, self.on_data)

def __call__(self, *args):
Emit signal from thread
# write to pipe afterwards
os.write(self.pipe_w, X)

def on_data(self, source, cb_condition):
if select([self.pipe_r],[],[], 0)[0] and,1):
if self.callback_args is not None:
self.callback(self.callback_args, *self.queue.get())
return self.continue_io_watch

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Fredrik Arnerup [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004-12-19
# Brian Dolbec[EMAIL PROTECTED],2005-3-30

from dispatcher import Dispatcher

# dispatcher
# example code:

class Thread(threading.Thread):

def __init__(self, dispatcher, thread_num, length):
self.setDaemon(1)  # quit even if this thread is still running
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
self.thread_num = thread_num
self.sleep_length = length

def run(self):
done = False
print(thread_num = %s; process id = %d  %(self.thread_num,os.getpid()))

Re: [pygtk] Vbox packing problem

2005-08-24 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2005-24-08 at 11:21 +0100, Jono Bacon wrote:
 Hi all
 First post to the list. :)
 I have a glade file which is loaded into my application. At the top of
 the window (in a VBox) I have a button. When I click the button, I
 want the button to be replaced with a different labelled  button (Stop
 instead of Execute) and hook up to a different function.
 To do this I figured I would destroy() the button and then replace it.
 Here is my code:
   self.mainStopButton = gtk.Button(None, gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_STOP)
   self.vbox1.pack_start(self.mainStopButton, True, False)
 When I run this code, the button is destroyed but the new button is
 placed at the bottom of the window. How can I solve this?

Put your buttons where you want them in an hbox in that vbox and then
just hide() or show() them at your choosing.


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[pygtk] ANNOUNCE: Gazpacho 0.6.0

2005-08-14 Thread Brian Dolbec

I tried modifying the gentoo ebuild to emerge -0.6.0 but the does not
have execute permissions set.  Changing that and running manually it
failed, due to no glade directory and glade files.

I just saw the -0.6.1 and tried it.  It too has the lack of execute,
but does include the glade files.  setting the permission and running
manually worked.  Now to get the ebuild to change the permissons before running

pygtk mailing list
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Re: [pygtk] Re: pygtk + help guide

2005-08-09 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2005-09-08 at 11:01 +0200, Luigi Pantano wrote:
 i want create a help browser like this:
 but multiplatform.

Why create one when you can just import one from python.

Here is some code from our program.  we recently added a custom web
browser choice if the user wishes rather than the the default web
browser that python knows about.  dprint() is our utils print function
that prints to stderr if the debug flag was passed at startup.


# if using gnome, see if we can import it
import gnome
import gnomevfs
except: # try the depricated module
import gnome.vfs
except ImportError:
# no gnome module
#print stderr, ('Module gnome not found. '
# 'You will not be able to use gnome to open web pages.')
dprint('LOADERS: Module gnome not found. '
   'You will not be able to use gnome to open web pages.')

# get the standard webbrowser module
import webbrowser
except ImportError:
#print stderr, ('Module webbrowser not found. '
# 'You may not be able to open web pages.')
dprint(' * LOADERS: Module webbrowser not found. You may not be able to 
open web pages.')

def load_web_page(name, prefs):
Try to load a web page in the default browser
dprint(LOADERS: load_web_page(); starting browser thread)
browser = web_page(name, prefs)

def load_help_page(name, prefs):
Load a locale-specific help page with the default browser.
dprint(LOADERS: load_help_page: %s % name)
lc = prefs.globals.LANG
if not lc: lc = en
helpdir = os.path.join(prefs.DATA_PATH, 'help')
if os.access(os.path.join(helpdir, lc, name), os.R_OK):
pagename = file:// + os.path.join(helpdir, lc, name)
elif os.access(os.path.join(helpdir, lc.split('_')[0], name), os.R_OK):
pagename = file:// + os.path.join(helpdir, lc.split('_')[0], name)
elif os.access(os.path.join(helpdir, en, name), os.R_OK):
pagename = file:// + os.path.join(helpdir, en, name)
dprint( * LOADERS: failed to find help file '%s' with LANG='%s'! %
(name, prefs.globals.LANG))
return False
load_web_page(pagename, prefs)

class web_page(threading.Thread):
Try to load a web page in the default browser
def __init__(self, name, prefs):
dprint(LOADERS: web_page.__init__())
threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name
self.prefs = prefs
self.setDaemon(1)  # quit even if this thread is still running

def run(self):
if == '' or == None:
if self.prefs.globals.use_custom_browser:
command = self.prefs.globals.custom_browser_command
if '%s' not in command: command += ' %s'
browser = webbrowser.GenericBrowser(command)
dprint(LOADERS: failed to open '%s' with browser command '%s' 
% (, command))
dprint(LOADERS: Gnome failed trying to open: %s
dprint(LOADERS: webbrowser failed trying to open: %s  -- 
giving up
dprint(LOADERS: Browser call_completed for: %s


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Re: [pygtk] gtk.Plug and gtk.Socket

2005-08-03 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2005-03-08 at 21:27 +0200, Stefano Esposito wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to embed an xterm window into my app, i find something about 
 gtk.Plug and gtk.Socket, but it seems that they will work only with apps that 
 uses GtkSocket or GtkPlug and i don't think xterm does... Any hint?

For a gtk native terminal widget. check out vte.  It is the main library
that gnome-terminal uses.  The library widget was split out of
gnome-terminal some time ago.  I have experimented with it some, but
it's python API is not quite as complete as the c API.  It should do
most anything that you may need.

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[pygtk] Re: Themes and Stand Alone GTK

2005-07-20 Thread Brian Campbell
Two simple questions:

1) There's a way to set the theme that an app will use, without
setting it globally or for the user? Like, just that app will use a
different theme...

2) Using Python or py2exe to generate a standalone executable requires
the installation of the gtk runtime for win32, there's a way to pack
the runtime in some way that doesn't require installing the whole
package? Like, a private gtk installation on the apps dir.

I can answer #1 for you.  You can have an application specific stylesheet,
which you can read in intialization with gtk.rc_parse(filename), or you can
use an inline style sheet, embedding in the code, which you can parse with
gtk.rc_parse_string(string).  An inline style looks something like this:
my_style_string = 
style white_background {
fg[NORMAL] = #00
bg[NORMAL] = #FF
text[NORMAL] = #00
base[NORMAL] = #FF
widget *.white_bgd style white_background


I think you got a good answer to #2 already...

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[pygtk] Re: Popup menus on Notebook tabs

2005-06-28 Thread Brian Campbell
Did you find the bug in my code?

tab_label_box = gtk.EventBox()
tab_label = gtk.Label(Some label here)
tab_label_box.connect('event', on_tab_click, your_page_widget)
notebook.append_page(your_page_widget, tab_label_box)

def on_tab_click(self, widget, event, child):
if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
n = notebook.page_num(child)
# this will automagically switch to whatever page you click on
if event.button == 3:
 menu = create_a_menu() # I still use the ItemFactory
 menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)


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[pygtk] Re: Popup menus on Notebook tabs

2005-06-27 Thread Brian Campbell
I'm trying to produce a menu effect in PyGTK similar to the Mozilla tab
where a right-click on the tab produces a popup menu to perform various
actions on the tabs (and/or contents thereof).  I can get most of the way
(sort of) with a button-press-event handler, but there's a couple of things
I can't manage to effect: (a) A right-click on the untabbed portion of the
tab list still gives the menu, and (b) I can't work out which tab was
clicked on.

For (a), you can call notebook.popup_disable() when you create the notebook,
as long as you don't need the default popup menu that the notebook creates.
For an easy way to create popup menus, and figuring out which tab a click
comes from, put your tab labels into event boxes:

tab_label_box = gtk.EventBox()
tab_label = gtk.Label(Some label here)
tab_label_box.connect('event', on_tab_click)
notebook.append_page(your_page_widget, tab_label_box)

def on_tab_click(self, widget, event, child):
if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
n = notebook.page_num(child)
# this will automagically switch to whatever page you click on
if event.button == 3:
 menu = create_a_menu() # I still use the ItemFactory
 menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)

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Re: [pygtk] cannot import gnome

2005-05-20 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2005-20-05 at 13:19 +0200, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
 I have a Debian Sarge system with python 2.3 and python-gnome-2.6.1.
 Importing pygtk in the way described by the tutorial does not work:
   import pygtk
   import gtk
   import gnome
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
 ImportError: No module named gnome
 However, when I do not import pygtk import gnome does work:
   import gtk
   import gnome
 I came across this problem because pybliographic did not start. It 
 import gtk and gnome after pygtk.
 The hal-device-manager works correctly, because it does not first import 
 Is this a feature change that should be reflected into the code of the 
 applications, or is this a bug?
 Martijn Brouwer
The path variable has gotten messed up.  Did you upgrade python?  Since
I don't know debians workings you will have to get help on the repair by
someone else.

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Re: [pygtk] New gtk.ToolButoon setting gtk.Tooltips

2005-05-16 Thread Brian
On Sun, 2005-15-05 at 16:21 -0700, Brian wrote:

 I was thinking of including some code to handle both API's so people can
 see the difference, and possibly include support for both API's so that
 their code can be more flexible.
 I have just been too busy to create a simple code sample and
 explanation.  I will do one as soon as I get the chance.

Well, I got the chance tonight and modified the tutorial
example to use the old or new API.   Hopefully it all should work and
show how to use both versions of the buttons and tooltips use as well as
some checking as to what the pygtk version is to verify which API is

Can everyone take a look at it and see if there is anything that should
be changed. :) 

Description: application/python
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Re: [pygtk] New gtk.ToolButoon setting gtk.Tooltips

2005-05-15 Thread Brian
On Sun, 2005-15-05 at 18:19 -0300, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
 On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 09:49:38AM +0200, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
  Am Montag, den 09.05.2005, 16:50 -0700 schrieb Brian:
   How do you set a tooltip for the new gtk.ToolButton.   It seems that a
   ToolButton is a subclass of a ToolItem which has a set_tip().  But how
   do you access it from the gtk.ToolButton widget?
  tooltips = gtk.Tooltips()
  toolbar = gtk.Toolbar()
  toolbutton = gtk.ToolButton()
  toolbutton.set_tooltip(tooltips, hi)
 - FAQ 9.6
 Take care,
 Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

I was thinking of including some code to handle both API's so people can
see the difference, and possibly include support for both API's so that
their code can be more flexible.

I have just been too busy to create a simple code sample and
explanation.  I will do one as soon as I get the chance.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] New gtk.ToolButoon setting gtk.Tooltips

2005-05-10 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2005-10-05 at 09:49 +0200, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
 Am Montag, den 09.05.2005, 16:50 -0700 schrieb Brian:
  How do you set a tooltip for the new gtk.ToolButton.   It seems that a
  ToolButton is a subclass of a ToolItem which has a set_tip().  But how
  do you access it from the gtk.ToolButton widget?
 tooltips = gtk.Tooltips()
 toolbar = gtk.Toolbar()
 toolbutton = gtk.ToolButton()
 toolbutton.set_tooltip(tooltips, hi)

But that is what is driving me crazy over this:

bash-2.05b$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 78, in ?
tt = Tooltips()
  File ./, line 51, in __init__
AttributeError: 'gtk.ToolButton' object has no attribute 'set_tip'

attached you will find a modified tooltips script from the pygtk
tutorial that I updated somewhat to use gtk.ToolButton's instead of

uncomment the set_tip() lines to get the error.  I have tried every
permutation I can think of.  The new ToolButton is just borked :(

Description: application/python
pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] New gtk.ToolButoon setting gtk.Tooltips

2005-05-10 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2005-10-05 at 11:01 -0300, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
 On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 07:00:58AM -0700, Brian wrote:
  On Tue, 2005-10-05 at 09:49 +0200, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
   Am Montag, den 09.05.2005, 16:50 -0700 schrieb Brian:
How do you set a tooltip for the new gtk.ToolButton.   It seems that a
ToolButton is a subclass of a ToolItem which has a set_tip().  But how
do you access it from the gtk.ToolButton widget?
   tooltips = gtk.Tooltips()
   toolbar = gtk.Toolbar()
   toolbutton = gtk.ToolButton()
   toolbutton.set_tooltip(tooltips, hi)
  But that is what is driving me crazy over this:
  bash-2.05b$ ./
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File ./, line 78, in ?
  tt = Tooltips()
File ./, line 51, in __init__
  AttributeError: 'gtk.ToolButton' object has no attribute 'set_tip'
 But the example above has set_tooltip, not set_tip.
 Take care,
 Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

Duho !!!

Thanks,  I guess I was struggling with it too much to see the obvious!

It works now, Thanks again.

Attached is a working example.

Description: application/python
pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] New gtk.ToolButoon setting gtk.Tooltips

2005-05-10 Thread Brian
On Tue, 2005-10-05 at 17:37 -0300, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
 On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 09:56:17PM +0200, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
  Am Dienstag, den 10.05.2005, 11:01 -0300 schrieb Christian Robottom
   On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 07:00:58AM -0700, Brian wrote:
On Tue, 2005-10-05 at 09:49 +0200, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:
 Am Montag, den 09.05.2005, 16:50 -0700 schrieb Brian:
  How do you set a tooltip for the new gtk.ToolButton.   It seems 
  that a
  ToolButton is a subclass of a ToolItem which has a set_tip().  But 
  do you access it from the gtk.ToolButton widget?
 tooltips = gtk.Tooltips()
 toolbar = gtk.Toolbar()
 toolbutton = gtk.ToolButton()
 toolbutton.set_tooltip(tooltips, hi)

But that is what is driving me crazy over this:

bash-2.05b$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 78, in ?
tt = Tooltips()
  File ./, line 51, in __init__
AttributeError: 'gtk.ToolButton' object has no attribute 'set_tip'
   But the example above has set_tooltip, not set_tip.
  Yes, but what I'm not getting where the imaginary tool_item_set_tip
  comes from. 
 This is the most confusing exchange ever witnessed on pygtk-list. 
 Danny, you and Brian need to stop taking drugs wink.
 Take care,
 Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

The only drugs I am on are prescribed :) (cholesterol, not mind
altering :D).

What really got me confused was trying to update our program to use the
new toolbar API, (Only one tooltip is dynamic.).  Where I got into
trouble was that a gtk.Button uses gtk.Tooltips.set_tip()  while the new
inherited method is .set_tooltip().  The 2 names are so similar that
my brain didn't notice the difference.   The other confuser was that
both use gtk.Tooltips, but differently.  The new toolbar seems to only
use the instance for the enable/disable(), the old API seemed to store
the tooltip string in the gtk.Tooltips instance.


pygtk mailing list
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[pygtk] Problems getting color values

2005-05-07 Thread Brian Campbell
Does anybody know how to get the rgb values from a gtk.gdk.GC?
Attempting to access the values returns garbage, as evidenced by this

Python 2.4 (#1, Mar  9 2005, 09:57:26) [C] on irix6
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import pygtk
 import gtk
 widget = gtk.Window()
 style = widget.get_style()
 gc = style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
GdkColor at 0x10327ce0
 colormap = widget.get_colormap()
 red = colormap.alloc_color(0x, 0x00, 0x00)
 gc.foreground = red

The color in the gc draws correctly to the screen.  I need the rgb values to
match gtk colors with rendering done by other code.

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Re: [pygtk] How can I create hyperlink on a Dialog Box

2005-04-29 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2005-29-04 at 05:28 -0700, Mahmad Sadique Hannure wrote:
 I am working on a module called Report Bugs which
 requires a hyperlink which open our web site in
 default browser. I am able to implement effect looks
 like a hyperlink by using Pango Markup language
 as like
 label.set_text(span foreground=\blue\
 underline=\single\ +[PROTECTED WEB SITE] +
 So if any one knows the solution please help me
 Thaank You

I don't know if this will work in a dialog box the same, but here is how
we do it in a TextBuffer.  It should be very similar.

Hope this helps.

pygtk mailing list
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Re: [pygtk] Application responsiveness problem (with Glade)

2005-04-17 Thread Brian
On Sun, 2005-17-04 at 15:08 +0200, Lszl Monda wrote:

 I'd like to send you another example (actually it's the third one, so
 don't hit me, please ;) to demonstrate an even more problematic
 situation with threading.  I've implemented this example a week ago or
 so with your dispatcher too, but that didn't work either.

 The expected behaviour is that when one clicks on the button, the
 progress bar should show up in the VBox and pulse while DoThread fills
 up the TreeStore, then show up the TreeView in the same position.
 When you press the button for the first time, it works magically.  But
 when you try it after that, it freezes the application.  I think I used
 threads_enter() and threads_leave() according to the golden rules so I
 don't really get what's wrong.
 My guess would be some glade bug.  The other possible reason is probably
 that I'm just plain stupid and messed up something very hard.
 Any ideas?

It works here on my system, only glitch is a white box smaller than the
target shows briefly during the transition.

my system currently: gentoo x86, 32bit  (the -r1 in the package versions
are gentoo ebuild revisions)

gtk+-2.6.4-r1,  has this patch applied
# fix #86979 bmp_reject_corrupt.patch

python-2.3.4-r1  with all these patches:

sed -ie 's/OpenBSD\/3.\[01234/OpenBSD\/3.\[012345/' configure || die 
OpenBSD sed failed
#Fixes security vulnerability in XML-RPC server - pythonhead (06 Feb 05)
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.3-xmlrpc.patch
# adds /usr/lib/portage/pym to sys.path - liquidx (08 Oct 03)
# prepends /usr/lib/portage/pym to sys.path - liquidx (12 Apr 04)
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.3-add_portage_search_path_take_2.patch
# adds support for PYTHON_DONTCOMPILE shell environment to
# supress automatic generation of .pyc and .pyo files - liquidx (08 Oct 
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.3-gentoo_py_dontcompile.patch
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.3.2-disable_modules_and_ssl.patch
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.3-mimetypes_apache.patch
epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.3-db4.2.patch
# installs to lib64
[ ${CONF_LIBDIR} == lib64 ]  epatch 
# fix os.utime() on hppa. utimes it not supported but unfortunately 
reported as working - gmsoft (22 May 04)
[ ${ARCH} = hppa ]  sed -e 's/utimes //' -i ${S}/configure


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Re: [pygtk] threading

2005-04-13 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2005-13-04 at 09:16 -0400, John Ehresman wrote:
 Brian wrote:
 try setting the environment variable PYGTK_USE_GIL_STATE_API to true 
 before calling gobject.threads_init()
  It locks up at another thread that produces the data needed for a
  different view.
 What version of Python and of pygtk are you using?  What platform are 
 you on?

python-2.3.4, pygtk-2.6.1, gtk+-2.6.4

There are things in that thread are are a no-no.  When I re-wrote it to
add a bunch of things I call some other code that builds a gtk.TreeStore
then it traverses it to build the data (another gtk.TreeStore) I need.
It wasn't till I was nearly finished debugging that I realized I was
multi-threading gtk calls.  I tried adding the gtk.thread_enter/leave()
pair but I think things froze up.

I have not had the time nor have I been able to get my brain to
concentrate on re-writing a version that is thread friendly.

But interestingly enough, that thread has never otherwise caused a

Thanks everyone.

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] threading

2005-04-12 Thread Brian
I have a problem in that another python program (not under our
development) we import is not thread friendly.  The problem I have is
that mostly it is imported and used from the base thread, but there are
several areas of code that need to run from a thread so as to not tie up
the mainloop and general gui operations.  The result is intermittent
segfaults/ lately it does:

Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread

  I have thought of recoding and spawning a process that imports the
program to act as a server, but that would entail pickling/unpickling
the python data types to pass thru pipes, etc..

Is it possible to run the mainloop of our program from another thread?
Is it dfficult/not advisable? 

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] threading

2005-04-12 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2005-13-04 at 01:17 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote: 
 Brian wrote:
 I have a problem in that another python program (not under our
 development) we import is not thread friendly.  The problem I have is
 that mostly it is imported and used from the base thread, but there are
 several areas of code that need to run from a thread so as to not tie up
 the mainloop and general gui operations.  The result is intermittent
 segfaults/ lately it does:
 Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread
 try setting the environment variable PYGTK_USE_GIL_STATE_API to true 
 before calling gobject.threads_init()

It locks up at another thread that produces the data needed for a
different view.  It is showing that different view and then activating
the problem thread that seems to cause the intermittent
segfaults/PyThreadState_Get more often.


pygtk mailing list
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Re: [pygtk] Application responsiveness problem (advanced)

2005-04-01 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2005-01-04 at 13:52 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 10:12:12PM -0800, Brian wrote:
  On Thu, 2005-31-03 at 11:39 +0200, Lszl Monda wrote:
   On Wed, 2005-03-30 at 19:54 -0800, John Finlay wrote:
Lszl Monda wrote:
Could anyone shed some lights on what's really going on here?
   Well, problem solved, great.  There were some minor errors in the code
   beyond thread.start().  I corrected them all and attached the source.
   It would make a nice threading example IMO.  I don't remember any
   examples where more than one thread would manipulate the GUI
   simultaneously.  Someone could add it to some parts of the documentation
   or should I contact with a documentation manintainer?
  Here is a different way for threads to communicate between each other.
  This way you can keep all GUI stuff in one thread only.  I have updated
  the example code to include some of your examples features.
  The dispatcher code has been created to be very generic so that it can
  pass most any data between threads safely.   The majority of the code
 I fear that your code can become very unresponsive in particular
 circumstances. AFAICS you have no saveguard against multiple threads
 producing data more rapidly than the gtk-thread can handle.
 My experience is that when that happens, resons suffers.

Actually I just changed the other example to 4 threads and it stalled
out the whole desktop. The mouse was even extremely unresponsive.  I
changed mine to 4 threads, even commented out the sleep time.  The
window did not update ongoing but stayed blank till about half way thru,
then updated again at the end.  The desktop remained responsive

The reason the desktop remained responsive is that the dispatcher() uses
a queue to pass the data which will store up the data until the gui
thread retrieves it.  

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Re: [pygtk] Application responsiveness problem (advanced)

2005-03-31 Thread Brian
On Thu, 2005-31-03 at 11:39 +0200, Lszl Monda wrote:
 On Wed, 2005-03-30 at 19:54 -0800, John Finlay wrote:
  Lszl Monda wrote:

  Could anyone shed some lights on what's really going on here?
 Well, problem solved, great.  There were some minor errors in the code
 beyond thread.start().  I corrected them all and attached the source.
 It would make a nice threading example IMO.  I don't remember any
 examples where more than one thread would manipulate the GUI
 simultaneously.  Someone could add it to some parts of the documentation
 or should I contact with a documentation manintainer?

Here is a different way for threads to communicate between each other.
This way you can keep all GUI stuff in one thread only.  I have updated
the example code to include some of your examples features.

The dispatcher code has been created to be very generic so that it can
pass most any data between threads safely.   The majority of the code

Description: application/python
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Re: [pygtk] setting tags for text at runtime

2005-03-27 Thread Brian
On Sun, 2005-27-03 at 08:51 -0500, Saurabh Wagh wrote:
 Hey there ,
 As posted in a different query, i ve been able to achieve printing the
 contents of a list on a textview, one string on a line.
 I am facing another problem. The list that i get is at runtime , from
 the server ( as a result of xmlrpc call ) and i am displaying the
 contents of the list on a textview using the code :  ( variable name
 for list is result )
  for text in result:
 I ve got to make hyperlink for each item ( which points to a different
 link ) so i had to use tags for each item. Now, since each link is
 different, i ve to identify each click as a distinct click and,
 ideally, the code for that could have been :
 iter1 = textbuffer.get_start_iter()
 iter2 = textbuffer.get_start_iter()
 for text in result:
   iter2 = iter1.forward_line()
   iter1 = iter2.copy()
 However this code gives me an error as iters are invalidated if buffer
 is modified. I however have to give tags in the same loop as i put
 things on buffer as i need to get their identity while making the
 Could this be achieved. I ve tried Text Marks but the tags to be
 applied cant take marks as parameters but only iters.
 Can any one help me out with this problem ?
 -- Saurabh

Take a look at in our code.  It handles multiple url's mouse
motion, highlighting, etc..*checkout*/porthole/porthole/


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Re: [pygtk] os.popen to gtk.TextView

2005-03-25 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2005-25-03 at 09:46 +0100, Marcus Habermehl wrote:
 Fernando San Martn Woerner schrieb:
 El mi, 23-03-2005 a las 21:27 +0100, Marcus Habermehl escribi:
  I want to write the output of os.popen('command') to a gtk.TextView.
 there's the example
 That could be what I'm searching for. But I think that I doesn't 
 understand the script realy. :(
 I think the class gtkoutfile in this script is interesting for me. But 
 there are so many token like __w, __b, __fn, a, etc. That makes me 
 perplexes. :(

def __init__(self, w, fn, font):
self.__fn = fn
self.__w = w
self.__b = w.get_buffer()
self.__ins = self.__b.get_mark('insert')
self.__font = font

you can simply rename them.

def __init__(self, w, fn, font):
self.passed_fn = fn
self.use_this_window = w
self.the_textbuffer = w.get_buffer()
self.insert_mark = self.__b.get_mark('insert')
self.__font = font

If you want full terminal capability you can use the vte terminal
widget.  It is the library widget that gnome-terminal uses.  It has a
python interface, not as complete as the 'c' interface, but does work.
It will give you a full speed fully working terminal in a pygtk app.


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Re: [pygtk] TextView: signal when cursor changes position

2005-03-25 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2005-25-03 at 21:54 +0100, Hans-Joachim Widmaier wrote:
  On Fri, 2005-25-03 at 17:40 +0100, Hans-Joachim Widmaier wrote:
   Hans-Joachim Widmaier:
I'm using cursor-changed, which seems to get emitted on all changes.
Works great for me.
   Gah! Have to follow up on my own post. (Never post when in a hurry!)
   Sorry, I misread TextView for TreeView. There's probably no 
   signal on the former.
  It is cursor_changed for list and tree views
 Sorry, I can't see your point. There isn't a gtk.List nor a gtk.ListView,
 and the signal is shown with a hyphen in the pygtk 2 reference. And it
 definately works in that spelling in my code.

 No offence meant, really,

None taken. :)

I know, the list stuff was deprecated I believe.  I just checked, the
spelling cursor_changed has been working in our code for a year now.
I wasn't the one to code that one, but I just double checked, and it
works both spellings.  I just checked glade and it shows the signal with
the underscore, while in Idle's shell a help(gtk.TreeView) shows it with
a hyphen.


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[pygtk] window_state_event

2005-03-20 Thread Brian
I have been trying in vane to figure out the event that triggers the
window_state_event callback.   The docs are as clear as mud!   I am
trying to get the minimize and restore events so I can change the window
title to the same as the statusbar message when the window is minimized.
Then restore the title along with the window for normal viewing.

Does anyone know how to decipher the event passed to the callback for
these to user actions?

Any help is very much appreciated.

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Re: [pygtk] [OFF-TOPIC] Reply-To

2005-03-20 Thread Brian
On Sun, 2005-20-03 at 11:28 -0300, Eric Jardim wrote:
 Is the reply-to correctly set on the list?
 I just replied an email to Brian and it only return to him. Then I
 resent it to the list.
 Is this behaviour correct? Or is this some 'gmail' side-effects?
 [Eric Jardim]

Apparently it is not recommended for lists to set the reply-to field
back to the list.  But I don't know the details.


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Re: [pygtk] window_state_event

2005-03-20 Thread Brian
On Sun, 2005-20-03 at 11:09 -0300, Eric Jardim wrote:
 On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 22:40:54 -0800, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have been trying in vane to figure out the event that triggers the
  window_state_event callback.   The docs are as clear as mud!   I am
  trying to get the minimize and restore events so I can change the window
  title to the same as the statusbar message when the window is minimized.
  Then restore the title along with the window for normal viewing.
 When PyGTK is not enough you can always apeal to the GTK+2.0 docs:
 But in this case I think everything you need is in:
 There it says:
 The attributes available for a gtk.gdk.Event are dependent on the
 type of the event. The event types are described in the Description
 Look carefully at the gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE section..
I did, obviously though not carefully enough :)

  Does anyone know how to decipher the event passed to the callback for
  these to user actions?
 You can always use a friendly dir(event) function. I did it and
 discovered that there is a new_window_state. There is also a
 change_mask, but I dont think it will help you.
 Study and meditate on the code below and I think your questions will
 be answered.
 state = event.new_window_state   

That did it.  I must have been too tired, I didn't see to add the
reference to .new_window_state

 Hope helped,
 [Eric Jardim]

Yes, it did.


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Re: [pygtk] window_state_event

2005-03-20 Thread Brian
On Sun, 2005-20-03 at 11:09 -0300, Eric Jardim wrote:

 import gtk
 import gtk.gdk as gdk
 def quit(data=None):
 def window_event(window, event):
 state = event.new_window_state
 if state == 0:
 elif state == gdk.WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED:
 elif state == gdk.WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED:
 window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
 window.connect('destroy', quit)
 window.connect('window-state-event', window_event)

 Hope helped,
 [Eric Jardim]

This code does not always work as expected.  This is due to the
new_window_state and changed_mask possibly having more than one flag
attached.  The event.new_window_state and event.changed_mask are
enumerated data types.

Here is an example of the event.new_window_state passed to the callback
function: (actual debug print of event.new_window_state)


So far I have not found out how to properly look for a specific flag
when there are more than one.  I have found this doc 
which describes how to integrate CType structures into python.  It is seems too 
terse for my understanding though.

I have got some code working (so far) using the change_mask which so far
is only passing one flag, but in the docs it states that it too can have
combinations of flags.

changed_mask Read/Write The mask specifying what flags have changed - a 
combination of:...[snip]

working code:

def new_window_state(self, widget, event):
set the minimized variable to change the title to the same as the 
statusbar text
dprint(event.new_window_state) # debug print statements
if event.changed_mask == gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED:
if not self.minimized:
dprint(TERMINAL: new_window_state; event = minimized)
self.minimized = True
else: # self.minimized:
dprint(TERMINAL: new_window_state; event = unminimized)
self.minimized = False
return False

A potential problem with this code is if the self.minimized variable
gets out of sync with the actual window state.

Anyone know how to do correctly?


pygtk mailing list
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Re: [pygtk] window_state_event

2005-03-20 Thread Brian
On Mon, 2005-21-03 at 01:49 -0300, Eric Jardim wrote:
 On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 20:08:59 -0800, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This code does not always work as expected.  This is due to the
  new_window_state and changed_mask possibly having more than one flag
  attached.  The event.new_window_state and event.changed_mask are
  enumerated data types.
 Hmm,  that is right. You may have to change the '==' tests to a
 bitwise 'and' comparison:
 If you just want to have a flag to know that it is iconified you can
 do something like:
 class MyWindow(GtkWindow):
 def __init__(self):
 self.minimized = False
 def new_window_state(self, widget, event):
 state = event.new_window_state
 self.minimized = True
 self.minimized = False
 I think that what you want to do is simple, so do not complicate it :)
 [Eric Jardim]

That's better.  I knew there had to be an easy way.  I just was not
finding it.  In fact I googled the hell out of it but could not find
anything that listed comparison operators for it.

Thanks again

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Re: [pygtk] freeze problem

2005-03-14 Thread Brian
On Mon, 2005-14-03 at 13:23 +0100, Le Boulanger Yann wrote:
 I've a problem when I use funtion in a thread
 I attached a small example that shows the problem.
 If you run, it works (in this case threads are not used).
 But now if you run (which launch a thread that does exactly the 
 same thing) when I press a key in the dialog window, the dialog is not 
 destroyed and the application freezes.
 I don't understand why this happens and what can I do to have it working 
 with threads.
 My intention is from the thread to run() the dialog and wait for the 
 user to give the password and then use it. run() would normally do this, 
 but it freezes with threads. I saw a workaround in FAQ 10.17 (about running in the mainloop), but that won't block in a mainloop 
 so it doesn't suit me.
 does someone has an idea ?

You are running the dialog from a thread which is not good.  You should
run all gui stuff from the main thread, even if they are controlled by
other threads.  Here is an example of thread safe communication and
control that can easily be changed to do what you were trying to do in
your   The dispatcher function in this example can pass
arbitrary data between threads as long as each party knows what to
expect.  This makes it very universal so that it can be used by many
different threads with different data passing needs.

Description: application/python
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[pygtk] dynamic tooltip not working with new toolbar API

2005-03-13 Thread Brian
Here are some code snipits,  This code works correctly for the old
tollbar API, but the new toolbar API only shows tooltips preset in the
glade file. Not the one set dynamically

Anyone know what has to be done differently?  I know there was a bug
about that a while back, but it was supposed to be fixed.

# setup a convienience tuple
self.tool_widgets =
 btn_adv_emerge,btn_unmerge, btn_sync]
self.widget = {}
for x in self.tool_widgets:
self.widget[x] = self.wtree.get_widget(x)
if not self.widget[x]:
dprint(MAINWINDOW: __init__(); Failure to obtain widget
'%s' %x)
# get an empty tooltip
self.synctooltip = gtk.Tooltips()
self.sync_tip = _( Syncronise Package Database \n The last sync
was done:\n)

self.synctooltip.set_tip(self.widget[btn_sync], self.sync_tip
+ self.last_sync)


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Re: [pygtk] CellRendererText doesn't have clicked signal now what?

2005-02-19 Thread Brian
On Sat, 2005-19-02 at 14:15 +0200, Nikos Kouremenos wrote:
 I have a treeview with:
 toggle | string | string
 I want if the user clicks on the text on a row of *col2* or *col3* to
 toggle the bool in the *col1*.
 I cannot find a way to do that in GTK.
Here are some code snipits from our app that do the same as you want.
In this case the first time a row is clicked it only selects that row,
the toggle is only changed on every other click in that same row.  I
hope it is clear enough for you.

class PackageView(CommonTreeView):
 Self contained treeview of packages 
def __init__(self):
# initialize the treeview

# setup the treecolumn
self._column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_(Packages))
# connect to clicked event
self.connect(cursor_changed, self._clicked)

def _init_view(self):
 Set the treeview column 
# add the toggle renderer
check = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
self._column.pack_start(check, expand = False)
self._column.add_attribute(check, active, 1)
# set the last selected to nothing
self._last_selected = None

def _clicked(self, treeview, *args):
 Handles treeview clicks 
# get the selection
package = get_treeview_selection(treeview, 1)
if not package:
if self._package_changed:
if package.full_name == self._last_selected:
model, iter = self.get_selection().get_selected()
check = model.get_value(iter, 1)
model.set_value(iter, 1, not check)
self._last_selected = package.full_name


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[pygtk] unicode error

2005-02-08 Thread Brian
One of the users of our program is having a problem.

ordinateur gnoniqoz # porthole 
pycrash module not found.  For best debug info Please emerge =
Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File /usr/bin/porthole, line 59, in ? 
import gtk, time 
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/, line
33, in ? 
import gobject as _gobject 
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/
undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_AsUnicode

I know that any previous problems with gtk have turned out to be
permissions not set correctly.

Any ideas what to look for?

Thank you.

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Re: [pygtk] unicode error

2005-02-08 Thread Brian
On Wed, 2005-09-02 at 16:03 +0900, Guillaume Proux wrote:
 Hi Brian,
 Not sure I am barking the right tree, but I am pretty sure that Python 
 can be compiled to represent unicode object either with UCS2 or UCS4.
 Check that out:
 Ah the joy of the i compile all myself distribs ;)
Thanks.   There was a security update to python just released.  It looks
like a pygtk re-install should fix the unicode mismatch.

 Brian wrote:
 One of the users of our program is having a problem.
 ordinateur gnoniqoz # porthole 
 pycrash module not found.  For best debug info Please emerge =
 Traceback (most recent call last): 
   File /usr/bin/porthole, line 59, in ? 
 import gtk, time 
   File /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/, line
 33, in ? 
 import gobject as _gobject 
 ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/
 undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_AsUnicode
 I know that any previous problems with gtk have turned out to be
 permissions not set correctly.
 Any ideas what to look for?
 Thank you.

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Re: [pygtk] detect libglade-2.4.1

2005-01-07 Thread Brian
On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 14:18 +, Stephen Kennedy wrote:
 I'm trying to work around this bug where old glade files do
 not load with libglade-2.4.1
 One workaround is to ship two sets of glade files and
 choose which one to load based on the libglade version.
 Any ideas on how to programmatically determine libglade version?
 Or any other workarounds?

Here is how I did it so far on a gentoo system.  Your method for
checking the installed version will be different for a different
distribution.  ver_match() pads the version strings to three digits per
so 2.4.1 would become 002.004.001-r000.  -r000 being the install
ebuild revision number. Then checks for a match in the ranges specified.
portagelib is our programs interface to the imported portage modules
(gentoo's package management system).   I will most likely need to
modify the code to choose which version to use if both ranges are
installed.  In gentoo I recommended that libglade-2.4.1 be masked due to
bugs and incompatibility with existing apps.  I also recommended it be
slotted differently than current libglade-2 versions (which could mean
there may be up to 3 simultaneous libglade versions installed on the

def check_glade():
determine the libglade version installed
and return the correct glade file to use
porthole_gladefile =
# determine glade version
versions = portagelib.get_installed(gnome-base/libglade)
if versions:
old, new = ver_match(versions, [2.0.1,2.4.0-r99], 
if old:
porthole_gladefile =
elif new:
porthole_gladefile =
dprint(MAINWINDOW: No version list returned for libglade)
return None
dprint(MAINWINDOW: __init__(); glade file = %s %porthole_gladefile)
return porthole_gladefile

def ver_match(versions, range1, range2 = None):
looks for a version match in range1 and optionaly in range2
if not versions:
return None
plist = pad_ver(get_versions_only(versions))
r1 = pad_ver(range1)
if range2:
r2 = pad_ver(range2)
if not plist:
dprint(VERSION_SORT: ver_match(); plist[] creation error)
return False, False
match1 = False
match2 = False
for x in plist:
if (x = r1[0] and x = r1[1]):
dprint(VERSION_SORT: ver_match(); match1 %s, %s:%s 
match1 = True
if range2 and (x = r2[0] and x = r2[1]):
dprint(VERSION_SORT: ver_match(); match2 %s, %s:%s 
match2 = True
return match1, match2

class MainWindow:
Main Window class to setup and manage main window interface.
def __init__(self, preferences = None, config = None):
preferences.use_gladefile = check_glade()
# setup prefs
self.prefs = preferences
self.config = config
# setup glade
self.gladefile = self.prefs.DATA_PATH + self.prefs.use_gladefile
self.wtree =, main_window, 

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Re: [pygtk] easy hyperlink builder (email-http link)

2004-12-28 Thread Brian
On Mon, 2004-27-12 at 21:01 -0500, Francis Lavoie wrote: 
 David Eriksson wrote:
 On Sun, 2004-12-26 at 12:33 -0500, Francis Lavoie wrote:
 Is there an easy way to put mail link and http link on a textlabel?
 I use pango markup like this : span foreground=#99 
 underline=single weight=bold[EMAIL PROTECTED]/span
 but it's not automaticly clickable to open the default mail-client.
 And it is not theme-friendly
 Is there another way to go that I mist?

 Thank you
Here are some code snipits from our project.  I hope they help.  I did
not code it, Someone else patched it to use multiple links.  You can
find the project homepage along with a few screenshots here:

The source file of the snipits, here:

   def __init__(self):
# Capture any mouse motion in this tab so we
# can highlight URL links  change mouse pointer
self.connect(motion_notify_event, self.on_mouse_motion)

# List of active URLs in the tab
self.url_tags = []
self.underlined_url = False

def on_url_event(self, tag, widget, event, iter):
 Catch when the user clicks the URL 
if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE:

def on_mouse_motion(self, widget, event, data = None):
# we need to call get_pointer, or we won't get any more events
pointer = self.window.get_pointer()
x, y, spam = self.window.get_pointer()
x, y = self.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, x, y)
tags = self.get_iter_at_location(x, y).get_tags()
if self.underlined_url:

self.underlined_url = None
for tag in tags:
if tag in self.url_tags:


self.underlined_url = tag
return gtk.FALSE

def append_url(text):
 Append URL to textbuffer and connect an event 
tag = self.buffer.create_tag(text)
tag.connect(event, self.on_url_event)
append(text, tag.get_property(name))

# Insert homepage(s), if any
x = 0
if homepages:
for homepage in homepages:
if x  0:
append( ', ')
x += 1


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[pygtk] GenericCellRenderer problem

2004-09-08 Thread Brian Campbell
I am trying to implement a custom cell renderer by subclassing
gtk.GenericCellRenderer.  The on_activate and on_start_editing methods of
gtk.GenericCellRenderer are never called, although on_get_size and on_render
work fine.  Is there something I am missing?  Do these functions work?

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Re: [pygtk] feature request: binding for gtk_propagate_event?

2002-11-12 Thread Brian Warner
 With gtk1/gnome1, binding the signals seems to happen when a
 widget-tree is added to the AppletWidget container. So, if you add
 Buttons to a GtkHBox, and then add that box to the AppletWidget, the
 button-events are processed by the panel. If you first add the
 GtkHBox, and then add the buttons to the GtkHBox, then those buttons
 receive events button2 and button3. Some explicit mechanism for gnome2
 to bind the signals would be better.

Hmm, interesting that you mention this layout, because I just tried the same
hack with a different applet (one that puts a GtkButton and a GtkProgressBar
into a VBox, then the VBox in the applet), and in this case the hack does not
help. I suspect the signals are being sent to the VBox, which ignores them.
So the menu is accessible by button3 from within the progress bar, but not
from the button (just as it without the parent.emit hack).

Am I right in thinking that events are propagated backwards (from window to
parent window and so on up to the root window) until somebody claims them,
but that gtk signals are not? That might be why the gnome-applets authors
used gtk_propagate_event instead of re-emitting signals: the immediate parent
might not be the appropriate recipient.

More ideas are most welcome..

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [pygtk] feature request: binding for gtk_propagate_event?

2002-11-11 Thread Brian Warner

 Have you tried container.emit() instead of propagate_event? I think
 there's a good chance of it working.

Thanks, that seems to help. The right-clicks now drop through to the
underlying panel and manage to bring up the menu (and make it go away again).
I haven't figured out how to send button2 through (to invoke the drag-applet
stuff), but I figure I'll probably have to look more deeply into gnome-panel
to figure out what events it wants to receive that the GtkButton is

I still wish I knew why this stopped working in Gnome2. I'm pretty sure it
was easier to use back in Gnome1.

For reference, here's the pair of helper functions I ended up using. Just use
MyButton() whereever you'd use gtk.Button(), and mouse2/3 press/release
events will be sent up to the Button's container:

def button_hack_helper(widget, event, updown):
if event.button != 1:
if updown == press:
widget.parent.emit(button_press_event, event)
widget.parent.emit(button_release_event, event)
return gtk.TRUE
return gtk.FALSE

def MyButton():
b = gtk.Button()
b.connect('button_press_event', button_hack_helper, press)
b.connect('button_release_event', button_hack_helper, release)
return b

thanks for the help,
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[pygtk] feature request: binding for gtk_propagate_event?

2002-11-10 Thread Brian Warner
Howdy all..

I've been trying to rewrite my python/gnome1 -based applets in python/gnome2
(somewhat forced into it because of the recent debian/unstable gnome2
switch). One of the more significant changes in gtk2/gnome2 that shows up in
panel applets is that right-clicks on top of GtkButtons no longer result in
the applet's menu appearing. I don't know if this is because GtkButtons
consume the button2 and button3 events instead of passing them up to their
containers (they do, but from what I can tell they did in gtk1.2 as well) or
because the new bonobo-based libpanel-applet system does something different
than the old applet-widget scheme (it does, but I don't know if it is not
implementing an old workaround or if something else changed).

The net result is that, in the applets I write that contain buttons, it is
difficult to get to the applet's context menu (to configure or remove the
applet). If the applet is all button, it is impossible.

Several of standard Gnome applets (in gnome-applets-2.0.3), drivemount and
mini-commander in particular, have a hack to work around this. The hack adds
a signal handler to the GtkButton which catches button2/button3 and uses
gtk_propagate_event() to send the event off to the applet as a whole, which
responds by putting up the context menu. button1 events are ignored/refused;
the signal handler returns FALSE to let the event go to the GtkButton as

In lieu of seeing GtkButtons changed to let button2/button3 events get
passed along to their containers, I wanted to implement this same hack in my
python applets. But gtk_propagate_event() is missing from the python
binding, as it is listed in an %ignore clause in the gtk.override file.

Any idea why there is no binding for this function? Or how hard it would be
to add one? If there's a better workaround for this problem I'd love to hear
it, but I suspect a real fix would involve changes to gtk that aren't going
to happen any time soon.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Building on cygwin

2002-03-27 Thread Brian E Gallew

Then [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke up and said:
 First of all, are you talking about porting pygtk on cygwin using XFree 
 ( or the win32 port of gtk+ (as available from ? If you plan to use XFree, things should be 

xfree.  I'm a unix sysadmin and would normally run linux or freebsd on
my laptop, but it turns out I also need access to Windows software.
My solution is to use the cygwin package with the cygwin port of
xfree.  It works extremely well, and building packages mostly just works.

 P.S. : what do you mean by the binary package is not cygwin friendly. You 
 use python as provided by the cygwin distribution ? If it's the case, you 
 must use XFree and port gtk+ and pygtk accordingly.

Exactly.  Sorry, I should have specifically mentioned xfree.  In any
event, it configures/builds just fine, except that when I try to use
it, I discover that none of the widgets exist.

 pretty straightforward using the configure script. You might have to fight 
 with dlltool/dllwrap to generate the _gtk.pyd though. If you want to use 

What's a .pyd?  Also, there doesn't seem to be a Makefile rule for the
creation of*.  Perhaps this is my problem?

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Building on cygwin

2002-03-27 Thread Brian E Gallew

Then [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke up and said:
 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020311
 What's a .pyd?  Also, there doesn't seem to be a Makefile rule for the
 creation of*.  Perhaps this is my problem?
 For some reason, with the windows version of python, they sometimes 
 rename the dll extension modules to the extension .pyd (they are still 
 The pygtk build should build and install a shared library called 
 _gtkmodule.dll.  Does htis build okay on cygwin?

Hrm.  It seems to only be building .a files, not .dll (or .pyd, or
anything else).

 It is possible that the problem you are seeing is that the file 
 overwrote the file when unpacking the tarball.  This problem has 
 been fixed on the development branch, but remains broken on the stable 
 branch (renaming the module would break compatibility).

This is definitely what happened!  For my own installation (where I
don't use, I've now renamed to (and updated the
references).  Now to convince it to build the .dll.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [pygtk] Strange error.

2002-01-05 Thread Brian Gallew

On Thu, 2002-01-03 at 06:37, Morelli Enrico wrote:
 I have to create a temporary directory to copy some data (no problem using
 os.mkdir), but if the directory exist, the program must remove it.

Why are you using system?

import shutil

| JAVA must have been developed in the wilds of West Virginia.  |
| After all, why else would it support only single inheritance??|
| Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my public key.|

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[pygtk] Greetings!

2001-11-19 Thread Brian Allbee

Greetings! I'm a Python/pygtk newbie, looking for documentation (or
outright help ::grin::). I'm working on a program where I'd like to be
able to swap window-widget sub-sets around with other pre-defined widget
sub-sets, if this is possible.

I'm not sure how to explain exactly what I'm trying to do, so I'll spew
out a quick example. Starting with the window pictured at
I'd like to have it load the widget-set from another window, pictured at
into the viewport on the right on launch, and after a successful log-in,
swap _that_ widget-set out (again) with the widget-set shown at

Hope that makes sense...

Any help would be appreciated (even if it's a RTFM comment, if you can
tell me where TFM is ::grin::)

| Brian Allbee |
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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