Problem with

2000-04-04 Thread Ismal Hisham Darus

All mail form our sites today has been rejected. From the log i see 
the following messages : 

2000-04-04 15:48:55.710764500 delivery 1204: deferral: 

2000-04-04 08:15:32.383778500 delivery 1002: deferral: 

Do i have to add something in order for my site to connect to yahoo ? 
or may be somthing wrong with yahoo ? this problem occured this 
morning only. B4 this we don't have any problem sending mails to 

please let me know if i have to add something .. thanks

Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
Asst. Manager, System Support
John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad

Re: Problem with

2000-04-04 Thread iv0

Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> All mail form our sites today has been rejected. From the log i see
> the following messages :
> 2000-04-04 15:48:55.710764500 delivery 1204: deferral:
> Connected_to_128.11.68.59_but_greeting_failed./Remote_host_said:_421_S
> MTP_service_not_available,_closing_transmission_channel/
> 2000-04-04 08:15:32.383778500 delivery 1002: deferral:
> Connected_to_128.11.68.59_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
> Do i have to add something in order for my site to connect to yahoo ?
> or may be somthing wrong with yahoo ? this problem occured this
> morning only. B4 this we don't have any problem sending mails to
> yahoo.
> please let me know if i have to add something .. thanks
> Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
> Asst. Manager, System Support
> John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad

I talked to several email admins today and they all had the same
It looks like yahoo email was broken today.

Ken Jones

Re: Perl regex patch for badmailfrom envelope -- Re: Poor documentation of anti-spam options?checks

2000-04-04 Thread Will Harris

On 20:38 3.04.2000, Barbara Koch-Hoffmann could be heard musing
 >it seems that we continously revent the wheel..
 >1. This patch does already exist (see below).
 >2. All the SPAM discussion is a ricochet of the old stuff - why doesn't
 >qmail have a good documentation.
 >Pls. have a look at my WEB page:
 >It give some information about what has been talked around.

Well, it would be nice if your patch were listed on the qmail 
homepage.  Poor documentation as you say.

But your patch doesn't do what mine does - you use the INN wildmat pattern 
matching system, which is not very powerful.  I have embedded a Perl engine 
into qmail-smtpd which allows you to use Perl's excellent pattern matching 
system.  If you can show me how to block the range of IP addresses - with one filter with your patch, I'll agree that I 
have rather foolishly reinvented the wheel.  Here's my regex to do the job:


One line, nice and simple.


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik(pgp id)F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich(office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190(fax)+41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich (mobile) +41 76 372 0913

Re: Perl regex patch for badmailfrom envelope -- Re: Poor documentation of anti-spam options?checks

2000-04-04 Thread Uwe Ohse

On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 10:47:38AM +0100, Will Harris wrote:
> /172.(?:1[6-9]|2[0-9]|31).[0-9]+.[0-9]+$/
> One line, nice and simple.

add "wrong".

You should really use \. and ^

Regards, Uwe

Re: Perl regex patch for badmailfrom envelope -- Re: Poor documentation of anti-spam options?checks

2000-04-04 Thread Will Harris

At 10:28 4.04.2000, Uwe Ohse wrote:
 >On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 10:47:38AM +0100, Will Harris wrote:
 >> /172.(?:1[6-9]|2[0-9]|31).[0-9]+.[0-9]+$/
 >> One line, nice and simple.
 >add "wrong".
 >You should really use \. and ^

Damn!  You are so right!  The only thing is that for the application I'm 
referring to, you shouldn't use the ^ because that would block anything 
before the "@" symbol as well.  It's better to just use the \.



   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik(pgp id)F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich(office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190(fax)+41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich (mobile) +41 76 372 0913

qmail Digest 4 Apr 2000 10:00:00 -0000 Issue 961

2000-04-04 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 4 Apr 2000 10:00:00 - Issue 961

Topics (messages 39448 through 39485):

question about mail
39448 by: Luka Gerzic

About virtual domain and IP aliasing
39449 by: Pablo Martínez Schroder

Re: vpopmail, virtual users on virtual domains always gives 
39450 by: Markus Fischer
39453 by: Markus Fischer

qmail and mailstone
39451 by: Mitja Sarp
39458 by:

Re: qmail-smtpd on SCO OSR5.0.5
39452 by: Bruno Wolff III
39456 by:

Re: Poor documentation of anti-spam options?
39454 by: Peter van Dijk

Init scripts for smtp and pop3 services
39455 by: Antonio Navarro Navarro

Unable to send remote messages
39457 by: Gilberto Rodrigues
39459 by:
39460 by: Petr Novotny

Perl regex patch for badmailfrom envelope checks
39461 by: Will Harris

supervise and multilog running, qmail not.
39462 by: Jennifer Tippens
39463 by: Dave Sill
39474 by: Jennifer Tippens

Re: vpopmail, virtual users on [...] -> solved!
39464 by: Markus Fischer

question and need for help... :(
39465 by: Luka Gerzic

qmail relay opened
39466 by: Luis Bezerra
39473 by: Peter van Dijk

syslogd and qmail problem
39467 by: Ricardo D. Albano
39468 by:
39469 by: Greg Owen
39470 by: Greg Owen
39479 by: Ismal Hisham Darus

Re: Need a little insite please
39471 by: Greg Owen

Re: Perl regex patch for badmailfrom envelope -- Re: Poor documentation of anti-spam 
39472 by: Barbara Koch-Hoffmann
39483 by: Will Harris
39484 by: Uwe Ohse
39485 by: Will Harris

Re: Qmail Anti-Spam HOWTO
39475 by: Chris Hardie
39477 by: Jonathan McDowell
39478 by: Chris Hardie

permissions on messages
39476 by: Jennifer Tippens

should I use ulimit too ?
39480 by: Irwan Hadi

Problem with
39481 by: Ismal Hisham Darus
39482 by: iv0


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To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To bug my human owner, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:


here is the problem... :)
I have user A and i have user B. I need to 
copy all incomming and outgoing mail
from user A to user B. System is on Qmail 1.03 and 
Qmailpop3d. Maildir support
and lot of users. How can i do that ?
Thank's for help.
D r e n i k   N e t w o r k 
s  /  Y u g o s l a v i a Luka Z. GerzicGraphic 
design, prepress, html, networkinghome page:  http://www.linux.drenik.netemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / GSM +381 64 11 0 29 

Hi there!

I have some domains hosting in a computer, and I'm starting to apply
bandwith management over them, so I have each domain hosted in an IP.
With this I can control FTP and HTTP traffic, but I cannot manage the
SMTP traffic because mail is throwed from the "primary IP" of the

I think it's nearly impossible to send mails from an IP matching the
domain's IP, but is there any way?

Or an idea how to manage the SMTP traffic?

Pablo Martínez Schroder
Departamento de Administracion de Sistemas

PS: I'm really sorry for my poor English, but today I'm a little bit
sick, and cannot think clearly :_(

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 01:34:33AM -0400, anindya wrote : 
>   quick check: is in /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts?
Yes it is.

> and what is the contents of your /var/qmail/control/{default|locals|me}?
default does not exist

locals contains _not_ any of the virtual domains (

me contains:

> The output of /var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl might be helpful also.

no abnormal output :(

> Also what happens if you telnet to localhost 110 and enter
> POP commands manually?

pop authentication works without problems also for
virtual domains/users, but of course the boxes are empty. but it

thanks for your time, any additional ideas ?


Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Hello Klaus,

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 03:18:41PM +0200, Klaus Hviid wrote : 
> here is a little checklist - see if you have remembered everything.

er... sorry, which checklist ?

> I had the same error once - I'd forgotten the d in qmail-pop3d init-script :)

well, my init script in full ist pasted here:

alias_empty="./Maildir/"   # This uses qmail prefered ~/Maildir/ directory

Re: RFC: Qmail Anti-Spam HOWTO

2000-04-04 Thread Will Harris

 >However it doesn't explain how to do do what I want. I want to check all
 >incoming messages to see if they're on DUL, ORBS, RSS, RBL or whatever
 >and if so add a header to the message, say an "X-Spam-Warning: DUL" or
 >the like. I know this is a trivial one line config option for Exim, but
 >I haven't seen anything for qmail to do this.
 >I know I could do something with procmail, but I want this to work even
 >for mail that's being forwarded or stored in a Maildir or whatever,
 >without the user having to do anything special.
 >Anybody any ideas?

I've written a system-wide mail filtering program I implemented that checks 
RBL, RSS, ORBS, and DUL.  It also looks at faked Message-ID headers.  Any 
message that fails a test is marked with [SPAM] on the subject line, and 
has X-Blacklisted header inserted for each of the tests it 
fails.  Precedence is set to junk.  Users can then decide what to do with 
the mail - bounce it or procmail it or whatever.

I run all incoming mail through this filter using the system default 
delivery instructions.  Users who don't have their own .qmail file can 
control how the filter works through the use of a ~/.qmail_rblcheck file: 
an empty file means don't check at all; a file with a line containing the 
flag "b" instructs the filter to bounce spam mail rather than redeliver it 
to the user; a line containing "l" instructs the filter to log actions to 
~/.qmail_rbllog; a line containing "l:/path/to/logfile" instructs the 
filter to log somewhere other than ~/.qmail_rbllog.

It uses another system tool, rblcheck, which is a command-line interface to 
DNS-style blacklists written by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It also uses a small 4 line patch to qmail's received.c file to insert an 
X-Remote-IP header.  I was too lazy to figure out a robust way to do this 
with Perl, though the rblcheck tool does include some utilities for 
extracting this from qmail's "Received" header if you don't feel like 
patching the source.

If you're interested you can get this script, the rblcheck source, and the 
remoteip patch at  I haven't written any docs for 
the Perl script (apart from in this mail) and it'll need to be customised 
for the individual site that uses it, but it shouldn't be too difficult for 
someone familiar with Perl.


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik(pgp id)F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich(office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190(fax)+41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich (mobile) +41 76 372 0913

Question for IV0 only?

2000-04-04 Thread kingram

Hi all

Arrhhh... Sorry :o)

- box with Red Hat 6.0
- qmail 1.03 working under tcpserver with Maildirs (3 scripts in
/etc/rc.d/init.d named qmail.init, qmail-smtpd.init, qmail-pop3d.init)
- instalation of vpopmail-3.4.11-release with ./configure
--enable-ip-alias-domains=y \
- virt eths (eth0 ->, eth0:0 ->
- DNS configured well (nslookup and/or dig -x resolve their names
correct (and DJB's dnsfq too :o))

All for real /etc/passwd users work fine (SMTP, POP)
After ./vadddomain postmaster_password still all work fine
for real users.
After ./vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED] proba_password all works fine for
real users but POP can't authentificate user proba with his

Exactly: when user is checking his mail with: -POP
works fine.
 when user is checking his mail with: proba -POP send error

I need simply auth using  with all users (not only real) for
all domains.

Can I set up with vpopmail?

Should I move all /etc/passwd users to one of virt domains under
vpopmail (it's realy hard work)
and use configure option --enable-passwd=n ?

Forgot I anything or missunderstood?

PS. All last five nights I lost for resolving that (not only for
hardquota=12m <- it was only one of exercises)

If YOU WANT TO HELP ME - i can send examples of my config files for all
of that 
Best Regards from Poland

Krzysztof Ingram - secondary root where the power of Linux / is the
FF Computers Sp. z o.o.

Re: permissions on messages

2000-04-04 Thread Will Harris

At 22:45 3.04.2000, Jennifer Tippens wrote:
 >Is there a good way of changing the mode on all incoming messages to a
 >certain user?  I need the messages to be read/writable by all members of 
 >primary group and not only to the user. I thought I could maybe do 
 >in the .qmail file...
 >Any ideas would be appreciated.

try putting this line in the .qmail file for that user:

| chmod 660 /path/to/mailbox; exit 0


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik(pgp id)F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich(office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190(fax)+41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich (mobile) +41 76 372 0913

CC'ing all outgoing mail??

2000-04-04 Thread TAG


Is it possible to CC all outgoing mail from a specific user to another
address?? - or to a different location??

If so - PLEASE show me the way???


Re: syslogd and qmail problem

2000-04-04 Thread Henrik Öhman

You could try something like
klogd -f /var/log/kern.tmp
tail -f /var/log/kern.temp | xargs multilog

I haven't tried this, so I'm not 100% sure it works. You will probably
have to play with the timestamping as well, as I'm not sure that
multilog uses the same type of timestamping as syslogd. Alternatively,
you could hack klogd to use djb's timestamping and add an option which
lets it send output directly to stdout, in which case you could just do
klogd --stdout |multilog.

I have not tested this, but it should be possible to make it work. As
usual, std_disclaimer.h applies.


Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:

> does anyone knows how to log the kernel if using the multilog ? i
> manage to log the deamon process but not the kernel.
> Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
> Asst. Manager, System Support
> John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad

Re: should I use ulimit too ?

2000-04-04 Thread Dave Sill

Irwan Hadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I installed qmail based on LWQ howto. The init script from LWQ doesn';t
>contain any ulimit -v 2048 for example.
>Should I put the ulimit command manually, to protect the qmail box from DoS
>attack or not ?
>Or supervise can do it automatically ?

No need. The /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run script sets a limit
with "softlimit":

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb \
-u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1


problem with virtual domains

2000-04-04 Thread Henrique Pais

Hi, everybody,

I have a problem with virtual domains,  I think !

In some users that I have craeted recently, the qmail lspawn is sending this
msg "Temporary_failure_in_qmail-lspawn".


Henrique Pais

Henrique Pais
HLC Telecomunicaçoes e Multimedia, SA
Tel. : 424 40 40
Fax : 424 40 01
Date: 04-Apr-00 Time: 14:00:44
Visite a Comunidade Lusoweb em

Re: CC'ing all outgoing mail??

2000-04-04 Thread Charles Cazabon

> Is it possible to CC all outgoing mail from a specific user to another
> address?? - or to a different location??
> If so - PLEASE show me the way???

This is the third time you've posted this question to the list.  The reason
you haven't received an answer is because this is a well-documented
question -- it's in the FAQ that comes with the qmail source, it's in
Dave Sill's excellent Life with qmail, and it's probably in a thousand
threads in the qmail mailing list archives.

The answer boils down to this:  use the "keep a copy of _every_ message"
solution, and have that deliver to a script (through judicious use of a
.qmail file) which determines whether it's from the user you want to spy on
and records whatever information you want.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Rejected Words List

2000-04-04 Thread Travis Rail

Is there anyway that Qmail can filter incoming message for certain words.
Basically what I need is some kind of “Rejected Words List”.  A message
comes in and is scanned and checked against a file containing a list of
words that the postmaster would like to reject.  If the email message
contains one of these words it is marked rejected and turned back to the
sender.  Does anyone know of an Add-On or anything like this I can use with

Travis Rail, Web Master   |Terra World, Inc - Connecting The Planet
Terra World, Inc.   |Southeast Kansas' Leading Provider
200 Arco Place, Suite 252   |Flat Fee - Never an hourly Charge
Independence, Kansas 67301  |Where Service is Top Priority!
Voice (316) 332-1616|
FAX: (316) 332-1451 |[EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to implement ANTISPAM with qmail+fetchmail?

2000-04-04 Thread Kalum Somaratna aka Grendel

Greetings all,
I am a home user who users a dialup (33.6 K) for my work. The trouble is
that 2 of my addreses have fallen into the hands of spammers and I have
been reciving spam regularly.

I use RH 6.0 and I removed sendmail and installed qmail and I love it.
But my problem is that how do I use qmails anti spam features to handle
these spammers.

Since they use a adress * like [EMAIL PROTECTED] I tried putting to reject all mail from in the badmailfrom file. but the
problem is that when fetchmail is invoked the transaction would be,

fetchmail :mail from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
qmail : ok
fetchmail :rcpt 
qmail :sorry your address is in my badmailfrom file
fetchmail: SMTP listener doen't like recipient kalum@localhost
fetchmail : then sends a bounce message
fetchmail :rcpt 
qmail : sorry your address is in my badmailfrom file..
fetchmail: error cannot even send to postmaster..
fetchmail then terminates the pop3 connection without fetching anymore

Could you please tell me how to handle this behaviour of qmail and any
suggestions on how to deal with the spammers will be most welcome.
BTW I use the latest fetchmail 5.3.4 release, with qmail 1.03.

Thanks in advance,

Hi, I'm a signature virus. plz set me as your signature and help me spread

problem with incoming mail!!!!

2000-04-04 Thread helpdesk

I am a new user to qmail...all my outgoing mails go in a very 
nice manner..but when i receive mails through fetchmail -av the incoming mails 
again make a queue in the ~alias/pppdir/new directory.
Kindly guide me.

Re: Perl regex patch for badmailfrom envelope -- Re: Poor documentation of anti-spam options?checks

2000-04-04 Thread Dave Sill

"Will Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have embedded a Perl engine 
>into qmail-smtpd which allows you to use Perl's excellent pattern matching 

Have you analyzed the impact of this on security and efficiency? E.g.,
does embedding perl carry along the C runtime library, which Dan went
to great lengths to avoid? How much bigger are qmail-smtpd processes
with your patch? How much slower?

I'm not saying the patch has no merit, I just think that you shouldn't 
advertise only the benefits.


How to implement ANTISPAM with qmail+fetchmail?

2000-04-04 Thread rogers-qmail

   From: Kalum Somaratna aka Grendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 19:42:45 +0600 (LKT)

   Greetings all,
   I am a home user who users a dialup (33.6 K) for my work. The trouble is
   that 2 of my addreses have fallen into the hands of spammers and I have
   been reciving spam regularly . . .

   Thanks in advance,

Since it's just for you, a .qmail solution would work.  See the post
from Martin A. Brown on Wed, 16 Feb 2000.

-- Bob Rogers

multi domain problem, fetchmail?!

2000-04-04 Thread Seyyed Hamid Reza Hashemi Golpayegani

hi all;
we have several domains hosted on our machine, we
want to store all of the emails for one of our domains
into someone's mailbox.
for example:
we have and, we want to deliver
any email on this domain (for example [EMAIL PROTECTED],
to one e-mail address on that is: 
how can we do that?

ps. we can store all the e-mails [to all the domains which
are on our machine] by .qmail-default into [EMAIL PROTECTED]
but how about exculding other domains? [only [EMAIL PROTECTED]
should be delivered to [EMAIL PROTECTED] not other domains]
we tried but it didnt work.

Re: syslogd and qmail problem

2000-04-04 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 01:09:06PM +0200, Henrik Öhman wrote:
> You could try something like
> #!/bin/bash
> klogd -f /var/log/kern.tmp
> tail -f /var/log/kern.temp | xargs multilog

xargs is not gonna work anyway, without xargs you might get some results :)

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: Re: permissions on messages

2000-04-04 Thread Jennifer Tippens

On 4 Apr 2000 12:53:17 Will Harris  wrote:

> try putting this line in the .qmail file for that user:
> | chmod 660 /path/to/mailbox; exit 0
> regards,
> Will

That Didn't work, but since data gathering will be done once a week at a certain time, 
I just chmoded the messages in a crontab.  Hokey, but it works.

true unix v4.0f problem

2000-04-04 Thread Santos, Edgar

I have a little question, my server DS10 true unix v4.0f gives me a problem
with dxaccounts is locked, but I read the problem in the mail list and it
says that I have to delete de file /etc/.AM_is_running, I can´t find this
file in that  directory, even a can create groups using de command addgroup
but I can´t create users using de addgroup neither the dxaccounts,

Ing. Edgar Santos
Consultor de Sistemas
Canella S.A. Depto. de Sotware
Guatemala, C.A.
tel. (502) 331-5888
fax (502) 33480-57
ext. 418,420

Re: Perl regex patch for badmailfrom envelope

2000-04-04 Thread Will Harris

On 15:34 4.04.2000, Dave Sill could be heard musing
 >"Will Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >>I have embedded a Perl engine
 >>into qmail-smtpd which allows you to use Perl's excellent pattern 
 >Have you analyzed the impact of this on security and efficiency? E.g.,
 >does embedding perl carry along the C runtime library, which Dan went
 >to great lengths to avoid? How much bigger are qmail-smtpd processes
 >with your patch? How much slower?
 >I'm not saying the patch has no merit, I just think that you shouldn't
 >advertise only the benefits.

No - I haven't done any analysis.  I don't know exactly what djb-unfriendly 
code is included in the Perl library, but I suspect there is definitely 
some standard C library stuff in there.  The binary is about 540k bigger on 
disk, and about 700k bigger in memory.  I don't know how much slower it is 
either, but I'm not so concerned about that - it's remote users who have to 
use qmail-smtpd, as local users go directly to ofmipd.  I'm sure there are 
some problems associated with embedding Perl in any program, but I kind of 
expect that people who can patch code, compile it, configure qmail, and 
write Perl regular expressions would already be aware of that.  I don't 
care about advertising my patch - I just thought some other people might be 
interested in it's features as well, so I posted a message to the list 
saying what it does.  Perl does have an excellent pattern matching 

That said, we can look at DJB's seven rules for the design and 
implementation of qmail, and see where my patch falls short:

1) Programs and files are not addresses. Don't treat them as addresses.
- does not apply to this patch
2) Do as little as possible in setuid programs.
- does not apply to this patch
3) Do as little as possible as root.
- does not apply to this patch
4) Move separate functions into mutually untrusting programs.
- if there's a security breach because of Perl, it still doesn't affect 
system security, because none of the other programs trust qmail-smtpd.
5) Don't parse.
- my patch doesn't parse user input, and it doesn't provide a user 
interface (other than Perl regular expressions).  There is no user 
interface exposed to anyone other than the postmaster/sysadmin.  I will 
admit that sysadmins can easily write incorrect regular expressions (as I 
did earlier today) but what of it?
5) Keep it simple, stupid.
- okay, it's not so simple any more.  I think the extra functionality is 
worth it.  In addition, the patch is very, very simple, and is completely 
disabled by commenting out one line of code if you think things are going 
horribly wrong.
6) Write bug-free code.
- I don't know if Perl is bug free.  I doubt it.  My patch may not be bug 
free either.  I have tested it quite thoroughly though.  Bug reports are 
always welcome.

So there you have it - total disclosure.  In the README for my patch I say 
"use at your own peril", and I think that about covers it.  If you don't 
like the idea of using someone else's code, don't use my patch.  If you 
think it's worth it, use it.


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

  multimedia laboratorium  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  institut fuer informatik(pgp id)F703D035
  der universitaet zuerich(office) +41  1 635 4346
  winterthurerstr. 190(fax)+41  1 635 6809
  ch-8057 zuerich (mobile) +41 76 372 0913

Re: true unix v4.0f problem

2000-04-04 Thread Dave Sill

"Santos, Edgar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a little question, my server DS10 true unix v4.0f gives me a problem
>with dxaccounts is locked, but I read the problem in the mail list and it
>says that I have to delete de file /etc/.AM_is_running, I can´t find this
>file in that  directory, even a can create groups using de command addgroup
>but I can´t create users using de addgroup neither the dxaccounts,

This has nothing to do with qmail, but everything to do with Tru64
UNIX. I suggest you send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Better
yet, search the archives first at:


Re: multi domain problem, fetchmail?!

2000-04-04 Thread Dave Sill

Seyyed Hamid Reza Hashemi Golpayegani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>we have several domains hosted on our machine, we
>want to store all of the emails for one of our domains
>into someone's mailbox.
>for example:
>we have and, we want to deliver
>any email on this domain (for example [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>to one e-mail address on that is: 
>how can we do that?

echo >>/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
echo >>/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
touch ~sgc/.qmail-default
chown sgc ~sgc/.qmail-default
qmail restart


Re: multi domain problem, fetchmail?!

2000-04-04 Thread Charles Cazabon

Seyyed Hamid Reza Hashemi Golpayegani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> we have several domains hosted on our machine, we
> want to store all of the emails for one of our domains
> into someone's mailbox.
> for example:
> we have and, we want to deliver
> any email on this domain (for example [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> to one e-mail address on that is: 
> how can we do that?

Make the domain virtual.  In virtualdomains, put

Then in ~alias, make a .qmail-virtuser-default that contains something like:

All mail for that virtual domain will end up in that Maildir.
Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: problem with virtual domains

2000-04-04 Thread Dave Sill

Henrique Pais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a problem with virtual domains,  I think !

Why do you suspect virtual domains? Does qmail-lspawn only have
trouble with virtualdomains?

>In some users that I have craeted recently, the qmail lspawn is sending this
>msg "Temporary_failure_in_qmail-lspawn".

Is that the entire error message?



Re: problem with virtual domains

2000-04-04 Thread Henrique Pais

On 04-Apr-00 Dave Sill wrote:
> Henrique Pais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I have a problem with virtual domains,  I think !
> Why do you suspect virtual domains? Does qmail-lspawn only have
> trouble with virtualdomains?
>>In some users that I have craeted recently, the qmail lspawn is sending this
>>msg "Temporary_failure_in_qmail-lspawn".
> Is that the entire error message?
I know that the problem itn't in the virtualdomins file, but this erros started
to show a few days ago, because I had craeted five new virutaldomains and for
some users that belong to that new virutualdomains.

What seems that qmail-lspawn crash when it gives the qmail-local the msg.

the server runs on a PIII at 450Mhs with 128Mb RAM, 

900 qmail users, with 26 virtualdomains.


this is the log mesg.
Apr  4 17:22:30 gondul splogger: 954865350.054684 info msg 160398: bytes 4571
from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 31288 uid 501
Apr  4 17:22:42 gondul splogger: 954865362.561670 starting delivery 3658: msg
160381 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apr  4 17:22:42 gondul splogger: 954865362.561834 status: local 1/10 remote
Apr  4 17:22:42 gondul splogger: 954865362.581403 delivery 3658: deferral:

> Check:
> -Dave

Henrique Pais
HLC Telecomunicaçoes e Multimedia, SA
Tel. : 424 40 40
Fax : 424 40 01
Date: 04-Apr-00 Time: 17:11:36
Visite a Comunidade Lusoweb em

Re: problem with virtual domains

2000-04-04 Thread Dave Sill

Henrique Pais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>this is the log mesg.
>Apr  4 17:22:30 gondul splogger: 954865350.054684 info msg 160398: bytes 4571
>from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 31288 uid 501
>Apr  4 17:22:42 gondul splogger: 954865362.561670 starting delivery 3658: msg
>160381 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Apr  4 17:22:42 gondul splogger: 954865362.561834 status: local 1/10 remote
>Apr  4 17:22:42 gondul splogger: 954865362.581403 delivery 3658: deferral:

That error occurs when qmail_lspawn exits with status QLX_SYS. That
occurs for various reasons:

# grep QLX_SYS *.c
qmail-getpw.c:  if (errno == error_txtbsy) _exit(QLX_SYS);
qmail-lspawn.c:   case QLX_SYS:
qmail-lspawn.c: if (pipe(pi) == -1) _exit(QLX_SYS);
qmail-lspawn.c: _exit(QLX_SYS);
qmail-lspawn.c: if (fd_move(1,pi[1]) == -1) _exit(QLX_SYS);
qmail-lspawn.c: if (slurpclose(pi[0],&nughde,128) == -1) _exit(QLX_SYS);
qmail-lspawn.c:   if (wait_crashed(gpwstat)) _exit(QLX_SYS);
qmail-lspawn.c:   if (fd_move(0,fdmess) == -1) _exit(QLX_SYS);
qmail-lspawn.c:   if (fd_move(1,fdout) == -1) _exit(QLX_SYS);
qmail-lspawn.c:   if (fd_copy(2,1) == -1) _exit(QLX_SYS);

I.e., failures in manipulating file descriptors, forking, running a
pipe, etc. You could try tracing qmail-lspawn to see exactly where
it's failing.

Do local deliveries always fail, or just at certain times? For all
users, or just certain users?


Re: problem with virtual domains

2000-04-04 Thread Henrique Pais

On 04-Apr-00 Dave Sill wrote:
> Do local deliveries always fail, or just at certain times? For all
> users, or just certain users?

Just for the users that belongs to virtualdomains

I have already changed the fd to 4096, but its still the same.

if I send a msg to a user@local that is the virtual domain, ex.
info-virtualdomain@localdomain, it will be ok.

Henrique Pais
HLC Telecomunicaçoes e Multimedia, SA
Tel. : 424 40 40
Fax : 424 40 01
Date: 04-Apr-00 Time: 18:13:06
Visite a Comunidade Lusoweb em

Relaying problem..

2000-04-04 Thread Chad Day

First off, yes, I've read life with qmail and everything I can about
rcpthosts. :)

The error message I'm receiving is:

Error sending to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (553 sorry, that domain isn't in
my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1))
[Tue Apr  4 17:24:48 2000] [error] Error sending to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of
allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1))

What I am trying to do is e-mail a user a login/pw from a webpage..
The code is:

# Takes the address, subject and an email, and does what it says
# used by dailyStuff,, and someday
sub sendEmail {
my( $addr, $subject, $content, $smtp_server ) = @_;
my %mail = (
smtp=> $smtp_server,
To  => $addr,
From=> $I{adminmail},
Subject => $subject,
Message => $content

sendmail( %mail ) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;

$smtp_server is defined in another file to be my smtp server.. set

Regular local -> remote, remote -> local, and local -> local mail delivery
all works.

My tcp.smtp line is:

which I thought would be the solution, but I'm still hitting that error.

There must be something I'm not understanding or am missing somewhere.. I
don't think it's the script thats a problem, because if I telnet to port 25
and try to rcpt to anywhere else, it gives me the same problem.. what is
wrong with my tcp.smtp?

Chad Day
Beach Associates

- I heard if you play the NT CD backwards, you can hear satanic messages?
- That's NOTHING. If you play it forwards, it installs NT 4.0.

RE: Relaying problem..

2000-04-04 Thread Travis Rail

Make sure that the primay IP address of the web server is in your
/etc/tcp.smtp file and then do a "qmail cdb" and "qmail restart".  Basically
when your web server sends data via email Qmail doesn't like who it is
coming from.  You need to identify the IP address and domain that your web
server sends from.

Travis Rail

-Original Message-
From: Chad Day [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 2:49 PM
Subject: Relaying problem..

First off, yes, I've read life with qmail and everything I can about
rcpthosts. :)

The error message I'm receiving is:

Error sending to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (553 sorry, that domain isn't in
my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1))
[Tue Apr  4 17:24:48 2000] [error] Error sending to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of
allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1))

What I am trying to do is e-mail a user a login/pw from a webpage..
The code is:

# Takes the address, subject and an email, and does what it says
# used by dailyStuff,, and someday
sub sendEmail {
my( $addr, $subject, $content, $smtp_server ) = @_;
my %mail = (
smtp=> $smtp_server,
To  => $addr,
From=> $I{adminmail},
Subject => $subject,
Message => $content

sendmail( %mail ) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;

$smtp_server is defined in another file to be my smtp server.. set

Regular local -> remote, remote -> local, and local -> local mail delivery
all works.

My tcp.smtp line is:

which I thought would be the solution, but I'm still hitting that error.

There must be something I'm not understanding or am missing somewhere.. I
don't think it's the script thats a problem, because if I telnet to port 25
and try to rcpt to anywhere else, it gives me the same problem.. what is
wrong with my tcp.smtp?

Chad Day
Beach Associates

- I heard if you play the NT CD backwards, you can hear satanic messages?
- That's NOTHING. If you play it forwards, it installs NT 4.0.

Re: Relaying problem..

2000-04-04 Thread Charles Cazabon

Chad Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First off, yes, I've read life with qmail and everything I can about
> rcpthosts. :)
> The error message I'm receiving is:
> Error sending to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (553 sorry, that domain isn't in
> my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1))
> [Tue Apr  4 17:24:48 2000] [error] Error sending to
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of
> allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1))
> What I am trying to do is e-mail a user a login/pw from a webpage..

> My tcp.smtp line is:
> 208.246.80.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> which I thought would be the solution, but I'm still hitting that error.

Perhaps try adding 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="" as another line.  You should
also have a default
at the end of that file.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

network connection dies randomly?

2000-04-04 Thread John W. Lemons III

I installed and configured QMail on Friday of last week.  It passed all the
test, and seemed to work perfectly.  Perhaps coincidently, my DSL connection
started hanging randomly the same night.  At first, I assumed it was just a
glitch, and I re-set the connection.  After doing this several time, I
started hunting for the cause on Sunday.  I turned off QMail, HTTPD, FTPD,
telnetd, and SSH.  I turned on those services slowly over the rest of the
day, and the connection stayed stable until Sunday night, shortly after I
turned QMail back on (the web server was the one I turned on prior to that,
so it is still in the running at this point).  I re-set everything, got the
connection back up, and started everything except the web server and the
mail server.  Everything was stable, and I turned the web server back on
Monday morning.  Mid Monday I turned QMail back on, and shortly lost my DSL
connection again.  I turned off qmail and the server has been up since then.
I want to believe that it is a DSL problem, and not QMail, but the
circumstances are leading me to thing otherwise.  I am a novice when  it
comes to linux, and would appreciate any suggestion on how I might track
this problem down.  Please feel free to suggest qmail specific and
especially non-qmail specific ideas, since I would like to believe that its
not qmail.  Any way, here are some details that may help:  Pentium 133, 64
meg of ram, RedHat Linux 6.0, 768k ADSL connection, configured as a firewall
and using MASQing, lots of free space on the drives (no less than 200 meg on
any give mount, except /boot).  Its been rock solid for months prior to
these problems.


Re: network connection dies randomly?

2000-04-04 Thread markd

On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 03:30:57PM -0500, John W. Lemons III wrote:
> I installed and configured QMail on Friday of last week.  It passed all the
> test, and seemed to work perfectly.  Perhaps coincidently, my DSL connection
> started hanging randomly the same night.  At first, I assumed it was just a

What makes you think it's the DSL connection that is "hanging"?

Or are you saying that "from my Linux box I can no longer send or receive
any packets". If so, could it simply be a problem with the Linux box and qmail?

Is the DSL modem indicating that it's hung?

Can you plug something else directly into the DSL modem to determine whether
it's your Linux box or indeed the DSL connection?

You are right. DSL does not normally hang due to qmail traffic :>


> glitch, and I re-set the connection.  After doing this several time, I
> started hunting for the cause on Sunday.  I turned off QMail, HTTPD, FTPD,
> telnetd, and SSH.  I turned on those services slowly over the rest of the
> day, and the connection stayed stable until Sunday night, shortly after I
> turned QMail back on (the web server was the one I turned on prior to that,
> so it is still in the running at this point).  I re-set everything, got the
> connection back up, and started everything except the web server and the
> mail server.  Everything was stable, and I turned the web server back on
> Monday morning.  Mid Monday I turned QMail back on, and shortly lost my DSL
> connection again.  I turned off qmail and the server has been up since then.
> I want to believe that it is a DSL problem, and not QMail, but the
> circumstances are leading me to thing otherwise.  I am a novice when  it
> comes to linux, and would appreciate any suggestion on how I might track
> this problem down.  Please feel free to suggest qmail specific and
> especially non-qmail specific ideas, since I would like to believe that its
> not qmail.  Any way, here are some details that may help:  Pentium 133, 64
> meg of ram, RedHat Linux 6.0, 768k ADSL connection, configured as a firewall
> and using MASQing, lots of free space on the drives (no less than 200 meg on
> any give mount, except /boot).  Its been rock solid for months prior to
> these problems.
> Thanks,
> John

RE: network connection dies randomly?

2000-04-04 Thread John W. Lemons III

>I installed and configured QMail on Friday of last week.  It passed all the

Another detail that may help...  When the connection appears hung,
netstat -r
hangs before it reports the default route.  I can't even kill it.  Is the
routing table getting hosed?  If so, how?  Also, pump sometimes brings it
back to life, but usually just hangs and can't be killed.

RE: network connection dies randomly?

2000-04-04 Thread John W. Lemons III

(sorry for the duplicate makrd, I forgot to add the qmail list to the to:

>What makes you think it's the DSL connection that is "hanging"?
>Or are you saying that "from my Linux box I can no longer send or receive
>any packets". If so, could it simply be a problem with the Linux box and

Its the best way I could come up with to describe the problem.  :)
I don't get any network traffic over that device (eth0), but eth1 to my
internal network is still fine.

>Is the DSL modem indicating that it's hung?

Not that I can tell.  Its just that eth0 seems non-responsive.

>Can you plug something else directly into the DSL modem to determine
>it's your Linux box or indeed the DSL connection?

Yea, I plugged in a windows NT box set up to use DHCP, and it fired right

qmail RPM that supports ldap?

2000-04-04 Thread Chris Garrigues

I'm in the process of migrating towards LDAP.  I just discovered (the hard 
way) that the pop3 daemon that I'm using (from the qmail-1.03-11ucspi RPM) 
doesn't see users who only exist in LDAP.  So, since I eventually want to 
switch to a qmail with the LDAP patches, I guess it's time to ask if anybody's 
got an RPM with the LDAP patches.  If not, (since I need an RPM based 
solution), which SRPM would be the best April 2000 starting point to add LDAP 
patches to?


Chris Garrigues virCIO
http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/   http://www.virCIO.Com
+1 512 432 4046 +1 512 374 0500
4314 Avenue C
O-  Austin, TX  78751-3709

  My email address is an experiment in SPAM elimination.  For an
  explanation of what we're doing, see http://www.DeepEddy.Com/tms.html 

Nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft,
  but they could get fired for relying on Microsoft.

 PGP signature

Re: network connection dies randomly?

2000-04-04 Thread Mikko Hänninen

John W. Lemons III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Tue, 04 Apr 2000:
> Another detail that may help...  When the connection appears hung,
> netstat -r
> hangs before it reports the default route.  I can't even kill it.  Is the
> routing table getting hosed?  If so, how?

Usually when "netstat -r" appears to hang, it's because it is trying to
do a DNS (hostname) lookup for the entries it will display, but the DNS
service is not responding properly.  Althought a ctrl-C should make it
stop if that's the problem.

It's easy to test if that is the problem thought: try using netstat -rn
instead of netstat -r.  The extra n tells netstat not to do any name
lookups.  If netstat -rn prints stuff but netstat -r doesn't, then you
have a DNS problem.

Note that the DNS problem might be a symptom, not a cause...  If your
net connection is not working and your configured DNS server is beyond
that non-working connection, DNS lookups will of course appear to block
(until timeout) and then fail.

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
We're not surrounded, we're in a target-rich environment!

Re: network connection dies randomly?

2000-04-04 Thread Charles Cazabon

John W. Lemons III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >What makes you think it's the DSL connection that is "hanging"?
> >Or are you saying that "from my Linux box I can no longer send or receive
> >any packets". If so, could it simply be a problem with the Linux box and
> qmail?
> Its the best way I could come up with to describe the problem.  :)
> I don't get any network traffic over that device (eth0), but eth1 to my
> internal network is still fine.
> >Is the DSL modem indicating that it's hung?
> Not that I can tell.  Its just that eth0 seems non-responsive.

Does ifdown eth0; ifup eth0 do anything to resolve the problem?  There's
a couple of ethernet drivers in the Linux kernel which are known to have
some problems under 2.2.x exhibiting symptoms very much like this one.

What Linux kernel are you running?

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: multi domain problem, fetchmail?!

2000-04-04 Thread Charles Cazabon

Seyyed Hamid Reza Hashemi Golpayegani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks ! but is there any way that we can solve this problem only with
> .qmail file not with virtual domains ?

> > Seyyed Hamid Reza Hashemi Golpayegani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > we have several domains hosted on our machine, we
> > > want to store all of the emails for one of our domains
> > > into someone's mailbox.
> > > for example:
> > > we have and, we want to deliver
> > > any email on this domain (for example [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED],  and in general [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > > to one e-mail address on that is:
> > > how can we do that?

But you already said you're hosting several domains on that machine -- 
obviously they're not all local -- or are they?

If you want _all_ mail for one domain delivered into a single Maildir,
a virtual domain is a perfect solution.  Why don't you want to do this?
Perhaps if you tell us what problem you're trying to solve (rather than
how to implement the solution you've already picked out) we can offer
some better advice.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

My server STOP delivering mails

2000-04-04 Thread Ricardo D. Albano

I'm running a large site email server with qmail1.03 as inbound relay, the
server works with a medium of 600 concurrent inbound connections and relay
they to another host that makes the local delivery.

All time I see the 'qmail-smtpd' and 'qmail-remote' processes to see if all
is working well. qmail-remote mantains in a value of 20 procs. simultaneous,
but in a moment qmail-remote stop tunning, no more qmail-remote processes
was lunched and my queue grow up every second.

I see this error in the /var/log/maillog :

delivery 18323: deferral:

repeated a lot of time.

What can be the problem ?


Weird CNAME lookup failure?

2000-04-04 Thread Bill Rogers

qmail-1.03, cname patch applied. SCO openserver 5.0.5

everything seems to be right, but it can't do lookups?

The program dnsip correctly finds ip address.

Will deliver locally, will receive.

Everything seems to be working, just that nothing is working.

Please help,

Mail addressed to "" delivered locally

2000-04-04 Thread Matt Cooney

Hi listees,

I'm running a couple of qmail servers, mainly as secondaries but I also receive
my personal mail with them. Over the weekend somebody sent email to each IP
address on our network to see if they could find a relay.

To my surprise, the emails sent to qmail servers were forwarded to me. I would
have expected qmail to reject them. I'm not worried about the probe, since we
obviously didn't relay, but I do wonder why I received them.

Here's an example email:

  Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Received: (qmail 9084 invoked by alias); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -
  Received: (qmail 9081 invoked from network); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -
  Received: from (HELO LocalHost) (
by with SMTP; 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -


Obviously, there's no entry "" in control/locals or
control/rcpthosts. I do have a alias/.qmail-default file which forwards mail to
me, but I thought qmail wouldn't accept mail addressed to

Can somebody explain to this qmail innocent why I received them?


Is qmail suitable for a home user?

2000-04-04 Thread Jeremias Galletti


I'm trying to migrate from Windows 98 to Linux. Now I'm using my
computer mainly for email, so a good email implementation is vital
to my system. I've read the Mail-HOWTO and it recommends
people to use qmail instead of sendmail. I've successfully
downloaded and compiled qmail, but so far I haven't been able to
configure it right.

The first problem arises when I have to tell qmail my FQDN. I
connect to the Internet through my ISP, which assigns me a
different dynamic IP address every time. My hostname is precious,
so what should my FQDN be?

I played aroung with different FQDN values and found that
[EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to work. But when I try to
send an email locally, I get different error messages saying
something about one of qmail's daemons not being able to chdir to
the mail directory. I've created mailboxes for root and my username
with the utility included with qmail. Do I have to change the
directory permissions?

I've read all the qmail docs I could find, and so far they seem to be
oriented to big systems. Should I use qmail? My laptop is not
connected to a network, and it only has one user. Has anyone
successfully configured qmail for this particular kind of system?
Any tips, suggestions or pointers would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Jeremías Galletti
ICQ# 38969513

Re: qmail RPM that supports ldap?

2000-04-04 Thread Chris Garrigues

> From:  "Chris Garrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:  Tue, 04 Apr 2000 16:02:04 -0500
> I'm in the process of migrating towards LDAP.  I just discovered (the hard 
> way) that the pop3 daemon that I'm using (from the qmail-1.03-11ucspi RPM) 
> doesn't see users who only exist in LDAP.  So, since I eventually want to 
> switch to a qmail with the LDAP patches, I guess it's time to ask if anybody's 
> got an RPM with the LDAP patches.  If not, (since I need an RPM based 
> solution), which SRPM would be the best April 2000 starting point to add LDAP 
> patches to?

Well, it turns out that by fixing the files in /etc/pam.d I solved my 
immediate problem, but my question still stands because I eventually do want 
to integrate the LDAP patches because of the additional functionality that 
they'll provide.


Chris Garrigues virCIO
http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/   http://www.virCIO.Com
+1 512 432 4046 +1 512 374 0500
4314 Avenue C
O-  Austin, TX  78751-3709

  My email address is an experiment in SPAM elimination.  For an
  explanation of what we're doing, see http://www.DeepEddy.Com/tms.html 

Nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft,
  but they could get fired for relying on Microsoft.

 PGP signature

qmail-remote concurrent

2000-04-04 Thread Ricardo D. Albano

How can I increment the number of "simultaneous remote delivery", ie. more
than 20 qmail-remote procs. at the same time ?, I was tryed with
"/var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote" but every time the max "qmail-remote"
still in 20 processes.


virtual domains/users with vpopmail, but different pop-usernames ?

2000-04-04 Thread Markus Fischer


I'm now successfully running qmail/vpopmail. Everything works
fine, but I still have a little feature request ...

when there is [EMAIL PROTECTED] then the pop3 username
is 'virtualuser%virtual.domain'.

Is there a way to 

1) Make one of the local system accounts, whose homedir is _not_
pointing to ~vpopmail/domains/virtual.domain/virtualuser, be used
for accessing [EMAIL PROTECTED] ./Maildir/ ?


2) Or just make some lokal alias so e.g. only username 'e820'
has to be used to access the mailbox for

The whole thing is for two reason: keep consistency with ftp
uploads and pop3 usernames and second for migrating the site ...

kindly regards,

Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Re: qmail-remote concurrent

2000-04-04 Thread Markus Stumpf

On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 08:53:31PM -0300, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
> How can I increment the number of "simultaneous remote delivery", ie. more
> than 20 qmail-remote procs. at the same time ?, I was tryed with
> "/var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote" but every time the max "qmail-remote"
> still in 20 processes.

After making changes to that file you have to restart (kill -HUP ist not
sufficient) qmail-send in order to make the changes become effective.


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Still problem with

2000-04-04 Thread Ismal Hisham Darus

My site still have porbelm connecting with .. everytime i 
got the message :  Connected_to_128.11.23.225_but_connection_died. I 
even send an email to and successfully sent the email. Does needs another patch ? please help ..

Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
Asst. Manager, System Support
John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad

Re: Still problem with

2000-04-04 Thread Chris Johnson

On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 09:50:05AM +0800, Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> My site still have porbelm connecting with .. everytime i got the
> message :  Connected_to_128.11.23.225_but_connection_died. I even send an
> email to and successfully sent the email. Does needs
> another patch ? please help ..

Neither of's mail exchangers is answering right now. It's not your
problem. Don't worry about it.


ezmlm question.

2000-04-04 Thread Russell Davies

I'd like to set up mailing lists via ezmlm, however employing
the method outlined in INSTALL that comes with the ezmlm distribution
I'm left with ugly .qmail-list* files cluttering my $HOME.

Can anybody suggest a neater way of structuring the files necessary
to maintain a mailing list? I suppose what I would prefer is to 
have at most ONE dotfile, namely .qmail, which takes care of 
referring to other configuration files which I can stash elsewhere.

Any thoughts?


Re: Still problem with

2000-04-04 Thread Bryan White

> On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 09:50:05AM +0800, Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> > My site still have porbelm connecting with .. everytime i got
> > message :  Connected_to_128.11.23.225_but_connection_died. I even send
> > email to and successfully sent the email. Does needs
> > another patch ? please help ..
> Neither of's mail exchangers is answering right now. It's not
> problem. Don't worry about it.

Any idea how long till they will be back up?  Is there someplace to find
this information.  I have been struggling with mails queues clogged with
messages for all day.  I am on the virge of rejecting new messages
to the yahoo domain.

Re: Is qmail suitable for a home user?

2000-04-04 Thread Charles Cazabon

Jeremias Galletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to migrate from Windows 98 to Linux. Now I'm using my 
> computer mainly for email, so a good email implementation is vital 
> to my system. I've read the Mail-HOWTO and it recommends 
> people to use qmail instead of sendmail. I've successfully 
> downloaded and compiled qmail, but so far I haven't been able to 
> configure it right.

First off, qmail is probably overkill for you.  If you just want to use
your system to read mail from the mail account that your ISP provides you,
maybe you should try nullmailer instead, by Bruce Guenter.  It's a simple
but reliable MTA, with much of its design inspired by qmail.  It simply 
provides a mail interface which will automatically send all outgoing mail
to a smarthost -- typically your ISP's SMTP server, though there are other

You can find it at:
> The first problem arises when I have to tell qmail my FQDN. I 
> connect to the Internet through my ISP, which assigns me a 
> different dynamic IP address every time. My hostname is precious, 
> so what should my FQDN be?

If you don't own a domain, pick something that doesn't exist (and can't
exist, like a non-existent top-level domain) -- something like

This really doesn't matter, as your mailer will deliver locally-injected
mail to local accounts whatever the domain name is once it's configured
properly.  As for mail you send to the real world, configure your MUA (like
mutt) to send using a From: and envelope sender of the account your ISP
provides you ([EMAIL PROTECTED], etc).

Then use something like getmail or fetchmail to retrieve your mail from your
ISP onto your Linux box to read, or use a POP3-enabled mail client to retrieve
it directly.

You can get getmail at:
> I played aroung with different FQDN values and found that 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to work. But when I try to 
> send an email locally, I get different error messages saying 
> something about one of qmail's daemons not being able to chdir to 
> the mail directory. I've created mailboxes for root and my username 
> with the utility included with qmail. Do I have to change the 
> directory permissions?

Depends what your default delivery instructions are, and what (if any)
.qmail files you have.  The typical installation of qmail uses Maildirs
for default delivery, and therefore it won't deliver to an mbox file.

Try doing `maildirmake ~/Maildir` as the user in question and see if the
error message goes away.
> I've read all the qmail docs I could find, and so far they seem to be 
> oriented to big systems. Should I use qmail? My laptop is not 
> connected to a network, and it only has one user. Has anyone 
> successfully configured qmail for this particular kind of system? 
> Any tips, suggestions or pointers would be really appreciated.

Again, I would recommend nullmailer for this purpose.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Is qmail suitable for a home user?

2000-04-04 Thread rogers-qmail

   From: "Jeremias Galletti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 20:22:12 -0300


   I'm trying to migrate from Windows 98 to Linux. Now I'm using my
   computer mainly for email, so a good email implementation is vital
   to my system. I've read the Mail-HOWTO and it recommends
   people to use qmail instead of sendmail. I've successfully
   downloaded and compiled qmail, but so far I haven't been able to
   configure it right.

   The first problem arises when I have to tell qmail my FQDN. I
   connect to the Internet through my ISP, which assigns me a
   different dynamic IP address every time. My hostname is precious,
   so what should my FQDN be?

I have a similar needs & configuration, though I'm connected through via a cable modem.  When they hooked me up, they assigned
the name "", based on the ether address.
They arrange to have that name resolve to my DHCP-assigned IP address,
so that is what I've arranged "hostname" to return, ugly as it is.  This
way mailing lists (qmail in particular) can dump mail into my SMTP port,
and I can use the full power of .qmail files for the envelope address,
without having to go through the tiny little pipe, i.e. one subscriber
address, provided by MediaOne.

   I played aroung with different FQDN values and found that
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to work. But when I try to
   send an email locally, I get different error messages saying
   something about one of qmail's daemons not being able to chdir to
   the mail directory. I've created mailboxes for root and my username
   with the utility included with qmail. Do I have to change the
   directory permissions?

Mail to root won't work, due to security considerations.  Put your
address (not your maildir path) in the ~alias/.qmail-root file.
Otherwise, you should be more specific about your configuration, perhaps
by including

ls -ld ~/ ~/Maildir/
head ~/.qmail*

And is your hostname precious, or is your user name precious?

   I've read all the qmail docs I could find, and so far they seem to be
   oriented to big systems. Should I use qmail? . . .
   Any tips, suggestions or pointers would be really appreciated.

   Thanks in advance,

   Jeremías Galletti
   ICQ# 38969513

I find it worthwhile, even on my minimal net:

   1.  Using .qmail-foo to subscribe to the foo list is really
convenient for traffic management (though of course there are other

   2.  It allows me to give my wife her own email address with POP
service on my machine, since MediaOne still hasn't delivered on multiple
email addresses per cable account;

   3.  I can contemplate setting up low-volume mailing lists for groups
of friends (though I haven't actually done this yet); and

   4.  Anything to avoid having to learn hackery.

-- Bob Rogers

Re: Still problem with

2000-04-04 Thread frob

On 05-Apr-2000 Bryan White wrote: 
> Any idea how long till they will be back up?  Is there someplace to find
> this information.  I have been struggling with mails queues clogged with
> messages for all day.  I am on the virge of rejecting new messages
> to the yahoo domain.

I have the same problem here - connections to mailservers are
timing out, resulting in a significant number of my concurrencyremote
connections beibg unusable.  Is there a mechanism for shuffling these
messages off to the side until yahoo comes back?  How about control/serverisdead
so that email to a broken server is passed over when the queue is
processed.  Alternatively, a means of limiting the number of outbound
connections to a server is something I've been thinking about for awhile -
I do this for inbound connections after a customers script opened
120 connections to an SMTP server and then took forever to deliver the

Rick Lyons
PowerUp Internet

Re: Is qmail suitable for a home user?

2000-04-04 Thread Manfred Bartz

"Jeremias Galletti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm trying to migrate from Windows 98 to Linux. Now I'm using my 
> computer mainly for email, so a good email implementation is vital 
> to my system. I've read the Mail-HOWTO and it recommends 
> people to use qmail instead of sendmail. I've successfully 
> downloaded and compiled qmail, but so far I haven't been able to 
> configure it right.

If you have only one computer and all you want is to access a pop3
account at your ISP then you don't need any MTA (qmail or other).
Just use Netscape to get your email straight from the ISP.  Same for
sending email.  

On a side-note: One of the best (IMHO) Mail User Agents (MUA) is
``gnus'' which is an application running inside emacs or xemacs (a
programmer's editor).  It can sort your mail into various folders and
sort and score it before you even see it.  The learning curve is a bit
steep, but it is rewarding -- I love it.  Like netscape, gnus can talk
directly to your ISP.

> The first problem arises when I have to tell qmail my FQDN. I 
> connect to the Internet through my ISP, which assigns me a 
> different dynamic IP address every time. My hostname is precious, 
> so what should my FQDN be?

Your system should have networking enabled even if its just a single
PC.  Choose any name you like, but it probably will save you some
grief if the domain name does not occur on the Internet.
``local.null'' is a possibility.  Your host would then have a FQDN of

You should also choose a private IP address range:  
``net'' can be any number from 0 to 255, 
``host'' can be anything from 1 to 254.

> I played aroung with different FQDN values and found that 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to work. But when I try to 
> send an email locally, I get different error messages saying 
> something about one of qmail's daemons not being able to chdir to 
> the mail directory. I've created mailboxes for root and my username 
> with the utility included with qmail. Do I have to change the 
> directory permissions?

The maildir or mbox file should only be readable and writeable by you.
It would help if you give us the exact error message and what lead up
to it.

Have you created the necessary users and groups with the appropriate
numbers in /etc/passwd and /etc/group before compiling qmail?

> I've read all the qmail docs I could find, and so far they seem to be 
> oriented to big systems. 

Mostly true, but you will find info relevant for small systems.

Other than the author's web site there is  with a
wealth of additional information. The Linux HOWTOs are very good too.

> Should I use qmail? My laptop is not connected to a network, and it
> only has one user. Has anyone successfully configured qmail for this
> particular kind of system?

The only reason (I can think of) why you might want to install qmail
would be for educational purposes.  I had a system like that once.

You also need ``fetchmail'' and optionally ``procmail'' to get mail
from your ISP and ``serialmail'' (from the qmail site) to send mail to
your ISP.

Manfred Bartz

Re: Mail addressed to "" delivered locally

2000-04-04 Thread Magnus Bodin

On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 10:41:03AM +1200, Matt Cooney wrote:
> Here's an example email:
>   Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Received: (qmail 9084 invoked by alias); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -
>   Received: (qmail 9081 invoked from network); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -
>   Received: from (HELO LocalHost) (
> by with SMTP; 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -

No. You have deleted text from it.
> Obviously, there's no entry "" in control/locals or
> control/rcpthosts. I do have a alias/.qmail-default file which forwards mail to
> me, but I thought qmail wouldn't accept mail addressed to
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at all.

It doesn't if you have a non-empty rcpthosts without in it.
BUT! You are referring to the to-line.
Not the envelope. What's interesting is to see what your log files says
about that letter. There you will find the envelope address. Or maybe in the
text that you removed from the second delivered-to-line.


Re: Mail addressed to "" delivered locally

2000-04-04 Thread Matt Cooney

Thanks Magnus.

I'll continue inline:

On 5/4/00 at 7:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Magnus Bodin) wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 10:41:03AM +1200, Matt Cooney wrote:
> > 
> > Here's an example email:
> > 
> >   Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   Received: (qmail 9084 invoked by alias); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -
> >
> >   Received: (qmail 9081 invoked from network); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -
> >   Received: from (HELO LocalHost)
> > by with SMTP; 2 Apr 2000 07:31:51 -
> >   From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >   To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > 
> >   To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >
> No. You have deleted text from it.

No, I haven't. What looks to be missing?

> > Obviously, there's no entry "" in control/locals or
> > control/rcpthosts. I do have a alias/.qmail-default file which forwards mail
> > me, but I thought qmail wouldn't accept mail addressed to
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at all.
> It doesn't if you have a non-empty rcpthosts without in it.

That's my configuration.

> BUT! You are referring to the to-line.
> Not the envelope. What's interesting is to see what your log files says
> about that letter. There you will find the envelope address. Or maybe in the
> text that you removed from the second delivered-to-line.

>From /var/log/qmail/@0954307597:

  954660703.528767 new msg 50037
  954660703.528792 info msg 50037: bytes 324 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 10299
uid 81
  954660703.582901 starting delivery 13: msg 50037 to local
  954660703.582961 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20

>From /var/log/qmail-smtpd/@0954307597:

  954536631.266401 tcpserver: status: 0/40
  954660697.342124 tcpserver: status: 1/40
  954660697.342675 tcpserver: pid 10298 from
  954660699.015289 tcpserver: ok 10298
  954660704.181581 tcpserver: end 10298 status 0
  954660704.181754 tcpserver: status: 0/40

Before somebody points it out: these logs are from a different machine to the
original email I posted -- it's not handling any real load so it's easier to
browse the logs, and it isn't running any extra software like vpopmail. The
original emails are essentially the same: the email sent to this machine
( looked like this:

  Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Received: (qmail 9076 invoked from network); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:45 -
  Received: from (
by with SMTP; 2 Apr 2000 07:31:45 -
  Received: (qmail 10302 invoked by alias); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:43 -
  Received: (qmail 10299 invoked from network); 2 Apr 2000 07:31:42 -
  Received: from (HELO LocalHost) (
by with SMTP; 2 Apr 2000 07:31:42 -


Only configuration difference is that the alias/.qmail-default file on this
machine forwarded the email to my account on another machine,

Does this shed any light?


Re: ezmlm question.

2000-04-04 Thread markd

On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 12:45:59PM +1000, Russell Davies wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'd like to set up mailing lists via ezmlm, however employing
>   the method outlined in INSTALL that comes with the ezmlm distribution
>   I'm left with ugly .qmail-list* files cluttering my $HOME.
>   Can anybody suggest a neater way of structuring the files necessary
>   to maintain a mailing list? I suppose what I would prefer is to 
>   have at most ONE dotfile, namely .qmail, which takes care of 
>   referring to other configuration files which I can stash elsewhere.
>   Any thoughts?

Yep. Get over it. Seriously, what's the big deal with a "clutter" of files? I think
it's actually four files, right? And small files at that which take up virtually
no resources as far as the computer is concerned.

I presume your complaint is one of aesthetics or is their some real system
issue with this?


Re: Still problem with

2000-04-04 Thread markd

On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 10:47:59PM -0400, Bryan White wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 09:50:05AM +0800, Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> > > My site still have porbelm connecting with .. everytime i got
> the
> > > message :  Connected_to_128.11.23.225_but_connection_died. I even send
> an
> > > email to and successfully sent the email. Does needs
> > > another patch ? please help ..
> >
> > Neither of's mail exchangers is answering right now. It's not
> your
> > problem. Don't worry about it.
> Any idea how long till they will be back up?  Is there someplace to find
> this information.  I have been struggling with mails queues clogged with
> messages for all day.  I am on the virge of rejecting new messages
> to the yahoo domain.

In what way are you "struggling"? Sure there may be plenty of emails in your queue,
but is it really hurting? Or do you just not like that idea of qmail-remote failing
and seeing the corresponding log entry? Remote delivery is very cheap with qmail so
you don't need to be too concerned unless the yahoo mail is consuming all of your
concurrencyremote. If it's not, then you can sleep soundly as it's no big deal.


Re: Still problem with

2000-04-04 Thread markd

On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 01:29:16PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 05-Apr-2000 Bryan White wrote: 
> > 
> > Any idea how long till they will be back up?  Is there someplace to find
> > this information.  I have been struggling with mails queues clogged with
> > messages for all day.  I am on the virge of rejecting new messages
> > to the yahoo domain.
> I have the same problem here - connections to mailservers are
> timing out, resulting in a significant number of my concurrencyremote
> connections beibg unusable.  Is there a mechanism for shuffling these
> messages off to the side until yahoo comes back?  How about control/serverisdead
> so that email to a broken server is passed over when the queue is
> processed.  Alternatively, a means of limiting the number of outbound
> connections to a server is something I've been thinking about for awhile -

And so have others. Check the archives as very serious discussions on this matter
have been had on numerous occasions.  It's not an easy problem and it's not easily
changes in qmail.

One hack you could do is to place an smtproutes entry that fails very quickly
so your qmail-remote slots aren't consumed for long. Perhaps:

# echo '[]' >>/var/qmail/control/smtproutes



2000-04-04 Thread Casey Zacek

Ok, we have an issue with wSendmail 1.5 that we have to use for a
client's software, and we need it to relay through our qmail box.  I
think it's sending CRLF instead of LF at the ends of its lines thanks
to sniffit, and qmail's response is:

451 See

That file doesn't exist on djb's site, though, but from the URL I am
assuming it means wSendmail is sending CRLF...

This sucks, but what can I do to make qmail accept it anyway?  Is
there some configuration I'm missing, or do I have to (sigh) add a
stupid hack to the source myself?


-- Casey Zacek
   Senior Staff Engineer

Re: Still problem with

2000-04-04 Thread Ismal Hisham Darus

Well it just "eaten up" my queues only :-) now occupied 16/23. A bit 
worried only  :-).

anyway thanks for your advise & suggestion..

Date sent:  Tue, 4 Apr 2000 23:20:24 -0700
To: Bryan White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copies to:  Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject:Re: Still problem with

On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 10:47:59PM -0400, Bryan White wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 09:50:05AM +0800, Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> > > My site still have porbelm connecting with .. everytime i got
> the
> > > message :  Connected_to_128.11.23.225_but_connection_died. I even send
> an
> > > email to and successfully sent the email. Does needs
> > > another patch ? please help ..
> >
> > Neither of's mail exchangers is answering right now. It's not
> your
> > problem. Don't worry about it.
> Any idea how long till they will be back up?  Is there someplace to find
> this information.  I have been struggling with mails queues clogged with
> messages for all day.  I am on the virge of rejecting new messages
> to the yahoo domain.

In what way are you "struggling"? Sure there may be plenty of emails in your queue,
but is it really hurting? Or do you just not like that idea of qmail-remote failing
and seeing the corresponding log entry? Remote delivery is very cheap with qmail so
you don't need to be too concerned unless the yahoo mail is consuming all of your
concurrencyremote. If it's not, then you can sleep soundly as it's no big deal.


Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
Asst. Manager, System Support
John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad

Re: Mail addressed to "" delivered locally

2000-04-04 Thread Magnus Bodin

On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 05:41:30PM +1200, Matt Cooney wrote:
>   954660703.528767 new msg 50037
>   954660703.528792 info msg 50037: bytes 324 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 10299
> uid 81
>   954660703.582901 starting delivery 13: msg 50037 to local
>   954660703.582961 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20

That's it. The Enevelope addressee is

That is delivered to ~alias/.qmail-default, which deliveres it further.

The mail is SENT to a local address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". 
Most possible, the actual RCPT TO looked like this:

RCPT TO:<___>

which added control/defaultdomain or control/me to the address, and there
you have it. A local delivery.

Then the mailheaders can say anything. 

A dumb relay tester I'd say.



Re: Still problem with

2000-04-04 Thread markd

On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 02:45:18PM +0800, Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> Well it just "eaten up" my queues only :-) now occupied 16/23. A bit 
> worried only  :-).

So you have free slots, then it's a non-issue. Good!


> anyway thanks for your advise & suggestion..
> Date sent:Tue, 4 Apr 2000 23:20:24 -0700
> To:   Bryan White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Copies to:Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Subject:  Re: Still problem with
> On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 10:47:59PM -0400, Bryan White wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 09:50:05AM +0800, Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> > > > My site still have porbelm connecting with .. everytime i got
> > the
> > > > message :  Connected_to_128.11.23.225_but_connection_died. I even send
> > an
> > > > email to and successfully sent the email. Does needs
> > > > another patch ? please help ..
> > >
> > > Neither of's mail exchangers is answering right now. It's not
> > your
> > > problem. Don't worry about it.
> > 
> > Any idea how long till they will be back up?  Is there someplace to find
> > this information.  I have been struggling with mails queues clogged with
> > messages for all day.  I am on the virge of rejecting new messages
> > to the yahoo domain.
> In what way are you "struggling"? Sure there may be plenty of emails in your queue,
> but is it really hurting? Or do you just not like that idea of qmail-remote failing
> and seeing the corresponding log entry? Remote delivery is very cheap with qmail so
> you don't need to be too concerned unless the yahoo mail is consuming all of your
> concurrencyremote. If it's not, then you can sleep soundly as it's no big deal.
> Regards.
> Ismal Hisham Mohd Darus
> Asst. Manager, System Support
> John Hancock Life Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad