Re: DVD's in RH8

2003-03-25 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 13:11, Gene Yoo wrote:
> Mike Taggart wrote:
> > Is there any software already built in to RH8 to play DVD's?
> >  
> > I've looked and don't see anything that would play back a DVD - but then 
> > again, this is all very new to me and am still learning.
> >  
> > Thanks,
> >  
> > Mike
> mike - i didn't see it either, but i downloaded OGLE -> 
>  gene
> -- 

Ogle is nice because it supports DVD menus - but I personally prefer
mplayer because it is faster at cracking decryption keys.

Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Sound card disabled

2003-03-25 Thread Michael A. Peters
If you know what module it uses - add this to /etc/rc.local

/sbin/modprobe modulename

for example - the i810_audio module is what I need - so I use

/sbin/modprobe i810_audio

at the end of /etc/rc.local

Some sound cards (SBLive for example) don't seem to need this - but at
least on my system, this one does.

On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 10:07, Mike Taggart wrote:
> My sound card is installed and recognized but is disabled - how do you
> enable the sound card?
> I've posted this request before but haven't received a response - so i
> wanted to re-post this to see if anyone can help me out.
> Thanks,
> Mike
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: upgrading your system... my experience

2003-03-25 Thread Michael A. Peters
I had RH8 installed on a Asus VIA board w/ a 900 MHz Athlon.
CPU died.
I built a new box using an Asus A7N8X Deluxe and XP 2700+.

No more was I using the SoundBlaster Live, the VooDoo3, USB was now OHCI
opposed to UHCI, I didn't move the old NIC's over. Only thing that was
the same was the hard drive, cdrw drive, and PCI modem (rarely used -
only when broadband is down and I _must_ connect)

Everything went perfectly - the nics on the new board were not supported
by the default kernel. It detected they were removed.

Once I built the new kernel (which supported the 3com nic) kudzo
migrated the old eth0 settings on over - couldn't have been easier.
Ditto for eth0 once I installed nvidia's evil ;) kernel tainting closed
source nvnet driver. ( btw - please sign my petition at )

Only thing I had to manually do is have the i810_audio drive load in

Linux handles changing motherboard/cpu very well - especially with

You think an expensive commercial OS like Windows would be on par - but
apparently not ;)

I think it's more tricky when going from AMD to Intel (or vice versa) -
I think to do that, you'd need build a kernel that supports both before
changing. not positive though.

Also - you want to recompile mplayer after changing the cpu.

On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 08:42, Tony Preston wrote:
> RH 6.2 was a totally different story, it recognized the new stuff, forgot about
> the old stuff and booted normally (even recognized the change in video cards!).
> I was absolutely amazed (especially after the Win 98 experience).
> I know this is like preaching to the choir, but I really was expecting a bit more
> than just rebooting to upgrade just about everything:)

Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: RedHat 9.0 - The Practical Side

2003-03-25 Thread Michael A. Peters
The biggest problem you might run into is some config files in your home
directory that have changed spec, but that has only happened to me once
- I think when going from a pre 1 version of gnome to a much newer one.

If that happens - just delete the config file.

What you want to do - copy these files to a floppy:

Any data not in your home directory that you want to save, back them up
too. Such as /etc/httpd/httpd.conf if you use Apache and have customized
it. You might want to save your ssl key too, but I never bother to on a
home machine.

When you install the new distro, choose your current /home partition
with a mount point of /home but DO NOT choose to format it.

Let the install go, don't create a new user - just the root user is

Boot into single the root account, mount the floppy, and run:

cat /mnt/floppy/shadow > /etc/shadow
cat /mnt/floppy/group > /etc/group
cat /mnt/floppy/passwd > /etc/passwd

reboot - and you should be able to log into any of your user accounts
just fine.

If you don't have a burner - I *really* recommend you have a friend burn
the iso's. Really.

I don't know where you live, but in California (most of the US I
suspect) you can get an IDE cdrw drive for about $50.00 now new. They
really have dropped in price. But if you can't afford it, really - get a
friend to burn it. You probably want to burn backups of your home
directory anyway just in case something goes wrong.

If I were you, though - I'd wait to install RH9 until about a month
after it has been released. That way you can see pitfalls to avoid - and
show stopper bugs have a better chance of having patches easily

On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 00:36, Jim Wilferling wrote:
>Alright, so I'm annoyed. Just learning linux, and I've gone through 7.2,
> 8.0, and was anticipating 8.1. so now there's 9.0, so whatI've tried to install 
> 8.1 beta rpms, and there were worse problems than there were with 8.0.
> So we copeI'm not about to switch distros so quickly, just cause of some 
> version hullaboo. But I want the new release, If it contains gnome 2.2. Heres the 
> rub. When they say binary incompatable, will my /home dir, which is its own 
> partition, mess up a new9.0 istall? should I delete all my /home/Jim/.* files? And 
> does this binary incompatability mean that I wont ever be able to just upgrade rpms 
> on the fly? If not, is there a way to mount a disc image without it being on a disc? 
> (I dont have a burner.)
> Basically, I'm game, But does it brown the food?
> _jim
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: RedHat 9.0 - The Practical Side

2003-03-25 Thread Michael A. Peters
Not very fancy - but it works (attached shell script).
At some point I plan to add an option to specify the mount point if
/mnt/iso doesn't exist - but simple as it is, I never got around to it

On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 01:39, Willem van der Walt wrote:
> is there a way to mount a disc image without it being on a disc? (
> I dont have a burner.)
> mount -tiso9660 disk.iso /mnt/cdrom -o loop
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


if [ ! -d $mnt ]; then
	echo "$mnt does not exist"
	exit 1

if [ `mount |grep -c "/mnt/iso"` -gt 0 ]; then
	echo "An ISO image is already mounted on $mnt"
	echo "Please choose a different mountpoint"
	exit 1
if [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then
	mount -o loop -t iso9660 $1 $mnt
	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
		echo "mount failed"
		exit 1
	su root --command="mount -o loop -t iso9660 $1 $mnt"
	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
		echo "mount failed"
		exit 1

Re: hdparm - exist?

2003-03-03 Thread Michael A. Peters
If I recall - Red Hat has made it so you have to go through hoops to
enable DMA on cdrom/dvd devices.

I don't use Red Hat's kernel so that's not an issue for me - but
apparently, with Red Hat's kernel, you have to add a line to
modules.conf to be able to enable dma on your dvd drive.

I think the ogle website has info on how to do it.

On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 19:40, knesbitt wrote:
> I am having trouble trying to get mplayer to play dvd's without momentary
> freezing. The reference docs make mention of the "hdparm" command to set the
> DMA and read ahead modes on the drive. Has this feature not been compiled
> into the current 8.0 kernel? I receive a "bad command" when I attempt to run
> this at the command line. Not sure how to querry the status of the device
> ore set the DMA without this command.
> Appreciate any help!
> Regards,
> K. Nesbitt
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: module-info?

2003-03-01 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 05:42, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
> > I didn't *expect* anything.  Except the odd flame thrower or course.
> Then you should re-word your postings.
> > I thought I would try and ask for help.  I didn't expect to be told not
> > to ask for help by somebody.
> You weren't.  You were told not to _demand_ help by somebody, which you
> did.
> Jon

You know - I never got the impression that he demanded an answer, and to
be blunt, there are far too many netiquette nazis on e-mail lists who do
nothing but look for posts to bitch at. It wastes bandwidth and makes
lists unpleasant - and in this thread, was way out of line.

That being said - I am _very_ interested in how this module-info file is
used. Interestingly enough - the Red Hat kernels install their own
version on install, and create a symlink to module-info.

I haven't seen a single change in the file in RH8 - but if the file
isn't used for anything, why do the Red Hat RPM's go through the trouble
of ln -sf module-info-version module-info

The and vmlinuz symlinks I can understand - but why the
module-info one? What the hell is it used for?

Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Installing source rpm, RH8.0

2003-03-01 Thread Michael A. Peters
A source rpm makes no entries to the rpm database, so rpm -q won't
display anything.

I have NO CLUE why Red Hat doesn't do this by default (they should) but
you don't want to install src.rpm's as root (or build them as root).

create a directory in your home directory called rpm
Within that directory put the necessary subdirectories:


once those are created - create a file in your home directory called
.rpmmacros and put the following in it:

%_tmppath %{_topdir}/tmp

That way - you can install src.rpm's and build rpm's without being root,
which is much safer to your system - especially if you are learning how
to program and messing with creating rpm's yourself.

On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 03:15, Greg Stewart wrote:
> I've installed RH psyche in order to learn how to program on linux, and I've
> been trying to install source code, particularly that for vim.
> Running:
> rpm -i -v vim-6.1-14.src.rpm (as root from the package dir) prints out
> vim-6.1-14
> but rpm -q -v vim-6.1-14 indicates the package isn't installed. All
> that happens is that about 100 patch and tar.gz files etc are created in
> /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/.
> It's as if some script was supposed to be run to amalgamate them and
> doesn't. Trying to install using redhat-config-packages doesn't do much
> better, except that an rpm -q will indicate the package installed - the
> files in /SOURCES/ remain the same unusable bunch...
> The machine isn't internet connected so I can't just download source willy
> nilly from the web. Any pointers would be very useful.
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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grubby complains

2003-03-01 Thread Michael A. Peters
Howdy- I am maintaining a kernel for the A7N8X (nforce2) boards with Red
Hat Linux. With kernel 2.4.21pre5 I decided to try and have my kernel
rpm add the kernel to the boot loader automagically, following the
example in the Red Hat kernel rpm spec file.

I use lilo, and it does not seem to work - grubby complains:

grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template

The kernel is not added to lilo.
It does seem to properly add it to a grub.conf file, though.

If I install a Red Hat kernel, lilo gets properly updated.
What the hell is going on?

Here is my %post section of the rpm spec file:
if [ `grep -c "i810_audio" /etc/rc.local` -eq 0 ]; then
echo "/sbin/modprobe i810_audio" >> /etc/rc.local
cd /boot
ln -sf module-info-%{patchversion} module-info
ln -sf{patchversion}
ln -sf vmlinuz-%{patchversion} vmlinuz
[ -x /usr/sbin/module_upgrade ] && /usr/sbin/module_upgrade
[ -x /sbin/mkkerneldoth ] && /sbin/mkkerneldoth

if [ -x /sbin/new-kernel-pkg ]; then
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --mkinitrd --depmod --install

The complete spec file is attached.
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
%define name nf_kernel
%define tarname linux
%define majorversion 2.4.20
%define patchversion 2.4.21-pre5
%define release 3
%define __spec_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress || :
%define kernversion %{majorversion}-%{patchversion}

Name: %{name}
Version: %{majorversion}
Release: %release
License: GPL
Summary: Linux Kernel
Source0: %{tarname}-%{majorversion}.tar.gz
Source1: RedAthConfig-%{majorversion}-%{patchversion}
Source2: module-info
#Source3: NVIDIA_nforce-1.0-0248.tar.gz
NoSource: 0
Patch0: patch-%{patchversion}
Patch1: asusa7n8x_3com.diff
#Patch2: nforce2ide.diff
Patch3: 2.4.21-pre5.mtd.chips.Makefile.patch
Patch4: ieee1394.patch-2.4.21-pre5.patch
Patch5: 2.4.21-pre5.auermain.patch
Group: System Environment/Kernel
Packager: Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{kernversion}-root
BuildArch: athlon
Requires: redhat-release = 8.0

A patched kernel to provide better support for nforc2 chipset

#%setup -n nforce_kernel -c -a0 -a3
%setup -n nforce_kernel -c -a0
cd %{tarname}-%{majorversion}
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
#%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
cd ..
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/kernelsource

%{__mv} linux-%{majorversion} linux-%{kernversion}
cd linux-%{kernversion}
%{__make} mrproper
%{__cp} %{_sourcedir}/RedAthConfig-%{majorversion}-%{patchversion} ./.config
%{__make} oldconfig
%{__make} dep
%{__make} bzImage
%{__make} modules

cd linux-%{kernversion}
install -m755 vmlinux $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/vmlinux-%{patchversion}
%{__cp} arch/i386/boot/bzImage $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/vmlinuz-%{patchversion}
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/vmlinuz-%{patchversion}
%{__install} -m644 %{buildroot}/boot/{patchversion}
%{__cp} %{_sourcedir}/module-info %{buildroot}/boot/module-info-%{patchversion}
%{__make} -s INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{buildroot} modules_install
%{__make} clean
%{__cp} %{_sourcedir}/RedAthConfig-%{majorversion}-%{patchversion} ./.config
cd ..

mv linux-%{kernversion} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/kernelsource/

#fix build symlink
#cd %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kernversion}
cd %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{patchversion}
rm -f build
ln -sf /var/kernelsource/linux-%{majorversion}-%{patchversion} build

#generate filelist
echo "%defattr(-,root,root)" > /tmp/files.list
for a in `find %{buildroot} -print`; do
if [ ! -d $a ]; then
echo $a |%{__sed} -e s?"^%{buildroot}"?""? >> /tmp/files.list
#echo "/lib/modules/%{kernversion}/build" >> /tmp/files.list
echo "/lib/modules/%{patchversion}/build" >> /tmp/files.list
echo "/var/kernelsource/linux-%{kernversion}/include/asm" >> /tmp/files.list

rm -rf %{buildroot}
rm -f /tmp/files.list

/sbin/modprobe loop 2> /dev/null > /dev/null || :
exit 0

if [ `grep -c "i810_audio" /etc/rc.local` -eq 0 ]; then
echo "/sbin/modprobe i810_audio" >> /etc/rc.local
cd /boot
ln -sf module-info-%{patchversion} module-info
ln -sf{patchversion}
ln -sf vmlinuz-%{patchversion} vmlinuz
[ -x /usr/sbin/module_upgrade ] && /usr/sbin/module_upgrade
[ -x /sbin/mkkerneldoth ] && /sbin/mkkerneldoth

if [ -x /sbin/new-kernel-pkg ]; then
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --mkinitrd --depmod --install %{patchversion}

/sbin/modprobe loop 2> /dev/null > /dev/null || :
if [ -x /sbin/new-kernel-pkg ]; then
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --rminitrd --rmmoddep --remove %{patchversion}

%files -f /tmp/files.list

* Sat Feb 28 2003 Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- updated to 2

Re: What does expunge mean? - Ximian mail

2003-02-04 Thread Michael A. Peters
cleaning moved or deleted mail files out of the main mailbox.

On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 21:00, Ashley Kitson wrote:
> In my Ximian mail system I keep getting messages that it is 'expunging'
> something.  What on earth does that mean?  I checked in my dictionary to
> no avail.
> Kind regards
> Ashley Kitson
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: gd-2.0.x

2003-02-04 Thread Michael A. Peters
If you install gd-2 in /usr/local it will not conflict with the php rpm.
Now if you need php with gd2 support - you are going to have build your
own anyway, the php that ships with RH isn't linked against gd2

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 13:33, Claudio Alonso wrote:
> Hi, I need to install a product that requires gd-2.0.x
> Is my only option to download the tar.gz from and
> install it? 
> I ask this because I can't find gd-2.0.x.rpm. Installing gd-2.0.x from
> the source produces some problems with the php rpm, that I could solve
> installing also php from the tar.gz (and a lot of other products like
> zlib, jpeg, etc).
> Can I find somewhere the rpm for gd-2.0.x? I already tried rpmfind and
> rpmseek.
> Thanks in advance,
> --Claudio
> __
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> aquí
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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A7N8X users -

2003-01-31 Thread Michael A. Peters
I have a customized kernel rpm for the A7N8X motherboard.
It patches the 3com driver so that the onboard 3com nic will work, and
has support for the nforce IDE controller so that disk access is much

I have an instruction page on how to install it, but I have never used
grub, and would appreciate someone who uses grub to write the grub
update part of it for me.

The kernel is a 2.4.21pre4 and the configuration is based upon Red Hat's
configuration for athlon systems, with the added support for the SATA
raid controller (not tested by me) and the nforce2 ide controller (I get
MUCH better drive access performance now).

Anyway, I have never used grub, and need grub update instructions.
And I need to see that it works for more people than just me.


Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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2003-01-31 Thread Michael A. Peters
Relevent Config Info:
Red Hat 8.0 up to patch level.
Asus A7N8X Deluxe motherboard
Running 2.4.21pre4 (copied the athlon config from the Red Hat kernel
source to .config and ran make oldconfig to configure - I need a newer
kernel than Red Hat's 2.4.18 or even 2.4.20 because I have an nforce2
chipset and the IDE performance is suctacular due to lack of a driver
for the nforce IDE controller - and I needed to patch the 3com driver
for the onboard 3com nic)

I recently did a couple updates to my system:

1) edited /etc/fstab to mount /var/run and /tmp as a tmpfs volume:
none/var/runtmpfs   defaults 0 0
none/tmptmpfs   defaults 0 0

2) installed nVidia drivers for my GeForce4 (compiled on my system)

I *believe* my problem didn't start after step 1 but started after step
When attempting to startx I would get an error - and this would be
logged in /var/log/secure :

Jan 31 01:09:52 mpetershomenetwork pam_console[968]: Could not open lock
file /var/run/console/mpeters, disallowing console access

I put a band-aid on the problem by adding this to /etc/rc.local :

if [ ! -d /var/run/console ]; then
/bin/mkdir /var/run/console

I would like to know, though, what the REAL problem is - just in case
there are other issues I need to fix as well.

Thanks for any help.
Please cc me on any response

Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: RedHat, RPMS, and updates

2002-12-14 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 02:01, David van Hoose wrote:
> Here are the changelog addresses for KDE 3.0.4 and KDE 3.0.5. Read them 
> and tell me what could possibly "break" any 3.0.3 program on your 
> system? I want a list. Take as much time as you need.
> -David

I assume their are library changes.
Whether or not the libraries are 100% binary compatible with the old I
do not know. But if they are not, then it is possible for locally
compiled software or third party software that are linked against the
older libs to break.

Yes - it happens.

Just last week I compiled a new rpm for fontconfig from the new version.
It installed just fine and everything - but both gnome and kde broke -
as in applications that needed xft2 would either start and exit or start
but not render the fonts. These same applications worked perfectly in
WindowMaker though (oddly enough).

So that is an example where a package much smaller than KDE breaks stuff
when a version is upgraded. I suspect I could rebuild gnome and kde and
all would be good - but that is what RH is trying to avoid its users and
3rd party vendors from having to do.

Red Hat's philosophy is the correct one.

Users who really want KDE 3.0.5 can download it from

It is free as in beer and free as in speech.

Red Hat, on the other hand, needs to support an environment where some
applications will be compiled on the machine (and as such up2date has no
control over them) and some applications installed by third party (again
- which up2date has no control over).

Perhaps there is not a technical reason as far as library compatibility
- but all it takes is me have one rpm from one vendor that has the
following in its spec file:

Requires: kdelibs = 3.0.3

and guess what - wether or not that application would work w/o
recompiling with KDE 3.0.5 up2date will not be able to install the KDE
update because it would break the dependency issues of another RPM.

If its a popular 3rd party rpm - that would cause quite a bit of people
complaining that up2date isn't working and they can't apply the security

Red Hat is doing it the right and proper way.

> Michael A. Peters wrote:
> >As a future hardware OEM that will be pre-installing Linux I can say
> >that this feature of Red Hat is EXACTLY why I really think we will OEM
> >Red Hat with our systems.
> >
> >Applying the patches to the version of the package that shipped with
> >their distro is the best and proper way to do it. It really is.
> >
> >Why?
> >
> >You may have stuff in /usr/local that is compiled against the libraries
> >in kde-3.0.3
> >
> >If Red Hat were to have offered an update to kde-3.0.5 w/ RH8 then guess
> >what - some of the software that you have in /usr/local (or ~/) that is
> >linked against kde-3.0.3 would break.
> >
> >I sure as hell don't want to have to choose between "applying a security
> >fix and breaking software" or "don't apply security fix"
> >
> >Red Hat is doing the prudent thing by back porting security fixes into
> >the version of the software they shipped whenever possible.
> >
> >It ultimately provides the best integration between applications
> >provided by the OS vendor (Red Hat), applications provided by third
> >party vendors designed to work with Red Hat, and applications compiled
> >on your machine.
> >
> >So please - before anyone else britches about Red Hat not providing
> >updated versions but rather backports fixes - please educate yourself -
> >as that is the PROPER way to do things.
> >
> >This rant is not specifically aimed at David van Hoose.
> >I just quote his mesage. 
> >
> >On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 09:54, David van Hoose wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>You are not alone.
> >>I sent RedHat a message addressing the issue about how they are 
> >>releasing older packages with their set of security fixes rather than 
> >>helping patch the program's CVS so that ALL of the newer versions of the 
> >>program will be patched. I find that RedHat is in essence pulling a 
> >>Micro$oft in that they will not share.
> >>I find it kind of iritating that RH just released an update for KDE 
> >>3.0.3 instead of releasing 3.0.5 which had the same fixes. Some programs 
> >>should be tested, but others are already being tested and fixed on a 
> >>daily basis.
> >>I think that if we all complain about this, that they might modify their 
> >>policy on security fixes.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >  
> >
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: RedHat, RPMS, and updates

2002-12-13 Thread Michael A. Peters
As a future hardware OEM that will be pre-installing Linux I can say
that this feature of Red Hat is EXACTLY why I really think we will OEM
Red Hat with our systems.

Applying the patches to the version of the package that shipped with
their distro is the best and proper way to do it. It really is.


You may have stuff in /usr/local that is compiled against the libraries
in kde-3.0.3

If Red Hat were to have offered an update to kde-3.0.5 w/ RH8 then guess
what - some of the software that you have in /usr/local (or ~/) that is
linked against kde-3.0.3 would break.

I sure as hell don't want to have to choose between "applying a security
fix and breaking software" or "don't apply security fix"

Red Hat is doing the prudent thing by back porting security fixes into
the version of the software they shipped whenever possible.

It ultimately provides the best integration between applications
provided by the OS vendor (Red Hat), applications provided by third
party vendors designed to work with Red Hat, and applications compiled
on your machine.

So please - before anyone else britches about Red Hat not providing
updated versions but rather backports fixes - please educate yourself -
as that is the PROPER way to do things.

This rant is not specifically aimed at David van Hoose.
I just quote his mesage. 

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 09:54, David van Hoose wrote:
> You are not alone.
> I sent RedHat a message addressing the issue about how they are 
> releasing older packages with their set of security fixes rather than 
> helping patch the program's CVS so that ALL of the newer versions of the 
> program will be patched. I find that RedHat is in essence pulling a 
> Micro$oft in that they will not share.
> I find it kind of iritating that RH just released an update for KDE 
> 3.0.3 instead of releasing 3.0.5 which had the same fixes. Some programs 
> should be tested, but others are already being tested and fixed on a 
> daily basis.
> I think that if we all complain about this, that they might modify their 
> policy on security fixes.

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Re: Decent Word / Excel Conversion: Not yet?

2002-12-12 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 08:30, Ed Wilts wrote:
> That's naive.  The vast majority of us have absolutely no control over
> somebody else's desktops.  What if you decided to start sending me MS
> Word documents?  Are you going to let me change your desktop?  What
> about my customers?
> We need good conversion tools, that's all there is to it.  We need to
> play in their world, not assume world domination by making them change.

Just for the record - the only time I've had trouble with MS Word
documents in Open Office - if I export FROM OPEN OFFICE to html - it
displays fine in Mozilla.

But anyway - before I had Open Office I would send the person a tactful
e-mail explaining that I could not read their document because I do not
have Microsoft Office, and asked them to save it as html.

They do with no issues.

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Re: browser discrimination article

2002-12-12 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 07:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi All,
> I remember having seen a web page which explained why its a bad idea to create
> a web page for a specific browser.  I beleive it was posted in this list but I
> can't find the link to the article.
> The basic point of the article was something like you are telling your
> customers to go away if you restrict your web page to a certain kind of
> browser.
I don't know which one you were speaking of - but I can name several reasons.

1) Steve Wozniak has a fat wallet.
He doesn't spend money at sites that are crappily coded.

2) HTML is a freely available open standard. By refusing to code to the standard
you are basically stating that you are lazy and do not do things properly.

3) It locks you in to a particular platform. What happens if suddenly some real
nasty Windows bugs pop up and your company gets 70% of its workstations wiped 3
times in a four month period.
Your company will seriously consider migrating. Probably won't happen - but by
not coding to the standards, you just increased the potential expense of
migration should that occur.

My little sister came down for Thanksgiving. She needed to access some excel
documents from her company website.

IE 5 for Mac couldn't handle the site - I think they used Windows only scripting.
Anyway - what happened is there were several options she was suppose to choose and
THEN hit a submit button and her spreadsheet would be created.

Well - as soon as she chose any ONE option before selecting the others - the form
would submit W/O her hitting the button. So she couldn't use IE Mac to get the

Tried Mozilla - but their ssl authentication was screwy. As soon as she submitted
her name/password to get it - another authentication window popped up.

Anyway - she couldn't get her work done because the company they hired to do
their web development did a sh*tty job. And she didn't bring a windows laptop
(I'm all Mac and Linux - no windows at all).

It caused a BIG problem.

That's why you code for standards.
You may get away with sh*tty code 98% of the time - but that 2% will really get
people pissed off at you.

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Re: mounting CDrom

2002-12-11 Thread Michael A. Peters

mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom

If there is no slave to ide0 then it _might_ be /dev/hdc (I'm not

On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 22:49, zahidul islam wrote:
> I am a new user of LINUX and I am having a problem with mounting my
> CDROM in redhat 7.2. the cdrom is connected as slave with ide1, that
> most probly refers to hdd=cdrom, right. Now after I tried to mount it
> in the first place it was saying this is not a valid block device.
> then I thied the following commands
> re /dev/cdrom and then
> ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/cdrom
> after that i tried to mount it again and now it is saying
> mount: Special device /dev/cdrom does not exist.
> How can I use my cdrom ? (My cdrom is creative 52x, internal, IDE, and
> connected as secondary slave.)
> Please HELP
> __
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Errata News

2002-11-29 Thread Michael A. Peters
What is the url for the Red Hat Errata news feed?
When I upgraded evolution - lost the errata news feed :(
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Re: glibc 2.3 causing compile problems?

2002-11-29 Thread Michael A. Peters
It has been standard practice with Red Hat as long as I have been using
linux (MKLinux DR3 was my first distro - and that was Red Hat 5.1 except
with the Mach 3 mikrokernel and ppc binaries) to create a package
containing just the stuff the user needs to use the software (binary,
config files, documentation) in one package - and to put the headers and
stuff in a second package noted "devel".

This allows people who don't want to do development on their system to
install far less number of packages and thus save space.

A lot of people have no intention of compiling anything on their system,
and it is common practice on web servers to not install a compiler so
that a cracker can't compile any code on the machine should he get on.

in these cases, where for whatever reason the user does not want to do
any software compiling, the headers for things like bzip2 etc. really
*don't* need to be installed.

I agree with the Red Hat model of seperating out the headers.
Back when I did some web dev on a little IBM Thinkpad with a small hard
drive, I didn't *want* the extra space taken that installing headers
would take.

On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 16:15, Rikard Bostrom wrote:
> Hi,
> The reason the program didn't compile had something to do with
> bzip2. If I installed the rpm bzip2-development it worked like
> a charm... same thing if I downloaded the bzip2 source code
> and compiled that. I think it's stupid that the bzip2-development
> package wasn't installed in the first place, as I selected all the
> development packages in the install. But bzip2 isn't even listed
> there, so I had to install it manually.
> I really don't like RedHat's package tool in 8.0, is there an other tool
> out there I can use?
> /dahonk
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Re: Linux seems pokey with 684MB RAM

2002-11-28 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 17:12, Daevid Vincent wrote:
> I'm loving my new Dell i8200 notebook computer, and adding 512MB to the
> stock 128MB was a HUGE improvement, however I'm noticing that while
> WindowsXP (home) seems to just fly along and IE opens up quickly,
> Outlook running all the time, trillian, HomeSite, etc... 

Internet Explorer is tied to the operating system and therefore is
pretty much already running when you call it - that's why IE starts so
fast on Windows systems.

> The RedHat 8.0 side of things is pokey as hell. Just having mozilla
> running takes like a minute for it to load?! Then if I add in "Quanta"
> or "Star Office", forget it.

Star Office is very slow at loading. It's also only at V1.0
I suspect the Star Office coders are fixing functionallity issues more
right now rather than looking at shortening the startup time.

I'm not familiar with Quantra so I can't comment on that.

Mozilla doesn't take anywhere near a minute to load on my system (900
MHz Athlon w/ 128 mb ram)

As far as outlook running "all the time" - I have Evolution started when
I start my XSession (I use WindowMaker) - thus, it too is running "all
the time" - no problems.

Evolution does take a little while to start, though - perhaps because I
use WindowMaker and not gnome (it's a gnome app - and some shared
libraries it uses probably get loaded when gnome starts - but I don't
use gnome).

But I have it set to start in the second workspace, so it doesn't bother
me - but is there whenever I need it.
>  I got this to be a mobile workstation so
> that I could get my PHP/mySQL coding done anywhere. But as it stands,
> it's not working out so well that way. It takes too long to do anything.

I'm sorry - I find that a wee bit hard to believe.
I did php/MySQL web devel on a IBM Thinkpad 600 (233 Mobile PII - I
think 160mb ram - might have been 96) and it worked just dandy.

I ran apache on it with mod_php and I ran MySQL on it.
I used Mozilla to view the output of my code and NEdit to write the
actual code.

You can get a .pats file for NEdit that does php syntax highlighting.

Then again - I wasn't using gnome or kde. They took too long to startup.
I used straight up WindowMaker.

> It's embarrassing. I thought that Microsoft was always writing bloated
> software, but now I'm starting to doubt that.  I could add another 512MB
> RAM (it's only like $175), but I'm not sure that is the problem, is it?
> Why wouldn't 684MB on a 2.0Ghz P4 be more than enough for what I'm
> doing? 

You might want to use a lightweight window manager - though with a P4
and your ram - I don't think that's your issue.

Make sure you have DMA enabled - sometimes its not enabled - and it
*really* speeds things up, especially if you swap.

> Suggestions?  I've already reduced the amount of RAM that mySQL uses and
> Apache uses, but I don't know what else to do.

Got news for you - when apache and mysql are idle, not doing anything
(responding to querries) they don't use squat of your ram.

But I'm real curious - what did you do to "reduce the amount of RAM that
mySQL and Apache uses" ??

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Re: glibc 2.3 causing compile problems?

2002-11-27 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 15:31, Rikard Bostrom wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running RedHat 8.0. I've installed all the development packages there is
> to be installed, but I still get errors and make stops when I try to compile
> certain
> programs. I used to run Slackware 8.1, and all programs compiled fine under
> it.
> Does this has something to do with RedHat 8.0 shipping a buggy version of
> glibc?
> Is there anyway do "downgrade" to a older, more stable version?
> /dahonk

I don't know if this will solve your problem - but where I use to work,
we would do a Red Hat 6.2 install and then chroot to it when there was
something we needed to compile that Red Hat 7.0's compiler choked on.

The obvious disadvantage to this was that some things needed older
versions of libraries when we brought the binary into the RH 7
environment - for those cases, we had a machine that was RH7 but had the
older gcc on it in /usr/local - and we would specify that gcc.

Perhaps if the problem is Red Hat's glibc (check with the code
maintainer - he may know the problem, its possible you just need the
makefile updated) you could build an older glibc and install it in
/usr/local and specify those libraries when compiling this software?

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Post your Red Hat Desktop!

2002-11-27 Thread Michael A. Peters
I'm curious as to what other people have done with their Red Hat

This also could help give new people an idea of how customizable a linux
desktop is.

Here is what I have done with mine:

Large Screenshot (for broadband/patient pepes): (~696 k)
Smaller Version : (~163 k)

Stock RH8 WindowMaker
The launcher in bottom right hand corner is wmdrawer

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Re: Evolution only on Redhat 8.0?

2002-11-26 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 17:01, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > I apologize because I know this has been asked before, but I can't find my
> link to the archives (because I just rebuilt my Linux PC with Redhat 8). I
> want to use Evolution but I don't want to install all the Ximian stuff I had
> on my previous RH73 machine. I just want Evolution.
> >
> > Right now I'm downloading from
> There are a
> lot of rpms in there, about 65 meg worth I think. Do I need to install all
> of that just to run Evolution? Can anyone tell me how to install the
> minumum? I looke dat the FAQ on Ximian's web site and didn't see anything
> there about it.
> >
> Evolution comes with Red Hat 8.0 - though it's only version 1.08 vs.
> Ximian's 1.20. That means the packages should already be on the RH 8.0 CDs
> -Rick
Downoad Ximian Red Carpet.
You can use that to upgrade to Evolution 1.2 w/o needing to install a
bunch of crap you don't want.

Ximian has very clear and precise instructions on how to upgrade to
Evolution 1.2.0 on a Red Hat 8.0 system without installing all the stuff
you don't want.

It's about 20mb of stuff (I did it) - RPM based install - easy as cake.
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Window Managers

2002-11-26 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 12:30, Joe Giles wrote:
> List,
> I have been using Linux for a while, and I have used Gnome and KDE
> primarily. I wish to now broaden my horizons and try a different
> Desktop. Is there other desktops besides Gnome and KDE. I read about
> Window managers, but is this the same thing? Once I install it, will
> they come up in my Log in window as an option to log into like Gnome and
> KDE? Can I run apps that normally run on KDE and Gnome, like Evolution
> and GKRellm?
> Also, if someone can point me in the right direction as to what is out
> there.
> Thanks a million...
> -- 

WindowMaker is awesome-
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Re: system crashes after 2nd login

2002-11-26 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 09:49, Ian wrote:

> >
> >Sounds like a hardware issue, probably related to your graphics
> >adapter and its driver for XFree86. I would take this to the
> >
> >- --
> Yeah, thats likely. It has a rather odd video card. Its a system9 video 
> card if i remember correctly. Some special video card for use with SGI flat 
> panel screens. I remember we had a bit of trouble getting it to work. Maybe 
> i'll just pick up a cheap low end ati or radeon card.
> Ian

There are some definite issues with Red Hat 8 and various video drivers.
My box hangs if I'm running Xscreensaver (can't ping it - nada - dead)
within a day or two. Didn't in Red Hat 7.x

Another guy (who posted to my bugzilla report) has a laptop that crashes
with any any OpenGL app. Didn't in Red Hat 7.x

Let's hope this weirdness with certain video cards is isolated and fixed
by Red Hat 8.1 :)

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WindowMaker and rhn-applet

2002-11-26 Thread Michael A. Peters
Howdy -
Since I found wmdrawer (a wmaker dockling) I have found myself no longer
needing to start the gnome-panel in WindowMaker with the exception of
the rhn-applet that checks my system to make sure I am at recommended
patch level.

As such - I was thinking I might try to port the rhn-applet to a
WindowMaker dockling but before I do so - I just want to make sure no
one else has already done this.

Anyone know?
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Special Keys

2002-11-25 Thread Michael A. Peters
My keyboard has some keys I want to use.
They are:

WWW - keycode 178
Mail - keycode 236
Search - keycode 229

I want to assign them as Shortcut keys in WindowMaker for various

xmodmap shows that they currently aren't defined as anything.
So I tried -

xmodmap -e "keycode 236 = Mail"
and xmodmap complains about an invalid keysym

How do I add a valid keysym?
Michael A. Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: no java in oo1.0.1

2002-11-25 Thread Michael A. Peters
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 08:15, Vano Beridze wrote:
> Hello
> I have Redhat 8.0
> I installed OpenOffice rpms from Redhat CD-s and want to connect to 
> oracle datasource
> When I try to connect oo says that no java is installed
> when I try /usr/lib/openoffice/program/jvmsetup is says java cannot be 
> configured.
> Please Help how can I configure java?
> Best
> Regards
> Vano
I think you just need to install java.
I haven't tried what you are doing, but this is how I installed java.
I don't take any responsibility for buggering your system if things
don't go well.

It's a bit tricky the way I do it - but I don't know of an easier way.

Download the jdk from blackdown -

You want the most current j2sdk-
I use the j2sdk-1.4.1-beta-linux-i586.bin

download that and put it in /usr/local (as root)
run the .bin file:
chmod +x j2sdk-1.4.1-beta-linux-i586.bin

You should now have a directory called j2sdk1.4.1
On my box - the UID/GID was wrong - so

chown -R root:root j2sdk1.4.1

Make a symlink (for easier future update)-

ln -s j2sdk1.4.1 j2sdk
Now you will need to edit your /etc/profile file.

There will be a line that reads:
pathmunge /usr/X11R6/bin after

AFTER that line but before "unset pathmunge" enter :

pathmunge /usr/local/j2sdk/bin

Then, further down in the file, you'll find a line that says:


at some point after that - add

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/j2sdk"

write the changes and quit.

Log out and then log in again.
Java should now be functional on your system.

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gnome-panel and WindowMaker

2002-11-16 Thread Michael A. Peters
I use WindowMaker but start the gnome-panel as well. I have the gnome
panel set to auto-hide - removed the task bar etc. - it acts very much
like an OS X dock except minimized windows are handled by WindowMaker -
it's really cool.

Anyway - does anyone know of a way to make the gnome-panel omni-present
in WindowMaker so that I can use it on any workspace?

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The loop thing

2002-11-16 Thread Michael A. Peters
There was some discussion regarding the out of office loop.

We had a problem where our CEO wanted the marketing director to receive
all support e-mail in addition to the support staff so he could be aware
of the types of support needs (I thought it was an insane idea - he
wasn't competent in linux and barely in windows and didn't really care
about what problems people had - but anyway, the CEO is the boss man

He went on vacation for a week and everyone who sent a support request
got a message stating he was on vacation and would answer in a week.

We pulled the plug on his computer the second day.

Anyway- I think rather than banning such users, it would be better to do
an automatic 10 day delay or something like that.

It's a dumb mistake to make, but it isn't intentional and we all make
dumb mistakes every day.

If it's caught sooner, then people who pay for every bit of bandwidth
won't be terribly penalized.

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XFree and Fonts

2002-11-15 Thread Michael A. Peters
I got a few basic questions about Fonts and using a Font Server.

What I'd like to do in the future is serve all of my True Type and Type1
fonts from a font server, so that I can install them on one machine and
have access to them on all my machines.

It looks like the way Red Hat does things is to have xfs serve all the
fonts that come with XFree86 through xfs and then specify the connection
to the xfs server in the XF86Config file.

What I want to do is have the fonts that come with Red Hat always
available TO the machine FROM the machine, not the LAN Font Server, so
that if the LAN font server goes down then I will still be able to run
X11 on my boxes.

Can I specify the remote font server for my custom fonts AND the local
font server - or should I turn off xfs on the client machines and add
the filesystem paths to the default fonts after the remote font server?

The other question I have is with respect to xtf.
It seems that applications that use xtf do not get their fonts from the
font server - rather, they get their fonts according to what is listed
in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf

I can add a directory of fonts there and apps like the KDE3 apps and xtf
mozilla can see and use them, but not standard apps like NEdit.

I can add a directory to the xfs path and NEdit can use them, but not
any of the xtf apps.

Is there a way to tell /etc/fonts/fonts.conf to get its fonts for
anti-aliasing from the font server?

Last but not least - I installed Java from blackdown. Java doesn't seem
to get its fonts from the font server either. I can't find a config file
for telling Java where to get its fonts for Java apps.

Anyone know?



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Re: nautilus

2002-11-14 Thread Michael A. Peters
> On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 12:41, Michael A. Peters wrote:
> > When I launch Nautilus - it opens a gnome-desktop instance in addition
> > to the nautilus session.
> > 
> > I can minimize the .gnome-desktop - but is there a flag I send to
> > nautilus to tell it not to?
> Edit -> Preferences -> Desktop & Trash 
>   Uncheck "use nautilus to draw the desktop"

Thank you. Works beautifully.

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2002-11-13 Thread Michael A. Peters
I'm running Red Hat 8.0

I switched to WindowMaker by creating the following .xinitrc file:

# ~/.xinitrc

# set numlock
/usr/local/bin/xnumlock &

# start Xscreensaver
/usr/X11R6/bin/xscreensaver &

# start gnome-panel
/usr/bin/gnome-panel &

#start windowmaker
exec /usr/bin/wmaker

When I launch Nautilus - it opens a gnome-desktop instance in addition
to the nautilus session.

I can minimize the .gnome-desktop - but is there a flag I send to
nautilus to tell it not to?

I would really prefer just to have the nautilus file manager w/o having
the gnome desktop ?

I tried man nautilus and nautilus --help
There isn't a nautilus man page, and nautilus --help doesn't list any
options :(

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Re: wine in general

2002-11-12 Thread Michael A. Peters
GoldMine would be nice, too.

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 05:17, Kent Perrier wrote:

> Crossover Office will approach perfection as soon as it can run MS 
> Project.  Once it can do that, then I do not see any reason to not run 
> Linux at work.

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Re: wine in general

2002-11-12 Thread Michael A. Peters
Sorry to join in late-
I would like to point out I use to work for a company similar to
crossover office that packaged GPL software, with some custom patches,
custom documentation, etc.

It was web server/database software.

The company didn't make it - which is fine, not all do, but it broke my
heart when I looked around and found our ISO being destributed
everywhere - not just our RPM's (that we could care less about- they
were GPL), but our documentation and our installer etc.

Anyway- my understanding is that CodeWeavers puts a signifigant amount
of resourced, both financial and coding, into WINE. Not just their
implementation, but the WINE that so many of us download and use free of

By supporting CodeWeavers by buying their product, you are supporting
Open Source Software. If you enjoy OSS but can't code yourself,
supporting companies like CodeWeavers (and Red Hat) is a way that you
can also give back to the community.

You are under absolutely no obligation to do so. But it is nice when you
can. I use the crossover plugin. It's a $25.00 product, and the easiest
install of QuickTime and Flash 6 on Linux I've ever seen. I saved a
bunch of money just in the time it saved me :)

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 03:09, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> this is, in my opinion, a very worrying trend -- the attitude that,
> since one is running linux, one should never expect to pay for
> software.
> yes, open source, GPL, free software is a wonderful thing.  but if
> no one is ever willing to shell out some cash for the occasional
> piece of software, what incentive will companies have to *ever*
> write software for linux?

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Re: Ximian Gnome Crashes my Box

2002-11-12 Thread Michael A. Peters
I was under the impression that they were one and the same- IE the Red
Hat 8 uses Ximian.

I hope I didn't cause too much confusion if this is incorrect.

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 05:39, Jason Costomiris wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 01:00  AM, Michael A. Peters wrote:
> > I can't run the Gnome that comes w/ RH 8 for more than 12 hours without
> > a crash.
> So which is it?  The GNOME that comes with RH 8.0, or Ximian GNOME?
> -- 
> Jason Costomiris <><
> E: jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org / W:
> Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@;

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Ximian Gnome Crashes my Box

2002-11-11 Thread Michael A. Peters
I can't run the Gnome that comes w/ RH 8 for more than 12 hours without
a crash.

Usually the entire box freezes up- and I mean everything.
This box is a NAT router to my other boxes- they lose internet service
and can't even ping the Red Hat box.

Occasionally it just crashes X11 and dumps me into console (I startx
from run level 3 - I don't use gui login)

I switched to KDE and the box was up no crashes for well over a week.
Switched back to Gnome and it started its crashing again.

Usually it crashes during XScreensaver but it has while browsing or
using NEdit as well, so it's not an XScreensaver problem (I haven't
tried using XScreensaver in KDE - perhaps I will just to verify)

Anyone know what is going on?
Here is the info from /proc/cpuinfo :

processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 6
model   : 2
model name  : AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 906.313
cache size  : 512 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca
cmov pat pse36 mmx fxsr syscall mmxext 3dnowext 3dnow
bogomips: 1792.32

I think I'm using an Asus motherboard- (that may be another box) - I'll
find out if it matters.
As far as PCI cards- I have two 10/100 nics that I believe use the tulip
driver and a US Robotics hardware PCI modem (which I don't currently
As far as AGP card - it's a VooDoo 3

KDE works fine- it never crashes in KDE. Ever.
This same box also worked fine with gnome in Red Hat 7.1

Thanks for any suggestions.
Oh- yes, I'm up2date on all patches.

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