Re: Unsual idea..

2003-08-14 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 8 Aug 2003, Paul Barclay wrote:

 What like?
 Unusual Idea to to turn an MP3 into a large list of integers for an
 interesting project
 Why can't you just answer the question?

first, i *did* answer the question.  try to focus, ok?

and second, on a regular basis, i get annoyed enough to suggest that
posters to the various red hat forums take the several seconds it
requires to come up with a meaningful subject for their posts, so that
those of us who subscribe to several mailing lists can d those postings
that we can see immediately are of little interest to us.  (you still
with me?  still focusing?)

examples of really, really, really bad subject lines:

  Unusal idea..

get the idea?  just keep focusing.  it'll come to you.


p.s.  and don't start on stuff like HTML posts or top posting.
that just makes me angry.  and you don't want to see me when i'm 
angry.  particularly when i just learned there's only decaf in 
the house.   grr 

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how to generate a random number using a POSIX shell??

2003-08-14 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  as part of a shell script, i'd like to generate a random
number (preferably an integer), but i'd like to do it in a
POSIX-compliant way.

  AFAICT, using the $RANDOM variable is not POSIX-compliant --
that variable is not defined in a strict POSIX shell.

  any other suggestions?  perhaps reading a number of bytes
from /dev/urandom or something?


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Re: how to generate a random number using a POSIX shell??

2003-08-09 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 9 Aug 2003, Bret Hughes wrote:

 On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 10:41, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
as part of a shell script, i'd like to generate a random
  number (preferably an integer), but i'd like to do it in a
  POSIX-compliant way.
AFAICT, using the $RANDOM variable is not POSIX-compliant --
  that variable is not defined in a strict POSIX shell.
any other suggestions?  perhaps reading a number of bytes
  from /dev/urandom or something?
 here is one that turned up on a google search  uses /dev/urandom if it
 exists.  Not sure about the POSIX stuff but the guts of the dd
 if=/dev/urandom is down in the bottom if statement.

great googly moogly!  sure is a production just to get a random
number.  i miss the $RANDOM variable already.


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Re: Unsual idea..

2003-08-08 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Kelerion wrote:

 I've had an idea for a play project I can work on at home in my spare
 time.. but before I start on it I need a few ideas..
 Can anyone come up with a theory on how to convert an mp3 into a
 number? I know that sounds weird so I'll explain what I mean...
 Imagine converting an mp3 into a wav and loading it into a wav editor..
 you will see a waveform.. there must be a mathematical way of converting
 that waveform into a unique number that will represent that waveform..
 the number would be huge to hold all the information for the waveform...
 When I say number I don't mean as in integer, long etc.. I mean as in
 a huge set of individual integers..
 Hope that all makes sense.. anyone any ideas on how this could be done?

hm ... that's tough.  take the mp3 file.  consider the individual 
bytes, which correspond to the values 0 - 255.  write out these values.
there you go.  a huge set of individual integers.

next time, think you can come up with a more meaningful subject
line than Unsual idea??  sheesh.


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Re: nVidia Drivers

2003-07-29 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Greg Bell wrote:

 This might help you.  The driver installation program complained about 
 permissions on a bunch of its files, so I had to do a bunch of chmods to 
 get it to work right:
 chmod o+rx /usr/lib/
 chmod o+rx /usr/lib/
 chmod o+rx /usr/lib/tls/
 chmod o+rx /usr/lib/tls/
 chmod o+rx /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/
 chmod o+rx /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o
 chmod o+r /usr/X11R6/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.a
 chmod o+rx /usr/X11R6/lib/
 chmod o+r /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/include/GL/gl.h
 chmod o+r /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/include/GL/glx.h
 chmod o+r /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/include/GL/glxtokens.h
 chmod o+r /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.o

there's a recent, newer driver, just FYI.  4496.


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Re: exam question help please

2003-07-28 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Stuart Clark wrote:

 I recently had a Linux exam
 One of the questions was
 Make a cron job print the message hello to stdout at 4:15 am every
 So I added this line to /etc/crontab
 15 04 * * * root /bin/echo hello
 Is this the right answer?
 The reason why I ask is because I think of stdout as being the screen
 If I put 
 01 * * * * root /bin/echo hello 
 into /etc/crontab I don't see the work hello on the screen every minute.

that appears to be a *very* badly-worded question since, when
you submit a cron job, it's not clear *what* stdout corresponds to.

if you knew where you were going to be logged in, you could
run a command and add the redirection ...  /dev/tty1, or whatever
your tty port is.  that would definitely work.

other than that, i'd have to say your answer was acceptable,
since i don't see any other way of doing it that makes the
idea of stdout meaningful.


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Re: expanding /boot

2003-07-28 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Mark Greene wrote:

 I have to make /boot larger in order to install the latest kernel

are you sure you need to do that?  typically, all that needs to be
added to /boot is a compressed kernel and an initrd image.  those
don't take up all *that* much space.  what's your current situation?

 I have a several gig in a filesystem that is not being used. 
 If I delete the unused partition, can I create a /boot_copy partition,
 copy the contents of /boot there, remove /boot, and then rename
 /boot_copy /boot?

if you physically move the /boot stuff to another partition, you'd
also have to adjust the partition name in /etc/grub.conf, i would


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Re: Using VM Ware to create a Windows VM on a Linux server.

2003-07-27 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, Rus Foster wrote:

  Can it be ext3?
 The underlying filesystem can be anything as long as the kernel can read
 it. So ext3/xfs/reiser etc..

i think the original poster is making the common mistake of thinking
he has to create an entire filesystem of some type for the vmware

in this case, you just need to create one ***big*** single file that
vmware will take over from there.  you know -- a 1 or 2 Gig file
for the entire OS install.


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user mode linux versus vmware?

2003-07-27 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  i'm curious about the capabilities of user mode linux, for
purposes of simulating a second RH installation on the same
host, perhaps for teaching purposes (network simulation, that
sort of thing).

  any experts on user mode linux want to comment on its
features?  how well it runs under RH?


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Re: Laptops?

2003-07-23 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Vince Scimeca wrote:

 On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 10:11, Dan Bar Dov wrote:
  I'm looking for a laptop that will work fine with RedHat 9.0
  For some reason, RedHat list none.
  Any experience with 9 on Laptops?

has anyone actually installed RH 9 on one of the WUXGA (1920x1200)
wide aspect inspiron 8500s?  comments?


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Re: Red Hat to abandon retail channel

2003-07-19 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, SAQIB wrote:

but the retail channel thing is not the real news.  the real news
is that the article gave away the codename of the next major
release: cambridge.

combine that with a new, inaccessible beta directory named severn,
and life suddenly gets more interesting, don't it?

running a 2.6 pre-release kernel on top of a beta version of
red hat.  it just doesn't get any more exciting than that.


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your occasional anti-microsoft moment of hilarity

2003-07-17 Thread Robert P. J. Day

Microsoft confirms serious flaw in software

WASHINGTON -- Microsoft Corp. acknowledged a critical vulnerability in 
nearly all versions of its flagship Windows operating system software that 
allows hackers to seize control of a victim's computer over the Internet, 
stealing data, deleting files or eavesdropping on E-mail...

  read it all at


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overview of files/directories for gnome desktop?

2003-07-16 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  i'm trying to throw together a short tutorial for new users on 
using the stock GNOME desktop that comes with RH 9 and, since i
typically have scripts to do most of what i want, i've rarely
used the standard icons so i have a couple simple questions
that lead into a more complicated question.

  starting with a brand new user account, and running startx,
i notice that i have, initially, three icons in the top left

  user's Home
  Start Here

but it's not immediately clear what these icons correspond to
in terms of actual apps.  unlike icons on the panel or in the
menus, right-clicking on these desktop icons and asking for
Properties doesn't specifically list what the icon represents.

  if i look in ~/.gnome-desktop, it's easy to see that there are
three files that correspond to those icons, but that still doesn't 
tell me everything about them.

  if i firther go into ~/.nautilus/metafiles, i can find several
more files that complete more of the picture.  but, for example,
if i double click on, say, Trash, where is the association from
that icon to the nautilus file maanger, which is invoked?

  i guess the more general question is, where i can read 
something which describes the general layout of the GNOME
file and directory hierarchy and how it all hangs together?
i've never had any problem customizing my own desktop by adding
extra launchers to the panel and so on, but in order to explain
how all of this works to new users, i should probably have
a much more detailed understanding of what's going on behind
the scenes.

  in particular, i'm curious about the Start Here icon.
the getting started guide describes it as a place designed
to hold all of the tools and applications you need to access
when using your system.  technically, is this just a more
convenient way to access what's already available in the main
menus?  is there anything magical about that icon and what
it does that's not immediately obvious?  and so on.

  a pointer to the file and directory structure for GNOME
would work just fine, thanks.


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Re: Kernel boot and labels

2003-07-14 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Greg Bell wrote:

 Hi Listies,
 In the old days, fstab had stuff like:
  / /dev/hda1
 now, labels are used:
  LABEL=/   /
 I have a kernel that complains it can't find / and blinks two of the
 keyboard LEDs.  Kernel command line has root=LABEL=/  Since the default
 kernel works just fine, obviously I've missed an option in my .config
 Does anyone know what needs to be compiled into the kernel so that it can 
 find labels properly?

you can't build that into the kernel.  to recognize labels on the
root partition, you *need* to use an initrd image.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training

Hypothetical Bush defense: Hey, don't blame me!  I was just doing what
  I was told!
Subsequent NY Times headline: Modest president credits staff work

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Re: antivirus software for redhat server

2003-07-09 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Stephen Smith wrote:

 I couldn't have said it better!  Look at what the prices are for M$
 software adn you don't see people running around complaining - they just
 go to the store and buy it!  Damn!  The OS is free whatelse do you want?

i've felt this way for a while.  this attitude that, if you use linux, 
everything should be open source and free is a good way to drive away
potential application developers.  if they figure no one's willing to
shell out some cash for a good app, why would they want to get involved?

there are some companies that seem to be doing nicely with a commercial
business model, selling apps fairly inexpensively:

1) (crossover office)
2) (embedded apps for PDAs)
3) (opera browser)

and so on.  the trick seems to be, don't be greedy.  write a good
app or 12, sell them cheap, and make a comfortable living.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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mozilla SVG plugin?

2003-07-08 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  is there something about mozilla and SVG plugins that
one should know?  i'd like to view (and create) some web
pages with embedded SVG images, and i downloaded and
installed the SVG plugin from

  i've read that earlier versions of mozilla did not
support SVG, but was hoping that had been fixed.

  my box: RH 9. mozilla-1.4-1.



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Re: want some information

2003-07-07 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 7 Jul 2003, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 20:27, mangesh shripad joshi wrote:
  respected sir/madam
  my name is mangesh joshi and i am relatively new to linux learning 
  linux for the last five months.I have a few querries and i would 
  be grateful to you if you answer my querries.
  1)whenever we create a new partition on a running system we need 
  to restart the computer to make the kernel read the new 
  partition.i want a way to make the kernel read the new partition 
  without rebooting the system.
 I've never had to reboot after creating a partition or creating a file
 system - is this something new that I'm missing out on? Or is it the
 process by which you're doing this?

i've mentioned this a couple of times.  if you use fdisk to create
a new partition, you *may* have to reboot before the current kernel
allows you to run mke2fs on that new partition.

however, it appears creating and formatting new partitions with
parted has no such limitation.  go figure.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: Where to start getting rid of spam

2003-07-06 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I use fetchmail and pine for email. lately the volume
 and offensiveness of spam has gotten out of hand. Where
 do I start to figure out how to filter it so I don't have
 to see it. I just need to know where to start looking for
 options to deal with this problem so I can start learning
 what I need to do.
  Linda Hanigan

start with procmail, and create a .procmailrc file.  slowly,
as you learn how the rules work, you'll get rid of more and
more spam.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
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Re: newbie in RH

2003-07-04 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 4 Jul 2003, David Eduardo Gomez Noguera wrote:

 On Fri, 2003-07-04 at 04:30, snort bsd wrote:
  hi all:
  newbie in linux and loads of questions.
  i installed RH 8.0 and noticed that i can use gui to
  start or restart some services. Looked at
  /etc/rc.d/init.d and saw a lot of executable files. my
  question are:
  under solaris /etc/rcX.d, files start with S will be
  loaded automatically whne the system starts. so if i
  don't want some daemons start, i just change those S
  to s. what about RH? could do something similar
  instead of relying on GUI?

 I think yes, but since all them are links, it might be easier only to
 remove them. (and their K counterparts if any)

please don't mess with the links directly.  that's what the
chkconfig command is for.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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RE: newbie in RH

2003-07-04 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Fri, 4 Jul 2003, Bob Buckley wrote:

 you can also use ntsysv and select/deselect daemons via a text based
 chkconfig works very well too.

i long ago gave up trying to keep with the various ways to activate
and de-activate services:


(am i forgetting any? :-)

  so i figured out chkconfig, and have used it exclusively ever since.
simple, CLI.  works every time.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
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Re: How do I generate a korn shell for Linux?

2003-07-03 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, dlangschied wrote:

 RH 8
 I guess I may need to be a little more clear.  The application is creating a
 file mfgempty.ksh.  This is failing in the bash shell.  I wnet to change the
 users shell and I did not see ksh as a choice.

if you truly need the official ksh (not pdksh, which is not quite the
same thing), go to and look for ksh93.

i used this ksh extensively when teaching an intro unix course under
linux for which the students needed a ksh to be compatible with their
own version of unix back at the office (typically, solaris).


p.s.  and if you want to add an alternative shell to your linux
system, remember to add its filename to /etc/shells.


Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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RE: How do I generate a korn shell for Linux?

2003-07-03 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, santosh kumar wrote:

 Just I downloaded this rpm pdksh-5.2.14-13.i386.rpm and installed with
 command rpm -Uvh pdksh-5.2.14-13.i386.rpm , its started working with

as i mentioned in a previous post, if you truly need a korn shell that
matches precisely the ksh 93 definition, you should get ksh93 -- there
are a few, subtle differences between ksh93 and pdksh.

if you're not that picky, then yes, pdksh should work fine.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: RH9 home networking

2003-07-03 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 3 Jul 2003, Daniel Dui wrote:

 Here is my problem:
 I have a RH9 box with two network cards. One network card connects to a
 cable modem and the other to a hub. I would like to share the Internet
 connection with other computers in the house.
 I was hoping to find a share connection tick box somewhere in the
 network configuration options, but I could not.
 I had a look at various howtos, but they look much more complicated than
 they should be. All I am trying to do is set up a little home network! I
 am surprised that still there is not a simple and easy way to do a
 simple and easy thing in RH9.

why are you making this so difficult?  why not have the cable modem
go to the hub, and let the hosts all plug into the hub?  that's what
we're doing here, and it's pretty easy.

unless you have a static IP for that first box and want it to be
visible to the net, that is.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: RH9 home networking

2003-07-03 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:

 Or, you could buy a $50 US Dlink Cable/DSL NAT firewall Router that will
 give you as many IP's as you want, packet filtering protection, and not eat
 up your CPU cycles. :)

yes, by george, that man's got the idea. :-)



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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RE: RH9 home networking

2003-07-03 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Michael Kalus wrote:

  why are you making this so difficult?  why not have the cable 
  modem go to the hub, and let the hosts all plug into the hub? 
   that's what we're doing here, and it's pretty easy.
  unless you have a static IP for that first box and want it to 
  be visible to the net, that is.
 There might be the simple problem that the ISP is only going to hand out one
 IP Address.
 Rogers for example is that way, they lock your cable modem down to one IP
 (unless you buy more) per Modem.

which is precisely what's happening here.  the linksys hub takes
care of all NAT of internal hosts, and it works wonderfully.

obviously, this is not a solution if you want to run an internet-
visible server, but since we're not, it works fine.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: RH9 home networking

2003-07-03 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 3 Jul 2003, Michael Gargiullo wrote:

 On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 11:38, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
  On 3 Jul 2003, Daniel Dui wrote:
   Here is my problem:
   I have a RH9 box with two network cards. One network card connects to a
   cable modem and the other to a hub. I would like to share the Internet
   connection with other computers in the house.
   I was hoping to find a share connection tick box somewhere in the
   network configuration options, but I could not.
   I had a look at various howtos, but they look much more complicated than
   they should be. All I am trying to do is set up a little home network! I
   am surprised that still there is not a simple and easy way to do a
   simple and easy thing in RH9.
  why are you making this so difficult?  why not have the cable modem
  go to the hub, and let the hosts all plug into the hub?  that's what
  we're doing here, and it's pretty easy.
  unless you have a static IP for that first box and want it to be
  visible to the net, that is.

i'm not sure if we're just not communicating here, but let me clarify
what's going on.

 Most cable systems won't allow that to work.  I work for a cable
 company, and we only allow 1 MAC address to be associated with the cable

and?  ... all that's connected to the cable modem is a single linksys
hub.  that's a single MAC address.  what's the problem?

 Our system won't let that work at all.  I know comcast is the
 same way, and I believe optonline work the same as well.  I know your in
 the UK,

wherever did you get that idea?

 so I have no idea how they run it there.  you can try it, but
 you'll lose the ability to run a hardware firewall.

the linksys hub has some configurable *rudimentary* filtering,
but i run iptables on my personal machine.
 Now you could connect the cable modem to a managed switch. I know a few
 HP switches can do what you want to do, but they're like $2000+

ok, pay attention.  

DSL outlet - DSL modem - linksys 4-port hub with wireless.

from linksys hub:

  - one wired PC running XP
  - one wireless access laptop running RH 9

cost of linksys hub: $89 US.

and yes, it works, it really does, given that both machines
are on the net constantly, as you can verify from my incessant
posts to RH-related mailing lists.  :-)



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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RE: RH9 home networking

2003-07-03 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Ward William E DLDN wrote:

 On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 11:38, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
  and?  ... all that's connected to the cable modem is a single linksys
  hub.  that's a single MAC address.  what's the problem?
 Huh?  A hub has ZERO MAC addresses.  It's a simple line that 
 all of the devices which DO have a MAC address (i.e., a NIC,
 a WAN port on a router, etc.) connect to.  It's literally just and
 electrical wire, with some minimal smarts.  Even a SWITCH does not
 have a MAC, UNLESS it's a managed switch.
 Now, a ROUTER would have a MAC address, especially if it's doing
 NAT and MASQuerading...  And I bet that's what you're really
 talking about.

you're right, sorry, i misspoke.  it's a linksys WAP router with
4-port switch.  it hands out addresses to all internal
hosts via DHCP.


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Re: Help! I fallen and I can't reboot!

2003-07-01 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003, dlangschied wrote:

 Hi all!
 Late last week I put out a peg message stating that I could not get past
 pcmcia with my network connected.  If I disconnect the network, I can boot.
 I then merely reconnect and active eth0.  Someone had suggested that I put
 in a static IP.  I did that today and now I cannot get past pcmcia with or
 without my network connected.  I am essentially dead in the water.  Please

have you tried the interactive boot option?  where you press i
early in the boot process, and you get to interactively start each
service.  just bypass the one that's giving you trouble, and mess
with it after the system comes up.

at least, that's a start.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: Changing boot disk from secondary IDE to primary IDE and addinganother drive

2003-06-28 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 28 Jun 2003, Mark Bruen wrote:

 On redhat 9 I'm currently booting from the secondary IDE first drive (hdc). I 
 tried adding a drive to the primary IDE first drive (hda). The system booted 
 but could not attach the swap partition on hdc. I'd like to put my current 
 drive on the primary IDE first drive (hda) and the additional drive on the 
 secondary IDE first drive (hdc). Do I need to change all config file 
 references from hdc to hda prior to shutting down redhat? Are there any other 
 config commands I need to run or grub commands at boot time?

i'm not going to guarantee that this will work, but if you're using
GRUB as a boot loader, there is a file /boot/grub/ that
you might be able to tweak to specify your boot disk.

on my system, the contents are:

  # this device map was generated by anaconda
  (fd0) /dev/fd0
  (hd0) /dev/hda

but i've never had any need to play with this, so i'm only 
throwing out a suggestion.

  anyone want to clarify this?



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
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what means rpm -Uvh samba?

2003-06-27 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  reading an online brief tutorial on RPM, and i was surprised to
see an explanation of an interesting variation of rpm i'd never
seen before -- the fact that you upgrade groups of related packages
by just the package name, like

  # rpm -Uvh samba

which allegedly will upgrade, in this case, the core package and
any client and serer packages as well.  i'd always used -U strictly
in the context of the fill package file name, never saw this 
variation before.

  how long has this been around?  and where are these package
groupings defined?  comps.xml?

  has this always been there and i've just missed it all this
time?  dang.


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Re: what means rpm -Uvh samba?

2003-06-27 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 28 Jun 2003, Michael Schwendt wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 18:38:28 -0400 (EDT), Robert P. J. Day wrote:
reading an online brief tutorial on RPM, and i was surprised to
  see an explanation of an interesting variation of rpm i'd never
  seen before -- the fact that you upgrade groups of related packages
  by just the package name, like
# rpm -Uvh samba
  which allegedly will upgrade, in this case, the core package and
  any client and serer packages as well.  i'd always used -U strictly
  in the context of the fill package file name, never saw this 
  variation before.
how long has this been around?  and where are these package
  groupings defined?  comps.xml?
has this always been there and i've just missed it all this
  time?  dang.
 Hmmm, does it work for you actually?
 # rpm -Uvh samba
 error: open of samba failed: No such file or directory

  ok, i didn't actually try it as i didn't have my RPM CDs handy.
i'm reading out of an IBM developerworks tutorial called
Tuning Red Hat for maximum performance (for which you have
to register, as you do for all developerworks tutorials,

if anyone wants to take a look.  at this point, i'm wondering if
that whole page is just bogus.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: How to disable password expiration in text mode, RH9

2003-06-25 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Zoki wrote:

 Le 25/06/2003 15:41, « Billy Davis » [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  Can anybody tell us how to disable password expiration in TEXT mode under
 *** Yep. You open /etc/shadow with your editor and you delete the last entry
 of each line.

or you could just check out the chage command.  if you plan on doing
any serious user/group management, you're advised to take at least a 
brief look at all of the commands that come with the shadow-utils

$ rpm -ql shadow-utils


p.s.  and while we're on the topic, for those of you (us) that
modify these files by hand, does anyone actually *use* vipw or vigr?
just curious.


Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
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Re: Linksys WUSB11 2.5 Wireless Driver Installation

2003-06-24 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Bill West wrote:

 I have a Dell Latitude laptop running RH9. I installed my pcmcia Linksys WPC11 
 ver 3.0, booted and it worked.  I didn't load anyting on the RH side
 On Sunday 15 June 2003 03:08 pm, michael phillips wrote:
  I am trying out Red Hat Linux 9, and have everything
  working except my wireless internet, which is through
  a Linksys WUSB11 2.5 USB adapter. I have downloaded
  the necessary files from, but my
  installation keeps stalling when it asks for my kernel
  source directory. I have tried /usr/src/linux and
  /usr/src/linux-2.4, but both return an error message.

from what i understand (based on my readings since this is
something *i* want to try real soon now), you don't need
anything for your WPC11 to work.  i have one running in
my dell, under RH 9, 2.5.73 kernel  -- works just fine.

as i read it, the linux-wlan stuff is if you want more
features that you don't get from the stock setup, such
as WEP.  i'm still doing the research, though.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
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Re: how to install Grub without installing LINUX

2003-06-24 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Martin Mewes wrote:

... snip ...

 Take a look at and reach for a MS-DOS 6.22-bootdisk.
 Once you booted this you may try format /mbr and it should work as

are you sure you don't mean FDISK /MBR ??



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
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Re: Hardware inventory command

2003-06-24 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, jeff allen wrote:

 what command is there to do a hardware inventory command.

lspci [-v]
kudzu -p
ls /proc (various files under here list devices)

  and of course, there's always checking the log files
to see what the kernel detected at boot time.


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Re: Xconfigurator in RH8 - gone??

2003-06-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Arden Norder wrote:

 Hey folks,
 I replaced the really old monitor on my RH8 server for a bigger, better,
 and not so ancient monitor and it doesn't like the resolution that it
 has to run in Xwindows.  So I figured - no problem - I'll just run
 Xconfigurator and straighten things out that way; but, no Xconfigurator
 Am I missing a piece of software or is there another way of adjusting my
 X settings??


$ ls /usr/bin/redhat-config-*


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Re: how to change all user's default umask form 022 to 002

2003-06-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Bret Hughes wrote:

 On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 09:31, Jianping Zhu wrote:

  Can you give me an example how the extra file looks like.
  i want root has umask 022 and regular usr have u mask 002.
  Thank you again!
 probably something like this would work
 put the following text into a file called /etc/profile.d/
 if [ -n $BASH_VERSION -o -n $KSH_VERSION -o -n $ZSH_VERSION ];
  # for bash, pdksh and zsh, set the umask
   umask 0002

  if you want to do something different for regular users as opposed
to root, there's a good example of how to do that in the current
RH 9 /etc/profile file:

if [ `id -u` = 0 ]; then
pathmunge /sbin
pathmunge /usr/sbin
pathmunge /usr/local/sbin

this test is checking if the invoker is root, and doing something
appropriate.  if it wasn't root, you could do something else.

  an easier solution would be to just flat out set the umask to 002, and
in root's *personal* .bashrc, set it to 022 to override that value.  
that's a much more straightforward solution.


p.s.  for a zillion really handy scripts, i strongly recommend
cameron simpson's script archive:

lots's of neat ideas for time-saving utilities.


Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: how to change all user's default umask form 022 to 002

2003-06-19 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, Bret Hughes wrote:

 On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 11:04, Jianping Zhu wrote:
  I have a redhat 7.1 box server, now the the defautl umask for every user 
  is 022, how can I change it to 002?
 As root edit /etc/bashrc.  There should be code in there to set the
 This has most likely been changed from the original install and I guess
 could have been changed in the /etc/skel/.bashrc instead.

if you want to change some user-wide property, you might want to 
avoid actually editing /etc system files.  while this will work,
any changes you make to files like /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc
will be lost if you upgrade and the upgrade installs a new
copy of that file.

you're better off adding extra files to the directory
/etc/profile.d, which are sourced automatically from the bottom
of /etc/profile.  that way, you can keep all your changes in 
the same place, and it's much easier after an upgrade to just
restore your extra files to that directory.


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how can i create and manipulate ram disks??

2003-06-18 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  i'm trying to figure out what i can and can't do with 
ram disks, so let me explain what i've found so far, and 
perhaps someone can fill in the gaps.

  by ram disk, i don't mean the boot-time initrd image.
i mean setting aside an arbitrary amount of RAM, formatting it
as an ext2/3 filesystem, mounting it, filling it with files,
and then having smokin' fast access to those files.

  (as an aside, i wanted to test this by creating a ram
disk big enough for the kernel source directory, to see
just how much faster a kernel build would run.)

  so, under RH 9 and with the 2.5.72 kernel, i can see
the kernel option for RAM disk support, and a default
size of 4096 (kilobytes, or 4M).

  from what i've read, i can create a number of ram disks
corresponding to /dev/ram[012345...], by doing the following:

  # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram0 bs=1024 count=16

for a tiny ram disk of 16k (supposedly).  so what actually

  if i try to create an ext2 filesystem on it:

  # mke2fs /dev/ram0

it works, but it's obvious that it's 4M in size -- the
default.  i didn't *ask* for the default size, i was hoping
i could pick the size myself.  but i get 4M anyway.

  (i can mount that filesystem, and df shows the same
thing: 4M).

  the same thing happens no matter what size i use for
dd, until i try to go over 4M, at which point, at the 4097th
write (just past 4M), i get No space left on device.

  in short, no matter what i ask for, i'll get a 4M ram disk.
so, the questions:

1) is there any way to create a ram disk of an arbitrary size,
   regardless of the kernel config value for default size?

2) once i create a ram disk, is there an indicator that tells
   me that such a thing exists?  i mean, free will show me
   that there's less free space, but that's about it.  is there
   maybe an entry under /proc keeping track of ram disks?
   you know ... maybe /proc/list_of_ram_disks?? :-)

3) once i create one (even if i'm still stuck with 4M), how
   can i manually release it?  and again, is there a way to 
   verify the return of that ram disk space to the OS?



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: how can i create and manipulate ram disks??

2003-06-18 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:

 I don't know the answers to your questions, however, you probably don't
 want RAM disks anyway.
 The kernel does a _great_ job of managing what's in memory and what isn't.
 In fact, I'm not sure having a RAM disk keeps it in RAM - it _may_ keep it
 in swap (i.e. - on disk).

nope.  there *is* a tmpfs filesystem that grows and shrinks on demand,
which is nice, but is only guaranteed to be stored in virtual memory,
which means it can be swapped out.

a ram disk, however, from what i read, is *guaranteed* to be kept
in physical memory.

WRT my example of building a kernel, i realize that the linux kernel
is amazingly efficient, but during a typical kernel build, there is
constant disk activity.  i was interested in setting up the source
tree as a ram disk and at least benchmarking.  it may be that there's
little advantage, but i'll never know until i try.
 If your RAM disks are using all of you memory, you may end up swapping
 your programs like crazy.  Anyway, all free memory is used by the kernel
 for buffers, making RAM disks fairly useless.

again, until i can benchmark it, i'll never know if there's an
advantage.  and, as i said, when i do a standard kernel build, there
is a fair amount of HD activity, so there's certainly *potential*
for reducing disk activity.


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Re: [LISTADMIN] Great - just another spam block...

2003-06-18 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, T. Ribbrock wrote:

 Just got another one of those SpamBlock: Please register to be
 allowed to send mail to me mails - this is just plain stupid! Running
 list mail via such a mail address is rude at the least, IMO.
 Anyway, apparently [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not want to receive
 any mail from this list, hence, I suggest he unsubscribes...

in all fairness, i just tried to set up something like this through
earthlink (AKA mindspring) and was thoroughly frustrated with how
useless it was.

*theoretically*, it's a good idea.  earthlink has a setting called
suspect email blocking, which does pretty much the above --
if email addressed to you isn't explicitly in your address book,
that mail goes into the suspect email folder, and an automatic
response goes to the sender, asking them to confirm.

they can either confirm with another email, or you can, 
while browsing your suspect email folder, just add them.
in either case, they're good to go from then on.

after reading the instructions, and calling earthlink
support, i verified why this feature is utterly useless for
everyone except those who putter around with email and don't use 
it for anything serious.

  1) there is no way to turn off the automatic reply to sender,
 asking them to confirm.  i asked if i could disable that,
 and just explicitly add people.  nope.  can't be done.

  2) i specifically described the situation with red hat lists,
 in that the From address could be one of thousands of
 list members.  i asked whether i could, instead, filter
 on the To: address, which would be [EMAIL PROTECTED].
 nope.  have to filter on From.  double stupid.

while there's no doubt that we're going to be seeing more of
these please register messages, based on my experience, i'm
going to be at least a little understanding.

it's the symptom of people who are (like many of us) sick to 
death of spam, and are trying anything they can to deal with it.
and, sadly, what they're getting in terms of help from their
ISPs like earthlink/mindspring is, quite simply, useless shit.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: how can i create and manipulate ram disks??

2003-06-18 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 19 Jun 2003, Christopher Smith wrote:

 On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 06:27, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
  again, until i can benchmark it, i'll never know if there's an
  advantage.  and, as i said, when i do a standard kernel build, there
  is a fair amount of HD activity, so there's certainly *potential*
  for reducing disk activity.
 I can't help with RAM disks, however, I just thought I'd remind you that
 to be fair you need to add the time it takes to create the RAM disk and
 copy the data to it to whatever time result your compile-from-ramdisk
 works out to be.

of course, but this is something that can be done as, say, part of
the boot process or something, or while i'm reading my mail, or
whatever.  just *not* as part of every kernel compilation process,
that's all.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: LVM and software raid

2003-06-18 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, Bret Hughes wrote:

 I have a little project coming up.  A LUG member has asked me to do a RH
 9 install on an HP lpr rack mount with 2 18GB scsi drives that will
 installed in a remote colocation site and be hosting a dozen small
 websites.  The guy wants to use software raid0 to mirror the drives and
 I like to use LVM on stuff that might grow.
 Any one have any thoughts on whether I can setup LVM and raid0 also?  I
 am just now starting to dig into the docs on software raid having never
 done it before.

just as a starting point.


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Re: what's the fundamental differences between runlevels [sS] and1?

2003-06-17 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Matthew Melvin wrote:

 You seem to have it pretty much sus'ed excepted for the roll of inittab in
 run level S.  Yes init still looks in /etc/inittab when going to run level S
 but if it doesn't find an entry, or the inittab can't be opened then it init
 acts as if it had read..

ah, this is useful information, and is not mentioned *explicitly* in the
man page for init, which states simply that Runlevel S or s bring the
system to single user mode and do not require an /etc/inittab file. In
single user mode, a root shell is opened on /dev/console.

good to know.
 ... from the file.  So inittab is not required but nor is it ignored.  On
 some of my older systems I've overiden this with...
 ... where consolechooser is a script I wrote to deal with some serial
 consoles that wouldn't behave themselves.
 With runlevel 1 your box still needs to have some basic funtionality, in run
 level S, nothing really needs to work except /sbin/init and /bin/sh... it's
 basically one step up from booting with init=/bin/sh ... using runlevel S 
 instead of the init= hack (assuming S works) really just means you don't 
 have to reboot the system to go back to a 'real' run level.

just to clarify a few things i probably didn't cover clearly in my 
first post, it's fairly obvious what happens when you move between
numbered run levels -- any of 1,2,3,5 -- with the init command.
if you're, for example, in level 3, and type init 2, init consults
/etc/inittab, which causes all of the K and S scripts in /etc/rc2.d
to be invoked, etc, etc.

in addition, there is the runlevel command, which prints the previous
and current runlevels, so that if you just changed from 3 to 2, the
output will be 3 2.  if you just booted, though, the runlevel output
will be something like N 3, since there *was* no previous runlevel.

however, run level s (or S) is different since it isn't defined
in /etc/inittab.  i was initially a bit confused when, from run level 3,
i typed init 1 and, after all the service shutdown, the runlevel
command printed 1 S.  that was a bit odd, i thought, since i never
*asked* for single user mode, but it became clear when you look in
/etc/rc1.d and notice that, after all the K scripts, the two S
scripts are S00single (go to single user mode) and S17keytable.
so, technically, going to run level 1 does take you eventually to
single-user mode.

but it's not clear if it's a good idea, from say run level 3, to type
init s to go directly to single-user mode, since none of the /etc/rc1.d
scripts will be run, and all your services will still be running (go ahead
and try it, it doesn't seem to hurt anything).  from what i read, going
directly to single-user mode in this way is not recommended, and is
supposed to be used only by other scripts or utilities.

when you *boot*, however, it's fine to choose either run level 1
or, in the more extreme case if you've toasted your /etc/inittab,
run level s.

ok, i think it all makes sense now.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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more emergency booting -- emergency mode and init=/bin/sh

2003-06-17 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  (just to complete a doc i'm writing on trouble shooting and
emergency booting, my final experiments when even booting to 
single user mode or run level 1 is not going to work.)

  two even more minimal booting scenarios i've just tested
are booting with the emergency word appended to the boot
line, or init=/bin/sh.  so what's the difference?  (and
feel free to fill in the inevitable holes here.)

emergency mode

  Section 9.4 of the RH 9 Customizaation discusses booting
to emergency mode, by simply appending the word emergency
to the kernel line at boot time.  if you try this, you'll be
prompted for the root password to actually go into maintenance
mode, at which point, you have a single shell on VC 1.  so
what can you do here?

  first, mount shows (at least in my case) only two actual
mounts (so this is a good scenario if the root filesystem is
good, but some of your others are toast):

  # mount
  /dev/hda1 on /  type ext3 (rw)
  /proc on /proc  type proc (rw)

and that's it.  but if you try to see what's running with
ps, you get a complaint that /proc is not mounted, that you
should make sure you have a line for /proc in /etc/fstab, and
that you have to mount it manually with:

  # mount -t proc /proc /proc

it's a bit odd that mount shows /proc is mounted, and
i *do* have such a line in /etc/fstab (as we all do, i'm sure),
but you still apparently have to mount it manually, so i do,
at which point ps shows me:

1   init
... about a dozen more ...
15  bash
55  ps

so in emergency mode, init was started, and i have the single
shell i can work at.  fair enough.

  in this mode, i can manually mount any of my additional
filesystems, but oddly, they don't show up as being mounted
with mount or cat /etc/mtab.  however, they *are* listed
in /proc/mounts.  go figure.

oddities with the docs

  the Cust Guide claims that emergency mode is useful in that
init files are not loaded, and it can be used if init is corrupted
or not working.  that's a bit odd, since init was definitely started
for me here, and i'm not about to trash /sbin/init to see what
happens.  anyone know if emergency mode can handle a damaged

  also, section 9.4 claims that the root filesystem is mounted
read-only, but that wasn't true in my case.  anyone care to clarify
either of these points?

init=/bin/sh mode

  an even more minimal boot scenario is to boot by appending
init=/bin/sh, good if you've really trashed your /sbin/init
program, since this tells the kernel to start a shell instead 
of the normal init program.

  the differences here from emergency mode are that you don't 
get prompted for the root password -- you just get dumped into
superuser maintenance mode.

  you get all the same weirdnesses as with emergency mode,
as in having to mount /proc and so on.  but once you do, running
ps shows:

1   sh
14  kjournald
47  ps

which just verifies that, yes indeed, sh was invoked as
process 1 instead of init, as one would expect.  at that point,
this looks very much like emergency mode, at least superficially.

rescue mode

  both of the above still require a working root filesystem,
at the very least.  if you don't even have *that*, you're pretty
much forced to boot from, say, the CD-ROM in rescue mode, and
fix things from there.

  so, as i read it, in order of getting more desperate and needing
a more minimal configuration to get your system running, 

* single-user/run level 1
* emergency mode
* init=/bin/sh
* rescue mode off of the CD

any clarifications anyone wants to add?


p.s.  i didn't get into using root/boot floppies or other
stuff like that, which would give you even more options.

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Re: Migration from Intergate to Redhat

2003-06-16 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Ehrhart, Jay wrote:

 I want to migrate users, passwords and email from an Intergate UNIX box
 to my new Redhat 8.0 server.
 I don't know where to start.  How can I make the transition from the
 UNIX box to the Redhat server?

$ man newusers


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what's the fundamental differences between runlevels [sS] and 1?

2003-06-16 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  rather than being sloppy and continually fudging the distinction between
run level s/S (single-user mode) and run level 1, i'd like to really
appreciate the differences.

  first, given that it's common to shut down from multi-user mode to what
most people call single-user mode, most people will type init 1.  so
far, so good.  this will, based on the contents of /etc/inittab, kill the
services referred to in /etc/rc1.d and, at the very end, run two start


so, from this perspective, moving to run level 1 effectively shuts down
services and just moves to single user mode (throwing in the keytable
script at the end).

  however, running init s is quite different, since it bypasses the
shutting down of services.  according to the init man page, you're not
really supposed to run init s manually, and i can that's a reason why.
i tried it from run level 3, and not surprisingly, none of the services
were terminated.

  what about the difference between going to run level 1 as opposed to run
level S at boot time, by editing the boot line at the GRUB prompt?

  if you go to run level 1, that will eventually cause a read of
/etc/inittab to see what's involved in going to that run level. again, so
far, so good.

  but what about going to run level s?  /etc/inittab doesn't define what
to do with that run level, and the man page for init seems to suggest that
you can go to s without the need for /etc/inittab.  this is useful to
know if you trash your /etc/inittab file, and it suggests that you can get
around this by going to run level s at boot time, then repairing/
restoring /etc/inittab.

  but not so fast.  i tried that, and it seemed clear that, even booting
to run level s, the file /etc/rc.sysinit listed in /etc/inittab was
being invoked, so /etc/inittab appears to still be necessary.

  anyway, you get the idea.  i just want to appreciate the subtle (and not
so subtle) differences, and when to use each.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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when might you run e2fsck manually??

2003-06-14 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  following up on the current thread regarding running e2fsck,
under what circumstances would one need to run that command
*manually* on a filesystem that is normally mounted at boot
time?  that is, doesn't the boot sequence check the health
of filesystems, and run e2fsck automatically if it seems

  i'm looking at the file /etc/rc.sysinit, specifically at the
parts involving checking the filesystems and fsck, and there's
all kinds of tests to determine whether fsck should be run
involving files like:


i'm still working my way through the logic but, in a nutshell,
when have people found it necessary to run that command manually?
just curious.


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2003-06-14 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, achillemiele wrote:

 On Saturday 14 June 2003 22:44, rm wrote:
  This could be a problem.  The complete line when I do cat /etc/fstab
  dev/hda5swapswapdefaults0 0
  does this mean I'm still fscking with the wrong device?
  The complete output looks like this:
  LABEL=/ /   ex2 defaults1 1
  LABEL=/boot /boot   ext2defaults1 2
  dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy autonoauto,owner1 2
  none/proc   procdefaults0 0
  none/dev/ptsdevpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
  dev/hda5/swap   swapdefaults0 0
  dev/cdrom   /mnt/cdrom  iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0
  Sorry for sounding so helpless on this, I've usually been able to fudge
  my way around and correct any problems on this system - but this has
  been new ground.
 Ok, near to the solution. You have the right answer to your e2fsck since it's 
 not ant ext2 fs but a swap partition.

and while this won't help you much, and undoubtedly sounds harsh, if you
don't appreciate that fsck is not meant to be used on a swap partition,
you really aren't qualified to be messing with the root account, doing
stuff like this.

like i said, it sounds harsh, but based on the last few emails and how
you've been confused about why fsck hasn't been working, if you weren't
aware of how and when it should be used, you are just not ready for
serious sys admin work.  

sorry, but i suggest you pick up a book on basic linux admin and start
reading.  until you get a handle on this, you're pretty much guaranteed
to do major damage real soon now.


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Re: [Fwd: RedHat recommended backup technology]

2003-06-11 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, Luciano Rabelo wrote:

 Thanks Jonathan!
 I want to backup on a DLT tape drive, for example, the /usr filesystem 
 without backing up any filesystems mounted below it.

for something that straightforward, why not just use a combination
of tar and gzip or bunzip2?

you can also combine that with timestamps to do just incremental backups
during the week, and a full backup on the weekend.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: [Fwd: RedHat recommended backup technology]

2003-06-11 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, Luciano Rabelo wrote:

 I didn't know that (I think I don't have this option in Tru64 Unix).
 Thanks Jonathan, I will try it.
 Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  Not if you use the --one-file-system switch.

if not, just replace your stock version of tar with GNU tar.
GNU tar is leaps and bounds ahead of traditional tar in several
respects, but is backward compatible.

if you don't want to go that route, use find to restrict
your search to a single filesystem, and consider using cpio.
lots of possibilities, but i'd start with tar.

and if you want to do CD-based smaller backups, i've heard
good things about a utility called cdbkup.


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the grotty details of running a 2.5 kernel

2003-06-09 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  is there, somewhere, a detailed writeup of what it takes
to run a 2.5 kernel under red hat?  that is, having to get
the newer modutils, and so on?

  i'm happily running 2.5.70-bk9 at the moment, but i was
wondering if there were details i wasn't aware of, so an
online doc would be nice.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
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RE: Anyone try Webmin?

2003-06-06 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Michael Kalus wrote:

 Yes and no.
 The main problem I see with things like Webmin is that they remove the
 user from the real system. If they don't have Webmin available later when
 something is wrong they might not be able to fix the problem.

i haven't used webmin, but what i'd *really* like is the ability
for any GUI tool to show me what it's actually doing underneath.

AIX's SMIT tool had this -- if you were in the interface, and
pressed something like F6, you were shown the underlying command
that was about to be run.  

perhaps this is unrealistic if what has to be done involves a number
of commands, but it sure was nice to have.


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under what circumstances should i rebuild initrd.img?

2003-06-05 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  undoubtedly a simple question, but is there any compelling
reason to rebuild my initrd.img file if i'm just upgrading from
2.5.70-bk8 to 2.5.70-bk9, and i can confirm that none of the
modules in the current initrd.img have changed as a result of
that kernel bk upgrade?

  in short, i've rebuilt my kernel and modules directories,
but do i need to build a new initrd.img?  (yes, i know it's
easy, but i'm more curious about whether it's necessary --
whether there's some versioning info implanted in the file).



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: under what circumstances should i rebuild initrd.img?

2003-06-05 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 4 Jun 2003, maillists (josef  radinger) wrote:

 you will have to rebuild your initrd, as soon as the modules in your old
 initrd wont load on your new kernel. depends on your config.

i'm not actually changing the .config.  i'm just downloading each new
bk upgrade and rebuilding with the same .config file, strictly
for personal testing purposes.  so, technically, the modules themselves
won't have changed, except for (as i wondered) some possible internal
module versioning value that would cause problems.
 you can compile your kernel (have not looked into 2.5, but i would bet a
 lot that this feature is in the new series too) with module-versions.
 modules wont load, if there is some version-mismatch between kernel and
 you could use strings and grep to see the version:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /]$ strings /lib/modules/2.4.9/kernel/drivers/block/loop.o
 /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/block/loop.o |grep kernel_version

i guess the easiest thing is just to test it and see what happens.


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Re: under what circumstances should i rebuild initrd.img?

2003-06-05 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Jesse Jacobs wrote:

 Also, As far as I know, your initrd is only needed to preload modules that
 are required to get your kernel to boot the root fs.
 (These are usually built in aren't they?)(Or are they third party modules?)

not quite.  i've been through a brief correspondence with a couple of
others, and it's not that simple.  i'll dig thru my archives, but i
recall jeremy katz of RH pointing out that the initrd is, these days,
more sophisticated than just that.

i'll see if i can find those messages.


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an english theater interpretation of SCO vs IBM

2003-06-05 Thread Robert P. J. Day


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Re: under what circumstances should i rebuild initrd.img?

2003-06-05 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Gordon Messmer wrote:

 Robert P. J. Day wrote:
undoubtedly a simple question, but is there any compelling
  reason to rebuild my initrd.img file if i'm just upgrading from
  2.5.70-bk8 to 2.5.70-bk9, and i can confirm that none of the
  modules in the current initrd.img have changed as a result of
  that kernel bk upgrade?
in short, i've rebuilt my kernel and modules directories,
  but do i need to build a new initrd.img?
 This is one of those questions that would have been answered faster by 
 just trying it.

um ... no, it wouldn't.  while testing it would theoretically tell me if
it worked for *me* in *my* particular configuration with *my* specific
config file, it wouldn't answer the wider question as to whether this
should be expected to work under all circumstances. demonstrating a data
point size of one does not constitute a proof.

what i was after was a more general answer, perhaps related to being
dependent on kernel config options, module versioning, something like
that.  or, OTOH, the simple answer that, yes, you'll be fine would also
be acceptable.

all of us have, at one time or another, fallen into a habit of doing
something a particular way, only to get burned by it some time down the
road and to eventually learn that we've just been lucky all this time.

just playing it safe, that's all.


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Re: under what circumstances should i rebuild initrd.img?

2003-06-05 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Jesse Jacobs wrote:

 Hello Robert,
 I have to admit,  I'm still inexperienced with all this stuff.
 I haven't made an initrd in a while now.
 What'd ya think o the new xconfig? Sweet eh!

yup, especially *my* contribution (he said, ever so smugly).

 Seriously though,  My understanding was that an initrd.img was only
 required if you built as a module the file system on which the / and
 subsequently the /lib/modules/2.5.X location on.  From which additional
 modules could be loaded.

one difference i recall is that, if you use an initrd.img, the mounting
of the root filesystem is done in userspace with tools that understand
LABEL= entries in your /etc/fstab file.

if you don't use an initrd.img, the mounting is done by the kernel,
which does *not* understand labels.  that's what i got burned by 
once upon a time which inspired me to start looking into this a
little more carefully.

and (also from memory), there's more to it than just that these

in short, even if you don't need any particular modules to just
mount your root FS, there are other reasons for using an initrd.


p.s.  some of the intricacies for initrd are in the 
Documentation/initrd.txt file in the kernel source tree, but
that file seems fairly out of date (2000).

any pointers to a newer version somewhere?

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Re: what's the etc/sysconfig ?

2003-06-05 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 4 Jun 2003, Ronaldo Rezende Vilela Luiz wrote:

 Where can I find information about the /etc/sysconfig directory? What's
 the purpose of this files?
 What's the purpose of the i18n file?

check the RH reference guide, part of the docs.


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RE: global path settings - /etc/profile settings

2003-06-04 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Eric Hammersley wrote:

 Honestly the easiest way is to follow the same method RH uses in
 /etc/profile.  Add another 'pathmunge' after the last one in
 /etc/profile.  ie.
 pathmunge /your/path/here after 
 Add the 'after' if you want it to add at the tail of the existing system
 path, leaving the 'after' off will add it at the front.  Just make sure
 you add the line prior to the unset pathmunge statement.  
 Also, unless you want it to affect root only, make sure you don't add it
 within the if [ 'id -u' = 0]; then statement.

rather than mess with /etc/profile directly, if you look closely at
the bottom of that file, you'll notice a loop that invokes all of
the separate scripts of the form /etc/profile.d/*sh.  

the /etc/profile.d directory is the ideal place to add an extra
customization layer on top of /etc/profile, rather than having
one ginormous, monolithic /etc/profile.

the other advantage to adding extra files there is that you
can just add symlinks so that, when you re-install or update over
the old system files, your customization files are preserved.

all my customization is implemented with

/etc/profile.d/ - /home/rpjday/sys/


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Re: increasing size of file system

2003-06-04 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Dana Holland wrote:

   If you want to non-destructively resize your partition, you may
   want to look into a disk utility called GNU parted.
   Something not mentioned here is that if the disc is fully
   partitioned, you'll have to reduce the size the the partition next to
   the one you want to increase. You can't get something for nothing.
 Thanks - now I understand what I've been seeing.  I'm used to dealing
 with an AIX environment - there you don't have to worry about these
 things.  You simply tell it you want to add 2gb to a filesystem, and it
 does it, provided it can find 2gb free on any of the disk drives within
 that volume group.
 I thought that I read that RH was supposed to have LVM - or getting it?

it's had LVM for a while, and LVM will let you do just what you're
asking about.


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Re: patch and build kernel howto?

2003-05-30 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Fri, 30 May 2003, Bill Dossett wrote:

 I'd like to patch and then build a kernel
 from SRPM.  Is this possible? and is there
 any howto on it?

i'm not sure what you're trying to do here.  if you get
a red hat SRPM, it *already* has the red hat patches
incorporated in it, so just build it like a regular

or you can get a stock, pristine kernel from,
and *then* you can download patches from the same place
on top of that.

it's not clear precisely what you're after here.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario

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Re: Novell torpedoes SCO

2003-05-29 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 28 May 2003, Edward Croft wrote:

 Yes, but let's see if the press picks up on this. They have been citing
 the SCO case and raising the FUD level. Let's see if they print this
 counterpoint from the company that actually owns the patents that SCO is
 claiming have been infringed upon.

if you check out, SCO has already responded
to novell's claim.  so it's FUD and counter-FUD.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
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Re: wierd useradd issue RH9

2003-05-27 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 27 May 2003, dnk wrote:

 Hi there
 I have a weird issue...
 When I create a user...
 # useradd userid
 The user can not logon after. It states the logon information is incorrect and 
 If I create them in the GUI - all is fine...

creating a user via useradd typically (IIRC) leaves that account
with a locked password, which means you must do one of:

# passwd userid
# passwd -d userid

before the account becomes accessible.


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Re: wierd useradd issue RH9

2003-05-27 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 27 May 2003, dnk wrote:

 I was thinking I had to set it with usermod

actually, there's quite a lot of overlap between the standard
account management commands.  feel free to check out the man
pages to see what i mean:



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Re: Covert CD files to ogg vorbis or mp3 in Linux

2003-04-06 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 6 Apr 2003, Eduardo Silva wrote:

 I'm a Linux newbie and this is the first time I am trying to do this. I 
 have a CD that I want to store in my harddisk as ogg vorbis files (or 
 mp3). I'd like tomknow which tool I can use to encode from CD (which is 
 wav I think) to ogg vorbis?

you can use cdparanoia to copy the .wav files from the audio CD, and
the RPM vorbis-tools comes with a number of ogg-related programs like
oggenc to transform .wav files into .ogg files.

i'm not sure if there's a program to do that in one step -- short of
figuring out how to pipe from one program to another, i didn't
immediately see a utility which would generate an ogg file *directly*
from a .wav file right off the CD.  any hints?


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Re: I want my ipchains back

2003-04-02 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Mingle, Michael wrote:

 I have noticed in Redhat 8 that ipchains is not longer available.  This is a
 problem for me because i have some elaborate scripts that I wrote about a
 year ago that use ipchains exclusively. I have heard that the stateful
 environment provided by iptables and netfilter are better; however, I would
 like to gradually move into that sort of configuration. Is there a way to
 make ipchains work again in Red Hat 8?

sure.  you can always deactivate iptables, and continue to run
ipchains if you want.  nothing is forcing you to upgrade if
you're not ready.

in short, your statement that in Redhat 8 ipchains is no longer
available is not true, but as you point out, there are definite
benefits to iptables.


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RE: I want my ipchains back

2003-04-02 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Mingle, Michael wrote:

 What procedure should I use to get ipchains back?

there's a very good iptables tutorial at,
which shows how to move from ipchains to iptables.  just
do the reverse, which involves removing the iptables 
modules and running the ipchains modules.


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Re: Download Redhat 9 right now

2003-04-01 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 1 Apr 2003, Jeff Bearer wrote:

 I bet this is a little bitter sweet for Red Hat, while BitTorrent will
 save them and the mirrors tremendous bandwidth, I bet they would prefer
 that this came out next Monday when shrike is released to the public.
 I wonder how companies like Red Hat feel about programs like BitTorrent
 as a primary method of distribution?

but surely *everyone* must have assumed that, the instant RH 9
became available to anyone, it would shortly be available to
everyone.  whether it was via bittorrent or any other avenue
isn't really relevant.

you just had to know that it would be all over the net within


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Re: Download Redhat 9 right now

2003-04-01 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Ric Tibbetts wrote:

 With respect for those who have paid for their Redhat network
 subscription, and the related early access:
 I will refrain from using such boot-leg sites. I would encourage others
 to do the same.

there is no logic to your position.  there would be if, somehow,
using such boot-leg sites adversely affected paying RHN customers.
clearly, this is not the case.  in fact, RHN customers got exactly
what they paid for -- early access to the software (albeit perhaps
much more slowly than they had been led to believe).

getting the same (freely-available) software from other sources
did not affect the RHN customers, or reduce their bandwidth,
in any way.

if you want to wait for the official release date, that's
clearly your choice.  but don't present this as somehow
taking the moral high ground.


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Re: Download Redhat 9 right now

2003-04-01 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Emmanuel Seyman wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 01:29:40PM -0500, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
   I will refrain from using such boot-leg sites. I would encourage others
   to do the same.
  there is no logic to your position.
 Actually, there's one very good reason why you should wait a bit
 before downloading and installing shrike. This allows others to
 act as guinea pigs for the changes in the distribution, the
 freshrpms site, the Nvidia drivers and so on.

on that score, i just downloaded the newest nvidia drivers and
installed them on my RH 8.0 box, knowing i could always
back off.  no need -- they seem to work fine on 8.0, so that's
at least partial confirmation.

regarding the freshrpms site, since those packages are
*entirely* optional, they're not an issue.

i never said there was no reason to install RH 9 *now* --
i only said that refusing to get it from an unofficial site
for moral/ethical reasons had no basis.

besides, if we all played it safe and waited for others to
try it first, we'd never get to it, would we?


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where are gnome-volume-control settings stored?

2003-03-31 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  i was curious about where gnome-volume-control stores
its current settings.  i noticed in my home directory
the subdirectory


inside of which i found a number of XML files corresponding
to settings, but those don't *appear* to immediately reflect
changes i make with the app, so i'm suspecting those settings
are still stored elsewhere.

  short of ripping open the code, any hints?  particularly
command-line versions of those same config programs?


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Re: Question

2003-03-31 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Martin, Ava wrote:

 Good Morning,
 Sorry if this came twice, I forgot to change the format on the first one, so
 I'm resending as plain text format.
 Please forgive me if my question seems trivial.  I am trying to install
 RedHat 8.0 Standard on a Dell Inspiron 5100 Laptop.  The laptop has a 60GB
 hard drive with 512M of RAM.
 I have used Partition Magic 8 to free up 18GB for RH.  I am also running
 Windows XP.  
 I wanted to do custom partitions but keep receiving errors that my
 partitions are not large enough.  Could someone please send some examples of
 recommended partition sizes if I wanted to do a full complete install of

can you be more specific?  is it telling you *which* partition is
too small?


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RE: Question on Paritioning

2003-03-31 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Martin, Ava wrote:

 I'm at work right now, but if my memory serves me correct it was multiple
 ones, /, /opt, and I believe /var.  The main problem is that you don't find
 out the partitions are not large enough until the install gets ready to
 start.  By then, it's too late to go back, you have to start all over.
 Basically, I'd like some ideas for partition sizes.  Say if I have a 20GB
 drive what would be a suitable, good partition layout, keeping in mind I'd
 like to do a complete full install.  

here's a cheap trick i've used for a while.  as a first-time
throwaway install, do a full install into one humongous,
single root partition.  once that's done, boot, then

  # cd /
  # du -s *

this will give you a good idea of what you're looking at
in terms of directory usage.  note particularly the size
of /usr -- a full install will normally take 4-5G just 
under /usr alone.

note that all this is in aid of creating fixed partitions.
instead of that, just choose to use LVM at install time,
and you can manipulate your partition sizes at will later

from what i've seen, assuming that LVM is a solid, stable
product, there's little reason not to start using it.


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Re: New NVidia drivers

2003-03-31 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 31 Mar 2003, Cliff Wells wrote:

 Just a FYI: there's a new NVidia driver available (as of today).  It
 supports RH 9 and features a new install system.
 Just installed it (RH 8.0) and it seems to work nicely.

does it make any noticeable difference on RH 8.0?


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Re: useradd question

2003-03-30 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003, Rudik A.A. wrote:

 I want format and reinstall the RH7.1 server, but have lots of users on
 Can I copy the existing /etc/passwd, shadow, and group files and after
 installation just use them. or I have to add them again ?

i've used this trick even when moving up a release (7.1-7.2,
and so on).   it's always worked for me.

just make sure that you also save and restore the user mailboxes
under /var/spool/mail as well, before blowing away and reformatting
/var.  otherwise users will be really miffed that everything in
their INBOX just disappeared.


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Re: eth0 and Zaurus SL 5500

2003-03-29 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Haisam K. Ido wrote:

 Thanks.  The system chose CDCEther.  How do I prevent it from doing that
 or how do I change eth0 from CDCEther to lets say eth2.  I'll checkout

for what it's worth, i have an ongoing documentation project
discussing running the OpenZaurus image on a Zaurus 5500 --
it's one of the chapters at

i've been waiting for the (just recently released) new release of
OZ before i went back to adding more info there.  your issue
is addressed there -- you have to blacklist the CDCEther module.

currently, i'm happily running the new image, and ssh'ed in to my
Z from RH 8.0.  very nice.


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Re: eth0 and Zaurus SL 5500

2003-03-29 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Haisam K. Ido wrote:

 There is no entry for it in modules.conf, but claims to be eth0 when the PDA is 
 turned on
 How do I block CDCEther from ever being used?

add the line


to /etc/hotplug/blacklist.


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Re: Major Crash

2003-03-29 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Joe Polk wrote:

 Okay, I moved my mail server this weekend. No biggie. Consquently, my
 list mail backed up and I had over 200 email messages from this list to
 download into Evolution to my laptop, not to mention my other mailboxes
 that I use Evolution to check. Well, everything downloaded fine except
 the list mail. At some point, Evolution popped in error on the screen
 and halted (I don't have the error). The entire system froze. When I
 rebooted, init failed with a kernel panic, init not found.  Panic ensued
 so I booted with the RH8 cd and attempted a rescue. No luck. I had to
 run fsck and a HUGE about of files were dumped into lost+found. Or so I
 thought. There are some files there but most have a file type of b as
 in brw-rw foo.  Can I recover any of these? I am only concerned with
 one file but if I try to copy one of these files it says no such
 device'. Any hope of getting at least 1 or two files? Thanks!

ouch, you lost a bunch of *device* files?  if you know which ones
you want to rebuild, there's a script called MAKEDEV in the /dev
directory that can help.


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RE: how to redirect the output of command 'xinetd -d'

2003-03-27 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Cowles, Steve wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: winglion
  Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:56 AM
  Subject: how to redirect the output of command 'xinetd -d'
While I use xinetd -d to test my vsftpd seting!
  There are a few error tell me thatbind address fail
  (address already in use) !
So I would like to redirect the output of this 
  command, to show you the error message! Yet,neither
  xinetd -d debug.txt nor xinetd -d debug.txt work!
 How can I redirect this command's output?
  Any advice would be appliciate!   
 try redirecting both stdout and stderr (file descriptor 2). i.e.
 xinetd -d /tmp/debug.txt 21

but the poster said he already tried redirecting with ,
which is semantically equivalent (it's a bash short cut).
so there's clearly something more going on here.

perhaps the original poster can supply more detail as to
what output is being generated, and where it's going.


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curious about newer module-init-tools, 2.5 kernel

2003-03-26 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  can someone supply a pointer to an explanation for the newer
module-init-tools and its relevance to the 2.5 kernel?  from
what i've read, the 2.5 kernel requires newer module-handling
features.  a lot of the google hits i get searching for this
take me to rusty russell's kernel page, where one finds a 
number of module-init-tools tarballs, and a recent 
modutils source RPM.

  so far, based on my reading, i rebuilt the src rpm and installed
it on my 2.4.21 kernel box, and everything seems to work fine, 
but i expected that since it was supposed to be backward

  so i'm still a bit unclear on what this new set of module
utils is all about:

1) what issue do the new utilities address?

2) are they essential for the 2.5 kernel?

3) is that modutils src rpm equivalent to the module-init-tools
   tarballs?  what about the testsuite stuff in that directory?


p.s.  the web page i'm talking about is

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Re: Stop the presses! [ was Re: FW: Red Hat Linux 9 ]

2003-03-26 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Francisco Neira wrote:

 I guess this book could become a collector's item: The book that talks 
 about a version never released... I know, it's useless, but just seeing 
 the brighter side ;-)

coming soon from the same publisher:

  Shock and Awe:  How the American Military Defeated the Evil Regime
   of Saddam Hussein and Restored Democracy to the Middle East in
   Two Short Days


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what's the function of the /lib/modules/???/build symlink?

2003-03-26 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  in a fit of poor judgment, i tried to test the new 2.5.66 kernel
on my RH 8.0 box, and not only did it explode in glorious ways,
it made a mess of my nvidia setup.

  in recovering to an older, working kernel, i now find i can't
rebuild the NVIDIA kernel src rpms (loads of parse errors from
/usr/include files).

  i'm not sure why i'm getting compile-time errors when i've
never had them before, but i accidentally removed the kernel
source directory for the current good kernel, which means that
the sym link /lib/modules/???/build is now pointing at a 
non-existent kernel source directory under /usr/src (yes, i
was eventually going to get around to that).

  so, before i spend a lot of time on this, what is the function
of that symlink, and could having it point at a non-existent
kernel source directory be causing the rebuild of my NVIDIA
kernel src rpm to blow up with dozens of parse errors from
include files?

  (not having the kernel source directory for the current running
kernel doesn't affect anything else -- system runs fine otherwise.)


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Re: RHCE Exam, doing it now or wait. (Excuse for the HTML sendingearlier)

2003-03-25 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Peter van der Does wrote:

  So here I am, a RHCE 8 exam coming up next week and the weekend after
 that RHCE 9 is in the stores. Should I do it or wait for the RHCE 9

this close to the exam, do you even have the option of rescheduling?


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so what's the technology behind the jump to RH 9?

2003-03-25 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  can someone explain/point to a web page that discusses the
new technology behind the jump to RH 9?  that is, NPTL?  glibc?

  and perhaps how this affects current applications? what will
need to be recompiled and what won't?  and how soon matthias
will have a whack of new RPMs up on freshrpms? :-)


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picky observation about

2003-03-25 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  why doesn't the URL resolve directly
to a location containing the contents of rawhide?

  instead, you still have to traverse a fairly generic red hat
directory structure to finally get to

  any reason why it's not more direct?


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Re: beta install change not good?

2003-03-25 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Bret Hughes wrote:

 On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 20:27, Bill Anderson wrote:
  As an instructor who needs to insall on the sites I go to, I look at it
  this way:
  The most common use of personal should be optimized for the single disc
  install. It decreases the number of discs, and speeds my install. This
  is not an insignificant difference. Unfortunately, not all sites I've
  gone to have a 100MB network, instead running 10MB through a hub -- an
  install of half a dozen or more desktops over that network is s s s s s
  s l l l l l l o o o o o o o o o ow. 
  If I can drop a single disc in, get them all started, and move on to
  something else, it cuts down my prep time dramtically.
  That's why for Linux Fundamentals, and general admin/shell scripting
  classes I've found Debian a better platform. One disc has made a major
  difference in time spent there.
  I'm not advocating (here) what should constitute a given install
  package, just that the minimum and/or the personal desktop should
  not require all the discs, just the first one. Not advocating package
  change, just disc sequencing. ;)
 Bill -  It sounds like this might be a great application for you to
 build your own installation cds with  kickstart built in.  Burn a dozen
 and you can simply walk into a lab, insert the cd, reboot and walk
 away.  You could then do all of them simultaneously and hava working lab
 in about 15 minutes.
 It is really not that difficult and the time spent getting it right
 would pay for it on the first install.  I have some links somewhere.  If
 you like I can try to dig them up.  With your skills you should be able
 to knock out a working version in half a day or so.  The kickstart list
 is good for working on stuff like this as well.

the above is pretty close to what i did some time back when i was
teaching for a major client in texas.  they had a classroom i would
get access to about an hour before class started on the first day.
all seats already had a set of red hat CDs, so what i brought was
a kickstart floppy with an appropriate ks.cfg file.

one at a time, i'd start a kickstart install at each seat, removing the
floppy after it had done its job (about a minute or so), and move
on to the next seat.  once they were all installing, i'd go for coffee,
come back in a while to swap CDs.

yes, i know i could have burned custom CDs with the ks.cfg file 
right on the CD, but it didn't seem worth it.  if i ever wanted
to make changes, it was way easier to just make a new floppy than
a whole new set of CDs.


p.s.  if you're feeling ambitious, you can have a laptop with
the CD ISOs on it, and use that as a network kickstart server,
make things go even faster.  i did that a couple times as well.

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RH 9 -- a couple more questions and observations

2003-03-25 Thread Robert P. J. Day

1) since already has a review of RH 9, does this
   mean that it's set in stone, and that no more adjusting or
   updating will be done?  just curious.

2) if it's a finished product, can nvidia drivers be far
   behind?  (he asks, tongue firmly in cheek.)

3) even if the product itself is not available yet, what
   are the chances of seeing release notes so we at least
   know what's coming down the pike?  just so we can get
   a head start on mental preparation.


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Red Hat Linux 9 | Get the latest Linux early (fwd)

2003-03-24 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  before anyone gets too cranked up about this, it is almost
certainly bogus.  look at the return email address --

  a quick browse of shows an obvious
spammer.  so this is total nonsense.


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Red Hat Linux 9 | Get the latest Linux early (fwd)

2003-03-24 Thread Robert P. J. Day

Red Hat list admin:

  A number of folks received the following on the Red Hat mailing
list recently.  The overwhelming evidence is that it is spam,
given the return address of

  If this is indeed what happened, it seems appropriate to 
bar all * postings to any and all red hat mailing 
lists, yes?  The links contained in the message are a *clear*
attempt to get subscribers to sign up for a completely bogus
service, with the proceeds going directly to

  The faster this domain can be blacklisted, the less chance
there is of someone being fleeced.

  Thanks for your attention.


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 19:21:04 -
Subject: Red Hat Linux 9 | Get the latest Linux early

Dear rob day:

You may know that Red Hat Network is the best way to keep your 
systems running the latest errata and always up to date. What you 
might not know is that Red Hat Network passed the one million users 
mark earlier this year. We've listened to valuable feedback and have
added two items of interest to keep those users happy - early release 
of Red Hat Linux 9 ISOs and improved technical support.

Beginning March 31, 2003, paid subscribers to Red Hat Network will 
have access to Red Hat Linux 9 ISOs - a full week before retail store 
and Red Hat FTP availability. Also, Red Hat Network subscribers will
receive dedicated Red Hat Network Technical Support. 

Learn more about the benefits of being a Red Hat Network Subscriber:$f1ahAJPSNNAMoxTCAHU7fyyN/rhat1

To purchase a Red Hat Network subscription:$f1ahAJPSNNAMoxTCAHU7fyyN/rhat2

Thanks again for using Red Hat Linux. We appreciate all feedback 
from our users and hope you enjoy Red Hat Linux 9.


Red Hat


The above email is intended for people who have opted-in to receiving
email from Red Hat. If you think that you have received this email in
error, please accept our apologies. Simply click on the link in the
section below and we'll make sure you do not receive this kind of
email from Red Hat again.$f1ahAJPSNNAMoxTCAHU7fyyN/rhat3?t=VALUEtVALUE

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RE: Red Hat Linux 9 | Get the latest Linux early (fwd)

2003-03-24 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Jody Cleveland wrote:

before anyone gets too cranked up about this, it is almost
  certainly bogus.  look at the return email address --
a quick browse of shows an obvious
  spammer.  so this is total nonsense.
 I also belong to Redhat Network. They sent a message about this too. Looking
 at the headers:
 Received: from (
 Plus, it's all over their web site. They just don't say anywhere, at least
 that I can see, what's new in it.

at this point, it's not the existence of red hat 9 that's the issue --
it's the offer for RHN subscription that appears to be going back to
an obvious spammer -- that is,

while i may be wrong, it seems that is trying to ride the
coattails of the recent legit announcement to sucker folks into
signing up with *them*.

can someone clarify this?  i mean, it makes no sense for red hat
to be sending out offers like this from the domain,
does it?


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RE: Red Hat Linux 9 | Get the latest Linux early (fwd)

2003-03-24 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Daevid Vincent wrote:

 Rober! This is *NOT* spam.
 And the email I got FROM RH has my username and info in it. It is most
 certainly from RedHat, and it most certainly is v9.0.

if this is in fact legit, i'm more than a little stunned.  who at
red hat decided to provide contact information to a third-party
mass-mailing company?  what effect does this have on privacy

i would *really* like to know how my association with red hat
led to my contact info being given to a bulk mailing organization.



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RH 9: ok, so i overreacted ... but i'm still miffed

2003-03-24 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  ok, so it seems that that first mailing to the RH list
was legit after all, so i'm left looking a little sheepish.
but i'm still somewhat peeved about how this was done --
unspeakably clumsily.

  that initial posting was more confusing than anything else.
rather than being even remotely informational, it left most
scratching their heads, wondering, RH 9?  what happened to
8.1?  is this spam?  is that a typo?  certainly, the fact
that most people were confused shows that it was *very*
badly presented.  it's *still* not clear why the jump to
9.  one would think that someone at RH would have had the
sense to predict that most serious red hatters would want
to know about that, yet there was no explanation.

  and, more to the point, that posting was pure spam.  it
provided no information, answered no questions -- just 
announced RHN for red hat 9, and click here to join
and give us some of your money.

  the disclaimer insisted that i got it because i had
opted in to get info.  i don't recall ever opting in,
unless they're talking about the official red hat mailing
list, and i joined that one because i wanted to get real
information.  that posting didn't even vaguely qualify.

  this whole thing was really poorly done.



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Re: How to get my red hat version?

2003-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Bruno Negrao wrote:

 Hi, I'd like to know a command or file that shows something like this:
 you're system version is Red Hat 7.2
 the uname -a doesn't show my redhat version.

$ cat /proc/version
$ cat /etc/redhat-release


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Re: How to get my red hat version?

2003-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 20 Mar 2003, Mark F. wrote:

 Some other ways in addition to the excellent aforementioned
 cat /etc/issue
 cat /etc/
 rpm -q redhat-release

there is nothing about the /etc/issue* files that guarantee that they
say *anything* about the red hat version of the host.  those files
contain whatever you want to be printed out before the login prompt

  /etc/issue:   on a local port
  /etc/   for a network login

so while they *start* with version info, there's nothing that
says they must remain that way.


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Re: How to get my red hat version?

2003-03-20 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Michael Schwendt wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 14:58:32 -0300, Bruno Negrao wrote:
  Hi, I'd like to know a command or file that shows something like this:
  you're system version is Red Hat 7.2
  the uname -a doesn't show my redhat version.
 rpm -q --qf %{version} redhat-release
 unless of course you uninstall that package. ;-)

it occurs to me that there's really no good answer to this
question, since *all* of the solutions we've posted might
not necessarily be meaningful, such as if you *start* with
an install of 8.0, but do lots of changes and updates.
at that point, is it really 8.0 anymore, regardless of
how you get that info?

a better question might be, why do you need to know this
information, and what effect will it have on what you're trying
to do?


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Re: OT : light years, arrrrggggh

2003-03-17 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Jack Byers wrote:

 Hal Burgiss responded to another thread:
 Mutt + procmail is light years ahead of this stuff. Especially, when
 you consider vim can be used as the editor.
 I am reasonably sure most members of this list, and almost surely Hal
 himself, really know that light year is a technical term:
 specifically it is a measure of _distance_ ;
 and said another way, it most certainly is not a measure of _time_
 which is the sense it was used in the above quote.

Han Solo:  Fast?  Yeah, she's fast.  She made the Kessel run in
  under 12 parsecs.


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RE: shell script - expert question

2003-03-16 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Sun, 16 Mar 2003, Cowles, Steve wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Kleiner Hampel
  Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 10:41 AM
  Subject: Re: shell script - expert question
  now it works, but because of the '*'.
  now i want to remove the leading abc from all files in my directory.
  i tried this:
  for i in *; do mv $i `echo $i | sed s/abc//`; done
  but it doesn't do that.
  i always get the error, that the last arguement must be a directory!
  I guess, the reason are the white spaces in the names.
  perhaps the expression `echo $i | sed s/abc//` also have to 
  be set in '' or so, but it doesn't work this way.
  please help
 Single quotes ' are treated literally by the shell interpreter. i.e. no
 filename expansion. With double quotes, your variables are expanded prior to
 being used. So...
 for i in * ; do
 mv $i `echo $i | sed -e 's/abc//'`
 Note: Your example has not dealt with filenames that do NOT contain spaces.

rather than going to the trouble of firing up sed, you can use
the pattern-matching operators built into the shell:

 ${var#string}  # discard shortest prefix matching string

as in,


will return the string corresponding to the contents of $i,
with a prefix of abc deleted.  if the prefix isn't abc,
no change.

  check out:



p.s.  just to clarify, you would do:

  mv $i ${i#abc}

p.p.s.  note that string in all of the above can be a 
wildcard pattern as well, making it really powerful.

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RE: shell script - expert question

2003-03-16 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On 16 Mar 2003, Kleiner Hampel wrote:

 But what is about:
 What means the double #, the single and double #?
 Please explain me in some words! Thanks!
 Is there a man page with this information?

these are internal *shell* constructs, so you would find
them in the man page for bash.

respectively, they are operators which will *remove*, and return
to you what's left, after removing from the variable value:

1) the shortest prefix matching the pattern
2) the longest prefix matching the pattern
3) the shortest suffix matching the pattern
4) the longest prefix matching the pattern


$ filename=/a/b/c/fred.c
$ echo ${filename%.c}
$ echo ${filename##*/}

... and so on.  and they're blindingly fast since they're built
into the shell.


p.s. i just typed in the above from memory -- here's hoping there's
no typoes, but i'll let you play with them.

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