RE: CSWartsSkin tag and CS

2000-08-07 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
I had a skin tan low on my right armpit: a few applications of 10 PPM did the 

Interesting, my young son has one in the same place only a little larger; I 
have started application.

It does not seem to be responding, but we shall see in time.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   John Kolb []
Sent:   Sunday, August 06, 2000 7:07 PM
Subject:Re: CSWarts

On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Marshall Dudley wrote:

 I think I will try holding the negative electrode in my hand, and applying the
 positive pulses with a piece of 14 gauge silver wire directly to the wart
 after wetting it with CS.  That might drive silver ions directly into the wart
 enhancing the effect the zapping might have on it.

I have what the doctor calls skin tags - couldn't find much info
on them on the internet last time I looked - anyone know if CS or
pulsers will rid me of them?


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RE: CSSpider bites

2000-08-07 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
I think it is unlikely that any of us will get a straight answer to the 
questions which beg to be asked of that writing. 

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Katie Jay []
Sent:   Monday, August 07, 2000 12:24 AM
Subject:Re: CSSpider bites

Hi Bob and all,

Your spider story is amazing. Glad the remedy worked!!

What do you (and the rest of you) make of this. I wrote to a woman on a lyme
support list and suggested CS. She replied that CS can sometimes stimulate
the growth of bacteria. Here's an excerpt of her note to me. What do you

With love,

Here's what the woman wrote:
I learned of a Texas pathologist Ph.D. with high powered microscope, and his
correlation of M.S wih a spirochete like organism and patients with the
bacteria in certain quantity above 400 always had M.S. symptoms.  There is
absolutley proof the NMSS is covering up the real cause  of M.S. and NCS of
cancer  Some are truly ignorant and others damn  greedy lyers
My. M.S. bacteria (1997)was first 387.  I made. C.S. water and in 9 months
it (bacteria) TRIPLED.

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Re: CSWarts

2000-08-07 Thread Rob Lowe
I've found that the magnetic pulsar reduced them in size to just a hard knob
on the skin over a period of about 3 months.
Some disapeared altogether. But when I stopped doing it regularly, some came
back..or, were they new ones!
Hard to tell.
From what I understand they are caused by a virus.
I think that fingernail scissors are a bit barbaric!?
Best wishes, Rob
- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSWarts

 John Kolb wrote:

  On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Marshall Dudley wrote:
   I think I will try holding the negative electrode in my hand, and
applying the
   positive pulses with a piece of 14 gauge silver wire directly to the
   after wetting it with CS.  That might drive silver ions directly into
the wart
   enhancing the effect the zapping might have on it.
  I have what the doctor calls skin tags - couldn't find much info
  on them on the internet last time I looked - anyone know if CS or
  pulsers will rid me of them?

 don't know.  I use fingernail sissors.


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2000-08-07 Thread DeathBH
James  list:
thanks for the suggestion on the form, but I already have the form; Atlantean 
press supplies all of that and the code for each state for only $10 - not bad 
in my estimation.  I even located the Georgia code on the internet this 
weekend and downloaded it.  

However, from a separate source I now have a possible legal representation 
if I get into a bind the Rutherford Institute...  A homeschool Mom told 
me last night.  that represent people whose religious rights are violated.   

Thanks all for your comments - I go Wednesday.  I'll let the list know what 
the outcome is.


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Re: CSSpider bites

2000-08-07 Thread Gaston
Hi Bob,

I completely agree with about your proposition regarding
standarding the CS that we make.
We should all reconsider working together in putting together
some standards to produce good CS to help new and existing

- Original Message -
From: Robert L. Berger
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSSpider bites


 You say that you made CS water. How do you know what you had in the way of
 or particle size.  Just making CS with a couple of silver wires is a

 What the members of list list fail to realize is that the T.E. is more
 than they realize. The reflection of the laser beam can only happen when
 particle size is equal to or greater than the wavelength of the IR beam
which is
 generally 680 nm.

 So the stronger the beam the less bioavailability there is in the CS. A
 good CS would be about 10 ppm with almost no T.E. visible.

 When I proposed standardizing the CS manufacture over a year ago there
 several members that ridiculed the idea.
 As a result most listees have no idea as to what they are making. No
wonder the
 medical authorities laugh at us.

 Ole Bob

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CSSell your books, essays and scribblings electronically over the internet

2000-08-07 Thread Daniel Holly

Sell your books, essays and scribblings electronically over the internet.
They will process transactions of $2.00 on up. Get paid for your wisdom(?).

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Re: CSA silver product..

2000-08-07 Thread Ivan Anderson
Well folks,

It seems to me, that Aqua Argentica does no more than any quality CS.

The fact that 23 different labs get the same result is hardly
surprising, nothing like gilding the lily for advertising copy!

As to the structured water claim, there may be something to that,
although I suspect that the mere fact that charged silver particles are
suspended in water and is thus hydrated, would lead to structuring in
any case.

The particle size of this product would seem to be in the 50nm - 33nm
(.05 - .033um) range :

Look at this site for some great pictures and micrographs.


- Original Message -
From: Katie Jay
Sent: Monday, 7 August 2000 06:14
Subject: CSA silver product..

 I'd like to hear opinions on this! (FYI for the person on the list who
has a
 friend with leukemia, the article mentions leukemia at the end)

 Thanks, Katie

 Also, here's the site this info. comes from:

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Re: CS: What happens to it once it gets inside your body? Anybody know?

2000-08-07 Thread Ivan Anderson

I should have said I do not believe that metals can enter the blood
stream other than as ions...



- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, 7 August 2000 01:50
Subject: Re: CS: What happens to it once it gets inside your body?
Anybody know?

 In a message dated 8/6/00 5:41:34 AM EST, writes:

  I do not believe that metals can enter the body other than
  as ions (does any one know differently?) and so the distinction
  CS and the silver ion becomes redundant. 

 Ivan: Are you saying that UNLESS CS enters the body as an ion it can
do us no
 good? And to the extent that the CS is NOT ionized, its
 properties will not work in vivo although they may indeed be effective
 vitro?  On the other hand, I seem to recall you saying that the body
 convert any nonionic CS to a silver ion (in the stomach, for example)
so that
 virtually all the CS we consume will become effective germ fighters,
if only
 for a short time. Please straighten me out here. Roger

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Re: CSSpider bites

2000-08-07 Thread Robert L. Berger

You say that you made CS water. How do you know what you had in the way of ppm
or particle size.  Just making CS with a couple of silver wires is a great

What the members of list list fail to realize is that the T.E. is more important
than they realize. The reflection of the laser beam can only happen when the
particle size is equal to or greater than the wavelength of the IR beam which is
generally 680 nm.

So the stronger the beam the less bioavailability there is in the CS. A very
good CS would be about 10 ppm with almost no T.E. visible.

When I proposed standardizing the CS manufacture over a year ago there were
several members that ridiculed the idea.
As a result most listees have no idea as to what they are making. No wonder the
medical authorities laugh at us.

Ole Bob

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Re: CS: What happens to it once it gets inside your body? Anybody know?

2000-08-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 8/7/00 6:08:04 AM EST, writes:

 Subj: Re: CS: What happens to it once it gets inside your body? 
Anybody know?
 Date:  8/7/00 6:08:04 AM EST
 From: (Ivan Anderson)
 I should have said I do not believe that metals can enter the blood
 stream other than as ions...

Ivan: Well, assuming you are correct in your statement above (Sorry, but I 
don't recall if you offered us any proof), then silver can enter the body 
only if it is already ionized, or through a redox reaction. Therefore, if the 
predominant form of the CS you are taking happens to be nonionic, wouldn't a 
redox reaction render all the CS available, and if this conclusion is correct 
why would particle size be all that important (some evidence to the contrary 
notwithstanding) since redox reactions will yield individual silver ions for 
all submicron size particles and probably for particles of around a micron as 
well. If I am correct, then wouldn't this conclusion explain why most folks 
have had good success with crudely made (preparations with relatively large 
particles, but still mostly in the micron size range) CS? Roger

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Re: CSMore truth

2000-08-07 Thread MAMA2BEAR
Hi, Ken,
This quote reminds me of those confused B. C. days:::smile.

In a message dated 08/07/2000 7:36:00 Central Daylight Time, writes:
  I stilt my fantasies to reflect the evidence and spin the evidence to 
 support my fantasies, therefore, I believe what I want to believe...I, 
 therefore, 'see what I want'. If I don't like what I see, what 'I want' is 
 up for examination, because my fantasies are facts supported by evidence.

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CSHumor boosts the immune system.

2000-08-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
So with that in mind, here is today's immune system boost:

Occasionally, airline attendants make an effort to make the in-
 flight safety lecture and their other announcements a bit more
 entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or

 1. From a Southwest Airlines employee: There may be 50 ways to leave
 your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane.

 2. Pilot: Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I am
 going to switch the seat belt sign off. Feel free to move about as
 you wish, but please stay inside the plane till we land. It's a bit
 cold outside, and if you walk on the wings it affects the flight

 3. After landing: Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We
 hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking
 you for a ride.

 4. As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Washington
 National, a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: Whoa, big fella.

 5. After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in
 Memphis, a flight attendant on a Northwest flight announced: Please
 take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a
 landing like that, sure as hell everything has shifted.

 6. From a Southwest Airlines employee: Welcome aboard Southwest
 Flight XXX to YYY. To operate your seatbelt, insert the metal tab
 into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other
 seatbelt and if you don't know how to operate one, you probably
 shouldn't be out in public unsupervised. In the event of a sudden
 loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling.
 Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you
 have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before
 assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with two small children,
 decide now which one you love more.

 7. Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds,
 but they'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and
 remember, nobody loves you or your money more than Southwest

 8. Your seat cushions can be used for flotation. In the event of an
 emergency water landing, please take them with our compliments.

 9. As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your
 belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the
 flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.

 10. Last one off the plane must clean it.

 11. From the pilot during his welcome message: We are pleased to
 have some of the best flight attendants in the industry.
 Unfortunately none of them are on this flight.

 12. This was overheard on an American Airlines flight into Amarillo,
 Texas, on a particularly windy and bumpy day. During the final
 approach, the captain was really having to fight it. After an
 extremely hard landing, the flight attendant came on the PA and
 announced, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Amarillo. Please remain
 in your seats with your seatbelts fastened while the captain taxis
 what's left of our airplane to the gate!

 13. Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect
 landing: We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo
 bounces us to the terminal.

 14. An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had
 hammered his ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a
 policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while
 the passengers exited, smile, and give them a, Thanks for flying XYZ
 airline. He said that in light of his bad landing, he had a hard
 time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would
 have a smart comment. Finally, everyone had gotten off except for
 this little old lady walking with a cane. She said, Sonny, did we
 land or were we shot down?

 15. After a real crusher of a landing in Phoenix, the flight
 attendant got on the PA and said, Ladies and gentlemen, please
 remain in your seats until Captain Crash and the crew have brought
 the aircraft to a screeching halt up against the gate. And, once the
 tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we'll open
 the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the

 16. Part of a flight attendant's arrival announcement: We'd like to
 thank you folks for flying with us today...and, the next time you get
 the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized
 metal tube, we hope you'll think of us here at US Airways.

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Re: CSMore truth

2000-08-07 Thread Ode Wan Coyote
 I stilt my fantasies to reflect the evidence and spin the evidence to 
support my fantasies, therefore, I believe what I want to believe...I, 
therefore, 'see what I want'. If I don't like what I see, what 'I want' is 
up for examination, because my fantasies are facts supported by evidence.

 Any viewpoint can be confirmed, and belief validated to the satisfaction 
of the believer by the very nature of belief.

The purpose of examining vision is to discover 'how' you see, not what you 
see. The result of the examination reveals that sight is very nearly 
totally blinding and 'what' is seen is quite worthy of doubt. It is but a 
symbol of highly variable opinions 'held' as reality, focused upon to the 
exclusion of all else for a 'sense' of security and stability, done in 
order to validate that that sense is needed and senses themselves can be 
reliable when no two people EVER see the same thing the same way.

 What is seen is what has been willed to see and rarely what is really 
there...if ever.

..and that's just another opinion.
Not very seriously yours,

At 04:24 PM 8/6/00 -0400, you wrote:
On 8/2/00, Kent Hovind spoke on the Art Bell show.  Dr. Hovind is 
considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on Science and 
the Bible. He is dedicated to the proclamation of scientific evidence 
supporting the biblical record of creation and the history of the world.

You can hear this program 

Just click on the windows icon by the date 8/01/00.

The contradictions in the Bible are discussed here and at his web 

Just thought this might be of interest to some people on this list.

Sometimes we can be so busy looking under every stone (CS, zappers, herbs, 
etc.) for our needs that we forget to look to the Rock.


Re: CSMore truth

2000-08-07 Thread sheba
Hi fellow listers,

I'm glad I'm in the company of those who like to research and discover
things on their own, instead of taking everything the anointed medical
establishment says as the final word. We like to share with each other,
and, at times, we like to challange each other.

KD'C wrote:
Any viewpoint can be confirmed, and belief validated to the satisfaction
of the believer by the very nature of belief.


None of us were there when life began, so we all take it on faith.

You may believe in the Biblical account or you may believe in the theory
of evolution.  It's a matter of faith.

Most of us have been bombarded with evolutionary propaganda in the
schools, in the media, and in our public parks and museums.  What we
really know of the other - the politically uncorrect view?  Were you
told that creation science is religion and evolution is science? Did you
know that many scientists believe in creation for scientific reasons.
Don't swallow everything the powers-that-be have worked so hard to
condition you to believe.  Check it out for yourself.

Search for the truth.

I found the following at

The Peppered moth (biston betularia) example

The peppered moth (biston betularia) example is commonly used as
evidence for the theory of evolution. Almost all college
biology textbooks talk about it at some point.

It happened in England during the 1840's through 1895. Before 1848,
ninety-eight percent (98%) of peppered moths were
white. Many more of the white moths survived; they blended in with the
trees much better than the black moths did. Then, in
1848, the black moths started increasing, until in 1895, there were
ninety-eight percent (98%) black moths! What caused the
sudden increase?

If we look at this closely, we find that there was no evolution
involved! What actually happened is that the pollution increased.
This killed the white likens on the trees and turned the trees black.
Predators could see the white moths better than the black
moths, therefore more were eaten. When the pollution was reduced, the
white moths were again less visible than the black
moths, and everything returned to how it was before. There was no actual
change in the moth, only in the ratio of black moths to
white moths, therefore evolution did not take place. Although it is true
that the peppered moth experiments conclusively prove
the theory of natural selection (which isn't a debated theory anymore),
they don't show evolution, since there was no actual
change in the gene pool of the moths. Cris Colby (pro-evolution)
comments in his Introduction to Evolutionary Biology, The
increase in relative abundance of the dark type was due to natural
selection. The late eighteen hundreds was the time of
England's industrial revolution. Soot from factories darkened the birch
trees the moths landed on. Against a sooty background,
birds could see the lighter colored moths better and ate more of them.
As a result, more dark moths survived until reproductive
age and left offspring. The greater number of offspring left by dark
moths is what caused their increase in frequency. This is an
example of natural selection.

The whole example is full of holes anyway. For one thing, peppered moths
don't even rest on trees during the day! They were
laboratory-bred moths. As Dr. Carl Wieland comments, The moths filmed
being eaten by the birds were laboratory-bred ones
placed onto tree trunks by Kettlewell; they were so languid that he once
had to warm them up on his car bonnet (hood). Dr.
Wieland also comments, And all those still photos of moths on tree
trunks? One paper described how it was done - dead
moths were glued to the tree. University of Massachusetts biologist
Theodore Sargent helped glue moths onto trees for a
NOVA documentary. He says textbooks and films have featured 'a lot of
fraudulent photographs'.

What, pray tell, is scientific about this? :)


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Re: CSBeck machines

2000-08-07 Thread Henry Reed
Terry, thanks for that post.  Can you please keep on relating your
experiences with the Beck machines?  My  husband has cancer. At present
he is on a strong herbal preparation.  We have the magnetic pulser and
the electrifier by Sota.  We can't start him on them until he finishes
the herbal course.  So your post is very valuable to us.  We will be
sure to start slow and look for the reactions you mention.  Have you
considered getting an ozonator?  Beck recommends it.  It's pretty
expensive.  We don't have one, but are considering it.  I really don't
know what it is supposed to do or how effective it is.  Any ideas?  Best
wishes on your treatment.  pj 

Terry Wayne wrote:
 I've also been using the two Beck gadgets plus
 increased CS. The three major variables to pay
 attention to are: going too fast, transfection (or
 electroporation) reactions from the presence in the
 blood of drugs, caffeine, etc., and the specific
 treatment time which will vary from one person to
 another. If you start off using the machines too much
 (as I did), the reactions can be quite severe. In my
 case, I started off using the Magnetic Pulser all over
 my abdomen (I have an enlarged prostate) right from
 the start, twice a day. By the second day, I was so
 tired I needed a nap just to make it through the day.
 After a week of this (just the Mag. Pulser), I became
 so depressed I didn't want to live. So I stopped the
 MP and took a break. Felt better almost immediately.
 Then I decided to use just the Blood purifier. I
 started off with 20-30 minutes per day. Same reaction
 happened. So, about a week ago, I decided to follow
 the instructions and just limit myself to 5 minutes
 per day. In the last few days I've been able to go to
 5 minutes 2xday, and then 8, then 10 minutes 2xday
 (without negative reactions). In the case of treating
 leukemia, I would expect that the first month would
 not be an adequate period of time to experience any
 feelings of improvement. By limiting oneself to short
 enough treatment times that I do not experience
 negative reactions, I am most likely extending the
 total healing time, but I have to function. In the
 case of a serious health issue, one must pace oneself
 and be patient. In the case of the lister with
 leukemia, this is doubly true. Also, addressing the
 nutritional aspect would be very important.
 I am definitely feeling better, more energy, after
 just a week of following the directions. Also, I have
 twice (the last two days) experienced coming home from
 a long day, very tired, hooking up the Blood purifier,
 and feeling noticeably better ten minutes later.
 Terry Wayne
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.
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Re: CSHumor boosts the immune system.

2000-08-07 Thread Henry Reed
Thank you thank you.  More more.

Marshall Dudley wrote:
 So with that in mind, here is today's immune system boost:
 Occasionally, airline attendants make an effort to make the in-
  flight safety lecture and their other announcements a bit more
  entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or
  1. From a Southwest Airlines employee: There may be 50 ways to leave
  your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane.
  2. Pilot: Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I am
  going to switch the seat belt sign off. Feel free to move about as
  you wish, but please stay inside the plane till we land. It's a bit
  cold outside, and if you walk on the wings it affects the flight
  3. After landing: Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We
  hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking
  you for a ride.
  4. As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Washington
  National, a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: Whoa, big fella.
  5. After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in
  Memphis, a flight attendant on a Northwest flight announced: Please
  take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a
  landing like that, sure as hell everything has shifted.
  6. From a Southwest Airlines employee: Welcome aboard Southwest
  Flight XXX to YYY. To operate your seatbelt, insert the metal tab
  into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other
  seatbelt and if you don't know how to operate one, you probably
  shouldn't be out in public unsupervised. In the event of a sudden
  loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling.
  Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you
  have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before
  assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with two small children,
  decide now which one you love more.
  7. Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds,
  but they'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and
  remember, nobody loves you or your money more than Southwest
  8. Your seat cushions can be used for flotation. In the event of an
  emergency water landing, please take them with our compliments.
  9. As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your
  belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the
  flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.
  10. Last one off the plane must clean it.
  11. From the pilot during his welcome message: We are pleased to
  have some of the best flight attendants in the industry.
  Unfortunately none of them are on this flight.
  12. This was overheard on an American Airlines flight into Amarillo,
  Texas, on a particularly windy and bumpy day. During the final
  approach, the captain was really having to fight it. After an
  extremely hard landing, the flight attendant came on the PA and
  announced, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Amarillo. Please remain
  in your seats with your seatbelts fastened while the captain taxis
  what's left of our airplane to the gate!
  13. Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect
  landing: We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo
  bounces us to the terminal.
  14. An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had
  hammered his ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a
  policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while
  the passengers exited, smile, and give them a, Thanks for flying XYZ
  airline. He said that in light of his bad landing, he had a hard
  time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would
  have a smart comment. Finally, everyone had gotten off except for
  this little old lady walking with a cane. She said, Sonny, did we
  land or were we shot down?
  15. After a real crusher of a landing in Phoenix, the flight
  attendant got on the PA and said, Ladies and gentlemen, please
  remain in your seats until Captain Crash and the crew have brought
  the aircraft to a screeching halt up against the gate. And, once the
  tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we'll open
  the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the
  16. Part of a flight attendant's arrival announcement: We'd like to
  thank you folks for flying with us today...and, the next time you get
  the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized
  metal tube, we hope you'll think of us here at US Airways.
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Re: CSBeck and other machines

2000-08-07 Thread Nina Silver, Ph.D.

- Original Message -
From: Henry Reed
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: CSBeck machines

My  husband has cancer. At present
 he is on a strong herbal preparation.  We have the magnetic pulser and
 the electrifier by Sota... We will be
 sure to start slow and look for the reactions you mention.  Have you
 considered getting an ozonator?  Beck recommends it.  It's pretty
 expensive.  We don't have one, but are considering it.  I really don't
 know what it is supposed to do or how effective it is.  Any ideas?  Best
 wishes on your treatment.  pj

I'm sorry to hear that your husband has cancer.

In a book called REVERSE AGING, the author makes a very good case that
getting oxygen into the system is the secondary line of defense -- that as
long as the pH is too acidic, as soon as the oxygen dissipates or is used,
the system may have a difficult time balancing itself again. On the other
hand, if the subject is drinking alkaline water, by definition the water has
more minerals, and thus is able to impart more oxygen to the tissues. You
might want to check out the website below. The company has a water ionizer
that splits the water into acid and alkaline components. I found the
information very
useful. Dave Perkins also sells a water ionizer, similar to the one on the
website but without the ultra-violet disinfecting feature.

If the machines are too expensive for you, you may want to consider buying
gallons of alkaline Willard Water (800-437-2733; they only sell wholesale in
bulk--give them a company name) and using it in conjunction with
mineral-rich Water Oz (800-547-2294). The bottled waters are cheaper in the
short run. Buying a machine may be chaper in the long run if you're
interested in using the waters over an extended period of time.

Good luck.
Nina Silver

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS for TB

2000-08-07 Thread LOANROB
A friend of mine adopted a 4year old boy who has TB and hepatitus B.  Does 
anyone know if CS is effective against TB?  How much should he take?  Can it 
help both TB and Hep. B?  Any comments would be appreciated.
Thanks, Chris S.

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Re: CS for TB

2000-08-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
It should help Hep. B.  For TB, I would think that the use of a nebulizer would
be best since it is pretty well known that CS has a tough time with bronchitus
and sinuses or other mucus based infections when only taken internally.

This is my opinion from what I have read in this list and personal experience.
I am not a doctor and am making no recomendataions.

Marshall wrote:

 A friend of mine adopted a 4year old boy who has TB and hepatitus B.  Does
 anyone know if CS is effective against TB?  How much should he take?  Can it
 help both TB and Hep. B?  Any comments would be appreciated.
 Thanks, Chris S.

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CSFW: CSWartsSkin tag and CS

2000-08-07 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Correction: skin TAG not skin tan.
James Osbourne Holmes

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   James Osbourne, Holmes []
Sent:   Monday, August 07, 2000 10:04 AM
To: ''
Subject:RE: CSWartsSkin tag and CS

-Original Message-
From:   James Osbourne, Holmes []
Sent:   Sunday, August 06, 2000 10:54 PM
To: ''
Subject:RE: CSWartsSkin tag and CS

I had a skin tan low on my right armpit: a few applications of 10 PPM did 
the trick.
Interesting, my young son has one in the same place only a little larger; I 
have started application.
It does not seem to be responding, but we shall see in time.
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   John Kolb []
Sent:   Sunday, August 06, 2000 7:07 PM
Subject:Re: CSWarts

On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Marshall Dudley wrote:
 I think I will try holding the negative electrode in my hand, and 
applying the
 positive pulses with a piece of 14 gauge silver wire directly to the wart
 after wetting it with CS.  That might drive silver ions directly into the 
 enhancing the effect the zapping might have on it.

I have what the doctor calls skin tags - couldn't find much info on them on 
the internet last time I looked - anyone know if CS or pulsers will rid me 
of them?

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2000-08-07 Thread Carol Webb
Hello silver-list,
I am joining you because I believe that CS has 
great potential. We (husband and self) have just 
made our first CS generator, and are feeling 
quite proud of our effort. 

I have a minor niggle which becomes a 
nuisance when I want to do something physical. 
My nose runs. This is a sinus problem which the 
medical profession have failed miserably to 
address. I have 6 pints of CS, how do I dose 
myself? I don't know the ppm yet, but it is clear 
and looks good.

Although I have no problems with people who 
would wish to visit the doctor, I personally don't, 
and so I am only looking for self-treatment 

I look forward to knowing you all, and send best 
wishes from UK.
Kind Regards

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Re: CSMore truth

2000-08-07 Thread sheba
Hi fellow listers,

I'm glad I'm in the company of those who like to research and discover
things on their own, instead of taking everything the anointed medical
establishment says as the final word. We like to share with each other,
and, at times, we like to challange each other.

KD'C wrote:
Any viewpoint can be confirmed, and belief validated to the satisfaction

of the believer by the very nature of belief.


None of us were there when life began, so we all take it on faith.

You may believe in the Biblical account or you may believe in the theory

of evolution.  It's a matter of faith.

Most of us have been bombarded with evolutionary propaganda in the
schools, in the media, and in our public parks and museums.  What we
really know of the other - the politically uncorrect view?  Were you
told that creation science is religion and evolution is science? Did you

know that many scientists believe in creation for scientific reasons.
Don't swallow everything the powers-that-be have worked so hard to
condition you to believe.  Check it out for yourself.

Search for the truth.

I found the following at

The Peppered moth (biston betularia) example

The peppered moth (biston betularia) example is commonly used as
evidence for the theory of evolution. Almost all college
biology textbooks talk about it at some point.

It happened in England during the 1840's through 1895. Before 1848,
ninety-eight percent (98%) of peppered moths were
white. Many more of the white moths survived; they blended in with the
trees much better than the black moths did. Then, in
1848, the black moths started increasing, until in 1895, there were
ninety-eight percent (98%) black moths! What caused the
sudden increase?

If we look at this closely, we find that there was no evolution
involved! What actually happened is that the pollution increased.
This killed the white likens on the trees and turned the trees black.
Predators could see the white moths better than the black
moths, therefore more were eaten. When the pollution was reduced, the
white moths were again less visible than the black
moths, and everything returned to how it was before. There was no actual

change in the moth, only in the ratio of black moths to
white moths, therefore evolution did not take place. Although it is true

that the peppered moth experiments conclusively prove
the theory of natural selection (which isn't a debated theory anymore),
they don't show evolution, since there was no actual
change in the gene pool of the moths. Cris Colby (pro-evolution)
comments in his Introduction to Evolutionary Biology, The
increase in relative abundance of the dark type was due to natural
selection. The late eighteen hundreds was the time of
England's industrial revolution. Soot from factories darkened the birch
trees the moths landed on. Against a sooty background,
birds could see the lighter colored moths better and ate more of them.
As a result, more dark moths survived until reproductive
age and left offspring. The greater number of offspring left by dark
moths is what caused their increase in frequency. This is an
example of natural selection.

The whole example is full of holes anyway. For one thing, peppered moths

don't even rest on trees during the day! They were
laboratory-bred moths. As Dr. Carl Wieland comments, The moths filmed
being eaten by the birds were laboratory-bred ones
placed onto tree trunks by Kettlewell; they were so languid that he once

had to warm them up on his car bonnet (hood). Dr.
Wieland also comments, And all those still photos of moths on tree
trunks? One paper described how it was done - dead
moths were glued to the tree. University of Massachusetts biologist
Theodore Sargent helped glue moths onto trees for a
NOVA documentary. He says textbooks and films have featured 'a lot of
fraudulent photographs'.

What, pray tell, is scientific about this? :)


Re: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
Carol Webb wrote:

 Hello silver-list,
 I am joining you because I believe that CS has
 great potential. We (husband and self) have just
 made our first CS generator, and are feeling
 quite proud of our effort.

 I have a minor niggle which becomes a
 nuisance when I want to do something physical.
 My nose runs. This is a sinus problem which the
 medical profession have failed miserably to
 address. I have 6 pints of CS, how do I dose
 myself? I don't know the ppm yet, but it is clear
 and looks good.

Use a laser pointer and verify that you have some tyndall. .

Once you verify some tyndall, which indicates you do indeed have a colloid,
then you are ready to use it.  My experience is that CS is not very
effective when taken internally for sinus infections.  Go ahead an take it,
it is better than nothing, but what you want to do it get the CS up into the
nasal passages.  Dump the contents of a nasal sprayer and put in CS and use
that.  I think you will have the best results that way.


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Re: CSBeck and other machines

2000-08-07 Thread Henry Reed
Nina, thank you for taking the time to help.  I will check out that site
immediately.  Mr. Tracey has recommended the Willard water also, but my
husband won't hear of it!!  I think its the name.  Anyway when he begins
to feel worse he will listen.  Sad situation.  But it is still pretty
early and there are many good avenues so I am hopeful.  Thanks again. 

Nina Silver, Ph.D. wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Henry Reed
 Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 1:52 PM
 Subject: Re: CSBeck machines
 My  husband has cancer. At present
  he is on a strong herbal preparation.  We have the magnetic pulser and
  the electrifier by Sota... We will be
  sure to start slow and look for the reactions you mention.  Have you
  considered getting an ozonator?  Beck recommends it.  It's pretty
  expensive.  We don't have one, but are considering it.  I really don't
  know what it is supposed to do or how effective it is.  Any ideas?  Best
  wishes on your treatment.  pj
 I'm sorry to hear that your husband has cancer.
 In a book called REVERSE AGING, the author makes a very good case that
 getting oxygen into the system is the secondary line of defense -- that as
 long as the pH is too acidic, as soon as the oxygen dissipates or is used,
 the system may have a difficult time balancing itself again. On the other
 hand, if the subject is drinking alkaline water, by definition the water has
 more minerals, and thus is able to impart more oxygen to the tissues. You
 might want to check out the website below. The company has a water ionizer
 that splits the water into acid and alkaline components. I found the
 information very
 useful. Dave Perkins also sells a water ionizer, similar to the one on the
 website but without the ultra-violet disinfecting feature.
 If the machines are too expensive for you, you may want to consider buying
 gallons of alkaline Willard Water (800-437-2733; they only sell wholesale in
 bulk--give them a company name) and using it in conjunction with
 mineral-rich Water Oz (800-547-2294). The bottled waters are cheaper in the
 short run. Buying a machine may be chaper in the long run if you're
 interested in using the waters over an extended period of time.
 Good luck.
 Nina Silver
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Marshall,

I have an atypically placed ethmoid sinus.  It has been infected for over 
26 years, occurring after I dived deep in a polluted bayou.

Heavy doses of penicillin type antibiotics controlled acute episodes.

Since taking HVAC CS fairly consistently, it has not gone away completely, 
but has become background discomfort occasionally.  My subjective 
impression is that many months of PO CS did help over the long haul.

The same was true for tinea pedis.  It took about 3 months for my feet to 
clear up.  I made no topical application.  I am now flooding fungoid great 
toenails with a 50/50 mix of CS and DMSO, but again, it will take months to 
see if there is improvement.

I have heard---not from a hard source---that many sinus infections are 
fungal.  It may just take a long time to get enough there to make a dent in 
the reproduction rate of the pathogens, whatever they may be.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Marshall Dudley []
Sent:   Monday, August 07, 2000 1:13 PM
Subject:Re: CSIntroduction

Carol Webb wrote:

 Hello silver-list,
 I am joining you because I believe that CS has
 great potential. We (husband and self) have just
 made our first CS generator, and are feeling
 quite proud of our effort.

 I have a minor niggle which becomes a
 nuisance when I want to do something physical.
 My nose runs. This is a sinus problem which the
 medical profession have failed miserably to
 address. I have 6 pints of CS, how do I dose
 myself? I don't know the ppm yet, but it is clear
 and looks good.

Use a laser pointer and verify that you have some tyndall. .

Once you verify some tyndall, which indicates you do indeed have a colloid,
then you are ready to use it.  My experience is that CS is not very
effective when taken internally for sinus infections.  Go ahead an take it,
it is better than nothing, but what you want to do it get the CS up into 
nasal passages.  Dump the contents of a nasal sprayer and put in CS and use
that.  I think you will have the best results that way.


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Re: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread Carol Webb
Hello Marshall,
It's not possible to obtain a laser very quickly, 
and another list member just gave me detailed 
help. So...I think I will do both. I have enough 
CS to be going on with after all.
Thanks for your input.

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Re: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread Marshall Dudley
I don't know about in England, but laser pointers are available at lots of
places in the States for little more than the batteries cost.  Check your
chemist (what we would call pharmacy in the US), electronic store (ie. Radio
Shack which I know you have),  or places like Best Buy or Circuit City.
Even department stores may have them now.


Carol Webb wrote:

 Hello Marshall,
 It's not possible to obtain a laser very quickly,
 and another list member just gave me detailed
 help. So...I think I will do both. I have enough
 CS to be going on with after all.
 Thanks for your input.

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Re: CSMore truth

2000-08-07 Thread MAMA2BEAR
Maureen, regarding your post about peppered mothsHaving worked with a 
research group at a major university and edited much of their work I'm 
somewhat cynical about  the vain babblings of science, falsely so called. 

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Re: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread Carol Webb
Dear Marshall,
I think I should take you on a shopping trip in 
England. I want to cry..If only you knew!!!
It took me about 3 weeks to source the silver, 
another trek to get a meter, and the worse 
component was 'water'. We had to accept some 
past its sell by date from Boots which is our 
biggest pharmacy. We may be fortunate and 
find that Tandy, which has limited radio Shack 
components has one. We don't have a RS in 
Wolverhampton where I am, perhaps there is 
one in London. No, I'm afraid it will be another 

I know someone living in the wilds of California, 
with access to a town of 5,000 people who can 
shop better than we can.
Love and Light

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Re: CSBeck and other machines

2000-08-07 Thread Nina Silver, Ph.D.

- Original Message -
From: Henry Reed
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: CSBeck and other machines

 Nina, thank you for taking the time to help.  I will check out that site
 immediately.  Mr. Tracey has recommended the Willard water also, but my
 husband won't hear of it!!  I think its the name.  Anyway when he begins
 to feel worse he will listen.  Sad situation.  But it is still pretty
 early and there are many good avenues so I am hopeful.  Thanks again.

You're welcome. I have some Willard Water, and for some reason it tastes
very acrid to me (and I used a good bottled spring water). However, as I was
told, the alkaline water from the Ionizer Plus is quite sweet and tasty, so
maybe your husband will want to try it.

If you call the company, ask to speak to the president Bill Johnson. He's
VERY knowledgeable and perhaps your husband will be more convinced after
talking to him. He has an engineering degree and knows a lot about health.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread Marsha Hallett

 Dear Marshall,
 I think I should take you on a shopping trip in
 England. I want to cry..If only you knew!!!
 It took me about 3 weeks to source the silver,
 another trek to get a meter, and the worse
 component was 'water'. We had to accept some
 past its sell by date from Boots which is our
 biggest pharmacy. We may be fortunate and
 find that Tandy, which has limited radio Shack
 components has one. We don't have a RS in
 Wolverhampton where I am, perhaps there is
 one in London. No, I'm afraid it will be another
  I know someone living in the wilds of California,
 with access to a town of 5,000 people who can
 shop better than we can.
 Love and Light

Dear Carol,
Drat! I could`ve sent you the silver in days, if I`d just known about you!
(I send silver wire to folks who need it.)
 Try a small flashlight, (torch, I think you guys call `em) works just as
well for checking Tyndall.
Marsha in California, a CS user from awayback...
(I`d give my eyeteeth to see England! My ancestors are mainly from there,
Somersetshire, I believe)

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RE: CSStandardization (was Spider bites)

2000-08-07 Thread Tim Eastman
For us newbies I think standardization would be a great help. But then we
get into what type of generator is used, how far apart the rods are,
beginning temperature of the water.

Or are we just talking ppm and size as a final result?


-Original Message-
From: Gaston []
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: CSSpider bites

Hi Bob,

I completely agree with about your proposition regarding
standarding the CS that we make.
We should all reconsider working together in putting together
some standards to produce good CS to help new and existing


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSStandardization (was Spider bites)

2000-08-07 Thread Carol Webb
Hi Tim,
I have found it amazing. For every person who 
produced CS they have a special way, which 
produces the best CS. I have used a cold start 
in a hot bath, a hot start, a luke-warm start and a 
colloid start. The hot bath means that you don't 
need to stir so frequently, but I can't see any 
difference in the other batches. The DMM was 
great because stopping when 'cooked' was 
easy. Running too long produced sludging of the 

There is no easy way to measure ppm at home, 
and I wish that there was.

On 7 Aug 2000, at 18:14, Tim Eastman wrote:

  But then we get into what
 type of generator is used, how far apart the
 rods are, beginning temperature of the water

Love and Light

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSStandardization (was Spider bites)

2000-08-07 Thread Ted Windsor
It seems that the more information that is given out on the list the more
variations on how to make good CS, there are so many genators on the market
and each one claim to do the best job, a person has to start somewhere, so
just start and see where it leads you, there is no one best answer.  I
maintain that the water is the most important ingredient in making CS, and
water changes from one glass to the next, therefore the CS changes, not all
will agree with this view point. Just purchase a genorator and start making
CS and see if it works for you.

Tim Eastman wrote:

 For us newbies I think standardization would be a great help. But then we
 get into what type of generator is used, how far apart the rods are,
 beginning temperature of the water.

 Or are we just talking ppm and size as a final result?


 -Original Message-
 From: Gaston []
 Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: CSSpider bites

 Hi Bob,

 I completely agree with about your proposition regarding
 standarding the CS that we make.
 We should all reconsider working together in putting together
 some standards to produce good CS to help new and existing


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBeck and other machines

2000-08-07 Thread Henry Reed
Nina, I will try to get him to do this, but frankly, I'm not very
hopeful that he will at this time.  Thanks again.  pj

Nina Silver, Ph.D. wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Henry Reed
 Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 3:28 PM
 Subject: Re: CSBeck and other machines
  Nina, thank you for taking the time to help.  I will check out that site
  immediately.  Mr. Tracey has recommended the Willard water also, but my
  husband won't hear of it!!  I think its the name.  Anyway when he begins
  to feel worse he will listen.  Sad situation.  But it is still pretty
  early and there are many good avenues so I am hopeful.  Thanks again.
 You're welcome. I have some Willard Water, and for some reason it tastes
 very acrid to me (and I used a good bottled spring water). However, as I was
 told, the alkaline water from the Ionizer Plus is quite sweet and tasty, so
 maybe your husband will want to try it.
 If you call the company, ask to speak to the president Bill Johnson. He's
 VERY knowledgeable and perhaps your husband will be more convinced after
 talking to him. He has an engineering degree and knows a lot about health.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread Carol Webb
Dear Marsha,
That was a lovely thought. 

I am in fact using a piece of silver, because it 
was recommended to me from someone who 
has been making it for some time. (American) 
You should have seen the faces of people in 
shops when we told them what we wanted the 
components for.

I'm sure that we will chat again, but for now, 
Somerset is one of our favourite places to visit. 
The Somerset levels are one great nature 
reserve, and the countryside is beautiful.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSWarts

2000-08-07 Thread CKing001
You guys are probably talking about different things or at least different
subclasses of the same thing.
If I used scissors on mine I'd bleed to death!
Variables don't, constants aren't !

On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 22:00:46 -0400, Marshall Dudley wrote:

 I have what the doctor calls skin tags - couldn't find much info
 on them on the internet last time I looked - anyone know if CS or
 pulsers will rid me of them?

don't know.  I use fingernail sissors.


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Re: CSSpider bites

2000-08-07 Thread CKing001
I don't recall ridicule, merely a lack of interest.
Methinks someone seeks martyrdom.

Veteran of the Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force 1990-1951!

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 08:00:16 -0500, Robert L. Berger

When I proposed standardizing the CS manufacture over a year ago there were
several members that ridiculed the idea.
As a result most listees have no idea as to what they are making. No wonder the
medical authorities laugh at us.

Ole Bob

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CSBeck use

2000-08-07 Thread Terry Wayne
PJ  list,
Your husband needs to be using the machines soon, in
my opinion. I don't see a problem with using the
machines while taking the herbs (assuming that the
last time he took the herbs was bedtime the night
before). I am a morning tea drinker. I have a STRONG
cup of tea each morning. I use the Blood Electrifier
BEFORE drinking my tea, and have experienced no
negative results. If I were in your husband's shoes, I
would do it that way, and keep increasing the
application time until I was doing 2 hours a day, each
morning. I would then do that for 3 weeks, take a week
break, 3 more weeks, always observing for healing
crisis reactions and backing off when they happened. I
have also significantly increased my CS intake to
about 8 oz./ day.

Just recently I found an excellant source of hydrogen
peroxide, 35%, food grade. I don't have an ozonater
(too expensive), so I'd like to put a few drops into
DW and drink for added oxygen. Can someone tell how
much Hyd. Per. in how much water? PJ, this might be a
poor man's ozonater you could look into.

Terry Wayne

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Re: CS for TB

2000-08-07 Thread Bob Squires
Dear Chris;

The TB mycobacterium has a critical frequency ( mid range of 432 KHz )
Use that.
Bob wrote:

 A friend of mine adopted a 4year old boy who has TB and hepatitus B.  Does
 anyone know if CS is effective against TB?  How much should he take?  Can it
 help both TB and Hep. B?  Any comments would be appreciated.
 Thanks, Chris S.

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Re: CSImmunization

2000-08-07 Thread John Draper
Hi Jeannine,

You may also want to look into Dr. Len Horowitz's site at:
Toll Free  1-888-508-4787
 Telephone  208-265-2575
 FAX   208-265-2775
 Postal address
  206 North 4 th Avenue, Suite 147 Sandpoint, ID 83864
 Electronic mail
   General Information:
   Customer Support:

He has alot of experience and knowledge dealing with the issue of
He has forms and information you can download from his site. If you have
you can call them too.

Best of Luck,


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 4:59 AM
Subject: CSImmunization

 James  list:
 thanks for the suggestion on the form, but I already have the form;
 press supplies all of that and the code for each state for only $10 - not
 in my estimation.  I even located the Georgia code on the internet this
 weekend and downloaded it.

 However, from a separate source I now have a possible legal
 if I get into a bind the Rutherford Institute...  A homeschool Mom
 me last night.  that represent people whose religious rights are violated.

 Thanks all for your comments - I go Wednesday.  I'll let the list know
 the outcome is.


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CS*****OT, need your help

2000-08-07 Thread Debbie McDonald
Hello All,
  Some of you know me and many do not. I am sorry to take up space
but many here are very well read in alternative therapies and I
need help for my friend's daughter. She was diagnosed with crohn's
a few years ago. I had thought they were doing well, we lost touch
when they moved away. I talked with her yesterday and the docs
have basically sent her daughter home to die(22 years old), but
not until they had removed 2/3 of her colon and ileum:(. She told
me she has crohn's from her esophagus down and has growths too.
She has a duodenal bypass. She has also just been diagnosed with a
tumor on her pituitary. They never tested her via GreaterSmokies
etc for pathogens but she has had many rounds of antibiotics of
course. She is no longer able to eat, she gets parenteral
nutrition, exact components I can get? She is on pain management.
I told them about Beck devices and I know about Rife but do not
have a R/B currently. Any ideas on this will be most appreciated. 

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Re: CSSilver wire

2000-08-07 Thread Bob Squires
Me too Jan;

Wish I had known . I just sent some wire to Peterborough last
friday. Any thing we can do just holler.

Love  Bob

Janet Lubart wrote:

 Sure enjoy your comentary!! May I purchase wire from you?
 Thank you.
 -Original Message-
 From: Marsha Hallett
 Date: Monday, August 07, 2000 4:16 PM
 Subject: Re: CSIntroduction

  Dear Marshall,
  I think I should take you on a shopping trip in
  England. I want to cry..If only you knew!!!
  It took me about 3 weeks to source the silver,
  another trek to get a meter, and the worse
  component was 'water'. We had to accept some
  past its sell by date from Boots which is our
  biggest pharmacy. We may be fortunate and
  find that Tandy, which has limited radio Shack
  components has one. We don't have a RS in
  Wolverhampton where I am, perhaps there is
  one in London. No, I'm afraid it will be another
   I know someone living in the wilds of California,
  with access to a town of 5,000 people who can
  shop better than we can.
  Love and Light
 Dear Carol,
 Drat! I could`ve sent you the silver in days, if I`d just known about you!
 (I send silver wire to folks who need it.)
  Try a small flashlight, (torch, I think you guys call `em) works just as
 well for checking Tyndall.
 Marsha in California, a CS user from awayback...
 (I`d give my eyeteeth to see England! My ancestors are mainly from there,
 Somersetshire, I believe)
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-08-07 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

There are two general types of CS generators; constant voltage and
constant current.

1.) with either method constant stirring reduces the agglomeration of
silver ions, and should result in a weaker T.E. for a given PPM.  (first

In any manufacturing operation the product made will have a distribution
for a particular parameter. The distribution curve is generally a bell
shaped curve. If the process is under control the center of the bell
will be the desired parameter. The + or -
three sigma limit is set by the equipment used. Poor equipment will have
a very wide range and top notch equipment will have a narrow range. We
never can realize the ideal of a single point.

2.) With the average IR laser the wavelength of the IR light is about
680 nanometers. If all CS particles were smaller than 680 nm then there
would be no T.E. Since there is a distribution of particles in the CS
then the brightness of the T.E. is a direct indication of particle
sizes. Which could be correlated to bioavailability.

3.) The second step to standardization would be to meter the current in
a constant voltage system or the cell voltage in a constant current
system. In a constant voltage system the current will increase at an
increasing rate up to a point. Then the rate of increase will stop and
actually reverse. When the increasing rate starts to slow down (can be
seem if data is plotted during the brew cycle) agglomeration has set in
and the T.E. will start to get brighter.

4.) Step #3 is to plot the current or voltage with time to observe what
is happening. As in #2 above.

5.) The initial cell current in a constant voltage system is your best
measure of the water quality. If one will data plot then a history can
be obtained for your process so as the water quality varies you will
know when to shut off the system.

6.) If one measures with a Hanna type meter it will be found that the
conductivity will change with time, so note the reading after brew and
24, and 48 hours later for data plotting. Then if one has an AA or
spectrophotometer reading made for a stable product a bench mark has
been reached to the standardization of your individual system, and then
we can talk about relative ppm of CS with some degree of accuracy.

This might seem to be a lot of work, but stop and consider the value of
being able to talk intelligently about the results that one can get with
ones CS.

The work by Stephen Quinto shows a remarkable difference in killing
power between 9 ppm (fair) and 12 ppm (very good)
for Staph and Ecoli1 and Ecoli2.

So having a reasonable knowledge of your product may mean the success or
failure in what you are trying to accomplish.

Sorry for the harangue.

Ole Bob

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Re: CS*****OT, need your help

2000-08-07 Thread hughman1
My wife has Crohn`s, but not THAT bad. She`s afraid to take much CS, but
there`s evidence that Crohn`s is bacteria-related to Clostridium Dificile in
the same way that stomach ulcers are related to Helicobacter Pyelori, so CS
SHOULD help, but these are pretty heavy-duty organisms.
My wife takes L-Glutamine because it is the main fuel of the digestive tract
and it helps to keep her in remission. Also, MSM and Aloe Vera are tonic to
the digestive tract.
Probably won`t help you much at this stage, but for what it`s
Best Wishes,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS*****OT, need your help

2000-08-07 Thread Henry Reed
A zapper will help her a lot.  Don Croft's is easy to use.  pj  Best

Debbie McDonald wrote:
 Hello All,
   Some of you know me and many do not. I am sorry to take up space
 but many here are very well read in alternative therapies and I
 need help for my friend's daughter. She was diagnosed with crohn's
 a few years ago. I had thought they were doing well, we lost touch
 when they moved away. I talked with her yesterday and the docs
 have basically sent her daughter home to die(22 years old), but
 not until they had removed 2/3 of her colon and ileum:(. She told
 me she has crohn's from her esophagus down and has growths too.
 She has a duodenal bypass. She has also just been diagnosed with a
 tumor on her pituitary. They never tested her via GreaterSmokies
 etc for pathogens but she has had many rounds of antibiotics of
 course. She is no longer able to eat, she gets parenteral
 nutrition, exact components I can get? She is on pain management.
 I told them about Beck devices and I know about Rife but do not
 have a R/B currently. Any ideas on this will be most appreciated.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBeck use

2000-08-07 Thread Henry Reed
Terry, thank you so much for your interest and input!!  Actually I have
been using the electrifier on myself.  I have used garlic, raw but not a
lot.  I have used coffee while using the unit!!  Of course, I started
doing all these 'bad' things gradually and after being on the machine
for 2 hrs. daily for over a week.  I am trying to determine how
dangerous it might be to him.  I guess we could start slow, say 5 min. a
day for a while and gradually work our way up.  And I was thinking like
you about the h2o2.  But we can afford the ozonator.  He is just worried
about money too much.  We can do it easily.  Do you know what the
difference is?  I really can't tell from what I'm reading.  Mostly from   Brooks Bradley mentioned he uses Eagle Ent. for his
h2o2 and I see they do have good prices.  Terry, if you check that
oxytherapy site, they have a lot of testimonials.  Many start with 1
drop in 4 oz of water one day, and increase 1 drop each day, and then
when it gets too strong they divide it in half and take it 2 times a
day.  There are a lot of ways to do it.  That site covers them all I
guess. And they have links too.   Thanks again.  pj

Terry Wayne wrote:
 PJ  list,
 Your husband needs to be using the machines soon, in
 my opinion. I don't see a problem with using the
 machines while taking the herbs (assuming that the
 last time he took the herbs was bedtime the night
 before). I am a morning tea drinker. I have a STRONG
 cup of tea each morning. I use the Blood Electrifier
 BEFORE drinking my tea, and have experienced no
 negative results. If I were in your husband's shoes, I
 would do it that way, and keep increasing the
 application time until I was doing 2 hours a day, each
 morning. I would then do that for 3 weeks, take a week
 break, 3 more weeks, always observing for healing
 crisis reactions and backing off when they happened. I
 have also significantly increased my CS intake to
 about 8 oz./ day.
 Just recently I found an excellant source of hydrogen
 peroxide, 35%, food grade. I don't have an ozonater
 (too expensive), so I'd like to put a few drops into
 DW and drink for added oxygen. Can someone tell how
 much Hyd. Per. in how much water? PJ, this might be a
 poor man's ozonater you could look into.
 Terry Wayne
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSBite Question----strange

2000-08-07 Thread Janet Lubart
We have guests in from out of town. The 10 year old girl's mother told me
that YESTERDAY the took the girl to the doctor because she had some type of
bugbite with a worm coming out of it.UGH.
What to do?

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CSSilver wire

2000-08-07 Thread Janet Lubart
Sure enjoy your comentary!! May I purchase wire from you?
Thank you.
-Original Message-
From: Marsha Hallett
Date: Monday, August 07, 2000 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: CSIntroduction

 Dear Marshall,
 I think I should take you on a shopping trip in
 England. I want to cry..If only you knew!!!
 It took me about 3 weeks to source the silver,
 another trek to get a meter, and the worse
 component was 'water'. We had to accept some
 past its sell by date from Boots which is our
 biggest pharmacy. We may be fortunate and
 find that Tandy, which has limited radio Shack
 components has one. We don't have a RS in
 Wolverhampton where I am, perhaps there is
 one in London. No, I'm afraid it will be another
  I know someone living in the wilds of California,
 with access to a town of 5,000 people who can
 shop better than we can.
 Love and Light

Dear Carol,
Drat! I could`ve sent you the silver in days, if I`d just known about you!
(I send silver wire to folks who need it.)
 Try a small flashlight, (torch, I think you guys call `em) works just as
well for checking Tyndall.
Marsha in California, a CS user from awayback...
(I`d give my eyeteeth to see England! My ancestors are mainly from there,
Somersetshire, I believe)

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Re: CSStandardization

2000-08-07 Thread Brita V. Jones
Dear Ole Bob

Since I am still in the learning stage, your 6 step outline is most helpful,
in more ways than one. I can
honestly say, I understand the whole process better now
No harangue here.  Thank you.


So having a reasonable knowledge of your product may mean the success or
failure in what you are trying to accomplish.

Sorry for the harangue.

Ole Bob

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Re: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread MarMar1212
In a message dated 8/7/00 2:23:30 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 Once you verify some tyndall, which indicates you do indeed have a colloid,
 then you are ready to use it. 

I'm clueless as to what tyndall is???  


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Re: CSIntroduction

2000-08-07 Thread MarMar1212
In a message dated 8/7/00 2:46:43 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 laser pointers are available at lots of
 places in the States for little more than the batteries cost. 

And what are these used for?


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Re: CSBeck and other machines

2000-08-07 Thread MarMar1212
In a message dated 8/7/00 2:10:35 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 If the machines are too expensive for you, you may want to consider buying
 gallons of alkaline Willard Water (800-437-2733 

Or, you may want to consider purchasing Coral Calcium which are little 
sachets you put in your water and it makes your water alkaline.  I have a 
friend who works with people who are terminally ill and with cancer for 
several years.  She says the cure for cancer is to get the body into 
alkaline condition...whey the body is alkaline, cancer cannot live.  This 
fact was proven in scientific studies in the 30's by medical doctors and was 
quickly put away out of sight because the pharmaceutical companies were 
making a ton of money on people being sick.  I have lots more info- if anyone 
is interested, e-mail me.


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