CS>R.I.P. Himagain

2005-03-07 Thread Himagain

Hi Mike,
Not a problem for me.
If YOU as the moderator find that crazed libelous  attack on me not worthy 
of your *immediately* castigating and warning that person about such 
ill-advised and uninformed posts, I am most disappointed in you.

This key quote of yours below,fails you on two grounds:

1. Dan Nave has posted a public complaint about you on the Silver List.
2.  He's not without some justification for his view,
3. but I'd prefer if he took things a bit less seriously.

1. Public complaints are -by your own rules - to be private to you.
2. If you agree with such a weird personal attack, then your list is not a 
place for me.

3. *I* take such things very seriously.
(I did warn you about the need for YOUR fast reaction to such diseased 
things before, you may recall.)

So, I will post this one last letter and cease actively participating.

Most of the other lists I contribute to only complain that I don't also run 
a  free personal advisory service.  :-)

In answer for your own erudition and list information:
I run on behalf of Fablor (an international serious business group), a 
number of volatile lists - most of which are between $52 per year and $1000 
p.a.  as a business subscription.

Fablor also sponsors many public service efforts, like MATRIXIDE.

Only a deranged person, or perhaps a shill for the disinformers
(ever seen www.quackwatch.com ? ) could claim that it is a money-making 

Everything on Matrixide is free, including the Newslist - including the 
triage section - and the information there is simply repository - all 
gathered from impeccable sources on the Internet and specific to a single 
question.  "Why are they doing it to us?"

Membership in many lists such as Silver, are simply my personal return 
contribution to the many good people who sincerely endeavour to do their 
bit toward the public information sector, offsetting the massive 
disinformation industry that exists in every area, but most savagely, that 
of health.

Everything I post is done only after clearing with my Editorial people 
especially as to what I can give away free *and* not get into legal hot water.

  And yes, I do constantly remind people that the source of the writer's 
money is the safest and most accurate check on their veracity. It is.  The 
only thing one might add is "their politics" ( usually obvious).

I do not allow any person to judge me. Either in absentia or in camera. If 
you cannot stand the bright light of the public forum, then I have no 
interest in your claim or contention.

I wish you well  and trust that you have learned something useful from this 
sad and unseemly event.


  "To find your enemy, look to the dark places. Conspiracy demands 
shadows"  Li Pi Tze (again)

At 01:16 AM 08/03/05, you wrote:

Hi John,

Dan Nave has posted a public complaint about you on the Silver List.
He's not without some justification for his view, but I'd prefer if he
took things a bit less seriously.

My question... I know that some of your Fablor activities are a paid-
for service, but what about Matrixide? Do you charge for memberships on
that side of things as well? I just don't remember what I saw at your

Please hold off on responding to Dan's post while a) others weigh in on
the matter so we can see the general level of sentiment, and b) while I
formulate my response, based in part on your answer to the above.


Mike D.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>calcium - now O.T.

2005-03-06 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
This is an important book to read/follow up - if only for a different view.
Have posted on the O.T.  as "Calcium NBT".


 Here is the easy way to subscribe to the Silver Off-topic list - where 
this discussion should now go:

click here mailto:silver-off-topic-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subject=subscribe
  Put "Subscribe" without the quotes/inverted commas as subject, if your 
system can't do it.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer and pH

2005-03-06 Thread Himagain

Hi there,
From someone.. Yes it is. You been reading behind our backs???  :-)

Not to disparage anyone ever, especially not people who do go against the 
mainstream, but only really sick people will usually do the tedious 
research necessary  to get to the near-bottom of things.

This all should be on the O.T. list, but seeing as how the bottom is 
getting stirred up a bit lately:  :-)

Actually my old post still stands.  Actually it is even supported by the 
Medimafia, sadly.
Never in all my experience, or the records of Cancervivors, was that 
observation failed:

Alkaline = no Cancer.  A false diagnosis, usually.
Acid  = Always in a Cancer sufferer.  (Just not necessarily active in 
someone mildly acid, just that they are asking for it.)
Most people, not just over 40 are today very Acid by real health standards. 
They ARE predisposed toward Cancer ( in its many forms and names).
The Medimafia already says (agrees) that all USA males will have a 50% 
chance of just one specific Cancer - Prostate - ignoring all the others.
It is official - within 26 years Cancer will be the number one killer 
 of 1 in 2 people.

Sad, but all the figures seem to bear them out, too.

The old Matrixide question remains, though:  Why are they doing it to 
us?  It is a false economy, really. ( For those interested in the giant 
money questions, the Mises Institute has some great - if hard - reading on 
some of the "whys?")

Himagain - I don't like the REAL world either, folks!  :-)

At 04:31 AM 07/03/05, you wrote:

Loved this post.  Sounds much like Dr Carey Reams???

In a message dated 3/6/05 12:19:57 PM Central Standard Time, 
tcj...@yahoo.ca writes:

I tried to let this one pass, but couldn't.

Someone said,
"Very best of all: Ph Testing. If Acid - very prone to
Cancer onset. If Alkaline, no Cancer."

MOST people over 40 years old are acid pH, but I
wouldn't say that most of them have or will acquire

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Cancer Testing?

2005-03-05 Thread Himagain


Forgot to mention:
The Pregnancy test means one of two things if positive:
1. You are pregnant. (90% accurate)
2.  You have Cancer. (If not pregnant)

Good test for a male, not so good for a female.   But better and more 
accurate than anything the Medicalmafia has
Very best of all:  Ph Testing.  If Acid - very prone to Cancer onset.  If 
Alkaline, no Cancer. (Their tests were wrong again.)

Oh, and go get a different Naturopath.  A half-trained one would set up the 
Ph tests instantly.

NOTE:   Anything expressed by the writer is strictly for entertainment 
purposes and of a satirical nature and must not be construed as any form of 
advice or anything beyond anecdotal entertainment.  ( This won't save me 
but it's better than nothing if they come for me at 4.a.m one morning...)  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer Testing?

2005-03-05 Thread Himagain

At 01:03 AM 06/03/05, you wrote:

A friend of mine  was diagnosed with prostate cancer and they wanted to
do surgery, he opted out and went to a naturalist during the treatment he
was told to get a pregnancy test from the drug store and use it as cancer
will display the same result as being pregnant.  Has anyone heard this or
know if this is true.

Hello Connie,
Broadly, yes.  There is no case on record of a successful prostate surgical 
invasion. Especially not if the Cancer is real. However if your friend had 
the now infamous PSA test. here is a quote from a respected 
renegade medico's Newsletter:

One of today's most acclaimed cancer experts,
Dr. Michael Baum of University College Hospital, London, recently announced
that 'I think there is a deception going on.' Very simply, the latest
statistics show that mammograms don't save lives. And half of all women
diagnosed with 'early breast cancer' may be having mastectomies for nothing.

(ED NOTE:  HALF mastectomies are only to produce new Mercedes, HALF!   Him)

IT ISN'T THE PSA TEST for prostate cancer, EITHER. Ask your doctor about
the alarming study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal The
Lancet. Believe it or not, it shows that men who take this test are more
likely to die of prostate cancer than men who don't.

The actual rate of missed cancers hasn't changed much in 75 years..
 end quote

Sorry about the news. But at least you can now tell your friend that "the 
truth is out there" and tell him to go look.  For himself.  THAT is 
critical.  To take personal responsibility.

At least he is semi-out of their hands...

A good starting point is here:  http://www.fablor.com/matrixide/


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>cancer in hot water

2005-03-05 Thread Himagain

At 05:37 PM 05/03/05, you wrote:

Fever therapy was also used to treat syphilis.

Take care though folks, if you stay in 110 F water for about 1 full hour,
immersed up to your neck, you will very probably be dead.

Hi folks,
Even today there are millions of females out there who believe the same 
thing works for pregnancy...   despite  the evidence to the 

BTW: Did you know Shock Therapy is still being practised in Western 
medicine?  But then, so is Cancer Therapy... 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cancer & heat (cold sheet)

2005-03-05 Thread Himagain

At 04:48 AM 05/03/05, you wrote:


From: Betsy Coffey wrote:
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 19:24:18

>There has been a lot of research on cancer treatments
regarding raising the body temperature or inducing
artificial fevers. They are able to do this at some of
the holistic clinics. I dont know how a lay person in
their home could do it . It would seem difficult to
induce a fever yourself. YOu could raise the outer
body temperature but I think that it is the core
temperature that kills cancer,bugs etc.

I've just read the posting by Dan re this and it really sums up the situation:
*Exactly* the sort of procedure used to drive out Devils and punish witches 
and clean out the sinful minds of lascivious females who tempt god-fearing 
upright men..

The Indians had a saying about medicine later borrowed by the Greeks:
"First, do no harm to the patient".

These sort of things are right up there with punishing people who "catch" 
Cancer by being sinful and need to be punished with deadly radiation and 
deadly poisons to make up for it all.

Himagain. Nothing really changes, just the names and colours..

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>A consensus site about CS.

2005-03-03 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
In order to eliminate any charge of bias :-)  . there are two 
FABLOR publications coming up in which CS is going to be mentioned - not 
exhaustively, mentioned - and I'd like a consensus as to where to send a 
beginner - a real tyro with no prior knowledge.

Where was your most useful start point?  Not highly technical, but user 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Cansema: NOW Ph testing-why?

2005-03-03 Thread Himagain

At 06:30 PM 03/03/05, you wrote:

I have a question on your cancer pH 
RE:   SECOND. Test her Ph.  If over 6.8 she does not have Cancer - merely a
tumour -
please elaborate more on this. or refer me to a site if this goes too far
OT. or email me e...@happyherbalist.com
test pH of blood, salvia, sweat or urine?

This is a quickie test for people who are told they have Cancer.  A 
horrific time!
Wrong diagnoses are as high as 38% average in the Cancervivor stats  and 
now admitted as high as 50% in female Breast Cancer.
All genuine Cancer sufferers have high acid Ph.   It doesn't necessarily 
mean they are mestasising at the time, merely that they are asking for 
it.  ANYONE with acid Ph is already in trouble, healthwise.

PH of blood is best, of course, but a crosscheck of urine and saliva taken 
3 times over 24 hours - being very aware of what has been ingested ( best 
nothing at all, but as we know people would STARVE TO DEATH in 24 HOURS)
Best starter Site and leads to overall serious researchers of resources is 


There are THOUSANDS of stories/resources out there until August.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>SO>More uses than coca kola - cellphones

2005-03-02 Thread Himagain

At 09:01 AM 03/03/05, you wrote:

Dan, John, simmer down please, gentlemen!

James? Go stand in the corner. NO! Put that away!!!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

Hi Mike,
Sorry I thought my response was most dignified for someone having a "bad 
hair" day already!  :-)
But one cannot let such things pass.  "Ignorance *is* catching" as Kilneth 
says. It needs to be eradicated swiftly.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-03-02 Thread Himagain

At 02:48 PM 03/03/05, you wrote:

There's no cure for shingles; however, Famvir, an expensive anti-viral
prescription drug, may help to control the disease but won't cure it.
Shingles is caused by Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome.

Hi, beg to differ here, along with untold thousands of others.
Do some google research and you will be amazed.
Cancer is also  incurable too, ya know.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ron Paul on CODEX

2005-03-02 Thread Himagain

Yes, but he hasn't got much of a future in politics *now*, has he???   :-(
I posted a little more on this O.T.  Subject:  Last Chance

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discussion should now go:

click here mailto:silver-off-topic-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subject=subscribe
  Put "Subscribe" without the quotes/inverted commas as subject, if your 
system can't do it.

At 02:04 AM 03/03/05, you wrote:


gotta love the guy

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cansema

2005-03-02 Thread Himagain

At 01:21 AM 03/03/05, you wrote:

And I need it too.  My husband was diagnosed yesterday for the third 
time.  Sigh.   MA

You really will have to face giving up the "good life", I'm afraid.  :-)
 Any form of cancer is a very bad sign of systemic intoxication.  What 
sort of blood state is he in?  Acid Ph of what sort of level?
It can be dropped pretty dramatically by simply changing from a cancerous 

Only this very day, I had a call from a MD - hysterical because his wife 
has proved positive for a cancer. "What can he do, what can he do???"  He 
*knows* medical treatment is extremely dangerous and ineffective.
Same anecdotal reporting of an opinion I once heard out in the jungle 
somewhere, as I passed to him:

FIRST.  Do not let her have any invasive treatment.
SECOND. Test her Ph.  If over 6.8 she does not have Cancer - merely a tumour -
THIRD.  Whether Ph acid positive or not, get her out of the "good life" - 
where do you think tumours and melanomas come from? ( He didn't know - like 
most Doctors)
FOURTH. Cancer is not a big deal - not like losing a leg, or having 
asbestosis, or physical brain damage.  More like being an 
alcoholic/diabetic. You have demonstrated a weakness for sugar and have a 
damaged metabolic system.  Like owning an old auto, ( even if you are 21!) 
your body needs TLC from now on.   That's all.
FIFTH. Fear kills more people than bullets. There is never a time when fear 
has a use. Never.  Any action, any positive action at all will banish it to 
the animal world where it belongs.

Best wishes,
NOTA BENE:   NOTHING I say here or elsewhere should be construed as any 
form of qualified advice on any matter unless specifically paid for at my 
counselling rate of $2000 per hour.  Your due diligence is mandatory in all 
things - especially in longevity matters.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Concentration of CS Rule of Thumb

2005-03-02 Thread Himagain

At 12:58 AM 03/03/05, you wrote:

I had computed about 20 ppm per hour for 20 mA into a gallon.  That works
out to be almost exactly the same.

That is the big question.  When I ran this over the weekend, I ended up
with a good bit of black fluffy stuff that fell off the wires.  I am sure
that some current was wasted on making this, but how much is anyones guess.


Hi folks,
I run a simple system based on  transformed 6vDC 300ma output  into 1.5 
litres of vacuum distilled water at mean ambient temp of 26C and agitated 
by a fishtank bubbler ( the solution not me!) for between 8-10 hours.
Starting tyndall is minuscule spotty to clear.  Almost no difference 
between 8 & 10 hours with a well defined  tyndall.
The source is a pair of  Canadian  Maple Leaf bullion/coins submerged 
50% in the solution.

These are spaced about 40mm apart.
End of run there is a well-defined black sludge on the positive side, 
easily removed with a stiff cloth.

PPM?  Never tested analytically/maths or machine, but:
On in vivo tests, results are a bit amazing and I try hard to avoid the 
placebo effect with subjects.

We all now know the raw milk protocol.
Try the deodorant protocol - methodology obvious.
Meat-eaters:  as a mouthwash. But you do still smell funny to a vegetarian! :-)
Amazing with DMSO on Shingles.  ( But DMSO on its own applied to the 
head/temples carefully to avoid the eyes is marvellous with migraines  
3 subject results) 

Migraines are easy then to track to their (usually, beloved food source).

If only I'd known about Cs 20 years ago! Or 5!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS-MS NOW milk of kindness...

2005-03-02 Thread Himagain

Hi there,
In clarification, the prohibition probably stands .. on the grounds 
that as I pointed out in Yet Another Erudite Group (YAEG)  Kefir is a 
processed food - albeit by being eaten and poo'ed out by bacterium - which 
allows humans to drink the milk of another absolutely non-related species 
that is normally definitely not how you were designed to ingest  stuff.  :-)

A bit like adding CS to raw milk???

HOWEVER in the light of the tragic human "civilised" diet of today, (as 
specified) it is still vastly better than toxicated "normal" cow's/other 
animal milk and superior to all other drinks except clean unprocessed 
water. (rare).

There ya go,


At 06:41 PM 02/03/05, you wrote:

Question:  isn't Kefir white?   I tried some recently, thinking I was 
purchasing yogurt drink.  It was similar to yogurt drink but much more 
acidic.  (I liked it very much).  I do not mean to pick nits,  but if 
Kefir is a white food, then your first prohibition needs 
modification.  Kindly clarify.

On Monday, Feb 14, 2005, at 07:31 Asia/Tokyo, Himagain wrote:

There is a vast amount of literature out there on the subject, but 
essentially, in knowing nearly a thousand successful "terminal" Cancer 
patients,  it was found necessary to consider certain things as dangerous 
as Spitting Cobras:

Anything white.  Sugar, flour, milk, bread, etc.
Anything "fast", or long storage capable.
Actually, if it is canned, packaged, frozen, "improved" you should avoid it.
The idea is to go back to the diet of your great grandparents ( so long 
as they weren't rich) and prepare everything at home that is possible.

Three vital ingredients to survive today's depleted earth:
1.  Sprouted seeds. ( Organic ones not sprouted with 
chlorinated/fluoridated water!)

2.  Home-made unleavened (flat) bread. Spelt flour by choice. Not as corrupt.
3.  Kefir. ( Like Buttermilk)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>SO>More uses than coca kola - cellphones

2005-03-02 Thread Himagain

At 04:41 AM 01/03/05, you wrote:

I tried to log onto the tropica site to get this information as you
indicate below.

This is without exception THE WORST commercial site I have ever been

What are you, some sort of advertising troll?


What on earth are you talking about here, Dan ?
There is no Website mentioned in this post at all 
Your copy info here refers only to a mailing list much like this one -

But I do not take kindly to your insult.
It is the sign of a lower intellect to resort to vilification at anytime, 
much less from a position of weakness - vis: total lack of understanding of 
a subject or debate.


SO>More uses than coca kola - cellphones

From: Himagain wrote:
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 01:38:07

Hi folks,

* General Government/Owner Social insanity ( dumbing you down, control

methods) here:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Could CS help avoid a root canal?

2005-03-01 Thread Himagain

At 07:13 AM 01/03/05, you wrote:

I was told almost five months ago by my dentist that I need a root canal 
for one of my upper molars because of the infection around (or in) the 
roots of that tooth (as shown by X-ray).  I said "No" at the time, largely 
because of my concerns about the long-term toxicity of root-canaled teeth 
(according to some dental practitioners).  So, I was given a 
penicillin-like antibiotic which eliminated the pain, but the pain has 
been slowly and gradually returning during the last three months.  Given 
my dislike for antibiotics and my suspicion about the dangers of root 
canals, I'm looking for alternatives.

See post following:   about free book - interesting stuff in it about 
dentistry - quote: " Dr Paul Cummings of Wilmington Nth Carolina TAUGHT Gum 
Surgery at Uni of Nth Carolina.

Now a convert to H202
He himself NOW points out that not one single study has ever shown 
periodontal surgery to be necessary." !!!



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>a good read on H202 and Dentistry.

2005-03-01 Thread Himagain

Hi people,
Don't say I don't mind you lot a lot - here is a book normally sold 
hardcopy and you can have it complete for zilch.


Don't know for how long though, or why.  Everything else there is 
chargeable.   The remarkable history and use of H202 - Hydrogen Peroxide ( 
should be called Hydrogen Dioxide really..)

Interesting stuff in it about dentistry - quote:
" Dr Paul Cummings of Wilmington Nth Carolina TAUGHT Gum Surgery at Uni of 
Nth Carolina.

Now a convert to H202
He himself NOW points out that not one single study has ever shown 
periodontal surgery to be necessary." !!!



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-02-27 Thread Himagain

At 02:44 PM 28/02/05, you wrote:

  At risk of being regarded as terminally senileI 
offer the following post:
A former associate of mine has, recently, brought to my attention 
that a-possibly dangerouscircumstance could be promulgated using 
existing cell phone (or CORDLESS phone) technology.  The information did 
not relate to the possible cancer causing effects of long-term exposure.

Hi Brooks,
Out in the  Conspiracy Aware World,  this is old hat, already. Been used by 
NSA for a long time. CIA wanted the technology were denied it.   FBI now 
has it courtesy of FEMA, to whom they now report.

Himagain   More info on O.T. if you REALLY want it - but I suggest to 
people now that they *really* don't want to know...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re CS: Acid/Alkiline ANSWERED on O.T.

2005-02-27 Thread Himagain

At 11:07 AM 28/02/05, you wrote:

The only generally accepted alkaline nuts are Brazil and Almond.

What about Chestnuts?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re CS: Acid/Alkiline

2005-02-27 Thread Himagain

At 03:48 AM 27/02/05, you wrote:

 Thank You Harold ! This is the largest list I've seen,
Thanks again !
 Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ
---Original Message---

From: <mailto:har...@telus.net>Harold MacDonald
Date: 02/25/05 09:33:27
To: <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Re CS: Acid/Alkiline

Here is a site re acid /alkiline foods



Hi folks,
This is really appropos my earlier comment about having "no living gods"! 

On that Site they have peanuts listed as "nuts" - they are legumes - 
and  oddly, listed on both sides of the list.   They are highly 
acid-forming. The only generally accepted alkaline nuts are Brazil and Almond.
Just goes to prove the wisdom of the ancient idea of 3 for 
everything.   Check 1, Check 2, Check 3.

(Then take an average!! :-)  )

Himagain.  Living *IS* learning.  Death is when you stop - even if still 
breathing  :-)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Politeness and standards of proof...

2005-02-26 Thread Himagain

At 03:56 AM 26/02/05, Mike wrote:

Dear Nina, all,

Nina writes:
> Please list your researchers and peer review of the documentation,
> Anyone can state researchers said this or that. ... Provide
> documentation for your statement, MAY is not scientific. ...

* The vital point that most people miss is that "peer review", to 
any of us who actually were or are, real scientists, is the retardant for 
truth in any form!
What is needed is intelligent support.   Any proposition should be able to 
stand on its own rationale - within reason! :-)
Due Diligence is the responsibility of the questioner. In true debate, 
requiring equal evidence in rebuttal.  NEVER by recourse to 
"An"  "Authority". As Professor Whatsisname said conclusively, 'I would 
rather err with Galen than be correct with a commoner like Harvey."
I've left  the rest of Mike's erudite commentary below as it is well worth 

Himagain.  Wishing he knew what Mike smokes/takes. :-)

Anyone may politely ask others for cites or other resources, but curt
demands are inappropriate, folks.

It is ultimately your job to do the research to confirm or deny what
others share for your own information. If you are a willing member of
this community, it is your option to then share your discoveries with
the rest of us.

Nor is something disproven if its author cannot immediately cite
authoritative research, especially since such research is often lacking
in this field. Nor is it proven just because it's been said before.

If something is said that is immediately hazardous to the uninformed, I
want people to step in with appropriate warnings. Apart from that, I
expect due diligence from each member in evaluating what is said.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>no more warning emails

2005-02-25 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
By request of our esteemed moderator, no more virus warnings or other 
security warnings will  be copied from Fablors members paid security 
subscription lists to here.

However, If you wish to receive them (still free) just subscribe to a 
Fablor sponsored list. Try this one, it is relatively harmless and unscary! 
 * About health matters in food - lies about Fats, oils, helpful tricks 
for you! Here:


***ALSO:   See interesting post OT  about super-improved security 
in  Eudora. Subject: EUDORA NOW SAFER STILL

Here is the easy way to subscribe to the Silver Off-topic list - where this 
discussion should now go:

click here mailto:silver-off-topic-list-requ...@eskimo.com?subject=subscribe
  Put "Subscribe" without the quotes/inverted commas as subject, if your 
system can't do it.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Just thinking...

2005-02-25 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
This is a topic I just posted on the O.T.
Sure would like to get some ideas..

Here is the easy way to subscribe to the Silver Off-topic list - where this 
discussion should now go:
click here mailto:silver-off-topic-list-requ...@eskimo.com   Put 
"Subscribe" without the inverted commas as subject.

Himagain  All the evidence is in.  Getting it out . ahhh, that's 
another matter all together

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Bird flu question

2005-02-24 Thread Himagain

At 04:28 AM 25/02/05, Dan wrote:

Re: CS>Bird flu question

This is not my interpretation of what has been going on.  However, I
think it is best for me to not continue on with this thread so as not to
bother the silver list any more than we already have.

Go ahead, have the last word...


Hi Dan,
Why not simply go to the O.T. list and go into detail?  It's more fun there!


Here is the easy way to subscribe to the Silver Off-topic list - where this 
discussion should now go:


Himagain  All the evidence is in.  Getting it out . ahhh, that's 
another matter all together

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re[2]: CS>Bird flu question/NOW vaccination

2005-02-24 Thread Himagain

At 02:43 AM 25/02/05, you wrote:

Yes I remember reading that to, it had something to do with the 
vaccinations people, especially soldiers had been given, sorry can't 
remember where I read it.

Sheila C

Hi Sheila & folks,
There is a remarkable amount of non-hysterical data here on vaccinations - 
and the ones describing the astounding fact that people have been 
brainwashed into (out of?) remembering that the vaccine-caused devastation 
of the early 1900's was VERY commonly understood by the normal people of 
the day, here.
I have even heard illiterate Academics say " If what you claim is true - 
then what about the natural epidemics like the 1918 incredible 
devastation"?   They really think vaccinations started in  the 
fifties(?) with the first great marketing campaigns to flog them along with 
deadly Chest X-Rays and    need we go on?


Here is the easy way to subscribe to the Silver Off-topic list where this 
discussion should now go:


Himagain  All the evidence is in.  Getting it out . ahhh, that's 
another matter all together  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Bird flu question

2005-02-24 Thread Himagain

At 04:54 AM 24/02/05, Dan wrote:

I think that the response below is basically a facile rationalization to
support and perpetuate a particular personal viewpoint.

There were flu pandemics in the 19th and 20th centuries.  These were
certainly not made and spread on purpose by governments.  And, you
should learn something from watching the machinations of the "Amazing"
Randy; just because something is possible doesn't mean that it is being
done in any particular situation.

Hi Dan & folks,
The Great Randy is a good example - unfortunately not for your case.
He has been thoroughly discredited by serious researchers for his tactics 
and lack of honesty.

As Li Pi Tze said: " Always follow the gold, for where it nests is the truth"
Look to who is paying the proponent.

Want to hear something really amazing?

A proven Whistleblower high up in the USA government recently told a couple 
of select groups that it appears that the "Chem Trails" are really real!

They are desperate attempts by the Govt. to secretly repair the damages 
done to the upper atmosphere by experiments carried out under the 
HAARP  project. ( A readily verifiable - from their own records-  real 
insanity programme).  Not to knock you all off!

As for whether YOUR Govt. could do such a thing - go look up the "Tuskegee 
Experiment" which continues to this day.
Or spend 8 seconds thinking about CS and DMSO for just a couple of 
downtrodden things

Peace! Or else!
Himagain  looking into two opposed mirrors - a picture of real reality?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ultimate expert

2005-02-24 Thread Himagain

At 04:37 AM 24/02/05, Dan wrote:

John, I am surprised that you keep quoting William Campbell Douglass II,
Many of the things that he strenuously advocates such as heavy meat
eating  are diametrically opposed to the advice you are giving...

Not directed at John specifically, but, if you take everything Dr.
Mercola, for instance, has written about what is good for you and what
is bad for you, I bet you would find that you can't eat or drink

Hi Dan & folks,
I only said "always a good read"!  He does have a lot of non-mainstream 
interesting stuff.

As for the rest of your comments, that is pretty well the truth!
Almost everything you eat today and the environment you inhabit *IS* bad 
for you. :-)

*Everything* has been corrupted to an incredible degree.  That is what 
prompted the creation of the very word "MATRIXIDE" by Kilneth and the 
It really looks like, on the massive mountain of ever-growing evidence, 
that it is deliberate - they ARE trying to kill us!

HOWEVER - As the *original* "Good Book" the ancient Ku a'la  warns us from 
4890 years ago:
There is nothing between you and the god. Except what you put there. It is 
only the fear and laziness of being personally responsible that allows 
parasitical Kings and Priests to exist. "
In other words, do your own research and never accept any other being as 
the *ultimate* guru.  They are all only human.  Even Jesus overstepped the 
limits and got himself crucified - and I don't think many people see anyone 
out there as potent as Jesus, today, do they?

Or do they...  ?:-)

Peace! Or else!
HimagainSomebody felt sorry for his loss of mangoes ( a local reader) 
and sent me some "Dragon Fruit". Never heard of them before.  Horrible 
looking things like a dwarf pineapple and red, but a fabulous taste! Sorta 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Bird flu question

2005-02-24 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
This would be funny if it wasn't so serious!
Remember the horror of the SARS "epidemic"?  More people are killed by 
meteorites each year.

The only "protection" that we all need is a healthy immune system.  There 
are no shortcuts.
Only the unfit are culled by Mother Nature.  The bottom 20%.  The worst 
epidemics in history only ever killed about 20-25% of the existing 
population - including those who starved due to breakdown of the social 

PREVENTION:  ( "1 0z is better than a pound of cure")
Eat properly - avoid drugs ( *especially* the aptly named anti-biotics-) 
vitally avoid vaccinations of ANY kind and remember that ANY exercise is 
better than no exercise at all.

The human body has 640-odd muscles and they begin breaking down after only 
48 hours of non-use (exercise).   Tai Chi properly done can be done by 
anyone not paralysed or dead.
Just one hour per day of no TV will do wonders for your mind and using it 
to walk will do wonders for your body.

Very primitive people walk about 4 hours per day.  Never run except to 
chase, never hurry.

Oh - and they eat 20% of the weight/calories of food you do.
Oh - and they only eat what is in season.
Oh - and they only eat freshly picked local.
The way you were designed to operate ..  :-)


I think this is all hype personally. How would they know what the next flu
is going
to be before it mutates into it? Unless they are making it themselves and

They are just trying to keep the fear level up, just like all the security
the government announces that NEVER lead to anything.  General fear of the
means more control for the government.


Dan Nave wrote:

> I was just listening to a program on Minnesota Public Radio (Tuesday,
> Morning Edition, you should be able to listen to it on the net, Google
> MPR).  The person being interviewed was Michael Osterholm, (Michael
> Osterholm is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and
> Policy at the University of Minnesota).  Anyway, he basically went on a
> 1 hour rant about the fact that a bird flu pandemic is coming and how it
> would not be physically possible to ramp up our industrial capacity for
> making vaccines, antivirals, and antibiotics in time for everyone who
> will need it.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>HELP PLEASE Sinus Infection

2005-02-24 Thread Himagain

At 05:02 PM 23/02/05, nancymike wrote:

There is ONLY ONE CS that I would trust in my veins.  That is Argentyn 23 
by Natural Immunogenics in Miami Florida.

Frankly folks, after 30 years of research in the area, I wouldn't put 
ANYTHING DIRECTLY into my veins.  The body that you inhabit was 
specifically designed to do things in a certain way.
The most vital of all is to not let anything foreign enter the blood system 

Yes, I know about the dramatic movies with drips and stuff - and  injecting 
sugar *or* salt into the veins ( depending on whether it is a full moon or 
odd and even day) and the "miracle" of blood transfusions . now 
there's a good study on its own...
Don't take my word for it - look it up. Ask the Religious groups that 
forbid it - they don't only quote  one of the 60-odd versions of the 
Christian Bibles - they will give you the HARD evidence today. Stuff that 
will NEVER see the light of day.
Rather like the way even mentioning CS and DMSO can end a promising or even 
top Medical/Scientific Career.

At least do the same research you would do before buying an auto or a 

Amazing what you can learn.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>reply to Tony - and solving the O.T. mystery

2005-02-24 Thread Himagain

At 02:46 PM 23/02/05, Tony wrote:

Hi John,
It is no wonder that most of your off topic posts go to the CS list and 
not to the OT list :-)  You have the wrong email address. See below for 
the correct address for the Off Topic list.

On 22 Feb 2005 at 8:15, Himagain wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Even *I* get stunned sometimes when something is really brought home!
> And do go sign up for the Off-Topic list!  :-)  http://silverlist.org
> Silver is fabulous - but it is a small part of staying alive!

Hi Tony & folks,
No Tony, this is a common error of people on this list and many others -
I RESPOND to matters on the CS list raised there.
I EXPAND via O.T. or nowadays - bored with repeating the same things over 
and over - send people to http://fablor.com/Matrixide .

You can POST immediately to O.T. list *from within* the CS list ( at the 

But to RECEIVE all the list posts - you need to go here and SUBSCRIBE
http://silverlist.org   ( look in left column - click on OFF TOPIC LIST and 
. subscribe.)

This is where most people get confused I would think.

Actually Mike does a good job in keeping the CS focused - that is what a 
good list is all about : focus. .. with a bit of elastic :-)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>URGENT trick virus warning!

2005-02-23 Thread Himagain

Hello people,
Two variations found so far of this dirty little trick ( called Phishing in 
the trade)

Subject  is: "Alert! New  Worm!
Sender:  secur...@microdoft.com

Clever part is it includes this:

*-* AntiVirus: Found to be clean
*-* "FABLOR" Anti-Virus Service
*-* http://www.fablor.com

Could easily fool people using an Anti Virus program due to this inclusion!
BUT, if you use  our suggested one:  AVG from www.grisoft.com  AND it is up 
to date!!! - you would be saved, as it catches the virus and isolates it - 
see the real message which appears right below the fake one:

Viruses found in the attached files.
The file patch_help-text.zm9: Virus identified  I-Worm/Sober.K. The 
attachment was moved to the virus vault.

Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.4.0 - Release Date: 22/02/05

BE careful out there people! It is the Cyberbog, after all.


Here's the evolving plan:
1.  To suggest you all subscribe to SPECIFIC interest Letters and I will no 
longer cross-post except for safety warnings - like the recent one about 
the Apple Mac virus.

*Serious Medical Concerns ( Lies they tell)  are handled here:

* General Government/Owner Social insanity ( dumbing you down, control 
methods) here:


* About health matters in food - lies about Fats, oils, helpful tricks for 
you! Here:


 COMING UP:  Due to the ever-increasing frauds and con jobs running wild 
out in the Cyberbog, Fablor is putting together a very serious no-nonsense 
new D-I-Y Course in Doing Real, *Safe* Business in the Cyberworld.  If you 
are a more serious intending internet trader, this Course might be just for 
you. It ain't free but it is a token buck-a-week and would have to be the 
buy of a lifetime! Want to be advised when it is 
available?  mailto:acad...@fablor.com?subject=tellme05

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>And now for your prostate!

2005-02-22 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
An up-and-coming  hot new sales item:  prostectomies!

"IT ISN'T THE PSA TEST for prostate cancer, EITHER. Ask your doctor about
the alarming study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal The
Lancet. Believe it or not, it shows that men who take this test are more
likely to die of prostate cancer than men who don't.

Hi Mike!I'm off to the OT list :

continued on OT list..


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>last on mammography and tests....

2005-02-22 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
One of today's most acclaimed cancer experts,
Dr. Michael Baum of University College Hospital, London, recently announced
that 'I think there is a deception going on.' Very simply, the latest
statistics show that mammograms don't save lives. And half of all women
diagnosed with 'early breast cancer' may be having mastectomies for nothing.
And the female breast Cancer is probably the easiest Cancer of all to detect.
And in America they do about twice the rate as in the 
UK  it's big business!

As this is dangerous waters, no further correspondence will be  entered 
into on this point.

I'm not very brave and I like my retired-type lifestyle in paradise.

Sadly, I ate the last of my mangoes this morning end of 
season.  BTW:  I wouldn't eat anything that was out-of-season these 
days.  2 reasons:

1.  Gets very expensive vs very cheap when in season.
2.  The things they now DO to store them!  A whole explanation of the 
allergies/sinusitises pandemic on its own!

Himagain.  As far away as he can get from "city non-life". Thinking of 
going further

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>mammography article - repeat post?

2005-02-22 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
Not sure if I cross-posted this here from the MATRIXIDE list, but it is a 
good intro for people thinking/told that they they have Cancer.

A de-obfuscator :  :-)

But as it did cause a stir, it is now available from MATRIXIDE Library as a 

Wordprocessing file, just click on this link and it will open in your
wordprocessor. You can then just read it or save it to your PC, print it 
and pass it around.

This type of  file  (.rtf) cannot carry viruses.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Needing help

2005-02-22 Thread Himagain

At 02:38 AM 23/02/05, you wrote:

In a message dated 2/21/05 3:07:06 PM Central Standard Time, 
himag...@fablor.com writes:

They are wrong an extremely high percentage of
the time - 38% in the Cancervivor statistics.

I did want to question this -- can they still be wrong if this has been 
determined by mammography, ultra-sound AND biopsy?  Just wondering.  MA

Hi there,
Tons of information about this all over the net, but even as recently as a 
week ago a renegade DR "out in the open"  made the point that "75 years 
later early detection is no better".

William Campbell Douglass II, MD
always a good read!

But, just by the way:
Mammography is completely discredited as a detection method for ANYTHING 
and research suggests some horrific effects on "pre-cancerous" (meaning 
evolving into) zones.
Ultrasound is horrifying to any expert from areas of real knowhow like Rife 
technology and to do it for fun to a developing baby in the 
womb!... Ask some at Rife lists.

Finally biopsy is the end line test. Famous for suddenly 
activating/transforming cancerous cells.
If a person suddenly develops a "cyst" or a lump, the highest chance is 
simply a blocked duct. Second highest chance is a dramatic attempt by the 
body's defence mechanisms to isolate a toxic intrusion.
Note: Even most Medical "Practitioners" have no idea that the bulk of a 
tumour is composed of the body's own defence cells.. Ask 'em.

If you suspect Cancer, do something.  Test yourself for alkalinity. Simple, 
quick and works.

If you develop lumps do something about your health (diet/lifestyle)

Finally, remember that the "Cancer Inc."  industry sector is the fastest 
growing one in the world, inside the fastest growing industry - PharmaMed.

As that venerable old Sage Li Pi Tze said :  "Follow the gold - for only 
where it finally nests is the truth"
There is no money in telling you that you don't have Cancer.  Same as there 
is no money in curing it.  The people involved aren't stupid. They are 
simply biblically evil.

Even a would-be honest low-level industry participant is 
trained/brainwashed to DO SOMETHING.

Just think about this for one minute:
It is an accepted protocol in the USA to chop off a young woman's breasts 
IN CASE - in case she might get Cancer because her great-Aunt did and her 
Mom did.
Stunningly, many young women are so terrified and brainwashed, they agree 
to it!

I have suggested at some risk here and other places what to do if told that 
you have Cancer.  Get an opinion or two from unconnected sources and always 
as a public patient.

I personally have known Doctors that I liked and even respected over my 
many decades of existence - but to trust their individual 
knowledge/judgement in ANYTHING, much less something as valueable as my 
I would at least advise people to take the same care they do in selecting a 
new airconditioner or auto.  Shop around - you will be amazed at the 
difference in deals.

The only safe course in the world is to get well.  A never-ending 
process.  More complex if you are already showing the *consecutive* warning 
signs, like halitosis, athlete's foot, cracked tongue, allergies, 
sinusitis, CFS/failing heart, sugar diabetes, Lyme, MS, Cancer.

Him, realising he sounds like a cracked record over all these 
years. definitely time to go!  :-)
BTW:  For the younger members (under40) A cracked record refers to the 
ancient pre-recorded devices made of bakelite to play music and which would 
develop small cracks that the silver tipped needle would get stuck in and 
repeat and repeat the same groove.  They were called "78's" after the speed 
they turned at...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Needing help

2005-02-21 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
The main point missed here in comments on my post, is that we are looking 
at the effects of prestidigitation:
It only confuses the issue when one talks about trying to *undo* the 
results of Modern Medical Cancer Therapy.

There is nothing "complementary" about it.   One kills. One Heals.

The key point is: Why get involved in such a destructive activity in the 
first place?

That is worth repeating:
The key point is why get involved in such a proven dead-end (literally) 
destructive activity in the first place!

Certainly you can - as I've said before - soften the devastation of such 
assaults on the body through the use of  DMSO, CS, proper nutrition, that 
is not in contention.

What is in contention is the weakening of the whole reality case by letting 
confused and terrified people believe that they can go in two directions at 
once, much less undertake a proven disastrous deadly procedure and somehow 
salvage themselves later.
If you have a properly determined  mestasised Cancer ( which only means it 
is so obvious that even a blind person could feel it) the Medical Mafia 
will admit that you are dead.  One way or another.
Either you do have mestasised Cancer and you will die, because their 
treatment doesn't work, or you may not even have a Cancer, but their 
treatment will certainly kill you.
Managing to live 5.1 years after diagnosis is not a "cure" - especially the 

Natural healing can and does regress it. WITHOUT killing you.

I still have problems with how people can be talked into it, against all 
commonsense and the simple evidence.  But then again, we do have not only 
suicide bombers, but mothers who think it is a good thing for their kids to 

Peace!  Or Else!
Himagain - A stranger in a strange land

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>O.T. posting Cancer

2005-02-21 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
Here is where you sign up to get the O.T. List stuff.
I've just posted an expansion on the thinking about Allopathic vs Natural.
It has helped a lot of people diagnosed with Cancer to straighten out their 
thinking ...

It is also a hand-out download from here:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>An exclamation mark re Cancer "treatment"

2005-02-21 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
Even *I* get stunned sometimes when something is really brought home!
THAT's what they inject into you!
But, then again, look what vaccination stews are made of   no 
wonder MATRIXIDE has trouble understanding The System... it is insane.

This is an excellent Site offering all sorts of information.  Will take you 
days to go through it and another definite is here - mentioned earlier today.


And do go sign up for the Off-Topic list!  :-)  http://silverlist.org
Silver is fabulous - but it is a small part of staying alive!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Needing help

2005-02-21 Thread Himagain

At 02:54 AM 22/02/05, you wrote:

Hi all.  Just learned over the weekend that my cousin has breast 
cancer.  She is open-minded about alternative/homeopathic treatments and 
is receptive to any and all information.  She will be undergoing surgery 
and radiation.  I will forward any suggestions to her, but will appreciate 
it if you refrain from doctor-bashing, mainstream-treatment-bashing, 
etc.  I won't send her anything that undermines her confidence in her 
medical treatment.

Hi there,
Sorry to have tell you this: There is no way that any "Alternative" - and 
let's try and be a bit real here! - NATURAL therapy can co-exist with the 
terrible inflictions of allopathic medicine. No way known to science.
If your friend elects, as does 99.875% of the population, to go that route 
it is a final choice in more ways than one.
One either decides that on the available evidence - or more likely, 
conditioning - course A or B is viable.
It is a waste of time to even *think* of combining valid therapies with 
allopathic invasive Cancer "treatment".  With all of the experience of the 
Cancervivors, there is no way known to reverse/combat the damage of 
conventional extreme insult protocols like this.
Think of having a leg chopped off.   It is final.  Like having a breast 
chopped off - it is final. They do not regrow.

If you or your friend decide to take that direction, as Kilneth says: "you 
can only walk in one direction at a time, that's a real Law!"

One small positive possibility here:
Tell her to go and have her complaint checked at a Public Hospital as a 
Public (uninsured) patient.  They are wrong an extremely high percentage of 
the time - 38% in the Cancervivor statistics.


You could go here and have a look yourself. It has much info of value.
http://tinyurl.com/577tj - specific about Cancer
http://www.alternative-doctor.com/  The extreme spectrum of healing. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Atten: Cancervivor

2005-02-19 Thread Himagain

At 10:14 AM 20/02/05, you wrote:

I don't remember which list member accrues to this name, but I would 
appreciate the website addy for information -- I believe that this has 
been referenced on the list.  Thank you.MA

Hi there,
There are many Cancervivor groups out there that are the real ones, but a 
number of fakes have appeared lately.  Even a magazine in OZ!
Some of these will be govt. scams trying to find out Doctors names, or like 
the people who haunt newsgroups saying "fluoride is good for you" and 
"Aspartame is good for you" ( with the small side effect of Cancer and 89 
other symptoms).
The TRUE Cancervivor groups are *super-private* and only open to access by 
actual Cancer sufferers, who may later introduce direct family at a lower 

The *only* way in is thru a series of filters proving identity and state.
This is to protect the growing number of Doctors who are risking everything 
to tell the truth.  I mean risking everything!

Virtually everything that a group can tell you, I have already posted on 
this and other lists over the last year or so.  I am now retired ( after 8 
years) and have absolutely no access to any group - I've been deliberately 
cut out of the loop for the protection of all concerned.

Cancer has two forms:
1. Iatrogenic - meaning caused by outside agents like PCB's or medical 
treatments, Aspartame etc.

2. Self-developed - meaning you did it to yourself via lifestyle.

First is dead easy if you get away early enough from the source.
Second requires far more discipline.  Nearly all fail to hack it.  They 
really prefer to die than give up their good life - so they do.
Anyone who avoids medical treatment for the symptoms and follows all the 
information anecdotally posted here can readily reverse Cancer.  I did. 880 
people in my group did.  No failures for those who followed the 
rules,  100% failure for those who didn't and who actually did have Cancer.

(They get it wrong a tremendous percentage of the time)
First test:
If you are diagnosed with Cancer and are a private Insurance holder - 
especially of high cover - is to go to a public hospital in another town, 
tell them you have no insurance and have just moved there and relate the 
same symptoms.   You could very well be told that you are a hypochondriac 
and sent away.   ( Happens a lot if you are "poor" - mainly richer people 
with money get "the treatment")

All of the above is anecdotal information and personal opinions and you are 
warned that the writer has no legal franchise to advise, dispense, treat, 
or otherwise deal with your condition medically, financially, legally, and 
it is for entertainment purposes and/or satirical in intent only.  Your due 
diligence is mandatory.

This will be my last post in such dangerous waters.  Codex is upon us.  Be 
careful out there, friends.

Here's the evolving plan:
1.  To suggest you all subscribe to SPECIFIC interest Letters and I will no 
longer cross-post except for safety warnings - like the recent one about 
the Apple Mac virus.

*Serious Medical Concerns ( Lies they tell)  are handled here:

* General Government/Owner Social insanity ( dumbing you down, control 
methods) here:


* About health matters in food - lies about Fats, oils, helpful tricks for 
you! Here:



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>a good reminder from Mercola

2005-02-19 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
Worth downloading and printing and hanging up in your kitchen and bathroom. 
A good compendium of why your life expectancy is dropping like a stone ( 
not going up as per the lies)



Did you know that from the forties unbelievably right thru to the eighties, 
they were putting uranium into false teeth? (To make them glow?)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herpes

2005-02-15 Thread Himagain

At 12:53 AM 15/02/05, you wrote:
So far as food goes, I cannot say we could not have improved, but we grew 
our own vegetables, ate a vegetarian diet, including mostly organic rice 
etc. Our young daughter does not have the symptoms. I did find I itched in 
our house, we have since moved and my itching has gone. I have also 
changed the bedding to one with dust mite proof covers, and wool mattresses.

You say Atopic eczema is characterised by 'instant' reactions but I find 
and learnt that it is not at all. His reactions to food are instant, but 
his normal eczema is slow and enduring to come on. he care we give him 
that makes a difference, but results are slow, like later in the week. He 
does have fast reactions to room temperature.

Hi John,
Well, you have been far more diligent than most!
I'm running out of suggestions. Most "severe problems" really aren't, and 
are relatively easy to fix - IF those involved will put in the effort.  You 
people obviously have...

However you mentioned another child - a missing vital clue for me - and if 
she has not evidenced similar symptoms, then a great bulk of causes can be 
eliminated. Nearly all of the group environmental ones -and this leaves a 
principal direction as it being something specific to your son.

I'm sorry - for now I can't think of anything else to suggest for 

Best wishes,

BTW:  "Atopic" doesn't really refer to eczema - it is used in relation to 
allergenic reactions. It simply means an instant reaction to something.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>antihistamines - addendum

2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
Meant to include this - it is a longer more user friendly eye-opener 
(pun!)  about antihistamines



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herpes

2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

At 09:46 AM 14/02/05, John wrote:

can be; eczema may lead to psoriasis in some case. But now t related in 
child atopic eczema.

John, these symptoms are often used by Medical Practitioners in the same 
way as they will look you right in the eye and say " hmmmnnn  you have a 
severe case of oedema there" instead of telling you "yes the leg is 
swollen, isn't it?"
Atopic Eczema simply means " severe immediate reaction to whatever causes 
it".  There is possibly a case for  congenital weakness in rare instances, 
but for eczema??
As for the dustmite thing - it ranks right up there with the Pregnancy 
Virus.  A very big moneyspinner, that one.
Atopic Eczema is characterized by an *instant* violent skin reaction. 
Eczema simply means, generically, any form of skin disorder particularised 
by pustules (pimples).

From your comments about the history to date, I would suggest doing a 
Sherlock Holmes thing and work backwards from the first outbreak for a week.
I would determine what CHANGES took place in the week preceding the child's 
defence reaction.

Forget commercial "Silver bandages", use uncoloured, unbleached paper 
kitchen towels as covers and when changing them, simply wet them again and 
they dissolve/fall off.
Initially to use: Hold them vertical and using a clothes damper spray, 
spray them wet with the CS. Apply to skin and  respray to soak fully.

If the child was not immunised recently, or hospitalised prior to the 
event, I would bet on a toxic reaction to something introduced recently and 

Babies are great at recovering - just look at what we do to them!
Is the child getting enough sun exposure?  ( BTW  Never use ultraviolet 

However, at the end of the day, what the child needs is nutritional support:
Homemade soups - never boiled - Crockpot-style. Get sprouting, fast.  Try 
and obtain biodynamically grown vegetables ( safest)  Buy some dried Wasabe 
or any Asian dried Seavegetable for the soup.
Are you using tap water?   Get a filter a.s.a.p.  If your local water has 
Fluoride in it, this may be the main problem. It even kills teeth 
enamel.   Very difficult to remove.   There is a 99% chance your tap water 
contains Aluminium Hydroxide and Chlorine.  Do not bathe your child in it - 
especially if heated.  In fact, do not bathe your child at this stage - the 
CS will do all that is necessary.

If the sores are all over, you could float a small airfoam mattress in the 
bath to ease the pressure on the little body - of course, you would have to 
stand guard during the period.  A few hours per day if possible - not even 
necessarily consecutive.   Even a half-inflated flat style airbed could help.

With very best wishes,
Himagain  - and the reminder that I have no medical franchise of any kind 
and all information supplied is medically - "anecdotal" and your due 
diligence in investigation is required.
Nothing is to be construed as any form of medical treatment or medical 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
The effectiveness of most drugs lies not in their curative powers, but 
their sedative/opiate/anaesthetic properties.  Their ability to turn 
off  the warning alarm, not fix anything, just stop you being aware of the 
danger behind your symptoms.
Especially over-the-counter things like Antihistamines are very dangerous 
in more ways than one.

Here is a quote from a special medical panel discussing the darn things:
The panel recognized that even though these older, over-the-counter 
antihistamines are known to cause sedation and impairment, 47 percent of 
allergy sufferers still take them. With one in seven Americans suffering 
from seasonal allergies, the cost to society is high. Disturbed sleep and

sedation negatively impact patients' quality of life.

While using an antihistamine with sedating properties, patients are 1.5 
times more likely to have occupational injuries. For example, experts noted 
a 2002 study that found a strong association between initial use of 
diphenhydramine (e.g., Benadryl) and the subsequent occurrence of injuries. 
In this study, approximately 55 percent of all injuries in the 
diphenhydramine group were attributable to use of the drug.

end quote:
Of course they have injuries and car crashes - they are stoned!

It is like those famous "flu pills" that dry up runny noses, stop the 
headache and lower your temperature . thus leaving you sick for 
weeks, instead of a day or two, by stopping all your body's defence 
mechanisms from working!

CS will help repair damage in amazing ways, but only as an aid to your own 
body ability. Just as DMSO given quickly enough after a Stroke can 
alleviate the damage tremendously, but it won't cure it, or stop it 
happening again if you continue to abuse and malnourish your body.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Last comment on "allergies"

2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

Hello people,

In MATRIXIDE we just covered the insane side of the Aspartame thing,
but apparently there is an unholy conjunction between these two used together.
I DID have a list of the current names used for both Aspartame and MSG ( 
anyone got one?)
but what I didn't know was that under new rulings, MSG can actually be 
identified as:

 25 or more names, such as
"Natural Flavoring" or "Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein"...  ! ???

Where did *synthetic* MSG come from?
In hundreds of studies around the world, scientists were creating obese 
mice. and rats to use in diet or diabetes test studies. No strain of rat or 
mice is naturally obese, so the scientists have to create them. They make 
these morbidly obese creatures by injecting them with MSG when they are 
first born. The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates...

Whether we like it or not, there is no way to consider ANY processed food 
safe at all.
The subterfuge used and available to the unscrupulous "food" manufacturing 
industry today means that they can say:

ALL natural
No artificial flavours
Natural flavours
No preservatives
No coloring

And  serve you up a deadly chemical cocktail of Aspartame, MSG, chemicals 
designed to offer. "natural flavours" - and the legal trick is that 
they don't mean *contains* "natural things" just "tastes like natural things".
They no longer have to admit that these deadly killers are in that 
"Gourmet" Baby Food that your child tries to refuse!
( A food technologist contact says that they couldn't make a baby food that 
mothers will like without MSG!)  The babies don't count. Convince mum it's 
a nice taste and the baby gets it like-it-or-not!  People do it with dogs, 

Go look up late information on Aspartame and MSG  - maybe we can frighten 
you into at last looking after yourself!   :-)
All those mystery allergies, aches, pains, sexual disfunction, eye 
problems, eczema, Ms, etc
try here - fulla "insiders" warnings (drs and scientists) 

 There is now virtually no way that you can avoid these killers in a 
Western diet.  Add the fact that deadly hydrolised Cottonseed oil is now 
used in fifty percent of all manufactured foods .

UNLESS you do it yourself...

Maybe this is why even mighty CS is seeming to fail sometimes?   Doritos, 
anyone? A Big Mac-tuckey? 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herpes

2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

At 04:24 AM 14/02/05, you wrote:
 My experience is that anytime an allergic reaction is currently going 
on, one is far more susceptible to "catching" other illnesses/infections, 
as well as to developing additional allergic reactions, some of which may 
go on to become new permanent allergies. Immune function seems to be 
compromised during allergic reactions.


Nearly right, Sol.  Anyone who HAS allergic reactions is in serious health 
The human Defence System ( don't like "immune" there is no such thing in 
the accepted sense) uses an "escalating warning system" starting with 
halitosis and Athletes Foot to allergies as a means to stop us doing things 
to ourselves.
Any form of Eczema/Herpes is a primitive sign to prospective breeding-mates 
to stay away, it says "warning, this body is in very poor shape."
It is most easily fixed - especially when as is often insanely claimed - it 
is hereditary - which shows it to be a family action cause - either living 
near an Aluminium plant etc, or. diet.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS for Eczema, was Re: CS>Herpes

2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

At 04:13 AM 14/02/05, you wrote:

Richard, John, Steve, (or anyone)
  How was the CS used, what ppm, etc? I 'd like to know as I have severe 
eczema at times (once for a period of nearly 14 months) and low-grade 
nearly all the time. I've been making and using CS for well over 2 years, 
but my eczema is far from gone.So unless the protocol used which 
leads you to say eczema can relieve or stop eczema is very different from 
mine, it seems to me CS does absolutely nothing for eczema as far as 
getting rid of it goes. I use my CS in a couple ways that provide a 
little topical relief, and probably prevent secondary skin infections, 
but the only thing that really helps is daily use of antihistamines. 
Between the antihistamines, and topical relief things,

Hi Sol,
1.  It doesn't matter. I've been getting people to make simple CS the "Dr 
Jon" way which is probably around 5ppm with dramatic results especially 
with cases like Shingles and "Herpes" and following 2 simple ideas:

1.  CS has no side-effects.
2.  It is non-residual.  More drunk over time during topical need is 
better.  Don't know about pints though!  :-)
I agree, it does nothing for getting rid of it.  It is for skin repair. It 
is for killing off runaway wog growth ( I use the term "wog" to cover all 
of the infection theories).   You have to stop doing whatever it is that 
intoxicates your body to such a degree that is forced to use the skin as a 
violent excretion organ.
Antihistamines are a very likely MAJOR reason for the failure to get 
better.   Go look at some of their negatives!

Sorry, chum, there is no Santa Claus!
You have to give up the "good life" and take control of the Devil (your 
tongue) and help the only source of health there is:  your own body.  It is 
all about food. It is discipline.  Remember the Rat Longevity 
Experiment.  The Chicken Heart Experiment.

Best wishes,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

At 01:06 AM 14/02/05, you wrote:
This list has some of the most intelligent and helpful people I have ever 
come in contact with, and I don't want to discourage anyone with MS from 
trying CS, but if any of you can give me suggestions as to why it failed 
with my daughter, I would be open to hear it.  MS has multiple causes and 
affects everyone differently.  Some of the most effective treatments are 
not allowed in the US because of the FDA, but don't want to get off topic 
here.  Thanks for listening.Cathy's Mom

Hi there,
Anybody who is sick enough to develop Dibetes/CFS/MS/Cancer,  really 
doesn't have much choice today.  There ARE strong people around, but not 
many under the age of 70 today.  The diet of the last half a century has 
deteriorated to such a degree that getting GOOD food is now extremely 
difficult, but if your daughter is serious, it simply means developing 
self-discipline in the hardest to handle area of modern human 
existence:  eating.

There is a vast amount of literature out there on the subject, but 
essentially, in knowing nearly a thousand successful "terminal" Cancer 
patients,  it was found necessary to consider certain things as dangerous 
as Spitting Cobras:

Anything white.  Sugar, flour, milk, bread, etc.
Anything "fast", or long storage capable.
Actually, if it is canned, packaged, frozen, "improved" you should avoid it.
The idea is to go back to the diet of your great grandparents ( so long as 
they weren't rich) and prepare everything at home that is possible.

Three vital ingredients to survive today's depleted earth:
1.  Sprouted seeds. ( Organic ones not sprouted with 
chlorinated/fluoridated water!)

2.  Home-made unleavened (flat) bread. Spelt flour by choice. Not as corrupt.
3.  Kefir. ( Like Buttermilk)

Be responsible for yourself.  Stay away from Deadly Doctors.  Walk as far 
as you can without stress, every day. Swimming is better (impossible to 
overdo it, ya sink!). Learn to google. Check everything from at least 3 
different sources.   Get outta town. Cities kill.

Not easy, but beats being in a wheelchair and then dead early.

Him - Already been there, done that!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herpes

2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

At 08:32 PM 13/02/05, John wrote:

Do you mean the child had herpes?

Hi John,
"Herpes" is a catchall term for originally for "Viral diseases causing 
eruptions of the skin or mucous membrane" then peculiarly, any of the 
animal viruses etc..
We have no idea of whether there is a possible causative external agent in 
general for most symptoms of anything - much less "Herpes". Just look at 
Cancer or MS after unknown billions spent in "research".  Simply fixed by 
dietary changes.

Just as in Cancer, the trick is to identify the true cause quickly.  Sudden 
onset symptoms usually point to iatrogenic origins.  Particularly 
today,  when it is admitted that the biggest cause of death in the West by 
far is Medical practice, far greater than war or auto accidents, this is 
the logical starting point.
Next is food. Additions to diet - unusual changes, eating fast-food.  The 
ONLY safe thing to do with babies under a year or so old is breastfeeding, 
but due allowance has to be made for the toxic substances the mother is 
ingesting - cigarette chemicals, medications(!), hydrolised cottonseed oil.

Next is chemical attack.  Change in Detergents ( particularly in "baby" 
liquid soaps and rub-ons) Dry-cleaned garments, or new synthetic bed clothes.

At the end of the day, WELL humans only have traumatic accidents - mainly 
due to stupidity, war and then old age as the cause of death.
The bottom 25% of humans were usually culled by mother nature, but now we 
do it to ourselves.

 With a lot of help from our Owners.

Don't worry too much,  there are strange miracles out there today - CS and 
DMSO  that we have trouble understanding beyond the fact that they REALLY 
But they are crutches.  You serve your body best ( and your child) by 
simply not poisoning it and feeding it real *safe* food.

With best wishes,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herpes

2005-02-13 Thread Himagain

At 08:30 PM 13/02/05, you wrote:

No the boy had no vaccinations at birth or since.

I had to post a new thread: Strep not herpes, as the diagnosis was 
The condition in my son, being an atopic eczema child, has been more 
dangerous than usual, due to the skin condition, and the extent and pace 
of infection, and severity of the symptoms. Not much time for homeopathic 
remedy..in just one week from onset he was close to death and 90% skin 
covered , with loss of skin comparable to a sever burn victim.

I mentioned your son's plight to another well-versed person and was 
reminded that some hospitals in the USA now ROUTINELY vaccinate virtual 
newborns today and do not advise the parents, much less request authorisation!
It is a matter I am pursuing, but it would not hurt to "pleasantly" enquire 
into this possibility. Try to stay calm if they say "yes" - you will need 
it later to take legal action.

The symptoms you are describing are typical of toxic reaction to vaccination.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Bleeding from behind CS/Aloe Vera testimonial...

2005-02-12 Thread Himagain

At 05:59 AM 13/02/05, you wrote:

 Recently I had a bout of "bleeding from behind". It was painful and when 
I first saw the blood (more than I've ever seen come out of me) the 
thought came intuitively to mix aloe with cs and drink. So for the next 
week I drank 50%aloe vera juice(from Trader Joe's)/50% CS on an empty 
stomach once in the morning and once at night. The results are the 
bleeding and pain vanished in 5 days. For those of you who suffer with 
anything similar and maybe are embarassed to report it I thought this 
would be encouraging.


Hi Steve,
Even more important is why did you start bleeding?
Celebration night out?  A "Curry", or "Mexican"?   New Drug?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Bread

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 03:56 AM 11/02/05, you wrote:

1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast ...?
1/4 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
3 cups all-purpose flour, divided
3 cups white sugar, divided
3 cups milk

Can't believe that THAT is Amish - they follow the old Catholic Bible 
version -
and surely nobody on this list would DREAM of adding white sugar to 
anything, especially what their kids might eat, would they?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 02:55 AM 11/02/05, you wrote:


Alpha-1 related emphysema is caused by an inherited lack of a
protective protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT).

But you will notice - not a word about environmental factors or diet.
So-called inherited deficiencies like these are often caused by parental 
lifestyles (passed on) and locality. Living in a Steel Town - or such.

You ought to see the hidden problems looming for Boeing - Toxic intake - 
mainly Aluminium related  .- Not much being said about it there...

'Cos it's all inherited too.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Subject: Re: CS>mycoplasma to jim and question about cs for scalp fungus and (Laetrile comments)

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 02:38 AM 11/02/05, you wrote:

I think it's the aftertaste of wheatgrass juice that's 
offensive.  Strongly saccarin-like.

But spirulina is the WORST and I take it every day.


Hi Sally & folks,
But doesn't it seem strange that people are now "juicing" everything?  No 
wonder the aftertaste is so rotten!   That's your body saying "don't do 
this to me!"
Like most "supplements" and "health drinks" they are stressing your body - 
and if you happen to be typically ill .
I feel like screaming at mothers who ram 3-4 oranges thru a juicer and 
stuff that down the kids throats. How many adults could even eat three 
This is all based on the insane old idea that "if one pill is good for you 
then 10 will be better".

Even my famous attraction to Manna ( known as properly tree-ripened 
mangoes) will call a halt after the third one.  Two if big ones.

We were designed very carefully by our Designer to stop us doing stupid 
things, but we seem to have got past the built-in "governors" like pain, 
fatigue and rotten taste, that told us we were doing something dumb and we 
override them until they kick out the safety valve. We get really sick.

There is always divine retribution or reward - for everything we 
do  :-)


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Need some sound advice

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 01:59 AM 11/02/05, Sol wrote:

I'd also wonder if anything has changed in your CS, or your brewing 
methods, or if you have changed DW. It seem strange that your CS would 
appear to suddenly become less effective, unless something has changed 
either in your process, or in your body. The stresses, and 
hospitilizations maybe could be at least part of the cause. Is anything in 
your environment different? Last fall when I got a long lasting cold in 
spite of drinking more that usual CS daily, two things seemed to be part 
of it. One was that I had stopped misting my eyes and hands with CS after 
being out in public, and the other (discovered much later) is that I was 
using dish soap liquid that was contaminated with black mold.


Hear, hear.  First check what is different in your life since the week 
before the deterioration started.
Easiest thing to do and cheaper than medical tests and the culprit usually 
shows up.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Bread

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 12:16 AM 11/02/05, you wrote:


Lotta work.   Take the flour, blend in a smidgin of fine oil ( organic non 
DMR coconut, or olive) add some unaltered salt, water for effect - ( 
changes with the flour and day) till spongy and just handleable.   See how 
to make Chappattis :  http://ashycook.topcities.com/breads/chappatis.htm

http://tinyurl.com/3l4hx  Lotta ideas lotta wrong things done to make it 
taste like fake modern. (Adding sugar and calling themselves "vegetarians"! 
:-)http://tinyurl.com/52tfq  Unleavened Bread

A fantastic activity for a family to do, though.  There *IS* something 
magical about making bread and scoffing it hot!



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>wilma and question to himagain: Mycoplasma

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 10:19 PM 10/02/05, you wrote:

TO whom this may concern,
Re: the elimination of website.
In the past I have heard and experienced websites designed to pop up and
shut down within hours. So it never has a consistent address I would
Done purposely to avoid such action of being dismantled. I have no idea
how This is done, but seems to work. One might want to inquire to a web
designer or programming person to find out more.

Hi there,
This is the methodology used to good effect by the porn people.  One of 
whom helped setup the Cancervivor  vanishing email addresses.  But the new 
technology - mentioned by me around the place lately - "Perihelion" has 
made all humans redundant.   The program is smarter than all but a tiny 
few people on the planet.  It is nearly escapeproof.

Himagain   Biig Brother will be watching everything.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Bread

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 12:13 AM 11/02/05, you wrote:

It isn't yeast free. It is made with wild yeasts instead of baker's 
packaged yeasts, but calling it yeast free is inaccurate.


Hi Sol and folks,
They just never quit do they?  Like "the 90 names of Aspartame".



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>wilma and question to himagain: Mycoplasma

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

Hi Jonathon,
What interested parties?
More to the point why would *I* go out into the trenches again?
Actually, it is all over but the screaming.
We aren't talking about "might" or "may" any more. It is enacted USA 
Legislation that could not in any way be construed as "constitutionally 
sound", but nonetheless is now law.

BUT - none of it is new:
Sadly, in 1994 when I started to be very active, strangely with the slogan 
" It will be "1984", just 20 years late"  there was exactly the apathy we 
have now.
But, I would never have believed that the USA would go belly up without a 

Even with the VERY handy "terrorist" attack of a coupla years ago.

At 10:03 PM 10/02/05, you wrote:


If you seriously worry about your site being eliminated in whatever 
fashion, may I suggest that you make some CD ROMS and distribute them to 
interested parties?This may be a good idea if your concerns turn out 
to be well-founded.

Hi Jim,
No,  a bit further back than that conceptually! :-)
Have a look here for an antithesis to the whole western medical religion:
Which may vanish any time soon.

*Serious Medical Concerns ( Lies they tell)  are handled here:

* General Government/Owner Social insanity ( dumbing you down, control 
methods) here:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Need some sound advice

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 06:57 AM 10/02/05, you wrote:

Hi Steve -- thanks for responding to Darcy's request for help.  She is 
operating from a borrowed laptop and it won't let her receive posts from 
this group -- go figure -- so asked me to forward your post to her.  I 
did.  She doesn't have cancer, she has alpha lung disease (I think that's 
what it's called).  Guys -- she is desperate for help.  The posts with 
H202 configurations are no help at all.  Please -- she's in trouble. MA

Hi there,
All of these things are scary - especially the names!
Here is some basic info:
 COPD -- emphysema and/or chronic bronchitis.
Alternative Names
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency; Bronchitis: Chronic; Chronic Bronchitis; 
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; Emphysema

Chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD), also known as chronic obstructive 
pulmonary disease (COPD), is characterized by a limitation of the airflow 
in the lung, which develops over time and is not totally reversible.

COLD is associated with a set of breathing-related symptoms:
Chronic cough.
Spitting or coughing mucus (expectoration).
Breathlessness upon exertion.
Progressive reduction in the ability to exhale.

They are all essentially the same thing.  Destruction of the lung tissue 
over time - almost always due to environmental factors combined with 
self-induced injury, ( bad diet, smoking, e.g. )

Before any gains can be made for her the following are necessary bits of data:

1. Does she smoke? Is she still smoking?
2. Does she exercise?  ( No matter how ill, there are exercises necessary 
to avoid shutting down)
3. MOST important:  What is she taking?  Remember Steroids like fake 
Cortisone destroy people by the million every year.  Antibiotics? The name 
says it all.
4.  What eating "lifestyle" does she have?  Unless helping her 
immune/repair system, little can be done.

However, from observation and reports, it is medical "treatment" that 
exacerbates the problem in most cases and it is vital to go on the net and 
look up the side-effects of any recent medications. Then get off them.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A newbie

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 04:50 AM 10/02/05, you wrote:

Where is the MATRIXIDE site?

Hi there:
http://fablor.com/matrixide/For as long as "They" allow it.   ( 
According to the latest info: Patriot Act 2A till August 2005)

*Serious Medical Concerns ( Lies they tell)  are handled here:  The 
Matrixide Bulletin


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer therapies...

2005-02-10 Thread Himagain

At 04:37 AM 10/02/05, Barbara wrote:

How do I find the bulletin on that site?  I looked all over and can not 
find it.

BTW, thank you so much for posting the link to MATRIXIDE, I'm reading the
site all the time.


> You should read the very topical item in the MATRIXIDE bulletin today!

Thanks Barbara,
That was referring to the Newsletter, not the Site at the time,  (see below 
for info)
But as it did cause a stir, it is now available from here as a standard 
Wordprocessing file, just click on this link and it will open in your 
wordprocessor. You can just read it or save it to your PC. That type of 
file cannot carry viruses.


The actual Newsletter source:

*Serious Medical Concerns ( Lies they tell)  are handled here:

* General Government/Owner Social insanity ( dumbing you down, control 
methods) here:

* About health matters in food - lies about Fats, oils, helpful tricks for 
you! Here:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>wilma and question to himagain: Mycoplasma

2005-02-09 Thread Himagain

At 05:03 AM 09/02/05, you wrote:

You may be referring to the work of Dr. Hans(?) Enderline(?).  Polymorphism;
he says there are many fewer bacteria, each with many different forms.

Hi Jim,
No,  a bit further back than that conceptually! :-)
Have a look here for an antithesis to the whole western medical religion:
Which may vanish any time soon.


*Serious Medical Concerns ( Lies they tell)  are handled here:

* General Government/Owner Social insanity ( dumbing you down, control 
methods) here:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Bread

2005-02-09 Thread Himagain

At 04:23 AM 09/02/05, Cindy wrote:

This may not be what John is talking about but there are breads out there 
such as Ezekiel Bread made from sprouted whole grains.  Have also seen 
them called Protein Breads.  Some are in frozen food sections or with the 
other breads.  Ask your grocer or try your HFS.


OK -- and where do you obtain this?MA

Hi folks,
ANY bread manufactured commercially, much less frevins sake, frozen is not 
going to do you much good at all.  You go to a source like a macrobiotics 
or genuine health food store and buy wholegrain stone-milled Spelt 
flour.  Learn a few things about it  and make your own bread with your own 
hands at home.  I have learned to prefer the real thing over the years in 
the traditional form of flat, unleavened, round bread like you see in 
biblical movies (!).  We make two types, one thin and crispy and one 
thicker depending on the mood.  :-)
Hint: sprouts peak in few hours.  To benefit from them, you make them at 
home too.
Just those two products alone could probably cut the ever-mounting death 
toll caused by the REAL devil ( your tongue)  :-)


* About health matters in food - lies about Fats, oils, helpful tricks for 
you! Here:



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer therapies...

2005-02-09 Thread Himagain

At 12:41 PM 09/02/05, you wrote:

Japanese doctors have recently admitted that more than three percent of 
cancer cases in this country are caused by ionizing radiation from X-Rays 
and CAT scans. I was glad that at least the information came out in a 
public forum.


You should read the very topical item in the MATRIXIDE bulletin today!


*Serious Medical Concerns ( Lies they tell)  are handled here:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer therapies...

2005-02-08 Thread Himagain

At 01:42 AM 09/02/05, you wrote:


 That is a great story.  Too bad those therapies aren't allowed to be 
conducted by anyone other than the patients themselves in this country 
(USA).  A MD could loose his license if he/she practiced that way here.

And so they should!  What if every Dr started doing that sort of 
thing!  Pretty soon they'd be unable to even afford a new Mercedes! The 
only decent profitable industry left in the US would be ruined!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer therapies...

2005-02-08 Thread Himagain

At 03:09 AM 08/02/05, Jason wrote:

Now, at age 9 diet certainly does not cause cancer.  Trauma can cause cancer
too.  Even severe emotional trauma and abuse.

One of the advantages to colon cancer is that one does have direct access to
the colon, even by ingesting substances orally.

Hi Jason and folks,
Diet can certainly cause Cancer at age 9.  Vaccination can totally destroy 
an immune system at 9 months.   Parental diet can Cause Cancer at age 
zero.  However, the current fantastic epidemic of Leukemic ( Cancer) and 
brain-damaged kids under 10 is primarily epidemiologically in perfect 
correlation statistically with enforced vaccination practices ( now legally 
mandatory under the new Patriot/FEMA legislation in the USA)

Severe emotional states - already a sign of great deterioration - certainly 
accelerate the damage as the constant stress on the insulin balance - 
invariably already super-stressed by diet (sugar) is a body signal to the 
body to begin to die.
But no, we see no evidence that any trauma physical or mental can be a 
causative factor in developing Cancer.
A moment's thought about war damaged survivors demonstrates unequivocally, 
the insanity of this currently heavily sold medical furphy - they would 
massively develop Cancer)

It is basically never discussed for obvious reasons, however, that there 
are two main forms of Cancer:  systemic breakdown ( diet, lifestyle, wrong 
parents)  and iatrogenic - originally meaning caused by medical 
practitioners, but in the Cancer Underground used to mean from all external 
sources, e.g. grossly polluted water supplies (chlorinated, Fluoridated, 
pesticides) and modern chemical compounds.
Colon/lower system Cancer is predominantly due to chemical intoxication, in 
our international experience - and sadly, supported by personal experience 
in my case.

I today, can think of no better move than for you all to obtain and listen 
to "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" but remember live ones do!
Forget "supplements" - go get some real food sources - and get outta town - 
cities kill.

A gentle reminder:   Any moment now FEMA and FDA will massively begin 
rounding up people who even discuss, much less promote/sell non-approved 
medical/health products/protocols or . songs.
With this in mind, this chicken will vanish the moment they move to phase 
2.  I've seen/felt what they could do *before* it was all legal!  ( Anyone 
remember Laetrile?)

So, in case it happens real fast, let me say in advance:
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herpes

2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

At 01:57 AM 08/02/05, you wrote:

Right now my son of one , who has severe atopic eczema, contracted herpes. 
Atopics are susceptible to this and it has spread violently all over his 
body. It hits them hard, especially due to broken skin. It is frightening 
believe me. It is like his whole body is raw and skin peeled. It is round 
his eyes too.

My extreme sympathies to you all.
It is extremely difficult to damage babies, actually.  It takes a lot of 
May I suggest that this sounds like something I've seen more than once 
If the baby is being bottle-fed - this is the first culprit to check.  It 
is more than likely that the child is "pre-diabetic" due to the lack of 
nutrition and fantastic doses of sugar.
If it was sudden onset - look for a change in detergent in washing - new 
synthetic clothing/ bedclothes.
If the child has been recently vaccinated. not much can be 
done.  It is up to the child and only decent food and clean water can help 
A young mother in a case mentioned has been spraying her regretfully 
recently vaccinated child with a mixture of  10 ppm CS with an H202 2% 
component  using a spray bottle every two hours  and keeping a gentle fan 
going to dry the baby slowly.
After 8 days of terror, the results are in her words "a miracle" after 2 
days treatment.

No more prepared baby toxics - she is making it at home.

Best wishes,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help for Wilma?

2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

At 01:19 AM 08/02/05, Dan wrote:

Can you elaborate on what you mean about "Baker's Base" and bread in
Do you feel that homemade whole grain bread is no good? And why?

My old computer business once wrote a program to automate recipe handling 
in a specialty bakery chain once, many years ago.  I was stunned at what 
actually was in the "Bakers Base"  the "flour" from which they make 
EVERYTHING from  donuts to wholemeal bread to white bread, brown 
bread.  From memory there were well over 20 chemical components - oh, and 
flour.  Flour made with high pressure high speed steel rollers. ( nothing 
left of it to use in a human body)

All the textures and flavours are fakes.
The guy who owned the business was an international sportsman - was 
horrified at the idea that he might eat the stuff - it would wreck him!  He 
was very conscientious about *his* regime

NO NO! I am the reverse here:  The only bread safe to eat today is homemade 
bread - BY HAND - you should see what goes into the machine-ready mixes you 
buy for those dinky bread making machines!
You have to obtain the real thing.  Real flour is not white, it is at best 
a funny yellow, if made from a stone grinding mill will be universally 
rough in texture ( the fake ones have stuff added in to the "talcum" to 
make it look/feel a bit healthy).  The most healthful is a very old style 
grain called Spelt.
The worst sufferer of so-called gluten intolerance can eat their head off 
with it.  AND get healthier and defecate a bit normally.   Maybe even get a 
bit well  :-)

Occasional specialty info like this sort of thing about the tricks they 
play can be found here:

* About health matters in food - lies about Fats, oils, helpful tricks for 
you! Here:




The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cancer therapies...

2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

At 01:12 AM 08/02/05, Jason wrote:

With cancer caused by toxemia, which is likely the causative factor in colon
cancer, it doesn't much matter what you add to the body if the body is not
capable of eliminating toxic substances.

** Totally true.

I wish I could agree that simple dietary changes are the cure for cancer.
Despite hundreds to thousands of reports of "dietary cures", many people do
change their diets completely and still perish.  Normally, we only hear
about the success cases, as the ones who fail are no longer capable of
"filing a complaint".  Cancer can take on a life of its own.

* As usual we are dealing with half stories all the time, a priori 
. Dietary changes ALONE aren't the cure for Cancer, but without them as 
first action, nothing will save the afflicted.
The famous "carrot diet" alone had over 40,000 attested successes  50 years 

As stated before - sadly always anecdotally - the underground 
Cancervivor  groups have unknown thousands of complete cures.  My own 
experience had zero failures with the "qualified" people:  vis no major 
prior medical intervention/destruction by way of radiation/chemo.
Same results as the Medical Mafia mirror-reversed:  They have 100% failure 
in properly diagnosed cases - Cancervivors 100% success.
The only failures recorded were of participants. Nobody survived who broke 
the detox rule. Nobody died who followed it.

Not just going on a "diet", but reversing the intoxicating activities that 
created the environment for the creation of Cancer.

I've passed on a few extra points over time here:
1. Correct defecation training
2. Environmental "Sherlock management"
3. The power of the spirit.  NOTHING works without the right "state of mind".

Sorry, but just as the law of gravity is fixed for us down here, so is the 
Law of Retribution.
It takes a lng time to create a Cancer-attractive environment, so it 
takes a long time to reverse it.
There is NEVER going to be a Magic Pill to undo the bodily sins or 
iatrogenic damage.
It is also most definitely a case of the "sins of the parents being 
visited" in the case of the young,

from my own observations.

I really do wish there was a simple easy answer ..

Himagain. Who finally learned discipline way beyond his martial arts 
demands :-)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

Hi folks,
Here is an interesting if scary article about mycoplasmoids.
But a better starting point if you want to understand a far more reasonable 
view of pathology is here:
http://fablor.com/matrixide/  the beginnings of a complete Course 
understanding the Disease Industry.

Then come back here to the Silver OFF TOPIC list to discuss it. :-)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>wilma and question to himagain: Mycoplasma

2005-02-07 Thread Himagain

At 04:54 PM 07/02/05, you wrote:

Mycoplasma is now classified as an acid fast bacterium.  Years ago it was
classified in the lmyphogranularium group because they couldn't decide
whether it was a virus or a bacterium, having some qualities of both

There is a STRONG body of evidence that suggests that what are being 
identified as mycoplasma  is simply the "fundamental metamorphosis" - the 
holy grail of the true scientific micobiologist. That strange half-life 
that BECOMES all of the identities that we associate with diseases.  Deep 

Many decades ago, while working as a Bacteriologist I discovered that many 
axioms of the trade weren't..   like pasteurisation.  Those were 
weird times.  I knew a fellow who only had to hold a danger-laden petrie 
dish on the flat of his hand for a minute or two and all of the colonies 
would regress almost visibly.
But then again, I've been marvelling at the human power we call the placebo 
effect almost since I could properly think/observe.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>wilma and question to himagain

2005-02-06 Thread Himagain

At 07:06 AM 07/02/05, Betsy wrote:

A question for himagain- I agree that many supplements
are stressful to the body but I do think it is hard to
get what you need in food the way that it is
processed-even good food is lacking due to soil
depletion etc.
The question that I have regards the collodial
minerals that the tape you suggested recommends. I
wanted to know if you take this mineral supplement and
have you had luck with it? I keep hearing how
collodial minerals have heavy metals in them.

Hi Betsy,
"Supplements" are a minefield.  I just received a rave review from someone 
here in Oz about a "miracle" supplement.  It even admits on the label that 
it contains Aspartame- not even one of the 90-odd "cover-names" for it.
Like all those miracle diet pills that really, really work:  All you do is 
take 3 per day at $5 each and viola! (sic)    Oh, and by the way 
you must follow a calorie-controlled diet and exercise plan in conjunction 
with the program or it won't work..   :-)

Sure I take "supplements" every day four times. They are called 
"Sprouts".  Cost about 20 cents per kilo and are made following 
the  Original Maker's methods ( Often called God or gods).  Cheapest most 
effective supplements in the world.   Caveat:  You must use real 
unadulterated water in sprouting the seeds and of course, they must be 
"heritage" seeds not Monsantomonsters.

The only other thing that is super-effective for people with the multiple 
symptoms called allergies, MS, Cystic Fibrosis, Lyme, CFS, Cancer etc.,  is 
to learn to defecate and ( females) urinate "primitive" style, squatting, 
not sitting.
People with modern-diet-destroyed digestive systems can get relief 

A simple trick is to make a sturdy box about half the height of the toilet 
bowl, add a hand-rail to the wall  for comfort ( sick people fear getting 
dizzy and falling down a lot, so they do )  in order to be able to squat 
like those Africans you see in the National Geographic, who never sit down 
Western style.  ( Notice how hard it is to "teach"/force babies to do it 
"properly"?  Left alone they will do it  naturally.)

But no recovery is ever really possible without the right food. Perhaps 
even more importantly - stopping eating the toxic junk we replaced food 
with in the last 100 years.

Ever noticed how babies try and refuse ALL the junk forced down their 
little throats?  Children who don't want to "eat it ALL up"?
Simply going back to the amounts of food that were normally eaten 100 years 
ago by people who REALLY walked and worked can work miracles. ( About 25% 
to 33% of what you eat now)

So it is all easy to fix,  IF you stay away from the toxic stuff and 
"Already Dying Doctors"

Not wanting to upset Mike and the well-managed CS list and its folk, future 
responses will be via the Matrixide  list which is nowhere near as nice as 
this one!  :-)   It is designed for the truly desperate who *really* want 
to know what is being done to them and *seriously* how to avoid it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help for Wilma?

2005-02-06 Thread Himagain

At 07:45 PM 05/02/05, Mike wrote:

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "Ms. Wilma L. Amos" 
To: "M. G. Devour" 
Date sent:  Sat, 5 Feb 2005 04:44:47 -0500

Hi there Wilma,
Yes, it is both easy and hard to fix.  Please look for this # 
prefix in the original below:

can anyone tell me what to do
about 'epstein barr', i know it goes hand in hand with chronic fatigue
and fybromyalgia...or is there any cure?
## Yes. These are just symptoms - not different things.  It is vital to 
understand this to EVER get normal.  Different things are a leg chopped 
off, being pregnant, feeling great. Not symptoms.

natural healing that would
help i've also had diahreah for 3 weeks...i've tripled up on my CS
and CG, am taking olive leaf, malic acid and shark cartilage...also
coral calcium and acidophilus with pectin..

 etc etc etc etc !!
Wilma no sick person can stand that kind of unnatural assault on their body!
Stop all of those things. Yes, especially the "natural" ones.  They are 
usually fakes if commercial products.  Coral calcium or those sort of 
things are not assimilable by well humans much less sick ones, 
iatrogenically damaged.
Start on a simple  NATURAL "primitive" diet.  Especially stop eating all 
those "health" breads! They are lies. They are made from a "Bakers Base" 
which contains horrific things and so-called wholemal bread is nothing like 
Wholemeal.   You will have to get on to a source of Spelt flour ( 
invariably only available at health fanatic sources as stone-ground(very 
important) biodynamic wholemeal flour.

Make flat bread ( unleavened ) The exercise will do you good -
STRICTLY follow the "Food Combining" rules.  STRICTLY.

all day... i had a gastric by-pass dec. 29, 2003...

You have already fallen for the old biblical surgical trick - "if 
it offends thee chop it off/out".

 Your days of  "fast and fancy" eating are thus long over.
If it is pre-prepared - in a box - in a can - new and improved - white in 
colour - fun to eat - it is a no no.SIMPLE.
While the chances of you following this recommendation are virtually nil, 
there is a small chance that you will grasp the unpleasant truth and really 
do something - and a great mental help is DR Joel Wallach's  great tape 
"Dead Doctors Don't Lie" -  but forget being saved by drinking little 
expensive bottles of old water - only a sane eating style can save you now.

Try and go here and read about "Medicine"

With very best wishes to you,

PLEASE NOTE:  I have no franchise to offer any form of medical advice or 
treatment and all of my postings are anecdotally based and merely 
unlicensed opinions. Due diligence on your part is always necessary. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Patent

2005-02-04 Thread Himagain

At 10:47 PM 04/02/05, Ode wrote:

I discovered this round thing that can be used to roll other things around
on if a stick is fastened to the center of it.
 I propose that if it were made of stone, it could be used to grind
domesticated seeds into dust and that dust could be eaten.


Don't be silly Ode!  Who would want to eat dust like that?

Himagain ??? 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Keep On Posting... NOW - D-I-Y- fixes

2005-02-04 Thread Himagain

At 10:22 PM 04/02/05, you wrote:

This claim seems exaggerated.  Recent reports indicate that at least some 
allergic symptoms derive from a lack of certain essential microorganisms 
in the gut.   Remarkably, these bugs are involved in turning off the 
immune response IN THE LUNGS.It seems people routinely swallow 
allergens (and pathogens) taken into the mouth, and gut bacteria provide 
an essential "diagnosis" of these things.

What you say here really might frighten some people unnecessarily I think.

Hi Jonathon & folks,
It *should* frighten some people, but never unnecessarily.
In my years working with thousands of Cancer sufferers, ( the stayers only 
numbered 870) the others quickly lose any "memory" of  "unacceptable" 
news.  Or simply block it at once.  E.G. without going into those dangerous 
waters   just look at the irrationality in any form of theological 

The disinformation stream that you refer to becomes obviously silly the 
moment you consciously apply rationality to the data.
Beginning with the failure to breastfeed, the human of today is able to 
receive less and less "bio-life training" during life. However, the body 
"sentry" or immune system ( mis-named - it is an attack system) and it 
knows when its defenses are severely weakened. THAT is the key always 
glossed over.
It will make it more and more difficult for you to allow the intrusions 
that it  perceives as extremely dangerous. There is truth in the above 
data, but the key element is that it is ONLY your body that can repair 
anything - even in surgical events - and it can't do that without the right 
materials. Not micro-organisms, but minerals for the most part. Vitamins it 
can make easily.
Remember - until recently only a small portion of the population ever 
suffered even from such things as the "cullings" as they are properly known 
- the plagues.  The vast majority simply did not get affected - except 
emotionally and economically. They were "healthy"/alkaline.

To reiterate: I do not know of a single failure in my small, yet intensive 
experiences, including my very own.

It is easy to fix these symptoms.
It is not easy to develop the discipline to control the REAL "Devil" - the 
human tongue.  :-(
It is very difficult to obtain these vital nutients/repair materials 
today.  :-(
But it all can be done, it can be done, is being done every day, despite 
the medimafia propaganda.


Himagain.  No longer here to argue against "Them" , but only to deal with 
reasonable people, as Kilneth reminds me.   :-)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Keep On Posting... NOW - D-I-Y- fixes

2005-02-04 Thread Himagain

At 10:50 AM 04/02/05, Mike wrote:

  Sally, what did you do to stop them? I've had them for years and the
  constant torture  is unbearable. I would be  eternally  grateful for
  any suggestion you can give that would stop them, or even  slow them
  down a bit.
Best Wishes,
Mike Monett

Hi Mike and folks,
Virtually all major body breakdown brings these type of symptoms to the fore.
I certainly don't want to frighten anyone out there, but any form of 
"allergy" is a really bad sign of either/or/both intoxication and systemic 
Most serious real Cancer sufferers will display a routine of symptoms. 
Earlier on it will be symptoms identified as "allergies".  True in a sense 
- the body is sending out shreik alarm warnings to STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE 
Simple example:  As soon as the body becomes acidic, it develops strange 
maladies from tinitus to halitosis to athletes foot. If ignored it 
progresses.  The warnings become louder until at advanced stages, e,g, MS, 
Sugar Diabetes, heart problems, the system appears to go into shock and 
simply gives up, the system closes down and you are dead. The killer final 
symptoms are blood related - stroke, heart collapse, Cancer.
All of them are reversible - not by drugs or even avoiding trigger toxins 
like coffee, white flour, sugar, booze, but by simply feeding the body the 
material it needs in conjunction with avoiding toxins of all kinds.
Nearly all Cancer sufferers have multiple "allergies" from early on - also 
think it is normal.
Unless your eating habits reverse the acidic/toxic state, minor things like 
excruciating "allergy"headaches (migraines) become a small concern when the 
advanced stage arrives.

By moving to a very tough (misnamed) eating style called "food combining" - 
which is all about food types *separating* - it is possible to repair small 
symptoms like allergies within a few months. In the 800 cases of advanced 
cancer I am familiar with, I do not know of a single failure to eliminate 
such oddities as gluten intolerance, migraine, severe body odour, as a 
byproduct of rebalancing out of Cancer.
However, I must say that less than 2% of all people getting to the 
Cancervivor  system would actually undertake the responsibility for their 
state, then and for the future. They would decide to suffer very badly and 
die. ( Only Doctors are entitled to the massive doses of Morphine necessary 
in severe cases, especially after the barbaric things called treatments, 
not the peasants. (However Doctors in the extreme majority never elect 

The 800-odd people that elected to get over it all did. Strangely most of 
them initially presented with environmental triggers, which inevitably 
turned out to be specific modern-chemical related. Vis mould allergy is 
nearly always  due to severe intoxication caused by chlorinated compounds - 
like mixing Ammonia-based cleaning products with detergent.   Hot showers 
with chlorinated water - a doozy on a sick liver!

By utilizing a simple diary system and being meticulous, it is easy to 
emulate Sherlock Homes and track down the when it happens and thus the why.

But only good food - good food - can give you any chance at all.  Do not be 
fooled into taking pills either.  Most so-called "supplements" are not even 
human digestible. If it didn't go through a plant, consider it inedible.

Simple rules,  just hard to follow.  Especially if people don't really want 
to get well.  Strangest of all.

And on that note, he retires again - seriously this time, with one last 
Everyone should hear and pass on to their connections, this famous tape 
called "DEAD DOCTORS DON'T LIE".  An encapsulation of the insane system in 
which you live, delivered by a very funny guy, with a ton of experience 
both sides of the fence, Dr Joel WAllach  get it here:


Himagain  6 weeks to live - 20 years ago - both prognosticators dead years 
ago. 1 heart, 1 Cancer.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>The 21st Century and doing it easy...

2005-02-04 Thread Himagain

Hi there folks,
It seems a lot of people do not know much about Mail capabilities these 
days at all!
I'm beta-testing a new FABLOR sponsored thing which includes a serious ( 
real inexpensive!) Bus-Inet Course.
But, I've been flabbergasted at how little people know even with literally 
several years experience out in the Cyberbog.
This is not like not caring how an automatic gearbox works to use it - 
although it helps! - This

is all about making your like easier out "there".

This info is being broadcast to all of my key groups - so you may get more 
than one copy if you are a clever, active type of person who looks for 
concise, condensed help in your survival/advancement and a member of 
multiple groups! :-)

As you all know I do not support Microsoft Internet products at all.  It is 
like advising Cocaine sniffers to flush their nose with CS regularly.
If by now, you are using  Opera which just keeps blowing me away with its 
niceness, you should also be using EudoraPro for mail. It is unbeatable.

TWO things you should all know:

MAPI - What it is and does - MAKES YOUR LIFE EASIER!

MAPI, which stands for “Messaging Application Program Interface,” is 
special software that comes built into a variety of software applications, 
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from the software you’re currently working in.
For example, you can be in a word processing document, a spreadsheet, a 
graphics file, or the PureVoice window, and you press a button or select a 
menu command: an e-mail message is automatically opened (in your default 
e-mail software) and the document you’re currently working on is attached 
to that message. If your e-mail software uses MAPI. Eudora does, naturally.

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QUALCOMM’s PureVoice™ Player-Recorder lets you record and send voice 
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PureVoice runs on your Windows, Macintosh, or Solaris machine and features 
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Voice messages you compose with PureVoice have extremely high sound quality 
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The average computer user comfortably speaks at a rate 10 times faster than 
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*	In order for you to record a voice message using QUALCOMM’s PureVoice, 
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to play your messages, they must have the PureVoice Player-Recorder 
installed on their 32-bit Windows 95/98/NT machine or their Macintosh 
PowerPC or 68K Mac, with a sound card and speakers. Additionally, if they 
wish to record a response, they must have a microphone. Your recipients can 
download the PureVoice Player-Reco

Re: CS>Mycoplasma infection

2005-02-01 Thread Himagain

Hi there,
that article is actually 
here:  http://www.rense.com/general62/molecularterrorism.htm

At 02:42 PM 01/02/05, you wrote:

There is a great story on mycoplasmas on  www.rense.com  halfway down the 
page--  "Molecular Terrorism by Mycoplasma"  by Gary Tunsky . I consulted 
Garth Nicholson in 1995 and was put on the doxycline protocol for 6 
months. It did not work completely. I used much CS and autouropathy with 
some success- along with potent vitamins and minerals.  My PCR test was 
positive for m. fermentens.  TJ

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS:> Re Earache

2005-02-01 Thread Himagain

At 03:05 AM 29/01/05, you wrote:

Here we go again;
Many many long years ago[shortly after the Dinosaurs wiped out] when I was a
kid it was quite common to have earaches.The main remedy at that time was to
get an oil like olive oil,put a few drops in a spoon with some black pepper
on it,warm it up and drop in the ear

Maybe you should try the old way, Harold.  :-)


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS:. RE Canadian Silver Maple Leaf coins=NOW SILVER BULL

2005-02-01 Thread Himagain

At 12:53 AM 29/01/05, you wrote:

If you do not hold your own bullion or coins, I would researching the 
outfit very well. About 20 years ago I got taken for over $20,000 by such 
a company, which was suppose to purchase and store bullion, but intead was 
just putting the money in the bank and charging a storage fee.  When 
silver went from $5 to $50 almost overnight, they ended up

declaring backrupcy.


Hi Marshall & folks,
A common story in all "Trusting Trade"!.
Actually one of the very good things about Silver is that isn't regulated 
anywhere by anybody on the planet.
Its best feature is that it handles very well and you can "do" things with 
it.  "Overseas" Chinese for centuries have had it cast into 
statues/ettes.   Beautiful to look at and don't attract  high attention.

I used to do it for ... fun.
Anyone who trusts a govt is a fool. Anyone who trusts the promise of a 
Banker today, is definitely mentally damaged these days.  When gigantic 
corps can vanish in a flash for no other reason than the theft level has 
become too insane to continue ..  and there is no real 
penalty for getting caught
Would like to hear some ideas on the OT list about how to "secure" yourself 
a little in trying times

AND does anyone out there not think that they ARE coming?



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>test - what happens to your messages - bit off topic now

2005-01-23 Thread Himagain

At 05:44 AM 21/01/05, you wrote:

Years ago the government had a program like this called Carnivore.  When
they began to use it there was an uproar and supposedly they shut it down.
Now with the Patriotic Act they can literally do anything so I imagine it is
going full tilt.

William wrote:
A better explanation could be the "Echelon Network" designed
by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and shared with the
national security agencies for Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United
Kingdom as quoted in a letter I have from U..S. Senator Rick Santorum dated
2-17-2000. It is an international surveillance system that searches for key
words in messages and forwards them to
an intelligence analyst to determine if a threat exists...Bill.

Hi folks,
Echelon was originally a NSA international project as Bill said, but 
Carnivore was a product developed for the FBI to use internally (in USA) 
but they dropped it when they found that the universally available free 
"Cracking tools" used by the Skriptkiddeze  ( schoolkid amateurs)  were far 
better than their million dollar toy!

The later developments ( basically by an Australian who virtually invented 
the super-datamining technology) have led to numerous others,the most 
"secret" of which is Perihelion. Really scary.
But, for most of us, the more mundane truth is as I mentioned previously - 
scumbags who get off on little power trips, like SpamCop .

Here is an interesting extract from only a week ago
FBI surveillance experts have put their once-controversial Carnivore 
Internet surveillance tool out to pasture, preferring instead to use 
commercial products to eavesdrop on network traffic, according to documents 
released Friday.

Two <http://www.epic.org>reports to Congress obtained by the 
Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center under the Freedom of 
Information Act reveal that the FBI didn't use Carnivore, or its rebranded 
version "DCS-1000," at all during the 2002 and 2003 fiscal years. Instead, 
the bureau turned to unnamed commercially-available products to conduct 
Internet surveillance thirteen times in criminal investigations in that period.

Carnivore became a <http://www.securityfocus.com/news/97>hot topic among 
civil liberations, some network operators and many lawmakers in 2000, when 
an ISP's legal challenge brought the surveillance tool's existence to 
light. One controversy revolved around the FBI's legally-murky use of the 
device to obtain e-mail headers and other information without a wiretap 
warrant --
***an issue Congress resolved by explicitly legalizing 
the practice in the 2001 USA PATRIOT Act.

1984 - just 20 years late, that's all...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>***Purity of .9999 silver/Hauser and Miller?

2005-01-23 Thread Himagain

At 03:39 AM 21/01/05, you wrote:

If you wrote me directly and I did not resond, I apologize.  Some weekends 
I receive over 10,000 spams, and with no more than 3 or 4 real messages 
hidden in them, I occasionally delete something as spam that should not be.


Hi Marshall,
You definitely need Eudora Pro and Spamwatch( paid version) !   :-)
Or use trick #2,789:   regularly change your email address, tell everyone 
you care about and  delete the old.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>How many ppm in CS

2005-01-21 Thread himagain

At 09:26 AM 21/01/05, you wrote:

Hi Him,

  Yes, of course you can tell anyone. I don't know if you saw  the url
  for my  web  page on Shingles? (Caution -  graphic  photos  of human


Thank you - just had a quick visit to your Site!  Your warning is 
appropriate! :-(

Back 2 u later.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>test - what happens to your messages

2005-01-20 Thread himagain

At 05:17 AM 19/01/05, you wrote:

I have sent several messages to this list, but they never showed up.  Yet I
am seeing other postings showing up.

What's going on?


Hi Marshall & folks,
These are the results of  the NetNazi Censorship programs that intercept 
about 85% of all email traffic today and censor them.  They are outside the 
law and becoming more dangerous by the day.

The look for "key words"  in Emails  and simply often trash them.
They are so numerous now that often - as they are run in a garage somewhere 
by  a kid or religious fanatic in a basement,  that mail is sidetracked for 
There is apparently a new one run by an insane "Christian" ( a newborn 
Baptist) that looks for any mention of anything Islamic and "reports" the 
Senders Site as a Spammer...  and the main offender - called 
SpamCop, simply puts out on its very well-used Blacklist everyone that 
nutters like this "report" and for four days your whole ISP block can be 
off the air to millions of Servers

Welcome to 1984.

Himagain  Wait-till-August, 2005!  Mike might face a long jail sentence.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>tetrasil

2005-01-20 Thread himagain

At 10:05 PM 18/01/05, you wrote:

I think I'll try iontophorisis soon by wrapping silver wires around the
wetted toe and applying a little current. [Direct 'on site' silver
generation and injection through the skin...and blood electrification by


Wow, Ode, I'll be interested to see the results of that. Sounds like a mix 
of T.E.N.S.  concept and REALLY fresh EIS.  I'd never HEARD of 
"iontophoresis" before  but there it is in my magic little helper 
http://www.wordweb.info  - I knew the process but not the new word!  :-)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>How many ppm in CS

2005-01-20 Thread himagain

At 11:26 AM 18/01/05, Michael wrote:

  This was  very effective on the Shingles virus and a series  of very
  strong cold  sore viruses, and stopped them in their  tracks.  I was
  taking 8  oz  of  about 10 ppm prior, and it had  no  effect  on the
  Shingles virus, and barely dented the cold sore viruses.

Hi Michael,
Where did the Shingles appear?
Would you mind me passing the message on (no names mentioned)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Marshall--sinus bleeding

2005-01-20 Thread himagain

At 01:14 AM 18/01/05, Marshall wrote:

No, it is pretty well under control now.  First time I have really been 
sick in

about 7 years.  Had a sore throat when I wen to bed and drank a bunch of EIS.
Woke up feeling horrible, and had the flu or something.

Glad to hear you are over it Marshall - the "Doctors' friend" may have 
helped :  ( take this and wait ten days - or just wait ten days)  :-)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2005-01-18 Thread himagain

Hello folks,
Well, it hadda come..
N.Y. State "obtains"  c.card details of  buyers of cigarettes online - hits 
them up for literally millions in State taxes...
We MIGHT have  12 months left before the E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I.   ( Over )due in 
mid 2006.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>kefir -OT a bit

2005-01-16 Thread himagain

Hi folks,

This Site has a lot specific to Kefir - not the least of which is info
about "FAKE" Kefir!
Kefir is actually thought to be the oldest known health food - possibly the 
original "manna" - is mentioned 4880 years ago in the fabled Ku a'la

On topic is the fact that we make it from raw milk at home, but which has 
been treated with  SuperCS ( EIS + a tiny infusion of H202)  and added as 
15-18 drops to  2 litres milk.

Triples the life of the raw milk - has no effect on the Kefir.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Tetrasil and Fungal Toenail

2005-01-16 Thread himagain

Hi folks,
Well, not to frighten anyone - but early signs of system collapse are 
little ones- halitosis, athletes foot, ("toe jam") fungal infections.
Nearly all serious Cancer sufferers naturally will have these problems and 
for years the routine cure was simple:  PURE Tea-Tree oil.  ( Have to watch 
these pharmafinks they put a little of it in a "carrier" of deadly 
hydrogenated junk oil like canola and still claim it is 100% pure oil)

Tea-tree will fix the local outbreak within a few days.  If you have a 
persistent symptom of systemic danger - you are doing something wrong 
-  change to a healthy sugar junk-free diet at once.

Since "discovering" CS last year, have passed this on to many people with 
100% reported success.

Super-CS is suggested  (CS+H202) , of course.  :-)


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Marshall--sinus bleeding

2005-01-14 Thread himagain

At 05:13 AM 15/01/05, you wrote:

Thanks, I may try that. The bleeding has tapered off, so I am getting very
little now. I think it will likely stop in the next few days by itself.


Marshall,  Just a thought - the bleeding might be due to an active Immune 
System trying to get rid of something.  But if it has been 10 days plus - 
it sure needs help.   My old hobby horse: any change in food intake - 
ESPECIALLY as it has been the "festive" season?

Best wishes

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Another microbiologist murdered

2005-01-14 Thread himagain

Hi folks,
Woops!  I thought the reply was going to O.T.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Another microbiologist murdered

2005-01-14 Thread himagain

At 03:20 AM 15/01/05, Marshall wrote:

There's been another microbiologist murdered, which makes it 40
microbiologists murdered or killed under mysterious circumstances, in
the last 4 years. Is all this incidental, or is some powerful group
trying to kill off our best virus specialists before releasing a
killer flu or other super-virus, in order to greatly reduce the

Hi Marshall & folks,
1.  It would be a very uneducated/low IQ  person today who doesn't know 
about the fully verified infection experiments carried out on civil 
populations all over the world.
2.   There is also no doubt that our Owners think that there are far too 
many of us - particularly non-Caucasian.  There is a constant cacophony of 
P.R.  since the Club Of Rome pronouncements in '72   to this effect.
3.  There has been a non-stop and increasing terror campaign about "virii" 
- everything from the "Killer" SARS ( more people die per day in the USA 
from Medical accidents than that whole episode) to Chicken virii.

Actually it looks suspiciously like the SARS thing was a kinda "trial run" 
of  reactions.
Even more suspicious is the extremely well-orchestrated promise of a real 
pandemic, "real soon, now".

I am betting that it will about February 2006.   Why then?
1.  The CODEX will be in full force. The Alternative Health Industry will 
be decimated.
2.  The anticipated wipe-out of the USA citizens retirement hopes will be 
completely public.
3.  The US deficit will be too great to sustain any longer and China et al 
will make their long-anticipated move against the US hegemony  ( actually 
owned and driven by the UK).

4.  The super-cheap gasoline/oil will be cut-off to the USA.
5.  The pandemic is the only really sound political way to introduce the 
"1984" ( Patriot Act 2A) total control of everything a citizen of the New 
World Order does.

In one fell swoop all of the problems of  Our Owners are "solved":
*  population will be mandatorially drugged.  ( Fluoride/Ritalin) by Law.
*  The mob will be worried about avoiding the Gestapo(FEMA) not their 
pension/Health Benefits.
*  with a bit of luck, the pandemic will get rid of most of the oldies, 
chinks,blacks, spiks, Catholics(?) homos, Republicans, etc...   Because 
only the "insiders" will have the real vaccine, won't they?.

EEEK!!  I'm glad it is bright daylight here in Paradise - this is no way to 
think just before bed


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RE: SO>More on Diet for types..., Innocent Animals, Innocent Humans...

2005-01-14 Thread himagain

At 01:36 AM 15/01/05, Dan wrote:

*I* once fixed a washing machine.

After replacing the defective parts I could still not get it going,
it seemed to be jammed.  My wife called the Service Man
who came over, looked at the washer, and took out a 5 pound hammer and

whacked the transmission with it.  The washer proceeded to work after


Hi Dan & folks,
He was obviously an ex-Tv Serviceman
Then as you complained that for $200 all he did was hit the thing with a 
hammer, he explained:
"It's $10 for supplying and using the hammer - it's $190 for knowing where 
to hit the thing".  (VERY old joke.)

Himagain - Who for years has used violent threats to keep/get computers going.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Best method...etc NOW Diet

2005-01-14 Thread himagain

At 04:41 AM 13/01/05, Dan wrote:

Anyway, I have convinced my wife (and myself) to go on a no meat,
no dairy, no processed food (white flour, sugar, etc.), no commercial
prepared foods,
no vegetable oils other than olive, etc.  There are some exceptions to
of this as we feel our way into this and we may make some modifications
it in the future.  So far I am less than a week into it but feel fine,
eat my fill,
and have had some surprisingly tasty meals!  So far I have lost 1 pound
a day,

Good for you both, Dan, BUT:  a couple of suggestions:
1.  Track down some Kefir culture and make some safe dairy.  Have a read here:
http://www.rejoiceinlife.com/books/bookUntold.php  Kefir info and milk
2. Switch to certified safe organic coconut oil. ( It *is* expensive but a 
great healthaid)
We recently "found" it and switched to it from certified organic 
cold-pressed Olive Oil which had made my life tolerable for years.  Had to 
buy in 20 litre lots to get the price down reasonably, though.  Still, GOOD 
coconut oil stores for years.
3.  Try not to lose more than a pound or so per week after that first 
flush! :-)

Skin takes ages to recover from too sudden weight loss.
4.  Oh, and eggs are still a great source of protein - *IF* you can get 
sanely raised chickens.. (rare)


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Burns

2005-01-14 Thread himagain

At 01:38 AM 13/01/05, Marshall wrote:

Why the heck did you get a tetanus shot?  Tetanus is a bacteria that lives 
in dung, it cannot survive anywhere else (except in a deep wound).  If you 
had stabbed yourself with a pitchfork shoveling manure, then I would 
understand, but for a burn that makes no sense at all. It is anarobic, so 
it will only infect deep puncture wounds where there is little oxygen. 
Scratches or scrapes exposed to the air have too much oxygen available.

I got my foot cut open a few years ago by some metal strapping getting 
caught in the lawn mower, and whipping around and cutting through my 
shoe.  I looked at the stats on the probability of dieing from getting 
tetnus, and dieing from a tetnus shot.  The data I looked at showed that 
that something like 100 times as many people die from the shot per year 
than from the disease.  So I absolutely refused the shot when the doctor 
offered it.

Marshall, Marshall, think of how many employees would lose their jobs, 
Stock Prices in Med companies falling.  doing things like this 
could cause chaos in the biggest financial market in the world!


Himagain. (BTW you didn't mention antibiotics..)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Mac Warning!

2005-01-14 Thread himagain

Hi people,
No, not the hamburger - Apple Computer Users!
Because hardly anyone in the real world uses Apple Computers, nobody 
usually bothers writing viruses for their Operating System.

Here is an official warning:

Welcome to the world Mac-users :-(
APPLE-SA-2005-01-11 iTunes 4.7.1

iTunes 4.7.1 is now available and delivers the following security

CVE-ID:  CAN-2005-0043

Impact:  Malicious playlists can cause iTunes to crash and could
execute arbitrary code

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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