[OSM-legal-talk] Information for officials and diplomats of countries and entities with disputed territories

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Michael Collinson


Oliver, Dermot and I have give a finally look over the document and are 
happy to now send it to the board as our formal proposal. However, as 
Chair I would really prefer a formal quorate, 4, for such things and ask 
you to indicate yes or no by email before I send it.


The draft is of the last meeting + your changes + we went through and 
considered and clarified what each OpenStreetMap meant.  As an 
interesting aside, it defines OpenStreetMap without qualification to 
be the database itself rather than any human entity ... may be a useful 
legal construct in the future.

I also intend forwarding it to the Japanese community since treatment of 
disputed-island naming is an issue there as it ties the hands of the 
national mapping agency on how cooperative they can be with us. If I get 
any substantial feedback, I will forward to board.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Information for officials and diplomats of countries and entities with disputed territories

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole
Sorry for missing the meeting got my times confused, It is a definite
yes from me. There is a term in singular that should be plural I
believe. But otherwise completely ok with me.


Am 09.07.2013 20:38, schrieb Michael Collinson:

 Oliver, Dermot and I have give a finally look over the document and
 are happy to now send it to the board as our formal proposal. However,
 as Chair I would really prefer a formal quorate, 4, for such things
 and ask you to indicate yes or no by email before I send it.


 The draft is of the last meeting + your changes + we went through and
 considered and clarified what each OpenStreetMap meant.  As an
 interesting aside, it defines OpenStreetMap without qualification to
 be the database itself rather than any human entity ... may be a
 useful legal construct in the future.

 I also intend forwarding it to the Japanese community since treatment
 of disputed-island naming is an issue there as it ties the hands of
 the national mapping agency on how cooperative they can be with us. If
 I get any substantial feedback, I will forward to board.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Information for officials and diplomats of countries and entities with disputed territories

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole
It seems as if we inadvertently CC's this to the public legal-talk list
and not to the LWG one.

Apologies to all.


Am 09.07.2013 21:56, schrieb Simon Poole:
 Sorry for missing the meeting got my times confused, It is a definite
 yes from me. There is a term in singular that should be plural I
 believe. But otherwise completely ok with me.


 Am 09.07.2013 20:38, schrieb Michael Collinson:

 Oliver, Dermot and I have give a finally look over the document and
 are happy to now send it to the board as our formal proposal.
 However, as Chair I would really prefer a formal quorate, 4, for such
 things and ask you to indicate yes or no by email before I send it.


 The draft is of the last meeting + your changes + we went through and
 considered and clarified what each OpenStreetMap meant.  As an
 interesting aside, it defines OpenStreetMap without qualification
 to be the database itself rather than any human entity ... may be a
 useful legal construct in the future.

 I also intend forwarding it to the Japanese community since treatment
 of disputed-island naming is an issue there as it ties the hands of
 the national mapping agency on how cooperative they can be with us.
 If I get any substantial feedback, I will forward to board.


 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Wikivoyage and licensing

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Ian Sergeant

In relation to data WV - OSM.

Typically, the project has not wanted to accept coords from Wikipedia,
because many of them are derived from  sources seen as incompatible with
OSM.   I see any existing WV coords as just another level of indirection.

As far as adding WV users adding new POIs to OSM, this is open to everyone
who agrees the OSM contributor terms.

If you are considering an automated import into OSM of WV POIs, then once
you have the licencing right, this should be discussed on the imports
list.  I can think of lots of issues here, and legal is just the tip of the

OSM online editors are becoming more user friendly for adding POIs, in the
alternative.  Don't want to reinvent the wheel.

In relation to geocoding from OSM - WV, and the resulting licence.

Firstly, you may want to look at this recent discussion about OSM and


Personally, I think if there is batch geocoding to the extent there is a
resulting dataset, it should be available under the ODbL, with attribution.

However, the written pages of WV included geocoded POIs in my opinion
constitute a produced work.

Being pretty familiar with WV and OSM, what I think is the right thing to
do is for any automated geocoding is to set up an OSMGeocodeBot account on
WV (or similar).  That account contains details of what it does, and
contains the appropriate attributions and links. In the edit history when
adding geocoding it also contains the appropriate attribution and link.

If any individual user wants to geocode an handful of individual POIs from
OSM, I don't think there is a substantial use, and I don't believe any
attribution is required.  However, the method above would provide a
template should a user wish to use it.


On 9 July 2013 15:25, torty3 singaporem...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all, Wikivoyage is a travel-based wiki, and was recently incarnated as
 a Wikimedia project. In its previous history, there weren't any solid
 attempts at introducing and integrating OpenStreetMaps, but much progress
 has been made at http://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wikivoyag … 
  examples can be seen internally at
 http://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wheaton, which relies on an external map
 server http://maps.wikivoyage-ev.org/w/poimap2 … 
 I think we are pretty close to start site-wide implementation, but before
 that, it looks like we need to sort out attribution and legal issues.

 I know Google Maps data is not accepted here, and we have tried our best
 to steer users to use OSM data, but some are still more comfortable using
 Google Maps What's here as a way to pinpoint coordinates. From what I
 understand, that isn't kosher either - is this correct?

 We would definitely want to work more closely with OSM, at both importing
 and exporting data. Plans have been discussed to batch geocode points of
 interest from the OSM database and also for us to send back new Wikivoyage
 POIs to OSM. Since coordinate data is still in infancy, if OSM are unsure
 of Wikivoyage sources, it is still early enough to remove such data and
 require stronger attribution in the future, to make sure we follow
 licensing more closely. What would be the suggested process here?

 On a user basis, we could ask for a source, but what would be the required
 attribution on a site basis, as we'll be merging OSM geodata into our
 listings, but some will also be non-OSM/personal geodata. Has enough
 information been added for a Produced Work?

 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole


I've answered some of your questions directly on your OSM blog.

Here just some general remarks: at least since I've been involved with
OSM and likely for a whole lot longer, the tension between what we have
stated as the primary function of the main site, providing tools for our
contributors to add and edit data, and the expectation that it should be
something more google-ish has been very apparent. At times, mostly just
to drive the point home, it has been suggested that it might be best to
get rid of the map on the front page completely.

Now I think there is some consensus that the Map is an important
marketing tool that we need to attract more contributors, well at least
keep them interested for a couple seconds so that we can tell them our
story. But that is likely where the consensus stops and that is one of
the reasons (outside of resources) why there hasn't been much visible
expansion of services on OSM over the last years.

Providing more services to end users would have a lot of consequences,
for example it would start encroaching on the business of third parties
providing such services now (we naturally already do this with the
current site to a certain point), at least raising the bar of what you
would need to provide to differentiate your service from OSM. Providing
a full blown end-user site would also require substantially more
resources than we have at our disposal and would likely mean that our
current all volunteer model both for operations and administration
would no longer be workable.

There are some clear downsides to our current business model for
example our main brand is not exposed as much as if we were running
4square, MapQuest Open etc., and on the other hand interesting services
for end users that exist don't profit from the OpenStreetMap label as
they could do.

The important part is to understand that the current lack of end-user
services is not because of lack of knowledge, technology or any thing
similar, but by design. Now the communities thinking about that may
change, but because we are travelling in largely uncharted territory, it
is not a surprise that change comes slowly.


Am 09.07.2013 06:41, schrieb Guillaume Pratte:

 I have been a serious user of OpenStreetMap for less than six months, and I 
 am proud to recently have achieved my one hundredth contribution to the 
 project. I really love the OpenStreetMap project, and I would like to replace 
 my daily usage of Google Maps with OpenStreetMap.

 But it just seems I cannot. Anybody else feel the same issues?

 I'll give a few concrete examples why, humbly hoping that my words can 
 encourage changes to the main website.

 First point: searching. I have OpenStreetMap zoomed in to some region of 
 Montreal, Canada. I input café, looking for a coffee shop. I get results 
 from Nominatim, inviting me to visit a village in Brazil named Café or even 
 the Café point in Antarctica. While these search results awaken my 
 globetrotter's desire to explore the world, they frustrate me at the same 
 time. Why couldn't Nominatim priorize results from the bounding box or 
 surrounding? Why can't OpenStreetMap show me results on the map like the 
 OverPass API does, performing a search on the tag amenity=cafe and showing 
 the results on the map?

 Second point: accessing POI information. I cannot click on point of interests 
 (POI) to get more info about them. Why do we input address, business hours 
 and phone numbers on shops and restaurants if the map cannot easily display 
 this information to the user? Why do I have to show the map's data in order 
 to have information on a point of interest?

 Third point: maximum zoom level. Some area are densely populated, and 
 OpenStreetMap's current zoom level is not enough to see all details of the 
 map. This is really unfortunate. Example: http://osm.org/go/cIrNs6Qzp-- What 
 are the restaurant surrounding the Hard Rock Café on this map? I have to use 
 the editor to be able to zoom and see all data.

 Fourth point: sharing a point of interest. There should be an easy way to do 
 that. I have found a (complicated) way to do it, which is all but obvious to 
 newcomers. Here is how:

   • Using the layer icon at the top right of the map, I select Browse 
 Map Data;
   • I select the object I want to share (which is not always possible; 
 sometimes it is hidden behind a residential area or similar);
   • I click on Details
   • On the resulting page, I click on View way on larger map
   • I get an URL similar to this that I can share: 

 Fifth point: routing. Why is there absolutely no routing implemented on the 
 main OpenStreetMap website? This is I concede a naïve question, as it might 
 be simply because of limited server resources. Once we have our new servers, 
 is this something we want to implement, as a community?

 I really like the OpenStreetMap project, and I dream to be able 

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman
 From: Simon Poole [mailto:si...@poole.ch]
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis
 There are some clear downsides to our current business model for
 example our main brand is not exposed as much as if we were running
 4square, MapQuest Open etc., and on the other hand interesting services
 for end users that exist don't profit from the OpenStreetMap label as
 they could do.
 The important part is to understand that the current lack of end-user
 services is not because of lack of knowledge, technology or any thing
 similar, but by design.

I believe both clickable POIs and routing are on the to-do list but have
suffered from a lack of people/time although keep in mind clickable POIs
means different things to different people.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

Am 09.07.2013 09:13, schrieb Paul Norman:

 I believe both clickable POIs and routing are on the to-do list but have
 suffered from a lack of people/time although keep in mind clickable POIs
 means different things to different people.

Yes, I pointed that out in my comment to the OPs blog post. The
expectations still need to be managed though, the way both features are
implemented in their current incarnations is clearly geared towards
contributors, not the general public.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen

On 2013-07-09 09:20, Simon Poole wrote:

Am 09.07.2013 09:13, schrieb Paul Norman:

I believe both clickable POIs and routing are on the to-do list but 
suffered from a lack of people/time although keep in mind clickable 

means different things to different people.

Yes, I pointed that out in my comment to the OPs blog post. The
expectations still need to be managed though, the way both features 

implemented in their current incarnations is clearly geared towards
contributors, not the general public.

The problem with OSM is that with Google, Google maps is the go-to site 
to get everything: map, routing, information. With OSM it is not. And 
while it is perfectly clear that OSM has limited resources and will 
probably never be able to offer all services from one portal, it is the 
biggest downside we have at the moment.

I go to openstreetmap.org to see the map and/or search for places
I go to osrm.at to get car routing
I go to fietsrouteplanner-zuid.nl for bicycle routing in my 

I go to maps.cloudmade.com for general bicycle or walking routing
I go to opengastromap.de to get proper restaurant information 
(unfortunately Germany only)

It just is less userfriendly than having it all on one site.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm


On 07/09/2013 09:36 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:

The problem with OSM is that with Google, Google maps is the go-to site
to get everything:


It just is less userfriendly than having it all on one site.

Then again, having all this offered by different people and not by one 
big corporate behemoth might also have advantages. If one day the people 
at fietsrouteplanner-zuid.nl make a business decision you don't like - 
say, they tune their parameters in a way you don't agree with, or 
display advertising, or require registration or whatnot - then you can 
use someone else's site (or, if one doesn't exist, someone else can with 
relative ease set up a site).

Let's not kid ourselves - even if we *were* to offer everything as a 
one-stop shop, we'd still have people with special interests whom we 
couldn't serve from the main site and for whom special third-party sites 
would be created, and it is in *those* where the value of OSM really 
becomes apparent.

The great thing about OSM is not that we might one day have a site where 
you can do everything that you can do on Google too; the great thing is 
that everyone can set up their *own* site where you can do something. 
And shouldn't we actively encourage that (by, perhaps, better 
integrating osm.org with third party sites) rather than building our 
very own corporate behemoth?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine

Guillaume Pratte wrote:

I really like the OpenStreetMap project, and I dream to be able to use it as a 
primary map instead of Google Maps. I feel resolving these issues would bring 
me many steps closer to making that dream come true.

What do you all think? Do you also have showstoppers that prevent you to use 
OpenStreetMap as your primary and daily map?

Rather than answering each point individually I'll give a general reply of the 
way *I* think things want to move forward.

Openstreetmap has provided a base on which to build applications, and 'routing' 
is an area where there are some good routing engines available on-line using the 
'common' database. We are now looking to address the missing 'historic' data via 
openhistoricalmap with local groups looking to process material they have into a 
more common format that can be shared. That is the key here, sharing material.

Personally I have my own build of OSRM routing running locally so I can then 
look at adding my own local materiel since personally I do not like a few of the 
important directions currently generated by all of the current engines. And I 
can DO that which is the major difference between OSM and google/bing mapping!

The in thing at the moment is 'the cloud', but once again commercial enterprise 
has hijacked what should be another cooperation tool? While providing backup of 
our important data elsewhere on the system is a good use of the system, the bulk 
of unused processing power is based in our own computers, which with the 
increasing 'unlimited' bandwidths available could be used to perhaps render 
higher resolution tiles over night somewhere in the world? More practical here 
is the use of our local machines to run much as stand alone sat nav's do 
nowadays. We simply download a view of the local area along with routing data 
from another source on 'the cloud' and then don't need an internet connection to 
use that data. Important around here since current navigation has many blank 
areas as I loose mobile broadband completely. What is the point of our having to 
pay even for 3G when most of the time you can't even get a connection, and can't 
get at your 'centrally stored' data ;) And 4G is another joke, when it's only 
available were wireless hotspots provide a better cover?

I hope people are seeing where this is going? Do we want to replace google/bing 
... probably not ... even for world wide cover? Do we want to provide a much 
better service 'locally', yes, something that the likes of google/bing can't 
easily address? I'm running 'locus' on my tablet and phone. It's not prefect, 
but I can select a map source and a routing engine and even go off-line. All the 
tools are in place to do most of what we want, so the target now should be to 
improve 'distribution' so that we can pick up locally enhanced feeds easier and 
reduce the load on the 'main' map? My next problem is simply addressing the 
holes in my one use of OSM which is another discussion.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine

Maarten Deen wrote:

The problem with OSM is that with Google, Google maps is the go-to site to get
everything: map, routing, information. With OSM it is not. And while it is
perfectly clear that OSM has limited resources and will probably never be able
to offer all services from one portal, it is the biggest downside we have at the
I go to openstreetmap.org to see the map and/or search for places
I go to osrm.at to get car routing
I go to fietsrouteplanner-zuid.nl for bicycle routing in my neighborhood
I go to maps.cloudmade.com for general bicycle or walking routing
I go to opengastromap.de to get proper restaurant information (unfortunately
Germany only)

It just is less userfriendly than having it all on one site.
But a local 'portal' which provides all your locally enhanced feeds could get 
around that problem?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

Am 09.07.2013 09:36, schrieb Maarten Deen:
 The problem with OSM is that with Google, Google maps is the go-to
 site to get everything: map, routing, information. With OSM it is not.
 And while it is perfectly clear that OSM has limited resources and
 will probably never be able to offer all services from one portal, it
 is the biggest downside we have at the moment.
 I go to openstreetmap.org to see the map and/or search for places
 I go to osrm.at to get car routing
 I go to fietsrouteplanner-zuid.nl for bicycle routing in my neighborhood
 I go to maps.cloudmade.com for general bicycle or walking routing
 I go to opengastromap.de to get proper restaurant information
 (unfortunately Germany only)

 It just is less userfriendly than having it all on one site.

It is a bit like Android vs. iOS with google in the role pf Apple :-)

And this is essentially what I was implying with my comments that we and
the OSM ecosystem can't/don't leverage the strength of the OpenStreetMap

Assuming that we don't want to change our modus operandi, one of the way
we might be able to improve things is for openstreetmap.org to have more
of a brokerage role in the OSM. While I have been mainly thinking about
this in the context of map tile and consulting providers, there is no
real reason why we couldn't do something along such lines for routing
services, search engines and so on.

One way this could work would be similar to umap tied to your OSM
account (umap actually already offers a lot of the functionality). So
you could choose and configure the map tiles you wanted to see on your
version of osm, which search engine to use and so one (and allow a way
to easily embed such a map on your web site). It would probably need
some minimum API/UI rules but not What is tricky is how to handle
commercial offerings (however they are financed directly or by ads), but
I think this could be worked out.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine

Frederik Ramm wrote:

The great thing about OSM is not that we might one day have a site where you can
do everything that you can do on Google too; the great thing is that everyone
can set up their *own* site where you can do something. And shouldn't we
actively encourage that (by, perhaps, better integrating osm.org with third
party sites) rather than building our very own corporate behemoth?

The short version of what I said 

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole
My daughter came bouncing in to my office distracting me :-)

Am 09.07.2013 10:01, schrieb Simon Poole:

 It would probably need some minimum API/UI rules but not What is tricky 
 is how to handle commercial
offerings (however they are financed directly or by ads), but I think
this could be worked out.
should be

It would probably need some minimum API/UI rules but not too
restrictive. What is tricky ...

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Todo List

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
Given the current thread on the role of OSM as a source I think this is possibly 
the right forum to post these notes.

I'm currently working through a move from my N900 phone augmented by a tomtom 
sat nav which has provided me with a usable 'in car' setup for a number of 
years. The N900 has died and while I can simply buy a replacement, Vodafone 
'owed' me an upgrade which I was probably paying for anyway, so I picked up an 
S4 since it runs Android 4.2 and the tablet I've been playing with has the same 
on it. First problem ... TomTom will not work with S4 for updates or hands free. 
S4's own hands free is adequate, but not nearly as good as I had. Moving 
forward, locus provides a tool to replace the TomTom navigation and it works 
reasonably well, but again not as 'safe' as the TomTom. I use the word 'safe' 
for a particular reason which is the major todo item. Currently all four of the 
routing engines locus accesses give a major problem on UK major road junctions.

The problem is that directions given for major junctions tend to be 'straight 
on' where the ACTUAL move is to take the slip road. This is where I am wondering 
if the 'global' nature of this is perhaps getting in the way? With driving on 
the left or right confusing things. Improving UK routing to handle major 
junctions safely is not something that would necessarily have the same 
requirements elsewhere? The micro-mapping discussion also comes in here with 
actual lane data making giving directions through a complex junction easier to 
generate. We don't allow 'tagging for the router', but in these cases creating 
data from nothing is causing a safety problem? I can see the same problem in 
many countries but requiring a different interpretation of the data hence what 
should we be doing to ensure that the various routing options do have the best 
data to provide 'safe' information?

There are a couple of other items on the todo list, but I have the material to 
work on them :)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Todo List

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole


I think, if you are addressing this to the general OSM list, we need a
better idea of the situation you are referring to ( a marked up
photograph for example). Right now it is at least not clear to me what
the issue is.

BTW have you tried OSMand?


Am 09.07.2013 10:46, schrieb Lester Caine:
 Given the current thread on the role of OSM as a source I think this
 is possibly the right forum to post these notes.

 I'm currently working through a move from my N900 phone augmented by a
 tomtom sat nav which has provided me with a usable 'in car' setup for
 a number of years. The N900 has died and while I can simply buy a
 replacement, Vodafone 'owed' me an upgrade which I was probably paying
 for anyway, so I picked up an S4 since it runs Android 4.2 and the
 tablet I've been playing with has the same on it. First problem ...
 TomTom will not work with S4 for updates or hands free. S4's own hands
 free is adequate, but not nearly as good as I had. Moving forward,
 locus provides a tool to replace the TomTom navigation and it works
 reasonably well, but again not as 'safe' as the TomTom. I use the word
 'safe' for a particular reason which is the major todo item. Currently
 all four of the routing engines locus accesses give a major problem on
 UK major road junctions.

 The problem is that directions given for major junctions tend to be
 'straight on' where the ACTUAL move is to take the slip road. This is
 where I am wondering if the 'global' nature of this is perhaps getting
 in the way? With driving on the left or right confusing things.
 Improving UK routing to handle major junctions safely is not something
 that would necessarily have the same requirements elsewhere? The
 micro-mapping discussion also comes in here with actual lane data
 making giving directions through a complex junction easier to
 generate. We don't allow 'tagging for the router', but in these cases
 creating data from nothing is causing a safety problem? I can see the
 same problem in many countries but requiring a different
 interpretation of the data hence what should we be doing to ensure
 that the various routing options do have the best data to provide
 'safe' information?

 There are a couple of other items on the todo list, but I have the
 material to work on them :)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden osm

On Tue, 09 Jul 2013 09:53:54 +0200, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org


The great thing about OSM is not that we might one day have a site
where you can do everything that you can do on Google too; the great
thing is that everyone can set up their *own* site where you can do
something. And shouldn't we actively encourage that (by, perhaps,
better integrating osm.org with third party sites) rather than
building our very own corporate behemoth?

That is okay for people who have been in the OSM world for a long time
so know about third party sites and also enjoy the freedom to run their
own services.

I think where an integrated, gmaps style, site would be most useful is 
in attracting new contributors. Someone coming cold to openstreetmap.org 
today might mistakenly think that what is the point in contributing to
a map where there is no routing or where the map itself is about as
interactive as something printed on paper.

My ideal solution would be to have a gmaps style integrated site mainly
as a shop window to attract new people (+ also nice to show off to the
media) and then also have a proper contributors portal (maybe at
osm.org) which would focus very much on community, showing people
active in your area, local mapping events, tagging standards for your
country, data sources you can use, tips from experienced mappers, 
that kind of thing.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

Am 09.07.2013 11:25, schrieb o...@k3v.eu:

 My ideal solution would be to have a gmaps style integrated site mainly
 as a shop window to attract new people (+ also nice to show off to the
 media) ...

I'm sure you realize that even if you call it something different it is
still a duck (as in: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and
quacks like a duck, ...), In practice what you would like amounts to
running a full blown gmaps competitor, and if it even done badly it
would be so insanely popular that we would have to turn the project
inside out to support it (we already have some of the issues without
even trying). 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Philip Barnes
Would a reasonable compromise be to provide links to projects that use osm?

Phil (trigpoint)

Sent from my Nokia N9

On 09/07/2013 11:30 Simon Poole wrote:

Am 09.07.2013 11:25, schrieb o...@k3v.eu:

 My ideal solution would be to have a gmaps style integrated site mainly
 as a shop window to attract new people (+ also nice to show off to the
 media) ...

I'm sure you realize that even if you call it something different it is
still a duck (as in: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and
quacks like a duck, ...), In practice what you would like amounts to
running a full blown gmaps competitor, and if it even done badly it
would be so insanely popular that we would have to turn the project
inside out to support it (we already have some of the issues without
even trying).



talk mailing list


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Immanuel Giulea
I'm also very new at Openstreetmap and want to add my 2cents.

I think a directory of all the tools available would be a great starting

So far I was introduced to wheelmap and overpass.

But not any of the fantastic dozens of tools available.

If those tools were allowed as layers on the main map I would be happy.

Let's face it openstreetmap is very little known. I have contacted the
geography faculties here in Montreal to let them know an alternative to
gmaps exists.

Google has become synonymous to search engine.
Gmaps has become synonymous to mapping.

On 2013-07-09 6:42 AM, Philip Barnes p...@trigpoint.me.uk wrote:

 Would a reasonable compromise be to provide links to projects that use osm?

 Phil (trigpoint)


 Sent from my Nokia N9

 On 09/07/2013 11:30 Simon Poole wrote:

  Am 09.07.2013 11:25, schrieb o...@k3v.eu:
  My ideal solution would be to have a gmaps style integrated site mainly
  as a shop window to attract new people (+ also nice to show off to the
  media) ...

  I'm sure you realize that even if you call it something different it is
 still a duck (as in: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and
 quacks like a duck, ...), In practice what you would like amounts to
 running a full blown gmaps competitor, and if it even done badly it
 would be so insanely popular that we would have to turn the project
 inside out to support it (we already have some of the issues without
 even trying).


  talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole
Well we do have
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/List_of_OSM_based_Services and other
lists of services (not suggesting that they are a sufficient replacement
for a integrated solution).


Am 09.07.2013 12:40, schrieb Philip Barnes:

 Would a reasonable compromise be to provide links to projects that use

 Phil (trigpoint)



 Sent from my Nokia N9


 On 09/07/2013 11:30 Simon Poole wrote:

 Am 09.07.2013 11:25, schrieb o...@k3v.eu mailto:o...@k3v.eu:
  My ideal solution would be to have a gmaps style integrated site mainly
  as a shop window to attract new people (+ also nice to show off to the
  media) ...

 I'm sure you realize that even if you call it something different it is
 still a duck (as in: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and
 quacks like a duck, ...), In practice what you would like amounts to
 running a full blown gmaps competitor, and if it even done badly it
 would be so insanely popular that we would have to turn the project
 inside out to support it (we already have some of the issues without
 even trying).


 talk mailing list
 o...@k3v.eu mailto:o...@k3v.eu

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden osm
On Tue, 09 Jul 2013 12:30:23 +0200, Simon Poole si...@poole.ch wrote:

Am 09.07.2013 11:25, schrieb o...@k3v.eu:

 My ideal solution would be to have a gmaps style integrated site
 mainly as a shop window to attract new people (+ also nice to show
 off to the media) ...

I'm sure you realize that even if you call it something different it is
still a duck (as in: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and
quacks like a duck, ...), In practice what you would like amounts to
running a full blown gmaps competitor, and if it even done badly it
would be so insanely popular that we would have to turn the project
inside out to support it (we already have some of the issues without
even trying). 

I don't think that would be the case as gmaps is so ingrained in most
peoples surfing habits that they aren't suddenly going to change
en-masse to OSM whatever the site looks like.

It just seems to me that if you have a shop window from 2006 a lot of
people aren't going to bother to come in and check-out the great stuff 
you have in the back room.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Michael Buege
Zitat Immanuel Giulea:

 I'm also very new at Openstreetmap and want to add my 2cents.
 I think a directory of all the tools available would be a great starting

Something like this?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Clarifying Geocoding and ODbL

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

One of the issues with this discussion is that we are using one word to
describe many different things, that we tend to view as one from a usage
pov. IMHO it would be difficult to see how partial
matching/auto-completion of addresses would not simply be generating a
substantial extract and hence a derivative database if actually stored.

On the other hand I could probably make a case that  if addresses that
already contain sufficient information to query a database successfully 
are associated with a single approximate coordinate-tupel (and not with
an OSM object as Nominatim can do) that the result could amount to a
produced work. But that is just IMHO.


Am 08.07.2013 09:46, schrieb Peter K:
 Hi there,

 I would like to have clarification on this subject as well (but be
 aware that I'm just in the process of understanding the OSM license -
 see the other thread).

 What I do not understand with the OSM license is the following
 (constructed) example:

  * I have a separate geo coder application based on OSM data
  * I have my own user database which is public to every individual

 Now what happens when I use the geocoder to let users do
 autocompleting its addresses in my somehow public database? I have
 lots of users so this manual copying from OSM would be *substantial*
 but at the same time it is clear that I cannot make the database
 itself public. Or is the resulting database still separate as there
 are clean OSM columns?


 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Richard Fairhurst
Maarten Deen wrote:
 The problem with OSM is that with Google, Google maps is the go-to 
 site to get everything: map, routing, information. With OSM it is not.
 It just is less userfriendly than having it all on one site.

And that's a great business opportunity for someone... right?

Although: it turns out that not even Google has everything. I guess that
if you're a car driver who searches for addresses a lot, especially in
places with big long roads (where house numbers are really important),
Google Maps is wonderful.

But fortunately I live in a country where we have (a) short roads and (b)
bikes, and actually Google's not all that. Their bike cartography?
Cartography is probably too kind. Their bike routing? Sure, if you like
being mowed down on lethal fast roads. Their POI display? I sort of fell out
of love with that after spending half-an-hour looking for a non-existent
bike shop on the back streets of Great Malvern.

So, instead, I use OpenCycleMap, CycleStreets, and a couple of other sites.
Maybe one day, someone will build the all-in-one British cycle mapping
website to end them all, and I'll use that. And I bet you it will be made
with OSM data.

If even Google can't manage to be everything, openstreetmap.org certainly
can't be. Instead, we're at the heart of an ecosystem that allows people to
build their own everythings. If the OSM-based everything for you doesn't
exist yet, go out and build it.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

Am 09.07.2013 14:04, schrieb o...@k3v.eu:

 It just seems to me that if you have a shop window from 2006 a lot of
 people aren't going to bother to come in and check-out the great stuff 
 you have in the back room.
I believe that it is well recognized that we have a slight contradiction
in the way we operate that on the one hand we want and need attractive
shop windows to attract more mappers, on the other hand don't actually
want to provide services to such contributors (outside of supporting
contributing and editing). The, at least historic, way out is to assume
that our data consumers, 4square, and all the others, are providing the
shop windows and we only have to do something minimal for visitors that
stumble on us by accident.

If this actually works is open to debate. What is clear is that our past
role models (Navteq, TeleAtlas) have themselves departed more from the
pure data collector/provider model than we have in response to market
pressure (mainly google).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Frans Thamura

We use here . Almost any system here integrated with osm.

On Jul 9, 2013 11:43 AM, Guillaume Pratte guilla...@guillaumepratte.net


 I have been a serious user of OpenStreetMap for less than six months, and
 I am proud to recently have achieved my one hundredth contribution to the
 project. I really love the OpenStreetMap project, and I would like to
 replace my daily usage of Google Maps with OpenStreetMap.

 But it just seems I cannot. Anybody else feel the same issues?

 I'll give a few concrete examples why, humbly hoping that my words can
 encourage changes to the main website.

 First point: searching. I have OpenStreetMap zoomed in to some region of
 Montreal, Canada. I input café, looking for a coffee shop. I get results
 from Nominatim, inviting me to visit a village in Brazil named Café or
 even the Café point in Antarctica. While these search results awaken my
 globetrotter's desire to explore the world, they frustrate me at the same
 time. Why couldn't Nominatim priorize results from the bounding box or
 surrounding? Why can't OpenStreetMap show me results on the map like the
 OverPass API does, performing a search on the tag amenity=cafe and showing
 the results on the map?

 Second point: accessing POI information. I cannot click on point of
 interests (POI) to get more info about them. Why do we input address,
 business hours and phone numbers on shops and restaurants if the map cannot
 easily display this information to the user? Why do I have to show the
 map's data in order to have information on a point of interest?

 Third point: maximum zoom level. Some area are densely populated, and
 OpenStreetMap's current zoom level is not enough to see all details of the
 map. This is really unfortunate. Example: http://osm.org/go/cIrNs6Qzp--What 
 are the restaurant surrounding the Hard Rock Café on this map? I have
 to use the editor to be able to zoom and see all data.

 Fourth point: sharing a point of interest. There should be an easy way to
 do that. I have found a (complicated) way to do it, which is all but
 obvious to newcomers. Here is how:

 • Using the layer icon at the top right of the map, I select
 Browse Map Data;
 • I select the object I want to share (which is not always
 possible; sometimes it is hidden behind a residential area or similar);
 • I click on Details
 • On the resulting page, I click on View way on larger map
 • I get an URL similar to this that I can share:

 Fifth point: routing. Why is there absolutely no routing implemented on
 the main OpenStreetMap website? This is I concede a naïve question, as it
 might be simply because of limited server resources. Once we have our new
 servers, is this something we want to implement, as a community?

 I really like the OpenStreetMap project, and I dream to be able to use it
 as a primary map instead of Google Maps. I feel resolving these issues
 would bring me many steps closer to making that dream come true.

 What do you all think? Do you also have showstoppers that prevent you to
 use OpenStreetMap as your primary and daily map?

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Todo List

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden SomeoneElse

Lester Caine wrote:

The problem is that directions given for major junctions tend to be 
'straight on' where the ACTUAL move is to take the slip road.

FWIW, this isn't a problem I've seen (either on eTrex or Nuvi) with 
Garmins using OSM data.  I suspect it's down to the router rather than a 
problem with the data...



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
People will stumble more easily on the OpenStreetMap site than on any of
the other sites (umap, OSRM, etc..).
Most press articles are about OpenStreetMap, so they search for that brand;
thus they will end up on the openstreetmap.org website.

The list of all services is also neatly hidden on the wiki. How many
first time visitors will go from the main page to that page ?

I understand that the main website is targeted towards contributors, but
that is not clear from just looking at the website.
People see a map and probably want to use it in a google way. They compare
the features and assume that OpenStreetMap has to offer less.
They will not look for an alternative service based upon OSM.

just my .5 cents


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Simon Poole si...@poole.ch wrote:

 Am 09.07.2013 14:04, schrieb o...@k3v.eu:

  It just seems to me that if you have a shop window from 2006 a lot of
  people aren't going to bother to come in and check-out the great stuff
  you have in the back room.
 I believe that it is well recognized that we have a slight contradiction
 in the way we operate that on the one hand we want and need attractive
 shop windows to attract more mappers, on the other hand don't actually
 want to provide services to such contributors (outside of supporting
 contributing and editing). The, at least historic, way out is to assume
 that our data consumers, 4square, and all the others, are providing the
 shop windows and we only have to do something minimal for visitors that
 stumble on us by accident.

 If this actually works is open to debate. What is clear is that our past
 role models (Navteq, TeleAtlas) have themselves departed more from the
 pure data collector/provider model than we have in response to market
 pressure (mainly google).


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden colliar
Am 09.07.2013 13:57, schrieb Simon Poole:
 Well we do have
 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/List_of_OSM_based_Services and other
 lists of services (not suggesting that they are a sufficient replacement
 for a integrated solution).

and you do not find it cause it is hidden in the wiki and not many pages
link to it.

Well, a link to two or three of these list in the wiki about services,
online maps and tools in general would be really helpful.

Last week I had to help a friend to get a marker set. Still is still an
issue. It is explained on help.osm but again no link from page.

The .svg export is another annoying issue as it rarely works.

How about a link page under osm.org to better guide interested people ?
Could be even just a link to a wiki page.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Todo List

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine

SomeoneElse wrote:

The problem is that directions given for major junctions tend to be 'straight
on' where the ACTUAL move is to take the slip road.

FWIW, this isn't a problem I've seen (either on eTrex or Nuvi) with Garmins
using OSM data.  I suspect it's down to the router rather than a problem with
the data...

I tend to agree with you now that I've had a further dig into this. 
Unfortunately the bug report I posted to the locus forum has not received a 
reply from last month. There is still a problem with needing to identify which 
lane of a multi lane junction you you should occupy, and modify that as junction 
layouts change. In the UK the M4 to M5 junction is being widened and I now need 
to get into lane 3 to get on the right slip road to go North rather than 2 ... 
and going through a new route a week or so back I was glad tomtom filled in that 
data :)

Once again the problem is simply one of identifying who is making the mistakes?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine

Richard Fairhurst wrote:

If even Google can't manage to be everything, openstreetmap.org certainly
can't be. Instead, we're at the heart of an ecosystem that allows people to
build their own everythings. If the OSM-based everything for you doesn't
exist yet, go out and build it.

I'm certainly getting around to the same point of view.
While there are a lot of 'shop windows' to find suitable software, googleplay 
and other android stores, i-store, linux repositories and even window sources. 
Searching for OSM or openstreetmap does not give particularly reliable results. 
Even searching gives a lot of 'miss-information'? So perhaps the starting point 
is to expand on the long list of links that we do have in a more informative 
way? We perhaps need to differentiate better services and user software from 
developer and other tools. A 'router' is not necessarily a 'routing service' and 
this gets rather messy when you look on the wiki currently?

Mike - I'm not talking about making the front end more 'developer' orientated, 
but better forward users to other available local portals? One of the things 
that irritates me with the existing map is that it's not immediately obvious 
where in the world you are, especially if working from a random link. I think I 
am looking for a 'location' box which also lists local websites and other 
versions of the database? I'd include a link to an appropriate routing site as 
part of the box.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Tom Morris
I agree. Adding more functionality to OpenStreetMap.org means that people will 
use it as a go-to mapping site for things like routing and recommend it to 

This means they'll probably find errors/incompleteness... and they can then fix 
them or tag them with a note.

I know plenty of people who, because of my frequent linking to 
openstreetmap.org, have joined and fixed a few basic things in their area: 
adding a pub here or there etc.

Making openstreetmap.org more useful for users will hopefully mean there is an 
increased supply of people who want to edit the map. And if they are just 
seeing a map in Foursquare or another app, they don't exactly see that there's 
an edit button.

Tom Morris

On 9 July 2013 at 13:54:54, Marc Gemis (marc.ge...@gmail.com) wrote:

People will stumble more easily on the OpenStreetMap site than on any of the 
other sites (umap, OSRM, etc..).
Most press articles are about OpenStreetMap, so they search for that brand; 
thus they will end up on the openstreetmap.org website.

The list of all services is also neatly hidden on the wiki. How many first 
time visitors will go from the main page to that page ?

I understand that the main website is targeted towards contributors, but that 
is not clear from just looking at the website.
People see a map and probably want to use it in a google way. They compare the 
features and assume that OpenStreetMap has to offer less.
They will not look for an alternative service based upon OSM.

just my .5 cents

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

Am 09.07.2013 13:42, schrieb Immanuel Giulea:

 Let's face it openstreetmap is very little known. I have contacted the
 geography faculties here in Montreal to let them know an alternative
 to gmaps exists.

 Google has become synonymous to search engine.
 Gmaps has become synonymous to mapping.

Before I forget: my usual plea for more help in/for the Communications
Working Group http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Communication_Working_Group

While we are likely to have enough hands at a regional and local level,
we really more help communicating globally (it would in the long run
naturally be advantageous if we could sync regional and global comms a
bit). So if there are readers that have some experience in the area and
want to help, please don't hesitate to get in contact with Harry.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap font

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden sabas88
Hello list,
are there some style/brand guidelines for the creation of OSM materials?
Particularly I was asked about which font could be used to write
OpenStreetMap, and the only text I found was the one in the old banner (
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Osm_linkage.png ) but there isn't
no indication of a particular font.

An example are the Ubuntu guidelines

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap font

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Robert Scott
On Tuesday 09 July 2013, sabas88 wrote:
 Hello list,
 are there some style/brand guidelines for the creation of OSM materials?
 Particularly I was asked about which font could be used to write
 OpenStreetMap, and the only text I found was the one in the old banner (
 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Osm_linkage.png ) but there isn't
 no indication of a particular font.
 An example are the Ubuntu guidelines

The answer is: no.

But it would be nice to have one.

It would however require someone (with enough design credibility* to quieten 
the bikeshedders) to sit down and do one.

I've also always wanted a blessed colour scheme.

Historically, people used Bitstream Vera or Helvetica quite a lot, but I've 
recently been using Cabin (SIL License).


* Here, imagine me coughing a lot in the direction of certain DC/SF 

talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Making Garmin IMG for Bushwalking - Insanity starts

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden kenself
Check out http://www.cferrero.net/maps/maps_index.html 
It got me to the point where I can make my own .IMG files

  Brett Russell wrote:

  So I have been reading up on mkgmap and struck as usual the standard array 
of Wikipedia entries that go around in circles with the reader needing to make 
numerous assumptions and follow links and at the end of this maze either given 
up or some how figure out what needs to happen.  Then I stumbled across 
http://thebird.nl/tutorials/osm_garmin.html, that while for Linux, explains the 
concepts so light has started to dawn.
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Regiões Administrativas do Distrito Federal

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Pedro Geaquinto
Pois é, tenho essa dúvida também.
Quando existem distritos auto-suficientes ou com fraca ligação econômica
direta com a sede, com população semelhante ou até maior do que a sede,
vale usar livremente a tag?

E a sede? Você desconta a população no ponto?

Vou jogar um exemplo: Itapemirim-ES vs seu distrito Itaipava (que contém o
bairro de Itaoca). A sede é muito menor em população que o distrito. O que

1. Manter town nas duas, com população total em Itapemirim e local em
2. Village em Itapemirim (se não me engano, tem 9 mil habitantes) e town em
Itaipava (tem mais de 10 mil).
3. Town em Itapemirim, com população total, e suburb em Itaipava (acho
pouquíssimo adequado, porque são bem distantes e independentes).

Eu não sei exatamente o que fazer e atualmente a opção escolhida é a 1.

2013/7/9 Fernando Trebien fernando.treb...@gmail.com

 Tem razão, o DF (que tem governo próprio) é dividido em regiões
 administrativas (sem governo, subordinados ao DF) e é proibido por
 lei que uma região dessas tenha governo, então parece mais com a
 definição de distrito.


 Sendo assim, as relações das regiões teriam a tag admin_level=9. O
 nó com o papel admin_centre teria a tag place=city para Brasília
 (além de capital=yes). Para as outras regiões, se você não tiver um
 critério melhor (alguma classificação oficial de diferentes tipos de
 região), pode adotar o indicado no wiki
 (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:place) que é:
 - place=hamlet para regiões com menos de ~mil habitantes
 - place=village para regiões com menos de ~10 mil habitantes
 - place=town para regiões com menos de ~100 mil habitantes

 Pode ser útil:

 Pela definição no wiki do OSM, as 10 mais populosas nessa lista seriam
 tipicamente consideradas cidades. Eu no fundo acho que não estaria
 errado colocar admin_level=9 para todas as regiões e usar a tag
 place livremente (inclusive com o valor city) já que antigamente
 essas regiões eram chamadas de cidades-satélite.

 2013/7/8 Ednei Ramthum do Amaral edneirama...@ig.com.br:
  Sobre o assunto, vale lembrar que essa divisão da imagem da Wikipédia é a
  última oficial disponível, mas já foram criadas várias outras regiões
  administrativas (RAs) q não tiveram seus limites oficiais definidos.
  Pras RAs mais recentes, a melhor fonte q conheço é a q vem sendo usada
  (ver notas metodológicas)
  Não sei se a melhor opção é listar as RAs desatualizadas, deixando de
  incluir as mais recentes, mas mantendo a limitação oficial; ou listar
  usando limitação não oficial; ou até listar todas e usar limitação
  pras antigas e a não oficial pras novas (o q poderia confundir, dando a
  entender que uma nova RA fica dentro de uma antiga...)
  Sobre a classificação, eu equivaleria a distrito, por ser intermediário
  entre cidade e bairro. Cidade no Brasil costuma ser associado a
 município, e
  não é o caso das RAs. Brasília, considerada como todo o DF, seria o mais
  próximo de município (assim é considerada, por exemplo, no Censo). Também
  não é sempre q existem áreas verdes entre as RAs. Algumas, como o
  Sudoeste/Octogonal, por exemplo, seriam perfeitamente bairros da RA I -
  Brasília. Ceilândia e Taguatinga são, visivelmente, uma coisa só.
  Distritos tb têm essa característica de às vezes serem conurbados
  (normalmente em cidades grandes), e em outras serem separados da sede
  (normalmente em municípios pequenos, qnd o distrito acaba buscando
  emancipação, com o tempo).
  Bom, não costumo participar aqui. Então desculpem se disse algo
 contrário a
  algum consenso já estabelecido...
  Em 8 de julho de 2013 04:09, Fernando Trebien 
  Hm será que você tem permissão pra importar isso? Está com uma licença
  CC 2.5 na Wikipédia, ou seja, requer que as obras derivadas sejam
  disponibilizadas sob a mesma licença, até onde eu sei isso é
  incompatível com a licença ODbL do OSM.
  Se for possível, talvez você possa usar o plugin ImportVec para
  importar o SVG. Se não funcionar, você pode converter o SVG num PNG e
  traçar sobre ele usando o PicLayer.
  Uma coisa que você tem que definir é se essas regiões são cidades
  (admin_level = 8) ou bairros (admin_level = 10). Se for algo
  intermediário, talvez possam ser tratadas como distritos (admin_level
  = 9)
  Pelo que lembro, o DF não é uma área urbana contínua, as regiões estão
  separadas por vegetação, então isso me pareceria mais com cidades
  independentes e não com distritos (normalmente 

Re: [Talk-br] Regiões Administrativas do Distrito Federal

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Vítor Rodrigo Dias
O que tenho visto (e utilizado) em Minas Gerais é village para qualquer
sede de distrito, seja mais ou menos populoso que a sede. Esta, a meu ver,
deveria contemplar o município como um todo. Até para não se criar uma
distorção em casos de, por exemplo, cidades-dormitório em regiões
metropolitanas onde a sede é muito menos populosa que distritos que
conurbam com uma metrópole (exemplos: distrito de São Benedito em Santa
Luzia-MG, distrito de Laranjeiras na Serra-ES). Seria incongruente o nó do
distrito ser mais relevante que o da cidade.

Vítor Rodrigo Dias
Revisor de textos
Tradutor port/ing/port e port/esp/port
Telefone: (31) 9895-3975 - TIM

Em 9 de julho de 2013 03:05, Pedro Geaquinto pedrodi...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Pois é, tenho essa dúvida também.
 Quando existem distritos auto-suficientes ou com fraca ligação econômica
 direta com a sede, com população semelhante ou até maior do que a sede,
 vale usar livremente a tag?

 E a sede? Você desconta a população no ponto?

 Vou jogar um exemplo: Itapemirim-ES vs seu distrito Itaipava (que contém o
 bairro de Itaoca). A sede é muito menor em população que o distrito. O que

 1. Manter town nas duas, com população total em Itapemirim e local em
 2. Village em Itapemirim (se não me engano, tem 9 mil habitantes) e town
 em Itaipava (tem mais de 10 mil).
 3. Town em Itapemirim, com população total, e suburb em Itaipava (acho
 pouquíssimo adequado, porque são bem distantes e independentes).

 Eu não sei exatamente o que fazer e atualmente a opção escolhida é a 1.

 2013/7/9 Fernando Trebien fernando.treb...@gmail.com

 Tem razão, o DF (que tem governo próprio) é dividido em regiões
 administrativas (sem governo, subordinados ao DF) e é proibido por
 lei que uma região dessas tenha governo, então parece mais com a
 definição de distrito.


 Sendo assim, as relações das regiões teriam a tag admin_level=9. O
 nó com o papel admin_centre teria a tag place=city para Brasília
 (além de capital=yes). Para as outras regiões, se você não tiver um
 critério melhor (alguma classificação oficial de diferentes tipos de
 região), pode adotar o indicado no wiki
 (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:place) que é:
 - place=hamlet para regiões com menos de ~mil habitantes
 - place=village para regiões com menos de ~10 mil habitantes
 - place=town para regiões com menos de ~100 mil habitantes

 Pode ser útil:

 Pela definição no wiki do OSM, as 10 mais populosas nessa lista seriam
 tipicamente consideradas cidades. Eu no fundo acho que não estaria
 errado colocar admin_level=9 para todas as regiões e usar a tag
 place livremente (inclusive com o valor city) já que antigamente
 essas regiões eram chamadas de cidades-satélite.

 2013/7/8 Ednei Ramthum do Amaral edneirama...@ig.com.br:
  Sobre o assunto, vale lembrar que essa divisão da imagem da Wikipédia é
  última oficial disponível, mas já foram criadas várias outras regiões
  administrativas (RAs) q não tiveram seus limites oficiais definidos.
  Pras RAs mais recentes, a melhor fonte q conheço é a q vem sendo usada
  (ver notas metodológicas)
  Não sei se a melhor opção é listar as RAs desatualizadas, deixando de
  incluir as mais recentes, mas mantendo a limitação oficial; ou listar
  usando limitação não oficial; ou até listar todas e usar limitação
  pras antigas e a não oficial pras novas (o q poderia confundir, dando a
  entender que uma nova RA fica dentro de uma antiga...)
  Sobre a classificação, eu equivaleria a distrito, por ser intermediário
  entre cidade e bairro. Cidade no Brasil costuma ser associado a
 município, e
  não é o caso das RAs. Brasília, considerada como todo o DF, seria o mais
  próximo de município (assim é considerada, por exemplo, no Censo).
  não é sempre q existem áreas verdes entre as RAs. Algumas, como o
  Sudoeste/Octogonal, por exemplo, seriam perfeitamente bairros da RA I -
  Brasília. Ceilândia e Taguatinga são, visivelmente, uma coisa só.
  Distritos tb têm essa característica de às vezes serem conurbados
  (normalmente em cidades grandes), e em outras serem separados da sede
  (normalmente em municípios pequenos, qnd o distrito acaba buscando
  emancipação, com o tempo).
  Bom, não costumo participar aqui. Então desculpem se disse algo
 contrário a
  algum consenso já estabelecido...
  Em 8 de julho de 2013 04:09, Fernando Trebien 
  Hm será que você tem permissão pra importar isso? Está com uma licença
  CC 2.5 na Wikipédia, ou seja, requer que as obras derivadas sejam

[Talk-br] Fwd: [Imports] IBGE license statement

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
Pessoal, vou repassar a informação para conhecimento da comunidade.

Estou tentando um contato mais direto com o IBGE para saber que tipo
de atribuição eles exigem. Acho que há duas leituras possíveis:
- atribuição é a possibilidade de descobrir qual é a fonte dos dados
(bastaria a tag source ou mesmo uma tag nos changesets da importação
dos dados)
- atribuição é uma indicação clara da fonte sempre que os dados
forem disponibilizados para alguém

A segunda leitura exigiria colocar uma nota por cima ou ao lado do
mapa toda vez que esses dados fossem exibidos (impraticável) ou
verificar com a fonte (no caso, o IBGE) se bastaria fazer a atribuição
correta nesta página (referida tanto na página oficial ao lado do mapa
quanto na configuração padrão dos slippymaps, usados em outros sites):

Se o IBGE aceitar ser um contribuidor oficial, o melhor seria relatar
esse fato aqui junto com o link para a licença:

Inclusive, seria interessante verificar se as outras fontes usadas em
importações anteriores no Brasil poderiam constar nessa página. (Bem,
isso é o mundo ideal, talvez essas fontes nem disponibilizem a sua
licença de uso em algum lugar...)

-- Forwarded message --
From: Andy Allan gravityst...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 6:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Imports] IBGE license statement
To: Eric Ladner eric.lad...@gmail.com
Cc: impo...@openstreetmap.org impo...@openstreetmap.org

On 6 July 2013 22:45, Eric Ladner eric.lad...@gmail.com wrote:
 Worst case, put a source:IBGE on every imported item (which technically
 should be there anyway).

No, please don't do that.

As discussed on other threads, the correct place to provide
attribution is on http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright and the
associated wiki page, http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributors

If you want to provide sources for the entities in the bulk import,
then do so using a tag on the changeset. It uses approximately
1/50,000th of the space in the database.

Further, since it's only the first version of the entity that comes
from the bulk import, that source for that version can be
automatically traced via the changeset, and saves us waiting 6 months
before adding it to the ever-growing list of

In summary, the entities created in a bulk import should contain the
absolute minimal set of tags. The changesets are an appropriate place
for any necessary metadata regarding the import.


Imports mailing list

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months. (Moore's law)
The speed of software halves every 18 months. (Gates' law)

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wann macht es wieder einmal BING?

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden hike39
Danke für den Hoffnungsschimmer


Am 08.07.2013 08:00, schrieb Walter Nordmann:
 gestern im Forum eingetrudelt:
 motograter wrote
 Hi all, flights have resumed and should be completed this summer given
 good weather conditions. Cheers.
 [url=osm.wno-edv-service.de/residentials] Missing Residentials Map 1.13[/url]
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the Germany mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wann macht es wieder einmal BING?

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Robert S.
2013/7/5 Horst Garstka ho...@hike.de

 Hallo zusammen,
 nachdem Anfang des Jahres wieder aktuellere Luftbilder bei BING
 aufgetaucht sind, aber die Region im bayrischen Oberland davon nicht
 profitiert hat, hatte man uns hier auf später vertröstet. Leider ist
 nichts geschehen. Ich muß mich immer noch mit dem Stand Jun/2005 begnügen.

 Hat jemand von Euch Informationen, ob und wann ich mit einer
 Verbesserung dieser Situation rechnen könnte?

bayrischen Oberland - ist das zwischen München und Salzburg?
Denn da scheint es gerade neue Bilder gegeben zu haben.

Block Rosenheim, Bad Reichenhall (Mittersill) komplett:

Block Holzkirchen, Garmisch (Innsbruck) ca. 3/4 - ein Streifen von
Holzkirchen ins Zillertal fehlt noch:

Außerdem neu das westliche Rhein-Ruhrgebiet von Duisburg bis Köln. In der
allerhöchsten Zoomstufe sind aber die alten, älteren aber höher aufgelösten
Bilder weiterhin sichtbar.

Weiterhin der Block Itzehohe, Rotenburg (Wümme) ohne Hamburg [West]:

Es fehlen somit noch die Blöcke
Emmerich, Bottrop, Düsseldorf (ohne westliches Rhein-Ruhrgebiet):

Münster, Dortmund, Olpe, Leverkusen:

Paderborn, Meschede, Frankenberg (Eder):

Wismar, Schwerin, Ludwigslust:
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Einführung eines neuen Tags (globaleID)

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Stephan Wolff


Am 07.07.2013 08:19, schrieb Tracy Kasperczyk:

Sehr geehrte OSM-Gemeinde,

wir die Firma Mentz Datebverarbeitung GmbH mit dem Sitz in München (
http://www.mentzdv.de/), arbeiten gerade daran die Bahnhöfe in Bayern, NRW
und Baden-Würtenberg zu überarbeiten mit dem Ziel einer vollständigen und
einheitlichen Darstellung.

Bitte beschreibt, was ihr ändern und vereinheitlichen wollt, bevor ihr in
großem Umfang Bahnhöfe überarbeitet.
Gibt es schon einen Musterbahnhof?

Für diese Erfassung benötigen wir einen neuen Tag. Dieser Tag
soll globale_id_pt = * (IFOPT Nummer) heißen.

Ich finde den Namen globale_id_pt ungünstig (Denglish und nicht 
intuitiv verständlich). Warum nicht ref_ifopt?

Die von anderen geäußerten Bedenken gegen diese Information teile ich nicht.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] stazioni di ricarica elettrica

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Luca Delucchi
2013/7/8 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com:

 per me quella pagina non suggerisce ref:ENEL:cs o ref:IT:ENEL, in
 generale eviterei IT se non necessario, metterei ref:enel o ref. cs non
 è necessario perché il ref si riferisce sempre all'oggetto a cui è stato
 agguinto. ref:enel ha qualche senso (quando ci sono più ref in db di
 gestori diversi per la stessa charging station dell'ENEL), perché indica chi
 ha dato quel ref, ma direi che un ref semplice è preferibile ed insieme al
 tag operator dovrebbe essere chiaro chi ha dato quel ref.





Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] stazioni di ricarica elettrica

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden David Riccitelli

Ecco un aggiornamento, abbiamo:

   - modificato la pagina
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Enel_Open_Datain Inglese.
   - aggiunto nella TODO la verifica di 3/4 stazioni a Genoa create da
   Alessandro, al fine di evitare duplicati.
   - rimosso il campo *name*,
   - aggiunto le traduzioni in Nominatim per *charging_station* (stazione
   di ricarica, stazione di ricarica elettrica, colonnina di ricarica),
   - aggiunto il tag *ref:enel* (come da ultima mail di Luca e di Martin),
   - rimosso addr:housenumber (ma lasciato al momento addr:street, che ne
   - aggiunto *source* al Changeset
   - aggiunto *url:en* al Changeset

Il changeset di test aggiornato é disponibile qui:

Quali sono le prossime azioni?


2013/7/9 Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com

 2013/7/8 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com:
  per me quella pagina non suggerisce ref:ENEL:cs o ref:IT:ENEL, in
  generale eviterei IT se non necessario, metterei ref:enel o ref. cs
  è necessario perché il ref si riferisce sempre all'oggetto a cui è stato
  agguinto. ref:enel ha qualche senso (quando ci sono più ref in db di
  gestori diversi per la stessa charging station dell'ENEL), perché indica
  ha dato quel ref, ma direi che un ref semplice è preferibile ed
 insieme al
  tag operator dovrebbe essere chiaro chi ha dato quel ref.





 Talk-it mailing list

David Riccitelli

-- check the Swagger for WordLift http://bit.ly/VtoM5H

InsideOut10 s.r.l.
P.IVA: IT-11381771002
Fax: +39 0110708239
LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/riccitelli
Twitter: ziodave
Layar Partner 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La SAT - Società degli Alpinistri Tridentini rilascia in Open Data i dati dei sentieri

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Vincenzo Galgano
Grande notizia, la presenza su OSM di dati relativi alle attività outdoor è
punto di forza notevole e l'apertura di questi dati facilita il compito alla
Speriamo che un giorno anche il CAI possa intraprendere questa strada

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] stazioni di ricarica elettrica

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
Grazie David,

2013/7/9 David Riccitelli da...@insideout.io

 Ecco un aggiornamento, abbiamo:

- modificato la pagina
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Enel_Open_Data in Inglese.

  * aggiunto nella TODO la verifica di 3/4 stazioni a Genoa create da
Alessandro, al fine di evitare duplicati.

c'è una cosa: user ale_zena [AT] libero.it mapped already 3 or 4 charging
stations in Genoa. In order to avoid duplicate data, these stations shall
be deleted when data will be imported. al solito vuol dire che chi importa
dati aggiunge eventuali informazioni mancanti a questi nodi già esistenti
(visto che parliamo di 3 nodi la cosa più semplice è di togliere i
corrispettivi nodi dal vostro dataset e di aggiungere a mano eventuali tag
mancanti ai nodi già esistenti). Non vanno mai cancellato dati esistenti
per sostituirli con gli stessi dati.

- rimosso addr:housenumber (ma lasciato al momento addr:street, che ne

direi che è la stessa cosa, vanno rimossi, la posizione postale
approssimata si può sempre creare con reverse geocoding.

 Il changeset di test aggiornato é disponibile qui:

 Quali sono le prossime azioni?

annunci in lista import (in inglese).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La SAT - Società degli Alpinistri Tridentini rilascia in Open Data i dati dei sentieri

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
la SAT è una sezione del CAI composta da 27.000 iscritti, magari ...

2013/7/9 Vincenzo Galgano vincenzo.galg...@gmail.com:
 Grande notizia, la presenza su OSM di dati relativi alle attività outdoor è
 punto di forza notevole e l'apertura di questi dati facilita il compito alla
 Speriamo che un giorno anche il CAI possa intraprendere questa strada

 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 Talk-it mailing list

Maurizio Napo Napolitano

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] stazioni di ricarica elettrica

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden David Riccitelli

 * aggiunto nella TODO la verifica di 3/4 stazioni a Genoa create da
 Alessandro, al fine di evitare duplicati.
 c'è una cosa: user ale_zena [AT] libero.it mapped already 3 or 4
 charging stations in Genoa. In order to avoid duplicate data, these
 stations shall be deleted when data will be imported. al solito vuol dire
 che chi importa dati aggiunge eventuali informazioni mancanti a questi nodi
 già esistenti (visto che parliamo di 3 nodi la cosa più semplice è di
 togliere i corrispettivi nodi dal vostro dataset e di aggiungere a mano
 eventuali tag mancanti ai nodi già esistenti). Non vanno mai cancellato
 dati esistenti per sostituirli con gli stessi dati.

Ok, giusto, allora andremo ad aggiornare i nodi esistenti. Alessandro, mi
potresti dare un link ai nodi?

- rimosso addr:housenumber (ma lasciato al momento addr:street, che
ne dite?),

 direi che è la stessa cosa, vanno rimossi, la posizione postale
 approssimata si può sempre creare con reverse geocoding.

Ok, rimosso (http://api06.dev.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/28297).

In giornata facciamo l'annuncio su Import.

Grazie a tutti!


2013/7/9 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com

 Grazie David,

 2013/7/9 David Riccitelli da...@insideout.io

 Ecco un aggiornamento, abbiamo:

- modificato la pagina
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Enel_Open_Data in Inglese.

  * aggiunto nella TODO la verifica di 3/4 stazioni a Genoa create da
 Alessandro, al fine di evitare duplicati.

 c'è una cosa: user ale_zena [AT] libero.it mapped already 3 or 4
 charging stations in Genoa. In order to avoid duplicate data, these
 stations shall be deleted when data will be imported. al solito vuol dire
 che chi importa dati aggiunge eventuali informazioni mancanti a questi nodi
 già esistenti (visto che parliamo di 3 nodi la cosa più semplice è di
 togliere i corrispettivi nodi dal vostro dataset e di aggiungere a mano
 eventuali tag mancanti ai nodi già esistenti). Non vanno mai cancellato
 dati esistenti per sostituirli con gli stessi dati.

- rimosso addr:housenumber (ma lasciato al momento addr:street, che
ne dite?),

 direi che è la stessa cosa, vanno rimossi, la posizione postale
 approssimata si può sempre creare con reverse geocoding.

 Il changeset di test aggiornato é disponibile qui:

 Quali sono le prossime azioni?

 annunci in lista import (in inglese).


 Talk-it mailing list

David Riccitelli

-- check the Swagger for WordLift http://bit.ly/VtoM5H

InsideOut10 s.r.l.
P.IVA: IT-11381771002
Fax: +39 0110708239
LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/riccitelli
Twitter: ziodave
Layar Partner 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La SAT - � Tridentini rilascia in Open Data i dati dei sentieri

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste

Il 09/07/2013 11:03, Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:

la SAT � una sezione del CAI composta da 27.000 iscritti, magari ...

Io sono uno degli iscritti alla SAT), sto pensando di fare una mail e 
metterla qui e nelle altre mailing list che ho per spedirla come 
bombardamento richiesta. dici che può funzionare?

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Utenti che importano con errori

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden sabas88
questi due utenti stanno facendo import (sbagliati)

esempio http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.8245lon=16.13938zoom=15
e http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.70612lon=15.96067zoom=19

Potete contattarli / farli bloccare?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utenti che importano con errori

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Leonardo

Beh per avvisarli basta che usi la funzione di invio messaggio su OSM.
Chiedi loro da dove arrivano i dati, se hanno la licenza compatibile con 
la ODbl e che metodi di conversione/import stanno usando. Magari dì loro 
di scrivere qui in ML in modo tale da poterli aiutare. Se non 
rispondono, segnalazione al DWG e revert immediato.


Il 09/07/2013 12:22, sabas88 ha scritto:

questi due utenti stanno facendo import (sbagliati)

esempio http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.8245lon=16.13938zoom=15
e http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.70612lon=15.96067zoom=19

Potete contattarli / farli bloccare?


Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utenti che importano con errori

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Luca Delucchi
On 9 July 2013 12:22, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com wrote:



questo lo conosco e l'ho appena contattato, mi ha chiesto di fargli
sapere cosa sta sbagliando. se mi fate sapere riferisco

 Potete contattarli / farli bloccare?

per adesso si è autobloccato




Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utenti che importano con errori

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
Su flickr AlfiusMSA si chiama Alfredo di Padova

Se questo vuol dire che è di Padova, poso offrirli di darli una mano anche
in persona (dalla settimana prossima sono di nuovo a Padova). Quando gli
scrivi puoi chiedere dove risiede.


2013/7/9 Leonardo kinetocor...@gmail.com

  Beh per avvisarli basta che usi la funzione di invio messaggio su OSM.
 Chiedi loro da dove arrivano i dati, se hanno la licenza compatibile con
 la ODbl e che metodi di conversione/import stanno usando. Magari dì loro di
 scrivere qui in ML in modo tale da poterli aiutare. Se non rispondono,
 segnalazione al DWG e revert immediato.


 Il 09/07/2013 12:22, sabas88 ha scritto:

 questi due utenti stanno facendo import (sbagliati)

  esempio http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.8245lon=16.13938zoom=15
 e http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.70612lon=15.96067zoom=19

  Potete contattarli / farli bloccare?


 Talk-it mailing 

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utenti che importano con errori

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
Penso che si tratta della stessa persona o persone cha lavorano assieme

On 9 July 2013 12:22, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com wrote:

 questi due utenti stanno facendo import (sbagliati)

 esempio http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.8245lon=16.13938zoom=15
 e http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=41.70612lon=15.96067zoom=19

 Potete contattarli / farli bloccare?


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La SAT - Società degli Alpinistri Tridentini rilascia in Open Data i dati dei sentieri

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Dario Zontini
Appena concluso il mapping party di Daone [2] è arrivata la bella 
notizia del cambio di licenza dei sentieri SAT e così abbiamo 5000 km di 
sentieri da importare (circa 2000 km dovrebbero essere già presenti in 
OSM). Vorrei sottolineare alcuni aspetti prima che si inizi ad importare 

1) i dati SAT non sempre sono di buona precisione, pertanto quando si 
importano i dati di una zona conosciuta è bene valutarli prima del 
caricamento. Dal sito SAT: /I dati non sono frutto di un rilievo di 
precisione GPS ma in gran parte sono stati digitalizzati utilizzando 
come riferimento e sfondo la cartografia della Provincia Autonoma di 
Trento. Non vi è alcuna garanzia sul grado di precisione o sulla 
correttezza delle coordinate/.

2) cerchiamo il più possibile di unificare i tag utilizzati:
*ref:* riportare prima del numero E oppure O (es: ref=O246 oppure 
ref=E246) in quanto i sentieri sono catalogati anteponendo E se sono ad 
est  del fiume dell'Adige oppure O se sono ad ovest.

*operator:* Società degli Alpinisti Trentini
*source:* www.sat.tn.it
*osmc:symbol:* red:red:white_bar:XXX:black  dove al posto di XXX si 
riporta il numero del sentiero

3) per la classificazione delle difficoltà dei sentieri utilizzare 
questa tabella in modo da adattare la classificazione CAI-SAT con quella 
svizzera. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Silviopen/tabellasentieri.

4) utiliziare delle relazioni come indicato 

5) tenere aggiornata questa pagina 

Altri suggerimenti?

Dario Zontini

[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mappa_la_tua_estate_in_Trentino

Il 08/07/2013 22:57, Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:

Grazie all'attività dei soci SAT Dario Zontini, responsabile
dell'ufficio anagrafe di Storo [1] sul tema di GPS e Mappe con
OpenStreetMap [2]
e della preziosa collaborazione di Michele Zanolli (tecnico GIS del
comune di Trento) ora la SAT - Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini ha
deciso di rilasciare le traccie GPX dei loro sentieri con una licenza
Open Data.

Storo e' stato il primo comune del Trentino che ha aperto i dati
*catastali* riversandoli su OpenStreetMap
compresi anche i *numeri civici* come si vede su openstreetmap

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Elena ``of Valhalla''

Durante una gita con altri OSMer qualche tempo fa è saltata fuori l'idea 
di preparare un biglietto da visita da lasciare ai vari alberghi, 
ristoranti ecc. nel momento in cui si prende il loro biglietto 
per inserirne i dati su OSM.

L'idea era anche che il biglietto puntasse ad una pagina con
informazioni su cos'è OSM e soprattutto come usarlo per gli scopi 
tipici di cui può avere bisogno un esercizio pubblico: mappa 
sul sito, mappa da stampare per volantini/biglietti.

Ho preparato una bozza di come possa essere fatta la pagina_ 
(da integrare) e ho provato a fare qualche prova per il biglietto, 
ma stava uscendo un obbrobrio per cui mi sono limitata ad uploadarne 
una bozza con i contenuti proposti.

.. _pagina: 
Qualcuno che ne è capace ha tempo/voglia di tirar fuori qualcosa 
di adatto allo scopo?

Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere 
messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche 

Elena ``of Valhalla''

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simone Saviolo
Non male come idea!

Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 14:01, Elena ``of Valhalla'' 
elena.valha...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
 italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
 Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere
 messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche

Un tag QR?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Utenti che importano con errori

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden sabas88
Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 13:00, Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com ha

 On 9 July 2013 12:22, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com wrote:



 questo lo conosco e l'ho appena contattato, mi ha chiesto di fargli
 sapere cosa sta sbagliando. se mi fate sapere riferisco

Nel caso di Alfius ha importato edifici senza tag, nel caso di studiovega
probabilmente sono stati importati i nodi e non le linee (ci sono nodi con
building=residential a gruppi di quattro)...

  Potete contattarli / farli bloccare?

 per adesso si è autobloccato

Nel caso fosse un import c'è comunque anche la parte burocratica da
espletare :-)




 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden sabas88
Mi piace, una volta parlando con qualcuno avevo buttato là l'idea di fare
gli adesivi tipo quelli che mandano quelli di Google e Tripadvisor...
Si potrebbe fare anche una pagina sul blog o in altro luogo..


Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 14:05, Simone Saviolo
simone.savi...@gmail.comha scritto:

 Non male come idea!

 Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 14:01, Elena ``of Valhalla'' 
 elena.valha...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
 italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
 Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere
 messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche

 Un tag QR?



 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Elena ``of Valhalla''
On 2013-07-09 at 14:05:19 +0200, Simone Saviolo wrote:
  Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
  italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
  Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere
  messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche
 Un tag QR?

ottima idea aggiungerlo, ma credo che sia meglio mettere comunque 
anche l'URL in modo leggibile da umani

Elena ``of Valhalla''

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simone Saviolo
Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 14:20, Elena ``of Valhalla'' 
elena.valha...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 On 2013-07-09 at 14:05:19 +0200, Simone Saviolo wrote:
   Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
   italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
   Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere
   messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche
  Un tag QR?

 ottima idea aggiungerlo, ma credo che sia meglio mettere comunque
 anche l'URL in modo leggibile da umani

+1, senz'altro.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden bertalan.i...@gmail.com
Serve una comunicazione chiara e mirata (del tipo: sei sfigato se non ci
sei ancora).

Evitate cose tecnologiche, il 90% ha il cellulare più figo del momento ma
magari non lo sanno usare e si infastidiscono se scoprono qualcosa di nuovo.
Come la vedo io sarebbe cosa carina obbligarli a farlo.

Sull'adesivo metterei:

Sono su OSM (grande)
e su altri siti amici (piccolo)

Per il costo che ha si potrebbe registrare il dominio www.SonoSuOSM.it e
redirigere alla pagina del wiki.
Nel wiki gli darei il benvenuto nella comunità in grado di costruire i
progetti più spettacolari etc.
Qui bisogna giocare sporco, si tratta di commercio e solo dopo lo si potrà
sensibilizzare ed educare sui buoni propositi.

I miei 2ç

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Gianluca Boero

Il 09/07/2013 14:01, Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha scritto:


Durante una gita con altri OSMer qualche tempo fa è saltata fuori l'idea
di preparare un biglietto da visita da lasciare ai vari alberghi,
ristoranti ecc. nel momento in cui si prende il loro biglietto
per inserirne i dati su OSM.

L'idea era anche che il biglietto puntasse ad una pagina con
informazioni su cos'è OSM e soprattutto come usarlo per gli scopi
tipici di cui può avere bisogno un esercizio pubblico: mappa
sul sito, mappa da stampare per volantini/biglietti.

Ho preparato una bozza di come possa essere fatta la pagina_
(da integrare) e ho provato a fare qualche prova per il biglietto,
ma stava uscendo un obbrobrio per cui mi sono limitata ad uploadarne
una bozza con i contenuti proposti.

.. _pagina: 
Qualcuno che ne è capace ha tempo/voglia di tirar fuori qualcosa
di adatto allo scopo?

Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere
messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche

Ottima idea e non lo trovo neanche male come lo hai fatto, anzi.
Per il fatto delle licenze ok metterle, anche se poi la maggior parte 
non sapranno cosa sono.
Magari dopo la frase dei volontari raccolgono puoi inserire la 
parola gratuitamente, che per noi deve essere scontata ma credo possa 
fare effetto su alcuni esercenti.

Gianluca Boero

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] stazioni di ricarica elettrica

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

On 09/lug/2013, at 11:19, David Riccitelli da...@insideout.io wrote:

 Grazie a tutti!

grazie a te, è un bel dataset da aver integrato!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Giulio Garbi

Il 09/07/2013 14:36, Gianluca Boero ha scritto:

Il 09/07/2013 14:01, Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha scritto:


Durante una gita con altri OSMer qualche tempo fa è saltata fuori l'idea
di preparare un biglietto da visita da lasciare ai vari alberghi,
ristoranti ecc. nel momento in cui si prende il loro biglietto
per inserirne i dati su OSM.

L'idea era anche che il biglietto puntasse ad una pagina con
informazioni su cos'è OSM e soprattutto come usarlo per gli scopi
tipici di cui può avere bisogno un esercizio pubblico: mappa
sul sito, mappa da stampare per volantini/biglietti.

Ho preparato una bozza di come possa essere fatta la pagina_
(da integrare) e ho provato a fare qualche prova per il biglietto,
ma stava uscendo un obbrobrio per cui mi sono limitata ad uploadarne
una bozza con i contenuti proposti.

.. _pagina: 

Qualcuno che ne è capace ha tempo/voglia di tirar fuori qualcosa
di adatto allo scopo?

Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere
messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche

Ottima idea e non lo trovo neanche male come lo hai fatto, anzi.
Per il fatto delle licenze ok metterle, anche se poi la maggior parte 
non sapranno cosa sono.
Magari dopo la frase dei volontari raccolgono puoi inserire la 
parola gratuitamente, che per noi deve essere scontata ma credo 
possa fare effetto su alcuni esercenti.

Non male il biglietto da visita, però conviene preparare, secondo me, un 
biglietto light con in pratica solo il frontespizio e il link da dare 
agli operatori poco pratici con la tecnologia.
Non escludo che qualcuno poco abile riesca a dedurre che d'ora in poi se 
aderisce dovrà dare pasti gratuiti (nel caso del ristorante) a tutti 
quelli che si presentano con quel biglietto...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] stazioni di ricarica elettrica

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden David Riccitelli
Ho inviato la richiesta su imports.

Vi tengo aggiornati,


2013/7/9 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com

 On 09/lug/2013, at 11:19, David Riccitelli da...@insideout.io wrote:

  Grazie a tutti!

 grazie a te, è un bel dataset da aver integrato!

 Talk-it mailing list

David Riccitelli

-- check the Swagger for WordLift http://bit.ly/VtoM5H

InsideOut10 s.r.l.
P.IVA: IT-11381771002
Fax: +39 0110708239
LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/riccitelli
Twitter: ziodave
Layar Partner 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
Io piuttosto proporrei di usare un eventuale dominio per un semplice form
nel quale l'operatore possa inserire i dettagli del esercizio ed il form,
magari, pubblichi in automatico una nota su OSM in modo che poi uno dei
mappatori più esperti possa inserire il nodo (magari la nota già contiene i
dati nel formato corretto).

per catturae la posizione si può usare una mappa leaflet e catture il

Con un bel captcha per evitare inserimenti spammosi

Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 15:48, Giulio Garbi juliu...@alice.it ha scritto:

 Il 09/07/2013 14:36, Gianluca Boero ha scritto:

  Il 09/07/2013 14:01, Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha scritto:


 Durante una gita con altri OSMer qualche tempo fa è saltata fuori l'idea
 di preparare un biglietto da visita da lasciare ai vari alberghi,
 ristoranti ecc. nel momento in cui si prende il loro biglietto
 per inserirne i dati su OSM.

 L'idea era anche che il biglietto puntasse ad una pagina con
 informazioni su cos'è OSM e soprattutto come usarlo per gli scopi
 tipici di cui può avere bisogno un esercizio pubblico: mappa
 sul sito, mappa da stampare per volantini/biglietti.

 Ho preparato una bozza di come possa essere fatta la pagina_
 (da integrare) e ho provato a fare qualche prova per il biglietto,
 ma stava uscendo un obbrobrio per cui mi sono limitata ad uploadarne
 una bozza con i contenuti proposti.

 .. _pagina: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/**wiki/IT:Benvenuto/Operatore_
 Qualcuno che ne è capace ha tempo/voglia di tirar fuori qualcosa
 di adatto allo scopo?

 Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
 italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
 Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere
 messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche

  Ottima idea e non lo trovo neanche male come lo hai fatto, anzi.
 Per il fatto delle licenze ok metterle, anche se poi la maggior parte non
 sapranno cosa sono.
 Magari dopo la frase dei volontari raccolgono puoi inserire la
 parola gratuitamente, che per noi deve essere scontata ma credo possa
 fare effetto su alcuni esercenti.

  Non male il biglietto da visita, però conviene preparare, secondo me, un
 biglietto light con in pratica solo il frontespizio e il link da dare
 agli operatori poco pratici con la tecnologia.
 Non escludo che qualcuno poco abile riesca a dedurre che d'ora in poi se
 aderisce dovrà dare pasti gratuiti (nel caso del ristorante) a tutti quelli
 che si presentano con quel biglietto...

 Talk-it mailing list

Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
skype: asca_edom
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
e pensandoci, non occorre neppure creare un sito ad hoc , basta
blog.openstreetmap.it ...

Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 16:06, Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi 
e.marascal...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 Io piuttosto proporrei di usare un eventuale dominio per un semplice form
 nel quale l'operatore possa inserire i dettagli del esercizio ed il form,
 magari, pubblichi in automatico una nota su OSM in modo che poi uno dei
 mappatori più esperti possa inserire il nodo (magari la nota già contiene i
 dati nel formato corretto).

 per catturae la posizione si può usare una mappa leaflet e catture il

 Con un bel captcha per evitare inserimenti spammosi

 Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 15:48, Giulio Garbi juliu...@alice.it ha

 Il 09/07/2013 14:36, Gianluca Boero ha scritto:

  Il 09/07/2013 14:01, Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha scritto:


 Durante una gita con altri OSMer qualche tempo fa è saltata fuori l'idea
 di preparare un biglietto da visita da lasciare ai vari alberghi,
 ristoranti ecc. nel momento in cui si prende il loro biglietto
 per inserirne i dati su OSM.

 L'idea era anche che il biglietto puntasse ad una pagina con
 informazioni su cos'è OSM e soprattutto come usarlo per gli scopi
 tipici di cui può avere bisogno un esercizio pubblico: mappa
 sul sito, mappa da stampare per volantini/biglietti.

 Ho preparato una bozza di come possa essere fatta la pagina_
 (da integrare) e ho provato a fare qualche prova per il biglietto,
 ma stava uscendo un obbrobrio per cui mi sono limitata ad uploadarne
 una bozza con i contenuti proposti.

 .. _pagina: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/**
 Qualcuno che ne è capace ha tempo/voglia di tirar fuori qualcosa
 di adatto allo scopo?

 Un'altro problema è l'URL: non so se convenga scriverla direttamente in
 italiano oppure scriverla in inglese, tipo IT:Welcome/[?].
 Oltre a questo ho paura che sia un po' troppo lunga per essere
 messa sul biglietto da visita; è il caso di usare qualche

  Ottima idea e non lo trovo neanche male come lo hai fatto, anzi.
 Per il fatto delle licenze ok metterle, anche se poi la maggior parte
 non sapranno cosa sono.
 Magari dopo la frase dei volontari raccolgono puoi inserire la
 parola gratuitamente, che per noi deve essere scontata ma credo possa
 fare effetto su alcuni esercenti.

  Non male il biglietto da visita, però conviene preparare, secondo me,
 un biglietto light con in pratica solo il frontespizio e il link da dare
 agli operatori poco pratici con la tecnologia.
 Non escludo che qualcuno poco abile riesca a dedurre che d'ora in poi se
 aderisce dovrà dare pasti gratuiti (nel caso del ristorante) a tutti quelli
 che si presentano con quel biglietto...

 Talk-it mailing list

 Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
 skype: asca_edom

Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
skype: asca_edom
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La SAT - Società degli Alpinistri Tridentini rilascia in Open Data i dati dei sentieri

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Tiziano D'Angelo
2013/7/9 Dario Zontini dario.zont...@cedisnet.it

  Appena concluso il mapping party di Daone [2] è arrivata la bella
 notizia del cambio di licenza dei sentieri SAT e così abbiamo 5000 km di
 sentieri da importare (circa 2000 km dovrebbero essere già presenti in
 OSM). Vorrei sottolineare alcuni aspetti prima che si inizi ad importare

 1) i dati SAT non sempre sono di buona precisione, pertanto quando si
 importano i dati di una zona conosciuta è bene valutarli prima del
 caricamento. Dal sito SAT: *I dati non sono frutto di un rilievo di
 precisione GPS ma in gran parte sono stati digitalizzati utilizzando come
 riferimento e sfondo la cartografia della Provincia Autonoma di Trento. Non
 vi è alcuna garanzia sul grado di precisione o sulla correttezza delle

Concordo, spesso sono più accurate le foto di Bing e ovviamente le tracce
GPS (su terreno aperto) rispetto ai GPX della SAT. Quindi attenzione, vanno
bene come traccia ma poi vanno affinate.

 2) cerchiamo il più possibile di unificare i tag utilizzati:
 *ref:* riportare prima del numero E oppure O (es: ref=O246 oppure
 ref=E246) in quanto i sentieri sono catalogati anteponendo E se sono ad
 est  del fiume dell'Adige oppure O se sono ad ovest.

Dissento su questo. I cartelli dei percorsi nonché i segnavia riportano
solamente il numero senza la E o la O, quindi a mio modo di vedere il ref=*
è il solo numero di sentiero. Per la catalogazione della SAT ho utilizzato

Ok invece per tutto il resto :)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Elena ``of Valhalla''
On 2013-07-09 at 16:06:05 +0300, Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi wrote:
 Io piuttosto proporrei di usare un eventuale dominio per un semplice form
 nel quale l'operatore possa inserire i dettagli del esercizio ed il form,
 magari, pubblichi in automatico una nota su OSM in modo che poi uno dei
 mappatori più esperti possa inserire il nodo (magari la nota già contiene i
 dati nel formato corretto).

Questa è una buona idea indipendentemente, ma nel caso specifico 
non è molto utile: nel momento in cui sto dando il bigliettino 
ho già i dati dell'operatore (dal biglietto da visita, che comunque 
prenderei anche per me), la posizione (dalla traccia gpx che
tendenzialmente ho sempre quando sono in luoghi nuovi) e il 
mappatore esperto che inserisca tutto quanto (io :) ).

Quel che manca fondamentalmente è far sapere all'esercente che 
può smettere di usare le schermate sgranate di gmaps sui suoi volantini.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Biglietto da visita OSM per ristoranti, alberghi, ecc.

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden sabas88
Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 15:49, Elena ``of Valhalla'' 
elena.valha...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 Quel che manca fondamentalmente è far sapere all'esercente che
 può smettere di usare le schermate sgranate di gmaps sui suoi volantini.

Il problema non è l'esercente, ma il grafico che fa il volantino. Intorno
al mio ufficio ho diversi ristoranti / bar con volantino e gmaps in bella
vista (senza attribuzione). Al negozio di panini appena aperto ho portato
il volantino dicendo guardate che vi hanno messo sul molo sbagliato, ve la
faccio io la mappa, gli mando un rendering semplificato con Maperitive, lo
passano al grafico per fare le etichette e mi ritrovo di nuovo gmaps.

Per inserirmi sull'idea di Edoardo, l'eventuale 'landing page' alternativa
alla pagina wiki può contenere benissimo un form per segnalare l'attività
(su un'altra pagina) :)
Eventualmente un sottodominio?

 Elena ``of Valhalla''

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Correzione delle FAQ su blog.openstreetmap.it

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Elena ``of Valhalla''

già che guardavo http://blog.openstreetmap.it/faq/ ho notato 
che nelle FAQ si segnala ancora Openstreetbugs, alla domanda 
Come posso segnalare errori: suggerisco di cambiare il testo da 

Puoi anche segnalare piccoli errori in Openstreetbugs


Puoi anche segnalare piccoli errori aggiungendo una nota 
sul sito principale (http://www.openstreetmap.org) 
con il link in basso a destra.

o qualcosa del genere, cosa ne dite?

Non credo di avere i permessi per farlo io.
Elena ``of Valhalla''

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Correzione delle FAQ su blog.openstreetmap.it

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden sabas88
Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 16:07, Elena ``of Valhalla'' 
elena.valha...@gmail.com ha scritto:


 già che guardavo http://blog.openstreetmap.it/faq/ ho notato
 che nelle FAQ si segnala ancora Openstreetbugs, alla domanda
 Come posso segnalare errori: suggerisco di cambiare il testo da

 Puoi anche segnalare piccoli errori in Openstreetbugs


 Puoi anche segnalare piccoli errori aggiungendo una nota
 sul sito principale (http://www.openstreetmap.org)
 con il link in basso a destra.

 o qualcosa del genere, cosa ne dite?


 Non credo di avere i permessi per farlo io.

C'è un utente Valhalla che credo si sia creato quando hai postato qualcosa
sul diario OSM. Se vuoi ti metto la tua mail, ti do' i permessi e lo usi
come account..

 Elena ``of Valhalla''


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Correzione delle FAQ su blog.openstreetmap.it

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden sabas88
Il giorno 09 luglio 2013 16:54, Carlo Stemberger carlo.stember...@gmail.com
 ha scritto:

 Il 09/07/2013 16:47, sabas88 ha scritto:


 «Idealmente ti sottoscrivi da /OpenStreetMap/ cosa ti consente di
 cominciare direttamente con la modifica dei dati.»

 Scusate, ma che lingua è?

 /me umile copiaincollatore
/me ha sistemato



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 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La SAT - Società degli Alpinistri Tridentini rilascia in Open Data i dati dei sentieri

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

On 09/lug/2013, at 13:56, Dario Zontini dario.zont...@cedisnet.it wrote:

 in gran parte sono stati digitalizzati utilizzando come riferimento e sfondo 
 la cartografia della Provincia Autonoma di Trento

e anche quella cartografia ha una licenza compatibile con la ODbL? È importante 
per poter importare.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] La SAT - Società degli Alpinistri Tridentini rilascia in Open Data i dati dei sentieri

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
 09/lug/2013, at 13:56, Dario Zontini dario.zont...@cedisnet.it wrote:

 in gran parte sono stati digitalizzati utilizzando come riferimento e sfondo 
 la cartografia della Provincia Autonoma di Trento

 e anche quella cartografia ha una licenza compatibile con la ODbL? È 
 importante per poter importare.

qui apri una grande discussione.
Personalmente posso attivarmi come dati.trentino.it, ma vi invito
comunque a mandare una email di richiesta al sito.
Sta di fatto pero' che la SAT ha ottenuto il permesso per
digitalizzare quei dati da quella cartografia e farne
quello che vuole.
Pertanto, se ci fossero problemi non dovrebbero ricadere su openstreetmap.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] landuse

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Mario Pichetti

Il 09/07/2013 18:14, Mario Pichetti ha scritto:

Il 09/07/2013 17:31, bredy ha scritto:

Qualcuno ha suggerimenti per la domanda precedente? Le aree naturali di
interesse ambientale comunale che landuse dovrei usare?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] landuse

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Mario Pichetti

Il 09/07/2013 17:31, bredy ha scritto:

Qualcuno ha suggerimenti per la domanda precedente? Le aree naturali di
interesse ambientale comunale che landuse dovrei usare?

Mi domandavo anche aree come piazzola ecologica, depuratore e tutte le aree
di servizio comunale come depositi, ecc con che landuse dovrei

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Depositi bus..ecc.http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Depot

Poi fai un giretto a Milano 
oppure a Bologna 

Ciao Mario.



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Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] parcheggio camion

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden bredy
Come si possono indicare parcheggi per soli camion?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] parcheggio camion

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden David Riccitelli
Dovrebbe essere con il tag *access*:



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On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 9:08 PM, bredy bredy...@yahoo.it wrote:

 Come si possono indicare parcheggi per soli camion?

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] parcheggio camion

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Mario Pichetti

Il 09/07/2013 20:08, bredy ha scritto:

Come si possono indicare parcheggi per soli camion?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list




Le informazioni contenute in questa comunicazione sono riservate e destinate
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informare il mittente rispondendo a questa mail.

I dati riportati nel presente documento sono trattati nel rispetto del
D.Lgs. 196/2003 (Codice della Privacy) sulla tutela dei dati personali.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] LearnOSM in formato ebook

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Simone Cortesi
Vi aggiorno sulla faccenda:

grazie a Stefano Sabatini ho scoperto un metodo per pubblicare su
amazon ebook gratis, con qualche passaggio che richiede circa 10
giorni (purtoppo per i primi 10 giorni il libro sarà a pagamento, se
dovessero esserci vendite, donero' i proventi a OSMF).

credits: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (Autore), Stefano Sabatini
(Traduttore), Fabrizio Carrai (Traduttore), Fabrizio Tambussa
(Traduttore), Paolo Pozzan (Traduttore), Andrea Ricci (Redattore),
Simone Cortesi (Redattore).

c'e' qualche errore?

link al file: 
(calibre sotto linux a me lo apre, ad altri, no).

Fatemi sapere,
appena raggiunto il consenso, schiaccio il bottone di pubblicazione.

2013/7/8 Simone Cortesi sim...@cortesi.com:
 2013/7/7 Martin Koppenhöfer dieterdre...@gmail.com:
 Su Amazon?


 mi sembra una ottima idea. domani do un occhiata a come funziona la
 pubblicazione su amazon.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] LearnOSM in formato ebook

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste

Il 09/07/2013 22:59, Simone Cortesi ha scritto:

Vi aggiorno sulla faccenda:

grazie a Stefano Sabatini ho scoperto un metodo per pubblicare su
amazon ebook gratis, con qualche passaggio che richiede circa 10
giorni (purtoppo per i primi 10 giorni il libro sar� a pagamento, se
dovessero esserci vendite, donero' i proventi a OSMF).

credits: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (Autore), Stefano Sabatini
(Traduttore), Fabrizio Carrai (Traduttore), Fabrizio Tambussa
(Traduttore), Paolo Pozzan (Traduttore), Andrea Ricci (Redattore),
Simone Cortesi (Redattore).

c'e' qualche errore?

link al file: 
(calibre sotto linux a me lo apre, ad altri, no).

Fatemi sapere,
appena raggiunto il consenso, schiaccio il bottone di pubblicazione.

Sul mio debian kde, con fbreader si legge egregiamente, bisogna farci un 
pò manetta.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] LearnOSM in formato ebook

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden marco bra

- Il file di sabas88 .epub si legge bene con calibre and fbreader
- il file di Simone .mobi da errore python (related to utf8) in
apertura con Calibre si legge invece con fbreader

In una prova locale ho convertito il file da  .epub → .mobi usando
Calibre e non da' errore.

Una particolarità non ho visto nessuna info circa la versione del
libro ne' di date di riferimento
Il contenuto  non e',  forse, già da aggiornare ?
Non c'e nulla riguardo l'editor id e la funzionalità per le note sulle
mappe... da osm


Il 09 luglio 2013 23:06, girarsi_liste liste.gira...@gmail.com ha scritto:
 Il 09/07/2013 22:59, Simone Cortesi ha scritto:

 Vi aggiorno sulla faccenda:

 grazie a Stefano Sabatini ho scoperto un metodo per pubblicare su
 amazon ebook gratis, con qualche passaggio che richiede circa 10
 giorni (purtoppo per i primi 10 giorni il libro sar� a pagamento, se

 dovessero esserci vendite, donero' i proventi a OSMF).

 credits: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (Autore), Stefano Sabatini
 (Traduttore), Fabrizio Carrai (Traduttore), Fabrizio Tambussa
 (Traduttore), Paolo Pozzan (Traduttore), Andrea Ricci (Redattore),
 Simone Cortesi (Redattore).

 c'e' qualche errore?

 link al file:
 (calibre sotto linux a me lo apre, ad altri, no).

 Fatemi sapere,
 appena raggiunto il consenso, schiaccio il bottone di pubblicazione.

 Sul mio debian kde, con fbreader si legge egregiamente, bisogna farci un pò

 Simone Girardelli

 Talk-it mailing list

Linux Infinite Freedom

I'm writing from this place:

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Wired Map Lab

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden emmexx
Un nuovo servizio di Wired:



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Visi Vilniaus adresai jau OSM'e

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Justas Ingelevičius

na adresai tikrai žymiai tikslesni nei tarkim google maps :) Mano namas su
kaimynais, kurių niekas niekada neranda, sužymėti puikiai.

2013 m. liepa 8 d. 23:21, Tomas Straupis tomasstrau...@gmail.com rašė:

 P.S. Apsižvalgykite aplinkui (OSM duomenyse) ir patikrinkite, ar
 tikrai adresų informacija Vilniuje tokia puiki, kaip mums atrodo? :-)

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Visi Vilniaus adresai jau OSM'e

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Tomas Straupis
2013 m. liepa 9 d. 13:08, Darius Žitkevičius rašė:
 Tau paminklą reikia pastatyti.

  Na ir vėl ne man :-)
  Adresai gauti Atvirų duomenų judėjimo, Eduardo ir šiaip Vilniaus
Savivaldybės gerų intencijų ir atvirumo dėka.
  O importo programas parašė ir adresus į OSM db sukėlė Ramūnas.

  Aš, kaip visada, Špunkoj alų gėriau :-D


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Visi Vilniaus adresai jau OSM'e

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Albertas Agejevas
On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 11:21:43PM +0300, Tomas Straupis wrote:
   Džiugios naujienos! Vilniaus Savivaldybė viešai paskelbė Vilniaus
 adresų duomenis. Jie jau įkelti į OSM. Adresų pasikeitimai (VS
 įsakymai) stebimi kasdien ir pokyčiai įkeliami į OSM duomenų bazę.
   Detalesnė informacija apie tai Ramūno įraše OSM-LT bloge:
   Tai reiškia, kad nuo dabar OSM'e yra visi Vilniaus adresai ir jie
 yra aktualūs (pastoviai palaikomi/atnaujinami). OSM žemėlapiai
 atnaujinami dažniausiai, tad mes turime geriausią adresų informacijos

Tai bent!  Nerealus pasiekimas.


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] [oxoncotswolds] Possible pub meetup with the West Midlands crew in early October?

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Rob Nickerson
Sounds like a good plan :-)

And thanks both for making me hungry!!

On 8 July 2013 17:45, Andy Robinson ajrli...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes, in the West Mids group a while back we mulled the idea of doing a
 meet with our southerly brethren on Oxfordshire.
 We are proposing  Saturday October 5th in Banbury as its offers probably
 best transport links for us all.

 Who's up for that?

 The 5th Oct seems to fit with one or two others and its sufficiently after
 SOTM to allow the west mids folks to come down from the high!

 No schedule but I'd expect it to be a bit of an ad-hoc mapping party before
 adjourning to the pub but if something more substantial gets organised
 that's cool. We certainly would need:
 1. A cake
 2. Suitable pub
 3. Possible wifi enable venue for editing if desired
 4. Some sharing of transport if logical.
 5. Ideas for anything else to do in Banbury or the vicinity.

 Would be nice to see some others from beyond the two regions there too.

 Feedback and ideas please and I'll kick off a wiki page unless someone gets
 to it before me.


 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Chadwick [mailto:a.t.chadw...@gmail.com]
 Sent: 08 July 2013 17:40
 To: Oxford, Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds
 Subject: [oxoncotswolds] Possible pub meetup with the West Midlands crew in
 early October?

 Just came up on IRC. Would anybody be up for an Oxon+Cotswolds+West
 meetup in, say Banbury; on, say, the 5th October. After SOTM, that is.
 Nothing particularly set in stone yet, and venue to be decided, although
 White Horse has been suggested.

 Andrew Chadwick

 Talk-gb-oxoncotswolds mailing list

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 Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[Talk-at] Adressen der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6 in Wien

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Markus Straub

was ist wohl die offizielle Adresse der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6?

Stadtbahnbogen 153
1090 Wien

.. wenn ja, welches addr:* tag nehm ich für Stadtbahnbogen?

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Adressen der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6 in Wien

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Labres
On 09.07.13 18:08, Markus Straub wrote:
 was ist wohl die offizielle Adresse der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6?

Lt. wien.at Stadtplan U-Bahn-Bogen #, traditionell wohl eher Stadtbahnbogen 

 .. wenn ja, welches addr:* tag nehm ich für Stadtbahnbogen?

Gibt's eine Straße namens Stadtbahnbogen? Nein. Daher addr:place. IMO.

Servus, Andreas

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Adressen der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6 in Wien

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Norbert Wenzel

On 09.07.2013 18:18, Andreas Labres wrote:

On 09.07.13 18:08, Markus Straub wrote:

was ist wohl die offizielle Adresse der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6?

Lt. wien.at Stadtplan U-Bahn-Bogen #, traditionell wohl eher Stadtbahnbogen 

.. wenn ja, welches addr:* tag nehm ich für Stadtbahnbogen?

Gibt's eine Straße namens Stadtbahnbogen? Nein. Daher addr:place. IMO.

Obwohl ich die addr:place Lösung für Orte ohne eigene Straßennamen sehr 
gut und elegant find, ist sie leider imo aber für die Stadtbahnbögen 
nicht geeignet. Denn es gibt einfach keinen wie auch immer gearteten 
Place Stadtbahnbogen. Und nur um den Nominatim zufrieden zu stellen würd 
ich auch keines erfinden wollen.

Imo hilft da nur addr:full=[ev. Name,] Stadtbahnbogen x,  Wien, AT 
und Nominatim wird den dann aber nie finden, außer er wendet die ganzen 
alten Heuristiken irgendwie auf addr:full an und es funktioniert zufällig.


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Adressen der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6 in Wien

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Labres
On 09.07.13 18:31, Norbert Wenzel wrote:
 Denn es gibt einfach keinen wie auch immer gearteten Place Stadtbahnbogen.

Stadtbahnbogen ist ein Geonym, denke ich. Auch wenn wir praktisch keine
Möglichkeit haben, es zu mappen (mir fiele auch keine ein). Drum passt
addr:place grundsätzlich, auch wenn Nominatim die Adressen nicht wird finden 

Wollte man das Problem ideal lösen, müßte man eine dritte Klasse erfinden,
Namen, die sich weder auf eine Straße noch auf einen Place (ich schreib das in
Anführungszeichen, weil Nominatim ja in einer Reihe von Tags solche
Eltern-Objektnamen sucht) beziehen. Und Nominatim müßte dann ein quasi
virtuelles Elternobjekt für alle Stadtbahnbogen-Adressen erzeugen.

addr:full ist eine Fleißaufgabe, die kannst' machen, die hilft aber auch in
dieser Situation nicht.

Servus, Andreas

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Adressen der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6 in Wien

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Friedrich Volkmann

On 09.07.2013 18:08, Markus Straub wrote:

was ist wohl die offizielle Adresse der Gürtelbögen entlang der U6?

Stadtbahnbogen 153
1090 Wien

.. wenn ja, welches addr:* tag nehm ich für Stadtbahnbogen?

Dass und warum ich von addr:place überhaupt nichts halte, habe ich schon in 
einem früheren Thread erklärt.

addr:hamlet und addr:street passen hier aber auch nicht viel besser, da 
manche Adressen mit Stadtbahnbogen x und andere mit Stadtbahnbögen (also 
Plural) x-y angegeben werden. Stadtbahnbogen/Stadtbahnbögen ist also ein 
individueller Bestandteil jeder einzelnen Adresse.

Darum erscheint mir am sinnvollsten: addr:housename=Stadtbahnbogen 153

Manchmal wird zusätzlich ein Straßenname angegeben, z.B. Währinger Gürtel. 
Dann einfach zusätzlich addr:street=Währinger Gürtel setzen. Solang keiner 
den Fehler macht, addr:housenumber=153 zu setzen, passt alles zusammen.

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Fwd: [OpenStreetMap] Re: Nume de strazi modificate

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Strainu
Nu e ciudat, e posibil să fie așa din motive istorice. Centura aia e
relativ recentă...

În data de 9 iulie 2013, 08:47, Razvan razvanedu...@gmail.com a scris:
 din ce stiu eu DN1 e centura ocolitoare. CNANDR asa se refera la ea, la
 situatia drumurilor nationale ca sunt niste lucrari la un pod acolo.
 O sa ma mai uit si prin ploiesti pe strazile centrale daca mai apare vreo
 referinta la DN1, dar cred ca ar fi ciudat sa fie 2 DN1 'paralele'.

 On 7.7.2013 23:25, Razvan wrote:

 Despre CB , ar trebui sa fie doar CB , pentru ca asa se numeste Centura
 Bucurestiului. Si in informatiile de la CNADNR este denumita doar Centura
 Bucurestiului. DNA1 nu exista. Doar DN1A. Este o greseala in intersectia
 aceea de pe Iuliu Maniu. DN1A intra in Bucuresti pe Bulevardul Bucurestii
 Noi, apoi pe Calea Grivitei dar nu stiu care este punctul de origine de
 aici. Legat de Ploiesti, poate ne spune cineva de acolo cum sta treaba cu

 On 07.07.2013 22:58, Michael Häckel wrote:


 Cred că acum am făcut aproximativ toți ce noi am hotărât să schimbăm

 Despre referințe am niște întrebări:
 Șoseaua de Centură București e „DN CB” sau „CB”?
 Zalău și Timișoara au doar CZ și CT pentru centurile lor.

 În vestul Bucureștiului avem DN1A și DNA1. Amândoi sunt corect? Bulevardul
 Eroilor și Șoseaua Cotroceni sunt DN1A?

 Strada principală prin Ploiești și Centura de Vest amândoi sunt DN1?


 Am Freitag, 31. Mai 2013, 10:25:42 schrieb Eddy Petrișor:

 În data de 22.05.2013 22:37, Michael Häckel michael.haec...@web.de a


 Îmi pare rău dar până acum nu am înțeles cum pot testa pe codul. Am

 gândit că

 eu scrie codul meu și tu scrii codul tău.

 Nu ziceam să testezi tu codul meu, ci doar că nu a mai existat activitate
 în ultima vreme.

 Am Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013, 20:55:54 schrieb Eddy Petrișor:

 Codul cu pricina era scris de mine, este public și oricine e binevenit


 întreţină. Michael Häckel are acces acolo deja, dar nici el n-a mai


 modificări pe cod don decembrie.


 Eu nu am mai avut timp și ultima dată lucrat la un set de teste pentru

 a fi

 sigur că softul se comporta corect.

 Se pot face modificări pe branch-ul mob fără nici un fel de aprobări.

 Dacă vrea careva acces în alte zone, trebuie să adaug utilizatorul ca
 poarte din proiect.

 Talk-ro mailing list

 Talk-ro mailing list

 Talk-ro mailing list

Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Fwd: [OpenStreetMap] Re: Nume de strazi modificate

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Gabriel Sebastian Moise
Pana sa se faca Centura de Vest Ploiesti  , DN1 trecea prin Ploiesti. Mai
apoi Centura Ploiesti a devenit DN1/E60, o mica portiune din ea este si
DN1A, unde mai apoi face dreapta spre est prin sensul giratoriu de la
carrefour, si apoi se duce pe la nord de Blejoi si apoi o ia  spre nord
catre Valenii de Munte, Maneciu, Cheia..

În data de 9 iulie 2013, 10:09, Strainu [via GIS] 
ml-node+s19327n576887...@n5.nabble.com a scris:

 Nu e ciudat, e posibil să fie așa din motive istorice. Centura aia e
 relativ recentă...

 În data de 9 iulie 2013, 08:47, Razvan [hidden 
 a scris:

  din ce stiu eu DN1 e centura ocolitoare. CNANDR asa se refera la ea, la
  situatia drumurilor nationale ca sunt niste lucrari la un pod acolo.
  O sa ma mai uit si prin ploiesti pe strazile centrale daca mai apare
  referinta la DN1, dar cred ca ar fi ciudat sa fie 2 DN1 'paralele'.
  On 7.7.2013 23:25, Razvan wrote:
  Despre CB , ar trebui sa fie doar CB , pentru ca asa se numeste Centura
  Bucurestiului. Si in informatiile de la CNADNR este denumita doar
  Bucurestiului. DNA1 nu exista. Doar DN1A. Este o greseala in intersectia
  aceea de pe Iuliu Maniu. DN1A intra in Bucuresti pe Bulevardul
  Noi, apoi pe Calea Grivitei dar nu stiu care este punctul de origine de
  aici. Legat de Ploiesti, poate ne spune cineva de acolo cum sta treaba
  On 07.07.2013 22:58, Michael Häckel wrote:
  Cred că acum am făcut aproximativ toți ce noi am hotărât să schimbăm
  Despre referințe am niște întrebări:
  Șoseaua de Centură București e „DN CB” sau „CB”?
  Zalău și Timișoara au doar CZ și CT pentru centurile lor.
  În vestul Bucureștiului avem DN1A și DNA1. Amândoi sunt corect?
  Eroilor și Șoseaua Cotroceni sunt DN1A?
  Strada principală prin Ploiești și Centura de Vest amândoi sunt DN1?
  Am Freitag, 31. Mai 2013, 10:25:42 schrieb Eddy Petrișor:
  În data de 22.05.2013 22:37, Michael Häckel [hidden 
  Îmi pare rău dar până acum nu am înțeles cum pot testa pe codul. Am
  gândit că
  eu scrie codul meu și tu scrii codul tău.
  Nu ziceam să testezi tu codul meu, ci doar că nu a mai existat
  în ultima vreme.
  Am Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013, 20:55:54 schrieb Eddy Petrișor:
  Codul cu pricina era scris de mine, este public și oricine e binevenit
  întreţină. Michael Häckel are acces acolo deja, dar nici el n-a mai
  modificări pe cod don decembrie.
  Eu nu am mai avut timp și ultima dată lucrat la un set de teste pentru
  a fi
  sigur că softul se comporta corect.
  Se pot face modificări pe branch-ul mob fără nici un fel de aprobări.
  Dacă vrea careva acces în alte zone, trebuie să adaug utilizatorul ca
  poarte din proiect.
  Talk-ro mailing list
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  If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion

  To start a new topic under Romania, email
 To unsubscribe from Fwd: [OpenStreetMap] Re: Nume de strazi modificate, click

Toate cele bune !
Gabriel Sebastian  Moise
Administrator Local - Departament Tehnic
NextGen Communications S.R.L. - Campina

Mobil NextGen  : 076 111 

Re: [Talk-ro] Import populație actualizată

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Strainu

Într-un final apoteotic au scos și datele pe 2011 până la comune.
Întrebarea este: are rost să facem importul acum, pentru doar câteva
sute de orașe, sau așteptăm până facem rost și de sate?

Pentru 2002 am datele până la nivel de sat de la [1] și sunt ușor
diferite de ce avem noi acum. Mai știe cineva de unde s-a făcut
importul inițial?

[1] http://www.kia.hu/konyvtar/erdely/erd2002/etnii2002.zip


În data de 5 ianuarie 2012, 19:48, Stefan UNGUREANU
stefan.ungure...@mytrek.ro a scris:

 Formatul de intrare poate sa fie orice, desi probabil unul usor de generat
 si citit este CSV.

 N-am idee cum sunt disponibile datele de la INS, dar probabil o varianta
 buna pentru import este sa fie cumva transformate in ceva gen :


 Eu nu ma pot ocupa de problema decat dupa 22 ianiarie, asa ca probabil e
 timp de analiza suficient.


 În data de 4 ianuarie 2012, 10:31, Stefan UNGUREANU
 stefan.ungure...@mytrek.ro a scris:

 Daca nu exista o alternativa mai buna, ma ofer sa fac importul

 Momentan nu există nicio alternativă :) Eu oricum mă joc zilele astea
 cu datele respective, dacă îmi dai un format de intrare pot să-ți
 formatez datele din 2002 așa cum vrei.


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Re: [Talk-ca] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Connors, Bernie (SNB)

IMHO all of your issues could be solved with applications of the OSM 
data.  The goal of OSM is to create an open data set that can be used by 
anybody to solve all of the issues in your list.  The goal of OSM is not to 
create a replacement for the Google Maps website but to create an alternative 
to the Google Maps data.  All of your issues could be addressed with OSM data 
and some programming.  I expect some or all of your issues have already been 
addressed.  For example the OSMR website is great for routing and driving 
directions - http://map.project-osrm.org/

Let's hear from the rest of the OSM talk-ca community.  Who has 
suggestions for Guillaume's other issues?


-Original Message-
From: Guillaume Pratte [mailto:guilla...@guillaumepratte.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, 2013-07-09 1:42 AM
To: talk-ca@openstreetmap.org OpenStreetMap
Subject: [Talk-ca] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis


I have been a serious user of OpenStreetMap for less than six months, and I am 
proud to recently have achieved my one hundredth contribution to the project. I 
really love the OpenStreetMap project, and I would like to replace my daily 
usage of Google Maps with OpenStreetMap.

But it just seems I cannot. Anybody else feel the same issues?

I'll give a few concrete examples why, humbly hoping that my words can 
encourage changes to the main website.

First point: searching. I have OpenStreetMap zoomed in to some region of 
Montreal, Canada. I input café, looking for a coffee shop. I get results from 
Nominatim, inviting me to visit a village in Brazil named Café or even the 
Café point in Antarctica. While these search results awaken my globetrotter's 
desire to explore the world, they frustrate me at the same time. Why couldn't 
Nominatim priorize results from the bounding box or surrounding? Why can't 
OpenStreetMap show me results on the map like the OverPass API does, performing 
a search on the tag amenity=cafe and showing the results on the map?

Second point: accessing POI information. I cannot click on point of interests 
(POI) to get more info about them. Why do we input address, business hours and 
phone numbers on shops and restaurants if the map cannot easily display this 
information to the user? Why do I have to show the map's data in order to have 
information on a point of interest?

Third point: maximum zoom level. Some area are densely populated, and 
OpenStreetMap's current zoom level is not enough to see all details of the map. 
This is really unfortunate. Example: http://osm.org/go/cIrNs6Qzp-- What are the 
restaurant surrounding the Hard Rock Café on this map? I have to use the editor 
to be able to zoom and see all data.

Fourth point: sharing a point of interest. There should be an easy way to do 
that. I have found a (complicated) way to do it, which is all but obvious to 
newcomers. Here is how:

. Using the layer icon at the top right of the map, I select Browse 
Map Data;
. I select the object I want to share (which is not always possible; 
sometimes it is hidden behind a residential area or similar);
. I click on Details
. On the resulting page, I click on View way on larger map
. I get an URL similar to this that I can share: 

Fifth point: routing. Why is there absolutely no routing implemented on the 
main OpenStreetMap website? This is I concede a naïve question, as it might be 
simply because of limited server resources. Once we have our new servers, is 
this something we want to implement, as a community?

I really like the OpenStreetMap project, and I dream to be able to use it as a 
primary map instead of Google Maps. I feel resolving these issues would bring 
me many steps closer to making that dream come true.

What do you all think? Do you also have showstoppers that prevent you to use 
OpenStreetMap as your primary and daily map?

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Re: [Talk-ca] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis

2013-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Harald Kliems
OpenStreetBrowser offers routing and clickable POIs. Higher zoom levels
were experimentally implemented on a server by the French OSM community but
I think it is no longer online. I can't remember the URL, but you should be
able to find the related discussion in the archives of the general talk
list (search for z19). Mapquest might also do some of the things requested.

With regards to what OSM and the OSM homepage are or aren't : Bernie
certainly has expressed one view that is widely held in the community. But
there are other positions as well, evidenced by the fact that discussions
like the one in this thread keep popping up.

Harald (who is also sad that for his everyday geodata needs he often ends
up using Google)

On Tuesday, July 9, 2013, Connors, Bernie (SNB) bernie.conn...@snb.ca

 IMHO all of your issues could be solved with applications of the
OSM data.  The goal of OSM is to create an open data set that can be used
by anybody to solve all of the issues in your list.  The goal of OSM is not
to create a replacement for the Google Maps website but to create an
alternative to the Google Maps data.  All of your issues could be addressed
with OSM data and some programming.  I expect some or all of your issues
have already been addressed.  For example the OSMR website is great for
routing and driving directions - http://map.project-osrm.org/

 Let's hear from the rest of the OSM talk-ca community.  Who has
suggestions for Guillaume's other issues?


 -Original Message-
 From: Guillaume Pratte [mailto:guilla...@guillaumepratte.net]
 Sent: Tuesday, 2013-07-09 1:42 AM
 To: talk-ca@openstreetmap.org OpenStreetMap
 Subject: [Talk-ca] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis


 I have been a serious user of OpenStreetMap for less than six months, and
I am proud to recently have achieved my one hundredth contribution to the
project. I really love the OpenStreetMap project, and I would like to
replace my daily usage of Google Maps with OpenStreetMap.

 But it just seems I cannot. Anybody else feel the same issues?

 I'll give a few concrete examples why, humbly hoping that my words can
encourage changes to the main website.

 First point: searching. I have OpenStreetMap zoomed in to some region of
Montreal, Canada. I input café, looking for a coffee shop. I get results
from Nominatim, inviting me to visit a village in Brazil named Café or
even the Café point in Antarctica. While these search results awaken my
globetrotter's desire to explore the world, they frustrate me at the same
time. Why couldn't Nominatim priorize results from the bounding box or
surrounding? Why can't OpenStreetMap show me results on the map like the
OverPass API does, performing a search on the tag amenity=cafe and showing
the results on the map?

 Second point: accessing POI information. I cannot click on point of
interests (POI) to get more info about them. Why do we input address,
business hours and phone numbers on shops and restaurants if the map cannot
easily display this information to the user? Why do I have to show the
map's data in order to have information on a point of interest?

 Third point: maximum zoom level. Some area are densely populated, and
OpenStreetMap's current zoom level is not enough to see all details of the
map. This is really unfortunate. Example:
http://osm.org/go/cIrNs6Qzp--What are the restaurant surrounding the
Hard Rock Café on this map? I have
to use the editor to be able to zoom and see all data.

 Fourth point: sharing a point of interest. There should be an easy way to
do that. I have found a (complicated) way to do it, which is all but
obvious to newcomers. Here is how:

 . Using the layer icon at the top right of the map, I select
Browse Map Data;
 . I select the object I want to share (which is not always
possible; sometimes it is hidden behind a residential area or similar);
 . I click on Details
 . On the resulting page, I click on View way on larger map
 . I get an URL similar to this that I can share:

 Fifth point: routing. Why is there absolutely no routing implemented on
the main OpenStreetMap website? This is I concede a naïve question, as it
might be simply because of limited server resources. Once we have our new
servers, is this something we want to implement, as a community?

 I really like the OpenStreetMap project, and I dream to be able to use it
as a primary map instead of Google Maps. I feel resolving these issues
would bring me many steps closer to making that dream come true.

 What do you all think? Do you also have showstoppers that prevent you to
use OpenStreetMap as your primary and daily map?

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