Re: [TeX-music] Re: 3rd line of music

2001-09-08 Thread evita . j_01

On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 19:17:22 +0200 (CEST), Joerg Anders

>Ok! Thank you! BTW: I'm not sure how many users need more
>than 2 lines of music. Most scores have at most 2.

Hello Jörg,

Typesetting classical guitar music routinely requires three voices per
stave. This is the main reason that I've given up in frustration every
time I tried to change from raw MusixTeX to PMX or M-Tx -- what with
putting in what the preprocessors consider "extra" voices and
fingering indications, I end up having to add so much inline TeX that
it doesn't seem worthwhile!

But what the hell... we classical guitarists are used to being a
minority, after all. :)


"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Slurs missing in Acrobat Reader

2001-11-12 Thread evita . j_01

On Sun, 11 Nov 2001 22:19:59 +0100, Arjen Bax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Something is rotten, but is it the font or the viewer?
Acrobat Reader 5 seems to be somewhat dyslexic at times when it comes
to reading its own document format. The other day I tried to view a
PDF in Acrobat (on Win2k) and got a string of error message boxes
about colour specifications. When the file finally loaded, there were
black rectangles where the background colour for some paragraphs and
almost all the graphics should have been.

The same file displayed perfectly in GSView.

I've also had trouble printing certain PDFs in Acrobat -- a 1MB PDF
would generate a 10MB spool file and crash the printer driver so badly
that it took a restart for Windows to be able to find the printer

The same file printed perfectly in GSView.

I suppose we can always hope that the next version of Acrobat will
sort these things out.


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] How to surpass PMX limitations for number of music lines per staff

2001-11-12 Thread evita . j_01

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 16:23:26 +0200, zakharenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Does anybody have any suggestions or, perhaps, even solution?

Use plain MusiXTeX? This is exactly the problem that keeps me from
using PMX even though it might save a lot of time. I'd need to add so
much inline TeX that it hardly seems worth the effort.

It's a pity. But perhaps, if the subject comes up often enough on this
list, Don will be prevailed upon to produce the necessary bells and
whistles. :)


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Slurs missing in Acrobat Reader

2001-11-13 Thread evita . j_01

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 18:37:11 +0100, Christian Mondrup

>All in all Acrobat Reader 5 seems to be not a fully mature product
>version. I'm inclined to recommend a downgrade to version 4 for those
>wanting to view MusiXTeX scores with it. 

Oops. I thought I had Acrobat Reader 5. Turns out I'm still working
with 4.05, though. If the brain damage I've noticed in that still
persists in version 5, then so much the worse. It comes to something
when a piece of software can't read its own native document format


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] meaning of "Ausnahme" in German

2001-11-16 Thread evita . j_01

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 09:48:11 +0100 (MET), Karl-Heinz Herrmann

>> Example: "Ort trägt viel zur Ausnahme der Musik bey" (Quantz)
>As a German -- this makes no sense. Could this be a typographical error?
Nope. The word is no longer used in this sense today, but it comes
from the verb "ausnehmen" -- and that certainly does still have the
meaning of "to make out" (it's even in the mass-market German-English
dictionary I have in front of me as I type).

So Quantz is saying that the surroundings in which music is performed
has a great effect on HOW IT SOUNDS to the listener. I assume this is
in the context of live vs. dry acoustics? 

Quantz, C.P.E. and Leopold Mozart, not to mention Ernst Gottlieb
Baron, are full of word usages that make speakers of modern German do
a double-take, but it's usually not too hard to work out from context
what they mean.

PS: Jean-Pierre, please feel free to get in touch with me off-list (or
on it, if you think it'd be of general interest) if you come across
any other examples of unclear usage. I'll be happy to help as much as
I can.

"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] meaning of "Ausnahme" in German

2001-11-16 Thread evita . j_01

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 11:02:22 +0100, "Sander, Martin"

>I am sorry, but this is IMHO again a mistyping: "to take out" instead of
>"to make out". For my solution to Jean-Pierre's problem see my former

>The word "Ausnahme" NEVER had the meaning "effect", take my word!

From the entry under "ausnehmen" in Duden: Deutsches
Universalwörterbuch, Mannheim etc. 1989:

Sense 5, reflexive: in bestimmter Weise erscheinen, wirken: "Das Bild
nimmt sich in diesem Raum sehr gut/unpassend aus." (Which actually
does refer to the *effect* of the picture in its surroundings)

Sense 6 -- erkennen, unterscheiden, wahrnehmen (in English: to make
out -- no typos): "Man konnte den Fußgänger auf der unbeleuchteten
Straße kaum ausnehmen."

Sense 6 is flagged in Duden as specific to Austria today, so
"Bundesdeutsche" speakers of German may not be familiar with it.
Nevertheless, it's alive and well here in Austria and will have been
in more widespread use in days of yore; Austrian German not
infrequently preserves meanings that have become archaic elsewhere.

Forming a noun from this sense of "ausnehmen", it seems perfectly
plausible that 18th-century German might have used "Ausnahme" in the
sense of "perception".

I'm still betting that what Jean-Pierre saw in Quantz is *not* a typo
or a misreading of "Aufnahme". But perhaps he could quote us the exact
reference so that we can double-check the occurrence?


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] meaning of "Ausnahme" in German

2001-11-16 Thread evita . j_01

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 13:17:24 +0100, "Jean-Pierre Coulon"

>Since there is some demand for this, either on Mutex, or in private:
Right, here goes. 

Double-checking those references I could track down at short notice in
my facsimile editions of Quantz and CPE, it's now obvious that the
word is, indeed, "Ausnahme" as Jean-Pierre originally said. 

It's also obvious when you try to translate the passages that no one
English word will do for every occurrence. But the word in each case
refers to how the music is "made out" -- heard -- by the ear, i.e. how
it sounds -- whether it be sound *quality* or the actual notes that
are played for a specific trill symbol, etc.

I hope the following off-the cuff translations are of some use to you.

>CPE Bach p. 81, § 30 (or p. 62 of my French translation):
>  Wir finden allda auch seine Ausnahme vorgestellt.
How it sounds -- its execution (i.e. how it is played)

"The half-trill or Pralltriller, which differs from the other trills
by its sharpness and brevity, is notated by pianists according to the
example in Fig. XLV. There we also find an illustration of how it is

>p.76, §18 (or p.58 with me):
>In sehr geschwinder ZeitMaasse kan man zuweilen durch Vorschläge die Ausnahme eines 
>Trillers bequem bewerckstelligen Fig. XXIX.
>Die letzten zwey kurtze Noten drücken alsdenn den Nachschlag nicht übel aus.
Again, how it sounds -- in this case, how to make it sound good/clear 

"When the tempo is very fast, it is sometimes easiest to achieve
clarity in a trill by means of appoggiaturas Fig. XXIX. The two final
short notes then serve well to represent the termination (of the

>complement from 1787 to p.92 §24 (or p. 71 of my translation):
>[long] ... welches eine schlechte Ausnahme verusachet.

Sorry, can't seem to find this one in the notes!

>end of § 29 p. 94: (top of my p. 74)
>[long] ... und die Ausnahme muß alsdenn ganz natürlich und leichte
How it sounds -- natural and light

"(... the art of executing (this ornament) well depends on the skill
of playing a good, crisp Pralltriller, and must sound quite natural
and light."

>Quantz, found on the koelnklavier site:
Are you sure the chapter no. is right for this one? Doesn't seem to be
in Chapter 16 of my facsimile reprint.

><16> §. 16. [...] Ich behaupte nur, daß ein jeder Componist solche
>Regeln [des Kontrapunkts] zu wissen schuldig sey; die Künsteleyen
>aber da, wo es der gute Gesang erlaubet, so zu untermischen suchen
>müsse, daß weder am schönen Gesange, noch an der guten
>Ausnahme, irgend einiger Abbruch verspüret werde; und daß
>der Zuhörer keinen ängstlichen Fleiß dabey bemerke: sondern
> daß überall die Natur hervorleuchte. [...]
The sense here seems to be the clear intelligibility of the melody
(i.e. it shouln't be so weighed down with ornaments that the listener
loses track of the fundamental line)

"... I maintain only that every composer has a duty to know these
rules of counterpoint and should strive to incorporate the ornaments
where the melody permits, in such a way that they do not detract in
any way from the melody's beauty and clarity, and that the listener
does not get the impression of anxious effort. Rather, the [true]
nature [of the music] should shine through everywhere. ..."

Hope that helps.


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] New PostScript slurs and a problem

2001-12-11 Thread evita . j_01

Hello all,

having installed musixps.tex and related fonts from the package
Stanislav posted the other day, I'm running into problems when trying
to use it.

In a plain MusiXTeX source file, I've input musixps.tex after
musixtex.tex, but TeX still doesn't seem to recognise the new slur
commands (at any rate, not iBsluru00, which is the only one I've tried
so far). The musixps file is being loaded all right, as the log shows
-- but when TeX gets to the \iBsluru00 statement it throws out an
"undefined control sequence" and chokes.

I use MikTeX and made sure to run the "refresh filename database"
utility after installing the musixps package, so my TeX installation
ought to know that all the files are there.

Based on this description, can anyone suggest what could be wrong? I
can send the source files and/or the log to anyone who wants to see


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Subject: MusiXTeX version T.104

2001-12-30 Thread evita . j_01

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 15:22:08 -0800, "Alexander V. Voinov"

>Yes, a PDF with embedded fonts is larger, but who cares these days?
Anyone waiting for the file to come through a thirtysomething kbps
modem connection on a pay-per-call unit phone line...


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Cautionary natural signs

2002-01-02 Thread evita . j_01

Hello everyone, and all the best for a happy New Year to you all!

I'd like to solicit a few opinions about the use of cautionary
accidentals. Published scores that I own seem to vary wildly between
the extremes of putting in as many cautionary naturals as they can (up
to and including notating an F natural if the F was sharped two bars
before) and assuming that players will need no reminder that a bar
line cancels all previous accidentals.

With so many contradictory examples of How It's Done, I'm never sure
what to do myself when typesetting scores. My personal preference is
for keeping the cautionary naturals to an absolute minimum, but it
would be interesting to know what other people prefer. What do you
prefer to play from -- lots of cautionary signs, or the opposite? Or
-- unlikely from the examples I've looked at, but possible, I suppose
-- is there actually a hard-and-fast rule for putting the things in?

Thanks in advance for any input

"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] TeX wizards wanted!

2002-01-03 Thread evita . j_01

Hello everyone,

I'm typesetting one of the Bach Lute Suites with guitar fingering and
would like to upload it to the Icking Archive in time for the
anniversary of Werner's death. However, I'm running into problems with
certain fingering instructions, and I hope that one of the TeX gods on
the list can help.

The attached file (string.tex) contains a hack of the MusixTeX
\Ioctfin macros, which Werner Icking came up with for me to be able to
typeset barre chord symbols for classical guitar notation. The result
is that \Ibarre... \Tbarre will set a horizontal line with a downward
vertical termination to indicate the duration of the barre, and this
is exactly what the doctor ordered.

The problems start when I try to adapt this thing to denote string
number rather than barre chord -- replacing the barre chord symbol in
front of the line (a C with a vertical slash followed by a Roman
numeral for the fret number and a subscript Arabic numeral for the
number of strings that fall under the barre) with a circled numeral.
The horizontal line is then supposed to indicate a sequence of notes
all to be played on the same string. But two problems arise:

1. The horizontal line overstrikes the circled numeral.

2. The vertical termination *always* points downwards, and this looks
pretty awful when the string specification is inserted below the

Can Werner's bit of magic be adapted to solve these problems? (Any
alterations and improvements would HAVE to leave the vertical
termination intact for the barre chord notation. However, it would be
perfectly OK to have just a horizontal line without a hook in the case
of the string specification.)

I'd be most grateful for a solution.

Eva Jaksch

"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001

Description: Binary data

Re: [TeX-music] Cautionary natural signs

2002-01-03 Thread evita . j_01

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 10:03:37 +0100 (CET), Christof Biebricher

>I discussed the matter with Werner as we typeset the art of fugue and
>we used the following rules for the practical edition:
>1) Stick to the rules of modern notation, do not repeat an accidental
>in the same bar, do not dissolve it in following bars.
>2) Repeat the accidental if it occurs in another voice in the same
>system (or a different octava); however, dissolve an accidental
>in another voice in the same system.
>3) Do not dissolve an accidental occurring in another system, unless
>it is a surprising ``Querstand''.
>4) Break the above rules using CAUTIONARY or editorial (not ordinary)
>accidentials in cases where the context may favor the wrong choice.

Dear Christof,

thank you very much for your feedback! I'm not quite clear on the
precise connotations or Rule 2, though. I'm setting solo guitar music
with, usually, a maximum of three voices all on the same staff. Would
you repeat an accidental within a bar if it falls in a different
octave and/or a different voice under these circumstances? In other
words, how would you treat the D sharps and F sharps in the attached
example file?


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001

Description: Binary data

Re: [TeX-music] TeX wizards wanted -- thank you!

2002-01-03 Thread evita . j_01

On Thu, 3 Jan 2002 14:26:09 +0100, "Rainer Dunker"

> [snip]
> IMHO the easiest workaround is
> to introduce a manual right-shift of the line start in your \String
> macro.
I was afraid to try that as someone recently pointed out to me the
place in the MusixTeX manual which warns against ever using \kern!
Evidently, though, one *can* get away with it occasionally...

> Yes, the position distinction is missing in your \C@TO definition. I've
> tried to add it based on the \C@TO original, and it seems to work for
> your example.
> See attached string.tex for my solution attempt.
It works perfectly and delivers a beautiful result. Rainer, you're
fantastic. Thank you -- thank you ever so much!

Best regards

"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Bar numbering and anacrusis

2002-01-04 Thread evita . j_01

Hello everyone,

Still typesetting that Bach Lute Suite, I'm running into a couple of
bar numbering problems when compiling an output file that contains
more than one movement.

Here's what's happening:

First problem:
I specify \nobarnumbers\systemnumbers. This does what I expect when
the MusixTeX source is a single file -- it writes bar numbers at the
start of every line EXCEPT the first one.

To put the suite together, however, I have the music coding for each
movement in a separate "master" file, and all the individual files are
called from this file by means of an \input statement. The bar
numbering commands are at the start of this master file rather than in
the separate files containing the movements.

In this situation, I'm getting bar numbers at the start of the first
line of each movement as well. And this looks pretty silly when the
first "bar" is number "zero" because it's an anacrusis...

Second problem:
When a \leftrightrepeat occurs in the middle of a bar -- again because
of an anacrusis -- I adjust for correct bar numbering by means of
\advance\barno-1. So far, so good -- except when the repeat falls at a
line break. When this happens, MusixTeX writes the bar number of the
partial bar at the start of the line. This, again, looks a bit silly
when the anacrusis is just a single demisemiquaver followed by a bar
that takes up a third of the line.

Is there any way -- preferably a relatively easy one, as my
TeX-pertise is severely limited -- to get rid of the system number in
first lines and at anacrusis bars? Or do I just have to live with

Thanks in advance for any and all help

"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Bar numbering and anacrusis

2002-01-04 Thread evita . j_01

On Fri, 4 Jan 2002 14:29:52 +0100, "Jean-Pierre Coulon"

>Put the statements in this very order:
>{first measures before the first line break}
>{other measures before the first line break}
>{rest of the piece}
Hi Jean-Pierre,

This works fine for the first movement in the suite, but for all
subsequent movements the bar number still appears at the start of the
first system.

By trial and error I discovered that if I code \nobarnumbers just
before the last bar of a given movement, bar numbering will be
suppressed for the first line of the *next* movement.

I won't pretend to understand this, but if it works, I'm not inclined
to argue... :)

As for the anacrusis business, now that you've given me the idea of
playing around with \nobarnumbers and \systemnumbers, I've found a way
to suppress the bar numbers at those repeats-within-a-bar.

Now, is there any way to get MusixTeX to write the bar number for the
bar *following* such a repeat? I've tried coding \barnumbers just
before the bar in question and \nobarnumbers\systemnumbers immediately
after, but this seems to result in *two* bar numbers being printed --
the one I want and the one immediately after, which I don't want. Is
it possible to force just one given bar number to be printed in
addition to the system numbering which should run throughout the


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] missing slurs in Acrobat 5.0

2002-01-08 Thread evita . j_01

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002 13:11:55 +0100, "Jean-Pierre Coulon"

>> The solution to this is using acrobat 4
>> Andre
>I hope the average internaut will be able to guess !:-)

... not to mention find a copy of Acrobat 4 to install. Where does one
go to find "outdated" versions of software, if one doesn't have an old
copy on disk somewhere? Which I, for one, don't -- IIRC, I went
straight from version three-something to the current one with its
intermittent symptoms of brain damage.


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Repeats and bar numbers

2002-01-10 Thread evita . j_01

Hello all,

I'd appreciate some help with the repeats and bar numbers in the
attached example file. To wit: I'd like to have the bar numbering
behave as it does in example 1, but the \rightrepeat as it appears in
example 2 (i.e. *not* written a couple of mm to the left of the end of
the staff, which is what seems to happen when I force a
line-break-within-a-bar with \zalaligne).

From looking at Werner's edition of the Bach cello suites, I see that
this is possible. Can someone please show me how to make it happen?

Thanks in advance

"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001

Description: Binary data

Re: [TeX-music] Repeats and bar numbers

2002-01-10 Thread evita . j_01

On Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:10:29 +0100, Andre Van Ryckeghem

>sorry i was to fast  with an answer
>is this what you want?

Unfortunately, no. That's what I've already got -- it's example two in
the file I sent. ( \advance\barno-1 is one line above the repeat
symbol coding.)

As I said, I need the bar numbering at the start of the next system to
indicate a PARTIAL bar, the way the first example does it.

It's possible to achieve this by using \zalaligne, as I did in example
1. Unfortunately, \zalaligne seems to cause the right repeat to be
written a few millimetres before the end of the line, and I'd prefer
it to be flush with the end of the line.

Werner managed to combine the two features into what I'm looking for;
the only question is how he did it. Does anyone have access to his
sources for the Cello suites?


"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] dviconcat

2002-01-24 Thread evita . j_01

Hello all,

can anyone tell me where to find dviconcat (and, if possible, other
DVI utilities like dvidvi) in a form that'll run on Win2k? So far, all
I've been able to track down on CTAN etc. are the C files.

Alternatively -- if I end up having to handle the Current Project in a
single file -- I'd welcome advice on how to get the footlines to start
on page 3...

Eva Jaksch

"Everyone who has anything at all to do with music should be 
happy, because music is the best of mankind's achievements."
   -- Sena Jurinac, 1.11.2001
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] sliding lines <-> notes

2002-02-05 Thread evita . j_01

On Mon, 04 Feb 2002 15:40:44 -0600, Lance Hoffmeyer

>How do a create a sliding line between two notes to indicate
>a glissindo?  i.e.

I use the following:


...where #1 = vertical starting height, #2 = length in \noteskips, and
#3 = slope.

Takes a fair bit of trial and error to get the length and the slope
right, though. I'm still secretly hoping that someone will come up
with a glissando line that behaves like a slur from the perspective of
specifying the starting and ending points.


"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Dvips trouble with MiKTeX 2.1

2002-02-07 Thread evita . j_01

Hello everyone,

I've just upgraded from MiKTeX 1.2 to MiKTeX 2.1. Result: I can't
create Postscript output any more.

Every darned DVI I've tried to convert, whether via the command line
or through YAP's "Print Postscript" menu item, has generated a slew of
font errors and resulted in zero output. (See transcript of the YAP
log below.

Back in MiKTeX 1.2 those same files converted perfectly.

Has anyone else had this problem, and/or can anyone suggest what might
be wrong?



Loading page 1...
pplru8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
pplru8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
pplru8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
pplro8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
Loading page 2...
pplri8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
pplr8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
Loading page 3...
pplbu8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
pplr8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
pplri8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
musix20: checksum mismatch
ptmr8rn: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
musix13: checksum mismatch
28: no glyph!
pplro8r: checksum mismatch
32: no glyph!
Loading page 4...
Loading page 5...
start: C:\Antigrams\texmf\miktex\bin\dvips.exe   -o""
This is dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software
' TeX output 2002.02.07:1704' ->
<8r.enc>. xslu20.pfb: No such file or directory
This is DVIPS, t1part module 
Error: Dvips failed for some reason!

"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Dvips trouble with MiKTeX 2.1

2002-02-08 Thread evita . j_01

On Fri, 08 Feb 2002 11:26:56 +0100, "M. Chapman"

>You might check whether Windows and/or the program you're using to invoke
>Ghostscript/Ghostview knows where they are. If I remember correctly MikTeX
>tries to update the Ghostscript programs. If the old version of
>Gscript/GView were not successfully uninstalled (it didn't work
>automatically on my home or work computer), then you will need to uninstall
>the old version manually before trying to install the new version. 

I'm not sure I understand this. Are the latest Ghostcript apps
included in the MiKTeX distribution? If so, are the latest version
numbers higher than Ghostscript 6.01 /GSView 3.3? That's what I've
been using for over a year, and those are the program versions that
are still on my computer.

At any rate, Windows certainly knows where Ghostscript/GSView are, if
the fact that I can start them both from the Start menu is any
indication. But running dvips, even from a command line, has the
unsatisfactory results that I reported in my last message...


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 now available at:
"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Pretty far off topic: translation issue

2002-02-10 Thread evita . j_01

Hello everyone,

sorry to bother the list with this, but this group is the most
polyglot gathering of musicians I know of.

Does anyone know the proper English translation for the German term
"Terzverwandtschaft"? All my dictionaries, online glossaries, and Web
searches have failed to deliver the goods.

Thanks in advance for any help
...who, with the help of Christian Mondrup, finally succeeded in
fixing her recent dvips trouble. Turns out that the fault lay with a
slew of half-installed postscript fonts, and dvips was being told to
use fonts that weren't in fact on the system. Rigorous editing of .map
files solved the problem. 

Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 now available at:
"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] PDF display redux

2002-02-19 Thread evita . j_01

Hello everyone,

among the feedback I've been getting for the BWV995 edition now
available in the Archive have been the now-familiar reports that
"Acrobat 4 doesn't display the ties".

What was news to me is that apparently there can be problems with
GSView as well. Somebody running GSView 4.0 and GS 7.0 on Win98SE
reported that the dotted slur in bar 20 of Gavotte II was missing when
viewed in GSView. The analogous one near the beginning of the movement
was there, though. 

I would have expected any problem to affect either both slurs or
neither -- the second one, in the MusiXTeX source is a cut&paste job
of the first. But that's what this person said he was getting.

I have GSView 3.3 and GS 6.01, and both the slurs are OK when I load
the file. But then, so are the ties when viewed in Acrobat 4 on my


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 now available at:
"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Upload is back, but different

2002-03-22 Thread evita . j_01

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 18:34:24 -0800, Don Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>It is not anonymous so you'll
>need to record the username (mutex-anon) and password (mutex) as well as the
>host name (

Does the actual upload directory remain the same as before? (Recorded
in the session details of my FTP client as
"" -- I take it the
new version will be


"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Music in text

2002-03-30 Thread evita . j_01

On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 21:59:24 +0100, Alexandros Droseltis

>Hello all!
>I am writing a music analysis with TeX, and I want to use some music symbols in
>the text, for example:
>The rhythmic motiv o| o|_o| o. [symbols] that is used in the first movement ...

Hi Alexandros,

I'm not really sure I understand from your ASCII representation what
symbols exactly you're after, so I'm not sure whether this will be any
use to you. But for what it's worth, here's what I did when I needed
to put some notes inline with a text explanation:
Eine Achtelnote \zcu1 \kern 6pt besitzt genau den halben Notenwert
einer Viertelnote \zqu1 \kern 4pt. Zwei Achtelnoten zusammen haben den
gleichen Notenwert wie eine Viertelnote: 
\ibu0{1}0\zqb0{1}\qsk\tbu0\zqb0{1} \kern 4pt = \qu1

I found it easier at the time to get good spacing results by using the
non-spacing note commands and avoiding overlaps with \qsk and (for
text following note symbols) \kern n pt.

Hope this helps

"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Music in text -- The Quick Fix (tm)

2002-03-31 Thread evita . j_01

On Sun, 31 Mar 2002 01:14:27 +0200, Alexandros Droseltis

>I tried the same inserting the line
>before the text (and after the line "\input musixtex") and it worked, but
>this produced a small system (with a clef) before the text. How could I get
>rid of the system?

Hi Alexandros,

Sorry; I didn't actually know that my suggestion wouldn't work if the
document doesn't have at least one instance of \startpiece...\endpiece
vel sim. before the inline music stuff occurs. I've only ever needed
to do this in one file, and that file happens to be full of such

Anyway, here's a fix that works for me. Put this before the first
instance of inline music symbols (or right after \input musixtex to be
on the safe side):



There is evidently no law that says that, once you've defined the
contents of your dummybox, you've got to do a corresponding
~\unhcopy\dummybox anywhere to make its contents visible. So this
turns out to be a neat way to give TeX what it evidently wants, a
superfluous music system, while preventing the same from actually
showing up in the document.

I love it when a plan comes together. :)

Happy Easter!


"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Music in text -- bar lines

2002-03-31 Thread evita . j_01

Alexandros, you said you needed a bar symbol as well.

\bar won't work as desired; you'll need to fudge something else
that'll do the job. A starting point might be to use $\mid$ plus a
modicum of space afterwards -- something like the following:


TeX this and see if you like the look of it:

\input musixtex
% Set up dummy music extract to get note macros to work
% Define a bar line for music symbols inline with text
% Define a bigger \qskip
This rhythm 
is rather monotonous but will do as an illustration...

Hope this helps.


"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] "Graces" in German

2002-04-02 Thread evita . j_01

On Tue, 02 Apr 2002 09:53:48 +0200 (CEST), Joerg Anders

>Hi all!
>Does anybody know a German translation for "grace" or
>"grace notes" ?
"Verzierung", "Verzierungsnote". Backed up by Muret-Sanders' general
English/German dictionary AND the "Polyglottes Wörterbuch der
musikalischen Terminologie". (Which, however, lists it only as the
*third* possibility after "Anmut" and "Tischgebet" -- a rather strange
order of priorities for a dictionary of musical terms!)


"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Music in text

2002-04-02 Thread evita . j_01

On Tue, 02 Apr 2002 09:27:41 +0200, Rainer Dunker

>The strength of this method is that you can do virtually everything
>you can do within a normal music staff; its drawback is that you have to
>set its width explicitly.

This is a really elegant solution, Rainer! To prevent nasty line-break
surprises if one specifies too narrow a width, one could include a
\linegoal=1 statement in the macro as I've done below:

\input musixtex

\def\notesintext#1#2{% #1 = width of music insertion; #2 = music text
\setlines10\smallmusicsize \nobarnumbers \nostartrule
\staffbotmarg0pt \setclefsymbol1\empty

Adjust the width of this extract:
\Notes\qu0\en\notes\Dqbu 00\en\bar\notes\Dqbu 00\Dqbu 00\en} until it
looks the way you want.


Now, though, can anyone tell me why this macro begins to behave oddly
when used in combination with (or more specifically, after an instance
of) an adapted version that writes a clef? In the three examples
below, the third one leaves extra white space before the first note,
and the space is exactly as much as a clef would take up. How does one
go about fixing this so that one can use both versions in a
music-and-text document?

\input musixtex

% macro to insert lineless, clefless sequence of notes
\setlines10\smallmusicsize \nobarnumbers \nostartrule
\staffbotmarg0pt \setclefsymbol1\empty

% macro adapted to insert music with clef & lines:
\smallmusicsize \nobarnumbers \nostartrule
\staffbotmarg0pt \setclefsymbol1\treblelowoct
\startpiece#2\linegoal=1\stoppiece}\hskip 5pt}

Here's an insert
\Notes\qu0\en\notes\Dqbu 00\en\bar\notes\Dqbu 00\Dqbu 00\en} 
without clef and lines.

Here's an insert
\musicintext{3cm}{\Notes\qu c\qu d\qu e\qu f\en}
with clef and lines.

And here's the first insert again
\Notes\qu0\en\notes\Dqbu 00\en\bar\notes\Dqbu 00\Dqbu 00\en} 
with the space before it messed up!



"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] MiKTeX: Reinstalling/Upgrading

2002-04-06 Thread evita . j_01

Hello all,

I'm in the process of reinstalling all my software after upgrading to
a new PC.

Having (re)installed MikTeX 2.1, I see that the "full" installation
option automatically installs MusixTeX T.99, which is in one of the
.cab files in the download package.

Two questions:

One: I have a Zip file of T104, downloaded independently back when
Daniel announced it. Is it normal for MikTeX to refuse to use this as
a "local package repository" to install from, or am I making some
basic mistake?

Two: On the "Packages" tab of the MikTeX Options window, the musixps
PostScript fonts are listed as installed. But when I installed the
same version of MikTeX on my old machine, the same fonts were *not*
available in any useable form. (That, though, was an upgrade
installation over Miktex version 1.[whatever] and not a fresh install
like the current one.) So, how can I test whether the fonts are, in
fact, installed and available?

Three: (ok, so sue me ) Can anyone tell me the current version
numbers for:

 - Ghostscript
 - GSView
 - Acrobat Reader (and whether the current version is any better than 
   its predecessors at displaying/printing slurs)?
Thanks in advance.

"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MiKTeX: Reinstalling/Upgrading

2002-04-08 Thread evita . j_01

On Sun, 07 Apr 2002 19:32:24 +0200, Christian Mondrup

>I recommend studying Christof Biebrichers comprehensible documention on
>how to handle MusiXTeX & MiKTeX.

Thank you, but while I agree that his instructions are very
comprehensible, they are also regrettably out of date. The current
MiKTeX installer (well, reasonably current: I'm using 2.1) does the
whole job of installation without requiring manual editing of
autoexec.bat. Indeed, no path entries in autoexec.bat are needed at
all any more for MiKTeX.

Perhaps more seriously, the new MikTeX installer does not place
MusixTeX-related files in the local texmf tree at all. Fonts go to
C:\texmf\fonts\tfm\public\musixtex; musixtex.tex lives at

It might be wise to respect that even when manually installing
MusixTeX from a zip file unless it's very certain that, if one
subsequently ever tries upgrading MusixTeX via MikTeX's update utility
from a CAB file, this will find the files in the local texmf tree and
update them there rather than blindly putting them where *it* thinks
they should go and thus leaving the system with both an old and a new
copy of MusiXTeX present. 

Either way, the current state of Christof's documentation severely
diminishes its value as an aid to installing MusixTeX under more
current versions of MiKTeX -- which is why I asked on the list in the
first place...


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 has moved to:
"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Help! -- refreshing FNDB

2002-04-08 Thread evita . j_01

Hello everyone,

I'm still trying to get MusixTeX back up and running under MiKTeX 2.1
on my new machine... and I can't seem to get TeX to find my personal
macro files.

They are in the local texmf tree exactly where they've always been.
I've tried refreshing the file name database in the MiKTeX Options
dialogue, I've tried refreshing the fndb for just the local texmf tree
(on the "Roots" tab of the Options dialogue), I've tried running
initexmf -u from the command line. No luck.

I've tried moving the local texmf tree to the same partition as the
texmf tree (though past experience suggests that this really shouldn't
be necessary). No luck again. Every time I try to process a MusixTeX
file I get the error message "I can't find file "ejdefs.tex"."
Needless to say, the file *is* physically present in the local texmf

Can anyone suggest something else to try?


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 has moved to:
"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MiKTeX: Reinstalling/Upgrading

2002-04-08 Thread evita . j_01

On Mon, 08 Apr 2002 15:25:10 +0200 (CEST), Christof Biebricher

>Furthermore, I would urge that somebody USING Windows takes over that
>job. While I installed the system on some computers, I do not use it
>but occasionally.

I might be prevailed upon to volunteer for the job with regard to
MiKTeX 2.1 and Windows2000. I'm intending to install an auxiliary OS
and essential basic applications on a spare partition on this machine
in case of disaster, and while I wasn't intending to include MiKTeX in
the list of "essential basics", I could do so and keep a blow-by-blow
record if nobody with more (T)expertise is willing to take on the job.


PS: The problem with my macro files is solved. MiKTeX 2.1 creates a
local texmf tree without any subdirectory called "tex". A trap for the
unwary... just because MiKTeX itself apparently has no use for such a
directory doesn't mean that it'll read input files from anywhere else.
But that's what I concluded from the directory's absence -- and then
it didn't occur to me to second-guess myself. Thanks to Mats for
setting me straight.

Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 has moved to:
"Bach ist der Vater, wir sind die Buben. Wer von uns 
was Rechtes kann, hat's von ihm gelernt." 
-- W. A. Mozart
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Automatic TOC macro trouble

2002-04-16 Thread evita . j_01

Hello all,

Attached is a macro which I found in a TeX manual somewhere on the
Web. It's supposed to create an automatic TOC in plain TeX -- and in
fact it seems to do so, more or less, but throws out the following
error message in the process:

This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (MiKTeX 2.1)
(autotoc.tex (TOC [-1] )
! Undefined control sequence.
\tocgen ...@cadvpageno \pageno =\tocopage
  \global \tocnew =1\fi
l.78 \tocgen

Would someone be kind enough to sort out whatever's wrong with the
code? To the best of my knowledge, it's a verbatim cut&paste job from
the originating PDF document...


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 has moved to:
"...Therefore I swear by God that I will seek out this man whom 
I fear until I find him, and strike him on the mouth. If heaven 
were his throne and the earth his footstool, I swear that I would 
pull him down."
  "How?" asked the staring Professor. "And why?"
  "Because I am afraid of him," said Syme; "and no man should leave 
in the universe anything of which he is afraid."
 G.K. Chesterton, "The Man Who Was Thursday"
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Update: MS-DOS woes

2002-04-22 Thread evita . j_01

On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 11:21:14 +0200, Mike Chapman

>Regarding my pathetic position: I tried one last thing, and it works.
>Namely, copying the executables and batch file to my working directory
>and executing the batch file does produce the desired results, so at
>least I know that the programs are working.

Check out the updated HowTo for installing MiKTeX/MusixTeX on Win2k,
which Don Simons tells me is now available on the software page of the
Icking Archive.

Basically, you need to put the executables into a directory that's in
your path. This will either be c:\texmf\miktex\bin (where tex.exe and
friends live) or a separate directory you create to house your extra
executables. In the latter case, you'll need to add a path statement
to your autoexec.bat file that points to that directory.

The batch files should work even if you have them in a completely
different directory as long as you can specify the full path to them
from within your TeX editor (I use WinTeX2000).


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 has moved to:
"...Therefore I swear by God that I will seek out this man whom 
I fear until I find him, and strike him on the mouth. If heaven 
were his throne and the earth his footstool, I swear that I would 
pull him down."
  "How?" asked the staring Professor. "And why?"
  "Because I am afraid of him," said Syme; "and no man should leave 
in the universe anything of which he is afraid."
 G.K. Chesterton, "The Man Who Was Thursday"
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] successful installation in MiKTeX using HOWTO

2002-04-24 Thread evita . j_01

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002 11:42:27 +0200, Mike Chapman

>I might
>point out that the how-to does not provide directions for updating an
>existing installation. Although I feel it is fairly obvious how one
>ought to go about it, it is entirely possible that we will still receive
>questions about it.
Yes, my feeling too was that if one can install the thing in the first
place, updating ought to be a self-explanatory procedure -- just
overwrite the old files with the new ones. Or am I missing something

>The how-to recommended organization of the various files, which I
>followed. I especially feel that the new structure is more in alignment
>with a standard TeX structure and more intuitive to understand than my
>old "organization" (as you doubtless have no trouble believing if you
>have read any of my recent posts).
>A big thank you to Eva (and Christof) for their efforts in extending
>"musix" to MiKTeX users. The time to thank Christian for his Unix/Linux
>how-to is coming...
And thank you in return. It's nice to know the file is useful, and
that the procedure works when someone other than I applies it! :)


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 has moved to:
"...Therefore I swear by God that I will seek out this man whom 
I fear until I find him, and strike him on the mouth. If heaven 
were his throne and the earth his footstool, I swear that I would 
pull him down."
  "How?" asked the staring Professor. "And why?"
  "Because I am afraid of him," said Syme; "and no man should leave 
in the universe anything of which he is afraid."
 G.K. Chesterton, "The Man Who Was Thursday"
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] a4 paper

2002-05-14 Thread evita . j_01

On Mon, 13 May 2002 22:23:13 +0200, Jean-Charles

>A4 sized Postscript documents ,send to Lpr using either Ghostview or
>Emacs, ar printed 2cm too high (nearly 1 inch).

DO the documents print correctly at the DVI stage? If so, you may need
to adjust the Page Offset factors in Ghostview.

In GSView on Windows, it works like this:

In the File/Print dialogue box, click on Printer Settings, and when
the Printer Settings dialogue box comes up, click on Properties. Then
adjust the X and Y values for Page Offset until the page prints


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 has moved to:
"...Therefore I swear by God that I will seek out this man whom 
I fear until I find him, and strike him on the mouth. If heaven 
were his throne and the earth his footstool, I swear that I would 
pull him down."
  "How?" asked the staring Professor. "And why?"
  "Because I am afraid of him," said Syme; "and no man should leave 
in the universe anything of which he is afraid."
 G.K. Chesterton, "The Man Who Was Thursday"
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Speaking of guitar chords...

2002-05-25 Thread evita . j_01

Hello folks,

I've never had occasion to use the chord diagram feature of musixgui
before, but I had a look at it today just out of curiosity. And what
came out is curious indeed, in that every single chord diagram I tried
to create comes out in mirror-image, as it were. If I want a dot on
the first string, it comes out on the sixth, if I want it on the
second, it appears on the fifth, etc.

To get 'em to look right, I have to do some serious violence to the
string numbering as I know and use it... :)

Am I missing something utterly fundamental here, or does musixgui
actually number guitar strings back to front? Or do folk/pop
guitarists number their strings from the opposite direction (lowest
pitch=1) than classical guitarists (highest pitch=1)?


Guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995 has moved to:
"...Therefore I swear by God that I will seek out this man whom 
I fear until I find him, and strike him on the mouth. If heaven 
were his throne and the earth his footstool, I swear that I would 
pull him down."
  "How?" asked the staring Professor. "And why?"
  "Because I am afraid of him," said Syme; "and no man should leave 
in the universe anything of which he is afraid."
 G.K. Chesterton, "The Man Who Was Thursday"
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Asking questions to users

2002-07-10 Thread evita . j_01

On Tue, 09 Jul 2002 20:39:42 +0200 ((MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit),
"Cornelius C. Noack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I dont think the whole effort is worth your time: if one wants
>individual instruments extracted from a full score, it is much
>easier to use the pmx preprocessor, which has this facility built in
>from the start.

Nevertheless, it would be a very welcome addition to MusixTeX and I do
hope Daniel goes ahead and implements it. I don't use the
preprocessors as it just isn't feasible to typeset complex classical
guitar scores with them; you have to add so much inline TeX that the
advantages of faster coding are cancelled out. 

Please, Daniel, go ahead and do it, using whichever option you prefer.
The effort *is* worth your time, and the plain-MusixTeXers out there
will be grateful.


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] 1st real MusixTeX piece

2002-07-12 Thread evita . j_01

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 00:20:03 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I've just finished my first real MusixTeX transcription,
>the first piece from Mauro Giuliani's 32 Pieces for
>Guitar, and I'd be very grateful to anyone who spares the
>time to have a look and send my any comments on the output
>or the musixtex source.
Hi Joel, and welcome to the MusixTeX community! Nice to have another
classical guitarist come aboard!

My compliments on your first effort -- I wish my first attempts at
using MusixTeX had looked anywhere near as good! Well done. I'm
sending a revised file with my suggestions/additions to you privately.

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] fingering in MusiXTeX ?

2002-09-05 Thread evita . j_01

On Thu, 05 Sep 2002 12:44:14 +0200, Patrik Nyman

>In the archive you'll find a file with (among other things) macros 
>for guitar fingerings, written by Eva Jaksch. They're great.

Thanks for the compliment, but I should point out that the macros have
been radically revised (and, I hope, improved) since I posted that
package. In particular, I've added several macros for putting
fingering next to chordal notes.

The only reason I haven't yet made the file publicly available is that
I keep intending to write some proper how-to-use documentation first,
and I just can't seem to find the time to do so. However, the macros
file itself contains usage instructions that should be intelligible
enough. Anyone who wants the file is welcome to drop me a line, and
I'll send it to them privately. (Jörg, I'm assuming you want it and am
sending it without waiting for your say-so! )


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Off-Topic: EPS graphics

2002-09-11 Thread evita . j_01

Hello all,

TeX-related if not directly concerned with music: Can anyone suggest a
quick and easy way to convert a BMP, JPG, GIF (or whatever) image to
EPS format? Or is there an (equally quick and easy) way to insert a
BMP, JPG, GIF (or whatever) image in a TeX document (*not* LaTeX!!)
without first converting to EPS?

Thanks in advance

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Off-Topic: EPS graphics

2002-09-13 Thread evita . j_01

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:53:51 +0530 (IST), Karl-Heinz Herrmann

>There is a small commandline proram
>jpeg2ps which will do that nicely, the resulting eps being barely larger
>(7-bit save encoding) as the jpg file. 
>jpeg2ps -h -r300 file.jpg > file.eps
>always worked nicely for me. 

Thank you very much! And the same goes for everyone else who took the
time to reply. I think this solution will be my best bet; I don't
fancy the 20MB download of ImageMagick with my analogue modem...

Having just taken five minutes or so for a preliminary test, I find
that Jpeg2ps plus epsf.tex does what I want it to do with a minimum of
time and hassle. Thanks again.


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] New working version of PMX

2002-10-14 Thread evita . j_01

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 21:08:09 -0700, Don Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Since one of the changes fixes a bug in line-spacing equalization, let me
>take the opportunity to put in a plug for this feature, even though it's
>been around for a while. It always bothered me when MusiXTeX made the
>vertical distance between systems look unequal, just because there was one
>thing that stuck way up or down in one system, even if there would have been
>enough space for it when the systems themselves were equally spaced. So a
>while ago with some help from the TeXperts I kluged together some macros
>that force there to be an equal distance from the top line of one system to
>the top line of the next.

This is something that's frequently bothered me too. Quite some time
ago I posted about this same issue, and someone very kindly answered
with a series of macros to insert "struts" in every line to force
equal spacing. They do the job all right, but at the cost of much
tweaking as one needs to insert them manually on every line.

Don, is it possible to use your macros with plain MusixTeX as well? 


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Barre chord notation revisited -- appeal to the TeXperts

2002-11-03 Thread evita . j_01
Hello everyone,

Some two years ago, Werner Icking answered a question of mine on MuTeX
about how to indicate barre chord fingering in MusixTeX and provided a
hack (his own word) of the \Ioctfin* macros to create the horizontal
line that's needed for the purpose. Some time later, other readers of
this forum helped to adapt this hack to allow for a string number
instead of the barre chord symbol before the line. (The resultant
macros, plus usage examples, are in the attached file.)

The problem with these tricks is twofold:

 - You can only use them one at a time (at least, I've not been able
   to persuade a barre chord line and a string line to coexist in

 - Once you've input them into your source, you no longer have the
   option of indicating octaviation lines via the \Ioctfin macros.
   This is why I've hesitated to make my guitar fingering macros
   generally available up to now -- it seems somewhat unwise to let
   loose a MusixTeX add-on that torpedoes parts of MusixTeX's basic

My question for the TeXperts is this: Is there any way around these
limitations? With reference to the example extracts in the file, the
ideal situation would be to be able to combine 1, 2, 3 AND 4 (or at
least 1, 2 and either 3 OR 4), all in a single bar of music.

If a solution to this issue can be found, MusixTeX would be almost
100% capable of handling the needs of classical guitar scores, and I'd
finally be able to oblige Christian Mondrup and a couple of others who
have called for my fingerings file -- with credit given to all
contributors, of course -- to be made available on the Icking
Archive's software pages.


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)

Description: TeX document

Re: [TeX-music] Barre chord notation revisited

2002-11-05 Thread evita . j_01
On Tue, 05 Nov 2002 13:07:55 +0100, Olivier Vogel

>Personally, when I have to draw lines, arrows, and so on, I use the 
>powerfull package pstricks. If one use the possibilities offered by the 
>nodes, I think it should not be very difficult to get the desired results. 
>Perhaps I can try if, Eva, you send me your code and explain me better what 
>you would like to get.

all the relevant code is in the example file I attached to my last
post. I don't know how to explain it any better -- perhaps if you
processed that file and looked at the examples of the lines I can
achieve separately but not in combination, you would get the idea.

I must hasten to add, though, that I'm not after merely drawing
extraneous lines in the score. I need to be able to anchor the start
and end of each line to a particular note and get visually acceptable
results when a line break in the score occurs somewhere between the
start and the end of the fingering line. This is the way the current
macros work, thanks to their origins in MusixTeX's \Ioctfin* ...
\Toctfin macros.

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Barre chord notation revisited -- yet more problems

2002-11-08 Thread evita . j_01
Hello all,

Olivier Vogel has sent me a revision of the code I posted the other
day. From the DVI he also sent me, I can tell that this revision is
exactly what I'm after. The trouble is that, when I process the same
file, all I get for my trouble is a slew of "undefined control
sequence" errors and an output file with several extraneous vertical

Olivier has suggested that the line breaks might be at fault; he's on
a Mac, I'm on Windows. I've tried to save the .tex file with other
line breaking symbols, but this hasn't fixed the problem.

Could anyone else who's running Windows please have a look at the
attached file and see whether it works on their system?


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)

Description: Binary data

Description: TeX document

Re: [TeX-music] Barre chord notation revisited -- yet more problems

2002-11-08 Thread evita . j_01
On Fri, 08 Nov 2002 14:29:21 +0100 (CET), Christof Biebricher

>However, I found that the missing control sequences were in musixtex.tex.
>I loaded the newest version and BIngo, it worked. You should load
Bingo indeed. Thank you, Christof -- the upgrade has solved the
problem at my end too. 

And a heartfelt public thank you to Olivier for sorting out the
barre/string tangle! The results are going into musixcg.tex for
uploading to the Icking Archive just as soon as I can put together
some coherent documentation for the package.

... watching the world turn white in the first snowfall of the 
season :)

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] "Verbatim" for plain TeX?

2002-11-23 Thread evita . j_01
Hello all,

Does anyone know whether there exists anywhere a plain-TeX equivalent
of the LaTeX "verbatim" environment? I've finally found a bit of spare
time to start writing up a usage guide for my CG fingering macros
file, and it would be useful to be able to include coding examples.

I don't want to use LaTeX to write the document as I'm not keen on
some of its formatting choices -- and I especially loathe the
predefined font. (If someone knows an easy way to kill Computer Modern
and substitute Palatino from EVERY detail of formatting in a LaTeX
document, I might give it a try.)


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] "Verbatim" for plain TeX? -- Thanks

2002-11-25 Thread evita . j_01
Cornelius, Robin, Olivier, Arjen, Daniel, Dirk, Christof, Bob,

you guys are wonderful. Thanks so much! Now the only problem I have is
choosing one out of the many different ways of doing what I want to
do... :)


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"Your concert-goer, though he feed upon symphony as a lamb
upon milk, is no true lover if he play no instrument.
Your true lover does more than admire the muse, he sweats
a little in her service."
  --Catherine Drinker Bowen
   Friends and Fiddlers (1935)

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Free music softawres do not exist!

2002-12-30 Thread evita . j_01
On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 09:12:45 +0100, Daniel Taupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> When editing music scores, there is Finale and Encore.

What, no Sibelius, and no Score?

>Period (there are other which are specific, but they are not free
>I replied that there is MusiXTeX, but this is ignored...

I know the feeling...

Someone on a classical guitar mailing list wrote to me last summer
about my Bach score, saying they very much liked the look of it and
would like to know what program I'd used. When, after several mail
interchanges in which I'd outlined the basic non-WYSIWYG approach of
MusixTeX (and then had to explain what "WYSIWYG" means), I pointed
this person at the source files in the Icking Archive, this was the
response I got:

>>You don't actually write all that weird stuff do you?!?  I did not 
>>find a source for your piece but I did look at one of the others and
>>it really made very little sense to me.  It is like it is in some
>>kind of code.  I had to view the file using quod.tex.  I have never
>>used that program before.  I do have GostScript and that works nicely
>>for converting finale files.  [.] I really don't see how you
>>managed to do all that music never seeing what you are writing.  That
>>must be really hard!

In the event, this person proved unable (or unwilling) even to try to
install TeX, let alone learn MusixTeX. For my part, I've never ceased
to be glad that, when faced with the need to set guitar music, I
refused to throw money (the price of Finale/Sibelius/Whatever) at the
problem and instead invested the necessary time to come to grips with
MusixTeX. With a little, and at times a lot of, help from my friends
on this list -- and let me take this opportunity to thank them once
again for their kindness. Happy New Year to you all!


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Free music softawres do not exist!

2003-01-02 Thread evita . j_01
On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 14:03:59 + (CET), "I. Oppenheim"

>The biggest problem, though, is that there does not
>seem to exist an introductory tutorial in English,
>providing some simple examples how to work with pmx and

I agree entirely, and as a matter of fact I was drafting a comment
along the same lines in reply to Christof's post when Irwin's mail
reached me. Daniel's MusixTeX manual is one of the best pieces of
software documentation I've come across, but for anyone who isn't
conversant with TeX to begin with, it's rather daunting to try to
teach yourself MusixTeX from it. (It can be done -- I managed it, with
a lot of help from listmembers and especially Werner Icking -- but it
does take a fair amount of dedication.)

So... is anyone already writing such a tutorial or making a New Year's
resolution to do so? Or am I going to end up regressing myself to my
early MusixTeX days to remember the difficulties I had, and do the
deed myself? (For MusixTeX, anyway -- as I've never managed to learn
PMX, someone else would have to handle that side of things.)


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] I want your tests

2003-01-06 Thread evita . j_01
On Sat, 04 Jan 2003 14:22:13 +0100, Daniel Taupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>It should be especially tested with HUGE tests, in order to check that
>it does not cause errors du to number of registers exhausted. 

I don't know if this qualifies as "huge", but I've just re-TeX-ed the
source for the BWV995 suite in its entirety and encountered no
problems whatsoever. (MikTeX 2.1.8 on Windows 2000.)

Thank you again for a wonderful music typesetter.


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] I want your tests

2003-01-06 Thread evita . j_01
On Sun, 05 Jan 2003 08:03:27 +0100, Andre Van Ryckeghem

>(who did not know Finale was for free. 
I believe there is a scaled-down variant (with seriously limited
functionality) that one can download for nothing. The full version
still costs a mint, though.

>I bought it once and could not work with it)

I'm with you, Andre. I tried Finale once and hated it. Half of the
gradient of the learning curve involved in mastering it seemed to
result from the programmers' insistence on flouting every single
Windows convention they could find (like which functions to put in
which menu, like allowing one to delete things by selecting with the
mouse and hitting the "Delete" key) and on burying basic, frequently
needed functions five levels deep in the menu hierarchy and making the
user wade through reams of PDF documentation to find out where exactly
they'd put them.

I took one look and decided that if I was going to be facing a steep
learning curve anyway, I'd just as soon have a learning curve that
wasn't 50% due to poor design, and I'd just as soon not pay for the
privilege! The rest, more or less, is history...


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Printer problem: will do either ties or dynamics, but not both...

2003-01-17 Thread evita . j_01
Dear friends,

Two questions:

1. When I send a DVI file to my HP Laserjet 2200D printer, the score
lands in the output tray stripped of all markings p, pp, ppp etc.
(They print out fine in Acrobat Reader after conversion to PDF, but
then all the ties are missing.) Can anyone suggest a remedy
(preferably, from the perspective of this mostly non-technical
computer user, one that isn't too arcane)?

2. Has anyone found a solution to the slur/tie problem in Acrobat
Reader 5 (and, on my system, 4.05 as well)? Do Stanislav's postscript
slurs (which I haven't so far been using) work around the problem?

For my own purposes I could stay at the DVI stage and fudge the
dynamic markings by substituting 12-point palatino italic for
MusixTeX's \p, \pp etc. macros, but I need to get this score to
somebody in electronic format who will want to view and print it using
-- unfortunately -- Acrobat Reader.

Thanks in advance

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Printer problem: will do either ties or dynamics, but not both...

2003-01-18 Thread evita . j_01
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 16:09:34 +0100 (CET), Christof Biebricher

>> 1. When I send a DVI file to my HP Laserjet 2200D printer, the score
>> lands in the output tray stripped of all markings p, pp, ppp etc.
>> (They print out fine in Acrobat Reader after conversion to PDF, but
>> then all the ties are missing.) Can anyone suggest a remedy
>> (preferably, from the perspective of this mostly non-technical
>> computer user, one that isn't too arcane)?
>Dear Eva,
>I suspect you have changed the fonts. 
Nope, only printers. DVI Files that used to print out perfectly on my
Epson inkjet seem to lose the p, pp, ppp markings etc. when sent to
the laser printer.

>Normally programs
>list which pfb-fonts have been bound into the pdf file, that whould
>give you a hint. 
Hardly, since the problem is with the *DVI* document. The symbols in
question show up all right in the PDF file. It's the DVI that doesn't
have them, and this is what I would like to remedy because the DVI is
what I usually print for my own purposes.

>> 2. Has anyone found a solution to the slur/tie problem in Acrobat
>> Reader 5 (and, on my system, 4.05 as well)? Do Stanislav's postscript
>> slurs (which I haven't so far been using) work around the problem?
>What problem? I haven't got one. 
Lucky you -- you must be the only one who hasn't reported Acrobat
Reader failing to display slurs and ties!


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Printer problem: will do either ties or dynamics, but not both...

2003-01-18 Thread evita . j_01
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 16:09:34 +0100 (CET), Christof Biebricher

>The type K ties and slurs cannot be directly
>pdftexed, you have to convert the ps file into pdf by ps2pdf.
>I believe that you may also use ghostscript for doing that, but
>I always used ps2pdf.

Hmmm. I don't use pdftex; I've always used dvipdfm to generate such
PDFs as I need. And this procedure results in a file with all ties
missing both on screen and on paper.

However, your mention of Ghostscript has just saved my bacon. I've now
used dvips to generate a postscript file and then converted that to
PDF in GSView, and lo and behold, all the ties are both visible and
printable in Acrobat 5!

Thank you, Christof. I urgently need to get this file back to the
composer of the piece (who's never heard of TeX and can't use a DVI
file), and it wouldn't have been much use with no ties anywhere in

As for ps2pdf, there appears to be no such animal in my MiKTeX
installation; however, Ghostscript/GSView contains a few batch files
called ps2pdf*.bat. Is this the thing you mean, or is there a separate
TeX-related utility of the same name? If so, can you point me to a
precompiled version of the same for Windows, please? 

Thanks again, and best regards

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] ps2pdf

2003-01-19 Thread evita . j_01
On Sat, 18 Jan 2003 18:48:57 + (CET), "I. Oppenheim"

>ps2pdf is NOT a separate program; it is just a script
>file that uses ghostscript to convert ps files to pdf.
>This script file is part of the standard ghostscript
>distribution and is available for both Windows and
>Linux. Some TeX distributions also have a script file
>called "dvipdf," which first calls "dvips" and then the
>"ps2pdf" script from the ghostscript distribution.

Interestingly, my attempts to generate PDFs using dvipdf(m) result in
files where Acrobat Reader won't display the ties (though the same PDF
file, opened in GSView, looks perfect). Running dvips, opening the PS
in GSView, and then converting to PDF from there produces a PDF that,
on my system, looks as it should.

There is another interesting glitch, though -- when I sent the PDF to
the composer yesterday, the feedback I got was that the ties begin a
long way from the note heads *when he prints the file*, though it
looks all right on screen. Is there no end to the eccentricities of
the PDF format...


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Grouping notes within the same beam

2003-01-20 Thread evita . j_01
Dear friends,

I'm trying to typeset a semiquaver sextuplet figure in two groups of
three notes, with the lower of the two beams interrupted between note
stems three and four.

This is no problem in the case of a straightforward upper or lower
beam, as in the following:


However, when the beam starts out as a lower beam and terminates as an
upper beam, the results are unfortunate:


Can anyone suggest a workaround that forces the *lower* of the two
beams to be interrupted in this example?

Thanks in advance

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Grouping notes within the same beam

2003-01-21 Thread evita . j_01
On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 18:32:48 +0100 (CET), TORRI Vincent

>I've tried this. It seems to work, but it is awfully programmed...
>First, i use \ibbu (as using \ibbl and \tbb* seems to keep the lowest 
>beam). I change the starting pitch of the beam. I put the note at pitch p 
>with lower stem (with no spacing). I shift it to get it a the right place 
>and I increase the length of its stem so that its stem reaches the beam. 
>Then I put a phantom note to simulate the first note of the upper beam.
>  It requires some work but it works...

For crying out loud. Thanks, Vincent -- I was so sure the solution
would be a complicated one that it never occurred to me to try
offsetting the first note to align with the beam!

As it turns out, the phantom beam members etc. aren't strictly
necessary; the following code seems to work acceptably:


The flaw in this setup is that there's a little too much space between
the start of this beamed group and whatever precedes it unless you
perform the \addspace maneuvre with a negative value of
\afterruleskip. In the score I'm currently setting, this of beam
occurs right after a bar line, and in this situation the \addspace
correction appears to work well. I hope there aren't any hidden
catches that would cause problems somewhere else...


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Grouping notes within the same beam: collector's point of view.

2003-01-22 Thread evita . j_01
On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 09:05:58 +0100, Jean-Pierre Coulon

>As a collector of sheet music, I can say that this way linking two sets
>of double beams with a single beam is a 19th century engraving
>habit. You'd better write two *independent* sets of *three*
>semiquavers, unless you want to mimic old editions.
I don't know about the wider traditions of music engraving in general,
but this sort of beaming occurs quite extensively in classical guitar
muic written in the last decade or so. And the work I'm currently
typesetting (for the composer himself, whose beaming practice in the
manuscript I'm reproducing) is a classical guitar composition written
in July 2000.

>BTW, is the British musical terminology more welcome than the
>US one, in this list ? IMHO US terminology  has the advantage
>of beeing a "clone" of the German one.
I'm not aware that any preference has ever been stated on the list; as
far as I can tell, everyone uses whichever terminology they're most
familiar with. 

For my part, I use the British system because that's what I grew up
using. I can't get my mind round all those fractions in the American
system even though the German terms are no problem for me. Just a
quirk in the way my mind works, I suppose... :)


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Grouping notes within the same beam

2003-01-23 Thread evita . j_01
On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 16:29:26 +0100, Jean-Pierre Coulon

>I think this requires less efforts:
This would be perfect if it weren't for the extra white space caused
by the \roff at the beginning of the figure -- not very noticeable in
a single-bar extract but unsightly in the context of a continuous

If you compare the following multi-bar versions, you'll see that a
\qsk *backwards* fixes the problem:

\startextract % your version, with an empty bar inserted before it


\startextract % the solution I eventually came up with

>(Eva, I hope you appreciate my ceasing to contradict your style :-)

Jean-Pierre, you can contradict *my* style as much as you like. It's
the thought of contradicting the *composer's* style that worries me.
Now there's an artist who knows exactly what he wants!


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Ossia

2003-01-27 Thread evita . j_01
Dear friends,

How would I go about setting (in plain MusixTeX) a an ossia of one or
two bars' length? I can't seem to find anything in the manual about

Thanks in advance

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Ossia

2003-01-28 Thread evita . j_01
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003 09:52:49 +0100, Olivier Vogel

>For ossia handling, you have to use \stoppiece, increase the number of 
>instruments, specify a smaller staff size for the ossia line, insert your 
>ossia code after \contpiece. Then you have to restore the preceding 
>settings: \stoppiece, restore the previous number of instrument, the normal 
>size of staff (if necessary) and continue as usual with \contpiece.

Dear Olivier,

OK, with those instructions, this is as far as I got:

\input musixtex
\NOtes\zqu c&\ql l\en
\NOtes\zqu d&\ql m\en
\NOtes\zqu e&\ql n\en
\NOtes\zqu f&\ql o\en

...which insists on spreading itself over three lines, as it seems the
"extra instrument" demands a full line's width all to itself despite
the fact that it's only supposed to exist for one single measure.

Yikes! What now?


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Ossia

2003-01-28 Thread evita . j_01
Hello again,

Having received Rainer Dunker's post and followed up his link to the
list archives, I'm starting to think that this ossia caper is a lot
more trouble than it's worth!

My best bet (read: about the only thing in this whole arcane mess that
I have even half a hope of pulling off) is probably going to be the
TeX box solution. Below is my first try:

\input musixtex
% begin ossia code
  \loffset 3{~\unhcopy\ossiaI}}\qu{ghij}\en\barre

Problems with this:

1. \bar no longer works after the box is posted! (The alternative
\barre evidently does.)

2. Setting the ossia fragment to a different staff size results in a
complete mess that I haven't, so far, been able to flail my way out


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Text below a score

2003-02-10 Thread evita . j_01
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 13:53:00 +0100, "Cornelius C. Noack"

>Hope this hilft.

How appropriate to quote that most typical of Werner's valedictory
statements at this moment -- two days after the second anniversary of
his all-too early passing.

I'm sure I'm not the only one on this list who can't typeset a single
bar of MusixTeX without thinking of him. Thank you for this public
reaffirmation of what he gave to all of us in knowledge and

Here's to you, Werner.


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] OT: Acrobat Bug

2003-02-12 Thread evita . j_01
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 12:34:59 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Acrobat Reader 5.0 & 5.1 doesn't display all horizontal MusiXTeX slurs, means 
>\sluru 1p  \tslur 1p, where p is an arbitrary pitch value. GhostView & 
>Acrobat Reader 4.x display this slur(s) in a correct way. How I  have to change 
>the slur to avoid this error? I can use no horizontal slurs, like sluru 1p --- tslur 
>but this is an ugly solution. Any better solution? 

Hi Frauke,

what are you using to generate the PDF? On my system, this problem
occurs when I create the PDF using dvipdfm. However, if I use dvips to
create a Postscript file, then open that in GSView and create the PDF
in there using the "Convert" feature, Acrobat 5.0 correctly displays
all the slurs.


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
--- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] How to setup the with of only one line?

2003-06-03 Thread evita . j_01
On Tuesday, June 3, 2003 at 9:59:49 AM, you wrote:

> Is it possible to modify the width of a line?

> The coda is only two bars long, and it doesn't look fine
> when those bars are stretched to fit the whole width of the
> page.

Perhaps  the  following  would  work  (I  haven't tried it): put in an
\endpiece  after  the  end  of  the  last complete line, then code the
remaining  two  coda  bars  between \startextract...\endextract (which
will  make  them only as long as they need to be, not stretched to fit
the page), and insert them after the last full line as an hbox.


You do what you must do, and pay for it.
So in the end all things are simple.
 - Ellis Peters, _Brother Cadfael's Penance_

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Online music notation guide

2003-06-16 Thread evita . j_01
FYI, FWIW, etc. :)


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Fwd: TeX installation problems

2003-07-08 Thread evita . j_01
Dear friends,

I've  had  a  question from somebody who used my MusixTeX installation
guide  and  now has problems processing a file -- please see below for
the exact error messages that he's getting. (I notice, without knowing
whether  this  may be relevant, that he has installed MikTeX 2.3.,
whereas my install guide was written for 2.1..)

The  file  in  question is Daniel Taupin's adagio.tex, which processes
perfectly  on  my  machine.  Can  someone  help  Floris  sort  out his


On Monday, July 7, 2003 at 4:32:49 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

===8<==Begin forwarded message===
I was installing MikTex 2.3.1222 and found that after doing exactly as your
manual instructed, MusixTeX reported all kinds of errors. 
When processing a musixtex .tex-file, it put this, recurring, in the error
log file:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.316 \rm
! Font \eightrm=nur8 not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.
l.368   \font
 \eightbf=\fontid bx8



Floris van Vugt

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

===8<==End forwarded message=

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Sharp sign within \setname

2003-08-14 Thread evita . j_01
On Monday, August 11, 2003 at 11:22:30 AM, you wrote:

> Hi,

> On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 10:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> How  can  I persuade MusixTeX to print a sharp sign instead of the "*"
>> in the following extract?

>> \setname1{\circleit{3}\kern 12pt = G *}%

> How about

>   \setname1{\circleit{3}\kern 12pt = G$\sharp$}%

> ?

I  admit that I never thought of that one, and of course it works, but
the  sharp sign this method uses doesn't seem to be from the same font
that  MusixTeX  uses.  Is there a way to put MusixTeX's own sharp sign
there without generating a slew of error messages?


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Sharp sign within \setname

2003-08-14 Thread evita . j_01
Dear friends,

How  can  I persuade MusixTeX to print a sharp sign instead of the "*"
in the following extract?

\input musixtex

\parindent 1.5 cm
\setname1{\circleit{3}\kern 12pt = G *}%
\NOTes\wh p\en

(The  project is vihuela music transcribed for the guitar and requires
that the third string be tuned to G#.)


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Fwd: TeX installation problems

2003-08-21 Thread evita . j_01
Dear friends,

(A  repost from several weeks ago; apparently nobody responded the last

I've  had  a  question from somebody who used my MusixTeX installation
guide  and  now has problems processing a file -- please see below for
the exact error messages that he's getting. (I notice, without knowing
whether  this  may be relevant, that he has installed MikTeX 2.3.,
whereas my install guide was written for 2.1..)

The  file  in  question is Daniel Taupin's adagio.tex, which processes
perfectly  on  my  machine.  Can  someone  help  Floris  sort  out his


On Monday, July 7, 2003 at 4:32:49 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

===8<==Begin forwarded message===
I was installing MikTex 2.3.1222 and found that after doing exactly as your
manual instructed, MusixTeX reported all kinds of errors. 
When processing a musixtex .tex-file, it put this, recurring, in the error
log file:

! Undefined control sequence.
l.316 \rm
! Font \eightrm=nur8 not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.
l.368   \font
 \eightbf=\fontid bx8



Floris van Vugt

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

===8<==End forwarded message=

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Daniel Taupin

2003-09-02 Thread evita . j_01
On Tuesday, September 2, 2003 at 1:21:32 AM, you wrote:

> Daniel  Taupin  passed  away  on  August, 26th. He died accidentally
> while climbing in the Alps.

I  am deeply saddened by this news. It is much to my loss that I never
met Daniel or corresponded with him beyond a very few e-mails, but all
of us who use his MusixTeX owe so much to his efforts. Not only did he
create  a  music  typesetting system that easily rivals (or surpasses)
commercial software in output quality, but he also provided one of the
best user manuals I've seen anywhere, and then gave away the whole lot
free  of  charge to all who were willing to take the time to learn the
system. We have lost a generous spirit, a technical master, and a true
music lover.

Daniel will be always missed, and never forgotten.

Eva Jaksch

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] dviconcat

2003-10-21 Thread evita . j_01
Dear friends,

some  time  ago,  someone  on  this  list  sent  me  the DOS binary of
dviconca.exe along with instructions for use to the following effect:

dviconca -o outputfile infile1 infile2 infile3

I've  been  trying this without useful results; all I get is DVI files
of  size 0 bytes, or an output file containing nothing but infile1, or
ten-megabyte  monstrosities  (from  two  20k  input  files)  which YAP
refuses to open. Can anyone tell me what's going wrong here?


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] dviconcat

2003-10-22 Thread evita . j_01
On Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 4:15:42 AM, you wrote:

> The syntzx you gave is correct; I use it all the time.

 That's what I was afraid of. Still doesn't work at my end...

> I always use
> filenames that explicitly end in .dvi although I haven't tested whether
> that's essential.

OK, when I do dviconca -o test.dvi file1 file2 (without extensions), I
get a test.dvi of size 0 bytes.

When I add the file extensions, the dos box stays open for a couple of
minutes  and  eventually  churns out a 62 **MEGABYTE** DVI file (where
file1  and  file2 are both under 20k in size). Attempting to open this
in YAP produces the error message "Bad DVI file".

Is  it  possible  that  my  copy of dviconca.exe (compiled for DOS) is
somehow  corrupt?  If  so, does anyone know where I could find a clean
copy?  Unfortunately the utility isn't part of MikTeX, and it seems to
be  very difficult to get hold of these things in DOS/Windows versions
on the Web...


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] dviconcat

2003-10-22 Thread evita . j_01
On Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 4:11:18 PM, you wrote:


>> ... does anyone know where I could find a clean
>> copy?  Unfortunately the utility isn't part of MikTeX, and it seems to
>> be  very difficult to get hold of these things in DOS/Windows versions
>> on the Web...

> Yes it is, and that's why I added my copies to our archive several years
> ago:


Hmmm.  Thanks  --  it looks as though my executables in fact come from
this  archive,  as  they bear the same date and time stamp as those in
your  zip  file.  Unfortunately,  having  downloaded  a fresh copy and
placed  it  in my local binaries directory, I'm still getting the same

Interestingly  enough,  I  can't  seem  to get any usable results from
dvidvi either, whether I use the copies in the local binaries dir (and
yes,  this  *is* in my system path) or copy them to the directory with
the dvi files. 


TeX-music mailing list