[TMIC] Fwd: Say No to Limits on Rehab Therapy Services

2012-12-03 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


Dear Advocate,

A $1900 cap on Medicare therapy services will go into effect January 1,
2013 unless we act now to extend the exceptions process.

Urge your elected officials to support repeal of the caps

The caps place arbitrary limits on access to medically necessary
therapy services. These caps will return on January 1, 2013 unless Congress
takes action.

Take action to help protect access to critical and medically necessary
therapy services.

Thank you for being an activist,

Paul J. Tobin, LMSW
President  CEO
United Spinal Association

Privacy policy


United Spinal Association
75-20 Astoria Blvd.
East Elmhurst, NY 11370
i...@unitedspinal.org | 718-803-3782
---End Message---

Re: [TMIC] What hurts

2012-04-02 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I live in a big city. Even though there are some organizations that help 
the disabled, it seems
the big push from social workers and even nurses, is that I should go on 
medicaid in order
to get the most services. My Parents, (gone now), and I, worked hard for 
many years to have
a little security and comfort. Going on Medicaid means divesting all of 
ones assets but for
the bare minimum, and having the state own your soul. No thank you! So I 
own my own
condo that I inherited, but I live in a building that offers the bare 
minimum of access, and
the workers are hostile to me. I struggle to make ends meet on SSDI.  I 
even received an anonymous handwritten threatening message
a few months ago, which I have discussed with the police. Nothing they 
can do right now. My saving grace is my aide who

cooks, cleans and shops for me 4 days a week.

I would move to a more accessible and friendly place if I was not so 
physically depleted and
could afford it. You are not alone in having to make the best of a 
difficult situation. There
is no guarantee of sensitivity even from other disabled folks, though we 
hope that those
in similar circumstances have more understanding, it's not always the 
case. This group
has given more support than most I've found, but misunderstandings 
happen, as in most


Hoping you find answers and help for your needs.


a...@artfarm.com wrote:
What hurts, Bernie, is the *Victim-blaming* implicit in the question  
why do you stay

and whole passive agressive  if you don't like it just go somewhere else
it *pushes a button* in me, of other causes and other efforts
 where,  when one protests ill treatment, one is told

*to pack up and go*

And the sad, bad  part is  EVEN IF I WANTED TO I CAn't

 but the worst part is,  i*f i could, i would but if i could, then i 

*want or have to...*
*if i could marshall the resources to move, i could marshall the 

*to make it better, to fix it…*
but that doesn't even get to the why should i be the one to leave my home
that i worked so hard to get and give up my little yard and the trees 
i planted

and all my tools and equipment?


2011-12-31 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Wishing you and everyone on the TMIC a Happy and Heathier New Year!


Akua wrote:




2011-12-24 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Dear old Building and Loan, I mean TMIC friends! (It's a Wonderful Life 
reference ;)

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

With Love,
Kevin Wolfthal

Re: [TMIC] Cody in icu

2011-12-07 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Sending prayers out now.

c...@austin.rr.com wrote:
Please say prayers for Cody. He is ICU on a respirator. He has had 
MRI, Cat scan, blood test cultures and a spinal tap. They are trying 
to figure out why he is not breathing on his own and his co2 level was 
so high. He has a UTI, but haven’t found anything else. Lungs are okay 
and so is his heart. I’ll update when I know more Judy

Re: [TMIC] OT Happy Birthday November Babies!

2011-11-09 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thank you Janice!! :)

It's the fatigue that keeps me inside mainly. Both from TM and my meds.
Also from not sleeping well from pain. I think chronic pain causes
most of the fatigue.

Thanks again!

Janice Nichols wrote:
Happy Birthday, early!!!   I was just 60 when TM hit.What is 
the biggest problem keeping you from wanting to get outside? You will

feel better if you do get out.

-Original Message- From: Kevin Wolfthal
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 1:32 AM
To: tmic
Subject: [TMIC] OT Happy Birthday November Babies!

Wishing all those born in November a Happy Birthday!

I'll be turning 60 this Sunday, November 13! Wow, that's scary!!

I'm going to at least try and get outside, haven't been doing
too well lately.

All the best,
Kevin Wolfthal

[TMIC] OT Happy Birthday November Babies!

2011-11-08 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Wishing all those born in November a Happy Birthday!

I'll be turning 60 this Sunday, November 13! Wow, that's scary!!

I'm going to at least try and get outside, haven't been doing
too well lately.

All the best,
Kevin Wolfthal

Re: [TMIC] My son Chris OFF TOPIC

2011-10-07 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter and son.

Please accept my condolences at this difficult time.


celr...@aol.com wrote:


Re: [TMIC] OFF TOPIC; my cancer marker results

2011-09-23 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Cheryl,
I'm so happy to hear your good new!
As always,  you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you continued recovery!

rn11...@yahoo.com wrote:

Hi Everyone,
   Got my blood work results today. My CA2729 (a cancer marker) has 
gone from 112 down to 53.8 . The letrozole seems to be working!

   Thank you for the prayers,I really appreciate it.

OT Re: [TMIC] Hope You're Safe

2011-08-27 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Irene just starting to hit here in Connecticut. My town in
direct path. Prayers to all.


Akua wrote:

I freaked out yesterday when i saw the map on TV.
Called friends and family in my hometown, NYC.
Hope you're safe Dalton!

My family in Queens has a generator and has stocked up on food.
My friend in lower manhattan has decided to stay, my friend
uptown has stocked.

I love my hometown and pray all goes well. There has never ever
been an evacuation there before.

That all be well.

Re: [TMIC] tm anniversary

2011-08-14 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Cheryl,

It's been so long..I don't remember my tm anniversary, about 23 years.


rn11...@yahoo.com wrote:

Hi Everyone,
   Well,today was my 16th anniversary with tm.
Had a short cry and then went on as usual.I'm just sick of this 
whole thing.

  Cheryl in humid Easthampton,MA

[TMIC] OT Agency ripping me off

2011-08-02 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi all,
I hope everyone is coping as well as possible with the summer heat.

I would appreciate some advice with something that came up today.

The agency I use for help at home, told me today that I owe them
over $300 for an unpaid bill from _JUNE 2010!_ This was their billing
department which has been very nasty to me before. I KNOW I am
up to date in my payments and told her this. She said she is going
to send me a reconciliation form so I can go through all my checks
and payments from that period. When I got off the phone I called
their local office that just deals with scheduling aides and is a lot
easier to talk to. The woman I spoke to, who I have spoken with
many times before, said she would speak with her manager and
send an email off to the billing departnent.

I could go to another agrncy, but the aide I have is an angel,
and I trust her completely Another agency might send me
a monster, and I've dealt with that before.

Am I responsible for this billing bungle, assuming it's not
just a scam to get more money out of me from OVER A
YEAR AGO?? I can't take this additional stress.

Thanks all,

Re: [TMIC] Off Topic:I had a new adventure!

2011-06-14 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I had a weird reaction several months ago and ended up taken to the ER. 
My mouth, face and lips were numb,
and gastro-intestinal problems. After all the tests, they found nothing 
wrong, even did a brain ct-scan. It passed
after a few days and I never found out what caused it. Never happened 
before or since.

I'm glad your 'experience' passed and didn't get worse. I pray that you 
get good treatment for your

cancer. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Prayers to all,

rn11...@yahoo.com wrote:

   Well,I had a new experience yesterday.
   Went to my pcp in the am for routine visit. I happened to have a
sore throat,headache,and was very congested. He looked at my
throat,and didn't say anything more. I figured he thought it was a
virus,so he didn't give me an antibiotic.
   I went with my son-in-law and did some food shopping;when I got
home had message to call dr's office. Spoke with the nurse who said
the doc forgot to give me a script for amoxicillin and they would fax
it to pharmacy.
   My daughter picked it up,and I took one at 3:10. The fun began at
about 3:45. My hands were itchy,and no amount of scratching
helped.Then my face started itching. Lips felt tingly;looked in the
mirror and my face was getting very red,lips and tongue were puffy.
Now I have taken amoxicillin numerous times,but knew this was an
allergic reaction. Called 911 and the person had a hard time
understanding me due to tongue swelling. Then called my daughter,and
my sister. Daughter went to hospital,sister came to my house (she
lives down the street from me).
   In the ambulance IV was started and benadryl given through it;that
stops the reaction from getting worse. Got to hospital,had epinephrine
SQ which reverses the reaction,and solu-medrol 125 mg IVP. Had to stay
there for 5 hrs to be sure I didn't have a second reaction which is
worse than the first. I didn't (Thank God).
   Came home with an epi pen in case of any further problems.a 4 day
course of prednisone,and benadryl if needed for itching or rash.
   So,that was my adventure! I thought while in the ambulance,after
all crap I've been through the past 2 months,wouldn't it be ironic to
die from ONE PILL?? Because believe me,I thought I was dying.
   Now I await tomorrow to go to Dana Farber Cancer Institute for a
second opinion on my breast cancer. It has spread to lymph nodes in
the armpit and chest wall and into my shoulder;not in
liver,lungs,brain,pancreas,or kidney. From what I understand,it is not
curable,but treatable  Please keep me in your prayers and wish me well.
   Sorry this was so long winded.

Re: [TMIC] OT Unveiling

2011-05-02 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers.

The weather could not have been more perfect for my Mother's unveiling.

I read the eulogy and included some lighter memories with the sad ones
and I feel that it expressed my feelings as well as a few paragraphs can.

Thank you all again.

Warm wishes,

Patricia Cooley wrote:

Kevin I will be sure to say a pray for your mom and all the moms we TMers
have lost.

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal [mailto:wolft...@optonline.net]
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 4:36 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] OT Unveiling

Hello Friends,

Today is the unveiling at the cemetary for the writing on the
stone that my Mom shares with my Dad. Some may recall
that my Mom passed March 19, 2010. I will be giving
the eulogy.

Perhaps some of you could say all small prayer for
my Mom. Even if we all don't share the same religion,
I pray for all of us, and appreciate all your prayers
and good wishes.

Thank you,
Kevin Wolfthal


[TMIC] OT Unveiling

2011-05-01 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hello Friends,

Today is the unveiling at the cemetary for the writing on the
stone that my Mom shares with my Dad. Some may recall
that my Mom passed March 19, 2010. I will be giving
the eulogy.

Perhaps some of you could say all small prayer for
my Mom. Even if we all don't share the same religion,
I pray for all of us, and appreciate all your prayers
and good wishes.

Thank you,
Kevin Wolfthal

[TMIC] new treatment for MS and maybe more

2011-04-18 Thread Kevin Wolfthal



2011-01-07 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I never said that all nursing homes are bad. What is disturbing is that 
my Mother was

treated poorly in the nursing home she was in, she came home black and blue
all over and died the day she came home. When my Mom was in rehab and I
called to see how she was doing, the nurse said: what are you worried 
about, she's old
Is that supposed to instill confidence in a family member because it 
sure didn't. Nobody

tied her hands to make her say that.

Nobody will convince me that nursing homes are good places to be. I 
believe that in
most cases the opposite is true. My Mother got worse there, and was also 

medications that were wrong for her.


lynne myers wrote:

I know first hand after years of working in nursing homes, first as a 
nurses aide then as an RN that falls are the biggest issue they all 
have.  It is not that they don't care if people fall and get hurt, but 
with state regulations, atleast here in Michigan, it is very difficult 
to prevent the falls.  According to our state guide lines they all 
have the right to fall.  Preventing falls without the use of any 
type of restraint was one of the most time consuming and difficult 
parts of my job.
Please understand that not all nursing homes are bad, and that alot of 
the people who work in them care alot about what happens to the people 
staying there, but alot of times their hands are tied.


--- On *Wed, 1/5/11, Janice Nichols /jan...@centurytel.net/* wrote:

From: Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.net
Subject: Re: [TMIC] REHAB
To: Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net, Akua
a...@artfarm.com, tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, January 5, 2011, 12:44 PM

Kevin, you did all you could for your mom - don't beat yourself up
about it. I would imagine there was I shift that was sloppy with
patients and the others were pretty good.This was something
you could not help. Janice

-Original Message- From: Kevin Wolfthal
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 3:36 AM
To: Akua ; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] REHAB

I am furious when I think about how my Mother was treated in rehab
her stroke.
She was allowed to fall out of her wheelchair at least 3 times that I
know of. They
refused to belt her in the chair even though she was paralyzed on one
side. When I
called a nurse once to ask how my Mom was doing she said: why are you
about her, she's old I am NOT kidding!
When my Mom was brought home for hospice, she was black and blue
all over.
The hospice nurse was wondering why, so I told her, because the rehab
let her
fall out of her wheelchair three times. My Mom passed away on her
one day
back home.
I will do anything I can to avoid that kind of care. I wish I could
have done
more for my Mom.


Re: [TMIC] Careful OT

2011-01-07 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I'm sorry you are going through this and hope you are on the mend soon.

Best wishes my friend,

bgunny7...@aol.com wrote:
Monday night around 11:30 I had a horrendous Heart attack. Went to 
North Side Hospital by ambulance  where they put a stent in on a 95% 
clogged artery. Gotta go back on the 28th for them to do an 80% 
clogged one. So, if you smoke, STOP. If you eat fatty foods, STOP. If 
your messin up your life, STOP. This ain't no game. Felt like mule 
kicked me in the chest.


2011-01-04 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I am furious when I think about how my Mother was treated in rehab after 
her stroke.
She was allowed to fall out of her wheelchair at least 3 times that I 
know of. They
refused to belt her in the chair even though she was paralyzed on one 
side. When I
called a nurse once to ask how my Mom was doing she said: why are you 

about her, she's old I am NOT kidding!
When my Mom was brought home for hospice, she was black and blue all over.
The hospice nurse was wondering why, so I told her, because the rehab 
let her

fall out of her wheelchair three times. My Mom passed away on her one day
back home.
I will do anything I can to avoid that kind of care. I wish I could 
have done

more for my Mom.


Akua wrote:
The closest I came to hell on earth was in rehab. I was allowed to 
fall twice. I was given the wrong meds daily for nearly two months, I 
was insulted and demeaned.  I remember the nurse entering my room and 
finding me crying  -- I was in awful electric pain --- and she  told 
me I shouldn't be crying. She often brought he son to work. I wrote 
her  about her gross insensitivity and she apologized.

I worked hard to learn how to use the sliding board to get in and out 
of bed-- it was so so hard, and frightening, because an idiot had let 
me fall, but this mainly
because if you couldn't get up, you wouldn't be attended to.  Now that 
I'm home,
I understand one of the basic challenges the idiot didn't address-- 
the wheelchair slides on a polished, linoleum floor. I have a bathmat 
with grips by my bed now, so my wheelchair, doesn't slide. this is 
just one of a zillion things they could have taught or worked on or 
shared or  presented to  or for me and didn't. And this was rehab, to 
ready me for  life on my own as a paraplegic: worthless.

One of the friends I made there was immobile without assistance, 
although unlike me, she was not paralyzed. She was left on her bedpan
for an hour. I had passed aides chatting at the station, ignoring her 
buzzer, as i wheeled down the hall to see her.

I wrote the board and management and met with management. I met with 
the dietitian twice, who quit about a month after i left. She told me 
that she was unable to get me the food that with restore my health ( 
fresh fruit and vegtables,  fish, whole grain breads, baked potatoes).

I kept in touch with several friends I made there who were still there 
when I left, because we all knew the importance of having people call.

Only the cleaning staff helped. They advocated and interceded. I'll 
never forget one man who  came and prayed for and over me.

An investigation began when I and several other patients lost over 50 
pounds. The few visits I had, folks brought food. Staff ate or 
discarded my (good) food.

So, while I don't know about  the hip pain, I can relate to the soul 
pain of being in a nursing home.

It was like being in prison. There was a courtyard allegedly for  
getting air--- the door was always locked. I was awakened, whenever 
they felt like it, seldom consistently. Hellish to be awakened at 5 
a.m. to have blood drawn by  unskilled phlebotomists. Privacy was 
seldom observed

I remember always asking for doors or curtains to be closed.

If Cindy needs calls, I'm more than willing. all other things being 
equal, being in a nursing home is awful.


When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth 
and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for 
a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - think 
of it, always.

Mohandas Gandhi

[TMIC] O.T. Happy New Year

2010-12-31 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Wishing all TM'ers and families a Happy and Healthy 2011 !

All the best,

[TMIC] vaccines and tm

2010-12-31 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


[TMIC] Happy Holidays!

2010-12-24 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Merry Christmas  a Happy  Healthy New Year !


[TMIC] Gabapentin

2010-12-18 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

My new doctor visited me today. I asked him again about Gabapentin and he
is going to start me on 100mg 3 times a day. For those who take this, I 

like to hear how you did on it. I realize it's a low dosage.


Re: [TMIC] question

2010-12-09 Thread Kevin Wolfthal
I'm still having contracture in both legs. It is painful when I try to 
straighten my legs more
than about 60 degrees, my knees just won't allow them to straighten any 

I recently completed about 3 months of painful physical therapy at home, 
and now
I am in the process of trying to arrange wheelchair transport to an 

PT group. The 20 degree weather is not helping, but I have to do this.

Years of being sedentary/bedridden has caused this according to the PT. 
I guess
I just gave up when my Mom got sick and passed, but I'm trying the best 
I can.

Best to all,


2010-12-03 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I could write a book about what an LTD insurance company did to me.
The bottom line is, they stopped paying my benefits at the 24 month point
because of ABSURD AND INCORRECT statements made on a doctor's
report that I did not get to see in advance. When I confronted my doctor,
he quickly filled out a form correcting the mistakes, but guess what?
The insurance company wouldn't accept the new form. I fought for
years, but could not afford a lawyer, so never got my benefits back.

LTD's are one of the biggest scams out there in my opinion.



After 31 months, I'm finally scheduled for an IME for my LTD on the 
16th of this month!

My question is for anyone who has gone through an IME.   What can I 
expect?  This NEURO assigned for the IME is board certified BUT he 
owns his own Neuro Center which does nothing but Workers Comp and 
other insurance Independent neuro exams - LOL!  While he attended 
college in some neuro fields, I can't find where he received a degree 
in neurology!  He did, however, attended several months of training 
for insurance medical examinations and receive creditials!

This is a BIG case with almost $50,000 past due from Insurance and 
another $60,000 to the end of the end of LTD.

Warning for all you newbies - if you have STD/LTD through your 
employers, after 2 years the insurance company will TRY to discontinue 
payments due to a law for mental cases!

That law does not apply for physcial conditions EVEN though the 
insurance companies will do anything they can to NOT pay!

At the beginning, I suggest that you look up a GOOD LTD lawyer and 
call to be prepared for problems especially after 2 years!   Laws are 
changing all the time and the insurance

Also, TELL your doctor not to send any papers to ANY ONE without 
telling you and letting you review BEFORE sending out the papers! Have 
a BIG note put on your case file to that effect!

MY Neuro answered papers that allowed only YES/NO answers at the 
height of Season here in SW FL!  Since this is mainly a retirement 
town, and most of his patients are on Medicare Already, he answered 
the YES/NO WITHOUT further explanation and sent back to insurance 
without my knowledge!

ALWAYS before, the insurance company sent forms to me for me and the 
doctor to fill out.  I would always have to drop off the papers and 
pick them up to send back.  BUT to get rid of me, the insurance 
company  sent papers directly to my doctor and none to me - not even a 
notice!  The last set of papers was just 6 weeks after the quarterly 
review papers!   LIKE a MIRACLE would occur after 2 1/2 years of 
severe TM in just 6 weeks - 2 attacks of TM affecting C4 - T1 and T10 
- T12!

Just a word of warning to all newer TMers!  SSDI is bad enough but the 
LTD insurance companies are the WORST !%!$#$!#@ OF ALL!

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably .
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

Re: [TMIC] contracture questions

2010-11-21 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thank you Akua and everyone for your advice on
my contracture.

Congratulations Akua on your good news!



2010-11-19 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Happy Thanksgiving Pam,

In my  case the EMG was the test that my neurologist ultimately 
diagnosed my TM with. He said he
couldn't see the lesion in the MRI, but he could see a slowing of nerve 
conduction in the EMG.
So I'd have to say the  EMG correlates 100 percent with my pain and 
numbness. Hope that helps.

Take care,

PAMELA S wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving:  I have a question for everyone.  How has the EMG 
test results (if you had one done) correlate with the weakness and 
discomfort for you?  Pam 

[TMIC] contracture questions

2010-11-19 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi and Happy Thanksgiving all,

The past three months or so, I've been getting physical therapy at home
because I've developed contracture in my legs. I cannot straighten my
legs fully, primarily from lack of use I guess. I have gotten some 

from the PT, but now I am supposed to go for outpatient therapy because
my therapist feels he's done as much as he can in the home setting.
I have to say that this therapy, particularly when he stretches my legs,
is probably the worst pain I've had to endure.

Has anyone else experienced contracture? If so, did you get any improvement
with therapy?

Best regards to all,

Re: [TMIC] 6th anniversary

2010-10-07 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Cheryl,
I also am not looking forward to the early darkness. I don't know if I 
have 'SAD', but it affects me that way.

I am also appalled by the fact that the physical therapists and nurses 
currently treating me have little to
no understanding of what TM is and how it affects me. My current PT 
often says that my difficulty

in doing the exercises is mental. Grrr...

I agree, nobody really gets it' but us, the exceptional caregiver, and 
a few rare doctors.

Thank the Lord for you all.


rn11...@yahoo.com wrote:

   It's been 15 yrs for me,and I still mourn for the losses. Not
all the time,but it is especially sad for me around this time of
year. Good old seasonal affective disorder;It gets dark earlier.
Plus,this week has been rainy and gloomy,so that has me down.
   The hardest part for me is that unless you have tm,you don't
get it. The unrelenting tiredness,burning
pain,numbness,tingling,tightness,etc. My sister once said she
couldn't stand to have the numbness all the time. I said there
isn't a choice,it's reality,and you learn to accept it.
   I thank God for the TMIC;I'd be adrift in a sea of loneliness
without all of you.
   Cheryl in rainy (again) Easthampton,MA

--- On *Wed, 10/6/10, kimharrison...@comcast.net
/kimharrison...@comcast.net/* wrote:

From: kimharrison...@comcast.net kimharrison...@comcast.net
Subject: [TMIC] 10-06-04, the 6th anniversary TM came into my
To: TMIC tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 3:10 AM

10-06-04, today is the 6^th anniversary TM (Transverse
Myelits) came into my life. I live in Atlanta and was on a
business trip to Dallas . I would have never thought that
waking up; putting my feet on the ground one Wednesday morning
would have changed my life so much. I would like to say is
thank you to my husband Brian, my rock that keeps me grounded.
I could not have made it thru this without him by my side and
support. To God for bringing Brian into my life 24 years ago,
and to friends and family and my extended TM family that have
stuck by me regardless of what this spinal cord disease has
thrown at me.

There are days that it seems like it’s been forever and I can
not remember walking, running, riding a bike, ect and days
that it seems like I just woke up and realized life as I knew
it would never be the same. I still have days I mourn for the
loss of the life style I had but at the same time blessed at
how much appreciation for life has been given me. I know I am
blessed that this disease did leave me one good leg that I can
use a walker for short distances around the house, but need a
wheel chair for distance/public use. By reading so many TM
stories on this site I do not feel as alone with the pain,
frustration, and just plain old bad days as I read other
stories and puts my issues back in perspective.

Thanks again to my TM family for always being there and
sometimes that extra kick in the rear when the pity party starts!

So a journey in life began, but the adventure continues

Love and bless you all


TM T-10

[TMIC] changes

2010-09-01 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Friends,

Well, we're having another heatwave here in the northeast (CT), after 
almost winter weather

a few weeks ago, weird.

I've been trying some new things to try to feel 'human' again, and pull 
myself out of my depression.
I started on the anti-depressant Lexapro about 3 weeks ago. No 
noticeable change yet, but I know it can
take several weeks. At least no bad side effects like I had with Lyrica 
and Cymbalta.

I'm also getting physical therapy at home three days a week, which is 
kicking my butt, (fatigue, pain), and
will be starting occupational therapy for my hands. Last week, my BP was 
low, and still is in the
100/60 area. Before that it was 120/70. I am treated for high BP and 
have a call in to my doctor about

this. Maybe it has to do with PT after being sedentary for so long?

Anyway, I'm trying to be proactive about things..not easy for me.

Wishing you all the best.

Re: [TMIC] update on Michael

2010-08-27 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Beautifully said.

kimr1999 wrote:
God saw Michael getting tired and a cure was not to be. So He put His 
arms around him and whispered come to me. With tearful eyes we 
watched , and saw him pass away. Although we loved him dearly, we 
could not make him stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hardworking 
hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the 
May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared, comfort 
you now and in the days ahead.

*From:* Jill Hammond 3jmhamm...@clearwire.net
*To:* Anna  Jim jnawil...@roadrunner.com; Annie 
annielyman1...@yahoo.com; Becky  Steve mcsmi...@adelphia.net; 
Beth  Greg g...@comcast.net; Bob  Beverly b.doerfl...@gmail.com; 
Boyd b...@boydbryant.com; Carole Matteson 
carolematte...@hotmail.com; Char Brower charsreti...@hotmail.com; 
Cheryl Hammond i...@todaydata.com; Cindy Dunn cdunn53...@aol.com; 
Craig  Candi bur...@comcast.net; Craig Fiore 
cr...@ultra6.eskimo.com; fi...@dhs.gov; David and Patty Brooks 
blueba...@verizon.net; David Gay raega...@yahoo.com; Dennis  Pam 
burpee...@msn.com; Earl Fordham earl.ford...@gmail.com; Elaine 
Boos elaineb...@bellsouth.net; Eric  Eri 
ericshamm...@hotmail.com; Fred  Susan graceann1...@charter.net; 
Gil  Mari cdav...@dc.rr.com; James Fulmer jedi...@gmail.com; Jan 
Hlavaty-LaPosa janet.hlavaty-lap...@dhs.gov; Jim and Bobbi 
jimbobk...@msn.com; Johanna mjber...@verizon.net; Judy  Karl 
romocharlo...@hotmail.com; Keenan kee...@seattlegeek.net; Kendra 
kwa...@comcast.net; Lenny Lisa len.l...@verizon.net; Lisa 
l...@lisalundt.com; Lynn  Jade lynn.mari...@pfpa.mil; Mari 
wordfromwis...@smtel.com; marie swanson 
swansonbythe...@comcast.net; Mica Ward m...@detech.net; Mike  
Nancy mmccallis...@soundandsea.com; Nancy npurcell1...@yahoo.com; 
Noah n...@noahconrad.com; Pat Allegretti paa...@gmail.com; Pat and 
Corky pjgren...@hotmail.com; Pat Doebele grandmap...@comcast.net; 
Pat Massey patrick.mas...@dhs.gov; Paula 
paula.lazz...@attachmate.com; PJ pjn...@yahoo.com; Ron 
ron.brook...@att.net; Sally sa...@bsorenson.com; Sarah Bell-Schell 
maeb...@vandals.uidaho.edu; Scott Hamilton scotthamil...@live.com; 
Sharon  Steve pianica...@comcast.net; Sheri Meyer 
sheme...@cisco.com; Steve  Gail crescentc...@nwi.net; Steve and 
Jo stevejojohn...@msn.com; Susan  Ted Roth susanema...@mchsi.com; 
Tmic tmic-list@eskimo.com; Tom  Deb t...@ddoel.com; vanessa Quinn 
vanessa.qu...@dhs.gov; Wayne wme...@ci.everett.wa.us; Zsolt  
Patty zdor...@comcast.net

*Sent:* Thu, August 26, 2010 1:52:18 PM
*Subject:* [TMIC] update on Michael

Hello Family and Friends,

Michael slipped peacefully away yesterday evening at 9:30 p.m. He is 
now in a much better place.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers on his behalf.  The family 
greatly appreciates all the support and love you have all sent our way 
as we struggled through this past year.

with love and gratitude,

The Hammond Team

[TMIC] OT: Property Tax Help

2010-07-21 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I may have posted this before, but thought it worth posting again.

I just got my city property taxes cut in half. I called the tax collector
some months ago, and there is a simple form to fill out for disabled
property owners. This is a big difference for me as I live in CT, one
of the highest taxed states. Worth checking out.  I wish I had years ago.


Re: [TMIC] OT - need prayers after seeing video will understand why

2010-07-19 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


I am very sorry for your ex wife and daughter's loss.
Very sad. They are in my prayers.


Bernard Pelow wrote:
Yesterday my ex wife and daughters duplex went up in flames. It 
started in their neighbors part, unknown origin as of right now as to 
the cause. Please keep them in your prayers, Red Cross has them in a 
hotel for 5 days and then they are on their own. It was a total loss, 
and that was their car too that was melted to nothing. Both are 
disabled; Sara has auto immune like me, Sally my ex wife lost 2/3's of 
her right lung and both breasts to cancer and they are worried it is 
in her lymph glands. And now this... Life is cruel...


Re: [TMIC] OT: My Great Adventure

2010-07-16 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hey Todd,
You're welcome!
You hit the nail on the head! It is impossible for anyone in a wheelchair
to get in or out through the lobby of my building because of the stairs
inside and outside. I used to struggle on them when I was more mobile
with a cane or walker. There is one ramp and the door to it requires a key
that only the doorman has. I am afraid to find out what would happen if
I had to get outside and the doorman wasn't around!

I'm working on a second video now, thanks for watching!

Take care,

Todd Tarno wrote:

Hey Kevin,
Thanks for sharing your neighborhood with us.
It does take a lot just for you to get outside.
There is a lot of stairs, just in front  inside.
Can't wait to see your next video.
Keep going outside,

--- On *Wed, 7/14/10, Kevin Wolfthal /wolft...@optonline.net/* wrote:

From: Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net
Subject: [TMIC] OT: My Great Adventure
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 4:45 PM

Thought I'd share this ride in my wheelchair I video'd a few weeks

You can see my neghborhood. :)




2010-07-14 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Dear Friends,

I hope you are all doing as well as possible, staying hydrated and 
avoiding getting over-heated.

I'm sorry I haven't been on much lately.  Going through a lot 
here..trying to hang onto my condo

for dear life is taking a toll on me. Still grieving for my Mom..

I will try to be more active when I can. Praying for good health and 
miracles for us all.

With Love,

[TMIC] OT: My Great Adventure

2010-07-14 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thought I'd share this ride in my wheelchair I video'd a few weeks ago.

You can see my neghborhood. :)



[TMIC] OT cellphones

2010-06-21 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Just wondering if anyone with finger pain/numbness uses an iPhone and
finds the touch screen easier to use than a standard pushbutton phone.


[TMIC] Visiting Doctor

2010-06-14 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

The home-visiting doctor came to my home last Wednesday. He btought 
another doctor
who I guess is in training. I wasn't expecting him  that day, but it 
turned out to be a
pleasant exerience, well, as pleasant as a doctor's visit can be. He is 
going to adjust

my anxiety med and possibly start me on gabapentin for pain. So far so good.


Re: [TMIC] banding

2010-06-06 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I just started getting the banding in the past year, after 22 years of 
having tm.

It's a girdling feeling in my upper torso. When it started I thought I was
having a heart attack. I had my heart checked a few weeks ago and it's
fine except for occasional tachycardia which I am treated for.

The last two years have been extremely stressful. I've lost a lot of weight
and have great anxiety as a result. I am guessing the banding is related.
Someone mentioned eating causing banding. I've noticed a relationship
between eating and banding also, but it seems to be worse when I don't
eat. TM is a weird animal.

My tm started with horrible foot pain. Now my feet are mostly numb,
but I sometimes get the stabbing pain.


Patricia Cooley wrote:
Kevin I guess I am lucky I don't have banding, just horrible neurophy 
in my feet which drives me insane.  I sure wish there was something 
they could do for all our pain.

Patti - Wisconsin

On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net 
mailto:wolft...@optonline.net wrote:

Does anyone find that the sensation of banding worsens during times of
emotional stress?


[TMIC] banding

2010-06-05 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Does anyone find that the sensation of banding worsens during times of
emotional stress?


Re: [TMIC] OT bed question

2010-06-03 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thank you all for yor kind replies to my question about beds.

I have a lot more research to do. I will try to get to a store, but
I don't know if that will be possible.


Barbara Alma wrote:

Hi Kevin,
Ahh, the subject of a bed, it's just so very personal.  I've had a 
firm mattress for many years due to some back problems.  Nothing as 
serious as TM, but always needed the firm support for the past 20 or 
so years.  I currently have a firm mattress with a pillowtop.  It has 
the reinforced steel sides, so it doesn't dent in where you sit on the 
edge.  As others have stated, the pillowtop gives the comfort on top 
of the support.
Everyone of us has such different needs for comfort and support here.  
If you have the option of going out and trying out mattresses, that is 
really the best way to purchase.  We tried many types, including the 
memory foam.  The memory foam didn't work for me, as I have enough 
trouble rolling over on a regular mattress, but absolutely cannot roll 
over on a memory foam mattress.  On the one we have, I can grab onto 
the side of the bed and get an assist, and it's so much easier to roll 
myself over and position myself where I want to be.
The height of the mattress/bed frame, etc should also be taken into 
account for ease of getting in and out of bed or transferring when you 
think of your purchase.  Good luck and I hope that you find something 
that will give you many years of comfortable sleeping in the future.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Hi Friends,

I'm sorry I haven't been on as much as I'd like. I'm trying to
figure out my life now which is very different, and feel a bit

I was wondering if anyone could advise me. I need to buy
a new bed as mine is caving in and hurting my back. I can't
get out to bed shop, but I've heard that Sealy Posturepedic
makes the best mattress, and someone on tv recommended
medium hard? I'd like to hear your opinions.



[TMIC] OT bed question

2010-06-01 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Friends,

I'm sorry I haven't been on as much as I'd like. I'm trying to
figure out my life now which is very different, and feel a bit

I was wondering if anyone could advise me. I need to buy
a new bed as mine is caving in and hurting my back. I can't
get out to bed shop, but I've heard that Sealy Posturepedic
makes the best mattress, and someone on tv recommended
medium hard? I'd like to hear your opinions.


Re: [TMIC] health stuff

2010-05-16 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


I never took neurontin, my doctor wouldn't give it to me, no explanation.


Jill Posner wrote:
Yes I have had tongue numbness often and thought it was related to 
when I take neurontin...occurs afterwards.

*From:* Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net
*To:* Laura Beaudin laura.beau...@gmail.com; tmic-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Sun, May 16, 2010 12:29:51 AM
*Subject:* Re: [TMIC] health stuff


No, my dx is still TM.

My brother said he gets this kind of numbness when he gets a migraine, 
and I

did have a headache accompanying the numbness. The diarrhea makes me
think it was some kind of weird virus.


Laura Beaudin wrote:

 Do you have an MS diagnosis? This is a rather common symptom among 
MS patients...numb patches here and there. I've gotten them on my 
tongue and scalp before, among other places.

  You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those 
who can do nothing for him. -James D. Miles-
 http://www.bananga.com ...empowering ourselves! Buying a used 
wheelchair? BUYER BEWARE!!!

 On Practical-Homeschooling: 10 Free or Inexpensive Homeschool Options

 On 15/05/2010 9:07 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

 Hi All,

 Well, this has been a weird week for me re: health.

 Tuesday night I started getting severe diarrhea. Shortly after that my
 tongue started tingling and going numb, then my lips. This continued
 wednesday, but I had a nurse coming to visit me to check on bedsores
 on wednesday.  She looked at my mouth but didn't feel the numbness 
was an emergency.

 By thursday the numbness was getting worse so I took an ambulance to
 the ER. They checked everything, blood, heart, liver, kidneys,  
ct-scan of brain, found
 nothing wrong. Said it could be related to my reflux and possible 
 to meds and OTC stomach meds I take. Also suggested it could be 
 of TM symptoms. Finally, maybe emotional causes. In any case, the 
weird numbness
 is gone and I'm thankful. Has anyone else had their tongue/mouth go 

 Hope everyone is doing well as possible.


[TMIC] health stuff

2010-05-15 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi All,

Well, this has been a weird week for me re: health.

Tuesday night I started getting severe diarrhea. Shortly after that my
tongue started tingling and going numb, then my lips. This continued
wednesday, but I had a nurse coming to visit me to check on bedsores
on wednesday.  She looked at my mouth but didn't feel the numbness was 
an emergency.

By thursday the numbness was getting worse so I took an ambulance to
the ER. They checked everything, blood, heart, liver, kidneys,  ct-scan 
of brain, found

nothing wrong. Said it could be related to my reflux and possible reaction
to meds and OTC stomach meds I take. Also suggested it could be exacerbation
of TM symptoms. Finally, maybe emotional causes. In any case, the weird 

is gone and I'm thankful. Has anyone else had their tongue/mouth go numb?

Hope everyone is doing well as possible.


Re: [TMIC] health stuff

2010-05-15 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


No, my dx is still TM.

My brother said he gets this kind of numbness when he gets a migraine, and I
did have a headache accompanying the numbness. The diarrhea makes me
think it was some kind of weird virus.


Laura Beaudin wrote:


Do you have an MS diagnosis? This is a rather common symptom among MS 
patients...numb patches here and there. I've gotten them on my tongue 
and scalp before, among other places.

  You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those 
who can do nothing for him. -James D. Miles-
http://www.bananga.com ...empowering ourselves! Buying a used 
wheelchair? BUYER BEWARE!!!

On Practical-Homeschooling: 10 Free or Inexpensive Homeschool Options

On 15/05/2010 9:07 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

Hi All,

Well, this has been a weird week for me re: health.

Tuesday night I started getting severe diarrhea. Shortly after that my
tongue started tingling and going numb, then my lips. This continued
wednesday, but I had a nurse coming to visit me to check on bedsores
on wednesday.  She looked at my mouth but didn't feel the numbness 
was an emergency.

By thursday the numbness was getting worse so I took an ambulance to
the ER. They checked everything, blood, heart, liver, kidneys,  
ct-scan of brain, found
nothing wrong. Said it could be related to my reflux and possible 
to meds and OTC stomach meds I take. Also suggested it could be 
of TM symptoms. Finally, maybe emotional causes. In any case, the 
weird numbness
is gone and I'm thankful. Has anyone else had their tongue/mouth go 

Hope everyone is doing well as possible.


Re: [TMIC] health stuff

2010-05-15 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thanks, me too! :)

jrushton wrote:

 I haven't, Kevin.  I'm sure glad the SX are gone!  :) Jeanne in Dayton
/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ Kevin Wolfthal mailto:wolft...@optonline.net
/*Date:*/ 05/15/10 22:07:36
/*To:*/ tmic-list@eskimo.com mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com
/*Subject:*/ [TMIC] health stuff
Hi All,
Well, this has been a weird week for me re: health.
Tuesday night I started getting severe diarrhea. Shortly after that my
tongue started tingling and going numb, then my lips. This continued
wednesday, but I had a nurse coming to visit me to check on bedsores
on wednesday.  She looked at my mouth but didn't feel the numbness was
an emergency.
By thursday the numbness was getting worse so I took an ambulance to
the ER. They checked everything, blood, heart, liver, kidneys,  ct-scan
of brain, found
nothing wrong. Said it could be related to my reflux and possible reaction
to meds and OTC stomach meds I take. Also suggested it could be 

of TM symptoms. Finally, maybe emotional causes. In any case, the weird
is gone and I'm thankful. Has anyone else had their tongue/mouth go numb?
Hope everyone is doing well as possible.

Re: [TMIC] My Son

2010-05-08 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


I pray for you and your son and for a cure for these diseases soon.

Hang in there..I'm trying to.

Janet Dunn wrote:

Hello all you fellow TM’rs.

It is with such a heavy heart, and with tears rolling down my face 
that I write this.

My 15 year old son, who has struggled with his legs for a year now, 
undiagnosed, has finally been diagnosed. While it is not life 
threatening, it is TM.

I am so sad. I do not know what to think. When I was diagnosed he is 
the only child of my four that asked if it was hereditary, and I said 
no. He replied “Good, then I won’t get it.”

Now they strongly think he has it. I am so sad. So hurt – probably 
angry if I allow that emotion. I worry about his future. I know he can 
be productive, but really – two people in the same family having this 
beast of a disease? What are the chances?

The only common denominator, other than the gene pool, is that he was 
in the same vehicle accident that I was in 8 years ago. And he was on 
the same side of the truck that I was on, in the back seat. Why so 
long to manifest? I don’t know. He has seen me and my trials, so he 
knows what is ahead.

Does anyone know if this beastly condition can be hereditary? He is 
already talking about not having children in case it is.

I am so sad, so discouraged. I know that he is lucky – he can walk 
with a cane – for that I am thankful. He has not gone to school for a 
year because of the pain, and the exhaustion. I know that Tracy out 
there has an eleven year old daughter with it. I am just wondering if 
anyone else has two family members afflicted with this thing?

I simply cannot stop the tears. It is one thing for me, at 47, to face 
life with this, but to have my son have it too, at 15 is almost too much.

Thanks for listening.


Re: [TMIC] OT Bed sores

2010-04-30 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Laura,

Thank you for your kind words.

Thanks also for the info. I have pretty good insurance..I'll look into 
that bed.

All the best,

Laura Beaudin wrote:

Hi Kevin,

I'm sure the pain of a lost one never goes away, but it's also a part 
of life (sadly)...with time, other things start taking precedent, but 
the wonderful memory of your mother will always be there. How good is 
your insurance? I know that there are mattresses that are made almost 
entirely out of gel to avoid this problem...they are costly though, 
around $4000, but wonderful for those with bedsore problems.You could 
argue the point that you want to maintain your independence and this 
can help you. Talk to your doctor, or even better, an OT about this 
and first step, try to get a prescription. Im sorry, I can't remember 
the name of it now.

...just found it, it's called intellibed: http://www.intellibed.com/

  You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those 
who can do nothing for him. -James D. Miles-
http://www.bananga.com ...empowering ourselves! Buying a used 
wheelchair? BUYER BEWARE!!!

On Practical-Homeschooling: 10 Free or Inexpensive Homeschool Options

On 29/04/2010 2:49 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

Hi All,
Still coping with the loss of my Mom..but I don't expect
that will ever stop. Thank you all again for the kindness
you gave me..

I am wondering if anyone has any advice regarding avoiding bed sores.
I am in bed a lot and am comcerned about this. I turn often, but still
get some redness in spots. I have a nurse who uses Neosporin on them
and will be seeing a doctor soon. I'm wondering if a mattress pad would


Re: [TMIC] OT Bed sores

2010-04-30 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


I wish you, and everyone on the tmic, could have met my Mom. She truly
was, and still is to me, a special person.

Thank you,

pwi1991...@aol.com wrote:

hang in there, my prayers are with you
There is none so amazing as God
Peggy Wilson
In a message dated 4/29/2010 1:49:33 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 
wolft...@optonline.net writes:

Hi All,
Still coping with the loss of my Mom..but I don't expect
that will ever stop. Thank you all again for the kindness
you gave me..

I am wondering if anyone has any advice regarding avoiding bed sores.
I am in bed a lot and am comcerned about this. I turn often, but still
get some redness in spots. I have a nurse who uses Neosporin on them
and will be seeing a doctor soon. I'm wondering if a mattress pad


Re: [TMIC] Mike

2010-04-30 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I can relate to everything you say here Gunny. I am finding the old 
family memories overwhelming
right now also. Family vacations, little trips to the beach, telling a 
silly joke that made my Mom
laugh. It is too hard to think about these things..but I can't help it, 
and all I can do is sigh or cry.
I hope the memories become easier for both of us as time passes. I'm 
sure your brother knew, and

knows that you love him.


bgunny7...@aol.com wrote:
We buried my brother today. It was a nice military funeral. Mike was 
in the Navy back in the 60's. Anyway, I wanted to thenk each and every 
one of you who supported me. I thought about sending thank you nores 
individually, but they would have become repetetive after awhile, so I 
thought a blanket thank you would suffice. Ya know, we're all 
connected in one way or another, but as you get older, and people 
around you start to die off, it gets a little harder to take. 
Especiallt when they're your brother or sister, and they're younger 
than you. First, you're there when they're born, then you're there 
when they die. Everything starts to come back when family is around, 
and the memories sometime become overwhelming. In any case, my heat 
felt thanks goes out to all of you.

Semper Fi

[TMIC] OT Bed sores

2010-04-29 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi All,
Still coping with the loss of my Mom..but I don't expect
that will ever stop. Thank you all again for the kindness
you gave me..

I am wondering if anyone has any advice regarding avoiding bed sores.
I am in bed a lot and am comcerned about this. I turn often, but still
get some redness in spots. I have a nurse who uses Neosporin on them
and will be seeing a doctor soon. I'm wondering if a mattress pad would


Re: [TMIC] Mike

2010-04-26 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


You and your Brother are in my thoughts and prayers.


bgunny7...@aol.com wrote:
My younger brother Mike passed away at 12:40 AM this morning from 
brain cancer. He was 58.

[TMIC] ot: thank you all

2010-04-04 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Wanted to thank everyone who kindly sent me messages of condolence.

I'm still trying to accept my loss. Doesn't seem real still. I wake up every
night around 4am with bad dreams. I had an aide staying 24/7 until last 
but can't afford it for now. Will still have an aide in afternoon and 

Glad you are all here. I pray those who are in hospital, and pray for 
you all

for relief.

With Love,

Re: [TMIC] OT My Mom

2010-03-23 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Dear Friends,

I wish I could reply to you all individually, I know you will understand.

I am struggling to accept the loss of my Mom. It doesn't seem real or

I wish she did not have to spend her last six weeks in hospitals that
did nothing to help her suffering..we thought we were doing the
best thing for her.

On her last day, she was home with me, a hospice nurse, and an
aide. I hoped she would rally..but she wanted to go. She went in
her sleep. I am glad I got to tell her I loved her..many times, and
hold her hand.

When she was in her room, she pointed to the picture of her and
my Dad on the wall..she could barely speak at this point. I now
know she was telling me she wanted to be with him..and she is.

Thank you all for your kind expressions of sympathy and comfort.

Much Love,

[TMIC] OT My Mom

2010-03-20 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

My Mom passed sometime during the night Friday night.

I am struggling to absorb this.

At least I had a few hours with her before she passed
because she was brought home from the hospital during
the day Friday.

I told her I loved her many times. She was in such a
weakened state she could barely nod, but she knew who
I was and what I was saying.

I thought..hoped I'd have a little more time with her,
but at least she is not suffering anymore.

Thank you all for your kindness during this difficult

It is painful.


[TMIC] OT Hospice

2010-03-16 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Has anyone had hospice for a family member in the home?

We want to try and bring my Mom home from the hospital with
hospice and a 24 hour nurse. She is refusing to eat and we are hoping
her being home will help comfort her.


Re: [TMIC] OT Hospice

2010-03-16 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

We were told my Mom won't last 2 weeks if she continues refusing
food and drink. Her stroke put her in a clinical depressaion.
It's heartbreaking.


Todd Tarno wrote:

Hey Kevin,
My heart dropped when I saw Hospice, but after reading your e-mail  
why you're getting Hospice, I think it's a great ideal.
She will be closer to the things she loves, like you, her home and her 

You both really need this time together right now.
Please keep us updated,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On *Tue, 3/16/10, Kevin Wolfthal /wolft...@optonline.net/* wrote:

From: Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net
Subject: [TMIC] OT Hospice
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 9:01 PM

Has anyone had hospice for a family member in the home?

We want to try and bring my Mom home from the hospital with
hospice and a 24 hour nurse. She is refusing to eat and we are hoping
her being home will help comfort her.


[TMIC] re OT my Mom..update

2010-03-06 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

My Mom is in a deep depression..refusing food and hydration..barely 

The doctors are trying different medications. I'm scared.

Please keep your prayers and good thoughts coming.

Bless you all..

[TMIC] my Mom - Update

2010-02-24 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

My Mom is still refusing to eat. I sent our health companion Kedra to the
nursing home to sit with her and try to get her to eat. She always
liked Kedra. If her depression doesn't lift, she may be moved to a
geriatric psychiatric unit.

I am going to try to visit her, but I don't know if I can yet.

Please keep the prayers coming.

Prayers to you all,

Re: [TMIC] OT Prayer Request - Update

2010-02-18 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Lori and all,

My Mom is not doing well. She can't walk and her right hand is affected.
She is very depressed. She is in a nursing home for rehab, but is refusing
to eat. She also suffers from mild dementia, but the stroke may have made
it worse. When I call her I try to be as positive as I can, though I 
just want

to cry. I tell her she will be okay and please eat and do the things they
ask her to do. She sounded better last week, but I think her situation has
sunk in.

I sleep from exhaustion, but not well..haven't for years. To be honest, I
think I began giving up on life a few years ago. Doctors were doing nothing
for me, not even helping my pain. I am gaunt now and fairly bedridden. 
I've tried to do something positive I hit a brick wall. I don't see any 
reason to
go on. My Mom and I have been each others only support. I do have a 
I hire who helps us a few hours every night. She is an ANGEL. She is 
bringing my

Mom some Ensure tonight.

Thank you for your concern. It is more meaningful than I can express.


Lori Biehler wrote:

Hi Kevin,
How is your mom doing? How are you doing? Are you sleeping OK?

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal [mailto:wolft...@optonline.net]
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 6:36 PM
To: Todd Tarno; tm  tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT Prayer Request

Thank you and everyone for your prayers.
Bless you,

Todd Tarno wrote:

Hey Kevin,
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, Olga.
Hope she is doing better today,
We'll will be praying for Olga and your family,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On *Fri, 2/12/10, Kevin Wolfthal /wolft...@optonline.net/* wrote:

 From: Kevin Wolfthalwolft...@optonline.net
 Subject: [TMIC] OT Prayer Request
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.comtmic-list@eskimo.com
 Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 9:47 AM

 Dear Friends,

 My Mom had a stroke on Sunday. She is in the hospital. She has
 weakness on her
 right side and speech deficits. We have been each others support
 and caregivers
 for years. I feel more scared and alone than I have ever felt.

 Please say a prayer for her recovery. Her name is Olga. Thank you.

 Prayers to you all,



Re: [TMIC] OT Prayer Request

2010-02-15 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thank you and everyone for your prayers.
Bless you,

Todd Tarno wrote:

Hey Kevin,
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, Olga.
Hope she is doing better today,
We'll will be praying for Olga and your family,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On *Fri, 2/12/10, Kevin Wolfthal /wolft...@optonline.net/* wrote:

From: Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net
Subject: [TMIC] OT Prayer Request
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 9:47 AM

Dear Friends,

My Mom had a stroke on Sunday. She is in the hospital. She has
weakness on her
right side and speech deficits. We have been each others support
and caregivers
for years. I feel more scared and alone than I have ever felt.

Please say a prayer for her recovery. Her name is Olga. Thank you.

Prayers to you all,

[TMIC] OT Prayer Request

2010-02-12 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Dear Friends,

My Mom had a stroke on Sunday. She is in the hospital. She has weakness 
on her
right side and speech deficits. We have been each others support and 

for years. I feel more scared and alone than I have ever felt.

Please say a prayer for her recovery. Her name is Olga. Thank you.

Prayers to you all,

Re: [TMIC] OT Prayer Request

2010-02-12 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


celr...@aol.com wrote:


[TMIC] re OT Prayer Request

2010-02-12 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thank you all for your prayers.

My Mom has been moved to a nursing home for
rehab tonight. I am exhausted from dealing with
hospitals from my sick bed.

You are all kind. I wish I could thank you individually.
Please know you are all in my prayers and thoughts.


[TMIC] OT: Threatened

2010-01-19 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Two weeks ago my Mom got sick at home. I called 911 and she was taken to 
hospital. She's doing better now and is in a rehab home for PT. Today a 
woman I don't know came here and said that the hospital called her 
because my Mother falls a lot at home and they are concerned about her. 
My Mother doesn't fall a lot. The woman threatened me to clean up our 
clutter, (yes there is clutter but it doesn't prevent our movement), or 
else a social agency will come next and remove us!! She left her card. 
She is an MSW at a nursing home. Coincidentally, it's the same home 
family members have been pushing us into. Something weird about all 
this. I think I need legal help.


Re: [TMIC] OT: Threatened

2010-01-19 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Barbara,

My Mom wouldn't tell people she falls a lot. The paramedics that came 
for her wrote something

down that caused this.

It is odd that the woman that came today represents the same nursing 
home my family has been trying to force us into for 3 years.

I just spoke with a woman who is a state disability advocate. She saw a 
strong conflict of interest with the above fact, and gave me a number 
for legal assistance. Also, I HAVE benn having the clutter cleaned up 
already with help, and told the woman this. I have stuff near my bed so 
I can get it when I need it since
I am mostly bedridden now. Yes there's some papers, but it's not garbage 
and not hoarding.

A social services agent who represents a nursing home. Good scam.


Barbara Alma wrote:

Hi Kevin,
I wish I could tell you something warm and fuzzy, but someone has 
stirred the pot.  I am so sorry you are going through this.
Somebody has stated that your mom falls a lot.  Your mom may have told 
somebody between the hospital and the rehab that she falls or it may 
have been told by your other family members, but nonetheless, the 
social services has this in their files and has made the home visit.
It sounds like you have a huge problem.  It may be the best thing for 
you to try to get help from the people who come in and help you and 
your mom to clean up the clutter if it is more than you can handle 
yourself.  You are being very heavily scrutinized at this time and I 
don't think it'll go away unless you can satisfy them.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 1:05 pm
Subject: [TMIC] OT: Threatened

Two weeks ago my Mom got sick at home. I called 911 and she was taken 
to hospital. She's doing better now and is in a rehab home for PT. 
Today a woman I don't know came here and said that the hospital called 
her because my Mother falls a lot at home and they are concerned about 
her. My Mother doesn't fall a lot. The woman threatened me to clean up 
our clutter, (yes there is clutter but it doesn't prevent our 
movement), or else a social agency will come next and remove us!! She 
left her card. She is an MSW at a nursing home. Coincidentally, it's 
the same home family members have been pushing us into. Something 
weird about all this. I think I need legal help.


Re: [TMIC] OT: Threatened

2010-01-19 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thank you for your kind words.
I spoke with a disability advocate who said it sounds like my civil rights
are being violated.

rj_ran...@yahoo.com wrote:

Kevin that just burns me up reading that. I hate to hear what you're family is 
having to deal with. Hope someone can give the right advice aand course of 
--Original Message--
From: Kevin Wolfthal
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] OT:  Threatened
Sent: Jan 19, 2010 4:05 PM

Two weeks ago my Mom got sick at home. I called 911 and she was taken to
hospital. She's doing better now and is in a rehab home for PT. Today a
woman I don't know came here and said that the hospital called her
because my Mother falls a lot at home and they are concerned about her.
My Mother doesn't fall a lot. The woman threatened me to clean up our
clutter, (yes there is clutter but it doesn't prevent our movement), or
else a social agency will come next and remove us!! She left her card.
She is an MSW at a nursing home. Coincidentally, it's the same home
family members have been pushing us into. Something weird about all
this. I think I need legal help.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Re: [TMIC] OY Nursing Homes

2010-01-10 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

To throw the burden, (my Mom and me) in the trashbin.

Janice Nichols wrote:

Not to be nosy, but why were they trying to do that? Janice

From: Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 4:54 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] OY Nursing Homes

Has anyone had family members try to force you into a nursing home 
against your will?

it may be the most dehumanizing experience one can have,

How did you handle it?


[TMIC] OY Nursing Homes

2010-01-07 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Has anyone had family members try to force you into a nursing home 
against your will?

it may be the most dehumanizing experience one can have,

How did you handle it?


[TMIC] Merry Christmas!

2009-12-25 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Merry Christmas!


Re: [TMIC] OT: sorry...and thank you all

2009-12-24 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Dear Patti and everyone,

I want to thank you all for your kind replies.
A lot of my bathroom issues are stress related,
besides tm and the stress it causes. I am trying to
get a handle on the stress..easier said than done.

I greatly appreciate all of your suggestions.

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays!


Patricia Cooley wrote:


I went through the same thing when I first came home from the hospital.  I
don't know if it was a result of some of my meds, but I have found that if I
take a daily acidophilus tablet each morning I am O.K.  I am also the type
of person that when I become stressed out about anything, it affects my
digestive system so I try not to become too stressed, if that is possible.

I hope you can find some solution to your problem.

Patti - Wisconsin

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal [mailto:wolft...@optonline.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 6:16 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] OT: sorry...

Forgive me for bothering the board again. I have
nowhere else to turn right now, and I know you
have all experienced most everything.

Along with my recent anxiety has come digestive
problems. Getting to the bathroom has also
become harder because my mobility is worse. I am
getting a new wheelchair for that reason.
Constipation and terrible gas. Of course,
this makes my tm symptoms and anxiety worse.
I tried prune juice which has helped before, not
this time. Gas-X helps a little. I welcome all thoughts.



[TMIC] OT: sorry...

2009-12-23 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Forgive me for bothering the board again. I have
nowhere else to turn right now, and I know you
have all experienced most everything.

Along with my recent anxiety has come digestive
problems. Getting to the bathroom has also
become harder because my mobility is worse. I am
getting a new wheelchair for that reason.
Constipation and terrible gas. Of course,
this makes my tm symptoms and anxiety worse.
I tried prune juice which has helped before, not
this time. Gas-X helps a little. I welcome all thoughts.


Re: [TMIC] asking for prayers

2009-12-21 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


Prayers are on their way.


Barbara Alma wrote:
Our son Daniel was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit of 
the hosital yesterday with complications of the flu.  He has been sick 
for two weeks, and has had 4 different visits to the E/R and doctor's 
offices during that time.
The first visit to the E/R he was dehydrated and had chest x-rays, and 
it looked like something was starting in one lung so antibiotics were 
started then.  At that time the doctor said that if he had waited 
another day it would have been pretty bad, but it looked like 
they caught it before any complications.
After 6 days he went into a doctor's office in town when he was having 
some difficulty breathing.  He now had pneumonia in both lungs, had a 
breathing treatment and another antibiotic.  Then he had a return appt 
for that Friday.  He went in on Friday and they administered some 
oxygen and referred him to a pulmonary specialist at the hospital, so 
he went there and they did more tests and he now he was dehydrated 
again which caused blood clots in his lungs and in one leg.  He's 
getting lots of breathing treatments, oxygen, blood thinners and doing 
a bit better tonight.  They had all told him to go to bed, get lots of 
rest and get lots of fluids.  So, he did!  He did nothing else.

Needless to say I'm scared!
I am not an overly religious person, but I am a spiritual person 
who believes that prayers are very powerful.  For those who believe in 
prayers and who do pray, can you please add my son to yours?  I would 
appreciate it so much.

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: [TMIC] need advice

2009-12-19 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hey Todd,

Regarding my anxiety, giving my Mother CPR no doubt added to my existing 

and worry. There is only so much stress an indvidual can take.

RE: your cane, I think you need to speak with a different Kevin, lol


Todd Tarno wrote:

Hey Kevin,
You might need to up your doses of xanaz.
With doing CPR on your mother, could add anxiety on top of your TM.
I'm hopping to get you my measurements very soon.
I use a walker right now, but looking forward when I will be able to 
use your cane with the right measurements.

Hope you're having a better day, today,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On *Fri, 12/18/09, Kevin Wolfthal /wolft...@optonline.net/* wrote:

From: Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net
Subject: [TMIC] OT need advice
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 12:27 PM

Hi friends,

I have been having bad anxiety lately. I've had it a long time,
but not this bad.

i take xanax, which helps sometimes, but lately not so much. It's
gotten worse
since I had to give my Mom CPR last year. She is doing better..but
I am in
constant stress and worry now. Combined with my TM symptoms, it's

I try breathing exercises sometimes, but still can't shake this.

How do you deal with anxiety?


[TMIC] OT need advice

2009-12-18 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi friends,

I have been having bad anxiety lately. I've had it a long time, but not 
this bad.

i take xanax, which helps sometimes, but lately not so much. It's gotten 

since I had to give my Mom CPR last year. She is doing better..but I am in
constant stress and worry now. Combined with my TM symptoms, it's

I try breathing exercises sometimes, but still can't shake this.

How do you deal with anxiety?


Re: [TMIC] OT need advice

2009-12-18 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thanks everyone for your responses.

I have tried Cymbalta, could not tolerate the side effects. Also tried 
Effexor and Lyrica,
same problem. I am highly sensitive to many medications, chemicals, 
smells. Another

TM symptom?

Appreciate all the responses.


Mindy King wrote:
I'm with those who are encouraging you to try Cymbalta.  It saved my 
life period! and I successfully weaned off it when I found it no 
 longer necessary.

Mindy the Artisan
On Dec 18, 2009, at 4:26 PM, rj_ran...@yahoo.com 
mailto:rj_ran...@yahoo.com wrote:

Feeling u. Been there many many times. I wonder how many others.
--Original Message--
From: Kevin Wolfthal
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] OT need advice
Sent: Dec 18, 2009 1:27 PM

Hi friends,

I have been having bad anxiety lately. I've had it a long time, but not
this bad.

i take xanax, which helps sometimes, but lately not so much. It's gotten
since I had to give my Mom CPR last year. She is doing better..but I 
am in

constant stress and worry now. Combined with my TM symptoms, it's

I try breathing exercises sometimes, but still can't shake this.

How do you deal with anxiety?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

the King Family:
Mindy, Larry, Anna and Ben
we4king...@verizon.net mailto:we4king...@verizon.net

Re: [TMIC] Age

2009-12-13 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


-Original Message-
From: Janice Nichols
Sent: Dec 11, 2009 12:35 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Age

I have a request.   I was talking to my neuro and he was curious
to know the ages
that my website friends were when they were hit with TM.Do you
all mind sending
me that info  -  even if you only read messages and don't
usually respond?I would like
to get as many ages to him as possible.   I told him you all were
a pretty cooperative group!
Thanks guys
Janice, Missouri

Re: [TMIC] OT Good news!

2009-12-06 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


The couple we were using were not from any agency. I hired them during a 
crisis situation
last year when my Mom suddenly became ill and had to go into a nursing 
home. They are
a doorman in my building and his girlfriend. In the beginning they 
seemed nice. Then I
found out she was on SSI for emotional problems and they became abusive. 
There was nobody
to complain to, and they threatened my Mother and me more than once. 
Don't forget that some
of us are more vulnerable than others. I'm glad your help has worked out 
for you.


Laura Beaudin wrote:
I find that in the city I live, a lot of people complain about the 
caregivers hired by the government for the homecare programs. I've had 
nothing but pleasant encounters with them...ok, except for the first 
team which I complained about and they are no longer dispatched here. 
I think a large problem is that people don't speak up when something 
is not up to par. They can't read our minds and new PCA's often need 
guidance to help them get their job to the way we like it. Good 
communication right from the beginning avoids trouble later on.


On 05/12/2009 2:04 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

Well, I think the powers that be finally gave my Mom and me a break. 
I hired someone from Companions and Homemakers, and she just 
finished. She is WONDERFUL! Efficient, friendly, kind, and just a 
lovely person. She's coming back tomorrow and I hope this isn't too 
good to be true.

Just when you give up hope in humanity..


Re: [TMIC] OT Good news!

2009-12-06 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


Thank you and everyone else who sent kind replies!


Akua wrote:

I am so glad this worked out for you!!!

Well, I think the powers that be finally gave my Mom and me a break. 
I hired someone from Companions and Homemakers, and she just 
finished. She is WONDERFUL! Efficient, friendly, kind, and just a 
lovely person. She's coming back tomorrow and I hope this isn't too 
good to be true.

Just when you give up hope in humanity..


[TMIC] OT Good news!

2009-12-05 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Well, I think the powers that be finally gave my Mom and me a break. I 
hired someone from Companions and Homemakers, and she just finished. She 
is WONDERFUL! Efficient, friendly, kind, and just a lovely person. She's 
coming back tomorrow and I hope this isn't too good to be true.

Just when you give up hope in humanity..


[TMIC] OT: Companions and Homemakers

2009-12-02 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I am looking for a replacement for the couple who are supposed to be helping
my Mother and me. I've been checking a business called 'Companions and
Homemakers'. Is anyone familiat with them?


Re: [TMIC] OT: Companions and Homemakers

2009-12-02 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


Thanks! Already checked with the BBB and they have no complaints against 
them for
the past three years. I am really interested in hearing from people who 
use them.

I'll try your other suggestions, thanks.


Laura Beaudin wrote:
I'd start by checking with the BBB and local nursing homes to see what 
people have to say about them. Google them and the word review as 
well to see what is online about them. If they are local, be sure to 
enter your city and state into that search.


On 02/12/2009 2:38 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

I am looking for a replacement for the couple who are supposed to be 

my Mother and me. I've been checking a business called 'Companions and
Homemakers'. Is anyone familiat with them?


Fwd: Re: [TMIC] OT: Companions and Homemakers

2009-12-02 Thread Kevin Wolfthal



Now we really need new help. These people verbally abused my Mother
and me tonight. I think that was the last straw.

I live in Fairfield County, Connecticut.


Akua wrote:

I haven't.
Where are you located --- there's another network I could ask.


I am looking for a replacement for the couple who are supposed to be 

my Mother and me. I've been checking a business called 'Companions and
Homemakers'. Is anyone familiat with them?


---End Message---

Re: [TMIC] OT: Companions and Homemakers

2009-12-02 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


It's sad how those who are most in need of assistance are often treated 
most badly.

I have also recently had a horrendous experience with a wheelchair 
provider of

being totally ignored for months.

I appreciate your kind offer of help. :)


Akua wrote:


I am so sorry! I don't know why those designated to help are often the 
worst humans. It has been so for me. Today I spoke to the owner of the 
medical supply place, telling her how I had put in an order
two months ago for wheelchair wheels. She began the twenty questions, 
so in disbelief she was that
her employees in this city had neglected me. When I began to remember 
names and even described
how one employee brow beat me about my equipment-- there's no such 
thing as solid tires-- well
I'm sitting with a wheelchair with solid tires, I had said and how 
yes, someone had come to  my house to measure and CONFIRM what i had
named and described--- then the owner  said o so and so is very 
outspoken and there's no record of your
order in our computer system and i told her how sadly I was used 
to impolite behavior, but
I found it unfathomable that it was two months later and my new tires 
and new armrest  were not

yet here and installed.

That's just today's story. to say i know how burdensome and difficult 
it can be.

I'll check with my friend who has a home in CT.

Best to you and your mother,


Now we really need new help. These people verbally abused my Mother
and me tonight. I think that was the last straw.

I live in Fairfield County, Connecticut.


Akua wrote:

I haven't.
Where are you located --- there's another network I could ask.


I am looking for a replacement for the couple who are supposed to 
be helping

my Mother and me. I've been checking a business called 'Companions and
Homemakers'. Is anyone familiat with them?


[TMIC] Question

2009-11-28 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Someone sent me this email.  Does it make sense to anyone?

Transverse myelitis
Transverse myelitis
Have you considered the following:

TM is usually caused by Antiphospholipid Syndrome /Hughes Syndrome (also 
known as APLS  APS). If it is you may find relief in the other 
treatments for it.

Second, have you gone to a Pain Management doctor? For years I was never 
informed of such but for Neurologists. Not all Neuros are also Pain 
Management. They will run diagnostics and properly treat the pain.

Otherwise, you can order overseas through a trusted pharmacy I've used 
for years at http://www.yasminpharmacy.com/ and look for Tramadol. Its 
not considered a controlled substance and its legal. If the site is 
down, keep trying. The bandwidth gets used up easily and it is shopping 
season. Its all legal. :)

I hope something here helps. I do have APLS so I dread the potential. I 
will pray for you. :o)


I'm mainly wondering about the APLS/APS as I've never heard of them, and 
the Tramadol.

Make sense to anyone?


Re: [TMIC] Question

2009-11-28 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thanks all. I would never order drugs overseas.

The whole thing sounds like an oddball scheme.


Re: [TMIC] strange year

2009-11-13 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Please accept my condolences for your losses.



2009-10-23 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Cheerleader suffers neurological illness after flu shot:


Krissy Z wrote:

2 more links:



We are all in this together, by ourselves.
- Lily Tomlin

~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 12:37 AM


*Critical information that some Drug Manufacturers and the
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What are your options?**

Ways to stay safe...

**No matter what!*

*This time it’s personal!*

*Read In-Depth Report Now!


[TMIC] OT: Companions and Homemakers

2009-10-16 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Is anyone familiar with a home-care service called Companions and 

I called them today and they sounded decent for light cooking, cleaning 
and laundry.

Just wondering if anyone has used them and how they were?


Re: [TMIC] OT In-home assisted living

2009-10-12 Thread Kevin Wolfthal
We don't pay $200 a day, we could NEVER pay that much. What I said was 
that professional
help charges $200 a day. We have family in the area but they are not 

Thanks for the suggestions.

bgunny7...@aol.com wrote:
$200 a day! Hell, I'll come there for $100. First off, do these people 
have a key to your house? If so, I would get it back. The key could be 
copied so, get the locks changed.  There is a program called Meals on 
wheels that delivers food. Apparently, you don't have any family 
nearby, or do you? I have friends that come by and clean periodically, 
but you might wanna check your local paper for people to do that. 
Also, check your Job and family services to see if they offer anything 
like that.

[TMIC] OT In-home assisted living

2009-10-11 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Not sure if this has come up on the TMIC before.

Wondering if anyone uses help in your own home. Looking for
light cooking, laundry and cleaning.  How did you find your help?
Do any government agencies subsidize the cost?  Do you trust your

I'm asking because my Mom and I have a couple we pay, but they
lie, often don't show up, and steal. We even give them a car to use
and we pay all expenses.  But we can't afford $200 a day, which is
what I'm told professional help costs.

Thanks for all help.


[TMIC] OT taxes

2009-10-10 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Maybe this is common knowledge, but thought I'd share it anyway.

I recently found out that there are tax breaks for disabled and elderly
regarding property taxes in my city. I believe it will cut about
a thousand dollars a year or more off of my city taxes. Just required
getting my income info to my local tax assessor and signing a form.
Anyway, it's worth checking out.


[TMIC] Neurontin

2009-10-07 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I have not tried Neurontin for my pain because every neurologist I've been
to refused to give it to me when I asked about it. I don't know why.

The pain in my hands and feet is getting so bad that if I can't get some
relief I'm not sure what I will do.

For those taking Neurontin, have you had any bad side effects?  I tried
Lyrica and Cymbalta but could not tolerate the side effects.  I know 
many people
on the tmic use Neurontin successfully. 

I am becoming bedridden from pain, I have to try something, but I also 
have to

find a doctor who will work with me, obviously.


Re: [TMIC] OT: ALS Stem Cell Treatment

2009-09-23 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I thought he was. Do you know if human trials have started?


bgunny7...@aol.com wrote:

Yeah, Doug's workin on that also

[TMIC] OT: ALS Stem Cell Treatment

2009-09-22 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Stem cell trial for ALS treatment gets FDA OK


Re: [TMIC] Wheelchair questions

2009-09-18 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Jude,

Yes, I've been putting many hours and days of research into power 
wheelchairs. I tried one in my condo
yesterday, but even the Pride Go-Chair, a small chair, was too big for 
our tiny bathroom. I'm going to
try a Jazzy 1113 next. It's supposed to have a small turning circle. i 
will probably have to have the door

to our bathroom removed for a little more turning room.

Thanks for thinking of me. I hope you are doing ok.


heyjude48...@aol.com wrote:

*Hi Kevin, It's Jude...*
*I'm sure you have done this already but have you thoroughly 
researched the Internet for what you need.  I wish I could help you 
with this one.  I have two chairs and would gladly give it to someone 
with needs, but Dave says that I need to keep it for a back-up and he 
is probably right.*
*Take care of yourself,*

thed 8/13/2009 9:54:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
wolft...@optonline.net writes:

Thanks to everyone who replied regarding my wheelchair quesrions!

I wish I could get a scooter for cost and portability, but I
really need a
small mid-wheel drive chair to get around the tight spaces of my
condo. Unfortunately I will have to pay for this chair out of pocket
because I got a larger chair through insurance a few years ago and
they won't cover another one so soon. The Pride Go-Chair looks
like it will be the best one for my needs. I am having trouble
with Maxim Mobility not returning my calls..the providers
around here are not so great in my experience.

Thanks again,

Patricia Cooley wrote:



 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Wolfthal [mailto:wolft...@optonline.net]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:55 PM
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: [TMIC] Wheelchair questions

 I am wondering who uses Power Wheelchairs on the TMIC?
 I cannot use a manual wheelchair because my hands are bad.

 Would you mind posting which chair you use, what you like or
 don't like about it, is it good for indoor or outdoor use or both?

 I am considering a Pride Go-Chair mainly because it is small
 and comes apart for travel. (note: this is not the same as a
Go-Go Scooter)

 Also, is anyone familiar with the wheelchair provider Maxim
Mobility in
 New Haven, CT?  Good or bad?




2009-08-27 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I should have said, for those on social security, but it's tied into 

Catherine wrote:


I agree  ...  I think it is the end of many other services as well.


*From:* Kevin Wolfthal wolft...@optonline.net
*To:* tmic-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:53:58 PM
*Subject:* [TMIC] OT: No COLA

For anyone on Medicare, no COLA, (Cost Of Living Increase) for the 
next 2 years. This is going to hurt millions of sick and elderly people.

Is this how the new healthcare plan is being financed?  I think it's 
the beginning of the end of Medicare.


start: -00-00 end: -00-00 

Re: [TMIC] Wheelchair questions

2009-08-19 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


Yes, my small suv, a Subaru Forester, does not have a wide enough hatch 
opening for

a powerchair that does not come apart.

Thanks for the info.


heyjude48...@aol.com wrote:

*Is it mandatory that the wheelchair you are looking for is able to 
come apart for traveling?*
*I have a great chair, but it does not come apart, weighs about 500 
pounds so a van is necessary.*
*I will have Dave give me the info of the other power chair that I 
have that does break down.  It's real easy to take apart and put in 
the car or trunk.*

In a message dated 8/11/2009 9:55:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
wolft...@optonline.net writes:

I am wondering who uses Power Wheelchairs on the TMIC?
I cannot use a manual wheelchair because my hands are bad.

Would you mind posting which chair you use, what you like or
don't like about it, is it good for indoor or outdoor use or both?

I am considering a Pride Go-Chair mainly because it is small
and comes apart for travel. (note: this is not the same as a Go-Go

Also, is anyone familiar with the wheelchair provider Maxim
Mobility in
New Haven, CT?  Good or bad?


Re: [TMIC] Wheelchair questions

2009-08-13 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Thanks to everyone who replied regarding my wheelchair quesrions!

I wish I could get a scooter for cost and portability, but I really need a
small mid-wheel drive chair to get around the tight spaces of my
condo. Unfortunately I will have to pay for this chair out of pocket
because I got a larger chair through insurance a few years ago and
they won't cover another one so soon. The Pride Go-Chair looks
like it will be the best one for my needs. I am having trouble
with Maxim Mobility not returning my calls..the providers
around here are not so great in my experience.

Thanks again,

Patricia Cooley wrote:




-Original Message-
From: Kevin Wolfthal [mailto:wolft...@optonline.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:55 PM

To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Wheelchair questions

I am wondering who uses Power Wheelchairs on the TMIC?
I cannot use a manual wheelchair because my hands are bad.

Would you mind posting which chair you use, what you like or
don't like about it, is it good for indoor or outdoor use or both?

I am considering a Pride Go-Chair mainly because it is small
and comes apart for travel. (note: this is not the same as a Go-Go Scooter)

Also, is anyone familiar with the wheelchair provider Maxim Mobility in
New Haven, CT?  Good or bad?



[TMIC] Wheelchair questions

2009-08-11 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

I am wondering who uses Power Wheelchairs on the TMIC?
I cannot use a manual wheelchair because my hands are bad.

Would you mind posting which chair you use, what you like or
don't like about it, is it good for indoor or outdoor use or both?

I am considering a Pride Go-Chair mainly because it is small
and comes apart for travel. (note: this is not the same as a Go-Go Scooter)

Also, is anyone familiar with the wheelchair provider Maxim Mobility in
New Haven, CT?  Good or bad?


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