[TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

2008-04-16 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, in our case, me missus went from TM to an MS dx in less than two years 
and that was over 10 years ago.

As her caregiver, I can't feel her pain but as Sandy says, I can understand 
what she goes thru, and also sympathize and most of all, make sure that all, or 
most, of her needs are met.  
Indeed, a full time job.

I guess that some of us are more willing to be tolerant of the needs of others 
who are in need; other than those others who don't wish to understand at all or 
couldn't care less.  oh well

I know of instances where the spouse took a hike rather than deal with the 
illness of the affected one.
What creeps.

Regards from Elvisland, Bobby Jim
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:06 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

  I don't have TM, my husband does, (8 years now).  Therefore, I will try to 
speak from the standpoint of understanding.   However, I don't FEEL his pain, 
but I SYMPATHIZE with his pain.  I sympathize with; his daily issues, his 
paralysis, his complaints, his clonus, his feeling of inadequacies, his 
feelings of frustration and pain over sexual dysfunction and bladder 
dysfunction, his loss of his past life and of OUR past lives.  I LISTEN to him. 
 I AM THERE FOR HIM.  I encourage him, I apologize for his pain and anything 
that will make him understand that I UNDERSTAND to a degree. But, I don't think 
anyone can FULLY understand unless they have TM.  He knows I understand more 
about TM than many.  But, as they say, unless you can walk the walk.. I, 
more than likely, will never walk that walk.

  I love him, I am committed to him and I will continue to do my best to 
understand TM thru his eyes.  He is very detail oriented about it - so that in 
itself, helps me understand better.

  Anyone with a disease such as TM, needs someone to listen to them with 
compassion in their heart.  I will always do my best to be that person.

  Sandy Parker

From: Robert Pall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:36 pm
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.   
  Has anyone ever figured out how to make non TM'rs understand what we go thru 
  If so please share the secret!

  Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 3:30 PM
  To: Robert Pall
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Thanks to the list.

 That's the best thing about this list.Everyone knows how it feels to have 
tm;it's not something that a regular person understands.
  Cheryl in Easthampton,Mass.

  Robert Pall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would just like to thank all of the people on the list who responded to 
me in the past few weeks. It helped me thru a difficult time! 
I have been married for 38+ years and my wife has no idea what I go through 
on a daily basis….nor do my children, my relatives and my friends. Only the 
people on the list truly understand what it is like to get sick and never get 
better! Only the people on the list relate to terms such as banding, pins  
needles, freezing/burning etc. Only the people who have TM can truly relate to 
TM and how (in my case) in just a few hours my life changed for the worse. 
I am sorry I and all of you have TM…but I am extremely grateful for 
the people on the list who always find the time to help!  THANK YOU ALL!
Rob in New Jersey  

Re: [TMIC] Terry's Anniversary

2008-03-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
Hey hey for the caregiver...!   Me noes what it takes...;)   (Yep, 
lotsa tequila as well ;);).

All is well here as well, as 'SheWhoMustBeObeyed' is on a steady course, after 
374 Avonex injections (I shudder to think of the retail cost of all this ;).

Regards from Elvisland. BobbyJim
  From: Jan Hargrove  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list Sent: Monday, 
March 17, 2008 7:39 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Terry's Anniversary

  Happy Aniversary!!  I was going to suggest you celebrate with the Mexican 
  tequila, but think the day does call for the Irish tequila!!

  So glad that Terry's seen so much improvement and can't wait til he announes
  that he's walked unassisted!! ('course, we all know that his caretaker is 
  for his progress!)

St. Patty's Day marks 8 years since Terry was DX'd w/TM.   We will 
celebrate with Corned Beef and Cabbage washed down with the traditional Irish 
Drink, Tequila

Overall, he's doing phenomenal, especially considering how acute he was 
back then.   Seems to be continually improving and determined to walk without 
assistance before long!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Sandy  Terry   

Re: [TMIC] Hello from Jude

2008-02-23 Thread bobby jim hijar
I'll second all that.   Bobberino  
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 5:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hello from Jude

  OH JUDE!  YOU ARE EVER THE DIPLOMAT!   In all your current distress, you are, 
(as always), thinking of others.   
  What you said came our beautifully!   I so wished we were hearing more from 
you, but I understand things are difficult for you right now.

  You are always close to my thoughts and I hope and pray *(to whomever it may 
be that I pray to), that you will get healthy and come home very soon.

  Love you, Jude!

  Practice Random Acts of Kindness  

Re: [TMIC] Obama

2008-02-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
I've heard that a phone book has been used to take the oath.  Me, being an 
agnostic, would do something similar, if I could.  Thankfully, I haven't had to 
take an oath for many many years.

Bobberino in Elvisland.  
  From: Neil McNeil   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com  
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 4:02 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Obama

  I wouldn't care if he took the oath on a Victoria's Secret catalogueas 
long as Bush is out of the way the chances for stem cell research to speed up 
will be better
  Let's rant about politics and religion elsewhere anyway 

Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:39:52 -0500
To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Obama

Think about this long and hard people. I found this article I have 
attached, it's Worth the read. I have to ask myself, if Obama is elected 
President, will he take the oath of office on a bible or the koran?
Media Matters - Schlussel: Should Barack Hussein Obama be president when 
we a   

Re: OT Re: [TMIC] Obama

2008-02-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
Sal,  Salaam Alechem.Unfortunately, many folks here have no idea what it is 
to be a Muslim, or Hindu or Buddhist, or Confucian.  Or, in my case, an 
The 'American Dream' was founded on now obsolete white folks' Christian 
beliefs, circa 1950, and all this influx of 'ferners' of darker skin colorings 
are freaking da dikkens out of them.
Just look at the 'immigrant dilemma'.   A storm in a teacup, says aye.

Remember:  sticks and stones can break your bones, but words... like water 
on a duck's back, 
they just roll right off and 'be gone'.

Regards from Elvisland, da buckle of da Bible Belt,Bobberino   
  From: sal r   To: Cossy Hough ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Tmic-list@eskimo.com  
  Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 3:15 PM
  Subject: Re: OT Re: [TMIC] Obama

  thankyou very much Cossy...i liked your comment because this article made me 
very offended because i am muslim and people on tmic i thought suppose to be a 
family.i am very bothered now

  Cossy Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
With the separation of church and state it shouldn't matter. I am offended 
by the discriminatory tone in this article, especially the idea that we are 
fighting Islam. Are we not a nation of many faiths and beliefs? Those 
differences are our backboneI make my voting decisions based on factual 
issues, not on racism or religious discrimination. 

Check your facts, too: 


He's a Christian..

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Think about this long and hard people. I found this article I have 
attached, it's Worth the read. I have to ask myself, if Obama is elected 
President,  will he take the oath of office on a bible or the koran?
Media Matters - Schlussel: Should Barack Hussein Obama be president when 
 we a_ (http://mediamatters.org/items/20061225) 

Re: Re: [TMIC] grocery delivery

2007-06-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
When we lived in San Francisco we used Peapod as we didn't own a car there -- 
didn't need one.We ordered on line, set the delivery date and waited for 
our goodies to arrive.  Never had a problem with them.   We paid by credit 
card.   Check their web page to see if they operate in your city.

  From: Kevin Wolfthal   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:28 AMSubject: OT: Re: [TMIC] grocery 

  Here in CT there is a large chain called Stop  Shop.  I don't know how 
widespread they are, but they have a delivery service called PeaPod.  It was a 
long time before they started delivering to my neighborhood.  (guess they go to 
the rich folks first :)

  It has been a lifesaver to my Mom and me.  You place the ordet on your 
computer, minimum order being $50.  The delivery charge for an order between 
$50 and $100 is $9.95.  If you place an order of $100 or greater, the delivery 
charge is $6.95.  Considering the cheapest gas prices are around $3.20/gallon 
near me, it would cost me about the same to drive
  to and from the store, which hasn't been an option lately anyway.   There is 
a break on the delivery charge, ($1.00 off) if you set up direct check payment 
with them.

  I hope this helps.


[TMIC] Re: Not a joke, just a question not related to TM

2007-06-03 Thread bobby jim hijar
What browser are you using..???   You can change the font on your screen; 
look under Tools then search for font size.

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Saturday, June 
02, 2007 10:17 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] OT OT...The Big O Not a joke, just a question not related 
to TM

  Hey All,

  Have any of you been to the Overstock.com site lately?

  Have you found it difficult to navigate their site because of the teeny-tiny 
print they choose to use?

  I really wanted to see what they had to offer and it is impossible for me to 
read because of the font size.

  Does anyone have an idea on how to get them to enlarge their font or 
completely redesign their site, b/c it is certainly not inviting or easy to 
navigate in.  I tried email, but got no response.

  Maybe if we wrote enmasse  (I have no idea if their is such a word in any 
foreign language, but it looks good  and makes me feel cooler than Phranq3ue or 
El Bobberino)!

  Peace and Prayers,

Re: [TMIC] Metamucil

2007-06-03 Thread bobby jim hijar
At one time, I used to eat the Metamucil crackers.  I didn't think I could 
stand the liquid.

  From: WestgoldTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 7:56 PMSubject: [TMIC] Metamucil

  Hi everybody --I'd like to put in a good word for good-ole Metamucil, it's a 
miracle product. Many people do not realize it, but *whatever* your bowel 
problems are, it will help you.  If your movements are too soft, it will firm 
them up.  If they're too hard and you have constipation, it will soften them.  
It's such a great product!! You might have to take it 2-3 times a day, but it's 
pretty cheap.  Be sure you get the Smooth texture one, the regular is horrible 
-- and be sure that the water you mix it in is fridge-cold, otherwise it will 
just gum up before you can drink it. Mix  drink immediately. The only problem 
with taking Metamucil is that you can't take it within a couple hours of any 
medication or supplements.  Anything that's in your stomach when you take it 
can get caught up in it and get swept out of the body.  So you have to arrange 
your schedule so you take it either an hour before or a couple hours after any 
medications. (And if you need to lose weight, take it right after you eat, it 
will sweep many calories out with it.)  

  take care -- Michelle
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: tmic-list@eskimo.com   Sent: Friday, June 
01, 2007 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Renal problems

Dear Franque et al,

For four years I had diarrhea every time I ate a meal; the doctor said I 
had Crohn's
disease, but I was in denial of having that and ignored him.  Then I 
changed meds--from a high dosage of neurontin to lyrica and cymbalta.  Now I 
have chronic constipation and I think the meds are to blame. I haven't been 
back to that doctor and don't plan to.

Priscilla in TN

Re: [TMIC] constipation/diarrhea

2007-06-03 Thread bobby jim hijar
Do you eat any rice...???   I've noticed that when I have a large bowl of 
rice for supper, my bowels are firmer the next morning.   Bobberino
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 12:18 PMSubject: [TMIC] 

 When I first got tm,I took 2 laxatives and 3 stool softeners daily.I did 
that for a couple of years,then everything worked O.K. on its' own.
 Then I had some bloody stools,had a colonoscopy that showed no problems 
and was fine for a few years.
 Now,I've got diarrhea 2-4 times a day  that I can't hold back long enough 
to get to a bathroom.
 If I have to go somewhere I eat 5-6 bananas just to be able to leave the 
house for a short time.
 I would rather have constipation,cuz I wouldn't have to worry about going 
unexpectedly,and could take a laxative if I needed to.
 I think I'll try the metamucil,and hope it works.
 Cheryl in hot/nuggy Easthampton,Mass. 


2007-05-24 Thread bobby jim hijar
Re: [TMIC] OT OT: RANT WARNINGAnd here I thought that vehicles parked on one's 
private property were excluded from municipal harassment.   As for removing the 
license plates, it shouldn't be done if the vehicle is on a public street, 
area, etc...  whether insured or not, the cops should be able to identify 
any parked vehicle on public areas.

  From: AkuaTo: Regina Rummel ; tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Wednesday, 
May 23, 2007 5:06 PM

  Covering is not sufficient as long as the vehicle is visible.
  The requirement is it for it to be plated, and inspected, etc. or  invisible.

  Why didn't you just cover up the car?

  Akua [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear Kevin.

  I empathize!
  In an attempt to economize, I gave up paying auto insurance as i
  haven't driven my car since November 2005. I am living in another
  city away from home, hoping to get my home made wheelchair
  accessible. My friends removed my license plates - a reqquirement
  when you cancel auto insurance.

  The next week they called and said that the police had put a warning
  on my car. My car is in my driveway. My driveway is part of my yard,
  off the street.
  Light and healing,

Re: [TMIC] Re: Reason for TM

2007-05-23 Thread bobby jim hijar
Yep, you got it.. an idiot's path. tee hee... Bobberino
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: tmic-list@eskimo.com ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 3:16 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Re: Reason for TM

  My TM, is it that goes as idiopathic (that means the idiots can't figure out 
what's going on) :-)

  I love that explanation, Naomi; it's a classic.  You have a great attitude!


  Priscilla in TN   

[TMIC] Re: Us old blind geezers

2007-05-17 Thread bobby jim hijar
What e-mailer are you using...??   I use Outlook Express and on the top 
line, under Format, go to Font, and pick the type and size you'd like to use.  
I use Tahoma 14.
  From: Regina RummelTo: bobby jim hijarSent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 
11:04 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Us old blind geezers

  Instructions on how to increase front please

  bobby jim hijar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
You're dang right, mate.!!

Size 14 should be the smallest font y'all should use;)  


  From: Alton Ryder To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Cc: Tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?/ Photos

   I was able to upload a picture also 

  Please, good people, don't use tiny fonts. Geezers with old eyes cannot 
read them without stopping to use aids.

  Alton, age 71 and counting   

Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

2007-05-16 Thread bobby jim hijar
Nope, not every one gets MS.   And some never get TM. My neighbor two doors 
down went right into MS, no TM dx at all.   So go figger.   She's also on 
Avonex but the MS is affecting her vision and she's had two wrecks already 
driving to work.   Yikes.

  From: Louise Croyden To: natalie mizenko ; Transverse Myellitis 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:24 PM Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got 

  Hi Natalie,

  I hope that, in my e-mail, you didn't think I was saying we would all get MS. 
 As I mentioned, MS is only one of the underlying diseases or infections that 
may have caused the attack on our spinal cords in the first place --  with the 
resulting demylination of the myelin sheath and nerves which has left at least 
two thirds of us with life-changing problems.  I think we all get confused when 
we talk about TM turning into something else when it is actually caused by 
something else.

  In my case, the inflammation (myelitis) was across both sides of the spinal 
cord (transverse) and they could not find a definite cause (ideopathic) so the 
diagnosis was Ideopathic Transverse Myelitis.  They believe it happened because 
of a sinus infection I had just before the attack of inflammation.  So far, 
none of the ongoing tests have shown any other reason and I haven't had a 
recurrence of TM to indicate something else may be going on.

  I apologize if my description wasn't clear enough and hope everyone will read 
the John's Hopkins information as it is really helpful.

  Regards again,

From: natalie mizenko   To: Transverse MyellitisSent: Wednesday, May 
16, 2007 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

  When I was at Baylor they first gave me an MRI which indicated the 
Transverse Myelitis (I had already been diagnosed in Arkansas); anyway while I 
was sent over to the Baylor Rehab; right before I left my pain was so severe; 
she said most people w/ TM don't have that degree of pain, so anyways, the dr. 
ordered another MRI to see if I had a MS; but it was ruled out negative.  She 
said you do not have MS.  She told me about the possible reccurence of TM which 
was slight, but she never told me I would later get MS.  I am surprised to see 
so many saying it will go into that.  I haven't read that anywhere but here.  
Anyway hope everyone pain is better today, Natalie  

[TMIC] Re: Physiognomies

2007-05-15 Thread bobby jim hijar
Neither do I.Must be an Apple exclusive, the pikkies, that is. Bobberino
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:50 AM   Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

  No, I don't see any picture of you or even a header in e-mails.

  Barbara H.

  In a message dated 5/14/2007 9:28:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
 I would love to see pictures of everyone [with the emails]  

I use an iMac and Apple's Mail program.  It puts a little picture of me in 
the header of every message I send. It is just the head part of my old picture 
in the tma collection. 

Does it come through to all you people using pc's? 

Alton, who did a search for Alton and came up with my bungee jumping 

Re: [TMIC] TM and Chemical Sensitivity

2007-05-14 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, me missus (Da Boss) is also sensitive to laundry detergent residues, 
specially in the bedsheets.So that's why I rinse all our laundry loads 
TWICE.And it seems to help.
I recommend y'all do the same:  rinse twice.

  From: Kevin WolfthalTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Chemical Sensitivity

  Hi Priscilla,

  I buy Arm  Hammer laundry detergent with no perfume or dyes in it, yet I 
still get so itchy sometimes it's unbearable.  One problem is, we use a common 
laundry room shared by a building with about 90 apartments or so.  I'd love to 
get our own washer/dryer, but don't really have the space.

  Also have food allergies.  I wanted to be tested for allergies, but a 
neurologist warned me not to have that 'skin' test they do.

  Have you been tested for allergies?


Johnson and Johnson Baby Wash with Lavender and also their Baby Bath (that 
states no soap and hyperallergenic) burn my legs and feet.  The latter has a 
red dye in it.  Think how it must feel to babies' tender skin.  Also some 
scented baby wipes and lotions burn me.  

Mothers, and especially single mothers, thank you for raising this nation's 
children. I hope you had a wonderful day.

Priscilla in TN

[TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

2007-05-14 Thread bobby jim hijar
Hey, Jude.  all is cool OK???  MS and TM are intimately linked, 
unfortunately, as are all other CNS afflictions, down to the very last one.  No 
exceptions.   Anything having to do with our nervous systems IS connected.  
Very much so.   It's all about the wiring.  Got it??

Unfortunately, the FDA has deemed it 'proper' to not approve any of the ABC+ 
drugs (and not all are interferons) for anybody except MS patients.   
Why.???   Dunno.Damn!
So, if your symptoms comply and your doc agrees, an MS dx would do wonders in 
order to get some treatment to ameliorate the junk that bothers y'all. 
Unfortunately (again), not all TM symptoms can be helped by an ABC+ drug,
why.???  Again,  dunno.  Ask the experts.

As for my wisdom it's all research, my dear. tons and tons and tons 
of research, 
many hours spent in front of this here infernal machine..   and since am an 
information junkie, research is right up my alley, been that way for years.  
You should see my bulging files
in quite a variety of subjects, not just CNS illnesses.

Oh yes, there are some MS websites, Sharon Marsden's being one of the better 
to which I also belong,  but I've also chosen to stick with this crazy bunch'a 
gimps and weirdoes for almost ten years . ;):):)doan ask mee 
why ;) 
So sue me, am krazie... ;) Indeed

Regards from Elvisland,  where it hit 90.0ºF toda,  Arg..   

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 7:09 AM
  Subject: Re: Who's got what? 

  In a message dated 5/12/2007 7:18:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
Me missus came down with TM in 97 September at T-8.   No action taken; no 
meds, no nada. Then, in 99 Feb she had a second attack, this time at C-5,6. 
  She was given steroids for a few dayze then about a month later, her dx was 
changed from TM to MS and we started her on Avonex.   Nowadayze, 346 shots 
later, she's still on Avonex and holding up quite well.
  Yes, but MS is a totally different disease than TM, so what does she have to 
do with us?  I'm happy for her that the medication for MS is working so well 
with her, but I'm afraid it wouldn't do much for me?  What do you think, Frank?

  ElBobberino has much wisdom and a lot to share with us, but when he talks 
about his missus' ,  illness, it really has nothing to do with TM.  Shouldn't 
they be sharing with those on a site for MS?

  Peace and Prayers,

[TMIC] Re: Pain

2007-05-07 Thread bobby jim hijar
For the past few years I've had an increase in pain in almost all my joints as 
well as part of my lower back, around L-3.

Dr Gott's column a few days ago mentioned that castor oil was good for such 
Also, there is a new (to me) ointment called Castiva.   I've been using it for 
over a week and I have noticed a lessening of my discomforts.. but then 
maybe am imagining things  (?).

At any rate, here's an URL with more info on that stuff.


Cheers,   Bobberinoit's 88ºF outside already Arggghhh...!

Re: [TMIC] Another Symptom

2007-05-04 Thread bobby jim hijar
Don't they call this spasticity..?

  From: Trudy  To: 'Natalie Boyles' ; 'Alton Ryder'   Cc: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 1:07 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Another Symptom

  I too have had my arms flail away when I  have fallen asleep in a chair 
watching the awful news or reading the even more depressing paper. I don't 
think it happens when I am flat in bed. Tho I have been known to give my 
husband a big kick once in awhile.   Of course he probably deserves it!!  J . 
He is my hero..



  From: Natalie Boyles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 5:48 PM
  To: Alton Ryder
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Another Symptom

  Okay you guys, you sound like my husband and he is healthy --- I wonder. He 
flaps his arms and jerks his legs in his sleep so badly, I must leave the bed.  
If you find an answer to this dilemma please let me know about it. I am tired 
of being beaten.  

  On 5/3/07, Alton Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have something similar.  Sometimes, when I am lying down during the day and 
I start to nod off, both arms will fly forward and the left leg might jerk 
towards my head. Not always, but it always wakes me.It doesn't happen when 
I go to bed. If either hand is holding  something, that hand will not 
  Alton, who thought this unique and now no longer 

[TMIC] This is how I handle e-mails

2007-04-30 Thread bobby jim hijar
First of all, I never automatically download anything.  I don't care what it is.

I first go to 'webmail' to see what's in my IN box, still at the server.  I 
have several folders there, one for the accepted e-pals, one for the suspects 
and one for trash.
Anybody who[m] I haven't approved beforehand goes thru the suspect folder 
first, as do all spammers, unsolicited junk and infected stuff.  I'll pull out 
of there and 'approve' any new e-pals and such.

Once in the IN folder, if I see e-mails I don't wanna read (and y'all know 
which ones we mean)
I delete them on the spot.  Those never get near my actual e-mail thingie.  I 
only download those I wanna read.  Period.

As for forwarding stuff, there is a way to do it without all those addresses 
already there.
It's not quite copy-paste but it does involve deleting some text.  
I also use the bcc. feature a lot.

Any questions..???  Shoot away. 

Bobberino, an e-mailer since 1995.

Re: [TMIC] TMIC emails

2007-04-14 Thread bobby jim hijar
If your e-mails contain graphics, the TMIC filters might reject it.  Check with 
Jim Lubin on that.
  From: Larry Throne 
  Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 10:28 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] TMIC emails

  Is it just me or is the email for the tmic group shut down or something? I 
sent an email about a scholarship yesterday and it never came through. Are you 
getting any?   

[TMIC] Re: Books and bookstores.

2007-03-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, I've had to order books at one of the 'better' local bookstores but it 
offen took weeks before I got the dang things.  Not noe moe.

I can order any book in the world (almost) including OPs (out of print books) 
either thru Amazon.comor   abebooks.com and we all know how fast 
Amazon.com delivers their stuff.  Check them out.  

Bobberino in Elvisland, as the temps climb to a/c territory.
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 2:06 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Venting!


  I really envy you for being able to make jewelry.  And yes, I'd know how 
soothing it can be for the mind.  I'm trying to tell my granddaughter how to 
make jewelry.  She is 11 years old, and love to design her own jewelry.

  Yes, I can read books on line, it's just not the same as reading a real book, 
but it may be the only avenue I have.  I went to the bookstore Saturday looking 
for notebook by Renée Bondi.  They didn't have it and I'll have to order it.  
It's also difficult to find a book stand, but I'm still working on reading. 

  C-4 quad since July 2, 2005   


2007-02-12 Thread bobby jim hijar
I don't trust eBay for nuthin.   I get those kinda phony e-mails all the time.  
They go right into my 'spammers' folder on-line.   Lately, I've been getting 
them from banks, banks I've never done business with, yet they claim I have an 
account there.  Dipshits.   All of them.

I use 'message source' to dig out where these e-mails really come from.   
They're all from physhers.  Never ever never open any of them.  Trash them all.

Bobberino in Elvisland. 
  From: ROBERT COOK  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 11:28 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] FYI - E-BAY





  TM CLASS OF 1994 = T-1 PARA

Re: [TMIC] questions re: tm

2007-01-25 Thread bobby jim hijar
Howdy from Bobberino in Elvisland.

Your story sounds so similar to many of ours out here in cyberspace.  And your 
questions are typical, but don't stop, keep them coming.

Many of us as well have encountered skeptical relatives, friends and other 
do-gooders who really don't know a thing about TM...  so I suggest you 
ignore them all, hit the web, and do your own research.  Reading up on TM will 
help you lots, believe me.
And yes, Johns Hopkins is a good place to go to.

As for your condition, each patient is unique and not two of us have the same 
exact symptoms, responses to treatment or reactions to meds and such.  You're 
gonna be pretty much on your own, you may see some improvement but it's hard to 
say when.   Most of us hafta wait wait and wait some more.

But hang in there, keep the faith and do as much as you can for yourself.

And ask any questions you want, however weird or intimate or inordinary.

cheers,  Bobberino   a caregiver to me missus for almost ten years now

Re: [TMIC] TM question from Sally!

2007-01-23 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, I've been a caregiver to 'SheWhoMustBeObeyed' for almost ten years now, 
and there have been ups and down and spots inbetween.

The best thing I find to relieve my stress is to lissen to my favorite music, 
no, not the bloody radio, but my hunnerds of recordings, accumulated over the 
Also, three or four pale ales help even more ;):):)

Bobberino in Elvisland.
  Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 11:00 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM question from Sally!

  Jenna  Sally, 

  My husband has had TM for almost 7 years and Jenna, I agree with you 100%. 
Lessen your burdens by hearing (or envisioning), waves crashing on the shore, 
the roar of a river or the trickling of a stream, leaves blowing in the wind, a 
watercolor sunset, the sound of a child's laughter, a friends compassionate 
voice.   I continue to count my blessings as although it is difficult on me at 
times, it is much more difficult on my husband.   

  I think, would I be upset if he took a jab w/o consulting me?   I don't 
think so as I feel he knows what's best for his body and if he had adverse 
effects, he would figure out the next course of action.

  Just my humble opinion.

Dear Sally,

Being a caregiver is one of the hardest jobs you will have in your life.  
Being a caregiver for a husband makes it even harder.  

Do something for yourself today...even if it is only for a few minutes.  
Have a piece of chocolate, watch the leaves blowing in the wind, what works 
best for me is to get to some water and just watch it.  Whether it is the 
ocean(my favorite), a river, small stream and even a fountain.  Just picture 
your frustrations, burdens and problems flowing away.  I know this might sound 
crazy, but it really does help me.

Let us know how you are doing!

You will be in my prayers today...Jenna 

Re: [TMIC] 2007/TM

2007-01-17 Thread bobby jim hijar
Me missus came down with MS in early 1999 but we've stayed with this group all 
Wouldn't leave it fer nuthin'.

Sharon Marsden runs a good MSers group.  Check it out.  We're 'members' there 
as well.

Bobberino in Elvisland.
  From: Bob and Sue MattisTo: 'Trudy OGILVIE' ; TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 9:44 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] 2007/TM



  Why on earth would you even consider leaving this group?  This is THE PLACE 
TO BE...don't you think?  I can't possibly imagine any other group could be as 
great as ours!  Regardless whether it's TM or MS...to me we're all in this 

  Sue Mattis


  -Original Message-
  From: Trudy OGILVIE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 6:07 PM
  To: TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com
  Subject: [TMIC] 2007/TM

  So what should I do... go to an MS list or stay here you fun people 


Re: [TMIC] re: Stem Cells

2007-01-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
The only way those two very divergent issues are connected is because our 
beloved Prezzdent,
in his podunk mentality, has decreed, to please them suthrn theosalopians, that 
stem cell research is evil, Satan originated and bad for our bowel movements.

That GW has no conscience by 'escalating' this oil driven war tells us heathens 
that the man
cares nothing about human health, vigor and the 'purßuit of 

Bobberino  in Elvisland, where more and more Meskins are moving in and 
'dilutin' da suthrn stock... heh, heh, heh.;)
PROTECTED] ; Tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 6:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] re: Stem Cells

  At 01:50 PM 1/12/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am not sure why our President has a problem with this since he has 
no conscience with sending another 21,000 to potentially be slaughtered. 

  I don't see how the two issues are even remotely connected. But since you 
brought it up... I'm sure if the news reported on a daily bases how may 
Americans are killed each day in this country due to violent crimes we would be 
just as depress about being in the United States. 

  My brother, who is a 1LT in the USAR and a company commander, just had 
another solider re-enlist this past week. When he asked her why she wanted to 
re-enlist she said it was because she has not deployed anywhere yet and she 
wanted to deploy with this Company. This is a solider who is currently in grad 
school. I'm proud of my brother and glad there are other Americans willing to 
volunteer to serve in our military knowing they can be sent to potentially 
dangerous places. One of my brothers units is currently deployed in Iraq. Seven 
of the 15 soldiers volunteered to go on this deployment, this after just 
returning from a deployment in 2004. 

  American's just expect everything to happen overnight. The new Iraqi 
government has only existed less than 1 year! We were still in German and Japan 
for 10 YEARS after the end of WWII because the situation was still dangerous. 
Should we have just abandon those young governments? It takes time to build a 
military from scratch. 

  Jim Lubin   
  distAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org   

[TMIC] Well, now; all be danged.

2007-01-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
It didn't take much to stir up da list into an ALIVE modedin'n it.. tee 
(I should try that more offen  ;).

As for those religionists who took offence at my heathenistic remarks, my 
And so be it.

But, again, and I insist, in my not so humble opinion, a human life is a being 
with a body: 
one head, two arms, two legs and other assorted working parts, one live being 
who is able to function in this here cold cruel and unjust world and as 
unimpededly as possible.   
That one may lose some of these parts or their functions along the way is a 
whole nuther story, and not a part of this conversation.

Hey, now:  A few cells in a Petri dish do NOT a human being make, no matter how 
y'all choose to cut it.   Sorry.True, them cells are alive, there's 'life' 
in them, for sure, but can they walk off that dish and lead a normal human-like 
Ah doan thin'n soe!

A 'human' life and a live human body are two very different things, mind you.   

My gimped wife is a very live (and alive) human being and if that 'stuff' on 
that Petri dish can help her one teenie wintsee bit somewhere along the line 
before she dies, am all for it.
And even tho I want it now, I know we'll hafta wait and who knows for how long.

To compare: Like when assembling a car, the brand new shiny spankin' model does 
NOT leave the assembly plant (change that to womb, if you wish) until all its 
parts are connected, tested to be in working order, and ready to (rock 'n') 

This is why and where both sides of this issue will never ever never see eye to 
And so be it.

Bobberino,   in abnormally warm and crazy Elvisland.  Am ready to wear shorts 
and teeshirts again.   Ah, global warming.  It's here to stay.  (but that's a 
nuther subject).

Re: [TMIC] re: Stem Cells

2007-01-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, it's all because of oil, yes, oil.. not democracy, not freedom, but 

$$ OIL 

Bobberino,   deep in redneck country,  a.k.a. Elvisland
  Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 3:50 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] re: Stem Cells

 I am not sure why our President has a problem with this since he has 
no conscience with sending another 21,000 to potentially be slaughtered. 

Re: [TMIC] slow

2007-01-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, we've been on this list since 97 September and haven't skipped a beat, or 
missed a step, or something like that .. ;):):)   Almost ten years,  

True, there are lots more info out there, but I still think the ask-and-respond 
between e-pals works wonders.

Regards from Elvisland,Bobberino
From: wim from holland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:51 PM
Subject: [TMIC] slow

 Maybe it is a good sign. Ten years ago there wre a bunch of people dayly on 
 the net with all kinds of questions. The good sign can be that doctors now 
 know so much more over TM that the people have the most answers they need 
 already for TM.
 The fact that they don't need this group to communicate about this subject 
 and with there problems, can mean that they have people around them for 
 Internet is faster, people have learned to Google, more info is available,
 still I have my doubts.
 Wim from Holland

Re: [TMIC] Stem cells

2007-01-11 Thread bobby jim hijar
In my not so humble opinion re this stem cell controversy, the only problem 
comes from those whose religious beliefs prevent them from looking at medical 
advances right in the eye and taking advantage of them.  So let those folks be.

As for me, them crazy theosalopians will never stand in the way of my trying to 
get the best medical treatments for my gimped missus.So there.

Bobberino in redneck Elvisland
From: Sandy Heidel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Stem cells

 Ya know, you put this together with the blood and cells taken from the 
 umbilical cords and we might just  find a clear path through this 
 controversy.   Sometimes this stuff makes discovering electricity look easy.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Gunny [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:03 PM
 Subject: [TMIC] Stem cells
  I don't know how many of you have heard but, the stem cells needed for 
  our particular condition have been found in embryonic fluid. No matter 
  what happens about the embryonic cells, the one found in the fluid can be 
  used. Were well on our way.

Re: [TMIC] No e-mail

2006-12-02 Thread bobby jim hijar
Must be them winter stormz   ;) Bobberino
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To: tmic-list@eskimo.com   Sent: Saturday, December 
02, 2006 6:39 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] No e-mail

  Something has been wrong for a few days -- when I tried sending the birthday 
list out, I got a weird bounceback, and when I tried to e-mail Jim to tell him 
about it, that bounced back, too. I checked the archives and there had been no 
new mail since Nov. 29th. 

  But -- things seem to be working now, thankfully.

  Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] TM diagnosis

2006-11-02 Thread bobby jim hijar

Well, in a sorta kinda way, I sort of kind of 
maybe perhaps agree with Tenser about TM and MS being the 'same' CNS 
disease. After all, as I've read more than once, they're kissin' cuzzins; 
TM is a single sclerosis and MS is a multiple event. The difference, it 
seems, is on the symptoms, the effects of the disease on the body, the types of 
treatment available for each, and so on and so forth. Here, we know 
several folks afflicted with MS and each and every one of them has turned out 
differently after being afflicted. 

When me missus got her TM dx in 1997 we were both 
baffled as we'd never heard of such a thing. Luckily, the neuro treating 
her then did and knew what he was talking about.
Then, 17 months later, Da Boss suffered a second 
event and again, the neuro, a different one,
saw what was there and did not hesitate to issue 
an MS dx. And that was not a problem with us. 
Immediately afterwards, SheWhoMustBeObeyed qualified for Avonex and off we went, 
pricking her legs once a week and now, 330 injections later (just think of the 
meelaydee is doing very well, 
thankyeww. I do wish it were the same for all of you out 

As for the quality of service by some of them docs 
out there, we as well have our share of 'horror' stories. The fact that 
some of themmay be emminently qualified does not excuse their arrogance or 
impudence towards their patients.

So there. Bobberino in 

  Boyles To: Larry 
  Throne Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 8:33 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM diagnosis
  I did mention the doctors name after I had the apptment with him this 
  summer. His name is Dr. Tenser at Hershey Medical Center.He has 
  excellent credentials and experience. His credentials can be found on the MS 
  Hershey Med Site. He does not lack intelligence or education by any 
  means.Hespecializes in MS.He teaches Med students. He just 
  does not accept TM as a separate entity from MS. Some doctors do not. 
  Natalie B
  On 11/1/06, Larry 
  Throne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Natalie and TM family,

It seems like I keep reading about this type of attitude with doctors 
over and over on the tmic. It hasbrought me to a point of 
worryabout others who may not be not getting the correct treatment in 
a timely manner. Do we (this groups members) have an obligation to at least 
note the doctors name and where they are practicing medicine? I don't 
want to imply that these doctors are bad people or bad doctors. They 
just don't have the education ortraining to recognize this 
disorder. Maybe we could help prevent someone from having 
toencounter multiple visits to a doctor that doesn't understand TM. I 
don't know how the rest of the group feels about this but maybe it is 
something we can discuss. Just my 2.3 cents. 
Larry in Oklahoma where it is beginning to look a lot like 
autumn!Larry Throne, 

Re: [TMIC] Rush Limbaugh/OT...or maybe not really OT

2006-10-27 Thread bobby jim hijar

Who da f(lip) is Rush 
LimpBaugh.. ;):):):)

Do any of youse really lissen to this sorry 


  Bob and 
  Sue Mattis To: 'TM 
  list' Sent: Friday, October 27, 
  2006 1:58 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Rush Limbaugh/OT...or 
  maybe not really OT
  Is anyone else 
  besides me appalled with the remarks Rush Limbaugh as made about Michael J. 

[TMIC] Re: fonts and such

2006-10-17 Thread bobby jim hijar

Hey, forget about the shift button. 
and forget about typing in all caps.
Some of us can read lower case type better than 
all caps. Am one of them. So there.

Bobberino in Elvisland

  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 16, 
  2006 10:30 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Re: 
  tmic-digest Digest V2006 #232
  i am sorry but i am in a lot of pain and do not feel like 
  hitting the shift button.
  i hope i do not offend anyone. that is why i like all caps. 
  when i am not in so much pain i try to do it correct.
  take care pam

Re: [TMIC] lifts for power wheelchairs

2006-10-15 Thread bobby jim hijar

Can the rear 
suspension of your Subaru handle the weight of the lift AND the 
Check that out before you buy 
anything. If the new combo is too heavy and you can't beef up the 
rear end of your Subaru, you might hafta get a bigger car or van.

Bobberino in a cool cloudy Elvisland.
From: "Alton Ryder" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "TM list" tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:11 
Subject: [TMIC] lifts for power 
 I just got a shiny new Quantum 600 from Pride Mobility. I like 
this  chair a lot - it is more maneuverable than my manual and 
more narrow,  too. But it weighs a ton; Betty cannot toss it into 
the stationwagon. :)  We can't afford a van, 
wouldn't like the milage if we did, so we will  keep the Subaru 
station wagon. I'm thinking of transporting it with a  tailgate 
lift, using a cover to keep the snow/ice/rain off it.  I need 
some advice/feedback from those who have bought a lift. Which  
one? Am I on a correct path?  Alton, zapped in NH this 
morning by the latest killing frost I can  remember 28°F 
this morning. 

Re: [TMIC] Lesion at C5

2006-09-19 Thread bobby jim hijar

Well, I suffer from very dry eyes as well, have 
been for years. In fact, my left eye, the one wearing the contact lens, is 
so red all the time that some folks have asked me what was the 

Am trying a new solution: Refresh Liquigel 
by Allergan. They make several doses but I've gone for the 
strongest: Moderate to severe Dry Eye. And it works.

Check it out. I get mine at Costco but am 
sure it's available elsewhere.
Or go to: www.allergan.com or www.dryeye.com 


  From: Sharon 
  Cc: TM List 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:36 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Lesion at C5
  I'm interested in the Sjogrens. How was it diagnosed?  I 
  had blood work several months ago and it was negative. I have developed 
  extremely dry mouth. I've had severely dry eyes since I was 
  25. My doc said Sjogrens doesn't always show up on the 
  blood tests. Sharon
  Sharon --from 
  Arizona TM 1997 to MS 1998 
  It's not easy taking my problems 
  one at a time when they refuse to get in line. ~Ashleigh 

Re: [TMIC] Re: Brain stuff or not

2006-09-19 Thread bobby jim hijar

Well, folks it's true.A 
husband at the scene makes all the difference.
At least that's been the case with me missus and 
more than once. When she gets nowheres with a doc, she'll bring me along 
at the next appointment, and my mere presence makes the chauvinist doc change 
his tune pronto presto. One neuro would only talk to me totally ignoring his 
patient. Amazing.
One of her neuros was so pissed off at my being 
there he almost threw us out. We dumped him instead. What a 
jerk. A complete drongo, as GillyGurLL would say.

Unfortunately there is still out there the 
misconception that women cain't tell schitt from schmitt. and wy too 
many doctors, with their gawd-like attitudes, suffer from this malady in the 
worst way.

So, to those of you who think you can handle a 
misogynist doc by yourselves, go for it. To the rest of you, bring 
in reinforcements. I'll stand by me missus anytime; so should your hubby 
or significant other.


  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; TM list 
  Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:37 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Brain stuff or 
  LOL Frank! Are you really 
  serious about taking ones husband along so the doctor will believe them? 
  I never drag my husband along if I can help it.He only gets a few days off as 
  is. And, I am a grown 
  woman and I feel it would be like taking along a parent or guardian. Please 
  tell me doctors do not 
  think like that.Sounds like a scene out of "Gone from the Wind." " 
  Why Brett,I think she is 
  haven a case of the vapors."
  This has given me a good 
  laugh, oh my. Patti, Frank is cool, I guess he is maybe telling us how it is. 
  Are you?
should tread lightly F.In defense of women, is there a 
difference between men who are in pain and men who are a PAIN? 
wrote: neurotic housewife? Your problem is that 
you're a female. Most doctors know that any symptoms reported by 
women are due to neurosis, symptoms reported by men are  secondary to 
some disease process. I know that doesn't help.  Have you 
tried taking your husband with you to the doctor's?? Good 
Luck F 

[TMIC] Re: Brain stuff or not

2006-09-16 Thread bobby jim hijar

Am not quite sure what recurring TM is a 
flare up...And I don't think it happens in a different part of the 
spine..(help me, guyze).

As I understand it, recurring MS is 
the same as recurring-relapsing MS. It is not a second attack if it's only 
an exhacerbation to a previous event (correct me if am wrong, y'all) but 
I believe that doesn't happen in MS, only TM. And then, 
it's the progressive MS that doesn't 
respond to most ABCs. But that's a 
horse of a whole different color.

Rain and snow.. 
Already??? Yikes. It hit 32ºC earlier today down 
here. Damn.!!

Bobberino in balmy Elvisland

   Pieter To: bobby 
  ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 12:52 
  Subject: Re: Brain stuff or not
  Hmm, then what about Recurring TM? 
  Is that not a second attack in a different part of the spine? I should 
  read about it on the Forum website. 
  Thanks Bobberino,
  Heather in Calgary (and yes we had some 
  rain mixed with wet 'snow' flurries today - Yuck. 
bobby jim 
hijar To: Heather 
 Pieter ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 6:57 
Subject: Re: Brain stuff or not

Well, yes, from what I've heard as 
well, brain lesions are a sure reason for an MS dx.

On the other hand, I was also told 
that once there is a second attack in a different part of the spine, the dx 
changes from single sclerosis (TM) to multiple (two or more) 
Ergo the change of 

The change of dx didn't upset us one 
bit.  It meant me missus qualified for the ABCs, and today, 325 
injections later (I shudder at the 'real' cost), Da Boss is doing just fine, 

Hang in there, y'all 

   Pieter To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 1:25 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: (OT) Re: 
  tmic-digest Digest V2006 #185
  I find it odd that if there are no lesions on 
  your brain that the doctors have determined that you now have MS. I 
  have been under the belief that lesions on the brain 'usually' is why the 
  diagnosis changes from TM to MS.
  I have a sister 3 yrs younger than 
  myself who has MS. Hers is the slow moving kind and she was 
  officially diagnosed back in 1991 but feels she had it for many more years 
  than that. In 1991 she had her second 'attack' and the MRI at that 
  time found the brain lesions which were not in her first MRI a few years 
  prior to that.
  {{{ Hugs to you}}} and a listening ear from 
  all of us.
  Heather in Calgary 

Re: [TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

2006-09-15 Thread bobby jim hijar

Yeah, am always poo-pooing AOL but 
you must be one of the few who over the years has learned how to use it to your 
benefit and overcome its shortcomings.

Maybe those other AOLers can ask you 
for pointers...??? My brother-in-law #2 had AOL and asked me for 
help but I couldn't do a thing for him. He's since switched to 

BobbyJim the 

  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 12:14 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Caps and 
  AOL allows many choices 
  for emails. Youalwaysare puttingdownAOL as an 
  ISP, but many of us like it. 
  I can use different 
  So, as you can see, 
  there are lots of choices on AOL as well. It's just a matter of using 
  them, or not!
  Hugs to all, Barbara 

[TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

2006-09-14 Thread bobby jim hijar

I have several e-pals writing to me in all lower 
case. Once I got used to it (the spacing seems to be 
different) it was OK.

Also, typing in text-only is harder to read than 
in HTML (or rich-text) format, but again, not all e-mailers offer that 

How the yelling thingie got started, I believe, is 
because in cartoons the yelling is always typed in caps.. and lots of 


  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 1:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: (OT) Re: 
  tmic-digest Digest V2006 #185
  I don't know who in the Internet world decided using all 
  caps was yelling -- but it's not, in and of itself. If it is being done for 
  emphasis it's obvious. 
  My mom had arthritis and the skipping that extra step of 
  hitting the shift key to capitalize made it a little easier for her to type 
  (though after getting scolded about it from other people she switched to 
  writing in all lower case). I'm sure that's the case with many on the TM list, 
  though as Pam said, some felt all caps were easier to read. Using a bigger 
  font helps with that.
  I don't see why it can't be one of those "live and let live" 
  things. (Shrug.)
  Barbara H.

[TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

2006-09-14 Thread bobby jim hijar

Not all e-mail systems allow the sender to control 
the size of the font. I've read in more than one place that AOL is 
one of those weird and very proprietary e-mailers that give their subscribers 
limited choices. For one, they can't use Outlook Express. 

EVERYBODY should use at least font size 14.. 
always. And Tahoma is a heck of a lot more legible than 
Times New Roman. Verdana is another good one. 


  Z To: Natalie Boyles 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:31 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest 
  Digest V2006 #185
  yeah I was there when they wrote itand it seems most of 
  those old emails agree with me...I was just saying something that's been 
  stated before...you can always make the type bigger rather than use caps 
  tooI don't meant to start a flame war to me, this has been brought 
  up by others in the past on this list.Natalie Boyles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Krissy,
I am sending a link to the list. It helps with telling why 
some people use caps. http://www.mail-archive.com/search/[EMAIL PROTECTED]query=writing+in+caps

The caps are nothing personal. It is easier for some 
TMer's to type in caps as they have trouble typing due to their health 
Natalie Boyles
On 9/13/06, Krissy 

  I've been quiet for a while about this, but you think you could cool 
  the Caps lock? In the internt world its considered yelling :( hard to read 
  too alot of times...ty..[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 


2006-09-02 Thread bobby jim hijar

I propose the 'braised braine 

Me missus was dx'd with MS in 99 February, went on 
Avonex right away and today, 323 shots later, you couldn't tell she's a 
gimp. Go for it, Jeff. Get on the ABC plan.
Sharon Marsden hosts a very good MSers club. 
Check it out.

Bobberino in Elvisland.

  Heidel To: jeff 
  bernier ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 8:28 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] DIAGNOSIS 
  Hey Jeff,
  Welcome to the club. I got my Dx of my first 
  brain lesion a week and a half ago. We need to develop a nick name for 
  the TMers with brain lesions. Cuz we are staying!
- Original Message - 
jeff bernier 
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 9:24 

well friday,i got the dx ive been dreading.after 6 and a half years of 
being jerked around by doctors,insurance companies and being tossed out of 
one therapy unit to another because of lack of improvment,they found lesions 
on the brain that were not there before and i was dx with ms,the 2 letters i 
didnt want to hear,but its going to open a bunch of doors that were not open 
before as far as meds and treatment,but ive dealt with it this long.no since 
crying over spilled milk i guess.
does anyone know some good net ms sites as far as groups go?,i still 
plan on staying on the tm site,but im just searching for info.

Re: [TMIC] Chemicals and TM

2006-08-10 Thread bobby jim hijar

Here in Elvisland (Memphis) as almost everywhere else 
cockroaches are everywhere.
We have the perimeter of our house treated once a month, 
sometimes with a liquid spray, sometimes with small pellets. I 
sometimes see them dang roaches scampering about the back yard but they can't 
get past the chemical barrier and live long. I occasionally see one 
inside the house (there are dozens of tiny cracks they can sneak in thru) but 
it's already dying or is already dear.

Kevin, since you live in an apartment building, they're gonna 
hafta treat the whole building before your unit is roach-free. 
Little roach traps will help.

Ragards, Bobberino

Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chemicals and TM
 I would worry more about 
the infestation of roaches, which carry disease.  Roaches are nasty--at 
one period of time they can be "who knows where"---  perhaps on 
someones toilet seat or in the toilet, then a while longer on  your 
kitchen counter or on your toothbrush.  Also, if they treat 
other adjoining apartments but not yours, the roaches  may flee from 
that treatment apartment to a "safer" abode--your 


2006-08-10 Thread bobby jim hijar

Have you tried squatting... Of 
course, you'll hafta deposit your stuff on a shallow pan or 
newspapers. In the very old dayze, women used to give birth by 
squatting... there must've been a good reason why they did it that 


  COOK To: TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] BOWELS
Stacy Harim 
Sent: 8/10/2006 11:24:09 AM 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] BOWELS

I use magic bullets. The only place that they can be bought is 
online. They are water based instead of oil like the Bisacodyl 
or Ducolax suppositories. They work faster and most of the people I 
know with paralysis use them. They were also recommended by my rehab 
doctor. Oh and they are cheaper. You can get a box of a 100 for 
45 bucks here http://www.allegromedical.com/browse/ProductDetail.do?pid=190938utm_source=MSNutm_medium=ppcutm_term=magic%20bullet%20suppositories.


Re: [TMIC] Chemicals and TM

2006-08-09 Thread bobby jim hijar

I agree. Do the bomb. The 
effects from the fumes do a good job in killing them nasties and then they 
dissipate in just a few hours, the fumes, that izz. Go for 

Some years back we did bombs for fleas as nothing else would 
get rid of them. We'd leave the house for a few hours and that was 

Bobberino in sweltering Elvisland, the high today was 103.5º 
around 2 PM.

To: "Kevin Wolfthal" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chemicals and TM
   Does anyone know if the chemicals used by 
exterminators, parrticularly  against roaches, is more dangerous to 
TM'ers than to healthy peoople?   Kevin, 
 Do the BOMB !  
Ask a friend if you can hang out with them for 24 hours.  Good 
Luck  F