RE: Mod JK - RedHat Enterprise 2.1 - Tomcat

2004-08-16 Thread McGovern, James F (HTSC, IT)
Thanks for the various URLs. Was hoping that I would get a better answer
than having to find source and compile or reinstall. Those answers are what
I expect from MS. Was hoping for a simple get patch here download.

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No access logs!

2004-08-12 Thread James H

I have installed Tomcat 5 recently, and it's not producing access logs. I have the

Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
 directory=logs  prefix=localhost_access_log. suffix=.txt
 pattern=common resolveHosts=false/

but in my server.xml file, but there are no access logs produced anywhere (only 
localhost logs).

I've tried reinstalling Tomcat 5, but no joy.

I don't know much about Tomcat, so maybe I'm missing something obvious. Does anyone 
have any ideas?


Re: No access logs!

2004-08-12 Thread James H
There are no Context tags. Are we getting warmer?

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: No access logs!

 On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 10:19:55PM +0100, James H wrote:
 : I have installed Tomcat 5 recently, and it's not producing access logs.
I have the
 : Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
 :  directory=logs  prefix=localhost_access_log.
 :  pattern=common resolveHosts=false/
 : but in my server.xml file, but there are no access logs produced
anywhere (only localhost logs).
 : I don't know much about Tomcat, so maybe I'm missing something obvious.
Does anyone have any ideas?

 Check Context tags for the override attr, and confirm that Valve
 is in the right part of server.xml. (IIRC it can be in a few places, but
 not all ;)

 For the archives: if your Valve is defined in context.xml inside a WAR
 file, be sure to check the deployed XML file in

 (or remove it, to force Tomcat to reload the WAR files context.xml.



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RE: Apache + Tomcat socket error

2004-07-20 Thread McClure, James

From what you've said, I don't believe this is a Tomcat issue, but rather an
Apache configuration problem.  Make sure that your mod_proxy module is being
loaded in the httpd.conf file ( see document: )


-Original Message-
From: John Archbold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 2:36 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Apache + Tomcat socket error

Hi James thaanks for your help to begin with.

I forgot to mention im using apache2 and tomcat5, i tried what u said
and it came back with invalid command proxypass

have you got any other ideas?

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:35:56 -0500, McClure, James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi John,
 Give this a try...
 To get to your application via Apache (as a proxy) you will need to
 configure Apache to pass the request/response via Tomcat by specifying
 to go when it sees that you are asking for the specific web application.
 Create a new file [apache home directory]/conf/myproxy.conf
 In this file add these 2 proxy entries (port # is for Tomcat 4):
 ProxyPass  /MyFirst/HelloWorld/  http://localhost:8080/MyFirst/HelloWorld
 ProxyPassReverse  /MyFirst/HelloWorld/
 Now reference this new file in your httpd.conf file located in ...[apache
 home directory]/conf/ by adding the following entry at the bottom of the
 include conf/myproxy.conf
 Restart apache
 -Original Message-
 From: John Archbold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 4:17 PM
 Subject: Apache + Tomcat socket error
 Hello everyone,
 I have a simple (probably) yet difficult problem that i cant seem to fix.
 I installed apache (from source) and tomcat (from binary) and i
 compiled the jakarta connector as one should.
 If i issue http://localhost:8080/ i get the tomcat homepage
 if i issue http://localhost/ i get apache.
 I followed instructions from a website to set all this up you see. I
 even managed to compile a servlet and get it working if i issue
 http://localhost:8080/MyFirst/HelloWorld yet if i issue
 http://localhost/MyFirst/HelloWorld it is not visible, it says the
 resource is busy etc.
 I have noticed tho that the socket file that is specified to be
 created is infact not being created, ive tried changing the location
 of the socket file and even using touch to create it. Nothing seems to
 I expect this is some novice problem and im just missing something out.
 Can anyone help?
 Many many thanks (ive been trying for weeks to sort this out!)
 John A
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DefaultContext content not available in Servlet init()

2004-07-19 Thread McClure, James
Hello users,

My environment: Tomcat 4.1.24, JDK 1.4.1_02, XP.

I'm attempting to move some existing jdbc initialization into my servlet's
init() method which uses JNDI lookup.  This is failing and yielding an
exception with the message: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context.  The
exception is being thrown during the call to the context lookup() method.
Prior to these modifications, the same logic exists in the doGet() portion
of the servlet and works just fine.  My current server.xml configuration
contains a DefaultContext section which contains all of my various jdbc
resources since these are common to all of web-apps.

By trial and error, I have found that if I make a copy of the DefaultContext
content and place it as a part of *each* web-app context, then the relocated
logic works in init().  However, maintaining multiple entries for each jdbc
source I have is not acceptable.

I've seen complaints about DefaultContext not working properly, but cannot
find anyone who has a workaround for this specific issue.

Has anyone seen and addressed this issue successfully?

James McClure

RE: Apache + Tomcat socket error

2004-07-19 Thread McClure, James
Hi John,

Give this a try...

To get to your application via Apache (as a proxy) you will need to
configure Apache to pass the request/response via Tomcat by specifying where
to go when it sees that you are asking for the specific web application.

Create a new file [apache home directory]/conf/myproxy.conf
In this file add these 2 proxy entries (port # is for Tomcat 4):

ProxyPass  /MyFirst/HelloWorld/  http://localhost:8080/MyFirst/HelloWorld
ProxyPassReverse  /MyFirst/HelloWorld/

Now reference this new file in your httpd.conf file located in ...[apache
home directory]/conf/ by adding the following entry at the bottom of the

include conf/myproxy.conf

Restart apache


-Original Message-
From: John Archbold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 4:17 PM
Subject: Apache + Tomcat socket error

Hello everyone,

I have a simple (probably) yet difficult problem that i cant seem to fix.

I installed apache (from source) and tomcat (from binary) and i
compiled the jakarta connector as one should.

If i issue http://localhost:8080/ i get the tomcat homepage 

if i issue http://localhost/ i get apache.

I followed instructions from a website to set all this up you see. I
even managed to compile a servlet and get it working if i issue
http://localhost:8080/MyFirst/HelloWorld yet if i issue
http://localhost/MyFirst/HelloWorld it is not visible, it says the
resource is busy etc.

I have noticed tho that the socket file that is specified to be
created is infact not being created, ive tried changing the location
of the socket file and even using touch to create it. Nothing seems to

I expect this is some novice problem and im just missing something out.

Can anyone help?

Many many thanks (ive been trying for weeks to sort this out!)

John A

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Apache miss handling jsp files

2004-07-06 Thread James Pohl
I have tomcat 4 installed on a RedHat based server.

I have aliases set up for a test domain. 

The site works fine when going to the test domain :8080, but when I try
to go to the site without port :8080 the original tomcat page comes up.
So it seems tomcat is working properly because the 8080 port answers
correctly. So when apache answers it seems to ignore the DocumentRoot's
index.jsp and serves the tomcat page.  If I go to a phpinfo.php page
within the DocumentRoot apache will answer properly.

 Can someone shed some light as to what I'm missing in the server set

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide

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starting tomcat on boot messes classpath

2004-07-04 Thread james robinson
Ok, please can someone help this is driving me mad
First I have tomcat 5 working fine, play around trying to get it to work 
with db2 jdbc driver (in shared/lib) eventually get it working.

setup tomcat as daemon using jsvc and tomcat starts but won't look in 
shared lib and can't find the driver class...

decide to skip jsvc and try and start tomcat from rc.local with...
su - db2inst1 -c /usr/local/tomcat/bin/
this won't work as it can't find the JAVA_HOME env (even tho it is set)
my test jsp page still works if i start tomcat manually with 
but i don't want to have to do that

can anyone help either with jsvc or using rc.local...
here is the rc.tomcat script created for jsvc
#   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
# Small shell script to show how to start/stop Tomcat using jsvc
# If you want to have Tomcat running on port 80 please modify the server.xml
# file:
#!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 80 --
#Connector className=org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector
#   port=80 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
#   enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443
#   acceptCount=10 debug=0 connectionTimeout=6/
# That is for Tomcat-5.0.x (Apache Tomcat/5.0)
# Adapt the following lines to your configuration
case $1 in
   # Start Tomcat
   $DAEMON_HOME/jsvc \
   -user $TOMCAT_USER \
   -home $JAVA_HOME \
   -Dcatalina.home=$CATALINA_HOME \$TMP_DIR \
   -outfile $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out \
   -errfile '1' \
   -cp $CLASSPATH \
   # To get a verbose JVM
   #-verbose \
   # To get a debug of jsvc.
   #-debug \
   # Stop Tomcat
   PID=`cat /var/run/`
   kill $PID
   echo Usage start/stop
   exit 1;;
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trouble with tomcat 5 and apache 1.3

2004-06-29 Thread james robinson
I'm having some difficulties making tomcat work with apache.
I only need to use apache because I need to use an auth system that uses 
the .htaccess files of apache. So i really don't want to have to fuss 
about to much. Ideally I'd like to use the apache auto configuration for 
tomcat but can't seem to switch it on, as per the jk2 apache howto...

At present i have apache 1.3 installed from slack package and tomcat 
5.0.25 which i compile from source. All on slackware 9.1.

I've spent all of yesturday trying to fix this and am quite confused...
Firstly, if i've compiled tomcat from source do i need to then compile a 
jk2 module seperatly or will this have been done.

Secondly, should i be editing httpd.conf and defining workers etc there 
or editing server.xml and pointing apache at appropriate tomcat conf file?

All I'm looking to do is have a restricted access apache document root, 
and then map the tomcat context of my app into it.

I'm a complete noob to this so please keep it simple.
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re: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search

2004-06-28 Thread James Black
Our ldap dn is namsid=number,ou=school,o=school
The problem is that the student don't know their namsid, they know their 

I need a way for tomcat to first do a search, looking for anything where 
uid=netid (which is what the student passed in), then use that entries 
dn to bind and verify the password that was also entered.

Is there anyway to do this in Tomcat?
I have the authentication working if the person known their namsid, but 
few people will as it is used internally.

Thank you.
Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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RE: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search

2004-06-28 Thread James Black
Thank you for the response.

We have it working for php and jsp pages, but I am trying to use it with
webdav, actually. My hope is to have a method that will allow people to log
in to make changes to files, but anyone, currently, can read the files. I
also have it where certain roles are needed for updates.

I am now starting to look at slide, but I think I will face the same basic
problem, due to our ldap schema.

 Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching. 
--- Satchel Paige 
 -Original Message-
 From: Dale, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 5:01 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search
 We do something similar to authenticate against active directory. The way
 we do it is to have a generic log in, the application logs in and searches
 for what in your case would be the namsid using the uid as a parameter.
 You then need to bind with the namsid that you've looked up and the
 password to determine authentication.
 -Original Message-
 From: James Black [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 28 June 2004 21:55
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: re: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search
 Our ldap dn is namsid=number,ou=school,o=school
 The problem is that the student don't know their namsid, they know their
 I need a way for tomcat to first do a search, looking for anything where
 uid=netid (which is what the student passed in), then use that entries
 dn to bind and verify the password that was also entered.
 Is there anyway to do this in Tomcat?
 I have the authentication working if the person known their namsid, but
 few people will as it is used internally.
 Thank you.
 Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen
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Toimcat / Apache / Modjk

2004-06-24 Thread James Sherwood
I have posted this problem before to no avail and thought I would try

I have apache 2.049 in front of tomcat 5.025 and they are linked with modjk

I want everything for a site such as to go through tomcat
for any php pages.

Is there a way I can JkMount everything BUT something?

Basically I want to mount everything EXCEPT url's ending in .php

Thanks in advance

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Re: Toimcat / Apache / Modjk

2004-06-24 Thread James Sherwood
This would work great if I was using an architecture that had definite
endings, I use tapestry and they all end in different names

Thank you for the input though


- Original Message - 
From: Dan Barron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tomcat Users
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Toimcat / Apache / Modjk

 jk file mod_jk.conf it is like this

 JkMount /*.jsp worker
 JkMount /*.htm worker
 JkMount /*.whatever ext you want - just not *.php or *

 jk2 file you would do something like

 [uri:/*.whatever ext you want - just not *.php or *]

 hope this helps.

 At 08:25 AM 6/24/2004, James Sherwood wrote:
  I have posted this problem before to no avail and thought I would
 I have apache 2.049 in front of tomcat 5.025 and they are linked with
 I want everything for a site such as to go through
 for any php pages.
 Is there a way I can JkMount everything BUT something?
 Basically I want to mount everything EXCEPT url's ending in .php
 Thanks in advance
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re: auto-generating for tomcat5

2004-06-18 Thread James Black
 I don't remember how I got this to work under tomcat4, but how would I 
auto-generate the file for tomcat5?

 Thank you.
Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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Safety of images under the WEB-INF?

2004-06-17 Thread James Sherwood
I am doing a project where I dont want people to be able to link
directly to certian images/files unless they are logged in through my
security framework.

The question is, if I put an images directory under the WEB-INF and
serve the images up through a service, how safe are these images? Can they
be retreived without going through my service(which i can check if they have
access or not) and if so, how?

Thank you,

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Re: Too many open files on Solaris

2004-06-16 Thread James Black
HasanA wrote:
I am having similar problem and i am running Tomcat 4.0 on Open vms 7.2. We
have increased number of files open by a process to some ridiculous value
but this error is still comming up.
Can someone also help with this issue?

 If you are opening up database connections or files on the local 
system, you may not be closing the connection.

 You can use a program called losf, which is available from and see what it tells you about which process has 
the descriptors open.

Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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Setting the Session Id length

2004-06-16 Thread James Maidment
Fairly recently, methods appeared in org.apache.catalina.session.ManagerBase 
(setSessionIdLength()) to allow variation of the Session Id length, however I can't 
find any way of actually calling these methods.  Can anyone tell me how this parameter 
should be set? (I'm using the embedded Tomcat within JBoss)
Many thanks,

Re: Creator -- Tomcat

2004-06-08 Thread James Black
 I have been working with Sun's Studio Creator early release, and am trying to
transfer a project of automatically-built files to Tomcat.
 There seems to be no explicit documentation on how to do this.
I have copied the seemingly appropriate file structure [folder with .jsp and
WEB-INF folder] to Tomcat's
webapps directory, but cannot get the application to start up.  It is just a
simple page with calculations.

 If you look at the logs you will find some exceptions were thrown.  I 
don't remember all of them, but there are 2-4 jar files that need to be 
 You will probably need

 I didn't try it on tomcat4, so if you are doing it there, if it works, 
it will require some other jar files.

 Just delete your logs, restart tomcat, look at the log file, find 
where the exception is thrown, get the new file to put in, and repeat.

 I have already reported this to Sun a month or so ago.
Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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Re: URL validation

2004-06-08 Thread James Black
Ikonne, Ike wrote:
Hi Steffen,
Thanks, new URL(url) doesn't work consistently.  I have tried it, 
one can throw in an url that doesn't meet RFC 1738 but URL(url) will
not catch it.

You could try regular expressions.
Here is a relatively simple one:
Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

RE: Tomcat and JSF

2004-06-08 Thread James Black
You have to add some jar files to your webapp, but JSF will work on Tomcat
5, I haven't tried it on Tomcat 4 in 8 mths.

 Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching. 
--- Satchel Paige 
 -Original Message-
 From: snpe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 11:25 PM
 Subject: Tomcat and JSF
 Is there plan that tomcat support JSF specification ?
 Haris Peco
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Unknown error in tomcat log help

2004-06-04 Thread James Sherwood
I get this error in my tomcat log once and a while.  It doesnt seem to
affect the site any and I was just wondering if anyone knew what it was?

I am using tomcat 5.025, apache 2.049 and mod_jk 1.25



Exception during post-request cleanup.

  Session id: 6A15A35F0A762F1605E9CB9417F38967
  Client address:


org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException Connection reset by peer: socket write error Method)


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Re: Tomcat-5.0.24+memory leaking

2004-06-04 Thread James Sherwood
Im not sure if this could be the problem or not, but it sounds like it may
be a session problem as it has to do with cookies etc.

When we upgraded to tomcat 5.0.24 our sessions went funny(too much to

When tomcat 5.0.25 came out one of the fixes had a session fix in it.

We upgraded to 5.0.25 and it fixed the problem.

Like I say, I dont know exactly what your problem is but it sounds like it
may have to do with sessions.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 10:25 AM
Subject: Tomcat-5.0.24+memory leaking

Hi all,
  I am using jakarta-tomcat-5.0.24. my application loads lot of library
from a third party. and when it set cookie and forward the request to some
other page, application got killed. no problem with the tomcat server. if
remove all cookies, then application will run. then when i set cookie and
transfer request, the same problm occurs and it continues.
   there is no problem with the old version of tomcat, 3.2.4. is this
the prob with memory leak of tomcat? please guide me to solve this issue.

Thanks and regards..
Anish kumar.G..

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Serving up static content through apache using mod_jk

2004-06-03 Thread James Sherwood
I am trying to serve up some of our static content through Apache
instead of Tomcat

I am using apache 2.049 and Tomcat 5.025 with mod_jk 1.2.5

Lets say in tomcat I have a directory serving up static html called
staticserve. I reach it through

I created a virtual host like this:

VirtualHost *
DocumentRoot %pathtoapache%/htdocs/staticserve
JKMount /* ajp13
ErrorLog mylog.log

and transfered the contents of staticserve to the staticserve directory in

My problem is that apache is not serving up the contents in staticserve,
tomcat is

I think I am just missing something small, any ideas?

Thanks James

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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2004-06-03 Thread James Sherwood
more information please,

version of tomcat and windows or linux?

- Original Message - 
From: Matthew Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 11:24 AM
Subject: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

 Has anyone ever experienced this error? The machine I am running has
 memory, I think it is around 2GB. The java instance just used for less
 150MB memory from prstat. Does anyone know how to increase initial tomcat
 memory size just like Java does?


 Matt chen





 Jun 2, 2004 3:21:14 PM unknown unknown

 SEVERE: Error processing request


 Jun 2, 2004 3:21:14 PM unknown unknown

 SEVERE: Error unregistering mbean



 Jun 2, 2004 3:21:14 PM unknown unknown

 SEVERE: Unexpected error


 Jun 2, 2004 3:21:14 PM unknown unknown

 SEVERE: Unexpected error


 Jun 2, 2004 3:21:14 PM unknown unknown

 SEVERE: Unexpected error


 Jun 2, 2004 3:21:14 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor process

 SEVERE: Error processing request


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Re: Serving up static content through apache using mod_jk

2004-06-03 Thread James Sherwood
If the JKMount /* ajp13 passes everything to the jk handler, is there a way
route everything
but /staticserve directory to the jk handler?

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: Serving up static content through apache using mod_jk

 On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:26:52AM -0300, James Sherwood wrote:
 : VirtualHost *
 : ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 : DocumentRoot %pathtoapache%/htdocs/staticserve
 : ServerName
 : JKMount /* ajp13
 : ErrorLog mylog.log
 : /VirtualHost
 : My problem is that apache is not serving up the contents in staticserve,
 : tomcat is
 : I think I am just missing something small, any ideas?

 Yes -- the JKMount /* ajp13 directive will pass everything to the JK



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Re: Serving up static content through apache using mod_jk

2004-06-03 Thread James Sherwood
Yes but in my case I have a ton of directories that are dynamically changed
so I want everything served through tomcat except some static stuff in one

Any ideas?

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Serving up static content through apache using mod_jk

 On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:52:11AM -0300, James Sherwood wrote:
 : If the JKMount /* ajp13 passes everything to the jk handler, is there a
 : route everything
 : but /staticserve directory to the jk handler?

 I've never done that, so I wouldn't know.

 I prefer the opposite approach: have a handful of JkMount directives,
 one for each Tomcat-served URI or file extension:

 JkMount /*.jsp
 JkMount /*.do
 JkMount /special/*
 JkMount /j_security_check



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Re: Problem with tomcat 5.0.25 service

2004-06-03 Thread James Sherwood
If this is on a windows machine, check the 'configure tomcat' part and make
sure its pointing to the same jvm as your %java_home% is

- Original Message - 
From: Jens Kühnberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 12:43 PM
Subject: Problem with tomcat 5.0.25 service


 I got a problem with installing tomcat 5.0.25 as a service. When I run
 tomcat with the startup script (startup.bat) I don't have any problem.
 After installing the service (service.exe install) and running my
 application as a service, I get the following compilation error for
 every jsp page I want to run:

 03.06.2004 17:25:43 org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler generateClass
 SCHWERWIEGEND: Javac exception
 Error running javac.exe compiler
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.generateClass(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
 at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(


 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

















 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
 at org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteAdapter.service(


 at Source)
 Caused by: CreateProcess: javac.exe -classpath


 at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)

Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

2004-06-02 Thread James Sherwood
I actually have it fixed now(well no ramping in 24 hours).  I am using
tomcat on a windows machine so I adjusted to memory in the configure tomcat
in the start menu(allows you to adjust jvm startup parameters)

The problem did not have anything to do with tomcat if my fix works:)

- Original Message - 
From: Kommuru, Bhaskar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 6:03 AM
Subject: RE: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

 I am just curious in this... Where did you set the 512m? Is your Tomcat's
 JVM size?

  Ran out of memory last night again
  Set to 512m and ran out at 284m
  Maybe I am missing a paramater in the tomcat setup on windows or

 I was having a memory leak using mod_jk2, and it was fixed by adding
 to tomcat/conf/
 I don't know if this would work with mod_jk, but it might be worth a try.


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Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

2004-06-01 Thread James Sherwood
Ran out of memory last night again

Set to 512m and ran out at 284m
Maybe I am missing a paramater in the tomcat setup on windows or something



- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

 300 mb sounds a lot, i've got a hibernate and struts flavored app
 running with a 128 limit, and thats being generous.

 I haven't measured anything but top looks happy, with 5.0.25 with jk to
 apache 2.0.47. Had a bit of traffic this afternoon albeit nothing
 heavy, had 5 simultaneously this afternoon. But nothing huge.


 On 31 May 2004, at 17:54, James Sherwood wrote:

  Thanks Mark,
  I have it currently running bypassing the mod_jk with rewrite to port
  The memory has ramped to 327 mb so far which is not anything to worry
  I had this problem on our linux box but I had forgotten the -server
  and that took care of it.
  The problem is, windows doesnt accept -server.
  Ill continue to monitor it with the mod_jk bypass in.
  - Original Message -
  From: Mark Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 12:19 PM
  Subject: Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass
  I've just set 5.0.25 up and it will run with mod_jk/1.2.3-dev and
  Apache/2.0.47 , I'll see if i get the same thing happening.
  When i was having problems i was getting a decoding error written to
  catalina log, which 5.0.24+ hasn't given me. 5.0.24 has been working
  quite happily but the next man mentioned a session error so I took his
  word for it and upgraded.
  You could have tomcat being served from an ip alias, but will depend
  you configuration. And might take longer than getting jk sorted.
  For the moment I can just say i'll keep and eye on things and see if
  the same happens to me.
  On 31 May 2004, at 14:23, James Sherwood wrote:
  There are no errors anywhere that I can find in any logs.  The memory
  slowly ramps up till an out of memory error happens.
  - Original Message -
  From: Mark Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 9:04 AM
  Subject: Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass
  What does your catalina log have to say for itself?
  On 31 May 2004, at 13:59, James Sherwood wrote:
  As I posted before, I get a memory leak using mod_jk 1.2 with
  and Apache 2.049
  I beleive it may be related to the mod_jk connector and since I am
  actually serving up anything with apache yet I want to just bypass
  connector for 1 site and hit tomcat directly. I have to use apache
  things on the server so I cannot just use tomcat.
  Any idea the best route for this? (of course a fix for the leak is
  My route works but certian urls within the site do not
  I could get them working).
  The way I have done it is this:
  VirtualHost *
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.mysite\.ca$ [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*) http://localhost:8080$1 [p]
  Thanks, James
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Re: Tomcat 5 out of memory

2004-05-31 Thread James Sherwood
I upgraded to 5.0.24 and it seemed to fix the problem although there wasnt
sufficient time to test as there was a session bug in 24 and I had to
upgrade to 25 quickly. The memory leak is slowed but still there in 25 over
19 and this may have been the case for 24


- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5 out of memory

 Upgrade to tc5.024

 Its been sorted, i had the same jazz happening. I changed to 5.0.24 as
 no problems since.

 On 28 May 2004, at 19:55, Emerson Cargnin wrote:

  I have the same configuration (except tomcat 5.0.19 and Suse linux
  9.1) and have the same problem...
  do you have this kind of message at your catalina.log?
  May 28, 2004 2:44:14 PM org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest invoke
  INFO: Unknown message 0
  May 28, 2004 2:44:49 PM org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest invoke
  INFO: Unknown message 0
  James Sherwood wrote:
  I am using  Tomcat 5.025 Mod jk 1.2.5 and Apache 2.0.49
  Memory just keeps ramping up untill it goes out of memory
  It is on a Windows 2003 server
  Any Ideas?
  Thanks James
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  Emerson Cargnin
  Analista de Sistemas
  Setor de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas - TRE-SC
  tel : (048) - 251-3700 - Ramal 3181
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Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

2004-05-31 Thread James Sherwood
As I posted before, I get a memory leak using mod_jk 1.2 with Tomcat 5.0.25
and Apache 2.049

I beleive it may be related to the mod_jk connector and since I am not
actually serving up anything with apache yet I want to just bypass the
connector for 1 site and hit tomcat directly. I have to use apache for other
things on the server so I cannot just use tomcat.

Any idea the best route for this? (of course a fix for the leak is the best
My route works but certian urls within the site do not work(although I think
I could get them working).

The way I have done it is this:

VirtualHost *


RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.mysite\.ca$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^(.*) http://localhost:8080$1 [p]


Thanks, James

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Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

2004-05-31 Thread James Sherwood
There are no errors anywhere that I can find in any logs.  The memory just
slowly ramps up till an out of memory error happens.


- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

 What does your catalina log have to say for itself?

 On 31 May 2004, at 13:59, James Sherwood wrote:

  As I posted before, I get a memory leak using mod_jk 1.2 with Tomcat
  and Apache 2.049
  I beleive it may be related to the mod_jk connector and since I am not
  actually serving up anything with apache yet I want to just bypass the
  connector for 1 site and hit tomcat directly. I have to use apache for
  things on the server so I cannot just use tomcat.
  Any idea the best route for this? (of course a fix for the leak is the
  My route works but certian urls within the site do not work(although I
  I could get them working).
  The way I have done it is this:
  VirtualHost *
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.mysite\.ca$ [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*) http://localhost:8080$1 [p]
  Thanks, James
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Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

2004-05-31 Thread James Sherwood
Thanks Mark,

I have it currently running bypassing the mod_jk with rewrite to port 8080.

The memory has ramped to 327 mb so far which is not anything to worry about.

I had this problem on our linux box but I had forgotten the -server option
and that took care of it.
The problem is, windows doesnt accept -server.

Ill continue to monitor it with the mod_jk bypass in.


- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass

 I've just set 5.0.25 up and it will run with mod_jk/1.2.3-dev and
 Apache/2.0.47 , I'll see if i get the same thing happening.

 When i was having problems i was getting a decoding error written to
 catalina log, which 5.0.24+ hasn't given me. 5.0.24 has been working
 quite happily but the next man mentioned a session error so I took his
 word for it and upgraded.

 You could have tomcat being served from an ip alias, but will depend on
 you configuration. And might take longer than getting jk sorted.

 For the moment I can just say i'll keep and eye on things and see if
 the same happens to me.


 On 31 May 2004, at 14:23, James Sherwood wrote:

  There are no errors anywhere that I can find in any logs.  The memory
  slowly ramps up till an out of memory error happens.
  - Original Message -
  From: Mark Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 9:04 AM
  Subject: Re: Tomcat5/mod_jk Memory Leak/mod_jk bypass
  What does your catalina log have to say for itself?
  On 31 May 2004, at 13:59, James Sherwood wrote:
  As I posted before, I get a memory leak using mod_jk 1.2 with Tomcat
  and Apache 2.049
  I beleive it may be related to the mod_jk connector and since I am
  actually serving up anything with apache yet I want to just bypass
  connector for 1 site and hit tomcat directly. I have to use apache
  things on the server so I cannot just use tomcat.
  Any idea the best route for this? (of course a fix for the leak is
  My route works but certian urls within the site do not work(although
  I could get them working).
  The way I have done it is this:
  VirtualHost *
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.mysite\.ca$ [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*) http://localhost:8080$1 [p]
  Thanks, James
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Secure web.xml and WEB-INF

2004-05-30 Thread Bond, James Bond
Hello. Please, give me some tips how to secure (deny for reading in
browser) access to web.xml and WEB-INF folder? Any suggestions are welcome:)

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Tomcat 5 out of memory

2004-05-28 Thread James Sherwood
I am using  Tomcat 5.025 Mod jk 1.2.5 and Apache 2.0.49

Memory just keeps ramping up untill it goes out of memory

It is on a Windows 2003 server

Any Ideas?

Thanks James

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Re: Timing service in Tomcat

2004-05-12 Thread James Neville

Sasha Borodin wrote:

Is anyone using a good 3rd party scheduling framework?

Have a look at: its moved to OpenSymphony!)
We're using this in part with some in-house stuff.
It works well; I actually can't think of any other open -source 
component that's comparable.

Or is this kind of stuff home-grown right now (java.util.Timer, etc.)?  If
you've got your own timer, where do you initialize it (like in a servlet's
init() or a context listener)?
For the custom stuff, we have a seperate servlet for each job/task 
(java.util.Timer), and a reference is stored to them in the application 
context, for admin purposes.
We start each Timer from a single Startup servlet, which gets the 
majority of its parameters from the web.xml file (ideally, i'd rather 
this was seperated).

If you have any more questions, shoot,  i'll try and answer as best I can.


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RE: Parser Errors on startup

2004-04-18 Thread James Bucanek
Yea!  Adding the DOCTYPE solved my parsing problems!  Thanks Mark.

I realize now that I had taken it out when I was having another problem.  I originally 
created the files using UTF-8 encoding:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

But the parser would puke up and wouldn't even start:

Apr 12, 2004 7:27:05 AM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester fatalError
SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line 1 column -1: Document root element is missing.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document root element is missing.

I later discovered that my XML-savvy text editor was inserting a byte-order mark at 
the beginning of the file, which the XML parser apparently doesn't appreciate.  Taking 
that out solved (most) of my parsing problems -- but not until after I'd butchered the 
file.  ;)

Thanks again for all the help,


Mark Thomas wrote on Sunday, April 18, 2004:
Try putting  

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?

!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;

At the start of the web.xml file


 -Original Message-
 From: James Bucanek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 6:55 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Parser Errors on startup
 James Bucanek wrote on Saturday, April 17, 2004:
 Tomcat 4.1.xx/Mac OS X Server (BSD)
 I'm getting the following errors when I startup Tomcat, and I can't
 for the life of me figure out what to do about it:
 Well, I've managed to narrow the problem down.  The Host I 
 defined in server.xml isn't the problem.  The problem is that 
 the Host I defined caused other webapp's to be deployed 
 automatically, and it is apparently the web.xml file that is 
 throwing the SAXParseExceptions.
 I kept taking things out of the web.xml file to try and zero 
 in on the problem.  Unfortunately, I'm now left with the 
 following web.xml:
 Whenever I start Tomcat, or reload the web application, the 
 following gets written to ${catalina-home}/logs/catalina.out:
 Apr 17, 2004 10:45:01 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
 SEVERE: Parse Error at line 1 column -1: Element type 
 web-app is not declared.
 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type web-app is not declared.
 at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(
 at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(
 Note: If I have other declarations in web.xml, I get a SAX 
 Exception for (basically) every tag in the file.
 They only way to eliminate this Exception is to remove the 
 web.xml file altogether.  This just doesn't make any sense to 
 me.  Any insight would be appreciated.
 James Bucanek   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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James Bucanek   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Parser Errors on startup

2004-04-17 Thread James Bucanek
Tomcat 4.1.xx/Mac OS X Server (BSD)

I'm getting the following errors when I startup Tomcat, and I can't for the life of me 
figure out what to do about it:

Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.1.29-LE-jdk14
Apr 17, 2004 4:20:24 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources init
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.util.LocalStrings', returnNull=true
Apr 17, 2004 4:20:24 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources init
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.struts.action.ActionResources', returnNull=true
Apr 17, 2004 4:20:24 PM org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources init
INFO: Initializing, config='org.apache.webapp.admin.ApplicationResources', 
Apr 17, 2004 4:20:30 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 2 column -1: Element type web-app is not declared.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type web-app is not declared.
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl.parse(
Apr 17, 2004 4:20:30 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 3 column -1: Element type display-name is not declared.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type display-name is not declared.
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
Apr 17, 2004 4:20:30 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 4 column -1: Element type description is not declared.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type description is not declared.
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
Apr 17, 2004 4:20:30 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 7 column -1: Element type context-param is not declared.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type context-param is not declared.
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
... and about 18 more.

This appears to have started after I added one additional Host declaration to my 
server.xml file.  But there are no XML syntax errors in the file (I've parsed it with 
other tools), and the Host appears to be working.  So why theres errors, and why do 
they start on line 2?

James Bucanek   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Parser Errors on startup

2004-04-17 Thread James Bucanek
James Bucanek wrote on Saturday, April 17, 2004:
Tomcat 4.1.xx/Mac OS X Server (BSD)

I'm getting the following errors when I startup Tomcat, and I can't
for the life of me figure out what to do about it:

Well, I've managed to narrow the problem down.  The Host I defined in server.xml 
isn't the problem.  The problem is that the Host I defined caused other webapp's to 
be deployed automatically, and it is apparently the web.xml file that is throwing the 

I kept taking things out of the web.xml file to try and zero in on the problem.  
Unfortunately, I'm now left with the following web.xml:


Whenever I start Tomcat, or reload the web application, the following gets written to 

Apr 17, 2004 10:45:01 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 1 column -1: Element type web-app is not declared.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type web-app is not declared.
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.error(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parse(
at org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl.parse(
at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(

Note: If I have other declarations in web.xml, I get a SAX Exception for (basically) 
every tag in the file.

They only way to eliminate this Exception is to remove the web.xml file altogether.  
This just doesn't make any sense to me.  Any insight would be appreciated.

James Bucanek   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Newbie problem with JSP contexts virtual hosts

2004-04-13 Thread James Bucanek
While I didn't get any suggestions or feedback on my original question, I believe I've 
found a solution.  Now I just need to run it by the group to see if it's Kosher.

James Bucanek wrote on Sunday, April 11, 2004:
  !-- Virtual host: --
  !-- (jlb 11-April-2004) Added virtual host --
  Host debug=0 appBase=/Users/darkthirty/Sites
unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=true

!-- Context for the top-level web application --
Context path= docBase=. debug=99 reloadable=true/



display-namedarkthirty/display-name artwork application/description

!-- Global parameters for this web application --
param-valueSome Value/param-value

The basic problem with this arrangement is that my JSP pages ran in the context of the 
'jsp' servlet that's defined in ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/web.xml for the default 
Host, not the Context that I defined in my web-app that I want to run in my virtual 

So, it occurred to me that I could create may own instance of the JSP engine as my 
Servlet.  Now that I have a Servlet to reference, I can then map all of the *.jsp 
files in my virtual host to that:

display-namedarkthirty/display-name artwork application/description

!-- Global parameters available to all web applications --
param-valueSome Value/param-value


!-- The mapping for the JSP servlet --


This seems to work just great.  The Manager sees my application (by name), and all of 
the context parameters appear in my JSP pages.

As far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be anything really bad about this 
solution.  Except that I end up with a new instance of the JspServlet for each virtual 
host, which is probably a tolerable amount of overhead.

My question is this: Is this the right way to accomplish this?

James Bucanek   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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apache tomcat mod_jk index.jsp

2004-04-13 Thread James Kessler

I'm having trouble loading index.jsp from the root directory.
If i browse to everything works. If I browse to (which points to the same directory) it shows the jsp tags. 
I'm running apache 1.3, tomcat 4.1 and mod_jk 1.2 using ApacheConfig to 
auto-create mod_jk.conf.

httpd.conf contains:

LoadModule jk_module libexec/apache/
AddModule mod_jk.c

DocumentRoot /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/test
Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/test
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.php index.html index.htm
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

Include /usr/local/tomcat/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf

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Re: Session exists even after server restart

2004-04-12 Thread James Bucanek
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Tuesday, April 13, 2004:
Now I have shutdown my tomcat and started it immediately. And my session
still works !!!

Pretty cool, huh?

Is this a BUG?

If it is, then a lot of people spent an aweful lot of time introducing it.

I just read Tomcat: The Definitive Guide by Jason Brittain  Ian Darwin.  While this 
covers Tomcat 4, I'm pretty sure this applies to 5 as well.

The Manager tag in the server.xml file defines the session manager class.  As 
example would be

Manager className=org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager ...

The default session manger is StandardManager.  The StandardManager class preserves 
the state of sessions by serializing them to a file called SESSIONS.ser when the 
server shuts down, then restores them when it starts up again.

Alternatively, you can use PersistentManager which dynamically stores session data in 
some kind of data store (be that files, or a database, or whatever).

If you don't want this persistence behavior, replace the Manager with one which 
doesn't preserve sessions between server shutdown and startup.

James Bucanek   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Newbie problem with JSP contexts virtual hosts

2004-04-11 Thread James Bucanek
 for the 
'test' context-param I defined in my web.xml file.

- The call to application.getServletContextName() returns null.

- The call to config.getInitParameterNames() returns the properties fork, and 
logVerbosityLevel.  (These are defined in {catalina_home}/conf/web.xml for the 'jsp' 

All this leads me to believe that my JSP pages are not running the Context of the web 
application that I created.  They appear to be running in the Context of the 'jsp' 
servlet defined in ${cataling_home}/conf/web.xml.

When I reload the / application in the manager, all of my application scope objects 
disappear.  So it would appear that the manager is reloading the 'jsp' servlet, not 

Also, the display-name of my web app never appears anywhere.

So, what am I missing?  How do I deploy a collection of Java classes and a web.xml in 
a virtual host's directory so that the JSP pages in that site run in the Context of 
that web application?  I'm eventually going to create other virtual hosts, and I want 
the JSP pages in each host to run in their own Context, with the ability to control 
and reload them individually.

I admit that I'm dubious about the web.xml I created for my application because it 
doesn't declare a servlet.  But my problem is that I don't really have a servlet -- 
just some JSP pages.  Do I need to create a dummy servlet to act as a container for my 
JSP pages?  Do I need to map *.jsp pages in the web-app?  How do I do this if I 
don't have a servlet to reference?

I think I'm a little confused as to the relationship between JSP pages, the 'jsp' 
servlet, and a web application.  Any reading material that might clarify the 
relationship between these would be greatly appreciated.

James Bucanek   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Tomcat Site slow and stops responding after certain number of threads

2004-04-05 Thread James Black
s prasad wrote:

We use the JK 2 Connector and for some of the sites we have 
maxProcessors=75. My understanding is when the maxProcessors limit is 
reached, the requests are put in queue and this will not cause the 
site to go down. IS this number dependent on total number of TCP/IP 
connections hitting that server on port 80? Is there a downfall of 
bumping this number very high, assuming there is enough memory on the 
server to allow these threads? Can anyone comment on, how to identify 
the current connector thread utilization?
 My experience is that this is not a hard limit, but will be exceeded 
if the requests at one time go beyond the 75, but those extra threads 
will be removed when they are done.

  If you don't mind your java application (tomcat) sharing it's 
processor time servicing many threads then there shouldn't be any 
problems.  It really depends on how cpu intensive your apps are, more 
cpu intensive should use fewer threads, imo.

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Re: How to deploy a web application under Tomcat 5

2004-03-24 Thread James Black
Bachler, Elisabeth (Elisabeth) wrote:

I don't quite understand what you are saying. My problem is that I don't
know how to create a WAR file with the basic structure in it. I have to do
it manually but I don't know how.
COuld you tell me where to find the information?.
Once I have this WAR file, I suppose I only have to put it under webapps and
restart TOmcat, right?
THanks for your patience.

 You can create the war file two ways, basically. One is to use ant, 
which has a war tag, which makes life simple.
 The other approach is to just create the directory structure 
somewhere, put your files in there, then use:
jar -cf MyApp.war MyApp

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Re: several virtual hosts -- single application

2004-03-16 Thread James Agnew
Thanks a lot for your help Adrian.

Unfortunately that hasn't helped, as CFMX doesn't parse the cfm pages, yet
it works perfectly when I try http://localhost:8080/domain1

yet http://domain1:8080 which points to the same folder (i.e.
myapps/domain1) just displays the cfmx code - the correct file is found but
the application does not know that it should be parsing it.

It must be the way in which virtual hosts are 'ignored' by the application
to which they are pointed, if the target folder is not the app folder i.e. a
sub-folder like 'domain1' or 'domain2' - I'm sure I just need to give Tomcat
a hint that it should use CFMX when it encouters '.cfm' files but I can't
seem to crack it...

Anyone with any idea would be very welcome as this has been bugging me for
nearly a week and I'm trying to avoid having to use Apache (which would
solve the specific problem immediately, but would add another server 
increase complexity)

Thanks, James

- Original Message - 
From: Adrian Lanning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: several virtual hosts -- single application

 Hi James,

 On Linux, I've accomplished this using the following configuration:

 + snip from server.xml on linux +
 Host name=domain1 debug=0 appBase=webapps/app1
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true

 Host name=domain2 debug=0 appBase=webapps/app2
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 + snip from server.xml on linux +

 On Windows, try this:

 + snip from server.xml on windows +
   Host name=domain1 debug=0 appBase=webapps
  unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 Context path= docBase=/app1 debug=1/
   Host name=domain2 debug=0 appBase=webapps
  unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 Context path= docBase=/app2 debug=1/
 + snip from server.xml on windows +

 I don't know why it acts differently on windows and linux...
 Also, I've noticed that the windows setup seems to create two instances of
 each app when viewed in the manager.  One as / and one as app1 or
 (depending on which domain you log into).  So this should get you started
 but I wouldn't use the windows setup for production.  Linux you should be
 good to go.

 Adrian Lanning

 - Original Message - 
 From: James Agnew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: tomcat list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 5:24 AM
 Subject: several virtual hosts -- single application

  Is it possible to have several virtual hosts point to different folders
  within the same context under tomcat 5 standalone webserver?
  Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
  Context path= docBase=domain1 debug=0 reloadable=true/
  Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
  Context path= docBase=domain2 debug=0 reloadable=true/
  /Host -- myapps/domain1 -- myapps/domain2
  so that one application handles all the requests? I'm running Cold
  the application and I need it to handle request for virtual hosts within
  own context i.e. domain1 and domain2.
  I can achieve this easily with VirtualHost directive in Apache, but
  get it to work under Tomcat standalone. Is it possible?
  Any help much appreciated.
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Virtual Hosting with Tomcat 4.1, Apache 2.0, and mod_jk2

2004-03-16 Thread Montz, James C. (James Tower)
Is there any way to specify context mappings in the httpd.conf file?
Something similar to JkUriSet?

I have successfully mapped *.jsp to my mod_jk2 worker, but I'm having an
issues mapping virtual hosts with the correct Tomcat context?

Using uri in the will prove cumbersome as I have many
virtual hosts, with many more ServerAliases.

Recommendations on how to best handle a single Apache 2.0./Tomcat 4.1 Server
instance doing a large amount of virtual hosting for several sites, and

James C. Montz   RHCE
Hosting Services Engineer
James Tower 

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several virtual hosts -- single application

2004-03-15 Thread James Agnew

Is it possible to have several virtual hosts point to different folders
within the same context under tomcat 5 standalone webserver?

Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=domain1 debug=0 reloadable=true/

Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=domain2 debug=0 reloadable=true/
/Host -- myapps/domain1 -- myapps/domain2

so that one application handles all the requests? I'm running Cold Fusion as
the application and I need it to handle request for virtual hosts within its
own context i.e. domain1 and domain2.

I can achieve this easily with VirtualHost directive in Apache, but can't
get it to work under Tomcat standalone. Is it possible?

Any help much appreciated.


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Re: Memory Usage

2004-03-15 Thread James Black
bort wrote:

If System.runFinalization() and System.gc() are misleading... what should I
use instead, to force to garbage collection?
So, the amount of memory the JVM uses, will always increase?  How do I get
it to decrease?
 You can't get it to decrease, but if you have the memory large enough 
so that it doesn't have to request any more from the system, it won't 
continue to grow.
 If it is growing without bounds you probably have a memory leak.

 JDK1.5.0beta seems to have an improved garbage collection tuning built 
in, and that may be of some help, but if you have a leak then all you 
can do it find it.

 You may want to learn more about garbage collection.
You could use these references:
256 was an arbitrary choice.  Is there some formula I should be using (based
on projected traffic)?
 The links above, esp the third one, should help you to determine what 
is a good size.

Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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Re: Memory Usage

2004-03-15 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:



JDK1.5.0beta seems to have an improved garbage collection tuning


Care to elaborate or provide a reference?  Thanks,

 Based on my own experience, doing various performance related tests 
with Tomcat 5, running under JDK1.5 I find it interesting to watch the 
size of the java application decrease, over time.

 I don't set anything for the heap except -mx512M, so I can see how it 

 When I run my unit tests inside of JProfiler I also can watch the 
total heap decrease, while the unit test is running.

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Re: Multiple Host (no apache or iis)

2004-03-13 Thread James Agnew

Could you try it again, but remove the : after 'webapps' for test1

...assuming that was just a typo and that it still doesn't work, what
context is your app in?
If it's / then does http://localhost:8080 work ok? Place 2 folders in this
directory so you have -


If all that still works, then clear your host info, add the following in
simplified  your server.xml

Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=test1

Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=test2

See if that works, if not get back to us :)


- Original Message - 
From: Roland Carlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 8:24 PM
Subject: Multiple Host (no apache or iis)

 I have tried to search for this but all hits seems to be about getting
 tomcat to work together with apache or iis.

 I can't figure out why my test1-domain doesn't answer at all. All I gets
 a 400-error. What bother me the most is that there is nothing in the
 catalina.out log that indicats that there are something wrong so I don't
 even know where to start look.

 I post the Host-part of my server.xml below.

 Thanks in advance
 Roland Carlsson

 Host debug=0 appBase=webapps:
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
 Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
 directory=logs prefix=test1_access_log. suffix=.txt
 pattern=combined resolveHosts=false/
 Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
 directory=logs prefix=test1.log. suffix=.txt
 Host name=localhost debug=0 appBase=webapps
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

 Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
 directory=logs prefix=localhost_access_log. suffix=.txt
 pattern=combined resolveHosts=false/
 Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
 directory=logs prefix=localhost_log. suffix=.txt

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Virtual hosts for single application context

2004-03-12 Thread James Agnew
Any ideas guys/gals?

I have an application (CFMX) running under Tomcat 5.0.18 as a deployed war
file within the ROOT folder i.e.


this all works perfectly and correcly parses all .cfm files.

Now, I've created virtual hosts by adding the following in server.xml:

Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=website1 debug=0 reloadable=true/

Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=website2 debug=0 reloadable=true/

This works, but the application (i.e. CFMX) doesn't parse the .cfm pages
within the website1 and website2 folders.

Is it possible to map multiple virtual hosts to a single application context
 so that the applications handles the page requests?

Thanks, James

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virtual hosts for single application context

2004-03-11 Thread James Agnew
Hello all,

I have an application (CFMX) running under Tomcat 5.0.18 as a deployed war
file within the ROOT folder i.e.


this all works perfectly and correcly parses all .cfm files.

Now, I've created virtual hosts by adding the following in server.xml:

Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=website1 debug=0 reloadable=true/

Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Context path= docBase=website2 debug=0 reloadable=true/

This works, but the application (i.e. CFMX) doesn't parse the .cfm pages
within the website1 and website2 folders.

Is it possible to map multiple virtual hosts to a single application

Thanks, James

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Re: https without specifying the port in address bar

2004-03-11 Thread James Agnew
If the *only* port that your company's firewall is listening on is 8443,
then there's nothing you can do, as all traffic to other ports (e.g. 443 for
SSL) will be dropped. If there's some kind of proxy in between, then you
could use port forwarding, where the client request for port 443 is
translated to 8443.

The only other solution is to open up port 443 on the firewall and, if you
can only run Tomcat on 8443, then set up a firewall rule to translate 443 to

- Original Message - 
From: Forte, Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:21 PM
Subject: https without specifying the port in address bar

 Hello all,
 I am trying to stand up a site and my company has all ports except
 for 8443 blocked. Thus if someone types in they cant get
 any of my pages. SSL is a requirement for this site.
 How can I set this up so that if the user types in
 they will see my pages.
 Right now they have to type in

 Thanks in advance!

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Re: virtual hosts for single application context

2004-03-11 Thread James Agnew
..of course, the second host name should read '' - apologies for

I've just tried the same approach with the website1 and website2 folders
directly below the application context, but it still doesn't want to parse.

Appreciate any input

Thanks, James

- Original Message - 
From: James Agnew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: tomcat list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:30 PM
Subject: virtual hosts for single application context

 Hello all,

 I have an application (CFMX) running under Tomcat 5.0.18 as a deployed war
 file within the ROOT folder i.e.


 this all works perfectly and correcly parses all .cfm files.

 Now, I've created virtual hosts by adding the following in server.xml:

 Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
 Context path= docBase=website1 debug=0 reloadable=true/

 Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
 Context path= docBase=website2 debug=0 reloadable=true/

 This works, but the application (i.e. CFMX) doesn't parse the .cfm pages
 within the website1 and website2 folders.

 Is it possible to map multiple virtual hosts to a single application

 Thanks, James

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Preferred connection between Apache Tomcat?

2004-03-09 Thread James Sears
Which method is best for connecting Apache to Tomcat? 

Should I use JNI for Apache to invoke an in-process Tomcat? Or should I run
a Tomcat server and let the connector forward traffic to the server?

What disadvantages does the JNI approach have?

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Re: Hiding Apache-Coyote/1.1 banner in Tomcat 5

2004-03-08 Thread James Agnew
I just like to reduce as much as possible the amount of information that a
server gives out. Letting oppotunist crackers, who run a 1 minute nessus
scan, know the version and type of the webserver, should IMO be avoided if
possible. Sure, it won't put-off the determined cracker, but it might force
some to move onto easier prey.

Anyway, back to the matter in hand - do you know how one might go about

Thanks, James

 On 03/08/2004 02:57 PM James Agnew wrote:
  I've been looking for a way to prevent security scanners such as Nessus
  being able to easily read Tomcat's standalone webserver details.  I'm
  running Tomcat 5.0.18 standalone and Nessus identifies it as follows:
  Server Version: Apache-Coyote/1.1
  Server Banner: Apache-Coyote/1.1
  I can't seen anything similar to Apache's 'ServerTokens' directive to
  disable/suppress the info given out.

 Pardon my ignorance, but what is the problem with that?

 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 Debian

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Re: Disabling PUT and DELETE methods in Tomcat 5 standalone

2004-03-08 Thread James Agnew
So, how would I go about actually prevent PUT and DELETE for all users,
logged in or otherwise? I've been hitting my head against this one for some
time, with no luck.  The solution needs to allow anonymous users to access
the site (i.e. no login) and still prevent PUT and DELETE methods.

Thanks, James

 On 03/08/2004 10:15 AM funkster wrote:
  web-resource-nameDisable Methods/web-resource-name
  I was under the impression that by not including a role-name value,
  all PUT and DELETE method requests are disabled since the security
  constraint cannot be linked to a role. However, the fact that it doesn't
  work yet means I'm doing something wrong somewhere!

 Well, you haven't disabled it. You have protected it. As far as I can
 tell, you would be required to login first, and then you would be denied
 access. (When tomcat finds out that you are not in no roles?!)

 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 Debian

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Re: Disabling PUT and DELETE methods in Tomcat 5 standalone

2004-03-08 Thread James Agnew
There's no implementation of the servlet doPut() and doDelete() methods so
nothing can actually be put or deleted, but that's true before even creating
the security constraint. Yet, testing for PUT and DELETE methods still show
that they're enabled. Our security scanners still flag these methods as
being available, albeit not exploitable.

Is there any way to prevent the server from responding to these methods? I
ran the same scan tests on one of our Apache boxes and it can back complete
dead on the PUT and DELETE methods i.e. it didn't respond in any way -
that's the behaviour we're looking for. Would the same not be possible on
Tomcat standalone?

Thanks, David

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: Disabling PUT and DELETE methods in Tomcat 5 standalone

 What I was implying is that you have effectively disabled it already
 this way.

 Or are you able to do PUTs and DELETEs despite the security constraint?
 I'd be surprised.


 On 03/08/2004 11:24 PM James Agnew wrote:
  So, how would I go about actually prevent PUT and DELETE for all users,
  logged in or otherwise? I've been hitting my head against this one for
  time, with no luck.  The solution needs to allow anonymous users to
  the site (i.e. no login) and still prevent PUT and DELETE methods.
  Thanks, James
 On 03/08/2004 10:15 AM funkster wrote:
 web-resource-nameDisable Methods/web-resource-name
 I was under the impression that by not including a role-name value,
 all PUT and DELETE method requests are disabled since the security
 constraint cannot be linked to a role. However, the fact that it
 work yet means I'm doing something wrong somewhere!
 Well, you haven't disabled it. You have protected it. As far as I can
 tell, you would be required to login first, and then you would be denied
 access. (When tomcat finds out that you are not in no roles?!)
 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 Debian
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 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 Debian

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Re: Steps to follow for SSL

2004-03-08 Thread James Agnew

Checkout the section entitled 'Installing a Certificate from a Certificate
Authority' here:

You'll need to create a CSR that you send to your Certificate Authority,
along with company registration details etc, for the company that has
registered the domain name you're securing with a cert. It's important that
these details match exactly with the registered owner details for your
domain, otherwise there'll be processing delays.

I use Thawte for all my secure certs with Tomcat and I've never had any
problems. Here are their instructions for setting up a secure cert under

If you follow their instructions carefully, you should have no problems,
just make sure that you use the same password for the keystore *and* the
actual certificate key (just accept default prompt). If you use a password
different from the default ('changeit') you'll need to add the
keystorePass=your new password attribute to the Connector element. Same
thing applies if you choose a different location for your keystore (the
default is the home file of the user under whom Tomcat is running). If you
change this, then add the keystoreFile=/path/to/keystore attribute to
the Connector element.

Hope this help, James

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 3:47 AM
Subject: Steps to follow for SSL

 Can some one tell me what are the steps that I need to follow for
 installing SSL on Tomcat 5. I have already woked on creating a self
 cretified certificate and it works good. But when I purchase a certificate
 what are the steps that I need to do i.e importing the certificate and
 where to place it so that tomcat can recognize it, etc..

 Thank you,
 Best Regards,

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Hiding Apache-Coyote/1.1 banner in Tomcat 5

2004-03-08 Thread James Agnew
I've been looking for a way to prevent security scanners such as Nessus from
being able to easily read Tomcat's standalone webserver details.  I'm
running Tomcat 5.0.18 standalone and Nessus identifies it as follows:

Server Version: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Server Banner: Apache-Coyote/1.1

I can't seen anything similar to Apache's 'ServerTokens' directive to
disable/suppress the info given out.

Any ideas?

Thanks, James

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re: can't find org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/ByteChunk.class

2004-03-02 Thread James Black
 My tomcat server is failing to start up because it can't find this 
class. What jar file should it be in?

 Thank you.

 I am using Tomcat 5.0.19

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Re: can't find org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/ByteChunk.class

2004-03-02 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:



My tomcat server is failing to start up because it can't find this
class. What jar file should it be in?

For tomcat 5.0.19, it's in $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/tomcat-util.jar.

 I am using JDK1.5.0beta and now I can't get tomcat to run.

 It couldn't find tomcat-util.jar, then I copied that from the location 
you mentioned to /usr/java/jre/lib/ext, then it complained that it can't 
find  org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory, so it appears that 
server/lib is not being added to the classpath.

Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

re: my problem of having a bad classpath is fixed

2004-03-02 Thread James Black
I just realized I had tomcat-coyote.jar in /usr/java/jre/lib/ext and 
that is what I think was causing the problem. I deleted it and it starts 
up fine now.

Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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Re: tomcat on jdk1.5

2004-03-02 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I haven't spent time running tomcat on JDK 1.5 (I don't usually waste

time on running product X on unsupported platform Y [especially if Y is
alpha/beta]), so I can't help much there -- sorry ;(  I think Remy has
done this without any problems and even noticed a speed improvement, so
maybe he others can chime in here.

 I was confused because it has been running fine under jdk1.5. I 
noticed that the garbage collection improvements help out a lot, in 
keeping my application relatively small and it does seem to be faster 
than before.  Overall, jdk1.5 seems to work well, for running tomcat under.

Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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Self Cert Valid for only 3 months?

2004-02-19 Thread Montz, James C. (James Tower)
I have generated a Self Signed Cert using the command;

Keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore /var/tomcat4/.keystore
Under Tomcat4 4.1.18

Successfully generated the cert, but when I view the cert in a browser, it
is only valid for 3 months (2/19/2004 - 5/19/2004)

Anyone know why this is only 3 months, and how can I increase this to say 24

James C. Montz   RHCE
Hosting Services Engineer
James Tower

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Re: How to know when Tomcat has completed startup?

2004-02-17 Thread James Neville

James, do you need the servlets to be already initialized???
Yes, and they are all defined in web.xml.
The timer servlet that processes the calendars is the last to load.
Another thing to consider is that the connector between Tomcat and Apache is also set up. Because Tomcat and Apache may be completly set up, but the connector takes a little longer (at lest in my case) therefore you may get a HTTP Error.

This is what causes me HTTP 500 errors.
The servlets are in fact all instantiated, but they are just not 
available on port 80 until JK2 has completed whatever it does on startup.

The best thing I can think of is start the timer in a thread, and defer 
the thread from processing the action for a nominal duration (1/2 mins?).
Still seems like a dirty way of doing it though.

Maybe I should talk to the JK2 developers.



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Re: How Servlets work?

2004-02-17 Thread james Folsom
It's Multiple Threads pushed through a single instance. It's is parallel not serial. 
Any synchronization code is probably going to do more harm than good. You might want 
to rethink your architecture. See Flyweight Pattern [GoF].

--- saravanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,

  may be not the right place to ask this question. Hope somebody is kind 
enough to clarify this doubt of mine.

i understand, in  a servlet, if i need any code to be thread safe, then 
i shud put that code inside a synhronized block
or declared the entire method as synchronized. if my understanding is 
right, only instance of our serlvet class is being
created. in that case how the webserver handles more than one request at 
the same time. i mean, is some queuing structure
being followed, (i am tempted to believe it is not multithreaded)?

Could anybody clarify this doubt of mine or atleast point out some ref. 
material for this.


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How to know when Tomcat has completed startup?

2004-02-16 Thread James Neville
Hi all,

I'm trying to get a certain method within my startup class to *only* 
execute after Tomcat startup has fully completed.

I understand I can implement a LifecycleListener, but there only seems 
to be before/after start/stop events.
(i'm not sure that Lifecycle.AFTER_START_EVENT refers to 'startup is 
complete', or 'startup event was requested')

In short, as part of my Startup procedure, we pre-generate(if rqd) a 
fornightly clandar of 'events' from some JSPs on the same Tomcat instance.
The problem is mainly that we also use Apache/JK2, so a HTTP 500 error 
is generated (the Apache connection can be made, but Tomcat is not yet 
available), unless we can defer until Tomcat has started.
I could, of course, defer the event for a few minutes, but that doesn't 
strike me as much of a graceful approach.

I'm assuming this is probably pretty simple?
Any pointers would be much appreciated. (not, been all 
morning in there! :) )


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Re: How to know when Tomcat has completed startup?

2004-02-16 Thread James Neville
Thanks to all who replied.
Solved here - even with an example ;)

|contextInitialized is what I needed :)

|I'll call my startup method when I know the whole ServletContext has 
been initialised.



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Re: How to know when Tomcat has completed startup?

2004-02-16 Thread James Neville

if your application is a struts one, you can do that with
struts plugin mechanism.
we actually *are* using Struts
i'm intrigued as to how you would propose to do this in Struts...


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Re: How to know when Tomcat has completed startup?

2004-02-16 Thread James Neville
Cancel that - this is called *before* any of the servlets are initialised :(
Any better ideas?
James Neville wrote:

contextInitialized is what I needed :) 

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Re: Tomcat w Java1.5 beta problem

2004-02-09 Thread James Black
Shawn wrote:

Under Tomcat 5.0.18 with servlets compiled with 1.5 beta, I get an odd 
message, and  the servlet won't load.  When the same servlet is 
compiled with 1.4.2 it runs fine. 
 I have tried compiling with:
javac -source 1.5 -target 1.4 ... ?
 I get the complaint from both IDEs I use because of the fact that the 
collections have changed, in order to support generics.

I haven't tried running my JDK1.5 classes under jdk1.4.2 yet, as I am 
still trying to get all of my unit tests to pass. g

Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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Re: Tomcat w Java1.5 beta problem

2004-02-09 Thread James Black

 I get the complaint from both IDEs I use because of the fact that the 
collections have changed, in order to support generics.

I haven't tried running my JDK1.5 classes under jdk1.4.2 yet, as I am 
still trying to get all of my unit tests to pass. g 
 Oh, I thought you had run it under Tomcat.

 Use ant to run your unit tests. g  That is what I am doing.

 Also, Netbeans doesn't seem to have a problem with compiling and 
running the tests, if you have the external program set to jdk1.5.0.

 For my jdk1.4.2 unit testing I use ant though and that works fine.

 I have given up trying to get Netbeans or Eclipse to stop complaining 
about the new features I am using.

Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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Re: Tomcat w Java1.5 beta problem

2004-02-09 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I suggest rebuilding tomcat with 1.5 beta if you want to run servlets

compiled using 1.5 beta.  I'm not even sure my suggestion will work, as
I haven't tried it myself.  There has not been a tomcat release declared
to support JDK 1.5 yet, although you're welcome to do building and
testing for us ;)
 I wrote a jsp page that uses some of the management api stuff for 
monitoring threads, garbage collection, etc, and that works great under 
Tomcat 5, using jdk1.5.0.  I didn't have to recompile anything.

 Once I get my unit tests to pass I will see how my webservices run 
under jdk1.5.

Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery. Fulton Sheen

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re: setting up a virtual domain on tomcat

2004-02-03 Thread James Black
 We have a virtual host on apache:
 This actually is on
 There is a index.php that is ran automatically when you go to

 I now have a jsp page that I want to replace the php with.

 People have bookmarked

 I want their bookmarks to go to
 I have an index.jsp in SomeDirectory

 Is there any way to make this transparent to the user, where I am not 
using a webpage that is redirecting them?

 I want some to enter: and have them go immediately to

 Thank you for any ideas.

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Re: Stop displaying version info

2004-01-22 Thread James Neville
Allan Bruce wrote:

Is there a way I can get tomcat to stop displaying so much info if somebody
hits a 404 or other error?
Stick something like this in your web.xml file.


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Re: jspexception in admin webapp

2004-01-21 Thread James Neville

further, this is not due to clicking save or going back or any such user
action, it happens as soon as i click the Service (Catalina) link. 

It also happened for us with any host or context nodes. (without using 
the back button and on all browsers)

See my post here:-
We have since reproduced it on a similar machine, using TC 5.0.16, and 
assumed it was something to do with the struts libraries that came with 
the binary distribution.
We tried replacing them with the struts/bean etc .jars from the 1.0/1.1 
distributions, to no avail.

However, we managed to get a working TC 5.0.16 by building from source.
I must say that the new ant build works a treat! :)
I wish I could clarify the problem further, sorry I can't be any more help.



On Tuesday 20 January 2004 02:22 pm, Apu Shah wrote:

wondering if anyone has seen this while running the admin webapp
from tomcat 5.0.16?

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Re: Please help, I have a headache .. servlet init troubles

2004-01-19 Thread James Neville
Allistair Crossley wrote:

Do you know why my servlet initalises twice? That's my remaining issue..

If you are specifying multiple hosts, all running from the same appBase, 
then each web application will be deployed to each host.
If this is the case, run each host from a different appBase so that you 
don't double deploy.


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Re: Please help, I have a headache .. servlet init troubles

2004-01-19 Thread James Neville
Allistair Crossley wrote:

no, it's one host,

Cheers, ADC

And one Connector element?
(commonly 8009 for CoyoteConnector and 8080 for standalone are defined 
in the default server.xml)
I'm purely clutching at straws here.

Maybe you could post your /WEB-INF/web.xml and the 
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml files?


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RE: How can I count the number of active requests/servlets for Tomcat?

2004-01-15 Thread James Black
Write each request into a table with the session id?

 Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching. 
--- Satchel Paige 

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Tomcat 5 - Struts Error in Admin application

2004-01-13 Thread James Neville
Hi guys,

We've just started testing TC 5.0.16, with a view to running in production.
Unfortunately we're getting errors with the admin application (something 
we've come to rely on recently).

_1. Tomcat Service Node throws this error:-_

javax.servlet.ServletException: Define tag cannot set a null value


root cause*
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Define tag cannot set a null value
_2.  Host link throws this error:-_



_3. Context Nodes throw these errors:-_

*type* Status report

*message* _Error retrieving attribute debug_

*description* _The server encountered an internal error (Error 
retrieving attribute debug) that prevented it from fulfilling this request._

I found this entry in Bugzilla (when clicking the back button in Mozilla):-

I'm using Mozilla, but the error appears on every browser available 
(MSIE 5/5.5/6 Mac/Pc and all Netscapes).
Its plainly clear theres some kind of Struts incompatability, but is 
this confined to my installation, or is anyone else experiencing it?

Does anyone know if the admin app has changed since 4.1.29?

I can provide full logs if anyones interested.

Debian 2.4.18-1
tc 5.0.16
jk 2.0.2
http 2.0.48
As a final note - I have tried this on both my development and 
production machines with similar results.
I'm going to attempt replacing the Struts jars in the admin's 
WEB-INF/lib, but I reckon thats probably a dead end (last resort).
I'm pretty sure its not my installation, but i'll add it to Bugzilla if 
i'm able to confirm.

Thanks in advance for any insight.


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Redhat9 / apxs / mod_jk2 build problem.

2004-01-12 Thread James Snelling
I have been trying to compile the connector, but having

I have the following:
O/S - RedHat9.0
Apache2.0.48 installed from source and working standalone on port 80 
443 at /usr/local/apache2
jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29 installed and working standalone on port 8080 at
java at /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2 (also tested and working ok)

Apache was configured as follows:

# ./configure --enable-rewrite --enable-speling --enable-shared=max
--enable-module=so \
 --enable-ssl --enable-cgi --enable-info --enable-usertrack
--enable-deflate \
 --enable-mime-magic --with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl

I obtained jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz and did the

# gunzip jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz
# tar -xvf jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar
# cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src/jk/native2
# sh ./
# ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
  --with-tomcat41=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29 \
  --with-jni --with-jave-home=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2
# make

Now, according to most of the how-tos I have looked at, I should have a
copy of and waiting for me in
Unfortunatly all that is here are the following files:

# ls -l ../build/jk2/apache2/ | grep mod_jk2
-rw-r--r--1 root root  3064400 Jan 12 11:48 mod_jk2.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root  666 Jan 12 11:48
-rw-r--r--1 root root   10 Jan 12 11:48 mod_jk2.lo
-rw-r--r--1 root root   103024 Jan 12 11:48 mod_jk2.o

# ls -l ../build/jk2/apache2/ | grep jkjni
-rw-r--r--1 root root  2680734 Jan 12 11:48 jkjni.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root  728 Jan 12 11:48

I have had a look through the mailing list archives, and have seen this
problem before, but unfortunately I don't see a solution for it.

Any help finding a way forward is appreciated, 

James Snelling

James Snelling



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Obtaining URL to web-app base in ServletContextListener.

2004-01-08 Thread Nord, James
Hi all,

I need to be able to find out the url to the base of an installed web-app
within a ServletContextListener (running under tomcat 4.1).

I have not been able to find out how to obtain this information, the closest
I have managed to get is jndi:/localhost/iPackager/ with a call to
sc.getResource(/) but I have no idea how to convert this to a http url...

can anyone shed any light or give me some pointers to how this may be


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Re: Connection Pooling

2004-01-07 Thread James Neville

That would all depend on the pooling implementation you're using.
Commonly, its or pool.freeConnection(conn).
Remember *not* to close the connection if you're using connection 
pooling, as this should be handled by the pool itself.

That said one of my colleagues mentioned one pooling implementation 
he used that
returned a custom connection  object when obtained from the pool (ie not 
a java.sql Connection object).
The close() method on that connection returned it to the pool, but 
*didn't* actually close it.

If you let us know which pooling implementation you're using, it may 
make things clearer ;)



Hart, Justin wrote:

Is there some manner in which a database connection should be returned
to the connection pool, or is that automatic?



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Re: JK2 Won't create .so's for Tomcat 5/Apache 2.0.48

2004-01-05 Thread James Myers
Thank you.

Ian harwood wrote:

I posted how i got apache2 + tomcat41 with jk2 just yesterday if you go to
the mailing list, tomcat users and click on the Archive you should be able
to see it.
Please let me know if this helps or if I can be of further help, have not
tried with tomcat5 yet, should still work I think
- Original Message - 
From: James Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 1:12 PM
Subject: JK2 Won't create .so's for Tomcat 5/Apache 2.0.48



I have lost the remainder of what hair I had trying to get JK2 to create and
Has anyone ever made this combination work?

I'm using configure like this:

./configure --with-tomcat41=/usr/local/tomcat5.0 \
--with-apache2=/usr/local/apache2 \
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: tomcat-connectors

2004-01-05 Thread James Myers

I am having similar problems, though not with the same configuration as 
yours.  My config is: RH9, Apache 2.0.48, Tomcat 5.0.16, JK2_2.0.2.

I cannot get the make files to produce the .so's.  It's as if libtool is 
not working.
I am following the instructions to the letter, but still no, 

Any ideas?


Shannon Scott wrote:

I hope everyone is feeling well in the new year.
I recently upgraded a web server from redhat7.2 to the fedora os.  The
apache was upgraded in the process and now we are running Apache/2.0.47.
I have been unable to get a mod_jk or mod_jk2 that will install or
I have tried the src files from the apache site found here:
but I get the following error during the make:
jk_connect.c:99:28: apr_network_io.h: No such file or directory
( all the apr rpms for fedora have been installed ).

Someone suggested trying the rpms at, so I have also tried
all the source and non source rpms from
Does anyone have mod_jk or mod_jk2 working with tomcat 4.x on the fedora
Any help or insight is greatly appreciated.
Take Care
Fedora Core 1
Apache 2.0.47
Tomcat 4.1.24

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JK2 Won't create .so's for Tomcat 5/Apache 2.0.48

2004-01-04 Thread James Myers

I have lost the remainder of what hair I had trying to get JK2 to create and
Has anyone ever made this combination work?

I'm using configure like this:

./configure --with-tomcat41=/usr/local/tomcat5.0 \
--with-apache2=/usr/local/apache2 \
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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re: Tomcat 5 port 80 non-root

2004-01-02 Thread James Bayer
i resolved the problem with the Can't load server.xml
message.  all i had to do was append $CATALINA_HOME to the
classpath...the script didn't have it in there.



i following the instructions with jsvc included with
tomcat, but when i run the script i get the
following in my $CATALINA_HOME\logs\catalina.out

Can 't load server.xml
Can 't load server.xml
Jan 2, 2004 12:14:04 AM
org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 0 ms

any ideas?




You need to use jsvc to do this. The source ships in the
$CATALINA_HOME/bin/jsvc.tar.gz file. You need to unpack it
and build it for
your system. The documentation is at:

Nicolas  nl@(protected)  wrote in message

 i read that in Tomcat 5 it 's possible running the
catalina on port 80 as
 a non-root user.
 like in apache httpd where you can set the user an group
in the

 regards nicolas 

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tomcat 5 port 80 non-root

2004-01-01 Thread James Bayer
i following the instructions with jsvc included with
tomcat, but when i run the script i get the
following in my $CATALINA_HOME\logs\catalina.out

Can't load server.xml
Can't load server.xml
Jan 2, 2004 12:14:04 AM
org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 0 ms

any ideas?




You need to use jsvc to do this. The source ships in the
$CATALINA_HOME/bin/jsvc.tar.gz file. You need to unpack it
and build it for
your system. The documentation is at:

Nicolas  nl@(protected)  wrote in message

 i read that in Tomcat 5 it 's possible running the
catalina on port 80 as
 a non-root user.
 like in apache httpd where you can set the user an group
in the

 regards nicolas

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2003-12-30 Thread James Black
Andrei Ivanov wrote:

I've created a context for my application and I used the manager to reload 
the context and now I've configured the context to be reloadable.

 First, start with using a profiler to ensure that your application 
isn't leaking memory.

 Look at for anything on memory 
leaks wrt contexts.

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2003-12-30 Thread James Black
Andrei Ivanov wrote:

I've searched bugzilla, but there doesn't seem to be any bug filled about 
something like this.

About using a profiler... could you recommend one ?

 JProfiler I like, mainly because of the cost, but also because it 
integrates in well with Netbeans. g

 Look at and 
see if that is your problem.

This may also help:

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Re: Tomcat Tuning Memory leak

2003-12-30 Thread James Black
David Strupl wrote:

I have already changed this ;-) Also added the fork attribute to true 
for jsp compile. It is not caused by the app - after the app starts 
and first 100 or so users connect the memory jumps up to approx 130 
MB. But during the next 24 hours it eats more than 300 megs. From what 
I have seen from the profiler so far number of my objects is fairly 
decent. But there are more and more approx 100k (98320 chars) buffers 
created somewhere. I will post more precise info later after I
  a. upgrade to the latest and greatest JDK 1.4.2_03
  b. create some HTML output of the heap 
 Your JSP page shouldn't have any business logic in it, that should be 
in beans that your JSP page uses. You can test the beans in a profiler 
and see if there is any memory leaks.

 If you are using JDK1.4.1 then that will probably be your problem as 
there was a memory leak in the String class that was fixed in JDK1.4.2.

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Re: Classes cannot be found

2003-12-30 Thread James Black
Jeff Greenland wrote:

Does anyone know a way around the serialization problem?  If there's an
easy solution, I would jump on moving all of our classes into a package
immediately -- something we've been wanting to do for a few years.
Thanks for the help everyone, hopefully someone has a deserialization
solution as well!
 Write a standalone application that will go through the customer 
records, extract the information using the old classes, then repackage 
them in the new classes and reserialize them?

 That should work, then you can just move to the new, better, structure.

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RE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2003-12-27 Thread James Black
 You may need to go modify Catalina.bat (I guess that is what it would be on
Win2k), add a JAVA_OPT variable, such as JAVA_OPT=-mx512M.

  I don't remember if it is -mx or -mX though.

  This will set the highest heap size that the java application can use. You
may want to set it to 2 or 3GB though instead.

  You may also want to use a profiler and see if you have a memory leak in
your application.

 Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching. 
--- Satchel Paige 

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RE: unit testing when application level scoping used

2003-12-24 Thread James Black
 -Original Message-
 From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 10:03 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: unit testing when application level scoping used
 Cactus works beautifully with regards to servlet context and general
 environment setup.

  Should I instantiate a bean with session scope that is expected to be

  Also, how do I handle the fact that I need to log in before I can test the
parts I need to test?  

  This whole set up is very difficult to unit test, and that is bothersome,
as I am certain that this is a source of considerable errors in

  Thank you for your response.

 Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching. 
--- Satchel Paige 

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Re: postgresql error

2003-12-22 Thread James Neville
The postmaster needs to be started with the -i flag to accept TCP/IP 
Check the Postgres documentation.



org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the hostname and 
port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.

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[OT] Re: postgres configuration

2003-12-22 Thread James Neville
1. You are posting off-topic for the Tomcat list (I just happen to be a 
postgres user)

2. RTFM, there are several references to your questions, with v simple 

Starting the postmaster:
Users  Groups:



Hello all

i am Inserting data to  postgresql question please help me solve this problem  i am not given any username ans password by the time of creating db what should be the username and password and how shout i use -i option for starting postmaster 
pls help me

configuration i made are

I am connecting postgresql and inserting some data and 
i made in pg_hdb.conf file to host  all   all

and postgresql.conf  to tcpip_socket =true

help me solve the problem
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# java HelloPostgresql test root 

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the hostname and 
port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the hostname and 
port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
  at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
  at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
  at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
  at HelloPostgresql.init(
  at HelloPostgresql.main(
what should be the solution to solve this problem
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re: unit testing when application level scoping used

2003-12-22 Thread James Black
 I am trying to write a unit test for an application I didn't write.  
There are classes in the classes directory I want to test directly.

 The problem is that the application uses application and session 
scoping for some of the classes, so they can reference the instance 
without having passed it into the instant I am trying to test.

 I hope this makes sense, I started to understand what was going on 
last night.

 How can I unit test a non-jsp page, non servlet page, when scoping is 

 Thank you for any help.

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Re: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-22 Thread James Black
Michael Coughlan wrote:

I agree. Sorry to be so thick, everyone. I hope I am not too far off topic

with this conversation thread, but I simply don't understand how JBoss
differs from the J2EE SDK.
 There is a specification for J2EE, and then Sun makes an 
implementation of that specification, just as many other companies 
implement the spec.

 There are differences among the implementations, depending on what 
your needs are.  JBoss for example also supports aspect oriented 
programming, if that will help your application out.

 Perhaps this will help you decide which application server to use.

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