Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-07 Thread diego

Hello Tenor!

First of all a big thank you for the effort spent on this App and
creating the possibility to connect the Touch by asynchronous USB to a
USB Dac!

I am about to upgrade my DAC to asynchronous mode. It is an
Reference 9 (it is not anymore on their website, however, it has the
same input filter as for instance their Reference 7.1 DAC). Anyway: The
asynchronous USB input will be handled by a Tenor TE8802 - Chip.

My intention is, to connect the DAC by USB to the SBT. This would
potentially be an enhancement in audio quality. At least I hope so, and
I want to try it.

However, I now I realised, that there are different reports on the
internet about the TE8802 being properly supported by Linux, or not...

So here goes my question

Do you (or anybody else who has tried it) know, whether a DAC equipped
with the Tenor TE8802 - Chip will be properly connected in asynchronous
mode to the SBT, when using Tenor's App?

If not: Is there any possibility to install drivers who make the SBT
support it?

Thank you indeed already for your answer(s)!

Cheers! Diego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-07 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> I believe rDac works if you have an external hub.

No experiencies or knowledge around about TE8802 - based DACs ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-07 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Sorry no.

Thanks. Mine is already orderd, however, it would still be cancelable...
but I will get it and let you know about my experiencies.

I guess there will be more DACs coming out soon featuring this usb input

However, maybe you could give me a hint in the meantime while I wait for
my DAC upgrade: Is there a way to figure out for sure, if the USB
transfer mode is asynchronous or synchronous? Is there a log or some
other indication on the SBT that will tell me?

Because my DAC does not display anything (not even the bitrate or
sampling rate).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-07 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Yes you can see if it is running in async mode - if go to the menu page
> to select the dac and select it when running it displays an info page
> and the momentary frequency should update to be a little high and then a
> little low if the async feedback is working.

Great, thanks, I'll give that a try as soon as I get my new gear!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-02 Thread diego

To: !!! Let's do it EVERYBODY! This might help!!!

Mr. Info Chiu is product responsable at Galaxy Far East Corp, the
producers of the TE8802

Sample Mail:


Subject: TE8802L: Please provide full Linux/SBT - Compatibility for
asynchronous mode

Att.: Mr. Info Chiu

Dear Sir

I own a recent DAC from the brand "Audio-gd". This incorporates a
TE8802L - Chip as a USB interface.

However, I was unfortunately disappointed, when I wanted to use it, to
listen to music from my Linux-based music transport, the SBT,
"Squeezebox Touch" from Logitech (with the "Enhanced Digital Output
App"). There was a compatiblity issue, and the manufacturor of my DAC
could not provide for any suitable drivers. It seems, that they are not
yet developped for the TE8802L.

This does not only concern myself. There is a very large
computer-audio-using community using Linux-based systems, who would like
to connect their DACs in Asynchronous Mode, by Audio Class V2.0. You can
easily confirm this by reading in forums where some consumers of
hifi-equipments exchange their experiencies.

Other asynchronous interfaces connect to Linux natively and work

This concerns not only computer users, but as well the large community
of Linux-based "Logitech Squeezebox Touch" users, who want to use the
optimal quality by using the USB port for the asynchronous connection of
a USB DAC (with the "Enhanced Digital Output App")

I hope, that you will soon provide asynchronous USB compatibility for
Linux, in cooperation with the Linux developer community. I hope that
you assure, that those drivers get incorporated with the next software
upgrade for the Logitech Squeezebox. Please cooperate with the
Squeezebox developers for this.

I thank you very much in advance for your attention and your efforts in
providing a largely compatible USB Audio Class V2.0 interface, and I am
looking forward to your answer.

Sincerely yours!


Post it here when you did it!!! THANKS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-02 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Are there any known cases of it working with the native linux drivers on
> other machines?  I am happy to look at known working patches to the
> linux tree which make it work, but really need it to be proven working
> with Linux first and an understanding of what linux patches are
> required.

Dear Triode: Thanks for taking care!

I posted the same problem on head-fi, a rather active forum, with lots
of audio-gd-gear owners on it, and audio-gd started to equipp their DACs
and digital audio interfaces with the TE8802 recently. I am still
waiting for mine, that I ordered a couple of weeks ago. I ordered it,
when I was still not aware of the compatibility issue with the SBT, with
the firm intention, to take advantage of async usb with your plugin.
However, I have not cancelled the order, being confident, that a
solution must be found for Linux and a chip that is gettig that popular.
A growing number of largely distributed brands use it for ther usb
inputs into DACs. For instance, Teac does, and many higher-end brands.

Here is the post on head-fi:

Unfortunately, no reports of working configurations...

However, one user posted some results, that are unfortunately too
technical for me, but maybe you can interprete them:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-03 Thread diego

warpeon wrote: 
> I also bought the audio-dg digital interface v2. The sbt failed to
> recognize it (due to use of te8802chip) Would appreciate if anyone finds
> a fix to it.

... it will certainly be possible, but probably not easy and not te be
expected very soon, that a open source developper does the job, that
GFEC (the company that produces the TE8802) should have done already:
Write a compatible driver for Linux, that will be incorporated into the
SBT with the next logitech update.

Therefore, I suggest, you write Mr. Zhao of GFEC, too, as some of us did
already... he must see, that there is a big demand for a driver.

In addition to the formulation on my last post, here is a shorter

Mail it to:

"Mr. Zhao

There are many enthusiasts (audiophile) media players with Linux-based
firmware. Support for external USB DAC's is now common. Asynchronous
mode TE8802L Linux drivers will help ensure success for the future of
GFEC semiconductors. Thank you for your consideration.


This words have been suggested by Arthur here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-06 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Mac OS and linux are different - we need a change to the firmware or a
> patch to the linux driver to make it work - sounds like it may not be
> too complex, but it needs someone with a device to do it.  I would watch
> the linux alsa list or push the manufacturer to change the description
> information it provides.

It looks like the manufacturer has done that already, and they are in
testing stage, but they do not push it, as they say, they focus on Mac
an Win.

However, Info Chiu from the manuf. will send me a testing file that I
will have to flash onto my TE8802L-based usb input board,

I PMd you too, with that, I hope this brings us further.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-06 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Presumably if this test version works then he will publish this to all
> uses of TE8802 devices so all manufactures can use it?  Let us know how
> you get on and whether it works with SBT.

I guess, the test version shows, that they have been working on it.
However, it seems that for some reason, they don't want to push
Linux-compatibility for now. After asking for more details, Info
explained to me, that once I flash the audio-gd usb-module with this
file, the module will only work on Linux, and not anymore on Mac or Win.
I would have to flash it back, luckily he provided me with the original
firmware file too.

I asked Info if he would allow that I send the file to you personally,
being a developper, but he did not want to allow it for now. However,
after my tests I will ask him again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-09 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Presumably if this test version works then he will publish this to all
> uses of TE8802 devices so all manufactures can use it?  Let us know how
> you get on and whether it works with SBT.

I got all I needed to test.

The TEST FIRMWARE for the audio-dg TE8802L - USB - interface worked. I
used it on my new Digital Interface DI-DSP. But it worked only on 44.1k

On 96K material, it krackled. I tried all options (Kernel load, Buffer
Options, with and without high-speed-usb2-hub, no-hub-workaround),
nothing helped fundamentally. I think, it crackled slightly less with
the very large buffer usb only setting however, but still not

I had no 48k material to try. And I cannot try higher than 96K, as for
the time being, my DAC only supports up to 96K (I will upgrade it).

As an alternative, I wanted to try the procedure in Triods thread "Async
USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted..." here:

However, I found only the Kernel Update plugin. The "USB Audio Ouput" -
Plugin was just not there (even though obviously I had correctly entered
the LMS Web settings).

I supposed, that this "USB Audio Ouput" had been replaced by this EDO -
app. So I tried installing both: Kernel updater and EDO.

Kernel updater showed Kernel #7 and Kernel #8. But when trying to
install them, the download did not even start and I got the message that
the update failed. I assume, they were not found on the server or the
server was down or something.

So for the time being, I am back to using spdif. USB without 96K is no
real option for me, as I got already quite a number of those files.

@TRIODE: How can I help you, developping the EDO-app, in order to work
with TE8802? Can I send you any useful logs or screenshots...?
Unfortunately I do not have permission to send you the experimental
firmware I got.

Best regards, Urs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-09 Thread diego

Hi there

TE8802L worked with EDO app when using it with a USB-input-module of
audio-gd that is flashed with a test firmware.

However, it does only work correctly with 16b/44.1k - files. Trying with
24b/96K - files crackled.

Details are in this post:

What is important here:

As an alternative, I wanted to try the procedure in Triods Experimental
Kernels, so I tried the procedure of this thread's first post.

However, I found only the Kernel Update plugin. The "USB Audio Ouput" -
Plugin was just not there (even though obviously I had correctly entered
the LMS Web settings).

I supposed, that this "USB Audio Ouput" had been replaced by this EDO -
app. So I tried installing both: Kernel updater and EDO.

Kernel updater showed Kernel #7 and Kernel #8. But when trying to
install them, the download did not even start and I got the message that
the update failed. I assume, they were not found on the server or the
server was down or something.

I also tried installing only Kernel Updater alone (after a factory reset
of course), assuming that maybe, both apps were together in one now.
However, kernel update would not work anyway (only with the EDO-app that
did it as expected, but there is no choice on experimental Kernels).

@TRIODE: How can I help you, developping the EDO-app, in order to work
with TE8802? Can I send you any useful logs or screenshots...?
Unfortunately I do not have permission to send you the experimental
firmware I got.

Best regards and thanks again to Triode for developping this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-10 Thread diego

lcrim wrote: 
> ...Suggestions are welcomed...
Mnyb wrote: 
> ...spdiff is not perfect but the practical impact is greatly exaggerated
> and mythical just like the jitter word, a good dac deals with this...
Hi Larry and Mnyb! As sound quality questions should not be discussed
here, I answered in this thread:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-10 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> This is now depreciated and the Kernel Update plugin is only maintained
> to support specific test kernels.  I don't expect these will help you.
> Can you post the output of the following commands when you ssh into
> touch.
> cat /proc/asound//stream0
> dmesg (last few lines)
> I suspect the firmware you have from the dac vendor works at 44.1 but
> not at other rates - suggest you ask them about this.

Hi there! I will aks the vendor! Here come the txt outputs. Hope they
help! The full textfiles are in the attachments.


/proc/asound$ cat /proc/asound/card1/stream0
Test For  Test at usb-fsl-ehci.0-1, high speed : USB Audio


Status: Running
Interface = 3
Altset = 2
URBs = 8 [ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ]
Packet Size = 156
Momentary freq = 104004 Hz (0xd.0020)
Feedback Format = 16.16
Interface 3
Altset 1
Format: S16_LE
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 3 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000
Data packet interval: 125 us
Max Packet Size = 104
EP Attribute = 0x0
Interface 3
Altset 2
Format: S24_3LE
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 3 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000
Data packet interval: 125 us
Max Packet Size = 156
EP Attribute = 0x0


input: FAB4 IR as /class/input/input1
firmware: requesting ir_controller_21323.hex
mxsdhci: MXC Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
mxsdhci: MXC SDHCI Controller Driver. 
mmc0: SDHCI detect irq 0 irq 7 INTERNAL DMA
mxsdhci: MXC SDHCI Controller Driver. 
mmc1: SDHCI detect irq 102 irq 8 INTERNAL DMA
input: Test For  Test as /class/input/input2
mmc0: new SDIO card at address 0001
input: USB HID v1.00 Device [Test For  Test] on
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
usbhid: v2.6:USB HID core driver
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.16.
MXC spdif support initialized
usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
AK4420 Audio Codec 0.1<6>DMA Sound Buffers Allocated:UseIram=0
buf->addr=87ee buf->area=fe004000 size=65536
asoc: ak4420-dai <-> imx-ssi-1 mapping ok
WM8974 Audio Codec 0.1
DMA Sound Buffers Allocated:UseIram=0 buf->addr=87f0
buf->area=fe014000 size=65536
DMA Sound Buffers Allocated:UseIram=0 buf->addr=87f1
buf->area=fe024000 size=65536
asoc: wm8974-hifi-dai <-> imx-ssi-3 mapping ok
fab4 WM8974 Audio Driver
ALSA device list:
#0: MXC Freescale with SPDIF
#1: Test For  Test at usb-fsl-ehci.0-1, high speed
#2: fab4 (ak4420)
#3: fab4 (wm8974)
oprofile: using arm/armv6
TCP cubic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 17
RPC: Registered udp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
ieee80211: 802.11 data/management/control stack, git-1.1.13
ieee80211: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Intel Corporation

ieee80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL'
mxc_rtc mxc_rtc.0: rtc core: registered mxc_rtc as rtc0
No external RTC clock
Real TIme clock Driver v1.0 
mxc_rtc: probe of mxc_rtc.0 failed with error -2
Static Power Management for Freescale i.MX35
VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 1 part 20 variant b rev 3
MXC Backlight Device mxc_ipu_bl.0 Initialized.
platform mxc_rtc.0: setting system clock to 1970-01-01 00:01:53 UTC
VFS: Mounted root (cramfs filesystem) readonly.
Freeing init memory: 152K
UBIFS: recovery needed
UBIFS: recovery completed
UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 2, name "ubifs"
UBIFS: file system size:   19869696 bytes (19404 KiB, 18 MiB, 154 LEBs)
UBIFS: journal size:   1032193 bytes (1008 KiB, 0 MiB, 8 LEBs)
UBIFS: media format:   w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0)
UBIFS: default compressor: lzo
UBIFS: reserved for root:  938494 bytes (916 KiB)
FAB4 IR: fw checksum ok aa33
firmware: requesting helper_sd.bin
firmware: requesting sd8686.bin
eth0: config: auto-negotiation on, 100FDX, 100HDX, 10FDX, 10HDX.
eth0: status: link down.
eth0: status: link up, 100MBit Full Duplex, auto-negotiation complete.
tsl2569: set timing: (1,2): 12
Store Gain: 1
Store Factor: 40
CMD_RESP: cmd 0x801f error, result=0x1

|Filename: 120610a_TE8802L_dmesg.txt|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-10 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> This all looks reasonable except for the "Momentary freq = 104004 Hz
> (0xd.0020)" line - this is not close to any of the desired sampling
> rates.  Can you try at 44.1 and see if this line is slightly
> above/slightly below 44100 which is what async should do (repeat the cat
> command or look at the info screen on the player which uses this line to
> create the display).  Then change to higher rate material and see what
> is says.  It would be good to ask the firmware author what feedback
> messages they expect as 104KHz is not close to any rate.

It shows EXACTLY 44100 - which is probably not what it should... right?

However, with 96k - files it continues clicking all the time...

So I tried switching a couple of time between 44.1k and 96k - files and
got the result a couple of times. The result:
44.1 k -files show consistently as playing at 44100, exactly.
while playing 96k files show sometimes 96002, sometimes 96004, sometimes
88002 (!) and sometimes 104004 Hz

So it just does not get the frequency right...

What to do?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-10 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> With 44100 if it shows exactly 44100 all the time then I would question
> if async is working as the feedback frequency shoudl mean this moves a
> bit high and then a bit low.  I would ask the vendor of the firmware
> what they have tested against with linux and specifically they they have
> proved async operation works.  It seems to me that it is not working as
> I would expect at present.

Thats what I just asked them, I hope they get the mail tomorrow...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-11 Thread diego

rgro wrote: 
> In order to make EDO and tt 3.0 work together, you'll probably need to
> either disable or change the Priority settings in the tt 3.0 files.  If
> you're familiar with using WinSCP and going into the Touch firmware,
> this'll be relatively simple.  If not, you'll have to decide whether or
> not you want to learn.  Some information can be found here:

I tried it, but I did not even get the chance to change the settings.
With EDO installed, then installing TT3.0, the SBT does not boot anymore
correctly. It boots a moment until the screen turns white for a short
second and then turns black and does not react anymore. No possiblity to
contact it through WinSCP either. Luckily, factory reset via the bottom
on the back still worked and helped me out. So for the time being, I
leave only EDO installed, even though I can't use USB output or 192k

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-13 Thread diego

rgro wrote: 
> And, you thoroughly read through the instructions and notes here?: 
> If so, you would have read that one of the things that TT 3.0 does is
> disable the screen.  Don't know why you couldn't get in through WinSCP
> after installation unless you'd already run the tt -k command which
> effectively locks you out of the Touch until you do a reboot.  I haven't
> seen that it mattered in which order the EDO and TT 3.0 were installed. 
> BTW, it's all working perfectly for me, including Triode's "Screen Off"
> app...producing wonderful SQ.
Yea sorry, I should have mentionned... I use TT since version 1 and of
course I am aware of the disabled screen. However, what I meant: It did
not work at all. No access throug WinSCP (and to avoid another question:
Of course i did not disable the deamons, I would not even have got a
chance to send the tt -k - command...). Rebooting was not possible
either (with the usual quick pressing of the little bottom behind it or
by un-powering). Only long pressing with factory reset made it react
again. However, I will try again...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-13 Thread diego

zoldar wrote: 
> thank you for the link. At least I know it can work. Because this is
> wayyy above my pay grade in modding :)
> perhaps a new version of TT wiith a mod to accept EDO?

Yeah this would be nice. A little app to switch between settings,
including ideal settings for TT3.0 + EDO combinations, maybe some
settings for different outputs and even for different sound flavours...
I think SBGK mentionned somewhere, that he has developped such a tool
that switches between presets...

Anybody awere if he posted it somewhere?

Always provided that I get it work again, as something went wrong the
last two times I tried to install EDO and TT3.0 together.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-13 Thread diego

bencat wrote: 
> Hi Diego 
> I have had exactly the same problem with loading TT3 on the SBT . I had
> this on the SBT first and then just added the Triode DO and that worked
> fine . However with some problems I had with duplicated albums I had to
> do a complete cache clear and factory reset and full clear and Library
> rescan. I then because I was in the room with the SBT just added the
> Triode DO app then went upstairs to the Lap Top that has the LMS on it
> and then tried to install the TT3 . I got exactly the same problem you
> mention with the blank screen and no access from SCP . Did another reset
> and this time loaded TT3 and set all the changes till I was happy .
> Closed that down and then went and reloaded Triode DO app and all works
> now problem . So I think it is the order you put them on the SBT that
> matters .

Hi there. I got it working now, following the reverse order. Tried to
apply 's settings, which did not work though.
After appyling them, the server did not even reconginze the player
anymore. Luckily I had backed up the "original" settings files (I mean
with the original EDO and the TT3.0 - settings), and I was able to copy
them again at their place via WinSCP. After that, everything worked ok

What settings did you modify, and with what purpose?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-16 Thread diego

SBGK wrote: 
> wordpress messed up the quotes, use the settings in the link in my
> signature, they work.

It worked. Thanks. Nice for testing. Anyway, before speding more time on
it, I wait for async to work. It looks like TRIODE has modified the
Kernel, THANK YOU for all that huge work and for sharing your knowledge!
I will try that out on the TE8802-USB-input of my Dig. interface, as
soon as I get a chance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-16 Thread diego

Thanks Triode, this gives again hope!

TEAC uses TE8802. However, I suspect, that a matching firmware is
needed, to have it even "seen" by the SBT. At least, this is my
experience. I use a TE8802-audio-gd-Digital Interface. When I have the
standard firmware (made for win and mac) flashed onto the module, and I
connect that to the Touch, the interface just does not show up as
available sound card in the EDO-list of available digital outputs. I
suspect however, that this is more a "declaratory" issue, than a really
different firmware programming.

Anyway, I will try it out as soon as I can and let you know, if it
worked, with my audio-gd, that has this "linux test firmware" flashed
onto it.

PS The TE8802-vendor does not reply anymore to my mails, even though I
have written a couple of times.

Triode wrote: 
> USB test kernel #9
> There is a patch on the alsa development list which looks like it may be
> relavent to the Teac UD-H01 support.  It looks like this patch is
> speculative and unproven (i.e. no one has responded to the patch author
> saying it works...)  However I've applied this patch to the touch kernel
> and hosted as Usb Test Kernel #9
> If you have a Teac UD-H01 or other device then you may want to try it. 
> It may also be worth trying for other devices using the same interface
> chip.
> To try:
> 1) Install EDO
> 2) Add my usb test repo to the additional repositories box at the bottom
> of the LMS plugins page:
> > 

  >   >

> > 
> 3) Install the Kernel Updater app
> 4) Go to settings > advanced > kernel updater and select and install
> kernel #9
> Please post what demsg says here together with whether you are able to
> select the usb output with this.  I've no idea if it works, but the
> bug fixed by the patch does seem a reasonable bug to fix.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-17 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Did you look at the dmesg log - its may be that it is the same error as
> the Teac - depends on who writes the firmware.  Anyway this looks to
> resolve a bug which the Teac definitely suffers from as far as the alsa
> list is concerned and if you are hitting the same problem may improve
> it..  
> I'm wondering if your linux test firmware has other bugs in it for other
> sample rates. So try this with the original firmware too and look at the
> dmesg for each case.

Hi there. First test with my "Test" Firmware. I will do it with the
normal win/mac firmware after. However, a bit concerned, because the
vendor put in a temporary limitation that does not allow me to install
the test firmware anymore. However, changing the system date it worked,
hoping the workaround will work again. Here comes the dmesg output:

1. Playing 96K - files: "Momentary freq = 176008 Hz", always, except for
some rare occasions, it comes out as 176004. A major change compared
with before. However, wrong frequency. Sounds horrible.

/root$ cat /proc/asound/card1/stream0
Test For Urs Thalmann Test at usb-fsl-ehci.0-1.4, high speed : USB

Status: Running
Interface = 3
Altset = 2
URBs = 8 [ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ]
Packet Size = 156
Momentary freq = 176008 Hz (0x16.0040)
Feedback Format = 17.15
Interface 3
Altset 1
Format: S16_LE
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 3 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000
Data packet interval: 125 us
Max Packet Size = 104
EP Attribute = 0x0
Interface 3
Altset 2
Format: S24_3LE
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 3 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000
Data packet interval: 125 us
Max Packet Size = 156
EP Attribute = 0x0

2. Playing 44.1k - files:

Always "Momentary freq = 44102 Hz". Does not change at all. Sound is
technically OK, quality not compared with spdif up to now. 

/root$ cat /proc/asound/card1/stream0
Test For Urs Thalmann Test at usb-fsl-ehci.0-1.4, high speed : USB

Status: Running
Interface = 3
Altset = 2
URBs = 8 [ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ]
Packet Size = 156
Momentary freq = 44102 Hz (0x5.8340)
Feedback Format = 16.16
Interface 3
Altset 1
Format: S16_LE
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 3 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000
Data packet interval: 125 us
Max Packet Size = 104
EP Attribute = 0x0
Interface 3
Altset 2
Format: S24_3LE
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 3 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000
Data packet interval: 125 us
Max Packet Size = 156
EP Attribute = 0x0

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-17 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Can you post what the output of the "dmesg" command gives in each case
> as well?

Here comes both information files for 44100 (attachments). This still
works very well. However, cat /proc/asound/card1/stream0 now shows
41000k EXACTLY all the time. Something seems to have changed. I don't
know why, I just listened to music, I have not altered any hardware or
software settings at all. However, when I firt posted, I had just
connected all the gear, it has warmed up in between, maybe this is just
the effect.

|Filename: 120617a_TE8802L_44100k_dmesg.txt |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-17 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Can you post what the output of the "dmesg" command gives in each case
> as well?

And here come the files for 96000 in the attachment. Here the change is
even more radical, since I switched everything on: It is now exactly
like the first time we spoke, with the "original" EDO Kernel. the cat
/proc/asound/card1/stream0 switches between this values: 88002, 96004,
104002, 104004. Apparently randomly.

However, the sound is now only clicking all them time. When I just
switched on (and cat showed 176008 Hz), it was just loud noise with
some idea of music in the background.

|Filename: 120617a_TE8802L_96000k_dmesg.txt |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-17 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Can you post what the output of the "dmesg" command gives in each case
> as well?

To complete it: 24bit / 48khz works nice as well! Here come the logs in
the attachment. 48000 switches nicely between 48002, 48004 and 48000,
just like it should be, I suppose.

|Filename: 120617a_TE8802L_48000k_24b_dmesg.txt |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-17 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> ... original firmware (have you tried that yet?) ...

Well first: sorry for being a bit slow, I have never been into Linux,
and even less into programming, up to now.

Now, as far as I understand, your fix in Kernel #9 adresses the
recognition of the (otherwise non-Linux-compatible) Teac. I suspect as
well, that this should be quite similar in my dac. I have the
impression, that the firmwares are provided by the vendor of the TE8802L
chip, which means, that my audio-gd might as a matter of fact have the
same bug in the firmware.

And I supposed as you, that, if it is supposed to work with the Teac
with the original firmware on it, there is good chance it works on mine.
Has somewone seen it working on one of those te8802-based Teac anyway?

So I flashed the original firmware back to the 8802-based digital
interface. When I tried this with your original EDO - kernel, SBT booted
up and showed directly the screen, where the sound card has to be
choosen. And in this case, no usb-dac appeared at all (only analog/dig
or dig only could been chosen from).

The difference now is:

With the 8802-interface with the original firmware installed, it stays
indefnitely at a screen that says "DAC not connected".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-18 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Hi - do you have it running in windows or linux firmware at present?  Do
> you know if the windows version will work standards uac 2 drivers.  If
> you do go back to the windows version, could you test 2 things:
> 1) Does it work at all frequencies on a windows PC?
> 2) What does the dmesg show when you connect it to SBT running kernel #9
> - even if it is not working, it would be useful to know what the error
> messages say.

Thanks for the answer!

It needs a proprietary driver for Windows. I guess, this is not the
standard uac 2, right? Here is the drivers needed:

1) However, I connected it already to Windows with the proprietary
driver, and the windows firmware installed. I tested it successfully on
44.1k, 48k, 88.2k and 96k. However, my DAC does not support higher
frequencies (I am upgrading it, but don't have the parts yet), so I did
not test 176.4 and 192k.

2) Does it make sense to test that, if it needs a proprietary driver
under windows? As I wrote, when I connect it with the windows firmware,
and reboot, the SBT remains on the "DAC not connected" screen forever.
Should I try to SSH into it in this state?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-18 Thread diego

Hi there Triode!

Good news: The TE8802L-DAC GETS detected with Windows Firmware on it and
Kernel #9 on SBT.

"Bad" news: The behaviour is the same, as with EDO only (and its normal
Kernel), and the Linux-Test-Firmware. That means:
- 44100/16 plays OK. When everything is just plugged in, cat... show
values varying slightly around 44100. As soon as everything has plaied
for some time, it stays on exactly 44100k.
- 48000/24 plays OK. cat... always shows 48002
- 96000/24 has two different situations:
>when all the gear is still cold: cat... shows values around 176004k.
Sound is very aweful. Just noise, with some small idea of the music in
the background.
>after playing for a while: cat... values shown switch between:
88004, 96002, 104002 Hz. Always arount these 3 values with plus minus
2Hz. Sound clicks very frequently music is recocnisable.

I send you the text files with all the cat... and dmesg outcomes by mail
(as here, I can only post two attachments at one time)

To answer your other question: On Windows, the DAC with this firmware
works OK with all frequencies up to 96K (not tested above) and word
lengths of 16 and 24b. 

(And just to explain: After a while of trying out, I found the reason
for "DAC not detected" in my last tests:  When rebooting, SBT/EDO seems
to search for the last connected usb DAC. If the last usb dac is not
detected, it stays on the "DAC not connected" screen (maybe you might
modify the EDO so, that it goes by default to the screen, where the
output can be selected).

So... now I am very keen to know the next step :) ! Thanks again for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-19 Thread diego

Hi there Triode!

Good news: The TE8802L-DAC GETS detected with Windows Firmware on it and
Kernel #9 on SBT.

"Bad" news: The behaviour is the same, as with EDO only (and its normal
Kernel), and the Linux-Test-Firmware. That means:
- 44100/16 plays OK. When everything is just plugged in, cat... show
values varying slightly around 44100. As soon as everything has plaied
for some time, it stays on exactly 44100k.
- 48000/24 plays OK. cat... always shows 48002
- 96000/24 has two different situations:
>when all the gear is still cold: cat... shows values around 176004k.
Sound is very aweful. Just noise, with some small idea of the music in
the background.
>after playing for a while: cat... values shown switch between:
88004, 96002, 104002 Hz. Always arount these 3 values with plus minus
2Hz. Sound clicks very frequently music is recocnisable.

I send you the text files with all the cat... and dmesg outcomes by mail
(as here, I can only post two attachments at one time)

To answer your other question: On Windows, the DAC with this firmware
works OK with all frequencies up to 96K (not tested above) and word
lengths of 16 and 24b. 

(And just to explain: After a while of trying out, I found the reason
for "DAC not detected" in my last tests:  When rebooting, SBT/EDO seems
to search for the last connected usb DAC. If the last usb dac is not
detected, it stays on the "DAC not connected" screen (maybe you might
modify the EDO so, that it goes by default to the screen, where the
output can be selected).

So... now I am very keen to know the next step :) ! Thanks again for

EDIT: Just got my I2S - connection - Kit to fit in between my
USB-Interface and my DAC. Bypassing spdif between the DI and the DAC
will allow me to use 192K. So after a bit of soldering and with some
luck that I don't mess up something, I will be able to try 176.4 and
192khz. There is probably little chance that it works better than 96k,
but who knows...

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[SlimDevices: Touch] How to backup "everything" on SBT?

2012-06-24 Thread diego

Hi there!

Is there a way to back up just everything of a SBT?

I mean: To back up the entire configuration, Kernel, Firmware... just
everything that is on its internal "Hard Disk" (some flash memory).

On a "normal" computer, I would boot it from a stick and back up the
hard disk with all its partitions.

Who knows a way to do this on a sbt?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to backup "everything" on SBT?

2012-06-24 Thread diego

nk7z wrote: 
> Use Clonezilla...  It will give you a mirror perfect image of your
> machine.

Thank you. I know Clonezilla. How can that be run on a SBT?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-25 Thread diego

Hi there fellows.

Good news for owners of a DAC using a TE8802L - USB-connection! It can
now be connected over Asynchronous USB.

It works for audio-gd DACs. It might work for other TE8802L - Based
DACs, too. In particular for instance, TEAC UD-H01.


And please say thank you to Triode. He worked on that many hours. I
suppose he is British, and he was working even during the GB against
Italy - game yesterday evening! Only the numerous tryouts and log file
creations, that I did to assist Triode, took me hours, so developping
must have been a huge task!

Disclaimer: This current version is still in Development Stage. However,
I am able to play up to 24 bit / 192 khz - files with it. And it sounds
great. But nobody can guarantee, that this will work for all users and
any setups! All the modifications in this guide are at your own risk.
They are not supported by any vendor, nor by myslef, nor by the
developper Triode, nor by anybody else. They are in particular not
supported by Logitech, audio-gd or Tenor (gfec). Any damage will be on
your own risk! If you go further in this guide, you accept this

However... For me, I can tell you, that it works. I have a Squeezebox
Touch connected over USB to a audio-gd DI.

Here is the guide:


- I recommend, you use a DAC, that is externally powered, NOT
USB-powered. The DAC may work over USB power, but I can not tell for
sure. If your DAC has no separate power input, this usb - linear power -
interface may help, and it will by the way enhance your sound quality: ).
- Everything on the SBT and on the Logitech Media Server is updated to
the latest versions and runs with default settings. 
- Logitech Media Server must run on an external computer (or NAT), and
Squeezebox Touch must be connected with this external server via
Network. LAN is best, if possible.

- connect the TE8802 - based - DAC to the Squeezebox Touch (SBT) over a
good USB cable.
- Access the configuration screen of the Logitech Media Server over a
web browser, go to the plugins - tab and add as
additional repository. Choose to show third party plugins.
- Go to the SBT, go to the applet installer (in settings, extended
- Uncheck the tab that limits the choice to recommended apps
- Choose "Enhanced Digital Output" and install it. SBT will reboot,
download a Kernel and reboot again.
- Play a song, it will not sound, but this is to make sure, your SBT is
connected to the server
- Go again to the applet instller and install "Kernel Updater". SBT will
- Go to Kernel Updater (in settings, extended settings). Install Kernel
#11. Wait until SBT reboots completely.
- Disconnect the power connection of the SBT and disconnect power from
the DAC. Wait 10 seconds.
- Power on DAC and wait 10 seconds
- Power on the SBT and wait until it boots
- Go to the Audio-Settings and choose Digital Output. Choose your DAC
over USB!
- Listen to the music

Recommendations: Choose "Screen disabled" screensaver while playing.
Additional mods to the SBT, like TT3.0, will probably NOT work. Maybe
they can work, but you will have to manually adjust priority settings
and buffer settings, etc. You find lots of discussions about that on the
audiophile threads. However, these settings may make the SBT not to
respond anymore. This can usually be resolved with a factory reset, but
again, there is no guarantee. IMPORTANT: Please, discuss audio quality
and audiophile mods only in the audiophile threads (
). Do NOT discuss audio quality here! THANKS! 

To revert everything back to the original stage and factory defaults:
- Power on the SBT
- Hold down the little reset button on the back of the SBT just above
the DC power plug for 10 seconds. This does the factory reset of the
settings, but NOT of the installed Kernel !
- Let the SBT boot up to "Factory Settings".
- Go to the Software Updating Menu (in settings, extended settings)
- Force to "update" the Logitech Firmware
- Let the SBT boot up completely.
- Do another factory reset


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-25 Thread diego

Triode wrote: 
> Please be aware that kernel #11 will only work with usb2 devices and is
> specifically designed for the Tenor 8802l device.
> It appears that the Tenor device corrupts the feedback messages it sends
> to the linux host.  This firmware contains some code to work around the
> specific corruption seen on diego's device.  This may work for other
> users, but its possible that we need to make the workaround more generic
> to work for other instances of the Tenor device.

Anyway it is a good start. I think this will put pressure on the
firmware developers at Tenor, and this is fine. They now know that it is
known that their firmware (or even hardware?) has flaws. So let's hope
that this will motivate them to bring out a stable set of firmware and
drivers. Manufacturers will obviously think twice, if they prefer the
Tenor chip or another one, that may be more expensive or less advanced
in some aspects, but more robust and therefore causing less problems to
clients. As seen on the audio-gd website right now, they are calling for
reports about issues... so it seems, that they have been under pressure
to start selling their chip in a rather beta stage...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to backup "everything" on SBT?

2012-06-25 Thread diego

aubuti wrote: 
> Backing up everything seems like overkill to me (especially because
> released firmware is available from
> But if you really want
> to back up everything the most straightforward way is to enable remote
> login on the SBT and then copy all the files over to another device on
> your network. You could do the copying using a GUI tool such as WinSCP.
> Or you could use standard Linux command line tools like scp.
> EDIT: Also note that the Touch has common "roll your own" command line
> backup tools such as tar, gzip, and dd. You can write the backup output
> to a USB drive or SD card attached to the Touch.

Hi there Aubuti

Thanks for that. This is exactly the way I wanted to do it. However, I
had a doupt. I am "usually" a windows user, so makes me doupt is, wether
there are inaccessable files, like files currently being used, hidden
files or system files? This would obviously be the most important to
back up. Can all of them be copied correctly over the network? And as
importantly: Copied back if needed?

I'd still prefer some kind of offline boot solution... some partition
cloning/backup tool like norton ghost, clonezilla or whatever similar.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-06-25 Thread diego

To celebrate its working, I just got myself Betthoven's 5th in 24/96
from here:
. F... I've never been so close to the stage, in my living... (sorry,
had to be said ;-) )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to backup "everything" on SBT?

2012-06-27 Thread diego

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> None of the usual backup methods are going to work properly for the
> Touch as far as a COMPLETE full exactly as it normally is state ... a
> "normal" backup procedure is NOT going to do that. 
> John S.

Thanks indeed John for this very complete explanation!

Now... I might be a bit old school... but I don't actually feel very
confortable with the idea of being dependant of the internet and
Logitech or whoever. I run now Beta 7.8.0 and Triode's EDO with Test
Kernel #11. This is the only way that lets me play my stuff over async
USB to my DAC, that has a TE8802L based USB input. So... I am looking
for a way to back up this configuration to be able to restore it, also,
if one day Triode's Test-Kernel #11 or Beta 7.8.0 are maybe not
available online anymore.

Hopefully this won't be necessary, as hopefully, TE8802, Linux and
Logitech will do what is necessary to properly make the whole stuff
compatible, but who knows...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to backup "everything" on SBT?

2012-06-27 Thread diego

aubuti wrote: 
> I haven't used the EDO software so I don't know how it is packaged, but
> the simpler and more effective solution for backing up beta 7.8.0 is to
> download the 7.8.0 package and then save it and back it up with all the
> other files on your pc. Back when I was regularly running nightly betas
> that's what I would do -- just in case a nightly release would blow up I
> could always rollback to an earlier beta from the stash on my hard
> drive. And it's much easier to restore that way than it would be from a
> backup image of the Touch, for the reasons John S gave.

Thanky aubuti and Mnyb. However, maybe I am a bit slow, but still not
fully convinced. Do I understand you right: You just to store all the
files that are accessible over SSH the firmware as it is found on and the server
files on .

However, will this enable you to restore everything, if for some reason,
the update servers or whatever is on the internet are not accessible
through the touch? In particular, Firmware / Kernel, Installed Apps...?

What bothers me a bit is, that a factory reset does obviously only
revert settings and apps back to default, but not the firmware. So what
if a nightly firmware or an experimental Kernel messes up the touch, so
that the internal restore tool does not work anymore? How can the thing
be reinstalled from scratch?

As far as I understand, this is simply a piece of gear made to live as
long as Logitech supports it, and one has to live with that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to backup "everything" on SBT?

2012-07-05 Thread diego

erland wrote: 
> ...  If I remember correctly there are some way which you can force
> different kind of resets depending on how long you hold the reset button
> on the back of the Touch, but I can't find the information at the
> moment, thought it was somewhere on the wiki but I can't find it so if
> anybody else knows where it is please let us know...

In my experience, and I have used it many times, when you hold the
buttom 10 seconds, it starts factory reset. Does nothing else, even if
you press it longer. But I might be wrong...

erland wrote: 
> ... Which is basically the same as any other hardware from any other
> manufacturer. BIOS upgrades for your computer, operating system upgrades
> for your computer, firmware for your router is only updated as long as
> the manufacturer supports it. My TV and Receiver comes with the firmware
> they have from the factory and there is no easy way to upgrade it at
> all... 

I can reinstall my old windows 3.1 to my old notebook with the backup
image I have for this purpose any time in case something would mess
up... the SBT is a computer, so it would be nice to have the same
functionality. However, you are right, if a DVD player gets an error in
its firmware, you probably won't get it to work anymore at home either.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Manually backup and manually restore apps (offline)?

2014-01-20 Thread diego

Hi there! Here is a little question. Maybe it has been answered already,
but unfortunately I can't find it.

Is there any possibility to store apps-files? Something like APK-files
for andorid phones?

The aim is, to backup apps and be able to restore them, even if the SBT
is offline, or if the App is not available anymore for download over the

If yes, how is it done to backup an app and to restore it, for example
after a factory reset and firmware reset - or on another sbt?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Manually backup and manually restore apps (offline)?

2014-01-21 Thread diego

garym wrote: 
> or do you mean plugins, that are installed with LMS?

I guess so. I just took over the terminology used here:

... for the "Enhanced Digital Output app"

But its true, that it is more a plug-in than an app, but I am actually
not very familiar with the technical terminology.

Anyway: It is in particular this EDO - plug-in, that I want to be sure
to be able to reinstall it, even if once upon a time it may not be
available anymore over the Plug-In (or app-) installer itself, as the
latter relies on (or other online resources that may
close at the discretion of Logitech or others).

Thanks for any help on how to back up such a plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Manually backup and manually restore apps (offline)?

2014-01-21 Thread diego

So... is there a way to back it up?

I mean... something like a file, that I could store on an sd-card and
that could be reinstalled from there. Somehow like the TT-Toolbox, that
can be installed over the network (that I don't use btw, just to give
you the example). I'm sure, one must be able to store this "app" as a
file somehow?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Manually backup and manually restore apps (offline)?

2014-01-23 Thread diego

Nobody knows how...? Difficult to believe, with so many experts around
here :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Manually backup and manually restore apps (offline)?

2014-01-24 Thread diego

bpa wrote: 
> As documnented in the various threads Triode's applet repository are
> kept here.

Hello :) Thanks! This is a useful point to start with. However...:

The EDO app does download a modified firmware, after installing the app
itself. I am still not sure, if I would be able to reinstall EDO, if I
have no access to any of Triode's (or other) online repositories from
the SBT itself.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Skipping Tracks - issue reappeared

2017-01-02 Thread diego

Hi there!

I had this issue in the past, as a couple of others, too (this was a
thread about this:

It had gone, I believe it was thanks to a server update. Anyway, it
reappeared. As it does this only very occasionally, I can't say, whether
it was after a particular server update. I am using:
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1463124735 (it did the same on
some previous build of V. 7.9.0 I had installed before)
On Windows 7 Pro 64bit

It is always the same tracks that skip, and they do it always at exactly
the same position within the track.

Is this known? Any known solution?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Skipping Tracks - issue reappeared

2017-01-02 Thread diego

Thank you,  reinholdk, for your rast answer! I believe that the tracks
are OK. Anyway, I will have a closer look at them before I follow up the
troubleshooting. Regards, Diego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2010-10-09 Thread diego

Hi there all!

I guess this might be a question of quite general interest...

I'm kind of a disappointed newcomer. Just bought a Touch and expected
too much of the word "audiophile" used in Logitech's publicity for the
Touch. I ripped my CDs using "EAC", so the most accurate way I know of,
lossless compressing of course, and they still sound way better over my
CD player (Creek CD50 MKII) than over "touch". Of course I was a bit
naive believing to get something similar out of that pretty low budget
device, I know, so please no comments on that. And I still like it for
mp3 radio...

However, I want to try to make most of it using a DAC that fits right.
I connected a E-MU 0404 that I already had for recording purposes,
using coaxial, but it did not help, sounded almost the same.

I read in some (pro-)review (German STEREO, 07/2010), that connecting
even a very highly priced DAC (Music Hall DAC 25.2) over S/PDIF would
not better the sound much. So here comes my questions...:

1. Has anyone noted a important improvement using an external DAC?
Which DAC, and how is it connected?

2. What is, technically speaking, closer to the "naitive" format used
by the touch, S/PDIF or USB? I mean, with which connection could one
by-pass more of the potentially low cost/quality audio components built
into the Touch? With other words: A decent USB-to-S/PDIF converter costs
about the same price as the entire Touch, so in case, USB transports the
"naitive" signal, some USB-to-SPDIF converter is used inside the touch,
and probably its not of the best quality.

3. To conclude: If I have to buy a new DAC that I want to choose
particularly for the use with Squeezebox, what is the best choice, USB
or SPDIF - and which one?

Some of the DACs I am considering out of the 100s available:
devilsound DAC
KECES DA 131 (spdif) or DA 151 (usb)
arcam rdac
Beresford TC 7510
Solisto 8100 DAC-4all
Pro-ject USB DAC BOX
Tube Magic D1 DAC
Little Dot DAC
... now how the hell to figure out which is best for the money...???

Thank you! Diego


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2010-10-10 Thread diego

Dear John!

Thanks a million for that useful advice!

I will give your tips a try. However, I guess I will nevertheless buy a
DAC, given the fact that for practical reasons, it would be difficult to
cable-wire a server-pc to my "Touch". And secondly, a nice DAC will
serve me for other purposes, too.

However, replacing the USB-Disk is certainly a good idea, as it
probably uses up a lot of power that lacks at other places in this tiny
device, more so given the fact that the power supply is not actually
very impressive.

About the DACs:

Thanks for that address. Theses Audio-GD devices really look nice, and
it seems that there is a handful of real freaks manufacturing them, and
this is already a good start (in particular for me, because I am not at
all into those technical things like comparing chips used... and
therefore in this respect I just have to rely on other experts).

However, the price tag is a bit high... so I dare asking you an
additional question:

- Would you prefer the Audio-GD DAC 19 over a Musical Fidelty M1 DAC
that has about the same price?
And if yes, is the DAC-19 DSP really that much better than the DAC-19
DF, that is about 150 $ cheaper?

- Is the NFB-3 ( any
worse? It costs "only" 300 US$...

Thanks a million again, Diego


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-01-23 Thread diego

I really appreciate that Klaus decided to keep posting his mods in a non
commercial manner.

So: For all of us who like Klaus' modifications : Let's use that
donation - button on his blog!!!

Who has payed for a remote control app??? So... better sound is
certainly worth more for all of us girls and guys!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tracks finishing early and skipping to next song

2011-06-23 Thread diego

Hi everybody

For me, the problem occurs only on long tracks after playing at least
10 minutes, usually more. That explains largely, why the issue affects
only certain users: Who limits the use of the Touch to pop music will
be very rarely confronted to such long tracks.

However, it should be possible to decently listen to classical music
with the Touch. Right?

Testing is extremely annoying, as one has to listen those 20 minutes
entirely to be sure, if the issue occurs or not.

I use Touch with Firmware Version 7.5.4-r9408 and the Server Version
7.5.4 - r32171 on Windows XP. I listen mainly to FLAC files. One of my
favourite tracks, where the interruption almost always occurs, is a 22
minutes long 24bit / 96 khz FLAC file.

How can this be solved??? It is really dramatic to get cut in the
middle of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No.1!!!


Btw: There is a user who seems to have managed to solve the problem!
Maybe he can help our developpers...:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tracks finishing early and skipping to next song

2011-06-23 Thread diego

... this thread has 3,491 views... and 53 replies... so it seems to
bother quite a number of users, in particular, if we consider that only
a few of us actually come to the forum to look for solutions!

Last time a Senior Member (yes thanks, at least Phil DID...) posted a
reply was a year ago!!

This tiny box is sold to us for nice money with the remark that it is
made to satisfy audiophile users, and it does not allow me to listen to
long tracks?

So please, could someone competent decently take care of the issue???



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tracks finishing early and skipping to next song

2011-06-27 Thread diego

Dear Phil, thanks, I will do the upgrade and enable logging and see what
happens. I am not taking notes all the time, but I think, it happens
every time I play a long file. What is for sure, is, that it happens as
well on normal-res CD rips (44.1/16), as long as they are of a certain

Well I still think the problem does not appear to be so rare, at least
one gets quite a couple of views and answers to this thread... In my
opinion it's about time that we find out where the problem is.

Do you think the problem is more likely to be on the server or on the
Touch side?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tracks finishing early and skipping to next song

2011-06-29 Thread diego

Hi there everybody!

So, there is news. Potentially good news. I upgraded everything (newest
Beta on server, newest Software on Touch), on the server it did a clean
install... the Server forgot all my settings and most annoyingly, my

However, the issue of tracks getting cut remained unchanged. I started
to repeatedly listen to the same tracks and figured out, that a couple
of my tracks get cut, but always at the same moment. In on track, for
instance on track: 1. Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.1 / Lang Lang ,
Chicago Symphony Orchestra / Daniel Barenboim, original FLAC as
downloaded from HDTracks: After 17 minutes 31 seconds.

The same track played over Network (stored on the server in the
basement), played on my Notebook upstairs, on Winamp did NOT get cut.

However, I re-encoded the FLAC, using LameXP (FLAC input and decoding,
FLAC encoding at lowest compression setting, gives almost the same file

Result: No interruption anymore!

So I don't actually know, WHO is to blame: The Flac does play without
problem on a computer, and it gets interrupted on the Squeezebox. So
it's the squeezebox. But the same track encoded at home does play fine.
So is it HDTracks that are to blame for their encoding? Doesn't actually
matter to me, as ther IS a solution... A bit annoying however, if I have
to re-encode all those purchased FLAC files.

Anyone else sharing this issue, who has tried re-encoding the FLACS?

BTW: I use Klaus aka soundcheck's mods and I am pretty happy that the
problem has nothing to do with those nice sound enhancements (this is
just an off-topic remark, please don't reply on that, I know that not
everybody shares the experiences regarding those mods).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tracks finishing early and skipping to next song

2011-07-03 Thread diego

... here and elsewhere, where their users aka clients aka family feeders
are. Its not about the formality, where the questions are posted. Its
about clients who have spent money to buy a device, that comes along
with lots of promises. And nowhere on the box in the shop there was the
phrase "count with counter-less bugs that may even skip your tracks"...

However, for me, the tracks I (re-)encode myself, work. I have not
continued with extensive testing, but it appears that in my case, for
the time being, it's ok. However, this does still not mean that there
is no problem with the squeezebox. Just keep in mind, that Windows
codec over several Windows Players play those HDTracks flacs with no
interruption... and the flac decoder decodes them correctly (if not, I
would not be able to re-encode them...). 

So... Squeezebox is the only player/decoder that does not understand
those flacs. So, wherever the "fault" is, it's for sure, there is
indeed room for improvement...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tracks finishing early and skipping to next song

2011-07-12 Thread diego

Well there have been mentioned many problems and solutions here

I think there is one common thing in all of them: The user who buys the
"Touch" expects, that this will work on his home wifi or lan network and
his music files, as his home network and music files have always worked
for computers with no problem.

But it turns out, that the squeezebox system is more sensitive that
pc's and other software among themselves

E. G.

- FLAC files that run normally on other software players would not
necessarily do so over the squeezebox network.

- Unltra short network interruptions would cause music interruptions,
what would not necessarily happen on software players on a pc.

... there might be more...

I think, the "normal" user should be made aware of all that and helped
with a simple trouble shooting guide! As it remains the promise of
Logitech: "You buy the Touch, put it into your home network that works
otherwise, and the the Touch will just play your favorite music..." No
mention there, that the Touch is more likely to run into problems than
other ways of playing music over the network. So at least, the paying
user should be helped with a simple solution, avoiding him to dig deep
into forums and sometimes cryptic technical answers.

Who takes care???



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