AW: Re: [Shale] Property in ViewController Backing Bean is null

2006-02-14 Thread Peter Götz
Hello Gary!

> [...] 
>Make sure that you have a navigation rule setup to handle the immediate 
>command button.  Try adding a rule that directs you to the target viewid 
>(sounds like the page you are submitting from).  If you don't have a 
>navigation case, I think the veiw is just restored using the submitted values. 
>  edit
>  /somepage.jsp

I tried your tip yesterday and it seems to do the trick. Thank you very much!
Until then my action methods were void, because I didn't know that you have to 
have navigation to get the jsf reloaded complete. I thought "Well, it's being 
reloaded, so everythings all right". 

I will try this further tonight at home, but I think that was the missing link 
for me to get really startet with Shale. 

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work here, I really start to like Shale. 


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AW: Re: [Shale] Property in ViewController Backing Bean is null

2006-02-14 Thread Peter Götz
Hi Jason, 

I'm a real newbie to JSF and Shale, but maybe the tip that Craig gave me about 
setting the immediate flag in the commandbutton could help you. Then validation 
is skipped, as far as I understood it. This helped me with my first problem. 
Maybe you can use it, too. 

Then you could remove the "H". :)



>I think you may running into a simular problem that I ran into.
>I have the following scenario: page 1 has the user choose from a list
>of options.  On page 2, the form saves the selected option of page 1
>in a hidden field in its form.  In addition the selected value from
>page 1 is used to populate a pull down on page 2.  So the user hits
>the submit button on page 2 to save the changes and KA-BLAMMO, I get a
>What was happening was the JSF was attempting to Validate the pulldown
>values in the Validation phase.  This was before any of the hidden
>fields were set.  So because the hidden fields weren't set, the
>retrieve of the pulldown was failing.
>I saw 1 of 2 solutions:
>1) Turn off the validation of the pulldown.  Because, hey... why would
>I need to validate a pulldown? - it isn't like a user can mistype
>2) somehow get the hidden fields to be set before any retrieval of the
>pulldown is made.
>The JSF mailing list from Sun gave no help for turning off the
>validator for the pulldown.
>So I had to do the following, for which I give myself a big Capital
>"H" for HACK.  In the contructor of the backing bean, I grabbed the
>request parameters myself and called the setters from there for the
>values that were needed to get through the validation of the pulldown.
>Perhaps someone here can help turn off the need to retrieve the
>pulldown values in the validation phase.
>I hope this will help your situation, as well.
>On 2/14/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >From: Peter Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >
>> > Hi again,
>> >
>> > I tried the whole weekend, but I didn't get any results other than those
>> > mentioned in the email below.
>> > Shall I send some code to illustrate the problem or is it really so
>> > unusual, what I'm trying to do?
>> >
>> Make sure that you have a navigation rule setup to handle the immediate 
>command button.  Try adding a rule that directs you to the target viewid 
>(sounds like the page you are submitting from).  If you don't have a 
>navigation case, I think the veiw is just restored using the submitted 
>> /somepage.jsp
>>   edit
>>   /somepage.jsp
>> > Thanks a lot for any help!
>> >
>> > Peter
>> Gary
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RE: Passing Parameters to ActionForward from Action

2006-02-14 Thread siva
Hi Gunduz,

At first place having to much session information using session.setAttribute
will make the middleware to consume lot of memory. And, In an application
where there will be more users who could be online at the same point of
time. It is design constraint not to put lot of information in session.

So, This can be done only by passing parameters to the page. But, I couldn't
understand (came across) how to pass parameters to a jsp from Action. If you
came across anything about how to pass parameters to a jsp page let me know.

Thanks you very much,

-Original Message-
From: Gunduz Can Topal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 6:42 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Passing Parameters to ActionForward from Action

I am new to struts, there might be better ways to make this work.

You can maintain state information with session registery or http

A working example:



public final class loginAction extends Action {

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {

CWUtil util = new CWUtil();
  CWDAO service = new CWDAO();
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
String auth = null;
ActionForward ret = null;
userBean user = new userBean(); 
  loginForm loginForm = (loginForm) form;
  loginBean login = new loginBean();
  BeanUtils.copyProperties( login, loginForm );

auth = service.login(login);
user = util.parseLogin(auth);
ret = mapping.findForward("success");
ret = mapping.findForward("failure");
   }catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("exception at login action " +
ret = mapping.findForward("exception");
return ret;

package com.trend.forms;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;

public class loginForm extends ActionForm {

String username,password;

public String getPassword() {
return password;

public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;

public String getUsername() {
return username;

public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;

public ActionErrors validate( ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request ) {
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
if ( getUsername() == null || getUsername().trim().length() == 0
) {
}if ( getPassword() == null || getPassword().trim().length() ==
0 ) {

return errors;

package com.trend.beans;

public class loginBean {

String username,password;

public String getPassword() {
return password;

public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;

public String getUsername() {
return username;

public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;


-Original Message-
From: siva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 12:06 PM
Subject: Passing Parameters to ActionForward from Action



I want to know how to pass parameters from an Action to corresponding

Basically, I am having only the jsp name in forward in
But, when action is processed, I want to send some parameters to the
corresponding actionforward. 


Can some be help me in 

Re: Multiple File Upload using Struts (number of files dynamic)

2006-02-14 Thread shubu

Prasad, Kamakshya> writes:

> Hi,
> In the form bean keep an array list of FormFile and use it similarly as
> dynamic list control.
> KP
> -Original Message-
> From: Viral_Thakkar [mailto:Viral_Thakkar] 
> Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 3:01 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Cc: Ketan_Bhat
> Subject: Multiple File Upload using Struts (number of files dynamic)
> Hi,
> We are trying to implement uploading file via struts framework using
> form bean. According to our requirement we have two scenarios' in which
> we require uploading of our file.
> 1)   Uploading single file (single html:file control and a single
> upload button in jsp page)
> 2)  Uploading multiple files (Multiple html:file controls on the
> screen on the same form). 
> The problem is that these number of html:file controls on the screen is
> not fixed, it is dynamic. The user can click on an "Add More" button to
> increase dynamically the number of files he/she wants to upload.
> We have implemented the first scenario by using html:file tag on the JSP
> and keeping a form bean with html control as one of its member
> variables. In the action class we extract the value from the bean and
> then upload the file using I/O streams. 
> Now, for the second scenario we need to upload an indeterminate
> (determined at run time) number of files but at the same time the number
> of members in the bean class cannot be changed dynamically. 
> So we either need a way to add members to a form bean dynamically or
> some other mechanism which will handle this multiple upload requirement.
> With Regards,
> Viral

how can I mak the list of FormFile in the form bean I tried implementing it but 
got an exception of type mismatch
I did somthin lik this

  private FormFile theFiles[];
  public FormFile[] getTheFiles() {
return theFiles;
   * @param theFiles The FormFile to set.
  public void setTheFiles(FormFile[] theFiles) {
this.theFiles = theFiles;

how can I do it
plz reply soon, waiting..

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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Lixin Chu
ok, I let page A or B pass a returnURL to page C who keeps it in the session
scoped actionForm.

On 2/15/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Jouravlev wrote:
> > On 2/14/06, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> In the action just look for some param like "fromPage" and key off of
> >> that for your return. (Of course a drawback is you'll need to remember
> >> to set this var on the pages that need it - of course there are ways
> you
> >> could simplify that even, if really necessary).
> >>
> >
> > Using session is much simpler ;-)
> >
> >
> This is one of those times I would agree :)
> My suggestion would be to have a base Action in which you set a session
> attribute to tell which page was server.  Actually, you would store two,
> the current and the previous.
> Here's my concern... let's say you have page A and page B, from which
> you can go to page C.  From page C you want to return to page A or B as
> appropriate.  You could do this a number of ways, but what if you are
> using the common paradigm of a setup Action for a screen, and then a
> collection of Actions which really can be though of as event handlers
> for a given screen (could be a DispatchAction just as well, that
> wouldn't change anything).
> If you want to go back to page A from page C, and you got to page C by
> maybe submitting a form, then the problem is that you got to page C via
> an event handler in essence.  But, when you return to page A, you really
> want the setup Action to fire again.  So, just recording the last
> request isn't sufficient.
> If you have a base Action that sets that session attribute, then you can
> have only your setup Actions extend that base class.  Then, when you
> want to return to the last page from any other page, you look up that
> value and you now know which SETUP Action you need to call.  More
> precisely, you would look at the second value in session (think of it as
> a stack) because every time a setup Action is called you really need to
> push a value on the stack so that the second value on the stack is truly
> the last page, not the current pages' setup Action.
> Does that make any sense to anyone but me?? :)
> Frank
> > -
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -
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Re: Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 2/14/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok... I got it to show the messages...
> I did what you suggested and moved the  to the end of my
> page - THANKS!  But the method to convert my ErrorEvents into
> FacesMessages still needed to be called.  So I made it return true and
> set it as the "render" attribute for the messages tag. AHHH!
> It worked, but ew. :)
> I could change my design so that the FacesMessages are created
> immediately when the events are added to the collecor.  That would
> eliminate the need for the render attribute.  BUT, I'll need to beg
> for forgiveness from my UI designers when I tell them that the
>  tag MUST be at the end of the page.
> I guess the original intent of the FacesMessages was to be used during
> the Validation phase. Hmmm.
> Is it a sign of mis-use of the JSF framework if my getter methods in
> the render phase can produce FacesMessages?

I would say yes, that's a misuse.  If your messages represent the generic
concept of validation errors, you should strive to have those messages
created during the Process Validations phase (if it's things that validators
should normally catch), or Invoke Application phase (if its business rule
enforcement like "you cannot claim that user id because it belongs to
someone else').

HMMM Perhaps I could override/extend the responseComplete method
> to do my custom stuff first, and then call super.responseComplete???
> Is this a good approach or even possible or even the right method to
> override? It seems like a path to the dark side.

Yes ;-).

Thanks for the help.
> Jason


On 2/14/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 2/14/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hmm... I guess a phase listener wouldn't work for me. From what you
> > > say, it appears that the outcome of the phase is already determined
> > > before the "afterPhase" listener is triggered.
> > >
> > > Is there a another place for me to plug into the steps taken "during"
> > > a phase, that is, before the final steps in the phase are completed?
> >
> >
> > I don't see how that would really help you ... what you seem to be
> needing
> > is that the messages get generated before the  component
> itself
> > is rendered.
> >
> > Or at least, I just need the FacesMessages to not get processed until
> > > the last step of the render phase.
> >
> >
> > Put your  component last???
> >
> > Thanks,
> > > Jason
> >
> >
> > Craig
> >
> >
> -
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Re: Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Vincent
ok... I got it to show the messages...

I did what you suggested and moved the  to the end of my
page - THANKS!  But the method to convert my ErrorEvents into
FacesMessages still needed to be called.  So I made it return true and
set it as the "render" attribute for the messages tag. AHHH!
It worked, but ew. :)

I could change my design so that the FacesMessages are created
immediately when the events are added to the collecor.  That would
eliminate the need for the render attribute.  BUT, I'll need to beg
for forgiveness from my UI designers when I tell them that the
 tag MUST be at the end of the page.

I guess the original intent of the FacesMessages was to be used during
the Validation phase. Hmmm.
Is it a sign of mis-use of the JSF framework if my getter methods in
the render phase can produce FacesMessages?

HMMM Perhaps I could override/extend the responseComplete method
to do my custom stuff first, and then call super.responseComplete???
Is this a good approach or even possible or even the right method to
override? It seems like a path to the dark side.

Thanks for the help.

On 2/14/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/14/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hmm... I guess a phase listener wouldn't work for me. From what you
> > say, it appears that the outcome of the phase is already determined
> > before the "afterPhase" listener is triggered.
> >
> > Is there a another place for me to plug into the steps taken "during"
> > a phase, that is, before the final steps in the phase are completed?
> I don't see how that would really help you ... what you seem to be needing
> is that the messages get generated before the  component itself
> is rendered.
> Or at least, I just need the FacesMessages to not get processed until
> > the last step of the render phase.
> Put your  component last???
> Thanks,
> > Jason
> Craig

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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 2/14/06, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In the action just look for some param like "fromPage" and key off of
that for your return. (Of course a drawback is you'll need to remember
to set this var on the pages that need it - of course there are ways you
could simplify that even, if really necessary).

Using session is much simpler ;-)


This is one of those times I would agree :)

My suggestion would be to have a base Action in which you set a session 
attribute to tell which page was server.  Actually, you would store two, 
the current and the previous.

Here's my concern... let's say you have page A and page B, from which 
you can go to page C.  From page C you want to return to page A or B as 
appropriate.  You could do this a number of ways, but what if you are 
using the common paradigm of a setup Action for a screen, and then a 
collection of Actions which really can be though of as event handlers 
for a given screen (could be a DispatchAction just as well, that 
wouldn't change anything).

If you want to go back to page A from page C, and you got to page C by 
maybe submitting a form, then the problem is that you got to page C via 
an event handler in essence.  But, when you return to page A, you really 
want the setup Action to fire again.  So, just recording the last 
request isn't sufficient.

If you have a base Action that sets that session attribute, then you can 
have only your setup Actions extend that base class.  Then, when you 
want to return to the last page from any other page, you look up that 
value and you now know which SETUP Action you need to call.  More 
precisely, you would look at the second value in session (think of it as 
a stack) because every time a setup Action is called you really need to 
push a value on the stack so that the second value on the stack is truly 
the last page, not the current pages' setup Action.

Does that make any sense to anyone but me?? :)


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Re: memory usage

2006-02-14 Thread netsql

Are you using r/o request "beans" or session r/w "beans"?
How many users at a time? What is the mix? How many bytes per 
columns/rows? (ex: displaytag)

Also, what is your DAO (data) caching plans? This in my designs is 
majority of RAM usage.

I built one site to support 10,000 concurent users, and we used 64 bit 
CPU (AMD) on servers ( 6 of them) to be able to address > 4 gig JVM 
space to do more DAO caching of "blobs" (media/images)

Mostly this shakes itself out during stress testing (and struts is great 
at this since you can test your "M" (Data) layer by itself).

So since majority of memory is related to your "domain" (business app 

The struts "servlets" takes very few bytes itself and there is one of 
each (even for multiple sessions).


I'm not sure I understand your gasps at my question.  To extend on the "that's like buying a truck asking them how much it will weight when you fill it up" -- I can calculate the memory usage of the parts that I implement on behalf of my application itself.  Obviously no one can speak to the size of the memory usage of the applications specific objects that I create, things, I put in session, etc.   

However, this isn't my question.  My question seems answerable enough.  I just want to know how much memory the struts framework tend to take up by itself, OR, alternately, what are the areas of memory usage to examine to decide such a thing.  

Is this really not easily determined?  What would make it so hard to determine?

 --- On Tue 02/14, Dave Newton < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Dave Newton [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:24:58 -0500
Subject: Re: memory usage

James Mitchell wrote:> LOL!  That's like buying a truck from Ford, and then asking them how> much 
it will weigh when you fill it up.That's a better answer than mine; I was just gonna say "15K" 
and call itday.Dave "You don't code your Struts in 
assembly?!"-To unsubscribe, 
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Mark Lowe
On 2/14/06, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Lowe wrote the following on 2/14/2006 2:32 PM:
> >
> > The only other suggestion i would make if this were an issue is use
> > separate action mappings for each point of entry..
> Actually that seems pretty clean to me. Even if he has a lot of points
> of entry it can't be "that" many.

One occasion when i use the forward to referer was when i had a
basket/cart presented all over the place.. Rather than have a boring
old, go to basket page do some basket stuff, i wanted the user to be
able to maniuplate the cart with out going anywhere, on anypage.. I
guess there could be other ways, but sometimes you do have N amount of
entry points..

Or another option is to simply embed
> some param that gets passed when the Action is called and you can call
> different forwards based on that.  Simply define several forwards in the
> config...
>   path="/someAction"
>  name="someForm"
>  type="com.WhateverAction"
>  scope="request"
>  parameter="dispatch">
> Or they may even be global forwards.
> In the action just look for some param like "fromPage" and key off of
> that for your return. (Of course a drawback is you'll need to remember
> to set this var on the pages that need it - of course there are ways you
> could simplify that even, if really necessary).

In the case of a few entry points I see how this could be okay.. But
if you've something thats present through out a load of pages, I'd
take my chances using the Referer header.


> --
> Rick
> -
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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 2/14/06, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the action just look for some param like "fromPage" and key off of
> that for your return. (Of course a drawback is you'll need to remember
> to set this var on the pages that need it - of course there are ways you
> could simplify that even, if really necessary).

Using session is much simpler ;-)

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Re: [shale] Clay component definition for t:validateEqual

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
>From: Richard Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hello all, 
> I'm trying to use the tomahawk validator for making sure two fields have 
> the same value for users entering their password. There isn't a 
> definition in the clay-config.xml in the Shale or MyFaces JIRA tickets 
> so I'm trying to create one. So I went ahead and created one: 

Try using the validatorId for the component type.  The validatorId is is the 
name used to register the validator in the faces-config 



Try something like this:



> What am I missing? I mean, obviously I'm setting the componentType to 
> the wrong thing, but can someone give me a clue what it should be? 

I've not used this one but that should be what's required on the clay config 

> Thanks, 
> Rich 
> - 
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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Rick Reumann

Mark Lowe wrote the following on 2/14/2006 2:32 PM:

The only other suggestion i would make if this were an issue is use
separate action mappings for each point of entry..

Actually that seems pretty clean to me. Even if he has a lot of points 
of entry it can't be "that" many. Or another option is to simply embed 
some param that gets passed when the Action is called and you can call 
different forwards based on that.  Simply define several forwards in the 

Or they may even be global forwards.

In the action just look for some param like "fromPage" and key off of 
that for your return. (Of course a drawback is you'll need to remember 
to set this var on the pages that need it - of course there are ways you 
could simplify that even, if really necessary).


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SV: [shale] Clay component definition for t:validateEqual

2006-02-14 Thread Hermod Opstvedt

I checked and it is supposed to be: org.apache.myfaces.validator.Equal 

This is the ID of the tag.


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Hermod Opstvedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sendt: 14. februar 2006 23:40
Til: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Emne: SV: [shale] Clay component definition for t:validateEqual


Have you tried to set as pr. the tomahawk.tld : 



-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Richard Wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sendt: 14. februar 2006 23:27
Til: Struts Users Mailing List
Emne: [shale] Clay component definition for t:validateEqual

Hello all,

I'm trying to use the tomahawk validator for making sure two fields have 
the same value for users entering their password.  There isn't a 
definition in the clay-config.xml in the Shale or MyFaces JIRA tickets 
so I'm trying to create one.  So I went ahead and created one:



I wasn't sure what to use for the componentType attribute of the component.

I thought I'd try setting the componentType to the fully qualified class 
name of the component itself, e.g 
org.apache.myfaces.custom.equalvalidator.EqualValidator.  But that 
doesn't work.  It blows up with the following exception:

2006-02-14 15:24:21,630 14340 ERROR [http-8443-Processor25] 
( - Cannot create validator 
extends="t:validateEqual" allowBody="null" facetName="null"
javax.faces.FacesException: Unknown validator id 

The usage of the validator is simply:











What am I missing?  I mean, obviously I'm setting the componentType to 
the wrong thing, but can someone give me a clue what it should be?


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Re: Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 2/14/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm... I guess a phase listener wouldn't work for me. From what you
> say, it appears that the outcome of the phase is already determined
> before the "afterPhase" listener is triggered.
> Is there a another place for me to plug into the steps taken "during"
> a phase, that is, before the final steps in the phase are completed?

I don't see how that would really help you ... what you seem to be needing
is that the messages get generated before the  component itself
is rendered.

Or at least, I just need the FacesMessages to not get processed until
> the last step of the render phase.

Put your  component last???

> Jason


SV: [shale] Clay component definition for t:validateEqual

2006-02-14 Thread Hermod Opstvedt

Have you tried to set as pr. the tomahawk.tld : 



-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Richard Wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sendt: 14. februar 2006 23:27
Til: Struts Users Mailing List
Emne: [shale] Clay component definition for t:validateEqual

Hello all,

I'm trying to use the tomahawk validator for making sure two fields have 
the same value for users entering their password.  There isn't a 
definition in the clay-config.xml in the Shale or MyFaces JIRA tickets 
so I'm trying to create one.  So I went ahead and created one:



I wasn't sure what to use for the componentType attribute of the component.

I thought I'd try setting the componentType to the fully qualified class 
name of the component itself, e.g 
org.apache.myfaces.custom.equalvalidator.EqualValidator.  But that 
doesn't work.  It blows up with the following exception:

2006-02-14 15:24:21,630 14340 ERROR [http-8443-Processor25] 
( - Cannot create validator 
extends="t:validateEqual" allowBody="null" facetName="null"
javax.faces.FacesException: Unknown validator id 

The usage of the validator is simply:











What am I missing?  I mean, obviously I'm setting the componentType to 
the wrong thing, but can someone give me a clue what it should be?


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Re: Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Vincent
Hmm... I guess a phase listener wouldn't work for me. From what you
say, it appears that the outcome of the phase is already determined
before the "afterPhase" listener is triggered.

Is there a another place for me to plug into the steps taken "during"
a phase, that is, before the final steps in the phase are completed?

Or at least, I just need the FacesMessages to not get processed until
the last step of the render phase.


On 2/14/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/14/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I was wondering if there is an easy way to get a postRender method to
> > be called in my Shale ViewController.
> > Is a new Phase Listener the only / best option? Perhaps I can extend a
> > Shale class to also call a postRender method?
> Doesn't the destroy() method do what you want?  It is called after
> rendering.
> Here is my scenario:
> > I have the concept of an ErrorEventCollector in the ViewController.
> > Basically, the collector is passed around in the model calls to
> > capture errors during the model execution.  This might include errors
> > caused by validation checks on the retrieved data from the DB, as well
> > as any exceptions.  These events can be generated in any phase - init,
> > validation, application, or render.
> >
> > In my BaseViewController - I want to have the event collector checked
> > for any events.  If there are events in the collector, then I want to
> > create FacesMessages for each event.  I tried putting the check in the
> > Shale destroy method, but the messages weren't being displayed by the
> > JSP.  So It seems I need to have this check as the last step in the
> > render_response phase.
> Hmm ... destroy() *is* called by an afterPhase listener for the Render
> Response phase, so something else must be going on here.
> Note, of course, that any messages you *add* in the destroy() method will,
> of course, not be rendered -- precisely because rendering *has* ben
> completed.
> Craig
> Thanks for any help.
> > Jason
> >

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[shale] Clay component definition for t:validateEqual

2006-02-14 Thread Richard Wallace

Hello all,

I'm trying to use the tomahawk validator for making sure two fields have 
the same value for users entering their password.  There isn't a 
definition in the clay-config.xml in the Shale or MyFaces JIRA tickets 
so I'm trying to create one.  So I went ahead and created one:


I wasn't sure what to use for the componentType attribute of the component.

I thought I'd try setting the componentType to the fully qualified class 
name of the component itself, e.g 
org.apache.myfaces.custom.equalvalidator.EqualValidator.  But that 
doesn't work.  It blows up with the following exception:

2006-02-14 15:24:21,630 14340 ERROR [http-8443-Processor25] 
( - Cannot create validator 
extends="t:validateEqual" allowBody="null" facetName="null"
javax.faces.FacesException: Unknown validator id 

The usage of the validator is simply:

   value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />


What am I missing?  I mean, obviously I'm setting the componentType to 
the wrong thing, but can someone give me a clue what it should be?


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Re: [shale] datatables request scope

2006-02-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
> Isn't that functionally what the MyFaces  component does?

Yes, but  requires that you get the page author involved.  From
an architectural viewpoint, I don't think that's necessarily the right
answer (in many cases) where the state being saved and restored is server
side model state as opposed to view state.

- Brendan


-Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig
> McClanahan
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:26 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [shale] datatables request scope
> [snip]
> One idea I've seen discussed, but haven't seen actually implemented yet,
> would be a JSF-specific implementation of the "flash" concept in RoR,
> where
> it keeps state information around for exactly *one* more request for
> you.
> It should be easy to do this with a specialized variable resolver or
> something ... I'll think about how to do that when dialogs are heavier
> weight than you really need.  Something along the lines of this in the
> second page:
> where "savedCustomerName" was stored away (until the next request) by
> some
> TBD mechanism.
> Craig
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [shale] datatables request scope

2006-02-14 Thread CONNER, BRENDAN \(SBCSI\)
Isn't that functionally what the MyFaces  component does?

- Brendan

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:26 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [shale] datatables request scope


One idea I've seen discussed, but haven't seen actually implemented yet,
would be a JSF-specific implementation of the "flash" concept in RoR,
it keeps state information around for exactly *one* more request for
It should be easy to do this with a specialized variable resolver or
something ... I'll think about how to do that when dialogs are heavier
weight than you really need.  Something along the lines of this in the
second page:


where "savedCustomerName" was stored away (until the next request) by
TBD mechanism.


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Re: Sharing the session between two war

2006-02-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
> Hi,
> I am deploying an ear file, which has two war files. (means with
> two different webcontext)
> I need to share the session values stored in one war file with
> other.

The servlet spec prohibits sharing sessions between webapps.  You'll need to
find some other way to share information between them, such as a commonly
accessed database, or perhaps (in a J2EE environment) in an EJB that is part
of the same EAR.

Please let me know how to setup this in config files, if it can
> done.

It cannot.

Thanks and Regards,
> Vijai Senthil, P. K.


Re: Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 2/14/06, Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if there is an easy way to get a postRender method to
> be called in my Shale ViewController.
> Is a new Phase Listener the only / best option? Perhaps I can extend a
> Shale class to also call a postRender method?

Doesn't the destroy() method do what you want?  It is called after

Here is my scenario:
> I have the concept of an ErrorEventCollector in the ViewController.
> Basically, the collector is passed around in the model calls to
> capture errors during the model execution.  This might include errors
> caused by validation checks on the retrieved data from the DB, as well
> as any exceptions.  These events can be generated in any phase - init,
> validation, application, or render.
> In my BaseViewController - I want to have the event collector checked
> for any events.  If there are events in the collector, then I want to
> create FacesMessages for each event.  I tried putting the check in the
> Shale destroy method, but the messages weren't being displayed by the
> JSP.  So It seems I need to have this check as the last step in the
> render_response phase.

Hmm ... destroy() *is* called by an afterPhase listener for the Render
Response phase, so something else must be going on here.

Note, of course, that any messages you *add* in the destroy() method will,
of course, not be rendered -- precisely because rendering *has* ben


Thanks for any help.
> Jason

Re: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 2/14/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > OK. We're working with IBM's RSA IDE (which uses Eclipse underneath).
> > I'm just trying to fit into my mind how to organize the two root source
> > directories in that environment. We have a Web Project set up that
> > contains the application code to be tested. Normally, we just export
> > our application (including a J2EE Application project, which refers to
> > Web Project(s), EJB project(s), and Java Utility project(s)) to an EAR
> > file for deployment to the server, but we didn't want the test framework
> > stuff to be part of that export.
> >
> A new feature to RSA (I guess new to eclipse 3.x) is the ability to create
> links outside of a project.  This is pretty handy for linking in source
> folders that are not under a project.

Or, you could just use NetBeans :-)

Seriously, NetBeans cleanly supports a parallel structure for runtime
sources (src/java) and test sources (src/test).  Indeed, the Shale sources
themselves conform to this pattern -- take a look at the organziation of the
"use-cases" example app, for instance.  Works great, even with a freeform
Ant script (as this particular directory has).  It didn't even need to be a
formal NB project.


RE: [shale]Help needed for Clay

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
>From: Timo Schnölzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Thx Gary, 
> Looks promising... 
> In my case it is now just a base idea of using a template (mainLayout.html) 
> page and the "tiles" incls. 

You might take a look at the symbols shale usecase.  It shows two options for 
alternate page entry points (XML and HTML). 

The full clay XML pages are most like tiles.  These page definitions can be 
defined in a single configuration file or individual files.  In the usecase 
example, they are in a single configuration file.

In the web.xml this file is declared:
!-- Clay Configuration Full XML view Resources -->

This file exists in the classpath.  In this config file you will find two 
component definitions that define the page similar to a tiles-definition.


The symbols are like the tiles "put" variables.  The "jsfid" is like the 
"tiles" path attribute.  The page above extends basePage.  This definition is 
in the common's config file and it's declared in the web.xml

   /WEB-INF/clay-config.xml, /WEB-INF/clay-symbols-config.xml

The basePage defines default symbol values:


And, the base layout is a generic template:


There's a view other details but that's the general ballpark.

> So 1st step to layouting a page. All the other concepts work fine, e.g. 
> dialog and so on. 
> Thx for input 
> timo 
> -Original Message- 
> From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:46 PM 
> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: [shale]Help needed for Clay 
> >From: Timo Schnölzer 
> > 
> > Hi folks, 
> > 
> > after a good time on struts we are examinating seam and shale for jsf 
> > framework. My todays concern is the construction of the templating 
> > engine clay. I spent so much hours on a simple login page with a 
> > layout for header, menu, content and footer. The symbol example of 
> usecases did not realy help. 
> > 
> > Can someone give my advice for minimal configuration of a tapestry 
> > like example. 
> > 
> You might take a look at this bugzilla ticket 
> ( Hopefully this 
> will be pulled in as a clay example. 
> > Thx alot 
> > 
> > timo 
> Gary 
> > 
> > 
> > - 
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> > 
> - 
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Re: [shale] datatables request scope

2006-02-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
> Ah, OK.  Then the  component from MyFaces would be more
> appropriate for the problem being discussed.  We've used this in several
> applications, with no problems.  All of our beans (except maybe two of
> them, that contain more static values) are request scope, but they carry
> their values through multiple pages of a conversation.

All of the patterns that work for non-JSF-based webapps all work with JSF as
well -- for example:
* session scope state variables
* hidden fields in input forms
* request parameters on generated URLs
* cookies

Shale Dialogs is an instance of the first one, in that it gives you a sort
of scope "longer than a request, but shorter than a session", without you
having to be responsible for cleanup.  It's nice when you have your
application organized into a series of "conversations" with the user that
have well defined beginning and ending points.

One idea I've seen discussed, but haven't seen actually implemented yet,
would be a JSF-specific implementation of the "flash" concept in RoR, where
it keeps state information around for exactly *one* more request for you.
It should be easy to do this with a specialized variable resolver or
something ... I'll think about how to do that when dialogs are heavier
weight than you really need.  Something along the lines of this in the
second page:


where "savedCustomerName" was stored away (until the next request) by some
TBD mechanism.

- Brendan


RE: [shale]Help needed for Clay

2006-02-14 Thread Timo Schnölzer
Thx Gary,

Looks promising... 

In my case it is now just a base idea of using a template (mainLayout.html)
page and the "tiles" incls.

So 1st step to layouting a page. All the other concepts work fine, e.g.
dialog and so on.

Thx for input 


-Original Message-
From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:46 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [shale]Help needed for Clay

>From: Timo Schnölzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi folks,
> after a good time on struts we are examinating seam and shale for jsf 
> framework. My todays concern is the construction of the templating 
> engine clay. I spent so much hours on a simple login page with a 
> layout for header, menu, content and footer. The symbol example of
usecases did not realy help.
> Can someone give my advice for minimal configuration of a tapestry 
> like example.

You might take a look at this bugzilla ticket
(  Hopefully this
will be pulled in as a clay example.

> Thx alot 
> timo 


> - 
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Re: Sharing the session between two war

2006-02-14 Thread VIJAISENTHIL, P. K.

Am I in the right forum?

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: Sharing the session between two war

Sorry not to mention that I am using OC4J as my app server

Thanks in advance
Vijai Senthil, P. K.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 6:03 PM
Subject: Sharing the session between two war


   I am deploying an ear file, which has two war files. (means with 
two different webcontext)
   I need to share the session values stored in one war file with 

   Please let me know how to setup this in config files, if it can 

Thanks and Regards,
Vijai Senthil, P. K.

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Re: [shale]Help needed for Clay

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
>From: Timo Schnölzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi folks, 
> after a good time on struts we are examinating seam and shale for jsf 
> framework. My todays concern is the construction of the templating engine 
> clay. I spent so much hours on a simple login page with a layout for header, 
> menu, content and footer. The symbol example of usecases did not realy help. 
> Can someone give my advice for minimal configuration of a tapestry like 
> example. 

You might take a look at this bugzilla ticket 
(  Hopefully this will 
be pulled in as a clay example.

> Thx alot 
> timo 


> - 
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Shale: postRender method?

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Vincent
Hi All,

I was wondering if there is an easy way to get a postRender method to
be called in my Shale ViewController.
Is a new Phase Listener the only / best option? Perhaps I can extend a
Shale class to also call a postRender method?

Here is my scenario:
I have the concept of an ErrorEventCollector in the ViewController. 
Basically, the collector is passed around in the model calls to
capture errors during the model execution.  This might include errors
caused by validation checks on the retrieved data from the DB, as well
as any exceptions.  These events can be generated in any phase - init,
validation, application, or render.

In my BaseViewController - I want to have the event collector checked
for any events.  If there are events in the collector, then I want to
create FacesMessages for each event.  I tried putting the check in the
Shale destroy method, but the messages weren't being displayed by the
JSP.  So It seems I need to have this check as the last step in the
render_response phase.

Thanks for any help.

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RE: memory usage

2006-02-14 Thread Garner, Shawn
You can tell him numbers with how many actions and how many form-beans.  
The memory the Servlet itself should be pretty constant.


 -Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 12:28 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: memory usage

The footprint is still driven by your specific implementation.  The  
more session based form beans you use, the larger the footprint.  How  
should we determine this?  I guess you could run the struts-blank  
application, and measure that.  Would that be accurate?  Probably not.

James Mitchell
EdgeTech, Inc.
Skype: jmitchtx

On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm not sure I understand your gasps at my question.  To extend on  
> the "that's like buying a truck asking them how much it will weight  
> when you fill it up" -- I can calculate the memory usage of the  
> parts that I implement on behalf of my application itself.   
> Obviously no one can speak to the size of the memory usage of the  
> applications specific objects that I create, things, I put in  
> session, etc.
> However, this isn't my question.  My question seems answerable  
> enough.  I just want to know how much memory the struts framework  
> tend to take up by itself, OR, alternately, what are the areas of  
> memory usage to examine to decide such a thing.
> Is this really not easily determined?  What would make it so hard  
> to determine?
>  --- On Tue 02/14, Dave Newton < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> From: Dave Newton [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To:
> Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:24:58 -0500
> Subject: Re: memory usage
> James Mitchell wrote:> LOL!  That's like buying a truck from Ford,  
> and then asking them how> much it will weigh when you fill it  
> up.That's a better answer than mine; I was just gonna say "15K" and  
> call itday.Dave "You don't code your Struts in  
> assembly?!"--- 
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[shale]Help needed for Clay

2006-02-14 Thread Timo Schnölzer
Hi folks,

after a good time on struts we are examinating seam and shale for jsf
framework. My todays concern is the construction of the templating engine
clay. I spent so much hours on a simple login page with a layout for header,
menu, content and footer. The symbol example of usecases did not realy help.

Can someone give my advice for minimal configuration of a tapestry like

Thx alot


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RE: memory usage

2006-02-14 Thread Garner, Shawn
Yeah, but there is a weight class to it.


-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:20 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: memory usage

LOL!  That's like buying a truck from Ford, and then asking them how  
much it will weigh when you fill it up.

James Mitchell
EdgeTech, Inc.
Skype: jmitchtx

On Feb 13, 2006, at 5:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Let me know if this is not a very good question.  I need to know  
> roughly how much memory a struts application uses.
> What is the equation?
>   framework objects + application actions and forms + ??
> My java classes that represent my business logic won't be in memory  
> until an action executes .  . . correct?
> ___
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RE: Cannot find bean message in any scope

2006-02-14 Thread Garner, Shawn
Make sure you have a form-bean and action defined in your struts config and
that they map to actual classes by checking the class names and package
The JSP page will reference the form-bean in the struts config through the
action declaration on html:form.
Make sure all your controls with property values are within a 


-Original Message-
From: Chipo Hamayobe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:55 AM
Subject: Cannot find bean message in any scope
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Confidential

I keep getting the error " Cannot find bean message in any scope" in
most of my jsp pages.
Anybody know whats causing this and how to fix it.
It doesn't really say which bean has an invalid message.

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RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
> OK, sorry for being a little dense about this, but, if, for example, my 
> application code is referencing a FacesContext object, and my Test code 
> initializes MockFacesContext, what is the mechanism that makes my 
> application use the values that are in MockFacesContext? I understand 
> that MockFacesContext is a subclass of FacesContext, but I don't 
> understand how my application ends up using the values in the 
> MockFacesContext instance instead that were initialized by the test 
> case. 

The idea is that you extend a base test case that sets up the mock objects.  
They are scoped so that they can be referenced from test methods in a subclass.

Take a look at the AbstractJsfTestCase 

> - Brendan 


Re: Problem deploying older versions of my WAR in struts project

2006-02-14 Thread Jeff Bischoff
Thanks a bunch! I think JBoss probably behaves the same as Tomcat in 
this instance. Since my JSP files had an older timestamp, they were not 
being updated. That is, after all, somewhat intuitive.

What had really been puzzling me was why I couldn't manually clear all 
my stuff out of JBoss, and then load the old archive without having to 
worry about touching files and timestamps. Turns out I had noticed the 
"tmp" folder, but had not realized the "work" folder also had to be 
cleared. Now, with your help, I can finally load these older versions.

Thanks for helping me once again become "Master of my domain"  well, 
for struts anyhow :P

-Jeff B

Laurie Harper wrote:

I'm not too familiar with JBoss, but the Tomcat solution would be to 
clear the 'work' directory. An alternative would be to 'touch' all your 
JSP files so their date stamps are newer than the corresponding compiled 


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Help needed for Clay

2006-02-14 Thread Timo Schnölzer
Hi folks,

after a good time on struts we are examinating seam and shale for jsf
framework. My todays concern is the construction of the templating engine
clay. I spent so much hours on a simple login page with a layout for header,
menu, content and footer. The symbol example of usecases did not realy help.

Can someone give my advice for minimal configuration of a tapestry like

Thx alot


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Re: [Shale] Property in ViewController Backing Bean is null

2006-02-14 Thread Jason Vincent
I think you may running into a simular problem that I ran into.

I have the following scenario: page 1 has the user choose from a list
of options.  On page 2, the form saves the selected option of page 1
in a hidden field in its form.  In addition the selected value from
page 1 is used to populate a pull down on page 2.  So the user hits
the submit button on page 2 to save the changes and KA-BLAMMO, I get a

What was happening was the JSF was attempting to Validate the pulldown
values in the Validation phase.  This was before any of the hidden
fields were set.  So because the hidden fields weren't set, the
retrieve of the pulldown was failing.

I saw 1 of 2 solutions:
1) Turn off the validation of the pulldown.  Because, hey... why would
I need to validate a pulldown? - it isn't like a user can mistype
2) somehow get the hidden fields to be set before any retrieval of the
pulldown is made.

The JSF mailing list from Sun gave no help for turning off the
validator for the pulldown.

So I had to do the following, for which I give myself a big Capital
"H" for HACK.  In the contructor of the backing bean, I grabbed the
request parameters myself and called the setters from there for the
values that were needed to get through the validation of the pulldown.

Perhaps someone here can help turn off the need to retrieve the
pulldown values in the validation phase.

I hope this will help your situation, as well.


On 2/14/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From: Peter Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Hi again,
> >
> > I tried the whole weekend, but I didn't get any results other than those
> > mentioned in the email below.
> > Shall I send some code to illustrate the problem or is it really so
> > unusual, what I'm trying to do?
> >
> Make sure that you have a navigation rule setup to handle the immediate 
> command button.  Try adding a rule that directs you to the target viewid 
> (sounds like the page you are submitting from).  If you don't have a 
> navigation case, I think the veiw is just restored using the submitted values.
> /somepage.jsp
>   edit
>   /somepage.jsp
> > Thanks a lot for any help!
> >
> > Peter
> Gary

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RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread CONNER, BRENDAN \(SBCSI\)
OK, sorry for being a little dense about this, but, if, for example, my
application code is referencing a FacesContext object, and my Test code
initializes MockFacesContext, what is the mechanism that makes my
application use the values that are in MockFacesContext?  I understand
that MockFacesContext is a subclass of FacesContext, but I don't
understand how my application ends up using the values in the
MockFacesContext instance instead that were initialized by the test

- Brendan

-Original Message-
From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:55 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

> Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem that the Shale Test Framework
> trying to solve. My JSF actions are doing JNDI lookups and calling 
> Session Beans, based upon the values in JSF managed beans and maybe
> JSFContext info. If it encounters errors, it queues the errors to be 
> displayed. 
> If the Shale test framework tests outside of a Web container, how are 
> the JNDI lookups and EJB calls supposed to be handled? 

No, You are correct.  You could use it with junitee in a web container
if you wanted to test EJB/managed bean collaboration.  

> Thanks, 
> - Brendan 


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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Mark Lowe
On 2/14/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/14/06, Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You could use the referer header to create an action forward based on
> > that value.
> "referer" field is unreliable. Can fail depending on your mix or
> forwarding/redirecting/reloading a page. It is also often removed by
> proxies/firewalls. I would not recommend using "referer" field.

Fair enough, what do you suggest as an alternative? I've used this a
few times for forwarding back to the referer and found any huge
problems. I can see how if something removed the header that could
cause problems, but cant see what would be achieved by a firewall or
proxy messing around like this would achieve.

The only other suggestion i would make if this were an issue is use
separate action mappings for each point of entry..


> -
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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 2/14/06, Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could use the referer header to create an action forward based on
> that value.

"referer" field is unreliable. Can fail depending on your mix or
forwarding/redirecting/reloading a page. It is also often removed by
proxies/firewalls. I would not recommend using "referer" field.

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Re: memory usage

2006-02-14 Thread Dave Newton
James Mitchell wrote:
> The footprint is still driven by your specific implementation.  The
> more session based form beans you use, the larger the footprint.  How
> should we determine this?  I guess you could run the struts-blank
> application, and measure that.  Would that be accurate?  Probably not.
Heck, it might even depend on the app server and JVM...


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Re: memory usage

2006-02-14 Thread James Mitchell
The footprint is still driven by your specific implementation.  The  
more session based form beans you use, the larger the footprint.  How  
should we determine this?  I guess you could run the struts-blank  
application, and measure that.  Would that be accurate?  Probably not.

James Mitchell
EdgeTech, Inc.
Skype: jmitchtx

On Feb 14, 2006, at 1:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not sure I understand your gasps at my question.  To extend on  
the "that's like buying a truck asking them how much it will weight  
when you fill it up" -- I can calculate the memory usage of the  
parts that I implement on behalf of my application itself.   
Obviously no one can speak to the size of the memory usage of the  
applications specific objects that I create, things, I put in  
session, etc.

However, this isn't my question.  My question seems answerable  
enough.  I just want to know how much memory the struts framework  
tend to take up by itself, OR, alternately, what are the areas of  
memory usage to examine to decide such a thing.

Is this really not easily determined?  What would make it so hard  
to determine?

 --- On Tue 02/14, Dave Newton < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Dave Newton [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:24:58 -0500
Subject: Re: memory usage

James Mitchell wrote:> LOL!  That's like buying a truck from Ford,  
and then asking them how> much it will weigh when you fill it  
up.That's a better answer than mine; I was just gonna say "15K" and  
call itday.Dave "You don't code your Struts in  
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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Dave Newton
> As long as you are arriving at the "settings" page via an action, can't you 
> just call the getInputForward() -- the method that the validate stuff calls 
> to return to the starting page if there were errors; this seems like it would 
> easily work.  
> If you aren't arriving at the "settings" page via an action, you can go ahead 
> and route this through a ForwardAction -- this is suggested in several books. 
>  Probably for reasons such as this.
The OP wanted to know how to return to a previous page programatically.

I've only done this for security access (you do not have access to that
page so send them to login or denial page). In the past I've simply
added logic to my security filter to save the page in session and
redirect back to it after they've logged in. These days I guess you
could put that in a request processor or something.


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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As long as you are arriving at the "settings" page via an action, can't you 
just call the getInputForward() -- the method that the validate stuff calls to 
return to the starting page if there were errors; this seems like it would 
easily work.  

If you aren't arriving at the "settings" page via an action, you can go ahead 
and route this through a ForwardAction -- this is suggested in several books.  
Probably for reasons such as this.

Hope this helps.  

 --- On Tue 02/14, Keith Sader < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Keith Sader [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 08:04:15 -0600
Subject: Re: Another struts design question

That could work, and it would scale to n input pages.Thanks Mark!On 2/14/06, 
Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> You could use the referer header to 
create an action forward based on> that value.>> String referer = 
request.getHeader("Referer");> URL url = new URL(referer);> String path = 
url.getPath();> String contextPath = request.getContextPath();> path = 
path.replaceFirst(contextPath,"");>> return new ActionForward(path,true);>> You 
may have to append any parameters to the path, but i'm sure you> can work that 
out..>--Keith [EMAIL 
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Re: memory usage

2006-02-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not sure I understand your gasps at my question.  To extend on the "that's 
like buying a truck asking them how much it will weight when you fill it up" -- 
I can calculate the memory usage of the parts that I implement on behalf of my 
application itself.  Obviously no one can speak to the size of the memory usage 
of the applications specific objects that I create, things, I put in session, 

However, this isn't my question.  My question seems answerable enough.  I just 
want to know how much memory the struts framework tend to take up by itself, 
OR, alternately, what are the areas of memory usage to examine to decide such a 

Is this really not easily determined?  What would make it so hard to determine? 

 --- On Tue 02/14, Dave Newton < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Dave Newton [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:24:58 -0500
Subject: Re: memory usage

James Mitchell wrote:> LOL!  That's like buying a truck from Ford, and then 
asking them how> much it will weigh when you fill it up.That's a better answer 
than mine; I was just gonna say "15K" and call itday.Dave "You don't code your 
Struts in 
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RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
> Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem that the Shale Test Framework is 
> trying to solve. My JSF actions are doing JNDI lookups and calling 
> Session Beans, based upon the values in JSF managed beans and maybe some 
> JSFContext info. If it encounters errors, it queues the errors to be 
> displayed. 
> If the Shale test framework tests outside of a Web container, how are 
> the JNDI lookups and EJB calls supposed to be handled? 

No, You are correct.  You could use it with junitee in a web container if you 
wanted to test EJB/managed bean collaboration.  

> Thanks, 
> - Brendan 


Re: [Shale] Property in ViewController Backing Bean is null

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
>From: Peter Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi again, 
> I tried the whole weekend, but I didn't get any results other than those 
> mentioned in the email below. 
> Shall I send some code to illustrate the problem or is it really so 
> unusual, what I'm trying to do? 

Make sure that you have a navigation rule setup to handle the immediate command 
button.  Try adding a rule that directs you to the target viewid (sounds like 
the page you are submitting from).  If you don't have a navigation case, I 
think the veiw is just restored using the submitted values. 



> Thanks a lot for any help! 
> Peter 


RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread CONNER, BRENDAN \(SBCSI\)
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem that the Shale Test Framework is
trying to solve.  My JSF actions are doing JNDI lookups and calling
Session Beans, based upon the values in JSF managed beans and maybe some
JSFContext info.  If it encounters errors, it queues the errors to be

If the Shale test framework tests outside of a Web container, how are
the JNDI lookups and EJB calls supposed to be handled?


- Brendan

-Original Message-
From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:42 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

> OK, I'm going through the section in the PDF document ("Shale
> v.1.0.1-SNAPSHOT Project Documentation") on the Test Framework. In
> section, the example appears to involve creating a test class 
> (SelectTestCase) in the same WAR project as the application code. Is 
> this true? If so, how can we cleanly omit the test case code and 
> infrastructure during deployment? Is there posted example code on the 
> Web of a completed test case so I can see where everything was placed?


The shale test framework provides mock objects for junit testing outside
of a web container.  The projects are generally organized with two root
source directories.  One for your application source and the other for
automated testing.  

The shale framework nightly
( archive
contains a "test-framework" folder that has a blank project structure
including an ant build.

> Thanks, 
> - Brendan 


> -Original Message- 
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> McClanahan 
> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 5:43 PM 
> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework 
> On 2/10/06, Craig McClanahan wrote: 
> > 
> > The only classes in shale-test.jar that depend on the rest of Shale
> the 
> > convenience base classes in the org.apache.shale.test.base package. 
> The 
> > mock object classes have no dependencies on Shale, so you're welcome

> to use 
> > them to support general JSF based development activities. 
> > 
> Actually, I need to refine this a little. The base class 
> AbstractViewControllerTestCase is the only one that assumes a Shale
> (ViewController in this case). AbstractJsfTestCase assumes only the 
> standard JSF, Servlet, and JSP APIs, making it tremendously useful for

> testing pretty much any part of a JSF application, because it wires 
> together 
> FacesContext and all the other pieces for you. 
> Craig 
> > 
> > 
> Craig 
> - 
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RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
> OK. We're working with IBM's RSA IDE (which uses Eclipse underneath). 
> I'm just trying to fit into my mind how to organize the two root source 
> directories in that environment. We have a Web Project set up that 
> contains the application code to be tested. Normally, we just export 
> our application (including a J2EE Application project, which refers to 
> Web Project(s), EJB project(s), and Java Utility project(s)) to an EAR 
> file for deployment to the server, but we didn't want the test framework 
> stuff to be part of that export. 

A new feature to RSA (I guess new to eclipse 3.x) is the ability to create 
links outside of a project.  This is pretty handy for linking in source folders 
that are not under a project.

Pull up the properties for a web project and select "Java Build Path" and the 
"Source" tab, and then click on the "add folder" button.  Select the project 
root folder and click "create new folder" (only works for the root folder).  
Use the "advanced" button to link in a source folder.  This is also an option 
for folders but it doesn't seem to work for the WebContent using just eclipse 
(haven't tried it under RAD).

You might try adding the test source folder to your web project and then just 
exclude it from the build path using the source tab.  Then create a test 
project that has links to the source in the other project.  To make this work 
on multiple workstations I think you would need to use a link variable instead 
of a path.

I'm sure there are several other options.  You might look at the "Project 
Reference" too.




> - Brendan 
> -Original Message- 
> From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:42 AM 
> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> Subject: RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework 
> > 
> > OK, I'm going through the section in the PDF document ("Shale 
> Framework 
> > v.1.0.1-SNAPSHOT Project Documentation") on the Test Framework. In 
> that 
> > section, the example appears to involve creating a test class 
> > (SelectTestCase) in the same WAR project as the application code. Is 
> > this true? If so, how can we cleanly omit the test case code and 
> > infrastructure during deployment? Is there posted example code on the 
> > Web of a completed test case so I can see where everything was placed? 
> > 
> The shale test framework provides mock objects for junit testing outside 
> of a web container. The projects are generally organized with two root 
> source directories. One for your application source and the other for 
> automated testing. 
> The shale framework nightly 
> ( archive 
> contains a "test-framework" folder that has a blank project structure 
> including an ant build. 
> > Thanks, 
> > 
> > - Brendan 
> > 
> Gary 
> > -Original Message- 
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Craig 
> > McClanahan 
> > Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 5:43 PM 
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> > Subject: Re: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework 
> > 
> > 
> > On 2/10/06, Craig McClanahan wrote: 
> > > 
> > > The only classes in shale-test.jar that depend on the rest of Shale 
> is 
> > the 
> > > convenience base classes in the org.apache.shale.test.base package. 
> > The 
> > > mock object classes have no dependencies on Shale, so you're welcome 
> > to use 
> > > them to support general JSF based development activities. 
> > > 
> > 
> > Actually, I need to refine this a little. The base class 
> > AbstractViewControllerTestCase is the only one that assumes a Shale 
> API 
> > (ViewController in this case). AbstractJsfTestCase assumes only the 
> > standard JSF, Servlet, and JSP APIs, making it tremendously useful for 
> > testing pretty much any part of a JSF application, because it wires 
> > together 
> > FacesContext and all the other pieces for you. 
> > 
> > 
> > Craig 
> > > 
> > > 
> > Craig 
> > 
> > - 
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> > 
> - 
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Shopping Carts for Struts?

2006-02-14 Thread Robert Stevens
Can anyone recommend a good shopping cart system for Struts? We don't want to 
write one from scratch.
  We've built a struts/hibernate application on Linux. The products are shown 
with specific pricing and options. But, when it is time to purchase the plan, 
we want to send the customer to a commercial or open-source shopping cart with 
our Web site's headers/footers. And, we want the system to offer drop shipping 
so suppliers are notified.
  We've looked into several:
  1. OS Commerce ( 
  2. eBay ProStores (
  ProStores contractors say it can't be done. But, notice the enterprise 
version offers "Virtual inventory management with drop shipment and supplier 
notification"--which is the drop ship feature we need.
  3. ShopSite ( or Yahoo Merchant Solutions 
( the product price and options 
can be presented as name/value pairs around the Buy button form.
  4. Interchange ( -- The product price and options 
can be written to a MySQL database that would be read by Interchange, which is 
a great open source shopping cart but Interchange is written in Perl (a write 
only language)
  Any ideas?

Re: [Shale] Property in ViewController Backing Bean is null

2006-02-14 Thread Peter Goetz

Hi again,

I tried the whole weekend, but I didn't get any results other than those 
mentioned in the email below.
Shall I send some code to illustrate the problem or is it really so 
unusual, what I'm trying to do?

Thanks a lot for any help!


Good morning Craig,

thank you, I think I'm making a progress with your help.
I set the immediate flag to true for my commandButton, and my method
gets executed as I wanted it to do. In the edit method I set an
attribute of the backing bean to its correct value (the person that
should be edited in the form), and this attribute is set correctly (in
the prerender method I see its correct values). But the form is not
being filled with the values.
I read the chapter about the lifecycle of a JSF page in the J2EE
tutorial, but didn't find the information where to tweak the application
to set the actual form values. In my opinion this should happen in the
Update Model Values phase, and that this phase has to be executed, when
no errors occurs at validating the request parameters. But it seems this
is not the case.
Could you please help me again and push me in the right direction?

Thanks a lot, I will name my first child after you, if my wife doesn't
complain. :)

Have a nice weekend!


Craig McClanahan wrote:

On 2/10/06, Peter Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Craig,

thank you very much, I didn't know that the action method is not
executed when a validation error occurs. That seems to be the problem,
because all of my form input fields are required fields and the messages
get filled.
Is there a way to skip validation on some actions? I would like to
validate the form when submitting it, but not when I select one item in
a list to fill the form with. Or is it standard behaviour to extract
such data tables to an extra form in the .jsp?
Thank you very much, what I wrote so far in this group is really

The standard approach to doing this is to mark the commands you want to work
this way with immediate="true".  This causes the corresponding action to
fire "immediately" :-) ... during the Apply Request Values phase of the
request processing lifecycle, which comes *before* Process Validations.

The most common use case for this is a Cancel button ... you don't want to
have your validations executed if you're cancelling the input.  But the same
principle applies to your scenario.

Good night!



Craig McClanahan wrote:

One thing to double check is whether some validation rules are failing,
which would cause the action method call to get bypassed.  The simplest


to verify this is to add an  component to your page, which


display any validation messages that exist, or nothing if there were no

It's also possible that an exception is getting eaten somewhere along


way ... check the log file of your servlet container as well for any




On 2/10/06, Peter Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there!

I'm new to Struts, to Shale and to this list, so excuse if I'm asking
dumb questions.
I have a simple .jsp (personmaintenance.jsp), backed by a backing bean
In the jsp I have buttons with actions "save", "edit", "delete",
"create", for which I defined the corresponding methods in the backing
bean. The backing bean has two attributes, a person (for the form to
edit) and a persons Collection for an overview table. When calling the
jsp (personmaintenance.faces), everything is fine. The Collection gets
filled from the database, the person attribute is null.
Unfortunately if I hit one of the buttons "edit" or "delete", the
corresponding method is not being called. If the person attribute is
filled from the start, everything works fine.
Can somebody tell me what to do to get the methods executed when I hit
the button and the argument is null? Or am I missing something


Thanks a lot!


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RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread CONNER, BRENDAN \(SBCSI\)
OK.  We're working with IBM's RSA IDE (which uses Eclipse underneath).
I'm just trying to fit into my mind how to organize the two root source
directories in that environment.  We have a Web Project set up that
contains the application code to be tested.  Normally, we just export
our application (including a J2EE Application project, which refers to
Web Project(s), EJB project(s), and Java Utility project(s)) to an EAR
file for deployment to the server, but we didn't want the test framework
stuff to be part of that export.

- Brendan

-Original Message-
From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:42 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

> OK, I'm going through the section in the PDF document ("Shale
> v.1.0.1-SNAPSHOT Project Documentation") on the Test Framework. In
> section, the example appears to involve creating a test class 
> (SelectTestCase) in the same WAR project as the application code. Is 
> this true? If so, how can we cleanly omit the test case code and 
> infrastructure during deployment? Is there posted example code on the 
> Web of a completed test case so I can see where everything was placed?


The shale test framework provides mock objects for junit testing outside
of a web container.  The projects are generally organized with two root
source directories.  One for your application source and the other for
automated testing.  

The shale framework nightly
( archive
contains a "test-framework" folder that has a blank project structure
including an ant build.

> Thanks, 
> - Brendan 


> -Original Message- 
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> McClanahan 
> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 5:43 PM 
> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework 
> On 2/10/06, Craig McClanahan wrote: 
> > 
> > The only classes in shale-test.jar that depend on the rest of Shale
> the 
> > convenience base classes in the org.apache.shale.test.base package. 
> The 
> > mock object classes have no dependencies on Shale, so you're welcome

> to use 
> > them to support general JSF based development activities. 
> > 
> Actually, I need to refine this a little. The base class 
> AbstractViewControllerTestCase is the only one that assumes a Shale
> (ViewController in this case). AbstractJsfTestCase assumes only the 
> standard JSF, Servlet, and JSP APIs, making it tremendously useful for

> testing pretty much any part of a JSF application, because it wires 
> together 
> FacesContext and all the other pieces for you. 
> Craig 
> > 
> > 
> Craig 
> - 
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RE: [shale] datatables request scope

2006-02-14 Thread CONNER, BRENDAN \(SBCSI\)
Ah, OK.  Then the  component from MyFaces would be more
appropriate for the problem being discussed.  We've used this in several
applications, with no problems.  All of our beans (except maybe two of
them, that contain more static values) are request scope, but they carry
their values through multiple pages of a conversation.

- Brendan

-Original Message-
From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:35 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [shale] datatables request scope

> As Gary mentioned, you can use the MyFaces component to 
> carry bean values from one request to another. I'm new to Shale, but I

> saw something about a Dialog framework. Is that also supposed to 
> address this issue? 

The dialog manager will track state as its related to the execution of a
dialog.  Its focus is on defining a page process flow at a level that
pages can be reused within various dialogs.   You can define actions
that can be invoked between view states that provide the glue code
within the context of the executing process.  Under the covers, it uses
session scope for tracking dialog state.

> - Brendan 


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RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
> OK, I'm going through the section in the PDF document ("Shale Framework 
> v.1.0.1-SNAPSHOT Project Documentation") on the Test Framework. In that 
> section, the example appears to involve creating a test class 
> (SelectTestCase) in the same WAR project as the application code. Is 
> this true? If so, how can we cleanly omit the test case code and 
> infrastructure during deployment? Is there posted example code on the 
> Web of a completed test case so I can see where everything was placed? 

The shale test framework provides mock objects for junit testing outside of a 
web container.  The projects are generally organized with two root source 
directories.  One for your application source and the other for automated 

The shale framework nightly 
( archive contains a 
"test-framework" folder that has a blank project structure including an ant 

> Thanks, 
> - Brendan 


> -Original Message- 
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig 
> McClanahan 
> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 5:43 PM 
> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework 
> On 2/10/06, Craig McClanahan wrote: 
> > 
> > The only classes in shale-test.jar that depend on the rest of Shale is 
> the 
> > convenience base classes in the org.apache.shale.test.base package. 
> The 
> > mock object classes have no dependencies on Shale, so you're welcome 
> to use 
> > them to support general JSF based development activities. 
> > 
> Actually, I need to refine this a little. The base class 
> AbstractViewControllerTestCase is the only one that assumes a Shale API 
> (ViewController in this case). AbstractJsfTestCase assumes only the 
> standard JSF, Servlet, and JSP APIs, making it tremendously useful for 
> testing pretty much any part of a JSF application, because it wires 
> together 
> FacesContext and all the other pieces for you. 
> Craig 
> > 
> > 
> Craig 
> - 
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RE: [shale] datatables request scope

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
> As Gary mentioned, you can use the MyFaces component to 
> carry bean values from one request to another. I'm new to Shale, but I 
> saw something about a Dialog framework. Is that also supposed to 
> address this issue? 

The dialog manager will track state as its related to the execution of a 
dialog.  Its focus is on defining a page process flow at a level that pages can 
be reused within various dialogs.   You can define actions that can be invoked 
between view states that provide the glue code within the context of the 
executing process.  Under the covers, it uses session scope for tracking dialog 

> - Brendan 


Re: memory usage

2006-02-14 Thread Dave Newton
James Mitchell wrote:
> LOL!  That's like buying a truck from Ford, and then asking them how
> much it will weigh when you fill it up.
That's a better answer than mine; I was just gonna say "15K" and call it

Dave "You don't code your Struts in assembly?!"

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Re: html:link problem - please give some examples

2006-02-14 Thread Sony Thomas

Hi Mark,

Thanks a lot. One of your suggestions worked for me. Once again thank 
you very much.

bye sony


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Re: memory usage

2006-02-14 Thread James Mitchell
LOL!  That's like buying a truck from Ford, and then asking them how  
much it will weigh when you fill it up.

James Mitchell
EdgeTech, Inc.
Skype: jmitchtx

On Feb 13, 2006, at 5:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Let me know if this is not a very good question.  I need to know  
roughly how much memory a struts application uses.

What is the equation?

  framework objects + application actions and forms + ??

My java classes that represent my business logic won't be in memory  
until an action executes .  . . correct?

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RE: [shale] datatables request scope

2006-02-14 Thread CONNER, BRENDAN \(SBCSI\)
As Gary mentioned, you can use the MyFaces  component to
carry bean values from one request to another.  I'm new to Shale, but I
saw something about a Dialog framework.  Is that also supposed to
address this issue?

- Brendan

-Original Message-
From: Gary VanMatre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:00 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [shale] datatables request scope

>From: Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hello 
> I've a general question on shale. 
> Despite the jsf spec being churned out for a significant amount of 
> time, there seems to be no tidy means of maintaining request 
> attributes between requests to the server.. If i have a datatable and 
> want to add a row, indeed a can but i need to scope the backing bean 
> to session. 
> I've found a few work arounds for this none of which I like. All the 
> advocates of jsf tell us its the future so on and so forth seem to 
> avoid the issue by just using session scope without a second thought. 
> Oracle have processScope which does the same sort of thing, but this 
> means you have to use one jsf implemenation to do this. 
> Now struts (action, classic, original, vanilla, old trusty, whatever) 
> deals with this, as does adding request attributes in servlets and 
> then forwarding using the request dispatcher.. But JSF has no 
> provision for this, does shale have a solution to this? 

There are a number a ways that you can add a request parameter.  If your
navigation rule is not a redirect, they will be visible from the target


ValueBinding vb =
vb.setValue(context, "someValue");

>I tried with 
> action listeners and such like, but never been quite able to pull it 
> off. The only work around involves session scoping and then cleaning 
> as soon as a new get request is made.. 
> I've also seen something about a flash scope, that uses a tag lib, but

> it smelled funny. 
> I'm I being stupid (not the first time) ? Or its there still no tidy 
> way of dealing with this problem? 

JSF still works with the same request/response architecture that other
web frameworks use so state management has the same challenges.

If you don't want to maintain state server side for fields that are
display only, you need to save some key that you can use to retrive the
state server side.  Or, you can use the inputHidden component to save
state as hidden attributes within the from.  The commandLink component
makes this an better option because it invokes a post verses a get.

Another thing you might look at is the tomahawk "saveState" component
(  It will cache a
object in the component tree so that if you are using JSF client side
state saving, the state of the object will be serialized as a hidden
input field.

You might also take a look at Seam (

> Mark 


> - 
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Re: [shale] datatables request scope

2006-02-14 Thread Gary VanMatre
>From: Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hello 
> I've a general question on shale. 
> Despite the jsf spec being churned out for a significant amount of 
> time, there seems to be no tidy means of maintaining request 
> attributes between requests to the server.. If i have a datatable and 
> want to add a row, indeed a can but i need to scope the backing bean 
> to session. 
> I've found a few work arounds for this none of which I like. All the 
> advocates of jsf tell us its the future so on and so forth seem to 
> avoid the issue by just using session scope without a second thought. 
> Oracle have processScope which does the same sort of thing, but this 
> means you have to use one jsf implemenation to do this. 
> Now struts (action, classic, original, vanilla, old trusty, whatever) 
> deals with this, as does adding request attributes in servlets and 
> then forwarding using the request dispatcher.. But JSF has no 
> provision for this, does shale have a solution to this? 

There are a number a ways that you can add a request parameter.  If your 
navigation rule is not a redirect, they will be visible from the target page.

context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put("someParam", "someValue")

ValueBinding vb = 
vb.setValue(context, "someValue");

>I tried with 
> action listeners and such like, but never been quite able to pull it 
> off. The only work around involves session scoping and then cleaning 
> as soon as a new get request is made.. 
> I've also seen something about a flash scope, that uses a tag lib, but 
> it smelled funny. 
> I'm I being stupid (not the first time) ? Or its there still no tidy 
> way of dealing with this problem? 

JSF still works with the same request/response architecture that other web 
frameworks use so state management has the same challenges.

If you don't want to maintain state server side for fields that are display 
only, you need to save some key that you can use to retrive the state server 
side.  Or, you can use the inputHidden component to save state as hidden 
attributes within the from.  The commandLink component makes this an better 
option because it invokes a post verses a get.

Another thing you might look at is the tomahawk "saveState" component 
(  It will cache a object 
in the component tree so that if you are using JSF client side state saving, 
the state of the object will be serialized as a hidden input field.

You might also take a look at Seam (

> Mark 


> - 
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RE: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

2006-02-14 Thread CONNER, BRENDAN \(SBCSI\)
OK, I'm going through the section in the PDF document ("Shale Framework
v.1.0.1-SNAPSHOT Project Documentation") on the Test Framework.  In that
section, the example appears to involve creating a test class
(SelectTestCase) in the same WAR project as the application code.  Is
this true?  If so, how can we cleanly omit the test case code and
infrastructure during deployment?  Is there posted example code on the
Web of a completed test case so I can see where everything was placed?


- Brendan

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 5:43 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [SHALE] Using the Test Framework

On 2/10/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only classes in shale-test.jar that depend on the rest of Shale is
> convenience base classes in  the org.apache.shale.test.base package.
> mock object classes  have no dependencies on Shale, so you're welcome
to use
> them to support general JSF based development activities.

Actually, I need to refine this a little.  The base class
AbstractViewControllerTestCase is the only one that assumes a Shale API
(ViewController in this case).  AbstractJsfTestCase assumes only the
standard JSF, Servlet, and JSP APIs, making it tremendously useful for
testing pretty much any part of a JSF application, because it wires
FacesContext and all the other pieces for you.


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Re: Problem with Connection Pool in Action-Classes

2006-02-14 Thread starki78
Thanks a lot for this hint we found it out

Thanks Starky

-- Initial Header ---

>From  : "Dave Newton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To  : "Struts Users Mailing List"
Cc  :
Date  : Tue, 14 Feb 2006 09:45:33 -0500
Subject : Re: Problem with Connection Pool in Action-Classes

> starki78 wrote:
> > It seems that the action is not absolutely thread safe.
> > Can this be?
> >
> Actions should never* have instance variables. You should not have a
> connection stored as an instance variable; it should be retrieved within
> a method to a method-local variable. If this is what you are doing I'm
> surprised you haven't had more issues.
> Think of an Action like a servlet: if you have instance variables and
> you write to them during a method and it's not synchronized you are
> probably making a mistake.
> * Of course, if you deal with synchronization issues, never mind. If
> it's a read-only variable it probably doesn't matter.
> Dave
> -
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Re: Problem with Connection Pool in Action-Classes

2006-02-14 Thread Dave Newton
starki78 wrote:
> It seems that the action is not absolutely thread safe.
> Can this be?
Actions should never* have instance variables. You should not have a
connection stored as an instance variable; it should be retrieved within
a method to a method-local variable. If this is what you are doing I'm
surprised you haven't had more issues.

Think of an Action like a servlet: if you have instance variables and
you write to them during a method and it's not synchronized you are
probably making a mistake.

* Of course, if you deal with synchronization issues, never mind. If
it's a read-only variable it probably doesn't matter.


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Problem with Connection Pool in Action-Classes

2006-02-14 Thread starki78
we have a connection-member variable
in our super-action that is opened
and closed there by the connection-pool.
(it's always clossed within the finally block)
Now then we call the sub-classes very
often in a short period it seems
the connection isn't been given back!!!
It seems that the action is not absolutely thread safe.
Can this be?

Thanks for any answer

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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Keith Sader
That could work, and it would scale to n input pages.

Thanks Mark!

On 2/14/06, Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could use the referer header to create an action forward based on
> that value.
> String referer = request.getHeader("Referer");
> URL url = new URL(referer);
> String path = url.getPath();
> String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
> path = path.replaceFirst(contextPath,"");
> return new ActionForward(path,true);
> You may have to append any parameters to the path, but i'm sure you
> can work that out..
Keith Sader

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Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Mark Lowe
You could use the referer header to create an action forward based on
that value.

String referer = request.getHeader("Referer");
URL url = new URL(referer);
String path = url.getPath();
String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
path = path.replaceFirst(contextPath,"");

return new ActionForward(path,true);

You may have to append any parameters to the path, but i'm sure you
can work that out..


On 2/14/06, Keith Sader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings, I need to have an action return to a previous page
> depending upon which page originally requested the common page.  Think
> of it as a settings page that can be accessed from multiple places.
> Like this:
> Entry 1 ---> Common Page 
> How can I tell the common page action to return to the correct requestor page?
> thanks,
> --
> Keith Sader
> -
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Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Keith Sader
Greetings, I need to have an action return to a previous page
depending upon which page originally requested the common page.  Think
of it as a settings page that can be accessed from multiple places.

Like this:

Entry 1 ---> Common Page 

RE: Bean Population When Form Cancelled

2006-02-14 Thread Robert Alexandersson
I think so, look at this.
My implementation down here.

/*** CODE ***

 * This method is used to execute validation rules 
 * The good-part, 
 * 1. can chose to not validate if cancel is submitted .
 * 2. If validate exception is found the Form/Page can be
reInitialized and shown properly again.
 * The bad-part, normaly the user sets validate="true" in config but
 * can no longer be done, can feel strange. 
 * This method is used with recommendation from --> 
 * see
 * @author robert.alexandersson
 * Generic Struts stuff - cancel - validate
public ActionForward validate(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
HttpServletRequest request) {

if (this.isDelete(request) || this.isCancel(request))
return null;

ActionErrors errors = form.validate(mapping, request);
if (errors != null && !errors.isEmpty()) {
saveErrors(request, logAndGetMessages(errors));
return (mapping.getInputForward());
return null;

 * Transform Errors to Messages according to the Deprecation warning
 * ActionErrors and super.saveErrors
 * @param errors
 * @return
private ActionMessages logAndGetMessages(ActionErrors errors) {
Iterator i =;
ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String property = (String);
Iterator j = errors.get(property);
while (j.hasNext()) {
ActionMessage err = (ActionMessage);
messages.add(property, err);
return messages;
/*** END CODE ***

-Original Message-
From: Tom Ansley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 6:48 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Bean Population When Form Cancelled

Hi all,

I have a form that uses validator to check for simple validation like
sure that a cash amount is a double.  I have the "cancel" button on the
set so that if it is pressed that validation does not take place.  This
great except when you type a letter into the cash text box and then
cancel.  The form gets returned along with the invalid cash amount, the
BeanUtils attempts to populate the form and the whole thing falls over
an exception.

Does somebody have a strategy for dealing with this situation?  Is there
way of telling struts that if the cancel button is pressed that NO bean
population should take place?

All help appreciated.


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Re: ActionForm String[]

2006-02-14 Thread Mark Lowe
On 2/14/06, Marcio Ghiraldelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working with a dyanmic form, that generates n checkboxes (for each 
> row of my set).
> Using a String[] type in the action form, I´d been able to retrieve the 
> data. Now, I´m trying to pre-populate these checkbox values correctly, via 
> ActionForm reset method, but can´t figure out.
> Instanting a bogus vector and seting some values to it doens´t work...
> Can I do it without messing with my jsp?

Do it in the action that initiates the form..


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Re: html:link problem - please give some examples

2006-02-14 Thread Mark Lowe
On 2/14/06, Sony Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a URL set to my form bean. The property in my form bean is called
> "objectLink".
> I have to set this link to my  The Link
> how is it possible

Here are some ideas, assuming I've understood you correctly..


 String link = response.encodeURL(myForm.getObjectLink());

> thanks in advance
> sony
> -
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ActionForm String[]

2006-02-14 Thread Marcio Ghiraldelli

I am working with a dyanmic form, that generates n checkboxes (for each row 
of my set).

Using a String[] type in the action form, I´d been able to retrieve the 
data. Now, I´m trying to pre-populate these checkbox values correctly, via 
ActionForm reset method, but can´t figure out.
Instanting a bogus vector and seting some values to it doens´t work...

Can I do it without messing with my jsp?

html:link problem - please give some examples

2006-02-14 Thread Sony Thomas


I have a URL set to my form bean. The property in my form bean is called 

I have to set this link to my  The Link 

how is it possible

thanks in advance


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[shale] datatables request scope

2006-02-14 Thread Mark Lowe

I've a general question on shale.

Despite the jsf spec being churned out for a significant amount of
time, there seems to be no tidy means of maintaining request
attributes between requests to the server.. If i have a datatable and
want to add a row, indeed a can but i need to scope the backing bean
to session.

I've found a few work arounds for this none of which I like. All the
advocates of jsf tell us its the future so on and so forth seem to
avoid the issue by just using session scope without a second thought.
Oracle have processScope which does the same sort of thing, but this
means you have to use one jsf implemenation to do this.

Now struts (action, classic, original, vanilla, old trusty, whatever)
deals with this, as does adding request attributes in servlets and
then forwarding using the request dispatcher.. But JSF has no
provision for this, does shale have a solution to this? I tried with
action listeners and such like, but never been quite able to pull it
off. The only work around involves session scoping and then cleaning
as soon as a new get request is made..

I've also seen something about a flash scope, that uses a tag lib, but
it smelled funny.

I'm I being stupid (not the first time) ? Or its there still no tidy
way of dealing with this problem?


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Re: Cannot find bean message in any scope

2006-02-14 Thread Niall Pemberton
On 2/14/06, Chipo Hamayobe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I keep getting the error " Cannot find bean message in any scope" in
> most of my jsp pages.

Its looking for a bean named "message" and can't find it - have you
used this in the "name" property on any of your tags?

For example 

Are you using the  tag at all, something like...


Maybe you didn't spell "message" in the id correctly?

Anyway, something along those lines - check you tag attributes for
"message" values.


> Anybody know whats causing this and how to fix it.
> It doesn't really say which bean has an invalid message.
> thanks
> --
> Chipo

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