RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools & animation generation packages

2012-03-12 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Guys, can you please move any further discussion about web-tools to



From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [] 
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 5:35 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools &
animation generation packages




I downloaded XAMPP and eventually unzipped the contents onto a thumb drive.
I think running XAMPP on a thumb drive will make it possible to run my own
portable test server wherever I go. 


I haven't run my own web server since the 1990s. I'm sure a lot of things
have changed since then, particularly security issues.


If I execute the xampp-control.exe control program and start up the apache
server (and MYSQL) I noticed that this inserts an XAMPP server icon in my
window's system tray. Ok, standard operation procedure. ;-) I can access
http://localhost and see that XAMPP is running. Success!


Ok, so far, so good. However, if I attempt to shut down the XAMPP server it
seems shut down my entire household network. In no time my wife lets me know
that she can't access her favorite web site where she has been posting
messages... and what the hell have I done to the network this time!


So far the only way I can get the household network up and running again
(that is, after I attempt to shut down the XAMPP service) is to restart both
my modem and wireless Lynksys router. That seems to clear up the
communication problem. I suspect (I hope) my current approach is fixing the
problem with a sledge hammer. Are you aware of a less brutal way of shutting
down the XAMPP server while leaving a home network unscathed?


Just curious.



Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Strobe-light for atoms... cont'd

2012-03-04 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Can I reply to my own posting?! J


Here's another recent article

with PDF here:

where they trap ultracold atoms in an optical lattice and then use a
controllable (in direction and I assume magnitude) magnetic field, to help
elucidate its affect on electrons.


Charles Clark, co-director of the Joint Quantum Institute, and his
co-authors at George Mason University, the University of Hamburg, Germany
and the University of California, Riverside have studied what happens when
ultracold highly magnetic atoms are held in an optical lattice and subjected
to an external magnetic field, which can be steered in various directions.
This field tugs on the atom-sized magnets and, along with the direction of
the field itself, leave the atoms standing upright or pulled over on their
sides at various inclinations described in the figure by the angles phi and
theta. In this way, the researcher can tune the interaction-force on demand.


I wonder if they can do this with just a single atom, of any flavor?




From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2012 12:13 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Strobe-light for atoms... cont'd


They're getting closer to the atomic strobe-light, and the kind of
experiments I want to see!

Stop-action X-ray snapshots of a ferroelectric nanolayer showed that the
height of its basic building block, called a unit cell, contracted in
response to bright light and then rebounded to become even longer than it
was to begin with.


The entire in-and-out atomic-scale wiggle took just 10 trillionths of a
second, yet it indicated the mechanisms responsible for the materials
photovoltaic effect. "What we saw was unanticipated," Lindenberg said. "It
was amazing to see such dramatic structural changes, which we showed were
caused by light-induced electrical currents in the ferroelectric material."


The telling X-ray images were taken at the X-ray Pump Probe instrument of
SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), which hit the ferroelectric
samples with a stunningly rapid one-two punch of violet laser light (40
quadrillionths of a second long) and X-rays (60 quadrillionths of a second
long). The researchers analyzed information from thousands of images to
determine the photovoltaic mechanism.



About a year ago I posted some msgs discussing atoms/electrons/protons as a
collection of coupled oscillators.  It is a qualitative/geometric/physical
model, not quantitative. yet.


In this posting,


I describe an experiment that I wanted to see, and the above PhysOrg article
is getting close to achieving this. 

-   Hold a single H atom in a fixture so that it is not physically

touching anything else.  This can be done in a vacuum chamber and using

electric and/or magnetic fields to hold and position it.  These fields would

also likely orient the atom in a consistent way.


-   With the EXTREMELY fast strobe light (ultra-ultra short pulse laser),

slowly tune the frequency of the strobe-light and eventually it will equal

the frequency of oscillation of the electron, or a subharmonic of it, and

you will have a very high resolution image of that electron. ***AND***, it

will appear to be motionless.  Anyone who has used a strobe-light to set the

ignition timing on a car knows exactly what I'm talking about.


-   Now with the phase-delay knob on this strobe-light, we slowly adjust

it and you will view what appears to be a slow-motion movie of the

electron's movement. To use the car-timing analogy, turn the distributor

slowly and the timing-mark on the flywheel slowly moves in one direction.


According to my model, I would be willing to bet that one would see the

electron move thru the nucleus with every oscillation. but it traverses the

center region much more quickly than when it reaches the outer bounds of its

oscillation where it has to slow down and reverse direction.


I hope the scientists get this done before it's my time to go!





Re: [Vo]:The power generator that runs by water

2012-03-03 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Just fwding this from zt. it went to my personal email but could be of
interest to the Collective.




Quite an extensive link but this is the best analysis i have found so far


RE: [Vo]:

2012-03-03 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
It is most likely a phishing expedition!


I've been in the Collective for several years and have *never* seen that
kind of msg from (the domain where this mail-list is hosted).  


Any emails asking for username/password should be ignored!  Legit companies
will never ask you to supply that kind of info in an email.




From: Drowning Trout [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 1:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:


I also received it, definitely looks like a scam! Don't trust it!

Is someone launching a phishing attempt on the Vort collective?

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 3:39 AM, Tom Barnett 

I got this email below. Could someone verify that this is legit and not




WEB TEAM via   
06:17 (2 hours ago)

to vortex-l 

Dear Subscriber,

We are experiencing some serious technical problems with our servers.
Therefore, we would be shutting down all unused and unverified accounts. So
to avoid deactivation of your account, you will have to re-confirm your
e-mail address by replying with your login information's below.

Username :
Password :

This is a very simple and easy to do. Just click the reply button and
forward your login details to us. once we receive the requested information
you will be able to continue using
your account without interruption.

Customer Care
Case number: 8941624
Property: Account Security

Copyright C 2011 Web team Inc.
Thank you.


[Vo]:FYI: interesting (or more like long overdue) findings on structure of atomic nucleus...

2012-03-02 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
New picture of atomic nucleus emerges


".a quarter of the nucleons in a dense nucleus exceed 25 percent of the
speed of light, turning the picture of a static nucleus on its head."


Hell, I could have told then that!  J


"When most of us think of an atom, we think of tiny electrons whizzing
around a stationary, dense nucleus composed of protons and neutrons."


Geez, how much more of a beating will it take to finally kill that horse






RE: [Vo]:A new use for the Vortex ... Vortex Radio Waves

2012-03-02 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
And so kind of them to name it after this forum!

-Original Message-
From: Ron Wormus [] 
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 11:18 AM
Subject: [Vo]:A new use for the Vortex ... Vortex Radio Waves

Really creative!

RE: [Vo]:To Radiate or Not to Radiate

2012-03-02 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint


First, I applaud your open-mindedness and efforts!


You stated:

"This would detect any ionizing ray in any which way except when it is
perfectly parallel to the axis of the reactor, which would cause it to exit
the ends of the cylindrical walls before it has a chance to ionize any gas
in the chamber.  This event would be unlikely as most of the rays would exit
in a random direction and hence would be detected."


Normally I would agree, however, there has been some discussion in the
Collective about a year ago on the issue of particle detection, and I
remember some discussion on the fact that the longitudinal axis of the E-Cat
was pointed in the direction of the room where visitors were waiting,
including Celani who had his rad-detector instrument.  He noticed a brief
period of detector activity, then a few minutes later Rossi entered the room
and announced that they fixed some problem and got the E-Cat to running
state.  In case you aren't aware, there has also been some evidence that
particle emission may occur only during startup and shutdown. so, summary
is, we cannot assume that particle emission won't occur only longitudinally!
It all depends on the internal geometry of the core. and things yet to be
discovered!  You can proceed with you tests, but if they result in no
activity, it might not be conclusive. however, if results are positive, then
ignore all the above!  


Good luck and be careful!




From: Jojo Jaro [] 
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:To Radiate or Not to Radiate


Thanks Mark.


My reactor would be totally enclosed inside the cylindrical wall, which is
the Ion chamber Anode.  The reactor itself will be the Ion chamber Cathode.
This would detect any ionizing ray in any which way except when it is
perfectly parallel to the axis of the reactor, which would cause it to exit
the ends of the cylindrical walls before it has a chance to ionize any gas
in the chamber.  This event would be unlikely as most of the rays would exit
in a random direction and hence would be detected.


However, I am unsure how a Ion Chamber with the reactor walls itself as the
Cathode would work.  In my estimation, the hydrogen inside the reactor would
Ionize and would be attracted to negatively charged reactor walls.  I
suspect this would create some kind of bias current and charge buildup that
would be interpreted as a positive hit by the electronics.  I could reversed
the polarity but that does not remove the charge buildup problem.  Not sure
if this would work.  More experiment is required.




- Original Message - 

From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <>  


Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 2:04 AM

Subject: RE: [Vo]:To Radiate or Not to Radiate


Then there is the problem that energetic particles may be oriented in a
particular direction, so where do you place your detector?  It probably
depends somewhat on the geometry of the core, and the orientation of its
physical structure.  If you have the resources, obtain multiple detectors
and place them on the x, y, and z axes.  Or just one detector, but do
multiple tests moving the detector to a different location.


Correlation of energetic particles with temperature excursions would be
evidence supporting novel nuclear processes.




From: Jojo Jaro [] 
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:To Radiate or Not to Radiate


Yes, dedicated meter with data logging together with data logging of the
temperature of the reactor reactants. I plan to correlate radiation spikes
with temperature spikes of the reactants.  This wuold be a good way of
verifying the LENR effects.  


Yes, there are many radiation sources in our environment, but aren't they
all classified as "background".  If I get a clear reading way above
background readings, that would be a clear indication of a "nuclear"
process, wouldn't it?  And hence, by inference, a clear indication of an
LENR process of some kind.  


The scotch tape example, wouldn't that be classified as a "nuclear" process
manifesting during a mechanical procedure?  It is not a purely mechanical or
chemical process per se, but rather a nuclear effect during certain
mechanical and chemical conditions.  I believe this is similar to
Deflakion's "chemically assisted" nuclear reaction.  The process itself is
not chemical, ie, not involving the valence electrons,  but LENR. This gives
me a opportunity to rephrase my origianl statement" "As far as I know, this
is no known process using chemical reactions of reactants that releases
radiation due to the chemical reaction." 


But, I am acutely aware of the limitations of the terminology and my
examples and explanations.  Suffice it for now, 

RE: [Vo]:To Radiate or Not to Radiate

2012-03-02 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Then there is the problem that energetic particles may be oriented in a
particular direction, so where do you place your detector?  It probably
depends somewhat on the geometry of the core, and the orientation of its
physical structure.  If you have the resources, obtain multiple detectors
and place them on the x, y, and z axes.  Or just one detector, but do
multiple tests moving the detector to a different location.


Correlation of energetic particles with temperature excursions would be
evidence supporting novel nuclear processes.




From: Jojo Jaro [] 
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:To Radiate or Not to Radiate


Yes, dedicated meter with data logging together with data logging of the
temperature of the reactor reactants. I plan to correlate radiation spikes
with temperature spikes of the reactants.  This wuold be a good way of
verifying the LENR effects.  


Yes, there are many radiation sources in our environment, but aren't they
all classified as "background".  If I get a clear reading way above
background readings, that would be a clear indication of a "nuclear"
process, wouldn't it?  And hence, by inference, a clear indication of an
LENR process of some kind.  


The scotch tape example, wouldn't that be classified as a "nuclear" process
manifesting during a mechanical procedure?  It is not a purely mechanical or
chemical process per se, but rather a nuclear effect during certain
mechanical and chemical conditions.  I believe this is similar to
Deflakion's "chemically assisted" nuclear reaction.  The process itself is
not chemical, ie, not involving the valence electrons,  but LENR. This gives
me a opportunity to rephrase my origianl statement" "As far as I know, this
is no known process using chemical reactions of reactants that releases
radiation due to the chemical reaction." 


But, I am acutely aware of the limitations of the terminology and my
examples and explanations.  Suffice it for now, that we can agree, that
there is no known chemical process involving nickel, carbon, iron, copper
and hydrogen that produces radiation, am I not correct?  


Please feel free to correct me.







0- Original Message - 

From: Jones Beene   


Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 12:53 AM

Subject: RE: [Vo]:To Radiate or Not to Radiate


That is not correct. Many chemical and mechanical processes produce
radiation well into the x-ray range - even something as mundane as Scotch


Forget a cloud chamber. You need a dedicated meter with data logging.
Although x-rays are commonly found at low intensity in mundane situations,
it is the intensity level which is important, and you need comparative
counts above background over time - for decent statistical analysis.



From: Joseph Hao 


As far as I know, there is no known chemical process that releases



RE: [Vo]:Krivit on SPAWAR LENR Shut-down

2012-03-01 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
These comments are interesting:
"In response to your recent query," Fallin wrote, "while I won't discuss
details of our internal decision-making processes, I will confirm SPAWAR
plans no further low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) research. There are
other organizations within the federal government that are better aligned to
continue research regarding nuclear power."

So SPAWAR specifically is out of LENR, not the whole Navy.
And most telling is this...

"We have taken initial steps to determine how a transition of low-energy
nuclear reaction (LENR) research might occur."

So they are transferring further research to some other facility or
department... i.e., they KNOW something novel is happening and that other
entity will continue the work.

It could also mean that the whole field of LENR has been reclassified as
secret, and is being transferred to the black-ops community... don't look
for anything coming out of those folks that helps out us peasants!


-Original Message-
From: Alan J Fletcher [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 10:39 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Krivit on SPAWAR LENR Shut-down

Navy Commander Halts SPAWAR LENR Research

SPAWAR LENR Research Background Information

( -- analyzing the Rossi/Focardi eCat  -- and the defkalion
hyperion -- Hi, google!) 

[Vo]:FYI: faster than a speeding electron... how fast is that??? Radar gun for electron flow...

2012-02-29 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Just some interesting science.


"The researchers discovered that by shining light from a high-power laser
onto a material that contains moving electrons, light of a different color
is generated. They looked at thin crystals of gallium arsenide - a material
commonly used in high-speed electronics and photonics. By applying a voltage
across the crystal, they set electrons to move through it with a specified
speed. By illuminating the crystal with an infrared laser pulse, invisible
to human eyes, they found that visible red light was produced - a signature
of the second-harmonic generation process.


Additionally, they observed that the brightness of the red-light scales with
the speed of electrons. When the electrons have no directional motion, no
red light comes out.


"By detecting the red light, one can accurately determine the speed of
electrons without making any contact with the sample and without disturbing
the electrons," Zhao said.




RE: [Vo]:DGT's 1st test did not test power, just safety (NyTeknik)

2012-02-29 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint


As DGT has stated SEVERAL times, is it up to the visiting entities, NOT DGT,
to release test results!!!  You are not reading things correctly.. perhaps
because English is not your native language.  Those entities, if they CHOOSE
to release the results, will very likely do it via the mainstream media, and
their own website, NOT DGT's website.  Thus, the closing down of the DGT
forum will not make any difference as to whether data is publicly released.




From: Daniel Rocha [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:DGT's 1st test did not test power, just safety (NyTeknik)


Do not expect to see any data from these tests:


"Until Defkalion Green Technologies has its product, we shall no longer get
involved in the games and blogs of online media. Our next announcement in
the coming months will be that of a successful and certified product."


Data is surely a  part  of  these  online games.


RE: [Vo]:Over unity at MIT

2012-02-28 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
PDF was too large, so go get U.S. Patent No. 0119825, McFarland.

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Over unity at MIT

Terry - Not sure I follow. Are you saying that "virtual inertia" comes from
being undisturbed for a time? Please elaborate.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

> [why should "undisturbed" matter? Does making a connection to ZPE 
> require some kind of local stability?]


Maybe this is somehow related to the Aspden Effect?


RE: [Vo]:Over unity at MIT

2012-02-28 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
The key wording is here:


"A heated semiconductor light-emitting diode at low forward bias voltage] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Over unity at MIT


Why do you think it would violate the 2nd law? I don't understand.

2012/2/28 Harry Veeder 

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Daniel Rocha 
> Pay attention at this:
> " Experiments directly confirm for the first time that this behavior
> continues beyond the conventional limit of unity electrical-to-optical
> conversion efficiency."
> It is above the conventional, not that it produces energy out of nothing.
> This is just a way of saying that it exceeded expectation of light
> for a LED.

Yes. It uses electricity to change heat into light. The abstract:

"A heated semiconductor light-emitting diode at low forward bias
voltage V

RE: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-25 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Noone^2 wrote:

"I not a very jovial person."


Yaaa think?  J


Whatever the baggage you're carrying around with you, don't you think it's
time to let it go?  It does nothing by make one's life miserable and full of



RE: [Vo]:Protestants vs Catholics

2012-02-25 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
I think Reality has been talking to Rich Murray!

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 8:28 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Protestants vs Catholics


The 21st century has arrived with a replacement for the fractured, patched
and obsolete Physics of the 20th century. Read it as the new revelation of
Wladimir Guglinski and become a believer.

Simple, sound, easy and a perfect tight fir for universal aspects of our
Physical life. Stand clear of commingling Spiritual and Physical concepts.

Clarity at last,


RE: [Vo]:South Africa Fuel-Free Generator Report : Theory?

2012-02-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
It's KEN Shoulders, not Ed Shoulders...

-Original Message-
From: Zell, Chris [] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 1:34 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [Vo]:South Africa Fuel-Free Generator Report : Theory?

To explain: Ed Shoulders is not some ill-educated crackpot. He discovered a
'particle' he initially called Electron Validum, later changed to charge
cluster. Some Russians independently made the same claim, calling them
"ectons' or something.

Anyhow, they are transient structures of huge numbers of electrons briefly
stuck together, somehow in defiance of mutual repulsion. They can go thru
refractory material like butter and their concentraion of charge means they
can bust thru a Coulomb barrier and transmute atoms.

Shoulders says that various government types wanted to classify his patents
as secret but he published his results in such a way as to prevent that.

RE: [Vo]:South Africa Fuel-Free Generator Report

2012-02-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Nothing I read indicates that it's a "magnet motor". 

It uses a 'modified' motor, and I'm sure it has magnets or electromagnets,
but nothing indicated that it was purely a magnet motor.

Please show where you got that impression.




From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:South Africa Fuel-Free Generator Report


I have seen so many magnet motors.  They come and go..Galteck, Takahasi, the
Smout, Why change now?

-Original Message-
From: Alan J Fletcher 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Wed, Feb 22, 2012 1:59 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:South Africa Fuel-Free Generator Report

At 09:18 AM 2/22/2012, ecat builder wrote:
>Sterling Allan has posted his report on his trip to South Africa to 
>see a 5kW fuel-free generator:
>This technology is back on Sterling's #1 spot for Top 5 Exotic
I guessed it was a failure (the "radio silence" and the removal from 
the top-5 list).
So ..  presuming it's not fake ... how does it work?  (I followed 
some of the earlier links) 

RE: [Vo]:Wordpress mockup of

2012-02-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Morning Jed,


Very first impression upon seeing it was well done; simple and organized.
First paragraph summarizes its purpose, and first page summarizes the
content to be found.  No BS distracting one's eye from the real info... good




From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:48 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Wordpress mockup of




What do people here think?


I honestly do not see any advantage to this compared to old-fashioned HTML
screens, but maybe I should give it a chance.


This took an hour to produce. It is easy to work with, I will grant.



Some of the pages and links here are functional. Hold the cursor over
"Special Collections." Select "Special Collections" (or click here): 


And try clicking on "BARC Studies in Cold Fusion"


Note that on this screen I removed the Google search and "Recent Posts" from
the left side. I think I can put back something like a menu of special
collections on the left side, instead of "Recent Posts." Or if the section
is too long I can put a list of headlines there, which would be a good idea
in the section "A look at experiments."


The LIBRARY menu item goes to the new library screens.


In the News section, I set the number of news items to 3, so the arrow
appears at the bottom saying "Older posts." In a real system I suppose I
would set it to 10 or 20.


This is a rudimentary, no-frills theme. There are thousands more available,
ranging from bad to atrocious. See, for example: 


They all waste a lot of screen space. Most of them feature distracting and
gratuitous graphics.


I can instantly insert one of these other themes to change the overall


- Jed


RE: [Vo]:[JONP] About Leonardo Corp. property + end of partnership with NI

2012-02-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
What was interesting in the article was this:

". soon on this site I will post an article and details regarding an LANR
(lattice-assisted nuclear reaction) patent that has been translated into
English and made available to this site by its author.  The patent was
originally granted in Belgium in the 1990s but has since lapsed.  The author
has requested that I publish that information here as he wishes it to be
shared and widely disseminated."


Does anyone know who he is referring to?


RE: Rossi/NI situation.

My assumption all along was that NI was helping more with
engineering/technical *advice* on how to monitor the various parameters.
they have extensive experience in that area.  There would be no need for NI
to remain actively involved for any length of time once the instrumentation
design was completed. at that point, NI might just be a supplier, but even
that is unlikely since their products tend to be quite pricey, and Rossi
wants to keep the price as low as possible.




From: Wolf Fischer [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[JONP] About Leonardo Corp. property + end of partnership
with NI


Turns out there seems to be another side to the story (again):

Betts confirms that the partnership has ended. She however also confirms
Rossis statements on how the relation between both parties has been.
Further, the term "discussion" seems to be meant as a deeper collaboration
in the beginning. 



RE: [Vo]:Defkalion Testing

2012-02-15 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Terry the interrygator asks:
   "How old is your hotmail account?"

Good question!
Enquiring minds want to know...

But being the well seasoned troll that MY is, he probably has several
alter-egos so when one of them is banned, and questions arise as to when #2
started, as is the case here, he can always claim that alter-ego #1 and #2
were posting during the same period; that #2 didn't 'just' start after #1
was banned...  as if that's some kind of proof that they are two different


-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Testing

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Jarold McWilliams 

> Just more useless speculation that you are wrong about.  I was on DGT
while MY was there, and I told her/him to be more patient until more
information was released.

Well, we are familiar with MPD.  How old is your hotmail account?


RE: [Vo]:Defkalion Testing

2012-02-15 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Oh no. sounds like MaryYugo's brother. only worse.


Jarold, GET OVER IT!

Just wait it out like the rest of us.


Or, get some people and equipment together and try to replicate it like a
few of us.


If it makes you feel good, just call it a fraud and move on. nothing to see




From: Jarold McWilliams [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Testing


I have been very patient with all of this.  I was willing to wait until
March 31, and even then I wouldn't consider it 100% fraud with no tests.
Rossi is a liar if he doesn't even look into conducting a test with Smith,
and there is no reason to believe anything he says with no proof.

On Feb 15, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Robert Leguillon wrote:


[Vo]:Of Nuclear Masses and MIT...

2012-02-08 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

FYI: your intuitive ruminations about the a.m.u and nuclear masses not being
all that 'constant' just might prove insightful!  In his latest paper,
Hagelstein mentions that excited nuclei have differing masses.  The problem
he has encountered is that traditional models for condensed matter (which
have been quite successful so far) have failed to provide the necessary
coupling between nuclear and phononic (lattice) energy transfer.  He has
come up with a new approach which he thinks has merit.  Here are two quotes
from that paper to provide some understanding.


"The intuitive picture that has emerged over the past few years of thinking
about the problem is that the different excited states of the nucleus have
different masses, and under appropriate conditions it may be possible for
the nucleus to notice the mass differences of the different configurations.
This could provide the physical basis for phonon exchange in association
with configuration mixing."


"The resulting model can then be used directly to develop a new Hamiltonian
for nuclei in a lattice that includes the coupling consistent with a
many-particle Dirac formulation.  Interestingly, the model that results
seems to include a relativistic effect which provides a *direct coupling
between the lattice motion and excitations in the nucleus*."


Keep on Ruminatin'.




RE: [Vo]:MIT suggest new physical model for condensed matter

2012-02-07 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Although not quite the same, here's another one which is quite interesting:


Harnessing plasmonics, engineers weld nanowires with light


"In before-and-after electron-microscope images, individual nanowires are
visually distinct prior to

illumination. They lay atop one another, like two fallen trees in the
forest. When illuminated, the top

nanowire acts like an antenna of sorts, directing the plasmon waves of light
into the bottom wire and

creating heat that welds the wires together. Post-illumination images show
X-like nanowires lying flat

against the substrate with fused joints."




From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 11:40 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:MIT suggest new physical model for condensed matter


Axil wrote:

"There are many new quantum mechanical experiments done recently that show
how quantum wells transfer coherence between quantum particle types of all
kinds.  I just saw one where a photon can spin a tiny quantum wheel...light
to mechanical energy."


Here's the reference:

Yes, there have been several developments in the last few months about
coupling between different energy types. I think the pieces of the puzzle
will be coming together this year.




RE: [Vo]:MIT suggest new physical model for condensed matter

2012-02-07 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Axil wrote:

"There are many new quantum mechanical experiments done recently that show
how quantum wells transfer coherence between quantum particle types of all
kinds.  I just saw one where a photon can spin a tiny quantum wheel...light
to mechanical energy."


Here's the reference:

Yes, there have been several developments in the last few months about
coupling between different energy types. I think the pieces of the puzzle
will be coming together this year.



RE: [Vo]:MIT suggest new physical model for condensed matter

2012-02-07 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
The key phrase in the abstract is:
"In the resulting model, there appears a new term in which nuclear
are coupled to lattice vibrations."

I wonder if Hagelstein has been reading Znidarsic's work?


-Original Message-
From: David ledin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 7:40 AM
Subject: [Vo]:MIT suggest new physical model for condensed matter

MIT suggest new physical model for condensed matter to explain many
observations of anomalies in condensed matter systems. they named
Fleischmann , Pons and Piantelli but not rossi .

RE: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit

2012-02-05 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
As has been stated, we don't have the details, so we are speculating.


From: Robert Leguillon [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit


So, they made a control run, with a purely resistive load, but then used a
different input power on the CF run?
It seems that the red output delta T/input power is then scaled up for the
lower CF input power. Why was the same input power as the control run not
used in the CF run? This doesn't seen to be an apples-to-apples comparison. 

> CC:;
> From:
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit
> Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2012 14:45:32 -0500
> To:
> Oops. There is a key on the top right. The green line is pinCF. Power in
CF I guess. So it is not impressive. Anyone can measure electric power with
precision. The blue line is pinohmic. The other lines appear to be output
temperatures in a control cell (left) and the active cell (right).
Fluctuations are small on the left. Still, it is hard to judge performance
from this.
> - Jed

RE: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit

2012-02-05 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Don't understand the confusion.


The LEFT half of the chart has the word 'CONTROL' written above it in BIG
letters, the RIGHT half has NANOR above it; NANOR being Schwartz's acronym
for his version of LENR technology.  The traces look to be continuous (i.e.,
from the same sensors), thus, he must have had a calibrating resistor inside
that he could use to introduce a known amount of energy.


Yes we need more details to feel comfortable about it, and hopefully Dr.
Schwartz will provide them.



From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit


Mitchell Swartz published this:

In the first figure, the green line appears to be the response to input
power being stepped up. I guess this green line shows the temperature in a
control cell. Anyway, that is a splendid stable response, well in proportion
to the input power. This allays some of my concerns about the calorimetry.
However, I would like to know more about it.

I do not not mean I suspect Swartz made a mistake. I wouldn't know. I just
meant there are many way to make a mistake doing low power calorimetry, so
you have to be careful.

- Jed


RE: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit

2012-02-05 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
And those of you on both sides of this, including Dr. Schwartz, failed to
see/acknowledge that the 'claims' that Krivit was reporting were QUOTES from
OTHER LENR researchers (W&L???). 


For example:


"New Energy Times had received a tip from a LENR researcher that the gain
was 18 milliwatts."


[Krivit, restating researcher#2]

"Today, another LENR researcher provided us with Swartz's data. The first
researcher was off, but not by much. It was 80 milliwatts, not 18."


[#1 or #2???, not Krivit]

"In 23 years, he has yet to sustain anything more than 1 watt. There is
little in Swartz's work to get excited about."



The second researcher, who provided Swartz's slides today, wrote this
comment to me in an e-mail:


"When you look at the data, you can see, barely, a 1 degree C temperature
rise for about three minutes, using about 12 mW of input power to produce
less than 100 milliwatts of heat. This is not a breakthrough."


So it seems that all of the specific statements that were WRONG, were Krivit
reporting what *others* had told him, HOWEVER, that does not excuse his lack
of careful review to determine whether those statements were accurate or




From: Daniel Rocha [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Comment from Dr Mitchell Schwartz on Krivit


Mitchel is correct. Krivit is making a fool of himself and is unable to
evaluate anything or anyone that does not support WL theory.  He is a
pathetic and idiot sold out.

2012/2/5 Ron Kita 

Greetings Vortex-L


I saw this posted on Dr Mitchell Schwartz s website on Krivit: 


I am merely a messager.  I am sure that there will be interesting comments.


Ron Kita, Chiralex


Daniel Rocha - RJ


RE: [Vo]:Clues...

2012-02-04 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Jones corrected my error where I said...

"and the three charged leptons (i.e., electron, muon and tau) each have
integer spin."


I meant to say *half-integer spin*...


Thx Jones!



From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 9:26 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Clues...


Food for thought...


I'm looking at wikipedia's "List of elementary particles"

and all Quarks and Leptons have an opposite (anti)...

and the three charged leptons (i.e., electron, muon and tau) each have
integer spin.


I would argue, and this fits perfectly with my qualitative physical model,

that as far as the leptons as concerned, the elementary 'particles' 

(e.g., electron and antielectron (positron)) are simply the two opposites 

of a dipolar oscillation;  and likewise for the muon and tau leptons and 

their anti-particles...


The oscillations are occurring so fast that we cannot, as of this date,

the frequency of the oscillation, and thus, we PERCIEVE them to be separate


The more I delve into the details, the more I see agreement with the

model which has been built up over the years...


Enjoy the SuperBowl commercials! 
They're not nearly as good as they used to be...





RE: [Vo]:3M speculation on Cold Fusion

2012-02-04 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
But the nuclear active layer is very thin...

-Original Message-
From: Nigel Dyer [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:3M speculation on Cold Fusion

I once heard it said that the common denominator behind all of 3M products
are that they are thin (laminates, floppy disks, abrasives, tapes, polish
once it is applied etc).

An Ecat is not very thin

On 04/02/2012 17:30, Ron Kita wrote:
> Greetings Vortex,
> I am not sure if the the "possible" interest in Cold Fusion by 3M was 
> ever posted to
> Voretx:
> -ecat.html
> I should mention that  Dr Martin Fleischmann  and Dr George Buckley 
> CEO of 3M are University of Southampton graduatesthis makes 
> things"highly interesting"
> but does not represent confirmation.
> I know that Dr Buckley is a very open minded individual and that 3M is
>   looking
> for new technology.
> I put many caveats into this message.
> Comments welcomed.
> Respectfully,
> Ron Kita, Chiralex


2012-02-03 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Food for thought...


I'm looking at wikipedia's "List of elementary particles"

and all Quarks and Leptons have an opposite (anti)...

and the three charged leptons (i.e., electron, muon and tau) each have
integer spin.


I would argue, and this fits perfectly with my qualitative physical model,

that as far as the leptons as concerned, the elementary 'particles' 

(e.g., electron and antielectron (positron)) are simply the two opposites 

of a dipolar oscillation;  and likewise for the muon and tau leptons and 

their anti-particles...


The oscillations are occurring so fast that we cannot, as of this date,

the frequency of the oscillation, and thus, we PERCIEVE them to be separate


The more I delve into the details, the more I see agreement with the

model which has been built up over the years...


Enjoy the SuperBowl commercials! 
They're not nearly as good as they used to be...





RE: [Vo]:Cross-over technology

2012-02-03 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Just adding to the 'clues'... this from my posting Dec.17, 2011.
Look for phi-ratios in the numbers...

"Golden ratio" hints at hidden atomic symmetry
Jan. 7, 2010
Courtesy Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres and World Science

By tuning the system the researchers found that the chain of atoms acts like
a guitar string whose tension comes from interaction between the spins of
the constituent particles. "For these interactions we found a series," or
"scale," of "resonant notes," said Radu Coldea of Oxford University, who led
the research.

 "The first two notes show a perfect relationship with each other," added
Coldea, principle author of a paper on the findings to appear in the Jan. 8
issue of the research journal  Science.

The "pitch" of these notes, or their frequencies of vibration, are in a
ratio of about 1.618, the same as "the golden ratio famous from art and
architecture," he continued. If two numbers are related by the golden ratio,
their sum is also related to the larger of them by the golden ratio. In
other words, if A divided by B is that special number, then A+B divided by A
is the same number.


RE: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-03 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Robin comments on Heisenberg Uncertainty applied to remote viewing:
"I am beginning to suspect that there is a Heisenberg uncertainty aspect to
remote viewing. The more clearly something is seen, the less is known about
where or when it is. :)"

I think this could also apply to Rossi's progress toward commercialization!


RE: [Vo]:Verisimilitude, lies, and true lies Part 1

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
You might want to follow this thread:

The quote from the PhysOrg article which starts the thread is this:
"So you have one set of data that tells you the mass-dependence picture
work and another that tells you the density-dependence picture doesn't
Arrington explained. 
"So, if both of these pictures are wrong, what's really going on?"

I know this doesn't speak directly to your point of the variability of the
'constant' referred to as the a.m.u., but I see that you did not participate
in that thread and thought you might have missed it; it may have some
relevance to the a.m.u. issue.

For all the rookie Vortexians:

My point in starting that thread was the following:
"And the experts dare say that fusion is IMPOSSIBLE under the conditions
present in a CF cell?
 This can ONLY be said if one knows everything about nuclear interactions,
and CLEARLY, they DON'T!"

A highly H or D-loaded metal lattice is not normal, and could be considered
'far from equilibrium', so how can anyone claim an unexpected phenomenon
couldn't happen?

The kind of science story which reports on an unexpected result is becoming
more common now that we're able to discern things down to the nano-scale and
pico-second...  with all that we are able to accomplish, and build, and the
accuracy to umpteen decimal places, it's easy to fall into the mindset that
there isn't much to learn about atomic/nuclear physics.  Clearly, there is
still much to learn...

ANYONE who says that LENR/CF is impossible is not a scientist... regardless
of whether its 'real' fusion, or some variant.

From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 2:50 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Verisimilitude, lies, and true lies Part 1

Here is a non-trolling shocker: The so called "unit" at the base of
everything we know as "stuff" (matter) which is the atomic mass unit
(a.m.u.) is a lie. 

That's right - at least it is a small lie in the sense that after all these
years, it has no firm value when you look close enough. No one at CERN knows
exactly what it is, or how variable it can be, after it is pumped down, so
to speak. It is also a "true lie" since we now use an assigned value to
define itself (by convention) but it is a lie nevertheless. We give it a
value that is used to calibrate the instruments that detect it so it CANNOT
vary by much.

This is partly due to the inconvenient truth that the atomic mass unit is
"not exactly" equivalent to an average between the mass of a proton (1.673
10-27 kg) and a neutron(1.675 10-27 kg). Essentially it is a variable within
a close range, so that we overlook the problem of not having a true value.
Plus most of the known universe is hydrogen, with no neutron - so one must
ask - why should it be an average anyway? Plus (HUGE) when you start looking
at raw data - the mass of proton is NOT always the value we suspect without
"recalibration" - and in practice, the detectors of whatever variety - are
essentially calibrated back to give what is suspected to be the "known
value". How convenient. Sometimes they are way-off without calibration.

This all gets back to verisimilitude, as a philosophical matter, but it has
a lot of practical meaning when we begin to dwell on hydrogen energy
anomalies. That is because mass is convertible to energy, and the proton has
such a large amount of potential energy, roughly a GeV, that it can provide
thousands of times the energy of combustion, and still be hydrogen. IOW it
has variable mass within a range and it is not a particular tight range,
when the excess is multiplies by c2.

This also relates to some of the mass of a proton being NOT quantized.
Quarks are quantized but even their mass is at best a wild guess, insofar as
far a firm values go and there is much more there than quarks anyway. More
on that later, but write this off as another level of verisimilitude. 

BTW, the a.m.u. or atomic mass unit is actually smaller than the "average"
of a proton and a neutron, in practice by 1% or so - since some mass is said
to be involved in the binding energy of the nucleus. But hello ! ... even
that is a lie, since if it were binding "energy" instead of force, then
there would be a time delineated component and there isn't really. The
proton does not decay (as best we can tell).

More on this in later postings. My angle, as many vorticians are aware - is
finding new kind of protonic nuclear reaction - one that does not involved
very much radiation or transmutation. Working back from results in Ni-H as
the defining question of our energy future - that forces one to reconsider
nuclear and look at "subnuclear".

Verisimilitude is a bitch. Pardon my French (or is it Italian) on that one,
and Vada a bordo, CAZZO! 

Rossi may be taking on water faster than Mitt changes major policies, but
the "Maru Ni-H" is getting more buoyancy b

RE: [Vo]:Alan, what is SPAWAR "B A N" ? ? ?

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
The thread subject was:

"Mass media exposure kills SPAWAR cold fusion research"


It was initiated by Jed in this posting:

Note that Jed misspelled SPAWAR (SAPWAR) in the opening sentence...


With further comments here:


You could also write Krivit and ask him.




From: Wm. Scott Smith [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 7:24 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Alan, what is SPAWAR "B A N" ? ? ?


What is a SPAWAR "BAN", and forbidding to work on something order. Is there
any source where I could get more info?


RE: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Without getting an explanation from the source, i.e., a Sumerian scribe, how
do we know FOR SURE what the PROPER meanings should be in those
'dictionaries'???  The meanings that ended up there are LIKELY influenced by
what the current thinking is on cosmology and other scientific fields of



From: Daniel Rocha [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:ET - Call home


Well, he was busted when dictionaries of sumerian were made widely
available, including online. It seems he overused creative translation. But,
who knows...

2012/2/2 OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson 


Interesting SA article.

I seem to recall scholar/archeologist Zecharia Sitchin speculating on
the premise that the Sumerian civilization was influenced by an
amphibian race of beings. Sitchin was a prolific author. He rote
numerous scholarly books on his ET hypothesis. I  haven't read any of
them, so I dunno.

I'm more inclined to think of the film "The Abyss" by James Cameron as
a reasonable example of a highly intelligent and technologically
advanced aquatic species who might chose to visit our world. Talk
about the manipulation  of water! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson


Daniel Rocha - RJ


RE: [Vo]:What Bill B. said, to the second power

2012-02-02 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Don't know if you're aware, but MY's true identity has been determined... 
It started with a discovery by Robert Leguillon in this post:
And Terry added some additional thoughts in subsequent posts...

The discourse has returned to the 'normal' rational, tech/sci-focused
discussions which make this a unique forum... I tried several times to
explain the uniqueness of the Collective to George, aka MaryYugo, but to no
avail -- Thanks for performing the exorcism!  

Instead of people leaving due to 120+ postings a day, we now have comments
like this:

JoJo wrote:
"Axil, Please, by all means keep the speculations and the "embarrassing"
experimental advice coming.  I have learned a lot from you and many other
people here.  Vortex has been the most useful forum as far as gaining
insight into replicating Rossi.

And PeterB wrote:
"I have only been on Vortex a few months and I have gained much insight.
There's a lot of smart people here with a wide range of views. I'm starting
to learn to appreciate the criticisms more as well. It's good to be


[Vo]:RE: [Vo]:"The cooper pair dance".

2012-02-01 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
I looked at the subject lines of the author's other papers and it seems he's
focused on ball lightning... and it may be relevant.

The other thing that comes to mind are 'charge clusters' which came out of
Ken Shoulders'  and Hal Puthoff's research.  Try searching for 'charge
clusters' and/or KS or HP.

Buggin' out for the rest of the night...

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"The cooper pair dance".

Perhaps this has already been discussed on Vortex-l, but a quick search
yielded the following paper -

"Formation of Cooper pairs in quantum oscillations of electrons in plasma"

- I have only briefly perused it, but if it's correct, it may point out some
connections of high-temp Cooper-pairing, plasmons, and anomalous fusion.
Some other papers by the author also address this issue:

Any opinions on this series of papers?

- Lou Pagnucco

Axil Axil wrote:
> When protons enter a micro cavity, they rattle and dance around it for 
> a long, long time. All the while, the walls are vibrating.moving back 
> and forth in a random fashion in the protons reference frame, As they 
> bounce of the walls, the walls give and take energy away on each 
> bounce. So when the protons encounter each other, they never have the 
> same quantum mechanical properties.
> [...]

RE: [Vo]:DGT Screenshot

2012-02-01 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
JoJo wrote:

"Axil, Please, by all means keep the speculations and the "embarrassing"
experimental advice coming.  I have learned a lot from you and many other
people here.  Vortex has been the most useful forum as far as gaining
insight into replicating Rossi.


And PeterB wrote:

"I have only been on Vortex a few months and I have gained much insight.
There's a lot of smart people here with a wide range of views. I'm starting
to learn to appreciate the criticisms more as well. It's good to be


Indeed!  The Collective has been much more functional and in line with its
founding principles when the disfunctionals are gone. keep the focus on the
technical/scientific issues, and less on the personalities.  TOGETHER, we
have the technical/scientific expertise, the theoretical as well as the
engineering expertise to make valuable contributions.  There is no reason
that we can't help push this technology along. perhaps the people of the
planet will succeed once again where governments and 'professionals' have


To all the newcomers since early 2011, you might want to use the
web-interface to the forum here:


and do Searches in order to gather up the various discussions that went on
after the Jan demo by Rossi.



RE: [Vo]:Name that tune

2012-02-01 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint



From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Name that tune


Thanks Mark!  This is excellent information that I missed since I joined to 
group much later.



-Original Message-
From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint < <>>
To: vortex-l < <>>
Sent: Wed, Feb 1, 2012 4:23 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Name that tune


Who knows what Rossi is using for the heating elements! J  Things change on a 
weekly basis with him…


IIRC, earlier last year, Rossi said they used a “Programmable Lighting 
Controller”… PLC.  However, that acronym has different meanings; to most in the 
USA, PLC stands for “Programmable LOGIC/LADDER Controller”.  There was a lot of 
discussion on this very topic within the Collective the first half of 2011, so 
you might want to do a Search for articles using various keywords (PLC, 
‘resistive element’, ‘band heater’.  We covered many different ideas, including 
using one of the heating elements to form an E-field within the core… passing a 
current between the two heating elements… we can get pretty creative!! J


Here are some link to Threads which cover the topic…. But be sure to scan 
entire posting as some of the relevant info is further down in the posting, in 
sections being referenced…


















RE: [Vo]:Name that tune

2012-02-01 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Who knows what Rossi is using for the heating elements! J  Things change on a 
weekly basis with him…


IIRC, earlier last year, Rossi said they used a “Programmable Lighting 
Controller”… PLC.  However, that acronym has different meanings; to most in the 
USA, PLC stands for “Programmable LOGIC/LADDER Controller”.  There was a lot of 
discussion on this very topic within the Collective the first half of 2011, so 
you might want to do a Search for articles using various keywords (PLC, 
‘resistive element’, ‘band heater’.  We covered many different ideas, including 
using one of the heating elements to form an E-field within the core… passing a 
current between the two heating elements… we can get pretty creative!! J


Here are some link to Threads which cover the topic…. But be sure to scan 
entire posting as some of the relevant info is further down in the posting, in 
sections being referenced…




From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Name that tune


Good question Peter.  I have asked a number of questions on the DGT forum in 
the past but they do not answer consistently.  The Vortex has a number of 
excellent members with a great deal of knowledge about many subjects.  A 
question such as the ones that I have presented are much more likely to fall 
upon fertile ground here.



-Original Message-
From: Peter Gluck 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Wed, Feb 1, 2012 12:19 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Name that tune

"The question illuminates, not the answer" (Eugene Ionesco) 

Why you are not asking on the DGT forum?


On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 5:15 AM, David Roberson  wrote:

I have always assumed that the heating elements within the Rossi ECAT are using 
AC.  The frequency of the current is assumed to be 60 or 50 hertz, but I do not 
recall anyone measuring it.  One interesting possibility to consider is that 
the large AC magnetic field associated with this current contained within the 
core might be strong enough to agitate the nickel due to its magnetic 
properties at modest temperatures.  Also, do we know how electrically 
conductive the core materials are?  I wonder if the core net resistive value is 
consistent enough to carry current for heating power?


What if the extra spike that we observe in the waveform can be triggered by the 
large magnetic field or current that flows within the core region?


A lot of questions and few answers.  Maybe some of them will cause a light to 
shine within one of our collective minds.



-Original Message-
From: francis 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Tue, Jan 31, 2012 9:56 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Name that tune

Why does everyone assume the heater elements use DC? A transformer would be the 
easiest way to adjust the voltage or current to larger rms values and would 
explain the isolation transformer. The blue control box then might simply gate 
this AC power through the transformer for longer or shorter durations. This 
wouldn’t be called an RFG but it would have the same effect while 
simultaneously heating the reactor elements.




Jones Beene
Tue, 31 Jan 2012 15:09:19 -0800

Mine too, and now ... the real reason for this inquiry - why do you need



Coincidentally, as you mentioned in the preceding message, they claim NOT to

use an RFG. 


Which technically does not mean they do not have a fair amount of RF noise

in the reactor, does it? It means only that they have no dedicated RF



There are other reasons for having an isolation transformer than to protect

your Variac and other instruments and computers from a source of disruptive

electrical spikes, so it's not a smoking gun - but is there a good reason

not to suspect either a spark gap or glow discharge arrangement inside the

reactor somewhere?


After all, if we were talking about resistance heating elements (ala AR)

being your thermal input and your P-in, then an isolation transformer would

not be needed, correct ?


2012-01-31 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

I just want to thank you both for taking time to analyze carefully the W-L

We could use more theoretical types in the 'Collective'.



From: Giovanni Santostasi [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:W&L



Daniel you are right.

The order of magnitude of a field at the Bohr radius from a proton is 10^11
V/m. It seems also that the interpretation of the paper describes this
situation where the electron sphere is the size of an average atom. I
misunderstood what the paper was discussing.


Gigi, did you use cgs units to do your calculation? Otherwise if you want to
use mks you have to add the coulomb constant to the Coulomb equation in the
Srivastava paper. I think this where you error was. 



RE: [Vo]:What Bill B. said, to the second power

2012-01-31 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
So MaryYugo was still using HIS female-sounding pseudonym instead of HIS
real name???

HE must think we're really stupid. is HE not aware of the fact that HIS
identity has been clearly established???


Randy, send me HIS response and I'll look it over. 



From: Randy Wuller [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:What Bill B. said, to the second power




This post prompted a reply from Maryugo.  Since MY is banned here and at the
Defkalion site and since I converse with MY (by email) occasionally, she
sent me her reply to Bill Beaty which I presume he received and did not
elect to post.  She has requested that I post her reply and I hesitate
principally because this site has a right in my opinion to censor and a
right to ban and if Bill has decided to both ban and censor MY, I conclude
that I too would be in violation of his censor and ban on this occasion if I
without authority posted her response.


However, I am sympathetic with the rights of someone to defend themselves
(being a lawyer) and it seems to me that if members of this site continue to
post about MY, maybe she should be given a limited right to respond.
Further, while I deem MY to be annoyingly repetitive, had she only
occasionally pointed out the problem with the current state of Mr. Rossi's
affairs, I for one would not have been troubled.  MY does make valid points,
it is just after reading the same point about 1,000 times, one has to say


I hesitated to join the Vortex because I see it as a what if site dedicated
to discussing the possible science behind "Cold Fusion" (I like that Moniker
better then LENR) and I am not really qualified (as a lawyer) to add much.
However, even before joining I reviewed to posts almost daily and really
enjoy the dialogue which has improved since the banning.  I think site works
best assuming Cold Fusion is real and dialoguing about why it works.


Anyway, I leave it to Bill and the other members of Vortex as to whether I
post MY's reply.  If the answer is NO, I have it available for anyone



- Original Message - 

From: Jed Rothwell   


Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 2:20 PM

Subject: [Vo]:What Bill B. said, to the second power


At the denouement of the recent kerfuffle here, Bill Beaty wrote a message
to Mary Yugo that described the situation perfectly. It is a sort of pocket
history of the cold fusion dispute. A haiku history, if you will. It was
quoted in the Defkalion forum. It is here: 


He nailed it. I could not agree more.


- Jed


RE: [Vo]:DGT Screenshot

2012-01-30 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
In the first video that I watched, when the camera panned left to view the
gas cylinder on the floor, they blurred out the vid shortly after the tank
came into view... so are they conscious of what gets onto a video??? Yes...

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 5:26 PM

I could not spot a standard tank of argon anywhere, but there could be a
lecture bottle in there somewhere. Argon cylinders would normally have a
dark green shoulder. They might have cut out the footage of that tank for
the obvious reason.


[Vo]:magnetic monopoles and nuclear transmutations

2012-01-30 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Equation for Light Leptonic Magnetic Monopole and its Experimental Aspects

Georges Lochak


An excerpt from the Abstract:

"Our monopoles are magnetically excited neutrinos, which leads to
experimental consequences. These monopoles are assumed to be produced by
electromagnetic pulses or arcs, leading to *nuclear transmutations* and, for
beta radioactive elements, a shortening of the life time and the emission of
monopoles instead of neutrinos in a magnetic field."


In summary, they performed experiments of electrical discharges under water
with Titanium foil (and other foils), and found that only 48Ti to be
anomalously depleted in the 'ash', but that there were numerous other
elements found; little if any excess heat, and no energetic
particles/emissions. Seems that this experimental method strongly favors the
transmutation pathway over all others (i.e., thermal, nuclear (strong





RE: [Vo]:RE: Defkalion video of internal testing

2012-01-30 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
There seems to be the assumption that the video is an example of their
latest and greatest level of heat generation!  I may have missed it, but
there is no such statement by DGT to that effect... it is just an example of
*some* testing going on.

Unfortunately, this smacks of the same kind of inconclusive stuff we saw
from Rossi...

Since we know they  monitor the Collective, perhaps they just wanted to
counter some of MY's repetitious suspicions and accusations that they didn't
even have a lab... which were obviously nothing more than baseless
Back to a 'holding pattern'...  :-)
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 7:46 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:RE: Defkalion video of internal testing

From: Peter Gluck 
*   Jones, and why do they claim > 650C and an experiment with duration
of 48/48 hours?

Well, maybe so, Peter - but that is not in evidence in the video we are
talking about. 

If they have indeed gotten to both that level of heat, and for that length
of time - in the same experiment with a heat sink - then that is a huge
advance. But so far as far as they admit, the gain is far less than you
think because they say no coolant. No delta T is mentioned.


RE: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele Passerini)

2012-01-29 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
If you are so bothered by the few tens of postings about MY in the last
week, where was your objections to MY's 900 postings in 2 months, mostly
about things that had already been conclude months before she started
posting (11/10/2011); most of which were her speculations and suspicions
about Rossi and the potential that it was all just pure scam?  Funny you
should scream about a few days of chastising now, but made NO COMMENT
WHATSOEVER when it was Mary barraging the forum with hundreds of postings a
week!  She (he) is a cowardly skeptic who hid behind the veil of anonymity
claiming she feared for her life because of threatening emails and such...
she (he) is a liar... exactly what she was accusing Rossi of.

-Original Message-
From: Kyle Mcallister [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 9:58 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele

--- On Sat, 1/28/12, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint  wrote:

> As the one who 'rode her ass' a number of times, I have said that her 
> (his) technical criticisms were WELCOME... but to lay off the focus on 
> the personalities.

Good idea. Discussing the science and analysis of the tests is what we
should be talking about. 

Except that you and others are now doing exactly what you say she was banned
for. Focusing on the personal nature/personalities. Why don't you do as you
suggested before, drop this garbage, and let us get back to the real heart
of the matter, the technology (whatever it is) itself?

But it's a much different taste when the tables are turned, isn't it? You
(not just you personally, Mark, a bunch of you) really didn't like what Mary
had to say, and it pissed you off so much you just can't drop it. You have
to dig it back up and keep going with it. The desire for the last word, the
last insult, is just too much. And who can blame you? No one. You're only
human, after all, and just as fallible as any of the skeptics you so

Meanwhile, the rest of us are all hoping, or praying, whatever the case may
be, for a truly revolutionary thing that gives us essentially free (or at
least far cheaper) heat during the winter, or clean water.

> She ignored all suggestions and continued with the barrage of 
> postings...  She (he) deserved to be banned, and this forum is much 
> better off and more functional without her (his) presence.

Yes, by my count things have drastically improved. In the last 24 hours,
only a little greater than 50% of postings to Vortex-L have had to do with
Mary's identity and motivations. Yes, indeed, this is grand progress. Good
work, gentlemen, pat yourselves on the back.

Three posts of the many in this thread have to do with the original topic.
The rest have to do with the Mary legacy.

Think about that. And maybe, just maybe, drop this garbage, and let's get
back to the fun stuff that Vortex used to be about.


RE: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele Passerini)

2012-01-28 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Agreed, 110%...

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Andre Blum  wrote:
> I vote for stopping the discussion about MY's real identity right here.

I vote all you johnny-come-latelys quit telling us old farts who have
supported this forum for over 15 years to quit telling us what you do and do
not want us to discuss.



RE: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele Passerini)

2012-01-28 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Yes, you did indeed miss something... You are really out of touch with what
went on, and WHY she was ultimately banned... 

Tell you what... you go back and read ALL 900+ of her (his) postings since
only 11/10/2011, and then tell me that you still think that!  Out of those
900+ postings, I would bet that 800+ were simply repetitious postings about
Rossi's contradictory statements, the inconclusive 'demos', the unknown
customer, and her 'suspicions' about Rossi's behavior and business
practices.  VERY LITTLE TECHNICAL CONTENT, and conclusions which the
Collective had ALREADY settled on or mentioned by April of last year (and
here she (he) was beating the pulverized horse in Nov/Dec timeframe). People
were leaving the forum because there were over 100 unread postings in 24
hours (now we're down to less than 30)... so it was impacting the forum in a
negative way...

As the one who 'rode her ass' a number of times, I have said that her (his)
technical criticisms were WELCOME... but to lay off the focus on the
personalities. She ignored all suggestions and continued with the barrage of
postings...  She (he) deserved to be banned, and this forum is much better
off and more functional without her (his) presence.


-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele

By the way, I'm disappointed by all the Mary Yugo bashing. I did not find
MY's skepticism to be severe or particularly extreme, compared to plenty
I've seen.

Maybe I missed something, but speculation that a company that makes
calorimetry equipment would sabotage that equipment when selling it to a
cold fusion researcher, merely because a skeptic works there, is libelous
and utterly out of place.

[Vo]:Fate of the quark model...

2012-01-26 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
I was reading the abstract for 

"Anomalous mass of the neutron", 11/21/2011

on Rossi's JONP site, and there was this phase,

"The quark model (d,u,d)."


Is this perhaps descriptive of the quark model's ultimate fate?




RE: [Vo]:Chirping sounds in nature

2012-01-26 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Do a web-search for Myron Evans.


He was a very prolific scientist/mathematician, and published quite a number
(over 100) of papers.

One topic he did considerable work on was RF-induced fermion resonances
using *circularly-polarized* RF, and I think there were also papers on
pulsed RF.


After he began interacting with Tom Bearden, his reputation suffered, and
many of the academics helping out with his foundation jumped ship. got that
directly from one of them!




From: jean guy moreau [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:24 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Chirping sounds in nature


First English is not my native language so please forgive the way my phrases
are structured.
>From reading those fascinating messages on this list, i cannot help but
notice that the basics of the magic reaction 
we are all wondering about is really simple after all. 
The right materials in the right geometry, plus a little helping energy and
voila, bright future ahead.
If it is so simple, then nature must have found a way to utilize this source
of energy, so maybe we should look again
at the energy balance of some living creatures, hummingbirds comes to mind,
just dipping their tounge into a little nectar
and up they go flying hundred of Km.
Hummingbirds do something else that you can hear if you are close enough,
they "sing" a strange chirping sound,
as do insect, in fact most animals produce some kind of sound, frequencies
should we say ?
And of coures we have music all the time, in our ears and in our minds,
don't we ?
So maybe Rossi is using a chirping RF generator to get his reactor going... 
Jean Guy Moreau
Quebec, Canada

RE: [Vo]:Chirping sounds in nature

2012-01-26 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Sounds like a horny cricket likes the warmth of his ham-shack!


My dad was a ham. W6PXZ.  

Good memories.


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Chirping sounds in nature


From: jean guy moreau 


So maybe Rossi is using a chirping RF generator to get his reactor going... 

Yes, this is the way the E-Cat sounds on Ham radio J


RE: [Vo]:The color of vortex?

2012-01-26 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Check out his youtube channel,

and some of the comments on the lower-RH side, including link to this pdf.


From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:50 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:The color of vortex?

No, didn't even see a scope!

There must be multiple reflections making it look like there is some really
unusual/complex filament structure inside the bulb...

Did you watch his (user: magnetvortex) other vids?

The one with the magnets in front of CRT (first color, then BW) is very

The BW test certainly appears to indicate a vortexial circulation causing
CRT's electrons to twist first clockwise then CCW depending on which
mag-pole is next to the CRT.


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:The color of vortex?

Did you see a scope shot? I would expect it to be typical of DPSR spiking -
but how that translates into the skewed light is not clear. If it is audible
frequencies, there should be more noise. Maybe he means high audible (above
10 kHz). 

There is an interesting cross-connection with the Letts/Cravens effect, and
that is why I posted it.

As best I can tell, the coil secondary is apparently wound and then
counterwound, and then the primary is counterwound on top of them, with a
gap. Looks to be air core. 

This probably results in a combination of DPSR interference peaks
(Dicke-Preparata Superradiance) but the subradiance is somehow suppressed. 

Interesting that the tungsten emission spectrum is so heavily skewed. It
would not surprise me that there is a strong UV component now, which was
absent before.

From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint 

RE: Jones 'the color of vortex'
The video dude says:
"I am building Kapanadze type coils and modulating them with audio waves
with multiple harmonics"

So, he is modulating the coil with audio-frequencies (20Hz to 20Khz???), and
the bulb is somewhere in the circuit containing the K-coil(s)??? Have I got
that right?


why is this light emission blue? The implications of a tungsten filament
emitting at a higher frequency than expected is intriguing ...


RE: [Vo]:The color of vortex?

2012-01-26 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
No, didn't even see a scope!

There must be multiple reflections making it look like there is some really
unusual/complex filament structure inside the bulb...

Did you watch his (user: magnetvortex) other vids?

The one with the magnets in front of CRT (first color, then BW) is very

The BW test certainly appears to indicate a vortexial circulation causing
CRT's electrons to twist first clockwise then CCW depending on which
mag-pole is next to the CRT.


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:The color of vortex?

Did you see a scope shot? I would expect it to be typical of DPSR spiking -
but how that translates into the skewed light is not clear. If it is audible
frequencies, there should be more noise. Maybe he means high audible (above
10 kHz). 

There is an interesting cross-connection with the Letts/Cravens effect, and
that is why I posted it.

As best I can tell, the coil secondary is apparently wound and then
counterwound, and then the primary is counterwound on top of them, with a
gap. Looks to be air core. 

This probably results in a combination of DPSR interference peaks
(Dicke-Preparata Superradiance) but the subradiance is somehow suppressed. 

Interesting that the tungsten emission spectrum is so heavily skewed. It
would not surprise me that there is a strong UV component now, which was
absent before.

From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint 

RE: Jones 'the color of vortex'
The video dude says:
"I am building Kapanadze type coils and modulating them with audio waves
with multiple harmonics"

So, he is modulating the coil with audio-frequencies (20Hz to 20Khz???), and
the bulb is somewhere in the circuit containing the K-coil(s)??? Have I got
that right?


why is this light emission blue? The implications of a tungsten filament
emitting at a higher frequency than expected is intriguing ...


RE: [Vo]:The color of vortex?

2012-01-26 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
RE: Jones 'the color of vortex'
The video dude says:
"I am building Kapanadze type coils and modulating them with audio waves
with multiple harmonics"

So, he is modulating the coil with audio-frequencies (20Hz to 20Khz???), and
the bulb is somewhere in the circuit containing the K-coil(s)??? Have I got
that right?


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 8:31 AM
Subject: [Vo]:The color of vortex?

why is this light emission blue? The implications of a tungsten filament
emitting at a higher frequency than expected is intriguing ...


RE: [Vo]:Resonances: Coupling between electronic states and vibrational modes (phonons)...

2012-01-26 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Morning guys!

Yes, the state-space involves numerous variables, and their interactions
(e.g., CONstructive vs DEstructive interference)... trying to model it,
understand it, and then control it will likely be a monumental task.  The
complexity of the problem, and it's sensitivity to precise frequencies
(because we're dealing with resonances), also makes this a VERY difficult
thing to reproduce.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Resonances: Coupling between electronic states and
vibrational modes (phonons)...


My reply was originally to Mark Iverson's thread - I don't know why it
started a new one.  Mark is citing some experiments showing that
photosynthesis is more efficient when driven by selected multiple fixed
frequencies, and wonders whether there is a connection with CF/LENR effects.

Good question on Ni-H.  Rossi apparently uses an RF-generator.  I have to
check on others, like Miley and Defkalion.  Energetics uses ultrasound -
their signal is imprecisely defined in their patent application,  but it's
clearly broadband, and appears to have a discrete "picket-fench" spectrum.

Based on the papers I've perused, I'd guess that optimal em/sonic
stimulation depends sensitively on particle size, temperature, morphology,
density, colloidal formations, crystallization patterns, proximity to
surfaces, ...

If Rossi's claims are accurate, I'd bet that National Instruments is trying
to (somehow) close the loop in this huge state-space to stay in the tiny and
elusive stable optimal operating spaces.

Lou Pagnucco

> Lou,
> This kind of photon stimulation was of great interest a few years ago 
> and is known as the "Letts/Cravens effect". They had a tortuous path 
> to get it to a useful level when at EarthTech. Many null results in 
> the process. "Are we there yet?"
> At one time they also were saying that a magnetic field adds to the 
> effect.
> That is of keen interest as well, if this effect relates to quantum 
> entanglement, in any way.
> Two additional points of interest that jump out to the Ni-H crowd:
> 1)This gain from optical stimulation applies to Pd-D. Does it apply
> equally to Ni-H?
> 2)The highest gain is at ~15 THZ which is a IR emission (near IR)
> better known from its wavelength about 1.5 microns. This corresponds 
> to a blackbody temperature, so the laser only adds coherency.
> Actually the third point for interest for Ni-H watchers is derivative.
> If the answer to 1) is yes, then should not the active powder be in 
> the size range of 2)?
> Original Message-
> From:
> Along those lines, you might want to read - "PROGRESS ON DUAL LASER 
> We have continued our experiments using duel laser stimulation of 
> electrochemically loaded PdD. In earlier work, we used two properly 
> oriented and polarized tunable diode lasers which provided stimulation 
> at optical frequencies; interestingly, we found that the excess heat 
> is sensitive to the beat difference frequency. Low-level thermal 
> signals are observed to be triggered at apparent resonances when the 
> difference frequency is 8.3,
> 15.3 and 20.4 THz
> Perhaps, also related is the ultrasonic "Superwave" LENR stimulation 
> used by Energetics Technologies - 
> My impression is that their source has a wideband discrete spectrum of 
> phase-locked frequencies - so that the same stimulus signal is 
> repeatedly swept.

RE: [Vo]:Problem with flow calorimetry in Defkalion system

2012-01-25 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
I was under the impression that the physical shape of Rossi's core was
similar to what was used in DGT's Hyperion?  More of a low-height,
rectangular shape...

-Original Message-
From: Alan J Fletcher [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Problem with flow calorimetry in Defkalion system

Am I right in thinking that if the Hyperion is roughly cylindrical, then the
heat flow between the inner and outer surfaces is calculated as in

A hollow cylinder

For a cylinder of length L : inner R1 at T1, outer R2 at T2

Q =  2 pi k (T1 - T2) / ln ( R2/ R1 )

Since this cylinder is surrounded by another insulating cylinder we don't
have to worry how it gets rid of the heat
(radiation,convection,conduction) to the surrounding air.

(I think I'll have another go with the Elmer FEM program).

[Vo]:Resonances: Coupling between electronic states and vibrational modes (phonons)...

2012-01-25 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

The presence of excess heat, and [near] lack of high-E particles/photons
from LENR reactions would require coupling the large amount of E into the
lattice vibrations (phonon modes) instead of into gammas (photons) or
particles (neutrons and subsequently, dead grad-students).  The article
below looked into the energy-transfer (coupling) process in photosynthesis.
They discovered that the coupling between electronic states and vibrational
modes is greatly enhanced when they hit the light-harvesting complexes of
algae with a 2-color (wavelength) photon spectroscopy.


How does this apply to LENR?  According to DGT, the form of LENR used in
their technology (and likely all Ni-H gas-phase experiments) is a
'multi-stage' process.  One of those stages is the coupling of the excess
[nuclear] energy into the lattice instead of the usual gammas or energetic
particles.  I would posit that there is something unique about the geometry
of the H-loaded metal lattice and the AMOUNT of heat energy that is present
which determines the frequency of the lattice vibrations (phonons), which
establishes a coherence similar to the below article which couples energy
from electronic states to vibrational modes.  The difference is that LENR
would be coupling nuclear energies to the lattice... or could there be
coupling from nuclear to electronic, and then from electronic to phononic?


PhysOrg article:

Key phrases:

"By using the newer, less common technique, called two-color photon echo
spectroscopy, the researchers could excite only the pathway in which
[quantum] coherence occurs. Singling out this pathway revealed clear
signatures for strong coupling between the electronic states and the
vibrational modes of the protein matrix (phonons)"


"Our observation of strong coupling between the electronic states and the
phonon modes of the protein matrix provides strong experimental evidence
that classical treatment of these interactions is not sufficient,"


>From the paper's abstract:

   "... allowing coherent coupling between otherwise nonresonant

which is here:



Longer excerpt from PhysOrg article:

"... the quantum coherence in the algae's light-harvesting complexes was
originally observed using 2D electronic spectroscopy, which uses short,
broadband pulses to probe energy dynamics. The use of broadband pulses
(i.e., pulses with a wide range of frequencies) excites many different
pathways simultaneously. Although this technique can be useful, it also
makes it difficult to isolate different processes since multiple excitations
can interact and alter each other's dynamics. 


By using the newer, less common technique, called two-color photon echo
spectroscopy, the researchers could excite only the pathway in which
[quantum] coherence occurs. Singling out this pathway revealed clear
signatures for strong coupling between the electronic states and the
vibrational modes of the protein matrix (phonons) in the algae's
light-harvesting complexes. As Davis explained, this type of interaction is
not what is expected from the classical models that have traditionally been
used to describe light harvesting and energy transfer in photosynthesis.


"Our observation of strong coupling between the electronic states and the
phonon modes of the protein matrix provides strong experimental evidence
that classical treatment of these interactions is not sufficient, and that
models including the microscopic details of the coupling interactions are
indeed required," Davis said. "The quantum nature of these interactions
increases the scope for quantum effects to have an impact and enhances the
possibility of coherent energy transfer in photosynthesis."


In the future, the researchers plan to further extend the technique to
investigate these quantum mechanical interactions and the role they play in
light harvesting and energy transfer.


"We are currently exploring the dependence of these coherent interactions on
a number of experimental parameters, including temperature, wavelength and
polarization," Davis said. "These results will enable us to explore the
nature of the excited states, their interactions with the phonon modes of
the protein matrix and the role they play in energy transfer. We also plan
to investigate whether such long-lived coherences also exist between other
states in these systems and ultimately whether coherence transfer between
states occurs and is relevant for photosynthesis."



RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-25 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
A few questions... I have specific reasons for each one.

1) When you refer to the variable mass of a proton, are you thinking about
H, or protons in all elements?

2) If the mass of a proton = m_sub_p +- m_sub_v , would the variability
(m_sub_v) be less than or equal to the total mass of the electrons in the

From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:18 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

From: Chemical Engineer 

*   Can one "regen" the hydrogen by circulating it through some type of
catalyst, palladium etc to get it "re-energized" ?
Very interesting question/speculation. In fact you may have hit on an
important detail.

This probably gets back to QCD and gauge bosons - and how (or if) nuclear
mass can be transferred between nuclear entities, without benefit of a known
thermonuclear reaction. 

I have no strong clue, and do not pretend to be an expert on the full range
of QM, but have read as much on the subject as can be digested, up to now.
If I had to guess with limited knowledge, it would seem that the heavier (in
a.m.u.) that the "donor" is (it must be a proton conductor), then the more
likely extra mass in the form of nuclear bosons would transfer - i.e.
transfer from a heavier element to the "depleted" proton. Pd is a likely
candidate, but there are better ones.

Again, let's keep in mind the net proton mass is far from quantized. The
leap of faith is that net proton mass is an average with a range of values,
since it is not quantized like quark mass (and that it can vary a fractional
percent or more as "overage" or "deficit"). 

Of course, some of the mass variation would then be convertible to energy
when the strong force is pitted against Coulomb repulsion. That is where QCD
comes into play. Let's say the "known mass" of the proton in the standard
model is 938.272013 MeV. However, this is really an "average mass" based on
whatever the most advanced current measurement technique is being employed -
and that it can vary in individual protons. The quark component of protons
is the only component which is "fixed" with a quantum value and at least a
hundred MeV is "in play". There is a range of expendable mass-energy of the
non-quark remainder (pion, gluon, etc) - which is extractable as the 'gain'
seen in the Ni-H thermal effect - yet the proton maintains its identity.

Can this mass loss, if depleted (leading to quiescence) then can be
replenished by exposure to a heavy nucleus (bringing the average mass of the
proton back up)? That is the gist of our speculation.

Perhaps the proton net mass can go down to say - 937 MeV, for instance, on a
temporary basis, and with a decent amount of energy release - and thereafter
this deficit is recouped. We do not need to specify how it is recouped
(regauged) yet, but the route is surely encompassed in one of the
definitions of ZPE (i.e. Dirac's negative energy 'sea'). 



RE: [Vo]:LEAD shielding - a dual purpose?

2012-01-25 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Hi Steven...
Think the most likely explanation is that Rossi was trying to throw people off 
his trail; slow them down.  If the competition thinks that gammas are produced 
in copious numbers, they will be looking at the wrong theoretical 
explanations... he's leading the snakes down the wrong hole. 

-Original Message-
From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LEAD shielding - a dual purpose?

Good comments from everyone.

RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-25 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
DGT has accused Rossi of using an idea or design which they came up with,
and IIRC, they were referring to the flat, rectangular-shaped reactor core
that Rossi began using instead of the cylindrical design seen in the first
several demos in early 2011.  So I think Rossi is now using something akin
to what DGT is, and what you described in your posting.



From: Axil Axil [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance



IMHO, quiescence is caused by deterioration of the micro-powder surface due
to inadequate heat control.


I speculate that DGT has move the heat producing powder zone to the reactor
vessel wall. The powder is mechanically affixed to the reactor vessel wall
with excellent heat transfer characteristics.


Because of this design change, the temperature of the powder will never
exceed the coolant temperature and therefore is "idiot proofed"


But in order to get the powder above the Curie temperature of nickel, the
coolant must support very high temperature heat transfer in excess of 400C.



On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Alain Sepeda 

I don't have the answer, but it was my assumption, about control.

Quiescence does not seems to be a problem with DGT according to their talk
and (more important) to their test protocol (which does talk about
continuous heat). 


2012/1/24 Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint 


Could the quiescence be something as simple as heat not being extracted fast
enough from the Ni-core material and it eventually builds up to begin
melting the Ni tubercles, slowly quenching the 'active area'?   If so, then
my initial thoughts don't apply and it is an engineering problem.




RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
No complaints here Axil. as far as I can recall, your postings have a high
SNR, very little repetition, good links to references.  Like Horace, you
tend to ignore the non-technical discussions, and seem to like working on a
theoretical understanding.  That's great!  As far as the 'indiscretion' is
concerned, if it was directed at Eff or even Shaun, they violated vortex
rules numerous times, so they had it coming. don't worry about it, just keep
on thinkin' and postin'.



From: Axil Axil [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance



Best regards to all:


I am happy to still be here having narrowly avoided the kill list. I
apologize for a singular, ill-advised, and unintentional indiscretion humbly
begging forgiveness with an earnest plea for redemption if that helps.




RE: [Vo]:MgH2 as hydrogen source

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Chan has put up a website, but there's nothing there yet. claims he's too
busy to engage in conversations.



From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:MgH2 as hydrogen source




Interesting idea, but "Chan" raises many red flags. Are there pictures?
Video? Website?


Can you explain how MgH2 would relate to QM in particular?



From: Jay Caplan 


I'd like to solicit comments from the list re the Chan/Phen/Ortiz postings
using MgH2 as H source as
it would pertain to QM theory, to thermonuclear processes, and to the noted


RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Can't remember, but it was either me or Axil.  what's important is that
someone (you) were able to see a place in the puzzle where that piece fit


The 64 trillion $ question is:

  Do we (Jones, Fran, Axil, some of you PhD newcomers) have enough of the
pieces put together to 'see' what the picture is all about???




From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 3:16 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance


Mark - I thought you found the "entanglement" paper. Or . did you not make
the possible inter-connection between 'entanglement' and 'tunneling'?


Anyway, thanks goes out to whoever brought up the issue of quantum
entanglement. As now - it is sounding more and more relevant even if the
application to tunneling probability is way off the beaten path. After all
this is QM so prepare to be confused.


This is a good time to suggest that anyone interested in how to avoid
quiescence - take another look at the DGT pics. 


I see three solenoid valve controls for hydrogen in/out and the control
circuitry which indicates clearly to me that hydrogen is being periodically
dumped and refilled by computer control. 


I suspect that this cycle is on a timer or a timer plus other inputs in a
simple Pic or Arduino micro-controller. The dumps are probably in the range
of 6-8 hours between cycles (based on Rossi's prior results of the
applicable period of highest activity). The dump-and-refill overcomes the
quiescence cycle, at least in the short term - at the expense of using
perhaps 4-8 extra grams of H2 per day. 


Otherwise - why have solenoid control, if the thing is designed for a 6
month run? 


I hate to imagine that Rossi could be too cheap to realize that the extra
hydrogen dumped is not all that important. Or maybe he is just too proud to
carefully study the Hyperion pictures (more likely).


And besides, with the few grams/day of hydrogen dump, this is not a pure
loss - it can be ported to a fuel cell, where the slight loss of mass form
the prior Hyperion run will not be noticed, since the "depleted H2" can
still be oxidized in a chemical reaction.





From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint 


Jones wrote:

"Stated simply, quiescence involves "too much depletion" in the mass of the
hydrogen so that the high level of probability of tunneling is reduced. This
is where anything that relates to QM probability come in, and you have
already found papers suggestive of a few of these factors."


Re: the statement, ".and *you* have already found papers suggestive."


I started LOL. that *I* found?  This post touches on the element of
'meta-physics' that SVJ has mentioned recently.


One of the things that I enjoy doing it 'serendipitous surfin'. which is
hard to explain, but I just start with perhaps a link supplied here on
vortex, or a link on, and start reading and following links and
reading and following links, grabbing a phrase from some article and
googling it, going thru the search results, and I will usually come across
something that just says to me, "this is important".  Don't know why, since
many of the papers I find and post here require esoteric/advanced physics
understanding that I don't have.  I can usually narrow it down to specific
phrases, but bring in the meta-physical side, I think it's the subconscious
mind which has seen how that paper (piece of the puzzle) fits into the
bigger picture, and somehow alerts my conscious mind that it's important.
The conscious mind is too distracted by the realities of living, work,
paying the bills, etc., to make the 'connections'; to see how a given paper
or discovery is important.


That's where Vortex-l, 'The Collective', comes into play. it's as if the
Collective is a kind of global, artificial subconscious made up of people!
Some people are bringing in pieces of the puzzle but not sure where they go,
and some can see where those pieces 'fit' in.  Does that make sense???  It
is what makes this forum different from most, and is a concept that trolls
don't understand, nor respect.




From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance




The first question that must be answered is: it the Ni-H phenomena Quantum
Mechanical in nature, or is it Thermonuclear, on a reduced scale? 


There are some that still believe Ni-H is thermonuclear and in fact, Pd-D
could be. In fact W-L theory tries hard not to be forced into making that
decision, and has QM features - but if the defining detail of that theory
involves neutrons, neutron capture - and subsequent weak-force reactions,
just as are seen in traditional physics - then it is a therm

RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Jones wrote:

"Stated simply, quiescence involves "too much depletion" in the mass of the
hydrogen so that the high level of probability of tunneling is reduced. This
is where anything that relates to QM probability come in, and you have
already found papers suggestive of a few of these factors."


Re: the statement, ".and *you* have already found papers suggestive."


I started LOL. that *I* found?  This post touches on the element of
'meta-physics' that SVJ has mentioned recently.


One of the things that I enjoy doing it 'serendipitous surfin'. which is
hard to explain, but I just start with perhaps a link supplied here on
vortex, or a link on, and start reading and following links and
reading and following links, grabbing a phrase from some article and
googling it, going thru the search results, and I will usually come across
something that just says to me, "this is important".  Don't know why, since
many of the papers I find and post here require esoteric/advanced physics
understanding that I don't have.  I can usually narrow it down to specific
phrases, but bring in the meta-physical side, I think it's the subconscious
mind which has seen how that paper (piece of the puzzle) fits into the
bigger picture, and somehow alerts my conscious mind that it's important.
The conscious mind is too distracted by the realities of living, work,
paying the bills, etc., to make the 'connections'; to see how a given paper
or discovery is important.


That's where Vortex-l, 'The Collective', comes into play. it's as if the
Collective is a kind of global, artificial subconscious made up of people!
Some people are bringing in pieces of the puzzle but not sure where they go,
and some can see where those pieces 'fit' in.  Does that make sense???  It
is what makes this forum different from most, and is a concept that trolls
don't understand, nor respect.




From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance




The first question that must be answered is: it the Ni-H phenomena Quantum
Mechanical in nature, or is it Thermonuclear, on a reduced scale? 


There are some that still believe Ni-H is thermonuclear and in fact, Pd-D
could be. In fact W-L theory tries hard not to be forced into making that
decision, and has QM features - but if the defining detail of that theory
involves neutrons, neutron capture - and subsequent weak-force reactions,
just as are seen in traditional physics - then it is a thermonuclear theory.


Theories that involve tunneling of protons in one form or another are QM
based - if no neutron is involved. QM is normally too low in probability to
account for much heat. But one aftermath of the development of the modern
CPU by Intel and others is that QM tunneling (of electrons) can be engineer
and optimized to occur at very high rates. A CPU operating a 2 GHz will have
electrons tunneling in predictable fashion the high terahertz range. The CPU
is a QM electron tunneling device operating at high probability.


The CPU is a good model to use for proton tunneling - where instead of a
small chip needing to shed 30 watts of heat (and not gainful) you have much
more heat, and importantly it is anomalous due to the tunneling. 


If there is gain, then it must be defined.  Without going into great detail
on defining the gain for now, except to say that it comes from the mass of
the proton, and it comes without much radiation or transmutation (some of
each, but way too little to account for the gain), then it is easier to
account for the quiescence phenomenon. 


Stated simply, quiescence involves "too much depletion" in the mass of the
hydrogen so that the high level of probability of tunneling is reduced. This
is where anything that relates to QM probability come in, and you have
already found papers suggestive of a few of these factors.


Rossi has designed a reactor where hydrogen is not circulated and it is
likely that he could eliminate the problem with periodic dumping of H2 and
reloading (every few hours) on a set schedule. There is evidence that DGT
may be doing this already.





From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint 


If quiescence is a reality, and *if* it will require a scientific/QM
understanding, the I don't think any amount of 'control engineering' is
going to be much help. one will need to find out the cause of the
quiescence, which is a physics problem.


If the quiescence is of a reasonable periodic nature (i.e., repeatable), or
if it gives you adequate 'warning' that it has started, then one could have
2 or 3 reactor cores inside, only one of which is 'running'.  When it begins
to go into quiescence, one then starts up one of the 'idle' cores. while

RE: [Vo]:Problem with flow calorimetry in Defkalion system

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Alan J Fletcher  wrote:
> At 01:19 PM 1/24/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> I believe they want "professional organizations."
> I'm a professional!  All we need to do is organize!

Oh well, so much for that idea!

Getting the Collective organized would be more difficult that herding


RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Just looked at,

and it certainly looks like a reasonable solution.  Is the 'high heat
transfer' property of fluidized beds larger than if you simply did
film-deposition (as in semiconductor industry) directly onto a substrate?
The applications that I saw on Wikipedia for FB reactors are for chemical
processes/reactions.  Realize that with LENR we are dealing with several
orders of magnitude more intense energy release, so will FB heat xfer be
fast enough to get the heat away from the reaction sites. 


Rossi's early 'reactor cores' were cylindrical, but then 'evolved' to more
plate-like (low height rectangular), which DGT claims was their idea. this
was most likely due to better heat xfer capability.




From: Chemical Engineer [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance


That would be my guess.  A lump of powder might quickly get hotspots and
meltdown.  If you can keep a fluidized bed going the heating would be
uniform.  Maybe that is why defkalion showed that test reactor with a window
in it to see when the powder was fluidizing...

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint


If you are filling a bucket with water at 1 liter/min., and draining it at
0.99 l/min, it will take awhile, but will fill up and eventually overflow.


Could the quiescence be something as simple as heat not being extracted fast
enough from the Ni-core material and it eventually builds up to begin
melting the Ni tubercles, slowly quenching the 'active area'?   If so, then
my initial thoughts don't apply and it is an engineering problem.


From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 12:40 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

On 24 January 2012 19:40, David Roberson  wrote:

I agree that they must have a well designed and functioning control unit to
prevent meltdown.

If quiescence is a reality, and *if* it will require a scientific/QM
understanding, the I don't think any amount of 'control engineering' is
going to be much help. one will need to find out the cause of the
quiescence, which is a physics problem.

If the quiescence is of a reasonable periodic nature (i.e., repeatable), or
if it gives you adequate 'warning' that it has started, then one could have
2 or 3 reactor cores inside, only one of which is 'running'.  When it begins
to go into quiescence, one then starts up one of the 'idle' cores. while
shutting down the quiescent one.  This is a brainless kind of solution, and
wouldn't work if the quiescent core needs to be unassembled in order to make
it 'ignite' again.  If reactive capability can be reinstated by shocking it
with a hi-V pulse or cycling H2 pressure, things like that, then it could be
automated and done while in-situ.  These are engineering problems, not
scientific ones.



RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint


If you are filling a bucket with water at 1 liter/min., and draining it at
0.99 l/min, it will take awhile, but will fill up and eventually overflow.



Could the quiescence be something as simple as heat not being extracted fast
enough from the Ni-core material and it eventually builds up to begin
melting the Ni tubercles, slowly quenching the 'active area'?   If so, then
my initial thoughts don't apply and it is an engineering problem.




From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 12:40 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance


On 24 January 2012 19:40, David Roberson  wrote:

I agree that they must have a well designed and functioning control unit to
prevent meltdown.


If quiescence is a reality, and *if* it will require a scientific/QM
understanding, the I don't think any amount of 'control engineering' is
going to be much help. one will need to find out the cause of the
quiescence, which is a physics problem.


If the quiescence is of a reasonable periodic nature (i.e., repeatable), or
if it gives you adequate 'warning' that it has started, then one could have
2 or 3 reactor cores inside, only one of which is 'running'.  When it begins
to go into quiescence, one then starts up one of the 'idle' cores. while
shutting down the quiescent one.  This is a brainless kind of solution, and
wouldn't work if the quiescent core needs to be unassembled in order to make
it 'ignite' again.  If reactive capability can be reinstated by shocking it
with a hi-V pulse or cycling H2 pressure, things like that, then it could be
automated and done while in-situ.  These are engineering problems, not
scientific ones.



RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
On 24 January 2012 19:40, David Roberson  wrote:

I agree that they must have a well designed and functioning control unit to
prevent meltdown.


If quiescence is a reality, and *if* it will require a scientific/QM
understanding, the I don't think any amount of 'control engineering' is
going to be much help. one will need to find out the cause of the
quiescence, which is a physics problem.


If the quiescence is of a reasonable periodic nature (i.e., repeatable), or
if it gives you adequate 'warning' that it has started, then one could have
2 or 3 reactor cores inside, only one of which is 'running'.  When it begins
to go into quiescence, one then starts up one of the 'idle' cores. while
shutting down the quiescent one.  This is a brainless kind of solution, and
wouldn't work if the quiescent core needs to be unassembled in order to make
it 'ignite' again.  If reactive capability can be reinstated by shocking it
with a hi-V pulse or cycling H2 pressure, things like that, then it could be
automated and done while in-situ.  These are engineering problems, not
scientific ones.



RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Lots of good, and *rational*, skepticism going on today.


Rossi's failure to deliver is likely due to the lack of competent experts in
the required technologies (physics, engineering), and that is probably due
to his ego and/or paranoia of someone stealing his 'secret sauce'.  DGT
differs in that they have an appreciation for the complexity and
sophistication of the effort, and apparently hired the expertise needed.


If Jones' statements about "quiescence" are in fact what is happening, and
Rossi was aware of it, then the business decision to attempt a commercial
unit was a major error. he should have focused on solving that problem prior
to any commercial announcement. perhaps he was attempting a 'hail mary', and
betting that he could solve the problem before delivery, but that decision
has come back and bit him in the a$$... 


Also, I doubt that the quiescence problem can be solved by engineering. it
is likely due to the physics of the reaction and will require strong
scientific understanding to solve.  Fortunately, Rossi has stoked the fires
of interest in LENR, and there are plenty of very competent scientists now
working on it.




From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:22 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance


From: Energy Liberator: The issue I have with Rossi's device is the high
electricity demand required to start off the E-Cat .



You may recall that DGT uses a heat transfer fluid, not water. 


One can employ a reservoir of hot fluid for faster startup, and this bulk
reservoir can serve many units. Thus the need for electric input is


On vortex, a year ago we were suggesting that Rossi should do this (use a
dedicated heat transfer fluid), since one can store heat like this with a
low vapor pressure at high temperature, possible near or higher than the
threshold for startup. 


With water you cannot do this - YET Rossi still does not get it. This is why
he needs the strong engineering help that he is NOT getting. DGT almost
immediately picked up on this, which indicates that they are either
monitoring this forum or had come to the conclusion independently.


Typically with other positive results in Ni-H, which have been openly
reported in the USA (Ahern) - the gain is in the form of a "temperature
inversion" in which there is (X) input and the output is a multiple - let's
say it is 6*(X). 


Note that Ahern was getting only about 1.2(X) - that is: until recently when
we found a commercial nanopowder may have pushed the multiple way up (Sorry
the report of that advance is not ready for publication yet and subject to
many more runs). And thank Zeus that MY is not here to pounce on this bit of
delay in publication.


Anyway, early on, the skeptics hit on this need for constant input very hard
- as being non-reconcilable with the claimed large gain, since after
startup, any large gain should eliminate the need for further input. They
are both right and wrong.


They would be correct if there was steady gain over time in the reactor -
but this does not happen with a few grams of reactant ! The lack of steady
gain is part of the larger problem of "quiescence". The active material goes
in and out gain-mode sequentially. (we have a possible QM explanation for
that oddity).


Get it? 


I hope we do not have to re-convince the new-comers to Vo of the fact that
this need for some kind of "forced continuity" (or stable input power) is
indeed reconcilable with strong gain. 


It is part of the process and it is new physics. You will not find much on
this in current literature but I am prepared to defend it once again if
there are continuing doubts.




From: Energy Liberator 


The issue I have with Rossi's device is the high electricity demand required
to start off the E-Cat and the length of time required to get it going and
then the periodic electric demand to keep it going. In comparison DGT's
system seems draw much lower power to start up and starts much faster. Do
you think that's because DGT have a better / more efficient heater or their
reactor fuel has some catalyst that kick starts the reaction faster. What
sort of temperatures are required to start the reaction?

On 24/01/12 15:27, Jones Beene wrote: 



This comes under the category of 'puffery' and it probably relates to net
gain, if there is any truth to it. 


Obviously if one can achieve lots of heat without input - COP is infinite.
However, when you factor in the quiescent period and the startup delay then
the average over an extended period could be COP-6. 


In the case of DGT, they could be saying that COP=20 is the best gain ever
seen, and they may want to downplay the fact that the average over time, is
far less. 


We await real data, in either case.







[Vo]:insightful and concise...

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
In the interim, while the Collective was being purged of trolls, there were
a few comments that went on thru the backup vortex, and I'd like to bring
one very insightful comment by Mr. Beene over to this, the main forum, for


The thread was about Rossi and DGT, what the coming year will bring, and the
likelihood of who gets to commercialization first. Jones summed it up like

"I think it will probably *be* neither, but it will be *because of* both"


That is almost poetic.



RE: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Mr. Bill Beaty, the list founder and benevolent, and mostly absent,
dictator, shut The Collective down for ~24 hours after flushing the trolls
down the . well, use your imagination.


It is back online now and the signal-to-noise ratio is climbing fast!




From: Energy Liberator [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.


Thanks Bill

Although I'm new to this mailing list and haven't contributed much, I still
enjoy reading the opinions, ideas and news from those more knowledgeable
then myself. I must confess that I'm here mainly for the Rossi / LENR
threads though.

It was becoming impossible and time consuming to filter the repetitive
garbage from the real posts as they pretty much polluted all the threads. I
have to say though it's been deathly quiet here today.

On 23/01/12 09:48, William Beaty wrote: 

Vtx thoughtcriminals.  "Scoffing" and anti-fringe behavior, but didn't leave
in disgust as suggested.  Ungood!  Time for Periodic Cleansing. 


  "Mary" "Yugo" 
  Dusty Bradshaw 
  Shaun Taylor 

Vortex traffic temporarily suspended.  Getting everyone's attention. 

I'll leave "subscribe" turned off for weeks/months, "unsubscribe" remains
active.  Email me directly for problems, suggestions. 

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) ))) 
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website 
billb at amasci com 
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair 
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci 

RE: [Vo]:The Garbage Collection of a Fool's Imagination

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Sure there is.. a hip dude by the name of P. Floyd talks all about it!

Hmmm, for some strange reason, I'm feeling comfortably numb...

-Original Message-
From: Kyle Mcallister [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Garbage Collection of a Fool's Imagination

"There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

RE: [Vo]:The Garbage Collection of a Fool's Imagination

2012-01-24 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Dear Giovanni,

Your post was NOT trolling.


I am probably the one most responsible for your reticence or concern about
posting because I came down pretty hard on the trolls. and that probably has
a few of you concerned about getting the same kind of treatment.  *Please
forgive me*, that is not my intention for those who play by the rules - we
all want this to remain a friendly, respectful forum for discourse.  Your
posting was most appropriate and welcome!


The first thing that comes to mind about your posting, is item 2); that
somebody already thought of it.

That has happened with cold fusion. and I'm sorry that I'm not good with
names, perhaps Jed can help.

But there were two papers, one early 1900s, and one decades later (one was
by Paneth and Peters?) which stumbled upon what is thought to be CF/LENR.
however, these were experimental papers, not theoretical, IIRC.  But it was
considered some kind of anomaly  and never looked into. This is one of my
pet peeves!  That anomalous empirical data is many times forgotten and
explained away as experimental error. But isn't science supposed to be about
the unknown, and trying to better understand what we don't know.. Yet, there
really are some things that will ruin your career if you attempt to do
research on them! That is so anti-science, and yet, that is reality.


F&P, 1989, were the first to really study CF/LENR extensively.. for YEARS
before they come out with it. they knew it was going to cause a lot of
heartburn with their colleagues and especially the physics community.  And
it took guts to do what they did. and they paid dearly.


Keep thinking and questioning and posting.


Most Sincerely,



From: Giovanni Santostasi [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Garbage Collection of a Fool's Imagination



Hopefully my comment is not understood as trolling

but as polite criticism. 


It is nice to have imagination and to think about things that are considered
by main stream science as impossible. I wish more professional scientists
could do that (some do and they wait until they come close to retirement or
at least get tenure).


What is also nice, though, is to try to see what could go wrong in a
particular imagined idea or scheme as a way of understanding better and
making more concrete what one imagines. 


It happened many times to me to think about ideas that I believed were great
to find out almost always that two things were true:


1) the idea had some fundamental problem with it and I could not see it (at
least at first) 


2) the idea was actually good but somebody already thought about it


It is simply difficult to come up with something completely amazing, right
and original at the same time.

But one can learn a lot from this thinking and it is a good way to learn and
think about science and nature that are amazing anyway.


Well, about the buoyancy perpetual motion we have the case that it is
something unfortunately neither original (in the sense that somebody already
thought about it) or really working (even if due to relatively subtle

Somewhere non conservative forces are going to make your device stop. This
why there is not a working model of such devices but often simulations can
be found on the net. 


Here one example of a pretty complete discussion about different kinds of
buoyancy perpetual machines and why they don't work: 






On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:01 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

Speaking of Regularly Scheduled Programming, here's one from Ski-Fi channel!


To my surprise, the troll, Eff Wivakeef, before he was banned, posted
something that I personally found fascinating and transformational. Well.
let me try to explain what I mean by "transformational".


<* * * Warning! * * *>


This has to do with another one of those strange synchronistic woo-woo
events that occasionally pass through my life. If you don't believe in
synchronicity or the existence of strange Unidentified Flying Woo-Woos
(UFW2s) you might as well skip the rest of this post. ;-)



I'm referring to the Troll's attempt to both taunt and ridicule the Vort
Collective by posting a You-Tube link to a bogus free energy device
allegedly based on the manipulation of gravity, gradient water pressure, and




We see an individual, James Kwok, owner of a company called Hidro,
explaining how his technology works with the aid of a fish tank filled with
water and a flexible tube attached at both ends with inflatable bags. One
bag has a weight attached to it. Kwok proceeds to give a warm & fuzzy spiel
with birds chirping away in the background on how gravity affects water
pressure, and how this pressure buildup in-turn affects the buoyancy of the
two inflatable

RE: [Vo]:Defkalion is open for testing as from now

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
A few thoughts come to mind.


I think this forum can put together a team that would do a great job of


I know who would NOT be a good choice:

- NOT a university that has any involvement with hot fusion, CERN, etc.

- NOT a govt agency; can't trust them to be honest, or to do it efficiently.

- NOT a major corporation either; for the same reasons as above.


- SRI/McKubre, since they already have at least some support from their

- Bockris at Texas A&M. but think he retired.





On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:13 PM, Douglas Hill  wrote:

If we could pick any team in the world to do this testing, who would you


Who would be the Super Star team of scientists, skeptics and journalists who
would be the most credible?

On Jan 23, 2012, at 9:14 PM, Patrick Ellul  wrote:

Interesting to say the least. Who will take up the challenge?


[Vo]:New class of electron interactions in quantum systems

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Now that those pesky, annoying trolls have been flushed. oh, better be
careful since my SO is of Scandanavian descent, and just loves the little
buggers.. We can get back to the fun stuff!

New class of electron interactions in quantum systems

and these two statements smacked me upside the head.

"Importantly, by applying a strong magnetic field, the researchers were able
to tune this effect to eliminate the spin-spin interactions while preserving
the orbital-orbital interactions.

"By tuning the effect in two different symmetries of the fundamental state
of the system.we have observed a symmetry crossover identical to those seen
in high-energy physics," says Tettamanzi.

This is kind of interesting as well. but note the wording 'apparent

"The idea here is to create a current flowing through a nanostructure
without applying a voltage between the leads, but by applying varying
potentials at one or more gates of the transistor, in an apparent violation
of Ohm's law."

More information: The paper will be published this week in Physical Review
Letters (online on January 26), but can be viewed online now at arXiv:


RE: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

I think most of us have a healthy skepticism, especially when it comes to
Rossi, and that is always in the back of our minds, but the whole purpose is
to keep an open-mind, ask ourselves 'what if.' and run with that to see
where is leads. engage in discussions, see things from different
perspectives.. It's all good when the overall goal is exploration, learning
and thinking outside the box.


The difference between the skeptics here and those that just got flushed,
rest their souls, is, just because you say you're a LENR believer doesn't
make you oblivious to facts that contradict that leaning. i.e., although we
feel strongly that LENR is real, and therefore there was a good chance that
Rossi was on to something, we are still able to see the discrepancies and
contradictions. that's *rational* skepticism.  This comes about by the
collective wisdom of the Collective. there are strong enough personalities
in the Collective that prevent total belief taking over, and rational levels
of belief/skepticism ultimately prevail.


Looking forward to some interesting weeks and months ahead!



From: Chemical Engineer [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.


Phew, I made it.


I'll come clean.

I am an LENR believer

A Rossi Sceptic (hopefully he will hire some PR help and in the end be
recognized for what he has discovered)

A Defkalion hopeful - glad to hear they have opened up independent testing.
That should get widespread recognition of the potential of the technology.
Paradigm shift.  Hopefully start of a cleaner planet.  I had a dream I built
an LENR reactor to heat my pool year round at any temperature I want.  I
think I will do that.



On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 5:32 PM, William Beaty  wrote:

On Mon, 23 Jan 2012, William Beaty wrote:

Vortex traffic temporarily suspended.  Getting everyone's attention.


OK, back on.

I'll leave "subscribe" turned off for weeks/months, "unsubscribe" remains
active.  Email me directly for problems, suggestions.

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci


RE: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Hi Jouni,

Don’t know if the software, which is quite old, can do what you request, 
however, when the Collective’s  toilet gets backed up with turds, Mr. Bill 
(Beaty) comes in to unplug and flush the toilet… so, it should last for awhile.




From: Jouni Valkonen [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.


This is great, I just cleaned my inbox from about 700 unread messages. I hope 
that we will get more quality and less quantity in near future. 


If someone is too active and produces too little meaningful content, could we 
issue a warning system, that unless a poster reduces his/her posting frequency 
to one mail per day, he/she will be banned? My opinion still is, that voicing 
negative opinions is not bad itself, but flooding my inbox with meaningless and 
nonconstructive 'trolling' is the problem.



On 24 January 2012 04:27, Terry Blanton  wrote:

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:20 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

> Thank you for your recent cleaning efforts, Bill.

I love watching the water vortex after pushing the handle.



RE: [Vo]:Ampenergo's email is disabled

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Shaun, I suggest you take a month to read ALL the postings since last
January, and you'll realize how asinine your statement is -- you are
completely ignorant of just how much rational debate has gone on about Rossi
and the demos.  This forum had noticed, and discussed and debated ad naseum,
pretty much ALL the issues that Mary keeps repeating, including Rossi's
past, DGT, problems with the demos, etc, etc, etc.  I was the one who first
brought up a concern over the placement of the heat exchanger's output side
thermocouple!  You've got to have a really warped way of thinking if you
think that's being defensive of Rossi!  Oh, wait, you've just come here
without having read the last year of postings so how could you know that I
bring up Pro and Con??? NO, of course you couldn't know because you are so
woefully ignorant of that has transpired on this forum the past year!!!  

People even did some modeling, no not the bikini-type modeling, and even FEM
to try to extract as much as they could out of what data we did have... you
do know what FEM is don't you???  The fact that I bring up BOTH things that
might support what Rossi is claiming, AND things which do not, is what a
rational, open-minded skeptic does... not the clearly emotional, overzealous
and borderline pathological way in which you try to ram things down our
throats... do I need to count the number of times you've called Rossi a
liar... in only a few days?  I think it's obvious who is rational and who is

No, I have no skin in the game and wouldn't consider investing at this time
due to the inconclusiveness of the demos... A decision which I had reached
by late March, Early April of last year; LONG BEFORE you or Eff or Mary came
to save the lot of us because we are too stupid to think for ourselves.  Go
get laid and do something useful like water the fish...

I OBJECT to the innuendo and speculations that you and Eff have been spewing
on this forum for several days, even after it has been pointed out to you
that the forum is PRIMARILY concerned with the scientific/technical aspects
of unusual claims.  If you and Eff and Mary want to warn the world about
scams, go to it... more power to ya... just not on this forum.  We don't
need your amateurish reasoning, as stated before, nearly all the
questionable issues were already beaten to death by April.  This forum has
people on it immensely more competent that you, Eff or Mary on
scientific/technical matters, and they aren't shy about pointing out
problems or inconsistencies, and possible scams.

-Original Message-
From: Shaun Taylor [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ampenergo's email is disabled

On 23/01/2012 5:56 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:
> Thank you Susan for triggering a major point about the so-called 
> skeptics, now obviously fitting the definition of 'trolls', that have 
> been spewing their BS for that last several days.
> If you guys and gals are s concerned about helping prevent 
> people who might invest in this scam, don't you think your time would 
> have been better spent trying to get in contact with Ampenergo to 
> alert them to the big mistake that they have made?? Why you're at 
> it, why don't you contact Rossi's licensee that is in the UK??? Yeah, 
> warn them too!
> That way, you could save untold numbers of brainless dupes who might 
> be contacted by these other licensees!!! You'd be heros!!! But NO, 
> you'd rather waste your time spewing ridicule and accusations about 
> business/personality issues on a technical/scientific discussion forum..
> Now that makes a whole sh*tload of sense, doesn't it.
> -Mark

I have emailed them. No reply as yet.

Mark why are you so defensive of Rossi? Do you have skin in this game?


RE: [Vo]:Opponents should please go away and form your own group

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
There are many new-comers to the Collective due to vortex-l being mentioned
on one or more of the websites covering the whole Rossi/E-Cat fiasco... and
because of that, there have been numerous requests for references, which of
course Vorts, and mostly Jed, have kindly provided links.  So the idiotic
excuse that Mary uses to avoid reducing her ignorance level is suspicious to
say the least... links have been provided... she's just too lazy, or
purposely ignoring them.  Perhaps she could use the excuse that there just
are so many postings to read thru... but wait, SHE is the reason for that.
She is by far the queen of useless postings (now a total of 907 since only
11/10/2011, only two months!)... to say 'prolific' is an understatement,
unfortunately she is prolifically repetitious.

You also need to look at Shaun and Eff's postings... 

Thanks for looking into this and hopefully restoring some rational
discussion and a strong signal to the Collective...


-Original Message-
From: William Beaty [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Opponents should please go away and form your own group

On Sun, 22 Jan 2012, Mary Yugo wrote:

> It is absolutely inane to ask critics to "read the literature".   You
> we have nothing better to do than to spend time with unlimited 
> quantities of inadequate and difficult to understand papers?

Certainty that LENR critics should be ignorant of LENR evidence?  Hm.

And applying negative labels to papers never read, in order to excuse any
need to read them?  That's really insane.  That's "flamer crap," a totally
blatant symptom of irrational, emotion-based pseudoscience generally called
"pathological skepticism" or "pseudo-skepticism."  Rational, scientific
people don't do that stuff, even by mistake.

> It's your job as
> proponent of this technology to choose the few papers, in any exist, 
> maybe two or three best ones, for us to read.

No, it's the critic's job to know the topic before judging.  It's the basic
method of science:  judging *after* inspecting evidence, thus avoiding
emotional bias leading to data selection error.

Really, this is like finding an odd restaurant critic who believes that
going to numerous restaurants is Just Not Done, and that all restaurants
should deliver food to the restaurant reviewer's office.  This attitude is a
huge red-flag for the pretend-scientist... to already have judged (perhaps
based only on concensus-following, not on personal study?) then to find
"perfectly sensible" reasons to not read read on the topic they're judging.

Very tricky.

>   It should be papers that show at
> least a watt of CLEARLY and PROPERLY measured excess heat with no 
> infusion of fresh fuel, running vastly longer -- orders of magnitude 
> longer -- than a chemical reaction or stored heat could provide.

And you leap to the conclusion that no such papers exist?  Amazing.

>  THAT is what Rossi
> failed to do.  THAT is what you have failed to point us to.   And it's
> job as the proponent to do the pointing.  It is not our job to go 
> rummaging through all the "stuff".

This above, this is the stereotyped attack of the Scoffer/flamer/troll. 
It's what they always try, over numerous instances starting back in 1989 on
Compuserve.  Giving such people some research papers (or pointing out books
and reference articles) falls right into the dishonest rhetorical trap
they've prepared for their victim.  Don't do it.

Their request for papers is fake.  It's Trolling, it's a 'politician' 
ploy.  Think a moment: a rational critic of LENR would already know the
field; at the very least have read the pro/con books, found reading lists,
reviewed recommended papers, etc.  A troll instead twists the debate around,
attacking with utter confidence based on their own false certainty, then
blaming the victim of the attack for not having done the critic's background
work for them.  And if the victim refuses to fall for it, they can say "See,
they wouldn't send me those papers!"

Making a victim of your attack look bad?  And convincing onlookers that the
attacker is the wronged party?  That's an elegant ploy taken right from the
con-artist list; from the political arena, and is quite disgusting from the
standpoint of the extreme honesty required throughout science. And when done
habitually, skillfully, it's a huge flashing sign saying "THIS IS A TROLL."

Sometimes an intellectually honest, sharp person will make an occasional
slip into very twisted dishonesty.  This above does not resemble such a

> > You have no idea how many papers describe the results you say have 
> > never been published. Anyone who has read the literature can see 
> > that you are wrong.
> Really?  You think it's some sort of universal stupidity or pernicious 
> viciousness that prevents the majority of nuclear scientists and 
> physicists

No, they use exactly the same excuses that you're using r

RE: [Vo]:Rossi lies again to cover his data fraud

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
You do realize that the RFG was not used in the first several E-Cat demos,
aren't you? Oh, that's right, how could you??? Since you just swooped in and
started barfing your accusations and speculations all over the place before
doing your homework!  Not unlike Mary, but at least she is a bit more
cautious in how she does it so she can maintain at least some modicum of

The issue of high-frequency components not being picked up by certain test
instruments is well known by this Forum's members, and has been mentioned
lng ago; many members in this forum have considerable expertise with
electronics, test equipment and a good grounding in physics.  I personally
have several pieces of high-end test equipment, including an o'scope that
has a 600Mhz bandwidth... you do know what that is, don't you???  Many
Vortex members were aware of the issue that hi-freq components could cause
lower than actual power measurements long before F&P's announcement of Cold
Fusion in 1989.

Your *suggestion* as to how Rossi might have fed power to the E-Cat, is ONLY
a POSSIBILITY.  For some reason, your distorted way of thinking IMMEDIATELY
BE THE CASE...  That is pathological, plain and simple.  The only way to
convert a possibility into fact is to measure it with the proper
instruments... until that is done, it is only ONE possibility out of two or
more.  The only rational thing to do when faced with the situation we have
is to simply wait it out and see what happens... which is pretty much what
the consensus was by mid-year.


-Original Message-
From: Shaun Taylor [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi lies again to cover his data fraud

On 23/01/2012 6:14 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
> Shaun, you are in error. I have examined your pictures and like Mary, 
> I do not see the significance of the goop you are referring to. BUT ...
> For the sake of discussion, I accept your premise that the goop was 
> placed there so that Tout can be higher than it would have been.

First point, Jed was not there.

Ok so lets move forward on the assumption Rossi had placed the sensor to
generate a higher than reality Tout.

As the delta T was at best 10 deg C, a bias of 6 or 7 deg C would say there
was no excess during the power applied phase.

Then the heaters were "disconnected" and the RFG was engaged.

Here I see 2 avenues to apply power during the self sustain mode.

Via the RFG leads which could be a high DC voltage with a small AC ripple.
This would show up on a AC amp meter as a small current with the DC
supplying the secret heating.

This job could be split between the Small Blue Box (SBB) AC heater
excitation. It could also generate a DC output with a small AC ripple.

It amazes me with all the brains in that room and with the future of LENR
credibility on the line, NO ONE brought a portable digital oscilloscope and
looked at what the RFG and the SBB were ACTUALLY generating. Digital meters
are well known to under report current and voltage from complex non
sinusoidal wave shapes.

But instead of doing proper checking on what was ACTUALLY being fed into the
Ecat, they relied on Rossi.

Well they got taken for a ride.


RE: [Vo]:Ampenergo's email is disabled

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint


Certain people are not 'suggesting', Mary, they are STATING it as FACT.
That is what I object to; do you even know the difference??? 


You have made similar speculative statements before about me and I have
thoroughly shown how the FACTS show differently, and yet you repeat your
speculations about me.  Every time I presented the facts to show that I have
contributed to both the PROs and CONs of various issues, something a
*rational* skeptic would do, as opposed to someone like yourself who uses
repetition and then ignores when her speculations are shown to be false via
facts, and repeats those false speculations several more times.  I invite
others to go ahead and use the web-interface to this forum and do a search
on my postings and see for yourselves.




From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ampenergo's email is disabled



On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Shaun Taylor 

Mark why are you so defensive of Rossi? Do you have skin in this game?

 I bet he's like Jed.  He so badly wants Rossi and Defkalion to be real, he
gets his feelings hurt when anyone suggests they may in fact be lying


RE: [Vo]:Opponents should please go away and form your own group

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
When it comes to Rossi and the E-Cat, of course they can’t Craig… and that’s a 
*fact* that they are choosing to ignore.  Gee, sounds a bit pathological to me… 
Now, *IF* a plaintiff does come forward sometime in the future, then we may 
have real evidence of wrongdoing, depending on the circumstances in the 



From: Craig Brown [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 9:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Opponents should please go away and form your own group


So basically you STILL can't point to a single complaint from a Steorn or Rossi 
investor. I rest my case.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Opponents should please go away and form your own
From: Mary Yugo 
Date: Mon, January 23, 2012 2:56 pm

On 1/22/12, Craig Brown  wrote:
> In 5 years of listening to you ENDLESSLY complain about investors being
> ripped off and people being scammed you have been unable to point to even
> ONE single instance of someone who has made a complaint. You talk of
> victims like they are everywhere when in reality you can't point to one
> single investor in Rossi or Steorn who agrees with what you say.

Actually, if you follow even Sterling Allan's enthusiast web site, you
see people complaining of ripoffs all the time. Apparently even the
ever critical Jed Rothwell lost $100 to an Aussie type of guy. And 21
million Euros went to Steorn which produced grandiose claims (need I
remind you of always works all the time, 0.5 W/cc power density,
African pumps, 550HP motors, self charging Orbos', Orbos in cell
phones, university tests, etc. etc. etc.?) and nothing else-- no
product, no sales and no independent tests except the few that failed

Bedini sells magnetic motors that are supposed to be free energy but
always require batteries. Dennis Lee and Jeff Otto were busted for
felonies regarding their HHO scheme, Carl Tiley is a fugitive under
indictment in Tenessee and you were thoroughly bamboozled by all of
them at the time including something as silly as Mylow's joke.

It's a bit early for Rossi's investors to complain. Give them a bit of time.

> The reality is that many companies take investment money that doesn't yield
> a return. This is not confined simply to the world of new energy
> technologies.

The reality is that NO investment in any free energy claim has ever
yielded a return-- it absolutely NEVER has and yet everytime a new one
comes out, people like you and Sterling Allan push them on your web
sites despite a complete absence of proper testing. With friends
like you and Allan, Rossi needs no enemies.

RE: [Vo]:Ampenergo's email is disabled

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Thank you Susan for triggering a major point about the so-called skeptics,
now obviously fitting the definition of 'trolls', that have been spewing
their BS for that last several days.


If you guys and gals are s concerned about helping prevent people
who might invest in this scam, don't you think your time would have been
better spent trying to get in contact with Ampenergo to alert them to the
big mistake that they have made??  Why you're at it, why don't you
contact Rossi's licensee that is in the UK??? Yeah, warn them too! 

That way, you could save untold numbers of brainless dupes who might be
contacted by these other licensees!!!  You'd be heros!!!  But NO, you'd
rather waste your time spewing ridicule and accusations about
business/personality issues on a technical/scientific discussion forum.. Now
that makes a whole sh*tload of sense, doesn't it.





From: Susanna Gipp [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ampenergo's email is disabled


May I suggest you to call the office that shares the same address ? ((603)
668 7000). ?
Coldstream  Office Park 116 South River Road | Bedford, Bedford NH

Karl Norwood must have some info since he's both the owner of the
reale-state company above and a member of Ampenergo directory board.

Hera a couple of pointers.

Maybe, if you get an human response, could be better not to mention right
away ampenergo but first to ask to get Karl Norwood to the phone.

Please, if you call, don't forget to post here what you find out.


RE: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
You used some interview with NyTeknik to claim that that was indeed the
case, so I was simply assuming that your reporting of what went down in that
interview was accurate, and proposing what may have occurred between Rossi
and Amp; in addition to pointing out that they already knew each other, and
had been in business together... so NO gullible-investor money was taken
because Amp guys KNEW Rossi, and if they wanted to risk their $, then that
is their decision.  I guess we have to now spread the scamming conspiracy to
all principles of Ampenergo as well... including the guy who once worked for
the U.S. Dept Of Energy... oh my, proof that the whole f**king US Govt is in
on the scam  Oh no, Mr. Bill!

-Original Message-
From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

On 1/22/12, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint  wrote:
> Mary, have you forgotten that at least one of the principles in 
> Ampenergo has worked with Rossi before, or was in business with him, 
> and if they gave Rossi $ to secure a licensing spot, so what?

So Rossi has received money in advance from investors.

>  Has Ampenergo held investor
> sessions and taken money from the dupes of the world, or was it their own
> Where's your PROOF that Ampenergo has taken $ from anyone??

Well, they had to get the money for Rossi from somewhere unless they printed
it.  I don't understand your point.  I am not comparing Ampenergo with
anyone.  I am only pointing out that Rossi, despite his protestations to the
contrary, did receive investor money.

RE: [Vo]:there is a BNE - Rossi connection

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Since you failed to rebut my assumption that Millin is guilty of running at
least one or more scams, obviously lying to perpetrate those scams, then is
that assumption correct?

-Original Message-
From: Shaun Taylor [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 9:01 PM
Subject: [Vo]:there is a BNE - Rossi connection

Interesting comment by Sol Millin on the BNE site

"There is certainly no radiation coming from the device or any radwaste
accumulated in the device. This has been confirmed to me in writing by
Andrea Rossi."

Another "Smoking Gun" for Rossi?


RE: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Mary, have you forgotten that at least one of the principles in Ampenergo
has worked with Rossi before, or was in business with him, and if they gave
Rossi $ to secure a licensing spot, so what?  Has Ampenergo held investor
sessions and taken money from the dupes of the world, or was it their own $?
Where's your PROOF that Ampenergo has taken $ from anyone??  I would bet
that it was the organizers of Amp that put up the money.  I would also bet
that Millin has NO contract with Rossi and was just trying to separate
people from their money using Rossi as the bait. Agreed, a slime-ball of a
person, but they do exist.


So, do NOT hold up Ampenergo as the same situation as Millin's biz in
Australia. there is no comparison; no proof that Amp is attempting the same


With that, and the fact that Shaun still cannot provide ANY solid proof that
Rossi is aware of what Millin is doing, leaves the situation  thus:

- Millin may very well be running a scam, and warning people of that fact is

- There is NO evidence that Ampenergo is engaging in investment dog-n-pony
shows like Millin

- There is NO evidence that Rossi is aware of what Millin is doing


Those are the facts, at this time. 



From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.



On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 5:28 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint

Picking data apart is one thing, but when you choose to state, AS A FACT,
that Rossi is knowingly working with Millin, you damn well better have
direct evidence (e.g., a contract with Rossi's sig, or video of Rossi
interacting with Millin).

I am also not clear on whether someone is taking money (or was proposing to)
for Rossi or for themselves.  It's pretty nasty either way but one of the
ways doesn't implicate Rossi.  Rossi did get money from Ampenergo --that's a
fact as per an interview in NyTeknik.  And it was substantial.  How many
other people and places he got money from, I know of no evidence about but I
betcha it's many and plenty most likely.

NyTeknik interview about Ampenergo:   From
the article:

"How much do you pay for the agreement? 

Cassarino: Unfortunately that's confidential.

Have you paid anything to Rossi yet?

Cassarino: Yes we have.

How much?

Cassarino: Let's put it like this, it was an important piece of the

Have you searched new funding?

Cassarino: Absolutely, we are in current conversations with some very large
companies here in the US and South America, some investment companies,
because it's not just a technology we're creating in the industry here.
There are a lot of pieces that really need to come together to build this
matrix, lots of pieces of the puzzle that need to have some strategic
thinking done, as how we transition into a new energy source. That's what
makes this very exciting. So you know there's never enough money to make
everything happen.

(sorry, formatting of the quote may be off and WYS is not WYG)...  gmail is
weird that way.  If there is emphasis on "there's never enough money" it's

RE: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Picking data apart is one thing, but when you choose to state, AS A FACT,
that Rossi is knowingly working with Millin, you damn well better have
direct evidence (e.g., a contract with Rossi's sig, or video of Rossi
interacting with Millin).  It is perfectly clear that that is NOT the case
here, as you state, 
"*If* he doesn't have a commercial relation with Rossi, then he *may* find
himself in court as only a total fool would do that without a commercial
arrangement in place."

So, it is a perfectly reasonable alternative explanation that Millin IS
taking that chance, and Rossi is not involved at all, or is not aware of
Millin's past.  IF Rossi is aware of Millin's past and has indeed entered
into a contract with him, then I would agree with your conclusions... that
is the grounded, objective reasoning that any rational skeptic would take.

I am also assuming here that Millin has been caught in scams before, or was
that someone else whose name begins with 'M'???


-Original Message-
From: Shaun Taylor [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

On 23/01/2012 10:47 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:
> So here was Shaun's acknowledging the FACT that he doesn't know, or 
> have evidence that Rossi is even aware of the Australian licensee

Mark, since then I saw the slide show and other data about that event on
Millin's site.

He openly advertised this meeting on his web site and in the newspapers. 
He was soliciting investor funds and taking Ecat orders at the meeting Bryce
torpedoed. If he doesn't have a commercial relation with Rossi, then he may
find himself in court as only a total fool would do that without a
commercial arrangement in place.

Why are you attacking the messenger? Rossi is the proven serial liar and
data fraudster. He has burnt many people with his lies and data fraud.


RE: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi blog

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Thx Robert, I stand corrected.


From: Robert Leguillon [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 4:25 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi


During the September test (with the large steam release in question) the
temperature exceeded 133C... You can see it in the video.
During the October 6th test, the temperature reaches 123.8C at the onset of
"self-sustaining mode", and it drops to 103C by the end of the test.


RE: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
So here was Shaun's acknowledging the FACT that he doesn't know, or have
evidence that Rossi is even aware of the Australian licensee (Millin):

"*While I have no proof*, I would expect a few of those going to the meeting
would have emailed Rossi to check on the validity of Millin's claim to be
the Australian licensee. No one would invest money with Millin without that
being made very clear and at least sighting the necessary executed documents
to back up Millin's claim."


So it is perfectly clear, from Shaun's own words, that "*While I have no

So when he then states as a fact, that,
"He [Rossi] has been caught working with licensees..."

SHAUN gets caught in an irrefutable LIE!!  A fabrication!

What a friggin' hypocrite...


-Original Message-
From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

Shaun states as fact:
"He [Rossi] has been caught working with licensees to take green family
investor money despite saying he would never do this."

I think I have read all the postings so far, and Shaun was specifically
asked, I think twice, by others if there was any evidence that *Rossi*
himself has *specifically acknowledged* that the 'licensee' in Australia was
indeed legitimate, or had all the statements of Rossi's involvement been
made by the licensee, and not Rossi???  

It is a real possibility that the licensee is making false statements about
having licensed Rossi's technology for Australia, when in fact they have no
such contract.

So far, I have not seen any confirmation that Rossi is even aware of the
licensee that held the investor meeting which Mr. Bryce attended.  The
licensee stating that there was supposed to be a Skype session with Rossi is
not proof that Rossi agreed to any such thing.  If that evidence has been
provided, I'd appreciate it if you could please provide the link to the
vortex posting that proves Rossi is aware of, and working with, that


RE: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi blog

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Agreed, wholeheartedly.. 


There was a thermocouple in the E-Cat and the highest I remember it ever
getting was ~108degC.


Anyone who claims that it was anywhere near 150 needs to provide the proof.
I don't think even Yugo would try to float that asinine suggestion. or would
you Mary?




From: Wolf Fischer [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi


This is were you clearly crossed the line. Get some air and do something
else besides insulting people and repeating yourself!


You are not very bright are you Jed.




From: Jed Rothwell   
To: John Milstone    
Sent: Sunday, 22 January 2012 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi

John Milstone  wrote:


If the water was at 5 to 10 bars, it could easily be heated to 150 - 180 C.
in the preheating process. At that point, being wrapped up in that massive
insulation blanket, it would stay over 100 C for hours.


There was a TC in the reactor. It measured over 100 deg C, but not 150 to
180 deg C.


Also, in that scenario, the surface temperature of the reactor would be very
hot when the internal temperature reached 180 deg C,then it would gradually
cool down. That is not in evidence. The surface temperature was measured
several times. It did not vary much.


- Jed




RE: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

2012-01-22 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Shaun states as fact:
"He [Rossi] has been caught working with licensees to take green family
investor money despite saying he would never do this."

I think I have read all the postings so far, and Shaun was specifically
asked, I think twice, by others if there was any evidence that *Rossi*
himself has *specifically acknowledged* that the 'licensee' in Australia was
indeed legitimate, or had all the statements of Rossi's involvement been
made by the licensee, and not Rossi???  

It is a real possibility that the licensee is making false statements about
having licensed Rossi's technology for Australia, when in fact they have no
such contract.

So far, I have not seen any confirmation that Rossi is even aware of the
licensee that held the investor meeting which Mr. Bryce attended.  The
licensee stating that there was supposed to be a Skype session with Rossi is
not proof that Rossi agreed to any such thing.  If that evidence has been
provided, I'd appreciate it if you could please provide the link to the
vortex posting that proves Rossi is aware of, and working with, that


RE: [Vo]:Verisimilitude, lies, and true lies Part 1

2012-01-21 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Dam you Jones!!  
We have company coming over in 30 mins and I can't read this yet

BTW, the fact that, your posting earlier that two protons can attract each
other under rare and specific conditions would be *expected* under my
qualitative model expressed this past year.

Man, I hope the dinner guests don't stay too long...
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 2:50 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Verisimilitude, lies, and true lies Part 1

Here is a non-trolling shocker: The so called "unit" at the base of
everything we know as "stuff" (matter) which is the atomic mass unit
(a.m.u.) is a lie. 

That's right - at least it is a small lie in the sense that after all these
years, it has no firm value when you look close enough. No one at CERN knows
exactly what it is, or how variable it can be, after it is pumped down, so
to speak. It is also a "true lie" since we now use an assigned value to
define itself (by convention) but it is a lie nevertheless. We give it a
value that is used to calibrate the instruments that detect it so it CANNOT
vary by much.

This is partly due to the inconvenient truth that the atomic mass unit is
"not exactly" equivalent to an average between the mass of a proton (1.673
10-27 kg) and a neutron(1.675 10-27 kg). Essentially it is a variable within
a close range, so that we overlook the problem of not having a true value.
Plus most of the known universe is hydrogen, with no neutron - so one must
ask - why should it be an average anyway? Plus (HUGE) when you start looking
at raw data - the mass of proton is NOT always the value we suspect without
"recalibration" - and in practice, the detectors of whatever variety - are
essentially calibrated back to give what is suspected to be the "known
value". How convenient. Sometimes they are way-off without calibration.

This all gets back to verisimilitude, as a philosophical matter, but it has
a lot of practical meaning when we begin to dwell on hydrogen energy
anomalies. That is because mass is convertible to energy, and the proton has
such a large amount of potential energy, roughly a GeV, that it can provide
thousands of times the energy of combustion, and still be hydrogen. IOW it
has variable mass within a range and it is not a particular tight range,
when the excess is multiplies by c2.

This also relates to some of the mass of a proton being NOT quantized.
Quarks are quantized but even their mass is at best a wild guess, insofar as
far a firm values go and there is much more there than quarks anyway. More
on that later, but write this off as another level of verisimilitude. 

BTW, the a.m.u. or atomic mass unit is actually smaller than the "average"
of a proton and a neutron, in practice by 1% or so - since some mass is said
to be involved in the binding energy of the nucleus. But hello ! ... even
that is a lie, since if it were binding "energy" instead of force, then
there would be a time delineated component and there isn't really. The
proton does not decay (as best we can tell).

More on this in later postings. My angle, as many vorticians are aware - is
finding new kind of protonic nuclear reaction - one that does not involved
very much radiation or transmutation. Working back from results in Ni-H as
the defining question of our energy future - that forces one to reconsider
nuclear and look at "subnuclear".

Verisimilitude is a bitch. Pardon my French (or is it Italian) on that one,
and Vada a bordo, CAZZO! 

Rossi may be taking on water faster than Mitt changes major policies, but
the "Maru Ni-H" is getting more buoyancy by the hour. And that ain't all hot



RE: [Vo]:Keef Versus Greg Watson

2012-01-20 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Keef, over here in the states, the saying goes,
"Don't throw the baby (LENR) out with the bath-water (GOW)."

Where Rossi fits into that saying is debatable...
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 4:21 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Keef Versus Greg Watson

I agree 100% with Mark on this. 

And it is not a fine point. The 'bad guys' are being confused in the dust of
high body count.

Keef - my advice to you - is to get your act together on your real
adversary. It is GOW and not LENR. LENR is essentially correct, as science.
Yes, it rests on the vagaries of QM, but it may carry QM to the altar and
not the other way around. Check out the LENR/CANR site, because you lose
most of your allies if you try to go too far with this.

IOW, to be precise - you buddy Greg is a jerk who just happened to back into
this technology as a vehicle for his own scam, not a contributor to the
technology in any way.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint 

Over at the forum at is a posting by 'SeaGypsy' trying to start
a Class Action suit against Rossi... (see below)

But he clearly admits as to not having invested or 'lost' anything to Rossi.
I don't know what the laws are in the land of Oz, but in the USofA, if you
can't prove damages, you have no case.  For all we know, 'SeaGypsy' *IS*
Greg, and is trying to scam people by getting them to contribute to a bogus
Class Action suit!

I certainly support Eff Wivakeef's, AKA blinkybill, efforts to pursue Greg
in order to try to recoup his investment, and hopefully stop Greg from
further scams, however, it is clear that he and SeaGypsy know absolutely
*nothing* about LENR/CF and Rossi, and have called it a scam despite their
total ignorance of what has transpired to date.  They probably are not aware
of, of the peer-reviewed pubs on it, the high-quality work
done by SRI, SPAWAR, NASA and many, many highly published scientists
throughout the world.  Their anger toward scams is obsessive, and blinding
to what should/should not be ridiculed -- Greg, absolutely should; Rossi,
maybe; CF/LENR absolutely NOT.


Class Action VS Rossi ECAT et al.

by SeaGypsy > Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:05 am 
Let this be the beginning.

I have not put in one cent, but I bill at $100 an hour. i have spent about
10 hours studying the Rossi mumbo jumbo, so my hat is in for $1000 AUD or US
is acceptable.  Anyone else want to put their claim down here, in advance?

The more the merrier and higher caliber pro-bono lawyer we may retain.

These guys are soo, screwed. Lookout Carl, you are very likely to be on
the prosecution subpoena.


RE: [Vo]:Rossi fails to call Dick Smith

2012-01-20 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
"Another concern was waste-water being poured down the drain -- if a nuclear
reaction was occurring that water would be highly radioactive", Mr. Bryce

It's pretty clear that Mr. Bryce didn't do his homework... at all!  Woefully
ignorant of anything about LENR/CF and the E-Cat demos.  That's what he gets
for not reading vortex-l!

Mr. Smith, I know several highly qualified techies who will be happy to give
you a proper assessment...

-Original Message-
From: Alan J Fletcher [] 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi fails to call Dick Smith

At 04:05 PM 1/20/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:
And later on

Mystery blue box sank 'cold fusion' for Dick Smith
BY: ANTHONY KLAN From: The Australian January 20, 2012 12:00AM .

Mr Bryce said one of the most indicative signals that the technology was
unlikely to perform as claimed was the presence of a large, unexplained
"blue box" sitting adjacent to the invention, which was clearly a
substantial power supply.

He said Mr Rossi's "results" from the experiment -- three pages of data
scrawled with handwritten corrections -- and the "very shoddy set up" of the
device all suggested it didn't work.

Another concern was waste-water being poured down the drain -- if a nuclear
reaction was occurring that water would be highly radioactive, Mr Bryce

[ Gee ... Bryce didn't look very far, it seems.  Ah well. ]

RE: [Vo]:Keef Versus Greg Watson

2012-01-20 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Over at the forum at is a posting by 'SeaGypsy' trying to start
a Class Action suit against Rossi... (see below)

But he clearly admits as to not having invested or 'lost' anything to Rossi.
I don't know what the laws are in the land of Oz, but in the USofA, if you
can't prove damages, you have no case.  For all we know, 'SeaGypsy' *IS*
Greg, and is trying to scam people by getting them to contribute to a bogus
Class Action suit!

I certainly support Eff Wivakeef's, AKA blinkybill, efforts to pursue Greg
in order to try to recoup his investment, and hopefully stop Greg from
further scams, however, it is clear that he and SeaGypsy know absolutely
*nothing* about LENR/CF and Rossi, and have called it a scam despite their
total ignorance of what has transpired to date.  They probably are not aware
of, of the peer-reviewed pubs on it, the high-quality work
done by SRI, SPAWAR, NASA and many, many highly published scientists
throughout the world.  Their anger toward scams is obsessive, and blinding
to what should/should not be ridiculed -- Greg, absolutely should; Rossi,
maybe; CF/LENR absolutely NOT.


Class Action VS Rossi ECAT et al.

by SeaGypsy > Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:05 am 
Let this be the beginning.

I have not put in one cent, but I bill at $100 an hour. i have spent about
10 hours studying the Rossi mumbo jumbo, so my hat is in for $1000 AUD or US
is acceptable.  Anyone else want to put their claim down here, in advance?

The more the merrier and higher caliber pro-bono lawyer we may retain.

These guys are soo, screwed. Lookout Carl, you are very likely to be on
the prosecution subpoena.

RE: [Vo]:Goodbye Greg

2012-01-19 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
The dog probably ate his thumb-drive…

Bad Einstein! Bad!


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:25 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Goodbye Greg


From: Eff Wivakeef 


Ø  Please note that service of the Bankruptcy Notice and Judgment/Order 
addressed to Gregory Oran WATSON has not yet been effected.


OK, this is your attempt to collect on the legal judgment against Watson, 


What about the “Green and Gold” company- Did you try to collect against them, 
or does he operate the business out of the house where no one answers the door? 
Maybe they are used to dodging paper servers, who knows?


I guess his fabled “Board” that he often refers to in postings - includes the 


Was it by any chance a Golden Retriever named “Einstein”?


RE: [Vo]:Rossi's behavior is more tragic than deceptive

2012-01-19 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
Have to agree with Mary on this one.


The only NI statement's that I've seen were of a general nature.  NI has a
lot of customers in the high energy physics world, and other hi-tech
environments.   I've used they data acquisition modules a number of times
(love the LAN-based high resolution DAQ module), and can see why they've
been able to get their products into hi-tech areas.


I highly doubt that NI would be actively involved, on a daily basis, with
Rossi.  Perhaps they would send an Applications Engineer to his location to
advise them on proper use and configuration of their equipment, but that is
all.  It is even more unlikely that they would make any kind of endorsement.




From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi's behavior is more tragic than deceptive



On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Jed Rothwell 

Who knows what to make of it. I am sure that NI is really working on it.
Their VP wrote to Forbes, after all. Or they were working on it . . . Maybe
Rossi threw them out.


It would be better to be more precise.  The VP of NI wrote a news release of
a general nature saying that they assist many companies in fitting control
systems to their products including Rossi's.  That makes Rossi a customer of
NI's and nothing more.  And there are millions of those.  Nothing about
working with NI or what the VP wrote lends the slightest credibility to
Rossi's claims.

RE: [Vo]:Goodbye Greg

2012-01-19 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
No Mary, go read the barrage of postings to catch up. after all, that is
what you expect us to do with your barrage of repetitious postings!
Frankly, your recent lack of postings has been a much welcome reprieve.



From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Goodbye Greg



On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Robert Leguillon

After a bit of digging around the web, looking for commonality in the posts
of the two personas, it certainly seems likely that AG is Greg Watson.  I
would concede that everything I've found is circumstantial, and that a
string titled, "Goodbye Greg" was probably premature.
Further, if they are indeed the same person, would that preclude acceptance
on Vortex?  I understand that some Vortexians may deserve an apology and
restitution, but I think that his posts have been valuable, albeit some have
been too quick to jump to conclusions.

For those of us who came lately, can you summarize the evidence that this is
the same person who apparently defrauded people by taking money for SMOT

RE: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-18 Thread Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
This is comical!  Ya gotta laugh.

So, did Rossi confirm what the Collective seems to be converging to??? 

Y Thnk!!!


BTW, Thanks go to Patrick Ellul for taking the direct route, and just asking
the horse!

Good job Patrick!



From: Robert Leguillon [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 10:03 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Interesting new video from


You guys must have missed the post by Patrick Ellul:
1. Italo R. January 18th, 2012 at 2:02 PM Dear Ing. Rossi, I have watched
this interview with you in Bologna realized on the 12th of January 2012 In it appears a 1 MW container.
May I ask you if that container is the same used in the last test with ing.
Fioravanti and already sold to your customer? Thank you. Kind regards, Italo

2. Andrea Rossi January 18th, 2012 at 6:44 PM Dear Italo R. Yes, it is the
same: we are still working on it with National Instruments and with the
Customer. It will take another month before it will be ready. Warm Regards,

- the floor strings are a moot point...someone must have mopped

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