RE: Breaking News : 12 Killed in Israel, hundreds injured....

2002-10-11 Thread Harkins,Patrick
Mr or Mrs O: I don't mean to be rude, but Michael has repeatedly asked you to identify yourself and you have declined to do so, so I can only presume you are using this list as your personal soapbox for certain issues. Am I wrong? Patrick > > >Actually, on day one they were given far more than

Re: Breaking News : 12 Killed in Israel, hundreds injured....

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
> >Actually, on day one they were given far more than 10% of the lands that > >israel now occupies. they refused it. > > But when you take out all the religious aspects of itIf you lived all your life in a farm or a house, and someone came over and told you this ?>land was owned by our ancest

Re: Breaking News : 12 Killed in Israel, hundreds injured....

2002-10-11 Thread Pat O
>Actually, on day one they were given far more than 10% of the lands that >israel now occupies. they refused it. But when you take out all the religious aspects of itIf you lived all your life in a farm or a house, and someone came over and told you this land was owned by our ancestors 2-3

Re: Israel/Arab Conflict 101: The history of Israel

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
> I think you are missing the point or i explained myself wrong.. > I think there is a difference between being a jew and practicing Judaism, there are probably half of every religion out there who belong to that >religion but do not necessary pray five time a day or eat kosher or go to church at

Re: Israel/Arab Conflict 101: The history of Israel

2002-10-11 Thread Pat O
I think you are missing the point or i explained myself wrong.. I think there is a difference between being a jew and practicing Judaism, there are probably half of every religion out there who belong to that religion but do not necessary pray five time a day or eat kosher or go to church at all

Re: Israel/Arab Conflict 101: The history of Israel

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
Mo? Where are you mo? - Original Message - From: "Pat O" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:49 AM Subject: Re: Israel/Arab Conflict 101: The history of Israel > Well isnt there anyone on this list you can double check that with ?

Re: Israel/Arab Conflict 101: The history of Israel

2002-10-11 Thread Pat O
Well isnt there anyone on this list you can double check that with ? it would be interesting to see in an open form what an arab or better a Palestinian think about all this... Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I truly wish there were more like him. > Michael Dinowitz wrote: > >>Mic

RE: Deanna - link

2002-10-11 Thread bbraver_cf
> is that Forta in the background? heh killer beard. It sure as heck isn't Deanna !! ;-) > > -Original Message- > From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 1:03 PM > To: CF-Community > Subject: Re: Deanna - link > > > > Oh yah (duh). It's t

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Nick McClure
I'm not sure you know what you are talking about. The US has no intent to level this country. If that were the plan, then I would be 100% against any war with Iraq. But there is clear evidence that Iraq has violated UN sanctions. Something should be done. US War talk has gotten Iraq back to the n

RE: ColdFusion Question on Slashdot

2002-10-11 Thread Stephenie Hamilton
Thanks for the clarification...i thought I had the initials backwards But didn't realize it was catagorized as a design pattern and not a methodology... ~~ Stephenie Hamilton > |-Original Message- > |From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > |Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 3:1

RE: ColdFusion Question on Slashdot

2002-10-11 Thread Matt Liotta
The correct name is Model-View-Controller (MVC) and it is a design pattern not a methodology as asked by the Slashdot poster. MVC is about more than just separating presentation from business logic. According to Java BluePrints... "By applying the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to a Jav

RE: Damn Saddam

2002-10-11 Thread Randell B Adkins
Well seems they tried once long ago in an covert operation called: Desert Fox but was not successful. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/11/02 02:38PM >>> So does this give them some kind of "legal" justification to go in, and that would be why they changed the status? Or did they just get some kind of ne

Re: Damn Saddam

2002-10-11 Thread Randell B Adkins
They have covered it up since 1991. What is more sad is that no Search and Rescue team was sent in when Scott Speicher's jet went down. No one President wanted the BAD PRESS of knowningly LEFT someone behind during Desert Storm. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/11/02 02:29PM >>> Wait a second...the go

Re: ColdFusion Question on Slashdot

2002-10-11 Thread jon hall
A CF question on Slashdot...who woulda thunk it. Anyone else noticed that a _lot_ more people have heard about CF these days? In the past talking to web developers, a lot were not familiar with in the last 6 months, there has been a lot of buzz. Just mention CF to the average html guy of

Re: Damn Saddam

2002-10-11 Thread Randell B Adkins
There is a book called 'No one Left Behind" By Amy ? I purchased it maybe 3 weeks ago and read it and which the book never really states that this is a TRUE STORY until I seen it on CNN today. This covers all parts of how the events of Capt Scott Speicher was missing / captured / KIA/BNR (Kil

RE: ColdFusion Question on Slashdot

2002-10-11 Thread Stephenie Hamilton
Here is one resource Also this months (oct) issue of ColdFusion Developers Journal has an article by Ben Forta on seperating logic and content...called "Maybe we should try a can be a good thing" That is basically the jist of MCV (model/control

RE: ColdFusion Question on Slashdot

2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
Doh! Tell me more tell me more... Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer The Children's Medical Center One Children's Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 937-641-4293 [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/11/2002 2:20:14 PM >>> He needs to hear about the MVC (or MVCF)

RE: Israel/Arab Conflict 101: The history of Israel

2002-10-11 Thread Pat O
I know this is kinda late for this response, but oh well..but i just read this... >This is a holy war. It's two sides in argument over whose religion is right. >It's as simple as that. This is not a holy war, its holy for the Jewish people cause the land was promised by God, and every jew has t

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Schmidt
It amazes me that people still think this is all about oil. Pull your head out of the sand will ya. - Original Message - From: "Pat O" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 1:17 PM Subject: Re: France? > dancing in the streets ? there

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Nick McClure
But they were paying for it from loans and grants given by our government, and US banks. The US was not just setting there either; the Atlantic was getting more and more German Navy traffic. > -Original Message- > From: Larry Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, October 11,

RE: I too have bad news...

2002-10-11 Thread Ben Doom
: Very sad about the poor woman. Oh well some people are just hoodlums no : matter how well you raise them. I'm lucky enough to know some people who grew up to be wonderful people, no matter how badly they were raised. Don't mind me. Between this, others' suicides (the one on this list is not t

RE: Damn Saddam

2002-10-11 Thread Smith, Matthew P -CONT(DYN)
So does this give them some kind of "legal" justification to go in, and that would be why they changed the status? Or did they just get some kind of new evidence causing reason for status change? Matt >>-Original Message- >>From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >>Sent: Friday, Oct

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Ben Doom
I can't imagine anything more frightening than feeling so hopeless that it is preferable to end it than to go on. Maybe I find it so frightening because I've peeked over that brink before (no, I never tried it, but more than once it was a close decision). Just keep in mind (and remind the family

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Pat, its statements like this one that makes me wonder about who you are and why your saying what your saying. No one I know of has your opinions and I know a LOT of people. Your opinions sound like the stereotypes that people speak of Israel. "They only want to control the region". I mean no disr

Re: Damn Saddam

2002-10-11 Thread jon hall
Wait a second...the government has known about this for ages, and they tried to cover it up. Now all of the sudden Bush wants to go war and they change it? -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Friday, October 11, 2002, 2:12:05 PM, you wrote: >> NEWS ALERT WW> The U.S. changes the status of Navy Ca

RE: ColdFusion Question on Slashdot

2002-10-11 Thread Stephenie Hamilton
He needs to hear about the MVC (or MVCF) method ~~ Stephenie > |-Original Message- > |From: Judith Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > |Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 2:07 PM > |To: CF-Community > |Subject: ColdFusion Question on Slashdot > | > | > |

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Pat O
dancing in the streets ? there wont be any streets to dance on, most likely you will see millions of people heading towards Turkey and Jordan, the ones that dont get buried in there own houses and buildingsthis is no Afganistan, the US will send Iraq back to the stone age, afganistan was th

RE: I too have bad news...

2002-10-11 Thread Stephenie Hamilton
Oh man! That just sucks Sounds like this kid didn't realize how much his mom sacrificed for him... Just really sadi am glad you saw through her hardships enough to get to know her beth... ~~ Stephenie > |-Original Message- > |From: Beth F [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > |Sent:

RE: Roti

2002-10-11 Thread Angel Stewart
Nuh no no.. The chicken and beef etc. is what goes INTO the roti... So when you ask for a goat roti..its what you want inside..and...well. Okies. 0_0 -Gel -Original Message- From: Simon Horwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] roti doesn't take very long to make. About 1/2 hour prep. (to

RE: Body Types

2002-10-11 Thread Dan Phillips
Agreed. I've always looked at the way women kept themselves. As long as the person looks attractive, body size is really not an issue. -Original Message- From: Harkins,Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 2:12 PM To: CF-Community Subject: RE: Body Types I ha


2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
Paul, can you come over here to Dayton and help me Seriously, I am trying to talk my boss into hiring some more help. Too much web stuff, not enough web time. Unfortunately, I work for a non-profit, so the pay isnt all that great, and I will probably have to wait until next budget year :( C

Damn Saddam

2002-10-11 Thread William Wheatley
> NEWS ALERT The U.S. changes the status of Navy Capt. Scott Speicher, shot down over Iraq in January 1991, to missing-captured. Details soon. Bill Wheatley Senior Database Developer Macromedia Certified Advanced Coldfusion Developer EDIETS.COM 954.360.9022 X159 ICQ 417645

Re: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
> its hard when most males equate there own well being with their work.. > i know i do, trying to get away from it. > but it is hard. I am not sure its any worse than women equating their own self-worth with their weight. __ Si

Re: Body Types (Was Re: Perception - Dan)

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
> Gotta say, it's good to hear some men sticking up for the curvy women. When > I first met the man that is now my husband, we dated a few times, and then > he said, "You know, I don't mean this to sound cruel, but I'm just not > attracted to your body type." Long story short, we got to know each

Cheery CS jingle.

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Gilchrist
[Or just for computer science students, to the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"] God f*** sh*te arse this program here refuses to compile Dunno what the matter is, been searching for a while Syntax error line 93, it makes no sense to me Oh-h, I want my program to compile, to compile Oh-h I w

Re: Body Types (Was Re: Perception - Dan)

2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
rofl! Yes I had a vision of myself pulling out some of my kickboxing moves... Gad you whooped him in line. I just think that was rude of him to say that... punk...rofl Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer The Children's Medical Center One Children's Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 937-641-4293 h

RE: Blue Angles making an early appearance in SF

2002-10-11 Thread Brian Ledwith
Ben, That might work, but, driving around Chinatown stinks... I'd suggest parking in the garage at Pacific & Polk, under the Lombardi Sports store, and taking the #19 bus down to the water. Or, walk... it's a 10+- minute walk (downhill the entire way). You could also walk over a block to Van Nes

RE: US Love it or Leave it (was RE: France?)

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Graeme
I'm sorry you think I'm being "whiney". I strongly believe in the pursuit of non-violent solutions to problems, and I communicated my feelings to my elected officials, most of whom represented my feelings quite well. I also work for the government in a capacity that assists in helping families, fa

RE: Deanna - link

2002-10-11 Thread Phoeun Pha
is that Forta in the background? heh killer beard. -Original Message- From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 1:03 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: Deanna - link Oh yah (duh). It's this one:

RE: Body Types

2002-10-11 Thread Harkins,Patrick
I have a curvy woman in my life, and my previous girlfriend was too. Wouldn't trade her for a stack of thin ones! :-) Seriously though, for me what is sexy is when a woman is comfortable in her skin. So "Wear your love like Heaven"! :-) Patrick > -Original Message- > From: Deanna Schnei

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Larry Lyons
At the same time Britain had to pay through the nose for it. It was no act of charity. At the same time many US firms were making substantial war profits selling to both sides. The US was not entirely innocent in this matter, it only aided Britain for its own self interests. larry -- Larry C.

Re: CF-Talk Archives

2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
Duhh. I found it.. thnx Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer The Children's Medical Center One Children's Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 937-641-4293 [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/11/2002 1:45:34 PM >>> There's a button with the text search on it next to

Re: Body Types (Was Re: Perception - Dan)

2002-10-11 Thread Deanna Schneider
>Dag! You are a better woman then me Deanna. What, you mean, cause I didn't drop kick his ass immediately? Oh, I did! But, he mended his ways and made it up to me. ;) d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___

ColdFusion Question on Slashdot

2002-10-11 Thread Judith Dinowitz Hey, we should tell them about CF-Talk! Judith __ This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

Re: Deanna - link

2002-10-11 Thread Deanna Schneider
Oh yah (duh). It's this one: But, it's a dark picso, see what you can. -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ Structure your ColdFus

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Harkins,Patrick
Then you should really attend one of the many French-Language schools in Nice! Take some time away from the rat race to do it. But I guess it's true as William pointed out, if you are a type A personality, you may have a hard time there. Patrick > -Original Message- > From: Kevin Graeme

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Gilchrist
I just heard that the same thing is on the rise in Ireland and that US tourists are starting to complain about occasional verbal abuse. This really is a saddening new departure because whatever about the stereotype of Irish friendliness to tourists, bad sentiment towards the US unheard of what wi

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Judith Dinowitz
I agree, but if I don't know the language, and I'm lost, I would think that common human decency would mean they should at least try to help me. How many times do I see people who are lost in New York and obviously don't know the language. I try to help them. I guess I expect the same of them.

RE: Perception - Dan

2002-10-11 Thread bbraver_cf
as long as it isn't so deep you're smothered in it and can't breathe !! ;-) -Ben > "The deeper the cushion the sweeter the pushin'" > someone told me once... > > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:49 AM > To:

Re: Body Types (Was Re: Perception - Dan)

2002-10-11 Thread bbraver_cf
d- All of the relationships I've had that worked out at all well started out as friendships. IMNSHO, better to discover you like being with a _person_ and learn to accept some other things about them, then be attracted by a body type and discover you have little in common with who they are.

Re: Nasty food (was RE: Cambodian Jew)

2002-10-11 Thread Deanna Schneider
She has a nasty horse disease called "Strangles." It's a strep infection, and it affects the lymph nodes. They can swell so much that they crush the horse's windpipe, strangling her. Fortunately, Contessa (my horse) is doing really well. Her lymph nodes have ruptured (which they're supposed to do)

CF-Talk Archives

2002-10-11 Thread Judith Dinowitz
First you've got to register as a member. No fees, no big deal. First go to the sign in button on top. You'll then find a link that says "sign up here" if you're not a member. Click that. Fill out the info. Submit. Voila! you are a member. Then, when you're logged in, you should find a "search"

Re: CF-Talk Archives

2002-10-11 Thread Michael Dinowitz
There's a button with the text search on it next to the name of the archive. You need to sign in to use it (cookies have to be on), but once you do it'll remember you forever (or so). > How do I search the cf-talk archives? I dont see a search box. Whaa... > ;) > > > Candace K. Cottrell, Web Dev

Re: I too have bad news...

2002-10-11 Thread Deanna Schneider
Whoa. Bad day on cf-community. Sorry to hear all the bad news. -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in ColdFusion a

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Erika L. Walker-Arnold
Douglas, Huge hugs and condolences. I'm so sorry. He made contributions to the CF world at and the on all different topics. :( Erika (with a *K*) >>| -Original Message- >>

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread bbraver_cf
In 1972, I was in Paris for a couple of days with my Mom, on the way home from a trip to Israel. I attempted to communicate with a shopkeeper in extremely limited one-term high school French. In return, I got a pained smile, and he said "Thank you, monseiur, but I would prefer to speak Englis

Body Types (Was Re: Perception - Dan)

2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
Dag! You are a better woman then me Deanna. Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer The Children's Medical Center One Children's Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 937-641-4293 [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/11/2002 1:32:13 PM >>> Gotta say, it's good to hear s

Re: I too have bad news...

2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
So sad.. sorry to hear that Beth. Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer The Children's Medical Center One Children's Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 937-641-4293 [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ Signup for the Fusi

Deanna - link

2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
Is it the last one on the list? Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer The Children's Medical Center One Children's Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 937-641-4293 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___

Re: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Paul Ihrig
sorry to here it man. i understand why a male in particular would feel suicide is the answer. recently loosing my job, the though briefly crossed my mind. but just briefly. its hard when most males equate there own well being with their work.. i know i do, trying to get away from it. but it is h

CF-Talk Archives

2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
How do I search the cf-talk archives? I dont see a search box. Whaa... ;) Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer The Children's Medical Center One Children's Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 937-641-4293 [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

RE: Perception - Dan

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Gilchrist
"The deeper the cushion the sweeter the pushin'" someone told me once... -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:49 AM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: Perception - Dan d- Dunno, 20 pounds over "American ideal" sounds prett

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Harkins,Patrick
I lived in France for 8 months and saw some nasty attitudes towards tourists among the French. But I also saw ignorant American tourists become angry when the people in the country they were visiting did not speak English, and I had the impression this was a not uncommon occurence. I don't like it

Body Types (Was Re: Perception - Dan)

2002-10-11 Thread Deanna Schneider
Gotta say, it's good to hear some men sticking up for the curvy women. When I first met the man that is now my husband, we dated a few times, and then he said, "You know, I don't mean this to sound cruel, but I'm just not attracted to your body type." Long story short, we got to know each other as

Re: I too have bad news...

2002-10-11 Thread William Wheatley
i didnt know you used to live in Delaware. How cool at least it wasnt slower lower delaware Very sad about the poor woman. Oh well some people are just hoodlums no matter how well you raise them. - Original Message - From: "Beth F" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROT

RE: Nasty food (was RE: Cambodian Jew)

2002-10-11 Thread Phoeun Pha
El Chupacabra! -Original Message- From: Beth F [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:30 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: Nasty food (was RE: Cambodian Jew) > That reminds me of expressing my horse's abcesses last night - lovely > green/yellow pus tinged with bloo

Re: Perception - Dan

2002-10-11 Thread Deanna Schneider
Kevin put one of the two of us from DevCon last yearbut I can't remember the url for the pics pages to find itoops. -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ Structure your ColdFusion code

Re: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Our condolences and best wishes to his family. The name is familiar and it always hurts more when its someone you know. > Well, this is a bad day for me, just got news that my best friend comitted > suicide his name was Kerry Keener and he had posted to the list a couple of > times seeking work.

Re: Nasty food (was RE: Cambodian Jew)

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
> That reminds me of expressing my horse's abcesses last night - lovely > green/yellow pus tinged with blood dripping out of her jowls. M, scoop > that up and make a soup, eh? poor horse. whats wrong with her?? __ Get the m

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Harkins,Patrick
Oh how awful. I echo the sentiments already expressed here and the offer of prayers as well. Take care Douglas. Patrick > -Original Message- > From: Douglas Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:32 PM > To: CF-Community > Subject: Best friend committed sui

Re: Perception - Dan

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
> Great pictures Gel...! > And I like goat meat too... I like it in curry and roti, but my favourite > was barbecued mexican-style... they call it cabrito.. which means "kid".. > the goat equivalent to lamb. I used to get goat from a jamaican restaurant, was very tasty. _

Marine Assault on Concord, CA

2002-10-11 Thread bbraver_cf
talk about your low flyovers etc - The refinery I work at is adjacent to the Buchanan Field general aviation airport in Concord, CA, and to the semi- mothballed Concord Naval Weapons Station. We've had formations of Marine CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters flying low through the area for the last

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
> Can you give some examples of that? And I don't mean examples of > specific special interest groups not respecting the US (that is what you > mean by us, right?), but the mainstream French. Parisians are pretty unpleasant to Americans travelling to France. I realize parisians are not the tota

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread William Wheatley
:) Yes remember they were using our trucks and some of our tanks (the lee, i think which was a shitty tank but nonetheless) our planes, our gas, our destroyers. We used our industrial might and everything we could to keep the british afloat. - Original Message - From: "Larry Lyons" <[E

I too have bad news...

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
Way back when I lived in PA and worked in Delaware. I was supervisor of a bunch of data entry warehouse folks. One of my "folks" was Dianne. Dianne had had a very hard life, and it showed. She was a single mom and she struggled with trying to raise her son well. But Dianne had a good heart. Of

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Andy Ousterhout
Larry, My deepest sympathies to you and his family. Andy -Original Message- From: Douglas Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:32 AM To: CF-Community Subject: Best friend committed suicide Well, this is a bad day for me, just got news that my best friend c

Re: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Beth F
I will keep Kerry's family in my thoughts. Those kids would have been much better off with a poor, but living father.Its very sad that he didnt' know it. - Original Message - From: "Douglas Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 11,

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Gilchrist
So sorry for the pain you and your friend's family are going through. My condolences. -Original Message- From: Douglas Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:32 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Best friend committed suicide Well, this is a bad day for me, just

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Schmidt
Probably. Now if Hitler hadn't been a nmbdass and gone and attacked Russia I think he might have done better. He needed the oil they had though. - Original Message - From: "Larry Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:01 PM Su

RE: Anti Man Music

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Gilchrist
".. and then we pretend that we're dead, deaaaddd..." Ironic. -Original Message- From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:41 AM To: CF-Community Subject: RE: Anti Man Music L7 - that's a name from the past. They still around? -rc > -Origin

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Larry Lyons
I'm sorry to hear that. You have my sympathies. larry > -Original Message- > From: Douglas Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:32 PM > To: CF-Community > Subject: Best friend committed suicide > > > Well, this is a bad day for me, just got news that my

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Larry Lyons
At the same time Wavell had a very successful campain that by the end of 1942 the Italians were pushed out of east africa,and most of Lybia. Remember this was done by an army that only a year earlier had been all but crushed by the Germans. With that sort of recovery, and at this point Australian,

Re: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Schmidt
Sorry to hear. I will keep you and his family in my prayers. Kevin - Original Message - From: "Douglas Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:32 AM Subject: Best friend committed suicide > Well, this is a bad day for me, jus

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Candace Cottrell
I echo Stephenie's sentiments. My prayers go out to his family and friends. Candace K. Cottrell, Web Developer The Children's Medical Center One Children's Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 937-641-4293 [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/11/2002 12:43:26 PM >>

Re: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread bbraver_cf
Douglas, I am truly sorry that this happened, and that you and his family have to go through this grief. -Ben Braver > Well, this is a bad day for me, just got news that my best friend comitted > suicide his name was Kerry Keener and he had posted to the list a couple of > times seeking work..

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Stephenie Hamilton
Douglas, I am sooo sorry to hear this. I have been touched by suicide several times and agree with you that it is not the answer. My heart and prayers go out to his family and to you to also. Let us know if you need anything. ~~ Stephenie Hamilton > |-Original Message- > |From: Dou

Re: Caucasian Jews

2002-10-11 Thread bbraver_cf
Priestly jeans? now they have holy Levi's ?? what do they have, a stiff white belt ? ;-) > I don't understand the question. How should I feel? > > > > now mike > > how would you as a Jew feel about others who have that priestly jean in > them > > who are Christian or Moslem now.. > > > > but st

RE: Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Phoeun Pha
:( So sorry man. How old was he? -Original Message- From: Douglas Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:32 AM To: CF-Community Subject: Best friend committed suicide Well, this is a bad day for me, just got news that my best friend comitted suicide his na

Re: Quoute of the Day

2002-10-11 Thread bbraver_cf
"Good morning. Your mission, should you choose to accept it... As usual, if you are caught or captured, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions." -Benny > "You may have not started out life in the best of circumstances. But if > you can find a mission in life worth working fo

Best friend committed suicide

2002-10-11 Thread Douglas Brown
Well, this is a bad day for me, just got news that my best friend comitted suicide his name was Kerry Keener and he had posted to the list a couple of times seeking work.. He was CF Developer that I worked with in California and he had moved to Texas with his family. I guess he got layed off from

Re: Lemon as Contraceptive

2002-10-11 Thread William Wheatley
haha thats bs ;) everything that happens in CF community is viewable by a nice google search :) tf-8 right now its just 1 cf-talk thread but lol assume anything onhere is public knowledge cause it will be - Origina

RE: Lemon as Contraceptive

2002-10-11 Thread Phoeun Pha
WHAT HAPPENS IN CF-COMMUNITY, STAYS IN CF-COMMUNITY! :) (and occasionally searchable on the web) hehe. -Original Message- From: Dan Haley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:25 AM To: CF-Community Subject: RE: Lemon as Contraceptive Thought you had a fiancee

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Nick McClure
Lets not forget Vietnam. > -Original Message- > From: Kevin Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:23 PM > To: CF-Community > Subject: Re: France? > > 40,000 doesn't even come close to the 154,000 that were involved in D-Day > alone.

RE: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Craig Dudley
That's slightly misleading, they already controlled most those areas by means of puppets regimes ( Vischy France etc ) and basically tookm full control because of Hitlers paranoia about uprisings and also wanting to get at the Jewish populations in those areas. Can you tell whose been watching Th

RE: Lemon as Contraceptive

2002-10-11 Thread Dan Haley
Thought you had a fiancee? And you were picking out baby names with her ... I take it she's not on this mailing list? ;) -Original Message- From: Phoeun Pha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 8:15 AM To: CF-Community Subject: RE: Lemon as Contraceptive You ca

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Schmidt
Does this sound like getting pushed back to you Larry: Between 1942 and 1944, German military forces extended the area under their occupation to southern France, central and northern Italy, Slovakia, and Hungary. Sure doesn't to me. Source: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum - Original Message

Re: France?

2002-10-11 Thread Kevin Schmidt
40,000 doesn't even come close to the 154,000 that were involved in D-Day alone. - Original Message - From: "Larry Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 9:18 AM Subject: RE: France? > 40,000 troops are nothing to sneeze at, espec

RE: Perception - Dan

2002-10-11 Thread Phoeun Pha
And I don't have to sit on a pillow anymore now that I have my own cushion. hehehe -Original Message- From: Stephenie Hamilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:13 AM To: CF-Community Subject: RE: Perception - Dan LOL, that sounds like me But I don't care

RE: Perception - Dan

2002-10-11 Thread Stephenie Hamilton
LOL, that sounds like me But I don't care...i feel good and I don't freeze my ass off in the winter like I used to when I weighed a lot less ~~ Stephenie Hamilton > |-Original Message- > |From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > |Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:31

Re: Blue Angles making an early appearance in SF

2002-10-11 Thread William H. Bowen
There's a parking garage at the foot of Chinatown, underneath the park that connects to the Chinese Cultural Center (sorry, can't remember the name of the park right now :-( ), I was there a week and a half ago and they were only charging $14 bucks for the whole day... A cab ride from there to the

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