RE: [DUG]: Streaming Data to/from BLOBs

2000-06-07 Thread Grant Black
From some Delphi 1 app that I know works procedure PostToTable( var Buff: array of byte; iBuffLen: integer); var blobby : TBlobStream; begin q.Open; q.Append; q.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger := iMagicNo; ... blobby := TBlobStream.Create( TBlobField(q.FieldByName('Data')),

RE: [DUG]: Accessing The Registry

2000-05-21 Thread Grant Black
I have an ISAPI dll and for the life of me, I can't get it to read a value from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. I have checked the spelling, I can set the root key but as far as going to read from a specific key, it fails to process OpenKey. I changed to HKEY_CURRENT_USER under suspicion that

RE: [DUG]: Accessing The Registry

2000-05-21 Thread Grant Black
Why not? If you are worrying about security, your end users never get access to it, unless you have a form like: Regkey: input field value: inputfield button "screw my registry"button "reset" What about if I was hosting your site (and its DLL's) on my web server along with a few

RE: [DUG]: Accessing The Registry

2000-05-21 Thread Grant Black
First rule of web hosting: NEVER EVER allow ISAPI dll's. Yes, but do people sitting down churning out a lovely web app know that? It's not until they go to deploy the app they get evil looks from web hosting services (or the bill for tele-housing a machine) that those DLL's start looking

RE: [DUG]: Accessing The Registry

2000-05-21 Thread Grant Black
The ISAPI stuff being written is in for in house servers, which allows greater control over access and setup and makes data access easy, and delphi is nice allowing coversion to CGI if necessary. I can churn out some e-com stuff pretty damn fast. If I still wanted to use NT but not IIS,

RE: [DUG]: So what do people think of the Corel/Inprise/Borland not thing?

2000-05-16 Thread Grant Black
There have been ongoing reports on slashdot theregister that Borland/Inprise people were not happy from day 1 - Coral stock has been in free-fall for some time now. Guess a lot of people thought that the deal was not going to stick, but there does seem to be some hype being built up about the

RE: [DUG]: Delphi demo with Screen Cam

2000-05-14 Thread Grant Black
MS also bundle a screen-cam type program with Office (value added tools bit) - had a quick look at it but have not used it sorry. -Original Message- From: Steven Wild [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, 15 May 2000 08:39 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi Subject: [DUG]: Delphi

[DUG]: Long File Names

2000-05-07 Thread Grant Black
? Grant Black Team Leader - PC Tools SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web : --- New

RE: [DUG]: Sockets..

2000-05-07 Thread Grant Black
Grab ICS component suite take a look at the big list of demo apps: Sample applications: TWSCHAT Chat program (both client and server in a single program) SRV5/CLI5 Basic client/server GUI applications DYNCLI Basic client creatin TWSocket dynamically

RE: [DUG]: Sockets..

2000-05-07 Thread Grant Black
I might be looking at doing a little bit of light socket stuff in the future... Is the general consensus that other components such as the ICS ones are superior to the ones that come in Delphi 5?? Yes - WinShoes are OK but I have found ICS very good.

RE: [DUG]: Packing Problem

2000-04-18 Thread Grant Black
You could just try using the commatext function of a string list... all done for you. ... sl := TStringList.Create; sl.Add('one'); sl.Add('two'); sl.Add('three'); SendMsgViaUDP(sl.CommaText); sl.Free ... ... OnRecieveUDPMsg(s : string) do begin sl := TStringList.Create; sl.CommaText := s;

[DUG]: Free Delphi

2000-04-14 Thread Grant Black
Noticed you get a copy of D4 ( C++) with every copy of JBuilder 3.5 - Its getting pretty close to Borland bundling the whole dev suite into one box. Grant Black Team Leader - PC Tools SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361

RE: [DUG]: Touch Screens

2000-04-13 Thread Grant Black
I maintain a (C++) CE app that uses a touch screen. Couple of issues - don't use pop up menus on mouse right clicks (these are simulated on CE by alt-tap). Keep the buttons big give instant feeback (the user does not get tactile feedback so you have to give audio visual feeback that the

RE: [DUG]: ADO Cached Updates

2000-04-06 Thread Grant Black
This is all irrelevant now, because I heard that BDE in the next version of Delphi will be driven by a drawing engine. It must be Friday. Er - what? I thought the BDE was going the way of the Dodo only basic maintenance was going to be done?

RE: [DUG]: Active-x

2000-04-06 Thread Grant Black
-Original Message- From: Matthew Comb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 1:53 PM To: Multiple recipients of list delphi Subject: Re: [DUG]: Active-x Nic, if delivering dynamic, interactive sites of a very high standard. What should be used? ASP/HTML

RE: [DUG]: Active-x

2000-04-06 Thread Grant Black
Nothing that uses a web browser. HTML is a VERY basic page description language. ActiveX is a security hole wide enough to sail the titanic thru. I mostly agree but for simple one page apps a HTMl/DHTML + scripting can be OK. I'd be thinking about either another delivery mechanism

RE: [DUG]: Delphi 5 and debugging COM objects in IIS

2000-03-23 Thread Grant Black
AFAIK, the COM object runs in the IIS process space is locked down by IIs - try deleting the COM object while IIs is running you will see :-( I ended up doing a lot of my debugging using a quick dirty client whipped up Delphi to test the COM object interfaces etc, then using ASP to drive the

RE: [DUG]: MS Outlook and Outlook Express

2000-03-16 Thread Grant Black
Not sure if these fire up your default mail program to do a send receive do they? Issuing a 'mailto: x@y ' command will start up blank e-mail using the default mail client but that is about all you can do using the users mail problem - you can't directly manipulate the mail via COM as a lot of

RE: Recall: [DUG]: Contract Programmer wanted

2000-03-09 Thread Grant Black
I have asked an offical MS trainer type person about Recall - apparently it only works with users attached to the local Exchange server only if the user has Outlook open do not read/preview the e-mail - even then (we tried experimenting with it), it doesn't work all that often. I have thought

RE: [DUG]: Example wanted of using a WebClass in Delphi

2000-02-23 Thread Grant Black
There are a few other options - eg WebHub, ASP + COM, ICS HTTP server (?) etc. Nick/Gary - this would be a great topic for a DUG meeting (Web development). I for one would like to see a couple of real world approaches compared. -Original Message- From: Guy Brown [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: [DUG]: Bitmaps for toollbar

2000-02-20 Thread Grant Black
See bottom of this page for about 17,000 images in different formats. -Original Message- From: Alex Kouznetsov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Saturday, 19 February 2000 16:13 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi Subject: [DUG]:

RE: [DUG]: Dialup.

2000-02-17 Thread Grant Black
I have a couple of these sort of apps (commerical so I can't give you source - sorry) The old style approach, which is still used, is to use a serial comms or RAS component on both client server end handle the details of the client dialling up the host (ie send ATDT nnn to the serial

RE: [DUG]: Dialup.

2000-02-17 Thread Grant Black
Why Async Pro when the ICS component can handle 100/1000's users already comes with sample FTP clients and Servers? Looking at the suggestions for using pc-A (which I have also used like for support), I must have mis-understood the orginal post. Are you trying to roll your own Back

RE: [DUG]: Dialup.

2000-02-17 Thread Grant Black
Main advantage of Async Pro is that it suitable provide native serial port dial out function and all modem functions. You can control all by yourself which quit suit for requirement for remote access. Maybe you can combine with ICS free component. ICS already has RASDial low level serial

RE: [DUG]: ADO and Class strangeness...

2000-02-17 Thread Grant Black
They virtual in the base class? -Original Message- From: Mark Derricutt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, 18 February 2000 17:01 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi Subject: [DUG]: ADO and Class strangeness... Heya I'm trying to make a subclass for TADOConnection

[DUG]: Directory listing

2000-02-16 Thread Grant Black
will probably just change the FindFirst to return faAnyFiles-faDirectories which also works but just wondered..) Grant Black Team Leader - PC Tools SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web : http

RE: [DUG]: VB 7 (change of subject)

2000-02-16 Thread Grant Black
Apparently the next version (sometime in 2001) will change all that: - Inheritance - Encapsulation - Overloading - Polymorphism - Parameterized Constructors Apparently "Using object oriented programming languages helps make

RE: [DUG]: Server time

2000-02-08 Thread Grant Black
I can't believe others did not point out the standard for doing this (SNTP - RFC 868) Either run a third party SNTP app that keeps all of you machines (including your server if it has a net connection) synch'd or drop in a SNTP component to your app. See something like:

RE: [DUG]: Application Structure

2000-02-08 Thread Grant Black
Assuming they take 8 hours to key 60 transactions ie 8 minutes per tran! You are going to have to have the connection up for the full day (more like 12 hours at most places between the earlier starters the late leavers) if you are running a dumb terminal style application for everything. The

RE: [DUG]: TCP / UDP Components with a difference.....

2000-02-01 Thread Grant Black
ICS component suite does this - check out the SvrDemo CliDemo using TCP/IP or the Midware example. On my never ending list of things to do is do try and develop a generic wrapper around some of the ICS stuff to help me write distributed apps. BTW -

RE: [DUG]: Kylix and other cough medicines

2000-01-31 Thread Grant Black
About time for off topic I guess but... -Original Message- From: Neven MacEwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, 1 February 2000 14:43 To: Multiple recipients of list delphi Subject: Re: [DUG]: Kylix and other cough medicines Simon Netscape is free, and it's nearly

RE: [DUG]: ADO access

2000-01-25 Thread Grant Black
Why not just suck it see - you can download a 3rd party ADO component set like Adonis and try and see if it works for you. See: or for a decription of a few alternatives: -Original Message- From:

RE: [DUG]: Show/ShowModal

2000-01-18 Thread Grant Black
I guess I should have been using oncreate instead of formactivate, not an issue until you want modeless forms Tell you the truth, I don't think I have ever used FormActivate in 5+ years of Delphi programming g It forms a good application backbone, with a basic menu/user security system

RE: [DUG]: Show/ShowModal

2000-01-18 Thread Grant Black
Change form from Modal to non Modal briefly is based on business rule, but for technical issues, the best is to use Modal, if you use non Modal, you can not control what is on, like for Database TQuery closed or not, by the way, every form showed will allocate memory, of course for today's

RE: [DUG]: Show/ShowModal

2000-01-17 Thread Grant Black
Just use .show (and have the buttons on the dialogs do a .close) is the easy answer. I have to say, the real answer would be to sit down with your users design a proper non-modal user interface - modal dialogs should be used only when you have to constrain the user for some reason.. Grant

RE: [DUG]: Show/ShowModal

2000-01-17 Thread Grant Black
how about any FormActivate events I have on the forms, these get run everytime the form is "refocused"? Should these be shifted to OnActivate? Depends on what you are doing but most stuff should remain in the OnCreate or OnShow - what sort of processing would you want to do when something

RE: [DUG]: Application Icon

2000-01-13 Thread Grant Black
Mark, I got this when I was working with you (same app I suspect). Try swapping the Icon for another - any change? If I remember correctly it was because of the other resource files that are included - try removing them adding them back in. -Original Message- From: Mark Derricutt

RE: [DUG]: MAJOR ADO PROBLEMS - Please try this code and let me know if you get the same results

2000-01-11 Thread Grant Black
BTW - I wouldn't use RecordCount for Access (or any other database than Paradox). Better to use: if .First = .Last --- New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Website:

[DUG]: Bug in parameterized query?

2000-01-06 Thread Grant Black
ParamByName('CollDate').Clear; {set to null - the reporting side handles this nicely} ... ExecSQL; {probably need a try ... except} end; end; Grant Black Team Leader - PC Tools SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: [DUG]: Bug in parameterized query?

2000-01-06 Thread Grant Black
Turned out that the problem was that the query was Prepared - doing a Unprepare fixed it. Why a prepared query should not work correctly when a param is set to NULL is entirely another matter... -Original Message- From: Grant Black [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, 7 January

[DUG]: Documentation Tools

2000-01-06 Thread Grant Black
I am trying to prepare some programmer documentation. Anybody know of any cheap / free tools that can churn through a Delphi project create HTML documentation of procedure/functions headings? Grant Black Team Leader - PC Tools SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Email

[DUG]: Delphi + IIs - Was RE: exception after running DLL

1999-12-14 Thread Grant Black
of the clients could accidentally (or on purpose!) shut down a machine that might have dozens of other sites running on it? Deploying ASP/COM apps without using IIs gets a bit tricky as well... Grant Black Team Leader - PC Tools SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Email: [EMAIL

RE: [DUG]: Delphi + IIs - Was RE: exception after running DLL

1999-12-14 Thread Grant Black
Easy - they dont let people put anything on - eg, ASPMail is there, ADO is OK, anything developed by "you" is out. Makes it kinda redundant, really. Thought so - its just that MS recommend putting all your business logic into COM objects rather than writing a few thousand lines of spaghetti


1999-11-17 Thread Grant Black
Leave _everything_ closed at designtime only open ( close again) when taking a look at a specific query. Its too easy to forget to open the query at run-time otherwise - which sooner or later leads to those 'DataSet not open' messages. Grant Black  Team Leader - PC Tools SmartMove (NZ) Ltd

RE: [DUG]: Porting to qa Web-Enbled App

1999-11-11 Thread Grant Black
. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Neven MacEwan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 2:38 PM To: Multiple recipients of list delphi

[DUG]: Dos Error Codes

1999-11-02 Thread Grant Black
.   Any ideas?   Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax  : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   --- New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL


1999-11-02 Thread Grant Black
install sets on , (which are pretty bulky) to avoid the ODBC variant of DLL hell. I think the Inprise position is fairly clear - BDE development has been halted they are going OLE DB (or whatever MS are calling this week). Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219

RE: [DUG]: Dos Error Codes

1999-11-02 Thread Grant Black
Arrrgh! They are not listed at all in D1 (only has run-time errors which was useless) but found under D4.. thanks Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From

RE: [DUG]: Freeware COM port Component

1999-10-21 Thread Grant Black
Professional by TurboPower Software. Let me know if you want any e-mailed direct. BTW - If anybody is working with comms, I highly recommend ComLab - its really nice working with ComLab being able to find out exactly what is happening between devices. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ

RE: [DUG]: Changing a field type in an Access Database

1999-10-17 Thread Grant Black
Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Chris Crowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 11:25 AM To: Multiple recipients of list Delphi

RE: [DUG]: BDE Question

1999-10-11 Thread Grant Black
I am currently caught between a rock and a hard place! I have a legacy Delphi 1 16-bit application that needs to talk to a 32-bit ODBC driver. I couldn't think of any nice solutions but one option (depending on the amount of data) is to use a copy of the database in say Paradox or an older

RE: [DUG]: Borland announces support for Delphi on Linux

1999-09-29 Thread Grant Black
See for more. Quite a discussion went on at /. ( Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message

RE: [DUG]: DUG Auckland Meeting

1999-09-21 Thread Grant Black
and the pro's cons rather than vendors trying to sell technologies that may or may not (DCOM springs to mind) work. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Gary T


1999-09-15 Thread Grant Black
have feature... g Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Aaron Scott-Boddendijk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 2:59 PM

RE: [DUG]: Save IB

1999-09-09 Thread Grant Black
over MSSQL 7 Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Alex Kouznetsov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 10:00 AM To: Multiple recipients

RE: [DUG]: One button or two

1999-09-09 Thread Grant Black
you. Required reading for post-grad comp-sci at Otago... Grant Black BSc (Com Sci) Team Leader - PC Tools SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- New

RE: [DUG]: One button or two

1999-09-09 Thread Grant Black
I hate to say this (as i might incite another flame - actually more of a smoulder in a NG this size) Its a nice sunny Friday so I don't mind at all, but I normally try to resist getting too off-topic on the main DUG list. But what grads are probably missing out on are a complete

[DUG]: One button or two

1999-09-02 Thread Grant Black
-estate... Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax  : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   --- New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: [DUG]: One button or two

1999-09-02 Thread Grant Black
twice the amount of limited screen real-estate... Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- - New

RE: [DUG]: Hard drive serial Number

1999-08-31 Thread Grant Black
Disk ID's was loaded onto a NT2000 server running a Hierarchical Storage Management System. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

[DUG]: Delphi 5

1999-08-24 Thread Grant Black
Any word on when it is exepcted in NZ?   Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax  : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   --- New Zealand Delphi Users

RE: [DUG]: SMTP send of HTML mail

1999-08-23 Thread Grant Black
around to creating a HTML e-mail component when I had a few spare weeks (ie never g) but I noticed that somebody has done so already - check out Delphi Super Page. Driving Outlook/Outlook Express via COM would also probably work but we found it too cumbersome... Grant Black Software Developer

[DUG]: Another query

1999-08-17 Thread Grant Black
) As CollCount  FROM Telfiles LEFT OUTER JOIN Cads ON Telfiles.cadid = cads.cadid WHERE FileType 70 GROUP BY cadiD, PCBID, LastCollection   BTW - thanks for the help on the my previous query of queries as the responses were very useful.   Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone

RE: [DUG]: Another query

1999-08-17 Thread Grant Black
Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Aaron Scott-Boddendijk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 4:30 PM To: Multiple recipients of list

[DUG]: time between 'nows'

1999-08-11 Thread Grant Black
; {duration in seconds...}   ShowMessage('process took'+Format('%f',[duration])+' seconds'); end;   For a process that took 2:21:43 (2 hours, 21 minutes), last night my code showed '97.22  seconds'.  Mmmh - I need to decode the date_times? Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone

RE: [DUG]: gets a face lift.

1999-07-19 Thread Grant Black
have been wanting since D2. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Chris Crowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 1:47 PM To: Multiple

RE: [DUG]: TCP/IP Question

1999-07-13 Thread Grant Black
amount of data. Pretty similar to implementing X-modem really.. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Peter Harrison IT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent

RE: [DUG]: C to OBJ

1999-07-05 Thread Grant Black
I like the JUST wrap it up - never having done that before. So if what you are saying is as I read it - I know where the problems in the C code are occuring and having done a bit of C in my time I could sort it out. Now with this altered C source, can I JUST create a DLL from it which

RE: [DUG]: C to OBJ

1999-07-05 Thread Grant Black
You should be able to pick up a C compiler pretty cheap this days (GNU C++ is free after all). Its quite useful to have something like C++ Builder (even just for the resource workshop), or even VC++ lying around for those awkward moments when all the sample source you can find is C++. Grant

RE: [DUG]: Deleteing from a Binary file

1999-07-04 Thread Grant Black
/compact functions, (I won't even mention any names) Regards, Grant Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- New Zealand

[DUG]: Installshield Express

1999-06-28 Thread Grant Black
or something, probably won't bother as the 16 bit stuff is on its way out (about time too!).     Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax  : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: [DUG]: Windows versions

1999-06-08 Thread Grant Black
Win98: 'OS version = 4.10' Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Chris Crowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 8:42 AM

[DUG]: Serial comms (again)

1999-06-08 Thread Grant Black
g paranoid?     Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax  : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   --- New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL

RE: [DUG]: ADO Hierarchial Record Sets

1999-06-03 Thread Grant Black
-Original Message- From: Wilfred Verkley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 11:52 AM To: Multiple recipients of list delphi Subject: RE: [DUG]: ADO Hierarchial Record Sets Does anyone remember the 1rst Normal Form rule? If Codd were dead, he would be

RE: [DUG]: Progmatically changing Computers Date

1999-06-03 Thread Grant Black
Hi all can someone remind me how to Progmatically changing Computers Date ?? I have some ASM code, but it nearly killed my machine when I ran it.The code is :-   Procedure SetDate(Year,Month,Day : Word); Assembler;    Asm mov ah,2Bh mov cx,Year mov dh,BYTE PTR Month

RE: [DUG]: Writing Voice Files to Modems

1999-06-02 Thread Grant Black
fustrating not having one built in... Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Coulter, Jeremy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, June 03, 1999 12:03 PM

RE: [DUG]: Version Control Wanted

1999-06-02 Thread Grant Black
and they haven't updated it / broke it yet g. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Peter G Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, May 31, 1999 10:40 AM

RE: [DUG]: Sylvanmaps or GeoObjects components?

1999-06-01 Thread Grant Black
GeoObjects - yes. Did not enjoy at all - totally VB orientated, limited documentation support. e-mail me directly if you want more information. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

[DUG]: Paradox - Lock file too big problem

1999-06-01 Thread Grant Black
ingle user, installed on a single workstation.   Any ideas on where to look?   The 32 bit replacement app is still months away so I am hoping its just a setting or BDE conflict issue...   Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax  : +64 9 361

RE: Autofrwd[DUG]: Paradox - Lock file too big problem

1999-06-01 Thread Grant Black
Try Deleting ( moving ) the following from the working directory Paradox.lck, and Pdoxusrs.lck Done that first time it was reported to me. Problem is that the lock file problem has popped up twice on this (lightly used) machine. Question is what caused it? Grant Black

RE: [DUG]: Client Server Development/Web

1999-05-26 Thread Grant Black
Background: snip Nice to see a real world example. There are other real world web apps around the place (try NZ real estate sites etc) that I have not been impressed with. I even got a ODBC/SQL Server error message on the site last night. 1. Scalability. There are 16

RE: [DUG]: Client Server Development

1999-05-25 Thread Grant Black
HTTP being stateless, things can get difficult determining if you are pruning off users who are about to post. I think web apps have great potential, especially for certain classes of apps but I remain to be convinced that the tools are there yet. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phon

RE: [DUG]: Why Delphi is Better Than VB

1999-05-11 Thread Grant Black
++ (uggh).   Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax  : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -Original Message- From: Jeremy Coulter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 7:52 AM To: Multiple recipients

RE: [DUG]: How thin the client will be?

1999-04-21 Thread Grant Black
handling components that may be distributed around the world but send incoming files to 1 or more processing/db engines. Anybody know of any off-the-shelf solutions? Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL

RE: [DUG]: How thin the client will be?

1999-04-21 Thread Grant Black
access layer - only difference is that the MS stuff comes buried among 100Mb+ of other stuff. That being said, dropping the BDE and moving to something like Adonis or ODBCExpress will obviously reduce the deployment size of the client app. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone

RE: [DUG]: Query Parameters

1999-04-20 Thread Grant Black
Or would it be easier to maintain the list in a (tempory?) table and do a subquery? pseudo sql as follows: select * from table where somefield in ( select listfield from temptable ) Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9

RE: [DUG]: RE: Table busy

1999-04-07 Thread Grant Black
I, smug/self-rightous tone on have all my queries in datamodules and have a init proc in the datamodule called CloseAll that looped through all TTables TQuerys and closed them Prepares the queries. Solves the problem as I often like to have queries table live at design time... Grant Black

RE: [DUG]: Them screen/component sizing blues...

1999-03-25 Thread Grant Black
Hi team. We're developing our new software on 20 inch monitors (mmm...nice) running in 1024 x 768 resolution, high color (15-bit according to the screen driver software - strange, huh). Well if you don't want the hassle of 20" VDU's I am very happy to take them off your hands g. 15-bits

RE: [DUG]: Plugins/MS Scripting Host

1999-03-10 Thread Grant Black
If you are trying to plug in user calcs like TotalEnthalpy := MyWayFunction(steam_temp_field,steam_pressure_field); Then there are several expression evaluating components on the DSP that you can plug in a piece of text and have the expression parsed and the result returned. Grant Black

RE: [DUG]: Plugins/MS Scripting Host

1999-03-09 Thread Grant Black
It seems a pretty common requirement to have framework/shell applications that can work with various modules - ie an accounting packages that support various optional bits as well as support user customization of reports etc. Its quite suprising then that there seems to be a lack of good tools

[DUG]: Serial Comms / OpenComm functions

1999-03-07 Thread Grant Black
of trying to bolt in another component as a lot of the serial components seem to have subtle variations that can lead to grief.   Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax  : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: [DUG]: Serial Comms / OpenComm functions

1999-03-07 Thread Grant Black
Asynch Pro sure does cover everything - it just seems like overkill for this job where we are mainly doing 2400bps connections to smartcard readers. Asynch32 from Varian Software looks as like it might do everything we want for now and its $500 cheaper... Grant Black Software Developer

RE: [DUG]: PixelPack

1999-02-21 Thread Grant Black
Damm - a while back I ported a Delphi app to a web app - I remember thinking how easy it would be to write something that took a Delphi DFM made a DHTML+JavaScript version of it. Should have actually sat down wrote one rather than doing it by hand... Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove

[DUG]: One Instance (Again)

1999-02-11 Thread Grant Black
but it is code developed in work time... Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Scott Cree [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, February 08, 1999 10:29 AM

RE: [DUG]: One Instance (Again)

1999-02-11 Thread Grant Black
, and special handlers on shut-down, exception handling and close application. Why not just drop a check_all_windows_on_startup procedure/component on the app (or better still have it built into your standard application framework). All the code is then in one place, no worries and always works. Grant Black


1999-02-08 Thread Grant Black
We tried PVCS and found it to be slow and awkward (it may have been upgraded I haven't used PVCS for a long time but thought it was pretty horrible. Have used Tlib (nice but expensive), Versions (Ok - cheapish) and MS Visual SourceSafe. Of the three I would pick SourceSafe as it can be

[DUG]: RE: TwwQuery

1999-02-08 Thread Grant Black
Reserved words - just like you can't use words like 'begin' or 'write' as a variable name in Pascal. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: John Christenhusz

RE: [DUG]: DCOM in Delphi

1999-02-08 Thread Grant Black
. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, January 21, 1999 9:25 AM To: Multiple recipients of list

RE: [DUG]: New D4 Native Access Driver

1999-02-08 Thread Grant Black
My conclusion... better than D3 but still not anywhere as fast as say ODBCExpress or Adonis. We stuck to ODBCExpress as we liked not having to re-distribute the BDE. Grant Black Software Developer SmartMove (NZ) Ltd Phone: +64 9 361-0219 extn 719 Fax : +64 9 361-0211 Email: [EMAIL

[DUG]: RE: DateTime Format

1999-02-08 Thread Grant Black
. For a complete description of date and time format strings, refer to the documentation for the FormatDateTime function. The initial value is fetched from the sLongDate variable in the [intl] section of WIN.INI. Search for Currency and Date/time Formatting Variables in the help... Grant Black Software

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