[newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Marco Canapicchi
Ciao a tutti Sono alla ricerca di un modo per masterizzare on the fly con linux. Il programma in questione è cdrdao che ho scaricato ed installato unitamente con la sua comoda interfaccia gcdmaster. Ora, se vado a configurare le devices l'ovvio risultato è che il programma ne individua solo

[newbie-it] reti windows che fare???

2001-10-19 Per discussione Christian Orlandelli
Come faccio a far vedere a Mandrake8.0 le reti Windows? La scheda di rete è config. OK, ma nel momento in cui chiedo di sfogliare la Rete mi dice local host sconosciuto...:-(Come faccio a fargi vederi i vari Worksgroup Ho provato a configurare in Linuxconf la network ma buio totale;-)

Re: [newbie-it] conti di dipendenze che non tornano

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 11:02, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Davide, avete scritto: ho un problema cercando di installare KDE 2.2 su una MKD 8.0. Utilizzo il CD trovato su LInux C. Ho seguito le istruzioni ma urpmi mi chiede kdegraphics 2.1.1-3mdk per kdegraphics-devel 2.1.1-3mkd. Il mio

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 15:35, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Marco Canapicchi, avete scritto: (/dev/cdrom /dev/scd0) il problema è che ho un altro lettore CD IDE/ATAPI: è un Pioneer DVD-ROM 105 perfettamente perfettamente identificato dal sistema (mndrk 8.0) (/dev/cdrom2 /dev/hdd) e,

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Marco Canapicchi
LukenShiro wrote: Nell'anno di grazia 15:35, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Marco Canapicchi, avete scritto: (/dev/cdrom /dev/scd0) il problema è che ho un altro lettore CD IDE/ATAPI: è un Pioneer DVD-ROM 105 perfettamente perfettamente identificato dal sistema (mndrk 8.0)

[newbie-it] UNSUBSCRIPT

2001-10-19 Per discussione Maurizio Conti
__ Do You Yahoo!? Il Nokia Game è on line! Clicca qui per iscriverti e partecipare alla nuova avventura multimediale entro il 3 novembre. Vai alla pagina del gioco http://it.promotions.yahoo.com/info/nokiagame.html!

Re: [newbie-it] reti windows che fare???

2001-10-19 Per discussione Gino
Per fare quello che dici, hai bisogno del pacchetto samba che implementa il protocollo netbios delle reti microzozz.. - Original Message - From: Christian Orlandelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 5:16 PM Subject: [newbie-it] reti windows che

[newbie-it] Noatun

2001-10-19 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale
Ciao a tutti, qualcuno di voi riesce ad aprire i file wav con Noatun senza che crashi? C'e' un player per waw alternativo nella distribuzione di MDK8.0? Ciao Luigi -- Luigi De Pascale: Indirizzo: Via San Lorenzo 53, 56127 Pisa Tel.: +39/0347/8707210

[newbie-it] samba?

2001-10-19 Per discussione Christian Orlandelli
Ok il pacchetto samba ce l'ho ma dove si configuraHo provato da terminale a digitare samba start e mi ha attivato qualcosa, ma ho bisogno di una interfaccia grafica like risorse di rete di winzozz.Grazie

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 20:52, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Marco Canapicchi, avete scritto: Ho fatto tutto ciò ma continua ad esserci qualcosa che non torna: Quel che non capisco è come ridirezionare /dev/cdrom2 in modo che non punti più ad hdd ma a scd1. La soluzione semplice e' quella

Re: [newbie-it] Noatun

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 15:14, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Luigi De Pascale, avete scritto: qualcuno di voi riesce ad aprire i file wav con Noatun senza che crashi? C'e' un player per waw alternativo nella distribuzione di MDK8.0? Non mi son mai posto il problema, ma ho visto che

Re: [newbie-it] winmodem tar impazzito

2001-10-19 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Ciao, sono nelle tue stesse condizioni, per cui nonostante che nell'utilizzo di Linux sia alla a dell' abc (e penso di non averla capita neanche bene) penso di poterti rispondere. Al momento il nostro modem (o meglio winmodem) non è compatibile con Linux, ovvero non funzia! Il motivo è che non

Re: [newbie-it] samba?

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 21:11, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Christian Orlandelli, avete scritto: Ok il pacchetto samba ce l'ho ma dove si configura Hai dato un'occhiata al SMB-HowTo? nella distribuzione c'e' e pure in italiano ... -- LU #210970 LM #98222 / MDK 8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9

Re: [newbie-it] winmodem tar impazzito

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 16:49, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Fabio Manunza, avete scritto: averla capita neanche bene) penso di poterti rispondere. Al momento il nostro modem (o meglio winmodem) non è compatibile con Linux, ovvero non funzia! Il motivo è che non esiste un driver Linux in

Re: [newbie-it] Noatun

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 17:04, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer luigi pinna, avete scritto: in teoria ci sarebbe installato anche xmms il clone di winamp ma a me dalla mk8.0 non parte... Non parte perche' devi polverizzare il file /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/xmms.o (dato che nella

Re: [newbie-it] winmodem tar impazzito

2001-10-19 Per discussione LukenShiro
Nell'anno di grazia 14:54, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer luigi pinna, avete scritto: il tar non mi fa decomprimere i file anche se uso la sintassi giusta (copiata paro paro dal manuale). qualcuno mi sa dire che e` successo al mio tar? (ho una mk8.0 e il tar e` installato) Che errori

[newbie-it] Gestionale

2001-10-19 Per discussione max
Salve, qualcuno conosce un gestionale robusto per linux? Ovviamnte non mi aspetto di trovare programmi GPL e/o gratuiti anche perchè c'è l'esigenza dei continui aggiornamenti per l'adeguamento alle normative. Saluti Max

Re: [newbie-it] reti windows che fare???

2001-10-19 Per discussione OKreZ
On Friday 19 October 2001 14:47, you wrote: Per fare quello che dici, hai bisogno del pacchetto samba che implementa il protocollo netbios delle reti microzozz.. - Original Message - From: Christian Orlandelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001

Re: [newbie-it] Masterizzare e CD-ROM non SCSI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Marco Canapicchi
LukenShiro wrote: Nell'anno di grazia 20:52, venerdì 19 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer Marco Canapicchi, avete scritto: Ho fatto tutto ciò ma continua ad esserci qualcosa che non torna: Quel che non capisco è come ridirezionare /dev/cdrom2 in modo che non punti più ad hdd ma a scd1. La soluzione

Re: [newbie-it] Noatun

2001-10-19 Per discussione luigi pinna
--- Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ciao a tutti, qualcuno di voi riesce ad aprire i file wav con Noatun senza che crashi? C'e' un player per waw alternativo nella distribuzione di MDK8.0? Ciao Luigi in teoria ci sarebbe installato anche xmms il clone di winamp ma

[newbie-it] quanto puo essere lungo

2001-10-19 Per discussione claudio duchi
Quanto pu essere lungo il collegamento tra due schede di rete utilizando per il collegamento un cavo coassiale? Ciao claudio

Re: [newbie-it] quanto puo essere lungo

2001-10-19 Per discussione Lux
At 13.55 18/10/01, claudio duchi wrote: Quanto pu essere lungo il collegamento tra due schede di rete utilizando per il collegamento un cavo coassiale? 192 metri, se non ricordo male. Ciao, Lux.

[newbie] Recording/burning question

2001-10-19 Per discussione Stephen Liu
Hi All People, I have downloaded Mandrake-Linux 8.1 ISO Images from Internet to a Windows PC for preparing the installing discs Burning software : Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum Burning speed of CD Writer : 2X, 4X, 8X Kindly advise 1. To select which record mode a) Track-At-Once b)

[newbie] Minimising applications

2001-10-19 Per discussione Mark Annandale
Hi Guys When I minimise any application, such as KMail or Gabber, it used to dock into the panel. Now however it disappears completely and I must restrt the application, losing anything in progress. Has anyone else found this and have they fixed it ? This is using 8.1 by the way. Regards

[newbie] Corrupted files -RPM

2001-10-19 Per discussione Stephen Liu
Hi All People, I have downloaded Mandrake-Linux 8.1 ISO Images from Internet to a Windows PC and burt 3 installation discs with Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum. During installing following files were found corrupted xmms-kjofol-skins-1.2.0-3mdk.i586.rpm

Re: [newbie] Supermount LM8.1 - Getting it to Work - FYI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Sevatio
Sorry it took so long to reply. Have you tried creating an icon on your desktop for your zip device? That icon should have the eject option to make it more convenient. Unless of course you like using the terminal. Sevatio Original Message On 10/15/01, 11:49:54 AM, Terry [EMAIL


2001-10-19 Per discussione Khairil Osman
Hi, I recently installed Mandrake 8.1. Everything seems fine except for my zip drive. HardDrake shows it is on /dev/hdb. When i insert a zip disk and click on the zip icon, I get the following message: mount: special device /dev/hdb4 does not exist Anybody know why i have this problem? I can't

Re: [newbie] Still Yurik

2001-10-19 Per discussione civileme
On Thursday 18 October 2001 09:38, Bryan Tyson wrote: On Thursday 18 October 2001 11:13, michael wrote: Am I the only person still getting these Bounces back from Mail Delivery Subsystem regarding [EMAIL PROTECTED]? No, I am still getting them also.

Re: [newbie] Corrupted files -RPM

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul
During installing following files were found corrupted xmms-kjofol-skins-1.2.0-3mdk.i586.rpm xmms-more-vis-plugins-unsafe-1.4.0-3mdk.i586.rpm xmms-skins-1.0.0-11mdk.noarch.rpm Kindly advise where can I have them downloaded. Hi Stephen, http://www.xmms.org/skins.html

Re: [newbie]

2001-10-19 Per discussione s
On Friday 19 October 2001 03:27 am, Khairil Osman wrote: Hi, I recently installed Mandrake 8.1. Everything seems fine except for my zip drive. HardDrake shows it is on /dev/hdb. When i insert a zip disk and click on the zip icon, I get the following message: mount: special device

[newbie] /dev/ttyS3

2001-10-19 Per discussione Francois Massonneau
Hello, I repost this message as I've got no reply, and I need to be sure about that stuff to solve another problem. I would like to know whether or not ttyS3 and ttyS03 are the same thing ? dmesg | grep tty, gives me : ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A ttyS03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a

Re: [newbie] /dev/ttyS3

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul
I would like to know whether or not ttyS3 and ttyS03 are the same thing ? dmesg | grep tty, gives me : ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A ttyS03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A but I don't have a device ttyS03 but ttyS3. Why does it give me 03 instead of 3 ? Thanks. Francois I am no

[newbie] printer

2001-10-19 Per discussione Dechao Wang
I set up a printer using printtool. After that, I can print file by typing lp file1.ps but I cannot print webpage from netscape by selecting file- print? Can you advice me what is the problem? Many thanks Dechao Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Re: [newbie] printer

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul
I set up a printer using printtool. After that, I can print file by typing lp file1.ps but I cannot print webpage from netscape by selecting file- print? Can you advice me what is the problem? In the prefs of netscape, check if the proper printer things are set up, if you can find those.

Re: [newbie] Bastille Firewall pop-3

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez
Thanks, I think it was causing me trouble because of the mispelling. :) -Paul Rodríguez On Fri, 2001-10-19 at 06:46, Paul wrote: In reply to Paul Rodriguez's words, written Thu, 18 Oct 2001 19:22:34 -0700 (PDT) How important is adding pop-3 to the list of TCP services to audit in

RE: [newbie]

2001-10-19 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:55 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] On Friday 19 October 2001 03:27 am, Khairil Osman wrote: Hi, I recently installed Mandrake

Re: [newbie] setting up printer

2001-10-19 Per discussione pesarif
mandrake control centre i.e. DrakConf - Original Message - From: dechao wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:04 AM Subject: [newbie] setting up printer where can i find the instruction for setting up printer? Dech

Re: [newbie] Minimising applications

2001-10-19 Per discussione pesarif
Just a guess from my experience...: With KDE 2.2, I have this problem as well (sometimes). Do you happen to have any special applets on your KDE panel running? That KSysguard/System resource-type meter seems to be the culprit sometimes... btw, if your program disappears, instead of ending up

Re: [newbie] Supermount LM8.1 - Getting it to Work - FYI

2001-10-19 Per discussione Terry
On Friday 19 October 2001 04:13, you wrote: Sorry it took so long to reply. Have you tried creating an icon on your desktop for your zip device? That icon should have the eject option to make it more convenient. Unless of course you like using the terminal. Sevatio Thanks for the help

Re: [newbie] Good solid stable sound editing software?

2001-10-19 Per discussione bascule
what sort of things are you trying to do? i have used DAP: www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~richardk/ there is a binary rpm which works fine on my system, it has sometimes crashed out with files over 100MB in size but that may be because i didn't have enough ram and/or swap there is also an rpm for

[newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Schwebel
I'm using Mandrake 8.1 and thouroughly enjoy it. I'm trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a hardware connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a standalone Linux box. I'm a bit confused by the set up process using the Mandrake Control Center. It detects my NIC (3com 3c90x) without a

Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Friday 19 October 2001 12:17, Paul Schwebel opined on the topic: [newbie] DSL and 8.1 I'm using Mandrake 8.1 and thouroughly enjoy it. I'm trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a hardware connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a

Re: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Bernard Victor's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 17:52:49 +0100 I am using Mandrake 7.1 without any problems, however when I tried to update to Mandrake 8.0 I could not connect to my ISP as I gather they do not use PAP. Is there any way I can get around this. Is there anyway I can

Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Terry's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 12:01:58 -0400 Guess that would help some, huh? :-) The printer I have configured is a HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS using the Mandrake-supplied driver for it. If I look at the properties for the printer in KUPS, there is no driver listed. It

Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Rodríguez
If you're using a standalone computer, you don't need to setup any LAN settings. I'm not sure whay you would be having trouble connecting using the Control Center. Did you set the primary and secondary DNS numbers that your DSL provider gave you? Using the roaring penguin software, check to

[newbie] Uninstall Netscape?

2001-10-19 Per discussione Tom
How can i remove Netscape from the hard disk. I installed it with a .tar.gz file in /usr/local/netscape but I can't find a uninstall file.

Re: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0

2001-10-19 Per discussione Mark Annandale
On Friday 19 October 2001 5:52 pm, you wrote: I am using Mandrake 7.1 without any problems, however when I tried to update to Mandrake 8.0 I could not connect to my ISP as I gather they do not use PAP. Is there any way I can get around this. Is there anyway I can get around this. The same

Re: [newbie] Uninstall Netscape?

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Tom's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 13:01:42 -0300 How can i remove Netscape from the hard disk. I installed it with a .tar.gz file in /usr/local/netscape but I can't find a uninstall file. Sometimes make uninstall works. No garantuee though -- This message has been ROT-13

Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem

2001-10-19 Per discussione Terry
Subject: Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 14:34:11 -0400 From: Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Friday 19 October 2001 19:36, you wrote: In reply to Terry's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 12:01:58 -0400 First set it up as a HP Laserjet series 2.

Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem

2001-10-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
In Kups the driver is listed in the properties Tab. You can see the print parameters if you press the 'Change' button and select the same driver again. Or else you can configure it using SWAT (localhost:631) There is an Advanced Tab for that printer (KUPS or SWAT will display the options),

[newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken

2001-10-19 Per discussione Newbie
Anyone know how to fix these errors? $ studio Error in startup script: couldn't execute /usr/lib/SoundStudio/studio_tool: no such file or directory while executing exec $FILE(Tool) diagnostics (procedure CARDSetter line 5) invoked from within CARDSetter (file

[newbie] Importing fonts

2001-10-19 Per discussione Mark Annandale
Hi Guys Where can I find the import fonts utility, I'm sure there was one under 8.0 ? I'm using 8.1. Is there somewhere I can set up a firewall using KDE ? Thanks Mark A Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] /dev/ttyS3

2001-10-19 Per discussione Francois Massonneau
 port one. That  matches in the same way as S3 and S03.  So my educated guess is that this is okay. They are the same. Thank you Paul, Francois Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Importing fonts

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Mark Annandale's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 19:59:10 +0100 Where can I find the import fonts utility, I'm sure there was one under 8.0 ? I'm using 8.1. In 8.0you could use DrakFont. I assume it still is there. Is there somewhere I can set up a firewall using KDE ? Sure. Run

Re: [newbie] help~ lilo is gone~

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Valerie Cheng's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 15:03:44 -0400 Hi Valerie, /boot is EMPTY?? Then somehow you managed to delete everything in there as root user. I am afraid you have to reinstall unless you have a backup. /boot contains all the kernels and such. But wait a few,

Re: [newbie] help~ lilo is gone~

2001-10-19 Per discussione michael
On Friday 19 October 2001 06:20 pm, you were observed remarking: In reply to Valerie Cheng's words, written Fri, 19 Oct 2001 15:03:44 -0400 Hi Valerie, /boot is EMPTY?? Then somehow you managed to delete everything in there as root user. I am afraid you have to reinstall unless you have

RE: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0

2001-10-19 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0 -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Annandale Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 12:28 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] kpp problems on update to 8.0 On Friday 19

Re: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman
On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: OK, I did this: hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda hdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb to set both HD's to spin down after 30 seconds, just to test and see if it would work. It didn't, and I didn't see anything for troubleshooting on either the man page, or at

Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Schwebel
--- Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Friday 19 October 2001 12:17, Paul Schwebel I'm trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a hardware connection from my NIC(eth0) to the DSL modem on a standalone Linux box. Is the DSL modem an external modem/router/bridge, or an

Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Dave Sherman
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Friday 19 October 2001 15:08, Paul Schwebel opined on the topic: Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1 --- Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Friday 19 October 2001 12:17, Paul Schwebel I'm trying to set my up DSL connection. I have a

Re: [newbie] DSL and 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione Paul Schwebel
--- Paul Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If you're using a standalone computer, you don't need to setup any LAN settings. I'm not sure whay you would be having trouble connecting using the Control Center. Did you set the primary and secondary DNS numbers that your DSL provider gave

[newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki
Hi all, Is anyone else having heaps of trouble with mandrake update on 8.1? First of all, its slow, secondly, it insists on scanning the system and its db of all the CD's each time you start it... and since I have to kill it alot because it sits there doing nothing, it takes ages to try

Re: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 19 Oct 2001 15:53:02 -0400 (EDT) Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: OK, I did this: hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda hdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb to set both HD's to spin down after 30 seconds, just to test and see if it would work.

RE: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
Check to be sure that the program studio_tool exists in the /usr/lib/SoundStudio directory... -JMS |-Original Message- |From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Newbie |Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:57 PM |To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |Subject: [newbie]

RE: [newbie] Importing fonts

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
Look in the Control Panel |-Original Message- |From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark Annandale |Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:59 PM |To: Mandrake Newbie List |Subject: [newbie] Importing fonts | | |Hi Guys | |Where can I find the import fonts utility,

RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
Actually it works very well for me. Yes it scans the DB. I ended up dumping all three CD's onto a separate partition, and redirected the setup to them. The updates via download work fine, provided you've defined your sources. Normally if it's sitting there doing nothing, it's because RPM

Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Sat, 20 Oct 2001 04:13:11 +0800 Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, Is anyone else having heaps of trouble with mandrake update on 8.1? First of all, its slow, secondly, it insists on scanning the system and its db of all the CD's each time you start it... and since I have to

Re: [newbie] Slight printing problem

2001-10-19 Per discussione Terry
On Friday 19 October 2001 02:51 pm, you wrote: In Kups the driver is listed in the properties Tab. You can see the print parameters if you press the 'Change' button and select the same driver again. Or else you can configure it using SWAT (localhost:631) There is an Advanced Tab for that

Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Brandon Vanderberg
Mine's working well also. I had that problem in 8.0, but with 8.1 (clean install) everything has worked much better. Copying the CDs to the drive helps a lot with speed and keeps me from having to carry my CD pack around all the time. This is on a laptop. On Friday 19 October 2001 13:13,

Re: [newbie] help~ lilo is gone~

2001-10-19 Per discussione Valerie Cheng
ok.. The situation was.. My friend found the iso of WinXP.. So I tried installing that.. And I guess WinXP killed lilo.. But I kinda expected that so I had my Linux boot disk ready to use that to come back to linux and run lilo to install it back... And that's what I did... and it acted wierd

Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Texstar
Thats what I did, I installed the latest rpmdrake from Cooker. Then I launched it from the console so I could watch the output. It allowed me to add security updates and cooker sources as well. It is also much much faster at loading the 1-2-3 cd database too! Just for grins check your

RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
PLEASE DO NOT Start a new message by sticking it on top of another. --- Oh n! Here comes a top poster versus bottom poster flame war. Franky I LIKE top posters, so I can avoid the lower part of the message if I know what it is in reference to. NOT quoting previous message(s) is rude,

RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki
LOL, It Bloody well better say 8.1, I bought the Powerpack off the mandrake store, and got sent these disks as a stop gap until the boxed set get here... Ok, I'll get the cooker one and give that a go... It doesn't help that my test box is a slowish system,, Thanks for the tips... Oh, and too

Re: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken

2001-10-19 Per discussione Newbie
Ok, it is not there, where should I look to get it? On Friday 19 October 2001 03:51 pm, Jose M. Sanchez wrote: Check to be sure that the program studio_tool exists in the /usr/lib/SoundStudio directory... -JMS |-Original Message- |From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |[mailto:[EMAIL

[newbie] Weird SSH stuff with Putty and Ixplorer.

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki
Hi again all, I use putty with IXplorer as a windows sshd ftp client for uploading and downloading files via ssh between windows and my linux box's... Since I upgraded to mdk8.1, it doesn't work now, it logs in, but doesn't get a directory listing for some reason. here is its log of activity...

RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki
No, twas my fault, I replied any old post and forgot to delete the previous post from the email.. My apologies to all... I have no desire for a top/bottom debate, what ever works for whoever... rgds Frank -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf

[newbie] Digital Camera Quickie

2001-10-19 Per discussione Allen H
Just another quickie: Has anyone used a Pretec DC-520 Dual-Mode VGA Digital Camera either as a webcam or as a digital camera on Mandrake, or any Linux for that matter? Or even heard of it? HardDrake doesn't know what it is, it just tells me its a USB device,

RE: [newbie] SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm appears broken

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
Well first determine if it's in the original RPM... (BTW: where did you find the RPM?) In the directory you have the RPM type rpm -qlf SoundStudio-1.0.3-5.i586.rpm | more (or less) and see if the file is listed. -JMS |-Original Message- |From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |[mailto:[EMAIL

Re: [newbie] IDE-Raid

2001-10-19 Per discussione Michael Dannhorn
Am Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2001 05:44 schrieben Sie: On Tue, 16 Oct 2001 19:22:32 +0200, Michael Dannhorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I have 4 IDE devices (1 CDRom, 3 HDD) in my system integrated. They are connected to the 'normal' IDE-channels. The Motherboard has additional a

Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 19 Oct 2001 17:22:33 -0400 Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: PLEASE DO NOT Start a new message by sticking it on top of another. --- Oh n! Here comes a top poster versus bottom poster flame war. Franky I LIKE top posters, so I can avoid the lower part of the

Re: [newbie] Importing fonts

2001-10-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Friday 19 October 2001 7:59 pm, Mark Annandale wrote: Hi Guys Where can I find the import fonts utility, I'm sure there was one under 8.0 ? I'm using 8.1. Should be in Control Center System Fonts Is there somewhere I can set up a firewall using KDE ? To start with the Tiny Firewall

Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Sat, 20 Oct 2001 05:06:16 +0800 Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: LOL, It Bloody well better say 8.1, I bought the Powerpack off the mandrake store, and got sent these disks as a stop gap until the boxed set get here... It was a somewhat of an insider joke. If you should happen to instll

RE: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
Nevermind... -JMS |-Original Message- |From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] |Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 5:22 PM |To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |Subject: Re: [newbie] Damn Mandrake Update | | |On Fri, 19 Oct 2001 17:22:33 -0400 |Jose M. Sanchez [EMAIL

Re: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman
On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Roger Sherman wrote: On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote: OK, I did this: hdparm -S 6 /dev/hda hdparm -S 6 /dev/hdb to set both HD's to spin down after 30 seconds, just to test and see if it would work. It didn't, and I didn't see anything

Re: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman
On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Charles A Edwards wrote: Try installing drivetweak. It is on CD3 of 8.1 and is a GUI frontend to hdpram. Using a GUI for to adjust the settings you need not worry about the syntax being wrong. Charles (-: I don't think that would work for me, as I use 7.2.

RE: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki
rgds Frank Hauptle. Fire up webmin, then go to hardware, then I think its under partitions or something, there is an IDE parameters section.. you can modify your hdparm settings in there, and if they work, (you can test it from there as well) cut and paste the results onto the end of your

[newbie] Distorted Audio with i810 chipset

2001-10-19 Per discussione Marc
Hi I've just done my first install of Mandrake 8.1 on a Dell GX110. The mp3 and wav audio on it is horrible, breaking up, popping, etc. CD Audio plays fine. I've been looking around the web for others with the same problem but haven't come up with a solution in the past few days. Mandrake

RE: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez
The HDPARM GUI test is buried in one of the CDs somewhere. It's amazing how many programs are NOT installed off the 3 CD set, even if you've selected everything. -JMS |-Original Message- |From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Franki |Sent: Friday, October

Re: [newbie] cdrecord speed question

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman
On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Miark wrote: Rog, your burner uses a feature called PoweRec. Plextor describes it thusly: At the beginning of every recording, in addition to the use of running OPC, the PlexWriter 16/10/40A automatically determines the media manufacturer, its part number and

Re: [newbie] Distorted Audio with i810 chipset

2001-10-19 Per discussione Richard Wenninger
I encountered this same problem on a new install last night... same chipset. It worked fine in 8.0. I had improved results, but not correct, after running harddrake from Mandrake Control Center. Apparently the probing it does had some effect. On Friday 19 October 2001 04:55 pm, you

Re: [newbie] help~ lilo is gone~

2001-10-19 Per discussione Valerie Cheng
Thanks everyone for helping me out. :) My lilo is back alive. :) (and I'm never gonna touch ms windows again...) Valerie Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Franki
Nope, you have got it,, test it, then try something and test it again, and so on and so forth... it may take a while but keep a record of what you do and what paramaters you are passing hdparm, and watch for error messages on the box... keep a record of your best results and use those

RE: [newbie] HD spin down

2001-10-19 Per discussione Roger Sherman
On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Franki wrote: Nope, you have got it,, test it, then try something and test it again, and so on and so forth... it may take a while but keep a record of what you do and what paramaters you are passing hdparm, and watch for error messages on the box... keep a record of

[newbie] Backup conventions

2001-10-19 Per discussione Michael
Is using a swung dash in front of the file name the only usual UNIX/Linux backup convention (using ~filename as a backup for filename) The reason i ask is i can see a possible visual conflict here with the use of the swung dash as home directory. User sees - User misreads

Re: [newbie] Backup conventions

2001-10-19 Per discussione David E. Fox
Is using a swung dash in front of the file name the only usual UNIX/Linux backup convention (using ~filename as a backup for filename) There really is no convention for backup file names. Unlike DOS/Windows, extensions do not exist as such in Unix -- the '.' is a filename character like any

[newbie] ayudemen

2001-10-19 Per discussione Hispanicbaptist
he probado de todo pero no puedo salirme no quiero mas email

Re: [newbie] Returning zip icon

2001-10-19 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker
Fred Schroeder wrote: Hi all! I changed all of my removeable drive icons to the old way, like in 7.2, where you click on them to mount the drive, and right click and umount from the menu, no supermount stuff. Anyway, this works great, but now everytime I reboot, it puts a zip drive icon on

Re: [newbie] Returning zip icon

2001-10-19 Per discussione Fred Schroeder
On Friday 19 October 2001 10:12 pm, you wrote: Fred Schroeder wrote: Hi all! I changed all of my removeable drive icons to the old way, like in 7.2, where you click on them to mount the drive, and right click and umount from the menu, no supermount stuff. Anyway, this works great, but

Re: [newbie] Will Cable Modems Work with 8.1

2001-10-19 Per discussione lists
On Wednesday 17 October 2001 14:06, you wrote: Will Cable modem work with mandrake 8.1?? I am updateing my box and I am curious if a cable modem will work and if so which specific kinds work.. I am just too far outside of DSL, now that I moved.. So let me know your feedback.. I am located

Re: [newbie] What is i386, i586, i686?

2001-10-19 Per discussione Matt
On Tue, 2001-10-16 at 16:45, Charles wrote: I'm totally newbie in linux. ¿What's the meaning of i386, i586, i686, scr? I want to download rpm files, but the extensions of the files that i found for the same program were .i386.rpm, .i686.rpm, .scr.rpm Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote on Mon, 27

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