Re: [TMIC] Provigil

2007-11-25 Thread Grace M.
*It's amitriptyline, or Elavil. Many of my Devic's members, use it for fatigue.* ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] Provigil

2007-11-25 Thread Grace M.
crossed on that one.)* ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] Provigil

2007-11-25 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Linda,* ** *Yes, Amantadine helps with tremors. That's one of it's anti-Parkinsonian properties.* ** *Grace*

[TMIC] Heather--Looking for Lynne from Msg. Forums.

2007-11-25 Thread Grace M.
yet.* ** *Grace.Devic's Support *

Re: [TMIC]

2007-11-25 Thread Grace M.
---but was too stubborn.) You absolutely have to protect the skin's integrity.* ** *Love,* *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] MRI of the brain

2007-11-20 Thread Grace M.
Hi Sal and Sandy, They always do everything whenever I go. Brain, C Spine, thoracic, etc. They do one without contrast, and one with. I get one every 6 months now. Grace

[TMIC] Concerned about Natalie M.

2007-11-18 Thread Grace M.
Has anyone heard from Natalie M.? I'm hoping that all is well. Please let me know if you have heard from her---I've been concerned. Grace

[TMIC] A Message from our Jude.

2007-11-18 Thread Grace M.
Jude, has asked me to forward this mail to you. Grace ** ** *Hi All,* ** *Well, this is it. I am having major comp. problems and don't know if it will be fixed in time for me to get back to you before I'm off to OZ.* ** *I am going into a facility to build up my body, get good and strong

[TMIC] A Huge Thanks to the TMIC family.

2007-11-16 Thread Grace M.
*I wanted to write and thank all of you who have sent me private emails re: the Devic's patient from the Netherlands. Currently her neuros are conferring with the Mayo Clinic and her present treatment has been affirmed. Yesterday, she was put on a trach, and was able to speak for the first

[TMIC] Fwd: Social Security and Rare Diseases

2007-11-16 Thread Grace M.
*Hello,* ** *I just received this notification from NORD and thought that it might also be helpful for people here at the TMIC List.* ** *Grace* -- Forwarded message -- From: NORD [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Nov 16, 4:46 pm Subject: Social Security and Rare Diseases To: Devic's

[TMIC] Note Re: Soc.Security Post.

2007-11-16 Thread Grace M.
*Although attendance at the hearings is by invitation only, telephone lines will be set up in order for the public to listen in.* *Grace*

[TMIC] Jim Lubin---You're a peach!

2007-11-15 Thread Grace M.
right here in our midst. (That would be you. :-) * ** *Thank you,* *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] MRI's

2007-11-15 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Sal,* ** *Using contrast enhances the lesions. They usually do one with, and one without, for me---then they compare them.* ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] Grace? or anyone else??

2007-11-14 Thread Grace M.
. * ** *Hugs,* *Grace*

[TMIC] Update/Woman from the Netherlands/Heather.

2007-11-14 Thread Grace M.
a heads up. Helping those with this horrid disease is what I'm all about right now---it keeps me going. * ** *Hugs,* *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] my first time to vent!

2007-11-10 Thread Grace M.
that it's CNS.* and shipped me off to Pittsburgh in an ambulance. Of course they found the cord lesions and diagnosed it as idiopathic TM. Eventually, it turned out to be relapsing Devic's. * ** *Your experience is not uncommon, so don't beat yourself up over it.* ** *Grace *

[TMIC] Neuro visit.

2007-11-08 Thread Grace M.
to the place that it needs to be to cope with the implications of this disease. * ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] News from Netta

2007-11-08 Thread Grace M.
*What wonderful news about Netta, Barbara! Young and engaged..can I even remember back that far? LOL.* ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] scissoring legs

2007-11-08 Thread Grace M.
. Frustrating * *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] scissoring legs

2007-11-08 Thread Grace M.
not actually done any real hopping. It is truly the oddest sensation. One's legs and feet, actually feel like they have hopped whenever they haven't. I get so frustrated!! One day, this old girl WILL hop, come heck or high water!!* ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] scissoring legs

2007-11-08 Thread Grace M.
anytime soon. Just managing to take off, it felt like my legs weighed 1000 pounds each, and of course once I did *take off*, my skipping mechanism pooped completely out and I had to make a quick grab for the couch. Sheesh!* ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2007 #310

2007-11-07 Thread Grace M.
-- *Congratulations Marieke!!* ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] Do we still have TM?

2007-11-04 Thread Grace M.
an indeterminable number of new myelitis attacks. For recurrent TM and Devics, immunosuppression or chemo is the rule.* ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] Meeting Someone else with TM

2007-11-03 Thread Grace M.
buddy to the left of me, a very personable young man, burst out laughing and informed me that on his *good* days, he could do MUCH better than that! It's a very special sense of camaraderie.* ** *Hugs,* *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] calf muscle

2007-10-29 Thread Grace M.
. I wear a Life Alert necklace, but will not use it unless I actually hurt myself. * ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] immune system...

2007-10-26 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Sal,* ** *They keep my immune system suppressed also, so that it will make another attack less likely. I'm not sure how that applies to ADEM, though.* ** *Grace* - Original Message - *From:* sal r [EMAIL PROTECTED] *To:* tm *Sent:* Wednesday

Re: [TMIC] jus wondering...

2007-10-24 Thread Grace M.
them. Isn't it just the oddest feeling? Kind of like *My legs! My legs! Where in the world did I put my legs?* I've gotta laugh though, after all, it is just a little funny. :-)* *Grace*

[TMIC] dental procedure

2007-10-22 Thread Grace M.
removed and will have to go the dentures route. I do know others who have used implants with great success. * ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] thankyou

2007-10-21 Thread Grace M.
and your recovery are miracles---but I think that you know that. :-) Grace

Re: [TMIC] my pofile

2007-10-21 Thread Grace M.
, if any of them had heard from her. You are so very lucky to have an Aunt who treasures you so much. :-) Grace

Re: [TMIC] OT OT OT more taken than given

2007-10-20 Thread Grace M.
in quite the same way---and that's okaye. Jude was simply attempting to protect some of the more vulnerable members. No harm was meant.* ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] steroids

2007-10-19 Thread Grace M.
about all I eat anyways, but losing a few pounds is still almost impossible.'s so frustrating. Grace

[TMIC] balance

2007-10-19 Thread Grace M.
? There is some speculation now, though I do not necessarily agree, that Devics is more closely related to ADEM than previously thought. Of course, that would not explain the relapsing patients.Hope this post helped. Grace


2007-10-19 Thread Grace M.
medications, I will relapse again, and the hope is to minimize the damage of the next acute attack. I'm just not brave enough to take the risk.* ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] optic neuritis

2007-10-18 Thread Grace M.
solumedrol didn't work, so we did plasmapharesis and it halted it. I use Rituxan infusions now. I've regained almost all of my vision except for the left peripheral which is gone for good. I've never heard of nsytagmus being a symptom, but I could be wrong. Let me know. Grace


2007-10-18 Thread Grace M.
be wrong.) * *Grace* **

Re: [TMIC] what's up?

2007-10-15 Thread Grace M.
*Heya Ms. J,* ** *Of course things fell apart!! Surely you did not think that your two favorite cohorts would remain idle during your absence? It's time to get back to business Sweetness.don't forget that you, Frank, and I have a soiree to attend.;-)* ** *I love you and miss you and

Re: [TMIC] Lots to chat about

2007-10-15 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Patti,* *I take my Cymbalta as soon as I wake up in the morning. I've never had a bit of trouble with it. It's the only drug that has helped me with my depression and it has the added benefit of helping with the neuropathic pain.* ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] where is the chatter

2007-10-12 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Ann,* ** *I'm here and was wondering the same thing. Hope all are well.* *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] Flu Shot

2007-10-07 Thread Grace M.
*I don't get flu or pneumonia shots either. Because my TM was a result of relapsing Devic's, it's just not a risk that I am prepared to take. That being said, however, I do have several friends with this disease who have gotten flu shots with no ill results. * ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] exercise equip

2007-10-07 Thread Grace M.
exercise that I am sure they must have special benches and what not. * ** *GraceP.S.I'll start checking online for you and will let you know what I find out.*

[TMIC] Sal--sent links.

2007-10-07 Thread Grace M.
*Sal,* ** *Sent you some good links for the type of equipment you mentioned. The second one looks very promising. Am checking now to see if I can find any used equipment.* ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] spam thru tmic

2007-10-05 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Cheryl,* ** *No, I haven't received any via the TMIC list, but I do have to clean the Devic's Support site's unmonitered msgs page every day, because it is just filled with this garbage. I would die if any of that crap ever got through and posted.* *Grace*

[TMIC] Re: (TMIC) Sal !!!!!

2007-10-04 Thread Grace M.
in my files (If I didn't lose it again.) If not, I know that someone else here at the list will have it. And Sal, Welcome Back!!:-)* ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] return Transverse Myellitis

2007-10-04 Thread Grace M.
*There is recurrent Transverse Myelitis. You can find info about it at the TM Asosciation's message boards.* ** *Grace* -- Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket:*http

Re: [TMIC] re: Test

2007-09-26 Thread Grace M.
to go along with the disease. Grace. : *Kevin Wolfthal [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote: Regina, Very good question! I wish I knew. The last neurologist said I was on too many meds. I disagree. I'm on two BP meds, xanax, and an 81mg aspirin a day. I saw a program recently, discussing how

Re: [TMIC] Real Friends

2007-09-24 Thread Grace M.
, and though I have not had any drastic side effects, I have noticed a very insidious increase in fatigue. But hey, my friend, it's so good to *see* you. It'd be nice if you'd stay in touch so that I don't lose track of you. :-) Grace

Re: [TMIC] re: Oprah

2007-09-23 Thread Grace M.
an invitation (And that's fairly often.) they start buzzing about me being *depressed*. Kevin, I'm not depressedjust incredibly tired the majority of the time. Seems like I'm dam*ed if i do, and dam*ed if I don't. * ** *Grace *

Re: [TMIC] OT: Spiritual perspective on disabilities

2007-09-22 Thread Grace M.
*This is just beautiful. Thank you so much for posting it.* ** *Grace*


2007-09-21 Thread Grace M.
it yet. Maybe if we all bombard her with mail?* ** *Grace* **

Re: [TMIC] FW: State police - please read

2007-09-17 Thread Grace M.
However, it does say at Snopes, that using the number #77 is true in some states, and false in others. Grace On 9/17/07, Rick B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Please don't forward this stuff. Someone may actually believe it. It is an urban legend and not accurate.

Re: [TMIC] I'm back home

2007-09-16 Thread Grace M.
Hi Natalie, I'm so glad that you are on the mend. Be sure to take care of yourself and don't try to overdo. Hugs, Grace srote: s -- Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. http

Re: [TMIC] Spasticity

2007-09-14 Thread Grace M.
That's very good advice, Jude. Thanks for thinking of it. I often try to stretch without even thinking of the possibility of injury---and here I sit with osteoporosis. It scares me a little thinking of some of the physical chances I have taken. Grace *Please, everyone, be careful

Re: [TMIC] Spasticity

2007-09-13 Thread Grace M.
me to fall. Grace

Re: [TMIC] QuestionOT OT

2007-09-11 Thread Grace M.
that all went well. Grace -- See what's new at Make AOL Your Homepage .

Re: [TMIC] Question

2007-09-11 Thread Grace M.
**What? You two are whooping it up on your back porch whilst I sit down here in lonely southwestern PA, without even a grape to sniff? Oh.the cruelty of it all Grace On 9/11/07, Bob and Sue Mattis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Someone looking for Phran3que? He's with me. We've

Re: [TMIC] Depressed and no one to share with but you

2007-09-11 Thread Grace M.
all going.* *Your friend,* *Grace*

[TMIC] Any news about Natalie?

2007-09-10 Thread Grace M.
Has anyone heard how Natalie is doing? I'm hoping and praying that her surgery went well. Grace

Re: [TMIC] Question

2007-09-10 Thread Grace M.
I think that they must have Ann. I already found him...;-) Grace

[TMIC] Re: OT: What should I do, OT?

2007-09-06 Thread Grace M.
, whenever I turn around..the poor young fellas scream and make the sign of the cross with their fingers. Go figure?* ** *Grace*

Re: RE: [TMIC] OT hello?

2007-09-04 Thread Grace M.
Ladies, Don't you think that it's more fun for all of us to just fantasize about Frank's striking good looks? Think of itwhat's George Clooney for you, might be an aging Clint Eastwood for me, and a steamy Brad Pitt for someone else. Why burst our bubble? ;-) Grace

[TMIC] Pam is hospitalised.

2007-09-03 Thread Grace M.
I just spoke with her, and she asked me to let the list know, that she has experienced an exacerbation that has affected both legs. She is in good spirits, and will be having a meeting with her physicians tomorrow. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Grace

Re: [TMIC] Pam is hospitalised.

2007-09-03 Thread Grace M.
*Hi Heather,* ** *Thanks for asking about Chloe and her friend. They're both doing well. School's started so they are both preoccupied with that. The little boy won't be playing football too soon---damaged ribs and cartilage, but he's on the mend.* ** *Grace*

Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2007-09-01 Thread Grace M.
Frank, I used to love Amways products. Soap, cleaning aids, just everything. Their degreaser was fantastic. Bought it for years, But once we moved, couldn't find a salesman. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if I knew where to find it. Grace

RE; [TMIC] hello?

2007-08-28 Thread Grace M.
. Hi Gary, I use Tegretol. 800 mgs per day. Works like a charm. I do have to get regular liver function workups, though. Grace

Re: [TMIC] The truth about constipation....and.......Folate

2007-08-28 Thread Grace M.
Several times since becoming ill, I have ended up being so constipated, that it involved an extremely unpleasant *removal* process. Not fun. Now I try to be a lot more careful with what I eat, drink etc. Been there, done that, don't wanna do it again! Grace

Re: [TMIC] Devic's disease

2007-08-23 Thread Grace M.
what can actually be considered TM, as in the regular sense. Devic's is a totally different disease process. We know that for sure, due to the actual pathology of the disease and since the discovery of the antibody. Grace

[TMIC] OT/Daughter going to be all right.

2007-08-23 Thread Grace M.
They ended up having to life flight her, but all is well. Some heavy cuts, lots of abrasions. I had a really hard time getting to the accident scene---they told me *No*. I told them *YES!*, and my neighbor gunned the engine and off we went. The car brought me to my knees. She's an

Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2007 #228

2007-08-22 Thread Grace M.
thought not to be the case, but the diagnostic criteria has changed to include them. I believe the number for nonspecific brain lesions is around 60% now. Grace

Re: [TMIC] TM or MS?

2007-08-22 Thread Grace M.
drugs stopped working, my neuro decided that it was my best shot at lengthening the amount of time between attacks and also making them more manageable wheneverthey do occur. Hope this helps. Grace

[TMIC] OT/Gunny--Devic's patient needs your help.

2007-08-22 Thread Grace M.
directly Sorry for posting this here, but I lost your address also. (No one has ever accused me of being the sharpest knife in the drawer.) Grace

Re: [TMIC] Devic's disease

2007-08-22 Thread Grace M.
wishes. It's so appreciated. Your friend, Grace

[TMIC] OT/Daughter hurt in serious accident.

2007-08-22 Thread Grace M.
and I will be going down shortly. Say a prayer for them both that there are no serious injuries. Grace

[TMIC] Multiple lesions in MS and NMO.

2007-08-21 Thread Grace M.
Hi Frank, Kevin, In my case, two lesions (Both LETM's) led to a definitive diagnosis of NMO. There are several other factors to be considered whenever leaning towards MS. One is the presence/absence of oligoclonal bands in the CSF. Grace

Re: [TMIC] Superpubic

2007-08-21 Thread Grace M.
. Your friend, Grace

Re: [TMIC] SUBSCRIBE (see below)

2007-08-21 Thread Grace M.
Hi Hilded, I got your mail. Did you get mine? I never see any of my initial posts online so am not always sure if they go through or not On 8/21/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I get mail from the list all of the time but when I posted to the list, I got an email saying I

Re: [TMIC] Superpubic

2007-08-21 Thread Grace M.
buddies are hoping to be offered that feature. That's good news about no infections!! Grace

Re: [TMIC] Surgery on Monday

2007-08-18 Thread Grace M.
Hi Natalie, I'm so sorry to hear that it involves another surgery, but am convinced that it will indeed improve your life. I've heard some very positive things about this procedure. Try not to worry, and come back to us as soon as you can. Love and prayers for you. always. Grace

Re: [TMIC] Surgery on Monday

2007-08-18 Thread Grace M.
into a brawl. I don't want to see your mug shot on CNN! Love you much and will miss hearing from you. Grace . 8/ , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello Natalie, You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know when you can about your condition. Or, you can have your

Re: [TMIC] Question for The Mob

2007-08-13 Thread Grace M.
The bands are great. I've got them in all different colors and strengths. If you use them faithfully, they do help with strength. Grace

[TMIC] Todd---That's the map!!!!

2007-08-10 Thread Grace M.
Thank you so much. That's the map that I was looking for. You're a Sweetheart. Grace

[TMIC] Re: book/Insensitivity.

2007-08-09 Thread Grace M.
to mail. Grace --

Re: [TMIC] MY 2 CENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-08-09 Thread Grace M.

[TMIC] Re: book/Insensitivity.

2007-08-08 Thread Grace M.
and assume that I am (Either a drunk or mentally deficient.), whenever they don't know me, or my circumstances? And no, I will never forget lying on that floor in the local Walmart. You're right, people are generally insensitive to our inner pain. I love you. Don't forget to mail. Grace --

Re: [TMIC] Neurologist, Rheumatologists

2007-08-05 Thread Grace M.
Immediately following my NMO diagnosis, my PCP totally educated herself re: the disease. She explained to me that during her neurology rotation, they only took a cursory look at it---the professor told them that they would never see a case in their practice. She's been great. Grace

Fwd: [TMIC] Neurologist, Rheumatologists

2007-08-05 Thread Grace M.
to a compromised brain stem. The goal is to lengthen the time between attacks, and to minimize the severity whenever the recur. It's no picnic. :-( Grace *Grace M. [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote: Hi Natalie, The most important thing that we can do for ourselves---is to educate ourselves

Re: [TMIC] Neurologist, Rheumatologists

2007-08-05 Thread Grace M.
a disease with a more predictable course, maybe it would be easier for me to wrap my head around it. Ah well, life goies on. Grace . *Grace M. [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote: Hi again Natalie, It's a chemo infusion. My TM and blindness episodes were caused by Devic's disease. I

Re: [TMIC] Wheelchairs

2007-08-05 Thread Grace M.
Oh my gosh, Frank. I am so thankful that I didn't stay in Canada. I came pretty close to it---had planned to get married and apply for immigrancy. Came back here because of my kids, and also to be near my old neuro. I'm glad that I did. Grace

[TMIC] Life Alert.

2007-07-31 Thread Grace M.
. Grace

Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2007 #260

2007-07-30 Thread Grace M.
breakthrough spasms. I've learned my lesson about trying to do things that are beyond me. Grace

Re: [TMIC] Wheelchairs

2007-07-29 Thread Grace M.
!---and also two emergency pull cords, so I guess that I have some little measure of safety. Grace Grace M. wrote: Oh Priscilla, tell me about it!!! I looked just like a big ol middle aged Raggedy Anne (Or an elderly Bette Davis) lying there in the bushes. And you know

Re: [TMIC] Re: TM Reflexe

2007-07-28 Thread Grace M.
if he had managed to hold onto me and I had pulled him out of his chair? It really could have been a catastrophe. I would much rather have taken my chances at dodging traffic than to have caused him any additional pain. Hugs, Grace (In PA)

Re: [TMIC] Re: TM Reflexes

2007-07-27 Thread Grace M.
and look right now. Grace PeoplePC Online A better way to Internet

Re: [TMIC] Hi to all...

2007-07-27 Thread Grace M.
Hi Natalie, Sorry to hear that you're having such a time of it with the pain. I hope that things will be resolved for you soon. Feel better, Grace -- Got a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for kids.*http

Re: [TMIC] no mail??

2007-07-24 Thread Grace M.
Me either. Grace On 7/24/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Havent received mail in 3 days. Whats up?? -- Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com .

Re: [TMIC] no mail??

2007-07-24 Thread Grace M.
Hi Heather, It's rainy and cool here. The dog and I are just lazing around, enjoying the coolness. Of course, since I have been alerted to the occasion of Frank's vacation, it will be hard for me to go on, as I am sure that it will be for others. ;-) Grace

Re: [TMIC] TM Reflexes

2007-07-19 Thread Grace M.
Hi Kevin, My reflexes are off in my right leg. Brisk is the term that the neuro used for it. For a long time after the onset of illness, I had missing reflexes. It's my understanding that this is all part and parcel of the disease. Grace

[TMIC] Emai test.

2007-07-14 Thread Grace M.
I'm not sure that my mails are getting through to the list. Some personal ones that I have written are now lost in cyberspace. Please let me know if this goes through. Grace

[TMIC] Bad Fall---Stitches.

2007-07-14 Thread Grace M.
was at. Getting up onto that stool was just plain STUPID! Well, I'm gonna go lie down for awhile. My entire arm is throbbing. Grace.

Re: [TMIC] Bob---Re: Seroquel Rituxin for MS

2007-07-13 Thread Grace M.
into a 75mg? At any rate he told me not to panic as for the time being I can uses samples. Grace On 7/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I also take different dosages at different times of the day, but it's the Neurontin. In order to satisfy the insurance company

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