Re: [Vo]:Krivit relents

2011-01-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Playing devil's advocate in situations like this serve a useful purpose. Honoring our skeptical bones hopefully help keep our feet firmly planted on the ground, particularly when our wings would love to start flapping right now! soar into the stratosphere is everyone's dream.

[Vo]:Popular Science as weighed in on Focardi and Rossi: Dubious

2011-01-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
See: After casting dispersions they had the following to say: But the duo does have something going for them in the fact that they’ve demonstrated their device

Re: [Vo]:Removing All Doubt

2011-01-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Here's a handy-dandy Table of Nuclides Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Announcements from Rossi about paper, next demo, ICCF16

2011-01-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Discovery News Article

2011-01-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Harry, Article uses Robert Park as an authority on the subject. As predicted by Mr. Rothwell, it would appear that the majority of popular news organizations willing to stick their necks out and file a brief report on the

Re: [Vo]:Monday Update to Release Information on Self Sustain Mode

2011-01-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... We have about 1,000 readers a week normally. I do not know how many are repeat visitors. Word is getting out, gradually, but the population of the world is large, and people like Robert Park have access to the mass media, which reaches a far larger audience than

Re: [Vo]:Monday Update to Release Information on Self Sustain Mode

2011-01-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
About an hour ago I sed: Shouldn't we have expected commentary from the doctor [Dr. Park] by now? I wonder what's going on in that department. Does he have a cold or something? Well, the doctor has finally spoken ... and he has decided not to mention

Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mark Iverson: Good or bad, the genie is out of the bottle and there's no way anyone can stuff it back in... I sincerely hope, pray, that the human species has matured enough to accept the responsibility that comes with this kind of discovery. I agree, Mark. Sunday Sermon Potential

Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: Personally, I hope that 2012 will usher in a new sun.  Not a supernova of Betelgeuse; but, a slow, cold fusion which will render the petrodollar obsolete.  May the end of the Mayan calender on the winter solstice be the day that megawatt H-Ni steam engine goes online. In which

Re: [Vo]:EETIMES publishes report

2011-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: ... … maybe there should be martinis all around – which drink – BTW could be called the rossi … if you want to get into a trivia contest g Bottom’s up !  and put it all on Park’s tab. Regarding the honorable Dr. Park: Latest weekly issue, Friday, January 21, 2011: What's New

Re: [Vo]:Levi report uploaded

2011-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: I uploaded a version of the report with some corrections to the English grammar and spelling, here: I have not cleared it with them yet, but I'm sure it is okay. It is night there. Is this the report we've been waiting for? I could

Re: [Vo]:Levi report uploaded

2011-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Wait a minute: My eyeballs scanned the following paragraph: Page 6: Conclusions The amount of power and energy produce during both tests is indeed impressive and, TOGETHER WITH THE SELF SUSTAINING STATE REACH DURING [caps mine] [TEST 1] could be an indication that the system is working as a

Re: [Vo]:Levi report uploaded

2011-01-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
My eyeballs then scanned the following paragraph: On page 4: --- Before ending [Test 1] all the power was reduced and then switched off from the resistors and also the hydrogen supply was closed. No pressure decrease was noted in the H2 bottle. EVEN IN THIS CONDITIONS THE SYSTEM KEPT

Re: [Vo]: Where have all the neutrons gone...

2011-01-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mark Now sing along with me... from that ol' folk song... Where have all the neutrons gone... I did start singing. ;-) ' ...perhaps into heavy fermions?  ;-) This from the comment section of the Knol page on CF... Consider heavy fermion superconductors The August 2009 issue of

Re: [Vo]:Times of India reports on ICCF16 and Rossi

2011-01-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: See: Excerpt: According to Dr M Srinivasan, chairman of the organizing committee, the conference will deal with the recent breakthrough in cold fusion theory

Re: [Vo]:Times of India reports on ICCF16 and Rossi

2011-01-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... See? This is an example of wild guessing and unfounded speculation. This is what I was complaining about before, in the thread, Your suspicion is not proof there is a problem. BUT, it would only be a problem if I were to make this back-of-the-envelope calculation, then jump to

Re: [Vo]:Name of Rossi's blog says it is a blog

2011-01-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Does anyone recall if the subtitle: Nuclear experiments blog was there all along, or is it a recent addition. I don't remember. Actually, I don't care either way. Actually, I kinda hope it is a recent addition. From my POV it would suggest that perhaps Rossi does actually give a hoot what people

[Vo]:Russian perspective on Rossi-Focardi - aka From Russia with Love

2011-01-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson Excerpt: [sed: president of the Kurchatov Institute and Academician at the Russian Academy of Sciences] There is not a single study indicating that cold fusion is essentially impossible. There is a notion called muonic catalysis, in the course

Re: [Vo]:Three interesting messages from Rossi blog

2011-01-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I think it would behoove us to acquire some familiarity with this Greek based company called: DEFKALION Energy Group. My initial Google searches haven't brought up anything of significance, though my searches are still preliminary. The email address for making inquiries is,

[Vo]:Where is Dr. Park?

2011-01-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Another Friday has come around. I wunder if the honorable Dr. Park will continue his distinctive silence on the Rossi-Focardi matter in his What's New column. Dr. Park has GOT to be aware of it. Inquiring minds what to know. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Where is Dr. Park?

2011-01-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter: too small a subject for such a Great, Omniscient, Man Not likely. ;-) In all seriousness, Dr. Park's silence strikes me as unusual. The following is pure speculation on my part, so take it FWIW. With that disclaimer in place - lemme say this about that... As Dirty Harry once

Re: [Vo]:Where is Dr. Park?

2011-01-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mr. Lawrence: ... (The only possible spoke in the wheel at this point would be if it's not for real.  That, of course, would be an insurmountable problem.) LOL Very deadpan of you, Mr. Lawrence. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Rossi describe how they flushed the steam

2011-01-31 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Good detective work, Jed. I hope they hook it up to a generator. In the fickle PR world, it seems to me that the device generating 1 megawatts of electricity would be the most convincing demo of all, especially if it can be clearly proved that there cannot possibly exist the equivalent of a one

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From: S. Krivit's NET Installment #31 16. Cold Fusion Versus LENR: Competing Ideologies Paragraph excerpt: In January 2010, Melich and his second wife, Marianne Macy, who writes for Infinite Energy magazine, began producing

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Please keep in mind that the following quotes have been extracted from individuals whose opinions may have changed (or moderated) in subtle ways later on in the on-going thread. From Mr. Lawrence: I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that Levi doesn't believe it's for real, no matter what he

Re: [Vo]: does not exist

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mark Iverson: ... Just assume for one second that the demo was real, and that you are Rossi and have been pouring in your financial livelihood into making those first 100 reactors... Would you publish the location for all the world to see... Hell NO!!! That would be the most idiotic

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Much of the on-going speculation, of which I, too, am guilty of having propagated, reminds me of a poignant and all-too-brief scene I recall from the recent apocalyptic film titled, 2012, - which by the way was a really awful film. 100% special effects - 0% plot. Out in the wild snow-capped

Re: [Vo]:ICCF16 Rossi section

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: From a PDF file just received: ... 12.30 F . C elani M.Melich : Brief Report on Rossi-Focardi 10 KW Demo : Additional Remarks on Rossi-Focardi Experiment For me this truly begs a nagging question. Of what importance, if any, could actually be discussed at such a meeting

Re: [Vo]:ICCF16 Rossi section

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: Some follow-up comments. For me this truly begs a nagging question. Of what importance, if any, could actually be discussed at such a meeting conducted by Melich. A great deal. Melich has a lot of technical info on this. He has read the papers published by Rossi and understands

Re: [Vo]:ICCF16 Rossi section

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Mr Lawrence sez: What's a BoD? In this case: Board of Directors But right now, I could use a doughnut. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:ICCF16 Rossi section

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
It would seem advantageous to all participating ICCF-16 participants to track down a legitimate witness to the December/January Italian demonstration, hopefully a physics professor. Make an offer he can't refuse. Personally fly him to ICCF-16, promise to pay his hotel room, and all his meals...

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion : first pictures of their lab released.

2011-11-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry: Can't be sure of what we are seeing; but, it could be a Rossi-type Reactor.  Good to see they are working in stainless steel instead of copper. I agree. Makes me wonder if DGT has had a chance to notice any unexpected isotopic shifts. Actually, DGT might not yet have had enough

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion : first pictures of their lab released.

2011-11-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry, Should I sent SK a link to the press release?  eg Certainly! Investigative reporters should always endeavor to read the latest reports regardless of their origins. ...shouldn't they??? Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Chinese Nazca?

2011-11-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: What the heck is this?,93.742118hl=dell=40.447764,93.744299spn=0.005201,0.010107num=1t=hvpsrc=6z=17 Good Grief! The Chinese invented Duct Tape too Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:a modest proposal

2011-11-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: ... Many skeptics do not seem to understand this distinction. They look at the factors a college instructor would cite in grading an lab exercise: neatness, correct use of instruments, documentation, exposition, positioning of thermocouples, and other did-you-follow-the-textbook

Re: [Vo]:Interesting post on

2011-11-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Page: Interesting post on Indeed, it's an interesting post about what N would seem to stand for. However, at present information of this sort, particularly from anonymous posters possesses no credibility whatsoever. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:When faced with reality

2011-11-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Let me repeat that I started this thread to discern what might have been reported from ardent skeptics AFTER it had been determined beyond reasonable doubt that the Wright Brothers [Sorry about that blatant misspelling of Wright with Right in my original post... Hadn't had my cup'o'Java.] had

Re: [Vo]:Steorn's HephaHeat Eclipses Rossi's ECat

2011-11-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jwinter: ... But still Rossi's device does get the higher end - right up over a megawatt.  And it's market ready. Well, I must confess a personal opinion that I suspect Steorn is not dead yet! ;-) However, regarding Rossi's ecats. Assuming one of the most positive Polly-Anna scenarios

Re: [Vo]:its been great

2011-11-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Stephen: ... Actually I've found Joshua's comments to be occasionally quite insightful.  Furthermore, in his more recent posts he's generally dropped, suppressed, or anyway mostly not mentioned his global anti-LENR stance, and stuck pretty closely to the topic of Rossi, which makes his

Re: [Vo]:Open letter from Brian Josephson to Andrea Rossi (

2011-11-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Akira: Have a read at the latest English article from on the E-Cat. This time it's Brian Josephson who's written an open letter to Andrea Rossi: From Josephson: ... It appears that the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC),

Re: [Vo]:Open letter from Brian Josephson to Andrea Rossi (

2011-11-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Daniel: Well, the skepticism towards Rossi will be much worse if he refuses Josephson's invitation. This guy is completely off mainstream and not taking his word is really, really bad for his business... IMO, if Rossi feels he has successfully pocketed a few select corporations who

Re: [Vo]:New LENR Patent Appl: Method for Producing Heavy Electrons

2011-11-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I sed: IMO, if Rossi feels he has successfully pocketed a few select corporations who believe in his technology he would give a fart about trying to appease the scientific establishment. Jed sed: He never did a fart about that. If he has customers, all the more reason to ignore

Re: [Vo]:Open letter from Brian Josephson to Andrea Rossi (

2011-11-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... Still, [Rossi] appears to be selling. He hired SI. He has done a lot of things right. If he succeeds, people will say this business strategy was the stuff of genius. In the future, they will teach his methods at the Harvard Business School. Grad School Course: Rossi Business

Re: [Vo]:Rossi Defkalion 4 possibilities

2011-11-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
What was Stremmenos implying when he sed: The poor's lamb can't become a ram. From Akira: ... Probably that, according to Stremmenos, Defkalion GT don't have the resources (not necessarily economic) to develop an idea into something big and workable as Rossi is supposedly doing. IMO:

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT announcement

2011-11-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Ledin: Defkalion GT ... You all are kindly ask not to confuse our Hyperion technology with others’ (eg.ecat). We are not willing to answer any questions pertaining to third party initiatives in LENR. We have made our own progress, both on technical and business matters. So we will not

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's interview with Tom and Doug

2011-11-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
A former girlfriend of mine, for which I'm happy to say I'm still on good terms with, has a rated IQ of 150 or higher. Don't ever play a game of GO with her. You will be humiliated. She cannot tell her right hand from her left without manually taking the effort of looking at them. Regards Steven

Re: [Vo]:Report on Rossi's visit to Boston

2011-11-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: ... Why did Rossi even go? What was he thinking? He does at least make it clear that he cannot reveal anything about this because he has no patent. He does not actually say I do not want widespread publicity because I have no patent -- I want to cash in while I can but I am pretty

Re: [Vo]:Report on Rossi's visit to Boston

2011-11-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed ... Maybe there is more to it. I just heard this in a 5-minute phone call. Summary: He said the same stuff he has been saying all along in his blog and in the magazines. Well, at least he is consistent. IMHO, (and granted it might be an incorrect opinion) I can't help but speculate

Re: [Vo]:Article about trip of andrea rossi to massachusetts from boston globe

2011-11-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Thanks Jouni, Excerpt: Rossi said he would also like to develop small household cold fusion power generators in Massachusetts. I'm already planning to come back soon, [Rossi] said, We are hoping to get something started in a matter of weeks, not months. * * * * Looks to me as if Rossi is

Re: [Vo]:Article about trip of andrea rossi to massachusetts from boston globe

2011-11-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
orionworks sez: ... ... looking like the personification of God Almighty himself (circa Old Testament) Akshully, the more I think of it, I suspect Randi is trying to emulate the Darwin look. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion

2011-11-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
FWIW I would recommend if at all possible trying to find a place of neutrality on the Rossi/Defkalion matter. In my view, there is too much rampant anticipation going on - and that's not a good thing. Inevitably, unbridled anticipation tends to generate profound disappointment when the

Re: [Vo]:Rossi opens 10 KW expression of interest list and sets 10 kW price

2011-11-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Ahsoka, Unbeknownst to the cold fusion enthusiasts, Rossi is really doing a phenomenological study on the perception and judgement of those who believe in in LENR. ... Assuming you're serious, and that Rossi's entire eCat endeavor has been nothing more than a phenomenological study of

Re: [Vo]:Virtual Particles are Gravitational Dipoles

2011-11-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Gee wiz! I sed something sort of like this about three to six months ago in the Vort Collective. However, I'm sure what I said was stated much more crudely. I recall conjecturing that the aggregate mass existence of all those fleeting virtual particles could possibly in themselves contribute to

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Prepares

2011-11-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Is the unit basically a small furnace, perhaps to heat a few rooms or water? What's the COP on this configuration? I haven't been able to determine that yet. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Prepares

2011-11-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Orionworks sez: Is the unit basically a small furnace, perhaps to heat a few rooms or water? What's the COP on this configuration? I haven't been able to determine that yet. Let me clarify. It sez it's for Domestic or Building, Agricultural and Industrial uses. It looks to me like it's a

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Prepares

2011-11-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter: minimum COP is 25 so far I remember. Details are here: 25? On page 18 it sez: COP Better than 1:25 / 1:32 Big discrepancy here. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:eCat/Hyperion output level control

2011-11-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: ... I assume that a unit used for space heating only would have something like a thermoelectric device and a storage battery to keep itself going, or to wake itself up. So there would be no waste of external AC power. Perhaps early models will depend upon AC power. Soon there will

[Vo]:Scientist [aka: Rossi] Makes Pitch for Massachusetts Cold Fusion Plant

2011-12-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Live Science: TITLE Scientist Makes Pitch for Massachusetts Cold Fusion Plant Mostly harmless The energizer bunny seems to keep on going and going. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Bill Gates to build a new nuclear reactor -- with China

2011-12-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alan, BEIJING –  Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates confirmed Wednesday he is in discussions with China to jointly develop a new and safer kind of nuclear reactor. The idea is to be very

Re: [Vo]:Bill Gates to build a new nuclear reactor -- with China

2011-12-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: It has been a conservative business strategy that has worked very well for BG. Nevertheless, I lament the fact that BG appears to have rarely shown much backbone towards exploring and subsequently exploiting  unproven/cutting edge technologies such as those purported from Rossi. . .

Re: [Vo]:Article - Quantum Entanglement Allows Diamonds to Communicate

2011-12-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robert Michele Next time we send out some Mars Rovers, we swap the communications antennae with a Quantum Entangled Crystal (QEX) array, and, voila! Real-time

Re: [Vo]:Yo: Peter Heckert! Is a 0.1 mm gap a problem or not?

2011-12-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Peter, Jed, if I find the time tomorrow during work, I do the test myself. This is better. I fear your test will not be correct. It is good that you are performing the experiment yourself and that you will post the results. We all would love to see the results. OTOH, what is behind this

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion addresses ashes

2011-12-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Interesting. I wonder if DGT will also propose what kind of nuclear/LENR steps are most likely being taken to produce the copper. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Nickel salts for sale?

2011-12-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From James, Where can I get small quantities of soluble nickel salts?  Nickel chloride would be fine.  Reagent grade would be nice but not absolutely necessary. Hopefully I won't have a SWAT team of wannabe secret police attack dogs bashing down my door if I get my mitts on such an obvious

Re: [Vo]:The dark side of cold fusion

2011-12-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Axil Axil: No matter what Jed Rothwell says, poisoned by the deepest failings of uncaring and debased human nature, Cold fusion could usher in a new dark age of human exploitation and misery for all mankind. From Jed: I said that too. See chapter 19, Making things worse . . . I would

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
The statement from Lattice Energy LLC strikes me as essentially saying: Accept no other theory than our own. IOW, product placement. If LE LLC eventually gets around to unveiling their own Dog Pony show, meaning the presentation of a product (or just a prototype), then by all means, let the

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Randy Wuller: ... ... I also don't care if the name given to the process is particularly accurate from a scientific standpoint, you guys can call it whatever you want once you figure it out. Many on this list have argued this very issue. So have I. Before I was asked to resign, while I

Re: [Vo]:Higgs, Alpha, and Ebenezer

2011-12-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jones sez: ... What a bunch of unmitigated pomposity. Give them a continuing 5 billion per annum - and in few decades, wow - they could probably get it right. Isn’t it about time for a big dose of “Occupy CERN”. From:

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic- Russian UFO or Drone..UK Telegraph

2011-12-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Kita I guess that most have seen this by now..It seems to have gone viral. A drone seems probable..yet...if it is a drone..will it reappear? Most likely a surveillance

Re: [Vo]:E-cat impact

2011-12-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
I'd be dead without spell checker. I suspect I'm not alone on that. I wonder if MY is taking lessons from Mr. Krivit. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Bob Park is back!

2011-12-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Thanks for posting the actual paragraph, Peter. 3. LET ME COUNT THE WAYS: PSEUDOSCIENCE IS AN ENORMOUS FIELD There are, I think, many more of them than there are of us. Let me mention just a few of the more notorious:  Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishman, who gave us Cold Fusion in 1989, are

Re: [Vo]:Bob Park is back!

2011-12-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed, Peter can correct me if I error on this point but I believe he has repeatedly attempted to contact Dr. Park specifically in regard to the Rossi saga. Numerous times. I believe Peter as posted the fact that Park has never responded to any of his repeated inquiries. I'm sure others have

Re: [Vo]:E-cat impact

2011-12-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mr. Lawrence: However, I do have an observation: When a woman (or apparent woman) shows up, she gets *far* more responses to her posts than a man (or apparent man) would by posting the same sort of material. So, being a woman on the fringe lists is enough to garner an awful lot of

Re: [Vo]:Bob Park is back!

2011-12-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Josh: My guess is that he knows it will irk the believers even more if he ignores Rossi, than if he dumps on him. It seems to be working. Keep guessing Joshua. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:LENR and Cold Fusion from a critical logical point of view.

2011-12-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jed: ... Terminology is often inaccurate and usually a generation behind. We often pick a word for something new that describes the older object better than the new one. Because there isn't a word for the new thing. ... This is why many (myself included) have felt that recent attempts,

Re: [Vo]:LENR and Cold Fusion from a critical logical point of view.

2011-12-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robert: The words may eventually be elimanated, but the next generation is adopting them without care of origin. But our generation is just as guilty of committing the same type of crimes. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:LENR and Cold Fusion from a critical logical point of view.

2011-12-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robert: There is a huge industry of focus-group research that would vehemently disagree.  Changing terminologies can entirely restructure a debate, and affect changes in perception: Global warming to climate change? Pro-choice to women's health? Gay marriage to marriage equality? In

Re: [Vo]:CF as a historical phenomenon

2011-12-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: ... (By the way, I did not love the challenge of making programs work in 4 kB, but I did meet it.) Back in the 70's I was hired by the State of Wisconsin to work on an IBM 360 Model 20, with 32k of memory. This was a mainframe computer. I was in charge of the edit check program that

Re: [Vo]:LENR and Cold Fusion from a critical logical point of view.

2011-12-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Robert sez: He who controls the language controls the argument. The examples I'd provided were all to demonstrate the utility of changing the terminology. You will not immediately remove stigma, but can restructure the entire nature of the dispute. The change in name can have the largest


2011-12-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Regarding the matter of: RE: On the topic that Horace brings up re: moving all non-technical postings to the other vortex list... I presume this is in reference to vortex-b. Unfortunately, vortex-b is set up as a no-holds bar forum where anything goes. Long ago I stopped subscribing to b


2011-12-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Bek: Your 'b' must be different from the one I subscribe to. No, it's the same one. I haven't seen a post there in months, aside from the test I just did. Yes, and why do you suppose that is so? It's called the scorched earth syndrome. Things got so bad that most, myself included,


2011-12-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Bek: It's called the scorched earth syndrome. Things got so bad that most, myself included, simply subscribed out of b. I suspect the trolls are still however. They are still subscribed to b, abiding their time, waiting to pounce. If everybody feels that way, 'b' will never be used.

Re: [Vo]:Once again, I advise Defkalion to show Stremmenos their reactors

2011-12-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Glad you responded to DGT, Jed, You conclude with: I do not think I can get the message through. I suppose they do not want to hear it. I'm inclined to speculate that, yes, they HAVE gotten your message. They probably got your message long ago. But perhaps, for strategic business reasons,

Re: [Vo]:Once again, I advise Defkalion to show Stremmenos their reactors

2011-12-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Let me expand on some thoughts. I gather Stremmenos has yet to visit DGT's labs. Why? Several scenarios come to mind: * If Stremmenos were to discover the fact that DGT's hyperons are authentic, and that have created their own version of the secret sauce, it would essentially authenticate DGT's

Re: [Vo]:Once again, I advise Defkalion to show Stremmenos their reactors

2011-12-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Robert: ... Whether the decision is based on strategy or attorney's recommendation is anybody's guess. IMO, both are good guesses. ...a little of both. I bet lawyers on both sides of the fence will make a bundle of money. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Once again, I advise Defkalion to show Stremmenos their reactors

2011-12-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Stephen: Perhaps they *are* stupid. That issue is quite independent of whether they're honest.  Not everybody in business who is in a position to control substantial sums is highly intelligent, after all. And if they're actually con guys, well, most criminals are, after all, kind of

Re: [Vo]:Once again, I advise Defkalion to show Stremmenos their reactors

2011-12-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Giovanni sez: How come Mary Yugo explanations of the current events sounds always the most rational, well thought and coherent? It just fits all the facts. According to your personal paradigm. There will always be mutual admiration societies. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:A competent observer's assessment of Defkalion

2011-12-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mr. Lawrence, ... Good. Nice. The prototypes (mockups?) apparently look pretty, and the paper specs look good. (So did the Batmobile I saw at a car show some years back. It had great specs, too, by the way.) But do they work? Do they do anything at all? This statement says

Re: [Vo]:Next Rossi customer update

2011-12-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Could it be Black Light Power? Hmmm ... they're in New Jersey, so it qualifies as North East. But I think Rossi would regard them as a snake/competitor. Hah! Great speculation. I wish BLP *would* find a way to acquire one of Rossi's contraptions. Alas, me thinks this would be too much of a

Re: [Vo]:Patience, grasshopper quote

2011-12-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: ... And Pai Mei taught the Black Mamba Dim Mak, aka the Five-Point-Palm-Exploding-Heart Technique, used to dispatch Bill; a far better way to die than in real life via autoerotic asphyxiation. Carradine's life will make a great movie one day. Probably so. We are an interesting

Re: [Vo]:Patience, grasshopper quote

2011-12-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
We are an interesting species. It's probably one of the reasons why we are being studied... at a discrete distance ;-) Or not so distant as in Doc Smith's Triplanetary. I loved reading Doc's Lensman series. Doc gave great space opera. And now... back to regularly scheduled programming

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Happy Solstice

2011-12-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez: At 11:30 tonight the countdown clock begins.  Will the chaos erupt suddenly or become asymptotic? It appears to have begun: Cool clouds;

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Happy Solstice / Let it Snow

2011-12-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alan, Try typing let it snow into google. Glad they included a DEFROST button. ;-) Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:A competent observer's assessment of Defkalion

2011-12-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Giovanni: Until LENR is something that every amateur enthusiast can reproduce and post on youtube, it will remain in the realm of pseudoscience. I disagree with that assumption. What the hell do amateur enthusiasts have to do with validation? Assuming the technology is valid, all I

Re: [Vo]:A competent observer's assessment of Defkalion

2011-12-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Giovanni recently expressed the following proclamation: Until LENR is something that every amateur enthusiast can reproduce and post on youtube, it will remain in the realm of pseudoscience. Soon afterwards, Mr. Rothwell followed up with: I suspect you [Giovanni] are making up unreasonable

Re: [Vo]:Krivit goes Berserk against Cold Fusion research to promote WL theory.

2011-12-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Akira, McKubre's M4 bogus experiment index: In the above link it appears to me that Krivit is not just attacking McKubre, but also

Re: [Vo]:Mathematical modeling versus a blacksmith

2011-12-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Mary Yugo: Am I to assume you examined the mathematical modeling and resulting curves in the links I provided and have analyzed and rejected them for some good reason? I assume you addressed this query to Mr. Rothwell. Nevertheless, I have two cents of my own to add. Having run

Re: [Vo]:Mathematical modeling versus a blacksmith

2011-12-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez: Wow! That gives us an interesting look at how Google translation works. The computer picks a word that is functionally similar. One that has similar uses, distribution or frequency. Or maybe it is a database error. The word roth also means red, in Middle English. Hence the

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:RE: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi interview on Ca$h Flow: “I translate pressure as responsibility.”

2012-01-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Dave: I agree with your assessment.  Products such as the ECAT will not be sold over the counter in Home Depot.  Right now you can not buy heat pumps there as the government requires certified installers due to the dangers involved.  There are few customers capable of making the

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:20 kW home E-Cat LCOE

2012-01-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Francis Big oil has no way to plug all these little holes and is probably rethinking their future investment schemes to “join” rather than “beat”  LENR and will probably find some way to purchase and meter this new resource. It seems to me that a perfectly legitimate business

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