Just to tie up a few of the loose ends.

Nothing that anyone has said has been dismissed or downgraded as merely
"pushback."  This has all been very instructive for me and I've learned a

In the first post, Marjan described the companies and roles of the folks to
whom I'm referring to as my "team."


These three folks are former colleagues since I used to work at TomTom.
Now, I am a strategic communications consultant and a writer. I still
volunteer for the CWG, and I'm also consulting a bit with the OSMF on its
fundraising.  Even though I'm not with TomTom anymore, I am still
interested in the communications data project, so I have continued to work
on it as a volunteer. We are presenting at SotMUS in June. We are in the
4:30pm slot on Friday.  https://2023.stateofthemap.us/schedule/

I don't see any way to have avoided saying that Marjan and I volunteer for
the CWG because it's relevant to the study. Being on the CWG helped us
understand more about how OSM communicates and gave us the idea to study
the channel and forum data. It also gives me a way to volunteer within the
community since I'm not a GIS expert or software engineer.

I think this covers everything? If not, let me know.

Don't forget to take the survey!
https://osmf.limequery.org/875881?lang=en (There
is a bit more about the project in the introduction)

On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 4:27 PM John Whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Courtney wrote on 5/3/2023 4:00 PM:
> Compare a statement like this:
>  "I know you may be relatively new here, so to help you be successful,
> here are some ideas for how to structure for your project"
> to a statement like this:
>  "I am disappointed to yet again see someone doing this wrong and ignoring
> the requests of the community"
> There is a difference in the level of language proficiency needed to use
> the first sentence so you're asking a great deal of people using a second
> language to use that level of proficiency.
> This might be appropriate for easing people into a new situation  but I
> think you also have to take into account that technical people and there
> are many here usually are more direct , blunt if you like.
> How would you rephrase Fredrick's post by the way?  I may have missed your
> answer.
> Can you clarify who "your team" in this context is? You were introduced in
> Marjan's initial post as "OSMF Communication Working Group Member" and were
> the only of four names without a TomTom affiliation. You are posting this
> neither from an OSMF nor from a TomTom address but from a gmail one.
> Is "your team" a corporate TomTom endeavour? Is it the OSMF Communications
> working group? Or...?
> Unclear affiliations are a problem, as I pointed out in this thread a few
> days ago. Has everything I said been filed away under "pushback" and
> ignored?
> Many Thanks
> Cheerio John
> --
> Sent from Postbox <https://www.postbox-inc.com>


--Courtney Cook Williamson
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