Re: [Cooker] Re: Update Mirrors still not updated

2003-11-17 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 09:57, Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2003, at 08:18, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > Will somebody please fix this stuff?  The mirrors are still not 
> > updated since
> > the last security update.  Why are advisories posted when the packages 
> > are
> > not on the mirrors or mirrors are not updated?
> >
> >
> After getting someone to check, the updates are on the primary master 
> that the mirrors sync from, so this could be a side-effect of the 9.2 
> ISOs being released.
> Everything is ok on our end, so there isn't a lot we can do if the 
> mirrors are passing around the ISOs and that's preventing the updates 
> from coming down the pipe as quickly as usual.

I'll pass this on thanks.


> ---
> MandrakeSoft Security;
> Online Security Resource Book;
> "lynx -source | gpg --import"
> {FE6F2AFD : 88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD}

Re: [Cooker] Orphan files ?

2003-11-12 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 15:42, Michael Altizer wrote:
> Frank Griffin wrote:
> > I'm looking for some guidance on trying to find the package which owns 
> > a file.
> >
> > Several times now when I've had a problem with a particular executable 
> > or one of the initialization script files, I've tried to find the 
> > owning package for purposes of filing a bug report by using rpmdrake's 
> > seach on filename feature, only to get no hits from the search.
> >
> > The latest example is /usr/bin/update-menus.
> >
> > Should this technique work, or should I be doing something else ?
> >
> >
> >
> It seems as though this should work.  Using urpmf --files update-menus 
> returns the following results:
> menu:/usr/bin/update-menus
> menu:/usr/share/man/man1/update-menus.1.bz2
> So, /usr/bin/update-menus belongs to the menu package. (menu-2.1.5-124mdk)
> Note: Obviously, this is only going to work 100% if your urpmi database 
> matches your currently installed packages since packages are often 
> removed and, though less frequent an occurance, files may switch between 
> packages (eg. all the recent KDE changes).
> -Michael

Correct I am making two assumptions.  

1.  That current state of the urpmi database is == current installed
2.  That this method is more usefull on a stable system than a dev

An alternative.

rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/update-menus

I've often found that giving full path to a file results in fewer orphan
statements than normal.  



Re: [Cooker] Orphan files ?

2003-11-12 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 15:24, Frank Griffin wrote:
> I'm looking for some guidance on trying to find the package which owns a 
> file.
> Several times now when I've had a problem with a particular executable 
> or one of the initialization script files, I've tried to find the owning 
> package for purposes of filing a bug report by using rpmdrake's seach on 
> filename feature, only to get no hits from the search.
> The latest example is /usr/bin/update-menus.
> Should this technique work, or should I be doing something else ?

urpmf /usr/bin/update-menus 

will give you the package that includes that file.



Re: [Cooker] Re: Mandrake uses Photoshop... What a pity!

2003-11-02 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 20:58, Rob wrote:
> On Saturday 01 November 2003 16:20, guran wrote:
> > I think it is nice that some poets or persons have humor.
> In the US, sadly, trial lawyers seldom do.
> Rob

They have a sense of humor, they laugh all the way to the bank with your
money.  :(



Re: [Cooker] Re: Mandrake uses Photoshop... What a pity!

2003-11-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 19:52, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 04:10, Duncan wrote:
> > If I don't miss my guess, "The Gimp", was a DELIBERATE play on the
> > above meaning, in the same "finger to the man" anti-corporate
> > poking-fun-at-society deliberate way the Linux community has such
> > applications as "Scrotum" [...], "BitchX", and "Pimp-Ass Newsreader"
> And Pathetic Writer, part of SIAG Office.
> My personal favourite is this descriptively named "Eight-Instruction 
> Turing-Complete Programming Language" from Muppet Labs (not your 
> grandfather's Muppets, it seems):
> ...and here's an interpreter for it written in itself (plus links to a 
> translator-to-C for it)...
> Cheers; Leon

One must not forget the ill fated M$ Reader conversion tool  (Converit
Liturature)  which used the C from Convert and the first 3 letters of
liturature.  Great product... lousy name.



Re: [Cooker] Fwd: [plug] Mandrake Bug announce warning rant ahead

2003-10-27 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-10-27 at 22:29, Rob wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 October 2003 01:11, Leon Brooks wrote:
> > FYI; Scott runs a local Linux retail business and consultancy
> > Subject: [plug] Mandrake Bug announce warning rant ahead
> > Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 09:58
> > From: Scott Middleton 
> > 
> > I am pissed off..
> > Has anyone seen an official announcement to the Mandrake users
> > that using their latest and greatest will completely stuff
> > their CDROM? I don't care that it is not their fault. I don't
> I was all set to reply to this mail with "You're full of it, the 
> distro hasn't even shipped yet and it was all over 
> Mandrakeclub", but
> It wasn't.
> Turns out the only reason I know about this is because I 
> subscribed to cooker in preparation for submitting my own RPM's 
> to contrib.  I would have eventually seen the article on 
> slashdot or the register about it, but by then I would have 
> tried to install it on a client's machine that had been 
> earmarked for Mandrake 9.2 and which, indeed, had an LG CD-ROM 
> drive in it.
> What worries me more is that this was discovered after 9.2 had 
> "gone gold" and presumably been stamped on aluminum and boxed 
> for sending out to retail stores and replacing CD's (or 
> worse yet, orchestrating a recall) will cost money that Mandrake 
> couldn't need more right now.  Worse still would be if this got 
> into the channel and someone with an axe to grind decided to sue 
> Mandrake for knowingly selling something that would destroy 
> equipment, however cheap the equipment may be... in some 
> jurisdictions this would probably be legal no matter what the 
> EULA or the GPL says.
> I wish I could be a little more constructive here, but all I can 
> come up with is "do better next time, guys."  Not that I want 
> there to be a "next time" as far as blowing up out-of-spec 
> Korean drives goes, but I certainly hope to see Mandrake 10.0 
> sometime next year.
> Rob

In all due fairness it's been at the top of the errata page for quite a

Note that Slashdot pclinuxonline and others found out about it by point
to this page.


Re: [Cooker] Anyone else having trouble fetching MandrakeClub RPMs?

2003-10-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 18:21, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 23:21, Pascal wrote:
> > Le Samedi 25 Octobre 2003 15:39, Leon Brooks a écrit :
> >> Every time I go to download an RPM I get asked to log in. When I
> >> log in, the site sends me back to the welcome screen. When I work
> >> my way back down to the download, it asks me to log in again.
> >> Immediately before this, Konqueror was throwing "Malformed URL" at
> >> me in return for a perfectly happy-looking HTTPS download URL. Here
> >> is an example of a URL which is currently asking me to log in but
> >> was at one stage considered "Malformed":
> >>
> >>X-4496-2 .1.92mdk.i586.rpm
> >> Mozilla just does the login loop for me, has never complained about
> >> malformation. System is 9.2-ish made from Cooker while it was
> >> frozen.
> > Yes I have the exactly same problem with kget integrated into
> > konqueror when downloading mandrakeclub rpms ! Might be wise to open
> > a bug report Leon !
> Note that the same process works on an adjacent machine using an updated 
> 9.1. I'm about to do a fresh 9.2 install on a different machine, so 
> I'll try the same process with that one. If it breaks, I'll make a bug 
> report, else I'll put it down to an incompletely upgraded installation.
> Cheers; Leon


   I took the above url.  Put it into firebird.  Got the login message
clicked on the link, logged in, then put exactly the same url back into
the browser again, this time it saved the rpm in question to my hdd.

  Is it possible you aren't accepting the cookie?



Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-28 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 17:27, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Sunday 28 September 2003 05:36 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > Warly  While the people here can help in answering this question for
> > sure.  It's also one that should go out to the expert list as well. 
> > Some of the people here are on both yes, but there is a group there that
> > has dedicated itself to helping make things work the way all of you
> > intended.  I think the input from there would be of value.
> This is an excellent point JS.  I wholeheartedly agree.  
> On second thought, maybe it's not such a good idea, the simple fact that 
> somebody from MandrakeSoft would post a message to expert asking for feedback 
> would cause several long-time subscribers to drop over dead from a heart 
> attack ;-)


Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-28 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 15:07, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > - How to have more contributors?
> > 
> > A bugzilla (or similar product) for the release version?  Seems strange
> > I know but if you hook people on the concept as users with a smaller bug
> > number (hopefully) in a release version you could well spark the
> > interest needed (as well as hone the skills needed) for working in
> > here.  Seems an odd angle I realize but since people keep saying. "I
> > don't program so they won't want me around".  Maybe something of this
> > nature will help in showing people that they can contribute.  Of course
> > in my case not being in the middle of a "Paycheck" major release at the
> > same time would help, but that's a personal problem "grin"  
> # drakbug
> (I don't know how much this will be advertised and if it is all working 
> and tested ... but note that bugs will probably treated more harshly than 
> in bugzilla - where reporters are sometimes given usage tips when they 
> have filed a non-bug)
> Regards,
> Buchan


   thanks  I know that Vincent had/has been working on this... Is it
ready for prime time?  If so I know a number of folks on the expert list
that would be willing to assist via this tool.  But I'd rather let
Vincent make the announcement, since most of it will be in his lap, so
to speak.


Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-28 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 01:19, Warly wrote:
> It may be a good idea, before cooker opens again, to take these days to
> have some brainstorm.
> May you give your opinion on :
> - What was wrong in 9.2 development process?
> - We though a bit late in the 9.2 developement process to split cooker ml, we
> should do it now.
> - What could we do to improve 9.3/10.0 development.
> - What should we do to improve the Wiki.
> - Should we have cooker snapshot ISOs?
> - What could we do, as a community, to increase the acceptance of mandrakelinux?
> - How to have more contributors?
> And anything related to the mandrakelinux distro.

In answer to all of the above.  How about splitting the development
along 2 lines.  Mandrake tools and packages.  The idea here from my
thought is that these really are two separate areas, with separate

The next step would be to make the development of tools a continues
project rather than a point/major release function.  Create a fourth
area called testing on the mirrors.  This area differs from updates in
that it isn't a bug fix but a known alpha product that is based on a
stable release (in this case 9.2) and those power users who chose to can
participate in the continuous testing of new ideas and directions.  PLF
and Ranger showed that a new "Disk 1" can be created to allow testing of
just the installer with an existing set of disks. (There used to be, and
may still be, an iso you could download of all of the PLF rpms. You
would boot from it and begin the install instead of from the normal disk
1.)  This would allow testing of MDK's tools in a stable and isolated
environment.  Then, when the next release cycle began the beta stage,
MDK could decide what from this arena would become the tool set for the
next release.  We could then concentrate on just the package area for
heavy debugging.  

This would also allow for the testing of "what if's" a lot more so that
MDK would have a better idea of what flies and what doesn't as far as
usability goes.  The tools and installers from 9.0 to 9.x for example
should remain pretty consistent anyway since it is a point release. 
Parallel attempts at usability could be tried (debug statements left in
and operational etc.) Users would have to specifically chose to use the
area called testing so that, hey, if it breaks your box... sorry. So no
one would be able to complain beyond bug reports. (if you don't like it
don't try it.) We also wouldn't have to waste so much time "discussing"
things like the UI change in MCC etc.  Then if MDK monitored the experts
and newbie lists and kept seeing everyone recommend a certain tool to
solve a problem they'd know for sure they have a winner.  

Finally when the MDK team chooses the final tool set from updates and
this area, they become the tool set for the next release and then the
crunch time would be able to concentrate on packages.  Overall it would
yield a much more stable release process IMHO.


Re: [Cooker] And next ?

2003-09-28 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 01:19, Warly wrote:
> It may be a good idea, before cooker opens again, to take these days to
> have some brainstorm.
> May you give your opinion on :
> - What was wrong in 9.2 development process?
> - We though a bit late in the 9.2 developement process to split cooker ml, we
> should do it now.
> - What could we do to improve 9.3/10.0 development.
> - What should we do to improve the Wiki.
> - Should we have cooker snapshot ISOs?
> - What could we do, as a community, to increase the acceptance of mandrakelinux?

Warly  While the people here can help in answering this question for
sure.  It's also one that should go out to the expert list as well. 
Some of the people here are on both yes, but there is a group there that
has dedicated itself to helping make things work the way all of you
intended.  I think the input from there would be of value.

> - How to have more contributors?

A bugzilla (or similar product) for the release version?  Seems strange
I know but if you hook people on the concept as users with a smaller bug
number (hopefully) in a release version you could well spark the
interest needed (as well as hone the skills needed) for working in
here.  Seems an odd angle I realize but since people keep saying. "I
don't program so they won't want me around".  Maybe something of this
nature will help in showing people that they can contribute.  Of course
in my case not being in the middle of a "Paycheck" major release at the
same time would help, but that's a personal problem "grin"  
> And anything related to the mandrakelinux distro.

Re: [Cooker] Re: Re: 9.2 ISOs has been sent

2003-09-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 21:57, Gollum wrote:
> Austin wrote:
> > [...]  In other words, 100% of my linux product expenditures have gone
> > to SCO (how's that for karma?).  [...]
> You'll become a maggot in your next life.  ;-)

I've still got the disk they gave me at Linux World with the 2.4 kernel
on it.  Guess since they gave it too me and it doesn't say "not for
resale" or any similar nonsense I'm legal *grin*



Re: [Cooker] [Mandrake 10] Replacing proftpd by pureftpd ?

2003-09-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 18:07, Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Fri Sep 26, 2003 at 01:15:07AM +0200, Han Boetes wrote:
> > > Heck, I'm all for it and agree with all your reasons. But the example
> > > is a touch out... wu-ftpd hasn't been in main since 8.2 (last version
> > > it shipped in main).
> > >
> > > Hey, while we're at it, can we throw sendmail in contribs? =)
> > >
> > > (Serious about killing wu-ftpd altogether, semi-serious about
> > > sendmail)
> > 
> > To give a serious answer (like I got any authority in this :)
> > No we can't ditch sendmail. Too many people rely and like sendmail. And
> > it's not that evil. I mean there are some periods in which no exploits
> > are found in sendmail.
> The same could be said of wu-ftpd, tho.  There was the one issue in July,
> and previous to that was Nov 2001.  So from 11/01->07/03 it was pretty
> quiet.  I guarantee you in that timeframe sendmail has had more security
> issues.
> > But what we can do is keeping a close eye or even import the sendmail in
> > OpenBSD-cvs which is audited. Same thing goes for BIND. I don't know how
> > practical this is but it sounds like something to contemplate.
> Is openbsd using bind9 yet?  Or are they still on bind4?  If they are using
> bind9, I have my doubts that it's been audited... that's a lot of code to
> audit so quickly, especially considering how long they left bind4 in there.

One of the reasons the update took so long is that they are auditing the
code *grin*  I checked 3.2 OpenBSD and it does run 9.21  I'm told that
the do do a legit "cheat" when auditing.  They first "recheck" the code
that didn't change and then repair.  Then audit what is left.  However I
don't know enough about the process there to comment beyond this.

> On the sendmail side, I'm not sure.  Is it up to date?  We won't win any
> friends by regressing to an older-but-openbsd-audited version.

They don't have sendmail in the files list.  It's postfix there.


Re: [Cooker] 9.2 ISOs has been sent

2003-09-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 10:38, Serge Plüss wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 23:37, Serge Pluess wrote:
>  > One day one lonely box of
>  > 8.2 was sitting at Fry's next to lots and lots of boxes of Redhat 9,
>  > Suse 8.2, and current versions of Lycoris, Lindows, FreeBSD and
>  > NetBSD. Redhat and Suse boxes are usually at the store the day of the
>  > official release. And the store said that it doesn't have any
>  > preferences, just that they never received any 9.0 nor 9.1 retail
>  > boxes, otherwise they would put them on the shelves immediately.
> Red Hat have just eliminated themselves from this race. They've figured
> out that the money lies in enterprise and corporate installation and
> support. No more Red Hat boxes on the shelf.

No more of the high end boxes.  They made this announcement right after
8.0 was released.  However the lower end consumer boxes are still in the
stores.  They retrenched on that point.  (I asked one of the Sales
managers at LWSF and got a similar story from her.)


> Cheers; Leon
> Yes, but due to their long lasting presence in the stores plus the media 
> attention they have build themselves enough name recognition to probably be 
> able to pull this off.
> If you go on the street here and you ask people they will have heard of 
> RedHat and probably even seen the box in the stores. Two IT directors I 
> know tried Linux because they saw the boxes at Fry's and bought a pack. 
> What was it? Both went for Redhat and one additionally bought a copy of 
> Xandros.
> If you ask the same people about Mandrake, most of the times they have 
> never heard that name.
> Like Austin said, people here are impulse buyer when they see it in the 
> store and if Mandrake wants to be a bigger player in the US it needs that 
> presence to build up their name recognition.
> I understand that the immediate payoff for Mandrake is less but in the 
> longterm it will just be beneficial. Even SUSE as a German company realized 
> that and managed to get themselves known here thanks mostly to the boxed 
> sets, not even providing a free ISO to download.
> Also for the enterprise, deals such as the ones between Oracle and Redhat 
> and Suse are necessary to build credibility as a serious platform.
> Thanks
> Serge

Re: [Cooker] [Verysign] internetwide wildcard. Please include the DNS patches

2003-09-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-09-17 at 07:25, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> onsdagen den 17 september 2003 01.03 skrev Lea Gris:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> >
> Yeah, here's a very good page explaining this:
> Please see the "bind & caching-nameserver crucial showstoppers..." mail I sent 
> to the list.

One question and a comment.  According to this article at Wired
Magazine.  the BIND developers are putting out a patch to make this null
and void.,1282,60473,00.html

If possible could this be in 9.2's BIND or one of the first updates?  As
for the comment.  There is a petition available at this address to ICAAN
to take action.


Re: [Cooker] 9.2 download CD size

2003-09-16 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 23:05, Warly wrote:
> Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Warly, is there any reason not to make a 4th (entirely optional) ISO of
> > ~ 200MB?
> We have this dilemma about the download edition:
> - download is a marketting product which should be better as possible
> to make users switch or use mandrake and then buy something.
> - download is a direct (gratis) competitor to our other products,
> powerpack, discovery...
> As a consequence download is a compromise. And it was decide that 3
> CDs is enough to market mandrakesoft skill, and 4 CD will make the
> download too dangerous for our product line. So another partial
> solution would be to have 700 MB instead of 650 MB.
> My personnal point of view:
> I think our future is in a club-like way of doing business, and that 
> the best the download will be, the more people will give back, so publish
> as many CDs as needed (7 with contribs, DVD isos...).
> But this will need all the old-economy way of thinking reminiscents to
> disapear first.


Taking your argument into consideration.  Going with less on the
download version does tend to make the purchased version more appealing.
Make them larger or more in quantity.  The 650 disk one + 700mb disk 2
and 3 is a very nice compromise.  If you get up and running with disk 1
you can urpmi the rest if needed.  In fact I've one cdrom drive that for
unknown reasons wouldn't read the 700mb cd during install but would
after.  ()  


Re: [Cooker] kernel driver update: orinoco

2003-06-03 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 13:18, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Ainsi parlait [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
> > On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> > > Version 0.13e is available, while kernel still include 0.13a
> > > See
> > >
> > > Moreover, it seems to solve
> > >
> >
> > are you sure .13a? :
> > * Thu Apr 10 2003 Juan Quintela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2.4.21-0.16mdk
> > - swsuspend beta19 (chmouel).
> > - irq balance patch, now irq should be distrtibuted evenly in SMP.
> > - via-rhine 1.1.16 (tmb).
> > - ieee1394_rev848 (tmb).
> > - orinoco 1.13c (tmb).
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ontobio]$ rpm -q kernel-source
> kernel-source-2.4.21-0.13mdk
> Hmm, it was just to make sure someone the audience was listening :-P
> Anyway, 13e is still more advanced, and maybe bug 1349 should be closed then ?

looking at kernel-source-2.4.21-0.13mdk if you cd to
/usr/src/linux/drivers/net/wireless and cat orinoco_cs.c  the first line

/* orinoco.c 0.13a - (formerly known as dldwd_cs.c and orinoco_cs.c)

So at least what is in the production kernel is 13a. apparently.  Now
the cooker kernel I don't have in front of me where I can check.


Re: [Cooker] Re: What to do with RFEs

2003-06-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 16:14, Michael Reinsch wrote:
> Hi!
> On Tue, 27 May 2003 18:13:09 +0200
> Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > First stab:
> >
> > Those with edit access on the Wiki, feel free to expand ...
> I don't have access (well, this is a wiki and it is also well hidden -
> so why is access control required anyway? The big wikis don't have one
> either...), so I'll post my stuff here:
> Better support for notebooks: I'm not talking about hardware at the
> moment but other stuff which is not required for normal desktop
> computers because they don't get carried around. Most of the stuff I'd
> like to see in the next release are already filed as bug reports (e.g.
> - power management
> scripts) or packaged
> ( -
> automatic location control - do some stuff automatically when changing
> networks).
> The two things I've mentioned are both quite small scripts, but they
> help me a lot, so I guess they might help others as well.

In ref to the above Please!

[Cooker] possible replacement for supermount

2003-05-31 Thread James Sparenberg
Ran across this one today... I'm in the process of testing it and so far
so good.  (Only one box at the moment.) This program is originally
written for the 2.5 kernel but has been back ported to 2.4.  Given the
difficulties supermount has had I was wondering if this might make it
easier for the kernel team at MDK.

Note that it was apparently originally written for/on MDK so he already
has rpms to support the OS available.  Method of use seems to be the
same as with supermount (in ref to fstab) and as I said so far no
problems found with my cd/dvd rom drive.


Re: [Cooker] lufs

2003-05-31 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 06:18, Austin wrote:
> On 2003.05.29 23:00, Vox wrote:
> >   lots of us use it here at my house
> >   (aptly named The GeekHouse...only 48 network nodes in the 3 room
> >   apartment ;)
> Jeez!  Imagine this place!  An ethernet toaster, wifi sunglasses, and a toilet 
> that flushes when you ping it!
> :-)

Would that last one be equivalent to a core dump?
> Austin

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] rpmdrake-2.1-21mdk

2003-05-31 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 08:49, Levi Ramsey wrote:
> On Fri May 30 17:47 +0200, François Pons wrote:
> > Guillaume Cottenceau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (François Pons) writes:
> > > > Guillaume, I wonder where you see urpmi was using "medias" ?
> > > 
> > > Actually urpmi is not strictly using "medias" for plural, it's
> > > using "media" for singular, for example in urpmi.addmedia
> > > manpage:
> > > 
> > >urpmi.addmedia - adds a new rpms media for use with urpmi
> > 
> > So it is an error to fix (no code here furthermore):
> >  urpmi.addmedia - adds new rpms media for use with urpmi
> Yes.  "medium" is the singular and "media" is the plural (much like
> "maxmimum"/"maxima" and so forth).

I think the reason this has heretofore gone unnoticed is because many of
the English native speakers here are US Citizens.  As such we hear
English butchered in so many unique ways daily it isn't always obvious
what is, or isn't an error.  I speak here of my own shortcoming and I
grant that I'm not unique in this respect.  


Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] rpmdrake-2.1-21mdk

2003-05-31 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 06:35, Jason Komar wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 07:15, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> > "Vincent Meyer, MD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Vincent Meyer, MD
> > 
> > what's that MD anyway? maybe i'm supposed to know that but i
> > don't.. is it a title or part of your name or..?
> > 
> Medical Doctor.

or for the Dyslexic, Doctor of Medicine 

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] rpmdrake-2.1-21mdk

2003-05-31 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 05:44, Vincent Meyer, MD wrote:
> On Friday 30 May 2003 06:15 am, Buchan Milne wrote:
> > Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> > > Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >>Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> > >>>Though I agree, I remain skeptical as to why it has never been
> > >>>mentioned for urpmi which has the error for more than 3 years
> > >>>now.
> > >>
> > >>1)Because MD's won't use urpmi
> > >
> > > md?
> >
> > Managing Director / CEO etc etc.
> Oh good, had me worried there for a moment... ;-)
> Vincent Meyer, MD
> Board Certified in Family Practice
> Regular user of urpmi


Re: [Cooker] Re: Purging older versions of software in cooker?

2003-05-29 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 17:12, David Walser wrote:
> Jason Komar wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 12:51, Greg Meyer wrote:
> >> On Tuesday 27 May 2003 02:34 pm, Robert Kulagowski wrote:
> >> > Is there some tool or technique that people are using to get rid of
> >> > older version of software in their cooker mirrors?  ie, I don't want
> >> > -1, -2, -3 etc versions accumulating...
> >> >
> >> If you use fmirror, it will delete the files that are no longer on the ftp 
> >> site, ot you could try David Wlaser's rsync script.
> >> 
> >>
> > 
> > I use David's script. Works great!
> Glad to hear it.  Maybe someone with write access to the wiki could spell my last 
> name correctly.  Kinda surprised it got misspelled, considering it's in the URL 
> which is (on my screen) only a half inch away...
David... you might be asking too much here.  *grin*...

Re: [Cooker] Re: Cooker HowTo

2003-05-29 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 19:26, Austin wrote:
> On 2003.05.27 21:44, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > > I think wiki's are great.  =)
> > 
> > So now I do to.  Are you happy now :-P
> Ugly?  Very.
skins help
> Hard to use?  I think so.
if so skip wikiscript and use html (both work)
> Handy, accessible, useful.  Extremely.
> Austin

Re: [Cooker] Re: Cooker HowTo

2003-05-29 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 03:44, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 25. Mai 2003 23:46 schrieb Vincent Danen:
> > On Sun May 25, 2003 at 11:35:27PM +0200, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> > > > I don't know about the cooker wiki... I don't think it's as well known
> > > > as a place to put stuff, but you shouldn't dismiss it as a place where
> > > > to put your document.  Look at it this way... what difference does it
> > > > make if you put it somewhere on your own personal space or on the wiki?
> > > >  All it does is make it more work for you to merge in other people's
> > > > suggestions and changes.  The same interest will still be there...  you
> > > > just have less work.
> > >
> > > Whereas i complety agree there is no real issue about where the document
> > > lives exaclty, there is a big difference concerning visibility when using
> > > a central node to at last referencing and organising all those documents.
> >
> > Exactly.  Who cares where the document lives?  The nature of the web
> > dictates that we could put up a thousand links to it regardless of where it
> > is... that isn't (or shouldn't be) the point at all.
> >
> > The point is, how much work to maintain it?  It's no additional work for
> > the author to use a wiki, even if they are only one maintaining it and no
> > one, ever, contributes to it.
> >
> > however, on the off-chance that someone does want to contribute (or you get
> > 100 people contributing), this could turn into a full-time job whereas on a
> > wiki, they can make those changes themselves.
> >
> > *My* wiki (which is not the "Mandrake Community" wiki, but rather my online
> > security reference manual (, is purely 100% maintained
> > by myself.  I love using a wiki for it.  Even if no one ever contributes to
> > it, the option is there.  And for me, it's much nicer to manage it even if
> > it's a solo show.
> >
> > I think wiki's are great.  =)
> Yep agree and I want to add that the said was not true. There is not a big 
> hype in the beginnig and then nothing. A wiki has to reach a critical mass 
> for work as a self runner. On the OpenFacts wiki there were after all not 
> more then 2 people that worked on it. That was Sascha Noyes and me. Maybe 
> some small things from others. After some time it was not clear if we work 
> against the MandrakeClub since there was spoken about user contributed 
> Documentation too. After some time of no further knowledge if it is good what 
> we do at least I stopped to work on it. It was not a matter of missing 
> interest it is a matter of missing information. I don't know what happened to 
> Sascha, but I have not heard anything a long time from him. Plus all at all 
> it was a quick shot to begin with. After some time the cooker wiki has begun 
> on that oboletes parts of the OpenFacts wiki. The 
> expert-ML wiki obsoletes the openfacts wiki now totally, the only nice thing 
> it has that there is easy translation possible with the wikipedia wiki on 
> OpenFacts. What I disliked from beginning that it is not possible to change 
> something especially for mandrake on it since it is in wide parts very 
> similar to sourceforge and not mandrakespecific or user driven.

Best example I know of of critical mass is wikipedia...
>  Beside the said above, it is simply not true that a wiki per definition 
> sleeps away. I for myself have some stuff on my disk I want to contribute, to 
> have it on a common place. 
> Steffen

Re: [Cooker] unwanted apm laptop suspend + failures during resume

2003-05-29 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-05-26 at 01:24, Pascal Terjan wrote:
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > One of the guys I work with has a Toshiba Tecra running RH8.0 and it
> >
> >was doing the same thing... Turned out to be a bad keyboard.  How we
> >found out was by doing a WAG (wild a@@ guess) once we tried everything
> >else, and noticing that when he was at home he used an external keyboard
> >and mouse.. and it didn't do it, ever.  But at random moments when he
> >was in the office or field it would So since there was another Tecra
> >that someone had with a cracked mobo we delayed sending it in for a day
> >and switched keyboards... and lo and behold... it stopped then as well. 
> >
> >  
> >
> Thanks, I'll try to take out my keybord and clean it, Hope it'll do the 
> trick.

Try an external one if you can... this will verify the problem.  



Re: [Cooker] Re: kernel-multimedia-

2003-04-06 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 19:04, Austin wrote:
> On 2003.04.06 21:05 Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 01:36:09AM +0100, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > >
> > > Yes - can we please decide exactly what this kernel is for? At first it
> > > was simply the stock kernel with a couple of patches for music editing.
> > 
> > Well, I saw it as more "multi-media" than just "music editing".
> > Multi-media, whether it be audio or video (or both) have much the same
> > requirements.
> Yes.  It is called the multimedia kernel, not the music editing kernel.
> > > Now it seems to have turned into a test bed for features that have
> > > nothing to do with "multimedia" (wireless driver patches?)
> > 
> > This I will agree with.
> Well, we're in a bit of a predicament, because it has been recently very 
> difficult to achieve effective communication from the kernel team, so I 
> certainly don't blame Danny for fixing things that are obviously broken - be 
> they multimedia or not.  That's not to judge whether it's right or wrong, but 
> you have to understand that it's very frustrating telling staff that 
> something's broken for MONTHS and not having it fixed.
> > > And now you
> > > want it to provide stuff for doing PVR.
> > 
> > I agree that it should be the stock kernel + multimedia needs (ONLY!).
> > I don't want it to be a "hackkernel" either.
> In my mind, the multimedia kernel is used when desktop functionality is more 
> important than security.  There are security risks involved with the 
> pre-emptive patch, and even moreso with the capabilities patch, but someone 
> making videos doesn't care... he wants his editing done as fast and 
> efficiently as possible.
> So I'd suggest this:
> The multimedia kernel is not just for audio/video editing, it is for boxes 
> which are more concerned with advanced USABILITY than with security, 
> stability, support, or official status.
> Thus supermount fixes are fine.  They enhance usability greatly, with a small, 
> potential loss to stability and/or security.
> That's just my take on it.  I don't feel volunteers should just go adding any 
> patch they want... there must be a significant benefit.  However, this is a 
> way that:
> 1. Mandrake can come to terms with a more community oriented infrastructure... 
> and see that it works.
> 2. Purely desktop users can get fast, easy useability.
> 3. Mandrake won't have to assume resposability for potentially risky patches.
> Hope that puts some of your minds at ease.
> I'm far from the autoratative voice on this subject though...
> Austin

One question though... why does the kernel have a dependency on

Re: [Cooker] Document review request: RPM devel package dependencyproblem

2003-04-06 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 14:09, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> Le dim 06/04/2003 à 16:26, Stefan van der Eijk a écrit :
> > I've written up on an issue with rpm dependencies in -devel packages. 
> > I'm not sure if the story is 100% accurate (I'm not a programmer), so if 
> > you've got a moment to spare, feel free to review it.
> Very interesting...
> It would solve also a lot of problems in complex applications with
> conditional compiles. 
> For example, php-gd can be linked with png, xpm, gif, and other graphic
> formats, but some are optional. The usual way to find what's required is
> to use the ./configure script, and check the output to see what it's
> looking for, or check the m4 macros.
> Having to mandatory run a check on the include files would tell us
> what's potentially needed to make the package. Of course, you should be
> able to override this. 
> For example, the zlib package can optionally include windows.h, which we
> obviously lack ;-) Hence:
> check-required-includes --exclude="windows.h" would grep the zlib
> source, and return all needed .h files, except windows.h. RPM could then
> add these files as BuildRequires.
> We could also, for -devel packages, have a check-provided-includes
> script, that would add all .h and .so files to Provides. I wouldn't
> bother with -static-devel, since very few packages need these.
> Thus, if we attempt to rebuild zlib without glibc-devel, rpm-build would
> show that these requires are not met:
> /usr/include/sys/types.h
> /usr/include/sys/unistd.h
> ...
> /usr/include/stdio.h
> It's important that the requires are on full path, because, in the case
> of types.h, many packages can provide this file, but you wouldn't want
> it to be linked to dietlibc-devel (otherwise you'd override it).
> >
> > <>


   Quick look looks very nice.  One minor point is that this is most
accurate for src rpms... slightly less so for binary, but admittedly I
haven't had a chance to really look into what it's saying in detail.. 
Seems well written too.  Thanks.

> Comments/flames welcome.

Re: [Cooker] :)

2003-04-06 Thread James Sparenberg

On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 10:13, David Walser wrote:
> Ok, I have uploaded a new version of to
> (Buchan let me know if you want me to e-mail it to
> you)
> It fixes some minor bugs.
> (It now actually does support any kind of RPM packages
> and not just Mandrake ones for file renaming, aka plf,
> Rawhide, etc.  I thought it did before but I had mdk
> hardcoded into the regexp.  Fixed.
> It used to say Get blahblah.rpm for ones that it is
> really going to update but didn't need to rename
> (probably because the last time you ran the script it
> didn't complete successfully).  Fixed to say Update.)
> Also, thanks go to Steffen Barszus for the following:
> rsync now uses the --partial option in the script.
> now supports using exclude and include
> patterns for rsync (taken from files).  There are even
> two lines at the end of the script (commented out by
> default) that will run gendistrib after the mirroring
> is done if you used an exclude list.
> Steffen is using this to mimic the behavior of troels
> in how it doesn't download i18n stuff.  Ask him for
> more details, and his exclude.lst file if you're
> interested.
> Finally, the ratelimit option is turned off by default
> in the new version of the script, change it back to
> yes if you use that.

I've got a mild problem with it.  It seems that my mozilla is cooking
the file.  Doing the usual browser thing.  I grabbed it with
links-graphical and it seems ok.  Just thought you might want to know.


Re: [Cooker] Updated choose_cursor script

2003-04-06 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 23:58, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 02:07, Buchan Milne wrote: 
> > On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, Buchan Milne wrote:
> > 
> > > I have made a number of changes to the cursor selection script in the 
> > > cursor_themes package, and would like some more people to test. 
> > 
> > It would probably help if I gave a link ...
> >
> Buchan,

 Couple of things One it's slow, new windows seem to take a while
and it acts as if it is hung... but it isn't.  The refresh on KDE works
but (and this is just KDE) is also slower than one would want.  One
thing though.  The cursor didn't change on kde.  I had to log out and
log back in to get the new cursors working at all.  In iceWM it works ok
but there is no (and why I understand ) restart command yet... One thing
I noticed.  Even with the restart the icon doesn't change for a running
Mozilla session.  


> > Regards,
> > Buchan

Re: [Cooker] [alsa] driver error

2003-04-04 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 13:07, B Lauber wrote:
> > > >>The snd-via82xx module causes my system to hard lock at boot time.  If 
> >I
> > > >>switch to the oss-equivalent sound driver ( via82cxxx_audio ), my 
> >system
> > > >>boots just fine.
> > > >>
> > > >>BTW, My sound card is a ‎VT82C686 [Apollo Super AC97/Audio].
> > > >>
> > > >>If anyone has any idea why this driver would cause my system to hard 
> >lock,
> > > >>I would be very thankful for the input.  I would like to use the alsa
> > > >>drivers because they appear to be designed with software suspend in 
> >mind
> > > >>(at least, that's the way it appears from parsing the suspend 
> >scripts).
> > > >>
> > > >>_
> > > >>MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >I just wanted to give an update on the status of this problem.  
> >Apparently,
> > > >the driver is configured wrongly during installation by drakx.  As I 
> >stated
> > > >above, I instead installed the oss equivalent driver and was able to
> > > >successfully get through the system install.  If I go back later and 
> >change
> > > >the driver back to the alsa driver using draksound, then the driver is
> > > >reconfigured perfectly.  Thus, I now have sound via alsa.
> > > >
> > > >So for me, this is no longer a problem; for new users, the drakx 
> >installer
> > > >needs to be corrected so that this driver is correctly configured (it 
> >would
> > > >be discouraging to Linux newbies if their system hardlocked on the 
> >first
> > > >boot).
> > > >
> > > >_
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Now I have one more quick update and a question:
> > > I have been able to get the alsa driver to successfully suspend and 
> >recover
> > > if I set the following flags in /etc/sysconfig/suspend:
> > >
> > > RESTORE_SOUND="yes"
> > > SOUND_MODULES="sb uart401 sound soundcore maestro cs4281
> > >
> > > If RESTORE_SOUND="no" , then only the left sound channel recovers from a
> > > suspend (even then, this channel sounds like it has experienced an 
> >upward
> > > pitch shift).  The only problem with setting RESTORE_SOUND="yes" is that 
> >it
> > > causes the gnome Control Volume applet to die when I reenter xfree86.  
> >Since
> > > this is sorta annoying, I'd like to be able to just get rid of the 
> >applet
> > > and instead configure some laptop function keys to control my volume.  
> >Does
> > > anyone know how I would go about doing this?
> >
> >On my laptop the same "system" of volume control works as in the manual
> >for me it's fn-f5 and then the left and right arrow keys.  Have you
> >tried to do it this way... IOW the way the manual says?
> >
> > >
> > > _
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> That's how my system is supposed to work, but those buttons are not 
> automatically configured under Linux.  I saw some documentation about 
> configuring the function keys when I was a Linux newbie, but I haven't been 
> able to relocate it.

Try this link.

found it via aka


Re: [Cooker] [mdkkdm] reboot options gone

2003-04-04 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 13:51, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> B Lauber wrote:
> > (it's been about 5 days now).  The only way I can reboot my system is 
> > through console functions or after logging a window manager.
> Another problem I have is that this computer (a to-shit-ba satellite) 
> doesn't reboot (i.e. it hangs there with a black screen and a blinking 
> cursor right after the toshiba logo screen). It's not new with 9.1 
> though, all mandrake's kernels I used since 8.2 behave the same. It 
> reboots correctly with the stock kernel.
> OTOH acpi seems to work fine (though I found no way yet to suspend, 
> pmsuspend doesn't work).

Try uncommenting the last line in /etc/sysconfig/suspend.  This enables
suspend to disk... On some of the laptops I've seen this works where
suspend to RAM (the default) doesn't. (and this one was a Toshiba, the
model escapes me.)  Make sure you also put a line in lilo.conf in the
append section that says resume=/dev/hdxx   where xx is the letter and
number of your swap partition, and rerun lilo.  OH yeah... make sure
swapsize > ramsize 


> Another probable regression in this kernel is that the default sound 
> driver suggested by lspcidrake (trident) doesn't work (it did with 
> previous kernels) while the alsa one (snd-ali5451) is working fine.
> If you need the output of lspci or lspcidrake just tell me.
> Bye

Re: [Cooker] [alsa] driver error

2003-04-04 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 16:08, B Lauber wrote:
> >From: "B Lauber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [Cooker] [alsa] driver error
> >Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 17:50:34 -0500
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: "B Lauber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: [Cooker] [alsa] driver error
> >>Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 17:04:55 -0500
> >>
> >>The snd-via82xx module causes my system to hard lock at boot time.  If I 
> >>switch to the oss-equivalent sound driver ( via82cxxx_audio ), my system 
> >>boots just fine.
> >>
> >>BTW, My sound card is a ‎VT82C686 [Apollo Super AC97/Audio].
> >>
> >>If anyone has any idea why this driver would cause my system to hard lock, 
> >>I would be very thankful for the input.  I would like to use the alsa 
> >>drivers because they appear to be designed with software suspend in mind 
> >>(at least, that's the way it appears from parsing the suspend scripts).
> >>
> >>_
> >>MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*  
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >I just wanted to give an update on the status of this problem.  Apparently, 
> >the driver is configured wrongly during installation by drakx.  As I stated 
> >above, I instead installed the oss equivalent driver and was able to 
> >successfully get through the system install.  If I go back later and change 
> >the driver back to the alsa driver using draksound, then the driver is 
> >reconfigured perfectly.  Thus, I now have sound via alsa.
> >
> >So for me, this is no longer a problem; for new users, the drakx installer 
> >needs to be corrected so that this driver is correctly configured (it would 
> >be discouraging to Linux newbies if their system hardlocked on the first 
> >boot).
> >
> >_
> >
> >
> >
> Now I have one more quick update and a question:
> I have been able to get the alsa driver to successfully suspend and recover 
> if I set the following flags in /etc/sysconfig/suspend:
> SOUND_MODULES="sb uart401 sound soundcore maestro cs4281
> If RESTORE_SOUND="no" , then only the left sound channel recovers from a 
> suspend (even then, this channel sounds like it has experienced an upward 
> pitch shift).  The only problem with setting RESTORE_SOUND="yes" is that it 
> causes the gnome Control Volume applet to die when I reenter xfree86.  Since 
> this is sorta annoying, I'd like to be able to just get rid of the applet 
> and instead configure some laptop function keys to control my volume.  Does 
> anyone know how I would go about doing this?

On my laptop the same "system" of volume control works as in the manual
for me it's fn-f5 and then the left and right arrow keys.  Have you
tried to do it this way... IOW the way the manual says?  

> _

Re: [Cooker] cursor themes package

2003-04-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 02:09, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 09:00, Gary Greene wrote:
> >
> > One thing that Buchans cursor them program has brought up for me would
> > be this.  In IceWM there is a way to "restart" the wm without logging
> > out.  Would it be possible to have something like this in kde?  Since to
> > gain full affect of the cursor them it does need a  restart it would be
> > helpful.
> >
> I got a patch from someone which restarts kwin, and I will try and
> update the cursor themes today with that and a few other improvements
> (use kdialog under KDE, gdialog under GNOME, and if neither of them
> exist in something else, fall back to gmessage - gmessage is messy but
> available in main, then I can probably drop the Xdialog requirement)
> Since apparently it takes a few seconds to restart kwin, it will be an
> option *after* choosing the cursor, and thus you should at least be able
> to see the cursor theme before applying.
> Contributions for restarting other WMs would be appreciated.

The two I use most often (IceWM and WindowMaker already have it.  Maybe
I can find the command string...


> Buchan
> - --
> |--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
> Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
> Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
> Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
> GPG Key
> 1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> aHJ61thoXtwFSmwH4Rw2ETA=
> =9yxG

Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-04-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 02:02, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Greg Meyer wrote:
> > On Monday 31 March 2003 01:31 pm, Todd Lyons wrote:
> >
> > But the installer has to be reasonably finished before the rc phase
> starts.
> > In my opinion, far too many features were being actively developed
> during the
> > beta period: for example: mdkkdm, installer, mcc, galaxy and there are
> > others.  All of those things should have been pretty close to done for
> the
> > first beta.  There were major changes to all of them between beta3 and
> rc1.
> But none of them affect the kernel. So, if users know that
> 1)The installer may have issues
> 2)They should not intend using the machine for production
> then they may have the freedom to report that the installer does not
> detect their devices, and then the kernel team has an earlier warning on
> devices that are not working.
> Also, only one CD would be necessary, it could even be a small ISO, just
> enough to get a minimal system and urpmi, so users can urpmi cooker
> afterwards.
> Buchan


   This one has some definite merit.  Small iso installed to it's own
partition.  Doing the install over and over to check it out.  Though it
might be too much of a load on the buildmaster.


Re: [Cooker] we've been right all along

2003-04-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 02:21, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Austin wrote:
> > Posted by timothy  on Monday March 31, @11:33PM
> > from the after-all-rpm-is-better dept.
> > YOU ARE SO FIRED! writes "In an effort to conform to the LSB standards,
> > Gentoo Linux will be adopting RPM as the standard form of package
> > management in portage 2.1. More information can be found in the Gentoo
> > weekly newsletter. I'd surely be fired if I would've proposed such an
> > idea!"
> >
> > Woo hoo!  We're like miles ahead of the 'cool new' distros too!
> I think you should look a bit more carefully at the date on the article,
> specifically, I think it was posted about 27 minutes too early ...
> Maybe we should post one about Mandrake switching to a 3 year release
> cycle and apt to be more Debian-like ;-).
> Buchan
Or how about one where MDK drops urpmi for up2date and joins united
linux. *grin*

Re: [Cooker] bugs (wish list for 9.2)

2003-04-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 18:38, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Monday 31 March 2003 05:49, Toran Korshnah wrote:
> > I read the 9.2 thread and I begin to wonder if 9.1 is a good release.
> > Are there really so many bugs?
> Not so far. Most of the people reporting on my LUG list are delighted with it. 
> Specifically, a few of them are crowing about stuff that was broken in 
> earlier Mandrakes but works out of the box now.
> Cheers; Leon

Agreed... 9.1 is a move forward.. but If I read everyone right the
attitude is... We did this much... but we can do more.  

Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-04-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 03:35, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> On Monday 31 March 2003 02:41, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> > Le Lundi 31 Mars 2003 01:27, Edward Tandi a écrit :
> > > > > > But I do personally think that the quality is beginning to suffer.
> > > > > > I think Mandrake should be releasing less frequently and have a
> > > > > > longer stability/testing/fixing period. If you look at the reviews
> > > > > > of Linux distros, the highest points are awarded to those that work
> > > > > > with the least number of problems.
> >
> > I agree with a longer stability/testing/fixing period. Now, there is enough
> > of things in the distro and the main interest of the users will be the
> > stability and a lower number a bug.
> > IMHO, Mdk 8.2 was the best usable distro and since this time the quality
> > is beginning to suffer. It is absolutly necessary to do better.
> >
> For me 9.0 was the most uncomplicated version ever (haven't seen 9.1 yet ;)) 
> and the fastest too.
> > The frequency of releases is not important.
> But it is imortant for getting new stuff in. Do you really think all free 
> software development will stop now and mandrake can lean back and focus on 
> stability ? 
> We have to learn:
> - how to use bugzilla
> - how to produce usefull fixes and patches

O geez Steffen by the time I get this one right MDK 20 will be out
> mandrake staff has to learn:
> - communication ;)
> - even more of the first point
> And if I got it right the improvement in the use of bugzilla was big.

Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-04-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 14:34, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Mar 2003, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > I fail to see why a laptop needs vastly different software to a dekstop
> > > machine.
> > > 
> > > Does Apple have a laptop version of OS X?
> > Yes
> Please show me where I can buy it (and I don't mean bundled, OEM is OEM, 
> Mandrake also does OEM, but this is not what we are talking about).
> > > Does windows have a laptop version of Windows XP?
> > Yes
> > 
> Again, show me where I can buy it without a machine.

That is next to impossible no matter what.  You can only get a copy
around here if you buy a laptop at the same time M$ licensing 
> > Problem is you don't see it.  It's integrated into one.  IE you buy the
> > product installed.  But there are differences.
> So, are you talking OEM then?

In many ways yes.
> We have about 70 Windows machines here, only 4 of them came pre-installed, 
> and many are laptops (although we avoid XP where we can, only 2 came with 
> XP). A number of the rest are laptops.
> > Laptops, the hardware in them The rpms/features needed are perceptually
> > different from desktops.  Realize this. MDK for laptops will be 99%
> > the same as any other.  In that rpms etc built here are just lined up in
> > a different order, or ignored.  Things that could be dropped are .
> > support for NIC cards (non PCMCIA ones.
> Some on-board NIC drivers (RTL-3139D is quite popular on laptops) are 
> identical to the drivers for PCI cards. You can also have PCI extensions 
> on docking stations AFAIK.

I was thinking pcmcia but you are right for like tulip etc.  
> > Put in updates to pcmcia config
> > (and yes I sent in a large file to the MDK maintainer of missing /
> > changed cards.)
> You can run PCMCIA on desktops with PCI adapters.

True but the hardware is often flaky and fragile...
> > Mostly though it's a marketing thing.  SuSE now has the
> > Office release... I've looked at it..It's not very different from
> > personal.  BUT the box says SuSE for Office. It must be better, right?  
> But who is going to buy it. Can Mandrakesoft afford to market and support 
> (think Vince ...) a seperate laptop distro?

This has to be a decision by Duval and others.  
> > Does have one nice point... no games.  With disk space becoming a
> > premium.. this may ease the pain as well.  BTW I've been testing Beta1
> > et all and reporting since 6.x so yes I know it helps.  Remember though
> > one thing.  The people with the really big bucks, don't have time for
> > beta testing.  aka the corporate world. They want results a product that
> > works. 
> But how does this relate to laptops? Do they not want their desktop 
> machines to just work?

Yes... but more and more here in the valley companies are moving from
desktops to laptops.  They really do have a number of benefits over
desktops for them.  Wireless being the biggest force moving them. 
Wireless for desktops has some physical advantages but the ability to
assemble mobile groups around laptops is being seen as a very real
advantage.  As I speak with these people I am being confronted with a
number of "needs" 

1.  Ability to monitor and control updates.
2.  Usability/Reliability
3.  Dependability of install base to work across a large list of

The third one is often the showstopper on Linux when it comes to
laptops.  Take my laptop.  ACPI works under win98 or newer.  Wireless
works with a number or cards.  Cardbus 32 bit cards work under windows. 
But under Linux it's a fight for all of them.(one by the way I'm losing
with acpi and CardBus... maybe even wireless.)  When asked what version
of Linux I recommend for desktops or laptops, I've always been able to
say MDK and say it with solid reasons and examples.  I see a market, and
I would be lax to not mention that.

> > In this world connecting to the company exchange server from
> > worldwide locations is a lot more important than 3d acceleration. 
> We don't have Exchange, but we would be out of jobs if 3d acceleration did 
> not work on our new 3d-modelling laptops (rapid prototyping of automotive 
> components for one of our customers, we send people there to do modelling 
> work for them). Granted, we don't use linux on them ... yet. Pro\E is 
> coming to linux soon, and then we might.

Ok I can see that.  95% of the people I'm in contact with are concerned
with clarity of 2d more than 3d. 

> > Each
> > world has it's own need.  Mandrakes need is money.  I'm just letting
> > them know what peo

Re: [Cooker] cursor themes package

2003-04-01 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 09:00, Gary Greene wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 5:17 am, Buchan Milne wrote:
> > On Sun, 29 Mar 2003, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > > > Maybe you could steal the sample shots from
> > > >
> > > > The shots themselves are the easy part 
> > >
> > > Buchan,
> > >
> > >Being from the school of simple ideas for simple minds (mine) Why not
> > > just do a small series of html pages with shots of each "set" of
> > > cursors.  Then a script that calls $BROWSER name of 1st page.
> >
> > I will consider it, but I have more important things to do IMHO, and I
> > believe both KDE and Gnome should have UIs for this (to go with the
> > themes). Under Windows9x, mouse cursors were parts of themes.
> >
> > And I think that the state of some KDE themes leaves things to be desired,
> > since some themes do not set the Window decorations, icons or backgrounds.
> >
> > Maybe Mandrakesoft needs to take some initiative here and make Galaxy a
> > complete theme under both KDE and GNOME, including backgrounds, cursor
> > themes, sounds, etc, instead of just being a set of consistent widget sets
> > and window decorations. Galaxy is very good, but it still isn't a theme
> > IMHO. As evidenced by the fact that when I enable a different theme, and
> > then try to restore Galaxy, I have to run 4 different KDE Control Center
> > modules. The GNOME state is slightly better.
> Don't fret for too long about that. KDE 3.2 will have a much improved 
> theme/style/tweak manager in it. Myself and a few others in the KDE 
> development team, including Mosfet (who looks to be heading this 
> mini-project) have been discussing this very thing on kde-devel. This theme 
> manager would handle cursors, ksplash/ml themes, fully themed kdm screens and 
> UI elements such as styles, etc. If there are features that people would like 
> to see in this, post them my way.

One thing that Buchans cursor them program has brought up for me would
be this.  In IceWM there is a way to "restart" the wm without logging
out.  Would it be possible to have something like this in kde?  Since to
gain full affect of the cursor them it does need a  restart it would be

[Cooker] [Bug 3627] [kbear] Weird dependency loop for install

2003-04-01 Thread james

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-04-01 11:10 ---
On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 00:53, fpons wrote:

K will check the latest my local mirror might be out of sync... Thanks
for the quick response.


--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: RESOLVED
it's best described by showing you the output of the urpmi command.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] james]# urpmi kbear
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- libkbear2-2.1.1-5tex.i586
 2- kbear-2.1.1-5tex.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) 2
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (6 MB):
Is this OK? (Y/n) y

Then it went ahead and installed... Question is why the choice was given at all.

[Cooker] [Bug 3627] [kbear] Weird dependency loop for install

2003-04-01 Thread james

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-04-01 10:44 ---
Oops grabed the wrong output sorry however the same event is noted both on
the one in Main and the one in Texstars site.  I apologize for the mistake in
cut and paste.

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
it's best described by showing you the output of the urpmi command.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] james]# urpmi kbear
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- libkbear2-2.1.1-5tex.i586
 2- kbear-2.1.1-5tex.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) 2
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (6 MB):
Is this OK? (Y/n) y

Then it went ahead and installed... Question is why the choice was given at all.

[Cooker] [Bug 3627] [kbear] New: Weird dependency loop for install

2003-04-01 Thread james

   Product: kbear
 Component: packaging
   Summary: Weird dependency loop for install
   Version: 2.1.1-5mdk
  Platform: PC
OS/Version: All
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2

it's best described by showing you the output of the urpmi command.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] james]# urpmi kbear
One of the following packages is needed:
 1- libkbear2-2.1.1-5tex.i586
 2- kbear-2.1.1-5tex.i586
What is your choice? (1-2) 2
To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (6 MB):
Is this OK? (Y/n) y

Then it went ahead and installed... Question is why the choice was given at all.

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

Re: [Cooker] Suspend Scripts Documentation? Was: PCMCIA problem insuspend scripts?

2003-03-31 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 03:09, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> Robert Da Campo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is there any documentation on how to set up
> > suspend function with mdk?
> > I searched for it in the online doc, mandrakeuser
> > and google, but did not find anything usefull.
> urpmi suspend-s
> /usr/sbin/pmsuspend

One question that kinda has to do with docs.  I'm reading the scripts to
try and figure out how things work.  Is there a reason why swsuspend is
setup to only work with acpi?  Looking at the swsuspend site it would
seem that it is intended to be independent of acpi apm or bios suspend. 
Since I'm running a lovely Compaq laptop with a fuzzed up dsdt table I'm
on apm here, but what swsup does is really very nice.


Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-03-31 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 03:01, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 16:41, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> >
> > perhaps the time has come to start looking at
> > a slower release cycle, and/or niche releases ie laptop, MNF Multimedia
> > etc.
> I fail to see why a laptop needs vastly different software to a dekstop
> machine.
> Does Apple have a laptop version of OS X?
> Does windows have a laptop version of Windows XP?

Problem is you don't see it.  It's integrated into one.  IE you buy the
product installed.  But there are differences.
> The biggest issue is hardware, and the only way that is going to improve
> is if more people test the Betas, since hardware/kernel fixes should not
> be made in RCs. But, for this to happen, someone needs to motivate
> testers to test Betas. There might be a need for more communication to
> beta testers, such as at least noting what the objective of the
> different aspects of the release cycle is. Maybe a notice to the effect
> of "If you want to ensure your hardware works, you *must* test beta1".

Laptops, the hardware in them The rpms/features needed are perceptually
different from desktops.  Realize this. MDK for laptops will be 99%
the same as any other.  In that rpms etc built here are just lined up in
a different order, or ignored.  Things that could be dropped are .
support for NIC cards (non PCMCIA ones. Put in updates to pcmcia config
(and yes I sent in a large file to the MDK maintainer of missing /
changed cards.) Mostly though it's a marketing thing.  SuSE now has the
Office release... I've looked at it..It's not very different from
personal.  BUT the box says SuSE for Office. It must be better, right?  
Does have one nice point... no games.  With disk space becoming a
premium.. this may ease the pain as well.  BTW I've been testing Beta1
et all and reporting since 6.x so yes I know it helps.  Remember though
one thing.  The people with the really big bucks, don't have time for
beta testing.  aka the corporate world. They want results a product that
works.  In this world connecting to the company exchange server from
worldwide locations is a lot more important than 3d acceleration.  Each
world has it's own need.  Mandrakes need is money.  I'm just letting
them know what people I know need.

> Buchan
> - --
> |--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
> Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
> Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
> Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
> GPG Key
> 1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> 91aG+KdD1Nv2TG8Pw7jBiMY=
> =849a

Re: [Cooker] cursor themes package

2003-03-31 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 11:02, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Thanks Buchan. This is *really* neat. It worked great for me and I am now 
> having fun with different cursors (err... maybe I should be upset at you for 
> giving me a new way to waste time ;-)). Anyway, great job, I didn't have any 
> problems with it...
>  -Tim

I'll second that one... would be nice if it "became" part of
gnome-control-center and Kcontrol  but it works... which is more
than a lot can say... and works well too. (You've now opened up a whole
new world of "themeing.)  

> On Saturday 29 March 2003 06:57 pm, Buchan Milne wrote:
> > On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
> > > This is a stupid question, but... where can I find the package? I'd be
> > > happy to test it. :-)
> >
> > 1mdk should be on the fast cooker mirros by now (if there are any cooker
> > mirrors that can qualify as fast at present ...), 2mdk just went up
> > (thanks to Stefan's build bot finding a buildrequire I had missed), but
> > there should be a copy here in 5 minutes:
> >
> >
> >
> > (2729649 bytes)
> >
> > Regards,
> > Buchan
> - -- 
> - ---
> Timothy R. Butler   Universal Networks
> | Christian Portal:  | Have you not learned great lessons |
> | | from those  who  braced themselves |
> | GNU/Linux News:| against  you   and   disputed  the |
> | | passage with you?   --Walt Whitman |
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+hz81K37Cns9gJ0gRAuNpAJ0fJ9iRogTmVlWs2FBCcKZ3lCAsagCfW+sK
> TPZVNlQPs1X+rYaMc+/Kln8=
> =mMcW

Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-03-31 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 16:41, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> Le Lundi 31 Mars 2003 01:27, Edward Tandi a écrit :
> > > > > But I do personally think that the quality is beginning to suffer. I
> > > > > think Mandrake should be releasing less frequently and have a longer
> > > > > stability/testing/fixing period. If you look at the reviews of Linux
> > > > > distros, the highest points are awarded to those that work with the
> > > > > least number of problems.
> I agree with a longer stability/testing/fixing period. Now, there is enough of
> things in the distro and the main interest of the users will be the stability 
> and a lower number a bug.
> IMHO, Mdk 8.2 was the best usable distro and since this time the quality 
> is beginning to suffer. It is absolutly necessary to do better.
> The frequency of releases is not important.

I think we are starting to see the result of maturity.  Linux is now
over 10 years old.  As an operating system and it's corresponding tools
mature it does tend to slow down.  By this I mean that many of the
programs now included tend to change less and less.  Most mind you not
all.  Yet the drive to have something "new" in each release tends to
introduce as much in the way of bugs as it fixes.  RH is dropping the
dot release SuSE users I know say that they are talking about it as
well. (any verification?) perhaps the time has come to start looking at
a slower release cycle, and/or niche releases ie laptop, MNF Multimedia


[Cooker] [Bug 3613] [Installation] live_update broken

2003-03-30 Thread james


   What|Removed |Added

 Ever Confirmed|0   |1

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-31 09:57 ---
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: NEW
live_update & livedrake are hopelessly borked (livedrake a little less
1) it dies if you don't use /mnt/cdrom for the CD-drive.
2) it tries to run
/mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/bin/perl-install/live_install, which
doesn't exist -- should be
3) live_install2 won't run because of a Perl libraries issue -- it can't
find, because that library doesn't exist. There is an
install2 and an I tried copying install2 to
/usr/lib/perl5/site-lib/, but then it failed because it tries
to source a bunch of stuff from its working directory. I quit here.

[Cooker] [Bug 3612] [Installation] can't install from a firewire CD-ROM

2003-03-30 Thread james


   What|Removed |Added

 Ever Confirmed|0   |1

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-31 09:54 ---
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: NEW
Sony VAIO VX88, installer cannot load stage two from the firewire (iLink)
DVD-R/CD-RW. Last error is that it's missing sb2. Drive works fine after a
successful network install. Problem existed in 9.0 as well. Expert mode cannot
be used to bypass the problem. It wouldn't be so annoying if disk two had
network.img as the El Torito boot image HINT HINT HINT.


Re: [Cooker] cursor themes package

2003-03-30 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 17:27, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Charles A Edwards wrote:
> > On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 22:13:49 +0200 (SAST)
> > Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Could people please give the cursor themes package a bit of a run
> > > around, see if it breaks any cursors or anything weird like that?
> > 
> > Be nice if there was a thumb nail index so that you could preview the
> > themes.
> Patch welcome ;-)
> At present the gui you see is a 57-line bash script ... unless I pull 
> something with ImageMagick's 'display' or similar, I think I will have to 
> change languages ...
> > Maybe you could steal the sample shots from
> The shots themselves are the easy part 


   Being from the school of simple ideas for simple minds (mine) Why not
just do a small series of html pages with shots of each "set" of
cursors.  Then a script that calls $BROWSER name of 1st page.  


> Buchan

Re: [Cooker] wish list for 9.2

2003-03-30 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 22:19, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 04:21, Leon Brooks wrote:
> > On Sunday 30 March 2003 04:31, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > > Don't start crying "gentoo!", because if you get speed boosts via
> > > gentoo it's generally by using very aggressive compilation options,
> > > not by targetting your own processor architecture.
> > 
> > And there is a problem with that? As in, would your Mandrake distribution go 
> > all morbid on you for being rebuilt with a --too-much-testosterone option?
> No, but I'd guess Mandrake has less aggressive compilation options for a
> reason. Would the distro actually all build right with more aggressive
> ones?

How about a slightly tangent viewpoint.

Here at toms they do a shootout of 65 processors from 100mhz to
screamers.  The most interesting thing is the 100mhz cpu with a monster
GeForce video card and 512Mb ram that rocks with UT2003.  The point is. 
Yes there is something you can get out of optimization of software for a
specific usage, hardware.  IF you have a very narrow usage band.  When I
was working for a realtime video company we would optimize the heck out
of software for exactly what we did.  It ran faster.  But, it didn't do
a dang bit of good for the box in general and in fact tended to make a
number of programs we didn't use slower.  (Most notably if I remember
right MySQL and other DataBases slowed way down if we ran it on one of
our optimized boxes.) A large move like i386 to i586 is significant for
a number of apps. Some ... it really doesn't help.  But to be honest.  A
better video card and more ram does more in a case like this than
anything else.  Want a real optimization.  Buy a CPU with a larger L1
cache.  Makes a huge difference.


Re: [Cooker] Acces killer (was: 9.2 wishes)

2003-03-30 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-03-29 at 20:40, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Sunday 30 March 2003 00:06, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> > We need an access killer.
> I think something based on true objectness, like Python or Ruby, would prove 
> to have the flexibility and consistency that MS-Access lacks.
> Most of the OOo tools do *more* than their corresponding MS-Office components, 
> and I think this is a trend well worth continuing by producing `OOSql'. But I 
> think there is a place for a good standalone tool, too.
> Cheers; Leon

How about what I use... Gaby,  Kinda reminds me of the old DB-IV. 
Simple, Creates a "GUI" when you build a Database.  It works.  


[Cooker] [Bug 3474] [kernel-] Wireless card support appears to be broken.

2003-03-29 Thread james

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-30 10:00 ---
On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 00:37, fearl wrote:

I voted for this bug but really wish I could add a consistant problem..
the box steadfast refuses to use anything but eth0.  Changes to
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 don't have any affect on
either my wireless NIC (NetGear MA401) or my D-Link 670 wired NIC. 
During install even with the card inserted from the moment the box does
not recognize the card.

Once rebooted if the card is inserted I get one of the following.

Card is recognized 2 beeps ... but any attempt to configure it corrupts
most of the related files (modules.conf modules ifcfg-eth0 network to
name a few.) 

Card is insterted but not recognized.  (beep bonk)
 1.  It claims my RAM is bad. (bench tested Micron Ram it's good)
 2.  It claims it can't find the Mac Address
 3.  It claims that the card isn't responding.
 4.  It complains about an MII error.
 5.  It complains that the card isn't a recognized card type.

(all the above seen in /var/log/messages.)

Choose your error it gives them randomly but always the same one
until the next reboot, which is immediate since it usually hard locks no
keyboard or mouse no ssh. 

Sometimes on rare occasion I insert the card and it just starts
working.  If I attempt to configure it.. change any setting or any other
such action it corrupts all the above mentioned files and more...
and won't run again.  

I've yet to figure out where config settings are held ifcfg-eth0
wireless.opts and ifup-wireless all don't seem to affect how it works. 
I can't for the life of me get it to work on a wep system. And IF and
when it comes up.. there is no way to move networks...

BTW same card same laptop if I change to a win98 drive... it works like
a charm. Profiles/wep/etc etc.  Problem is, win98 is about as useful as
a fashion designer at a nudist colony.  

System Info

Compaq Armada M700 500mhz Celeron CPU

384Mb Ram

ATI rage Mobility P/M video XFree86 4.3

Texas Instruments PCI1450 Cardbus Controler

440BX motherboard chipset.

Running fresh install of 9.1 up to date.  I've been trying to get this
working since 9.0 on this box.


--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
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--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: NEW
The Prism II support appears to be in the machine, but attempts to load the same
get greeted with missing symbol reports.  The Orinoco driver doesn't seem to
work right; it will link to the AP, but sticks to 2Mb and won't carry traffic (I
have two different Orinoco based cards- both work FINE under Windows.  You know
how disappointing THAT is...).

[Cooker] [Bug 3474] [kernel-] Wireless card support appears to be broken.

2003-03-29 Thread james


   What|Removed |Added

 Ever Confirmed|0   |1

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-30 09:29 ---
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: NEW
The Prism II support appears to be in the machine, but attempts to load the same
get greeted with missing symbol reports.  The Orinoco driver doesn't seem to
work right; it will link to the AP, but sticks to 2Mb and won't carry traffic (I
have two different Orinoco based cards- both work FINE under Windows.  You know
how disappointing THAT is...).

Re: [Cooker] [Bug 2277] [wine] Issue with WINE and X server

2003-03-27 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 10:01, Diego Iastrubni wrote:
> funny. I am running cxoffice using explorer kazaa and  media player.
> Right now then only one that works in mp.


   Where you able to get IE to download and install?


> However the mdk's wine run Total Commander with no problems. (Bamboo)
> - diego
> ביום חמישי, 27 במרץ 2003, 19:41, mfer כתב:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-27 18:41
> > --- The wine web-site shows that all releases depend upon glibc 2.2 or
> > earlier.
> >
> > Mandrake 9.1, as well as the latest Slackware and Red Hat, has glibc 2.3.
> >
> > I've not tried Red Hat but wine under MDK9.1rc? and Slackware 9 fail.
> >
> > I can find (google) no indication that the various Linux distributors or
> > the wine developers are working on this problem
> >
> >
> >
> > --- You are receiving this mail because: ---
> > You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Reminder: ---
> > assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > status: UNCONFIRMED
> > creation_date:
> > description:
> > This error shows when I try to run many Windows applications
> > with WINE. It shows up very often and I have seen it only in
> > Mandrake 9.1 Beta, thats why I'm submitting it as a bug.
> > I've tried the Wine package that is provided on the CD as well
> > as building Wine myself, same error occurs.
> >
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] first stage]$ wine kazaa_lite_202_english.exe
> > FIXME:pthread_cond_init
> > XIO:  fatal IO error 0 (Success) on X server ":0.0"
> >   after 4870 requests (4676 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

Re: [Cooker] 9.1 rox!

2003-03-27 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 00:17, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> torsdagen den 27 mars 2003 06.28 skrev James Sparenberg:
> > On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 11:55, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > > onsdagen den 26 mars 2003 19.24 skrev James Sparenberg:
> > > > On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 06:48, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > > > > onsdagen den 26 mars 2003 15.31 skrev Buchan Milne:
> > > > > > Hash: SHA1
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > > > > > > Hi.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Earlier I reported some wierd problems with RC2. It turned out
> > > > > > > that my
> > > > > >
> > > > > > hda
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > (IBM from 1999) was faulty and caused all kinds of wierd problems
> > > > > > > (I just fixed it real good with a sledge hammer = problem's
> > > > > > > solved...).
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Good riddance if it was a Deskstar GXP ;-).
> > > > >
> > > > > I don't know, it's (or was) a DJNA-352030 made in Hungary...
> > > >
> > > > Just hope you saved the lcd neet toy to play with. *grin*
> > >
> > > LCD?
> > >
> > > (I don't get it..., but then it's late...)
> >
> > Liquid Crystal Display. the laptops "monitor"  Sorry if the acronym
> > is an Americanism.
> I knew that...
> Ahh!!! Now I get it!
> You thought we were talking about a laptop, when we infact was talking about 
> poor quality hard drives by IBM .

Sorry,  Been trashing / bashing / getting to work laptops all week...
got them on the brain.. doh! 



2003-03-26 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 15:11, Pascal Terjan wrote:
> Luis Vicente Castillo Corbella wrote:
> > Whereis is in mandrake 9.1 the file desktop, not in traditional location
> > "etc/sysconfig", or other maner to change mdkkdm for kdm
> > 
> > regards
> > 
> $ cat /etc/sysconfig/desktop
> But you can also change it using mandrake control center

as root run drakedm and this will change it for you.


Re: [Cooker] 9.1 rox!

2003-03-26 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 11:36, Mircea Ciocan wrote:
> Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > Hi.
> > 
> > Earlier I reported some wierd problems with RC2. It turned out that my hda 
> > (IBM from 1999) was faulty and caused all kinds of wierd problems (I just 
> > fixed it real good with a sledge hammer = problem's solved...).
> > 
> > Running 9.1 (frozen cooker) both at home and at work and it rocks! This must 
> > be the best one ever!.
> > 
> > The only problem I have experienced so far is strange displays in the console, 
> > once it said something about "allready using UTF8" when logging in, and it 
> > looks real wierd in mc (also in xterm). Once in a while the console is messed 
> > up but fixed again when logging out/in/switching teminals. I don't know how 
> > this could be or how to fix it or how to debug it further.
>   This is the SINGLE problem that I had so far, and I solved like this:
> edited /etc/sysconfig/i18n and removed all UTF8 references, now it looks 
> like:
> SYSFONT=lat0-16
> LANG=en_US
>   No more shitty mc, no more console uglines.
>   Mircea C.

Would this mean that UTF8 stands for Ugly Truetype Fonts 8 ?

(Sorry long day...somewhere around 60 hours... getting punchy.)


Re: [Cooker] 9.1 rox!

2003-03-26 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 11:55, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> onsdagen den 26 mars 2003 19.24 skrev James Sparenberg:
> > On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 06:48, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > > onsdagen den 26 mars 2003 15.31 skrev Buchan Milne:
> > > > Hash: SHA1
> > > >
> > > > Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > > > > Hi.
> > > > >
> > > > > Earlier I reported some wierd problems with RC2. It turned out that
> > > > > my
> > > >
> > > > hda
> > > >
> > > > > (IBM from 1999) was faulty and caused all kinds of wierd problems (I
> > > > > just fixed it real good with a sledge hammer = problem's solved...).
> > > >
> > > > Good riddance if it was a Deskstar GXP ;-).
> > >
> > > I don't know, it's (or was) a DJNA-352030 made in Hungary...
> >
> > Just hope you saved the lcd neet toy to play with. *grin*
> LCD?
> (I don't get it..., but then it's late...)

Liquid Crystal Display. the laptops "monitor"  Sorry if the acronym
is an Americanism. 


[Cooker] [Bug 3156] [Installation] Need verification for install disks

2003-03-26 Thread james

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-26 20:20 ---
On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 10:47, jamesl wrote:

Don't know if this will help you but what I do is.

Mount the cd

cd to the RPMS directory

at the command line.

rpm -K *.rpm | grep NOT

The grep reports to me only the rpms that have a bad md5 or gpg sig.  if
you don't have the gpg key installed on the box you are checking from

rpm -K *.rpm --nogpg | grep NOT 

checks only the md5 of all the rpms.

(the other) James

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
9.1 release candidiate 2:

During numerous attempts at installing RC2, I have encountered a point most of
the way through the install where the installer becomes unable to read many of
the packages it is attempting to install.  The particular packages are never the
same from one try to the next.  I have re-created the CDs from the ISO files,
using different brands of disks, and tried installing from the CD-RW drive in
the system rather than the CD-ROM drive.  The ISO files passed md5sum tests. 
8.2 & 9.0 install CDs have worked flawlessly on this system.

What would make this easier to troubleshoot is if there were a way to verify the
 CD has been written correctly.  Not a utility that checks at install time, but
a way to validate from the system that wrote the disks.

Re: [Cooker] 9.1 rox!

2003-03-26 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 06:48, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> onsdagen den 26 mars 2003 15.31 skrev Buchan Milne:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Oden Eriksson wrote:
> > > Hi.
> > >
> > > Earlier I reported some wierd problems with RC2. It turned out that my
> >
> > hda
> >
> > > (IBM from 1999) was faulty and caused all kinds of wierd problems (I just
> > > fixed it real good with a sledge hammer = problem's solved...).
> >
> > Good riddance if it was a Deskstar GXP ;-).
> I don't know, it's (or was) a DJNA-352030 made in Hungary...

Just hope you saved the lcd neet toy to play with. *grin*
> > > Running 9.1 (frozen cooker) both at home and at work and it rocks!
> >
> > This must
> >
> > > be the best one ever!.
> >
> > Yeah. I am still waiting for ISOs of final to test some features, but I
> > think we need to start getting more publicity for some of the cool
> > features we know about.
> Exactly. I was about to write some about apache2, but I think I left it in 
> J-M's hands. (I'm no writer;))
> > Austin's Audio Workstation Howto has been pubished
> > (, and it would
> > be cool to try and keep up a steady stream of articles in various places
> > that inform users of the best ways to take advantage of all the cool
> > features in 9.1.
> I might be able to fill in some blanks in there later on since I recently 
> bought a cool AD/DA I/O system. I have no idea how it works yet ;)
> > We have a samba-ldap article coming up soon, and I may try and improve
> > some documentation for client-side samba use (tweakhound's howto is
> > outdated and just plain wrong in some places, no-one should even
> > consider using swat!).
> Later on I will try to find time for this + qmail-ldap, to see how well it 
> would integrate.
> > I hope Vince gets around to updating the ldap article at
> >, since I should also make sure he covers using ldap
> > slaves on laptops for disconnected auth ...
> >
> > Oden, could you provide some details on getting the most out of
> > apache1/apache2?
> Sorry, I'm no writer..., and writing this kind of stuff in english would be 
> too darn hard anyway... Or..., I wish I had time to sit down and write it... 
> I hope jmdault publish the stuff I started about apache2, we'll see. J-M is a 
> good writer and I'm convinced it will be a nice article.
> The thing I think one _should_ mention in such an article is the unique 
> cooperation between (end)users/contributers like you and me and the hardcore 
> coders of MandrakeSoft. The mutual respect and all that.

Re: [Cooker] Is 9.1 finished? [massively OT]

2003-03-26 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 04:42, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 01:42, Levi Ramsey wrote:
> > On Tue Mar 25 22:18 -0300, Damian Gatabria wrote:
> > > >
> > > > What is the official position?
> > > 
> > > Missionary. Boy on top.
> > 
> > Anything else is illegal in some places...
> Erm, where exactly is the dictatorship that makes it illegal for women
> to be on top during sex? And why isn't America invading it yet? =)

Georgia and it did in 1863.*grin*

Re: [Cooker] SUB cooker

2003-03-25 Thread James Sparenberg

Not sure but I think someone is having a problem with their e-mail
client :) (ps the lines above are to let you know I'm bottom posting not
top posting.)


Re: [Cooker] Is 9.1 finished?

2003-03-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 18:30, Damian Gatabria wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 de March 2003 22:42, Levi Ramsey wrote:
> > On Tue Mar 25 22:18 -0300, Damian Gatabria wrote:
> > > > What is the official position?
> > >
> > > Missionary. Boy on top.
> >
> > Anything else is illegal in some places...
> Yes, yes, compatibility comes to mind when you have to 
> choose your position.. Of course you don't want to 
> try to make everyone happy... it can be dangerous... you
> can get portscanned and your socket compromised..
> Damian


Re: [Cooker] Is 9.1 finished?

2003-03-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 17:18, Damian Gatabria wrote:
> >
> > What is the official position?
> Missionary. Boy on top.

Boys are fine for you maybe but I had in mind something with a bit
different architecture. *grin*
> Damian

Re: [Cooker] Problems with the xserver

2003-03-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 15:17, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 14:49, Richard Ketchersid wrote:
> > Very often now when running xemacs and mozilla simultaneously the 
> > following situation arrises. (This is with latest cooker, but has been 
> > happening for a couple of months now.)
> > 
> >  o I cannot type in mozilla, i.e. text entry fields stop working.
> > 
> > I can fix this by
> >  o Switching to a terminal and typing some random characters. When I 
> >return to mozilla I can type again. 
> I can verify that this has nothing to do with xemacs... I've got a
> mozilla that does this as well.  I'm using the driver for the Rage
> Mobility chip (Mach 64 I believe) here It happens randomly.  I however
> haven't been able to get it to unlock and have found that the only thing
> useful is xkill to get rid of the window and kill -9
> /usr/lib/mozilla1-3/mozilla-bin to get rid of all the processes. Since I
> had been having all kinds of fun do to trying to use an orinoco_cs
> wireless card (it digitized a number of files) I thought I might have
> caused it. Perhaps not.
> James

Seems to be a problem with Mozilla... How to proceed should one of us
submit to them or should one of the people for MDK do it?  


> > 
> >  o At the same time xemacs looses contact with the server and spits out a 
> >bunch of messages like the following:
> > 
> > ==
> > 
> > xemacs: X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
> >   Major opcode of failed request:  25 (X_SendEvent)
> >   Resource id in failed request:  0x2600399
> >   Serial number of failed request:  437549
> >   Current serial number in output stream:  437550
> > Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x6ad2e)!
> > 
> > xemacs: X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
> >   Major opcode of failed request:  18 (X_ChangeProperty)
> >   Resource id in failed request:  0x2600399
> >   Serial number of failed request:  437548
> >   Current serial number in output stream:  437550
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The really bad thing is that xemacs does not autosave when this happens 
> > and I am repeatedly loosing work. I sure would be nice if someone knew how 
> > to fix this.

Re: [Cooker] Problems with the xserver

2003-03-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 14:49, Richard Ketchersid wrote:
> Very often now when running xemacs and mozilla simultaneously the 
> following situation arrises. (This is with latest cooker, but has been 
> happening for a couple of months now.)
>  o I cannot type in mozilla, i.e. text entry fields stop working.
> I can fix this by
>  o Switching to a terminal and typing some random characters. When I 
>return to mozilla I can type again. 

I can verify that this has nothing to do with xemacs... I've got a
mozilla that does this as well.  I'm using the driver for the Rage
Mobility chip (Mach 64 I believe) here It happens randomly.  I however
haven't been able to get it to unlock and have found that the only thing
useful is xkill to get rid of the window and kill -9
/usr/lib/mozilla1-3/mozilla-bin to get rid of all the processes. Since I
had been having all kinds of fun do to trying to use an orinoco_cs
wireless card (it digitized a number of files) I thought I might have
caused it. Perhaps not.


>  o At the same time xemacs looses contact with the server and spits out a 
>bunch of messages like the following:
> ==
> xemacs: X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
>   Major opcode of failed request:  25 (X_SendEvent)
>   Resource id in failed request:  0x2600399
>   Serial number of failed request:  437549
>   Current serial number in output stream:  437550
> Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x6ad2e)!
> xemacs: X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
>   Major opcode of failed request:  18 (X_ChangeProperty)
>   Resource id in failed request:  0x2600399
>   Serial number of failed request:  437548
>   Current serial number in output stream:  437550
> The really bad thing is that xemacs does not autosave when this happens 
> and I am repeatedly loosing work. I sure would be nice if someone knew how 
> to fix this.

Re: [Cooker] RC3, 3 CD's over 650MB??

2003-03-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 03:11, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 13:02, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> >
> >>Le Lundi 24 Mars 2003 21:51, Jason Greenwood a écrit :
> >>
> >>>Didn't Mandrake decide to keep the ISO's under 650MB??
> >>
> >>Nowadays, all the CD are 700M except some RW.
> >>A their cost is about 0.5¤, I don't see for which reason it would be
> >>better to keep the ISO's under 650MB
> >
> > Despite the fact that a large amount of media is 700mb a large number of
> > CDR drives out there won't do 700mb due to age. (they aren't really that
> > old either. Last time I saw one for sale was about 3 months ago.)
> >
> More importantly, there is a much larger installed base of CD-ROM
> drives, and many machines that are capable of running Mandrake may
> potentially have such a drive.
> Buchan

True enough... I've got about 4 or 5 of em in the parts bin(really
gotta hit a flea market with some of the this stuff... nah..)


> - --
> |--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
> Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
> Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
> Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
> GPG Key
> 1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> t2PzksEbZG0+OlKCq6EJVCc=
> =n3y6

Re: [Cooker] urpmi features

2003-03-25 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 04:08, Duncan wrote:
> On Tue 25 Mar 2003 03:05, Guillaume Rousse posted as excerpted below:
> > Ainsi parlait eddie :
> > > 
> > > 
> >
> > Please use standard text for email.
> No kidding!
> > > Then you should talk to Texstar @ Pclinuxonline. He had a great system
> > > with apt-get and Synaptic that worked with a Gui and worked wonderful,
> > > although he doesn't have the time to maintain two update mirrors. If
> > > one guy can maintain a program like that, why can't Mandrake?
> >
> > Nobody told this wasn't possible. Just that isn't a priority. Developping
> > GUI is heavy and costly, especially compared to adding a switch in CLI. If
> > you want advanced options, you're supposed to be an advanced user, meaning
> > able to read the doc and a shell prompt...
> What I'd like to see is a solution I've seen elsewhere..
> 1)  After adding any usual GUI-ified options as thought appropriate, have a 
> text box (or a page of text boxes for a multi-function app that calls 
> multiple other tools and/or calls a single tool in multiple contexts) where 
> the user can add additional command line switches and params as so desired.  
> The only support needed is to provide the text boxes, one per context, and 
> ensure that their contents gets passed when the specified tool is called 
> within that specified context.
> One example of the above that I've been working with lately is K3B, the KDE 
> CD/DVD image burning software front-end to the various ripping/burning/isofs 
> tools.  In it's prefs dialog, it has an entire page/tab listing the various 
> back end tools, with a text box beside each, in which you can add advanced 
> switches as appropriate.  Those that don't know about the additional switches 
> and/or don't want/need to bother with them  (like me, for the most part) can 
> just leave them blank, but the several of the back end tools it invokes have 
> all sorts of corner-case command line options unneeded by most folks, and 
> having those text boxes, for additional switches to be added at invocation, 
> means a lot of folks can use the GUI, that would otherwise have to use the 
> command line, or a different front end that provided such options.
> 2)  A (perhaps optional) popup, that lists the progress details and any 
> errors, as the process progresses.  One of the big reasons (besides the lack 
> of advanced options in the GUI) I use URPMI rather than the various GUI 
> utils, is that the command line version lists the stuff as it downloads, and 
> I can see where something stalls, if it does.  When I'm updating multiple 
> source lists, and I see the internet activity stop for to long a time, 
> without returning a success or failure dialog, on the graphical tools, I have 
> no way of knowing where the hold-up is.  With the command line, I can 
> immediately see what mirror isn't responding, or whatever other problem may 
> be occuring.  In addition, I like seeing the scrolling status, as the 
> individual components are d/led.  A popup window with the same info scrolled 
> in its display on the GUI version would be very nice...
> An example of this is what KPackage does, when installing an RPM.  It pops up 
> a status window, with the various commands and results as they would normally 
> be output on the command line, if one were to invoke rpm from there.  Now, in 
> KPackage, it isn't normally such a big deal, because the process isn't so 
> long, with so many steps, as a multi-mirror update, and then an urpmi 
> --auto-select is, but giving GURPMI or Software Installer or whatever the 
> graphical title of the month is now, the same sort of update progress window, 
> would be very useful.  (The optional part of it could be handled with a 
> simple checkbox, either as a global option in some settings dialog, or on a 
> per-task basis, right before clicking the "go" button.)
> Of course, doing it all in a nicely scrolling Konsole window works fine for 
> me, here, but if we are going to have a GUI, we might as well make it a 
> decently functional one, usable by power users as well as newbies, and 
> continuing to support new back-end options, even without new versions of the 
> GUI every time the back-end changes.

One request for the gui here... a select all updates button. when doing
a new install 3 months after release it can be real time consuming to
check each and every update one by one by one by one  (you get the


[Cooker] [Bug 2525] [kernel] eth0 interface does not connect with sis900

2003-03-24 Thread james

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-25 07:20 ---
On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 07:51, costavi wrote:

I've encountered this on a few systems ... small number but I'm dealing
with enough variety of systems that I have run across it ... there is a
switch in the kernel build.  The switch is under general and it is
called Use Real mode APM BIOS call to power off.  On the systems I've
rebuilt it on this has solved the problem.  The trouble is if the stock
kernel cam with this switched on (it can't be done as a module) it
causes more problems than it solves for systems that don't need it. 
This is a kernel switch designed for buggy bios's that don't shut down
properly.  Since MDK has to build for the majority.  It can't be a
default.  But... it is there for those who need it.


--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I installed mandrake 9.1-rc1 on a pentium4 with sis55xx chipset motherboard from
Asus, and a sis900 ethernet card included in the motherboard. This machine is
connetted to another PC through an ethernet cable, to make a home local network.
Both Pcs have local assigned IP addresses> the "server") and>the P4 with Mandrake). Apparently all devices are correctly
configured and the the eth0 interface is up, as the "ifconfig" command shows.
But a "ping" command on the other PC ( does not give any result, it
does not see the other PC. Moreover, error messages of the form "Watchdog:
Network..timed out" continue to accumulate at the bottom of the "dmesg" output.
At first I wondered if it was a problem of network configuration, but it is not.
I tried to install and compile the official 2.4.20 kernel from the linux
sources, reinstalled LILO with this kernel and rebooted and everything worked
fine, I was also able to go to the internet through the other PC internet
connection. Then I installed the 2.4.21pre4-6mdk sources and compiled them with
the same configuration I used for 2.4.20 and again the network refused to work.
So the network did not work with the "custom" 2.4.21pre4-6mdk kernel I built,
neither with the precompiled 2.4.21pre4-6mdk kernel present in the distribution.

Thanks for any possible solution (for now I am using the 2.4.20 kernel)

Re: [Cooker] Problem with MSN

2003-03-24 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 13:09, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> Le Dimanche 23 Mars 2003 22:38, Toran Korshnah a écrit :
> > Am I right thinking MSN is boycotting Linux-Netscape? As the full
> > functionality of MSN is only reached by IE?
> IMHO, the reason is : It is the war...
> Try a fancy navigator.

As a true Opera fan the the only thing I can say is bork bork. bork
bork bork bork bork.. bork bork bork Microsoft bork bork bork 


Re: [Cooker] RC3, 3 CD's over 650MB??

2003-03-24 Thread James Sparenberg
On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 13:02, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> Le Lundi 24 Mars 2003 21:51, Jason Greenwood a écrit :
> > Didn't Mandrake decide to keep the ISO's under 650MB??
> Nowadays, all the CD are 700M except some RW. 
> A their cost is about 0.5¤, I don't see for which reason it would be 
> better to keep the ISO's under 650MB

Despite the fact that a large amount of media is 700mb a large number of
CDR drives out there won't do 700mb due to age. (they aren't really that
old either. Last time I saw one for sale was about 3 months ago.)  


Re: [Cooker] ISO Images [was: Re: When??]

2003-03-22 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 14:39, Sir Pingus wrote:
> > On Sat 22 Mar 2003 03:19, Thomas Backlund posted as excerpted below:
> > > Now this is way off ...
> > >
> > > IIRC Warly (or another MDK employee) posted a message after 9.0 release how
> > > the official ISOs gets delivered ...
> > >
> > > They don't get posted on the mirrors after a automated iso build,
> > > instead they get built under strict control by Warly, then they get
> > > distributed among the MDK employees that test the final ISOs,
> > > and if they are all happy, the ISOs will be posted on the MDK master
> > > server where the primary mirrors can pick them up, and after that
> > > all other mirrors that rsyncs of the primary mirrors...
> > 
> > Cool.  I guess they are testing them now, then?  Maybe something came up and 
> > they are NOT all happy with them?
> you know, in France we do not work on saturday and sunday. So don't believe that any
> iso appear on mirror this week end.
> bye Pingus ;-)
> > 
> > Thanks for the info!  All I had was speculation, b4.
> > 
> > -- 

Personally I'm perfectly happy to wait till Warly says go.  I used to
work for a company that over road the build engineer all the time.. for
that matter this is true of all of us ... we used to work for that
company Therefore... I'll be patient.  


Re: [Cooker] Here's why no Radeon 9500 support in 9.1

2003-03-22 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 03:49, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Friday 21 March 2003 12:01 am, Jan Ciger wrote:
> > It is a free software, but having ten
> > incompatible versions of XFree or ten versions with ten different fatal
> > bugs is not a nice outlook
> XFree86 and XFreer86?
> As I understand it, the pace (or lack of it) of incorporation of existing 
> patches is the main problem, so a fork would be less likely to contain said 
> fatal bugs, and a mroe responsive X server would result in NVidia submiting 
> more bugs in the first place.
> Also, `ten forks' is not a fair representation. All that's been discussed 
> AFAICT is a single fork. Maybe XFork? XCutlery (forked, and sharper than 
> before? :-)
> If they do fork, I most fervently hope that the fork has a different name, 
> (even if it is only `XLibre' or something like that) to avoid confusion. 
> Dropping the `86' would be good for both original and any fork, since it runs 
> on a lot more than x86 architecture and has done for a very long time.
> Cheers; Leon

 Dang I always thought that 86 stood for the last time they updated the



Re: [Cooker] mmx and such

2003-03-22 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 12:59, rowland wrote:
> On Saturday 22 Mar 2003 7:29 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > Actually this bug is a bug in the arch of the cpu it reports itself as
> > an i686 even though it's i586  this is a bug in the hardware not
> > necessarily in the kernel.
> ok there is a bug in C3 cpu, but this would not be a problem if an OS that 
> claimed to be for an i586 cpu did not have that directory /lib/i686. If the 
> directory had not been there in the first place, mandrake 9.0 would not have 
> been tried on epia based pc's by newbies and then rejected/badmouthed as 
> useless because it will not load without jumping through hoops!
> This gives linux a bad name it does not need or deserve.
> rowland penny

True but on the other hand without the i686 directory I wouldn't be
sending this e-mail.. I'm running on a celeron 500mhz.  RH SuSE and
Slack all know how to install the i686 optimized kernel and libs so I
work better here.  RH is i386 SuSE is i586 and Slack is well, Slack.
Having the i686 libs if fine and needed if you need the i686 kernel.. I

Re: [Cooker] mmx and such

2003-03-22 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 14:57, rowland wrote:
> On Friday 21 Mar 2003 10:18 pm, Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> > Le Vendredi 21 Mars 2003 18:20, Per Øyvind Karlsen a écrit :
> > > does this bug applies to other than via c3's? I thought this bug only
> > > existed in 9.0 due to the kernel detecting via c3 as an i686..?
> >
> > Look at :
> > This bug was reported just after the 9.0 release.
> are you telling me this bug, for bug it is, is still there in 9.1. Mandrake is 
> supposed to be an i586 compatible OS, so it should be a selectable option to 
> load the i686 directory, not load it as standard.

Actually this bug is a bug in the arch of the cpu it reports itself as
an i686 even though it's i586  this is a bug in the hardware not
necessarily in the kernel.

> rowland penny 

Re: [Cooker] mmx and such

2003-03-21 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 07:43, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Guy.Bormann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 3:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] mmx and such
> > [snip]
> >
> > > It's not a matter of complaining or not, it's a matter of minimal
> support.
> > > Mandrake Linux is supposed to run on any i586 or newer processor.
> Period.
> > Even if that means a crazy person is encoding videos on a i586(no MMX),
> > say, 166MHz (or somewhere near) without hardware acceleration Must be
> > surely someone with paaaiinnnccce!
> I have to concur. Mandrake Linux won't even pass first boot on non i686 due
> to the /lib/i686 mess. Because of this Mandrake can not state that it runs
> on i586 and later. What's the point with /lib/i686? It isn't possible to
> have i386, i486, i586, ppc, etc. in there also?

As the box is installing click on the details button.. Then when you see
that glibc has been installed change to term window 2 and mv
/mnt/lib/i686 to /mnt/lib/  (or some such name) and it will
install and boot.  The fix is related to the 9.0 problem with the VIA
CPU's which are part i686 part i586 and part i486 (Todd gave me the
breakdown on day I don't remember how it went.)


> gwenole?
> Chears.

Re: [Cooker] mmx and such

2003-03-21 Thread James Sparenberg
On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 07:27, Vincent Meyer, MD wrote:
> OK, maybe this is a really dumb question - I won't even pretend that I'm up to 
> speed on the inner workings of building RPM's.. but would it be possible for 
> the RPM file on something like this to have multiple copies of the 
> appropriate library or binary in the package, and the choice of using the MMX 
> enabled one or the "vanilla" one be made at package installation time?  Sure, 
> means a little more work for the packager - or maybe a LOT more work, I don't 
> know - but would mean for those few applications where an extended 
> instruction set would make a difference can take advantage of the extended 
> instructions while still being able to install on machines without them.
> Sure, they can learn to grab the source and then all of the -dev packages for 
> all the supporting libraries and roll their own, it isn't that hard.. but not 
> everybody wants to learn to do that.
> V.

Possible yes... simple no.  

Whoever said "With software anything is possible" never watched a geek
trying to get a date with a chearleader.  *grin*


> On Friday 21 March 2003 09:18 am, Guy.Bormann wrote:
> > [snip]
> >
> > > It's not a matter of complaining or not, it's a matter of minimal
> > > support. Mandrake Linux is supposed to run on any i586 or newer
> > > processor. Period.
> >
> > Even if that means a crazy person is encoding videos on a i586(no MMX),
> > say, 166MHz (or somewhere near) without hardware acceleration Must be
> > surely someone with paaaiinnnccce!
> >
> >
> > Guy

Re: [Cooker] Bla, bla, but no 9.1 date

2003-03-20 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 09:58, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 03:53, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> > On Thursday 20 March 2003 06:33, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > I was looking to pre-order the 9.1 disks... but so far it's only boxed
> > > sets and since I don't need another book... I'm waiting for the disk
> > > only version to be offered.  Did that for 9.0  will do for 9.1 and
> > > beyond most likely.
> > >
> > > James
> > 
> > In the shop is a version "7 CDs only", "1DVD only" or "8CDs and one DVD only" 
> > (look down at the 9.1 preorder page) The latter would be very interesting for 
> > me if I would have the money.
> Cool,
>   Didn't go back before I wrote but a check earlier didn't have it...
> thanks Steffen
> James

Almost... but... the 8 CD set might do.. I got 9.0 and before in a 7CD
power version not prosuite.

Re: [Cooker] mandrakeclub overloaded

2003-03-20 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 08:48, Eric Fernandez wrote:
> I have begun to use the forum on a regular basis now. I'll try to answer
> support questions. Mandrakeclub has to be a centralised place, and I have
> some suggestions :
> - I think that the club needs better theme, better forum design. Why not
> doing a Galaxy theme by default for the club, which would be the new default
> theme. I think it is always good for a vendor site to have a "new skin"
> sometimes, to show they are very awake and dynamic. Blue and white colours
> are too contrasted and difficult to read. Use pastel colours, with icons
> that are in the 9.1 distribution (MCC new icons are so nice !) Reorganise
> buttons, news (so that news appear on top.) Some theme are even lacking some
> links (aqua2 has no "forum" link on top !) Why not doing a "theme"
> competition ?

Hate to say it but the easiest "theme" to read for me is the liquid
theme.  As for the forum... et al navigation is the roughest part.

> - I think there should be better forum organisation. We have still people
> asking for support in the "guest" area. I think that forum should be
> simplified, with support part and discussion part. And within these two
> parts, restricted areas should be highlighted to show the people what they
> would benefit by becoming members. For the moment, retricted areas are just
> : one offtopic, news, documentation, development. If you want to make people
> fancy becoming members, you should have something a little more "sexy" and
> very highlighted (like integrating RPM on demand)
> - Why not integrate mandrakeexpert to the forum : a restricted part for
> quick support. Maybe this would be a little complicated to manage use of
> incidents units though. Or make mandrakeexpert a commercial place only and
> leave free community support to the club.
> Eric

Re: [Cooker] Bla, bla, but no 9.1 date

2003-03-20 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 04:03, Eric Fernandez wrote:
> Actually, the DVD version is the Prosuite, not the Powerpack.
> I would like to see a Powerpack DVD, and why not a bundle with the Mandrake
> book.
> Eric

I've yet to open the book for 7.0 let alone one for 9.1... So why waste
the tree.  Plus the fact that the box itself is a waste in that I get
this big box... keep the disks and through away all of the rest.  I'm
not particularly green just hate wasting stuff.


> - Original Message -
> From: "Steffen Barszus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 11:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] Bla, bla, but no 9.1 date
> On Thursday 20 March 2003 06:33, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > I was looking to pre-order the 9.1 disks... but so far it's only boxed
> > sets and since I don't need another book... I'm waiting for the disk
> > only version to be offered.  Did that for 9.0  will do for 9.1 and
> > beyond most likely.
> >
> > James
> In the shop is a version "7 CDs only", "1DVD only" or "8CDs and one DVD
> only"
> (look down at the 9.1 preorder page) The latter would be very interesting
> for
> me if I would have the money.
> --
> Regards
> Steffen
> : #296567.
> machine: 181800
> vdr-box : 87
> Please dont CC me, since if I have replied I'll watch the tread. Both mails
> will be filtered to the ML-folder. Thanks

Re: [Cooker] Bla, bla, but no 9.1 date

2003-03-20 Thread James Sparenberg
On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 03:53, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> On Thursday 20 March 2003 06:33, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > I was looking to pre-order the 9.1 disks... but so far it's only boxed
> > sets and since I don't need another book... I'm waiting for the disk
> > only version to be offered.  Did that for 9.0  will do for 9.1 and
> > beyond most likely.
> >
> > James
> In the shop is a version "7 CDs only", "1DVD only" or "8CDs and one DVD only" 
> (look down at the 9.1 preorder page) The latter would be very interesting for 
> me if I would have the money.


  Didn't go back before I wrote but a check earlier didn't have it...
thanks Steffen


Re: [Cooker] How to get rid of "KDEInit could not launch'kfmclient'" message?

2003-03-19 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 14:24, Clive Dove wrote:
> I am still seeing this message whenever I open a desktop folder.
> Is there any way to get rid of it?
> Before anyone asks, I did update the packages today.

Had something like this happen to me before.  What was recommended to me
and I might add worked, was to update my locate db then do 

locate rpmnew

then go through my box and mv the xxx.rpmnew files to the correct name
(bearing in mind changes I made to the original)  Could solve your
problem could not.  


Re: [Cooker] New features

2003-03-19 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 08:39, Jan Ciger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > Are you suggesting that there not be floppy images at all? Should we
> > have to waste CDs just to run a network install? Must we have a
> > CD-writer to do a network install (of course, you can use lilo too, but
> > that's a bit too complex for most).
> I guess nobody sugested abandoning floppy completely, but having such a CD 
> would be nice. You could always write CD-RW, so it is not "wasted".

Dunno but a floppy costs about 40c (US) and a CD blank I can get as low
at 6c but usually about 10  I'll take the CD.(sides the time
spent trying to get the spiders out of my floppy is counter productive.)
> > ???
> >
> > I have installed from the network floppy and used XFS and LVM (although
> > with some issues). The only problem I could think of is if you are
> > installing from hd with the files on an XFS partition?
> See the bug in the bugzilla - you have to create floppy with XFS tools 
> yourself, since the tools didn't fit on the floppy. It is marked as WONTFIX. 
> Making a CD instead would be a nice way how to get out of this. 
> Jan
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+eJ1Xn11XseNj94gRAg5qAJ4kpeX+Jtm1VFfWslYqSnWFESHn4QCffJi0
> d5yepZMuHmH+8krkZZxDpiI=
> =t+zw

Re: [Cooker] Bla, bla, but no 9.1 date

2003-03-19 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 09:59, John Allen wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 March 2003 17:52, Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
> > I am a silver member of the club, but at the moment not message in one or
> > other way :-(
> >
> I'm a silver member also, and got an offer of 20% for pre-order 9.1
> But really I don't give a crap, I paid my money for silver membership, and
> just burn my own .iso's from Cooker. Personally thats what I feel I am paying 
> for by joining the club.

I was looking to pre-order the 9.1 disks... but so far it's only boxed
sets and since I don't need another book... I'm waiting for the disk
only version to be offered.  Did that for 9.0  will do for 9.1 and
beyond most likely.


Re: [Cooker] Ideas 4 future (urpmi incremental, cookerdrake)

2003-03-19 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 07:40, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 March 2003 05:39 pm, Chad wrote:
> > Then simply type some thing along the lines of urpms (urpmi for SRPMS)
> > urpms –flags=”--mach=k6-2 -o3”  kde-full
> > urpms would then sort out the dependencies required for a full install of
> > kde the kde packages build them in the correct order with the CFLAGS and
> > CXXFLAGS set to the –flags option and install them setting up kdm or mdkdm.
> > I'd also like to be able to do the same with gcc so “ urpms –flags=xxx 
> > gcc”
> Hear, hear! (-:
> I'd also like to implement a simple technique for turning the updates list 
> into an incremental download. New updates are simply appended to an alternate 
> file (gzip has always known how to cope with this) - maybe call 
> it hdlist.incz - and all urpmi has to do is `resume' downloading against its 
> cached version to get only the bits of the hdlist that have changed since it 
> last looked. This would turn megabytes-long re-downloads of the updates list 
> into kilobytes-long resyncs.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but couldn't urpmi.update -a just use rsync
to grab the hdlist.  I'm thinking that if you have it once and since the
name never changes the second++ time you grab it it would always be an
incremental change... not a whole download.


> > 3)The final suggestion I have is for the creation of an App called
> > something like drakecooker or cookerdrake. This would be a program for
> > helping with cooker testing.
> Hear, hear!
> Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] kernel-source and kernel-source-includes

2003-03-19 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 03:07, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Ainsi parlait Leon Brooks :
> > On Wednesday 19 March 2003 12:26 am, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> > > Ainsi parlait Austin :
> > >> Telling someone on dialup: just install glibc-devel, XFree86-devel, and
> > >> kernel-source... is a big deal.
> > >
> > > Not any more than installing the rest of the system.
> >
> > It is if they have to fetch it down a modem.
> And how did they fetched the rest of the system ?

Cd from a friend.. or downloaded and burned at work.

Re: let document the fscking mcc [was: Re: [Cooker] [PATCHED]drakclick]

2003-03-19 Thread James Sparenberg
> there's no more banner icon, so no more  parameter
> the su part is now handled by common::require_root_capability()
> splited out so that:
> - pure gtk+ app can get rid of interactive)
> - app that still use gtk+1 such as drakcronat do not badly eat all cpu
>   power trying to crash despite gtk-perl exceptions caught by eval {}
>   because of interactive using gtk+2
> here's the gui rule of thumb:
> -
> as i already write, tools have to create a toplevem gtk::window when
> non embedded and a gtk::plug widget when embeded.
> for small stuff, instead of writing pure gtk+ app, you better should
> use the interactive api/toolkit.
> there's no real doc. you can look:
> - at gi/docs/interactive/* in the cvs for basic usage.
> - drakedm, patched drakclick, drakxtv
> as for gtk+-2 porting:
> --
> 1) easy way: run gi/docs/porting-ugtk on your script, then run it
>until you fixed the port
> 2) read and handly do the port
> > Re-writing the whole thing and posting new and improved code on
> > Cooker will not help me write better code. If you could point me to
> > some documentation, or at least comment what you have done, it will
> > help me (and everyone reading Cooker), write new tools eventually.
> hope it helps you or at least make some things clearer
> btw, if someone can update the page you give the reference ...
> [-1] always the same bug with email, it's deshumanized and sometimes
>  people feel bad because we lack non verbal signals; that's also
>  why we easily troll by mail or insult other drivers while
>  driving :(
> [0] but the source and the cvs would had say pixel
> [1] well, i'm the bastard if you want to blame someone on the
> embedding point


   If you take this e-mail clean it up just a bit... it would make a
dang good mini-data sheet on how to write/develop for MCC.  I would
think that you could scratch one more item off of your to-do list with
this one.


Re: Re[2]: [Cooker] Post 9.1 Wishlist (9.2 ??)

2003-03-19 Thread James Sparenberg
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 00:14, maxxik wrote:
> NS> 16. Create the Mandrake Personal Configuration Center.
> how about
> 17. include reiserfs quota support in kernel ?
> wbr, maxx

If MDK is going to aim at any one area for 9.2 it should be laptops. 
Right now my wireless is working... problem is ... I'm not exactly sure
how it's working... See, what it does, and what the smattering of docs
around the web say. don't match (yes most of them are written for RH
6.x so it's expected).  No complaint about this... just pointing one
thing out.  Laptops and mobile computing are a future that is waiting
for Linux.  ACPI improvements.  Wireless becoming less confusing.  The
ability to have multiple profiles (Laptops move networks don't, please
god if there is any one thing needed it's this!) all of this is an area
that is a weak point right now.  SuSE is trying to move into this area. 
8.1 is supposed to be a 'wireless' release... (Note it doesn't work any
better here than MDK does) Nonetheless it is a future.  Hopefully this
future will include MDK.  

[Cooker] [Bug 3081] [galaxy-kde] Galaxy causing problems with KDE and GNOME running in tightvnc-server

2003-03-18 Thread james

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-19 05:10 ---
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 19:55, cybercfo wrote:


   I've run xnest with version 8mdk and it worked there for the same
reason... Xft is not on by default.  hmmm.  sounds like a fallback of
some kind is needed but not sure what.  


--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: NEW
Both KDE and GNOME seem to be having trouble with Galaxy tightvnc-server-1.2.7-2.  It 
seems to be focused on Galaxy-KDE as explained later.

Fluxbox works just fine, just GNOME and KDE have exhibited issues.

KDE loads the wallpaper and then various components seem to go flashing by like a grey 
bar where the kicker is supposed to be.  Eventually ending up with a screen shot like 

The desktop keeps flashing periodically.

GNOME has a similar behavior in that it flashes, but the desktop seems to load.  
Occasionally after one of the flashes, an error message pops up a dialogue box that 
says KDesktop error.  Sorry, i was not able to capture it.

I thought maybe the Galaxy theme had something to do with it, so I switched KDE to the 
Keramik theme, and it still exhibited this behavior, although the the error message 
and the flashing stopped occurring when GNOME was running.  So maybe it does belong to 
Galaxy, and that led me to post it here as a KDE-Galaxy bug.

vnc logs have nothing interesting in them and the system logs are equally bare on this 

What else can I do to help troubleshoot?

Re: [Cooker] GNOME 2.2.1 Desktop

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 18:04, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 March 2003 08:54 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > > Greg,
> > >
> > >If you want I can send these rpms to you for verification.
> >
> > I just rebuilt qt with the 3.1.1-12 spec file from cvs and the problem is
> > gone.  Laurent applied a patch for -13 that turned on AA by default.  See
> > my other posting for the contents of the patch.  I am very sorry that this
> > did not get done in time for 9.1  I am not sure that the AA on
> > functionality would have been given up to enable this anyway.  It would
> > seem to me that the WoW factor of the font rendering might be worth this
> > bug if it means good reviews.  At least I have a qt that works and can now
> > happily upgrade.
> For anyone that wants to test, I have posted the libqt3.1.1-12mdk rpms that I 
> rebuilt here:
> They should finish uploading at about 2:30 AM UCT (9:30 EST for the time zone 
> challenged in the US)
> Because these are hastily built on my cooker box, I did not apply the patch to 
> eliminate the depends caused by my nVidia drivers, so you will 
> have to install these with 
> "rpm -Uvh libqt3* --nodeps --oldpackage"


Re: [Cooker] kernel vulnerability ?

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 10:52, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> James Sparenberg wrote on Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 10:30:01PM -0800 :
> > > 
> > > People are aware of it and working on it already.  No ETA yet that I'm
> > > aware of, but there are others that are authoritative on that.
> > One thing I noticed is that it is a local user vulnerability only... not
> > a remote exploit.  If someone has my console... They probably won't need
> > something like this to get in/exploit the box.  just my 2c.
> I thought "local user vulnerability" meant that it also applies to
> people who are ssh'd in to your box because they have a "local" account.

hmmm... other vulnerabilities I've seen when they said local they meant
at the console.  (like the shutdown -now bug that drops the box to
runlevel 1 ) However in this case you might be right since it
doesn't seem like it would drop the ethernet connection.  But my
original thought still holds in this respect.  If the user is logged in
by ssh they are either an employee I have to trust, (and yes this can be
deadly) or my security sucks so bad they broke an account.  If they
have... there are a bunch of root-kits/exploits available so it's
time to re-think my security anyway.  *grin* 

> Blue skies... Todd
> - -- 
>   Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.
> UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
>   that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
>   Mandrake Cooker Devel Version, Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+d2rqlp7v05cW2woRAsbhAJ0d7/ct/DtpENh/ABs/aOeGLf3ICwCfVA3I
> Dn14XfUuAJmICQR0tPmegbM=
> =QMHk

Re: [Cooker] urpmi features

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 11:29, Duncan wrote:
> On Mon 17 Mar 2003 14:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted as excerpted below:
> > Quoting Jason Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > It would also be great if dialog box came up before downloading packages
> > >
> > > that asked if you wanted to keep the rpm's on your system after
> > > download. It could also say somehting like, "packages will be held in
> > > /var/cache/urpmi/rpms until you delete them"
> >
> > There is already that option :)
> > --noclean
> OK, I already use --noclean in my shortcut scripts.  What would be great, 
> would be if there was an option to ONLY clean if everything installed 
> properly, but otherwise leave the uninstalled stuff hanging around.  I 
> currently use --noclean, and then go in after the successful installs (if I 
> remember), and either delete them all manually, or use a null urpmi with the 
> --clean option, so it cleans everything up.  Now, if it fails, I don't have 
> to re-d/l a bunch of stuff after fixing the problem, which is great, but if I 
> forget to do the clean, next time there's a problem, and I have to go fix 
> things up, I have all these stale packages laying around, if I forgot to do 
> the --clean afterwards, the last time.


  I have had a few ... well more than a few installs via urpmi fail in
all this, usually caused when the rpm got upgraded in the list but the
new hdlist wasn't yet generated.  In each case install failed and all of
the downloaded rpms remained on my box.  so now I could go in and do rpm
-Uvh on what was correct and get it installed.  


> Talking about which... It'd be nice to know WHAT failed, instead of just 
> getting a "try running urpmi.update" error, without a list of what failed.  I 
> can go installing everything manually, from the d/l dir, until I am left with 
> the stuff that doesn't install, but that's a pain.  It'd be far nicer to have 
> a list of the problem stuff, so I could go fetch it manually (since the 
> problem is usually unsynced's, ez enough to go fetch the new rpms 
> manually, if I know what they are), and then retry the --autoselect install 
> again, to do the rest.
> Of course, part of the problem here would be solved with the subgrouping stuff 
> mentioned, but having a conditional clean, and a list of problem files if 
> there WAS a problem, would still be quite useful.

Re: [Cooker] urpmi features

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 11:10, Duncan wrote:
> On Mon 17 Mar 2003 10:35, Jean-Michel Dault posted as excerpted below:
> > Having multiple servers in a group, and doing a fallback to a random
> > server in the list whenever a server is unavailable would make things
> > more robust.
> This would be very cool.  I could certainly use it.
> I like the minimum d/l speed option as well.

Interesting thought... client side load balancing. hmmm 

Re: [Cooker] GNOME 2.2.1 Desktop

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 11:28, Jan Ciger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > > You do get the same error when running the same app directly (without
> > > Xnest or VNC) ? Then how come that the antialiasing works, when it does
> > > not have Render ? Either I am missing something or we do not understand
> > > each other.
> >
> > oops should have said I don't get... my bad.
> Aha, but that just reinforces my suspicion, that Qt may be broken. Anybody 
> brave enough to recompile it with -no-xrender -no-xft ? 


  When I downgraded to libqt3-3.1.1-8mdk.i586.rpm and
libqt3-common-3.1.1-8mdk.i586.rpm it worked... flawlessly.  So this may
mean that somewhere between 8mdk and 13mdk (current) something got
hosed. XFT still works or at least anti-aliasing seems good. But I'm not
the worlds best judge.  Least to say the fonts don't look like they were
written by my 2 year old with different size crayons.   


   If you want I can send these rpms to you for verification.  

> Jan
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+d3NLn11XseNj94gRAsWxAJ0dWUE1KQmDpm9Bd45MYWQvEXLWWQCeIrsq
> RoybXjjifLzkWSbKdXrXZPs=
> =rS+s

Re: [Cooker] GNOME 2.2.1 Desktop

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 11:28, Jan Ciger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > > You do get the same error when running the same app directly (without
> > > Xnest or VNC) ? Then how come that the antialiasing works, when it does
> > > not have Render ? Either I am missing something or we do not understand
> > > each other.
> >
> > oops should have said I don't get... my bad.
> Aha, but that just reinforces my suspicion, that Qt may be broken. Anybody 
> brave enough to recompile it with -no-xrender -no-xft ? 


   This just occured to me  When I had beta3 installed and just
before RC1 came out qt3 and lib1t3 where upgraded.  Let me see if my
older disks are anywhere around... (slim chance) but just about that
time my ability to launch kde3 died. And at that time I was using XFree
3.3.6 (the performace is better in an ATI Mobility chip than earlier
versions of the 4 series XFree) Now if I go into 3.3.6 I get the exact
same reaction from kde in normal mode as I do in Xnest or vnc with 4.3. 
The error it dies on is that DCOP server is failing.  btw I can
reproduce this error at any time by switching from one XFree version to
the other.  I found libqt3 8mdk and current is 13 let me downgrade and
try it


> Jan
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+d3NLn11XseNj94gRAsWxAJ0dWUE1KQmDpm9Bd45MYWQvEXLWWQCeIrsq
> RoybXjjifLzkWSbKdXrXZPs=
> =rS+s

Re: [Cooker] urpmi features

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 10:42, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Le Mardi 18 Mars 2003 19:20, Todd Lyons a écrit :
> > Chmouel Boudjnah wrote on Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 01:53:53PM +0100 :
> > > for this stuff you can short it with emacs :
> >
> > You emacs gurus just amaze me.  There is nothing that you cannot do with
> > emacs
> edit text with only 2 hands and 10 fingers ?


Re: [Cooker] GNOME 2.2.1 Desktop

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 10:20, Jan Ciger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > Jan,
> >I get the same thing here in a regular window (ie my desktop)
> > anti-aliasing etc is working fine.  But only in vnc or Xnest do the qt
> > applications give this kind of error.  Same version of vnc in 9.0 works
> > fine.  So I don't suspect vnc.
> You do get the same error when running the same app directly (without Xnest or 
> VNC) ? Then how come that the antialiasing works, when it does not have 
> Render ? Either I am missing something or we do not understand each other.

oops should have said I don't get... my bad.
> > If you do (and you are right, it is butt ugly) disable it you still get
> > this same error.  But again only in Xnest or vnc.
> But you have to recompile Qt for that. If you just unset the option in KDE and 
> unset the environment variables for that (QT_XFT or something like that), 
> that does not help - Qt will not use antialiasing, but will still require it. 
> When you compile Qt, there is an option -xft and -xrender, which control this 
> behavior and both are on by default : 
> -no-xrender  Do not compile XRender support.
>  *  -xrender ... Compile XRender support.
>  Requires X11/extensions/Xrender.h and libXrender.
> -no-xft  Do not compile Xft (anti-aliased font) support.
>  *  -xft ... Compile Xft support.
>  Requires X11/Xft/XftFreetype.h and libXft.
> I guess, that on a display, which does not support XRender extension, code 
> linked again a library compiled with these on will fail. I think, that 
> neither VNC and XNest support it on their emulated displays.  
> Jan
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE+d2OCn11XseNj94gRAsM2AJ9pG0atggYJxilUVSTbDZWudwU0bgCgukUC
> 5HxJYmyixLQI9rjHOze22zo=
> =BS+n

Re: [Cooker] GNOME 2.2.1 Desktop

2003-03-18 Thread James Sparenberg
On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 04:33, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 March 2003 07:00 am, Jan Ciger wrote:
> > > > > Don't you want to try a Qt-only app on GNOME to confirm? mysqlcc or
> > > > > qcad or something else qt-only should do.
> > > >
> > > > Just tried a pure qt app in an Xnested Fluxbox and it segfaults. The
> > > > same app runs fine in gnome:
> > > > $ ./qttest
> > > > Xlib: extension "RENDER" missing on display ":1.0".
> > > > Segmentation fault.
> > >
> > > Just also made sure that the same app was running fine in Fluxbox on a
> > > local :1.0 display.
> >
> > Could it be, that Qt is compiled with antialiasing (Xft) on ? That needs
> > Render and on nested displays you (obviously) do not have Render extension,
> > so it exits ...
> >
> > But how to fix this, I have no idea, since if you disable antialiasing in
> > Qt, many apps (KDE) will look ugly. Perhaps smarter handling of
> > antialiasing in Qt is needed ?
> >
> But my 9.0 box, where I have Xft2 installed and KDE/QT 3.1 with antialiasing 
> set on, KDE apps run fine on remote displays.  

Greg ... tried something... took my laptop and changed to XFree3.3.6
(since the video card here offers the option of using both.)  Even in a
regular window kde is unable to connect to the DCOP server and gives the
identical results as running Xnest with 4.3.  I'm beginning to suspect
the DCOP server in the 9.1 kde3.  It won't do this in 9.0 so I'm not
sure what to say.


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