[OT] why was private gold ownership made illegal in the US?

2002-07-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 3 Jul 2002 at 2:36, Anonymous wrote:
 At the time, the U.S. faced a significant chance of a 
 Communist/Socialist revolution such as had been seen in several 
 other countries.  Class warfare was widespread,

The high point of support for socialism among the masses in the US 
was the 1870s, give or take a couple of decades.

By 1900 socialists around the world had given up all hope of 
genuinely revolutionary seizure of power, and were pursuing 
conspiratorial paths.

The 1930s was the high point of support for socialism among the 
intellectuals, the privileged, and the elite.  Their efforts to 
foist their preferences on the American masses met with resounding 
hostility and reluctance.  Not only was there no danger of a 
socialist revolution, in the US or anywhere else, but in the US 
the leadership's attempts to force socialism down peoples throats 
met stubborn resistance.

There was more mass support for socialism in other countries, but 
no socialist revolutions in those countries, nor any danger of 
such revolt.  There were socialist coups, and conspiratorial 
seizures of power by socialists in other countries. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Hollywood Hackers

2002-07-31 Thread James A. Donald


On 29 Jul 2002 at 14:25, Duncan Frissell wrote:

 Congressman Wants to Let Entertainment Industry Get Into Your

   Rep. Howard L. Berman, D-Calif., formally proposed 
   legislation that would give the industry unprecedented new 
   authority to secretly hack into consumers' computers or
   knock them off-line entirely if they are caught
   downloading copyrighted material.

 I've been reading things like this for a while but I wonder how 
 practical such an attack would be. They won't be able to hack
 into computers with reasonable firewalls and while they might
 try DOS attacks, upstream connectivity suppliers might object.
 Under current P2P software they may be able to do a little
 hacking but the opposition will rewrite the software to block.
 DOS attacks and phony file uploads can be defeated with digital
 signatures and reputation systems (including third party
 certification). Another problem -- Napster had 55 million
 customers. That's a lot of people to attack. I don't think
 Hollywood has the troops.

The plan, already implemented, is to flood file sharing systems
with bogus files or broken files.   The solution, not yet
implemented, is to attach digital signatures to files, and have
the file sharing software recognize certain signatures as good or

This involves scaling problems that have not yet been thought
through or implemented.

As files get copied around, they would accrete ever more digitally
signed blessings.   The signatures should be arbitrary nyms, as in
Kong, not true names. The files could also accrete digitally
signed discommendations, though such files would probably
propagate considerably less.

When we approve a file, all the people who approved it already get
added to our trust list, thus helping us select files, and we are
told that so and so got added to our list of people who recommend
good files.  This gives people an incentive to rate files, since
rating files gives them the ability to take advantage of other
people's ratings.

If onr discommendd a file, those who discommend it are added to
our trust list, and those who commended it to our distrust list. 
If, as will frequently happen, there is a conflict, we are told
that so and so commended so many files we like, and so many files
we dislike, so how should future commendations and
discommendations from him be handled. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-07-31 Thread James A. Donald


On 29 Jul 2002 at 15:35, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
 both Palladium and TCPA deny that they are designed to restrict 
 what applications you run.  The TPM FAQ at 
 http://www.trustedcomputing.org/docs/TPM_QA_071802.pdf reads

They deny that intent, but physically they have that capability. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Hollywood Hackers

2002-07-31 Thread James A. Donald

On 31 Jul 2002 at 11:01, Eugen Leitl wrote:
 The issue of node reputation is completely orthogonal to the
 document hashes not colliding. Reputation based systems are
 useful, because document URI 
 doesn't say what's in there. A claim needs to be backed by
 someone (preferably anonymous) with a good reputation trail.

Indeed, but the only working nym based reputation system is that
hosted by Ebay.  Web of trust is not really used much, and
Verisign sucks.

My proposal was to implement a nym based reputation system for
approving content, rather than to assume such a system already

 James A. Donald

Re: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-07-31 Thread James A. Donald

29 Jul 2002 at 15:35, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
   both Palladium and TCPA deny that they are designed to
   restrict what applications you run.

James A. Donald:
  They deny that intent, but physically they have that

 On 31 Jul 2002 at 16:10, Nicko van Someren wrote:
 And all kitchen knives are murder weapons.

No problem if I also have a kitchen knife.

TCPA and Palladium give someone else super root privileges on my
machine, and TAKE THOSE PRIVILEGES AWAY FROM ME.  All claims that
they will not do this are not claims that they will not do this,
but are merely claims that the possessor of super root privilege
on my machine is going to be a very very nice guy, unlike my
wickedly piratical and incompetently trojan horse running self.

 James A. Donald

Re: Hollywood Hackers

2002-07-31 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald:
  The plan, already implemented, is to flood file sharing
  systems with bogus files or broken files.  The solution, not
  yet implemented, is to attach digital signatures to files, and
  have the file sharing software recognize certain signatures as
  good or bad.

Eugen Leitl
 This is completely unnecessary if you address the document with
 a cryptohash.  An URI like 
 can only adress a particular document.

And then the hollywood hackers flood the system with bogus
descriptions of the content identified by the crypto hashes.

We still need to implement a reputation system against a hollywood
hacker attack, even if we address content by cryptohash, as indeed
we should. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-01 Thread James A. Donald

On 31 Jul 2002 at 23:45, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
 So TCPA and Palladium could restrict which software you could 
 run. They aren't designed to do so, but the design could be 
 changed and restrictions added.

Their design, and the institutions and software to be designed 
around them, is disturbingly similar to what would be needed to 
restrict what software we could run.  TCPA institutions and 
infrastructure are much the same as SSSCA institutions and 

According to Microsoft, the end user can turn the palladium 
hardware off, and the computer will still boot.  As long as that 
is true, it is an end user option and no one can object.

But this is not what the content providers want.  They want that 
if you disable the Fritz chip, the computer does not boot.  What 
they want is that it shall be illegal to sell a computer capable 
of booting if the Fritz chip is disabled.

If I have to give superroot powers to Joe in order to run Joe's 
software or play Joe's content, fair enough.  But the hardware and 
institutions to implement this are disturbingly similar to the 
hardware and institutions needed to implement the rule that I have 
to give superroot powers to Joe in order to play Peter's software 
or content.. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-02 Thread James A. Donald

On 2 Aug 2002 at 0:36, David Wagner wrote:
 For instance, suppose that, thanks to TCPA/Palladium, Microsoft 
 could design Office 2005 so that it is impossible for StarOffice 
 and other clones to read files created in Office 2005.  Would 
 some users object?

In an anarchic society, or under a government that did not define 
and defend IP, TCPA/Palladium would probably give roughly the 
right amount of protection to intellectual property by technical 
means in place of legal means.

Chances are that the thinking behind Palladium is not Let us sell 
out to the Hollywood lobby but rather Let us make those !@#$$%^ 
commie chinese pay for their *^%$## software.

Of course, in a society with both legal and technical protection 
of IP, the likely outcome is oppressive artificial monopolies 
sustained both by technology and state power.

I would certainly much prefer TCPA/Palladium in place of existing
IP law.  What I fear is that instead legislation and technology
will each reinforce the other. 

 James A. Donald


2002-08-02 Thread James A. Donald

In an anarchist society, or in a world where government had given 
up on copyright and intellectual property, TCPA/Palladium would be 
a great thing, a really good substitute for law, much more
effectual, much cheaper, and much less dangerous than law.

In a world where we have anticircumvention laws and ever growing 
patent and copyright silliness, it seems a dangerously powerful 
addition to law. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-02 Thread James A. Donald

On 2 Aug 2002 at 10:43, Trei, Peter wrote:
 Since the position argued involves nothing which would invoke
 the malign interest of government powers or corporate legal
 departments, it's not that. I can only think of two reasons why
 our corrospondent may have decided to go undercover...

I can think of two innocuous reasons, though the real reason is
probably something else altogether:

1.  Defending copyright enforcement is extremely unpopular because
it seemingly puts you on the side of the hollywood cabal, but in
fact TCPA/Paladium, if it works as described, and if it is not
integrated with legal enforcement, does not over reach in the
fashion that most recent intellectual property legislation, and
most recent policy decisions by the patent office over reach.

2..  Legal departments are full of people who are, among their
many other grievious faults, technologically illiterate.
Therefore when an insider is talking about something, they cannot
tell when he is leaking inside information or not, and tend to
have kittens, because they have to trust him (being unable to tell
if he is leaking information covered by NDA), and are
constitutionally incapable of trusting anyone. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 2 Aug 2002 at 14:36, Trei, Peter wrote:
 OK, It's 2004, I'm an IT Admin,
 and I've converted my corporation over to TCPA/Palladium machines. My
 Head of Marketing has his TCPA/Palladium desktop's hard drive
 jam-packed with corporate confidential documents he's been actively
 working on - sales projections,  product plans, pricing schemes.
 They're all sealed files.

 His machine crashes - the MB burns out.
 He wants to recover the data.

 HoM:  I want to recover my data.
 Me:   OK: We'll pull the HD, and get the data off it.
 HoM:  Good - mount it as a secondary HD in my new system.
 Me:   That isn't going to work now we have TCPA and Palladium.
 HoM:  Well, what do you have to do?
 Me:   Oh, it's simple. We encrypt the data under Intel's TPME key,
  and send it off to Intel. Since Intel has all the keys, they can
  unseal all your data to plaintext, copy it, and then re-seal it for
  your new system. It only costs $1/Mb.
 HoM:  Let me get this straight - the only way to recover this data is
 to let
  Intel have a copy, AND pay them for it?
 Me:   Um... Yes. I think MS might be involved as well, if your were
 HoM:  You are *so* dead.

Obviously it is insane to use keys that you do not yourself control 
to keep secrets.  That, however, is not the purpose of TCPA/Palladium 
as envisaged by Microsoft.

The intent is that Peter can sell Paul software or content that will 
only run on ONE computer for ONE time period..

When the motherboard emits blue smoke, or the time runs out, 
whichever happens first, Paul has to buy new software.  If prices are 
lowered accordingly, this might be acceptable.

 James A. Donald

Re: Other uses of TCPA

2002-08-04 Thread James A. Donald

On Sat, 3 Aug 2002, Nomen Nescio wrote:
 As an exercise, try thinking of ways you could use TCPA to
 promote good guy applications.  What could you do in a P2P
 network if you could trust that all participants were running
 approved software? And if you

I can only see one application for voluntary TCPA, and that is the
application it was designed to perform:  Make it possible run
software or content which is encrypted so that it will only run on
one computer for one time period.

All the other proposed uses, both good and evil, seem improbably
cumbersome, or easier to do in some other fashion.  There are
quite a few extremely evil uses it would be good for, but they
would only be feasible if enforced by legislation -- otherwise
people would turn the chip off, or tear it out. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Other uses of TCPA

2002-08-04 Thread James A. Donald

James Donald writes:
  I can only see one application for voluntary TCPA, and that is 
  the application it was designed to perform:  Make it possible 
  run software or content which is encrypted so that it will  
  only run on one computer for one time period.

On 3 Aug 2002 at 20:10, Nomen Nescio wrote:
 You've said this a few times, and while it is a plausible goal  
 of the designers, I don't actually see this specific capability 
 in the TCPA spec, nor is it mentioned in the Palladium white  

Think about it.

 For TCPA, you'd have to have the software as a blob which is  
 encrypted to some key that is locked in the TPM.  But the  
 problem is that the endorsement key is never leaked except to  
 the Privacy CA 

(Lots of similarly untintellible stuff deleted)

You have lost me, I have no idea why you think what you are  
talking about might be relevant to my assertion.

The TPM has its own secret key, it makes the corresponding public 
key widely available to everyone, and its own internal good known
time.  So  when your customer's payment goes through, you then
send him a  copy of your stuff encrypted to his TPM, a copy which
only his TPM  can make use of.  Your code, which the TPM decrypts
and executes,  looks at the known good time, and if the user is
out of time, refuses to play.   

 James A. Donald

Re: TCPA/Palladium -- likely future implications

2002-08-09 Thread James A. Donald

On 9 Aug 2002 at 17:15, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
 to understand it you need a true picture of TCPA rather than the 
 false one which so many cypherpunks have been promoting.

As TCPA is currently vaporware, projections of what it will be, 
and how it will be used are judgments, and are not capable of 
being true or false, though they can be plausible or implausible.

Even with the best will in the world, and I do not think the 
people behind this have the best will in the world, there is an 
inherent conflict between tamper resistance and general purpose 
programmability.  To prevent me from getting at the bits as they 
are sent to my sound card or my video card, the entire computer, 
not just the dongle, has to be somewhat tamper resistant, which is 
going to make the entire computer somewhat less general purpose 
and programmable, thus less useful.

The people behind TCPA might want to do something more evil than 
you say they want to do, if they want to do what you say they want 
to do they might be prevented by law enforcement which wants 
something considerably more far reaching and evil, and if they
want to do it, and law enforcement refrains from reaching out and 
taking hold of their work, they still may be unable to do it for 
technical reasons. 

 James A. Donald

Re: TCPA and Open Source

2002-08-13 Thread James A. Donald

On 13 Aug 2002 at 0:05, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
 The point is that while this is a form of signed code, it's not 
 something which gives the TPM control over what OS can boot. 
 Instead, the VCs are used to report to third party challengers 
 (on remote systems) what the system configuration of this system 
 is supposed to be, along with what it actually is.

It does however, enable the state to control what OS one can boot 
if one wishes to access the internet.

It does not seem to me that the TPM is likely to give hollywood 
what it wants, unless it is backed by such state enforcement.

Furthermore, since the TPM gets first whack at boot up, a simple
code download to the TPM could change the meaning of the
signature, so that the machine will not boot unless running a
state authorized operating system.

It could well happen that TPM machines become required to go on
the internet, and then later only certain operating systems are
permitted on the internet, and then later the required operating
system upgrades the TPM software so that only authorized operating
systems boot at all.

 James A. Donald

Re: trade-offs of secure programming with Palladium (Re: Palladium: technical limits and implications)

2002-08-13 Thread James A. Donald

On 12 Aug 2002 at 16:32, Tim Dierks wrote:
 I'm sure that the whole system is secure in theory, but I
 believe that it cannot be securely implemented in practice and
 that the implied constraints on use  usability will be
 unpalatable to consumers and vendors.

Or to say the same thing more pithily, if it really is going to be
voluntary, it really is not going to give hollywood what they
want.  If really gives hollywood what they want, it is really
going to have to be forced down people's throats.

 James A. Donald

Re: Spam blocklists?

2002-08-14 Thread James A. Donald

On 14 Aug 2002 at 4:36, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
 For instance, limiting the number of recipients of an email
 (the cryptogeek system I'm working on [m-o-o-t] just allows
 one), or limiting the number of emails one IP can send per
 day (adjusted for number of users).
 There was an EU proposal to force spammers (who are not
 always unwanted) to put [ADV] in the Subject: line, with
 appropriate penalties if they failed to, but it didn't happen
 (and we got long-term traffic data retention instead).
 I don't know offhand how to do it, but having unelected and 
 unaccountable people (making the conditions for) stopping my
 email is unacceptable.

Solution is obvious and has been known for a long time
Integrate payment with email.  If anyone not on your approved
list wants to send you mail, they have to pay you x, where x is
a trivial sum, say a cent or two.

Spammers wind up sending huge amounts of mail to unmonitored
mailboxes, which will make spamming unprofitable.

 James A. Donald

Re: TCPA not virtualizable during ownership change

2002-08-15 Thread James A. Donald

On 15 Aug 2002 at 15:26, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
 Basically I agree with Adam's analysis.  At this point I 
 think he understands the spec equally as well as I do.  He 
 has a good point about the Privacy CA key being another 
 security weakness that could break the whole system.  It 
 would be good to consider how exactly that problem could be 
 eliminated using more sophisticated crypto.

Lucky claims to have pointed this out two years ago, proposed 
more sophisticated crypto, and received a hostile reception.

Which leads me to suspect that the capability of the powerful 
to break the system is a designed in feature.  

 James A. Donald

Re: onsite service on Sealand

2002-08-27 Thread James A. Donald

On 27 Aug 2002 at 13:36, Ryan Lackey wrote:
 If a customer hypothetically calls and wants a complete
 security analysis done on a  server, and doesn't follow the
 replace the drives in the working system with new ones, do a
 restore from snapshot or reinstall, and do anaysis later
 option, we're not responsible for any delays.

A little while ago, it seemed that cypherpunks was dead.  There
was nothing on it except for spam from Nigeria, commies, and

Now I am reading email from various people who appear to be
making their living using cryptography in ways that undermine
the state, and who deal with the various practical real world
problems involved in such a living.

I find these troubles very encouraging.  The fact that people
encounter such predictable troubles shows they are really doing
what they talk about, and when they encounter these problems,
they seem to proceed with competent and effectual solutions.

 James A. Donald

Re: S/MIME in Outlook -- fucked.

2002-09-03 Thread James A. Donald

On 3 Sep 2002 at 11:16, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
 I encourage everyone to send Bill Gates an email from
 himself.  =)

 =  Vendor Notification Status

 Microsoft knows about this, of course, but isn't even sure
 whether to call this a 'vulnerability'.  Right.

While the immediate bug is in Microsoft IE and Outlook, this
exploit is also a reflection of the contorted mess that is the
certificate structure and the public key infrastructure, and of
the fact that Verisign is not doing its job.  (This exploit
only works if one starts with a legitimate verisign certificate
for a web site, it does not work if one starts with a
legitimate Thawte certificate.)

Microsoft unambiguously screwed up, but the infrastructure made
it easy to screw up, and difficult and expensive to get things

 James A. Donald

Re: Saturday meeting/BBQ/party--last minute comments

2002-09-11 Thread James A. Donald

On 11 Sep 2002 at 9:07, Tim May wrote:

 Last Minute Comments:

 * Meeting/BBQ/Party at Tim May's house, Saturday, September 
 14th, 1 p.m. onwards. Formal agenda to start promptly at 2 

 * I've had a lot of confirmations (not required, except for 
 lurkers and strangers) from a lot of people, so PARKING is 
 OFFICIALLY BECOMING A PROBLEM. I live at the top of a  hill 
 serviced by a one-lane road going from the valley floor up 
 several hundred feet to my driveway above. I have had parties 
 where about 15 cars were in one of several places:

 -- my own parking lot, handling about 4-5 cars besides my own 

 -- my driveway, handling about 4-6 more cars, depending on 
 whether they block others!

 -- the side of the road at the very top of the hill, handling 
 3-5 other cars

 -- the rest, I'm not sure where they parked!

I observed Tim's place.  His estimate of the parking situation 
seems optimistic to me, though doubtless he knows the situation 
better than I do.  Be prepared for a considerable walk and/or 
frequent car rearrangements, and unscheduled delay in leaving. 
Tim's house is on a long, one lane track, somewhat east of the 
back of beyond.

You recall the house in the cartoon Courage, the cowardly 
dog?  Now imagine that same house, and rotate the landscape 
seventy degrees so that the house is stapled to the side of a 
mountain and the road dug into the side of a mountain. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Cryptogram: Palladium Only for DRM

2002-09-20 Thread James A. Donald

On 19 Sep 2002 at 11:13, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
 Of course, those like Lucky who believe that trusted
 computing technology is evil incarnate are presumably
 rejoicing at this news. Microsoft's patent will limit the
 application of this technology.  And the really crazy people
 are the ones who say that Palladium is evil, but Microsoft is
 being unfair in not licensing their patent widely!

The evil of DRM, like the evils of guns, depends on who has the
gun and who has not.

If only certain privileged people have guns, and the rest of us
are disarmed, then guns are evil indeed.

If trusted computing means that certain special people have
ring -1 access to my computer, and I do not, and those certain
special people are people I do not trust ... 

 James A. Donald

Re: What good are smartcard readers for PCs

2002-09-24 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald
  Increasingly however, we see smartcard interfaces sold for 
  PCs. What for, I wonder?

On 24 Sep 2002 at 1:41, Bill Stewart wrote:
 I'm not convinced that the number of people selling them is  
 closely related to the number of people buying; this could be 
 another field like PKIs where the marketeers and cool   
 business plans never succeeded at getting customers to use   

On 24 Sep 2002 at 19:12, Peter Gutmann wrote:
 Companies buy a few readers for their developers who write   
 software to work with the cards. [...]  Eventually the   
 clients discover how much of a bitch they are to work with   
 [] users decide to live with software-only crypto until  
 the smart card scene is a bit more mature.

 Given that n_users  n_card_vendors, this situation can keep 
 going for quite some time.

I have found that the administrative costs of PKI are   
intolerable. End users do not really understand crypto, and so 
will fuck up. Only engineers can really control a PKI   
certificate, and for the most part they just do not.

In principle the thingness of a smartcard should reduce   
administrative costs to a low level -- they should supposedly  
act like a purse, a key, a credit card, hence near zero user   
training required.  The simulated thingness created by   
cryptographic cleverness should be manifested to the user as   
physical thingness of the card.

Suppose, for example, we had working Chaumian digicash.  Now   
imagine how much trouble the average end user is going to get  
into with backups, and with moving digicash from one computer  
to another.  If all unused Chaumian tokens live in a smartcard, 
one might expect the problem to vanish.  The purselike   
character of the card sustains the coin like character of   
Chaumian tokens.

Of course if one has to supply the correct driver for the smart 
card, then the administration problem reappears.

USB smartcard interfaces could solve this problem.   Just plug 
them in, and bingo, it should just go.  Ummh, wait a moment, go 
where, do what?  What happens when one plugs in a USB smartcard

Still, making crypto embodied in smart cards intelligible to   
the masses would seem to be a soluble problem, even if not yet 
solved, whereas software only crypto is always going to boggle 
the masses.

 James A. Donald

Re: What good are smartcard readers for PCs

2002-09-26 Thread James A. Donald

On 25 Sep 2002 at 18:36, Neil Johnson wrote:
 Hey don't forget you can still buy a smart card reader from 
 that most cypherpunkish of babes BRITNEY SPEARS ! Only $30 !


A previous poster suggested that the smart card industry had 
usuability problems.  If these guys are selling to that market, 
they must have solved those problems -- or believe that they 

On 24 Sep 2002 at 19:12, Peter Gutmann wrote:
 Eventually the clients discover how much of a bitch they are 
 to work with [] users decide to live with software-only 
 crypto until the smart card scene is a bit more mature.

Smartflash is supposed to be plug and play, no installation, no 
configuration.  You just plug it into a usb port, poke your 
card into the reader and a browser window pops up, and takes 
you to the web page for that smartcard.  If any software is 
needed, then it is in the form of activeX component, which 
means that the only installation interface is Do you trust 
this software from so-and-so?

When Chaumian money comes into wide use, I think that for most
end users we will have to stash all unused tokens inside 
smartcards.  However, because of the critical mass problem, 
initial deployment for small payments cannot rely on such 
means, though initial deployment for large payments could.

Unfortunately, deployment of uncrippled chaumian cash for large 
payments is likely to be illegal in most jurisdictions. 

 James A. Donald

Re: What good are smartcard readers for PCs

2002-09-27 Thread James A. Donald

Neil Johnson wrote:
   Hey don't forget you can still buy a smart card reader
   from that most cypherpunkish of babes BRITNEY SPEARS !
   Only $30 !

James A. Donald:
  A previous poster suggested that the smart card industry
  had usuability problems.  If these guys are selling to that
  market, they must have solved those problems -- or believe
  that they have.

Peter Gutmann wrote:
 All they're doing is reading a URL off a USB dongle
 (technically a 256-byte I2C memory card plugged into a
 reader, but in effect the combination is a USB dongle).
 That's a no-brainer, I can do that with two wires taped to
 the card contacts and poked into the PC's parallel port, and
 around 50 bytes of code on the PC.

If all they were doing is reading the URL, presumably you can
already get to the site without owning the smartcard.

I believe the card cryptographically proves its presence to the
site to show that the user is authorized to hit the site.

 James A. Donald

What good are smartcard readers for PCs

2002-09-28 Thread James A. Donald

On 27 Sep 2002 at 19:53, Harmon Seaver wrote:
   Forget the pencils and pens, just ban paper.

The Chinese empire did in fact take that measure, making paper
a government monopoly, prohibiting private production and use
of paper, private knowledge of how to produce paper, and
castrating all paper makers to reduce the risk of the
technology of paper making being passed from father to son, or
through pillow talk.

Some barbarian pirates eventually stole one of the government's
paper making eunuchs, and the technology got loose again in
lands beyond the empire's control, particularly the west.

A later chinese emperor issued the encyclopedia of all
knowledge, which was intended to stimulate the growth of
knowledge, but an elephant cannot help but trample the grass. 
The actual effect of the encyclopedia was to prohibit all
knowledge that was not in the encyclopedia.

 James A. Donald

Re: smartcards

2002-09-29 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald:
  When Chaumian money comes into wide use, I think that for
  most end users we will have to stash all unused tokens
  inside smartcards.  However, because of the critical mass
  problem, initial deployment for small payments cannot rely
  on such means, though initial deployment for large payments

 Here in Hong Kong, contactless Octopus smartcards (based on
 the Sony FeliCa device) are well established for paying fares
 on buses, ferries and subways, and also for small
 transactions with vending machines, convenience stores and
 supermarkets. The implementation is definitely non-Chaumian
 (it's based on symmetric encryption using shared secrets for
 both mutual authentication and secure transfer of value) but
 the cards can be purchased and reloaded with cash. Alas, the
 system does not allow uploads of value to banks or
 peer-to-peer transfers, as Mondex did.

Critical mass is no problem if a payment mechanism is backed by
the big boys, but the big boys want a mechanism for
transferring value where only a few giant corporations who are
in bed with the state receive transaction payments, a system
that divides the economy into a tiny number of actors, the big
corporations, who alone take action, plan and produce, and huge
number of passive consumer zombies.

We would like a system which treats those making and receiving
payments as peers, which makes critical mass a considerably
more difficult problem. 

 James A. Donald

Re: smartcards

2002-09-30 Thread James A. Donald

On 30 Jan 2050 at 32:210, Steve Thompson wrote:
 I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned cell-phones as a
 digital cash platform.[]

 The problem is that phone software is (to my knowledge) all 
 closed-source and running on proprietary hardware.  What's
 the liklihood of manufacturers opening up their phones for
 third-party code?

An open platform would be a combined cell phone and palm top
computer.  Lots of people are trying to move this -- so far
without wide acceptance.

Paypal's original vision was that people would use palm pilots
with IR.   If phones developed palm pilot capabilities, this
vision would become more useful.  I think combining the palm
pilot with the cell phone is more feasible once we develop a
good voice controlled computer, after the fashion of startrek,
which may be some time off. 

 James A. Donald

What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-09-30 Thread James A. Donald

What email encryption is actually in use?

When I get a PGP encrypted message, I usually cannot read it -- 
it is sent to my dud key or something somehow goes wrong. When 
I send a PGP encrypted message in reply, stating the problem, I 
seldom receive an answer, suggesting that the recipient cannot 
decrypt my message either.   Kong encrypted messages usually   
work, because there is only one version of the program, and key 
management is damn near non existent by design, since my
experience as key manager for various companies shows that in  
practice keys just do not get managed. After I release the next 
upgrade, doubtless fewer messages will work.

The most widely deployed encryption is of course that which is 
in outlook -- which we now know to be broken, since
impersonation is trivial, making it fortunate that seemingly no 
one uses it.

Repeating the question, so that it does not get lost in the
rant.  To the extent that real people are using digitally
signed and or encrypted messages for real purposes, what is the 
dominant technology, or is use so sporadic that no network
effect is functioning, so nothing can be said to be dominant?

The chief barrier to use of outlook's email encryption, aside  
from the fact that is broken, is the intolerable cost and
inconvenience of certificate management.  We have tools to
construct any certificates we damn well please, though the root 
signatures will not be recognized unless the user chooses to   
put them in.   Is it practical for a particular group, for
example a corporation or a conspiracy, to whip up its own
damned root certificate, without buggering around with
verisign?   (Of course fixing Microsoft's design errors is
never useful, since they will rebreak their products in new
ways that are more ingenious and harder to fix.)

I intended to sign this using Network Associates command line  
pgp, only to discover that pgp -sa file produced unintellible  
gibberish, that could only be made sense of by pgp, so that no 
one would be able to read it without first checking my

I suggest that network associates should have hired me as UI   
design manager, or failing, that, hired the dog from down the  
street as UI design manager.

Presumably the theory underlying this brilliant design decision 
was that in the bad old days, a file produced under unix woudl 
not verify under windows because of trivial differences such as 
the fact the whitespace is expressed slightly differently.

Here is a better fix, one that I implemented in Kong:   Define 
several signature types with the default signature type
ignoring those aspects of the message that are difficult for   
the user to notice, so that if a message looks pretty much the 
same to the user, it has the same signature, by, for example, 
canonicalizing whitespace and single line breaks, and treating 
the hard space (0xA0) the same as the soft space. (0x20), and
so on and so forth. 

 James A. Donald

What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-09-30 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald:
  We have tools to construct any certificates we damn well 

Joseph Ashwood:
 The same applies everywhere, in fact in your beloved Kong, 
 the situation is worse because the identities can't be 

You are unfamiliar with Kong.  The situation is better, because 
it is designed to be used in the fashion that all other 
existing alternatives actually are used in practice.

James A. Donald:
  I intended to sign this using Network Associates command 
  line pgp, only to discover that pgp -sa file produced 
  unintellible gibberish, that could only be made sense of by 
  pgp, so that no one would be able to read it without first 
  checking my signature.

Joseph Ashwood:
 Which would of course demonstrate once more that you have no 
 clue how to use PGP. It also demonstrates what is probably 
 your primary source of I can't decrypt it you are using a 
 rather old version of PGP.

In fact my version is network associates version 6.5.8, which 
can supposedly decrypt any valid pgp message, and your rant 
would be considerably more impressive if you signed your 
message with a PGP signature. Doubtless you could sign it -- 
eventually, after a bit of trying, after you had spent about as 
much time farting around as I did.   The proclamation that PGP 
is usable would have been much more impressive in a message 
that actually used it.

James A. Donald:
  Here is a better fix, one that I implemented in Kong: 
  Define several signature types with the default signature 
  type ignoring those aspects of the message that are 
  difficult for the user to notice, so that if a message 
  looks pretty much the same to the user, it has the same 
  signature, by, for example, canonicalizing whitespace and 
  single line breaks, and treating the hard space (0xA0) the 
  same as the soft space. (0x20), and so on and so forth.

Joseph Ashwood:
 So it's going to be broken by design. These are critical 
 errors that will eliminate any semblance of security in your 

You are full of shit.  I challenge you to fool my 
canonicalization algorithm by modifying a message to as to 
change the apparent meaning while preserving the signature, or 
by producing a message that verifies as signed by me, while in 
fact a meaningfully different message to any that was genuinely 
signed by me.

Let see you doing some work to back up your empty words.   The
source code for my canonicalization code is on the the net.  If
you say it is broken, break it! 

 James A. Donald

Clarification of challenge to Joseph Ashwood:

2002-10-01 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald: (ranting on the user hostility of PGP)
   Presumably the theory underlying this brilliant design
   decision was that in the bad old days, a [signed clear
   text file signed] under unix would not verify under
   windows because of trivial differences such as the fact
   the whitespace is expressed slightly differently.
   Here is a better fix, one that I implemented in Kong:
   Define several signature types with the default signature
   type ignoring those aspects of the message that are
   difficult for the user to notice, so that if a message
   looks pretty much the same to the user, it has the same
   signature, by, for example, canonicalizing whitespace and
   single line breaks, and treating the hard space (0xA0)
   the same as the soft space. (0x20), and so on and so

Joseph Ashwood:
  So it's going to be broken by design. These are critical
  errors that will eliminate any semblance of security in
  your program.

James A. Donald:
  I challenge you to fool my canonicalization algorithm by
  modifying a message to as to  change the apparent meaning
  while preserving the signature, or  by producing a message
  that verifies as signed by me, while in fact a meaningfully
  different message to any that was genuinely  signed by me.

 Let see you doing some work to back up your empty words.
 The source code for my canonicalization code is on the net. 
 If you say it is broken, break it!

To clarify, Kong works by checking a signature against the
message, and against other messages in its database.

Its job is not to identify the true James Donald, but to keep
the different people claiming to be James Donald clearly
separated.  Thus Kong would be broken if such separation could
be obfuscated or confused.

Any program attempting to determine whether Bob is someone's
true name is attempting to do something that computers cannot
do, hence the intolerable certificate management problems of
software that attempts to do that.

Three quarters of the user hostility of other programs comes
from their attempt to support true names, and the rest comes
from the cleartext signature problem.  Kong fixes both

 Joseph Ashwood must produce a message that is meaningfully
 different from any of the numerous messages that I have sent
 to cypherpunks, but which verifies as sent by the same person
 who sent past messages.

Thus for Kong to be broken one must store a past message from
that proflic poster supposed called James Donald, in the Kong
database, and bring up a new message hacked up by Joseph
Ashwood, and have Kong display in the signature verification

The signature in this document matches the signature on
another document signed by James A. Donald.  Do you
wish to view this document.

While Kong display a document meaningfully different from any
that was posted by James A.  Donald. 

 James A. Donald

Re: What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-10-01 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald:
  I intended to sign this using Network Associates command 
  line pgp, [6.5.8]only to discover that pgp -sa file 
  produced unintellible gibberish, that could only be made 
  sense of by pgp, so that no one would be able to read it 
  without first checking my signature.

David Howe
 you made a minor config error - you need to make sure 
 clearsign is enabled.

James A. Donald:
  I suggest that network associates should have hired me as 
  UI design manager, or failing, that, hired the dog from 
  down the street as UI design manager.

David Howe
 It's command line. Most cyphergeeks like command line tools 
 powerful and cryptic :)

We also like the most common uses to be *on* the command line.

If the option is not on the command line, it is *not* powerful 
and it is a little too cryptic.

The pgp.cfg file is empty by default on my machine, the cfg 
file options are nowhere documented,  clearsigning is nowhere 
documented, and Clearsign=on did not work.

In the last generally useful version of pgp (pgp 2.6.2) pgp -sa 
gave clear signing, but it was unusable, because trivial 
differences, such as the unix/windows difference on carriage 
returns would cause the signature check to fail.  Because there 
were so many false negatives, no one would check clearsigned 

I conjecture that in pgp 6.5.8 they have addressed this problem 
by making clear signatures as inaccessible as possible, rather 
than by fixing it.

I could get clearsigning by telling my pgp 6.5.8 to be 
compatible with 2.6.2, but I have already discovered that 2.6.2 
clear signing was hopelessly broken.

Had clear signing worked, then everyone with a valuable domain 
name would have used the pgp interface to control their domain
names, to ensure that one's domain name could not be hijacked,
as so many domain names have been.

This would have created a massive base of pgp users.  However, 
due to architectural defects in pgp, design bugs rather than 
coding bugs, this use of pgp was broken, and so was seldom 
used, and eventually ceased to work entirely.  Presumably there
was no maintenance on the pgp inteface to domain name control,
because no one was using it. 

 James A. Donald

Re: What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-10-01 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald:
  I intended to sign this using Network Associates command 
  line pgp, [6.5.8]only to discover that pgp -sa file 
  produced unintellible gibberish, that could only be made 
  sense of by pgp, so that no one would be able to read it 
  without first checking my signature.

David Howe
 you made a minor config error - you need to make sure 
 clearsign is enabled.

Not so.  It turns out the command line is now different in PGP
6.5.8.  It is now pgp -sta to clearsign, instead of pgp -sa.
(Needless to say the t option does not appear in pgp -h

The clearsigning now seems to work a lot better than I recall
the clearsigning working in pgp 2.6.2.  They now do some
canonicalization, or perhaps they guess lots of variants until
one checks out.

Perhaps they hid the clear signing because it used not to work,
but having fixed it they failed to unhide it? 

 James A. Donald

Re: What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-10-02 Thread James A. Donald

  Once you start using it, it becomes part of hte pattern 
  by wich other people identify you.

On 2 Oct 2002 at 9:52, David Howe wrote:
 Exactly the intention, yes :) Just for the sake of it (anyone 
 who cares will have seen my signature enough times by now) I 
 will sign this one :)

And PGP tells me signature not checked, key does not meet 
validity threshold

So I said to myself, OK, I will sign David Howe's key on my 
keyring to tell myself that this is the David Howe who posts
on cypherpunks, though of course, pgp gives us merely a single 
variable trust, which can have no easy connection to the 
question what do you actually know about this particular David 
Howe?.  (What we really would like is a database of 
communications indexed by key, so that we could see this 
communication in the context of past communications with the 
David Howe that used the same key.)

I attempt to sign David Howes key, whereupon PGP gives the 
highly uninformative error message:   Key signature error. It 
seems that I get similarly uninformative errors whenever I 
tried to use PGP.

And that folks, is at least one of the reasons why end user 
crypto is not widespread. 

 James A. Donald

Re: What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-10-02 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald wrote:
  And PGP tells me signature not checked, key does not meet 
  validity threshold

On 2 Oct 2002 at 20:40, Dave Howe wrote:
 what version are you on?

pgp 6.5.8 command line version.

The actual problem was that there was no such key in my key 
ring, but error messages gave me no hint of that.

So having determined the problem, I dutifully went to the key
server, and encountered yet another stream of problems related
to the keyserver and windows, that made it impossible to
download the key, but that is another story. 

 James A. Donald

Re: What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-10-02 Thread James A. Donald

On 2 Oct 2002 at 16:19, Adam Shostack wrote:
 Whats wrong with PGP sigs is that going on 9 full years after 
 I generated my first pgp key, my mom still can't use the 

The fact that your mum cannot use the stuff is only half the 
problem.  I am a computer expert, a key administrator, someone 
who has been paid to write cryptographic code, and half the 
time I cannot use pgp.

Of course, I have had real occasion to use this stuff so rarely 
that I suspect your mother would never use it no matter how 
user friendly.

The lack of demand may have something to do with Hettinga's 
rant, that all cryptography is financial cryptography.  As I am 
fond of pointing out, envelopes were first invented to contain 
records of goods and payments.  People use encryption when
money is at stake.  If people start routinely making binding
deals on the internet, they will soon routinely use encryption. 

 James A. Donald

Re: What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-10-03 Thread James A. Donald

Adam Shostack wrote:
  Whats wrong with PGP sigs is that going on 9 full years
  after I generated my first pgp key, my mom still can't use
  the stuff.

On 3 Oct 2002 at 17:33, Ben Laurie wrote:
 Mozilla+enigmail+gpg. It just works.

If we had client side encryption that just works we would be
seeing a few more signed messages on this list, and those that
appear, would actually be checked.  Send an unnecessarily
encrypted message to Tim and he wil probably threaten to shoot

 James A. Donald

Re: What email encryption is actually in use?

2002-10-03 Thread James A. Donald

James A. Donald wrote:
  If we had client side encryption that just works we would
  be seeing a few more signed messages on this list, and
  those that appear, would actually be checked.  Send an
  unnecessarily encrypted message to Tim and he will probably
  threaten to shoot you.

Ben Laurie wrote:
 Why would I want to sign a message to this list?

Then all the people who read this list, were they to receive a
communication from you, they would know it was the same Ben
Laurie who posts to this list.

Of course, if you were in the habit of posting suggestions to
this list that you break the law, this might be a bad idea, but
to the best of my recollection, you do not. 

 James A. Donald

Independent News

2002-10-23 Thread James A. Donald
 The whole idea is to try and stop something like the Bali

On 23 Oct 2002 at 11:10, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 The correct patch should be applied to US foreign policy

Don't think we can blame US foreign policy for the Bali
bombing.  Probably relates more to Australian foreign policy
and Singaporean internal policy.

Indonesian muslims were sponsoring terror against Timorese.
Australia let that pass as long as Fretilin was communist, but
when Fretilin swore off communism, Australia intervened,
thereby gaining a vital strategic advantage, in that Timor is
an unsinkable aircraft carrier covering the approaches to
Australia.  This had the effect of rolling back Muslim rule,
something that Bin Laden has told us is a no-no. 

 James A. Donald

Re: internet radio - broadcast without incurring royalty fees

2002-10-25 Thread James A. Donald
On 24 Oct 2002 at 20:32, Morlock Elloi wrote:
 Napster clones, kazaa, gnutella et al. rely on end-users to 
 upload stuff. These end users simply have no bandwidth 
 available for that. Cheapo DSL lines have hundred or few 
 hundreds of kbit/sec unguaranteed upload capacity. No one is 
 going to pay T1 to serve free stuff in breach of copyright 

 The net result is - and anyone can try it for themselves - 
 that average success rate is less than 40%, the speed is 
 miserable - most of the time it takes hour or more for 5-6 
 minute mp3, and then you need to be lucky so that content 
 matches the title.

I am a really big fan of Buffy.  A cute chick, lots of 
violence and killing, and a bit of sex, what more can one ask 
for in a TV show?   Recently due to family crisis, I missed a 
couple of shows.  So, using usenet, I downloaded the two one 
hour shows that I missed.  I had no problem getting them, the 
download ran in the background.  It did not seem to take an 
unreasonably long time, though I did not bother to time it.  I 
started the download, proceeded to do other things, and when I 
remembered to check, the download was done.   So I then watched 
the shows.  The image and sound quality was excellent, the ads 
had been deleted.  The stories were rattling good.  Loved the 
bit where buffy says I am the law, and picks up a great big 
naked sword and stalks off to apply the instant death penalty, 
while Xander flutters about ineffectually being deeply caring 
and emotional and having deep moral debates about the use of 

I have never downloaded a tv show off the internet before. 
Everything just worked, no fuss, unlike some encryption 
programs I could mention.

 While there always will be pathological cases that will spend 
 tens of hours online to get few mp3s for free (that is, until 
 local telco decides that flat rate is no more viable), for 
 most napsters are unusable.

My experience is that the mass media are doomed.  This stuff 
works just great for me.   I have stopped downloading music 
until I organize the music I already have.   Napster was just 
great, worked with no fuss.  Maybe the Napster clones are not 
as good, but my experience with downloading TV shows suggests 
that piracy is working better than ever. 

 James A. Donald

Re: internet radio - broadcast without incurring royalty fees

2002-10-25 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  my experience with downloading TV shows suggests that
  piracy is working better than ever.

Major Variola
 This wasn't piracy, it was time-shifting.

When the ads were deleted, it ceased to be time shifting.

In any case, the point I intended to make was that Buffy was
one hundred times bigger than a typical MP3, yet the software
and hardware had no problems.

If the internet can handle one hour tv shows without working up
a sweat, digital convergence is getting real close.

 James A. Donald

Re: Clarification of challenge to Joseph Ashwood:

2002-11-03 Thread James A. Donald
Joseph Ashwood:
So it's going to be broken by design. These are 
critical errors that will eliminate any semblance of 
security in your program.

James A. Donald:
I challenge you to fool my canonicalization algorithm by 
modifying a message to as to change the apparent meaning 
while preserving the signature, or  by producing a 
message that verifies as signed by me, while in fact a 
meaningfully different message to any that was genuinely 
signed by me.

Joseph Ashwood:
 That's easy, remember that you didn't limit the challenge to 
 text files. It should be a fairly simple matter to create a 
 JPEG file with a number of 0xA0 and 0x20 bytes, by simply 
 swapping the value of those byte one can create a file that 
 will pass your verification, but will obviously be corrupt. 
 Your canonicalization is clearly and fatally flawed.

If so easy, do it.

   Joseph Ashwood must produce a message that is meaningfully 
   different from any of the numerous messages that I have 
   sent to cypherpunks, but which verifies as sent by the 
   same person who sent past messages.
  Thus for Kong to be broken one must store a past message 
  from that proflic poster supposed called James Donald, in 
  the Kong database, and bring up a new message hacked up by 
  Joseph Ashwood, and have Kong display in the signature 
  verification screen

Joseph Ashwood:
 To verify that I would of course have to download and install 

In other words, you are blowing smoke, and know full well you
are blowing smoke. 

 James A. Donald

Re: New Protection for 802.11

2002-11-07 Thread James A. Donald
Reading the Wifi report,
it seems their customers stampeded them and demanded that the
security hole be fixed, fixed a damned lot sooner than they
intended to fix it.

I am struck the contrast between the seemingly strong demand 
for wifi security, compared to the almost complete absence of 
demand for email security.

Why is it so? 

 James A. Donald

RE: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-07 Thread James A. Donald
On 7 Nov 2002 at 16:36, Trei, Peter wrote:
 The 'volatile' keyword seems to have poorly defined 

Volatile memory typically both receives input from outside 
the abstract machine, and generates output outside the abstract 
machine.  Indeed the expected reason to write to volatile 
memory is because it generates effects outside the abstract 

If the optimizer ever optimizes away a write to volatile 
memory, device drivers will fail.  Most device drivers are
written in C.  If anyone ever produces a C compiler in which
volatile does not do what we want, not only are they out of
spec, but smoke will start coming out of hardware when the
device drivers are recompiled. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Yodels, new anonymous e-currency

2002-11-12 Thread James A. Donald
 On 12 Nov 2002 at 8:50, Nomen Nescio wrote:

 According to this link,
 a new form of digital cash called yodels is being offered anonymously:


 Supposedly, then, this is cash which can be transferred
 anonymously via IIP or Freenet.  Leaving aside the question
 of trusting an anonymous bank (trust takes time), the
 sticking point for ecash is how to transfer between yodels
 and other currencies.  Without transferability, what gives
 yodels their value?

Alleged attempts to introduce internet currencies have a ninety
percent humbug and fraud rate.

If his currency works well enough that one can buy addresses
with it, this indicates a somewhat surprising level of success.

I will check out his currency, and see what there is to see.

 James A. Donald

Re: Yodels, new anonymous e-currency

2002-11-12 Thread James A. Donald
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Nomen Nescio wrote:
   According to this link,
   a new form of digital cash called yodels is being
   offered anonymously:

On 12 Nov 2002 at 7:31, Steve Schear wrote:
 Correct they are a bearer share issuer, like the Digicash
 licensees before them.  They claim to hold value denominated
 in some units of account (in their case DMT) as their asset
 backing.  The challenge for Yodel will come in convincing
 potential users that: DMTs have sustainable value, that Yodel
 is really fully backed by DMTs, that Yodel's operators can be
 trusted not to abscond with the value exchanged for Yodels or
 refuse to exchange them for DMTs at some future time.  All
 while reamining anonymous.  A pretty tall order I should

Pseudonymous, not anonymous.  What is a corporation but a nym?
Any swindling you can do with a pseudonym, you can do with a

 At least initially, many Yodel users may want only to use
 them mainly as a mixmaster between DMT accounts.

With e-gold, one can perform one's mixing in a furnace.  With
DMT, cryptographic mixes are the only practical solution.

Problem is that most users will not understand cryptographic
mixing, whereas they do understand a furnace.

 James A. Donald

Re: Yodels, new anonymous e-currency

2002-11-13 Thread James A. Donald
The Yodel does not have a web site where yodels can be converted into 
some other form of money, and other forms of money converted into 

Instead it has an IIRC bot.   Use of this bot is described at 

This means a command line interface, to do banking transactions.

This of course greatly reduced the work required to implement the 
Yodel, but will greatly limit the acceptability of the Yodel.


2002-11-15 Thread James A. Donald
Internet Poker is a big money activity.

A major problem with this activity is that the site can choose
to allow certain privileged players to cheat.

In principle it should be possible to create poker playing
software where the server cannot cheat, but it is not obvious
to me how this can be done.

Does anyone know of a cheat proof algorithm?

 James A. Donald

Re: Fwd: [fc] list of papers accepted to FC'03

2002-11-15 Thread James A. Donald

On 15 Nov 2002 at 10:55, IanG wrote:

  List of papers accepted to FC'03 

 I see pretty much a standard list of crypto papers here,
 albeit crypto with a waving of finance salt.

Theory of what could be implemented has run well ahead of what
has in fact been implemented.

This has doubtless reduced enthusiasm for the theory. 

 James A. Donald

RE: Where's Osama? (Re: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get the oil. Who's next)

2002-11-17 Thread James A. Donald
On 14 Nov 2002 at 14:47, Andrew John Lopata wrote:
 I'm no expert, but a friend of mine in the military suggested 
 that invading Iraq now would be a lot different than the Gulf 
 War.  He said that urban combat, which will be necessary to 
 depose Hussein, is the most difficult and dangerous type of 
 combat there is.

The last time the US engaged in urban combat, Somalia, US 
troops took significant casualties, and innocent bystanders 
suffered enormous casualties.

In Afghanistan, urban combat was avoided by three a dimensional 
envelopment.  The enemy inside the city was threatened by 
ground troops outside the city, from the sky, and by subversion 
from within the city.  It was this final threat, subversion 
from within, combined with containment from above and around, 
that provoked capitulation.

This third element, subversion from within, may well be 
unachievable in Iraq, or if it is achievable, the regular army 
not very deft at getting it done.

For the Iraq war to be completed without enormous civilian 
casualties, massive destruction of infrastructure, and 
intolerable US casualties, successful political warfare is 
likely to be essential.

 There is no readily available alternate government to install 
 in Hussein's place.  The resulting destabilization in the 
 region will likely result in a U.S. military presense in the 
 country for a much longer time than in the Gulf War.

When the US defeated Nazi germany, the nazi government was 
largely obliterated, and the remaining apparatus of government 
mostly signed up with the German communist party, which had 
been the second largest party before the nazis, and which was 
subservient to the Soviet Union.   Thus the US eventually had 
to suppress every vestige of German government and foster a new 
government from nothing.  It took about five years for a 
plausibly German government to get its hands on the reins of 
power, and few more years for it to get rid of the institutions 
and apparatus of nazism. 

 James A. Donald

Re: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get the oil. Who's ne

2002-11-19 Thread James A. Donald
On 19 Nov 2002 at 12:02, Kevin Elliott wrote:
 If you read between the lines of US history, you'll discover
 that America did not begin to succeed in the war until late
 in the war when the troops had become better trained and

This is not my interpretation.  Rather, the American *never*
succeeded in conventional warfare.  The British were able to
march hither and yon, destroying whatever they chose, and
killing whoever got in their way.  However this cost them, and
it did not bring them political control.  After marching up and
down and back and forth, and losing lots of men in the process,
they eventually gave up.

 James A. Donald

RE: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get the oil. Who 's ne

2002-11-20 Thread James A. Donald
On 19 Nov 2002 at 15:45, Tyler Durden wrote:
 Mikey: I would suggest tangling with Chomsky for a bit. Start


Chomsky is a liar.  His citations are mostly fraudulent, and he
has at one time or another defended every bloodthirsty tyranny,
every reign of terror, with the possible exception of North

His words sound bombastic, yet they equivocate, pointing in two
directions at once.  This is the text equivalent of someone who
talks loud and very fast while unable to meet your eye.

I recommend you check out my Chomsky web page:

Chomsky lies  http://www.jim.com/Chomsdis.htm

 James A. Donald

Re: Photographer Arrested For Taking Pictures Of Vice President'S Hotel

2002-12-09 Thread James A. Donald
On 9 Dec 2002 at 9:17, Tim May wrote:
 Anyone in the U.S. can be declared an enemy combatant and 
 vanished away from lawyers, habeas corpus, the 6th Amendment, 
 and any semblance of the system of liberty we sort of had at 
 one time.

So far this has only been applied to people who are obviously 
hostile muslim terrorist wannabees, but the program will be 
steadily expanded.  Indeed, part of the homeland security act 
already aims at people who make cartridges (reloaders), who 
will in due course be dealt with by the extrajudicial means 
provided for in the homeland security act.

In general wars lead to a major temporary reduction in liberty, 
but a smaller permanent reduction in liberty.  Unfortunately 
the war on terror will probably never end, so there will be no 

The government is on perfectly good constitutional ground when
it claims that the army can do as it pleases on or near the
battlefield.  Trouble is, with terrorism or guerrilla war, the
battlefield is arguably everywhere.   We need a declaration of
victory that will push the battlefield to somewhere far away. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Extradition, Snatching,and the Danger of Traveling to Other Countries

2002-12-16 Thread James A. Donald
On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Sarad AV wrote:
 Firstly,they cannot be exterminated.There is no proof of 
 identity as we may have in our countries and no body will ask 
 for it either,since most don't have one. The Taliban would 
 have cut their beard and hair and mixed up with civilian 
 population,while troops can go searching for orthodox 
 civilians with a taliban look,making it hard to hunt them 
 down.Once/if the international troops leave afghan,there are 
 over hundred factions,who will keep fighting among themselves 
 for 'land' and the taliban will be back.

There have always been a hundred factions quarreling over land 
in Afganistan.  The level of violence was tolerable to Afghans 
and outsiders.  What went wrong with the Taliban is that one 
faction, with outside aid from international islamicists, 
managed to actually get most of the land.

US policy was to restore the status quo ante in Afghanistan, 
put things back the way they were before the Soviet invasion. 
It seems to have succeeded well enough, and there is no reason 
to suppose it will be any less stable than it was.  The future 
of Afghanistan will probably be no less violent than it was 
before the Soviet invasion, but no more violent that it was 
before the Soviet invasion. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Verdict's in: Elcomsoft NOT GUILTY of criminal DMCA violations

2002-12-18 Thread James A. Donald
On 17 Dec 2002 at 16:43, Steve Schear wrote:
 [I'm more convinced than ever that nullification figured into the
 verdict.  If so, bravo for the jury.  steve]

Both the defense and the prosecution sought to make the facts clear 
and understandable to the jury.  So the defense was betting on 

Re: To Marcel Popescu On the Interventionist pseudo-Libs

2002-12-19 Thread James A. Donald
On 18 Dec 2002 at 9:50, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 Yeah, the Objectivists (TM) seem to have been taken over by 
 militant zionist interventionists too.

Of all the advanced states, Israel is arguably the one that 
accords least with Objectivist ideals.  It is nominally 
socialist in land and quite a lot of other stuff.  Of course if 
you are Jewish, that socialism can be set aside -- and is set 
aside to a greater or lesser extent for most Jews, though some 
Jews find it a lot easier to have a nominally socialist state 
treat stuff they care about as private property than other 
Jews.   Objectivists having orgasms over Israel because it is 
supposedly a liberal democracy is rather like communists having 
orgasms over Cuba because it was supposedly egalitarian.

It is also entertaining that the socialism of Israel is, like 
the socialism of the Sandinistas, a lot more socialist for 
ethnic groups that are hated than ethnic groups that are 
favored, which reminds me of the argument I sometimes hear from 
socialists about West Germany -- that all Germans were evil 
hateful nazi murderers, and therefore should have had a 
socialist economy imposed on them.

But I ramble and digress.  To get back on point, if those who 
purport to be objectivists are also militant zionist 
interventionists, we should not take their supposed objectivist 
ideals too seriously. 

 James A. Donald

RE: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread James A. Donald
  Disney doesn't have the power to tell me what I may eat or
  smoke, except in their parks and on their property.

On 20 Dec 2002 at 10:24, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
 Now, imagine a Disney owning the whole of the land of the
 USA, and having armed forces the size of the USA.

If a single corporation owned everything, then it would be a
socialist government.  If the US government was socialist, if
it owned all or nearly all of the  means of production. it
would behave the same way all other socialist governments have
acted -- it would engage in terror and mass murder.

The fact that Disney, and lots of other groups own various
small things makes me free.  Voting does not make me free. 

 James A. Donald

Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 20 Dec 2002 at 19:26, William Warren wrote:
 voting keeps you free..voting is our way of controlling and
 shaping the government.

No matter who you vote for, a politician always gets elected.

 Those who do not exercise this duty do not deserve to 
 complain about what goes on.

By voting, you give the appearance of consent to what the
government does to you. 

 James A. Donald

Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread James A. Donald
William Warren
 voting keeps you free..voting is our way of controlling and 
 shaping the government.

David Friedman explains why democracy does not work. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Quantum Probability and Decision Theory

2002-12-24 Thread James A. Donald
On 23 Dec 2002 at 21:23, Tim May wrote:
 Inasmuch as we cannot even build a machine which even 
 remotely resembles a bat, or even an ant, the inability to 
 simulate/understand/be  a bat is not surprising. There is 
 no mapping currently feasable between my internal states and 
 a bat's. Even if we are made of relays or transistors.

On the other hand, our inability to emulate a nematode, or the 
a portion of the retina, is grounds for concern.  This does not 
indicate that the mystery is QM, but does suggest that there is 
some mystery -- some special quality either of individual 
neurons or very small networks of neurons that we have not yet

It is unsurprising that with current computing power we should 
be unable to emulate an ant, but inability to emulate a 
nematode is troubling. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Quantum Probability and Decision Theory

2002-12-25 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  It is unsurprising that with current computing power we
  should be unable to emulate an ant, but inability to
  emulate a nematode is troubling.

Eugen Leitl
 The crunch power is there. We're lacking a good enough model,
 and empirical data to feed that nonexisting model.

Every neuron's connection to every other cell is known, and yet
the model does not run a worm.

Every cell is mapped, but what these cells are doing is
frequently unclear. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Security cameras are getting smart -- and scary

2003-01-08 Thread James A. Donald
On 8 Jan 2003 at 16:54, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 In Japan, people are already wearing face masks frequently, 
 ie. during the flu season. If such cultural shift happens 
 here as well, we have partial protection against the 
 face-recognition cams.

In today's Vietnam women commonly dress like Ninjas, completely 
covering every square inch of skin.  Even the eyes are covered 
with dark glasses.  The costume however is tight, covering the 
face but revealing the figure.

Men's fashions, however, change at the speed of glaciers, so
there is little chance of that becoming acceptable for men. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Question on Mixmaster

2003-01-13 Thread James A. Donald
On 12 Jan 2003 at 20:12, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
 I've known about Mixmaster for years, but only just now
 finally downloaded and installed it (Mixmaster 2.9.0).  Does
 anyone know where I can find documentation on how to actually
 use it?

It is intolerably painful to use Mixmaster by hand.

Download quicksilver, which is a wrapper around Mixmaster.

 James A. Donald

Re: Security cameras are getting smart -- and scary

2003-01-13 Thread James A. Donald
On 13 Jan 2003 at 12:30, Todd Boyle wrote:
 What *was* your point in redistributing the nigger killing 
 post from Cypherpunks, in the digital bearer settlement list? 
 Does that have something to do with digital cash, or enhance 
 your IBUC business somehow?   Maybe, increasing traffic by 
 being cool and shocking?

Tim May pulled people's legs -- some sucker took it seriously, 
so someone decided to pull a little harder to see how much a 
sucker would swallow.

The hunting post was obviously a joke, as the final line made
clear. The real joke was that some readers would fail to see
that the first line was a joke, would believe that cypherpunks
really do go hunting black people. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Security cameras are getting smart -- and scary

2003-01-16 Thread James A. Donald
On 14 Jan 2003 at 21:48, Tyler Durden wrote:

 My thought was that James is some kind of Fed. I suspect 
 Chomsky is one guy they most don't want around these days. 
 His accusations on the Chomsky dis website were 
 technicalities and hair-splitting, even somantic.


Chomsky claimed that

: : such journals as the Far Eastern Economic Review, 
: : the London Economist, the Melbourne Journal of 
: : Politics, and others elsewhere, have provided 
: : analyses by highly qualified specialists who have 
: : studied the full range of evidence available, and 
: : who concluded that executions have numbered at most 
: : in the thousands

But in fact the at most is Chomsky's lie, not present in the 
articles he cited.  Someone who read the economist and the Far 
Eastern Economic Review at the time would rather have concluded 
that the death rate from brutality and mistreatment was many 
hundreds of thousands, likely over a million, and that the 
executions proabbly numbered at least a hundred thousand or so.

According to Chomsky these highly qualified specialists also 
::   repeated discoveries that massacre reports were 
::   false.

Of course no such discoveries are to be found in the material 
he cites, and his article appeared shortly after the massacres 
reported by the refugees were devastatingly confirmed by when 
such a massacre occurred on the border. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Petro's catch-22 incorrect (Re: citizens can be named as enemy combatants)

2003-01-19 Thread James A. Donald
On 18 Jan 2003 at 10:01, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
 The terrorists have made it pretty clear what their gripe 
 with the U.S. Government is, and it has nothing to do with
 trade, the American lifestyle, or the elusive freedoms that
 Americans supposedly enjoy.  It has everything to do with US
 troops stationed in nearly every country in the world
 (specifically, Saudi Arabia),

That was one indictment of many.  Another indictment was the
crusades.  Bin Laden seemed most strongly upset about the
reconquest of of what we call Spain, but which muslims call by
another name.

In the most recent communique (which may not be Osama Bin Laden
but his successor pretending to be him) he gave a Leninist rant
that the arabs are poor because the rich countries are rich,
espousing the Marxist argument that simply being a citizen of a
wealthy country is a crime deserving of death.  This makes me
suspect that the original Bin Laden is now a grease smear on
some Afghan rocks, since the original Bin Laden was a
Heideggerean, and would spit on any Marxist unless that Marxist
was dying of thirst in the desert.

 James A. Donald

Re: Atlas Shrugs in Venezuela

2003-01-20 Thread James A. Donald
On 20 Jan 2003 at 7:20, Harmon Seaver wrote:
 It's hard to tell from the US media reports what's really 
 going on. Is the nation-wide strike a strike of the workers 
 or just a lockout of the workers by the companies opposed to 
 Chaves? Given his popularity with the lower class, it's 
 difficult to understand why they would be striking against 

It is a strike.  You can tell by the fact that Chavez has been 
trolling poorer latin American countries, in particular Brazil, 
to recruit guest workers to do scab labor.

However he recently discovered that many of these guest
workers, though they theoretically have the skills of those
they are supposed to replace, do not actually have the skills. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Atlas Shrugs in Venezuela

2003-01-21 Thread James A. Donald
Harmon Seaver:
   Well, but only a strike of the executives and some 
   technicians. Not of the general workers.

James A. Donald:
  When they bring out the army against the strikers as well
  as foreign scab labor, it is the workers.

Harmon Seaver:
Nope, not a chance. Most of the people out on strike were 

Then why the army?

 It's pretty clear by now that last Spring's attempted coup
 and the current strike was all engineered by the CIA and the
 current whitehouse scum.

Then why the army and the guest worker scab laborers? 

 James A. Donald

Re: Atlas Shrugs in Venezuela

2003-01-22 Thread James A. Donald
Harmon Seaver:
 Well, but only a strike of the executives and some 
 technicians. Not of the general workers.

James A. Donald:
When they bring out the army against the strikers as
well as foreign scab labor, it is the workers.

Harmon Seaver:
  Nope, not a chance. Most of the people out on strike
  were executives

James A. Donald:
  Then why the army?

Harmon Seaver:
Why not the army?

If it was only the executives and a handful of highly qualified
specialists, you would not need the army.

 James A. Donald

Re: Atlas Shrugs in Venezuela

2003-01-23 Thread James A. Donald

On 23 Jan 2003 at 9:48, Harmon Seaver wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 09:38:47AM -0800, James A. Donald
  If it was only the executives and a handful of highly
  qualified specialists, you would not need the army.

Of course you would. Look, once again, this isn't a normal 
strike, this is
 a conspiracy of traitors working with an evil foreign power
 to overthrow a legitimate government.

Perhaps they are exercising their will over the facilities of
production and distribution by CIA microwaves beamed into
people's brains  :-)

 Don't we all know that that CNN, et al, are going to do
 everything possible to minimize an anti-corporate leader?

No, we do not know that.  Recall live from Baghdad.  Recall
Ted Turner's declaration that he is a socialist.  Radosh lists
him as one of his fellow radicals.

 James A. Donald

Re: Palm Pilot Handshake

2003-01-29 Thread James A. Donald
On 28 Jan 2003 at 20:54, Tyler Durden wrote:

 Yo! Anyone out there in codeville know if the following is

 I'd like to be able digitally shake hands using a Palm
 Pilot. Is this possible?

 What I mean is, Let's say some disgruntled and generic
 crypto-kook (let's call him, say,...'Tyler Durden') has been
 signing his (tiring) cyber-missives with a public key.

 And now let's say there's some guy at a party claiming to be
 that very same Tyler Durden, but you're not so sure (this
 real-life Tyler Durden is WAY too much of an obvious
 chick-magnet to be the same guy that posts on the Internet).
 BUT, you happen to have your Palm Pilot(TM), and so does he.
 So you both both engage the little hand-shaking app on your
 PP (using Tyler Durden's public key) and there's
 verification. Yep. Same dude. (You then procede to prostrate
 yourself before this obvious godlet, stating I'm not worthy,

This can be done without a palm pilot.

Normally the flesh and blood Tyler Durden would reveal
knowledge of information sent encrypted to the net Tyler
Durden, or vice versa.

 James A. Donald

Re: CDR: US health care,a winner for Hillary in 04?

2003-01-30 Thread James A. Donald

On 28 Jan 2003 at 19:46, Marc de Piolenc wrote:
 PS - the infant mortality statistics are bogus; they are a
 record-keeping artefact. Other countries (notably Sweden, to which the
 USA is always being compared) don't count a child as born until it
 has reached a certain age (three weeks in Sweden). Guess when most
 infant deaths occur?

Interesting datum.  Could you give a source for this.  If true, needs 
wide publicity, since we web search for infant mortality and Sweden 
gives a zillion hits, all saying what you would expect.

Re: the news from bush's speech...H-power

2003-01-30 Thread James A. Donald
On 30 Jan 2003 at 11:31, Eugen Leitl wrote:
 I'm not arguing pro strong state. I'm merely saying that the 
 tax funded ivory tower RD is complementary in scope to 
 privately funded research. If 95% of it is wasted (and 
 lacking libertarian drive in Euland it's bound to stay that 
 way for quite a while), it's still nice to see a percent or 
 two to go into bluesky research.

You will notice a disproportionate amount of blue sky research 
comes from countries that are highly capitalist.  Thus 
Switzerland is roughly comparable to Sweden in size and wealth, 
but we see quite a bit of blue sky research coming out of 
Swizterland, not much from Sweden.

Since blue sky research is a public good, only governments can 
efficiently produce blue sky research.  Does not follow, 
however, that governments *will* efficiently produce blue sky 
research, and on the available evidence, they do not.

There are several mechanisms that lead companies to produce and 
publish interesting data -- one is to make a name for 
themselves, as in the human genome project, another his that 
they like to employ scientists that have published interesting 
research findings, which means that their scientists want to 
publish interesting research findings. 

 James A. Donald

Re: the news from bush's speech...H-power

2003-01-30 Thread James A. Donald
On 30 Jan 2003 at 12:16, Harmon Seaver wrote:
 I'll have to find the studies, but it was the same oil
 geologists (not enviros) who used the same model to
 accurately predict the peak of US oil production who did the
 one on world oil production.

Not true.

Rather, what happened is that there have been thousands of
overly pessimistic estimates, and one overly optimistic
estimate for US oil production  (an over reaction to past low
side errors) , and everyone who makes implausibly pessimistic
estimates for world oil production likes to associate
themselves with those who disagreed with the one overly
optimistic estimate -- but the association is thin. 

 James A. Donald

Re: the news from bush's speech...H-power

2003-01-31 Thread James A. Donald
 These geologists very accurately predicted the peaking of oil
 production in the US,

Completely false.   These geologists are not Hubbert, nor did 
they very accurately predict the peaking of oil in the US, nor 
do they use Hubbert's methodology, though they claim to. 
Rather, they are people who would like to associate themselves 
with Hubbert

these geologists are not the successors to Hubbert, but the 
successors to LImits to Growth, and the club of Rome, who 
predicted total exhaustion of oil supplies and ensuing economic 
collapse in the 1980s.

Hubbert estimated the amount of oil remaining from the logistic 
curves.  Those who claim to be his successors assert that there 
is X amount of oil remaining, and then fit the logistic curve 
to match X.  That is the club of rome technique, which is the 
opposite of the Hubbert technique.  Hubbert predicts oil 
reserves from observed success in finding oil.  Doomsayers 
predict failure to find oil from alleged oil reserves. 

 James A. Donald

RE: The Wimps of War

2003-02-12 Thread James A. Donald
Steve wrote quoting: PAUL KRUGMAN
  And though you don't hear much about it in the U.S. media,
  a lack of faith in Mr. Bush's staying power   a fear that
  he will wimp out in the aftermath of war, that he won't do
  what is needed to rebuild Iraq   is a large factor in the
  growing rift between Europe and the United States.

On 12 Feb 2003 at 1:21, Lucky Green wrote:
 And this matters how? Why would Bush, or for that matter the 
 Europeans, care about rebuilding (what?) in Iraq? Other than
 the minimum investments required to prevent the population
 from rising up against their future leaders, why should the
 U.S. concern itself with making investments in Iraq not
 directly related to creating and maintaining oil extraction
 and transport facilities?

The arabs hunger for development and modernity.  In the past
they absorbed the worst poisons spewed by western universities,
socialism and anti-imperialist nationalism, and attempted to
apply them, with predictably disastrous results,   Then they
healthily came to reject these foolish and dangerous ideas, and
attempted to return to their roots, with results that were bad
for us as well as them.

The theory of the democratic imperialists is to export better
ideas at gunpoint.  It is far from clear that this will work,
even if tried honestly and vigorously -- we are running into a
bit of trouble applying it in Kosovo.  It is also far from
clear that the US has the necessary will and virtue to apply it
in Iraq.

The Germans and the French are not very keen on doing it at
all, but realizing that position is unpopular, instead say they
doubt the US will to do it. 

 James A. Donald

Re: M Stands for Moron? You gotta be kidding...

2003-02-14 Thread James A. Donald
On 13 Feb 2003 at 16:51, Eric Cordian wrote:
 If the small scale structure of the universe isn't 
 manifold-like, then a theory which says it is an 
 11-dimensional manifold is not a great leap over a theory 
 which says it is a 4-dimensional manifold.

As one approaches the plank length, the structure of space time 
will become more like fractal quantum foam, with an 
increasingly complex topology.  Therefore, at distances 
comparable with the plank length, spacetime will not have a 
definite dimensionality.   It might be that in the limit of 
very small distances, it becomes eleven dimensional, or it 
might be that the description of spacetime at distances smaller 
than the plank length cannot be given any definite 

 The measure of the usefulness of a new theory is the 
 increment in predictive power over the prior way of thinking 
 about it.  Not how many pages you can cover with 
 indecipherable equations that are Friggin' Hard.

The shape of standard particle physics suggests that all of 
what we think of as physical law is the result of spontaneous 
symmetry breaking, merely a particular solution to a set of 
highly non linear equations, that have an infinite number of 
possible solutions, most of which correspond to universes 
nothing like our own -- that at sufficiently small scales and 
sufficiently high energies we encounter a metaphysics, capable 
of generating an infinite variety of systems of physical law.

Suppose we had the ultimate theory of everything handed to us 
on a platter by supercilious aliens.  In order to test it we 
first would have to find the solution, out of an infinite 
number of solutions, that corresponds to the normal physics of 
the universe.  It seems likely that just finding the solution 
that corresponds to our vacuum would be very difficult indeed.

Suppose we had the theory of everything, and suppose we could 
solve it, and suppose we could manipulte energies trillions of 
trillions of times larger than those we can now manipulate, 
with precision trillions of trillions of times larger than we
can now control.  Then we could remake a small region of space
time to have physical laws that we might find more convenient
for some purposes.

All of this, however, seems hard. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Blood for Oil (was The Pig Boy was really squealing today

2003-02-20 Thread James A. Donald
 So the US killed a lot of people there, so as to 
 spread respect for freedom and democracy, and installed another 
 dictator without elections, or any plan for elections

The current leader was elected, not in accordance with western 
democratic norms that some people want to impose of Afghans at 
gunpoint, but in accordance with Afghan democratic norms.

RE: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

2003-02-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 20 Feb 2003 at 16:09, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
 Ah yeah, the good old front against communists. Some people
 haven't learned that political views aren't what makes one a
 bastard. Commies *must* be bad, you see ? Too much capitalism
 is as bad as too much communism.

Highly capitalist nations do not murder millions.

 James A. Donald

Re: The burn-off of Tom Veil

2003-02-22 Thread James A. Donald
On 21 Feb 2003 at 11:13, Tyler Durden wrote:
 However, one way to see the situation is more of a buy-off.
 Arguably, the government plunders in order to pay off
 welfare society, because if they didn't the masses would rise
 up and kill off the system

But among reasonably capitalist societies, those with least
welfare, for example Hong Kong, are in the least danger of
political disturbance from the poor, whereas those with the
highest welfare, in particular france, are frequently on the
edge of revolution.

High welfare state countries tend to have high permanent
unemployment, so there are lots of able people who cannot get
jobs, who therefore become revolutionaries, lots of able people
who have jobs they hate but cannot change -- which is why in
America going postal has come to mean an explosion of
destructive rage -- post office employees are well paid, but of
such low competence they cannot get well paid jobs elsewhere,
so they are trapped.

Secondly in high welfare state countries, by definition, wealth
is politally distributed, leading to correspondingly high
levels of organized group violence, as frequently illustrated
in France.

 James A. Donald

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minoritie s

2003-02-23 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald
  Highly capitalist nations do not murder millions.

On 21 Feb 2003 at 17:09, David Howe wrote:
 but their highly capitalist companies sometimes do.

Don't be silly.  You have been reading too much Lenin.

 James A. Donald

Re: The burn-off of Tom Veil

2003-02-24 Thread James A. Donald

On 23 Feb 2003 at 15:55, Tyler Durden wrote:
 With respect to the Cambodia issue, Chomsky is pointing out  
 how US agit-prop and media take advantage of our lack of 
 certainty with respect to the real numbers.

Originally Chomsky lied about Cambodia, to deny the crimes of
the Khmer Rouge.   He changed his tune after the Soviet Union
changed their tune.

 Chomsky estimates that only 800,000 are verifiable via 
 publically accessible documentation.

Chomsky originally claimed thousands, not tens of thousands, 
a statement he attributed to highly qualified specialists 
although the people he cited were too cautious to make the 
claim he attributed to them.

 As for the Cambodia issue, I think the US government's 
 complicity in 'inadvertently' bringing the KR into power is a 
 good precedent for what we're doing in the Middle East.

Originally, Chomsky claimed that the Khmer Rouge were 
rebuilding Cambodia, that they were comparable to the french 
resistance, that the stories of massacres had been repeatedly 
discovered to be false, and so on and so forth.

 James A. Donald

Re: Ethnomathematics

2003-02-28 Thread James A. Donald
On 25 Feb 2003 at 23:58, Sarad AV wrote:
 Ethnomathematics is the study of mathematics which takes
 into consideration the culture in which mathematics arises.
 Mathematics is often associated with the study of
 universals. When we speak of universals, however, it is
 important to recognize that often something we think of as
 universal is merely universal to those who share our cultural
 and historical perspectives.

Doubtless among Margaret Mead's happy fun loving socialist free
love practicing Samoans, three plus three equalled four. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Who Owns the News

2003-03-02 Thread James A. Donald
On 2 Mar 2003 at 1:00, Bill Stewart wrote:
 Most of the national talk shows on radio are either 
 conservatives or ranting right wingers or sports shows (which 
 don't count.) The ranters get some mileage out of insulting 
 people for a while, trying to keep finding new people to hate 
 and insult, but it gets old after a while, and now that 
 there's no longer a Clinton Administration supplying easy 
 targets, it's hard to sustain.

You take for granted that news shows are to the right of their 
audience.  This does not seem to be the case.   Fox has 
determined the political views of the typical person who is 
interested in news, and Fox is dead center on that demographic. 
If O'Reilly is neither right nor left, but instead balanced, 
even if far from fair, then existent talk shows are fairly 
representative of their audience, about equally split between 
right and left, which of course makes them all extreme right 
wing as compared to most of the people who run the news.

As to which side is spewing rage and hatred, try googling for 
references to Ann Coulter.   Anne laughs at her opponents.  I 
get the feeling that they would put me in the gulag if they 
could, along with most of their audience.   Similarly recall 
the debate between Chagnon and his various opponents. The joke 
so often made about feminists is also very much applicable to 
those than in the America call themselves liberals. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Who Owns the News

2003-03-02 Thread James A. Donald
On 1 Mar 2003 at 11:25, Eric Cordian wrote:
 FOX recently fired two reporters after they refused to change 
 the facts of a news story.  Fox said to them, We paid $13 
 billion for these stations, and we'll tell you what the news 

 In a unanimous decision, the 2nd District Court of Appeals 
 overturned a $425,000 jury award to another FOX reporter who 
 was fired after refusing to alter the facts of a story.  THe 
 judge ruled FOX had a right to lie, deceive, and mislead.

 MSNBC just fired Phil Donahue after a marketing report 
 outlined a nightmare scenario in which MSNBC was perceived 
 as giving a forum to anti-war sentiment while all other 
 networks were engaged in patriotic flag-waving.

You are making all this crap up.  For example Donahue was fired 
because few were watching him sneer at them.   Liberals cannot 
succeed in talk shows because they hate and despise their 
audience.  He was getting about one quarter the audience of the 
competion.   The nightmare scenario that MSNBC was so alarmed 
by was that no one was watching him vomit hatred over his 

Much the same for all your other stories

 When CNN tried to cover the Palestinian side of the Mideast 
 Conflict, Israel threatened to drop CNN and pick up FOX 
 instead.  CNN caved instantly.  All CNN copy is now required 
 to be reviewed by upper management in Atlanta before 
 broadcast, and anything that isn't pro-Israel is killed.

Funny.  Some time ago I saw some Israelis murder a Palestinian 
kid on numerous stations, Fox among them.

Channel surfing last night I saw bits of a long boring 
documentary where the camera followed various Palestinians 
around in their daily lives, depicting the distressing effect 
on the Palestinians of various Israeli collective punishments. 
Not sure what station it was on.  Terribly earnest public good 

 Sure the press is biased, but there is plenty of stuff that is 
 very far from pro Israel, even on channels that are openly pro 
 Israel, such as Fox.

 James A. Donald

Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-08 Thread James A. Donald
On 8 Mar 2003 at 2:44, Anonymous wrote:
 But let's cut to the chase. Assume that all private grocery 
 store owners want to exclude people from their stores. Now 
 assume that 100% of them agree that effective Tuesday, only 
 those people who have a receipt for a $100 or more donation
 to George W Bush (or Hillary Clinton, whatever) may enter
 their property to shop for groceries.

The difference between private property owners doing this, and
the governemnt doing this is that 100% of private property
owners are NOT going to agree on anything.

The 100% assumption presupposes that the capitalists are
like the state, a single entity with a single will, in which
case it is obvious that simply replacing the will of the
capitalists with the will of the people would be a vast
improvement, rather than slavery terror and mass murder. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Someone explain...Give cheese to france?

2003-03-08 Thread James A. Donald
On 7 Mar 2003 at 12:46, Tyler Durden wrote:
 Let's take one of my famous extreme examples. Let's say a
 section of the New Jersey Turnpike gets turned over to a
 private company, which now owns and operates this section.

 So...now let's say I'm black. NO! Let's say I'm blond-haired
 and blue eyed, and the asshole in the squad car doesn't like
 that, because his wife's been bangin' a surfer. So...he
 should be able to toss me off the freeway just because of the
 way I look? (Or the way I'm dressed or the car I drive or

The turnpike is a hard problem, sincve you have a clash between
two legitimate rights -- the right to wall people out, against
the right not to be walled in.

The mall is not a hard problem, any more than the nightclub is
a problem.  Do you have a problem with a night club turning
away those it feels would clash with the theme?

Let us suppose, instead of a small number of big roads (where
such a thing as the new Jersey Turnpike is the sole vital way
of getting from A to B), a rather illogical stitched together
maze of small roads -- much like the internet, where paths tend
to ramble in not very direct fashion, the kind of road system
an anarchic society, where roads were not made according to any
central plan, would produce.

Then, there would be no problem with one particular turnpike
operator turning away blacks, or turning away whites. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-11 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  The difference between private property owners doing this,
  and the governemnt doing this is that 100% of private
  property owners are NOT going to agree on anything.

On 9 Mar 2003 at 8:36, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
 This presumes the existence of significant amount of (at
 least potentially) competing private owners - then it is
 valid argument.

 However, there is the growing trend of mergers and
 consolidations, producing megacorporations and limiting the
 number of said owners.

Comie fantasy.

That theory is Marx's monopoly capitalism.  Commies have been
loudly announcing Marx's prophecies to be coming true, even
though after 1910 they no longer took the prophecies seriously

 James A. Donald

Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-20 Thread James A. Donald
On 19 Mar 2003 at 14:53, Tyler Durden wrote:
 I agree the above would be bullshit if it weren't on some 
 occasions demonstrably true. After the US helped get the 
 Taliban rolling (through providing them with stingers and 
 other weapons as well as subversive opps training to knock 
 out the soviets),

The Taliban did not exist back then.  The guys the US aided 
were for the most part, the guys that are running Afghanistan 
now.   The major recipients of US aid, for example the lion of 
Afghanistan were the people the Taliban murdered.

The story you are telling is part of a big commie lie -- that
the US aided the bigoted Taliban against the elightened
communists who created a constitutional democracy where every
man and every women have a vote, and universal education and
health care were guaranteed, etc. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-21 Thread James A. Donald
  The Taliban did not exist back then.  The guys the US aided 
  were for the most part, the guys that are running
  Afghanistan now.   The major recipients of US aid, for
  example the lion of Afghanistan were the people the
  Taliban murdered.

On 20 Mar 2003 at 8:16, Mike Rosing wrote:
 The Talib's have been around for more than a century.  The
 British fought them in the late 1800's in their first try to
 conquer Afghanistan.

The British did not fight Sunni islamic fundamentalists.  The
Taliban belongs to a sect that has never had a large following
in Afghanistan, which is part of the reason why they drove out
much of the Afghan population. 

 James A. Donald

Re: When is iraq expected to fall.

2003-03-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 19 Mar 2003 at 22:55, Sarad AV wrote:
 how long does US analysts expect iraq to be completely 
 occupied by US and allied troops?

No definite plans, but Rumsfeld is thinking of an occupation 
force of 75 000 for several years.  Some want the kind of 
occupation where any time any Iraqi utters a racist slur, the 
marines take him away for sensitivity training, which would 
require about 200 000, whereas Rumsfeld has in mind an 
occupation more like Afghanistan, where so long as the rivers 
run with water, not blood, we pat ourselves on the back and 
count it a job well done.

Of course, all this assumes the war goes smoothly -- with a 
kill ratio of a thousand to one.   There is widespread failure 
to appreciate how remarkable such kill ratios are.  If it is 
merely one hundred to one, the war will be perceived as a 
defeat, and if it is merely ten to one, it actually will be a 

 James A. Donald

Re: CDR: Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-23 Thread James A. Donald
On 23 Mar 2003 at 8:09, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
 Hey, what do you guys want? Not only are we not very useful,
 but, hell, I don't think we've been *communist* since at
 least the first attempt around at asian nations. Oh, wait.
 Commie means not like me.

Commie is an explanation for the fact that hostile lies about
US allies who fought communists are usually accompanied by
favorable lies about the Soviet Union and its servants.

 James A. Donald

Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-23 Thread James A. Donald
On 23 Mar 2003 at 17:39, Mike Rosing wrote:
 What they *can't* do is destroy small armies.  So the 
 Persians, Talibs and other muslim groups that have a grudge 
 against the US will bleed them to death one soldier at a 

The US is not bleeding in Afghanistan.   Iraq, like the french 
and unlike Afghanistan, has a long history of rolling over for 
tyrants foreign and domestic and begging for the tummy to be 
tickled, so the comparatively light hand of the US should lead 
to little friction.

Assuming the war is as short and victorious as seems likely 
from events so far, Iraqi resistance wil not be one of the 
problems that results. Of course the war is far from over yet,
but once it is over, it will indeed be over -- as the war in
Afghanistan, against people far tougher and more determined, is

 James A. Donald

Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-23 Thread James A. Donald
Mike Rosing:
  The US technology is orders of magnitude better, they can 
  easily destroy large armies.

Harmon Seaver:
 Not inside the cities they can't, not without tons of 
 collateral damage, which will crucify Dubbya and Blair.

No one (except the US military which hopes to rule an intact 
Iraq) least of all the protestors, care how many Iraqis get 
killed.  Who recollects how many Iraqis were killed the last
time around?   Furthermore, the plan appears to be to take
cities as they were taken in Afghanistan, by laying seige to
them and fostering revolt from within, a process that in
Afghanistan took cities with very few civilian casualties.

This is already working in the North, where the US has allies 
on the ground.  It is not yet working the the South, indeed it 
failed conspicuously and embarrassingly, but it is early days 
yet -- we shall see.  Rome was not burnt in a day.  

 James A. Donald

Re: Journalists, Diplomats, Others Urged to Evacuate City

2003-03-23 Thread James A. Donald
Ken Brown:
   But there certainly was some assistance from the US to
   the Taliban. US They didn't buy those 500 Stingers in

James A. Donald:
 Commie lies. 
  At the beginning of the recent Afghan war the US estimated
  the Taliban had at most fifty stingers.  During the war it
  became apparent that they had far fewer, probably only the
  twelve that Hekmatyar gave them.

Tyler Durden
 1. What makes these lies as you claim commie? Do you
 think that by impugning US policy in the region we are by
 implication stating that the forced exit of the Soviets was


The demonization of US allies in Afghanistan is usually
accompanied by a whitewash of the Soviet regime they were
fighting -- as for example in the much repeated lie that the US
intervened in Afghanistan before the Soviets did -- see the
http://groups.google.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
for Nathan Folkert's response to this lie.

 Quite saying commie all the time. All the commies are dead,
 except for 1 in Cuba and a couple of really old guys in rural

Yet oddly, I encounter the ideology and program of Pol Pot
every day in the newsgroups.  Dan Clore is still defending the
Khmer Rouge, and G*rd*n assures us we have no way of knowing
that Kim in North Korea has done anything wrong, people are
still arguing that Stalin's efforts to subdue Greece was a
spontaneous uprising of the oppressed Greek masses against
their fascist overlords, and that Stalin's alliance with Hitler
was forced on him by the planned imperialist aggression of
Britain and the US.

 2. You knowledge of history is as shoddy as your ability to
 spot communists and their lies. The CIA actively recruited
 and trained Isalmic religious students and helped build and
 arm the Taliban.

The Taliban did not exist until long after the CIA had entirely
forgotten about Afghanistan.

As the enemies of the Taliban pointed out frequently and
vigorously, the people who became the Taliban had no freedom
fighter credentials, had not fought against the Soviet Union. 
Since they had not fought against the Soviets they had not
received aid from the US.

 James A. Donald

Re:Liberation party express concern over war

2003-03-22 Thread James A. Donald
 On 22 Mar 2003 at 2:00, Sarad AV wrote:
 Starting a war with saudi is a simple thing.How ever unless
 they don't find enough oil in iraq,they will turn onto KSA. 
 How ever Saudi with Mecca and Madina is a dangerous country
 to attack.Saudi will surely take it as a war on muslims and
 the impact of that is severe.Saudi is the holy country.Its
 not like attaking iraq.

Saudi arabia has vastly less power, than Iraq, and there is
real evidence implicating it in terrorism, unlike Iraq.  The
reason the US does not attack it despite its subsidies to
terrorists is because they have been kissing US ass while
simultaneously kissing terrorist ass.  It is embarrassing to
attack someone who loudly proclaims I am on your side, even
if one is inclined to doubt the sincerity of these loud

 James A. Donald

Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-24 Thread James A. Donald
Harmon Seaver:
   Not inside the cities they can't, not without tons of 
   collateral damage, which will crucify Dubbya and Blair.
James A. Donald:
  No one (except the US military which hopes to rule an
  intact Iraq) least of all the protestors, care how many
  Iraqis get killed. Who recollects how many Iraqis were
  killed the last time around?

On 23 Mar 2003 at 23:36, Bill Stewart wrote:
 I got thrown off of Federal property for holding a sign about 
 it near the entrance when there was a pro-war rally going on.

OK, you recollect how many Iraqis were killed the last time 
around.  However tons of collateral damage is not going to 
crucify Bush and Blair, and to suggest that it would is to 
treat virtue as weakness.

I am enraged whenever I see people speaking as if the US desire 
to avoid civilian casualties was a form of weakness, a 
manifestation of weakness and fear   This view, this 
interpretation of US behavior, is so widespread that perhaps 
the most effectual thing the US could do to prevent future 
random terror attacks is to round up one hundred million. 
innocents and slaughter the lot.   Everyone loved the commies 
for doing that, so if the US wants to be loved, perhaps it 
needs to do the same.

If the US trys to avoid civilian casualties, this is not out of 
fear and weakness.  Indeed, when we observe the recent past, it 
seems that it is failure to commit sufficient murder that 
provokes these attacks.   The US does not suffer bad 
consequences from killing innocents, but from its failure to 
kill sufficient innocents. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-25 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
  If the US trys to avoid civilian casualties, this is not 
  out of fear and weakness.  Indeed, when we observe the 
  recent past, it seems that it is failure to commit 
  sufficient murder that provokes these attacks.

On 24 Mar 2003 at 17:41, Eugen Leitl wrote:
 This is dire lunacy. Currently US is perceived as an agressor 
 by the majority of the world,

Exactly so.  If the US murdered as many people as those it is 
perceived as aggressing against, then, like the Soviet Union, 
it would no longer be perceived as the aggressor, no matter how 
many people it subjugated or countries it invaded.  It would 
get a free pass for its crimes, as the Soviet Union did.

Recall that the he Soviet Union was slaughtering Muslims in 
enormous numbers, and today's Russia continues to murder them 
in numbers vastly greater than comparatively modest murders 
that Israel commits, and no one thought to launch terror 
attacks on the Soviet Union.  There are a few terror attacks on 
todays Russia, but far fewer than on Israel.  What is the 

The moral is, murder more innocents, suffer less terror, less 
protests.  Does anyone recall a protest against the Soviet 
Union when it was murdering Muslims by the trainload?  If 
today's Russia murdered as many innocents as the former Soviet 
Union, they would have no terror problem at all.

If you do not murder women and children, people think you are 
weak.  So they attack. The more Iraqi children the US 
napalms, the safer every US resident who works in a tall 
building will be, and less our cities will be troubled with

 James A. Donald

Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-25 Thread James A. Donald
On 24 Mar 2003 at 22:05, Declan McCullagh wrote:
 I fear that's right. We have substantially increased our
 number of enemies capable of causing us serious damage (and
 have the requiste means, motive, and opportunity)

Observe the marked decline in terrorist acts.  Recollect that
9/11 was the second attempt to bring down the two towers and
one of many large scale terrorist acts directed at Americans. 
Since Afghanistan, there have been no comparable attempts.  The
Australians got a bit of terror for their actions in East
Timor, whereupon they threatened the Indonesians that if they
did not clean up Indonesia, the Australians would do it for
them.  Since then, they have had no further significant
problems either.

All of the terrorists, and most of the protestors, think that
if one do not kill innocents, it is a sign of weakness, and
they strike at weakness. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Things are looking better all the time

2003-03-25 Thread James A. Donald
Declan McCullagh:
 what you say may be true (but hardly moral) if (a) all the 
 innocents from that nation or ethnic group can be killed and 
 (b) it can be kept quiet or other nations don't care.

No need to keep it quiet.  The French would kiss our feet as 
they kissed the feet of the Nazis.   The New York Times glories 
in a pulitzer prize received for laudatory reporting of similar 
activities by the communists, and would doubtless drop its
present anti war stance for similarly laudatory reporting.

Indeed, to keep it quiet would be useless.  Were the US to burn 
every Iraqi child alive, the intent and purpose would be to 
have everyone strongly suspect, so that the world would learn 
to let sleeping giants lie.   Similar tactics were repeatedly 
employed throughout the the twentieth century, and were 
invariably highly effective, and welcomed everywhere in the 
finest universities, amongst the very best people, and the most 
prestigious publications, with glowing praise. 

 James A. Donald

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