Re: Palatino font

2005-08-11 Thread Rob S

Hi Geoff;

I have not had such problems with Palatino when using at size 12

Try adding these to the preamble


I'm not sure which you need But I think one will solve your problem so 
add both to start with.

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Lyx has helped to convert another M to a D!!

2005-07-05 Thread Rob S

Dear Lyxers;

Many thanks to all who have developed LyX and have provided me with help 
over the past 3-4 yrs.
My PhD thesis started life using 1.2.? on a very unstable (it seemed to 
me anyway ) cygwin environment and rolled off the printer for the final 
time yesterday after a flawless compile on the Win Ported LyX 1.3.5.

It is now safe with the binders leaving me to graduate this summer one 
day after my wife (doh) who also expresses similar thanks to the LyX 
team - (she changed over from using Word to using Lyx 1.3.3 in a week 
and never looked back).

Once again team,

Many Many thanks

Dr. Rob S

For the record

I used:
Report class out of the box
Natbib from the options found within preferences
Used Apalike style (tweaked to italicise et. al.) but with no other hassle
Pdflatex to export/build
Image formats .pdf, .png, .bmp and .jpg (I never really understood 
graphics formats)

Lyx 1.2.? to 1.3.5 supported by
and the rest of the bits noted on the wiki page


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Problems with BibTex and LyX - Danish chracters

2005-06-22 Thread Rob S

Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:
When trying to compile the Lyx-doc (show as PDF); I get an error 
message if the title or author fields contain Danish characters such 
as æ, ø and å. How can I work around this issue?

With Windows, you may use Bibedit. That has an option (Edit -> Option)
"Translate extended ASCII" that does the necessary conversions 


Not sure if this will work for all but:

I added a touch of LaTeX code directly into the .bib file entry.

i.e. Freds{\o}e in the bib file entry will produce Fredsøe in the output.

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Overview of the NatBib styles - which is the right one for me?

2005-06-21 Thread Rob S

But as far as I understand the apalike.bst was not written with NatBiB in 
mind, and using it with NatBib could cause problems. This is why I started 
looking into abbrvnat.bst, plainnat.bst and unsrtnat.bst. But maybe I am 
wrong here.

I've just written my entire thesis using apalike + natbib without a problem

As I mentioned some time back though I have had to add:


 to the preamble but thats all.

Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyXWin not working on XP

2005-06-16 Thread Rob S

Quick Windows tip: rather than mapping a local network drive, try subst, 
which is faster (operates directly at the filesystem level - no SMB 
generation and parsing, no transfers through the loopback interface), 
cleaner, and safer (no unnecessarily-shared directory).  You can make 
the subst command an autorun entry in the Registry so it takes effect 
every time you reboot.

More info please! subst??

Can provide a more detailed step by step method for this - it may help 
others, like myself, who are not that "computer jargon" literate.


Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Tables too wide

2005-06-15 Thread Rob S

I imported a table from Excel (with help of a macro which exports TEX
code) as ERT. Now the table is to wide to fit in th columns of the
document, which looks ugly.

You can set column widths within Lyx.

Is there a way to prevent this, e.g. making fonts a little smaller for
the table to fit on the page?

I'm not sure if this is the best solution but I have used:

This is all in a table float;

Table title

\scriptsize (in a TEX box)

Table here

\normalsize (in a TEX box)

Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: thesis initial pages numbering and title page

2005-06-14 Thread Rob S

a)  Does anyone have a template for the title page of a thesis.

See attached - amend as reqd

I've based this around the report class - it served my needs well.

You will need to have the included files and bib file(s) in the same dir 
as the master file for this to work.
Also should you need a glossary(notation) of terms see my notes for 
creating this here:

> b) It is required that arabic numbering starts only from the chapters
> and pages before that are numbered in the roman numerals . How can that
> be done. I am using the article class for my thesis.

As above - example of this on the thesismaster file attached

> c) How does one force something to start from a fresh page.

Try adding the following to a TEX box


Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report





\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{B}}{\item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{C}}{\item[\textbf{Dimensional Analyses Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Z}}{\item[\textbf{Mathematical Symbols}]}{}}



\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme palatino
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing other 1.30 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 1
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 42mm
\topmargin 25mm
\rightmargin 25mm
\bottommargin 25mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 1
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{titlepage.lyx}
preview false


\layout Comment

\begin_inset Include \include{Abstract.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset FloatList figure


\layout Standard

\begin_inset FloatList table


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{Acknowledge.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{glossary.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch1.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch2.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch3.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch4.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{ch5.lyx}
preview false


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[bibtotoc,apalike]{your_bib_file}


#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 4.2cm
\topmargin 2.5cm
\rightmargin 2.5cm
\bottommargin 2.5cm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 1
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\series bold 
\noun on 
University of 
\series defau

LyXWin Wiki Pages

2005-05-28 Thread Rob S

Hi list - well LyXWin users at least

I have a bit (an hour or two)of spare time at the moment so I'll make a 
start on moving things over to the new Windows group pages on the Wiki.

I'll keep the pagelist upto date as I go and also leave the old pages 
where they are for the time being - redirecting the links when appropriate.

Please don't expect this to happen overnight though!

If or when I get bored doing all this I'll get back to the list and let 
someone else have a go. In the mean time please can all editing of 
windows related info be made only to the OLD pages - I'll keep an eye 
open for any changes which I can then reflect over on the newer group pages.

Hope that all makes sense ;-)


Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Making beautiful LyX icons...

2005-05-24 Thread Rob S


See Lyx3.ico attached for us windows users

oops, my mail scanner didn't like an .ico file being rec'd so here it is 
again (he hopes!) with the extension changed to .txt (rename to .ico on 

Image may need some further image tweaking to loose the background on a 
win box.

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

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Re: Making beautiful LyX icons...

2005-05-24 Thread Rob S

Gunnar wrote:

Here is an svg icon that is part of (I think) the etiquette icon theme.

Can someone help me convert this nice picture to  bmp or psd  format?
In such a way that it is working in ms-windows environment.
I've tried that, but the t-shirt company (the "print with your own logo" kind 
of company) is telling me that they only see a large black image I can't 
understand why. I've done my best with inkscape and convert, but no success.


See Lyx3.ico attached for us windows users

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton


Re: strange behaviour in lyx-1.3.5

2005-05-23 Thread Rob S

Fernando Gisbert Cervera wrote:

Paul Smith wrote:

On 5/23/05, Fernando Gisbert Cervera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have noticed a strange behaviour when lyx has multiple documents
opened in the same lyx window. When I switch from one document to
another, the spellchecker starts spellchecking the document from the
cursor position on. Has anyone noticed that? I'm using lyx-1.3.5 with
SuSe 9.1.

I've seen this also on the win ported 1.3.5.

If one spellchecks any of the open .lyx files for some reason the 
spellchecker does not get unloaded at the end of the document (thinking 
about it this may only happen if there are no spelling errors found). If 
you then change document from the file menu the spellchecker then races 
its way through this document also - annoyingly opening up all floats in 
the process.

I've learn't from this that its better to spellcheck documents one by one.

Rob S

PS I'm sure this has been mentioned in the past on the list but possibly 
disguised as a Windows port problem rather than a generic problem.


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Wiki: Separate group for windows-related pages?

2005-05-19 Thread Rob S

This makes sense to me. A lot of the traffic on this list is caused by
Windows-specific bugs and work arounds. Making the Windows pages more
visible and easier to extract the desired information from would be a good
thing IMO.
Of course, adding an automatic redirect to the new pages would be a cool
thing to do too :)
I have no problem with a separate wiki but:
If space is an issue then.
A lot of the main page info still refers to both the 1.3.3 and 1.3.5 
setups. I see no reason, now that version 1.3.5 appears to be stable on 
Win (with a few tweaks), why the page needs refer to 1.3.3 any longer - 
unless that is I'm told different.  This would thin out a fair bit from 
the page.

Also losing the win98 setup page would not hurt since neither myself or 
the other regular win wiki page editors have kept this up to date (at 
least not in line with the XP 2000 page)

The graphics page also could head for the bin for much the same reason - 
 it was a page I started with all good intentions of completing but.

Other than that I (and no doubt others) are trimming the main setup page 
down as and when possible.

I guess with arrival of the awaited LyX 1.3.6 there will be no need for 
a win wiki anyway ;-)

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: List of figures

2005-05-12 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
I have a list of figures page in my document.  However I have some very 
long captions.  As a reult the LOF looks full and messy.  Is there any 
way to define a caption heading that appears in the LOF such that the 
whole caption doesnt.

eg Figure 1 A nice picture of a cat
but the actual caption says -
A nice picture of a cat that has recently been fed something nice blah blah
From toolbar select insert--short title add this just before the 
original caption.

Add the short title version in this box - job done!
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: \nocite{*} changes bibliography style (when using natbib)

2005-05-12 Thread Rob S

by inserting "\nocite{*}" as ERT in my LyX document. But this changes the look 
of my bibliography from "apalike" - author (year) title - to a numerical 

I am using NatBib with the "autor-year" option.
Style: "apalike".
LyX 1.3.4 on Linux
Hi Janus;
Try adding this to the document preamble - it works using \nocite{*}, 
apalike and Natbib producing the output as you require:

I have no idea what this does however since I snipped it from elsewhere 
but it works for me ;-)

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Newbie: Can't Launch Lyx due to needed layout description

2005-04-25 Thread Rob S
Earl DeShazer wrote:
I am guessing this is a fairly common issue, but I have scoured the
users, developers, gname, etc. mailing lists and have turned up one
reference to a similar problem. However, there were no responses to
the posting.
I am trying to install LyX on a Windows XP machine. I have installed
MiKTex, Ghostscript, ImageMagick and LyX 1.3.5.
From the instructions, I believed that to run LyX initially was as
simple as double-clicking the executable.
Unfortunately, I got this message in the xterm:
 LyXTextClassList::Read: no textclasses found!
And this message in a warning box:
LyX wasn't able to find any layout description!
Check the contents of the file "textclass.lst"
Sorry, has to exit :-(
I have a textclass.lst file in my 
I am not sure what I am looking for in this file.

Did I miss something in my installation or is there some documentation
somewhere to help me fix my problem? Any help would be greatly
Here is my full configuration information:
lyx -version 
LyX 1.3.5 of Wed, Oct 6, 2004
Built on Jan  3 2005, 09:55:08
  Host type:  i686-pc-cygwin
  Special build flags:   
  C   Compiler:   wrapmsvc
  C   Compiler flags: -g
  C++ Compiler:   wrapmsvc 
  C++ Compiler flags: /Zc:forScope /MD /EHsc /O2
  Linker flags:   -L/cygdrive/c/Qt/3.2.1NonCommercial/lib
  Frontend:   qt
Qt version:   3.2.1
  LyX binary dir: /usr/local/bin
  LyX files dir:  /usr/local/share/lyx

It should be noted that I do not have a /usr/local directory at all,
so I am not sure what these last two things are pointing to.
Thanks again,
William DeShazer

Have a look here:
You no longer need cygwin to use lyx on windows
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: How do you make a bibliography?

2005-04-21 Thread Rob S
Hi Steve;

Now I have some questions...
What is a site key, and what should I put in there? A number? A letter? A 
string? I assume it needs to be unique.
 Its a unique code to a specific reference. I tend to use the first 
authors surname followed by a number e.g.

Should the author be Lastname, Firstname MiddleInitial?
In tk bibtex enter the name as it appears e.g.
A.B Clark or as Allen Brian Clark if you have the full name
for two or more authors separate each with:
eg A.B Clark and Derek Edward Fish
Is the year the year copyrighted?
Normally it's the year of publication
Why is there no provision to state a page number or chapter number?
enter the page range as:
1 - 99
in page box - needs to be reference type Article (or similar) which 
provides for page numbers

As for chapter  - you would normally enter this when you place a 
reference into the document.
If it's a website, what reference type do I use. tkbibtex has all sorts of 
reference types, but "Website" isn't one of them?

When referencing a website, do I put its URL in the URL field?
I tend to place these in the note field. Not sure of my logic on this 
one though!
What are CROSSREF, CODE, ANNOTE and ABSTRACT for, and do I need to use those 
just to give credit to the original source of the material?
Crossref is used when an article appears in book or similar and you need 
to reference both sources. I dont bother too much with this.

Dont bother with the others since most will choke up Bibtex - well I 
know the abstract field does anyway.

Sometimes I reference a whole book, and sometimes I reference a tiny piece of 
text out of the book (within the bounds of fair use). How do these differ as 
far as the bibiliaography?
AFAIK they dont. Reference the book and pp range??
I'll probably have more questions -- this is entirely new to me.
In that case I suggest you have a google around for bib, bibtex, etc. 
You may find a lot of the FAQs are already answered elsewhere.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Elsart Template, authors inline --nearly!

2005-04-19 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
For those interested I've attached a copy of an ammended Elsart template
which will produce(with one further tweak) authors names inline.
Ah, does not appear to be there!
2nd try
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass elsart
\journal{Add Journal name in preamble}
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 1
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Elsart layout template for authors inline.
\layout Author

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


First Author name
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Thanks

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Footnote for Author 1
\layout Author Email

\layout Author

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Second Author name
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Thanks

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Footnote for Author 2
\layout Author Email

\layout Author Address

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Address for Author 1
\layout Author Address

\begin_inset OptArg
collapsed true

\layout Standard


Address for Author 2
\layout Abstract

The text of the abstract goes here
\layout Keywords

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Keywords

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Section

First section
\layout Standard

Run this through the DVI to generate a .tex file.
 Ammend .tex file by removing spaces between author names.
 Now run Latex again from command line.

Re: Elsart users

2005-04-19 Thread Rob S
with elsart this will give you authors on separate lines with address for 
each individual, which is senseless if they are from the same institution. 
So yeah, ERT seems to be the only way to get the other output style with 
a shared address. That's at least how I had to do it recently, but maybe 
someone else knows of a better way. 


I'm pretty much there now (99%). A few ert boxes and an extra Style 
added to the elsart layout file to define the \corauth LaTeX commannd 
(same as footnote).

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Elsart users

2005-04-19 Thread Rob S
Hi List
I'm just about to draft a paper using the elsart.lyx template.
Is there anyone using this (or has used this) who can offer suggestions 
on how to place multiple authors separated by commas as:

Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3
from within LyX without having to use ERT (I can reproduce all this 
without problems using ERT so I'm not too concerned if is the only option)

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Centering a Float in Lyx

2005-04-19 Thread Rob S
My Document settings has \centre in the "float placement" field, and
I've even tried {\begin center} {\end center} around the floats, but no
Any ideas?
Click in the float. Then from menu select 

Hope thats what you mean.
Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Should this behavior be expected?

2005-04-18 Thread Rob S

Hmm! That does not seem to be the case on my linux lyx 1.3.4 where the 
procedure I follow relatively routinely is as follows:

1. Go to the first text document and highlight the text to be copied 
by highlighting and  ctrl C.
2. Click outside the highlighted text to get rid of the highlight. 
This for some reason is fairly important.
3,.Go to the other lyx document, opened by a separate lyx command.
4. Push the middle mouse button where you  want to place the copied text.

I have just done this again to ensure that it does work.Maybe it does 
not work on all configurations.

I can confirm this method works without a problem on my Windows XP 
ported version of LyX 1.3.5.

Rob S

Win port LyX 1.3.5
Further to my last - Just found this method will also copy text from a 
.doc or a .pdf straight into LyX - now thats saved some hassle.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Should this behavior be expected?

2005-04-18 Thread Rob S

Paul Smith wrote:
On 4/18/05, Michael Scottaline
PS>When two LyX windows are open (after having run the command lyx
PS>twice), copying from a document in a window to a document in the 
PS>one is not possible. Is this behavior expected as normal? Or is 
this a

Hmm! That does not seem to be the case on my linux lyx 1.3.4 where the 
procedure I follow relatively routinely is as follows:

1. Go to the first text document and highlight the text to be copied by 
highlighting and  ctrl C.
2. Click outside the highlighted text to get rid of the highlight. This 
for some reason is fairly important.
3,.Go to the other lyx document, opened by a separate lyx command.
4. Push the middle mouse button where you  want to place the copied text.

I have just done this again to ensure that it does work.Maybe it does 
not work on all configurations.

I can confirm this method works without a problem on my Windows XP 
ported version of LyX 1.3.5.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: lyx on Solaris 9 or cygwin

2005-04-15 Thread Rob S
Alison Kay wrote:
Can anyone give me detailed info on how to install lyx (including
xforms and xpm), either on solaris or cygwin running on a Windows PC.

Can any help?
Have a look here:
There is now no real need to be troubled with the cygwin setup. Far 
better to install LyX 1.3.5 for windows following the guidance on this page.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Bibtex references

2005-04-13 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
I have a multipart document, at the end of which I want to add a 
bibliography.  How do I make the bibliography 'global' so that its 
contents can be seen from all the parts.
Place a "bibtex generated reference" widget(bgrw) where you want the 
bibliography to appear in you main "master" document.
I really dont want to have a bibliography at the end of each chapter.
Then place a copy of the master bgrw within a comment environment at the 
end of each "include/slave" document.

You can then add citation references to all parts at any time but the 
ref list will only appear once at the location you specified in the 
"master" document.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Bug in spell checker?

2005-04-11 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
I have tested your problem on 1.3.5-QT for WinXp and whatever the bug it 
seems to have been fixed.  I can select and replace using the first in 
the list, the only in the list etc

This highlights a point I made some (long) time ago where I noted that 
the top item in the spell check listbox cannot be selected and used to 
replace an error directly. I find you need to first select a word from 
lower in the list and then reselect the top word for this to work.

1. Can this be confirmed?
2. If so where best to report it?

Thanks Geoff;
You're right. This does not appear a problem in 1.3.5.
Problem solved.
I'll stick with 1.3.5 from now!
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Bug in spell checker?

2005-04-11 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
Perhaps not a LyX issue this one so bare with me.
Lyx 1.3.3, Ruurds port for Win XP
When using the spell checker I've just found that if only one suggestion 
for a correction appears it cannot be used to replace the offending text.

 For example (using English dict) if in error I type "necessacrilary" I 
have only the one correct spelling option this can be selected but will 
not replace.

Note;  This bug will only appear if this spelling error follows another. 
If this is the FIRST spelling error the spell checker will work ok.

This highlights a point I made some (long) time ago where I noted that 
the top item in the spell check listbox cannot be selected and used to 
replace an error directly. I find you need to first select a word from 
lower in the list and then reselect the top word for this to work.

1. Can this be confirmed?
2. If so where best to report it?
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Dutch surnames in Bibtex

2005-03-30 Thread Rob S
christiaan johannes pauw wrote:
I am writing a document with lyx using tkbibtex as bibliography database 
and the apsrmp format.
Two questions:
1. Some Dutch surnames are two or three words long (e.g. van den Berg). 
How do define the all the words as a surname and not as first names or 
initials (which is what happens now)?
Try Natbib/ERT options. First have a look at the Natbib package 
documentation. I think it covers special cases like this.
There is also a dvi of this in the LaTeX distribution folder.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

summation symbol

2005-03-30 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
How do I place limits above and below the summation(\sum) symbol from 
within the math panel??

It's going to be obvious I know!!
Apologies and thanks in advance
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: pdf file not found

2005-03-24 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
After using pdflatex to convert my lyx file Acrobat Reader says cannot 
find file.

You need to ensure Acrobat is closed first prior to using PdfLatex.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: how to insert a 'landscape page' inside a document with portrait orientation ?

2005-03-17 Thread Rob S
would like to insert a landscape page in a document with portrait
orientation !

I've just tried it again. See attached before and after pdfs.
Hope that is what you mean.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: how to insert a 'landscape page' inside a document with portrait orientation ?

2005-03-17 Thread Rob S

inside a document with portait orientation as global option, is it possible
to insert a figure (or a table) in the landscape format without rotating it
? So, I would like to have, inside my pdf export, the figure's page with a
landscape orientation, and the other pages with portrait orientation, i.e. I
would like to insert a landscape page in a document with portrait
orientation !
I have tried with rotating and landscape packages but, apparently, these
packages are only designed to rotate landscape figures for display them in a
document with portrait orientation ?
I have stumbled upon this "solution" by pure chance. I'm not sure how or 
why it works but I think it does what you request.

1. Add to preamble (add both since I forget which one is called):
2. Insert the image onto a portrait page with ERT (image needs to be in 
.pdf format):

\caption{Your caption.}
\label{fig:your label for ref}
3. Run view Pdflatex to produce the .pdf file.
4. Open this file with gsview32 rather than acrobat.
5. Use the File>>Convert option in gsview32 to convert all the .pdf into 
another pdf (dont ask - i have no idea!)

6. now open the newly saved version in acrobat and the ERT inserted 
image will be in landscape.

It takes far less time doing than explaining!!
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Bibliography

2005-03-15 Thread Rob S
It is meant to use the abbreviated versions of journal titles but lyx 
seems to use the full names.

THe files is apsrev.bst
Any ideas how to force the shortened versions of these things?
You can define your own macro bib file for these. Have a look at the one 
I use attached. The strings items anyway.
You then need to add this to the bibtex generated box BEFORE your other 
.bib files.

Rob S


R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton
@PREAMBLE{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
# "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} " }

@STRING( jhe = "Journal of Hydraulic Engineering" )
@STRING( jhr = "Journal of Hydraulic Research" )
@STRING( ce = "Coastal Engineering" )
@STRING( asce = "American Society of Civil Engineers" )
@STRING( jsp = "Journal of Sediment Petrology" )
@STRING( mg = "Marine Geology" )
@STRING( jfm = "Journal of Fluid Mechanics" )

Re: figure placement tweak

2005-03-14 Thread Rob S
Rob S wrote:

Q. In the float Settings box which option(s) should I choose to have 
the float placed "Here if possible + Definitely not before here"?
maybe others know a lyxish way to do that, but what about using the 
latex package "flafter" (in the preamble)?

I'm not familiar with this package Sven but I'm on the case with reading 
the documentation for it. Watch this space.

It looks to be the answer Sven.
For others reference I found this
" If you are bothered by floats appearing at the top of the page (before 
they are specified in your text), try the flafter  package, which avoids 
this problem by insisting that floats should always appear after their 

snippet from:
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: figure placement tweak

2005-03-14 Thread Rob S

Q. In the float Settings box which option(s) should I choose to have 
the float placed "Here if possible + Definitely not before here"?

maybe others know a lyxish way to do that, but what about using the 
latex package "flafter" (in the preamble)?

I'm not familiar with this package Sven but I'm on the case with reading 
the documentation for it. Watch this space.

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

figure placement tweak

2005-03-14 Thread Rob S
Hi List.
I'm finding a lot of my figure placements are ahead of the reference to 
them in the text even though in Lyx the floats are placed at points 
after the references.

Q. In the float Settings box which option(s) should I choose to have the 
float placed "Here if possible + Definitely not before here"?

I feel the use of "Here definitely" is really too strong for this.
Regards in advance
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Require "et al" in italics

2005-03-08 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
Latex help needed.
I'm at the stage of minor corrections in my thesis and I am required to 
change the "et al" in references to italics.

I'm using apalike.bst. Where and how do I ammend the .bst file?
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: lyxserver under windows

2005-03-07 Thread Rob S
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
Is it possible to use the lyxserver utility on a windows XP platform.  
Not that I know of.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Inserting Bibtex in lyx for Windows

2005-03-07 Thread Rob S

windows cannot open this file
Cannot view TeX Information
To get this working so as to be able to use ViewâTex Information you 
need to:

   1. Associate your .sh files with sh.exe (..\lyx\bin) Right click on 
any .sh file, choose PropertiesâOpens with and then browse for sh.exe. 
Possibly not needed but doing so works!
   2. Install GnuWin32 findutils.exe (the package setup) from here

   3. Ensure the GnuWin32\bin directory is in you system PATH ahead of 
any Windows File

Snip taken from the wiki page found at:
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Can´t see figures in Lyx

2005-03-07 Thread Rob S
Dr. Antonio Botelho de Sousa wrote:
Hello all
I´m using Lyx last version; it works allright but when i insert a figure 
i can´t see the preview in Lyx. I activate Display figures in Lyx, i 
have Imagemagick installed but nothing.
I'm guessing here that you may be on Windows XP?
If so;
One thing to check is that the folder containing imagemagicks 
Convert.exe is in your environment PATH before any Windows System 
folders. (Windows has its own convert.exe which will more likely convert 
your drives than your images)

I'll also point you towards the wiki page for this setup:
Follow through the steps found here; it may give you further clues.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: "error converting to loadable format" on lyx 1.3.5 WinXP

2005-02-16 Thread Rob S
I've just added a note of this fix on the Wiki "windows setup" page 
since it's cropped up a few times of late. Ammend as required!

Rob S
Can anyone tell me what is going wrong and how do I proceed? How come 
the jpg and bmp work?

Have a look here at this earlier thread:
A minor script edit is required.

FILE=`echo "$2" | cut -d ':' -f 2-` test -f "$FILE" || {
 echo "$0 ERROR"
 echo "Unable to find file \"${FILE}\""
 exit 1
I believe it requires you to comment out these last 6 lines of the 
offending script.

Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: "error converting to loadable format" on lyx 1.3.5 WinXP

2005-02-16 Thread Rob S
Can anyone tell me what is going wrong and how do I proceed? How come the 
jpg and bmp work?
Have a look here at this earlier thread:
A minor script edit is required.

FILE=`echo "$2" | cut -d ':' -f 2-` 
test -f "$FILE" || {
 echo "$0 ERROR"
 echo "Unable to find file \"${FILE}\""
 exit 1
I believe it requires you to comment out these last 6 lines of the 
offending script.

Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Attempt to use lyxpreview

2005-02-15 Thread Rob S

What is missing from other than an
up-to-date version of the script itself? (Even this is not an issue if
you're using LyX 1.3.5)
I think it's pretty much all there now Angus - that is apart from the 
fact we're having to change the LyX preview â PPM converter to

python /
which I believe was on your earlier advice. The windows wiki page does 
however cover this step.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Problem in inserting graphic

2005-01-31 Thread Rob S

The following error occur:
"cannot determine size of graphic 
I've found that some eps errors occur when the image file has been saved 
together with information for a thumb nail size image. So check all you 
are saving is an .eps and not other embedded info.
I am quite new beginner with Lyx and using it to write my dissertation. 
I would appreciate if someone can suggest me concerning this problem and 
how can i solve it?

-Is there a limitation how big the eps file should be to  be inserted in 

- Is Lyx also compatible with another graphic format like jpeg or tiff?
also jpeg and bmp images all work well for me with Lyx under windows.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Use of spell check

2005-01-21 Thread Rob S
Mike Reeks wrote:
I have just installed lyx-1.3.3-win32 following Ruurd Reitsma's
instructions using the suggested English dictionary. 
If not done so already have a look here:
2/3 down the page is a section on getting the spell check up and running.
You need only to follow step 3. Ensure when you unpack the files (you 
will need winrar) ensure you retain the file/folder structure

I am having
problems with the spell check, but basically closing the spell checker
causes an exit from Lyx itself which is a real nuissance, 
Do you have more than one document open within LyX?  I have found having 
more open than one can cause problems since the spell check does not 
seem to know where to stop!

apart from
which you can never update the spell checker itself with new words.
What have I done wrong. Any suggestions?  
I'll have a look at my 1.3.3 installation and see it works on there 
first. It not something I have noticed.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyX on WinXP

2005-01-20 Thread Rob S
Be prepared for a bit of a bumpy ride, but ask questions and they'll get
answered. Good luck!

Carlos, please report back to the list on how well (or not) the 
installation goes following these notes. Your feedback will be most 
welcome and help us improve them as required.

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Instant Preview and ImageMagick on Windows 1.3.5

2005-01-18 Thread Rob S

Rob S wrote:
Angus Leeming wrote:
FYI, it looks like your points about 'convert.exe' are in the process of
being merged into the WindowsSetup page:

Ignore my last - I did not read far enough!
The convert.exe does have to be in front of any Windows exes. This part 
of the setup notes was removed since the installation of image magick 
"should" place it in the correct place within the path by default.

I'll check on this but I'm sure it's the case.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Instant Preview and ImageMagick on Windows 1.3.5

2005-01-18 Thread Rob S
Angus Leeming wrote:
FYI, it looks like your points about 'convert.exe' are in the process of
being merged into the WindowsSetup page:

A bit out dated that page - I only use it to practice wiki stuff!
Try Here for the latest windows info:
Uwe and I keep this as up to date as poss.
Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyX 1.3.5 for Windows - no preview

2005-01-13 Thread Rob S

I cannot now view .pdf images in 1.3.5 under windoze
I'm seeing a Error
The script cannot find the ppm file in the temp dir
any ideas?
I believe that the solution for you is to remove all of the diagnostics at
the end of Ie, just cut out this:
# It appears that convert succeeded, but we know better than to trust
it ;-)
# convert is passed strings in the form "FMT:FILENAME", so use the ':' to
# delimit the two parts.
# Note that Win32 filenames have the form 'C:\my\file',
# so use everything from the first ':' to the end of the line.
FILE=`echo "$2" | cut -d ':' -f 2-`
test -f "$FILE" || {
echo "$0 ERROR"
echo "Unable to find file \"${FILE}\""
exit 1
echo "$0 generated file \"${FILE}\" successfully."

That does the job
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyX 1.3.5 for Windows - no preview

2005-01-13 Thread Rob S

The simple, if ugly solution is to open up your Edit->Preferences dialog,
select the Converters pane, select the LyX preview -> PPM converter and
change its definition to
python /
Also need to install an up to date version of Python and ensure the 
folder holing python.exe is in your system PATH. Then rename the 
currently shipped version of python.exe in lyx/bin

Preview then works fine.
But moving on---
I cannot now view .pdf images in 1.3.5 under windoze
I'm seeing a Error
The script cannot find the ppm file in the temp dir
any ideas?

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: Text before Citation Reference

2005-01-05 Thread Rob S
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
Daniel Sattler wrote:
I'm trying to write my diploma thesis with LyX and BibTeX,
to use an indirect quotation I must put a 'vgl.' before the citation
reference, e.g. [vgl. Hau02],
Use the natbib package. Under Layout - document - bibliography - check 

In ERT box at the citation point
\citep[text before citation][text after citation]{you reference in bib file}
See documentation with Natbib package for more info.
Rob S

R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyX 1.3.5 for Win32 released

2005-01-05 Thread Rob S
Milos Komarcevic wrote:
- I couldn't see this new sed version in lyx-1.3.5-win32-nc.exe
It seems to be the old one, identical to the one packaged with
1.3.3, so my LaTeX configuration file is still 0 bytes. Is there
a newer package? Can someone confirm this?
Yep, that's my conclusion (still version 3.02). I only realised this 
after disabling a newer version of Sed.exe I have installed on C drive.
- The script doesn't work again, it always fails
when testing for converted file existance. I had to comment those
lines out in order to get the figures to display in LyX
I notice that .pdf images fail to convert/display in LyX - perhaps this 
is also the problem.

BTW Milos; Which lines?
- The display of fonts in math mode with Qt 3.2.1 non-commerical
is much worse than with 2.3.0, but I guess someone already mentioned
this. I hope it can be fixed somehow because it's very annoying.
Early attempt at Instant Preview failed although I have not given it too 
much time.

Download link to a LyX icon file now on the Wiki page.
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyX 1.3.5 for Win32 released

2005-01-05 Thread Rob S
Hi Ruurd;
I see Uwe has already updated the wiki page to reflect your 1.3.5 
version including the configure.bat update.

Also, 1.3.5 incorporates an updated "configure" which now picks up 
Windoze versions of Acrobat and Ghostview (AcroRd32.exe and 
Gsview32.exe) if installed.

Your mention of the inclusion of a newer version of Sed.exe has also 
addressed another of my questions.

FYI, I did include the new sed.exe and fixed the path thing in
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyX 1.3.5 for Win32 released

2005-01-04 Thread Rob S
Many, many thanks - just downloaded it and now about to have a "play"!
Over the next few days I'll amend the Wiki page to reflect the update. 
It already looks as if much of the wiki page can be thinned out.

Rob S
Ruurd Reitsma wrote:
Finally, I came around to compiling a fresh LyX for Win32. It can be found
at the usual spot:
The Qt version is now 3.2.1 Non-Commercial. Please note that:
* The spell checking stuff has changed.
* There are some visual improvements due to the new Qt version.
* No new functionality has been added.
* Localized menus are broken for now.
Work to merge my modifications into the LyX code are underway, so more
functionality can be expected for 1.3.6/1.4
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: problems order of references with bibtex

2005-01-01 Thread Rob S
Hi Leo;
Leo Gürtler wrote:
Dear alltogether,
I have problems with the order of references in bibtex. I use Lyx, 
natbib, and dinat 1505.
The problem is, that the order of appearance is wrong (same author, 
different publications of different and the same year).

it should be (see below):
Oldenbürger1981 -> 2002
Oldenbürger2004a -> 2004e
but it comes as:
Oldenbürger1981 -> 2002
Oldenbürger2004c -> 2004d
Thus, 2004a and 2004b are out of order. The same goes for
Oldenbürger et al 1988 -> 1992, but it appears as 1992 and then only 1988.
Any suggestions to fix that ??
I used the Latex command
within my bib file to solve this. I'm not sure where I found how to do 
this but a quick google for "noopsort bibtex" produces a lot of pages 
which should help.

I needed to use it to force the order of these two references:
	year = {1999},
	volume = {26},
	pages = {561-570},
	author = {Ingrid A. K. Ward and Piers Larcombe and P. 		 
	title = {A new process-based Model for Wreck Site Formation},
	journal = {Journal of Archaeological Science}

	volume = {26},
	author = {Ingrid A. K. Ward and Piers Larcombe and Richard Brinkman and 
Robert M. Carter},
	pages = {41-53},
	number = {1},
	journal = {Journal of Field Archaeology},
	title = {Sedimentary Processes and the {P}andora Wreck, {G}reat Barrier 
Reef, {A}ustrailia.},
	year = {1999}

In this instance the bibtex sort order was based on the third authors 
Surname. However, the noopsort command prevents this.

Sorry to be so vague but I hope that gives you at least a pointer in the 
right direction.

Rob S
Thanks a lot,
best wishes
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: 1.3.3 on XP - no output

2004-12-30 Thread Rob S
Robert Orr wrote:
I have to comment that the exact method on the wiki
page didn't work for me.

Even following the tips for "If LyX's configuration
fails or was incomplete"  I could never get LyX
configure to complete without errors.   I consistently
got hung up with a SED error 

sed: file chkconfig.sed line 1: Unknown option to 's'
I have just downloaded and installed SED 4.12.exe without a problem. The 
configure script runs ok with this version.

I have SED installed in C:\GnuWin32\bin with this bin directory in my PATH
Open a command prompt and try
SED --version
What version is found?  Have you renamed the old version packaged with Lyx?
and could never get past it, despite installing
various versions of GNUSED.   I think there is
something not quite right regarding that part of the
wiki page.   The part about what to do with 
"install the latest version of sed from the sed.exe
setup file, which can be found at sourceforge."  
It seems very unclear about exactly what one is 
supposed to do there.
OK - will have a look
In regards to installing the other packages, like
ghostview and acroread, I found that (I have Cygwin on
my XP box) creating soft links ln -s gswin32.exe
gs.exe helped to get the script to recognize these
programs when doing the LyX configure.If you make
copies of these programs and rename them to what LyX
is looking for, that also works to allow LyX to find
them.   Essentially the LyX script is looking for the
*nix version of these programs an doesn't check
properly for the win32 versions.   I could be wrong
about it, but that is the way it seemed to me.   So
bottom line, your LyX configure will probably go
better if you rename those programs so that LyX can
find them.   
There is a configure script on the wiki which picks up AcroRd32.exe and 
gswin32.exe providing these are in your PATH.

Find it here (from the section titled "fine tunning"):
(modify it need be).
Also: It may be over the top but at least works - I have ensured ALL my 
related lyx progs have the folders holding the .exe files in my PATH 
before any Windoze files.

I'm eagerly awaiting a cleaner install package. 

For the record, I put my MikTex, Ghostview,
Ghostscript, Imagemagic, and AdobeReader in the top
level at C:\
Again. Ensure they are in your PATH so that Lyx can find them. Check 
each at a command prompt to be sure.

Rob S

Re: 1.3.3 on XP - no output

2004-12-29 Thread Rob S

I've just installed the windows port for lyx. I can't view or export output in
dvi,  ps, pdf. View > DVI gives me an empty tex file. When I build the tex file
manually or with TeXniC everything is fine so I presume my miktex is working as
it should.
Multiple runs of Edit > Reconfigure don't help.
Edit > Preferences > Converters  shows latex $$i for the latex to dvi
Any ideas, anyone?
If you have not done so already have a look at the wiki page:
The step by step setup found on this wiki page is a good, tried and 
tested method of getting Lyx up and running on XP.

There are issues for Windows users of Lyx with the configure script and 
SED.exe for which solutions can be found on this page.

Hope it helps - get back to list if not
Rob S

R D Saunders

Re: LyxWin

2004-11-16 Thread Rob S

I've seen references here to LyxWin. I would like to know if a non-techie
Academic using Windows XP (or 2000) could be happy using LyxWin. My wife
is working on a book publication and I have wanted to get her out of Word
for some time. I can handle the general tech support and installation if
the program itself is stable and comfortable enough (as it seems to be
running under Linux).
You have the link to the wiki page - this is a well tried and tested 
install guide which is kept very much up to date.
Are there former Word writers (academic papers, no math or symbols) who
have happily made this switch? (Or any pitfalls?)
No pitfalls that I recall - use this list if you stumble into any though.
Last question: Is there an installation document somewhere that explains
how to set this up under Windows? If this is in the FAQ, then please
point me there and I'll go read further before posting any more
All the best and thank you in advance,
Kevin Pfeiffer

Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: reLyX errors

2004-11-03 Thread Rob S

However, what I found recently was that I could only
import the documents if they are on my C: drive (ie,
the drive which I have lyx installed). When i move the
same files onto another drive, eg, D: or F: I get the
following error message:
Cannot convert file
Error while executing reLyX -f "report_v1.tex"
I have ensured that there are no spaces by putting the
files by moving the files from C:\documents to

Any ideas on how I can fix this? 

Try the fix found here:
under the section "If LyX's configuration fails or was incomplete", No.1
Rob S
R D Saunders
Hydraulic Research Group
Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering
University of Southampton

Re: LyX--> htlatex --> Word

2004-10-31 Thread Rob S
Hi Stefano;
I was missing the all important zip.exe to piece together and zip all 
those files. I did not read far enough down the page on the tex4ht setup 

With this now in place all works.
Many thanks
Rob S

Re: LyX--> htlatex --> Word

2004-10-30 Thread Rob S
Hi Stefano;
if the conversion is successful you should have a file in your 
directory with suffix .sxw, i.e. trial.sxw. That is an OpenOffice 
compressed (zipped) format. You need to fire up OpenOffice, open that 
file and save it as Microsoft Word

No I don't see a .sxw file
htlatex trial.tex "xhtml,ooffice" "ooffice/! -cmozhtf" "-coo"
Using this command above I get the following files created:
trial.log (attached as trial_ht.log)

Also if i do a
oolatex trial.tex
I get these files created:
trial.log (attached as trila_oo.log)
Any ideas?
Rob S
This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.1 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=latex 2004.7.31)  
30 OCT 2004 23:03
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Re: LyX--> htlatex --> Word

2004-10-30 Thread Rob S

I don't know tex4ht quite well, but it has a oolatex option/command.
Have you tried this? I think it will convert directly to OpenOffice
Writer format, and from there you could get to word.

Yes, I tried oolatex and deals with footnotes very well. Besides that, it 
knows also ho to deal with jurabib and natbib -- a very important feature for 
humanities. Going from Ooffice to Word is trivial and gives no problems at 


Ive tried and failed! So I'm looking for help with this please.
I have tex4ht (setup and tested and working as per Philip Vs notes) 
installed on my XP system

I also have open office 1.1.3
I have created a trial.lyx which I have exported as trial.tex. The 

htlatex trial.tex "xhtml,ooffice" "ooffice/! -cmozhtf" "-coo"
produces a few now what?
Also if i do a
oolatex trial.tex
I get another bunch of files generated, the last one is trial.xml
How can I now open these in open office?
I have probably missed something here which is blatantly obvious but 
would appreciate a pointer as to the next step please.

Rob S

Re: math symbols

2004-10-27 Thread Rob S
Philipp Fleig wrote:
Hi all,
recently I installed LyX 1.3.3-Win32 on my computer. When I tried to display a math 
formula I had to realize, that math symblos like for instance the integral sign are 
represented by totally different symbols in my document. For example an integral 
becomes an H.
Can anyone of you help me?
Thank you very much

See step 5 of "Essential bits" on this page;
Rob S

Re: File associated with Bibtex Generated References (Windows)

2004-10-21 Thread Rob S
Lars Olesen wrote:
I'm using Lyx for Windows. This is my second installation. Each time I
have been asked which file to associate with .sh-files when placing
BibTex Generated References. I was wondering if any of you could tell
me which program to associate, as now I tried Bible and BibEdit and
both generates an error, when I try to enter the BibTex Generated
And when telling me which program to associate, could you please tell
me where to change the setting, because now I seem to be stuck with a
non-working program associated with the BibTex Generated References.
Thanks in advance.

Have a look here:
2/3 down this page is a section:
   "Cannot view TeX Information"
Rob S

Re: Math fonts on Windows

2004-10-21 Thread Rob S

The installation was smooth and lyx is running as it 
However, there is one issue I can not get rid of: the characters for \sum and 
\int are displayed much higher than they should (as if the character was 
sitting on top of the box where it should be). The formulas look quite bad.

I thought it has something to do with font metrics so I tried both latex-xtf 
and bakoma fonts, without any effect.

Can anybody confirm this?
Any suggestions?

I use a lot of Math and had similar concerns.
Two options:
1. play with resolution settings and you might get lucky!
2 My prefered option - Install all the scripts etc for Instant Preview from
Then you need to follow the extra tips found midway down this page 
refering to Instant preview on Windows Lyx from here;
I found getting this working improved things a lot.
Rob S

Re: change bib/ref name in report

2004-10-20 Thread Rob S
Brad wrote:
Hi all
I've found info on how to change the bibliography or references name for books 
and articles, but I can't use either to change the name on a report. I want 
the current 'Bibliography' to read 'References' in the TOC and chapter 

I have tried \renewcommand{\refname}{References}
, but that gives me a LaTeX error (refname not defined).

Try an ert box just before the reference inset  box, with
it works for me in report class.
I have tried \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
, no errors, but no change either.

Re: List of Figures without bibliography

2004-10-18 Thread Rob S
Use the Insert -- Short title option.
Rob S
Setyo Nugroho wrote:
Hi all,
The document class of my text is book (koma-script). Few figures contain reference to bibliography, such as Figure x [Carroll, 2003].
The List of Figures contains the same. 

Could some help me please how to remove the bibilographic reference in the List of 

Re: Equations don't displayed properly in XP

2004-10-17 Thread Rob S

Dear friends,
I am using the windows port of LyX under windows XP. i find that it
doesn't display the equations properly. For example, when I type \pi
in math mode, it is displayed like 1/4. anyone knows what's the
problem and the solution for this? thanks a lot!

 Try the lyx wiki first, I think that this problem (and solution) are
placed there:

Yes that's the answer,
On the Wiki page above you will find step 5 of  "Essential Bits" 
provides a link to some additional fonts that you will require. It also 
gives the correct method of installation for these fonts.

Rob S

Problem with user list?

2004-10-15 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
Is any one else getting 14 or so copies of each new list item or is it 
just me?

Rob S

Re: Problem with Lyx for Windows

2004-10-06 Thread Rob S
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
Martin Pischler wrote:
I have installed the new version of Lyx for Windows 1.3.3 and know I 
have a problem with my  Pdf-viewer.

In the Lyx Program there should be a menupoint:  DVI Viewer or PDF 
viewer, but there isn´t. I have installes the newest Miktex and Lyx 

What couls be the problem?

My guess is that configure script is not finding the native windows 
version of a PDF viewer i.e. AcroRd32.exe

The wiki page that Angus linked to in a previous reply has all the info 
on this.
A link to an ammended "configure"  script that picks up AcroRd32 is to 
be found there.

Looks like that when version 1.3.5 is ported to windows in the same way 
as 1.3.3 this will be taken care of automatically. (if only I knew how 
to port it!!)

Rob S

Re: Help with figure preview

2004-09-28 Thread Rob S
Hi All;
This is all very strange.
I have two different setups at home and both work without errors. Both 
on Windows XP and LyX 1.3.3

I have done nothing to any of the converters whatsoever.
However, I have ammended the configure script to pick up the native 
windows version of gs. Perhaps not the answer but mentioned here for 

# Search for a Postscript interpreter
echo $ac_n "checking for a Postscript interpreter""... $ac_c"
echo "$ac_t""(gswin32)"
for ac_prog in gswin32
***end snip***
(The full ammended configure script can be found on the windows wiki page.)
These are the setups which I have working:
Setup 1.
Image magick 5.5.7 and Ghostscript 8.00
Setup 2.
Image magick 5.5.7 and Ghostscript 8.14
These were installed in the now tried and tested order, which is again 
given on the wiki page.

Now I have tried the newer versions of image magick (6.0.0+), but as 
another past thread, I have reverted back to 5.5.7

I'm using a complete odd ball set of 50+ image files in my thesis - eps, 
jpg, bmp and png without so much as a stutter - All work when exported 
to pdflatex from the menu bar and show up as I intended. Am I just lucky 

One thing is for certian though and that is both 
C:\im\ImageMagick-5.5.7-Q16 and C:\gs\gs8.00\bin (or gs8.14) are in my 
system PATH (Image Magick has to be there before the windows stuff and 
any other progs running a convert.exe). I have had to add the 
ghostscript one myself.

Rob S

Re: file

2004-09-26 Thread Rob S
You should find all the info, links and downloads that you require here:
Rob S
L. wrote:
I'm trying to set up LyX 1.3.3-Win32 on my computer. I understand that I
file in lyx/bin directory to fix instant preview problem with figures.
Can anybody point me to location of the file for download?
Thank you

Re: Ispell, Lyx and Windows

2004-09-23 Thread Rob S

Now I want to choose a Danish spellchecker, but I don't know how or
where to install that language or where to find a distribution to
Windows? Can anyone help?

I see here
that Danish is a supported language.

Snce there appears to be support for Danish have a look here:
Half way down this page is a useful four stage setup of 
Aspell(spellchecking) on the Windows version of Lyx that Uwe Stohr has 
sussed out. It is important you follow all steps here, 1 - 4.

Rob S

Re: spell checking in lyx win32 1.3.3

2004-09-19 Thread Rob S
Have a look here:
There is a section on this page which you can follow. For a German 
language supported spellcheck you will need to follow all points 1 - 4 
of the spellcheck section found on this page

Rob S
Leo Gürtler wrote:
Hallo everybody,
how can I use German spellchecking in lyx Win32 1.3.3 ?
I installed the aspell + aspell_de binaries as well as aspell_en for 
Lyx says it cannot find a suitable dictionary for "de" although 
"aspell" is checked as the software to be used for spell-checking.


Re: imagemagick version suitable for lyx win32 xp

2004-09-16 Thread Rob S
I have also seen this on a new install. I run 5.5.7 Q16 without errors. 
I've just tried a .eps on another install with the newer version of 
imagemagick and can confirm that it fails.

I'll relink 5.5.7Q16 to the wiki.
Thanks for that info.
Rob S
I don't know if it is worth putting on the lyx wiki (I would put it but the
page is protected)I have found that with the latest version of
imagemagick it seems to stall while converting image previews from eps. Some
eps images are converted but with others it stalls showing GS> within the
lyx terminal. It only seems to happen with eps images.
Using version 5.5.7 of imagemagick resolves this.
Isa Usman

Re: how to tell ispell to skip some text?

2004-09-15 Thread Rob S

I am tring to get the instant preview on windows-lyx
work. I have follow the instructions on as
well as But
when trying to preview it, I see the following
"Failed: gswin32.exe"
Do you have gswin32.exe installed? If so is it in your system PATH?

Anyone can help me with this?
The other problem: I have associated sh.exe in
\lyx\bin with .sh file, but when I try View->Tex
Information, the list is blank (although I can see in
the console window that 
"Indexing files of type cls
Indexing files of type sty
Indexing files of type bst"

several times.

Download and install GnuWin32 findutils from here:
Thanks a lot for your help!
This info is now on the same page of the Wiki
Rob S
BTW. Please try to keep on thread

Re: Lyx installed on windows: can not reconfigure

2004-09-14 Thread Rob S
Have a look here:
Midway down this page is a section which should answer your questions.
Plus there are many other things listed on this page which you might 
find of use.

Rob S
After installed of Lyx (under D:\Program\lyx), I
opened lyx and try to reconfigure it
(Edit->Reconfigure). In the DOS window, it lists the
paths name in my windows variable, and finally it
outputs "The system cannot find the path specified". I
notice that D:\Program\MiKTex\Main\tex\latex is
already in the PATH.
I am not sure what the reconfiguration function is
looking for. Anyone can help me with this?

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Re: lyxpipe and BibTeX in Windows XP

2004-09-13 Thread Rob S

  I get a message box saying 'Windows cannot open
this file: ... What do you want to do? () Use the Web 
service to
find the appropriate program () Select the program from a list'. I can't
find an appropriate program for  After the message box I 
get a
BibTeX-Qt dialog which allows me to add the *.bib file I created in 
and to select a bibliography style. 

To get this working and also to be able to View>>Tex information you 
need to:

1. Associate your .sh files with sh.exe (..\lyx\bin) Possibly not needed 
but doing so works!
2. Install GnuWin32 findutils.exe (the package setup) from
3. Ensure the GnuWin32\bin directory is in you system PATH ahead of any 
Windows File

Rob S
with thanks to Jean-Marc and Paul Rubin for their help on this one.
I'll also add a note to the Wiki.

Re: add list of abbreviations.

2004-09-11 Thread Rob S
I see a lot of  *s have crept into below
So have a look here:
where I've re-written it
Rob S
I've just done this in this manner: Try this on a new file and see how 
you get on.

Add this the preamble
begin snip
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{B}}{\item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Z}}{\item[\textbf{Mathematical Symbols}]}{}
***end snip***
The Ifthen package is handy to split up the notation into seperate 
lists should you need it. It is optional.

the \def\pagedeclaration etc. produces dots between abbreviation and 
page number, again optional.

I now have a seperate notation.lyx file in which I simply place an ERT 
box with this in:

In my master document I have an ERT with:
*\renewcommand\nomname{Notation} *
(guess that could also go into preamble thinking about it)
I then Include my *notation.lyx*  just as all the *rest.lyx* files
(At this stage I would suggest looking at the documentation of the 
nomencl package)

In general though each time a new symbol, abbreviation etc occurs then 
immediately after (without a space) add an ERT with the following:

where from left to right:
Arefers to a Roman character (as defined in the ifthenelse 
statement of the preabmble, it would be B for Greek etc)

L is the first letter to sort the notation order
a is simply there to sort the first letter in order (in the 
case of more than one L; one may be subscripted etc)

NOTE: the terms in the [...] are purely there for sorting purposes to 
give you control over the final output. You can have a fourth term if 
needed but I have found three user entered terms suffice for me 
(hydraulic engineering)

{L}   is the letter, abbrv. etc as it appears in the text
{Length\refpage}   is the definition you give it - also tells latex to 
reference the page.

Ok; once you have gone through the document and added all the ERT boxes;
Now run File>>Export>>Pdf (PdfLatex) on the master file
This process creates the .glo file.
Dependent on your OS now open a command prompt (e.g. cmd in windows XP)
change directory to the *lyx/tmp/lyx_tmpdir/lyx_tmpbuf* folder 
which now should hold yourfile.pdf and yourfile.glo

at the command prompt enter
*makeindex yourfile.glo -s -o yourfile.gls*
*pdflatex yourfile.tex*
That should do it! Have a look at the pdf ...any good?
In Windows I place those last two commands in a .bat file which I 
simply copy from desktop into the lyx_tmpbuf* folder and click on.

Rob S

Re: add list of abbreviations.

2004-09-11 Thread Rob S
Kim Branson wrote:
Hi all,
I wrote my phd thesis [Computational Chemistry} (350+ pages) in Lyx, 
and I'm now doing some examiners corrections. I need to add a list of 
abbreviations to my thesis. I have the following preamble and use the 

My thesis is structured as a series of include files, frontpage, 
chapter 1, chapter 2 etc. The frontpage has a Table of contents, List 
of Figures, List of Tables. After this i have used the ERT command 
\clearpage\pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page {1}. This gives my 
chapter 1 starting with page 1. I'd like to have a list of 
abbreviations before this. Can anyone tell me how i can define this in 
my preamble? or another method.

Hi Kim;
I've just done this in this manner: Try this on a new file and see how 
you get on.

Add this the preamble
begin snip
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{B}}{\item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Z}}{\item[\textbf{Mathematical Symbols}]}{}
***end snip***
The Ifthen package is handy to split up the notation into seperate lists 
should you need it. It is optional.

the \def\pagedeclaration etc. produces dots between abbreviation and 
page number, again optional.

I now have a seperate notation.lyx file in which I simply place an ERT 
box with this in:

In my master document I have an ERT with:
*\renewcommand\nomname{Notation} *
(guess that could also go into preamble thinking about it)
I then Include my *notation.lyx*  just as all the *rest.lyx* files
(At this stage I would suggest looking at the documentation of the 
nomencl package)

In general though each time a new symbol, abbreviation etc occurs then 
immediately after (without a space) add an ERT with the following:

where from left to right:
Arefers to a Roman character (as defined in the ifthenelse 
statement of the preabmble, it would be B for Greek etc)

L is the first letter to sort the notation order
a is simply there to sort the first letter in order (in the case 
of more than one L; one may be subscripted etc)

NOTE: the terms in the [...] are purely there for sorting purposes to 
give you control over the final output. You can have a fourth term if 
needed but I have found three user entered terms suffice for me 
(hydraulic engineering)

{L}   is the letter, abbrv. etc as it appears in the text
{Length\refpage}   is the definition you give it - also tells latex to 
reference the page.

Ok; once you have gone through the document and added all the ERT boxes;
Now run File>>Export>>Pdf (PdfLatex) on the master file
This process creates the .glo file.
Dependent on your OS now open a command prompt (e.g. cmd in windows XP)
change directory to the *lyx/tmp/lyx_tmpdir/lyx_tmpbuf* folder which 
now should hold yourfile.pdf and yourfile.glo

at the command prompt enter
*makeindex yourfile.glo -s -o yourfile.gls*
*pdflatex yourfile.tex*
That should do it! Have a look at the pdf ...any good?
In Windows I place those last two commands in a .bat file which I simply 
copy from desktop into the lyx_tmpbuf* folder and click on.

Rob S

Re: lyxpipe and BibTeX in Windows XP

2004-09-11 Thread Rob S
Rob S wrote:


Also, if someone can explain what is intended to do since 
on windows XP it fails at line 1. (Herbert or Jean-Marc perhaps). I 
note no trouble without it though.

By adding the path to lyx/bin manually at line 1 thus:
the now script works! It tells me:
Indexing files of type cls
Indexing files of type sty
Indexing files of type bst
For the record I now have three empty files in my .lyx folder
I guess that must mean something in the scheme of things.
Rob S

Re: lyxpipe and BibTeX in Windows XP

2004-09-11 Thread Rob S


Also, if someone can explain what is intended to do since 
on windows XP it fails at line 1. (Herbert or Jean-Marc perhaps). I 
note no trouble without it though.
By adding the path to lyx/bin manually at line 1 thus:
the now script works! It tells me:
Indexing files of type cls
Indexing files of type sty
Indexing files of type bst
I guess that must mean something in the scheme of things.
Rob S

Re: lyxpipe and BibTeX in Windows XP

2004-09-11 Thread Rob S

 Use the Web service to
find the appropriate program () Select the program from a list'. I can't
find an appropriate program for  After the message box I 
get a
Ok, this will hide it.
When the prompt appears to "open with"
Browse to /lyx/bin and select sh.exe
check the "always use.." box
I hope that won't upset other .sh files!
Can someone correct this if need be. This method associates .sh files 
with sh.exe.

BTW This does not solve the error, just hides it!
Also, if someone can explain what is intended to do since on 
windows XP it fails at line 1. (Herbert or Jean-Marc perhaps). I note no 
trouble without it though.

Rob S

Re: \cite (multiple sources, each with separate pages)

2004-09-10 Thread Rob S
As near as I can tell, it is not possible to do something like the
following, at lest with packages I have examined (harvard, mcite,
authordate): text text text  my absurd claim (sourceA, location1;  
sourceB, location2; sourceC, location 3; etc, etc)

I find no help Lamport or Goossens et al.
If on Lyx 1.3.4 then Layout>>Document>>Bibliography check use Natbib
When you now insert a citation you have multiple chioces as to how it is 

If version less than 1.3.x then add to preamble
and find the documentation for the package here:
Rob S

Re: lyxpipe and BibTeX in Windows XP

2004-09-09 Thread Rob S
Jonathan Fram wrote:
I am having trouble creating a lyx pipe in Windows XP.  My goal is to use

I'm not aware that this is possible in Windows - I watch with interest.
A related problem occurs when I insert a BiBTeX Reference (Insert->Lists &
TOC->BiBTeX Reference).  I get a message box saying 'Windows cannot open
this file: ... What do you want to do? () Use the Web service to
find the appropriate program () Select the program from a list'. I can't
find an appropriate program for  After the message box I get a
BibTeX-Qt dialog which allows me to add the *.bib file I created in JabRef
and to select a bibliography style.  

This appears quite normally in XP but does not mess things in any way - 
just cancel it. (In ME it cancels instantly if my memory holds)

After that I can add references
(Insert->Citation Reference), so in a sense I don't need the lyx to JabRef

Correct, I find it very easy once the dialog box is filled in with the 
database name and the bib style

but I should be able to get the pipe working and I should be able to
use the BibTex Generated Reference without getting a strange error message.

Once you have specified the bib file and style file once and then saved 
the document you will not be bothered by this again.

Thanks in advance for your help,
recent convert from MS Word

Rob S

Re: Quotation mark issue

2004-09-06 Thread Rob S

or similar. Somebody will have a look than and give you a suitable sed
or perl command to fix your files.

Cheers Andre...
Its Sorted!
Angus L. has since given me a handy piece of annotated SED script that 
has helped do the job.

Rob S

Re: Quotation mark issue

2004-09-05 Thread Rob S
Thanks to all for suggestions;
We got it sorted!
We opened each .lyx file in wordpad and conducted a find and replace 
from within this.

After experimentation we found that Lyx marks up quotation marks as one 
of the following dependent on type:

Quote eld
Quote erd
Quote els
Quote ers
Quote sld
Quote srd
Quote sls
Quote srs
And these strings are what you need to search for using the text editor.
Rob S

Re: Quotation mark issue

2004-09-04 Thread Rob S
Rich Shepard wrote:
On Sat, 4 Sep 2004, Rob S wrote:

The find and replace gizzmo will not recognise the `` string

 In the copy of LyX on this machine (-1.3.3Qt, linux) the `` is generated
by the " key, not two back tics. So, did you use two back tics or the
double-quote key (shift-right-little-finger)?

I've tried each and every combination; shift 2 (") places two closer 
spaced '' into the search text box.

this is on win xp

Re: Quotation mark issue

2004-09-04 Thread Rob S
Colin J. Williams wrote:
This sounds like a Find and Replace job ( ^F).

Just tried that but cannot get it to do the job.
Find " (or two single quotes) and replace with '
It's best to backup your file in case " (or two single quotes) is used 

The find and replace gizzmo will not recognise the `` string

Quotation mark issue

2004-09-04 Thread Rob S
Hi List
My wife has just about finished her thesis on Lyx only to find that she 
has wrongly used ``double'' quotation marks instead of `single' 
throughout all eight chapters.

Has anyone got a snipet of preamle code that will ammend this user error 
throughout the entire thesis? (Thesis compiled as a master document 
containing included sections)

The, layout --> language settings options have been tried but this only 
changes the quotation style locally.

Rob S

Re: Spell check bug? causing Lyx to crash

2004-09-02 Thread Rob S

Yes, I get the same thing (on Win XP).  I'm not positive, but I may 
have also had LyX crash when spell-checking a second document even if 
the first was error free.

At any rate, I've learned to close all but one document when running 

-- Paul
Thanks Paul for confirming that. Uwe is not seeing it under win 2000 so 
may be it is a Win XP related problem.

I'll wait and see if anyone else confirms it on other platforms before i 
file a bug report.

Rob S

Spell check bug? causing Lyx to crash

2004-09-02 Thread Rob S
Hi List;
Win XP Qt version of Lyx.
Can someone confirm this possible bug in the spellcheck function?
Open two documents, both with spelling errors and place the cursor at 
start of each.

Spellcheck document 1.
Then switch documents from the toolbar "document" button.
At this stage the spellchecker finds the next wrongly spelt word but any 
attempt to correct (F7) causes Lyx to die!

Rob S

Re: Problems with Lyx, Aspell, and Windows 98

2004-09-01 Thread Rob S
Andrew McFarland wrote:
I'm using Lyx 1.3.3-Win32 and aspell 0.50.3 on Windows 98.

Have a look here:
there are somme files you will need to download, once downloaded unpack 
following the same file structure in which they are packed.

Rob S
A spell works fine on the command line,
   c:> aspell -c test.txt
   c:> aspell --lang=en_GB -c test.txt
both correctly check the file.
However, when I hit F7 in LyX, I get a popup with the following message:
   The spell-checker has failed
   No word lists can be found for the language "en_GB"
Can anyone suggest what might be wrong, and how I might fix it?

RE: natbib, pubmed and changing the initials and Lastname

2004-08-25 Thread Rob S

> "J. P. Aggleton" to "Aggleton, J. P."

I use Apalike style and it produces this format by default. 

I guess there are many other bib styles that do the same though.

> in the literature list?
> -j

Rob S

RE: Finding Labels in Text

2004-08-24 Thread Rob S
See I'm too late!

Rob S

> -Original Message-
> From: Rich Shepard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 August 2004 02:08
> Subject: Re: Finding Labels in Text
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Rich Shepard wrote:
> >   I've somehow managed to enter a label twice. While I suppose it
> doesn't
> > matter technically, it is not elegant and I'd like to clean it up.
To do
> so,
> > I need to find all references to that label and make sure that each
> > points to only one instance of it.
>   While waiting for this message to post I figured out what I did and
> fixed
> things up. I have the same chapter title in two different parts of my
> I need to distinguish the labels so each points to the proper place.
>   Got it done.
> Rich
> --
> Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
> Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
> <>

RE: Accented Characters in bibtex file

2004-08-21 Thread Rob S

Rob S

>   Can I use LaTeX symbol encoding, specifically \'{o} within a field
of a
> bibtex file and have the accented o properly typeset in the text?

Sure can

>   Perhaps I should ask how to enter it. The field in question is:
> author = {Solnes, J.},
> and I want the o to be accented.

I use this one without problems

B.M. Sumer and J. Freds{\o}e

Rob S

overpic package and pdflatex problem

2004-08-20 Thread Rob S
Hi List

Apologies for straying slightly with this one.

I'm trying to use the overpic package from within Lyx to add text to a
few graphics. I would prefer to finally compile using PdfLatex.

Now I can get the package working fine with .ps images and compile with
DVI - fine.

Problem comes with Pdflatex not recognising the .ps file type.

I've used image magick to convert to image.pdf and get an
output of sorts in .pdf format
But the image size is not as expected or hoped for. 

So my question is one of three:

How can I define the .pdf image size within the [TEX] command so as to
trim it back to size?

Can I specify image size during conversion stage?

Does anyone know a better method to add text to an .eps/.ps image from
within Lyx and still use Pdflatex to compile?

Rob S

Re: Math symbols

2004-08-11 Thread Rob S

> example.
> I presume that my XP version of LyX is not properly configured.
> Could someone advise please?

You need to download and install(not just copy to font folder!) some extra fonts
All the info can be found here:

Step 5 of essential bits on this page.

Rob S

Graphics Info Requied from Win Lyx users

2004-07-31 Thread Rob S
Hi all Win LyX users

I have just place a new page on the Wiki:

The intention of this page is to detail the best practice for producing
high quality graphics outputs from a variety of Windows based programs.
Best image quality, via LyX, into a PDF is the aim.

I've made a start..feel free to add/amend.

BTW Someone can perhaps think of a better page title!

Rob S

RE: A newbie approaches LyX

2004-07-30 Thread Rob S
Hi Colin;

You may want to have a look here for starters:

> Following the advice on the LyX web page, I've downloaded and
> LyX, ImageMagick and MikText.  It's not yet clear how all of this fits
> together or how the directories are best configured.  I have:
>Program Files
>  Lyx
>Docs   various downloaded docs
>  bin
>  lib
>  man
>  share
>  tmp
>  Files   newfileX.lyx, working files etc.

One thing I would recommend is re-installing all directly onto C:\

My structure on XP is


For the three you have already installed
Miktex will place itself in the $Path$ on installation but you will need
to add the image magick Bin directory manually. Lyx does not need a Path
entry (someone will correct me if I'm wrong on that!)

> I've made a start with the Tutorial, where the author wishes to
> us that LaTEX is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  There is
> mention of yellow stickers, which is a bit misleading as, in the
> tutorial, the stickers are not yellow.
> Ah success!  I've printed my first page.
> I attempted to view the Tutorial, with view > PDF (dvipdfm).  There

You will need a couple of downloads from there which will improve the
search for windoze .exes like AcroRd32.exe which at the moment will not
be found.

> Currency.lyx discusses the elegance of various Euro symbols and
> some sources, but doesn't give the full URL or tell us where to store
> the downloaded file.
> Next, I took a look at the Customization Help document.  It mentions
> LyXDir, which I have, and Tools > Preferences.  I don't have Tools on
> menu, but I do have Edit > Preferences,  Is this the same thing?
> Of the directories listed, I have all that are listed, although I have
> no UserDir.  Perhaps this comes into play with the -userdir command
> switch.
> Attempting to read the examples "chess" and "Foils", I get "unknown
> textclass", but the examples seem to load OK.
> I have a LyX text under way, but have not yet found how to use the
> checker (preferable en-GB).

Download the spelling files from the site and ensure you retain
the file structure which the files are packed in.

> I would welcome any suggestions or pointers as to how I can sort out
> these things.

Most of the other issues are addressed on the above link.

Get back to me off list for some of the finer points if you wish.

Rob S

RE: DVI is not working

2004-07-29 Thread Rob S
For general Windoze XP info I've also sent Hadi a link to the Wiki page.

> After a good effort, I managed to have LyX installed on my Machine. It
> running XP.

Rob S

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