Re: Working directory of script is "/" !

2003-08-07 Thread Ed Grimm
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Perrin Harkins wrote:
>> On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 07:23, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>>That's correct. This is because $r->chdir_file in compat doesn't do
>>>anything.  The reason is that under threaded mpm, chdir() affects all
>>>threads. Of course we could check whether the mpm is prefork and do
>>>things the old way, but that means that the same code won't work the
>>>same under threaded and non-threaded mpms. Hence the limbo. Still
>>>waiting for Arthur to finish porting safecwd package, which should
>>>resolve this problem.
>> When he does finish it, won't we make the threaded MPM work just like
>> this?  It seems like it would be reasonable to get prefork working
>> properly, even if the threaded MPM isn't ready yet. 
> It's a tricky thing. If we do have a complete implementation then it's
> cool.  If not then we have a problem with people testing their code on
> prefork mpm and then users getting the code malfunctioning on the
> threaded mpms.
> I think we could have a temporary subclass of the registry (e.g.:
> ModPerl::RegistryPrefork) which will be removed once the issue is
> resolved. At least it'll remind the developers that their code won't
> work on the threaded mpm setups. However if they make their code
> working without relying on chdir then they can use Modperl::Registry
> and the code will work everywhere.

What's wrong with having the chdir code check for the threaded mpm, and,
if it detects it, generate a warning that describes the situation?

Admittedly, I have a difficult time understanding someone who tests
under one mpm, and then releases under another mpm without testing.  I
realize there are people who do this sort of thing; I'm merely stating
that I have difficulty understanding them.


Re: [error] Can't locate in @INC

2003-05-30 Thread Ed
On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 04:12:51PM +1000, Stas Bekman wrote:
> Brown, Jeffrey wrote:
> >Problem solved!
> >
> >You all are a fantastic resource to newbies!
> >
> >Jeff
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Ed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:28 PM
> >To: Brown, Jeffrey; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 09:11:06PM -0700, Brown, Jeffrey wrote:
> >
> >>Here are the results from the log file:
> >>
> >>[Wed May 28 20:50:21 2003] [error] No such file or directory at
> >>/htdocs/perl/ line 6 during global destruction.
> >
> >
> >openbsd's httpd is chrooted.
> Again, can someone please post a patch/addition for the troubleshooting.pod 
> doc explaining the problem and the solution in details. I've seen this kind 
> of questions more than once here.
> Should go into OpenBSD cat at:
> Get the pod by clicking on the [src] button.

For the list archive:

- rtfm
"-u" disables chroot. httpd(8)

- set up chroot basics
The doc for setting up an anoncvs mirror could be adapted for mod_perl.
Ofcourse much of it doesn't apply, but the part about, etc. is

- List archives
dreamwvr figured out how to actually get things to work and posted notes
to the list. (so see archives)

- 3.3-current (soon to be 3.4)
And one last bit added after 3.3 was released, Revision 1.7 to apachectl:

pick's up httpd_flags from /etc/rc.conf, so you can just add "-DSSL -u" to

- ports
The openbsd ports system is not by default configured to install
perl modules or packages in the chroot environment. You would have to
set PREFIX or LOCALBASE. see and ports(7)
(PHP ports are set up for chroot installs).

- goolge
A nice HOWTO run mod_perl chrooted would be nice.  maybe someone's
already written it?

I hope this helps some.


Re: [error] Can't locate in @INC

2003-05-29 Thread Ed
On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 09:11:06PM -0700, Brown, Jeffrey wrote:
> Here are the results from the log file:
> [Wed May 28 20:50:21 2003] [error] No such file or directory at
> /htdocs/perl/ line 6 during global destruction.

openbsd's httpd is chrooted.


[Http-webtest-general] [ANNOUNCE] HTTP-WebTest-Plugin-TagAttTest-1.00

2003-03-14 Thread Ed Fancher

The uploaded file    
HTTP-WebTest-Plugin-TagAttTest-1.00.tar.gzhas entered CPAN 
as  file: 
size: 5312 bytes   md5: 940013aada679fdc09757f119d70686e
NAME    HTTP::WebTest ::Plugin::TagAttTest - WebTest 
plugin providing a higher level tag and attribute search interface.
DESCRIPTION    see also    
This module is a plugin extending the functionality of the WebTest module to 
allow tests of the form:
my $webpage=''; my @result;
 @result = (@result, {test_name => "title 
junk", url   
$webpage, tag_forbid 
=> [{ tag=>"title", tag_text=>"junk"}]}); @result = (@result, 
{test_name => "title test 
page", url   
$webpage, tag_require 
=> [{tag=> "title", text=>"test page"}]}); @result = (@result, 
{test_name => "type att with xml in 
value", url   
$webpage, tag_forbid 
=> [{attr=>"type", attr_text=>"xml" }]}); @result = (@result, 
{test_name => "type class with body in 
value", url   
$webpage, tag_require 
=> [{attr=>"class", attr_text=>"body" }]}); @result = 
(@result, {test_name => "class 
att", url   
$webpage, tag_require 
=> [{attr=>"class"}]}) ; @result = (@result, {test_name 
=> "script 
tag", url   
=>$webpage, tag_forbid 
=> [{tag=> "script"}]}); @result = (@result, {test_name => 
"script tag with attribute 
language=_javascript_", url   
$webpage, tag_forbid 
[{tag=>"script",attr=>"language",attr_text=>"_javascript_"}]}) ; my 
    my $params = { 
plugins => 
};my $webtest= HTTP::WebTest->new;#4check_webtest(webtest 
=>$webtest, tests=>  $tests,opts=>$params, 
Ed FancherEthercube Solutionshttp://www.ethercube.netPHP, Perl, 
MySQL, _javascript_ solutions.

Re: Determining when a cached item is out of date

2003-01-16 Thread Ed
On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 06:33:52PM +0100, Honza Pazdziora wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 06:05:30AM -0600, Christopher L. Everett wrote:
> > 
> > Do AxKit and PageKit pay such close attention to caching because XML
> > processing is so deadly slow that one doesn't have a hope of reasonable
> > response times on a fast but lightly loaded server otherwise?  Or is
> > it because even a fast server would quickly be on its knees under
> > anything more than a light load?
> It really pays off to do any steps that will increase the throughput.
> And AxKit is well suited for caching because it has clear layers and
> interfaces between them. So I see AxKit doing caching not only to get
> the performance, but also "just because it can". You cannot do the
> caching easily with more dirty approaches.
> > With a MVC type architecture, would it make sense to have the Model
> > objects maintain the XML related to the content I want to serve as
> > static files so that a simple stat of the appropriate XML file tells
> > me if my cached HTML document is out of date?
> Well, AxKit uses filesystem cache, doesn't it?
> It really depends on how much precission you need to achieve. If you
> run a website that lists cinema programs, it's just fine that your
> public will see the updated pages after five minutes, not immediatelly
> after they were changed by the data manager. Then you can really go
> with simply timing out the items in the cache.
> If you need to do something more real-time, you might prefer the push
> approach of MVC (because pull involves too much processing anyway, as
> you have said), and then you have a small problem with MySQL. As it
> lacks trigger support, you will have to send the push invalidation
> from you applications. Which might or might not be a problem, it
> depends on how many of them you have.

I have pages that update as often as 15 seconds.  I just use mtime() and
has_changed() properly in my custom provider's or rely on
the File::Provider's checking the stat of the xml files.  Mostly users are
getting cached files.

For xsp's that are no_cache(1), the code that generates the inforation that
gets sent throught the taglib does its own caching.  Just as if it were a
plain mod_perl handler.  they use IPC::MM and Cache::Cache (usually filecache)

I've fooled w/ having the cache use different databases but finally decided it
didn't make much of a difference since the os and disk can be tuned effectively.
The standard rules apply: put the cache on its own disk spindle, ie. not on 
the same physical disk as your sql database etc.  Makes a big difference ...
you can see w/ vmstat, systat etc.

The only trouble is cleaning up the ever growing stale cache.  So, I use this
simple script in my /etc/daily.local file, or a guy could use cron.

Its similar to what's openbsd uses for its cleaning of /tmp,/var/tmp in the
/etc/daily script.


# cat /etc/clean_www.conf
CLEAN_WWW_DIRS="/u4/www/cache /var/www/temp"

# cat /usr/local/sbin/clean_www
#!/bin/sh -
# $Id:,v 1.2 2003/01/03 00:18:27 entropic Exp $

: ${CLEAN_WWW_CONF:=/etc/clean_www.conf}

clean_dir() {
echo "Removing scratch and junk files from '$dir':"
if [ -d $dir -a ! -L $dir ]; then
cd $dir && {
find . ! -name . -atime +1 -execdir rm -f -- {} \;
find . ! -name . -type d -mtime +1 -execdir rmdir -- {} \; \
>/dev/null 2>&1; }

if [ -f $CLEAN_WWW_CONF ]; then

if [ "X${CLEAN_WWW_CONF}" != X"" ]; then
echo ""
for cfg_dir in $CLEAN_WWW_DIRS; do
clean_dir "${cfg_dir}";

Re: More Segfaultage - FreeBSD, building apache, ssl, mod_perl from ports

2002-11-12 Thread Ed
On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 04:29:19PM +, Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:
> I'm a bit irritated by FreeBSD ports at the moment and need somoene to
> shine some light.  I need to build Apache from ports on a BSD box - it has
> to be from ports - but i don't want to include mod_perl in as a dso.
> Thus, I'd like to go to ports and 'Make' with a bunch of options which
> will compile mod_perl straight into my apache1.3-ssl package.  Having run
> make on www/apache1.3-ssl and www/mod_perl, all I get is segfaults.  I
> simply want to run one make to build it in one go.
> How???
> I'm sure that the BSD users amoungst you have all done it 101 times.
> Help please?

Attached is a port i use for OpenBSD. (It needs cleaning, but works for me)

There are a bunch of "customizations" but some key points to the Makefile are:



Description: application/tar-gz

Re: Random broken images when generating dynamic images

2002-10-23 Thread Ed
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 05:55:05PM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> So here's the situation.
> I have some code that generates images dynamically.  It works, mostly.
> Sometimes the image will show up as a broken image in the browser.  If I
> reload the page once or twice, the image comes up fine.
> On a page with 5 different dynamic images (all generated by the same chunk
> of code, it's a set of graphs), I'll often see 1 or 2 as a broken image,
> but the rest work.  Sometimes all 5 are ok.
> I tried out a scheme of writing them to disk with dynamically generated
> files, but since I still need to do some auth checking, they end up being
> served dynamically and I have the same problem.
> To make it even weirder, I just took a look at one of the image files that
> showed up as broken, and it's fine (I can't view it directly in my
> browser).

I've seen the problem before.  My solution was to save the dynamic images
on disk and serve them just like plain 'ol static files from the front-end
server. This way everything is served from the same "Keep-Alive" request.
And apache does all the http/1.1 headers/chunked-encoding for me.

Your MaxKeepAliveRequests would then be the culprit on your end but not likely
unless its set really low.  I'm not sure how the browser determines the
equivalent limit. tcpdump showed that opera created a second keep-alive
request after 10 images for me (could be limiting on bytes rather than
requests ... don't know).

You can still serve dynamicly and handle the custom auth w/ the backend and
maintain the clients keep-alive.  The current mod_proxy will maintain the
clients keep-alive eventhough your backend has keepalive off.  Be sure
all the required http/1.1 components/headers are sent to maintain a

I'm interested in what you finally work out.


Re: Random broken images when generating dynamic images

2002-10-23 Thread Ed
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 05:55:05PM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> So here's the situation.
> I have some code that generates images dynamically.  It works, mostly.
> Sometimes the image will show up as a broken image in the browser.  If I
> reload the page once or twice, the image comes up fine.
> On a page with 5 different dynamic images (all generated by the same chunk
> of code, it's a set of graphs), I'll often see 1 or 2 as a broken image,
> but the rest work.  Sometimes all 5 are ok.
> I tried out a scheme of writing them to disk with dynamically generated
> files, but since I still need to do some auth checking, they end up being
> served dynamically and I have the same problem.
> To make it even weirder, I just took a look at one of the image files that
> showed up as broken, and it's fine (I can't view it directly in my
> browser).

I've seen the problem before.  My solution was to save the dynamic images
on disk and serve them just like plain 'ol static files from the front-end
server. This way everything is served from the same "Keep-Alive" request.
And apache does all the http/1.1 headers/chunked-encoding for me.

Your MaxKeepAliveRequests would then be the culprit on your end but not likely
unless its set really low.  I'm not sure how the browser determines the
equivalent limit. tcpdump showed that opera created a second keep-alive
request after 10 images for me (could be limiting on bytes rather than
requests ... don't know).

You can still serve dynamicly and handle the custom auth w/ the backend and
maintain the clients keep-alive.  The current mod_proxy will maintain the
clients keep-alive eventhough your backend has keepalive off.  Be sure
all the required http/1.1 components/headers are sent to maintain a

I'm interested in what you finally work out.


Re: code evaluation in regexp failing intermittantly

2002-10-23 Thread Ed
On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:24:48PM -0500, Rodney Hampton wrote:
> Can any of you gurus please help!

A wise guru would help by directing you to:

Re: repost: [mp1.0] recurring segfaults on mod_perl-1.27/apache-1.3.26

2002-10-18 Thread Ed
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 03:54:22PM -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> Ed wrote:
> >Could be bad hardware.  Search google for Signal 11.
> That's actually pretty rare.  Segfaults are usually just a result of 
> memory-handling bugs in C programs.

I saw the problem when someone had their memory speed too low in their
bios using an asus-a7v motherboard.  Apps such as bzip2 croaked and memory
intensive compiles failed in random places.

very similar to the first answer here:

When we were trying to debug, the failures were a giant mystery.
We spent days inside of gdb and such trying to figure out what the
heck was up.  It turns out the bios reset to incorrect settings after a
power failure and took a week or so till the random sig 11's showed up.

It was at a remote colocation too ... (checking the bios was last on our list)
We ended up replacing the box at the colo ... this melted/sig11 box is still
able to run netbsd with the bios under-clocked (up 183 days) but they dont
use it for anything important

Anyway I have a story about a bad nic cable too  but will save it

/me paronoid about mysterious sig 11's ...


Re: repost: [mp1.0] recurring segfaults on mod_perl-1.27/apache-1.3.26

2002-10-18 Thread Ed

Could be bad hardware.  Search google for Signal 11.

Probably your memory (usual cause I've seen).

good luck.


On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 09:46:16AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sorry for the repost, but no responses so far, and I need some help with 
> this one.
> I've managed to get a couple of backtraces on a segfault problem we've
> been having for months now. The segfaults occur pretty rarely on the
> whole, but once a client triggers one on a particular page, they do not
> stop. The length and content of the request are key in making the
> segfaults happen. Modifying the cookie or adding characters to the
> request line causes the segfaults to stop.
> example (word wrapped):
> This request will produce a segfault (backtrace in attached gdb1.txt)
> and about 1/3 of the expected page :
> nc 84
> GET /perl/section/entcmpt/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3; Linux 2.4.18-5)
> Pragma: no-cache
> Cache-control: no-cache
> Accept: text/*, image/jpeg, image/png, image/*, */*
> Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, gzip, identity
> Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
> Accept-Language: en
> Host:
> Cookie:
> Apache=
> Adding a bunch of zeroes to the URI (which does not change the code
> functionality) causes the page to work correctly:
> nc 84
> /perl/section/entcmpt/? 
> HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3; Linux 2.4.18-5)
> Pragma: no-cache
> Cache-control: no-cache
> Accept: text/*, image/jpeg, image/png, image/*, */*
> Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, gzip, identity
> Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
> Accept-Language: en
> Host:
> Cookie:
> Apache=
> Some info:
> /usr/apache-perl/bin/httpd -l
> Compiled-in modules:
> Please forgive any obvious missing info (i'm not a c programmer). The
> first backtrace shows the segfault happening in mod_perl_sent_header(),
> and the second shows it happening in  the ap_make_array() which was from
> Apache::Cookie. I don't have one handy now, but I've also seen it happen
> in ap_soft_timeout() after an XS_Apache_print (r->server was out of bounds).
> I've added a third backtrace where r->content_encoding contains the
> above 'mxstsn' cookie name.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
> --
> Daniel Bohling
> NewsFactor Network

> [root@proxy dumps]# gdb  /usr/apache-perl/bin/httpd core.12510
> GNU gdb Red Hat Linux (5.2-2)
> Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
> welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
> Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
> There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
> This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux"...
> Core was generated by `/usr/apache-perl/bin/httpd'.
> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> Reading symbols from /lib/
> Loaded symbols for /lib/
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
> Reading symbols from /lib/
> Loaded symbols for /lib/
> Reading symbols from /lib/
> Loaded symbols for /lib/
> Reading symbols from /lib/i686/
> Loaded symbols for /lib/i686/
> Reading symbols from /lib/
> Loaded symbols for /lib/
> Reading symbols from /lib/
> Loaded symbols for /li

Re: Apache Hello World Benchmarks Updated

2002-10-14 Thread Ed


(as far as i can tell after a quick peek at the code and some debugging)

It looks like there is a bug w/ AxKit::run_axkit_engine() and/or

run_axkit_engine() wants to create a .gzip cachefile when AxGzipOutput is off.

When AxGzipOutput is off the .gzip file is never made and _get_stats() 
returns w/ !$self->{file_exists} effectivly disabling delivering cached copies.

With AxGzipOutput enabled both files are created and appropriate cached copies
are delivered as expected.

I haven't decided for myself a best fix except for just enabling AxGzipOutput.

So, I reran hello/ w/ AxGzipOutput On and sped axkit up quite a bit.

attached are some diffs and a couple of 1 sec runs.  Would be
interesting to see how axkit compares now?



On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 12:26:06AM -0700, Josh Chamas wrote:
> Hey,
> The Apache Hello World benchmarks are updated at
> The changes that affect performance numbers include:
>   Set MaxRequestsPerChild to 1000 globally for more realistic run.
>   Set MaxRequestsPerChild to 100 for applications that seem to leak
>   memory which include Embperl 2.0, HTML::Mason, and Template Toolkit.
>   This is a more typical setting in a mod_perl type application that
>   leaks memory, so should be fairly representative benchmark setting.
> Note that the latter change seemed to have the most benefit for Embperl 2.0,
> with some benefit for Template Toolkit & less ( but some ) for HTML::Mason
> on the memory usage numbers.
> Regards,
> Josh
> Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
> Chamas Enterprises Inc.
> NodeWorks Link Checking

--- hello/  Sun Oct 13 04:07:35 2002
+++ hello-gz/   Tue Oct 15 00:15:48 2002
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 my $httpd_dir = $HTTPD_DIR;
-$AB = "$httpd_dir/ab";
+$AB = '/usr/sbin/ab'; #"$httpd_dir/ab";
 unless(-x $AB) {
 print "ab benchmark utility not found at $AB, using 'ab' in PATH\n";
 $AB = 'ab';

--- hello/  Sun Oct 13 04:07:35 2002
+++ hello-gz/bench-gz.plTue Oct 15 00:16:32 2002
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 my $httpd_dir = $HTTPD_DIR;
-$AB = "$httpd_dir/ab";
+$AB = '/usr/sbin/ab'; #"$httpd_dir/ab";
 unless(-x $AB) {
 print "ab benchmark utility not found at $AB, using 'ab' in PATH\n";
 $AB = 'ab';
@@ -583,6 +583,7 @@
AxAddStyleMap application/x-xpathscript 
   AxAddProcessor text/xsl hello.xsl
AxCacheDir $TMP/axkit
+   AxGzipOutput On
  'AxKit XSLT Big' => ['hxsltbig.xml', qq{
@@ -593,6 +594,7 @@
AxAddStyleMap application/x-xpathscript 
   AxAddProcessor text/xsl hxsltbig.xsl
AxCacheDir $TMP/axkit
+   AxGzipOutput On
  'AxKit XSP Hello' => ['hello.xsp', qq{
@@ -601,6 +603,7 @@
AxAddStyleMap application/x-xsp +Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP
AxAddProcessor application/x-xsp NULL
   AxCacheDir $TMP/axkit
+   AxGzipOutput On
  'AxKit XSP 2000' => ['h2000.xsp', qq{
@@ -609,6 +612,7 @@
AxAddStyleMap application/x-xsp +Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP
AxAddProcessor application/x-xsp NULL
   AxCacheDir $TMP/axkit
+   AxGzipOutput On
 # new Embperl 2.x series

[2002-10-15 00:16:53] Found apache web server at /usr/local/sbin/httpd_perl
[2002-10-15 00:16:53]  running 1 groups of benchmarks for 1 seconds
[2002-10-15 00:16:56] testing AxKit v1.6 XSP 2000 at 
[2002-10-15 00:17:11] testing AxKit v1.6 XSP Hello at http://localhost:5000/hello.xsp
[2002-10-15 00:17:25] testing AxKit v1.6 XSLT Hello at http://localhost:5000/hxslt.xml
[2002-10-15 00:17:40] testing AxKit v1.6 XSLT Big at http://localhost:5000/hxsltbig.xml

Test Name   Test File  Hits/sec   # of Hits  Time(sec)  
secs/Hit   Bytes/Hit  
-   -  -  -  -  
-  -  
AxKit v1.6 XSP 2000 h2000.xsp14.8 20   1.35 
0.067600   28680  
AxKit v1.6 XSP Hellohello.xsp   245.5261   1.06 
0.004073   353
AxKit v1.6 XSLT Hello   hxslt.xml   157.6169   1.07 
0.006343   331
AxKit v1.6 XSLT Big hxsltbig.x   37.3 38   1.02 

RE: Compiled-in but not recognized

2002-08-11 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Colin wrote:

>> -Original Message-
>> From: Ged Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 6:02 PM
>> Subject: Re: Compiled-in but not recognized
>> Hi there,
>> On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Colin wrote:
>>> I know this is a recurring problem but bear with me ...
>> :)
>>> httpd -l
>>> Compiled-in modules:
>>> http_core.c
>>> mod_so.c
>>> mod_perl.c
>> pwd?

I think that Ged was suggesting you might have multiple httpd binaries
on your system, and was suggesting that you verify you're running the
binary you think you're running.

It's really annoying when you're trying to debug a program, and the
program you're running is not the one you're adding the debugging
statements to.  However, I suspect most of us have done it on occasion.

"How the #&@*! is it getting past all those debug statements without
hitting any?!?!" - Me

Re: PerlChildInitHandler doesn't work inside VirtualHost?

2002-08-10 Thread Ed Grimm

On Thu, 8 Aug 2002, Rick Myers wrote:

> On Aug 09, 2002 at 12:16:45 +1000, Cees Hek wrote:
>> Quoting Jason W May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Running mod_perl 1.26 on Apache 1.3.24.
>>> I've found that if I place my PerlChildInitHandler inside a VirtualHost
>>> block, it is never called.
>> It doesn't really make sense to put a PerlChildInitHandler
>> inside a VirtualHost directive.
> Why? The Eagle book says this is a perfectly valid concept.

Well, for one thing, it would only call the handler if a request to that
virtual host was the first request for that child.  Assuming it works;
I'd think this would be a good canidate for a case that's never been
tested before, due to the fact that it would not call the handler if the
request that initiated the child was not to that virtual host...

It would fail to work in all cases if Apache does not recognize what
triggered the child until after child init.  Looking over pages 59
through 61, 72 and 73, this appears to me to be the case.  Yes, it does
explicitly say that it's ok in virtual host blocks, but it doesn't say
it works.


Re: mod perl load average too high

2002-08-08 Thread Ed Grimm

That looks like there's something that occasionally goes off and starts
spinning, given the low memory usage and the fact that some processes
using little cpu are also not swapped out.

I suspect that one of your pages has a potential infinite loop that's
being triggered.  Try and catch at what point the load suddenly starts
rising, and check what pages were accessed around that time.  They're
where you should start looking.

Note that you should probably focus on the access and error log lines
that correspond with processes that are using excessive amounts of cpu.


On Tue, 6 Aug 2002, Anthony E. wrote:

> I'm using apache 1.3.26 and mod_perl 1.27
> My apache processes seem to be taking up more and more
> system resources as time goes on.
> Can someone help me determine why my server load is
> going up?
> When i first start apache, my "load average" is about
> .02, but after a couple of hours, it goes up to 4 or
> 5, and after a couple of days, has been as high as
> 155.
> I have the following directives configured in
> httpd.conf:
> MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
> MinSpareServers 5 
> MaxSpareServers 20
> StartServers 10
> MaxClients 200
> MaxRequestsPerChild 5000
> Here is a snip of 'top' command:
>   6:28pm  up 46 days, 23:03,  2 users,  load average:
> 2.24, 2.20, 1.98
> 80 processes: 74 sleeping, 6 running, 0 zombie, 0
> stopped
> CPU0 states: 99.3% user,  0.2% system,  0.0% nice, 
> 0.0% idle
> CPU1 states: 100.0% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 
> 0.0% idle
> Mem:  1029896K av,  711884K used,  318012K free,  
> 0K shrd,   76464K buff
> Swap: 2048244K av,  152444K used, 1895800K free   
>   335796K cached
> 25893 nobody16   0 10188 9.9M  3104 R95.5  0.9
>  21:55 httpd
> 25899 nobody16   0  9448 9448  3104 R95.3  0.9
>  63:27 httpd
> 25883 nobody 9   0 10468  10M  3096 S 2.5  1.0
>   0:16 httpd
> 25895 nobody 9   0 10116 9.9M  3104 S 2.1  0.9
>   0:15 httpd
> 25894 nobody 9   0 10240  10M  3104 S 1.9  0.9
>   0:16 httpd
> 25898 nobody 9   0 10180 9.9M  3100 S 1.7  0.9
>   0:13 httpd
> Also, I notice in my error_log i get this entry quite
> frequently:
> 26210 Apache::DBI new connect to
> 'news:'
> What can i do to keep the server load low?
> =
> Anthony Ettinger
> home: 415.504.8048
> mobile: 415.385.0146
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Re: E-commerce payment systems for apache/mod_perl

2002-07-03 Thread Ed

On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 10:43:14PM -0500, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> Any obvious choices for a relatively small-scale e-commerce payment
> processing system for a server running apache / mod_perl?
- it's mature
- we wrote our own but i'd use it instead if I had to start over
- reseller for
- big transaction provider
- supported cpan module (simple/trivial)
- we get really cheap rates for dhl's next day shipping service world wide
  (1-2 days continential us @ $6)
  (3-4 days door2door to pakistan from indianapolis @ $21)
  ... much, much cheaper than even the cheapest ups-residential-ground
- ups has well developed xml API's, dhl dosn't


Re: [Templates] Re: Separating Aspects (Re: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-07 Thread Ed

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 09:14:25AM +0100, Tony Bowden wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 05:08:56PM -0400, Sam Tregar wrote:
> > > Suppose you have a model object for a concert which includes a date.  On
> > > one page, the designers want to dipslay the date in a verbose way with
> > > the month spelled out, but on another they want it abbreviated and fixed
> > > length so that dates line up nicely.  Would you put that formatting in
> > > the controller?
> > In the script:
> > 
> >$template->param(long_date  => $long_date,
> > short_date => $short_date);
> > In the template:
> > 
> >The long date:   
> >The short date: 
> Can I vote for "yick" on this?
> A designer should never have to come to a programmer just to change the
> formatting of a date.
> I'm a huge fan of passing Date::Simple objects, which can then take a
> strftime format string:
>   [% date.format("%d %b %y") %]
>   [% date.format("%Y-%m-%d") %]
> Tony

xmlns:date="";  wins for me.

... etc

xslt solutions win for me because it its supported (or seems to be)
by many major languages, and applications. 

xslt stylesheets can be processed, reused and shared with my c,perl,
java,javascript, ruby, mozilla, ieexplorer ... kde apps, gnome apps
... etc

Imagine having your templates and data supported and interoperable ...

Aren't we trying to rid the world of proprietary (only works here) things?

Ed   (an axkit lover)

Re: [RFC] Dynamic image generator handler

2002-05-10 Thread Ed
gt; leverage that, although I'm not certain how difficult it would be to
> interface with CSS files. As far as I know, there are Perl CSS parsers,
> but I have yet to use them. The configuration for a preset config
> template would be layered, so the earlier the definition, the lower the
> layer is. The real important part here, is the "name" attribute of any
> element, as this identifies where input can be indicated. The above
> preset could be used by invoking the following URI.

I used for a bit but it was too fat w/ Parse::RecDecent. To unify my
app and the browser I use axkit to 'generate' the css from an xml file.


.back {
color: black;
font-family: geneva, arial;
font-size: 7px;
background-color: white;

Creating complicated css files are difficult but my drawing app can load its
info from the uri, an xml file, a rdbm , Config::General, inifiles or whatever
and use different output methods such as axkit's providers to parse the 
'color config' to render the *.css file to the browser.

This way the document, style, skin and images are all unified.

Graphics::ColorNames works wonderfully to help handle all the different color

>   http://localhost/genImage/preset=thumbnail-image;src=/images/ducks.jpg
> As you can see, the preset is invoked by passing it's name as an
> attribute, and any element that has a name attribute, it's value can be
> provided on the URI. If an element has both a value and a name
> attribute, the value in the config file can be used as a default.
> *) Caching Schemes
> A caching scheme similar to AxKit could be used. The current module
> takes all the input arguments, sorts them (including all values that are
> not provided, for completeness), and takes it's MD5 checksum. That
> becomes the image's filename on the system. It is placed in a temporary
> directory, and any further requests to that same URI, the file is pulled
> from the filesystem without regenerating the image. Further, the code
> has been blatantly ripped off from AxKit, which separates the directory
> into two sub-levels, to prevent performance problems of having too many
> files in one directory.
> Note: To prevent the filesystem from filling up, due to DoS attacks, it
> may be prudent to have a cron job periodically cull files that have the
> oldest access time.

Cache::Cache is appropriate here ... 

> *) Image Manipulation Modules
> My current code uses GD for text writing, and I'm quite happy with it.
> It is extremely fast, and creates nice text output when compiled with a
> TTF font engine. Looking forward however, it may not be as desirable if
> things like drop shadows is to be done. GD can work with multiple
> images, can resize them, etc, but the advanced features are still
> unknown.
> *) File Expiration Headers and Browser Caching
> With my current code, it seems that browsers are reluctant to cache
> these dynamically generated images. I have passed Expires: headers to
> tell the browser to cache file file for a long period of time (2+
> weeks), but I have been unsuccessful. I know the caching headers are
> complex, and needs more than one simple header, but fixing this has
> moved to the back-burner of my project. However, if more complicated
> processing is to be done, and with more images, it will be crucial to
> make browsers cache these images.

I create a digest w/ MD5 or SHA1 for the image/pdf and use it as the filename
and the Cache::Cache key.

The cache is easily invalidated if the source image file failes a -e test.
I also use cron to delete stale image files.

The generated now static image is redirected-to or referenced in the html.  
I found that it is important to complete the  processing of the images before 
the referencing html document gets served, ... rather than having the html 
document initiate dynamic imbeded links to create the image.  Letting apache 
serve images as static image-files has proved rock solid for me 
... (note keep-alives).  There is nothing worse than to pull a page and have
to wait for each of the images to show up.

Browsers, proxies and users are all real pains to deal w/ when the uri has
a query string.  Digest's are ugly but they play much better w/ everybody.



Re: [RFC] Dynamic image generator handler

2002-05-10 Thread Ed

On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 10:46:11AM -0700, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:
> On Fri, 10 May 2002 08:32:55 +0200
> Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Take a look at Apache::ImageMagick
> In my benchmarks I ran, ImageMagick was way slower than GD.  I wrote a
> little test, rendering a little text image of 120x30.  With ImageMagick,
> I was getting 0.3 rps, and under GD with similar circumstances I was
> getting 1.5rps.  I'm sure I could've optimized the ImageMagick one a bit
> further, but that quick test settled it for me.
> I looked at Apache::ImageMagick last night however, and although it
> seems pretty usefull, it doesn't really address what I want to do with
> my module.

I'm using Imlib2 w/ the c interface (

I needed antialias lines, alpha's etc.  I modified my app to use a 'dbi' like
interface for potentially any media driver.  The diferent 'media drivers',
gd, imlib2, *pdf/*tex etc all have different ideas how to draw a line, circle,
polygon, text, add colors etc. Now all I have to do to use diffent libraries
such as Media->new(Driver => 'imlib2'), or Media->new(Driver => 'gd'),
Media->new(Driver => 'svg'), Media->new(Driver => 'pdflib') etc.

There are may libraries out there, gd, imlib, imlib2, libart, povray, gdk,
flash, pdfAPI2, pdflib, tex, latex, svg, imager, imagemagic, ...

There are may good reasons to be able to 'just drop in' a driver ... just
look at why the unified interface 'DBI' was developed for RDBM's .


Re: [announce] mod_perl-1.99_01

2002-04-10 Thread Ed Grimm

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Ged Haywood wrote:
>> Compilations should be SILENT unless something goes wrong.
> The build process takes time, if you don't give an indication
> of what's going on users will try to do funky things. Since the
> build process is comprised of many small sub-processes you cannot
> really use something like completion bar.

As someone said, redirect the output to a temporary location.  But, add
to that one of those little | bars, which turns one position every time
another build step completes (each file compiled, each dependancy file
built, etc.).  However, in the case of an error, I would want the whole
thing available.  Possibly something along the lines of, the last build
step and all output from then on printed to stdout (or stderr), ended
with, "For the full build log, see /tmp/" or some

> Also remember that mod_perl build prints very little,
> it's the compilation messages that generated most of the output.
> p.s. I don't recall seeing silent build processes at all.

The only ones I've seen went too far the other way.  I especially loved
the one which used a shell script, which started out with a dozen large
shell functions, then an 'exec >/dev/null 2>/dev/null', then a
half-dozen more large shell functions, and ending with 'main "$@"'.
When the shell script finished, its caller checked its exit code, and
reported 'done.' or 'failed.' as appropriate.  Admittedly, I wouldn't
have minded too much, except that I'd gotten the latter answer.


Re: proxy front to modperl back with 1.3.24

2002-04-06 Thread Ed


There is a patch this morning from the mod_proxy maintainer.


On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 02:33:35PM -0800, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
> i had trouble using a proxy front end to both
> a mod_perl and mod_php back end servers.
> this works fine for me at 1.3.23, so I reverted
> back to it.  i copied the httpd.conf files
> from the 1.3.24 to my downgraded 1.3.23
> and everything worked correctly on the first
> try.
> i was getting garbage characters before the first
>  or doctype tag, and a 0 character at
> the end.  also, there was a delay before the
> connection would close.  i tried turning keep
> alives off and on in the back end server,
> but i did not note a change in behavior
> i also tried some different buffer directives,
> including the new ProxyIOBufferSize.
> these garbage characters and delays were
> not present serving static content from the
> front end server, or when directly requesting
> content directly from either of the back end
> servers.
> i know they've made some mods to the
> proxy module, including support for HTTP/1.1,
> but i did not have time to research the exact
> cause of the problem.
> just a word of warning before someone
> spends hours in frustration, or perhaps
> someone can give me a tip if they've
> solved this problem.
> --
> ___cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache::DBI or What ?

2002-03-25 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Andrew Ho wrote:

>>What would be ideal is if the database would allow you to change the
>>user on the current connection.  I know PostgreSQL will allow this
>>using the command line interface psql tool (just do \connect
>> ), but I'm not sure if you can do this using DBI.
>>Does anyone know if any datbases support this sort of thing?
> This occurred to me in the case of Oracle (one of my co-workers was
> facing a very similar problem in the preliminary stages of one of his
> designs), and I actually had asked our DBAs about this (since the
> Oracle SQL*Plus also allows you to change users). As I suspected (from
> the similar "connect" terminology), our DBAs confirmed that Oracle
> just does a disconnect and reconnect under the hood. I would bet the
> psql client does the same thing.

First, I'll suggest that there are hopefully other areas you can look at
optimizing that will get you a bigger bang for your time - in my test
environment (old hardware), it takes 7.4 ms per
disconnect/reconnect/rebind and 4.8 ms per rebind.  Admittedly, I'm
dealing with LDAP instead of SQL, and I've no idea how they compare.

If the TCP connection were retained, this could still be a significant
win.  *Any* reduction in the connection overhead is an improvement.  If
there are a million connects per day, and this saves a milli-second per
connect (believable to me, as at least three packets don't need to be
sent - syn, syn ack, and fin.  My TCP's a bit fuzzy, but I think there's
a couple more, and there's also the mod_perl disconnect/reconnect
overhead), that's over 15 minutes of response time and about 560,000,000
bits of network bandwidth (assuming the DB is not on the same machine)
saved.  Admittedly, at 100Mb/s, that's only 6 seconds.

It may, in some cases, still be necessary to move access control from
the DB into ones application, so one can maintain a single connection
which never rebinds, but I think it's better to utilize the security in
the DB instead of coding ones own - more eyes have looked over it.
We're talking about a fairly small unit of time; it may very well be
better to throw money if you are near your performance limit.


Re: Performace...

2002-03-24 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Kee Hinckley wrote:
> At 2:27 PM -0500 3/23/02, Geoffrey Young wrote:
>>you might be interested in Joshua Chamas' ongoing benchmark project:
>>he has the results from a benchmark of Apache::Registry and plain 
>>handlers, as well as comparisons between HTML::Mason, Embperl, and 
>>other templating engines.
> Although there are lots of qualifiers on those benchmarks, I consider 
> them rather dangerous anyway.  They are "Hello World" benchmarks, in 
> which startup time completely dominates the time. The things that 

That explains why Embperl did so poorly compared to PHP, yet when we
replaced our PHP pages with Embperl, our benchmarks using real user
queries, sending the same queries through the old and new pages, the new
pages showed a 50% performance boost.

Note: that gain was enough to saturate our test network.  Our purpose
for the benchmark was to determine if it was an improvement or not, not
to determine the exact improvement, so we don't really know what the
real gain was.  The same machines do several other tasks, and our
monitoring at the time of change was not very sophisticated, so we only
really know it was a big win.  Something on the order of 37 load issues
the week before the change, most of which were fairly obviously web
overload, and two the week after (those two being very obviously
associated with other services the boxes are running.)


Re: 'Pinning' the root apache process in memory with mlockall

2002-03-22 Thread Ed Grimm
ow the limit, it'll be killed immediately after
> serving a single request (assuming that we the
> C<$CHECK_EVERY_N_REQUESTS> is set to one). This is a very bad
> situation which will eventually lead to a state where the system won't
> respond at all, as it'll be heavily engaged in swapping process.

Yes, this is why we want to lock the memory.


Re: Berkeley DB 4.0.14 not releasing lockers under mod_perl

2002-03-21 Thread Ed Grimm

Does shutting down apache free up your locks?

(As an aside, I'm not sure I'll ever get over undef being proper closing
of a database connection; it seems so synonomous to free([23]).  I
expect something like $db->db_close() or something.)


On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Dan Wilga wrote:

> At 2:03 PM -0500 3/21/02, Aaron Ross wrote:
>>>  I'm testing with the Perl script below, with the filename ending
>>>  ".mperl" (which, in my configuration, causes it to run as a mod_perl
>>>  registry script).
>>  I would re-write it as a handler and see if Apache::Registry is partly
>>to blame.
> I tried doing it as a handler, using the configuration below (and the 
> appropriate changes in the source) and the problem persists. So it 
> doesn't seem to be Registry's fault.
>  SetHandler perl-script
>  PerlHandler DanTest
>  source code 
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> package DanTest;
> use strict;
> my $dir='/home/httpd/some/path';
> sub handler {
>   system( "rm $dir/__db* $dir/TESTdb" );
>   foreach( 1..5 ) {
>   my $env = open_env($dir);
>   my %hash;
>   my $db = open_db( "TESTdb", \%hash, $env );
>   untie %hash;
>   undef $db;
>   undef $env;
>   }
>   print "HTTP/1.1 200\nContent-type: text/plain\n\n";
>   print `db_stat -c -h $dir`;
>   print "\n";
> }
> sub open_env {
>   my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env(
>   -Home=> $_[0],
>   );
>   die "Could not create env: $! ".$BerkeleyDB::Error. "\n" if !$env;
>   return $env;
> }
> sub open_db {
>   my( $file, $Rhash, $env ) = @_;
>   my $db_key = tie( %{$Rhash}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
>   -Flags=>DB_CREATE,
>   -Filename=>$file,
>   -Env=>$env );
>   die "Can't open $file: $! ".$BerkeleyDB::Error."\n" if !$db_key;
>   return $db_key;
> }
> 1;
> Web Technology Specialist
> Mount Holyoke CollegeTel: 413-538-3027
> South Hadley, MA  01075"Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force"

RE: loss of shared memory in parent httpd

2002-03-16 Thread Ed Grimm

I believe I have the answer...

The problem is that the parent httpd swaps, and any new children it
creates load the portion of memory that was swaped from swap, which does
not make it copy-on-write.  The really annoying thing - when memory gets
tight, the parent is the most likely httpd process to swap, because its
memory is 99% idle.  This issue aflicts Linux, Solaris, and a bunch of
other OSes.

The solution is mlockall(2), available under Linux, Solaris, and other
POSIX.1b compliant OSes.  I've not experimented with calling it from
perl, and I've not looked at Apache enough to consider patching it
there, but this system call, if your process is run as root, will
prevent any and all swapping of your process's memory.  If your process
is not run as root, it returns an error.

The reason turning off swap works is because it forces the memory from
the parent process that was swapped out to be swapped back in.  It will
not fix those processes that have been sired after the shared memory
loss, as of Linux 2.2.15 and Solaris 2.6.  (I have not checked since
then for behavior in this regard, nor have I checked on other OSes.)


On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Bill Marrs wrote:

> >It's copy-on-write.  The swap is a write-to-disk.
> >There's no such thing as sharing memory between one process on disk(/swap)
> >and another in memory.
> agreed.   What's interesting is that if I turn swap off and back on again, 
> the sharing is restored!  So, now I'm tempted to run a crontab every 30 
> minutes that  turns the swap off and on again, just to keep the httpds 
> shared.  No Apache restart required!
> Seems like a crazy thing to do, though.
> >You'll also want to look into tuning your paging algorithm.
> Yeah... I'll look into it.  If I had a way to tell the kernel to never swap 
> out any httpd process, that would be a great solution.  The kernel is 
> making a bad choice here.  By swapping, it triggers more memory usage 
> because sharing removed on the httpd process group (thus multiplied)...
> I've got MaxClients down to 8 now and it's still happening.  I think my 
> best course of action may be a crontab swap flusher.
> -bill

Re: Image Magick Alternatives?

2002-02-18 Thread Ed

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 09:26:57PM -, Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
> The WYPUG migration from Win2K to Linux is progressing very nicely.
> However, despite my best efforts, I can't get Perl Magick to work
> (Image::Magick compiled successfully and without problems).  All I use
> Perl Magick for is generating thumbnails (which seems like a waste
> anyway).  So, is there an alternative - a module that will take an image
> (gif/jpeg) and generate a thumbnail from it?  I have searched CPAN but
> haven't noticed anything suitable.  If not, is there anyone who would be
> willing to help me install Perl Magick properly?

Imager can do what you want. many formats, antialias, freetype, etc.


Re: [OT] RE: modperl growth

2002-02-05 Thread Ed Grimm

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Andrew Ho wrote:
>> One last thing that is hard is where is your DocumentRoot? This is a huge
>> problem for web applications being installable "out of the box." Perl
>> can't necessarily figure that out by itself, either.
> You take a guess and then ask the user to confirm.  And you can't guess
> you just ask.

That's a good strategy (assuming a missing if in there somewhere).  It
can be augmented with the tactic of "check for a running apache, see
where it gets its config file from, and parse the config file" to get
the initial guess.  (Note that I wouldn't want this to be a final guess;
I'm using mod_perl in a virtual host config; the "main" apache config
doesn't use it, and has a completely unrelated docroot
(/usr/local/apache/htdocs as opposed to /home/appname/public_html))

> There's nothing wrong with an interactive installer.  What kills mod_perl
> apps is they simply have a README or INSTALL that says "Copy all the
> template files to a directory called 'app-root' under your document root."

"My what?"  "Which files are templates?"  "I don't know this unix stuff;
copy doesn't work right."

I think we've all probably heard these words before...

>> I guess my point is that installation is hard. Rather than trying to make
>> it work for everybody out of the box, you should make it work for the
>> typical case out of the box, and then provide hooks for installing it in
>> custom places.
> I think the best installer is an interactive installer that tries really
> hard to provide good defaults.

I agree; while I frequently leave unimportant considerations alone (note
my main docroot above), I tend to have very poor luck with the "works
with the typical case out of the box, and then provides hooks which
change with every bloo^W^W^W^W^Wfor installing it in custom places".  I
won't go into speculations why.


Re: performance coding project? (was: Re: When to cache)

2002-01-26 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

>> It all depends on what kind of application do you have. If you code
>> is CPU-bound these seemingly insignificant optimizations can have a
>> very significant influence on the overall service performance.
> Do such beasts really exist?  I mean, I guess they must, but I've
> never seen a mod_perl application that was CPU-bound.  They always
> seem to be constrained by database speed and memory.

I've seen one.  However, it was much like a normal performance problem -
the issue was with one loop which ran one line which was quite
pathological.  Replacing loop with an s///eg construct eliminated the
problem; there was no need for seemlingly insignificant optimizations.
(Actually, the problem was *created* by premature optimization - the
coder had utilized code that was more efficient than s/// in one special
case, to handle a vastly different instance.)

However, there could conceivably be code which was more of a performance
issue, especially when the mod_perl utilizes a very successful cache on
a high traffic site.

>> On the other hand how often do you get a chance to profile your code
>> and see how to improve its speed in the real world. Managers never
>> plan for debugging period, not talking about optimizations periods.

Unless there's already a problem, and you have a good manager.  We've
had a couple of instances where we were given time (on the schedule,
before the release) to improve speed after a release.  It's quite rare,
though, and I've never seen it for a mod_perl project.


Re: UI Regression Testing

2002-01-25 Thread Ed Grimm

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> I agree that testing is great, but I think it is quite hard in practice. 
> Also, I don't think programmers are good to be the main people to write 
> their own tests. It is "OK" for programmers to write their own tests but 
> frequently it is the user or a non-technical person who is best at doing 
> the unexpected things that are really were the bug lies.

My experience is that the best testers come from technical support,
although this is not to suggest that all technical support individuals
are good at this; even among this group, it's rare.  Users or other
non-technical people may find a few more bugs, but frequently, the
non-technical people don't have the ability to correctly convey how to
reproduce the problems, or even what the problem was.  "I clicked on the
thingy, and it didn't work."

This being said, users and tech support can't create unit tests; they're
not in a position to.

> Finally, unit tests do not guarantee an understanding of the specs because 
> the business people generally do not read test code. So all the time spent 
> writing the test AND then writing the program AND ONLY THEN showing it to 
> the users, then you discover it wasn't what the user actually wanted. So 2x 
> the coding time has been invalidated when if the user was shown a prototype 
> BEFORE the testing coding commenced, then the user could have confirmed or 
> denied the basic logic.

For your understanding of the spec, you use functional tests.  If your
functional test suite uses test rules which the users can understand,
you can get the users to double-check them.

For example, at work, we use a suite which uses a rendered web page as
its test output, and the input can be sent to a web page to populate a
form; this can be read by most people who can use the application.

Unit software is a means of satisfying a spec, but it doesn't satisfy
the spec itself - if it did, you'd be talking about the entire package,
and therefore refering to functional testing.  (At least, this is the
way I distinguish between them.)

Admittedly, we are a bit lacking in our rules, last I checked.


Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> >Of course, the best authentication system for banking I've seen is
> >from UBS.  They send you a scratchlist of around 100 numbers.  Every
> >time you login you use one of the numbers and cross it off.  Very
> >slick.
> Does that really work in practice? That sounds really annoying. Is this for 
> business banking or for retail? How do they get the next 100 numbers to the 
> user? Do they mail it out when they've used 90?
> It sounds like it would be less annoying to use certificates and some 
> plug-in token there is going to be that much extra work to deal with a 
> password sheet.

Alternately, for a high-tech approach, RSA makes a nice product called a
SecurID token (Well, one of mine says Security Dynamics on the back, but
the new ones definitely say RSA).  Actually, they make two, one nice,
one not nice.  The nice one has a keypad where you enter in a pin, press
a button, and it generates a temporary id based on its serial number,
your pin, and the current time interval; the time interval changes every
minute or two.  The not nice one has no keypad; it works like the other
would if you didn't enter a pin.

I know of several companies that use these; they tend to work fairly
well.  (I had one break on me, but I gave it a lot of abuse first; it
lasted almost half of its battery span in spite of not being taken care


Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:

> I think Netegrity single sing-on system modifies the HTTP server
> (possible with mod_perl) to overload or override its native
> authoentication and instead contact a Host, Database or LDAP to get
> the yes or no along with expiration data it then sends its finding
> to the CGI by sending additonal HTTP Header info. A CGI program can
> then go from there...

Something like this.  Basically, it has modules, plugins, or access
instructions, as appropriate, for various web servers, to configure them
to use it.  I know it gives an LDAP interface, and I'm assuming it gives
an LDAPS interface; I'm not sure what others it may present.

> I might not have this 100%, but perhaps we can learn from those
> commercial products.
> Someone suggested using LDAP and RDBMS, my question is why both, why
> not just RDBMS.

Why not just LDAP?  As someone working on rolling out a single sign-on
solution with LDAPS, I really want to know...  (We're planning on
getting Netegrity for its distributed administration stuff; at that
time, we'll start using its web server configuration stuff for any new
web servers.  Until that time, we're rolling out LDAPS, and we're not
currently planning on converting systems we roll out in the interm to

Incidentally, we're being a bunch of lazy bums, compared to the rest of
y'all.  We're considering single sign-on to mean they only need to keep
track of one userid and password (unless they need to access classified
or otherwise restricted stuff.)  If they go to different sites and have
to log on again, we don't currently care.  (Basically, we have too many
sites created by too many groups.  We'll share the same login between
servers run by the same group, but beyond that, security concerns
outweigh user convinience.)


> Aaron Johnson wrote:
>> We are working on/with a similar system right now.
>> We have an application that is written in Perl, but the people
>> visiting will most likely be signing on at a different point then our
>> applications sign in page. Our system was built to use its own
>> internal database for authentication and their app/login uses a
>> different method.  The design requirements were that each side would
>> have to do as little possible to modify there application to work in
>> our single sign on solution.
>> We have the luxury of not being overly concerned with the security
>> aspect so please keep that in mind.
>> We setup a nightly sync program that verifies the data in the current
>> database vs. their login user information database.
>> Here is a less then detailed summary of how the system operates.
>> 1) The user logs into the application through their application and
>> they are sent a cookie that contains the user name.
>> 2) All links to our application are sent to a single page on their
>> end with the full url of the page they want as part of the query
>> string.
>> 3) They verify that the user is valid using whatever method they
>> want.
>> 4) The user is then redirected to a special page in our application
>> that expects the query string to contain two items, the user name and
>> the final URL to go to.
>> 5) Our application verifies the HTTP_REFFERER and the query string
>> contains valid values.
>> 6) Our application checks the database for a user matching the name
>> sent in. Then if the user already has a session if they do then they
>> are redirected to the correct page, otherwise it does a lookup in our
>> system to create a session for the user based on the incoming user
>> name and then redirects to the final URL.
>> Now a user can go between the two applications without concern since
>> they have a cookie for each domain.
>> If the user comes to our site the reverse of the above occurs.
>> This allowed us to plug into existing applications without a lot of
>> rework. It is also fairly language/platform independent.
>> As stated above I know there are some large security issues with this
>> approach.
>> Aaron Johnson
>> Vsevolod Ilyushchenko wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Have you ever ran into the problem of putting up many separate web
>>> apps on several machines in your company/university/whatever that
>>> are written from scratch or downloaded frow the Web and each of
>>> which has its own user database? What would you think is a good way
>>> to make the system seem more cohesive for the users?
>>> It occurs to me tha

Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

No.  There are very important reasons why Apache by default puts an ACL
restricting .ht* from being viewable.  (Basically, the password encryption
used in said file is moderately easily cracked via brute force.)

One could use a file distributed using rsync(1) or some such (preferably
with RSYNC_RSH=ssh).  However, that's still a bit on the unsecure side,
unless you really do trust everyone who is running one of these web


On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:

> I wonder if one could change the HTTP Server's behavior to process a
> distributed version of "AuthUserFile" and "AuthGroupFile".
> That instead of
> AuthUserFile "/some/secure/directory/.htpasswd
> One would say
> AuthUserFile "";
> Then write a GUI (web) inteface to this password and group file and
> you have distributed authentication system.
> Ed Grimm wrote:
> > On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Medi Montaseri wrote:
> >
> > > I think Netegrity single sing-on system modifies the HTTP server
> > > (possible with mod_perl) to overload or override its native
> > > authoentication and instead contact a Host, Database or LDAP to get
> > > the yes or no along with expiration data it then sends its finding
> > > to the CGI by sending additonal HTTP Header info. A CGI program can
> > > then go from there...
> >
> > Something like this.  Basically, it has modules, plugins, or access
> > instructions, as appropriate, for various web servers, to configure them
> > to use it.  I know it gives an LDAP interface, and I'm assuming it gives
> > an LDAPS interface; I'm not sure what others it may present.
> >
> > > I might not have this 100%, but perhaps we can learn from those
> > > commercial products.
> > >
> > > Someone suggested using LDAP and RDBMS, my question is why both, why
> > > not just RDBMS.
> >
> > Why not just LDAP?  As someone working on rolling out a single sign-on
> > solution with LDAPS, I really want to know...  (We're planning on
> > getting Netegrity for its distributed administration stuff; at that
> > time, we'll start using its web server configuration stuff for any new
> > web servers.  Until that time, we're rolling out LDAPS, and we're not
> > currently planning on converting systems we roll out in the interm to
> > Netegrity.)
> >
> > Incidentally, we're being a bunch of lazy bums, compared to the rest of
> > y'all.  We're considering single sign-on to mean they only need to keep
> > track of one userid and password (unless they need to access classified
> > or otherwise restricted stuff.)  If they go to different sites and have
> > to log on again, we don't currently care.  (Basically, we have too many
> > sites created by too many groups.  We'll share the same login between
> > servers run by the same group, but beyond that, security concerns
> > outweigh user convinience.)
> >
> > Ed
> >
> > > Aaron Johnson wrote:
> > >
> > >> We are working on/with a similar system right now.
> > >>
> > >> We have an application that is written in Perl, but the people
> > >> visiting will most likely be signing on at a different point then our
> > >> applications sign in page. Our system was built to use its own
> > >> internal database for authentication and their app/login uses a
> > >> different method.  The design requirements were that each side would
> > >> have to do as little possible to modify there application to work in
> > >> our single sign on solution.
> > >>
> > >> We have the luxury of not being overly concerned with the security
> > >> aspect so please keep that in mind.
> > >>
> > >> We setup a nightly sync program that verifies the data in the current
> > >> database vs. their login user information database.
> > >>
> > >> Here is a less then detailed summary of how the system operates.
> > >>
> > >> 1) The user logs into the application through their application and
> > >> they are sent a cookie that contains the user name.
> > >>
> > >> 2) All links to our application are sent to a single page on their
> > >> end with the full url of the page they want as part of the query
> > >> string.
> > >>
> > >> 3) They verify that the user is valid using whatever method they
> > >> want.
> > >>
> &g

RE: mod_perl beginners list

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Robert Landrum wrote:
> At 10:22 PM + 1/15/02, Matt Sergeant wrote:
>>On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Robert Landrum wrote:
>>> I've seen nothing on this list that suggests that new users shouldn't
>>> ask questions.  If they don't ask questions because they're "afraid"
>>> of the response they might get, then maybe they should stay home and
>>> leave the programming to those people who have mettle to ask.
>>I know where the sentiment comes from, but I really hope people don't read
>>that and stay away in fear. Really folks, we're friendly here, so long as
>>you play by the rules: quote cleanly, don't post HTML, and ask politely.
> Absolutly.  My response was addressing Joe's statment that users are 
> too intimidated to post.  I disagree.  True programmers know no fear.

True programmers know no fear of computers.  However, any programmer who
knows fear of RTFM would likely not post to any perl mailing list that
didn't have beginner or newbie in the name, due to having experience
with such lists before ever hearing about mod_perl.

Count me as someone who would be interested in being on the list, though
not necessarily very active.


Re: Single login/sign-on for different web apps?

2002-01-20 Thread Ed Grimm

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Paul Lindner wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 06:56:37PM -0500, Vsevolod Ilyushchenko wrote:
>>>  3) Perl-based applications can just use the module and the common key
>>> to decrypt the contents of the cookie to find the authenticated
>>> username.  If the cookie is not present redirect to the central
>>> authentication page, passing in the URL to return to after
>>> authentication.
>> Hmmm... Can I do it securely without using Kerberos? I think so. Looks like
>> if I use https instead of http, people won't be able to steal my (encoded)
>> session information as it is transmitted. And I can also add the IP address
>> to the cookie information.
>> But the cookies file might be readable by other people! If they can steal
>> that file and change the IP address of another machine to yours, they can
>> pretend they are you!
>> I wonder if there is a way out of this...
> Yes, you use the timestamp.  Just reauthenticate the user when they
> try to do 'sensitive' activities.

No, use session cookies - they're not stored on disk.  If you need the
system to retain knowledge through a browser shutdown, you can use a
timestamped cookie to retain the user ID, but don't have it allow them
to do anything other than not have to type their user ID in again
(password screen has user ID filled out for them.)

One can also mark the cookies such that they'll only be transmitted over

 $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name   => 'login',
-value  => 
tgape::setcookiepassword($uid, $pass),
-domain => '',
-path   => '/',
-secure => 1,

If you feel the need to timestamp your session cookies, make the cookie
include an encrypted timestamp.

> For example you might allow someone to view their bank balance if they
> typed their password within the last 2 hours.  Transferring money
> might require a valid password within the last 10 minutes..

Ah, but many systems will refresh a cookie on activity.  So they view
their balance, get a new cookie, and then transfer money.

> Of course, the best authentication system for banking I've seen is
> from UBS.  They send you a scratchlist of around 100 numbers.  Every
> time you login you use one of the numbers and cross it off.  Very
> slick.

All I need to do is find where you left the list.  Written passwords are
not anywhere near as secure as memorized passwords, unless the person
carrying them around is really conscious about security concerns.


Re: load balancing on apache

2001-12-14 Thread ed phillips

Jeff Beard wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > > I _really_ hate so-called dedicated boxes. They're closed, nasty,
> > > inflexible and often don't work in _your_ situation. Doing smart
> > > session-based redirection can be hard with these boxes.
> >
> > You can make it work with homegrown solutions, but I've found the dedicated
> > load-balancing tools (at least Big/IP) to be effective and fairly easy to
> > work with, even with large loads, failover requirements, and more exotic
> > stuff like sticky sessions.  This is one area where the problem seems to be
> > well enough defined for most people to use an off-the-shelf solution.
> > They're often more expensive than they should be, but if you don't have
> > someone on hand who knows the ipchains or LVS stuff it can save you some
> > time and trouble.
> I couldn't agree more. In terms of managability and scalability,
> the various software solutions simply add complexity to something that is
> already so. I've got some experience with Alteon AceDirectors and even though
> they seem little flakey at times, you do end up with true load balacing. (We
> have Cisco's solution deployed and they periodically have issues too.)
> DNS round-robin should be avoided at all costs. It's half-assed at best. In
> the case of a failure those clients that have that IP cached are SOL.
> On some of the systems that I've deployed we have a frontend proxy on the same box
> as the mod_perl with the mod_perl server listening on This is
> behind an Alteon (or 2). You can put the proxy on a separate box as well but
> (I've seen some odd problems with TCP connections not working in this situation
> which I never fully understood but may have had to do with the Alteon being flakey.)
> Anyway, my advice is to go with a hardware load balancer/intelligent IP switch.
> In the long term, it will pay for itself in the time recovered from *not* being
> spent on troubleshooting complex problems.

yes. It's a money vs. time/knowledge thing. Plus the state of the free
software available. Anyone care to compare the features and power of
some of the opensource projects vs. the Big/IP's? Which are the more
promising opensource projects in this area?

It would be nice to use an open source solution, or at least be able to
offer it as an option, and I'd like to track the progress of some of the
more promising projects.



Re: Defeating mod_perl Persistence

2001-12-11 Thread ed phillips

Ged Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Jonathan M. Hollin wrote:
> > When using Mail::Sender only the first email is sent on my mod_perl server.
> > When I investigated, I realised that the socket to the SMTP server was
> > staying open after the completion of that first email (presumably mod_perl
> > is responsible for this persistence).
> >
> > Is there any way to defeat the persistence on the socket while running my
> > script under mod_perl, or do such scripts always need to be mod_cgi?
> The idea is for the mod_perl process to complete its job and get on
> with another as quickly as possible.  Waiting around for nameserver
> timeouts and such doesn't help things.
> You might be better off re-thinking the design for use under mod_perl.
> This is a well-trodden path, have a browse through the archives.

Yes, this has come up before. Ideally you want to separate out your mail
service and pass your mails to a queue. Then, wholly independent of your
app, your smtp server can negotiate with remote hosts and generally do
its thing. That is, you shouldn't even make your app wait for your SMTP
server to send an email before you free it to handle the next request.
This is analagous to using a proxy server to handle slowish clients. See
the guide, archives.


Re: Shutdown

2001-11-01 Thread ed phillips

"Khachaturov, Vassilii" wrote:
> Hi Matt, do you have any news on planned re-appearance of
> current axkit docs and mailing list archives online? The net people
> memory is short, if you don't come back noone will know what AxKit is :-(
> Or did you abandon it in favor of smth better?

Just to add to this. I've, several times, recommended Axkit to people,
only to have them not be able reach or and have them
no longer entertain the possibility of working with it

Re: [OT] Off Topic?

2001-10-12 Thread ed phillips

Robin Berjon wrote:
> On Friday 12 October 2001 00:52, Ged Haywood wrote:
> > See attached.
> Shouldn't that document go on ? Last time you brought it up
> you thought that it wasn't perfect enough yet, but however relatively
> "imperfect" you may consider it to be (I think it's very good as is) it's
> certainly already helpful ! So can't someone simply commit it to the site ?
> Pretty please ?

Yes, I read it and it looks good. Stas did not wait for the guide to be
perfect before he put it up. ;-) Can you remember what the guide was
like a couple of years ago? Put it up.


[OT]Re: The DEFINITIVE answer to: How much should I charge?

2001-10-10 Thread ed phillips

Tom Mornini wrote:
> This whole thread can be answered very easily:
> ANSWER: As much as you can.
> That's it! That's the entire answer. Nothing else should figure in
> unless you
> personally wish to make exceptions for any reason you see fit.
> Did the people who ask this question grow up and become educated in a
> part of the
> world where free markets and capitalism did not exist?
> Perhaps in socialistic colleges in the U.S.? :-)

If you mean when you say, "sociailistic colleges", very well funded
universities full of tenured radicals, then I'm guilty. ;-)

Those were my favorite professors!  But, I was never deluded into
thinking they had in any sense escaped the money economy. The star
tenured radicals such as Fred Jameson for example make as much or more
than a very well paid software developer so one must appreciate the

As a freelancer you charge what the market will bear. Besides the extra
cost of benefits and the added tax liabilities one must also factor in
the assumption of risk if you want to come to a justification for
charging 100+ per hour. If you don't feel the need to justify, then you
merely say, "I charge the market rate." No tenured radical would
begrudge you. They know on what side their bread is buttered. ;-)


Re: [OT] Re: What hourly rate to charge for programming?

2001-10-03 Thread ed phillips

Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > Now take the amount you want to make and divide it by the number
> > of hours you came up with above ($40,000 / 1,000).  You get $40.
> > That's your target hourly rate.  And despite what they high-flying
> > .com weanies were saying a year ago, that's going to be a nice
> > living for a young guy unless you're smack in the middle of a
> > high-cost area and can't bother to cook your own meals.
> Don't forget that self-employed people in the US must pay considerably more
> in social security, as well as covering the full cost of their own health
> insurance and other needed benefits.  $40K as a consultant is much less
> spendable money than $40K as an employee.
> - Perrin

Yes, that's an additional 7.5% for social security. In addition, you
have to take care of your own benefits, etc.

Market downturns can be a better time for contract work over full-time,
especially since stock options don't mean what they do during an upturn.
;-) And many employers don't have the resources to take on full-time

I'd recommend that you start to inch up your rate with new clients, and
that you try and see what your market will bear. Your target should be
$100+ in the U.S. for basic consulting and more for mod_perl specific
work, again if your market will bear it.

Good Luck,


Re: [ANNOUNCE] sponsors mod_perl development

2001-09-20 Thread ed phillips

"Aaron E. Ross" wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 02:01:31AM +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> > "You can reach your goals.
> >
> > I'm living proof.
> >
> > beefcake.
> >
> >
> > -- Eric Cartman
>  LOL!  sounds like a great project stas! thanks ticketmaster!

Yeah. Kudos to Ticketmaster for supporting a great Open Source project.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] sponsors mod_perl development

2001-09-20 Thread ed phillips

Congratulations to Stas, mod_perl, and the guide.



Stas Bekman wrote:
> If you remember back in the end of April, I've posted to the list an
> unusual job seek request [1], where I was saying that I want some
> company to sponsor me to work full time on mod_perl 2.0 development.
> Believe it or not my unusual request has been answered by Craig McLane
> from (which owns
> is a heavy user of mod_perl technology and interested in
> making sure that mod_perl technology get more and more mature and ensure
> their business' success.
> So starting from this September I'm working on mod_perl 2.0
> development, a new documentation project (which you are welcome to
> join) and doing mod_perl advocacy through teaching at the conferences
> and other ways.
> Currently the contract is for one year. But if everything goes well,
> and mod_perl 2.0 rocks the world even better than 1.x did we will see
> more support and sponsoring from TicketMaster.
> This email's purpose:
> - is to set a precedent for other business to sponsor mod_perl and
>related technologies. There are at least a few excellent developers
>that I know will jump on the opportunity of being able to do what
>they love full time.
> - is to set a precedent for other developers to seek what they really
>want and read less stories about hi-tech recession, since good
>developers are always in demand. Therefore I hope that this email
>will encourage you to do that.
> Notes:
> _
> Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>   mod_perl Guide

Re: mod_proxy and mod_perl in guide

2001-09-17 Thread ed phillips

Thanks Vivek,

Andrei, use the front end to directly handle any binaries, static files,

I doubt they are generating of these on the fly.

Vivek Khera wrote:
> > "AAV" == Andrei A Voropaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> AAV> In our system we have to pass large PDF files thru mod_perl to
> AAV> proxy and we noticed that it takes the same time as sending it
> AAV> directly to customer.
> Why do you have to pass the PDF thru mod_perl?  Are you generating it
> on the fly?  If not, configure your proxy front end to intercept
> static documents like .pdf .txt .html etc. to be handled by the front
> end directly.  I use mod_rewrite for this, and my configs have been
> posted to this list at least twice.
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
> Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-240-453-8497
> AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera

Re: AxKit configuration question

2001-09-02 Thread Ed Loehr

Robin Berjon wrote:
> On Saturday 01 September 2001 08:02, Ed Loehr wrote:
> > There's also a note (in AxKit 1.4 change log, I think) that says that
> > problem is fixed in 1.4.  Also, from 'perldoc AxKit':
> >
> >If you have a recent mod_perl and use mod_perl's
> >Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 to compile Apache for you, this
> >option will be enabled automatically for you.
> >
> > Other clues?
> It's supposed to, but sometimes apparently it doesn't (I haven't been able to
> track down why, and it may be my fault).
> Have you tried without SSL ? It sometimes conflicts with other modules.
> Another search track would be to find out which module that AxKit pulls in
> causes the crash (if any). You could also try out the 1.5 RC (which must be
> called 1.4_9x and is probably on CPAN or mirrored somewhere), it's been quite
> stable in my experience.

I tried it without SSL, and the same problem remains:  httpd exits
silently after seemingly normal startup.  I'll try 1.5RC, axkit irc, and
debugging if I can't find a way around in my laziness.  Thanks.

Ed Loehr timing?

2001-09-01 Thread Ed Loehr

I recently read that AxKit was in the process of becoming an ASF xml
project.  Does anyone have a sense of the timing for when this might
happen and when will return/arrive?

Also, does anyone know of a mirror site for

Ed Loehr

Re: AxKit configuration question

2001-08-31 Thread Ed Loehr

Randy Kobes wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Ed Loehr wrote:
> > More data:  there is no core file created, and the mere presence of this
> > one line in my httpd.conf ...
> >
> >   PerlModule AxKit
> >
> > ...with no other AxKit directives anywhere, causes httpd to exit shortly
> > (< 1 sec) after starting.  I hacked to verify it is loading, and
> > it is successfully completing it's BEGIN block.
> The AxKit FAQ (which unfortunately I don't think is reachable yet
> at says that there could be some problems
> with Apache's default build with expat enabled and XML::Parser's
> version of expat. The recommendation is to recompile Apache
> with --disable-rule=expat. Does this work?

I don't think so, not the way I tried it, anyway...

perl Makefile.PL \
DO_HTTPD=1 SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl \
APACI_ARGS='--enable-module=ssl, \
--enable-module=rewrite, \
--enable-module=perl, \
(make && date && make test && date && make install && date) | tee
make certificate TYPE=custom
make install

There's also a note (in AxKit 1.4 change log, I think) that says that
problem is fixed in 1.4.  Also, from 'perldoc AxKit':

   If you have a recent mod_perl and use mod_perl's
   Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 to compile Apache for you, this
   option will be enabled automatically for you.

Other clues?

Ed Loehr

Re: AxKit configuration question

2001-08-31 Thread Ed Loehr

Ed Loehr wrote:
> I'm attempting to install AxKit 1.4 (and 10 or so other pre-requisite
> modules) on my modperl/modssl server, and I'm trying to get the
> ultra-basic AxKit manpage example to work ('perldoc AxKit').
> The first sign of trouble has arisen:  httpd silently exits immediately
> after startup once I add the specified AxKit configuration to my Apache
> config files, and I have not been able to find any logging whatsoever
> yet.  I can see it is successfully loading, and producing
> seemingly all of the normal Apache log startup messages I usually see.
> It's just that when I go to the ps table, it is not there.  Does anyone
> have a clue to offer before I recompile with debugging on?
>   Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b

More data:  there is no core file created, and the mere presence of this
one line in my httpd.conf ...

PerlModule AxKit

...with no other AxKit directives anywhere, causes httpd to exit shortly
(< 1 sec) after starting.  I hacked to verify it is loading, and
it is successfully completing it's BEGIN block.

Any clues?

Ed Loehr

This is kernel 2.2.12-20smp.

# perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.2.5-22smp, archname=i386-linux
uname='linux 2.2.5-22smp #1 smp wed jun 2
09:11:51 edt 1999 i686 unknown '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O2', gccversion=egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux
(egcs-1.1.2 release)
cppflags='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include'
ccflags ='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include'
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=undef, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
libs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt
libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-rdynamic'
cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Aug 30 1999 23:09:51

# httpd -V
Server version: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix)
Server built:   Aug 31 2001 21:07:15
Server compiled with
 -D HTTPD_ROOT="/usr/local/apache_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20"
 -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/local/apache_ssl-2.8.4-1.3.20/bin/suexec"
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/httpd.scoreboard"
 -D DEFAULT_LOCKFILE="logs/httpd.lock"
 -D DEFAULT_XFERLOG="logs/access_log"
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"
 -D TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="conf/mime.types"
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"
 -D ACCESS_CONFIG_FILE="conf/access.conf"
 -D RESOURCE_CONFIG_FILE="conf/srm.conf"

AxKit configuration question

2001-08-31 Thread Ed Loehr

Hi All,

I'm attempting to install AxKit 1.4 (and 10 or so other pre-requisite
modules) on my modperl/modssl server, and I'm trying to get the
ultra-basic AxKit manpage example to work ('perldoc AxKit').  

The first sign of trouble has arisen:  httpd silently exits immediately
after startup once I add the specified AxKit configuration to my Apache
config files, and I have not been able to find any logging whatsoever
yet.  I can see it is successfully loading, and producing
seemingly all of the normal Apache log startup messages I usually see. 
It's just that when I go to the ps table, it is not there.  Does anyone
have a clue to offer before I recompile with debugging on?

My server's status line is 

  Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b

(it once had AxKit 1.4 in it, but I haven't been able to reproduce
Here's my httpd.conf file:


Include conf/perl.conf


Here's part of conf/perl.conf:

PerlModule AxKit

# Install AxKit main parts
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler AxKit

# Setup style type mappings
AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::Sablot
AxAddStyleMap application/x-xpathscript \

# Optionally set a hard coded cache directory
# make sure this is writable by nobody
AxCacheDir /opt/axkit/cachedir

# turn on debugging (1 - 10)
AxDebugLevel 10
AxStackTrace On
AxLogDeclines On


If I delete this section of perl.conf, the server starts and runs fine,
albeit without the desired AxKit effect!!

The only thing I have not investigated are a bunch of log messages re
Apache::Status as follows ...

Subroutine menu_item redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/Apache/ line 46.

and a bunch for ...

Subroutine Apache::Table::TIEHASH redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/ line 65535.

Thanks in advance for any clues/pointers.

Ed Loehr

Re: [ModPerl] missing POST args mystery

2001-07-10 Thread Ed Loehr

Ed Loehr wrote:
> > >I'm stumped ...
> > >In a nutshell, my problem is that POSTed form key-value pairs are
> > >intermittently not showing up in the request object inside my handler
> > >subroutine.

As I was puzzling over this, I saw this error message in the logs...

(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

A google search turned up a note about needing to have "$CGI::NO_DEBUG =
1" before calling CGI::Cookie->parse().  Adding that line of code before
my parse call seems to have fixed the problem.  At a glance, looks like was strangely set to read from the command-line (default
$CGI::NO_DEBUG = 0), probably triggering a call of Apache's request->args
somewhere along the line.  How the default setting may have changed I
don't know, because I've been using for years without this
problem; I may have upgraded that package, picking up a change

Ed Loehr

[ModPerl] missing POST args mystery

2001-07-06 Thread Ed Loehr

I'm stumped regarding some request object behavior in modperl, and after
searching the Guide, Google, and the list archives without success, I'm
hoping someone might offer another idea I could explore, or offer some
helpful diagnostic questions.

In a nutshell, my problem is that POSTed form key-value pairs are
intermittently not showing up in the request object inside my handler

I have a modperl-generated form:




Upon submission, the form data eventually flows to my PerlHandler... 

sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my @argsarray = ($r->method eq 'POST' ? $r->content() : $r->args());

Now, if I examine (print) the form values retrieved from the request
object upon entry into this handler (*after* I load them into $args),
'id' is not present at all.  I must be missing something trivially
obvious to some of you.

This is running Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.3

Ed Loehr

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-25 Thread ed phillips


> > Francesco, I believe that Ian was joking, hence the yikes before the name,
> > so  the above post is the documentation!
> >
> > Ed
> >
> .. so the best environment for the MVC++ design pattern is parrot/mod_parrot :)
> Thanks
> Francesco


Wasn't Ian the one responsible for the mod_parrot MVC++ API?


Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-24 Thread ed phillips

Francesco Pasqualini wrote:

> - Original Message -
> To: "Francesco Pasqualini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 8:11 PM
> Subject: Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern
> >
> > You can (I have) accomplish this with mod_perl and HTML::Mason, Mason's
> > root level autohandler can play the role of the JSP model 2
> > "controller servlet": dispatching logic processing to Perl objects (er,
> > beans) and "forwarding" to a view (with the Mason $m->call_next or
> > $m->comp mechanisms).  I think the Apache::Dispatch stuff can also
> > perform this role (haven't played with it to say for certain).  I'll
> > qualify this by saying MVC is not a end in itself, there are a lot of
> > modern requirements for flexible branding, client form factor appropriate
> > and locale specific presentations that require the view/controller part to
> > be a lot smarter than the traditional concepts of MVC that I've seen call
> > for.  I've been referring to these needs in my own engineering discussions
> > as (yikes) MVC++  :)
> ... this is really interesting, can you point me to documentation about
> "MVC++"
> thanks
> Francesco

Francesco, I believe that Ian was joking, hence the yikes before the name, so
the above post is the documentation!


Re: Can AxKit be used as a Template Engine?

2001-04-23 Thread ed phillips

Michael Alan Dorman wrote:

> Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > It depends a *lot* on the type of content on your site. The above
> > is brochureware, so it's not likely to need to be
> > re-styled for lighter browsers, or WebTV, or WAP, or... etc. So your
> > content (I'm guessing) is pure HTML, with Mason used as a fancy way
> > to do SSI, with Mason components for the title bars/menus, and so
> > on. (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
> It is more sophisticated than that, but you're basically right.  I do
> pull some tagset-like tricks for individual pages, so it's not totally
> pure HTML, but yeah, if we wanted to do WebTV we'd be fscked.
> > AxKit is just as capable of doing that sort of thing, but where it
> > really shines is to provide the same content in different ways,
> > because you can turn the XML based content into HTML, or WebTV HTML,
> > or WML, or PDF, etc.
> Ah---well a web site that does all of that isn't what first comes to
> mind when someone talkes about doing a "static site"---though now that
> you've explained further, I believe I understand exactly what you
> intended.
> > I talk about how the current Perl templating solutions (including
> > Mason) aren't suited to this kind of re-styling in my AxKit talk,
> > which I'm giving at the Perl conference, so go there and come see
> > the talk :-)
> Heh.  I agree entirely with this assesment---I can conceptualize a way
> to do it in Mason, but the processing overhead would be unfortunate,
> the amount of handwaving involved would be enormous, and it would
> probably be rather fragile.
> > So I take back that people wouldn't be using Mason for static
> > content. I was just trying to find a simple way to classify these
> > tools, and to some people (I'd say most people), Mason is more on
> > the dynamic content side of things, and AxKit is more on the static
> > content side of things, but both tools can be used for both types of
> > content.
> >
> > (I hate getting into these things - I wish I'd never brought up
> > Mason or EmbPerl)
> Well I will say that you made an excellent point that hadn't really
> occured to me---I use XML + XSL for a lot of stuff (the DTD I use for
> my resume is a deeply reworked version of one I believe you had posted
> at one time), but not web sites, in part because I'm not currently
> obligated to worry about "other devices"---so I don't exactly regret
> getting you to clarify things.
> Could I suggest that a better tagline would be that AxKit is superior
> when creating easily (re-)targetable sites with mostly static content?
> It might stave off more ignorant comments.
> Mike.


I've also found your use of "static" to describe "transformable" or
word)" content to be confusing. This discussion helps clarify things, a
little. ;-)


Re: Fast DB access

2001-04-18 Thread ed phillips

Matthew Kennedy wrote:

> I'm on several postgresql mailing lists and couldn't find a recent post
> from you complaining about 6.5.3 performance problems (not even by an
> archive search). Your benchmark is worthless until you try postgresql
> 7.1. There have been two major releases of postgresql since 6.5.x (ie.
> 7.0 and 7.1) and several minor ones over a total of 2-3 years. It's no
> secret that they have tremendous performance improvements over 6.5.x. So
> why did you benchmark 6.5.x?
> This is a good comparison of MySQL and PostgreSQL 7.0:
> "Open Source Databases: As The Tables Turn" --
> > We haven't tried this one. We are doing a project on mysql. Our preliminary 
>assessment is, it's a shocker. They justify not having commit and rollback!! Makes us 
>think whether they are even lower end than MS-Access.
> Again, checkout PostgreSQL 7.1 -- I believe "commit" and "rollback" (as
> you put it) are available. BTW, I would like to see that comment about
> MS-Access posted to pgsql-general... I dare ya. :P
> Matthew

You can scale any of these databases; Oracle, MySQL or PostgreSQL, but please research 
each one thoroughly and tune it properly before you do your benchmarking.  And, again, 
MySQL does support transactions now. Such chutzpah for them to have promoted an "atomic
operations" paradigm for so long without supporting transactions! But that discussion 
is moot now.

Please be advised that MySQL is threaded and must be tuned properly to handle many 
concurrent users on Linux. See the docs at  The author of the PHP 
Builder column did not do his research, so his results for MySQL on Linux are way off.
Happily, though, even he got some decent results from PostgreSQL 7.0.

The kernel of wisdom here:  If you are going to use one of the Open Source databases, 
please use
the latest stable release (they improve quickly!) and please either hire someone with 
some expertise installing and administering, and tuning your database of choice on 
your platform of choice or do the research thoroughly yourself.


Re: Varaible scope & memory under mod_perl

2001-03-14 Thread ed phillips


check the headers!

Steven Zhu wrote:

> How could I unsubscribe from [EMAIL PROTECTED] you so
> much.Steven.
>  -Original Message-

Re: Not even beginning - INSTALL HELP

2001-02-27 Thread ed phillips

If you are going to upgrade gcc for RH 7.0, I reccomend the
new source RPM for gcc to be found in the updates directory
on any redhat mirror site.  In fact, if you are sticking with RH
you should see about updating a number of things.



"G.W. Haywood" wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, A. Santillan Iturres wrote:
> > I have Apache 1.3.12 running on a RedHat 7.0 box with perl, v5.6.0 built for
> > i386-linux
> > I went to install mod_perl-1.25:
> > When I did:
> > perl Makefile.PL
> > I've got a:
> > Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> Did you build your Perl yourself?  Sounds like there's a problem with
> it.  Check out the mod_perl List archives for problems with gcc (the C
> compiler) that was shipped with RedHat 7.0.  You should probably get
> that replaced to start with.  (Or use Slackware - sorry:)
> 73,
> Ged.

mod_perl + multiple Oracle schemas (was RE: Edmund Mergl)

2001-01-10 Thread Ed Park


Another thing you may want to look into is just doing an
"alter session set current_schema" call at the top of your mod_perl page.
This is actually significantly faster than Tim's reauthenticate solution
(about 7X, according to my benchmarks).

It has become a supported feature as of Oracle 8i. For details on what I
did, see (which is still a total mess
right now-- I'll get around to cleaning it up sometime soon, I promise!)


-Original Message-
From: John D Groenveld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 5:10 PM
To: Edmund Mergl
Subject: Re: Edmund Mergl

Good to see you alive, well, and still coding Perl.

Months ago, about the time of the Perl conference so it may have slipped
under everyone's radar, Jeff Horn from U of Wisconsin sent you some patches
to Apache::DBI to use Oracle 8's re-authenticate function instead of
creating and caching a separate Oracle connection for each user. Did you
decide whether to incorporate them or to suggest another module name for
him to use? I wasn't  able to participate in the discussion at the time,
but I now have need for that functionality. I don't know if Jeff Horn is
still around, but I'll track him down if necessary and offer to work on it.

Also, I sent you a small patch to fix Apache::DBI warnings under Perl5.6.
I hate to be a pest, but I'm rolling out software where the installation
procedure requires the user to fetch Perl from Active State and Apache::DBI
from CPAN. I'd rather not ship my own version of yours or any CPAN module.


getting rid of multiple identical http requests (bad users double-clicking)

2001-01-04 Thread Ed Park

Does anyone out there have a clean, happy solution to the problem of users
jamming on links & buttons? Analyzing our access logs, it is clear that it's
relatively common for users to click 2,3,4+ times on a link if it doesn't
come up right away. This not good for the system for obvious reasons.

I can think of a few ways around this, but I was wondering if anyone else
had come up with anything. Here are the avenues I'm exploring:
1. Implementing JavaScript disabling on the client side so that links become
'click-once' links.
2. Implement an MD5 hash of the request and store it on the server (e.g. in
a MySQL server). When a new request comes in, check the MySQL server to see
whether it matches an existing request and disallow as necessary. There
might be some sort of timeout mechanism here, e.g. don't allow identical
requests within the span of the last 20 seconds.

Has anyone else thought about this?


RE: the edge of chaos

2001-01-04 Thread Ed Park

A few thoughts:

In analyzing a few spikes on our site in the last few days, a clear pattern
has emerged: the database spikes, and the database spikes induce a
corresponding spike on the mod_perl server about 2-6 minutes later(because
mod_perl requests start queuing up). This is exacerbated by the fact that as
the site slows down, folks start double and triple-clicking on links and
buttons, which of course just causes things to get much worse.

This has a few ramifications. If your pages are not homogeneous in database
usage (i.e., some pages are much heavier than others), then throttling by
number of connections or throttling based on webserver load doesn't help
that much. You need to throttle based on database server load. This requires
some sort of mechanism whereby the webserver can sample the load on the
database server and throttle accordingly. Currently, we just mount a common
NFS fileserver, sample every minute, and restart the webserver if db load is
too high, which works OK.

The best course of action, though, is to tune your database, homogenize your
pages, and buy a bigger box, which we're doing.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Perrin Harkins
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 6:38 PM
To: Justin
Subject: Re: the edge of chaos

Justin wrote:
> Thanks for the links! But. I wasnt sure what in the first link
> was useful for this problem, and, the vacuum bots discussion
> is really a different topic.
> I'm not talking of vacuum bot load. This is real world load.
> Practical experiments (ok - the live site :) convinced me that
> the well recommended modperl setup of fe/be suffer from failure
> and much wasted page production when load rises just a little
> above *maximum sustainable throughput* ..

The fact that mod_proxy doesn't disconnect from the backend server when
the client goes away is definitely a problem.  I remember some
discussion about this before but I don't think there was a solution for

I think Vivek was correct in pointing out that your ultimate problem is
the fact that your system is not big enough for the load you're
getting.  If you can't upgrade your system to safely handle the load,
one approach is to send some people away when the server gets too busy
and provide decent service to the ones you do allow through.  You can
try lowering MaxClients on the proxy to help with this.  Then any
requests going over that limit will get queued by the OS and you'll
never see them if the person on the other end gets tired of waiting and
cancels.  It's tricky though, because you don't want a bunch of slow
clients to tie up all of your proxy processes.

It's easy to adapt the existing mod_perl throttling handlers to send a
short static "too busy" page when there are more than a certain number
of concurrent requests on the site.  Better to do this on the proxy side
though, so maybe mod_throttle could do it for you.

- Perrin

Re: is morning bug still relevant?

2000-12-18 Thread ed phillips

Please use the  MySQL modules list. Responses are timely.


Subscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Vivek Khera wrote:

> >>>>> "SV" == Steven Vetzal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> SV> Greetings,
> >> to say "ping doesn't work in all cases" without qualifiying why and/or
> >> which drivers that applies to.
> SV> We've had to write our own ->ping method for the MySQL DBD
> SV> driver. Our developer tried to track down a maintainer for the
> SV> DBD::msql/mysql module to submit a diff, but to no avail.
> How old a version are you talking about?  In any case, according to
> CPAN, the DBD::mysql module is "owned" by
> Module id = DBD::mysql
> DESCRIPTION  Mysql Driver for DBI
> CPAN_FILEJ/JW/JWIED/Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2215.tar.gz
> DSLI_STATUS  RmcO (released,mailing-list,C,object-oriented)
> INST_FILE(not installed)
> and I *know* he's responsive to that email address at least as of a
> month or so ago, as we exchanged correspondence on another matter.
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
> Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Rockville, MD   +1-240-453-8497
> AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera

showing mod_perl execute time in access_log

2000-12-14 Thread Ed Park

quick, obvious trick:
This is a trivial modification of Doug's original Apache::TimeIt script that
allows you to very precisely show the Apache execute time of the page.

This is particularly useful if you want to know which pages of your site you
could optimize.

Here's a question, though: does anyone know an easy way of measuring how
long apache keeps a socket to the client open, assuming that KeepAlive has
been turned off? This is relevant because I want to know how long on average
it is taking clients to receive certain pages in my application. I know that
I can approximately calculate it from bandwidth, but I would expect the
actual number to vary wildly throughout a given day due to Internet


package AccessTimer;

# Just put the following line into your .conf file:
# PerlFixupHandler AccessTimer
# and use a custom Apache log (this logging piece is not at all
# see
# CustomLog /path/to/your/log "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b %{ELAPSED}e"

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use vars qw($begin);

sub handler {
my $r = shift;

$begin = [gettimeofday];

return OK;

sub log {
my $r = shift;

my $elapsed = tv_interval($begin);
$r->subprocess_env('ELAPSED' => "$elapsed");
return DECLINED;


RE: Mod_perl tutorials

2000-12-13 Thread Ed Park

My two cents--

I really like the look of the take23 site as well, and I would be happy as a
clam if we could get I'd even be willing to chip in some
(money/time/effort) to see whether we could get

More than that, though, I think that I would really like to see take23 in
large measure replace the current I remember the first time
I looked at, it was not at all clear to me that I could
build a fast database-backed web application using mod_perl. In contrast,
when you click on PHP from, you are taken directly to a site
that gives you the sense that there is a strong, vibrant community around
php. (BTW, I also like the look and feel of take23 significantly more than

Anyways, those are my own biases. The final bias is that the advocacy site
should be hosted someplace _fast_; one of the reasons I initially avoided
PHP was that their _site_ was dog slow, and I associated that with PHP being
dog slow. Anyways, take23 is very fast for now.


RE: Article idea: mod_perl + JSP

2000-12-13 Thread Ed Park

I've been thinking about this quite a bit recently.

I agree with Gunther-- what is more important is not really the language
that you use, but the high-level application framework you have built for
yourself and how you use it. This is because most of the essential elements
of any framework can be duplicated in any reasonably powerful programming
language (mod_perl, java, tcl, even VBScript/VB to some extent).

That said, my own experience and benchmarking showed that mod_perl is the
best of these architectures for building extremely high-quality, reliable,
_complicated_ 3-tier Internet applications in which the prototyping and
release cycle are very highly compressed, because I can write the most
high-quality, high-speed code per unit time in Perl. By 3-tier apps, I mean
apps consisting of a browser, the app server (mod_perl), and an RDBMS.

Perl doesn't have much support in the way of n-tier apps, which is why I
find Nathan's question interesting, and why I have been thinking about it
recently. From some recent experiences with using SOAP to integrate with an
outside vendor, I believe that it is possible to create a best-of-breed
n-tier solution using Perl as the glue layer. For those of you who don't
know what SOAP is, it's essentially RPC over XML, and allows any app to talk
to any other app in a standard, XML-based format. Go to for a very clean implementation of SOAP for Perl.

To continue-- there are a few reasons that you might want to use Java as a
component of a mod_perl app:
-There are sometimes pre-written components for Java that you'd like to use
because a vendor has written pre-specified hooks for Java. This could also
be the case in which you have to integrate with any legacy systems.
-Java has much better support for threading, and therefore in many cases
makes a much better server (the simple example for this is a chat server).
-Because of Java's threads, it can pool transactions resources (e.g.
databases) better, and may therefore be more efficient in places where
resources are tightly constrained, _especially_ if the database is queried
relatively infrequently.

For similar reasons, you might want to use a VB component in your
application, etc. SOAP makes that possible.

The point here is that I think that an awful lot of folks out there have
straitjacketed themselves into thinking that if there's a complicated
problem that needs to be solved, and there's a piece of that problem is best
done in Java, then we ought to write the whole thing in Java. What I'm
saying is that that's not necessarily true-- that it's actually possible to
write best-of-breed solutions by introducing a communications-layer
abstraction that enables you to build a clean n-tier architecture. CORBA
promised this, but was sufficently difficult to implement because it has not
(to my knowledge) gained very wide acceptance in the Perl community. Also,
the major ORBs (IONA, Visigenic) have largely overlooked creating Perl
bindings for theri apps. SOAP, however, makes distributed computing
extremely easy and _very_ clean, and I think that it could change the way
that people think about building complicated, high-quality applications in
an extremely compressed timecycle.

Using SOAP actually opens a number of other possibilities that don't require
thinking outside of mod_perl, too. For example, one of the big selling
points of Java is that it allows horizontal partitioning of classes on
different machines. Using SOAP, you can actually partition your _perl_ logic
so that different pieces run on different machines; or, you can write a
component in Perl that is subsequently called by a Java component.

OK, enough of my rambling...


-Original Message-
From: Gunther Birznieks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 11:42 PM
To: Chris Winters; Nathan Torkington
Subject: Re: Article idea: mod_perl + JSP

At 11:11 PM 12/12/2000 -0500, Chris Winters wrote:
>* Nathan Torkington ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [001212 22:09]:
> >
> > Anyone run such an installation?  Anyone want to write about their
> > setup and experiences?
> >

There are projects where we use mod_perl handlers for stuff like
prototyping auth but then use servlets/JSPs for the app. But I believe
that's too shallow for what Nat wants.

We're a small shop of primarily fairly senior developers (at least several
years experience in the languages we like to use)... and we've actually
found that the Java web and the Perl web projects we've delivered on aren't
necessarily THAT far off in project delivery time than some Perl people
would have you believe.

Of course, we have a toolkit that we use to develop apps in both Perl and
Java which helps, but it's still interesting that business logic for people
experienced in the language of their choice isn't that bad in term

Apache::Session benchmarks

2000-12-11 Thread Ed Park

FYI-- here are some Apache::Session benchmark results. As with all
benchmarks, this may not be applicable to you.

Basically, though, the results show that you really ought to use a database
to back your session stores if you run a high-volume site.

Benchmark: This benchmark measures the time taken to do a create/read for
1000 sessions. It does not destroy sessions, i.e. it assumes a user base
that browses around arbitrarily and then just leaves (i.e. does not log out,
and so session cleanup can't easily be done).

RESULTS: I tested the following configurations:

Apache::Session::MySQL - Dual-PIII-600/512MB/Linux 2.2.14SMP: Running both
the httpd and mysqld servers on this server. Average benchtime: 2.21 seconds

Apache::Session::Oracle - Ran the httpd on the dual-PIII-600/512MB/Linux
2.2.14SMP, running Oracle on a separate dual PIII-500/1G (RH Linux 6.2).
Average benchtime: 3.1 seconds (consistent). (ping time between the servers:

Apache::Session::File - Dual-PIII-600/512MB/Linux 2.2.14SMP: Ran 4 times.
First time: ~2.2s. Second time: ~5.0s. Third time: ~8.4s. Fourth time:

Apache::Session::DB_File - Dual-PIII-600/512MB/Linux 2.2.14SMP: Ran 4 times.
First time: ~20.0s. Second time: ~20.8s. Third time: ~21.9s. Fourth time:

The actual benchmarking code can be found at (warning - the site is in a terrible state
right now, mostly a scratchpad for various techniques & benchmarks)

Question: does anyone know how to pre-specify the _session_id for the
session, rather than allowing Apache::Session to set it and read it? I saw
some posts about it a while back, but no code...


[JOB] mod_perl folks wanted in Boston -

2000-12-08 Thread Ed Park

In the spirit of all of this talk about certification, demand for mod_perl
programmers, etc., I'd just like to say that I'm looking for programmers.

More to the point, I'm looking for kickass folks who just happen to know
mod_perl. If you know mod_perl very well, great, but generally speaking, I'm
looking for folks who are just kickass hackers, know that they are kickass
hackers, and are willing to do anything to drive a problem to extinction.

Experience with mod_perl, Linux, Oracle, Solaris, Java, XML/SOAP, MQ Series,
transaction brokers, systems administration, NT, DHTML, JavaScript, etc.
etc. are all Good Things. But basically, we're looking for folks who are
itching to prove themselves and have some sort of history that indicates
that they can do it.

As a backdrop: we just raised $30 million, and we were the top story in the
latest Red Herring VC Dealflow.
As you have probably gathered by now from my posts about the Scaling
mod_perl page ( soon to be folded into the
Guide), I'm currently starting up a scaling mod_perl project, and I have a
lot of money and stock options to burn on good people and interesting toys.

If you're interested, send me a private email & a resume and we'll talk.

Unfortunately, you sort of have to be in the Boston area (or willing to
move) to make this work.


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RE: [ANNOUNCE] new site: scaling mod_perl will be movin to the Guide

2000-12-08 Thread Ed Park

I've gotten in touch with Stas, and the 'scaling mod_perl' site will
eventually be folded into the Guide. woohoo!

I'm going to spend several weeks fleshing it out and cleaning it up before
it goes in, though.


-Original Message-
From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] new site: scaling mod_perl (+tool: mod_perl +

> The enterprise mod_perl architectures idea that I posted earlier has
> into a slightly modified idea: a 'scaling mod_perl' site:
> The point of this site will be to talk about & synthesize techniques for
> scaling, monitoring, and profiling large, complicated mod_perl
> architectures.

No offense, but the content you have here looks really well suited to be
part of the Guide.  It would fit nicely into the performance section.
Making it a separate site kind of fragments the documentation.

> So far, I've written up a basic scaling framework, and I've posted a
> particular development profiling tool that we wrote to capture, time, and
> explain all SQL select queries that occur on a particular page of a
> + DBD::Oracle application:
> -
> -

Take a look at DBIx::Profile as well.

> 1. Performance benchmarking code. In particular, I'm looking for tools
> can read in an apache log, play it back realtime (by looking at the time
> between requests in the apache log), and simulate slow & simultaneous
> connections. I've started writing my own, but it would be cool if
> else out there existed.

The mod_backhand project was developing a tool like this called Daquiri.

> If folks could just send me pointers to various caching
> modules and code, I'll test them in a uniform environment and let folks
> what I come up with.

There are a bunch of discussions about this in the archives, including one
this week.  Joshua Chamas did some benchmarking on a dbm-based approach

- Perrin

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[ANNOUNCE] new site: scaling mod_perl (+tool: mod_perl + DBD::Oracle)

2000-12-08 Thread Ed Park

The enterprise mod_perl architectures idea that I posted earlier has evolved
into a slightly modified idea: a 'scaling mod_perl' site:

The point of this site will be to talk about & synthesize techniques for
scaling, monitoring, and profiling large, complicated mod_perl

So far, I've written up a basic scaling framework, and I've posted a
particular development profiling tool that we wrote to capture, time, and
explain all SQL select queries that occur on a particular page of a mod_perl
+ DBD::Oracle application:

Currently, I'm soliciting thoughts and code on the following subjects in
1. Performance benchmarking code. In particular, I'm looking for tools that
can read in an apache log, play it back realtime (by looking at the time
between requests in the apache log), and simulate slow & simultaneous
connections. I've started writing my own, but it would be cool if something
else out there existed.
2. Caching techniques. I know that this is a topic that has been somewhat
beaten to a pulp on this list, but it keeps coming up, and I don't know of
any place where the current best thinking on the subject has been
synthesized. I haven't used any caching techniques yet myself, but I intend
to begin caching data at the mod_perl tier in the next version of my
application, so I have a very good incentive to synthesize and benchmark
various techniques. If folks could just send me pointers to various caching
modules and code, I'll test them in a uniform environment and let folks know
what I come up with. Or, if someone has already done all that work of
testing, I'd appreciate if you could point me to the results. I'd still like
to run my own tests, though.

If folks could point me towards resources/code for these topics (as well as
any other topics you think might be relevant to the site), please let me
know. I'm offering to do the legwork required to actually test, benchmark,
and synthesize all of this stuff, and publish it on the page.

I'm also still interested in actually talking with various folks. If anyone
who has been through some significant mod_perl scaling exercise would like
to chat for 15-30 minutes to swap war stories or tactical plans, I'd love to
talk with you; send me a private email.


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[OT] RE: Help needed with MAP expression

2000-12-07 Thread Ed Park

The point of this function is to right-align numbers in table-data cells and
keep everything else left-aligned. Note that this is what Excel does by
default (if you type in a number in Excel, it aligns to the right; if you
type in a string, it aligns to the left).

Technically, it should be use in the context of an arrayref that you are
transforming into an HTML table, e.g.:

use CGI qw(:all);
$_ = ['1','abc','2.34'];
print join "", map(/^[\.\d]+$/ ? td({-align=>'right'}, $_) : td($_), @$_);

A useful and clever piece of code, that. But the author probably should have
commented it. :)


-Original Message-
From: bari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 12:47 PM
Subject: Help needed with MAP expression

Hi there,
Can any one help me what this MAP function does...

 map(/^[\.\d]+$/ ? td({-align=>'right'}, $_) : td($_), @$_)

I am really confused by this one... your help would be appreciated..

Thank You,

- Bari

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RE: connect_cached, mod_perl && Oracle connection pooling

2000-12-07 Thread Ed Park


I know that this is mad late, but this caught my eye, and it doesn't look
like anyone has responded since then.

For anyone else-- if you've even been in a situation where you've wanted to
create persistent DBI connections to multiple Oracle schemas, read on.

In short, here's the solution for that particular problem: there is a
completely undocumented function that is particular to DBD::Oracle that
allows you change your default schema within a particular database

In particular, if you look at the official DBD::Oracle install-test
directory (you can see it in /tmp/cpan/DBD-Oracle-1.03/t on titan), there's
a file called t/reauth.t. Here's a small chunk of code from that:
ok(0, ($dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT USER FROM DUAL"))[0] eq $uid1 );
ok(0, $dbh->func($dbuser_2, '', 'reauthenticate'));
ok(0, ($dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT USER FROM DUAL"))[0] eq $uid2 );

Early tests indicate that reauthentication is not a very expensive function
at all. We are currently testing this approach in development, and plan to
put it into production in the near future. If you use it, lemme know how it
works for you.

hope this helps,

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 6:09 PM
Subject: connect_cached, mod_perl && Oracle connection pooling

DBI's connect_cached has been "new" for quite sometime now and has been
labeled with "exact behavior of this method is liable to change" since
it first showed up last year.

In November last year, Tim clarified his intentions for connect_cached
and suggested that DBI::ProxyServer be enhanced to provide a pool from
which connections can be checked in and out (or something like that).
Well, I'm now looking at possibly having a multiplicity of connect
strings in a mod_perl environment.  So Apache::DBI doesn't sound
suitable, I don't want every child to maintain connections nailed up for
every connect string (20 apache children * 20 connect strings = 400
nailed up connections, yowza!).  At any given time, the processing
happening in the mod_perl apache child process will only need one of
those connect strings.  Persistence connections are important just
because of the expense of setting up the Oracle connection.  So, I'm
wondering what folks think of non-persistent connections between
mod_perl and the dbiproxy but persistent connections with connect_cached
between dbiproxy and Oracle... does this make sense?  I was thinking
it'd be cool to be able to specify how many of each connections should
be maintained in the pool.  Is anybody doing this and care to share
their experiences with it?

Salon Internet
  Manager, Software and Systems "Livin' La Vida Unix!"
Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / AIM: iankallen / Fax: (415) 354-3326

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RE: eval statements in mod_perl

2000-12-07 Thread Ed Park

This was a problem that I had when I was first starting out with mod_perl;
i.e., it wouldn't work the first or second times through, and then it would
magically start working.

This was always caused for me by a syntax error in a library file. In your
case, it could be caused by a syntax error in a library file used somewhere
in your eval'd code. I highly suggest running
> perl -c 
on all of your library files to check them for valid syntax. If all of your
library files are in the same directory,
> perl -c *
will work as well.

I'm not certain for the technical reason for this, but I believe it has
something to do with the fact that syntax errors in the libraries are not in
and of themselves considered a fatal condition for loading libraries in
mod_perl, so the second or third time around the persistent mod_perl process
thinks that it has successfully loaded the library. Obviously, some
functions in that library won't work, but you won't know that unless you
actually use them. Someone else might be able to shed more light on this.

good luck,

-Original Message-
From: Gunther Birznieks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 3:38 AM
To: Hill, David T - Belo Corporate; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: eval statements in mod_perl

Without knowing your whole program, this could be a variety of logic
problems leading to this code. For example, perhaps $build{$nkey} is a
totally bogus value the first 2 times and hence your $evalcode is also
bogus the first two times -- and it's not a problem of eval at all!

This is unclear for the snippet.

At 10:52 AM 12/6/2000 -0600, Hill, David T - Belo Corporate wrote:
> I am running mod_perl and have created a handler that serves all
>pages for our intranet.  In this handler I load perl programs from file
>a string and run eval on the string (not in a block).  The problem is that
>for any session the code doesn't work the first or second time, then it
>works fine.  Is this a caching issue or compile-time vs. run-time issues?
>am sure this is a simple fix.  What am I missing?
> Here is the nasty part (don't throw stones :)  So that we can
>develop, I put the eval in a loop that tries it until it returns true or
>runs 3 times.  I can't obviously leave it this way.  Any suggestions?  Here
>is the relevant chunk of code:
> #  Expect perl code.  Run an eval on the code and execute it.
> my $evalcode = "";
> my $line = "";
> open (EVALFILE, $build{"$nkey"});
> while ($line = ) {
> $evalcode .= $line;
> }
> my $evalresult = 0;
> my $counter=0;
> #   Temporary measure to overcome caching issue, try
> #   run the eval code 3 times to get a true return.
> until (($evalresult) || ($counter eq 3)) {
> $evalresult = eval $evalcode;
> $counter++;
> }
> $pageHash{"Retries"} = $counter if $counter > 1;
> $r->print($@) if $@;
> close (EVALFILE);
>I appreciate any and all constructive comments.
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Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

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[OT]Re: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-06 Thread ed phillips

Aristotle from the Ars Rhetorica on money:

Money will not make you wise, but it will bring a wise man to your door.

Robin Berjon wrote:

> At 12:39 06/12/2000 -0800, brian moseley wrote:
> >> ActiveState has built an Perl/Python IDE out of Mozilla:
> >>
> >
> >too bad it's windows only :/
> That's bound to change. I think AS will release it on all platforms where
> Moz/Perl/Python run when it's finished. The current release is very
> unstable anyway.
> -- robin b.
> All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. -- Aristotle
> -
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enterprise mod_perl architectures

2000-12-05 Thread Ed Park
tensions that are generated when top management and VCs come
knocking with questions. In this way, it should dovetail nicely with the
mod_perl advocacy project.

I am not yet certain whether the best forum for this is this mailing list,
or whether I should try to create a private list of names for folks who are
interested. Relevant considerations include:
-The possible very off-topicness of pieces of the discussion.
-At some point, some of us may want opinions from other folks on sensitive
information (network diagrams, etc.) that Corporate won't allow us to show
to the outside world except under NDA; if all the folks on a list signed an
NDA, then we could speak freely all the time.
-At any rate, I'd like to publish any methodologies we use and put any
monitoring tools, performance benching tools, etc. into open-source. To that
end, I'll be creating a page that publishes any code we come up with and
summarizes our thoughts. I'd be happy to publish that page myself, but I
could also just add it as a page-- 'Enterprise mod_perl architectures'-- to
Matt's new site (

So, I'd like to get folks' thoughts on this project. Again, I am staking out
very high ground on this project-- multimillion-dollar companies with
multimillion-dollar budgets. I'm doing this not because I'm disparaging
other companies, but because part of the reason behind doing this project is
to establish mod_perl's credibility as an enterprise web platform and to
describe some of the pitfalls and workarounds that allow mod_perl to scale
to that level. To that end, I'd like to get a list of interested parties. In
general, this should include the chief architects, CTOs, and/or senior
engineers at different shops using mod_perl. Some of those folks don't read
this list regularly, and in that case, I'd be happy to email them/call them
directly if people could just point them my way.

If any subset of folks are interested, I'd be more than happy to drive this
project forward. This is a project that really describes one of my core
responsibilities in my company right now, so I actually have a lot of time
and the resources to devote to this as part of my job.

Anyways, not to belabor the point-- I'd like y'alls input on this,
1) What do folks thing about the project in general?
2) Should we keep it on this list, or should we create a separate mailing
list for interested parties, or should we do a combination of the two?
3) Is there anyone who'd like to volunteer virtual space to host this? e.g.
ftp, web, creating a mailing list, etc.

I am not yet interested in specifics about peoples' architectures; I think
that we need to frame the general discussion and create some infrastructure
before we go into that.


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Re: Apache::Registry() and strict

2000-11-07 Thread ed phillips


This is a greivous FAQ.  Please read the guide at

You'll find much more than this question answered.


Ron Rademaker wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm just starting with mod_perl and I'm using Apache::Registry(). The
> second line after #!/usr/bin/perl -w is use strict;
> But somehow variables I use in the script are still defined if I execute
> the script again, in one of the script I said undef $foo at the
> end, but I don't think this is the way it should be done, but it did work.
> Anyone knows what could be causing this??
> Ron Rademaker
> PS. Please CC to me because I'm not subscribed to this mailinglist

Re: Apache trouble reading in large cookie contents

2000-10-20 Thread ed phillips

Explictly echoing Gunther, don't go there!

Use cookies, think crumbs of info, as flyweights.  Significant chunks of data need
to be passed and stored
in other ways.


Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> Caveat: even if you modify apache to do larger cookies, it's possible that
> there will be a set of browsers that won't support it.
> At 04:48 PM 10/20/00 -0700, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
> >i'm not an expert with this, but, a quick grep for your error in
> >the apache source (mine is still 1.3.9 ) and some digging yield:
> >
> >./include/httpd.h:#define DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDSIZE 8190
> >
> >so you're right, 8K is currently the apache limit. if you try to change
> >this value in
> >the source code, you will probably also have to muck with IOBUFSIZE and
> >possibly other things as well.  IOBUFSIZE is 8192 and the
> >DEFAULT_LIMIT_REQUEST_FIELDSIZE is set to 2 bytes below that to make
> >room for the extra \r\n after the last header.
> >
> >looks like you'll have to take responsibility for mucking with the apache
> >source, or
> >sending smaller cookies and using some other techniques such as HIDDEN fields.
> >
> >
> >--
> >___cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >"Biggs, Jody" wrote:
> >
> > > I'm having trouble when a browser sends a fair sized amount of data to
> > > Apache as cookies - say around 8k.
> > >
> >
> > > Apache then complains (and fails the request) with
> > > a message of the sort:
> >
> > > [date]  [error] [client] request failed: error reading the headers
> >
> > > I assume this is due to a compile time directive to Apache specifying the
> > > maximum size of a header line.
> > >
> __
> Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

Re: Forking in mod_perl?

2000-10-04 Thread ed phillips

I hope it is clear that you don't want fork the whole server!

Mod_cgi goes to great pains to effectively fork a subprocess, and
was the major impetus I believe for the development of
the C subprocess API. It  (the source code for
mod_cgi) is a great place to learn some of the
subtleties as the Eagle book points out. As the Eagle book
says, Apache is a complex beast. Mod_perl gives
you the power to use the beast to your best advantage.

Now you are faced with a trade off.  Is it more expensive to
detach a subprocess, or use the child cleanup phase to do
some extra processing? I'd have to know more specifics to answer
that with any modicum of confidence.



"David E. Wheeler" wrote:

> ed phillips wrote:
> >
> > Hi David,
> >
> > Check out the guide at
> >
> >
> >
> > The Eagle book also covers the C API subprocess details on page 622-631.
> >
> > Let us know if the guide is unclear to you, so we can improve it.
> Yeah, it's a bit unclear. If I understand correctly, it's suggesting
> that I do a system() call and have the perl script called detach itself
> from Apache, yes? I'm not too sure I like this approach. I was hoping
> for something a little more integrated. And how much overhead are we
> talking about getting taken up by this approach?
> Using the cleanup phase, as Geoffey Young suggests, might be a bit
> nicer, but I'll have to look into how much time my processing will
> likely take, hogging up an apache fork while it finishes.
> Either way, I'll have to think about various ways to handle this stuff,
> since I'm writing it into a regular Perl module that will then be called
> from mod_perl...
> Thanks,
> David

Re: Forking in mod_perl?

2000-10-04 Thread ed phillips

Hi David,

Check out the guide at

The Eagle book also covers the C API subprocess details on page 622-631.

Let us know if the guide is unclear to you, so we can improve it.


"David E. Wheeler" wrote:

> Hi All,
> Quick question - can I fork off a process in mod_perl? I've got a piece
> of code that needs to do a lot of processing that's unrelated to what
> shows up in the browser. So I'd like to be able to fork the processing
> off and return data to the browser, letting the forked process handle
> the extra processing at its leisure. Is this doable? Is forking a good
> idea in a mod_perl environment? Might there be another way to do it?
> TIA for the help!
> David
> --
> David E. Wheeler
> Software Engineer
> Salon Internet ICQ:   15726394
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM:   dwTheory

Re: open(FH,'|qmail-inject') fails

2000-10-02 Thread ed phillips

Greg Stark wrote:

> A better plan for such systems is to have a queue in your database for
> parameters for e-mails to send. Insert a record in the database and let your
> web server continue processing.
> Have a separate process possibly on a separate machine or possibly on multiple
> machines do selects from that queue and deliver mail. I think the fastest way
> is over a single SMTP connection to the mail relay rather than forking a
> process to inject the mail.
> This keeps the very variable -- even on your own systems -- mail latency
> completely out of the critical path for web server requests. Which is really
> the key measure that dictates the requests/s you can serve.

Exactly, Greg.  This is homologous to proxy serving http requests. Ideally, the
should be relayed to a separate, dedicated mail server.  This has come up
for me on performance tuning projects. If there are a number of mail processes
with remote hosts even running on the same machine as you are web serving from,
you may,
under significant load, degrade performance.

Re: [OT] advice needed.

2000-09-29 Thread ed


I think many developers share a similar desire to not
have projects (that leverage free software) close down
what are really generic programming techniques,
routines, classes, protocols, etc.  And further,
we'd like to contribute enhancements and documentation
based upon our work.

I'd like to find a lawyer who has experience and/or
want to pursue legal means of removing the friction
that keeps us from giving back. Part of that work would
of course involve contract writing/editing. I'm hiring.
Contact me if you are such.

It is up to you to educate your potential employers
about just how much of what you do is pior open
art and how free software can empower them.
That means the first contract has to be amended.

Be very explicit about your intentions from the get go,
and repeat yourself a few times; never assume they'll
look at the code or even closely read your written


Michael Dearman wrote:

> Where the heck does trying to do the right thing by
> GPL (or similar), in attempting to return some improved
> OpenSource code to the community. Or however the license
> phrases it. Shouldn't these contracts address that issue
> specifically, especially when the project is _based_ on
> OpenSource/GPL'd code?
> Mike D.

Re: tracking down why a module was loaded?;

2000-09-26 Thread ed

Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> I unfortunately have to agree.

> And in the end, the salaries for mod_perl programmers
> are pretty high right now because of it -- so will a system really cost
> less to develop in mod_perl than in Java if Java programmers are becoming
> less expensive than mod_perl programmers?

Mod_perl programmers are more expensive as individuals,
because mod_perl is more powerful, and allows you access
to the Apache API; mod_perlers are more saavy.
One or two mod_perlers could do the
work of a java shop of ten in half the time. Still a savings.
Not to mention the hardware that goes with Java by fiat!


Re: OT: Server-push client page reload

2000-09-21 Thread ed phillips

A very impressive 95 lines o' Perl Randal!


"Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:

> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Michael> This is off-topic, but I need an answer pretty quick, and I
> Michael> *am* writing this app using mod_perl, so its sorta related
> Michael> (also, I don't want the headache of re-subscribing to a new
> Michael> list).
> Michael> You know those online web-based tech support chat systems?
> Michael> Its commonly frame based, but its just like IRC, but over
> Michael> HTML.  when a user posts a message it immediatly pops up on
> Michael> the chat frame, and you submit your message through a
> Michael> regular-ol' HTML form.  I don't think this is an applet,
> Michael> because this works in all sorts of browsers.  I think its
> Michael> javascript, but I'm not sure. My main question, is when the
> Michael> server knows that a new message has been posted, how does it
> Michael> push that new page out to the client web browser?  I'm used
> Michael> to all page-views originating from the client...not the
> Michael> server.
> Michael> Any ideas?
> Server push is not universal.  Client Pull is more available.
> See <> for an example
> of a very short client-pull webchat, from an upcoming WebTechniques
> column (past columns at <>).
> --
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
> Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

RE: setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH via PerlSetEnv does not work

2000-08-21 Thread Ed Park

I ran into this exact same problem this weekend using:
-GNU ld 2.9.1
-DBD::Oracle 1.06
-DBI 1.14
-RH Linux 6.0
-Oracle 8i

Here's another, cleaner (I think) solution to your problem: after running
perl Makefile.PL, modify the resulting Makefile as follows:
1. search for the line LD_RUN_PATH=
2. replace it with LD_RUN_PATH=(my_oracle_home)/lib
(my_oracle_home) is, of course, the home path to your oracle installation.
In particular, the file should exist in that directory.
(If you use cpan, the build directory for DBD::Oracle should be in
~/.cpan/build/DBD-Oracle-1.06/ if you're logged in as root.)

Then, just type make install, and all should go well.

FYI, setting LD_RUN_PATH has the effect of hard-coding the path to
(my_oracle_home)/lib in the resulting file generated by the
DBD::Oracle so that at run-time, it doesn't have to go searching through
LD_LIBRARY_PATH or the default directories used by ld.

The reason I think this is cleaner is because this way, the Oracle directory
is not hardcoded globally into everyone's link paths, which is what ldconfig

For more information, check out the GNU man page on ld:
or an essay on LD_LIBRARY_PATH:


-Original Message-
From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 6:51 AM
To: Richard Chen
Subject: Re: setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH via PerlSetEnv does not work

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Richard Chen wrote:

> It worked like a charm! If PerlSetEnv could not do it, I think
> this should be documented in the guide. I could not find any mention

done. thanks for the tip!

> about ldconfig in the modperl guide. May be I missed it somehow.
> The procedure on linux is very simple:
> # echo $ORACLE_HOME/lib >> /etc/
> # ldconfig
> Thanks
> Richard
> On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 08:11:50PM -0700, Yann Ramin wrote:
> > As far as FreeBSD goes, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not searched for setuid
> > programs (aka, Apache). This isn't a problem for CGIs since they don't
> > do a setuid (and are forked off), but Apache does, and mod_perl is in
> > Apache.  I think thats right anyway :)
> >
> > You could solve this globaly by running ldconfig (I assume Linux has it,
> > FreeBSD does).  You'd be looking for:
> >
> > ldconfig -m 
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > Yann
> >
> > Richard Chen wrote:
> > >
> > > This is a redhat linux 6.2 box with perl 5.005_03, Apache 1.3.12,
> > > mod_perl 1.24, DBD::Oracle 1.06, DBI 1.14 and oracle 8.1.6.
> > > For some odd reason, in order to use DBI, I have to set
> > > LD_LIBRARY_PATH first. I don't think I needed to do this when I
> > > used oracle 7. This is fine on the command line because
> > > I can set it in the shell environment. For cgi scripts,
> > > the problem is also solved by using apache SetEnv directive. However,
> > > this trick does not work under modperl. I had tried PerlSetEnv
> > > to no avail. The message is the same as if the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not
> > >
> > > install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't load
> > > '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/auto/DBD/Oracle/'
for module DBD::Oracle:
> > > cannot open shared object file: No such file or
directory at
> > > /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/ line 169. at (eval 27)
line 3 Perhaps a required shared
> > > library or dll isn't installed where expected at
/usr/local/apache/perl/ line 11
> > >
> > > Here is the section defining LD_LIBRARY_PATH under Apache::Registry:
> > >
> > > PerlModule Apache::Registry
> > > Alias /perl/ /usr/local/apache/perl/
> > > 
> > >   PerlSetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/lib
> > >   SetHandler perl-script
> > >   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> > >   Options ExecCGI
> > >   PerlSendHeader On
> > >   allow from all
> > > 
> > >
> > > Does anyone know why PerlSetEnv does not work in this case?
> > > How come SetEnv works for cgi scripts? What is the work around?
> > >
> > > Thanks for any info.
> > >
> > > Richard
> >
> > --
> >
> > 
> > Yann Ramin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Atrus Trivalie Productions
> > Monterey High
> > ICQ 46805627
> > AIM  

Re: [OT] [JOB] mod_perl and Apache developers wanted

2000-06-21 Thread Ed Phillips

It is interesting and and somewhat ironic that the Engineering
dep at eToys is part of the open source community and culture
while their management's behavior was so disastrously misguided
and so misunderstanding of net culture and precedent.
They shot themselves in the foot pretty badly.

Would eToys have paid for the legal expenses of the Etoy group
if they weren't clued in by their Engineering department? Have
they learned a hard lesson?

Perrin is an exemplary figure, and I commiserate with him, but
some basic precedents of net culture need to be respected for the
network to function and the culture to flourish. If we had not
protested the attempted eToys domain grab, and I was one
who protested, they may have never recanted and  Etoy might
still be fighting at absurd personal cost.



Paul Singh wrote:

> Regardless of what eToys' intentions were, the way I see it, this was a case
> in which a billion dollar corporation (well, at least it was back then)
> filed suit against a handful of artists who had the domain way
> before eToys came along.  eToys had no legitimate stake to the domain... and
> I don't associate legitimacy with the law... they seldom coincide.  So if
> this isn't a case of the bigger guy bullying the little guy, what is it?
> Granted, I have a distant association with the eToy crew so my opinions will
> be biased... however, even with staying to the facts and ignoring eToys'
> motivations, their actions alone reek of unfairness (at best).
> Of course, this says little of what type of work environment eToys is and
> the people that work there... but it does comment on the corporation and the
> people running it.
> But as you said, this is definitely off-topic, and I will cease further
> comment... take care.
> - jps
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 4:48 PM
> > To: Paul Singh
> > Cc: ModPerl Mailing List
> > Subject: RE: [OT] [JOB] mod_perl and Apache developers wanted
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Paul Singh wrote:
> > > While that may be true (as with many publications), I hope you're not
> > > denying the facts of this case
> >
> > The basic facts are correct: eToys received complaints from parents about
> > the content their children found on the site and, after failing
> > to reach an agreement with the site's operators, filed a lawsuit involving
> > trademarks which led to etoy being ordered to shut down their site by a
> > judge.
> >
> > Slashdot's coverage ignored or underreported some aspects of the situation
> > (the motivation behind the lawsuit, epxloitation of the name confusion on
> > the part of etoy), and reported some conjecture and pure flights of fancy
> > as fact (evil intentions, scheming lawyers).  You have no idea how painful
> > it is to read things like that from a source that you trust and consider
> > part of your community.  I guess I should have known better though:
> > Slashdot is an op/ed site.  If you want the news, you still have to read
> > the New York Times (who had much more accurate coverage of the events).
> >
> > Anyway, I don't claim that eToys was right to take legal action, just that
> > the reports about an evil empire were greatly exaggerated and that eToys
> > is a good place to work, full of good people.  Anyone who doesn't believe
> > me at this point probably never will, so I'm going to stop spamming the
> > list about this subject and go back to spamming about mod_perl.
> >
> > - Perrin
> >

Re: [OT] Contract Language for free software

2000-06-14 Thread Ed Phillips

Please excuse the horrible formatting,
The version below should be more readable.

Ed Phillips wrote:

> Hi All,
> This is very OT, but is related to mod_perl.  I have a contract as yet
> unsigned
> with a Web Company to possibly rewrite their horrible perl 4 era CGI apps
> as nice  clean mostly OO mod_perl apps. It's a simple job, rather generic.
> I usually license my code with the Artistic License, so this is not a
> Licensing
> question, exactly. In the contract, they have sent me, they have a
> paragraph
> that signs the rights to all inventions over to them.
> From my perspective, what little invention there might be in these apps,
> is drawn directly from freely available documentation and advice, and
> the apps will of course rely heavily on CPAN modules, as well as
> things I've written before. So, what I'm looking
> for is advice or a paragraph that establishes that the greater part of
> invention
> is already public, that these programs use free software, and that
> non-specific
> to their business inventions, if any should be returned to the community,
> etc.
> I'm not a lawyer. :-) In the past, I've just ignored such paragraphs and
> I've
> lowered the boom in a banner at the top of my code.  But, I'd like to put
> something
> in any contract that I sign and these people have no idea how to deal with
> free software.
> They want me to sign an NDA now that I've seen their hideous spaghetti,
> which is
> of course full of copyright notices.  I told them that if anyone stole
> this code, they would
> need their head checked!
> If someone has crafted any pro free software contracts that cover
> invention and
> they would like to share, I'd be grateful.
> Cheers,
> Ed

[OT] Contract Language for free software

2000-06-14 Thread Ed Phillips

Hi All,

This is very OT, but is related to mod_perl.  I have a contract as yet
with a Web Company to possibly rewrite their horrible perl 4 era CGI
as nice  clean mostly OO mod_perl apps. It's a simple job, rather

I usually license my code with the Artistic License, so this is not a
question, exactly. In the contract, they have sent me, they have a
that signs the rights to all inventions over to them.

>From my perspective, what little invention there might be in these apps,

is drawn directly from freely available documentation and advice, and
the apps will of course rely heavily on CPAN modules, as well as
things I've written before. So, what I'm looking
for is advice or a paragraph that establishes that the greater part of
is already public, that these programs use free software, and that
to their business inventions, if any should be returned to the
community, etc.

I'm not a lawyer. :-) In the past, I've just ignored such paragraphs and
lowered the boom in a banner at the top of my code.  But, I'd like to
put something
in any contract that I sign and these people have no idea how to deal
with free software.
They want me to sign an NDA now that I've seen their hideous spaghetti,
which is
of course full of copyright notices.  I told them that if anyone stole
this code, they would
need their head checked!

If someone has crafted any pro free software contracts that cover
invention and
they would like to share, I'd be grateful.



Re: [OT now] Re: Template techniques

2000-06-09 Thread Ed Phillips

I'm just using XML on the backend for content management and as
a way to standardize what I recieve from partners and content folks,
then storing parsed content in a database from which I output text, HTML,
and/or XML.

XML::Parser suits quite fine for the above. So, Perl has plenty of XML support,

I've taken a look at what Matt is up to and I'm intrigued, but don't have a need
for it as yet.

Joshua,  what is the itch that you are scratching if you care to opine?


Drew Taylor wrote:

> Joshua Chamas wrote:
> >
> > Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > >
> > > On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:
> > > > I really like the fact that templates can be compiled to perl code &
> > > > cached. Any others besides Mason & EmbPerl (and TT in the near future)?
> > >
> > > Sure: Apache::ePerl, Apache::ASP, Text::Template, and about a million
> > > unreleased modules that people wrote for their own use.  (I think writing
> > > a module that does this should be a rite of passage in Perl hacking.)
> > >
> >
> > For my second rite of passage, I'm hacking XML::XSLT
> > integration into Apache::ASP for realtime XSLT document
> > rendering with a sophisticated caching engine utilizing
> > Tie::Cache.  Moving forward, the XML buzzword seems to be
> > just about a necessity.
> >
> > Take it as a sign of respect Matt :)
> Cool! The thing that perl is missing the most right now is XML support.
> The more (and the sooner :-) packages support XML easily and natively,
> the better. I'm still an XML newbie, so all this recent perl XML
> development is very exciting for me!
> --
> Drew Taylor
> Vialogix Communications, Inc.
> 501 N. College Street
> Charlotte, NC 28202
> 704 370 0550

Re: [benchmark] DBI/preload (was Re: [RFC] improving memory mappingthru code exercising)

2000-06-02 Thread Ed Phillips

Yes, very cool Stas!

Perrin Harkins wrote:

> On Sat, 3 Jun 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > correction for the 3rd version (had the wrong startup), but it's almost
> > the same.
> >
> >   Version Size   SharedDiff Test type
> >   
> > 1  3469312  2609152   860160  install_driver
> > 2  3481600  2605056   876544  install_driver & connect_on_init
> > 3  3469312  2588672   880640  preload driver
> > 4  3477504  2482176   995328  nothing added
> > 5  3481600  2469888  1011712  connect_on_init
> Cool, thanks for running the test!  I will put this information to good
> use...

Re: was down

2000-06-02 Thread Ed Phillips

Replying to myself.  It is back up, obviously. sorry for the noise

Ed Phillips wrote:

> Level 3 is broken.
> They know and are working on it. hmmm
> Ed

was down

2000-06-02 Thread Ed Phillips

Level 3 is broken.

They know and are working on it. hmmm

Ed down

2000-06-02 Thread Ed Phillips

"Hughes, Ralph" wrote:

> I couldn't wait...
> I built and installed mod_perl 1.24 and it fixed the problem!   Now if I can
> just get the CGI module
> to recognize my domainname .. :-)
> -Original Message-
> From: Hughes, Ralph
> Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 2:02 PM
> To: Geoffrey Young; 'Michael Todd Glazier'; ModPerl
> Subject: RE: Segmetation Fault problem
> I'm not too good on back traces myself.   `
> I'm using a dynamic build of mod_perl, so I may try building the 1.24
> version next week sometime.
> I hadn't thought of changing the PerFreshStart parameter, it might make a
> difference...
> -Original Message-
> From: Geoffrey Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 1:11 PM
> To: Hughes, Ralph; 'Michael Todd Glazier'; ModPerl
> Subject: RE: Segmetation Fault problem
> hmmm, did you try upgrading your installation then?
> you are using a static mod_perl?
> PerlFreshRestart Off?
> I'm no good at reading backtraces, but posting that is probably the next
> step (see SUPPORT doc section on core dumps in the distribution)
> sorry I can't be of more help...
> --Geoff

RE: :Oracle && Apache::DBI

2000-05-22 Thread Ed Park


I very occasionally get these errors while using DBI and DBD::Oracle under
mod_perl. I find that it generally happens when a random, perfectly good SQL
statement causes the Oracle process dump the connection and write the reason
to alert.log.

Try doing the following: from your oracle home, run:
> find . -name 'alert*' -print
Go to that directory, read the alert files, and look through any
corresponding trace files. The trace files contain the sql that actually
cause the trace dump.

I find that I can usually rewrite the sql statement in such a way that it no
longer dumps core. Again, this happens _very_ rarely.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Ian Kallen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 9:37 PM
Subject: DBD::Oracle && Apache::DBI

I've done everything I can think of to shore up any DB connection
flakiness but I'm still plagued by errors such as these:
DBD::Oracle::db selectcol_arrayref failed: ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer
...this is only a problem under mod_perl, outside of the
mod_perl/Apache::DBI environment everything seems fine.  Once the db
connection is in this state, it's useless until the server gets a restart.

My connect strings look good and agree, I put Stas' ping method in the
DBD::Oracle::db package, set a low timeout,  called Oracle (they don't
want to hear about it).  Everything is the latest versions of
mod_perl/Apache/DBI/DBD::Oracle connecting to an Oracle 8.1.5 db on
Solaris.  Is Apache::DBI not up to it?  (it looks simple enough)

Maybe there's a better persistent connection method I should be looking

Salon Internet
  Manager, Software and Systems "Livin' La Vida Unix!"
Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / AIM: iankallen / Fax: (415) 354-3326

pod and EmbPerl

2000-05-01 Thread Ed Park

Does anyone know whether it is possible to pod-ify an EmbPerl document?

When embedding pod directives in my EmbPerl pages and then running pod2html
on them, the pod2html interpreter returns a blank page.


Re: Installation

2000-03-30 Thread Ed Loehr

> Annette wrote:
> I have been trying to install mod_perl for the last couple of weeks and
> I still have not been successful. I am new to Linux and have installed
> RedHat 6. I used the Custom set-up and installed mod_perl during the
> installation. I entered the command 'perl -v' and it tells me that I
> have perl loaded but not mod_perl. Does anyone know what I have to do to
> enable mod_perl, tell if I have it enabled, or where I can read about
> the installation under RedHat 6. I have tried installing it using src
> files, followed the directions line by line and still nothing. Is this
> the right mailing list to ask this question? Where should I go if not?
> Apache is up and running just fine. Any input would be appreciated.

The essential can't-run-modperl-without-it guide:

Ed Loehr

[RFI] URI escaping modules?

2000-03-28 Thread Ed Loehr

I just noticed that Apache::Util::escape_uri does not escape embedded '&'
characters as I'd expected.  What is the preferred module for escaping
'&', '?', etc. when embedded in strings?

Ed Loehr

Re: $r->print delay?

2000-02-12 Thread Ed Loehr

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Ed Loehr wrote:
> > Fairly certain it's waiting there.  I cut my debug timestamps out for
> > ease on your eyes in my earlier post, but here's one output (of many
> > like it) when I had the print sandwiched...
> >
> > Thu Feb 10 14:41:59.053 2000 [v1.3.7.1 2227:1 ed:1]  INFO : Sending
> > 120453 bytes to client...
> > Thu Feb 10 14:42:14.463 2000 [v1.3.7.1 2227:1 ed:1]  INFO : Send of
> > 120453 bytes completed.
> >
> > Re send_fd(), it's all dynamically generated data, so that's not an
> > option...
> So write a file...?

Duh.  In any event, send_fd() doesn't help.  Thanks anyway.

Ed Loehr

Can't upgrade that kind of scalar

2000-02-12 Thread Ed Loehr

Aside from gdb, any fishing tips on how to track this fatal problem

Can't upgrade that kind of scalar at XXX line NN...

Happens intermittently, often on a call to one of these (maybe the
first access of $r?):


I've tried turning off PerlFreshRestart, have _totally_ clean output
from 'use diagnostics', reviewed The Guide, 'perldoc perldiag', FAQ,, swarthmore, removed /o, used Carp::cluck, handled global
vars with 'use vars qw(...)'...

Config:  apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, mod_ssl 2.4.9, openssl 0.9.4,
perl 5.005_03, DBI 1.13 (no Apache::DBI), DBD::Pg 0.92, Linux
2.2.12-20smp (RH 6.1)...

Re: $r->print delay?

2000-02-10 Thread Ed Loehr

Greg Stark wrote:
> Ed Loehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Loehr) wrote:
> > > >Any ideas on why would this output statement takes 15-20 seconds to
> > > >send a 120kb page to a browser on the same host?
> > > >
> > > >$| = 1;  # Don't buffer anything...send it asap...
> > > >$r->print( $data );
> You don't say how many lines your 120kb of data is. If it's about 40
> characters per line average that's 30k calls to write (because you turned
> buffering off). Calls to write ought to be around 100us but if they were slow
> for some reason and took 500us then that would explain the 15s.

A number of the lines are 5-6K each.  Context is a rather large
html-based spreadsheet-like page.

> Additionally you're probably filling the kernel buffer and forcing a context
> switch several times. If the buffer is about 4k then there would be 3k context
> switches each about 10ms on linux, or about 30s of latency. There was a debate
> over the usefulness of the ProxyReceiveBuffer parameter, and even that isn't
> the same as this buffer, but it ought to be possible for Apache to setsockopt
> to ask for a larger buffer.
> In short, don't set $|=1, it will only slow down this process, and investigate
> if there's any way to increase the size of the kernel buffer for the socket in
> Apache. Lots of people would be interested to know if you turn up anything
> there.

With buffering on or off, and max "segment" size of 900 bytes in any
one call to print() (or $r->print()), but doing 120kb worth of
printing in rapid succession, the smaller-but-still-large delay shows
up typically around 100kb into it.  The only way I was able to make
the large delays disappear so far is to sleep 1 every 50 prints or
so...but that's not really disappearing, now is it...

Experimentally, it appears this is simply too much data too quickly. 
I think I've seen $|=1 make a big difference with other non-local
NT/MSIE clients, even on these 120kb pages.  I've consistently been
able to reproduce this problem in both buffered and non-buffered mode
with linux netscape 4.7, both locally and remotely.

I'll look into the kernel buffer issue... :(

Ed Loehr

Re: $r->print delay?

2000-02-10 Thread Ed Loehr

Ken Williams wrote:
> Are you sure it's waiting?  You might try debug timestamps before & after the
> $r->print().  You might also be interested in the send_fd() method if the data
> are in a file.

Fairly certain it's waiting there.  I cut my debug timestamps out for
ease on your eyes in my earlier post, but here's one output (of many
like it) when I had the print sandwiched...

Thu Feb 10 14:41:59.053 2000 [v1.3.7.1 2227:1 ed:1]  INFO : Sending
120453 bytes to client...
Thu Feb 10 14:42:14.463 2000 [v1.3.7.1 2227:1 ed:1]  INFO : Send of
120453 bytes completed.

Re send_fd(), it's all dynamically generated data, so that's not an

Other clues?

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Loehr) wrote:
> >Any ideas on why would this output statement takes 15-20 seconds to
> >send a 120kb page to a browser on the same host?
> >
> >$| = 1;  # Don't buffer anything...send it asap...
> >$r->print( $data );
> >
> >modperl 1.21, apache/modssl 1.3.9-2.4.9...lightly loaded Linux (RH6.1)
> >Dual PIII 450Mhz with local netscape 4.7 client...

$r->print delay?

2000-02-10 Thread Ed Loehr

Any ideas on why would this output statement takes 15-20 seconds to
send a 120kb page to a browser on the same host?

sub send_it {
my ($r, $data) = @_;

$| = 1;  # Don't buffer anything...send it asap...
$r->print( $data );

modperl 1.21, apache/modssl 1.3.9-2.4.9...lightly loaded Linux (RH6.1)
Dual PIII 450Mhz with local netscape 4.7 client...

Building Apache/modperl for SCO OS 5.05

2000-02-07 Thread ed hallda

Has anyone had any luck building Apache on SCO Open Server 5 with mod_perl?
 We have been unsuccessful, and am hoping to find a solution.



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