Re: [newbie-it] Spegnimento, congelamento, stand by.

2002-10-13 Per discussione Stefano Sebastiani

  apm nel bios non l'ho trovato; è un PC multiprocessore (2 Atlon
  1700), quindi parte con linux smp.

 per quello che so (ho tutti i server senza supporto apm, quindi non
 ho mai provato a forzare )
 supporto multiprocesore e apm non vanno d'accordo...

 tratto dalla ML [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ... to quote Linux's Alan Cox on one thread over SMP vs APM problems
 and hacks that partially work under Linux:
 APM will never be SMP safe, the problem is at the BIOS level not

Ovvero che problemi avrebbe il Bios?
Comunque mi sembra di non avere il supporto APM installato in Linux (da un 
messaggio di KAPM_)

Re: [newbie-it] (O.T.)Problemi Anti-Virus

2002-10-13 Per discussione CyberPenguin

 Francesco Vinci wrote:
   Scusate se Linux e Mandrake li nomino solamente.
   Qualcuno di voi potrebbe inviarmi un e-mail con allegati alcuni file
 differenti (piccoli) dei quali è certo che non contengano virus?


 Non mi sento convinto ...


Certo ... finche' continuerai ad adoperare Outlook ... :-(
Ma non ti converrebbe gestire *totalmente* la posta sotto GNU/Linux? :-)
Fine dei problemi. :-)

Giovanni ;-)
P.S. ... in txt ... non html ;-)
\//Membro del FoLUG -
~o)  Red Hat GNU/Linux Powered
Niente attrae le donne come un paio di jet privati. - Donald Trump

[newbie-it] connessione internet come utente comune

2002-10-13 Per discussione Rosario

Ho installato recentemente sul 
mio computer Linux Mandrake 8.2, da un disco allegato ad una rivista, e non sono 
riuscito a trovare il modo di 
collegarmi ad internet, tramite l’interfaccia grafica KDE, senza usare la 
password di root. Infatti, clickando sull’icona “internet” dell’interfaccia 
stessa, mi viene chiesto d’immettere la suddetta pwd, come anche naturalmente 
accedendo al servizio dal centro di controllo. Qualcuno sa indicarmi un modo di 
collegarmi come utente normale, come era facilmente possibile nelle versioni 8.0 
e 8.1? Inoltre, sempre con l’ultima distribuzione 8.2, comunque dia l’ordine di 
spegnimento al computer, da KDE o da riga di comando, ottengo sempre un riavvio 
( al pari di quanto mi accadeva con la 8.1 e diversamente dalla 8.0 ); potete 
indicarmi un modo per spegnere senza dover staccare la spina 
Di Blasi Rosario 

Re: [newbie-it]:Sat modem Netsystem

2002-10-13 Per discussione carmine de pasquale

Salve a tutti. Qualcuno conosce come utilizzare il Sat Modem della
Netsystem, con la Mandrake 8.2 o 9.0?(questa domanda posta al servizio
clienti ha ricevuto come risposta che non esistono driver per Linux ).Grazie
per l'aiuto. Ciao.

ciao, esistono, li ho scaricati, ma sono in beta e per kernel fino alla 2.4.17, cioè 
vanno bene per mdk8.1.
non ricordo dove li ho scaricati, ma se cerchi su driver linux netsystem 
tra le pagine in italiano, tra i risultati hai le pagine di un forum della assitech (o 
qualcosa del genere), nei quali c'è il link al sito coi drivers che sono originali, 
cioè fatti dalla b2c2, produttore della scheda dvb
ti copincollo il contenuto di readme.txt compreso nei drivers

B2C2 DVB Software for Linux

Version 1.0 Beta 22

March 22, 2002

Copyright (c) 2002 B2C2, Incorporated

Note: The b2c2/driver directory contains driver modules for kernel versions.


Automatic installation:
1) Run from the top level directory. This will copy the B2C2 files to 
/usr/local/b2c2, and create a link to automatically load the driver on startup.
2) To start and stop the driver, run /usr/local/bin/b2c2 start and 
/usr/local/bin/b2c2 stop

Manual installation
1) Change directory to b2c2/bin.

2) Run load_b2c2 script to load the B2C2 driver modules, passing in the kernel version 
   of the driver modules (see contents of b2c2/driver directory).  Example:

   ./load_b2c2 2.4.2-2

   Note: If the above script fails to load due to a kernel version mismatch problem, 
   you can try running the script with an -f option.  Example:

   ./load_b2c2 2.4.2-2 -f

   WARNING: incompatible modules can make your system unstable. Contact B2C2 
   if you need modules compiled for a different kernel version.

3) Edit shell script to modify the command line parameters used 
to tune the tuner
   and to specify the data PID.

4) Run

5) Use a network monitoring utility such as gkrellm to observe the data on the B2C2 
   receiver card.

[newbie-it] Re: usb e digitali

2002-10-13 Per discussione tom

Alle 20:52, venerdì 11 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ecco i due file. In bocca al lupo e buon lavoro!

 PS: ho visto ora che alcuni segni di punteggiature (- e ) sono stati
 convertiti in punti interrogativi, il tutto dovrebbe comunque esser

Ti ringrazzio...ora vedo che riesco a capire ( ho fatto 
francese.grandissimo limite;)
credo che nei prossimi giorni ti chiedereo qualche chiarimento!
grazie ancora.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] connessione internet come utente comune

2002-10-13 Per discussione tom

Alle 22:27, domenica 13 ottobre 2002, hai scritto:
 Ho installato recentemente sul mio computer Linux Mandrake 8.2, da un disco
 allegato ad una rivista, e non sono riuscito  a trovare il modo di
 collegarmi ad internet, tramite l'interfaccia grafica KDE, senza usare la
 password di root. Infatti, clickando sull'icona internet dell'interfaccia
 stessa, mi viene chiesto d'immettere la suddetta pwd, come anche
 naturalmente accedendo al servizio dal centro di controllo. Qualcuno sa
 indicarmi un modo di collegarmi come utente normale, come era facilmente
 possibile nelle versioni 8.0 e 8.1? 

Credo che dipenda livello di sicurezza che hai impostato al momento dell 
installazione..diminiusci questo e avrai la conessione libera da utente 
MDKcontrol center-sicurezza.etc etc

 distribuzione 8.2, comunque dia l'ordine di spegnimento al computer, da KDE
 o da riga di comando, ottengo sempre un riavvio 

Qui passo
cmq hai provato con un alta che nn sia KDE?
che ti dice la shell quando gli dai il comando?
la sparo..magari dipende da file di configurazione di KDE!

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] anch'io porta USB (x HD portatile)

2002-10-13 Per discussione Arwan

Alle 09:20, sabato 12 ottobre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su [newbie-it] 
anch'io porta USB (x HD portatile), guido hai scritto: 

 cos'e creargli il link per un device usb di cui parla Arwan ?

Urgh... ero un po' a corto di termini tecnici... cmq per far partire la 
digitale ho fatto uso dell'usb-storage. Se gia' hai provato senza frutto, nun 


[newbie-it] formattare

2002-10-13 Per discussione ba-rk

Saluti a tutti,ho due dischi fissi:C/windows+una 
altro disco linux :MDK formattando windows,non è 
che perdo dei dati in linux ,per esempio Lilo
come sempre un grazie

Re: [newbie-it] formattare

2002-10-13 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 12:05, domenica 13 ottobre 2002, ba-rk ha scritto:
 Saluti a tutti,ho due dischi fissi:C/windows+una partizioneD
 altro disco linux :MDK formattando windows,non è che perdo dei dati
 in linux ,per esempio Lilo come sempre un grazie

non perdi nulla
lilo (o meglio una parte di questo) risiede nel MBR che non viene 

in ogni caso, prima  di ogni intervento radicale sui dischi, è 
d'obbligo creare un disco di boot e fare il backup dei dati vitali



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it]:Sat modem Netsystem

2002-10-13 Per discussione uvleda
Salve a tutti. Qualcuno conosce come utilizzare il Sat Modem della
Netsystem, con la Mandrake 8.2 o 9.0?(questa domanda posta al servizio
clienti ha ricevuto come risposta che non esistono driver per Linux ).Grazie
per l'aiuto. Ciao.

[newbie] Evolution

2002-10-13 Per discussione Smiley

Some months ago, Evolution became slower and slower, every time I download
messages from my accounts, the hard disk start to whirl and even if I manage to
receive all mails, at the end, the task take 20 times than supposed...
That's does only happen with Evolution (now 1.0.8, Mandrake 8.2, but even before
with 1.0.5 on 8.1)... Any hint about what's wrong...?


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[newbie] Video card upgrade

2002-10-13 Per discussione Smiley

I'd like to buy a new video card, keeping my current cpu and mainboard; I can
also upgrade my K6 II 400 to a K6 II 533, anyway...
GeForce 2 400mx and 3D Prophet (Kyro II) are sold at good prices near my home :)
Do you think does it worth such kind of upgrade?
I have little interest in 3D, I'm looking for good performance on 2D...


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[newbie] USB ethernet adapters

2002-10-13 Per discussione Brian Parish

I have a client's machine on the bench right now that would make a fine
little firewall but for the fact that it has no expansion slots and no
LAN interface.  USB is therefore the only option for LAN connectivity.

I have a SMC 2206 USB/ETH adapter which I've used under windblows a few
times to create a temporary network without needing to install cards. 
MDK9.0 doesn't recognize it and doesn't seem to have a driver on the
list that looks like a fit.

Anyone out there got a clue, or have a recommendation for one that works
with linux?


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Re: [newbie] Evolution

2002-10-13 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 16:12:50 +0200 Smiley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some months ago, Evolution became slower and slower, every time I download
 messages from my accounts, the hard disk start to whirl and even if I manage to
 receive all mails, at the end, the task take 20 times than supposed...
 That's does only happen with Evolution (now 1.0.8, Mandrake 8.2, but even before
 with 1.0.5 on 8.1)... Any hint about what's wrong...?

As a first step, archive some of it off. Can't remember how as I changed
client some time back.

Evolution stores a lot of extra data with its emails (XML files and
similar); I found that, when I moved to Sylpheed Claws, the saving in hard
disk space was over 50 per cent. And SC is much faster ...


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Re: [newbie] Reformat a spare partition

2002-10-13 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Brian Parish wrote:

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 00:09, John Richard Smith wrote:

Brian Parish wrote:

On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 23:09, John Richard Smith wrote:


I want to change the file system on partition /dev/hda10  /mnt/ntfs-vol7
/dev/hda10  /mnt/ext2-vol7

I'm perfectly confident about changing the necessary entries in fstab
and creating the /mnt/ext2-vol7 directory.

but I am not sure how to format  /dev/hda10 to ext2 file system
with a root shell command line, in mandrake.

Can someone please explain the command.


John Richard Smith


mkfs /dev/hda10

will do that for you.  It defaults to ext2, so no other switches are
required.  You may like to

man mkfs

first to check whether there are other options you'd like to use.




Thanks Brian,
Fair enough.
Just a further thought, since I am not repartitioning, merely changing
the filesystem, nothing needs to be written to disk in regard to partition
table. In otherwords, I suppose I am saying, knowledge of partition
file systems is part of the OS , not part of the partition table ?

John Richard Smith

That's right.  You are just reformatting, so the partition table remains unchanged.



One further thought,
What's the betting I need to remake the mandrake boot floppy.
In the past , in my experience, you change anything to do with the
partition table/file system and the old boot floppy won't work.
Any thoughts,


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-13 Per discussione Smiley

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 20:33:00 -0500
Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I finally did the obvious and reinstalled 9.0.  That fixed my printing 
 problem.  I may never know what the problem was (and really won't care as 
 long as it doesn't happen again.)  I really wanted to discover the problem 
 and fix it rather just a clean install, but, as someone else mentioned, 
 not having printing is a show stopper.  Good luck to everyone else still 
 struggling with printing.

I'm having same trouble with Stylus Photo 810 on USB; what happen, I only
discovered using WWWCups, is that for some reason at a certain point the OS
doesn't see the USB device anymore and stop printing... but the work is still
qeued, and I have to delete that work; after that I stop and then start
again printer and the printer could start new works... but then it stops again
Previously parallel prto didn't work, also; but with M 8.2 now is all okay...
For parallel port perhaps it was only a matter of upragde.


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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-13 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Smiley wrote:

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 20:33:00 -0500
Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I finally did the obvious and reinstalled 9.0.  That fixed my printing 
problem.  I may never know what the problem was (and really won't care as 
long as it doesn't happen again.)  I really wanted to discover the problem 
and fix it rather just a clean install, but, as someone else mentioned, 
not having printing is a show stopper.  Good luck to everyone else still 
struggling with printing.

I'm having same trouble with Stylus Photo 810 on USB; what happen, I only
discovered using WWWCups, is that for some reason at a certain point the OS
doesn't see the USB device anymore and stop printing... but the work is still
qeued, and I have to delete that work; after that I stop and then start
again printer and the printer could start new works... but then it stops again
Previously parallel prto didn't work, also; but with M 8.2 now is all okay...
For parallel port perhaps it was only a matter of upragde.



My usb printer is often falling out of USB hub view, so reluctantly I 
have to
reboot for mandrake to find it again which annoys me. There ought to
be a command that would tell the OS to redetect it again, to save
time and effort.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Mandrake kernels and Gateway Athlon PCs (Kadoka motherboard)

2002-10-13 Per discussione Andy Stone

Does anyone have the answer to this?  Am I on the right list?

Mandrake - Motherboard question
There is a long known problem with Mandrake 2.4.x kernels in all 8.x
dists and the Kadoka motherboard found in Gateway Athlon machines:
Basically the box just hangs on INIT 2.78
The fix was to revert to the 2.2.x kernel, which is obviously not ideal
in terms of modern device driver requirements, or building from a stock
kernel which I did, but which looses some of the niceties of the
Mandrake kernels (e.g. patching supermount into a stock kernel is
non-trivial for newbies such as myself).
Has this been fixed in dist 9.0?

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Re: [newbie] Evolution

2002-10-13 Per discussione Smiley

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 15:15:05 +0100
Alastair Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As a first step, archive some of it off. Can't remember how as I changed
 client some time back.

I did it. Both :)

 Evolution stores a lot of extra data with its emails (XML files and
 similar); I found that, when I moved to Sylpheed Claws, the saving in hard
 disk space was over 50 per cent. And SC is much faster ...

I'm also using Sylpheed (like I'm doing just now for *this* list ;), but for my
needs I found both client have something good and something less good...


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Re: [newbie] Reformat a spare partition

2002-10-13 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Brian Parish wrote:



One further thought,
What's the betting I need to remake the mandrake boot floppy.
In the past , in my experience, you change anything to do with the
partition table/file system and the old boot floppy won't work.
Any thoughts,


John Richard Smith


Shouldn't be an issue here as you are not changing the numbering of any
partitions.  If this is just a data partition, I can't see how the boot
floppy config would be impacted.



You are correct, all is done and dusted and went smoothly, I now have
a hda10 which is mounted nicely as /mnt/ext2-vol7, and the old boot floppy
still works. Just cor clarity's sake I include:-

[root@localhost root]# mkfs -v /dev/hda10
mke2fs 1.26 (3-Feb-2002)
/dev/hda10 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!

[root@localhost root]# umount /mnt/ntfs-vol7
[root@localhost root]# mkfs -v /dev/hda10
mke2fs 1.26 (3-Feb-2002)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
641280 inodes, 1281175 blocks
64058 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
40 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
16032 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736

Writing inode tables: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 37 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
[root@localhost root]#

and what is more I didn't even need to remount either,though I
had the new fstab in place before I did it must of read
the fstab file as it did all this. Clever , hey,


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] canon bjc610 printer

2002-10-13 Per discussione Dennis Sue

Hello, I have tried every possible thing I can find, read, and install to get 
this supported printer working.
The best I have yet to achieve is garbage character printout, and even that 
isn't consistent.
I am tired of editing, searching, reading, installing, removing, and looking.
I've had enough of this nonsense.
I am tired of spending countless hours, frustrated that little, just simply 
works, and ready to put windows on this #$% thing just so I can use my 
printer. Oh, and my unsupported digital camara ( which is an entirely 
different issue ).
Does anyone have, or know of a driver that I can install simply to make this 
#$^ thing operate correctly ?
Because I am at my wits end, and starting to see why Microsoft controls 90+% 
of the desktop.
I am running Mandrake 8.2 KDE2 ( Gnome doesn't work either, but Gnome does 
operate the cdr, KDE does not, why not ? I know not )

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Re: [newbie] canon bjc610 printer

2002-10-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings

I have not been following this thread, but anytime someone has difficulty with 
printer drivers it is worth giving TurboPrint a try  (apologies if it has 
already been suggested)

Turbo print is not free and so cannot be bundled with Mandrake. It is however 
'no cost' for personal use.

For certain printers it will give substantially better print quality than the 
'free' (as in freedom) drivers.  For others it is little different.
Your printer is listed as supported by Turboprint.


(BTW: If your printer manufacturer would write drivers for Linux like they do 
for Windows, then you would not have this difficulty)


On Sunday 13 Oct 2002 5:03 pm, Dennis Sue wrote:
 Hello, I have tried every possible thing I can find, read, and install to
 get this supported printer working.
 The best I have yet to achieve is garbage character printout, and even that
 isn't consistent.
 I am tired of editing, searching, reading, installing, removing, and
 looking. I've had enough of this nonsense.
 I am tired of spending countless hours, frustrated that little, just simply
 works, and ready to put windows on this #$% thing just so I can use my
 printer. Oh, and my unsupported digital camara ( which is an entirely
 different issue ).
 Does anyone have, or know of a driver that I can install simply to make
 this #$^ thing operate correctly ?
 Because I am at my wits end, and starting to see why Microsoft controls
 90+% of the desktop.
 I am running Mandrake 8.2 KDE2 ( Gnome doesn't work either, but Gnome does
 operate the cdr, KDE does not, why not ? I know not )

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[newbie] Re: canon bjc610 printer

2002-10-13 Per discussione Dennis Sue

Thank you Derek, I am on my way there as I type this

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Re: [newbie] Video card upgrade

2002-10-13 Per discussione Jason Guidry

On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 09:12, Smiley wrote:
 I'd like to buy a new video card, keeping my current cpu and mainboard; I can
 also upgrade my K6 II 400 to a K6 II 533, anyway...
 GeForce 2 400mx and 3D Prophet (Kyro II) are sold at good prices near my home :)
 Do you think does it worth such kind of upgrade?

I really don't think you'll see a difference in performance with so
little processor power, but I don't have the numbers to prove it.  i
also think you'd be better off with more memory than a new K6. 


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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-13 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Sunday 13 Oct 2002 3:52 pm, you wrote:

Smiley wrote:

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 20:33:00 -0500

Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I finally did the obvious and reinstalled 9.0.  That fixed my printing
problem.  I may never know what the problem was (and really won't care as
long as it doesn't happen again.)  I really wanted to discover the
problem and fix it rather just a clean install, but, as someone else
mentioned, not having printing is a show stopper.  Good luck to
everyone else still struggling with printing.

I'm having same trouble with Stylus Photo 810 on USB; what happen, I only
discovered using WWWCups, is that for some reason at a certain point the
OS doesn't see the USB device anymore and stop printing... but the work
is still qeued, and I have to delete that work; after that I stop and
then start again printer and the printer could start new works... but
then it stops again


Previously parallel prto didn't work, also; but with M 8.2 now is all
okay... For parallel port perhaps it was only a matter of upragde.


My usb printer is often falling out of USB hub view, so reluctantly I
have to
reboot for mandrake to find it again which annoys me. There ought to
be a command that would tell the OS to redetect it again, to save
time and effort.


Just as a matter of interest - are these problems occurring on usb devices 
joined to the motherboard, to hubs, or both?



Well, I'm not entirely sure I understand the question.
I have 8 USB ports ,  a bank of the usual 2 and a bank of 6,
2 are physically attatched to the mobo, ported to the rear,
6 are on a rack and cable plugged to the mobo, ported to
the rear.

As far as the usb hub is concerned they show up as 4 entries
in the kde -info-USB devices, like so,
USB  OHCI Root Hub
   | Lexmark Z53 printer
USB  OHCI Root Hub
USB  OHCI Root Hub
USB  OHCI Root Hub

every now and again the printer drops out of recognition
and so I reboot which brings it back again,

sometimes ,
modprobe usb-ohci  in a root terminal works,
sometimes it does not.
This happens in M8.2 , and was the norm from first boot on M9.0 beta2
I never got any futher than that as far as the later betas are concerned.

Basically USB detection of my usb printer is erratic.

I suppose I should mention that the 8 usb ports on my msi mobo
are both usb1 and usb2 , at least 4 of them can be usb2, I don't
believe mandrake configures any of them usb2 though.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] canon bjc610 printer

2002-10-13 Per discussione Dennis Sue

On Sunday 13 October 2002 12:18 pm, you wrote:
 I have not been following this thread, but anytime someone has difficulty
 with printer drivers it is worth giving TurboPrint a try  (apologies if it
 has already been suggested)

 Turbo print is not free and so cannot be bundled with Mandrake. It is
 however 'no cost' for personal use.

 For certain printers it will give substantially better print quality than
 the 'free' (as in freedom) drivers.  For others it is little different.
 Your printer is listed as supported by Turboprint.


 (BTW: If your printer manufacturer would write drivers for Linux like they
 do for Windows, then you would not have this difficulty)


 Thank you again Derek, It worked like a charm.
And in response to your BTW : You are absolutely correct.
I realized that it isn't the fault of the O.S., But rather the manufacturer, 
This much I knew.
That is why you have to hack, and edit, and search, And hope that some kind 
soul has written something for you ( especially when you don't know how to 
yourself  ).

Rant coming next :

Personally, I think that  is a bunch of B.S.
Someone  ought to write a page (  easily found, say ) containing 
manufacturers that support, and do not support users.
You could go there before buying something and see what kind of effort was / 
is made by said builder. Users could input their experiences as well. Have an 
e-mail link right there for people to fire off at, say Canon, with something 
  So I was in the store, mouth watering over your latest ( piece of whatever 
). I went home, Brought up Crappyvendorswhosoldtheirsoulstomicrosoft .org, 
and saw that you don't give a rat's %% about my .
How unfortunate that you don't think supporting users is in your best 
interest, Because Epson ( or whoever ) certainly does. Why they were more 
than willing to have my business, and were grateful for it.

I appreciate that people generously give their time, and effort to write 
drivers for older products, and willingly share them. I do not think that 
people should have to continue doing so.
I do not believe that Mandrake, or Red Hat, or any other distro  should have 
to write drivers, or basically beg vendors for some help.
So M.S. holds 90 % of the desktop, But 100 % of their victims are not going 
to buy product X from Manufacturer Y.
( I just had this conversation with HP two days ago, I don't know what anyone 
here thinks of HP,  I seriously doubt I will be sending any of my money their 
way in the near future).
Maybe start an advocacy of sorts. And when the day comes that builders write 
the Linux drivers along with the Windows drivers, ( because of popularity ) 
remember those companies that didn't bother to before it was popular to do so.
I could continue, but I'm sure most have hit delete by now.

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[newbie] OO program fonts

2002-10-13 Per discussione Noah Hicks

Any one know how to change the program fonts in  I read how to 
do it somewhere a long time ago but I can't remember where.  Presently the 
fonts look like they went through a blender.  

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[newbie] MDK 9.0 crashes at boot

2002-10-13 Per discussione Bogdan Stancescu

Hello everybody!

I have an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU on a K7S5A motherboard with AMIBIOS, 
if that makes any difference.

I install Mandrake 9.0 ok, but when I reboot and try to boot in Linux I get:

Running DevFs daemon: [OK]
Unmounting initrd: [OK]
Configuting kernel parameters: [OK]

And that's it - it freezes there. I get exactly the same when I try 
booting linux-nonfb, and when I try failsafe I get:

modprobe: modprobe: Can't find module fb0
Unmounting initrd: [OK]
Configuting kernel parameters: [OK]

And it freezes again. I thought there may have been a glitch in the 
installation, so I tried it again - same results. I even get the X test 
working in the installation, so that shouldn't be it...

I'm absolutely lost at what I should try next, so I'm open to any kind 
of suggestions!

I tried looking through the mailing list archives on, but 
they're only available up to September, so if this has already been 
answered in October, please direct me to a more recent archive or 
copy/paste the reply in an e-mail. :)

Thank you!


Mail scanat cu RAV Antivirus!

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Re: [newbie] Samba Problem

2002-10-13 Per discussione Rulon Holm

On Sunday 13 October 2002 04:04 am, Robin Turner wrote:
 Rulon Holm wrote:
 I can't get samba to work ever since enabled internet connection sharing.
 I have a modem that connects to the internet. the other computer computer
  is running WindowsXP.
 Could someone help me.  THx

 Can you give more details? Is it that you can't connect to the Windows
 box with smbclient, or the Windows box can't connect to your samba
 server? ?n the latter case, 90% of problems come from the Windows user
 not being logged on with a valid name and password, or the password not
 having been entered into smbpasswd.

 Sir Robin

Both, but it was working before i turned on internet connection sharing

thanks for taking the time to answer.


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RE: [newbie] OO program fonts

2002-10-13 Per discussione Craig Williamson (ENZ)
Title: RE: [newbie] OO program fonts

Hi There,

 For your font rendering problem. I don't now what the Mandrake 9.0 stance is for xft2, fontconfig, and freetype. If these are installed, try some of the xft2 fonts in OpenOffice. Just as an example, take a look at this Redhat 8.0 screenshot for OpenOffice.

 This is what can happen if they take some time to look at OpenOffice.

-Original Message-
From: Robin Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 14 October, 2002 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OO program fonts

Noah Hicks wrote:

Any one know how to change the program fonts in I read how to 
do it somewhere a long time ago but I can't remember where. Presently the 
fonts look like they went through a blender. 

Use spadmin to add/delete fonts. Use Options to choose the default 
fonts for text documents, and font substitution if required. BTW, font 
handling is much better in the latest verison - it will detect resident 
fonts automatically.

Sir Robin

Re: [newbie] canon bjc610 printer

2002-10-13 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Good news about Turbo print working :-)
I have never needed to use it myself because my printer is not supported :-(

I do rather agree with your rant. My own printer is an HPDesket 720C which 
without my knowing when I bought it,  is a 'winprinter' in that it requires 
the PC to directly manage the print heads. There are 'free' drivers which 
work OK for text, but are pretty awful for graphics, and there is absolutely 
nothing I can do about it apart from buy a new printer. (I will do that when 
the ink runs out, as a printer does not cost much more than a couple of ink 

To be fair to HP they have seen the error of their ways, and no longer make 
'winprinters' and now sponsor an opensource project for Linux drivers for 
their current and future printers.Since so many people come to Linux with a 
printer already in their posession it is really a matter of chance how well 
it is going to work.  For anyone looking for a new printer I would suggest as a first stop. The site is run by Til 
Klamppeter (spelling?) who is a Mandrake employee, so Mandrake have a better 
than average chance of getting printer drivers right.


 Rant coming next :

 Personally, I think that  is a bunch of B.S.
 Someone  ought to write a page (  easily found, say )
 containing manufacturers that support, and do not support users.
 You could go there before buying something and see what kind of effort was
 / is made by said builder. Users could input their experiences as well.
 Have an e-mail link right there for people to fire off at, say Canon, with
 something like
   So I was in the store, mouth watering over your latest ( piece of
 whatever ). I went home, Brought up
 Crappyvendorswhosoldtheirsoulstomicrosoft .org, and saw that you don't give
 a rat's %% about my .
 How unfortunate that you don't think supporting users is in your best
 interest, Because Epson ( or whoever ) certainly does. Why they were more
 than willing to have my business, and were grateful for it.

 I appreciate that people generously give their time, and effort to write
 drivers for older products, and willingly share them. I do not think that
 people should have to continue doing so.
 I do not believe that Mandrake, or Red Hat, or any other distro  should
 have to write drivers, or basically beg vendors for some help.
 So M.S. holds 90 % of the desktop, But 100 % of their victims are not going
 to buy product X from Manufacturer Y.
 ( I just had this conversation with HP two days ago, I don't know what
 anyone here thinks of HP,  I seriously doubt I will be sending any of my
 money their way in the near future).
 Maybe start an advocacy of sorts. And when the day comes that builders
 write the Linux drivers along with the Windows drivers, ( because of
 popularity ) remember those companies that didn't bother to before it was
 popular to do so. I could continue, but I'm sure most have hit delete by

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Re: [newbie] Evolution

2002-10-13 Per discussione Brian Craft

On Sunday 13 October 2002 10:12 am, Smiley wrote:
 Some months ago, Evolution became slower and slower, every time I download
 messages from my accounts, the hard disk start to whirl and even if I
 manage to receive all mails, at the end, the task take 20 times than
 supposed... That's does only happen with Evolution (now 1.0.8, Mandrake
 8.2, but even before with 1.0.5 on 8.1)... Any hint about what's wrong...?


I'm running Mandrake 9 and like Kmail the best.  I think it renders html mail 
better than Evolution and is fast.


Brian Craft

Registered Linux User # 210286
Linux Registered machine: 97873
Yahoo Instant Messenger ID: bcraft67
ICQ id: 129672292
AIM: linuxgeek67
Linux..the OS of Choice!

After you install Windows XP, you have the option to create user accounts. 
If you create user accounts, by default, they will have an account type of 
Administrator with no password. -- Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q293834

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[newbie] Customizing GNOME panel in Mandrake 9

2002-10-13 Per discussione Brian Craft

I am running Mandrake 9, but would like to make GNOME customized as if I was 
running Redhat 8.  I am running the Bluecurve/Freecurve theme and managed to 
change the icon in the main gnome panel from the Mandrake logo to the redhat 
logo from Redhat 8.  The only thing I'm having a problem with is finding 
where to change the working from Mandrake to something like Menu.  Any ideas 
would be appreciated.


Brian Craft

Registered Linux User # 210286
Linux Registered machine: 97873
Yahoo Instant Messenger ID: bcraft67
ICQ id: 129672292
AIM: linuxgeek67
Linux..the OS of Choice!

After you install Windows XP, you have the option to create user accounts. 
If you create user accounts, by default, they will have an account type of 
Administrator with no password. -- Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q293834

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[newbie] Compilation difficulties - installation problem?

2002-10-13 Per discussione dfox

I'm getting the dreaded configure -- installation problem -- C compiler 
cannot create executables. message.

Upon further inspection, there seems to be a misconfiguration, and I get a few 
error messages from gcc.
ib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
/lib/ undefined reference to `[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

These used to pop up when compiling parts of KDE and now pop up when compiling 
a simple C program.

I was never able to fix these - thought only maybe a reinstall would be the 
solution -- which I eventually did. I also noticed some issues with libstdc++ 
and missing files; I created symlinks for them in /usr/lib.

Now what is wrong? 

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Re: [newbie] Samba Problem

2002-10-13 Per discussione Sharrea

On Sunday 13 Oct 2002 2:00 pm, Rulon Holm wrote:
 I can't get samba to work ever since enabled internet connection sharing.
 I have a modem that connects to the internet. the other computer computer
 is running WindowsXP.
 Could someone help me.  THx

Firstly, I am NO expert on networking stuff!  Hell, it took me 5 days to get 
ICS, Samba, NFS and a decent firewall working correctly.  Heh, when I 
finally did get everything going I quickly backed up the /etc dir!

If you're using MDK9.0 then I think its something to do with shorewall 
(firewall).  Enabling ICS installs shorewall.  I read numerous accounts of 
people with network problems in MDK9.0.

I have only a small lan (2 PCs) and connect to the net via dialup modem.

I fiddled with so many config files that I don't know what I actually did 
(if anything) to fix it.  Couldn't figure out how to configure shorewall 
(even after reading the docs ; ) and belive me, I tried) so I downloaded 
and installed guarddog and used that to allow services for my lan.

Trouble is, shorewall had setup iptables and I think guarddog just adds to 
what is already running in iptables so effectively I have both shorewall 
and guarddog running.  If I stop both and start either one, there's always 
something that won't work so I guess I haven't configured guarddog properly 

Once you have configured everything you could try stopping all relative 
services (ie. smb, named, dhcpd, shorewall, portmap, nfs, nfslock, etc) and 
take the network down (ifdown ethX), then restart them.  In which case, I'd 
first start the firewall then bring the network back up (ifup ethX).  Then 
start named, dhcpd, etc.

One thing I noticed was that either dhcp or shorewall (can't remember which) 
was working with the wrong network address.  My network is but 
one of them kept using

Oh, and another thing I read somewhere at MandrakeForum is that it is 
IMPERATIVE to configure your network BEFORE enabling ICS otherwise you run 
into problems.  So I reinstalled and configured the network (as usual) 
during installation and once the system was running I added the IP address 
for PC#2 in /etc/hosts and enabled ICS - WRNGG!  It seems that 
configuring your network during installation isn't enough and that you must 
use MCC  Network  Internet  Connection and then enable ICS via MCC  
Network  Internet  Connection Sharing.  AND I had to use manual 
configuration and expert NOT auto configuration.  AND I found that 
adding my ISPs first DNS Server address in there worked.

Like I said, I'm no expert but I had big hassles getting it sorted and got 
rather confused in the process.  If this isn't your problem, I'm sorry for 
wasting bandwith.  Hopefully it might help someone.

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[newbie] Nvidia drivers

2002-10-13 Per discussione Robin Turner

Sorry if this question has already been answered, but a browse through 
the archives for the past month hasn't revealed anything.

The Nvidia website has no drivers for 9.0.  Threads in the archives only 
refer to drivers in the Mandrake Club site.

\begin{irrelevance} And no, I am not going to join the Mandrake Club - I 
feel I put enough back into the OS movement by answering questions, 
writing documentation etc., and if I ever become financially solvent, 
I'd rather give my support by a straight donation or buying shares, 
rather than paying for closed-source stuff which I either don't need or 
should be freely available. \end{irrelevance}

So, does anyone know where I can get 9.0 drivers, or whether 8.2 drivers 
can be made to work with the 2419-16 kernel?


Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

2002-10-13 Per discussione Francisco Alcaraz Ariza


You can find the drivers in:

A) The mandrake Club download mirrors

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
E-30100 Murcia
España (Spain)

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[newbie] libvgagl?

2002-10-13 Per discussione dfox

Hello, what package provides libvgagl? I am (still) installing from 9.0 and 
had this working before in 8.1 (mplayer). I am rebuilding mplayer and came 
across this library not being there. 

I looked in rpmdrake for files matching libvga* and nothing came up.

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Re: [newbie] Video card upgrade

2002-10-13 Per discussione FemmeFatale

At 04:12 PM 10/13/2002 +0200, you wrote:
I'd like to buy a new video card, keeping my current cpu and mainboard; I can
also upgrade my K6 II 400 to a K6 II 533, anyway...
GeForce 2 400mx and 3D Prophet (Kyro II) are sold at good prices near my 
home :)
Do you think does it worth such kind of upgrade?
I have little interest in 3D, I'm looking for good performance on 2D...


IMHO stick with nvidia stuff

Kyro has had problems... for some it works fine tho... One person this list 
ordered a few of them.  He's happy.

Just my 2 cents

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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-13 Per discussione Marcia

Linus Drouhard wrote:

I finally did the obvious and reinstalled 9.0.  That fixed my printing 
problem.  I may never know what the problem was (and really won't care as 
long as it doesn't happen again.)  I really wanted to discover the problem 
and fix it rather just a clean install, but, as someone else mentioned, 
not having printing is a show stopper.  Good luck to everyone else still 
struggling with printing.

On Sunday 06 October 2002 08:04 pm, Linus Drouhard wrote:

Wrongo!  I thought I had it solved as I got a test page.  That was all I
got. Everything else gets stuck in queue with usb port busy error.  Any
ideas at all?  I'm just about to dust off my 8.2 disks.  It's a shame too,
as there's a lot to like in 9.0.


On Sunday 06 October 2002 11:37 am, Linus Drouhard wrote:

I got it working again.  I had changed some of the running items through
Mandroke Control center.  I turned off things I didn't think I needed.
Apparently I turned off too many.  I restarted the ones that I had
stoppled and printerdrake started and ran just fine.  Thanks for all the

On Saturday 05 October 2002 11:00 am, Chris Edwards wrote:

They probably have a solution for you.


Hi Linus,

I have the same problem.  The instal  actually
detected my printer and printed a test page, but
haven't worked since.

I tried deleting the printer, but then I couldn't get
printerdrake to work.

Any help I can get on how to properly add and
configure my printer is appreciated.

I have an Epson Stylus Color 740 connected to the USB

Mike K.

--- Linus Drouhard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
  I have an Espon Stylus 777 that was working fine
until a couple of days ago.
I recently installed Mandrake 9.0.  I think that the
printer worked under
9.0, but I'm not sure  It worked great under 8.2
and it still works fine
with Windows (as much as I hate to admit it).

  Anyway, I'm getting the following message in CUPS

Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
USB port busy; will retry in 30 seconds...
Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0

Printerdrake cannot see the printer at all.  KDE
Control panel printer
configuration utility can see the printer, but still
can't print.  I get the
same error.

I tried PrinterDrake from command line.  It gave me
the error...

[root@localhost linus]# printerdrake
cupsd (pid 1496) is running...
WARNING: pinging broadcast address
WARNING: pinging broadcast address
rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
modprobe: Can't locate module parport_probe
rmmod: module parport_probe is not loaded
WARNING: pinging broadcast address

...could not find printer.

the module parport is loaded, but why does that
matter as I'm using a USB

Any help, insights, or just plain sympathy is



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Dear Linus,

I am very happy for you that the reinstalling helped you, however it did 
not make a difference for me. I decided that the only way for me to get 
printing now was to hook up my printer as a parallel and that worked. My 
Hp 940c as parallel does work fine.  My scanner only works with LM if it 
is hooked up as usb and so it will not work now.  I decided to reinstall 
with the usb mouse instead of the ps/2 mouse and Mandrake 9 could not 
detect it so there is definitely a usb problem with 9 and my system. 8.2 
did excellently with usb. I may go back to 8.2 or try another distro. 
Yes, for a small moment during an emotional relapse I considered Windows 
XP of all things but quickly came back to my senses.

By the way, during reinstall of LM9 I accidently lost my choice of win95 
which I had already installed. I forgot how to get it back without 
erasing LM. What did one do again to get lilo to boot windows again?

Thanks for the help.

I hope some work arounds or fixes are presented soon for this usb 
problem because I really do want to stay with Linux.



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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers

2002-10-13 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Sunday 13 October 2002 05:55 pm, Robin Turner wrote:
 Sorry if this question has already been answered, but a browse through
 the archives for the past month hasn't revealed anything.

 The Nvidia website has no drivers for 9.0.  Threads in the archives only
 refer to drivers in the Mandrake Club site.

 \begin{irrelevance} And no, I am not going to join the Mandrake Club - I
 feel I put enough back into the OS movement by answering questions,
 writing documentation etc., and if I ever become financially solvent,
 I'd rather give my support by a straight donation or buying shares,
 rather than paying for closed-source stuff which I either don't need or
 should be freely available. \end{irrelevance}

 So, does anyone know where I can get 9.0 drivers, or whether 8.2 drivers
 can be made to work with the 2419-16 kernel?


 Sir Robin
Sir Robin, the .src files work very well with 9.0. I installed the two glx and 
NVIDIA kernel and then ran UT2003 game and it runs like a champ. Nvidia 
splash screen pops up when it is supposed to and everything is hunkydory. The 
latest source when I did it was the ones with 3123 in the file name. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Printer stopped working [solved!] {NOT!} {YES!}

2002-10-13 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 10:22, Marcia wrote:
 By the way, during reinstall of LM9 I accidently lost my choice of win95 
 which I had already installed. I forgot how to get it back without 
 erasing LM. What did one do again to get lilo to boot windows again?

You need a stanza for win$ in your /etc/lilo.conf

Here's an excerpt from mine:


After adding that, type the command lilo (as root without the quotes).
Done!  You'll need to edit lilo.conf as root too, or it won't let you
save the new version.


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[newbie] LM9 sound

2002-10-13 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All,

Well, now that I reinstalled LM9 with my HP printer as parallel, that 
works. I have the via chipset ac97 onboard sound and the sound is great 
when I play a CD, but I cannot get the mp3 players to work yet. Some 
system sounds work. This is my /etc/modules.conf.

cat /etc/modules.conf

probeall scsi_hostadapter ppa ide-scsi
alias eth0 tulip
alias sound-slot-0 snd-via8233
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci
above snd-via8233 snd-pcm-oss

What do I need to change or add to get all of my sound devices 
especially my mp3 players and midi?

Thanks for the help.


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Re: [newbie] LM9 sound

2002-10-13 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 11:14, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,
 Well, now that I reinstalled LM9 with my HP printer as parallel, that 
 works. I have the via chipset ac97 onboard sound and the sound is great 
 when I play a CD, but I cannot get the mp3 players to work yet. Some 
 system sounds work. This is my /etc/modules.conf.
 cat /etc/modules.conf
 probeall scsi_hostadapter ppa ide-scsi
 alias eth0 tulip
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-via8233
 probeall usb-interface usb-uhci
 above snd-via8233 snd-pcm-oss
 What do I need to change or add to get all of my sound devices 
 especially my mp3 players and midi?
 Thanks for the help.

Are you using XMMS for mp3's?  If so, the following should (might) work
with your config:

- set XMMS to use the aRts driver for output (right click on XMMS 
options  preferences  choose the output plugin)

- ensure that the aRts server is starting on KDE startup (Configuration
 KDE  Sound  Sound server from your KDE menu)

That should be all that's required, but then YMMV seems to be MOST true
when anything to do with sound is attempted with linux.


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Re: [newbie] LM9 sound

2002-10-13 Per discussione dfox

Marcia writes:

Dear All,

Well, now that I reinstalled LM9 with my HP printer as parallel, that
works. I have the via chipset ac97 onboard sound and the sound is great

I wonder why the mp3 players (have you tried mpg123, for a common
denominator player) would not do sound while the cd players would. I haven't 
tried the cd players in Mandrake 9, but I have tried a few of its MP3 players. 
Xmms works fine, but noatun does not run, and kaboodle just sits there. In 
fact, the konqueror embedded play mode just sits there, doesn't get past 0:0 
on the time display. This worked in 8.1 even with the upgraded KDE.

I don't have AC97 (well I probably do, but it's disabled on the motherboard) 
and I use Soundblaster Live (emu10k1). One headscratcher this weekend - I had
to make sure to enable sound in Mandrake Control Center. It's not something 
that is obvious, and you have to click on Settings under the Soujnd module, 
and somewhere in there is a list of values to fill in. Enable should be set 
to 1.

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Re: [newbie] LM9 sound

2002-10-13 Per discussione Damian

El Lun 14 Oct 2002 01:49, dfox escribió:
 Marcia writes:
 Dear All,
 Well, now that I reinstalled LM9 with my HP printer as parallel, that
 works. I have the via chipset ac97 onboard sound and the sound is great

 I wonder why the mp3 players (have you tried mpg123, for a common
 denominator player) would not do sound while the cd players would. I
 haven't tried the cd players in Mandrake 9, but I have tried a few of its

I may be wrong, but AFAIK: 

This is because Linux uses the little cable that goes from CDROM
to soundcard to play audio CD's. (this means no messing with drivers
or anything. the CD is played in a standalone mode on the CDROM,
and the sound is sent right into the sound card's internal sound input.)

Now, for playing MP3, it is a completely different story, since the 
MP3 audio is data that has to be read, processed, and sent thru the
system bus to be played by the soundcard. This requires a working
configuration (drivers for the soundcard being the main issue).

Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.(The Dalai Lama)

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Re: [newbie] LM9 sound

2002-10-13 Per discussione Michael Notforyou

Looks like a VIA 82cxxx motherboard.

Check my Website for information about a bug in the 2.4 kernel series's
bug in ac97_codec.c and how to fix it.

On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 21:14, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,
 Well, now that I reinstalled LM9 with my HP printer as parallel, that 
 works. I have the via chipset ac97 onboard sound and the sound is great 
 when I play a CD, but I cannot get the mp3 players to work yet. Some 
 system sounds work. This is my /etc/modules.conf.
 cat /etc/modules.conf
 probeall scsi_hostadapter ppa ide-scsi
 alias eth0 tulip
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-via8233
 probeall usb-interface usb-uhci
 above snd-via8233 snd-pcm-oss
 What do I need to change or add to get all of my sound devices 
 especially my mp3 players and midi?
 Thanks for the help.

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*Michael Notforyou*
Registered Linux User #197888
Registered Linux Machine #166780

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[newbie] mdk9 rpm problems.

2002-10-13 Per discussione Franki

Hi guys,

After proclaiming my mdk9 install to be a success, I find myself kinda

I tried to install an app with urpmi appname and it didn't work.

Then I tried to fire up MandrakeUpdate,,, same result.. it displays please
wait finding available packages and that message never disapears. (been up
for 36 hours now.)

Then I tried rpm --rebuilddb

no good, just sits there doing nothing.

even a query like:

rpm -qa | grep kde

just sits there...

ditto with installing:
urpmi gkrellm

has just sat there doing nothing for 12 hours.

and I can't find anything interesting in syslog about it...

anyone know whats going on???



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Re: [newbie] mdk9 rpm problems.

2002-10-13 Per discussione Damian

El Lun 14 Oct 2002 03:19, Franki escribió:
 Hi guys,

 After proclaiming my mdk9 install to be a success, I find myself kinda

 I tried to install an app with urpmi appname and it didn't work.

 Then I tried to fire up MandrakeUpdate,,, same result.. it displays please
 wait finding available packages and that message never disapears. (been up
 for 36 hours now.)

 Then I tried rpm --rebuilddb

 no good, just sits there doing nothing.

 even a query like:

 rpm -qa | grep kde

 just sits there...

 ditto with installing:
 urpmi gkrellm

 has just sat there doing nothing for 12 hours.

 and I can't find anything interesting in syslog about it...

 anyone know whats going on???

Fire up your favourite process manager, check for any runaway 
rpm process, or any other kind of loose program that may be 
using the RPM database.

( Hint: dead/hung mandrake control center instances
appear as perl instances.)


Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.(The Dalai Lama)

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RE: [newbie] mdk9 rpm problems.

2002-10-13 Per discussione Franki

nope,, nothing happening... only perl is (webmin)

couldn't find anything chewing up ram or CPU time... nothing with running
rpm or urpm* either.

So I restarted, and it seems to be rebuilding the db fine now.. (lots of HD
activity now, as opposed to none before..and also showing up in top.)

no idea why its working now though...

go figure.. I don't like restarting a box for reasons I can't explain.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Damian
Sent: Monday, 14 October 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] mdk9 rpm problems.

El Lun 14 Oct 2002 03:19, Franki escribió:
 Hi guys,

 After proclaiming my mdk9 install to be a success, I find myself kinda

 I tried to install an app with urpmi appname and it didn't work.

 Then I tried to fire up MandrakeUpdate,,, same result.. it displays
 wait finding available packages and that message never disapears. (been
 for 36 hours now.)

 Then I tried rpm --rebuilddb

 no good, just sits there doing nothing.

 even a query like:

 rpm -qa | grep kde

 just sits there...

 ditto with installing:
 urpmi gkrellm

 has just sat there doing nothing for 12 hours.

 and I can't find anything interesting in syslog about it...

 anyone know whats going on???

Fire up your favourite process manager, check for any runaway
rpm process, or any other kind of loose program that may be
using the RPM database.

( Hint: dead/hung mandrake control center instances
appear as perl instances.)


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Re: [newbie] bug

2002-10-13 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 22:38, Alastair Scott wrote:
 On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 23:08:43 +1300 Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  My Bug
  On my Windows versions oo.o 1.0  1.0.1 the buttons on the toolbar
  usually load degraded, in other words the image for the button is
  distorted. Has anyone heard of this before. I am running it on w98 and a
  nVidia Vanta graphic board.
  /my bug
  Linux version is great.
  Please point me anywhere.

 First of all, download and install the latest Win98 driver for that card if
 you don't have it already.

 Then, if that makes no difference, try newsgroups or mailing lists for
 nVidia products (eg alt.comp.periphs.videocards.nvidia): the problem is
 very unlikely to be with OOo.

 I've seen this sort of problem before with ATI cards and earlier versions
 of Windows; it was invariably fixed by a driver update. Strangely, it is
 _always_ toolbar buttons that appear corrupt; never any other widgets.



I have the windows section on this computer isolated from the net and upgrade 
as little as possible as too many upgrades invariably break one or two legacy 
apps i am running. Currently the only app on there that is broken is SFC... 
go figure. But i will give this a go, after all the worst that can happen is 
i have to reinstall Windows again.

Are you involved in the OOo project Alastair?


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Re: [newbie] No sound in LM9

2002-10-13 Per discussione Alastair Scott
On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 16:46:31 + Miark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think you underestimate Mandrake and their ability to learn from
 past errors. While it's true that earlier releases initially had
 problems, 9.0 has undergone very extensive testing, including three
 betas, and two or three RCs. And instead of pushing to release bugware
 on the initial release date of Sept. 13, they chose to put it off
 until they could hammer out as many bugs as possible. And since it's
 release a couple weeks ago, how many updates have been made available? 
 I've seen two, maybe three.
 Don't get me wrong; I'm sure not everything is perfect. But I'm
 perfectly confident that installing 9.0 on a primary machine is not
 the Armageddon you describe. 

And, also, the number of possible hardware combinations is to all effects
and purposes infinite; no practical, or even possible, number of beta
testers could possibly test any more than an infinitesimal area of the
hardware space. The miracle, given the amount of cooperation there
generally is from hardware vendors*, is that it works at all!

Just to add my 2 pence worth, I have one machine on which paid work is done,
ran all betas and release clients (and was a poor beta tester because it's
an 18-month-old machine and largely just worked) and am now doing a cooker
update every Saturday. Why? Because, by inspection, Mandrakesoft can be
trusted to keep things working for what I do. I would never dare replace
large chunks of anybody else's operating system each week on a sole machine


* I've just acquired an old Dell laptop (CPi D266XT) with a semi-ruined
installation of Windows 95 and want to replace it with Mandrake once I've
put 128MB of memory in. I came across a very abrupt statement somewhere from
Neomagic (graphics chipset vendors) stating that no drivers would be
produced for Linux and there would be no release whatsoever of information
to third parties. The miracle is ...

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Re: [newbie] Windblows

2002-10-13 Per discussione Alastair Scott
On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:38:30 -0600 FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 damn Shane... thx for the info... I hate this... So few OSes... and so 
 little time now :|  Sigh
 whatever happened to Diversity in the Marketshare ? Geez.

I think it had the same problem as other non-Microsoft operating systems -
the difficulty of keeping up with hardware support - but was closed source
so didn't have a large pool of people who knew enough either to write a
driver or tell someone else who could write one that a driver was needed.


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