[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-21 Thread mauidan

Gee, this the same reason why people buy expensive high end transports,
DACs, etc... or get mods/upgrades. 

Note to all: Please read highdudgeon posts and you'll see he loves to
belittle these people's passion for their hobby. 

Now, he cries baiting/trolling when someone asks him a question about
spend money on audio gear, he's never heard, never seen under the hood,
and has no proof will outperform the lower cost SB3/Lavry DAC combo he
already owns.

REG is right, highdudgeon must have money just buring a hole in his

highdudgeon;138212 Wrote: 
> Easy.  Because I want one and I can afford one.  So what.  More fun for
> me.  It looks great, everything is under one hood, etc.  Why not?  
> As for Robert Greene (great forum; nice to be a part of it), he is
> basically right -- the main pro audio DACs are quite close to being
> perfect.  And, yeah, I'm way into wireless.  That's all I use or care
> to use.  Personal taste.  I see no reason to worry much about
> electronics these days.  I see a lot of reasons to worry about speakers
> and rooms.
> Note to all:  kindly refrain from insulting, sarcastic, or otherwise
> belligerent addresses, if you will.  We have been through this before
> and the vast majority of users are more interested in maintaining an
> interesting thread than in reading demeaning, baiting, or trolling
> posts.  If you don't like someone, keep it to yourself; if you have
> nothing good to say, as my father reminds me, then say nothing at all.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-21 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon;137968 Wrote: 
> Very well said.
> As for transports, well, everyone has their favorite.  The Ayre is an
> absolutely first-rate piece of gear and quite good enough for a senior
> reviewer.  What is lacking in it?  Of course, one can take the time to
> do exhaustive double-blind tests to come to more critical conclusions.
> But the fact remains: the Lavry Blue, Gold, and now the DA10 are
> essentially immune from jitter and, as expained, deal with it after
> buffering incoming information.  Above post: you're right, Lavry is
> fairly unique in handling things in this manner.  What you get doesn't
> sound like the transport; it sounds like the DAC -- and the DAC is
> accurate.  It doesn't matter whether you're feeding it with a Pioneer
> CD player from Best Buy or a $6k transport.  Either way, you get all
> the bits (it's just that one is a lot more jittery than the other). 
> The DAC deals with the jitter, though, so the transport question is put
> on a level playing field.

If the Lavry is immune from jitter, why are you buying a Transporter? 

Your main man REG said:

"As far as I am concerned, especially since the $1,000 or so pro DACs
are effectively perfect to my ears. Unless one is desperate for
wireless for some reason, I think there is no reason to go beyond those
devices(Lavry,Benchmark,etc.) that unless money is just buring a hole in
your pocket"


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-20 Thread mauidan

tomjtx;137804 Wrote: 
> I did not compare the SB digital  to SB analogue. Sorry if I was not
> clear. I was comparing my cd transport digital out to the SB digital
> out , both feeding my dac.
> I heard no difference.
> I have a Lavry10  and used the same Ayre as JA did as the CD
> transport.
> I never said the SB analouge out was equal. I have no opinion on "that
> as I haven't 
> listened to it.I assume it is not
> BTW I have latest Jeff Rowland and latest Watt puppys . I think there
> is enough resolution there
> But then again, I am just a musician, what do I know;-)

Unlike other members of this forum & their favorite reviewers, I have
the greatest respect for Mr.Rowland & Mr.Wilson's work, but once again
the Ayre you and JA have is not a high end transport.

Here's a short list of high transports that you or JA could use to
evaluate the SB3's performance as a transport:

Zanden 2000
Metronome Kalista; T2-i Signature; and T2-A 
Esoteric P-0, P-01, P-03
47Labs PiTracer
Weiss Jason
Accustic Arts Drive 1
Ensemble Dirondo
Wadia 270se
Aberdeen NorthStar

I use a modified Theta Jade, and I can hear a large difference,
as did the NY Rave group when they heard the Aberdeen NorthStar.

Please explain to me how the the Lavry or any other "reclocking DAC"
can repair the damaging effects of jitter after the fact?

Also, please explain the effects of bandwidth, common mode noise
reduction, risetime, EMI, inductance, capacitance, pulse aberration,and
shielding on a digital transport's interface.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-18 Thread mauidan

tomjtx;137329 Wrote: 
> let me clarify,
> It bothers me that JA compares 2 digital transports without taking out
> other variables.
> He should use the same cable from each digital transport, eg. his
> Ayre and the SB into the Levinson with the same brand, type etc.
> He should compare AIFF to the CD, rather than apple lossles(isn't that
> a smaller file size and some people claim to hear a difference?)
> Wouldn't that be a fairer comparison?

I agree that when comparing digital sources you should try and use the
same digital cable, but you still haven't said what transport you based
this statement- "Using a high grad coax cable with aaif files the SB is
indistinguible from my class A DAC" on.

None of the digital sources JA used in the SB3 review are "high end
transports," so he has no idea how it compares to the best transports

Over on audiocircle.com a group of folks compared stock and modified
SBs to a high end transport this past weekend. All of them preferred
the transport.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-18 Thread mauidan

tomjtx;137236 Wrote: 
> JA didn't  use the coax out, he used the optical and used apple
> lossless.
> Using a high grad coax cable with aaif files the SB is indistinguible
> from my class A DAC.
> For 300.00
> So there JA  :-)

How can a SB used as a transport with high grad coax cable with aaif
files be indistinguible from class A DAC?

What transport/digital source are you comparing it to?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital only version of Transporter?

2006-09-16 Thread mauidan

"As for word clock, imagine an all digital TACT based system like the
one I use in my 5.1 setup.  You can clock the amps directly to the same
clock as the Transporter.  With the development of other Class D amps
that accept digital inputs, the benefit of having word synch is fairly
clear, especially when you are using bi-amping or tri-amping with those
digital amps as I am."

Since you're running the digital signal through a TacT TCS or 2.2XP
which don't have word clock inputs, having the Transporter and amps
connected to the same word clock will produce very little if any
improvement. You'll need to have word clock inputs installed on your
TCS & 2.2XP and sync the whole thing to an iClock or something like it
to get the full benefit.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-07 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon;134309 Wrote: 
> So, tell us about how your corner-loaded woofers are working out?  I've
> been entranced by this idea and it is one reason why I keep thinking
> hard about TacT/Lyngdorf solutions.  That with great monitor could be,
> in theory, a fantastic system.

Anyone that's interested in the "theory" of corner loaded woofers/subs,
should read the TacT RCS 2.2X review in Issue 158 of the Absolute Sound.
The "theory" works. In Issue 160, the reviewer gave it a TAS product of
the year award. The TacT RCS 2.2X & 2.2XP have also received awards
from Stereotimes.com.

There's lots of additional information on this subject available
at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TacTAudioUsersGroup/.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-06 Thread mauidan

Sleestack;134082 Wrote: 
> You also don't need to use the TACT amps.  In my 5.1 setup I have my
> TACT TCS MKII feeding a digital signal to my TACt BOZ 216/2200 amps and
> in my 2.2. setup, I use the analog outs of the RCS2.2.XP into Bel Canto
> amps.
> I, like you have tried many things and having lived with TACT gear for
> the past 2 years, could never do w/o them again.  In my 5.1 setup, I
> can't even imagine the headaches of trying to achieve what I do with
> the TC MKII with any other setup.
> Every single audiophile that I have had listen to my TACT setups, has
> walked away stunned by the audible difference.  I think it is something
> one needs to experience to fully appreciate.

I agree. The TacT RCS works great on amps with analog inputs,
especially with the mauimods.com DAC card upgrade. Recently had 
my RCS driving a pair of Mac MC1000s, and the results were very


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-05 Thread mauidan

totoro;133904 Wrote: 
> Which ones? The ones about the English language?

You're the one that made the assumptions, so you figure it out.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-05 Thread mauidan

totoro;133897 Wrote: 
> I never called you any names. You posted your comments on a public
> forum, so you should expect responses from others.
> As I pointed out earlier, your statement about dsl/cable, internet
> radio, and playlists was either indicative of a misunderstanding of how
> networks work, or incoherent.
> You have not addressed this point at all. Given your aggressive and
> petulant behavior towards others in this thread, I must say that your
> sudden attack of sensitivity takes me aback.
> The only assumptions I made were about the nature of the English
> language. You either were wrong, or can't express yourself in an
> understandable manner. In either case, the issue is with you, and not
> with anyone else.
> If you aggressively attack someone else in a manner that can only  be
> construed as either incorrect or incoherent, you can expect others to
> call you on it.
> Thank you so much for ruining this thread.
> Finally, I will not admit myself to be wrong simply because I don't
> think that I am.

Once again, your assumptions were wrong.

If you can't admit it, that's your problem.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-05 Thread mauidan

totoro;133893 Wrote: 
> I made no assumptions, merely gave the most reasonable reading I could
> to what you wrote.
> If you would prefer to be considered incoherent, fine.

Since you don't know me, you made a big assumption by inferring that I
didn't understand how to use a router. 

Who ask you to give a "reasonable reading" of what I wrote?

Instead of accepting that you're wrong, now you feel the need
to call me names.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-05 Thread mauidan

totoro;133884 Wrote: 
> A direct quote from you:
> "I don't have DSL/Cable, so I have no interest in Internet radio or
> creating playlists."
> If this sentence is not to be read as a complete non sequitur, it can
> only be inferred that you believe dsl/cable to be necessary in order to
> use playlists. 
> This is clearly not the case, as all that is necessary in order to use
> playlists is a squeezebox communicating with a server. In order to have
> a squeezebox communicate with a server, it is sufficient to have them
> both hooked up to a router, with no dsl/cable involved.
> So, either you were incoherent or you did not understand how ip
> addresses are assigned inside a home network. I chose what I thought
> was the more charitable interpretation.
> You will note that I did not anywhere state that you did not know how
> to set up a functioning home network, but that you appeared not to know
> how ip addresses were assigned by such a router. You will further note
> that I actually said "apparent", as in apparent from what you had said
> earlier in the thread.

Let me be more clear, I don't have high speed access and Internet
radio doesn't function very well over dial-up. I don't use
playlists, because I have no want or need for them. 

It has nothing to do with understanding how to set up a router, so your
assumptions were wrong.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-05 Thread mauidan

totoro;133876 Wrote: 
> Umm-- I went back and reread this thread, just to see if I was missing
> something: nothing in the thread before your initial flameout justified
> the nastiness of your posts. Perhaps you have good reasons, based on
> prior interactions, for this hostility, but you have not articulated
> them. Even if you had, it would probably have been better to pm him.
> In any event, the hostility here clearly originates from you. You r
> claim that highdudgeon's posts are jokes is also undermined by your
> apparent inability to understand how a home router assigns ip
> addresses, and how this relates to the ability to use playlists (hint,
> it only does insofar as it allows the squeezebox to work at all): this
> does not speak well of your technical perspicuity.

Where did I post that I don't know how to set up a router or create
playlist?  Hint- Please don't assume things about me or anyone else
that you don't know.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-05 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon;133865 Wrote: 
> You have got to be kidding.  Your post was clearly and openly sarcastic
> and hostile -- as others observed.  
> But, really, I asked a simple question: if you disdain the device, why
> do you waste time on this forum?  Whatever.  I don't have more time for
> the logically impaired.

George -

I check this forum for updates that might yield higher performance, and
new product developments. 

I read your posts when I need a good laugh.

PS- thanks for the feedback.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-05 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon;133836 Wrote: 
> Then why on earth are you remotely interested in the Squeeze Box? 
> Clearly, you disdain the product, you have no need or ability to take
> advantage of its abilities, so why bother trolling this forum?
> Yes, I do think that an external DAC makes a difference.   However,
> read closely: I found the differences between a stock SB3 and and SB3
> with the mentioned units to be one of nuance.  Very diserable, at
> times, but hardly mentionable, at others.  To me, the law of
> diminishing returns applied.  Besides, I didn't like the clutter of
> multiple boxes.  I made NO mention of it needing an external DAC. 
> That's in your imagination.  JA used it as a transport WITH an external
> DAC.
> Oh, and this: I happen to think that the stock SB3, with analog
> outputs, is actually quite good.  Not fantastic, to be sure, but good
> enough to put CD players in the thousand dollar range to shame. 
> Believe it or not, CD players in that price range are more than good
> enough for a lot of people.
> I will buy the Transporter for a few reasons: build quality, a DAC that
> sounds like it could be even better than a Lavry -- which would raise
> the level of "nuance" -- superb power supply, built-in attenuation,
> which means safe operation without a line stage, adaptability to
> 220/240, etc.
> Of course, I know you wrote this note simply because you like to bait
> me, but there's an answer.  I think you've gone a good job of showing
> off your silliness.  You think the SB3 is a piece of crap, you can't
> use some of its more interesting features, but you're lonely or bored
> enough to keep trolling this forum.  Bon chance.  PS, that was an
> obvious type: I meant couch, obviously.  I have no idea how you sit and
> don't care.  Like 90% or more of users here, my listening setup is in my
> living room.  That means actual furniture, sharing music with friends,
> etc.  Changing CDs is no ordeal, obviously; the SB is just wonderfully
> convenient.  Again, if you don't like or need the device, why do you
> continue to post on this forum?  This must be rather like your habit of
> prowling through forums from which you've been kicked off and
> periodically assailing forum members and owners with laughable vitriol.

George- I asked some simple question and you respond with a personal

I gave the SB to my son. He's an MP3 user and loves it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-05 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon;133786 Wrote: 
> Which was the actual point of the review -- that, as a transport, the
> Squeezebox is, for all intents and purposes, indistinguishable from a
> kilo-buck transport used with a quality DAC.  (Moreover, if the DAC
> were of the true re-clocking variety, there would be no difference. 
> Like many people, I have a feeling that JA had to give some edge to his
> reference transport because, after all, this is a high end magazine,
> etc.
> Not bad for a $300 plastic box.  Especially not bad for a $300 plastic
> box that offers wireless connectivity, access to Internet radio, the
> ability to use playlists, the ability to scan and use your entire
> library without getting up from the coach, etc.
> No doubt, this is why the Transporter will rock.

From: the thread- How much difference do you think a new DAC would make
for my system, highdudgeon said:

"Personally, I went though the Lavry DA10 and a Benchmark. I found the
differences to be on the level of nuance -- when they were there at
all. So, I ditched them, and am running the SB3 directly to my amps"

I'm confused. You've posted that an external DAC didn't make a big
improvement, now you're agreeing that the SB needs one? Are you buying
a Transporter to use it as a transport?

I don't have DSL/Cable, so I have no interest in Internet radio or
creating playlists. 

I don't have a "coach" in my listening room, and I don't mind getting
up to change the CDs in my transports or the LP on the TT.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-09-04 Thread mauidan

Finally got a chance to read JA's SB3 review. IMO, the most important
point he made, is the SB3 didn't sound any better than a cheap Pioneer
DVDP he has. 

IMO, the SB3 doesn't sound any better than a $60. Toshiba DVDP I got at
Costco. With $50. of upgraded parts, the Toshiba sounds better.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: still with the mods?

2006-08-25 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon;130932 Wrote: 
> Okay, I know that there is sizable cottage industry around audio and I
> am not out to insult those who make their living in this area.  But,
> here's what I don't understand: 
> Going to, for example, the Bolder site, I find a $375 modification
> package for the SB3 along with a $750 (!!!) power supply.  That's
> $1,175, plus $300 for the base unit, and we're at $1,525.  Now,
> probably, this consumer will also be interested in an outboard DAC. 
> Boom, you're not looking at $2,500...to run a Squeezebox.  (I won't get
> into the Bybee filters and all that mentioned elsewhere).
> Here's the thing: the Transporter is almost out.  It comes with a trial
> period. On paper, it is one bad mofo piece of audio gear, with all the
> power supply, volume control, DAC, and good looks anyone needs, all in
> ONE box that happens to come with a warranty.  For the one box.  Oh,
> and you get an extra SB3 for kicks.
> So, my question is this: why are people continuing to look at expensive
> mods and, presumably, why will they continue to do so?  A lot of these
> things are matters of numbers that mean little.  Look at JA's review:
> the SB, used as a transporter, is virtually (because he can't use an
> absolute) inditinguishable from a super kilo-buck transport.  Ergo, if
> you're using an external DAC, why would you mod ANYTHING?  It was good
> enough for Sphile, without power supplies and the rest. 
> Anyway.  Half curious, half venting.  I'm just amazed at the anxiety
> and cottage industry around this humble and wonderful device.
> I'm not flaming anyone.  I would like to engage in creative chat. I am
> far too tired to be flamed myself, so, if you have nothing pleasant to
> say about me as a human being, keep it to yourself or to a private
> email. Pretty please?

You continue to "vent" because you can't hear a difference, and 
ask people not to flame youLOL!

If you're too afraid to open up the SB and do your own mods or too
cheap to pay someone to do it for you, fine, but please stop
questioning those who seek higher performance.

"On paper, it is one bad mofo piece of audio gear, with all the power
supply, volume control, DAC, and good looks anyone needs, all in ONE
box that happens to come with a warranty.  For the one box.  Oh, and
you get an extra SB3 for kicks."

How would you know? Are you an IEEE? Have you seen the Transporter's
circuit diagram, have you tested the Transporter against reference
quality transports or DAC?

PS- JA, also raved about the $129.00 Apple Airport Express.
I'll bet he think it sounds just as good as an SB.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-18 Thread mauidan

SoftwireEngineer Wrote: 
> Thanks Phil, switching to the Glass toslink instead of the coax, I got
> better results (initially, I could not tell much difference - listening
> at a lower volume during night time). I am now very close to the sound
> of my transport. I think stock the coax output has higher jitter than
> the toslink. Maybe changing to a linear power supply might have
> benefits even on the toslink. Whether coax or toslink, it seems to me
> that the SB has more detail than the bits out of a CD player/transport.
> Supposedly the SB3 has a jitter of 50ps which is very good (if I
> remember the MF A3.2 CD player has similar specs).

>From the thread- SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

“I just purchased a brand new SB3, and a colleague subjected the
digital outputs to a quick jitter measurement using Audio Precision
equipment. Results:
SB3 digital coax out jitter: ~99ps, SB3 digital optical out jitter:


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modifying the Transporter: Eureka!

2006-08-17 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> So, I've been following the discussions, reading and investigating the
> specs, thinking about what I know and think about Slim Devices and how
> I rate their competence and honesty, etc., etc., etc., and, naturally,
> I have to think to myself: what about the cottage industry of
> modifiers?
> After all, for more or less -- I suppose slightly more -- than the
> price of a SB3 with an external PS, a new DAC (internal or external),
> etc., you can get a beautiful and versatile device built to beyond NASA
> standards.  What could be lacking?!
> Then, on the drive home from work, it hit me: tubes! Somebody will
> something euphonic, with greater SNR, etc., and I bet someone comes up
> with a tube buffer or output stage, etc.
> Of course, tubes don't seem very popular in this forum, but, hey.
> PS, I am being facetious and just kidding around.  Please, no flames or
> personal assaults, okay?  NO OFFENSE INTENDED TO ANYONE.
> Besides, it really is a half-serious question: I mean, how would you
> improve on this thing?


If Slim Devices would post the Transport's circuit diagram, 
parts list and pictures of it's insides, I'm sure there are many people
on this forum that could see "What could be lacking?"
and make recommendations to mod/upgrade it's performance. 

Since you've owned lots of high end equipment, I'm sure you know, there
are lots of fancy looking boxes with very cheap parts on the inside.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-15 Thread mauidan

seanadams Wrote: 
> I think you misunderstood me - neither has "problems" but when we are
> talking about picoseconds of jitter there will certainly be differences
> from one interface design to the next.  The transformers we use are
> Vitec 1:1 made for s/pdif.   They are used for both the input and the
> output ports for both BNC and XLR connections (four altogether).  I
> also experimented with a few other makes and these were chosen for
> having the cleanest waveform - symmmetrical and fast, but with no
> under/overshoot. When I get a minute I will post some scope screenshots
> so you can see exactly what it looks like.

Are you using the Vitec 16Z5752? If so, it appears to be exactly the
same as the PE65612 made in Mexico 15 years ago.

Look forward to your screen shots.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-14 Thread mauidan

seanadams Wrote: 
> SB2 is the same. Transporter BTW is faster than that on its
> capacitor-coupled interface, and slower on the transformer-coupled
> interface, but I don't have the figures in front of me at the moment.

What pulse transformer are you using?

A properly designed pulse transformer should have no problems
with rise time or bandwidth.

Is there a pulse transformer on the AES/EBU output?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-13 Thread mauidan

Sleestack Wrote: 
> The only TACT pieces with word synch are the BOZ 216/2200 amps.  They
> have  inputs which would allow you to externally clock the Transporter
> with the TACT amps via a clock like the G-01 or iClock.

Mauimods.com and db-systems can install word clock inputs on any TacT
product you like. Mauimods.com can also give you word clock
out if you like, but no stock TacT unit has word clock out.

I doubt you will hear any difference between the Transporter's digital
output and your SB3's, but I look forward to your report. For less than
$2K, you can buy a very nice music server and eliminate the need for a
PC and SB.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-13 Thread mauidan

PhilNYC Wrote: 
> Because the jitter performance of the Transporter's digital outs is
> measured to be much better than that of the SqueezeBox, and he's
> clearly looking for better performance.  Or even further, if the TacT
> has a word clock out, he'd get even better performance using the
> Transporter's word-clock input...

$2K is a lot of money to pay to get better jitter performance.
FYI- the TacT units don't have word clock out. 

BTW- what's the Transporter jitter performance verses the SB3?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-08-12 Thread mauidan

sbjaerum Wrote: 
> Yes, and he was very pleased with it. He ended the measurement section
> with:
> '... the excellent jitter rejection came as welcome surprise.'

Can you post his measurements?

Did he measure jitter on the digital outputs?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review

2006-08-12 Thread mauidan

sbjaerum Wrote: 
> Just got my digital September issue of Stereophile.
> It has the review of Squeezebox. JA concludes 'Very highly
> recommended'. Well done!

Did JA do jitter measurements?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: S/PDIF sounds poor

2006-08-12 Thread mauidan

PhilNYC Wrote: 
> I upgraded the power supply on my SB2 to a linear supply from Elpac, and
> all the sibilence and edginess went away.  You might also want to take a
> look at getting a digital cable that is 1.5m long (if you are using one
> that is shorter than that, this should definitely help) and truly
> 75ohms (if your TaCT has a BNC digital input, getting a digital cable
> with a BNC connector on one side will help).
> Otherwise, yeah...maybe you're a candidate for a Transporter... :-)

The TacT doesn't have BNC inputs. It appears Robbymagman didn't have
any problems with his digital cable when it was connected to his DVDP.
Why would TacT user who doesn't need a DAC want to spend $2K for a


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speaker recommendations for TacT S2150XDM

2006-07-17 Thread mauidan

opaqueice Wrote: 
> Hi Nikhil,
> Is the dealer in the States by any chance?  I'm interested in trying
> out TacT as well, especially now that I've got a computer-based DRC
> system running via slimserver to compare it to.

If you've already got DRC running why do you want to try a TacT
S2150XDM? If the TacT sounds better would you buy it?

Nikhil- if you like your current speakers, forget what the dealer told
and just listen.

FYI- the real secret of the "TacT system" is setting up a 2.2
system with dual corner loaded subs, using high order digital
crossovers and delays. This eliminates the typical midbass room suck
out between 100-200hz, and allows you to cut the peaks, rather than
boost the dips.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What happened to the July Stereophile print reveiw of SB3?

2006-07-15 Thread mauidan

"Stereophile is a publication whose income is primarily based on
advertisements for the products it reviews.  Anyone that believes such
a publication is objective has the burden of proof on them, not the
other way around."

I don't purchase products based on rave reviews, and I don't read the
reviews in Stereophile thinking the reviewer got paid off or that a
rave review was in exchange for advertising revenue.

If the SB gets a positive Stereophile review in the September issue,
should I assume
SD paid them off?

I look forward to JA's follow-up on the SB, especially his


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What happened to the July Stereophile print reveiw of SB3?

2006-07-15 Thread mauidan

sleepysurf Wrote: 
> Bummer, just got my Aug Stereophile and NO Squeezebox review... I smell
> a conspiracy!

sleepysurf- No conspiracy. Your question was answered on the
Stereophile forum on 7/13/06:

"You can read about John's experience with the Squeezebox here:

And a thorough "Follow-Up" report will be published in our September
issue. (I promise.) 

Stephen Mejias 

Suggest people have some real proof before making claims of a
conspiracy, kickbacks, or lack of journalistic integrity on a public

I'm surprised SD allowed these comments to be posted.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-09 Thread mauidan

opaqueice Wrote: 
> Remember - there's absolutely no guarantee that TacT is, in fact,
> better.  I don't know this for sure, but probably the TacT does its
> equalization in the digital domain.  If so, it is nothing more or less
> than a computer running some embedded software closely related to what
> you'd be running on your PC using inguz' plugin or an alternative.  Of
> course it's also an amplifier, but since all of us already have a
> computer, SB, and amp, that's of no particular benefit.
> So while it might or might not be better, it's also expensive and
> inflexible - software can always be re-written and developed to handle
> new formats or requirements, but hardware is static and inflexible (I
> noticed on the TacT website you can update some old models to their new
> firmware - for $1200).  
> I'm not criticizing TacT - on the contrary, it's something I'm
> considering - but certainly not until I've convinced myself that the
> available computer-based options are inferior.

I agree you don't know anything for sure, and you seem to be very
confused about the TacT product line.

The RCS2.0, RCS2.0S,RCS2.2X,RCS2.2XP and TCS are digital room
correction units/preamps and can be use with analog and digital inputs
and have analog and digital outputs for use with analog or digital

Unlike the SB, they will accept and output up to 24/192. In addition to
digital room correction, they have a 12 band paraeq and 3 band tone
control. They come with a calibrated
measurement mic and the software and firmware can be updated.

So, from your listening chair you can use the remote to perform regular
preamp functions like input selection, volume and channel balance, plus
you can select from 9 different room correction modes, adjust the
digital paraeq or tone control, change phase, adjust digital delays or
change the digital FS out if you're
using digital amps or an external DAC. 

The M/S2150 are two channel digital amps and also can do digital
crossovers. The new M/S2150XDM can also do room correction and has the
new DRC(Dynamic Room Correction)like the RCS2.2XP that dynamically
adjusts tonal balances in accordance to the human hearing

There's also the modular Boz amps which are aim at the HT market.

So, if you have already have a PC, SB and an amp all you need is a RCS.
RCS 2.0 sell on audiogon for less than $1K or you can buy
a factory refurbished unit for $1490.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-08 Thread mauidan

opaqueice Wrote: 
> Sure, for a mere...  $10,000?
> And that's part of the point - the hardware solution doesn't scale well
> at all, and is much less flexible in general.

Do you have any first hand experience with the TacT RCS or TCS?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-07-07 Thread mauidan

opaqueice Wrote: 
> For example, you might want to filter multiple channels of audio while
> watching a movie in surround sound, and that would be very easy to add
> to a computer-based implementation like this, and very hard to add to a
> harware one like TacT.

This is very easy to do with the TacT TCS.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Audiophile Music Server

2006-07-04 Thread mauidan


Mahalo for the additional info. 

EAC has been around a long time, I wonder if there's a better program
out there.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Audiophile Music Server

2006-07-03 Thread mauidan

opaqueice Wrote: 
> I'm not sure anyone can figure out what you're asking - maybe you should
> try asking a more coherent question if you want a response.
> EAC reads CDs, which have a form of ECC built in - is that what you're
> asking about?  And cliveb was claiming (for some reason) that EAC is no
> better, or even worse, than standard CD players...  so I for one have no
> idea what you're asking about.

Please read his quote again:

"Of course I acknowledge that CDs do exist which cannot be read without
error. They may be damaged, or they may have been mastered/pressed
badly. But in my experience, playing such a CD on an audio CD player
and recording the SPDIF output often gives a better result than letting
EAC "do its magic." - cliveb"

As Phil points out, a CDP is not going to be able read a damaged
disc as well as EAC, so the recording cliveb makes off the 
CDP's SPDIF output is probably going to contain ECCs.

If cliveb now runs this CDR through EAC, I'd like to know what
"magic" EAC is going to perform to recover the data that the CDP
couldn't read.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Audiophile Music Server

2006-07-03 Thread mauidan

"Of course I acknowledge that CDs do exist which cannot be read without
error. They may be damaged, or they may have been mastered/pressed
badly. But in my experience, playing such a CD on an audio CD player
and recording the SPDIF output often gives a better result than letting
EAC "do its magic." - cliveb

I'm still waiting for cliveb to explain what "magic" EAC is going to
perform if you've recorded a signal with ECCs.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: letter to Hi Fi News

2006-07-02 Thread mauidan

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> ...but I have God (and physics) on my side...

Do you use holy water to clean your CDs?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Audiophile Music Server

2006-06-26 Thread mauidan

snarlydwarf Wrote: 
> ECC is Error Correction Code, not concealment.

Mahalo for the "correction." My question still for cliveb,
what "magic" is EAC going to do if you've recorded a signal with error
correction codes?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Audiophile Music Server

2006-06-26 Thread mauidan

"Of course I acknowledge that CDs do exist which cannot be read without
error. They may be damaged, or they may have been mastered/pressed
badly. But in my experience, playing such a CD on an audio CD player
and recording the SPDIF output often gives a better result than letting
EAC "do its magic."


What "magic" is EAC going to do if you've recorded a signal with error
concealment codes?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Audiophile Music Server

2006-06-25 Thread mauidan

cliveb Wrote: 
> I am always disgusted when the marketing for a product is based on
> out-and-out lies. The first two paragraphs contain two massive
> untruths, from which the sales pitch for the device is then developed.

Gee, if you feel that strongly about it, you should drop a line to
Mr.Perry over at stereotimes.com and tell him to stop giving Stereo
Times 2006 “Most Wanted Components” awards to products that you feel
are misleading the public.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Audiophile Music Server

2006-06-24 Thread mauidan

> if money was no object what music server would you buy? is olive any
> good? what others would you recommend.

Here's the best:


See stereotimes.com for more info.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB/Tact/NuForce

2006-06-06 Thread mauidan

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> Probably best to find the Yahoo TACT forum for that..If you get really
> stuck I can supply the GV.exe by email.
> you need to start with the .tim files from the normal TACT software
> measuring process..GV takes those as input to create new curves.
> If there is any loss of transparency via the TACT in all-digital mode
> (and I can't hear any) then it pales into insignificance compared to
> the overall RC improvement. Note: I am using altmann devices after the
> TACT and before the DAC - this may alter things in a such  a way that
> if there are any TACT issues, they are ameliorated.

GV can found at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TAUGSOA/files/Uli/

Phil- if you have the stock PSU in your RCS it's not transparent.

Upgading the PSU will made a much bigger difference than any jitter
reduction unit. BTW, TacT users who used Apogee Big Bens and Genesis
Digital Lens in their systems, found they made more of an improvement
between a digital source like the SB and their RCS, than between the
RCS and their DAC or digital amps. 

After upgrading their PSUs many of these people eliminated these jitter
reduction units.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB/Tact/NuForce

2006-06-06 Thread mauidan

richidoo Wrote: 
> Skunk, right on about the remote.
> Phil, I will try the GV software today. The Tact is digital input only.
> I am using it as preamp with SB volume cranked. So far, I have not been
> able to tweek the Tact to sound as transparent as SB connected analog
> straight to the amp. If GV is easier to use, that will help
> experimenting with target curves. Thanks

GV will not make the RCS sound more transparent. Upgrading the PSU,
digital in/out cards, and DAC cards will
(See www.mauimods.com. No, I don't own the company.)). GV will create a
smoother sounding correction curve.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophile Version

2006-05-23 Thread mauidan

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> Phil, the problem with the "one-box" solution here is that it is one
> *expensive* box! You must have heard of the "Law of $500", right?
> That's the threshold price that consumer electronics devices, for the
> most part, must fall below before being widely adopted. Just look at
> two very current examples: HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray and Sony PS3 vs. XBox360
> vs. Nintendo Wii (aka Revolution). So, to sum up, if there were a
> "Do-it-all" Squeezey (server, GUI, wireless network) that sold for
> under $500, it would have a chance. That's not going to happen though.

A small company like SD may not be able to make "Do-it-all" Squeezey
(server, GUI, wireless network) that sells for under $500., but that
doesn't mean the big guys like Sony, Pioneer,etc which already have DVD
recorders w/HDs that sell for $500., won't simply convert these units
for use as music/video servers
or built these functions into a HT receiver.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophile Version

2006-05-20 Thread mauidan

funkstar Wrote: 
> the official line from Slimdevices is always something along the lines
> of: "do we not comment on future product releases"
> Personally i think an Audiophile version is doubtful, too small a
> market really. Perhaps if SD were bigger then it may be possible, but
> they have only ever had a one product at a time.

Slimdevices probably doesn't want to slow sales of the existing

My question was a result of a post by a dealer on another forum, who
said the Audiophoile version of the SB should be out “soon” and will
have a clock input as well as a digitial input for your CD player or
transport. He's planning to show it at the Rocky Mountain Audio


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Version

2006-05-19 Thread mauidan

Is there an audiophile version of the SB3 in the works?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-05-02 Thread mauidan

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> That's hilarious. I *dare* you to tell Dan Lavry his PSU is cheap. He'll
> rip you a new one.

Why don't you send my post.

It's far from the best SMPS available. He uses bandaids after the PSU
instead of using a better suply or upgrading the on board

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-05-02 Thread mauidan

philodox Wrote: 
> That part number is for a 12V 1.7A PSU.  I would think that 271-1006-ND
> [5V, 3A] would be a better way to go... it goes for $56.05

Mahalo for the correction. 

You should look into a triple output linear, which you could use to
power your SB and replace the cheap SMPS inside your Lavry. 

Here's a great unit that will do the job for you:
It's built and sounds better than the Power One/Condors.

Better pick one up fast before jabberwockie buys them all...LOL.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-05-01 Thread mauidan

I suggest anyone interested in powering their SB with one of these open
frame off the shelf linears pick up a 5V Condor Medical Linear. Digikey
# 271-1002-ND, cost $53.89. Much better
unit than the Power One.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Welborne Labs linear power supply

2006-04-27 Thread mauidan

Skunk Wrote: 
> I like to speculate it's the noise suppression of the linear that makes
> the difference in my system. My house wiring is poor, and I have no
> power conditioning.
> Do those with power conditioning units notice less of a difference with
> the linear compared to switching? 
> If the current supply were so close to being maxed out when using the
> switch mode supply, wouldn't a difference be audible when the display
> is off versus full brightness? I don't notice a sonic change when
> scrolling through brightness settings...

If your AC is bad, power conditioning will help the SMPS or

I'm sure the stock supply has more than enough current to run the SB.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile Newsletter and the SB, Part II

2006-04-18 Thread mauidan

Wonder if he'll compare the SB to the Sonus in his review.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-10 Thread mauidan

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
> Isn't it amazing how much bile is generated because some people get some
> enjoyment out of a difference that they hear from some piece of audio
> equipment, and which they then choose to spend their money on?
> People spend loads of money on real diamonds (rather than a piece of
> glass that most of us, in a blind A/B X/Y test wouldn't ever pick), or
> original art, or whatever - without comment!
> Strange ...

Great post!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-09 Thread mauidan

All questions about this new power supply should be directed to
mauimods.com. I've just past along the specs which were posted
on the tacthackers forum. I have no pictures other than the one I've
posted. I have not heard it, but based on the performance
of my other mauimods.com upgrades, I expect it will be excellent.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-08 Thread mauidan

mlihl Wrote: 
> Nice one! How much does it cost?
> Regards,
> Mike


I don't know if Anthony has finalized the price yet, he just sent me
the specs/picture. You can contact him at Mauimods.com, if you're



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Power supply upgrade

2006-04-08 Thread mauidan

New SB linear power supply.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile eNewsletter SB Content

2006-04-04 Thread mauidan

joncourage Wrote: 
> Ditto?
> In any case, it would be shortsighted of S'phile to proclaim the SB as
> inferior in any significant way.  The SB just may be a convergence
> technology that pulls high-end manufacturer's bacon out of the waning
> demand fire.  It opens a whole new market, and possibly a new
> generation or two, to the pursuit (addiction) of high end audio.
> I've spent over $3grand on gear since acquiring my SB - money I would
> NEVER have spent otherwise. It's been over 20 years since I spent that
> kind of money - any money actually - on audio gear.  
> Building systems around an SB source should have speaker and amp and
> DAC and cable manufacturers salivating.

Hopefully a good review from JA will encourage other companies to start
developing PC/HD based music servers. All those big name
DVD HD recorders are music servers waiting to happen.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile eNewsletter SB Content

2006-04-04 Thread mauidan

tyler_durden Wrote: 
> What?  No Mpingo discs?  No sticky dots?
> Maybe they're saving them for the full review...
> TD

In the April issue, JA reviews the DCS P8i SACD Player,Olive Symphony
Music Server and Grace m902 D/A Headphone amp.

I don't see any mention of Mpingo discs or sticky dots in these reviews
or in his most recent listings of associated equipment.

Maybe you're on to something, do Mpingo discs and sticky dots
improve the performance of your SB?

FYI- He really liked the Symphony, but it can't play Apple Lossless
Compression, and that was the primary reason he decided not to buy it.

I'm looking forward to reading his testing of the SB.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: simple amp recommendations?

2006-03-29 Thread mauidan

LyngdorfAudio TDA2200+, 5 digital inputs, paraEQ, digital crossovers,
and room correction. Energy efficient cool running power.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What Amp and Speakers Are You Using?

2006-03-28 Thread mauidan

2+2 System(main+subs)
Amps:TacT S2150,LyngdorfAudio TDA2200+
Speakers:Budge Khorus


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox 3 and TACT Millenium Mk3

2006-03-26 Thread mauidan

enjoy_the_music Wrote: 
> Hi guys,
> My second post here..i have ordered an SB3 and await delivery this
> week.
> I see many people modifying the power supplies and using outboard DACS
> like the Benchmarck DAC.
> I'm wondering what is the best way to connect the SB and my TACT
> Millenium MK3 amp? It is a full digital amplifier and has a special
> Clock Gate input for a cd player that locks the clock of the cd to the
> clock of the amp...this is a an XLR/AES connection. 
> So do you think i can connect the SB to the clock gate?
> http://www.tactaudio.dk/amp_millennium.html
> http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/robert01.htm
> This is all before i plug my laptop into the amplifier and mess with
> all the room equalisation...too many toys!
> Thanks!!
> Richard

Since the SB only has SPDIF coax(RCA) and Toslink digital outputs these
will be the best way to connect to your Millenium, unless you have
someone modify the SB to add a AES/EBU output.
For best sound quality, I'd recommend the coax(RCA) output.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-23 Thread mauidan

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> I think all that we can take from JA's opinion is that the SB3 and Ayre
> are not significantly different, and considering the huge price
> difference, that's saying something. Whether the Ayre actually sounds
> better at all is clearly a matter of subjective opinion, and would
> depend on the listener, room setup, etc.

Having read JA's reviews for many years, I can take it that 
the Ayre C-5XE CDP, which has never been recommended as a transport,
performed better than the SB. If JA uses a hiend transport, IMO the
differences will be larger. 

IMO, there are a number transports and CDPs that cost much less
than $6K, including the Ayre CX-7e which sound better than the


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-23 Thread mauidan

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> If this wasn't true, there would be no audible difference between any
> CD transport. I don't believe that all transports are equal, and I also
> believe that the EAC (or whatever)+hard disk+SB approach is empirically
> better in this respect than any spinning disk transport which will NOT
> repeatedly re-read sectors until it gets an error free read.

HD+SB maybe empirically better, but on the issue of sound
quality, JA has already said the Ayre CDP sounds better than the SB
with both connected to the same ML DAC:

"Perhaps there was an increased sense of authority to the sound of the
CD on the Ayre used as a transport, a better sense of extended low

In fairness to the SB, he had the Ayre connected with coax and
the SB with Toslink. Hopefully during his testing, he'll try more


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread mauidan

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> Mauidan, you caught me! I have never listened listened to a $6000 CD
> player in my system. I haven't even listened to $1000 players or DAC's.
> That's what you wanted to hear me say, right? I'm not sure why that
> makes YOU feel better, but I certainly couldn't care any less. 
> I completely stand by my original statement, which was obviously meant
> to be SUBJECTIVE, and I think it's safe to say most of the other
> posters here knew what I was getting at. Seriously, if there were any
> problem with my statement, it was actually trying to put a real number
> (95%) on my estimate. I don't know what 95% even "means" in terms of
> audio quality. As I've said before, it obviously has nothing to do with
> measurements, or none of us would be discussing it here. ALL these
> criteria that you and every other audiophile use to describe music are
> SUBJECTIVE. Repeat it with me, maudian, SUBJECTIVE. 
> My "guess" was just an assertion that even the best DAC out there most
> likely doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of difference, at least, in
> most real-world systems. Sure, you put together a $100,000, and maybe
> there are noticeable differences. But, is that really the goal here?
> Noticeable? The
> ifisquintmyeyesandleanoverthismuchandtwistmyleftearicandefinitelyhearaslightpeakinthemidbassregion
> audiophiles drive me nuts! And that's all I'm gonna say to you
> maudidan. Take a chill pill, and learn to just enjoy the music!

I've never heard a $6K CDP in my system either.

Once again, I was only interested in what experience you'd had with the
"best" transport/DAC combos out there," to arrived at your guess.
Nothing more.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-22 Thread mauidan

joncourage Wrote: 
> Is it really necessary to be smarmy and condescending?  If you don't
> like the guy's post then reply to it in a professional and dignified
> way; you'll be taken more seriously.
> Sorry to be the freaking internet police but I find the tendency for
> nastiness in anonymous internet forums a very discouraging sign of the
> human condition.

I simply asked ezkcdude to qualify his statement:

"I'm guessing that even using just the stock SB3 analog outputs gets
you at least 95% of the way towards the "best" transport/DAC combo out

I was interested in what experience he had with the "best"
transport/DAC combo out there," to arrived at his guess.

Please tell me how I could have ask this in "a professional and
dignified way" to get the detailed response I was looking for?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-21 Thread mauidan

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> I'm guessing that even using just the stock SB3 analog outputs gets you
> at least 95% of the way towards the "best" transport/DAC combo out
> there.

Please tell us what "best" transport/DAC combos out there, you've heard
that you base this guess on? Please be sure and tell us if these
transport/DAC combos were link to a central clock, what type of digital
connection/cable was used, were any of the components modified and
finally, what system was used to evaluate their performance.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-21 Thread mauidan

Ayre C-5xe is not a transport. I don't know anyone(other than a
reviewer) that buys a $6K CDP and uses it as a transport. There are
lots of good transports and DACs both new and used for a lot less.
Hopefully, JA will provide some more meaningful comparisons in his


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-21 Thread mauidan

JA said he could still hear a difference comparing the SB and Ayre C-5xe
both used as a transports feeding a ML DAC.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mods for a non-modder: AES/EBU and XLR outputs

2006-03-20 Thread mauidan

The SB's SPDIF output can be converted to AES with a SC961-04 AES/EBU 75
ohms to 110 ohm SM Pulse transformer
available from:


At 44.1, the existing Coax or Toslink should be able to drive a long
cable run. High quality long Toslinks are available from:  



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-18 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> Indeed I did.  I would appreciate an apology, too.  This isn't a  flame;
> I'm just completely confused as to why you would attack a stranger with
> all this sarcasm and snootiness.  Of course, you're not the kind to
> take or accept an olive branch, and you're certainly not the kind to
> apologize.


After you send me foul mouth private emails and belittle my work, which
you know absolutely nothing about.

Not in this lifetime.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-17 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> Let's see...ahem.  Okay, now that everyone has read the entire thread:
> Who started this?  Who began with the insults, baiting, teasing
> whatever?  Kind words indeed.  All the more so to be so "humble" after
> jumping in out of the blue and lavishing sarcasm, snootiness, and
> personal vendetta against a de facto stranger.
> That's right.  Dan himself. Kind words aside, I have known few people
> who have managed to get themselves thrown off a forum for exactly the
> arrogant and abrasive behavior shown here.  Kicked off a forum for
> being rude, and, it seems, resentful of it.  Point, set, match.
> Now, back to audio.
> As before, Dan, I put it to you that it is best for you simply to
> resist your inner urges and not reply to any of my posts.  I will
> likewise do the same.  You don't like me, I don't like you, we don't
> respect each other.  The better part of valor, then, would be to avoid
> each other, not step into conversations, etc.  Got it?  Is this hard to
> grasp?Mahalo.

"Please keep the flame war under control here. The forums are here for
people to discuss things related to audio and Squeezeboxen, not be
derogatory towards eachother.Thank you.
- Kevin Pearsall,Customer Support Manager,Slim Devices Inc."


Thought you asked for the flames to stop?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-17 Thread mauidan

Jeff Moore Wrote: 
> 2006-03-17-13:36:17 highdudgeon:
> > Of course, Dan, who hasn't been reviewing speakers on a weekly basis
> > for twenty years, who has no formal training in acoustics, no PhD in
> > mathematics, who is not a recorded musician and engineer for
> > well-received classical recordings, etc., certainly knows better.
> H'mm.  I just know I'll regret stepping in here, but somehow I can't
> help it...
> I hate it when people seem to need to get snippy, and I understand
> your
> reaction;  but for what it's worth, if this is the same "Maui Dan"
> I've
> encountered before, he's a fellow with very good ears and a knack for
> coming up with well-engineered but reasonable-cost ways to make
> excellent equipment sound even better.  He's come up with some
> significant drop-in improvements for TacT gear;  when I finally
> followed
> up on his recommendations of Running Springs power conditioners I
> wished
> I'd done it long before, before I'd invested so much in Shunyata
> devices;  and of course since he seems to share my enthusiasm for
> Audience AU24 interconnects he must be a man of discernment :-).


Mahalo for your kind words.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-16 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> God, you really are a pain in the butt, aren't you?  I can't imagine
> what it must be like to be so angry and bored in life as to need to
> attack complete strangers on line.  I hope you don't behave this way in
> person.
> As stated elsewhere:
> Harbeth Monitor 40s ($9k, okay?) + ACI Force subs (relatively
> inexpensive and just wonderful); Carver Sunfire amp (a real dark
> horse); Bel Canto Pre2 preamp; Rane DEQ60L equalizer (with Fuzzmeasure
> software, Prenous Firexbox mic preamp, DBX RTA mic).  All cables by
> Blue Jeans Cables, which are a real bargain, and every bit as good as
> the AP Oval 9's and Acoustic Zen Satoris I've had.
> Assorted room treatments.  Custom stands to my specs by Skylan stands. 
> Very careful positioning.  Etc., etc.
> Now, go out and get a girlfriend or something, and chill out.
> Oh: the Rane carried AKM chips and the digital stuff was engineering by
> Ray Miller.  Ray Miller did/does Wadia's digital stuff.  
> The point is, if you're using the SB3 with a DAC that completely
> re-clocks the signal, it doesn't really matter what you're using as a
> transport.  Like I said, yes, there IS a difference, especially with
> some recordings and some genres. However, for most listening, the
> stand-alone SB3 is a little marvel.  
> I'm happy.  I guess you're not. I feel sorry for people like you.


"Harbeth Monitor 40s ($9k, okay?) + ACI Force subs (relatively
inexpensive and just wonderful); Carver Sunfire amp (a real dark
horse); Bel Canto Pre2 preamp; Rane DEQ60L equalizer (with Fuzzmeasure
software, Prenous Firexbox mic preamp, DBX RTA mic).  All cables by
Blue Jeans Cables, which are a real bargain, and every bit as good as
the AP Oval 9's and Acoustic Zen Satoris I've had."

Wow, again

George- Unlike I don't have to post statements like: "mastering studio
montors; they are very expensive and are regarded as some of the best
speakers anywhere, at any price," to demonstrate how great my system
is, or why other people think it's so great

You be well George, and keep buying everthing your hero REG says is
great. ;-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-03-15 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> PS,
> Don't know whether I was clear about this...but I am extremely
> satisfied with the SB3.  No mods, no external DAC, etc.  It sounds just
> great on my system.  Mind you, I'm using mastering studio montors; they
> are very expensive and are regarded as some of the best speakers
> anywhere, at any price.  The Squeezebox is just that good.

Wow, "mastering studio montors; they are very expensive and are
regarded as some of the best speakers anywhere, at any price."

Gee, please tell us what very expensive and highly regarded preamp/amp
are powering these "mastering studio montors; they are very expensive
and are regarded as some of the best speakers anywhere, at any price,"
speakers that's makes the SB3 sound  good as the best transports/DAC
combos (ie- EMM Labs, Esoteric, Theta, ML, Wadia...etc).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 is fantastic!

2006-03-15 Thread mauidan

ModelCitizen Wrote: 
> I do use a good Linear PSU (and cleaned mains supply) with my Squeezebox
> and my comments above still apply. I'm beginning to think that the
> Benchmark Dac1 may have been the wrong choice for me and that I should
> probably steer away from oversampling DACs and stick to
> Non-oversampling Dacs. Someone on this forum has gone on about a new
> Dac called a Storm which sounds like a likely candidate for me
> (especially as it's less expensive than the Dac1!).
> Here's the thread incase you missed it:
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17948&page=11
> MC

Having listened to the Dac1, I agree. For some additional thoughts on
sampling, see:



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-10 Thread mauidan

PhilNYC Wrote: 
>  I thought the discussion was quite civil.. :-)

Once again, I agree.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Coax or Optical

2006-03-08 Thread mauidan

P Floding Wrote: 
> Yes, I have yet to experiment with improving digital transmission. First
> up are new input transformers. Next probably BNC connectors.
> It would be interesting to see if TosLINK could be improved as well,
> however.

First up should be a new power supplies for your processor and


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-08 Thread mauidan

PhilNYC Wrote: 
> I think you're making some pretty big assumptions here.  I've been
> involved in more than a handful of tests (blind and not blind) that
> have shown differences that were quite easy to hear...

I agree. 

Maybe he's never heard low jitter components in a revealing system.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2006-03-08 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> One follow-up:
> I had a Lavry DA10 in-house for some six weeks.  I sent it back for a
> repair, they are backordered, and now I'm getting a refund.  I guess I
> can order another one down the line.
> Anyway, here's my take, having heard the Benchmark and, extensively,
> the Lavry in my house:  I think the advantages of an ourboard DAC are
> minimal, especially once you consider the price.  A thousand dollars is
> a thousand dollars and that buys a lot of CDs.  Yes, there was some
> improvement -- some -- in imaging and clarity of minute sounds. 
> Sometimes I could tell and sometimes I could not. (I had the analog
> outs going to one preamp input and the digital out to the DAC to
> another preamp input).  Right now I'm living without an outboard
> DAC...and not really missing anything.  Electronics by Bel Canto and
> Carver, speakers by Harbeth ($9,000 speakers at that).

Maybe the Lavry was defective, or maybe there are other colorations in
your system making it hard to notice the external DAC differences.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Coax or Optical

2006-03-08 Thread mauidan

P Floding Wrote: 
> Yes, I probably do. But so do many, many others, which was the point of
> my advice. Of course, it is easy to make yourself believe that coax
> sounds better since you know what jitter figures someone has measured,
> at some stage. (Figures which may or may not relate to the actual
> jitter figures that you are getting in your system.)
> I think most systems suffer from a variety of noise problems.
> P.S: Without knowing the nature of the jitter it is not really possible
> to say anything about the sonic effects of the jitter. Perhaps the
> TosLINK jitter is more benign -i.e uncorrelated to the music signal.

I've dealt with the noise issues in my digital system and use quality
AES/EBU digital innterconnects. 

I don't know what the jitter levels are from my transports or
processor, but I do know AES/EBU cables sound much better than
bandwidth limited Toslinks. 

In stock systems like yours, I'm sure Toslinks help.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Coax or Optical

2006-03-07 Thread mauidan

P Floding Wrote: 
> If you have an optical cable, as well as a coax, hook it up with both at
> the same time. Switch between them. If you can't hear any difference,
> unhook the coax and listen to the optical. Can you now hear any
> difference compared to before? If yes, go with the optical! If no, go
> with the optical anyway!
> If, on the other hand, you could actually hear a difference when both
> coax and optical were connected at the same time, then you have to
> choose based on comparing optical (with disconnected coax!), to coax.
> Why all this strange reasoning?
> Well, I've come to the conclusion that at least in my system the act of
> connecting the SB to the DAC galvanically (electrically) makes a bigger
> difference to the sound than the actual path the digital information
> takes! So the coax is a bad influence even if I'm actually listening to
> the optical.

This info was posted a while back:

"I just purchased a brand new SB3, and a colleague subjected the
digital outputs to a quick jitter measurement using Audio Precision
equipment. Results:
SB3 digital coax out jitter: ~99ps
SB3 digital optical out jitter: ~892ps"

If you system sounds better with Toslink, than you've got noise
problems in your DAC, or processor that need to be addressed. Probably
SMPS noise and poor quality pulse transformers.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External clock mods - who does them and how much?

2006-01-22 Thread mauidan

tzucc Wrote: 
> I would like to buy a latest SB modded to accept a external word clock
> from my DCS DAC. 
> Who does these mods and for how much?
> Are there any additional mods that are recommended if you don't care
> about the SB DACs... all I want is this thing to pipe redbook audio out
> via BNC SPDIF to my DAC, under control of a master clock from my DAC.
> Both clock and SPDIF should be coax BNC.




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Pinging Mauidan - CAL transport vs SB

2006-01-16 Thread mauidan

krzys Wrote: 
> I own a SB2 which I use with the Behringer DCX as a DAC. In one of the
> treads you've mentionned you have a CAL Delta transport. Can you tell
> me how this transport compare to SB used as a transport? 
> I sold my full CDP but are thinking to buy a CAL as an occasional cd
> player - nostalgic am I(?).
> Chris

The sound will depend on the quality of the DAC. I have not compared a
SB2 to the Cal Delta. I mentioned it only a reference point with regard
to jitter measurements. In my TacT system,the Delta was very smooth and
musical. It has both SPDIF and AES
transformer coupled digital outputs, and a linear power supply.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-01-11 Thread mauidan

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Now where did I put that box?

|Filename: IMG_2876.JPG |
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2006-01-05 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> All,
> So, I finally received my Lavry DA10 (it shipped last week).  The
> difference between using it with my CDP and using my CDP alone are
> minimal.  The difference between using the SB3 alone and the SB3
> through the DAC is striking.
> Mind you, I was prepared to find it to be otherwise.  I'm not into
> throwing money at problems that don't exist and listening for
> "problems."  Still...more intense imaging, that sort of thing.  Worth a
> grand?  That's a good question.  If I didn't already have terrific
> speakers, I'd have to say the thousand dollars are better spent on
> speakers.. 
> Anyway, I'm not really in modding and find that most things out there
> are expensive panaceas.  QUOTE]
> Not really into modding, but you spent a grand to get your $250. SB to
> sound as good as your $400. Sony CDP.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-05 Thread mauidan

DitherMan Wrote: 
> My approach to replacing the switched-mode power supply with a linear
> one would be (haven't done it yet) to provide a wideband regulator,
> remote sense (so that the voltage being controlled is the one reaching
> the SB3 power connector allowing a longer cable and not being concerned
> with voltage drop), and possibly a capacitor upgrade in the SB3 itself.
> Not especially keen to void the warranty, so may just make do with the
> first two.
> However, to my ears, there's not a lot wrong with the SB3 as it stands.

The linear listed at:


has remote sensing.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-03 Thread mauidan

GaryB Wrote: 
> I posted this over on the Audiocircles forum yesterday but thought it
> might also be of interest to this group.  I hope its not violating any
> rules to repeat it here.
> We also added a transformer output using Scientific Conversions
> SC916-01 1:1 shielded digital transformers.
> ---Gary

You should have tried the SC947-02.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Solving the jitter problem . . . .

2006-01-02 Thread mauidan

pfarrell Wrote: 
> On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 20:42 -0800, konut wrote:[color=blue]
> For example, the famous Burr-Brown
> DAC chips are from Burr-Brown, which is 
> a division of TI.
> http://www.burr-brown.com/
> just redirects you to 
> http://focus.ti.com/analog/docs/analoghome.jsp
> -- 
> Pat Farrell PRC recording studio
> http://www.pfarrell.com/PRC

You have that rare gift of restating the obvious.

Have you ever done any electronic work inside the box or do you
just quote what others say?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Solving the jitter problem . . . .

2006-01-02 Thread mauidan

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> Regarding the Benchmark, I just read a review by Peter Aczel of The
> Audio Critic (which for $12 gives you a lifetime subscription to the
> webzine). This guy   performs all his own measurements, and gives
> no-nonsense, no-bull reviews. This is his conclusion,
> "It should be obvious from the above discussion, at least to those
> familiar with The Audio Critic, that the Benchmark DAC1 has no sound of
> its own, transparently passing on to its output the quality of its
> input. Whatever sonic peculiarities may perchance be audible are due to
> the input signal, not the DAC1 circuit. Even if the circuit were a lot
> less perfect, that would still be the case."
> In the review, he basically stated that the DAC1 measures as perfectly
> neutral a device as he's ever seen. Regarding jitter, he couldn't find
> any "noisy sidebands" indicating jitter. Anyway, it looks like you
> really don't have to (and shouldn't) shell out any more than the cost
> of a DAC-1 (~1000) for the ultimate in CD playback.

"Even if the circuit were a lot less perfect, that would still be the
case."   News Flash- the DAC-1's circuit is not perfect.
If I needed a DAC, for the same money, I'd rather have a Lavry Black.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2005-12-31 Thread mauidan

FlyFishAndGolf Wrote: 
> All of these values are well below the audible level of jitter. 
> According to studies published by the Audio Engineering Society, jitter
> isn't audible until around 20,000 ps.
> Theoretical and Audible Effects of Jitter on Digital Audio Quality
> Benjamin, Eric; Gannon, Benjamin
> AES Preprint: 4826

Have you done your own listening tests?

SB1 users on the TacThackers forum reported a big improvement feeding
the digital output from the SB1 through a Apogee Big Ben(BB) prior to
routing the signal to their TacT RCS units. With the improvements to
SB3, most now feel the BB is no longer needed. 

Assuming you're using an external DAC, if you hear no difference
feeding the DAC via the SB3's Toslink output verses the RCA output,
then I quess you have nothing to worry about.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2005-12-28 Thread mauidan

M3Rocket Wrote: 
> Yeah--just be careful clicking on the first Google result for "tact
> forum"... :O

Sorry, here's the source of the jitter measurements:



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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2005-12-28 Thread mauidan

dwc Wrote: 
> Not necessarily true, and in fact I think wrong.  The difference could
> be in the analog stage.  The SB3 is known for having very low jitter
> and a very high-quality digital output.
> -Dan

Depends on which of SB3's digital output you use. From the Tact forum:

"Hi SB Users,I had a chance to measure the SB3 in jitter. The readings
were 600 pS for Toslink and 100 pS for RCA coax. The latter reading was
excellent. In contrast the SB1 had a jitter reading of 1400 pS for both
Toslink and coax outputs. This meant that the jitter in the SB1 came
from the clock while that from the SB3 came from the digital

My 14 year old CAL Delta transport was measure by Sterophile to have 50
pS of jitter.


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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2005-12-28 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> Just spoke to Kevin -- what a champ.  There are no plans to upgrade the
> firmware for greater rates.  In fact, the reason my 24/96 files come
> out as 44.1 is that the SB doesn't even recognize the file.  This will
> not change in the forseeable future.
> I can see there point.  There are not a lot of 24/96 sources in the
> commercial sector.  Pity, though.

There's lots of 24/96 & 24/192 sources if you transfer an LP
collection to digital or do your own recordings.

Did you take those inside pictures of Lavry Black yet?


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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: upgrade digital output

2005-12-27 Thread mauidan

highdudgeon Wrote: 
> All,
> So, I finally received my Lavry DA10 (it shipped last week).  The
> difference between using it with my CDP and using my CDP alone are
> minimal.  The difference between using the SB3 alone and the SB3
> through the DAC is striking.
> Anyway, I'm not really in modding and find that most things out there
> are expensive panaceas.  Having said that...anyone know if increasing
> digital output is possible?

The SB3 obviously has much higher jitter or noise on it's Spdif output
than your CDP, and is benefiting from the Lavry DA10's
buffered input.


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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why doesn't Slim Devices create an audiophile version?

2005-12-26 Thread mauidan

ezkcdude Wrote: 
>  the SB3 is better than any Class A Stereophile digital source
> component. QUOTE]
> What Class A Stereophile or any other hiend Digital Source have you
> compared the SB3 to in your system(please list)?
> Sterophile's 2005 Digital Source and Product of the Year is the
> Ayre C-5xe, it can play Redbook CDs, 24/192 & 24/96 DVD-As and
> SACDs.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why doesn't Slim Devices create an audiophile version?

2005-12-24 Thread mauidan

radish Wrote: 
> And???

And what?

PS- how does someone become a "senior member?"


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why doesn't Slim Devices create an audiophile version?

2005-12-22 Thread mauidan

Kyle Wrote: 
> I thought seriously about that unit when I was looking several weeks
> ago.  The deciding factor for me (besides cost, which was a bonus, but
> I was willing to spend to get what I wanted) was being able to have the
> SB3 sitting out while the rest of my components are behind closed doors.
> I did not want to have to turn on the TV or open cabinet doors to
> navigate my collection (not to mention my wife would never figure it
> out), and I didn't want something that large sitting out (WAF again). 
> The more I learned about SB3, the better I liked it, particularly the
> ability to easily add storage, open source, and the community here to
> help idiots like me.

Interesting. Spoke to a friend today who's a computer specialist, and
he sent back the SB3 and ordered the cambridge.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why doesn't Slim Devices create an audiophile version?

2005-12-22 Thread mauidan

Here's another integrated' product: 


MSRP- $1399.


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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

2005-12-13 Thread mauidan

pfarrell Wrote: 
> On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 19:01 -0800, mauidan wrote:
> > If you're happy with the sound you're getting from the SB, then
> > don't worry about jitter levels. 
> > Perhaps you've never heard a low jitter hiend system.
> > What system(s)are your SBs connect to?
> I'm not worried about it now.
> My serious SB is connected to a Benchmark DAC-1.
> If you care about the rest, its in the archives.
> -- 
> Pat Farrell
> http://www.pfarrell.com

I don't need to search the archives for the rest. 

I've tested the DAC-1 in my system. 

Be well. 

Mele Kalikimaka


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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

2005-12-13 Thread mauidan

I'm open to being educated on it, but I'm not
convinced by this message or year of reading
the high end rags.


If you're happy with the sound you're getting from the SB, then
don't worry about jitter levels. 

Perhaps you've never heard a low jitter hiend system.

What system(s)are your SBs connect to?


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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

2005-12-11 Thread mauidan

pfarrell Wrote: 
> On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 18:26 -0800, scan80269 wrote:[color=blue]
> I believe that most of the focus on jitter is hype to
> separate audiophiles from their money. I could be wrong.
> YMMV and all that.
> -- 
> Pat
> http://www.pfarrell.com/music/slimserver/slimsoftware.html

Yes, you are wrong.


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