Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

pablolie wrote: 
 i do believe these days one can put together a very, very nice sounding
 system with a few basic and quite cost efficient devices.

I fully agree; we are living in good times ...

pablolie wrote: 
 but i also immensely enjoy the exercise of being a tad irrational here
 and there. passion is always an irrational choice, but how tragic is a
 life that only and exclusively sticks to rationality alone... :-)

Of course there are siutations in life where irrationality, opinions,
chance, mood etc. play an important role and listening to music clearly
belongs here. As an example I cannot tell why I sometimes prefer say
Tingvall Trio over Esbjörn Svensson Trio or Trombone Shorty over Nils
Landgren; this is clearly a question of opinion, 'emotional state' and

To me it seems important to realize when to apply rationality and when
to allow yourself to be a bit more irrational. 'High fidelity' music
reproduction, i.e. faithful recording, storage, transmission and play
back of audio is purely an egnineering discipline where science and
measurements apply - there is simply no room for opinions and
irrationality here.

Of course everyone is free to decide that he likes the design or sound
of a specific piece of equipment (and to pay whatever amount of money to
get it); this is clearly the domain of personal preference, taste and
opinion, though. And of course one can post his personal preference or
expierence with this equipment and the personal sonic impression - but
this will be no more than a personal 'testimonial'. This especially
means that it is not 'transferable', i.e. does not translate to others.
The beauty of the scientific approach (and actually one of its
constituting features) is that results hold true anywhere, anytime and
for anyone (to the same extent as they did initially).

So just as it makes no sense to argue that Tingvall Trio is 'better'
than Esbjörn Svensson Trio it is pointless to argue that a piece of
equipment is better than another one based on one's personal sonic
impression alone. It does make sense to argue that an audio component is
better suited to reproduce sound more faithfully than another one if it
measures better or if this improvement can be backed up by double blind
testing, though. Whether this component 'sounds better' to someone or
not again is a different story (of personal preference, opinion and

If I were to summarize the criticism of the 'audiophile sceptics' here
(and on other fora) I'd say that they (rightly) question the habit of
'audiophile apologists' to argue in the vein outlined above. So instead
of expressing their personal impression or preference they try to
'prove' that some component is objectively better (in a scientific or
engineering sense) without applying the necessary scientific means to do

Just my two cents.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

darrenyeats wrote: 
 Wait. Everyone accepts current loudspeakers have various audible


darrenyeats wrote: 
 Of course, designing and building speakers is a scientific and
 engineering discipline [...]


darrenyeats wrote: 
 [...] but human perception and opinion is at its very heart.

No. I'd rather say that (assumed) imperfections of human audio
perception might be played on to adjust compromises one has to make
while designing audio equipment in a way that minimizes their audible
consequences. This does not imply by any means that one could'nt tell
(at least in principle) by well understood scientific criteria if some
component is better at faithfully reproducing (recording, storing,
transmitting) audio than another.

darrenyeats wrote: 
 Everyone would say the same about audio tape engineering before digital
 came along. These spheres do NOT automatically exclude one another. If
 people can hear a difference, then the kind of difference they do/don't
 like is very relevant to audio gear, given that its purpose is human
 enjoyment, and it will inform and direct the science and engineering.
 What you mean to say is, that audibility limits have been achieved with
 certain types of audio equipment, or that you believe this to be the
 case, or that current scientific evidence indicates this. That's a very
 different matter IMO.

Thanks for trying to interpret my post, but I was perfectly meaning what
I was writing (quite literally). To extend my original post I'd like to
point out that whenever someone claims that a component or tweak (e.g.
'magical cable lifters') provides an objective audible improvement (i.e.
comprehensible and meaningful to others) he has 'the burden of proof '
by equally comprehensible and meaningful (i.e. scientific) means. If he
can't or does not want to provide such proof he is of course free to
state this claim as a belief or personal opinion, but it then just does
not qualify as an objective, provable fact.

You can exchange opinions and personal impressions (about whatever
topic) endlessly with only little to no progress. We do have high
quality (affordable) audio reproduction equipment today (that is better
than years or decades ago) thanks to factual, i.e. comprehensible and
measurable progress based on science and engineering. 

I do admit that there is a very interesting scientific discipline of
human audio perception. While current science seems to have a quite good
understanding on how humans (and other animals) hear, the different
processes involved are complex. Also scientific analysis mostly relies -
by very definition - on empirical research and as such isn't as
'seizable' as for example the sampling theorem. So I (as well as most of
the other 'audophile sceptics' I assume) would be happy to discuss the
_relevance_ of construction compromises (e.g. jitter) or deliberate
(mostly well thought-trough) design decisions (e.g. red book sampling
frequency of 44.1 kHz) for human audio perception. But even with these
topics rational argumentation is necessary; if you cannot (yet and/or
fully) explain an audible effect systematically, blind testing is an
approved method to scrutinize/validate such a claimed effect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

You seem to have edited your post while I was typing ...

darrenyeats wrote: 
 What about loudspeakers, venue acoustics. In terms of recording
 technology, analogue tape? People's opinions about what sounds better or
 worse are very important, but this doesn't diminish the science and
 engineering aspect at all.
Yes; I think I appreciated this context in my orginal post by saying
superbonham wrote: 
 It does make sense to argue that an audio component is better suited to
 reproduce sound more faithfully than another one if it measures better
 or if this improvement can be backed up by double blind testing, though.
 Whether this component 'sounds better' to someone or not again is a
 different story [...]
It's just a matter superbonham wrote: 
 [...](of personal preference, opinion and taste).
darrenyeats wrote: 
 Why should proper engineering and human opinion automatically exclude
 one another? They don't.
They do exclude one another in the sense that they address different
questions. There is no scientific way to address 'human opinion'
[preference, taste, mood], because it's just not a scientific category.
There is simply no scientific way to tell whether some audio equipment
or tweak sounds better [right, more intensive, ...] to someone - it's
just not he right question asked.*

At the same time it's inadequate and useless to tackle the 'ability to
reproduce audio faithfully' by opinion or (sighted) personal listening
tests. Of course one can express his personal preference and suggest an
(unproven) tweak to others, but what exactly is the point? On what basis
should I trust him (especially if he sells this tweak for hundreds or
thousands of dollars)?

* Of course there are various methods (e.g. statistics or analysis of
historic evidences) to address scientific aspects of personal opinion
(e.g. distribution of a certain opinion in a group of people,
development of opinions throughout human history) - but that's not meant

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

darrenyeats wrote: 
 It might be the wrong question if we're writing a scientific paper.
 But it's the right question for many people in practice.

Yes, agreed; but then the question rather refers to
a) (side) constrains like available budget, practicability of the
solution and the like
b) personal preference/taste again

darrenyeats wrote: 
 This brings us back here.
  superbonham wrote: 
  'High fidelity' music reproduction ... is purely an engineering
  discipline where science and measurements apply - there is simply no
  room for opinions ...  
 There is plenty of room for opinions in hi-fi music reproduction. Many
 would say there's room for opinion in most things audio - but even the
 most hardened skeptics would acknowledge there is room for opinion
 when it comes to things like loudspeakers. So your statement
 over-steps the mark.

This time *you* didn't take my intended meaning and not even the literal
meaning of my posts; from the way you are citing them it even looks a
bit like on purpose ;)

darrenyeats wrote: 
 If there is no room for opinion, then please tell me which loudspeaker
 science says is the best.

The question of the 'best' loudspeaker for a given set-up/environment is
a difficult 'optimization problem' that has to take various (scientific
and non-scientific) constrains into account. As such there might not be
a simple 'scientific' answer to it. Again this still does *not* mean
that there wasn't (in principle) a proven scientific methodology to
assess a component's (say loudspeaker's) ability *to reproduce sound
faithfully*. This is because *faithful reproduction* (i.e. reproduction
without distortion, colorization and the like) can be very well measured
and compared (unlike reproduction that someone personally prefers).
Still the result might not be simple to rate, since one would expect
that given two components (say again loudspeakers) of a similar quality,
each one might outperform the other with respect to a certain aspect
(e.g. overall linearity, faithful and powerful reproduction of very low
frequencies, ...) - so one would again have to choose based on personal

But there is a difference between 'I chose this pair of speakers because
they (measurably) provide more faithful reproduction of frequencies
between 40 and 100 Hz than the other pair [in the same price segment]'
or 'I prefer this pair of speakers because they (subjectvely) sound
better to me and they also look nicer'


'these cable lifters improve the sound of every sound system, believe my
- I tried it and it worked for me' ...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

pablolie wrote: 
 I like faithful reproduction, never quite got into the whole tube thing,
 and i was glad when i got rid of my turntable. :-)
 i also think one can indeed measure many things quite well and that they
 provide a reliable indication of the design intent of the engineers,
 which for me ideally is quite a linear response across frequencies and
 loads... but we also all know that the *ideal* response can not be
 achieved yet, even though several designs come quite close. 
 i thoroughly agree a bit is a bit, and jitter discussions over USB or
 Toslink focus on the wrong side of the issue.
 when it comes to the analogue side, even within the DAC, more so in
 amplification, and especially with loudspeakers, wow, there are quite a
 bit of elements at work. one of the reasons i think one day active
 loudspeakers will rule the world is because it eliminates a lot of
 guesswork with matching stuff up. sometimes components don't mix well
 even when they are all well designed and on paper look like they should
 sound awesome. analogue is treacherous, and manufacturing tolerances can
 add up to the point where something is audible even when it comes to 2
 amplifiers of the same kind (i did so with MusicalFidelity M1PWR, one
 clearly noisier than the other, but i would have never known if i'd only
 received the bad one, because it still sounded very good).

Many thanks for this post - I couldn't agree more. As a 'rudimentary
informed layman' I also expect active speaker designs (with crossovers
before amplification) to be the most promising speaker concept. If we
only had a more fact-based discussion within the so-called 'audiophile'
segment, progress would be even better than it is already today, because
effort spent on developing improved designs need the consumer's
acceptance (any money) in the end. (This - by the way - also holds true
for other areas of potential progress slowed-down by false beliefs like
in medical care [e.g. homeopathy], or an up-to-date continuation of
Darwin's evolution theory [e.g. creationism]).

pablolie wrote: 
 and speakers... wow. when someone said that models are flawed they were
 RIGHT. we engineers work with models, and they are quite awesome, but
 they never reflect a TRUTH. witness speakers. when we measure them, we
 ultimately measure them by modeling the human ear. does anyone think we
 have a perfectly accurate model for that? that's why it's important to
 involve some trained ears in the design of good analog audio equipment.
 i could download a circuit design for an amp on the internet, go buy the
 best batch of everything parts, put it together, and still come up with
 something underwhelming. i have actually done it, albeit many years ago
 in University. :-) it is not as simple. it is not just a formula. 
 and the reason for that is that there is stuff we don't know about how
 our hearing works. it is most certainly NOT linear at all. it is hard to
 model. hence, it is hard to cater to that perfect sound production
 model that is being advanced here, at least as far as the analog part of
 the design goes, that is, where the soundwave leaves the membrane. and
 btw try to model the latter perfectly... and you'll prolly win a Nobel.

I still think engineering and the audio equipment industry should strive
for the most transaparent music reproduction öpossible. 'Shortcuts'
based on (assumed) imperfections of human audio perception should be the
'last resort'. Practically I think we all cannot live without them for
mere practical reasons, though.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

darrenyeats wrote: 
 Very good. Science being very mathematical, his argument is
 unsurprisingly maths-based and he quantifies how successive theories get
 less wrong. Also he picked really simple things like the shape of the
 earth, and indeed this has been refined over time. Sadly, Relativity and
 QM marked a complete and utter throwing out of prior classical
 -concepts-. But because mathematically their equations give similar
 (just slightly more accurate) answers than classical physics in most
 normal situations, would the author want us to think they were merely
 refinements? I can't see it.
IMO they were refinements based on revolutionary but somewhat inevitable

darrenyeats wrote: 
 But Relativity and QM are extremely rare events in science. I can't
 think of any revolutions that compare since.
I'm not quite sure. Of course it's very hard to decide what constitutes
a (scientific) revolution. Even though the entries of the following list
might not have the same momentousness as (general) relativity theory or
QM, they are amongst my 'personal favourites':
- Watson's an Crick's work on the structure of the DNA molecule (might
be practically even more important than QM)
- Andrew Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (even though the
conjecture is not very notable the proof is)
- The invention of Public Key Cryptography (Ellis, Cocks, Diffie 
Hellman and [potentially many] others)

darrenyeats wrote: 
 If there were no future revolutions I'd be disappointed!
Me too!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

Julf wrote: 
 But the audiophile segment is a tiny fragment of the consumer
You are of course right.

Julf wrote: 
 Yes, it is a very cash-loaded segment, but it is very irrational and
 fickle. Ask any luxury good company.
This is unfortunately also true. Still I think the 'cash-loaded' segment
could contribute to progress in audio engineering if ('Modus Irealus'?)
it was more fact-based.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

darrenyeats wrote: 
 Let's agree to disagree on that one.
I am willing to disagree but I still would be happy about a reason to do
so ;)

darrenyeats wrote: 
 IIRC Fermat claimed he had a really simple proof, that would be a
 cracker if true.
Yes, he purportedly did have a proof and yes, it would be a cracker if
it was true. Based on the enormous mathematical 'treasure chest' of
methods (from various mathematical disciplines) - of which some have
been fully developed only lately - it is quite common understanding that
he was wrong (even though he might not have been aware of this fact).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ready to fly

2014-10-28 Thread superbonham

ralphpnj wrote: 
 Wow my head is spinning with all these detailed and well reasoned posts.
 However everyone fails to address the core issue and the one that really
 gets me upset with the world of high end audio. The issue being the use
 of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) by industry insiders, which
 includes manufacturers and the high end audio press, to drum up new
 The latest audiophile craze of DSD is a fine example of the use of FUD
 since to date there is no clear evidence that a DSD offers any sonic
 advantage over high resolution PCM (which is also guilty of the same,
 since there is no clear evidence that high resolution PCM offers any
 sonic advantage over standard resolution (16bit/44.1khz) PCM). And as
 I've stated more than once - many DSD recordings currently available
 were at one time or another converted to PCM - edited - converted back
 DSD - which makes them basically PCM recordings. 

Given the questionable sonic benefit of DSD audio and the fact that the
SACD (which still might be the most common transport medium for DSD)
seems to have quite an effective 'copy protection'
( the goal
of promoting DSD seems pretty obvious to me: The 'audio content
industry' wants to re-establish their former status quo that stood out
by ridiculously high margins (for only little 'added value'). If you can
sell expensive players (necessary for enforcing the copy protection)
it's also interesting for 'high end audio' device manufacturers (and
consequentially mandatory for the 'high end audio' press to rave about

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-02-06 Thread superbonham

I was unhappy with the somewhat narrow and nasal sound of my
squezzeboxes for a long time. Inspired by this thread I changed the
language setting of my music server from German to English and - to my
utter surprise - the music instantly sounded better: somehow broader,
more open (in a very cosmopolitan way); this must have been the German
umlauts I suspect. Still there was some harshness left, mainly in soft
vocal music. Then the scales fell from my eyes: I was still using a
German keyboard (how could I have been so careless?). I changed it
immediately and was awarded with silky smooth music filling my living

The good thing about this revelation for us audiophiles is that there
are of course endless combinations ahead of us wating to be tried out.
Lately I worried that we might run out of server tweaking options,
having to simply enjoy music without being able to fiddle with OS
settings - but now I am confident that the journey has just begun ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-02-06 Thread superbonham

... using Russian/cyrillic keyboard (borrowed from a friend) and Konkani
(#2325;#2379;#2306;#2325;#2339;#2368;) language setting now ...
best sound so far: beautiful balance, tone, soundstage, depth, timing,
feels like you can reach into the music, fantastic, never heard
anything so good.

I think I can get used to the cyrillic letters on my keyboard but the
Konkani language setting is giving me a hard time. But hey - it's all
about the audiophile music reproduction after all ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-02-06 Thread superbonham

@ cunobelinus, adamdea and chill: I think we are making good progress

My own tests slowed down a bit, though (ever tried to type in Mkhedruli
using a chinese keyboard?). At least I figured out why this DBT thingy
everyone is talking about is so important: I would not be able to get
any further without Double Blind Typing for sure.

Also found a solution for the cold angular sound I sometimes get
(especially with brass instruments):

|Filename: round.jpg|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-02-06 Thread superbonham

... I used SBGK's Win 7 optimisations, set the OS language to Bikol and
hacked my SBT to display Klingon language ... the sound is so vibrant
and colourful now but also a bit aggressive ... I am lost in the
Klingon menu and cannot stop the music ... it is so LOUD ... unplugged
my server and the SBT but it keeps on playing ... the sound pervades me
... it is coming right out of my head now ... the taste is so intensive
... I am shivering ... finally I know what SBGK and MCR were talking
about all the time ... they are right ... I can feel it, too ... this
is beyond everything I ever encountered ... truth ... beauty ...
infidels repent ... I can see the bits' shape while I am travelling
whith them through space and time ... words fail me ... I am
transmogrifying into sound myself ...

|Filename: sound2.jpg   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-02-05 Thread superbonham

... and make sure to always use proportional spaced fonts otherwise the
music will sound dreadfully unbalanced.

Also I discovered that serif fonts add amazing and unheard detail to
the music - just tried with Gould's Goldberg Variations: now I can
clearly hear mordents and trills that I swear were impercetible before


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread superbonham

Everything is possible, but nothing is real, Living Colour, Type

HumanMedia;688251 Wrote: 
 What is obvious is also subjective and may be completely contrary
 depending on which viewpoint you hold.

This might apply to personal opinions and beliefs. The benefit (and for
some folks obviously also the burden) of a domain based on science and
engineering (as audio reproduction) is, that claims can actually be
right or wrong and that there is a huge (and growing) body of agreed
and proven facts.

If I read statements like the one above I wonder how some people can
get along in real life. I assume that you also ...

... expect things (with mass and without flotation) to fall down rather
than to rise to the ceiling or the sky
... expect your car to get slower and not faster when you break
... be sceptical if someone offers you a money investment with 200%
return within one week
... etc pp

Now ask yourself why you do so without having to try everything out
(once more) for yourself?

HumanMedia;688251 Wrote: 
 And no one has to prove any claim. Or alternatively differing parties
 have equal responsibility (or no responsibility) for proving or
 disproving anything.

No, of course no one has to prove his claims, but he ought to in
order to be taken seriously and if the claim should be of any relevance
for someone else.

I don't have to prove that things (with mass and without flotation)
fall to earth (because there is a lot of evidence that this is true and
therefore it is considered obvious) - the one claiming the opposite
certainly has to, though.

A lot of people come here to seek advice and to spend their time and
money wisely to improve their listenting experience. There is a
plethora of potential tweaks (most of them being useless). What about
the headstand-kiwi-magic I mentioned here for example:

Does this qualify as a useful tweak. If not, why not?

Most of us only have an endless amount of time and money to spend and
that's why one should stick with the optimizations that are more likely
to improve the sound than others.

Would you take an obscure substance (or potassium cyanide) just because
someone asserted that it helps against a headache? No, you would ask for
evidence that it does (and that it is not harmful). Why should we reject
this kind of reasoning here? Just because the harm is only (massive
amount of) wasted time and money?

Of course anyone is free to post his personal experience, opinions and
beliefs (if they are clearly displayed as such) - but what's the point
then? The tweaks mentiones here (and other similar questionable ones in
other threads) are clearly stated as being (potentially) helpful for
others, too. That's why there should be some evidence provided to
support them (and not only personal assertions).

I am looking forward to your feedback.



P.S.: Please bare with me if the above is written a bit choppy -
English is a foreign language for me after all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread superbonham

Gazjam;688326 Wrote: 
 Question for the guys who are demanding Soundcheck prove his no claims
 made contribution to the Community and be honest ;)
 You running TT3 with your Touch setup?

Of course I am using TT3 with my Touch.

I also put the Touch in a wooden box (using hand-selcetd bubinga) lined
with blanket fish skin (very exclusive).

To even further improve the listening experience I am wearing a tin
foil hat (see
not to mention the headstand-kiwi-trick (see above) ...

This all really makes a difference ... for real ... I promise ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread superbonham

Soundman;688316 Wrote: 
 First we listened several songs with each device to get used to the
 sound. Then, for the test, we switched back and forth after rather
 short times (10 secs up to 1 minute). The effect was instantly
 noticeable. And in the end we all agreed that we prefer the sound with

Hi Soundman,

How did you manage to do the 'blinding'? I am asking because I found
this to be rather difficult with the tests I tried myself (switching
between two synced receivers with different loudspeakers in this

Any suggestion on how to set up a blind test in this (and similar)
settings is appreciated.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread superbonham

Gazjam;688373 Wrote: 
 loosten your sphincter, you'll live longer :)
Thanks for the anatomical tip. Also got one for you: ever thought about
breast or butt implants made of your own brain tissue? Your life will be
a lot easier if not distracted by thinking :) 

Gazjam;688373 Wrote: 
 Was a genuine question btw, DO you use TT3 with your Touch?
No. Should I?

Don't know why, but I kinda foresee an answer along the lines of ...
then how can you rate these tweaks at all without first hand experience
... - I am glad that there is (at least so far) no reason to do so ...

Did you try the blanket fish skin tweak?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread superbonham

Gazjam;688390 Wrote: 
 Sorry, I've no idea what you just said.
 Dont bother re-explaining though.
 Can i ask how old you are?

41. Why?

Was a genuine question btw, did you try one of the tweaks I suggested?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread superbonham

Gazjam;688373 Wrote: 
 loosten your sphincter, you'll live longer :)
 Was a genuine question btw, DO you use TT3 with your Touch?

So just in case this might be a misunderstanding due to differences in
language: translating the above statement into my native language would
give a very rude insult and would make me wonder about your age


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread superbonham

Gazjam;688411 Wrote: 
 Whoa easy there fella...
 Apologies if your native language isn't English, the comment was meant
 light heartedly.(hence the smiley)
That's the problem of a foreign language not well enough spoken - one
just does not get the subtleties. So please accept my apologies if I
overreacted ... 

The starting point was your question
Gazjam;688326 Wrote: 
 Question for the guys who are demanding Soundcheck prove his no claims
 made contribution to the Community and be honest ;)
 You running TT3 with your Touch setup?

which sounded to me as if you wanted to say do not demand prove for
this claims before trying it out for yourself. I do not intend to try
it out unless there is at least some basic indication that justifies it
- and until then I actually don't have to try it out because it simply
seems to be very unilkely or even plainly stupid (depending on the
actual claim). On the other hand I do ask for evidence whenever someone
claims something that is not obvious (or generally accepted as part of
the body of knowledge called science as darrell put it so aptly) -
the more outlandish the claim the more convincing the evidence has to

Gazjam;688411 Wrote: 
 Did you genuinely mean me to try tweaks you suggested?
 I'm all for simple and cheap tweaks that work, but putting the Touch in
 a wooden box and wearing a tinfoil hat is fucking stupid. ;)
No, of course not - they are indeed stupid. But while they might seem
to be a bit more farfetched than the original claims by soundcheck and
others in this thread, I wanted to illustrate that they are in fact
just as plausible (or implausible for that matter).

Think about it for a minute: on these 150+ pages with more than 1500
posts there is _not a single reasonabble argument_ supporting these
claims. Directly asked for some verifiable evidence, soundcheck (and
others) evade these questions and finally talk their ways out of it by
saying no claims made - 150 pages is a lot of (wasted) space for no
claims if you ask me ;)

That being said, I fully endorse darrel's point of view stated in post
#1553 above.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-03 Thread superbonham

Sorry guys but I have to leave this thread.

There is no help in arguing here - these server tweak folks just are
not receptive to reason.

While I think that this nonsense should be refuted whenever possible
(for truth's sake and to prevent further harm) we all have only limited
time to spare.

I did my best, but now Cassandra Wilson's sweet dark voice is calling
me for other duties ;)

Thanks to all the advocates of scientific reasoning and especially to
darrell, Phil and TheOctavist for their interesting contributions.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-02 Thread superbonham

Dear soundcheck,

this is REALLY getting annoying - and I have to admit that's not easy
for me to stay polite (but I will try my best).

It is really like talking to a 1-year-old that does not understand the
basic concepts of reason-based discussion. It also seems that it won't
ever be possible to convince you because you are just imprisoned by
your quasi-religious belief that these things must make a difference.

Let's sum it up again:
- You belief that server tweaks and/or ethernet cables (beyond correct
transmission of the digital data) have an influence of the SBT
- There is not a single reasonable and verifiable argument in this
whole thread that supports this claim
- There is a rather simple test (pull the damn cable) that hepls to
validate those claims, because 

IF THE CABLE IS UNPLUGGED (and the SBT plays from its internal

- You questioned the test and were subsequently provided with a
detailed explenation why this test works


Please stop the useless chatter and make a point.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-02-02 Thread superbonham

rgro;688112 Wrote: 
 There was an article on the CNN website the other day about Neil Young
 and his quest for hi-def music re. Apple.
 According to the article (and I have no verification of this),
 Industry-standard MP3 files have only about 5% of all the sounds that
 were contained in the original recording.  That's a pretty amazing
 numbera LOT of compressionand we know that, in addition,
 there's some data loss going on.

... overlapping posts ...

If you take a high-definition master recording at 96kHz/24 bit stereo
(~ 4,600 kbit/s) and compare it with a 256 kbit/s mp3 (which you might
consider industry-standard these days) this actually holds true (at
least approximately).

But as already said: a lot of this data can be omitted without having
(too much) of an audible effect. mp3 compression is based on (rather
well understood) psycho-acoustic phenomena (e.g. masking just to name
one of them) to reduce the data rate.

Personally I am - at least for the vast majority of my own music
collection - not able to tell the difference between the CD source and
a mp3 file with 320 kbit/s encoded from this source (using a decent
hifi system - that won't perhaps qualify as audiophile, though).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0

2012-02-02 Thread superbonham

RGibran;688060 Wrote: 
 You want to hear differences?  Then you will!
 You don't want to hear differences?  Then you won't!
 It works both ways folks.
 Just sayin'

Totally agreed. That's why one should actually strive for a reasonable
comprehensible explanation or meaningfull empirical support (e.g.
controlled blind test).

The pull the cable test (if not performed in a controlled fashion)
won't ultimately help here. It is merely meant as a service for
soundcheck and others not being receptive to reasoning.

And - at the risk of repeating myself - it's actually not us being
sceptical about influences of server tweaks or ethernet cable magic
that have to prove anything. The one claiming something that is not
obvious has to provide evidence; the less obvious (or the more
outlandish) the claim the more evidence must be provided to support the
claim. These are just simple rules of logical/scientific reasoning.

no claims/no promises (as put forward by soundcheck) is btw a common
excuse of the esoteric. I hope I do not have to comment on how improper
this is - but will if I have to ...




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Myths!

2012-02-02 Thread superbonham

musicom;688106 Wrote: 
 If one were to compare based on the data rate alone, CD beats mp3 as it
 has a data rate of 141 kbps vs 128 k for the  mp3.

Just a small correction (might have been a typo):
CD has a data rate of 1411 kbit/s (44100 x 2 x 16 bit per second);
that's the effective data rate for the music encoding excluding error
correction information.

This hence is more than 10 times the data rate of a 128 kbit/s mp3
file. Not everything of this additional information is audible (also
depends on the material) - that's why mp3 compression is working in the
first place.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-01-27 Thread superbonham

Dear soundcheck, SBGK and all the others willing to take hifi to the
next level,

you are so right! I also experienced the astonishing positive effect of
an optimized ethernet connection on the sound quality of my
sequeezeboxes (and other audio streaming devices in general). I
invested quite some time into own investigations and came up with an
own audiophile ethernet cable design.

I am willing to sell these special handmade cables for only 10 US$ per
inch (plus shipping) - and even offer a 10% discount to members of this
forum (incredible bargain). Please contact me for further details.

As usual I cannot provide a comprehensible explanation why these cables
sound so much better, but they really work for me (promised) - and I am
sure they will also improve you listening experience above

I spent hours with evidentiary personal listening tests (controlled
A/B/X test are for wimps); I also performed numerous measurements
(including thermal coefficient, moonlight reflection ratio,
etheromorphic energy fluctuation and the like) - and they all look

I am convinced that these cables will help you on your endless and
rocky road to the holy grail of high fidelity (and at such a reasonable
price this is money well spent).



P.S.: I will also include detailed instructions on how to tweak your
server OS settings for free with the first 10 orders!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-01-27 Thread superbonham

soundcheck;686682 Wrote: 
 A comment to cables and connections:
 It doesn't matter if we talk USB/SPDIF/Ethernet/Power/RCA cables, or
 even board traces they all show filter and antenna characteristics and
 also can cause nasty groundloops. Innappropriate connectors or
 connections are causing impedance mismatches thus reflections or
 crosstalk. Poor grounding and decoupling inside the equipment won't get
 rid of conducted or radiated noise properly. All that gets a big mess.


yep, I certainly know what you are talking about. That's why my special
ethernet cable design also inhibits most of these nasty groundloops ,
reflections and radiated noises. They are of course all known to
degrade the digital data transmission and even (quite magically) manage
to generate a frame check sequence (32 bit CRC) that matches the
modified package data!

So don't worry - the problem is already addressed properly!




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-01-27 Thread superbonham

soundcheck;686693 Wrote: 
 It's weekend. Do me a favour.
 1. Install TCPOptimizer with optimum settings (free of charge)
 2. Install and Run Fidelizer (free of charge)
 1. Install my Toolbox. (Free of charge)
 and listen. It's that easy.
 I can't do more for you than that. 

I also have some suggestions to improve the audio quality:

1. Play some music on your squeezebox (does not have to be a Touch)
2. Get completely naked
3. Do a headstand
4. Balance two kiwi (fruits) on your bare feet (one each) - make sure
that they are ripe but not too squishy
5. Enjoy the very audible improvement of the music reproduction




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-01-27 Thread superbonham

evdplancke;686711 Wrote: 
 For unicorn, I believe like you probably that there are enough
 scientific evidence they don't exist so we are not in any of above

Just being curious: what was the difference between unicorns exist
and server tweaks and ethernet cables have an influence on the sound
quality of the straming client again in your opinion?




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-01-27 Thread superbonham

evdplancke;686732 Wrote: 
 No difference. But claiming these statements are false without evidence
 of it is no genuine wisdom.

evdplancke Wrote: 
 For unicorn, I believe like you probably that there are enough
 scientific evidence they don't exist so we are not in any of above

So what makes you so confident in this case and so undecided in the
cable and server tweak voodoo case? What kind of scientific evidence
that there are no unicorns are you referring to?

It's not our task to prove that there is no such cable/tweak voodoo,
because common sense at least suggests it does not exist. This thread
still contains some counter arguments as well as a simple test set up
(pull the damn cable) for further assessment.

Everyone claiming facts that contradict common sense is - in contrary
- deemed to provide verifiable evidence for his claim. The more
outrageous and quixotic the claim is, the more supporting evidence it

If not, we just end with the simple

... there are unicorns, because I've seen one ...


... there is cable voodoo because I can hear it ...




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Win 7 Optimisations

2012-01-27 Thread superbonham

evdplancke;686782 Wrote: 
 Some evidences that unicorn does not exist: nobody did never attest to
 have seen a unicorn dead, alive or fossile or any track of it.
What if I claimed that I have seen a unicorn?
And what if I claimed that a farfetched server tweak improved the sound
of my streaming client because I can hear the difference? 

Right, both do not provide any meaingfull evidence.

If we followed your argumentation à la you cannot exclude that there
is some influence by noise hitting the touch, one could also say that
you cannot exclude that uicorns are just hiding themselves very well
(they are knwon to be shy) and they do not leave fossiles because they
immediately fall to dust if they die ...

 Common sense is not factual and might be wrong. Common sense believed
 the earth was flat a few centuries ago. And with common sense, nobody
 would have ever found the law of relativity or quantic physics.
True, but that doesn't have anything to do with my post. I said that
every claim must be supported by evidence (unless it is about a purely
subjective topic like personal taste) if it shall be of any use. The
more farfetched and outlandish it is, the more evidence is needed.
Groundbreaking ideas of course often contradict common sense but they
withstand only because there is evidence that supports them.

 Why don't you admit that there is no definitive answer to the questions
 I raised? I don't ask anyone to give evidence but without evidence don't
 claim other's belief is false as you do.

I did not say that there is a definitive answer; I also do not
categorical exclude that there might be an influence of ethernet cables
or server tweaks - it's just unlikely (and in this case even very
implausible). It's generally hard to prove the non-existence of
something, but there are a lot of arguments in this thread that exclude
at least the most obvious ways of possible influences and that qualify
for being reasonable and verifiable. On the other hand, there was
_not a single_ argument supporting these outrageous claims that would
qualify for this category.

I do ask everyone to give evidence if he claims something to be true that
is not obvious. And instead of saying I don't know (as you suggested)
setting the stage for further subjectivism, I follow the discussion,
evaluate the arguments and decide for the position that is well supported
by qualified evidence.

It's that simple.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Need advice on budget active stereo speakers

2009-01-02 Thread superbonham

... I will certainly take the M-Audio Studiophile AV40 into
consideration and may be have a look at the Genelec, too (though I
agree that they are rather ugly).

The Quad 11L and 12L look beautifull, but they seem to be too expensive
for the price range I am looking at; maybe I get a pair of used ones

Thanks again for your help!




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Need advice on budget active stereo speakers

2009-01-01 Thread superbonham

Hi there,

I recently bought a Squeezebox Duet (one controller, two receivers) and
am looking for decent and affordable (active) speakers. I am aware that
the price range of 150 - 250 US$ won't qualify for audiophile - still
I think it is the most adequate sub-forum, since the others tend to
focus on the respective device they are targeted at.

I've read a lot about the different suggestions within this forum, but
I did not manage to get to a final conclusion. So here are my

In need two sets of active speakers (either 2.0 or 2.1) for my bedroom
and the kitchen; both rooms are approx. 4x5 m each and have wooden
floors. The speakers will have to be placed rather near to the rear
wall (or even be attached to it, if possible). I listen to rock, pop,
vocal and instrumental jazz and occasionally to classical music.

My current list includes the usual suspects:
- Acoustic Energy Aego M
- Audio Engine A2
- cheap nearfield monitors (Alesis, Behringer, Fostex, Genelec, et

I can try out some of the common studio monitors in a near music store,
but was not able to find a store that sells the Aego Ms or the A2s.
Since hearing distance will be around 3 m, I am unsure if nearfield
monitors will do the job; additionally I do not like the somewhat
sterile reproduction of studio monitors that much.

So what would you suggest? Any hints will we appreciated!

Kind regards,



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