Re: Fw: 2 Questions

2002-07-04 Thread John Brooking

--- Kyle Babich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry for bothering everyone again, but could
 someone tell me what to change
 so that I can import variables from external files
 and get them to work in
 the current file?  (see original message)
 Thank you,

Copied from perldoc CGI:

-- begin quote --


 $query = new CGI(INPUTFILE);

If you provide a file handle to the new() method,
it will read parameters from the file (or STDIN, or
whatever). The file can be in any of the forms
describing below under debugging (i.e. a series of
newline delimited TAG=VALUE pairs will work).
Conveniently, this type of file is created by the save
() method (see below). Multiple records can be saved
and restored.

-- end quote --

Note that this requires use of CGI's object-oriented
interface. So instead of

   use CGI qw/:standard/;
   print header, start_html;

you instead say

   use CGI;
   my $query = new CGI(INPUTFILE);
   print $query-header, $query-start_html;

or just my $query = new CGI; to get parameters the
normal cgi way, or a variety of other ways which you
can read about in perldoc CGI, which I encourage you
to do.

- John

P.S. I'm about to unsubscribe to go on vacation. I
will probably be back in a few weeks.

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Re: Perl CGI FORM statement

2002-07-02 Thread John Brooking


Personally, I would just print out the raw HTML in
this case rather than try to use CGI's form function.
Something like (ignore the word wrap, please):

 print p( A paragraph with );

  # Now output the plain HTML tags
  print form action='myscript.cgi' method='get';
  if( $my_first_condition ) {
 print   input type='radio' name='$myname'
  # repeat for whatever your logic is
  print '/form';

  print p( Then use CGI some more, if you want... );

Does that help?

- John

--- Maureen E Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My question is about CGI's form statement.  I
 wrote a program that
 three fields.  Two of the three are fields from
 which one option is
 selected.  The
 number and type of options presented are based on
 the user identified in
 the environmental variables.
 I got the screen to print out correctly, but
 when the submit button
 is pressed the only information that is passed to
 the next program is
 the information from the last FORM statement that I
 output.  So I am
 thinking that I have to somehow output all three
 in one form statement. If that is true then how is
 this done when the
 number of OPTIONs will vary.
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Re: HTML textarea contents into Perl CGI

2002-07-02 Thread John Brooking

--- David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib
 $data = param('data');
 $data =~ s/\/n/br/g;
  Situation:  I am reading into my script via
  param() a textarea called Job Duties.  When I
  out that parameter in perl all of the new lines
  ignored and it prints as one long string.  

Here's a slightly more sophisticated algorithm (he
says with great Hubris(tm) ;-) that I wrote about a
month ago. I have a function for either direction, and
they translate double newlines into paragraphs as well
as single ones into line breaks. (Probably appears
identically in most browsers, but seems more
correct.) Also removes any doubt about \n handling,
although it's possible that that doubt is justified
only in my mind. Sorry about the word wraps, those
were inserted by the Yahoo! email editor.

- John

sub NL2HTML {
   $_ = shift;
   s/\x0d\x0a/\x0d/g;# Strip LF out of
CR/LF combinations (Convert DOS - *nix)
   s/\x0d+$//g;  # Strip out any CR at
end, unnecessary (??? WHY NOT WORKING ???)
   s/\x0d{2}|\x0a{2}/\/pp/g; # Replace double CR
or LF with paragraph break /pp
   s/\x0d|\x0a/br/g;   # Replace single CR
or LF with line break br
   return p$_/p;   # Wrap whole thing in
outside p/p

sub HTML2NL {
   $_ = shift;
   my $eol = shift || \x0d\x0a;   # Default newline
is CR/LF unless overridden
   s/^p(.*)\/p/$1/; # String out the
outside p.../p
   s/\/pp/$eol$eol/g;   # Replace internal
paragraphs with double newlines
   s/br/$eol/g;   # Replace internal
line breaks with one newline
   return $_;

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Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

2002-06-27 Thread John Brooking

After all, Hubris is one of St. Larry's Three Cardinal
Virtues! So this seems to me to be a properly Perl-ish

- John

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 minded here, I'm just the type of person who if I'm
 not perfectly happy with the way something works
 (whether programming or in the real world), I
 determine whether I can fix it, if I can I do.

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Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:] Displaying Problems

2002-06-27 Thread John Brooking

Oh, dear, I was afraid that that message might be
misinterpreted! I thought my humor was evident enough
by the informal language, but I guess I should have
put a smiley on it too.

I didn't mean hubris in a bad sense. The sense I get
from Larry's use of it (from reading the Camel book),
and the sense I meant here, was having enough
self-confidence to believe that you *can* do all the
things you mention, rather than just putting up with
what is handed to you because you're too humble to
think that little old you could do better. It might
tend towards arrogance in some cases, maybe,
especially when unwarranted by the actual talent
behind it, but true arrogance connotes more negative
personality traits, such as not being open to other
points of view or debate, and that's *not* what I

I did assume familiarity with Larry's philosophy of
Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris as The Basis of All
Good Software Design, and maybe I shouldn't have. I'd
quote some of this from the Camel book, but I don't
have it with me. I would summarize it as good
programmers don't like write the same thing over and
over, yet if they don't like something they got
elsewhere, they'll write something themselves that
they like better. I suspect he intentionally chose
provocative words to get people's attention, but his
claim that they lead to good software design implies
that far from being bad traits, he thinks that they
are actually good traits, properly applied.

I apologize that my message was taken negatively. I
meant it positively. I support the spirit of your

- John

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That actually has nothing to do with it.  It has
 everything to do with the strong desire to improve
 circumstances, be innovative, make the world a
 better place.  If you want to call me arrogant for
 trying to improve my surroundings, go right ahead,
 but your tacking the wrong name on me.
 - Original Message -
 From: John Brooking [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 12:57 PM
 Subject: Re: v/s roll-your-own [WAS:]
 Displaying Problems
 After all, Hubris is one of St. Larry's Three
 Virtues! So this seems to me to be a properly
 - John

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Re: passing variables in POST

2002-06-25 Thread John Brooking


  David's explaining it pretty well, but let me take
another crack at it. I was in your position about a
year ago and got royally (and publically) flamed on
the perl beginners list by a security admin for
deigning to give CGI advice without knowing this, so I
got what you might call a crash course!

  As David says, the place that you can see the
hidden variables is in the page where the form is,
before you submit it. It is true that once you submit
it, you don't see them go, and once you arrive at the
target script, they are not available. But they can be
discovered by looking at the page source before

  So what? The user can't change the page source,
right? Well, wrong. Anyone could save a copy of the
page to their own file system, modify the hidden
values there, and submit that modified page to your
server! Your server script may or may not be checking
the referer [sic] environment variable to ensure
that only submissions originating from your site are
valid. If it's not, this bogus and potentially
malevolent request would get right through!

  But wait, there's more! Even if your script *did*
check the referer, that's no protection either! An
experienced programmer can easily use Perl's LWP
module or its equivalent in some other language to
make the request with a faked referer variable. So
really, POST variables are no more secure than GET
variables, it just takes a little more doing to fake

  Does this matter in your situation? If it's a
session id, it seems to me that either it's the
correct session id that you gave them, or it's
something else they made up, in which case it's
probably invalid and so your script will just ignore
it or throw an error. (It's theoretically possible I
suppose that they might guess a number that's someone
else's current session id, but that seems extremely
unlikely.) And if you're passing it to log them off,
even if they attempt to use it again, they'll be
logged off by then, so it won't work anymore anyway.
(But then, why does it even matter if it's hidden or

  So in the end, it's your decision. But it's
important that you understand it all so that you can
make an informed decision.

   By the way, I'm still not a security expert, so
don't take my word as the final one either!

- John

--- Marty Landman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 06:06 AM 6/25/02 -0500, David T-G wrote:
 If the variables are in the page to be in the form
 to be
 sent back via POST, then the user can find them,
 Try it yourself: set up something via POST and then
 surf to the page
 and then view source or the equivalent in your
 browser (and if there
 isn't an equivalent then find a browser, even if
 just for a moment,
 that DOES have it) and look and see your data
 hanging right out there
 for all to see.
 Sorry but I don't get what you mean here. When I
 have a page call a program 
 with info from a form being posted then the program
 picks up the data and 
 then creates whatever output web page is
 appropriate. The posted data comes 
 in via STDIN so unlike a GET where the data is
 actually part of the URL, in 
 a POST it isn't viewable from the browser.

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Re: passing variables in POST

2002-06-25 Thread John Brooking

--- Marty Landman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 check the referer, that's no protection either! An
 experienced programmer can easily use Perl's LWP
 module or its equivalent in some other language to
 make the request with a faked referer variable. So
 really, POST variables are no more secure than GET
 variables, it just takes a little more doing to
 Didn't realize this. What exactly is the right
 procedure then to safeguard 
 scripts such as formmailers from being hijacked?

--- Marty Landman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Didn't realize this. What exactly is the right
 procedure then to safeguard 
 scripts such as formmailers from being hijacked?

Not sure if there is a way. We had a big discussion a
few weeks back about a certain classic form mailer
script  (and let's not resurrect it please!), and from
what I could tell, one of the improvements made by the
recommended replacement was that it put a limit on the
number of simultaneous target addresses, to prevent
spamming. This makes me think there's really no way to
enforce who is calling you. But I don't know that for

Ovid's point a few messages ago that you shouldn't
trust anything outside your own box also seems

Anyone with more security experience want to take a
crack at this? (Where's that guy who flamed me last
year when I need him?  :-)

- John

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Using [WAS Re: Displaying Problems]

2002-06-25 Thread John Brooking

I tend to always use to get the parameters, but
I may or may not use it to output HTML. If it's simple
HTML, I will, because it's easier and safer, but if
it's complicated, like a lot of JavaScript in the
header, or for most form input controls, I just use
print statements, either normal ones for one or two
lines, or the END form for larger sections.

The other day I found myself using mostly one large
END statement, with variables embedded to insert the
results that I had calculated earlier. At some point,
I realized I was approaching the concept used by
HTML::Template, except that I had both code and
presentation in one source file rather than splitting
it. Different techniques for different situations.

- John

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RE: What editor for Perl do you recommend?

2002-06-24 Thread John Brooking

Recognizing that this is a religious issue among many
programmers, I submit for what it is worth that I use
Ultra-Edit (Windows). It has everything you ask, you
can extend the syntax for color-coding, run command
line programs and capture the output in a window, edit
remote files via FTP, record and re-run keyboard
macros, and edit in column mode, to name just the
features I use frequently. The column mode is handy
for cutting or inserting characters in a certain
column of contiguous lines (such as placing a # in
front of many lines at once), and tab/shift tab will
indent and unindent groups of lines. Granted, emacs
and others can do the same things, so you see that you
have a lot of choices.


 From: Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: What editor for Perl do you recommend?
 Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 08:06:40 +0300
   Hi all,
   Can you recommend me a good editor for Perl
 scripts that runs under
   It should:

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Re: passing variables in POST

2002-06-24 Thread John Brooking

Only way I know of is to have the variables in their
own private form somewhere on the page, such as: (HTML
tags embedded in email message here!)

   form name=otherForm
   input name=var1 type=hidden value=val1
   input name=var2 type=hidden value=val2

Then have the link submit the form programmatically
using javascript:

   a href=javascript: document.otherForm.submit();
   Click here

You should be aware, if you are not already, that this
is not really as secure as you might think, as users
can always view the page source to find out what these
values are. They can even submit their own copy of the
page after changing the values to whatever they want.
And even if the target script checks referers to guard
against this, the referer can be spoofed too. So while
you may be protecting yourself against the average
user who doesn't who how anything works, knowledgeable
hackers can easily get around it. Just FYI.

- John

--- Niko Gunadi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to create a link to another page and want to
 pass some variables
 in which i do not want the user to know. (POST
   how to do that ?

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Re: My mind is numb!

2002-06-24 Thread John Brooking


I have found any of the O'Reilly books
( to be an excellent
resource. I own _Programming Perl_ (a.k.a. The Camel
Book) and find it's writing style to be very easy to
read (even if I still have to re-read the complicated
bits several times to really understand them), not to
mention very humorous in places. Of course, it helps
that one of the authors is Larry Wall himself. I've
also heard good things about _Learning Perl_ (The
Llama Book), but have never read it myself.

Also, the O'Reilly _Perl Pocket Reference_ is
absolutely invaluable!

- John

--- Alfred Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Comfortably numb?  ;-)
 This might help (a little more introductory...):
 Copyright: 2001
 Format: Paper Bound w/CD-ROM, 1057 pp.
 ISBN: 0-13-028418-1
 In Perl How to Program, the Deitels and their
 colleagues, Tem R. Nieto 
 and David C. McPhie, discuss topics you need to
 build complete, 
 Web-based applications including:
 CGI/HTML forms/XML/
 Control Structures/Arrays/Hashes
 Regular Expressions/Strings
 Typeglobs/File Globbing
 Networking/Sockts/Internet Protocols
 Cookies/Session Tracking
 Filehandles/Data Structures
 Process Control/Forking/Piping
 Web Automation/OLE Automation
 Server-Side Includes/Ties/Closures
 Ben Huyghebaert wrote:
 I just spent about 5-6 hours going through some of
 the unix mans for perl.  I'm trying to get a better
 grasp on perl/cgi because right now a lot of it
 still confuses me even after reading a whole book
 about it.  I think I'm mostly confused because there
 are so many ways to do things and then one wrong
 step that is hardly noticable can throw everything
 outta wack!
  ... etc.

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Fwd: [htmltmpl] [PATCH] default_escape

2002-06-23 Thread John Brooking

For users of HTML::Template, attached is a note about
a patch someone wrote to help guard against cross-site
scripting attacks when using said module. FYI.

Note: forwarded message attached.

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This patch allows you to do

  HTML::Template-new(default_escape = 'HTML');

then your TMPL_VARs will always be HTML-escaped unless you explicitly
specify ESCAPE=0, which will be a handy guard against Cross Site
Scripting attacks.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

diff -ruP HTML-Template-2.5.orig/ HTML-Template-2.5/
--- HTML-Template-2.5.orig/  Fri Jun 21 16:05:21 2002
+++ HTML-Template-2.5/   Fri Jun 21 16:03:29 2002
@@ -927,6 +927,7 @@
no_includes = 0,
case_sensitive = 0,
filter = [],
+  default_escape = 0,
   # load in options supplied to new()
@@ -1822,7 +1823,7 @@
   $which = uc($1); # which tag is it
-  $escape = $3 || $8;
+  $escape = $3 || $8 || $options-{default_escape};
   $escape = 0 if $2 || $7; # ESCAPE=0 
   $escape = 0 unless defined($escape);
diff -ruP HTML-Template-2.5.orig/ HTML-Template-2.5/
--- HTML-Template-2.5.orig/  Fri Jun 21 16:05:21 2002
+++ HTML-Template-2.5/   Fri Jun 21 16:04:56 2002
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 use strict;
 use Test;
-BEGIN { plan tests = 55 };
+BEGIN { plan tests = 57 };
 use HTML::Template;
@@ -717,3 +717,18 @@
   filename = 'include_path/one.tmpl');
 $output = $template-output;
 ok($output =~ /ONE/ and $output =~ /TWO/ and $output =~ /THREE/);
+# test default_escape
+$template = HTML::Template-new(path = ['templates'],
+   filename = 'simple.tmpl',
+   default_escape = 'html');
+$template-param(ADJECTIVE = 'very');
+$output = $template-output;
+ok($output =~ /quot;veryquot;/);
+$template = HTML::Template-new(path = ['templates'],
+   filename = 'escape.tmpl',
+   default_escape = 'html');
+$template-param(STUFF = '');
+$output = $template-output;
+ok($output !~ //);

Sponsored by:
ThinkGeek at
Html-template-users mailing list

---End Message---

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Re: refreshing problem

2002-06-18 Thread John Brooking

Okay, I gotcha. The same script generates the form
everytime. If it has some parameters, it processes
them first, then regardless, it draws the form for the
next time.

I think the browser is working as intended. No
matter what the current URL is, the Refresh button
simply re-requests it, including any parameters that
were included in the last request. That's just how it
works. I've seen this lots of times with my own stuff.

I think what you need to do is separate your form and
your processing script. You should be able to still
have the form page be a script of some sort, in case
there is any data lookups and so forth to be done, but
if it can be plain HTML and maybe a little client-side
Javascript, all the better. Have the form call the
script, which now does only the processing but no
output, then have the script redirect back to the form
page at the end. Then the Refresh button will repeat
the request to show the form page only, and not the
entire processing script.

Hope this helps!

- John

--- spider man [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The redirection to itself actually works. I wonder
 if there are any flaws in this process. It seems to
 be more of a work around instead of an actual
 correct way of doing things. What do you think?
   spider man [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 My script has HTML code generated at the at the
 file. There is an if condition on the param()
 values at the beginning for processing. Regardless
 of the if condition, the code to generate HTML
 code is executed at the end. So the form is
 http://// and when you submit the
 form it doesn't redirect and run the same script
 again for the HTML. So you will see
 http://.../.../ again. Would redirect to
 another URL and then back to the script form do the

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Re: Uploading Help

2002-06-14 Thread John Brooking

True. The only print statement I see here is the one
which prints the contents of $uploaded to FILE. Maybe
after you do this, you want to either print out an
HTML response or redirect to another page? If so, you
need to write more code to do that.

- John

--- LinkS On WeB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 for some reason when, I do this it doesnt print any
 thing, it just makes the file.
 sub uploadfile {
 for ($i=1; $i=5; $i++) {
   if ($q-param(file$i)) {
 $filename = $q-param(file$i);
 $file = $q-param(file$i);
 $filename =~ s/.*[\/\\]//;
 open (FILE,$user{'site_id'}/$filename) ||
 error(Could not create $filename: $!);
  local $/=;
  my $uploaded = $file;
  print FILE $uploaded;
 close FILE or die $!;

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Re: Uploading Help

2002-06-14 Thread John Brooking

Oh! Upon re-reading I realize you probably meant that
nothing is printed to the file, you are just getting
an empty file created. Sorry for misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, I don't have any experience in
uploading files, so I'm sure that others on this list
can be of more help than I can. (In fact, I'm about to
make my own first attempt at this, so I can tell you
more in a few days!)

- John

--- John Brooking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 True. The only print statement I see here is the one
 which prints the contents of $uploaded to FILE.
 after you do this, you want to either print out an
 HTML response or redirect to another page? If so,
 need to write more code to do that.
 - John
 --- LinkS On WeB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  for some reason when, I do this it doesnt print
  thing, it just makes the file.
  ... etc.

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Re: [OT] RE: POD vs. # Comments

2002-06-13 Thread John Brooking

 % Programming Perl?) says that comment, when
 used as
 % a translator keyword following =for, is by
 Whoa!  You found that in there??  Do you have 3e or
 2e?  I couldn't find
 any POD commands in my 2e (Covers Perl5!) copy,
 which is why I kept
 bugging the list for pointers (and finally got them;
 thanks, all!).

Third Edition (Revised and Updated), Chapter 26,
Plain Old Documentation. The information I quoted
was from page 634, 3rd full paragraph.

- John

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[OT] RE: POD vs. # Comments (was Am I doing something wrong?)

2002-06-10 Thread John Brooking

Well, I confess that I sometimes use POD directives to
write a long comment (more than about 1/2 dozen
lines). My rationale is that I haven't really learned
POD very well yet, and so far I haven't released any
of this code publically. When I do, I intend to
revisit the code and make a better distinction between
what is properly POD doc'n and what is just code

Meantime, I do think it's a pain to write multiple
paragraph comments as lines beginning with '#'. It's a
little easier with a good editor that has column mode.
You set it to wrap text, write the paragraph(s), then
turn off wrap, column-select the beginning column of
every line, type '# ', and presto, they all start with
'# '. Of course if you want to change something, you
have to take them all out again (column select and
delete) and re-do the process, including re-wrapping
the paragraphs. A multi-line comment would still be
easier. (But I guess I missed the public comment
period for Perl 6, didn't I? I wonder if anyone raised
this suggestion?)

- John

--- Scot Robnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What you are doing is not commenting; you're
 creating POD documentation. To
 comment out lines in Perl, use the # character.
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 print Hello, world! \n;
 # This is a comment where you
 # can write about what you're
 # doing in a particular block
 # so other programmers won't
 # be confused by your code.

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Re: [OT] RE: POD vs. # Comments

2002-06-10 Thread John Brooking

--- drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Solving 'what should be in the pod' as opposed to
 'in code comments'

POD doc'n in CPAN modules is basically of the here's
how to use this code variety, so taking that is the
model, here's what I'm thinking about that
distinction. If it's about how to USE the code, such
as the arguments expected by a function, that's POD
doc'n. If it's something about the internals that only
the developer needs to know, such as more explanation
of a particularly gnarly algorithm, then it needn't
and probably shouldn't be POD. Don't confuse your
audience with things they don't need to know.

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Re: [OT] RE: POD vs. # Comments

2002-06-10 Thread John Brooking

--- Felix Geerinckx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Mon, 10 Jun 2002 17:37:46 GMT, John Brooking
  If it's something about the internals that only
  the developer needs to know, such as more
  of a particularly gnarly algorithm, then it
  and probably shouldn't be POD. Don't confuse your
  audience with things they don't need to know.
 But then you could always use
 =for those_interested_in_the_nifty_algorithm
 Explanation of the nifty algorithm
 # rest of code
 which will never show up in a pod2something
 I tend to use this only to (temporary) comment out
 large chunks of code 
 though. For 'real' comments, I always use #.

Hey! The Camel book (am I right in assuming that is
the Perl community's nickname for O'Reilly's
Programming Perl?) says that comment, when used as
a translator keyword following =for, is by
convention ignored by all translators. So in my mind,
=for comment would be a Safe and Acceptable way to
begin a multiple line comment that you don't want your
public to see.

Or, if you are commenting only for yourself or other
future developers, you could use something like =for
developers, and write a translator that responds to
that word. But maybe not, because a translator by
definition translates to a particular output format,
whereas this translator is named not for the output
format it creates but for the POD sections it selects.
So it kind of gets away from the intended purpose.
Maybe the standard POD syntax ought to have an
audience directive, and include a command line flag
on perldoc to indicate what audiences to include.
(Drat, second time today I've regretted missing the
Perl 6 comment period!)

- John

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[OT] Re: What database would your recommend?

2002-06-07 Thread John Brooking

Not to be pedantic, but isn't PHP a *language*, not a
database? So you could use almost any particular
database with either PHP or Perl. Or does PHP have
it's own built-in database and that's what you meant?

(I looked at PHP a little once, and I have to admit a
knee-jerk negative reaction to a language that relies
on indentation for intuiting program flow. [Please
avoid copying this list on any religious responses to
that last sentence; take it up with me personally if
you must.])

Of course, if we're being pedantic, I would point out
that this whole thread has been off-topic from the
start, but just I'll content myself with prefixing the
subject with [OT].

- John

--- Fred Sahakian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 depends what you need to do, PHP has become VERY

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[OT] Re: First and second rate programmers

2002-06-05 Thread John Brooking

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 08:40 , Ovid wrote:

 First-rate mathematicians want to hang around
 mathematicians.  Second-rate mathematicians want
to hang
 around third-rate mathematicians.

 The reason for that is left as an exercise for the
reader :)

   So, ignoring for the moment drieux's eloquent case
for calling this a bogus distinction (if I understood
what he said, which isn't always easy), if we assume
for the sake of argument that a newbie is a third-rate
Perl programmer (although granted s/he may be first
rate in another pond), what does that make you
experienced people hanging around with us? :-)  
[Besides wonderful and nice people, of course?]
And then drieux said:
 But what if 12 years in the industry helped me
better understand how
 frighteningly silly that Degree in Computer Science
really was to begin 

  Au contraire. I know it is fashionable to wonder
what all that education was good for, but after about
10 years myself, I find that I have repeatedly been
able to pick up new languages and packages at a faster
rate than many of my peers in the corporate IT world,
and I credit the value of the more conceptually
abstract 4-year CS degree as compared to the very
concrete and limited 2-year business programming
degree of some of my colleagues. Having learned
abstractly about algorithms, operating system
internals, compilers, and so on may not be something I
use everyday (not to even mention functional
programming and CS theory, much of which I've no doubt
forgotten), but it's given me a higher framework in
which to categorize and relate new knowledge, which is
what learning is all about. The tradeoff is that I
actually graduated knowing nothing about how to use
any particular commercial databases, for instance, but
I knew about tree structures and hash tables, and once
you know the concepts and theory, it's easy to pick up
specific commercial implementations.

  But then, I never went to grad school or into
academia, so perhaps I'm really just one of the
middle-tier people myself! :-)

 Or would this be the wrong place to propose that if
only Larry Wall
 had been a team player and been willing to do what
needed to be done
 to make things in sed/awk more ellegant - and be a
'real first water'
 programmer rather than someone out to impress the
3rd tier wankers...
 But the same would also apply to the fact that those
CERN wankers
 really should have been content with telnet and ftp
- since clearly
 this whole skank with the lame, lame, lame HTTP
protocol was merely
 there because those were so clearly lame types who
were never going
 to be 'real programmers'..

Hey, for that matter, what was so wrong with assembly
language?  ;-)

- John

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Re: HTML in E-mail

2002-06-04 Thread John Brooking

 Scot, et al --
 ...and then Scot Robnett said...
 % I don't personally share the 'HTML e-mail is evil'
 philosophy. And even if
 ... snip ...
 (if, in fact, he hasn't solved this already;
 Camilo's email
 intimated that he had, which means we're pursuing
 the ultimate beating of
 a dead horse here :-)

  If I may be allowed to beat the poor dead horse a
little more, and at the risk of reviving this thread,
but playing devil's advocate because, after all, this
*is* a beginners' list:

  Why is HTML mail evil? (If you believe it is.)

  Because it can be so easily hacked? That's a big
reason, but are there others I don't know about?

  I can imagine average Joe User saying But of
*course* I want to be able to format my email with 10
different font faces, sizes, and colors. Plain text is
for geeks.

  Is maybe Rich Text Format the real answer?

- John

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Re: Insertion of table causes syntax error-message

2002-06-04 Thread John Brooking

--- Richard Krause [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I found out what the problem is. If you write
#caption('When Should You Eat Your

 ... snip ...

 instead of
 print table({-border=undef},
caption('When Should You Eat Your

 ... snip ...
 it works. Otherwise you get a Undefined subroutine
 main::caption called at
 ... error message.
 Is there an explanation for this? has two different styles, looks like you're
mixing them. Basically, you've got your standard
function style:

   use CGI qw/:standard/;
   print header, start_html(My page);

or your object-oriented style:

   use CGI;
   my $q = new CGI;  # an object!
   print $q-header, $q-start_html(My page);

Completely your choice which you use, but you've got
choose one and stick with it. See perldoc CGI for

- John

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Re: CGI/Perl-usertracking

2002-05-23 Thread John Brooking

I'm sorry, I don't understand your question very well.
Can you give an example?

By standard-Perl only, do you mean only using
modules that come with Perl?

--- Sven [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all!
 Can anyone give me a hint what I should do?
 I want to realize a search in the results of a
 previous search. So I
 need to name the users (ID) and store/pass the
 1) How can I do this with standard-Perl only? (main
 2) What would be the recommended way if no

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Re: Mail script not working for Netscape (was real beginner help needed)

2002-05-23 Thread John Brooking

Can you post some of the relevant code? (If it's long,
please consider putting it up as an HTML page and just
sending us the URL.)

Not that I'm promising I personally will have time to
look at it or know the answer...

--- Hughes, Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I need help.  I inherited this script that adds
 people to a text file for
 our mailing list.  It works in Explorer.  However,
 it does not work in
 Netscape.  Valid email addresses are blocked and the
 subroutine dienice is
 called in Netscape.  It is pretty short and simple. 
 I do not have time to
 rewrite it right now.  Could anyone make any
 Thanks in advance,
 print Content-type:text/html\n\n;
 read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
 @pairs = split (//, $buffer);
 foreach $pair (@pairs) {
   ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
   $value =~ tr/+/ /;
   $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C,
   $FORM{$name} = $value;
 chdir '../../discounts/ia/';

 $tm = time;
 $now = localtime($tm);
 if ($FORM{'email'} !~ /[\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+/) {
 dienice(Please enter a valid email address);
 print OUTF



 print EndHTML;
 meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0;
 sub dienice {
   my($msg) = @_;
   print h2Error/h2\n;
   print $msg;
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Re: Translating newlines to HTML paragraphs

2002-05-22 Thread John Brooking

--- Matthew Weier O'Phinney
 I've gone through and read all the other posts in
 reply to this, and they
 all seem to ignore a very simple solution.
 First: strip off the \r\n:
 Then look for the pattern \n\n (which would indicate
 the existence of an
 empty line. For example: Some paragraph text\n\nA

I've got my solution, it's something like yours, and
it works fine. The main difference was I explicitely
used \x0d and \x0a because I wasn't sure if \n and \r
were defined to the same ASCII codes on all platforms.
Any double newlines I assume the user meant a
paragraph, any single ones just a line break.

Here's the code I finally used (embedded tags, sorry
if code wraps in ugly places due to this silly Yahoo

sub NL2HTML {
   $_ = shift;
   s/\x0d\x0a/\x0d/g;# Strip LF out of
CR/LF combinations (Convert DOS - *nix)
   s/\x0d{2}|\x0a{2}/\/pp/g; # Replace double CR
or LF with paragraph break
   s/\x0d|\x0a/br/g;   # Replace single CR
or LF with line break
   return p$_/p;   # Wrap whole thing in
outside p/p

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Re: getting those \r\n out -

2002-05-21 Thread John Brooking

--- drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks to all who contributed to this thread. Here's
what I finally ended up using, incorporating several
of your suggestions (HTML tags in code):

my $eol = chr(13) . chr(10);   # Test CR/LF
#my $eol = chr(13); # Test CR alone
#my $eol = chr(10); # Test LF alone
my $Text = Para.${eol}Para.${eol}Para.;
if( $Text =~ m/\x0d/ ) {
   $Text =~ s/\x0a//g;
   $Text =~ s/\x0d/\/pp/g;
else {
   $Text =~ s/\x0a/\/pp/g;
$Text = p$Text/p;
print $Text;

(Again, this is just my test program. The ultimate
intent is to get the input from a TEXTAREA tag in CGI
POST data, replace the newlines with P tags, and
present it on an HTML page as well as be able
translate it back to the newlines for further editting

This wraps the paragraph begin and end tags around
each paragraph, which is the official way of doing it,
rather than just using the begin tag as I initially
was doing. I could have also just replaced newlines
with BR tags, but again that seemed like cheating.

I coded to allow for all variations of end-of-line,
since despite the post about getting CR/LF on Linux, I
didn't think I could assume this would always be the
case. I couldn't find the issue addressed at all on
the official W3 HTML 4.01 spec
In fact, that document didn't even address the WRAP
attribute, maybe that is deprecated or a non-standard
addition? On IRT.ORG
there is a discussion which implies that the character
may indeed vary between operating systems. Did they
test this before printing it? Maybe, maybe not, but
I'd rather be safe and handle the possibility.

Thanks again to everyone.

- John

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building? - They Might Be Giants,

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Re: Translating newlines to HTML paragraphs

2002-05-20 Thread John Brooking

--- drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 maybe I am missing something here - but isn't
 this something you would want to be using say
   use CGI qw/:standard/;
 for a specific illustration cf:

Either you're missing something or I am. I looked at
your page, and at the CPAN doc'n for Inline::File
(which was new to me), but I don't see how that will
help me. The code I included in the message was just
my test script for developing the regex, but in
reality, I'll be getting the input from a POST
parameter originating from a TEXTAREA form tag. So I
don't see how that can fit the structure that
Inline::File is expecting, i.e. data at the end of the
script file.

See the immediately prior messages between Jake and I
for more about what I'm trying to do.

- John

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Re: regular expression

2002-05-17 Thread John Brooking

I just happened to write exactly this the other day,
as a generic configuration file reader. Here's the

sub readINI {# argument: filename
   my %params;
   open( INIFILE, $_[0] )
  || die Could not open $_[0]\n;
   while(INIFILE) {
  if(! /^#/ ) {  # Allow comments
 $params{$`} = $' if( /=/ );
   return %params;

What you get back is a hash of key/value pairs. In
your case, $myhash{name} = 'john', $myhash{id} =
'12345', etc. You can even comment a line out by
putting a # in the first position (or by not having
an = anywhere in the line). The only slightly
obscure thing here is the use of $` and $' to mean
everything before the match and everything after
the match, to save you having to explicitely capture
those sections with parens.

FYI, more detail on your initial question would have
allowed us to cut to the chase faster.

- John

--- ChaoZ Inferno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, the content of the file looks something
 I am trying to grab the value field of each line and
 assigned it to be a

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Re: pass values to another scipt

2002-05-14 Thread John Brooking

Secure?? Have you guys been paying attention to the
Matt's Script Archive discussion? You can pass along
parameters between pages either in the URL or as
hidden fields, but NEITHER IS REALLY SECURE!! The
hidden fields only stymie the newbies. :-) Anyone
could just save the form to their hard drive, modify
the hidden field values there, and submit that
version. If the server script thinks it need only
check the referer variable to get around this, the
hacker can submit their modified page with their own
client, setting the referer field to whatever they

True, it's nicer not seeing them in the URL, but it's
not that much more secure. I recommend Chapter 8 of
O'Reilly's CGI Programming with Perl for a thorough
discussion of CGI security issues.

- John

--- David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib
 Hi Sven,
 Sorry, I thought you knew that one.
 But how to proceed if you don't want those
 ugly/insecure params in your location bar ?

  ... snip ...
   input type=hidden name=hide1 value=secure
   input type=hidden name=hide2 value=very

 ... snip ...

When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a 
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Re: CGI and frames

2002-05-14 Thread John Brooking

Okay, I understand now. I guess you *could* do it with
one script, although as someone else noted, it is
basically separate scripts, called once per page, that
just happen to be stored in the same file. Whether you
store it in one script or separate is immaterial,

So, now that we understand, what exactly is not
working about it again? :-)

--- Sven Bentlage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry, I chose the wrong words..
 my script works similar to the way you described
 below. Depending on 
 which fields are filled out and which button is
 pressed, a different 
 subroutine is called, creating the page.

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Re: Matt Wright's formMail

2002-05-13 Thread John Brooking

I must confess I'm not intimately familiar with the
script in question, so I don't completely understand
what the code snippet that drieux included does,
therefore how it is or is not sufficiently secure.
However, I have some more general comments in the way
of clarification.

It seems to me that the *fact* of using the referers
environment variable is not the security risk, but
that relying on it *only* is the risk. My introduction
to this issue was getting publicly flamed on perl
beginners last summer partially for not knowing this.
(Don't worry, the burns healed quickly.) Since then,
I've at least read enough to know that anyone with the
LWP module or any other HTTP API in any language can
build a web client with any referer header they want.
But I would think that means that using referers in
itself is not inherently dangerous, only thinking that
it's doing you any good security-wise is. The danger
that this ignorance makes possible depends on what the
rest of your script does with the input it gets.

Encoding data in the URL - well, all GET parameters
work that way, in the broadest definition of the term
data. The question is, what does the script *do*
with that data? As all good readers of the security
chapter of O'Reilly's CGI Programming with Perl
(among others) will know, the biggest security hole
with user input is when that data is used for input to
a shell process. Is that what Matt's script does? If
so, is the generally approved work-around one of the
two fix-ups recommended by that book: (1) filter the
input string to disallow bad characters such as
shell escapes, or better yet, (2) use a combination of
fork and exec rather simply opening a pipe to a
process? How does the NMS replacement code handle
this, and what do you all do in similar cases?

- John

--- drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday, May 13, 2002, at 09:21 , Camilo Gonzalez
  The problems seem to be that it uses the Referer
 environmental variable to
  exclude spammers and it gives the option of
 encoding data in the URL. I've
  been told both are considered security risks. My
 ISP does not think even 
  latest release addresses these issues and refuses
 to let Formmail on its
 in the main I have heard the same things - I can
 appreciate that
 ISP's are at liberty to do as they will - I was just
 trying to
 track down my exposure - given as our ISP is running
 it could be that if one's ISP is doing a lot of
 virtual hosting
 then the simplification of
   @referers = ('','');
 could get messy hence the following guard code:
   sub check_url {
   # Localize the check_referer flag which
 determines if user is 
 valid.local($check_referer) = 0;
  # If a referring URL was specified, for each
 valid referer, make sure 
  # that a valid referring URL was passed to
   if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) {
   foreach $referer (@referers) {
   if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~
 m|https?://([^/]*)$referer|i) {
   $check_referer = 1;
   } else { $check_referer = 1; }
   # If the HTTP_REFERER was invalid, send back
 error.if ($check_referer != 1) 
 { error('bad_referer') }
 is not sufficiently robust enough
 where that code is preventing spamming is with:
   @recipients = fill_recipients(@referers);
   sub fill_recipients {
   local(@domains) = @_;
   foreach $domain (@domains) {
   if ($domain =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
   $domain =~ s/\./\\\./g;
   push(@return_recips,'^[\w\-\.]+\@\[' .
 $domain . '\]');
   } else {
   $domain =~ s/\./\\\./g;
   $domain =~ s/\-/\\\-/g;
   push(@return_recips,'^[\w\-\.]+\@' .
   return @return_recips;
 and I have tested this anti-spam piece - and the
 only thing that survives is aimed where it is
 suppose to go.
 As for 'using old perl' - I'm not sure that is an
 'issue'? is it?
 since this is running in a 5.6 environment.
 or am I missing something here???
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Re: CGI and frames

2002-05-13 Thread John Brooking

If you mean can a CGI script output both the frameset
and all of its pages simultaneously, I don't see how.
What you can do is have each frame call a CGI script
for its content, and have another to generate the
frameset. Each script then outputs its own HTML as

If this doesn't address your issue, I think we'll need
a little more detail.

- John

--- Sven Bentlage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi !
 Right now I'm using a cgi-script to create a few
 html pages.
 Somewhere I  read the I also can create framesets
 plus the dependent 
 html pages via a CGI script.
 Where can I find a manual on how to do that?  Or can
 anybody tell me?
 Thanks for your help.
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(OT) Re: Accessing form elements before submit..

2002-05-07 Thread John Brooking

To expand a bit from a more general persective:

The important distinction here is what is client-side
and what is server-side. HTTP is a request/response
protocol. So the interaction looks like this:

  1) User (Client) requests page where your form is
  2) Server delivers that page
  3) User fills out the form
  4) User submits the form, resulting in another
  5) Server processes that request and delivers
another response

What it sounds like you are looking for is something
to allow the client browser to make some decisions
during step 3, while the user is filling out the form.
Since the last server response has completed (the page
was successfully delivered), and the next won't start
until the user submits, the client is on its own, and
no server-side technology (Perl or whatever) can help
at that point. You need a client-side technology.
That's JavaScript. (Not to be confused with Java,
which is an entirely separate language and is on the
server side.)

By the way, if you happen to look at Microsoft's
support side, you'll see references to JScript, which
is IE's implementation of JavaScript (although
JavaScript works in IE too). IE also supports VBScript
(similar syntax to Visual Basic) on the client. But of
course browser-dependent technology is a big no-no
unless you are programming for internal people only
whom you can assume have a company-standard browser.

A short JavaScript intro: If you have a form named
myForm with a text input called myInput, inside an
HTML script tag you can refer to the value in this
form as document.myForm.myInput.value. You can use
this value to assign to JavaScript variables or to
other fields on the form, possibly hidden ones. That
sounds like the sort of thing you're wanting to do.
There are many good JavaScript references on-line to
help you learn.

- John

--- David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib
 Hi Onkar,
 Yes there is a solution, Javascript :)
 Maybe you'dd take a look at :
 Believe me, it's easier than you think.
 Good luck. David

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(OT) RE: Matching string (here I am again)

2002-05-07 Thread John Brooking

Okay, what's the [2] doing? It appears to be saying to
match \d exactly two times, but I thought that would
be {2} instead. But changing your [] to {} leads to
the same problem as the original expression.

You probably know, Camilo, but since you didn't say,
let me guess at why Rafael's original RE did not work.
The problem seemed to be the use of * (zero or more)
when + (one or more) was probably meant. So the
original RE was asking if there are any ocurrences of
*ZERO OR MORE* characters followed by two digits and
the string .html. The answer is yes, the substring
01.html of djavan001.html fits that criteria, as
it is ZERO characters followed by two digits, etc.
Changing the * to a + makes his original RE work
as intended, so there has to be at least one
character. This also prevents something like 99.html
from matching, which I'm assuming from his description
is also desired.

--- Camilo Gonzalez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Try /[a-z]*\d[2]/
 -Original Message-
 From: Rafael Cotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 12:16 PM
 Subject: Matching string (here I am again)
 First of all, special thanks to Drieux.
 I need to check if a string with the following
 lowercase charactersnumbernumber.html
 Like cae01.html or djavan10.html (without
 I tryied
 $musica =~ /([a-z]*)[0-9][0-9]\.html/
 but this matches djavan001.html, when this should
 Wich regexpr can I use? This time a link to a howto
 will be very welcome,
 once this is not the unique regexpr I'll need to
 build myself.

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2002-04-28 Thread John Brooking

I haven't used SSI a lot, but my understanding, borne
out by my experience so far, is as follows. The SSI
simply pulls in the content from the included file or
command and inserts it at the place you did the
insert. So whatever HTML you would have put there
without doing SSI, is what goes in the included file.
Nothing more or less. Just a plain textual

--- Mat Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if i have an html document and I include a CGI
 script to display some html
 do I have to have html and body tags in the
 include of can it insert the
 body into that of the html doc?

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Re: I can't get this to run!

2002-04-28 Thread John Brooking

--- drieux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday, April 27, 2002, at 05:32 , Alex Swavely
  This was exactly the problem.  Not having dos2unix
 installed, I just 
  it and then ran unzip with the -a option (convert
 files) and it worked
 now that is probably the one trick I haven't seen
 anyone yet
 raise as the work around
 the real irony in all of this - that I just learned
 is that if people did the decent bit
   #!/usr/bin/perl -w
   use strict;
 then whether it is dos or unix formatted - it will
 still work

How do you mean it will still work? Doesn't -w and
use strict just make Perl more picky about what it
will accept and raise its complaint level? How would
this impact how it interprets line ends?

On a related note, some of your better text editors
will also have an end-of-line conversion utility built
in. I use Ultra-Edit (Windows), and can convert in any
direction between DOS, Unix, and Mac. Ultra-Edit also
has built-in FTP, so you can pull a file via FTP right
into your editing window, and subsequent saves will
FTP it right back. Finally, you can also set Unix
permissions in the FTP Save dialog. All this together
allows me to easily develop my scripts on my local
Windows machine, run them with output captured to
another window, convert their end-of-lines, FTP them
to my ISP, and set the permissions, all from within
the comforts of the editor.

Disclaimer: I have no connection to Ultra-Edit other
than satisfied registered customer. This promo was
prompted only by the earlier discussion of end-of-line

- John

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Re: http headers

2002-04-24 Thread John Brooking

Most recent editions of Perl come with the CGI module,
which is what you want. Type perldoc CGI at your
friendly neighborhood command prompt. The O'Reilly
book CGI Programming with Perl has a good overview,
as do no doubt countless other books.

The basic steps are:

use CGI;
my $cgi = new CGI;   # Optional O-O interface
print $cgi-header, $cgi-start_html(My Page);
print $cgi-param(foo);  # print value of foo
print $cgi-end_html;

Note that you can also use it to output the HTML
response, although you don't have to. More details in

- John

--- Conan Chai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 are there any perl modules that splits the http
 request headers into name/value pairs?
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Re: Write permissions and other rights

2002-04-23 Thread John Brooking

--- Todd Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 anyone anything. My proof? perl.beginners and
 perl.beginners.cgi is a place
 where its pc to ask frequently asked questions. Over
 and over.

  Is there a FAQ document for this list? I just
re-read my list welcome message and didn't see any
reference to one. I was on perl.beginners for a while
(too much volume) and I *think* they had one.
Whichever list it was, the list admin would send out a
canned reminder about it every few days, and it was
probably mentioned in the welcome message. Granted
we'd still get FAQ's on the list, but maybe fewer, and
the poster could just be pointed to the FAQ document
rather than someone writing out the whole explanation
every time. If we are concerned about having just
one-sentence answers, which Todd rightly suggests is
not really educational, then let's make it have as
much explanation as we can, so that people *do* learn
from it.

  Having made the suggestion, I now must take a giant
step backwards and plead no time to put such a thing
together myself. That and I'm probably still too much
of a beginner.

  At least let's point out that the archives of this
list are available online at,
so if you think your question may have been asked and
answered before, look through the archives!
(Unfortunately, they don't appear to be text
searchable, but Google probably indexes them.) There
is a complete list of Perl-related lists at (Yes, I understand the
permissions question was not really a Perl-only
question, but it *is* related to CGI, and could have
been asked before.)

- John

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Re: A super huge form.

2002-04-22 Thread John Brooking


From a technical point of view, I think that if you
submit via post you are not limited in size. If you
submit via get, it adds it all to the URL in the
form of
etc. and you are limited to about ~2K total length
(depending on the browser client). So you definately
need POST if you are going to do it all on one page.

From a user interface point of view, however, I would
definately consider splitting this up over multiple
pages. I think users would easily get overwhelmed
faced with such a long form. I imagine that it is
probably already grouped into sections, so it would be
logical to start by making each section its own page.
Maybe some sections are optional, or only need to be
filled out if certain prior answers are given? If so,
why burden the user with even seeing such sections if
they are not to be relevant to that user?

I haven't done this myself, but here is one way I
imagine you could do it. Your first page, say,
start.html, has a Continue button which would
submit to, and that process will output
the second page, with all of the first page's answers
contained in hidden fields. The second page will
submit to (or they could all submit to
the same script which could figure out which page it's
currently processing), which would then output the
third page with the first two pages' answers in hidden
fields. Etc. until the last page, when it has all the
answers and can finally take the action you want. It
could get a little tricky if you want to allow users
to go back to previous pages, or branch conditionally
based on answers they've already given, but do-able.

What would be really spiffy is if you wrote something
generic enough to be easily re-usable, and could share
it with the rest of us! (For that matter, maybe
someone's already done this. Check CPAN to find out.)

Finally, as someone else asked, why not use I
was initially turned off to it by reading that it had
a reputation for being bloated, and at first the HTML
output commands struck me as really ugly and
unnecessary. But I'm starting to use it more now, for
the following reasons. (1) you don't have to use the
HTML output commands if you don't want to; (2) it's so
easy to get your parameters, and the Perl community
consensus seems to be that is the safest and
most reliable way to do that, so why re-invent the
wheel (especially an inferior one)? (3) You
automatically get it with the latest versions of Perl,
so you don't even have to find it and install it
yourself, you've likely already got it!

- John

--- Connie Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all, would anybody know how to handle a form with
 about 6000 around data field ? and if there any max
 for data submit through CGI ?
 Anyway, I don't want to use
 Thank you for any hints and advise =)

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Re: Some Newbie Questions :-)

2002-04-22 Thread John Brooking

(Sorry for the duplicate, Jamie, forgot to forward to
the list!)

--- Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2) Should i use text files for my data or dive
 straight into something
 like MySQL? I'll propably need the SQL stuff later
 on, but is there
 any general rule as regards to size/ number of

I've just gone through a similar decision process. It
depends entirely on your situation. Some questions you
need to consider are:

  1) What tools does my platform support?
  2) How much data do I have now, and how fast will it
  3) How many users do I envision, both concurrent
(for record locking, etc.) and total (when security
gets more important)?

I would definately recommend some kind of SQL database
solution for most commercial, and certainly
enterprise-wide, applications. I've heard good things
about mySQL, but not used it. At the high end, Oracle
is one of the most solid there is.

I can't quote any exact quantitative recommendations,
but I personally wouldn't consider text files for
anything bigger than a dozen files of maybe a few
hundred records in each. For one thing, in any system
of any size, ease and efficiency of record selection
and sorting becomes very important, and SQL makes
these things very easy. There are SQL drivers for text
files, but I would still be concerned with how
efficient they could be for large amounts of data. At
some point, you've got to have indexes.

On the other extreme, there are cases where a SQL
database may be overkill. One of my personal projects
is a very basic content management system for
non-profits and small businesses, tailored to outfits
with modest sites virtual-hosted by third-party ISPs
and with up to 1/2 dozen content managers, maybe
volunteers. I needed to find a storage mechanism that
would be easily supported by most ISPs. Some IPSs
support mySQL, but not all, and I wanted to be as
compatible as possible. (I selected Perl as a language
due to its almost universal support by ISPs.) I
seriously considered XML storage, but decided that my
own learning curve in using it would be too steep for
the timetable I wanted to meet, and Perl-based XML
tools seem to be in limited supply. So I settled on
text CSV files. For my needs, this seemed to make
sense. The AnyData::CSV (see CPAN) module supports
record selection from CSV's, and I implemented a
multi-level sort just using Perl's sort function. (I
think it also has a DBI interface option, which I have
not investigated.)

So those are some considerations for you. In the end,
it depends on your situation and it's a judgement

- John

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Re: Parsing variables and HTML

2002-04-17 Thread John Brooking

P Daniel,
P dir=ltr style=MARGIN-RIGHT: 0pxnbsp;nbsp; I'm
assuming you mean that you want your three crud
parameters passed through, in which case, your
intuition at the end of your message is correct.
Remember that HTTP is by default stateless, meaning
that when the form that was output by first() is
submitted, your script has no memory that is was ever
run before. It only knows what was in the latest
request. So you need to include more hidden fields in
your form in order to preserve them between
invocations of the
type=hidden value=$crud1
name=crud1gt;BRlt;input type=hidden
value=$crud2 name=crud2gt;BRlt;input
type=hidden value=$crud3 name=crud3gt;/P
PNote that by default, $variables expand in Here
documents the same as innbsp;double-quoted
literals.nbsp;nbsp; /P
P- JohnBR/P
Pnbsp; BIDaniel Falkenberg
lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;/I/B wrote: 
5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solidHello
All,BRBRI am having a little bit of trouble with
HTML and perl. I want to beBRable to parse variable
from some HTML code where a user hits a
submitBRbutton and the data they entered from that
from should be parsed to theBRnext sub. At the
moment I am using the following code...BRBR$action
= param(action);BR$crud1 =
param(crud1);BR$crud2 = param(crud2);BR$crud3
= param(crud3);BRBRif ($action =~ /first/)
{first();}BRelsif ($action =~ /second_sub/)
{second_sub();}BRelse{ first();}BRBRsub first
FORMBR#User enters data in some text boxes
here...BRINPUT type=hidden value=second_sub
name=actionBRINPUT type=image
Script is now taken to second_sub();BRBRsub
second_sub {BRBRprint $crud1, $crud2,
$crud3;BRBR}BRBR but for some reason the
the data from first() is not being placedBRinto
second_sub(); Should I be adding some more hidden HTML
tags in theBRfirst(); sub?BRBRAny help on this
would be greatly appricated.BRBRRegards,BRBRDan/BLOCKQUOTE

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Perl CGI with ISP - advice?

2002-04-16 Thread John Brooking


   I'm writing a Perl-based system to allow simple site content management through web 
forms. I'm a relative beginner to both Perl and CGI, although I have much experience 
with C, Visual Basic, and relational database programming. The system I'm writing is 
targeted to non-profits and small businesses, the kinds of outfits which typically 
will have sites hosted by an ISP, not on their own hardware with their own people to 
administer it. So my software will need to be (1) small, and (2) installable to a 
virtual domain cgi-bin path by FTP with normal owner permissions, not system admin 
and/or shell access. I've found that this cuts down on available technology quite 

   One hesitation I have is that most Perl modules assume that you can run an install 
procedure to install the module in your system. If an outfit has only FTP access to 
its virtual domain, not shell access or sysadm privilege, the only thing you can do is 
copy the module's files over from some other place you've installed them (such as my 
PC's hard drive). This seems to be working with two of the modules I've used so far 
(HTML::Template and AnyData::CSV), but I'm hesitant to rely too much on a lot of them. 
Obviously, you run a risk if a module has platform-specific functionality. I'm 
particularly shy of, both due to size and also uncertainty of if it can be 
installed by a simple file copy.

   I'd appreciate any advice anyone could give on the difficulties I might encounter 
in this endeavor, in particular module size and ability to install on an ISP-hosted 
virtual domain by FTP alone. Should I be convincing the ISP to install the modules in 
their /site/lib instead, rather than us putting them in our virtual domain? Is 
recommended in this situation? Any other issues you would foresee me having? (I 
already know I'll have to think through security at some point.) Thanks in advance for 
any replies.

- John Brooking

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