[CTRL] Who's House ?

2002-01-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


HOUSE, EDWARD MANDELL (1858-1938). Edward Mandell House was born in
Houston on July 26, 1858, the last of seven children of Mary
Elizabeth (Shearn) and Thomas William House.qv His father was one of
the leading citizens of Texas, a wealthy merchant, banker, and
landowner. Edward had a privileged youth: he spent six months in
England in 1866, met many prominent people who visited the large
family homes in Galveston and Houston, and enjoyed the colorful life
of his father's sugar plantation near Arcola Junction. As a boy he
rode and hunted, admired the gunfighters of the era, and roamed the
flat, vast coastal plain near Houston. Initially House attended
Houston Academy,qv but after the death of his mother on January 28,
1870, his father sent him to boarding school, first in Virginia and
then in New Haven, Connecticut. House was not a serious student, and
he and his closest friend, Oliver T. Morton (the son of Senator
Oliver Perry Morton of Indiana), became absorbed in the Hayes-Tilden
election of 1876 and the long crisis following it; they frequently
traveled to New York and Washington.

In the autumn of 1877 House entered Cornell University, where he remained until the 
beginning of his third year, when his father became ill and the younger House left 
school to care for him. When T. W. House died, on Janu
ary 17, 1880, his son decided to stay in Texas and help manage the estate, which was 
to be divided among the five surviving children. On August 4, 1881, House married 
Loulie Hunter of Hunter, Texas. After a year in Europe
 the couple returned to Houston, and House supervised the family's extensive 
landholdings scattered throughout Texas. In the autumn of 1885 he moved to Austin in 
order to escape the heat of Houston and to be closer to his
 cotton plantations. He became a prominent member of Austin society and, in the late 
1880s and early 1890s, pursued a variety of business activities, including farming and 
land speculation. In June 1892 he completed a gre
at mansion at 1704 West Asylum Avenue, designed by the New York architect Frank 
Freeman. The house was one of the finest examples in Texas of the Shingle style of 
residential architecture. With a minimum of decorative det
ail, it made innovative use of red sandstone, sweeping shingled roofs, and an 
open-plan interior in a style that suggested future architectural trends. It was razed 
in 1967.

House was drawn into state politics through his friendship with James Stephen Hogg,qv 
who in 1892 faced a formidable challenge for renomination and reelection from 
conservative Democrats and Populists. House directed Hogg
's campaign, established a network of contacts with influential local Democratic 
leaders, manipulated the electoral machinery, and bargained for the votes of African 
and Mexican Americans.qqv Hogg triumphed in a bitter, t
hree-way race and rewarded House on July 20, 1893, with the honorary title of 
lieutenant colonel. The press soon shortened the title to colonel.

Fascinated more with the process of politics than with the substance, House proceeded 
to build his own faction-our crowd, as he called it-which became a powerful force in 
Texas politics. He was an ambitious political op
erator, skilled in organizing and inspiring others. He worked largely behind the 
scenes, developing ties of loyalty and affection with his close associates and using 
patronage to rally party workers behind his candidates.
 From 1894 to 1906 House's protégés served as governors of Texas. He and his 
associates managed the gubernatorial campaigns of Charles Allen Culberson, Joseph D. 
Sayers, and Samuel W. T. Lanham.qqv House was especially cl
ose to Culberson, whose elevation to the United States Senate in 1898 the colonel 
directed. House served as a political counselor, often dispensing advice and 
controlling patronage for all three governors.

By the turn of the century he was bored with his role in Texas politics and was 
restlessly searching for broader horizons. He sought further wealth, first by 
attempting to profit from the discovery of oil at the Spindleto
p oilfieldqv in 1901 and 1902. With the backing of eastern financiers, he formed the 
Trinity and Brazos Valley Railway Company. He also felt the pull of the East. For 
years he had spent the summers on Boston's North Shore
, and gradually he began to winter in New York, severing most of his ties with Texas 
and only occasionally visiting the state. After 1904 he was never again involved in a 
gubernatorial campaign.

As a youth House had dreamed great dreams, yearning for a place on the national 
political stage. A conservative, sound-money Democrat, he disliked William Jennings 
Bryan and in 1904 supported Alton B. Parker. Discouraged
by the prospects of the Democratic partyqv after Parker's defeat in 1904 and Bryan's 
in 1908, House found solace in leisurely tours of Europe and in 

[CTRL] More Political Hijinx in Fluoridia

2002-01-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Why has Lori Klausutis' Death Been Swept Under the Rug?

This article is the first in a series on t r u t h o u t which will
present the known facts and raise some questions about this strange
and tragic case.

Part I: Congressional Aide Found Dead in Congressman's Office
By Jennifer Van Bergen

t r u t h o u t | January 4, 2001 - Remember the news back in July
that Lori Klausutis, an aide to U.S. Representative Joe Scarborough
(R-FL), was found dead in the congressman's District Office in Fort
Walton Beach, Florida?

If you don't, that's because the news came and went in the blink of
an eye.

Wait. Did you get that? A congressman's aide. Dead. In the
congressman's office. No witnesses.

And the media were all but silent.

While the Condit/Levy story ran rampant in the national press for weeks on end, the 
Scarborough/Klausutis story got barely nine lines in the Associated Press and only one 
line in The Washington Post.

Does it make you wonder?

Wait until you hear the rest of the story. It has all the elements of a good murder 

* The congressman (an ardent and vocal supporter of G.W., by the way) resigns only six 
months after re- election, just prior to his aide's death. The reason: amid rumors of 
marital infidelity, the recently-divorced husban
d wants to spend more time with his sons.

* A medical examiner who had his license revoked in another state. Why? He lost it 
falsifying autopsies.

* The medical examiner's supervisor had contributed thousands of dollars to the 
congressman's election campaign.

* Contradictory reports about whether there is a visible head injury or not.

* A medical conclusion that contains several inconsistencies. First, that Mrs. 
Klausutis, who was a marathon runner, died of a cardiac arryhthmia. Second, that 
although she had suffered a fractured skull and a contracoup
 bruise on the opposite side of the brain, the injury could not possibly have been 
caused by a physical assault.

* Then there's the question of whether the office was locked and the lights were on. 
One report says the door was locked and the lights were off; another report says the 
door was unlocked and the lights were on.

* And if all this weren't enough, there's the scientist husband who does high level 
weapon design work for the Air Force.

These are only the more obvious elements of the case. And this is not newsworthy 
enough for the press?

To be fair, the local press, the Northwest Florida Daily News, thought it was 
newsworthy for a few weeks. They published several short but good pieces and made a 
public records request for the police and medical reports.
However, after the paper published the autopsy findings -- which concluded that Lori 
Klausutis fainted, fell and hit her head on the desk -- which effectively closed the 
police investigation, the paper had little more to
go on. Furthermore, some local citizens accused the paper of sensationalizing the 
story. So, the story died.

In fact, however, the news stayed alive on various message boards on the internet and 
two intrepid journalists did do some excellent research which was published online, 
but amazingly, no major paper or television network
 even mentioned the story. Why?

That question is perhaps unaswerable. But it should be raised, along with all the many 
other questions that arise in this case. This series intends to review the facts and 
raise these questions.

Absolutely no evidence of foul play

Mrs. Klausutis was found dead in Rep. Joe Scarborough's Fort Walton Beach office at 
about 8:10 a.m. on July 20 by Juanita and Andreas Bergmann, who claim they had an 
appointment that morning with Rep. Scarborough to facil
itate Mr. Bergmann's application for a green card. Mr. Scarborough, however, was still 
in Washington, D.C. and flew home only later that day.

The day after Mrs. Klausutis was found, the police said there was no evidence of foul 
play or trauma to her body. The following day, having performed his autopsy and while 
waiting for the results of blood tests, Dr. Mic
hael Berkland, the medical examiner, told the press that there was absolutely no 
evidence that Lori was a victim of 'foul play.' By July 26, although Berkland had 
still not received the toxicology results, which he no
ted would likely play a key role in determining whether Ms. Klausutis had died of 
natural causes or accidentally, Berkland stated that he had ruled out homicide. 
While he said he didn't think that suicide was a likely s
cenario either, he stated that he was also investigating it as a possibility.

Finally, on August 6, Berkland released the autopsy. Oddly, although the police had 
originally stated that there were no signs of trauma, Berkland acknowledged that 
Klausutis had sustained a scratch and bruise on her he
ad which had been noted in the original death investigation. His explanation for 
having lied to the press was to prevent undue 

[CTRL] Fluoridian Hijinx Players

2002-01-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


PART II | t r u t h o u t Series on the Death of Lori Klausutis, Aide
to U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL)
By Jennifer Van Bergen
Regular Joe

t r u t h o u t | January 4, 2001 - Republican U.S. Representative
Joe Scarborough is called a Regular Joe by his constituents. He is
young, handsome, smart and personable. Young people -- even those who
disagree with him politically -- like him because he takes time for
them and doesn't talk down to them. Young women in particular like
him because he's so good-looking. He's well-spoken and was an
articulate spokesman for the Bush presidential campaign, rallying
behind Bush during the election controversy and appearing on numerous
television talk-shows. His recent big re-election win was to his
fourth term in Congress.

But, after seven long years in Washington, Scarborough was beginning
to feel he was not getting anywhere, not contributing anything,
perhaps not being valued for his contributions. In November 1999, he
wrote a column in t
he Northwest Florida Daily News, complaining that Washington is filled with very 
average, very uninspired people who are just glad to be off the farm and in a uniform 
for the big game. He didn't feel he was making enoug
h difference to be away from his children and speculated that his attitude might 
change if Bush were elected. But after Bush's election, his vote didn't really seem to 
be needed anymore with a Republican majority in the H

In May of this year, amid at-the-time unconfirmed rumors of his intention to resign, 
Representative Joe said he had talked with President Bush and his top staff about a 
presidential appointment, possibly unpaid, to some
sort of position that would allow him to work out of Pensacola. He added that he 
would not leave Congress unless the president asked me to.

It doesn't appear that Bush asked Joe to resign. Indeed, it appears that the Bush 
Administration didn't ask Joe to do anything. Perhaps feeling neglected by the 
Administration he had helped put into office, Joe toyed with
 offers of doing a political talk show or a taking a broadcast job. Finally, Joe 
decided to take his talents elsewhere. By the end of May, Joe had announced his 
decision to resign, only six months after his re-election. H
e left office in September and took a position with the Pensacola law firm headed by 
Fred Levin. Although there was a run-off election for Scarborough's seat, the website 
for District 1 states that the congressional seat
remains vacant. Although Joe had envisioned holding a presidential appointment at the 
same time as his law job, it seems that the law job would have to do. Joe had 
practiced for only four years before entering Congress an
d the job with the Levin firm would allow him to be closer to home and his two sons 
from his former marriage.

Joe's marriage ended in 1999. The divorce papers list Joe as the petitioner, meaning 
he was the one who filed for the divorce, which was nonetheless uncontested by his 
wife, Melanie. Although Joe's county of residence is
Escambia County, he filed in Walton County. He may have done this to avoid unwanted 
local publicity. According to the final judgment, the Marital Settlement Agreement was 
executed voluntarily and after full disclosure.
The judgment states that the bonds of marriage ... are dissolved because the marriage 
is irretrievably broken. The divorce was finalized on April 5, 1999, only four days 
before Joe's thirty-sixth birthday.

Whatever the reasons for the divorce, according to a May 26, 2001 editorial in the 
Pensacola News Journal, Joe was pursued by rumors over the cause of the divorce [and] 
a growing body of criticism that Scarborough's pers
onal life didn't match the moralistic conservative stance he campaigned on.

Little Miss Mary Sunshine

It is not known what sort of relationship Joe had with his aides, Lori Klausutis or 
her direct superior, Lois Hoyt, who was the Office Manager and Constituent Services 
Coordinator. Scarborough's press secretary, Miguel Se
rrano, said that Scarborough knew all of his employees and would keep in touch with 

According to one of Lori's friends, Mary Potthast, Lori was a very diligent person 
who cared a lot about her job, her schooling, but most of all, about her family. Her 
friends called her Little Miss Mary Sunshine. Her
 husband, Timothy J. Klausutis wrote on his homepage that one of the honors he enjoyed 
was 'being married to Lori.

Everyone seems to have loved her. A former neighbor, Barbara Cromer, said, I loved 
Lori so much. She was wonderful. She was a kind, generous person, so sweet. Paul Lux, 
the director of public relations for Emerald Coast
 Young Republicans, said she was a joy to work with. He added, She was always very 
upbeat and positive about everything. Even when things got argumentative, she always 
stayed on the upside of the argument and would nev
er resort to getting dirty 

[CTRL] Drug traffic off Florida spikes as US turns its focus to terrorism

2002-01-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

(And remember Jebby Boy is governor of Florida and perhaps next in line for
dynastic succession to the Presidency. --SW)
--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 05 Jan 2002 23:57:15 -0800
From:   M. L. Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Drug traffic off Florida spikes as US turns its 
focus to


Drug traffic off Florida spikes as US turns its focus to terrorism
Shift of antidrug resources to guard against terrorists has increased the
boldness of narcotics trafficking.
By Kris Axtman | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
HOUSTON - When the Caribbean became a superhighway for drug trafficking
in the 1980s, it became the inspiration for a TV show - Miami Vice.
Today, the azure waters of Florida are once again threatening to become a
major artery in the narcotics trade. As US antidrug authorities have
shifted their resources to the porous borders of Mexico and Canada over
recent years, drug smugglers have been prompted to once again test the
waters of the Sunshine State. Where's Crockett and Tubbs when you need
Even more alarming is how Sept. 11 has opened the floodgates in these
pristine waters. With terrorism a top priority, no longer are US boats so
vigilantly patrolling the coastal waters in search of drugs. Large
amounts of antidrug resources and manpower have been diverted to that
effort. The result: a boomtime for drug peddlers off America's
We've got the makings for a real upsurge in drug trafficking and an
inability to cope with it, says William Walker, a professor of history
and international relations at Florida International University in Miami.
They are seeing [drug-running] speed boats they haven't seen in south
Florida in 20 years.
Indeed, the Coast Guard has seen its drug seizures plummet since crews
were sent to guard ports and oil refineries. Well over half of the Coast
Guard's anti-drug activities were redirected after Sept. 11, causing a 66
percent drop in cocaine seizures from a year ago, and a more than 90
percent drop in marijuana seizures. Experts say that the redeployment of
resources is even affecting the Pacific coast, where drug traffickers are
attempting routes they haven't tried in decades - or even creating new
One consequence of our shifting efforts is going to be less drug
interdiction on the oceans, which creates an opening for traffickers,
says Peter Andreas, a professor of international studies at Brown
University in Providence, R.I.
FBI agents are now spending much of their time chasing the money trail of
Osama bin Laden instead of the money trail of drug lords. Customs
surveillance planes and radar, once used to detect drug transit routes,
are now devoted to counter-terrorism surveillance. And many DEA agents
have been reassigned to airport security or as sky marshals.
Unfortunately, this is the way this game is played, says Stan Furce,
director of the Houston High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. The bad
guys are always trying to get drugs into the US where they think they
will get the most payoff. They know the Coast Guard has pulled back, and
they are taking advantage of that.
But, Mr. Furce and other drug-fighting agencies are optimistic that
things are beginning to return to normal and that agents will soon resume
regular duties.
Experts, however, warn that a number of international factors were
already wreaking havoc on the war on drugs before Sept. 11, and will
continue to do so even with beefed-up drug control.
First of all, the price of coffee has plummeted on the world market,
leaving many farmers in Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru to turn to coca and
opium-poppy cultivation. Compounding the problem is a deepening recession
in much of Latin America. And many of the US-funded eradication programs
are suffering.
It's still unclear whether that has meant an increase in production. For
instance, the price of cocaine on the streets of Houston hasn't changed
since Sept. 11 - still running at about $1,600 to $1,700 a kilo -
indicating a steady stream of supply.
It's just too early to tell, says Dr. Andreas. Because drug
traffickers have large stockpiles of drugs on both sides of the border,
we won't necessarily see a change in price this quickly.
But one thing is for certain: The increased security along the Mexican
and Canadian borders is making traffickers nervous. Many have been caught
carrying significantly larger loads since Sept. 11, contrary to the most
recent trend of moving a lot of little loads. It seems the smugglers are
getting a little more brazen in trying to pass larger loads at one time,
says south Texas Customs spokesman Rick Pauza.
Tractor-trailers are the new method of choice. Recently, for instance,
Laredo Customs inspectors discovered a 2,349-pound load of marijuana in a
truck. A day earlier, inspectors found 49 pounds of cocaine in Eagle
Pass. The combined 

Re: [CTRL] [LeftLibertarian] FW: Confused?

2002-01-06 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: Samuel Edward Konkin III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LeftLibertarian] FW: Confused?
Date: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 2:33 PM

Better late than never, and this was worth putting up again for a reply.
Thanks, Scott; and a Freer New Year to you and everyone on This List of

As always, freely as ever, SEK3

Scott Bieser wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Richard B. Boddie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 2:07 PM
  To: -libertarians:
  Subject: Confused?
  Clash of Civilizations
  Having difficulty telling the good guys from the bad guys?
  Use this handy Guide to the Differences Between Terrorists
  and the U.S. Government:
  Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician,
  from extremely wealthy oil family
  Supposed leader is the spoiled son of a powerful politician,
  from extremely wealthy oil family
  Leader has declared a holy war ('Jihad') against his 'enemies';
  believes any nation not with him is against him; believes god is
  on his side, and that any means are justified.
  Leader has declared a holy war ('Crusade') against his 'enemies';
  believes any nation not with him is against him; believes god is
  on his side, and that any means are justified.
  Supported by extreme fundamentalist religious leaders who
  preach hatred, intolerance, subjugation of women, and
  persecution of non-believers
  Supported by extreme fundamentalist religious leaders who
  preach hatred, intolerance, subjugation of women, and
  persecution of non-believers
  Leadership was not elected by a majority of the people
  in a free and fair democratic election
  Leadership was not elected by a majority of the people
  in a free and fair democratic election
  Kills thousands of innocent civilians, some of them
  children, in cold blooded bombings
  Kills (tens of) thousands of innocent civilians, some
  of them children, in cold blooded bombings
  Operates through clandestine organization (al Qaeda)
  with agents in manycountries; uses bombing, assassination,
  other terrorist tactics
  Operates through clandestine organization (CIA) with
  agents in many countries; uses bombing, assassination,
  other terrorist tactics
  Using war as pretext to clamp down on dissent
  and undermine civil liberties
  Using war as pretext to clamp down on dissent
  and undermine civil liberties
  Weapon of choice: a three-dollar box cutter
  Weapon of choice: a billion-dollar B1 bomber

Freely as ever, SEK3

Poem in Celebration of the End of Al Qaida:


Bin Laden,
Done that.

---sek3, 2001

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[CTRL] Fwd: Mass-murderer bush willingly admits AGAIN he did 911

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon


x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

Mass-murderer bush willingly admits he did 911

Just in case anyone still had any doubts
= = = = = = = =
Subject: Fw: President admits again he saw first plane hit
From: David Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Terry Anderson
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 3:06 PM
Subject: President admits again he saw first plane hit

I am writing this just minutes after I saw this on CNN and it was LIVE.

Did you just see the president's Town Meeting with the folks in Ontario

Did you hear the little boy ask the Murderer the question, What did you
think when you first heard about the attack on 9/11?

Did you hear his response? He said AGAIN that he was watching a TV
screen before he went into that classroom and saw the FIRST PLANE hit
the building.

Bush said that he was thinking that the plane may have had problems or
something, only this time he went on to say that he was thinking that if
we were under attack that his only thought was We will get them. And
he said that a couple of times.

There were many people from the armed forces in the audience and that
statement sparked much applause. He didn't continue the story of when he
was in the classroom or anything else; he left it there.

Now I am SICK -- really pissed off all over again today.

He is blatantly telling everyone HE DID IT. What the hell else can he be
doing. I am sure he must have been briefed about the last statement that
he made to the displaced workers in Florida when he said he saw the
first plane hit.

He has now taken it upon himself to reiterate that very statement again
with a new twist...that his next thoughts were that if it were
terrorism (without knowing that a second plane was going to hit the
second building at this time according to his story this morning a few
minutes ago) WE WOULD GET THEM. And of course no one in the audience
either caught it or had the guts to say anything about that to him. He
only asked two more questions after that. Then he said he was on to
Oregon and then back to his ranch in Texas.

I find it strange that AGAIN it is a little boy to ask the same question
again with almost the same answer from him. Is that some kind of sick
ritual or something?

I'm speechless now. I am shaking all over and so G-D mad I can't think
straight. I will follow the White House page and see if I can get the
transcripts to this meeting.

Best Wishes to all -- I feel very, very sad all over again. Please send
this out to all on your e-mail lists that you contact concerning these


---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: bush: 911 an 'interesting day' for arch-traitors like himself

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon


x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

bush: 911 an 'interesting day' for arch-traitors like himself

Yeah, 911 was interesting is sure right.

Even MORE interesting is how arch-traitor/mass murderer shrub just CAN'T
HELP but ADMIT, time and time again, that he had FULL knowledge of --
AND was MONITORING a live video feed of -- the FIRST attack on the WTC

We want to thank shrub for clearly stating again that he had full
awareness, in real time, of the first jet slamming the North WTC tower.
-- and that he was WATCHING the event in real time.
= = = = = = = =
Transcript of Pres seeing FIRST plane hit WTC
Sun Jan 6 02:42:44 2002

Q What was the first thing that went through your head when you heard
that a plane crashed into the first building?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes. Well, I was sitting in a schoolhouse in Florida. I
had gone down to tell my little brother what to do, and -- just kidding,
Jeb. (Laughter.) And -- it's the mother in me. (Laughter.) Anyway, I was
in the midst of learning about a reading program that works. I'm a big
believer in basic education, and it starts with making sure every child
learns to read. And therefore, we need to focus on the science of
reading, not what may feel good or sound good when it comes to teaching
children to read. (Applause.) I'm just getting a plug in for my reading initiative.

Anyway, I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first of
all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into
the first building.

There was a TV set on.

And you know, I thought it was pilot error and I was amazed that anybody
could make such a terrible mistake. And something was wrong with the
plane, or -- anyway, I'm sitting there, listening to the briefing, and
Andy Card came and said, America is under attack.

And in the meantime, this teacher was going on about the curriculum, and
I was thinking about what it meant for America to be under attack. It
was an amazing thought. But I made up my mind that if America was under
attack, we'd get them. (Applause.)

I wasn't interested in lawyers (LAWYERS? Like JAMES BAKER MAYBE?? -
T_V). I wasn't interested in a bunch of debate (YEAH, let's NOT ever
find out who REALLY DID IT! - T_V). I was interested in finding out who
did it and bringing them to justice. I also knew that they would try to
hide, (REALLY? OBL has NEVER hidden or lied about actions he's done -
T_V) and anybody who provided haven, help, food, would be held
accountable by the United States of America. (Applause.) (GO GET 'EM,
John Wayne Shrub! - T_V)

Anyway, it was an INTERESTING DAY (Emphasis OURS! - T_V)

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: FAQ # 2 (expanded) - Planes DID scramble on 9-11. Emperor's Clothes is...

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon


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As new FAQs on 9-11 are written they will be posted on the FAQ page at 
http://www.emperors-clothes.com/indict/faq.htm .

FAQ #2: You charge that the military was made to stand down on 9-11. But planes did 
scramble. They just arrived late.
[Expanded version, Posted 5 January 2002]


The new cover story, that the planes were sent up but they arrived too late also 
arrived pretty late: it was first put forth on September 14th on the CBS 6 PM news. 
Until that time, top officials said that no planes were scrambled to protect 
Washington, DC until after the Pentagon was hit. Vice President Cheney was giving out 
the old story as late as September 16th on the NBC TV program, MEET THE PRESS...(1a)

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive! - Sir Walter 


This is the CBS cover story we mentioned in Section 1 of our Summary of Evidence. (1)

According to this cover story, jets were scrambled from Otis Air Force Base on Cape 
Cod to intercept Flight 11, the first plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. 
Also, supposedly, jets were scrambled from Langley Air Force Base to intercept 
American Flight 77, the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. In both cases, the 
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) supposedly called for the interceptors too late. 
Also, Otis AFB is about 185 miles from New York and Langley AFB is 129 miles from 
Washington, DC. So the interceptors supposedly had too far to travel.

Dan Rather broadcast this cover story on the CBS 6:00 news, September 14th. This was 
the first time that anybody said planes were scrambled from Langley AFB on 9-11. We 
did a little research and found 31 references to Langley in the English-speaking mass 
media, that is newspapers  TV, worldwide, between September 11th and the CBS News at 
6 PM on the 14th.

Not one of these news reports about Langley Air Force Base mentioned Dan Rather's 
excellent new fact!

General Richard B. Myers, Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9-11, 
appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee on September 13th. He testified at 
great length. The Senators asked him three times about the failure to scramble planes 
on 9-11. But Myers said nothing about planes scrambling from Langley Air Force base, 
where he had been stationed from 1987 to 1990. (3)

Apparently there was a communications problem getting the new cover story to some top 
officials. For instance, as late as September 16th, Vice President Cheney was telling 
'MEET THE PRESS' that George Bush personally made the decision to send up interceptors 
and suggesting he had done so only after the Pentagon was hit. (1a)

And during a CBS News Special on September 12th, Dan Rather asked CBS Military 
Consultant Major Mitch Mitchell:

These hijacked aircraft were in the air for quite a while, they made unusual turns, 
to say the least. Would--why doesn't the Pentagon have the kind of protection that 
they can get a fighter--interceptor aircraft up, and if someone is going to plow an 
aircraft into the Pentagon, that we have at least some--some line of defense? --CBS 
News Special Report (12:00 Noon PM ET) - September 12, 2001 Aftermath of and 
investigation into attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon. (1b)

Nobody contradicted the Dan Rather of September 12th until the new reality was 
unveiled by the Dan Rather of September 14th.

How amazing that fighter jets could be scrambled from Langley before the Pentagon was 
hit without a single top leader of the military or the Bush administration knowing it 

What a relief for President Bush, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, Richard B. Myers (who 
happens to be the most powerful general in the Air Force) and Dan Rather himself to 
learn the good news from Dan Rather on the six o'clock news, September 14th: the Air 
Force had indeed sent up interceptors. It was just that nobody knew...

Read the transcript of that CBS news program. You will see that Rather cites no source 
for his new 'information.' He just says, casually, CBS News has learned... (2)

Four (4) days later, also without a word of explanation for this rewriting of history, 
NORAD incorporated the CBS report in its official timeline. The Langley interceptors 
had become a Fact.

We will explore several problems with the 

[CTRL] 2002 - The Year of the RADICAL

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon

2002 - The Year of the RADICAL

With the passage of time, every day matters. The direction of events and the ultimate consequences of the pivotal transformation in America, cannot be clearer. Yes, the War on Terror, is changing the Nation more than the horror of those eight Clinton years. The prime fault lies not with the Bush administration, but rests with the American People. That is not to exclude the President or his appointees from allowing this frightful trend to take hold. So what is this threat to civilization and the national heritage? Well, it should be obvious, it is called Patriotism.

Now before you lynch the messenger, consider the nature of National Loyalty. We are told that Patriotism is love for one's country, which is valid. But in practice, the current version of devotion to country, is defined as blind faith and obedience to government policies. We are continuously told that at no other time has the American public been so united. But the reality is, never have they been more wrong. Wrong to support a false and destructive policy to police the world, American style.

Conservatives have emerged as the buffoons that the New York Times paints them. The laws of probability work in this case, for it is proven that the Left is seldom correct, on anything; out of conviction. The champion flag wavers of the Right, have duped themselves into believing that their government has been wronged, and that their own identity is inexorably identical with the State. This mistaken conclusion is the source of a far worse future terror.

Total denial that destructive government policies play any part or is the basis of hatred for America, permeates the lunacy that passes for nationalism. The rush to voluntarily surrender natural rights, forfeit our birth heritage and demands for the empowerment of greater authoritative government, is the end result of this public madness.

Into this asylum of hysteria, the radical must apply his trade. There is no time left for the luxury of rational persuasion, for the populace has demonstrated their rejection of prudent balance and critical deliberation. The latest proof of this assessment comes out of the mouth of Jim Robinson, the majordomo of Free Republic forum. Read and heed, he is speaking for many of your community:

"Lots of grumbling lately about deleted posts. Well, my friends, the simple truth is the game has changed. We are now at war. We have been attacked by a vicious cold-blooded force of international terrorists who want to destroy our nation, our freedom and our way of life. There is no doubt about this. Knowing this, I am alarmed to read some of the stuff that has been posted to FR in the last few days. This is not the time to raise doubts about our leaders. This is not the time to raise conspiracy theories. This is not the time to second guess our intelligence agencies. This is war. This is survival of our way of life. We must unite behind our Commander-in-chief and do all we possibly can to support him and our war efforts. We do not have a choice in this matter."

Do you agree with Mr Robinson? If you do, I trust that you will be front and center at your local book burning feast! When people ask how could the German people allow Hitler to come to power, the evidence is staring you in your face. The people demanded him . . . Now the 'so called' conservatives discard their principles of limited government and marches in lock step to a fascist craving for supporting the nation, while using the excuse of  defending the country.

Folks, the enemy is us! Look to your left and to your right, both sides have deluded themselves into summoning a State, ruled by tyrants. Bush may be benign and his administration may well act with proper restraint, but the stage is set for the next madman that will outpace the national disgrace of the Clinton era. Is this the legacy that you want in the name of being patriotic?

America was founded by radicals. The wisdom of Henry David Thoreau illustrates, when asked by Emerson, "Why are you in jail?" Thoreau replied: "My friends, why are you out there?" From his most famous treatise, Civil Disobedience: "Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison". The question that demands an answer before us, is: why are we willing to support policies that will result in unjust government?

The 'PC' patriot castigates those who oppose the systemic concentration of centralized conformity, that accepts government despotism, as a necessary outcome of fighting a war. The sheer idiocy of maintaining that we have a duty to enslave ourselves because the State is protecting the country, defies logic and common sense.

The only duty we have is to resist such preposterous insanity. Fidelity is ours, when we accept the civic responsibility to protect the Nation from the forces that are determined to destroy the very nature of the country. Our 

[CTRL] Secret Russian Buildup of NWO Military in USA

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon

Date  : Mon, 24 Dec 2001 10:12:54 -0600 (CST)   
Subject  :  Private for Pam 

Part: 2.1

Pam, Not knowing what you already have received, here is a note I posted near the middle of November.

Part: 2.2

Date  : Tue, 13 Nov 2001 20:51:41 -0600 (CST)   
Subject  :  Beginnings  

Men in my profession make few assumptions.

1.) I assume anything I send you will be monitored. 

2.) I never reveal my sources, or give details that could lead back to my sources.

3.) I am more than willing to share intelligence I come across using the above criteria.Some were surprised when I made reference to Russian troops on American streets. I didn't make the statement frivolously or without a lot of forethought.

What I look for in matters of this sort are:

1.) Logistics: Russian war doctrine calls for the prepositioning of equipment and supplies

2.) Advance Party: Any Russian military exercise would be preceded by an advance party to learn the infrastructure of both the civilian economy and military.

3.) Evidence,: Since 1973, I have been a Criminal Investigator, Private Detective, Trial Assistant and Legal Assistant. 

To me, evidence is something I can put a courtroom evidence sticker on and have admitted in a court of law as evidence. Not rumors, not 3rd party stories, not articles from non-reputable publications. First person eyewitness, statements, Photographs, Videotapes, Audio recordings, reputable open source articles, leaked or researched government documents, these are what I call evidence.

I have acquired what I consider substantial evidence that the Russian and Chinese governments are planning to militarily occupy the U.S.A. 

In the article that caught some's attention I mentioned my privately acquired intelligence. I alluded to open source material, without going into any detail.


1.) Commencing in 1994, 100's ( we don't know how many 100's) of Russian armored vehicles were both video taped and photographed being transported on American railroads and flat-bed trucks. Russian armor is in America. Maybe I need to yell a little: RUSSIAN ARMOR IS IN AMERICA!

This is not a theory or fantasy. It is highly likely that it is here for a purpose. How many guesses dowe need to figure out this one?

2.) COM-BLOC DECONTAMINATION TRUCKS About the same time, dozens (estimates vary from 100to 200 or more)Com- bloc decontamination trucks were imported by a retired American field grade officer to a private depot in Louisiana, not far from Ft. Polk.

The people at the depot told inquiring persons that they had been imported into the U.S. to be painted.

The obvious conclusion is that there are no paint shops in Europe. Anyway, the army green trucks wereall painted a nice bright U.N. white. The people at the depot further stated that the final destination for the trucks was South America. I have yet to follow up on whether any trucks remain at the depot. 

Up until 9/11/01 it was rather a mystery asto why anyone would want so many decontamination trucks in the USA. 

Now it appears the reason is both simple and logical: They will need them.

Are you all paying attention? 
They are here because they will need them! I hate to raise my voice again. 

3. The Chinese: The PRC and their front companies have: 
a.) Acquired the Long Beach Navel Shipyardb.) Have, for all practical purposes, takenover the Panama canal. 
c.) Have built the world's largest port, to handle shipping containers in the Bahamas, only 70 miles from Florida. 
This facility adjoins a world - class airport.
d.) Are, along with Russian, pouring men and equipment into Cuba. 
e.) Top Chinese generals in speeches, meant for internal consumption only,repeatedly make reference to the future war with theU.S.
Both Russia and China are engaged in massive military build ups of manpower, tactical weapons, strategic weapons. They are building new and better weapons in every category of ground, naval and air systems.

We aren't. 

Gentlemen, human nature doesn't change.Men may find ways to go faster, communicate across the world instantly, have equipment and infrastructure that was only in science fiction novels a few years ago. But man himself, his wants, hopes, dreams,desires, greed, hatreds, fears, loves, ambitions areunchanged since the days of the Caesars.

The Russians and Chinese fully intend to rule the world. They say so publicly. They say so privately. 
They are putting together the necessary infrastructure to accomplish their goal. 

The use of both nuclear and biological weapons are in mainstream (Russian and Chinese) military thought and doctrine as being viable tools to be used in total war against the U.S.A. by Russia and China. 

We have been warned by high ranking Russian defectors (Golytsyn, Lunev and Alibekov) yet, 

Re: [CTRL] A Company of Undertakers and Lawsuits, Lawsuits, Lawsuits

2002-01-06 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Sounds like Germans in the 1930s who were happy about Hitler and the Nazi
Party making Germany 'safe' again...

Which was true, Hitler and the Nazis DID make Germany safer, brought about
stability and new jobs, made the trains run on time, etc...

But who today would wax nostalgic for the good old days of the Hitler


[Original Message]
From: Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 1/6/02 12:56:15 AM
Subject: Re: [ctrl] A Company of Undertakers and Lawsuits, Lawsuits,

ISTM that the Giuliani bashers are not from New York, eh? I'll take NY
under Giuliani any day of the week. Under his watch, I was not afraid
to walk alone on the streets, and if I drove, I didn't have to worry
those nasty squeegee guys doing a number on my windshield. At night, I
didn't see hookers and drug dealers out on the streets either, or if
they were out, they

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon

Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

by DCDave

Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party.

1- Dummy up. If it's not reported, if it's not news, it didn't happen. 

2- Wax indignant. This is also known as the "How dare you?" gambit. 

3- Characterize the charges as "rumors" or, better yet, "wild rumors." If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through "rumors." (If they tend to believe the "rumors" it must be because they are simply "paranoid" or "hysterical.") 

4- Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors (or plant false stories) and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike. 

5- Call the skeptics names like "conspiracy theorist," "nutcase," "ranter," "kook," "crackpot," and, of course, "rumor monger." Be sure, too, to use heavily loaded verbs and adjectives when characterizing their charges and defending the "more reasonable" government and its defenders. You must then carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people you have thus maligned. For insurance, set up your own "skeptics" to shoot down. 

6- Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money (compared to over-compensated adherents to the government line who, presumably, are not). 

7- Invoke authority. Here the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful. 

8- Dismiss the charges as "old news." 

9- Come half-clean. This is also known as "confession and avoidance" or "taking the limited hangout route." This way, you create the impression of candor and honesty while you admit only to relatively harmless, less-than-criminal "mistakes." This stratagem often requires the embrace of a fall-back position quite different from the one originally taken. With effective damage control, the fall-back position need only be peddled by stooge skeptics to carefully limited markets. 

10- Characterize the crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable. 

11- Reason backward, using the deductive method with a vengeance. With thoroughly rigorous deduction, troublesome evidence is irrelevant. E.g. We have a completely free press. If evidence exists that the Vince Foster "suicide" note was forged, they would have reported it. They haven't reported it so there is no such evidence. Another variation on this theme involves the likelihood of a conspiracy leaker and a press who would report the leak. 

12- Require the skeptics to solve the crime completely. E.g. If Foster was murdered, who did it and why? 

13- Change the subject. This technique includes creating and/or publicizing distractions. 

14- Lightly report incriminating facts, and then make nothing of them. This is sometimes referred to as "bump and run" reporting. 

15- Baldly and brazenly lie. A favorite way of doing this is to attribute the "facts" furnished the public to a plausible-sounding, but anonymous, source. 

16- Expanding further on numbers 4 and 5, have your own stooges "expose" scandals and champion popular causes. Their job is to pre-empt real opponents and to play 99-yard football. A variation is to pay rich people for the job who will pretend to spend their own money. 

17- Flood the Internet with agents. This is the answer to the question, "What could possibly motivate a person to spend hour upon hour on Internet news groups defending the government and/or the press and harassing genuine critics?" Don t the authorities have defenders enough in all the newspapers, magazines, radio, and television? One would think refusing to print critical letters and screening out serious callers or dumping them from radio talk shows would be control enough, but, obviously, it is not.

Re: [CTRL] A Company of Undertakers and Lawsuits, Lawsuits, Lawsuits

2002-01-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

There was a movie about Hitler in Springtime and Germany.nostalgia
at its funniest.


About a broadway show producer who tried to promote a flop to keep from
going to jail and it ws a HIT.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] A Company of Undertakers and Lawsuits, Lawsuits, Lawsuits

2002-01-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Biggest crime in the history of USA happened under Giuliani's
watch..he was having an affair with two different women, living in
apartment with homosexual couple with a teddy bear in his bed, when the
Kamikazi Flying Serpents hit the Towers.

He will have so many lawsuits against him but he did make the streets
safe in the more affluent areas.tell me did they report the
statistics in the less affluent areas?

Further he broke the law with that 6,000 fuel tank outside World Trade
Center Building 7 where he built a 15 million dollar command center and
waited for the war to begin.

He was asleep on his watch - he had the CIA in the building with him and
they were all aware of impending disaster.

I sitll want to know, who stayed home that day and suddenly if we are in
a war - we are told to come to New York to see the shows and as an
attraction had a group of chorus girls performing Rosanne Rosanne
signals on the stage as a come on?

Giuliani made New York safe for organized crime - he was a silent
swinger.he was in bad trouble but the Towers made a hero out of him
when shock set he he remained firm.

Why not, that was his job to run the city but he was too busy running
with the pack to protect the city when the fix was in and the contract
on the Twin Towers was enforced.

So he made the streets safe so the movies and theatres would profit?
He has turned New York City into a War Zone and now they can cheer and

Well Now We Are all Israelis...as this one idiot shouted leaving the
scene rather like the girl in the polka dotted dress when RFK was killed
who said We Killed, him, We Killed him and who was later found dead in
a motel room with a message
Lord you gave me that mountain I AM love to climb - a pine box will

Nobody saw the masonic symbolism here or the conspiracy in that

The assassins are leaving little clues all over the place and laughing
at the USA - hey, the fix is in.

Just keep your insurance paid up.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Mass-murderer bush willingly admits AGAIN he did 911

2002-01-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Terry here - wait until the entire truth comes out and surely it
willkeep in mind the Lavon Affair where Egyptian Jews were used
to murder Americans in American Movie Houses in order we would hate the

So Bush is a mass murderer?   Well not a baby murderer like King Herod,
or a baby murderer like the sodomist Clnton, or the Japanese
sharpshooter at Waco who blew the face off a mother holding a baby,
while the others shot a little 8th graders dog to draw out the kid to
kill him.

At least when McVeigh nailed the Murrah Building he did not know of the
Day Care Center at the bottom of same - used no doubt as a shield to
protect the FBI an BATF.so Hitler was a Zionist no doubt as claimed
by many experts for they sure worked together well.   Bush is not a

Let Israel stir up all the wars they want for it will be as it was
before - GOD will punish them for their evil ways?

Anything past Isaiah 60 is not credible.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) FAQ # 2 on 9-11: Planes DID Scramble on 9-11. They wer

2002-01-06 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 3 Jan 2002 22:59:28 -0500
Subject:FAQ # 2 on 9-11: Planes DID Scramble on 9-11.  They were just 
too late...
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FAQ #2: You charge that the military was made to stand down
on 9-11. But planes did scramble. They just arrived late.
[Posted 3 January 2002]

This is the CBS cover story we mentioned in Section 1 of our
Summary of Evidence. (1)

According to this cover story, jets were scrambled from Otis
Air Force Base on Cape Cod to intercept Flight 11, the first
plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. Also,
supposedly, jets were scrambled from Langley Air Force Base
to intercept American Flight 77, the plane that crashed into
the Pentagon. In both cases, the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) supposedly called for the interceptors
too late. Also, Otis AFB is about 185 miles from New York
and Langley AFB is 129 miles from Washington, DC. So the
interceptors supposedly had too far to travel.

Dan Rather broadcast this cover story on the CBS 6:00 news,
September 14th. This was the first time that anybody said
planes were scrambled from Langley AFB on 9-11. We did a
little research and found 31 references to Langley in the
entire (worldwide) English-speaking mass media (newspapers 
TV) between September 11th and 14th, prior to the CBS 6:00

Not one of these news reports mentioned Dan Rather's
excellent new fact! How wonderful that fighter jets could be
scrambled from Langley without a single military or
administrative spokesperson having to be bothered! And how
happy they all must have been to hear the news on CBS.

Read the transcript of that CBS news program. You will see
that Rather cites no source for his discovery. He just says,
CBS News has learned... (2)

Four (4) days later, without a word of explanation for the
change, NORAD incorporated the CBS report in their official

We will explore several problems with the CBS/NORAD cover
story in soon-to-be-published sections of the Summary of

First, the move from we didn't put planes up until after
the Pentagon was hit, which was the official story until
Sept. 13th, to we put planes up before the first World
Trade Center attack, was for the most part made during
General Richard B. Myers' testimony before the Senate Armed
Services Committee on September 13th.

Second, if you read the transcript of that Senate hearing,
(3) you can witness the new cover story being constructed
right before your eyes.

Under pressure from the Senators to come up with something
convincing, Myers twice changed his testimony, putting
forward three entirely different versions of what happened
September 11th. Myers' last 'reality' was pretty close to
what Dan Rather reported at 6 PM the next day. In between,
Myers and the Senators went into a closed (i.e., secret)

Here is an excerpt from Senator Bill Nelson's comments at
the Armed Services Committee hearing. Note, if you will, the
highly suggestive language, phrases like Perhaps we want to
do this in our session, in executive [i.e., secret]
session, and I leave it to you as to how you would like to
answer it. He doesn't outright say, Your cover story
stinks. But he sure suggests it:

BILL NELSON: Perhaps we want to do this in our session, in
executive [i.e., secret]  session. But my question is an
obvious one for not only this committee, but for the
executive branch and the military establishment.  If we knew
that there was a general threat on terrorist activity, which
we did, and we suddenly have two trade towers in New York
being obviously hit by terrorist activity, of commercial
airliners taken off course from Boston to Los Angeles, then
what happened to the response of the defense establishment
once we saw the diversion of the aircraft headed west from
Dulles turning around 180 degrees and, likewise, in the
aircraft taking off from Newark and, in flight, turning 180
degrees? That's the question.  I leave it to you as to how
you would like to answer it. But we would like an answer.

The CBS/NORAD cover story did not successfully answer
Nelson's questions.

That is, since planes were flying into buildings, and since

[CTRL] (Fwd) AF interceptors at Tampa hijacking/crash IN MINUTES! - W

2002-01-06 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 06 Jan 2002 08:43:02 +
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
To: SkullBones Weirdo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:AF interceptors at Tampa hijacking/crash IN MINUTES! - WHY NOT 
ON 911!!!

x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

AF interceptors at Tampa hijacking/crash IN MINUTES! - WHY
NOT ON 911!!!

 -- 'The unauthorized (Tampa) take-off also prompted
 authorities to
scramble two F-15 jets. The jets, part of the 125th Fighter
Wing based at Homestead Air Force Base in Miami, Florida,
arrived at the west-central Florida city within moments,
not before the Cessna had crashed, said Capt. Richard
Bittner, the base's public information officer.' -- CNN

Force interceptors were on the scene of the small plane
hijacking and crash yesterday in Tampa WITHIN MINUTES, but
not ONE SINGLE INTERCEPTOR was scrambled in time to
intercept ANY of the three jets that crashed on September
11! NOT ONE!

= = = = = = = =

Small, stolen plane slams into Tampa skyscraper
January 5, 2002 Posted: 10:54 PM EST (0354 GMT)

TAMPA, Florida (CNN) -- A stolen,
single-engine plane being pursued by a
Coast Guard helicopter on Saturday
slammed halfway up the 41-story Bank
of America building in downtown
Tampa, authorities said.


The unauthorized take-off also prompted (NORAD!!)
authorities to scramble two F-15 jets. The jets, part of
125th Fighter Wing based at Homestead Air Force Base in
Miami, Florida, arrived at the west-central Florida city
within moments, but not before the Cessna had crashed, said
Capt. Richard Bittner, the base's public information
officer. -  -  -  -
Small plane crashes into Tampa skyscraper

January 6, 2002 Posted: 10:57 AM EST (1557 GMT)

TAMPA, Florida (CNN) -- Authorities
are trying to figure out why a
15-year-old student pilot, flying a
Cessna 172 aircraft without permission,
crashed into a Tampa, Florida,
skyscraper and died.


The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) also
ordered two combat jets to intercept the plane, said NORAD
Capt. Kirstin Reimann.

She said the aircraft, two F-15s, were stationed at
Homestead Air Force Base in Miami, Florida.

Homestead AFB public information officer Capt. Richard
Bittner said that the F-15s were from the base's 125th
Fighter Wing and that by the time they arrived on the
the small plane had probably already crashed.

--- End of forwarded message ---

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Slavery and the eight veils

2002-01-06 Thread Archibald Bard

From the December 2001 Idaho Observer: 

Slavery and the eight veils 

by Don Harkins 

Over the last several years I have evolved and 
discarded several theories in an attempt to explain why it is that most people 
cannot see truth -- even when it smacks them in the face. Those of us who can 
see “the conspiracy” have participated in countless conversations amongst 
ourselves that address the frustration of most peoples' inability to comprehend 
the extremely well-documented arguments which we use to describe the process of 
our collective enslavement and exploitation. The most common explanation to be 
arrived at is that most people just “don't want to see” what is really going on. 

Extremely evil men and women who make up the 
world's power-elite have cleverly cultivated a virtual pasture so grass green 
that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing 
long enough to notice the brightly colored tags stapled to their ears. 

The same people who cannot see their enslavement 
for the pasture grass have a tendency to view as insane “conspiracy theorists” 
those of us who can see the past the farm and into the parlor of his feudal 
lordship's castle. 

Finally, I understand why. 

It's not that those who don't see that their 
freedom is vanishing under the leadership of the power-elite “don't want to see 
it” -- they simply can't see what is happening to them because of the unpierced 
veils that block their view. 

All human endeavors are a filtration process. 
Sports is one of the best examples. We play specific sports until we get kicked 
off the playground. The pro athletes we pay big bucks to watch just never got 
kicked off the playground. Where millions of kids play little league each 
spring, they are filtered out until there are about 50 guys who go to the World 
Series in October. 

Behind the first veil: There are over six billion 
people on the planet. Most of them live and die without having seriously 
contemplated anything other than what it takes to keep their lives together. 
Ninety percent of all humanity will live and die without having pierced the 
first veil. 

The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the 
first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, be active and have an 
opinion. Our opinions are shaped by the physical world around us; we have a 
tendency to accept that government officials, network media personalities and 
other “experts” are voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this 
group will live and die without having pierced the second veil. 

The second veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the 
second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and 
government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common 
law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having 
pierced the third veil. 

The third veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the 
third veil to find that the resources of the world, including people, are 
controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old 
world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon 
which the world's economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in 
this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil. 

The fourth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the 
fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry and the other secret 
societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate 
the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary 
people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on 
earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without 
having pierced the fifth veil. 

The fifth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the 
fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced 
technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no 
boundaries and controlling the actions of people is what their members do as 
offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. Ninety percent of 
the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth 

The sixth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the 
sixth veil where the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the 
fictional monsters of childhood literature are real and are the controlling 
forces behind the secret societies. Ninety percent of the people in this group 
will live and die without piercing the seventh veil. 

The seventh veil: I do not know what is behind the 
seventh veil. I think it is where your soul is evolved to the point you can 
exist on earth and be the man Ghandi was, or the woman Peace Pilgrim was-people 
so enlightened they brighten the world around them no matter what. 

The eighth veil? Piercing the eighth veil 

[CTRL] Tampa crash: haywire mind-controlled sleeper agent responsible?

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon


x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

Tampa crash: haywire mind-controlled sleeper agent responsible?

Under the name NewsHawk, this organization, along with a VAST number of
other researchers and investigators, reported on the huge number of
covert/clandestine mind-control/manipulation/conditioning (brainwashing)
projects and programs which the intelligence and military sectors of the
US  federal government is KNOWN to be conducting.

The PRIMARY target of most, if not all, of these incalculably evil,
grotesque, and DEEPLY demonic activities aimed at creating zombified.
mind-controlled 'Manchurian Candidate operatives, assassins and robotic
sleeper agents are CHILDREN and TEENAGERS.

And here we have a 15-year-old boy, completely inexplicably and
LITERALLY out of the blue jump into and hijack a small plane while at
a St.
Pete/Clearwater airport with his mother and grandmother. I'll BET they
were WAY surprised!!

The kid had taken two years of flight instruction, but did NOT have a
license to fly solo. WHY, oh WHY, would this youth steal a plane right
in front of his mother, and fly off, surely knowing full well he would
be pursued? The way he reportedly was at the airport merely showing his
mother and grandmother around and talking about his knowledge of flying,
and then suddenly got into a nearby plane and just TOOK OFF, sounds
EXACTLY like some kind of previous mind-control programming took over
the youngster's mind and caused him to act in a  totally robotic,
programmed manner.

This intrepid young hijacker flies the plane to Tampa, whereupon he flew
headlong into the Tampa Bank of America building without so much as
batting an eye., according to eyewitnesses that included the crew of a
Coast Guard helicopter -- the first official aircraft to intercept the
stolen Cessna.

Something strange going on here? A  US government zombified, Manchurian
Candidate operative whose programming went a little haywire, as happens
periodically? Perhaps our young hijacker had been mind-controlled and
brainwashed/conditioned to fulfill some future incident of STAGED
TERRORISM for Machiavellian BushMob traitor-terrorists-- in which yet
another SUPPOSED Islamic extremist flies yet another plane into a US skyscraper!

We'd say the chances are high that this assessment of the situation is
VERY, VERY close to the real truth. Clearly then, it was actually a
stroke of great luck for all of us that this boy's programming WAS
faulty, causing him to activate prematurely and implement his scripted
staged-terrorism/ mass-murder atrocity at the WRONG TIME.

Thank God for THAT!

Of particular interest with regard to this issue is the fact that Tampa
is home to McDill AFB -- which JUST HAPPENS to be THE nerve/command
center for current US military actions against the nation of Afghanistan.

Also of great interest here is the fact the MAJOR black project
government contractor RAYTHEON (E-Systems) maintains a HEAVY presence in
the Tampa area, and has been proven to be MASSIVELY involved in
developing technology for covert EM/RF-based MIND CONTROL PROJECTS!

Raytheon, McDill AFB and certain known Saudi elements linked to Islamic
terrorists are as THICK AS THIEVES in the Tampa-St. Pete area!

It could very well be that Saudi Islamic extremists who hijacked the 911
planes received EXTENSIVE mind-control programming/conditioning and
brainwashing right in the Tampa/St. Pete area, where MANY of them were
KNOWN to have been!

And there is one other VERY interesting fact that is noted in news
reports on this incident.

Air Force interceptor jets were on the scene in Tampa-St. Pete WITHIN
MINUTES How STRANGE that the SAME kind of response did NOT occur on
September 11, ISN'T IT???

WHY don't you all ASK SHRUB exactly WHY the US air defense system did
NOT respond on 911 JUST as it did YESTERDAY???
= = = = = = = =

Small, stolen plane slams into Tampa skyscraper

January 5, 2002 Posted: 10:54 PM EST (0354 GMT)

TAMPA, Florida (CNN) -- A stolen,
single-engine plane being pursued by a
Coast Guard helicopter on Saturday
slammed halfway up the 41-story Bank
of America building in downtown
Tampa, authorities said.

The pilot, a 15-year-old high school
student, died in the crash.

The incident occurred about the same time two small aircraft crashed in
Colorado and California, but authorities said they found no connection
in the events. None of the incidents appear to be related, and there is
no indication of terrorism, said Scott McClellan, White House deputy press

The teen jumped into the Cessna 172 at St. Petersburg-Clearwater
International Airport in nearby St. Petersburg and took off alone at
about 5 p.m. EST, police said.

We believe he departed without anyone's knowledge, or their giving him
the OK to leave, said Pinellas County Sheriff's Department Sgt. Greg Tita.

As the plane took off, air-traffic control alerted the U.S. Coast Guard,
which dispatched a helicopter to intercept the Cessna, said 

[CTRL] HoffmanWire: Bush's Afghan Thugs Turn on US News Media

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon


Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
A HREF= http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

January 6, 2002


1. With Taliban Gone, American-Installed Thugs Launch Crime Spree in

2. Korean Dog-Eaters Outraged at Bardot's Campaign to End Consumption of

3. Hollywood Movie About Boxer Ali Censors His Black Separatist Past


1. With Taliban Gone, American-Installed Thugs Launch Crime Spree in

Editor's Note: Don't tell me there's no justice in the world. It's just
that, sometimes, justice is where you find it--in the cracks and
crevices. The Establishment media--complacent mouthpieces for the most
recent US government massacres--are now themselves coming under fire
from the gangs of criminal warlords George Bush has imposed on

These rapists, thieves and murderers are what brought about the rise of
the Taliban in the first place, to put an end to their depradations. Now
the corrupt ones are back in power, courtesy of our heroic President and
his patriot legions. With poetic justice, the US news media's minions
are among the first to feel the rifle-butts of these glorious

Afghan City, Free of Taliban, Returns to Rule of Thieves

New York Times January 6, 2002


EXCERPT: ...as the Taliban enforced their severe brand of Islamic law
with public executions or dismemberment for criminals, crime declined.
Now the Taliban are gone, and the city and the surrounding Nangarhar
Province is run once again by warlords ...whose enterprising rackets
have almost instantly turned the place into ...the land where almost
everything is corrupt.

THE middleman with the dark sunglasses and beard met the Afghan soldiers
at the gate and was allowed access inside the provincial security
station. He reappeared minutes later with a bag containing two
videotapes, an Albanian passport, a Moroccan identification card and
nine computer disks.

He set the prices: $1,600 for the videotapes, $400 each for the passport
or identification card, and $400 for each disk. All were terrorist
materials taken from Al Qaeda caves in nearby Tora Bora, he said, or
from terrorist houses in the city. He said they were being offered for
sale by a local intelligence chief, who would have to remain hidden for

If you buy all of these today, then he will have the very important
passports to sell, said the middleman, who identified himself as Dr.
Kamran, a surgeon who works for Jalalabad's senior warlord, Hajji
Hazarat Ali. Two passports of jihad men from Saudi Arabia. They can be
yours, too.

When Dr. Kamran found no takers, he returned to the station and came out
empty-handed. Maybe tomorrow? he asked, with a conspiratorial smile.

This is Jalalabad, a city in the hands of thugs and crooks.

The city — Afghanistan's first stop on the Grand Trunk Road, which links
the nation to India — had been a smuggler's den for centuries, providing
shelter and like-minded company for the bandits, traders and thieves who
traveled the soaring mountain passes nearby. But in recent years, as the
Taliban enforced their severe brand of Islamic law with public
executions or dismemberment for criminals, crime declined.

Now the Taliban are gone, and the city and the surrounding Nangarhar
Province is run once again by warlords and guerrillas, whose
enterprising rackets have almost instantly turned the place into
Afghanistan's version of Shakedown Street, the land where almost
everything is corrupt.

Markets here sell bootlegged copies of Hollywood releases (The Lord of
the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is already available), pucks of
brown hashish and in one shop the skull of a snow leopard, one of the
world's most endangered cats. The corruption runs unchecked through what
counts as local government, which is essentially a group of ill-tempered
guerrilla brigades.

The guerrillas welcome outsiders with threats and extortion, steal food
from aid convoys and simultaneously insist that they are helping Green
Berets gather intelligence materials in the mountains while trying to
sell the same items on the street. Everywhere people are trying to sell
these Al Qaeda things, said Abdul Ghaffar, 44, the city's newly
appointed interim mayor. Some of it is real, some of it is fake. It is
all a great shame.

Green Berets continue to work with the Eastern Shura. But it is not
clear whether they are paying the guerrillas for their assistance.

Not all of Afghanistan is so corrupt. In several northern provinces,
ethnic Tajik generals have tried to craft a responsible government and
are sending signals that they want a society based on fairness,
tolerance and rights. In Jalalabad, however, the 

[CTRL] Las Vegas police respond: IRS Agent physical assault on Citizen

2002-01-06 Thread Archibald Bard

Las Vegas police respond to assault at October IRS 

Cops put cuffs away and leave scene after 
discovering IRS agent, not the Citizen, committed the assault 

LAS VEGAS -- October 2, 2001, collection due 
process hearing transcripts in the case of Keith Milbourn reveal that IRS Team 
Manager Wiley Davis, without provocation, threw a chair at Ken Nicholson. Las 
Vegas Police arrived and left the scene after determining that the Citizen, not 
the IRS agent, had been assaulted. 

“There is no doubt in my mind that if it had been 
me who assaulted the IRS agent, the police would have immediately placed me 
under arrest and hauled me off to jail,” commented Nicholson who was merely 
assisting a friend at the hearing. 

According to the transcript, Milbourn was willing 
to pay the entire $4,102 immediately provided Davis could show him the code 
section that makes him liable for the taxes and documents that prove due 

Nicholson reiterated that Milbourn would pay the 
amount in full immediately if certain documents could be provided. Then, the 
transcript reads, “IRS Agent Wiley Davis jumps out of his chair, unprovoked, 
physically assaults Mr. Ken Nicholson, turning his chair upside down, causing 
Mr. Nicholson to drop to the floor, grabbing Mr. Nicholson physically by the arm 
and chest, continued scuffeling in the hall just outside the door, Agent Wiley 
Davis jumps back in the conference room grabs Mr. Nicholson's suitcase-like 
briefcase and throws it, stricking (sic) Mr. Nicholson in the torso area.” 

While still on the record, Nicholson informs Davis 
that he comitted assault. Davis' response was, “You can get out of here.” 

“Let the record show that he [Davis] threw out my 
representation,” said Milbourn. 

IRS Appeals Agent Renee Swall, also present at the 
hearing and reportedly “shocked” by Davis' actions, terminated the hearing at 
approximately 9:30 a.m. 

“At what point does an IRS agent become criminally 
liable for actions that supercede his authority?” Nicholson asked. 

Transcripts of the hearing and witness statements 
prove that Davis assaulted Nicholson and hospital reports prove that Nicholson 
sustained injuries as a result of the assault. Despite a complaint lodged by 
Nicholson with Las Vegas police October 8 , the state refuses to file criminal 
assault charges against Davis. 

Davis' actions are also in direct violation of IRS 
regulations, but no administrative action against Davis has been taken by the 
tax collection agency. 

According to the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act 
of 1998 under Section 1203, Termination of Employment for Misconduct, “...IRS 
employees must be charged with misconduct and terminated if there has been a 
judicial or final administrative determination that the employee committed any 
of the following acts or ommissionswith respect to assault or battery; 
violations of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986...for the purpose of retaliating 
against, or harassing, a taxpayer, a taxpayer representative or other employee 
of the Internal Revenue Service.” 

The IRS explains that, “This new provision was 
enacted in response to the widespread perception that IRS employees are not held 
fully accountable for improper conduct affecting taxpayers.” 

Apparently the new provision, which was adopted in 
the wake of publicly aired IRS abuse hearings held all over the country in 1998, 
is only triggered after an official determination of misconduct. If evidence of 
such misconduct does not result in a criminal conviction and the IRS refuses to 
review the evidence of misconduct and make an administrative ruling, the 
employee is not subject to the provision. Public perception that IRS employees 
are not accountable for improper conduct toward taxpayers is still correct. 

Since the Oct. 2 hearing, the IRS has sent Milbourn 
an “Urgent notice of a $500 fine that will be attached to his property for 
eventual seizure. 

Tax honesty proponent Irwin Schiff commented, 

“The public has got to ask itself why the IRS would 
get so upset because the taxpayer simply asked to see the law?”

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[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Re: Plane into Tampa Skyscraper; Three other small planes ...

2002-01-06 Thread Samantha L.

(forwarded message - interesting predictions)


 Subject: Re: Plane into Tampa Skyscraper; Three other small planes crash...

 In a message dated 1/5/02 6:34:10 PM Central Standard Time,

 Coincidences?  Four small plane crashes.
 Florida (5 PM Eastern), Colorado (4 PM Mountain, 6 PM Eastern), Puerto Rico
 (?),  California (1 PM Pacific, 4 PM Eastern)

 Great fact-finding, Loren.  Thanks for the info.

Samantha and All -

You're welcome.

Now watch for the Werther effect to kick in and do it's psychic driving
work.  Expect, within three days, by next Tuesday, (1) a commercial airline
crash, (2) a workplace violence situation, (3) school violence, or (4) a big
celebrity suicide.   And of course, (5) more small plane crashes today
through Tuesday. You heard it here first.


The Octopus:  A Yahoo! Groups Message Service
Founded August 25th, 1999

In Memoriam:
Danny Casolaro
Jim Keith
Ron Bonds


Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

---End Message---

[CTRL] [Fwd: Commercialism in a Can - John F. Borowski]

2002-01-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Commercialism in a Can - John F. Borowski
Date: 6 Jan 2002 13:04:09 -
From: Liberal Slant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Commercialism in a Can

By: John F. Borowski - 01/06/02

I am mad as hell, and, I am not going to take it anymore. Why? Because, over
5,000 schools in the United States have contracts to sell soda pop and candy
from vending machines and fast food in school cafeterias. I urge parents,
teachers, legislators, and students to stand up to corporate venders of type-2
diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and empty calories, and tell them, 'our
children are not for sale.'

My cue comes from a movie, a movie that is over 25 years old, but could be a
profile of this very moment in America.

In Paddy Chayefsky's brilliant screenplay, Network, a fictional newsman, turned
anti-television prophet, beckons the general public, 'to turn off your
television sets, turn them off and leave them off.' Sickened by a society that
had lost its' moral compass, he insists that consumerism and media monopolies
have created a population of viewers resembling empty, cynical drones. Corporate
America seeks to shape our culture, our habits, our diets and our future.

The most powerful scene comes when this newscaster directs his television
audience to open their windows, and scream, 'I am mad as hell and I am not going
to take it anymore.' Apparently, this cleansing release of anger, would
jumpstart a citizenry that had forgotten that the health of a society depends on
the citizenship of its' populous. And the youngest in our society are watching
us right now, as Coca-cola and Pepsi invade their public spaces, what will the
elders of society do?

Coke and Pepsi are vying for the buying power of our children, and the schools
are their vehicles for profit. This prospect of money to schools is seducing
school boards and blinding adults to the realities of these 'deals with the
devil.' Sadly, my own school district has a Pepsi contract.

Just a few years ago, a consortium of three Colorado school districts approved a
10- year, $27.7 million exclusive contract with Coca-Cola. Only one of the
boards' 17 members voted against this contract. Over 200 school districts
nationwide have signed exclusive grant contracts with soft drink companies.

Is society letting legislators off the hook? Don't worry about funding schools
let corporate America fill the void, as they build brand loyalty in the littlest
of consumers. Isn't education about being a pillar of democracy, learning life
skills and fulfilling dreams? Our collusion with beverage 'giants' seems to
reinforce the shrill ideal that success is measured by wealth, by acquisition of
stuff, and that profit at any cost is good. As if health comes second to cash.

The statistics speak for themselves: in 1970, annual consumption of soda was
22.4 gallons, by 1998 it was 56.1 gallons per capita. Today, the average North
American consumes 53 teaspoons of sugar a day! Excess sugar in children's diets,
is linked to the rise in type-2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and kidney
stones. One 12- ounce can of soda contains the equivalent of 9 teaspoons of
sugar, while a 64- ounce Big Gulp, provides the equivalent of 48 teaspoons!
Interesting note, during World War II, when sugar consumption dropped the
outbreak of diabetes dropped sharply also. So, there is hope.

Earlier this year, to stem criticism, Coca-Cola, announced that it would 'back
off' the number of contracts with schools. But, this promise is another smoke
screen by those who seek to use the captive audiences in schools, for quarterly
profits. Some of Coke's bottlers are still signing exclusive contracts with high
schools. Since March of this year, Coke's largest bottler, Coca-Cola Enterprises
Inc., which is 40% owned by Coke, has struck several big school contracts. One
deal was a five- year, $1.77 million pact with 35 schools in Sarasota, Florida.

The nature of these 'educational deals' is plain. Schools, underfunded and
economically hurting, go begging to 'corporate heroes' for help. I applaud
corporate donations: without strings. Schools hold children, not widgets for
mass production. The true nature of Coca-Cola is revealed in John Robbin's 'The
Food Revolution'. In this wonderful book, one that all students should read, he
quotes Coca-Cola, CEO, Donald Keough, when discussing the potential soda market
in the third word. When I think of Indonesia- a country on the Equator with 180
million people, a median age of 18, and with a Moslem ban on alcohol, he says,
 I feel I know what heaven looks like.

Actually, heaven is a group of parents who storm their collective board of
education meetings, and demand that the Coke and Pepsi deals be reneged.
Students should learn the facts about soda in Health classes and then, exercise
their rights, to say no to vending machines in their schools.

Tonight, I am mad as hell, and I am 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: OT? - Fwd: [CTRL] Group-with-no-name/Skull Bones asset mngr/insider death-bed confession tape

2002-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd


We dont know if this is a legitimate deathbed
confession or if its staged. Elizabeths feeling is
that if its staged then somebody did it because they
want people to know that they are giving their power
Fear can be dis-empowering, and especially the blind 
Patriotism sweeping through the country now.

If this is legitimate, its all about thought forms and the
People create their own reality. This can be fought with
Awareness, determination and self-empowerment. For
Every negative there is a positive. 

The dates could be for 2002. Speaking in astrological
terms (Elizabeth is an astrologer), at a glance:

May 17th -- Saturn will be in opposition to
this means an almost subconscious tearing down
of structures and a terrible and extreme misuse of power,
particularly for the US because Saturn and Pluto will
be transiting in opposition in the chart of the US.
The same aspect was in full force September 11th,

August 9th  Mars is approaching opposition to
Exact opposition will be around August 22nd. This
cause violent sudden happenings.

November 6th  12th  All that is
apparent at this time is
that Pluto is reaching a critical influence in the nodes
the US. This portends strong karma in the chart of the US
and also could trigger the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction
known as the 20-year curse of the Presidents.

This isnt a rigorous treatment, its just off the top of
her head while looking at the dates in the Ephemeris.

As a scientist, I was taught to be skeptical of
But Elizabeth has taught me to respect it.

In any case, here is the transcript of the deathbed
as best as we can make it out. 

 means words are unintelligible
(?) means uncertain translation

Leave it there
Get out! Out!

John this is the last time youll hear from me
Thank you for your friendship and your hard work
Thank you for your loyalty
Youve been more than just my lawyer, youve been a good
Im asking for one more favor
Do this thing for me
Im going to tell you secrets, these things are true
To tell people what Im saying
I want people to know
To confess
Theyd kill me if they knew
Ive been lying to you all along
 Wall Street never was
all lies
something else
Ive been working for a group that has no name
The way things are done
I was in asset management
--- bookkeeping, keeping track of money
they dont care about money
I can try and explain it, but it is difficult to explain
Its gonna be hard to believe
Im not crazy
Youve heard all those conspiracy stories
Jews and masons, secret societies
some truth to it
it sounds insane, but Im going to tell you Ive seen
terrible things
mayan culture, south America
the mayans were the first ones
- disgust of these things (?)
not to B. Herring (?)
Herrington was always (cough) talking
Hes got enough, leave his name out of it.
The ones I want to betray are higher up
This is the way things are done
You must have learned it yourself
What the hell is going on here
Why are they doing all this
This is why
Listen to me
Try to understand
The blood sacrifices they did down there. Hearts were torn
Thousands of their own people
You know why they did it?
Its the power
The power that is created in pain and suffering
There are those who hold the ultimate power
Who decide how things will go
Its part of a strategy, a plan
Let me explain
I was pulled in in the usual ways
Skull and bones --
They tell you enough so that you can be useful
I dont know all that much
Transfer of power 
That is the reason (?)
They can do all the things they do
Its magic, ancient magic
Occult practices
You know what Im talking about?
How to explain
They discovered certain practices that you cannot conceive
I dont know exactly how its done
I avoided finding out
Couldnt stomach it
Took the easy pass (?)
The reason they create war, atrocities, murder
Assassinations, genocide
Creates a form of power, energy
They use this
I dont know how
They go in rooms (?)
I know that it works
Ive seen it
Horrible things
Its a science
It works
I wasnt involved in that
I just gave them my life (?)
27 goddamned years
they told me I would be witness to the end
this close
and not see it through (?)
now look
you know I never smoked
now look whats happened to me
they do this all the time
its a punishment
to see it coming but to have to die now
two little mistakes Im gone (?)
murderers (?)
they have no right to do this to me
I kept my end of the bargain
They lied
Said there was no problem (cough)
May 17th
August 9th
November 6th
November 12th
See what happens
Then youll know Im speaking the truth
Theres no way of stopping them
Both sides know how it works
Terrorists in the third world
Doing the same thing we used to do
Theyve already starting killing of the herd
Its in the air
Its in the water
Do you understand
Why things are the way they are
I cant put it any clearer than that

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Drug traffic off Florida spikes as US turns its focus to terrorism

2002-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd



traffic off Florida spikes as US turns its focus to terrorismShift of antidrug resources to guard against terrorists has increased
the boldness of narcotics trafficking.
By Kris Axtman | Staff writer of
The Christian Science Monitor 
HOUSTON - When the Caribbean became a
superhighway for drug trafficking in the 1980s, it became the inspiration for a
TV show - "Miami Vice." Today, the azure waters of Florida are once again
threatening to become a major artery in the narcotics trade. As US antidrug
authorities have shifted their resources to the porous borders of Mexico and
Canada over recent years, drug smugglers have been prompted to once again test
the waters of the Sunshine State. Where's Crockett and Tubbs when you need 'em?
Even more alarming is how Sept. 11 has opened the floodgates in these
pristine waters. With terrorism a top priority, no longer are US boats so
vigilantly patrolling the coastal waters in search of drugs. Large amounts of
antidrug resources and manpower have been diverted to that effort. The result: a
boomtime for drug peddlers off America's coastlines.
"We've got the makings for a real upsurge in drug trafficking and an
inability to cope with it," says William Walker, a professor of history and
international relations at Florida International University in Miami. "They are
seeing [drug-running] speed boats they haven't seen in south Florida in 20
Indeed, the Coast Guard has seen its drug seizures plummet since crews were
sent to guard ports and oil refineries. Well over half of the Coast Guard's
anti-drug activities were redirected after Sept. 11, causing a 66 percent drop
in cocaine seizures from a year ago, and a more than 90 percent drop in
marijuana seizures. Experts say that the redeployment of resources is even
affecting the Pacific coast, where drug traffickers are attempting routes they
haven't tried in decades - or even creating new ones.
"One consequence of our shifting efforts is going to be less drug
interdiction on the oceans, which creates an opening for traffickers," says
Peter Andreas, a professor of international studies at Brown University in
Providence, R.I.
FBI agents are now spending much of their time chasing the money trail of
Osama bin Laden instead of the money trail of drug lords. Customs surveillance
planes and radar, once used to detect drug transit routes, are now devoted to
counter-terrorism surveillance. And many DEA agents have been reassigned to
airport security or as sky marshals.
"Unfortunately, this is the way this game is played," says Stan Furce,
director of the Houston High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. "The bad guys are
always trying to get drugs into the US where they think they will get the most
payoff. They know the Coast Guard has pulled back, and they are taking advantage
of that."
But, Mr. Furce and other drug-fighting agencies are optimistic that things
are beginning to return to normal and that agents will soon resume regular
Experts, however, warn that a number of international factors were already
wreaking havoc on the war on drugs before Sept. 11, and will continue to do so
even with beefed-up drug control.
First of all, the price of coffee has plummeted on the world market, leaving
many farmers in Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru to turn to coca and opium-poppy
cultivation. Compounding the problem is a deepening recession in much of Latin
America. And many of the US-funded eradication programs are suffering.
It's still unclear whether that has meant an increase in production. For
instance, the price of cocaine on the streets of Houston hasn't changed since
Sept. 11 - still running at about $1,600 to $1,700 a kilo - indicating a steady
stream of supply.
"It's just too early to tell," says Dr. Andreas. "Because drug traffickers
have large stockpiles of drugs on both sides of the border, we won't necessarily
see a change in price this quickly."
But one thing is for certain: The increased security along the Mexican and
Canadian borders is making traffickers nervous. Many have been caught carrying
significantly larger loads since Sept. 11, contrary to the most recent trend of
moving a lot of little loads. "It seems the smugglers are getting a little more
brazen in trying to pass larger loads at one time," says south Texas Customs
spokesman Rick Pauza.
Tractor-trailers are the new method of choice. Recently, for instance, Laredo
Customs inspectors discovered a 2,349-pound load of marijuana in a truck. A day
earlier, inspectors found 49 pounds of cocaine in Eagle Pass. The combined
street value in seizures for that weekend was $5.6 million.
As opposed to dwindling seizure activity in the Caribbean and Pacific Coast,
seizures along the Mexican border have been rising ever since Sept. 11. That is
due to the heightened border security.
The Bush administration says it won't have hard narcotics numbers until
sometime this month. But no matter 

[CTRL] Phil Ochs Lyrics Half a Century High

2002-01-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  I've been interested in Phil Ochs' music since reading about Phil in Alex
Constantine's The Covert War Against Rock.  Phil was a folk singer at the
time of Dylan and Baez and later in life turned into a different personality
with a different name - a hard right-winger.  Then he committed suicide.  As
I'm listening to his music this afternoon, I'm struck by the lyrics to this
song, especially stanzas 2  6.


Half A Century High
By Phil Ochs

In the tube where I was born
I could have sworn
There was so much to see
There was so little to be
But I was free
World at my command
Through the dots I ran
Looking for a man who looked like me
And now it can be told
I'm a quarter of a century old
But I'm half a century high

In the tube where I was raised
I was amazed
On the pictures I would lean
That went flashing on the screen
Oh, I was dazed
But then my eyes were made
hypnotized insane
Buried in my brain
In a blinding blaze
And now it can be told
I'm a quarter of a century old
But I'm half a century high

In the tube where I was grown
I was alone
The figure on the floor (Laying on the floor)
The dream behind the door (I'd lock the closet door)
The sound was low
Ballgames on the street
Disappeared behind my feet
Out of breath my heart would be
To see another show
And now it can be told
I'm a quarter of a century old
But I'm half a century high

In the tube where I was made
I was afraid
Spinning through the space
another scene, another face,
Another shade
Mirror of my mind
On electric wheels of wine
Living on the lines that were displayed
And now it can be told
I'm a quarter of a century old
But I'm half a century high

In the tube where I was fed
I lost my head
I watch the lives they led
Watch them to the end
And then again
An open kind of laugh
I gave all the mind I had
And whenever I was sad
I had my friends
And now it can be told
I'm a quarter of a century old
But I'm half a century high

In the tube where I was killed
I was fulfiled
Such an easy way to win
Talking to my twin
No sign of sin
the sacrifice was small
fascination was the fall
I was extended by the wall that held me in
And now it can be told
I'm a quarter of a century old
But I'm half a century high

In the tube where I was killed
I was fulfilled
The lies of light would bend
I'd stare until the end
And then again
Faded and the fad
I gave all the mind I had
And whenever I was sad
I had my friends
And now it can be told
I'm a quarter of a century old
But I'm half a century high

In the tube where I was born
I could have sworn
There was so much to see
There was so little to be
But I was free
World at my command
Through the dots I ran
Looking for a man who looked like me
And now it can be told
I'm a quarter of a century old
But I'm half a century high

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Commercialism in a Can - John F. Borowski]

2002-01-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I hope this guy forms an army; it is about time people got fed up and
fought back.

Nobody likes willing victims.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Illuminati/insider death-bed confession tap

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


no audio HERE...any text versions of this?

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[CTRL] Bush's first big scandal rises from the ashes of Enron

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Bush's first big scandal rises from the ashes of Enron
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
06 January 2002
It may not yet quite be the "cancer on the presidency" of which John Dean 
warned Richard Nixon in the early days of Watergate. But the collapse of the 
energy conglomerate Enron is suddenly shaping up as big, big trouble for George 
All the ingredients of a classic Washington scandal are there: the biggest 
corporate failure in history, a chief executive on such good terms with George 
Bush that the President refers to him as "Kenny Boy" and a history of massive 
contributions by the Houston-based Enron to the White House campaigns of Bush 
the father and Bush the son.
The final element fell into place last week with the announcement of a 
full-scale Senate investigation, complete with subpoenas for top Enron 
executives including Kenneth Lay (aka "Kenny Boy"), representatives of the 
Arthur Andersen accounting firm which singularly failed to spot the impending 
disaster, and perhaps senior figures in the Bush administration as well.
Even the cast of characters is comfortingly familiar. Enron's lead attorney, 
for instance, is Robert Bennett, the $500-an-hour DC superlawyer who featured in 
Washington's most recent presidential scandal when he represented Bill Clinton 
in the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit. That led directly to the Monica 
Lewinsky saga.
By any yardstick, Enron is a massive financial scandal, a tale of concealed 
debt and shell companies, incompetent auditing and scanty regulatory oversight – 
not to mention the sudden impoverishment of thousands of employees obliged to 
hold their pension savings in now worthless Enron shares, even as senior 
executives cashed in stock and stock options for up to $1bn (£700m) during 2000 
and 2001.
Until now, however, Enron has been the dog which failed to bark – or, more 
exactly, was ignored as the media concentrated on Afghanistan and barely dared 
mention such goings-on as the presidential approval ratings hovered around the 
90 per cent mark. Enron unravelled in November, but not until 28 December was Mr 
Bush first asked about the debacle. All that is about to change as the news 
focus starts to shift from the anti-terror campaign to domestic politics. Not 
only is this a mid-term election year in which the Democrats need just 
half-a-dozen seats to recapture the House of Representatives, but thoughts are 
already turning to the 2004 White House race. In all these calculations, Enron 
could prove a factor.
Already, at least three Congressional committees have been sniffing around 
the affair. But the main investigation will be conducted by the Senate's 
governmental affairs committee, headed by the Democrat Joe Lieberman of 
Connecticut. Mr Lieberman, it will not be forgotten, was Al Gore's 
vice-presidential running mate last time and is is widely believed to have 
ambitions for the top job in 2004.
Thus far, Mr Lieberman has followed the Washington scandal script to a T. 
Echoing investigators of Watergate, Iran-Contra and Whitewater before him, he 
promises solemnly that his probe will be even-handed, "a search for the truth, 
not a witchhunt". But, he warns, "we're going to go wherever the search takes 
us". If so, it could be a most interesting journey.
Enron has been a fountain of money for politicians of every hue. Since 1990, 
according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which monitors such donations, 
it has made campaign contributions of $5.8m (£4m), three-quarters of it to 
Republicans. The biggest single beneficiaries, unsurprisingly, have been the two 
Texas senators, Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Phil Gramm, whose wife Wendy sits on 
the Enron board.
Like most big corporate donors, it has hedged its bets. On Capitol Hill, 71 
of the 100 current senators and nearly half the 435 congressmen have received 
contributions. The investment paid off with a vengeance, when Enron secured 
exemption for its energy derivatives business under a 2000 Act regulating 
commodity futures trading. But the Bush family has been a special object of its 
attentions. Mr Lay was listed by the Bush-Cheney campaign as one of the 
"Pioneers" who raised at least $100,000 (£70,000) for the election, while Enron 
gave $100,000 to the inauguration gala, a contribution matched by "Kenny Boy" 
and his wife.
Potentially most damaging is its possible backstage role in the formulation 
of Mr Bush's energy policy. At least four Enron consultants and executives have 
done work for the administration. A champion of the deregulation favoured by the 
White House, Mr Lay was a frequent informal adviser to the panel under the 
Vice-President, Dick Cheney, which drew up a national energy strategy.

Re: [CTRL] Illuminati/insider death-bed confession tap

2002-01-06 Thread Bond

-Caveat Lector-

The rense.com site has a nice article about how they now believe it's a

- Original Message -
From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Illuminati/insider death-bed confession tap

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 no audio HERE...any text versions of this?

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[CTRL] 4 plane crashes yesterday

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

4 plane crashes

two involve people from the boulder, colorado area...very close to
both littleton and columbine...boulder is, of course, home of the
bennet-ramsey ritual murder - 1 plane crashed IN boulder and the
other, which happened in puerto rico has boulder abuzz because they
are said to be FROM boulder though i cannot currently find online
confirmation of this...the another crash took place in america's
home of terrorism...florida...the fourth? orange county


also see:
Tampa crash: haywire mind-controlled sleeper agent responsible?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Columbine

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

1 - Owens urges grand jury
2 - Klebold's autopsy kept secret
3 - Green: Time, silence burying truth
4 - Parents: Tape counters cop
5 - Sheriff rebuts shooting scenario

1 ---

Columbine grand jury urged

Owens: Panel might help end disputes

By Mike McPhee
Denver Post Staff Writer

Friday, January 04, 2002 - Gov. Bill Owens on Thursday urged
Jefferson County District Attorney Dave Thomas to consider
impaneling a state grand jury to investigate the Columbine

A grand jury investigation may be helpful in resolving the
continuing controversies surrounding Columbine, Owens said. I
encourage the district attorney to reconsider his decision based on
the events that have unfolded during the past few days.

Thomas has declined to use a grand jury and its subpoena powers to
question or review the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office's
investigation of the April 20, 1999, shootings. He has said he was
satisfied with the conclusions reached by Sheriff John Stone and
his department.

But on Thursday, Pam Russell, Thomas' spokeswoman, said, We have
never ruled out the possibility of a grand jury.

She said the office is waiting for the conclusions of the El Paso
County Sheriff's Office before making a decision. That department
is reviewing allegations that Denver police Sgt. Daniel O'Shea
fatally shot student Daniel Rohrbough, 15.

As of today, not a lot has changed, Russell said. Only a state
prosecutor can impanel a state grand jury.

Accusations of a cover-up have intensified, particularly in the
past two weeks since the Rohrbough family made the friendly-fire
allegation in court papers.

Information on the incident was never released by Stone and smacks
of a cover-up, according to Daniel's father, Brian Rohrbough.

On the federal level, a grand jury could only be impaneled by a
U.S. attorney or the Department of Justice. Rohrbough and other
victims' families said they would welcome such a probe.

But Jeff Dorschner, spokesman for U.S. Attorney John Suthers, said
that office would need reasonable belief that a federal crime had
been committed before resources would be devoted by federal

No request has been received by the U.S. attorney. Both the FBI and
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms also said they have not
been asked to join in the investigation.

Also on Thursday, Arapahoe County Sheriff Pat Sullivan said he had
attempted - unsuccessfully - to obtain a two-hour version of a tape
recording Rohrbough's parents say help shed light on the killing.

The tape allegedly has Deputy Jim Taylor saying he watched
Rohrbough as he was shot and dropped to the sidewalk.

Taylor now says he never saw the shootings. And Sullivan confirmed
that Taylor never was near enough to witness any shootings that

Rohrbough and his ex-wife, Sue Petrone, say the conflicting
accounts are further proof of a cover-up of the investigation by
the Arapahoe and Jefferson County sheriff's offices and by the
Denver Police Department.

Meanwhile, Randy Brown, whose son Brooks Brown had been targeted by
shooter Eric Harris to die, on Thursday pointed out a discrepancy
in when Taylor arrived on the scene.

The dispatch office had Taylor arriving in his cruiser in a parking
lot at 11:50 a.m. Yet Sullivan, in a statement released Wednesday,
said Taylor didn't check in with the command post until 12:05 p.m.



2 ---

Klebold's autopsy kept secret

By Kieran Nicholson
Denver Post Staff Writer

Friday, January 04, 2002 - The full autopsy report of Columbine
killer Dylan Klebold will not be released to the public.

Jefferson County District Judge Brooke Jackson ruled Wednesday
that at least a significant portion of the public in the Denver
metropolitan area would be offended, annoyed, even hurt by
publication of the full autopsy reports if such publication would
cause grief and anguish to the victims' families and friends.

Jackson's ruling denied a request by the Rocky Mountain News to
release the full report.

The case - originally filed in May 1999 by victims' families - went
to the Court of Appeals before being sent back to District Court
for its decision.

Partial summaries of the reports have been released. The full
autopsy reports on killer Eric Harris and victims Daniel Rohrbough
and Isaiah Shoels have been released.

Whether or not one considers them blameworthy for the actions of
their son . . . they are parents who have lost a child, Jackson
wrote of Thomas and Susan Klebold. And they are parents who state
. . . that they will be terribly hurt if the graphic details of
their son's autopsy are published. . . .

The News sought the report, among other reasons, in hopes of
clearing up questions surrounding Klebold's fatal wound. The
Colorado Bureau of Investigation's Columbine Crime Scene Report
notes that a TEC-9 pistol was found in Klebold's right hand.
Klebold was 

[CTRL] Political Brilliance or Dumb Luck?

2002-01-06 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Political Brilliance or Dumb Luck?
Date: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 5:58 PM

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 17:44:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Re: The Arrival Of Orwellian America

I think there is political brilliance in the post 911 politics which is
greater than I have seen in my entire life, whether I like the new
politics or not. Did the C student think this up all by himself? Good
doers vs. evil doers. Simple, everyone relates to it and all it needs
to perpetuate itself is a real live boogey man. From Irish terrorists to
Japanese Aum Cult types to O'Samas, there is no shortage. This strategy
could work for 1,000 years. Gotta tip your hat to the C student whether it
came to him by accident or whatever. Before 911 and he was almost a lame
duck. Now he leads the world fighting The evil one.

On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, Greg Miller wrote:

 The Arrival Of Orwellian America
 By Rick Gee

 In George Orwell's classic novel 1984, Oceania is in a state of perpetual
 war with Eurasia. Even though the Big Brother state of Oceania insists
 that such has always been the case, the protagonist, Winston Smith,
 remembers that the states were in fact at one time aligned. The same is
 true of the United States and Osama bin Laden/Afghanistan. The CIA provided
 funding and arms to bin Laden during the decade-long proxy war with the
 Soviet Union. Now bin Laden, The Evil One, has become the Goldstein
 character, who is held up as the Enemy of the People. And our rulers
 readily admit that the War on Terrorism will last indefinitely. To keep the
 masses in line and to suppress opposition, Oceania developed a language
 called Newspeak, which actually reduced the number and variety of words in
 use to render dissenting thought obsolete. Closely related to Newspeak is
 doublethink, in which someone is conditioned to either say the opposite of
 what he thinks or think the opposite of what is true. The U.S. government
 has engaged in such obfuscations with the passage of the Uniting and
 Strengthening America Act by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
 Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. Yes, it's the USA PATRIOT Act. Clearly
 the name of the bill was concocted to fit the acronym. The purpose of this
 acronym is two-fold. One, it makes it politically dangerous for politicians
 to vote against it (He voted against the Patriot Act? Who can we nominate
 to run opposite this traitor in the next election?). Two, it stifles
 opposition among the American people. You're either with us, or you're
 with the terrorists. Since we are all in favor of stopping acts of
 terrorism, we should all be in favor of this legislation, right? But this
 legislation - which was not available for members of Congress to read
 before they had to vote on it - will do nothing to prevent future terrorism
 and much to increase the power of government over its subjects. The
 legislation, among other things: *Allows law enforcement agencies to search
 homes and offices without notifying the owner for days or weeks after, not
 only in terrorism cases, but in all cases - the so-called sneak and peek
 authority * *Allows government agents to collect undefined new information
 about Web browsing and e-mail * *Overrides existing state and federal
 privacy laws, allowing the FBI to compel disclosure of any kind of records
 upon the mere claim that they are connected with an intelligence
 investigation If you believe that the government could never use these
 unconstitutional powers against you because you're not a Middle Eastern
 raghead, you are unfamiliar with history. J. Edgar Hoover's FBI became a
 de facto domestic political police force. Franklin Delano Roosevelt used
 the FBI to spy on his political enemies, especially antiwar groups. The
 PATRIOT Act does not restrict its provisions to terrorism investigations.
 In fact, they may be used against anyone, whether or not he is a suspect
 related to terrorism. On the other hand, the act broadens the definition of
 terrorism to an offense that is calculated to influence or affect the
 conduct of government by intimidation or coercion; or to retaliate against
 government conduct. While the PATRIOT Act ostensibly protects Americans
 against terrorism, in reality it protects the government against its own
 people. With this new expanded, nebulous definition of terrorism now the
 law of the land, will I be considered a 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: OT? - Fwd: [CTRL] Group-with-no-name/Skull Bones asset mngr/insider death-bed confession tape

2002-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd


In a message dated 1/5/02 11:47:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

All right, Kris, what do you think?

Is it bullshit? or what.

What's the guy saying? The elite deviants practice garmonbozia? Reads

like an outtake from Eyes Wide Shut.

Has anybody been able to identify where this guy worked? Who did he

know? etc.

Anyway, it looks like his warning dates missed completely. Where was


What we are dealing with is multi-generational cult of necromancers?

 As to the veracity of the tape, you know as much as me. If true, the dates
could be 2002, I don't know how long this has been on the web or how long was
sat on.

There are some folks, I know,  that are looking at SB lists and trying to
ascertain what's what. There are lists at
http://www.ctrl.org/boodleboys/index.shtml  He could be say from the 50's up
to the 70's(aging is different for different folks, stresses, etc). The list
at the site were the best that I had at the time. I have been putting
together a database based upon the Orders own material [when done will post]
and have been finding some errors in dates and quite a few more members that
was unaware of, mostly older. But let me tell you the sheer raw reach of
the org is absolutely astounding. There are NO public records available of
the membership since 1970, this being such items as announcements by the
group or reporting by Yale in their annuals and various college pubs. There
has been a recent break there by the printing of some members by the Yale
tabloid Rumpus. Antony Sutton published some names from the 80's derived from
leaked Order materials and then somewhere someone, I believe in Texan
Christian circles developed a list of up to 1984, Where those came from I do
not know, and has I stated early, I havent found anywhere to publicly
confirm.  Peggy Adler-Robham-sp? in CT says she has list of all SEVEN of the
Senior year secret societies up to the late 80's, but she, at least on the
phone, would have no truck with me because I felt that , YES, they are a
nefariuos influence on our republic and the world. She would have none of
that kind of talk. Knowing that she is a member of an ex-spook club, I
thought either she is afraid to talk on the phone or she was some sort of
backstop, 'cuz anyone looking into Bones is going to talk to her at some
point in time.  (How's that for a long sentence.'-)

As far as what can be gleaned from research and interviews with people, not
knowing completely of the veracity of all the stories, the picture that does
emerge form deduction that what one is dealing with is what has been the
underlying thread og conspiracy theory throught the ages. What we are dealing
with is multi-generational cult of necromancers basically meaning that
they use magic mixed with death as a cover for their evil. Magic is a very
interesing subject with about as many dodges, cut-outs and what-nots as an
intel op.

Look at the  chant Boners say at their initiations:
The hangman equals death
The devil equals death
Death equals death

Do you  remember the only person that Hanging George didn't kill as Govenor
of Texas was Henry Lee Lucas, a confessed serial killer. A man who had killed
for a cult.

Take a trip to New Haven. The ritualistc placement of buildings is right out
in the open.  New Haven is built on Nine sacred squares.  The street names
of the orginal squares are George, Chapel, Elm and Grove going one way and
State, Church, College and York. The Middle square is the green, On the green
there are three old churches and graves. Yale surrounds one side of the
green, New Haven public and business the other. Since the squares are rather
large many of the alleys have developed into streets,  these are Wall,
Court and Crown and then Orange, Temple, and High.

High street is where The Tomb has sat since 1856, it was enlarged in 1903.

From the corner of Chapel and High one walks under a substanial Gothic
archway and to one's left sits the Tomb. One may not go complete around it ,
nor view their secret courtyard from public areas. The archetecture of nearby
Weir Hall is also quite interesting.

So if one proceeds up High Street, one enters Yale U and it's gothic wonder
for several blocks till one gets to Grove Street the boundary street of the
nine squares and what does one find, well a  massive Egyptian type gate
(1845) designed by the same guy that did the Tomb, with a winged disk,
complete with serpents and underneath the inscription  THE DEAD SHALL BE
RAISED. Pass through that  gate an one is in the Grove Street Cemetary, 12
acres of prime real estate in bones.  In this ossuary are many of the elite
themselves. Grove Street, owned corporately, divided in to family plots, and
laid out and planted, and maintained as a 'garden for the dead,' Grove Street
as far as has yet been ascertained was the first such cemetery in America,
indeed perhaps anywhere.

But let us not stop our tour, what does one find on the corners of High and
Grove Street 

Re: [CTRL] Illuminati/insider death--Transcript

2002-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/6/02 11:47:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-Caveat Lector-

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


no audio HERE...any text versions of this?

Dale Pfeiffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

We don't know if this is a legitimate deathbed
confession or if it's staged. Elizabeth's feeling is
that if it's staged then somebody did it because they
want people to know that they are giving their power away.
Fear can be dis-empowering, and especially the blind
Patriotism sweeping through the country now.

If this is legitimate, it's all about thought forms and the way
People create their own reality. This can be fought with
Awareness, determination and self-empowerment. For
Every negative there is a positive.

The dates could be for 2002. Speaking in astrological
terms (Elizabeth is an astrologer), at a glance:

May 17th -- Saturn will be in opposition to Pluto
this means an almost subconscious tearing down
of structures and a terrible and extreme misuse of power,
particularly for the US because Saturn and Pluto will
be transiting in opposition in the chart of the US.
The same aspect was in full force September 11th, 2001.

August 9th - Mars is approaching opposition to Uranus.
Exact opposition will be around August 22nd. This could
cause violent sudden happenings.

November 6th  12th - All that is apparent at this time is
that Pluto is reaching a critical influence in the nodes of
the US. This portends strong karma in the chart of the US
and also could trigger the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction better
known as the 20-year curse of the Presidents.

This isn't a rigorous treatment, it's just off the top of
her head while looking at the dates in the Ephemeris.

As a scientist, I was taught to be skeptical of Astrology,
But Elizabeth has taught me to respect it.

In any case, here is the transcript of the deathbed recording,
as best as we can make it out.

 means words are unintelligible
(?) means uncertain translation

 Leave it there
Get out! Out!

John this is the last time youll hear from me
Thank you for your friendship and your hard work
Thank you for your loyalty
You've been more than just my lawyer, you've been a good friend
I'm asking for one more favor
Do this thing for me
I'm going to tell you secrets, these things are true
To tell people what I'm saying
I want people to know
To confess
They'd kill me if they knew
I've been lying to you all along
 Wall Street never was
all lies
something else
I've been working for a group that has no name
The way things are done
I was in asset management
--- bookkeeping, keeping track of money
they don't care about money
I can try and explain it, but it is difficult to explain
It's gonna be hard to believe
I'm not crazy
You've heard all those conspiracy stories
Jews and masons, secret societies
some truth to it
it sounds insane, but I'm going to tell you I've seen terrible things
mayan culture, south America
the mayans were the first ones
- disgust of these things (?)
not to B. Herring (?)
Herrington was always (cough) talking
He's got enough, leave his name out of it.
The ones I want to betray are higher up
This is the way things are done
You must have learned it yourself
What the hell is going on here
Why are they doing all this
This is why
Listen to me
Try to understand
The blood sacrifices they did down there. Hearts were torn out.
Thousands of their own people
You know why they did it?
It's the power
The power that is created in pain and suffering
There are those who hold the ultimate power
Who decide how things will go
It's part of a strategy, a plan
Let me explain
I was pulled in in the usual ways
Skull and bones --
They tell you enough so that you can be useful
I don't know all that much
Transfer of power
That is the reason (?)
They can do all the things they do
It's magic, ancient magic
Occult practices
You know what I'm talking about?
How to explain
They discovered certain practices that you cannot conceive of
I don't know exactly how it's done
I avoided finding out
Couldn't stomach it
Took the easy pass (?)
The reason they create war, atrocities, murder
Assassinations, genocide
Creates a form of power, energy
They use this
I don't know how
They go in rooms (?)
I know that it works
I've seen it
Horrible things
It's a science
It works
I wasn't involved in that
I just gave them my life (?)
27 goddamned years
they told me I would be witness to the end
this close
and not see it through (?)
now look
you know I never smoked
now look what's happened to me
they do this all the time
it's a punishment
to see it coming but to have to die now
two little mistakes I'm gone (?)
murderers (?)
they have no right to do this to me
I kept my end of the bargain
They lied
Said there was no problem (cough)
May 17th
August 9th
November 6th
November 12th
See what happens
Then you'll know I'm speaking the truth

Re: [CTRL] Illuminati/insider death--Transcript

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

i read this sometime in september

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] HOAX - Worldwide Internet 'Death-Bed Confession' Video . . .

2002-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


Worldwide Internet
'Death-Bed Confession' Video
Talented NY Film-Maker 'Mike Z' Strikes Again

The 'Illuminati Death-Bed Confession' internet video now streaming on at
least two web sites is a HOAX. It is a well-crafted and performed artistic
fraud with a meticulously enticing script featuring many key Illuminati
themes... all done by NY film-maker Mike Zieper...or 'Mike Z' as he prefers
to be known.   For the better part of two weeks, a person claiming to be
'Chris Wilson' contacted our web site and sought a link to the video...which
was already up and running online. Multiple emails were received from 'Chris
Wilson' responding to our requests for more information and specifics. Each
email response was logical and written in a credible, straighforward manner
(see samples below).   The streaming 'Death-Bed Video' was of sufficient
internet interest that we requested 'Chris Wilson' to send excerpts of the
video's sound track, on audio cassette, for further study and invited him to
appear on the program to explain how he came into possession of tape, the
circumstances of how it was allegedly recorded, background details on the
'dying man' on the tape and why he - 'Wilson' - posted it on the net, etc.
'Chris Wilson' agreed to be a guest on the program to discuss his video and
sent the requested audio cassette to TRN facilities via overnight Express
Mail. 'Chris Wilson' appeared during the first segment of our program on
Thursday, 1-3-02, and detailed the background of the video and how he came to
post it online. It was an effective and compelling presentation.   Late the
following night at 1:45 am (1-5-2), we received the following email from a
man with a good memory - and a fine mind for detail - who was able to solve
the riddle of the 'Death-Bed' internet video and advised us of the hoax:
  Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 01:45:36 -0800 (PST) From: Count Lithium von Chloride
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fake Illuminati Death-Bed Confession To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Dear Jeff,   I just thought you should know that Chris
Wilson and his supposed Illuminati Death-Bed Confession video that you had
on your Jan. 3rd show is a total fake.   It's put out by a filmer named Mike
Zieper, a.k.a Mike Z. He's done other real life films like this before,
like his film Y2K Military Takeover, of which he was supposedly hassled by
the FBI over it for the reason that people might think that it is real. See
the ACLU press-release on that:
ACLU Sues FBI, Justice Department Over Censorship of Fictional 'Y2K Military
Takeover' Film: http://www.aclu.org/news/1999/n122299b.html   I thought that
getting this information to you is important, to prevent your audience from
being taken in by this film. Below, I clearly demonstrate that the so-called
Illuminati Death-Bed Confession video supposedly put out by a Chris
Wilson is done by none other by the film-maker Mike Zieper, a.k.a Mike Z.
Below, I reproduce my email to Mike Zieper (which I sent to him a few minutes
ago), but before that, here are some links, so you can follow the discussion:
   REVISED TRANSCRIPT (of the supposed Illuminati Death-Bed Confession):
http://www.ulster.net/~babs7/hartwellreports/transcript.htm   Chris Wilson
[i.e., Mike Zieper] A Very Strange Death-Bed Confession. (archived Jan. 3rd
Jeff Rense show): http://globalplaylist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll?id=1002635
  So, with that background, here is the proof that the so-called Chris
Wilson is actually the fictional film-maker Mike Zieper, a.k.a. Mike Z (in
my email to him): ___   Dear Mike Zieper,   I knew right away that the
Death-Bed Confession Video thingy was your work. I suspected it from the
moment I read the transcript of the video, and was sure of it when I actually
watched the video.   What really tipped me off was the style of how the
dying guy's speach was written. It reminded me exactly of how the
black-ops guy talked in your Y2K Military Takeover film.   I listened to
some of your interview on the Jeff Rense show archived from Jan. 3, 2002. I
knew right away that whoever this Chris Wilson guy was that he wasn't a
very good bull-shitter.   So, I went right away to read the transcript of the
video and to watch it. I figured it had to be your work: and sure enough,
when I did a Google search for the keywords new york, takeover, fbi and
film (it had been so long that I didn't remember its name or your name) I
found an ACLU press-release about your case that gave your below website
address for Mike Zieper:   http://www.crowdedtheater.com   And when one goes
to THAT website, it's now the SAME as the Chris Wilson website at:   So, it was pretty easy for me to crack open this
Chinese cookie. All within the comfort of my own home.   You very much ought
to check-out my below website, as it seems to be right up your alley as far
as the things that you appear to be interested in (except mine is the real
McCoy):   The Truth About 

[CTRL] State Department works to create brand of the free

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


November 16, 2001
State Department works to create brand of the free

By William Powers, National Journal

Last Sunday, The New York Times published a 4,200-word front-page
story about the Bush administration's efforts to manage wartime
news and propaganda. The writer, Elizabeth Becker, reported that
top U.S. officials, working in concert with the British government,
are mounting what may be the most ambitious war-time
communications effort since World War II. This highly
orchestrated endeavor is, the paper said, a first step in a
broader campaign to create a 21st-century version of the muscular
propaganda war that the United States waged in the 1940s.

The story was packed with fresh information, but there was one
sentence near the top that wasn't exactly news: To reach foreign
audiences, especially in the Islamic world, the State Department
brought in Charlotte Beers, a former advertising executive, who is
using her marketing skills to try to make American values as much a
brand name as McDonald's hamburgers or Ivory soap.

By now, anyone who has been following the war news closely has
heard about Charlotte Beers and her plans to sell skeptical
foreigners on what she calls the brand of the United States.

Since early October, when she was sworn in as undersecretary of
State for public diplomacy and public affairs-- essentially the
department's czarina of information--Beers has been everywhere.
Partly, this is because she was an unconventional choice, a major
business figure from New York City, the former head of two huge ad
agencies, stepping into the sort of job that usually goes to an
experienced Washington political or media hand. It was a very
important job when she was appointed last spring; now, with the
United States at war, the assignment is momentous.

Throw in that Beers has a reputation for toughness (The Times once
called her Madison Avenue's steel magnolia); that she moves in
glamorous Manhattan circles--Martha Stewart is said to be a pal;
and that she has a habit of speaking her mind frankly and
memorably, and you've got a bona fide media magnet.

On Oct. 15, two weeks after she was confirmed, a Wall Street
Journal story included several piquant hints from Beers about the
direction in which she planned to take the State Department's
wartime propaganda effort, which in Foggy Bottom goes by the more
genteel name of public diplomacy.

It is almost as though we have to redefine what America is, she
told the paper. This is the most sophisticated brand assignment I
have ever had.

America as brand assignment! You could almost hear alarm bells
ringing in newsrooms around the nation. Beers's use of advertising
jargon hinted that we might be headed for one of those classic
culture clashes between the very different worlds of New York
business and Washington policy. She thrived in the Big Apple, but
how would she fare in the brutal intramural combat of national

U.S. and British dailies rushed Beers stories into print, and
magazines and television networks followed close behind. In a
November 6 front-page story, The New York Times reported that Beers
was planning a television and advertising campaign to try to
influence Islamic opinion; one segment could feature American
celebrities, including sports stars, and a more emotional message.
A few days later came the big Times front-page feature, presenting
Beers and her branding concept as one of the leading components of
the nation's formidable new World War II-style propaganda machine.

It looks very impressive in theory, and in practice it may well
succeed. Beers, who did not respond to several requests for an
interview, is by all accounts an exceptionally bright, bold,
dynamic leader. In the advertising world, where she headed both J.
Walter Thompson and Ogilvy  Mather, she was particularly adept at
client relations--keeping those who hire you happy--an essential
skill for making it in Washington, and supremely important in the
bow-and-scrape bureaucracy of the State Department.

Given all this, it could be that Beers's marketing of the American
brand will help transform Muslims around the world into opponents
of Osama bin Laden, and supporters of the American campaign against

But don't bet on it. Though media people are fascinated by
Charlotte Beers--and she does cut a striking figure among the
capital's oatmeal horde--there are several reasons why her high-
concept notions about branding the United States, intriguing as
they are, may not figure hugely in how the war unfolds.

Indeed, it seems clearer by the day that the most crucial wartime
information operations are not those concerned with selling
American values to the world, which is, at best, a long-term
project. What matters more right now is the practical workaday
business of trouncing the enemy on the other battlefield that
really counts: the daily news cycle.

Public Diplomacy Evolves

The war 

[CTRL] Film-Maker Mike Z. Accepts Compliment On His 'Death-Bed' Video

2002-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Film-Maker Mike Z. Accepts
Compliment On His 'Death-Bed' Video

Note - One of our intel associates sent Mike Z. the following email, praising
him for the deception and success of the 'Death-Bed' hoax video:

To: Chris Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 11:55 PM
Subject: HELLO FROM AUSTRALIA, Mike Zieper

Hi Mike,

I was living in NY few years ago, and I remember your wonderful Y2K video. I
was really outraged when the FBI had the audacity to interfere with your work
as an artist. AND!!! Now Bush is requesting Hollywood to make films about war
!!! We strongly support your artistic freedom!

I received an email from a friend in New York yesterday telling me to listen
to Jeff Rense on the Internet. I was told it was your video. As an admirer of
your Y2K 'Military Takeover' video I want to tell you that the Death-Bed
Confession was wonderful, you did a great job. Well, I wish you a happy new
year and keep up your good work. The FBI and Jeff Rense will make you one of
the most famous artists in the world. If you have a website were we can see a
sample of your artwork please let me know. AND, if you ever visit our
beautiful Sydney please stop over we will put some shrimps on the BBQ.

I love your work.

PS: my wife thinks that what you did to Jeff is the funniest thing she ever
heard. I went to your website http://www.crowdedtheater.com but I found this
email [EMAIL PROTECTED], so, I hope this email will find you.



Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 8:46 AM
Subject: hello

Thanks for your note. You might be interested in:


(Here is Mike Z's suggested wedsite page... -ed)

The Crowded Theater of Mike Z - a limited edition video compilation

Not everything that is dangerous or offensive is illegal -- FBI
Spokesperson quoted in the Village Voice

The distinction in the visual arts between reality and not-reality has
always been maddeningly vague. Mike Z seeks to obliterate it completely. He
is unscrupulous and without pity, his work entertaining enough to hide his
agenda: The complete ruination of corporate information control, the
self-crowned princes and princesses of mediated idiocy, and the complacent
purveyors of dumbed-down everything. While many of his films are comedies, he
most certainly isn't joking.  --Ian Grey, author of SEX, STUPIDITY  GREED:
Inside the American Movie Industry

Volume One: The Big Sell Out: HOW TO START A REVOLUTION IN AMERICA (1999) 30
minutes Three domestic terrorists teach you the basics of violent

...Aesthetically and politically radical...should strike filmgoers as
hilarious, if they're not offended out of their wits. --Anne Hornaday,

A fabulous new video which addresses mindless violence and political
extremists with a hilariously warped eye. -- Dennis Dermody, PAPER MAGAZINE

Mike Z is going to have some explaining to do about his terrorist send-ups.
-- Amy Taubin, VILLAGE VOICE

Subversive video, full of helpful hints on how to cause your own political
ruckus. --NEW YORK PRESS

...Perhaps the creepiest film of Microcinefest... The video is successful
enough to make you unsure as to whether it is real or fiction well into the
viewing. --FILM THREAT review of the MicroCineFest 1999

DON'T WATCH THIS UNTIL I'M DEAD (1998) 23 minutes Sometimes the hardest part
of killing yourself is finishing the suicide video.

MY LEFT NUT (2000) 10 minutes Mike Z shows an Internet company what he's
willing to give up for the chance to sell out.

With Mike Z. making films as brilliant funny and as outrageously
confrontational as 'My Left Nut' , there is hope for us all. This, to me, is
cinema at its purest. --David Maquiling, New FilmMakers Festival Director

(Y2K video) MILITARY TAKEOVER OF NEW YORK CITY (1999) 6 minutes The tape that
the FBI decided you shouldn't see.

The price for this entire compilation is Twenty ($20.00) dollars U.S. funds.



The only thing remaining to be determined is the identity of the person who
appeared on the program as 'Chris Wilson'

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Illuminati/insider death--Transcript

2002-01-06 Thread Mermaid

-Caveat Lector-

What was it you read Eric there is no attachment
The Mermaid xx
- Original Message -
From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Illuminati/insider death--Transcript

 -Caveat Lector-

 i read this sometime in september

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Illuminati/insider death-bed confession tap

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/6/02 1:47:48 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

no audio HERE...any text versions of this?

According to this and this it's all one big hoax.
Anyway this was posted to CTRL (by me) months ago...old news and apparently bogus.


[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] U.S. accounts reveal $20 billion liability in gold

2002-01-06 Thread RoadsEnd


4:35p ET Sunday, January 6, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA consultant James Turk, editor of The Freemarket
Gold  Money Report, has just discovered that U.S.
government accounting reports show a gold liability of
$20 billion. In Letter 297 of his report, appended
here, Turk details how the U.S. government's
surreptitious suppression of the gold price works.

This is the most compelling evidence yet of the U.S.
government's deception of the financial markets. Please
send it to your elected representatives and ask them to
seek a complete and candid response from the U.S.
Treasury Department and Federal Reserve.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Accounting for the ESF's Gold Swaps

By James Turk
Copyright 2002, The Freemarket Gold  Money Report
Letter No. 297
January 7, 2002

A few weeks ago I received an interesting email from
Andrew Hepburn. He is a diligent researcher who has
done yeoman's work for the Gold Anti-Trust Action
Committee Inc., an organization formed to find the
truth about who is keeping a lid on the gold price.
Andrew and I recently have been sharing information and
research on a number of matters, and he brought to my
attention an intriguing footnote in a 1997 report
called the Consolidated Financial Statements of the
U.S. Government, or CFS.

The federal government completes the CFS annually. The
CFS started being prepared, as I recall, about 15 years
ago in an attempt to measure what the U.S. government's
true financial picture looked like according to
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. As readers
may know, the U.S. government does not use GAAP in its
accounting. So Congress asked the General Accounting
Office (GAO) to begin preparing an annual CFS that
would provide accurate GAAP reporting of the U.S.
government's financial accounts. These reports were to
be prepared and dated as of September 30, which is the
government's fiscal year-end.

I hadn't looked at the CFS for a number of years
because they were not very detailed, and also because
they included some major errors in accounting. For
example, the CFS booked the U.S. gold stock as an asset
at its market value, but recorded only the
corresponding liability for U.S. Treasury gold
certificates at $42.22 per ounce.

This difference of course overstated the government's
true net worth, or, I should say, net deficit. For
according to GAAP, the U.S. government has a negative
net worth -- negative $5 trillion in 1997 and negative
$5.9 trillion in 2000. So this misreporting of the gold
stock seemed to be a clear attempt to minimize this
deficit net worth to make the government's financial
picture look better than it really was. As a
consequence, I never paid much attention to the CFS
until Andrew brought Footnote 2 of the 1997 CFS to my
attention. It reported an interesting accounting

In 1997 the CFS began valuing the U.S. gold reserve at
$42.22 instead of market value, which I think is a
significant change for two reasons.

1) This change reduced the U.S. government's net worth
by the difference between the market value of the asset
and the government's liability -- that is, the U.S.
Treasury gold gertificates. Given that the U.S.
government has a multi-trillion dollar NEGATIVE net
worth, there must be a very good reason for the
government to make that negative net worth even bigger
in the CFS. This good reason is the second point.

2) This accounting change -- made presumably because of
GAAP rules -- gives substance to the argument that as
of September 30, 1997, the U.S. Treasury owed 261.7
million ounces of gold to the Federal Reserve, and not
$11 billion.

In other words, this accounting change made clear that
the Treasury owes the entire U.S. gold stock to the
Federal Reserve.

This meaningful change in the quest for accurate
accounting by the GAO really spurred my interest. The
Federal Financial Management Act of 1994 apparently was
having a positive impact on the accuracy of the CFS
reports. So I thereupon began reading the CFS for
recent years, and particularly the footnotes. One can
learn a lot by reading the footnotes to financial
statements, comparing them from one year to the next
and then studying any changes. And there were indeed
several interesting changes.

1) Beginning in 1997, the following statement was added
to Footnote 2: Gold has been pledged as collateral for
gold certificates issued to the Federal Reserve banks
totaling $11.0 billion. As explained above, this
change is a significant advancement, and points to the
more accurate reporting being required by the GAO.

2) One other improvement for accuracy was made in 1997.
The CFS began some basic reporting on the Exchange
Stabilization Fund (ESF) by recording some of its
liabilities. The report said that the Exchange
Stabilization Fund includes SDR certificates issued to
the Federal Reserve banks and allocations from the
International Monetary Fund. That liability was $15.9

[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Teen Pilot in Tampa Crash Had 'Sympathy' for Osama

2002-01-06 Thread Samantha L.

(forward - teen had sympathy for Osama)


Sunday January 6 4:50 PM ET

Teen Pilot in Tampa Crash Had 'Sympathy' for Osama

TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - Police said on Sunday the lone 15-year-old pilot who
stole a small private plane on Saturday and crashed it into a high-rise
office block in Tampa was a ''troubled'' youth who expressed sympathy for
Osama bin Laden in an apparent suicide note.

Tampa Police Chief Bennie Holder said the note was found on the body of
Charles Bishop, who was the only person killed in Saturday's incident. ``I
would characterize it as a suicide note,'' Holder told reporters in Tampa,
adding he did not view Bishop's flight as an act of terrorism.

He said Bishop's note clearly stated that he had acted alone without any
help from anyone else, and added that authorities saw no evidence he had
support from anyone else.

But Holder said that in the note Bishop expressed sympathy for bin Laden,
the Saudi-born militant the United States holds responsible for the Sept. 11
airborne assaults on New York and Washington in which 3,000 people were
killed. Holder declined to give details of the note, but said that in it,
Bishop ''expressed support for what happened on 9-11'' -- Sept. 11.

``The young man Charles Bishop is best described as a young man who had very
few friends and was very much a loner ... a troubled young man,'' Holder
said of the youth. Bishop turned up for a flight lesson at a nearby airport
on Saturday afternoon and then took off in a single-engine Cessna 172
without his flight instructor or airport clearance, flying for about 10
minutes before crashing into the 28th floor of the 42-storey Bank of America
building in downtown Tampa.


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2002-01-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Valued User wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Don't pick on me, I didn't start the holocaust thread.

You're going to have to grow a thicker skin. No one is picking on you.
You posted something and someone challenged you. That's how it works.

 and I already
 mentioned genocide mindset and ghettoization, that's what's going on

No it's not. Where are there ghetos??? None.
Where is there genocide None.
This is all Palestinian propaganda for the ignorant and the racists.

 and if you want definitions.. go check a dictionary.

Not necessary. I already know the definitions. You don't.



 On Friday, January 4, 2002, at 07:45 PM, Nurev Ind. wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  Valued User wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  maybe not exactly an industrialized holocaust machine, but the genocide
  mindset and obvious ghetto-ization is ongoing. Don't try and kid us
  nothing is happening over there!
  No one said  nothing  was going on there. YOU said a holocaust was
  going on there. There is not a  holocaust  going on there. The is a
  civil war between enemy tribes going on there.
  What exactly IS a holocaust? I ask you again.

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[CTRL] fwd: Giuliani fired former welfare mothers on last day in office

2002-01-06 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Robert Lederman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Giuliani fired former welfare mothers on last day in office

by Robert Lederman

(see NY Times article below my comments)

City welfare chief Jason Turner apologized Friday for unwittingly
using a Nazi death camp slogan [work shall make you free - the
motto on the gates of Auschwitz] to defend Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's
workfare program. - Newsday 6/27/98 Apology For Holocaust Allusion

Some times small actions tell a larger story. On his last day in
office while going from tribute to tribute to his compassionate
greatness, Rudy Giuliani found the time to fire 3,500 former welfare
mothers who were part of his workfare program.

These are people Giuliani forced off welfare and then lied about
finding good jobs for. Giuliani's welfare chief, Jason work shall
make you free Turner learned his craft in Wisconsin studying at the
feet of Charles Murray, author of The Bell Curve. Wisconsin's
welfare reduction program like NYC's was significantly influenced by
Charles Murray's books. Murray was also a paid consultant to former
Wisconsin Governor, Tommy Thompson.

The Bell Curve is a modern classic of eugenics which advanced the
idea that blacks are genetically inferior, crime-prone and therefore
unworthy of government help. It was written while Murray was a
resident scholar at the Manhattan Institute. Many of the studies used
in it were financed by eugenics groups with ties to Nazi Germany and

Charles Murray, Giuliani's Welfare Commissioner Jason Turner,
Tommy Homeland Security Thompson and the newly crowned civic-saint
Sir Rudy Giuliani are all intimately linked - as is GW Bush - to the
Manhattan Institute, a Rockefeller-funded think tank founded by
former CIA director, William Casey.

For more about their ties to the Manhattan Institute and eugenics see

NY Times 1/5/2002

January 5, 2002

City Fires 3,500 Former Welfare Recipients


On the last day of the Giuliani administration, the city's departing
welfare commissioner ordered the dismissal of more than 3,500 former
welfare recipients now working at union wages for the city parks
department, and withdrew the promise of such jobs from about 1,200
others who were reaching their federal welfare time limits last month.

The dismissed workers will be referred to a temporary staffing agency
that was given a contract in October to place people who have reached
their welfare time limits in transitional jobs in government
agencies. But under the contract, the parks workers, now making $9.38
an hour, would be paid $7.95 to do the same work.

Last year, the parks department rejected a similar arrangement as a
violation of city labor law, and it is unclear whether any of the
workers will be able to reclaim their jobs, even at lower wages.

We will be converting to a program wherein all future referrals will
be employed as temporary staff through a temporary staffing company,
the commissioner of human resources, Jason Turner, wrote to the parks
commissioner, Henry J. Stern, in a letter dated Dec. 31.

The letter is causing consternation at the Parks and Recreation
Department, where administrators and union representatives alike
opposed a similar proposal Mr. Turner made late last year to shift
the federally subsidized parks workers to a temporary employment

With no one named yet to succeed Mr. Stern, department officials
would not discuss the issue on the record. But Mark Rosenthal,
president of the union local that represents seasonal parks workers,
echoed administrators' private expressions of dismay.

They want to profiteer off the misery - bring them here and pay them
even less than $9.38 an hour, and put a middleman in between, Mr.
Rosenthal said. These are all single mothers with children. I don't
see where it helps them to get less and no union benefits.

Mr. Turner's last-minute legacy is now part of a larger re-evaluation
by the Bloomberg administration: how to handle the veteran welfare
recipients who have served as the city's shadow work force. Their
value to the city will increase in a time of cutbacks and deficits,
primarily because they can be paid mainly out of a federal welfare
fund rather than city and state treasuries.

At the parks department, for example, the regular staff has dwindled
to 1,900 from a 1986 high of 4,900, and the agency can ill afford to
lose the 3,500 subsidized workers. Many of them began cleaning parks
and supervising playgrounds last March, in renewable jobs lasting 11
months and two weeks.

We have temporarily ceased our efforts to provide publicly
subsidized jobs in order to re-evaluate the current program, Debra
Sproles, the spokeswoman for the city's Human Resources
Administration, said in a statement issued this week after
consultation with the new welfare commissioner, Verna Eggleston.

More specifically, H.R.A. is reviewing the program in terms of
funding availability and 

Re: [CTRL] Could You Be An Israelite And Not Know It?

2002-01-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

eric stewart wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  Excellent thread with two very solid arguments we should keep in
  mind: (1) Israel today has to be someone, so who?

 no...israel is an entity of superstition and palestine is occupied...

no... Israel is an existing tribe called Jews, and there is no such place
as Palestine.

If there is, could you tell me where to find it on a map of the middle east?

Wishful thinking does not reality make.


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Re: [CTRL] Does J2 have G-d's Deed to the Chosen People?

2002-01-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 You know, throughout history, the winner of the war has always gotten
 to draw the borders, with the exception of post-1948 Israel.

What an amazing discovery. How is it that that just you and I know about



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] (A)frican (D)eath (L)eague; The face of Hate

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Title: (A)frican (D)eath (L)eague; The face of Hate

The African Death League has been busy, maybe Talidan can bring us more up to date. I thought this should be of interest though I cannot vouch for the Black Republicans.
BlackRepublicans Newsletter

Vol. 01 Number 01
January 1, 2002


Anti-Defamation League 
The Face of Hate

Anti-Defamation League

America's Most Powerful Hate Group

The Anti-Defamation League is the longest running and most powerful hate group in the United States with 29 offices domestically and 3 offices abroad. They bring in over $40 million a year to combat free speech and the right of ethnic minorities to defend themselves from bigotry (including Black Muslims, Arabs, and Euro-Americans). 

ADL's Dark History

The Anti-Defamation League was created in 1913 by the racist secret society known as B'nai B'rith. This organization, which exists today excludes people based on their ethnic background and religion. It is exclusively restricted to powerful Jews who believe in racial superiority.

The ADL has spearheaded efforts at censorship against all people who wish to express themselves in a way that by ADL is seen as anti-Zionist or anti-Semitic. The Director of the ADL Richard Gutstadt wrote to all periodicals he could find to censor the book, The Conquest of A Continent. Mr Gutstadt brazenly writes, We are interested in stifling the sale of this book. The ADL was also instrumental in terrorizing St. Martin's Press into canceling their contract last year with David Irving. The ADL recently hailed the arrest and imprisonment of a German man who questioned the Holocaust. They also hailed the imprisonment of Gerhard Lauck, an American who was kidnapped by German authorities in Denmark and brought to Germany to serve a prison sentence for sending 'racist' material to Germany from his American home.

The ADL trys to cover its anti-free speech activities by giving out a Free Speech Torch of Liberty award occasionally. The most prominent recipient is flesh peddler and woman denigrator Hugh Hefner http://abbc.com/adl/#Hefner . Obscene pornographer Larry Flynt http://abbc.com/adl/#Flynt  is another supporter who has contributed 100,000's of dollars to the ADL.

ADL's Criminal and Spying Operations

In 1993 the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of the ADL were raided for evidence of criminal wrongdoing in many spheres. The raids turned up evidence of the ADL's compliance in the theft of confidential police files stolen from California police departments. The ADL had been paying Roy Bullock http://abbc.com/adl/#Bullock  a salary for decades to spy on people and steal police files. He stole files from SFPD through corrupt cop Tom Gerard http://abbc.com/adl/#Gerard . His illicit contact in San Diego was white racist sheriff Tim Carroll http://abbc.com/adl/#Carroll .

The ADL has been linked closely to organized crime, especially Las Vegas mafia boss Meyer Lansky. Theodore Silbert http://abbc.com/adl/#Silbert  worked simultaneously for the ADL and the Sterling National Bank (a mafia operation controlled by the Lansky syndicate). As a matter of fact the granddaughter of the mafia boss, Lansky, herself is the ADL's liason to law enforcement, Mira Lansky Boland. http://abbc.com/adl/#Boland  (What a convient arrangement! She used ADL money to treat Tim Carroll and Tom Gerard to an all-expense paid luxury vacation in Israel.)

Another Las Vegas gangster, Moe Dalitz http://abbc.com/adl/#Dalitz  was honored by the ADL in 1985. Another among the shady contributors to the ADL's supremacist activities is the Milken Family Fund http://abbc.com/adl/#Milken , of junk bond fame. The ADL uses its well-oiled propaganda machine to protect their friends in the mafia and pornography industry by shrieking Anti-Semitism! at the slightest movement of the law against these perverse interests.

ADL's Ethnic Intimidation

The ADL has mastered the art of intimidation and blackmailing unlike any of the powerful mafias they are associated with. The ADL has influential contacts in media and politics that can ruin a person or business if they don't follow ADL's agenda. 

 Already mentioned are instances of bad cops falling under the allure of the ADL, ones such as Tom Gerard http://abbc.com/adl/#Gerard 
and Tim Carroll http://abbc.com/adl/#Carroll . Yet now good cops and even freshmen cops are being conditioned for the type of anti-free speech, anti-cultural diversity, police state that the ADL would like for our country.

Throughout the nation the ADL is threatening police departments with all kinds of retribution if they don't initiate state-funded lectures and seminars for law enforcement given by ADL spokesmen. The ADL rakes in large sums of money for these sessions, boosting their already 

[CTRL] Singh: Pakistan is an ally to the US. Good luck to the US

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Indian FM sees no need for US envoy

KATHMANDU, Jan 5: India feels there is no need for the United
States to send a special envoy to South Asia to defuse tension
between New Delhi and Islamabad, Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh
said on Saturday.

I don't see the need for a special envoy. I am not aware of any
such move. It has not been discussed at my level, Singh told
reporters on the sidelines of a South Asian summit in Kathmandu.

US Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Friday that Washington
might soon send a peace envoy to mediate in the India-Pakistan
crisis which had created a very dangerous situation. Singh also
said that Indian forces would remain on alert after Pakistan on
Friday alleged that India was continuing a build-up at the
countries' common border.

Pakistan is an ally to the US. Good luck to the US, Singh

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[CTRL] is omar in custody or ISN'T HE?!?

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Omar escapes amid surrender parleys

KABUL, Jan 5: Taliban leader Mulla Mohammad Omar gave US-led forces
the slip once more on Saturday, Afghan intelligence said, roaring
off on a motorbike just before the force protecting him agreed to
lay down its arms.

The reported escape is another blow for the US coalition, which
thought it was close to capturing the Taliban leader and admits it
has already lost track of its other key target: Osama bin Laden.

The team we had sent to Helmund province to hold talks with
pro-Taliban commanders reported to us that Mulla Omar has escaped
from Baghran and the whole province of Helmund, intelligence
official Nasratullah Nasrat told AFP.

A senior defence ministry source told AFP that the Afghan forces
had not been able to completely encircle the Taliban forces,
allowing Mulla Omar to repeat the disappearing act that allowed him
to abandon his Kandahar headquarters last month without running
into US-backed troops.

Mulla Omar was never surrounded. He was never captured. Now no-one
knows where he is, the defence official told AFP, adding that
Mulla Omar was believed to have fled on a motorbike with four
supporters. But another intelligence official, who asked not to be
named, said that while Mulla Omar had indeed left the province the
Afghan authorities had not lost track of him completely.

We know where Mulla Omar is. But... we cannot disclose it for the
time being, he said. We are sure that he cannot escape and we
will definitely capture him.

The commander of the US campaign, Gen Tommy Franks, had said
earlier that the US intelligence believed Mulla Omar and his
remaining fighters were near Baghran and Deh Rahwood in mountainous
south central Afghanistan.

Asked on Friday where Osama bin Laden was, Franks said: We don't

Mulla Omar had been harboured in Baghran by Taliban commander Abdul
Ahad, better known as Rais-i-Baghran - or chief of Baghran.

Afghan officials said Baghran's force of between 1,000 and 1,500
fighters had put down their guns and surrendered, qualifying them
for an amnesty extended by Karzai for low-ranking former Taliban.

The Washington Post reported that Pakistan had agreed to hand over
Abdul Salam Zaeef, the Taliban's former ambassador to Islamabad, to
US forces. Pakistani officials would not confirm this, but said
Mulla Zaeef had returned to Afghanistan.

The Post also reported a high-ranking Al-Qaeda training officer had
also been captured by Pakistani forces and was already in US hands:
Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, a Libyan said to be the most senior Al-Qaeda
official in US hands.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] fear not for I have seen .... TONY

2002-01-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

It has to make you sick - this twerp jetting about all over
the far east with an inane grin pronouncing himself the
ambassador for the new world order.
Britain, he says, is not a superpower or empire anymore ..
no shit, BUT we have fearlessly taken the international stage
to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all non-terrorists.

Meanwhile, as he speaks, Osama's henchman Omar is doing a re-enactment of
steve mcQueens motorcycle ride in the Great Escape on the north west
frontier - and back in england in some of the coldest temperatures on
record, violent crime rate, drugs problems far worse than anywhere, poverty,
hospital treatment waiting lists, prices, taxes etc etc are soaring.
However, the old cooler king himself mr Blair is trying to buy himself time
in england as the new labour party threatens war over the euro.
Blairs jet plane junkets are the equivalent of sublimation as the problems
back in the UK are just too much for him to handle.
Gulag Britannia awaits the new and zealous restraints of health taxes and
war taxes and freedom taxes to kick in.
In the UK more and more mothers are refusing to give their children the
MMR - maybe it was something Tony didn't say about the immunisation shots
for his own kid ?

The most monstrous delusion I have heard is that Tony believes that 911 gave
him a new role to play in this world ...
who planned to give him a new role in this world ???
well someone has - must've happened at the Bilderburger meeting. in 1979

I did say that he looks so much more dashing than dubya - what more could a
world president want - ? intelligence, youth, implants, and his theme song
'things can only get better'.

Yep its a real shame that no majority voted this strutting emperor
into power - take it or leave it - its the very last delusion of democracy
you will see before the new social re-education
policies stitch you up.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Full text of the Saarc Declaration

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Full text of the Saarc Declaration

PTI [ SUNDAY, JANUARY 06, 2002  10:17:49 PM ]

KATHMANDU: Following is the text of the declaration issued at the
end of the 11th Saarc summit in the Nepalese capital.

The Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, her
excellency Begum Khaleda Zia; the Prime Minister of the Royal
Government of Bhutan, his excellency Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk; the
Prime Minister of the Republic of India, his excellency Mr Atal
Bihari Vajpayee; the President of the Republic of Maldives, his
excellency Mr Maumoon Abdul Gayoom; the Prime Minister of the
Kingdom of Nepal, right honourable Mr Sher Bahadur Deuba; the
President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, his excellency
General Pervez Musharraf; and the President of the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, her excellency Mrs Chandrika
Bandaranaike Kumaratunga met at the eleventh summit meeting of the
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) in
Kathmandu, Nepal from January 4 to 6, 2002.

Regional cooperation

1. The heads of state or government reaffirmed their commitment to
regional cooperation through Saarc and underscored the importance
of annual summit meetings in charting common strategies for the
realisation of the objectives and principles set out in the charter
of the association. Meeting for the first time at the dawn of the
new millennium, they solemnly renewed their pledge to strengthen
the association and make it more cohesive, result oriented, and
forward looking, by adopting clearly defined programmes and
effective implementation strategies in line with popular
expectations. To give effect to the shared aspirations for a more
prosperous South Asia, the leaders agreed to the vision of a phased
and planned process eventually leading to a South Asian economic

2. The heads of state or government stressed that equitable sharing
of the benefits of regional cooperation is essential to achieve and
maintain a minimum acceptable level of economic and social
development in each member state. To this end, they expressed their
commitment to a speedier process of harmonising the policies and
practices and imbibing regional goals and strategies in their
national development programmes.

3. The heads of state or government expressed their firm
determination to fully benefit from the wealth of traditional
wisdom, creativity and enterprise in the region. They also pledged
to enhance transparency and accountability in governance and to
encourage effective participation of the peoples and civil
societies in the formulation as well as implementation of the
programmes of cooperation.

4. Reiterating their resolve to promote the regional identity and
to strengthen cooperation at the international level, the heads of
state or government also emphasised the need to evolve common
positions on issues of shared interests at the international fora.

Cooperation in the economic sector

5. The heads of state or government agreed to accelerate
cooperation in the core areas of trade, finance and investment to
realise the goal of an integrated South Asian economy in a
step-by-step manner. They expressed their determination to make the
full use of regional synergy to maximise the benefits of
globalisation and liberalisation and to minimise their negative
impacts on the region. While recognising that trade and economic
expansion is closely inter-linked, the leaders made a commitment to
widen and deepen the scope of regional networks of activities in
trade and financial matters.

6. The heads of state or government noted with satisfaction the
outcomes of the successive meetings of the Saarc commerce ministers
aimed at enlarging the scope of cooperation in the core areas. They
recognised the importance of achieving a free trade area and
reaffirmed that the treaty regime for creating a free trade area
must incorporate, inter alia, binding timeframes for freeing trade,
measures to facilitate trade and provisions to ensure an equitable
distribution of benefits of trade to all states, especially for
small and least developed countries, including mechanisms for
compensation of revenue loss.

7. Recognising the need to move quickly towards a South Asian Free
Trade Area, the heads of state or government directed the council
of ministers to finalise the text of the draft treaty framework by
the end of 2002. They also directed that in moving towards the goal
of Safta, the member states expedite action to remove tariff and
non-tariff barriers and structural impediments to free trade. They
also instructed to conclude the meeting of the inter governmental
group on trade liberalisation for the fourth round of trade
negotiations under Sapta as early as possible as per the decision
of the tenth Saarc summit in Colombo.

8. The heads of state or government renewed their commitment to
encourage the participation of the private sector and assured their

[CTRL] fwd: the real ADL

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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a culturally and historically out of touch, stone cold antisemite on this
list just published gibberish about the ADL - an org I find square,
conservative, old fashioned, but sincere - altho way too conservative for
me - my position on Israel-Arab relations has always been a Peace Now
position - rather to the left of the ADL - to the extent that they support
Israel's right wing, rather than its left, I do not support them - but
that's a whole other thing - there is a range of opinion on that within the
ADL itself.  I see the ADL as my parents generation, having grown up with
it - too conservative, etc - but the gibbersih I just saw published here is
just so out of touch with reality that it deserves an answer -

the ADL was founded in 1913, by some of the same people who financed WEB
DuBois and A Philip Randolph in their founding of the NAACP a few years
earlier - this was a time when active support of Black freedom in America
was very, very dangerous - ADL financing was instrumental in effecting this
country's seminal antisegregationist legal decision - Brown v Bd of Ed, and
ADL money, and sons and daughters, were an important element of the civil
rights movement.

this culturally out of touch twit thinks it's a bad sign that the ADL honors
Hefner and Flynt - during the 60's, it was Hefner who pumped milllions into
the SDS and underground college radio stations, financing the antiwar
effort - Hefner also made a home for great, bitterly and brilliantly
antiracist artists like Lenny Bruce and whole encyclopedia of Black artistic
geniuses, funded the civil rights movement early on, when it was dangerous
to do so, and is a 1976 founder of NORML, this country's seminal anti-drug
war organization - he was on its first board of directors.

Flynt is directly responsible for funding numerous anti-cia underground
journalists and was often their only outlet - and he risked his life to do
so.  Flynt was shot, almost to death, just after he offered a 1 million
dollar reward for evidence leading to JFK's killers. Try google larry flynt
cia, or larry flynt danny casolaro

And you can take that uptight medieval attitude about sexualtiy and shove it
up your square out of touch ass.  I love a really free press.

The ADL has been a bitter and effective legal enemy of racial profiling by
law enforcement, and as such has always worked closely with great American
Black groups - you know, the ones that aren't antisemitic racists.


Chicago's fourth annual African American-Jewish Seder hosted guest-of-honor
Sherialyn Byrdsong, widow of Ricky Byrdsong, a victim of the shooting
rampage by racist gunman Benjamin Smith, who killed two people and wounded
eight others in July 1999. She led the nearly 600 participants in reading
the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,
the Jewish philosopher and theologian who marched with Dr. King in Selma,
Alabama, in 1965.

In Boston, ADL's African American-Jewish and Catholic-Jewish Seders were
attended by more than 1,500 people. At the African American-Jewish Seder,
the second annual Eyes on the Prize award was presented to the late New
England Regional Director Leonard Zakim's widow, Joyce. The award recognizes
her husband's achievements, including the vital role he played in organizing
the first African American-Jewish Seder nearly 20 years ago and making it a
continuing Boston tradition.

In New Jersey, the Statewide Solidarity Seder was conducted in the wake of
1999 bias attacks on the First Baptist Church and desecration of Jewish
cemeteries, as well as the controversy over racial profiling by the State
Police. Numerous Protestant and Catholic religious leaders attended the
Seder, which was preceded by a commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


New York, NY, November 13, 1996...The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its
partner in the ADL/National Urban League Rebuild the Churches Fund
presented a check for $225,000 to Black Baptist ministers to help restore
burned houses of worship in the South. ADL paid tribute to others who
rallied in support of the churches, including a Colorado newspaper which
mobilized the Denver community to raise money for the victims, and a music
company donating profits from a gospel CD to the Fund. As part of an entire
afternoon dedicated to strengthening race relations, Hugh Price, head of the
National Urban League, told the ADL leaders at the 83rd Annual National

[CTRL] A Call to Freedom

2002-01-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775.

No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities,
of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different
men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it
will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do
opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my
sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The
questing before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own
part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery;
and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of
the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and
fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should
I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I
should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act
of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly

Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We
are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of
that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men,
engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of
the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not,
the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part,
whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth;
to know the worst, and to provide for it.

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of
experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And
judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the
British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which
gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House. Is it that
insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it
not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be
betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our
petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and
darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and
reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that
force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves,
sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to
which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if
its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other
possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the
world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she
has none. They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are
sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry
have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try
argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we
anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up
in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we
resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which
have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive
ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm
which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have
supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have
implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and
Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced
additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and
we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain,
after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation.
There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free-- if we mean to
preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so
long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which
we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to
abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must
fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of
hosts is all that is left us!

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an
adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the

Re: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen .... TONY

2002-01-06 Thread Mermaid

-Caveat Lector-

Bravo~This Mr Blaah is selling this  country down the river! In two
years time he will probably resign and he and his loathesome thin lipped
wife will take there places in the European Parliament as high paid advisors
and ambassadors to some ruddy cause.
They are all part of the same New World Order,I never did believe that John
Smith died of a heart attack per se I am sure he was removed so the twit
Blaah could take over a puppet for the big boys like Monsanto etc.,

The Mermaid xx
- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 4:38 AM
Subject: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen  TONY

 -Caveat Lector-

 It has to make you sick - this twerp jetting about all over
 the far east with an inane grin pronouncing himself the
 ambassador for the new world order.
 Britain, he says, is not a superpower or empire anymore ..
 no shit, BUT we have fearlessly taken the international stage
 to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all non-terrorists.

 Meanwhile, as he speaks, Osama's henchman Omar is doing a re-enactment of
 steve mcQueens motorcycle ride in the Great Escape on the north west
 frontier - and back in england in some of the coldest temperatures on
 record, violent crime rate, drugs problems far worse than anywhere,
 hospital treatment waiting lists, prices, taxes etc etc are soaring.
 However, the old cooler king himself mr Blair is trying to buy himself
 in england as the new labour party threatens war over the euro.
 Blairs jet plane junkets are the equivalent of sublimation as the problems
 back in the UK are just too much for him to handle.
 Gulag Britannia awaits the new and zealous restraints of health taxes and
 war taxes and freedom taxes to kick in.
 In the UK more and more mothers are refusing to give their children the
 MMR - maybe it was something Tony didn't say about the immunisation shots
 for his own kid ?

 The most monstrous delusion I have heard is that Tony believes that 911
 him a new role to play in this world ...
 who planned to give him a new role in this world ???
 well someone has - must've happened at the Bilderburger meeting. in 1979

 I did say that he looks so much more dashing than dubya - what more could
 world president want - ? intelligence, youth, implants, and his theme song
 'things can only get better'.

 Yep its a real shame that no majority voted this strutting emperor
 into power - take it or leave it - its the very last delusion of democracy
 you will see before the new social re-education
 policies stitch you up.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


[CTRL] Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Bcc: some colleagues

Dear friends,

When I was about six or seven, I got into trouble with the
neighbors because I told their kids there wasn't any Santa
Claus.  Nobody had told me, I simply figured out that there
were too many chimneys, and too little time, for Santa to
visit everyone... not to mention that no sleigh could hold
that many presents.

I mention this because Santa serves as a paradigm for
believing in the absurd.  Why do people believe things that
make no sense, just because everyone else seems to believe?
In some sense, all my writing is simply a continuation of
what I was doing at six or seven... pointing out to people
that much of what they accept as true is not only false, but
absurd.  The matrix is a shallow sham.

My next youthful encounter with beliefs happened at about
15, when I started thinking about Christianity.  I didn't
conclude that Christianity was a lie, not then, but I did
conclude that there was no way I could tell whether or not
it had any validity.  My reasoning went like this... suppose
I had been born in India, to a Hindu family.  I would have
grown up believing in those myths, and those values, and not
have known I wouldn't be 'saved' when the 'Judgement Day'
came.  How would I have known that I was learning
falsehoods, that my 'soul' was in danger?  That then led to
the question: how did I know ~I~ wasn't learning falsehoods
in Christianity?  I then realized there wasn't any way to
know... kids simply believe what they're told, that's the
long and the short of it.  And kids are told what their
parents were told when they were kids.

Now consider what people call 'conspiracy theories'.
Liberals have a knee-jerk way of dismissing certain ideas,
or evidence... That sounds like a conspiracy theory.  With
that, they consider the matter settled, the ideas or
evidence obviously refuted.  I've tried on more than one
occasion to delve into this kind of non-reasoning.  One
fellow articulated it rather well: If such and such were
true, then it would eventually come out, we'd hear about
it.  I think what he meant was that we'd hear about it in
the mainstream media.  The same kind of non-reasoning which
a kid might use: I don't care what the evidence is, if
there were no Santa my mommy would tell me.

I call such thinking 'non-reasoning', not because there
isn't a logic to it, but because at the core we're talking
about faith rather than reason.  A child was once asked by
his pastor, What is faith?.  His answer: Believing what
you know isn't true.  The pastor chuckled at the innocence,
but the kid had hit the nail on the head.  Just like the kid
who pointed out that the Emperor had no clothes.

Liberals have a faith that the system is fundamentally
legitimate.  There may be corrupt officials, and
irresponsible corporations, and misleading media, but these
are anomalies.  With a bit more reform, intelligent voting,
public education, etc., such rough edges can be rounded off
and everything will be OK.  They have a hard time getting
their head around the idea that the whole system was
designed in the first place as a deception - to enable rule
by wealthy elites - and that the 'anomalies' reflect
precisely how the system is ~intended~ to function.

Consider this thing people call 'democracy'.  Anyone with
half a brain can see that it doesn't actually work.  That
is, it does not achieve it's main purpose: to run the
country the way people want it run.  Most people, survey
after survey shows, want things like nuclear disarmament,
peace, full employment, a sound environment, etc.
Government policies, quite obviously, are aimed in entirely
the other direction. So why do most people continue to
believe that they live in a democracy?  It boggles the mind.
I could explain, and I have, why a system based on parties
and elections could never be democratic, but there's little
point. Such explanations mean little to someone who is
governed by faith.  Until someone is ready to question, they
don't have much capacity to look at answers.

And then there's capitalism, today's dominant religion.
Never has there been a clearer example of the emperor's new
clothes.  The first thing to look at, as with all issues, is
the results - the empirical facts.  Today, when capitalism
is more dominant than ever before, we see all around the
world declining standards of living, unstable economies, a
wrecked environment, poverty, famine, genocide, disease,
eroding civil liberties, and the destabilization of already
pitiful democratic institutions.  Capitalism is a dark cloud
whose few silver linings are rapidly disappearing.  And yet,
how many people are ready to question capitalism as a
system?  What is it that maintains this blind faith?

Certainly it isn't the theory of capitalism.  The theory is
even more absurd 

[CTRL] Israel condemned by 114 countries

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Israel condemned by 114 countries

By Fiona Fleck in Geneva
Telegraph UK 06/12/2001

MORE than 100 signatories of the Geneva Convention
gathered in Switzerland yesterday to reprimand Israel
for indiscriminate and disproportionate violence
against Palestinian civilians in the occupied

The 114 states - including Britain and the rest of the
European Union - issued a joint declaration urging
Israel to abide by international laws enshrined in the
1949 accord seeking to protect civilians in wartime or
under military occupation.

It was the first such declaration by signatory states
since the Convention was signed in 1949, as a similar
session was adjourned after 17 minutes in July 1999.
Israel and its close allies, the United States and
Australia - which are also signatories of the
Convention - boycotted the session.

The declaration expressed deep concern about a
deterioration of the humanitarian situation in
Palestinian areas, condemned Jewish settlements there
as illegal and urged Israel to refrain from grave
breaches such as unlawful deportation, wilful
killing and tor- ture.

Yaakov Levy, the Israeli ambassador to the United
Nations in Geneva, criticised the declaration as

He said it contained unsubstantiated allegations and
should have condemned acts of terrorism against


GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/

 ***P A N E L D I S C U S S I O N***
 Wednesday, Jan 9 - 8.30 PM
 Tzavta, Ibn Gvirol 30

 = === === === = == = === === === =
 War Crimes and Security
 = === === === === =

 DR. EYAL GROSS - Law Faculty TAU
 PROF. ADI OPHIR - Philosophy Dept. TAU
 DR.YIGAL SHOHAT - Air Force Colonel (Ret.)
 DOV TAMARI - Brigadier-General (Ret.)
 [not yet final] - Palestinian representative

 Moderator - HAIM HANEGBI

Demolition of homes, detention without trial,
deportations, torture, the liquidation of those
deemed to be terrorists, shooting a wounded enemy
so as to confirm his death - these and other
practices are defined as war crimes by the Geneva
Convention. War crimes are, of course, strictly
forbidden by International Law and also by Israeli law
and the standing orders of the IDF Supreme Command.

May Israeli soldiers, following the orders of the
superiors, end up as defendants in an International
Court - as members of some armed forces and
militias already are? Are such acts, when perpetrated
by the Israeli army, conductive to the security of
Israel or, on the contrary, severely damaging to the
country's interests?

Following the panel discussion, the floor will be
opened to the audience.

Entrance fee - 15 Shekel (10 Shekel to


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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen .... TONY

2002-01-06 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

and what,dear mermaid, makes you think john smith was any better than blair?

and i wouldn't listen to andrew- disinformation at it's crappiest- coldest
temperatures on record? LOL!
mothers refusing mmr because blair won't comment? oh dear- there are *no*
figures been done yet to suggest or refute it- all going on in andrew's poor
ficticious world... and what else have we- oh yeah- blair's government not
getting voted in by a majority! shocking behaviour- a first for the UK?
shyeahright- like it is any different from the majority of elected
governments in the UK or any number of 'democracies'!
cmon andy baby, tell us again about MI5 transexual homosexuals plotting
against the population- it was a more viable theory than this pissant

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen  TONY

 -Caveat Lector-

 Bravo~This Mr Blaah is selling this  country down the river! In
 years time he will probably resign and he and his loathesome thin lipped
 wife will take there places in the European Parliament as high paid
 and ambassadors to some ruddy cause.
 They are all part of the same New World Order,I never did believe that
 Smith died of a heart attack per se I am sure he was removed so the twit
 Blaah could take over a puppet for the big boys like Monsanto etc.,

 The Mermaid xx
 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 4:38 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen  TONY

  -Caveat Lector-
  It has to make you sick - this twerp jetting about all over
  the far east with an inane grin pronouncing himself the
  ambassador for the new world order.
  Britain, he says, is not a superpower or empire anymore ..
  no shit, BUT we have fearlessly taken the international stage
  to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all non-terrorists.
  Meanwhile, as he speaks, Osama's henchman Omar is doing a re-enactment
  steve mcQueens motorcycle ride in the Great Escape on the north west
  frontier - and back in england in some of the coldest temperatures on
  record, violent crime rate, drugs problems far worse than anywhere,
  hospital treatment waiting lists, prices, taxes etc etc are soaring.
  However, the old cooler king himself mr Blair is trying to buy himself
  in england as the new labour party threatens war over the euro.
  Blairs jet plane junkets are the equivalent of sublimation as the
  back in the UK are just too much for him to handle.
  Gulag Britannia awaits the new and zealous restraints of health taxes
  war taxes and freedom taxes to kick in.
  In the UK more and more mothers are refusing to give their children the
  MMR - maybe it was something Tony didn't say about the immunisation
  for his own kid ?
  The most monstrous delusion I have heard is that Tony believes that 911
  him a new role to play in this world ...
  who planned to give him a new role in this world ???
  well someone has - must've happened at the Bilderburger meeting. in 1979
  I did say that he looks so much more dashing than dubya - what more
  world president want - ? intelligence, youth, implants, and his theme
  'things can only get better'.
  Yep its a real shame that no majority voted this strutting emperor
  into power - take it or leave it - its the very last delusion of
  you will see before the new social re-education
  policies stitch you up.
  A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
  sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
  directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
  major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
  That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
  always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
  credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
  Archives Available at:
   A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of
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  To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
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[CTRL] more on insider trading

2002-01-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 06 Jan 2002 11:20:20 -0500
From:   preston peet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] more on insider trading

also from http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/paranotes1.htm

Suspicious Stock Trading

. A subplot to the national tragedy of 9/11 emerged just days later when
financial analyst Phil Erlanger noticed highly suspicious trading activity
in airline and hotel stocks in the days and weeks leading up to the attack.
As Erlanger notes on his website (www.erlangersqueezeplay.com), dramatic
spikes in short selling (so-called put options) occurred in stocks of both
American and United Airlines. Puts are bets that a particular stock or
security is going to fall in value. The stocks of major hotel chains,
including Marriott, also showed similar trading activity. An insurance firm,
Marsh  McLennan, with offices at the top of the World Trade Center, showed
a sharp increase in the buying of put options. Erlanger explains that these
levels of trading have not been seen in years, and that this activity
indicates foreknowledge of the attacks. Erlanger asks, Was this direct
manipulation by terrorist organizations looking to reap a quick windfall
from their criminal acts? Put trading prior to assassination is an old
trick. A similar sharp rise in put trading occurred on November 21, 1963,
the day before John F. Kennedy was assassinated. According to Lincoln
Lawrence in Were We Controlled?, a record short-selling spree swamped the
New York Stock Exchange on this date, prompting a massive short-sell.
Someone reaped $500 million 1963 dollars, the equivalent of $2 billion
dollars today, when the market crashed on news of the assassination. (See
PARANOIA Issue 9, The Dan Rather Connection)

--- End of forwarded message ---

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Eastland Scientific Enterprises Corporation

2002-01-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 06 Jan 2002 12:17:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject:Re: [Elfrad-Group] Eastland Scientific Enterprises Corporation 
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

Eastland Scientific Enterprises Corporation website
(typo  all)



ESEC's newest papers. They can be viewed on-line or downloaded

ESEC has recently completed a contract with the European Space Agency to
review the weather modification potential of the HAARP facility in Alaska and
to perform numerical simulations of tornado suppression with high power
electromagnetic radiation produced with Solar Power Satellites. Two papers,
available below, have been published. They are:

ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION, published in Proceedings of Workshop on Space
Exploration and Resources Exploitation-EXPLOSPACE, 20-22 October, 1998,
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
SATELLITE CONCEPT, Published in the Proceedings of The Second Conference on
the Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS for Disaster Management, January
19-21, 1999.

 Some of the highlights contained in these reports are:
 MISSILE SHIELD ANTENNA (terrawatt phased array antenna)

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history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Cattle mutilations back

2002-01-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday, January 3, 2002

Cattle mutilations back

Ranchers, lawmen baffled by crime wave

By KATIE OYAN Tribune Staff Writer

CONRAD -- This is the kind of déja vu Everett King could do without.

About 15 years ago, he discovered the grisly remains of one of his cattle that
had died mysteriously.

In October, it happened again.

King said it looked as though a surgeon had sliced into his 7-year-old
Charolais, the way its right eye and ear were cut off -- not to mention the way
its reproductive organs had been cored.

What King finds most unusual, however, is that two months later the carcass
lies right where he found it, untouched.

Predators won't eat it, said King, who ranches outside Valier, south of Lake
Frances. It should have been cleaned up and gone a long time ago.

Ranchers reported four mutilations between June and August. Since then,
there have been 11 more, and investigators are still searching for answers.

The same bizarre circumstances haunted area ranchers and baffled law
enforcement 20 years ago, sparking rumors about UFOs, cults and
government conspiracies.

The mutilations went away in the '90s but began again this summer.

The most recent victim -- a 12-year-old Hereford -- turned up earlier this
month on a ranch northwest of Conrad.

They skinned off the belly from her front legs to her back legs all the way
around, Pondera County Sheriff's Deputy Dan Campbell said. The
complete bag was removed.

The last few mutilations occurred within three miles of each other in the Dry
Forks area, about 10 or 15 miles west of Conrad.

In October, members of the New Miami Colony, 18 miles west of Conrad,
discovered two mutilated cows at the same time, about 30 yards apart.

The scenes were remarkably similar to mutilations ranchers reported here
more than a decade ago, Campbell said.

Most of the cows had the skin scraped off their faces. Often, the tongue, one
eye and all or part of an ear had been removed. Part of the udder usually was
cut off, as well as the genitals. And in most cases, the anus had been cored.

A majority of the cows were 4 or 5; one was missing its teeth.

In the late '70s, a high volume of alleged mutilations in southwestern states
prompted a federally funded investigation. The resulting 300-page report
concluded that animal predators were responsible.

Although some dismiss the Pondera County deaths as a hoax or chalk them
up to natural causes and predators, Campbell and fellow investigator
Sheriff's Deputy Dick Dailey say they aren't convinced.

Cuts on the cows are often circular or oval and -- as with Everett King's
Charolais -- seem to be made with surgical precision.

The animals seem to bloat faster than normal, and their missing hide doesn't
reflect the work of predators, Campbell said.

I've never seen an animal eat just the face off a cow when there's lots of
other stuff to go after, he said.

One mutilated cow looked like it had been burned. Another seemed to have
bruises around its neck as though it had been strangled. One had a long cut
with a perfectly ridged edge, as though the hide had been sliced with a tool
similar to pinking shears.

Also strange is that in most cases, no tracks or footprints were detected
around the animals' bodies, even in mud or snow.

A misconception is that the cows have been drained of blood. Natural
coagulation only makes it look like the creatures' fluids have been drained,
Dailey said.

Dailey, who lives in Dupuyer, spent several nights this fall camped out in dark
fields, trying to catch the culprit in the act. He has reviewed all the facts and
checked out dozens of Web sites looking for answers.

Still, nothing.

I've read everything I can read on it, and I really don't know what in the heck it
is, he said.

Ranchers aren't sure what to think, either.

In September, Jim VandenBos discovered the body of one of his $850 2-
year-old Angus lying dead in his pasture.

The right side of its face was skinned, and the exposed jawbone was so
smooth it looked like it had been polished, VandenBos said.

Its tongue was cut off along with its right ear, eye and reproductive organs. A
tennis-ball-sized patch of skin on its shoulder was hard like plastic.

Again, coyotes -- even other cattle -- steered clear.

VandenBos has been ranching southwest of Valier for more than 30 years
and remembers the last wave of mutilations well.

It's kind of a spooky thing, he said. I haven't worried about it too much
because it's something I can't control - but I'd like to find an explanation.

Toward the end of October, a neighbor found the 750-pound steer that died
in Glen and Ruby Bouma's dry creek bed, three miles west of Conrad.

There was a little trail of grass pushed up like it was shoved up underneath
it, Ruby Bouma said.

The hide was missing from the calf's stomach and its reproductive organs
were gone, but there were no tracks, no bullet holes and no claw marks.

The calf, No. 55, was almost a year old and was worth about $600. 

[CTRL] chomsky a terrorist?

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Meanwhile, the list of 'terrorists' is expanding to include
hackers (who could get life imprisonment without parole under the
Justice Department's proposed Anti-Terrorism Act) and even MIT
professor and political analyst Noam Chomsky. Chomsky-along with
several left-wing and anarchist groups-was named as a suggested
target in the War on Terrorism in a September 18 press release by
the Jewish lobbying organization Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen .... TONY

2002-01-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

but here's another scary thought - apart from the convenient death of what
would have been one of the most popular prime ministers for old labour since
the ww2 [john smith]
is that who will take on the mantle of emperor tony ?
Charles Kennedy Liberal :) ?
Ian Duncan Smith - neo nazi/tory ?
it always struck me as extremely strange that william hague
had problems with racist quotes before a major election -
who in their right mind commits electoral suicide like that ?
Hague could have had blair roasted on a spit over the health
service - but he never did - the americans had their florida -
we had william hague and his 'advisers'
that only left tony - and very few voted for him at all -
its getting almost like ian duncan smith sounds more coherent and positive
than tony - and thats a very scary thought -

maybe if ian duncan smith promises liebensraum in hospital beds
elsewhere and a new peoples car that is affordable, embarks
on reconstructing the motorways - and 'deals' with the 'terrorists' by
gathering them together into clusters at camps - BBC no longer use the word
concentration camps - they have opted for 'clusters' 

the euthanasia/exit service, er I mean the health service is almost dead -
and did you know that doctors everywhere in the uk are paid 200 pounds
sterling nearly 300 dollars for every kid they vaccinate with MMR - talk
about incentives ?
Blairs new labour is fraud - it has nothing to do with the word
labour or the ideals for which the labour party stood.

alas - unless a half wit stands for election using all the intelligence at
their disposal - gulag britannia is going to go down the tubes !!!


 -Caveat Lector-

 Bravo~This Mr Blaah is selling this  country down the river! In
 years time he will probably resign and he and his loathesome thin lipped
 wife will take there places in the European Parliament as high paid
 and ambassadors to some ruddy cause.
 They are all part of the same New World Order,I never did believe that
 Smith died of a heart attack per se I am sure he was removed so the twit
 Blaah could take over a puppet for the big boys like Monsanto etc.,

 The Mermaid xx

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [AS] JFK, Executive Order 11110 US Notes

2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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President Kennedy, the Federal Reserve and Executive Order 0

by Cedric X.

(From The Final Call, Vol15, No.6, on January 17, 1996 (USA)) 


On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal 
Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at 
interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive 
Order No. 0 that returned to the U.S. government the power to 
issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. 
Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power to issue silver 
certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver 
dollars in the Treasury. This meant that for every ounce of silver 
in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new 
money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion 
in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are 

With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the 
Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these 
silver certificats were to come into circulation they would have 
eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the 
silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve 
notes are not backed by anything. Executive Order 0 could have 
prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because 
it would have given the gevernment the ability to repay its debt 
without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in 
order to create the new money. Executive Order 0 gave the U.S. 
the ability to create its own money backed by silver.

After Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just five months later, no more 
silver certificates were issued. The Final Call has learned that the 
Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President through an 
Executive Order and is still valid. Why then has no president 
utilized it? Virtually all of the nearly $6 trillion in debt has been 
created since 1963, and if a U.S. president had utilized Executive 
Order 0 the debt would be nowhere near the current level. Perhaps 
the assassination of JFK was a warning to future presidents who would 
think to eliminate the U.S. debt by eliminating the Federal Reserve's 
control over the creation of money. Mr. Kennedy challenged the 
government of money by challenging the two most successful vehicles 
that have ever been used to drive up debt - war and the creation of 
money by a privately-owned central bank. His efforts to have all 
troops out of Vietnam by 1965 and Executive Order 0 would have 
severely cut into the profits and control of the New York banking 
establishment. As America's debt reaches unbearable levels and a 
conflict emerges in Bosnia that will further increase America's debt, 
one is force to ask, will President Clinton have the courage to 
consider utilizing Executive Order 0 and, ifso, is he willing to 
pay the ultimate price for doing so?

Executive Order 11,110

By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of 
the United States Code, it is ordered as follows:

Section 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as 
amended, is hereby further amended- 

By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following 
subparagraph (j):

(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 
43 of the Act of May 12,1933, as amended (31 U.S.C.821(b)), to issue 
silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard 
silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any 
outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denomination of 
such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and 
subsidiary silver currency for their redemption

and -- 

Byrevoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof. 
Sec. 2. The amendments made by this Order shall not affect any act 
done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had 
or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this 
Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as 
if said amendments had not been made.

John F. Kennedy
The White House,
June 4, 1963.

Of course, the fact that both JFK and Lincoln met the the same end is 
a mere coincidence.

Abraham Lincoln's Monetary Policy, 1865
(Page 91 of Senate document 23.) 
Money is the creature of law and the creation of the original issue 
of money should be maintained as the exclusive monopoly of national 

Money possesses no value to the State other than that given to it by 

Capital has 

Re: [CTRL] Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

2002-01-06 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

um - there are as many conspiracy seekers on the left and right side of the
and many who have stepped off that 1 dimension right left dichotomy

here's to up-wingers everywhere
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 15:14:53 -0800
 Subject: [CTRL] Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

 Note: forwarded message attached.

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 From: Richard K. Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, January 6, 2002 6:19 AM
 Subject: Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?

 Bcc: some colleagues

 Dear friends,

 When I was about six or seven, I got into trouble with the
 neighbors because I told their kids there wasn't any Santa
 Claus.  Nobody had told me, I simply figured out that there
 were too many chimneys, and too little time, for Santa to
 visit everyone... not to mention that no sleigh could hold
 that many presents.

 I mention this because Santa serves as a paradigm for
 believing in the absurd.  Why do people believe things that
 make no sense, just because everyone else seems to believe?
 In some sense, all my writing is simply a continuation of
 what I was doing at six or seven... pointing out to people
 that much of what they accept as true is not only false, but
 absurd.  The matrix is a shallow sham.

 My next youthful encounter with beliefs happened at about
 15, when I started thinking about Christianity.  I didn't
 conclude that Christianity was a lie, not then, but I did
 conclude that there was no way I could tell whether or not
 it had any validity.  My reasoning went like this... suppose
 I had been born in India, to a Hindu family.  I would have
 grown up believing in those myths, and those values, and not
 have known I wouldn't be 'saved' when the 'Judgement Day'
 came.  How would I have known that I was learning
 falsehoods, that my 'soul' was in danger?  That then led to
 the question: how did I know ~I~ wasn't learning falsehoods
 in Christianity?  I then realized there wasn't any way to
 know... kids simply believe what they're told, that's the
 long and the short of it.  And kids are told what their
 parents were told when they were kids.

 Now consider what people call 'conspiracy theories'.
 Liberals have a knee-jerk way of dismissing certain ideas,
 or evidence... That sounds like a conspiracy theory.  With
 that, they consider the matter settled, the ideas or
 evidence obviously refuted.  I've tried on more than one
 occasion to delve into this kind of non-reasoning.  One
 fellow articulated it rather well: If such and such were
 true, then it would eventually come out, we'd hear about
 it.  I think what he meant was that we'd hear about it in
 the mainstream media.  The same kind of non-reasoning which
 a kid might use: I don't care what the evidence is, if
 there were no Santa my mommy would tell me.

 I call such thinking 'non-reasoning', not because there
 isn't a logic to it, but because at the core we're talking
 about faith rather than reason.  A child was once asked by
 his pastor, What is faith?.  His answer: Believing what
 you know isn't true.  The pastor chuckled at the innocence,
 but the kid had hit the nail on the head.  Just like the kid
 who pointed out that the Emperor had no clothes.

 Liberals have a faith that the system is fundamentally
 legitimate.  There may be corrupt officials, and
 irresponsible corporations, and misleading media, but these
 are anomalies.  With a bit more reform, intelligent voting,
 public education, etc., such rough edges can be rounded off
 and everything will be OK.  They have a hard time getting
 their head around the idea that the whole system was
 designed in the first place as a deception - to enable rule
 by wealthy elites - and that the 'anomalies' reflect
 precisely how the system is ~intended~ to function.

 Consider this thing people call 'democracy'.  Anyone with
 half a brain can see that it doesn't actually work.  That
 is, it does not achieve it's main purpose: to run the
 country the way people want it run.  Most people, survey
 after survey shows, want things like nuclear disarmament,
 peace, full employment, a sound environment, etc.
 Government policies, quite obviously, are aimed in entirely
 the other direction. So why do most people continue to
 believe that they live in a democracy?  It boggles the mind.
 I could explain, and I have, why a system based on parties
 and elections could never be democratic, but there's little

Re: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen .... fnord

2002-01-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

I hear you c -
back to sleep - everything is ok ..
nothing to report . aok from her majesties empire,
britannia rules the waves, stiff upper lip and keep the damned
natives in ther place - you got the info that Blairs election
was 'NORMAL' from your local Mens Club on the Strand ??

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen  TONY

 -Caveat Lector-

 and what,dear mermaid, makes you think john smith was any better than

 and i wouldn't listen to andrew- disinformation at it's crappiest- coldest
 temperatures on record? LOL!
 mothers refusing mmr because blair won't comment? oh dear- there are *no*
 figures been done yet to suggest or refute it- all going on in andrew's
 ficticious world... and what else have we- oh yeah- blair's government not
 getting voted in by a majority! shocking behaviour- a first for the UK?
 shyeahright- like it is any different from the majority of elected
 governments in the UK or any number of 'democracies'!
 cmon andy baby, tell us again about MI5 transexual homosexuals plotting
 against the population- it was a more viable theory than this pissant

 - Original Message -
 From: Mermaid [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 11:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen  TONY

  -Caveat Lector-
  Bravo~This Mr Blaah is selling this  country down the river! In
  years time he will probably resign and he and his loathesome thin lipped
  wife will take there places in the European Parliament as high paid
  and ambassadors to some ruddy cause.
  They are all part of the same New World Order,I never did believe that
  Smith died of a heart attack per se I am sure he was removed so the twit
  Blaah could take over a puppet for the big boys like Monsanto etc.,
  The Mermaid xx
  - Original Message -
  From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 4:38 AM
  Subject: [CTRL] fear not for I have seen  TONY
   -Caveat Lector-
   It has to make you sick - this twerp jetting about all over
   the far east with an inane grin pronouncing himself the
   ambassador for the new world order.
   Britain, he says, is not a superpower or empire anymore ..
   no shit, BUT we have fearlessly taken the international stage
   to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all non-terrorists.
   Meanwhile, as he speaks, Osama's henchman Omar is doing a re-enactment
   steve mcQueens motorcycle ride in the Great Escape on the north west
   frontier - and back in england in some of the coldest temperatures on
   record, violent crime rate, drugs problems far worse than anywhere,
   hospital treatment waiting lists, prices, taxes etc etc are soaring.
   However, the old cooler king himself mr Blair is trying to buy himself
   in england as the new labour party threatens war over the euro.
   Blairs jet plane junkets are the equivalent of sublimation as the
   back in the UK are just too much for him to handle.
   Gulag Britannia awaits the new and zealous restraints of health taxes
   war taxes and freedom taxes to kick in.
   In the UK more and more mothers are refusing to give their children
   MMR - maybe it was something Tony didn't say about the immunisation
   for his own kid ?
   The most monstrous delusion I have heard is that Tony believes that
   him a new role to play in this world ...
   who planned to give him a new role in this world ???
   well someone has - must've happened at the Bilderburger meeting. in
   I did say that he looks so much more dashing than dubya - what more
   world president want - ? intelligence, youth, implants, and his theme
   'things can only get better'.
   Yep its a real shame that no majority voted this strutting emperor
   into power - take it or leave it - its the very last delusion of
   you will see before the new social re-education
   policies stitch you up.
   A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
   CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
   screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
   sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
   directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
   major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
   That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
   always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
   credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
   Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] chomsky a terrorist?

2002-01-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Noam Chomsky was on C Span night ago.   Was impressed after seeing him.
He looked like a professor, and I say this - he certainly is a brave man
to go after this corrupt bunch of murderers.

Can see why this criminal organization known as the ADL would go after

But then what would you expect from an organization that is nothing more
than a front for organized crime.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] chomsky a terrorist?

2002-01-06 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

I am curious about this ...

I know Chomsky pisses off a lot of people, and challenging the status quo
tends to do that, but do you know upon what grounds they made this
accusation? I did a quick search on overthrow.com, from where some of the
info is cited, but didn't find much about this. Am guessing it might be
because of his book, Necessary Illusions, in which he exposes the ADL as a
propoganda tool for Israel. But that was published back in 1989. And
criticisms of a political group does not a terrorist make.

Guess these wounds just don't heal, and Chomsky hasn't necessarily wavered
on his criticisms. But an intellectual critic a terrorist? I know he's been
called worse ... and he's doing just fine.


- Original Message -
From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Meanwhile, the list of 'terrorists' is expanding to include
 hackers (who could get life imprisonment without parole under the
 Justice Department's proposed Anti-Terrorism Act) and even MIT
 professor and political analyst Noam Chomsky. Chomsky-along with
 several left-wing and anarchist groups-was named as a suggested
 target in the War on Terrorism in a September 18 press release by
 the Jewish lobbying organization Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-06 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-



It is now nearly two weeks since the November 18
slaughter of Congressman Ryan and four other Americans at the
Port Kaituma Airport, Guyana.  During most of that time, the
State Department has been under heavy fire from the friends and
staff of the late Congressman, and with good reason.  Over a
period of a year and more, the State Department received bushels
of mail from American citizens concerned about friends and
relatives at Jonestown.  Congressman Ryan, too, kept urging an
investigation, but the State Department never did carry out an
investigation worthy of the name.  It was only after Congressman
Ryan received what amounted to a whitewash report on Jonestown
that he made his ill-fated decision to go see for himself.
Congressman Ryan, my friends, was the victim of deliberate
entrapment, for reasons which I will explain shortly.  Careful
analysis of his psychological profile had revealed that he could
be provoked into going to Jonestown by denying him hard
information through normal channels.  Intelligence operatives
within the State Department made sure that any reports to Ryan
about Jonestown would not meet with his satisfaction.  Right now
State Department spokesmen are trying to act dumb about their
role in the grizzly events of recent days.  They wave their hands
and try to look foolish as they explain why they somehow failed
to spot the dangers at Jonestown; but the Jonestown disaster was
actually spawned by a military situation in Guyana which I first
made public over four years ago.  And then, as now, the only
response of the Government was cover-up.

   As my older listeners all know, I am referring to the Russian
nuclear missile base in Guyana.  Beginning in June 1974, I
revealed the presence of the Guyana missile base on radio
programs all across America; and in October 1974 I repeated this
warning in my very first talking tape, Audio Book No. 1 entitled:
WORLD WAR.  The following words are a direct quote from that
first tape of more than four years ago: According to my very
reliable intelligence sources on this matter, the Republic of
Guyana (next to Venezuela in South America) has already been
turned into another Cuba with Atomic Missiles aimed at the Gatun
Locks of the Panama Canal and at our cities here in the United
States.  Of course our government, which dances to the tune
called by the Dynasty, refuses even to investigate seriously my
charges on this score.  (End of quotation from Audio Book No. 1)
Since then I've repeated my warnings about these Russian missiles
in Guyana in my Audioletters, as you well know; but when I first
made these charges on radio, many of you sent letters and
telegrams to the State Department, mostly by way of your
Congressmen and the Pentagon.  You demanded to know if my charges
were true, and for your effort you got gobbledygook and denials.
And many of you sent me these letters saying that you did not
believe the Government.  Well, my friends, you were right.

   The developments which were destined to culminate in tragedy
at Jonestown began some 13 years ago in 1965.  Guyana was a newly
independent country, the former British colony of British Guiana.
At that time the secret Rockefeller-Soviet alliance was in full
swing, and the long range joint plans for a controlled Nuclear
War were moving right along.  Both sides were looking ahead
toward an eventual double-cross, but that still lay far in the
future at that time.  As I've explained in past Audioletters, the
deliberate strengthening of Russia at America's expense was part
of their joint plan for WORLD GOVERNMENT and conquest.  The Cuban
Missile Crisis of 1962 threw a temporary monkey wrench into the
program when President John F. Kennedy intervened personally and
stopped the nuclear arming of Cuba; and for doing that, he lost
his life in Dallas barely a year later.  His successor, Lyndon
Johnson, made sure that he followed the script more carefully.
In the wake of the Cuban crisis, Russia needed a new forward base
in the Caribbean area for strategic purposes until the heat was
off in Cuba.  To accommodate Russia, Guyana was selected for this
purpose; and David Rockefeller saw to it that a Marxist named
Forbes Burnham became Prime Minister.  In return, the Chase
Manhattan Bank became fiscal agent for Guyana, giving Rockefeller
access to the gold produced in Guyana; and as a key factor in all
this, then President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 turned over the
formerly American Air Base, Atkinson Field, to Guyana.  America's
right to retain control over the Base for several more decades
was simply thrown away without excuse.  Atkinson Field, which was
renamed Temehri Airfield, is south of Georgetown, the capital
city.  This is the airfield to which American helicopters carried
bodies to be airlifted to America after the 

[CTRL] New Yorker Renounces Falun Gong

2002-01-06 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

The way this woman is talking now sounds eerily remniscent of some
Scientologists with whom I've spoken - not that she has been freed of a
cult, but that she now sounds like she's part of one. She cherishes her
days in prison now ... as do many cult members, SCIO included, cherish the
prison, mental or otherwise, in which they live.

- jt


from - http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020106/wl/china_banned_sect_3.html

Sunday January 6 6:33 PM ET

New Yorker Renounces Falun Gong

By JOHN LEICESTER, Associated Press Writer

BEIJING (AP) - Reports that Falun Gong (news - web sites) followers were
being tortured in Chinese jails prompted Teng Chunyan to risk all and come
home from New York City. Now she too is in prison but insists she cherishes
every moment there.

In a prison interview, her first with a Western news organization since her
arrest in May 2000, Teng said she has undergone a radical ``mental
transformation.'' No longer a crusader, she says Falun Gong is a cult that
brainwashed her.

``I really treasure each day of my time here,'' said Teng, dressed in a blue
prison uniform. ``I think it's all the start of a new life. It's given me
many opportunities to learn things that I didn't know before.''

Her friends are shocked. They suspect that 38-year-old Teng, who lived in
the New York City borough of Queens and ran a successful acupuncture clinic
on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, has been abused and forced to recant.

What else, they ask, could prompt such a change of heart from a woman who
would rise before dawn to practice Falun Gong's slow-motion exercises daily
in parks?

``I don't understand how a person could change totally,'' said Janet Xiong,
a New York City government employee who practiced with Teng. ``I think she
must be brainwashed.''

The interview with Teng was given in response to an Associated Press
request. Questions had to be submitted in advance. Prison officials sat in
on the meeting, which also was monitored by foreign affairs and security

Such constraints make it difficult to judge how freely Teng was speaking.
But the interview gave insights into how China is dealing with a movement it
has labeled a dangerous cult, and its efforts to discredit its leadership
and drive away followers.

The prison where Teng shares a third-floor room with five other former Falun
Gong followers opened in December 2000 and holds 102 women. Officials say
most were convicted of such economic crimes as theft and corruption.

Its high walls are topped by barbed wire. Security cameras and armed guards
keep watch. Inmates are up at 6 a.m. and in bed by 9:30 p.m.

Teng, a Chinese citizen who moved to the United States in 1990 and had
permanent U.S. residency, returned to China early in 2000 on a
self-appointed mission to expose Beijing's efforts to crush Falun Gong.

Chinese leaders banned the group in July, 1999, fearful that its
multimillion-member following and organizational prowess threatened
communist rule.

Thousands were confined to prisons or labor camps. Human rights groups and
Falun Gong supporters abroad said dozens were dead from torture and abuse.

Police detained and punched, kicked and spat on followers who protested on
Tiananmen Square, the huge plaza in the center of Beijing.

Operating under the pseudonym Hannah Li, Teng tipped off foreign reporters
about protests and helped them meet practitioners. Some had been detained in
a mental hospital. One man said he was fed psychiatric drugs.

``She was very proud of what she did. She felt she did something noble,''
Xiong said in a telephone interview. ``I was impressed by her courage.''

After a brief visit to New York, Teng returned to China in May 2000.

This time, authorities were waiting. China's official Xinhua News Agency
said she was detained while entering from Hong Kong.

Friends say they had tried to discourage Teng from her second trip.

``I didn't have a good feeling about it,'' said Gail Rachlin, a Falun Gong
spokeswoman in New York. ``She just said, `I have to go there.' She was
being like Florence Nightingale, the savior of people.''

A Beijing court tried Teng at a closed hearing on Nov. 23, 2000. The U.S.
State Department called it ``deeply disturbing.'' Seven weeks later came the
sentence: three years in prison for ``spying and leaking state secrets.''

Teng said she resisted at first and only began to question her actions after
13 months in detention.

She was moved last June from a holding center to the First Division of the
Beijing Women's Prison, a new section of a large penal complex in Beijing's
southwestern suburbs.

``Only then did I really start my mental transformation,'' Teng said.

``In the detention center I met ordinary people. I saw their reaction to us
and what I regard as the fairly extreme actions of some detained Falun Gong
practitioners - such as wanting to hunger strike or commit suicide.

``When I stopped standing on the side of Falun Gong and looked back on Falun

Re: [CTRL] chomsky a terrorist?

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/6/02 6:22:26 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Noam Chomsky was on C Span night ago. Was impressed after seeing him.
He looked like a professor, and I say this - he certainly is a brave man
to go after this corrupt bunch of murderers.

Chomsky is a well respected professor of linguistics and also a very thoughtful commentator on the world at large. He's a brave man and a real American treasure.


Re: [CTRL] IUFO NEWS: Electromagnetic Bombs Could Throw Civilization Back 200 Years

2002-01-06 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

You know what else would throw US civilization back 200 years? One small
Lebed suitcase nuke on the West side of the Canary Islands. Discovery tv
tells us there is a a block of rock a couple of miles long along a fault
line there and that it WILL slide into the sea eventually, and when it
does the tsunami will wipe out all of the cities on the US east coast.
Given that is correct I would hope the US-Canadian militaries would have
the foresight to station a guard on the site!

* POC Plans: For BC Election 2005, Political Avatars under
development; For BC Election 2009, Political Avatars run on trial basis;
For Election 2013, Political Avatars with super-human AI online *

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] the Karine-A episode

2002-01-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Major Israeli Operation on Palestinian Weapons Cargo

Friday afternoon, January 4, Israeli chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Shaul Mofaz,
flanked by Navy commander, Maj.-Gen Yedidya Yaari and Air Force commander
Maj.-Gen Dan Halutz, called an unusual press briefing to announce the seizure
of the 4,000-ton Palestinian arms freighter, Karine-A freighter Thursday

As they spoke, Israeli frogmen were sailing the ship north up the Red
Sea from the Bab el Mandeb and checking through the cargo of 50 tons of
weapons, more than fifty times the Lebanese cargo destined for the
Palestinians aboard the San Torini last year.

Initial examination of the 83 crates turned up long and short range
Katyusha rockets, with a maximum 20 km range, anti-tank Lao and Sagger
missiles, 120 mm mortars and an abundance of heavy machine guns, rifles,
mines, explosives and ammunition.

Most of the hardware originated in Iran.

It was carefully packed in specially manufactured sealed tubes attached
to floating buoys for the Karine-A to drop off the Gaza Strip coast.
DEBKAfile's military sources reveal that the capture of the
Palestinians arms freighter was the product of close US-Israel
intelligence, naval and air force collaboration. It lifted the veil off
a corner of the secret joint operations between the two countries in a
stretch of sea ranging from the southern approaches of the Persian Gulf
near the Yemeni island of Socatra, up to the Horn of Africa and taking
in the waters off Somalia and Djibouti and the Red Sea gateway of Bab el

The US Fifth Fleet maintains two large bases in Socatra and the Yemeni
port of Hodeida.

Israel has the use of a large naval, air and intelligence base on
Eritrea's Red Sea Dalahk Archipelago that commands the routes from the
Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf.

Until the middle of this week, US and Israel worked together out of
those bases to cut off the escape routes of al Qaeda and Taliban
fugitives in flight from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.

DEBKAfile was the first to expose one of those escape routes as running
through south Tehran. Its sources now reveal that the US spy satellites
tracking that route picked up the Palestinian arms ship. At first it was
taken for a an arms delivery to the Lebanese Hizballah against a
possible US-Israeli strike. However, intensive intelligence work by US
agents in Iran and the Persian Gulf, and Israelis operating in some
Persian Gulf states, uncovered its true destination.

US satellite, spyplanes and Fifth Fleet warships then shadowed the
vessel from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, expecting it to bypass the
Red Sea as too risky and reach the Mediterranean after circumnavigating
Africa. An Israeli Dolphin submarines took part in the surveillance. But
as the Karine-A reached Djibouti, it was signaled by radio to turn north
into the Red Sea. The Israeli air force and navy swung into rapid
action. Naval commandos and air force helicopters took off, accompanied
by air force refueling craft.

On the night of January 3, Israel helicopter transports dropped one
group of frogmen onto the deck of the Palestinian freighter, while a
second rubber dinghies was carried to target with rubber dinghies by air

The Palestinian Marine Police crew and captain were too surprised to
resist the raiders and not a single shot was fired.

General Mofaz, who put off his working trip to the United States, due
Wednesday, January 2, to complete the operation, announced Israel has
clear proof that top Palestinian Authority officials, in violation of
all its commitments, purchased the vessel and charged it with illegal
freight for delivery to Palestinian territory. Those weapons would have
brought every part of the Israeli population into range from Palestinian
territory. Interception of the cargo saved untold Israeli lives and
prevented the Palestinian Authority from elevating its level of terror.
Asked how Israel came to seize a Palestinian vessel on the high seas,
Mofaz stressed that Israel does not confine its counter-terror
operations to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but fights where it can.
Arafat, he said, has long been in close touch with Iranian leaders and
Iranian-sponsored terrorist groups.

Three facts emerge from the Karine-A episode:

A.  Arafat could not have organized this large delivery without the help
of the top level of the Lebanese Hizballah, which brings the notorious
terrorist Imad Mughniyeh into the picture.

B.  In view of this close collaboration, some of the heavy weapons
aboard the vessel must have been destined for Hizballah instructors and
fighting men currently posted in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

C.  According to DEBKAfile's military sources, the Palestinians and the
Hizballah may have already divided up tasks for their next large-scale
terror campaign, with the Lebanese group attacking from Lebanon in the
North and the Palestinians using the new heavy hardware to 

[CTRL] U.N. Police Officer Arrested

2002-01-06 Thread THe eXTReMiST

-Caveat Lector-

U.N. Police Officer Arrested
By Associated Press
January 6, 2002, 12:14 PM EST

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia -- A U.N. police officer has been arrested on suspicion he shot 
to death an ethnic Albanian woman, U.N. police said Sunday. They refused to discuss 
what the motive might have been.

Police were called to the officer's apartment in Pec, about 55 miles west of the 
provincial capital of Pristina, Saturday after people nearby heard shots, police 
spokesman Derek Chappell said.

Police found a 23-year-old ethnic Albanian woman with serious injuries. The 
32-year-old police officer had bullet wounds in his arm and hand. Both were taken to a 
hospital, where the woman died.

The woman, whose identity was not released, worked as a translator for U.N. police, 
Chappell said.

Police were still investigating the shooting but believed no others were involved, 
Chappell said. He refused to comment on a motive or give the officer's identity or 

Kosovo, a Yugoslav province, has been administered by the United Nations since a 
78-day air war in June 1999 forced an end to former Yugoslav President Slobodan 
Milosevic's campaign of repression against the ethnic Albanian majority.

The U.N. police force in Kosovo includes 4,450 international police officers.
Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press

-end article-
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a 
patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the 
blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever 
pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no 
need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear 
and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and 
gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.
- Julius Caesar

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] the Karine-A episode

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/6/02 7:41:17 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Initial examination of the 83 crates turned up long and short range
Katyusha rockets, with a maximum 20 km range, anti-tank Lao and Sagger
missiles, 120 mm mortars and an abundance of heavy machine guns, rifles,
mines, explosives and ammunition.

Oh sure...sure...because Israel would never lie or fabricate anything...they never ever do that.

This smells like just another Israeli set-up, it's impossible to believe anything they say so chronic are they.

Just remember the Lavon Affair or the USS Liberty.



2002-01-06 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

I am not going to argue with you, John KK Knight, as I suffer fools
gladly in this instance. I have posted a thesis for sound minds and if
you should ever take the cure you may be able to reply to it. Out-marriage
MUST have been practiced. How could the original Israelites have not done
so? To prevent it they would all have had to marry their brothers-sister
and parents. Very soon all the Israelites would have suffered retardation
etc. because of inbreeding depression. Is that the problem with you CI
morons? Gene therapy may help.


On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, Christian Party wrote:

   Roley Poley wrote:
   We do have the Biblical record that Esau's marriage to Hittite women displeased 
his parents but how much of that a religious and how much a racial matter we can't 
 This is sheer bunk.  We know EXACTLY what the differences were, and they were 
RACIAL.  The Holy Bible spends a LOT of time going through the genealogy and racial 
differences between these different tribes, so you CANNOT pretend that you don't know 
that the issue is RACE.  Esau gave away his birthright for a bowl of soup, and he 
married women of other races, for which he was roundly condemned by God and everyone 
else, and that was not a religious act.  Jacob maintained his racial integrity and 
married within his RACE, which is not a religious act.  These were decisions based 
on RACE, not religion.

   But widespread marriage to outsiders could have caused both populations to 
genetically drift far beyond initial Shemite
   gene pools.

 And this is sheer bunk!  You have not a shred of evidence that this is true, yet you 
have the entire Holy Bible which demonstrates that it was NOT true.  It's impossible 
that there could have been 12 separate and distinct tribes [read: species] of 
Israel [read: descendants of Jacob], as well as mamzers who were descendants of 
various jews for numerous centuries had it not been for the simple principle that 
these tribes not inter-marry with each other, nor with jews:
   (Deu 23:2) A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to 
his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
 A bastard is a mamzer, which is the offspring of a mixed-race marriage, which would 
include any Israelite who married a non-Israelite, whether a jew, a Hittite, a 
Canaanite, an Edomite (who were jews), etc.  Any such descendants not being able to 
even go to church for ten generations is certainly enough to seriously curtail the 
practice, even if it existed.  Plus, such offspring couldn't have survived very long 
at all if they were segregated this carefully from the rest of society.  Also, you 
ignore that ten generations is enough to reduce the impurity of a non-Israelite 
marriage to less than one part per 1.34 to the 154th power [read: 1 out of 

 Even today, in the multiculatural mamzerized jewish controlled US of A, only 2.3% of 
our marriages are inter-racial marriages, and the majority of those marriages don't 
include White Christian Israelites, nor even jews (or particularly jews, since jews 
don't consider anyone whose MOTHER isn't a jew to be a jew).

 While the mamzers themselves might like to think that we're all one big giant 
race, the human race, the fact remains that 98% of humans consider their OWN race 
to be separate and distinct from the rest of the races of humans.

 But maybe canuks are different.

 John Knight

   - Original Message -
   From: Party of Citizens
   Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:55 AM

   In many ways this issue is passe. The world is on the threshold of a
   new species of vastly greater intelligence than homo sapiens and I have no
   doubt that military planners are now spending much time trying to figure
   out how they can keep robo sapiens under control while also allowing it to
   progress enough to keep ahead of the enemy.

   (1) Biological. In a nutshell, nobody has the proof that either CI or JI
   is any more closely related to Jacob than his brother, Esau. Josephus, the
   famous Jewish historian from Roman times tells us that the Romans forced a
   merger of what was left of the Israelite nation with what was left of the
   Edomite nation (Esau's nation). Josephus is most explicit that this was a
   religious merger too and from then on the Edomites were deemed to be Jews
   as well. It is possible, though speculative, that the Israelites selected
   their mates for lighter skin colour as CI tells us. We do have the
   Biblical record that Esau's marriage to Hittite women displeased his
   parents but how much of that a religious 

[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] CI vs. JI Cont'd. 2/3, Biological and Cultural

2002-01-06 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 18:20:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] CI vs. JI Cont'd.

In many ways this issue is passe. The world is on the threshold of a
new species of vastly greater intelligence than homo sapiens and I have no
doubt that military planners are now spending much time trying to figure
out how they can keep robo sapiens under control while also allowing it to
progress enough to keep ahead of the enemy.

(1) Biological. In a nutshell, nobody has the proof that either CI or JI
is any more closely related to Jacob than his brother, Esau. Josephus, the
famous Jewish historian from Roman times tells us that the Romans forced a
merger of what was left of the Israelite nation with what was left of the
Edomite nation (Esau's nation). Josephus is most explicit that this was a
religious merger too and from then on the Edomites were deemed to be Jews
as well. It is possible, though speculative, that the Israelites selected
their mates for lighter skin colour as CI tells us. We do have the
Biblical record that Esau's marriage to Hittite women displeased his
parents but how much of that a religious and how much a racial matter
we can't tell. Nevertheless, both Israelites and Edomites were, based on
the lineage of their founding fathers, descendents of Shem and therefore
Shemites or Semites. But widespread marriage to outsiders could have
caused both populations to genetically drift far beyond initial Shemite
gene pools. And who could tell if the Israelites or Edomites were more
likely to have gene pools which matched initial Shemite gene pools more
closely? Adding to the difficulty we have the Ashkenazi-Khazar conversion
which is standard material in the Jewish Encyclopedias. Ashkenaz is the
name of a descendent of Japheth, not even a Shemite. Most Jews today
are deemed to be of Ashkenazi-Khazar descent.

The CI dogmatists seize on this to say Jews are racially Edomite-Shemites
or Ashkenaz-Japhethites. But they are poor geneticists and they ignore the
matter that this is a question of a GENE POOL FOR A POPULATION, not an
individual pedigree. There are no continuous biological pedigrees for
today which take us back anywhere close to Jacob's day. Not for CI. Not
for JI. There are no DNA matchings from the people of today to Israelites
3 millenia ago. There are no family picture albums and the few paintings,
coin images and sculptings still leave us in doubt. And that is where the
matter lies on biological-genetic criteria. In the greatest of doubt for
all concerned. But this is certain: biological criteria alone do not give
anyone a deed to the lands of Israel as far as laying claim to the
Kingdom of Ancient Israel is concerned. Thus we turn to (2) Cultural and
(3) Spiritual, criteria, to determine Right of Return based on IDENTITY.

That's about as brief as I can make (1) while getting the main points in.
Dogmatists from either side will shout that THEY are the lattr-day
Israelites by biological-genetic-geneological criteria. The reply of those
who value truth and reasoning is: SHOW US THE PROOF. I have yet to see it
and I have reasons to think it is not forthcoming. Three thousand years of
history have blurred the racial record too much.

(2) Cultural. Do cultural-social arguments favour one side or
the other? Are there customs and habits and features of language which
support the CI or the JI position and tell us which group is closer to the
Ancient Israelites of 3,000+ years ago? These arguments are illusory. They
can give the impression of credibility while lacking the substance and
that can be seen by a just a small amount of reasoning. For example, is
speaking of the Hebrew language proof of ancestry? Not a bit. Hundreds of
schools, perhaps thousands, in Christian and Islamic nations teach Hebrew.
Speaking Hebrew doesn't make one a Hebrew any more than speaking Latin
makes one a Roman of Imperial Rome. Beside that, Eber the original
Hebrew lived many centuries before Jacob (Israel) and a number of Hebrew
dialects arose. What about the well known dietary laws like prohibitions
against eating pork or shell fish? If I were to adopt the diet of the
Ancient Aztecs would that make me an Aztec? If I dine with relish on
grasshoppers but reject ants on my plate does that make me an Ancient

Thus we can go on and on with these examples. Ancient customs and laws had
their purposes. There was the spirit of the law as well as the letter. For
example, there were known health dangers at the time associated with
certain foods. As science dealt with these problems why should the taboos
remain? IDENTITY is just identity. What would the Ancient Israelites have
said about the customs to which their descendents should adhere? Like most
people they would probably have said they wanted them to be living in a
better world, to have healthy and happy lives. Given 

[CTRL] abuse interferes with brain development, afghan casualties, taliban torture

2002-01-06 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Abuse Said to Interfere With Child Brain Development  - Christine Lehmann
Children who are abused often develop posttraumatic stress disorder—but
that's not all. New research suggests that traumatic abuse also affects their
brain developmentMichael DeBellis, M.D.: Abused children with PTSD have
lower intracranial and cerebral volumes, larger lateral ventricles, and a
smaller corpus callosum than healthy controls. Psychiatric News 1/4/02 -
Volume 37 Number 1 - © 2002 American Psychiatric Association p. 23  Clinical
 Research News http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/37/1/23


Wednesday, January 2, 2002  Civilian death toll is not big news
OPINION/Vincent Browne - Prof Marc Herold, of the departments of economics
and women's studies at the University of New Hampshire, has published his
estimate of the number of civilians killed in the bombardment of Afghanistan
by US forces from October 7th, when the bombing started, to December 7th.

He relied only on official news agency reports, major newspapers in the US,
Britain, Pakistan and India, and broadcast organisations, notably the BBC. He
has calculated that in the period covered by his research the number of
people killed has been 3,767, an average of 62 civilians per day. The total
is well in excess of the number of people killed in the World Trade Centre
and the Pentagon on September 11th (that figure is now estimated at around


A Body and Spirit Broken by the Taliban
Falsely Charged as a Christian, Afghan Suffered Ruthless Torture
Sayed Abdullah, 28, in his current home as he thinks about the five months
he was beaten and brutalized by the Taliban. (Kevin Suliivan - The
Washington Post)

By Kevin Sullivan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, January 5, 2002; Page A01

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] USS Cole in Aden - Another USS Liberty?

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon

USS Cole in Aden - Another USS Liberty?
Copyright Joe Vialls, 15 October 2000

Senior American military contacts suggest the State of Israel launched a remote air attack on the USS Cole as she entered Aden Harbour in South Yemen. If the detailed information provided is accurate, this would be the second time Israel has attacked an American ship in international waters. 

The first was a cowardly but ruthless attack on the unarmed American signals intelligence (SIGINT) ship USS Liberty, by Israeli warplanes in 1967. 

Though the powerful Jewish lobby in Washington managed to suppress all details of the attack at mainstream media level, the cowardly attack is remembered by most members of the American military. For those interested in the full story of the USS Liberty, a link is provided at the end of this report.
Though the Pentagon does not yet have full details, current analysis is that the USS Cole was attacked in a "false flag" operation designed to drag America into the current Middle East conflict, firmly in the side of Israel. This makes sense. If the "Dirty Ayrabs" are attacking Israeli and American assetts at the same time, then "obviously" both injured parties should join together as allies in a formal response.
The mystery currently surrounding two militant Arabs standing to attention in a small rubber boat seconds before self-destructing against the hull of the USS Cole, is no mystery at all. There was no rubber boat and there were no militant Arabs present. One moment the USS Cole was making a slow approach to her mooring, and the next the engine room suddenly exploded, killing six crew members and vapourizing another ten or eleven. Damage was massive, with a 20 x 40 foot hole in the hull, main engines destroyed, bulkheads torn apart, and severe damage inflicted on the keel. Significantly, although the strike was on the engine room(s), there was no fire. This particular point will make sense to explosives experts.   
The pattern of the damage, and microscopic fragments recovered from the engine room and its environs, suggest the USS Cole was struck by a television guided Rafael Popeye 2, similar to that shown in the picture below. The Popeye 2 differs only slightly from the American AGM 142A Raptor, being a little shorter in overall length and with a slightly smaller warhead. Popeye 2 is designated AGM 142B by the US military, but has never been purchased by American forces. The only nations currently known to possess and use this missile are Israel, Turkey and North Korea.

Popeye 2 is a very smart weapon. Unlike most air-to-ground and anti-ship missiles which use radar or infra-red guidance, Popeye is steered manually from the strike aircraft by use of a tiny television camera in the nose of the missile. The operator in the launch aircraft watches a small TV screen, and steers the missile to its target by use of a tiny joystick - very similar to that used for computer games. Because of its guidance system Popeye is largely undetectable, and normal counter measures including chaff (anti-radar guided missiles), and flares (anti-infra red missiles), simply do not work. If the ship detects the launch aircraft and suspects an attack, close-in protection is sometimes possible with Phalanx Gatling guns mounted on the deck of the ship, but the chances of a direct hit are few, because the tiny missile comes in just above sea level at Mach 0.9, about 680 m.p.h. in standard atmospheric conditions.
Popeye can be launched at a range of 50 miles (80 kilometres), has pinpoint accuracy and commonly hits a four foot-square target bullseye.  The missile can be fitted with a blast-fragmentation warhead, or a "directed-energy" micro nuclear warhead delivering a 10 ton TNT (equivalent) punch. Because of the massive damage inflicted on the USS Cole by this single missile, the latter warhead seems a certainty.
Those interested in specific blast effects might like to study the picture of the USS Cole shown at the bottom of this page. First, the epicentre of any blast is normally in the centre of the visible damage, which in this case would put the point of impact about eight to ten feet above the waterline, a classic  strike position designed to break the ship in half. Damage to the keel supports this completely. Second, after penetration of the armored hull by a Mach 0.9 missile, the subsequent internal explosion  would cause outward rippling of te hull at the entry point. This is shown very clearly by the (outward) buckled hull plates at the rear of the 20 x 40 foot hole in the hull.  
Whether or not the American military will make its preliminary findings public on an official basis is currently unknown, but assumed unlikely. Earlier experience at the time of the USS Liberty sinking has taught the Pentagon very well that accurate damage assessments like this, pointing the finger firmly at 

[CTRL] Bundesbank Owns West Point Gold!!

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon

Bundesbank Owns West Point Gold!!

This report is from www.LeMetropoleCafe.com. It is a membership only web site but worth every penny as they provide invaluable information on financial affairs. The money also helps them fight the gold cartel. The original report can be found at the West Point Gold belongs to German Bundesbank. 
The West Point Mint in New York State is near the home of the U.S. Military Academy which trains men and women to become soldiers and to defend their country. Unfortunately, attending West Point does not always make one a U.S. patriot. Many of the graduates of West Point fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. 

Letter No. 297

January 7th, 2002

Accounting for the ESF's Gold Swaps
by James Turk

Copyright 2002 © by The Freemarket Gold  Money Report.

A few weeks ago I received an interesting email from Andrew Hepburn. He is a diligent researcher who has done yeoman's work for www.GATA.org, an organization formed for one purpose - to find the truth about who is keeping a lid on the gold price. Andrew and I recently have been sharing information and research on a number of matters, and he brought to my attention an intriguing footnote in a 1997 report called the "Consolidated Financial Statements of the US Government" (CFS).

The federal government completes the CFS annually. The CFS started being prepared, as I recall, about fifteen years ago in an attempt to measure what the US government's true financial picture looked like according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. As readers may know, the US government does not use GAAP in its accounting. Therefore, Congress asked the General Accounting Office (GAO) to begin preparing an annual CFS that would provide accurate GAAP reporting of the US government's financial accounts. These reports were to be prepared and dated as of September 30th, which is the government's fiscal year-end.

I hadn't looked at the CFS for a number of years because they were not very detailed, and also because they included some major errors in accounting. For example, the CFS booked the US Gold Stock as an asset at its market value, but only recorded the corresponding liability for US Treasury Gold Certificates at $42.22 per ounce. This difference of course overstated the government's true net worth, or I should say, net deficit. For the fact is that according to GAAP, the US government has a negative net worth - negative $5.0 trillion in 1997 and negative $5.9 trillion in 2000. So this misreporting of the gold stock seemed to be a clear attempt to minimize this deficit net worth in order to make the government's financial picture look better than it really was. As a consequence, I never paid much attention to the CFS until Andrew brought footnote #2 of the 1997 CFS to my attention. It reported an accounting change, and it was one that I found interesting. 

In 1997 the CFS began valuing the US Gold Reserve at $42.22 instead of market value, which I think is a significant change for two reasons.

1) This change reduced the US government's net worth by the difference between the market value of the asset and the government's liability, i.e., the US Treasury Gold Certificates. Given that the US government has a multi-trillion dollar NEGATIVE net worth, there must be a very good reason for them to make that negative net worth even bigger in the CFS. This good reason is the second point.

2) This accounting change - made presumably because of GAAP rules - gives substance to the argument that as of September 30, 1997, the US Treasury owed 261.7 million ounces of gold to the Federal Reserve, and not 11 billion dollars. In other words, this accounting change made clear that the Treasury owes the entire US Gold Stock to the Federal Reserve.

This meaningful change in the quest for accurate accounting by the GAO really spurred my interest. The Federal Financial Management Act of 1994 apparently was having a positive impact on the accuracy of the CFS reports. So I thereupon began reading the CFS for recent years, and particularly the footnotes. One can learn a lot by reading the footnotes to financial statements, comparing them from one year to the next and then studying any changes. And there were indeed several interesting changes.

1) Beginning in 1997, the following statement was added to footnote #2: "Gold has been pledged as collateral for gold certificates issued to the Federal Reserve banks totaling $11.0 billion." As explained above, this change is a significant advancement, and points to the more accurate reporting being required by the GAO.

2) One other improvement for accuracy was made in 1997. The CFS began some basic reporting on the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF), by recording some of its liabilities. The report said that the "Exchange Stabilization Fund includes SDR certificates issued to the Federal Reserve banks and allocations from the International Monetary Fund." 

Re: [CTRL] A Company of Undertakers and Lawsuits, Lawsuits, Lawsuits

2002-01-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I can see where y'all are coming from, but I'm not going to be able to
carry on the discussion -- I've been trying fruitlessly to get over a
horrible flu, for a month,and I'm going offline for a few days so I can
rest, at least as much as the kids will let me.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Haaretz:Either a Zionist or a terrorist

2002-01-06 Thread William Shannon

Monday, January 07, 2002

Either a Zionist or a terrorist

By Meron Benvenisti

At the risk of the following scenario sounding tendentious because of wishful thinking and gloating, it appears that the "grand scheme" worked out by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, his generals and the right wing of the government has resulted in a failure: They did not eliminate Chairman Yasser Arafat, nor did they destroy the Palestinian Authority.

Following months of brutal military operations, thousands of casualties, delegitimization and insults, brainwashing and political and media manipulation that would have toppled many a regime, Arafat, besieged and humiliated, is still holding on, while Sharon and his cronies are the ones who have been pushed into a defensive position; evident in all its absurdity in their frightened rejection of President Moshe Katsav's hudna initiative.

Once again, as was the case during the Lebanon War, the arrogance of power, patronizing Orientalism and planning that doesn't see beyond the intellectual horizons of the generals was exposed. And once again, the "national assessor's" forecast has collapsed, and his tendency has been exposed: Failing to distinguish between intelligence assessments and ideological positions, he offers rationalizations for every planned adventure and, at the same time, immunizes the adventurers against the results of their deeds - because there is, supposedly, no alternative; and if the plan failed, it was only because the Americans and the leftists got in the way.

After all, someone had to advise the generals that Arafat could be eliminated by humiliating him, and that the spirit of the Palestinians could be broken through brutal collective punishment. But as it emerges, Arafat actually is more "relevant" than ever, the Palestinian people are demonstrating an amazing resilience; and the age-old excuse of "terror against women and children" is melting away.

Military Intelligence - the national assessor - feels it has to cover up its mistake by intensifying the ideological statements: "The bottom line is that the Palestinian goal, from a historic perspective, is to undermine the Jewish nature of the State of Israel."

And the outgoing commander of Military Intelligence offers his own contribution to psycho-history: "Arafat is not built... for historic compromises." In other words, there's no choice, we must continue the onslaught, so as to expose the wily ways of the terrorists."

It's difficult to believe that in any open and liberal society, a commander of any military branch would issue such a public "historic perspective" without being silenced immediately by angry protests, irrespective of the doubtful validity of such a "perspective." But in a society that is used to viewing the Arabs through the eyes of "Arabists," these words were accepted as obvious. Because in this society, whatever Arabs have to say must never be taken at face value and must always be interpreted on the basis of their "mentality."

Now, it's as clear as day: For as long as Arafat doesn't unequivocally declare that he accepts the Zionist enterprise, he'll be defined as a terrorist. It won't help if he makes do with the statement that Israel is a fact, even if born in sin. On the contrary, this would only prove that "he remains committed to the right of return and sees it as a key to turning the Jews into a religious minority," as Military Intelligence has said.

And this means that he is an incorrigible terrorist, because there is no chance that Arafat - or even the most moderate Palestinian - will ever be able to become a defender of Zionism, but, at most, will only be able to bow before the facts of life. Thus, the litmus test is clear: Either you're a Zionist or a terrorist.

Such a test leads to endless war and the justification of each and every act of brutality, because it is "an existential threat."

So, why haven't we heard the voices of those who believe in peace, in the possibility of reconciliation. Most of them also believe distinguishing between accepting the Zionist enterprise a priori, or in retrospect, is evasion. They also want Arafat to accept "the Zionist enterprise," so they can finally rid themselves of the burden of guilt about the way in which Zionism steamrolled the Palestinians: The victim must justify his torturers.

But all this spin doesn't erase the feeling that maybe the worst is finally behind us.


[CTRL] US casualties in Afg higher than reported?

2002-01-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

(Definitely. The US officials have already told us they may lie to us. At least
they are honest, using Bush Logic (?), known also as Doublespeak. --SW)

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 06 Jan 2002 22:06:20 -0500
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] US casualties in Afg higher than reported?
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  An Uzbek pilot spoke of the death last week of an
  American soldier who he had become friendly with
  while he was on the base. The US serviceman, he
  said, had died in the attempt to end the prison riot on
  the outskirts of Mazar-e-Sharif two weeks ago. A
  lot of American troops died there - it was a real
  battle,  the pilot said.


U.S. Casualties Greater Than Pentagon Reports

By Andrei Sukhozhilov
Institute for War and Peace Reporting
KHANABAD, Dec. 7, 2001 -- Scores of U.S. soldiers
wounded in Afghanistan have been arriving at the
Khanabad air base in southern Uzbekistan - far more
than Pentagon reports suggest.

A staging post for special forces' and humanitarian
missions into Afghanistan, the base has become busy
with another task - receiving increasing numbers of
Americans wounded in the fighting.

Uzbek sources at Khanabad suggest that the real
figures of US casualties are far higher than the
Pentagon's official totals. This IWPR reporter, who
smuggled himself onto the facility on December 2,
witnessed soldiers scrambling to meet an incoming
US helicopter. They lifted out five wounded men on
stretchers and loaded them into waiting vehicles.

Uzbek army personnel working at the air base said
scores of US casualties have been arriving there.
From November 25 to Decemeber 2, an Uzbek orderly
working with American medical staff said he had
witnessed the arrival of four to five US helicopters -
carrying between them 10-15 American casualties -
each day.

The orderly said the US staff he was helping
confirmed the casualties coming off the aircraft were

Over the same period of time, the Pentagon has
reported just five injured American servicemen,
wounded in a friendly-fire incident during an
operation to quell a prison riot near Mazar-e-Sharif.
All were evacuated to Khanabad and then on to

The Pentagon's official total US casualty toll for the
Afghan conflict is eight dead and 41 injured.

Asked about IWPR's findings, Pentagon spokesperson
Lt Col. Catherine Abbott said, I cannot comment on
what your reporter may have seen or something an
orderly may have told him. As we verify reports, we
make the information known. . . . . The numbers that
I gave you are the latest that I have.

The IWPR findings come amid US news media
criticism of the Pentagon for allegedly restricting
press coverage of American casualties. Both the
Washington Post and the AP news agency protested
Thursday at the military's apparent decision to
prevent reporters based inside Afghanistan witnessing
the transfer of troops injured when a B-52 bomb
went astray in an air-strike on Kandahar. Three US
special forces soldiers were killed and 19 wounded in
the friendly-fire incident.

This reporter managed to get into the heavily guarded
Khanabad facility with a group of parents visiting
children serving in an Uzbek military unit based at
the airport.

Uzbek military staff at the base told IWPR that it is
increasingly being used as a springboard for
humanitarian missions and special forces' raids into
Afghanistan. They say the former take place during
the day and the latter at night.

At the same time, the airport has been receiving
growing numbers of casualties. The Uzbek sources
say the hospital there - comprising one floor of a
building and four large canvas tents - was full of
wounded US soldiers. They said more tents were
going to be erected to cope with the influx of

The Uzbek orderly working with American troops
transferring wounded comrades from helicopters said
the casualties suffered shrapnel and bullet wounds to
the arms, leg and head.

The airport sources could not confirm how many
incoming casualties had died. One Uzbek soldier said
that since October 15 he had helped US servicemen
load 20 body bags onto American transport planes.
But he could not confirm whether they were dead US

But there is other evidence of American fatalities.
One Uzbek officer said US soldiers had told him that
four of their comrades had died of their wounds on
December 1 while being airlifted to Khanabad.

An Uzbek pilot spoke of the death last week of an
American soldier who he had become friendly with
while he was on the base. The US serviceman, he
said, had died in the attempt to end the prison riot on
the outskirts of Mazar-e-Sharif two weeks ago. A
lot of American troops died there - it was a real
battle,  the pilot said.

Uzbek army personnel say the atmosphere on the base

Re: [CTRL] chomsky a terrorist?

2002-01-06 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 I know Chomsky pisses off a lot of people, and challenging the status quo
 tends to do that, but do you know upon what grounds they made this
 accusation? I did a quick search on overthrow.com, from where some of the
 info is cited, but didn't find much about this. Am guessing it might be
 because of his book, Necessary Illusions, in which he exposes the ADL as a
 propoganda tool for Israel. But that was published back in 1989. And
 criticisms of a political group does not a terrorist make.

his response to the attacks has beenvague. well, that's not true, it's
been very specific but as far as a condemnation vs. sympathy black/white
mindset goes it would be very difficult to say whether he has condemned or
remained sympathetic.

i mean, everytime he says something about this he starts off with the
predictable condemnation. the whole the murder of thousands of innocents is
never justifiable thing; i'm sure you get the drift. but, he *always*
follows it up with a criticism of us foreign policy or an analogy to past us
crimes or a flatout statement that this is tiny compared to what the us has
done in hiroshima, iraq, serbia, the sudan, nicauragua, etc, etc.

chomsky *is* a genius; he thinks at a level above most. the result is that
what he says is difficult for the average dufus to grasp and may lead to
others drawing false conclusions about him

so, of course he's not a terrorist. but he is treading on thin ice in
today's overly patriotic, almost mccarthyite, reality



sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey

if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] chomsky a terrorist?

2002-01-06 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

I like Chomsky, and I, too consider him a genuis, and I certainly don't
dispute what you say, re: that most of his actual arguments go over the
heads of his critics.

However, I am wondering what, specifically, the ADL is using to justify
their labelling of him a terrorist. In fact, that's the first I've heard it
mentioned - nothing on the ADL site about it, though it's not difficult to
believe they made the recommendation to label him such. But why? Not
generally why, as in Chomsky is difficult for the black/white mentality,
just wondering if they made specific claims to back that up.

- jt

- Original Message -
  I know Chomsky pisses off a lot of people, and challenging the status
  tends to do that, but do you know upon what grounds they made this
  accusation? I did a quick search on overthrow.com, from where some of
  info is cited, but didn't find much about this. Am guessing it might be
  because of his book, Necessary Illusions, in which he exposes the ADL as
  propoganda tool for Israel. But that was published back in 1989. And
  criticisms of a political group does not a terrorist make.

 his response to the attacks has beenvague. well, that's not true,
 been very specific but as far as a condemnation vs. sympathy black/white
 mindset goes it would be very difficult to say whether he has condemned or
 remained sympathetic.

 i mean, everytime he says something about this he starts off with the
 predictable condemnation. the whole the murder of thousands of innocents
 never justifiable thing; i'm sure you get the drift. but, he *always*
 follows it up with a criticism of us foreign policy or an analogy to past
 crimes or a flatout statement that this is tiny compared to what the us
 done in hiroshima, iraq, serbia, the sudan, nicauragua, etc, etc.

 chomsky *is* a genius; he thinks at a level above most. the result is that
 what he says is difficult for the average dufus to grasp and may lead to
 others drawing false conclusions about him

 so, of course he's not a terrorist. but he is treading on thin ice in
 today's overly patriotic, almost mccarthyite, reality

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] IUFO NEWS: Electromagnetic Bombs Could ThrowCivilizationBack 200 Years

2002-01-06 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

canada can't send a guy, the row boat is being painted!

Party of Citizens wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 You know what else would throw US civilization back 200 years? One small
 Lebed suitcase nuke on the West side of the Canary Islands. Discovery tv
 tells us there is a a block of rock a couple of miles long along a fault
 line there and that it WILL slide into the sea eventually, and when it
 does the tsunami will wipe out all of the cities on the US east coast.
 Given that is correct I would hope the US-Canadian militaries would have
 the foresight to station a guard on the site!

 * POC Plans: For BC Election 2005, Political Avatars under
 development; For BC Election 2009, Political Avatars run on trial basis;
 For Election 2013, Political Avatars with super-human AI online *

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-01-06 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

I recommend Michael Meier's book - WAS JONESTOWN A CIA
MEDICAL EXPERIMENT.  Jim Jones was a CIA operative from the
get-go, from before he started the Jonestown mind control
John Judge has also written on this but I do not know
where to find his work. Kenn Thomas of Steamshovel Press
might know.




It is now nearly two weeks since the November 18
slaughter of Congressman Ryan and four other Americans at
the Port Kaituma Airport, Guyana.  During most of that
the State Department has been under heavy fire from the
friends and staff of the late Congressman, and with good
reason.  Over a period of a year and more, the State
Department received bushels of mail from American citizens
concerned about friends and relatives at Jonestown.
Congressman Ryan, too, kept urging an investigation, but
State Department never did carry out an investigation
of the name.  It was only after Congressman Ryan received
what amounted to a whitewash report on Jonestown that he
made his ill-fated decision to go see for himself.
Congressman Ryan, my friends, was the victim of deliberate
entrapment, for reasons which I will explain shortly.
Careful analysis of his psychological profile had revealed
that he could be provoked into going to Jonestown by denying
him hard information through normal channels.  Intelligence
operatives within the State Department made sure that any
reports to Ryan about Jonestown would not meet with his
satisfaction.  Right now State Department spokesmen are
trying to act dumb about their role in the grizzly events of
recent days.  They wave their hands and try to look foolish
as they explain why they somehow failed to spot the dangers
at Jonestown; but the Jonestown disaster was actually
spawned by a military situation in Guyana which I first made
public over four years ago.  And then, as now, the only
response of the Government was cover-up.

   As my older listeners all know, I am referring to the
nuclear missile base in Guyana.  Beginning in June 1974, I
revealed the presence of the Guyana missile base on radio
programs all across America; and in October 1974 I repeated
this warning in my very first talking tape, Audio Book No. 1
DEPRESSION AND THIRD WORLD WAR.  The following words are a
direct quote from that first tape of more than four years
ago: According to my very reliable intelligence sources on
this matter, the Republic of Guyana (next to Venezuela in
South America) has already been turned into another Cuba
with Atomic Missiles aimed at the Gatun Locks of the Panama
Canal and at our cities here in the United States.  Of
course our government, which dances to the tune called by
the Dynasty, refuses even to investigate seriously my
charges on this score.  (End of quotation from Audio Book
No. 1) Since then I've repeated my warnings about these
Russian missiles in Guyana in my Audioletters, as you well
know; but when I first made these charges on radio, many of
you sent letters and telegrams to the State Department,
mostly by way of your Congressmen and the Pentagon.  You
demanded to know if my charges were true, and for your
effort you got gobbledygook and denials. And many of you
sent me these letters saying that you did not believe the
Government.  Well, my friends, you were right.

   The developments which were destined to culminate in
at Jonestown began some 13 years ago in 1965.  Guyana was a
newly independent country, the former British colony of
British Guiana. At that time the secret Rockefeller-Soviet
alliance was in full swing, and the long range joint plans
for a controlled Nuclear War were moving right along.  Both
sides were looking ahead toward an eventual double-cross,
but that still lay far in the future at that time.  As I've
explained in past Audioletters, the deliberate strengthening
of Russia at America's expense was part of their joint plan
for WORLD GOVERNMENT and conquest.  The Cuban Missile Crisis
of 1962 threw a temporary monkey wrench into the program
when President John F. Kennedy intervened personally and
stopped the nuclear arming of Cuba; and for doing that, he
lost his life in Dallas barely a year later.  His successor,
Lyndon Johnson, made sure that he followed the script more
carefully. In the wake of the Cuban crisis, Russia needed a
new forward base in the Caribbean area for strategic
purposes until the heat was off in Cuba.  To accommodate
Russia, Guyana was selected for this purpose; and David
Rockefeller saw to it that a Marxist named Forbes Burnham
became Prime Minister.  In return, the Chase Manhattan Bank
became fiscal agent for Guyana, giving Rockefeller access to
the gold produced in Guyana; and as a key factor in all
this, then President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 turned over the

[CTRL] US = Trotsykyite Puppet Regime?

2002-01-06 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 23:26:57 -0500
From: Dana Paramskas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: CANADA-L  Political,Social,Cultural,Economic Issues in Canada
Subject: Somewhat more controversial history stuff...

but still a change from Party of Citizens... :)


Subject: New light on 1967 Israeli-Arab war

Note from the originator of the message:

Essentially a quick summary of James Bamford's Body of Secrets.

Apparently the intercepts were bounced off the troposphere or
ionosphere, not the moon.

- - (LewRockwell.com) - -

'The USS Liberty': America's Most Shameful Secret

by Eric S. Margolis

NEW YORK - On the fourth day of the 1967 Arab Israeli War, the
intelligence ship 'USS Liberty' was steaming slowly in international
waters, 14 miles off the Sinai Peninsula. Israeli armored forces were
racing deep into Sinai in hot pursuit of the retreating Egyptian army.

'Liberty,' a World War II freighter, had been converted into an
intelligence vessel by the top-secret US National Security Agency,
and packed with the latest signals and electronic interception
equipment. The ship bristled with antennas and electronic 'ears'
including TRSSCOMM, a system that delivered real-time intercepts to
Washington by bouncing a stream of microwaves off the moon.

'Liberty' had been rushed to Sinai to monitor communications of the
belligerents in the Third Arab Israeli War: Israel and her foes,
Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.

At 0800 hrs, 8 June, 1967, eight Israeli recon flights flew over
'Liberty,' which was flying a large American flag. At 1400 hrs, waves
of low-flying Israeli Mystere and Mirage-III fighter-bombers
repeatedly attacked the American vessel with rockets, napalm, and
cannon. The air attacks lasted 20 minutes, concentrating on the
ship's electronic antennas and dishes. The 'Liberty' was left afire,
listing sharply. Eight of her crew lay dead, a hundred seriously
wounded, including the captain, Commander William McGonagle.

At 1424 hrs, three Israeli torpedo boats attacked, raking the burning
'Liberty' with 20mm and 40mm shells. At 1431hrs an Israeli torpedo
hit the 'Liberty' midship, precisely where the signals intelligence
systems were located. Twenty-five more Americans died.

Israeli gunboats circled the wounded 'Liberty,' firing at crewmen
trying to fight the fires. At 1515, the crew were ordered to abandon
ship. The Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into
the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being
massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier
aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House.

An hour after the attack, Israeli warships and planes returned.
Commander McGonagle gave the order. 'prepare to repel borders.' But
the Israelis, probably fearful of intervention by the US Sixth Fleet,
departed. 'Liberty' was left shattered but still defiant, her flag

The Israeli attacks killed 34 US seamen and wounded 171 out of a crew
of 297, the worst loss of American naval personnel from hostile
action since World War II.

Less than an hour after the attack, Israel told Washington its forces
had committed a 'tragic error.' Later, Israel claimed it had mistaken
'Liberty' for an ancient Egyptian horse transport. US Secretary of
State, Dean Rusk, and Joint Chiefs of Staff head, Admiral Thomas
Moorer, insisted the Israeli attack was deliberate and designed to
sink 'Liberty.' So did three CIA reports; one asserted Israel's
Defense Minister, Gen. Moshe Dayan, had personally ordered the attack.

In contrast to American outrage over North Korea's assault on the
intelligence ship 'Pueblo,' Iraq's mistaken missile strike on the USS
'Stark,' last fall's bombing of the USS 'Cole' in Aden, and the
recent US-China air incident, the savaging of 'Liberty' was quickly
hushed up by President Lyndon Johnson and Defense Secretary Robert

The White House and Congress immediately accepted Israel's
explanation and let the matter drop. Israel later paid a token
reparation of US $6 million. There were reports two Israeli pilots
who had refused to attack 'Liberty' were jailed for 18 years.

Surviving 'Liberty' crew members would not be silenced. They kept
demanding an open inquiry and tried to tell their story of deliberate
attack to the media. Israel's government worked behind the scenes to
thwart these efforts, going so far as having American pro-Israel
groups accuse 'Liberty's' survivors of being 'anti-Semites' and
'Israel-haters.' Major TV networks cancelled interviews with the
crew. A book about the 'Liberty' by crewman James Ennes' was dropped
from distribution. The Israel lobby branded him 'an Arab

The attack on 'Liberty' was fading into obscurity until last week,
when intelligence expert James Bamford came out with Body of Secrets,
his latest book about the National Security Agency. In a stunning

[CTRL] Strengthening the Trotskyite Grip on North America

2002-01-06 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 17:36:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Ingram-Show-Past-And-Future] Rocco Galati on Canada's
Globalization, Militarization,
 Police  State Agenda in anti Terrorism laws (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 00:33:16 -0800
From: Connie Fogal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Aaron Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Rocco Galati on Canada's Globalization, Militarization,
 Police  State Agenda in anti Terrorism laws

Canada’s Anti- Terrorism Laws- Bills C36, C22, C35, C42
Presentation by Rocco Galati at a forum sponsored by the Scientists For Peace
Toronto, December 2001
(Canada’s Globalization, Militarization, Police State Agenda)

My name is Rocco Galati. I am a constitutional lawyer. I was a lawyer for
the Crown for a few years before I went into private practice cases against
the government. I was the counsel who brought the  MAI case up through the
courts to the Supreme Court of Canada, and argued the Quebec city
injunction perimeter fence case up to the Supreme Court of Canada.  I have
been doing CSIS terrorist certificate cases under the Immigration Act, the
so called secret trials that are now going to be part of C36  secret trial

In a nutshell, what is in Bill C 36, and  is undoubtedly not open for
debate, what Bill C36 does is as follows. It has  very little to do with
terrorism.  Terrorism is very easy to define.  I have defined it for
clients of mine appearing before parliamentary and senate committees.

Terrorism is a very simply definition. It is the application of terrorism
that is all the problem.  I define terrorism as the threat of or use of
violence and arms by an armed group or individual against an unarmed group
or individual for political, racial, religious, social, or
economic  reasons including state terrorism.  You can take any other armed
conflict whether it is two people dueling at dawn over a woman 200 years
ago, or two groups in an insurrection or civil war, or war, or somebody
doing it for profit, or drug running.  We have laws to cover that, but that
is not terrorism.

The only problem with a definition of that sort is that you have to apply
it equally, and that’s  where we get into problems, because certain states
want to be able to support terrorism  when it suits their needs.  My only
point is that this bill has very little to do with terrorism in the sense
that the first speaker was speaking about.

1. What this bill does is really codify militarization and a police state,
and further globalization interests.  You see it right in the bill.  The
Bill  is overly broad. Even though they took out the “lawful”, the Bill
still catches dissent. It still catches protest. Protests that interrupt
public facilities are acts of terrorism under this bill.  No question about
it, whether they are “lawful” or not, if they endanger life.  Any protest
that is going to cut off a part of the city from essential services like
ambulances by definition endangers life.  That is the price we pay in
democracy. That is a terrorist act under this Bill.

2.The other thing the Bill does is that it can convict you of facilitating
terrorism without any knowledge or intent.  The government pretended that
they changed the definition, but they didn’t. They changed it  in one
section and they took ir away in another. Even if you don’t know you are
facilitating, you are going to get caught.  So the guy who sells the
envelopes and the stamps at the corner store in my view is facilitating
terrorism when the purchaser  puts anthrax in them and mails them off,
whether he knows it or not.

3. Then there is the 72 hour arrest on suspicion.  The only test here is
you can be held here for 72 hours without being charged on suspicion. That
is not a test.  That is not even a smell test.  What is the suspicion going
to be based on?  It will be based on another portion of the Bill which
allows the Court and  police “in determining whether an accused
participates in or contributes to any activity of a terrorist group the
court may consider among other factors whether the accused uses a name,
word, symbol, or other representation that identifies or is associated with
the terrorist group”.

Now if I look around this room, I can probably pick out five or six women
here who I find suspicious because the legislation allows it.  So if you
use the same religious or codeful symbols that some terrorist group has
misappropriated for their own purpose, even though they are valid religious
or cultural symbols of Islam or being Arab or being Tamil or being Sikh,
then the legislation grants the police and the Courts the right to use that
as the basis of suspicion.  In my language that is just racist profiling.
Racism, that is all it is.

So the 72 hour detentions are also problematic because there is no stop to
the revolving door.  

Re: [CTRL] WHO ARE THE PALESTINIANS? -- challenge met

2002-01-06 Thread Valued User
challenge met...

No! I didn't start the holocaust thread!
check your archives, silly.

and yes I'll still point to the genocide (n. the systematic killing of all the people from  a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this) mindset (n. a set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determine somebody's behavior and outlook)...
obviously documented all over in almost any article regarding the Intifada...

I'll quote from one..

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Chanting ``Death to Arabs'' and throwing stones, hundreds of Israelis attacked a mosque on Saturday across the street from a nightclub where 18 people died in a Palestinian suicide bombing the night before.

``They deserve it. Look what they did to us,'' one Israeli woman said outside the Hassan Bek mosque...


 The Russian language newspaper Direct Speech published in Jerusalem asked hundreds of Russian Jews about their feelings towards the Palestinians. Typical answers were: "I would kill all Arabs", "All Arabs must be eliminated", "Arabs must be expelled", "An Arab is an Arab. They have to be eliminated". I am not sure you would get better results in Germany in 1938. Even Nazis did not intend to kill their Jewish enemies until 1941. 

...not to mention the weighted numbers of casualties in this "civil war" as you called it.

Of interest:

Israel's brand of Apartheid

From the Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust...
Ghettos: The Nazis revived the medieval term ghetto to describe their device of concentration and control, the compulsory "Jewish Quarter." Ghettos were usually established in the poor sections of a city, where most of the Jews from the city and surrounding areas were subsequently forced to reside. Often surrounded by barbed wire or walls, the ghettos were sealed. Established mostly in eastern Europe (e.g., Lodz, Warsaw, Vilna, Riga, or Minsk), the ghettos were characterized by overcrowding, malnutrition, and heavy labor. All were eventually dissolved, and the Jews murdered. 

Urban plans entrench Israel in West Bank
Palestinians say the new plans are also calculated to stunt West Bank development and, by creating conditions of overcrowding and high unemployment, to force emigration from the West Bank. 

"They want to make life as miserable as possible," says one leading Palestinian urban planning expert, who speaks of a "slow motion" Israeli policy of pressuring Palestinians to quit the West Bank. "If the only choice is to live in a ghetto, the new generation will think of emigrating. 

"A denial of permits to build houses outside the new limits ] on the basis of this plan is a denial of rights," adds the planner. 

The three villages - Nahhalin, near Bethlehem, and Shibtin and Hizma, near Ramallah have one month to appeal the plans, potentially the first of dozens as Israel attempts to revive a 1982 master plan prepared for most of the villages in the West Bank. 

Home Demolitions and ghetto tactics (you can easily search and find current and ongoing criticisms)

Gaza Ghetto: Portrait of a Palestinian Family

one you'll love...

Online Museum: Israeli Holocaust Against Arabs

Alternative Insight regarding WCAR
Emphasis on Racial Discrimination Against Arab Peoples
Paragraph 29 of Sources, causes of Racism.. 

All States must acknowledge the suffering caused by lack of respect for the quality of human beings manifested through wars, genocide, holocaust, apartheid, ethnic cleansing and other atrocities. All States must reject/prevent and punish ethnic and religious cleansing and genocide in all regions of the world and work together to prevent their recurrence. The (holocausts/Holocaust ) and the ethnic cleansing of the Arab population in historic Palestine and in Bosnia and Herzegovnia and Kosovo must never be forgotten.

Note: The Arab countries desire that the word holocausts with a small "h" be used in place of Holocaust with a large "H." This wording is still to be decided.

World Conference Against Racism

The New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid

Palestine Center - Israel's Apartheid Policy Toward Palestinian Citizens

Israel's Apartheid Must End

Apartheid Laws in Israel - The Art of the Obfuscatory Formulation

Call me a racist because I'm critical of Israel?... How dare you! but it's understandable, expected and cliche'. I don't play the 


2002-01-06 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Mark Lane, Molli, you may be aware was Jones' attorney and Lane was CIA
attorney of worst possible type I was told by my old friend.   Further
when Jonestown hit, my old friend who was MI6 told me this and at the
time I thought she is a little way out of this, for I have never heard
of anything so fantastic:

So she said many of the residents of Jonestown brought back to this
certain lace in the east, had slits behind their ears where there were

At the time, now remember this was 1978 with so much going on, I thought
this was a little way out; but also she said the doctors there who
lived, were Nazi doctors.   I thought this might be way out too.

The only thing I know for sure talking bible calendar code stuff, the
escapees were left up the creek without a paddle.

This Rabbi Washington of the Black House of Israel, whom they now say
was named Hill, was his next door neighbor.   My friend wanted everthing
I had on him, which at the time was not much, but I have (here
somewhere) this picture of him and the childrne he harboured - they were
wide eyed and gave a drugged appearance.   Not too happy faces either.

The pictures of the children at Jonestown, and a picture is worth a
1,000 words, were laughing and happy..

So leo Ryan was set up and then the murder of the Mayor and this other

Could never really make the connection re Lane and Rick Strawcutter of
Michigan, but Lane connection to Larry Flynt and Flynt ended up dead for
a few minutes, but survived.

Wherever Lane goes you find murder and death and hard to tell sometimes
if he was there before or after the fact or both.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] HOAX - Worldwide Internet 'Death-Bed Confession' Video. . .

2002-01-06 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-



 Worldwide Internet
 'Death-Bed Confession' Video
 Talented NY Film-Maker 'Mike Z' Strikes Again

 The 'Illuminati Death-Bed Confession' internet video now streaming on at
 least two web sites is a HOAX. It is a well-crafted and performed artistic
 fraud with a meticulously enticing script featuring many key Illuminati
 themes... all done by NY film-maker Mike Zieper...or 'Mike Z' as he prefers
 to be known.   For the better part of two weeks, a person claiming to be
 'Chris Wilson' contacted our web site and sought a link to the video...which
 was already up and running online. Multiple emails were received from 'Chris
 Wilson' responding to our requests for more information and specifics. Each
 email response was logical and written in a credible, straighforward manner
 (see samples below).   The streaming 'Death-Bed Video' was of sufficient
 internet interest that we requested 'Chris Wilson' to send excerpts of the
 video's sound track, on audio cassette, for further study and invited him to
 appear on the program to explain how he came into possession of tape, the
 circumstances of how it was allegedly recorded, background details on the
 'dying man' on the tape and why he - 'Wilson' - posted it on the net, etc.
 'Chris Wilson' agreed to be a guest on the program to discuss his video and
 sent the requested audio cassette to TRN facilities via overnight Express
 Mail. 'Chris Wilson' appeared during the first segment of our program on
 Thursday, 1-3-02, and detailed the background of the video and how he came to
 post it online. It was an effective and compelling presentation.   Late the
 following night at 1:45 am (1-5-2), we received the following email from a
 man with a good memory - and a fine mind for detail - who was able to solve
 the riddle of the 'Death-Bed' internet video and advised us of the hoax:
   Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 01:45:36 -0800 (PST) From: Count Lithium von Chloride
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fake Illuminati Death-Bed Confession To:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Dear Jeff,   I just thought you should know that Chris
 Wilson and his supposed Illuminati Death-Bed Confession video that you had
 on your Jan. 3rd show is a total fake.   It's put out by a filmer named Mike
 Zieper, a.k.a Mike Z. He's done other real life films like this before,
 like his film Y2K Military Takeover, of which he was supposedly hassled by
 the FBI over it for the reason that people might think that it is real. See
 the ACLU press-release on that:
 ACLU Sues FBI, Justice Department Over Censorship of Fictional 'Y2K Military
 Takeover' Film: http://www.aclu.org/news/1999/n122299b.html   I thought that
 getting this information to you is important, to prevent your audience from
 being taken in by this film. Below, I clearly demonstrate that the so-called
 Illuminati Death-Bed Confession video supposedly put out by a Chris
 Wilson is done by none other by the film-maker Mike Zieper, a.k.a Mike Z.
 Below, I reproduce my email to Mike Zieper (which I sent to him a few minutes
 ago), but before that, here are some links, so you can follow the discussion:
REVISED TRANSCRIPT (of the supposed Illuminati Death-Bed Confession):
 http://www.ulster.net/~babs7/hartwellreports/transcript.htm   Chris Wilson
 [i.e., Mike Zieper] A Very Strange Death-Bed Confession. (archived Jan. 3rd
 Jeff Rense show): http://globalplaylist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll?id=1002635
   So, with that background, here is the proof that the so-called Chris
 Wilson is actually the fictional film-maker Mike Zieper, a.k.a. Mike Z (in
 my email to him): ___   Dear Mike Zieper,   I knew right away that the
 Death-Bed Confession Video thingy was your work. I suspected it from the
 moment I read the transcript of the video, and was sure of it when I actually
 watched the video.   What really tipped me off was the style of how the
 dying guy's speach was written. It reminded me exactly of how the
 black-ops guy talked in your Y2K Military Takeover film.   I listened to
 some of your interview on the Jeff Rense show archived from Jan. 3, 2002. I
 knew right away that whoever this Chris Wilson guy was that he wasn't a
 very good bull-shitter.   So, I went right away to read the transcript of the
 video and to watch it. I figured it had to be your work: and sure enough,
 when I did a Google search for the keywords new york, takeover, fbi and
 film (it had been so long that I didn't remember its name or your name) I
 found an ACLU press-release about your case that gave your below website
 address for Mike Zieper:   http://www.crowdedtheater.com   And when one goes
 to THAT website, it's now the SAME as the Chris Wilson website at:   So, it was pretty easy for me to crack open this
 Chinese cookie. All within the comfort of my own home.   You very much ought
 to check-out my below website, as it seems to be right up your alley as far
 as the things that you 

[CTRL] *O*, Metaphor for nwO

2002-01-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Interesting.  I saw the original in 1975, something just now
released in Britland, in 2000?  This sounds like the kind of stuff
Annie should be really writing!!!  Or does she?  AER 

More stories of O

The infamous French novel has spawned a thriving SM lifestyle,
writes John Baxter.

When the editor and writer Jean Paulhan died in 1968, his family and
friends, in traditional French fashion, followed the coffin on foot
to the grave.

In the last decade of his life, Paulhan championed the sensational
1954 sado-masochistic novel Histoire d'O by the pseudonymous Pauline
Reage. His prefatory essay, The Happiness of Slavery, called it the
wildest love letter any man ever received. That Paulhan was the man
for whom Reage wrote this love letter was an open secret, but who was
Reage herself?

Walking directly behind the coffin were Jacqueline, his daughter-in-law, and Dominique 
Aury, Paulha
n's long-time mistress and for years his deputy at the literary magazine Nouvelle 
Revue FranÇaise.

Seeing a huge wreath of flowers on top of the coffin, with no card attached, 
Jacqueline drew an obv
ious conclusion. You know, she said, leaning towards Aury, I bet those flowers are 
from Pauline

Aury, then 60, softly spoken and discreet, best known for her translations of English 
novels like E
velyn Waugh's The Loved One, and for editing a major anthology of religious verse, 
looked oddly at
the other woman.

But Jacqueline, she said, I'm Pauline Reage.

Few literary secrets had been so well kept. From the moment it was published in 1954, 
Histoire d'O
was front-page news. By the time Aury died in 1998, she had seen it endorsed by 
writers as prestigi
ous as Graham Greene, J
.G. Ballard and Susan Sontag. It had sold millions of copies in numerous languages, 
been the subjec
t of some mediocre but commercially successful movies, and inspired scores of related 

It had also, single-handed, created a worldwide middle-class enthusiasm for masochism. 
Merchants of
 marital aids watched in astonishment as whips and manacles outsold vibrators and 
edible undies.
Stars like Madonna play
ed with the wardrobe of bondage, and the discovery of handcuffs in Kylie Minogue's 
luggage at Heath
row airport (whether or not they were, as she claimed, just the fun handles of a 
handbag), confer
red a showbiz gloss.

Until the late '80s, only a few people knew that Aury wrote Histoire d'O. All that 
time, she sat de
murely at dinner parties and listened to other writers hint broadly that they were 
actually Reage.

The beautiful and promiscuous painter Leonor Fini was confidently named as the real 
O because one
 of her bird masks inspired an episode in the final chapters. Never one to shrink from 
publicity, F
ini had herself photogr
aphed in the mask and produced a series of erotic lithographs for a special edition of 
the book.

Another candidate, the novelist Alain Robbe-Grillet, even faked a Reage introduction 
to L'Image, a
sado-masochistic novel by his fiancée Catherine, written as Jean de Berg. When the 
book came out,
 de Berg agreed to be
 interviewed on TV but only if she could wear a half-veil. Her incognito just 
bolstered the general
 belief that she was also Reage.

Paulhan decided to scotch these rumours. He and Jerome Lindon, the boss of Editions de 
Minuit, whic
h published L'Image, were old friends and played boules every Sunday. Over their next 
game, Paulhan
 said he doubted the au
thenticity of the Reage introduction. A German expert in the newfangled science of 
computers claime
d he could identify literary fakes. Why didn't they let him settle the argument?

Lindon agreed, and a few weeks later asked Paulhan for the result.

Well, I'm puzzled, Paulhan said. He tested the introduction, and the text of both 
L'Image and Hi
stoire d'O.


He says all three were written by the same person.

Even when the literary historian John de St Yorre revealed the identity of Reage in 
1994, Aury's mo
tives in writing Histoire d'O remained obscure. She discussed these only once, in an 
interview with
 the French journalist
Marie-Dominique Montel filmed in the last months of her life.

Paulhan inspired the book, she explained, when he remarked that no woman could ever 
write a truly e
rotic novel. She decided to try her hand, both as a literary challenge and in the hope 
that it woul
d rekindle their long-s
tanding affair. Since Paulhan couldn't drive, Aury chauffeured him around Paris and as 
she finished
 each episode read it aloud to him, usually in the car, parked in some discreet layby 
or in the sec
luded Bois de Boulogne.

Montel asked the most obvious question of all. Had she ever experimented with any of 
the rituals de
scribed in the book - the whippings, brandings, multiple sex with anonymous partners?

I would have quite liked to have tried sex with many lovers, Aury said wistfully. 
But Jean was t
oo jealous. 

[CTRL] America's Holocaust Surviving

2002-01-06 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


With all the millions of other victims who are injured or killed
each year in other tragedies, is this a precedent for government
intrusion and involvement in the insurance business?   We understand
that cities have to be rebuilt and people need help doing this kind
of thing but there are such things that approach being acts of the
deities, occurrences that defy forethought and expectation that
become demands in the afterthunk up expectations of victims.  I
think they should send RICO out on an investigation.  NYC was never,
is not, and never will be the epicentre of the world.  AER 

Sunday January 6 9:30 PM ET

WTC Victims Decry Compensation Fund


AP Photo

By KAREN MATTHEWS, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Several dozen family members of World Trade Center
victims and four members of Congress on Sunday called for revisions
to the interim rules governing the federal victims' compensation

``It would be terrible if the families of those victims were to be
victimized again by the regulations that are being enacted by the
special master,'' Rep. Peter King (news - bio - voting record) said
at a news conference.

Special Master Kenneth Feinberg, the lawyer appointed to oversee the
government fund, said he hoped to address the concerns.

Under the rules announced by Feinberg on Dec. 20, the compensation
that family members receive would depend on the victim's family size,
age and earnings. Feinberg has said that the average family would
receive about $1.6 million.

The regulations give the family of each victim $250,000 for non-
economic losses such as pain and suffering. Life insurance and
pension fund payments would be subtracted from the awards, but
charitable contributions would not.

``We're talking about a $250,000 cap,'' said Rep. Felix Grucci (news - bio - voting 
record), a Republican. ``You could slip and fall on the sidewalk as you walk out of 
here - and I'm not suggesting that anybody do that -
but probably earn more on a slip-and-fall claim than these people will get for losing 
their loved ones.''

Relatives who apply to the fund would largely give up their right to sue.

Beverly Eckert said she was on the phone with her husband, Sean Rooney, who worked at 
Aon Corp. in the south tower of the World Trade Center, for the last half-hour of his 
life until the tower collapsed.

``This is about fairness,'' Eckert said. ``We're here because the figure that Special 
Master Kenneth Feinberg selected for pain and suffering in no way represents what the 
people who died went through.''

When asked about the $250,000 award for pain and suffering, Feinberg said, ``We're 
reviewing all the regulations. I am concerned that there are families of the victims 
who are troubled by this.''

Feinberg has until Jan. 21 to finalize the rules.


On the Net:

Victims' Compensation Fund: http://www.usdoj.gov/victimcompensation

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Always do sober what you said you'd do