[e-gold-list] Re: The impressive progress of the Caliphate

2003-10-08 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Danny,
 Well, interestingly Jim first brought up the examples of Byzantine and
 Italian Renaissance, so I have not been talking about Caliphate.

... Sorry, mea culpa, I was only halfway down the previous thread at the
time I jumped in. My argument for the Caliphate might be a bit superficial
as well.
The point I am trying to make is that interst is robbery.

While there was a boom during the rennaissance (the Italian one was
intially based on making money from forging and selling relics and art to
the nobility, by the way), the fiat money came later and Venice had been
using bills of exchange ever since it's foundation because those same
bills are what the Phoenician trade network was built on.
Hence, as Phoencia was destroyed through Roman treachery, one could argue
against non-metal currencies.

 Obviously none of us lived in this period, so we are all relying on what we
 find in the history books.
 I will just throw in some observations, which as far as I know are
 sufficiently documented.
... That is exactly where the problem lies. Our judgements are based on
history books which are based on (mostly biased) annecdotes and hearsay.
After all, the winners (re-)write history as they see fit.
 2) Europe defeated these caliphs as soon as it abandoned the 'gold only'
 system inspired by the results in renaissance Italy.
Actually they didn't. They kept ketting their butts kicked on a regular
base all the way into the 20th century. While the Europeans carved up the
world, they could not touch the Ottoman Empire until the WW1. Prior to
that the Italians had neverending revolts in Italy, the Russians lost wars
in the Krimm and Central Europe was only save becuase of treaties between
Austria-Hungaria and Turkey.

The actual reason for any European victory against an Islamic empire in
history has always been disunity among the Muslims and short lived
alliances among the Europeans. In the end, the second cruzade and the long
war against the berbers in Spain (mainly fought by the Basques who weren't
really European or Christians themselves) are the only two major victories
in open confrontations with Muslim realms prior to the 20th century.

Of course, as you suggest, our history books neglect to mention that
people seemed to have enjoyed living under Muslim rule for a few hundred
years. Claiming a vegetating state of affairs because of the gold economy
doen't make sense in so far that the cultural advancements of the
rennaissance are largely based on advancements that were common in the
Caliphate centuries earlier.

 3) The islamic countries who have more or less continued the system based on
 these rules of the Caliphate, have all remained very poor, 
... No the Muslim countries have NOT continued a system based on the
Caliphate. Instead they reverted to tribal communities that were
constantly warring with each other. At the end of WW1, Turkey copied
nation states and the Allies carved up the map creating countries that had
neither reason nor justification to exist. Indeed, tribes where split with
lines of a ruler and warring factions were thrown together into a country.
There is no reason why countries like Jordan, Syria and Iraq should exist.
Lebanon, Oman, Yemen and Qatar, as well as Turkey and Iran are the only
countries that have recent historical justification.
However, the English had to reward the tribes that revolted against the
Ottoman Empire while also trying to create buffer zones against Persia and
making sure that no single nation could dominate the region.

If anything, 'Arabia' should be ruled by the Hashemite King of Jordan,
with capital of Baghdad and tributaries from Damaskus to Basra and
Marakesh to Cairo with Persia/Iran taking back Southern Iraq, Afghanistan
and parts of Pakistan with collecting tribute from Oman, Yemen, Qatar and
If these two collusses exited today, then you could argue that the
populace followed the rules of the Caliphate.

In the case of Iran I would like to add that over half of the population
used to live in pretty good circumstances and less than 5% were considered
poor prior to the Western sponsored revolution. The fact that Iraq was
flourishing before the West was getting too concerned about the fact that
Syria, Iraq and Eqypt were discussing to merge is widely known and
Lebanese Beirut was referred to as the Paris of the East.

Then Israelis decided that they feel threatened by people who couldn't
understand that their 2000 years absentee landlords where driving them off
their land...

But again, I don't want to make an argument for the Caliphate but instead
against interest and inflation.

 It was a continuous cycle:
 war(destruction) - rebuilding (investment - growth) - saving (stagnation -
 decline) - war ...

I honestly can't see the social or humanitarian achievement in an economy
that thrieves on destruction and rebuilding. While it appears to be human
nature, I still think it's pretty sad in this day and age anyone would
find it a good 

[e-gold-list] Re: Interest

2003-10-08 Thread Robert S.Z.
No, go to the local home purchaser union, join up and save 10% of the
value of the house into an account.
Then pick the house and show that besides paying rent, you will be able to
save the current value equivalent of the house within the next 20 years.
Have the union buy the house and rent it to you for 20 years. After 20
years pay the remaining 90% and it's yours.

Actually, Germans came up with this one under Bismarck, if I'm not
mistaken. They do still practice it today and it is the cheapest way to
finance a house. As the people who join also own the union, those who wait
longer or need less than they paid in participate in the profits generated
from rent.

It is basically similar to the village collectives dating back to the
Middle Ages and quite likely predate them. The concept was to help each
other out when someone's kids married and needed a place to live in. The
young couple got the bulding materials together (your initial 10%) and
then everybody chipped in the work and the place got built.

I vehemently oppose all kinds of socialism, but honestly think that a bit
less consumerism and a bit more cooperation can go a very long way in
solving society's ills.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Interest

2003-10-08 Thread Robert S.Z.
 So, first I must have 10% of the house's value. I don't, but say I get them.
---While it might be common practice at the moment to finance houses up to
100%, this is pretty unusual and financing 70-80% is more the norm.
 Then I have to pay the rent, plus the rest of 90% of the value of the
 house?! Maybe you wanted to say the 90% are covered by the rent paid for
 those 20 years. If not, then the price of the house just doubled (rent +
--- That is pretty much the idea. The rent would be about 5% of the value
of the house annually. Hence after 20 years you paid twice the value of
the house, own the house and still have your shares in the union, which
are ideally worth the same amount as you paid in minus administration.
Even if the share were to be worthless, which is a technical impossibility
unless all rental properties burnt down after their prospective owners all
dies without paying rent, the deal would still be better than a common
morgage at 5% interest.
Where you are making the mistake is that you ignore compounding interest.
If you were to pay off a mortgage over 20 years you would be looking at
paying over three times the value of the house when you first bought it.
At the same time you would risk that interests rise or property values
fall (maybe after 15 years?) and you suddenly loose the house below the
price you meant to finance it at, keep the debt and end up with nothing.
 Anyway, the problem is the rent is still paid and it adds up to at least the
 same amount as the loan (plus interest), since those who rent (the members
 of the union) also want to make a profit. 
--- there is no interest in any form. As everyone ends up paying twice the
value of their houses the union buys more houses for members in ever
shorter intervalls. When everyone has a house they either pay out the
surplus or keep adding houses and renting them out.

Or, of course, the people who put
 the money together in the union (the members), don't get any profit out of
 it (only their house, when is their turn), and provided there absolutely no
 inflation ever (which I believe is an utopia, gold or no gold as currency).
--- Now, if the members only got their houses at 30% cheaper than a
comparable motgage with zero risk to loosing their house when market rates
change, then they would have made a profit, n'est-ce pas?
And per definition, inflation requires a growing amount of available funds
chasing after a stagnant or shrinking number of goods. If the available
amount of gold increses by 2% every year, growth would need to be 2% to
avoid inflation. If however growth exceeds the 2% then prices are falling.
This is not utopia but mathematics.

 And those who just got a house have to pay the rent plus a small amount of
 money to cover their union contribution (which I say gets close to the
 interest since a house is not cheap), so that other union members can have
 their house.
--- I don't recall having said anything about contributions. Instead,
should the price of the house fall, then the cost of administration could
be covered from the rental surplus. Should the price rise then each
subsequent member is paying a higher rent as their houses are worth more
than yours, which makes up the shortfall.

By the way, that is why I called it Union, rather than Property bank or
Estate pool. In the earlier stages the scale is likely to be small, local,
if you will.
However, it wouldn't matter how much fees you did pay, as each dollar
increases your holdings in the union.

Now, the claim that it's doable is simple mathematics. The proof that it
is doable is simply that it has been done, and still is being done. I
practice before I preach and try before I comment ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: What is the best symbol/abbreviation for the gold dinar?

2003-10-07 Thread Robert S.Z.
Actually, there is a big difference between the e-dinar you accept on your
site and the actual gold dinar you seem refer to.
The official name of the coins is Islamic Gold Dinar as it where, and the
currency symbol would be IGD, but it is also quoted as GDR.

However, there is the mass/weight issue as well as the actual sales price
of the coin, which is usually quite a bit higher than the gold value of
it's weight. So you are on shifting ground when you quote prices in what
should presumably be IGD/GDR if you base the value on the weight and the
gold price.

There appears to be a major difference in oppinion between politicians
promoting the Gold Dinar and Economists trying to make the policy fit into
everyday life.

Give it some time ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: The impressive progress of the Caliphate

2003-10-07 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Frank,
It's not such a small point actually and you are absolutely right.
Of course, it was the Muslim scholars who then showed the world what to do
with those numbers ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: What is the best symbol/abbreviation for the gold dinar?

2003-10-07 Thread Robert S.Z.
As'salam Aleikum,

I am not sure if the pure gold rule during the Caliphate was actually 24
Gold mined in the region has a coppery sheen to it and is often made into
jewellery and trinkets in 20 and 18 carat purety.
It is also doubtful that the original Dinar coins where in fact 24 carat
pure, because gold is pretty soft and invites cutting at that stage.
Adding some copper would have made it sturdier.

So, while I agree that the Zakat is based on pure gold, I dare to venture
that many of the coins in circulation were not made of 24 carat purety.

The weight, while coinciding with 4.25 grammes was actually based on
one/eighth of the weight of a stone used as a weight in the trade of myhre
(sp?) and other essences and spices.

Now, if you look at the 1/8 and the purety of 22carat rather than 24
carat, you come pretty close to the tenfold Zakat of 2.5%.
In fact ot is likely that this way of messuring the Zakat predates the
introduction of the '0' and subsequent begin of calculations in terms of

I know it's pretty confusing, but nothing compared to the mess the
Europeans derived their pounds, ounzes, feet and yards from.

The Dinar referred to is in fact the Malaysian one, as it is the
government sanctioned tender to be. The currency symbols are the ones used
by the Bank of Islamic Development which morphed into the Bank of
International Gold Settlements earlier this year.

While there are a number Haj coins being minted in Saudi Arabia and the
Emirates, these are mainly purpose bound tokens if you will, not an actual
means of exchange.

Hence the only actual Gold Dinar in circulation today is in fact the
Malaysian one and it appears as if the Royal Mint has backorders piling up
for three shifts a day well into the second half of 2004.
It is next to impossible to get them retail in Malaysia, let alone
anywhere else. Luckily we grabbed early :o)

Of course, there is the issue that the gold used to strike the coins has
to be Halal. Hence the Royal Mint can't borrow (or indeed use US dollars
which would be as Haram as it gets) to buy gold and depends on using the
revenue of coins sold instead.


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[e-gold-list] Re: The impressive progress of the Caliphate

2003-10-07 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Danny,

What both Jim and you seem to ignore in the argument is the fact that the
Caliphate flourished not only because(or in your case, despite) of
Gold/Silver currency, but because of (1) NO INTEREST OF ANY KIND OR FORM
and (2) low taxes, if any.

Your argument that people would hoard gold gets somewhat weak when there
is no benefit from doing so. Stagnant prices would lead to people
investing their gold into items and venture that generate revenue, such as
rent, trade and manufacturing. The economy would thrive on the simple
concept that hoarding money in any form brings no revenue, while investing
does. Without interest, banks would become simple storage and transfer
operations, charging a fee to store your gold or send it elsewhere for
branch withdrawal.

Anyone needing investments for a venture would have to go to the market to
get it there. This would necessarily lead to corporate transparancy. After
all, it would be impossible for company to borrow money or issue a bond.
Hence officers could not enrich themselves from inflated prices and there
would be no such thing as options, share splits, etc.

A certain degree of fluctuation in share prices and real estate values is
likely, but the market would regulate it based on profit expectations from
revenue generated, not on hype, hidden loans and inflated forcasts driven
by insane salary demands.

I honestly believe, a system with stable prices would lead to a much
fairer distribution of wealth and a more equitable market place. Why is it
that a man should be able to buy a house and pay it off in ten years, by
forcing tenants to pay high rents while someone else who buys a comparable
house looses it to the bank after having paid for several years because
the presumed value has dropped and instead of renting it out he lived
there himself?

Where is the free market when a board agrees to pay a CEO more than the
combined profits of his entire tenure? Where indeed is the free market
when a private institution prints papers (money?) and uses it to buy other
papers (bonds?) and then uses those bonds as backing to print more paper,
while the interest of the bonds can only come from taxation and the only
way to redeem the bonds on maturity is by rolling them over into more
bonds? This has nothing to do with market and certainly nothing with free.
It does however have a lot to do with intentional fraud and outright
robbery (which is the definition of taking something away from it's
rightful owner under the threat of force; also referred to as property

While I am not trying to promote Islamic ideals, I am indeed pointing out
what I consider an equitable way for economic activity. The fact that it
is part of the teachings of Islam is merely coincidence.

Whenever someone gets something for nothing, something is going awfully
wrong. And earning interest is getting something for nothing. The argument
that one is being rewarded for making his money available to others is in
so far nonsense that if he had spent it, it would have benefitted the
economy as a whole.
You think that by devaluing currency people could be punished for not
circulating their currency holdings.
Jim argues that using gold as a currency would create stable, possibly
even falling prices, which in turn would not harm the wealth or value of
the currency.

I say, abolish interest altogether. It encourages the circulation you want
and ensures the stability Jim advocates.

There is another item to consider about your argument about America being
wealthier in 'real' items than ever before (more houses, more factories,
etc.). I disagree because of two things you did not mention:

(1)   The durability of construction is amongst the lowest ever and the
quality of housing is not much better; point in case, how many of the
buildings constructed 30 years ago are still considered livable and worth
owning? Compare that in terms of percentage to buildings that were
constructed 100 years ago.
Meaning, while the numbers have indeed increased, the upkeep of those
inhabited ruins in 20 years will outstrip their usefulness because of
shoddy quality. Well, and that, as we learn in basic business management
makes the properties mid-term liabilities, not assets.

(2)   Foreigners own an unprecedented 20% of all American properties and
control the titles of another 40% through mortage and bond investments.

While, you may have more houses in the land, my friend, the one your
neighbour's butt is parked in, belongs to a mutual fund a third cousin in
Italy invested in. More factories? Again mainly liabilities as
manufacturing is more and more moving out of the US. More everything,
true. But who owns the more, and how long will it last, worse who will pay
for the replacements once it doesn't last anymore?

I would conclude that on a per capita basis, minus inflation for the past
50 years, Americans now own less than they ever did before.

But hey, I'm the guy who buys cheap rental property, invests into basic

[e-gold-list] Re: Economic lunacy

2003-10-07 Thread Robert S.Z.
 If you drive 200 km an hour with you car in the city you are very likely to
 have an accident.
 Does that mean the car is bad?
No, it means the city is poorly designed and governed and the economy is
likely to be stagnant. How else did I find enough free space to get to a
speed of 200 ? :o)))


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[e-gold-list] Re: Reserve Bank economic controls and polygamy. Was Re: When e-gold takes off in a big way

2003-10-06 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Ian,
Actually the 4 wives rule is more of a guideline than a rule and once you
practice polygamy you will realize that the only way to keep the wives at
bay is to keep adding ;o)

That said, isn't the reason governments *want* and *need* inflation simply
that it is the only way to continue faking growth while robbing everybody
blind and paying yesterday's lies with tomorrow's promises?

Meaning, inflation is required to hide the fact that tax payers are the
ones who are paying the interest on government debts through a slow and
continued devaluation of their cash. Without inflation, banks would over
an average interest life time of 14 years (when interest is at 5% and
inflation at 0%, allowing for compounding interest and regular
'refinancing' of government debt at 1:1 ratio) own all available cash in
the country. In other words, if there was 1,000,000 total available
currency and the government spent that 1,000,000 into circulation and then
borrowed 1,000,000 afterwards, then after 14 years, it would be broke, owe
the bank 1,000,000 and nobody would have a cent as the banks would have
all cash funds and would be owed 1,000,000 at the same time.

Of course, this could not work as the cash starved economy would have died
much earlier - or would be 100% owned by the banks as well, resulting in
banks lending money to each other just to keep the total available
currency in circulation and the economy functioning.

In the end, the only thing that would work, is to get rid of interest. If
there is no interest (paid or charged) then money is a fixed denominator
of value (as it should be). If that happened, ther would be no inflation
and no way for the government to get loans. that in turn would reduce

And then one asks himself, do we really need neverending *growth*?
Especially if the growth is not real to begin with?

A gold-currency becomes only necessary because of ursurping interests and
criminally careless governments. No interest, no public debt, no inflation
and you can call your currency whatever you want - back it with square
miles of space or hectolitres of air, if you want. Back it with nothing.
Just don't print more and stop claiming that the economy expands if the
expansion is not real.


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[e-gold-list] Re: And another one down, another one down...

2003-09-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
Being an ex-banker (I'm proud of the 'ex' not the 'banker') before joining
the tech crowd at a time it wasn't quite fashionable yet, I can still see
how both sides think. The problem with any online system that has suits
involved is that they believe that throwing money at a problem will surely
make it go away. Trouble is, once you throw money at something online, the
money will vanish and more is needed. It appears, the trick to succeed
online is to keep overheads miniscule while providing outstanding service
and relying on satisfied customers for marketing.
These are three things that an MBA will never grasp after leaving Harvard
and falling victim to the street.

In the end, the more of them fail, the more customers are left for smaller
ventures run by people who actually know the concerns of online operators.
Now, how can we get rid of PayPal? ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: R: Re: DGCBank Launched - Copied from Moneybookers.com

2003-09-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
Actually the FSA would have been likely to balk at the fact that the name
includes the word BANK, a priviledge that costs upwards of BPS 2.5 mil and
requires a banking license.

Also, EVERY business registered in the UK and remotely dealing with
finance is regulated by the FSA.

And, having a registration number implies simply that they are registered
with the FSA (ie. the FSA is aware of their existance)which is mandatory

Hence I'd say that someone who makes a point out of saying that they are
FSA regulated, is stating a truism, and one who puts a lot of emphasis
about the fact that they are registered with the FSA, in essence tries to
get marketing points from following a mandatory obligation.

In this light one might start wondering about ALL sites that mention the
FSA more than once.

On a related note, did you know that it is illegal for any financial
institution from the EU to maintain any records or data outside the EU,
say Bulgaria or Romania? Not that I would want to point fingers here ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: FW: Moneybookers service

2003-09-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
Actually they did boot www.cyfrocash.com a few weeks ago for security
reasons, with no warning as well. I thought this was because of the fact
that I was pretty verbal about them taking three weeks to pay out a client
of ours.
Of course, the was also the issue that they suddenly had decided to demand
all sorts of ID when we tried to withdraw a whopping $300 from our own
account ;o)
A letter from our legal counsel got them to pay in a flash, and I gave
them the demanded ID details afterwards to make the point that this was
about the principle of things.

That said, my bet is that they realized that they are in fact competing
with other exchangers and enable them to offer lower fees.
Add to that, that the FSA might start to develop an interest in their
activities if a few fraud complaints about a fe clients of theirs come up,
and they might just feel that it becomes a matter of survival to claim not
to be dealing with exchangers. I'd say the last thing they could afford is
that someone took a hard look at their books - and self-contradicting
support mails - or the fact that mails are being answered from locations
they are not supposed be answered from...

But hey, we all try to earn a living here.

As to your problem, maybe have a look at www.cyfrocash.com . We might be
able to help you in most countries your clients are likely to come from.


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[e-gold-list] Re: The sky is crowded?

2003-09-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
It all boils down to a pre-paid charge card maintained in e-gold.
Virtual or plastic, a way to transfer from your e-gold account into a
no-name e-goldcoin(C) account.
When doing the transfer, you select a PIN. The PIN together with the batch
number form the basis of a hash that is used to spend the funds on the
The hash is then used to produce 25 transaction authorization numbers
which only you know about.
When you pay the soda, you enter one of those numbers, which is good for
ONE transaction - the one you bought the soda with.
When you run out of numbers, you use the last in the list to get 25 new
ones. As simple as that.

No harvesters, no worries.


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[e-gold-list] Health Insurance, Franchises, Windows 2003, Appologies

2003-09-25 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Everyone,

First of all a thousand-and-one 'SORRY' (especially to Mark and Martin) to
everyone who has written me and didn't receive a reply, or a very short

What had been scheduled to be a two day trip to Singapore ended up being a
three-weeks excursion criss-crossing continents with a short interruption
- a few emails and a single post here.

As I am trying to get back on track with the real life, I'd like to
announce that CYFROCA$H is proud to offer what is likely to be the first
ever Health Insurance Policy that can be paid through CF$ by e-gold.
Not just any insurance mind you. The Package has been tailored by MNU
(Multinational Underwriters, USA) and Lloyds (UK), and is meant for PTs,
Expatriates, Expatriates, Travelling Entrepreneurs, etc.
One restriction though: It's no good for US nationals living in America
most of the year.
http://www.cyfrocash.com  PT Insurance

We also added Windows 2003 ASP.net servers to our hosting packages and are
offering some very intersting reseller accounts. $20 per month gets you
1GB of space, a reseller control panel and an allocation of 10

Further, we added an Affiliate Program, simplified Reseller packages,
finalized the Franchise offers and made a site about them all. This is
also the first site that actually gives a bit more of an overview of the
fields CyberFrontier is involved in.

I have no travel plans for the forseeable future and will try to get in
touch with everyone whom I owe a reply during the next few days.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Surging gold threatens to dim doll

2003-09-01 Thread Robert S.Z.
I actually think that an empty stomach and the mere fight for survival
does in no way foster civilization, culture or intelligent thought beyond
creative ideas to get food on the table and to kill others that threaten
the sparse food supply by being hungry themselves as well.

Once borders are secure and bellies are filled, crime in check, cuture
tends to flourish and with it intelligentia and arts.

Of course, rising numbers of pocket philosophers are then an indication of
rising decadence and subsequent slide in levels of education, rise in
brutality and ignorance and finally the dominance of the less noble,
animalistic instincts we are all prone to fall victim to at times.

Asia ist still hungry, but catching up fast. And if Asians continue on a
path of cultural regression (in the sense that they are questioning
Western ideals and start to look inwards for ethics and guidance), then
they are quite likely to succeed in taking the good components of 'Western
ways' (such as efficiency, foresight, cooperation) and discarding the rest
(demise of family value, glorification of the individual at the expense of
others, majority rule,  etc.).

In the end, it is good economics that make policies of a wise government
and foster the well being of the individual through state, community and
family. As markets from China to India and to Indonesia mature in the
comming decades, the export-driven economiesdepend less and less on
foreign markets on life-support.

No matter how much the World Bank and IMF try to keep them at bay, it is a
matter of time until more and more Asians relize that they are paying for
the life support of Western economies - as it is happening already.
Then one by one, they will start pulling the plug.
The EU is to busy feeding on itself an each other to do anything about it
and the US will sooner or later realize that bombs make for bad
negotiations when trying to secure raw materials.

Time to start thinking about moving, gentlemen :o)


All Americans have to do to hear the Word of God, is to try burning Bush

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[e-gold-list] Re: intriguing ..

2003-09-01 Thread Robert S.Z.
 notice someone put in a bid for 5 at 90.  is that some sort of 
 arbitrage technique pre-dividend I don't know about?

Actually he is offering to pay the same price everyone else paid and at
the same time he offers an emergency exit for someone who just grabbed the
latest dividend and wants out.
How so? Well, when the shares initially cost 100gr the gold price was
about 10% lower ;o)

In the end, it's Dollars that pay the bills ...


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[e-gold-list] Re: Surging gold threatens to dim dollar's luster

2003-08-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
Currency analysts worry that as the price of gold rises,
so too will investors' antipathy toward U.S. assets.

Trust the 'experts' to find someone to blame for what is essentially the
result of catastrophic US policies ever since the underhanded coup d'etat.
The reason for invenstors'a nthipathy toward US assets is that crooks are
on top, protecting crooks in the middle and are making Joe Average pay for
it all, while using Joe's kids to meddle in the affairs of foreign crooks.

Let's face it, there is not much reward anymore in loaning money to the US
and as collection is all but impossible, people buy gold.

Rather than gold being responsible for investors shunning US assets, it is
them shunning US assets being responsible for the increase in the gold

I had an interesting discussion with some political strategists from Asian
think tanks recently. They compare the current American policies to the
last attempt of the Roman empire to stay in charge, and believe that given
half a chance, America will self-destruct from internal rott.

While I do not necessarily agree with their conclusion, it does appear as
if America is risking to become irrelevant in a few decades if current
policies prevail. Point in case, Indian and Chinese InfoTech workers leave
the US in droves, upper middle class Americans migrate to Latin America in
unprecedented numbers and with them go both, brains and cash.
Yet, for now, America is still the place many aspire to be. Of course, I
would trade a domestic market of two over two billion consumers who are
just starting get some money into their pockets over a market of 300
million who already have everything in triplicate, anytime.

Can you say 'Dawn of the Asian Century'?


PS - didcha miss me?

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[e-gold-list] Re: Localizing E-gold in a new market

2003-08-23 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello David,

e-gold itself is 'merely' the facilitator of the platform. OmniPay are the
guys who are responsible for physical bailing in and out of storage.

Exchangers or Market Makers are the guys you would need to get involved
and www.CYFROCASH.com are the guys you want to talk to about an existing
backoffice infrastructure to work with banks.

You are basically looking at opening accounts with as many banks as
possible in as many countries as possible, but would be shouldering the
currency exchange risk, apart from development costs, marketing, etc.

Unless someone else here has a brilliant idea, you might want to email me
offlist and we can discuss how you could use the existing infrastructure
of CF$ for Africa (minus South Africa and Egypt).


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[e-gold-list] Re: A New Bank ? LOL

2003-08-23 Thread Robert S.Z.
Tasty Hack :o)

When I see sites like that - they really claim to be a bank on the
following pages, which suggests that the index page is indeed a hack -
then I wonder if people who fall for something that poorly presented and
that obviously a fraud don't deserve to be ripped off?

Forget the poor presentation and the wanting content, a bank without an
address should be more than enough.

Alas, why is the site still up? Obviously the host had no security and the
site owners either don't know or are too busy running.

A weird place, this planet of ours.


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[e-gold-list] Re: What an idiot.

2003-08-23 Thread Robert S.Z.
Just have a look at the guy, he predates the telephone!

I'm no spring chicken, either and have actually seen a telex in action
once, but this guy buried his brains around the time we finished high
school, and has joined the growing society of the typing dead long before
there was a web :o)


- Idiot _ a member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human
affairs has always been dominant and controlling, the idiot's activity is
not confined to any special field of thought or action, but pervades and
regulates the whole. He has the last word in everything; his decision is
unappealable. He sets the fashions of opinion and taste, dictates the
limitations of speech and circumscribes conduct with a deadline
(Ambrose Bierce).

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[e-gold-list] Re: Betting program

2003-08-21 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello George,

If you want a decent size mail box (or five) then $35.00 per year buys you
a domain registration, webmail and 100MB storage. Autoresponders and
Majordomo included ;o)


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[e-gold-list] RE: FYI Golddinar update

2003-08-20 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Imagine if the the only way to fund a DGC account was to deposit
 physical gold coins!

Well Ian, you are overseeing one unique item there.
By depositing actual coins, two things are a given: 
(1) the gold is always available - no M3 here, no electronic money, the
bank MUST have the coins in stock, because withdrawal is in coins.
(2) nobody can decide to set an artificial value for the coins and force a
fiat exchange on withdrawals.

In other countries where gold accounts are offered, making a deposit or
withdrawal is always in the local currency. Imagine the government there
deciding that gold goes at 95 local currency units (althought he real
value is 1000 LCU). As you can not make real gold withdrawals, your gold
account in those locations has in fact not really gold in it - just the
promise that it's kept in gold.

Also, when real coins are involved, there is no interest (given or
charged), nor are there taxes.

The concept of this trial is in fact to show that an economy can grow and
a country prosper without being at the mercy of the interest sharks. After
all, the amount of gold available on the planet is finite and hence
interest can be only paid to a very limited extent, if that.

That said, the scenario for DGC is different. There is little chance that
a government could interfere with gold price setting policies. Obviously
there is also no interest involved and hence them having the gold in
storage and selling 'rights' is workable.
But the aim of a DGC and the Golddinar concept are completely different as


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[e-gold-list] Re: infinite gold

2003-08-20 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Jim,

You are right with pointing out that the actual gold available on the
planet is far larger than currently feasible to mine. One is remided of
the fact that common sea water contains roughly half a million tons of
Getting it out of the water at a cost lower than then market price of gold
is the tricky part (recent estimates cost the effort to extract trace
element gold from sea water at an expected cost of about $50,000 per ounze
with a multi-billion dollar up front investment for the plant).
By the same token however, even if the moon was solid gold, getting it
here is not really feasible.

So I'd say that we'd be limited to the gold deposits easily mined on
mother Earth for a few centuries - if mum leaves us a few centuries, that

In the end, the implied finity of supply is what would make it all work.
If gold was plentifull and reasily available for next to no cost, then the
purpose of gold as currency would be deated much in the same way the
Spaniards went through major economic hardships and gold over-supply
induced inflation during their colonial peak. 12 gold doublones bought one
a decent size dwelling near Lisbon when Columbus left for East India.
At the peak of the gold inflation 12 doublones didn't pay for a decent
frock and tiny huts went for upwards of 500 doublones.

A world-wide gold currency should and could function with gold in the
vincinity of what is today $310 per ounze, or about $10 per gramm, simply
because the average cost of mining, raffining, smelting, and making coins
(plus transport, storage, administration, etc.) should not be lower than
the implied exchange value. This in itself, will keep additional supplies
limited and hence keep inflationary tendencies in check.
In the end, this system is almost resembling a mathematical formula, based
on cost of getting 10gramms out of the ground in say, South Africa and
getting the same ten gramms in coin format into the poscket of a European.
The cost of this, would naturally determine the base value of gold. Every
other commodity, service, product, produce, property can then be meassured
against that value.
I other words, the question is: How much gold do I have to spend to get
10gramms of gold into the European's pocket? That amount of gold is then
the base value of ten gramms. Ideally it will take me ten gramms to get
ten gramms into the European's pocket.
After that we only have to let the market decide how much gold it is
willing to spend for coffee, a steak in a restaurant, a condo in Costa
Rica, etc.

Then, and only then, we will have a truly free market. Because any implied
freedom vanishes when there are interests to be paid and these same
interests are added to every product and service one buys - as is the case


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[e-gold-list] Re: Ambra-Exchange - Fraud Warning

2003-08-20 Thread Robert S.Z.
Thanks for the heads up.

I think it just seems too easy for people to get started in the exchanger
business. And because of that everyone with the most rudimentary skills
can give it a shot.

We all know that in actual fact being a *good* exchanger is not that easy
at all. Apart from long hours and often tiny margins there are currency
exchange risks, highly volatile metal markets an incresingly unstable
network infrastructure and ever more imposing government interventions to
deal with and quite frankly, I am starting to wonder why so many people
are bothering to give it a go.

Not only are there all the hassles and toubles above to overcome, but
there is the constant risk of falling prey to more and more sophisticated
scams and to top it all off, you host could go out of business, the
electric grid could fail and send you offline for a couple of days and

Maybe exchangers and e-currency operators should produce a pamphlet in PDF
format (we'd be happy to host it for free) with the perils and dangers of
becoming an exchanger and some general guidelines for customers what to
look for in an exchanger before sending money?
Could be something for the GDGC or for PlanetGold or Gold-Price.net to
consider? Or even Gold-Pages.com?

Thinking about it, maybe it's time to put our two cents together an
produce a more detailed volume with tips for consumers and budding
business operators in the e-gold universe?

I mean, new merchants could certainly learn from the advise of old hands,
as could exchangers in niche markets. A bit of cooperation could help
e-gold a long way - and hence everyone using it.

Food for thought?


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[e-gold-list] FYI Golddinar update

2003-08-19 Thread Robert S.Z.
The Royal Malaysian Mint, responsible for issuing the Golddinar, announced
that they are out of stock, running three shifts and have order backlog
for about five months.
The largest orders came from Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UK and the US.
Coins are available in 2, 5 and 10g weights.

On a related subject, since the start of Golddinar saving accounts a few
weeks ago, to try it out, it appears that 180,000 such accounts have been
opened, but most can't be funded (yet) because there just aren't enough
gold coins to fund them with.


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[e-gold-list] Re: buy TGC shares immediately

2003-08-17 Thread Robert S.Z.

Maybe 0.1g is a bit low, but 1g shares at just above $11 a chop, might
liven up the market. We actually swapped a share account a few weeks ago
when someone urgently wanted to buy some gold and the client has been
desperately trying to sell them.

In a more liquid market environment this would have meant that the price
would have dropped more towards the 90g mark, or a 10% loss.

Of course, the way things are, it is unlikely that there will ever be
volatility of any sort in the shares because between JPM and two other big
shots, have of the liquidity is in effect not in the market. Sales have
been slow as well, as you point out, so thinks are not looking too well.

Now JPM and others will argue about the incredible dividend et al, but the
only way to make 'real' money was really to buy the shares when gold was
at 342 and dump them on some hapless poor geezer when the market went
above 362. That's more return in 6 weeks than the dividend will amount to
in a year.

The funny thing is that the 'geezer' really, really wanted them after
reading JPM's posts about how great arbitrage was. Trouble is, he doesn't
dare to put them on the market now and we won't buy before gold is below
350, and even theh only very carefully and with a big 'Maybe'.

In the meantime, A.I.M. returned 4.5% on gold-basis accounts in the last
two months and will pay an early bonus this year. It's a strange world we
live in.


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[e-gold-list] Re: buy TGC shares immediately

2003-08-17 Thread Robert S.Z.

 Which is why I had contemplated programming a system to split TGC 
 shares and offering
 a trading system where members could buy 1 gram TGC shares that
 could be traded just as shares in TGC on Dbourse are traded currently. 
 Unfortunately programming
 such a project is the easy part! The legal side of such a project is 
 much more
 complex and costly! 

Actually it would cost scraps. Remember the location of Dbourse and the
fact that the market is unregulated.
If you buy a share, you can not split it per se, but you can issue bonds
on it, sell options, start a betting office, raffle it, worship it,
excommunicate it, nail it to a tree, you name it.
The important item here is that you do not split the share itself, but
instead issue shares the revenue of which is being used to buy TGC shares.

Also Gold-Price is a user community and you are as such not offering
anything to the general public.

If Members of Gold-Price want to invest money into a pool and buy shares
with it, that is up to them. The only restrictions you need to pay
attention to are in the field of marketing. Other than that, you can start
a pool to bet on the weather next week if you feel like it. And yes,
contrary to popular believe, you can charge management fees for/from the
pool - as long as these fees are clearly advertised and agreed on.

To sum up, if you get together 500 people, each investing 20g, you can buy
100 shares with your pool and corner the market. Of course, the trouble
starts when you are trying to sell them again ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Nuggets

2003-08-16 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Joel,
The pic links to e-bay don't seem to work.
But, you got nuggets for a total of 4.5g and no reserve, so I start the
bidding with $45.00 for the lot of them ;o)

You should also point out to people that even at above spot, they are
unlikely to ever be able to buy small quanities of actual, physical gold
at such a low price. After all, beetween mining and retailing there is
refining, transport and at least three middle men who all want to make a
few bucks. And in the very end the various government slap tax on top.

So my first bid is $45 and I think I will keep bidding if there are
competing offers.


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[e-gold-list] Re: 3M Should Sue Verisign!

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
But Patrick,
Don't you know that Verisign is above the law ever since they bought NSI?

Well, actually that is how they used to act until recently when a judge
decided that the original owner of sex.com can sue them for damages
because they had given his domain to a crook.

But even for that one it remains to be seen if anyone is going to create a
precedent that registrars suddenly become responsible and hence liable for
what they are doing. Currently the TOS of most registrars have the kind of
disclaimers one only knows from banks and insurance companies.

It seems that because of that neither Verisign nor anyone else in the
business can be made responsible for aiding and abedding or for conspiracy
to break copyright or trademark law.

Strangely enough, when Esther Dyson was heading ICANN and called for rules
that would treat NSI as a normal commercial venture she was blocked by all
and sundry, including the commerce department.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Sealand and Koko

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
What you REALLY need is the first Dalai Lama spend :o)

As to non-human, non-robotic, will a politician do?


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[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Gordon,
 - Sealand claims souvereignity but has no commercial code that would
 establish rules of conduct, taxation, contract law, etc.
 Taxation? Contract law? Rules of conduct? Where would they hold the trial? ...
The reason why they should have them is to make clear that they can NOT
decide ad hoc to raise taxes (in the sense of implementing tax rules and
starting to charge). Also, having a commercial code, contract law and
rules of conduct does not necesarily imply that there has to be a
judiciary aside from the absolute monarch or his appointees. Meaning,
HavenCo and Sealnd are two different entities. One is a
company/venture/business/service provider, the other is a country. If the
country has no rules, then the service business can do as it pleases
(poach customers, spam visitors, etc) and while you can vote with your
wallet, it would put your clients at a disadvantage if after a few months
you moved off Sealand again.
Having rules will protect your clients against HavenCo's actions if those
actions breach the rules.
You could then complan to the monarch who could either make a ruling or
appoint someone to do. An actual trial if you want to go that far, could
take place online.

Now, I'm not saying that HavenCo is crook nor that Sealand is in any way
questionable. What I am saying is that there is no foundation to conduct
business on and HavenCo's terms of service (as well as your own) are hence
useless as they lack a basis in law, because there is no law.
That, in turn means, everyone using any service related to Sealand has a
gentleman's agreement at best. Common law does not apply, because there
are no precedents.
 - Sealand's ruler is an absolute monarch without checks and balances.
The word here is continuity. I accept that both the monarch and heir
apparent/prince regent appear to be honouarble people of good character,
but what about the next in line? Indeed, who IS the next in line? What if
heaven forbid something happens to the Bates' family and suddenly Sealand
is without a ruler. There are no rules that would take care of things.
Indeed, HavenCo's share holders could proclaim soverignity over Sealand in
the absence of anyone contesting.
So again, you have a gentleman's agreement and don't know if the next in
line is a gentleman. If a business venture takes a longer term view of
things, which anyone who ever made a business plan worth the cost of the
paper it's printed on would do, then Sealand and by extension HavenCo
looks like a partner you can deal with (or don't) on a month-to-month
That in turn is not something I usually do - and I believe you to be more
solid as well. Even the move of Katz Global to Panama suggestes foresight
and careful planning.

 It is suprising to me that the people who should be the most outspoken about  
 government are the first to complain when there is none, ...
I always considered governments as a good thing - when enjoyed in small
quantities. I like the protection of the rule of law, I enjoy the benefits
of a criminal code and enforcement agencies that let me sleep at night (or
posting to this list) knowing that a teenage step daughter will be safe
when walking home from a party three blocks away, with a friend at 4 am.
In fact, I'm even a monarchist at heart (those of you who know me, know
why ;o).
What I dislike are double standards, absence of standards and being at the
mercy of a government that doesn't follow it's own rules, makes rules as
they go, OR has none.
In other words, I like the Malaysian model of government and dislike the
American one.
 ok fine. So you would rather pay lower fees to have your servers in the USA 
 guaranteeing your customers are at the mercy of the
Certainly! There is only so much interference from the US government, as
long as everybody plays by the rules. When we do get an inquiry, as
happens from time to time, mainly by the USPS, we answer their questions
as good as we must.
Let's face it, most gov questions relate to potential fraud and it is a
good thing that fraudsters are having a hard time.
On the other hand, we host dozens of highly controversial sites and the
gov only once had some questions about one of them, some of which we
answered and others which we didn't because we failed to see where the
answer was related to anything illegal. It appears that this kind of
attitude is acceptable to everyone involved. We host political sites and
religious sites because we believe not only in freedom of speech, but also
that it is vital for an interested public to gather information from other
- even controversial - sources, in order to form an informed opinion.
At the same time, we host anything else that does not conflict with our
TOS and policies.

But I honestly believe that simple fact that we are straight forward in
our approach is why we have a 'mutually beneficial relationship' with the
US gov.
We try to ensure that sites we host are above the board and shut down
sites when we 

[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Ian,
 It is *nothing* compared to cyberica.net for
Thank you for the endorsment :O)))


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[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Gordon,

As you have an inside track and I don't (anymore), I will refrain from
disputing anything that has to do with day to day going ons in Sealand.

However, your explanations and suggestions do not address the two root
problems of it all.
- Sealand claims souvereignity but has no commercial code that would
establish rules of conduct, taxation, contract law, etc.
- Sealand's ruler is an absolute monarch without checks and balances.

Don't get me wrong, I subscribe and believe in forms of government that
are either earned or inherited and especially learnt.

However, conducting business in a location in which there is no rules and
in which the 'citizenry' is at the complete mercy of the government, is
IMHO not worth the higher fees that have to be passed on to customers.

The problem does not stop there. The very absence of rules puts you at the
mercy of authorities elsewhere if your clients mess up. With the absence
of rules comes the loss of protection. The protection hosting service
providers enjoy through decissions and precedents in case law that held
that hosting businesses can not be held responsible or indeed liable for
what their respective customers do with the storage space they rent.

Now, that said, if indeed your assumption is correct and there is some
sort of conspiracy against Sealand in the works, then I'd say, which ever
way you look at it, you would loose.
If the conspirators succeed to mess up Sealand and/or HavenCo, then you
will risk loosing clients. If the conspirators fail, then they will first
go after the service providers, next after the ventures based on or using
Sealand and finally make things difficult for everyone remotely related to
Sealand - such as your customers hosting there.

If you give it some thought, you are likely to agree that if some
conspirators try technical gimmickery and then a smear campaign in the
press, then nothing is really beneath them (sounds government inspired
and/or sponsored, if you ask me).

Now, while sticking to Sealand might earn you a medal for bravery (now,
there is an idea), it is not necessarily a wise business choice.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Privacy data storage

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
Why not use SSH for uploads?
No control panel, no mail, no nothing = no open ports.



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[e-gold-list] European investors stung by virtual Seattle firm

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
It seems an unregistered company that extensively used the net and boiler
rooms in Asia and Australia fleeced investors who trusted in a website and
some chitchat over legitimate (non-existetnt) registration records, public
filings, etc., for what is likely to be a few million dollars.

Full story is at:

In short, they got an office service, a basic website, a couple of pirated
sites and used the services of fly-by-night, sell-anything telemarketers
to sell shares in a non-existent company. Trouble is, authorities say they
are helpless and the scam is ongoing.

The perpetrators did put some effort into it all as well. The office
service was booked from Thailand, the domains registered from Australia,
the US pnone number converted into WAV and emailed to a yahoo address.

Nothing special there. What does surprise me however, is the fact that the
domains are still active, the webs still hosted and the phone still
redirected.  Meaning the authorities don't know what to do!

Just for the record we did not register the domain names and don't host
any of the sites as far as I know...


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[e-gold-list] Re: Power out in Northeast USA

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
Thank God for UPS and our back-up generators :o)


PS - maybe they didn't pay their bills... 

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[e-gold-list] Customer protection, freedoms, realities (was Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global)

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

In the interest of our courteous relationship, let's just agree to
disagree on the Sealand issue. In the end, we both want the same: Protect
our respective clients' privacies and not judge them for what they believe
or do.

That said, there are two items you must have misunderstood:
I said, whe gov contacts us with questions, we provide as much information
as we must. And that normally means that we provide the email address we
have on file.
I do not see why maintaining a good relationship with law enforcement
would make us a roll over? On the contrary, it did happen that a
possibly unjust complaint of a user did lead to a visit from the local
sheriff, inquiring about our customer. The fact that they knew us as
straight forward meant that us promising to look into it was enough for
them to leave things be. We got an explanation from our client and the
case was closed.
In simple terms, user A said our client X ripped him off, client X said
it's not true, we told the sheriff we believe client X and that was the
end of it.
If you ask me, this system certainly beats playing tough and asking for
warrants, etc.
Did I mention that nobody ever asked us for the personal details of client

Anyway, you obviously have a dislike of government while we only distrust
At the same time, we allow for the human factor and for the fact that not
all government employees are inherently bad and born evil.
I homestly can not say if I am ready to protect a potential fraudster
because the person from law enforcement doesn't have a warrant when he or
she contacts us.
By the same token, we don't support fishing operations and want to know
what it is about before we decide which level of cooperation we are
willing to offer.
And that means, being a HYIP or games site is not enough of a reason for
us to provide anything but the contact email - which is usually a freemail
address anyway.

I believe you judge your clients the same way? After all, if a site is
likely to be a fraud, you would have booted them off the server just the
same way we do. Hence, if law enforcement then contacts you and you
provide the contact email, you are not doing anything wrong, because the
client is in breach of your TOS/AUP and an investigation is then likely to
be warranted anyway.

Yes and no. Our backups are off-site and off-shore ;o) And to shut down
the US operation is a matter of a call to an accountant to send off the
pre-arranged pink slips, and remote administration access involving a
series of 'format' commands.
If we have enough notice, clients would bearly notice that they are hosted
elsewhere now.
After all, I have been pretty vocal about recent American policies and how
they affect our business in the US (namely, cyfrocash.com and by
association also aim.info). Given that I'm the sort of person who not only
bitches around but also acts, I had my finger on the kill switch more than
But, the US location does have inherent advantages and having the venture
registered there is one of the main reasons we are getting many American
clients. CyberFrontier Corp is first and foremost an online venture and
vocal supporter of free markets and the US constitution secondly.
Moving clients who dislike the shape things are taking to another location
is a matter of minutes. But why would I throw away the business of those
clients who don't care what patches and spy-ware big business wants us to
install on our servers?
A wise man once said, that every people has the government it deserves,
and I am a merchant in the original sense. I have no prejudice against
anyone's money. Hence, if the majority of American clients host with us
because we are good and cheap and 'American', so be it. If some host with
us because my personal views of what is wrong in the world match theirs,
then that is great and I will take special care of them, but it's not a

On a different note, you do not really believe the plastic knife tale, do
you? Think 'Reichstag Fire' in Berlin. Alternatively, if you haven't done
so yet, read Machiavelli's 'The Prince' and consider how much recent
history fits in previously designed - and published - road maps of
American (Republican) policies for the 21st century.
When something smells like fish, it might be chicken, but it sure as hell
ain't steak, no matter what the label says.


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[e-gold-list] Re: The return of Julian Dibbell

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
I don't have an English link, but in Asia, especially South korea and to a
lesser extent in Japan, the production and trading of virtual goods is a
booming industry.
In fact, there are the first kitchen-table outfits that specialize in
custom made outfits for various games popular in Asia.

Trade is actually being encouraged and the first virtual world operators
are looking at making a buck from taxing it by issuing trader licences in
form of access to selected sniplets of source code.

For me it looks as if in a few years, 'Virtual Armor Smith(TM)' or 'Online
Reality Taylor' could become an acceptable job description on a (virtual)
name card.

Once big business realizes what is happening, they might be smart enough
to find common platforms that will allow 'inhabitants' of one VR world to
take their characters and equipment into another. Once that is possible,
it is only a matter of time until 'virtual real estate brokers' and others
will make an appearance.

In the end, online or off, experiences for the brain are a matter of
electronic signals and stimuli. As technology improves, it is only a
matter of time until the border between reality and perceived reality
starts to desintegrate. And with constant improvements in productivity
this may very well be a good thing. After all, ever fewer people are
producing ever more goods and services, and the masses of jobs that will
be irreplaceably lost in the next few decades will mean that large
segments of the populace serve only as consumers. For them some sort of
occupation needs to be created - and when that occupation is virtual, they
won't waste any resources...


Which Virtual Reality Can We Host For You Today?

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[e-gold-list] Re: First Case of skimming ATMs in Australia

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
Actually, Ng is one of the more common last names in China and even
Indochina, Southeast Asia, etc.
There are likely to be roughly 200,000,000 Ngs around, fighting with
200,000,000 Tangs/Tans/Tngs for supremacy ;o)

We are hosting 4 Ngs and 2 Tans, so on our servers the battle is raging as


PS - today only: 20% discount for anyone with the name Tan or Tang and 10%
discount for all Ngs, signing up for a new account.

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[e-gold-list] Re: HavenCo's impending demise?

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
Believe or not, people actually want rules. Most of the free-market
project fail because there is often not much more than a concept.
To actually make HavenCo work, Sealand needs a commercial code, a company
act, a telecommunication act, etc.
In this way, 'real' businesses could evaluate the hosting offers and
HavenCo would have been more likely to succeed.

But the utter lack of rules, together with monopolistic practices of
HeavenCo themselves, interference of unchecked Royals (rules tend to
protect the populace from each other AND from the government, to some
extent), and questionable infrastructure made the foundation of the whole
project somewhat 'floating'.

HavenCo is just learning the lesson that datacenters should not retail and
retailers should not backstab their wholesaling datacenter.
Instead of going specifically after customers with questionable sites and
motives, they should have priced their services to allow hosting ventures
to set up shop there - and then NOT compete with them.

Alas, it's the old story that idealistic enthusiasm never beats a proper
business plan and outstanding customer service. If one then drops idealism
for arrogance and throws in high prices, then one paints himself into the
proverbial corner.


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[e-gold-list] Re: the hamburger currency idea

2003-08-14 Thread Robert S.Z.
So, if I open an e-hamburger account, in what stage are the burgers in the
depository? If they are still moo'ing then there are branding issues. You
know, the serial numbers on the cattle that establish which animals belong
to the depository pool and which ones are off-spring, third party beef,

The other problem I can see, is the question of burger mortality and
use-by dates. Not to forget the quality concerns and taste issue.

Also, do the fries count as change and if so, how many fries is there to
the burger and how much is the mayo deduction.

Oh and can I swap the pickles for more onion?


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[e-gold-list] Re: PMMIT/Havenco/Seamail/KATZ Global

2003-08-12 Thread Robert S.Z.
SeaLand should adopt the e-gold AUG
 as its official money.

Hello Jay,

Wouldn't the logic choice be for e-gold Ltd. to resettle to Sealand or
'open a subsidiary' there and ask for Royal endorsement instead? I mean,
you wouldn't *really* want a country to declare e-gold/AUG as the official
currency, would you? Just imagine the mess if Sealand suddenly tries to
influence e-gold a few years down the track...

And if you agreed that e-gold becomes their currency, then you would have
bad cards when you trying to ignore there influence later. After all, they
are a de facto country.

Which bring up another interesting question though. If a country like
Panama decided to dump their own currency and make the USD the only legal
tender in circulation, whose permission would they need, the US gov, the
Fed, or nobody's?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Everything is illegal

2003-08-10 Thread Robert S.Z.
  Whoever, except as authorized by law, makes or utters or passes, or 
  attempts to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver or other metal,
  or alloys of metals, intended for use as current money...

Two items:
It appears to me that this rule is specifically forbidding to counterfeit
existing coins to be used for money.
So, it doesn't really forbid you to make your own coins ys long as they
don't resemble existing coins and you do not claim them to be legal
Also, in case I'm wrong, you can make medals, tokens, chits, etc.?
If so, you could use tokens as a means of exchange.

After all, Liberty Dollars are struck in Gold and Silver and despite
widely publiciced attempts, they seem to be getting no problems from that
side, at least?

In the end, why bother making your own, if you can just get e-gold


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[e-gold-list] Re: Everything is illegal

2003-08-09 Thread Robert S.Z.
So, you are saying we should make some coins in a foreign country, bring
them into the US for sale, file a complaint with the WTO for unfair trade
practices and claim quazillions in damages?


PS - This foreign trade advisory to any member state if the WTO is free of
charge; please consult a WTO rule expert before proceeding; please be
advised that under the the double-standards exemption enshrined in the
republican manifesto, a legitimate trade action might result in wanton
bombings, invasions, confiscations, occupations, eradications and/or
cancellation of the master franchise if McDonald's for your country. Don't
try this if you are France, cause nobody will care.

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[e-gold-list] Re: access 49 adult pay sites with e-gold

2003-08-08 Thread Robert S.Z.
You should take a fetured listing in www.thegoldindex.com in the ADULT
section. 145,000 visitors since May. $10 for three months or $25 per year,
e-gold only, of course ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-06 Thread Robert S.Z.
 and this one is for you Robert:
Hello Gordon,
There is a difference between 'holding in trust' and 'being' a trust.
You see, we settled a trust to hold domains for clients. This trust is not
related to us other than that it contracted CyberFrontier to set up
U2Planet.com and register domain names for it.

So, in essence, WE don't know what the trust does with them or whom they
are holding it for. Even if we wanted to disclose details, all we can
provide is the contact details for a trust manager. We don't even knoe who
the trustee is.

As far as I can see, the trust might actually settle a seperate trust for
each of the domain names. But that is just a guess.

Now, IF that is what is happening, then the trust manager may know the
trustee of the first trust, but it is unclear if that trustee is
instrumental in settling the other trusts for each domain name. It then
gets really complicated when the seperate trusts for each domain name have
different trustees themselves.

That much to the ICANN rules (guidelines?).

Now, in your 3M case, who registered the domain? When you say you are
holding it in trust, are you (or your comapny) the holder? If so, then I
agree with Patrick's first comment of the thread.
Because then you can indeed be forced by law to hand it over. Worse, you
can be forced to disclose the identity of the beneficiary.
If you however, have settled an actual trust for the domain, are not an
officer of the trust and are merely following rules, then the rule that
hosts can not be held responsible for what their respective customers use
the services for is likely to apply. And, as there is no precedent that
suggests otherwise, this 'service provider protection' is likely to extend
to domain name registrations (for now).

The question would then be, did you or did you not settle a trust, do the
paperwork, etc.? It might be a question you might prefer to answer
off-list by private mail, though.

Lemme know if there is anything I can do.

no sig, but you all know anyway...

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[e-gold-list] Re: Transferring Money to Africa

2003-08-04 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Patrick,

Let's say your father finds someone trustworthy to act as an agent who
opens a local bank account. Let's further say, I have a way to get cash
money into almost everywhere in Africa where there are capital controls
and a black market.

Would there be any interest to kick-start the local e-gold exchange with a
few thousand dollars?

Alternatively I could envision an AfricanGold platform for mini trades
between Africans where AF is 100% redeemable for e-gold and/or USD for

Finally, while being at it, we could bundle the whole package with a
dedicated server that offers not only an exchange platform but also free
hosting for mini shopping sites and rock-bottom discount rates for
slightly larger ones.

This coupled with our normal CF$ services could actually make quite an
impact, well beyond introducing e-gold and funding a local exchanger.

Just a thought. We got the infrastructure, if you have the people and are
willing to write the platform, let's talk - off list, of course ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: 2,000 bars worth aprox. $500 Million found

2003-08-04 Thread Robert S.Z.
Is it me, or does this sound as if 'someone' is ripping Iraq off?
Where were the independent auditors that such a haul would surely warrant?
Who took the bars into custody? Where is the proof that the bars send for
testing are actually from those trucks?

Finally, if this is a mere scrap metal shipment, when did the drivers get
released, what are their names and where are they now?

If you asked yourself these same questions, then that suggests that the
reputation of the US Armed Forces and their commanders is at the lowest
point ever and that you trust them about as much as your normal garden
variety thugs.

A scary thought indeed. Especially if you happen to be American ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Real Gold Saving Accounts

2003-08-03 Thread Robert S.Z.
The Royal Malaysian Mint has now started to produce Golddinar coins and
will óffer them to the public from October 2003 onwards.

This is one of six pilot ptograms under which the mint hopes to awaken the
interest of Malaysians to use gold for specific purposes, namely Islamic
banking and specifically saving accounts for the Haj pilgrimmage.
The Haj is the highlight in the life of devout Muslims, when they partake
in the rituals and cermonies in Mekka and Medina (Saudi Arabia).

As the teachings of Islam include specifically the rule that only gold and
silver are money and condemn the practice of charge for no value
(interest, inflation, etc.) this is of course the most obvious item the
Golddinar can (should, must?) be used for.

The concept of 'clean' money does not forbid profiting from giving loans
(or maintaining saving accounts) per say, but instead condemns the
charging of interest. Instead one participates in the earnings generated
from tangible investments.

The reason I consider this important is simply that together with the
first Islamic bond in Golddinar denomination, these two pilot programs are
re-introducing the use of gold in trade and commerce to the public.
If successful, other Malaysian banks are expected to follow suit and offer
Golddinar saving accounts and ultimately current accounts and debit cards
maintained in gold.

Of course, ideally this would mean that the Malaysian Ringgit would over
time not need to be depegged against the US dollar, but instead the
Golddinar would replace the Ringgit in day to day transactions. From a
certain point onwards, as Ringgit accounts are replaced with Golddinar
accounts on a broader scale, the Ringgit would only stay in circulation
for convenience reasons and would by then be synonymous with the

While this is certainly newsworthy, I do suspect that we won't find much,
if anything, about this in the foreign press. After all, the difference
between Golddinar accounts and the saving accounts in gold denomination
available in some other countries is that deposits and withdrawals are
done in actual gold. Whereas in traditional gold accounts one deposits or
withdraws fiat currency at market conversion rates, to make a deposit into
this new type of account, you first buy the coin and take the coin to the
bank. The bank in turn can not sell the coin, but can work with your
deposits (ie. granting loans, making investments, etc.) only in the form
of coin. That in turn means that with the emergence of Golddinar saving
accounts, gold denominated mortgages, leasing contracts, etc. are a
necessary consequence.

Let's hope that Malaysia succeeds to wean her population off the paper
until the paper becomes the same as the coin. If that happens, I could
envision Malaysia becoming a business holiday destination for many people
who simply want to open an account here.


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[e-gold-list] Re: R: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-03 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello JP and Adam

We have actually been getting the usual form letter for two domains we had
registered recently, replied to them, explained, and that was that.
The domains I am referring to are: e-golddinar.com and egolddinar.com

There are two main distinctions between the two above and
e-gold-casino.com, though. As JP points out, latter has actually the name
'e-gold' in it, and I would think that to be indeed an infringement.
More so as the message that White Bear posted actualy quotes 'Egold

The difference between the casino and our two domains is this:
We registered the two names as 'Electronic Golddinar', NOT as 'eGold
This fine nuance, makes all the difference. After all, as I explained in
my reply to the e-mail from e-gold at the time, E-gold Ltd. can not
possibly claim the trademark on a currency that what widely in use some
600 years before Columbus (re-)discovered America.

Adding the 'e-/e' in front is a widely used practice that signifies the
electronic version of a real life article or service. Hence
e-golddinar.com can not possibly infringe on the e-gold trademark.

Of course, in our case, there is also to consider that we are building an
information site about the electronic version of the Golddinar system as
it is being developed and promoted by the Malaysian government. That in
itself, should make a lot of difference.

To sum up, rather than looking at the words used in the domain three other
tests need to be applied to establish if an infringement indeed takes

Does the domain name include the actual trademark or parts thereof and
does the operator engage in a related field?
(ie. e-gold-seller.com infringes, egoldcardonline.com doesn't - if it
stands for Electronic GoldCard Online and neither is, nor accepts DGC)

Does the domain name that includes all or parts of the trademark,
capitalize on the trademark? (in the sense of promoting something that
will benefit from the use of the trademark, such as e-goldseller.com)

Are the motives of the registrant of a domain name such, that he wants to
benefit from the fact that e-gold.com is well known in certain circles and
is there evidence that the registrant acted in bad faith?

Looking at the above, I would say e-gold-casino.com does indeed infringe
in the first two instances, while e-golddinar.com doesn't at all.

I personally dislike the thinking of 'anything goes unless litigation
proves otherwise'. On the other hand, there need to be limits to what one
can claim and I think that the three tests above should be used - in
addition to common sense - to establish if an infringement is taking place
or not.
And if a site that has e-gold in the domain name but has nothing to do
with DGC and the domain name actually means 'electronic gold-something'
then that can not possibly seen as an infringement on the e-gold
trademark, or?


PS - just imagine the Austrians would claim prior art on the word 'Dollar'
because it is derived from the word 'Taler' and would then proceed to
trademark it and force other countries to rename their currencies...

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[e-gold-list] Re: R: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-03 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Gordon,

We registered the domains for the Malaysian government to preempt some
crook doing it and bringing the Golddinar into direpute before anything
got off the ground.
The government doe to the best of my knowledge neither own an e-gold
account, nor are they likely to want one. So I don't think that this would
be an issue.

Well, and I don't think that e-gold would shoot the messenger, ie. disable
our accounts. I mean that would be a real cheap shot as the site will have
nothing to do with e-gold whatsoever.

But thanks for the warning!

Malaysia doesn't have an e-gold account, to the best of my knowledge and
hence they are not subject to any agreement with e-gold. So the user
agreement wouldn't apply.

Thanks for the input. But, one can't claim the trademark on something that
has nothing to do with one's business or trademark whatsoever. The
Golddinar was introduced around 700AD! Egold owns the trademark on e-gold
and derivatives, not on 'e-'.
Claiming that adding e- to Golddinar has anything to do with e-gold is
pushing it a bit too far. Indeed, a ruling could backfire in so far that a
court might find that while E-gold is protected, the two generic words of
Electronic Gold are not. With such a decission precedent things could get
real complicated.

As to your example with Ford. If someone's name happens to be Ford and he
incorporates a company called Ford International Corp. and then registers
fordcorponline.com then there is not much Ford Motor Cars can do about it.

Even under WIPO, e-gold has to prove something like: (1) that their
trademark is being misappropriated; (2) that this causes a damage to
e-gold; (3) that the domain was registered in bad faith.

egolddinar.com stands for Electronic Golddinar and does not contain the
egolddinar.com does not compete with e-gold, nor does it conduct any
business in any way whatsoever related to e-gold.
there is no attempt to profit from the remote resemblance that some people
may see in the name to e-gold, nor indeed is there any plan to use the
domain to attract e-gold users. In fact, the site will default to an
Arabic and Malay language site, with Chinese, Tamil and English being

On a different note, we had actually asked e-gold how they felt about us
registering egoldindex.com for the directory site we run. At the time we
were told that that would be seen unfavourable and we went with
thegoldindex.com instead - proof of acting in good faith?

But in the case of e-Golddinar, both domains were available and it
actually only appeared to us that they contained the phrase e-gold, after
we got e-mails from e-gold about it.
Of course, I did reply pretty much right away and explained what purpose
the domains were registered for and what type of site we were going to
And that was the end of that.

So, I'd say that the people at e-gold are much more reasonable than you
guys seem to be giving them credit for.
And I do agree that they should do their utmost to protect their
trademark, because if scam artists abuse the name it will hurt the
reputation of e-gold and by extension the business of all of us.

But, there is a difference between a scam artist who tries to profit from
e-gold's trademark and a site that wants to educate the public and promote
the use of the Golddinar program of the Malaysian government.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Need a cheque sent to pay account.

2003-08-03 Thread Robert S.Z.
You want a USD cheque sent in the US? No problem, we can do that.
If you want us to make a cash deposit into an account in a number of
countries, then www.cyfrocash.net does that.
However, if you want to buy e-gold, then we can't help you, unless you are
an exchanger.


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[e-gold-list] Re: R: Stealing Trademarked Words

2003-08-03 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Joel wrote:
 I was talking about merchants that rely on having an e-gold account.
And that is exactly the point I'm trying to make. eGolddinar.com will not
be a merchant. It will be an information site.

You and I, we both know that CyberFrontier has other plans that involve
Malaysia, the Middle East, Africa and e-gold and I certainly wouldn't want
to jepardize those plans just to make a point with the eGolddinar domain

However, making a point was never my intention and I only mentioned the
eGolddinar.com domain name as an example to compare against
e-gold-casino.com in order to point our how two domain names, both
containing e-gold in one form or another could be so different from each
other that one is likely to indeed infringe on e-gold's trademark, while
the other doesn't.

Of course, my mere mentioning the domains and the arguments I used were
then the subject of plenty of posters who differed with my views and I
suddenly had to defend the fact that we registered eGolddinar.com ...

That said, I take the silence from the @e-gold.com corner as agreement
that they also couldn't see how an information site utterly unrelated to
e-gold could be any cause for concern.


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[e-gold-list] Re: got billions?

2003-08-02 Thread Robert S.Z.
The Moon is largely private property, as are the other celestial bodies in
the solar system www.lunarembassy.com .
Of course, I'd put Russian nukes at $7,000,000 each on my satellites and
Iraqi bio-chemical agents with North Korean long distance missles on my
space station. As soon as we find them, that is.
This then should deter anyone from messing with my orbital toys.

I'll add joke tags in future, when I end a hair raising but nevertheless
possible outcome of an analysis with a ridicilous suggestion, to make
things easier.

Weird though, that you didn't have an opinion to the other, more serious
suggestions, namely that the US/EU are likely to go after the exchangers
when e-gold get's too big, because they won't be able to touch the
currency operators - most of them, at least.
IMHO, this is something to seriously think about, because Bush Junior
might get another 4 years, and has a brother with experience in stealing
Given another 13 years in office between them, they would shape the World
in their own image (God have mercy on us all).


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[e-gold-list] Re: Argentina's newest museum

2003-08-02 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Fun fun fun...Until you get to the end, and they talk about hunger
 as a consequence of all this but still argue politics.

They should send the Treasury Secretary and a delegation from some of the
states to the opening of the museum, so they can see how it's done. You
know, for the future, when the US will default...

Well, that won't happen as the US is printing the very paper the others
are owed. But Japan would be a candidate for defaulting on domestic loans,
as would be the EU and, I think, the UK.

Strange really, come to think of it. After decades of reckless spending,
the 'democratic' governments of the world owe their people (and each
other) loads of paper while at the same time forcing hardship on other
countries who owe them the same type of paper - paper that incresingly
looses it's value as the world countries which actually have commodities
to trade are increasingly reluctant to accept payment in paper they have
no control over.


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[e-gold-list] Re: My brother's pottery

2003-08-02 Thread Robert S.Z.
You are an amazing family! 

I lived in various parts of Asia most of my life and never even heard
about Japanese pottery. It looks and sounds (reads) every bit like the
hard labour art usually is.

In our fast paced world it is good to see people like your brother who
take their time learning - better studying - a craft, and then build their
lives around it. Looking at sites like your brother's adds perspective -
and reminds me that I haven't been on my mini plantation plots in Bali for
almost a decade :o(

Cheers to your brother from a new fan!


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[e-gold-list] Re: Sidd is gone!

2003-08-01 Thread Robert S.Z.
...sunnier climes, doing both business and pleasure
Sounds like you are going to Bali ;o)

Have fun and a safe trip.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Head and Shoulders, inverted?

2003-08-01 Thread Robert S.Z.
Actually it looks to me like an establishing down-trend!
Top, Correction, Failed second top, Correction, Lower third top.
Fundamentally, we would now need to see the $340-341 support lines before
the market tries again to brak the first.

In a slightly longer term scenario we are still in an uptrend, but barely
( http://www.kitco.com/LFgif/au00-04.gif ).
Anything below $350 in the next five days or below $356 after that and all
bets are off because then the chart is back in the 8 year downwards trend
( http://www.kitco.com/LFgif/au95-pres.gif ).

Of course, if one allows for the fact that all these charts are Gold in
USD and that the dollar took a major beating itself, then the market is in
real terms falling for quite a while now.


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[e-gold-list] Re: dangers_e-gold.html

2003-08-01 Thread Robert S.Z.
  I think the argument that
 out-exchange fees run 3% to 9% shows poor research
 on the part of this guy, ...

Actually he talks about exchange fees, not out-exchange.
In fact he seems to be more concerned about the in-exchange for the client
as the context is that the clients first needs to open an e-gold account.

Now, if we take the client's in-exchange and the merchant's out ex-change
together, then then about 4% would be the minimum.
If then say that the amount of purchase is $1,000 and consider that the
client as well as the merchant have to each pay both their transfer fees
and the echanger's transfer fees and if we further consider the average
transfer sending fee to be $25 and the receiving fee to be about $15, then
we are looking at:

In-exchange for client:
$20 (2% fee) + $25 + $15 = $60.00
Out-exchange for merchant:
$20 (2% fee) + $15 + $25 = $60.00

Total cost: $120 (amount was $1,000) or 12% !!!

If the purchase is smaller, in the median or even low 100s range, then the
only one who benefits is the banks.

So, from his point of view, the guy is spot on.
However, he forgot to mention the convenience of privacy and the fact that
half-way smart people only do larger in/out-exchanges to reduce the bank
fee component percentage wise.

In the end, the real benefit of e-gold, is inter-communal exchange, of
But I fear, the user base needs to grow quite a bit larger and the overall
volume of bailed-in funds with it, for this benefit to become more
blatanly obvious.


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[e-gold-list] Re: recent thread, e-gold vs. Credit Card

2003-08-01 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Yeah, I know e-gold is real time but those e-gold
 exchanger is not in real time. So there is a time lag.
It's not the problem about them not being real time (we are, but we don't
deal with the public) , but that you don't have a way to pay in real time.
Ultimately, you will need to be able to find a way to allow you to deposit
funds somewhere, keep them there and use them to buy (or sell) e-gold on
the spot. Give us a few weeks, we are 'almost' there ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: VirtualGold link

2003-08-01 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Anybody ever ask why they call it 'Virtual' Gold?

I guess for the same reason others call it 'Digital', 'Cyber' or
'Electronic' Gold? Let's hope that Nomen est Omen does not apply :o)

That said, the only proper name would be something like: 


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[e-gold-list] Re: Antigua Granted WTO Hearing On US Online Gambling Ban

2003-08-01 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Some 54 nations, mostly in Europe and the Caribbean, have legalized 
 regulated online gambling, according to the Interactive Gaming Council.
The thing is of course that the US is likely to sooner or later give in
and join the gang. The bad thing is of course that with the US on board
countries will move heaven and earth, so to say, to legislate and
especially tax the fun out of online gaming.

The good thing about that, of course, is that most shady small-scale
operators will go under. The bad thing is that most small-scale operators
will go under.
Another slice of free market sacrificed on the altar of big brother's
regulation religion by the socialist-taxation priesthood.

The good thing of that would be that more and more larger gaming operators
would discover e-gold as a privacy option and the scope of the whole
micro-economy would grow multifold. The bad thing would be that e-gold
once again would become an all-too painful thorn in the side of big
government and they would do their very best to force some kind of

The good thing would be that they are likely not to get anywhere with
e-gold. The bad thing would be that they are then likely to try to go
after the exchangers of bury the merchants in audits. Point in case: since
the US realized that there is not much use in going after porn site
operators or censoring content, they have shifted their attention to
credit card operators (especially VISA) who are now leaning on promo
sites, adult verification systems and small fry pay sites.
It appears that latter are folding by the dozens while more and more card
processing services are throwing in the towel as well.

Of course, compared to the online adult content industry, the overall
volume of all DGCs combined is laughable, but if gaming goes DGC to save
tax, then the volume will multiply and warrant more concentrated efforts.

In the end, with the US becoming more and more the '4. Reich of the Rich'
(good book, worth reading) and the EU becoming its socialist counterpart,
who will really do anything if the souvereignity of a few tiny island
nations is being ignored? Maybe it is getting time to reconsider
establishing ventures in the Lower Antillies and start looking to the
Pacific ocean instead?

What we need is a dozen geo-stationary satelites. Heck, we should have
bought MIR ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: Anti fraud...

2003-07-31 Thread Robert S.Z.
Good that none of them hosted with us ;o)

And a few of the sites you mentioned are pushing even my vivid imagination
on how someone could possibly pay the returns they are promising - not to
mention the exchanger sites.

However, if your cruzade brings you across someone registered through us
and/or held in trust, it might be a good idea to get back to us before the
public crucification.

It might just be that it is one of the few legit HYIPs or gaming sites we
are hosting: Legit in this context is meant to mean that they have been
doing what they promised to do and have been paying their investors what
they promised to pay and we haven't received a single complaint.
This for us is indication of an above average probability that they are
engaged in a business that has the usual high returns commonly found
outside the Western world.
You know, the areas where the other 5-odd billion people live who have
less freedom per say but are often freer in fact ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: done

2003-07-31 Thread Robert S.Z.
 ISL, arbitrageurs extraordinaire, just bought three shares...we'll 
 see what happens.
You are buying three shares at 100gr and are getting 3x0.6g or 1.8g in
dividends. You then sell them at 99.75g, loosing 3x0.25g or 0.75g, right?

So your arbitrage profit is 1.05g minus fees, or about $12.00
You are investing $3,400 for 24 hours (if everything goes well) and make
$12 in profit.
WoW! That's a mind blowing 0.35%!!!


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[e-gold-list] Re: done

2003-07-31 Thread Robert S.Z.
The fee I was referring to is the e-gold fee after selling your shares and
getting the spent credited to your account.

And then there is something else *some* traders love to do. If some
smaller outfits were rustling arbitrage cattle, these traders would
suddenly short the stock in huge quantities just as the dividend was being
paid, catching the cowboys with their pants down.

After all, given some volume, one can play it both ways ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: crappy scam site

2003-07-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
I would even maintain that someone who can't be bothered to invest $15 for
a domain name and $45 a year for hosting (no matter if he made the site
himself or paid someone to do it), then the motives of the operator are
necessarily questionable.

Sure, someone might just start out and want to try how it all works before
committing himslef to a domain and proper hosting. But, would you want to
do business with an exchager whos is just trying it out?


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[e-gold-list] Re: UPDATE: Canadian server co-location for USD$2000 for 12 months

2003-07-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
Dear Ken,

 The up-time observation you make is very valid. 
We didn't follow the 99.99% uptime garantee trend because we honestly
believe that anything above 99.9% is bogus and and even 99.9% is
questionable. once you did a bit deeper on the sites who make that claim
you often find exemptions for: higher force, third party non performance
and human error.
Or in other words, the garantee is null and void when it comes to the crux
because hardware errors are force majeure, network downtimes are a third
party cause and a coding or configuration mistake is a human error. If
they then exclude hack attacks, dDOS and security breaches and place the
burden for backups on the client, well, then they are almost ready to sue
clients if their site is down and they don't fix it inside the 0.1%
downtime span allowed per year :o)))

Of course, we all want to attract customers, but if we seriously want to
give 99.9% or more uptime garantee, then we should consider that that
should imply that we become liable for the backbone provider having a
problem - because that is exactly what the client believes that such a
garantee implies.

And I don't think that anyone can or should advertise something that is
essentially out of his hands.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying anything at all. It's just that if
you think about it, you might agree that anyone who garantees any uptimes
either just followed the trend without giving it a serious thought, or
alternatively gave a lot of thought to the subject of how to get around
the warranty if the need arises.

Other than that, if you want to go retail, even cpanel is a bit much for
many users. But nobody had ever any trouble with ENSIM control panels.
They are limited in the things they offer, but how many people really need
to enter multiple BIND records and point to individual IPs, etc?

Either way, any merchant that offers e-gold payment options strengthens
the little economy we all share. So there should be at least another dozen
reliable hosts. Cooperation enhances the business ;o)

 To date, I have not been advertising my services beyond this and the DGC
 Chat mailing list.

And when it comes to advertising, well, you know, thegoldindex.com and
gold-pages.net are simply a 'must'...


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[e-gold-list] Re: VirtualGold. Was RE: KATZ update

2003-07-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Someone logged in at **:** 2003-07-** from IP: ***.***.***.***
 If this was not you, the horse has already bolted!!!
h...pff pprrr wuahahahahaha sniff

Ian, if your pythonesque humor was any drier it could be used to dust for
Love it. Thanks for the best laugh I had in a long time :)


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[e-gold-list] Re: Regarding crooks!!! Very Interesting! I think :)

2003-07-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
 It seems that one of the websites is not reachable since last night.
Good Lord, your posts killed a budding new exchanger through a flood of
visits towards the end of the month. You see, there are gazillions of
people reading this list and the number of plain html archives are legion.
And everybody visited xhp-exchange to see what the fuss is all about and
that crashed the server.

Of course, the host immediately kicked them out and they are left with an
unpaid bandwidth bill that will take years to pay off.

In effect, the pensioner husband and and wife that operated the site and
put their savings into it will be on the street in two days because they
had just bought a large amount of e-gold for a client who now cancelled
his transfer to them and the falling gold price was unexpected to the dear
old couple as well.

And all because the old couple lives in a country with foreign exchange
controls and can't legally deal in e-gold and hence decided to use a bogus
address for their domain registration...

All wrong? Not true? Could never happen?
Maybe. But, how can you be sure?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Regarding crooks!!! Very Interesting! I think :)

2003-07-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
 So they broke the law... I was almost feeling sorry for them.
Yikes, I overdid it ;o)

But, I don't know a single person on the planet that wouldn't have broken
any laws. There are places in which it is against the law to pass gas in a
public place. Just imagine all the infant criminals...


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[e-gold-list] Re: dns stuff

2003-07-30 Thread Robert S.Z.
Alternatively, enter edit mode in your email client, click preview and
mouse over the link. The absolute URL will show on the bottom left.

If you have no edit mode or don't know what I'm talking about, simply
click FORWARD and then SAVE. Find the message in the DRAFTS folder,
mouse-over the link and the URL displays on the bottom left.

The important or relevant part of any URL is always the last part before
the .com/.net./etc


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[e-gold-list] Re: Regarding crooks!!! Very Interesting! I think :)

2003-07-29 Thread Robert S.Z.
Dear Sir,

For one, we don't 'yell' on this list. Your post in UPPER CASE reminds me
of other writings related to fraud which are just as unconvincing. You
wouldn't be located in Nigeria by any chance?

Secondly, the excessive use of 'french' in a list dealing with finance,
currency and a specific segment of the economy which we all believe is
being frequented mainly by sophisticated individuals, is indeed uncalled

Thirdly, I can't but help to wonder about your age, or alternatively your
background. If you are as emotional about business decissions as you are
quick with allegations, then it is highly likely that you will be easily
engineered to fall for one fraud after another.

Finally, I fail to see where the principle of fraud being wrong and it
being a good thing to inform the public could be questionable in any way.
By the same token however, emtional lynch justice is not a tolerable

Frankly, I would prefer for 10 scam artists to go free than for one
innocent business operator being destroyed through misinformed, albeit
possibly well-meaning, trigger happieness.

That said, Ian raised an interesting point and I have an interesting twist
to add. I have the IP address of the person who is highly likely the one
who registered two of domain names you mentioned. Indeed, two of them have
been registered - or attempted to be registered from the same IP. What is
more, I checked our server logs and support requests and found several
other IPs out of the same block ...

Given the above, I am wondering if it is worth following up on this. For
example, it might be interesting to trace your IP and see if it belongs to
same block as well.

Or should we simply post allegations because of your suspicious posts,
find you guilty and label you as a scammer, all in one instant? It does
appear that that is exactly the kind of thing you would do, isn't it?


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[e-gold-list] Re: UPDATE: Canadian server co-location for USD$2000 for 12 months

2003-07-29 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Our website has been updated extensively and we are continuing to upgrade
 our services.
Hello Ken,

Welcome to the party ;o)

Far be it from me to trash you right in the first post, but maybe a hint
or two might be a good idea:

(1) If you give 99% uptime garantee, that allows you to be offline for
almost 4 days continuously, which is unlikely, or for about 100 minutes
per week, which is murder for most excahngers, HYIPs, etc.
Maybe drop the uptime garantee altogether?

(2) Your site does not state how much additional bandwidth will cost. If I
look at our monthly bandwidth usage and at the 2GB allocation you allow, I
wonder what your customers will do after lunch. After the lunch of the
first day of the month, that is ;o)

(3) How can you operate a hosting site that accepts e-gold payments and
not be listed in www.TheGoldIndex.com ??? It's free! Unless you want a
good spot. Then it's cheap...

Other than that, good luck with the venture!
And if you want, mail me off-list for a few more pointers.


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[e-gold-list] Re: UPDATE: Canadian server co-location for USD$2000 for 12 months

2003-07-29 Thread Robert S.Z.
 FYI: Ken has been a participant on this list a LOT longer than
 you have.  His business may even be older than yours.
Thanks for the heads up. Had never heard of him and thought as he stated
that they 'now' accept..., that he was new.

Either way, I still meant well and honestly think that it does not matter
how long someone has operated one business, there is always value in
receiving input when starting something else. Or do you in fact mean that
he has been in the hosting business longer than us?
It would be great to meet someone else who used to run BBSs and chat about
ye good olde times.


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[e-gold-list] PayPal is doing an Amazon

2003-07-28 Thread Robert S.Z.
A hosting client of ours, www.universal-escrow.com who can't post here
himself for obvious reasons just sent me this:

United States Patent Application 20020004772  
Kind Code  A1  
Templeton, James E. ;   et al.  January 10, 2002  

and method for verifying a financial instrument

I will quote one of the claims:

1. A method of verifying a customer's authority to use a financial
instrument, comprising: initiating one or more transactions using a
financial instrument identified by a customer; storing one or more
attributes of said one or more transactions; receiving a set of proffered
attributes; comparing said proffered attributes to said stored
attributes; and accepting use of the financial instrument by the customer
if said proffered attributes match said stored attributes. 

If they are being granted that patent (and I can't see why they wouldn't
considering that Amazon.com got the one-click purchase patenteted years
after hundreds of sites had and used 'prior art'), then it is likely that
they will actually try to enforce it as well. After all, they are known

So, maybe Omnipay and a few others should start contesting the application
while there is still time?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Regarding crooks!!! Very Interesting! I think :)

2003-07-28 Thread Robert S.Z.
A bogus registrant address does not automatically make a site crook.
We register hundreds of domains and hold them in trust for customers who
value their privacy and we host several sites that appear to have strange
domain name registrant details, which using your black and white measure
would all be seen as suspect.

About as suspect as someone who posts negative claims about websites using
a freemail address. If you have more sustantial evidence, present it. If
not, well then you might just be operating a crooked site yourself and are
trying to bad-mouth your competition? Who can tell?

Leaves to say that we don't host any of the sites you listed. Therefore
there is no benefit for us in me defending those sites. I just have a
thing against shoot first, analyze later type of posts.

One might say I hate prejudice and generalisations.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Pax Westphalia ?

2003-07-27 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Under the Peace of Westphalia, the principality of Caledonia
 are rebels, and the Australian government can do with them as
 they please.
 Tell us more about this Peace of Westphalia, please James!
I think we should take this off-list before we get our fingers slapped
The direction of this thread is pointing now to chivalry, heraldic parlay
and the rules of engagement that were introduced to differenciate between
a bandit raid and a war proper - which in those days were pretty much the
same thing as all parties used mercenaries and looting was common and
widely practiced.

Gold played a role in so far that the rich guys of the day made the rules
and pushed the rulers (signatories to the PoW) to make an agreement that
established that every nation was to follow these rules of engagement. The
reason for this was simply that the rich guys of the day played both sides
against each other, financed wars on both ends and didn't want to end up
loosing out to looting mercenaries.

I'll send you the lengthy story from here-on offlist and CC James. Anyone
else wanting to know how this all started, agaisnt which backdrop, how it
all effects us until today, etc. simply email me for a copy.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Snapster

2003-07-27 Thread Robert S.Z.
  Either I'm missing something, 
 or Cringely is.
Actually, I was wondering about the same thing. Of course, once Snapster
made the gazillion league it in itself could become a recording label.
Betacha that then they wouldn't include CDs of their own artists but
instead 'create value for their shareholders' and sell the CDs at $14 a
pop :o)

I do like his way of thinking though. But then, I am a guy who loves to
interpret the law by and to the letter as well, and as the author
suggests, the music industry is likely to lobby any Snapster out of
existence. At least for now.

Of course, there would always be the option of offering artists a cut from
the download fees. I think the market would happily wear $5.00 per
downloaded CD rather than the $0.50 the author suggests. That in turn
could pay artists $2 or even $3 per CD download. The added benefit would
be of course that artists get paid in relation to the popularity of their
work - which might do wonders to the quality of the music produced.

There is also the issue of the shares placement. Why does he want to go
If he uses an offshore company that allows public sale of shares, then
everyone who signs up for the service and pays a $20 fee automatically
becomes a shareholder. In some jurisdictions there would be no need to
split the stock in order to profit from later entrants. Indeed the share
price fixed at $20 will increase the overall profit and hence the dividend
as no additional funds have to be raised. This model might be more
socially equitable and easier to understand for users who mainly want to
legally download music, rather than reading the listing prospectus and see
what the shares are doing.

Of course, an American management company of the download company could
still use the IPO model and address those users that are mainly into the
cash aspect of things. Eating the Recoding Industry's cake, sharing it
with others and having it too, so to say.

Let's get JPM into this and maybe DBourse will list a second company - or
better yet, our upcoming exchange will list it ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: sigh

2003-07-26 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello JP,
Sorry about that one. It really didn't appear to me that that was what you
were talking about. I mean, I do recall Omnipay having done this for quite
a while and that was how we first got verified (before they mailed us a
passcode of sorts to our street address for final verification).
In fact, one of the customers we host www.universal-escrow.com uses
microspends as the only means of communication with customers and I have
an e-gold account for the exclusive use of Memo line spammers.

That is why I couldn't see what the excitement would be about and thought
that someone had started a mail exchange service in which messages are
forwarded and received through e-gold accounts but using silver (something
I tried discussing here a few weeks ago to see if there was interest in
such a service).

So, I'm sorry for having misjudged you and retract my claim that you do
not appreciate the value of free money :o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: and if anyone feels up to it...

2003-07-26 Thread Robert S.Z.
Wanna play for TGC shares as a side bet? :o)

Just kidding.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Looking for merchant account

2003-07-25 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Does anyone know is there any company which can help
 me to get a merchant account? 

www.2checkout.com has shown themselves reliable over the past years.
You'll need to discuss adult content, but they do serve adult sites on a
case to case basis - some yes, some no.


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[e-gold-list] Re: sigh

2003-07-25 Thread Robert S.Z.
Exactly Patrick! I mean, it *is* free value after all.
There seems to be some mysthical connection between never turning down
free things (I pick up a penny on the street if I see one)and having
larger freebies fall into one's lap.

And JP is running 1MDC on the concept that many a penny pincher will sign
up to save the e-gold storage fees. So I fail to see how the same person
could find it annoying getting silver for free...


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[e-gold-list] Re: IRS mythology, USA PATRIOT and money

2003-07-25 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Gordon,

 you miss the whole point entirely. I DO NOT agree with anything the IRS stands for, 
 does or intends to do.
You misunderstand Jim. Him addressing a post to you and quoting your post
in the reply does not imply that he is in fact replying to you :o)
I went through the same argument with him sometime last weekend on a
different subject. Which reminds me that I still have to reply to some of
the points he had made in his reply to my reply to his reply to my post.
 You have completly misunderstood everything I said becasue you have not understood 
 my context.
Jim does not miunderstand. He is kind enough to even point out spelling
errors. So, if you don't think his reply makes sense, then you must (a)
misundertand him; or (b) been unclear in your statement.
Apart from that I agree with you of, course. I had tried to make a similar
point in the same direction as you, prior to your post.
But I have to point out that Jim's argument regarding the fact that it was
essentially the tax advisor/agent who had 'opted in' on behalf of the
client, rather than the client himself does add an interesting twist.
Trouble is, cases are won and lost on interesting twists in Supreme Court,
not in a magistrate's court and chances are that the DoJ will just sit it
out until the poor defendent is out of cash - which already is the case -
and until common sense is likely to dictate to try for plea bargaining,
even if Jim disagrees. But then, that is my personal opinion and as such
as hard to argue over as taste or beauty would be.
 I have been known to enjoy the company of a beautiful lady in high heels and 
 stockings and blood red nail polish.
... and not much else ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: Caledonia Australis

2003-07-24 Thread Robert S.Z.
I don't think that individuals, even in groups can be at war with a
nation. It does take the claim to be in possession of a souvereign
territory to declare war upon another.
So, technically those guys are contraband, rebells at best.

That then brings up the issue that rebels are exempt from the Geneva
Conventions and Aussies could just lock them all up without due process in
a big camp and throw away the key.

Not to forget that Australia could call on her allies to hunt theses guys
down if they were to succeed to bring a square foot of soil under their

Why can't people read more before they act?
Occupy an unhabited Island, declare independence and write to the UN for
recognition. Once that letter is sent off, a process (futile as it may be)
has been initiated and Australia as a self-proclaimed civilized nation
would need to negotiate or invade - using armed forces, rather than
Both would look bad in the public eye and chances are that the occupants
of the formerly unihabited island would be ridiculed and largely left
Then they can look at annexing Australia...

With all the technology and potential the human race has at it's disposal
I will never be able to understand why people still have to fight over
pieces of dirt. There is enough space for everyone and many more. And it
would be corporations who feed everyone, not governments...


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[e-gold-list] Re: Those sorry little worms

2003-07-23 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Jim,
Thanks for the links. 

I think this is what broke his neck, so to say:
The indictment alleges that on January 28, 2000, Simkanin filed false and
fraudulent claims for refund when he requested refunds on taxes totaling
$234,515 which Simkanin had previously withheld from Arrow employees
during the period from March 1997 through December 1999

Not collecting/withholding taxes from his employees is one thing, but
trying to get back payroll and other taxes that had already been paid,
might have been pushing it a bit too far.
After all, had they let him get away with that one, chances are that there
would have resulted a flood of similar requests from others. Hence I'd say
it is less a question of law and legalities, than it is a matter of mere
survival for state and gov.
I fear that 'false and fraudulent claims' is going to be the rope they
will hang him with because there they have a case - EVEN, if they can't
proof his obligation to withhold taxes. After all, it would have been the
employees who would have had to file for a refund, not the employer.
Therefore, even if his every intention was to return the funds to the
employees, this 'technicality' may well be enough to force him to plea

The real disturbing news is of course that he is (as you pointed out)
being held under the vague regulations of US PATRIOT (junior edition, the
one they slipped through during the super bowl if memory serves right),
because this is a scary 'decission precedent' which will encourage other
court figures to follow suit in the future and quote the precedent as the
reason for their decission - which all but absolves them from taking
responsibility for a ruling.

Scary times ahead, indeed.


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[e-gold-list] Re: and, speaking of security...

2003-07-23 Thread Robert S.Z.

Did you notice this line towards the end of the article:
an attacker would need administrator rights to a system to grab the file
that contains the password hashes?

For one, I don't see many attackers obtaining administrator rights on your
Windoze notebook and secondly administrator right or machine root on a
server are not that easy to come by.

Star among Windoze vulnerabilities is still ignorance and undertrained
staff of commercial users. The largest users seem to also be the ones that
have the worst teams on staff. And if bad hacks are manning the IT
department, they are likely to buy the latest and most expensive security
gadgets and then forget to disable the defaults on their brand-new Unix or
Sun systems.
Anyone remember the default remote service access for Sun servers? 
user?pass = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You'd be amazed how many graduates are flashing certificates and have no
clue that superuser levels exist independent from admin and root access
The funny thing is that almost all pre-2001 servers have it and since 1999
it's not mentioned in the server documentation anymore...

And just to drive the point home, these are not Windoze machines but Nixes
and Suns.


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[e-gold-list] Re: ye young whippersnappers

2003-07-23 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Jim,

So how much did YOU pay for the 101468 account number?
Sorry, it was just too nice a set-up for me not to use it...


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[e-gold-list] Re: Verify that account!

2003-07-23 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Graham,

REAL neat! I tried a couple of crooks and it appears one of them tried to
scma you, too. The only thing I could not find a record on was #US#. Where
are we? Why don't we have a record?
I mean, we did trade HyperWallet and e-gold with each other a few times
and you might vaguely remember other exchanges.

BUT, no record about us :o(


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[e-gold-list] Re: Jim's back - with news

2003-07-22 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Jim,

Any links to the case? What have they charged him with (a charge needs to
include a quote of the law he breached, does it not?) and who is the
defense lawyer (in the sense of levels of expertise, specialty, etc.)?


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[e-gold-list] Re: What's up?

2003-07-22 Thread Robert S.Z.
Hello Sidd,
That's because I use the online interface for posting rather than the mail
The main reason for this is simply that I'm often on the road and don't
access our mail servers over wireless connections because I don't trust
the G-whatever_the_provider_currently_hypes security settings.

Well, and during the obligatory wifi browsing during coffee breaks I found
many a system that let me snoop and all and sundry because the cafe
operators are afraid that installing fire walls might constitute a
building hazard in their insurance policy.
In other words, the operators have no clue and the vendors are only
interested in getting the thing to run and then move on.

Seems to be not much different in other countries though. I had a nice
chat with the sysadmin of Changgi Airport in Singapore after he fingered
my snooping through their main frame searching for the gateway to the
booking interface of Singapore Airlines during a stop-over there ;o)

Based on that experience I won't touch anything critical at our own
systems while on the road. And that might finally resolve the mystery why
I have such a weird email address here.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Florida's Moron-tax rolls-over again!

2003-07-21 Thread Robert S.Z.
  I wish it were legal to sell tickets to out-of-staters for e-gold, but I
  doubt it...

Why don't you start a pool in form of a club or even a common law trust?
That would allow the entity as a 'resident' to purchase tickets and
members, even non-residents could fund the purchases.

But you might still want to check with a lawyer ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: Florida's Moron-tax rolls-over again!

2003-07-21 Thread Robert S.Z.
Well, it should be in the Terms of the lottery if only a natural person
can participate. If it's not in there, chances are pools are allowed - or,
in the unlikely event that nobody thought of it - at least not
specifically forbidden.
And if there is no specific mention about a natural person, then a trust
might even be the better shot, as the trustee can act on behalf of the
trust in his capacity of trustee while still being a natural person.
It all depens on the wording of the deed, really.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Economic Connections an homage to Burke (was: Inflation and the American Revolution)

2003-07-18 Thread Robert S.Z.
You must have gotten this all wrong. Lincoln was an anti-slavery hero and
the South had no right to any souvereignity or freedoms and cowardly
Every kid learns that in school.

Unfortunately they really do.

But then,  oops. I just remembered the Moderator request only to talk
about money.

So here goes: Whenever something unusual happens in history, it's about
money. Winner is always who has the most money in the end and the winner
gets to use that money to rewrite history in such a way that he comes out
as a hero, the others as cowardly villains and the populace of a destroyed
country as liberated. And don't forget the selfless, noble causes and
motives of the winners.

In my book the villans are not those who shot first, but those who
continued shooting last - and got paid for doing so. Killing is generally
wrong, as are wars of any type, kind, shape and form. But, whenever a
human gets killed somewhere it's about the money.


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[e-gold-list] Re: what's up with gold?

2003-07-18 Thread Robert S.Z.
Could have been a result of machine buying. Speculators who don't want to
get caught out with a short position over the weekend when gold is above
Especially as the long-term upward trend is unbroken (
http://www.u2networks.com/markets/ ) and Hongkong, which opens before
London and New York has been playing some nasty tricks on American traders
in the past few weeks.

That said, short and interim trends are still pointing down and the only
positive aspect is really that the 340 range seems to be the bottom for

For the sake of the gold bugs, could anyone sizeable invade a neighbouring
country, please? Just kidding. But on mere graphical analysis alone we are
in a market that could go either way for any number of reasons - which is
why it appears to be stuck in a somewhat narrow trading range for now -
but which needs to go up rather hastily to stay within the long-term

Just my 2 shilling and halfpence.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Fed's truly scary idea: tax you into spending

2003-07-18 Thread Robert S.Z.
 There ya go, after widespread death and impoverishment, digging out and
 rebuilding would be productive.  That's looking on the bright side of 
 life!  :-)
I got Monty Phyton's 'Always look on the bright side of life' as ring tone
of my cell phone ...
 This looks suspicious -- why would the Dallas Fed be .org anyway?  Are
 they trying to masquerade as a non-profit organization?
What else would they be? The Fed is not a governmental organzation and
doesn't qualify for .gov
And .org was not really to be the extension for non-profits but simply for
organizations and associations that were non-commercial. The Fed does not
deal with the public and is hence in the strictest sense not a commercial
entity but a third party owned money forger with the US government as it's
sole client.
(On weekends I let the cynic in me roam freely).


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[e-gold-list] Re: Domain Registration

2003-07-17 Thread Robert S.Z.
How on earth did I miss out on this one ???

http://www.u2planet.com is the URL you were after for normal

privacy domain registrations + mail are at

and for budget  privacy website hosting

What a bummer, this.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Interesting Historical Perspective of the Gold Standard

2003-07-17 Thread Robert S.Z.
Didn't the Italians change sides three times ???

Also, Italy did not really exist as a nation state in the mind set of the
people just yet. Parts were Austrian before the war, other parts had been
Austrian on and off, the two Sicillies saw themselves more as Sicilly
than Italian (similar to the Spanish Basques) and the Northern parts of
Italy wanted (and still want) as little to do with the poorer center and
South as possible.

In this situation the populace lacked ideals they could identify with -
especially as the Vatican had all but sided with Austria.

Add a corrupt system and an exploiting upper class and you have a good
basis for socialism to finds roots in the poor. A decent orator, past
glory and splendor, promises to rebuild an empire and faschism becomes
very appealing.

Also, Italy was short changed by the 'other' victors because of their
changing sides and because of failing to drive Austrian troops out of
Italy. Of course, one could now argue that Germans were still on French
soil and together with Austrians deep inside Russia.
This is exactly the reason why WW1 and WW2 are often seen as one war with
a brief truce in between.

So, I would agree that the terms of Versailles were vindictive enough to
cause continued hostilities. The subsequent occupation of the Rhine
industrial areas of Germany through France and the French refusal to share
the spoils with Italy ensured a hostile attitude of both countries against

In simple terms, Fascism is based on finding an external scape goat and
giving the populace a common goal, nationalistic ideals and engaging them
in various programs that foster group (herd) behaviour.

The majority of people in all countries is rather satisfied with any
government telling them how special they all are, how they have a holy
task to fullfill and they are the chosen people, etc.

It unfailingly works in every single country on the planet if the
preconditions are present (high unemployment, lack of ideals, a stagnant
economy and lack of hope).

Fascist leaders tend to engage in large scale construction projects,
glorification of the nation's flag and history and huge military spending.
The result is always reduction in unemployment, a sense of pride and a
hate for whoever the scapegoat of the day is.
The next step is then to fight small scale wars. Italy invaded Abessinia
after reoccupying Lybia, Germany tested her new air force by sending a
troops and planes to support Franco's take-over of Spain before occupying
'German' territories of her neighbours (Austria, Czeckia, Slovenia and
supporting pro German governments in other countries (Hungary, Romania,
Finnland, Turkey, Iran).

The economic system of expansion and conquest initially works like a
charm. The trouble only is that the system will collapse on itself once
conquest stops.
The fact that initially the economy flourishes usuall sweeps the doubters
of the fascist system into the ranks of supporters and most people can't
help but feeling a certain pride when military conquest is successful.

I dare to say that had the Allies not gotten involved in Germany's claim
on Polish territories that Germany's Hitler would have failed much
earlier. Germany would have not supported an attack against England or
Russia for that matter if a peaceful re-annexing of the Polish territories
which had in fact been Preussian for centuries had succeeded.
The silver-backed Reichsmark would have made further military adverturism
impossible. However, the entering of France and then England into the war
gave Hitler the reason to withdraw the silver backing and start printing.
The fast success in the West firmly established his rule.

At that juncture again, had England taken the peace offer under which the
Germans would have withdrawn from France over a two year period the war
would have been over and the expansionist economy geared to serve the
military would have stagnated and Hitler's power base would have collapsed
in a matter of years.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Hep with Indonesian order translation

2003-07-16 Thread Robert S.Z.
 Message :  : Ini benar benar bisa dibeli pake E-Gold

The phrase would translate to:
This is great that we can pay this with E-Gold
However, I assume that meant is:
This is to enable us to buy E-Gold

Bahasa Baku is somewhat limited in the number of words used and hence the
context is of importance.

The second line is the name of a company comparable to a LTD or LLC.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Add Some e-gold Listings Get Paid

2003-07-15 Thread Robert S.Z.
 We want new e-gold business listings   Like to surf the net?  Find new
 online businesses for us to list in Gold-Pages and get paid .10 cents
 each.  For new exchange providers/agent not already listed we will pay you
 .25 cents egold each.
Hello Alex, 
Is this offer valid for us, too?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Free Gold, Excellent Concept!

2003-07-15 Thread Robert S.Z.
Well, this *is* the infamous e-gold list, after all. Evervbody gets a
trashing in the first few days. But don't worry, it gets better once you
made clear that you hate HYIP and support high in-exchange and low
out-exchange fees :o)

Did have a look at the site though and think it's an interesting concept
and might actually help spreading the word about e-gold to online
merchants who don't accept it yet.

By the way, what on Earth does the Yom Kippur holiday listing do on a site
with a Chinese name?

I mean, how many Chinese Jews are there world-wide and how many registered
on your site?

Just thought I'd ask.


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