Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-26 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Which goes right back to my original statement (that no one wants to 
understand): Mandrake needs to control the amount of change in the point 

I've said it as many ways as I can.


flacycads wrote:
Miark, According to Distrowatch, 9.0 uses glibc 2.2.5, and 9.1rc1 uses
2.3.1. Is that incorrect? They also report gcc is upgraded to 3.2.2.

Robert C.

On Tuesday 25 February 2003 06:28 pm, Miark wrote:

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 15:04:51 -0500

So this is a major release, but it's numbered 9.1 because:

* 9.1 uses the same glibc as 9.0.
* The 9.1 binaries will be compatible with 9.0 systems, and
* It still uses kernel 2.4.x
Hope that helps. It made a big difference to me.


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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-26 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
flacycads wrote:
Yeah- I basically just use kde, and I know it takes a lot of resources.
figure with an Athlon 1700+ XP T-bred B on an Abit KX7-333 DDR mobo, I
afford a little kde eye-candy- and I like all the nice features. Never
been a Gnome fan.

 It's not that I'm that unhappy with linux performance, but on the rare 
ocassion I do boot into windows XP Pro, I do notice a real difference in

computer response, then I start thinking there must be something I can
about it.
This is one of the biggest mis-interpetations about M$ (mis)Operating 

What looks to be running faster is just a false impression. M$ 
pre-loads many of the libs, and the core of some programs at boot/login 
time. So when you double click on IE (for example), yes, it hits the 
screen much faster than Mozilla on Linux. But it's already half loaded. 
This is at the expense of the ram needed to run applications.

But then M$ works under the philosophy that Ram  disks are cheap. Just 
add more.

Linux works under a very different paradigm.

Sadly though, I have to totally agree with the lack of decent support 
for video cards. But lets face it. Linux doesn't have the wall full of 
games available at the local CompUSA. So there's nothing to force the 
developers to push on it.
Until that happens, it's only going to get worse. There's just no 
commercial push behind it.

Without that, developers will develop what they want to. Nothing more.


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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?/Is Windows faster on same machine?

2003-02-26 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Vahur Lokk wrote:
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 09:39, you wrote:

And don't forget the obvious

Office is like 95% loaded if you use windows... compare that to
loading ALL

of OpenOffice.

Yes here is the point. Especially when low spec boxes come into play.
Pentium running Win9x and MSO is absolutely viable office conf running
and fast. And such boxes are very much in use around here.

Now try running Linux with OpenOffice on such a box. There is absolutely
way to achieve comparable perfomance, whatever distro, kernel, window
you run. 

In fact, comparing GUI loading times does not matter for me - its
once-a-day event. But if loading times of OOo and MSO differ in minutes
seconds it is a showstopper. And no good explanation helps. Also
to use something else instead of OOo monster are completely useless.
And let's not loose track of the fact that speed isn't everything! How 
about stability, and reliabiltiy. How about security, and ease of 

Yup, a race car is faster than the family mini-van. But I wouldn't drive 
the family to church in one.


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Re: [expert] Enterprise OS, was Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-26 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Jack Coates wrote:
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 16:55, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
Actually, I have XP running at home on a PII-333
My kids use it as their game machine.
But my oldest is only 7. Their demands are low. :)


yeah, I was kind of annoyed when I had to replace Win98 with Win2K on
the kids' game machine to get it to actually run Reader Rabbit without
puking all over itself...
Duron 750.

Yeah, I hear ya! I tried Win2k on their box, but lost to many games 
(don't remember which right now. It was a while ago).
So we loaded XP (ugh!). There were fewer game losses. But if I had time, 
I'd put 98 back on. It ran better, and ALL their games worked. But I 
just haven't had time... sigh...

But.. This is drifting a long way from a LM discussion. :)


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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-26 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Wednesday 26 Feb 2003 12:53 am, Ric Tibbetts wrote:

Mandrake releases X.0, X.1, X.2.  Then it jumps to Y.0, Y.1, Y.2.

has nothing to do with point releases or version releases.
Technically, they are ALL version releases.
Which was exactly my point. 

Seems to me there is logic in the MandrakeSoft model, but not the logic
(and other users) expect.  This is, in fact, a big problem that needs to
considered.  Whether Mdksft like it or not, people expect point releases
be 'fixes' and version releases to be major.

It used to be said 'Never buy any software in a .0 release', but in this

context all Mandrake releases are .0 releases.  This keeps it at the
edge, but never quite as 'finished' as some users not only want, but

I don't have any answers.  Maybe being 'bleeding edge' is the USP of
I only know that business decisions like this are never simple, but it
essential to keep in mind the perceptions of those outside the company.

Thank you Anne! Thank you! That was my point exactly!


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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-26 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Greg Meyer wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 04:53 am, Anne Wilson wrote:

Seems to me there is logic in the MandrakeSoft model, but not the
logic we

(and other users) expect.  This is, in fact, a big problem that needs
to be

considered.  Whether Mdksft like it or not, people expect point
releases to

be 'fixes' and version releases to be major.

The only logic that counts is the logic they use.  Same goes for
definition of 
beta and rc.  Some people want it to be different than the Mandrake 
definition, but it is the Mandrake definition that counts.  Of course,
you understand what that is, it is easier to *take*.
Perhaps, like so many others you missed the intent of the statements to 
start with.
The problem is, Mandrake is losing out on the desktop, and server wars 
for a reason. The problem of every release is a .0 release, keeps the OS 
unstable, and shied away from because of it.

The suggestions of changing the model were offered in an aire of trying 
to help. Not just a RANT.

It used to be said 'Never buy any software in a .0 release', but in

context all Mandrake releases are .0 releases.  This keeps it at the
bleeding edge, but never quite as 'finished' as some users not only

but need.

Perhaps those users should use Debian than.
Yup, that will really help Mandrakesoft out, now won't it?

I don't have any answers.  Maybe being 'bleeding edge' is the USP of
Mandrake. I only know that business decisions like this are never

but it is essential to keep in mind the perceptions of those outside


I know many say perception is reality, but some must correct thier
with reality.
And sometimes, people outside the company with experience in these 
matters can actually offer suggestions that just could help a company 
that is faltering.


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[expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
I've been watching all the threads, and excitement over the upcoming 
9.1. As well as the critisizm over the rushed release dates.

Just to add my .02 to it:

From my point of view (and that of co-workers  frieds), it really 
lloks like Mandrake has spun out of control. I know, it's easy to to 
play Armchair Quarterback, and sit outside, and see the obvious 
better way. But what I see happening is:

1) Mandrake is letting RedHat drive the car. They're allowing Redhat to 
set the release schedule. But Redhat has a very different philosophy to 
their releases.

The biggest I see there is that Redhat does not do major content 
changes on a point release. They fix what's broken. Major content 
changes wait until the next major revison roll. As it should be. Thus 
meeting a 6 month release cycle is much easier. They can have the 8.x 
team working on bug fixes, and point releases, while having the 9.x 
(future development) team, working on the next full revision. Thus, 
neither is stressed.

Mandrake on the other hand, insists on trying to match Redhats release 
schedule, but they're including major content changes in a point 
release, and they're beating themselves up trying to keep up.

IMHO -  Mandrake needs to settle back, and stop letting Redhat drive. 
They need to get control of their release cycles, and content policies. 
Then they can concentrate on putting out a quality release, not a fast one.

2) My biggest complaint about Mandrake: (yup.. gonna get shot at for 
this one)

	STOP BEGGING! I hate that!

It seems that every time I log into their site, or try to download a 
fix, or get e-Mail from them, they're whining about money. Oh please 
subscribe to the club.. Oh please donate.. .. It's not our fault, it 
was the evil management we had a while back...

Yeah... It's always easiest to throw darts at the old management.

But I still see them making the same mistakes. Rushed releases, with too 
much content change to be controlable in such short cycles. They're 
doing no better at managing their business practices today, than they 
were a year ago. In fact, I had more faith in them a year ago. Now I'm 
just tired of releases that don't run. (I still cannot get 9.1 to run on 
my systems. And my boxes are not exotic!).

Yup, I understand that they're trying to meet with a competitive market, 
and meet customer demands. But... The customer is ALWAYS going to want 
the latest  greatest software, whether it's stable or not. And THEY 
WANT IT STABLE. Well, it can't always be done. Mandrake needs to learn 
when to say no.

The general feel about Mandrake around the people, and companies I work 
around is not good. If a Linux box is built, it's Redhat. Why? Stable 
releases, Stable company.



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Re: [expert] KDE3.1 for MD = 8.1?

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Hello all,

Will there ever be a KDE3.1 version released for 8.x?

Get a grip people!
This is Linux! If you want the newest software, run the new versions, 
OR: Go get KDE x.xx and install it yourself!

How can you people continue to push Mandrake to release the newest 
software for old releases, AND expect them to put out new releases?!?!

Yes, I agree (in part) that the release cycle is too fast. They have 
developed the habit of moving on to the next version, before they get 
the current one, up to date, and working (se my last post on this).

I'm on a rant today.

I see two distinct flavors of users on this list:

1) I want the latest  greatest everything, all the time, on my 2 year 
old distro. And it better be stable.


2) I want new versions of everything, including the OS monthly.. and it 
better be stable.

Give Mandrakesoft a break folks. If you want to run bleeding edge, 
either run cooker, upgrade, or, install it yourself.

Enough ranting. I have work to do.


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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Redhat is still i386 based.

Once again, people want the world.
I agree, a version optomized for each flavor of processor would be nice.
But given Mandrakesofts current fiscal condition, what would you be 
willing to give up to get it? The only have (n) number of people, and 
(x) resources to throw at it.

How about some community support?

How about forming a community project to recompile the distro with 
Athlon XP, and Athlon MP optimizations?

Why not another community project to build an i686 optomized verion?


Just a suggestion.


flacycads wrote:
My main complaint (really about the only one) about Mandrake is that
apparently refuse to issue an Athlon-XP optimized version for retail
or download. However, at least you can rebuild the srpms yourself. But 
really, how hard can it be to recompile the entire distro for different 
architectures like Gentoo does, and post the iso's with an unsupported

disclaimer, if need be? IMO, they will loose a lot of users if they
Otherwise, Mandrake is a great distro, but the bottom line is a lot of
won't even consider distros that only put out i586 optimized versions
less) anymore. After all, fewer and fewer users are even running i586 
hardware these days. Mandrake needs to get with the times.

Robert Crawford

On Tuesday 25 February 2003 12:15 pm, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I've been watching all the threads, and excitement over the upcoming
9.1. As well as the critisizm over the rushed release dates.
Just to add my .02 to it:

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Re: [expert] question about df

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
What type of filesystem are you using.
Filesystems like Reiserfs tend to allocate a bunch of inodes when 
they're first used, and then not release them when the files are 
deleted. Sometimes, that will cause what you're seeing.

When it needs disk space again, it will just use the already allocated 
inodes first.

That's a very simplistic reply. But it could be what you're seeing.


Miark wrote:
I experienced something like that recently too, but I thought it was
my imagination. I think I tried using a variation on the command to pull
fresh numbers. For instance, if I used df the first time, then I used
df -h
the second time. (?)


On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:50:54 -0700

After deleting a 100 MB file, df shows no change in disk usage. Why is
this so?

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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Greg Meyer wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 01:27 pm, flacycads wrote:

really, how hard can it be to recompile the entire distro for

architectures like Gentoo does, and post the iso's with an

disclaimer, if need be? IMO, they will loose a lot of users if they

Only Gentoo doesn't do it.  You compile Gentoo yourself on your own box.
All the distros release the source code.
I still think a show of community support could take that, and compile 
processor specific versions...  ;)

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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Steffen Barszus wrote:
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 20:42, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

Greg Meyer wrote:

Hash: SHA1
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 01:27 pm, flacycads wrote:

really, how hard can it be to recompile the entire distro for

architectures like Gentoo does, and post the iso's with an

disclaimer, if need be? IMO, they will loose a lot of users if they

Only Gentoo doesn't do it.  You compile Gentoo yourself on your own

All the distros release the source code.
I still think a show of community support could take that, and compile
processor specific versions...  ;)

And I think that this would be nonsense. Maybe the kernel and Multimedia
should be recompiled but thats it. How important is a athlon-xp
'ls' ? What is so athlon-xp specific beside the special instruction sets
Which app makes really use of it ? For ix86-64 it is totally
but athlon-xp ?
Obviously, the project would have to be approached with some common 
sense. There are of course pieces that don't need to be processor specific.


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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
IMHO -  Mandrake needs to settle back, and stop letting Redhat drive. 
They need to get control of their release cycles, and content

Then they can concentrate on putting out a quality release, not a fast

I agree on alot of what you are saying above.  There are just too many
parallels between RH and LM; which is not surprising since LM was
originally an improved spin-off of RH.  That was it's attraction in the
beginning, which for me was Helios, LM61.  My point (in the thread that
I *think* you are referring to g) was that the distro could possibly
benefit from a longer beta/cooker cycle, in the aspect that more
bugzilla reports could be filed and addressed, more changes could
possibly be made in UI's (if you know what I mean) among other things. 
What about pressed CD contracts negotiated on 8 months instead of 6? 
Things like that.

No, not all. A 6 month release cycle is easily achievable. It just 
depends on what you're trying to put in the release.

Keep the 6 month cycle for point releases. BUT: There should be no 
major content changes in a point release. This would greatly relieve 
the stress on the Mandrake Development team.

Limit point releases to just minor revisions, and bug fixes. The content 
should be set at the Major level. And yes, we could argue all day about 
just what constitutes Major content, vs minor content, and that level of 
detail is really beyond the poing I was making.

And in reality, it's all just wasted bandwidth anyway. It's not like 
Mandrakesoft will see this, and say: Wow, he's absolutely right! We 
need to change our business model today!!!.. :)
I guess I was just blowing off steam.

I suppose if I wanted to mandate how a distro should be put together, 
and run, I'd have to start my own distro.

The devil's advocate point of view might be that LM is directly in
competition with RH, therefore from a marketing standpoint they may
actually NEED a 6 month cycle for purposes of competition.  My points
were purely conjecture from the standpoint of having a better product,
without considering things like competition or otherwise.  I really need
to have lunch with the CEO one day. g
I absolutely agree.
They ARE in competition with RH. On many levels. That's exactly why 
(IMHO) they need to very carefully look at the issues that are causing 
them problems. Let's face it, if they were a fat, healthy company, the 
tenor of this conversation would be quite different.

2) My biggest complaint about Mandrake: (yup.. gonna get shot at for 
this one)

	STOP BEGGING! I hate that!

No flames here.  But I would ask that you resort to some logic on this
topic.  For instance, let's consult the dictionary on begging:
snip Sorry, it was long.

I'll just say: Thank you Mr. Clinton once again for providing us with 
the 'real' definition of sex.


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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Anne... Club subscriptions are 100% revenue.  Boxed sets aren't due to
printing, boxes, media, etc.  The subscription, bringing in the higher
revenue, is much more helpful.  Boxed sets are great for those who need
manuals or don't have the bandwidth to download, but for all others I'd
suggest Club (if their interest is more in providing more money to
MandrakeSoft rather than the vanity of having a ML box!)
Ok, I'm in a mood today:
I'm sorry people, but if I need to worry about such trivialities as 
this, then I really have to question whether I want to do business with 
a company on such a razors edge.

When was the last time you heard about a LMCE project? Seems that having 
an RHCE certification is valuable. But there is no corresponding LMCE.

How about the support programs available?

There's just far more out there that a company would look at when 
considering a distribution, than: Gee, would it benefit them more if I 
bought the boxed set, or contributed...

As a person in a position to make such decisions, and recomendations, 
I'd have a hard time with that on a corporate level.

I don't know of any other viable business that tries to survive on such 
a business model, as getting sympathy dollars.
If they're short of revenue, then they start more agressivly market 
their products, and services. Or they get innovative, and come out with 
new products  services. They don't whine that they need money to stay 
alive, and prey on the sympathy of their user-ship to send in dollars.

Here in the U.S., Jerry Lewis used to do that once a year on a telethon. 
But he was saving lives.

It worked for him. It's not working for Mandrakesoft.

Now, after that, I WILL state that I will support the company I get my 
software from in all the usual ways. If buying a subscription for 
services will get me better support, I'll subscribe.
If paying for classes for a certification would help further my career, 
I'd pay for the classes (if offered).

Mandrakesoft is in the business of making money. So am I.
If they're short on revenue, they need to increase their market. It's 
just simple business sense.


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Re: [expert] Mandrake Out of Control?

2003-02-25 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 8:51 pm, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

Anne... Club subscriptions are 100% revenue.  Boxed sets aren't due

printing, boxes, media, etc.  The subscription, bringing in the

revenue, is much more helpful.  Boxed sets are great for those who

manuals or don't have the bandwidth to download, but for all others

suggest Club (if their interest is more in providing more money to
MandrakeSoft rather than the vanity of having a ML box!)
Ok, I'm in a mood today:
I'm sorry people, but if I need to worry about such trivialities as
this, then I really have to question whether I want to do business

a company on such a razors edge.

There is nothing trivial about making the best use of one's money.

I don't know of any other viable business that tries to survive on

a business model, as getting sympathy dollars.

Do you call it sympathy dollars when you ask for payment for your
Get real, man.

I'm absolutely willing to pay for services rendered. I have no problem 
with that. That was not my point.

But it has at this point, become totally useless to persist.

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Re: [expert] drakbackup

2003-02-06 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Brian Schroeder wrote:

From: Luca Olivetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You just scared me to death.
I had no problem reding the tapes to restore some files from time to


(when a user deleted them by mistake), but I guess murphy's law applies

here: in case of disaster the tape won't be readable :-(

Absolutely!  That's the one thing you can be sure of.  The tape always
works, until the disaster.  But the one time you realy need it, no go.
It has happened to me too.


A very old saying that got drilled into me when I first started in this 

Computing experience is measured in the amount of data lost

Truer words were never spoken..
We've all lost data due to a broken backup system.

Personally, I still find permanantly writing data to a CD-R 700MB at a 
time unacceptable. If the data is changing daily, you'll very quickly 
have a cabinet full of usless CDs.
CD-RWs are just not reliable, and still do not have the capacity to 
provide an adequate backup.
If I have a server with a T-byte if data on it, I'm ceretainly not going 
to try to back it up 700MB at a time to CDs.

I HAVE to depend on tapes. There's just nothing else out there with the 
necessary capacity.


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Re: [expert] drakbackup

2003-02-06 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

I will beat on tape for backup.  MY tape drive faithfully backed up once
week and I rotated 6 tapes to stay current.  (MAC fileserver 80).

Then one day I arrived at work to find the fileserver unresponsive.  I 
eventually powered down and found the disk would not boot and enough of
was corrupted to make the rest inaccessible.  OK no problem, data is on 
tapes, let's reload OS---  done  reach for tape

Oops--tape is unreadable
reach for two week old tape--E gee that one is no good either
Tapes sent to data recovery service--well whattayaknow  They charged
quite a 
bit to give me the bad news that six years of work was lost.

The employer was too cheap to give me a separate workstation, so it was
my six 
years of work that was lost.  For the same reason, it was risky to try 
restoring from tape though I had always done one file a month.  Anyway,
tapes were stretched and dirty and the drive was unusable.

I have been burning CDs since that time, even when the burns were at 1X.


Oh come now Civilme! Due diligence here! If you do no maintenance on 
your back up system, you get what you deserve. I'm absolutely amazed 
that you let your tapes fall into that state.

Just like any backup strategy, it requires maintenance! Your statement 
above is like saying:

I didn't change the oil in my car for 3 years, and the engine died. That 
proves cars are no good.

Sorry to beat up you, but you deserve it for even making the statement:

 tapes were stretched and dirty and the drive was unusable.

So you threw a junky old tape, in a piece of crap tape drive, and the 
backup/restore failed? Gee.. really?  I guess that proves beyond all 
doubt that tape backup systems can't be trusted.

Didn't anyone bother to check this thing periodicly?
Your backups are only as reliable as *you* make them. Garbage in, 
Garbage out.

Over the years, I've seen you give a lot of good advice, and help a lot 
of people. I've had a great deal of respect for you. But I guess 
everyone has their areas where they are just another DAU grin

Ok.. I'll admit, I've lost data to faulty backup systems. But it's 
usually been my own fault.

The short side of this is: CDs provide nowhere near the capacity 
required to do regular backups of changing data. And.. I really don't 
want to make perminant backups to CD-R of data that changes regularly, 
it's just wasteful.

Besides, there is no way, I can backup my multi-T-Byte systems (at work) 
to CD!

Tapes are not perfect, but they're the only option when you have large 
amounts of data. But they're only as good as their maintenance.


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Re: [expert] drakbackup

2003-02-05 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
civileme wrote:

Well google around and you can find scdbackup which is oriented toward
disks.  And I have tested it to work on 9.0 with supermount disabled,
and a 
$25.95(US) CDRW drive which is rated 4x4x24  Even with that, the drive
on CDRW media, even for blanking, with 9.0

DO NOT USE CDRW media for this either--most of it is 650 and there are
supposed CDRW drives which will not work with CDRW media of the more
flavor or insist on trying to treat all the CDRW media as 700Mb


Interesting that you should mention this.
I have been trying to backup a directory full of mp3 files to a CD-RW.
They just REFUSE to write/recover properly. I can backup the rest of the 
system with no problem, but not those mp3's.
IT may be yet another case of CD-RW problems.(?).
I may try burning them to a CD-R ... But I've got a pile of coasters now...

I will probably just invest in a spindle of 100 of them, get it over with.

Also, I tried writing the latest beta iso to a CD-RW. But nooo.. The 
CD-RW drive is new, as are the disks. They burn ok, but if I move the CD 
to the other (older) drive, and try to boot the box from it.. No go. I 
can't even mount them on that drive.
If I burn the ISOs to a CD-R, all works like it should.

I bought the CD-RW's thinking Great for temp storage. But no.. I've 
had far too many problems with them.

I wish I had my DAT Drive with me. Can't beat tape for backups. :)
Sadly, it's in my server in Seattle, and I'm STILL stuck in Florida...



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Re: [expert] OT Will there be a tomorrow?

2003-01-30 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
With all the Anit-American inflamitory comments that have been generated 
on this thread, I couldn't help but to break down, and add my piece to this.

This is an article from London's Daily Mirror
 Surprise! Surprise! When one of the world's most liberal left wing
newspapers writes a great article like this, there is hope for everyone. 
A thoughtfully written piece in one of the most left wing newspapers in 
the UK.
 Just a word of background for those of you who aren't familiar with 
the UK's Daily Mirror. This is one of the most notorious Left wing, 
anti-American dailies in the UK. Hard to believe that the Daily Mirror 
actually published it, but it did.

NOTE: I didn't write it, and I'm not Brittish. But it does get to the 

This will be my one, and only contribution to this thread.

 Begin article:

  ONE year ago, the world witnessed a unique kind of broadcasting -- 
the mass murder of thousands, live on television. As a lesson in the 
pitiless cruelty of the human race, September 11 was up there with Pol 
Pot's Mountain of skulls in Cambodia, or the skeletal bodies stacked 
like garbage in the Nazi concentration camps. An unspeakable act so 
cruel, so calculated and so utterly merciless that surely the world 
could agree on one thing --nobody  deserves this fate.

 Surely there could be consensus: the victims were truly innocent, the
perpetrators truly evil. But to the world's eternal shame, 9/11 is 
increasingly seen as America's comeuppance [deserved reprimand or 

 Incredibly, anti-Americanism has increased over the last year. There 
has always been a simmering resentment to the USA in this country -- too 
loud, too rich, too full of themselves and so much happier than 
Europeans - but it has become an epidemic. And it seems incredible to 
me. More than that, it turns my stomach. America is this country's 
greatest friend and our staunchest ally. We are bonded to the US by 
culture, language and blood.

  A little over half a century ago, around half a million Americans 
died for our freedoms, as well as their own. Have we forgotten so soon? 
And exactly a year ago, thousands of ordinary men, women and children - 
not just Americans, but from dozens of countries -- were butchered by a 
small group of religious fanatics. Are we so quick to betray them?

 What touched the heart about those who died in the twin towers and on 
the planes was that we recognized them. Young fathers and mothers, 
somebody's son and somebody's daughter, husbands and wives. And 
children. Some  unborn. And these people brought it on themselves? And 
their nation is to blame for their meticulously planned slaughter?

 These days you don't have to be some dust-encrusted nut job in Kabul or
Karachi or Finsbury Park to see America as the Great Satan. The 
anti-American alliance is made up of self-loathing liberals who blame 
the Americans for every ill in the Third World, and conservatives 
suffering from power-envy, bitter that the world's only superpower can 
do what it likes without having to ask permission.

The truth is that America has behaved with enormous restraint since 
September 11. Remember, remember! Remember the gut-wrenching tapes of 
weeping men phoning their wives to say, I love you, before they were
 burned alive. Remember those people leaping o their deaths from the 
top of burning skyscrapers. Remember the hundreds of firemen buried 
alive. Remember the smiling face of that beautiful little girl who was 
on one of the planes with her mum. Remember, remember -- and realize 
that America has never retaliated for 9/11 in anything like the way it 
could have.

 So, a few al-Qaeda tourists got locked up without a trial in Camp 
X-ray? Pass the Kleenex. So, some Afghan wedding receptions were shot up 
after they merrily fired their semiautomatics in a sky full of American 
planes? A  shame, but maybe next time they should stick to confetti. 
AMERICA could have turned a large chunk of the world into a parking lot. 
That it didn't is a sign of strength. American voices are already being 
raised against attacking Iraq
that's what a democracy is for. How many in the Islamic world will have 
a minute's silence for the slaughtered innocents of 9/11? How many 
Islamic leaders will have the guts to say that the mass murder of 9/11 
was an abomination?

 When the news of 9/11 broke on the West Bank, those freedom-loving 
Palestinians were dancing in the street. America watched all of that -- 
and didn't push the button. We should thank the stars that America is 
the most powerful nation in the world. I still find it incredible that 
9/11 did not provoke all-out war. Not a war on terrorism. A real war. 
The fundamentalist dudes are talking about opening the gates of hell 
if America attacks Iraq. Well, America could have opened the gates of 
hell like you wouldn't believe. The US is the most militarily powerful 
nation that ever 

Re: [expert] 9.1b2 observation/opinioin

2003-01-28 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

Ric Tibbetts wrote:


| Oh come on! If we can't argue about it, what's the point?
| *pokes* Come on!
| *sticks his tongue out* Weirdo!
| *throws a squeezy stress relieving computer shaped foam thing at


| Let's argue? Plase? ;)
| I think 9.1b2 is looking good :)


I would have to agree with you.  ;)

Come on Ric!!

- --

You guys are too much.
I'll give it another whirl at the next release (RC1?).


anyone know when that one's due out?

	When it's ready...

I always hated getting that answer!


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Re: [expert] Houston Stands up to M$

2003-01-23 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

The article was forwarded to me by a co-worker. I merely thought it 
interesting that Houston had made the stand to go against M$, and their 
abusive licensing. I was not endorsing Houstons choice of sotware, nor 
did I have anthing to do it.


Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
Check out this link, detailing why Houston, TX sh*tcanned Microsoft.

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Re: [expert] IMAP clients very slow

2003-01-22 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Chuck Burns wrote:

On Wed, January 22 2003 2:15 am, Stefano Pogliani wrote:

Why IMAP clients on Linux (Mozilla, Evolution especially !!!) are much
slower than using IMAP clients on Windows (on the same Linux IMAP
folders) ?

It seems strange, but it is much quicker to work from a remote Windows
machine than from a local Linux one! There is certainly something I am



Because most windows IMAP clients actually download all the mail to your
machine, and then you are working locally, and most linux IMAP clients
PURE IMAP clients.. NO local stuff, so it's always working over the
hence the speed issue.

Another thing I've noticed is setting them (the clients) to check all 
imap folders will slow it down. If you're not filtering on the server 
side, you can turn that off. There won't be any new mail in any of the 
other folders until it's placed there by the current session. So you can 
save some time there.

I've noticed that Evolution is much slower than Mozilla though.


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[expert] 9.1b2 observation/opinioin

2003-01-22 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
I took the opportunity to install 9.1b2 on a PC at home. Just to have a 
look around. My first impression when it came up was:


Sorry guys, I disliked the look so much, I took it off.
IMHO... It's over the top on eye-candy, and severly lacking in content.
Ok, it's a beta.. I understand that. But IMHO it was still ugly.

My objection:

Way to much eye-candy. So much so, that it wasn't sweet anymore.
The fonts suck (IMHO). On my system, they just looked tacky, and made 
things hard to read. I couldn't even blame it on missing fonts, because 
MDK did the install. So if anything was missing, it's because MDK didn't 
install it.

Most of what I used wasn't installed (by default). I didn't even get a 
useable e-Mail client. The only thing it installed was Kmail... I had to 
dig around to find Mozilla Mail, and install that. I thought I 
remembered someone here mentioning that Evolution 1.2 was included with 
9.1.. not so. It ain't on the CDs.

Yes, I understand. It's a beta. It's put out to garner opinions, and to 
help track down bugs. But in my case, and IMHO, it was just to ugly to use.

Mandrake needs to back off the fonts nonsense, and focus on content, not 

I took it off, and put RH 8.0 on. Bluecuve is a world better than the 
mess on the 9.1b2 desktop. If I want a system that looks like it was 
designed by PlaySchool, I'll by an XP machine, or a MAC. I came to Linux 
many years ago to get away from that.

I'll take another look as it aproaches release.

The above is just my opinion. Not a statement of fact. There is 
therefore nothing above to argue over. It's just an opinion. I thought 
Mandrake should hear something besides Ohh.. ahh.. lookit the pretty 
fonts...  Personally, I think it just made it hard to read, and harder 
to use.

If that's the direction MDK is taking their distro, I'll go back to a 
serious distro, and return to RedHat. I'm not interested in XP-Linux.



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[expert] Houston Stands up to M$

2003-01-22 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Check out this link, detailing why Houston, TX sh*tcanned Microsoft.

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Re: [expert] imap server and kmail features

2003-01-21 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Forget K-Mail. It won't filter into imap folders. Go with either


Mail, or Evolution. Either one does an excelent job of filtering into
imapp folders. I use this set up myself, so that I can always get to


mail, from any client, anywhere, and ALL my mail is there. I got tired
of the POP thing a long time ago, when all my mail was on myh home
desktop, and I was traveling with a laptop. IMAP is the way to go.


To state it clear, it is not the job of a E-Mail client to filter
on a imap-server. You can contact with a lot of different clients an it
not a funny job to configure it always to the same filter. so use the 
filter, the imap server offers to you and your mail will be filtert 
regardles of the ability of your mailclient. So you can use sylpheed or 
mutt on a remote connection and mozilla, kmail or evolution on your
Unix connection and (for those who realy want) Outlook on a Windows 
system. Thas what IMAP is for.


PS: If your IMAP server doe not support filter, drop it and use either 
courier or cyrus.

You can't possibly be suggesting to add filters directly into imap, for 
every user... If you had a system with 1000 users, and they had 20 
filters each... That's hardly practical. That is why it *IS* the job of 
the client to do it's filtering. If it cannot do it properly, find a 
client that will, there are plenty out there.

Alternativly, fetchmail will do the job, if you have the access to the 
server. But not everyone does. I do, but I run my own server. But for 
people getting their mail from their ISP, expecting imap on the server 
end to do your filtering is not reasonable.


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Re: hardware requirements for mail server, was: Re: [expert] imapser ver and kmail features

2003-01-21 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Hardware requirements for a mail server:
Minimal, minimal, minimal...

Got an old Pentium 75 (90, 100...)?
Stuff some disk space in it, and feed it some ram, and you're on your way.

You'll need postfix, to send/receive mail, and imap. Both of which 
almost install out of the box  work. Very little involved in setting 
that up.

Then to get your mail, just use Mozilla Mail, or Evolution. (a word of 
caution, I've noticed Evolution to have stability problems, often just 
hanging, requiring that I force a log out, and kill it (if you get 
lucky, you can kill it with killev.).
 Mozilla is the more stable of the two.

Then set up your imap folders on the server (I'll give you a hand off 
list if you want).  And you're on the road.

Well, ok, it's not quite THAT easy, but almost!


bascule wrote:
well ric has it right:)
what i want is to not lose the geek toy that kmail (
and one assumes, other clients) gives me which is mail identities and 
associating posting addresses with folders, as my original post
indicated i'm 
aware of procmail and server filtering which, large setups aside, would
fine for myself, my daughter and a few boxes, my question was a shot in
dark really,wondering whether there was some way other than a remote
to avoid the individual client configuration so as to provide the 

as i have never actually used imap and/or fetchmail with procmail and
all the 
googling i did told me how to install them but little about what they 
'couldn't do' i thought it worth asking. configuring only a few mail
might not seem a big deal bit i won't have learnt anything new,plus
still remains the question of access from outside, vnc i think, here i
which begs the question what is the minimum hardware to run a box that
runs a 
vnc server and email client and precious little else? i'm hoping its not
much 'cos that's all i got! ideally i will be accessing from other
machines - 
say, my mothers, over the net in which case i can install vnc on it, but
course i may have to install some web client for this if i want to get
mail from a mates box, features aside, what woud that do to hardware 


On Tuesday 21 Jan 2003 5:12 pm, Ric Tibbetts wrote:

 All the rest is just techno-geek toys. I, and my users, just want


read our mail. I'm not going to go to excessive measures on the


make that happen. IMAP does the job exceedingly well, and it

serves to

any client, be it Linux, Mac, or Windows. I can check my mail from


client, anywhere in the world. As long as it properly supports



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Re: [expert] Fwd: Re: [OT] Stupid question about Galeon and bookmarks

2003-01-20 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
rob wrote:

I believe the drop-down window is to what he is referring.  I get the
same thing.  It will not scroll beyond the bottom of the page.  The only
way I can see my bookmarks beyond the bottom of the screen is to open up
edit bookmarks.

I get the same thing. I've just adopted the attitude with it, that it 
forces me to keep my bookmarks file in order, and keep thinks in 
folders, rather than let it run on as a long file.

Not the best situation.



On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 20:34, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

On Friday 17 January 2003 11:09 pm, stefmit wrote:

Sorry if this is a repeat - tried earlier, and it looked as if it


--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: [OT] Stupid question about Galeon and bookmarks
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 17:59:08 -0600
From: stefmit [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for your kind attempt to help ... but have you ever


tried to open that window (i.e. the bookmarks one), in Galeon? There

is no

square(s) icon on the right corner (it is not a regular window -


My apologies - I thought you meant the main Galeon window - not

bookmarks. I 

use Galeon as my main browser here, but I've never even opened a


window - don't have a reason to. I just add pages to the drop-down



Sorry I couldn't help!



Dark Lord

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Re: [expert] O Yyyyyyyyyyummy!!

2003-01-18 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

Mandrake 9.1beta2 is out...Just in case no one else knew. Just found it 
on one of the french servers. Ooo! I feel like a little kid at 
Christmas. :) This'll help me feel better after taking that beating 

Hmmm Might be a good excuse to rebuild the beater workstation at 
home. ;) Nuthin' like a new OS to make an old workstation look better.


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Re: [expert] O Yyyyyyyyyyummy!!

2003-01-18 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Saturday 18 January 2003 12:38, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

Mark Weaver wrote:

Mandrake 9.1beta2 is out...Just in case no one else knew. Just found


on one of the french servers. Ooo! I feel like a little kid


Christmas. :) This'll help me feel better after taking that beating

Hmmm Might be a good excuse to rebuild the beater workstation at
home. ;) Nuthin' like a new OS to make an old workstation look better.


Where've you guys been?
I've already thrashed 3 beta installs last week=:o)

With Beta 2?

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Re: [expert] rpmdrake: cannot open archive file /var/lib/urpmi/

2003-01-18 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Ric Tibbetts wrote:

Subject says it.
I cannot update an 8.1 box. When I try, it just comes back with no list,

and I get the (subject) error on the command line.

MandrakeUpdate used to work on this box. But something has happened to

it. Any suggestions on how to repair the damage would be appreciated.


I resolved this one.

I found that urpmi was badly out of date on that box. I updated urpmi to 
a more current version, and all is well again.


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Re: [expert] O Yyyyyyyyyyummy!!

2003-01-18 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Ric Tibbetts wrote:

On Sat, Jan 18, 2003 at 10:42:37AM -0500, Pierre Fortin wrote:

On Sat, 18 Jan 2003 07:40:48 -0600 Tom Brinkman



On Saturday January 18 2003 05:16 am, Mark Weaver wrote:

Mandrake 9.1beta2 is out...Just in case no one else knew. Just
found it on one of the french servers. Ooo! I feel like a
little kid at Christmas. :) This'll help me feel better after
taking that beating yesterday.

   Did ya notice it's two 650mb iso's?   I suspect 9.1 will stay on

650's from now on.  I also suspect we'll still have the same 
percentage of people sayin the iso's won't boot, or won't install 
(ie, the no-700mb iso's crowd) ;-

I have always used 650 successfully; even when the md5sums didn't


due to CD padding...  BTW, did no-one notice that RH8.0 is *5* ISOs?

It's 5 iso's. But 2-1/2 of them are source. You only need the first 3 to
do an install.


PS: Heard a rumor that RH 8.0 beta 1 is out...  Just a rumor, I've not
gone looking for it.

Oops.. make that 8.1 beta 1


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Re: [expert] CD Burners

2003-01-18 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
You can never have too much memory, or too much dasd.


et wrote:

Suggestion... OK... find a burner with as much cache ram as possible
have we heard that advice before,,, and not about CDburners only)

On Saturday 18 January 2003 11:05 am, Ric Tibbetts wrote:

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm feeling confident now that I can
pretty much get what's on sale, and it will probably work. Although, I
will probably stick with a name brand, just for my own piece of mind.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 09:16:23PM -0800, Michael Noble wrote:

I have used LiteOn and Sony IDE both went in without any problems.
The system sees them as scsi devices.


On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 08:00, Ric Tibbetts wrote:

I'm going to put a new (IDE)  CD Burner in my PC (Mdk 9.0). Any
suggestions on a good one, that is known to have good


and ease of install?



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Michael Noble

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Re: [expert] OT network backup solutions

2003-01-16 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 00:28, Mark Belanger wrote:

Can anyone recommend a backup solution for
a fairly large(300 node) heterogeneous network.

We currently have Solaris, Windows, Linux, SunOS,
and DomainOS machines.

Arkeia (commercial) and Amanda come to mind. For non-Linux backup 
servers I've used Veritas' NetBackup. It has clients for most OSes. 

I'd have to second the recomendation for Veritas Netbackup. Great 
product. I've used it in both large, and small networks.

Another is Tivoli (adsm) from IBM. Also good in mid, to large envirnoments.

Neither is free. You'll have to license whichever one you use, but 
they'll get the job done for you, and that's what counts. I've had this 
argument with many a director:

Yep, we'll have to pay for the software. And before you tell me no, 
I'll want you to write down just how much the data we're protecting is 
worth. That's the real cost of your backup solution.

I worked at a large company  (whom I'll leave nameless). They wouldn't 
spring for a decent backup system. They insisted they had no budget.
Then the server crashed, taking it's drives with it. The end result was 
the loss of about 5Gb of data. All of it vital (proposals for government 
research contracts, the contracts themselves, research data, etc. All of 
it LOST. There was just no way to recover it.

Standing and telling an RD department that they've just lost all their 
data is the cost of a backup system.

Don't scrimp on this one. I've got the battle scars to back up that 
statement. Do it right, or stay home.



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Re: [expert] Spam Filtering with postfix

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

On Tuesday 14 January 2003 12:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled

I seem to have stopped receiving mail that I've sent.
For example: I have not received the last reply I sent to this list,
from this address. Maybe a little tight on the filtering...

My wife can always tell when I get bored, I start hacking, and things


to stop working.. lol...


ROTFL!!!  I've noticed that same thing happens on my machine. You do
though that this is the path to knowledge! :)

'Tis true, 'tis true. We learn by doing.
At the moment, I'm still a bit tight on the filters. I'm only getting 
about 25% of the mail from this list! And I'm losing some personal mail. 
I need to work out an exceptions list. Like a way to say:

All mail from, except mail from certain

Should be a way Need to dig.


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[expert] And the fun continues

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
NOW, the server (firewall side) is just bulk rejecting ALL connections 
(again!). It considers any incoming mail as a SYN attack, and rejects 
it! (egads! I'm getting tired of this chase!). I thought I had this 
sorted out...

/var/log/messages is bing filled with messages like:

Jan 15 07:51:50 ibu portsentry[2524]: attackalert: Host: is already blocked Ignoring
Jan 15 07:54:16 ibu portsentry[2524]: attackalert: TCP SYN/Normal scan 
from host: to TCP port: 25
Jan 15 07:54:16 ibu portsentry[2524]: attackalert: Host: is already blocked Ignoring
Jan 15 07:54:33 ibu portsentry[2524]: attackalert: TCP SYN/Normal scan 
from host: to TCP port: 25
Jan 15 07:54:33 ibu portsentry[2524]: attackalert: Host 
has been blocked via wrappers with string: ALL:
Jan 15 07:54:33 ibu portsentry[2524]: attackalert: Host 
has been blocked via dropped route using command: /sbin/iptables -A 

It's all incoming mail, that is not coming in!

Any thoughts on WHY it would interpret all incoming connections as an 
attack? Anything not already blocked is interpreted as a SYN attack, and 
is rejected, and added to the list

Thanks !


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Re: [expert] Spam Filtering with postfix

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 08:55 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled

Mark Weaver wrote:

On Tuesday 14 January 2003 12:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled


I seem to have stopped receiving mail that I've sent.
For example: I have not received the last reply I sent to this list,

from this address. Maybe a little tight on the filtering...

My wife can always tell when I get bored, I start hacking, and



to stop working.. lol...


ROTFL!!!  I've noticed that same thing happens on my machine. You do
though that this is the path to knowledge! :)

'Tis true, 'tis true. We learn by doing.
At the moment, I'm still a bit tight on the filters. I'm only getting
about 25% of the mail from this list! And I'm losing some personal


I need to work out an exceptions list. Like a way to say:

All mail from, except mail from certain

Should be a way Need to dig.



those are the bits that go in the access file for postfix. OK

- -- 

Yup. Found that bit. Thanks!

Now I just need to get the server back up. It just went on it's nose 
again... egads!


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Re: [expert] And the fun continues (it's dead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 10:57 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled

NOW, the server (firewall side) is just bulk rejecting ALL connections
(again!). It considers any incoming mail as a SYN attack, and rejects
it! (egads! I'm getting tired of this chase!). I thought I had this
sorted out...

/var/log/messages is bing filled with messages like:


It's all incoming mail, that is not coming in!

Any thoughts on WHY it would interpret all incoming connections as an
attack? Anything not already blocked is interpreted as a SYN attack,


is rejected, and added to the list

Thanks !



do yourself a huge favor and turnoff and uninstall PortSentry. He's a
old man with a serious bladder control problem. he sh*ts himself from
time to 
time as well. do that and you should be feeling a lot better.

I shut it off when it started puking like that. THen I cleaned out 

But it's still not accepting any connections, it's just quieter about 
it. It's just not receiving anything. When it did this the other day, 
xinetd was down. I checked that... alls well there. It's running.

this is really getting frustrating! If I were 3000 miles closer, I'd 
shoot the thing between it's transistors, and rebuild it. But I'm just a 
bit to far away for that.

I can still ssh in, so at least I can work on it. But I'm lost as to why 
 it started doing this again... It was fine, up until about a half hour 
ago.. Then it just stopped receiving connections. There's nothing in the 
I even tried the M$ method: Reboot.. no joy. It didn't help.

And stopping portsentry doesn't make any difference.
It's not the mail system either. I reverted back to the pre-spam filter 
version. That didn't make any difference.
It's just started rejecting all connections.

gotta be a reason


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Re: [expert] And the fun continues

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 10:57 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled

NOW, the server (firewall side) is just bulk rejecting ALL connections
(again!). It considers any incoming mail as a SYN attack, and rejects
it! (egads! I'm getting tired of this chase!). I thought I had this
sorted out...

/var/log/messages is bing filled with messages like:


It's all incoming mail, that is not coming in!

Any thoughts on WHY it would interpret all incoming connections as an
attack? Anything not already blocked is interpreted as a SYN attack,


is rejected, and added to the list

Thanks !



do yourself a huge favor and turnoff and uninstall PortSentry. He's a
old man with a serious bladder control problem. he sh*ts himself from
time to 
time as well. do that and you should be feeling a lot better.

Mark (anyone);
At what point in your startup is iptables starting (remember that my 
rcx.d directories got trashed). I'm missing something, and I need to 
figure out what!

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!


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Re: [expert] And the fun continues (it's dead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 11:30 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled

Mark Weaver wrote:

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 10:57 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled


NOW, the server (firewall side) is just bulk rejecting ALL


(again!). It considers any incoming mail as a SYN attack, and


it! (egads! I'm getting tired of this chase!). I thought I had this
sorted out...

/var/log/messages is bing filled with messages like:


It's all incoming mail, that is not coming in!

Any thoughts on WHY it would interpret all incoming connections as


attack? Anything not already blocked is interpreted as a SYN attack,


is rejected, and added to the list

Thanks !



do yourself a huge favor and turnoff and uninstall PortSentry. He's


old man with a serious bladder control problem. he sh*ts himself


time to
time as well. do that and you should be feeling a lot better.

I shut it off when it started puking like that. THen I cleaned out

But it's still not accepting any connections, it's just quieter about
it. It's just not receiving anything. When it did this the other day,
xinetd was down. I checked that... alls well there. It's running.

this is really getting frustrating! If I were 3000 miles closer, I'd
shoot the thing between it's transistors, and rebuild it. But I'm just


bit to far away for that.

I can still ssh in, so at least I can work on it. But I'm lost as to


 it started doing this again... It was fine, up until about a half


ago.. Then it just stopped receiving connections. There's nothing in


I even tried the M$ method: Reboot.. no joy. It didn't help.

And stopping portsentry doesn't make any difference.
It's not the mail system either. I reverted back to the pre-spam


version. That didn't make any difference.
It's just started rejecting all connections.

gotta be a reason


well...this sounds horribly familiar, so I'll set to work trying to
what it was I was doing when this happened to me, and how I handled the 
situation. damned thing of it I should have kept up my journal of that 
period. there was a time when everything I touched on that machine
turned to 
crap! it's not so bad now cause I've had a lot of practice. :)  don't
worry'll come to me...eventually.

Ok, let's get basic.
It was running when I first checked on it this morning.
The spam filter was tight, so I loosened that up a little (pure postfix 
config file stuff. NO systems level stuff).
Then I restarted postfix, and the server stopped receiving connections.

I rebooted.

Then portsentry went crazy on the reporting, and started rejecting every 
 incoming mail connection. (actually, I suspect that they were being 
rejected anyway, there was no new mail coming in before that).

The last time it started acting like that, xinetd wasn't running.
This time it is.

The firewall is up.
iptables is running.

postfix is up

I can send mail from it, and users from inside that network can pass 
through it, so masq'ing is working right.

Why is it rejecting ALL incoming e-Mail connections?

And ONLY incoming e-Mail connections. I can ssh in, and the web server 
is running, and allows connections...

But any incoming e-Mail is interpreted as an attack, and rejected.

Where is this coming from ?!?!  (portsentry is shut off. But I've been 
running it a very long time. I've seldom found it the source of the 
problem, on the messenger. Without it, I feel like I'm running a bit 

Any thoughts? Suggestions on where to look?

This server has been a super reliable server for the past 3 years. It's 
been on 8.1 for a year or so, and has never caused any problems.
Now all the sudden... I can't keep it running...



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[expert] Rejected Connections

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Let me try this from a different angle.

I have a server with problems.

Right now, it's rejecting all connections to port 25 (mail). I can do 
everything else, but that.

The server is running postfix for sending mail, and smtp is open in the 
firewall. It was accepting connections this morning, and has now 
stopped. Mysteriously.

I'd sure appreciate any pointers on what could/would cause a server to 
suddenly stop accepting connections...


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Re: [expert] And the fun continues

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

Mark Weaver wrote:

On Wednesday 15 January 2003 10:57 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled

NOW, the server (firewall side) is just bulk rejecting ALL


(again!). It considers any incoming mail as a SYN attack, and


it! (egads! I'm getting tired of this chase!). I thought I had this
sorted out...

/var/log/messages is bing filled with messages like:


It's all incoming mail, that is not coming in!

Any thoughts on WHY it would interpret all incoming connections as


attack? Anything not already blocked is interpreted as a SYN attack,


is rejected, and added to the list

Thanks !



do yourself a huge favor and turnoff and uninstall PortSentry. He's a
tired old man with a serious bladder control problem. he sh*ts


time to time as well. do that and you should be feeling a lot better.

Mark (anyone);
At what point in your startup is iptables starting (remember that my 
rcx.d directories got trashed). I'm missing something, and I need to 
figure out what!

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!



as I recall its rather early in the boot process. i'll check and then
what I find.


Of interest on this one.
If I put iptables back into the startup (chkconfig --add iptables). It 
gets added at the top (S03 I think).
Then if I reboot, it changes to

K92iptables - ../init.d/iptables


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Re: [expert] And the fun continues (it's dead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
  Mark Weaver wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 January 2003 11:30 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled
  Mark Weaver wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 January 2003 10:57 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled
  Sheesh! NOW, the server (firewall side) is just bulk
  rejecting ALL
  (again!). It considers any incoming mail as a SYN attack, and
  it! (egads! I'm getting tired of this chase!). I thought I
  had this sorted out...
  /var/log/messages is bing filled with messages like:
  It's all incoming mail, that is not coming in!
  Any thoughts on WHY it would interpret all incoming
  connections as
  attack? Anything not already blocked is interpreted as a SYN
  is rejected, and added to the list
  Thanks !
  do yourself a huge favor and turnoff and uninstall PortSentry.
  tired old man with a serious bladder control problem. he sh*ts
  time to time as well. do that and you should be feeling a lot
  I shut it off when it started puking like that. THen I cleaned
  out /etc/hosts/deny.
  But it's still not accepting any connections, it's just quieter
  about it. It's just not receiving anything. When it did this the
  other day, xinetd was down. I checked that... alls well there.
  It's running.
  this is really getting frustrating! If I were 3000 miles closer,
  I'd shoot the thing between it's transistors, and rebuild it. But
  I'm just
  bit to far away for that.
  I can still ssh in, so at least I can work on it. But I'm lost as
  it started doing this again... It was fine, up until about a half
  ago.. Then it just stopped receiving connections. There's nothing
  logs.. I even tried the M$ method: Reboot.. no joy. It didn't
  And stopping portsentry doesn't make any difference. It's not the
  mail system either. I reverted back to the pre-spam
  version. That didn't make any difference. It's just started
  rejecting all connections.
  gotta be a reason
  well...this sounds horribly familiar, so I'll set to work trying to
   recall what it was I was doing when this happened to me, and how I
   handled the situation. damned thing of it I should have kept up my
   journal of that period. there was a time when everything I touched
  on that machine turned to crap! it's not so bad now cause I've had
  a lot of practice. :)  don't worry'll come to
  Ok, let's get basic. It was running when I first checked on it this
  morning. The spam filter was tight, so I loosened that up a little
  (pure postfix config file stuff. NO systems level stuff). Then I
  restarted postfix, and the server stopped receiving connections.
  I rebooted.
  Then portsentry went crazy on the reporting, and started rejecting
  every incoming mail connection. (actually, I suspect that they were
  being rejected anyway, there was no new mail coming in before that).
  The last time it started acting like that, xinetd wasn't running.
  This time it is.
  The firewall is up. iptables is running.
  postfix is up
  I can send mail from it, and users from inside that network can
  pass through it, so masq'ing is working right.
  Why is it rejecting ALL incoming e-Mail connections?
  And ONLY incoming e-Mail connections. I can ssh in, and the web
  server is running, and allows connections...
  But any incoming e-Mail is interpreted as an attack, and rejected.
  Where is this coming from ?!?!  (portsentry is shut off. But I've
  been running it a very long time. I've seldom found it the source of
  the problem, on the messenger. Without it, I feel like I'm running a
  bit blind...
  Any thoughts? Suggestions on where to look? WAGs?
  This server has been a super reliable server for the past 3 years.
  It's been on 8.1 for a year or so, and has never caused any problems.
   Now all the sudden... I can't keep it running...


how is it you're certain that the connections to port 25 are being
interpreted as attacks on the system? apart from PortSentry I can't
think of anything else that would cause that port to be closed and
refuse a connection. the only other cause for the connection being
refused is if the service itself isn't running.

other then things stated above I'm drawing a blank. try this 
though...drop the firewall and then see if a connection can be made, and

double check your firewall rulesset to make sure that it is allowing 
connections to port 25.


I used portsentry for a short time to see what was hitting. It's 
rejecting all connections to port 25 (smtp). Then I turned it back off.
Just to be sure, I even pulled portsentry out of the startup, and 
rebooted. So it's not that.

I have smtp enabled in bastille-firewall.cfg

Re: [expert] And the fun continues (it's dead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
  Mark Weaver wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 January 2003 11:30 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled
  Mark Weaver wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 January 2003 10:57 am, Tibbetts, Ric scribbled
  Sheesh! NOW, the server (firewall side) is just bulk
  rejecting ALL
  (again!). It considers any incoming mail as a SYN attack, and
  it! (egads! I'm getting tired of this chase!). I thought I
  had this sorted out...
  /var/log/messages is bing filled with messages like:
  It's all incoming mail, that is not coming in!
  Any thoughts on WHY it would interpret all incoming
  connections as
  attack? Anything not already blocked is interpreted as a SYN
  is rejected, and added to the list
  Thanks !
  do yourself a huge favor and turnoff and uninstall PortSentry.
  tired old man with a serious bladder control problem. he sh*ts
  time to time as well. do that and you should be feeling a lot
  I shut it off when it started puking like that. THen I cleaned
  out /etc/hosts/deny.
  But it's still not accepting any connections, it's just quieter
  about it. It's just not receiving anything. When it did this the
  other day, xinetd was down. I checked that... alls well there.
  It's running.
  this is really getting frustrating! If I were 3000 miles closer,
  I'd shoot the thing between it's transistors, and rebuild it. But
  I'm just
  bit to far away for that.
  I can still ssh in, so at least I can work on it. But I'm lost as
  it started doing this again... It was fine, up until about a half
  ago.. Then it just stopped receiving connections. There's nothing
  logs.. I even tried the M$ method: Reboot.. no joy. It didn't
  And stopping portsentry doesn't make any difference. It's not the
  mail system either. I reverted back to the pre-spam
  version. That didn't make any difference. It's just started
  rejecting all connections.
  gotta be a reason
  well...this sounds horribly familiar, so I'll set to work trying to
   recall what it was I was doing when this happened to me, and how I
   handled the situation. damned thing of it I should have kept up my
   journal of that period. there was a time when everything I touched
  on that machine turned to crap! it's not so bad now cause I've had
  a lot of practice. :)  don't worry'll come to
  Ok, let's get basic. It was running when I first checked on it this
  morning. The spam filter was tight, so I loosened that up a little
  (pure postfix config file stuff. NO systems level stuff). Then I
  restarted postfix, and the server stopped receiving connections.
  I rebooted.
  Then portsentry went crazy on the reporting, and started rejecting
  every incoming mail connection. (actually, I suspect that they were
  being rejected anyway, there was no new mail coming in before that).
  The last time it started acting like that, xinetd wasn't running.
  This time it is.
  The firewall is up. iptables is running.
  postfix is up
  I can send mail from it, and users from inside that network can
  pass through it, so masq'ing is working right.
  Why is it rejecting ALL incoming e-Mail connections?
  And ONLY incoming e-Mail connections. I can ssh in, and the web
  server is running, and allows connections...
  But any incoming e-Mail is interpreted as an attack, and rejected.
  Where is this coming from ?!?!  (portsentry is shut off. But I've
  been running it a very long time. I've seldom found it the source of
  the problem, on the messenger. Without it, I feel like I'm running a
  bit blind...
  Any thoughts? Suggestions on where to look? WAGs?
  This server has been a super reliable server for the past 3 years.
  It's been on 8.1 for a year or so, and has never caused any problems.
   Now all the sudden... I can't keep it running...


how is it you're certain that the connections to port 25 are being
interpreted as attacks on the system? apart from PortSentry I can't
think of anything else that would cause that port to be closed and
refuse a connection. the only other cause for the connection being
refused is if the service itself isn't running.

Ok, really dumb question, but I'm not leaving any stone unturned at this 

What service? Which one?

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Re: [expert]STOP the presses!! WAS: And the fun continues (it's dead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:


Um...a quick, sweet scan of your system proved to be very revealing. I
exactly why your messages and in fact all messages are being
refuse...port 25 
and your other ports you're using for email in and out are all closed.
would tend to explain a lot as to why you can't get messages in and out
of the 

As far as I know there are only three things that can cause these ports
close like this.

1) the firewall has closed these ports by dropping all packets going to

2) the services aren't this case Postfix.

3) the line in the /etc/services file that contains the reference to the
and service has been commented out closing off the port and the service
runs there upon.

this third item is the most perplexing in that this file has to be
manually. I don't know of any program that writes to this file in the
course of doing its thing.

You know??? it just occurred to me that you might not even see this


I'm getting these. I'm using my work address for this discussion.

I agree that port 25 is dead. The question is: Why  How?

The line in /etc/services is fine. It's uncommented.
smtp IS included in bastille-firewall.cfg
postfix is running.

I have no clue as to what closed that port! And I've rebooted a couple 
of times. So what ever is doing it, is persistant!

BTW: I can get messages out. Just not in.


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Re: [expert] And the fun continues (it's dead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

refuse a connection. the only other cause for the connection being
refused is if the service itself isn't running.

Ok, really dumb question, but I'm not leaving any stone unturned at



What service? Which one?

if you're refering to which service it would be in the /etc/services
file then 
it would be port 25 smtp/tcp

Yeah, like I said, it was a dumb question.
And yes, it's there:

smtp 25/tcpSimple Mail Transfer
smtp 25/udpSimple Mail Transfer

It's also open in bastille-firewall.

portsentry isn't running.


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Re: [expert]STOP the presses!! WAS: And the fun continues (it 'sd ead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Chuck Burns wrote:

On Wed, January 15 2003 1:53 pm, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I agree that port 25 is dead. The question is: Why  How?

The line in /etc/services is fine. It's uncommented.
smtp IS included in bastille-firewall.cfg
postfix is running.

I have no clue as to what closed that port! And I've rebooted a couple

of times. So what ever is doing it, is persistant!

Here's something to think about, what if the portsentry didnt get
removed, and left some cruft.. some of which happens to be blocking port

What  where?
I took portsentry out of the startup, and rebooted the box. So it was 
never run. I've also gone in, and tried taming it, to NOT block TCP 
and 25 is still solidly closed.

something somewhere is closing 25. And possibly 110 (Mark, when you 
did your scan, was 110 open?)

But what... and where... and how...

Hey Mark:
What's in your /etc/xinetd.d ? Maybe I'm missing something?

Thanks !


PS: I just did a test. I can send mail out from that box. I just won't 
take it in.

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Re: [expert]STOP the presses!! WAS: And the fun continues (it's d ead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

Chuck Burns wrote:

On Wed, January 15 2003 1:53 pm, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I agree that port 25 is dead. The question is: Why  How?

The line in /etc/services is fine. It's uncommented.
smtp IS included in bastille-firewall.cfg
postfix is running.

I have no clue as to what closed that port! And I've rebooted a couple

of times. So what ever is doing it, is persistant!

Here's something to think about, what if the portsentry didnt get


removed, and left some cruft.. some of which happens to be blocking

port 25

this is likely the weirdest problem I've ever seen. Its probably the
persistant mystery yet! I'm absolutely drawing a blank here.

What's in your /etc/xinetd.d ?


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Re: [expert]STOP the presses!! WAS: And the fun continues (it's d ead again)

2003-01-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

Mark Weaver wrote:

Chuck Burns wrote:

On Wed, January 15 2003 1:53 pm, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I agree that port 25 is dead. The question is: Why  How?

The line in /etc/services is fine. It's uncommented.
smtp IS included in bastille-firewall.cfg
postfix is running.

I have no clue as to what closed that port! And I've rebooted a


of times. So what ever is doing it, is persistant!

Here's something to think about, what if the portsentry didnt get


removed, and left some cruft.. some of which happens to be blocking

port 25

this is likely the weirdest problem I've ever seen. Its probably the
persistant mystery yet! I'm absolutely drawing a blank here.

What's in your /etc/xinetd.d ?


Would running (say) msec 1 help clear this up? Possibly just having 
msec run through the settings, may shake this loose?

Anyone care to venture a guess?

Just a slim hope...


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[expert] Spam Filtering with postfix

2003-01-14 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Ok, I've had enough spam for one lifetime.. ;)

I'm trying to get postfix to start filtering spam. It will.

What I've added so far is:
(from the relevant section of

# Look more info about spam filtering options at
# Open Relay Database filtering, look more info at
# Comments and improvements are welcome.
maps_rbl_domains =,,,,

disable_vrfy_command = yes
smtpd_helo_required = yes
strict_rfc821_envelopes = yes

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/,



# ---

The problem with the above: Now mail has either become incredibly slow, 
or nothing is getting through. So I've gone amis somewhere.

Can anyone shed some llight on this? I want to be sure that all real 
local receipients still get their mail, but the spam gets filtered.

Thank you!!


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[expert] Test - Disregard

2003-01-14 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Kindly Ignore this e-Mail.

Thank you!


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Re: [expert] Spam Filtering with postfix

2003-01-14 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

On Tuesday 14 January 2003 09:59 am, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

Ok, I've had enough spam for one lifetime.. ;)

I'm trying to get postfix to start filtering spam. It will.

What I've added so far is:
(from the relevant section of

# Look more info about spam filtering options at
# Open Relay Database filtering, look more info at
# Comments and improvements are welcome.
maps_rbl_domains =,,,,

disable_vrfy_command = yes
smtpd_helo_required = yes
strict_rfc821_envelopes = yes

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/,



# ---

The problem with the above: Now mail has either become incredibly


or nothing is getting through. So I've gone amis somewhere.

Can anyone shed some llight on this? I want to be sure that all real
local receipients still get their mail, but the spam gets filtered.

Thank you!!


Hi Ric,

Check things out on this site for setting up Postfix. Pierre has really
got it 
going on when it comes to setting up Postfix for doing things correctly.


Thanks Mark, I'll have a look.
Currently, my filter seems to be an inverse filter. I'm NOT getting the 
mail I want, but the spam is flowing freely.. lol.

I did notice that Pierre references the same sites I've been using. I've 
just got a bug in the above (I've already made a few changes to the 
above). And.. you can't catch it all.  Some spam is going to get through 
no matter what.


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Re: [expert] 9.1 beta 1 first impressions

2003-01-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Mark Weaver wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 12 January 2003 02:54 pm, Charles A Edwards scribbled

On 11 Jan 2003 14:03:20 -0500

Ric Tibbetts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not meaning to sound like a smart a** here. But the best, most
reliableunerase system I've found, that is fully transportable
across all platforms, is a good backup system. There's just no


up for it.

Speaking as myself and not for Mark, the problem with any back-up
system is the same as the one which caused the data to be erased in


first place.
That is the a** sitting in front of the keyboard.


OoooYA ! I can relate to that. ;)  many were the times the worst
thing any 
of my Linux systems suffered from was a horrid case of PBCK errors
rampant on the system.

( PBCK=Problem Between Chair and Keyboard : for any that didn't already
what that meant. )
- -- 

Painfully aware of it! I just went through a ton of pain over the 
week-end recovering a server ... lol
Thankfully, it's Monday morning, and I'm back to work. I need the rest!

And... Just for the record, the bits that were broken on that particular 
server, were bits that I don't generally back up. (ouch!). Had to 
rebuild the area from memory... And my memory just ain't what it used to be!


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Re: [expert] Followup on VERY slow 2D performance with gf2 and nvidia drivers

2003-01-09 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
When you first log in, pop open a terminal window, and type glxinfo. 
It seems to improve performance on my box (and several others).

Just a test...


Chuck Burns wrote:
I kind of discovered this by accident.  I noticed that whenever ANY
application is fullscreen, and I move a window over the top of it, it's
nice and snappy, but when I move a window around over the root window,
metacity's (the gnome WM) CPU usage skyrockets, and I believe this could
be my problem. Is there anyone who has a GeForce2 with the nvidia 4191
drivers installed that could do the following for me for comparison

1) Log into gnome, verify you're using metacity as the window manager (
this is the default) also with Mandrake 9.0 (NOT cooker, or any previous

2) Open up gnome-terminal, and drag it around for a few seconds, to see
how it responds.  I can drag fine for about a second or so, then it gets
really choppy.

3) Open any other app, make it fullscreen.. open a child window, and
drag IT around, and see if there's a noticeable difference. There is a
huge difference for me.

Thanks a lot..


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Re: [expert] clear mandrake-update list

2003-01-09 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Norman Zhang wrote:


LM 8.2 seems to get the security update list wrong. How do I reset it or
rebuild the database list?

I'll second that. Mine comes up empty now. It worked for a while, and 
then stopped about a month ago.
I'd like to know how to fix it also!


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Re: [expert] Followup on VERY slow 2D performance with gf2 and nvidia drivers

2003-01-09 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Chuck Burns wrote:

On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 08:32, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

When you first log in, pop open a terminal window, and type glxinfo.

It seems to improve performance on my box (and several others).

Just a test...


Well.. I'll be damn.. That DOES work.  Now to figure out the obvious.  

I'd like to know why as well. The only thing I can say is that it 
flushes a buffer somewhere...

The good news is: It works.
Although, I'm not really crazy about such mysteries.. ;)


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[expert] OT: Apache Question

2003-01-09 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
This should be an easy one.

I have a server running Mandrake 8.1, with Apache.
Up until yesterday, It was running personal web sites under 

Now suddenly, I've lost access to those. When I try to get into them, I 
get the error: Forbidden

I've checked the permissions on the directory, and they seem normal.
What could have come unconfigured?



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Re: [expert] OT: Apache Question [never mind]

2003-01-09 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
I found it. It was just an odd group setting. A remnant from the recent 
sshd problem.


Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
This should be an easy one.

I have a server running Mandrake 8.1, with Apache.
Up until yesterday, It was running personal web sites under 

Now suddenly, I've lost access to those. When I try to get into them, I 
get the error: Forbidden

I've checked the permissions on the directory, and they seem normal.
What could have come unconfigured?



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Re: [expert] sshd server problem - HELP!

2003-01-08 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
I got this one resolved this time. BUT: After this lesson, I'm going 
to be sure that I have an alternate way into the box. Webmin is 
installed, but for some reason it wouldn't let me in. I'll be fixing that.

To all who answered this thread: Thank You!. sshd is back up  running 
now. It was just very painful with the dumb fingers I had to work with 
at the remote site.


Vox wrote:
This time James Sparenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
becomes daring and writes:

How about webmin... Yes I know the legion of complaints against

  I agree on this...I had to do the same thing when somebody mungled
  an sshd upgrade and we lost sshd access. Had dumb remote fingers
  start webmin (lucky for me I didn't uninstal it after taking over
  the box) and I fixed it with the one-command-at-a-time console it


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Re: [expert] sshd server problem - HELP!

2003-01-08 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Toshiro wrote:

Linux Server sitting in Seattle, I'm in Florida.
The Linux Server crashed due to a power failure (I know, it needs a
UPS). When the server came back up, it came up, sans sshd. So I cannot
get on it to check it out. I also cannot get on to diagnose the


with sshd, because ssh is my only access (kinda a catch-22 isn't it?).

Is the server doing anything at all? My first guess is filesystem
with errors that require human intervention (it happened to me a couple

Ask someone to look at the console to see if that's what happened.

What I always do in your situation (remote box) is to configure a serial

console so I can see what's going on when problems arise


I have this one solved. Somehow (I'm still investigating how), the 
sshd user had gotten deleted. sshd will not run without it.

Once I restored that (with the help of my remote fingers), all returned 
to normal.


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Re: [expert] sshd server problem - HELP!

2003-01-08 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I got this one resolved this time. BUT: After this lesson, I'm going

to be sure that I have an alternate way into the box. Webmin is 
installed, but for some reason it wouldn't let me in. I'll be fixing


Just for curiousity's sake, how did you manage it?

It was painful.
I rebooted the box, and had my remote fingers  eyes watch for messages.
When sshd tried to start, it flashed a useful error message. It seems 
that somehow (and I'm still looking into how) the sshd user got removed.
So, since I did have ftp access to the box, I grabbed a copy of 
/etc/passwd, and manually re-added the sshd user. Then ftp'd it back 
into /tmp (no root access via ftp), and had my remote fingers put it 
back in /etc.

sshd then started as it should.

FYI: The failure above produced no traceable error in /var/log/messages. 
It only put in a line indicating that sshd failed to start, with no 
indication of why.

All is now well.

As to the how it got removed... I'm still unsure. I've checked for 
intrusions, and can't find any traces. I also run chkrootkit dailey, 
and it has not reported anything. I suspect I may have fat fingered it a 
short time ago, but just had not rebooted the box in recent history. The 
power outage forced my hand on that one, and brought the problem to the 

Next project on that server: Set up a secondary way in... ;)


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Re: [expert] sshd server problem - HELP!

2003-01-08 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Actually, that does make some sense. I had recently upgraded ssh, and 
this was it's first crash since. So that's at least a plausable 
explanation. Thanks!

I've been digging around on the box, and don't see any signs of 
intrusion. So I don't believe it was hacked (unless someone just has a 
really twisted sense of humor, that hacked past the firewall, onto the 
box, deleted the sshd user, and then left, covering all their tracks 
along the way... lol.

There was also a backup copy of /etc/passwd sitting in /etc/passwd- The 
- makes it look like an automated upgrade, backup copy. So your 
explanation makes sense.

Thanks again!


James Sparenberg wrote:
Had this happen once on my home box.  The only thing I could conclude
was that it had something to do with the journal or some other redundant
protection... Same situation a box that went down suddenly do to power
failure. (the lightning strike popped the UPS but didn't get to the
server.) When it restarted the passwd file had apparently been restored
from either the shadow or another form of redundancy that didn't have
the ssh user.  (This was the first restart on this box since ssh had
been upgraded.) End result the ssh user was gone.  Don't know if this
helps in any way but... it's a thought.


On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 07:53, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

Toshiro wrote:

Linux Server sitting in Seattle, I'm in Florida.
The Linux Server crashed due to a power failure (I know, it needs a
UPS). When the server came back up, it came up, sans sshd. So I


get on it to check it out. I also cannot get on to diagnose the


with sshd, because ssh is my only access (kinda a catch-22 isn't


Is the server doing anything at all? My first guess is filesystem
with errors that require human intervention (it happened to me a



Ask someone to look at the console to see if that's what happened.

What I always do in your situation (remote box) is to configure a


console so I can see what's going on when problems arise


I have this one solved. Somehow (I'm still investigating how), the

sshd user had gotten deleted. sshd will not run without it.

Once I restored that (with the help of my remote fingers), all


to normal.



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[expert] sshd server problem - HELP!

2003-01-07 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
I have an interesting challenge. Some speculation will be required to 
solve this one!

The situation:

Linux Server sitting in Seattle, I'm in Florida.
The Linux Server crashed due to a power failure (I know, it needs a 
UPS). When the server came back up, it came up, sans sshd. So I cannot 
get on it to check it out. I also cannot get on to diagnose the problem 
with sshd, because ssh is my only access (kinda a catch-22 isn't it?).

Further complicating it: I Have no one on site, that knows spit about 
computers, that can help. The best that can be offered is a pair of 
fingers, that are extremely computer illerate.

Somehow, I need to diagnose the problem, and find a way to fix it.
Any suggestions will be greatfully accepted.

Any guesses on what would be snagging up sshd? All I know is that it 
failes to start, both on boot, and via service sshd start. I don't 
know what's in the logs, I can't get to them.

I know this is vague, but it's all I have to go on at the moment.

Any suggestions, speculations, WAGs will be very greatfully accepted!

Also: Telnet is not installed, so enabling that is not a solution.

Thank you!


PS: The server is running on Mandrake 8.1

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Re: [expert] sshd server problem - HELP!

2003-01-07 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Brian wrote:

On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 10:09:59 -0500
Tibbetts, Ric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have an interesting challenge. Some speculation will be required to 
solve this one!

The situation:

Linux Server sitting in Seattle, I'm in Florida.
The Linux Server crashed due to a power failure (I know, it needs a 
UPS). When the server came back up, it came up, sans sshd. So I cannot

get on it to check it out. I also cannot get on to diagnose the


with sshd, because ssh is my only access (kinda a catch-22 isn't it?).

Further complicating it: I Have no one on site, that knows spit about 
computers, that can help. The best that can be offered is a pair of 
fingers, that are extremely computer illerate.

Somehow, I need to diagnose the problem, and find a way to fix it.
Any suggestions will be greatfully accepted.

Any guesses on what would be snagging up sshd? All I know is that it

failes to start, both on boot, and via service sshd start. I don't 
know what's in the logs, I can't get to them.

I know this is vague, but it's all I have to go on at the moment.

Any suggestions, speculations, WAGs will be very greatfully


Also: Telnet is not installed, so enabling that is not a solution.

Thank you!


PS: The server is running on Mandrake 8.1

You need to find out for sure if it's sshd not starting or access is
blocked.  (service sshd status)

Any steps to correct a non-starting sshd are quite difficult for a
'computer illiterate pair of fingers'  although a 'tail
/var/log/messages' may be useful if done right after attempting to start

Yeah, it's deffinately not starting. We tried service sshd start, and 
it fails.

My guess is either a jammed filesystem, or an orphaned lock file. But 
with no access, it's just a guess. I'd LOVE to get ahold of 
/var/log/messages. But there is no one there that can open it, much less 
be able to decipher the contents.

The solution to sshd will be a simple one. It was running fine, until 
the server crashed. So it's just an abandoned file that is blocking 
things. (or possibly /var, or /tmp are full.. ).

My fingers up there won't be available for a while yet today. I'm hoping 
to talk them through a df to see if something filled up...Typing df 
is really easy. Reading the output isn't (for a total computer 

I guess I needed a post holiday challenge, to get the brain jump started 
after the time off.. :)


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Re: [expert] sshd server problem - HELP!

2003-01-07 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Yes it is, and yes, ftp is enabled.
Unfortunately, that won't help either. I could drop the telnet rpm in 
/tmp, and have my fingers install it. But... the telnet ports are not 
enabled at the firewall (paranoid..). Right now, I have one way in: ftp, 
as a regular user. I can get something of a look around. But so far, 
haven't seen anything unusual. I've checked /var/run/*.pid files, and 
/var/lock... but there's nothing there that would affect sshd. (to bad 
ftp doesn't understand things like df...).

I might try a doctored passwd file to give my user ID root access. Then 
I could grab a copy of /var/log/messages, and see what the heck 
happened. It seems to be my only option.


Jim C wrote:
Is FTP installed?  You could upoad an rpm and a script and then just 
have someone log in, execute the script and log out. Alternatively you 
could mail it to them.

Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I have an interesting challenge. Some speculation will be required to 
solve this one!

The situation:

Linux Server sitting in Seattle, I'm in Florida.
The Linux Server crashed due to a power failure (I know, it needs a 
UPS). When the server came back up, it came up, sans sshd. So I cannot

get on it to check it out. I also cannot get on to diagnose the


with sshd, because ssh is my only access (kinda a catch-22 isn't it?).

Further complicating it: I Have no one on site, that knows spit about 
computers, that can help. The best that can be offered is a pair of 
fingers, that are extremely computer illerate.

Somehow, I need to diagnose the problem, and find a way to fix it.
Any suggestions will be greatfully accepted.

Any guesses on what would be snagging up sshd? All I know is that it

failes to start, both on boot, and via service sshd start. I don't 
know what's in the logs, I can't get to them.

I know this is vague, but it's all I have to go on at the moment.

Any suggestions, speculations, WAGs will be very greatfully


Also: Telnet is not installed, so enabling that is not a solution.

Thank you!


PS: The server is running on Mandrake 8.1

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[expert] IRC Chat server software

2002-12-20 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
I need to set up a small (private) IRC Chat server. Can anyone recommend 
any good software?



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Re: [expert] IRC Chat server software

2002-12-20 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Jack Coates wrote:

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 05:16, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I need to set up a small (private) IRC Chat server. Can anyone


any good software?


I've always just used ircd -- easy like pie. The challenge is in
choosing and configuring a bot :-)

Thanks! I'm looking at it now. I noticed that Mandrake includes a line 
in /etc/services for ircd, on the usual port 6667.

Bots:   eggdrop?


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Re: [expert] IRC Chat server software

2002-12-20 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Jack Coates wrote:

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 05:16, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

I need to set up a small (private) IRC Chat server. Can anyone


any good software?


I've always just used ircd -- easy like pie. The challenge is in
choosing and configuring a bot :-)

One more thing. Have you worked up an entry for xinetd? Or are you not 
starting it from there?

Thanks again!!!


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RE: [expert] LDAP -Got it -

2002-12-17 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Tibbetts, Ric wrote on Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 10:57:59AM -0800 :
 Thank you for the assist. Vincent: An excellent write up on LDAP! 
 With that write up in hand, I got my client to connect to the company
 Now if I can just solve that pesky lock up problem.. 

Lockup?  Or problem shutting down a client that's configured to use the
ldap libs?  A workaround should be:
1) boot into single user mode
2) ldd the pam_ldap and nss_ldap binaries.
3) move the libs that it needs from /usr/lib to /lib and rerun ldconfig.

The issue is that powerdown invokes something at a point where /usr has
already been unmounted.  I think that needs to be changed to statically
linked myself, but not sure what's going to be done at it (it's being
discussed ATM in Cooker).

Now that you mention it, the shutdown thing was irritating... Thanks for the
workaround.. But no, that wasn't the lockup problem.

The Lockup was with the NIC. If I tried to do anything to cause network
traffic, the box locked solid.
I'd occationally get errors from the NIC (an integrated eepro100). 

I finally tossed a second card in it, and disabled the first. It's not the
best answer, but it worked.


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RE: [expert] Nvidia driver chaos! HEAVENS!!!

2002-12-17 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

On Monday December 16 2002 07:02 pm, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
 Actually, there is no acceleration for an nVidia card under the
 default nv driver. Check the documentation. You need to install
 the nvidia drivers to get that.


   I didn't bother responding to the first post of the sort that 
there is no acceleration for an nVidia card under the default nv 
driver because I reckon'd most discerning people usin XF 4.2.1, 
would recognize it as wrong, foolishness, or at least blinded by 

   3d/accel is now a _FACT_ (albeit limited) for nvidia with XFree86 

Partly right Tom. But keep reading. I think you'll find that you may get
software 3d out of the nv drivers, but not hardware.

In fact, there is even a choice when you do the set up to use XFree 4.xx
(with no acceleration), or XFree 3.xx with acceleration.

As far as the open source issue... It's been beat to death.. get over it.


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RE: [expert] LDAP

2002-12-16 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Thank you! I'll be looking at that today.
At first glance, my configuration looks good.. it just doesn't work.. ;)
(obviously, I'm missing something somewhere, and I need to look deeper).


-Original Message-
From: Todd Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] LDAP

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Danen wrote on Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 10:37:36AM -0700 :
 LDAP experts out there shed some light on this for me?
 Have you looked here:

Vincent's document is a step by step terrific document for configuring
both client and server.  Please do follow it there and it will work for

Part of what you're up against is that you must understand how LDAP
works first.  Once you gain that understanding, all the authentication
stuff will make sense too.

Blue skies...   Todd
- -- 
   MandrakeSoft USA
  cat /boot/vmlinuz  /dev/dsp  #for great justice
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.1-0.1mdk Kernel 2.4.20-2mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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RE: [expert] LDAP -Got it -

2002-12-16 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Thank you for the assist. Vincent: An excellent write up on LDAP! 
With that write up in hand, I got my client to connect to the company LDAP


Now if I can just solve that pesky lock up problem.. 

-Original Message-
From: Tibbetts, Ric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 7:38 AM
Subject: RE: [expert] LDAP

Thank you! I'll be looking at that today.
At first glance, my configuration looks good.. it just doesn't work.. ;)
(obviously, I'm missing something somewhere, and I need to look deeper).


-Original Message-
From: Todd Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] LDAP

Hash: SHA1

Vincent Danen wrote on Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 10:37:36AM -0700 :
 LDAP experts out there shed some light on this for me?
 Have you looked here:

Vincent's document is a step by step terrific document for configuring
both client and server.  Please do follow it there and it will work for

Part of what you're up against is that you must understand how LDAP
works first.  Once you gain that understanding, all the authentication
stuff will make sense too.

Blue skies...   Todd
- -- 
   MandrakeSoft USA
  cat /boot/vmlinuz  /dev/dsp  #for great justice
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.1-0.1mdk Kernel 2.4.20-2mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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RE: [expert] Nvidia driver chaos! HEAVENS!!!

2002-12-16 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Actually, there is no acceleration for an nVidia card under the default nv
driver. Check the documentation. You need to install the nvidia drivers to
get that.


-Original Message-
From: Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Nvidia driver chaos! HEAVENS!!!

On Qua 11 Dez 2002 07:17, Simon Naish wrote:

Is that to taken seriously?

I got 715.600fps on my gf2 with nvidia drivers!

Just to be sure. that's 3758 frames in 5 seconds!


 Just my 2 cents worth but as far as I can tell there is no hardware
 acceleration available from the nv driver. 340 fps is seriously poor for
 the small window of gears, and bout right for no hardware accelertion, try
 6000 (yup 6000) fps with hardware acceleration and a reasonable to good
 modern graphics card. I cant see the open source drivers getting close :o(
 for a very very very long time.

 - Original Message -
 From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 15:14:41 -0500
 Subject: Re: [expert] Nvidia driver chaos!

  On Tuesday 10 December 2002 11:06 am, you wrote:
   XFree's nv driver does have 3d/accel, XFree86-4.2.1.
   My GeF2 gets 35 fps with glxgears in fullscreen, 1024x768x16. 340 fps
   in the smaller default window using the nv driver.  Either try the
   older 2960 nvidia src.rpms, or if limited 3d/accel is all you need,
   avoid the nvidia binary crap altogether.
  Tom, does this mean that sometime (with ongoing development?) in the
  future we might actually see the fully open sourced drivers being
  comparable to performance to the closed ones? It would be nice to be
  to drop the proprietary drivers...
  Got my fingers crossed! :-)

  /\ Dark  Lord \/
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Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
==  Get Counted!

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[expert] Hard Lockup on Netvista

2002-12-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
I was given an IBM Netvista (1.6 P4) (ok... they plopped it on my desk at
work...). I loaded a fresh install of Mandrake 9.0 on it. 
It loaded  booted normally. But...

If I do anything with the network, it locks up solid. The only hope is to
hit the power button.
Occationally, I get the following message on the console (if I'm lucky!)

eepro100: wait_for_cmd_done timeout!

And .. The last time I booted the box, It gave that error while booting!

Obviously, there's a problem withthe eepro100 driver.(?)
Do any of you know of a cure for this?

Thanks in advance!


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[expert] LDAP

2002-12-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
I need to connect my Mdk 9.0 box to an LDAP server. NIS is a piece of cake,
but I've never messed with LDAP.
I configured the DN, and the LDAP server in ldap.conf.

ldapsearch -x

produces a page full of info. But.. I can't get any user ID's off the
server, for login authentication. I've found tons of documentation on
configuring a serer, but nothing on configuring a client. Would one of you
LDAP experts out there shed some light on this for me?

Thank you!


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RE: [expert] Java

2002-12-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
How about:

java -version


-Original Message-
From: Jack Coates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Java

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 05:00, Felix Miata wrote:
 # rpm -qa | grep ava
 OK, what's the secret code to find out what java version is installed?
 If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you. . . . Proverbs 9:12 NIV
  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409
 Felix Miata  ***

Look for jre or jdk
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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RE: [expert] Java

2002-12-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
Just a hunch...
My Mandrake installations have always installed Kaffe instead of java.


rpm -qa | grep kaffe


-Original Message-
From: Felix Miata [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Java

Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
 From: Jack Coates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 05:00, Felix Miata wrote:
  # rpm -qa | grep ava

  OK, what's the secret code to find out what java version is installed?

 How about:
 java -version

Minor progress only, as the result is quite unexpected and incomplete.
Mozilla problems are causing people to recommend upgrading java from
v1.3 to v1.4. In 9.0, 'java -version' and 'java -fullversion' both
report version 1.1, just-in-time v3 version 1.0.7;  and neither report
which rpm is responsible for its presence.
If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you. . . . Proverbs 9:12 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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RE: [expert] Java

2002-12-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric
# rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep kaffe`  To remove it.
Then go get java and install it.


-Original Message-
From: Felix Miata [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Java

Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
 Just a hunch...
 My Mandrake installations have always installed Kaffe instead of java.
 rpm -qa | grep kaffe

A real cute bunch of developers. How does a user relate the version this
reports to the standard Java versions, like 1.1, 1.3, 1.4  2.0?
If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you. . . . Proverbs 9:12 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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RE: [expert] OT: PDA Question

2002-09-03 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Lots of good stuff. Just what I expected from this list.
The Zaurus seems to have my attention, if for no other reason than it runs
on Linux, and it's not a Compaq product (long story, but I'm not a Compaq

Right now, I really just need a portable address book. BUT, I also know
myself well enough to know that once I have the extras, I'll start using
them. ;) So why limit myself by buying less than what I'll need tomorrow?

I did some digging about the Zaurus, and it looks pretty complete. The
salesman at Office Depot isn't impressed, and almost refused to show it to
me. When I asked about it (they have them on display), he just laughed and
said: oh that. It runs on Linux. It's not catching on though because
there's no software... Here, let me show you the new XYZ Whizbang
After looking around, I translated the There's no software to mean We
can't sell you the software, so we don't care about the PDA. There's plenty
of software out there, and it's free! (so much for Mr. Salesman).

Does anyone know if it will plug into one of those PDA keyboards?
I know it has one built in, but it would not be practical for any real

Thanks for all the comments so far! The input from folks that have these
things really helps.

Ric Tibbetts
Unix Systems Administration

The early bird may get the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ric Tibbetts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 11:13 AM
 To: Mandrake Expert List
 Subject: [expert] OT: PDA Question
 Ok, this is WAAAY off topic, but I figured that if anyone in the
 world would have an opinion on this, it would you you. ;)
 I've finally hit the point that I can't remember 
 everything. I need a
 portable way to carry information around with me. In short, I 
 need a PDA
 (gasp.. sob... I never thought I'd come to this...).
 I've been looking around, and there's about a half million of them out
 there. I'd sure appreciated any suggestions on which are 
 good, and which
 are just fodder.
 I found one at Office Depot called Zarus. It run on Linux 
 (cool!). The
 software that was on it looked good, but how does it compare 
 to some of
 the more mainstream PDA? Should I just stick with a Palm?
 Any input will be gratefully accepted. I'm really just starting this
 search, and I've never paid any attention to them in the past, so it's
 all new territory.
 Thanks in advance!

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RE: Re[2]: [expert] Passwd file conversion?

2002-08-19 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 Are you sure??  I have a Linux box getting users and passwords via NIS
 off a Solaris server and have no problems using the same 
 password on the
 Linux box and the Sun's as well.

Serving passwords via NIS is not the same thing as copying the password
file. The hash in the second field will 
probably not work. (I can't say for positive though).

If you're really curious, copy the originals over to a file named
/etc/passwd.orig, and then copy the sun versions into place. If that doesn't
work, just change them back.

Nuthin' like a little ol' trial  error research.

Ric Tibbetts
Unix Systems Administration

The early bird may get the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese.

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RE: [expert] Hey Civileme

2002-08-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  Christ, JC!!  You too?
 Ya, me too! I have been doing some 1099 work around the 
 country but here
 in the last few months, things are really drying up in the IT 
 sector. It
 is really tough out there. I don't think we will ever see the 
 good times
 again, like the job I did for Charles Schwab  Company at $105.00 per
 hour, and that was just last year. Ah! But to pine away for 
 the good old

It's hitting us all.
I'm on a 1099 at the moment, but it's limping along a month at a time. It
could end any moment. (this gig was supposed to end late July, but extended
until late Sept whew). And the radar is quiet for new work.

The IT Sector is a ghost town. Ah for the good old days of year+ long
contracts at $100+ an hour. sigh

Ric Tibbetts
Unix Systems Administration

The early bird may get the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese.

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RE: [expert] Bastille killed nfs! :-(

2002-08-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 -Original Message-
 From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 12:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [expert] Bastille killed nfs! :-(
 On Wednesday 14 August 2002 10:25 am, you wrote:
  Sorry.. Been there, done that. I cut a server off at the 
 knees doing things
  like that.
  The toughest lesson I had to learn when I first got into 
 Unix many years
  ago: Screw the GUI, do it by hand. Then when something 
 breaks, you know
  what it was, and how to fix it.
  vi/iptables is your friend. Don't trust your site security 
 to a GUI, it's
  like trusting your 5 year old with a loaded 357.
  Ric Tibbetts
  Unix Systems Admin.
 Hi Ric. Yep...I'm catching on. :-)

An old saying:
Computing experience is measured in the amount of data lost.

So true... So true!

In a shop I worked in a while back, they were really strict about the tools.
Any new admin coming in had to prove themselves before they could use the
canned tools. So you did everything by hand, until they (the Sr. Admins)
were convinced that you actually knew what you were doing. Then you could
use the tools. Actually, not a bad thing. At least you knew that the people
you were working with could actually handle an extreme situation if one came

For example:

It's 2:00am, and the server is down.
You get woke up by the pager (damn, why does it always go off when I'm on
call?!?). You scurry into the data center to find the server a smoking hulk.
(For this example, let's pretend it's a Linux server).

You manage to get it running by booting it from a CD, but you can forget X.
You're on an ASCII terminal.
At this point, you're looking at a text screen, and the only thing mounted
are temporary filesystems that the boot process created when you booted it
from the CD. You need to find your drives, get them mounted, and make a
working environment. All that before you can even try to figure out why it
crashed in the first place.

And that slick GUI is hours away...


GUI's are nice. But they're no substitute for knowing what's happening under
the covers. It can mean the difference between reloading a box over
something minor, or being able to get through the trial by fire above, and
save the box.

Ric Tibbetts
Unix Systems Administration

The early bird may get the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese.

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RE: [expert] Bastille killed nfs! :-(

2002-08-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 On Thursday 15 August 2002 07:35 am, you wrote:
  An old saying:
  Computing experience is measured in the amount of data lost.
 Thats a great example. I'm not a sysadmin or anything 
 remotely approaching 
 that (or does home sysadmin count? smile) but its 
 interesting for me to 
 hear the stories from everyone on this list.
 PS I'm a respiratory therapist by profession,  Linux user by 
 choice! :-)

You're administrating the home box. That makes you an admin. ;^)

Ric Tibbetts
Unix Systems Administration

The early bird may get the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese

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RE: [expert] Bastille killed nfs! :-(

2002-08-15 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 -Original Message-
 From: daRcmaTTeR [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 10:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [expert] Bastille killed nfs! :-(
 On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  On Thursday 15 August 2002 07:35 am, you wrote:
   An old saying:
   Computing experience is measured in the amount of data lost.
  Thats a great example. I'm not a sysadmin or anything 
 remotely approaching 
  that (or does home sysadmin count? smile) but its 
 interesting for me to 
  hear the stories from everyone on this list.
  PS I'm a respiratory therapist by profession,  Linux user 
 by choice! :-)
 I'd be really interested to know how successful he was in 
 bringing that 
 beast back to life after such an ordeal. 

That was actually not such an extreme example. Just one that tends to
intimidate new admins because the system as you know it, isn't there.
You're working from a bunch of temporary mounts. It's actually not that big
a deal to fix. Just a royal pain in the ass because it always seems to
happen at 2:00am, when I'm the one on call.. LOL

I just finished doing a similar one on an IBM. The box wouldn't finish
booting. So I couldn't get to the console. We had to string a serial cable
to it, and get an ascii terminal running. It turned out that the system had
crashed, and true to AIX, it was trying to write a report out to tape to
send off to IBM (they're so helpful!). But since there was no tape in the
drive, it couldn't, so it hung. Trouble was, it wasn't booted far enough to
reach the console, so the only way to cancel the hung job was via an ascii
teminal. Once the job was killed, the box very happily finished booting, and
all is well. grief. But without knowing how to set up a quick ascii term,
and run without a GUI, I'd have lost the server over a trivial thing. It
just pays to spend the time to learn to do things without the GUI.

GUIs are nice. I agree. There are times that I still use them. But in *nix,
there are times when it just isn't there. Personally, I'm not that fond of
rebuilding systems. It's one thing with a desktop, it's another entirely to
loose an enterprise server. ;)

Anyway, I'll get off my soap box. 

Ric Tibbetts
Unix Systems Administration

The early bird may get the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese.
 Reg. Linux User #186492
 Stupidity has no moral high can't see that high!

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RE: [expert] Thanks Civileme (was Mandrake Club advocates: PostPo sitive)

2002-08-14 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:
  But one does have to wonder how much Civileme's attitude will change. ;)
  In the past, we could always count on his level-headedness in defending
  of Mandrakesofts decisions, and to point out the good business sense
  behind them. It has been a calming influence in many discussions on this
  list that have, at times become heated. It will be interesting to see if
  can maintain that calm now. And if he'll be so quick to defend
  Just some stray thoughts, from a madman...
  Although, I never did quite figure out how to pronounce your name! G
  Ric Tibbetts
  Unix Systems Admin.
 I don't look for them to change at all. Once level-headed always 
 level-headed. :) 

Yeah, I know. And we all appreciate him.
My comment was more tongue-in-cheek in nature, and directed not so much at
his in-depth knowledge of Linux, and willingness to help, as much toward his
past support, and defense of MandrakeSoft.

But again, it was intended to be light-hearted in nature.


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RE: [expert] Bastille killed nfs! :-(

2002-08-14 Thread Tibbetts, Ric


Sorry.. Been there, done that. I cut a server off at the knees doing things
like that.
The toughest lesson I had to learn when I first got into Unix many years
ago: Screw the GUI, do it by hand. Then when something breaks, you know
what it was, and how to fix it.

vi/iptables is your friend. Don't trust your site security to a GUI, it's
like trusting your 5 year old with a loaded 357.


Ric Tibbetts
Unix Systems Admin.

f u cn rd ths u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

 -Original Message-
 From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 2:32 PM
 To: Mandrake Expert List
 Subject: [expert] Bastille killed nfs! :-(
 Well, I had nfs running perfectly, and then (sadly) I ran 
 I picked lax and workstation.
 Now, I've no longer got nfs. I finally removed all Bastille 
 RPMs thru the 
 software manager, but I still have no nfs. Its installed, its 
 checked under 
 services. If I do a rpcinfo -p, I get this:
 [root@darkforce darklord]# rpcinfo -p
program vers proto   port
 102   tcp111  portmapper
 102   udp111  portmapper
 1000241   udp  32768  status
 1000241   tcp  32768  status
  6001000691   udp797  fypxfrd
  6001000691   tcp799  fypxfrd
 3910022   tcp  32769  sgi_fam
 I can do a service nfs restart and directly run rpc.nfsd 
 and then I get:
 [root@darkforce darklord]# rpcinfo -p
program vers proto   port
 102   tcp111  portmapper
 102   udp111  portmapper
 1000241   udp  32768  status
 1000241   tcp  32768  status
  6001000691   udp797  fypxfrd
  6001000691   tcp799  fypxfrd
 3910022   tcp  32769  sgi_fam
 151   udp  32770  mountd
 151   tcp  32770  mountd
 152   udp  32770  mountd
 152   tcp  32770  mountd
 153   udp  32770  mountd
 153   tcp  32770  mountd
 132   udp   2049  nfs
 133   udp   2049  nfs
 1000211   udp  32771  nlockmgr
 1000213   udp  32771  nlockmgr
 1000214   udp  32771  nlockmgr
 Now, nfs is up and running. Until I reboot. Then I have to go 
 thru the same 
 thing again.
 So my questions are:
 How to get nfs auto running at boot up again?
 How can a person use Bastille so that it doesn't kill nfs and 
 your LAN?
 Thanks everyone...

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RE: [expert] Thanks Civileme (was Mandrake Club advocates: PostPositive)

2002-08-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

But one does have to wonder how much Civileme's attitude will change. ;)
In the past, we could always count on his level-headedness in defending some
of Mandrakesofts decisions, and to point out the good business sense
behind them. It has been a calming influence in many discussions on this
list that have, at times become heated. It will be interesting to see if he
can maintain that calm now. And if he'll be so quick to defend Mandrakesoft.

Just some stray thoughts, from a madman...

Although, I never did quite figure out how to pronounce your name! G

Ric Tibbetts
Unix Systems Admin.

-Original Message-
From: David Rankin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Thanks Civileme (was Mandrake Club advocates:

The true mark of great leadership within a company is management's ability
attract and maintain key individuals. Whatever the backdrop to the situation
actually is, Mandrakesoft's inability to maitain its relationship with
Civileme is
an incredible loss both to Mandrakesoft and to us all.

Best of luck to you Civileme in whatever your future holds, but one request:


Daniel Woods wrote:

   civileme wrote:
I am one of the people bit by the cutbacks to keep Mandrake afloat
and I
STILL agree that their policy is on track.   The idiots (and I can
will use that word for the lamers whose heads are so wrapped up in
business they can't see five minutes into the future, now that I am
a Mandrakesoft Employee) who retreat to the tried and true
principles practiced successfully only by monopolies the minute the
going gets a little rough, simply do not understand this market NOR
they notice where Mandrakesoft's assets are.

 Sorry to hear about this Civileme... and you're right, it's obvious they
 don't have a clue where their true assets are in the company.
 You being one of those that make Mandrake Linux the best Linux distro

  I for one would like to cast a vote of thanks to Civileme for all the
  he has brought to MY world of Linux use.
  A couple of years ago while still in Alaska Civileme was instrumental in
  opening my eyes to the world of Linux (NFS) networking, without his kind
  I would still be sitting on the sidelines wondering wot in 'ell is all
  G.. My heartfelt thanks and please don't get lost.

 Thanks... Dan.

 Dan Woods
 University of Calgary
 Information Technology

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David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
(936) 715-9339 fax

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RE: [expert] Pauses with FTP and POP3

2002-07-24 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Short answer:
Sounds like a DNS (Name Server) problem. Check your DNS setup.


-Original Message-
From: Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: [expert] Pauses with FTP and POP3

I have a new Mdk 8.2 server that is handling FTP and POP 3 services, the 
initial connect takes
a very long time, up to a minute. Once the connection is made it is super 
fast, but it is the
connection that is taking forever. Has anyone else experienced this and is 
there a way to tweak
it? Running ProFTP for FTP and imap for POP3 on Mandrake 8.2 on an IBM 
Netfinity Server.

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[expert] LDAP Documentation

2002-07-18 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Can anyone recommend a good text on LDAP?
I need to start from scratch with it, and I'm hoping to save some time
digging through a ton of useless text.

Thank you!


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RE: [expert] want no KDE on start up

2002-07-18 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Sounds like you have auto login turned on.
Go to the Mandrake Control Center. Under Boot, turn off the Auto Login
Then reboot the box. It should now come up to a login screen. From that, you
can select the different window managers from the pull down menu.


-Original Message-
From: J Herzfeld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 11:40 AM
Subject: [expert] want no KDE on start up

I am not sure if this is a newbie or an expert question, so apologies 
if I am wrong (anyway I am not subscribed to the newbie list)

My system  (8.2) brings up KDE on boot up.
I'd rather it would stop at the console and not start up KDE or 
Gnome or anything.

After I do my console thing, I'd bring up whatever WM  I wanted by 
hand.  I am anxious to try out some new less resource intensive 


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RE: [expert] LDAP Documentation

2002-07-18 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

I've found enough LDAP Documentation to make my eyes bleed. ;) is a good spot, as is



-Original Message-
From: Todd Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:53 PM
To: Expert (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [expert] LDAP Documentation

Tibbetts, Ric wrote on Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 05:42:14AM -0700 :
 Can anyone recommend a good text on LDAP?
 I need to start from scratch with it, and I'm hoping to save some time
 digging through a ton of useless text.

Have a look at  The
problem is that you are looking for an ldap howto, and that tutorial is
about an application that kind of assumes you already know a bit about
both ldap and qmail.  But it's still good reading.

Ric, if you already understand how a file system works, then you already
understand how a directory works.

1) Access the file modules.conf.  You can't be just anywhere and access
it.  You can only access modules.conf if you are in /etc.  But you CAN
access it from anywhere if you give the full path: /etc/modules.conf.
The equivalent in a directory is called the DN or Designated Name.  The
DN is /etc/modules.conf and the Relative DN (or RDN) is modules.conf.
In the case of LDAP, a good example is uid=todd,ou=People,o=mrball.
Read it from right to left, just like a domain name.

2) Access the file make.  This can be found anywhere just by typing
make.  Why?  Because there's a search PATH defined that looks in several
places, one of which is /usr/bin, where make is located.  The equivalent
in a directory is called indexes.  In the directory example
uid=todd,ou=People,o=mrball, I index the uid field so that it can
quickly find users when I search for them.

There's a lot to it, and if you can learn by doing, you get a pretty
good handle on it.

Blue skies...   Todd
  Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-8.3-0.2mdk Kernel 2.4.18-21mdk

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RE: [expert] Travan Tape drives

2002-07-11 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 Anyone know any reason why I should NOT go buy a Travan, IDE ATAPI-base
tape drive and use it for Mandrake?

I always found them to be a pain to use.
Getting them to work right is the first hurdle. Seemed like I was constantly
messing with it.
Even once it was running, it was slow. Real slow, and not so reliable.
Then there's the cost of the tapes. By the time you stock a decent backup
library, you've spent a fortune on tapes. I seem to remember them costing in
the neighborhood of $65 a piece!

SCSI DAT is a much better way to go. Faster, quieter, more reliable, and the
tapes are FAR less expensive.
Overall, if you run the numbers, you'll find that the total cost of
ownership of a DAT drive is actually cheaper than a Travan. Even though they
cost more initially, the savings comes in the media.



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RE: [expert] file size limit exceeded error part 2

2002-07-08 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

The file you're looking for is: /etc/security/limits.conf
There is a line in there that limits file size. Just increase it as needed.
I do not recommend commenting it out, doing so could jepordize your system.



I checked the temp directory for this app and the files are being
truncated at exactly 100MB.  So it seems that my file size limit is
100MB.  Where do I change this for the system?


On Mon, 2002-07-08 at 21:11, Darren King wrote:
 I am running 8.2 and using reiserfs.  I use a P2P application for
 (legal) file sharing. 
 I am having a problem with my app but it points to the osit happens
 at the same time, all the time.  At the exact same point of trying to
 write a 136 (approx) MB file, I get that error and the app quits.  BTW,
 the app is written in java if that matters.
 [1]+  File size limit exceededjava -jar Furthur.jar
 I tried playin with ulimit but it didn't help. 
 any ideas...

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RE: [expert] unsubsribe expert

2002-06-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

 James did utter into the folds of space:

   Personally having been moved from the land of sunshine and warm
 beaches to the land of Cold-Sunshine and wetsuit beaches (Silly-con
 Valley Silly-cone Valley being Hollywood) I would appreciate any
 information you can give us on your research into String Theory... (or
 is that A string which is Theoretically a bikini?)


  LOL I suspect photographic evidence is required to convert the
  non-believers :)

Would ANY research be complete without photographic evidence? Surely no one
would simply take my word for it!

I've also found a local beach, where they have forgone the string all
together (both top, AND bottom). Thus supporting the theory that the string
is undesirable, and should be discarded. Immediately! (photographic evidence
for  those not living in the land of sunshine may follow, upon request). ;)


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RE: [expert] Triple boot system mounting problems

2002-06-13 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

The Linux 2.2.x series kernel does not support Reiserfs.
You would have to either patch the kernel, or more simply, update it with a
more current version.


-Original Message-
From: Mohammed Dakna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 5:00 AM
Subject: [expert] Triple boot system mounting problems

 1) I have setup a triple boot system with WinMe(fat32),
  and Mandrake8.2(reiserfs,ext2). I am using lilo to switch between the
  systems at boot.

  Evrything is working fine. I only have the fololwing problem. I have
  given within Mandarke8.2 partion mount points to the 7.2 partition
  and WinMe all is mounted fine at boot. However within Mandarke7.2 I
  only can mount the WinMe (fat32)partition and one  Mandrake8.2
  partition (ext2). Trying to mount the others (reiserfs) as:

  mount -t reiserfs /dev/hdb6 /82usr

  fails with the message:

  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb6,
 or too many mounted file systems

  Could any one tell me if there is a compatibilty problem between
  the reifer FS in both mandrakes (7.2 and 8.2) and if there is a
  way to work arround this.

2) I am using the Ltools to reach from within WinMe the ext2 partition
  since the Ltools were not able to read or write to reiser partions
  is there another tool for that purpose on the web ?


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RE: [expert] X Freezes

2002-06-12 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

On Thu, 2002-06-06 at 19:56, Andrew Berry wrote:
 I am running: 
 Mandrake 8.2, KDE3, IceWM, XFree86 4.2.0. 
 P166 MMX 
 64 Mb Ram 
 120 Mb Swap 
 S3 Virge 2D card 
 Monster3D Voodoo1 3D card 
 Dual boot with Windows 98se using graphical LILO. 
 My computer seems to randomly freeze up. It stops responding to 
 everything (mouse, keyboard, CTRL+ALT+BKSPC). This only happens 
 when I am running X11. I haven't found a pattern that shows a
 specific app causing the freeze. I have had combinations of 
 IceWM, KDE2.2 and 3, having combinations of StarOffice5.2, 
 Konquoror, FreeAmp, and Ogg123, open when a crash occurs. I 
 don't think that its a hardware issue, as this never happens 
 under Win98SE, and HardDrake properly detected all my hardware.
 I have tried looking in some log files in /var/log to find a 
 pattern. No luck. 
 My questions: 
 1. Is there a systematic way to detemine what is causing the 
 2. What specific log files should I look at? 
 3. Anyone else had this problem? Fixes? 

FWIW: I'm having the same problem on an older IBM PC. Irritating!
I'm running MDK 8.2 on another PC at home, and it behaves perfectly.
The difference may indeed XFree86 4.0. I'm running 3.x at home.
I haven't tried it on the one that freezes up yet. Might be worth a try.


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RE: [expert] X Access Problem

2002-06-07 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

As usual, this one turned out to be caused from a totally different
direction than the one I was looking in. (these things tend to hit me
up-side the head, then I have to figure out what hit  why!).

Anyway, in my case, the access problem was a DNS issue (sheesh!).
So mine is resolved. For a change, it wasn't msec.  ;)

Thanks for all the pointers!


-Original Message-
From: Tibbetts, Ric 
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 12:47 PM
Subject: [expert] X Access Problem

Ok, this one is probably really obvious. But I'm in a really stupid state
today, and can't see it

I just loaded a fresh install of 8.2 on a box. I also loaded KDE 3.
Everything seems to be going good, except:

When I telnet to another box, and export the display back, it gets refused
(yes, I ran xhost on the box first). I also cannot X -query to another
host, because of the same problem.

Ok, so it's a built in security issue. Looks like X is turned off for remote
hosts. How do I turn it back on?
(and I know I've seen this before, and fixed it on another box... but the
brain is locked up today...)

Any light shed on this would be greatly appreciated.


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[expert] X Access Problem

2002-06-06 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Ok, this one is probably really obvious. But I'm in a really stupid state
today, and can't see it

I just loaded a fresh install of 8.2 on a box. I also loaded KDE 3.
Everything seems to be going good, except:

When I telnet to another box, and export the display back, it gets refused
(yes, I ran xhost on the box first). I also cannot X -query to another
host, because of the same problem.

Ok, so it's a built in security issue. Looks like X is turned off for remote
hosts. How do I turn it back on?
(and I know I've seen this before, and fixed it on another box... but the
brain is locked up today...)

Any light shed on this would be greatly appreciated.


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RE: [expert] Testing - Can't get messages on the list.

2002-06-06 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

Looks like this one made it.
Now I'll try the one that counts (the one with the question in it).


-Original Message-
From: Tibbetts, Ric 
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 12:43 PM
Subject: [expert] Testing - Can't get messages on the list.

I've not had much luck getting messages to post for some reason.
Just testing to see if this one makes it.


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[expert] Testing - Can't get messages on the list.

2002-06-06 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

I've not had much luck getting messages to post for some reason.
Just testing to see if this one makes it.


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RE: [expert] X Access Problem

2002-06-06 Thread Tibbetts, Ric

I've tried the below.
It's stranger than that.
If I drop to a VC, and try X -query remotehost -once :1

It fails with the error that it cannot open display. (nothing to be exported
on that one.).
There's no firewall running.

It has to be an X permissions thing. It's just not allowing remote hosts to
use the display.
I just can't find it.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] X Access Problem

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Tibbetts, Ric wrote:

 Ok, this one is probably really obvious. But I'm in a really stupid state
 today, and can't see it
 I just loaded a fresh install of 8.2 on a box. I also loaded KDE 3.
 Everything seems to be going good, except:
 When I telnet to another box, and export the display back, it gets refused
 (yes, I ran xhost on the box first). I also cannot X -query to another
 host, because of the same problem.
 Ok, so it's a built in security issue. Looks like X is turned off for

A few things that you might check:
Is there a firewall running on either of the machines? If so, either
allow the ports (IIRC, 6000) or if possible, disable the firewalling

Is name resolution working correctly between both machines? I.e., either
have the entries in the hosts files or setup DNS. On a similar note, try
disabling access control completely on the local machine with:
  xhost +
then try running the app again. If it works, lock everything out with:
  xhost -
then specifically allow the remote host.

Are you exporting to the correct display?

You might also try using an SSH session instead, since this may get
around any blocked ports.

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