[FairfieldLife] Re: C4 Accused Of Falsifying Data In Climate Change Documentary

2007-06-04 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Perhaps there iS hemp involved... :0

[FairfieldLife] Re: Request to Rick to burn my months posts for Ron Paul

2007-06-04 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  On Behalf Of off_world_beings
  Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 6:55 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Request to Rick to burn my months posts 
for Ron
  Just kidding about burning the months posts Rick. Just making a 
  about Ron Paul.
  from what little I know about him, I agree with you. I'd vote for
 him over
  some Democrats. Very cool dude.
  This is not directed at you Rick, (though if the shoe fits at least
 one foot ...) but more to others I see lauding this guy. He is
 But for those who cry and moan and belittle the Bush tax cuts -- and
 intents (which turned out to be words only) for constraints 
 on goverment spending -- and then to applaud Paul -- is the height 
 irony. Its almost surreal. 
 Paul doesn't want to cut taxes -- he wants to TOTALLY eliminate 
 taxes. And to do that, he would cut government spending by a third.
 Given that  entitlements and debt service take up a large portion of
 the budget, this means most discretionary funding would be cut. Like
 for education, energy policy, expanded health care, science resarch,
 etc. Are you and others who like Paul really behind these ideas? Are
 you in favor of such policies?
 Personally I am not arguing against these polices, being some what
 towards rational libertarianism on the political scale. I am not
 advocating them, but I would be interested in some slices of what he
 suggests. But his view are SO counter to what appear to be the
 mainstream political thinking in this group, I am laughingly 
 that those who support Dennis K on one hand, can clap for ron paul a
 second later.

Finally some common sense on this subject.

This is precisely what I was trying to tell other_worldlyness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Request to Rick to burn my months posts for Ron Paul

2007-06-04 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
   Paul doesn't want to cut taxes -- he wants to TOTALLY eliminate 
   taxes. And to do that, he would cut government spending by a 
   Given that  entitlements and debt service take up a large 
   the budget, this means most discretionary funding would be cut. 
   for education, energy policy, expanded health care, science 
   etc. Are you and others who like Paul really behind these 
   you in favor of such policies?
  Incorrect. If you actually listen to his reasoning you will see 
  his policy would actually INCREASE money available for education, 
  energy policy, health care, science research, etc.by 
FAR !!!   
  This is his WHOLE POINT ! It is a rational approach.
  But you are right, most people in the country probably are not 
  enough to understand this reasoning.
 OK, I will read more. I have seen 2-3 of his speeches and read a lot
 of his congressional and campaign websights. They are kind of sparse
 on his range of proposed policies.
 I one speech I heard today, he said that government spending would
 have to be radically reduced. That we could not depend on government
 for many of the things we do now. I perhaps incorrectly inferred 
 this was education, health, energy, etc.

No, you weren't incorrect.

I reproduced for off_world where he stands on many of these issues 
and, if anything, your 30% figure for reducing government wasn't 
enough: I produced a quote from him that indicated 60%.

Be clear: this man is beyond being a libertarian: he is an anarcho-

And although he hasn't said it explicitly, if you read between the 
lines, he doesn't believe in global warming.

 Since those -- and the
 military are among the high ticket discretionary items. I assume he
 would severely slash the military.  Though savings on that would be
 realized some time down the road -- with so much in fixed costs and
 commited contracts -- and paymens for the forced retirement of
 100,000's armed forces.
 What would his propsed budget look like? 
 From this, below, he sounds like a strong fiscal conservative, 
 monetary policy and the military. 
 April 2,  2007 
 The fiscal year 2008 budget, passed in the House of Representatives
 last week, is a monument to irresponsibility and profligacy.  It 
 that Congress remains oblivious to the economic troubles facing the
 nation, and that political expediency trumps all common sense in
 Washington.  To the extent that proponents and supporters of these
 unsustainable budget increases continue to win reelection, it also
 shows that many Americans unfortunately continue to believe 
 can provide them with a free lunch.
 To summarize, Congress proposes spending roughly $3 trillion in 
  When I first came to Congress in 1976, the federal government spent
 only about $300 billion.  So spending has increased tenfold in 
 years, and tripled just since 1990.
 About one-third of this $3 trillion is so-called discretionary
 spending; the remaining two-thirds is deemed mandatory entitlement
 spending, which means mostly Social Security and Medicare. I'm sure
 many American voters would be shocked to know their elected
 representatives essentially have no say over two-thirds of the 
 budget, but that is indeed the case.  In fact the most disturbing
 problem with the budget is the utter lack of concern for the coming
 entitlement meltdown. 
 For those who thought a Democratic congress would end the war in 
 think again: their new budget proposes supplemental funds totaling
 about $150 billion in 2008 and $50 billion in 2009 for Iraq.  This 
 in addition to the ordinary Department of Defense budget of more 
 $500 billion, which the Democrats propose increasing each year just
 like the Republicans.
 The substitute Republican budget is not much better: while it does
 call for freezing some discretionary spending next year, it 
 military spending to make up the difference.  The bottom line is 
 both the Democratic and Republican budget proposals call for more
 total spending in 2008 than 2007.
 My message to my colleagues is simple: If you claim to support 
 government, don't introduce budgets that increase spending over the
 previous year.  Can any fiscal conservative in Congress honestly
 believe that overall federal spending cannot be cut 25%?  We could 
 spending by two-thirds and still have a federal government as large 
 it was in 1990.
 Congressional budgets essentially are meaningless documents, with no
 force of law beyond the coming fiscal year.  Thus budget projections

[FairfieldLife] Once again, killing time... : /

2007-06-04 Thread cardemaister
Why is it, that some sour grapes svaamiis think
Patañjali advises people not to practise siddhis?
The reason might well be that the Sanskrit skills
of many of them are not too good.

As many of us know, the original suutra goes
like this:

te samaadhaav upasargaa(,) vyutthaane siddhayaH.

If ones linguistic intuition is weak, one might
actually read that as a warning against practising
siddhis. But Patañjali in fact refers only
to the refined senses mentioned in the previous

tataH *praatibha*-shraavaNa...

The clue(?) for interpreting that suutra is to make
it clear for oneself, what is the antecedent of 
the pronoun 'te'(they).

We are not sure, but we guess, that when Patañjali
uses pronouns like that, they usually refer to the
previous suutra. At least Vyaasa in his Yoga-suutra-bhaaSya
makes it rather clear what he thinks is the antecedent
of that pronoun. Sez Vyaasa:

te praatibhaadayaH (*praatibha*-aadayaH: praatibha, etc.)

To paraphrase kRSNa's last words in the Giitaa:

iti matir mama...  ;)

[FairfieldLife] Re: VIDEO: See Guru Dev film on You Tube

2007-06-04 Thread BillyG.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
 reavismarek@ wrote:

  In any case, it's definitely not Guru Dev's talk about the salt 
  going to measure the ocean's depth; 

Apparently a common analogy among Yogis sometimes attributed to

Ramakrishna compared Savikalpa Samadhi (samadhi with consciousness of
one's individuality) to a cotton doll which when put in water gets
saturated with it, and Nirvikalpa Samadhi (Unity-no distinction) to a
doll of salt which when immersed in water disolves and loses itself in it.

I guess you could say in Nirvikalpa the drop becomes the ocean...

Another story by Swami Yogananda: To paraphrase a well-known
allegory, he is then comparable to an idol made of sugar that sought
to measure the depth of the Ocean of Divine Nectar.  On entering the
Sea, it found itself melting.  The idol retreated hurriedly to the
shore, thinking: Why lose my identity in order to determine the depth
of divine sweetness? I already know that the Ocean is indeed very
deep, and Its nectar exceedingly sweet.  Thus the sugar idol chose to
perceive the Ocean of Sweetness through the isolated consciousness of
individuality.  Similarly, a devotee may love to be one with the
Infinite, yet love even more the enjoyment of God experienced by
retaining his individual existence. The latter is the state of supreme

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:
Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda
  I never interacted with John Cowhig, but as you
  know I did with Michael Yankaus. I came close to
  throwing him off a mountain in St. Moritz. He
  that that kinda effect on people. So the notion of
  him as the hugging saint in comparison to Cowhig
  speaks volumes. :-)
 I want to reemphasize that age and experience have mellowed 
 Michael. I'm not married to the guy, but in my interactions 
 with him in recent years, he has come across as much more 
 broad-minded, open-hearted, and easy-going than the
 old Michael.

Good to hear. I was speaking only of the old
Michael, the one I met in St. Moritz and the
one whom the rest of the TM teachers at the 
Palo Alto center wanted to lynch on a regular

Time does wonders...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread TurquoiseB
Does anyone else notice the similarity of the
Judyspeak below to the recent postings by Lisa
and Joe? The *emphasis* is not on the relevant
issue (in this case, whether TMers were ripped 
off by fellow TMers), but on establishing the
person who thinks incorrectly (in this case,
Vaj) as a bad person, a liar.

THAT is what Lisa and Joe have built their
career on, while defending Sai Baba. THAT
is what Judy Stein has built *her* career
on, while defending Maharishi.

It would be different, IMO, if, when confronted
by a post critical of Maharishi or the TMO, Judy
dealt with the discernible facts and ONLY the
facts. Google away! Provide all the documentation
in the world to support your stance.

HOWEVER, when you can't leave it at that, and
feel that you *have* to follow up the facts by
trying to get everyone here to agree that the
other person is a liar, or intellectually
dishonest or otherwise untrustworthy, THEN
you have crossed the border into compulsive
ad hominem, into shoot the messenger.

IMO, for Lisa and Joe, ad hominem is a way of
life. They *live* to demonize the critics of
Sai Baba. And as a result they have lost the
respect of pretty much every forum they have
ever touched. IMO, for Judy, sadly (because it's 
a waste of a good intellect), ad hominem had also
become a way of life. And Judy wonders why she
don't get no respect here.

And the saddest part is that all three actually
feel GOOD about what they do. They see themselves
as some kind of hero, fighting for truth, justice,
and the American Way. 

The day that Judy can respond to the facts and
*leave* it at the facts, without including one
of her zingers at the end of the post urging
other readers to think of the person she's 
debating with or refuting as a liar or a fool 
or intentionally misleading, then I'll promote
her to aspiring hero. Until then, she's just
a mean-spirited bitch who gets off on trying 
to convince others that they should hate the
same people she hates.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Jun 3, 2007, at 1:51 PM, authfriend wrote:
   It looks to me, from reading the material about
   the book from Gratzon and others, that it's very
   much along the lines of The Secret.
   I'm not endorsing Gratzon's approach, by the way,
   or suggesting that TMers haven't crafted or gotten
   suckered by get-rich-quick schemes. But Gratzon's
   book ain't one of 'em.
   My only point is that Vaj did not tell the truth
   when he claimed there were links to get-rich-quick
   schemes from a Google search for the phrase Do
   nothing and accomplish everything, and that he
   continues to tell falsehoods in an attempt to cover
   up that unfortunate fact.
   As usual, though, nobody but me seems to think
   there's anything wrong with that.
  Don't assume that the world revolves around Google. Most of what
  I'm sharing will be apparent to those who actually have not lived
  sequestered lives but have some experience in the movement and the 
  people who were part of it.
 (Lived sequestered lives? Vaj thinks I've led a
 sequestered life? That's hilarious.)
 Vaj is *still* trying to cover up the lie he told
 about having found lots of links to get-rich-quick
 schemes in a Google search of the phrase Do
 nothing and accomplish everything.
 There were no such links. He made it up. The only
 links to that phrase were to a book by a TM
 teacher that had nothing to do with get-rich-quick
 (Actually there may have been a couple of links to
 TM-related sites that discussed what MMY means by
 the phrase, which obviously has nothing to do with
 get-rich-quick schemes either.)
  I see Judy as someone very much on the  
  periphery of the movement
 Not even on the periphery, as I have made quite
  (likely not even able to meditate in the  
  domes, a course reject)
 I've been accepted on every course I've ever
 applied to, actually, several dozen over the
 years. (Never applied to one at MUM other than
 my TM-Sidhis block, though.)
  who only pieces together info from secondary  
  sources. I postulate my claims based on direct experience
  of people involved in movement inspired businesses and the
  financial disasters that ensued. The reason no one supports
  your dissembling is they see it as just that: a second or
  third handed attempt to build an argument based on google-loka.
 As Vaj knows, he's misrepresenting my argument.
 It has to do with direct experience of Vaj and
 Google, not with the movement or the financial
 problems of TMers.
 Vaj told a lie about what he had found on Google.
 That's my argument, and as Vaj knows, it's he who
 is dissembling, not me.
  Maybe if you had some better social skills people could actually  
  believe you've been out there and seen something, anything that  
  supports your desperate attempts at salvaging your point.
 My point was that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  I'm not surprised BTW that New Morn, a TB, would fall for it.
 Wow. Vaj thinks I am a true beleiver.  To read my posts and 
 believe that I am a true believer is simply fantastic (as in 
 fantasy). I am speechless.

Gotta speak up and agree about the TB part. I don't
see you as one at all.

However, the idea of you being rendered speechless
*does* lighten my day.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone else notice the similarity of the
 Judyspeak below to the recent postings by Lisa
 and Joe? The *emphasis* is not on the relevant
 issue (in this case, whether TMers were ripped 
 off by fellow TMers), but on establishing the
 person who thinks incorrectly (in this case,
 Vaj) as a bad person, a liar.
 THAT is what Lisa and Joe have built their
 career on, while defending Sai Baba. THAT
 is what Judy Stein has built *her* career
 on, while defending Maharishi.
 It would be different, IMO, if, when confronted
 by a post critical of Maharishi or the TMO, Judy
 dealt with the discernible facts and ONLY the
 facts. Google away! Provide all the documentation
 in the world to support your stance.
 HOWEVER, when you can't leave it at that, and
 feel that you *have* to follow up the facts by
 trying to get everyone here to agree that the
 other person is a liar, or intellectually
 dishonest or otherwise untrustworthy, THEN
 you have crossed the border into compulsive
 ad hominem, into shoot the messenger.
 IMO, for Lisa and Joe, ad hominem is a way of
 life. They *live* to demonize the critics of
 Sai Baba. And as a result they have lost the
 respect of pretty much every forum they have
 ever touched. IMO, for Judy, sadly (because it's 
 a waste of a good intellect), ad hominem had also
 become a way of life. And Judy wonders why she
 don't get no respect here.
 And the saddest part is that all three actually
 feel GOOD about what they do. They see themselves
 as some kind of hero, fighting for truth, justice,
 and the American Way. 
 The day that Judy can respond to the facts and
 *leave* it at the facts, without including one
 of her zingers at the end of the post urging
 other readers to think of the person she's 
 debating with or refuting as a liar or a fool 
 or intentionally misleading, then I'll promote
 her to aspiring hero. Until then, she's just
 a mean-spirited bitch who gets off on trying 
 to convince others that they should hate the
 same people she hates.

One last comment and then I'll drop it.

Twenty posts within a 24-hour period. 
EVERY ONE OF THEM a clear attempt to get
other people on this forum to think nega-
tively about one or more posters on this
forum who have disagreed with Judy Stein.
EVERY ONE OF THEM an attempt to get others
to pile on and add to the demonization.

Not a single post that added value or
discussed anything the least bit substan-
tive or spiritual.

As new.morning said so well recently, Some
posts just don't deserve a response. Is it
any wonder that so few people bother to
respond to Judy's posts any more?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Once again, killing time... : /

2007-06-04 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 To paraphrase kRSNa's last words in the Giitaa:
 iti matir mama...  ;)

Oops! I guess those were Sañjaya's (but not Malakar's)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Vaj

On Jun 4, 2007, at 4:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Does anyone else notice the similarity of the
Judyspeak below to the recent postings by Lisa
and Joe? The *emphasis* is not on the relevant
issue (in this case, whether TMers were ripped
off by fellow TMers), but on establishing the
person who thinks incorrectly (in this case,
Vaj) as a bad person, a liar.

Very similar.

THAT is what Lisa and Joe have built their
career on, while defending Sai Baba. THAT
is what Judy Stein has built *her* career
on, while defending Maharishi.

It would be different, IMO, if, when confronted
by a post critical of Maharishi or the TMO, Judy
dealt with the discernible facts and ONLY the
facts. Google away! Provide all the documentation
in the world to support your stance.

HOWEVER, when you can't leave it at that, and
feel that you *have* to follow up the facts by
trying to get everyone here to agree that the
other person is a liar, or intellectually
dishonest or otherwise untrustworthy, THEN
you have crossed the border into compulsive
ad hominem, into shoot the messenger.

Or email them to death--fortunately the current format discourages  
such terrorist email tactics.

IMO, for Lisa and Joe, ad hominem is a way of
life. They *live* to demonize the critics of
Sai Baba. And as a result they have lost the
respect of pretty much every forum they have
ever touched. IMO, for Judy, sadly (because it's
a waste of a good intellect), ad hominem had also
become a way of life. And Judy wonders why she
don't get no respect here.

And the saddest part is that all three actually
feel GOOD about what they do. They see themselves
as some kind of hero, fighting for truth, justice,
and the American Way.

Or the natural law way :-)

The day that Judy can respond to the facts and
*leave* it at the facts, without including one
of her zingers at the end of the post urging
other readers to think of the person she's
debating with or refuting as a liar or a fool
or intentionally misleading, then I'll promote
her to aspiring hero. Until then, she's just
a mean-spirited bitch who gets off on trying
to convince others that they should hate the
same people she hates.

It was always interesting to me, that whether or not the posts you  
make even deal with her or anything she might be marginally  
interested in, our dear Judy will feel the knee-jerk necessity (or  
obsession) to respond to your emails, if only for the chance to make  
some negative remark or to try to cast you in some bad light.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: rising sign of Sat Yuga

2007-06-04 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 6/3/07 10:10:28 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

You may  also want to keep in mind that the unstated yet official 
position of the  power brokers in the country, both Repubs and Dems is 
strongly in favor of  illegal immigration- it allows for greater 
economic exploitation of a  permanent underclass. The aim of those 
power brokers is to continually  show just one side of the coin and 
keep the focus on those damned  illegals, when it is in fact a US 
policy decision to continue to attract,  admit, and employ people from 
Mexico and Central America illegally.  :-)

I think they are looking at it as a way to fix Social Security for the  
baby boomers that didn't reproduce very well.

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'John Lennon Magic Alex- Rishikesh, 1968...'

2007-06-04 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
 Richard, you are a lying troll.

It has already been established that Marshy started 
the SRM in order to get female students into bed. 
You should read the FL archives and you would already 
know this. Why you'd want to deny this at this point
- I don't know. The only question left is why you'd 
want to deny it.

If it's true, that would be nothing to be ashamed of.
Apparently lots of teachers took a tumble with their
female students - Marshy, Bevan, Sai, Trungpa, Osel, 
Da, Kalu, Sogyal, not to mention Krishna the Murti, 
Swami Rama of the Himalayas, and the Zen Master Rama. 

Why don't you just be honest?

Ned Wynn:

Now, however, I had my eye on becoming a teacher of 
TM. Becoming a teacher of TM was a good deal from 
every angle. You got a big boost on the road to God 
Conciousness, you could actually tell people you had 
a job, and, in a not-unwelcome side effect, a lot 
of meditating women looked on being a teacher as 
similar to being a sort of rock figure.


The more immediate rewards of hatha-yoga were more 
earthly. For one thing, you could get a woman to disrobe 
in order to perform it. And there is nothing quite like 
the sight of a girl in her bikini underwear doing the 

Work cited:

We Will Always Live in Beverly Hills
Growing up crazy in Hollywood
By Ned Wynn
Morrow, 1990
p. 239

 Curtis and Ned have already admitted that one of
 the primary reasons they attended these TTCs was 
 to get women into bed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Vaj

On Jun 4, 2007, at 4:21 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  I'm not surprised BTW that New Morn, a TB, would fall for it.

 Wow. Vaj thinks I am a true beleiver. To read my posts and
 believe that I am a true believer is simply fantastic (as in
 fantasy). I am speechless.

Gotta speak up and agree about the TB part. I don't
see you as one at all.

Please understand, I do define TB a bit differently. For me a TB is  
someone who simply is a true believer in the TM technique and or the  
enlightened status of Mr. Varma. I often enjoy New Morns insights and  
objectivity by and large, esp. when the posts are concise. We agree  
on many things.

I do not see New Morn as a radical or rabid TB.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone else notice the similarity of the
 Judyspeak below to the recent postings by Lisa
 and Joe? The *emphasis* is not on the relevant
 issue (in this case, whether TMers were ripped 
 off by fellow TMers), but on establishing the
 person who thinks incorrectly (in this case,
 Vaj) as a bad person, a liar.

Note that thinks incorrectly and bad person
are Barry's phrases, put in quotes along with
liar to make it seem as though they were mine--
one of Barry's common tactics of misrepresentation.

Note that the relevant issue is not whether 
TMers have ripped off fellow TMers, but whether
Vaj lied about what he found on Google.

Note that nowhere does Vaj actually deal with the
relevant issue. Instead, he claims I've led a
sequestered life, that I'm on the periphery of
the movement, suggests I'm a course reject,
accuses me of dissembling (i.e., lying), claims
no one supports me, and says I have poor social

And Barry's attacking *me* for using ad hominem
and not addressing the relevant issue!
 THAT is what Lisa and Joe have built their
 career on, while defending Sai Baba. THAT
 is what Judy Stein has built *her* career
 on, while defending Maharishi.

In this case, of course, I'm not defending MMY.

 It would be different, IMO, if, when confronted
 by a post critical of Maharishi or the TMO, Judy
 dealt with the discernible facts and ONLY the
 facts. Google away! Provide all the documentation
 in the world to support your stance.
 HOWEVER, when you can't leave it at that, and
 feel that you *have* to follow up the facts by
 trying to get everyone here to agree that the
 other person is a liar, or intellectually
 dishonest or otherwise untrustworthy, THEN
 you have crossed the border into compulsive
 ad hominem, into shoot the messenger.
 IMO, for Lisa and Joe, ad hominem is a way of
 life. They *live* to demonize the critics of
 Sai Baba.

Just as Barry and Vaj live to demonize those who
support TM and MMY.

 And as a result they have lost the
 respect of pretty much every forum they have
 ever touched.

The interesting question is why Barry and Vaj
have not lost the respect of this forum.

 IMO, for Judy, sadly (because it's 
 a waste of a good intellect), ad hominem had also
 become a way of life. And Judy wonders why she
 don't get no respect here.

Um, no, what I wonder (as I've stated explicitly
any number of times) is why the folks on this
forum are so tolerant of the participants who
routinely tell knowing falsehoods, like Vaj and

What Barry would like to be able to do is lie
his head off and never be called to account for
it, as would Vaj. That's why Barry is demonizing
me and defending Vaj.

 And the saddest part is that all three actually
 feel GOOD about what they do. They see themselves
 as some kind of hero, fighting for truth, justice,
 and the American Way. 
 The day that Judy can respond to the facts and
 *leave* it at the facts, without including one
 of her zingers at the end of the post urging
 other readers to think of the person she's 
 debating with or refuting as a liar or a fool 
 or intentionally misleading, then I'll promote
 her to aspiring hero. Until then, she's just
 a mean-spirited bitch who gets off on trying 
 to convince others that they should hate the
 same people she hates.

Barry Wright, Master of Inadvertent Irony.
Too funny.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   On Jun 3, 2007, at 1:51 PM, authfriend wrote:
It looks to me, from reading the material about
the book from Gratzon and others, that it's very
much along the lines of The Secret.
I'm not endorsing Gratzon's approach, by the way,
or suggesting that TMers haven't crafted or gotten
suckered by get-rich-quick schemes. But Gratzon's
book ain't one of 'em.
My only point is that Vaj did not tell the truth
when he claimed there were links to get-rich-quick
schemes from a Google search for the phrase Do
nothing and accomplish everything, and that he
continues to tell falsehoods in an attempt to cover
up that unfortunate fact.
As usual, though, nobody but me seems to think
there's anything wrong with that.
   Don't assume that the world revolves around Google. Most of what
   I'm sharing will be apparent to those who actually have not 
   sequestered lives but have some experience in the movement and 
   people who were part of it.
  (Lived sequestered lives? Vaj thinks I've led a
  sequestered life? That's hilarious.)
  Vaj is *still* trying to cover up the lie he told
  about having found lots of links to get-rich-quick
  schemes in a Google search of the phrase Do
  nothing and accomplish everything.
  There were no such links. He made it up. The only
  links to that phrase were to a book by a TM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Once again, killing time... : /

2007-06-04 Thread Vaj

On Jun 4, 2007, at 2:55 AM, cardemaister wrote:

Why is it, that some sour grapes svaamiis think
Patañjali advises people not to practise siddhis?
The reason might well be that the Sanskrit skills
of many of them are not too good.

The more likely reason is the almost universal insistence that  
siddhis are impediments to spiritual growth from numerous scriptures  
and sages.

The jivanmuktiviveka, the primary text on enlightenment in the  
Shankaracharya tradition is an excellent example because  
Shankaracharya Vidyaranya gives us numerous quotes from sages  
explaining this. Swami Brahmananda Saraswati shares the opinion.

The basic reason often given is that cultivation of siddhis thru  
samyama causes one to become vyuthana or outward and attached to  
the outer world.

The more precise, yogic reason has to do with *where* the siddhis  
manifest in the subtle body. The siddhis, these perfections, all  
relate to various petals or dalas in the sahasara-chakra. Normally,  
in the process of spiritual unfoldment as shakti awakens and unfolds,  
these dalas are activated as a side effect of that unfoldment.  
However, when the siddhis are cultivated directly, as in the TM sidhi  
pogram, what it can do in some people is force the kundalini-shakti  
up the vajra or saraswati nadi, diverting it from the sushumna, the  
central samadhic channel of unification. In such a case one cannot  
access bindu, the point of return for the shakti. Instead the shakti  
remains trapped in ascending nadis which do not culminate in an  
experience of unity or unification. Thus the student is left in a  
sort of limbo.

Some disreputable pseudo-masters will even utilize this fact to make  
dependent, slave-like students who hang around waiting and waiting.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Twenty posts within a 24-hour period. 
 EVERY ONE OF THEM a clear attempt to get
 other people on this forum to think nega-
 tively about one or more posters on this
 forum who have disagreed with Judy Stein.
 EVERY ONE OF THEM an attempt to get others
 to pile on and add to the demonization.

Patently untrue, on all counts.

 Not a single post that added value or
 discussed anything the least bit substan-
 tive or spiritual.

Also untrue. Barry can't even *see* the
posts I make that add value.

 As new.morning said so well recently, Some
 posts just don't deserve a response. Is it
 any wonder that so few people bother to
 respond to Judy's posts any more?

I get plenty of responses. Barry apparently
can't see those either.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 3, 2007, at 7:03 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

I was wondering the same thing. I have a  feeling that whatever
happened with Great Midwestern was probably just a warm-up compared

to Telegroup.

I mean I find his premise somewhat outrageous, the more you work, the
less success, the less you work, the more success.  Hardwork equals a
host of negative effects.  Maybe that's just the come on, and what he
is getting to is working smart and all that. But, Telegroup was a
pretty spectacular blow up, so I was curious how he deals with it.
Besides that, I find his writing sort of juvenile, but I must admit, I
found it interesting, maybe because I was there, at least for the ice
cream part.

The idea, I guess, is because his ice cream business failed despite the 
hard work he put in, that that was the cause of it.  But of course the 
hard work was the whole reason it succeeded so well at first.  The 
reason it then went south was evidently because Fred decided to start 
taking large amounts of time off without having someone trustworthy in 
charge while he was away. Or maybe they *were* trustworthy but just 
overwhelmed.  I don't  know for sure, never really having had my own 
business, but it seems that taking weeks at a time off, unless it's 
unavoidable,  for anyone in almost any business would not be a good 
idea. Minding the store has got to be one of the first rules of 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2007, at 4:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  HOWEVER, when you can't leave it at that, and
  feel that you *have* to follow up the facts by
  trying to get everyone here to agree that the
  other person is a liar, or intellectually
  dishonest or otherwise untrustworthy, THEN
  you have crossed the border into compulsive
  ad hominem, into shoot the messenger.
 Or email them to death--fortunately the current format discourages  
 such terrorist email tactics.

For the record, as a matter of policy, I don't
email anybody I'm not friendly with. Not sure
why Vaj would suggest I have done so.   

 It was always interesting to me, that whether or not the posts you  
 make even deal with her or anything she might be marginally  
 interested in, our dear Judy will feel the knee-jerk necessity (or  
 obsession) to respond to your emails

Nor does Barry email me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As new.morning said so well recently, Some
 posts just don't deserve a response. Is it
 any wonder that so few people bother to
 respond to Judy's posts any more?

you sound obsessed.:-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Quiet Zone news update

2007-06-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 3, 2007, at 10:07 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

 Just out of curiosity, if this doesn't go through, are there 
provisions in place to reimburse donors? And, if not, what happens to 
the $$? Are the leaders of this thing accountable to anyone?


I don’t know.

Have you contributed anything?



[FairfieldLife] Re: 'John Lennon Magic Alex- Rishikesh, 1968...'

2007-06-04 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Curtis and Ned have already admitted that one of
  the primary reasons they attended these TTCs was 
  to get women into bed.
Curtis wrote: 
   Richard, you are a lying troll.
jstein wrote:
 We seem to be having an outbreak of it today.


Guffaw! Yeah, write, Yahoo! FL, that's where the moderator 
maintains an archive called 'Sexie Sadie' that details Ned 
Wynn's emails describing the Maharishi's private sex life. 

Isn't it illegal to post someone's private email on Yahoo! 
Groups, especially libelous and defamatory private email? 
You'd probably be knowing more about this that anyone, 
since you're a regular respondent over here.

P.S. I couldn't help noticing that you snipped all the 
important information I posted. I guess you don't want 
anyone to read about the Marshy's minions and their 
seduction of the poor female students.

[FairfieldLife] The Valley of the Saints

2007-06-04 Thread Richard J. Williams
Then, I told Ned Wynn and Rick Stanley. Later, I made a 
mistake and took Allen Ginsberg to see the Maharishi at 
Helen's (Helen Olsen, 'A Hermit in the House', Donnelley 
1971). Maharishi warned Allen about LSD and told him that 
recently half a dozen hippies had come to his room and 
that they smelled so bad that he told them to go into 
the garden.

Allen was outraged!

Allen said: I said what? You must have been reading 
the newspapers.

He said he didn't read newspapers. He insisted that 
hippies smelled. (Ginsberg, 'International Times' 26 
February 1968).

Nameste' and Jai Guru Dev!

P.S. I am seriously considering a visit to Mt. Kailash 
to hunt for rare fungi, as part of my Tantra Yoga 
Sadhana. Do they have Wi-Fi up there yet? If not, I 
have a great collection of Gilbert Shelton Comics I 
could take with me!

Please send any comments you might have to this 
fellow - otherwise you can be leaving a message with 
Parvati at Whole Foods in Austin - I'll get back to you.

Tejas Wallah
General Delivery
The Valley of the Saints
Attention: Post Office Wallah
Uttar Kashi, Garwhal, Himalayas, India

[FairfieldLife] Re: Once again, killing time... : /

2007-06-04 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2007, at 2:55 AM, cardemaister wrote:
  Why is it, that some sour grapes svaamiis think
  Patañjali advises people not to practise siddhis?
  The reason might well be that the Sanskrit skills
  of many of them are not too good.
 The more likely reason is the almost universal insistence that  
 siddhis are impediments to spiritual growth from numerous 
 and sages.
 The jivanmuktiviveka, the primary text on enlightenment in the  
 Shankaracharya tradition is an excellent example because  
 Shankaracharya Vidyaranya gives us numerous quotes from sages  
 explaining this. Swami Brahmananda Saraswati shares the opinion.

FWIW, according to /Shankara-dig-vijaya/ by Maadhava-VidyaaraNya, 
Shankara [...] left Prayaga, and travelling through the skies, 
reached the splendid city of Mahishmati[...]. If VidyaaraNya was 
opposed to siddhis, he might not have specified how Shankara went 

[FairfieldLife] Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread do.rflex
. . . according to Dr. Raj P. Varma. 

Dr. Varma was a longtime devotee of Guru Dev. They knew each other
personally. The following is taken from Dr. Varma's biography of Guru
Dev, 'Strange Facts About a Great Saint'.

 Due to old age and exertion, His Divinity Maharaj Shri [Swami
Brahmananda Saraswati - Guru Dev] felt lassitude. His health ran down
and doctors were taking care of him.

On May 20, 1953, at about one o'clock in the afternoon, His Holiness
Maharaj Shri was examined by a renowned doctor, Shri Vidhan Chandra
Roy of Calcutta, who said there was nothing wrong with his health, the
heart was normal and the general condition was satisfactory and
requested Maharaj Shri to take rest.

Maharaj Shri reposed for about 10 minutes and then sat on the bed and
said to Mahesh Brahmachari [now Maharishi Mahesh Yogi] that his time
was over and that he would go.

Maharaj Shri imparted some instructions to Mahesh before taking
eternal samadhi. His Holiness said, Due to continuous engagements in
preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few minutes
in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy peace
and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work, I have
given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's remaining work
after him.

Maharaj Shri also directed Mahesh ji how his body is to be disposed of
after he had left it and the due rites to be performed thereafter.

With these directions His Divinity Shri Guru Dev at 1:15 PM San
Padmason, closed his eyes and became Brahmleem, i.e. emerged in the
Absolute. By Yogic way he left the perishable body which is a
structure of earth, water, fire, sky and air. -

Guru Dev's body was transported via special truck, then train and
finally barge to the Kedar Ghat on the banks of the Ganges near
Varanasi. Enroute, tens of thousands of devotees and mourners wept and
crowded close in an effort to receive one last darshan from the
master. From Kedar Ghat, his body was transferred to a specially
constructed stone casket and taken by a fleet of boats to the middle
of the Ganges where it was lowered over the side.

It is documented in several written accounts that Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi, then known as Brahmachari Mahesh, dove into the water and held
onto the casket as it sank to the bottom. After being under the water
for over two minutes, he surfaced, took a breath and dove down again.
Onlookers were frightened that perhaps they might lose Brahmachari
Mahesh too. Finally, he came up and returned to the boat.

Recalling these events years later, Maharishi said that he too had
dropped the body while he was under water, but that Guru Dev had
sent him back. Several times, Maharishi tried to stay with his master
and finally, Guru Dev said to him,

Where do you think I am going? You are not through here. You
should stay.

From: http://www.srigurudev.net/srigurudev/gurudev/biography.html

In his book, God and Love, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi writes this about
Guru Dev during his tenure as Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath.

His policy of spiritual enlightenment was all embracing. He
inspired all alike and gave a lift to everyone… All parties found a
common leader head in Him. All the differences and dissensions of
castes, creeds and smapradayas dissolved in His presence… Such was His
Universality and all-embracing nature.

His entire personality exhaled the serene perfume of spirituality.
His face radiated that rare light which comprises love, authority,
serenity and self-assuredness; the state that comes only by righteous
living and Divine realization. His Darshan made people feel as if some
ancient Maharishi of Upanishadic fame had assumed human form again;
and that is it worthwhile leading a good life and to strive for
realization of the Divine.

[FairfieldLife] Re: VIDEO: See Guru Dev film on You Tube

2007-06-04 Thread Marek Reavis
Thanks, Bob, I stand corrected.  Maharishi sure does sound like him,
though, even the laugh.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
 reavismarek@ wrote:
  Bob, I'm positive that it's Maharishi speaking, not Guru Dev.  At
  first I thought it was Guru Dev, too, but it's only because 
  so very much sounds like Guru Dev; lots of the same inflections and
  stresses, but Maharishi's voice is a bit higher register.  Also, 
  halfway through he laughs and the laugh seems unmistakeably 
  In any case, it's definitely not Guru Dev's talk about the salt 
  going to measure the ocean's depth; I've listened to that scores of
  times and know it well.
  Thanks to Paul Mason for uploading it to YouTube.
 Well, Paul Mason, in a reply at the youtube posting, sez it is GD -- 
 here's the exchange:
 Who is speaking on this video -- is it Guru Dev? 
 PremanandPaul (1 day ago) 
 The soundtrack of this film is a 'wire-recording' of Guru Dev giving 
 a lecture. Other recordings of Guru Dev speaking and singing are 
 posted as mp3s on his webpages, try a search engine and type: Guru 
 Dev Recordings 
 divineinanna (1 day ago)
 Can you supply any date or location of the footage? 
 PremanandPaul (1 day ago)  
 Guru Dev film and audio from circa 1950-51, North India. Judging from 
 what Guru Dev is saying on the audio recording he was not very far 
 from the birthplace of Sita (i.e. Mithila), so possibly the ancient 
 city of Patna, or maybe Lucknow (where the filmstock and wire-
 recordings were found), or perhaps even Varanasi (where Guru Dev had 
 his main ashram). 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, george_deforest 
   george.deforest@ wrote:
 do.rflex wrote:

 Guru Dev video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxh2Txy9_C4
 Thanks to Paul Mason.

one question: 
who is the narrator, and what is he saying ... is it 
Guru Dev speaking ??

also, cameo of young Maharishi, at about 2:20
   It's Guru Dev speaking, possibly this is what he's saying -- 
   recordings of him were rare:
   In a rare wire recording of Swami Brahmananda Sarasvati, he says 
   that it is easy for the mind to reach the paramatma (that which 
   beyond the Atman) but the experience cannot be expressed. He 
   the example of a statue made of salt. You can put it in the sea 
   it will go deep down into the water without any difficulty. It 
   melt in the sea. If you ask the statue to say anything about the 
   (the experience) like how deep it was, etc. it is very difficult! 
   Like that the mind experiences the paramatma and becomes immersed 
   it. It cannot speak about the experience of becoming the 
   If it can then it has not really experienced it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Once again, killing time... : /

2007-06-04 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Why is it, that some sour grapes svaamiis think
  Pata�jali advises people not to practise siddhis?
  The reason might well be that the Sanskrit skills
  of many of them are not too good.
Vaj wrote:
 The more likely reason is the almost universal insistence 
 that siddhis are impediments to spiritual growth from 
 numerous scriptures and sages.

Would that include all the numerous Buddhist scriptures 
and sages, most of whom, if not all, advocate the development 
of various siddhis? And would that include the Shakyamuni 
himself who once demonstrated a feat of yogic flying by 
rising up above the city of Shravasti in order to impress
the people?

 The jivanmuktiviveka, the primary text on enlightenment 
 in the Shankaracharya tradition is an excellent example 
 because Shankaracharya Vidyaranya gives us numerous quotes 
 from sages explaining this. Swami Brahmananda Saraswati 
 shares the opinion.

The primary text of the Shankaracharya tradition is the 
'Tripura Upanishad' which promises untold siddhis from the 
practice of bija mantra meditation on Tripurasundari. Shankara
advocates the use of siddhis in his famous 'Ode to the 
South-facing Form' and in the 'Ananda Lahari'. Shankara does 
not dispute the words of Patanjali. You should read Shankara's 
vartika on Vyasa's commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

 The basic reason often given is that cultivation of siddhis 
 thru samyama causes one to become vyuthana or outward 
 and attached to the outer world.

 The more precise, yogic reason has to do with *where* the 
 siddhis manifest in the subtle body. The siddhis, these 
 perfections, all relate to various petals or dalas in the
 sahasara-chakra. Normally, in the process of spiritual 
 unfoldment as shakti awakens and unfolds, these dalas are 
 activated as a side effect of that unfoldment. 

You need to get some smarts, Vaj, according to the Tripura 
Upanishad, the 'sahasara' isn't a chakra. You've made a 
fundamental mistake if you consider the yogic body to have 
a more that six exoteric chakras.

Work cited:

'The Svacchanda Sangraha'
Bhaskara's Lalitasahasraranama Bhasya

'The Serpent Power'
by Arthur Avalon

'Shakti and Shakta'
by Arthur Avalon

 However, when the siddhis are cultivated directly, as in 
 the TM sidhi pogram, what it can do in some people is 
 force the kundalini-shakti up the vajra or saraswati nadi, 
 diverting it from the sushumna, the central samadhic channel 
 of unification. In such a case one cannot access bindu, the 
 point of return for the shakti.

You really need to get some smarts: the bindu is not the 
'point of return' for the shakti - the bindu is the point 
of origin. Every Shankara tantric knows the order of evolutes
contained in the Sri Yantra. The bindu is the point of origin 
- the petals and the gates are the point of return. Perhaps 
you should read the primary texts of the Shankara Sri Vidya 
- the Saundaryalahari. Have you ever even seen an image of 
the Sri Yantra? If so, did you see that little dot in the 
middle of of the intersecting triangles? That's the bindu, 
the central focus of every Dasanami Sanyasin.
 Instead the shakti remains trapped in ascending nadis which 
 do not culminate in an experience of unity or unification. 
 Thus the student is left in a sort of limbo.

 Some disreputable pseudo-masters will even utilize this 
 fact to make dependent, slave-like students who hang around 
 waiting and waiting.

The Shakyamuni was not a 'pseudo-master' you idiot!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
Due to continuous engagements in
preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few minutes
in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy peace
and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work, I have
given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's remaining work
after him.

Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what happened
after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?  By his own account
he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for two years until he had
the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?)  Even there he was
innocently goaded into doing lectures.  Given MMYs delight in telling
the story of his meeting Guru Dev, I find the omission of the story of
Guru Dev's instructions to be unlikely.  I think Dr. Varma was just
being creative here.  I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this direct
instruction we would have heard about it from him.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 . . . according to Dr. Raj P. Varma. 
 Dr. Varma was a longtime devotee of Guru Dev. They knew each other
 personally. The following is taken from Dr. Varma's biography of Guru
 Dev, 'Strange Facts About a Great Saint'.
  Due to old age and exertion, His Divinity Maharaj Shri [Swami
 Brahmananda Saraswati - Guru Dev] felt lassitude. His health ran down
 and doctors were taking care of him.
 On May 20, 1953, at about one o'clock in the afternoon, His Holiness
 Maharaj Shri was examined by a renowned doctor, Shri Vidhan Chandra
 Roy of Calcutta, who said there was nothing wrong with his health, the
 heart was normal and the general condition was satisfactory and
 requested Maharaj Shri to take rest.
 Maharaj Shri reposed for about 10 minutes and then sat on the bed and
 said to Mahesh Brahmachari [now Maharishi Mahesh Yogi] that his time
 was over and that he would go.
 Maharaj Shri imparted some instructions to Mahesh before taking
 eternal samadhi. His Holiness said, Due to continuous engagements in
 preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
 remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
 people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few minutes
 in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy peace
 and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work, I have
 given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
 work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's remaining work
 after him.
 Maharaj Shri also directed Mahesh ji how his body is to be disposed of
 after he had left it and the due rites to be performed thereafter.
 With these directions His Divinity Shri Guru Dev at 1:15 PM San
 Padmason, closed his eyes and became Brahmleem, i.e. emerged in the
 Absolute. By Yogic way he left the perishable body which is a
 structure of earth, water, fire, sky and air. -
 Guru Dev's body was transported via special truck, then train and
 finally barge to the Kedar Ghat on the banks of the Ganges near
 Varanasi. Enroute, tens of thousands of devotees and mourners wept and
 crowded close in an effort to receive one last darshan from the
 master. From Kedar Ghat, his body was transferred to a specially
 constructed stone casket and taken by a fleet of boats to the middle
 of the Ganges where it was lowered over the side.
 It is documented in several written accounts that Maharishi Mahesh
 Yogi, then known as Brahmachari Mahesh, dove into the water and held
 onto the casket as it sank to the bottom. After being under the water
 for over two minutes, he surfaced, took a breath and dove down again.
 Onlookers were frightened that perhaps they might lose Brahmachari
 Mahesh too. Finally, he came up and returned to the boat.
 Recalling these events years later, Maharishi said that he too had
 dropped the body while he was under water, but that Guru Dev had
 sent him back. Several times, Maharishi tried to stay with his master
 and finally, Guru Dev said to him,
 Where do you think I am going? You are not through here. You
 should stay.
 From: http://www.srigurudev.net/srigurudev/gurudev/biography.html
 In his book, God and Love, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi writes this about
 Guru Dev during his tenure as Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath.
 His policy of spiritual enlightenment was all embracing. He
 inspired all alike and gave a lift to everyone… All parties found a
 common leader head in Him. All the differences and dissensions of
 castes, creeds and smapradayas dissolved in His presence… Such was His
 Universality and all-embracing nature.
 His entire personality exhaled the serene perfume of spirituality.
 His face radiated that rare light which comprises love, 

[FairfieldLife] Beatles-mantra?

2007-06-04 Thread cardemaister


Watch the Video

[FairfieldLife] Re: Paris Je t'aime

2007-06-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 A collection of 18 short films, all set in Paris. All different
 directors and writers.  I really enjoyed the ride.  For film buffs
 this is pure porno, like what writers experience when they read good
 short stories.  The compression is powerful. So many versions of lives
 at their essence.
 I would have missed this gem if I had not seen a good review.  Check
 it out!

This mishmash of a film you consider porno for film buffs, essence of 
lives, a gem ? 
It generated indifferent reviews here and one sees why; most of it is 
made by american directors who flew in some semi-poor hollywood 
characters and made romatic and sentimental journeys to a culture they 
will never understand. They love the architecture, and that is about 
I would make one single little concession; Nick Nolte played quite 
convincing... as usual.

Get a film-life; start seeing russian films.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  As new.morning said so well recently, Some
  posts just don't deserve a response. Is it
  any wonder that so few people bother to
  respond to Judy's posts any more?
 you sound obsessed.:-)

He has a boring obsession for attention...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 Due to continuous engagements in
 preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
 remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
 people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few minutes
 in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy peace
 and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work, I have
 given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
 work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's remaining work
 after him.
 Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what happened
 after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?  By his own account
 he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for two years until he had
 the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?)  Even there he was
 innocently goaded into doing lectures.  Given MMYs delight in telling
 the story of his meeting Guru Dev, I find the omission of the story of
 Guru Dev's instructions to be unlikely.  I think Dr. Varma was just
 being creative here.  I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this direct
 instruction we would have heard about it from him.

Your personal opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread Richard J. Williams
Curtis wrote:
 Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what 
 happened after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?

You can't seem to pass up any chance to diss the Marshy! Are 
you obsessed or what? Haven't you and Rick done enough damage
on this forum already? Is it alright with you if some of us
TMers discus our program for just one minute without you two 
butting in? Just for one minute.

No, it's the same account that Marshy related to me at Mother
Olsen's. And the same account has been published by Marshy's
Uncle Raj Varma.

 By his own account he sat in Uttar Kashi without any 
 thoughts for two years until he had the thought to go 
 South to Rameshwarum (Sp?) 

According to Marshy, the thought of going to 'Rameshwarum' 
was suggested by one of the other sadhus at Uttar Kashi - 
it was not Marshy's idea.

 Even there he was innocently goaded into doing lectures.

Ever since his first meeting with Guru Dev, there was never 
a time when the Marshy wasn't giving lectures. Apparently he 
used to even give lectures in Guru Dev's stead, when Guru Dev 
was otherwise indisposed. It may be true that Marshy was 
observing a quiet time at Utta Kashi, but it is difficult 
to imagine the Marshy not speaking up!

 Given MMYs delight in telling the story of his meeting 
 Guru Dev, I find the omission of the story of Guru Dev's 
 instructions to be unlikely. I think Dr. Varma was just 
 being creative here. 

You need to start using some logic, Curtis. The story told by
Dr. Varma IS the Marshy's story. How do you think that Raj 
Varma came up with the story in the first place? Since Dr. 
Varma was not present at the passing of Guru Dev, obviously 
Marshy told Raj Varma what had taken place. It is is a fact 
that there were only three people present at the untimely 
demise of Brahmananda, one of those being the Marshy himself.

 I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this direct instruction we 
 would have heard about it from him.

Marshy approved of all the stories told by his uncle in the 
book 'Strange Facts About a Great Saint'. Marshy approved of 
all the stories told in the Official Biography of Guru Dev:

'The Whole Thing, The Real Thing'
by Rameshwar Tilwari
Marshy is the approver of all stories told about Guru Dev. 
Marshy is the approver of all literature connected to the 
TMO. They are all his stories. So, in this sense, Marshy 
did tell this very same story.

However name 'Mahesh' doesn't appear on any of the Trust's 
literature and there's no mention of a 'Mahesh Yogi' being 
in the will as an administrator. If you accept any of the 
aforementioned scenarios - the poison rumor - the clerk rumor
- I just don't see how a clerk is going to be sitting on the 
bed of a Shankaracharya, or even in the same room with one, 
for that matter. That is, unless you want to suggest that 
the Mahesh Yogi was much more than a mere clerk, much more 
than a secretary, which would contradict the statement by 
the Swami Swaroopanand in the Kropinsky interview to the 
effect that Mahesh Yogi was a part-time, low-level, paper 
pusher of low caste. If so, how did the Mahesh Yogi become 
so powerful that he could outsmart the Indian press and a 
whole committee of pundits down in Kashi? 

Go figure. 

Read more:

'The Cook Did It!'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Due to continuous engagements in
  preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
  remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
  people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few 
  in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy 
  and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work, I 
  given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
  work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's remaining 
  after him.
  Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what happened
  after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?  By his own 
  he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for two years until he 
  the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?)  Even there he was
  innocently goaded into doing lectures.  Given MMYs delight in 
  the story of his meeting Guru Dev, I find the omission of the 
story of
  Guru Dev's instructions to be unlikely.  I think Dr. Varma was 
  being creative here.  I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this 
  instruction we would have heard about it from him.
 Your personal opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at

This curtisblue-fellow abviously missed the point that Maharishi 
would never, ever tell anyone about personal instructions from Guru 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  Due to continuous engagements in
  preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
  remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
  people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few 
  minutes in the morning and in the evening every day, they might 
  enjoy peace and hapiness in their lives you have to do this 
  remaining work, I have given you everything. A son has to complete
  his father's remaining work after him, so also a disciple 
  completes his guru's remaining work after him.
 Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what 
 happened after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?  


 By his own account he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for 
 two years until he had the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?) 
 Even there he was innocently goaded into doing lectures.  

Perhaps he'd just forgotten the deathbed instructions
given to him by the guru he adored. It took him those
two years to remember them.  :-)

 Given MMYs delight in telling the story of his meeting Guru Dev, 
 I find the omission of the story of Guru Dev's instructions to 
 be unlikely.  

Highly unlikely. 

 I think Dr. Varma was just being creative here. I think if Guru 
 Dev had given MMY this direct instruction we would have heard 
 about it from him.

At the very least he wouldn't have propagated a story
that contradicts it.

We'll never know, of course, but to me this is a classic
example of Revisionist History written by a sold out
disciple trying to enhance the rep of his teacher. It's
been happening on planet Earth ever since the first 
spiritual teacher appeared. Biographers who are trying
to write a biography from the point of view of devotion
seem to have *no problem* making things up if they feel
that the result will inspire others to feel equal waves
of devotion to the person they're devoted to. My bet 
is that this account is one of them. 

I'd class it at the same level of veracity as the guys
on my TTC who said, when we complained about the dyna-
miting next door to our hotels, Maharishi has *definitely*
been told about the dynamite, and he told me to tell you
that you shouldn't mind it. He's working on resolving the
problem, but remember that noise is no barrier to med-
itation. Then when Maharishi visited a few weeks later,
and someone stood up to ask whether there had been any
progress on the dynamite issue. Maharishi's response?
What dynamite?

Turns out the course leaders had never told Maharishi
about the problem, and had made up his answer com-
pletely. Did they think that they were *lying* when
they did this? Probably not. They probably convinced
themselves that it was for the good of the course 
participants. Similarly, I suspect that Dr. Varma 
decided that giving the impression that Maharishi had
received explicit instructions from Guru Dev to do 
what he had done would give him more caveat or believe-
ability in the eyes of the public. But that doesn't
make it any less fiction.

This story just doesn't hold water. Because if it did,
it makes Maharishi out to be a liar, and *his* version
of how he came to be teaching a falsehood. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Your personal opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at

What a weird, unfriendly response to my pointing out a direct
contradiction in the source's accounts, MMY's and Dr. Varma.  I was
soliciting other people's opinions on it.  Cliche putdown's are lame.
 Sharing personal opinions is the heart of a message board like this one.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Due to continuous engagements in
  preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
  remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
  people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few minutes
  in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy peace
  and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work, I have
  given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
  work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's remaining work
  after him.
  Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what happened
  after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?  By his own account
  he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for two years until he had
  the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?)  Even there he was
  innocently goaded into doing lectures.  Given MMYs delight in telling
  the story of his meeting Guru Dev, I find the omission of the story of
  Guru Dev's instructions to be unlikely.  I think Dr. Varma was just
  being creative here.  I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this direct
  instruction we would have heard about it from him.
 Your personal opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
This curtisblue-fellow abviously missed the point that Maharishi
would never, ever tell anyone about personal instructions from Guru

So how did Dr. Varma find out? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Due to continuous engagements in
   preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
   remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
   people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few 
   in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy 
   and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work, I 
   given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
   work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's remaining 
   after him.
   Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what happened
   after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?  By his own 
   he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for two years until he 
   the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?)  Even there he was
   innocently goaded into doing lectures.  Given MMYs delight in 
   the story of his meeting Guru Dev, I find the omission of the 
 story of
   Guru Dev's instructions to be unlikely.  I think Dr. Varma was 
   being creative here.  I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this 
   instruction we would have heard about it from him.
  Your personal opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at
 This curtisblue-fellow abviously missed the point that Maharishi 
 would never, ever tell anyone about personal instructions from Guru 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   As new.morning said so well recently, Some
   posts just don't deserve a response. Is it
   any wonder that so few people bother to
   respond to Judy's posts any more?
  you sound obsessed.:-)
 He has a boring obsession for attention...

What's really amazing is that he uses the same
identical tactics over and over and *over*
again, without any success whatsoever.

He's been trying for *years*--here and on 
alt.m.t--to get people to stop responding to
me by pretending that so few people bother to
respond to Judy's posts any more.

Either that, or it's a wish-fulfillment fantasy.
If he says so few people are bothering to
respond to me, it'll somehow magically happen.

And all the while, despite countless vows to
ignore me, he can't stop talking about me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks for the voice of reason in a whirlpool of nuttiness!  It is so
weird that my post is being taken by some here as if it is a putdown!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Due to continuous engagements in
   preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
   remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
   people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few 
   minutes in the morning and in the evening every day, they might 
   enjoy peace and hapiness in their lives you have to do this 
   remaining work, I have given you everything. A son has to complete
   his father's remaining work after him, so also a disciple 
   completes his guru's remaining work after him.
  Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what 
  happened after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?  
  By his own account he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for 
  two years until he had the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?) 
  Even there he was innocently goaded into doing lectures.  
 Perhaps he'd just forgotten the deathbed instructions
 given to him by the guru he adored. It took him those
 two years to remember them.  :-)
  Given MMYs delight in telling the story of his meeting Guru Dev, 
  I find the omission of the story of Guru Dev's instructions to 
  be unlikely.  
 Highly unlikely. 
  I think Dr. Varma was just being creative here. I think if Guru 
  Dev had given MMY this direct instruction we would have heard 
  about it from him.
 At the very least he wouldn't have propagated a story
 that contradicts it.
 We'll never know, of course, but to me this is a classic
 example of Revisionist History written by a sold out
 disciple trying to enhance the rep of his teacher. It's
 been happening on planet Earth ever since the first 
 spiritual teacher appeared. Biographers who are trying
 to write a biography from the point of view of devotion
 seem to have *no problem* making things up if they feel
 that the result will inspire others to feel equal waves
 of devotion to the person they're devoted to. My bet 
 is that this account is one of them. 
 I'd class it at the same level of veracity as the guys
 on my TTC who said, when we complained about the dyna-
 miting next door to our hotels, Maharishi has *definitely*
 been told about the dynamite, and he told me to tell you
 that you shouldn't mind it. He's working on resolving the
 problem, but remember that noise is no barrier to med-
 itation. Then when Maharishi visited a few weeks later,
 and someone stood up to ask whether there had been any
 progress on the dynamite issue. Maharishi's response?
 What dynamite?
 Turns out the course leaders had never told Maharishi
 about the problem, and had made up his answer com-
 pletely. Did they think that they were *lying* when
 they did this? Probably not. They probably convinced
 themselves that it was for the good of the course 
 participants. Similarly, I suspect that Dr. Varma 
 decided that giving the impression that Maharishi had
 received explicit instructions from Guru Dev to do 
 what he had done would give him more caveat or believe-
 ability in the eyes of the public. But that doesn't
 make it any less fiction.
 This story just doesn't hold water. Because if it did,
 it makes Maharishi out to be a liar, and *his* version
 of how he came to be teaching a falsehood.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
As new.morning said so well recently, Some
posts just don't deserve a response. Is it
any wonder that so few people bother to
respond to Judy's posts any more?
   you sound obsessed.:-)
  He has a boring obsession for attention...
 What's really amazing is that he uses the same
 identical tactics over and over and *over*
 again, without any success whatsoever.
 He's been trying for *years*--here and on 
 alt.m.t--to get people to stop responding to
 me by pretending that so few people bother to
 respond to Judy's posts any more.
 Either that, or it's a wish-fulfillment fantasy.
 If he says so few people are bothering to
 respond to me, it'll somehow magically happen.
 And all the while, despite countless vows to
 ignore me, he can't stop talking about me.

Must be something nice and clear about you that drives him nuts...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 This curtisblue-fellow abviously missed the point that Maharishi
 would never, ever tell anyone about personal instructions from Guru
 So how did Dr. Varma find out? 
Maharishi was not the only person in the room 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Request to Rick to burn my months posts for Ron Paul

2007-06-04 Thread Bhairitu
Two things are obvious: socialism doesn't work and neither does 
capitalism.  The latter gets co-opted by the greedy and destroys the 
middle class.  It must go too.

off_world_beings wrote:
 Request to Rick to burn my months posts in order to make posts for Ron 
 Paul this week only.

 I live as a professor (and carpenter in summer) in Vermont, and I have 
 been against the Republican party for years, and don't like most of 
 the the Dems much either, and though some of you call me a TM TB 
 (although 99.9% of you, even the anti-TM'rs here, are WAY more Ru's 
 than I will ever be), I was only mildly interested in John Hagelin's 
 NLP )

  I am not American (jest green card, with legal status to get my US 
 citizenship if I pay the 300 bucks and get a silly photo done). I 
 really can't be bothered to get US citizenship, but hell..so that 
 I could vote for Ron Paul ! that is the only reason I would bother 
 to do it.

 Just kidding about burning the months posts Rick. Just making a point 
 about Ron Paul.




RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 10:37 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi .
. .


According to Marshy, the thought of going to 'Rameshwarum' 
was suggested by one of the other sadhus at Uttar Kashi - 
it was not Marshy's idea.

The way he told the story (many times) was that he kept having the thought
to go to Rameswaram, which puzzled him, because he had no intention to leave
Uttar Kashi, since the yogis there regarded everything beyond the town
limits as a sea of mud. After mentioning this thought to a friend several
times over a 6 month period, the friend suggested that he take care of it,
meaning go there and get it out of his system. As we know, he never

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread Lsoma
In a message dated 6/4/2007 11:30:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
 Charlie Lutes said once at a lecture I attended that Maharishi was  told by 
Guru Dev on his death bed that the timing for this knowledge to be  shared 
with the world is now. That Maharishi should not worry about the  money-that he 
would be taken care of. I'm sure this was not the exact words.  Anyway, 
Maharishi sure did take care of his physical insecurities. I believe he  owns 
over 3 
billion dollars worth of real estate. AND THEY STILL CAN'T FIX THE  LEAK IN 
THE GOLDEN DOME. Jai Guru Dev. Lsoma.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) 
,  curtisdeltablues

  Due to continuous engagements in
 preaching and the management of the  Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
 remains to be completed and that is to  give a technique to family
 people, in general so that by sitting and  meditating for a few minutes
 in the morning and in the evening every  day, they might enjoy peace
 and happiness in their lives you have to  do this remaining work, I have
 given you everything. A son has to  complete his father's remaining
 work after him, so also a disciple  completes his guru's remaining work
 after him.
  Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what happened
  after Guru Dev died and how the movement started? By his own account
  he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for two years until he had
  the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?) Even there he was
  innocently goaded into doing lectures. Given MMYs delight in telling
  the story of his meeting Guru Dev, I find the omission of the story of
  Guru Dev's instructions to be unlikely. I think Dr. Varma was just
  being creative here. I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this direct
  instruction we would have heard about it from him.

Your personal  opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee  at



** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please understand, I do define TB a bit differently. For me a TB 
 someone who simply is a true believer in the TM technique and or the  
 enlightened status of Mr. Varma. SNIP

How about if we *also* believe in every other technique and non-
technique, and/or the enlightened status of Mr. fire-hydrant, Mrs. 
apple-tree, and even You?


[FairfieldLife] 'Lust in his heart?'

2007-06-04 Thread Robert Gimbel
Like President Jimmie Carter once said:
  That he had 'Lust in his heart'..., one time in an interview in 'Playboy' 
magazine, back, 'In the day'.
  Anyways, I would just like to remind everyone, that when we dwell on lust and 
  We expose our own selves to what we hold in our mind.
  Any gossip concerning Maharishi, is:
  Hereby release, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
  Brahma, Vishnu, Shivaiya, Namah, Om.
  My Maharishi be released from any of this earthly gossip,
  Which serves no purpose, except to embarrass and confuse;
  So,. my this darkness surrounding the TMO, and all those ever involved, with 
Maharishi and the TMO,
  Be hereby released of all negative gossip.

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


. Minding the store has got to be one of the first rules of 

That's sure been my experience.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 10:37 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to 
Maharishi .
 . .
 According to Marshy, the thought of going to 'Rameshwarum' 
 was suggested by one of the other sadhus at Uttar Kashi - 
 it was not Marshy's idea.
 The way he told the story (many times) was that he kept having the 
 to go to Rameswaram, which puzzled him, because he had no 
intention to leave
 Uttar Kashi, since the yogis there regarded everything beyond the 
 limits as a sea of mud. After mentioning this thought to a 
friend several
 times over a 6 month period, the friend suggested that he take 
care of it,
 meaning go there and get it out of his system. As we know, he never

I always enjoyed that story, not because Maharishi said it 
specifically, but because I have heard of others doing this so 
often, with interesting results. The most recent example reported on 
this board being Turq's decision to move to the Spanish coast. Where 
did that come from?? I'll bet it works out well for him. 

I recall a time when I was driving from DC to California and took a 
risk on finding gas in a small town in eastern Colorado, but the gas 
station was closed by the time I arrived at 10PM and I was in the 
middle of proverbial nowhere, not enough gas to make it further and 
find another station. So I parked in the parking lot of the gas 
station and tried to settle down, hoping to fill my tank in the 

Settling down didn't work very well because it was winter, and very 
cold once the engine was off. I was looking out at the street and 
kept getting the strong feeling to go to a certain house I saw a 
couple of blocks away and knock on the door and see if they could 
help. From a standpoint of reason it made absolutely no sense. It 
was late at night and I had no more chance of success bothering 
these strangers than any other choice. I was afraid of the many 
possibilities running through my head. And yet, the thought 
persisted. So, screwing up my courage, I walked over and knocked on 
the door. It turns out the head of the family ran operations for a 
grain silo at the edge of town, and they had a gas pump there for 
the farm equipment, for which he of all the town's residents, had 
the key, and the authority to pump gas. I drove my car to the pump 
with him, got enough to get to Denver, paid him, and was on my way.

A perfect example of Maharishi's phrase often repeated, take it 
easy, take it as it comes. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's really amazing is that he uses the same
 identical tactics over and over and *over*
 again, without any success whatsoever.

Actually, I think he's been *highly* successful -- he got you to bite 
yet again, didn't he? 

 He's been trying for *years*--here and on 
 alt.m.t--to get people to stop responding to
 me by pretending that so few people bother to
 respond to Judy's posts any more.

Perhaps it's not really so much about whether or not other people 
respond to you, but whether or not *you* respond to *him*.
 Either that, or it's a wish-fulfillment fantasy.
 If he says so few people are bothering to
 respond to me, it'll somehow magically happen.
 And all the while, despite countless vows to
 ignore me, he can't stop talking about me.

And vice versa, like two mirrors reflecting themselves into infinity! 
So beautiful! Author, author! :-) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Once again, killing time... : /

2007-06-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2007, at 2:55 AM, cardemaister wrote:
  Why is it, that some sour grapes svaamiis think
  Patañjali advises people not to practise siddhis?
  The reason might well be that the Sanskrit skills
  of many of them are not too good.

 Instead the shakti  
 remains trapped in ascending nadis which do not culminate in an  
 experience of unity or unification. Thus the student is left in a  
 sort of limbo.
To paraphrase our former President Ronnie Ray-Gun: If you've seen one 
ascending nadi, you've seen 'em all. Or put another way, People in 
glass houses *should* throw stones-- in the hopes that someone on the 
outside will throw one back, shattering the glass house. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  Your personal opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at
 What a weird, unfriendly response to my pointing out a direct
 contradiction in the source's accounts, MMY's and Dr. Varma.  I was
 soliciting other people's opinions on it.  Cliche putdown's are lame.

Seems you don't recognize that your response to the original post was
itself a bit unfriendly. It was. I responded in kind. And your
apparent 'contradictions' result in nothing more than inconclusive
speculation on your part. You really don't *know* the truth of the matter.

All I did was offer Dr. Varma's account. And while I'm not surprised
at the responses, it was not my intention to generate so much
unnecessary noise from critics, who themselves, DON'T REALLY KNOW.

  Sharing personal opinions is the heart of a message board like this

Personal opinions are one thing. Know-it-all attitudes are another. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Due to continuous engagements in
   preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
   remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
   people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few
   in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy peace
   and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work,
I have
   given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
   work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's
remaining work
   after him.
   Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what happened
   after Guru Dev died and how the movement started?  By his own
   he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for two years until
he had
   the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?)  Even there he was
   innocently goaded into doing lectures.  Given MMYs delight in
   the story of his meeting Guru Dev, I find the omission of the
story of
   Guru Dev's instructions to be unlikely.  I think Dr. Varma was just
   being creative here.  I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this direct
   instruction we would have heard about it from him.
  Your personal opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  What's really amazing is that he uses the same
  identical tactics over and over and *over*
  again, without any success whatsoever.
 Actually, I think he's been *highly* successful -- he got
 you to bite yet again, didn't he?

I don't think you're reading what I'm writing,
Rory. Try again:

  He's been trying for *years*--here and on 
  alt.m.t--to get people to stop responding to
  me by pretending that so few people bother to
  respond to Judy's posts any more.
 Perhaps it's not really so much about whether or not other people 
 respond to you, but whether or not *you* respond to *him*.

Rory, with all due respect, you're not exactly
tuned in here.

  Either that, or it's a wish-fulfillment fantasy.
  If he says so few people are bothering to
  respond to me, it'll somehow magically happen.
  And all the while, despite countless vows to
  ignore me, he can't stop talking about me.
 And vice versa, like two mirrors reflecting themselves
 into infinity!

Well, no, not vice versa like two mirrors etc.
I've never said I was going to ignore Barry, to
the contrary.

He *wishes* I would ignore him. Desperately.

But I don't care in the slightest if he ignores
me; I'll continue to comment on his sophistry as
I see fit.

 So beautiful! Author, author! :-)

Wrong play, sorry.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
 Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 10:37 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to
Maharishi .
 . .
 According to Marshy, the thought of going to 'Rameshwarum' 
 was suggested by one of the other sadhus at Uttar Kashi - 
 it was not Marshy's idea.
 The way he told the story (many times) was that he kept having the
 to go to Rameswaram, which puzzled him, because he had no intention
to leave
 Uttar Kashi, since the yogis there regarded everything beyond the town
 limits as a sea of mud. After mentioning this thought to a friend
 times over a 6 month period, the friend suggested that he take care
of it,
 meaning go there and get it out of his system. As we know, he never

there's a PhD dissertation on the history of the tm mov't that's
online (and I don't remember where I put the link) that states that
MMY accompanied an aunt to the south of india on that first trip to
rameswaram.  the guy seems to have done his research and came up with
that fact, which means a whole mythology about the inspiration for
that trip may have come up after the fact.  has anyone else heard
about MMY taking a family member with him to rameswaram.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread Richard J. Williams
boo wrote:
 ...there's a PhD dissertation on the history of the tm mov't...

After about one year of ascetic seclusion at Uttarkashi, 
in a place called valley of the saints, Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi accompanied his ailing aunt from Calcutta to a medical 
facility at Madanapalle in the southern state of Andhra 
Pradesh. By his own admission, he was responding not only 
to the request of his relative but more directly to an 
irrepressible impulse to go south and visit the temples 
of pilgrimage at Kanchi, Rameshwaram, and Kanya Kumari. 

Sometime in June or July of 1954, he acquired his first 
students at Madanapalle and initiated them into 
transcendental meditation. According to T. Rama Rao, 
perhaps the very first initiate, the technique of meditation 
and its instruction was exactly the same as it is taught 
today by TM teachers throughout the world.


'Text and Context in the Communication of a Social Movement's
Charisma, Ideology, and Consciousness: TM for India and the West'
By Jay Randolph Coplin, Ph.D. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beatles-mantra?

2007-06-04 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Watch the Video

Oh blimey!   :]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Your personal  opinions and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee  at


[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 there's a PhD dissertation on the history of the tm mov't that's
 online (and I don't remember where I put the link) that states that
 MMY accompanied an aunt to the south of india on that first trip to
 rameswaram.  the guy seems to have done his research and came up
 with that fact, which means a whole mythology about the inspiration
 for that trip may have come up after the fact.  has anyone else 
 heard about MMY taking a family member with him to rameswaram.

No, the mythology is right there in the
dissertation, along with the ailing aunt.

From the dissertation by Jay Randolph Coplin:

After about one year of ascetic seclusion at Uttarkashi, in a place 
called valley of the saints, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi accompanied his 
ailing aunt from Calcutta to a medical facility at Madanapalle in the 
southern state of Andhra Pradesh. By his own admission, he was 
responding not only to the request of his relative but more directly 
to an irrepressible impulse to go south and visit the temples of 
pilgrimage at Kanchi, Rameshwaram, and Kanya Kumari. 


So he apparently dropped her off at Madanapalle
and continued south.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   What's really amazing is that he uses the same
   identical tactics over and over and *over*
   again, without any success whatsoever.

 Rory Goff wrote:
  Actually, I think he's been *highly* successful -- he got
  you to bite yet again, didn't he?

 authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 I don't think you're reading what I'm writing,
 Rory. Try again:
   He's been trying for *years*--here and on 
   alt.m.t--to get people to stop responding to
   me by pretending that so few people bother to
   respond to Judy's posts any more.

*lol* Yes, it reads exactly the same the second time around. Funny 
about that! I (still) understand what you think he wants; you believe 
he's unsuccessfully trying to get people to ignore you. You may be 
right; I don't know. Now, do *you* understand what *I* suggested? 
Instead of merely repeating it, I will try rephrasing (see below).

  Perhaps it's not really so much about whether or not other people 
  respond to you, but whether or not *you* respond to *him*.
 Rory, with all due respect, you're not exactly
 tuned in here.

You're right! I'm not tuned in to agree completely with what *you* 
are saying. It's not that I didn't understand it; I was offering a 
different look at it. To rephrase: I am suggesting that what Barry 
*says* he wants, and what he *really* wants, may not be the same 
thing. He *says* he wants people to ignore you; what he may really 
want, is to continue to engage you, to nip you -- to do whatever it 
takes to irritate and get a rise out of you, virtually regardless of 
the seeming content of his posts. If so, I'd say his tactics appear 
to be working beautifully, and have been *for years*. N'est-ce pas?
   Either that, or it's a wish-fulfillment fantasy.
   If he says so few people are bothering to
   respond to me, it'll somehow magically happen.
   And all the while, despite countless vows to
   ignore me, he can't stop talking about me.
  And vice versa, like two mirrors reflecting themselves
  into infinity!
 Well, no, not vice versa like two mirrors etc.
 I've never said I was going to ignore Barry, to
 the contrary.

No, you're right, and that wasn't my point -- it was simply that you 
both *continue to pay attention to each other* -- to resonate on the 
same frequency, more or less, he-said, she-said, into infinity. 
That's all. That's all that's required. It really *is* quite 
 He *wishes* I would ignore him. Desperately.

Maybe. Maybe a part of him does, and a part of him doesn't. How can 
we really know?
 But I don't care in the slightest if he ignores
 me; I'll continue to comment on his sophistry as
 I see fit.

As well you should! What good is one hand clapping?

  So beautiful! Author, author! :-)
 Wrong play, sorry.

Apologies accepted :-)

[FairfieldLife] Invincibility

2007-06-04 Thread bob_brigante
Invincibility - an Absolute
by Dr Geoffrey Clements

TM News, UKTranslate This Article
4 June 2007

Maharishi's programme to bring Invincibility to every nation reveals 
some profound principles of nature's functioning. Although the 
word 'invincibility' is not always applied in describing systems in 
nature, it is found as a principle and as a phenomenon everywhere. 

In the early twentieth century, the founding fathers of quantum 
physics grappled with the new phenomena they were discovering. 
Earlier it had been held, for example, that atoms were indivisible 
units of Nature—indeed, this is the origin of the word 'atom.' 

Experiments then revealed that the atom actually consists of two 
major components; a nucleus (first thought to be itself indivisible, 
and later found to have its own component parts), and the electrons, 
which performed some sort of motion around the central nucleus. 

But there was a problem: a rotating body with an electric charge—the 
electron—will lose its energy, by emitting energy. This was the 
principle underlying classical electromagnetism. Yet this clearly 
does not happen. The motion is sustained, and the energy is constant. 

The old classical principle was 'a rotating electric charge will lose 
energy.' A new principle, not yet understood, was enunciated: 'an 
electron, in its rotation around the nucleus, does not lose energy.' 

The theoretical understanding for this was later developed as quantum 
mechanics unfolded. The motion of an electron around the nucleus is 
described not as a classical orbit (like the orbits of the planets 
around the sun), but by 'orbitals', a newly defined type of motion. 
Orbitals were described through the concept of the wave function, 
which is used in quantum mechanics to describe the state of an 

This example illustrates the discovery of levels of non-change and 
immutability underlying change in Nature. Atoms interact with each 
other in a systematic and non-changing manner as a result of the 
immutability of the states that we know as orbitals. 

Parallel phenomena are found everywhere in nature, and this has 
helped in defining the scientific understanding of invincibility. In 
each case it is found that a layer of change is founded on a deeper 
level—a level of non-change. 

This principle is depicted in a series of charts from Maharishi Vedic 
University. In this series, each chart considers a discipline of 
modern science, and in every case it can be seen that true 
invincibility exists only at the deepest level—which can be equated 
with the Unified Field of all the laws of nature. 

At other, more expressed levels, there may be some level of 
immutability, but not full invincibility. This principle is the basis 
for Maharishi's programme to create invincibility for every nation. 
The examples from modern science teach us the following: 
invincibility cannot be realised without taking recourse to the 
absolute unchanging field of pure existence. 

Invincibility cannot be created by force. This is why all attempts to 
create immunity from attack by military force, treaties, or other 
means have foundered. Not even the most powerful nation can defend 
itself, and furthermore, the very act of using force itself creates 

In contrast, Maharishi's scientifically based programme for creating 
an invincible nation is also a programme to create peace. The 
principles of invincibility found in the various scientific 
disciplines demonstrate that invincibility is also a state of 
integration, unity, and peace. Invincibility is absolute. 

Through implementing Maharishi's programme for true Invincibility, we 
can also bring the other absolute qualities of peace, stability, and 
harmony to every nation and the world. 

Copyright © TM News UK; www.tmnews.net. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread Richard J. Williams
jstein wrote:
 So he apparently dropped her off at Madanapalle
 and continued south.

Maybe so, but I think Marshy got the idea to actually 
go to the South from the other sadhu - before that it 
was just a thought. The other sadhu actually gave Marshy 
the impetus to go. 

According to Robert Hollings, One day, while meditating, 
Maharishi had the thought that he should go to a certain 
village in India. He had no idea why he should go there, 
and at first he just ignored it. However, the thought 
persisted, and eventually he decided to mention it to 
his companion.

Apparently, this same thought kept coming to Maharishi 
over quite a long period. The first time that he 
mentioned it, the other replied that it was just a 
meaningless thought, and it would pass. However, it did 
not pass, and although Maharishi hesitated to bring it 
up again, he eventually did so. When this had occured 
several times, the companion eventually said that 
Maharishi had better go to this village, and then he 
would see that there was nothing there and could come 
back to meditate in peace (Hollings, 1982).

This is holy ground, his companion said. All the 
rest is just mud.

Work Cited:

'Transcendental Meditation'
An Introduction to the practice and aims of TM
by Robert Hollings
The Aquarian Press, 1982
ISBN 0-85030-240-4
p. 82 - 83 

Read more:

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: willytex
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001
Subject: Holy Ground

[FairfieldLife] Smallpox back in India?

2007-06-04 Thread bob_brigante
Smallpox killed 300 million people in the 20th Century alone, three 
times the number killed in 20th Century wars


Today's Times of India:

Smallpox alert in northeast
4 Jun, 2007 l 1335 hrs ISTlIANS

AGARTALA: The central government has sounded a health alert in 
India's northeast asking authorities to take immediate precautionary 
measures following reports of a smallpox outbreak in Bangladesh and 
Myanmar, officials said Monday. 

Following the Centre's instruction, the Tripura government has made 
arrangements for free consultation and health checkups in all the 
districts and sub-divisions, especially those along the bordering 
areas, Tripura's Health Director Jagannath Muhuri said. 

A large number of patients from Bangladesh have been taking medical 
treatment in various hospitals in Tripura. 

We are taking extra precautionary measures in areas where we found 
patients coming from Bangladesh, the health director told 

The fatal smallpox has been reported in Rajshahi and Mymensingh 
districts of Bangladesh and Myanmar. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has sent expert medical teams to 
the two countries and asked all neighbouring countries to take 
precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the disease. 

Newspaper reports said the West Bengal government also alerted its 
health officials about possible outbreak of the disease, which 
according to WHO was eradicated in 1984. 

We have also instructed doctors and health workers to take necessary 
help from the Border Security Force (BSF) and Assam Rifles as and 
when required, Muhuri added. 

He also urged the people to be careful about any person crossing over 
to India from neighbouring Bangladesh with symptoms of smallpox - 
like fever and rashes - and requested them to report to the health 
centre immediately. 

The official said the Indian High Commission in Dhaka had informed 
the external affairs ministry about the spread of smallpox in 
Bangladesh and Myanmar last week. 

India shares a 4,095 km long border with Bangladesh, of which Tripura 
accounts for about 856 km. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
What's really amazing is that he uses the same
identical tactics over and over and *over*
again, without any success whatsoever.
  Rory Goff wrote:
   Actually, I think he's been *highly* successful -- he got
   you to bite yet again, didn't he?
  authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  I don't think you're reading what I'm writing,
  Rory. Try again:
He's been trying for *years*--here and on 
alt.m.t--to get people to stop responding to
me by pretending that so few people bother to
respond to Judy's posts any more.
 *lol* Yes, it reads exactly the same the second time around. Funny 
 about that! I (still) understand what you think he wants; you 
 he's unsuccessfully trying to get people to ignore you. You may be 
 right; I don't know. Now, do *you* understand what *I* suggested? 
 Instead of merely repeating it, I will try rephrasing (see below).
   Perhaps it's not really so much about whether or not other 
   respond to you, but whether or not *you* respond to *him*.
  Rory, with all due respect, you're not exactly
  tuned in here.
 You're right! I'm not tuned in to agree completely with what *you* 
 are saying. It's not that I didn't understand it; I was offering a 
 different look at it. To rephrase: I am suggesting that what Barry 
 *says* he wants, and what he *really* wants, may not be the same 
 thing. He *says* he wants people to ignore you; what he may really 
 want, is to continue to engage you, to nip you -- to do whatever
 it takes to irritate and get a rise out of you, virtually 
 regardless of the seeming content of his posts. If so, I'd say his 
 tactics appear to be working beautifully, and have been *for 
 years*. N'est-ce pas?

If so, yes, but it's not so. You've got what he says
wrong, which is why I said you weren't tuned in.

What you got *right* is that what he says he wants
isn't what he wants.

And what he says is contradictory. So it's no wonder
you haven't quite been following it all.

On the one hand, he says people shouldn't respond
to me. This part is actually true; he wishes
people wouldn't respond to me.

On the other hand, he *also* says explicitly (this
is the part you're missing) that he wants me to
respond to what he calls his button-pushing. This
is the part that *isn't* true. It's designed to
embarrass me into not commenting on his posts.

Seriously, now. If you were Barry, would you want
me to comment on your posts?

Of course, on other occasions he also professes
great frustration at my trashing his posts.
That's another one that's actually true.

When you've been exposed to Barry over a long
period, you catch on to the pattern, because it's
repeated over and over. The only way he knows how
to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
That has never worked with me. But he really has
no idea how to do anything *else*, so he just
keeps doing the same things.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . .

2007-06-04 Thread t3rinity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 
  there's a PhD dissertation on the history of the tm mov't that's
  online (and I don't remember where I put the link) that states that
  MMY accompanied an aunt to the south of india on that first trip to
  rameswaram.  the guy seems to have done his research and came up
  with that fact, which means a whole mythology about the inspiration
  for that trip may have come up after the fact.  has anyone else 
  heard about MMY taking a family member with him to rameswaram.
 No, the mythology is right there in the
 dissertation, along with the ailing aunt.
 From the dissertation by Jay Randolph Coplin:
 After about one year of ascetic seclusion at Uttarkashi, in a place 
 called valley of the saints, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi accompanied his 
 ailing aunt from Calcutta to a medical facility at Madanapalle in the 
 southern state of Andhra Pradesh. By his own admission, he was 
 responding not only to the request of his relative but more directly 
 to an irrepressible impulse to go south and visit the temples of 
 pilgrimage at Kanchi, Rameshwaram, and Kanya Kumari. 
 So he apparently dropped her off at Madanapalle
 and continued south.

And came back. He was all in all in Madanapalle 2-4 month, not
continously, but in at least two intervalls. I think I have narrated
here the story, that I met a man, now 83 or so, who met and was
initiated  by   Maharishi there. He also mentioned that the Maharaja
of Cochin was Maharishis devotee. There is a building there called
Maharishi Mandir. I made photos of it, if you want i can upload them.
Narayan Ayer still met Maharishi in 1984 when he was last in India.
Madanapalle is slightely higher than Bangalore and therefore cooler.
At the time Maharishi was there it had a population of 10.000 people,
now it must be 100 or 200.000. Madanapalle is known for its hospitals
for treating tuberculosis. Nowadays its about 1 1/2 hours from
Bangalore by car, and 4 hours from Madras. Narayan Ayer also told a
story were M. initiated about 200 people after he returned the last
time, still before going o the west. He also took planes within India
already. Kanya Kumari, apart from being an important shakti peetha, is
also the place where Vivekananda had his vision of rejuvanating the
Swami order and going to the west. There is a Vivekanada island there.
The story is well known and Maharishi must have been inspired by it.
Narayan Ayer mentioned Vivekananda and how Maharsihi was wondering if
his white dress (instead of the Swami orange) would make him accepted
in the west. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Request to Rick to burn my months posts for Ron Paul

2007-06-04 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
Paul doesn't want to cut taxes -- he wants to TOTALLY 
taxes. And to do that, he would cut government spending by a 
Given that  entitlements and debt service take up a large 
the budget, this means most discretionary funding would be 
for education, energy policy, expanded health care, science 
etc. Are you and others who like Paul really behind these 
you in favor of such policies?
   Incorrect. If you actually listen to his reasoning you will 
   his policy would actually INCREASE money available for 
   energy policy, health care, science research, etc.by 
 FAR !!!   
   This is his WHOLE POINT ! It is a rational approach.
   But you are right, most people in the country probably are not 
   enough to understand this reasoning.
  OK, I will read more. I have seen 2-3 of his speeches and read a 
  of his congressional and campaign websights. They are kind of 
  on his range of proposed policies.
  I one speech I heard today, he said that government spending 
  have to be radically reduced. That we could not depend on 
  for many of the things we do now. I perhaps incorrectly inferred 
  this was education, health, energy, etc.
 No, you weren't incorrect.
 I reproduced for off_world where he stands on many of these issues 
 and, if anything, your 30% figure for reducing government wasn't 
 enough: I produced a quote from him that indicated 60%.
 Be clear: this man is beyond being a libertarian: he is an anarcho-
 And although he hasn't said it explicitly, if you read between the 
 lines, he doesn't believe in global warming.

You are the radical one Shemp, a warmongering aggressive little man 
that knows nothing of how the world works. You and Bush...Hence the 
mess in Iraq that you supported, which was EXTREMISM at its worst. 
Ron Pail was against it.

And you are wrong about the financial aspect. Military spending is 
50% of government's spending budget (take out Social Security from 
the pie chart because it is a trust fund previously paid by the 
people - like putting money in the bank - it does not belong to the 

 Ron Paul would not be a warmonger and would save the county 
trillions of dollars for health care, education, science research 

You know nothing about Ron Paul and have produced nothing of radical 
note about him. He is a middle of the road, fiscally conservative, 

You are the radical Shemp, not him.

People don't listen to the anarchist Shemp about Ron Paul. Just look 
at Ron Paul's voting record, very consistent, and clear. That is who 
he is - a true consitutionalist, pacifist, modelling his policies on 
those of the founding fathers and the original Republican ideals.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only way he knows how
 to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
 That has never worked with me. 

Uh-huh. Who has just been suckered into making
27 of her 35 posts for the week in only slightly 
over 24 hours? Who is going to waste at least one
and probably more posts answering this one, all
the while claiming that she's not being manipulated?


And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj. 

All he had to do was keep replying, and you took 
yourself out of the game. After you've done not 
being manipulated by this post, you'll be sitting
in the penalty box for the rest of the week, still 
never having been manipulated.  

THAT was one of Rory's points, the one you missed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  The only way he knows how
  to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
  That has never worked with me. 
 Uh-huh. Who has just been suckered into making
 27 of her 35 posts for the week in only slightly 
 over 24 hours? Who is going to waste at least one
 and probably more posts answering this one, all
 the while claiming that she's not being manipulated?
 And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj. 
 All he had to do was keep replying, and you took 
 yourself out of the game. After you've done not 
 being manipulated by this post, you'll be sitting
 in the penalty box for the rest of the week, still 
 never having been manipulated.  

This is fun.

NOW you have to figure out what my manipulation
is THIS time.  :-)

Am I trying to goad you into replying a bunch more
times so that you foul out, OR am I sneakily 
trying to get you to shut up, and conserve your
last 8 posts?

Oh, the quandary. Oh, the anguish. 

Do you begin to see the drawbacks of having to
compulsively reply to protect the small s self?  :-)

Over and out. You deal with it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  The only way he knows how
  to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
  That has never worked with me. 
 Uh-huh. Who has just been suckered into making
 27 of her 35 posts for the week in only slightly 
 over 24 hours? Who is going to waste at least one
 and probably more posts answering this one, all
 the while claiming that she's not being manipulated?
 And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj. 
 All he had to do was keep replying, and you took 
 yourself out of the game. After you've done not 
 being manipulated by this post, you'll be sitting
 in the penalty box for the rest of the week, still 
 never having been manipulated.  
 THAT was one of Rory's points, the one you missed.

Looks like she got you that time. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   The only way he knows how
   to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
   That has never worked with me. 
  Uh-huh. Who has just been suckered into making
  27 of her 35 posts for the week in only slightly 
  over 24 hours? Who is going to waste at least one
  and probably more posts answering this one, all
  the while claiming that she's not being manipulated?
  And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj. 
  All he had to do was keep replying, and you took 
  yourself out of the game. After you've done not 
  being manipulated by this post, you'll be sitting
  in the penalty box for the rest of the week, still 
  never having been manipulated.  
  THAT was one of Rory's points, the one you missed.
 Looks like she got you that time. :-)

One way to deal with paranoids is to pander to 
their fantasies.  :-)

Or, saying it another way, one way to deal with 
humans who have come to believe that their ego 
is real is to pander to that ego *as if* it were
real...support its fantasies...and allow the 
fantasies to lead the human into suffering...which
will eventually lead it to liberation. 

If you'd spent more time with a hands on teacher,
you'd recognize the technique.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If so, yes, but it's not so. You've got what he says
 wrong, which is why I said you weren't tuned in.
 What you got *right* is that what he says he wants
 isn't what he wants.
 And what he says is contradictory. So it's no wonder
 you haven't quite been following it all.
 On the one hand, he says people shouldn't respond
 to me. This part is actually true; he wishes
 people wouldn't respond to me.

Yes, I think he is probably honestly expressing a part of himself 
 On the other hand, he *also* says explicitly (this
 is the part you're missing) that he wants me to
 respond to what he calls his button-pushing. 

Yes, you're quite right; I do recall his explicitly having said this 
in the past. However, I think it's quite possible he has (in part) 
also been telling the truth here. In fact, I think it's likely he has 
*always* been partly telling the truth, and partly lying, as he most 
likely consists of numerous particles who aren't always in agreement, 
as I think he's also said. 

This does not make him particularly *spiritual* of course -- just in 
recognition of his own brilliantly Eclectic multidimensionality (if 
you like him) or horrendously slimy lack of integrity (if you don't 
like him). :-) 

Personally, I've found that this awareness of all-the-varied-
particles has been a *huge* step toward actually *gaining* integrity, 
particularly when I've *stopped* denying them/mindlessly identifying 
with them and started truly Witnessing them, paying detached/loving 
attention to them, hearing them and allowing them to hear Me, so that 
we may come together into a physical synthesis that allows all our 
goals to be met -- truly allows us to sing together and manifest our 
shared paradise.

 is the part that *isn't* true. It's designed to
 embarrass me into not commenting on his posts.

Could be; I don't really know. Getting you to feel embarassed, I can 
see, because I've been there (see below). But to embarass you into 
not commenting? Maybe so, maybe not. How can we really know? It would 
seem you are making him out to be a *total moron* if his true motive 
has been only to shut you up, since obviously, as you point out, this 
tactic hasn't even remotely worked in God-knows-how-many years. 

Now I *do* know that parts of us (or parts of me, anyway) indeed 
appear to be essentially moronic, unthinking, repetitive habit-
patterns that continually fail to accomplish the stated motives of 
the larger self. But I've found on closer look that these habit-
patterns are usually sustained because they *are* accomplishing their 
own goals as best they might; they're actually quite content with the 
status quo, and/or are afraid of what the alternative(s) might bring 
them. So that's my hypothesis here: that on the level of the patterns 
doing the interacting, both you and Barry *are* quite content with 
the status quo. The fact that this status quo hasn't changed in so 
many years tends to support my hypothesis. In other words, it's what 
IS, so it must be Perfect! :-)

You yourself showed me this, when I was trying to help you into 
seeing your own enlightenment: we don't really need help, we just 
need to be appreciated where we are. Well, now I *do* appreciate 
where you are, very much, because *you* do, and you showed me that; 
you showed me your infinite beauty as You ARE. I was just commenting 
that I see the same infinite beauty between you and Barry as It IS, 
but if your bliss consists in not acknowledging that, then that's 
also infinitely beautiful as It IS, and I am content with that. 
Either way, I bow down to your infinite resplendent beauty.

 Seriously, now. If you were Barry, would you want
 me to comment on your posts?

*lol* You're funny! But honestly, how would I know what Barry really 
wants? All I can see is what he shows me about myself, the stories 
and patterns we awaken between Us; In himself he is (as far as I can 
see) Nothing/Everything/Pure Radiant ISness, just like everything and 
everyone else. As he himself has pointed out, the very act of being 
attended to, of having a number of minds read one's posting, can be 
quite a rush, quite addicting in itself. I wouldn't at all be 
surprised if *that* was what was really behind this lovely dance. I 
do remember as a kid I *loved* to tease my brothers, to get a rise 
out of them. Same thing, maybe. Attention, excitement, maybe even a 
fight! Yay! :-)

Years later, my younger brother very kindly lent me his diaries from 
those years, and I found that I had unconsciously acted out this kind 
of behavior on my siblings *invariably* right after my Dad had pulled 
something really kooky, really violent, on us. (He was a brilliant 
man, very charming, but had serious addictive and id-control issues, 
rather like a dry drunk -- stemming, perhaps, from temporal-lobe 
injuries sustained from motorcycle accidents, or maybe not.) Anyhow, 
even at the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  The only way he knows how
  to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
  That has never worked with me. But he really has
  no idea how to do anything *else*, so he just
  keeps doing the same things.
 Uh-huh. Who has just been suckered into making
 27 of her 35 posts for the week in only slightly 
 over 24 hours? Who is going to waste at least one
 and probably more posts answering this one, all
 the while claiming that she's not being manipulated?

(Says Barry, as he just keeps doing the same things.)

Ya just don't get it, Barry. I respond to what
*I* want to respond to, whether you want me to
or not.

As I said to Rory: If he were you, would he want
me to respond to his posts?

 And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.

Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
about his faux-Google search, until he finally
got so strung out he became incoherent.

All of which served my purposes very well indeed.

 All he had to do was keep replying, and you took 
 yourself out of the game. After you've done not 
 being manipulated by this post, you'll be sitting
 in the penalty box for the rest of the week, still 
 never having been manipulated.

Um, no, I'll still have seven posts left until I
take off again. And the ones I've used were well
worth it.

Boy, you're obsessed with keeping track of how
many posts I make!  Why is that, dude?

 THAT was one of Rory's points, the one you missed.

Um, no, I don't think that was one of Rory's
points. I think that was one you imagined.

What does it say about you, Barry, that you want
me to run out of posts? What are you so afraid of?

Think carefully before you answer that. You
haven't left yourself many options here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
The only way he knows how
to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
That has never worked with me. 
   Uh-huh. Who has just been suckered into making
   27 of her 35 posts for the week in only slightly 
   over 24 hours? Who is going to waste at least one
   and probably more posts answering this one, all
   the while claiming that she's not being manipulated?
   And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj. 
   All he had to do was keep replying, and you took 
   yourself out of the game. After you've done not 
   being manipulated by this post, you'll be sitting
   in the penalty box for the rest of the week, still 
   never having been manipulated.  
   THAT was one of Rory's points, the one you missed.
  Looks like she got you that time. :-)
 One way to deal with paranoids is to pander to 
 their fantasies.  :-)
 Or, saying it another way, one way to deal with 
 humans who have come to believe that their ego 
 is real is to pander to that ego *as if* it were
 real...support its fantasies...and allow the 
 fantasies to lead the human into suffering...which
 will eventually lead it to liberation. 
 If you'd spent more time with a hands on teacher,
 you'd recognize the technique.

Looks like I got you that time. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Looks like I got you that time. :-)

Looks like You ALL got me! Dang, I LOVE You guys! :-) :-) :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Vaj

On Jun 4, 2007, at 7:09 PM, authfriend wrote:

 And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.

Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
about his faux-Google search, until he finally
got so strung out he became incoherent.

I pointed out the precise nature of Gratzon's book as it directly  
relates to 'do nothing, achieve everything', how he conceals the  
principle with a catchy title and how it links to literally hundreds  
of web sites.

There was nothing more to say once the point was made clear. I'd even  
go further and say that Mahesh's 'do nothing, achieve everything'  
sales pitch is one of the more popular new age gimmicks out there.  
Given my own first hand experience of the same phenom and numerous  
others on this very list, it's pretty damn clear what a dissembler,  
manipulator, red herring merchant and liar you really are.

Not that I (or many here) were at all surprised. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread Vaj

On Jun 4, 2007, at 6:28 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only way he knows how
 to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
 That has never worked with me.

Uh-huh. Who has just been suckered into making
27 of her 35 posts for the week in only slightly
over 24 hours? Who is going to waste at least one
and probably more posts answering this one, all
the while claiming that she's not being manipulated?

Tune in next week as I get Judy to use her posts in record time with  
the return of my favorite topic:

The Effortless Lie III

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jun 4, 2007, at 7:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
   And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.
  Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
  to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
  lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
  about his faux-Google search, until he finally
  got so strung out he became incoherent.
 I pointed out the precise nature of Gratzon's book as it directly  
 relates to 'do nothing, achieve everything', how he conceals the  
 principle with a catchy title


Right, Vaj. The title is The Lazy Way to Success:
How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything. That
sure is a great way to conceal the principle, by
putting it in the title of the book.

 and how it links to literally hundreds of web sites.

But none of that has ever been in dispute, of course.

Here's the lie Vaj told:

if you do a web search for 'Do nothing and accomplish
everything' the phrase is usually tied to get rich
quick schemes.

In fact, virtually every Google hit on the phrase
is tied to Gratzon's book, which is not, of course,
a get rich quick scheme.

What Vaj wanted readers to believe was that there
were multiple get-rich-quick schemes--pyramid schemes,
Ponzi schemes, multilevel marketing schemes, real
estate schemes, etc.--out there being perpetrated by
TMers using Do nothing and accomplish everything as
the hook.

That wasn't true. Vaj knew it wasn't true.

Now, the lie having been exposed, in desperation
Vaj is trying to pretend Gratzon's book is itself
a get-rich-quick scheme. But not only is that not
what he said initially, it's not true either.

Gratzon's book, as I've already noted, is very
much along the create-your-own-reality lines of
The Secret, but geared specifically toward
business. There are no schemes in it. It's pop 
psychology/philosophy with mystical overtones.

As Vaj knows, I hold no brief for Gratzon's
approach. My only point is that it isn't what
Vaj claims, a get-rich-quick scheme. Someone
might well use the approach to attempt to get
rich quickly, but that's quite different from
what Vaj wanted readers to think when he made
his initial comment.

Nor, as Vaj also knows, have I ever suggested
TMers have *not* been involved in actual get-
rich-quick schemes, either as perpetrators or
dupes. That wasn't what I was addressing.

But Vaj has knowingly falsely claimed it was my
argument, using all kinds of ad hominem: that I
didn't know what I was talking about because I
was only on the periphery of the movement (I'm
not even on the periphery and have said so many
times, but that's totally irrelevant to the issue
of Vaj's lie), that I was a course reject
(completely false), that I have led a sequestered
life (laughably false), that I have dissembled
and attempted to suppress something-or-other (by
that time he was so incoherent I couldn't even be
sure what he was accusing me of).

None of this was true, not a single word, and Vaj
knows it.

 There was nothing more to say once the point was made clear.
 I'd even go further and say that Mahesh's 'do nothing,
 achieve everything' sales pitch is one of the more popular
 new age gimmicks out there.

Of course it is. It's been around practically
forever in one form or another. That was never
in dispute, Vaj's silly attempts to make it the
issue notwithstanding.

 Given my own first hand experience of the same phenom and
 numerous others on this very list, it's pretty damn clear
 what a dissembler, manipulator, red herring merchant and
 liar you really are.
 Not that I (or many here) were at all surprised. ;-)

In his desperate attempts to confuse the issue
so as to cover up the fact of his original lie,
Vaj has piled lies on top of lies. And he's still
at it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread new . morning
People are being slaughtered in Darfur, the planet is beginning to
roast and the ice-caps melting, some are sleeping on the streets
tonight, others are sick with no healthcare, a number of alzheimer's
patients are in dreaded fear because they can't remember where they
are, who these people are, and even who they are, AIDs is devestating
Africa, the bush administation and a good portion of congress continue
to lie through their teeth, the education system is in crises, smog
chokes many cities, bad stuff keeps popping up in the food supply, 12
million immigrants are in the US illegally -- yet with little
prospects back home, terrorists plot and plot, Iraq is a quagmire, the
deficit is out of control, medicare is doomed .. the the worst lie,
injustice and the thing that needs fixing the most in your heirarchy
of things that need fixing is that 2 months ago Vaj slurred a story in
which he made a low consequence assertion incorrectly??? !!! 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Jun 4, 2007, at 7:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.
   Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
   to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
   lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
   about his faux-Google search, until he finally
   got so strung out he became incoherent.
  I pointed out the precise nature of Gratzon's book as it directly  
  relates to 'do nothing, achieve everything', how he conceals the  
  principle with a catchy title
 Right, Vaj. The title is The Lazy Way to Success:
 How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything. That
 sure is a great way to conceal the principle, by
 putting it in the title of the book.
  and how it links to literally hundreds of web sites.
 But none of that has ever been in dispute, of course.
 Here's the lie Vaj told:
 if you do a web search for 'Do nothing and accomplish
 everything' the phrase is usually tied to get rich
 quick schemes.
 In fact, virtually every Google hit on the phrase
 is tied to Gratzon's book, which is not, of course,
 a get rich quick scheme.
 What Vaj wanted readers to believe was that there
 were multiple get-rich-quick schemes--pyramid schemes,
 Ponzi schemes, multilevel marketing schemes, real
 estate schemes, etc.--out there being perpetrated by
 TMers using Do nothing and accomplish everything as
 the hook.
 That wasn't true. Vaj knew it wasn't true.
 Now, the lie having been exposed, in desperation
 Vaj is trying to pretend Gratzon's book is itself
 a get-rich-quick scheme. But not only is that not
 what he said initially, it's not true either.
 Gratzon's book, as I've already noted, is very
 much along the create-your-own-reality lines of
 The Secret, but geared specifically toward
 business. There are no schemes in it. It's pop 
 psychology/philosophy with mystical overtones.
 As Vaj knows, I hold no brief for Gratzon's
 approach. My only point is that it isn't what
 Vaj claims, a get-rich-quick scheme. Someone
 might well use the approach to attempt to get
 rich quickly, but that's quite different from
 what Vaj wanted readers to think when he made
 his initial comment.
 Nor, as Vaj also knows, have I ever suggested
 TMers have *not* been involved in actual get-
 rich-quick schemes, either as perpetrators or
 dupes. That wasn't what I was addressing.
 But Vaj has knowingly falsely claimed it was my
 argument, using all kinds of ad hominem: that I
 didn't know what I was talking about because I
 was only on the periphery of the movement (I'm
 not even on the periphery and have said so many
 times, but that's totally irrelevant to the issue
 of Vaj's lie), that I was a course reject
 (completely false), that I have led a sequestered
 life (laughably false), that I have dissembled
 and attempted to suppress something-or-other (by
 that time he was so incoherent I couldn't even be
 sure what he was accusing me of).
 None of this was true, not a single word, and Vaj
 knows it.
  There was nothing more to say once the point was made clear.
  I'd even go further and say that Mahesh's 'do nothing,
  achieve everything' sales pitch is one of the more popular
  new age gimmicks out there.
 Of course it is. It's been around practically
 forever in one form or another. That was never
 in dispute, Vaj's silly attempts to make it the
 issue notwithstanding.
  Given my own first hand experience of the same phenom and
  numerous others on this very list, it's pretty damn clear
  what a dissembler, manipulator, red herring merchant and
  liar you really are.
  Not that I (or many here) were at all surprised. ;-)
 In his desperate attempts to confuse the issue
 so as to cover up the fact of his original lie,
 Vaj has piled lies on top of lies. And he's still
 at it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Jun 4, 2007, at 7:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.
   Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
   to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
   lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
   about his faux-Google search, until he finally
   got so strung out he became incoherent.
  I pointed out the precise nature of Gratzon's book as it 
  relates to 'do nothing, achieve everything', how he conceals 
  principle with a catchy title
 Right, Vaj. The title is The Lazy Way to Success:
 How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything. That
 sure is a great way to conceal the principle, by
 putting it in the title of the book.
  and how it links to literally hundreds of web sites.
 But none of that has ever been in dispute, of course.
 Here's the lie Vaj told:
 if you do a web search for 'Do nothing and accomplish
 everything' the phrase is usually tied to get rich
 quick schemes.
 In fact, virtually every Google hit on the phrase
 is tied to Gratzon's book, which is not, of course,
 a get rich quick scheme.
 What Vaj wanted readers to believe was that there
 were multiple get-rich-quick schemes--pyramid schemes,
 Ponzi schemes, multilevel marketing schemes, real
 estate schemes, etc.--out there being perpetrated by
 TMers using Do nothing and accomplish everything as
 the hook.
 That wasn't true. Vaj knew it wasn't true.
 Now, the lie having been exposed, in desperation
 Vaj is trying to pretend Gratzon's book is itself
 a get-rich-quick scheme. But not only is that not
 what he said initially, it's not true either.
 Gratzon's book, as I've already noted, is very
 much along the create-your-own-reality lines of
 The Secret, but geared specifically toward
 business. There are no schemes in it. It's pop 
 psychology/philosophy with mystical overtones.
 As Vaj knows, I hold no brief for Gratzon's
 approach. My only point is that it isn't what
 Vaj claims, a get-rich-quick scheme. Someone
 might well use the approach to attempt to get
 rich quickly, but that's quite different from
 what Vaj wanted readers to think when he made
 his initial comment.
 Nor, as Vaj also knows, have I ever suggested
 TMers have *not* been involved in actual get-
 rich-quick schemes, either as perpetrators or
 dupes. That wasn't what I was addressing.
 But Vaj has knowingly falsely claimed it was my
 argument, using all kinds of ad hominem: that I
 didn't know what I was talking about because I
 was only on the periphery of the movement (I'm
 not even on the periphery and have said so many
 times, but that's totally irrelevant to the issue
 of Vaj's lie), that I was a course reject
 (completely false), that I have led a sequestered
 life (laughably false), that I have dissembled
 and attempted to suppress something-or-other (by
 that time he was so incoherent I couldn't even be
 sure what he was accusing me of).
 None of this was true, not a single word, and Vaj
 knows it.
  There was nothing more to say once the point was made clear.
  I'd even go further and say that Mahesh's 'do nothing,
  achieve everything' sales pitch is one of the more popular
  new age gimmicks out there.
 Of course it is. It's been around practically
 forever in one form or another. That was never
 in dispute, Vaj's silly attempts to make it the
 issue notwithstanding.
  Given my own first hand experience of the same phenom and
  numerous others on this very list, it's pretty damn clear
  what a dissembler, manipulator, red herring merchant and
  liar you really are.
  Not that I (or many here) were at all surprised. ;-)
 In his desperate attempts to confuse the issue
 so as to cover up the fact of his original lie,
 Vaj has piled lies on top of lies. And he's still
 at it.

I am beginning to think that Vaj means House of Cards in 

[FairfieldLife] Once again, killing time.

2007-06-04 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
Vaj writes:snipped
The basic reason often given is that cultivation of siddhis thru  
samyama causes one to become vyuthana or outward and attached to  
the outer world.

Tom T
The Sutras of Patanjali are a description not a prescription as so
many have supposed. Read them after thirty years of practice and
recognize how much of what is presented is now your day to day
experience. Tom T

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 People are being slaughtered in Darfur, the planet is beginning to
 roast and the ice-caps melting, some are sleeping on the streets
 tonight, others are sick with no healthcare, a number of 
 patients are in dreaded fear because they can't remember where they
 are, who these people are, and even who they are, AIDs is 
 Africa, the bush administation and a good portion of congress 
 to lie through their teeth, the education system is in crises, smog
 chokes many cities, bad stuff keeps popping up in the food supply, 
 million immigrants are in the US illegally -- yet with little
 prospects back home, terrorists plot and plot, Iraq is a quagmire, 
 deficit is out of control, medicare is doomed .. the the worst lie,
 injustice and the thing that needs fixing the most in your 
 of things that need fixing is that 2 months ago Vaj slurred a 
story in
 which he made a low consequence assertion incorrectly??? !!! 
And you are hanging on every word it appears, drawing conclusions, 
leaping to logical inferences, making comparisons, perhaps even 
coming to judgment? Which one is attached to this pile of sentences, 
in lieu of agonizing over the world's ills? :-) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  People are being slaughtered in Darfur, the planet is beginning to
  roast and the ice-caps melting, some are sleeping on the streets
  tonight, others are sick with no healthcare, a number of 
  patients are in dreaded fear because they can't remember where they
  are, who these people are, and even who they are, AIDs is 
  Africa, the bush administation and a good portion of congress 
  to lie through their teeth, the education system is in crises, smog
  chokes many cities, bad stuff keeps popping up in the food supply, 
  million immigrants are in the US illegally -- yet with little
  prospects back home, terrorists plot and plot, Iraq is a quagmire, 
  deficit is out of control, medicare is doomed .. the the worst lie,
  injustice and the thing that needs fixing the most in your 
  of things that need fixing is that 2 months ago Vaj slurred a 
 story in
  which he made a low consequence assertion incorrectly??? !!! 
 And you are hanging on every word it appears, drawing conclusions, 
 leaping to logical inferences, making comparisons, perhaps even 
 coming to judgment? Which one is attached to this pile of sentences, 
 in lieu of agonizing over the world's ills? :-)

If your statement made much sense, and had at least a bare thin thread
of relevance or accuracy to me, I might try to respond. Sadly ...


[FairfieldLife] Hierarchy of Things Needing Fixing

2007-06-04 Thread new . morning

I have been inpsired, admittedly with a bit of bewildermnet, at your
recent clarion call (as I understood it) to correct all lies on FFL,
and hopefully beyond. And since injustice is a type of lie, or often a
result of lies, I asssumed (perhaps incorrectly) that your valiant
fight was also aimed at such broader targets in need of fixing.

And when I cautioned that we must pick our battles, we can't possibly
fight them all, you, as a valiant warrior of truth and justice (in my
eyes) threw such assertions to the ground, stomped on them as dirt, 
and suggested (as I understood it) that we must fight all the battles,
on every front. Inspiring, yes. Doable -- well, perhaps. I said, more
power to you. 

However, with a daily dose of lies, untruths distortions and poor
logic flamboyantly marching through FFL daily, I have been surprised
that you have not fought the good fight on all thee fronts. And
further, I thought .. people are being slaughtered in Darfur, the
planet is beginning to roast and the ice-caps melting, some are
sleeping on the streets tonight, others are sick with no healthcare, a
number of alzheimer's patients are in dreaded fear because they can't
remember where they are, who these people are, and even who they are,
AIDs is devestating Africa, the bush administation and a good portion
of congress continue to lie through their teeth, the education system
is in crises, smog chokes many cities, bad stuff keeps popping up in
the food supply, 12 million immigrants are in the US illegally -- yet
with little prospects back home, terrorists plot and plot, Iraq is a
quagmire, the deficit is out of control, medicare is doomed .. the the
worst lie, injustice and the thing that needs fixing the most in your
heirarchy of things that need fixing is that 2 months ago Vaj slurred
a story in which he made a low consequence assertion incorrectly??? !!!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Jun 4, 2007, at 7:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.
   Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
   to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
   lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
   about his faux-Google search, until he finally
   got so strung out he became incoherent.
  I pointed out the precise nature of Gratzon's book as it directly
  relates to 'do nothing, achieve everything', how he conceals the
  principle with a catchy title


 Right, Vaj. The title is The Lazy Way to Success:
 How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything. That
 sure is a great way to conceal the principle, by
 putting it in the title of the book.

  and how it links to literally hundreds of web sites.

 But none of that has ever been in dispute, of course.

 Here's the lie Vaj told:

 if you do a web search for 'Do nothing and accomplish
 everything' the phrase is usually tied to get rich
 quick schemes.

 In fact, virtually every Google hit on the phrase
 is tied to Gratzon's book, which is not, of course,
 a get rich quick scheme.

 What Vaj wanted readers to believe was that there
 were multiple get-rich-quick schemes--pyramid schemes,
 Ponzi schemes, multilevel marketing schemes, real
 estate schemes, etc.--out there being perpetrated by
 TMers using Do nothing and accomplish everything as
 the hook.

 That wasn't true. Vaj knew it wasn't true.

 Now, the lie having been exposed, in desperation
 Vaj is trying to pretend Gratzon's book is itself
 a get-rich-quick scheme. But not only is that not
 what he said initially, it's not true either.

 Gratzon's book, as I've already noted, is very
 much along the create-your-own-reality lines of
 The Secret, but geared specifically toward
 business. There are no schemes in it. It's pop
 psychology/philosophy with mystical overtones.

 As Vaj knows, I hold no brief for Gratzon's
 approach. My only point is that it isn't what
 Vaj claims, a get-rich-quick scheme. Someone
 might well use the approach to attempt to get
 rich quickly, but that's quite different from
 what Vaj wanted readers to think when he made
 his initial comment.

 Nor, as Vaj also knows, have I ever suggested
 TMers have *not* been involved in actual get-
 rich-quick schemes, either as perpetrators or
 dupes. That wasn't what I was addressing.

 But Vaj has knowingly falsely claimed it was my
 argument, using all kinds of ad hominem: that I
 didn't know what I was talking about because I
 was only on the periphery of the movement (I'm
 not even on the periphery and have said so many
 times, but that's totally irrelevant to the issue
 of Vaj's lie), that I was a course reject
 (completely false), that I have led a sequestered
 life (laughably false), that I have dissembled
 and attempted to suppress something-or-other (by
 that time he was so incoherent I couldn't even be
 sure what he was accusing me of).

 None of this was 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron Dector: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-06-04 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
   People are being slaughtered in Darfur, the planet is 
beginning to
   roast and the ice-caps melting, some are sleeping on the 
   tonight, others are sick with no healthcare, a number of 
   patients are in dreaded fear because they can't remember where 
   are, who these people are, and even who they are, AIDs is 
   Africa, the bush administation and a good portion of congress 
   to lie through their teeth, the education system is in crises, 
   chokes many cities, bad stuff keeps popping up in the food 
   million immigrants are in the US illegally -- yet with little
   prospects back home, terrorists plot and plot, Iraq is a 
   deficit is out of control, medicare is doomed .. the the worst 
   injustice and the thing that needs fixing the most in your 
   of things that need fixing is that 2 months ago Vaj slurred a 
  story in
   which he made a low consequence assertion incorrectly??? !!! 
  And you are hanging on every word it appears, drawing 
  leaping to logical inferences, making comparisons, perhaps even 
  coming to judgment? Which one is attached to this pile of 
  in lieu of agonizing over the world's ills? :-)
 If your statement made much sense, and had at least a bare thin 
 of relevance or accuracy to me, I might try to respond. Sadly ...

Why try to respond?? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hierarchy of Things Needing Fixing

2007-06-04 Thread authfriend
new morning, please go back and read what I
*actually* said, and rephrase your question
accordingly. Also please try to apply a bit
of logic to it. (If you do this, you may find
the question vanishes into the ether.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I have been inpsired, admittedly with a bit of bewildermnet, at your
 recent clarion call (as I understood it) to correct all lies on FFL,
 and hopefully beyond. And since injustice is a type of lie, or 
often a
 result of lies, I asssumed (perhaps incorrectly) that your valiant
 fight was also aimed at such broader targets in need of fixing.
 And when I cautioned that we must pick our battles, we can't 
 fight them all, you, as a valiant warrior of truth and justice (in 
 eyes) threw such assertions to the ground, stomped on them as dirt, 
 and suggested (as I understood it) that we must fight all the 
 on every front. Inspiring, yes. Doable -- well, perhaps. I said, 
 power to you. 
 However, with a daily dose of lies, untruths distortions and poor
 logic flamboyantly marching through FFL daily, I have been surprised
 that you have not fought the good fight on all thee fronts. And
 further, I thought .. people are being slaughtered in Darfur, the
 planet is beginning to roast and the ice-caps melting, some are
 sleeping on the streets tonight, others are sick with no 
healthcare, a
 number of alzheimer's patients are in dreaded fear because they 
 remember where they are, who these people are, and even who they 
 AIDs is devestating Africa, the bush administation and a good 
 of congress continue to lie through their teeth, the education 
 is in crises, smog chokes many cities, bad stuff keeps popping up in
 the food supply, 12 million immigrants are in the US illegally -- 
 with little prospects back home, terrorists plot and plot, Iraq is a
 quagmire, the deficit is out of control, medicare is doomed .. the 
 worst lie, injustice and the thing that needs fixing the most in 
 heirarchy of things that need fixing is that 2 months ago Vaj 
 a story in which he made a low consequence assertion 
incorrectly??? !!!