[FairfieldLife] Finally, global warming activism that would *work*

2009-12-05 Thread TurquoiseB
I like the enterprising nature of these women in Copenhagen.
All they need to do now is to link the free sex they're offering
to delegates to the conference to a Do something about it,
ferchrissakes vote to put some teeth into global pollution
and emissions laws. I think we all know that if they did that
they'd even have Shemp and BillyG fighting global warming. :-)

Prostitutes Offer Free Climate Summit Sex
By Politiken Staff  [Danish sex workers
are offering free sex to COP15 in order to defend their industry. ]
Danish sex workers are offering free sex to COP15 in order to defend
their industry.
Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards to city hotels warning
summit guests not to patronize Danish sex workers during the upcoming
conference. Now, the prostitutes have struck back, offering free sex to
anyone who produces one of the warnings.

Copenhagen's city council in conjunction with Lord Mayor Ritt
Bjerregaard sent postcards out to 160 Copenhagen hotels urging COP15
guests and delegates to 'Be sustainable - don't buy sex'.

ezial%21Middle2   Dear hotel owner, we would like to urge you not to
arrange contacts between hotel guests and prostitutes, the approach to
hotels says.
Now, Copenhagen prostitutes are up in arms, saying that the council has
no business meddling in their affairs. They have now offered free sex to
anyone who can produce one of the offending postcards and their COP15
identity card, according to the Web site avisen.dk.


According to the report, the move has been organized by the Sex Workers
Interest Group (SIO).

This is sheer discrimination. Ritt Bjerregaard is abusing her position
as Lord Mayor in using her power to prevent us carrying out our
perfectly legal job. I don't understand how she can be allowed to
contact people in this way, SIO Spokeswoman Susanne Møller tells

Møller adds that it is reprehensible and unfair that Copenhagen
politicians have chosen to use the UN Climate Summit as a platform for a
hetz against sex workers.

But they've done it and we have to defend ourselves, Møller says.

[FairfieldLife] Can MUM provide a control group for this study?

2009-12-05 Thread TurquoiseB
I doubt it. And both BillyG and JohnR are too old for the study
(it's looking for men in their twenties). But they might find a
few behind barbed wire in the pundits' compound. :-)

That said, I think that the statistic quoted in the article is a tad
disturbing, for two reasons. First, if single men view porn for
an average of 40 minutes three times a week and guys in com-
mitted relationships watch porn 1.7 times a week for 20 minutes,
1) that's just *way* too much porn-watching, and 2) doesn't the
duration of their porn-watching sessions suggest that the guys
with girlfriends just finish faster than the single guys? No wonder
they have to watch porn; their girlfriends are probably gettin'
it on elsewhere.  :-)
Men who haven't been exposed to porn are an endangered species.
If a guy claims he's never seen a porn, tell him there are a few
scientists who would like to have a word with him. A recent study
planned to compare men who watched hardcore movies
690.html  with those who didn't, except for one little problem...
scientists couldn't find anyone who hadn't been exposed to porn.

According to professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse, from the University of
Montreal, Canada, the study was meant to study the effects of

The objective of my work, he said, is to observe the impact of
pornography on the sexuality of men, and how it shapes their perception
of men and women.

Unfortunately, his team couldn't find a single man who hadn't been
exposed to it. We started our research seeking men in their twenties
who had never consumed pornography, he said, but we couldn't find

The study then morphed into an examination of those who do watch porn,
and it was found that single young men view it for an average of 40
minutes three times a week. That's compared to the 1.7 times a week for
20 minutes that guys in committed relationships watch.

It's weird to think that porn is so ubiquitous that they couldn't find a
single man who hasn't seen it. But then again, sex is the stuff of life,
so anyone not aware of it probably doesn't even have a computer.

So either the porn-virgin no longer exists, or he's in hiding, trying to
stay away from the internet. Call National Geographic if you spot him.

[FairfieldLife] Don't ask. Don't tell.

2009-12-05 Thread TurquoiseB



[FairfieldLife] Don't ask. Don't tell.

2009-12-05 Thread m 13


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's Timing of Troop Withdrawal in Afghanistan

2009-12-05 Thread nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 To All:
 President Obama is planning get the troops out of Afghanistan in time for the 
 next election.  If the plan works out, he can say that he finished the war 
 decisively.  But in reality, he's actually buying time to build the Afghan 
 army which will eventually carry the responsibility of protecting the current 
 regime in that country.
 Whether the Afghan army is ready or not, Obama will pull out the troops to 
 protect his own political interest.  If he fails to do so, he will be a one 
 term president.
 In my opinion, the Americans are sick and tired of this war.  It is draining 
 the economy and is causing the recession that we're still experiencing now.  
 At this time, we are living on borrowed time as far as the economy is 
 concerned.  We cannot continue spending dollars elsewhere without reducing 
 our national debt.
 If we don't heed the signs, the US economy will collapse.

 Have to wonder if it didn't start a while back.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ebineezer Scrooge

2009-12-05 Thread nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
You exist for some reason and I tend to think the rest of 
the universe does also.
   The 'YMMV' at the end of my post stands for 
   'Your Mileage May Vary.' Obviously it does.
   I see no reason to assume that there is a 
   reason for my existence in the universe. To 
   do so would entail postulating that the
   universe is sentient unto itself. I do not 
   so assume.
   But you can assume it if you want. When you
   figure out what my purpose is, drop me a line
   and share it with me, eh?  :-)
  I think it  was D. Shimoda that said you are here to find 
  out why you are here  sounds logical enough.
 I don't see why you are pursuing this. I have
 said clearly that if you want to spend your 
 life trying to figure out the reason for
 your being here, that's fine with me. It's 
 fine with me if D. Shimoda feels the same way.
 Me, I'd rather spend my life *being* here.
   That is fine with me- I just percieved you as being more than the result of 
random chaos.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dangerous Mysteries of Consciousness

2009-12-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5

  Dogma -- even dogma that seems to explain subjective
  experiences you've had -- doth NOT equal Truth. Never
  has, never will. 
  At best believing that it does is a pleasant mind-number,
  something to keep you from pondering the great questions
  of life because you've convinced yourself that you 
  already know the answer to them. At worst it's blind
  adherence to dogma, made even worse by the fact that 
  those spouting dogma often don't even *know* that they 
  are spouting -- and clinging to -- dogma. 
  You're smart enough to know, and to handle being told
  if you don't.

Thanks Turq, i know my experience. Is different from faith or belief. Just is. 
Is the incredible thing about a human life.

 Dear Turq of Sitges,
 is way beyond just a belief or anything you may think you believe.  If you 
 just want to argue and contend belief and not go beyond you'll not get out of 
 the mud.  That might take some discipline.  The knowledge is in the 
 experience and that is self-evident.  Spiritual people know their experience. 
  Is the opportunity of a lifetime.  
 And the un-spiritual?  By contrast, reading this earnest contending is like 
 watching that mud wrestling at the county fairs.  Lot of struggling and not a 
 lot of grace.  Will hope for more clarity for you in meditation.  
 Best Regards,
 -Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dangerous Mysteries of Consciousness

2009-12-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

Believe what you want?

 Or is it merely Just Another Subjective
 Experience? Could the experience of enlightenment -- 
 and one's view of what constitutes reality and Truth 
 from the *standpoint* of enlightenment -- be Just
 Another Subjective Experience?
 Much of spiritual practice and religion is predicated
 on a No answer to those last two questions above. They
 envision the world as a series of hierarchical truths,
 the highest of which is enlightenment. Anything per-
 ceived from that level *must*, in their view, be 
 equivalent to Truth. 
 I don't believe this. I think that the view from 
 enlightenment is Just Another Subjective Experience.
 And I'll continue thinking this even if someone 
 enlightened claims to know for sure that there is
 such a thing as being Barry.  :-)  :-)  :-)

Believe what you want, to be true?
And that might well be dangerous
according to just the science. Aside from actual spiritual experience.
Turq, on the one hand I do worry for you that you seem acting like an obstinate 
child contending this ignorant  un-spiritual position, though I also suspect 
you are way more knowing, even enlightened by experience, than you let on 
publicly defending such a position as this guy's denial, as public service.  
His is the important teaching to discern in a life.   a shame to miss the 

On this larger skepticism of this guy, there is a beautiful song written about 
this yearning kind of spiritual struggle.

Lord, I cannot let Thee go, 
Till a blessing Thou bestow;
Do not turn away Thy face, 
Mine's an urgent, pressing case. 

Dost Thou ask me who I am? 
Ah! my Lord, Thou know'st my name;
Yet the question gives a plea
To support my suit with Thee. 

Thou didst once a wretch behold,
In rebellion, blindly bold,
Scorn Thy grace, Thy pow'r defy;
That poor rebel, Lord, was I. 

King of Peace

Jai Adi Shankara,
-D in FF


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dangerous Mysteries of Consciousness

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 Dogma -- even dogma that seems to explain subjective
 experiences you've had -- doth NOT equal Truth. Never
 has, never will. 
 At best believing that it does is a pleasant mind-number,
 something to keep you from pondering the great questions
 of life because you've convinced yourself that you 
 already know the answer to them. At worst it's blind
 adherence to dogma, made even worse by the fact that 
 those spouting dogma often don't even *know* that they 
 are spouting -- and clinging to -- dogma.

No dogma is *adequate* to explain subjective
experience. For that matter, no *explanation* is
adequate to explain subjective experience.

One suspects that those who brush off subjective
experience as adherence to dogma have never had
much in the way of subjective experience (that is,
have never had much in the way of experience of the
nature of consciousness specifically; *all*
experience, by definition, is subjective).

The Truth of subjective experience of consciousness
is self-evident--which, in this context, does not
mean obvious. It means no explanation is
necessary or even possible; it's evident in terms
of itself.

[FairfieldLife] Working proposal for a new movement: the Justice Party

2009-12-05 Thread raunchydog

For all the flap we hear from Barry about pseudo feminist who do nothing
except whine, he has never said exactly what he thinks real feminist
should DO. Well, Violet Socks, whose sense of humor he adores, is
leading the way for the formation of a feminist political party and she
isn't going to shut up about it. When real feminists get together
and DO something, they usually challenge the patriarchy, so Barry should
be careful of what he wishes for.  RD

For past few weeks, we've been talking about the need for a new
feminist-progressive movement or party in this country. The Democrats,
as is all too clear, are merely Republicans under a different name. From
the Stupak Amendment to the Af-Pak surge, from the Wall Street bailout
to the healthcare debacle, we might as well be in Bush's third term.
Many of us have spent our lives voting for Democrats and sending them
money and even volunteering on their campaigns, and for what? For this?

After several online working sessions to explore what a new movement or
party might look like (starting here
http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2009/11/21/dreaming-of-diocletian/ ,
and continued with posts tagged `diocletion
http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/tag/diocletian/ `), I'd like
to share a proposal that I think distills the best of what we've
discussed. This would be a feminist-progressive-populist party —
though we wouldn't call it that. This is what I think we should call

The Justice Party.


http://snipurl.com/tkmob http://snipurl.com/tkmob


[FairfieldLife] Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
From my local weekly. Whaddya know, a whole bunch of
pseudofeminist *males*, whining about violence against
women! What wimps.

Watch out for exploding heads on FFL...

Male students walk to end violence against women
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes at Monmouth U part of global initiative 


Thirty male students strapped on stilettos, slipped
on pumps and paraded along a mile-long path at 
Monmouth University to take part in the Walk a Mile 
in Her Shoes campaign. 

The Nov. 4 walk, attended by an estimated 300 
people, was held in conjunction with the global 
White Ribbon Campaign, a program for men that aims 
to end violence against women and girls. 

It was really impressive, Monmouth University 
Residence Hall Director Chris McKittrick said last 

I was hoping for maybe 20 to 30 people to show up, 
and we had 300, McKittrick said. It was impressive 
to see that solid line of folks from the Wilson Hall 
steps all the way to the underpass [below Cedar 
Avenue]. That's about one-fifth of a mile of just 

The two separate initiatives, the Walk a Mile in Her 
Shoes and White Ribbon campaigns, both seek to raise 
awareness of violence against women by men, 
McKittrick said. 

The mission of the White Ribbon Campaign 
(www.whiteribbon.ca), a worldwide initiative, is to 
end violence against women perpetrated by men, 
McKittrick explained 

A lot of colleges and universities are bringing the 
White Ribbon Campaign to student groups for men to 
help encourage men on campus to stand up and end 
violence against women, McKittrick explained

At the point where the walk ended, a sign explained
that for each step participants took, one woman would
die as a result of domestic violence this year

Read more:



[FairfieldLife] Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:


[FairfieldLife] David Hume on FFL

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
From David Hume's Enquiry Concerning the Principles
of Morals. Sound like anybody we know?

Disputes with men pertinaciously obstinate in their
principles are, of all others, the most irksome; 
except, perhaps, those with persons entirely 
disingenuous, who really do not believe the opinions 
they defend, but engage in the controversy from 
affectation, from a spirit of opposition, or from a 
desire of showing wit and ingenuity superior to the 
rest of mankind. The same blind adherence to their own 
arguments is to be expected in both; the same contempt 
of their antagonists; and the same passionate 
vehemence, in inforcing sophistry and falsehood.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

2009-12-05 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 From my local weekly. Whaddya know, a whole bunch of
 pseudofeminist *males*, whining about violence against
 women! What wimps.
 Watch out for exploding heads on FFL...

Great story. Violence against women by men cannot end unless men are willing to 
speak out against it. Men who ridicule feminist men shouldn't get any nookie.

 Male students walk to end violence against women
 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes at Monmouth U part of global initiative 
 Thirty male students strapped on stilettos, slipped
 on pumps and paraded along a mile-long path at 
 Monmouth University to take part in the Walk a Mile 
 in Her Shoes campaign. 
 The Nov. 4 walk, attended by an estimated 300 
 people, was held in conjunction with the global 
 White Ribbon Campaign, a program for men that aims 
 to end violence against women and girls. 
 It was really impressive, Monmouth University 
 Residence Hall Director Chris McKittrick said last 
 I was hoping for maybe 20 to 30 people to show up, 
 and we had 300, McKittrick said. It was impressive 
 to see that solid line of folks from the Wilson Hall 
 steps all the way to the underpass [below Cedar 
 Avenue]. That's about one-fifth of a mile of just 
 The two separate initiatives, the Walk a Mile in Her 
 Shoes and White Ribbon campaigns, both seek to raise 
 awareness of violence against women by men, 
 McKittrick said. 
 The mission of the White Ribbon Campaign 
 (www.whiteribbon.ca), a worldwide initiative, is to 
 end violence against women perpetrated by men, 
 McKittrick explained 
 A lot of colleges and universities are bringing the 
 White Ribbon Campaign to student groups for men to 
 help encourage men on campus to stand up and end 
 violence against women, McKittrick explained
 At the point where the walk ended, a sign explained
 that for each step participants took, one woman would
 die as a result of domestic violence this year
 Read more:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
 Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
 for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
 makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
 very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:

Well, that's 7 minutes and 33 seconds that I'll never get back.

If that is what constitutes brilliant and common sense to you, Judy, and 
you found it moving you must have a very low threshold in order to inspire 
you.  You are prime material for jackboot thugs to recruit you into some 
totalitarian movement for implementation of their World Plan or World 

And which delightful witty accents are you referring to?  If anything, I 
heard a suggestion of a toidy-toid street origin but only slightly and 
nothing to write home about.  Witty?  How about cliche-ish?  Not an original 
thought in there.  Indeed, the usual platitudes weren't even delivered with any 
aplomb whatsoever.

This is what I got out of that silly seven minutes of politically correct 
high-school level tripe: everything that this half-wit Savino said about gay 
marriage could be said about polygamous marriage, incest marriage, and any 
other form of union between consenting adults.  Indeed, you could replace the 
words gay marriage in her speech with the words polygamous marriage and it 
would make equal sense.

So tell us, Judy: do you support polygamous marriage equally to your support of 
gay marriage?

How about incest marriage?

Gay incest marriage?

Gay polygamous marriage?

Do tell.

[FairfieldLife] The Results of Slate's Write Like Sarah Palin Contest

2009-12-05 Thread TurquoiseB
Passed along from our dear friend Curtis, who posted this on another
forum. Click on each photo to see the next in the series.



[FairfieldLife] Re: The Results of Slate's Write Like Sarah Palin Contest

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk
The more I read stuff like this, the more convinced I am that Palin will become 
the president in 2013.  It all sounds too much like Reagan whom the Left dumped 
on in his pre-presidential years even more than they are doing with Palin.  The 
Left's fear and ostracizing can be read like tea leaves.

And it's all so very amusing coming on the heels of the Nobel Peace-Prize 
winner's 30,000 troop increase in Afghanistan.

Are you enjoying whom you voted for, all you peaceniks and lovers of your 
fellow man?  Because he who you helped get elected is killing innocent 
civilians that otherwise would live long and healthy lives had Obama not done 
what he is doing with his surge.

And did you hear his speech?  And his emphasis on winning?  Sounded a wee bit 
like peace with honor didn't it?

Enjoy the next three years...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Passed along from our dear friend Curtis, who posted this on another
 forum. Click on each photo to see the next in the series.

[FairfieldLife] Dollhouse, if only.....

2009-12-05 Thread Bhairitu
IMO, the second episode last night was the best episode of the series so 
far.  Too bad it took so long for the series to find its stride.  The 
brilliant casting of Summer Glau as a unique character (does she ever 
NOT play a unique character) and the ensuing story based around her 
brought the series to a new high.  She and other actors in the series 
really got to work out their chops especially the guy who plays Victor.  
And we had Ray Wise introducing his skills to the series too.   It was 
also very hilarious episode that had me rolling on the floor.  I won't 
fill in the details as to avoid spoilers but that was a great one!  In 
fact if they had reached this level in the first year there may not have 
been a cancellation.  In fact, there might have been some awards.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread raunchydog
Yesterday, I sent this story to my state senator, Becky Schmitz who is a great 
supporter of same sex couples in Iowa, an Iowa law which will continue to have 
attacks from the right. Becky has taken a lot of flack for her position. It's 
going to make her fight to win reelection in 2010 more difficult. I fantasized 
Becky making a speech in the Senate similar to Savino's where she says, On my 
way to Des Moines from Fairfield this morning, an Amish guy driving a horse and 
buggy waved me down and asked about my position on same sex marriage... I 
loved Savino's line, Do you really think we're ready for that kind of 
commitment? Brilliant.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
 Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
 for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
 makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
 very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:

[FairfieldLife] The Chronic Dependence of Popular Religiosity upon Dysfunctional Psychosociological Conditions

2009-12-05 Thread Vaj
The Successful Societies Scale: The First Broad Based Statistical Tool for 
Comparing Prosperous Nation’s Socioeconomic Conditions Reveals How 
Dysfunctional Psychosociological Conditions Underlie the Origin and Evolution 
of High Levels of Popular Religious


A tough read as it is a research paper but it suports that the more secular a 
society is the more successful it is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
  Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
  for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
  makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
  very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:
 Well, that's 7 minutes and 33 seconds that I'll never get back.
 If that is what constitutes brilliant and common sense to you, Judy, and 
 you found it moving you must have a very low threshold in order to inspire 
 you.  You are prime material for jackboot thugs to recruit you into some 
 totalitarian movement for implementation of their World Plan or World 
 And which delightful witty accents are you referring to?  If anything, I 
 heard a suggestion of a toidy-toid street origin but only slightly and 
 nothing to write home about.  Witty?  How about cliche-ish?  Not an original 
 thought in there.  Indeed, the usual platitudes weren't even delivered with 
 any aplomb whatsoever.
 This is what I got out of that silly seven minutes of politically correct 
 high-school level tripe: everything that this half-wit Savino said about gay 
 marriage could be said about polygamous marriage, incest marriage, and any 
 other form of union between consenting adults.  Indeed, you could replace the 
 words gay marriage in her speech with the words polygamous marriage and 
 it would make equal sense.
 So tell us, Judy: do you support polygamous marriage equally to your support 
 of gay marriage?
 How about incest marriage?
 Gay incest marriage?
 Gay polygamous marriage?
 Do tell.

Ready the fainting couch. Shemp has the vapors. Mention anything gay and he 
gets hives.

Shemp: It does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor marries a 
box turtle. But that does not mean it is right... Now you must raise your 
children up in a world where that union of man and box turtle is on the same 
legal footing as man and wife.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unemployment dropped to 10.0% in November

2009-12-05 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 Result of temporary Christmas hiring.  Happens every year.  Many will
 laid off in January.


 The decrease in unemployment numbers has been occurring since January
 and it certainly isn't all due to Christmas hiring.

In the strongest employment report since the recession began
 nearly two years ago, the government said Friday that the nation's
 employers had all but stopped shedding jobs in November, taking some of
 the pressure off of President Obama to come up with a wide-ranging jobs
 creation program.
 The Labor Department reported that the United States economy lost 11,000
 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent, down
 from 10.2 percent in October.

 The government also significantly revised its September and October job
 loss estimates.

 September's data was adjusted to show a loss of 139,000 jobs instead
 of 219,000, and in October 111,000 jobs were lost, instead of 190,000.

 Even allowing for the November loss, the revisions added 148,000 people
 to the list of those employed in the United States in November.

 Though the pace of job loss has been declining since a peak in January,
 the November number was surprising. Economists had been expecting a
 turning point to come in the late spring or summer, with employers
 finally adding workers as a recovery takes hold. The last time the
 number was so bright was in December 2007, when the economy added
 120,000 jobs.

Come up from Brazil and take a look around.  The government hasn't been 
reporting accurate unemployment for years.  Many have just given up and 
don't ask me how they survive.  They don't count people like me who do 
contracting and move in and out of bust and boom periods.  And what are 
the new jobs paying?  Probably not the wages some people have been used 
to earning.  I know there are older folks working a Starbucks who 
probably had much better paying gigs in the past.  I also suspect my 
server at the restaurant the other day (notches above what you'd expect) 
also took the job paying less than what he was earning.

The Republicans trashed the US Economy and sold our asses to the 
Chinese.  And I don't expect Obama, who seems to have been part of a 
secret (or not so) Wall Street coup, to produce miracles.

And given the report on the coming ice age (the one the other day was 
not the first) we should all be joining you.  In fact when I read the 
first report from the Pentagon several years ago a song let's all move 
down to South America popped into my head loosely based on that old 
movie theater snack ad let's go out to the lobby.  ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unemployment dropped to 10.0% in November

2009-12-05 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 do.rflex wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Result of temporary Christmas hiring.  Happens every year.  Many will

  laid off in January.
  The decrease in unemployment numbers has been occurring since January
  and it certainly isn't all due to Christmas hiring.
 In the strongest employment report since the recession began
  nearly two years ago, the government said Friday that the nation's
  employers had all but stopped shedding jobs in November, taking some of
  the pressure off of President Obama to come up with a wide-ranging jobs
  creation program.
  The Labor Department reported that the United States economy lost 11,000
  jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent, down
  from 10.2 percent in October.
  The government also significantly revised its September and October job
  loss estimates.
  September's data was adjusted to show a loss of 139,000 jobs instead
  of 219,000, and in October 111,000 jobs were lost, instead of 190,000.
  Even allowing for the November loss, the revisions added 148,000 people
  to the list of those employed in the United States in November.
  Though the pace of job loss has been declining since a peak in January,
  the November number was surprising. Economists had been expecting a
  turning point to come in the late spring or summer, with employers
  finally adding workers as a recovery takes hold. The last time the
  number was so bright was in December 2007, when the economy added
  120,000 jobs.
 Come up from Brazil and take a look around.  The government hasn't been 
 reporting accurate unemployment for years.  Many have just given up and 
 don't ask me how they survive.  They don't count people like me who do 
 contracting and move in and out of bust and boom periods.  And what are 
 the new jobs paying?  Probably not the wages some people have been used 
 to earning.  I know there are older folks working a Starbucks who 
 probably had much better paying gigs in the past.  I also suspect my 
 server at the restaurant the other day (notches above what you'd expect) 
 also took the job paying less than what he was earning.
 The Republicans trashed the US Economy and sold our asses to the 
 Chinese.  And I don't expect Obama, who seems to have been part of a 
 secret (or not so) Wall Street coup, to produce miracles.
 And given the report on the coming ice age (the one the other day was 
 not the first) we should all be joining you.  In fact when I read the 
 first report from the Pentagon several years ago a song let's all move 
 down to South America popped into my head loosely based on that old 
 movie theater snack ad let's go out to the lobby.  ;-)

I suppose you think that all of the following which has happened since Obama 
took office in January is ALSO lies from the government: 

~~U.S. Enters Recovery as Stimulus Refutes Skeptics~~ 

~~U.S. Economy Gets Lift From Stimulus~~ 
Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125185379218478087.html 

~~Germany, France out of recession~~ 
Guardian [UK]: 

~~Japan Steps out of Recession~~ 
BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8205072.stm 

~~UK Officially Out of Recession~~ 

~~Across the nation, housing starts are rising~~ 
Journal Sentinal: http://www.jsonline.com/business/53623677.html 

~~Retail sales rose at the swiftest rate in three years in August~~

~~U.S. household wealth up for first time since 2007~~

~~US leading economic index up for fifth month in a row~~

~~Obama loan relief plan hits goal early ~~

~~Obama's mortgage relief program growing ~~

~~Dow passes 10,000 mark on earnings optimism~~first time in a year

~~GDP Grew 3.2 percent as Stimulus Took Hold: U.S. Economy Preview~~

~~Jobs outlook brightens - National Association for Business Economics says 
more U.S. firms are planning to hire and increase investment in the next six 

~~U.S. Goods Orders Rise for Fourth Time in Six Months ~~

[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
  Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
  for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
  makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
  very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:
 Well, that's 7 minutes and 33 seconds that I'll never get back.

You must have realized after the first 30 seconds that
you weren't going to like it, so why did you continue
to watch? Not very smart.

 If that is what constitutes brilliant and common sense
 to you, Judy, and you found it moving you must have a
 very low threshold in order to inspire you.  You are prime
 material for jackboot thugs to recruit you into some
 totalitarian movement for implementation of their World
 Plan or World Government.

See post #235958.

 And which delightful witty accents are you referring
 to?  If anything, I heard a suggestion of a toidy-toid
 street origin but only slightly and nothing to write
 home about.

That's accents as in touches.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
   Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
   for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
   makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
   very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:
  Well, that's 7 minutes and 33 seconds that I'll never get back.
  If that is what constitutes brilliant and common sense to you, Judy, 
  and you found it moving you must have a very low threshold in order to 
  inspire you.  You are prime material for jackboot thugs to recruit you into 
  some totalitarian movement for implementation of their World Plan or World 
  And which delightful witty accents are you referring to?  If anything, I 
  heard a suggestion of a toidy-toid street origin but only slightly and 
  nothing to write home about.  Witty?  How about cliche-ish?  Not an 
  original thought in there.  Indeed, the usual platitudes weren't even 
  delivered with any aplomb whatsoever.
  This is what I got out of that silly seven minutes of politically correct 
  high-school level tripe: everything that this half-wit Savino said about 
  gay marriage could be said about polygamous marriage, incest marriage, and 
  any other form of union between consenting adults.  Indeed, you could 
  replace the words gay marriage in her speech with the words polygamous 
  marriage and it would make equal sense.
  So tell us, Judy: do you support polygamous marriage equally to your 
  support of gay marriage?
  How about incest marriage?
  Gay incest marriage?
  Gay polygamous marriage?
  Do tell.
 Ready the fainting couch. Shemp has the vapors. Mention anything gay and he 
 gets hives.

Why would I get hives?

I'm all for gay marriage!

Aren't you?

While I'm for gay marriage, I suspect that you are a prejudiced and biased 
person and that you are against other forms of marriage between consenting 

Please correct me if I am wrong.  Otherwise you can acknowledge that you are 
the intolerant bigot that you are.

 Shemp: It does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor marries 
 a box turtle. But that does not mean it is right... Now you must raise your 
 children up in a world where that union of man and box turtle is on the same 
 legal footing as man and wife.

Despite the quotation marks, I never said the above. This is a fabrication on 
the part of the bigot Raunchydog.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
   Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
   for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
   makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
   very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:
  Well, that's 7 minutes and 33 seconds that I'll never get back.
 You must have realized after the first 30 seconds that
 you weren't going to like it, so why did you continue
 to watch? Not very smart.

You're right, I knew very early on.

But if I commented on the video and in my comments assumed wrongly about the 
rest of the contents or made a comment that would not have been consistent with 
the rest of the video, you would have gotten on my case about commenting on a 
video I didn't see in its entirety.

It was out of respect for you that I watched the whole thing...something I 
won't necessarily do in the future seeing as you are taking me to task for it 

  If that is what constitutes brilliant and common sense
  to you, Judy, and you found it moving you must have a
  very low threshold in order to inspire you.  You are prime
  material for jackboot thugs to recruit you into some
  totalitarian movement for implementation of their World
  Plan or World Government.
 See post #235958.

Okay, so Hume is describing you, Judy, centuries before you were even 

So what?

I should give him a post-humous medal?

  And which delightful witty accents are you referring
  to?  If anything, I heard a suggestion of a toidy-toid
  street origin but only slightly and nothing to write
  home about.
 That's accents as in touches.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dollhouse, if only.....

2009-12-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 IMO, the second episode last night was the best episode of the 
 series so far.  


 Too bad it took so long for the series to find its stride.  

Coming just after FOX announced that they were cancelling
the season, these two episodes are like a parting Nyaaah
nyaaah from Joss Whedon, almost as if he were saying,
Yeah, that's right...look what you cancelled, numbnuts.

 The brilliant casting of Summer Glau as a unique character 
 (does she ever NOT play a unique character) and the ensuing 
 story based around her brought the series to a new high.  

Agreed again. She was like the AntiTopher. :-)

But don't overlook the amazing work by Fran Kranz as Topher
and by Enver Gjokaj as...uh...Topher. Enver has consistently
been one of the best actors on the series, but this was just
brilliant. They must have had so much *FUN* filming this one.

 She and other actors in the series really got to work out their 
 chops especially the guy who plays Victor. And we had Ray Wise 
 introducing his skills to the series too.   It was also very 
 hilarious episode that had me rolling on the floor.  I won't 
 fill in the details as to avoid spoilers but that was a great 
 one!  In fact if they had reached this level in the first year 
 there may not have been a cancellation.  In fact, there might 
 have been some awards.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:

   Well, that's 7 minutes and 33 seconds that I'll never get back.
   If that is what constitutes brilliant and common sense to you, Judy, 
   and you found it moving you must have a very low threshold in order to 
   inspire you.  You are prime material for jackboot thugs to recruit you 
   into some totalitarian movement for implementation of their World Plan or 
   World Government.
   And which delightful witty accents are you referring to?  If anything, 
   I heard a suggestion of a toidy-toid street origin but only slightly 
   and nothing to write home about.  Witty?  How about cliche-ish?  Not an 
   original thought in there.  Indeed, the usual platitudes weren't even 
   delivered with any aplomb whatsoever.
   This is what I got out of that silly seven minutes of politically correct 
   high-school level tripe: everything that this half-wit Savino said about 
   gay marriage could be said about polygamous marriage, incest marriage, 
   and any other form of union between consenting adults.  Indeed, you could 
   replace the words gay marriage in her speech with the words polygamous 
   marriage and it would make equal sense.
   So tell us, Judy: do you support polygamous marriage equally to your 
   support of gay marriage?
   How about incest marriage?
   Gay incest marriage?
   Gay polygamous marriage?
   Do tell.
  Ready the fainting couch. Shemp has the vapors. Mention anything gay and 
  he gets hives.
 Why would I get hives?
 I'm all for gay marriage!
 Aren't you?
 While I'm for gay marriage, I suspect that you are a prejudiced and biased 
 person and that you are against other forms of marriage between consenting 
 Please correct me if I am wrong.  Otherwise you can acknowledge that you are 
 the intolerant bigot that you are.
  Shemp: It does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor 
  marries a box turtle. But that does not mean it is right... Now you must 
  raise your children up in a world where that union of man and box turtle is 
  on the same legal footing as man and wife.
 Despite the quotation marks, I never said the above. This is a fabrication on 
 the part of the bigot Raunchydog.

I wouldn't question whether or not Shemp gets the hives or feels icky about 
gays except the boxturtle argument that he makes attempting to equate gay 
marriage with gay or straight polygamous or incest marriage is a typical 
anti-gay meme. So I don't believe him for a minute that he is for gay marriage, 
otherwise he would have just LOVED Savino's speech. By the way, did you all see 
Shemp on TV in stilettos Walking a Mile in Her Shoes? He's the guy wearing 
the PUMA T-shirt. Video here: 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dollhouse, if only.....

2009-12-05 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 IMO, the second episode last night was the best episode of the 
 series so far.  


 Too bad it took so long for the series to find its stride.  

 Coming just after FOX announced that they were cancelling
 the season, these two episodes are like a parting Nyaaah
 nyaaah from Joss Whedon, almost as if he were saying,
 Yeah, that's right...look what you cancelled, numbnuts.


This might have been filmed before the cancellation though.  It's more 
like they found what the series is supposed to be.  Now just get rid 
of the Eliza's modeling portfolio for the title sequence and they'll be 
cooking with gas.
 The brilliant casting of Summer Glau as a unique character 
 (does she ever NOT play a unique character) and the ensuing 
 story based around her brought the series to a new high.  

 Agreed again. She was like the AntiTopher. :-)

 But don't overlook the amazing work by Fran Kranz as Topher
 and by Enver Gjokaj as...uh...Topher. Enver has consistently
 been one of the best actors on the series, but this was just
 brilliant. They must have had so much *FUN* filming this one.


Of course I did in the next paragraph.  I just didn't want to give too 
much away.  I wonder if Enver kept imitating Franz's Topher on the set 
and they decided they had to do something with it.  They should have him 
doing it again as it is hilarious.

 She and other actors in the series really got to work out their 
 chops especially the guy who plays Victor. And we had Ray Wise 
 introducing his skills to the series too.   It was also very 
 hilarious episode that had me rolling on the floor.  I won't 
 fill in the details as to avoid spoilers but that was a great 
 one!  In fact if they had reached this level in the first year 
 there may not have been a cancellation.  In fact, there might 
 have been some awards.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Please join me in supporting polygamous marriage!

2009-12-05 Thread Bhairitu
A question, Shemp, do you have even one wife?  Or are you one of the 
many TM brahmacharis? :-D

ShempMcGurk wrote:

 REAL Women of Canada - (Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life)  

 Conservative leader, Stephen Harper, and Liberal MP, Tom Wappel, were 
 ridiculed during the same-sex marriage debate last spring when they claimed 
 that the same-sex marriage bill would lead to demands for the legalization of 
 polygamous unions. It turns out, however, that they were right on the mark. 

 Same-sex marriage in Canada has only been legal for about six months, but 
 already the demands for polygamy have been creeping out from the dark shadows 
 and are gradually moving onto centre stage. The issue will soon be before the 
 courts in BC. 

 This court case will result from a situation in the community of Bountiful, 
 situated near Creston, BC, in the interior of the province, that has been the 
 home of a renegade branch of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). This 
 community's beliefs include polygamy as one of its tenets. It argues that 
 polygamy is a legitimate way of life and marriage. The leader of the 
 community and his assortment of wives have boldly appeared on TV, radio and 
 in print, unabashedly discussing their joy and happiness about being in 
 polygamous relationships and all the supposed advantages, (obviously for the 
 male at least!) The Attorney General of BC, Wally Oppal, has merely blushed 
 and looked the other way, and has not prosecuted the leader of the polygamous 
 community. Why? Because he knows that with the passing of the same-sex 
 marriage legislation, and the protection of religion in the Charter, there 
 has been created serious legal problems for the Crown in prosecuting such a 
 case. That is, to lay a charge of polygamy will be dangerous, since the 
 courts could then follow the identical arguments heard once in the trumped 
 up, same-sex marriage court challenges in 2003. 

 Provincial Attorney General, Oppal, would have happily continued to ignore 
 the polygamous business in Bountiful except for the fact that the Attorney 
 General of Utah, Mark Shurtleff, came calling on him in late November 
 demanding that something be done, as girls as young as 13 years of age have 
 been crossing the border from Utah into Bountiful to be married off to much 
 older men. Another troublesome issue is that some of the polygamous wives in 
 Bountiful have begun to complain about their treatment and their lack of 
 consent to their marriage arrangements. Also, young men have been ejected 
 from the Community in order to avoid a competition for young wives with the 
 older leaders in the community. 

 As a result of these problems, the RCMP has recently undertaken an 
 investigation of Bountiful. Based on the RCMP's findings, the Provincial 
 Attorney General may then be obliged to lay charges against the leaders of 
 the polygamous sect in Bountiful. 

 New Debate on Polygamy 

 If so, a new debate on marriage, to legalize polygamous marriages will hit 
 the public eye. The exact same arguments, that were used to recognize 
 same-sex partnerships as legal marriages, will be heard again. One of these 
 arguments will be that the failure to approve polygamous marriage is due to 
 the stereotypical treatment causing historical disadvantages against people 
 who love each other. Another argument will be that since the courts have 
 conceded that procreation no longer provides sufficient reason to restrict 
 marriage to heterosexuals, then there is no reason to restrict marriage to 
 other sexual arrangements as well. 

 And why not? Take marriage away from its historically recognized essence of 
 one man and one woman, and there is no logical reason to restrict other 
 marital arrangements, such as those who love two women, or bisexuals who have 
 a sexual desire for both sexes. The fact that these arrangements are 
 currently prohibited under the Criminal Code is no argument because 
 homosexual conduct was also illegal until relatively recently. The laws 
 against polygamy can also be similarly changed. 

 What a mess the courts have created! In their zeal to be liberal and 
 progressive and to make the world aware of their trailblazing spirit, the 
 Canadian judges have made fools of themselves and us. They are also tearing 
 down the foundations of society, while establishing a dangerous precipice on 
 which the institution of marriage is now tilting. 

 Polygamy Established Elsewhere 

 Canada, however, isn't the only nation facing the problem of polygamous 
 marriages. For example, Norway's Directorate of Immigration has reported 
 that, despite the illegality of polygamy in Norway, it is becoming 
 increasingly prevalent, since Norway liberalized the marriage laws by 
 allowing legal civil unions for same-sex couples. Now Norwegian men travel 
 abroad to meet and marry women, where polygamy is legal. Then they bring 
 their new wives to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unemployment dropped to 10.0% in November

2009-12-05 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 do.rflex wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 Result of temporary Christmas hiring.  Happens every year.  Many will
 laid off in January.

 The decrease in unemployment numbers has been occurring since January
 and it certainly isn't all due to Christmas hiring.

In the strongest employment report since the recession began
 nearly two years ago, the government said Friday that the nation's
 employers had all but stopped shedding jobs in November, taking some of
 the pressure off of President Obama to come up with a wide-ranging jobs
 creation program.
 The Labor Department reported that the United States economy lost 11,000
 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent, down
 from 10.2 percent in October.

 The government also significantly revised its September and October job
 loss estimates.

 September's data was adjusted to show a loss of 139,000 jobs instead
 of 219,000, and in October 111,000 jobs were lost, instead of 190,000.

 Even allowing for the November loss, the revisions added 148,000 people
 to the list of those employed in the United States in November.

 Though the pace of job loss has been declining since a peak in January,
 the November number was surprising. Economists had been expecting a
 turning point to come in the late spring or summer, with employers
 finally adding workers as a recovery takes hold. The last time the
 number was so bright was in December 2007, when the economy added
 120,000 jobs.
 Come up from Brazil and take a look around.  The government hasn't been 
 reporting accurate unemployment for years.  Many have just given up and 
 don't ask me how they survive.  They don't count people like me who do 
 contracting and move in and out of bust and boom periods.  And what are 
 the new jobs paying?  Probably not the wages some people have been used 
 to earning.  I know there are older folks working a Starbucks who 
 probably had much better paying gigs in the past.  I also suspect my 
 server at the restaurant the other day (notches above what you'd expect) 
 also took the job paying less than what he was earning.

 The Republicans trashed the US Economy and sold our asses to the 
 Chinese.  And I don't expect Obama, who seems to have been part of a 
 secret (or not so) Wall Street coup, to produce miracles.

 And given the report on the coming ice age (the one the other day was 
 not the first) we should all be joining you.  In fact when I read the 
 first report from the Pentagon several years ago a song let's all move 
 down to South America popped into my head loosely based on that old 
 movie theater snack ad let's go out to the lobby.  ;-)


 I suppose you think that all of the following which has happened since Obama 
 took office in January is ALSO lies from the government: 

 ~~U.S. Enters Recovery as Stimulus Refutes Skeptics~~ 

 ~~U.S. Economy Gets Lift From Stimulus~~ 
 Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125185379218478087.html 

 ~~Germany, France out of recession~~ 
 Guardian [UK]: 

 ~~Japan Steps out of Recession~~ 
 BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8205072.stm 

 ~~UK Officially Out of Recession~~ 

 ~~Across the nation, housing starts are rising~~ 
 Journal Sentinal: http://www.jsonline.com/business/53623677.html 

 ~~Retail sales rose at the swiftest rate in three years in August~~

 ~~U.S. household wealth up for first time since 2007~~

 ~~US leading economic index up for fifth month in a row~~

 ~~Obama loan relief plan hits goal early ~~

 ~~Obama's mortgage relief program growing ~~

 ~~Dow passes 10,000 mark on earnings optimism~~first time in a year

 ~~GDP Grew 3.2 percent as Stimulus Took Hold: U.S. Economy Preview~~

 ~~Jobs outlook brightens - National Association for Business Economics says 
 more U.S. firms are planning to hire and increase investment in the next six 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 Amazing speech from State Senator Diane Savino from
 Staten Island, urging the New York Senate to vote
 for the gay marriage bill. It lost, but Savino
 makes the case brilliantly, commonsensically, and
 very movingly, with delightfully witty accents:

Well, that's 7 minutes and 33 seconds that I'll never get back.

If that is what constitutes brilliant and common sense to you, 
Judy, and you found it moving you must have a very low threshold in 
order to inspire you.  You are prime material for jackboot thugs to 
recruit you into some totalitarian movement for implementation of their 
World Plan or World Government.

And which delightful witty accents are you referring to?  If 
anything, I heard a suggestion of a toidy-toid street origin but only 
slightly and nothing to write home about.  Witty?  How about 
cliche-ish?  Not an original thought in there.  Indeed, the usual 
platitudes weren't even delivered with any aplomb whatsoever.

This is what I got out of that silly seven minutes of politically 
correct high-school level tripe: everything that this half-wit Savino 
said about gay marriage could be said about polygamous marriage, incest 
marriage, and any other form of union between consenting adults.  
Indeed, you could replace the words gay marriage in her speech with 
the words polygamous marriage and it would make equal sense.

So tell us, Judy: do you support polygamous marriage equally to your 
support of gay marriage?

How about incest marriage?

Gay incest marriage?

Gay polygamous marriage?

Do tell.
   Ready the fainting couch. Shemp has the vapors. Mention anything gay 
   and he gets hives.
  Why would I get hives?
  I'm all for gay marriage!
  Aren't you?
  While I'm for gay marriage, I suspect that you are a prejudiced and biased 
  person and that you are against other forms of marriage between consenting 
  Please correct me if I am wrong.  Otherwise you can acknowledge that you 
  are the intolerant bigot that you are.
   Shemp: It does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor 
   marries a box turtle. But that does not mean it is right... Now you must 
   raise your children up in a world where that union of man and box turtle 
   is on the same legal footing as man and wife.
  Despite the quotation marks, I never said the above. This is a fabrication 
  on the part of the bigot Raunchydog.
 I wouldn't question whether or not Shemp gets the hives or feels icky about 
 gays except the boxturtle argument that he makes attempting to equate gay 
 marriage with gay or straight polygamous or incest marriage is a typical 
 anti-gay meme. So I don't believe him for a minute that he is for gay 
 marriage, otherwise he would have just LOVED Savino's speech. By the way, did 
 you all see Shemp on TV in stilettos Walking a Mile in Her Shoes? He's the 
 guy wearing the PUMA T-shirt. Video here: 

1) You are calling me a liar.

2) I love movies but I saw a movie this week I can't stand...so why can't I be 
for gay marriage and be against a boring, cliche-laden speech unoriginally and 
uninspiringly delivered by a hackneyed, superlative-spouting state senator?

3) I am for all the combination of marriages I outlined equally.  Show me one 
typical anti-gay individual or group that has that same position.

4) raunchydog still won't answer the question about whether or not she support 
legalizing polygamous marriage because she doesn't want to expose herself as 
the bigot she is.

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Special talk by Peter Wallace about Maharishi posted on KHOE

2009-12-05 Thread Dick Mays

Utterly charming!!!

From: Ken Chawkin kchaw...@mum.edu


Click Here http://www.khoe.org/mp3s/Peter%20Wallace%20AA11_07.mp3 
to listen to TM movement pioneer Peter Wallace's address to the 
Masters in Vedic Science class on the campus of Maharishi University 
of Management.

Peter Wallace is the older brother of Keith Wallace, the great TM 
movement scientist and first president of MIU, now MUM. Peter spent 6 
months with Maharishi in India even before he was instructed into TM 
by Maharishi, and upon his return home, was really responsible for 
inspiring the start of the SIMS, Student's International Meditation 
Society, by bringing Keith to meet Maharishi. And the rest is 
history. Enjoy this special talk!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please join me in supporting polygamous marriage!

2009-12-05 Thread John
There's a vedic story stating that a woman has nine times the sexual power of a 
man.  So, how would a man satisfy sexually more than one woman in a polygamous 
marriage?  Or, he can die early with a smile on his face?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:


 REAL Women of Canada - (Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life)  

 Conservative leader, Stephen Harper, and Liberal MP, Tom Wappel, were 
 ridiculed during the same-sex marriage debate last spring when they claimed 
 that the same-sex marriage bill would lead to demands for the legalization of 
 polygamous unions. It turns out, however, that they were right on the mark. 
 Same-sex marriage in Canada has only been legal for about six months, but 
 already the demands for polygamy have been creeping out from the dark shadows 
 and are gradually moving onto centre stage. The issue will soon be before the 
 courts in BC. 
 This court case will result from a situation in the community of Bountiful, 
 situated near Creston, BC, in the interior of the province, that has been the 
 home of a renegade branch of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). This 
 community's beliefs include polygamy as one of its tenets. It argues that 
 polygamy is a legitimate way of life and marriage. The leader of the 
 community and his assortment of wives have boldly appeared on TV, radio and 
 in print, unabashedly discussing their joy and happiness about being in 
 polygamous relationships and all the supposed advantages, (obviously for the 
 male at least!) The Attorney General of BC, Wally Oppal, has merely blushed 
 and looked the other way, and has not prosecuted the leader of the polygamous 
 community. Why? Because he knows that with the passing of the same-sex 
 marriage legislation, and the protection of religion in the Charter, there 
 has been created serious legal problems for the Crown in prosecuting such a 
 case. That is, to lay a charge of polygamy will be dangerous, since the 
 courts could then follow the identical arguments heard once in the trumped 
 up, same-sex marriage court challenges in 2003. 
 Provincial Attorney General, Oppal, would have happily continued to ignore 
 the polygamous business in Bountiful except for the fact that the Attorney 
 General of Utah, Mark Shurtleff, came calling on him in late November 
 demanding that something be done, as girls as young as 13 years of age have 
 been crossing the border from Utah into Bountiful to be married off to much 
 older men. Another troublesome issue is that some of the polygamous wives in 
 Bountiful have begun to complain about their treatment and their lack of 
 consent to their marriage arrangements. Also, young men have been ejected 
 from the Community in order to avoid a competition for young wives with the 
 older leaders in the community. 
 As a result of these problems, the RCMP has recently undertaken an 
 investigation of Bountiful. Based on the RCMP's findings, the Provincial 
 Attorney General may then be obliged to lay charges against the leaders of 
 the polygamous sect in Bountiful. 
 New Debate on Polygamy 
 If so, a new debate on marriage, to legalize polygamous marriages will hit 
 the public eye. The exact same arguments, that were used to recognize 
 same-sex partnerships as legal marriages, will be heard again. One of these 
 arguments will be that the failure to approve polygamous marriage is due to 
 the stereotypical treatment causing historical disadvantages against people 
 who love each other. Another argument will be that since the courts have 
 conceded that procreation no longer provides sufficient reason to restrict 
 marriage to heterosexuals, then there is no reason to restrict marriage to 
 other sexual arrangements as well. 
 And why not? Take marriage away from its historically recognized essence of 
 one man and one woman, and there is no logical reason to restrict other 
 marital arrangements, such as those who love two women, or bisexuals who have 
 a sexual desire for both sexes. The fact that these arrangements are 
 currently prohibited under the Criminal Code is no argument because 
 homosexual conduct was also illegal until relatively recently. The laws 
 against polygamy can also be similarly changed. 
 What a mess the courts have created! In their zeal to be liberal and 
 progressive and to make the world aware of their trailblazing spirit, the 
 Canadian judges have made fools of themselves and us. They are also tearing 
 down the foundations of society, while establishing a dangerous precipice on 
 which the institution of marriage is now tilting. 
 Polygamy Established Elsewhere 
 Canada, however, isn't the only nation facing the problem of polygamous 
 marriages. For example, Norway's Directorate of Immigration has reported 
 that, despite the illegality of polygamy in Norway, it is becoming 
 increasingly prevalent, since Norway liberalized the 

[FairfieldLife] More lies from Vaj

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 On Dec 2, 2009, at 2:18 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
  On Dec 2, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Vaj wrote:
  The much touted study by Schneider on 
  Cardiac health in African Americans that's 
  been pushed all over the internet and posted 
  all over the place--I've received over 30 
  emails on this one study--not only was never 
  published (let alone peer reviewed) that I 
  can find, it isn't even listed in on the AHA 
  website for the conference it was supposedly 
  presented at. No PDF available.
  It was never published?  I was wondering 
  about that too...I've also gotten several 
  emails touting it.

Stupid Sal's been thoroughly skunked by Vaj.


As I noted on Wednesday, of course it hasn't been
published--it was only just completed. Vaj knows
this, even if stupid Sal couldn't figure it out.

But (as Vaj also knows) Schneider *has* published 
at least half a dozen studies on the effect of TM 
on heart health in African Americans, many of 
which have been pushed all over the internet and 
posted all over the place.

 It was just to be presented at the American 
 Heart Association scientific conference last 
 month. No mention, no paper, no abstract, 
 nothing on their website.

And as I also noted, it is indeed listed on the 
AHA conference Web site; it's in the program. I 
gave the page number and event number in my post 
on Wednesday.

There are no abstracts, PDFs, or anything else
for that conference on the Web site that would
be accessible to the general public, only to 
professional AHA members. So this is another 
deliberately disingenuous red herring from Vaj.

  Maybe the Journal of Scientific Exploration 
  will take it? Maybe they could consider 
  African-Americans extraterrestrial? :
  I don't know...is that peer-reviewed and 
 No it's a fringe/UFO and pseudoscience journal 
 that David Orme-Johnson got his recent paper 
 in! If you were a respected scientist it would 
 be one of the last journals you'd ever want to 
 be published in, if anyone was to take you 
 seriously again. But it is peer-reviewed. :-)

Not only is it not a UFO or pseudoscience 
journal, it's also a lie that respected 
scientists aren't published in it. Taking a quick 
look at the list of recent authors at the JSE 
site, I found five names that I recognized, all 
of whom are most definitely in the respected 

Elizabeth Loftus
Robert G. Jahn
Dean Radin
Ian Stevenson
Michael Persinger (Ironic, because Persinger is 
the author of the distinctly anti-TM book TM and 
Cult Mania and has published a couple of papers 
dealing with TM in other journals that TM critics 
are constantly touting as proving how dangerous 
TM is.)

Vaj would have us believe that papers are 
published in JSE because they're so poorly done 
no reputable journal would accept them. It's most 
likely true that no other reputable journal would 
accept them, but not necessarily because they're 
poorly done; it's the subject matter that's the 
problem. Even the most beautifully done, 
brilliantly written, airtight study on a topic 
considered fringe is unlikely to be published 
in a mainstream journal. It's unlikely even to be 
*read* by the editors of such a journal.

The paper TM published in JSE is a response to a 
paper by Sales and Markovsky published in a 
sociology journal that purportedly debunks the 
famous TM Journal of Conflict Resolution study. 
The sociology journal refused to publish TM's 
rebuttal to Sales and Markovsky's paper. The 
journal is happy to publish papers that claim to 
debunk nonmainstream theories, but not papers 
that support such theories or rebut the claimed 
debunkings. What wonderful scientific ethics.

Has Vaj read the paper he's so scornful of, or is
his only basis for scorn the fact that it was 
published in a journal that examines topics 
mainstream science doesn't dare deal with?

If JSE published a paper touting some unusual
effects of Buddhist meditation, would he be
scornful of it because of the nature of the

The *fact* is that Vaj himself  has made all
kinds of claims that would be considered 
fringe, if not patently crazy, by mainstream
science. Vaj isn't against all things fringe;
he's just against TM. He smears a journal that
does a highly responsible job of publishing
solid scholarly examinations of nonmainstream
claims because he's so intent on smearing TM.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please join me in supporting polygamous marriage!

2009-12-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 There's a vedic story stating that a woman has nine times 
 the sexual power of a man. So, how would a man satisfy 
 sexually more than one woman in a polygamous marriage?  
 Or, he can die early with a smile on his face?

My buddy on one of my TM courses was a neat, 
down-to-earth guy who was married. I had at the
time a fairly serious girlfriend. As a result, 
we had similar points of view on the newly-in-
vogue craze of celibacy among male International 
staffers. Walking back from a meeting in which 
several of these Seelisberg limpdicks descended 
upon us, shaking his head in disbelief, he summed 
it up perfectly: Scratch a wannabe skin boy and 
9 times out of 10 you'll find a guy who's afraid 
of women and running from his own feelings of 
sexual inadequacy.

Not that that's relevant to anything. I just 
found myself remembering the moment for some 
reason. Carry on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Savino addresses NY Senate on gay marriage

2009-12-05 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ 
Shemp: It does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor 
marries a box turtle. But that does not mean it is right... Now you 
must raise your children up in a world where that union of man and box 
turtle is on the same legal footing as man and wife.
   Despite the quotation marks, I never said the above. This is a 
   fabrication on the part of the bigot Raunchydog. 

  I wouldn't question whether or not Shemp gets the hives or feels icky about 
  gays except the boxturtle argument that he makes attempting to equate gay 
  marriage with gay or straight polygamous or incest marriage is a typical 
  anti-gay meme. So I don't believe him for a minute that he is for gay 
  marriage, otherwise he would have just LOVED Savino's speech. By the way, 
  did you all see Shemp on TV in stilettos Walking a Mile in Her Shoes? 
  He's the guy wearing the PUMA T-shirt. Video here: 
 1) You are calling me a liar.
 2) I love movies but I saw a movie this week I can't stand...so why can't I 
 be for gay marriage and be against a boring, cliche-laden speech unoriginally 
 and uninspiringly delivered by a hackneyed, superlative-spouting state 
 3) I am for all the combination of marriages I outlined equally.  Show me one 
 typical anti-gay individual or group that has that same position.
 4) raunchydog still won't answer the question about whether or not she 
 support legalizing polygamous marriage because she doesn't want to expose 
 herself as the bigot she is.

I've never commented on polygamous marriage. Frankly, it's not on my gaydar. 
It's not an issue I can get excited about one way or another. But if Shemp 
wants to orangaize a march on Washington in support of it I'm sure he can get 
at least ten of his wives to wear stilettos with him to airate the lawn on the 
National Mall.

[FairfieldLife] Women - according to the Vedas

2009-12-05 Thread do.rflex


- from ShriPedia - a knowledge base of Vedanta


The VedAs are  the edifices of eternal knowledge. They have
timeless relevance to the practioners of  Sri VisishtAdhvaitham and
other darsanams based on Vedic Doctrines.

There is a lot there that is absolutely  relevant to our contemporary
life. As such , the VedAs have everlasting appeal and applicability
for all times and nations for men , women and children as the
fundamental units of the family .

VedAs take a humanistic approach to life. An individual's relation to
his or her own family is dwelt at length in the  VedAs.

The relationship between man and woman, the parents and the children are
taken very seriously by VedAs, since it ties in very closely with the
health and well being of  Society and the preservation of DharmA. The
need to develop social consciousness with the family as an elemental
unit of society is very important one taught by the Vedaas.

Material civilization generates a lot of wealth, but is  found wanting
in social consciousness and a dharmic way  of life stressing one's
obligation to the different members of society. DharmA encompasses the
entire gamut of life.  Pursuit of a dhArmic way of life elaborated by
Sruthis and SaasthrAs creates a sound infrastructure to build  a sound
and stable society that enjoys all the benefits of a higher order of

The MAN-TO-WOMAN relationship is one of the most important subject dealt
with by the VedAs instructing us on how to  build a sound and stable
society , where righteousness  prevails.

VedAs show a keen interest in the unity of  man and woman and spells out
their duties, responsibilities and rights. GeethAchAryan elaborates them
further. They point out the important role of women in  building a fair,
stable and just society.

Satapatha BrahmaNA  passage states unblushingly that only woman fulfills
the purposes of human life. It extols the divine aspect of  women and
declares that women are the embodiment of Sri Devi (SriyA vA yEthath
rUpam yathA patnaya:).

The modern women may not be familiar with the high status given to women
in our religious world and its scriptures. Contrary to the popular
belief that VedAs deny freedom  to women, it stresses the underlying
duty and THE RIGHTS of WOMEN, while focusing on the stability of the
family  as a unit, which then strengthens the society.

It is in this context Vedic thought gave ample room for a personal God
to be conceived as divinty in male or female form. Vedic Gods like Ushas
(dawn ) are  adoringly saluted by the manthrams of Ushas sUktham  in Rg
Vedam. There are many Rishi pathnis and wives,  who have been equally
revered in PurANAs (AnusUyA, Kausalya , Damayanthi , Saavithri et al).

Vedam describes the wife to be the best friend of the husband AT ALL
TIMES. The Vedic obligations  are recognized as SamAna (equally moving
), since married men and women move freely in society in pursuit of
their complimentary duties, VedAs and Manu Smruthi vividly describe the
responsibilities of women in the house as yajamAnis .

The importance of women in the economic aspect of the family is fully
emphasized  and asks men to give the women the responsibility of looking
after the family budget. Similarly , maintianing  family tradition and
strengthening the spiritual  affairs of the family is entrusted with the

I will quote now verbatim from AgnihOthram Sri RaamAnuja TatachAr's
monograph on the Eternal relevance of VedAs dealing with the role of
women in Hindu Society :

In the early years of marriage , love has a sexual  importance. But
with the advance of years, it mellows  into a great attachment and
affection . No one can  disturb this mutual love. Marriage is not made
for  sexual purpose, BUT FOR A REAL UNITED LIFE 

The VedAs say that the wife is the only friend  of her husbandTheir
comradeship is strengthened  by day-to-day movements.

She never claims superiority  over her husband and she is never treated
as inferior  by her husband.

She is the mistress of the house  She is a real friend and closely
follows her husband  in the good and bad of domestic life and takes keen
interest in his welfare. She also advises him at times.

Smruthi following the direction given by the Vedas states clearly that
it is the duty of a wife to correct  the mistake of her husband . SitA
piraatti did  just that in a famous pasage in Srimadh RaamAyaNam in Her
conversation with HanumAn inAsOka Vanam.

AgnihOthram TatachAr swamy points out a special Vedic term: Purandhi and
explains its significance.

According to the VedAs, women are more intelligent  than men (i.e) she
is a purandhi. In AsvanEdhA, there is  a prayer that women must be
purandhi. By that term, Women's superior intelligence is indicated.

According to the VedAs, Woman is a karma yogi. She does duty for duty's
sake. She sacrifices her individual pleasure and pain 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please join me in supporting polygamous marriage!

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk
Well, I support that form of marriage in which it is one woman and two or more 
husbands...sorry, I forget the name of it but Judy knows.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 There's a vedic story stating that a woman has nine times the sexual power of 
 a man.  So, how would a man satisfy sexually more than one woman in a 
 polygamous marriage?  Or, he can die early with a smile on his face?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  REAL Women of Canada - (Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life)  
  Conservative leader, Stephen Harper, and Liberal MP, Tom Wappel, were 
  ridiculed during the same-sex marriage debate last spring when they claimed 
  that the same-sex marriage bill would lead to demands for the legalization 
  of polygamous unions. It turns out, however, that they were right on the 
  Same-sex marriage in Canada has only been legal for about six months, but 
  already the demands for polygamy have been creeping out from the dark 
  shadows and are gradually moving onto centre stage. The issue will soon be 
  before the courts in BC. 
  This court case will result from a situation in the community of Bountiful, 
  situated near Creston, BC, in the interior of the province, that has been 
  the home of a renegade branch of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). 
  This community's beliefs include polygamy as one of its tenets. It argues 
  that polygamy is a legitimate way of life and marriage. The leader of the 
  community and his assortment of wives have boldly appeared on TV, radio and 
  in print, unabashedly discussing their joy and happiness about being in 
  polygamous relationships and all the supposed advantages, (obviously for 
  the male at least!) The Attorney General of BC, Wally Oppal, has merely 
  blushed and looked the other way, and has not prosecuted the leader of the 
  polygamous community. Why? Because he knows that with the passing of the 
  same-sex marriage legislation, and the protection of religion in the 
  Charter, there has been created serious legal problems for the Crown in 
  prosecuting such a case. That is, to lay a charge of polygamy will be 
  dangerous, since the courts could then follow the identical arguments heard 
  once in the trumped up, same-sex marriage court challenges in 2003. 
  Provincial Attorney General, Oppal, would have happily continued to ignore 
  the polygamous business in Bountiful except for the fact that the Attorney 
  General of Utah, Mark Shurtleff, came calling on him in late November 
  demanding that something be done, as girls as young as 13 years of age have 
  been crossing the border from Utah into Bountiful to be married off to much 
  older men. Another troublesome issue is that some of the polygamous wives 
  in Bountiful have begun to complain about their treatment and their lack of 
  consent to their marriage arrangements. Also, young men have been ejected 
  from the Community in order to avoid a competition for young wives with the 
  older leaders in the community. 
  As a result of these problems, the RCMP has recently undertaken an 
  investigation of Bountiful. Based on the RCMP's findings, the Provincial 
  Attorney General may then be obliged to lay charges against the leaders of 
  the polygamous sect in Bountiful. 
  New Debate on Polygamy 
  If so, a new debate on marriage, to legalize polygamous marriages will hit 
  the public eye. The exact same arguments, that were used to recognize 
  same-sex partnerships as legal marriages, will be heard again. One of these 
  arguments will be that the failure to approve polygamous marriage is due to 
  the stereotypical treatment causing historical disadvantages against people 
  who love each other. Another argument will be that since the courts have 
  conceded that procreation no longer provides sufficient reason to restrict 
  marriage to heterosexuals, then there is no reason to restrict marriage to 
  other sexual arrangements as well. 
  And why not? Take marriage away from its historically recognized essence of 
  one man and one woman, and there is no logical reason to restrict other 
  marital arrangements, such as those who love two women, or bisexuals who 
  have a sexual desire for both sexes. The fact that these arrangements are 
  currently prohibited under the Criminal Code is no argument because 
  homosexual conduct was also illegal until relatively recently. The laws 
  against polygamy can also be similarly changed. 
  What a mess the courts have created! In their zeal to be liberal and 
  progressive and to make the world aware of their trailblazing spirit, the 
  Canadian judges have made fools of themselves and us. They are also tearing 
  down the foundations of society, while establishing a dangerous precipice 
  on which the institution of marriage is now tilting. 
  Polygamy Established 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please join me in supporting polygamous marriage!

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  There's a vedic story stating that a woman has nine times 
  the sexual power of a man. So, how would a man satisfy 
  sexually more than one woman in a polygamous marriage?  
  Or, he can die early with a smile on his face?
 My buddy on one of my TM courses was a neat, 
 down-to-earth guy who was married. I had at the
 time a fairly serious girlfriend. As a result, 
 we had similar points of view on the newly-in-
 vogue craze of celibacy among male International 
 staffers. Walking back from a meeting in which 
 several of these Seelisberg limpdicks

At times I was celibate during parts of long-term rounding courses back in the 
'70s and I can assure you that the opposite of limpdick is the experience.  Not 
ejaculating for any extended period of time produces a disproportionate amount 
and frequency and strength of one's erections.

But I can see how that would be Barry's experience.

 upon us, shaking his head in disbelief, he summed 
 it up perfectly: Scratch a wannabe skin boy and 
 9 times out of 10 you'll find a guy who's afraid 
 of women and running from his own feelings of 
 sexual inadequacy.
 Not that that's relevant to anything. I just 
 found myself remembering the moment for some 
 reason. Carry on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Vaj

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

You're probably the smartest person in the room.

But it takes away from both your dignity and your reputation of high 
intelligence when you DECLARE someone to be lying or that you have THE TRUTH 
about this or that situation.

You sound like Rush Limbaugh who continually tells us he has access to THE 
TRUTH; same absolutism, different side of the spectrum.

Like I've suggested to you before: if you want to win friends and influence 
people, don't TELL me that Vaj is lying; give me the facts as you see them and 
order the telling of them in such a way that I will come to that conclusion 

Much more powerful.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Dec 2, 2009, at 2:18 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
   On Dec 2, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Vaj wrote:
   The much touted study by Schneider on 
   Cardiac health in African Americans that's 
   been pushed all over the internet and posted 
   all over the place--I've received over 30 
   emails on this one study--not only was never 
   published (let alone peer reviewed) that I 
   can find, it isn't even listed in on the AHA 
   website for the conference it was supposedly 
   presented at. No PDF available.
   It was never published?  I was wondering 
   about that too...I've also gotten several 
   emails touting it.
 Stupid Sal's been thoroughly skunked by Vaj.
 As I noted on Wednesday, of course it hasn't been
 published--it was only just completed. Vaj knows
 this, even if stupid Sal couldn't figure it out.
 But (as Vaj also knows) Schneider *has* published 
 at least half a dozen studies on the effect of TM 
 on heart health in African Americans, many of 
 which have been pushed all over the internet and 
 posted all over the place.
  It was just to be presented at the American 
  Heart Association scientific conference last 
  month. No mention, no paper, no abstract, 
  nothing on their website.
 And as I also noted, it is indeed listed on the 
 AHA conference Web site; it's in the program. I 
 gave the page number and event number in my post 
 on Wednesday.
 There are no abstracts, PDFs, or anything else
 for that conference on the Web site that would
 be accessible to the general public, only to 
 professional AHA members. So this is another 
 deliberately disingenuous red herring from Vaj.
   Maybe the Journal of Scientific Exploration 
   will take it? Maybe they could consider 
   African-Americans extraterrestrial? :
   I don't know...is that peer-reviewed and 
  No it's a fringe/UFO and pseudoscience journal 
  that David Orme-Johnson got his recent paper 
  in! If you were a respected scientist it would 
  be one of the last journals you'd ever want to 
  be published in, if anyone was to take you 
  seriously again. But it is peer-reviewed. :-)
 Not only is it not a UFO or pseudoscience 
 journal, it's also a lie that respected 
 scientists aren't published in it. Taking a quick 
 look at the list of recent authors at the JSE 
 site, I found five names that I recognized, all 
 of whom are most definitely in the respected 
 Elizabeth Loftus
 Robert G. Jahn
 Dean Radin
 Ian Stevenson
 Michael Persinger (Ironic, because Persinger is 
 the author of the distinctly anti-TM book TM and 
 Cult Mania and has published a couple of papers 
 dealing with TM in other journals that TM critics 
 are constantly touting as proving how dangerous 
 TM is.)
 Vaj would have us believe that papers are 
 published in JSE because they're so poorly done 
 no reputable journal would accept them. It's most 
 likely true that no other reputable journal would 
 accept them, but not necessarily because they're 
 poorly done; it's the subject matter that's the 
 problem. Even the most beautifully done, 
 brilliantly written, airtight study on a topic 
 considered fringe is unlikely to be published 
 in a mainstream journal. It's unlikely even to be 
 *read* by the editors of such a journal.
 The paper TM published in JSE is a response to a 
 paper by Sales and Markovsky published in a 
 sociology journal that purportedly debunks the 
 famous TM Journal of Conflict Resolution study. 
 The sociology journal refused to publish TM's 
 rebuttal to Sales and Markovsky's paper. The 
 journal is happy to publish papers that claim to 
 debunk nonmainstream theories, but not papers 
 that support such theories or rebut the claimed 
 debunkings. What wonderful scientific ethics.
 Has Vaj read the paper he's so scornful of, or is
 his only basis for scorn the fact that it was 
 published in a journal that examines topics 
 mainstream science doesn't dare deal with?
 If JSE published a paper touting some unusual
 effects of Buddhist meditation, would he be
 scornful of it because of the nature of the
 The *fact* is that Vaj himself  has made all
 kinds of claims that would be considered 
 fringe, if not 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unemployment dropped to 10.0% in November

2009-12-05 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 do.rflex wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  do.rflex wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Result of temporary Christmas hiring.  Happens every year.  Many will

  laid off in January.
  The decrease in unemployment numbers has been occurring since January
  and it certainly isn't all due to Christmas hiring.
 In the strongest employment report since the recession began
  nearly two years ago, the government said Friday that the nation's
  employers had all but stopped shedding jobs in November, taking some of
  the pressure off of President Obama to come up with a wide-ranging jobs
  creation program.
  The Labor Department reported that the United States economy lost 11,000
  jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent, down
  from 10.2 percent in October.
  The government also significantly revised its September and October job
  loss estimates.
  September's data was adjusted to show a loss of 139,000 jobs instead
  of 219,000, and in October 111,000 jobs were lost, instead of 190,000.
  Even allowing for the November loss, the revisions added 148,000 people
  to the list of those employed in the United States in November.
  Though the pace of job loss has been declining since a peak in January,
  the November number was surprising. Economists had been expecting a
  turning point to come in the late spring or summer, with employers
  finally adding workers as a recovery takes hold. The last time the
  number was so bright was in December 2007, when the economy added
  120,000 jobs.

  Come up from Brazil and take a look around.  The government hasn't been 
  reporting accurate unemployment for years.  Many have just given up and 
  don't ask me how they survive.  They don't count people like me who do 
  contracting and move in and out of bust and boom periods.  And what are 
  the new jobs paying?  Probably not the wages some people have been used 
  to earning.  I know there are older folks working a Starbucks who 
  probably had much better paying gigs in the past.  I also suspect my 
  server at the restaurant the other day (notches above what you'd expect) 
  also took the job paying less than what he was earning.
  The Republicans trashed the US Economy and sold our asses to the 
  Chinese.  And I don't expect Obama, who seems to have been part of a 
  secret (or not so) Wall Street coup, to produce miracles.
  And given the report on the coming ice age (the one the other day was 
  not the first) we should all be joining you.  In fact when I read the 
  first report from the Pentagon several years ago a song let's all move 
  down to South America popped into my head loosely based on that old 
  movie theater snack ad let's go out to the lobby.  ;-)
  I suppose you think that all of the following which has happened since 
  Obama took office in January is ALSO lies from the government: 
  ~~U.S. Enters Recovery as Stimulus Refutes Skeptics~~ 
  ~~U.S. Economy Gets Lift From Stimulus~~ 
  Wall Street Journal: 
  ~~Germany, France out of recession~~ 
  Guardian [UK]: 
  ~~Japan Steps out of Recession~~ 
  BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8205072.stm 
  ~~UK Officially Out of Recession~~ 
  ~~Across the nation, housing starts are rising~~ 
  Journal Sentinal: http://www.jsonline.com/business/53623677.html 
  ~~Retail sales rose at the swiftest rate in three years in August~~
  ~~U.S. household wealth up for first time since 2007~~
  ~~US leading economic index up for fifth month in a row~~
  ~~Obama loan relief plan hits goal early ~~
  ~~Obama's mortgage relief program growing ~~
  ~~Dow passes 10,000 mark on earnings optimism~~first time in a year
  ~~GDP Grew 3.2 percent as Stimulus Took Hold: U.S. Economy Preview~~
  ~~Jobs outlook brightens - 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please join me in supporting polygamous marriage!

2009-12-05 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 There's a vedic story stating that a woman has nine times the sexual power of 
 a man.  So, how would a man satisfy sexually more than one woman in a 
 polygamous marriage?  Or, he can die early with a smile on his face?

caturan.gasainyaM dhanakanakaM SoDashavarSiiyaM kanyaashataM
tasmai mithyaavaadine vipraaya dattam.

He [King Vikrama, Indian King Arthur] also gave the lying priest
an army complete with elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry,
as well as money, gold and a hundred sixteen-year-old girls.

-- Vikramacarita, King Vikrama's Adventures

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Please join me in supporting polygamous marriage!

2009-12-05 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:
 There's a vedic story stating that a woman has nine times 
 the sexual power of a man. So, how would a man satisfy 
 sexually more than one woman in a polygamous marriage?  
 Or, he can die early with a smile on his face?

 My buddy on one of my TM courses was a neat, 
 down-to-earth guy who was married. I had at the
 time a fairly serious girlfriend. As a result, 
 we had similar points of view on the newly-in-
 vogue craze of celibacy among male International 
 staffers. Walking back from a meeting in which 
 several of these Seelisberg limpdicks descended 
 upon us, shaking his head in disbelief, he summed 
 it up perfectly: Scratch a wannabe skin boy and 
 9 times out of 10 you'll find a guy who's afraid 
 of women and running from his own feelings of 
 sexual inadequacy.

 Not that that's relevant to anything. I just 
 found myself remembering the moment for some 
 reason. Carry on.

A bit of an ayurvedic correlation would be that the limpdicks were 
probably eating vegetarian and getting a vata imbalance (creating a 
spaciness they mistook for enlightenment).  That would have reduced any 
sex drive.  Kapha people tend to have the most sexual stamina and pitta 
the most drive.

Then there is the astrological correlate which probably wouldn't apply 
to some of the above where relationships are out of the question.  Call 
these natural sannyassis.   The difference is that this group is often 
frustrated that they can't get into relationships because they aren't 
really trying to avoid them.  They may even meet someone promising and 
out of the blue someone sweeps in to steal that person away.  It's as if 
they're being told we're not even going to let you have a fling.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unemployment dropped to 10.0% in November

2009-12-05 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 do.rflex wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 do.rflex wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 Result of temporary Christmas hiring.  Happens every year.  Many will
 laid off in January.

 The decrease in unemployment numbers has been occurring since January
 and it certainly isn't all due to Christmas hiring.

In the strongest employment report since the recession began
 nearly two years ago, the government said Friday that the nation's
 employers had all but stopped shedding jobs in November, taking some of
 the pressure off of President Obama to come up with a wide-ranging jobs
 creation program.
 The Labor Department reported that the United States economy lost 11,000
 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent, down
 from 10.2 percent in October.

 The government also significantly revised its September and October job
 loss estimates.

 September's data was adjusted to show a loss of 139,000 jobs instead
 of 219,000, and in October 111,000 jobs were lost, instead of 190,000.

 Even allowing for the November loss, the revisions added 148,000 people
 to the list of those employed in the United States in November.

 Though the pace of job loss has been declining since a peak in January,
 the November number was surprising. Economists had been expecting a
 turning point to come in the late spring or summer, with employers
 finally adding workers as a recovery takes hold. The last time the
 number was so bright was in December 2007, when the economy added
 120,000 jobs.
 Come up from Brazil and take a look around.  The government hasn't been 
 reporting accurate unemployment for years.  Many have just given up and 
 don't ask me how they survive.  They don't count people like me who do 
 contracting and move in and out of bust and boom periods.  And what are 
 the new jobs paying?  Probably not the wages some people have been used 
 to earning.  I know there are older folks working a Starbucks who 
 probably had much better paying gigs in the past.  I also suspect my 
 server at the restaurant the other day (notches above what you'd expect) 
 also took the job paying less than what he was earning.

 The Republicans trashed the US Economy and sold our asses to the 
 Chinese.  And I don't expect Obama, who seems to have been part of a 
 secret (or not so) Wall Street coup, to produce miracles.

 And given the report on the coming ice age (the one the other day was 
 not the first) we should all be joining you.  In fact when I read the 
 first report from the Pentagon several years ago a song let's all move 
 down to South America popped into my head loosely based on that old 
 movie theater snack ad let's go out to the lobby.  ;-)

 I suppose you think that all of the following which has happened since 
 Obama took office in January is ALSO lies from the government: 

 ~~U.S. Enters Recovery as Stimulus Refutes Skeptics~~ 

 ~~U.S. Economy Gets Lift From Stimulus~~ 
 Wall Street Journal: 

 ~~Germany, France out of recession~~ 
 Guardian [UK]: 

 ~~Japan Steps out of Recession~~ 
 BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8205072.stm 

 ~~UK Officially Out of Recession~~ 

 ~~Across the nation, housing starts are rising~~ 
 Journal Sentinal: http://www.jsonline.com/business/53623677.html 

 ~~Retail sales rose at the swiftest rate in three years in August~~

 ~~U.S. household wealth up for first time since 2007~~

 ~~US leading economic index up for fifth month in a row~~

 ~~Obama loan relief plan hits goal early ~~

 ~~Obama's mortgage relief program growing ~~

 ~~Dow passes 10,000 mark on earnings optimism~~first time in a year

 ~~GDP Grew 3.2 percent as Stimulus Took Hold: U.S. Economy Preview~~

 ~~Jobs outlook brightens - National Association for 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unemployment dropped to 10.0% in November

2009-12-05 Thread nelson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  Things are improving because they aren't getting worse as fast as they were.
   Latest from the resident wingnut- health reform is about control and not 
health --keep watching.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Vaj

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 You're probably the smartest person in the room.

Seriously doubt it (unless by the room you're
referring to the home office in which I'm currently 

 But it takes away from both your dignity and your
 reputation of high intelligence when you DECLARE
 someone to be lying

Sorry, but I disagree. Blatant lies should be
clearly and forcefully identified as such.

 or that you have THE TRUTH about this or that 

I rarely say anything to that effect, if ever. What
I may say is that I have the *facts* about this or
that situation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Vaj

2009-12-05 Thread shukra69
few people are going to follow the discussion as closely as yourself, and its 
not about you personally and what you find persuasive or a preferable style

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 You're probably the smartest person in the room.
 But it takes away from both your dignity and your reputation of high 
 intelligence when you DECLARE someone to be lying or that you have THE TRUTH 
 about this or that situation.
 You sound like Rush Limbaugh who continually tells us he has access to THE 
 TRUTH; same absolutism, different side of the spectrum.
 Like I've suggested to you before: if you want to win friends and influence 
 people, don't TELL me that Vaj is lying; give me the facts as you see them 
 and order the telling of them in such a way that I will come to that 
 conclusion myself.
 Much more powerful.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Dec 2, 2009, at 2:18 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
On Dec 2, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Vaj wrote:
The much touted study by Schneider on 
Cardiac health in African Americans that's 
been pushed all over the internet and posted 
all over the place--I've received over 30 
emails on this one study--not only was never 
published (let alone peer reviewed) that I 
can find, it isn't even listed in on the AHA 
website for the conference it was supposedly 
presented at. No PDF available.
It was never published?  I was wondering 
about that too...I've also gotten several 
emails touting it.
  Stupid Sal's been thoroughly skunked by Vaj.
  As I noted on Wednesday, of course it hasn't been
  published--it was only just completed. Vaj knows
  this, even if stupid Sal couldn't figure it out.
  But (as Vaj also knows) Schneider *has* published 
  at least half a dozen studies on the effect of TM 
  on heart health in African Americans, many of 
  which have been pushed all over the internet and 
  posted all over the place.
   It was just to be presented at the American 
   Heart Association scientific conference last 
   month. No mention, no paper, no abstract, 
   nothing on their website.
  And as I also noted, it is indeed listed on the 
  AHA conference Web site; it's in the program. I 
  gave the page number and event number in my post 
  on Wednesday.
  There are no abstracts, PDFs, or anything else
  for that conference on the Web site that would
  be accessible to the general public, only to 
  professional AHA members. So this is another 
  deliberately disingenuous red herring from Vaj.
Maybe the Journal of Scientific Exploration 
will take it? Maybe they could consider 
African-Americans extraterrestrial? :
I don't know...is that peer-reviewed and 
   No it's a fringe/UFO and pseudoscience journal 
   that David Orme-Johnson got his recent paper 
   in! If you were a respected scientist it would 
   be one of the last journals you'd ever want to 
   be published in, if anyone was to take you 
   seriously again. But it is peer-reviewed. :-)
  Not only is it not a UFO or pseudoscience 
  journal, it's also a lie that respected 
  scientists aren't published in it. Taking a quick 
  look at the list of recent authors at the JSE 
  site, I found five names that I recognized, all 
  of whom are most definitely in the respected 
  Elizabeth Loftus
  Robert G. Jahn
  Dean Radin
  Ian Stevenson
  Michael Persinger (Ironic, because Persinger is 
  the author of the distinctly anti-TM book TM and 
  Cult Mania and has published a couple of papers 
  dealing with TM in other journals that TM critics 
  are constantly touting as proving how dangerous 
  TM is.)
  Vaj would have us believe that papers are 
  published in JSE because they're so poorly done 
  no reputable journal would accept them. It's most 
  likely true that no other reputable journal would 
  accept them, but not necessarily because they're 
  poorly done; it's the subject matter that's the 
  problem. Even the most beautifully done, 
  brilliantly written, airtight study on a topic 
  considered fringe is unlikely to be published 
  in a mainstream journal. It's unlikely even to be 
  *read* by the editors of such a journal.
  The paper TM published in JSE is a response to a 
  paper by Sales and Markovsky published in a 
  sociology journal that purportedly debunks the 
  famous TM Journal of Conflict Resolution study. 
  The sociology journal refused to publish TM's 
  rebuttal to Sales and Markovsky's paper. The 
  journal is happy to publish papers that claim to 
  debunk nonmainstream theories, but not papers 
  that support such theories or rebut the claimed 
  debunkings. What wonderful scientific ethics.
  Has Vaj read the paper he's so scornful of, or is
  his only basis for scorn the fact 

[FairfieldLife] Still more lies from Vaj (was Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific)

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
Vaj's dishonesty continues to infect this
forum. His lies are most egregious when he's
been caught in a falsehood and is trying to
exonerate himself, as in this case.

His very deliberate misrepresentations of 
the Journal of Scientific Exploration, 
intended to put TM research in a bad light 
because TM has published one article in the 
journal, are quite directly parallel to the 
misrepresentations of the climate-change 
deniers with regard to the hacked emails. Hard 
up for evidence to support their perspective, 
in both cases they have to resort to inventing 
it--and hope that their audience will be too 
lazy and credulous to check up on them.

Vaj has repeatedly referred to the Journal of
Scientific Exploration as a UFO journal (or
UFO journals, to make it sound as though
TM regularly publishes in many such journals).
Up till now, he hasn't actually named the
journal, knowing that if he were to do so and
anyone were to check up on his claim, they'd
realize it was a lie.

But apparently he *did* read my latest post 
pointing out that he was lying, or someone 
told him about it, so he figured he'd brazen 
it out by naming the journal and then telling 
a bunch of detailed lies about the nature of 
the journal.

That's a standard technique of malicious
propagandists: citing what they purport to be
documentation of their false claims that
actually doesn't support the claims at all.
They figure folks won't other to check but
will just assume that if the propagandist
provides a citation, it must be because it
backs up what the propagandist has said.

Which is exactly what Vaj did:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 The current issue has papers on the Loch 
 Ness monster and several UFO papers.
 It's always a hoot to look at when you
 need a good laugh. And of course MUM
 researchers publish there now.
 It looks like they've finally found their 
 niche in the scientific community!

In fact, TM researchers have published there
*once*. There's no indication whatsoever of a 
trend, contrary to Vaj's knowingly disingenuous

And in fact, Vaj has no idea what's in the 
current issue, because its contents aren't 
listed on the Web site.

The latest issue whose contents are listed is 
the third issue for 2008 (the journal is a 

Maybe Vaj was hoping folks wouldn't notice 
if he described the contents of the *first*
issue listed, published in 1987, and said it
was the current issue.

And even so he misrepresents the contents:
there was *one* article on the Loch Ness
monster and *one* article on UFOs. (Another
malicious propagandist's trick is to use
plurals when referring to a single instance.)

Neither paper took a believer's stance. Both 
were scholarly analyses of available materials 
on their topics (the PDFs of the articles are 
available on the page).

The other articles in the first issue: A Brief
History of the Society for Scientific
Exploration; Alterations in Recollection
of Unusual and Unexpected Events; Toward a
Quantitative Theory of Intellectual Discovery
(Esp. in Phys.); and Engineering Anomalies 
Research. PDFs for all these are available
on the page.

The last issue listed for which PDFs are 
available is from 2007. The last issue listed 
containing an article on UFOs is 2006 (and
that was simply a historical review of the
information that has accumulated, pro and con.)

But let's look at the titles of the articles in 
the most recent issue listed, the third for 2008:

Unusual Atmospheric Phenomena Observed Near
  Channel Islands, UK, 23 April 2007
The GCP Event Experiment: Design, Analytical 
  Methods, Results
New Insights into the Links between ESP and 
  Geomagnetic Activity
Phenomenology of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine Use: A 
  Thematic Analysis
Altered Experience Mediates the Relationship 
  between Schizo-typy and Mood Disturbance during 
  Shamanic-Like Journeying
Persistence of Past-Life Memories: Study of Adults 
  Who Claimed in Their Childhood to Remember a 
  Past Life

Gee, nothing about UFOs or the Loch Ness monster.

In fact, of the approximately 500 articles the
journal has published since 1987, around 25 
have been about UFOs--5 percent. (The frequency 
of such articles has declined steadily over the

In Vaj's mind, 5 percent is enough to smear 
JSE--and the TM researchers--by calling it a
UFO journal. No wonder he didn't name it for 
so long.

Now he thinks he can wiggle out from under that
lie by identifying the journal and *lying about
what it contains*.

I've looked at a bunch of the PDFs available on
the article listings that deal with some of the
more far-out phenomena. None that I've examined
credulously promotes the phenomena they deal with.
At most, they analyze skeptical debunkings and
point out where they're inadequate to explain the

Many of the articles are purely sociological;
the Loch Ness monster article in the first 
issue, for example, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unemployment dropped to 10.0% in November

2009-12-05 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 do.rflex wrote:


  I really DO NOT believe that Thom Hartmann saw the list I provided and 
  claimed it was all lies from the government, Bhairitu.

 He saw what they really were: small blips.

I don't believe you unless you personally showed him the list I posted.

  You should also note I just said that the Republicans are 

  mainly responsible for the mess and why they let Obama win.  They didn't 
  want the bill to be presented to their president.
  Uh... TARP was passed under Bush, Bhairitu. 

 I know that John.  It was a waste of money 

It stopped a total collapse of the economy, Bhairitu. Or do you claim that's 
also a lie from the government?

and I phoned my Congressman 
 twice to oppose its passage.  If it wasn't passed mainly the rich would 
 have been destroyed.  Things might have been tough for the middle class 
 for a while but not as bad as delaying the inevitable which is looming 
 on the horizon.

That's paranoid crackpottery, Bhairitu.

  The stimulus for the economy passed under Obama is historically shown be a 
  necessity just as similar spending under FDR was needed to transition the 
  Great Depression into prosperity.

 Like what?  More money to bail out the banks or insurance companies?  
 What about help to small businesses?  They want people to spend but you 
 can't have spending unless people have money to spend.  And without jobs 
 they can't spend.  A few measly government jobs isn't going to solve the 
 problem and not everyone wants to work for the government.

Your doomsday ideology has you by the balls, Bhairitu. It took ten years, but 
FDR's spending brought jobs back to pre-Great Depression levels and more than 
doubled the GDP.

Obama has said that the stimulus package was designed to begin to turn around 
the ecomomy in around two years.

Obama's only been in office for 9 months. You can't turn around a catastrophe 
that developed over eight years under the criminal GOP/Bush gang in 8 months.  

  And for you to say that the list I posted is all lies just further confirms 
  to me that you're off the deep end and live in your own weird little world.

 Sounds like to me you're the one with blinders on.  You need to see 
 further. :-D

I don't get my information from places like Prison Planet or people like Alex 
Jones like you apparently do, if that's what you mean. That's Crackpot World. 
It's right next to Planet Wingnuttia.

  The rest of the stuff you're posting is just more your wacky radical 
  conspiracy baloney. Your views with that stuff rival the nutbag wingnuts 
  with their claims of Obama creating FEMA concentration camps, confiscation 
  of everybody's guns, birtherism, Obama is a Muslim, etc. crapola.

 Who's off the deep end?   I'm not into those things.  

No. That FEMA stuff is Wingnut World. You're into a different but just as wacky 
conspiratorial doomsday scenario all your own.

Stop being a DNC 
 ditto head.  That's like being a TMO ditto head.
 I voted for and was critical of Bill Clinton.  I reserve the right to be 
 critical of Obama, whom I also voted for.

Sure, you have the right to criticize anyone and anything you wish. You also 
have every right to buy into crackpot doomsday bullshittery - which you're 
apparently doing with great conviction.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific solution

2009-12-05 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , seekliberation
seekliberat...@... wrote:

 I remember seeing a lot of this online when I became interested in
Ravi Shankar after reading about a lot of his work worldwide.   I
remember being somewhat excited about it, and I remember it didn't last
for very long.  I haven't seen any continuance of it in the really
heavily war-torn provinces.

I don't think anyone can function safely in a heavily war torn zone?
There are other places (McCain and Bush used to claim it was safe in

If he would've remained there much longer than he did, he would have
become a target eventually, especially for being associated with groups
that advocate women's rights.  Remember the assassination of Bhutto in

There are a number of groups that could have killed Bhutto, but I doubt
that it was a Muslim extremist, an anti-women's rights killing, or a
sectarian or religious killing.

  In tribal run areas where people advocate peace or women's rights,
the extremist factions become infuriated.  It's very similar to ignorant
rednecks in America who are either racist or male chauvinists.   The
only difference is that we are about 50-60 years ahead of them in
evolving past some of their behaviors. 

Although, under Butto's father in Pakistan women had many rights, and in
Iran, before the Americans forced out the democratic government there,
to be replaced with their own dictator, and before the Americans trained
Osama Bin Laden and built the Taliban in Afhganistan, and even under the
American backed dictator Saddam Hussein women had rights to become
doctors, professors, etc. In Lebanon, women were gaining freedoms until
the Americans forced out the Syrians who were keeping the peace there,
and the American backed corrupt Olmert government of Israel who bombed
the shit out of Lebanon because after the Americans forced out the
Syrians the extremist Hezbollah took over Lebanon..

Anywhere else? Yes, in the American backed extreme dictatorship of Saudi
Arabia, there are many Indians working as second class citizens in a
partitioned society.

 This is part of the reason i've always preferred Ravi's point of view.
Not because it justifies my own, but more so because it is balanced.  He
understands peace must be brought to these areas, but at least
acknowledges that in the beginning stages there will be a formidable
resistance that has to be dealt with.  Although he praises Islam as a
whole, he will still make occasional remarks of how many of these
terrorists are misguided.

 But his point of view is unlike many people who believe we can just
send doctors, teachers and other healers without any risk or serious
threat.  They often think they can just walk into these villages without
someone disliking them to a point of serious mistreatmentor much
worse.  At least Sri Ravi is a bit of a realist in the midst of his

 The good thing is that there are provinces in Afghanistan that are
becoming much safer, mostly in the northeast though.  But in the south,
and southwest civilians are still being killed by Taliban.  If they are
seen seeking medical care by American military doctors they can be

Just like Kansas. Perhaps you are not aware of this, but numerous people
have been killed for seeking medical care in America, and recently a
doctor was murdered in Kansas for practicing medicine.

  I've heard from someone overseas now that they tried to blame
civilian casualties on American aircraft bombings somewhere out west,
problem is they were killed by Chinese grenades, which no NATO forces
carry at all.  They will kill civilians to make it look like us.

Yes, American forces can drop bombs on houses and kill rebels and spare
the women and children in there. They have smart bombs.

 It's often times their best chance of victory.  

There is no victory in these wars. There never was, and there never will
be. No-one will be victorious or claim victory. This Bush/Cheney debacle
will drag on for 30 years (unless there is some massive change in world
consciousness that completely re-arranges matter itself.

I also remember a village about 30-40 miles from where I was based
that a 15 year old boy was hung to death for carrying American

The accusations about the practices of SOME American soldiers in Iraq
and elsewhere are just as brutal and more widespread. That doesn't mean
everywhere American soldiers go are like that does it? or that that is
representative of the whole US military?

   These are not safe places for anyone who is not Islamic, or anyone
not living in accordance with the warlord faction's guidelines.  

Yes, you are right, they are not safe places. If only America had not
ignored world opinion and international law and sent Iraq back to the
stone age, and if only they had let the international community focus on
Afghanistan, then the world would be a better place. Unfortuantely it
will take decades to mend 

[FairfieldLife] spread the joy of meditation ...

2009-12-05 Thread michael


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[FairfieldLife] Still more lies from Vaj (was Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific)

2009-12-05 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:


 His very deliberate misrepresentations of 
 the Journal of Scientific Exploration, 
 intended to put TM research in a bad light 
 because TM has published one article in the 
 journal, are quite directly parallel to the 
 misrepresentations of the climate-change 
 deniers with regard to the hacked emails. Hard 
 up for evidence to support their perspective, 
 in both cases they have to resort to inventing 
 it--and hope that their audience will be too 
 lazy and credulous to check up on them.


A slur!

I'm sorry you choose to perpetuate that silly
and intellectually disreputable use of the
word deniers. For shame. How can you live
with yourself?

Of course when you say misrepresentations
...with regard to the hacked emails - no
one can argue with that. It is the non
misrepresentation of those emails which gives
many folks pause for thought.

Hard up for evidence to support their
perspective? Really? I think not.

[FairfieldLife] In case you were wondering who she is...

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

Her name is Stephanie Courtney and she's a member of The Groundlings.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Please join me in supporting polygamous marriage!

2009-12-05 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  There's a vedic story stating that a woman has nine times the sexual power 
  of a man.  So, how would a man satisfy sexually more than one woman in a 
  polygamous marriage?  Or, he can die early with a smile on his face?
 caturan.gasainyaM dhanakanakaM SoDashavarSiiyaM kanyaashataM
 tasmai mithyaavaadine vipraaya dattam.
 He [King Vikrama, Indian King Arthur] also gave the lying priest
 an army complete with elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry,
 as well as money, gold and a hundred sixteen-year-old girls.
 -- Vikramacarita, King Vikrama's Adventures

...not a hundred sixteen-year-old boys?  Surely there is SOME holy book 
SOMEWHERE in which gay marriage and gay sex is celebrated?

See what you can come up with, cardmeister, and get back to us, please.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-12-05 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Dec 05 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Dec 12 00:00:00 2009
60 messages as of (UTC) Sun Dec 06 00:12:37 2009

10 ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 8 authfriend jst...@panix.com
 7 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 7 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 4 nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 4 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 2 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 2 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 1 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 m 13 meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 1 guyfawkes91 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 1 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com

Posters: 18
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific solution

2009-12-05 Thread seekliberation

For the sake of simplicity, I deleted a lot your comments to make this an 
easier read. 
Re: our alliance with Saudi, and our backing of other countries

Our alliance with Saudi Arabia started with Franklin Roosevelt.  He felt 
whoever has the strongest alliance would eventually be the world's economic 
superpower, and he was right.  But he also put us at the mercy of a region that 
is unstable, and a culture that is unreliable and for the most part hates our 
culture.  Regarding Osama Bin Laden, he did not build the Taliban.  He built Al 
Qaeda.  The Taliban only gave Al Qaeda refuge because they were pissed at 
Hillary Clinton and Margaret Thatcher for pleading to the UN council regarding 
the Taliban's treatment of women.  The Taliban didn't necessarily like Bin 
Laden, but they rather saw him as a bartering element.  The Taliban wanted the 
UN and USA off their backs.  So they allowed Bin Laden to stay.  It didn't end 
up working out to well for them in the long run.
You also claimed that USA built the Taliban.  I'm not trying to win an argument 
here, but rather communicate  inform, since I had no choice but to learn a lot 
of this over the last 4 years.  USA helped support the 'Mujahedeen', but we 
didn't 'build' them.  They were already together and built to fight the 
Soviets, we just armed them with anti-aircraft weapons.  After the Soviet 
occupation, the Mujahedeen became very corrupt and that's when the Taliban were 
formed.  USA had nothing to do with it.  

 Just like Kansas. Perhaps you are not aware of this, but numerous people
 have been killed for seeking medical care in America, and recently a
 doctor was murdered in Kansas for practicing medicine.

Yes, there are some dipshits in America.  Percentage wise, I doubt it's nearly 
as bad as the rest of the countries i've been to (not including Europe).   I 
would have to read the news and check the internet to find names of people 
killed for such things.  In some countries i've been to, I could walk into any 
village and talk to a village elder and hear plenty of stories about local 
militias committing atrocities towards civilians.  It is becoming a lot less 
common in the middle eastern countries that are moving towards being a 1st 
world country, which i'm glad for.   But it's common in the 2nd/3rd world 
countries in the middle east.
Besides, in America, it's usually a nut case or psychopath that commits some of 
these ridiculous murders.  In some of the Middle Eastern countries where this 
occurs, it is implied policy.  

   I've heard from someone overseas now that they tried to blame
 civilian casualties on American aircraft bombings somewhere out west,
 problem is they were killed by Chinese grenades, which no NATO forces
 carry at all.  They will kill civilians to make it look like us.

 Yes, American forces can drop bombs on houses and kill rebels and spare
 the women and children in there. They have smart bombs.

This is obviously sarcasm, but still there seems to be no acknowledgement that 
Taliban are killing their own civilians 'INTENTIONALLY', whereas if civilians 
are killed by Americans it is due to a firefight breaking out in the midst of 
civilians.  There seems to be this thought going around in the minds of 
'Michael Moore' type people that want to believe that Soldiers and Marines are 
intentionally killing women and children.  What they fail to understand is the 
luring of US forces into villages and towns with the intention of civilian 
casualties taking place.  
Also, don't get me wrong, there have been a few cases of us making big mistakes 
in the past.  But I have been in the presence of some of the most ignorant 
redneck type Marines out there, and I can assure you that not even the most 
ignorant US soldier/Marine has any desire to kill women or children in another 

  It's often times their best chance of victory.  
 There is no victory in these wars. There never was, and there never will
 be. No-one will be victorious or claim victory. This Bush/Cheney debacle
 will drag on for 30 years (unless there is some massive change in world
 consciousness that completely re-arranges matter itself.

Yes there is victory, but not for us.  The Taliban may be able to claim victory 
after this is all over.  Al Qaeda is still recovering from being hit hard 
during the Bush/Cheney period, but they'll rebound.  I have argued this with 
many soldiers and Marines that we are going to lose this war, most likely.  
Iraq is negotiable whether we won or not, and for now leans towards losing 
unless the Iraq Army becomes fully established.  We are losing in Afghanistan 
now, and the troop surge Obama approved of will not solve the problem.  America 
had little or no idea what they were getting into when this whole thing 
started.  The US armed forces are simply not willing to go the same distance 
that our declared enemies are willing to go.  If our economy was kicking ass 
right now, we'd stand a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Judy, was More lies from...

2009-12-05 Thread Vaj

On Dec 5, 2009, at 4:42 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:

 But it takes away from both your dignity and your reputation of high 
 intelligence when you DECLARE someone to be lying or that you have THE TRUTH 
 about this or that situation.
 You sound like Rush Limbaugh who continually tells us he has access to THE 
 TRUTH; same absolutism, different side of the spectrum.
 Like I've suggested to you before: if you want to win friends and influence 
 people, don't TELL me that Vaj is lying; give me the facts as you see them 
 and order the telling of them in such a way that I will come to that 
 conclusion myself.

Thanks for posting this Shemp, otherwise I would have missed it. Unbelievable.

Rush Limbaugh? More like Rosie O'Donnell on a meth bender.

Apparently Ms. Digital Stalker loves to post elaborate straw men to draw 
responses from certain writers. They are typically fictional, imaginary schemes 
Our Dear Editor concocts. My only response to this latest pathetic strawman 
campaign is LOL: No, no, no.

EVERYONE who presents a talk or a poster at a medical specialty scientific 
conference gets an automatic mention (name and abstract--in this case the one 
you've seen plastered all over the web and emails) and they're published in an 
addendum to that specialties journal (in this case Circulation). This does not 
constitute publication in the main journal, nor does it constitute appearing in 
the news section or in the important paper section of the website. Typically 
you'll find it in the addendum (big deal), but if it's minor it won't bear 
actual this paper was presented at the conference status on the actual 
website. The TM, unpublished research does not get any such mention. Kinda 
surprising to find, now that I've received around 50 emails announcing it being 
posted somewhere. Amazing really the level of deception and the mass mailing 
suggesting importance.

The mass seeding of this abstract make it appear as if this is important news 
from this conference--but a quick search of the website will show this is NOT 
the case. It won't even come up because it is not part of the major news, 
merely a talk given at the conference. Anyone can present a paper, few get 
mentioned on the website as important papers. This latest TM paper, as with 
many before, it gives the impression that it's important. Clearly, a search of 
the website shows it does not even get mention in the important papers 
presented or a search of the website (search function on homepage) for the 
paper title or a author's name.

It turns out the paper is not nearly as important as it's been made out to be. 
A quick search of the web site reveals this to be, in fact, the case.

[FairfieldLife] more on Victor Stenger's books

2009-12-05 Thread yifuxero
(an email to a physicist friend of mine):
 2 books by Victor Stenger sent,
#1 for got exact title, but covers the origins of physical laws.
#2, a more recent book, popularizes the previous one to an extent,
adding a critical evualation of quantum Mysticism.
Book #1 and much of #2 point to a single origin of physical laws:
(I'll let you Wiki): Noether's Theorem; i.e. Emmy Noether.
In both books, Stenger provides a list of about 20 laws, then shows
how Noether's Theorem forces the existence of such laws (Newtonian
laws, etc, and others) through 2 limiting principles coupled with the
PDE's covering the Lagrangian principle of least action:
The 2 basic concepts are: a. Convervation rules and b. Symmetry breaking.
Also, Stenger takes a pot shot at the notion that certain Laws are
intrinsically built in to possible universes; taking the pov that the
term laws should be replaced by rules or models.  Kip Thorne is
one of those who claims that certain lists of laws can be assumed to
operate in any 3-D universe; while Stenger is saying that there are
only models and that selection bias plays a big role in what we are
saying = Laws.
On this Stenger's pov is somewhat contradictory since he's saying that
certain Laws follow from Noether's Theorem but is then saying that the
Laws are only models and that any list of Laws is due to selection
bias! Doesn't make sense.  I'm siding with Thorne although Stenger's
idea of an ultimately reductionist universe pointing to Noether's
theorm can also be true at the same time.
On the other topic in book #2, Stenger is highly critical of the
concept of Quantum Mysticism, especially John Hagelin and various
predecessors going back to the 70's.  He doesn';t mention Deepak
Chopra much but he definitely would be in the Quantum Mysticism camp.
Phycisist (and Quantum Mystic proponent) Dr. David Scharf attempts a
rebuttal to Stenger in Pseudoscience and Victor Stenger's Quantum
Gods,  at http://www.tinyurl.com/yh2kd4f
Scharf's rebuttal has some serious holes in it, from the getgo in the
Abstract:.  First, he difines Quantum Spirituality; The idea that
some aspect of consciousnes plays a fundamental role in the
universe(etc)  Right here, this is highly speculative but worse
yet, Scharf flip-flops by substituting the 2 words Pure
Consciousness in lieu of the word consciousness.  Quantum
Spirituality is all about Pure Consciousness (In-Itself) and less
about relative consciousness (the type of consciousness considered by
the quantum pioneers and built into the Copenhagen model of QM.  But
apart from such definitions, Scharf offers no tangible evidence that
Pure Consciousness plays a role in the universe.  I'm open to the
idea that It might, but Scharf's whole rebuttal basically falls apart
with the shortcoming of this lynchpin - not being strong enough to
bolster his entire thesis.
This is not to say that I side with Stenger's idea that the universe
spontaneously arises from nothing (and by nothing he means quantum
foam.)  Nobody seems to know for sure; although the idea of higher
dimensions appeals to me.  Stenger would also diss that since he's an
experimentalist and has a disliking for string theory.
Except for the convergence on the one Law (Noether's Theorem); I
find Stenger to be a bit archaic in his thinking, almost 19-th
century.  Introducing the Holographic Universe (Cf. Stanford's
Susskind), imo - might sustain a more complete picture of what's
really operating behind the scenes of a mere listing of Laws.
My conclusion:  one should fuse Susskind's Universe as a Hologram
principle with Stenger's brilliant strategy of focusing on Noether's
Theorem as the source of laws.  Then one more all-important principle:
Backward causation operating on a microlevel.
Of course, Stenger wouldn't go for that since Susskind is a string
theorist. (archenemies of experimentalists).
That's it for now!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific solution

2009-12-05 Thread off_world_beings

Well, I respect your in-depth answer Seeker, but I refuse to argue this
while you are still in the military. I know that you personally and
thousands like you are doing good, but I don't see the big picture that
way. In my mind America created 9/11 by all the interference in the
middle east for decades.
We have different views, and we will just have to agree to disagree.
The bottom line is, that every time you say that grotesque and
unnecessary violence is wide-spread in these places, and that America is
not as dangerous a place, you forget that I see the mass killings of
innocents by the US military as being the same thing. Bush is a mass
murderer in my eyes and a wanted criminal. You say it is not as violent
in America as these places, but that is because America has exported its
violence on a much larger scale -- abroad.
3,000 Americans died in 9/11.
Estimates are that in Afghanistan and Iraq hundreds of thousands of 
innocents - that's iINNOCENTS - either as a direct kill, or as a result
of the ensuing violence and displacement and disease, have been killed
by the warmongers.

An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind -- Mahatma Gandhi

Just tell your superiors to learn TM and teach the Sidhis to their
troops. Don't take no for an answer.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , seekliberation
seekliberat...@... wrote:


 For the sake of simplicity, I deleted a lot your comments to make this
an easier read.

 Re: our alliance with Saudi, and our backing of other countries

 Our alliance with Saudi Arabia started with Franklin Roosevelt.  He
felt whoever has the strongest alliance would eventually be the world's
economic superpower, and he was right.  But he also put us at the mercy
of a region that is unstable, and a culture that is unreliable and for
the most part hates our culture.  Regarding Osama Bin Laden, he did not
build the Taliban.  He built Al Qaeda.  The Taliban only gave Al Qaeda
refuge because they were pissed at Hillary Clinton and Margaret Thatcher
for pleading to the UN council regarding the Taliban's treatment of
women.  The Taliban didn't necessarily like Bin Laden, but they rather
saw him as a bartering element.  The Taliban wanted the UN and USA off
their backs.  So they allowed Bin Laden to stay.  It didn't end up
working out to well for them in the long run.

 You also claimed that USA built the Taliban.  I'm not trying to win an
argument here, but rather communicate  inform, since I had no choice
but to learn a lot of this over the last 4 years.  USA helped support
the 'Mujahedeen', but we didn't 'build' them.  They were already
together and built to fight the Soviets, we just armed them with
anti-aircraft weapons.  After the Soviet occupation, the Mujahedeen
became very corrupt and that's when the Taliban were formed.  USA had
nothing to do with it.

  Just like Kansas. Perhaps you are not aware of this, but numerous
  have been killed for seeking medical care in America, and recently a
  doctor was murdered in Kansas for practicing medicine.

 Yes, there are some dipshits in America.  Percentage wise, I doubt
it's nearly as bad as the rest of the countries i've been to (not
including Europe).   I would have to read the news and check the
internet to find names of people killed for such things.  In some
countries i've been to, I could walk into any village and talk to a
village elder and hear plenty of stories about local militias committing
atrocities towards civilians.  It is becoming a lot less common in the
middle eastern countries that are moving towards being a 1st world
country, which i'm glad for.   But it's common in the 2nd/3rd world
countries in the middle east.

 Besides, in America, it's usually a nut case or psychopath that
commits some of these ridiculous murders.  In some of the Middle Eastern
countries where this occurs, it is implied policy.

I've heard from someone overseas now that they tried to blame
  civilian casualties on American aircraft bombings somewhere out
  problem is they were killed by Chinese grenades, which no NATO
  carry at all.  They will kill civilians to make it look like us.

  Yes, American forces can drop bombs on houses and kill rebels and
  the women and children in there. They have smart bombs.

 This is obviously sarcasm, but still there seems to be no
acknowledgement that Taliban are killing their own civilians
'INTENTIONALLY', whereas if civilians are killed by Americans it is due
to a firefight breaking out in the midst of civilians.  There seems to
be this thought going around in the minds of 'Michael Moore' type people
that want to believe that Soldiers and Marines are intentionally killing
women and children.  What they fail to understand is the luring of US
forces into villages and towns with the intention of civilian casualties
taking place.
 Also, don't get me wrong, there have been a few cases of us making big
mistakes in the 

[FairfieldLife] Still more lies from Vaj (was Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific)

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, PaliGap compost...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  His very deliberate misrepresentations of 
  the Journal of Scientific Exploration, 
  intended to put TM research in a bad light 
  because TM has published one article in the 
  journal, are quite directly parallel to the 
  misrepresentations of the climate-change 
  deniers with regard to the hacked emails. Hard 
  up for evidence to support their perspective, 
  in both cases they have to resort to inventing 
  it--and hope that their audience will be too 
  lazy and credulous to check up on them.
 A slur!
 I'm sorry you choose to perpetuate that silly
 and intellectually disreputable use of the
 word deniers. For shame. How can you live
 with yourself?

Oh, please. You've used the term yourself:

Or try this very thoughtful analysis from Judy Curry,
a climate scientist who again is NOT in the denier camp:

 Of course when you say misrepresentations
 ...with regard to the hacked emails - no
 one can argue with that. It is the non
 misrepresentation of those emails which gives
 many folks pause for thought.

I haven't seen anything I'd call nonmisrepresentation
from the folks who don't believe in AGW, whatever they
want to call themselves.

I do agree with Curry's assessment--as I noted in 
response to your post quoted above--but then, as you
point out, she isn't on your side either.

The whole tribalism thing needs to be cleaned up,
unquestionably, but not because it legitimately
calls the science in question. It needs to be cleaned
up because it gives the anti-AGW folks weapons they
can misuse--*have been* misusing--to shake the public's
faith in the science.

 Hard up for evidence to support their
 perspective? Really? I think not.

Think what you wish. I disagree.

What do you have to say about the famous trick/hidden
email? That's a good test of integrity.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Judy, was More lies from...

2009-12-05 Thread yifuxero
Right,...basically anything coming from MUM-associated bogus researchers have 
peer reviews submitted by peers right down the hall at MUM. No serious 
scientist would accept anything from that source as having a gnat's hair's 
worth of credibility.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Dec 5, 2009, at 4:42 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:
  But it takes away from both your dignity and your reputation of high 
  intelligence when you DECLARE someone to be lying or that you have THE 
  TRUTH about this or that situation.
  You sound like Rush Limbaugh who continually tells us he has access to THE 
  TRUTH; same absolutism, different side of the spectrum.
  Like I've suggested to you before: if you want to win friends and influence 
  people, don't TELL me that Vaj is lying; give me the facts as you see them 
  and order the telling of them in such a way that I will come to that 
  conclusion myself.
 Thanks for posting this Shemp, otherwise I would have missed it. Unbelievable.
 Rush Limbaugh? More like Rosie O'Donnell on a meth bender.
 Apparently Ms. Digital Stalker loves to post elaborate straw men to draw 
 responses from certain writers. They are typically fictional, imaginary 
 schemes Our Dear Editor concocts. My only response to this latest pathetic 
 strawman campaign is LOL: No, no, no.
 EVERYONE who presents a talk or a poster at a medical specialty scientific 
 conference gets an automatic mention (name and abstract--in this case the one 
 you've seen plastered all over the web and emails) and they're published in 
 an addendum to that specialties journal (in this case Circulation). This does 
 not constitute publication in the main journal, nor does it constitute 
 appearing in the news section or in the important paper section of the 
 website. Typically you'll find it in the addendum (big deal), but if it's 
 minor it won't bear actual this paper was presented at the conference 
 status on the actual website. The TM, unpublished research does not get any 
 such mention. Kinda surprising to find, now that I've received around 50 
 emails announcing it being posted somewhere. Amazing really the level of 
 deception and the mass mailing suggesting importance.
 The mass seeding of this abstract make it appear as if this is important news 
 from this conference--but a quick search of the website will show this is NOT 
 the case. It won't even come up because it is not part of the major news, 
 merely a talk given at the conference. Anyone can present a paper, few get 
 mentioned on the website as important papers. This latest TM paper, as with 
 many before, it gives the impression that it's important. Clearly, a search 
 of the website shows it does not even get mention in the important papers 
 presented or a search of the website (search function on homepage) for the 
 paper title or a author's name.
 It turns out the paper is not nearly as important as it's been made out to 
 be. A quick search of the web site reveals this to be, in fact, the case.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Judy, was More lies from...

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 EVERYONE who presents a talk or a poster at a medical
 specialty scientific conference gets an automatic mention
 (name and abstract--in this case the one you've seen
 plastered all over the web and emails) and they're published
 in an addendum to that specialties journal (in this case 
 Circulation). This does not constitute publication in the
 main journal, nor does it constitute appearing in the news
 section or in the important paper section of the website.
 Typically you'll find it in the addendum (big deal), but if
 it's minor it won't bear actual this paper was presented
 at the conference status on the actual website. The TM, 
 unpublished research does not get any such mention. Kinda 
 surprising to find, now that I've received around 50 emails 
 announcing it being posted somewhere. Amazing really the
 level of deception and the mass mailing suggesting

Since Vaj has decided to stonewall his lies, let's look
again at what he claimed that I was commenting on and
go over it once again:

The much touted study by Schneider on Cardiac health
in African Americans that's been pushed all over the
internet and posted all over the place--I've received
over 30 emails on this one study--not only was never
published (let alone peer reviewed) that I can find...

No, *of course* it hasn't been published yet, because
it was *just completed*. And of course I never claimed
it had been published, so Vaj's huffing and puffing
above in an attempt to make *me* out to be a liar is
just another of *his* lies.

...it isn't even listed in on the AHA website for the
conference it was supposedly presented at

Yes, it *is* listed on the AHA Web site for the
conference, as I've already documented; it's in the
final program, #1177, page 129, scheduled for 4:15
on Monday, November 16: Effects of Stress Reduction on
Clinical Events in African Americans with Coronary Heart
Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

...No PDF available.

No PDFs for *any* of the presentations are available
on the Web site--at least as of when Vaj made his
post--so this is another red herring.

Those are *facts*, folks. Vaj is now trying to walk
back his lies, but those pesky facts are sending him

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Judy, was More lies from...

2009-12-05 Thread Vaj

On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:34 PM, yifuxero wrote:

 Right,...basically anything coming from MUM-associated bogus researchers have 
 peer reviews submitted by peers right down the hall at MUM. No serious 
 scientist would accept anything from that source as having a gnat's hair's 
 worth of credibility.

Yes, but no so much my point. Of course as soon as you see they used Health 
Education as their control, you know it's not serious (it's not an honest way 
to control for placebo).

They submitted, and probably easily, had a paper and presentation allowed for a 
scientific conference. If you've ever been to one of these affairs, they have a 
lot of topics: some good, some so-so, and some just filler. If you were a 
Cardiologist you could get credits, CME's, just for sitting in. All those who 
participate, even those who merely post posters are listed on the list of 
particpants for the conference.

The good stuff you HEAR about and the course fills fast. People talk, it gets 
noticed, it get's it's own page on the website (in this case of the American 
College of Cardiology). The PDF is ubiquitous and printed copies are floating 
around. Etc.

In this case: no serious mention on the website, still unpublished, only 
mentioned as a talk in the typical addendum (i.e., the minimum) and still the 
same old bad controls they use to massage minimal numbers from.

Yet it's been posted virally, all over the WWW.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Judy, was More lies from...

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 Right,...basically anything coming from MUM-associated bogus
 researchers have peer reviews submitted by peers right down
 the hall at MUM.

Very highly unlikely. Journals don't tend to pick
friends of the authors as peer reviewers. (You are
aware that it's the journal editors who pick peer
reviewers, right?)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific solution

2009-12-05 Thread seekliberation

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_re...@... wrote:

Not a bad idea Off, you're right that this discussion could go on forever, and 
it's perhaps better off to agree to disagree.

I don't mean to open up another can of worms here, but regarding America being 
dangerous, it's only in high crime areas that's dangerous.  I know very few 
people who've been attacked and nobody who has been killed.  I think you're 
comparing America to your country, whether it is Scotland or England, which I'm 
quite certain has less crime and is safer.  You're culture seems to have grown 
out of some negative traits that ours hasn't.  I can tell when I meet people 
from Europe that there is less of the Us Vs. Them state of mind that Americans 
often thrive on.   


 Well, I respect your in-depth answer Seeker, but I refuse to argue this
 while you are still in the military. I know that you personally and
 thousands like you are doing good, but I don't see the big picture that
 way. In my mind America created 9/11 by all the interference in the
 middle east for decades.
 We have different views, and we will just have to agree to disagree.
 The bottom line is, that every time you say that grotesque and
 unnecessary violence is wide-spread in these places, and that America is
 not as dangerous a place, you forget that I see the mass killings of
 innocents by the US military as being the same thing. Bush is a mass
 murderer in my eyes and a wanted criminal. You say it is not as violent
 in America as these places, but that is because America has exported its
 violence on a much larger scale -- abroad.
 3,000 Americans died in 9/11.
 Estimates are that in Afghanistan and Iraq hundreds of thousands of 
 innocents - that's iINNOCENTS - either as a direct kill, or as a result
 of the ensuing violence and displacement and disease, have been killed
 by the warmongers.
 An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind -- Mahatma Gandhi
 Just tell your superiors to learn TM and teach the Sidhis to their
 troops. Don't take no for an answer.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , seekliberation
 seekliberation@ wrote:
  For the sake of simplicity, I deleted a lot your comments to make this
 an easier read.
  Re: our alliance with Saudi, and our backing of other countries
  Our alliance with Saudi Arabia started with Franklin Roosevelt.  He
 felt whoever has the strongest alliance would eventually be the world's
 economic superpower, and he was right.  But he also put us at the mercy
 of a region that is unstable, and a culture that is unreliable and for
 the most part hates our culture.  Regarding Osama Bin Laden, he did not
 build the Taliban.  He built Al Qaeda.  The Taliban only gave Al Qaeda
 refuge because they were pissed at Hillary Clinton and Margaret Thatcher
 for pleading to the UN council regarding the Taliban's treatment of
 women.  The Taliban didn't necessarily like Bin Laden, but they rather
 saw him as a bartering element.  The Taliban wanted the UN and USA off
 their backs.  So they allowed Bin Laden to stay.  It didn't end up
 working out to well for them in the long run.
  You also claimed that USA built the Taliban.  I'm not trying to win an
 argument here, but rather communicate  inform, since I had no choice
 but to learn a lot of this over the last 4 years.  USA helped support
 the 'Mujahedeen', but we didn't 'build' them.  They were already
 together and built to fight the Soviets, we just armed them with
 anti-aircraft weapons.  After the Soviet occupation, the Mujahedeen
 became very corrupt and that's when the Taliban were formed.  USA had
 nothing to do with it.
   Just like Kansas. Perhaps you are not aware of this, but numerous
   have been killed for seeking medical care in America, and recently a
   doctor was murdered in Kansas for practicing medicine.
  Yes, there are some dipshits in America.  Percentage wise, I doubt
 it's nearly as bad as the rest of the countries i've been to (not
 including Europe).   I would have to read the news and check the
 internet to find names of people killed for such things.  In some
 countries i've been to, I could walk into any village and talk to a
 village elder and hear plenty of stories about local militias committing
 atrocities towards civilians.  It is becoming a lot less common in the
 middle eastern countries that are moving towards being a 1st world
 country, which i'm glad for.   But it's common in the 2nd/3rd world
 countries in the middle east.
  Besides, in America, it's usually a nut case or psychopath that
 commits some of these ridiculous murders.  In some of the Middle Eastern
 countries where this occurs, it is implied policy.
 I've heard from someone overseas now that they tried to blame
   civilian casualties on American aircraft bombings somewhere out
   problem is they were killed by Chinese 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Judy, was More lies from...

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 They submitted, and probably easily, had a paper and
 presentation allowed for a scientific conference. If
 you've ever been to one of these affairs, they have a
 lot of topics: some good, some so-so, and some just
 filler. If you were a Cardiologist you could get
 credits, CME's, just for sitting in. All those who
 participate, even those who merely post posters are
 listed on the list of particpants for the conference.

More backpedaling. Here's what Vaj said originally:

...not only was never published (let alone peer
reviewed) that I can find, it isn't even listed in
on the AHA website for the conference it was
supposedly presented at.

One more time: Yes, it *is* listed on the AHA Web
site for the conference; it's in the final program,
#1177, page 129, scheduled for 4:15 on Monday,
November 16: Effects of Stress Reduction on Clinical
Events in African Americans with Coronary Heart
Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

 The good stuff you HEAR about and the course fills fast.
 People talk, it gets noticed, it get's it's own page on
 the website (in this case of the American College of
 Cardiology). The PDF is ubiquitous and printed copies 
 are floating around. Etc.

Vaj's initial claim was that there was no PDF on the
AHA conference Web site--which is true, but irrelevant,
because there are *no* PDFs of the presentations on
the AHA conference Web site. They may put them up at
some point, but they weren't up when Vaj made his

 In this case: no serious mention on the website

Now it's no *serious* mention on the website.
To start with--see above--he said there was *no*
mention on the Web site.

He was trying to make us believe that the TMO was
lying about the paper even having been *presented*.

 still unpublished

Again, irrelevant, since it was only just completed.
It takes *months* to get a paper published in a 
peer reviewed journal.

, only mentioned as a talk in the typical addendum

If Vaj had even a shred of honesty, he'd say, I was
wrong, it *is* mentioned on the Web site. And the
listing in the conference program isn't an addendum.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More lies from Judy, was More lies from...

2009-12-05 Thread authfriend
Some follow-up:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 Apparently Ms. Digital Stalker loves to post elaborate
 straw men to draw responses from certain writers. They
 are typically fictional, imaginary schemes Our Dear
 Editor concocts.

I have no idea what Vaj's fantasy is here about my
wanting to draw responses from certain writers.
I exposed his lies as one more example of why readers
should not trust anything he says.

And as far as typically fictional, imaginary schemes
are concerned, Vaj has not rebutted--nor can he rebut--
a single one of the facts I've posted.

 My only response to this latest pathetic strawman campaign
 is LOL: No, no, no.

This, my friends, is not a rebuttal.

 The TM, unpublished research does not get any such
 mention. Kinda surprising to find, now that I've received
 around 50 emails announcing it being posted somewhere.
 Amazing really the level of deception and the mass mailing
 suggesting importance.

Again, the presentation is listed in the final program 
on the AHA conference Web site.

I don't know what people are telling Vaj in email, but
this is what Dick Mays originally posted here on November
17 (the only place I've seen it). Remarkable is his
term, not that of the press release. I don't see anything
in the press release that does anything but state the
facts of the study and the quoted opinions of the

But note in the third paragraph that the study was funded
by a grant from NIH and was conducted at The Medical 
College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. None of the other
researchers named appears to be associated with TM.

Here's the press release:

TM helped lower heart attack, stroke, and death by nearly 50 %
Dick Mays
Tue, 17 Nov 2009 04:40:14 -0800

Remarkable finding presented at the annual meeting of the 
American Heart Association! 

News Release
Medical College of Wisconsin For more information, 
contact: Office of Public Affairs Toranj Marphetia 
(tor...@mcw.edu) mailto:(las...@mcw.edu)mailto:
(las...@mcw.edu) 8701 Watertown Plank Road Director of 
Media Relations Milwaukee, WI 53226 Cellular: 414-303-
1242 Fax (414) 456-6166 Office: 414-456-4700 EMBARGO 

CONTACT for MUM/INMP: Ken Chawkin, 641-470-1314, 

Transcendental Meditation helped heart disease patients 
lower risks of heart attack, stroke, and death by nearly 
50 percent

Results of first-ever study to be presented at annual
meeting of the American Heart Association in Orlando,
Nov. 16

Patients with coronary heart disease who practiced the 
stress-reducing Transcendental Meditation® technique had 
nearly 50 percent lower rates of heart attack, stroke, 
and death compared to non-meditating controls, according 
to the results of a first-ever study presented during the 
annual meeting of the American Heart Association in 
Orlando, Fla., on Nov.16, 2009. 

The trial was sponsored by a $3.8 million grant from the 
National Institutes of Health-National Heart, Lung, and 
Blood Institute, and was conducted at The Medical College 
of Wisconsin in Milwaukee in collaboration with the 
Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention at 
Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. 

The nine-year, randomized control trial followed 201 
African-American men and women, average age 59 years, 
with narrowing of arteries in their hearts who were 
randomly assigned to either practice the stress-reducing 
Transcendental Meditation technique or to participate in 
a control group which received health education classes 
in traditional risk factors, including dietary 
modification and exercise. 

All participants continued standard medications and other 
usual medical care.

The study found:
* A 47 percent reduction in the combination of death, 
heart attacks, and strokes in the participants
* Clinically significant (5 mm Hg average) reduction in 
blood pressure associated with decrease in clinical 
* Significant reductions in psychological stress in the 
high-stress subgroup

According to Robert Schneider, M.D., FACC, lead author 
and director of the Center for Natural Medicine and 
Prevention, Previous research on Transcendental 
Meditation has shown reductions in blood pressure, 
psychological stress, and other risk factors for heart 
disease, irrespective of ethnicity. But this is the first 
controlled clinical trial to show that long-term practice 
of this particular stress reduction program reduces the 
incidence of clinical cardiovascular events, that is 
heart attacks, strokes and mortality. 

This study is an example of the contribution of a 
lifestyle intervention-stress management-to the 
prevention of cardiovascular disease in high-risk 
patients, said Theodore Kotchen, M.D., co-author of the 
study, professor of medicine, and associate dean for 
clinical research at the Medical College. Other 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific solution

2009-12-05 Thread off_world_beings

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , seekliberation
seekliberat...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_reply@

 Not a bad idea Off, you're right that this discussion could go on
forever, and it's perhaps better off to agree to disagree.

 I don't mean to open up another can of worms here, but regarding
America being dangerous, it's only in high crime areas that's dangerous.
I know very few people who've been attacked and nobody who has been

Unless you are like me and you think that Bush is a criminal who has
killed hundreds of thousands of innocents in just a few years. Worse
crome rate than any other country in the last 20 years.

 I think you're comparing America to your country, whether it is
Scotland or England, which I'm quite certain has less crime and is

Not much less, and I was'nt talking about domestic crime. When a child
is killed in Iraq, that is MY child that was killed.

For Americans it always seems they cry and cry about their soldiers who
signed up willingly for a dangerous job, but ignore all the hundreds of
thousands of innocents killed as if these people being killed are not

You're culture seems to have grown out of some negative traits that
ours hasn't. 

Like Scotland outlawing slavery in 1300.

The basis of the first anti-slavery court case in the world -- which was
in England -- was based on the fact that Scotland had outlawed slavery
hundreds of years before (these court cases scared the American slave
owners, so the American land-owners started a false flag operation
against the British (who were governed by a Parliament for the people,
not by King George as your historians have falsely claimed), in order to
keep the slaves without which they would have gone bankrupt. The Brits
were too busy at war with the Papists who wanted to ban all religion
except Catholicism in the world and governments who did not serve the
Pope) . America would be under the Pope if Britain had not gone off to
beat the French and the Spanish in what Winston Churchil called the real
First World War because it was fought all over the world. The American
War of Independence was in insignificant battle within that much more
important war, which if the British had lost, there would be no United
States of America at all. And the Americans refused to pay taxes or
supply men for all that defense had been done for them for over a
century.  After the British defeated the Papist France and Spain, the
British then had to go off and defeat Napolean, who would also have
destroyed the USA had he become Emporor of Europe.





  Well, I respect your in-depth answer Seeker, but I refuse to argue
  while you are still in the military. I know that you personally and
  thousands like you are doing good, but I don't see the big picture
  way. In my mind America created 9/11 by all the interference in the
  middle east for decades.
  We have different views, and we will just have to agree to disagree.
  The bottom line is, that every time you say that grotesque and
  unnecessary violence is wide-spread in these places, and that
America is
  not as dangerous a place, you forget that I see the mass killings of
  innocents by the US military as being the same thing. Bush is a mass
  murderer in my eyes and a wanted criminal. You say it is not as
  in America as these places, but that is because America has exported
  violence on a much larger scale -- abroad.
  3,000 Americans died in 9/11.
  Estimates are that in Afghanistan and Iraq hundreds of thousands of
  innocents - that's iINNOCENTS - either as a direct kill, or as a
  of the ensuing violence and displacement and disease, have been
  by the warmongers.
  An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind -- Mahatma
  Just tell your superiors to learn TM and teach the Sidhis to their
  troops. Don't take no for an answer.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , seekliberation
  seekliberation@ wrote:
   For the sake of simplicity, I deleted a lot your comments to make
  an easier read.
   Re: our alliance with Saudi, and our backing of other countries
   Our alliance with Saudi Arabia started with Franklin Roosevelt. 
  felt whoever has the strongest alliance would eventually be the
  economic superpower, and he was right.  But he also put us at the
  of a region that is unstable, and a culture that is unreliable and
  the most part hates our culture.  Regarding Osama Bin Laden, he did
  build the Taliban.  He built Al Qaeda.  The Taliban only gave Al
  refuge because they were pissed at Hillary Clinton and Margaret
  for pleading to the UN 

[FairfieldLife] *The Divine Plan*, for Turq. a fallen Yogi.

2009-12-05 Thread BillyG
Man was made in the image of God but most men (and woman) haven't realized 
that, realizing that is God's plan for man.  When man fully realizes that 
potential he is Self Realized and God's Divine Plan is fulfilled, finally man 
fully realizes his Self as made in the image of God.  The Almighty says, I was 
one and I became many.

[FairfieldLife] Free Sample, 12/5/2009, 11:00 pm

2009-12-05 Thread FairfieldLife
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Peace in the Middle East: Scientific solution

2009-12-05 Thread seekliberation

 For Americans it always seems they cry and cry about their soldiers who
 signed up willingly for a dangerous job, but ignore all the hundreds of
 thousands of innocents killed as if these people being killed are not

yes, Americans are cry babies about a lot of things.  You are only hitting the 
tip of the iceburg there.  

Regarding deaths as a result of America, there is a lot of genocide that has 
been going on throughout the world in the last 10-20 years.  For whatever 
reason, it doesn't reach headlines.  Sudan, Rwanda, Burma, and several other 
places in Africa and southeast Asia have been intentionally wiping out entire 
villages in the same way the Soviets did in Afghanistan in the 80's.

Once again, not trying to start an argument here.  Overall, you and I don't see 
things quite as differently as it seems.  I am all about withdrawing from the 
war now.  But it is only because I don't really see our forces really trying to 
win.  The only units that are really equipped to win the war in Afghanistan are 
Army green berets and Marsoc, but Marsoc to a lesser extent.  They have been 
working with local villages and building up the Afghanistan infrastructure, 
economy, and way of life.  This makes it impossible for Taliban to remain there 
or gain any trust of the local population, which is why they're all in Pakistan 

Now Obama wants to go into Pakistan, and I don't think he really knows what 
he's getting into.  It's going to be 'Operation Anoconda' all over 
again.really ugly.  That place will be out of control, and American 
soldiers are already burnt out as it is.  Americans, much like the british in 
history, have always relied on conventional and technological advantage and 
don't do so well in UW (unconventional warfare).  The brits have lost 2 wars in 
Afghanistan, Alexander the great lost, and the Soviets lost also.  Genghis Khan 
had a successful battle once, but never really conquered the country.  Nobody 
ever has.  Moreover, the whole Afghan government is entirely corrupt.  I 
believe this war is unwinnable.  

Thanks for the history lesson.  I am well aware of the false pretense of 
American history.  In addition to the Revolutionary/Independance War, the Civil 
War has many conspiracy theories behind it as well.  I've read sources that 
claim Abraham Lincoln never cared about slavery so much as he cared about the 
United States becoming divided.  Marine Corps history that is taught in our 
boot camp is full of a lot of shit too.  I have a friend who plans to run for 
congress shortly after he retires from the military.  He has done quite a bit 
of research and has shown me sources to look up regarding the reality of past 
Marine Corps history.  Everything he's shown indicates that the Marine Corps 
has been living off of a false reputation for at least 3-4 decades, if not much 
longer.  (i'm not saying it's entirely false, but a lot of things are blown way 
out of proportion).

With the exception of a few minor conflicts and reaction to terrorism, I 
believe WWI and WWII were probably the only true honorable wars we fought in.  
However, there are even conspiracy theories out there that WWII could've been 
avoided as well.  I don't have time to get into them though.

peace out
