Re: Rude Ranch

2007-02-05 Thread TenHouseCats
reading about RR to understand that there may be a POSSIBILITY that a cat
placed with them, might not stay with them, and if sent away, might not wind
up in a place as nice as their's.  I admitted in my e-mail that I had no
personal knowledge of the workings of Rude Ranch, only relayed my experience
with someone who claimed to...and because she knew them by name and seemed
joyed to help them  because several other rescue operations I had spoken to
recommended her to me, I had no reason to believe that she wasn't telling me
the truth.

  But as saying even the least little thing bad about a place can cause harm,
so can saying a place is wonderful 

  My only intention with my original post was to caution.  I know I have
dropped animals at WONDERFUL shelters in the past, places I personally
supported financially for years...then eventually volunteered there only to
learn awful things about the running of the organizations (again...NOT
referring to Rude Ranch, I've never been THERE)but...If a place seems
TOO wonderful, its often too easy to reliquish the care of a beloved animal
to it and not feel any guilt.  Whereas IF all the facts were researched,
perhaps a better place/person could be found if just given a little more
time and research.

  I had/have no intention to villify people who care and are trying to
help...even when they've lost their way.  EDUCATION to those trying to place
felv+ cats is the best security for the animals, whether education on the
disease itself, or on HOW to investigate anyone or place where one might
leave an animal who is trusting you to care for them.

  I never said RR was bad, or absolutely did shift animals onto an overloaded
foster home, I just relayed what little information I personaly heard from
someone who claimed to have a good, working relationship with RR.  So that
if anyone had seen them on Animal Planet they wouldn't automatically assume
them to be the be-all-end-all (which they may actually be-who knows) just
because they were on tv.  Speaking as a rescuer myself, who is more than
willing to help others ...I prefer to do so when they've exhausted all other
avenues...and NOT be their first call...being too good at what you do, can
get you in WAY over your head.


  TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  exactly. it only takes one person with their own agenda to cause
  irreparable harm.

  we were once contacted by someone who wanted us to take her two FeLVs,
  from quite a distance away. as FeLVs don't do really well on long
  transports, we tried to work with her on more local options. every
  place she went to, she found major fault with, yet every time we tried
  to set up transport arrangements with her, she has one excuse after
  another about why it wouldn't/couldn't work. i had many long emails
  and phone calls with her, and finally, she just stopped responding.

  about two months later, she started posting hissterical messages about
  these same two cats on the lists. again, i wrote and reminded her that
  we were willing to take them--on the lists, she wrote really nasty
  letters about how i'd never responded to her before, and that if it
  had been up to me, those cats would have been dead by now, then she
  went on about how she wasn't going to send them to a place where the
  cats lived in cages in tiny rooms all their lives--which was not at
  all the case where we were--i'd sent her many photos of our
  facilities. when i reminded her, off list, of our phone calls and
  emails, she went back on the lists, saying that i was harassing her
  and that she was going to tell everyone to have nothing to do with our
  sanctuary and that if she ever heard from me again she'd report me for
  stalking i reported HER to all the lists she was posting on,
  actually.and considered sending her the bill for the long-distance
  phone calls i'd made to her

  some people will never be satisfied, and sadly, some people really do
  exist solely to make trouble for others.


  On 2/5/07, Kelly L wrote:
   I do not know personally of the place but be careful when saying
   something negative like that on line, You could really hurt someone
   trying to help.
   I have a small sanctuary and would never allow anyone in here with
   out an appointment, There are many many crazy people out there
   unfamiliar with what it takes to manage multitudes of cats...All it
   takes is for one cat to vomit in a corner and another boy baby to
   spray someones shoes.. Yup it happens. I know of two wonderful caring
   rescuers ( not hoarders) who lost al their cats when an novice cat
   person decided it was messy etcthey called the authorities and as
   a result I imagine many cats lost their loving home and perhaps their
   for a person getting rid of cats for any reason, why do they expect
   others to be able to do what they themselves are willing to do,,I
   have both FIV and FELV
   I do recommend that any time a cat

Re: When do cats throw up?

2007-02-05 Thread TenHouseCats

i can't remember the details, but there are two types of grass that
cats like to eat--one has sharp, pointy leaves, one has broader, more
rounded ones. one of them they eat SPECIFICALLY to make themselves
throw up, to get rid of queasy tummies!


On 2/5/07, Paolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Now I am obviously hyper-sensitive towards Rompi, but there is something
he always did in the past: when he eats some herbs [or grass, sorry,
I am not sure about the appropriate English word], after some hours he
always trow up, and there you find the herb [grass], still whole.

Do your cats behave the same way?...


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Rude Ranch

2007-02-05 Thread TenHouseCats
 no intention to villify people who care and are trying to
help...even when they've lost their way.  EDUCATION to those trying to place
felv+ cats is the best security for the animals, whether education on the
disease itself, or on HOW to investigate anyone or place where one might
leave an animal who is trusting you to care for them.

I never said RR was bad, or absolutely did shift animals onto an overloaded
foster home, I just relayed what little information I personaly heard from
someone who claimed to have a good, working relationship with RR.  So that
if anyone had seen them on Animal Planet they wouldn't automatically assume
them to be the be-all-end-all (which they may actually be-who knows) just
because they were on tv.  Speaking as a rescuer myself, who is more than
willing to help others ...I prefer to do so when they've exhausted all other
avenues...and NOT be their first call...being too good at what you do, can
get you in WAY over your head.


 TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

exactly. it only takes one person with their own agenda to cause
 irreparable harm.

 we were once contacted by someone who wanted us to take her two FeLVs,
 from quite a distance away. as FeLVs don't do really well on long
 transports, we tried to work with her on more local options. every
 place she went to, she found major fault with, yet every time we tried
 to set up transport arrangements with her, she has one excuse after
 another about why it wouldn't/couldn't work. i had many long emails
 and phone calls with her, and finally, she just stopped responding.

 about two months later, she started posting hissterical messages about
 these same two cats on the lists. again, i wrote and reminded her that
 we were willing to take them--on the lists, she wrote really nasty
 letters about how i'd never responded to her before, and that if it
 had been up to me, those cats would have been dead by now, then she
 went on about how she wasn't going to send them to a place where the
 cats lived in cages in tiny rooms all their lives--which was not at
 all the case where we were--i'd sent her many photos of our
 facilities. when i reminded her, off list, of our phone calls and
 emails, she went back on the lists, saying that i was harassing her
 and that she was going to tell everyone to have nothing to do with our
 sanctuary and that if she ever heard from me again she'd report me for
 stalking i reported HER to all the lists she was posting on,
 actually.and considered sending her the bill for the long-distance
 phone calls i'd made to her

 some people will never be satisfied, and sadly, some people really do
 exist solely to make trouble for others.


 On 2/5/07, Kelly L wrote:
  I do not know personally of the place but be careful when saying
  something negative like that on line, You could really hurt someone
  trying to help.
  I have a small sanctuary and would never allow anyone in here with
  out an appointment, There are many many crazy people out there
  unfamiliar with what it takes to manage multitudes of cats...All it
  takes is for one cat to vomit in a corner and another boy baby to
  spray someones shoes.. Yup it happens. I know of two wonderful caring
  rescuers ( not hoarders) who lost al their cats when an novice cat
  person decided it was messy etcthey called the authorities and as
  a result I imagine many cats lost their loving home and perhaps their
  for a person getting rid of cats for any reason, why do they expect
  others to be able to do what they themselves are willing to do,,I
  have both FIV and FELV
  I do recommend that any time a cat is placed a home check is in
  order,,that is common sense.

 Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
 Maybe That'll Make The Difference


 AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
 ICQ: 289856892


Get your own web address.
 Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: what would you do?

2007-02-02 Thread TenHouseCats

the thing that's so crazy-making here is that there are SO many
possible things going on, and so many medications involved, that it's
really impossible to know what's causing what. in every
creature--human included--some will have idiosyncratic responses to
medications, no matter how many experts say it can't happen. on the
other paw, for all you really know, the dex has nothing to do with her
fevers--she may have been getting night-time low-grade fevers for
years as part of her own body chemistry, and you just had no reason to
notice it

so hard to know what to do. i personally prefer to go with dex
usually, partially because my cats take injectibles much more
gracefully than pills, and dex seems to be so quick-acting. but i
guess you have to weigh WHICH option has the GREATEST chance of
sucess--the interferon, or the epogen? is feeling better temporarily
to be preferred over GETTING better? (would her healing be better
served by letting her stay eating and purring and less active?)

in other words, i only have more questions for you, no answers.
continuing to send GLOW


coincidence or not, she also seems to be eating less since I gave her the
dex. Perhaps because of the congestion.


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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: what would you do?

2007-02-02 Thread TenHouseCats

i'm thinking that she might have been getting low-grade fevers for
YEARS before any of this happened--i do, every night, tho i never
realized it until i actually got sick with something and started
monitoring it! at other times of the day, my body temperature drops
down to 96 or lower.  i know you've been really aware of it since
this started recently, but there might be a natural fluctuation that
is being enhanced by whatever current processes are going on. and if
fever hadn't been a part of this to start with, how many people would
even CHECK to see if a shot of dex was affecting their cat's body
temperature? usually when i'm giving dex, that's about the last thing
i've ever thought about

what i'm trying to say is that the fever might NOT be as huge a
problem as some of the other things to consider at this point.


no, I have been very attentive to her temperature since this whole thing
started a few weeks ago, and she definitely has not been getting fevers in
the past week at least except after getting dex. I specifically waited days
between dex shots to monitor this, and she did not get feverish at all the
night she did not get it.

as for the other questions, I have no idea...

thanks for responding,

In a message dated 2/2/2007 10:15:34 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
the thing that's so crazy-making here is that there are SO many
possible things going on, and so many medications involved, that it's
really impossible to know what's causing what. in every
creature--human included--some will have idiosyncratic responses to
medications, no matter how many experts say it can't happen. on the
other paw, for all you really know, the dex has nothing to do with her
fevers--she may have been getting night-time low-grade fevers for
years as part of her own body chemistry, and you just had no reason to
notice it

so hard to know what to do. i personally prefer to go with dex
usually, partially because my cats take injectibles much more
gracefully than pills, and dex seems to be so quick-acting. but i
guess you have to weigh WHICH option has the GREATEST chance of
sucess--the interferon, or the epogen? is feeling better temporarily
to be preferred over GETTING better? (would her healing be better
served by letting her stay eating and purring and less active?)

in other words, i only have more questions for you, no answers.
continuing to send GLOW

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Bandit is NEGATIVE

2007-02-02 Thread TenHouseCats

um, folks, LIFE is ALWAYS FATAL! are we supposed to euthanize every thing
that is born because it's going to die at some point?



Patti  her clan

PS - OT, but did anyone see Animal Planet (Animal Cops - Houston) last
night?   I was *FURIOUS*   They found a stray and *repeatedly* said
that Felv was *ALWAYS* fatal and they euphemize any cat that tests
positive!!!  G, they're going to get an informative e-mail from me!
That's if I remember
Just imagine how many people saw that  will euthanize those babies
Not to mention how many other shelters will do it because the Houston SPCA
has that policy..

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Bandit is NEGATIVE

2007-02-02 Thread TenHouseCats

people would say that when they'd bring their FeLV or FIV cats to the
sanctuary--we love him/her, but we can't keep him/her, he/she is going to

we'd point out that there are NO guarantees. that their $2500 showcat is
just as likely to throw a blood clot tomorrow as a FeLV is to have its virus
activated actually, sometimes, depending on the kind of week we'd had,
we' d just look at them and say, well, so are you and i.

just a slight change of perspective--most people just never looked at it
that way, and a lot of them took their little furry ones right back home
with them.

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT: new study on insula, strokes, and smoking-VERY interesting!

2007-02-02 Thread TenHouseCats

hmmm. what a choice--shall i start taking chantix, or wait to have
a stroke? (sorry, it's been that sort of month. already.)

On 2/2/07, elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I saw that in the paper the other day!  Isn't that interestsing?!?

On 2/2/07, wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i heard the most interesting thing on the news the
 other day.  they have found that in patients who have
 had a stroke and had something damaged called the
 'insula', in their brain, that when they came out of
 the stroke, they no longer craved cigarettes.  so now
 they think that the insula may somehow control
 cravings/addictions, and are doing research on how to
 'damage' it.  i thought it was VERY interesting!
 Here's a link:

 Pretty cool!

 --- elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  thanks!  i actually went almost an hour today
  without thinking about a ciggy
  :0)  i know it will get easier - and it's already
  much easier than the first
  two weeks.  i appreciate the support - it really
  On 2/2/07, wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Congratulations!!!  You go girl!  Is it getting
   easier?  I am so proud of you!

   Get your own web address.
   Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

 Do you Yahoo!?
 Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Mylo's Passing

2007-02-01 Thread TenHouseCats

i read something once that really struck me--oddly enough, it was in
an ann landers or dear abby column

it was whether we would give up the joy we've shared with a loved one
if it meant being spared the pain of losing them. looked at that way,
there's no question for me--nor for anyone i've ever talked with--that
the answer is no. it is ALWAYS hard to say goodbye, even when we
know it means peace for the one who's gone on, those left behind will
always hurt. another, sort of kitschy, but sweet thing that i've heard
is that the intense pain of a critter's passing is just their clawing
their permanent space into our hearts

they come to US, instead of to someone else, for a reason--because
there is something only we can give them, and because there is
something we need to learn that only they can teach us. i can't prove
this, i just KNOW it. sometimes i feel guilty, because i think the
furry ones who have blessed my life, be it for hours or years, have
given me far more than i could possibly have given them.

you gave mylo love, food, a roof over his head, the best medical care
that you could provide, and a gentle passage surrounded by those who
cared for him. think of how many humans cannot say that about their
last days. your gifts to him were priceless, and he knows it.


On 2/1/07, Chris Ramzy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you for your email and everyone on the list that has offered kind,
supportive words.

I guess the best way to look at it is to cherish and remember the joy they
brought to our lives and that should out-way letting them go. Ideally, that
would be a good way to look at it, but we all know that can be difficult at
times. So we just need to tell ourselves it was worth it. I'm glad Mylo was
in my life. Maybe if he was with another family then he may have not been as
loved...who knows. Maybe I made his life a bit better than it would have
been otherwise and for that I have to sayit was worth it.

Subject: Re: Mylo's Passing
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 16:06:59 +0100

Chris, I too went through that, too much times... and every time,
one just cannot believe it hurts so much, and to bear it once more seems
impossible... but...
Today, while I was at the vet's with Rompi, there was a lady with a
black kitty, female, two years old, with asthma... she was black with
a small white whiff under her neck... she was just so MAGIC, with that
look in her eyes, so tender... the look of the good cat. I was about to
steal her right there! :) In that moment I understood that,
notwithstanding anything, it's impossible to live without cats, and that
the horrible, exhausting experience of letting them go is the toll for
what we have received from them during their life. We could discuss if
that toll is fair or too high, but that's it.

P.S. I'm going to call the vet's to ask when the black kitty with asthma
is scheduled next time... ;)

Windows Live Spaces: share your New Year pictures!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: o/t FIV

2007-02-01 Thread TenHouseCats

it's quite possible for a snap test to be a faint positive--and tho
the estimates of false positives for FeLV on snap tests range from
20-80% (thanks, susan), they're generally held to be AT LEAST 40%
inaccurate for FIV. no sanctuary or rescue working with FIVs considers
a cat to be positive without a  confirmatory western blot test.

most cats with FIV die WITH the virus, not from it--usually at a ripe
old age. many cats are first diagnosed at an advanced age when
something else has gone wrong and are just being tested for everything
as a matter of course. as it's only transmitted by DEEP, PENETRATING
WOUNDS (like those inflicted by testosterone-crazed toms fighting over
girls), any housecat of a certain age that's been indoors most of its
life has probably thus been positive for years

On 2/1/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That doesn't make any sense to me Kerry.  How can she test neg, but still
possibly be pos??  What vet was this that made that notation?  You could
call the office and ask to fax the report.  Even if the vet doesn't remember
the specific case, they should be able to tell you what the heck he might
have meant by that.

 That said, I wouldn't worry one little bit about the possibility of Momcat
having fiv.  I certainly wouldn't put her through the great cat round up
just to have her retested.  Did you read all those comforting posts about my
Star when he tested pos for fiv?  Seriously, if she has been acting and
feeling healthy all this time, I'd suggest you put those reports back in the
file and not worry about it.  Having the thought in the back of your mind,
(where it belongs in mho), will serve to keep you vigilant to her health
concerns, that's not a bad thing.  I know you already do that anyway.

 Didn't you just bring her in for testing in preparation for her possible
relocation to the UK?  I would think that one of the tests that would be
run, would be for fiv.  Go take a look at the latest reports, or call the
vet you just brought her to.

 MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

I was shocked last night, going thru old papers, to see a comment written on
Momcat's notes in 2003, made by the vet who tested all six of my ferals for
FeLV and FIV. The chart said that Momcat had (alone of the six) tested
negative for FELV/FIV  but the asterisked comment said that she POSSIBLY was
FIV POSITIVE.  I think that the news that the other 5 had tested FeLV
positive must have put this possibly FIV positive comment right out of my
Anyway, now my Q is: how can a cat test FIV neg but possibly be positive
in reality.
What symptoms might she show now, 3 years on?
Can you guys recommend a website in case she is positive. (Because she's
feral, it will probably be a couple of weeks before I can catch/have her
Kerry M.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: To Patti

2007-02-01 Thread TenHouseCats

furred or feathered, finned or fanged, they are all our companions and parts
of our families. GLOW to guide fred home--may he find a pond of his own to
rule over at the bridge...
Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Please pray for Missy

2007-02-01 Thread TenHouseCats

oh, a little coonie-look-a-like! she's exquisite GLOW heading your way.

On 2/1/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please pray or send healing thoughts to Missy, or whatever your personal
beliefs allow.

She went to the cardiologist today.  Here is her diagnosis:

Diagnosis: Congenital heart disease. Missy has a large atrial septal
defect/ventricular septal defect (8 mm) a hole in the lower atrial
septal and upper ventricular septal wall where the chambers join which
 allows blood to shunt right to left and left to right in the heart.
Her heart chambers are dialated and her pulmonary artery and veins are
dilated. Her right ventricular wall is mildly thickened. The defects
can lead to congenital heart disease (CHF) with fluid retention in the
lungs, chest cavity and/or abdomen. Therefore I would recommend
starting her on a low dose of furosemide.

She called in a prescription of furosemide 10 mg/ml .3 mg once daily.

Here is Missy's picture, for those who haven't seen it.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Please pray for Missy

2007-02-01 Thread TenHouseCats

i've just been asked to provide hospice care for a young (3-5 years
old) persian with a peritoneal-pericardial hernia, and have been told
basically the same thing--that while the surgery itself is technically
POSSIBLE, it would probably kill him...

he's at a good weight, only has occasional mild trouble breathing--but
with his intestines up around his lungs and heart, there's no way of
knowing when or if they'll shift and, well, you get the picture.
he doesn't need any meds or special care per se (tho agility training
is definitely not an option--sorry, but my warped sense of humor is
the only way i survive) the rest of his furry family are going on
a long-distance transport, but they don't think he'd survive it so
he's one that i will just love to death.


On 2/1/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Nina,

I'm surprised to hear that.  Everyone I have talked to - the cardiologist,
the internist, the Yahoo heart group - says they are not doing surgery on
cats and that they don't do well at all with heart lung machines.  They say
even dogs only have about a 5% survival rate with this surgery.  I'd put a
2nd mortgage on my house for Missy, but not if she has a 99% likelihood of
dying.  Is it possible to get more info from your ex? Maybe a hospital in a
different state...

Yes, I'm on the Yahoo heart group.  They are really nice there, not as nice
as here of course:)

On 2/1/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did the vet mention anything about the possibility of surgery helping
Missy?  I don't know anything about CHF, but the diagnosis you've outlined
sounds an awful lot like what my ex-husband heard when he adopted a little
stray kitten.  He opted for surgery and she came through with flying colors.
 I guess it's becoming more and more common to do surgery on cats with heart
problems.  It was quite costly, but his little girl is about a year old now
with no further problems.  Others on the list have mentioned a group for
cats with heart ailments, have you joined one yet?

 Of course Missy is in my prayers and thoughts.  You know how I feel about
that little darling of yours,

 Kelley Saveika wrote:

 Please pray or send healing thoughts to Missy, or whatever your personal
beliefs allow.

 She went to the cardiologist today.  Here is her diagnosis:

 Diagnosis: Congenital heart disease. Missy has a large atrial septal
 defect/ventricular septal defect (8 mm) a hole in the lower atrial
 septal and upper ventricular septal wall where the chambers join which
 allows blood to shunt right to left and left to right in the heart.
 Her heart chambers are dialated and her pulmonary artery and veins are
 dilated. Her right ventricular wall is mildly thickened. The defects
 can lead to congenital heart disease (CHF) with fluid retention in the
 lungs, chest cavity and/or abdomen. Therefore I would recommend
 starting her on a low dose of furosemide.

 She called in a prescription of furosemide 10 mg/ml .3 mg once daily.

 Here is Missy's picture, for those who haven't seen it.

 Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

 Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

to paolo

2007-01-31 Thread TenHouseCats

the feline anemia list doesn't have a members list--joined yesterday
to try to find you! also searched messages to see if you had posted,
but nothing under paolo--if you can think of alternate names you
MIGHT have used, let me know and i can try those.

renee (?), phaewyrn's friend, just had a kitty who had a mastectomy
who wore a fashionable t-shirt rather than an e-collar. she'd
probably be able to tell you how they got it to stay on during the
recuperation period.

i sent you an off-list email yesterday, with a link that SAYS it will
allow you to create a yahoo id that will then link your existing
accounts/group ids to it. check your mail! (knowing yahoo,
however, i wouldn't bet on it working, but it's not the usual 'get a
yahoo id' link.)

On 1/31/07, Paolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry again folks, this is the answer to Wendy's mail of yesterday,
I am losing my pieces along the road... I hope this can be of some
interest to everybody, of course.

Is Rompi's surgery to remove the mass, or to just take a look?

Wendy, Rompi's surgery would be (hopefully) intended to remove the
mass, BUT, should the mass turn out to be located on the pancreas
OR on the ileocaecal valve, they will be unable to remove it safely,
and in this case the mass would be left there (but they would pick up
a sample anyway, for biopsy).

Michelle is our resident lymphoma expert.
She's really knowledgeable on the matter.

I believe you, but now I prefer to leave Michelle in peace with the
troubles she's having already...

Have you looked into chemo for Rompi?  What about epogen for the anemia?

Rompi is NOT anemic, luckily! His blood panel is that of a 1-year old cat,
and FIV-/FeLV-... not even fleas. At least! (I subscribed to Feline Anemia
group at the time when we were struggling against Frizzina's anemia, that
would have eventually killed her... but Frizzina was FeLV+)

We talked about chemo yesterday, even because vet's own cat had chemo and
a lymphoma removed 3 years ago (still alive and happy), but not in depth
due to lack of further info on what's going on inside. I have a personal
list of items for the times to come: nutrition supplements (L-Lysine, DMG
and Omega3-EPA-DHA on top), and I would like to try Acemannan as a general
support (but not intended to replace chemo).

Oh, I wish to take advantage of this mail to ask you two more things.

The first one is (again) on Yahoo groups: have those of you that are
members of Feline Anemia the possibility to scroll a MEMBERS LIST?...
Just to see if I show up there, who knows...

The second one is about the 10-days period between surgery and the
removal of stitches. The vet indicated, as an alternative to the evil
plastic gorget (here in Italy it is called Elizabethan collar, don't
know in the USA but for sure you know what I am talking about), to use
a wool or cotton sleeve to protect his abdomen, like a vest or shirt,
but with sleeves, because without something to pass his front legs
through, he would push down the edge quite easily. I would absolutely
prefer this solution because the Elizabethan collar would keep Rompi
from eating, drinking, grooming, and just resting.

Do you have any experience with the shirt? Any photo to share?
Any suggestion?

Thank you to everybody

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Something ODD with Yahoo groups (sorry Michelle...) - FOR Paolo

2007-01-31 Thread TenHouseCats

paolo, if this helps, under your email addy, it says lxpra--maybe
that will help you recall your password

On 1/31/07, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Paolo,
  I just saw this message posted by you this morning so you are still a
member.  The group is set up in a way so you can't see members.  There
is no member link there to click on.  You can check which groups you are
in on this page, you may have to log in to do it. It should list all the
Yahoo groups you are a member of:

or if that doesn't work try this one:

This is your message from this morning on anemia group:

 TESTING... sorry folks but Yahoo does not recognize my membership to
 this group any longer... :(


Hope thi shelps you get it straightened out.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Mylo's Passing

2007-01-31 Thread TenHouseCats

no matter how long they are with us, it is NEVER long enough.

GLOW to guide mylo's journey to the bridge, and to heal your heart.

now he's healthy again, and nothing hurts anymore, and everything
works correctly--and he takes with him nothing but the memories of all
the love you shared.

fly freely, mylo!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Chris and Mylo

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

GLOW for you and mylo.

sometimes doing all that is medically possible is NOT the correct
choice for the cat, tho it may be what seems right for us. i always
ask the critter--and when they make it clear that they no longer want
to be treated, and fight assisted feeding and fluids, i have to
respect that, because as much as i don't want them to be gone, i do
not want to force them to stay beyond their time to meet my needs.

they have a much keener sense of the cycles of life than we do, and i
have learned so much from sharing their journeys.


On 1/29/07, Chris Ramzy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for your thoughts. Yes, I've heard of assisted feeding and injections
etc. Mylo needs so much more than that...chemo, blood transfusion, meds,
ultrasounds, etc. Yet, he will probably only live 4 more months if
successful. I feel that would be putting him through more stress. He hangs
on to me whenever we go to the vet. To hospitalize him again and put him
back on meds (he hated that), would break my heart.

Subject: Re: Chris and Mylo
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 21:22:54 -0500

Peace to both Mylo and you Chris, I will be sending peaceful thoughts of
passage and
happiness to Mylo!


You are aware that you can assist/force feed, right, or even have a feeding
inserted? And that a combination Dex/Depo injection has given cats JUST as
sick as
Milo is now several happy and comfortable week to months more time, right?

Don't waste time standing in line—try shopping online. Visit Sympatico / MSN
Shopping today!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Please pray for Lucy

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

that's kind of what i meant--yes, FIP means there's been a corona
virus exposure/infection, but it is still possible for an FIP-positive
cat to not show a high titre. might not be COMMON, but just as a high
titre doesn't prove FIP, a low one doesn't exclude it either. kind of
like a negative FeLV test doesn't mean a cat is negative.. or that
a positive one doesn't mean the cat is positive, either


You can't have FIP without Corona, the Corona mutates into FIP, but it doesn't 
it so that it's not Corona, it just creates the condition known as FIP (it's 
not the
virus that mutates, it's the condition that mutates, if that makes sense). At 
that's how I read it from Dr. Addie's site. It is very rare for a cat with FIP 
to not
show a Corona titer, and I included that explanation below...

FIP occurs when the cat reacts inappropriately to feline coronavirus (FCoV)
infection. Most cats simply become infected, shed FCoV for a month or two, 
mount an
immune response, eliminate the virus and live happily ever after. However, for
reasons that we don't yet fully understand, instead of clearing FCoV infection, 
unfortunate few cats develop FIP.
The presence of antibodies indicates that the cat has been infected with FCoV, 
cause of FIP. Any FCoV antibody titre can occur in cases of wet or effusive 
FIP, but
most cats with FIP have extremely high antibody titres (1280 or greater). 
titres of 0 are unusual in FIP cases and are usually considered as indicating 
the cat does not have FIP.  (However, if other parameters suggest a diagnosis 
of FIP,
despite having an antibody titre of 0, then this is the one situation where 
detection (RT-PCR), performed on a sample of the effusion, is diagnostic of 
FIP.  In
these cats there is so much virus in the effusion that all the antibody is 
bound to
it, and none is available to bind to virus in the test.)

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Chris and Mylo

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

i will do fluids in a heartbeat for a cat--until they make it clear
that they no longer want it. i remember being really upset with a
kitty who just would not let me administer fluids, because i KNEW it
would make her feel better--she was clearly terminal (at 22!), and it
was the holistic vet who came over later that day to send her home who
pointed out to me that it was a clear message from the cat that she
was ready to go, and did not want any more intervention. so when they
fight really hard, and use up enormous amounts of energy they don't
have to spare, against my help, i honor that. i guess it really
depends on what the condition is, and whether or not there is a real
possibility of turning the situation around. even tho we never really
can know for sure i have come to believe, tho, and this is MY
opinion, that it is better to send them on one day too soon, than ten
minutes too late, if that ten minutes mean they are suffering.

i don't for a minute mean to imply that it's EVER an easy decision to make.

On 1/30/07, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I agree sometimes you come to a point where you have to consider
letting them go but in my opinion and my opinion only assist feeding and
fluids are in NO way going too far.  ANY cat that doesn't feel well for
whatever reason can and most likely will stop eating, and dehydration makes
a cat feel like sh*t, so they will not eat.  Same as anyone or anything that
doesn't feel good not eating is the first thing that happens.  I don't eat
when I feel like crap, don't know many people that do.  To not try and
assist feed or give fluids when dehydrated to me is not trying the simplest
things to turn a cat around.  Many, many times a cat that looks like crap
and isn't eating because of dehydration will go right to the food bowl once
they are hydrated again, I've seen it and heard of it over and over again.
I also don't know of many cats that love or even like assist feeding but
most will adapt to it eventually.  And for me if they don't and it is too
stressful I will ALWAYS try a feeding tube because I know personally how
great they can be and indirectly know many, many cats that have been saved
and are alive and well 5, 6 and more years later with NO hint of the problem
that caused the inappetence.  Sometimes cat develop anorexia for unknown
reasons, they aren't even sick but obviously if they aren't eating and
nothing is done to intervene they will get sick and die.  Just wanted to
make an argument for the other side which I have personal experience with.

sometimes doing all that is medically possible is NOT the correct
 choice for the cat, tho it may be what seems right for us. i always
 ask the critter--and when they make it clear that they no longer want
 to be treated, and fight assisted feeding and fluids,

happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Chris and Mylo

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

i think, too, that i'm talking more about cats who accept treatment
quite well for a long time, and then suddenly say, enough. i am a
huge believer in giving fluids, and will do so often at the first sign
of punkiness in a cat, and have seen them work wonders--often one
application of subq fluids will stop a developing problem in its
tracks, so to speak. and my cats just seem to take it as a matter of
course that if they aren't feeling well, mommy will probably start out
with fluids (and, often, a shot of dex.) i've always explained to them
why the fluids are good for them, and they've always seemed to
understand, because it DOES make them feel so much better, so quickly.

it's only been the last two years that i haven't had a bag of fluids
and a set of lines hanging in my living room--since jess, my FIV
coonie discovered how much fun it is to shred the lines and hydrate
common household objects. digital cameras do NOT respond well to
fluids, believe me now, the bags are kept less accessible.

On 1/30/07, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PS.  Fred told an AC he wasn't thrilled with the fluids, he didn't
understand the reason for it.  He said he'd rather not get them but I asked
her to explain to him that they would help his kidney's function better and
keep him feeling good for some time.  His values have improved quite a bit
and he still doesn't love it but he does sit still for it and the 3 minutes
it takes to do it to me is worth the 8 good months he's had and he has
gotten more grouchily affectionate in the last few months.

 I was very stressed out when we first started fluids, he fought me tooth
and nail, he tried biting me every time but once I explained why it was
being done and the fact that it was going to be done he got used to it.  His
overall health is good his kidney's are just wearing out but he has some
good years left and he has realized he does feel better with all I'm doing
so like it or not the ten minutes total a day it takes to give him his
fluids and meds is a small price to pay for his continued good health.

 To me it's the same as if I had a human child, they hate taking medicine
too but we make them for their own good.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Chris and Mylo

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

this is a hard one, because actually, i haven't used veterinary
intervention with any of my kids in many years. i HAVE with sanctuary
animals who were seizing, or clearly in great pain, and i wouldn't
hesitate to do so if one of mine were in that situation. but i agree
that letting them go through the complete cycle is the best. (for the
other animals in the house, as well, who get to say their goodbyes.)

as long as they let me know they want to continue on i will do
anything i can; but i try very hard to separate my needs from theirs.
i always give them permission to leave if that is where their path
leaves, while letting them know that i will do whatever is necessary
to help them stay if that is what they want to do. at some point, tho,
it seems that their spirits go on, and i see the final physical
manifestations as the last remnants of their spirits leaving behind a
body they're outgrown

On 1/30/07, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I used to think this too but since I've heard from many AC's that
animals don't fear the pain sometimes associated with dying in some
instances and many actually prefer to go through the whole cycle I am
really more of the thinking of letting them complete the cycle without
my intervention.  Now if I clearly get the idea that an animal would
rather not go naturally I will help them and having done it both ways
there to me is no harder thing than helping an animal go, although the
other is pretty tough also.

 i have come to believe, tho, and this is MY opinion, that it is better
 to send them on one day too soon, than ten minutes too late, if that
 ten minutes mean they are suffering.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ot: transdermal benedryl gel for allergies

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

: looking at the persians and thinking,  yeah, no hair, right 

On 1/29/07, elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Michelle said - it is compounded to be absorbed through the
skin...the ear is rich in blood vessels and doesn't have the hair so it's
the perfect place to administer it to get it into the blood stream.  My
compounding pharmacist gave me little finger cots (they look like something
planned parenthood would distribute LOL) for the transdermal application.
That is so that the medication is absorbed by the cat but not by your


 yes, totally different, though I can't tell you how.  the stuff in the
store is topical and meant to treat the skin, I think, while this is meant
to affect the cat internally and is just applied to the ears where the blood
vessels absorb it. It is a much thinner cream, and the pharmacy compounds it
into little syringes.  It works amazingly for Patches-- she literally had a
bald belly and legs and they were bright pink, and since I have been
assiduously giving her this twice a day she has a full thick coat of fur


 In a message dated 1/29/2007 10:15:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
 I'm interested in this - would like to know if it's different from the
Benadryl cream that you can buy at pharmacies? I assume so, but just



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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Lucy update

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

i know a lot of FIP cats, with the wet form, that have been allowed to
die naturally at home, so i guess i'm missing the point here


None of the websites say... even Dr. Addie's says all FIP cats are
euthanized. I suppose it will get to a point where she will be suffering so
bad you'll have to euthanise her? It appears that is the case with every
other FIP+ cat in existence. Surely there have been research cats that they
have just let die to KNOW what the end result of FIP is... but I can't find
any reference. I mean, how do they KNOW it's 100% fatal, as all the websites
state, if ALL the cats that have it are euthanised? That's a REALLY good
question Michelle!

Hideyo, can you contact Dr. Addie and that other Japanese vet (who's name I
forget now - Ishida maybe?) and ask them? I don't see any contact info on
Dr. Addie's website, but I know you've spoken to her. Ask, if the cat is NOT
euthanised, WHAT is the cause of death, and what could we expect to see
happen in the end stages?

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
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Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Getting cat prescriptions filled on line

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

the subject line of this thread just hit me.

my doctor wants me to take two calicos, and call him in the morning.
can you fill that scrip?

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Getting cat prescriptions filled on line

2007-01-30 Thread TenHouseCats

purebred, or will generic do?

On 1/30/07, Anna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

too funnywe need some laughter here.

 the subject line of this thread just hit me.

 my doctor wants me to take two calicos, and call him in the morning.
 can you fill that scrip?

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: (OT) The Secret movie

2007-01-29 Thread TenHouseCats

and that's why we use the term GLOW--stands for whatever people want
and need it to be: prayer, white light, healing, love, kind thoughts,
gentle energy, etc.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Please pray for Lucy

2007-01-29 Thread TenHouseCats

my understanding is that a cat with FIP can show a low or even no
corona virus titre, as the titre shows recent exposure to an active
corona virus itself, not to the mutated form.


Well, that should be the first step in any FIP diagnosis. I really find it
completely unfathomable that they didn't do a Corona titer when they
suspected FIP. True, if it's positive, it could still be anything, but if
it's negative, that completely eliminates the possibility of FIP, and allows
you to move in another direction towards the true cause of the illness.

They did aspirate fluid, though, right? And it was definitely in the abdomen
and NOT in the chest cavity, right? Didn't you say it was clear, and not
straw colored like FIP usually is, or was that someone else's cat?

I'm sorry I was gone for 2 days.. I had family things I had to do. I'm glad
Lucy is hanging in there!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
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Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: transfusion question

2007-01-27 Thread TenHouseCats

good point, hideyo--see if one of the vet tech's from you vet's office would
be willing to make a house call.

On 1/26/07, Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michelle – can you call around and see if there is any way that you can
find someone to draw a tiny bit of blood to check on her PCV – they can do
it in such a way that they only need a very very small amount to check her
PCV – the fact that she is eating so much of baby food is so wonderful
though – has she lost any weight?


*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
*Sent:* Friday, January 26, 2007 5:08 PM
*Subject:* transfusion question

Lucy seems more comfortable and happy, but also much more tired. She has
hardly moved all day-- just once or twice she went into the other room to
use the litter box, then got right back up on the futon couch.  At one point
she climbed onto the other couch a few feet away to lay next to me, and then
later climbed back to the futon couch. She has been eating baby food when I
offer it to her-- about 2.5 jars so far today-- and is grooming herself
sometimes (like right now).  But mostly she is just sleeping or laying
there.  So I am worried that her HCT and PCV have continued to drop. Her HCt
was 16.5 and her PCV 18 last Wed (9 days ago).  She has been on epogen
since Monday (third shot today) and pet tinic. She is pale, especially her
gums, but her tongue is still pink. I have not gotten her HCT checked since
last Wed, because I do not want to bring her to the vet and draw blood until
I need to, because she gets incredibly stressed and because I want to
conserve her blood.

So here is my question-- in your experience, does a cat who is anemic
enough to need a transfusion still eat, groom, and purr? When Simon needed
them he was like a dish rag and almost unable to focus on anything.  But his
HCT dropped quickly from lymphoma, so he did not have much time to adjust.
My Buddy's HCT was at 8 before he died, and he was still walking around, but
he was zipped  up on dexamethasone, and was not moving around much when he
was just on pred, like Lucy is, and not getting the dex-- and I do not know
when his HCT got that low because he did not have frequent checks.

If it is absolutely necessary to get her a transfusion to give the epogen
time to kick in, I may do it, but really do not want to do it to her if I
don't have to, do to how far I have to take her, the fact that I have to do
it at an ER, and the fact that she gets abominably upset and depressed from
going there.  If anyone has any ideas or information about how cats normally
look and act when needing a transfusion (i.e. just tired, or not eating
and almost nonresponsive?), I would appreciate it.



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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT -more kitties with heart disease

2007-01-23 Thread TenHouseCats

that's not because they're persians, but because they're the most popular
cat breed in the US--ie, the most overbred, poorly bred, backyard bred,
etc. i'm currently owned and operated by seven of the darlings, and so
far today have been involved on some level with finding fosters or
transports for another 12

On 1/23/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I swear it seems to follow me like FELV does some of yall.

My foster Clarissa was diagnosed with a heart murmur today.

She's about 6 and a Persian.  I love Persians but they have s many
health problems:(

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT -more kitties with heart disease

2007-01-23 Thread TenHouseCats

so many kitties that come from hoarder situations bring baggage that's
almost impossible to overcome... hard to know if it's genetic, or just from
neglect, or a problem with the individual cat that nothing would have been
able to predict or prevent. which doesn't make it any easier to lose them.

i have a friend with 16 persians--15 of them special-needs i tend to
think of them as very easy to take care of tho, other than all the fur.
sort of like stuffed critters that purr. especially the older ones: plop
them down near water and food bowls, near litter boxes, and dust them
occasionally. my friends refer to them as speed bumps.

On 1/23/07, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 that's not because they're persians, but because they're the most
 popular cat breed in the US--ie, the most overbred, poorly bred, backyard
 bred, etc. i'm currently owned and operated by seven of the darlings,
 and so far today have been involved on some level with finding fosters or
 transports for another 12

 On 1/23/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  I swear it seems to follow me like FELV does some of yall.
  My foster Clarissa was diagnosed with a heart murmur today.
  She's about 6 and a Persian.  I love Persians but they have s many
  health problems:(
  Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
  Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

 Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
 Maybe That'll Make The Difference


 AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
 ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT -more kitties with heart disease

2007-01-23 Thread TenHouseCats

aw, i feel so sad for the ones who are scared.. my FIV+ flamepoint
himmie is so timid that, for the first five months he was with me, the only
way i knew he was alive was to lift up the upholestered chair he lived under
to make sure he was still breathing... then he progressed to letting me see
him streak past on his way to the litter box. three years later, he'll get
up on the bed once in awhile still hasn't purred, tho

what happened with morgana underscores the truest reality of working with
critters of any kind: there are just no guarantees. people would bring FIVs
and FeLVs to the sanctuary because, they're going to die. well, yeah. but
so might the $2500 showcat, or the healthy 6-month-old kitten. to not love
something because it's gonna die someday, well, think about it even if
we were to know the full medical histories of every critter that comes out
way, there is STILL no way to know what hidden things might crop up in their
own biochemistries--and trying to second-guess ourselves and the vets we
trust, when there were no signs to tell us that there was anything wrong or
no treatment that was making any difference just doesn't do any good. we
love them, and ourselves, as deeply and as long as we can, we learn the
lessons they've come to teach us, and we open our hearts and arms to the
next little furry beast that appears--because it WILL appear. h--maybe
there ARE some guarantees, after all

On 1/23/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hehe!  Well, this girl has chronic severe eye drainage that has to be
cleaned daily and sometimes eyelid infections, ear issues..tooth
issues...beautiful coat (that is fine as silk and has to be combed out
daily)...and now a heart murmur.  She's also front paw declawed and has
severe fear of other cats.  She's been in my house almost a year and still
only comes out from under the end table to eat.

My vet thinks there was something wrong inside Morgana that couldnt' be
detected by him..and he's a very, very good vet.  She was just in his office
6 weeks ago for a sinus infection and he didn't detect anything serious.

On 1/23/07, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 so many kitties that come from hoarder situations bring baggage that's
 almost impossible to overcome... hard to know if it's genetic, or just from
 neglect, or a problem with the individual cat that nothing would have been
 able to predict or prevent. which doesn't make it any easier to lose them.

 i have a friend with 16 persians--15 of them special-needs i tend to
 think of them as very easy to take care of tho, other than all the fur.
 sort of like stuffed critters that purr. especially the older ones: plop
 them down near water and food bowls, near litter boxes, and dust them
 occasionally. my friends refer to them as speed bumps.

  On 1/23/07, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   that's not because they're persians, but because they're the most
   popular cat breed in the US--ie, the most overbred, poorly bred, backyard
   bred, etc. i'm currently owned and operated by seven of the darlings,
   and so far today have been involved on some level with finding fosters or
   transports for another 12
   On 1/23/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
I swear it seems to follow me like FELV does some of yall.
My foster Clarissa was diagnosed with a heart murmur today.
She's about 6 and a Persian.  I love Persians but they have s
many health problems:(
Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
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  Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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 AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
 ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators

2007-01-22 Thread TenHouseCats

one of the communicators i like a lot--because she came to it as a scientist
and total sceptic!--said something that made a lot of sense, and is really
important to remember: that, like people, each animal is individual. some
are really talkative, psychically, and some are really reserved--so even
if you have a really good communicator/psychic (and while i think there are
a lot of fakes out there, i also believe there are good ones), not all will
come through clearly--especially if they're scared or terribly disoriented.

On 1/22/07, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have had a reading with her, not for any lost pet, just to talk
with my guys.  It seemed to be OK for the most part.  Lost pets I know
many AC's will say are hard to do, I belong to a list of AC's, they are
not professionals, just basically honing their skills, there are a few
on there that are pretty darn good though.  I believe Judi checks in
once in a while.
Your friend may want to join and post there and see if anyone comes up
with any new info.  There have been several lost animals recently with
mixed outcomes, one good thing it's free.

It can take a couple of days to get a reading since they go in order of
requests, I would have your friend put URGENT LOST PET in the subject
line.  Here is the list address, I hope she can get some help:

Just remember they all volunteer their time and do not claim to be
professionals, but I have been impressed with several members readings.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators

2007-01-22 Thread TenHouseCats

i'll have to try to wrack my brain for her name.. she's done special
chat-week chats two years in a row at, and i think the
transcripts are still up on the site, and the info's probably there--let me
go check!

On 1/22/07, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Does she have a website?  I'm looking for an AC for Missy.  I would like
someone who is good but reasonable in price if such a thing exists.

On 1/22/07, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 one of the communicators i like a lot--because she came to it as a
 scientist and total sceptic!--said something that made a lot of sense, and
 is really important to remember: that, like people, each animal is
 individual. some are really talkative, psychically, and some are really
 reserved--so even if you have a really good communicator/psychic (and while
 i think there are a lot of fakes out there, i also believe there are good
 ones), not all will come through clearly--especially if they're scared or
 terribly disoriented.

 On 1/22/07, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 I have had a reading with her, not for any lost pet, just to talk
  with my guys.  It seemed to be OK for the most part.  Lost pets I know
  many AC's will say are hard to do, I belong to a list of AC's, they
  not professionals, just basically honing their skills, there are a few
  on there that are pretty darn good though.  I believe Judi checks in
  once in a while.
  Your friend may want to join and post there and see if anyone comes up
  with any new info.  There have been several lost animals recently with
  mixed outcomes, one good thing it's free.
  It can take a couple of days to get a reading since they go in order
  requests, I would have your friend put URGENT LOST PET in the subject
  line.  Here is the list address, I hope she can get some help:
  Just remember they all volunteer their time and do not claim to be
  professionals, but I have been impressed with several members
  happiness is being owned by cats ...
  Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
  FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]
  BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

 Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
 Maybe That'll Make The Difference


 AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
 ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

animal communicator link

2007-01-22 Thread TenHouseCats

here's the links to the transcripts from her two chats: (i appear as the
queue-keeper, in my alternate identity as PHCatByte!)

her website is:

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators

2007-01-22 Thread TenHouseCats
 in,. I believe, North
Carolina?   I know a couple of years ago when Gloria and I were searching
for one of our rescue group's cats, Sam, who'd gotten away from his foster
home, there were several recommendations from people on the list.One of
our members has lost a cat - we've done all the obvious things -- massive
amt. of flyers up, ad in paper, even on radio; many man-hours of going door
to door and walking the streets and handing out handbills offering reward,
crawling under houses, etc. I would bet 50-60 man-hours if we added up
everyone's time.   The owner came across this psychic on the internet and
actually expected some closure, thinking she'd say Jack was dead.  Instead
she has sent email, maps that don't seem to fit the area -- enough things to
make us wonder if she is legit.

Also, those of you who have had positive experiences, if you have
recommendations of specific people that'd be super.  Thanks.

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread TenHouseCats

some cats have second homes, too--a friend has a calico (of course) who
disappears every may, and comes home every september, fat and sassy and
clearly well-cared for

On 1/22/07, Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wow, that is encouraging.  Know what you mean about people thinking you
are nuts!   We don't venture far into some parts of the neighborhood with
out a second or third person along -- but I think we've felt pretty safe
because people kind of treat us like we are nuts -- and harmless!!

*Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

I am convinced that someone had taken Ursula in even though they knew
that she was being searched for. Ursula, if I do say so myself, is
quite a stunning Calico and I think the person just didn't want to give
her up. One of the hints I had from the psychic was that Ursula could
see a picket fence from the window she was sitting in. My house has a
picket fence too, so I approached the other like-fenced houses in the
neighborhood with the story, (they all think I'm nuts anyway), that I
thought maybe Ursula might have gotten confused by the similarity and
went into their yard. I was relentless in my search and I suspect that
this person finally opened the door and let her out in the middle of the
night. Of course I couldn't sleep while she was gone and I got up in
the middle of the night to find her sitting outside our sliding glass
door waiting to be let in. I had to blink twice to make sure I wasn't
imagining her there. She was in great shape, not even hungry, that also
made me suspect someone was trying to keep her as their own.

Susan Loesch wrote:
 Jack's personality is such that he never meets a stranger - human or
 feline. If he has lost his collar and ID it is very possible that
 someone has either taken him in or at least is feeding him. With the
 flyer coverage -- close to 100 in the area -- and out of the immediate
 area at grocery stores, restaurants, car washes, etc., where the
 residents might gather -- it is hard to believe someone hasn't seen
 the flyers and the reward. But it is still possible. I know Dianne
 is keeping food out but I will definitely suggest going out at that
 time. So many good ideas from all you guys. We all appreciate it.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-22 Thread TenHouseCats

and candlemas is coming up, february 2nd. midpoint between winter
solstice and spring equinox. also known as st brigid's day, when the
celts would go up and light huge bonfires on the top of hills to remind the
sun to return. i've always loved that imagery

(i'm from buffalo; i know about dreary.)

On 1/22/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh Sally you paint such a melancholy winter scene.  I just wanted to let
you know I understand and appreciate those winter blues.  I also know what
it's like to miss that window of opportunity with getting someone spayed.
I'm sure Daisy's pitiful howlings are not doing anything to make the scene
more upbeat.  Hang in there girl, you're doing a fabulous job holding things
together and caring for your babies.  Just remember, the only true constant
in life is change.  Just hold on, nothing remains the same for very long.
Before you know it the scenery will change and the sun will be shining
Hugs to you and yours,

Sally Davis wrote:

Today has been a miserable day here in VA. Freezing rain and sleet brought
me home early from work. This gave me time to spend with Junior and my other
cats. Junior seems to feel better. His ears are almost normal looking.  I am
not sure what cause the hematomas because he did not shake his head or paw
at them. Of course he is still egtting medicine for his eyes. He vision is
very limited in his good eye. It is still dilated from the infection. He is
eating better although I am enticing him with anything he will eat. He gets
Lysine in baby food.

My thoughts about Tiny. Tiny always has a cough throughout his short life.
Not a bad cough and not even every day. Just sometimes he would cough after
purring. When he was a kitten he did have a URI and his sinuses smelled
terrible. He thew this off on his own. I had suspected he had heartworms
even though not real common in cats I live on a lake in mosquito infested
woods. I asked the vet he saw last summer if this was a possibility and
though she did not test for it gave him revolution. At that time he had a
bad URI which the cough was very severe, just like the one he had the day he
died, but instead of dying he just coughed spastically. It knocked him off
his feet. It would explain his sudden death. He did test a faint positive on
the snap test but never really had symptoms nor did he catch Junior's last

Right now Daisy is crying out pitifully. In the mist of my Feline Luekemia
crisis last fall, I had to put off her spaying. I advised the shelter I got
her from of what was going on so they did not bug me for the papers. ITwo
weeks ago I called a low cost clinic to schedule her spaying and they
called back. Ususally you get an appointment in a week or two, this time
it was over a month. So Now I have to wait until Feb. 27 to get her fixed in
the meantime, she is coming in heat. What a royal pain.  I have always
gotten my females fixed before their first heat.
 OK the waether is making me think too much.

Thanks everyone for your support. This is the best group.

Sally, Junior, Daisy, Grey and White, Spike, Lily, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Silver, Speedy

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Lucy--what to do?-- anyone have acemannan??

2007-01-21 Thread TenHouseCats

you're up against the old medical model, which holds true in veterinary as
well as in human medicine: diagnosis/treat/cure. if you can't do those
things in one swell foop, blame the patient!


 Renee, I think the main difference between the way Dr. Clifford treats
you with Emily and the way he's treating Michelle with Lucy is that Emily's
breast cancer is considered more treatable, where they are not giving
Michelle any hope, and are more or less annoyed that she hasn't given up yet
with something they see as terminal. At least that's what I'm pulling from
what's been posted here. Almost like they are saying well, she's old and
she's got FIP, there's nothing we can do, but yet they don't seem to be
AWARE of the studies that prove Feline Interferon Omega's effectiveness on

Michelle, if I were you, I would be slamming copies of studies down on
some desks around that place and making some heads roll if they treated me
so disrespectfully! It might not hurt to REMIND them that you are PAYING
them for their service, and even if your cat is hopeless in their eyes,
you DESERVE to get your money's worth of consultation!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-20 Thread TenHouseCats

amazing how we always blame the cats, huh?

years ago, i was sitting in my bathroom one day, using the human litterbox,
and something shook in another part of the house. immediately i wondered
just what the heck they'd gotten into THIS time. found out later that
our little midwest town had had a very mild earthquake. and the funniest
part of it was that the majority of the folks  interviewed on the news had
thought the same thing i had--that their cats or dogs had knocked something

On 1/20/07, Jennifer Madon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Great news!  I am a little embarrassed to admit this but, I found the
source of the pink puddle!  I was washing dished last night and felt my
sock get wet.  I looked down and found a pink puddle but no midnight.  A
rink broke off of my sink and it is leaking.  Somewhere between the leak
and my floor, it is coming in contact with something that tinges it
pink.  I am so relieved.  I don't regret asking because I learned a lot
of great things.  Thanks to everyone and I hope to be able to stick
around.  Maybe one day I will even be able to help answer questions!
Thanks again,

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Sanctuaries

2007-01-17 Thread TenHouseCats

but basic black goes with everything, doesn't it?

On 1/17/07, Rosenfeldt, Diane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You forgot to mention how he clashes with the drapes.

Diane R.

*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 16, 2007 4:34 PM
*Subject:* Re: Sanctuaries

 Haha! I'll email them, if no one else wants to... and pretend to be
giving up my cat. LOL! That sounds immensely fun! (how many of us rescuers
ever get the chance to be on the other end, LOL)

Hi, my name is Julia, and I have to get rid of my cat because my new
husband is allergic to him, plus I'm pregnant and don't want to catch
toxoplasmosis from him or have him lay on my baby and suffocate it. He
doesn't use his litterbox all the time, and my husband says it's him or the
cat. He is a good kitty, but he has cat AIDS. He's never been sick so far
though. He's never been around kids and is scared of dogs. He's neutered and
four paw declawed. Can you take him? I have to get rid of him ASAP! His name
is Shadow and he's a solid black shorthaired cat.

How's that? ...LOL, did I forget anything?

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Sanctuaries

2007-01-16 Thread TenHouseCats

the no website/petfinder site is a bigger red flag for me, for tiger
ranch, than  haven acres' not turning anyone away they're new, and
since we don't know their capacity, they may well have room. they
don't have very many cats listed on their petfinder page--far fewer
than many rescues--so they may well be taking in mostly adoptables and
turning them over.

what concerns me about them, however, is that nowhere do they talk
about being a special-needs sanctuary--which, obviously, FeLV (and
some think, FIV) cats certainly are. they say that all their
adoptables are FIV/FeLV neg, so they aren't adopting them out. what
they say is that, Cats that are less adoptable due to age,
temperment, or color have a safe, loving home at the sanctuary for the
rest of there lives. grammar and spelling aside, no reference to
disability or ongoing medical conditions at all makes me nervous,

On 1/16/07, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No personal knowledge on any of them.  However, I did a little quick

Tiger Ranch reports 0 income and 0 assets and apparently hasnt filed a
return since 2004.
You may want to check further on their stability and compliance with laws
relating to maintaining their non-profit status.  Apparently no website or
PetFinder site either.

Rikki's Refuge looks like it might be worthwhile.  From their website,
Rikki's Refuge welcomes visitors to their sanctuary.  That's always a good

Haven Acres has only been around since 2003.  They claim never to turn
anyone away.  (Red flag.)  They have a lot of cats listed on PetFinder and
claim to feed exclusively Science Diet (no doubt the free to shelters and
rescues program where you pay only shipping).  I would be
concerned that they are stretched too thin and this might not be a stable

Gussies mom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone any first hand info or heard anything good or bad about the
following sanctuaries:

Tiger Ranch PA - We are sending 3 FeLV catsd there from a hoarding case
Rikkis Refuge - VA
Haven Acres FL

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Sanctuaries

2007-01-16 Thread TenHouseCats

most sanctuaries still have websites--they just don't have STREET
addresses on them! our po box was three towns over from where the
sanctuary actually was located, and people STILL managed to find us in
the middle of the night to dump cats... it's really hard to make any
decisions without any photos of the critters there, the facilities,
etc--and that applies to the third place, too, which only shows photos
of healthy kitties.

not that having a website guarantees anything, of course--many of us
are too aware of angel wings, who at one time WAS a legitimate
sanctuary, but whose website certainly did not reflect the
deterioration in conditions of either the physical environment nor
that of the animals there.

On 1/16/07, Gussies mom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They don't have websites. I think that's so people don't do door dumps.



Can you send me the websites for the other two, if you have them?

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

 Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast
 with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Sanctuaries

2007-01-16 Thread TenHouseCats

i don't think that rikki's has been around all that long, tho--i
started working at the sanctuary here in late 2002, and i'm pretty
sure they started up after that--so much depends on what went into the
process of starting up and planning and putting things into practice!

On 1/16/07, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have to agree.  Even places that start well can fall apart quickly.  (The
place in Florida that claims to never turn a cat away and has only been
around since 2003 really concerns me.  If they're not in trouble yet, they
will be.)

I have seen just a tiny handful of really wonderful sanctuaries.  They do
not advertise.  They are almost always full.  They typically expect a fee if
it's an owner turn-in situation -- after all, they are offering to provide
lifetime care -- but may help out rescue groups if space and resources

Want to test the sanctuaries you listed?  Have someone call and email,
pretending to be a member of the public who, for some good reason,
absolutely must rehome a special needs cat.  See how the sanctuary responds.
 (And please let us know.)  This should tell you a lot.

tamara stickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

PROFESSIONAL coorespondance!

I posted a cat on Petfinder only to be contacted by someone whose employer
wants to adopt my pet as a gift for his wifethe story was that the guy
owned a car lot somewhere south and would pay to have the cat
transported...Much of the e-mail was mis-spelled ...and had poor
punctuation.  I replied to the writter that I was certain he was a broker
(most likely adopting free to a good home or inexpensive adoption fee
animals to sell to universities...unrep. labs...or just for bait in
fighting) mentioned something about hoping his member dropped off, and
hit send.

Never accept someone else's assessement of a sanctuary.  Far too many of
them get good reviews from rescuers and animal rescue organizations that
have, although entrusted animals into their care, have never actuallly
visited them in person.  Too many of these organizations  or people, start
with the best intentions then become overwhelmed COLLECTORS.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS visit them yourselfor do not send an animal
there.  (I am speaking from FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE!)

Good luck.

TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the no website/petfinder site is a bigger red flag for me, for tiger
ranch, than haven acres' not turning anyone away they're new, and
since we don't know their capacity, they may well have room. they
don't have very many cats listed on their petfinder page--far fewer
than many rescues--so they may well be taking in mostly adoptables and
turning them over.

what concerns me about them, however, is that nowhere do they talk
about being a special-needs sanctuary--which, obviously, FeLV (and
some think, FIV) cats certainly are. they say that all their
adoptables are FIV/FeLV neg, so they aren't adopting them out. what
they say is that, Cats that are less adoptable due to age,
temperment, or color have a safe, loving home at the sanctuary for the
rest of there lives. grammar and spelling aside, no reference to
disability or ongoing medical conditions at all makes me nervous,

On 1/16/07, Susan Hoffman wrote:
 No personal knowledge on any of them. However, I did a little quick

 Tiger Ranch reports 0 income and 0 assets and apparently hasnt filed a
 return since 2004.
 You may want to check further on their stability and compliance with laws
 relating to maintaining their non-profit status. Apparently no website or
 PetFinder site either.

 Rikki's Refuge looks like it might be worthwhile. From their website,
 Rikki's Refuge welcomes visitors to their sanctuary. That's always a good

 Haven Acres has only been around since 2003. They claim never to turn
 anyone away. (Red flag.) They have a lot of cats listed on PetFinder and
 claim to feed exclusively Science Diet (no doubt the free to shelters and
 rescues program where you pay only shipping). I would be
 concerned that they are stretched too thin and this might not be a stable

 Gussies mom wrote:

 Has anyone any first hand info or heard anything good or bad about the
 following sanctuaries:

 Tiger Ranch PA - We are sending 3 FeLV catsd there from a hoarding case
 Rikkis Refuge - VA
 Haven Acres FL

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Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

 Bored stiff? Loosen up...
Download and play hundreds of games for free on Yahoo! Games.


Re: Sanctuaries

2007-01-16 Thread TenHouseCats

that's MEAN, phaewyrn--you KNOW how much we hate to get emails like
that, and how hard we have to work to be polite to the people (?) who
send them!


Haha! I'll email them, if no one else wants to... and pretend to be giving
up my cat. LOL! That sounds immensely fun! (how many of us rescuers ever get
the chance to be on the other end, LOL)

Hi, my name is Julia, and I have to get rid of my cat because my new
husband is allergic to him, plus I'm pregnant and don't want to catch
toxoplasmosis from him or have him lay on my baby and suffocate it. He
doesn't use his litterbox all the time, and my husband says it's him or the
cat. He is a good kitty, but he has cat AIDS. He's never been sick so far
though. He's never been around kids and is scared of dogs. He's neutered and
four paw declawed. Can you take him? I have to get rid of him ASAP! His name
is Shadow and he's a solid black shorthaired cat.

How's that? ...LOL, did I forget anything?

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Sanctuaries

2007-01-16 Thread TenHouseCats

hey, phaewyrn, that's the one with ringworm, right?

On 1/16/07, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Make him a ten-year old solid black shorthaired cat who doesn't get along
well with other cats.  Or maybe a former feral.

TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
that's MEAN, phaewyrn--you KNOW how much we hate to get emails like
that, and how hard we have to work to be polite to the people (?) who
send them!

On 1/16/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Haha! I'll email them, if no one else wants to... and pretend to be giving
 up my cat. LOL! That sounds immensely fun! (how many of us rescuers ever
 the chance to be on the other end, LOL)

 Hi, my name is Julia, and I have to get rid of my cat because my new
 husband is allergic to him, plus I'm pregnant and don't want to catch
 toxoplasmosis from him or have him lay on my baby and suffocate it. He
 doesn't use his litterbox all the time, and my husband says it's him or
 cat. He is a good kitty, but he has cat AIDS. He's never been sick so far
 though. He's never been around kids and is scared of dogs. He's neutered
 four paw declawed. Can you take him? I have to get rid of him ASAP! His
 is Shadow and he's a solid black shorthaired cat.

 How's that? ...LOL, did I forget anything?

 Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
 Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: Antonio

2007-01-10 Thread TenHouseCats

it really does depend--my brendan, a red persian (who, when he was
neutered, was found to have a bent penis) developed crystals at one
point that i caught IMMEDIATELY because he was a--and remains--a cat
who NEVER goes outside the litter box, so when he did, i knew there
was a problem he was on c/d for a couple of years, as were the
rest of the cats. asked the vet about switching them all back to
regular food at some point, and keeping an eye on him, which i did
about seven or eight years ago--he's had no recurrence.

had a little girl cat who also had crystals, and she only needed to be
on the special food for a month, and never had a recurrence (after
being told by an emergency vet that she'd be dead by morning if i
didn't pay them $750 cash for surgery. had them fax over her xray
and blood-test reports to my vet the next morning, who put her on c/d
and antibiotics instead, for a $35 consult fee)


On 1/10/07, cindy reasoner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am trying to remember which type of crystals Winston
had but I am sorry my memory just isn't what it used
to be.  His last bout was back in October.  It wasn't
very bad I think I caught it early.  The vet gave him
Baytril and valium to help ease his straining. Winston
is very high strung.  He will let you pet him only to
turn around to bite the crap out of you.  So Winston
on valium made the house alot calmer.  I had him on
dry prescription diet Science Hill XD but the vet had
me change to can because can has more water in it
which they said is better for cats that have this
problem.  I hope this info might help.  After dealing
with Winston, I agree with your vet tech about going
back to Antonio's regular food.  I don't dare let
Winston eat anything but his prescription diet because
even when I changed him to Innova EVO he got crystals.
 This is just my own experience though. I hope Antonio
starts feeling better very very soon.  You and Antonio
are in my prayers.

--- elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Barb - I am so relieved to hear you say that.
 Thanks for all your
 input. This doctor who told me that is not my usual
 vet.  I'll ask my vet
 about the pH normalizing formula.

 Kiss Smoky for me,

 On 1/9/07, Barb Moermond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and this is for struvite crystals??  he
 shouldn't have to be on that
  particular dissolving food for THAT long!!  3-4
 weeks is what we did and
  Smoky didn't really like it so he never had it
 that long, but his regular
  food is that pH normalizing recipe, so the vet was
 OK w/that
  Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito
  My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he
 should impress. Merely living
  his life, doing what pleases him, and making me
  - Anonymous
  - Original Message 
  From: elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, January 8, 2007 5:30:01 PM
  Subject: Re: Antonio
  Thanks, MC.  I think what I will do is every
 morning and every
  evening...I'll set out their eight little bowls
 for an hour or so and
  supervise --making sure Antonio only gets his
 special food.  That way, we'll
  get on a schedule.  The advantage of this is that
 I will be able to see
  exactly who eats how much and who isn't eating
 properly...and technically it
  will be a better way to monitor their intake than
 just leaving all the dry
  food down all the time.
  The vet says that it will take months of this food
 before Antonio gets
  back to normal but after that it may be that he
 can go back to his regular
  food.  The vet tech that I do respect though told
 me separately that she
  guarentees if I go back to the other food, he'll
 get a stone.
  I just need to educate myself and tune in to these
 babies as much as I can
  and get them well.  I have a friend who has been a
 Reiki master since this
  60s...I may take Antonio to see her.  Couldn't
 hurt.  Whatever it takes to
  make my babies as healthy as they can be and to
 feel better.

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: ot: Antonio

2007-01-09 Thread TenHouseCats

oh, the poor baby! i'm glad he's gotten his happy drugs (having
had recurrent utis as a kid, i have nothing but sympathy for
ANYONE--of any species--dealing with them!)


On 1/9/07, elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well...right after saying he was better -- I am just back from zipping his
fat butt to the vet's as fast as I could.  I was, in fact, on the phone with
the vet asking about his pain management policy when Antonio kept trying to
urinate and couldn't...finally growled and screamed and his back end.

I thought he was blocked.  Of course, when I picked the boy up to take him
inside at the vet's - I must have put some pressure on his bladder because I
felt that unmistakable warm feeling down my sweat pants.  That pee saved me
a lot of money.

The whole staff I was mad at yesterday stayed well past closinggave him
a dexe shot, fluids...and a demerol shot - thank goodness!  When they put
pressure on his bladder - they were able to get him to go more -- and it is
far less bloody than yesterday.  They say his bladder was probably low on
fluids and he was feeling that sandy grit of the crystals in there.  I am
just very glad to have some pain relief for my boy.  He's happy as a clam
sprawled out on the kitchen floor just watching the world go by.

On 1/9/07, elizabeth trent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, Nina.  Still smoke-free (and grumpy :0)

 Antonio seems to be feeling better today - he says thanks for the hug.
We had another long night but he's definitely perkier today.  I know he was
in a lot of pain for a while -- breathing heavy and eyes fully dilated.  I
stayed up with him until he could sleep easy and I stayed home today.

 The hardest part of this to me is separating the food -- I'm having to put
all their bowls down once in the morning and once at night so that I can
keep Antonio from eating the other food.  It's an adjustment for all of us.

 On 1/9/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Elizabeth,
  I just logged on and saw your thread about Antonio.  Poor baby!  I hope
  he's doing better today.  It's such a shame that you had a hard time at
  the vet.  It's never easy to deal with inconsideration, but when your
  baby is in pain and danger it's almost impossible to take.  I agree that
  you should speak to your vet about it.  The staff sounds insensitive
  enough to not realize just how inappropriate their behavior is.
  Have you been doing research on special dietary requirements for
  crystals?  I feed my IBD girl a homemade diet that has kept her feeling
  good and off of meds for the most part for over a year now.  It is extra
  trouble, but so very worth it.
  Good for you for not picking up a cigarette during all of this.  Are you
  still smoke free?
  Give Antonio a hug from me and let us know how he's doing,
  elizabeth trent wrote:
   Poor Antonio - I was up much of the night with himhe slept by my
   pillow with my arm around him.  He has some blood in his urine and
   possibly a kidney stoneplus, his glands need to be expressed so
   the poor boy just feels rotten.  I made them promise me at the vet's
   they would give him some demerol.
   He's lost a pound too since he's been on the light formula...that's
   very good news.
   I really hated leaving him at the vet's this morning but they told me
   I really needed to...they will do x-rays and they may have to extract
   some urine.  I'm just worried sick about him.
   Please, if you would...send prayers...good thoughts...or whatever is
   your style for the dear boy.  We very much appreciate it.
   Thank you,

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2007-01-08 Thread TenHouseCats

don't forget whenever you're buying anything online to check places
like or to compare prices--you will be
amazed at the range.

sometime last year i did a search on the feliway diffusers--it's sure
to be in the archives!

On 1/8/07, Leslie Lawther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think using enough... or more than enough in the plug-ins is the answer.
We had 10 -12 running at any one time in our 3,000 square foot house.  So I
would say 4 is good for your space... but certainly too little defeats the
purpose (so I'd run heavy rather than light).  We noticed a HUGE difference
in aggression with Feli-way... but had never used it to stop or curb
improper elimination problems...  I'd be interested to hear if it helps you
eventually.  We've got a new kitty that has issues too...   Once Rudy
stopped being a pest, we stopped using the Feliway plug ins... but still
have them if they work for couch peeing episodes!!  Keep us posted!!
BTW - We started using it because there was someone on the FIP list a while
back who used it in her clinic and noticed an amazing difference.  She swore
by the stuff... which is why we tried it.
Leslie =^..^=

On 1/8/07, MacKenzie, Kerry N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all, I've stepped up the Feliway plug-ins and wondered what others
think of the number--too few? Not enough? I'm using 4 total at present.
 I have a 2-bedroom place, about 1000 feet total, but mostly open-plan.
 The 2 bedrooms (each abt 10x10) and the bathroom have doors, obviously,
but living/dining area (20 x10) and kitchen (10x10) are open-plan and
connected via a narrow 12 feet hallway. I've put two plug-ins total in the
living/dining area; plus one in the kitchen; and one in bedroom 1 (which is
the ferals' room; door is kept closed). I don't have one in the hallway or
bedroom 2 that bedroom door is usually kept half-open on to the
living-room/dining area. Maybe I should add one to bedroom 2 and/or hallway?
(I'm desperate to integrate Mickey and Momcat now they're negative but
Mickey has a habit of peeing when he runs free in the aptment-floor and
sofa and my bed are his locations of choice, so far.)
 My tame cats are not welcoming even though they've all been living in same
house albeit not in the same living space for 3 years. My 2 male tame cats
growl non-stop when Mickey comes trotting down the hallway, and they don't
stop growling until the poor little fellow eventually runs back into his own
room. (Momcat hasn't ventured forth at all yet.)
 I've begun swopping tame/feral catbeds around. Hasn't helped yet. Maybe I
need to do more swopping.

 All opinions/comments/suggs for harmonious living welcome! Kerry M.

Leslie =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That
only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Antonio

2007-01-08 Thread TenHouseCats

aw, poor antonio, and you, too!

glad to hear he's not blocked. and it's always such a joy to have
different kits on different foods, but it CAN be worked out!

GLOW to both of you.


On 1/8/07, MacKenzie, Kerry N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sending positive healing vibes for your sweet Antonio, Elizabeth. I hope the
vet visit is productive and he feels a whole lot better soon. Please keep us
posted when you get time. hugs to you and Antonio, Kerry M.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
elizabeth trent
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 8:25 AM
Subject: ot: Antonio

Poor Antonio - I was up much of the night with himhe slept by my pillow
with my arm around him.  He has some blood in his urine and possibly a
kidney stoneplus, his glands need to be expressed so the poor boy just
feels rotten.  I made them promise me at the vet's they would give him some

He's lost a pound too since he's been on the light formula...that's very
good news.

I really hated leaving him at the vet's this morning but they told me I
really needed to...they will do x-rays and they may have to extract some
urine.  I'm just worried sick about him.

Please, if you would...send prayers...good thoughts...or whatever is your
style for the dear boy.  We very much appreciate it.

Thank you,

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Antonio

2007-01-08 Thread TenHouseCats
particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: FIV testing

2007-01-04 Thread TenHouseCats

that's so weird, because it wouldn't open for me yesterday!


Here's the info as I posted it to the FIV group:

(you have to scroll down quite some way to the section titled FIV DNA

FIV DNA Testing Information

Lucy Whittier Molecular and Diagnostic Core Facility   Phone: 530.752-7991
2108 Tupper Hall   Fax: 530.754-6862
University of California
Department of Medicine  EpidemiologyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
School of Veterinary Medicine
Davis, CA  95616

Dear Clinician,

Thank you for requesting information about our FIV DNA test.  At this time
we require
2 mL of whole blood in an EDTA (Lavender Top) Vacutainer tube, along with
outlined below.  The test is offered at no charge.  The PCR assay detects
the viral
genome directly and therefore differentiates infected from vaccinated
Results will be faxed to you within 48 hours upon receipt of the sample
except for
Friday deliveries, which will be faxed 72 hours upon receipt.

Please include the following information with each sample:

1. Veterinarians name
2. Your complete mailing address
3. Your phone and fax number
4. Number of samples sent
5. Sample type
6. Species of animal
7. Type of test requested

Shipping Instructions:

1. All Shipments must comply with the International Air Transport
Association (IATA)
Dangerous Goods regulations.   Please consult the IATA website or
the FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Hotline at 800.463.3339(press 81) 
further information.
2. Send on ice in a Styrofoam container (no  ice needed for fixed tissues)
3. Ship overnight (Do not ship on Friday)
4. Use FedEx or other express courier
5. Federal Tax Identification Number 946036494

Shipping Address:

Christian Leutenegger
2108 Tupper Hall
Vet Med: Medicine  Epid.
Davis, CA 95616
Tel: 530.752.7991

The testing itself is free, but you have to pay for the vet to draw the
blood and the
overnight shipping (not cheap).


The easy way out has a bad reputation.
Why would anyone take the hard way out?
The door? No thanks, that would be the easy way out. I'm jumping out the

Quote by: Les U. Knight

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2007-01-03 Thread TenHouseCats
 to try tuna.  There's no way I 
   syringe her, and I can't get her to a vet without trapping her, which
   usually involves food.  So I just have to hope that she eats, I guess.
   Judging from my cats, maybe I should try white bread - they think that is
   the best thing going!
   On 12/31/06, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Not only can I not touch her ears, I can't get closer than about a
foot and a half without being in danger of losing a finger.

  If you are able to touch her ears, I would ask the vet to
 prescribe benadryl to be compounded at a compounding pharmacy into
 transdermal cream to rub inside her ear.  My Patches has been on this 
 years for anxiety.  She was prescribed it because she was pulling her 
 out of her belly and back legs, and the benadryl stopped that. But 
she also
 used to go after the other cats, and the benadryl pretty much stopped 
 too. If I forget to give it to her, it is noticeable because she goes 
 Lucy and sometimes even me. With the benadryl she is pretty much 
fine. It
 does not seem to make her groggy at all-- she is quite perky and 
 but just takes the edge off I guess.

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  Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
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 Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: SNAP test faint positive, queen, 5 kittens

2007-01-03 Thread TenHouseCats

if we learn nothing else from this list, RETEST... RETEST RETEST ought
to be the one thing!


 I would run another SNAP ELISA test asap, as operator error accounts for
a hi
 gh rate
 of inaccurate results. It could have been a bad test, it could have been
a bad
 testing procedure, it could be anything, but false results are known to
 n with
 that kind of test.

Thank you again for this piece of advice. We just re SNAP ELISA tested
the mom and she came out negative/negative. The vet feels confident in
the result (and I do too; the first place she was tested was by
new/young techs who could have done any number of things incorrectly).

The kittens are on Albon and low-residue food for their diarrhea. The
vet did not see any parasites on the slide but thinks there is a
possibility there might be coccidia.

I would have spent an entire month worrying whether mom was positive
and kittens were exposed had you not said to retest. Thank you again.


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ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2007-01-01 Thread TenHouseCats

And Missy and I take umbrage at your statement.  It is quite clear to us
that blue tabbies rule the world!:)

sigh, those blue ones--they're always SO jealous that they're missing the
red gene

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2006-12-31 Thread TenHouseCats

well, yes, i was positive when i wrote it, but now i can't remember for
sure. of course, you know my memory is becoming progressively more
randomly accessible as i age. so i'm sitting here trying to visualize
what's written on that little index card, and the level of med in the
syringe--but which size syringe am i seeing? one of the 1cc, or one of the
3ccs? oh, no, now i'm gonna have to go search through 320GB of hard-drive
space to see where the heck i saved it...

On 12/31/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 .25MG? Are you sure about that MC? That isn't enough to do anything, I
don't think. The standard does is 12.5MG.


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2006-12-30 Thread TenHouseCats

i've always given .25 ml of the pediatric liquid with the cats who can't be
pilled. no, they aren't fond of it, but i'm fonder of my fingers--and  for
the behavioral hair-pulling/licking/scratching (which often starts out as an
actual allergic reaction then turns into a behavioral thing), it's worked on
many cats over many years. and yeah, those caplets REALLY don't work

On 12/31/06, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've tried liquid Benadryl before.  The cat I gave it to really hated
the flavor/taste and went ballistic.  Not the reaction I was hoping for
at all.  If you haven't tried coating pills with a tiny bit of pill
pocket and hiding it in food, please do.  If the cat is eating at all,
they usually wolf the pill down with whatever yummy food I put it in.
I've even put it along side some of those disgusting Whiskas treats and
they will eat the pill pocketed med right along with the treats.

 Phaewryn, what about children's benadryl it's liquid and you can give
 it with a dropper. I could maybe get it in my cats that way,but I
 wouldn't know what amount to give.  Sheila

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2006-12-30 Thread TenHouseCats

oops--that's .25/mg twice a day, per my vet

On 12/31/06, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i've always given .25 ml of the pediatric liquid with the cats who can't
be pilled. no, they aren't fond of it, but i'm fonder of my fingers--and
for the behavioral hair-pulling/licking/scratching (which often starts out
as an actual allergic reaction then turns into a behavioral thing), it's
worked on many cats over many years. and yeah, those caplets REALLY don't

On 12/31/06, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've tried liquid Benadryl before.  The cat I gave it to really hated
 the flavor/taste and went ballistic.  Not the reaction I was hoping for
 at all.  If you haven't tried coating pills with a tiny bit of pill
 pocket and hiding it in food, please do.  If the cat is eating at all,
 they usually wolf the pill down with whatever yummy food I put it in.
 I've even put it along side some of those disgusting Whiskas treats and
 they will eat the pill pocketed med right along with the treats.

  Phaewryn, what about children's benadryl it's liquid and you can give
  it with a dropper. I could maybe get it in my cats that way,but I
  wouldn't know what amount to give.  Sheila

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: Marley

2006-12-29 Thread TenHouseCats

GLOW for sweet marley.

On 12/29/06, Sherry DeHaan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,I know I haven't posted in a while,which for me would be a good
thing cause it is usually bad news.Well I just need to ask all of you to
send out prayers for beautiful sweet (crying while writing this)marley.He is
having a bad time right now and is getting fluids and is at Dr. Jens
house.Well I feel really bad cause I had noticed on Monday that he was not
quite himself and didn't let Jen know.Sometimes these guys have off days
and are fine the next.Well last night when I got there he was the first
one that I looked for to check on him and he just was not right.We had to
cut packed poo off his butt and he was just a mess.I would feel just
aweful if we lost him because I didn't notify her sooner.If I was there
everyday I definitly would have been on top of it.I guess I should have
called to check on him.So please add him to your prayers he is one of my
most fav boys at Sids.He has long black silky hair and is the most gentle
loving babies ever.Thank you all so much.Sorry for rambling

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread TenHouseCats

the short answer?

we do it because we can. we might not always THINK that we can, but clearly
the creative force of the universe, by whatever name you choose to call it,
believes that we can.

these critters always manage to find us, no matter what we do. i have come
to believe that, in order to complete their journeys, they come to us
because there is something they need that only we can give them. and that
there is something that we need to learn that only they can teach us. it
never gets easier to deal with the difficulties of special-needs cats, but
after the first few times they appear in our lives, i think we start to
realize that we ARE supposed to be doing this work, and that it's not just
some bad cosmic joke

everyone does what they can. some of us can work with the elderly, the sick
or dying; some can foster; some can give great amounts of time or money but
are unable to physically take in additional animals. there are so many ways
to help, and each path is valid...

On 12/26/06, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi guys,

I don't have an FELV+ that I know of, but I do have a kitty with VSM
(ventricular septal defect) - a heart condition.  She could die at any time,
or she could live for quite a while.  (If you could add her to the prayer
list, that would be great).  Her name is Missy, and I love her more than
anything in the world.

She had an echocardiogram and was diagnosed with VSM this summer.  I think
I have cried every day since.  Before she had the echo I thought she would
be dead every day when I got home.  Now I'm sure she will be.  Nice as the
heart list people are, I can't really read that list; it is too close to
home.  I can barely read this one, and I cry a lot here too.

How do yall stand it?  I don't think I am strong enough.


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread TenHouseCats

people would bring FeLV or FIV cats to the sanctuary, saying that they
couldn't keep them, because, they are going to die.

we would gently remind them that ALL of their cats, and they themselves, are
going to die. there are just no guarantees--the $1500 showcat you buy
tomorrow could have a congenital heart defect and be gone tomorrow just as
easily as your FeLV kitten.

there was a shooting in a mall in miami sunday night--a close friend had
cancelled dinner plans with another friend of hers for that evening, and her
friend had gone to that mall instead. she got caught up in the whole
shooting thing--she's fine, everything's okay, but how easily it could have
ended differently. there's no way of knowing.

i left my wallet in a friend's car 10 days ago, and a week ago she was
driving it back to me--she was in an accident and totalled her brand-new
car. she's fine, too, but only by the grace of the universe.

sharing love and light with every one and every thing in our lives every
moment we have with them is all that we can do, because we never know what
the next minute will bring. as long as we strive to live lovingly (yeah, not
always easy!), we'll have done the best we can, and made the world around us
a kinder place, and left no regrets.

may the blessings of light be with you,
light outside, and light within you.



 The way I have dealt with the fear of loss thing, in the past, is to tell
myself that when they are gone, all I will want is the chance to hold them
and pet them and smell them and talk to them again, and will feel like I
would give anything for 5 minutes of it. And look! they are still here, and
I can do all that right now, and I don't want to waste it by worrying about
the future. it does not take away the anxiety, but it does intensify the
joy, and helps me to stay more in the moment with them.

In a message dated 12/26/2006 1:58:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

I tell her I love her every day...multiple times a day

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

2006-12-26 Thread TenHouseCats

there are a lot of FeLVs looking for homes--two beauties  just posted on the
special-needs-rescue-cats list, but you may also be able to find an adult
who has already been vaccinated against FeLV so you wouldn't have to go
through the long wait if it'd had the full initial series.

while the vaccine is said to be only 85% effective, no one that we can find
can show a documented case of a truly negative, vaccinated cat ever
contracting FeLV from living closely with a positive. which makes sense,
since they say that up to 70% of healthy ADULT cats who are not vaccinated
can be exposed and throw the virus off. so some of us question that 85%
rate, and wonder if it's not across all populations, including the high-risk

On 12/25/06, Karen  Phil Masaoka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

I'm Karen - I'm new here.
I've been reading about poor Bandy  Tiny  have tears in my eyes.  I feel
so sad for you guys.
We lost our baby, Mr. Spock, a week ago.  He was just 6 months when we got
him  was FELV+ and had a great year with us and his best pal L'il Abner
(also FELV+).  Then he was diagnosed with lymphoma, and he did very well
with chemotherapy for almost two months; then a sudden decline.  We were
very saddened to lose him; he was my little baby  such a trooper to put up
with everything he went through recently.  And he went through so much.
(Can I attach a picture to this forum?)

Now Abner is super-depressed.  We have to get him another pal ASAP.  But
it's so costly (emotionally  financially) to lose a cat every year (we also
lost Max a year ago).

My vet says we could get a healthy cat  she can inject him with a great
FELV vaccine  he has 85% chance of not getting the virus.  But we could
never forgive ourselves if he got sick.  So Phil, my husband, says let's get
a healthy cat that's about to be euthanized and then we would at least be
saving him for awhile even if he DOES get the virus.  Problem is, vet says
to keep new cat separate from Abner for 25 days  then she'll inject him
again, and THEN they can be together.  But Abner's so depressed, I don't
think he can last that long.  So we'll have to get another FELV cat for him
-- any thoughts as to whether a 4-yr-old may live longer than a 1-yr-old
diagnosed with the FELV virus?  What's the longest life you know of in a
FELV+ indoor cat?

I think this is a great support group.

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

pet-loss chat reminder

2006-12-26 Thread TenHouseCats

my semi-regular nudge:

every evening, including holidays, there are hosted support chats--schedule
is at

all times are ET

also, a long-term illness support chat on thursdays, after pet-loss.

(last night's pet-loss chat was considerably enlivened by phaewyrn,

MC (aka PHCatByte, in my hosting persona)

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

2006-12-26 Thread TenHouseCats

ah, but the issue is, truly negative--not only are snap tests not that
reliable even when done correctly (which isn't always the case at shelters),
but unless one knows for sure that any given cat couldn't possibly have been
in contact with a positive cat for at least 90 days before a test, you can't
really know that a negative test is accurate anyway. that's why retesting is
so vital.

shelters around here, until recently, only used the old-style saliva tests,
which are incredibly unreliable--we brought an absolute sweetheart of a
tortie into the house from there, and tho she'd tested negative (and had 4
supposedly healthy kittens, and nursed another 4 orphans), she ended up
being diagnosed positive when she became very ill at about 18 months, and
went to the bridge soon afterwards. in the household with her had been two
kittens who'd only been about 3-months-old when they joined the household,
as well as a couple of quite elderly cats--both high-risk populations, and
none of the others in the household ever tested positive, luckily! (the
3-month-olds are now going on seven)

the need for retesting was just not clearly enough understood, nor was the
great variability in accuracy in snap tests (i think susan h found research
showing a range of errors from 20-80%!). i know of two sanctuaries that
never retested their positives, who have since begun doing so, and have
discovered that a fair number of their older cats who have lived exclusively
with FeLVs, often those with active disease, and who have had their own
bouts of serious illnesses thought to be FeLV-related, who actually were
found to be negative on the IFA, even after years of constant exposure


 actually, I think someone on this list had one who was vaccinated but
turned positive. And I am pretty sure that the shelter where my cats came
from, at which some of the positives live with negative ferals who are
vaccinated, a few of the ferals have turned positive over the years.

In a message dated 12/26/2006 2:27:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

while the vaccine is said to be only 85% effective, no one that we can
find can show a documented case of a truly negative, vaccinated cat ever
contracting FeLV from living closely with a positive. which makes sense,
since they say that up to 70% of healthy ADULT cats who are not vaccinated
can be exposed and throw the virus off. so some of us question that 85%
rate, and wonder if it's not across all populations, including the high-risk

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

2006-12-26 Thread TenHouseCats

i just think that if there were any cases where a cat was KNOWN to be
negative, from both snap and IFA tests, and then became positive from living
with a positive, we would have heard about it by now. i know that i
definitely went into this whole thing believing in the only-85%-efficacy
rate of the vaccine, and would never have considered mixing positives and
negatives. i think i was LOOKING for documented proof, actually, and have
been surprised that after all these years no one's been able to point out a
case to me.

but i agree that it's everyone's individual choice. if i could afford to
vaccinate everyone, and had the room, i would probably be willing to have a
FeLV with my others, but i am decidedly NOT brave enough to do what many
others have chosen to do, which is to have unvaccinated negatives with
definite positives. there's just not enough research out there in terms of
what other predisposing factors might make a cat more susceptible to
retaining the virus...

it really does get confusing, doesn't it? back when brownee had just died
from leukemia and we were waiting to retest all the rest of the cats in the
house, i was just about to take in a kitty with paralyzed rear legs. i of
course immediately called the woman who had him, to tell her i couldn't take
him because of the possibility of there being FeLV in the house. she was a
vet, and she told me i had nothing to worry about, that she'd give pee-wee
his full series of shots before she brought him to me and i'd have nothing
to worry about even if others in the house had it i still thought you
could get FeLV by having an outdoor cat breathe through a screen door at one
of the house cats, so this was absolute heresy to me at the time you
have to wonder--she was fairly young, and a professor at the local vet
school so still tuned into current research and developments--how much newer
information is out there that just doesn't make it to our neighborhood vets'
offices? how come someone on this list can spend an afternoon and come up
with figures on the reliability of snap tests, but vets and shelters don't
seem to know the statistics? sigh.


 ok, so it may be hard to definitively prove that a negative cat, after
being vaccinated, became positive. But it can't be proved they haven't,
either, so if someone wants to be safe and not mix I would not discourage
that. I don't criticize anyone for mixing who does, but I also don't think
anyone should be trying to convince someone who is hesitant that there is no
way the negative can turn positive from exposure. You just don't know that,
and there are some cases that indicate, potentially if not definitively,
that they can.

In a message dated 12/26/2006 2:46:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

ah, but the issue is, truly negative--not only are snap tests not that
reliable even when done correctly (which isn't always the case at shelters),
but unless one knows for sure that any given cat couldn't possibly have been
in contact with a positive cat for at least 90 days before a test, you can't
really know that a negative test is accurate anyway. that's why retesting is
so vital.

shelters around here, until recently, only used the old-style saliva
tests, which are incredibly unreliable--we brought an absolute sweetheart of
a tortie into the house from there, and tho she'd tested negative (and had 4
supposedly healthy kittens, and nursed another 4 orphans), she ended up
being diagnosed positive when she became very ill at about 18 months, and
went to the bridge soon afterwards. in the household with her had been two
kittens who'd only been about 3-months-old when they joined the household,
as well as a couple of quite elderly cats--both high-risk populations, and
none of the others in the household ever tested positive, luckily! (the
3-month-olds are now going on seven)

the need for retesting was just not clearly enough understood, nor was the
great variability in accuracy in snap tests (i think susan h found research
showing a range of errors from 20-80%!). i know of two sanctuaries that
never retested their positives, who have since begun doing so, and have
discovered that a fair number of their older cats who have lived exclusively
with FeLVs, often those with active disease, and who have had their own
bouts of serious illnesses thought to be FeLV-related, who actually were
found to be negative on the IFA, even after years of constant exposure

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread TenHouseCats

most shelters and rescues don't even retest POSITIVE cats to make sure
they're really positive, because of both expense and not having a place to
keep them until they can be retested.

and people don't stop to think that just because someone tests negative
today, it doesn't mean they weren't exposed yesterday-or in the
up-to-120-days before that that it can to show up on a test. the good news,
tho, is that an adult healthy cat can be exposed, and 70% will throw off the
virus. again, it can take up to 120 days for the virus to clear the system,
so retesting earlier just makes you crazy. in some cases, IFA tests have
remained positive for up to 8 months before going negative.

and, of course, with vaccinated cats, they don't really know how long the
protection lasts--with most of them, titres show it's much longer than the
official one year, so if you aren't opposed to vaccinating,  you could give
your others their boosters and greatly lessen any chances they have of
catching it.

On 12/26/06, Barbara Oberst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have 5 of my own cats, plus 4 strays we're fostering.  In October, 1 of
the fosters tested a faint positive for FeLv.  The others tested negative; I
just had them retested last week; now 2 more are a faint positive, too.  The
scary thing is, we were told (not by a vet) that the adoption agency doesn't
normally retest negative cats, and those that tested negative could live
with my other cats--now I'm worried all of my cats will get it, as some of
my own cats were not current on the FeLv vaccine, as they've been exposed to
them for over 2 months.

Most people, including my family, think my husband and I are crazy for
taking in strays, especially now this has happened (my own mother now is
implying a sort of, Serves you right when I talk to her). But, how  could
we have left those poor 5 month old kittens to die?  They were living in a
storage shed, and they were being cared for by the employees; but some of
them abused the cats. We still think we did the right thing, despite what's
happened.  We do it because we love cats, and have been accused of being too
soft-hearted (I've been called worse things!).  I'd rather err on the side
of kindness, if I had to go to an extreme.

*Dianne K Perry, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

Thank you for this.  It reminded me of the day  Asia was diagnosed with
FELV, even before the Lymphoma I was down in the dumps and wondering why
this again in my life(last year was horrible with the loss of 4 pets and
a husband and a couple rescue dogs)

anyway, it came to me that Asia picked me ...she did, there was no doubt
about it when it happened last Dec. I knew, her foster parents knew, we
talked about it.

It came to me loud and clear that God had her pick me because I would take
care of her to the very best of my ability and would not give up easily.


- Original Message -
*From:* TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 26, 2006 2:09 PM
*Subject:* Re: How do yall do it?

the short answer?

we do it because we can. we might not always THINK that we can, but
clearly the creative force of the universe, by whatever name you choose to
call it, believes that we can.

these critters always manage to find us, no matter what we do. i have come
to believe that, in order to complete their journeys, they come to us
because there is something they need that only we can give them. and that
there is something that we need to learn that only they can teach us. it
never gets easier to deal with the difficulties of special-needs cats, but
after the first few times they appear in our lives, i think we start to
realize that we ARE supposed to be doing this work, and that it's not just
some bad cosmic joke

everyone does what they can. some of us can work with the elderly, the
sick or dying; some can foster; some can give great amounts of time or money
but are unable to physically take in additional animals. there are so many
ways to help, and each path is valid...

On 12/26/06, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I don't have an FELV+ that I know of, but I do have a kitty with VSM
 (ventricular septal defect) - a heart condition.  She could die at any time,
 or she could live for quite a while.  (If you could add her to the prayer
 list, that would be great).  Her name is Missy, and I love her more than
 anything in the world.

 She had an echocardiogram and was diagnosed with VSM this summer.  I
 think I have cried every day since.  Before she had the echo I thought she
 would be dead every day when I got home.  Now I'm sure she will be.  Nice as
 the heart list people are, I can't really read that list; it is too close to
 home.  I can barely read this one, and I cry a lot here too.

 How do yall stand it?  I don't think I am strong enough.


 Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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Re: pet-loss chat reminder

2006-12-26 Thread TenHouseCats

i haven't heard any complaints.

On 12/26/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sorry about that... perhaps I will stick to email, where there is more
time to re-read and self-edit.


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!
12/24/06 Whitey Pictures:
Whitey Models on Ebay:

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Tiny passed

2006-12-25 Thread TenHouseCats

i'm so sorry, sally. i wish i had words that would make it easier.


On 12/25/06, Sally [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am so sorry to tell everyone that Tiny just passed over. He had a
seemingly benign URI. Not really showing symptoms of being in distress. He
seemed worse today, but not life threatening. Five minutes ago he started
choking I tried to hold him nothing would help. He was turning blue. Before
I could get oxygen to him he was gone. I so did not expect this like this.
He was the healthier one of my two FelV babies. This has been one horrible


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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Bandy is an angel now

2006-12-25 Thread TenHouseCats

may he romp and play and enjoy the next stage of his journey with great joy,
in full health. thank you for sharing his life with us.


On 12/25/06, Kerry Roach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Bandy passed away around 4pm TX. time at home with me..This as you all
know is so hard to write, but I wanted you to know..You all have been so
good to us the past year and a half.
I will write more when I can..
Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

OT sort of--mail accounts

2006-12-21 Thread TenHouseCats

someone on one of my transport lists told me about gmail almost two years
ago; it's google's answer to web mail, and it's become my main everyday
account. it's quite different from other mail programs because it keeps
everything by conversation, which makes it ideal for lists.

it's POP compatible, so i back it up to thunderbird every day just in case
(only once since march 2005 has their been a problem, and what was lost were
some drafts, no actual mail), it uses google's search technology so it's
much easier to find things in messages than it is in thunderbird, for
example; has a 2GB storage limit (which they think is adequate--ha!), it has
excellent spam-filtering built in, its filtering and labeling is a bit
different than other programs but is adequate, and it's MUCH faster than
yahoo and other similar web-based email programs. one of the things i like
best about it is that i can mark a batch of stuff for deletion or moving,
and stop and read one email without losing all the nice little checkmarks
i've already made.

it's by invitation only, still, unless you want to add it to your mobile
phone (which is one step too far into the technological world for me), but i
have 98 invites left--so if anyone wants to try it, let me know.


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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT...Mice invasion.

2006-12-17 Thread TenHouseCats

picturing the little festive bowl of mousie condoms out on their coffee
table or the little girl mousies lining up each night to take their
teensy pills... :::

(my mother hated cats, my father didn't like dogs--so my first pets were
mice  in the fantasy cyberworld i spend an inordinate amount of time in,
MeowChat, two of my cats raise and train show mice--and yes, there REALLY
are himalayan and siamese show mice the ones who don't do well in
conformation are phenomenal in agility trials my cats are also quite
opposed to well-fed housecats feasting on other living things, and serve
tofu birds and mice at all our gatherings)


 by the way, my comment was not to dissuade you from saving and relocating
them. I would never, ever kill a mouse, and am glad you are not either.  I
am just worried about the domestication issue in terms of uncontrolled

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home/The Big Picture

2006-12-13 Thread TenHouseCats

no, i wouldn't. it's a lot like, natural. or, organic. then there are
the ones who won't euthanize even when the animals are clearly suffering,
which to me is as bad as killing healthy positives have you read the
asilomar records, which is what the maddie's fund no-kill nation stuff is
based on? damned if i've ever been able to get a straight answer from anyone
on whether FIVs/FeLVs fit their definition

On 12/13/06, Phaewryn - Controversy Queen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You'd be shocked at the actual definition of no kill in shelter
circles. In most, it simply means that when they run out of space, they stop
taking in new animals, rather than just killing the ones that have been
there the longest. Their testing policy, and euthanasia policy outside of
the space issue has NO RELATION to their thinking of themselves as no
kill. There are countless shelters listed on many lists as no kill,
shelters that PROUDLY claim to be no kill, shelters that picket-toting
hard-core activists support as no kill, yet, the vast majority of them, if
you browse the list of cats they have up for adoption, all say cat has been
tested negative for FELV and FIV, and they don't list a single FELV+ or
FIV+ cat on their website for adoption. If you take the time to email them
and ask, Do you adopt out FELV+ or FIV+ cats? most of them either choose
to NOT REPLY, or reply back and say they don't. No kill? I don't think so...
but the majority of people in rescue circles consider them no kill. To me,
no kill means that you DON'T KILL any animals unless it is SUFFERING and
BEYOND the point of recovery. Not so for most people though.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat
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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Fwd: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home/The Big Picture

2006-12-13 Thread TenHouseCats

hee hee--thought this went to the whole list. since the answer was to
more than just phaewyrn

-- Forwarded message --
From: TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Dec 13, 2006 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home/The Big Picture
To: Phaewryn - Controversy Queen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sorry, it's the asilomar ACCORDS. i tried to get rick avanzino from
maddie's fund to directly answer my question re: where FIV/FeLV cats fit
into the accords one time, but couldn't pin him down but was originally
confusing to me was that one of the original developers of the accords was a
best friends person, but the second link here is a position paper on the bf
site, by winograd, making a pretty clear statement. (um, this last one
is a 12pp pdf document, so)

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Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread TenHouseCats

is there someone on the list who can crosspost this onto the FIP list,
please? that's about the best chance right now, because trying to
educate people at the last minute isn't gonna do a whole lot of good.

On 12/12/06, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/12/06, JENI RECA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The other cat was diagnosed with FIP Hami's litermate that was put to
 so since Hami was with her and exposed we can not keep her in our
 shelter...rules/policies and so forth.

This doesn't make any sense.  FIP is a mutation of a coronavirus to which
almost all cats are exposed.  It isn't directly contagious.

I would love to get her into a home
 so she will not be put to sleep, she is pending a biopsy and it should
 back tommorow and then they most likely will have to put her to sleep.

Is she symptomatic?  My understanding is that FIP is fatal 100% of the

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread TenHouseCats

only if they want to be educated.

On 12/12/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, but educating at the last minute CAN save the NEXT ONE. This is a
shelter we are talking about. One kitten's death is a small price to pay if
the education we offer now, at the last minute, changes the shelter's policy
for the future! I'm sure this shelter has killed hundreds (if not thousands)
of Corona-positive cats already by this point, before this one caring member
finally found this group and the education we offer. It's never too late to


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat
Special Needs Cat Resources:

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: ear hematoma

2006-12-06 Thread TenHouseCats

i've known many cats with cauliflower ears over the years--i know one that
now looks like a scottish fold! no problems at all


 I am not saying not to do the surgery, because it might be fine, but if
the hematoma does not hurt him, cauliflower ear really is not a big deal. My
father has one from a high school wrestling injury over 50 years ago and it
has never bothered him or even been very noticeable. obviously it will be
more noticeable on a cat, but maybe not more bothersome to him?

How old is Boo?


In a message dated 12/6/2006 11:26:38 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Hi -

I have a feline leukemia positive, partially paralyzed
cat (Boo) who suffers from pressure sores on his bum.
He's been on antibiotics on  off for years due to his
paralysis induced pressure sores.  Two weeks ago his
health declined when he developed a severe liver
infection and jaundice.  Since then, with the addition
of 2 antibiotics  other meds, his health has improved
and the jaundice is greatly reduced.

Unfortunately Boo has also developed an ear hematoma.
My vet has drained it with a syringe, but it has
filled back up with fluid, as she said it would.  My
vet is telling me that the only way to completely fix
the hematoma is with surgery.  Since his health is not
great I'm concerned about doing this.  But his ear is
not getting better, and, although my vet has told me
that the hematoma won't effect his overall health, he
will develop a califlower ear and have issues with
cleaning the ear, if it's not corrected.

Has anyone had any experience with a hematoma?  Is
there any way to correct the problem without putting
Boo under anesthesia?


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

more info on the FeLV military cat: VA / IN

2006-12-03 Thread TenHouseCats

-- Forwarded message --
From: Fletcher, Katherine HT3 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Dec 3, 2006 11:37 AM
Subject: Kitty info

My cat Cleo is a 2 year old calico female. She is located in Norfolk,
VA. Also I am willing to take her anywhere around Kendalville, IN, since
that is where my mom lives. She is kind of skitish but very loving and
cuddly at night. I don't know about dog or kid friendly since I've never
seen her around either. She does get along well with my other cat
Kallie. If there is anything else that could be of use let me know
please. Thank you.

-Original Message-
From: TenHouseCats [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 9:07 PM
To: Fletcher, Katherine HT3; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: your FeLV kitty

hi, katie (and her mom!)

i've posted your request for a foster on two of the FeLV-specific lists
(in addition to the ones where linda mercer posted)--

where is the cat? and how old, etc.--that'll make it easier for folks to
know if they can help out.


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Vaccinate

2006-12-01 Thread TenHouseCats

you can get a pound of powdered lysine--something like 450 doses--for less
than $15.00 check the archives, sources have been mentioned a number of


 I get lysine for Simba, my FIV+, in gel form from the vet.  I just suck
it right into a syringe  squirt it into his mouth.  It's supposed to be
palatable for cats, but he's too smart...he knows I'm trying to slip him
something  won't eat it if I put it in his food.  It's called Viralys 
it's $12.00 for 5 oz.  It contains 250 mg of lysine per 1/4 tsp.  I'm not
sure how this compares cost wise to other products, but thought I'd throw it
out there because it's easy to give.


In a message dated 11/30/2006 7:43:11 P.M. Central Standard Time,

Have you tried mixing the lysine into some chicken or turkey baby food?
most cats really love baby food and will eat lysine mixed into it.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: blood testing for FeLV etc

2006-11-27 Thread TenHouseCats

all i could remember was it was 4 drops of something--it's 3 drops of
blood, and 4 of test solution. h--if vets aren't reading the
directions and doing the test right, could explain some of the
inaccurate results!

On 11/26/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Humm, ok, maybe it is 3 drops. I swear, I've seen vets do it and they only used 
drop, but maybe they were not doing it right.


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: blood testing for FeLV etc

2006-11-27 Thread TenHouseCats

actually, there is something in the instructions i think that
quantifies a drop, or actually, the MINIMUM blood needed. it's even
possible that idexx or one of the other companies has the instructions
on line in a pdf file..

the thing with snap tests is they are very specific in the
instructions about the order of things to do, how long the test has to
be out at room temperature before you use, exactly how to snap
it--and if not done correctly, you compromise the results. i'm NOT a
vet tech, so the first time i read the instructions, it was rather
intimidating, and, on paper, confusing. so i learned to do them
working with my vet, and a husband/wife MD/VT team who had the process
down to a literal science--one would scruff in such a way that claws
and teeth were out of the way while the other went in on a rear leg
and got the blood before the cat hardly noticed... but after not
having done one in years, i'd be very hesitant to assume that i could
get it right the first time after all this time

On 11/27/06, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Or maybe it was a big drop?  (Hard to quantify a drop.  Do we know how
many ml -- or some other measurement -- of blood is required?)

Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Humm, ok, maybe it is 3 drops. I swear, I've seen vets do it and they only
used a
drop, but maybe they were not doing it right.


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

2006-11-27 Thread TenHouseCats

i tried to find a vet's office in town who'd do that--no one would.
(this is a town with 3 24-hour-hr emergency vets, 6 housecall vets, a
vet school, two cat-only vets... seems the vet students set down roots
while in school, then never leave!)

On 11/27/06, Gussies mom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My vets office told me they can take blood from all the kittens an combine
it and use 1 or 2 tests, depending on the size of the litter. If the tests
come back at all positive, they then do individual tests. This can save
money, which I guess is what these rescues are trying to do by only testing
one in the litter.


Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, I agree this is bad.  I hate it when rescues do this.  Even Nathan
Winograd, who is against testing, states that the one thing you should not
do is selective testing.  Either test none or all.

I think people do this because they really do not understand the disease, or
have outdated information.  I tried to educate my previous rescue group
regarding FELV and it fell on deaf ears.

On 11/25/06, Dianne K Perry, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here I have learned that the policy with rescue cat groups is that they
test 1 in the litter of feral Asia did not get tested but her
brother did.he tested negative but her paperwork states she was tested a
year agoand was negative.  When I called that vet yesterday I was told
no we do not have a record of her being tested, we only test one in a litter
and it was her brother that got tested, Pierre.

 I think the all should be tested.


 - Original Message -
 From: catatonya
 Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:06 PM
 Subject: Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

 I would not test.  I just haven't been on list lately.  I wish testing had
never started.  Vaccinate and adopt is what I would do.  FIV and Felv should
be treated as any other illness a cat might come down with.

 Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wow, this is a lot of information to process. Thanks everyone!

 I know there are a lot of people who advocate NOT testing and was
surprised to find no one spoke up on that angle.   One of my favorite animal
people, Nathan Winograd, does not test for FIV and only tests for FELV
because the board insists.

 I know most of the well known feral cat groups do not test cats who appear
healthy, but that's a different can of worms.

 I will say that all cats that come into rescue are initially tested,
because that is what the shelters around here do.  I have set up that I will
require owner surrenders provide proof of negative combo test.

 I'm not sure about the statements about eventually having lots of FELV+
cats to deal with.  In this area I know people who have been doing rescue
for years and not come across a single case or maybe one or 2.

 What I don't want is for a foster to end up in the position I did, when I
had a kitten test light + and no one, from the director on down, could tell
me what to do, what was going to happen to the cats, etc.

 Fortunately she and the rest of that litter later tested negative.

 On 11/12/06, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Hi guys,
  If you were establishing a rescue, what kind of felv/fiv testing policy
would you use?  If the cats were positive for either or both, what would you
  Thanks for your input.
  Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

 Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: blood testing for FeLV etc

2006-11-27 Thread TenHouseCats

well, if you're using a calibrated dropper it is or can be, at least!

On 11/27/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yeah, really, a drop isn't such an accurate form of measurement, the drop
size would vary I should think, depending on the consistency of the blood.


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

re: blood testing for FeLV etc

2006-11-26 Thread TenHouseCats

from a vet tech pal:

Hi MC,

Nope, the info is not accurate.  You need 3 drops of blood to do a Snap test
and the easiest way to get it is with a 1cc syringe and 25 Ga. needle.  We
usually use one of the back legs for this, but with small kittens we use the
jugular.  Using a lancet will almost always give you one only one drop of
blood, which is only enough for testing blood glucose, and getting that drop
is not always as easy as it sounds.  Even for professionals.

The test for anemia, a PCV or hematocrit, uses a lot more than a few drops
of blood.  We get this by using only a 25 Ga. needle, no syringe.  The
needle slips easily into a vein (usually!) and you remove the needle once
the hub is about half full of blood. The blood is then transferred to a
small, thin tube. In order to get enough blood for a hematocrit from an ear
you would have to use a lancet multiple times, or be working on a cat with a
bleeding disorder.

 The thing is, I believe you only need ONE blood drop to do the SNAP test,
 and you can pull that using a lancet on the ear flap, just like if you
 wanted to do a blood glucose reading for diabetes. So... no vet needed,


 vet tech needed, anyone can be taught to use a lancet on the ear to get a
 blood droplet. The problem is that everyone's always still doing things


 hard way because it's habit, and no one wants to use modern technology


 methods. There is NO NEED to draw blood from a vein for tests that only
 require a drop of blood, this includes the test for anemia, and any SNAP

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

2006-11-26 Thread TenHouseCats

unless things have changed significantly in the past couple of years,
all snaps that i know of (including idexx) require more than a single
drop--otherwise, far more shelters/rescues WOULD be doing them
themselves. if you have newer info, i'd love to see it. i know that
there are LESS expensive tests than the idexx out there, tho it's the
one that all but one of the high-volume rescue vets i know of use

The thing is, I believe you only need ONE blood drop to do the SNAP test,
and you can pull that using a lancet on the ear flap, just like if you
wanted to do a blood glucose reading for diabetes. So... no vet needed, no
vet tech needed, anyone can be taught to use a lancet on the ear to get a
blood droplet. The problem is that everyone's always still doing things the
hard way because it's habit, and no one wants to use modern technology and
methods. There is NO NEED to draw blood from a vein for tests that only
require a drop of blood, this includes the test for anemia, and any SNAP

Webpages that show lancets, getting the blood droplet, etc:[1].mpg


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ICQ: 289856892

Re: Two copies of every email?

2006-11-25 Thread TenHouseCats

nope! (am terribly tempted to send this twice, but that's just the
kind of week i've had.)

On 11/24/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone else getting two copies of every email sent to the list tonight?


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ICQ: 289856892

Re: Hi again and Question

2006-11-25 Thread TenHouseCats

sometimes the very rapid sneezing is the result of a one-time
breathing-in of something as simple as dust or some other fine

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT Help, I am so embarrassed

2006-11-25 Thread TenHouseCats

don't forget the radiant heat built into the concrete flooring--and
heck with stained concrete, i'm just gonna stencil different rooms
onto it!

On 11/25/06, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've dreamed about that too.  With a great big drain in the middle of
the floor so I could just hose the joint down!

Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn wrote:
 If I ever build my own home (like yeah, never), I would put in stained
 concrete floors. Stained concrete looks REALLY nice, almost marble if
 it's done right (at a fraction of the cost).


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Dr. Ward's consult

2006-11-25 Thread TenHouseCats

I met an intern who told me that at

least some vet schools are now teaching that FeLV is not a death sentence
and cats can live a long time with it, and that cats with it should be
treated for the problems that arise.


great thought, but i wouldn't hold my breath--my vet, who is quite
awhile out of vet school, told me that he was taught never to take a
single test as definitive, to always retest, and even then not to
euthanize an asymptomatic cat. the info is out there, but for whatever
reasons, some just choose not to hear it.

MC, in one of her more jaded moments.
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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT Big problem, help

2006-11-24 Thread TenHouseCats

find your local government's webpage, and search the zoning ordinances!

On 11/24/06, Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I can't find any sort of pet limit law on Google.  I was told there
wasn't one, but this org has lied to me about many things.  I live in
Austin, TX if anyone is better at Googling than me.  I turn up a bunch of
gambling websites with pet limit law austin.

I don't think you can join prepaid legal and address a situation that is in
the process of happening, but I could be wrong so I will check it out.

On 11/24/06, Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any kind of a pet limit law where you live or could they report
you to Animal Control for anything?  These kinds of situations have the
potential to get nasty so make sure you're covered.

 Also, take a look at  I know a couple of people who
have it, one of whom used it to defuse a situation with animal control.  I'm
considering getting it myself.  If you have any kind of representation you
can have her deal directly with your attorney and have that attorney send a
letter or two on office letterhead.

 Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Guys,

 I don't know if you remember but I posted to the list a while back that I
was having problems with an organization that I have been fostering for.
Well, it has gotten worse.  I'm strapped for cash and have been trying to
get the money that they owe me for medical bills.

 The director is now stating she is going to come take the cats on 12/3
(without reimbursing me the medical bills, of course).  I would rather keep
the cats with me, but they surely are not leaving here without me being
reimbursed the money I have put out on them.  I sent her an email stating
this and that the cats were all registered and microchipped in my name and
that I felt I could put forth a pretty good case for them being abandoned by
this org.

 I'm freaking out here.  I really can't afford a lawyer - I suppose I could
take out a home equity loan on my home.  There's got to be a way to deal
with this other than that, though.

 The director does not care for me...because I do bizarre things like
expecting them to do what they said they are going to do, and I will call
her on it when necessary.

 Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT: Antonio Update - butt juice

2006-11-21 Thread TenHouseCats

way too much information, phaewryn!

On 11/21/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

LOL, I have my stinky boy in my lap now. I'd never had a cat with such
active anal glands until Tigger came along we call it
stinkytiggybootyroma. I make a big fuss out of sniffing his butt (I get
really close and take a big deep sniff and say Ewww, Tiggy, you STINKY!),
and he just LOVES it, my boyfriend, on the other hand, thinks I have a
mental illness. Luckily he's never squirted them at me... they just ooze
occasionally, causing the periodic need to change the bedding. Everyone
else's butts smell like poopie, Tigger's is the only one that has that
distinct anal gland juice smell. (We fondly refer to it as butt-juice)


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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT: Antonio Update - butt juice

2006-11-21 Thread TenHouseCats

On 11/22/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

LOL! Tigger also likes to jump up and stand on my shoulders, and he always
turns around and looks back behind me, which means all you see as I walk
towards you is Tigger butt, tail straight up in the air wagging. I go up to
my boyfriend and say See me one-eyed parrot? Rraark! Tiggy want a cracker?
LOL! We also have gotten into this new habit of when Tigger jumps up on the
table, with his tail in the air, we use it like an old style hand water
pump, and make noises wreeech, wreeech, wreeech, wreeech!, like it's all
rusty, LOL!


Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!!
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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT: Antonio Update - butt juice

2006-11-21 Thread TenHouseCats

On 11/22/06, TenHouseCats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 11/22/06, Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 LOL! Tigger also likes to jump up and stand on my shoulders, and he always
 turns around and looks back behind me, which means all you see as I walk
 towards you is Tigger butt, tail straight up in the air wagging. I go up to
 my boyfriend and say See me one-eyed parrot? Rraark! Tiggy want a cracker?
 LOL! We also have gotten into this new habit of when Tigger jumps up on the
 table, with his tail in the air, we use it like an old style hand water
 pump, and make noises wreeech, wreeech, wreeech, wreeech!, like it's all
 rusty, LOL!


 Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!!
 Low cost SpayNeuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for
 cat owners:
 Special Needs Cat Resources:
 The Sofa Poem:
 Find us on PETFINDER!

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT: Antonio Update - butt juice

2006-11-21 Thread TenHouseCats

yeah, but why didn't WE think of this stuff? we could be rich by now

On 11/22/06, ETrent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OMGoodness!  What will they think of next?  LOL  These links are great


In a message dated 11/21/06 23:31:40 Central Standard Time,

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Sanctuary

2006-11-18 Thread TenHouseCats

now that i know where it is, turns out i have contacts in the
area--i'll ask them!

On 11/18/06, Evan  Dee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You're welcome Pat. I've not had any experience with them myself - and there
is precious little to be found on the net. ~ Evan

Patricia Lamoretti wrote:
Thanks!  That's helpful but I also wanted to know if anyone out there has
had any experience with them?  Thanks again -- PAT

Evan  Dee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I found the following on Petfinder:


Doljan, Joan wrote:
No, I couldn't find much about them. That is not a good sign.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Patricia Lamoretti
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: Sanctuary

Did you ever find out anything about Paradise Garden?  I'm looking for a
place for a feral cat that was never socialized as a kitten and lived with
an elderly man who has now passed.  We need to find her a safe, indoor
environment.  Any information you can provide would be great.  Thanks -- PAT

Joan Doljan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Has anyone heard of Paradise Garden Animal Haven in Woodhull, N.Y?


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Re: Reliability of SNAP tests

2006-11-16 Thread TenHouseCats

idexx is only ONE of the companies that makes SNAP tests--there are a
number of brands out there that are considerable less expensive, and
i've never seen if there's any correlation between incorrect results
and brand.

On 11/14/06, Abby Specht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Idex info that your vet has says that snap test do have false
positive/negative... the question is if they will give u a copy. idex is the
company that makes the snap test

From: Frullani, Anita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Reliability of SNAP tests
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:54:34 -0500

Does anyone know of any documentation that says SNAP tests yields false
positives and negatives?

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ICQ: 289856892

Re: One year ago today

2006-11-16 Thread TenHouseCats

i'm sorry that you had to find crash's and sid's that way, sherry, but
am so glad that you did--perhaps maizee knew that her mom was one of
those special ones who could handle the particular difficulties that a
place like sid's present, and sent you there as a gift to all those
kitties who most need love.. ..

On 11/15/06, Sherry DeHaan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all, a year ago today my beautiful Maizee Grace crossed the Rainbow
Bridge,I still miss her very much.Because of her,I found the wonderful
people of this group.And the wonderful people at Crash's and Sids. Thank you
all so much for being here for me.You all helped me get through the many
times that I questioned if what I did was right.She still lives very much in
my heart and I believe she always will,Maizee was a very special girl that
came into my life for a too short of time,but I believe she led me to do
what I do.Love all these wonderful sick furkids as much as I can for as long
as we have them.Once again thank you all.

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AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Scooter has gone to the bridge

2006-11-13 Thread TenHouseCats
i believe that scooter, like so many of our little ones, came to YOU because he knew that you would love him, and care for him, and help make his passage as easy as possible. he needed things that only you could provide him to continue his journey.

he left this world with things that too many humans don't have--love, a roof over his head, medical care, food. especially love. those are the memories he takes with him.

i bet your vet is correct--he's running away young and healthy, free of pain and fear--and telling everyone he meets what WONDERFUL people he found.

GLOW to guide his way home, and to heal your hearts.
On 11/13/06, Peggy Ankney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Our little baby wasn't strong enough to hold on over the weekend. The vet called yesterday to say that his condition had worsened. 
He was no longer responding to their petting or holding him, and didn't even stand up during the examination, and seemed to be in much more pain. She had given him more pain medicine and he was basically out of it.
 I asked about the dex cocktail, and she said his kidneys were even more enlarged and felt hard and she didn't think it would help at this point. My husband and I didn't want him to continue to suffer, so we decided to let him go.
 We are comforted by the fact that he did find us, as he would have likely starved to death from the mass in his mouth, so at least we were able to help him finish this life in comfort and warmth. 
We only had him for a couple months but this little fellow really worked his way into our hearts, and the house seems so much quieter now. But I am so grateful to him for teaching us so much about this virus, and should another stray kitty come to us we will know a little more about what to do.
 I requested a post-mortem in case they can learn anything more about his condition and if there is useful information I'll post it. We're going to bury him in the back yard sometime this week. 
Our vet was wonderful and said that we should envision him in his healthy 7 pound body running around free of pain. Thanks to all of you who have helped us through this difficult time. 
Prayers for all the kitties still fighting this disease, and to all of the compassionate caregivers working so hard to help them. 
-- Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

2006-11-13 Thread TenHouseCats
more importantly, were they tested AND retested? a negative test really means nothing, either, unless one knows FOR SURE just who that kitty was hanging out with the 120 days or so before being trapped. if not retested, the cat could have been contracted the virus the week before, and test negative when they really are not going to remain negative.

i understand that it's incredibly impractical on many levels to actually expect people--whether it's ferals or non--to hold a negative cat 120 days to retest, but it is reallythe ONLY way to know for sure.

On 11/13/06, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just curious were all the feral tested before they got sick?
Although the ferals are vaccinated, occasionally one or two gets sick and tests positive. I would not do that to any cat, and in a large rescue situation you are going to be risking it if you mix them.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

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Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892 

Re: WAS : Re: How catchy is it? (OT - about vet school adoption programs) List of Vet Schools

2006-11-13 Thread TenHouseCats
thanks, belinda!
On 11/13/06, Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here ya go:
--Belindahappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kittieshttp://bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
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-- Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892 

Re: Felv+/FIV+ policy for rescues

2006-11-13 Thread TenHouseCats

i don't test for FIV, either, unless all my vet has with him are the
combo tests! i'd like to know if a cat is truly FeLV positive, tho the
odds are against it remaining so if it's an healthy adult, just so i
can make sure any kittens or vulnerable elders are vaccinated before
they come into persistent, prolonged contact with it. (and i wish
someone would DEFINE what persistent and prolonged mean.) i'd like to
know if a cat is positively FeLV, just to be able to do everything
possible for it--to know what to look for, to add supplements that it
might need, etc. i'm not gonna love a cat any less if it's FeLV
positive, and i don't known anyone in my odd circle of contact who
would just ever get rid of a cat. positive or not, now that i think of

the problem is lack of education--on the diseases themselves, on the
reliability of the tests, on the risk to other cats in a household.

according to some of the stats susan has found, FeLV snap testing may
or may not be as accurate as that for FIV--but no sanctuary or rescue
i know of even contemplates calling a cat FIV+ without a western blot.
(or, as one vet said, maybe 4 spread-out positive snap tests!) with
the DNA testing free from UC Davis, there's absolutely no reason for
vets, and even rescues who can hold the cat for the results to come
back, to call a cat FIV positive and euthanize it based on a snap

your experience points out exactly why we just have to keep educating,
educating, educating! i get called by rescues and shelters all the
time about what to do when someone tests positive, in or out of foster
homes when people have the information, they don't have to panic,
and can a policy already in effect. it gets tiring to keep sending out
the same info time and time again, but we have to do it, because the
cats just won't...

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT Help, I am so embarrassed

2006-11-13 Thread TenHouseCats


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Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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