14 yr old Fjord Stallion for sale

2008-07-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We still have our stallion here for sale.  The rest are gone and he's  been 
alone all summer.  I'd really like to find him a new home soon, and  I'm sure 
he'd like to be with other horses again, though he's been VERY good  about 
being alone (first time in his life)
He rides and drives.  Has very good manners & temperament.   No vices.  Just 
shy of 14.2 hands. Brown Dun, reg. name DRAFN. 
Hasn't been worked in a few years, but you wont have problems getting him  
back to work. He has a very good work ethic.  Hand breeds, and pasture  breeds. 
Good with the babies. 
He's UTD on everything, has current coggins test.
We are located in Central Maine.   I do have a few pictures of  him if you're 
seriously interested, contact me and we'll talk.  I'd like to  get $5,000 for 
him.   Thank you.
Aimee Day
Garland Me.

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The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Stallion 4-sale

2008-04-05 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List.
I have for sale, a 14 yr Stallion.  He is reg. DRAFN.  Sire is  Sanjar.   He 
is 14.1 hands, a lovely darker brown dun, 9 inc cannon  bone, excellent 
temperament, good work ethic.  Trained to drive by Larry  Poulin.  Rides but 
an experienced rider and a little finish  work.   He's not been worked in a few 
years.  When I bought him  he hadn't been driven in years, and took to it 
like he'd been in harness  everyday.  He's a great horse to work with.
I've owned him for 7 or 8 yrs and he's given me some lovely looking and  
moving babies with outstanding temperaments.   We've mainly pasture bred  him.  
He's very good with the newborns and takes good care of the weanlings  as well 
:)  He is very respectful of hot wireeven with  mares on the other side.  
He has no vices, is up to date on his vaccines and has a current neg.  
coggins.  I would like to try and sell him as a stallion, before  considering 
options for him...   
We are located in Central Maine.   I am disbursing with all my  horses.  Lack 
of time, help and good physical health, forces this decision. 
I am asking $5,500.  Photos available. 
Thank you.
Aimee Day
Garland Me.

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Winona DVD

2007-08-02 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone have any idea WHEN we'll be getting these DVD's ?
Thanks for any info.
Aimee Day

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The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Babies love babies

2007-06-20 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list,
I just wanted to share a short story of my just 2 yr old granddaughter and  
our 2 week old foal, Hansa.
My granddaughter loves to feed the horses grasseven if they are on  
pasture - she thinks they need to eat :) So we frequently visit them  at 
I have recently put Mama, baby Hansa and Daddy out to  pasture together.  My 
granddaughter and I took a little walk out into the  pasture last night to 
check on everyone. My Granddaughter calling out the whole  way "horsy where are 
you?"  Hansa if VERY interested in that little  person.  You can just see the 
curiosity, and amazement in her eyes as she  looks at Taylor - my 
granddaughter.As we are walking back to  the barn - because the gnats are 
horrid and I 
can't take it anymore - Hansa is  following Taylor, as close as she can be 
without being on top of her.  I of  course keep most of my attention on Hansa 
case she decides to get "too"  playful, but she is just so fascinated by 
Taylor, she is perfectly happy to just  follow.  It is so cute.  I tell my 
granddaughter she has a pony  following her, and she will turn around and 
Hansa followed us all  the way to the barn, which was out of sight of her 
(who I guess figured  she was safe with us,)  then decided she was far away 
enough from mom,  gave a whinny and ran back to mom like her tail was on fire 
:)  I love  that her sweet nature allows me to let her interact with even the  
smallest in our family.  Please don't misunderstand, I do  realize foals can 
be foolish and I am on HIGH alert to scooping up or  getting between that 
grandchild and the foal if need be, I would never put my  grandchild in harms 
I like that this foal is sweet enough to allow  this, at this point.  I have 
had some that I would not be as trusting with  - as they had a bit of a 
prankster in them :-)
I'm sure I haven't gotten across the real beauty of this story. You would  
have to be here to really feel the 'sweetness' of it all, but I thought I'd 
 it anyways. 
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Maine

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Birth Announcement

2007-06-02 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Born Sat. June 2nd, at 5:45 pm  A big strong filly to  Malene Stanstorp ( 
Caesar Halsnaes) and Drafn (Sanjar)
She weighed 106 lbs and was 8.3 hands tall.  She was 1 day shy of  being over 
due by 2 weeks.
Both mom and baby are doing very well.
The baby will be named  Drafn's Hansa.   She is very smart,  calm & curious, 
and she has NICE bone on those LONG legs of hers.   She's going to be gorgeous 
:)  And she's going to be for sale.
Ok...on here long enoughback to the barn for more visiting :)
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Me.

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Fjords for sale in Maine

2007-04-01 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I had an elderly couple call me and asked if I could post some horses they  
have for sale.
This is the info I took from him about them, but please call him with any  
other questions.Norm & Lois Slauenwhite.207-933-3918
3 Mares.  All Brown Duns.  All registered. 
#1  21 yrs old.  FG Unni - Modellen (Rei Halsnaes) X  Aasa.   Good beginner 
horse.  Rides and Drives (single or  pair)  At the trainers for some brushing 
13.2 hands 
#2  14 yrs old.  Nickoline - Hjalmar (King Harald) X FG Unni  (above mare)  
Rides and drives, but had a driving accident and has been a  little nervous 
about anything behind her.  She's also  at the trainers  and the trainer said 
he's gotten her to over come that and she's dragging things  now with out 
13.2 hands
#3  12 yrs old.  Nordrl (though he says they misspelled her name  it should 
be Nordri)
Full sister to the above mare.   Nordri rides and drives, though  she's a bit 
rusty.  They plan to send her to the trainers for some brushing  up as well.
13 hands
He has started his prices at:
FG Unni - $4,000
Nickoline - $5,000
Nordri - $5,000
These horses were donated to a therapeutic riding program that fell  through. 
 The stable was going to purchase them, and never did.  Now  at 80 yrs this 
couple really can't take these horse back into their care, and  really need to 
find good homes for them.
Thank you.
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Me.

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The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjord Herald

2007-03-17 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm in Central Maine and haven't received my Fjord Herald yet.Wondering 
if any other Mainer's have gotten their's yet.
I have a friend 20 min. away who got her's a week ago.   I'm still 
Aimee Day

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The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjord Filly

2007-01-16 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just wanted to let everyone know that Gunda has sold.  :)
Thank you,
Aimee Day

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Fjord Filly

2007-01-15 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a lovely filly for sale.   She'll be 2 this summer.   She's got a 
wonderful personality. She's very calm, level headed, sweet and  friendly.   
leads, stands tied, good for vetting and  farrier.  
She is a brown dun.  Should mature to 14 hands.  Will more then  likely be 
med/drafty build.
Her Dam is White Roses' Miss Thunder(Anvil's Randi x Tillie) and  her Sire is 
Drafn(Sanjar x Jomfrurosa)
I sold her dam this past fall, so she's not here but I do have her sire on  
the property.
We are located in central Maine.
I'm asking $1,800 for her right now.  
Her name is Gunda.
Thank you,
Aimee Day
Garland Me.
207-285-3286 (no calls after 9pm eastern time please)

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Re: Danish Bred Fjords in North America

2006-11-18 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/13/2006 12:18:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

and  maybe
22 year old Malene Stanstorp is still  alive.

 I'm a little behind in reading my fjord list.
YES, Malene is very much alive and in great health, living here with me in  
Central Maine.   She is in foal for 07.   This wonderful  mare has produced 
some LOVELY to look at,  LOVELY moving, and  LOVELY temperamented fjords for 
I've owned Malene for about  7 or 8 yrs.   Before me, Sally Higgins in 
Bingham Maine owned  her.  I have Malene's granddaughter here too, carrying on 
Grand-dam's  great qualities. 
She's been a pleasure to own and work with.
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Maine

The FjordHorse List archives can be found at:

Driving in Maine

2006-09-05 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wanted to write about my lovely time at Acadia National Park, driving  with 
my friend and her 8 yr old fjord Ekko, out of my Stallion Drafn  [Sanjar X 
Jomfrurosa] and my Mare, Malene Stanstorp [Caesar Halsnaes X  Muddi Stanstorp]
We went with a group of Friesian owners, 11 of them.  We met this  group 
through our driving trainer who is a Friesian owner/trainer, Jenny  Wells.
Ekko has only been trained to drive since this spring, and he was BORN to  
drive. :)   What a joy.   Ekko out trotted,  cantered and lasted all the 
Friesians.  He's in EXCELLENT shape for driving  these trails.  We were not 
sure what 
to expect, as far as the  differences in size and leg stride, but he did 
alright for himself  :)   He actually had most of the group, pleasantly  
surprised.  Some even commented that Ekko had changed their opinions  of 
Fjords, having 
know a few CRAZY ones.  Ekko is quite the ambassador for  the breed :)  And 
you can bet, in a group of BLACK horseshe really  stood out and we got A 
LOT of attention everywhere we went, even though we were  with some LOVELY 
horses.  If you have never had the chance to drive the  carriage trails here at 
Acadia National Park, you are missing out.   They are AMAZING!!!   We went for 
days, and the weather was perfect  the whole time.  The only rain we got was 
in the evening, and it burned off  before we went out the next day.  
The scenery is to die for.  The stalls are wonderful.  Those of  you going on 
the "camp with your pony" trip, this month. I'm envious  already.  Maybe 
we can get there one day and drive with you all.   :)
We also met up with Sara & Genio, of Mandala Farm, here in  Maine, who 
brought their fjord gelding over to drive.
It was one of the best vacations I've had
Ekko has participated in a number of driving clinic's with Muffy Seaton  (who 
isn't a big fan of fjords, but she really enjoyed working  with him) since he 
left the trainers barn in March.  He has just  recently had a few lessons 
with Scott Monroe who LOVED him.   He told  me that out of the MANY fjords and 
halflinger's he's driven - Ekko is NOTHING  like them.   He said he's ready to 
marathon- Not that his owner is  interested in THAT :)   He said with a little 
more work he could do  ANYTHING, and go far doing it.  Ekko's owner is a GREEN 
driver, she  also just learnt to drive this spring, and she's a fast study.  
She's done  GREAT with him.   I was VERY pleased to have him think this, as we 
 feel all our off spring from this mating have been OUTSTANDING, and it's 
nice to  hear we're not alone in thinking that :)  We've got some amazing 
 horses out of this matting.  My Mare Malene is 22 this year.  We have  bred 
her to our stallion this summer, after having 2 seasons off.  I'm not  sure 
how many more times we'll be mating these two, but if anyone is interested  in 
putting a deposit on this next baby, lets talk :)
We've sold all but One mare out of these breeding's.. I'm thinking  maybe 
I should have kept more LOL
I just got my Fjord Herald today - YEAH!
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Maine

Gelding age....

2006-08-08 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/7/2006 9:44:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

The vet  won't geld him at this age. He says he's too young.
Now he would  prefer not to geld until a year, but I don't want to wait that  

Hi Ellen,
I've been following your posts.   I had a fjord colt that was  VERY studdy 
from day ONE.   No one in the herd was happy about it  eitherHe was 4 
old, (a long time for the herd to deal with this)  well dropped, and needed 
to be cut - in my eyes.   So I called  my vet.  He wasn't really convinced this 
FJORD was readynumber one he  said they are normally so short it's hard 
for him to do - this baby was TALL,  not a problem therethen his next 
excuse was he probably didn't have both  testicles down YES he did I 
him.   He came out and did him  - at 4 months.  He told me this baby was the 
same size as the coming 2 yr  old (some other breed) he just did the day 
before..Now  when I call at 4 months he comes right out.   I like to 
geld them 
 while they are still nursing, I think it's less stressful for them.  I wean  
between 5-6 months depending upon the baby and the dam.  I have gelded 5  
colts at 4 months with NO problems and was quite happy to have done it that  
Just throwing in my 2 cents :)
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland ME.

Thinning the herd

2006-07-18 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After another year of finding "little" time to work with my fjords, I've  
decided I need to cut way back, it's just not fair to the horses.
I have some sweet, healthy, pasture pets for sale - cheap.  Some have  
training, some don't.  All are reg. and up to date on vaccines.
I have 7 at this time and would like to get down to 2 maybe 3. (hard  
deciding which one's stay)
I have some mares, a gelding, a yearling filly, and my stallion - who I'm  on 
the fence about. (I just LOVE that guy)
This is your chance to get a NICE fjord for very little money.  
I live in Central Maine, and would prefer to sell to someone who I can meet  
in person, if possible. 
All are priced under $2,000.
Email me privately for more info.   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Thank you,
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Me.

Re: Whip it GOOD

2006-04-30 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/30/2006 12:48:49 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

You all  can keep your own set of rules
Whisper ( shh )  to your Fjords all  day
Mine only hear when I hollar to them


( hiding down here )


Fjord looking for new home

2005-07-29 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi - I'm a 13.2 hand, brown dun tank, who turned 11 yrs this month.  I  am 
trained to ride, though I look like I should be plowing someone's  fields.  I 
have been in a few shows - and even won some ribbons, but that  was awhile ago. 
I am healthy and up to date on everything - but I'm tired  of being a pasture 
ornament - well maybe my mom is more tired of it then  me.  I use to trail 
ride almost everydayand was real good at it.   I was the horse the visitors 
always got to ride, and the beginners had walk  trot lessons on in the ring.  
My owner has not used me in some yearsand  I have gotten very rusty, and 
kind of spooky about things now.  She doesn't  like seeing me get this way, and 
would REALLY like to find me a new home where  I'll be used more and some 
place I'll like too.  I'm still pretty good in a  ring, but out in the big 
I'm a Nervous Nelly.  I don't think she's  asking too much for me ($2,000)  so 
if you have the time, and experience to  work with me, I'm a GREAT friend!
Let my mom know if you'd like some pictures.  Here's her email: 
Hope we get to meet soon,
H.D. Sebastian
Central Maine

Re: regarding fjord weight and conditioning

2005-07-25 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to everyone who sent a post to me on the fjords weight and  condition. 
 I would like to say it was a 50/50 toss up, with half thinking  he sounded 
'perfect', half thinking he needed 'something'.  
His pasture grass is of good quality, we ruled out that.
He has had his teeth recently floated and wolf teeth removed, we ruled out  
He is wormed reg. and for tape, so we ruled out that.
The only thing that makes the most since is he's working harder, since  she's 
been home from college, then he was over the winter (was ridden weekly  
through the winter)   We are going to try adding a supplement to his  diet, see 
this helps.
Thanks again,
Aimee Day

fjrod weight and conditioning

2005-07-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know this has probably been asked and answered 100 times, but when you  are 
not really looking for that answer you sometimes over look the  question.  
Now I'm in need of the answerand wishing I'd paid more  attention :)
Ok...I have a young lady who owns a fjord, that she keeps here on my farm.  
He is 7 yrs old, just shy of 14 hands, med. boned, weighs 795 lbs.  He is  
worked daily for roughly 30-45 min. he is on grass pasture 24/7 - (but it's 
short and well eaten.)  Everyone either thinks he's very young or he's  
too thin.  You can just barely make out his back bone, you can't see his  ribs 
but you can feel them with no problem, his hips may be just a little  pointy.  
Her farrier told her he's in perfect weightdon't let him gain  any.(he's 
not a fjord owner)   Her mom likes her animals on the thin  sideso she 
thinks he's perfect.  I think personally he's too thin for a  fjord - but mine 
all on the "round" side :)  She is really getting  distressed over this.  She 
doesn't want him gaining too much, but she  doesn't want people thinking 
she's starving him either.
Any suggestions?  Does he sound "too thin"?  
She really doesn't want to heat him up with grain if she doesn't have too.  
He's got plenty of energy.  He's wormed every 6 weeks, and is UTD on all  
vaccines.  He's in the pasture with 2 of mine who have plenty of weight on  
so it's not due to lack of feed in the pasture.
You can write me personally if you'd like.  Thanks.
Aimee Day

still have for sale...

2005-07-13 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've got a few horses still available, reasonable prices.
11 yr. gelding.  Would be good for lessons/ring work.  Use to be  a good 
trail horse, has gotten jumpy and spooky over the last few years - from  lack 
use.  I really hate to see him not being used, so will sell him  fairly cheap.  
He's sound & healthy. Brown Dun, 13.3 hands, Drafty,  1100+ lbs.  $2,500  
Reg. name: H.D. Sebastian.
We have a lovely yearling filly that should mature around 13.3 - 14 hands.  
She's going to be on the lighter end of med. built.  Nice mover, good  
bloodlines. $2,500  Reg. name: Drafn's Fallon 
We have a filly, born this June that will also be for sale when  Weaned.  She 
is BIG. Big boned, big mover, big tease!  She sure loves  heckling the other 
foal :) Her mom has a big lovely dished head, and she shows  signs of having 
one too when she's done growing.  There are some tall  horses on Dam's side, I 
wouldn't be surprised if this filly matures to 14.2-15  hands.  She was born 
bigger then the foal born 2 weeks before her, and she  still looks 
bigger/older. She is a brown dun, and a bit darker then  other foals born here, 
so we are 
guessing she might end up with a darker  coat. Dam is 14 hands, Sire 14.2 
hands.  We are asking $1,800 for her at  this time.  Her reg. name will be: 
Drafn's Gunda (which means Female  Warrior) her being such a big amazon 
thought that was fitting :) (reg.  pending of course)
Serious inquires can write to me for pictures and more info.  Thank  you.
Aimee Day
Central Maine

Birth Announcement

2005-06-20 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We had our first foal born on Sat. to my Mare "Drafn's Mikaela", My  Halsnaes 
granddaughter.   This was her first foal, and she gave us a  BEAUTY.  We bred 
her to the gray stallion MVF Karimann, hoping for a  gray.  I believe we have 
a brown dun though.  She is the SMARTEST baby  I've had here yet.  LONG 
strong legs, the LOVELEST movement I have seen yet  on a foal.  The most 
sculptured ears that turn in, and a curious  sweet nature.  Who could ask for 
more?   I'm very pleased with  this FIRST foal, from my favorite mare :)
My first granddaughter was also born 1 week to the day before this  
foalso I think gramma needs to save this one for her :)
This foal will be named "Mikaela's Aleksia"  Defender or helper of  mankind.
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Maine

Brood mare in foal, for sale.

2005-05-26 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For Sale, In central Maine.
9 yr. broodmare, in foal.  Brown dun, 14 hands (maybe 14.1 I'll  have to 
measure again, it's been awhile and I may have her mixed up with her  sister)  
She's on the drafty side with one of the loveliest heads I've  seen.  She's 
sweet, not a mean bone in her body.  She can be a  bit on the ditzy side 
though :)
She's never been trained - bought her as an untrained 3 yr. and with 4  
others and have just never got around to it (too many others I've been  
concentrating on)  I did saddle her a few times last year, and rode  her all 
the ring with no problems.  She was very willing and though  needing to be 
trained. I got her to walk and trot around without issue. (we  were not 
training here...just having fun with her)
She is expecting her 4 th foal - July 5th, 2005.  She's been a good  mom, 
easy deliveries.   She trailers easily, good for the farrier, and  vet.  
Her faults she sometimes gets too attached to other horses, and then  can 
forget her ground manners in her NEED to see the other's or get to  
them.this is not ALWAYS how she is.but you don't know when she's going  
to be 
feeling "needy".
Her feet are not the best.  I think with one on one attention they  could be 
helped out though.  I'm not set up to pay any special attention to  them.
2-3 yrs ago she cut the heel bulb off the inside of one of her front  feet.  
This healed WONDERFULLY.  The vet is still shocked at  how great it is.  This 
does make her foot appear smaller then the other,  and the vet said if used, 
she would probably need to wear shoes.  She does  feel the cold more in this 
foot in the winter, I've noticed.   Her  back feet are pretty split upshoes 
& supplements would probably benefit  her.  
Her reg. name is White Roses' Miss Thunder.  She is out of Anvil's  Randi  
and  Tillie.  She is micro-chipped and DNA'd. Reg. both  Canadian and with the 
She is bred to our Stallion - Drafn KTF-H-655-S
We are looking for a good home more then anything.  She would really  blossom 
with some one on one attention.  Price now, $2,500Price after she foals - 
with foal - $3,000.
Because her due date is fast approaching, we'd like to find a good home for  
her soon!
Please contact me for more info.
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland Me.

Filly for sale

2005-05-12 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have for sale, a coming yearling filly.  Brown dun.  Very  sweet and 
social.  LOVES attention, very pretty, femine, lovely head, big  soft eye, 
She is out of our Dutch imported mare: Malene Stanstorp( Caesar Halsnaes  
D-539 1.pr l kl.2.gr  [Rei Halsnase] X  Muddi Stanstorp D-7020  1.pr [Askov] )
And our Stallion: Drafn (Sanjar N-2009 N-Z-159-S 3.pr [Bronse]   X  
Jomfrurosa N-Y-216-M [Tunsblakken]
She is good for the farrier, she's pretty good about standing tied and  
Up to date on vaccines and wormings.  She is easy to work with. Worms  
easily, and accepts fly spays without issue.
She will make someone a WONDERFUL horse.
She has some lovely bloodlines.  Her dam's side is very impressive  with some 
outstanding driving horses. [ Rei Halsnase for example]  Her full  siblings 
are lovely moving with a flowing gait that takes your breath away. They  excel 
at driving and dressage - being soft, round, and forward moving.
We are happy with this breeding and have to date produced 6 lovely to look  
at, breath taking to watch, LOVING, level headed, fjords.  We look forward  to 
gracing your home with one of our babies. 
We are offering Drafn's Fallon at the spring price of $2,800.  We will  be 
increasing this price as her training increases.
We are located in Central Maine.  We might be willing to trailer her  for a 
small sum to any of the connecting states.
We also have a 10 yr gelding who is trained to ride, a Gjest & Solar  
grandson, if you are interested. Drafty 13.2 hands, brown dun. Contact us for  
Thank you,
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords
Garland Me.

For Sale

2005-02-21 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For Sale:
Mare: D.O.B. July 8th, 1996  White Roses' Miss Thunder C-1452 / NFHR#  
WRF-J-1712-M  [Brown Dun]
Sire: Anvil's Randi C-277AA-X-444-S  Dam: Tillie  C-40
Mare is bred for an early July foal, to my stallion : Drafn KTF-H-655-S  
(sire: Sanjar N-Z-159-S 3.prDam: Jomfrurosa N-Y-216-M)
She foaled 3 colts to date.  She is untrained.  Trailers, good  for farrier, 
accepts tack & a rider with no issues. No bad  habits.  Every year I say I'm 
going to get her trained, and just never seem  to get to it.  Would like to 
find her a new home. Drafty build,  GEORGOUS head, 14 hands.  Will sell in foal 
for $4,000.
Filly: D.O.B. June 18th, 2004  Drafn's Fallon [brown dun] Reg. pending  DNA 
test. (which I have just need to get sent in)
Sire:  Drafn KTF-H-655-SDam: Malene Stanstorp   DK-X-100-M (Sire: Caesar 
Halsnaes D-593 1.pr l kl Elite [ Rei Halsnaes  N-1833 D-542 G-020050471 1kl 
1.pr Elite]   Dam: Muddi Stanstorp D-7020  1.pr)  
This filly's dam is a quality mare.  Her bloodlines speak for  themselves, 
and she is everything a good fjord mare should be.  Her  offspring is 
consistently nice as well.  This filly will make someone a  very nice mare.   
She leads 
good, stands pretty well for farrier.  She very loving and sweet natured.  
Haven't done much with her  this winter, but will pick up with her training 
when the weather warms  up.  Asking $3,200.
Gelding: D.O.B. July 17th, 1994   H.D. Sebastian  FJ-H-622-G  [Brown Dun]
Sire: Ingvaal of Fjelltrop FT-B-328-S  (Gjest N-1846 H-I49 N-Q-124-S  3.pr  / 
 Vonita H-V155 H-P-206-M)Dam: SF Signe  SF-B-240-N (Solar N-1849 H-I40 
N-Q-103-S 2.pr Presta  / Dorina H-D176  H-W-154-M)
Trained to ride, Needs at least an intermediate rider, though has been used  
for walk trot lessons in a controlled area.  He's willing, learns quickly,  
but he's out of shape and hasn't been used regularly for a few years.  He  
trailers, leads well, is good for SOME farriers. He is a bit on the spooky side 
for a fjord, but not dangerously so, just needs someone who stays focused on  
their horse.  I noticed he's gotten this way mainly since I stopped using  him 
consistently.  In the past we put a lot of miles on in the  trails.  He's 
crossed bridges, water, and pretty much gone anywhere I've  asked him too.  
won trail classes, and even a cross country riding  class at the Woodstock VT 
show.  With regular use, he would be an awesome  horse again.
I've owned this horse since he was a weanling.  I am not using him  enough to 
just keep him hanging around in the pasture all the time.  He  needs a 
loving, using home.  He's a good horse.  He's on the drafty  side, 13.2 hands. 
I'm asking $3,000 for him.
He has been harnessed once, had a bad experience and I haven't tried again.  
I feel he could be worked through this though if this is something you'd want  
him for.
We are located in Central Maine.   I can get photos for those  seriously 
interested.  No videos at this time of year.
Thank you,
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland Me. 04939

White spot - feeling humbled

2005-02-07 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 2/6/2005 9:18:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

If you  breed fjords and haven't had a foal with
a white star be prepared to feel  humble one day.
This comment hit home :) 
I have had 6 foals born to one of my mares, and my stallion.  This  last one, 
was born with a tiny spot of white on her forehead.  Small enough  so only 
very observant people would notice it.  This is the FIRST time out  of SIX I've 
seen any white show up out of this pairing.  Should I now NOT  breed these two 
Aimee Day

Hey, ya! =))

2004-08-30 Thread hapdaybmf
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Argh, i  don't  like  the plaintext  :)

password --  76258

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of Attach.zip]

Still have some Geldings for sale

2004-07-24 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list,

I'm trying to sell 3 more Geldings.  Not real hard but enough of a try to 
keep my husband happy :)  Seriously, I would like to find some good homes for 
these boys.  They are all regerstered with NFHR and brown duns.  All are 
in Central Maine.

Lets start with the youngest.
He's a yearling.  D.O.B. July 2nd, 2003.  He is sweet as can be.  Just the 
cutest little fjord you've ever seen.  He has correct conformation and 
At this point looks all mature...and with the perfect miniature horse body :) 
 Easy to work with. Good with Farrier, vetting, wormings, fly spaying, leads, 
ties. UTD on everything.  The kicker is he's small.  I know he still has a 
lot of growing years in him...but I've never had one still this size at 1 yr.  
He's 12.2 right now.  My guess is he might reach 13 hands mature.  He is the 
perfect size for children.  I can easily see him as a child's mount for 
lessons or riding lessons.  I can bet he'd be the favorite at any barn.   If 
I don't end up selling him my plans are to keep him and training him for 
my nieces and nephews to use when they visit in the summers.  Would of course 
rather he went somewhere that would use him more then I though.  He's very 
reasonably priced, and I hope someone could see him making a great addition to 
their family/farm.  We are asking $1,500 for him.   Pictures and more info are 
available.  His name is Drafn's Dafydd  [DAY-Fid]

Second is a gelding we have here for training, my friend owns.
This is Drafn's Ekko.  You may recall I wrote about him last week.
He is 6 yrs. 14 hands, athletic build.  Super nice movement. Very soft and 
forward. Willing and level headed.  He's been under saddle for 1 month.  He's 
been to one dressage show, and has another training show coming up, he's going 
to.  He trailers, is good for the farrier, and has good ground manners.  He's 
been very easy to train, catches on quickly and retains it.  He still needs 
finishing work, but anyone with horse experience could ride and manage this 
horse.he's wonderful!  If I was in a different position in my life, I'd buy 
myself.  His owners really need to find a new home.  One that would use him 
and continue on with his training.  They are only looking for a backyard horse 
that's more of a pet, and hate to see this GOOD horse wasted on just that. He 
has SO much potential, and he enjoys what he's doing.  They are asking $5,500 
OBRO.  Pictures and more info are available.

The third one is my gelding I've had since he was a weanling.  Not easy to 
make the decission to sell him. He just turned 10yrs. 13.2 hands, drafty build, 
1200 #'s but he's been on a diet for the last monthso he should be less 
then that!  :)  He is trained to ride only.  I've mainly used him as a trail 
horse, and a lesson horse (when my nieces and nephews came to visit) He is not 
getting used - main reason for selling him.  I have other horses that need more 
training put on them...and/or meeting my needs more then he does now.  For the 
last 2-3 yrs he's gotten minimal use and I don't feel right about that.  He's 
a quirky little horse...so I need to find the right home for him.  He's 
pretty rusty right now, but when he's had normal use he's soft and responsive.  
canter needs work... especially after not being used.  He doesn't buck or 
kick, but you do have to watch those wandering lips of his. He likes to chew on 
everything.  He's good for the farrier, vetting, trailering etc.  He's been to 
a few shows, he's been in a parade once, but mainly trails.  I ride in a 
snaffle and western saddle...but he doesn't neck rein. He's been to a John 
trainer, 2 day riding clinic and did GREAT.  He would make someone a great 
buddy.  He is a Solar & Gjest Grandson. His name is  H.D. Sebastian.  And 
I need a good home for him more then I need money for himI will sell him 
to the RIGHT home, for a fair price.   Pictures and more info available. Would 
consider a package deal on the young one and him - who are buddies. :)

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland ME.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2004 #162

2004-07-17 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Also, 
> this colt was gelded at 8 weeks; not sure what that would do for height.

>My vet told me that this makes them taller.

>Yes, my vet had pretty much the same opinion, although there is no real 
>concrete evidence. I guess it'd similar to oxen that are cut or banded at 
just days 
>old though... They don't get anywhere near as bulky as a bull, but some of 
>them get outrageously tall.

I needed to comment here.   My gelding was cut VERY young... less then a 
month old if I remember correctsomething new the breeders vet was doing etc.
My Geling is short and big/bulky.  Blows both those theories right out of the 
water :)
He is barely 13.2 hands and is 1200 lbs (a real tank) of course he's a little 
over weight right nowbut he's dieting (always dieting it seems)
Aimee Day
Garaldn, Me.
Days End Fjords

Drafn's Ekko

2004-07-14 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For those of you looking - I have here at my farm a 6 yr. reg. gelding out of 
my stallion Drafn and my Danish import mare Malene Stanstorp (Halsnaes 
bloodlines)   My summer help has taken on the job of starting him under saddle 
summer for friends of mine.   My friends are interested in finding a new owner 
for him - one that will use and appreciate him more then they can.  He's too 
nice of a horse to be "just a pet".

We are so impressed with this horse.  Not only does he have good bloodlines, 
he has very pleasing conformation, a willing attitude, fluid gaits, calm 
disposition, and he's one of the softest horses I've ever ridden or driven.  
willing, soft, forward, level headed, well bred - what more could you ask for?? 
 How about all this and he's only been under saddle less then 4 weeks, and 
has already gone to his first dressage show this past weekend, where he scored 
62 on his USDF Intro test A, and a 58 on his USDF Intro test B.  His first 
time at a show, and his first time seeing other breeds and colors of horses.   
He was a BIG hit with everyone, especially after learning he'd only just begun 
his training.

This horse has HUGE potential.  We are looking for someone to continue on 
with him.   He's 14 hands, Brown dun, UTD on everything, trailers, good for 
farrier, great friendly playful personality.  His registered name is Drafn's 
and his asking price is $5,500.
I have his parents here, and some full siblings as well.  You can also see 
two of his full siblings listed on Beaver Dam Farm's website, under their 
for sale page.

Photos are available, and we are soon to make a video tape.
We live in Central Maine.

You can direct purchasing questions to his owners at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Training questions to his trainer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Questions on his bloodlines, siblings etc. to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thank you,
Aimee Day
Day's End Fjords

Re:foal birth/death

2004-06-30 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Helo everyone,

I wanted to thank everyone that wrote to me.  I appreciated your thoughts and 
kind wishes.
My mare is doing wonderful.  She's looking great, feeling great, and doens't 
seem concerned to be without a foal.  The foal in the pasture with her is very 
interested in HER, but she doesn't want anything to do with the foal.  She 
certainly has bounced back quicker then I have :)   I'm doing OK now 
thoughlife carries on, at least I still have my mare.
I've got a busy month ahead, and little time to wallow in what could have 
beens.  Again, thank you all for being here to share with.

Aimee Day
Garland, ME.

Foal birth/death

2004-06-28 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our last mare to foal this year, went into labor last night.
She was HUGE.
Everything was going as it should.  Water broke, and with in 15 min. we 
started getting a peak at what was presenting itself - it wasn't a footit 
an EAR.  I ran in and called the vet on call, who luckly lives 15/20 min. away. 
 He came right out.  He gets set up and goes in to reposistion the baby.  He 
gets the head and legs going in the right direction...but tells me he feels no 
movement from the baby - he's sorry.  We spend the next 5-10 min. (seemed 
like forever) pulling the foal from her.  When the foal is delivered, it is the 
BIGGEST fjord baby I've ever seen, and it has a Red Bag Placenta.  The vet said 
it never presented itself first so there was no way of me knowing that.  I 
guess from what I've read, it normally is the first thing you see.not the 
last.  This all took less then 3 hrs. from start to finish.  I'm so glad I was 
there to help her.  I had expected her to foal out the day before and had been 
checking her every hour on the hour - even through the nightso it's been a 
LONG 48 hrs. for me.
I feel badly to have lost this nice BIG colt, but I feel even worse for my 
mare.  She was nickering and waiting for her baby to answerand he never 
  She will be pastured, soon, with my other mare (her bestfriend) and her 
week old foal.  I am not sure if that's a GOOD idea or a bad one.  Will it make 
her miss her foal moreor help her adjust quicker?  Maybe it wont matter. 
???  And here I went and promised baby Fallon a playmate in a few days.  I 
you just never know.   I hate to have ANY losses, but at least mom is doing 
fine, and was very good and brave through the experience.
I thought I'd write and see if anyone else had experienced the "red bag" 
deliver in this way. 

Appreciate those normal births, and give your live foals a hug from me.  I 
know I WILL.

Days End Fjords

Sneaky births

2004-06-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/21/2004 9:45:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
immediately heading out to fetch Sadie, discovered
not one, but two Fjords there in the grass about 20 yards from the gate. One
was considerably smaller than the other What's this? The other Fjords in
the field, meanwhile, were also asking "What's this?", so they came galloping
over to check things out.
That's funny Peg.  Must have been the day for SNEAKY births.  I too found a 
baby in my pasture on Fridayaround 9:30am.  I went out to put more fly spay 
on everyone and there was an extra horse there :)  This mare didn't show 
signs of birthing that I caught either.  I however, only had my stallion and 
another bred mare in with her, so it was less of a rodeo for me.  :)   I was 
blessed with a filly, who we've named FALLON.  She is out of my Danish import 
Malene Stanstorp (Ceasar Halsnaes (Rei Halsnaes) ) and my stallion Drafn 
(Sanjar) and will be for sale.

I also have a yearling Gelding for sale, who is on the short side, but SOOO 
handsome and easy going.  He is roughly 12.2 hands.   What a great kids mount 
he will be.  He just loves them, and they love him too :)  Drafn's Dafydd, is 
very reasonably priced if anyone is intrested I have pictures and more info.
We also have a 10 yr. gelding for sale.  He is broke to ride.  Great trail 
horse.  Needs work on his canter but is very responsive and light on the bit.  
He's on the heavy side.  13.2 hands and roughly 1100lbs.  H.D. Sebastian (Solar 
& Gjest grandson)  He is reasonably priced as well.

Aimee Day
Garland, Maine

NFRA. this is really funny!

2004-06-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My friend sent me this and I thought it was cute.   I didn't have the address 
for it, so you can't see the pictures and links that went with itbut her 
writing is funny just the same and I thought you might get a kick out of it.
Aimee :)

Hello and welcome to the official website of the National Fjord Racing 
Association (c), managed by the greatest NFRA jockey herself, me! I am Jordan 
Like A Sack O' Potatoes" Couick. We are a small organization of one (1) NFRA 
racehorse (Rikjen, aka "Tilly"), one (1) trainer (me), and one (1) NFRA jockey 
(yours truly again). But we still maintain hope that our Association will 
grow, so Rikjen and I can race something other than our shadows. Because when 
sun is behind us, we never win. 

TELL US MORE ABOUT THE HORSES: The Norwegian Fjord is built almost identical 
to the thoroughbred, except they are shorter, fatter, a different color, 
bigger boned, lazy, stubborn, slow, piggish, have manes that stand straight up, 
when one runs it sounds like an avalanche. Other than that, the two breeds 
are very similar, so it is a mystery as to why the sport of Fjord racing has 
Hello and welcome to the official website of the National Fjord Racing 
Association (c), managed by the greatest NFRA jockey herself, me! I am Jordan 
Like A Sack O' Potatoes" Couick. We are a small organization of one (1) NFRA 
racehorse (Rikjen, aka "Tilly"), one (1) trainer (me), and one (1) NFRA jockey 
(yours truly again). But we still maintain hope that our Association will 
grow, so Rikjen and I can race something other than our shadows. Because when 
sun is behind us, we never win. 

TELL US MORE ABOUT THE HORSES: The Norwegian Fjord is built almost identical 
to the thoroughbred, except they are shorter, fatter, a different color, 
bigger boned, lazy, stubborn, slow, piggish, have manes that stand straight up, 
when one runs it sounds like an avalanche. Other than that, the two breeds 
are very similar, so it is a mystery as to why the sport of Fjord racing has 

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A RACE FJORD TRAINER?: A high tolerance for being 
kicked at, bitten, checked (hockey term meaning slammed into things), basically 
the same things that it takes to be a NTRA trainer.

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A RACE FJORD JOCKEY?: The fjord jockey is unlike any 
other jockey in the world. The fjord jockey must be able to handle an animal 
that has been known to reach speeds of up to 3 mph, and sometimes even 4 1/2 
mph when there is grain involved. They must also be experienced in the science 
of gravity and inertia, as they tend to fly forward when the fjord stops dead 
in a run and decides it's tired and hungry and sick of racing. 

WHO ARE SOME FAMOUS FJORD JOCKEYS?: There are none. I am the only one and 
when was the last time you saw me on equibase.com? The cold hard truth is, the 
fjord jockey is not a very famous athlete. We mostly stay at home, eating 
microwaved macaroni and cheese, Oodles O' Noodles, and for our meat and 
a nice chicken or beef pot pie. We also like the salted pretzels from the 
venders or the french fries from the NTRA jockey's lounge at Colonial Downs. We 
are not allowed to hang out in the jockey's lounge, however, because we are not 
considered real jockeys. At Colonial Downs, I am just a hotwalker. So you see, 
life is none too grand for the under-appreciated fjord jockey. 

WHO ARE SOME FAMOUS RACE FJORDS?: Well, there arent any famous ones of those 
either. In fact, there's only one. Rikjen (Tilly) just sits in a pasture, 
getting fat, rolling, sqealing, kicking around the other horses, and 
racing. You can visit her webpage in my links section, and there will be more 
photos coming of the both of us, so periodically check in. 

WHERE DO THE FJORDS RACE?: In a large pasture where there is no fencing for 
them to plow through and no innocent bystanders for them to run over.

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A RACE FJORD TRAINER?: A high tolerance for being 
kicked at, bitten, checked (hockey term meaning slammed into things), basically 
the same things that it takes to be a NTRA trainer.

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A RACE FJORD JOCKEY?: The fjord jockey is unlike any 
other jockey in the world. The fjord jockey must be able to handle an animal 
that has been known to reach speeds of up to 3 mph, and sometimes even 4 1/2 
mph when there is grain involved. They must also be experienced in the science 
of gravity and inertia, as they tend to fly forward when the fjord stops dead 
in a run and decides it's tired and hungry and sick of racing. 

WHO ARE SOME FAMOUS FJORD JOCKEYS?: There are none. I am the only one and 
when was the last time you saw me on equibase.com? The cold hard truth is, the 
fjord jockey is not a very famous athlete. We mostly stay at home, eating 
microwaved macaroni and cheese, Oodles O' Noodles, and for our meat and 
a nic

Antique Norwegian Wagon

2004-05-12 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have listed this item before but haven't found a buyer for it yet, so here 
I go again :)
I have an antique Norwegian Wagon for sale.   I believe it's called a spring 
wagon.  It's in wonderful shape. Could be used for parades or weddings, or 
whatever.  I'm sure you could find something useful for it other then what it's 
doing for metaking up space and collecting dust. :)
I do have photos for those with a serious interest in it.
I live in Central Maine.  It will fit on a flat bed trailer.  The shafts are 
I'm selling it below what I paid for it.  I have owned it for 4 yrs now and 
have had it hitched to a fjord ONCE.  It's just senseless to keep it, so I'm 
dropping the price to make it more attractive to another fjord owner.
I'm asking $2,600.

Thank you,
Aimee Day
Garland Maine

contact info needed

2004-01-01 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My old computer crashed...and haven't been able to retrieve some of my 
contact info off my old computer, yet.  
 I would like to hear from the lady who wrote me this year about my 4 wheel 
Norwegian wagon.  The lady who has a picture of the same wagon in her book - do 
you know who you are? :)   I'm sorry I don't remember your name (horriable at 
names)  Could you please email me when you read this?  Thank you so much.

Aimee Day
Garland Me.

For Sale

2003-12-28 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Winter prices (package deals on 2 or more)

9 yr. old Gelding (Gjest/Solar bloodlines)  13.2 drafty, 1100 lbs. Great 
trail horse. Good ground manners. Trailers well, good for farrier, UTD on 
vaccines, worming & coggins. He can get a bit spooky, but is manageable   $3,800

19 month old gelding  (Rei Halsnaes/Bronse bloodlines) Very handsome, 
Correct, lovely mover.. Standing 13.2 right now. Easily reaching 14 h. at 
maturity I 
think. Med. bone/build.  He's UTD on Vaccines, worming & coggins. Good for vet 
and farrier. Leads and ties well.   $2,800

2003 Colt (gelding) D.O.B. July 2nd (almost 6months)  This little guy is SOOO 
cute.  He is on the short side (compared to some of the other babies born 
here) but he's got plenty of size everywhere else. (He looks like he'll be 
and drafty.)  He's got a lovely temperament and personality, VERY low key 
about everything.  Nice conformation.  Will be or needs to be gelded before 
I'm not asking a lot for him. Will make someone a WONDERFUL fjord baby to 
raise.  $1,500

2003 Filly  D.O.B. July 2nd also.  This is one I planned to keep, but due to 
the abundance of horses here right nowI've decided if the right home comes 
along, she can go too.  She is really special.  We call her "little miss 
attitude"  She is hot stuff and she knows it :) Not as low keyed as her half 
brother above, but very smart.  She is a full hand taller then he is, but I 
got the actual measurements in front of me right now. She is as nice or nicer 
then what I saw shown at the VT show this Aug. (weanlings)  I own her ONLY 
full sister who's 4yrs, and she is just lovelyto look at and work with.  I 
was thinking maybe she'd turn out as well too, and what a matched pair I'd 
have.. Not really something I NEED at this time though.  I would love to 
her go to a good home, maybe be shown etc.  She has some nice bloodlines as an 
added bonus. (Rei Halsnaes/Bronse)  She's a full sister to the yearling 
gelding listed above.  They are BOTH really special horses.  $3,000

All horses are brown duns and reg.  I'm located in Central Maine.   Serious 
inquiries please. Thank You.
Aimee Day

P.S. For those that wrote to me this fall about my 4 wheel antique Norwegian 
wagon - I've stored it away, for the winter, but in the spring I plan to sell 
if for just what I paid for it - $3,000.  Those that are interested, I'd be 
willing to hold it with a small deposit.

Re: breed recognition

2003-11-11 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/10/03 2:02:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> > From: Danielle Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: new member /breed recognition
> >
> >. As much as I did enjoy seeing
> > the mare and baby at the booth I was surprised that the chosen fjord wasnt
> > "flashier" such as a stallion or one of the less known colors like the
> > gray. dont get me wrong, I thought Rosita is a beautiful mare but showing
> > a "flashier type" would have helped to show off the breed . . .

Hello Danielle, 
First let me say, you were not alone on this thought.  Then let me say 
having 8 fjords of my own, that I'm just glad SOMEONE was willing to take the 
time to do this. It is sometimes hard to get people to help out at these 
and though I don't know why this horse was chosen to represent the breed, 
when they have other fjords to choose from, I do APPRECIATE them doing what 
did do. Thank you Sue and Richard, and everyone else involved.
It is hard this time of year, with winter coming quickly to New England, to 
have any fjord looking sleek and flashy - IMHO :)  
I did notice other breeds did represent, in the show barn, the diversity in 
sizes and colors, and did think it would have been nice to see some of that 
with our fjords.  Againit takes volunteers and if I'm not willing to take 
time to do itI guess I shouldn't criticize those that did.

I did have another reply to something Carol Rivoire wrote last week about the 
Gypsy horses.  I saw lots of those there at the Equine Affair, and would like 
to comment that I saw many being riddenand ridden well :)   Though I do 
agree with most of what she said about that breed. :)

Aimee Day
Garland Me.

For Sale - trying again

2003-09-08 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry List, May have hit a wrong button and sent an empty letter.lets try 
again (now that I've had my first cup of coffee :-)

I have an antique Norwegian Wagon I'd like to sell.  The seats have been 
newly reupholstered, but everything else is original.  This wagon has been used 
for weddings and parades.  I'll be putting it back into storage soon but 
I'd try one more time to move it.  I have pictures for interested buyers.  
I'm asking $3,500 for it.
We live in central Maine.

I also have a few horses up for sale.
   I had a sale fall through on this years colt, so he's for sale again.  
Born July 2nd of this year. Brown dun, will be on the drafty side and my guess 
under 14 hands. Handsome and well put together. Sold as gelding - $1500. 
(sire: Drafn   dam: White Roses' Miss Thunder) Pictures available.
   I have a reg. yearling gelding that is breath taking. (really hate to part 
with this guy) He is a brown dun, about 13.2 hands right now - I expect to 
see him reach 14-14.2. Would make a very elegant riding or driving horse.  
Lovely movement and conformation. He leads, loads, and ties, good for the 
farrier & 
vet. UTD on vaccines, coggins & wormings.  Pictures available.  $3,000.
I also have a reg. 9 yr. brown dun gelding that I will sell to the right 
home.  He likes trail riding, and is a great boy on the trails. He's a tank, 
13.2 hands and about 1200lbs. He would be a kind lesson horse as well.  This is 
my personal riding horse, and not one I'm having an easy time thinking about 
selling.  Due to the younger horses coming along that need training, riding 
etc. I haven't had much time for him and feel maybe another home would be 
for him.  I've had him since he was weaned, so I know him inside and out. 
 He has good bloodlines, both of his gradsires are Gjest and Solar.  I'm 
asking $4,500 for him.

Thank you,
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland Maine

For Sale

2003-09-08 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Swollen Legs - 3rd and final update

2003-04-27 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Joe,

I am DEEPLY DEEPLY sorry for your loss.  So hard to lose a dear friend.  
Sounds like he had a positive impact on your life, and I wish you the best 
with your new expected foal.

Aimee Day

Antique Norwegian Wagon

2003-03-28 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Antique Norwegian Wagon for sale.  Shipped here directly from Norway.  Has 
two upholstered seats.  Very nice condition.  Use with a single horse or 
Would make a lovely wagon for parades, weddings or just a nice dive about :)
I have not dug it out yet, so I don't have any measurements.  It's in storage 
at the back of the garage.  Always stored undercover.  I would like to move 
this next month.  I'm asking $3800 for it.  Please let me know if you have 
any intrest in it, so that I can contact you as soon as I've dug it out :-)  
I have a few pictures.
We are located in Central MAINE.
Thank You,
Aimee Day

West Nile Vaccine's & Pregnant Mares

2003-03-28 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Everyone,
Because this vaccine is relatively new, I've wondered about giving this to my 
pregnant mares.
I recently read an article in my THE HORSE magazine.  The name of the article 
was "WNV and Equine Abortions?"   The gist of the article was that they 
looked at 400 equine abortions for evidence of WNV.  They found that 8.8% had 
evidence of WNV.  It has not previously been associated with abortions, and 
they are not saying it is now.  They will be doing further testing to gather 
information in determining the relationship between WNV and abortions.I 
guess, for me, I'll be waiting till after my babies are on the ground before 
using this vaccine.  It is something I will be giving to all my horses.   
Also, My vet told me a few years ago that he'd rather wait to give the 
pregnant mares their rabie vaccines till after they foaled.  He said there 
had been some cases of abortion that they felt where directly related to 
having had a recent rabies vaccine.   I have lost a littler of puppies 
because of this same reason.  Maybe some of you breeders have never had this 
problem, but again, I'm not taking any chancesbetter safe then sorry.
Just thought I'd mention it.


Re: west nile vaccine reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Jean,

I just went to an equine health discussion, given by one of our local vets.
We discussed all vaccines.  He told us there had been NO reports of reactions 
to this vaccine.of course this was about 4 weeks ago.  (he'd just been 
out to a vet convention recently too, where this was a topic)  He said only 2 
doses needed to be given to start with.  I have my bill in front of me from 
last years vaccines, and I paid $14 per shot for the west nile.   We are in 
Maine, if that helps any.


Re: West Nile Vaccine Reactions?

2003-03-25 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: club foot surgery

2003-03-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My gelding's club foot was not something he was born with.  It was an end 
result, from a shoulder & sternum injury that he incurred at 12 days old.  
Due to the lack of walking normally during his fast growth stage (before 3 
months of age) the ligament shorted, keeping the heel from dropping down 
where it should.  We did have surgery done to see if we could get that heel 
down, hoping just cutting the inferior check ligament would do it.  It did 
let it down some...but did not result in the out come my vet had hoped for.  
We then tried glue on shoes for a time...and it did get some of the rest of 
the his weight, off his toe, though my vet was not happy with the results of 
that either.  My vet did mention cutting the flexor tendon...but I felt this 
was just too extreme. At this point he was bobbing a bit at the walk...and 
though his trot was shortened, you really had to watch him to tell he wasn't 
traveling normally.  He was still resting on that toe a lot, and not putting 
his full weight down on that heel.  I didn't like seeing him like this My 
next approach (here comes the scoffers :-) ) was to contact a Shamanic 
Healer.  She did a healing session on him.  One of the things she found was 
that his right hip was out of joint. After his session, He immediately stood 
taller in the rear his heel came all the way downall the time, not 
just sometimes, and he stopped bobbing.  He moved like he was a normal horse 
again. His heel is down, and though his foot shape is messed up I feel he's 
moving comfortably and can run and play like the other horses now.
I had asked, earlier, about "what club foot surgery?" thinking there was 
something maybe I hadn't heard about yet...guess not.  Modern medicine is 
great...but sometimes it needs a little help outside that realm :)
Thank you,

Club Foot Surgery

2003-03-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/22/03 7:59:57 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Aimee,
>Just wondering, in case anyone has a great vet and wants to take a 
> chance on your gelding...  What does your vet say his chances are for 
> the 
> club foot surgery?
Hi Carole,
Was just wondering what club foot surgery you referred too? 

For Sale

2003-03-20 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a few fjords that I need to move this spring.
The first one is a gelding, coming 2 yrs. on June 2nd.  He is a special needs 
horse-  He has a club foot.  He is 13 hands at present, very calm and social, 
a real love bug. Nothing seems to bother him, very accepting of everything.  
He's handsome, and loveable.  Gets along great with all the horsesloves 
to play with everyone.  He hasn't had much done with him.  Does stand to have 
his feet done...though can put on quite a show,  that he can't stand long on 
his club foot (kneeling, even laying down - all done calmly).  Farrier 
assures me, this is an act to play upon my sympathies   Other then having a 
club foot...his other feet are very nice, and strong.  I'm asking $800 for 
him.  His name is Drafn's Arkin  (AR-kin) if you want to look up his pedigree 
on line.  I feel he would make a great pasture mate, or even a PET for 
someone who would love to have a fjord, but can no longer ride or drive 
one.they wouldn't have to feel guilty about him just being a lawn 
ornament.  I also feel (though vet and farrier can not give me any DEFFINATE 
answers, as of yet) that he could be trained and used as a walk-trot, or 
leadline pony.  ???
The second one I have for sale is a Broodmare in foal.  This mare came to me 
as an untrained 4 yr. old.  She was bred that year and not started.  The 
following year I was working with her older sister, so she was left to be the 
pasture babysitter - still not trained yet.  The following spring, she cut 
her foot on a chunk of ledge frozen in the ground... Which removed the inside 
bulb of her heel, and the back corner of her hoof, front foot.   Her foot has 
healed VERY well.  Both Vet and Farrier are amazed at how well it grew back, 
and how sound she now is.  Last summer I did a little bit of round penning 
with her...just to see how the foot would hold up...and saw no signs of 
lameness from the work.  I don't believe her foot is going to be a problem in 
getting her drivable or ridding, but as of yetshe's still had no 
training, just been a broodmare.  She is in foal with her second foal.  She 
was a great mother, easy delivery, loads of milk. :)  Her first foal was very 
mellow and social, even before imprinting. (bred to the same stallion)  This 
foal is due Mid July.   She is a drafty mare, standing 14 hands.  Lovely 
broad head with thick long forelock.  Right now her mane is uncut, and splits 
down the middle   She looks quite pretty in it.  Her reg. name is White 
Roses' Miss Thunder (we call her Thumper) if you want to look up her 
bloodlines.  She is bred to the stallion Drafn, if you want to look up the 
foals bloodlines.  Drafn is athletic build, with heavy bone. 14.2 hands, easy 
going, mellow fellow with excellent work ethic. A wonderful driving horse 
who's in training under saddle for Dressage.  He passes on his good traits to 
his babies.  I'm asking $4,000 in foal for her.
The third one I honestly do NOT want to sell, so I'm hoping No One wants him 
This is a gelding. Turning 1 yr. May 12th.  He is my 'dream' horseOr at 
least I feel he's going to be :)  He leads well, stands tied (thought not 
always still) one of his lessons he's working on. He's good with his feet 
(having them trimmed, in case that left some doubts LOL)  He has a beautiful 
small, broad head.  Lovely conformation, and movement. Sweet and friendly.  I 
haven't measured him but my guess is he's about 12.2 right now, at 10 months 
old.  He is out of my Dutch import mare - Malene Stanstorp (by Caesar 
Halsnaes [by Rei Halsnaes] )  and the stallion  Drafn (by Sanjar)  This baby 
has had my eye from DAY ONEI have never changed my mind about him since.  
I see this horse doing it all.  I'm asking, (remember I don't really want to 
sell him, but husband says I must try) $6000  ( he said I had to try and sell 
himhe didn't say I had to be reasonable LOL)  His sire is 14.2 hands and 
his dam is 14 hands.  His name is Drafn's Cynric. (sin-rick)

We are located in Central Maine.  I do have pictures available, but no 
videos.  Please, only SERIOUS inquires.  
You may contact me privately at :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Thank you,
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

Rei Halsnaes bloodlines

2003-02-25 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Really enjoyed Linda Lehnert's brief history of Rei Halsnaes.  I have a 
danish imported mare who's grandsire is Rei Halsnaes. She's by http://www.nfhr.com/ponyweb/ponyweb.cgi?horse=2432&HorseName=Malene&Page=1&Sort=0";>CAESAR
HALSNAES D-593 1.pr I kl Elite, Rei Halsnaes' son.  She's out of http://www.nfhr.com/ponyweb/ponyweb.cgi?horse=3176&HorseName=malene&Page=1&Sort=0";>MUDDI
STANSTORP D-7020 1.pr.(by http://www.nfhr.com/ponyweb/ponyweb.cgi?horse=2307&HorseName=malene&Page=1&Sort=0";>ASKOV
 N-1722 D-567 2.pr I kl.2.gr X http://www.nfhr.com/ponyweb/ponyweb.cgi?horse=3406&HorseName=malene&Page=1&Sort=0";>SASJA
D-5827 I kl.A + M )
 I didn't aquire her till her later years, but I believe she's done her line 
proud, a time or two :)  I know she has given me TWO outstanding foals, (one 
mare, one gelding) and I'm expecting another this July.  The July foal will 
be for sale if anyone is interested in these lines. (Sire: http://www.nfhr.com/ponyweb/ponyweb.cgi?horse=1512&ParentID=1512&Page=1&Sort=6";>DRAFN
 )  The two 
that I kept (out of same sire)  have wonderful personalities, lovely gaits, 
and very nice conformation.  The total package as far as I'm concerned :)   
Husband says I have to sell last years gelding too...but I'm finding it very 
hard to part with himhe's just so perfect :)
Just thought I'd mention it while Rei Halsnaes bloodlines where being talked 
about :)Thanks! 

Days End Fjords,
Garland Maine.

Re: Poem - Linda Schleef

2003-01-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Linda,
Glad the poem brought you out of lurking :)   Wish I could take the credit 
for writing it too :)  I just hope my old bones will hold up for the ride 
across the meadow...if they do I'll figure out a way to get on :)
Take Care,


2003-01-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I am an old Horsewoman

I shall wear turquoise and diamonds,
And a straw hat that doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my social security on white wine and carrots,
And sit in my alley-way of my barn
And listen to my horses breathe.

I will sneak out in the middle of a summer night
And ride the old dun gelding,
Across the moonstruck meadow
If my old bones will allow.

And when people come to call, I will smile and nod
As I walk past the gardens to the barn and show instead the flowers growing 
inside stalls fresh-lined with straw.
I will shovel and sweat and wear hay in my hair as if it were a jewel.

And I will be an embarrassment to all,
Who will not yet have found the peace in being free to have a horse as a best 
A friend who waits at midnight hour
With muzzle and nicker and patient eyes
For the kind of woman I will be
When I am old.
   ~Author Unknown

Found this and thought I'd share it.  That's the kind of woman I want to be 
too :)
(I did change the word Bay to Dun to discribe the geldingjust to fit our 
horses )

Aimee Day
-30 in Maine  "BU"  

Re:fjord type

2003-01-18 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do realize "it is in the eye of the beholder" that's why I asked the 
questionto give us something to talk about, and I was interested in what 
each persons EYE told them.  HOWEVER.I didn't even get digest 19 which 
had my question and some of your answersso that was a bit irritating to 
say the least. (yes I could go look in the archives or change serversbut 
I'm lazy LOL)  Anyways, it was just food for thought, something to help pass 
these cold mornings away (-18 degree's this morning BURRR)
Take care and stay warm :)


Fjord type ?

2003-01-16 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  This is something I've thought about for sometime.  It basically started 
last summer when I had someone describe MY stallion as drafty, when that 
thought has NEVER came to mind to me when I look at him.   I have recently 
looked at some photos of other people's fjords, where they have described 
them as drafty type and I haven't thought that. I'm wonderingwhat makes 
one think or feel one horse over another is "DRAFTY" ?   It's been awhile 
since I've read over the standard, and I could dig it out and go over it 
again, but I thought I'd get an opinion on this here.
What do people feel is the line between Drafty and a more athletic build?  
Are people judging by the thickness of bone, by the depth of girth & hip, or 
what?  Just wondering what one persons idea of Drafty is against another's.  
Food for thought :)
I myself have 7 fjords, ranging from the drafty to what I call athletic, but 
who knowsmaybe I have ALL drafty type and don't realize it or vice versa 
:)  Not that it really matters to me.  My draftiest fjord is my main trial 
riding horse, one I've paraded, and one I've attempted to show :)   He has 
never been taught to drive or pull (I've raised him from a foal and at the 
time just wanted a riding horse)  He stands 13.2 tall, and in good working 
shape (which isn't always) he weighs 1,100 lbs. He's pretty wide - at least 
5- 6 inc. between his front legs, deep barrel, and his bone measures 8.5''  
he is what I consider "drafty".Now my stallion is a totally different 
build.  He is 14.2, 960 lbs, has a smaller barrel, leggier, with huge bone 
-big hocks and knees. Very in proportion. He's mainly used for driving, 
though we have been working him under saddle - goal - dressage :) I consider 
him athletic.  I did however have a mare owner argue with me that he was 
DRAFTY.  I see nothing 'drafty' about him.  So I have realized there are a 
lot of different interpretations of what "drafty" means But what is 
right???  I don't want this to turn into an argument over differences of 
opinions...but I would be interested in what other opinions on this are.
Aimee Day

Some cute to bring a smile

2002-12-25 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This link was sent to me and boy is it cute.  There even looks like a fjord 
in the bunch. :)
try it and have fun!

> Some things just need to be passed along.
> Click here:
>  HREF="http://svt.se/hogafflahage/hogafflaHage_site/Kor/hestekor.swf";>http://svt.se/hogafflahage/hogafflaHage_site/Kor/hestekor.swf
> Wait for the entire screen to load up with all 4 horses & a fence in front 
> of them --   Then, click on each horse.   Re-click on any horse to make it 
> turn off, or turn it back on again. turn all of them on at the same time. 
> to funny

Missing digest

2002-12-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm reading my digest and realize I'm missing part of the story hereabout 
the rescue horses. One digest we have them289, then in 292, it seems we 
don't.  HELP.   Could someone please send me digest 290 and 291.  I did not 
receive them.   Thank you!

Aimee Day

Re: Our Fjords are famous! =))

2002-11-27 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Ruthie,
I get that magazine and saw the picture you speak of.  A lovely picture.  It 
was a good article too, and just days before I got the magazine I had been 
seriously giving thought to letting my 2 bred mares stay to pasture with the 
stallion come summer, when they foal.  They are with him now and are a very 
happy little group.  The previous owner had always let him run with the mare 
and baby, with no problem. I have just not had the courage to try it in the 
last few years.  After reading the article, it helped me make the decision to 
try it.
I can only hope my experience is as good of one as yours has beenbut I 
wont know till I try it, will I ?  :)
Take Care,
A. Day
P.S.  Hope everyone's Turkey Day is a good one!

Young gelding for sale (pet??)

2002-08-24 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List,
I know this isn't the best time to post, as a lot of folks are away at shows 
But I need to stop putting this off.  I posted a few months ago, and had some 
intrest, but I'm desperate now.
I need to sell this little darling or my husband says he's selling him for 
meat (as you can imagine ~ I'm horrified at the thought!!!)
He is gelded, reg. with the NFHR. 1 yr old this past July. 13 Hands, 600+ 
lbs. VERY handsome, brown dun.  He does however have a clubbed right front 
foot, that he developed from an injury as a young foal.  He is SUPER sweet, 
very loveable, gets along great with everyone ~ 2 legged or 4. (actually too 
good...he petted a porcupine this week) He is a real clown and though I doubt 
he'll be useable when he matures, he'd make someone a great pasture mate or 
pet.  ( I shouldn't say he WONT be useable ~ with shoeing and therapeutic 
work he might ~ I just don't know and neither does the vet)  He's fully 
vaccinated, wormed reg. trimmed every 6 weeks.   I would give him away if I 
could, but my husband wants to recoup SOME of his vet bills.  We live in 
Maine, and are asking $800 for him.  Please contact me privately for more 
info, and photos.  Thank you, Aimee  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

raffle item

2002-08-08 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm posting this for a friend who use to be on the list:

Would the person that wants the wooden cut out of the horses running over the 
hills for their raffle contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call me again.  my 
husband messed up the message and phone number.  :-)  

A "special" fjord gelding

2002-07-13 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
I have put this off for months now...not sure how to go about it, but I am 
getting behind and I need to do it now.
I have a brown dun, yearling gelding for sale.  He is not your normal fjord 
He is 13 hands, and fairly drafty.  He has the most HANDSOME head you'll 
find, his conformation is lovely (for the most part) and he has the BEST 
personality you'll come across :)  He is very mellow, personality PLUS, Super 
Super Sweet, a real clown.  You can do anything to him. He loves to play in 
the water.  Loves people, other horses life in general.  However, he is a 
special needs horse.  As a 2 week old foal, he ran into a tree, and hurt 
himself.  While he was in pain, he stopped using his front right leg 
properly. Thus developing a club foot.  We had the check ligament surgery 
done to release his heal...but we didn't get the results we hoped for.  So he 
is club footed, on that right front. He needs a shoe, and he should be 
receiving some type of physical therapy work on that side, as his shoulder is 
now higher on that side also. I am just stretched too thin, so have decided 
to try and find him a home that will care for him better then I am able to at 
this time.
I honestly don't know if this horse will ever be more then "just a pet" but 
there might be someone out there willing to take a chance on him, or maybe 
someone who can no longer ride or drive would still love to have a fjord as a 
pet, and you wouldn't have to feel any guilt over him not being "used".  He 
would make someone a GREAT best friend. 
I've tried to keep his price low. Would love to just give him to someone but 
the sensible half (my husband) says we need to pay for some vet bills - so 
that's all I'm asking for.   If you might be interested, will live in Maine, 
I have pictures, and I'm asking $1000 for him.  He is reg. with the NFHR and 
is cute as a bug!  His name is Arkin ( ARK-in)
Thank you,

Aimee Day
Garland Me.

Re: West Niles Vaccines

2002-06-24 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Julie,
I vaccinated all my horses this year for this.  They had no problems from the 
vaccine or the booster.  My vet said they hadn't had any reactions reported 
to date.
Hope that helps.

Aimee Day
Garland ME

Re: foal scours

2002-06-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 6/22/02 1:20:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Attention all you breeders out there:  I have "discovered" a wonderful 
> treatment for those foal-heat scours that newborns get.  You know, the kind 
> where you spend days scrubbing stinky, sore little bottoms and pumping 
> Pepto-Bismol in the front end?It's easy, it's cheap -- and it works 
> wonderfully!

What works even betther Jan is to not have them get it in the first place.   
I must brag that the last 3 foals born here have not gotten foal-heat scours, 
because of some advice a breeder gave me a few years ago. (Sue G. that would 
be you :-))  I have followed it and find it works!  I cut back on the grain 
my mare was gettingafter the baby is born.  I give her maybe half what 
she was getting till AFTER she's had her foal heatthen I start increasing 
till she's back to what she should have.  I was talking to my vet about this 
just the other day...he told me one of his other breeders told him (and 
swears by it) that they worm the mare within a day of birthing...and the 
foals NEVER get scours  ???  haven't tried this one yet but my vet says this 
breeder hasn't had scours in over 10 yrs following this procedure.
Just food for thoughtI'd rather prevent it, then treat it.  :-)

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

Yearling Filly for sale

2002-06-05 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List, 
Again listing this for a fellow MAINER.  :)
She has a fjord filly for sale.  She turned 1 yr. in May.  She is a brown 
dun.  Very pretty - Quite - easy to handle.   She is out of a SOLAR mare, and 
a SANJAR stud. (my stallion actually)
This family is in a very bad financial bind and REALLY needs to sell her.  
Otherwise she would NOT be for sale.
She has lowered her price to $2,800 or best offer.   
Photo's are available, as well as a video for serious inquires.
I have her email address under my other screen name, and can't remember it, 
so if you want, you can reply to me and I'll forward your letters to her.  
Thank you.
Aimee Day

Fjord Filly for sale

2002-05-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm posting this for a lady here in Maine.

Hannah tuned 1 yr. this May.   (Drafn (by Sanjar) X MH Selma (by Solar)
She is easy to work with. Good for the Farrier. Leads. Stands Tied. Comes 
when called (easy to catch out to pasture) and loads into the trailer. She's 
a brown dun.
Needs to be placed before Aug.  Asking $3,300. Price is neg.with a REASONALBE 
Pictures can be e-mailed, and a video can be sent to SERIOUS inquiries only 
Contact Beth at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aimee Day

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2002 #115

2002-05-19 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 5/19/02 4:35:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> If it has a significant amount of angle then surgery may be
> needed.  It is a simple procedure to stimulate the growth on the outside.
> Severe angles require a more involved surgery requiring wires or staples
> implanted on the inside to slow the growth there

Math & Geometry are not my strong points, but I would say his foot is out a 
good 2-3 inc. from where it should be...straight under his knee.  I have a 
feeling this would be considered severe.  I did find a website that described 
this surgery - with pictures, and your description helped too.  THANK YOU.   
I will give him time, to see if he corrects himself keeping him confined 
is the HARD part LOL  He is such a BUSY - FRISKY boy  :)  His poor mother 
almost fell over the other dayshe got so DIZZY watching him run laps 
around her in the stall!  And after a foal has run 3,000 laps around a stall 
in a dayhe has stirred up EVERYTHING real well (if you know what I 
mean)and stall mucking has taken on a NEW meaning now :)  
Thank you for responding!

Aimee (and CYNRIC the cyclone LOL)

OTHER leg problems in foals

2002-05-16 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list,
I almost wish a contracted tendon is what I'm facing right now  seems 
like a pretty easy fix, but I'm not.
Our baby ~ Cynric, not yet a week old, was born "Knock Knee'd", right leg 
shoots out to the side, quite a bit.  I was HOPING with a little exercise it 
would come back under himbut to no avail.  Vet was out yesterday to 
gelded my yearling, and looked at him...said to give him another week, but 
because there hadn't been any real improvement...it wasn't looking good.  
Surgery was probably in his future.   We didn't discuss logistics at this 
point...just wanted me to be prepairedhe'll come back in a week and look 
at him again  I was wondering if anyone else has faced this...?  Dr. 
Steve, your imput? :)
He is the most HANDSOME foal I have seen in yearsand it just saddens my 
heart to have him less then perfect.
It sure hasn't held him up anyhe's outside now running laps around 
momflying lead changes and everything :):):)  God he's CUTE !!!  :)
Ok...just thought I'd bring this up...while we're discussing leg problems in 

It's a BOY

2002-05-10 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list, 
Wanted to share my good news.
My 18 yr. old, Danish imported Mare, Malene, Delivered this morning, a 103 lb 
brown dun colt.  He already needs his mane trimmed LOL
I was really hoping for a filly...but once they are here...how can you be 
upset :-)
He's going to be full of it tooat 1 hr. old he was already running and 
bucking laps around the stall and his mother, who wasn't very happyshe 
really wanted him to EAT, and relieve some pressure :)
Made the hourly trips to the barn last night to be therewas pouring and 
cold or I'd have slept out there.  Took an extra 30 min. to sleep ONE 
timeand wouldn't you know.that's when he was born around 3 am.  
Only one we had due this year.glad that's over with LOL

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland Me.

Mare for sale

2002-03-04 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list,
I have a mare for sale.I wanted to sell her as a pair with her full 
sister, but her sister had an accident yesterday, and will most likely be 
only a broodmare now.  So now that I will DEFIANTLY be keeping her sister for 
sometime.I really need a quick sale on this mare.
This mare is reg. She's a brown dun. She is 14.1 hands. She's turning 7 in 
July. She's had one foal (excellent mom) She wasn't broke to ride or drive 
till she was 5 yrs.  She's had more riding then driving done with her, but is 
green in both.  Excellent on roads and trails. Trailers well, excellent for 
the farrier. She has some potential for first level dressage,  with more 
work.  Even though she's a sweet horse, she can be pushy and needs a 
knowledgeable handler.
We are located in central maine.   I'm offering her at the low price of 
$3,400 for the month of March only.  Great horse for someone with more time 
then I have right now for her.

Thank you,
Aimee Day

For Sale....

2002-02-04 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2 mares.  Full sisters.  Nice matched pair.  Reg. with NFHR & CFHA.  Both 
have had one foal each, excellent mothers.  They are brown duns, 
approximately 14-14.1 Hands.  Ages 5 & 6.  One is green broke to ride and 
drive, the younger has had no training.  Will sell separate, as a pair, bred 
(to our brown dun stallion  -  DRAFN, NFHR reg.) or open.  Please contact me 
privately for more info.   Located in Central Maine.

Antique Norwegian Wagon.  Shipped here from Norway.  Wonderful usable 
condition.  Two, interchangeable, upholstered seats.  This wagon was used for 
Weddings and such once it was here in the states.  I wont be selling this 
item till spring, as it's in storage and I don't want to dig it out yet, but 
I thought I'd let everyone know it's going to be available.  I do have a 
picture of it, somewhere :-) It looks SO good with a fjrod hitched to it :-)  
  This too is located in Central Maine.

Send emails to :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aimee Day

Sleighing with Sue......

2002-01-20 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Everyone,
Just spent a wonderful day with Sue and Joe Connolly, at a sleigh rally, here 
in Maine.
I'm sure Sue will write and tell you of her and YoYo's wins, but I wanted to 
share a funny thing that happened today.  It actually made the day for me, as 
I kept chuckling about it, if not to Sue, then to myself :)
During a break, Sue and I had gone for a potty break and asked Sue's husband 
Joe to head the horse for us.  When we got back we climbed inwith our 
Long fur coats, fur hats, lap robe, and foot warmer.the whole works :)   
We took a lap around the area while waiting for the judge to finish judging a 
JR. class.  As we sat there waiting for our next class, Sue's husband 
wandered over and says to Sue "did you notice his bridle fits better?"  Sue 
says "No, what did you do?"  He says that he loosened it up a little.  She 
askes him HOW he did that and he says that the bit was touching the corners 
of his mouth. That the poor horse didn't need or want that bit pulled up into 
his mouth like that all day..that's why he'd been fighting her (WHICH HE 
HADN'T BEEN)  Sue gets out of the sleigh and looks and sure enough the bit is 
hanging in his mouthno contact in the corner of his lips at all  :-) 
He stood there and went on and on as Sue put the bit back where it should 
be.Now what is so funny about all this is SUE is the horse person, 
not Joe, but JOE felt he knew more then Sue about it.   I asked if he'd 
loosened anything else we should know about before we went in the next class  
LOL  Maybe it was funnier if you were actually there, but I thought it was 
funny, how his TRYING to be helpful, WASN'T  :)

Aimee Day

Re: Dalric B therapeutic shoe

2001-11-01 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The first two times the shoe was applied, lots of tape, and stall time were 
givenstill not good.  
Last night the vet came out again and we tried something different to bond 
the shoe to the foot.  It was some type of epoxy, that he got off a farrier, 
and it worked GREAT!   The shoe is now on and has been for near 20 hours, so 
so far so good.

Dr. Steve, I'm not sure my vet did right by this foal from the get go, but we 
are all human and mistakes are made.  He is however trying to find a way to 
get him sound.  He preformed a check ligament surgery, which didn't help 
release the heal.  He's hoping with the shoe, trimming, and GRAVITY, the 
tendon will begin to flex more to it's full potential.I have mentioned 
using tetracycline to him, and he didn't really act like the thought it would 
help  Said he felt it was more useful in foals born this way.   He did 
mention that it wouldn't hurt to try it, but as of yet, he hasn't done it.   
Do you think I should speak to him about this again?  You feel it could be 
helpful even if they are not born this way?
Thanks to all of you who wrote.I for one am happy that it's ON, hopefully 

Aimee Day

Glue on Shoes

2001-10-30 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello list,
I have been having the worst timemaybe someone on here knows the answer 
to my problem.
I had a foal that was injured this summer and because of the injury, wasn't 
walking on his foot properly, He then developed a club foot, which we are 
trying to shoe, because he is still not right, and we need to get some 
pressure off that toe, and hopefully stretch his tendon back out where it 
should be.
My vet and I have tried on 2 different occasions to glue on his Dalric B 
therapeutic shoe , and have yet been able to have them stay on for more then 
2 hrs.  We have followed the directions to a T.  Gone above and beyond what 
needed to be done to keept he foal quiet for 30 min. so the glue has tiime to 
set.  I thought maybe a different type of shoe, but my vet assures me a 
bought a "good" kind.Has anyone any experience with glue on shoes?  I 
have wrote to the company to see if there is something I'm not doing right, 
but have yet to hear from them.   Seems the list was a little slow, I decided 
to write here as wellif nothing else, it gave you something to read :)
Thank you,
Aimee Day

Reply to Bonnie, from Aimee

2001-10-16 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/16/01 7:44:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Anyways I
> wanted to know the 6 places you are supposed to apply it and how much do
> you apply at a time?  Would this also be every 2 weeks?  Am very
> interested to try this!
> Thanks for your help.
> Bonnie in Wi

Hi Bonnie,
I think if I was using a different product, then the Freedom, I would go more 
on what the bottle suggested, but if I remember Correctly, the 6 places you 
use the Freedom on are : Poll, Withers, Croup, Hocks, & Knees. (I can't 
remember the 6th spot)  You were supplied 1oz for each spot (1/2 oz on each 
knee & hock) 
I'm sorry, that's all I remember.  Hope that helps a little bit anyways.
Aimee Day

Re: gelding

2001-10-06 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have some advice for keeping them moving the day after gelding.   I would 
go out to the pasture, with a lung whip, and just start whirling it around in 
the air and cracking it.got the horses all running, and they would have a 
wonderful time kicking up their heals (those that weren't gelded recently :)  
And I would do this a few times a day and they started looking forward to the 
"new" game mama was playing :)  It kept the baby moving, and that was my goal.
About size relating to gelding early..  My gelding I bought as a weanling 
was gelding at 23 days (A new procedure the breeders vet was doing, using a 
laser)  He is a TANK.  He is not femine at all.  He is not TALL.  He is 13.2 
hnads, and is the widest fjord I've seen to date.  He weighs 1150 lbs (when 
he's in GOOD condition)  He certainly is the earliest weaned colt that I've 
heard of, and I see none of the normal stereo type applies to him.
That's my personal experience with early gelding.  
I've been gelding my babies before they are weaned, and that seems to be 
working out well for us.  

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

Re:Freedom Spot-on

2001-10-01 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list,
I bought this product this summer, when the face flies just got too much to 
bare.  I can't use fly masks, as they are pastured with buddies, who wont 
leave them on each other.  Because of the cost, and the number of horses I 
had here, 8 at the time, I decided to split the tubes up between horses.  
Instead of putting it on 6 different spots on the horse, I put it on only 2 
spots, the poll and the croup.  This worked GREAT. 
While my vet was here, we got talking about the flies and I mentioned what I 
had used this and how happy I was with the results, but not the price.  After 
looking at the package the vet said it looked to be the same thing they pour 
on cows, and it would be MUCH cheaper, being a product made for cows (safe 
for horses too though)  She said they really up the price on products made 
for horses, when 9 times out of 10 they have the same product being used for 
dairy cows that could be used for both.   So my advice is to look around in 
the Cattle section, of whatever venue you use to buy your products.  I can't 
remember right off hand which product the vet mentioned, but I just went to 
American Livestock Supply. Inc. (www.americanlivestock.com) under Cattle, and 
there are a number that seem like they would be equal too or better, at a 
cheaper price.  Worth looking into.  I know I'll be trying something like 
that for next year.

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

Truth or Fiction : You decide

2001-08-07 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a little something to sharesomething I think we all can become 
involved in (for a little fun) and see how we all think it measures up.
Ok, here goes
I read once, in a horsey type magazine, an article.  This article was talking 
about how to judge the temperament of a horse while looking at it to buy, or 
just admiring it.   On the forehead of the horse, is a whirl mark.  Going by 
the eyes, if the whirl is higher the horse is Hot, Aggressive, Spooky, Etc. 
the further up the head the more so.  The lower the whirl pattern the Clamer, 
Sweeter, Steadier, Etc. the horse.  NowI have used this method, as well 
as looked for a horses whirl after seeing his true temperament, to see if 
what I read has held true.  I must sayit has never been wrong for me.
I've seen horses that are pretty close in temperamentbut that one little 
thing that maybe makes one better then the otherthey have always had 
their whirl just a bit lower :)It's kind of neat, and I thought I would 
share it.  Next time you're out with your horses, you know how they all 
behavelook at their whirl and see if it is indeed lower or higher, 
matching their temperament.
In my personal walk with horses. I have found those an inch or more lower 
then the eyethe BEST ones.  Right between the  eyespretty good.  
Those above the eye lineBrats and usually the first to be sold or never 
purchase to begin with! LOL
So take a minute and look, and see if you'd have to agree that this does make 
some since. (how??? I don't know LOL )

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland Me.

For Sale

2001-07-10 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Everyone,
Boy has this year been busy.  I think every year things will slow down and 
they don't.  
I've decided to part with 2 of my mares.  I also have 2 - 2001, colts for 
sale, when weaned.

The first for sale is a Danish Imported Mare.  Malene Stanstorp DK-X-100-M (
sire: Caesar Halsnaes  grandsire: Rei Halsnaes)
D.O.B.  April 4th, 1984.  Brown Dun, 14 Hands
She rides and drives (though she hasn't been hitched in years) She's a little 
out of shape, been a broodmare only for a number of years.  She's an excellent
 mother. She had a year off from motherhood and is now in foal for 2002  with 
our Stallion DRAFN KTF-H-655-S (Sanjar) She is a quiet mare that has been 
used in the past for therapeutic riding.
The second mare for sale is double registered: White Roses' Matilda C-1421  
HIV-I-1711-M (sire: Anvil's Randi  grandsire: Rudaren)
D.O.B. July 15th, 1995.  Brown Dun 14.1 hands.  
Last year she was green broke to ride and drive.  She had her first foal in 
June, of this year (gorgeous stud colt) by our stallion DRAFN.  She is very 
forward moving and will make an excellent mount with more training. What 
little time she spent learning to drive, showed her to be VERY responsive and 
light on the bit.  She hasn't had any work done with her this year.  She is 
GREAT on trails, on roads, & trailering.  She is also a great mother.   We 
will sell her as a package deal with this years stud colt or after her foal 
has been weaned.
We also have for sale the 2 stud colts by our stallion DRAFN.  Both are 
sturdy built, very nice heads, brown duns.  

Please contact me privately if you're interested in more info and prices of 
any of these horses.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are located in Central Maine.

Thank You,
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

Halter class Question?

2001-06-12 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list...
I've been getting my Woodstock show entry ready, trying to decide which 
horses to bring etc. 
I have a question first though...
I have a 2 yr old filly that I'd like to show in the Halter Class, 
BUTlast fall she cut her Cannon bone pretty bad.  As much as we tried to 
prevent any scaring or lump formingshe has a bump on her cannon bone.  
Would this be considered a flaw, and something that would get her marked down 
or not even placed for?   I would hate to truck her all that way if she isn't 
going to have an equal chance.If anyone has any idea about how this 
works...could you let me know.   Thank you,
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland ME

Horses for sale

2001-06-12 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've posted to our "Maine Fjord Horse Clubs" website, the 3 fjords I have for 
sale at this time.  I didn't list alot of info on them...just a brief over 
view, prices and pictures.   Please feel free to contact me privately about 
The Maine Fjord Horse Clubs web site is:  http://mainefjordclub.homestead.com/page1.html";>The Maine Fjord Horse 
Club   You 
can see them on the FOR SALE page.
There are 2 - 2001 colts for sale and One 6 yr. old mare (one colts dam)

Thank you,
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords, Garland Me.

It's ANOTHER boy

2001-06-11 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list,
Been slow getting this one out, but we had our last foal for the year, born 
June 6th.
Both foals this year are colts.  Different in temperament as night and 
day.it's amazing how much influence mom has on them.  One mom is clam and 
laid back...the other mom has a few 'short circuits'  LOL  
Both are handsome, healthy, big boyswho will be for sale after weaning.
Dam's are:  "White Roses' Miss Thunder"  And  "White Roses' Matilda"   Sire 
to both, is our stallion:  "Drafn"  ( if you'd like to look up their 
bloodlines on the NFHR website pedigree search page. )
Life sure seems busier with 2 foals on the farm so close in agebut maybe 
it just seems that way because of how much time I spend just WATCHING them at 
pasture :):):)   And of course it's hard to keep my hands off them :)

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords, Garland Me.

Liland's new owner!

2001-06-11 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Sam,
So glad to hear Liland has found a new home so quickly.  I know the Wheeler's 
will be glad to know he'll be used for something more then a lawnmower :)
By the wayour stallion is Liland's FULL brother.  I don't know where 
Liland got his size fromDrafn is 14.2  :-)
I am pleased to hear you own Felicity's Tyra too.  She was a pretty mare that 
I gave SERIOUS thought to purchasing myself, when she was a 2 yr. old.
Have fun with your NEW horse.  I'm sure you'll find him to be the sweet horse 
that I remember him to be :)

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords, Garland Me.

Gelding for sale

2001-06-08 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi list, 
I'm listing this gelding for these people.  I haven't seen the gelding since 
last year, but he was, "Cute As A Bug", to use my friends term for him :)

6 yr. old gelding (D.O.B. 5/95)  Sire: SANJAR  Dam: JOMFRUROSABreeder: 
Herman & Therese Venheim, VT.

He goes under saddle, needs a little more work to finish him.  He's only had 
a beginner rider on him, and done some therapeutic riding for a child with 
autism.  The owners bought him for their daughter who has lost interest in 
him.  He basicly has been to pasture for the last year or so.  He has had 
reg. vaccinations, trimmings and wormings.   He is a sweet horse that learns 
quickly.  (I don't believe this horses has ever had anyone train or ride him 
that KNOWS what they are doingI'm sure he has great potential for the 
right persons.)
They really need to sell him, and have priced him well below what they paid 
for him as a yearling.  They would really like to see him go somewhere where 
he'll be used.  I'd take him if I didn't already have more then I can handle 
now!  LOL
They live in Bingham Me.  Their names are Rachel and Brian Wheeler.  Home 
Phone # 207-672-4950   Work phone # 672-3609
The geldings name is Liland.  He's smallI'd guess about 13.2 hands. They 
are asking $2,700 or best offer.  I heard as low as $2,000 mentioned 
folks. Good deal for the right person!
Please help them find a new home for this guyI know everyone would be 

Please contact them at the phone numbers given above...and not meI've 
told you all I know :)

Thank you,
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords, Garland Me.

It's a boy- part 2

2001-06-04 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just wanted to let everyone know (who's interested) that the foal is doing 
great.  Is getting introduced to a lot of new things and accepting everything 
with flying colors.   We have also decided on a namethough most of my 
friends HATE it My mind is made up.  He will carry our stallion's name 
(something his previous owner started, and we've decided to continue) so his 
reg. name will be "DRAFN'S ARKIN"  (pending NFHR acceptance) Arkin is 
Norwegian meaning : The Eternal King's Son.
Arkin will be for sale after he is weaned.
I don't have a website set up to show pictures of him, but if you want to see 
him, write me privately and I'll gladly send you pictures or any other 
information you'd like to have.

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords, Garland Me. 

It's a BOY

2001-06-02 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi folksWanted to share my good news, then read John and Martie 
Bolinski's SAD  newsnow I feel bad.  John and Martie your loss just makes 
me all the more thankful for my blessings! 
My mare is due June 17th.  This is her first time.  I can tell she's going to 
go early...she's been HUGE for months, and her udder has filled in and waxed 
up.I have a feeling it's going to be today/tonight.  It's pouring here so 
I keep her inside even though I had planned to let her birth at pasture.  We 
had plans to go out with friends.so I checked her at 11am, noticed her 
udder was really round todayand very waxed up teats.  I made sure her 
stall was nicely padded with straw, she had plenty of hay and water, and 
left.  While I'm away I'm thinking tonight will be the nightwhat I'll 
take to the barn when I get home, how cold it's going to be with the rain, 
etc.  We get home later then plannedit's now after 8pm, when I thought 
I'd be home by 5pm.  I go change my shoes, and coatget to the 
stalland SURPRISE.he's already here.   This first time mom is doing 
WONDERFULno help, seems to have had no problems I'm sorry I missed 
it, but sure glad she did OK with out me.  He's a BIG boy34inc tall.  
Strong, can't even see a rib on this porkchop :)  I'd say he's been here a 
few hours...pretty much dried except his bum, and he's pretty feisty!
I'm sure glad he's here, even if he was earlyand I missed it!  His aunt 
is due with in the next few weeks too, maybe I'll get to see that one be born.
Time to think of a name for the big guy now  I'll let you know what 
we come up with :)
Aimee Day
Days End FJords, Garland Me.

Re: my biting problem

2001-04-25 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I want to thank everyone who responded to my letter.  Yes I do worry about 
"hurting his feelings, and baby him too much"  he's my FIRST and most special 
Fjord  Now the other 6 normally see a different side to me.  I'll try to 
do better :)
We are going to be doing some John Lyons ground work in a few short weeks, 
and hopefully this helps in that area.  I suspect that it will.

About Rabies.had a horse at a boarding stable, here in Maine, that bit 
his farrier turns out that he had rabies  what a scary thought!
All my horses get rabie shots every year.   

Thanks again,

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2001 #126

2001-04-23 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 4/23/01 7:34:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Describe a situation when the 
> grabbing occurs. Where are you both, what are you doing, what is your 
> immediate response to the behavior, and what happens afterwards?
> Brigid

 One that comes to mind, was his first parade, here in my small town.  When 
we got there and unloadedmy husband decided not to drive up into the line 
up crowd and unloaded us on the side of the road.  Where we got saddled up 
etc. in the ditch. {not my idea of FUN :) }  Anyways...he was concerned with 
the floats, the ballons etc.  mostly because there was no other horses with 
him {we were meeting another fjord there}  as I led him threw all this, to 
where he needed to be {maybe 1/8th of a mile}  he would be real high 
headed...looking at everything...pretty nervous, then just reaches down quick 
and grab for my hand, arm whatever, then right back to looking at everything, 
like I never corrected him.   Like I said he hardly ever makes contact...it's 
just the point that he feels he NEEDs to do it.  I normally let out a deep 
"hey" or "utt", and have even be known to hit my knuckles under his chin, at 
the same time.  It doesn't seem to bother him that I've corrected himin a 
few moments he may do it again.

For the record he was fine as soon as the got to the other horse.  And was 
EXCELLENT in the parade.  :)


My problem with biting.

2001-04-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've been reading everyone's stories of biting and how they've solved it.  I 
have tired many things to stop my gelding from biting and nothing has worked. 
  My problem is {and his problem is} He only bites/grabs when he's Nervous, 
scared or unsure of a situation.  It took me quite awhile to put this all 
together and figure out why it wasn't something I could fix.   I'm not saying 
there isn't a way to fix it, I just haven't found it.   Maybe I'm just 
feeling too guilty to punish him the way he needs, when he's already scared 
or nervous.   Again, this is the ONLY time he ever grabs/bites at you, when 
he's nervous, or unsure of himself.   He will be 7 this summer, and I've had 
him since he was weaned.   He was always very mouthy as a foal, but was 
ALWAYS corrected for it.   I know he's never to be totally trusted with that 
mouth so am always aware of that nose swinging towards me when he is being 
lead anywhere...  I now normally correct with my voice as soon as I see it 
turning my way, and he only connects maybe 1% of the time.   I'm just not 
sure what I can do to make him feel at ease enough not to feel he has to peck 
at me, to relieve his nervousness.
Any comments?   

Aimee Day

Painting on Ebay

2001-04-02 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I went and looked at the painting alsonow up over $60.
She does mention that it IS a painting of Julie's Horse.  She even mentions 
Julie's websiteand mentions what NICE people they areso more then 
likelyshe was given permission.  Of course this is just my thoughts on 
the subject :)


sweetest dogs :)

2001-03-05 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 3/5/01 4:03:16 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Gail you have never found a sweeter dog than a Corgi.  Their personalities
> are very similar to fjords.

Hi, yes there are one's EVEN sweeter then Corgi's :)  They are bullmastiffs, 
and they are not similar personalities of the fjord, but are the SAME 
personalities as the fjords.I am always calling them the fjords of the 
dog world.  Funny thing is, dog people that come here, and then meet my 
fjords ALWAYS say "they are just like bullmastiffs, only horses!"
So I couldn't resist sharing MY opinion LOL

Aimee Day
Happy Days Bullmastiffs
Days End Fjords
Garland, Me.

5th-wheel wagon for sale

2001-03-05 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

: Hi List,
I'm listing this for friends.  I've seen this and it is VERY nice.  If
finances were better right now, I'd have bought it.

 For Sale:  Custom-built natural oak wagon, 5th wheel,
metal-bound wooden wheels, complete with pole, eveners, etc; could be
converted single; Amish undercarriage; still in new condition.  Built for
Fjords.  Asking $2000.  No reasonable offer refused.
Contact:  Frank Higgins, 46 Airport Rd, Sanford, Me  04073.  Tel. # (207)
490-6708.  Wagon is located in Bingham, ME.  email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Since we no longer have our team or any potential for one, no sense
in keeping it!  We would consider time payments with responsible party.

Maine Fjord Club

2001-01-31 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a friendly reminder that the first meeting of the Maine Fjord Club will 
be held on Sat Feb. 3rd. at Sue Connolly's house, in Corinth Me.  You can 
arrive at 11am, and we will be having a potluck lunch also. 
If you need directions you can contact Sue at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Thanks, Hope to meet you there!

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland, Me.

Re: eons and eons and eons, etc............

2001-01-19 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I guess I too will add my name at this time. I've been WAY behind in
my reading...and just caught up.
Aimee Day - 36, I live in Maine, have 7 fjords, 2 more on the way this

We've got snow snow and more snow. I've GOT to get me a sleigh!

I bought some biothaine riding reins, last year...and really like
them. I just saw an add for a driving harness made out of this
materialanyone have anything they'd like to share, good or bad,
about buying a harness made out of this?



2000-12-02 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 12/1/00 11:04:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> We have new pictures of him on our page. Tillie
> Dun Lookin' Fjords
> Bud,Tillie & Amy Evers
> Redmond OR  (541) 548-6018
> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8589

The new pictures on your web site are great.  I enjoyed looking at them all.  
Your before and after picture of your stallion, remind me of 2  mares I 
bought earlier this year. At 4 & 5 years, and 14 hands, neither of them 
weighed more then 700lbs.  It's really sad to see a SKINNY fjord.  
He's really a handsome horse.

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

Equine Affair

2000-11-16 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

I had the chance to spend 4 days at the equine affair this year. I had
never been and it was a WONDERFUL time.

I was so glad to see that the Fjords were so well represented. I think
there were at least 16 there. The authentic costumes were lovely.

I want to thank everyone who was involved in the demo, they made it
wonderful. I got to spend sometime at the fjord booth with Richard
Giargiari. First time I've met the man, very nice fellow. He shared
some ideas with me on making my own horse trailer using one of our
tractor trailer trucks, to pull it. I could see he'd put a lot of
thought into thisit was pretty interesting :)

The only thing that could have added to the demo would have been
adding my authentic antique Norwegian Wagon. Maybe next year :)

I've nothing more to add I guess. Just wanted to thank the ones who
took the time to make the show great for the fjord people, if no one
else.this fjord person was very pleased :)

Aimee Day
Days End Fjords
Garland Me.


2000-10-22 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/20/00 8:51:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Getting him microchipped isn't hard.  You can buy the chip from me for 
 $20.  It will come with complete instructions for the Vet to implant 
 it.  If your Vet doesn't have a scanner then you (as a NFHR member) can 
 borrow one of the NFHR's scanner for the Vet to use.  The only expense for 
 borrowing the scanner is the shipping expense back to where ever you borrow 
 it from.  There is on in NH.
 If you have any other questions on microchips contact me off the list.

I bought a Stallion who has a microchip, but it's never been inserted.  The 
Vet in our area (Maine) said he'd put it in even though he's never done one.  
This is the situation:  I have microchipped my dogs, so I know what the 
device should LOOK like.  When you get it, it has the microchip already in 
the needle, but the needle comes attached to an INJECTER.  This one that came 
from you for the horse has no such thingjust the needle.  Was something 
missing or does the vet have something that will insert it?  
{This microchip was purchased by the stallions previous owners. They never 
had the vet implant it. So I guess it's up to me to get it done :-)   
Also, can the scanner, that my small animal vet has, read these microchips ?
Thank You,
Aimee Day

Fjord Herald's baby page

2000-10-20 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I see that I'm the proud owner of  LLF Vonda !  News to me, but She's a 
cute little thing. I'll take her!   LOL
Anyone know who the Correct owner is?  :)

Aimee Day

Replying to a few of the subjects

2000-10-20 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First on the subject of letting the horse decide where they want to go in the 
trail etc.I don't agree with this totally.   I think sometimes the rider 
knows better then the horse.Example :  We are out riding this trail that 
has some "wet/muddy" spots in it.  We come to one such spot that we can't go 
around.  It's probably 15 feet long and 12 feet wide.  The middle is watery, 
and fairly deep (8 inc.) the side, a good 4 feet of it, are smooth looking 
thick mud.  I want to go down the middle, where everyone has traveled.  
Sebastian is putting up a BIG stink and wants to go to the SIDE, where to him 
it looks solid (cause it's not watery or wet looking.)  After a few minutes I 
said "fine go the way you want!" we go up the side, and SINK to his belly!  
After a few BIG lunges, he gets out and then I say to my boy "seenow next 
time you listen to your mama!"  My other fjord and his rider went down the 
middlewith no problems :-)
Sebastian hardly ever refuses anymore to go where I askmaybe it's just 
coincidence, but I like to think he just LISTENED to his mama when she gave 
him this talking too! :)  I LOVE this horse.  I've had him since he was 4 
months oldand he's 6 yrs. now, even trained him myself :) Great trail 
horse.  Did I mention he won first place in the Green Horse Cross-country 
riding class at Woodstock this year?  LOL

Second- Large breed dogs.   I have Bullmastiffs (who aren't as LARGE as some 
of the large breed dogs, but are considered the larger breed)  I've always 
said to people with bullmastiffs, that fjords are the bullmastiffs of the 
horse world :-)

Enough said :)
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

This is "special"

2000-10-14 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was just looking threw the FJord classifieds, for the fun of it, and who 
knowsI might see something I just have to buy.  InsteadI saw THIS.
Internet Horse Classifieds - Breakwater Fjord Stallion
Take a look for yourselves.  :-)



2000-10-13 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/12/00 5:42:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Or is it possible that they just couldn't make it, for reasons that have
 nothing to do with the above, as in, time, money, job, family, etc.
That is EXACTLY why I couldn't come, in so many words Laurie.  I would have 
LOVED to have taken my horses.I was very sad that I couldn't.  
I really wish a video of the evaluation was available, I hated missing out. :(


colt for sale

2000-10-01 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I guess it's time to start advertising my boy. :(
I have a handsome little fellow for saleor he will be once he's weaned 
(another month)  He should mature to 14 - 14.2 hands.
He's going to be the athletic type.  He's a brown dun.  Looks like he's going 
to have nice striping on his legs.  His sire is Drafn (out of Jomfrurosa; by 
Sanjar 3.pr.)  and his dam is Malene Stanstorp (out of Muddi Stanstorp 1.pr. 
;  by Caesar Halsnaes 1.pr I kl.2.gr)
His sire Drafn is an EXCELLENT driving horse, light on the bit and 
responsive.  His dam has competed in competitive trail riding and has even 
placed first.  She is very smooth to ride and exceeds at western and English 
pleasure riding. (or did in her younger days)  Due too a VERY bad accident 
(involving mud hornets) she does not drive any longer.
If anyone is interested in this handsome fellow, please contact me privately 
for photos and more info.
We are located in Central Maine,  and are asking $2,800 for him.   His call 
name is Riley (for the red hair that has just HATED to leave his mane :)
Thank you for your time,
Aimee Day


2000-09-27 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/27/00 4:19:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<<  I have six boys, but they arrived one at a time!
 Love, Julie >>
SIX boys???that could make ANYONE nutty I'm thinking I know my TWO do 
it for me!  LOL


Driving Brag

2000-09-06 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wanted to just share a warm and fuzzy feeling with everyone :)
I purchased a Stallion this summer, who had just turned 6yrs.  He was owned 
by an older couple that because of health hadn't been able to work with him 
in about 3 years. 
As a 2 yr. old he was sent out to a professional trainer, to learn to drive.  
I believe he had one month of training...maybe 6 weeks.  I believe he's been 
in a cart less then a half dozen times over then next 4 years.
We began working with him again this month.  In less then a week, we have 
come to realize he KNOWS his stuff.  We started slowly and with the 
basicsbut every day he mastered everything so we would move on to the 
next stepfrom ground work, to ground driving, to light training cart to 
meadow brook cart with 2 people in it.  I belive he's even ready  to handle 
our 4 wheel antique Norwegian wagon...but I'm going to wait a bit longer for 
that one :)  He has been exposed to MANY different scary things and has yet 
to bat an eyelash at them. (from barking dogs, dogs running out at him, a 
herd of cows running to the road to see him, trucks, cars, skidders, chain 
saws, strong wind, other horses pastured with a stallion too.  We haven't run 
into anything  yet that bothers him.  I like that! :-)
I took him out myself this morning(a real beginner driver here) and he 
was WONDERFUL.   I think he is just wonderful to have had so little 
workand be such a GOOD boy.  
Look out for him in Woodstock VT next year folks :-)
Thank you for letting me brag about my Boy DRAFN :)

Aimee Day  -Garland Maine
64 degrees and sunny.NICE driving weather :-)

forelock leading?

2000-09-04 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/4/00 9:13:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<<  ALL of our foals were taught to lead by the
 forelock right after halter breaking. >>

This sounds very useful Mary  Could you explain JUST how you go about 
teaching it to a foal?  I think I'd like to try it with a foal I have here 
nowmight be interesting.



2000-08-31 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Catherine,

First let me say you did great to stand/walk around in that ring all 3 days 
at the showIT WAS HOT :-)
I didn't get to OFFICIALLY meet you.  You did speak to us on the porch...my 
husband was the one with the strong MAINE accent :)  I believe you asked him 
to keep talking :):):)   
So, now I have a face to go with your name :)  You did a great job...thanks!
Andwhile I'm here, I might as well brag a little.  My 6 yr. old gelding, 
H.D. Sebastian, won First Place in the Cross Country classand a 4th in 
the trotting race.   Not bad for an out of shape, trail horse :) andhis 
first fjord show!

Aimee Day
Garland, Me.

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